#it was a actually me watching a zombie movie but still scary
paterday · 8 months
I had a nightmare about the zombie apocalypse :(
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whysopasta · 1 year
day of the dead (1985) might be my new favorite horror movie
#might slightly beat out the thing (1982)#great writing acting practical effects and it's actually pretty scary!#nobody does zombies like romero im telling you#i neeeeed to watch the original dawn of the dead#i've seen night of the living dead i've seen day of the dead and i've seen the dawn of the dead remake#which was actually pretty good even though im not a big snyder fan#night of the living dead is one of the movies that made me deathly afraid of zombies as a kid#and i only watched the first 5 minutes akdhkdh#i've seen the whole thing now of course#they're zombie movies where the real bad guy always ends up being power-tripping militarized assholes#day of the dead being that case the most#spoilers >>>>#every other zombie movie totally gives up on the zombies outside of a medical cure or vaccine#day of the dead explicitly goes no. they can be redeemed. they can be retaught. they can remember.#the only reason it all gets fucked up is because of that MOTHERFUCKER#oh but he gets his. it's too late but he gets his#never thought a zombie shooting a guy with a gun would be the most satisfying cinematic climax ever but guess what.#it was#and then that fucker gets torn apart while he's still alive and it's looks so fucking cool because the practical effects in that movie rule#oh man and the ENDING. im still thinking about the ending#it's so.... it's so abrupt and jarring and contradictory that you can't help but question it#it feels almost... delusional? in denial?#they're running to the copter and there's a wave of zombies and it's hard to tell if they can make it there fast enough#they're getting in and at the last second the girl gets grabbed#but hardly before you can even process that...#snap cut. the three of them are on a beach. no zombies in sight. she marks off a date on a homemade calendar#it feels impossibly idealic... like the movie can't bear to give you an unhappy ending so instead it lies#it's not impossible they made it out. they could've gotten the zombie off her and made it out#but the way it's structured makes it so ambiguous
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
i think bart plays old tanky horror games (resident evil 1, silent hill, etc) and kon watches bc he's too much of a weenie to actually play them himself but he wants to see the story and then proceeds to get worried like bart theyre all gonna make it out alive right??? bart theyll be okay right?? he's sitting there hugging a pillow anxiously while bart goes "HA this zombie WISHES he could taste me B)" because he's pushed a piece of furniture like an inch in front of a doorway and now the zombie is stuck just shuffling in place with its arms stretched out and moaning bc that one inch blocks its movement range.
kon says the fixed camera is SO scary because you can hear the creatures but you don't know where they are. bart is like lmaoo weenie. kon's like i'm not a weenie i love horror movies!!! and bart's like yeah i remember last weekend when you literally jumped into cassie's arms scooby doo style during that horror flick. and kon's like LISTEN. games are WORSE because you have to be the one to not fuck it up!!!! at least the movie is like, already made and done!!! its out of your hands!! but in the games?!??! what if the zombie sharks get you?!?!? this argument does not stop bart laughing at him. he still loves to watch bart play (its basically like watching a horror movie then, he says) but half the time he does end up hauling bart into his lap like. i need an emotional support teddy bear about this. also he can hide in bart's hair if it's TOO spooky.
yknow. its like if krypto the superdog was scared of a roomba. which i also think happens, btw,
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reverie-starlight · 11 months
heloo saw ur req was open!
Can i req smth like a fic? (or hcs if u prefer) of mammon x gn reader!
Basically where reader is the type that enjoys horror movie and never flinches or might even laugh at some jump scare bcuz they think it’s horrible or funny! and mammon is like ‘what?? how r they laughing??!’ while he’s shivering and clutching a pillow like his life depends on it..
(I hope you can forgive me for taking so long to post it, my plan is to schedule this to be released ON Halloween hehe)
also I don't watch a ton of horror movies, so I'll keep it kinda general, but I hope you enjoy anyway!!!!
gn!MC, pre-established relationship with mammon, takes place in OG obey me.
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okay so
at first when you say you want to do a horror movie marathon with him, he's hesitant
yeah, human world horror might seem a bit lackluster for a demon, especially ones centered around possession or summoning- they might even see some as comedies if the execution was done poorly
but possession hits a bit too close to home for mammon, and he's never been a big fan of horror in general
you see him hesitate and before he has the chance to hide his feelings and force himself to agree, you give him an out
"hey, we don't have to if you don't want to... I just thought it might be fun since Halloween is coming up and it's a fun way to get into the spirit of it all. I won't force you, my love."
and he almost takes it.
but then he thinks about how you were probably really missing out on human world holiday traditions... and he sees the bit of disappointment you're trying (and succeeding for the most part- if he didn't know you as well as he did you would have fooled him) to hide
so with a deep breath, he sucks it up and shakes his head. "no, it's okay. we can totally do that! pick a time and place and we'll binge as many as ya want."
your eyes light up and you grin. "really?! thank you so much, mammon! I promise we'll start off with some easier ones and work our way up! I'll go make a list."
he doesn't regret his decision one bit and appreciates that you're being considerate of his feelings
until he realizes that your definition of "easy" horror movies didn't exactly align with his.
the first movie on the list was not "easy" at all, and at first he thought you were pulling his leg a bit
until he saw that you looked almost bored whenever there was a jump scare
it was almost embarrassing that he was clutching the pillow as tight as he was, but you were so focused on the movie that you didn't notice.
you did make sure to periodically check on him in between scenes and during bathroom breaks, but he didn't want you to feel bad, so he put on a brave face that seemed to sway you
he somehow made it through the first movie, and the second, but by time you were on the third (still in the "easy" category, you had said), he felt mildly sick to his stomach
during the movies, you had actually laughed during a few of the scary scenes.
how were you so desensitized to the horror genre?!
he usually admired your bravery, but this was a whole other level.
this third movie had to do with a zombie apocalypse, and you teased him, saying it reminded you of that haunted house you both got trapped in forever ago.
he tried to laugh with you, but at that moment the main character came into contact with one of the zombies and he wasn't able to hold back his scream since his guard was down
suddenly he was hiding his face in your shoulder, and shivering in your arms
poor baby starts apologizing and shaking his head when you pause the movie to check on him
"mammon have you been trying not to let on you were scared this whole time?!"
he tries to deny it but you give him a stern look and he sighs, nodding, starting to shake less now that the initial shock had worn off
"I just wanted to make you happy! I know how much you must miss human world halloween traditions and I wanted to make it feel more normal for ya..."
you smile at him and cup his cheek.
"mammon, that's sweet, but I'm literally in hell watching horror movies with my demon boyfriend, it doesn't get more halloween-y than that for a human," you giggle when he pouts and you lean down to kiss it away
"and if you were scared, you could have told me! we can watch something else, it's totally fine. it's no fun if only one of us is enjoying it."
he reluctantly agrees, still feeling bad for "ruining" your horror marathon (to which you reassure him that he didn't ruin anything, and then apologize for not realizing sooner).
so for the rest of the night you watch horror parodies (which are definitely more his speed) and cuddle up together under the blankets until you both fall asleep, thankfully nightmare free.
