#it pains me to say this but sometimes you should pay for things bc they're actually worth it
szollibisz · 7 months
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the girls are fi- oh.. oh i'm sorry, carry on gentlemen
or alternatively what if we were two butches and we wrestled 😳
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redwayfarers · 2 months
@galadae your prompt once more isn't processed bc tonglr. sad nero noises. but also they're never getting this together! have some intellis angst + aeran character study
fandom: wayfarer ship: cassander inteus/aeran kellis (intellis) characters: cassander inteus, aeran kellis rating: gen words: 1137 divider credit
prompt: kiss to shut someone up
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At first, Aeran doubted that Zenaida would pay them. Cass did too, if his jabs and comments on Dareia were anything other than sheer boredom. But she came through in the end - a promised three thousand crowns each, and they took every last one of them, never to see a Guild Mage again in their lives. 
At least there weren’t any in the middling Coveran village they came to. Cass had insisted. Aeran doesn’t understand what drew him to Covera, but he doesn’t need to. The ease with which Cassander sits and watches the sea in the evenings makes up for all the confusion. Sometimes Aeran sits with him, brings some fruit, and they share it in comfortable silence, hands joined on the rocks. 
It’s been a few months since. A month more than what the locals usually allow. 
“Aren’t you glad we went to Covera?” Cass asks one evening over dinner, in between bites of cheese. “People here don’t give a shit. Everywhere else we would’ve been strays already. Here we just buy meat and cheese and veggies and go fuck in our little cottage and nobody bats an eye.” He picks up a grape and eats it with gusto. “Why didn’t we come to Covera sooner? We wouldn’t have seen Quirinus. But no, you had to arrange that Zenaida thing. Doesn’t matter, right? We’re elves. We can afford to wait months or years. Maybe even a century.” 
Aeran stares. The cheese stares back, as do the grapes and the cooked fish. Cass has always had a long tongue, true, and it is true Aeran did barter with Zenaida while Cass almost died in the Count’s villa and needed surgical attention only she could provide. 
“Nothing to say, Kellis?” Cass says and pushes a grape into Aeran’s mouth. “Eat up. We can afford to eat like fucking kings for once.” 
Aeran has little choice but to obey. 
That evening, as he’s cleaning up, light from a nearby candle catches onto the scar on his shoulder. It’s deep, fresh and mangled, as if just surgically sealed shut, yet there is no puffiness and redness of a new wound. He seems unperturbed by it, and by all accounts, it should hurt. 
“Are you in pain, Songweaver?” Aeran asks and reaches out to run his fingers over it. Cass smiles and shakes his head. 
“Just looks nasty. Otherwise it’s fine.” 
“It’s been months. It shouldn’t be this mangled, Cassander. If you’ve been hiding it from me all this time–” 
Cassander laughs, throaty, loud. The whole cottage echoes with it. When he looks at Aeran, his smile is gummy. “Trust me, I would’ve let you know already.” 
Lies. His Songweaver whines when it’s a cut, but won’t say a thing when it’s something big. Taking care of wounds hurts extra; painkillers have always had less effect on him. 
Cass then sets the broom down and walks over. His shadow is long and dark. His hair adds and expands the leanness of his body until his reflection takes over the whole wall. He’s never seen Theokleia Inteus, and would shoot her on sight if he ever did, but in his mind’s eye, Aeran finally sees why Cassander is his mother’s son. 
He then feels a hand on his shoulder and a pressure of a warm, freckled body against his own. Cass’ lips are on Aeran’s forehead, full and soft. “‘Sides, some wounds never heal. I think you know that. I know that, too. Too many wounds, it’s a fucking miracle we’re able to exist still. But we don’t have anyone to stitch them, do we? We stitch them ourselves.” He then guides Aeran’s hand to the mangled tissue. “And when we do find someone else to do it, they do it so shittily it’s all mangled and ugly.” 
Aeran looks at his feet. His own shoulders are shaking. His eyes are watering. 
“Stitch your own fucking wounds, Kellis. Stop being a coward and running away from that.” 
“What about you?” Aeran bites out. “Don’t tell me you’re this pinnacle of goodness, you asshole, because you’re not. You’re bleeding out left, right and center, for fuck’s sake.” 
“You don’t know half of it,” Cassander’s voice turns rough and raspy. “I’m not making it everyone else’s problem. If they dislike the sight of blood, they can leave.” 
Aeran’s shaking. He refuses to cry, but he’s shaking like a leaf. “Songweaver–” 
Cassander kisses him, rough and hard. “I think you like the sight of blood, though. You’re drenched in it yourself. Clean your own and then we can talk.” 
Aeran wakes to the shifting of the ship. His elven eyesight pierces the darkness around him so suddenly he gasps, like someone held him underwater and is just now letting him breathe. Only sounds reaching his ears are the waves of the Rhesainian ocean and the heaviness of his own breathing, labored and harsh. 
And, well, the rhythmic breathing of another person, sound asleep on Aeran’s chest. 
At some point during the night, Cassander migrated from sleeping next to Aeran’s side to planting himself face first into Aeran’s chest. All Aeran sees is the mess of dark, red curls and the twin points of his ears that peek through. He pokes them on a whim; Cass doesn’t budge. Why would he? He spent the last few hours before exhaustion finally won over crying in Aeran’s arms. It was unwise to take more painkillers, Malsara said, but almost dying is painful. 
At least he gets some respite of it in his sleep. 
That same Cassander shadowed everything in Aeran’s dream. He wipes the sweat off his brow. He’s hot and stuffy and mildly uncomfortable, but he feels less comfortable letting go of Cass now he isn’t this giant, sharp-tongued beast. Instead, he’s smaller and gentler and real. The pressure of his body isn’t oppressive anymore. 
Aeran throws his head back as much as he can and sighs deeply. His hands press against Cass’ body tighter. Cass grumbles and Aeran starts humming a song he heard Cass sing under his breath once or twice. He doesn’t know the words, he doesn’t speak Vestran, but the beat is easy enough to follow. Cass settles again. 
Just a bad dream, Aeran thinks. He doesn’t dare look at Cassander’s wound, bandaged as it is. He doesn’t want to think about his dream, or what it may mean, or why it pops up, or why his stupid head gives those words to Cassander in particular. He’s not harmless by any means, but Aeran refuses to acknowledge that right now, and instead prefers to watch his sleeping, peaceful form. 
Maybe after Velantis is in the dust, he can think about it. In the meantime, he has this. That’s all he can muster to think right now. 
He doesn’t have any other choice. 
