#and i got all emotional because the whole train ride it just wanted to get back outside
countlessimagines · 1 month
Downfall [ Five Hargreeves x Reader ]
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Summary: No matter the timeline, you and Five never get your chance.
A/N: well I think I can agree with everyone that season four was not good… so my way of coping is making angsty imagines for it… I’m trying to cope with the fact this is the last time we will ever see them ): This is also super short, apologies
Warnings: Season Four Spoilers
Five had seen multiple timelines with Lila throughout their time spent together. And in almost every single one they saw, you were dead by the hands of him or vice versa. Eventually it became normal to see you mourning Five or him taking revenge for you.
Lila could see how distressing it was for him to see every timeline play out the same for the both of you.
Fate never seemed to be on your side, and even in your timeline, Five never had the courage to tell you his feelings. Despite spending six years by his side, being his roommate, helping him with cases, being there emotionally for him… he never seemed to catch on to the fact that you held feelings for him, too.
On one of their multiple train rides, Lila tried to address what the two of you meant to each other, but Five didn’t want to acknowledge it.
Because he feared the moment he’d open up, fate would play it’s cruel trick again and guarantee he would never see you again.
So he buried it deep within himself so it would not haunt him.
For you, it was mere hours you had last seen Five. You had helped Allison and Claire rescue Klaus from being buried alive, and had found your way to Lila and Diego’s home.
Everything seemed to be alright, and although you could sense something was wrong with Five, you didn’t have the energy to ask, simply from the long day you were all having.
However, you didn’t fail to notice the looks Lila and Five were sharing. It made not only you suspicious, but Diego as well. It was started to grow more and more tense as he pried information from them.
It almost felt as if your heart was being ripped out of your chest, being stomped on by the universe, as Five and Lila confessed of their infidelity.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to console Diego or slap Five.
You decided on the latter before storming out of the house. Diego tried to stop Five from chasing after you, but Five was quicker and blinked to your side.
“Let me explain.”
“Get away from me!” You screamed as you exited the house. Nobody followed the two of you, so you only assumed Lila was in the hot seat.
“(Y/n)! Stop acting like a child and listen.” Five grabbed your arm and whipped you around to face him. He was close now, his breath fanning your face.
“How could I listen to the fact you and Lila shared such an intimate relationship while I have been waiting years for you to do the same with me.” You made sure to throw your words in his face, making all of your emotions clear as day. Pretending to not hold feelings for him was beginning to weigh you down, so you needed to let go of those weights now.
“All we did was kiss,” Five said it like it was the most simple action in the world. “One kiss and we realized our mistake immediately. We got wrapped up in our own little bubble and forgot the important things. I just… I couldn’t handle seeing you die anymore…”
“What?” You pushed away from him. Had he seen a timeline with you dead?
“I… we don’t get a happy ending in any timelines. No matter what we do, we fail to be together.” Five sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I lost hope that even if we got back, it would lead to our demise.”
You didn’t know what to say to him as your heart began to beat uncontrollably.
He looked into your tear filled eyes and said, “I want to be with you, but I don’t want to kill you.”
“I don’t want to be with someone who, after forty years in the apocalypse, couldn’t even keep his heart on one person for seven years. It doesn’t matter if you realized your mistake, Five. I’ve been here the whole time waiting for you. I took care of you when you came home bloodied. I stayed up with you while you had panic attacks. I made sure that you had coffee brewed every morning.”
Five felt ashamed he had let everything you had done for him go to waste with his one mistake. “I don’t expect you to forgive me.”
“Maybe I’ll be the bigger person and actually forgive you, because I know deep inside I am that person. And I for sure know you aren’t because you kissed your brother’s wife, Five.” You scoffed and wiped away your tears. “Good luck with that.”
You began to walk towards your car without another word, and Five just watched as you left.
He was smart enough to know that if he chased you, it would lead to a grave.
And not too long after, he would sacrifice himself with his family, his last thoughts only consisted of you and how much he failed your relationship. Some selfish part of him hoped that he’d come back, to be able to see you again.
But the more rational side of him knew that he would never touch you again.
Because for once, you would be able to live in a peaceful timeline without him there to cause your downfall.
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daemon-404 · 2 years
i am once again thinking about the time at a hotel when my mother wouldn't let me take the elevator downstairs (the stairs were emergency-only) to put a dying bug in the grass because the rest of my family wouldn't have lights (the key card was necessary for both) for a maximum of like 7 minutes so i just cried in the hallway
#the bug was trying to climb up the window our whole train ride#it used our food bag to reach up higher but obviously there was glass#it kept trying for like 20 minutes#until it eventually fell into the bag#and we took the bag around the little airport metro and whatnot and it got a little squished but i did my best to keep it ok#when we got to the hotel room we took out the food for dinner and the bug fell out with it#it was alive so i was happy at first because this was really worrying me (probably bc of period hormones tbh)#but its legs were crushed#and it was very clear it was dying#and i got all emotional because the whole train ride it just wanted to get back outside#so i wanted to put it in the grass. just so it could be outside again#feel the earth and smell the air all that romantic shit idek if bugs could do that or if it was even conscious#but i didn't want it to die in a stuffy hallway is all#so i took it to the elevator but you need the key card to use it#i asked my mom to borrow it for a minute#she said no ofc but i still can't get her reason?? it was night and everyone was going to bed anyway#so what do the lights matter??? we were on the second floor it would've taken like 2 minutes to go downstairs and outside#there was a patch of grass right next to the hotel entrance#but she wouldn't let me so i just. put it down on the carpet. on the side of the hallway so it wouldn't be stepped on#and (again probably because of period hormones) i just sat there and cried about it#and she still wouldn't fuckin let me#in the morning it was dead#i took it outside and put it in the grass.#it haunts me. i still feel so bad about it#my mom's great but like... c'mon. it would've taken 5 minutes.
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hellodropbear · 4 months
like she used to
alexia putellas x sister
i have been writing this for ages and it has just sat in my documents folder since january. i don't usually post stuff i write so this will probably get taken down at some point. i've written 13k words so far but this is just the first 4k.
I hadn't expected to get the call up, not at all really. But Mapi tore her meniscus and apparently the first team found themselves in need of a backup centre back and I was the best option from the B team. It's a compliment, really. Mami is very proud of me and she is excited for me and my sister to play together in a few weeks, even though she is still recovering from her surgery and I will probably not make it off the bench. I am only 15 and 10 months, usually they wait until you are at least 16 and a bit before you can play. 
But, I don't really know how to feel. Thankfully Alexia won't be in training with me for now and I try to avoid thinking about what will happen when she eventually gets better and I have to face her again.
Alexia is my older sister by a lot. There's a 14 year age gap between us and I used to completely and utterly idolise her. She and Alba were two superheroes, always by my side when I needed them. I put them on a pedestal like they were the greatest human beings to ever walk the planet. To me back then, they were. 
I was only four when my father died. All I remember from that time was the big black invisible sheet that hung outside his study and the dark and scary emotions that swallowed our house whole. Alba and Alexia would argue about who got to cuddle me at night and I was so unaware what was happening that I would happily agree, wiping away their tears when it all got too much. 
The death of our father made our family unit stronger. Mami, Ale, Alba and Elena - it was all any of us needed and we supported each other in whatever ways we could. 
Mami had to pick up more shifts at her job, so she couldn't pick me up from school. Alexia had just got her license so she would come in a break during training and pick me up in her training gear. 
Alexia didn't have time to drop me off at home so I would sit and watch the training with whoever wanted to give me company when they were injured. 
Most days, Alba would come and pick me up and take me on the bus all the way home. She would play cartoons on the TV as she sat at the table and did school work. Some days, when she had the time she would sit with me and watch Alexia's training and we'd all go home together. Alba used to say she enjoyed the training. Looking back, I think she just wanted a free ride home and an excuse to not do her homework. 
As I grew up, everything just worked. Alexia and Alba were still living at home as a support to Mami and everything was perfect. My sisters were my idols, my Mami was my shining star. She still is. She would do anything for her daughters, as long as it meant we were all happy. 
That is why it has been so hard for her over the past two years. 
I have not been happy, not really. My football has been thriving, I have represented my country in the under 17 age group and I am a consistent starter in the Barcelona B team. I spent two years in La Masia before they sent me to the B team last year and I have only been improving since. Everything is going well. Mami says I have had a better start to my career than Alexia did. 
Maybe that is why Alexia hates me. Maybe Mami is just saying that to make me feel better about it.
Alexia and I, despite the 14 year age gap, were always inseparable - for the first 12 years of my life. She was at every single school event, football game, she picked me up from trainings when she could and would train me herself in the garden. We shared a common passion that Alba was not interested in at all - we both love football, we eat, sleep and breath it. Football is everything. She was the one who gave me that mentality. 
"Football is life, Lena, you are lucky you are so good because now you also get to live football and hermanita, it is the most incredible thing." 
She had whispered that to me when I was 11. We were sat on the beach, a place we visited frequently throughout my childhood, both of us staring out at the reflection of the moon on the sea. Alba was fast asleep, her head in Alexia's lap as she snored lightly, completely oblivious to our conversation. 
It all fell apart over three years ago, although I don't have the first clue as to why. 
It was not an explicit event that ruined everything, more my older sister growing up and flying the nest that was so secure and established over years and years of shared success, happiness, failure and grief. She moved out of home long before that, but her split with Jenni upset her, I think, a great deal. I wouldn't know because she didn't really tell me anything - that was strictly Alba's business. 
I didn't even know they had broken up until 5 months after it actually happened. 
"Mami, why does Jenni never come over any more?" 
It was an innocent and normal question, but the look on my mother's face told me everything. Everything about Jenni and everything about my sister. 
I think that was the first knock. She hadn't done anything wrong but I had loved Jenni and Jenni had loved me. I would have thought that she would have told me they broke up. Maybe she didn't want to, maybe she just forgot. She does a lot of that these days. 
Before she and Jenni broke up, she still came to all of my games. She never missed one game before I transferred to La Masia and would insist on taking me out to ice cream after every one. She would tease me for not scoring like she does, even though I play as a centre back. 
"You need some training from Mapi, she is a centre back and has the most lethal free kick, hermanita! She is the best defender I have played with, but don't tell her I said that. I think you will grow up to be better than her." 
She was excited that day, I had made a few good saves and I think that was the first time she really saw that I had the potential to be great. 
I remember the first game she was late to. I noticed immediately but we both pretended she was on time - she only made it to the last 10 minutes but I put it down as traffic or being caught up at training. She was busy, it takes a lot to be La Reina. 
I remember the first game she missed entirely. She wasn't there at the beginning and she wasn't there at the end. I was 13 and I didn't have a phone yet so I couldn't call Mami and ask her to come pick me up because Alexia was too busy. I told myself it was because she was too busy. I didn't want to say she had forgotten because that was too hard for me to handle. 
I remember vividly sitting outside the stadium as the sun set. My coach had asked where my sister was, I was a bit stuck with what to say but I managed to convince her I was fine and she could go home. 
Alba came and picked me up after work that night. It was dark and she looked sad but when I asked if she was ok, she just shrugged her shoulders and said everything would be fine. 
I found out from Mami a few weeks later that Alba was sad because I had never once been forgotten anywhere. Alba saw that as the destruction of our strong family. I suppose she was not wrong. 
Alexia never said anything about that game but she was at the next. She didn't take me out for ice cream after, instead patting my head and telling me she would drop me off at Mami's work. 
"I have things to do, Elena, I am very busy. Hopefully soon Mami will let you catch the bus on your own. Maybe Alba can take you soon so you know the correct routes." 
Her words hurt more than I could admit to myself, I told myself to stop being pathetic. Mami asked why I was crying when I walked into her office. I told her I had played terribly and she comforted me. I think she knew I was lying. I think that is why she had tears in her eyes when she released me from her grip-like hold.
Since that day, Alexia has been to 3 of my games. She went to one more of my old club games but she was sat beside Alba, her eyes glued to her phone the entire match. I was so unfocused that the ball deflected off my face and we conceded. I was taken off with a bleeding nose but when I looked up in the stands, my sister was still staring at her phone. Alba had run down the stairs and was by my side when I entered the little sick bay. 
I cried then too. Most people thought it was because of the bleeding nose or the conceded goal. Alba knew that wasn't the real reason. 
The penultimate game she watched was the final of the under 15s Catalonia cup. I don't know what she did during the game because Mami told me not to look up. She said she didn't want me to get distracted but I think she meant to say she didn't want me to get hurt. 