OKAY I really hope you enjoyed this, anon!!! and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!
I tried to keep it as general as possible because horror movies really aren't my thing, but if you're interested in more spooky mammon content, I have a fluffy halloween fic coming later today (it may already be out depending on when you read this) and I promise the quality is a lot better than what I've offered here :')
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petitelepus · 4 months
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile, but I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes). I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might be too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. When around older people/people that I don't know I tend to be shy. Also horror and scary things are very important to me, I can't imagine my life without it, it's just such an interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued!
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Hantengu is Yandere for you!
This cowardly Demon fell for you and your sweetness and thoughtfulness, but somewhere that love turned into an unhealthy obsession.
You're so helpful and busy caring for others that you barely care for yourself!
Don't worry, once you are his, he will give you as much attention as you may desire and more, and all he asks is that you show that sweet compassion to him.
He wanted to keep you to himself and never let anyone else see you ever again. Wouldn't that be great? Just you and him and no one else!
So in the middle of the night's darkness, he crept into your home and took you with him.
If you scream at him, he will cry and cover in fear as if you were about to hit him. You weren't, but he still acted extremely fearful toward you and it triggered your habit of apologizing to others.
He will guilt trip you shamelessly, telling you that he just wanted to talk to you, he meant you no harm, how could you yell at him like that?
You're so kind, sweet, and sensitive, so when he does that, it's game over for you as you can't nor will he ever let you go.
Once you belong to Hantengu, he takes wonderful care of you, calling you his own angel because you are just as kind and cute as one. He insists that you can be who you truly want with him, trying to lure you to fall for him like he fell for you.
It can get tiresome to always tend Hantengu and his needs, but that's what his clones are for too, to prevent you from getting bored of Hatnengu and to learn to love his other sides.
Sekido thinks you are too sensitive, but it works in his and the original one's favor. Seeing that you are sensitive, he tries not to yell at you, but he might scold you if he sees it fit. He might not be your favorite clone, as he is most serious, but he does want to take care of you like others do too.
Karaku loves watching horror movies with you and often asks you playfully if you wanna play the victim while he acts like a zombie and eats you out? You're not sure if you should be fearful or not.
Aizetsu loves you so much, you are so kind and sweet, he almost feels bad that the original one took you, but at the same time, he couldn't feel so because he is so fond of you. You may get along best with him since you are both sensitive.
Urogi, loves your carefree moments and loves just as much laughing at your jokes, no matter if they were good or not. He is pretty easy to please and you can't help but smile at his ability to laugh at most things.
But this is Hantengu we are talking about. Once he falls for you, he won't let you go, no matter what he needs to do to keep you with him. If he must, he will personally turn you into a Demon and will force you to depend on him for the rest of your life.
Food, flesh, company, he would provide this all for you since you wouldn't be able to step outside during the day anymore and he doubts you actually have the heart to kill anyone. Lucky you, he is willing to do anything for you.
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strawbs-screaming · 1 year
☆ The Boxers At A Haunted House ☆
Stopped thinking about spore for this one, thats when you know its important (woah) by this i dont mean actual spirits i mean the fake halloweenie ones btw
Glass Joe
- Just screaming, even at the people not supposed to be scary
- "AH! You scared me!"
- "Joe i dont have anything on"
- "i know but still"
- hes just running for his life
- keeps tripping over things, he would probably be the first to die in a horror movie
- climbed on von kaiser at some point from fear
- "GET OFF ME!!"
- "AHHH!!"
- his scream makes everyone scream, hes such a scream queen its not funny
- threw a chair at piston hondo from fear at some point
- Literally begging for his life
- #1 to get thrown at the culprit whenever hes running away with a group
- keeps getting chucked at the employees
Von Kaiser
- screaming along with Joe
- flinging things around from fear, those underpaid employees are gonna have to work overtime to pay the medical bills kaiser caused them by throwing a entire ass table at them
- cannot speak, at all, hes just screaming, causing everyone else to also scream
- "AHHH!!!???"
- pushes whoever is next to him at whatever is chasing him
- "oh"
- making barricades & hiding
- sneaks up & attacks one of the employees
Disco Kid
- sacrificing Joe to the employees
- hiding with kaiser
- Just laughing like crazy because he cant take 18 grown men screaming in unison seriously while cheap horror music is being played in the back with people chasing them in cheap halloween costumes (almost typed creamed ☹️)
- keeps giving away their hiding spot from all the giggling
- hes just losing it while hiding in the closet
- hondo had to hold his mouth shut while they hid
- giggling while pushing the employees jokingly, ended up breaking a few bones
- having the time of his life
King Hippo
- keeps "accidentally" scaring people
- the real fear factor is him falling down the stairs, hit 3 people while falling like a bowling ball (STRIKE!)
- also laughing with disco, theyre both hysterically laughing while the others are just shaking in fear
- scared off the employees
- keeps falling & bumping into things
Piston Hondo
- actual screams of terror from him (damn he could be a good actor)
- hiding with disco & von kaiser
- hes acting like a actual serial killer is chasing him and the boxers
- begging for mercy from whoever scares him
- Real jumpy
- "huh??"
- "nevermind its you"
- accidentally begged for mercy from Aran
- running blindly, had to be hunted down by bear hugger after they got finished
Great Tiger
- screaming back at the employees, uno reverse their ass tiger go get em!!
- Just gasps like a concerned white mom at whoevers trying to scare him
- hes chasing people instead of being chased
- guiding performers to von kaiser, piston hondo and disco kids hiding spots
- "yeah theyre there"
- the evil is showing (that or hes just having fun)
- shouting really concerning things while he watches people get chased
- "excuse me"
Bear Hugger
- actually accidentally jumpscaring people
- he doesnt really scream, he just goes "OOH!" And just runs like a toddler sprinting from the bathroom from a overflowing toilet after putting too much toilet paper in it
- only person who isnt sacrificing Joe
- giggling, accidentally jumpscared Bull & ended up getting decked in the face
- "eeheeeehee ow fuck"
- "whoopsies"
- ended up having a nice chat with one of the employees, damn who knew zombies liked to fish
- grabbing as many people as he can if he gets scared enough & decides to scram, hes not letting anyone die no thank you
Don Flamenco
- hes just getting chased by Aran & some other employees, also real screams of terror
-the real scary sight is him with his balding head & gay ass run
- being overdramatic with Hondo
- "leave me here to die.. Go escape with the others.."
- "NOOO!!"
