#it was a natural progression from
canarydarity · 6 months
I reread the fight fic………………..I forgot how fucking obsessed with it I am.
The temptation to post it has gotten so strong, so,,,this is my preemptive apology to the rancher community. If i without warning post 7k of the ranchers fighting some time within the next month, my bad, that’s on me. I AM sorry. Know that I wrote it in APRIL and I held off for as long as I could
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pokeberry5 · 11 months
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thug beatdown round 2: electric boogaloo
(extras, cw flashing gif:)
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the fit:
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cosmicdreamgrl · 2 months
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they can't deny our love they can't divide us we'll survive the test of time i promise i'll be right here
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minty364 · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt #89
Danny didn’t know what would happen when his parents portal turned on for the first time but this wasn’t it. He accidentally turned it on and the next thing he knew he was in front of this pool of green swirling liquid with this lady named Talia telling him she’d take care of him. The weird thing is he was now half dead with weird ghost powers and he somehow was turned back into a 5 year old. He met a kid the same age as him and the two quickly became inseparable, his name was Damian and even though he was to be the next head of what Danny assumed was a cult, he knew it was but he was in the body of a 5 year old and couldn’t exactly go home like this.
5 years pass and Danny gets sent along with Damian to Gotham to live with Damian’s birth father Bruce Wayne. Danny didn’t want to go at first but Bruce seemed to welcome him with open arms regardless of his background with the league. Everything is going well for the 2 until Danny meets Tim’s secretary, it’s Sam and she absolutely did not know how to handle her now smaller best friend. Tucker is doing an internship at Wayne Tech too.
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infernal-lamb · 24 days
Hey, I've seen your drawings from Neves. They are brilliant. I like her a lot, and are you writing fanfic about her?
Ahh thank you!!! That's really flattering fkljgfjf....It's always a pleasant surprise that people like Neves :'-) (and I love when I get an excuse to post my doodles of her and the Lamb lol)
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I am in the works of trying to write a cotl fanfic abt this specific au (I call it The Apostate & The Martyr in my head lol), but writing doesn't come as easily as drawing to me SIGH. I've actually written quite a bit, but the problem is putting all these random excerpts together to make something coherent LOL. But yes, the fic is intended to be the story of The Lamb and Neves' friendship amidst the brutality and terror of the Lands of the Old Faith, how to deal with the consequences of their choices, and the mutual alienation they experience in their positions....as silly as that sounds lol. It's very self-indulgent! I just liked the concept of the "Outsider" POV, so to speak, being subjected to the sort of normalized violence that exists in cotl. Though, I might end up just making comics if I can't pan out this fanfic well enough!
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letsgetonwithit · 2 years
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quick drawing of my lavellan because i've had da:i on the brain a lot lately and i miss her
ft. her new vallaslin design (which i’m sure isn’t lore friendly, but oh well) + her enchanted birch tree arm (post-trespasser) that grows autumn leaves, moss and mushrooms from time to time 🥺 🍄
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tu-es-gegg · 3 months
rtgame playing Minecraft proper for the first time since 12? Ish years ago was really eye opening for at least gauging the actual game design of Minecraft because on his own, Daniel figured out basically the intended ways of beating the different bosses. Like most Minecraft players become so jaded and pre-aware of all the hacks and tips and tricks but he just discovers all this on his own, like figuring out the mechanics of the warden and sculk sensors, problem solving the ocean monument, etc. he's a goddamn gamer and he managed to figure most of it out on his own (plus twitch chat helping) being able to explain it's mechanics in a natural and discoverable way is great game design
Of course the game doesn't hold your hand all the way and some things are painful to progress, for example having to unlock recipes means slow means to goals, the rationale I understand but when some recipes that are essential like shields isn't easily found despite having almost all the materials the player is still at disadvantage. Another thing is just basic features being a bit hard to actually guess just as is in the game. For example villager tables, how are people supposed to know the tables are meant villager jobs when they are hidden in houses and the villagers just roam outside clueless. Only reason Dan found out is through twitch chat
And even so Dan already has knowledge of Minecraft from since horses update. Beginner players who've never even heard of a Minecraft have issue because things are not easily explained. I think an issue Is how underutilised the advancements and achievements are because they give you hints when you accomplish something. In fact in the deep dark, Dan sneaked near the sculk sensors and got the Sneak 100 achievement, which hinted towards the sound mechanics and informed him sneaking doesn't produce noises.
It's just an inch resting thought as I rewatch the Minecraft let's play
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Answering some asks about the dad Murase lives AU under the cut because you are forcing me to think about what I've created (❤)
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Murase had to know about N's less-than-savoury work. He was hired as a security guard (thanks to his brother) for a military facility for which he was told to kill any trespassers on sight. And his brother had been legally dead for a decade! But the main difference between the two brothers is that while N will still do horrors in the name of his job, Murase has spent his life after the war trying to help people to atone for what he had to do to survive. I think having to face concrete proof of what his brother did/does, especially without the immediate pressure of war and survival to "justify" his actions, to a kid he's grown somewhat attached to? That would be really hard on him.