I think I still idolised Alexia at that point in time. She was still my older sister and she was still the best player in the world. She still had weekly dinners at home, although she wouldn't sit next to me and sneakily take all the food I didn't want off my plate anymore. She stopped staying to watch a movie after dinner even though my favourite part of the week was falling asleep in her lap as her hands combed softly through my hair. 
I remember when I was accepted into La Masia, Mami held a nice big dinner. It was right in the middle of covid so it was technically illegal, but we had a lot of my family over. Mami invited a few of the Barcelona girls as well and Mapi and Leila reminded me of what it used to be like before Alexia stopped loving me. 
The reminder of the before was more painful than I liked to admit, and the night ended when the tears that had been burning in the back of my eyes finally spilled out as I was talking to Mapi. 
She immediately pulled me into her arms and asked what was wrong and I struggled to find a lie that would be believable. 
I settled on saying I was upset about everything changing - which I suppose was true. 
I remember Alexia looking mortified and breaking eye contact as soon as I looked at her. She told me off that evening when Mami was in the shower and Alba was talking to someone else. She told me I needed to be grateful for everything I have been given and that she paved the way for me. 
It was even worse when she said I would never achieve the things she has. She said it was because I didn't have the mentality that she did, that I had it all so easy. 
It hurt the most when she told me she was disappointed in the person I was. 
"I hope we never share a shirt, Elena, because the day you play in the first Barcelona team is the day that we have run out of players. It will mean that football players are week and female footballers can not be weak. You do not have it in you to be like me, to do what I have done to get to where I am."
The venom in her voice sent a cold shiver down my spine and I felt like I had been stabbed. I didn't cry that time. I waited until I was in my bedroom to sob my heart out. 
The last time she ever watched me play was the next day, but she didn't have an option not to. I played terribly, my first game as a La Masia student, my sisters words repeating over and over in my head. 
That was really what tipped the relationship I once shared with Alexia on its head. The pedestal I had put her on was destroyed and suddenly she was just another player. I barely saw her as my sister any more. She couldn't love me, you wouldn't be able to hurt someone you love so much. 
I have barely seen her since. She still comes to our family dinners on Thursday nights - she still very much loves Alba and our Mami. But I tell Mami that I have training with Barcelona B late on Thursdays. It finishes at 6 and dinner starts at 7, but I just organise to go to my friends' houses for dinner instead. 
Sometimes we both have dinner together at home, but it is awkward and I hate it. I think she has probably forgotten about what she said to me in June of 2021, but I don't think I will ever be able to. 
She doesn't like me, but it's ok because I have learnt to accept that. But I will never not love my sister because she was once everything to me. 
"Pequena Putellas!" Patri's excited shriek is what welcomes me into the dressing room on my first day. She tackles me into a hug and squeezes me tight. "It has been such a long time, mi favorita!" 
The last time I saw Patri was only last year at the champions league final. I had sat with my whole family but I went to the bathroom when everyone else went and spoke to the players. I don't think Patri would have seen me. 
I can only smile as she continues. 
"I remember you as the little 8 year old who would sit and watch our training sessions after school! I was so confused by you when I first arrived here, you know. I remember the first time Ale let you play a game with us and you were so good!" 
"Nobody doubted that you would be on this team one day!" A new voice entered the conversation.
"Marta!" I hugged the brunette closely. She was always one of my favourites. 
"I am proud of you, pequena putellas." 
Her words are familiar as I have heard them out of my mothers voice time and time again my whole life. But they seem foreign coming from Marta and it is an unwanted reminder of my sister. I don't know why - maybe it is because I have always associated this Barcelona team with her. I don't remember the last time she said she was proud of me. 
I don't remember the last time she said anything to me, really. 
"Gracias, Marta, I have missed you." I bury my head into her neck and she holds me closer. 
"You have not been around as much since you transferred to La Masia. I wanted to come and watch but Ale never extended an invitation and I didn't want to overstep." I shake my heads at her words and she frowns. 
"Alexia doesn't have time for my games, she hasn't for a while. It takes a lot to be La Reina." 
Marta's frown deepens at my words and the attention of a few spanish players is captured. I should have spoken quieter, I forgot how many people in here speak catalan. 
"It is ok, she is very supportive, but she just can't come to my games. She makes it up in other ways." I am lying through my teeth but Marta will never know. 
"I am sure, she must be very proud of you, being selected in this team for the first time, it is a big deal, you are very young."
All I can do is nod, my energy is all being put into holding back my own tears. I don't know if Mami told her. I don't know if Alexia even knows that I was selected. 
"Get changed now, I am sure Jona will want to talk to you before the session, especially with the game tomorrow."
I nod again as Marta pats me on the back and walk over to the cubby that says my name. It feels a bit surreal, really. 
I never really thought I would see my name on a Barcelona cubby, accompanied by my new number that I chose in the meeting a few days ago. It was always a dream, but I never thought it was achievable. Alexia always seemed like a superstar, a superhuman of sorts and I would never reach that kind of level. 
But here I am in the team that I always wanted to be in - in no way am I anywhere near my sisters level but I am on my way to being like her. I just wish she cared. I wish she was proud of me like Marta is. 
Her cubby sits across from me and I try to tear my eyes from it but it sits and stares right back at me. I feel like an intruder in Alexia's space, this is not for me, she would not want me to be here. 
I tie my laces quickly after that and head out onto the pitches to begin training. 
I have trained with the first team twice before, but the Barcelona Bs were always slightly seperate and we could keep our distance from the first players. Jonatan is a familiar face and I feel comfortable as he smiles and me and motions for me to follow the others to the gym. 
It is weird, being promoted within my own club. I am not so much a new signing, but a replacement - I am not good enough to be in the first team but they had no other options when Mapi injured herself. 
I used to worry that people would say I only get opportunities because my last name is Putellas. When my sister told me I was weak all those years ago, that idea sort of cemented in my head, I suppose. 
I never told my Mami what her daughter said to me because it would upset her. I told Alba half of it when she found me crying in my room a few days later but made her promise to not tell anyone. She couldn't say anything to Mami, Alexia, anyone at all because it would only make Alexia think I was weaker. 
She was furious and tried to tell me it was untrue but it had already been said. I believed Alexia's word more than anyone else. To me, she was a superhuman. 
But when I spoke to Jonatan a few days ago he made me feel like I was wanted within this squad. He made it clear that he wants me to integrate completely into the squad in the next few years and that he can see me playing soon even though I am only 15. 
I told him I didn't want anything special because of my surname. 
He told me that he chose me because of my first name. 
"Elena Putellas,"  he said with a grin, "you may be as good as her, but you are not your sister. This is a professional environment. As long as you perform, which I know you will, nobody will care what your name is."
It was a big boost to my confidence. 
Aitana Bonmati caught up to me quickly as I walked to the gym. 
"You are big now." I chuckled but did not look over, I didn't need to really. "But not that big. You are only 15, si?"
"Yes, I am 15." 
I met Aitana when she first joined the club. She always used to say that she would steal me and take me home with her because she thought I was adorable. It is strange that I am now sort of in the same team as her. 
She started playing for the first team when I was 8. I was older then, I played my own football and liked staying with Alexia so I could kick a ball around with her teammates when they were done. 
Aitana was one of the few who would stay every time I was there. When Alexia didn't want to wait she would drive me home herself, all the way to the other side of Barcelona. We would always stop for ice cream on the way home. 
"I have not seen you in too long, Lena. I have missed you a lot but you have been doing very well in the B team. I am very proud and I take credit for your abilities." She spoke in such a dead pan voice but it was somehow still filled with emotion. 
"I have missed you too, ABC." It was a nickname I gave her the first time she drove me home. I had been learning about the alphabet in English class and had the little song stuck in my head when she told me her full name. I used to sing her initials in the tune of the song but it quickly merged to me just saying the three letters. 
"I have been to a few of your games, you know?" 
I look at her in confusion, I have never seen her there. She just nods. 
"Alexia never invited any of us but she was never at the ones I went to so I would sit in the stands with a hat and glasses so people wouldn't recognise me, but I was there. I went to your La Masia games as well. You have become a phenomenal player, Lena."
She has always spoken with such sincerity. I have missed her a lot. 
"Maybe you can drop me off at home again tonight? I have missed you."
She chuckles and pulls me into a side hug. 
"I was waiting for you to ask, little Lena. Oh you are not so little any more!"
I chuckle as well and let my head fall onto her shoulder as we enter the gym. My eyes scan the room, looking at all of the players on their equipment, nerves quickly settling inside me. 
"Don't worry, it's all easy." Aitana seems to read my mind. "Just come with me and I will show you how to do everything. It will become second nature in the next few days."
The gym session went quickly as I was taught all the different exercises. I was familiar with most of them, having done a very similar program in the past with the B team. 
We went out onto the field to do some drills and I played well. Jonatan was impressed and so were the first players. My teammates? Maybe, not quite, I don't think. I still haven't been in a team list, so I suppose I'll be their teammate when that eventually happens. 
It wasn't until we reached the ice cream shop that Aitana started asking me all the awkward questions. I should have seen it coming. 
"Why do you never come to our games anymore, Lena?" I was very grateful for the scoops of gelato in my hands. Eating it delayed my response as I tried to come up with something to say. I shrug as I eat.
I can not say it is because I do not get along with Alexia. It is too hard for me to say now, even after all these years. 
"I'm not sure. I suppose I got busy with my own training and school. I have been to a few but I usually go home with Alba pretty quickly after they finish." It is only half a lie but she just shrugs, apparently not believing my words. 
"And why is it that I am driving you home from your first ever first team training? I thought Alexia would have wanted to." I anticipated a question like this but that does not mean I wanted her to actually ask it. 
"Alexia is busy." I hope that Aitana understands I don't want to talk about it. I haven't spoken about my broken relationship with my sister to anyone. I think she can sense something is wrong though, because she puts her spoon back into her ice cream and grabs my arm so I am staring right at her. 
"If you ever want to talk, I am right here, Lena. I know you don't like people knowing what is going on inside that crazy head of yours but it is good to release your feelings." 
She definitely knows something is wrong so I appreciate her not pushing. 
"I have outlets, I play football, I play the piano, I am ok, aitana, I really am." 
She eyed me as if to say she didn't believe me but dropped the topic anyway. 
"When did you get so good?"
chapter II
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Secret Smokes
Pairing: Teacher! Remus Lupin x Reader
Series Summary: When the reader bumps into the new DADA professor on the bridge in Hogwarts she begins to build a friendship with him all thanks to their shared feeling of not belonging and love for muggle cigarettes. Their friendship blooms while they both fight internal battles deciding what is wrong and what is right leading to a lot of fluff, angst, flirting and a rollercoaster of emotions.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking, teacher-student relationship (but like it’s all legal chill), SLOWburn we’re in for a long ride
Word Count: Just over 1k
This story takes place in a AU where Harry's parents are still alive so Remus Lupin still has all his friends and there is no war however that doesn't make him any less angsty. Everything else is pretty much the same as the canon universe! Enjoy!
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The wizarding world and the muggle world have always felt like two completely different worlds, maybe that's why Witches and Wizards who are muggle-born become outcasts. It's hard adjusting to a school but adjusting to a whole world at 11 is even harder. Even in your last year of Hogwarts you still didn't feel like you belonged, each summer going back to the muggle life that you have always known, working a summer job at a coffee shop and hanging out with muggles rather than wizards. You had friends in Hogwarts of course, some closer than others and even though it helped you feel more at home you knew that after Hogwarts you'd end up working a muggle job.
Maybe that's why entering your last year at Hogwarts didn't seem as intimidating because at the end of the day it didn't really matter what results you got in your N.E.W.T.S. Still in its own way you knew you'll miss the castle and the life you've lived in it. So your final train ride to Hogwarts felt a bit bittersweet. One thing didn't change, once again a new Defence against the dark arts teacher got introduced, this time one called Remus Lupin. He looked a lot kinder and nicer than the last one.
Your first week went by extremely quickly, quidditch practice hadn't started yet so you had more time to just hang out with your friends. All your lessons were easy so far as everyone was settling to being back. The new profesor was quickly becoming everyone's favourite due to his friendly nature, he seemed to befriend every student something no other profesor really did. You didn't really get to interact with him too much one-to-one during lessons as whenever he had free time the girls with a crush on him would jump onto the opportunity. You didn't really care about DADA as you wouldn't need it in the muggle world but you did understand why everyone was developing a crush, you had your own brewing for him.
It didn't take long for you to get home sick, homesick for the muggle world. Nothing really felt right to you, not even the food it just never tasted as good as what your mother would make, you missed your parents terribly it was a lot harder sending them owls than sending owls to wizard families, they didn't really grasp the concept. The twins could see that you were getting down again, they knew this happened every year after summer, and they've always tried to help lift your spirit. "Y/N we were thinking it was a good time to plan the first prank of the year what do you say?" Fred said. "Y/N is in her last year, she can't be participating in your silly games." Percy answered for you. "Who invited him?" George snapped back.