- hondo & him are acting like theyre being chased by actual murderers
- acting like a victorian child with scarlet fever whenever he trips over something, the spins and everything
- ran face first into a door, his eyeliner is still stuck there
Aran Ryan
- also working with the employees
- got an axe and started terorrizing everyone
- cackling like a gremlin literal "nyehehehe" coming from this man
- concerned for hondo
- tried to climb on a bookshelf & jump on disco kid, face planted instead & got laughed at for a hour
- "he was a fairy..."
- that still keeps him up at night
- chasing don flamenco, theyre doing a literal cross country marathon
-recorded Don flamencos silly ass run
Soda Popinski
- laughing at Bull accidentally decking people in the face
- terorrizing macho for funsies
- accidentally broke a light & scared the shit out of everyone
- grabbing ankles for fun while hiding in the dark
- watching everyone scream & losing it
Bald Bull
- hes just punching anyone that scares him
- Just chatting with tiger
- was fine until Aran came out with the axe, put that axe down irish boy
- only here because Macho Man accidentally typed "all of you are gonna cream your souls out", will never let him live that down
- adopted joe with with soda for a while until he ran from Aran & lost them
- he has never decked this many people in the face in one night before
Super Macho Man
- made the famous "creamed" typo
- "i dont think thats a haunted house.. youre thinking of something else"
- "STOP!!"
- pretending to not be scared, running for his life
- ended up crying on the floor when aran with the axe came out
- flirted with one of the employees at some point, hes out here trying to get that ghostussy
Mr Sandman
- convinced one of the employees to take a break & wore their costume
- got found out instantly by Bull
- keeps being jumped onto
- knocked over a bookshelf from laughing too hard at hondos screaming at some point
- patiently waiting for Joe to get up because he keeps tripping over while running
- chasing Aran with a metal pipe, its just a cycle "PUT THAT DOWN" now oh god
Aran brought a camera and caught some wonderful once in a lifetime sights, these include: Macho Man crying on the floor, glass joe hiding behind soda & bull, bear hugger doing a highfive with a zombie & Sandman looking really pissed off while holding a metal pipe
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lucidfallacy · 17 days
This Is Halloween (Copycat Part 2) Spencer Reid x Reader 18+
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As a child, Halloween was a time for smudged black cat whiskers and a dotted nose, drawn on my face with cheap crayon face paint. Momma would drive me all the way into town in our not-so-reliable blue station wagon so that we could hit the 'rich people' neighborhoods. My pillowcase would be bursting at the seams after just a couple of houses. We'd prance up and down the city streets, hand in hand as I wore my little black leotard and tutu that I'd end up refusing to take off for the next week. Back at our farmhouse, Momma searched my stash for candied razorblades as I cuddled up, comforted by the cherry almond scent of her hair. Daddy still isn't home? Why does she look sad? I remember thinking. But our wood stove carried on, heating the living room in a heavenly glow as I stuffed my cheeks with chocolate. In a pure sugar coma, I'd pass out in her arms to a movie like Halloween Town playing in the background. I found comfort in the restless hum of cicadas on the quiet, rural Pennsylvania nights. My reality was always peaceful like that.
But I was only eight on that Halloween night. After I had just experienced the good things all kids should. The hogs squealed with glee out by the side barn, startling me from my sugar-induced sleep on the couch. When I tiptoed to peer out of the kitchen's candlelit dusty windows, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief. Why is Daddy feeding the pigs trash bags? I wondered. And the swine were far too hungry to pass it up.
Little did I know how numbered my days really were. How I'd end up chasing familiar smells and childhood memories, forever damned to be without the high of blissful freedoms again. The real world, in simple terms, is scary. That fact alone had me maturing overnight. Every day people can be villains. You may have sat next to one on the bus this morning or had a mindless conversation with them while you both stood in line for coffee. But, the real monster in my life will forever haunt my bloodline. The Clearfield Butcher. He's the very real reason I'll never stop working for the FBI. And I swear I'll be the reason that some little girl might not have to grow up so fast someday.
"Oh my god bitch slow down!" Penelope squeaks as I knock back another disgustingly colorful zombie brain shot.
"Yeah L/N it's not going anywhere, we have all night," Emily adds, patting my back.
We are seated at a rounded corner booth of the progressively indie bar, Tipsy Pumpkin. I watch on as the other partygoers lose themselves on the dance floor, dressed in all sorts of intricate costumes and already sloppily drunk. It's intoxicating, how heavy the atmosphere is with shared breaths and hot sensual sweat. The DJ is sporting the same sunflower glasses worn by Art the Clown from the movie Terrifier. He hypes up the crowd with the song Nasty Dog by Sir Mix-A-lot. It's pitch black in here, only illuminated by the occasional white and red strobe light flying around the club. Very cutesy, very gothic.
Penelope surprised me with her rendition of sexy Velma from that one live-action Scooby-Doo film. She's literally in a full fuckin' orange latex suit, zipper pulled down leaving little to the imagination. Morgan is gonna drool all over himself when he sees her ass at the function. Emily decided to match her, wearing a dark green crop top and brown corduroy bell bottoms. Yes, like sexy shaggy. Remember in the movie, when he drank the wrong potion from the fridge? Well anyway, we are already a margarita flight deep now that it's 9:30 pm and still waiting on JJ to arrive. It never crosses our minds to antagonize her about being late. After all, she has two little ones to care for. Hotch is hosting the actual party at his house, surprisingly. Beth probably talked him into it. But that doesn't start until 11 pm and is apparently going until he decides to kick us out.
My buzzing phone catches my attention as the screen lights up from inside my bag. I pull it out, slightly distracted by someone in a blowup dinosaur costume attempting to twerk in the sea of people. My smile quickly fades as I look down at my screen. No Caller ID. I look to both of the girls feigning ignorance and politely excuse myself. I slink away into a quieter side hall next to the booth. Annoyance overcomes me as I prepare to answer.
Me: Look dude I don't-
Caller: Forget something? Leaving candles burning now are we?
Me: What the fu- excuse me?
Caller: Don't worry, I snuffed it out. Smelled so good, just like you.
Me: Okay, haha I'm so scared, you got me. Now fuck off. or I'll-
Caller: Oh? You'll what? Don't be like that. I'm not quite done with you yet-
I hang up the call in a huff. What in the hell? Did I not blow my candle out? No, I must have. I'm good about remembering things like that. Whatever, I'm just about to hand my phone over to Garcia and have her deal with this shit. I stomp back towards the table and see JJ snuggled up in the middle of the other two, wearing historically accurate pirate gear. My brain quickly forgets the strange caller. I really just want to make some good memories with my team.
"No way! Did your boys pick that out? That's too cute! Just remember, I'm supposed to be the one getting booty tonight," I giggle, holding each of JJ's hands from across the table.
"Ahhh stop! I love you. No but seriously, is there a single cute guy in here? I can't tell from all the body paint and blowup dinosaurs," she laughs, tucking a golden strand of hair behind her ear as she adjusts her hat.