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revvywevvy · 1 year
I’m not gonna stop you from your Cheerful Chip fan fiction
Matter in fact To be honest I’m always wonder what kind of wonderful improved artful art than the last art will be with you and Chip will be
It’s just that I’m think there is a certain sad wet cat waiting on the porch metaphorically saying
But beside that, Your Art has improved over the time and I am glad to have witnessed it
-H/B Anon
P.s. I don’t know if the wording color is for you ,for me it’s Black
P.p.s. How bout role swap, our beloved Himbo and Bimbo as Toons and their beloved Chelly as a Cog (a tall Chelly is something )
hiiiiiiii nonny~ hehe thank you very much for all of the encouraging words, I appreciate it so much!!!! <3 don't worry, misty will get the braincell soon. however. for now we have more pressing things to discuss. the role swap au.
You got me going again SOOOO much lmao- Here they are!!!! The poly roleswapped!!! Unfortunately Chelly. does not get much taller lol She's just a bit taller than the tallest possible toon species'. Chelly is based on those cute little vacuums with the little faces on them. You've seen those before, right? If not please look them up they're so cute.
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Chip is a wolf toon, and Misty is a sheep toon! Both ideas were by my lovely friend @photon-crest-art whose input I appreciate sooo much!!! her ideas got me going foaming at the mouth crazy over this role swap even more than I already was SDHGDSGHDSHS also tagging @frostbite-the-bat bc they also hyped me up a lot while I was in the process of making all these!!! <3
When it comes to the whole override thing, Chip just. Goes absolutely wild at night sometimes. He's a werewolf!!! But. literally since he's already a wolf. this was also photon's idea thank you photooooon heehee <3
Misty has her weather powers still! So she can still change weather phases and essentially smite people with lightning if they make her really mad lol
Unfortunately both toons are outcast because of their respective 'quirks'. However, to their surprise, one person does support them through it all! They weren't expecting it to be this absolute nervous wreck of a cog who is, surprisingly, very very silly and toon-like! She clings to them like glue, but they appreciate it so much!! I feel like toon Chip and toon Misty would both be very sad very lonely toons, perhaps becoming more prone to bouts of low laff and poor health as such from such a poor mental state. However, they've got each other now and Chelly too!! Just like how the normal toon Chelly's health was pretty shit due to her mental state but improved having Chip and Misty around, she's now able to pay that love back ten-fold in this au!! Hehe it always comes back to 'love heals' with me <3
OH YES AND I WROTE CHELLY'S COG STATS!!!! a. and potential bossfight cutscenes. um. yeah. I went a little overboard haha. these cutscenes are uh. I think they're longer than the ones in-game??? I. don't know. I think they are. sorry not sorry >u<
Manager Chelly
The Mechanician
Location: “Pain, Pain, Go Away” Mechanical Clinic, Sunflower Street [Daffodil Gardens]
Cog Overview
Department | Bossbot
Position | Regional Manager
HP | 4800
Defense | 65
Lvl | 26.mgr
Lowest Damage | 25
Highest Damage | 31
Real Name | Eureka Numa “Chelly” Honeywell
Honorifics | Dr. / Ms. / Mx.
Employee ID | 01899
Likes | Tinkering, Cute and Soft Things, Comfortable Silence, Singing
Dislikes | Unwarranted Judgement, Violence (Most of the Time), Social Overstimulation
Content Sync
100 Laff Soft Cap (107 Max)
All Gags Permitted
Pink Slips restricted
Opening Cutscene 
The Toons enter the doors at the far back of the building, leading them to the real cog clinic inside. The Mechanician is seen speaking to a Flunky. Neither cog seems to notice their approach, as they are focused on their consultation while the Toons get closer.
“...and that should do it then, little sprout!”
 “Are you sure this is alright, Ms. Honeywell? Wouldn’t the Chairman get angry over that?”
At the Flunky’s concerns, the Mechanician fiddles with her hands. She shakes her head before re-addressing the Flunky.
“...R-Right. He may see it as ‘slacking’, but… well. You know how I feel about that. Just… try to heed my instructions to the best of your ability.” 
“Whatever you have the room to do, okay, bud? Remember, your health comes first.”
“Yes, ma’am! Thank you again.”
The Flunky begins to fly away, and with a nod, she sees him off.
“Of course. Come back any time!”
The Mechanician sighs, shaking her head.
“Ugh. You’d think that man-baby would realize sooner… without us all, he’s…-”
She trails off, turning upon noticing the Toons. She startles, letting out a squeak at their presence, but tries to relax herself to make conversation with them.
“Ah! T-Toons?! Uh- Ahem.” 
“Um… hello there! Are you… perhaps here for a check-up? I apologize, but… um, ahaha.. I-I only know how to treat cogs.”
“Unless you… have an appliance in need of fixing? I can do that too…”
The Toons get angry. The Mechanician pulls her hands up to her chest, taking a few steps back, clearly nervous.
“Eep! O-Okay, message received… U-Um… oh, look! Is that, um, a doodle pup?”
The Mechanician gestures behind the toons. The Toons turn around to look, all confused when they see nothing. The Mechanician begins tip-toeing away while they’re distracted. One toon looks back at her and exclaims as they see her try to sneak away. She yelps and breaks into a panicked sprint, running off into another, much larger room room further in the building. The Toons make chase.
She runs into a storage room and to an emergency escape door. However, before she reaches it, a stick of TNT thrown by a toon lands in front of the door. She startles and stumbles away from it before it explodes. The exit is now unusable. She turns, and the toons have caught up to her.
“Oh no… wait, h-hold on..! Surely we can talk things out civilly, r-right?! I… I really don’t want to fight you!”
The Toons refuse and begin to approach, the Mechanician backing up towards the wall as they close in.
“N-No, please!! I don’t want to hurt anyone… please don’t make me! I… someone, help!!”
The Mechanician reaches into her pocket, pulling out a panic button and pressing it with shaking hands. Once she does, two cogs promptly fly into the room, landing at the Mechanician’s sides. The battle begins.
Ending Cutscene (Mercy)
The Mechanician reaches to her power core, hand hovering over it shakily. She is clearly in immense pain, her panic now reaching a boiling point as she realizes how injured she really is. Suddenly, her hands clench into fists and she quakes through the pain, knocking the toons off their feet. The quake doesn’t damage the toons, however.
She shakes her head, pulling her hands to her chest protectively and looking at the Toons as they rise to their feet.
“Why…?! I’ve been clear from the beginning that I didn’t want to fight! But… B-But you just won’t LISTEN!”
Her hands rise, holding her head in distress.
“Wh-What do you even get from this… from hurting me?!”
The Toons do nothing.
“I… I get it. This war. It… must be so stressful on you. On all of you.”
“B-But… I’ve been careful… so, so careful!”
The Mechanician turns her head, looking away from the toons for a moment before turning back to them.
“I… I know we’re *supposed* to fight toons, but… I’ve never seen the point. All of this violence is ridiculous to me.”
