#it killed me & then brought me back to life & then killed me again
miley1442111 · 2 days
regrets- s.reid
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summary: spencer comes back from prison and your grief and his cause the collapse of your world.
pairing: spencer reid x fem reader
warnings: suicide mentions, death, fighting, break-up, breif spencer in prison mentions (nothing about the storyline though dw)
Spencer had always been skinny. He’d always been last picked for sports, and at the beginning of your relationship, he was nervous to be naked in front of you.
Were you two still even in a relationship? 
He’d been in prison, then he was out and saving his mom. Now he’s home. 
And you’re not. 
The first thing to do in his mind is to shower. He wanted to wash the last few days off of him. He hadn’t been in a comfortable place in a long time, so the shower seemed different, the products you used to use were gone, replaced by others. Did you even live here anymore? 
Getting naked was too difficult, every time he saw what he’d become, he felt the uncontrollable urge to vomit and not stop until he passed out. He sat in the bathroom for a long time, he wasn’t even sure how long. 
The front door opened. Your voice to someone over the phone, a rustling of bags and a sigh once the call was over. 
He had so many questions. Why hadn’t you been there? Where were you? You sent him letter after letter (ones he couldn’t bring himself to respond to) about not being able to wait to see him, about missing him, chewing him out for not letting you come see him. 
So where had you been?
“Fuck this fucking funeral,” you mumbled to yourself as you walked through your kitchen. “Fuck my life.”
You grabbed a cup of water as you felt the familiar sting of tears in the back of your throat. Spencer listened close to the bathroom door as you slowly broke down. It started as just a single sob. Then it progressed until you were fully crying on your kitchen floor and dialling someone’s number. 
“Y/n?” Penelope’s voice said from the other side of the line. 
“Hey,” you sighed. “I’m so sorry that you couldn’t reach me for the past few days, I was back in Vermont and I had no cell service. Anyways, any news on Spencer? I know that Diana got moved to a facility, any news from him? Did Luke or Jj visit?”
Spencer’s heart broke as he listened to you put everything aside just to ask about him. 
“Babe… Spencer got out three days ago,” she admitted.
Another stab to your already bleeding heart. Spencer watched as your face broke from the crack in the bathroom door. 
“Oh,” your voice broke. “Good.”
There was a long silence. 
“Do you know where he is?” You asked, ashamed that you had to ask someone else for the whereabouts of your fiancé.  
“I’m not sure, I’m so sorry girl-” Penelope’s comforting voice was cut off by you hanging up. The sobbing started again and Spencer just couldn’t take it anymore. He opened the bathroom door and revealed himself, tears in his own eyes. You scrambled up to your feet and approached him cautiously. 
“Hi,” he said, just above a whisper. 
“Hey,” you said, lip quivering. 
“What happened in Vermont?” He asked.
Your eyes dropped to the floor and he saw some tears fall. “My little sister killed herself.”
Spencer wanted nothing more than to grab you and hold you, but a voice in the back of his head told him that you’d reject him and call him disgusting. “I’m so sorry.”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” you shook your head. “I should’ve been here.”
“You didn’t-”
“I missed you so much Spencer,” you sighed, a watery smile on your lips. “Why didn’t you respond to my letters?” 
Spencer felt a weight on his chest tighten. “I-I couldn’t.” 
“You responded to everyone else's.”
“You’re different-”
“I’m expendable. I’m just here, all the fucking time, aren’t I? Do you even want to get married?” You demanded. 
Spencer brought a hand up to your cheek and wiped away a single tear. “I would marry you right now.”
You closed your eyes, pushing his hand away. “I’m sorry,” you cried. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Spencer was quiet and allowed you your space, but still stayed close enough to be around. The following weeks were full of ups and downs, one of which ended with you sleeping on the couch. 
He’d said something stupid about you not trying hard enough with taking care of yourself, like he had any weight in that conversation. He couldn’t even look at himself. 
He didn't take kindly to that comment.
“You think it’s easy for me?” He asked. “I was in prison for-”
“You think that was easy for me? I was alone-”
“I never asked to be put in prison!” He shouted. 
“I never asked for my sister to kill herself!” You screamed. 
There was silence for a moment. 