It's true. The girls took me out tonight because I'm in a 'rut' or whatever they called it. I haven't been with anyone in a couple of years now. Putting relationships on the back burner was the smartest decision I could've made for my career anyway. I sped through my degree, did my community service, and boom I was hired into the FBI. Maybe I do a decent job of hiding it, but I haven't been interested in anyone really. Well, there's Spencer, but we all know how that's going for me. And the team would bother the absolute dog piss out of me if they knew about it. For now, I'm cool with them believing we are mortal enemies for life.
"I don't know, but there's bound to be a man in uniform somewhere around here," I tease.
The rhythmic bump of the club's music evolves into a sluttier beat. Pain by Boy Harsher echoes in waves through my chest as the strobe lights fade to a deep ultraviolet. Must be the combination of alcohol and musical energy working in my favor to soothe my earlier inhibitions, because now I'm ready to dance. Almost in unison with my eager thoughts, a firm hand wraps around my waist and pulls me close. Penelope quirks an eyebrow as JJ and Emily giggle like a couple of school girls. I crane my neck to look up at the towering man whose chest I'm fitted against. He wears a simple black leather jacket on top of his hoodie. His mask is a dark silver metallic, made to resemble a chiseled skull. It's outlined in intricate lace patterns, with two horns sprouting from the forehead. And his eyes are a jaded hazel, littered with flecks of gold and emerald green. Damn. Did I say uniform? This is fine too. We enter a sort of silent staring contest as the music fades out. Our pupils dilate, darting to meet each other's as we search for unspoken intentions.
"Well you two go have funnn, I'll be here finishing up your drinks... Y/N, play nice," Penelope suggests as she shoos me away.
Before I can protest, the masked man spins me around, leading me to my certain doom. He filters us through the busy crowd, sheltering me from flying elbows in his arms. We find a comfortable spot away from the DJ booth's mammoth speakers and fall into the rhythm. His gloved hands rub tender circles over my hip bones as we sway around. We press close together once more as he kneads my flesh. I must be insanely touch-starved from how weak it makes me. His gloved hand glides up to brush against my bottom lip, making me shy away. The man leans down into my ear as we spin, breath tickling me through his skull-faced mask.
"I've been watching you all night," he admits, voice huskily accented by a language I can't quite pinpoint.
"Yeah? Well, you're not the only one," I reply, hand traveling up his chest. A quiet laugh rumbles in his chest.
"That's why I had to snag you up. God knows who you could've ended up with. There's a bunch 'a freaks out tonight," he explains, voice low.
I finally get a good whiff of his cologne and decide I am definitely a fucking goner. The woodsy musk has my mouth watering, but I gotta play the game first.
"Hmm, well I can take care of myself. And God knows if you're any better. I don't even know what you look like. Hiding something?" I say sarcastically, my pointer finger pressed up against the bottom of the mask. But he grabs my wrist firmly before I press any further.
"I'll make a deal with ya. If you kiss me I'll take off anything you want. Scouts honor, it'll be worth your time," the man groans, taking in my scent through his mask.
I gasp from the cold sharp plastic brushing against my jugular. He backs me into the bar's brick-lined wall, tipping my head up to await my answer. This annoying god damned phone begins ringing once again in my other hand, but I wait a few moments and ignore it. My nose crinkles nervously as I avert his eyes for a moment in thought. I look around his shoulder to the red LED light-lined bar across the room. On the other end of the L-shaped counter, a man sits completely focused on us. He's a spot-on scream copycat. Completely cloaked, almost unnoticeable among the commotion. The three dark voids of his white mask are hypnotizing, making me forget the very situation I'm in. The crimson glow of the bar casts eerily picturesque shadows across him. He crooks his head, fingers wiggling as he brandishes the bright screen of a cellphone in the air. Buzz. Buzzz. No Caller ID. My throat dries, swallowing hard as I clutch my companion's jacket. My thumb slides to answer, never looking away from the ghostly face across the bar. The blaring music is synchronous on the other line.
Caller: How fast do you think he'll bleed out once I cut his dick off?
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oleander-nin · 1 month
technically still on vacation but I’m stuck in the house for a bit until the storm totally passes. Don’t have much to do though since my consoles and puter are still back at my place. It’s honestly kinda funny, I’ve gotten four flash flood alerts on my phone within the past 24 hours. I am super glad you like both songs though sorry about the spotify thing I kinda overlooked that. I’m also happy you like being talked to because I sure do like to talk.
Anyway I said the next ask will be actually good and even if this is close behind I’ve got krang observations/facts!!
starting with the stuff I managed to gather off twitter
“What happened to the foot soldiers after they had been krangified in the movie, were they taken into custody or killed?
I think they just become Krang soldiers/slaves.”
Raph was real lucky he had his brothers, it sounds like the krang zombie thing is next to totally permanent
“I've mentioned this in a few other answers, but we would have learned the backstory that a Krang ship crashed into the back of the crying Titan and its fuel was the source of the ooze that energizes the yokai.”
This is really neat to me, since it does sorta explain why the krang were able to snatch their mystic powers at the start, at least to me. Plus just them being the origins of at least why yokai are as strong as they are is really cool.
Ok movie stuff yay, typing this as I watch so I definitely didn’t get everything and some of these may just be a tad obvious
Kinda stretching it to start, but the way you can hear genuine fear in Casey jr’s voice and general like mannerisms(?) at the krang starting to get summoned again does such a good job at showing how scary they are before we really see much of them(I know we kinda do but sh)
^ Adding on their intro is so cool?? Like the way I actually freaked when two(?) said it had been ages since she killed anything right after the insane beatdown from krang one, the fact they actually got one of the mcs is also just awesome like.
Moving past the fanboying(hopefully) and going back to the crying titan thing krang one points on that Raph isnt human so it is likely that the krang did cause yokai as a whole to show.
I had something here about the krang zombies but I realized it was wrong so pretend I said something else cool
Everything in the subway was horrifying
not a krang observation but I’m saying it anyway, April goes through it in this movie, obviously everyone does. But girl is human and early on she just gets tossed off her motorcycle and totally ignores any potential injuries
The way krangs two reacts to April melting a good chunk of her face makes me feel like the krang had never actually been injured
I said this in the headcanon yapping thing but now that I’m actually rewatching it, I’m pretty sure I was at least sorta right, the krang parasites goal was to get Leo to kill Raph. Krang one is obviously confident enough that he could kill Leo on his own, and it does generally align with how messed up they are. Right before Leo puts his swords away he does almost slash at Raph who just doesn’t move at all until he takes a step back because almost killed his brother. Probably not canon but it’s more emotionally destroying and therefore cool.
probably obvious but I’m saying it anyway, the reason Leo’s sacrifice came as such a shock was because of the lack of capability to form any sort of connections, the inability to even fathom why someone would act for anyone other then themself is what lead to their downfall
theres honestly not much for me to say here, this movie is awesome but I’m trying not to go “krang armor is sick :0” Because yes it is, but like we all know that. I can talk a *lot* about the turtles and probably April n Casey jr but I said krang and thats probably smarter because I’m stuck on my phone at the moment and typings just a bit more annoying.
ooooooooooooo I like these. Very interesting observations/headcanons.
