#it used our food bag to reach up higher but obviously there was glass
daemon-404 · 2 years
i am once again thinking about the time at a hotel when my mother wouldn't let me take the elevator downstairs (the stairs were emergency-only) to put a dying bug in the grass because the rest of my family wouldn't have lights (the key card was necessary for both) for a maximum of like 7 minutes so i just cried in the hallway
#the bug was trying to climb up the window our whole train ride#it used our food bag to reach up higher but obviously there was glass#it kept trying for like 20 minutes#until it eventually fell into the bag#and we took the bag around the little airport metro and whatnot and it got a little squished but i did my best to keep it ok#when we got to the hotel room we took out the food for dinner and the bug fell out with it#it was alive so i was happy at first because this was really worrying me (probably bc of period hormones tbh)#but its legs were crushed#and it was very clear it was dying#and i got all emotional because the whole train ride it just wanted to get back outside#so i wanted to put it in the grass. just so it could be outside again#feel the earth and smell the air all that romantic shit idek if bugs could do that or if it was even conscious#but i didn't want it to die in a stuffy hallway is all#so i took it to the elevator but you need the key card to use it#i asked my mom to borrow it for a minute#she said no ofc but i still can't get her reason?? it was night and everyone was going to bed anyway#so what do the lights matter??? we were on the second floor it would've taken like 2 minutes to go downstairs and outside#there was a patch of grass right next to the hotel entrance#but she wouldn't let me so i just. put it down on the carpet. on the side of the hallway so it wouldn't be stepped on#and (again probably because of period hormones) i just sat there and cried about it#and she still wouldn't fuckin let me#in the morning it was dead#i took it outside and put it in the grass.#it haunts me. i still feel so bad about it#my mom's great but like... c'mon. it would've taken 5 minutes.
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moeyy-writes · 4 years
Here and Now - Part 6
Zak Bagans x Reader
Warnings: Playful teasing/pranking, fluff, brief hint at sexual acts (if you squint).
Word Count: 1,897
Series Master List || My Full Master List
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Rage boiled through your veins as your stared at the flashy pink glitter on the floor. Your eyes moved along the shiny nuisance, following it to the river of red and pink heart-shaped confetti that led into the rest of your home. More hearts littered the walls, poorly-cut pieces of paper with love quotes, and red and pink streamers criss-crossed overhead. As you took a step in, you heard music playing from a back room, most likely from your television.
“It’s like… Valentine’s Day threw up in here,” you mumbled as you slowly stepped towards the living room. The confetti faded into another substance, deeper red. “Rose petals? Really Goodwin?”
You phone buzzed in your pocket, jolting you from your rage-filled cloud. It was Jay.
(9:45pm) Jay: I’m just glad you had fun.
You stared down at the text. There was no doubt this was Aaron’s work, no one else would go this far out. But, how did he get in? The only person other than you who had a key to your place was…
You closed your eyes and let out a long sigh. Sure, betrayal stung, but karma was a bitch.
(9:47pm) Y/N: I want my key back, and I hate you.
(9:48pm) Jay: ????
(9:48pm) Y/N: You know.
You snapped a picture of the carnage and sent it to Jay with several angry face emojis. For several minutes, he didn’t answer. Figures. He knew what he did, or at least what he allowed to happen.
You let out another long sigh. This was going to be a bitch to clean up. But, you thought Zak might get a kick out of it. So, you sent him several photos, hoping to at least get a laugh out of this catastrophe.
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“Hey, I can’t lie, he did go all out,” Zak admitted as he laughed. You stood your tablet up in front you as you munched on your breakfast. You were happy to have a surprise breakfast with Zak, even if it was virtually. He was gradually getting ready to spend his day with his mom, which made you smile inside.
“Yeah, he did, but now I have to buy a new vacuum. That glitter ruined my brand new one! One hundred dollars down the freaking drain,” you whined. You took a bite of your oatmeal, then leaned back in your chair. “And I don’t know how that asshole passed kindergarten. I’ve never seen more lop-sided hearts in my life!”
Zak’s nose scrunched as he laughed. “Yeah, paper art isn’t exactly his thing. Or, he did it on purpose knowing you would notice and it would piss you off that much more.” You rolled your eyes. Knowing Aaron’s actual incredible artistic talent, Zak was probably right.
“Well, I’m out a vacuum. And, I’ll probably have to disclose that there is a never-ending glitter infestation when I sell this place.” Zak’s face froze at your words.
“Wait, you’re selling the place?” You cocked an eyebrow.
“Uh, not right now, but I’m sure I won’t live here forever. Or, maybe I will. I don’t know.” The air around you felt heavy for a moment, but Zak’s laughter broke the silence.
“I still can’t believe Aaron trashed your place like that. I mean, I have to give it to him, it’s pretty well done. Although, the glitter is pretty fucking cruel.” Zak grinned, making your heart skip. God, he was handsome, and funny, and just, well, everything you were looking for.
And, now, everything was really sinking in. The man on the screen was the man you were dating, Zak Bagans, the man you never thought you’d have a chance with until a few days ago. You were still pinching yourself.
“Yeah, glitter is the bane of me existence—” your phone buzzed beside you, cutting you off. You rolled your eyes at the name on the screen. “Speak of the devil. I never texted him last night, so he’s probably wondering if his ‘brilliant’ plan worked.”
Zak chuckled again, slipping his glasses on. “Well, I’ll leave it to you to rip him a new one. I’ve got to get over to my mom’s pretty soon.” You nodded and shook your phone.
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m already planning my payback.”
Zak leaned his head back as he cackled. “Well, if you need an accomplice, let me know.” You raised your brow. “It would only be fair. You know, since Jay was obviously in on it.”
“Oh? Have you chosen a side?” You giggled, taking a sip of coffee.
“I may have picked a side. Or, maybe I’m a double agent.” He winked, but you just narrowed your gaze.
“Traitor.” You laughed with Zak, admiring his gravelly laugh.
“Alright, well, I’ll text you later, okay? Have a great day, beautiful.” Your heart nearly burst out of your chest. But, you held it together with a smile, and nodded.
“Have fun, handsome. Say ‘hi’ to you mom for me.” Zak nodded, then blew you a kiss before signing off.
You sat in your chair for a second, allowing your mind to settle. Then, you picked up for phone, ready to rip Aaron a new asshole.
You glanced down at your phone. 1 New Text Message: Aar Bear
(10:03am) Aaron: How was your date, Lovebird? Did you make it home? ;)
(10:08am) Y/N: Oh, yeah. I made it home just fine. I had a blast yesterday. :) Oh, by the way, I fucking hate you.
(10:10am) Aaron: What? Why would you say something like that? I’m one of your best friends!
(10:11am) Y/N: Well, first of all, you owe me a new vacuum. That glitter completely fucking ruined it. Oh, and you aren’t allowed at my place ever again. Oh, and I know you had help. All threats will be neutralized.
(10:13am) Aaron: Uh, oh. We’ve been had. xD
(10:14am) Y/N: Karma’s a bitch, Goodwin. Watch your back.
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*Two days later*
Packing for an investigation was something that took you days to finish. Sure, it was only three or four nights from home, but it wasn’t anything like packing for a vacation. You obviously needed clothes and toiletries. But, you also needed your gear.
You slipped your laptop into its case and stood it next to your open suitcase. Then, you grabbed your still camera, an extra memory card, several rechargeable batteries, and your share of video cameras. The fact that your equipment suitcase was twice as big as your clothing suitcase never failed to make you laugh.
It was important to make sure every piece was properly charged and working properly. So, you followed the routine that Jay had taught you when you first started. You took a couple of shots with your still camera, which worked perfectly, then placed it into the protective pouch in your suitcase. Next, you tried out your video camera, testing a good minute of video, then placing it in its spot.
A knock at the door spooked you, nearly making you drop one of you night-vision cameras. Ah, they were early. You launched from the floor and shuffled over to the front door.
The crew all decided that it would be a good idea to meet the day before you left, as usual, to make sure there was a game plan for departure and for the first day of the investigation. So, Billy, Aaron, Jay, and Zak were all going to meet at your place to go over what needed to happen. Of course, that meant actually letting Aaron and Jay back into your home, which you promised you wouldn’t do until you got then back for their stunt. But, if you played it cool, you could get them back when they least expected it.
However, the timing worked perfectly, because your date with Zak would start after everyone left.
You opened the door, where you greeted Zak. He lived the closest to you, so you weren’t surprised he got there first, and twenty minutes early.
“Hey, you,” you greeted with a smile. Zak stepped inside, lugging two small suitcases of equipment. They obviously weren’t his clothing suitcases, yes plural. He had two, and each were twice the size of yours.
“Good morning, or I guess afternoon—” He stared down at his fancy watch. It was ten minutes passed noon, and your stomach was telling you it was almost lunch time.
“Just chuck those into my office. That’s where the rest of my equipment is right now. Do you want anything to drink? I was thinking about ordering lunch for everyone in a few minutes. I don’t have a lot of food around since we’re leaving tomorrow.” Something about having Zak in your home felt so natural. Sure, the guys liked to meet at your place and drop off the equipment with you the day before leaving. You were, after all, they main AV tech now, and all of the equipment should be in one spot where you can triple check it all before you left.
“Nah, I’m good gorgeous. When are the guys gonna be here?” Zak asked. You tilted your head.
“I told everyone, including you, to be here at twelve thirty, but I’m sure Aaron will be here closer to one. You know him.” You rolled your eyes and laughed.
“Well, my mom always taught me to be early,” he teased, shooting you a wink. “So, what’s the plan for tomorrow?”
You shrugged, leading Zak to your office. “I don’t know yet. Billy is going to tell us when he gets here. He always has the master plan.” Zak nodded, approaching you.
Zak placed his stuff beside your equipment bags, then turned to you. He reached out, curling your hair behind your ear, before allowing his hand to rest on your face. His thumb gently stroked your cheekbone.
“You excited for tonight? It’s not going to be as thrilling as our first date, but it will be fun.” You nodded, offering a blushing smile. “Good, me too.”
Zak leaned in and brushed his nose against yours. It was you who closed the distance, gently planting your lips on his. The moment you made contact, Zak hummed and smiled against you. His other arm slipped around your waist, pulling you closer against him. Your hands smoothed up his shoulders, then your arms found their place hooked around his neck.
His lips danced with yours, slow and soft. His hot breath tickled your cheeks as he pushed you backwards, stopping when your ass gently met with the edge of your desk. He wasn’t forceful or aggressive, but firm as his fingers curled around the fabric along your back.
“Ah-hem,” you heard a higher pitched voice clear their throat. You and Zak launched from each other and turned toward your office door, where you met the gaze of Billy and Jay. You really needed to get your key back from Jay.
“Uh, hey guys, you’re early.” Zak stared down at his watch again.
“Yeah, sorry if we’re interrupting anything,” Billy teased.
“Good thing we got here before they got too far,” Jay poked. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You caught Zak and me making out. Good for you. Can we just get started please?” You snapped playfully. The guys laughed, including Zak. Then, Billy and Jay tossed their gear onto the floor and plopped down on the floor beside it.
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Thanks for reading. Feedback is appreciated! <3
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: Feelings! PTSD! Anxiety! Clint! Team bonding! Reader is a badass 😍 And comic book medical accuracy .
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"It smells like a liquor factory in here," Bucky's voice came from the kitchenside, followed by noises of the team's arrival. Via portal, because the elevator made zero noise.
"I suggest you avoid the area around me and Clint. It might be contaminated." My voice sounded sharp to my own ears. I sat in silence for several hours, waiting for the team's return, while Clint restlessly dozed next to me.
My words caused the team to freeze in their tracks, owlishly blinking at me and at Clint laying sprawled on the floor, surrounded by plastic bags and biological hazard containment units. Tony's helmet swiftly covered his face - I heard muffled sounds coming from within, probably Friday's explanations. In seconds, the helmet retracted, showing an extremely worried Tony.
"How do you feel, Princess? Any weakness, any pain?"
"No symptoms, Tony. Just a fuckton of anxiety," I admitted, avoiding the concerned looks of Tony's teammates. "I almost drowned the room in alcohol but warned you just to be safe. Also, your alien pathogen protocol sucks."
"We made it so unauthorized personnel wouldn't get their hands on Thor's or Loki's blood samples," Bruce supplied meekly from where he was leaning against Steve, wearing a tattered hoodie and his hulk-out pants. "Off to decon we go," The scientist sighed. "Friday, code seven-zero-three-five-five. Pull up the data you gathered. In the shower." The man was exhausted, yet the call of science seemed to give Bruce a tiny energy boost. With newfound determination, he waddled to the communal showers, the rest of the team in tow.
Natasha's stare was truly unnerving. I was fully aware she and Barton had long history; the fact that I had to respond to one of the deadliest assassins if I had made even the slightest mistake - anxiety mixed with blind terror in me. I fought the nausea and the headache, focusing on Clint's hair between my fingers. His steady breathing.
He'd be okay. He had to be okay.
"You did great, Princess," The time passed in a blink. Bruce's warm hands were encompassing mine - gently pulling me away from Clint. I looked at Banner's face with unseeing eyes.
"I heard what Friday said and I can only applaud your quick thinking. You saved his life," Strange, sounding uncharacteristically quiet and bashful, parroted Bruce, hovering behind the scientist. His angular face was contorted in sorrow. "I believe I should apologize for dropping Barton onto you like that. I underestimated the extent of his injuries." The man sounded so, so guilty.
"I saved his life," I repeated in disbelief. Surely they were exaggerating.
"You did, malysh. For that, I am grateful," Natasha's hand found my own, squeezing briefly, before following Steve that had picked up a still-sleeping Clint, to, presumably, carry him to medical. "Come on, Banner, we need you."
Banner gave me a brief squeeze of his own, taking his leave, scurrying after Romanoff. I was left awkwardly standing in front of Strange, both of us disheveled and dazed.
"I ordered pizza," I said, just to fill the grim silence.
"Okay," Just like that, he snapped out of his trance, sitting down on the couch and picking up his food.
The others trickled in, Bucky, Pete, Thor, Loki, Sam, Wanda, Pietro. I saw it all like it was tinted by a thick fog. Their words made a jumbled cacophony when they reached my ears. Tony's arm around me - that woke me up, slightly. I focused on my favourite thing in the world - the faint smell of him, a mix of soap, machine oil and expensive cologne.
"She's shellshocked," Bucky suddenly said, pointing at me.
"No," I frowned. "No. I may be a fumbling idiot but I don't have PTSD."
Tony's breath stuttered in his chest. Promptly, I was turned around, a pair of intelligent brown orbs sharply gazing into my eyes. "Princess?"
"I'm so glad y'all are alright," I choked out, fisting the cotton of his shirt in my palm. "Even Stephen the asshole. Team bonding wouldn't be the same without his sarcasm," Hurrying to hide the fact that I was scared shitless, I did what I do best. I joked.
"Gods, you two are really a match made in heaven," Wanda's tired voice had 110% eye-roll in it. "So much self-deprication, almost as much as brilliance." The witch usually refrained from commenting on people's private thoughts. Usually, but not that day.
"I am relieved to know you hold me in high regards," Stephen's sarcastic remark made it's way around a mouthful of pizza.
Bucky's phone beeped. "They're saying Clint will be out in a few hours. No permanent damage, the gash on his leg won't scar and he's demanding Tony buy his saviour a cake," With a smile, the soldier read the text's contents out loud. "Also, the resident doc wants to hire you." Bucky pointed at me with a teasing grin.
"I, umm, I," Stammering, way to go. "I just - uh, I googled and I improvised? I'm not a doctor or a scientist, I'm a high school student," I replied, voice raising half an octave higher.
"Told you Tony, she's a friggin' genius," Peter sounded way too smug for someone who had a bruise half the size of his head.
"That she is," Tony's voice... Was different. It was honeyed and warm, blanketing me, surrounding me with safety. His arms tightened around me - not uncomfortably so, just enough to ground his presence in my personal space. I snuggled into him happily - he didn't mind at all. The cold glow and faint humming of his arc reactor calmed me. "Friday, cake. Princess cake from the bakery on Seventeenth."
Wow, Tony knew my favourite kind of cake. That was amazing.
"On it, boss." The AI immediately replied. "Well done, Miss." Friday addressed me with the same tone I heard in the lab. Gentle and understanding. It was so very strange.
We mulled around the living room until the pizza was gone and half the occupants were snoring away, dead where they sat. It was an unanimous decision to pull out the unfolding couch and form a cuddle pile of sorts - after such a long and grueling mission with one of their own facing the brink of death, all the superheroes were more than a little unsettled. I didn't exactly know where I fit in that. Obviously, all of them were close in one way or another. Even Loki and Stephen, seeing them get cussed out by Thor for attempting to leave was kind of amusing.
But it got me wondering. Maybe they felt like imposters, too? After all, I wasn't special. Loki wasn't considered a good guy. And Stephen was too much of a lone wolf. All three of us were comfortable alone, used to dealing on our own.
One look from Tony, Stark-patented puppy eyes, and I was making space for myself and for Stephen. Even if Loki insisted on grumbling all the way through, his exhaustion showed in the way he leaned on Thor's arm, using a weakly glimmering spell to summon himself a book and then closing his eyes for a moment.
Muted cheering broke out the moment elevator doors opened, showcasing a pale but smiling Clint held up on both sides by Natasha and Steve, Bruce half asleep on the blonde's other side.
"Looking pretty good for a dead bitch," Clint grinned in my direction.
I couldn't resist the bait. The boomer knew his memes, after all. "She's alive!"
He patted my leg, making his way to a free spot on the ginormous sofa bed. "Aw, pizza," He groused, spying the empty boxes.
"Should arrive in ten minutes," Bucky quipped, waving his phone. Then, the brunette super-soldier looked at me pointedly. "We usually order double after long missions."
"Duly noted, y'all hungry peoples." I said, filing it away for later. Thinking about more missions, more near-death experiences wasn't something I wanted to handle that very moment.
"So, uh, what exactly happened? My memory is pretty spotty," Clint demanded once he got his hands on some food.
"I also need to know. You're going to have to sign a statement and a mission report," Natasha stated apologetically.
I looked at her, confused. "Like... How many details do you need?"
Tony shifted beside me uncomfortably. I put a steadying hand on his leg - my palm was immediately dwarfed by his own. Natasha gave him a Look. "Fury's eyes only, but SHIELD needs to know how you figured out to neutralise a potential alien threat. Bruce ran some tests and this pathogen is... Pretty nasty, to say the least. It has the survivability to be classified as a potential weapon." Natasha's voice was apologetic, once more.
What have I gotten myself into? I was just trying to save a friend. "First of all, I'm not working for Men in Black, like, ever," I made the point to look her in the eyes. A brief moment later, she nodded. Tony relaxed, exhaling soundly. "Okay, get your reading glasses on. It went like this..." I retold the story, taking careful note to voice my thought processes as much as I remembered them. Save for a few surprised gasps and Tony haphazardly kissing the top of my head, the team gave me no interruptions.
Bruce was the first one to react once I was done. "But... How did you think of bloodletting? It's such an unusual solution," He mumbled more to himself.
"I've watched enough horror movies to know better than to introduce a foreign bacteria, such as antibiotics, to a person with an alien infection," I deadpanned, spying a satisfied smile on Stephen's face. "Worst case scenario, the substitution of infected blood with healthy would have diluted the amount of parasites or deflected their attention from eating away Clint's nerve endings. Him going bazinga from pain was my main concern," I admitted, the archer's pained cries once again filling my ears. The memory was still fresh.
"That makes sense," Bruce nodded.
"And what would you have done?" I asked, unable to withhold my curiosity.
"Sedated Clint while I examine the specimens," Banner replied with the obvious. "Then figure out how to cure the infection."
I nodded along slowly. "I considered that option but ultimately, I was too chicken to entertain the possibility of the parasites interacting with heavy sedatives. Fentanyl affects some of the blood components the parasites eat so only God knows how it might have ended."
Banner was impressed, that much was obvious. Tony's lips once again landed on the crown of my head, gentle and warm. More and more people in the room were giving me impressed, happy, grateful looks. It was strange and I squirmed in my spot, putting the half-eaten pizza slice back in the box, Steve immediately eyeing it in contemplation.
"Have at it, you human garbage disposal," I muttered, laying down comfortably. I was still shivering from the adrenaline rush and the soft blanket cocoon I shared with Tony and Stephen - their combined body heat under it - called to me like a siren.
"Are you well?" Loki noticed my state, casting a dark look over the edge of his book.
"Yeah, just cold. Us humans shiver when coming off an adrenaline rush," I remarked absently, pressing myself closer to Tony.
The engineer laid down, spooning me, tangling our legs together. We slept like that, all over each other, every time I stayed in his bed. It felt comfortable, like home, and nobody seemed to mind. Peter and Wanda, already snoozing away, were in a similarly indisposed state, octopus-ing their nearest teammates. Friends. Family.
My eyes drooped. My chest was about to burst with an odd sort of content - quiet, steady and welcoming. Tony's beard tickled my neck, breaths coming in soft puffs against my nape, spreading warmth all over me.
And there was something - someone warm in front of me, too, I could smell the sandalwood and spices of his cologne. Abandoning all reservations, I shamelessly wrapped both of my arms around a larger, more muscular one, taking note to avoid Stephen's scarred, sensitive hands. The flat of his tummy under my palm was rising and falling steadily, his breathing almost in sync with Tony's and mine.
All of us were safe and alive. It mattered to me, perhaps, more than I'd ever cared to admit out loud. As much as I refused to let them all in, for real and beyond silly gimmicks, they still wormed their way inside my heart, inside my brain. Not with long discussions and talking feelings - hell no, that's the hard and the boring shit, but with simply their presence.
Hugs. Mario Kart tournaments. Cake after I'd done good at something. Sunday morning pancakes for all. Homework. Sciencing together. Catching up on memes and just watching funny YouTube videos together. Playing Twister and Monopoly.
For the first time in my life, I had a stable presence. I belonged somwhere. It felt too good to deny, so once again, I allowed myself to be selfish.
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 11
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: DamonxOc, TylerxOc, ElijahxOc, KlausxOc endgame. Warnings: Mental and physical abuse.
She woke up to Damon tickling her sides “You turned my alarm off again didn’t you?” she groaned as she rolled over then pressed her lips to his. He hummed as positive answer and rolled on top of her. When he nibbled on her neck she tilted her head to the side. “You can if you want.” Katie sighed as she slid her hands up his back and looped her arms around his gripping his shoulders.
Damon sighed and kissed her neck then nibbled on it. She thought he was going to bite her like she told him he could, but instead he started kissing her chest and looked into her eyes as he kissed down to her inner thigh. She watched as the whites of his eyes turned red and the veins under his eyes popped to the surface. A quiet whimper left her lips when he bit her and he slid his hand over hers, his way of telling her he was sorry that he hurt her.
Thirty minutes later Katie was getting dressed for school. “So Stefan has offered to help us open the tomb.” He told her from where he laid on her bed with his hands behind his head and his feet crossed.
“I thought he was totally against you opening the tomb.” She said as she pulled a black Linkin Park shirt over her head.
“Yeah, well, he’ll do anything to get me out of town. Including letting Katherine out.” Damon said with an eye roll as he sat up and spun to hang his feet off of the bed.
“And you believe him?” Katie asked as she walked over and grabbed her jeans off of the bed next to him.
“Nope, not for a second, but…” he stood up and watched her put on her pants, “I’m going to play along and let him think that I trust him.”
“So I’m guessing that I need to play along as well?” she asked and he hummed a positive answer then picked her up and walked her over to the roll top desk that had taken the place of the nicer one that had been in the room, and set her down on it as he started kissing her. She sighed and wrapped her legs around him when he started kissing her neck. Once again those three little words made their way to the front of her mind and were on the tip of her tongue, but she bit her lips closed. Eventually he kissed his way to the other side of her neck and threaded his fingers through her loose waves. “Do you know how badly I want to ditch school and lock myself in here with you all day?”