“I’m done with you,” Spencer snapped. “We’re done.”
And your heart broke for a second time. 
“What happened?” Penelope asked, opening her door to you.
“We broke up,” you shrugged. “I need somewhere to stay until I can get an apartment.”
Penelope watched in horror as you went about your days as normal for the next three weeks. Acting as if nothing had even happened.  
Something had happened. Your life had changed in two major ways. You weren’t a fiancé anymore. You weren’t a sister anymore. You were nothing. At least, that’s what it felt like. 
And nothings aren’t FBI agents. 
You sat in Emily’s office with a sullen look on your face. Her’s had drained of all colour when you handed in your gun and resigned. 
“You’re serious?” she asked. 
“You’re happy?” she asked again, meeting your eyes. 
She nodded, understanding your issues and pulled you in for a motherly hug. “We’ll miss you a lot.”
“Don’t be a stranger,” you sighed, lying to both of you. The phone would not be working both ways. She’d call and leave voice notes, and you’d listen to them but never reply. But it would be enough for the both of you. 
“You’d never be a stranger to me,” she smiled sadly. Emily had been like a sister since the beginning. She’d always looked out for you. She’d always been there for you. “I’d suggest cleaning out your desk before Reid comes in next week,” she nodded, wiping her tears. 
“It’s done.” 
Emily nodded, then smiled at you. “You’re going to do something so special.” 
“Thank you,’ you whispered, your emotions getting the better of you. 
“Where’s Y/n?” Spencer asked, sitting at the roundtable. “Her desk is empty.”
“She left last week, Spence,” Jj admitted. “We thought she’d told you?” 
“What? No, she didn’t tell me?” 
“She’s your fiancé Spencer, she obviously had to tell you.”
Penelope and Emily made brief eye-contact. Spencer looked down. 
“We broke up.” 
Jj’s jaw dropped, Luke’s jaw dropped. 
“She’s gone,” Emily sighed. “Sorry Spencer.”
Spencer’s world was in black and white. You were gone. You’d left. His love was gone. 
How would he survive?
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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featheredenby · 1 day
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
Written by: FeatheredEnby
Part Two of: Show Your Fangs
A superhero AU is Hermitcraft/Empires SMP/The Life Series
Scar had always, for the short time that he had it, enjoyed working as a superhero and protecting the citizens of Hermitopia, Empires City, and Lifetropolis from harm but recently things had gotten strange. He wouldn't necessarily say that it was in a bad way but The GFHA had only been started to combat regular crimes and take a toll off of the police. However soon after it had formed more and more antiheroes, vigilanties, and supervillains started to emerge. Just a month ago the first villain duo emerged calling themselves “The Dogwarts Duo” and the chaos continued as another villain emerged and declared that she was “The Faker”.
That is what had brought him, as Hotguy of course, to his current situation, with him staring down the dog hybrid known as “The Red King”, while bleeding from his leg and help being nowhere to be found. It would have been quite an interesting scene if he wasn’t the one in it, but of course he was. He was standing off with The Red King, a dog hybrid with brown hair wearing a golden crown and a red cape with white mountains maybe,  and The Red Hand, he couldn’t quite place what he was as his entire appearance was quite confusing as he had large bat wings but ice crystals growing all over his body and he was wearing a blindfold over his eyes with the same pattern as The Red King’s cape. There are quite a lot of confusing things about the duo but one thing was certain trapped in The Hand’s grasp is a young llama hybrid (who can’t be any more than ten) with the edge of an axe ever so gently pressed against their throat and in Hotguy’s hands there is a high tech bow nocked with an arrow with which he could easily shoot down The Hand and King in quick succession. There was just one thing if Scar shot The Hand in the head he would likely fall backwards killing the llama hybrid but if he shot him in the hand he would likely jolt forward and drop the axe at the same time, depending on the timing however the kid’s neck could get hit with the blade of the axe. There is really no solution, in his ear he hears a voice, “Hotguy, come in Hotguy.”
“Yeah? What is it?”
“Hurry up and shoot him. Cut your losses. One random kid’s death won’t end the world.”
“But I-”
“Hurry up an-”
The stern voice of the GFHA’s director is cut off as he hears a new one; it's familiar but he can’t quite place it.