"The way krangs two reacts to April melting a good chunk of her face makes me feel like the krang had never actually been injured" - That's a good point. i dunno what to say to this, but my brain has latched onto it.
There's not much I can add onto any of these(haven't seen the movie in a hot minute tbh), but goodness I love them. Trade brains with me pls
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pumpkajelly · 6 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
@silverskulltula I love doing these thank u for think of me! 🦇
🍃 1. Are you named after anyone? All three of my middle names are after people! An aunt I've never met, my father, and my father's sister (also an aunt but I know her)
🍃 2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday but it's been an emotional time in my life lately
🍃 3. Do you have kids? No, but I'd like to have two some day.
🍃 4. What sports do you play/have you played? Haven't ever been a huge sports person but I used to really enjoy dodge ball (if that can be included) and volley ball. The most I've ever enjoyed a sport was when I was doing fencing in university. I'm pretty decent at lunges actually!
🍃 5. Do you use sarcasm? It's been said
🍃 6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Clothing, maybe? I like to see the different ways people express themselves through their fashion!
🍃 7. Eye color? Hazel (the bluey-green kind)
🍃 8. Scary movies or happy endings? Lately I've been really enjoying psychological horror movies like The Menu, Cabin in the Woods and Nope! I used to really not be into horror but more recently I've really started appreciating the different ways themes are tackled in a movie that aims to scare/horrify/disturb! Cabin in the Woods said 'What if in a situation with literal axe-wielding redneck zombie murder family the real horror was systematic, government-ordained violence?' and I loved it for that.
🍃 9. Any talents? For drawing! There's always more room to grow but I'm happy with the art skills I do have. I'm also pretty decent at writing and telling stories, I'd say!
🍃 10. Where were you born? In Ontario! Oakville, if that contains any significance to anyone 👶
🍃 11. Hobbies? Video games, drawing, RP (whether it's written or TTRPG style), writing letters, and cooking! I also watch shows here and there and enjoy cooking / history youtubes.
🍃 12. Any pets? My beloved cat Cheshire! We usually call her Chess she's 13 and developed Cat Asthma this year
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🍃 13. Height? 5'
🍃 14. Favorite school subject? English
🍃 15. Dream job? I really want to be a researcher. I have a bachelor's in psychology, and to be a psych teacher and researcher is pretty up there, but lately I've been considering what it might mean to take that research interest in other directions!
I'll throw some tags out here but if I miss you and you still wanna do it please do I love to read these thangs
@doeraymmie @clairric @nakimochiku @first-renegade @arandomeldritchbeing @yourpsychothicccgf @final-girl-lorde @kinryouku @cinnamintal @corosiaspara @interclouds @confettigraffiti @darkvampire111-blog @orionsvoid @justlikeloving
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luwritesomething · 2 years
since you wrote xmas how about halloween with Mickey pls?
Mickey Altieri Heacanons: Halloween.
Warnings: Maybe there's swearing?? It's me, so...
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Halloween with Mickey Altieri
Author's note: HIIII thank you for requesting <3 i decided to do these in form of headcanons since i had a brain rot and couldn't think of anything to write as a story. hope you like them!!
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas.
in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, chad martin-meeks, mindy martin-meeks, tara carpenter, anika kayoko, laura crane
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you bet mickey celebrates halloween like it’s bigger than christmas
it’s not that he doesn’t like christmas, he actually likes that one
but halloween is so underrated and dumbed down, in his opinion
he’s organizing a marathon of scary movies/movies that have anything to do with halloween for you too
even special episodes from tv shows he rarely ever watches,,,
not like a couples costume, MATCHING.
listen,,, this man would be down for having his costume match with yours in some way
even if it's different costumes from different movies, something like you wearing something red and him wearing the exact same thing
does that make sense????
oh and if you don't like dressing up, you bet this man is going to try and convince you to dress up with him
"just for me, this once? pleeease. it'll be fun!"
the scarier the merries, as he says.
you bet he’s volunteering for haunted house or corn maces or whatever implies being around people during the halloween time, especially if it’s with little kids
(i headcanon him as someone who does like little kids lol)
he’s so good with telling scary stories, the type you hear in camps or from older brothers that just want to freak you out
get ready for jumpscares, because he’s not stopping until christmas
he doesn’t like carving pumpkins, in fact, he hates it
it’s the smell, for him…
mickey is also rereading every single stephen king book he can get his hands on
halloween is a longer period for him, also… it starts the first day of october and ends in december first. the halloween night is just the top of it
every week, it’s a theme for the movies. like, week one it’s zombies, week two is vampires, week three ghosts, week four slashers… mickey is very organized with this.
scooby doo. that’s it, that’s the headcanon.
probably attends every dressing up party he can, and he’s dragging you with him. 
“we’ll have a great time, babe!”
actually, him saying "it'll be fun!" is a constant when it's halloween
don't be fooled, it's always a constant with him.
lectures people about the slasher genre
LIKE FULL HOURS OF LECTURES about how the slasher genre is amazing and groundbreaking and even though now it's kind of considered boring, it's actually really important because---
please save whoever he's lecturing because he's not moving on from the topic and whoever he has cornered isn't escaping unless you drag mickey away
BEAMS when in film class they start talking about horror movies because of halloween
decorates his dorm with all kinds of halloween ornaments — fake webs, skeletons, bats, fake blood, you name it.
the fake blood.
the motherfucking fake blood.
mickey will casually go to class with fake blood in his clothes and just smiles when anyone asks him.
he can’t bake shit, but if you can, get ready to be annoyed with your baking having to be decorated with halloween colors or things.
he can get annoying, but we love his enthusiasm for halloween
one day he’ll probably make a short movie during halloween, the type with very corny dialogue and shiny blood, the type that it's rather cringy and embarassing, but a good memory still
i feel like he would be surprised that not many people actually find halloween fun outside the drinking and partying
i mean not surprised,,, but why isn't anyone else appreaciting it??
as a person who loves halloween, i might be projecting.
mickey would be so fun to be around with, though. he's like a kid in christmas
or a kid in halloween lol
but like, more excited
you BET he'd like to have a house in a nice neighborhood and keep lots of candy for the kids trick or treating
he wants to have kids and go trick or treating with them
well, that escalated quickly.
no kids for now
just having fun watching movies and being dumb during the best time of the year !!!
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tarrenterror25 · 11 months
First: I just want to say that I think you're awesome and wonderful, and this Halloween/horror themed event is SO COOL. 🖤 Such a brilliant idea.