“All I’ve ever wanted was to stay on the sidelines, and to help those who were hurt.”
“I mean… I’ve never even gone out and fought toons before, anyhow! ...So… why? W-Why me?”
The Toons do nothing.
“...Ah. So that’s why. You see me as a threat… because of what I do for my fellow suits?”
The Mechanician shakes her head in disappointment.
“Have you Toons ever put yourselves in a Suit’s shoes? A-At least… just for a moment?”
“If you did, you’d understand. I… I understand the plight you Toons go through.”
“However, you’re not the only ones suffering. Whether they fall low or high on the chain of command… we all hurt, just the same.”
She pauses, wincing in pain herself. She’s visibly twitching and glitching out.
“Wh-What, do you think we deserve for our pain to stick forever? That no-obody should help us when we’re hurt?”
“Could you i-i-imagine it yourself? Feeling like gravity’s about to crush you… i-into small, mushy, toony bits?” 
“Where… where all yo-o-ou can do is panic, and hope? Because, at th-that point, there’s nothing you can do? No way to mov-ve, or call out… or anything.”
“...You’d want your fe-ellow toons to help you when you’re hur-ur-hurt and scared, wouldn’t you?”
The Toons do nothing.
“...Right. I’d h-hope so. At the mo-oment it may be all f-fun and games… and I wish it st-stayed that way. B-B-But we.. all know that isn’t the case.”
The Mechanician sighs, twitching more heavily than before.
“W-Well… perhaps this experience has.. given you some food for thought.”
The Mechanician pauses, seeing an opening in the roof from the battle. She looks at the Toons one last time, expression saddened.
“Now… i-if… if you’ll ex-excuse me. Seems… this repairwoman… n-needs some repairing, herself. Please… if you can help it… d-don’t come back.”
The Mechanician moves to fly away, but one of the toons walks ahead of the group, pausing near her. She pauses, watching the toon for a moment, before nodding.
“It’s okay, I understand. I-I-IIIIIIIIIII-”
“..I forgive you.”
The Mechanician flies away.
Ending Cutscene (Defeat)
The Mechanician reaches to her power core, hand hovering over it shakily. She is clearly in immense pain, her panic now reaching a boiling point as she realizes how injured she really is. Suddenly, her hands clench into fists and she quakes through the pain, knocking the toons off their feet.
She shakes her head, pulling her hands to her chest protectively and looking at the Toons as they rise to their feet.
“Why…?! I’ve been clear from the beginning that I didn’t want to fight! But… B-But you just won’t LISTEN!”
Her hands rise, holding her head in distress.
“Wh-What do you even get from this… from hurting me?!”
The Toons attack.
“Gh-!! ……Heartless… y-you’re all heartless!”
The Mechanician pauses, seeing an opening in the roof from the battle. She looks at the Toons one last time, expression disgusted.
“I see now… w-why the Chairman insists we fight you T-T-Toons. You’re just as cr-cruel as some of those suits can be.”
The Mechanician flies away.
[Sorry no specific Cheats past the usual ‘Cog Capacity’ and ‘Lure Resistance’ ones because my brain is kind of melting right now lol. Also no specific damages listed with each attack besides what I already said above about the minimum and maximum for the same reason.]
Another note about cheats, I know for certain she’d have a sort of healing cheat. Knowing her personality she’d end up healing herself, her allies AND the toons. She just wanna be frens :(
Guilt Trip
Water Cooler
Brain Storm
Her employee ID is based on the approximate year the first motorized vacuum was invented.
Excluding her nickname "Chelly", her first, middle and last name are all based on various companies that produce vacuums.
I was initially going to have it that all rewards could be used, but with how cog Chelly is, she'd do anything to ensure that pink slips wouldn't be used. She thinks the canons would hurt the cogs, or that someone, toon or cog, might get hit in the crossfire.
also that 3rd drawing, the transparent one. sticker :)))))))))))
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yeoldebaggageclaim · 5 days
bullet lists, details later
cause of trust issues
medical neglect
direspect, doesn't take me seriously
worst assumptions first
often doesn't talk to me about things
critical, causes anxiety issues
tries to tell me how i should feel
sometimes feels like he's listening just to respond
often feel my feelings and are discounted by him or he isn't really hearing what im saying
everything has to be a lesson or how to do something better, it feels condescending and like im never good enough
feel judged and like im not good enough for him about many things tbh
doesn't do things he says he will with any regularity if it's not done immediately, gets mad at me for asking about them even when it's stuff im relying on him for out of necessity
feel like i can't express my personality without being criticized and looked fown on, sneered at
often takes it out on me when he's having a bad day, finding the most obscure things to absolutely boss me around and exert power over me about to vent frustration. if not this, or in addition to this, yells aggressively at the animals in ways that are upsetting to be around
hard to talk to about health
opinions shoved down my throat no matter the topic
often feel ignored in favor of topics she wants to talk about
really hurt me that she acted so exasperated whenever i would want to tell her about my stories (which are so important to me), would just stop paying attention in the middle, would start conversation with dad as if i wasn't talking
often will start conversation while im talking as if i was not saying anything
not willing to make the effort to acknowledge what ive said or how i feel about something before diving in with her own opinions, at times not even letting me finish talking about mine. generally doesn't seem interested in what i have to say, or won't make the effort to show me if she is bc she's in her own home and relaxed. i still have feelings and emotional needs, you still have to make an effort if u don't want to hurt my feelings
won't take any form of criticism, even if it's about something that is upsetting me or has hurt me. tends to make those conversations about herself and her feelings, and often lashes out at me angrily for bringing these things up, at least initially. i can't have a big fight every time i show an upset emotion, even if the big fight leads to a calm resolution. im very sensitive and it's exhausting and painful to live that way for me.
decides on her own what i need rather than taking my word for it or listening when i tell her
won't understand my point of view if it doesn't align with the one she would have or the one she would expect me to have, regardless of me trying to explain
bad takes. so many upsetting bad takes. range from big to small. upsetting to hear.