"Percy might be right I can't get in as much trouble as I did last year I don't want to get suspended, I'm on thin ice with old Minnie after the last prank we pulled before summer." You admitted, maybe you didn't care about your exam results but you didn't want to get suspended. The debate continued and you ended up agreeing to planning a prank that you may or may not help with. After dinner you decided to take a quick detour to the covered bridge, at the end of your fifth year you discovered it was empty in the evenings as it didn't lead to anywhere people would go at that time of night, it instantly became somewhere you would go for peace, and once you discovered smoking, it also got added to the list of secret smoking spots.
When you approached the middle of the bridge you saw a figure standing smoking a cigarette, you felt a bit gutted someone was using your spot but also excited at the idea of someone being so alike you. You approached them and they quickly put out the cigarette. "Don't worry man, I'm not a teacher I won't snitch." You claimed as you walked up to them before you could make out who it was.
"I know but I am." The figure replied, you were now close enough to make out that it was Professor Lupin. He was no longer leaning over the edge but standing straight with his hands in his pockets.
"I won't snitch if you won't?" You said pulling out your own packet of cigarettes. And his face turned to a gentle smile.
"I really shouldn't-" He protested. "Oh come on, you're new. This is normal." You preached. "Yeah Minerva and I do this all the time but don't tell her I told you." This got a laugh out of him.
"I may have believed you up until that point Y/N. But that's where you've lost me." He remembered your name and for some reason it made your heart skip for a second, he had so many students that he's met in one week and he still managed to memorise yours.
"Come on I'll give you a smoke if you don't tell anyone?" You reached out the pack to him "Camels?" He questioned while taking one. "You know them?" You took one out the packed for yourself before putting it away. "They're muggle smokes." He stated nonchalant, there wasn't any hate in those words which was rare around these halls. "I like them." You pulled out a lighter to light your cigarette while he snapped his fingers and it was instantly lit. "How did you do that? You instantly snapped back . "Do what?" He smiled while holding the cigarette in his mouth, he was attractive in the moon light. "Light it with a snap." You replicated his previous action. "It's a simple arson spell, just a small flame. I used wand less magic." He explained "If it's wand less why did you snap your fingers? Surely you could've just done it." You pressed. "Yes. You've got me there." He admitted. "So you were just trying to impress me?" Slipped out before you realised how those words could sound flirty, you barely knew the man. Truthfully if he wasn't your profesor and this was an interaction with a student you would be developing a stupid crush on them.
"You could say that." He said, with half a smile on his lips. "I'm the new profesor who you've just caught spending the evening by himself smoking, I don't want you to tell everyone I'm boring now I seem impressive."
"Or insecure." You shot back and he bit his lip and shook his head in disbelief at your words. He decided not to reply, instead went back to leaning over the bridge looking out into the darkness and smoking his cigarette and silence fell upon you both.
"I like the camel ones, just because the camel is cute." You broke the silence after a while, you felt bad for calling him insecure and wanted to kill the awkwardness. He laughed at your comment. "You know smokings bad for you? Even if the camel is cute." He said flicking the butt of his cigarette into the darkness. "I know." You quietly replied.
He checked his watch before standing up straight"Curfew has already started so don't stay out here too long as Snape is the one on duty today." He began to walk away. "Professor-" He turned around at your words. "This didn't happen right?" You questioned nervously. "What are camels?" He replied with a wink. "Have a good evening Y/N."
"You too Professor."
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Hii i was wondering if I could request a story for platonic yandere straw hats (gear 5 luffy, zoro robin focused please) with a reader who just set out to sea and is 17 and they flirt with everyone but when they do it back she screams and runs a away because she doesn’t really mean it
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Center Of Attention~..
You took a step back and slowly let out a breath, the sound of the waves washing over the shore ringing through your ears.
After years of training and waiting for this moment to arrive it finally came. You were setting out to sea all by yourself, a rush of adrenaline shot through just thinking about all the things and steps you would take on your own.
In your now whole 17 years of life you dream that about exploring the deep blue sea, what it would feel like to see new islands, meet new people and just overall have the fun you wanted and craved.
You had everything packed for the trip, food water and you knew enough knowledge to get around..
Imagine your surprise when you saw a small island only a few days after setting out, was this just fate or beginners luck?
Ah, what the hell right? Why are you even thinking so hard? you just set out!
As you drifted closer and closer to land, in the corner of your eye you saw a ship, a very large ship compared to the little boat you were riding in.
It was almost impossible to miss as it had a giant..lion in the front?..
Wait..that ship looked familiar..
Squinting your eyes quizzically, you looked at the Jolly Roger in front.
A strawhat.
Hmm..where did you see that straw hat before..?
Before you could even begin to rattle through your brain even more for answers, your small little wooden boat bumped into the wooden dock that led into the grassy land of the island you spotted.
Deciding to just shrug it off, you quickly got off your boat and dusted yourself off. Anchoring the wooden boat quickly, to head up on land and explore for the first time.
But you didn’t even realize the piercing, blood red eyes following your every move in pure curiosity..
Drinks pouring, plates clacking, constant chattering, so many distinct sounds in a small town bar you could hear. Looking around cautiously yet calmly you were taking in the details of your surroundings.
A little bored, you leaned your head against your hand as you watched the bartender clean a dish.
Who thought setting out to sea would be so…
You then felt another soft sigh leave your throat. It was almost as if-
The whole bar suddenly fell into silence. Why was that..?
A chill then ran down your spine.
It couldn’t be..no..
Smoke seemed to fill the air as a godly like presence surrounded you.
Eyes felt like they were watching you from behind.
Soft feminine hands caressed your body in utter curiosity. It was not a sexual feeling but it just felt so..violating?..
They poked and prorated their way into your skin, touching you like you were a brand new toy of some sort..
Just then a protective gaze fell over you. Pressure was building up inside your body. It was like the whole world had stopped, pushing you down into a small glass box to be looked at like you weee the most interesting, beautiful and peculiar thing on this earth.
A loud laugh then erupted from behind you, but of course, even if you could look turn around to see who was enjoying the view you didn’t.
So many emotions surrounded you, like the whole world was spinning with all of these frustrating yet distinct feelings.
Everything just paused and then..it was over.
Just what in the hell was..that..?
That sense..that feeling of being watched.
Letting out a soft sigh, you ran a hand through your hair touched it behind your ear. Maybe you could trick that lousy bartender into think you were the right age to drink or even close. Glancing sideways to check your surroundings, you found that everything seemed to go back to normal completely like that whole hallucination didn’t even happen for a second.
Just as you were about to let out another sigh you spotted woman sitting beside you.
She seemed so calm, yet..off. Was she there before?..
Her eyes were a dark aqua blue and she had her black hair that fell down her back midway. A mischievous smile spread across your face as you were known to be quite the flirt back in your village.
Why not talk to this beautiful woman to calm your nerves down? It’s not like anything bad could happen from it..
Scooting closer to her, you put on your most charming smile and spoke to her, taking a mental note at the drink she was holding so elegantly.
But just before you could even utter a simple sentence you noticed something.
She wasn’t alone.
About nine other people were chatting behind her, they were a very peculiar bunch to say the least..a talking reindeer..a skeleton..? And..
You heard a very familiar laugh from afar. It was loud and held loads of joy in it like a never ending joke. Slightly tilting your head to get a better view you saw him.
He was…different from the others to say the least..
His white hair was flowing majestically and..was was he floating?
His eyes were an apple red and his grin..his very side grin made him look like he was friendly but at the very same time up to no good. Next to him was swordsman with strangely three swords!
One of his eyes were slit closed and his lead green hair stuck out like a sore thumb. His expression was rather stern and almost made chills run down your spine from the way his intimidating aura surrounded the whole area.
You didn’t even catch the sharp glance at you that turned into a stare once you began talking approach the black haired woman.
You but your lip and hesitated, they seemed like pirates..and a group you didn’t want to mess with, so should you just back away?..
You’re already this close..and not to mention you could practically feel half of them staring at you from afar so why not?..
So…you gave a charming smile and began to speak to woman with your best ‘you come here often punchline?’
Sure, she was beautiful but..you only flirted as a joke of course.
So when she simply chuckled at your little sentence and began to lean closer you..
You kinda panicked and made up and excuse to leave the bar..
Yes it was a very..rational response, but what we’re you suppose to do?..out of all the reactions you didn’t really expect that to happen in all honesty…
Plus, all of those eyes on you made you feel incredibly uneasy. In your peripheral vision, you could just feel and see their gazes follow your every move. The swordsman’s face from earlier would maintain and stern expression.
So stern it seemed protective.
You wondered why that was..
As the waves crashed against the shore you would let out a deep, long sigh. The moonlight shining directly on your face. For the past hour you felt as if you weren’t alone..
Now closing your eyes, you heard rustling in the bushes.
Damn squirrels..
Couldn’t you just have one moment of peace?..
It was already enough you couldn’t get that longing curios stare off of you no matter how hard you tried but it was the fact that-
Wait..that wasn’t a squirrel..
Opening your eyes you spotted three distinct figures. Stepping out of the shadows came three of the people who seemed most uhm..fond of you? Hell, how were you supposed to know?..
It felt like they were stalking you at this point!
In fact..
“Are you three just stalking me at this point? Where I come from, if your into someone you just take ‘em out on a date..just ask m’Kay? I would be happy to-”
The swordsman, seemed to snicker and the other two couldn’t help but chuckle at your comment..or at least the blue eyed woman..it seemed like the one in white couldn’t control his laughter no matter what situation.
Half an hour later you were all sitting in the grass and talking together. You learned a lot of things..the woman’s name was Robin, the swordsman was Zoro and the boy with a godlike aura was originally Luffy.
They both tried to explain to you that he was in his 5th gear..
Whatever that meant..
The more you found yourself talking to them the more..weird their behavior began to grow. Robin would use her devil fruit to play with your hair or poke and prod at you again..
That seemed familiar didn’t it?..
Meanwhile Zoro and Luffy would quickly interrupt you when you tried to call it a day and leave to go find a hotel to stay in for the night, speaking over you or just even giving you a blank look before talking about something else.
You sighed while Luffy babbled on about meat and his adventures, Robins extended hand was poking your cheek and Zoro kept a sharp eye on you to make sure you didn’t try to leave..
Why though?..why were they so attached..?
Suddenly, you felt a very sharp sting in your neck.
A soft gasp left your lips as your body slowly fell to the soft grassy field. Now having the perfect view of the river that was shining from the moonlight.
“Awww! Robin! Why’d you’d have to do that?! I was just about to tell her about how I get to the fridge every night! And I was just about to ask her to join our crew!!”
“Fu Fu Fu~..sorry captain I couldn’t resist..”
You saw Zoro roll his eyes before he looked down at you silently and without any trouble he lifted you over his shoulder to carry you to..that ship! That ship that you knew looked familiar..
Trying to speak or yell or anything to help with the situation didn’t help as for some reason it felt as if your mouth was sewed shut.
All you felt was a gentle hand pat your back reassuringly as you slowly closed your eyes and drifted off into unconsciousness..
When you woke up everything was spinning, you were in a diner of sone sort..multiple people were chatting and eating around the table like it was an everyday normal dinner..
A soft melody of a violin could be playing and you couldn’t help but get lost in it while the others talked, laughed and yelled..
Wait..was the skeleton playing that..?
The same people at the bar..
No! It couldn’t be..right?
“You idiots!! Why did you have to drag her all the way here! Now she’s probably uncomfortable!!”
The orange haired woman said as you groaned in displeasure, her dark brown chocolate eyes scanning you and your body in worry.
Just then, everyone at the table seemed to glance at you with a soft smile..
Just what were you in for..?
Why were you here?..
You had so many questions..but you pull barely move let alone speak..
One thing you know for sure is that you’d definitely be the Center Of Attention from now on..~
A/N: hiiiii my loveess!!! Again, so sorry I haven’t been posting! This was supposed to be posted yesterday but some things came up! I’m so sorry I haven’t been active but school and my personal life have been really on me these past few days lol😭 I decided to make this one as long as I could for you guys! Thank you so much to the person who requested and I’m so so sorry it took so long to post!!! I’m on winter break now and I’ll be posting much more! I’m sorry if this one isn’t that good or it has typos but I tried my best on it! I really like the ending to be honest what do you think?<3 also, stay tuned because I’ll be posting again in hopefully a few hours on another little project I’ve been working on! I’m also happy to announce that another chapter of ‘Enchanted~’ is coming VERY soon! and eeee!! I’m so excited!!!