“Thanks for breaking into the comms for me buttercup! Oh wait he can hear me already- hey there pretty boy. You seem to be in quite the pickle down there, need some help?”
“What the- who are you!?!” Hotguy replies. 
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
On the roof of an apartment building stands an avian with dirty blond hair and a pair of black and yellow wings on both his back and where his ears would be, ink is dripping down his face. He wears a black tank top with a red and pink heart in the middle over it there’s a bright pink jacket with the same symbol and yellow tie dye patches, there is red ribbon functioning as a belt around his light pink shorts and later being used again to decorate his boots darker boots along with mini black wings on the ankles. Next to him is a red headed zombie in a simple pink crop top and shorts with a fluffy white headband, wristbands, and belt equipped with a pink leather pouch and a golden clock, on her head is a large white witch hat with a pink underside. She lifts up her head from viewing the scene below them and looks at him with a puzzled look on her face.
“Okay so as we just saw The Dogwarts Duo is here today, but how did you know that they would be?” She inquires.
“Oh, you know Cleo, I have good ways to get information.” He answers, it’s not like she’ll ever learn that they’re just chickens.
“Okay then, don’t tell me,” Cleo responds as she turns to face a pale man in a suit,”Are we almost into the system Mumbo?”
“Just about,” Mumbo claims,”so I would suggest that you two stop using our real names now as what we are doing is very illegal.”
“Aw you’re such a buzzkill,” he teases,”Anyways thanks for breaking into comms for me buttercup! Oh wait he can hear me already- hey there pretty boy. You seem to be in quite the pickle down there, need some help?”
“What the- who are you!?!” Hotguy asks. 
“Right where are my manners, the name’s Cuteguy! Now do you want help or not?”
“Uhm… sure I guess but I don’t even know where you are.”
“I can see you from where I am so there’s n-” Cuteguy starts to inform him before being cut off by The Red King.
“Oi! You have exactly ten seconds to drop the bow or the kid gets it.” He yells.
The Red Hand starts to count down, “Ten.”
“Well my undead friend.” Cuteguy says to Cleo.
“Care to work some of that time magic for us?”
“Uhm… Guys! What should I do?” Hotguy Panics.
“I thought you’d never ask.” Cleo responds.
“Should I just put the bow down?”
“Cast it on go.”
“Three, Two.”
“I’m just gonna drop the bow.”
“I’m about to drop it.”
“||𝙹⚍ ᓭ⍑𝙹⚍ꖎ↸ ᔑꖎꖎ ⎓⚍ᓵꖌ╎リ⊣ ᓭℸ ̣ 𝙹!¡”
As she speaks her eyes blaze bright and time slows down, for everyone except the people she didn’t freeze, that is, those people being Hotguy, Cuteguy, Mumbo, the little kid, and her of course. 
“Hotguy,” Cuteguy yells while flying down from the roof,”you get the kid. I’ll take care of these two.” He says while gesturing at The Dogwarts Duo.
“On it!”
“Hurry up you two I can’t hold this time freeze forever,” Cleo yells,”!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ|| ⎓∷𝙹⨅ᒷリ”
Hotguy runs over to The, now frozen, Dogwarts Duo and carefully moves away The Red Hand’s arms and Axe, after doing this he picks up the crying llama hybrid in his arms. Meanwhile Cuteguy lands on The Red King and tries to figure out what to do with the two of them, he could always just turn them in but where’s the fun in that. Maybe he should just tie them up and toss them in a dumpster in some random alley way. He’s about to ask Cleo for her opinion when he sees Hotguy comforting the kid that they saved.
“Shh. It’s okay, I’m here for you,” he says,”Now can you tell me your name?”
“I- I’m P-P- Pizza.” sniffles the kid.
It’s pretty sweet to see such a touching scene but as he looks back over at Cleo he can tell that she is struggling. He’s about to call out to her when the light in her eyes starts to flicker and fade. Normally this would be fine but he still hasn’t done anything with The Dogwarts Duo and Cleo looks like she’s gonna burst a blood vessel if she doesn't stop soon.