💀 Spooky Scary Skeletons - David Robey going apple picking 🥺
🕸️ Caught - You were in Liam Black's taxi when a zombie outbreak hit. Could take place in the beginning or a few weeks/months after and you're still together (😏). Dealer's choice, I just want to put that man in a Situation. 😌
📼 Scary Movie - 😁💕
💀 Spooky Scary Skeletons - Send in a character with a prompt/theme and I will make you a moodboard! 🕸️ Caught! - Send in a character with a prompt/theme and I will write a drabble for you! (Less than 500 words) 📼 Scary Movie - I'll tell you what horror/Halloween/fall movie I'd watch with you!
Fear Lounge
Thank you, Tara 😭🥹💕💕 I think you're just amazing as well!!
Ok, I've actually never been apple picking and now I want to go!! I won't lie, I was listening to a lot of Lana Del Rey while making this, specifically "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" and "Say Yes to Heaven". I wanted this dreamy romantic vibe especially since David might be so reluctant to be affectionate 🥹🥰
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For a movie, I am nervous because I feel like you're such a horror connoisseur 😂 I want something I know we both can deep dive and analyze because I know we both would.
OF COURSE we'd watch Luther and I want to rewatch the Menu with you because I know we can swap details throughout the film 🥰💕
The movie I'd watch with you is-!
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A psychological horror that I feel you appreciate/would appreciate! This movie scared me the first time I saw it, it was so creepy and eerie, I thought about it for a few days! Again, I can see us both offering our own commentary on the film and theories!
Now for the last bit!
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Zombie Outbreak with Liam Black
Tags: mentions of gore, stalking, allusions to p in v, f!reader
Steam from the heat of your bodies fills the car. You rest on top of Liam in the backseat of his vehicle, his hand on the small of your back holding you to him while the two of you catch your breath. The flimsy throw blanket covering you two.
The world went to shit so fast and when it did you were in the backseat of Liam’s taxi.
It’s been about a month now and it was only a matter of time before you discovered the truth about Liam; about how he had been following you in the days leading up to the outbreak. He watched you, managed to steal from your purse when you weren’t looking, and found out intimate details of your life. You learned he was using these to get close to you and yet, in the midst of your anger, frustration, and hurt after finding out, you still slept with him.
In the backseat of his taxi.
Not like you had anything better to do.
“They’re coming again,” Liam says with a sigh.
The growls and gurgles of the undead shambling in your direction can be heard in the distance.
Clumsily, you two maneuver in the backseat to redress and then climb into the front seats. Liam starts the car and drives off to get you two away from the horde of trudging corpses. You look behind you and through the rear windshield; a few strays can be seen, some without arms, others with internals spilling from their bodies, and some that are…just unrecognizable.
You and Liam make it to the countryside where you locate a few abandoned vehicles. The two of you make quick work of siphoning the fuel from them.
You lean up against his car as he fills it up with the fuel gathered. “So what was the goal?”
“What?” he asks.
“Were you going to sleep with me and then dip?”
He sighs. He understands that you’re upset with what he’s done and doesn’t expect you to forgive him. He isn’t sure if he forgives himself. “No, it wasn’t like that,” he explains. “I just…I knew you wouldn’t have liked me if…you knew who I was.”
“And who were you? Hm??” You give him a pointed glare.
“Nobody,” he replies softly.
Silence hangs in the air for a moment before Liam packs up the supplies for the fuel. “That should last us awhile,” he says.
The two of you get back into the car and resume driving.
“I wish you had given me a chance,” you say as you turn to Liam. “To know you, the real you, not the person you pretended to be.”
“Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t have given me that chance,” he replies.
“You don’t know that,” you quip. “Stop being afraid. Not like we have anything better to do so you might as well drop the act.”
There’s the hint of a smile on his face.
“….you don’t actually like Turkish Delight do you?” you ask, referring to one of the things he learned about you.
Liam sighs. “Does anyone?”
You chuckle. “Not many people do, I suppose.”
“You may very well be the only person left alive that enjoys it,” he chuckles. “More for you.”
You laugh.
The two of you continue the drive getting to know each other; no lies and no more subterfuge. Only the truth.
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I hope you liked it!!
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honkceasar · 1 year
Okay big infodump that might not make any sense about The guy who didn’t like musicals, Black Friday, and genloss!!! They’re very similar and I think that’s very cool!!!! I love finding similarities between media I enjoy!!!!!!!!!!
‼️Spoilers for all 3 episodes of generation loss, Black Friday, and The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals!!! Also various descriptions of gore!!!‼️
-So this isn’t really an actual in-depth comparison but both the hatchetfield musicals and genloss are live comedy-horror shows that reuse actors and have an edited version posted on YouTube later and I think that is a really funny coincidence lmao
Okay so the first real thing that stuck out to me is that the comedy to horror balance of genloss is SOOO reminiscent of the hatchetfield musicals!! It’s part of why I adore genloss so much honestly. Starkid already has such a place in my heart, so watching something that gave that same comedy-to-horror balance made me fall in love with it immediately.
- Tgwdlm and Spirit of the Cabin I think are most similar in terms of tone. Both genloss and tgwdlm have that quality of “not scary until you think about it but once you do it’s HORRIFYING” concept and I’m SUCH A SUCKER FOR THAT. Granted, the horror of the first ep of genloss doesn’t hit that hard without the revelations of the second, but I feel like my point still stands. Also they both kind of poke fun at the horror genre in general?? Tgwdlm is supposed to parody the ENTITE horror genre, and I feel like with the amount of references to old horror movies in spirit of the cabin, I think it’s safe to say ranboo was doing something similar. (Also they both involve strange colored goo that replaces the appearance of actual gore?? Like when I realized what the slime was in genloss I couldn’t stop thinking about Charlotte’s blue intestines in Join Us And Die)
- While I don’t think it’s as great of a comparison, ep 2 and 3 of genloss definitely have a tone similar to Black Friday. Black Friday and The Mastermind of the Warehouse both have parts of them that are so absurd you start to wonder how it’s ever going to get that scary and then a bombshell drops out of NOWHERE. Like the feeling I got between What Do You Say and Feast or Famine in BF was the same as Charlie’s silly slime dissection turning to real blood and guts. I’d say towards the end of Black Friday it starts to feel like The Choice, but I don’t know how similar I could really say they are without reaching lol.
Okay here’s where I might just really want these to be more similar than they are BUT there’s also some really fun plot similarities between the hatchetfield musicals and generation loss!
- Mind control!! They both kind of have mind control! With tgwdlm, the weird goop shit can make people do things they normally would NEVER do. (Paul participating in a musical, Charlotte hurting people, Sam literally pointing a gun at his wife’s head and later ripping her insides out.) Wiggly in Black Friday also alters people’s perception in that way, making them more violent and desperate. The comparison of tgwdlm and genloss gets me the most though honestly. I think about how Professor Hidgens sings “you’ve just got to give up your choice” in Let It Out a LOT in terms of genloss ranboo. Nothing gl!ranboo does is HIS choice. He has to comply with the various games showfall makes him play if he wants to live or have any free will at all. Any time he breaks through the control and the filter, he becomes even more of an npc. None of his choices are his own.