Until next time my pretty petals!!💗🌸🌺🌷💖💘💝
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Exposure Therapy pt. 8
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jonathan Crane × reader
Summary | You make the poor choice of teasing Dr. Crane, so obviously he has to punish you.
Warnings | 18+, sexual content, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, breeding, kissing, hickeys, praise, edging, crying (but in a hot way), consensual sex, orgasm denial, cockwarming?, emotions? idk, neither does he tbh, bestie has no idea how to comfort you💀
Words | 3.6k
Notes | Trying really hard to keep his character accurate😓 lmk what y’all think lol
Ao3 link | <3
Fic Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Part 7
Neither of you mentioned his confession again. He seemed to be acting mostly normal and only a little awkward and withdrawn so you tried to remain the same to assure him that nothing changed. You were sitting on the couch, doodling with a spare piece of paper he found as well as an extra pencil, when you broke the silence. 
“Where are you planning on sleeping?” You asked, eyeing the large space that was empty save for a desk, a chair, and a couch. 
“The couch.” He said, not looking up from what he was working on. 
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” You asked, making him sigh and turn his gaze to you. “For now you may sleep on the couch, I doubt I’ll be sleeping much anyway.” 
“Oh. Don’t you have an apartment? A bed?” 
“The cops are going to be looking for everyone that escaped, including myself- especially myself, because I created what caused all of that.” 
“Oh… What if I go? I can bring you back some clothes so you don’t have to stay in that and anything else you need? I doubt I can lift a mattress on my own though.” 
“You want to go to my apartment in the middle of town, wearing that?” He asked, raising his brows. You looked down at your outfit and frowned, just now remembering that you’re wearing it still. 
“People are dumb enough to hang their laundry up outside. I’ll just take something before getting downtown.” You suggested, but back tracked when he was silent for a moment. “I don’t have to, it was just an idea.” 
“What will you do if the police show up?” 
“Um… I’ll tell them you’re my boyfriend and I left something there that I need.” That made him scoff. 
“They won’t believe that.” 
“Fine. Ex boyfriend. Who’s been so busy working that I had to just go there myself.” You shrugged and he narrowed his eyes at you for a moment. 
“Fine. Know that if you get caught, I have no power or leverage anymore to help you.” Honestly you didn’t expect him to agree. You figured he might want to keep you within his sight at all times but that wasn’t the case. Trying not to read into this new found trust, you were going over the plan in your head. 
“Wait, is it even within walking distance?” You realized, worried the whole plan just fell apart. 
“It’s not on this island, so no. And the train is still down because of the bat.” 
“Oh… I can probably walk, it’ll just take me longer I guess.” The sun was rising anyway, so it’ll probably be fine. “Or I’ll ask someone for a ride.” 
“Do not do that.” He said sternly, making you frown. 
“Why not?” 
“Because this is Gotham and you are a young, attractive woman. You will more than likely be kidnapped, raped, or killed.” 
“What am I supposed to do then?” He let out a heavy sigh, and got something out of his desk drawer. When he told you to come to him, you stood, leaving the pencil and paper, and walked over. 
“Give me your hand.” You held your arm out to him and he gently grabbed your hand to put on a very weird shaped bracelet on your wrist. “In case you don’t have time to put the mask on, point it away from your face and hold your breath, then push this.” He pointed to a lever near the heel of your hand and you reached for it, trying to test the motion and get used to it, but he stopped you. 
“Not- now.” He strained, uncurling your fingers. 
“Sorry.” You said sheepishly. 
Then you were leaving, finding clothes that looked about the right size and changing in an alley behind a dumpster. The tricky part was the shoes but they’re subtle enough that they shouldn’t draw very much attention. You found an empty paper bag near the dumpster and put the mask in it then started looking for someone to drive you. You spotted an older woman getting into a car and immediately walked toward her. 
“Excuse me?” You said, making her pause. 
“No change, sorry.” 
“Oh no, I was actually hoping you could give me a ride. I have a job interview downtown and it probably wouldn’t make a good impression to show up all sweaty. But I understand if it’s too much trouble…” 
She only hesitated for a moment before agreeing, telling you to get in the back and asking for the address. You read it off the paper to her and ten minutes later you were pulling up in front of an apartment building. 
“You sure this is it?” 
“It’s for a small business.” You explained, quickly getting out of the car. “Thank you so much.” You dropped the smile as soon as you turned around to walk into the building. “Fuck,” You groaned, “I don’t have a fucking key.” How could you have forgotten that part? You decided to just walk inside, breathing a sigh of relief when you spotted a front desk. 
“Hi, I lost my key and my boyfriend’s out of town and I’m supposed to feed his cat,” 
“What number?” The man asked, bored. 
“178.” He reached back and grabbed a key, handing it to you impatiently. “Thanks...” He wasn’t lying when he said everyone and everything is corrupt or just doesn’t care. 
You made your way to the elevator and pushed 17. As you waited, you went over the list he gave you. Most of the stuff was easy, an extra pair of glasses in his desk drawer, a few pairs of clothes, shoes, a toothbrush as well as the extra one under the sink for yourself, etc. But you were mostly worried about the safe and the papers he wanted. What if you can’t open it? What if you grab the wrong ones?
The elevator opening with a ding removed you from your thoughts and you made your way to his door. You worked quickly, not wanting to increase your chances of getting caught, but you took the time to fold his suits, worried he’d be upset if you just threw them in his duffel bag. You opened the safe on the second try, putting the money that was in there in the duffel bag. 
Then you made your way to the desk. Even though the rest of the place was completely tidy, the desk was covered in different papers. He said they would be on top, not in a drawer, so you grabbed everything just to be safe. 
Before leaving, you went through his dresser, praying he wouldn’t be pissed, and got some shirts and sweatpants for yourself, as well as a hoodie and socks. 
The ride back was much easier since you had money to take a cab, but you still had to walk a few minutes, not wanting to be dropped off right in front of his “hideout” just in case. 
“No trouble?” He asked, barely glancing up from what he was writing. 
“Well I realized I forgot to ask about a key- speaking of which, you should probably move because the guy at the front desk just gave it to me.” The corners of his lips turned up and your cheeks went red, still not used to it. 
“Good job.” You stared at him in shock, feeling your cheeks heat up even more, but you tried to play it off. 
“Did you just compliment me?” You scoffed teasingly. 
“Don’t get used to it. Did you bring the papers I asked for?” 
“Oh- yeah.” You set the duffel bag on the desk and he opened it to inspect the contents. “I- I hope it’s okay, I brought just a few shirts and pants for myself too.” You said nervously. When he didn’t respond, you figured that meant it was okay. He started looking through the papers, then turned to you with raised brows. “I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to bring the wrong thing so I just took all of it.”
“Thank you.” He said, making your eyes widen. 
“Mhm.” Was all you could say in response. “Oh- here.” You said, suddenly remembering the wristband and taking it off to give it back. 
“Keep it.”
“What?” You choked out. “You- you’re not worried I’ll use it on you or something?” You asked, staring at him with furrowed brows. 
“Of course not.” He scoffed, then set the papers down and took out a suit and the shoes as you just waited awkwardly, not sure what to do. “Are you just going to watch?” He was teasing you, but there was still an edge to his voice. 
“N- no, sorry.” You blushed, turning around and staring at the ground, listening to the sound of clothes rustling behind you and thinking about how you’ve only ever seen his face, neck, hands, and cock- nothing else. The thought made you frown. “Unless it’s okay… then I’d like to watch.” You said quietly and the rustling stopped. 
“Why?” His tone was guarded. 
“I just- I haven’t seen you yet and you’ve seen all of me.” You explained meekly. “Nevermind, sorry.” You waited anxiously as you heard no movement from the man behind you. 
“Go ahead.” He said in a measured tone. You tentatively turned around, finding him in just a pair of dress pants, straight jacket on the floor and shirt in hand. The first thing you noticed was how lean he looks without his suit. The second were the small scars littering his torso. The third was his happy trail, leading down into his pants, teasing you. 
“Satisfied?” You looked up at him when you heard his voice, not able to read his expression. When all you could do was nod, his lips curled up into a small smirk. “Keep looking at me like that and I’ll fuck you stupid over the desk.” He warned, voice laced with arousal. 
“Is that a promise, doctor?” You purred, stepping closer to him, setting the wristband on the desk to have both hands free. He stiffened, but allowed you to move until you were right in front of him. Staring deep into icy blue eyes, you slowly raised your hands, as if you were approaching a wild animal who could attack at any second. His eyes moved to your hands, watching, but he didn’t say anything. So you slowly moved them closer until you could almost feel the heat from his body against your palms. His eyes moved back to yours and you searched them for a deterrent. When you found nothing, you placed your hands on his chest, sliding them down his stomach, making sure not to linger on any scars. You reached his pants and brushed over the button teasingly before snaking them back up his body. 
“You’re playing with fire.” He said lowly. Your hands reached his shoulders and you trailed them down his arms. Once you reached his hands, you grabbed the shirt and set it on the desk, then took both of his hands in yours, moving them around your waist. 
“On the contrary, Dr. Crane. I’m getting exactly what I want.” You placed your hands on his stomach again to snake around to his back. 
“Oh? And what’s that?” He said coyly, playing along. 
“You can let me keep teasing you to my heart's content or you can punish me. Either way I win.” You smirked, moving your hands down his back to his pants and following the waist line around his body until they met at the button. 
“You think you’ll enjoy however I choose to punish you?” He scoffed. 
“You said it yourself, doctor. You don’t want to hurt me. So I’m sure I can take it.” His hands moved to your hips, gripping tight enough to make you wince as he pushed you against the desk. 
“Foolish girl. You underestimate my desire to watch you crying and begging for my forgiveness. I have no problem torturing you, in fact, I’ll enjoy it.” You faltered at that. “Does that frighten you?” He asked, tilting his head. 
“You don’t scare me anymore.” You said quietly, feeling the arousal in your stomach quickly make its way between your legs. 
“That’s not what I asked.” He teased and you swallowed thickly, squirming under his gaze. 
“No.” You tried to keep your voice steady. 
“Maybe not yet. But I’m sure it will soon.” He reached a hand up to wrap around your neck, squeezing and pulling you forward as your breath hitched. “I don’t have to hurt you to torture you. You should know that by now.” He said quietly, gaze straying to your lips. 
“I can take it.” You said, equally as quiet, not even believing the words as they left your mouth. 
“You think so?” He cooed and you nodded in response. “I guess we’ll find out then.” He took a step back and you whined at the loss of his touch, reaching out for him. “Pick it up.” He said, gesturing to the straight jacket. Your eyes moved anxiously between him and the garment, hesitating. “This is the only warning I’m giving you— You don’t want me to tell you again.” You leaned down and picked up the straight jacket, then waited for his next command. 
“Put it on.” 
“Dr. Crane,” You whined, but he raised his brows, making you close your mouth and reluctantly slide it on. He stepped closer again then started buckling the restraints. 
“You seem to think that pain is the only form of punishment I’ll inflict. I guess given my history I shouldn’t be surprised but you need to get that idea out of your head right now or things will only get worse for you.” You stared at him with wide eyes but his gaze remained on the task of restraining you. “There are plenty of ways I can punish you.” He said clinically, like a doctor explaining something to a patient. “Like denial, for example. Not just orgasm denial… You can’t touch me either.”  
“Please- I’m sorry.” You whined, giving him puppy dog eyes that did not work at all. 
“I bet you are. I bet you’ll say whatever it is you think I want to hear right now. Unfortunately, the only sounds I want from you are moans and cries.” He led you over to the couch and kneeled in front of you to pull down your pants and underwear before having you sit. He discarded your shoes so he could fully remove your clothes, then pulled you forward to the edge of the couch and spread your legs embarrassingly wide. 
“I think you also underestimate my patience. I am more than willing to do this as long as it takes.” He started dragging his hands up and down your thighs, teasing you, never getting close to where you wanted him.   
“Please.” You whined as your hips started squirming. 
“Come now… We haven’t even started and you’re already begging? At least save that until the actual torture begins.” 
“Don’t want torture.” You muttered. 
“No? I thought you said this would be a win for you? That you can take it.”
“Please.” You whined, much brattier this time— all but throwing a fit.  
“There’s that attitude.” He chuckled. “Keep that up. It makes it more fun for me when you break.” His hands snaked up your thighs, then back down, teasing you. You whined and squirmed, but surprisingly, it worked. He moved a hand between your legs, swiftly pushing in two fingers and rapidly curling them against your walls. You let out a choked moan from the sudden pleasure as your head rolled back onto the couch and your hips bucked. He pulled you even farther down the couch, then leaned down and took your clit in his mouth. 