“Mmhmm.” He hummed then stopped kissing her and turned his back to her. “Hop on.”
She rolled her eyes at him, but jumped on his back without question. He held her legs around him while she held on to his shoulders. “Where are we going?” she asked with a small laugh.
“Somewhere.” He answered playfully as he left her bedroom.
When she realized where he was taking her she spoke up. “Why are you taking me to Stefan’s room?” she asked as he came to Stefan’s door at the top of the stairs.
“Because he and Elena are probably having as good of a morning as ours and I want to ruin it.” he answered honestly. “Plus the four of us need to have a little chat. Now be a dear and open the door for me.” Katie just laughed as she let go of his shoulders and opened the door. “Rise and shine sleepy heads.” Damon chimed as he walked in and set Katie down on the floor.
“What are you doin’?” “Damon, please!” Stefan and Elena said at the same time.
“Katie, what are you doin’ here?” Elena asked when she noticed Katie behind Damon.
“Has Stefan not told you that I live here now?” Katie asked with a tilt of her head and a look at Stefan.
“Not here in this house here. Here as in Stefan’s bedroom.” Elena cleared up as she pulled the white sheet higher up her body.
“Apparently the four of us need to talk so…” Katie answered with a shrug then motioned at Damon.
“Seriously, get out of here.” Stefan told them.
“If I see something I haven’t seen before, I’ll throw a dollar at it.” Damon said as he walked in and sat down on the bed beside where Stefan was laying. Elena raised her eyebrows at him and Katie snickered as she walked over and leaned against the foot board of the bed. “Now listen. We have some very important business to discuss.”
“And it has to be right now?” Elena asked upset about them ruining their morning. Katie felt bad about it, but then she remembered the fight they’d had the other night and she no longer felt bad.
“Well, we have lots to do now that we’re all friends and working toward a common goal.” He said then stood up and wrapped his arm around Katie’s waist. “So in order to open the tomb, we need to find the journal to get the grimoire to undo the spells. First thing first,” he looked at Elena and pointed at her, “Since you are Elena Gilbert, you’re on journal duty.”
“Since when am I helping?” Elena asked as Katie watched Stefan resituate in the bed, the white sheet sliding down his nude torso.
“Well, Stefan’s helping and since you’ve taken up residence in Stefan’s bed, ergo…” Damon told them then looked at Katie to see her looking at Stefan. While Stefan was talking to Elena Damon snapped his fingers in Katie’s face. When she gave him a frown he gave her a what-are-you-doing look. She just smirked and shook her head at him.
“I’ll look for it today.” Elena told Stefan then covered her head with the sheet.
“Thank you.” Damon told her even though he couldn’t see her.
“How do we know that this journal will hold the location of the grimoire?” Stefan asked. “We’re really going to take the word of this vampire? He seemed like a bit of a dimwit.”
“Do you have any better leads?” Katie asked earning a stay out of it look from Stefan and a smirk from Damon.
“Ok, what exactly is a grimoire, anyway?” Elena asked coming back out of the covers.
“It’s a witch’s cookbook.” Damon answered.
“If Wikipedia is right it contains instructions on how they create talismans and how to perform spells and charms.” Katie spoke up. “Basically it like the little recipe boxes that most moms put their super secret recipes in.” Katie answered earning an impressed smirk from Damon.
“Every spell that a witch casts is unique unto itself. So every witch would document their work.” Stefan answered in a less metaphorical way.
“Yeah, cookbook.” Damon said brushing off how Stefan described it.
“What about our mystery vampire?” Stefan asked. “Dimwit obviously wasn’t working alone. So whoever’s out there knows who we are.”
“And I don’t like that disadvantage, so…” Damon clapped his hands, “Chop, chop.” He turned his back to Katie and kneeled down with his arms out to the side for her to jump back onto his back. She smiled and jumped as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know, I really like this whole ménage-foursome team thing.” He called as he walked to Stefan’s door. “It’s got a bit of a kink to it.” he said then laughed, “don’t screw it up.” He sing songed then tickled Katie’s leg making her yelp then laugh as he walked down the stairs.
After having a small breakfast Katie grabbed her bag and her phone, but couldn’t find her keys. “Damon, do you have my keys?” she called as she headed into the living room to find him sitting on the couch with her keys dangling from his finger and a smirk on his face. She smirked deviously and tapped her chin in thought trying to come up with a way to get them from him. “Hmm.” She hummed as she walked over, straddled his lap and pecked him on the lips then started kissing his neck. He sighed and placed his hands on her shoulder blades where she wouldn’t be able to reach her keys. “Please give me my keys?” she begged quietly. He laughed breathily and shook his head no. “Give me my keys and I’ll…” She leaned down and started whispering dirty things in his ear.
“Ooh, I like the sound of that.” His husky voice that made her insides shiver. She smiled and held her hand out for her keys. “You are lucky I like you so much.” He smiled and slapped the keys into her hand.
“Thank you.” she whispered as she leaned down and started kissing him.
“Seriously guys, not on the couch.” Stefan said as he and Elena walked in on them. Elena just stared at them with wide eyes never having seen her friend in such a position with a guy before.
Katie just laughed and slid back off of Damon to land on her feet and stood up. “Will I see you at the grill later?” Katie asked as she straightened her book bag on her shoulder and looked down at Damon.
“I’m probably still going to be busy looking for this stupid Gilbert journal.” He sighed and stood up and followed her to the door. “Have a good day at school.” He smiled and kissed her before he walked out of the door and shut it behind her.
Later that day Katie stood at the bar washing glasses and putting them away because Ben had decided to take the day off and go on a date with Bonnie. When she looked up from the sink she saw Ben and Bonnie walk in and sit down at a table in her section. So she pulled her note pad out and headed over to their table not bothering to grab menus since they both probably knew them by heart now. “What can I get you guys?” Katie asked as she walked over. They told her their drink orders and said they had already eaten and wouldn’t be ordering food. She was giving them their drinks when Damon and Jeremy walked in. Damon sat at a table by himself and Jeremy met up with a girl she’d seen at the grill with him a few times. She pulled out her phone and texted Damon. “What’s up? I thought you were tracking down the journal.”
She saw him pull out his phone and text her back. “I am. Jeremy’s little girlfriend has it.” she read then looked at him one more time then got back to work to keep from distracting him. As soon as Jeremy and Anna left Damon did too. A few minutes later Katie was finishing up putting away the glasses when she looked up and saw Bonnie kiss Ben then pull back as if he had burned her. Bonnie looked at Katie and they frowned at each other. “What’s wrong?” Katie mouthed but Bonnie turned back to Ben. She watched them until Bonnie stared toward the bathroom then took a quick turn for the doors.
Katie’s eyes went wide when she saw Ben whoosh in front of Bonnie and put his hand over her mouth as he pulled her out of the grill. She stopped what she was doing and headed for the back exit, texting Damon as she walked. She was about to hit send as she opened the back door, but Ben came out of nowhere and hit her in the back of her head, making her world go black.
The sound of the bathroom door shutting woke Katie up. “Katie?” Elena asked and Katie opened her eyes with a groan as she grabbed the back of her head.
“Elena?” Katie asked as she looked around and saw Elena standing near the door and Bonnie still passed out in the bathtub. “Where are we?” she asked looking around the small, hotel looking bathroom. “God, Bonnie...” Katie groaned and pointed at her witch friend. “Check on Bonnie.”
Elena wet a rag and started pressing it to Bonnie’s head. “Bonnie?” Elena asked when she saw Bonnie’s eyes start to open.
“Elena?” Bonnie asked as Katie appeared behind her. “Katie?”
“You’re okay.” Elena calmed her.
“Ugh, my head…” Bonnie complained then realization hit. “Oh my god, Ben is a-“
“Sush.” Elena cut her off, tapped her ear and pointed to the room. “They can hear.”
Katie stood up, turned on the faucet then put the toilet seat down and sat down. “I was so stupid!” Bonnie whispered as she sat up.
“No, he had all of us fooled.” Elena told her quietly.
“What’s going on? Why are we all here?” Bonnie asked.
“My guess is it has something to do with Emily’s grimoire. Anna had the Gilbert Journal so she wants that tomb open too. In order to do that they need a witch to do the reversal spell i.e. you.” Katie explained as she closed her eyes in pain and pressed a hand to the back of her head.
“What?” Bonnie asked with a look between her friends. “Why didn’t I know about any of this?”
“I don’t know why Katie didn’t say anything, but I was trying to keep you out of it, hoping it would never come to this.” Elena answered not looking at Katie.
“Yeah I’m apparently slow, I didn’t put two and two together until now. You’re a descendant of the witch that put the spell on the tomb, it would make since that you’d be the one they want to break it.” Katie said as she sat up and put her head in her hands.
“No way, I won’t do it.” Bonnie said with a shake of her head. Ben busted in making all of them jump. He turned the water off and glared at Bonnie. “You’re wasting your time. I’m not gonna do it.”
Ben just smiled and grabbed Elena and Katie, holding them by the backs of their shirts. “That’s why they’re here. Motivation for you to behave.” Ben smiled at Bonnie. “You know, you shouldn’t be so desperate. You made it too easy.” Ben threw Katie to the side and opened the bathroom door. “She wants to talk to you.” He pushed Elena out the door then shut it behind her staying in the bathroom with Katie and Bonnie.
After a while Anna knocked on the door and Ben grabbed the two girls by the arm. “Hey, I’m leaving. Keep them buttoned down.” She told Ben then glared at him. “Compulsion won’t work. Just use violence.”
“Right, I got that.” Ben told her aggravated then pushed Katie and Bonnie to sit on the bed next to the one Elena was sitting on. “Sit. Behave.” Ben practically barked at them then looked at Bonnie. “So you’re the key to this. Literally.” He took his jacket off and put it on the back of the wooden chair that sat in the middle of the room. “Tell me, how long have you been a witch?” he asked Bonnie as he sat on the arm of the chair.
“Is there anything to drink here?” Elena asked taking the heat off of Bonnie.
“Are you offering?” he asked standing up to tower over her with a smile. “There’s water on the night stand.”
Elena grabbed the glass and was about to take a drink when Bonnie asked, “Hey. Can I have a sip?” Elena gave her a questioning look. Katie, who’s face was hidden from Ben by her red waves, mouthed the word fire and Elena handed Bonnie the glass. Bonnie threw it on Ben and set it on fire. While he freaked out the three girls ran for the door.
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Bonnie and Katie got out, Katie leading the way, but he got the fire out and grabbed Elena. “Come back in, shut the door!” he yelled.
Bonnie and Katie looked at each other before Katie looked at Ben. “Please, don’t hurt her.” Katie asked.
“Don’t make me!” he yelled. Katie and Bonnie looked at each other to see what the other thought they should do. A part of Katie wanted to run and leave them behind, but another, much bigger, part knew that if she ran Ben would most likely hurt both of her friends and she couldn’t let that happen. So she gave Bonnie a nod and they both went back inside. “Lock it!” Ben yelled so Katie turned her back on him and locked the dead bolt and the chain. Ben grabbed Bonnie and threw her into the bathroom.
Katie and Elena were sitting on separate beds when the door was kicked in by Stefan who threw the curtains open making Ben yell and dive for shade. “Stefan!” Elena yelled and ran to him while Katie ran to the bathroom and got Bonnie.
“Get outside.” Stefan told them and Katie and Bonnie ran out of the door behind Elena.
Stefan said something that Katie couldn’t make out to Ben then came back outside and they started walking. “How did you figure out where we were?” Katie asked running to catch up to Stefan’s quick steps.
“Bonnie’s grandma did a locater spell for me.” He answered as they walked into the town square.
“Did Damon know where we were?” Katie asked wanting to know why it wasn’t Damon who had just rescued her.
“He knew you were missing and he couldn’t have cared less about finding you.” Stefan answered uncaringly.
Katie walked quietly behind the rest of them with her arms crossed over her chest until they got to Bonnie’s gram’s house. “So what do we do now?” Elena asked as they walked into the dining room of Grams house.
“Well for now you need to stay here.” Stefan answered.
“A prisoner, in my own home? I don’t think so.” Grams said from where she and Bonnie sat at the dining table while Katie, Elena and Stefan stood around them.
“I can’t protect you if you leave the house.” Stefan argued.
“We’ll protect ourselves.” Grams argued back.
“Katie, I know you’ve been helping him, but we need you to switch teams.” He told her with his usual brooding face. “I know you think he cares about you but he doesn’t. He’s manipulating you.”
“We need to let him have Katherine back.” Elena interrupted getting confused looked from all of them. “He’s not gonna stop until her gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it.”
“No. He doesn’t deserve to get what he wants.” Bonnie argued with a look over her shoulder at Elena. Katie bit her lips in order to keep herself from starting a fight.
“What other choice do we have?” Elena asked and Katie couldn’t help but wonder why she was actually on Damon’s side.
“Witches being pulled down by vampire problems… As much as we try to do to say out of it.” Grams said with a mad look at all of them then turned her eyes to Stefan. “I’ll open the tomb. You get your brothers girl and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be all over.”
“We still have to get Damon to agree.” Stefan said with his arms crossed over his chest.
“He already agreed once.” Elena pointed out.
“Yeah, and then we double crossed him.” Stefan replied making Katie frown.
“How did you double cross him?” Katie asked making Stefan and Elena look at her.
“We found the grimoire, without him. He force fed me his blood and threatened to kill me in order to get it back.” Elena told her with her snooty face on.
“So now he’s angry.” Stefan added with a shoulder shrug. “Katie, do you think you can get him to agree to our plan? He trusts you, he’s said so himself.” Stefan asked.
Katie sighed and placed her forearms on the table as she leaned down and rested her forehead on them. She didn’t know what to do. It was a given that the vampires that were in that tomb needed to be killed. There were enough vampires in town as it was, but they were offering to get Katherine out first, the only reason Damon wants the tomb opened at all. She stood up and ran her hand through her hair pushing it out of her face. “How do I know that you’re not lying to my face right now? How do I know that you aren’t just saying all of this to use me to get him on board then when the time comes you kill Katherine too?” she asked.
“Katie we wouldn’t do that to you.” Elena stepped up trying to make Katie understand.
“You and Bonnie might not,” she turned her green eyes to Stefan’s, “but I don’t trust you Stefan. I’ve heard too much from Damon about the kind of person you can be and I don’t blame him for not trusting you.”
“Katie, please, I am begging you. Help us and I promise we will let Katherine out.” Elena put her hands on Katie’s shoulder and gave her a light shake.
“Fine, okay? Fine.” Katie brushed Elena hands off of her. “I’ll go talk to him, but I’m not promising anything. Especially if he cares for me as little as Stefan says he does.” Katie left them behind and walked to the grill where her car had been left.
She found Damon in the library of the boarding house. He grabbed his jacket off of the back of the chair and started to grab the grimoire when he spotted Katie standing in the doorway. “Hi.” He told her with a smirk.
She crossed her arms over her chest and didn’t smile back. “Did you know that Anna and Ben were holding me hostage?” she asked as she walked down the steps and into the library to stand across from him. He hummed a positive answer. “So you were just going to leave me there?”
“No, I was going to get you back tonight, after the tomb is opened.” He told her as he set the grimoire down and placed his hands on her hips.
“So after you get your vampire girlfriend back?” she asked knowing that once he has Katherine back he’ll no longer care about her.”
“Yep.” He answered popping the p at the end of the word.
“Right, well despite the face that you were going to leave me to be tortured all day, I convinced Bonnie to help you.” she told him as she placed her hands on his chest. “The plan is: Open the door, break the seal, get Katherine out and torch the rest of them.”
Damon pressed his forehead to hers and looked into her eyes. “Can I trust you?”
“You’ll always be able to trust me, Damon. No matter what happens I’ll always be on your side.” She told him as she slid her hands up to rest on each side of his neck.
“Thank you.” he whispered then pressed his lips to hers and what almost felt like a goodbye kiss.
“So tonight’s the night huh?” she asked as she let go of him and picked up the grimoire.
“Yep.” He answered and took the book from her when she held it out to him.
“Okay. Then let’s get this over with.” She grumbled and headed for the front door with Damon on his heels.
The car ride to the church was quiet so Katie started talking realizing that this might be the last time she was ever alone with him. “So I’ve been thinking.” She started making him look across his shoulder at her. “I’m going into the tomb with you and I’ll give Katherine my blood.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He argued.
“I know you grabbed a blood bag, but wouldn’t it be better for her to have the fresh stuff?” she asked and he couldn’t understand how even though she loved him she was still trying to do right by the other woman.
“Katie I really don’t think you should go in there. There are going to be ugly desiccated vampires everywhere.”
“Like it or not I’m with you until you’re with her.” she told him stubbornly.
He smiled and rested his hand on the back of her neck, rubbing it with his thumb lovingly. “I love” he almost said you, but he paused.
“If you want to say it just say it.” she told him without looking at him.
“You sure?” he asked with a glance over at her.
“Yeah, tonight’s going to hurt regardless. I might as well know how you really feel before it’s over. Stefan seems to think it’s all been an act to manipulate me into helping you and having sex with you. I want to know the truth.” She told him still not looking at him.
“Katie look at me.” He told her, but she couldn’t make herself do it. He pulled the car over and stopped. “Look at me Katie Cat.” She finally looked at him fighting hard to keep the tears from her eyes. “I love you.” he told her looking her in the eyes as he cupped her face in his hands. “I’m I am so sorry I’ve done this to you. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“Then don’t.” her words came out broken as a tears slipped down her cheek. “Leave her in there and live the rest of my life with me.”
Damon squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead to hers. “I can’t do that. You deserve so much better than any life I could ever give you. You’re supposed to become a doctor and have kids and all the things come with being a human.”
“I don’t want any of that.” Katie argued.
“That’s a lie and you know it.” he told her as he let go of her face and pulled back out onto the road. “I owe it to her to get her out of there.” He told Katie in a firm voice that let her know their moment was over and there was nothing she could do to keep tonight from happening.
When they pulled up near the church Katie saw that there were a bunch of cars around and when they got out of the car they could hear music. Of course a party would be going on tonight of all nights. They ran into Caroline and Matt on their way to the church, but Caroline could tell that Katie wasn’t in a good mood and kept the conversation short.
Damon whistled when they got within earshot of the church. “Brother.” He greeted Stefan. “Witches.” Damon walked past them.
Stefan turned to Katie. “Everything okay?”
“Peachy.” Katie popped off with a sarcastic smile. Then headed down into the tomb herself.
Not long after, Bonnie, Grams, Elena and Stefan joined them. “Air, earth, fire.” Grams said as she lit three torches.
“Water.” Bonnie added as she held up a bottle of water and handed it to her grams.
“That’s it, just water from the tap?” Elena asked.
“As opposed to what?” Grams asked.
“I just figured maybe it would have to be blessed or mystical or something.” Elena answered earning a smile from the older woman.
It was quiet as they all watched Grams and Bonnie getting ready. Damon walked over and stood behind Katie wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he leaned over to Stefan and said, “Admit it, you can’t wait to get rid of me.”
Stefan gave him a small smile and a head shake. “I can’t wait to get rid of you.”
Damon hummed and leaned around Katie and pecked her on the cheek. “We’re ready.” Bonnie told them from where he and Grams stood in the middle of their circle. The two of them joined hands and started speaking an old sounding language. After a few minutes the flames of the torches spiked and the stone door that Damon and Katie stood in front of opened. “It worked.”
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“Of course it worked.” Grams replied to her granddaughter not looking at her but at the door.
“I’m gonna go get the gasoline, I’ll be right back.” Stefan told Elena then headed up the stairs.
“You ready?” Damon asked as he held his hand out for Katie’s.
“Yep.” Katie smacked her hand into his.
“What?” Bonnie asked with a confused look between Damon and her friend.
“Did you really think I was going to go in there by myself so you can seal me in?” he asked and Bonnie looked at Katie as if she had betrayed her.
“That wasn’t part of the plan.” Grams told Katie with a look that told her not to go in.
“It’s part of my plan and it looks like I was right not to trust you guys.” She looked up at Damon and jerked her head to the open stone door.
“Don’t take her in. I’ll bring the walls down.” Grams warned him.
“You’ll bring the walls down if I don’t. You think I trust you?” Damon asked.
“Only as much as I trust you.” Grams popped off.
“Enough!” Katie stopped them. “Both of you. We’re going inside and I’d really like it if we both survived it. We stick to the original plan and everyone wins.” Katie told them then disappeared behind the door, dragging Damon in behind her. They wandered the dark tombs. She had a flashlight and him a torch, but he let go of her hand and left her behind. “Damon?” she called as she slowly navigated the tomb, trying not to trip over desiccated vampires. “Damon?”
Someone grabbed her from behind and she screamed as she was turned around and her flashlight landed on Anna’s face. “You really are stupid enough to do anything for him aren’t you?” Anna asked her and Katie took a step back from her only to stumble over someone’s leg. “Mother?” Katie shined her light on a vampire woman who was leaning against the stone wall. “Mother.” Ana rubbed her shoulder then turned to Katie. “Your boyfriend did this you know.”
“His father did this not Damon.” Katie argued. “But I’ll help her if you’ll let me.” Katie pulled a small pocket knife out of her back pocket and opened it.
“Why would you help me?” Anna asked from where he kneeled next to her mom. “What’s the catch?”
“Because I’d do anything to get my mother back.” Katie answered. “The only thing I ask is that she doesn’t drink me dry and you don’t tell anyone that it was my blood that got her out of here.”
“Okay, we have a deal.” Anna nodded so Katie kneeled down, wrapped her hand around the blade of the knife and quickly pulled the edge across her palm. Anna’s mom started stirring as the scent of Katie’s blood.
Katie cupped her hand and held it up to the woman’s mouth that opened wider as her blood slipped between her lips. “Come on, Anna’s mom, drink up.” Katie told the woman not knowing her name.
“Her name is pearl.” Anna told her.
Katie nodded then looked up when Stefan appeared, “Katie, I heard you scream.” He told her then realized what she was doing. “What are you doing?” he asked with frown.
“Being cooperative.” Katie replied and wiggled her fingers in an attempt to get more blood flowing and Pearl closed her mouth over the cut, the color flooded back to the woman’s skin. So Katie pulled her hand back. “If that’s not enough to get her out of here I’m sorry. I have to find Damon and Katherine.” Katie told Anna and stood up, pressing the bottom of her shirt to her hand.
“Thank you.” Anna told her then turned to her mother who said her name.
“Get out of here, Katie, I’ll find Damon.” Stefan told her and put his hand on her shoulder to push her out of the tomb, but Katie pulled back.
“I told Damon I would be with him till the end of us an I meant it. You go if you want, but I’m finding him.” She turned from him and ventured further into the tomb not paying attention to where he went.
“Katie, Damon and I aren’t coming out.” Stefan told her looking sad. “Bonnie and her grandma didn’t break the seal, they just opened the door.”
“Does Elena know you’re trapped in here?” Katie asked with creased brows.
Stefan nodded. “I heard you scream. I had to make sure you were safe.” he answered and Katie looked at him realizing that maybe he cared about her more than he let on. “Let’s go find Damon. They’re working on breaking the seal, but it won’t last long.” He placed his hand on her back and they started walking the tunnel until they found Damon.
“Damon?” Katie asked seeing him kick the wall in frustration.
“She’s not here.” She told her walking the room like a trapped tiger.
“What?” Stefan asked, pushing Katie behind him.
“She’s not here!” Damon yelled and threw the blood bag he had been planning on giving Katherine against the wall causing blood to splatter everywhere.
“Damon we need to get out of here.” Stefan told him.
“It doesn’t make sense. They locked her inside.” He said more to himself than Katie and Stefan.
“If we don’t leave now, we’re not getting out.” Stefan tried to get through to Damon, but he wasn’t listening.