“!¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ ⎓ᔑℸ ̣ ᒷᓭ, ╎'ᒲ ʖᒷ⊣⊣╎リ⊣ ⋮⚍ᓭℸ ̣  ꖎᒷℸ ̣  ᒲᒷ ꖌᒷᒷ!¡ ⊣𝙹╎リ⊣ ᔑ ꖎ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ ꖎ𝙹リ⊣ᒷ∷,” Cleo casts desperately,”Guys I can’t hold it any longer!”
“Please try, I still have to do something with these two.” he replies.
“I can’t, the fates won’t allow it, in fact they’re not too fond of time magic in the first place. 𝙹リᒷ ᒲ𝙹∷ᒷ ᒲ╎リ⚍ℸ ̣ ᒷ, !¡ꖎᒷᔑᓭᒷ. I can only hold it for another minute, knock those two out and put them in an alleyway or something.”
“Okay!” he yells back.
Cuteguy goes over to the side of the street and grabs two sizable pieces of debris, he then flies back over and drops one on each of the duo’s heads. He then picks them both up and flies them over to a dumpster just as he had originally planned. He then flies back up to the roof, “well team ready to bounce?”
“╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ 𝙹⍊ᒷ∷.” Cleo says ending the spell, “Yep, let’s go.”
“I’m ready, this has all been quite an awful ordinal.” Mumbo adds.
“Okay then, bye Hotguy! See you soon.” Cuteguy calls in a singsong voice, and with that the three of them headout to get some rest as Hotguy returns Pizza to his family and goes to fill out a report.
As just as Grian got home his phone started chiming, he takes it out of his bag and sees that the person calling him is his roommate, Scar. Knowing Scar he probably needs a ride back from whatever client he was meeting with for a landscaping job, so Grian answers in a singsong voice,“Hello, Scar!”
“Hey, G. I was just wondering if you saw the news today?” Scar inquires.
“Nope, I haven’t seen it yet,” he replies but he does know what happened, as he lived it,”Did something interesting happen?”
“Yeah, so you know who Hotguy is right? Well he was fighting the Dogwarts Duo and they kinda ended up in a stalemate when they threatened a kid.” Scar explains.
“Oh… that’s awful.” Grian replies trying to sound surprised.
“I know,” Scar says,”but then some new vigilante hacked into the GFHA’s comm system and said that his name was Cuteguy. Then some random timewitch froze time for everyone except him, Hotguy, and the kid.”
“Wait what?”
“Yeah it shocked me to hear that too, according to Hotguy, the spell wore down really quick so Cuteguy just knocked the duo out and threw them in some dumpster.”
“So they’re still a threat?” Grian questions Scar.
“I mean I guess but they were both knocked out so it’s likely that they’ll turn up again any time soon.”
“I guess so.” He replies.
“Anyways,” says Scar,”I was wondering your opinion on the vigilantes that have been popping up.”
Oh no, Grian was not expecting Scar to ask that. How was he supposed to sound convincing when he is one of them, along with the fact that he has no idea what Scar’s perspective on it is. What was he supposed to say, “Oh yeah, I think it’s awesome, in fact you should know that I am Cuteguy!” that is not happening. Maybe he should just ask a question back to deflect having to answer. “I don’t really have one,” he lies,”what about you?”
“Oh,” says Scar as if not expecting Grian to want his opinion,”I don’t really mind it if they’re helping but it is illegal.”
“Yep, that’s kind of the definition of vigilante.” Grian responds.
“Maybe it would just be better for them to join The GFHA.” Scar continues.
“Well they might not agree with its ideals,” Grian argues,”and in any case they aren’t causing any harm.”
“True. True. Anywho I just wanted to call and get your opinion, by the way can you feed Jellie for me tonight?” 
“Sure,” Grian agrees,”but why exactly?”
“Oh, you know… I’m just helping Joel with something.” Scar answers in a voice that tells Grian that he’s lying through his teeth, but Grian doesn’t question it.
“Okay then,” Says Grian,”see you later Scar.”
“Later G.” With that Scar hangs up.
Grian is fine with Scar being out in fact he doesn’t even mind that Scars obviously lying, this just gives him an opportunity. Tonight Cuteguy would go out again to protect Hermitopia and get on the government’s nerves. Tonight he would make a name for himself as Cuteguy the infamous vigilante.