“Oh fuck,” You said through a moan, hips flinching as he groaned against you in response. Lifting your head to look down at him, you found his eyes already on you, making you blush and squirm under his gaze. After getting so turned on and not coming when you sucked him off before, your orgasm approached quickly. The volume of your moans increased as you started trying to rut against his face. He suddenly pulled back, his fingers halting, making you whine. 
“Please, I was so close.” You pouted. 
“I know.” He leaned back down, resuming the motions of his fingers as he started working your clit over in his mouth again. Your breathing grew heavier as you felt yourself nearing the edge again, but you let out a choked sob when he stopped. 
“Please!” You cried. 
“Shh. Be a good girl and take your punishment.” He muttered before leaning back down and continuing. You weren’t sure how many times you were on the cusp of pleasure before it was ripped away from you, but you knew it was at least five— after that you weren’t able to concentrate on counting through your crying and desperation. He pulled back but continued moving his fingers as you babbled out incoherent pleas. 
“I have to admit, my patience is wearing thin so I’ll only keep this up for a little longer.” You sobbed in relief at his words. “Once I’m ready to come, I’m gonna fuck your ass. Remember how much you liked it before? It won’t be nearly as pleasurable this time and you certainly won’t be able to come from it.” 
“No- no, please.” You said, panicked. The thought of being empty was enough to intensify your crying. “Please- I don’t care if I don’t come, just please fuck me.” You whimpered. 
“Shh, it’s okay.” He said softly, but you just shook your head. 
“No, I- I need your cock- please!” 
“How do I know you won’t come?” He asked, slowing his fingers to a stop before removing them, making you whimper at the emptiness. 
“I won’t! Please- I promise I won’t!” He watched you cry for a moment before cursing under his breath and working on taking his cock out of his pants. 
“Can’t fucking say no to you.” He muttered, helping you to lay down on the couch as he crawled over you. The second he pushed in, you let out a relieved sob that turned into a whine when you tried to move your arms. 
“Please- I want to touch you. Please let me touch you.” You whimpered, watching the way his brows furrowed as his mouth opened in a silent moan when he was all the way in. 
“I can’t, you still need to be punished.” He said breathlessly and you sobbed the hardest you have all night so far.  
“Please! Please- I’m sorry!” You cried and he shushed you as he brought a hand up to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. 
“I know, it’s okay.” He cupped your cheek and leaned down to kiss you as he slowly started moving. Trailing kisses up your jaw to your ear, he whispered, “You’re doing so well, little one. Making me feel so good.” You sobbed harder at the pet name— not used to such affection from him. 
“Oh god,” You moaned, already feeling close again. When he picked up the pace and began kissing and marking your neck, you started panting again. You tried to at least tone down your sobbing a little bit, but after you started, it was really hard to stop. 
“Fuck- I’m already close.” He whined, rutting into you desperately now. His hands never left your body as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, letting out quiet moans and shaky breaths. When he stilled with a low groan, your cunt ached at the way his cock was twitching inside you, painting your walls with his come. After a moment, his moans stopped and he was panting heavily into your shoulder. When he started pulling out, you sobbing intensified. 
“No! Please- please don’t- not yet.” You whimpered. 
“I need to get this off of you.” He said, lifting his head from your neck to look at the straight jacket. 
“I don’t care- just please don’t leave yet.” You cried. 
“Okay- It’s okay. Sit up like this.” He maneuvered you so that he was sitting on the couch and you were straddling his hips, his cock never leaving you. He started working on the straight jacket, unbuckling all of it until he could slip it off if you and toss it on the floor. Now that your hands were free, you realized that you couldn’t even do anything with them, not without making him uncomfortable. So you continued crying. 
“Okay, just- come here.” He muttered, pulling you down to lay on his chest. Your hands gripped his shoulders tight as you turned your cheek, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the warmth of his skin. His hands fumbled around for a moment before eventually settling on your hips and you knew that he was probably miserable right now. Honestly you’re surprised he didn’t just throw you off of him instead. 
“I’m sorry- I…” He shushed you, not letting you continue babbling out apologies. 
“Just breathe.” He said softly and you couldn’t help but obey. You let out a slow shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down. “That’s it. Just focus on breathing. You did so well for me, I’m very proud.” You let out another quiet sob at the praise and shushed you again as he moved a hand up to your hair, lightly stroking it to soothe you. 
“You’re okay.” He said softly. “Just breathe— you’re okay.”
Part 9
(For the sake of the plot, bestie is no longer taking oral contraceptives because he had her get an iud or something back in Arkham lol)
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being a Member of BLAST”
Life is short why not take a chance and join a band? Masc!reader intended
Minor spoilers for NANA
Joining | Nana
Actually joining the band wasn’t hard especially because when you met Nana there was no band💀
You guys met at the train station when she first moved to Tokyo
You already lived in Tokyo and were just returning from a trip when you saw her
It was like an instant click she caught your eye
“Hey, do you happen to sing by any chance?”
“Who are you?”
“Don’t worry about that just know I can play guitar pretty damn good if I do say so myself!”
She was tired from the long ass ride and didn’t know anyone in Tokyo aside from Ren
Went back to your place and played for her
“I’ll think about it.”
Nana isn’t a very emotional or open person so she tends to keep secrets but over time if you guys get that close she’ll vent to you
If you smoke she’ll always ask you for your lighter
Older sister younger brother energy
Opposites | Hachi
Nana paid you an abrupt visit to tell you about her new place and totally not just for you to fix the AC
Checking the place out you laid eyes on an inverted version of Nana
“Hi, I’m Nana Komatsu!”
“Just call her Hachi.”
“Nice to meet you, Hachi?”
She’s had a crush on just about every BLAST member , so, of course she has had a crush on you before
If you wear makeup or paint your nails she would love to do it for you
Amazing cook and if you ever wanted anything she’d happily make it for you
She rlly just wants to be needed
Definitely went to you for relationship advice with Nobu
You tend to just appear places so you were one of the first people to know about her pregnancy and went to the hospital with her
You stayed outside though to avoid ppl thinking you were the father 💀
You def don’t help with her shopping addiction
Shopping sprees constantly that’s why your broke as shit
“Should I get the soft blue or purple skirt?”
After the Takumi drama you guys would stay in contact and when Nobu wasn’t at your place she’d come to watch you practice alone
You’d support her decision because it’s her life in the end
Formation | Nobuō
The unforgiving aggression spewing from your ringing phone at the dead of night
Some random number was calling you and for whatever reason you answered, confident that it wasn’t a scam caller
“It’s Nana, come over.”
“I’m not into late night favours if you get what I mean.”
“That’s not what I’m calling for, just get over here!”
Reluctantly wandering the dark streets of Tokyo you made your way over to Nana’s apartment, you’d only been there once to help with the AC where you learned of the other Nana or Hachi
Opening the door to reveal the two residents and a blonde man standing with his guitar in hand
“Took you long enough. Anyways, like I said Nobuo I already have a guitarist so go home.”
“Well we could always play together I have nothing against dual guitars!”
“You aren’t helping.”
You and Nobu got along great your guitars and personalities blending perfectly
He talks with you about everything especially when he and Hachi get together
If you’re shorter than/same height him he’d be happy to have another short guy in the band
If you’re taller he’d be happy if you didn’t make fun of his height though he does tend to light heartedly joke abt it
He likes to go to you for fashion inspiration and vice versa
Drunk karaoke
You would help him with song writing
You guys would be around the same age too so besties
You guys get along the best in the band
The bass | Shin
After the whole Nobu moving to Tokyo fiasco all you guys need is a bassist and drummer
Nobu sending you a picture of Hachi’s little drawing of the 3 of you on the band poster
You met up with them at the studio to practice with Shinichi on bass
For such a young kid he was pretty good player (granted your only like 6-7 years older)
Being confused right alongside him when everyone stopped playing
You, Shin, and Nobu are like the 3 musketeers
You- Oldest, Nobuo - Middle, Shin - Youngest
Shin snatched your clothes on a daily basis much like he does with Nobu
Unlike Nobu, you don’t care
He stays over at your place more than you’d like to admit
He basically lives there
He would definitely go to you about the Reira/Layla situation
Has mini fashion shows in your room with a fake runway and everything
You guys play games together on your console
He relaxes and is actually a kid when he hangs out with you
Has you paint his nails
He has moments when he storms off if you bring up a certain subject but he never stays mad for long and shows up at your door
Likes to go eat at new places with you especially if you’re paying for it
“I’m gonna get the chocolate croissants, one of those fancy hot chocolates, and..oh! You’re paying for this right?”
Bit a of spoiler kinda but later in the manga when he got arrested you’d be the only one to visit him
Completion | Yasu
You definitely shat yourself when you first met Yasu
He’s the responsible one in the band so he’s like a father figure to you especially if you didn’t have one
You two probably get to the studio first before anyone else
He’d always let you talk/rant to him if you ever needed to
Would be surprised if you remembered his birthday and got him a gift
If you smoke he’d go on smoke breaks with you
If you don’t smoke he’d make sure to hold his cigarette away from you/out of your face
Would teach you various card games
If you didn’t want to watch a movie alone he’d watch it with you
Any legal troubles go to him
Scratch that ANY troubles go to him
“Man you’re like a wise monk.”
“..because I’m bald?”
“No, because you’re wise..and because you’re bald.”
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middlingmay · 2 months
May I request HUG from the tackle prompts, for Clegan? 🥰
[ HUG ]: sender tackles the receiver to the ground in their enthusiasm to give them a hug.
Hello! Took me a wee while to get to this one, sorry, but it was a great chance to dive back into my Footballer!John AU.
Taken from this prompt list.
Hope you like it!
Newly-minted Arsenal midfielder John “Bucky” Egan showed off his tackling skills at Heathrow Airport yesterday. His promotion to the Champions League came with high emotions as he was reunited with his reporter boyfriend Gale Cleven, who covered Spain’s recent win in the Women’s World Cup. The couple were seen canoodling outside a trendy bar in Sydney in the early weeks of the tournament, before Egan returned the UK to embark on his new training regime. A tried and tested asset in the defensive midfield, Arsenal manger Mikel Arteta is rumoured to consider a move to a forward position…
John chuckles as he folds the paper and tosses it beside him on the couch. He knew they’d cause a stir with his display yesterday, but he hadn't cared then and he doesn't care now.
Over a month without Gale had been awful.
The nature of both their jobs demand time apart, a few days here, a week there. No biggie. And when Gale had told him his news outlet wanted him to cover the Women’s World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, John had foolishly thought this would be no different.
He’d been thrilled for Gale. John knew he wanted out of sports journalism, and was starting to dip his toe into STEM reportage and was impressing all the right people, but the World Cup was a huge privilege, a huge responsibility, a huge pay cheque, and a great opportunity to travel somewhere Gale might not have went otherwise.
Or John.
Timing’s wise, it wasn’t great. Summer fixtures were in full swing, but he’d managed to bag two full days in Sydney with Gale. They’d been a glorious sun-bleached daydream of exploring the city, enjoying some good football, and taking advantage of every opportunity he had to put hands all over his boyfriend.
Gale hadn't been able to see him to the airport because he had to be at the Allianz Stadium early. But when he saw him off at the door of his hotel, his eyes had gone uncharacteristically bright and John’s heart broke a little to realise that Gale was trying not to cry.
“Hey,” John dropped his duffle bag and swept Gale into his arms; their fifth hug in the last ten minutes. “What’s all that for?”
Gale had burrowed his head into the curve between John’s neck and his shoulders. Those long, strong fingers of his grasped at his shoulder blades tight and bunched up John’s jacket.
“M’sorry,” he mumbled, shaking his head. “Stupid.”
John had pushed him back, cupped Gale’s face under his jaw and made him look at him. “Nothing about you is stupid. I’m gonna miss you, too.”
John had kissed him then, and didn’t stop until his phone buzzed angrily, his ride to the airport beckoning.
Gale had laughed at himself and gently pushed John away. “Go on, get. Some of us have actual work to do.”
John hadn’t got why Gale had been so upset then, but he does now. Waiting a whole month to see Gale, touch Gale, smell Gale was torture. The only thing that had gotten him through it, asides from their texting and phone calls and video calls, was throwing himself head first into practice. He was the first in and last out, every day. He worked his body so hard, he just had enough energy to eat and talk to Gale before he fell into bed to rinse and repeat.
So, when the World Cup was over and Gale was coming home, John had insisted on picking him up at the airport.
John can see over the top of everyone perfectly fine, thanks to the long legs and tall frame he inherited from his dad. But that doesn’t stop him from straining to stand on the tip top of his toes every few seconds.