her fear and trauma affect me and herself negatively and she refuses to go to therapy for it
will argue with me if she remembers something differently than i do that it didn't happen that way, rather than just tell me she remembers it differently, always with the assumption she remembered right and i remembered wrong
center of the universe, gets so offended over nothing and reads into things where there's nothing but refuses to communicate what she wants
double standard, will be upset if i make noise after she goes to bed, will oftrn have loud conversation through the house before 10:30 am when im trying to sleep
if not getting defensive, takes any criticism and self flagellates with it instead of looking to change what it is she doesn't like about herself
doesn't know what healthy boundaries are and refuse to learn, let alone respect them
feel like they don't think im capable of anything, like they're both expecting me to be fucking up constantly
don't accept or listen to me about my experiences, makes it very hard to open up or get help when i need it when im being dismissed or secind guessed
very defensive, hard to come to you when something is wrong
entire mold situation being the final straw between having to fight them to get them to believe me to dad yelling and carrying on every time i needed something from him whether it be seal the closet or bathroom or get more concrobium for my walls, to them treating me like i was somehow doing it on purpose to straight up mom abandoning me and dad gaslighting me about it in the end
often distrusts me and doesn't take me at my word when im telling them my motivations for things, especially when in disagreements
feel like i have to be so quiet in my own house where i live like i can't even exist bc they'll get annoyed, dad much worse with this but mom too
never allowed to say no, lack of autonomy and agency stifling
non-grievances: things i appreciate about them peppered throughout, share some things about me that i wanted to put out in the open but didn't want to have to defend, reasons why ive been trying to just make it work
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moemoemammon · 3 years
(Two things, 1. This is my first time requesting so I'm sorry if this is not the thing to do it, and 2. Sorry if somethings is misspelled or grammatically incorrect, eng is not my first language:p)
May I request some of the bros, specially Mammon, Luci and Satan, with a MC who's similar to Lucifer in some aspects (like, some of their manners are the same as his and sometimes they're little bit too strict) and after a while they discover that its bc MC is also an older sibling. And (only if you want) meeting their younger sibling, please 🙏
Btw love your works ♡♡♡
Lucifer Number 2~
(Feat. GN!MC and the Demon Bros)
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
It doesn't occur to Lucifer how similar the two of you are, but the first thing he realizes is how pleasant conversations with you can be. You both share common interests, your tastes suit his own, and you seem to be the only competent person in this house.
You're the responsible type, and he likes it. He'll sometimes find you scolding his brothers for their behavior too, and as amusing of a sight as that may be, he doesn't want you to be burdened with their idiocy.
AND you're the eldest sibling in your household? Cheers to that. You too know the weight of being the responsible oldest, and the role one must take to ensure their siblings grow up well. You too know that you'd rather your siblings have things easier than you did.
But there's one thing he finds annoying... You can NEVER speak your feelings, and act as if it’d kill you to do so. He can respect secrecy when it's appropriate, but Lucifer would like to know what's on your mind. Not only that, but you can be HORRIBLY headstrong. There's nothing that can stray you away from what you've already decided.
"MC, I request that you take a few days off from school to do as you please. I've already spoken with Diavolo and your professors, and you've been given an excuse. I know you'll study anyway, so I've dropped off your assignments in your room. But... you should rest. It isn't good for you to be pushing yourself so hard. Hm? You're calling me a hypocrite?"
As if one Lucifer wasn't enough. Now there's TWO of em?! Why's his luck gotta be so lousy!
Definitely the first to realize how much like Lucifer you are, and was SHOOK. Seriously, what gives?! What horrors exist in the human world that could've made you like THAT..?
Ever since you showed up, it's been impossible to get away with anything! He can't sneak out of the house because you're always there somehow, you tattle on him when you catch him leaving anyone's room, and you won't even let him copy your homework! What gives?!
Avoids you like the plague. You're no fun! There's only rare moments when you're kinda okay, and he likes those the best. The times when you're kinda sensitive and you'll drop the high and mighty act. But then you're back to being a pest!
"For the billionth time, I ain't got time to study! There's money to be made, and a guy like me ain't gonna waste a second lookin' at a dumb book when I could be- H-Huh?! You're gonna call Lucifer?! N-now, there's no need to be so hasty, right? Oi!! I'm sorry, damn it-!"
What's the deal with Lucifer number two? As comedic of a trope as that may be, Levi doesn't really care for having two nagging types in the house. Especially a human...
When you're in his room, all you do is nitpick about how he should tidy up and open a window! Don't you know that an otaku's room is his pride and joy?! It's a sacred space not to be trampled on by the opinions of a normie!!!
But still... he has to admit that even if you don't get all the stuff he's talking about, you at least try to understand it. And there are even some of his interests that you're genuinely invested in!
You might be a pain in the neck and harass him about annoying things, but he guesses he can deal with it if you'll actually sit through a TSL marathon with him...
"I-I'll lend you this manga, so make sure you read it! And when you're finished with that, I'll lend you the spin-off series by the author's brother! I know you'll like it, since you're interested in gritty stuff. Oh, and- Huh? My laundry? Y-yeah.... I'll do that.."
You are... surprisingly good company. Satan enjoys talking to you over afternoon tea, and the two of you share stories between one another.
But still, he can't shake the feeling that there's something... unpleasantly familiar about your personality. It isn't until you say something that sounds suspiciously similar to what Lucifer would say that he realizes who you remind him of. And oh, he hates it.
Tries playing pranks on you, but somehow they never go to plan. How that is is beyond him, but you never fall for anything! No matter how sweet his smile, you're always rightfully suspicious. You're annoyingly meticulous about checking your surroundings, and you're so aware of yourself that it's troublesome! Be more gullible!!
The king of petty has decided that its now his life goal to make you fall for at least one of his pranks. He doesn't care how elaborate he has to make it, or how unrewarding the payoff may be. He'll make you pay for seeing his brother in two places at once.
"MC, would you like to join me this afternoon for a book reading? Though, I'd love it if you could read this book in particular. I think you'll find it very-.... Hm? 'Isn't this the cursed book that makes you grow hair all over your body', you ask? Ahaha.... tch."
Come now, there can't be TWO killjoys in the house! That's way too depressing!! It was funny at first to see that there's someone who can match the scary Lucifer's energy, but now it's becoming a nuisance!
You won't even go to the countless parties he's invited you to! Hell, you barely even give yourself room to mess around a little? Isn't it boring being so tightly wound? You're in luck, because the adorable Asmo-chan knows the PERFECT way to let loose~
You'll RARELY let him close to you, and that's usually when you're tired of him harassing you. Then he gets the honor of playing with your hair while you've got no energy to fight back! He'll style it wonderfully for you!
Also nags you to take better care of yourself. You're not a demon, so you have to care for your health! These late night study sessions are giving you bags under your eyes! And stop taking on so many extracurricular activities!
"Geez, MC! I didn't think you'd die from overworking, but that's the path you're headed on! You really are like Lucifer, you know? That being said, I'll do my best to make sure you relax! Shall we begin~?"
Beel may not be too bothered by Lucifer's strictness, but that doesn't mean he's immune to it. To think that even a human can be like that...
It's nice to see that you can take care of yourself, but aren't you working too hard? Your grades are good and you've got many interesting talents, but you also have to properly rest.
Has started bringing you snacks on the regular. And don't even think about skipping meals, because he won't allow it. He'll literally pick you up and bring you to the table if he has to. And if you're staying up late to study? He'll carry you to bed. Don't try to protest.