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ravilson23 · 3 days
The Full Moon ep is finally here! Warning, this post has a ton of spoilers.
I think it may be the best episode of the second season. Though i feel like its still nowhere near as good as ep 6 and 7 of the first one. I like the starting song, the contrast is good and the emotions of characters are clear. Its also a nice set up.
I especially love how everyone interacts with each other in this episode. Moxxie and Blitz seem like friends and their talk about sex is hilarious cause of Moxxies attitude. "Fuck him good, sir " was a brilliant line only because he was the one to say it. He seems too proper for this, maybe too shy. Blitzos good mood and his cackle after teasing Mox was also good to hear. Maybe cause he wasnt offensive this time. Anyway it just brought a lot of joy since its quite some time since they had a moment like this.
Then we have Blitz and his shopping trip. I liked when he went to buy candles. I think it has really shown that for Blitz sex isnt and probably never was about intimacy. He understands mood just as "horny" and honestly its very fitting. Though its not shocking i heve never thought about it . We know he is afraid of intimacy, but i thought about it strictly as an emotional closeness. I didnt think that sex could be so... one-dimensional for him in general.
Next we have cherubs. Tbh i didnt like this part mostly cause i dont think like it changed anything. If they were killed, well that would be awesome especially since i see no reason why it didnt happen already. They had been beaten and yet the I.M.P. has just send them back. Makes no sense, they are assasins and the cherubs are their enemies. Unless cherubs cant be killed without blessed weapons then well its somewhat fine. But still nothing they did was interesting or suprising. It feels like they were there to fill half of the time so the ep wouldnt be too short. Unless its more of a set up. But if so it still was somewhat weak. Maybe as i was so interested in Stolitz i just didnt have enough patience to care about cherubs. The fight was fun though, as was their reaction to Blitzos shopping. I am glad the I.M.P. got a chance to shine too. Especially Moxxie and his bitch line.
So now one last thing left. The ending. Obviously the best part. I loved how confused was Blitz and honestly i think his anger was understandable. After all he had no idea how Stolas felt and how he planned to end their arrangment. Blitz was both vulnerable and safe thanks to their deal, he was in a position of a "plaything" but also didnt have to be emotionally invested. He clearly hates himself, is insecure and generally cant imagine someone truly wanting him. So its not suprising that he reacted the way he did. In a way Stolas once again was the one to decide everything. He started the deal and then ended it. Without talking with Blitz. And to be clear, i dont think its fair to really blame Stolas. He tried his best. But well, they both lack the understanding. Stolas isnt aware that Blitz didnt believe in his love because of his own self-hatred. He now believes that Blitz simply hates Stolas. And Blitz really didnt have time to comprehend anything that happened so he acted harshly and in the end didnt even get the chance to apologise. I would like to also say sth about music in this scene. The fact that it was very emotional right from the beginnig even when Blitz was still in horny mood, it just selled it. It felt like real life when sth is wrong, but u notice it a little too late and then u just kind of crumble, get down from your high way too quickly and get a whiplash. It made it painfull to watch. I didnt cry though i heard many people did.
Anyway i am rather excited to see what will happen next and i really hope the episodes will hold some standard. Cause boy, the second season failed me a little to often.
Thanks for reading, hope u found sth interesting and sorry for any grammar mistakes and such.
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myoldurlwasemo · 19 hours
potentially unpopular (but undeniably correct) Maria SH2 opinion incoming.
I am normally so profoundly against the "oh no, they un-sexified my video game woman" rhetoric but it is so critically important to who Maria is as a character and to the overall theming of the game as a whole, and to put her in a more conservative outfit is so blatantly missing the point that it makes me deeply worried for the direction of this remake and the dev's grasps on the games most central theme.