He looks every which way at the gate, tries to see through the stupid narrow windows on the doors to get his first glimpse of Gale in the flesh. But he stays stubbornly absent.
John’s dimly aware of the looks and murmuring around him. But every time he starts to tun in a pay some attention, he thinks he sees something move where Gale’s plan is due to disembark and he’s back on his toes, craning his neck. He’s one single minute away from jumping in the air like a five-year-old to try and see even further, he swears to God.
Then, finally, the doors swing open and a flood of people swarm through. There are families lugging tired kids; there are sunburnt, hungover teenagers and twenty-something-year-olds; there are leather-skinned retirees, crisply-outfitted business folks. And then, finally through the throng, John spots him.
He’s always thought Gale was the most beautiful person on the plant. He thinks he’s beautiful in his suits he wears for work. He thinks he’s beautiful in the sweats and t-shirts he wears at home. He thinks he’s beautiful in those stupid slipper socks he wears because his feet get cold at night.
But right now, he’s never looked better. He’s exhausted, John can tell; he hasn’t slept on the plane. The shadows under his eyes are purplish. His skin is pale, his hair is unbrushed. His clothes are wrinkled. But he walks tall, looking over the crowd and scanning, scanning, until—
His whole face, whole body, slumps with relief when he spots John.
And that’s just too much for John to take.
Legs strong and conditioned for exactly this task, John pelts forward, weaving through holiday-makers, dodging wheely-cases, not breaking stride for a second. They all pass him by in a multicolour blur as he runs for Gale. Gale only has time to drop his bag before John lands. Between his momentum and Gale's tiredness, they’re careening down to the floor, John’s hand protecting Gale’s head as the rest of him lays sprawled over his boyfriend.
They hear tittering and clicking but John cannot care less. He beams at Gale, thrilled just to drink in the sight of him, and he gets his favourite Gale smile: eyes looking up through his lashes, cheeks high, like he’s trying not to smile but just can’t help himself around John.
John rubs their noses together. “Hi.”
And to John’s surprise, Gale kisses him; a brush of his lips that John follows and presses into, just enough to feel the fullness of those lips he’d dreamt about, before letting Gale retreat.
“Hi. Now let me up.”
John bounds up, and plucks Gale up off the floor easy with two hands. He takes his bag too and all but drags him out of the airport to the car waiting outside. They have to get home. Like, yesterday.
A cup of coffee appears over John’s shoulder.
“You’re up.” He takes the cup from Gale with a kiss to his jaw.
“Mm. Didn’t have anyone to stay in bed for.” Gale joins John on the sofa, his back against the arm and his legs thrown over John’s. “Saw something interesting on my phone though.”
He fishes his barely-used personal phone from his pocket (John’s surprised he actually knows where it is, today. He doesn’t normally), presses a few buttons and passes it to John.
On the small rectangular screen is the site for a gossip rag. On it’s sports section, it leads with the headline: See what Bucky did to his boyfriend in PUBLIC!
“Oh, come on,” John scoffs, nearly sloshing coffee over the lip and onto the sofa. “That makes it sounds like I was…pushing you around or something.”
“You literally pushed me over.” John poked him. “There’s more. The Daily Mail, always a classic.”
‘Tackled’ Pink: Egan humiliates boy toy.
John groans in second-hand embarrassment. “Their puns are getting worse. That barely makes sense. And I’m sorry—boy toy?”
“Excuse you: humiliated boy toy, I think you’ll find.”
John makes to hand the phone back but Gale just nods at it. “Look who wrote it.”
A quick scan of the article reveals the name. “Ulrich Haussmann?! That prick who got drunk at your last mixer and asked to be our third?”
Gale snickers into his own cup of coffee and cocks his head, his blue eyes alight with mirth as he gazes at John. “He only asked that because I was there. He was lookin’ at you all night. Swear his eyes never went north of the equator.”
John gags at Gale’s teasing. “Rather grate off my own dick, no thank you.”
Gale puts down his coffee. “Now why did you have to say a thing like that?” He slips from the sofa to kneel on the floor between John’s legs. Drawing his nose up the inseam of John’s thighs (he's borderline obsessed with them and John can't get enough of it), Gale places a clothed kiss over the crotch of John’s pyjama shorts and gives him a brief nuzzle. “Don’t worry baby,” he says to John’s groin. “I won’t let him hurt you.”
It is so utterly ridiculous, the goofy, silly side of Gale he doesn't let anyone else see but John, that John has them toppling over again, landing on the cushioned rug of their living room instead of the hard screed of the airport.
Nose to nose, John grins and says, “You happier to see me or him, here?”
Gale shimmies his shoulders and screws up his face that way that wrinkles his nose. “Fifty-fifty.”
“I’ll take it.”
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raven--bones · 2 months
Now conversely, how are the Fae Boys with a partner going through heat?
Especially a newly turned fae who heretofore has never encountered anything like it?
ohhhhh i seeeee hehehe
well, there should be some kind of education system in place for new fae so that they're not completely in over their heads for their new biology. but experiencing it is a completely different matter than hearing about it!
another long postttt
Nightmare-- very patient and understanding. he'll explain everything as it's happening, and try and keep things slow. he'll constantly asking "Is this okay?" and "Are you alright?" and making sure that you're in a good headspace. he'll do whatever you need and be there as much as he can
Dream-- Dream's had a few partners over the years so he's experienced with helping people when they ask it of him. he's a very good person to have with you when you're going through a heat for the first time. he's good at soothing you and making sure you're calm, and he'll make sure things go at your pace so you're not overwhelmed.
Killer-- he's... not the greatest to ease you through it. he'll more just go along with whatever demands you make of him and enjoy the ride. he'll try and help you if he sees you're getting uncomfortable, but for the most part he's focused on showing you a good time. it's fun seeing you all desperate, why not just let him take care of you?
Blue-- Blue is also great to have around. he's very used to helping sort out symptoms like this since he has over productive magic, so he can help you burn off the onset with some training so it doesn't hit you as hard for your first time. he'll make sure you're eased through it, and try to explain why your body reacts the way it does as it happens so you fully understand it.
Dust-- similar to Killer, he's not the best for a first heat. he can very quickly get invested in you being desperate, needy, noisy, etc, so he might overlook your physical/emotional needs a bit in favour of fulfilling your sexual needs. he'll realise his mistake pretty quick, though, and force you to have water or a snack if you're looking a bit too limp or dizzy.
Ink-- he's not the best at explaining things but he'll do his best to help. he might forget that it's your first time and get too invested in how much fun you're having, and then only remember later that he should've checked in with how you're feeling and whether or not you need water or a snack. but he's got the spirit!
Horror-- he'll give you whatever you ask for, but very carefully and with lots of checking to make sure you're okay through the whole thing. he doesn't want you to get hurt because you're feeling greedy and take more than you can handle. he'll be very sweet and make sure you're hydrated and fed, even if that means forcing you to take a break
Cross-- he'll do similarly to Blue and have you burn off some of the heat with training so that it's not as strong. he'll feel a little overwhelmed, but he'll do his best to provide for you and make sure you don't hurt yourself. he's very easy to fluster, so expect him to be blushing and a bit nervous the whole time, but he'll do his best to make sure you have a nice time
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starstar10s · 8 months
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I want to say thankyou to everyone who showed interest towards my post talking about my fanfic i really appreciate any support you can give me❤️
here is a sneak peak i will release the whole first chapter if you guys like this. Just putting it out there that any mean or homophobic comments will be deleted and is not accepted
About the fic:
This fic follows the relationship between James Potter and Regulus Black its not a massively slow burn but its not immediate. Regulus is unable to get away from his household that has heavily affected him and the way he acts and trusts people his whole life despite the help james tries to give him. He makes some bad decisions. James tries his best to help him but its hard and when the choice comes between Regulus and being with him or standing with his friends and fighting for what he knows is right.
Content warnings for whole fic:
Eating disorder, self harm, sexual abuse, anxiety, body hatred, child abuse, suicide, suicidal thoughts, violence, homophobia, swearing, major character death
Part 1: Year 5
Chapter 1 - Regulus
Regulus stood in his room with his face down in front of the tall full length mirror at the back of the dorm, his messy black curls in his face and tears falling onto the carpeted floor. He hated this, crying. Regulus barely ever cried he had never been the crying type ever since he was a kid. No doubt because his mother had enforced punishment against it as if it were a crime since before he could remember. Suddenly he heard Barty and Evan goofing around close to the door of their doormroom. His head snapped up as he hurriedly wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve and pushed his hair out of his face. Then Barty knocked on the door,
"Oi Regulus open up. Pandora's come from the ravenclaw common room and Dorcas is up too , were all waiting for you to go to breakfast so hurry up."
Barty called loudly and Regulus did the best to make sure his voice didnt shake as he spoke back "No you guys go down to the hall without me I'll come in a bit got a couple things I want to do unpacking and stuff." His voice betrayed no sound of emotion. Outside of the door Evan rolled his eyes and Barty pulled him back down to the common room by the handyelling back at Regulus "Fine whatever Pandora'll be pissed she said she 'woke up early to see you' or whatever." Regulus felt a little twinge of guilt in his stomach, Pandora and regulus had been there for each other sice day one since the first train ride.
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nsyncat · 5 months
OK, so this is my first post EVER since I joined Tumblr like ten years ago. Always been a lurker, enjoying all of the wonderful things here, the gifs, fics, ships, art, all the knowledge and all the amazing heritage posts, but never posting and hardly reblogging, I don't know why, was always afraid I would make a mistake or reblogg incorrectly...
Anyway, the reason this is my first time posting is because THAT amazing moment that happened a week ago, and I've been losing my mind ever since, and unfortunately I have nobody to share this excitement with that will understand... So I had to get it out somehow, and here seems like the perfect place to do so.
I don't know if anybody will read this or pay it any attention, but never mind, I just have TO. GET. IT ALL. OUT!
So I've been a loyal fan of 9-1-1 this past six years, got hooked to these kind of first responders dramas, also Station 19 and then of course Lone Star. I fell in love with the writing, the drama and action, the characters of course, the emotional and moving stories, both of the regular cast and the people in the emergencies (am not afraid to admit that I cried more than a few times, especially when I was pregnant... woooh, that was a tough season for me).
Anyway, like everyone else, got invested in Buck's storyline and of course hopped on the Buddie train in season 2. And obviously there was something between them, and the fandom always clowned themselves that "in the next season SOMETHING is going to happen!" and I always wanted to believe it, and also fooled myself a few times but always was the cold harsh realist and realised it was not going to happen... But enjoyed the ride nonetheless, read amazing fics, saw wonderful fanart, read interesting breakdowns and analysis.
And then 704 happened and I'm not joking or exaggerating, my life changed!
Confirming that Buck is Bi was amazing! I'm ashamed to admit that I really thought it won't happen, EVER! So I still can't believe it actually happened (thank you soooo much ABC!) and like a lot of you, I've been on cloud nine this past week and can't wait for tomorrows episode (also not from the US), literally counting down the hours.
And look, I love Buddie, I really do, but I fell in love with TEVAN (my favourite one yet) 😍 and been OBSESSED with them this past week. Just from those few moments between them and what we barely know that is going to happen the next episode, I truly fell in love with them and really hope they make it as far as they can. I think its an amazing thing for Buck and also CANT. STOP. WATCHING THE KISS! The actors did an incredible job, especially Oliver, also with his spoken support of the storyline and his love for Buck. Such a KING! So this whole thing is huge.
And I have a one-year-old, my life is hectic with taking care of a little human being, a hubby who is also very busy, work, family and a million other things and this past year with a heavy heart I kinda neglected reading fics, and it was my main hobby, my escape, my one and constant thing in my LIFE since I was 12. I do read here and there, but not like I used to, reading hours and hours and into the night, multi chapters and long oneshots, in multiple fandoms, and now whenever I do get to read something once In a blue moon I'm not fully invested or enjoying it because either I'm tired or have something else more important to do. And unfortunately, eventually I noticed that I lost this fire, the passion in me and it left me sad and heartbroken...
And then something incredible happened. Ever since that earth-shattering kiss, the fire and passion came back! Holy shit! I've been reading and ENJOYING fics nonstop this whole week, I can't concentrate on work thinking about everything and reading in-between tasks, I use every single free minute I have to search new fics and scroll through the tags, I go to sleep late because I need to read just one more fic(!!!) even tough I have to wake up very early in the morning and I DON'T EVEN CARE. I'm thinking about it sooo much and imagining new scenarios in my head, and feeling giddy and happy, in a good mood a lot of the time, more optimistic, knowing I have a new and exciting place I can "escape" to, like I had in the past.