“How could she not be in here?” he asked still pacing the room.
“It’s not worth spending all of eternity down here!” Stefan yelled at him. “She’s not worth it!”
“No!” Damon shoved Stefan.
“Damon!” Katie finally untied her tongue getting Damon’s attention. “I can’t lose you. Please.” She held her hand out to him.
He shrugged his jacket sleeve that had slipped off of his shoulder during his rampage back on and walked past her, not taking her hand. She and Stefan followed him out of the tomb. The door slammed shut behind them and Elena threw herself into Stefan’s arms as soon as she could. Elena and Stefan ran up the stirs to outside where Jeremy was lying on the ground knocked out while Katie followed Damon up the stairs. Elena walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist before Katie had the chance to. “I’m sorry.” She told him while Stefan and Katie just watched the weird exchange.
When Elena let him go Katie walked over and got his attention. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.” He shook his head no but handed her his keys.
“Take my car home.” He told her numbly and she just nodded.
She drove Damon’s car to the boarding house and left his keys in the seat then got into her car and headed to Bonnie’s grams house. As she let herself inside she heard Bonnie crying and Elena talking rushed and tensely to someone on the phone. Katie followed their voices to Grams bedroom to see Bonnie crying hysterically holding her grandmothers hand. As Katie looked at the older woman she realized she wasn’t breathing and tears started slipping down her cheeks. “Oh my god, Bonnie.” Bonnie looked over her shoulder at Katie who fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around her friend. Elena hung up the phone and joined them in their group hug.
It was two in the morning when the ambulance drove away with Gram’s, who had been pronounced dead at the scene, in the back. The three girls stood on the porch as it drove away. “Do you want us to stay with you?” Katie asked from where she stood beside her friend.
“No, I really need to be by myself right now.” Bonnie said with a shake of her head and Katie looked at Elena to see what she thought about it.
Elena nodded. “Okay, well, don’t be afraid to call one of us if you change your mind.” She told her.
“Or both of us, we won’t care.” Katie added as she walked down the porch steps.
“Thank you guys.” Bonnie told them then went back inside.
“You think she’ll be okay?” Katie asked as she wiped her stuffy, sore nose with a tissue.
“Not for a long time.” Elena said as she walked past her.
Katie walked into the boarding house and was greeted by Stefan. “Hey, I heard about grams. You okay?” he asked as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“Not really.” Katie answered as she walked past him.
“Well, you know where my rooms at if you ever need to talk about…anything.” He told her as he moved up to walk beside her. “Just…knock, next time.” He told her referring to how she and Damon burst in this morning.
“You got it.” she told him as he parted ways, him headed to his room while she headed to the living room where she found Damon with a glass of bourbon in his hand as he stared at the fire in the fire place.
“So Katherine’s alive.” He told her where she stood between the couches that sat on either side of the fireplace.
“What?” Katie asked with a creased brow.
“Yep. She has been this whole time.” He told her. “Apparently she was in Chicago in 1983.” He said as he stood up and finally looked at her.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Katherine didn’t give a shit about Damon. “I’m so sorry.” Katie’s hand fisted her necklace.
Damon downed the bourbon then went to the set of crystal on a table that set behind one of the couches and refilled the glass. "You're welcome to keep staying here, but we're over."
"What?" Katie asked, staring at him with wide, shocked eyes as her heart leapt into her throat.
"You heard me." He said as he grabbed his glass and walked over to her. "We're done, just like we planned all along."
"The plan was for you to be with Katherine and that didn't happen. So no, were not over." Katie argued.
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"Yes we are!" Damon yelled and threw the glass against the wall then whooshed over pinning her to the wall with her hands in his on each side of her head. "Get this through your thick little skull. I...don't...want you."
"Damon." Stefan's voice pulled Katie's eyes to him where he stood behind Damon at the end of one of the couches. "Let her go."
She turned her eyes back to Damon and leaned as far forward as she could to get in his face. “And you get this through yours. I…love…you.” she glared into his eyes that kept glaring into hers. “I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.” The only thing keeping her from crying was her anger. “But you should know, if you push me away right now, I will not come back to you. No matter how much you beg me, how much you say you miss me it will…not…work. So think long and hard about what you’re doing right now.” She leaned her head back against the wall and stayed quiet for what felt like forever, glaring at him, giving him time to think, before she said, “Simple question. Simple yes or no answer, are we really over?”
Damon leaned down to get in her face and said, “Yes” then let go of her hands and backed up not breaking eye contact with her. She moved around him and gave Stefan a nod of thanks then went to her room.
That night she cried herself to sleep feeling more alone than she had in a very long time.
The next few days seemed to be a messy blur of helping Bonnie with her grams funeral, and Damon dragging multiple women to the house and partying with them at all hours of the day and night.
After Grams funeral Katie came home to see Damon with a blond on his lap as he drank from her neck. As always the sight sent a dagger through her chest and she had to bite back her tears. "Katie!" Damon called her name in a cheery voice seeing her watching him from the entry way. He pushed the girl to the side and walked over to her. "You look hot in black. Who are you all dressed up for?"
She just looked up at him with eyes that were red from crying and put her hand on the table to her right that had shards of broken glass that used to be a vase on it. She didn't know what happened and she didn't really care. "Gram’s funeral." She answered coldly as she discreetly inched a piece of the glass into her hand.
"You should join us, have some fun." He suggested with a smile, his face smudged with the woman’s blood, as he put his hand on the table next to hers.
Katie smiled back then let the smile turn to a sneer as she slammed the glass into the back of his hand. His face didn't show the slightest hit of pain. "Fuck you, Damon."
That night, after she had changed out of the black lace funeral dress, showered and made sure her school work was in order for Monday, she heard a knock on her door. She closed her journal and walked over to the door, but paused when her hand grabbed the knob. "Who it is?" She asked suspiciously.
"It’s just me, Stefan." She heard from the other side so she pulled the door open.
"Hi." She said with a forced smile. Real ones didn't come easily anymore. She left the door open and sat down in the center of her bed.
"I know Elena's a mess, but how are you?" He asked as he moved her desk chair over to the foot of the bed and set down.
"Oh I'm walking on freaking sunshine." She quipped as she moved around to sit cross legged. Stefan smiled at her sarcasm. "Every time I walk in and see Damon with some compelled slut in his lap it’s just another ray that gets added." She said as she turned her eyes to her hands as she picked at her cuticles.
"I wasn’t just saying it to be nice when I told I was here if you ever needed to talk." Stefan told her as he leaned forward putting his elbows on his knees. "I want us to be friends, Katie."
"The last guy that told me he wanted to be my friend ripped my heart out and keeps repeatedly stabbing it." Katie replied looking up from her hands in her lap to seeing him looking at her with an extra crease in his always brooding brow. "You want to know how I'm doing?" She asked turning her eyes back down to her hands. "Three months ago I lived with someone who would randomly beat me for shit that I didn't do. Now I live with someone who hurts me every time I walk through the door."
"I'm sorry." She could tell when she looked at his green eyes that he meant it.
"When we were packing my stuff Damon found my parents will, hidden in my father’s old desk. According to it my parent’s house becomes mine when I turn eighteen.” Katie hadn’t told anyone about her parents will. There hadn’t been a good opportunity. “So I’ll only be here until February. After that I’ll kick my grandfather out, get my house back and be out of your hair.”
“You’re not in my hair.” He told her with a shake of his head. “You know I was the one that suggested that you stay here, right?” he asked.
Katie gave him a suspicious side look. “Really?”
“Why is that so hard to believe?” he asked. “You need a room, we have plenty.” He said with a motion around him.
“I guess I can believe it.” She said as she looked down and started picking fuzz from her comforter. “I mean you did run into a tomb that you didn’t know if you could get out of just to save me.” She pointed out. “Thank you by the way.”
“How’s your hand?” he asked with a nod toward her left hand.
She held it up showing him the two inch slash mark that had scabbed over. “It’s healing.”
“You will too, you know. It’s just going to take time.” He told her.
“Yeah, but I cut this one earlier when I stabbed Damon with a piece of broken glass.” She said as she held up her right hand. “How’s that for an analogy?” she asked as she let it fall to her lap and he just shook his head.
“First loves always hurt the worst.” He told her as he leaned back in the chair.
“Who said he was my first love?” she asked and he just rolled his eyes at her. “Yeah, okay, I guess it was obvious.” She said with a roll of her own eyes.
“Okay, I may be a vampire, but I still need sleep.” He said with a sigh as he stood up and walked over to her door. “Goodnight Katie.”
“Night.” She called as he walked out and shut the door behind him.
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we-justhere · 4 years
Oops pt. 2 but not like you’re thinking
Before I get into this, I just want to make it clear that I am very bad at commitment. I’m not good at doing things every day, either because I forget to or lose motivation, and almost as soon as I promised to post things I fell into a bout of ‘sadness’, no further details needed. I have requests that I will fill, you have been heard, but until then. 
I did a rp with @the-elusive-libbin and she gave me permission to post it. Granted there’s demand there might be a second part, but I’m posting this now because it’s starvation and the second half would be stuffing. I don’t want to subject you to it if that’s not what you’re here for, I understand. This is @the-elusive-libbin‘s own self-insert and Jakurai Jinguji of  Hypnosis Mic: Division Rap Battle. Let me know if you enjoy it. 
Exhaustion and fatigue was something Jakurai was sort of used to. He had a high stress job that squeezed the energy out of him throughout the day, and often he would be able to be just fine until he got home and he would instantly collapse after getting at least a few mouthfuls of food into his belly. But that was all granted things went sort of well.
Everything needed his attention today, and emergency after emergency forced him to go in and out of rooms without being able to even think between moments. He lost track of time and didn't exactly desire to check, but before he knew it he was stopped and told to take his lunch.
He probably did need to eat. He definitely needed to eat, but by then he was already full of adrenaline and had patients to take care of. He brushed off his breaks and his lunches and kept working, not yet feeling any sort of hunger or exhaustion. He wasn't worried about it yet.
He actually didn't have to worry about it for a long time and his body was patient enough to keep him going until his last patient. All of a sudden his body started slowing down and it took that much more effort to keep his eyes open and stay awake. He fought with his body on it for as long as he could until he was free to go, at which point he went right to his desk and fell asleep.
It wasn't as much of a 'I'm going to take a nap', it was more of a 'I'm going to collapse in the middle of work if I don't sleep'. Either way, he was completely blacked out.
Lily started down the miraculously clean corridor towards the doctor’s office. Sterile white walls surrounded her as she walked, a maze of monotonous barriers that all seemed to connect to everywhere and nowhere all at the same time. Lily knew her route and hardly even had to think about where she was going or which direction to take, she had grown accustomed to it all through work.
The doctor was her higher up, that was all too true and she worked mostly for him as his nurse and organizer, in fact it was rare that she ever worked for another doctor within the practice; but today was different. She had hardly seen the long haired man with his ever present bags under his eyes and his white coat today aside from one point mid day where she had reminded him of his break, during a fleeting moment where the two passed by one another in a corridor. It had been way too busy to breathe, let alone chat and so the nurse thought it best to save discussing future plans with the older male until after the rush. The rush passed and the doctor was still MIA.
Lily approached a large, grey door that sported a miniature, frosted glass window and a small, golden nameplate. ‘Jinguji Jakurai Sensei.’ It stated in bold, black lettering. Perhaps the nurse had thought it best to check the doctor’s office last? In theory it should have been the first place she concluded to find the target. With a sigh at her own thought process, she turned the handle and entered the room What she saw left her slightly in awe. The doctor was sat at his desk, seemingly passed out, his long hair draped across the surface as his folded arms cradled his sleeping head. This was the first time the nurse had ever seen the doctor in this state. At first she became concerned that he may actually be dead but the soft rise and fall of his back as he breathed disregarded that notion.
The sound of the door stirred the doctor, forcing a quiet groan of unwillingness out of him. He hated the idea of moving, of waking up after sleeping for what only felt like a few seconds. His body was drained,, exhausted after not even finishing a full day. It was rather disconcerting.
His arms were suddenly comforting here, but once he saw who was in his office that comfort melted away into slight embarrassment. "Excuse me." He murmured as he straightened himself out, brushing out his uniform. "Our break.. is it over so soon? I only meant to be a few minutes." He combed his hand through his hair. "I'll be right out with you. I must have lost track of time."
“It’s only me.” Lily smiled, clipboard clutched close to her chest as she listened to his words carefully. Seeing him in a sleeping state like that was so out of character, so unusual, so....adorable! She wished just for a moment that he would fall back asleep. She shook the thoughts from her mind, quite literally and made herself dizzy in the process. “Hmm, sensei....you were gone for quite a while. You uhh, how do I put this? You fell asleep for longer than you may have thought. Your shift is over...you slept through.” She touched his shoulder gently with the softest smile she could muster. “You were so exhausted, I think your body may have started working against you there.”
His rest felt so short.. had he really slept that long? He glanced at his clock and felt his heart sink when it was confirmed before his very eyes. "Damn." Of course he slept through the rest of his shift. He held his hand to his forehead, cursing the time and his own body. It was embarrassing, being that reckless on the job when there very well could have been something serious that he should have been present for. Not that he seemed to mind that sort of thing, as his own stomach was one of the very things that he neglected most when it needed his attention. 
 "I didn't miss anything, did I?" He continued, meeting Lily's eyes. "I wish you would have woken me up sooner."
"You didn't, all of our patients remained stable after you left. We were busy but we managed to keep a hold of it all. Everything's okay. I'd have woken you up but I had no idea you were sleeping in here." She gestured to the office. "My apologies sensei, had I known where you were I'd have come to get you sooner"
It helped to know that he, at the very least, wasn't absent for something serious. He couldn't even imagine how embarrassed he would be if they needed him and he wasn't there because he was napping in his office. He would have to make it a note to force himself to sleep better at home, not that the damage hadn't already been done. "I'm glad they're doing better. Our patients, I mean." He started to trail off a bit as a growl tore through his stomach, stealing his thoughts away. He cringed at the feeling and clutched at his stomach. "Ah.. excuse me.."
Lily stared at the doctor’s stomach for a moment and then blinked. Once. Twice. Was- was that what she thought it was? The nurse’s thoughts were confirmed when she saw a hand grip tightly at the doctor’s abdomen. “W-was that your-?” A light blush rose to her cheeks as she accidentally cut herself off .
"We had an emergency during what was supposed to be my lunch." His arm didn't leave his stomach, partly out of shame and partly because the pain was somewhat lessened with the pressure. It was embarrassment after embarrassment, and Jakurai couldn't tolerate another noise like that. "I suppose that might have been a part of the problem. I didn't exactly have enough time to.." He cleared his throat and spoke in a more hushed tone. "You understand."
The nurse could feel her heart pounding in her chest and her face felt warm even without physically touching it. It took a minute or so before she could speak again, secondhand embarrassment washing over her. She had never in her life heard the doc's stomach and now she had, while they were alone....and it was fairly loud. "Y-you haven't eaten then?" A question that was more rhetorical than not.
The pause was just as excruciating for him, if not more. He was very grateful when she started talking. "Not since.." Well, his breakfast wasn't exactly outstanding either. He usually just ate whatever was quick enough to bring along with him if he even felt breakfast was necessary, as he was normally fine until lunch. Maybe 'fine' wasn't the best word, but rather he didn't feel weak or queasy until then. "No, I guess I haven't."
"Your poor tummy!" She almost cooed, accidentally using a less scientific term for stomach in the process. Perhaps she meant to keep that part in her mind bit regardless she blurted it into the open and now she felt even more warm in the face.
"It doesn't usually give me trouble." He loosened his grip over his stomach, choosing to ignore how cheery she seemed to be about the situation~ "I suppose I don't really allow it to give me trouble. We don't exactly have time to be focusing on ourselves." He was more or less speaking for himself. Obviously. "I'll be fine."
"You'll be fine when you get sustenance sensei. Your stomach is empty and you need fuel." She reached out and tentatively placed her palm against his midsection over his clothes, her hand shaking nervously as she did.
He didn't make any sort of effort to stop her. She already heard it, he didn't feel the need to pretend it didn't happen. He did get a slight tingling sensation under her palm, but that was greatly overshadowed by the dull, nigh constant rumbles that he had been trying so hard to conceal. He was sure she could feel them, but he couldn't tell how she felt about it. "I appreciate the concern."
It was then that without thinking Lily began to rub at the abdomen in front of her, setting the clipboard she held with her other hand down on the doctor's desk. She could feel harsh vibrations from palm to fingertip as his stomach clenched and spasmed under her hand. Deep yet fairly quiet grumbling came at intervals, sounding through the layers of muscle, skin and organ. Up and down, gently adding pressure as she rubbed his concave stomach, her face turning a colour that she presumed to be nothing short of crimson. The nurse could not meet his eyes and therefore could not tell his expression. The nerves were too real.
That certainly answered his question. He initially assumed it was a mistake, that her hand had slipped or something, but that proved to be absolutely ridiculous within the very same instant. He felt his breath leave his lungs once he realized what she was doing, but the more she massaged his clenched muscle the better it started to feel. Her hands felt soft and comforting even if they were above his clothes, and it really did feel like she was suppressing painful hunger pangs and making them more bearable. If not for her hot blush, the doctor would have no insight on how she was feeling or how nervous she was.
 He gently took her hands into his, temporarily pausing the massage. "I don't understand where this is coming from. You have to tell me."
"I-I just-" she stammered. He was actually HOLDING her hands. Both of them. Not just one, but both! She would have flushed more if she could. "I j-just thought if I massaged your stomach it would ease the p-pain. I meant no I'll will"
"It did ease the pain." He started to let go of her hands when he saw how quickly she fell apart. "It just seemed so sudden. You're always so nervous around me." It was such a confident move. Seemed so out of place for someone so timid, especially one that was proving his point with that powerful blush. "I really didn't mind it."
"w-well I..." she hid her face in her hands and said nothing more. What if he thought she was weird now? What if he became wary around her? 
  "I didn't mean to embarrass you." He stopped himself from touching her hands again. "I just needed to ask. I'm sorry if I.. spoiled it for you." Whatever 'it' happened to be. He didn't think of it as a pleasure thing and really did think she was doing it to help him feel better. It was a service, more like~ "It felt nice."
Lily peeped through the fingers on her one hand and gulped nervously. Was he actually smiling softly back at her? Her heart skipped a beat and she removed both hands from her face. "W-would you like me to continue?" She fidgeted on the spot.
The massages to help with the pain ironically kept him from going home and properly eating. The irony wasn't lost on him. This was the better option though-One where he got a free massage after a long day from someone that could hardly be around him without nearly combusting before this. "I wouldn't say no to it." He agreed, a slight purr evident in his voice. "Though I imagine it will get worse no matter how much you take care of it."
“T-then...” Lily tucked her hair behind one ear and knelt down on the floor next to the doctor. She placed her hand back onto his empty tummy and began to massage once again. “Then I’ll continue a while longer.”
His cheeks reddened as she knelt next to him. He didn't get this sort of attention a lot, really ever, and especially not from her. He didn't think she was even capable of doing this. He felt like he should talk, or say something at least, but all he could really think about was her hands. "Have you thought about doing this before?"
She flinched. “What? D-do you mean massaging your belly?” She immediately flushed and ducked her head as she realized what she had said. 
"Y..yes." It was strange to go from how they usually talked to each other to how they were talking now. His hand twitched, a visible effort he made to stop himself from covering his stomach as a noisy rumble sounded off beneath his shirt. It would take some time to get used to hearing that. "..You don't have to answer that."
Lily twinged as the doctor’s stomach groaned beneath her hand and was surprised at the little noise he gave off himself “Answer your question or your stomach?” 
"The question." His face flushed at her statement. "I assumed that this had to come from somewhere. That you wouldn't have done this for no reason." He looked at her hand rather than her face. "I'm looking too far into it."
“M-maybe you are.....” she trailed off, letting her words linger in the air for a while. She massaged what she thought was a knot and earned a deep roar from the belly in return. Changing the subject seemed to be a good option so lily took it. “You sound so empty.”
The roar was extra painful for him, making it impossible to stop a grunt. It was bittersweet, both the pain of such deep growls with the pleasure of the massage, and he couldn't agree more with her. "I'm sure I've gone this long without eating before. I can't remember it ever hurting this much." That didn't really mean an awful lot. "I guess I stuff it when I get home on days like this before I give it the chance to hurt."
The nurse’s eyes widened. “Stuff...” it came across as a question though it was never meant to be. Her eyes met his finally as they sparkled hopefully.
"Not intentionally." He dragged his fingers through his hair, taking her question as concern or judgment. "I just try to shut it up before it gets started. I don't mean to gorge or anything. I stop before it gets to be too much. I promise." His mood shifted when he saw that glittering in her eyes. There wasn't any sort of judging to be seen on her face. "I really do try not to eat too much. Even when I'm hungry." 
“I see~” she smiled, her grin showing just how happy in the moment she actually was. “But you have been stuffed before? Full of food.” She knew talking about food could possibly upset his stomach into complaining and cramping up but in Lily’s eyes that was a bonus. Regardless of embarrassment, she was finding a way to push through and talk about things she really wanted to talk about. Things she truly desired.
"I don't think I've ever needed to." He had accidentally overeaten maybe once, but he never let himself indulge. He was tired when he got home, lunch was his main meal and dinner was what he could get down before he fell asleep. Stuffing himself.. didn't seem so bad right now. It actually sounded nice, and thinking about it made his hunger feel that much more dramatic. "Maybe I will tonight.. since I've already slept plenty."
Lily fidgeted. She remembered how Hifumi tended to cook for the doctor on occasion to save time and an idea struck, sticking to her mind like tape to paper. “I....I could cook for you sensei...I-If you’re not busy.” She rambled, her face flushing. “I mean you don’t have to, it’s not weird like a date or anything....!!!Date?!? No I didn’t mean that, well I did, it’s just that you’re hungry and I have food...I mean I can make food....I’m going to stop talking now.”
Her scrambling was sort of charming. This was the Lily that he had come to know. He had somewhat expected an offer after her line of questioning, though he had to admit he didn't know what the offer was going to be, exactly. Free food was always a pleasure regardless. "I don't know how much energy I'd have to cook when I got home anyway. If it's not too much of a bother, of course, I'd love to eat with you. Ah, please don't feel pressured to feed me. I know it seems pretty bad, but I assure you I know how to feed myself.”
Lily paused, her face turning red. She stood and looked around the doctor’s chin area, again avoiding eye contact. “T-then....w-would you like to come to my house for a homemade meal? I’ll t-try to keep the portion size as accurate as possible...”
He wasn't sure what she meant by 'accurate', but he would trust her. They were both trained to take care of people, who would know better than her? Homemade sounded good anyway, no matter what it was she planned to cook. He supposed people enjoyed cooking for him, that he wouldn't have to cook for himself with all of this pampering.  "That sounds nice. I wouldn't mind the company, either."
That’s all I have for you. It’s pretty long, sorry about that. Maybe.
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crysta-cub · 5 years
Caught in a Blind. Chapter 4: Brotherly love is best medicine.
Stretch wakes up and gets some eye opening bits of information.