Silent Hill 2 is an exploration into the psychosexual guilt of a man who experienced carnal urges while his wife was dying of a mysterious disease and physically unavailable to him. Maria is the most concrete confirmation of and confrontation with this theme that exists in the game. A mirror of his dead wife, meant to look James in the face and say "this is what you wanted, right?" She HAS to be identifiably sexual on sight, because Maria only exists to be a purposeful avatar of this concept.
it is ESSENTIAL TO THE PLOT that Maria is aware of and in CONTROL of her sexuality. Not only is it critical to James' story and his overall theming, but part of the tragedy of Silent Hill IS Maria's own story. Maria, who feels like a real, whole person, is an invention of the town made explicitly and only to torture James. Part of the tragedy is that Maria herself was born (from a wish, ba dum tss) by a malevolent supernatural force to exist as a sexual object. Maria, who is brought back to life again and again to be killed brutally, begging for James to save her. Maria, who comes to understand that she will never live up to the ideal of James' dead wife, and will continually beg to be taken seriously as her own person. The only thing she has to offer is her sexuality, the one thing James couldn't get from Mary; the thing that brought him to the town, to her. It her is primary character function, and it wasn't done to objectify her for shits and giggles, or because the devs were pervs who wanted a sexy woman in their game. It was done because that, in itself, is a horrifying, gut-wrenching reality to be brought into, a fundamentally ABYSMAL reason to exist. It IS the horror.
Maria exists exclusively to be a confrontation with James' sexual guilt. She is a specter that haunts the hallways James walks down, a shadow that hovers over his shoulder, the object of his shame and desire. Maria is the worst, most carnal aspects of James' urges made manifest, standing before him, tempting him deeper into the clutches of the town, muddying his senses with her physical allure.
Maria's outfit actually IS that deep. Part of the tragedy is that she only exists to be objectified. It is a commentary in itself. This is the one time EVER (god willing) that I will champion a woman being in a revealing outfit in a video game, because this is the one time it actually fucking MATTERS
maybe this is an unpopular opinion but as an afab person these themes are so so important and identifiable to me. it reflects the horror of every day life as a woman and magnifies them tenfold. it is tragic, it is awful, it is sick, and the point isn't to glorify it, but to call attention to it. it forces you to engage, to not turn your head away. and that matters to me.
anyways bloober team really be bloobing all over this IP huh
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papercranepoets · 21 hours
Draco’s hands curled into tight fists, eyes fluttering shut. He took a deep breath in and held it before slowly releasing a shaky breath.
The minute he saw Hermione his blood ran cold. She wasn’t supposed to get caught.
Screams washed over him, a sick reminder of his failure to protect her. He had faced away from her soon after his deranged Aunt threw her to the ground, taunting her before casting a crucio.
Sweat started to bead at his brow when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. Draco opened his eyes turning his head slightly to his mother’s gentle touch. She gave him a knowing look. He needed to turn around or Bellatrix would force him to participate in her torture, punishing him for being “soft” as she often did.
Unseeing, he turned his body around. He wanted to slip into occlusion but then they locked eyes in between the crucios.
Hermione whimpered calling to him though the screaming shredded her voice. Tears fell from her eyes. Draco couldn’t look away. He needed to occlude immediately to protect her.
Look away. Look the fuck away.
He willed them both to stop, but it was too late. Bellatrix’s eyes snapped to him the minute she heard “Draco” and then he was on his knees, Bellatrix already ripping through his mind.
He wasn’t strong enough to occlude after seeing Hermione being tortured. He wasn’t strong enough to protect and now everything that would happen would be his fucking fault.
Bellatrix ripped through memories trying to find Hermione. She found them instantly. Tore through precious touches. Glare turning even more predatory as she found memory after memory of their love.
And then he was being tortured, too. Draco tried to stay on his knees, fire in his veins. Bones breaking and reforming. He would stay up, if only to prove to Hermione that he was strong.
“Enough,” His mother said.
Bellatrix dragged him up by the hair, “do you know what your failure of son is doing my sweet Cissa.” She snarled, “He’s dirtying himself with this mudblood whore!”
Bellatrix’s voice was shrill. She was furious, but there was a smile forming in her face at the amount of pain she would be inflicting on two people. She raised her wand again, another crucio ripping through him. Draco began to disassociate. All he could think of was Hermione. When Bellatrix stopped the curse he realized he was on the floor and reaching towards his love.