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Frankly I had never heard of that theory before, and after considering it, I can't agree with it. The government has expressed barely any interest in Chuuya, N seems to have acted on his own. The PM has so many ability users, and abilities are so unknown to the general public, with or without Chuuya, it was an important move to make, and there was no normal legal way of getting it.
As for Oda... I fear he's going to suffer the same fate. In another post I did wonder if Mori would try to be more careful with Dazai, since we know he was very careful to nurture Chuuya's loyalty and bond to the mafia. But after thinking about it, while Mori felt bitter after Dark Era (please read the light novel), he says he would still do it because the permit was so important to get. Chuuya going away here wasn't his fault, so I see no reason he wouldn't do things especially differently. Maybe he'd feel even more bitter though.
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If Oda dies the same way... it's a fun question. Dazai would leave, Dazai would still refuse to work for the government, so his options are limited. I can't imagine Chuuya leaving at 16, join the ADA, and the mafia not knowing a thing about it? So what would Dazai do? Chuuya left and joined a group and now that group is his only option in Yokohama. If he wants to join them, he'll still have to wait two years for his records to be erased and hidden. And he knows Chuuya is gonna be there, and he knows him!! How frustrating and stressful is that wait going to be?
I'd like Chuuya to be gone when Dazai first joins, so Entrance Exam can still take place in a similar way. Maybe he accompanied Ranpo on his contract out of town? I do wonder if he'd confront Dazai publicly or in private... I'm still not sure how much he told the ADA about his own origins.
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I've decided that Chuuya leaves after the Dragon Head Conflict (after loosing a second set of friends in the same year), because this time, he has someone waiting for him to offer him an out. And this is interesting from a skk point of view. At that point, Dazai has already met both Oda and Ango, and technically, Double Black has made a name of themselves. Chuuya would be leaving at the creation/peak of Double Black, barely giving it enough time to get their name. But all that we know (so far) of what they were up to as teenagers has happened already! And Dazai has met Oda and Ango, he has a support system now! They'll be fine. Well, as fine as their canon counterparts anyway.
This is also funny because their "history" is less than two years of absolute hell, then a 5/6-year gap, and suddenly they're coworkers again.
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Honestly I don't know if Murase would have an opportunity to see it or its repercussions? I doubt he saw Chuuya directly after Verlaine (you know, mafia and all that), and I think Chuuya would be the one to seek him out after the DHC. I truly think you could count the amount of times Corruption was maybe used by Double Black in canon back then on one hand, and in this AU, it's literally only twice. Unless Asagiri planned for another big event and hasn't told us yet, I don't think Chuuya has had to use Corruption again in this AU until Lovecraft.
MAYBE someone would notify Chuuya's dad guardian that his son charge was badly injured, but with Yosano in the room, I doubt it would make it back to him. Same thing with Dead Apple. Murase lives in a blessed world where he knows Chuuya's powerful, but doesn't know the extent of it.
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Have a lil' doodle for making it all the way down here! (it's Chuuya's first week or something)
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moonpaw · 3 months
did manga editing for 16 hours today
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koetjingwarrd · 1 year
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You're my baby, say it to me...
#gundam witch from mercury#gwitch#wfm#sulemio#suletta mercury#miorine rembran#i bet on losing dogs as per gwitch current story progression aka ep17 do you see my vision...#i have particular mixed feelings on ep 17 most of which i feel that the story is done a bit sloppy i think it started around ep 16 or 15#i really need to get this out so i could study damn it !!#first of all with miorine with the one who's losing a lot by being complicit with prospera's quiet zero significantly trapping herself furt#er in the cycle of revenge and also losing the friends she has come to cherish and also... at the same time knowing hal truths of what real#ly happened prospera true plan. vanadis. aerial and suletta true nature. earth as a spacian battleground. and the whole lot#i feel like she's rushing thru her birthday to eject sul asap from prosperas plan and now whats done is done i feel like she underestimate#what conviction on how suletta values what family means to her. prospera lines where she wonders whether sul will give aerial up#easily is giving vibes that its possible for suletta to take drastic measures to get her family back. miorine grows up on a world that#is defined by strict rules but suletta does not... that is after she's starting to get over her heartbreak i think...#whats interesting about gwitch is that although it considered utena as one of its base material it mixes said materials with how gundam sto#ryline works while simultaneously keeping up with today's themes. so honestly... when this happened today im a bit pissed#another thing that even though on a surface level suletta plays the role of utena with miorine as anthy they are also anthy and utena#respectively. suletta and utena with their kind hearted and naive self with a sense of justice left behind the insidious plot of the school#anthy and miorine titled the bride who adored their respective partner up to the point of deception and betrayal for their own good#SULETTA AND ANTHY GOD THE WITCh. red motifs. i find it funny they both have siblings okay this is messed up. the character shrouded in myst#ery. SCREAMS AT THE TOP OF MY LUNGS THE CHICK WHO IS YET TO HATCHH !!!! RAHHH#insert utena student council theme somewhere around here#and lastly utena and miorine. the “princess”that is ready to take on a world that is threatening her loved one. both are only child god no.