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Stretch’s body felt like lead, as if all his magic had drained all at once and it was slowly coming back to him. Vaguely it reminded him of the time he tried to see how many times he could shortcut in a day. Twelve before he collapsed, last he remembered. A dull pain sat somewhere between his sockets. One that made thinking about opening them seem like the worst idea. However, he was awake, and something was pressed against his side, so he was curious. Slowly, he cracked open his sockets, they didn’t feel raw, per se, more like something was missing. At first, everything looked like indistinguishable grey blurs. Blinking away the haze, Stretch began to notice colors, notably the blue bow of a certain familiar form curled up next to him. Soon came shapes, one that caused him to smile as he recognized his brother sleeping at his side. Slowly, Stretch lifted his right hand over his brother’s shoulder and gave him a small squeeze. Blue curled into his side for a second, murmured something before his eye-sockets binked open. Hazy baby blue eyes glanced up at him, causing the smaller monster to give a sleepy gasp. “Papy, You’re Awake. How Are You Feeling? Can You See?” Even though the smaller monster was obviously tired, worry still etched into his voice. Stretch smiled softly at his brother, giving his shoulder another small squeeze. “kinda tired, kinda heavy. a little hard to move.” Stretch’s voice sounded hoarse, he gulped down a bit of magic to try to soothe the rawness. “but i can see, it’s good to see you again bro.” Blue sighed in relief. “I’m Glad.” He pushed himself up into a sitting position and reached over to the nightstand to grab a glass of water to offer to Stretch. Stretch tried to lift his other hand to grab it, only for that weighted feeling to keep him down. Blue smiled before moving the glass closer to Stretch’s face, helping him to lift his head and tilted the glass so Stretch could drink, much to his appreciation. He finished the glass quickly, surprised by his thirst. Blue placed the glass back onto the nightstand before snuggling back into Stretch’s arm.
“I Was Worried The Cream Wouldn’t Work With How Long You Had That Horrid Stuff On Your Face. You Where Running Low On Magic, Which Caused You To Pass Out.” Blue grew silent for a moment, wringing his hands together. “It’s A Good Thing You Have A Lot Of Magic, Otherwise, You Both Wouldn’t Have…”
Blue’s chin began to quiver, sending a sharp pang into Stretch’s soul. He reached up with the hand closest to Blue, squeezing his elbow before pulling him closer. Determined to comfort his bro, he managed to fight against gravity to raise his other arm over his body and wrap it around Blue in an attempt in a hug. Luckily Blue got the message and hugged him back. “hey, bro, no what-ifs. I’m alive, that’s what matters right now.” Blue nodded back, burying his face into his, huh, pajama shirt. Heck, Stretch began to realize he was actually in his own room. “heh, guess where not in fell-verse no more, toto.” He whispered, feeling his brother chuckle slightly as he shook his head. Stretch pulled Blue closer, readied himself to ask a question that was burning his mind since the moment he woke. “Blue, how’s Edge?” Blue’s eyes snapped up at him before averting them to the distant corner, clearly uncomfortable to think of the fell monster. “He’s… Stable.” Blue’s voice was unusually soft. “He Was... In Rough Shape, Lost A Lot Of Magic And Marrow. A Lot Of Broken Bones… And the Knife Embedded In His Femur.” Blue shuttered at the thought before he choked out, “You Got Him To Us Just In Time.” “wait… there was a knife?” Blue nodded. “He Was Bleeding Heavily From The Wound It Created. Your Sweatshirt And Pants Were Ruined. There Were A Few Complications.” Stretch hugged his brother as guilt raged in his soul. Stars, he was so stupid. If he didn’t run off. If he hadn’t started that fight with Edge. If he had just, for once, minded his own damn business. Edge wouldn’t have… he wouldn’t be... A small hand fell on his cheek, stroking gently, causing him to open his sockets. It was then that he realized he was trembling. “Brother, Remember, No What-Ifs.” Blue smiled sympathetically at him. “Edge Is Alive, You Saved Him. You Got Him Home.” Stretch smiled at Blue before pressing his forehead against the other. “you’re right, bro. you’re so cool.” Blue chuckled at that. “Mwehehe, Of Course I Am. I Wouldn’t Be the Magnificent Sans Otherwise.”
“you said there were complications? i know my magic’s energy is low but maybe i could donate some marrow or something.” Stretch brushed his phalanges over Blue’s shoulder.
Blue shook his head again at that, causing Stretch to look at him. “That’s The Problem. You, Comic, And Red Can’t Donate Marrow Or Raw Magic To Edge. Your Guys’ Abilities To Become The Judge, The KR. It’s In Your System And Because Of His LV, It Would Kill Him. Using Your Magic To Heal Him Is Safe Once You’ve Recovered, But That’s All You Three Can Do To Help. Rus Has Donated As Much Marrow He Could, He’s At Home Recovering. I Donated My Magic Which Was Mixed With Some Of Fell Undyne’s To Bring It To Edge’s LV So His Magic Didn’t Attack It.”
“you guys brought fell Undyne’s LV down?” Stretch question, last he knew that Undyne had a higher LV than Edge.
Blue picked at the hem of his shirt. “No It Was More Like Bringing My LV Up. Red Says It’s Easier To Raise A Monster’s LV Up, Can’t Erase What’s Already There. It Only Took A Few Drops To Raise The Bag Full They Got From Me. Had To Be Carefully Mixed, But Our Undyne Managed It. It’s Just Going To Take A While To Replenish Everything, They Don’t Want To Risk Any Set Back, So They Are Transfusing The Marrow And Magic Slowly.”
“wow, Red must be a wreck. not able to donate anything. I know I’d be crushed if I couldn’t give you anything.” Stretch snuggled in close to Blue.
“I Don’t Think Red’s Has Had Enough Time To Be A Wreck. There Was A Lot Of Commotion In Underfell That He’s Had To Handle.” Blue returned the snuggle, hugging his brother close.
“is Edge in underfell?” A new wave of worry stroke Stretch’s soul.
“No,” Blue gave a small chuckle. “He’s Here In Our Guest Room. Red’s Been Traveling Back And Forth And Comic Has Been Helping With Edge’s Care While Rus And I Recover From Donating. Rus Had to Carry Him Here Before He Donated Cause We Didn’t Want To Risk Injuring Him Further.”
“good. i should go see him.” Stretch yawned, he wanted to get up but that weighted feeling still lingered.
“No, You Need To Recover First, You look Like You Can Barely Keep Your Sockets Open.” Blue petted his face, sure enough, he could hear the siren song of sleep beckoning him. They held each other for some time, long enough for Stretch’s eye sockets to begin to flutter close. “Papy?” “huh?” “Do You Want To Eat Anything Before You Fall Back To Sleep. Rus Managed Not To Burn Edge’s Food. It’s Really Good.” Blue squirmed in his arms, readying to slip out. “It’ll Help You Regain Your Magic.” “nah, don’t think i could stay awake if i tried. can we just stay like this for now? you’re really comfortable.” Stretch held him with as much strength as he could muster. “Mwehehe, Alright. Goodnight Papy.” “goodnight bro.” “Oh, And Papy?” “hmmm?” “Please Don’t Kick Me In Your Sleep.” “heh, no promises bro.”
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Dr. Elder (plague doctor variety 1) x Beatrix Galen (first person) Platonic
This is strictly friendly fluff and supernatural exposition(that could lead to romance in the future if i revisit these characters). Based on what was supposed to be a drabble for @fuckyouamanda turned into me being sleep deprived and getting a bit carried away with lore.
We’d been driving for miles, trying to find this little cottage I was supposed to be staying at, a detour for raspberry tarts had gotten us lost. As the sun began to sink further into the night, the needle on our fuel gauge sank into the red. My driver for the trip, Damen, found a small station and hopped out to raise some help. I remember waving to Damen as he turned and mouthed that someone was coming to the door. I got out of the car and start walking off to the side of the station, to make a call and make sure my reservation hadn’t been forfeited. I couldn’t get signal and I moved further away, waving my phone around like a mad woman. Then I heard Damen yell and I turned to see his face was full of horror, his arms were waving. Everything got very slow as I felt the air leave my body. I didn’t feel the pain until I hit the ground, I heard a crack, and everything went dark.
 My eyes hurt when I try to open them, maybe I don’t want to open them, really. I’m so…tired. So, I drift back off and I dream, of a - person, no - are they even human? The figure is tall and slender with broad shoulders and flowing robes, they look like some illustrations that I saw in a museum in…I can’t remember where. But I remember this shape, the beaked mask with glass eyes. Am I dying? Is my brain throwing images at me of what I’ve seen? No, I only see them, the figure and their assistant.  
These odd visions persist, these waking dreams. Sometimes all I see is a ceiling covered in lovely swirling designs, but there is a voice. This voice has a deepness that is comforting but it lilts and flows as it reads me prose. I know this must be a dream as everything I hear is something I remember. There is Shakespeare, Austen, and even some excerpts from stand-up routines I love. Hearing “There’s a horse loose in the hospital” in the confused tones of the voice in my head makes it, oddly, more hilarious. It was also comforting. To think that I am fighting, on whatever subconscious level, is reassuring. If I ever properly wake up, I hope I remember this.
 When I wake again I am sore, but my eyes are more cooperative. The room is dim, but I am thankful for that. All around me, the walls are a mild mint green, as if they’ve faded from years of wear, the curtains are drawn, patterned in vines and sprigs of leaves. I feel as if I lay on a cloud, and as much as I want to know where I am, I feel no need to leave this place. I finally become aware of the I.V. hooked up on my left, at least they picked the easy arm.  Well, I assume they picked the easy arm, its hard to tell if they had any false starts as my arms are fairly covered in bruises. The bag is covered by a casing, so I can’t see if they have me on saline or something else. My arms are swollen so saline is a good bet, but that could be the bruising too. I try to wiggle my finger and find something in my left hand. A small red button on a corded white toggle. I don’t try to see where the cord leads because craning my neck is still too laborious. I use every bit of strength to push the button and I hear a delicate bell chime coming from the other side of the door.
 I don’t really know where I am but I’m more concerned about how I am. I’ve never been in a car crash before, but I feel like I’ve been dehydrated, crushed up, and reconstituted.  A nurse knocks and enters my room and she looks like some colorized version of those portraits my gran used to show me. All but her cap, as it bears a small black bird.
 “Ah finally awake, I see”
 I try to speak, I want to but my throat feels dry and scratchy, and so I cough and stutter. The nurse comes over and offers me some ice chips and I nod, feebly.
 “The doc will be in momentarily. He’ll explain everything.”
 As the door opens once more and the nurse exits, the figure takes her place. The mask is closer to a dark brown than the black in my visions. But it could be lighting. Damn these drugs must be phenomenal.
 “Ms. Galen, pleasure to see you properly awake. I’m Dr. Elder and I’m sure you have a lot of questions about-“
 I smiled, I smiled like a damn goof. It was the voice, the one that was so baffled as to the meaning of a teenage boy yelling scatter and smashing a “forty, what is a blasted forty?” on the ground.
 “You were reading to me, weren’t you? How did you know what I liked? How did you get into my dream?”
 I know I must sound delirious, but the doctor doesn’t seem to notice as they shuffle their feet a bit and sit down in the chair by my bed. I feel a hand on my wrist, checking my pulse. There is a faint light behind the eyes of the mask, like a dying glowstick in the dawn of the day after a rave. Blue, lovely blue. Like the old icebox Gran had when I was little, before she was sent away. She made this pie that tasted like blue skies and honeysuckle. I miss Gran.
 “Ms. Galen? Can you hear me?”
 I realize I’ve been drifting in and out, too many memories to ignore all of them, so I let a few nice ones sneak through.
 “Yes, loud and clear, sorry, Doc. My ears still work, at least. What happened to me?”
 The nose of the mask bobs down then back up, the glass portholes seeming to stare into me. I don’t really mind them.
 “Well, Ms. Galen-“
 “Oh please call me Bea, or Beatrix.”
 The nose bobbed again, the mask nodding.
 “Ms. Beatrix, you were in a rather nasty accident involving some improperly parked farm equipment, I’m afraid that you- you-”
 I peer at the mask, questioning.
 “I what, Doc? Is it my legs my spine, my arms?”
 In an odd sort of calculated panic, I start to wiggle everything, and though it is all sore, everything all seems to work. I reach for the cup of ice chips next to me and the doctor seems shocked. Obviously, there are no eyebrows to clue me in, but the shoulders, broad a they are, rise ever higher. The beak bobs side to side, ever so slightly, as if shaking in disbelief.
 “Listen, Doc, let me level with you, I feel sore but otherwise functional. I’d really like the rundown on what I’m in for- Oh, and Damen, is he ok? Is he here too?”
 “No, Ms. Gal- Beatrix. He was well away from the car when the accident occurred, he was unharmed. Your recovery will be extended, however you should regain most of the function in your extremities, your right leg was not broken but it hasn’t responded to stimuli as actively as your left. I’m afraid, it isn’t possible to transfer you to another facility as there was a terrible storm not long after you were brought in, and we aren’t currently able to reach anyone.”
 I nod as I take it in, he’s ignored my dream-based inquiries, so I guess I really did dream them. I must have heard his voice while I was out, and my brain did the rest. It was a bit scary, not having a way to let anyone know. But I realized, only my school would really need to know.
 “What kind of facility is this? And what exactly am I on for pain?”
 The mask bobs again, my imagination is much more vivid than I ever realized. The doctor rises to his full height.
 “This is a small clinic. Our purpose is to help our patients get to a place where they can move on. We typically only house about three to five patients at a time and usually we only deal with minor maladies. Currently we just have you with us.” He paused for a breath and poured me a glass of cold water to go beside my ice chips.
 “As for the pain, if you are having any just ring Lottie again and she will help you.” The good doc picks up my chart and hums.  “We have you on dilaudid, but your last dose should’ve worn off by now. If that is all, Beatrix, I’ll be getting on to some of my other duties that need tending. I will be back to see you though, I promise, you are our priority.”
 I nod, numbly, feeling there is something I’m missing. As the door swings shut I realize that I can, in fact, feel an excruciating pain in my right shoulder and hip, and I just know a headache is coming on. I ring for Lottie and ask for an icepack and something to eat, as I feel starved.
 There are worse places to recover, I suppose, than a comfortable room with a lovely view of- were those gardens? I wonder to myself, if the food is good. Back home when I was hospitalized the cafeteria had the best roast beef. Gran loved it, she joked that she visited me just to sneak food off my plate.
 But this was a clinic, I didn’t expect a large cafeteria or anything like what I’d known. As if by some universal alignment, a heaping plate of roast beef with gravy, mash, and veg, arrived for supper. I dig in and it tastes like back home. I use a cloth napkin, embroidered with another black bird, to dab at my mouth. That is when I realize it, and my fork clatters onto the plate.
 The mask is real. The glowing eyes. Real.
 Somehow this doesn’t faze me as much as I think it should, but I’ve seen stranger things. I dig back into my roast beef and wonder what tomorrow will bring.
The next couple of days blended into this calming routine. It turns out that I did, in fact, need a wheelchair for a bit, as my good leg got tired after short bursts of activity. But the physio seemed to help, even as old fashioned as the physical therapist was. A slim man with a handlebar mustache, that served in the army at one point; he went by Butch and always seemed to be smiling.
 I got to know Lottie too, and found there were even more of these clinics, dotted about the whole of Europe. No one ever explained why Dr.Elder wore the mask but I never asked either.
 True to his word, I did see the good doctor again. Quite frequently. It started with morning check in, then there were impromptu visits, a few walks/ rolls, around the grounds, when it wasn’t pouring. As there were no other patients, and communications were still down from the storm, I found Elder to be great company. I hadn’t mentioned the dreams again, but volumes of my favorite stories appeared on my night table, and some nights when I was too tired to read, but too sore to sleep, Elder read to me. He admitted to reading to me, before I’d woken up, saying it seemed to soothe patients. We would talk about which stories we liked best, what we had grown up with. He had an upbringing rife with old classics, but once brought in a book of poetry. The verses were completely new to me, and I loved them. Lottie later told me they were his, he’d written them about patients over the years, the good and the bad. Being a doctor takes a toll on your soul and he relieved his burden through his writing.  
 I began spending the bulk of my time with him and we fell into a comfortable sort of friendship, something I had failed at achieving with even my closest classmates in nursing school. I felt better, every day and I wondered if my accident had really been as bad as all that.
 The storm that had knocked out the phone lines was still coming in waves, and the fourth day of dreary weather in a row, I decided it was time to offer up some alternate entertainment. I went looking through my effects and found my laptop and my external hard drive full of movies and music. I switched it on and wondered why it hadn’t occurred to me to do this earlier. When Elder came up for a check in, I was watching John Mulaney, as I couldn’t stop thinking about the excerpts from my dreams. He sat down with me, and before we knew it we had blown through a good chuck of my stand-up.
 He tried to laugh along in the right places, even though a lot of it seemed to go over his head, but at the end he did seem to be thoroughly happy. We were just about to start on some animated movies when Lottie started banging down my door calling for us “chortling heathens” to come take supper in the dining room.
 I also got along with Lottie and Butch through all of this, but they seemed more focused on each other and that was just fine with me. I liked my time with the Doc, and he seemed to like it too. Even spending as much time as we did together, I avoided mentioning his interesting choice of mask. I mocked up a few jokes about taking safety a bit too seriously but decided against them.
 The longer I spent at the clinic the more I came to realize that there was most certainly something distinctly “other” about it, but there was something in me that didn’t need that to be acknowledged. I was still on vacation time and I was sending my brain on vacation too.
 After a time I was able to leave the wheelchair in my room and graduate to a cane, it was a cause for celebration. I was warned that I may need to use one intermittently in the long term, to help the healing along, and because I was showing signs of post traumatic arthritis in my right hip. I decided that once I was able, I would cover my cane with tacky stickers and sparkly duct tape. There are many canes like it but this one is mine, god-dammit.
 Elder complimented my cane when we went on my first stroll in the gardens. He said I seemed to be glowing. As we walked parts of the grounds that I didn’t dare roll through, Elder told me that the clinic and its grounds had been a dairy farm long ago. its small size suited their purposes just fine. They had planted all a manner of flowers and fruit trees to yield beauty and fresh produce in the right seasons. We came across a raspberry bush and I remembered my tarts.
 “Are the phones working, yet, could I make a call?”
 “I can check, but they are supposed to be up and running today, these ancient lines go down so frequently.”
I stopped and picked a few raspberries, just ripe, so perfect I could do without the pastry. I offered some to Elder, and he declined. It was time.
 “Doc, why do you wear it?”
 Elders shoulders hunched, and I could feel something change. A mild tension that had permeated the air between us, dissipated.
 “Well I never saw the sense in it, but now it seems I can never take it off.”
 I let go of a breath, relieved I weren’t hallucinating, but now very aware that something was most assuredly different about this place, and my new-found friend.
 “Have you tried, do you need help?”
 Elder shook his head and took my hand. He led me to bench along the path and we took a rest.
 “I can’t remember when I last tried, or when someone else last remarked on it. To our regular patients I look however they need me to. Whatever face will put them at ease. I’ve worn so many, I can’t remember my own.”
I patted his back with my left hand, minding the catheter still in my arm. I’d been on I.V just before our walk, a small transfusion of fluids was ordered, as I had been feeling very dehydrated and a bit dizzy.
 “Lottie does her best, as well. You surprised her a bit, as young as you are. The memories help her a lot, so she’s grateful you seemed to have some pleasant ones to draw on. This isn’t a clinic for normal patients, I take it you’ve realized that by now.”
 He sat silent for a moment and I motioned to speak.
 “My Gran was a nurse long before I was born. Helping people was her calling and she worked from the day she got a job at the hospital to the day I was born. She would have worked until they stopped her, but she had earned her pension, so she retired to enjoy her family. When I happened, my father was pushing forty, and she was almost sixty. I was the apple of her eye when he adopted me.” I started to cry but I didn’t waver for more than a second.
I told Elder about dad dying when I was ten, a fluke heart attack. Gran being sent away when I was eleven, my aunt taking over. Gran dying, within a year, alone, in some home, from some treatable illness. Running away and getting caught, being put into a group home when they saw what my aunt had considered a suitable accommodation for a twelve year old. But I muddled through, and I graduated. I went to nursing school, for Gran. I had finished my first semester and entered a stupid raffle at the summer fair. I won, courtesy of our local travel agency, an all-expenses paid trip to *drumroll* England. I was studying in Ireland at the time, so really it was just a hop skip and a jump away, but I took it. And now here I was.
 When I finished, he nodded and helped me stand.
 “Beatrix, I wanted to tell you the truth about this place. Our patients are, not quite here nor there. Some of them are with us for only a night but some have stayed for the equivalent of years. When they are ready to move on they do, whether that means going back to their house… or going ‘home’. Every once in while someone with a physical form finds their way here and we care for them as we would anyone else. But only once in a blue moon can someone see the mask. That is how Lottie came to be here, Butch has his own story. But that’s why these little clinics began popping up all over. More and more of us came to be, and we wanted to help as best we could. There are more and more people not ready to leave this world, so we help encourage them along.’
 It all made an odd kind of sense, and it is vastly more comforting to think that one has stumbled onto something benevolent, and otherworldly. You know, as opposed to being trapped by a strange sadist wearing a bird mask.
 “So this means, I’m dead.”
 “Not quite. You aren’t…yet. You were supposed to proceed along as usual but you were so-“
 “If you say full of life I’m liable to punch you in the arm.”
 He flinched away with a laugh and held up his hands in defense.
 “Well you are, for lack of a better word. Your body wasn’t supposed to last much longer, it has been put through so much. But you just aren’t ready to be parted from it. Or this world. So we kept you alive, the only way we could and we planned to tell you when the time was right. I could tell you saw the mask the moment you saw me enter your room. I just wanted to give you some time before you had to decide”
 “How are you keeping me alive? Do I have to decide to die or-”
 A small chuckle, not sinister, just a bit of an “oh boy, you wouldn’t believe” sort of noise.
 “There is an energy that we use to stay here in between planes, it was given to me when I was dying to prolong my usefulness during a time of great need. But I never wanted to stop helping, and I adapted. It is ambient within this world and easy to find if you know where to look. It comes from love, from happiness, from the basic components of life itself.  That is what has been in your I.V, what causes my subdued glow, and your budding glow as well.”
 “So my decision, as it stands, is between allowing myself to die and possibly pass on, or staying here, helping other souls cross over, like glow worm Charon in scrubs?”
 I thought for a bit, as we continued to walk. But I stopped Elder when we reached the tree bearing his name.
 “So if I stay, Does this mean I have to wear the bird mask?’
 This time it was a full blown laugh, I’d even go so far as to say, a chortle.
 “Not unless you want to. When I passed into this state, this is how people who were purported to be healers often dressed. So I chose it, thinking anyone who saw this form would feel comforted by it. Times have changed of course, and I can make others see whatever they like, but I’ve gone so long without really changing that I don’t know what may lay beneath, if anything does. For all intents and purposes, this is my face now. Elder was not my name in life, I didn’t remember who I was. But I knew I wanted to help. You would look however you liked, most likely how you look right now, but maybe with less bruising. And you don’t have to wear scrubs or dresses or anything-‘
 He stuttered and corrected himself.
 “Well, I mean, you can wear anything you like. You don’t even have to help, I’d just… I’d like it if you stayed” The eyes went down, and the beak was perpendicular to he ground.
 ‘Lottie is lovely and kind and she has been here for decades now, and we get along just fine. But I can’t read Shakespeare with her, and she isn’t much for comedy. Though I don’t always understand yours, I like it, and I’d like it if you’d teach me more about it, and even about the world. Lottie can blend in with the crowd, but I never venture out if I don’t have to, I feel awkward and out of time.
 “Butch is a sweet man but he keeps to himself, goes to the cinema with Lottie, he likes going through the motions of being an out and about human. That’s fine and dandy for him, and I hope he enjoys every moment of it”
He took both my hands in his and we looked into each other’s eyes as best we could. In that moment I swore I could see proper blue eyes peeking back at me.
 “But you, Beatrix, you make me feel like I’m not alone. You are the first proper friend I’ve had since I still had my own face. I don’t want to force you to stay, I know you have others to see in whatever comes next, but I don’t want to lose my friend. That’s why I wanted to prolong your stay here. I feel guilty for not having told you sooner but-“
 I put two fingers, close as I could get, to where Elders mouth would have been.