Beel is your babysitter now and there's nothing you can do about it. It's good to be responsible, but don't think about trying to take care of everyone else if you can't care for yourself. Now eat these twelve meat buns he bought for you.
"MC, let's eat lunch together. I know you were going to skip because I heard you talking to Solomon earlier, and I won't let you. Ah, don't worry about not having money, because I've already bought you some lunch. Let's eat in the courtyard."
You're such a drag. You harass him to attend student council meetings, but him about his studies, and won't let him avoid a single obligation he has. What are you, his mother?
Has 100% joined forces with Satan to try to make you fall for many, many unsuccessful pranks. Are you curse proof or something? When he tried a '10 hour bed-head' spell on you, it just rebounded right to him! Then he found out that you'd borrowed a spell repelling amulet from Solomon and realized just how prepared you are...
When you aren't bothering his entire soul by trying to make him do things, you're actually nice to talk to. You're knowledgeable, you pay attention to the people around you, and you can always read a room. He likes to ask you for advice sometimes.
"Aren't you tired of being like that all the time? So... attentive, I mean. You should just take a nap some time. Or better yet, take the week off. Maybe I'll teach you how to properly relax? Then you might finally be able to take that stick out of your- ow... What're you hitting me for?"
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0tivez · 2 years
I feel like to a certain extent I also had that toxic phase of calling people a poser lol and people calling me a poser as well :p in the end we like what we like and fuck people who try and make us feel bad about those things <3
I LOVE R/JUJUTSUSHI!!!! its the best place for spoilers 🥰 jk jk. I could go on an ugly rant it as well. Imagine someone cringe bc they find someone attractive and consume the media around them??? I hate people's logic sometimes; lemme enjoy hot anime 2d men/women fuck off :D
LMFAO I think thats the only downside of talking with strangers about theories and such I think?? sometimes they don't understand or aren't open minded about other povs (and the latter is fine, you don't have to accept something that you dislike but pls don't be mean about it you're gonna hurt my feelings)
I hold haikyuu people to grown up standards but they're literally in 1st year of hs tf TT lets be best friends! I'll be the Yamaguchi to your Tsukishima <3 but fr, I don't know if you've reached this point but the episode where Tsukki's backstory was revealed...I feel nothing but pain. I can also relate to him as well tbh; I like how Haikyuu characters are, as far as I know, very humanly fleshed out!
Ohhhh I love cotton candy! It's been a while since I've eaten it tho :,) ill add it to my watch list! lately ive kinda been fixing my life/schedule so I hope I can start reading csm and jjk and watch more anime!
I...I was watching, you know...I was watching pørñ TT
YOU JUST MADE ME REMEMBER!!! I WANTED TO TELL YOU BUT IT SLIPPED MY MIND ANYWAY WE GOT A RELEASE DATE!!!!!! THE MOVIE IS GONNA BE RELEASED THE 24TH OF MARCH allegedly and I say allegedly bc even though news channels have made comments about the release date, cinemas over haven't said anything?? but ig lets just hope for the best TT my cousin wanted to go to the movies wearing outfits inspired by Gojo and Nanami and it would be fun so imma just hope for the best :,)
I would also watch the shaky version. no doubt, no hesitation. A bookstore over here was selling jjk volume 8 at a discount price and I really wanted to buy it but my dad wouldn't let me TT I need to get a job fr
EYYYY CSM PROPAGANDA >:) I think its more of a Latin American Spanish thing tbh BUT LETS GO
Yuzuru is an ethereal being. There's just so much about him that blows me away I cant- and all his skating outfits :,D I keep thinking about skating aus since the olympics; they're plaguing my mind
I think one of my friends told me that mappa kinda exploited their workers but I wouldn't be 100% sure; I didn't fact check. I also don't know if im using the ; correctly bc I don't English very well as of lately lmfao.
I don't know where I stand with cosplays, I like the ones that aren't a carbon copy of the characters but outfits inspired by them and such. I think those are very neat!
I hope you had a nice weekend!! <3
-🥳 anon
right lmao it's also those same guys that drool over rem and shit too
i don't think i've seen his backstory yet. i DO know that his brother is voiced by geto's va tho 👀 i should really finish it
you were watching PORN in your FAMILY CAR??? you're a menace to society and i don't know if i respect you or hate you for that (jk jk.... unless)
i saw 18th of march but it was for usa :') it's nowhere close to where i am lol i might watch the crappy drive versions. for now, i will be hyped for the batman
AAH ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR VOL8 AND 9 FOR AGES BUT THEYRE BOTH SOLD OUT! they are not translated which means they are so fucking expensive but i was ready to pay for it.... anyways i bought vol 0 and 1 for very cheap, i need to just wait for them to get translated :') they're only at vol 2 but damn i can wait to see getos fat titties and toji traumatizing gojo
mappa most likely does exploit their workers. i did hear tho that they are paid well, better than most other animators, so baby steps ig
lol i don't really look for punctuation either, it's impossible to learn lol so PSA if i ever have weird punctuation, it's cause i do it the way i do in turkish lol
i agree! most cosplays don't work out well for that reason :( hakken is a god tho
have a good one!
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Absolutely love amended but I just can't see the happy ending man.. Surely there's affection between both of them, they care and want the best for each other, for sure. However it seems to me like there are too many flaws for it to work? With the big fight, we have a clear view of how they work with their defense mechanism under pressure and shock and it's not good. To me, there will always be an imbalance in the relationship, because no matter what, you say dumb shit you don't mean when you're angry and Jungkook will throw in the fact it's his money, his house and etc. while Belle will threaten to leave with the kids. It's bound to happen again, I think. And with Belle traumas, I'm quite sure she might, no matter how in love she falls, keep in the back of her mind the fact that Jungkook did pay for everything, that her situation now could be gone in a breath if Jungkook wanted to. But that could be entirely different once she starts her new job (so happy for her) and save enough money—again, her mind might just be full of 'secure the money so the kids can be safe if Jungkook ever kicks us out'? Unhealthy. So there's definitely a stronger one on the relationship, dependence happening. That's not good to me, if they're always going to come back to that fact at some point. Belle has always been on her toes, ready to leave to keep her kids safe and I don't see her fully trusting Jungkook, no matter what. And Jungkook could definitely question her intentions as time flies—if she loves him or if she's here for the money to keep her kids safe! The foundation is fragile, unstable imo. Also, Jungkook is quite childish at times, even if he does a lot of efforts for Belle. He gets hurt too and say stupid stuff, making her even more insecure. They don't communicate very well, do they? Patricia won't be here forever, they only speak their mind when she comes around. And she pointed out how Jungkook would go for the 'easy' explanation when the real one would just hurt Belle, but that would help her understand him. It's hard to change that too! And I don't agree on people blaming Belle only. They're to blame together, one is not wrong and the other right—they have flaws, on different levels, yeah, but that doesn't make one less important than the other. But sooo many, and some are yet to come into the mess of it all, like the basement thing! It's exhausting for both of them. And I'm sure they love each other but sometimes, love's not enough—sometimes things don't go the way you want it to and that's okay. I could see both of them being exhausted time after time because they don't communicate well and have awful defense mechanisms. I could also see Jungkook stuck in there bc he loved Belle when he was young and he loves to provide and he's like a puppy you know? Like he did her wrong in the past and now he's trying his best to make it right, kind of redemption? Blindsinded maybe, not true love. And Belle stuck in there bc she likes Jungkook, sure, but it's safer for the kids and she'll do anything to keep them safe and Jungkook does just that? Not that she would force herself into it but you know. Yeah. Just my thoughts, love you! ♡
This was really sad to me to read because it seems like such a fatalistic view of marriage and relationships. People just aren't perfect, and marriage puts someone right there in the mud with you when you going through shitty phases, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it. You don't have to be a perfect person to be loved or worthy of love. You can love someone at their worst, and I really don't see Isabella or Jungkook being at their worst now. In fact, the opposite, both of them actually feel safe and supported and accepted enough that they're starting to crack open pains and fears they have kept locked up --in some cases their whole lives!-- so that they can finally heal.