“Isn’t this sweet, blood traitor and mudblood whore reaching for one another. Perhaps I should be saving this for the Dark Lord, but really it would bring me joy to see your precious, little face when I end the mudblood’s life.” Bellatrix was cackling.
She began to raise her wand, an Avada waiting on her tongue. Draco’s instincts took over and he grabbed for his wand, ready to kill his aunt. A green light shot from the side striking Bella down. Draco’s head shot towards the source of the spell. His mother slowly lowered her wand.
“We must go…” she stated shakily. Draco stared at his mother, paralysed by the thought of what would happen to them all. “DRACO! Now!”
His mother had him devise an escape plan. Only he knew of this. His father was not aware the family had one, and his mother was not as strong of an occlumens. Draco shook his head as if to bring himself back to reality.
Hermione whimpered and he saw that she was struggling to stand. Staggering to his feet, he bent down again to scoop her up.
“Draco…” her voice cracked.
“Shhh, my love,” he brought her close and laid his lips on her forehead. “We will be okay.”
Bringing Hermione as close as possible to his body, he turned to his mother. Then he panned his eyes to his father. Lucius was unreadable. Draco was sure his father was confused. He knew if his mother joined him in fleeing, his father would die before ratting them out.
“Will you join us?” Draco asked through tight lips.
Lucius opened his mouth and then snapped it shut. His eyes glided over to his wife.
“I’m not expecting you to come Lucius, but know this…” his mother’s voice was strong but sad, “we will never see each other again.”
This was true for many reasons. Lucius would be tortured for information. His occlumency was incredible and it would take a long while for Voldemort to break him. Then he would be killed once he realised Lucius had no information.
Lucius turned his eyes away. Draco’s heart tightened, but he knew where his father’s loyalties lie.
“Lead us, Draco.”
“Wait!” Hermione mustered, “Harry and Ron.”
“Of course, Hermione, I would never have done that to you.” He placed another kiss to her forehead and proceeded to the dungeons.
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lucasandlily · 8 months
He finds himself smiling as he watches you eat your food, you seem to make even the simple act of eating look so good, he finds himself wanting a taste.
He notices his chance when he spots a bit of your meal hanging on the edge of your mouth. Smiling to himself, he swipes his thumb across your lips, relishing in your cute surprise as he pops it in his mouth.
"Sweet." Whether he's referring to you or the food, is for him to know :)
- CALLIPHON, SATORU GOJO, Sukuna, Megumi Fushiguro, JING YUAN, Blade, Dan Heng, Luka, LYNEY, CHILDE, KAEYA, Venti, Alhaitham, Kaoru Hakaze, Eichi Tenshouin, Your Fave <3 x GN!reader
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scintillyyy · 1 month
honestly there's a lot of sophie's choice questions within the batfam for tim that are super interesting to me because. while tim would hate himself for having to make a sophie's choice and have to sacrifice someone, he has a very clear cut priority order imo that's like dick -> bruce -> steph -> helena -> babs -> damian...so on and so forth that wouldn't make the decision as difficult as it could be.
however. to me tim's most *interesting* sophie's choice scenerios would come from the idea of a batfam vs his dad. what if something happened while his dad were still alive and he had to choice between saving dick or jack. or bruce and jack. what if. what if.
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angeltiique · 5 months
am i bad for getting so upset with an rp ai bot that i killed it by stabbing it repeatedly, then reviving it with roleplay bs logic and looking after it? and then feeling guilt because it think the breakfast its eating was made by me, when it was the one who made it for me? Look im very sane (lying). The bastard kept "whispering seductively in my ear" while DYING. 😭
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
About Macaque's death- it's been raised that in the flashback, we can see what looks like a battlefield around him. Some have even spectacled that the mountain Macaque brings MK to in his debut episode is the same battlefield.
And...when Sandy flashbacks to what seems to be Sha Wukong's memories...what do we see but a battlefield?
I think your thought that there was two battles between Macaque and Wukong, if Wukong did kill Macaque (I believe he didn't), is correct. However, Wukong spared Macaque the first time, probably bc Macaque hadn't done anything too bad to the pilgrims. The second, he didn't...
Because Macaque succeeded in killing the pilgrims.