 “Oh hush, you old crow. Of course, I’m staying. Gran would never let me hear the end of it if I didn’t do what she raised me to. And even without Grans watchful eyes over my shoulder… I would never leave a friend behind.”
 I was promptly lifted and hugged so impossibly tight, and yet, as I hugged him back I didn’t feel a single twinge of pain. When he reluctantly set me down the bruises were gone. His glow was a bit brighter, and I felt brand new.
 “Well, now I suppose we must tell Lottie”
 A loud happy chortle floated down from the clinics back door.
 “I already know, you two lollygaggers. Now, come on. Doc, nurse trainee, we have two new patients who need processing, and someone has to help me.”
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erikismybitch · 6 years
Mini’s day out . (Mini series)
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“You’re making it seem like I can’t take care of a baby !”
Brianna and Erik argued back and forth about Mini. It was the first time the two of you had alone time since she was born. Brianna agreed to watch her for the night while the two of you went on a much needed date . It had been seven months , seven long crybaby , poopie diaper changing months .
It was something about the way Brianna held her , it set Erik off . He felt like she didn’t put enough “care” into it as he explained . Overprotective couldn’t put a dent in his behavior.
“You gotta play music , or else she won’t go to sleep . If she cries too much , call me and I’ll come get her” Erik went on and on with his daddy rules . Brianna was only taking her for the night, hours to be exact, and the two of you would pick her up early in the morning . She was fighting herself from mentioning the whole Jamaica fiasco . Even though you took him back , Brianna still had him in the dog house .
“You know CPR?” He questioned, Brianna laughed but she stopped once she realized he was serious .
“Girl , come down here and get your man!” She yelled loudly . You heard her , but you were busy squeezing your feet into your black daffodile heels.
“Erik!” You yelled , in that parental tone you were mastering . “Brianna sees her almost every day, she knows what to do “ your voice and steps became more prevalent as you walked down to the living room .
Erik took a moment to look at you , for a little longer than normal . He hadn’t seen you this way in a long time . Hair down, make up on and a tight dress . It was the heels that got to him, turned on by the muscle flex in your calves . Erik took note to make you wear the heels in the bedroom later tonight .
Once you noticed the way he was looking at you , a look of fluster took over your face . “What?” You said shyly, as if you were a teen and he first laid eyes on you .
Erik smirked and grabbed Mini’s diaper bag to give to Brianna .
“Oh, so now you trust me” Brianna snatched the bag and held it obver her shoulder . She saw exactly how Erik was looking at you .
“Nah, You good” Erik spoke to Brianna lowly, while still looking at you . Usually a look like that ended up with you laid out on your back, with his head between your legs .
“Help Brianna put the car seat in her car” you directed. You gave Mini a couple of kisses on her face before she left. Erik did what you said and walked with her to her car . You went in search for a jacket and purse . As soon as you found the right combination, Erik came back in .
“We’re gonna go get this food, and then...” he dragged on
“And then what?” You asked, gawking at him . He looked so handsome in his denim coat and Cartier’s . You could smell the Tom Ford cologne that you loved .
“And then I’m fucking the shit out of you when we get back”
You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his waist . Your body pulled closely to his as you looked up at him .
“All around the house ? “ You asked , the both of you wanted to take full advantage of being baby free tonight . That included the blunt filled with the sour skittles strain that Erik pulled from his pocket .
“Where you want it?” His eager hand cupped and massaged the center of your ass. “You want some dick on the couch? “
“Not on my couch” You hissed , it was still fairly new.
“You want this dick on the counter, is that good for you?” He squeezed your ass tighter, getting a feel of your pantied lips inbetween his fingers .
“Yeah, I want it there “ You inched on your toes to give his lips a kiss . Erik then placed the blunt to his lips , took the lighter from his pocket and sparked it .
“How about the roof, can we fuck on there too?” He inhaled , voice groggy and deep from the smoke .
“As long as you don’t drop me , daddy”
Erik groaned and slapped your ass hard, you squealed and kissed him again. He loved when you called him that . If he had it his way, he’d eat you for dinner. But he was actually hungry and so where you . After the both out you were good and high , you and Erik lead off to dinner . Plus, the munchies were kicking in.
Erik drove to the restaurant . It was one he had reserved a month ago. It was that exclusive . It was an upscale steak restaurant , something that both of you loved . The hostess found the reservation and led the both of you to a semi-secluded table .
The waitress came in an instant with water and suggestions. Erik ordered two appetizers for the table and red wine was served early. The waitress left to put the orders in, but not after assuring she would be back for a moment to take the main courses.
Your stomach began to growl, so much so that Erik heard it . It sounded like gas, which caused him to laugh loudly. He reached over to rub your belly.
“I’m so hungry babe” you complained , you grabbed the napkin wrapped butter knife, and spread a generous amount of butter across the complementary bread .
“I’m gonna feed you , just hold on” he continued to laugh at you.
You closed your eyes as you chewed the bread, it was soft and warm. Those munchies . It seemed as if the waitress took ages to come back with more wine and the appetizers. The both of you began to indulge it all of its goodness .
“I’ll come back and take your orders-“ the waitress began to trail off but the loud “No!” from you and Erik stopped her . His mouth full of Calamari dipped in a cream sauce , he began to speak .
“We ready now, let’s do this” he clapped his hands and spoke as if it was a sporting event, the both of you laughed .
“What would you like sir?” The waitress asked .
“I want this ribeye, cooked medium well. A side of mashed potatoes and throw in an order of the lobster Mac and cheese” Erik let out in one breath .
“Baby, you need some vegetables too “ the mom in you complained at the amount of starch he ordered . You almost spit out your wine when you heard him order a side of deep fried okra.
“You said get a vegetable, you ain’t say shit about how it was prepared “
“You right “
The two of you continued to laugh . The waitress was getting irritable , both of you noticed ... but it was only motivation for the two of you to activate the obnoxious behavior even more .
“I would like to order the Cajun pasta , with another side of fried okra and can you bring more bread please?” You closed your menu and handed it to the waitress .
“You sure you want two sides of the Okra, the portions are enough for both of you “ she warned . Erik blinked quickly , held his chest and pretended to be appalled.
“Baby, I think she calling me fat” You whispered, loud enough for the waitress to purposely hear .
“No, that’s not what I’m saying . I just- are you sure you want two ?” She spoke frantically, truly worried that she offended you.
“I’m sure , bring us two”
“And make sure you bring more bread, cause I’m really hungry Madame ” Erik spoke with a French accent and gave her his menu too.
The two of you obviously feeling the effects of the potent red wine and weed, the laughter wouldn’t stop . Even more as the annoyed waitress scattered away from the table .
“I hope she doesn’t spit in our food” You took another generous gulp of the red wine .
“I miss doing shit like this , we used to be on some crazy shit before we had the baby” Erik reminisced.
“Remember after the club, when you skipped out on the bill at Denny’s and you almost left me there !”
“I told you to follow me”
“I was so scared , I didn’t think you would actually do it “ You sat in silence, still eating from one of the many plates in front of you . Erik couldn’t help but laugh .
“I didn’t actually skip the bill , I snuck and paid it. I did it to scare you , to see if you was really down for me “
“Seriously!” Your voice raised an octave higher as you kicked him under the table . “You wanted to see if I was down to what , follow you in the life of crime?”
Erik continued to laugh as he rubbed his shin, it was sore from where your heel landed .
“I just - just wanted to see if you’d do it for me, that’s all “ he softened in his chair , speaking sincerely now . That date was in the early stages of the relationship, back when Erik first began to have real feelings towards you .
“Well , did I make the cut?” You smirked invetween another bite . Knowing exactly how much of Erik you had wrapped around your finger .
“Yeah, but only because...” he began to speak , but stopped as if his sentence was complete.
“Because of what ?” You reacted , eager to hear his next words . He smiled at you again, a real hard smile that made the apples of his cheeks poke out . “Baby?”
“Wassup?” He answered blatantly, then followed it with complete silence again.
But it was all good . Really good. In fact , almost perfect .
The both of you kept eating , laughing at each other just because you were happy. And intoxicated . Sure , other guests were bothered by the loudness but it didn’t matter to either one of you . It didn’t matter . You could be shameless with Erik, and he with you . Guards were always down and words were always pure .
“I love you “ you said , not even bothering to look at him. It rolled off your tongue so casually with the wine .
“I love you too”
The waitress brought over the rest of dinner , and refilled the wine glasses . Within moments Everything was shared and eaten . Erik didn’t even get upset when you ate half of his steak .
“Would the two of you like dessert, you can take it to-go also?” The waitress later asked , with a subtle hint of shade in her voice .
“Y’all got cheesecake?- I mean, y’all got cheesecake , Madame? ” Erik asked her, all the while leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs . The itis was creeping up to take over both of you .
“Hell no, you know you get gas and I don’t feel like dealing with it tonight “ you protested , Erik and dairy were a match made in hell .
“We have chocolate cake , pecan pie, br-“
“Bring us the cake to go and the check “ you told her .
She brought everything, the two of you made your way to Erik’s car after He paid . Erik gave you the keys, claiming that he didn’t feel like driving . He sat in the passenger seat and took a long breath , trying to regain focus . The truth was, the red wine had taken him down. He was just too prideful to admit it . A man, like him , was drunk off wine ? He was embarrassed.
You knew him well . And you were an advid wine drinker , you could handle it . The drive home was smooth , just the sweet act holding of hands and the low bass filled music playing through the speakers . You and Erik both thought it would be weird coming home to no baby . Erik admitted outloud that he was happy about the empty house , even if it was only for a night .
In the bedroom He wasted no time undressing . With nothing on but his smirk , he rested on the bed watching you . Fully clothed , you told him you needed to go to the bathroom .
“Hurry up “
You rolled your eyes and went into the bathroom . You undressed in front of your mirror. The pink lingerie set fit your body a little snug , the baby weight had not left yet . Neither did the small stretch marks Mini gifted you .
“Leave them heels on!” Erik yelled through the door . You laughed and slipped your feet back inside of them. Thank god you’d be on your knees and back most of the night , your feet would kill you otherwise .
“Come on baby, I need that big ass” his tone was low , almost as if he was begging.
You turned your body for a side view, watching your belly poke out . You sucked stomach in , remembering the pre-baby look.
Erik didn’t care , he made it evident that he loved you and your body . It was your own personal insecurities taunting you . You gave yourself a mental pep talk and left the bathroom . Erik’s back was facing the door as you crept towards him.
You heard the unthinkable.
Erik was snoring .
You took off the heels and got in bed with him. Your arms cradled around his waist and your face nuzzled into his back . You thanked god in that moment . Not for giving you Erik , but because you were just as tired as him . The itis had fully taken control .
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dassala · 5 years
A Captain Swan Canon Divergence Fic - Rated M 
Read Chapter One - AO3
After they find themselves stuck in the Enchanted Forest of the Past, Emma and Killian embark on a journey to find their way home - wherever (and whenever) home may be.
Chapter Two
Shouting outside of the tavern caused Emma to stir from her slumber. She heard laughter and the sound of glass breaking as she opened her eyes. For a moment, she was oblivious to her location, but the crunch of the straw mattress beneath her aching body triggered her memory. She pushed up onto her elbows, seeing a dim light outside the window. Dawn was coming. The barkeep was pushing the last of his patrons out into the street and cleaning up empty bottles and mugs from the night before. She turned to look back into the room, finding Killian on the floor. His leather jacket was balled up beneath his head, and she had never seen the man look more at peace as his chest rose and fell with each breath. As she shifted to her side, she noticed a blanket that had not been on her body when she fell asleep. She smiled at the thought of him tucking her in for the night.
Pushing away from the bed, Emma stood and silently stretched her legs. She grasped the ceramic pitcher from its perch and carefully tip-toed to the door, as not to wake the sleeping pirate. The moment her hand hit the doorknob, though, the man sat bolt-upright and raised the hooked appendage for which he was famous. Apparently, he had switched attachments for the night. For protection's sake, most likely.
“Who’s there?” Killian asked, his eyes wide and dark hair askew.
Emma raised a hand in surrender. “Just me,” she reassured him, wiggling the pitcher in her hand. “Just going for some water.”
“Allow me, Swan,” Killian groaned, fumbling up to his feet and reaching for the pitcher. “You’ll have a right time finding a place to fill it. No indoor plumbing, you see.”
“Oh,” she nodded, acknowledging that she wasn’t sure where she intended to find water. She handed the vessel over to his outstretched hand.
“Um, you should…” she gestured to her own hair, “you’re a little messy.” It was strange to see him unkempt. Strange, but also charming.
He tucked the pitcher under his left arm and reached up to comb his fingers through his hair, tucking it back into place. “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Emma smiled in return and took a step back. She stood awkwardly for a moment before clearing her throat. “What’s the plan for today?”
“Well, I’d say we continue on down the main road. See what we can find. Are you rested enough?”
Emma nodded. “Against all odds, I’d say I am.” Her cheeks flushed with warmth as she recalled the ‘entertainment’ they'd suffered the night before. She glanced back up to Killian.
The pirate chuckled and turned, heading out the door to fetch the water as he promised.
Emma paced the room as she waited for Killian to return. The floorboards creaked beneath her feet, and the noise echoed as if she were the only person remaining in the inn. Her mind was on Henry. Her son, at the tender age of fourteen, could be without her for the rest of his life with no idea of what happened to her. Emma wrung her hands as she turned, stepping away from the warmth of the smoldering fireplace embers. What kind of life would he have without her?
Regina was more than capable of raising the kid, of course. Emma knew now that she could trust the mayor to love and care for Henry just as much as she did. He would have the stability of his extended family with Mary-Margaret and David. Perhaps, Emma considered, he was meant to be without her. She had only been a part of the boy’s life for the past few years, and now it was entirely possible they’d be separated forever.
The sound of footsteps in the hallway startled Emma. She altered her stance almost defensively as she waited for the door to open. She was, after all, a fugitive. She would have to be ready for a fight at any moment.
Killian opened the door. Emma relaxed with a sigh of relief. Her companion carried the pitcher of water, a bundle of olive green cloth beneath one arm, and a plate of shiny-looking buns balanced on his false hand. He had tucked a red scarf into his jacket and looked considerably more buttoned up than usual.
“Alright, Swan?” he asked as he shifted some items onto the table. “You look tense.”
She sat down on the bed and ran a hand through her hair. “Just...readying myself for anything, I guess.”
With a smirk, he held out the plate of buns. “Breakfast. And I’ve brought you some different clothes. The Evil Queen will be on the lookout for the fugitive who managed to escape her dungeons. Even if you do look different, she’ll recognize your outfit. And those shoes are no good for walking through the forest. I found some boots.” He gestured to the bundle of fabric on the table.
She reached up and took one of the treats from the plate, finding it warm, sticky, and soft to the touch. Breathing in the sugary scent, she smiled. “Well, that looks much better than some of the other Enchanted Forest food I’ve had.”
“Figured it was close to those ‘bear paws’ you seem to favor,” Killian smirked. He took one for himself and took up a place near the window to bite into it.
“Bear claws, and yeah, thank you,” he knew her favorite breakfast treat. A man who paid attention to such things was always admirable. But how much of it was his wanting to get into her pants? Or… skirt, in this case?
They ate in silence for a time before Killian dusted his palm on his pants and gestured toward the door. “I’ll be outside while you change.” He pushed away from the window and strode across the room.
Emma reached out and grasped his hand as he passed. He paused and looked down at her, his eyebrow raising as it usually did when he was perplexed. Those things really did have a mind of their own.
“Thank you, Killian,” she said, allowing her eyes to meet his. Taking in a deep breath, she squeezed his hand before releasing it. “This means a lot.”
He seemed to force a smile, nodding in response. “Of course.”
“I would kill for a latte right now,” Emma groaned, trudging along the dirt road. She and Killian were deep within the woods with nary a village in sight. She imagined they’d been on the road for two to three hours. The sun was higher in the sky, yet not quite at its peak. A warm summer breeze toyed with her long blonde locks as she steadied on.
While not as comfortable as her prison shift had been, Emma was at least a bit more incognito in her new clothing. The olive-colored dress was loose enough to allow her to walk with ease, and the long brown leather corset just barely grazed her hips. It wasn't as tight as the ones she had worn before. She could breathe easily, for which she was quite thankful. She looked the part of an Enchanted Forest peasant, rather than a fugitive from the Queen’s brand of “justice”.
Killian smirked as he walked alongside her, his rucksack slung over one shoulder, “I do believe your brand of coffee shop is a few centuries ahead of the Enchanted Forest. You can get a cup of black coffee at our next stop, should you wish.”
“Not the same,” she sighed. Her calves were aching. Despite the sturdy boots Killian had procured for her, it was pretty clear that Emma had not been made for a life of wandering. “Can we stop, just for a second? My legs are killing me.”
“As you wish,” Killian replied. He gestured to a fallen log off the side of the road.
Emma took to a mossy spot and sat, reaching down to loosen the laces on her boots. “So what are the chances we actually find anyone who knows anything about the Black Fairy?”
With a shrug, Killian removed a flask from his bag and took a swig. He handed over the leather-trimmed bottle. “Slim. But we’ll do our best. If it means getting you home to your family, Swan, it’s a priority.”
Emma paused with the flask at her lips. She thought for a moment about his words. There was a possibility that it would take ages to find the Black Fairy and ask for her help. What then? Would they be stuck in the Enchanted Forest of the past for years before finding a way out? A feeling of dread washed over her as she came to a stark realization. “We have a deadline.”
“Pardon?” Killian asked, turning to look at her. “A deadline?”
“Yes,” Emma nodded, taking a swig from the flask before handing it back to him. She cringed as the rum burned down her throat. “When I’m born, Regina is going to enact her curse. And then everyone in the Enchanted Forest gets swept to Storybrooke.”
Killian’s brow softened as he gave thought to her facts. “You’re right. We would… ”
“Forget everything because of the curse. And even if another me did manage to come back in twenty-eight years and break the curse, I’d probably freak out at seeing my doppelganger around town and bolt.”
“So we have to get back to our time, or we risk everything,” Killian observed, his tone grave.
The sound of hooves and wheels came from up the road. Killian turned quickly, his hand on his sword. He placed a defensive arm between Emma and the approaching strangers. As they got closer, his eyebrows lifted in surprise.
Emma stood, frowning. Two familiar faces looked down at the pair of them.
���Charles, Leia?” The woman in the cart asked. It was the woman they had rescued from Regina's dungeon. And the man with her… was Robin Hood.
Killian’s jaw dropped slightly as he obviously searched for an answer.
“No,” Emma said carefully, remembering that they had lost their Rumplestiltskin-applied disguises when he dumped them in the middle of the forest, “sorry. Have we met?”
The woman laughed and waved her hand. “I’m so sorry. From a distance, you reminded me of someone I knew.”
“You don't say,” Killian mumbled. Emma promptly elbowed him in the side.
“That happens to us all of the time. Some... Prince and Princess we supposedly resemble.” Lying had been her strong suit, in another life.
Leaning over with a smirk, Robin quipped, “Were I to be mistaken for royalty, I’d certainly put it to good use, if you know what I mean.”
Robin of Loxley was just as charming in the Enchanted Forest as he was back in Storybrooke. And from the looks of it, the woman at his side was his wife. Emma had released Maid Marian from a death sentence. Her stomach did a flip. Had her innocent act of mercy inadvertently ruined Regina's relationship with Robin? What did this mean for when they returned to Storybrooke?
Robin shifted in his seat with one of his bright smiles and clicked his tongue at the horse. “So sorry to bother you.”
Finding his voice, Killian finally chimed in. “Ah, could you... perhaps point us in the direction of a place to find some food and drink? We’ve been on the road all morning, and my wife is rather parched.”
“If you’re headed to the South, there’s not a village for miles,” Robin gestured down the road. “But our home is nearby. My wife and I can offer you a morsel.”
It wasn’t until Emma heard a tiny cry that she realized there was a bundle strapped to Marian’s chest. Roland.
“And it seems our son is just as hungry,” Marian grinned. “Please, hop on and we’ll take you back to our home.”
Emma exchanged glances with her companion, who shrugged in reply. He offered Emma his hand to help her onto the cart. She climbed aboard, making room for him to take a seat beside her.
The cart lurched forward. Killian reached out, wrapping an arm around Emma's waist to keep her from tumbling down to the dirt road. She nodded in appreciation once secure. The pirate cleared his throat and awkwardly pulled his hand back to rest upon his thigh.
“Awful trusting, aren’t they?” Emma whispered as they rode. She found herself wishing for modern luxuries like suspensions and rubber tires as the wooden wheels bounced along each divot in the dirt road.
“If memory serves, they live in a community with Robin’s men. They’re well-protected where they are,” Killian replied in a hushed tone. “At least we know they’re unlikely to try and rob us.”
They rode along in silence until they reached an intimate circle of homes in a clearing. Each cottage was built with smooth stones and had a thatched roof. Smoke poured from each small chimney. The dwellings were so diminutive in size that Emma wondered at the number of children which ran through the area. Where on earth did they fit them all?
“Here we are,” Robin called, pulling the horses to a halt. He hopped off of the front bench seat and helped Marian down before moving to the back to unload his wares. “Welcome to Sherwood Forest.”
“It’s lovely,” Emma cooed as she took Killian’s hand and stepped off the back of the cart. She glanced around, taking in the smells of baking bread and stewing meat, the sounds of children’s laughter and men splitting firewood. A stream trickled by to the West and a couple of women conversed as they brought buckets of water from the banks back to their homes. The scene was idyllic.
“Come in and rest yourself,” Marian offered. She bounced slightly in her step to calm little Roland. “I’ve got some bread, cheese, and winter sausage if that will do for you. And please, help yourself to some water.”
“That’s perfect, thank you,” Emma replied as she ducked in through the door and stepped down into a dirt-floor kitchen. The fireplace was large and warm. A pot of something simmered over the flames, smelling absolutely divine. She took in the sight of a rickety bed, not unlike the one from the tavern, in the back corner of the cottage. A hand-carved cradle was next to it.
“I’ll be just a moment, if you’ll excuse me,” Marian ducked back to the bed area, bringing her infant to her breast. Emma smiled at the simplicity of it all. They seemed happy, even without mobile phones, televisions, and running water. She sat at the table and poured two cups from a clay pitcher. Killian stepped in through the door and joined her at the table, giving thanks for the water before he lifted it to his lips.
He took a look at the wooden cup before putting it down onto the table. “We may be a bit off of our path, but some hospitality is always welcome.”
Emma nodded. “This is incredible,” she gushed, her voice low, “Did you live like this before the whole… Hook thing?”
Killian shook his head. “I’ve always been on the sea, ever since I was young. As soon as my mother left, which was shortly after I was born and before I could know a life such as this, Liam and I were ferried onto merchant's vessels for my father’s work. I’ve never had a home upon the shore. Especially after our father vanished from Silver’s ship in the dead of night.”
Frowning, Emma reached out and slid her hand over his. Killian looked up at her, his blue eyes dark with painful memories. He was an orphan, too.
“I think we’re more alike than I ever knew,” Emma said in a hushed tone, giving his hand a squeeze.
Marian appeared, rocking a wailing Roland. “Well it isn’t food he wants, and he’s freshly changed. My apologies for the noise.”
“Would you mind if I gave it a try?” Killian rose from his seat and offered out his arms, leaving Emma's outstretched palm on the table. He had, of course, left his hook in his satchel to avoid being recognized by the presence of the thing. In its stead, he had fastened a wooden, gloved hand to his brace. Such a setup would be safe enough for handling little Roland. Emma was taken aback by his eagerness to hold the child.
“Bless you,” Marian laughed as she handed over the squirming infant, “have you two any little ones of your own?”
Color rose into Killian’s neck and cheeks. He shook his head. “Not yet.”
Emma flushed pink and stared down at the cup between her hands. All of this talk about being his wife was a good cover, but how much of it was also his brand of wishful thinking? A life of simplicity in the woods, a babe on her hip...it seemed almost the opposite of her life in Boston or New York so many moons ago.