There's not really an "ending" in life until you die. There are always new challenges, new opportunities, new opportunities for growth. Does that mean that love and intimacy aren't worth it, that you shouldn't even try until you've reached some impossible place of perfection?
You also don't seem to think they're capable of growth but people are! Some things take years to heal or unlearn, sure, and I'll honestly be expediting some of that growth in the story compared to real life. Maybe that's just a difference in our view of people? I think that people can and do improve if the intent is there, and that intention to be better makes a huge difference. I see the ways Jungkook and Isabella have greatly improved in this story. Just because they aren't done yet doesn't negate all the progress they've made.
I've been married for almost eight years and we are still learning how to communicate, how to live together, how to support each other, and how to understand our own changing needs. Neither me nor my husband are perfect people, and we have had fight much bigger than any Isabella and Jungkook have had, but do I think our marriage isn't worth it? Nah. Even though sometimes we fight over the STUPIDEST fucking stuff. We have grown and changed as people, and it's sometimes been rough, but we've made it work so far. Isabella and Jungkook are just at the very beginning of their relationship and are rapidly learning so much about each other, and rapid growth can be painful, but they’re both invested. Why would that mean it's already time for quits? They haven't even gotten to fighting over fruit left on the counter or how to load the dishwasher or why would you ever NOT immediately clean up the bug you just squashed on the wall or why the fuck no one but me will put the empty toilet paper rolls in the bin THAT IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE and they just line them up on the windowsill... like... wtf?!
You mention the fights as exhausting but you don't seem to be giving fair weight to the joy that they bring each other most of the time. If their relationship was nothing but fighting, that'd be one thing. You do make some good observations about their flaws and struggles! And I could absolutely have written a very tragic story of their marriage based on guilt and obligation and regret. I see so much love and admiration in their interactions though --playfulness and joy and gratitude. You don't see that too?
I guess this made me sad because it just seems like you are suggesting something should get thrown away because it's not perfect, when marriage is really learning about how to love and compromise on the imperfections.
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spookybreadstick · 3 years
hello lovelyyyyy 😖🙏
so i'll be requesting a matchup if you don't mind??? i don't really care if it's regular/premium unless i have to pay or smth bc i dont want to be broke again 😭
i am a cis female that goes by she/her but i feel a bit dysphoric sometimes but usually nothing crazy. idk what my sexuality is but probably something like demisexual
i have really long brown hair w/ natural highlights that i love but at the same time i am super obsessed with the fluffy short hair that kinda covers your eyes???? i really want it but it probably wouldn't look good on me.
i have dark blue eyes that a lot of people compliment me on, even though i dont think that they're that pretty. i struggle with a lot of body insecurity and struggles with EDNOS in the past. i'm around 5'6" but since im european my parents said that i'll probably end up around 5'8-9" :((
my favorite colour is light purple/black and i am forever in between going full on pastel-kawaii or goth/alt.
my zodiac sign is gemini, and i tend to be very impulsive and blunt. my mbti is intp-t, and my personality is a little.... odd?? im just always labeled as the 'weird' kid, and i tend to agree with them 😅 im very quiet and uncomfortable with people i dont know, but when i'm with my family im super hyper and excitable. im also very very dramatic and tend to say whats on my mind without thinking. i get distracted easily and hyperfixate on something for a while before moving onto something else i like (this happens with music, food, books, games, etc)
i absolutely love any type of music and am almost always listening to something. i also love reading and writing, and my dream is to become a professional author. my favorite types of books are apocalyptic and psychological thrillers
i have ocd, mdd, and i struggle with a lot of paranoia or abandonment/trust issues. i tend to either bottle everything up or just vent to people i dont know that well and i really dont like it.
i have a lot of repressed memories from my childhood, so i tend to lean towards cute or childish things like stuffies/colouring books/etc. i dont have any best friends or anything, so i tend to create characters in my head and be friends with them instead.
my love language is physical affection / words of affirmation and i have a habit of internalizing everything people say to me, and still carry around a lot of things people told me in the past that hurt my feelings.
idk if i should include anything else and im sorry this is so long but i usually end up going a bit overboard lol ψ(`∇´)ψ
also my fav emojis are 🧊🤍🍨🛒☕🙈 and idk why
you were so difficult to match up because I had so many different ideas for good matches and I didn’t know which one to choose so I went with Toby because I think he’s the best one :) 
also, few things about your ask that i’d like to mention: a) that hairstyle sounds so cute b) dark blue eyes are awesome (i got boring old brown), c) fuck ENDOS (I had ARFIDs a couple years back which, judging from google, falls under the category of ENDOS, so I feel your pain. Recovery for the win, though!) d) oh man i know hyperfixations all too well e) i love reading & writing too f) hey i want to be an editor/publisher someday! g) that line about not having best friends so you make up characters hits fucking hard  🖐️ like me too 😭 h) don’t worry, the more info i have, the better it will be and the easier it is for me, i) i find it kinda funny/cute that not only do you have favorite emojis but they’re also kinda obscure ones too lol
I Match You With: Toby!
Similar Likes: reading & writing (just writing random stuff down in journals though, nothing serious), cute things,
Similar Dislikes: n/a
Why You'd Make A Good Match: Toby is a lot like you so naturally you'd be the best of friends at first before it took a more romantic turn. He was always called the weird kid in school, so he knows what that's like. He's excitable and hyper most of the time and will definitely feed off of your own energy so it's like double the excitement! He also knows what it's like to be insecure about your body (he's got that body insecurity as well) so he's always encouraging you to be kinder to yourself because he doesn't want you feeling like he does. He also would be very supportive of your OCD, MDD, and abandeonment issues and would work super hard to ensure you’re recovering and doing well with all of these things. He’s a very caring boyfriend and your mental health matters to him (also be sure to keep an eye on his own mental health). On a lighter note, he would love to listen to you read your favorite books to him! He enjoys reading but it can be hard with all the tics so it's a nice bonding activity for you to curl up together and read to him.  