Its not that i'm not happy, I have an amazing son and a wonderful husband and I cherish every moment with them, but these are hard and difficult times and life can be hard and stressful and I'm a different kind of happy... So these past few days have been nourishment for my soul and my mood, it sounds so silly but its true! I'm feeling a bit like my old self and it's amazing.
And if someone did read this or did pay attention and got to this point, sorry for the long rant and thank you so much for the patience and understanding 🙏 I love you and wish you a wonderful weekend and happy Buck's-first-date-with-a-man day! 🥰
So I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, ABC, Oliver, Lou and you crazy lot for resurrecting my old fangirl self 😌 I'm so grateful for all your posts, your takes, your similar enjoyment and of course your amazing fics you're writing and sharing 🩵
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rubyreduji · 1 year
[childhood best friends to lovers | woozi x gn!reader | 796 words]
You remember back in primary school a boy with a doughy face and a wide grin and shiny black hair cut into a mullet. He asked you to play tag during recess on the first day and when you eventually fell and scraped your knee he held your hand all the way to the nurse.
The next day he shared his snack with you and told you he thought your purple bandaid was cool. Later you two played trucks together and it was then set in stone you two would be best friends forever.
Lee Jihoon was his name.
You two were inseparable. You were always playing together and pairing up for projects and spending afternoons at one another’s houses. You’d sit and listen while Jihoon practiced his instruments and he would sit and watch you draw.
Even into middle school you two couldn’t be pried apart. It was a well known fact by everyone that it was always Y/N and Jihoon. Through thick and thin you two stood by each other. He was your ride or die and you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him.
That is, until you turned fifteen.
“Yeah, Ji?”
“I’m moving to Seoul.”
Everything freezes. Your heart twists. You don’t want to believe it. You can’t. Seoul is on the whole other end of South Korea. It’s almost a four hour drive. Why is Jihoon springing this on you right now?
When you don’t respond right away, Jihoon continues.
“I auditioned for a company to become a K-Pop idol, and I got accepted! Pledis Entertainment. I’m going to move to Seoul so I can train before I debut.”
You just stare at Jihoon incredulously.
You’ve always known Jihoon is incredibly talented with his singing, and you knew he had an interest in K-Pop, but you never knew he auditioned to become an idol. Now he’s moving across the country and you won’t be with your best friend anymore.
“That’s…far from Busan,” you finally say, your mouth dry.
“I know, but this is a dream of mine. I promise we’ll still talk, and I’ll come and visit you when I can.”
“I’m…I’m really happy for you Jihoon,” you tell him in a soft voice. “I’m just going to miss you so much.”
“I know, I’ll miss you too.” Jihoon pulls you into a hug. “We’re best friends forever though. Always remember that.”
After Jihoon moves away you see him sporadically and talk to him when he has the time, but as you grow older those times become few and far between until they stop all together. You don’t blame him. He’s become a very successful K-Pop idol and producer, but you can’t help but miss him. You don’t keep up much with his music, but you hear it on the radio sometimes and you’re happy he’s become so popular.
The first time you see Jihoon in person is not planned at all. You think it’s probably been around seven years since you last really interacted with him, around the time he was debuting. You’re a fashion designer and stylist now and when you were asked to help work on a project for a K-Pop idol you weren’t expecting the idol to be the one and only Woozi, aka, Lee Jihoon.
Words get caught up in your throat when you see him. He looks good. Very good. But you suppose that’s what happens when you become a K-Pop idol. A flood of emotions overtake you, as you look at your best friend after all these years.
Jihoon looks just as stunned to see you.
“I- hi, Jihoon.”
“Y/N. Hi. It’s…been a long time.”
“It has.”
“You look good.”
You laugh. “I think you look better.”
It’s easy for you two to pick up right where you left off with your friendship. That’s not surprising though, because as much as you two have changed, you’re still just Jihoon and Y/N. It’s always been easy with Jihoon. 
It’s not the exact same as it used to be. Of course it wouldn’t be, you two are adults now. That’s not the only reason though. There’s something else lingering in the air. Maybe it’s because of your comfort with each other, or because it’s been so long since you saw one another, but you swear Jihoon is flirting with you. Maybe you’re flirting back. 
Your suspicions are confirmed when Jihoon asks you out on a date. You agree of course. 
You two go and get coffee and when Jihoon reaches across the table and grabs your hand, it feels the exact same way it did all the years ago on the very first day you met Jihoon, and you know that this is how it’s meant to be.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 33
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate event you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 2k
18+, minors do not interact
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Before you saw the well known white there was pink dashing your way. You still sat at the train station platform, clutching your bag tightly to your chest as if trying to cover yourself up. Right now you didn’t feel the best about yourself, silently pleading for a place to curl up and process all the emotions. But you couldn’t just lie down on the floor and start to cry so you sat, staring at the cracks in the pavement.
“Are you all right?” Pink and green was all over your face.
“What?” You felt scared with how close the woman’s cheek was to yours but someone quickly came to rescue you.
“Don’t rub on her, she looks and feels like shit.” Oh thank god he was here.
Maybe in a different situation you would stand up and give your boyfriend a giant hug, standing on your tiptoes to reach higher but now you felt like you were glued to the metal chair, or was it the guilt weighing you down?
“I fucked up… again.” You mumbled, finding it hard to look Sanemi in the eye.
“Let’s get out of this crowd and talk.”
The white haired sticked out a hand and you gratefully took it, your legs stiff from the long sit. Back in the car Sanemi eyed you in the front passenger seat, the pink girl looking as if she was about to burst.
“Did someone do anything bad to you?” He asked with a straight face.
“No, I mean yes but no. No I was not assaulted if that’s what you mean.” A sigh of relief left his lips. You would never have guessed he was holding his breath. Was this man always so good at hiding his emotions?
“Thank god!” The pink haired yelled.
“Do you want to go home first? I mean, my place or your place, wherever you want.” Sanemi asked.
“Yes please, your place.”
The ride was silent. Sanemi drove the car carefully but his fist was tight on the gear. You inspected your lap and the girl in the back shifted all the time as if she was uncomfortable in the leather seat. Because of the flood of thoughts that was crashing your brain you didn’t even think about what she was doing here. You felt relief when Sanemi finally pulled up in his parking lot but before you got to step out of the car he gestured you to stay still. He quickly dialled a number.
“Hey, can you get the groceries alone? I have an emergency.” There was a short reply on the other side and the call ended. “Let’s wait another minute for Genya to get out of the house. He’ll be gone for at least an hour. Guess you’d feel better without him at the moment.” WWords can’t describe how grateful you were for Sanemi’s thoughtfulness. “By the way this is Mitsuri Kanroji, she’s a close friend of mine and I think she can be… helpful.” It was as if the last word stung his tongue but whatever, it’s still admirable to hear a compliment from Sanemi’s mouth.
When you finally got to his apartment you settled onto the chair at his dining table with Mitsuri next to you and Sanemi brewing some tea.
“Do you want to talk about it?” The pink hair asked. “No pressure! It’s just that I’ve learned that Sanemi has a girlfriend, which is like a huge case, and the next thing I hear is that girlfriend crying for help over the phone. I’m so worried right now, I really want to help but I don’t want to pressure you or anything it’s just…”
“Okay, stop talking and let her respond.” The dynamics between the two of them didn’t really feel like friends at all.
“I… do want to talk about it.”
At first you felt like you’d rather only tell Sanemi about the whole conversation but the look in Mitsuri’s eyes and the reassuring words of your boyfriend made you trust his judgement about this person. Finally.
“Okay so. Tanjiro…” The teaspoon slipped out of Sanemi’s grasp straight into the kitchen sink with a loud metallic thump. “Tanjiro asked me to hang out with him and Inosuke today and um…” You looked at Mitsuri, she seemed to stop blinking. “For context Tanjiro is a guy that I met a few months ago and have been hanging out with him and his group of friends since then. There was this girl, Kanao…” This time Sanemi dropped the bloated tea bag on the floor with a dull thud. “...who didn’t seem to like me at first so I confronted her and it came out she thought I was after her crush, who is Tanjiro, uh I feel bad for spilling it out, please don’t tell anyone. So, we talked and I told her I had a different crush.” You pointed to Sanemi who finally put down the mugs, this time not dropping or spilling anything. “And I thought it was all over. Later we had the whole drama with our relationship being exposed…”
“Oh I know about it, Sanemi told me.” The pink haired assured.
He really told her? Wow, they must be closer than they look.
“Okay so when it was all happening, at the university I called those friends for help, the ones that knew and they came like immediately, no questions asked they just came and helped me. Kanao was so scared for me back then, I really consider her a friend despite how short we know each other.” You didn’t know whether to look at Mitsuri, Sanemi, your mug, or the window. Everything seemed wrong in your eyes. “We even had that plan of how to make Tanjiro ask Kanao out or how she can ask out him, whatever, just to get them together already because she had that crush for the longest time and… and.” You took a deep breath in. When something can’t push through your mouth it’s good to breathe in and out, just to calm yourself a bit, at least that’s what you’ve heard. “And next Tanjiro is asking me through the phone about a perfect date, how to make one, where to go and all that stuff and I answer, I tell him what I think would be good, we talk about locations and food and even sex for god’s sake, I really wanted to help him. I thought he was speaking with Kanao in mind especially since just the other day she told us that she asked him to spend some time together and he said yes so I thought it was about that.”
The words started to flow out of your mouth quicker and quicker so you took another deep breath before continuing. 
“So today Tanjiro asked me to hang out with him and Inosuke, we were supposed to go, oh I don’t even remember where but it’s not important. We were supposed to meet at the train and I was waiting and then only Tanjiro came saying that Inosuke was already there. It was nice at first but then I asked him why he was dressed up like that but he just laughed it off. Then I realised we missed the stop that we were supposed to take so I asked and he…” Your stare was more blank than Sanemi’s brutalistic walls. “And he kissed me. And then he asked me the very same question I tipped him earlier on our call, the one implying going back to his place, if you know what I mean.” Nothing slipped out of Sanemi’s hands because he didn’t hold anything. Instead he seemed to ball his fists so hard his knuckles went white. “Oh course Tanjiro didn’t know that I have a boyfriend, it’s still a touchy topic of us being official. Now I feel like I fucked up because I was blind to those obvious signs, I didn’t listen to my own boyfriend telling me about them, I called him overprotective and controlling when he was only trying to warn me. I also feel like I betrayed someone who entrusted me and sought my help while also helping me a lot. Now I’m scared that I’ll lose all of them because in reality I’m just a stranger and Tanjiro is so rooted in the group that I think he’d have to kill someone to get on their bad side.”
You felt a huge weight being pulled from your shoulder now that the cat was finally out of the bag. Still not light enough to not be dragged down by guilt.
“It’s lucky you’re here Mitsuri. You see Y/N, before you sits the biggest heart-problems-solver I know.” Sanemi said calmly, too calmly for himself.
“I’m really impressed you’re keeping your cool.” Mitsuri stared at the white haired in awe. “You’ve done some good work there Y/N.”
Before you could respond to that weird statement Mitsuri was back about the problem.
“Okay, first of all don’t blame yourself for the signs. When you want to see a person in a certain light you will, no matter what happens.” You nodded absentmindedly. “Secondly, it is not your fault he acted like that. Like I said you were blind to the signs and that's also not your fault. The girl you talk about, Kanao, will feel upset but it may be a good friendship test. If she’ll be upset with Tanjiro then she’s a person who’s honest with themselves and doesn't blame others for mistakes. That's friend material. If she’ll blame you for Tanjiro’s actions then you might want to reconsider who you call friends.” Why does this feel like a pep talk and why is it so good?
“So it’s not my fault?” It was more of a question to yourself than to them but at the moment you were processing your thoughts out loud.
“Oh course not you idiot.” Sanemi finally joined the discussion. “That creep plotted against you.”
“He’s not a creep and he was not plotting.” You pointed out.
“As if I’m going to believe that.” Sanemi shook his head.
“Okay.” Mitsuri focused your attention on herself once more. “If I was you and wanted to rescue the friendships you cherish then I would call that Tanjiro right now.”
“Now?” A familiar turn approached your stomach.
“Mhm. If you say the guy is friendly and you also like him as a friend then you should explain to him that it’s all a big misunderstanding. Best to do it before the whole situation escalates.”
Yeah, that made sense.
You took yet another deep breath, relaxed your shoulder and closed your eyes to focus. Even if they tell you not to blame yourself, you know you fucked up to some extent and you’re not a person who leaves their mistakes behind and lets them drill a hole in your mind.