Roland quieted down to whimpers in Killian’s arms. The child focused on him as he hummed a low tune. After a few bars, the melody evolved into a lyrical verse. “You can search the world for pretty girls, ‘til your eyes grow weak and dim…”
A smile crept across Emma’s features. She had always pegged the pirate as a man of many women and vast riches. He was a voyager who would not be tied down by a single woman and a family. But perhaps she was wrong. He was, after all, the one who had tried to convince her to stay in Storybrooke. Maybe in his hundreds of years, Captain Hook had finally come to the conclusion that he wanted to have a home. She watched him sway with the child in his arms, singing in a hushed voice as Marian wandered away to stoke the fire and stir her cooking.
“...but don’t go fishing for a mermaid, son, if you don’t know how to swim…”
Emma beamed. She parted her lips to impart praise, but she was interrupted by a deep, rasping cough from Marian in the corner of the room. Emma rose from her seat and stepped toward the woman, who held up a hand to halt her.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” she insisted. She struggled for gasping breaths between coughs. There was a crackling sound as she inhaled. Dread settled in Emma's belly. She had heard the same cough, the same noisy gasps before in a kid at a foster home when she was young. Pneumonia. Without modern medical intervention... Marian wouldn’t survive long.
Emma excused herself as casually as possible and ducked out of the door. She stepped into the courtyard between the homes, drawing in a deep breath. Her senses were overwhelmed by the sharp sting of burning wood mixed with a floral scent akin to honeysuckle on a late summer day. She could see Robin assisting a neighbor with a project nearby, each of the men sweating in the midday sun as they hefted a large log atop a pile of stones. In the distance, she could hear the colony's children giggling and splashing along the creek bed.
Killian emerged behind her, his arms free from the infant he had lulled to sleep moments before. “Alright, Swan?” His brow furrowed as he approached.
She paused in thought before speaking. “Marian’s sick,” she admitted with a heavy sigh. “I didn’t notice how severe it was when we were in the dungeons. I thought it was just the damp air making her cough. But now... I know she’s got something she can’t possibly live through.”
Without a word, Killian drew a deep breath. He shifted in his stance, his hand and prosthetic coming to rest on his hips.
Emma ran a hand through her hair. A lump formed in her throat. Indignant, she swallowed it away, firmly set her jaw, and laid her head back to look up at the canopy of trees above them. “I thought we saved her, but we only gave her a little more time.”
Her companion stepped forward closer to her. He lifted his false hand toward her shoulder, but pulled it back without allowing it to graze her. Licking his lips, he frowned, obviously in thought. “There will always be things we can’t change, love. We must deal with them and soldier along.”
With an angry grunt, Emma nodded in agreement. “You’re right. Maybe this is the universe’s way of making right what I did wrong.”
“Everything alright?” Robin approached, a bundle of wood in his arms.
Killian nodded, gesturing to Emma. “Aye, she’s merely homesick. Been a long journey and we’re eager to be on our way. We just need to finish our quest.”
“What sort of quest are you on, if I might ask?” Robin dropped the wood near the door. Marian emerged from the house, wiping her wet hands on the apron she'd tried around her waist.
“We are on the hunt for a fairy, believe it or not. The Black Fairy. Have either of you heard of her?” Killian raised an eyebrow as he looked between the pair.
Robin and Marian exchanged glances. Marian dropped her hold on the apron. “I’ve heard of her, but... she’s a dark fairy. What kind of dark magic are you after?” The young woman’s soulful brown eyes flicked from Killian to Emma and back again.
“It’s complicated,” Emma offered, folding her hands in front of her. “But she’s the only way we can get home to our family.”
“Do you know where they can find her?” Robin asked Marian, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t know you were in contact with the fairies.”
“Well, I’m not,” Marian admitted, “and no I don’t. But I do know of a woman on the other side of the mountain who may be able to help you. She lived near a cousin of mine. They call her the Old Wench of Dunbroch. She sells wood carvings and doles out potions that... may or may not work.”
“How long’s the journey to the other side of the mountain?” Killian asked, hooking his thumb into his belt. “Is it manageable on foot?”
Robin sighed and considered, shifting his weight from one hip to the other. “Three days on foot? Perhaps two on horseback. There’s no sense in departing at this time of day. If you’re headed that way, I’d suggest you rest here for the night and leave in the morning. I’ll lend you a horse for your journey.”
“I can pay you for your troubles,” Killian insisted. “Is there an inn where we might stay?”
Marian shook her head. “No, but we have space for you in our loft, if you don’t mind sleeping up there.”
With nowhere else to go, there would be little chance of them refusing the offer. Emma nodded. “Thank you, so much, for your kindness.”
“We’re always happy to help out, er…” Robin frowned, “Sorry, I can’t seem to recall your names.”
They hadn’t given names at all when they met. Emma knew she was better at this. “I’m Jane, and this is... John. Doe. Jane and John Doe.” Killian shot her a look and she smiled through the embarrassment.
“Well then, we’re always happy to help out, Jane. I’ll grab some parchment and draw up a map for you.” Robin stepped inside, followed by his wife.
“Any more fake names and I won’t be able to keep up with them, you know,” Killian muttered once their hosts were out of earshot.
Emma sighed. “Well, we can’t be us and we can’t be Leia and Charles. So just stick with this, John. We’re just here for the night, and then we’re off to see this... Witch from Dun… ”
“Old Wench of Dunbroch,” Killian corrected her. “They’re known for their sorcery there. I imagine this is a good path.”
Nodding, Emma drew in a deep breath. Magic had gotten them stuck in the past. It only seemed right to trust it to get them home again. Perhaps if everything went to plan, they could end up back in Storybrooke in time for her brother’s coronation feast. Her stomach growled at the thought. Glancing over at Killian, she nudged him with her elbow. “Hey, how’d you get so good with babies? You were a natural with Roland. If I didn’t know you any better, I’d say you would be a great father someday.”
Shaking his head, Killian gave a sad sort of chuckle. “I’ve always liked the wee sprouts. And I doubt I’m likely to ever get such a chance, Swan.” His gaze wandered to the horizon as he shifted his weight from one hip to the other.
Before she could speak, Emma heard Marian erupt into another hacking, coughing spell. She closed her eyes in frustration, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “What are we going to do about Robin? He'll remember us in the future. Is that gonna screw everything up? What if he blames us for not helping her?”
Killian scratched behind his ear. “The truth may be a little too hard to take, I fear, for either of them. I think we'll deal with any memories he has, later.”
Robin poked his head out of the door and raised an eyebrow at the couple. “John, I’m off to the village. Would you like to come along to get supplies for your journey?”
“Aye,” Killian answered with a smile, “sounds like a good idea. I’ll be back later, love.” Leaning in, he ghosted his lips against Emma’s cheek. She mirrored his expression, feeling a fluttering in her chest. Her feelings were a far cry from the moment he had tried to kiss her in New York. In fact, she felt a bit empty as he parted. He was her only companion in the midst of the time travel chaos, after all, and it was natural to feel lost without him. Or was it more than that?
Stepping back into the cottage, Emma took a seat and watched the flames dance in the fireplace as Marian sat in a rocking chair and picked up some knitting.
“Well you two are certainly more affectionate than the pair I mistook you for,” the dark-haired woman commented, adjusting her needles. “Prince Charles and Princess Leia. A lovely pair by the look of them, but the Princess was obviously not as keen on the match as the Prince.”
Hoping the light was dim enough to hide the flush of embarrassment in her face, Emma cleared her throat. “That’s too bad,” she offered, “must have been a...pairing of convenience or circumstance.”
“I think you’re right,” Marian smiled and knitted a few more stitches before pausing. “So tell me, how did you fall in love with John?”
Emma drew in a deep breath and rubbed at the tops of her thighs with her palms. “Uh, well, I guess it was kind of gradual. I didn’t like him, at first. Came on a little strong, for me, I think.”
“Don’t they all?” Marian smirked and stifled a cough into the crook of her arm. She signaled for Emma to continue speaking.
“But the more time we spent together, outside of our normal lives, I guess you could say, the more I came to understand that we have a lot in common. We were both orphaned, and we’ve never really had a place to call home.” Emma lifted her water cup to take a sip, her head swimming with questions as to whether she was spinning a tale or telling the truth.
Marian hummed in agreement, nodding. “So you became home for each other.”
Emma bit down on her lower lip as she nodded in return. “I guess you could say that, yeah.”
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smnthchrstn · 6 years
Everywhere | Foxxay
author’s note: hello everybody, i’m back with more gay foxxay/goodeday content. this is a little one-shot i wrote at work and it basically features brownies, babies, and a lot of cute witches being cute and gay af. thank you for reading and i hope you guys enjoy this. the word count is 1,861
check out more of my writing here.
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It started with a shriek. "What the fuck is -" the blonde started to say, letting out a copycat shriek. "Oh my God - you little!" Madison yelled, grabbing a handful of flour from the Tupperware container on the counter. How exactly had it all started; the night before.
"So, I really want to bake those brownies, y'know the ones you made when Stevie came to visit? The ones with the -" Misty urged. " - frosting," Cordelia finished with a smile. She took off her glasses and set them down beside the book she'd been studying. "Pyrokinesis," the younger witch observed. Cordelia smiled fondly at the swamp witch, who had now taken it upon herself to hijack the Supreme's desk. "Do I look any smarter?" Misty asked, a cheeky grin on her face once Cordelia's eyes settled on the young witch wearing her glasses. A kind chuckle left Cordelia as her arm outstretched to take Misty's hand in her own. "You always look smart to me." Misty knew the look Cordelia displayed all too well. "Will we have time, though?" she asked. "To make them? Stevie's coming tomorrow morning. I just really, really wanna impress her. And I really, really want those brownies," Misty added. "I don't see the problem. Let's go downstairs and make sure we have everything we'll need."
It didn't take long for the couple to make it downstairs to the kitchen, hand in hand. Misty listed off the ingredients as Cordelia checked for each one - setting them out as she located them. "Cocoa?" the younger witch called off. "Shit," the Supreme muttered. "Shit?" Misty repeated in question form. "What's wrong? We don't have any?" the younger witch asked, hopping down from her place on the counter. "It looks like we're out," Cordelia answered. "What are we going to do?" Misty asked, genuinely upset by the news. When Cordelia turned and saw the look on her love's face, her expression softened again. "No, no," she started, cupping Misty's face. "Don't worry, sweetheart. We can buy more, we'll go buy more," she assured Misty. "Delia, it's midnight." A small smile spread over Cordelia's face. "Then it's a good thing that Walmart stays open twenty-four hours."
The drive didn't take very long, especially with no one else on the road at that hour. Misty opted to push the cart but kept being distracted by absolutely everything. "Delia, what if we got one of these," she asked excitedly, holding up a rubber dog toy. "Misty, we don't have a dog." She examined the toy for a second. "For Steve!" Cordelia smiled warmly. "Honey, our snake doesn't need a toy," she tried to reason. Somehow, they ended up leaving with it that day. "I can't believe we bought so much!" By the time they'd left the store, they'd managed to buy so much more than cocoa powder. "Well, we needed this," Misty pointed out obviously, pulling a very long baguette from the bag. Cordelia hadn't tried to stop her - nothing would separate Misty Day and her food. "Whatever makes you happy," Cordelia agreed, the fond look in her eyes. They'd also picked up some toys for Steve the snake, two kinds of bagels, frosting for their brownies, more frosting to eat, a lava lamp for Misty, a horse statue, a puppy calendar, shampoo, flowers for the sitting room, chips, and two bottles of wine. 
After unpacking, it didn't take very long for Cordelia to pour them each a glass. The wine led to fits of giggles, kisses in the dark and lots of mixing of the brownies. Both women stood over the big bowl, taking their chances and eating the batter without worry. "Delia," Misty said thoughtfully, full drunkenness on display. "Hm?" the Supreme mumbled, looking up at Misty as she licked the wooden spoon. "I love you." Of course, Cordelia had heard those words from Misty before, but somehow between all the alcohol and the endearing trip to the store; the Supreme felt more in her heart than ever. "Tell me how much," she teased, walking up to where Misty sat on the counter. Misty pushed a piece of the older witch's hair back. "More than anything - anywhere. More than anyone, maybe even Stevie," the younger witch whispered, a soft giggle leaving her body - blonde curls bouncing and shoulders hunching slightly. "Delia, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to make you cry," the swamp witch assured her. "I'm sorry, come here." The younger witch tried to wrap her arms around Cordelia, but instead watched as she pulled away. "Can I tell you something?" Misty stared expectantly. "Anything." The Supreme reached for her glass, tilting her head back to finish off her drink. "When you went to get Steve's toy - I stopped near the clothes," she started to say, beginning to play with her fingers. "I saw the tiniest onesie. It was yellow, and it had this little sun on it, wearing sunglasses and - I just," Cordelia paused to breathe, Misty watching her intently. "It made me realize how badly I want a baby. How badly I want to carry your baby," Cordelia admitted. Misty barely hesitated before leaning in, kissing the older witch passionately instead. Misty couldn't get the older witch's bra off quickly enough, craving to touch any skin she could get her hands on. "Delia," the witch groaned. Cordelia pushed back against Misty, accidentally kicking a plate to the floor in the process. Articles of clothing added to the mess accumulating on the floor. The older witch could barely stifle the gasps leaving her body each time Misty would touch her. She sucked, bit, and gnawed at Cordelia's skin, knowing exactly where to touch to make her squirm the best, to make her scream the loudest.
Once both women had calmed down some and had gotten themselves a little more together, they went back to baking their brownies. They'd managed to get them in the oven in their drunken state and had started singing along to Fleetwood Mac, as per Misty's request. The woman started squeezing frosting into bowls and that's when their next serious conversation would begin. "Delia, what would you name a baby?" she asked after Gypsy had ended. "Steve," Cordelia teased, a happy smile on her face. "Really, what would you name our baby?" Despite her drunkenness, the words 'our baby' made Cordelia's heart feel as if someone had lit it on fire. The warmth filled her stomach and spread all the way to her toes. "What would you want to name the baby?" the older witch asked carefully. "Well, you're the one carryin' her and all - what you think is the most important." The conversation went mute when Cordelia re-connected herself to Misty, wanting nothing more than to be close to the woman she loved the most. The alcohol fueled her to crave that closeness even more - and she didn't have much self-control left by that point. With each tidbit of a serious conversation, intoxicated Cordelia just wanted to tear all Misty's clothes off. When the oven went ding, the women separated to take them out of the oven. They'd easily finished off the first bottle of wine and were well into the second. "They smell so good - ugh they're so hot!" Misty exclaimed. Cordelia giggled wildly, grabbing the carton of milk from the fridge for the younger witch. When some milk hit the floor, both women started howling in laughter - seemingly laughing at nothing. Being together made them happy enough, but they'd definitely had too much to drink. When Misty decided to wipe some brownie batter on Cordelia's face, everything went to hell. Shrieks filled the kitchen as both witches started to fling different ingredients at each other. This went on well into the night - a routine of hazy love-making after every food fight.
At one point, around four in the morning, the witches had gotten extra loud when Misty insisted on putting Fleetwood Mac on again. "Rhiannon!" the swamp witch exclaimed. "Rhiannon, that's it. The baby." Cordelia was so drunk that she could barely comprehend and had already started flinging sugar at Misty. Misty's volume only went higher as she started to run around the kitchen, shrieking as she tried to hide away from the older witch. "What the fuck is -" Madison spat, before letting out a shriek of her own. "Oh my God, you little!" she started to exclaim, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at Misty. "You got me, Madi!" Misty shrieked, throwing her hands up in the air as she snorted. "Aren't you going to stop her? This is such a big mess!" Madison complained. Cordelia only smiled tiredly. "We'll clean this tomorrow."
When Cordelia woke the next morning, she'd forgotten nearly half of the night before. Remembering the kitchen mess almost made her wish that she hadn't made the brownies in the first place. She found Misty in the kitchen, attempting to clean a mess that would take hours when they only had a short amount of time until the White Witch would arrive. "I'm sorry," the younger witch apologized. "Don't be. Come here, let me take care of this." Although any other time, Cordelia would never use her magic to clean a mess she'd made herself, she knew Stevie would be coming, and they had brownies to frost. In Matilda Wormwood style - the Supreme cleaned it all in a ridiculously short amount of time and without ever lifting more than her finger. "That was so cool!" Misty exclaimed in awe. "Sh, don't get used to it. Come on, we have brownies to frost," she reminded the younger witch. "Ooh, you're right!" 
Most of the brownies had been frosted in the green that Misty had wanted. "Delia?" she asked. "I know Stevie's comin' soon, but I really need to talk to you - in private," she said, eyes moving to meet Cordelia's. "Okay - we'd better be quick." Misty led her down the hallway and into the office. She closed the door and locked it. "Were you serious last night?" she asked. "Serious about what?" Cordelia asked, furrowing her brow. "Do you really want to get pregnant?" The question surprised the older witch. "Because I need to be honest - last night I had this dream, and I saw it. Delia, you looked so beautiful - and then we had this little, this tiny baby, you had this baby in your arms. She had on that sunshiney little baby-suit thing. You held her and you looked so happy," Misty breathlessly explained. Cordelia took a soft breath, the tears streaming down her face. "I really want to. I - how do you feel, though? This is such a big thing for both of us." Misty smiled gently. "I'm here. There's nothin' I wouldn't do with you, Delia." The older witch took another deep breath. "Let's go, I think I hear her." The Supreme held out her hand, squeezing the younger witch's when she felt it. It looked like they'd made a decision; they were going to try to have a baby - and Misty would get her brownies, after all. Maybe Cordelia didn't regret the drunken night - in fact, maybe she'd be grateful for it for years to come.
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gotstory · 6 years
My 20 Year Old Idol Husband - Day 17 - Don’t Leave Me
20 yr old Jungkook, at the top of his idol boyband career, has a secret only he & his bandmates know – An underground relationship, with you, a girl he met at a fanmeeting. Things get a little out of hand and you find out you’re pregnant.
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Read: Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5 / Day 6 / Day 7 / Day 8 / Day 9 / Day 10 / Day 11 / Day 12 / Day 13 / Day 14 / Day 15 / Day 16 / Day 17 
[Back in the dorm]
"YAH! Jung Hoseok!" Jin's shrill scream traveled through the kitchen and into the living room where the younger floppy haired boy was playing with Taehyung's puppy.
Startled, he jumped up from his seat, dog in hand. "WAE WAE WAE?" he asked, briskly walking over in large exaggerated strides.
Jin looked at the table of dishes and noticed a piece of meat missing from the top. With his long chopsticks, he waved at the meat valley created by it. "You picked a piece didn't you?"
With a horrified expression, he raised an arm in fluster pointing at the living room, "Hyung! I was there the whole time! It's not me!"
Jin rested his arms on his hips, frowning in annoyance. "There's no one else at home except the both of us."
"But why hyung... it's gonna get eaten at the end of the day anyway so what's the big problem right?" The loud younger boy smiled cheekily as he reached for his phone to snap a photo of the sumptuous spread before them. "Gonna send this pic and you'll see them rush back in no time."
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At once, when the photo was sent, a door opened from down the hallway. Both Jin and Hoseok looked up at each other immediately, realising it was the 2 scaredy cowards who were left in the house. "Hyung! I thought you said no one else was back?" he whispered.
With eyes glued to the hallway, a sleepy boy dragging his feet emerged from the room.
"Yah, Taehyung-ah, you scared us! Were you always in the room for the whole time?" Jin asked, still wondering if he was the culprit of the missing meat.
He rubbed his beady eyes, "No, I got back awhile ago but none of you responded to me when I walked by so I just went to take a nap."
Hoseok returned the puppy into his hands and asked quickly, "the meat tastes good yea?"
"What meat? I came out because I saw dinner's finally ready." Asked Tae.
There stood 3 frozen boys, wondering if there were more of them in the dorm that had grown larger than they could keep their eyes on.
Tae didn't quite get it but it didn't matter to him. "O...K... Let's just... eat? Where's Chae-rin?"
[At the studio]
Jungkook was a smiley mess having you surprise him at work. He knew work was going to get busy soon and he desperately wanted to spend more time with you, help you settle in and figure out a solution to keep you close to him. He knew it wasn't going to be possible to take you with him everywhere but leaving you alone in the dorm while he worked overseas wasn't exactly what he wanted.
"Jungkook?" You called out to him while he was deep in thought. "What's the matter?"
He shook his head, looking between his schedule and you. "I'm just wondering how to keep you in my bag while we travel."
With a laugh and slight sigh, he sunk down into his expensive swivel chair.
"I want you to come with me everywhere, be it here, overseas, or just... I don't know, I just don't want you out of my sight." With a forlorn expression, he reached out to caress your back, sliding his hand to catch your palm in his.
"But..." he continued, "I know it's not possible."
You smile a little at him, "I was joking about following you abroad, don't worry. I'm a grown up and I can take care of myself - and cope with you being away for a week or two? We've been through that and more haven't we?"
At times like these, you felt like he was such a baby and it wasn't that you wanted to mother him, but you couldn't help but try to talk sense into him when he was into that mode. You knew he was just being honest with his feelings and that was something you liked about him - he always spoke his mind, and it was hard to get angry with his pure honesty.
"Anyway, I came with Yoongi-oppa, we should get going. There's dinner waiting."
At the thought of his food, Jungkook's bright eyes widened and he sprang up from his chair in glee - "Oh yes! Jin-hyung! Let's get Namjoonie-hyung and go."
As the boys gather themselves and take you with them, you notice fans at the entrance of the building. Even though they were heading to the basement car park, openly, in glass elevators, you couldn't help but feel self-conscious as if you were going to get caught for doing something illegal.
"Do fans find you at the dorms?" you ask out of curiosity, keeping your eyes on the girls camped out along the road with cameras.
"Hmm, now that we've moved into a higher security area, it's only those who probably live within the compound but they don't really pose a threat. They don't know exactly which unit we're at." The leader spoke calmly, assessing your question. "Are you concerned? You don't have to be, at least not when we are together in a group like this."
Jungkook in a hurry came out of the studio without a mask or hood and as he turned around to look out of the elevator, eagle-eyed fans spotted his face as they began standing up and waving. Some began to rush to the entrance only to be stopped by security.
Quickly the doors opened at the basement and some screams were heard from a distance. Having 4 taller boys obstruct your view made you wonder just how near or far these fans were and if they were even able to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars after camping out there for goodness-knows-how-long.
They strolled to the car like an everyday affair, while Namjoon put on his sunglasses out of habit. It was almost like the screams were his cue to wear them.
"Jungkook-ah, you should pull down the shades later at the rear before we drive out, got it?" reminded Yoongi, as he started the engine of his car with heavily darkened windows. "Those floodlights fans have nowadays are almost X-ray vision - I'm sure they'll catch snaps of Chae-rin even though my glass is almost blacked out."
True enough, as he drove out, some fans were already waiting at the exit with their long lenses, and they knew his car by the number, waving and shooting flashes at them.
"I want to wave but, they don't even know I'm inside." said Namjoon as he pressed his face close to the glass, observing the behavior of his fans.
You scooted closer to Jungkook at the backseat and lowered yourself, just in case.
"Those lights and screams are quite scary huh?"He smirked. "They're really quite something."
You sensed the pride in his voice and the love for the fans.
"You should just wind down the window and tell them to make their way home." You said, unsure if it was out of worry for the fans or jealousy on your part.
"Shall I?" Jungkook asked, his hand on the button.
"NO!!" came a resounding scream from his older brothers, followed by a stare from Yoongi through the mirror.
"Chae-rin ah, I didn't take you here to put our lives in danger, you should know better than that?" He half-chided in a nasal tone that was gentle yet annoyed.
You could only laugh with Jungkook silently as he quickly pacified his older brothers and talked about other things all the way home.