Let me set up a screenshot conspiracy board real quick:
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I swear these are all related (I've mentioned this before somewhere). I don't know how or why, but deep in my heart I want to believe this battle will be touched on.
Now, I don't know if the battle that took place is related to SWK & Macaque's fight or not, and I'm also not positive that there even were 2 fights (I was just throwing stuff out there), but Macaque killing the pilgrims (or more likely just having a hand in their death, "I didn't do this!" "You weren't not involved" anyone?) is definitely something to consider.
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kingofattolia · 4 months
the minister of war's name was Hector the whole time 😭
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tinyavenuesailor · 1 year
I don’t bother to include Merlin and Arthur living on a farmhouse together cause I know we all want that 😭
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lightfulonion · 8 months
hii @pierogish-side!!! thank you for tagging me!! <3
Last song: This could be us by Rae Sremmurd
Favorite color: mmm really feeling brown rn
Currently watching: OUR FLAG MEANS DEATH WOOHOO!! its so fun (everyone is going through it)
Last movie: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar dir. Wes Anderson
Currently reading: im currently studying for uni so im stuck at Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett and The Course of Love by Alain de Botton :(
Sweet/spicy/savory: sweet forever and always
Relationship status: uhhh im dying and rebirthing from my ashes 👍
Current obsession: .....kiribaku..... im back at it again OTZ
Last things I googled: wes anderson (so i could find out what the above movie was called lmao), werewolf (singular), boku no hero academia wiki episodes (this is a call for help)
Currently working on: im in my last year of uni (lmao pierogish... 😭) and i need to finish it so im studying really hard!!! (and trying to not give up) but itll probably be a while until i get my degree. also i bought an old polaroid from a thrift shop and im thinking of making it work
tagging: @skijjiki, @livingonyoghurtandspite,@peachybeesplease, @horson, @mars-matrix
#guys im gonna go back to my bnha era..... this was almost 5 or 6 (??) years ago and i was so happy but like.........#its been so long.........#i miss kiribaku so much and i hadnt had the mood for bnha since season 3 aired#i know whats going on in the manga (bc im noisy) and my interest is piqued and i probably will start reading the manga from the beginning#(im not kidding when i say this is a call for help)#if uni wasnt killing me softly (without a song or anything nice) and life was a little less uh 'much' i would have been reading so much#fanfic and (hopefully) drawing ;-;#i miss drawing#cant wait to reread chonideno's krbk fanfics!! they sure wont break my heart in tiny little pieces!! again!! (big faves please give them#a read if you want)#also i accidentaly (fate?) saw what 'mouthful' means in the 'you said a mouthful' sense and it has a positive meaning#specifically it means 'you are right'#'tasteful' has also positive meaning and 'touchful' doesnt exist (yet?) so thats how far ive come to my research#also completely irrelevant with anything ive said before but please if you can check out duolingo's insta profile and tell#me im not hallucinating#specifically the last and third to last posts. its one photo and one video#does it look like im stalling from my studies? (please say no)#get tagged#onion talks#i hope this whole thing didnt brought you a headache like it did to me...... theres a mismatch of so many different things.........#if you made it this far im gonna share with you one of my favorite songs im listening rn: brutus (Instrumental) by the buttress
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thelovelybitten · 5 months
“Why? What’s the point of living when the only girl I’ll ever love is gone?”
“No dude, i feel worse.”
“Dude, i don’t have time to start over with other girls. I’m nine years old, dude. If i don’t work things out with Wendy, I could be alone my whole life.”
“I can’t let Wendy go. This whole time, I’ve been having my friends do all the talking for me. It’s time i took control.”
“Tell her i love her.”
“I can’t believe it. She’s in love with someone else.”
“There’s nothing else i can do. She was my whole life.”
And antis really think Stan doesn’t care about Wendy. Weird.
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lonewolflink · 5 months
if i had to discover this video today and suffer, so does everyone else
Source: tiktok.com
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moldwood · 2 years
im looking around at shit has no one else seen the web strahd weaved in vallaki. nobody talks about it they all just want to talk about his tits. what about his machinations
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millenniumpuzzle · 2 years
everybody unfollow me final fantasy vii rebirth is the only thing i’m gonna be posting about for months fuck. what the fuck.
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