- Okay this one’s more funny than serious but all of the hatchetfield shows and genloss have fucking time loop theories that make me insane actually. I keep desperately trying to make What If Tomorrow Comes make sense for genloss cause of the time loop implications but I’m really just grasping at straws lol let me BELIEVE.
- THE PROTAGONISTS DONT WIN (and it makes me so sad every time). Literally everyone in tgwdlm eventually dies/becomes a weird singing zombie. They even lure you into a false sense of hope with Paul and Emma that they managed to escape, just for it to be revealed that Paul has already been transformed and Emma has no hope for survival. In Black Friday, Wiggly remains undefeated, and the implied ending is that they get nuked by Russia due to the misplaced bomb. (tomorrow never comes!!) In generation loss, Sneeg is always so close but never truly reaches freedom, Charlie dies the moment he understands what has happened to him, and ranboo…..well. ⬛️ He even gets that same false sense of hope!! He defeats showfall, shuts it all down!! The exit is right there!!!!! He’s going to escape!!!!!! Just for him to get captured and crucified. The audience doesn’t even get to know if death really freed him. It’s that same kind of cruel ending where the protagonists efforts just,,,, don’t accomplish anything. The hero doesn’t succeed, and suffers for trying at all.
-there’s also like,,, religious imagery in Black Friday and genloss but nothing really to compare there, just neat
Okay silly rant over!!! I just really like genloss and the fact that it feels so similar to previous fixations I’ve had just makes it even more special to me :^)
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neverluckygoldfish · 6 months
52 -
The past two months have felt like a blur, stuck in a vicious cycle of relapse, recovery, relapse, recovery, and so on.
It’s been really fucking tough. I’ve felt like a zombie. Sometimes it feels like this is all life is, a weary merry-go-round until we die.
But after falling down 800 times and still getting back up on that 801st try - I’m in a much better place.
And I’m not beating myself up about it. Shit happens, we fall down. Sometimes we fall down and stay down because we’re so fucking tired of having to get back up.
I watched a looootttt of movies with happy endings as a kid. I did a lot of things alone and I never really noticed how much that influenced my way of thinking and my approach to life. I guess that’s where I started to believe that I had to live two lives. Because who I really am - my family didn’t like. As a woman of color, of immigrant parents, and growing up in a predominantly white neighborhood - I never felt like I found my place. I didn’t belong at home and I definitely didn’t belong in the outside world.
So we take that first drink or the first hit to forget we feel that way inside. And we keep drinking and using to keep forgetting.
And it’s where I started to believe that one day everything will magically work out so I just have to keep holding on to be saved.
I’ve spent so much time ignoring my body that trying to be present in it now, as an adult, makes me feel like a fearful little kid. Anxiety feels scary because I never learned how to manage it.
Ignore all the problems until you’re almost 30 and have a bunch of substance abuse issues and no one to turn to because you can’t trust the people who were supposed to care for you.
I’m just so damn tired of caring. Caring what people think - am I being nice and kind and do they feel heard and god forbid any one ever thinks I have ill intentions….
So yeah, my attitude lately is to block out the noise & do whatever I want to do. Whatever I know is truly good for my soul.
So I started a weaving again and have made some yummy food and am getting in a lot of snuggles with my dog. Also I listen to new music and take in the sunset. I take a long bath and put on my expensive lotion that’s saved for a special occasion because every day is a special occasion now that I am CHOOSING to be alive.
I realized I like having little projects. So I’ve been assigning myself shit to try because I’m interested in it. And that’s enough of a reason for me.
Isn’t the whole point of life to experience? And when you boil it down to that core, what really separates us from each other if we are all in it for the experience?
Am I sounding crazy?? Because I‘be never felt more enlightened and grounded in my sense of things.
Holy shit, it all makes sense now.
Or maybe this is all just one psychotic episode waiting to break loose. Lol. Hopefully not.
I’ve decided I don’t need some big overarching life goal - that I’m totally fine with going with the flow. I don’t need to have all the answers. In fact, forcing myself to think that way has actually cemented this “not good enough” belief.
Because when I think back as a kid and getting lost in the present - I was happy. I used to get lost in entertaining myself for hours. And the world (or my world) told me that was wrong. I wasn’t doing it correctly.
But I’m fine the way I am. You know? Like imagine if we could roll the tape back to before we ever started to hate ourselves or constantly try to “fix” our lives - how did we approach the world before everything was clouded by this inherent sense of “not good enough”.
It’s kind of jarring to realize that people don’t automatically think and know the worst parts of me and judge me by it.
It’s kind of jarring to realize that nobody really is that bothered by me. I’m feeling okay taking up my little space in the world.
I’m ready to care for that little girl who has felt so scared and uncomfortable all these years.
In some ways, I’ve never felt more free.
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omo-goose · 1 month
feeling some type of wayyyy soooo here's something with my silly ocsssss :3
Pom Pom sat with her head resting against Bow's chest with Bow's arms resting over her, they were in Pom Pom's room on her bed watching a movie on the pull-out projector
It was some movie Wonky had recommended at one point but neither of them really understood the appeal of, but nevertheless they still tried checking it out.
Bow wasn't really paying attention though, she seemed fidgety
Pom Pom scooted back and asked if she wanted to watch something else, since it seemed like she was too scared to continue watching the movie
She looked at her confused, "what do you mean?"
"The zombies seemed to be bothering you I thought?"
"the movie, it was about zombies, I thought that was what you you were looking scared about," Pom Pom cocked her head to the side, now also confused
"oh! uh no no, the movie isn't that scary, I just kinda need to use the bathroom"
"ohhhh okay," Pom Pom nodded "so do you need me to pause it real quick or?"
Bow shook her head, "nah I can hold it, I'm pretty sure this movie isn't that long right?"
Pom Pom shrugged then turned her attention back to the movie, which now focused on a group of humans walking down a dirt road of some sort.
the road tapered off into a field near the rubble of what once seemed to be a farm, which the group decided to explore.
the camera jumped to a shot of two of the group members going into the dilapidated barn, the door creaking open slowly and suddenly!
Bow jumped a little as a cat jumped out of the barn on screen, then covered her mouth as she giggled, a bit embarrassed
Pom Pom patted her shoulder and gave a small nervous smile, "uh Bow... I think maybe you should go use the bathroom now actually..."
Bow felt her face starting to go red as she looked down at herself, she was crossing her legs and wiggling around without realizing and had a small wet spot on her shorts from getting startled
Pom Pom stood up and offered her a hand, "cmon, we can watch something else after you're done"
"it wasn't that scary I swear!" Bow protested, "if I didn't have to go it wouldn't have got me that bad!"