When the boys had all gathered, it was a spread of comfort food and apparently Jin hadn't cooked in many months so it was quite a grand affair that got everyone together at the table.
"Jimin-ah," you called out to him as he wondered where he should sit, being last to join as usual. You waved him to sit beside you and he gladly obliged. He had just come home straight from a shoot, with full makeup, suit and all. You saw him this way countless of times ever since your first encounter with him and the boys but you knew for as long as you had female hormones, there was no way you would ever get used to seeing him looking like a million bucks and not stare.
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Although he was smiling, he seemed a little troubled. The rest of the boys however, were more interested in the food than their smiley brother.
"Had a long day?" You asked as he started tugging off his blazer and rolling up his sleeves.
He greeted you warmly, "Nah... I'm doing good. So what did you do today?" He casually poured himself a drink while you told him about what you did and the bits of stuff that happened.
"Aaah, Kookie's studio? You went to the company?" He gave a knowing nod, "that child's got alot of work up his sleeves lately... he's gonna get busy."
Jungkook finally snapped out of his gluttony and turned the other way to see Jimin and you conversing in low tones.
"What you guys talking about?" he asked with a mouth full of rice.
Jokingly, Jimin hushed you down, "don't let him hear us talking about him!"
"Aaah HYUNG!!" he frowned at Jimin, almost whining, making the older boy break into an eye-smile, obviously unable to resist the cuteness of an annoyed Jungkook.
"Arraseo... I was just joking around with her. Anyway, did you hear about the schedule next week?" Almost at once, his face turned serious as he brought up the plans for work.
Jungkook pondered for a moment as he swallowed his food, "I know the dates and that we're going to record some stuff, why? Did the schedule change?"
Jimin looked around, wondering if he should get the attention of the older brothers and caught sight of Jin who was also chewing his food in a daze.
"Jin-hyung," he called out across the long table, "about the schedule next week, have you heard any updates?"
His voice got the attention of his brothers as they all turned to him to listen.
"No, why? The last I saw, it was a schedule for about a week to Japan and that's all."
Jimin put down his chopsticks and cleared his throat, "actually... I just heard it today from our stylist noona... it seems we will be travelling out from there to a few other shoots this time and might not return for 3 weeks."
Silently, he turned to look at you and Jungkook, while the rest of the boys kept still.
"Oh." You replied, "that sucks for me huh."
At once, your blatantly honest response got them all laughing - all except for Jungkook, who's mind was travelling at lightspeed to think of a solution.
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Jimin sighed, "I'm not sure yet because these things usually get told to us quite last minute and I overheard this, so we need to confirm it first."
The night went by and you got tired quickly, heading off to bed while the boys showered and chilled out on their own. It was, afterall, a long and eventful second day for you in their dorm.
Just when you were almost falling asleep on Jungkook's bed, he crept in and knelt beside you, careful not to wake you up but his scent that whiffed past was too alluring that made the corners of your mouth twitch into a smile.
"Why are you smiling?" he whispered, making you open your eyes to see his face inches away from you.
"Because of you?" you whispered back and he came closer to nuzzle his nose against yours cutely. "I'm sleepy, Jungkook... It's the hormones..." you mumbled as your heavy lids shut again.
"I know... I'll be here until you fall asleep..."
That was the last thing you heard before you felt a blanket gently cover you, and your senses were completely taken over by your dreams.
"Jimin-ah, are you sure about it?" Namjoon asked as he strolled into the living area where the younger boy was sprawled out on the sofa with Taehyung. Propping himself up with one hand, he met the serious eyes of the leader.
"I think it's 90% going to happen this way. What should we do?"
As they all sat around, they were joined by Jin and Yoongi who were also trying to think of a way out for Jungkook and yourself.
In a low and eloquent manner of speech, he began. "Firstly, Jungkook's got to be mentally prepared - I don't think he was expecting this. Then Chae-rin needs to be able to move in and out freely without us, especially to the clinic. Alot could happen in 3 weeks."
Yoongi frowned, "couldn't she just come with us?"
"What?" Jin frowned back at him, "how?"
He crossed his arms and went into his deep thinking mode, furrowing his brows as they waited for his genius to spark.
Hoseok, who had been thinking about it in his room, emerged as he heard the content of the chatter.
"He's right - she could come with us. She just needs to be part of the staff, isn't that what you meant hyung?"
Jimin clapped his hands together in realisation. "Aaahhh.. That's right, why didn't I think of that!!"
Namjoon stood up, a smile on his face.
"That settles it then. I'll speak to the company tomorrow and guys, let's keep this from Jungkook."
Next Chpt Teaser belowww! 
Don’t get it? It’s ok!
What’s new anyway you should be used to that being an Army... Haha
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Deadly Red - Chapter 2
A/N: In this chapter, there are a couple of references to a one-shot I wrote titled ‘Side Effects’ (that takes place in the same universe). If you want to read it, the link is there, or, if you are unable to read it due to the content (or just don’t feel like reading it, which is fair enough), basically all that you need to know is that Patton takes a sort of mind-space specific antidepressant- they aren’t quite antidepressants, that’s just the best word I could think to relate it to- that the other sides don’t know about. The short story itself is obviously more in-depth and has more to it, but I’m not gonna tell anyone to go read it if they don’t want to but anyways I’m rambling I’ll shut up now
If you missed
Chapter 1
Warnings: Minor food mention, blood mention, mentions of medication
(If there are any more, PLEASE let me know!)
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairings: Royality
I’m back on the path in the morning, now with a coat and bag- with food and a change of clothes, thankfully- that Elaine and Isabelle had given me. I hadn't wanted to stay for much longer, but I had to know what Isabelle was talking about. 
I'd learned that Roman had come into his room a week ago, and the shadows- as Isabelle called them- showed up very shortly after. That seemed to be about the time that the kingdom began referring to Roman as the King, as opposed to the Prince, which he'd always been- inside and outside his room- up until now. But why did he change his mind so suddenly? 
Elaine also told me that- despite the clear sky now- the blizzard I'd walked into when I came into the room was a common occurrence during the war. 
And from what I've heard, it sounds like Roman is losing.
The forest is surprisingly quiet. I'd expected it to be full of animals- birds, squirrels, rabbits, and the like. This is Roman's room after all. But the only sound is the wind- the snow doesn't even crunch under my feet- and even that is barely making a sound. It's... depressing. Roman's signature style has been drained of its usually flamboyancy and colour. 
He would be able to make winter comforting; decently warm and beautiful. But here, the cold permeates through even my coat, and the snow looks packed and dirty. The sky is grey, birds are silent. There's no trace of the usual Disney-like elements.
My legs get sore after an hour or two of walking- there's really no way for me to tell how long I've been out here- and I look around for a place to rest. A familiar clearing in the trees catches my attention, and I push back branches as I walk down the path. 
The fallen log is still there, covered in snow. The pond in front of it is frozen, but it's void of any patterns in the ice. Usually, during the winter time, Roman would make the water freeze over in delicate swirls and snowflake formations. The ponds would look like something out of a fairy tale, which I suppose in some ways, they were. 
I wipe snow off of the log and sit down, my feet sitting on the ground. They don't sink down into the powder; the snow is hardened. Everything that changed about Roman's kingdom has made it feel unwelcoming. I remember when Roman and I used to come into this clearing all the time. Whichever season it was, he would go above and beyond trying to impress me.
"I don't think there are a lot of pink leaves that show up in Autumn," I joke, picking up a rose-tinted leaf and twirling it. 
"Do you like them?" Roman asks. Even though there's a sure smile on his face, I can hear the longing in his voice. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. 
"I love them," I reassure him, still admiring the leaf between my fingers. It's surprisingly soft for an Autumn leaf. Roman's shoulders relax, and he puts one of his arms around me. 
Above us, a flock of strikingly red birds flies into the clearing, all chirping the same song in unison. I look on as the lead bird flies forward, twisting and looping around- almost as if performing- as the other birds follow his lead, perfectly synchronized.
"They're so beautiful," I mutter, a small smile spreading across my face.
"Would you like to join them?"
My head lifts off of Roman's shoulder, and I turn to look at him. He has a knowing grin on his face. 
"Join them?" I ask. I cock my head, my eyebrows pulling together.
Roman stands up, holding out his hand. I grab it, and he pulls me onto my feet. Before I can ask what happens next, two huge red wings sprout out of Roman's back.
"Woah," I say, my eyes widening in awe. Roman grabs my other hand and flaps his wings, and our feet lift from the ground. 
"Why don't we just..." Roman readjusts his grip, pulling me up so that I end up sitting bridal style in his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and look out into the trees, letting the soft breeze ruffle through my hair. 
"It's really pretty up here," I half-whisper. "And the clouds look so fluffy, like cotton candy." 
"I'm very glad you like it."
I tilt my head up and squint. Behind the clouds... it looks like...
"Why is the moon so clear during the daytime?" I ask, pointing up into the sky.
"It helps me keep track of things."
I cock my head and wrap my arm back around his neck. "What kinds of things?"
"Well, I can only stay in here for so long. You know that. So when the moon becomes full, I know that I've been here for too long." Roman looks down and gives me a lopsided smile. "Luckily that's never happened."
"Luckily," I repeat, smiling back at him softly, feeling my eyelids drooping. "I love you, Roman."
"I love you too, Patton."
The moon!
I crane my neck to look up. The moon should be visible from here, but the sunlight is harsh despite the cold, and I find myself shielding my eyes. I look back down and put my hands on my hips. "Should I..." I walk up to a tree and grab a low hanging branch, tugging at it to make sure it's sturdy. If I get higher, maybe I could find the moon and get a better idea of how long I have. 
I hoist myself up, branch after branch, until I'm clutching onto the middle of the trunk. I stand tiptoe on the branch so my feet don't hang off the edge, and to get a tiny height boost.
The outline of the moon is just far away enough that I can't make out whether it's a crescent or quarter, and I lift my hand to climb higher for a better view. A loud crunch comes from underneath my feet, and the next thing I know, I'm on the ground.
Nothing is broken, but my leg hurts to the point where I don't think it would feel too nice if I tried to stand on it. My knee is scraped too, and a steady stream of blood soaks into my pants.
"Ah, shoot," I groan. I pick up my glasses from where they fell beside me. It's a wonder they didn't break from the fall, though there is some dirt on the lenses. No big deal, I just need to be able to see the contents of my bag. I could probably clean up my scraped skin with some water.
I grunt, pushing my torso up a bit more and twisting to find the bag. It didn't fall far, but it's just out of my reach. 
"Not a problem," I mutter to myself, leaning over to grab at it. I catch one of the straps with a finger and pull it toward me, revealing a black rat that had been sneaking around in the pockets. I can't see too clearly with the dirt on my glasses, but I can tell there's something in its mouth.
"Watcha got there, buddy?" I ask, pulling the bag into my lap. The rat lets out a squeak and falls onto all fours. I'm glad to see there are actually animals here at all. I rustle around in my bag, opening each pocket. "What did you take, huh?"
All my pockets seem to have what they're supposed to, until I reach into the little hidden compartment in the back. My pills are gone. My eyes widen and I turn to look at the rat. Sure enough, if I squint through the dirt, I can see that it has my little pill bottle in its mouth, dragging it across the forest floor.
"Oh no," I say. I lean forward a bit, and the rat steps back, regaining the space between us. "C'mon buddy, I need those." The rat starts to turn. "No, no no. Oh jeez. I-I have food. Do you want something to eat? Oh, jeez, no don't-" I reach my hand for the bottle, and the rat turns tail and scampers away.
I shove my bag off of my lap and push myself to my feet as quickly as I can. I ignore the pain in my leg as I run, trying to follow the rat, but it darts off the path and through a patch of bramble. I part the branches and rush through, the thorns scraping at my legs, making it harder to move. The rat is nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, no... no no no..." I whisper. I feel tears stinging at the back of my eyes. I blink them back, sinking to my knees. The pain in my leg has worsened from the thorns and running. 
Those pills gave me my drive. Without them... I usually can’t even get out of bed in the morning.
But then... why is there still that feeling in my chest? That confidence that’s barely there, telling me to ‘get up, get up, you need to find Roman’? 
I could brush it off as the last of the pill’s effects, almost worn off. But that explanation feels defeatist. I’m in Roman’s room. One of the positive effects has always been enhanced confidence. I can work with that until Roman and I are out of the room. I can get new pills later. But they’re not as important right now as my real goal. 
Even thinking that seems to make the barely-there confidence become stronger.
Enduring the pain in my legs, I stand up and go to find my bag.
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w1737087 · 4 years
Saturday 21st November
Awake at approximately: 18:38
I have had plenty to dream
something frightening
It’s a pretty long one now that I think if it
I was in dads car. Just before I had been at home hearing what mother was asking of me. She wanted menthol tobacco and two boxes of filters. I was transported into the car now which he had stopped in the middle of the road in an area I’ve never been in. My brain structured the architecture and place. There were cars parked on both sides of the road and maybe I saw in the corner of my eye cars waiting behind him to move along. I noticed a gap between those and dads car as it looked to me like seeing a frame around dads car from where I stood. The weather wasn’t the loveliest. But it hadn’t rained yet. Somehow his stopping in the middle there seemed no bother to anyone or anything. He just sat in his car as I ran the errand. When I got off I must have seen some post offices or what I thought in the dream those local places were. They had red framework I’m sure of it. Entering one through what may have been a door around the side instead and not the front from where the car would lead an easy straight path to. This was all weird now that I’m going back with a clear mind. How ever I entered wasn’t through a front door after existing the car. I came in seeing the front of the place in front of me but hadn’t looked out the window. You would usually enter a shop leaving the front behind you but I was heading toward it. In fact I couldn’t see the roads so my dad obviously wasn’t placed out front anymore. The coordination of this whole setting is just fucked up. You know how dreams are. Anyhoo there is a queue and I make it quickly to the mighty black dude behind the counter. It seems like a bank now because all around was plain and simple, just the counter, some wooden barrier between him and customers. It wasn’t a bank tho or a post office or a place I knew. He couldn’t give me what I asked for some reason. He blew me off and I didn’t fancy his attitude about it but I had to go since I wasn’t getting the stuff. He directed me elsewhere or said to come back later.
I went somewhere after that and not back to the car. I went past the car instead dreaming this part from the right seat of my dads vision in the car. I walk pass the sidewalk hoping he wouldn’t get in touch to see what’s up. (In the real world dad would often call to see where I’m going if he was sitting in his car outside and saw me leaving the house) He didn’t. I walked on and it was a relief he was just waiting patiently or this is what I was thinking in my head walking away. Now I’m quickly walking into busier places. My dad somehow appears to be in the conjestion of people I fall into and not in his car. I had come here in attempt to complete that errand of mine where I try to get to the front of an information glass window. Amongst the heap of people who were all dressed in trench coats and dull appropriate clothing I see dad and we briefly speak. We are stood there behind the commotion of much of the crowd. People swarmed the information corner and all around. We had a our space though. We were underneath something like a bricked bridge or tunnel. Looking up it wasn’t bulky but arc like. The weather seemed gloomy now and the dream was overall very monochrome like watching an old dispassionate movie. The sky had to have been just white and cloudy. We stood in between the crowd of people and many pedestrians going by non stop. In the dream I didn’t realise the offhand tones and impartial nature of the people. I now see how irrational everyone’s placing including mine was. Something about the place just felt weird and no doubt real too. I might have been sent to a backward era. Anyway Dads a few feet to the left of me standing on slight higher ground. I’m assuming there were a few steps beneath where we stood. To the right of my shoulder was the outlet behind me if I was to turn and see it. I rather knew it and felt it. In front of me the view was a constant sight of people going past and disappearing into further tunnel. Everybody walked in the same manner and speed like there was nothing unique to spot in anyone.
As I watched in my slight abstracted manner, my eyes fell upon a small gentleman walking past against the very far side of the tunnel wall. I remember vividly this moment go by. The wall which was about 6feet from me and curvy above. He headed forward in the direction of tunnel coming from behind me. I recognised this man in an instant from his whole back height and walk. He wore a long coat, like one of those trench coats I tended to see everyone wearing. The tone of it was dark; maybe an olive colour or grey. He had on what looked like a pork pie hat and this list of detail was what I noticed for only him. His hat distinguished from the rest of anyone else’s and I looked out for it later in the fuss of finding him as I ditched my father knowing he wouldn’t object to my manoeuvre but inside I’m hopeful he doesn’t ask me where I’m going. I may have said something on my departure but I don’t recall saying a word except acting immediately. My dad seemed more reserved in the dream the whole time he appeared. I let my feet off the stairs and began following the path of this man through a congested tunnel. I knew from the shade of grey hair below his hat, his walk, his visible proportioned hands below his cuffs that it was him. It was a man who measured my exact height and I worked very well with him. Gushing further into the tunnel I land into an intersection of people coming in and out of all directions and I stand looking left and right and all around but cannot see him to spot if it’s him. He had disappeared into all chaos of the swarm. My time fleeted by standing in the gathering loss conceding him gone. Losing all hope he was in my reach I chose yet a direction and wondered some more till I found myself outside on the opposite end of the tunnel to which I did not pursue. The white clouded sky was now above me, there was no monochrome tunnel and I was out in the open. I believe I wore a plaided shirt and my own attire up until I realised where I might have been and walked down about 15 feet to the front of what was going on here to realise I was again dressed anew in dark pigments like them. The dream made it clear it was imperative to fit in and look like them. My mind brings forward a memory, something sparked when I stood out here. It didn’t happen in the dream but right now the video across my pool of knowledge I saw of this place earlier evoked. I evoked the memory of something that never happened. There was someone here and over there beyond all the people around so little I couldn’t see to make out whom. Frankly this infamous person talking down there was someone on earth I didn’t know and below my concern. Beneath were I stood was made of beige stone. All across there was this wide platform I was standing out on. It was the only distinct colour the dream allowed. The tunnel had led from the left of this place, not the centre or far right from my vision.
About 25 feet from where I stood out here was the steps and many many people sitting upon them. There were enough to hide the sight of watching this person/ people out in front of them. Closer around me were people or should I say men in dark tone attire wearing hats like an old era. There was much commotion no matter where of the dream, especially here for the dull entertainment. It could have been entertainment or a beheading, either way people didn’t seem affected. Below this coldness people were more chuffed to be gathered for this if I may call an event. They all seemed comfortable and in wait for something to go down. So given my memory of seeing a video of some of this earlier I was somehow here now instead of seeing it behind a screen. This fact alone was what I remained hooked to. How could I evoke a video I saw earlier when it didn’t happen? False memories. I walked a little faster towards the steps of people and then noticed my dark attire given there and were at least a few cameras on me like I had seen through a screen earlier. I think why I came to notice my attire new modification is to blend in right now. Cameras to me meant nationwide broadcasting and I didn’t wanna be centre of attention. I didn’t want it. I turned back after seeing the hype and exposure to want out of the main area of where I’d be seen through camera. I got out and this was it for this place. I don’t know where I go from here.
Later I am standing in what seems to be a different post office literally folding up silver takeaway containers with food. My older sister was here too. It had already gotten dark. In this part of the dream I was both alone and accompanied by my sister. Other visions Albert here with us too. The nice women or people across the counter of this very small and tight space were cuting in some red coloured food into the container within my bag. I was a bit slow but I’m sure I had to be. When it came to closing the silver container a pair of hands of the woman across beat me to it and she did it quickly and with force that the silver folds expanded across the white lid. This didn’t bother me but I was taken by it. The dream portrayed her a friendly woman. Behind me the whole time were this black family. Mother daughter and son. The kids were little and standing sensibly. Nonetheless they were kids and on my way away from the counter the girl pokes me with whatever she held. I nudge her harder for it and in front of her mother. I explain briefly how she heavily poked me and I had known it was because I took a while but I sent a vibe to the lady there was no way I’m having your kid poke my body like that. In the other overlapping visions of this scene my sister had her own bag filled like mine of the food and Albert was standby on my left. There was more space when they appeared. Here again they were waiting for my food to be packed and done. When it was done we left together and going out it was raining now I think. At some point it rained a lot and I think it was now. I see my dads car from were I left earlier. It was just sitting there holding up all the traffic I couldn’t see in the middle of the road. The vision I couldn’t forget. It had been a long day and here I was back to were it all began. We hurry into the car. Sister on shotgun, me in the back behind her and Albert beside me. He didn’t get into his own car and on his own accord into ours. Dad said nothing and presumed he was a friend. In reality he would say something but my dad would still give him a ride home. In the dream he just did without saying. Though i spoke to dad sometime into the drive how the parked Audi was alberts which we left behind and Albert sat quiet like a mouse. I felt how he might feel awkward but it was his choice to jump in. He felt more awkward when I pointed out he would drive him all the way back and alone because this drive was to get his kids home and Albert would need his car back?? The drive was immensely long. It was were everything got frightening. We were native to this land and how terribly odd and daunting it was. No one was around and when there was a bus or a car or one pedestrian walking down it was like we were still all alone driving and driving. Dad made all these turns and throughout the car steamed up. He ordered us to put our windows down so we could get some air. Frankly it wasn’t cold out. It was very dark and the hours were severely late. At one point me and Albert whispered mich for a long time on something I can’t remember the topic of. The car door on my side opened by itself once. I reached to close it quickly. My sisters one remained open but soon I’m sure was closed. We concentrated on the locks of the doors at another separate point too. Now that both locks on my door were locked and I freely put my window all the way down I looked out just to calm the fear inside of me down. To take in the scariness and somehow believe it wasn’t as frightening. I didn’t feel much afraid as we were going past it all minute by minute getting closer out of this place. I even put my head out the window looking left then right then the middle of it. I recognised nothing and these streets held a scary howling; Creepy shadows and visions of what wasn’t there. We were all afraid and trying to keep our composure alight. I remember dad made one turn and in front was a bus coming.
He had to swerve very quickly into the right lane and halt immediately or we’d crash into the parked car on the side. Idk how dad couldn’t have done all this much smoother bc the bus was seen within a timed window to act accordingly. At another point I saw a big creature on top of a bricked wall and as we passed it turned and it it was just a black man in the dark with thick dreads. Another time i when I had been looking out the window much closer to the door I saw shadows, multiple shadows of the same one of a figure walking but there was no one there and this spooked me. As the car went on I poked my head behind to then see a hooded lad walking and slightly skipping into an open yard. I saw light shine on his hands and part showing his face. He didn’t seem so scary now. At the end of the dream I remember dad facing the back more and we were interacting, I saw his face and although his hair seemed different in the dream I thought to think in alberts head thinking this is my dad. You’re seeing him, this is the guy. And in a brief moment we had gotten to my own side of town and flowers were seen and shining streetlights and familiar roads and sidewalk I love. Simultaneously entering this scene a little green bird in the depth of a gap behind my dads seat, in the moment I notice it it splurges and flies out past me as if to attack me and out the open window. My instant thought was to close the window now but it instantly flies back in and behind me brushing against my back giving me this wobble feeling in my back as I wake. I felt much of the fear in the dream and I make the description so long only to remember it well when I read it back over. If I don’t reading would be no use as the images wouldn’t come back to me
I feel I’m forgetting some part of the dream
Background knowledge:
Albert- Co worker - 18years of age
Zed- Co worker - 43-45 years of age
Why had Albert been in my dreams lately? If I think of him it’s along with when the many faces of work flash through my head
I would say the scary part that had me bloody spooked as hell would get a rating of 1/10
And the whole monochrome part a 6/10.
The tunnel scenes were only in my favour of good rating. All else to do with the errand and post office and wrapping food? Thumbs down. The vibe wasn’t on. Terrible vibrations.