Potential Relationship Clashes: He is also easily distracted and goes through hyperfixations, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, you both understand the other. On the other hand, you'll have to listen to Toby info-dump about his hyper fixation when you'd really rather talk about/indulge in yours (and vice versa), and it can be hard if the pair of you are supposed to remember something important or stay focused on one task because of how easily you both are distracted.
What He Loves The Most About You: Toby loves how cute you are and how you're both best friends before anything else! He has the same love languages as you, so that works out in that department because you both feel appreciated and loved by the other at all times. Toby thinks your eyes are super pretty and you are 100% deserving of every compliment you get. Toby also would love to hear about the characters you've made up, he thinks it's super interesting and would honestly just love to listen to you talk about anything and everything all day long.
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Hey, ida if you're accepting request, but how about reader and Luke being dating for a few years but lately they're having a lot of fights and he's very busy with the album, and then there is the quarantine and instead of work things out they just avoid each other, so reader maybe learnt to play piano bc of Luke and sings out of love by Alessia Cara and Luke is just like "I fucked up" and well they try to make it work... Pretty please
Out of love - L. Hemmings
Requests are always open! Send them in here: REQUESTSSS
I absolutely adore this idea, and that song is gorgeous but I think it kind of went down hill as I wrote it! I hope you like it!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
After five years, Y/N and Luke had seen almost all of the bad times. You had been there from the very start. she held his hand while they all counted the seconds until the first album dropped. She stood by his side through scandals, and hate from fans and media alike. She was his rock, and he was hers.
The past month had been the most stressful of his career, and that really is saying something. Y/N tried her hardest to be there for him. The spread of the Coronavirus had everybody on edge, Y/N included. Luke, on the other hand, spent many hours of the day going over the effects the outbreak and impending quarantine could have on his career. Namely, the release of their newest album.
They had both hit the end of their ropes. Y/N would get defensive over the slightest comment, and Luke would lash out randomly. The stress spent more time building for the two of them than it did easing.
Arguments almost every day for two weeks, hours spent up at night sitting in a tense silence while trying to figure out the cause of their issues.
In five years, Y/N had never shouted at her love so much. In five years, Luke had never avoided his girl so much.
They hit rock bottom when a small question escalated into an argument.
"Honey? You okay?" She asked after she walked in on Luke launching his phone onto their shared bed.
"I'm fine." He barely looked at her, snapping the words out of pure frustration at the world.
At this point, it was hard for Luke to see anything other than anger. He was simply so aggravated with everything that he could barely even acknowledge who he directed his anger towards.
Unfortunately, Y/N was quickly growing to be the same way.
"Rather than being an ass about it, you could just talk to me, you know?" She snipped, rolling her eyes at the tall man.
From there, it escalated dramatically. Insults were thrown, screams were released, and finally, Y/N told him to leave.
"If you would stop being an uptight bitch for one second, you would realize that I don't need your goddamn help, Y/N!"
Her mouth dropped at the words, and his jaw mirrored the action. It was the last straw. They had both thrown many insults at one another over the years, but the malice in his voice told her that he meant every word.
"Get the hell out." She turned away from him, intending to leave the room. "I'm not dealing with your self-centered bullshit anymore, Luke."
"I'm not leaving my own house," He scoffed, and a sarcastic laugh escaped from his throat.
She turned back to him, eyes full of unshed tears and an anger he had never before seen plastered on her face.
"Fine. You wanna stay? Then stay." her hands found her suitcase - the same one Luke had bought her for the bands 'Sounds Live, Feels Live" tour - and began piling clothes inside. She didn't pay attention to what was thrown in, but as soon as it was full, and she had kissed Petunia on the head, she left.
She found herself on Crystal's doorstep, tears falling from her eyes, sobs wracking her form.
She was ordered to stay at the Clifford household until she was ready to go back home. Back to him.
A week had passed and nothing. She tried to call him after five days and the call went straight to his voicemail.
Despite the presence of one of her best friends, and the overly cheerful Michael Clifford, she couldn't shake how lonely she was without the presence of the man she loved.
She made the decision to leave the house. She wanted some space.
She expected a call or something after a few days. She expected him to answer the phone when she called, even if it ended in a screaming match. She wanted at least something to remind her that she was still his.
A few days later, and they were required to enter quarantine. Crystal, in all her overbearing instincts, ordered her to occupy their spare bedroom until she could go back to her own house.
Which meant more time away from Luke.
14 days had passed and he had ignored every one of her calls, her messages. She had even tried to send him a message on Instagram in hopes that she would get a reply. She simply got left on open.
After five years, he had made it clear that he was done with her, and she was truly heart broken.
Her emotions got the best of her and she had found herself toying with the piano that Michael had in his practice room.
She was flooded with memories of countless secret lessons spent with Ashton in hopes of learning one of their songs for Luke. Y/N knew how much music meant to Luke, and she thought it would be a good way to pull some emotion from him during the tough time, but unfortunately, she never got so far.
For the first time in their relationship, Luke had counted down the seconds until release alone. He should have been happy but all he could feel was guilt flow through his body with every beat of his heart.
It killed him to think of his girl sitting all alone, counting the minutes down as they had for the previous three albums.
It hurt him to keep a smile on his face through the Instagram lives, and talk about how he wrote some of the lyrics to 'Lover of Mine' with the woman.
What really struck a chord in him, was the video she had posted the day after the release.
The picture was black and white, similar to the one he uploaded of his 'Best Years' performance.
Y/N was positioned at a piano, as she skillfully played the intro to an Alessia Cara song she loved, but he couldn't remember the name.
He had heard her sing before, but never to this extent. She looked at home with the keys in front of her.
I won't tell you I'm lonely, 'cause it might be selfish. I won't ask you to hold me 'cause that won't mend what's helpless.
His stomach dropped as the lyrics flooded his mind. The song was about an intense heartbreak, a longing for answers.
He could faintly see the outline of a tear dropping down her cheek, but she kept her voice strong. The black and white video was chosen especially to hide her emotions.
There's not a thing I could say, not a song I could sing for your mind to change.
He knew the song was dedicated to him. He didn't know when she had learned to play his favourite instrument, but he was lost in the perfection of her every move.
His heart yearned to hold the woman in his arms and apologize for every wrong he had committed over the past month and a half.