"sure sure," Pom Pom nodded, "now cmon before you-"
"don't you dare say it!" Bow huffed, "you'll make it happen if you say it," she took Pom Pom's hand and stood up
She lead her out the bedroom door and down a hallway, and then down a flight of stairs, to the left, another left, down another flight of stairs, to the right, down another hallway and-
"uh are you sure this is the right h hallway?" Bow tugged on Pom Pom's hand
"this is the left hallway Bow," she informed her, sounding slightly unsure
"is it?" she questioned, squirming in place with all three legs tangled tightly trying to hold back the leak that desperately wanted to escape
"oh gosh sorry, I don't actually know, I think we made a wrong turn down-"
Bow whined softly as a dribble escaped her and absorbed into her shorts, sweat dripping down her thighs from the effort of holding
Pom Pom looked around, trying to remember if there was another hall that connected to the bathroom, but her mind was blanking at the moment
Bow swayed and nearly collapsed as her knees gave in from the strain, being caught last second by Pom Pom, she could feel her shaking in her arms
Pom Pom lifted her up, hearing Bows whimpers as more leaks escaped her, and carried her back to where they’d made a wrong turn and went down the left hallway instead
Bow kept muttering apologies as her control began to slip and she soaked both her and Pom Pom, the droplets trailing behind them as she carried her
Pom Pom gently shushed her and assured her they were almost there
but by the time they made it to the bathroom Bow's bladder had almost fully emptied itself
she embarrassedly finished up the last few drops on the toilet as Pom Pom comforted her and assured her that she did a good job holding even if she had an accident
afterwards, Pom Pom ran them both a nice hot bath and they cuddled, then fell asleep in Pom Pom's room watching Madagascar 2
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joe-spookyy · 9 days
what do you like about an American werewolf in london? like give me a full yap post i wanna read abt your opinions and thoughts yk
ok huge ask thank you sorry i put it off for so long there’s just much to say….
well to be honest i like just about everything about it it’s such a unique movie. but let me break it down…
first - the effects. guys i know i never stfu about the practical effects in every movie ever but i just really appreciate the way everything is done sfx wise in this one. it’s over the top and extra gory, but it’s in a way that works. it’s campy, it’s goofy, and it kind of just adds to the chaos of the film. the demons from david’s nightmare are all uniquely designed and well thought out even though they are literally just in that one scene. the werewolf design is one of my favorites ever in media. it looks wolf LIKE, but it’s clear that whatever that thing is, it’s not a normal wolf. this is, in my opinion, exactly how werewolves should look. and of course the transformation scene is just iconic. it emphasizes the pain involved in the transformation and really brings out the element of body horror in the movie, reminding us that there’s something even more scary about a loss of bodily autonomy as compared to just your traditional monster attack. and of course, it’s very technically impressive. rick baker the man that you are. i also really like jack’s wound makeup, and i think the way he decays throughout the film is a super cool creative choice and translates very well.
next - the comedy. yes, it’s a horror movie. but it’s also got a strong element of dark comedy that i think makes the movie what it is. the absurdity of the situations - from david’s absolutely bonkers dreams to the finale taking place in an active porn theater, the movie always has something wacky happening in one way or another. and i think this also adds to the humanity of the characters. we’re able to see them as people first, rather than just seeing them as future members of the kill count at the end of the movie.
and of course - the serious stuff. even though it stays pretty consistently silly, it also doesn’t hesitate to remind us of the gravity of the situations being portrayed. david is genuinely losing control of his mind AND body, and he’s faced with the decision to either kill himself or risk killing others. and the scene in which he calls his family right before he attempts always shuts me right up. additionally, it is a tragedy, as are most werewolf narratives. of course i can’t forget to mention it functions pretty damn well as a horror movie also. no matter how funny it is, it has some genuinely scary or at least off putting moments. i still stand by the fact that even standing on its own, the subway scene is one of the strongest sequences i’ve seen in a horror film, and is a great example of how you can scare your audience even more by NOT showing them the monster - leaving everything up to their imagination.
now - the music. i actually really love the score for this movie. there’s not a lot of the actual orchestral piece, but i think it fits perfectly. it’s got a very eerie and kind of melancholy sound to it which i LOVE, and the graininess of the sound adds to it a lot. also, i can’t mention the music without mentioning the soundtrack. i love how every song featured has something to do with the moon it’s such a cute thing to do. and the abruptness of the end credits song really encapsulates the whole movie, i think.
finally - i’m a sucker for werewolf movies. there are like a bajillion iconic horror movies with vampires or zombies or ghosts or demons or mad scientists but there are very few solid werewolf movies. this is one of them. so i’ve latched onto it.
anyways thank you again for the ask for further info check out my aawil propaganda post linked below. i hope you give it a watch.
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the-haunted-office · 13 days
You know, I was thinking tonight about what got me into the horror genre, and I'm really not sure.
The furthest back I can remember is watching a show called Tales from the Crypt with my parents and it used to have creepy episodes, but I can't really remember any of the episodes or anything specific from it except for the host. I can't remember his name, though, just that he was some creepy zombie guy. xD
One thing that stands out, though, is the TV miniseries that was done for Stephen King's The Langoliers. Even though the acting in it was terrible, I remember being entranced by it. It was one of the first horror things I ever saw. I loved the story and the characters and the Langoliers. Just the idea that you could be on an airplane and accidentally fly through a time rip, go back in time, and be stuck in the past with these little creatures that eat the past and you die there? I loved that concept! I think that was the first exposure I ever had to Stephen King. It was either that or Pet Sematary, I can't remember which was first. Stephen King was the gateway for sure, and I know his works have had a huge impression on mine, although I won't claim to say that my stuff is anywhere close to his.
Another thing I also remember being grotesquely fascinated by was this scene from the 1990 film Total Recall. There's a scene towards the end of the movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger's character gets sucked outside onto the planet Mars, which has no breathable atmosphere yet, and his skin starts bloating up and his eyes start popping out of his skull. There was another character before him, the villain character, who suffered the same fate and he actually died from it, his eyes popped all the way out. It was so freaky, and I saw this movie when I was five years old! xD Yes, I've been watching rated R movies since I was in Kindergarten haha. But yeah, those scenes left an impression on me. They were so scary and grotesque, and yet I was morbidly fascinated by them.
These are the things that stand out to me. I also remember being really interested in the movie The Omen, which is still one of the scariest movies to me. I've loved horror for a long time, although now I'm more into books than movies. Movies just don't do it for me anymore because the plots suck!!! It's all about special effects and more and more blood and gore and shock value and jump scares, which to me just isn't it when it comes to horror. I need a connection to the story and the characters and that build-up of dread, and that's all missing from horror movies. It's missing from quite a lot of horror books too, to be honest, but it's easier to find in books than movies.
Anyway, kind of pointless bit of rambling tonight, but there it is. :p
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