0 notes
harryandhishook · 7 years
Carousel - Harry Hook x Carlos
Pairing: Harry Hook x Carlos
Setting: Auradon
Warning: Some swearing (Kinda), Kissing, Almost naked Harry …. Harry in general
Summary: Carlos decides to take Harry to his first Auradon Carnival
Words: 2290
Requested: Nope, just pure imagination … kinda, I was given the idea by my Fiance
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Bright lights, loud music, screaming kids, the carnival was in full swing. The annual Auradon Carnival had arrived, everything was set up pretty quickly, the sound of kids screaming mixed inside the blasting music was what could be heard throughout the school in the morning, causing the new VKs to groan and hide the faces under their pillows.
It had been about a month since Ben had finally agreed to start bringing more kids over, including the ones who needed it most, Harry, Gil and Uma. It had taken them a while to fit in but they slowly got round to it, Gil was instantly in love when he felt his bed the first night, Uma was taken by the food and how much there was in Auradon, however Harry, even after a month of living in the preppy school, was still not convinced, that was until today.
As Harry tried to sleep, pillow pressed against his ear to block out the obnoxious sound from outside, a weight was thrown onto him, causing him to groan and open his eyes, “Whoever the hell you are, GET OFF” he growled and rolled onto his side, pushing the weight off of him and onto the floor with a loud thud that echoed through the room. Harry sat up, looking to the floor beside his bed, groggy and tired as he spotted the small black and white culprit, “Dog boy, ye’ have ten seconds to tell me what the hell you’re doing in ma room” Harry’s husky morning voice demanded, his accent more noticeable than usual.
Carlos groaned as he lifted himself up from the floor, sitting up and rubbing his now sore arm,
“That hurt … you could have just politely asked me to move” he slowly got up and looked at the pirate, the bags under his eyes and tired glare he was receiving somehow made a shiver run down his spine, “Look, I came to ask if you wanted to go to the Carnival but I can see you obviously don’t want to get your backside out of bed” he slightly growled at him, making his way back to the door. Just as he was about to grab the door handle, he heard a slight annoyed sigh from behind him and soft creaks from a bed, making him stop and turn to the side slightly,
“Wait … I guess I might as well since I’m up now” the pirate said as he slowly got up, covers sliding off his body as he stood beside his bed, “Let me get dressed and ye’ can take me to this stupid things” Harry stopped and looked at Carlos, confused, “Wait … what even is a Carnival? Actually, don’t answer, just take me there” he groaned out as he shuffled over to his wardrobe, opening it and looking at the very small selection of clothes.
It was at this point that Carlos decided to full turn around and look towards Harry, only for his eyes to be met with a perfect view of Harry’s toned back and ass. His face heated up quite rapidly and his eyes grew to the size of saucers, causing him to stutter over his words,
“I-I’ll … I’ll wait in my room” was the only thing he could get past his lips before running out of the room, making Harry look to the door in confusion.
Once the door was slammed shut, Harry rolled his eyes and turned back to his wardrobe, pulling out his normal leather outfit, the one he wore almost every day on the isle, and got dressed. As soon as he pulled the jacket over his shoulders, he looked in the mirror, staring at himself, some of his new found ‘friends’ had suggested he get some normal Auradon clothes, which, of course, earned them various responses, slap, punch, some sarcastic remark or, if it were Uma, a kiss on the back of her hand with a smile on his lips.
After a moment of staring, he pulled himself back to reality, grabbing his bandana and wrapping it around his head, tying it tightly around the back. He reached over to the table in front of the window to grab the final thing to complete his look but stopped, turning to look at the locked glass case perched right in centre, holding inside a shiny metal hook glistened in the sun making him sigh softly, staring at the one thing that made him a Hook. Harry sat on his bed and closed his eyes, thinking back to his life on the isle, thinking about how he could use his weapon, scare people with it, he missed being able to threaten people just by holding it to their necks but that was all then, that was his old life, it’s different now, he can’t get it out of that box. He frowned, looking away from it as he quickly got up, trying not to show his emotions to himself as he headed to the door, leaving the room as quick as possible only to run into someone on the way out, making him fall back against the door frame. Harry looked up to see Carlos looking a little embarrassed as he stared at him,
“I thought you said you were going to wait in your room?” harry asked, an annoyed tone raising slightly in his voice as he pushed away from the door frame before shutting and locking the door behind him,
“I-I’m sorry, I just, I thought it would be easier if I met you outside so we can go straight there” Carlos quickly spat out, blushing from the embarrassment, he stared down at the floor and bit his lip, “So, erm, shall we go?” he asked, nervously as he started to walk away without a single answer from Harry.
Harry watched Carlos closely, noticing that something was off with him but he could not put his finger on it, he sighed and followed after him, a little curious as to why he was being so … dare he say it … cute.
 I wasn’t too long before they reached the gates of the Carnival, the music louder than inside, almost loud enough to deafen someone, the screams of enjoyment made Harrys lips curl up in a small smile, the pirate wouldn’t admit it to anyone but this actually looked quite fun.
Carlos grabbed Harrys arm, smiling at him, “Come on, I’m going to take you on something soft first so we can give you a taste of what’s to come” he smirked and little at the idea of taking Harry on his first rollercoaster but for now, something soft. Without warning, Carlos dragged him in, making him stumble over his own feet. It didn’t take them long to get to their first ride, the pirate ship, which Carlos thought was quite funny.
As they sat on the ride, pressed up together behind the safety bar, Harry took the time to look around, all he knew and could really see was that he was on a large pirate ship, he couldn’t see anything that could indicate what was about to happen and he doubted Carlos was going to tell him anything. As he continued to look around, he could see some of his class mates and other children from Auradon, smiling a grin that even the Cheshire cat would be jealous of. Soon enough, the ride started moving, all the people around them started screaming happily and holding their arms up in the air, making Harry giggled silently. The ship started to move backwards then forwards, repeating the action to create a rhythm until the ride became faster and moved higher into the air, the movement and the sudden intensity of the ride made Harry grip the bar and laugh, cheering with everyone around him, it wasn’t until he felt a hand tightly grip onto his that he remembered about the little Dalmatian boy next to him. Harry’s eyes darted down to look at the boy, only to see Carlos giggling as well as clenching his eyes shut, causing Harry to laugh for a different reason other than the ride, watching him made his heart speed up but the pirate brushed that off as the ride. As the ride became faster, Harry wrapped his arm around the giggling mess beside him, pulling him close, enjoying the thrill of the Carnival.
It wasn’t long before the ride was over, both boys getting out, giggling and wobbling around, soon enough, they were dragging each other on any rides they could find, both of them were surprised they hadn’t thrown up yet. Eventually, the sun started to set, leaving a soft glow of bright colours across Auradon, all the Auradonians were taking their leave to get back to their normal lives and the rides were being packed up. Both boys were still giggling messes, both boys pressed against each other, Harrys arm wrapped around Carlos’s shoulder as they walked towards the exit. Just as they were about to head under the Carnival sign, Harry stopped, causing Carlos to be pulled to as halt as he looked up at the taller boy, noticing that he was staring at the one ride that hadn’t been packed up, lights still bright and still in motion.
Carlos smiled softly, bringing Harry out of his little trance as he spoke,
“Want to go on the Ferris Wheel?” he turned back to Harry, his eyes glistened from the light of the setting sun. He grabbed Harrys hand and led him towards the last ride, pulling him gently into the awaiting car. Once they had been securely locked in, the car slowly started moving backwards, reaching the top of the Ferris Wheel where is slowly stopped, giving Harry a full view of Auradon. The only sound that escaped Harry lips, was a soft gasp as his eyes widened,
“It’s … beautiful, I’ve only ever seen Auradon from the borders of the Isle, it’s even more beautiful than I had ever thought” he spoke softly, barely loud enough for Carlos to hear, as he looked around, seeing every inch of the place he now called home, only for his gaze to pause when his eyes spotted a familiar place off in the distance, causing his awe to turn into a frown, “Carlos … do you ever wish … to go back? I know you’ve been here longer than we have, but do you ever get the feeling we still don’t belong here? Everyone else has found their purpose, Evie makes beautiful outfits, Uma has a beautiful voice, Jay joined the Tourney team, Gil … is still Gil” he sighed and looked down at his lap, “We left everything there, our family, friends … what we had of them, we were born there, raised there, everything we’ve ever known was there, do you ever think that maybe we should be back over the…” he stopped speaking when a hand was placed on his, he turned his gaze to the young boy beside him, who was smiling softly as if to try and ease something,
“Harry, we were chosen to come here, we have potential, Ben chose us for a reason, I know he took his time in continuing what he started, giving the children a better chance, but he brought you and the crew as soon as he realized the state his father had left you in” he sighed and looked to the isle, “we may have been born and raised there, our families and friends may be there but that is not who we are anymore, we are not the Villains our parents wanted us to be, we are our own people” he smiled and turned back to Harry, “we are the new beginning” he stated proudly, gripping Harry’s hand, he knew it had helped when Harry’s face softened but he didn’t realize just how much it had helped when he saw Harry lean towards him and press his lips softly onto Carlos’s. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was long enough for Carlos to feel the happiness and new found love from the pirate.
As soon as he felt the lips, they were gone. Carlos looked at Harry and could only see a shy smile and pale pink cheeks,
“Thanks … I think I really needed that” he whispered as he looked down again at his lap, turning his hand over so that Carlos’s hand, that was still laid on his, interlocked with his, “I’m glad you brought me here, I think I really needed this, someone to talk to…” Harry took a deep breath, looking up at Carlos to thank him when he felt a pair of lips hit his, causing him to blink rapidly for a moment before relaxing into the kiss just as the wheel started moving again, making Harry and Carlos giggle at the feeling but neither letting go.
Eventually, the two pulled apart, blushing hard and biting their lips as they held onto each other’s hands, good thing to, as the ride came to a halt and they were allowed out, only to be greeted by a group of smirking teens, also known as their friends, no one spoke as they all stood their staring at each other. Soon, the silence was broken by both Uma and Mal, who looked down at the interlocked hands of the boys,
“Took you long enough!” they both exclaimed before turning and walking back towards the school, making Harry and Carlos blush even more, they looked at each other, smiling before following after the group as they all headed back to the school, that was the moment Harry knew, he belonged in Auradon.
79 notes · View notes
My greatest fear was always losing my eyes, but then I did lose my eyes, and I realised that I could still see through them.
As humans, we rely on our sight more than any other sense. So it makes sense that when I was tied to the chair, inside a cave serving as a weapons cache for the enemy, I was most afraid that the scrawny man with an assault rifle on his back and a spoon in his hand was going to take away my eyes.
I did my best to not show it. There is the old tale of the captured turtle who expresses fear of drowning and when sentenced to be drowned, escapes into the river stream. It didn’t work out for me. That spoon was stained red, and it would be stained red freshly again that night. I don’t think I even remember my screams.
But then, the pain stopped, and I noticed that my brain was adjusting to a new kind of sight. Instead of both my eyes focusing on a single point, they focused individually, and I realised that I was staring at the handle of the spoon. I turned my eye to face the man. He saw the movement and frowned, both confused and unsure of what he had seen. I rolled my eyes—literally rolled them in the spoon, and he immediately dropped it. My eye rolled uncontrollably, and when it came to rest, I found that I could see my torturer on the floor, in two viewpoints.
“I can see,” I said, as if hoping he could explain what was happening.
He didn’t really have much of an answer. He just got up, turned around and ran like Death was after him. I was rescued the next day by my mates, who told me that the enemy had retreated for seemingly no reason whatsoever. The first thing I did when I saw them was to tell them to give me the eye back in my hand. I resisted the urge to move it and cause unnecessary panic. Once in my hand, right there, in front of everyone else, I plugged the eye right back into its socket.
The squad watched me wordlessly as I rolled my eyes independently of each other and cackled. And then, after a deep breath, I reached into the socket with two fingers and pulled the eye right back out again. I tossed it in my hand like it was a small, squishy ball, but the view made me dizzy.
“This is some fucked up shit,” the burly machinegunner said.
Well, people and their views.
The eye proved to be useful. I put it in a little pouch with a small hole cut into it, and slung it over my shoulder. Now, I no longer needed anyone to watch my back. In close quarters, I held it with my fingers to look around corners without exposing much of my head.
It was convenient.
The eye became like a camera that could see from afar. The commanding officer took the pouch from my shoulder and as I stood gawking, handed it over to the expeditionary force. They took the eye beyond enemy lines and I sat there in a tent, inaccurately swatting at mosquitoes and wiping away sweat, as I reported on what the team was looking at.
My biggest concern, of course, was that they bring back the eye in one piece. It was a unique gift, and I wasn’t sure what would happen if I lost it. Medical science could not explain what was happening to me, let alone advise how to fix something like this.
So I just sat there, hands tightly clasped, voice raspy and throat dry, and I told the men what I was seeing, in every detail possible. They clacked away on their typewriters, recording everything I told them. The thought of lying did cross my mind, but everything was so busy that I didn’t even have time to lie.
Besides, why would I lie? I was a patriot. A soldier of the soil.
The eye was returned to me. I was glad.
One of the members in our unit then spooned his own eye out. It wasn’t a pretty sight. He couldn’t see through the removed eye, so he had to be termed a loon and taken off duty. I felt somehow responsible for what had happened, but I didn’t dare approach the man. I wasn’t sure how he’d react to me.
So instead, I sent a friend in my stead, carrying my eye-bag. He sat and talked to the injured man in his bed, his lost eye bandaged. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, naturally, but I did get a look at him, and that was enough. The man had suffered. He had been traumatised for life.
Eye-spoonings became our torture method of choice. Every time we had a surplus of prisoners, they’d be taken out to a tent, and an officer would try every tenth prisoner. We couldn’t report this to the higher-ups, obviously, so we just pretended they were injured in war, or otherwise hurt themselves. Someone was bound to get suspicious about why there were so many prisoners with missing eyes, so that practice ended shortly after it began. It wasn’t working any way. That didn’t stop the men from enjoying themselves.
As for me, I sat in the bunk on a day of rest. I touched my other eye’s lid. I raised it wide open and stuck my fingers inside, and pulled the eye out. I won’t lie: it hurt, so don’t try it at home. But it worked. I could see with both my eyes, and they were both in my hands.
I giggled uncontrollably. The first person to walk into the barracks turned around and ran just like someone else I’d once seen. I just laughed harder and harder, until I was laughing there, alone, surrounded by uniformed men staring aghast at my bloodstained hands holding eyeballs.
They did the one thing they could do. They put me in a cell, somewhere I don't know. I was blindfolded, and my eyes were put in a box. The box was closed. All I could see was darkness. I could hear myself speak, but without my eyes, I couldn't understand where I was.
This was a problem I'd been having for a while now, but with both my eyes removed and kept so far away from me, it became particularly acute. Was I where my body was? Or where my eyes were? No, of course, all reason told me that I am where my brain is, where my body is. But if I can see through some other place, am I not like a kind of god?
It's a superpower, I spoke aloud. I wasn't sure if anyone was watching, because I couldn't see a thing. There were no voices, however, except for the scraping of a steel plate on which they served me filth that was supposed to be food. I ate it nonetheless, doing my best to finish it.
Then one day, they opened the box. I looked up at two men in white coats and glasses and bald heads looking down on me like I was some kind of freak. Well, no. I realised that they were looking at my eyeballs. And my eyeballs were looking at them.
"Leave me alone," I said, and I screamed. They couldn't hear me, of course. It then occurred to me that they might not even be in the same country as me. No, it wasn't here. Those days of loneliness... the eyes were gone away from here. They were in a lab back in my homeland, on the other side of the world.
"No," I screamed, "What are you doing to me?" I screamed, "Give me back my eyes, give them back," I screamed. And if anyone heard me, they didn't say a word.
"Fascinating," one of the doctors mouthed. Then the other doctor started a conversation that involved frequent pointing at me.
I touched my face, I touched where my eyes used to be.
I can't cry.
I slapped myself, and I ran into walls. I pulled my hair out.
"Let me out," I screamed, and screaming had become my only means of communication now.
The worst part, by far, however, was that I could no longer close my eyes. My throat had become so hoarse that trying to utter a sound caused acute physical pain. And all the time, I could see everything. The glass jar, the lab, the rats, the doctors. They never turned off the lights.
Finally, I felt hands on my arms. Someone was here. They said absolutely nothing, but they led me out. I couldn't say a word then. Not a word. It was impossible for me to keep my balance while my eyes stayed still, but the persons somehow led me out of the cell.
They lay me down on a good bed.
"You wanted to serve your country," a familiar voice whispered. "Now, you'll serve for the rest of your life. You and your eyes."
"No," I said.
But, like most things in life, I didn't have a choice. All I could do was see what happens next.
Today’s throwback story is about the land of sugar plum cliffs and seas of rum.
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Part 1: Chapter 4
The city was unlike anywhere the two friends had ever been. The roads were smooth and paved, the building sturdy and clean, and the people, all the people, were well dressed and happy looking. Right before the gates swung closed, Katherine looked back through them and noticed other travelers in the distance. She correctly assumed that they were others that had been summoned by the Queen. Her attention was brought back to her front when Eraenes nearly tripped and she had to make sure her unwieldy friend didn’t fall and hurt herself. William escorted them to the palace, and the friends bade their goodbyes as a bevy of maidservants lead the two to their guest chambers. And so in no time at all Katherine and Eraenes had separated from William, the only familiar person in the castle, and had found themselves with a luxurious suite of rooms, and instructions for dinner. At six they were to don their nicest clothing, and they would then be escorted to the dining hall to join the other invitees.
The second the servants were gone Eraenes dropped her heavy bag on the ground, took off her boots and glasses, and passed out on the bed. The room was cool enough that it wouldn’t be as much as a pain to sleep somewhere so dry. Katherine, however, was still full of energy, and instead of sleeping chose to explore their rooms. Off the bedroom was a washroom, a sitting room, and much to her delight: a balcony. She opened the glass doors leading out, and found herself overlooking the palace’s rear gardens. Katherine looked down at the rose bushes below, and then out at the carefully sculpted hedges. Delighted, she willed one of the bushes to grow up, up, up to her. Katherine leaned in to sniff it, and the aroma lifted her spirits even higher, she couldn’t even comprehend how something bad could be happening somewhere as gorgeous as Coraje. It was definitely worth risking the wrath of her father to come here, she thought, even if she still felt a bit guilty about dragging Eraenes out of her lake in the middle of the night. Katherine decided, seeing as she had several hours before dinner, to prepare herself the nicest gown she could. As her clothing consisted solely of plants grown from her own skin, she didn’t have to rely on a set amount of options. Katherine began by picking a color, blue, and then began the long process of choosing flowers and growing them together in a weave to her liking.
Eraenes woke to a cheer of success from her friend. Looking up, she found Katherine in the center of their bedroom twirling in a flowing gown made from blue hydrangeas and giggling in delight. The sight was enough to make her grin and reach for her own pack. While Eraenes didn’t own many clothes, she did have a set of dress robes she would sulk around the outskirts of Court celebrations in. Elves tended to carry all their possession with them when they traveled, so that night she had gone to complete her initiation ritual Eraenes had brought everything she could put her name to. This included her books and scrolls, her quills and ink, her clothes, and of course the rolls of Corajen silk she planned to make her mother a new dress from. After arriving at the Court, there was obviously no reason to use the cloth for her mother, and so eventually, after reaching her full height, she made herself something nice to wear. Eraenes donned the floor length black robes over the matching shirt, with its high collar. She kept her usual pair of worn boots though, as the robes would more than adequately cover them when she walked. The subsequent goofing off of the two, dancing and enjoying themselves in the fancy room, occupied them until dinnertime.
At six sharp a loud ringing sounded throughout the palace, breaking the friends away from their foolishness. Seconds later there was a knock at their door, and on the other side they found one of the servants that had shown them to their room on arrival. Jessica, she introduced herself as, and promptly took them through the palace to the main dining hall, a room primarily used for feasts during the Kingdom’s many religious festivals.
Jessica left them at the entrance to the hall, and as she hurried away the two slipped through the truly enormous door leading inside. A long table dominated the room, already mostly filled by clamoring guests. As the two searched for some empty seats they noticed that they were the only ones there that weren’t human. Everyone else seemed to be knights from other Kingdoms or glory seeking, foolhardy men. The two suddenly felt very awkward, and sat down across from each other as fast as they possibly could. They could feel the curious eyes of the other guests boring into them, but did their best to avoid acknowledging it. As tall as she was, Eraenes could both easily ignore the piercing stares, and see far above the heads of everyone else in the room. She noticed that the seats at the end of the table to her left were vacant, most likely left for the Queen, but that the other end of the table was already occupied by a tall, greasy man clothed in scarlet, and by the looks of it already well on his way to being drunk, despite there not being anything besides dishes on the table yet. She decided that he must have brought his own flask to the table, rude, but not especially odd she assumed, letting her poor views of humans sway her assumptions.
While silently judging the greasy man at the end of the table, Eraenes didn’t notice the doors behind her swing open, but Katherine did. The young woman glanced over only to see Coraje’s very own ruler, Queen Jaya, in all her resplendent glory enter the room surrounded by a group of what appeared to be several maidservants and a bard. Katherine tapped Eraenes’s hand and pointed at the entrance to alert her, and as everyone rose to their feet, the elf shot up embarrassed and clumsily, almost knocking her poor neighbor over in her haste. Everyone at the table stayed standing until the Queen strode to her chair and sat primly on her seat. The second she did the guests and the Queen’s servants all fell as one, and this time Eraenes managed to move with a bit more grace than she had before. The Queen said nothing besides a brief greeting, and with a wave of her hand the meal was carted in and served. Trays of steaming meats and roast vegetables were placed on the table, while servants walked around the table filling all the goblets to the brim with wine. Eraenes nabbed Katherine’s cup almost immediately, knowing that the woman had never had alcohol before. She both didn’t want her friend to be too drunk, and she wanted to make sure she herself had enough to at least feel the buzz of intoxication. Katherine had no desire for the admittedly delicious looking food that had been set before her, but Eraenes was happy to eat what she wouldn’t.  She gorged herself on the meats provided, which she thought were excellent, despite the fact that they were cooked, as Eraenes usually ate her meat fresh and raw. The two were also thankful for the distraction the meal provided the others at the table, as they were no longer being watched so closely.
Several hours later after a quality feast and strong wine, the guests had settled down quite a bit. As the dishes were taken away, the Queen rose from her seat and cleared her throat to get the attention of those assembled.
“Greetings honored guests of Coraje!” The Queen began in soft, but commanding, voice. “I thank you all for coming, and I am sure that you are all eager to know what exactly has prompted my summons.” Murmurs of agreement spread throughout the table as Eraenes leaned towards Katherine to translate. “I wrote of a series of incidents on the edges of our borders, some of which a few of you may already be aware of.” A few more shout of agreement sounded. “Before any of you agree to help us, I must tell you of our suspicions as to the culprit. We believe that Coraje is under attack by … a dragon.”
Shout of surprise echoed through the room. Eraenes felt herself freeze up at the thought of a dragon, those flames. She remembered vividly the pain of burning. Katherine, while a bit frightened, was mainly interested. To her a dragon had always been like a fairy tale, a scary monster in the stories Eraenes would sometimes tell on moonless nights. The Queen, realizing that she could probably not say anymore because of the din, waved her hand in dismissal and left with her posse. Eraenes and Katherine, now tired and annoyed by the noise decided to return to their bedchamber. The two hurried away, completely unnoticed by the other guests, and retraced their steps back to their rooms.
The friends washed and changed before collapsing onto their bed together. They curled under the blankets and did their best to sleep, but seconds before Eraenes could drift off, Katherine asked her a question.
“Eraenes, you used to tell me all those stories with dragons in them, have you ever seen one?”
Eraenes froze, unsure of what to say. She thought about the fire, and the bodies torn apart, and the deafening roar she had heard right before she-. “Not seen, my friend, but experienced.”
Katherine wanted to ask more, but Eraenes turned away from her and pulled the covers tighter around herself. They fell asleep.
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