“When are the guests coming?” You asked, finally opening your eyes and focusing on Sanemi, a determined look on your face.
“There's a lot of time left. Why?”
“Then I’m going to call him right now for him to come here.” You stood up a tad too fast. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave the tea.”
“You want to talk to him now?” Sanemi also stood up but he didn’t fit in the space he made for himself, bumping into the table and spilling the tea. He was so careless today. Not that you blame him, you gave him a good roller coaster of emotions.
“Yes, now.” You came up to him and hugged him tightly for a second before storming off to the doors. “And Mitsuri, thank you for your help!”
The pink haired answered with a big smile that seemed to radiate warmth and happiness.
“No problem, us girlies must keep together!” She waved as you fumbled with your boots.
“I’ll be just down the apartment complex but please, if I don’t call then don’t come running for me.” You looked them both in the eye.
“Noted!” Mitsuri gave you a thumbs up.
With a nod you opened the doors and dialled Tanjiro’s number.
“Are we like spying on her?” The pink haired asked when you left the apartment.
“Do you know what a fucking boundare is?”
“Don’t tell me you’re not curious.”
“...okay just shut up and be quiet down there.”
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@secretxchive @vesperazhier @sulli1361 @mochimoee
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masterofengene · 1 year
Hii~ i saw that you accept requests :) may i request Enhypen reaction to their SO having ADHD.
Thank you ✨
Enhypen's reaction to their s/o having ADHD.
Warnings: ADHD. Mood swings.
Authors note: I love writing enhypen with significant others that struggle with adhd and insomnia, anxiety and things like that. So I love these kind of requests.
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He is so unbothered. Yes he noticed. No he does not call you out, just accepts it and moves on.
He's so patient with you.
If you're still in school and he notices that you keep pushing away a subject or an assignment until the very last minute. He will sit with you and make it engaging for you. Keep you company because he knows he helps.
In fact, he adores that when you tell a story, there's like 20 different novels included before you eventually go back to what you were originally saying.
He reassures you in whatever way he can
If he notices you going Into overdrive he's going to help you, make it easier for you to get grounded again.
After you started dating he got used to you constantly fidgeting, more than not he just watches you with a smile.
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Okay so he has a conversation with you about it.
What can be overwhelming for you. Your triggers. How he can help when your adhd just goes off the wall.
Makes mental notes.
He knows you've had a bad day when your emotions are everywhere. Not in a bad way either. He just knows you must be drained.
He will ask what triggered in, in the most gentle way possible.
But the first time he watched you hyperfocus on the marvel movies.
He couldn't help but smile fondly as you rambled on about Iron man lore. Half of it didn't make sense, but he was sure you would fix any of his confusion before you finish your tangent.
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Trust he will keep up with you. Or try to, at least.
Honestly he didn't notice until one day you guys were in a crowded place and you just... shut down.
It was like you were in auto pilot. It made him think that you had gotten hurt or something.
But he didn't push you instead he just took you to someplace quiet and waited for you to come back before asking you.
He's used to jungwon and sunoo so your random noises just pass through one ear to the next.
Background noise to him.
But when he hears them he smiles, even if he doesn't realize what he is doing.
When it's just you two. He does not try to keep you focused on one thing (unless you want to) He is just along for the ride.
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I'm not gonna lie. Manz has a hard time keeping up with you.
He loves you. He loves you so much.
But he has a hard time keeping up with your train of thought, mainly because it's always going in 12 different directions.
So he always looks a bit confused at the sudden topic changes but don't worry. He's smiling the whole time.
Tries to make sure you don't get overwhelmed.
Really doesn't want you with him at the airport because he knows that the crowd of Engene would trigger you
He's trying his hardest.
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Trust he's gonna be able to keep up with your train of thought.
Or at least semi follow it.
Because he knows /you/
You guys were friends long before you started dating so he doesn't really see your adhd per say, just things about you.
It's your personality.
You never really told him and you didn't have to.
He would always be there to help you before you could even say what's wrong.
Forgot where you put your keys? They are already in his hand. Can't remember where your phone is? He's calling it for you. You don't feel like doing a project? He's gonna do it with you.
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He's going with it pt.1
Literally nothing could phase him. He's always surrounded by the other members and they are all just as hyper as you, the only thing that's different Is that your hyper can get distracted.
Leaves random things around your apartment to help you keep your train of thought when he's not there.
Helps you finish tasks that you don't really have the motivation to do.
Small notes here and there. Reminders.
Reminders about anything and everything. He puts them where he knows you'll see them.
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He can keep up with you pt 2.
He pays attention to you, he knows what makes you tick and what triggers you.
Before you could even process you're in a triggering situation, he's pulling you away.
If your mood swings are bad, don't worry. They won't phase him. And if somthing bothers him he will have that conversation with you.
Reminds you to take your medicine. (If you take any)
Could listen to your hyperfixation rants all day.
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fandomfanservice · 8 months
The Sign Ep8, had sooo much packed in, so this fan needed a night’s sleep to fully process what they learnt. So here is an usually long (for me) string of random thoughts and comments:
The first one is more of an ongoing reminder that Doc/Prince will be a douche bag for eternity. He can’t be redeemed, sorry, not sorry. I don’t know if nagas have ears but I want to shout, sign or sky write “His Just Not Into You”😡😡 😡😡Oh wait I forgot he doesn’t care 🤬🤬 (douche)
The monk is always watching (awks but also what a save) and he is a relative/respected elder, cool. 😵🙏🏿📿🫨🫨🫨😮‍💨
Phaya’s D put Tharn into the best & deepest night’s sleep EVER, cause what the actual Tharn!!! Wake the F up and hold him (more to come on that point)🫣
Yai, is the captain of this ship and we are just here for the ride and to cheer with him.🥰🥰🥰😂🥰🥰🥰
This team of specialist cops don’t do anything by halves, they will comically lose a boxing match to placate their partner/loves or ask them to move in after one night. (Yes I know it was quite a night, refer back up to the point about Tharn’s much needed sleep) 😜
Sharing clothes is something they need to do, mostly works in Tharn’s favour and Yai doesn’t have to see that again🥹😂
Tharn & Phaya have a long, complex, beautiful but tragic history and they need to break the cycle.✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ However why does this mean they can’t follow simple instructions? Always watching Monk clearly instructs - “Don’t go near any large bodies of water!!” A few moments later…. Phaya & Tharn being soulmates near a large body of water (yes, I know they were there on a case etc but come on😫😫😫). So you’re telling me none of these highly trained and qualified cops checked a MAP!!! Followed by then maybe swapping which location they investigated? 🤔😒🧐. Now we have to wait a week to suffer the angst of the fallout😩 (stay strong)
Phaya - how did you seriously forget already that Tharn and Wansarut are the same person/soul?! Have you had too many bumps to the head or is it because your oxygen deprived?
Sister I hope you moved on from the Prince/Doc douche bag after all that? Please say you did?!
The last but great learning which all the above pale in comparison to, is how irked the fandom was that Tharn didn’t hold Phaya after the “bad dream”. Lord people just didn’t get why..
It’s funny to see the first takes (live reactions) on the night after:
There was the obvious we will claw your eyes out for more kisses
go beyond delulu for some more pink and purple lighting and
stop Tharn from running away and hiding. We need affection and happy boyfriend/soulmate era
What we initially thought we got was, if you are not hugging, holding and squeezing your soulmate after a bad dream, followed by some more of the best pink and purple lighting we have seen in awhile, like why are you even here Tharn?! (affectionate but also confused)
A few parts later….
The Fandom take after the past lives part (I loooooooveeeeedddd this whole part sooo much), anyway the reveal completely shifted the night after take to:
screw kisses (to an extent),
pink and purple lights not needed (for now, there is more to life right?!) and
hugs and holding after are so last year!
You gave him your last breath and soul to protect him, even now. You kept your promise in a convenient yet stylish necklace. (Don’t mind us losing our minds over here)
Tharn you may have just reinvented romance and our expectations of what should come after some pink and purple light shenanigans 🥹😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹🥹
This whole episode series is a masterclass in many aspects that I haven’t even touched upon cause my brain tends to run emotional and silly first. Anyway I have seen and read so many wonderful analyses from other in the fandom, keep them coming they are appreciated.
For this week this fan needed to remember in all the tension (so many high stakes end of week BLs right now), there is always a reason for every reaction and action (most of the time). May not be your first choice or desire but it will truly, madly, deeply mean something.
So to close, next week Phaya let’s try this again, wake up asap, stop Tharn from leaving you (stay calm), yes Tharn is your soulmate the same one (time to share what you know?!), you can’t get rid of Doc douche bag his immortal (sucks when your enemies prosper), never take that necklace off (it’s designed for efficiency and effectiveness, just requires wearing), avoid water unless you have said necklace on (we know you like it 😉🫣). Got it?! Great, I look forward to you only taking at least three of those solid and clear instructions to heart next week. We do love you but you got to meet us halfway dude!!!
Looking forward to learning some more next week.
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zepskies · 10 months
I am so happy to see your posts about Dark Angel! I love that show so much, it’s definitely one of my all time favorites, and I’m glad to see you’re enjoying it.
I was wondering what your thought are so far and who your favorite characters are if you don’t mind answering (for me Alec is definitely my number 1 but I really love Zack, Joshua, Original Cindy, and Sketchy for sure.)
Also I was wondering if you’ve seen season 2 episode 11 (The Berrisford Agenda specifically) what you thought of it? If not, I’d love the hear your thoughts when you do watch it:)
Hey lovely!!
Yesss I'm midway through season 2 of Dark Angel and I love this show. I wonder why it was cancelled. The writing was strong enough, the world is so interesting, the cast is great...maybe it just didn't have a broad enough audience at the time.
There were a couple of sci-fi shows like this that got cut too soon in the early 2000s (like Almost Human with Karl Urban and Michael Ealy).
My thoughts so far are that despite the relative simplicity of Max's "everyday" life as a Jam Pony messenger with her ragtag group of friends, this is a big show in a decaying dystopian world -- with interesting (and often horrific) elements of human experimentation, childhood trauma and indoctrination, and a struggle for transgenics like Max and Alec to form emotional connections because of that trauma (their training). It's very Winter Soldier-esque in a way.
And then with Joshua's character, they reinforce in season 2 one of the central themes of the whole show: people are confused by (and afraid of) what they don't understand. It leads Max and other transgenics to hide in plain sight. To try to live "normal" lives while trying not to expose themselves to the curiosity and the potential scorn of the world -- as well as the people trying to hunt them down; there's that too.
But similar to the show Being Human (also of the early-mid 2000s), what does it mean to be normal in society? Especially in this fallen, eat-or-be-eaten world after the Pulse.
My favorite characters:
The entire cast is awesome, but these characters really have my heart for real:
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I mean duh. 🤣 But not just because it's baby Jensen. Alec's character is complex. He's cocky and endlessly flirtatious. (His brother/sister-like bickering with Max is hilarious.) He's highly intelligent and adaptive to change, due to his genetics and training, but because of that cockiness he can also be reckless. It gets him into some "unforeseen situations" that Max has to pull him out of.
But I literally just watched 2.11 "The Barrisford Agenda" last night, and I wept like a little bitch. 😭💔 Not only did we get Meghan Ory guest starring as his first love (she would later guest star on SPN and was Little Red Riding Hood/Ruby on OUAT)...
We also got the layers peeled back on this guy, to reveal just how deeply Manticore fucked with his mind. Rachel, along with her father, was his mission. His first undercover job.
He falls in love with her, despite the fact that he doesn't understand why she's got his head all turned around, cutting through the training in his head that insists he needs to fulfill his mission. (And that alone is so damn sad.)
He realizes too late that he wants to save her (and her father). But without giving too much away for those that haven't seen it, the scene near the end in the hospital room absolutely gutted me.
"I didn't understand. I didn't understand...how much I loved you."
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Played by the lovely Jessica Alba. I love to see a fellow Latina at work! 💅🏽
She's a badass. But she also learns how to fight for more than just herself. And how to actually face and deal with her trauma and start to help others (like Alec) do the same.
Original Cindy
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Another lovely badass who I would lay down my life for! She's funny, unapologetically herself, and she has Max's back, come whatever, while still keeping her honest.
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My heart breaks for Joshua. He's so delightfully weird, childlike at times, while deeply insightful in others.
He longs to belong to the outside world, knowing he can't, without risking exposure to his transgenic friends. He discovers he's an artist! And he's a protector and a lovely friend. As a character says to him, "You're too good for us."
I can't wait to finish the back-half of season 2, though I also don't want it to end!! 😭 But in typical me fashion, my mind is already buzzing with a couple of story ideas for Alec x Reader. 🤣
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