But let me ask you one thing, oh, when did you fall out of love? Out of love. Oh, when did you fall out of love with me?
He knew she was hurting. He had avoided her messages because he was too blinded by his own anger and stress to truly realize the damage he had done to the woman.
She looked physically in pain, yet her beauty still radiated through the grey scale video. Tears dropped from his own eyes as he witnessed the woman he loved experience such heartache.
She truly believed he had fallen out of love with her because of his actions.
He had hurt her so deeply.
Before he could finish the video, his keys were in hand and he was slamming the door behind him.
The doorbell rang through Michael and Crystal's house and Y/N made a move to get the door. They were all stumped as to who it could be, as everybody was to maintain social distance and only leave the house to retrieve essentials.
As soon as the door was opened, a mop of blond curls had attacked her, wrapping his long arms around her body and dragging her into one of the many rooms of the Clifford house, leaving a very confused Michael and Crystal watching the scene from a lounge.
The door was closed behind them, but the large human had yet to detach himself from her body and instead, ended up kneeled in front of her, forehead pressed against her stomach and sobs shaking his body against hers.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. I fucked up. I fucked up big time," his voice was wet through the heavy sobs and her fingers went to his hair, hoping to soothe him enough to calm the tears.
Luke felt so guilty. He had hurt her so much and not had a single care for the repercussions. He was selfish and convinced the woman, who had stood by his side for five years, through so much, that he didn't love her.
All because he was stressed over the album.
"No," he cut her off, standing to his feet so she can see the intensity of his puffy eyes, "No. You have every right to be mad at me. I fucked up, Y/N. I was so worried about how we were going to promote the album and what was going to happen with the quarantine that I took it out on you. I can't apologize to you enough."
She had spent too many sleepless nights wondering if he would ever speak to her again, and if he still loved her that she was at a loss of words when he finally made contact.
"Luke," she tried, taking a moment to piece together what she wanted to say. "You can be such an asshole sometimes."
He laughed at the emission, waiting with bated breath to find out if she still wanted him around.
"I will forever be in your corner. I will always be on your side, and I act like an overbearing bitch because I care about you, but so help me, if you ever say that to me again, I won't forgive you," Her voice was strict, and he nodded at the instructions.
He can't believe he let the words fall from his lips. He would never intentionally hurt the woman, and he was beyond disgusted at himself for making her think he would ever stop loving you.
"I love you so much, Y/N. I'm so sorry," he stated, pulling into another hug.
"I love you too, Lu."
"You're only meant to leave the house for essentials, Lucas!" Michael screeched from the doorway, cringing at the couple while Crystal rolled her eyes at him.
"I know. Y/N is the only essential I need."
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movingaccountstbh · 4 years
So let's talk about Overhaul. (Obv S4 SPOILERS FOR MHA)
So I know we're all thinking, he's a villain. He abused a child, and this makes him a terrible person. Right?
Wrong. If you think so, I mean... it doesn't make you wrong actually. But I think it's more of a "wrong idea" kinda thing.
To be fair, this is all just a rant on my perspective because, I am a huge Overhaul fan. No, not because of his looks. Not because of his physical appearance at all, and I can't really tell you for sure if it has anything to do with his personality. But here's what I can tell you for sure- the reason he did what he did (while the way he went about it was wrong, absolutely wrong) drew me in and I found myself kinda sympathetic. Mind you I first met him in the manga and did not remember him until rewatching the anime. And then first time I watched season 4, I hated his guts. Really, I did. And even rewatching it with my sister (who is @sleepysampai in case you're wondering) I hated him, though I once again understood his reasoning to some degree. My sister can tell you, when I first saw him on screen again I was prolly snarling like some rabid dog because I was so upset at his existence. But then I watched that scene where his arms get taken away. And holy heck. That expression. Y'know, this one:
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Dag. It... the entirety of this... idk how to describe it. I thought it would bring me satisfaction but ohhh no. I cannot tell you how much... PAIN I felt. Well, not very surprising coming from an empath, or at least somewhat of an empath, but. Yeah. That's when I found myself falling for Overhaul. No, not because he was in pain and I liked that look on his face, I'm not a sadist... I think.
But it was because, ultimately... that expression looked like a cry for help. And my heart really said, "yo idc if ur a villain pls lemme be ur hero- is that cool w/u Renny? it's not???? well too bad bye"
Aaand yeah. So now here I am, ranting about him. And how I think, idk if this is a popular or unpopular opinion but... I 100% firmly believe that Kai deserves redemption. In fact, I am so in love with this thought of Kai redeeming himself that I have made a few comics based off a redemption AU Kai. Although they're with my OC so yeah, y'all may not be interested... haha. Well. Anyways.
My point is, yes. Kai Chisaki did do bad things. Does that make him a terrible person? Well... No, actually. Just think about it this way: He sinned. Without a doubt. Just like every other human being, he sinned. Maybe he sinned worse than many other humans, but... we all sin and make mistakes. Maybe we don't all think we deserve to be forgiven for our sins, but... really, we all deserve a second chance. See, there's two people in this world I cannot bring myself to forgive; namely, someone who hurt me really bad, and myself. And they're both connected to the same event. The underlying reasons. The reasons why we do bad things.
See, just think. People commit crimes such as stealing. Some people certainly don't steal for good reasons, yeah? But then you have those people stealing to provide for their families, their friends, their pets or whatever. It all comes down to perspective and underlying reasons. Now, Kai's reason for ultimately using Eri was because he wanted the yakuza to rule society like it used to. It was his way of paying back the old man for saving his life and helping him. The problem was nothing more than that he had it all twisted and wrong in his head. I think, to some degree, we're all at least a little twisted. Except Mogami Jun. He's an angel.
Um, anyways... the way he went about repaying the old man was absolutely wrong. He definitely should not have 1) put said old man in a coma, 2) proceed to use the old man's granddaughter to make quirk-erasing bullets and abuse her and 3) kill Sir Nighteye and hurt sun Mirio.
Because, Overhaul:
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No killing people's vibes. Or people. K? K. Moving on, yeah. I think you get what I'm saying.
So to wrap up my rant thing... Overhaul did bad things, yes, but that doesn't make him a terrible person. You can and have done terrible things, perhaps not to the same extent, but that doesn't make you a terrible person who is beyond redemption.
So I just thought I'd say that... It's probably not valid or anything bc I'm super tired and it's 3:33am. But I've felt the need to rant about it since yesterday sometime so yeah. Anyways... sorry. G'bye and I'm sorry for making you deal with my long post about Overhaul n stuff ✌ just as a bonus for the pain take some blushie Overhaul doodles I did like a week ago or smth
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Oh and as a bonus take this one panel from my comic bc yeah.... he soft towards my OC bc they used to be best friends. anyways BYE AND IM SORRY
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