#this is my personal feelings but i will find it heartbreaking that despite everthing suletta will runs to miorine no matter how much she#push her away... but i also want and find it interesting where despite loving and believing in her suletta will slowly will ALSO despise#her for letting them drift apart kind of like anthy and utena on the akio apocalypse arc....... do i want this to happen...? do i....? >yes#regardless augh what a heartwrenching lovely episode despite me knowing it will happen at some point during the show#im like the surprised pikachu meme with tears in my eyes
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six-of-cringe · 5 months
"haha wylan walks in on jesper kissing the wrong guy" yes funny but moving on, have you ever wondered why Wylan was up there in the first place. Because the last he'd seen of Jesper was him being yelled at by Colm to explain what was going on or Colm would "tan your hide so bad you won't be able to sit down for two weeks". Everyone else finds Jesper getting full government-named very funny, but to Wylan this threat would not seem empty - that is just what happens when sons make mistakes. Consider that he wanted to check on Jesper, to see if he was alright, because though it's not really addressed directly, the story gives us several moments of Wylan not trusting Colm and trying to "protect" Jesper from him. Wylan had been isolated to the point where he only knew one father-son relationship, or even one relationship at all, which was between him and Van Eck. Why would he trust Colm? Maybe he just wandered into the room for a silly plot convenience, but I think he was there to assess the damage and be there for Jesper in case the thing that happens between fathers and their sons happened to him.
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puhpandas · 11 days
hi mutuals im just curious.
#im a ggy lover myself and would obviously love to see it realized in a game#but i also like gregory as a character more than his semi-canon backstory#and have complicated feelings on if i want them to confirm ggy at all.#i love ggy but dont want it to take screentime away from gregory#who alongside vanessa havent been focused on in years#(ruin was mimic basically the whole time#doesnt count) and need the screentime desperately.#personally#after THIS long (2 and a half years since gregory screentime and over a year since GGYs release)#i cant help but always wonder if theyve just. waited too long and they shouldnt confirm it.#at least just that they shouldnt release something just for the sake of confirming it and just leave it as book knowledge.#if they did focus on ggy in a game i'd want it to serve the plot involving multiple characters and progress slowly#i dont want it to be confirmed then its just background knowledge i would want there to be a plotline of#gregory remembering it throughout the plot of a game and dealing with it.#it'd confirm it then but it'd also still be wholly focused on Gregory alone and also be a natural reveal for people who dont read the books#for me its option 3 i guess. by all means its for sure canon at the moment im just talking about how it would be revealed in a game#or if at all and left as knowledge someone who read the books would know#my idea is wishful thinking we'd never get something that intricate#i can hope though#i could be so cool#but damn theyre just handling the story so strangely rn#pandas.txt#pandas talks#poll#thoughts#pre hw2 dlc#jic
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oceanwithouthermoon · 6 months
imagine saiki getting a premonition of himself in a GOOD future, happily married to someone he loves, living in a nice house, etc and somehow it scares him MORE than his normal premonitions do..
and he realizes that one of the biggest reasons it terrifies him is because now that hes been SHOWN the future, theres EVERY possible chance for him to fuck it up and never get the future he wants, and he'll ALWAYS be hyper aware that he has/could ruin his future.. usually, when he gets a premonition, its so he can prevent a bad future, but the future is so easily changed.. what if he messes it up ?? what if hes NEVER happy and its all because this dumb premonition made him too aware and cautious and start acting weird/different ??
what if knowing the potential future makes him act so different that the person he was married to in that future never falls in love with him ?? and he'll be stuck waiting for something to happen between them, just messing it up more and more ? hes going to waste so much time trying to make this potential happy future happen that hes not really going to live the life he was supposed to..
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raspberry-arev · 8 months
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I have finally gotten around to watching The Last of Us (amazing show! surprisingly queer as well!) and now I'm onto the enormous narrative universe of The Walking Dead.
Yes, a zombie apocalypse hyperfixation might be entering the chat. Yes, I am working on a TLOUxSprolden AU drawing
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badassindistress · 9 months
~🌺🌼⚘Squashed Flower Stays⚘🌼🌺~
This summer I followed a workshop on natural fabric dying or tataki zomé, or as I like to call it Squashed Flower Dyeing with a Hammer!
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And me being who I am, I decided to immediately graduate from test strips into making fabric for stays.
The technique of this is that flowers naturally have pigments. If you place a fresh flower on some cotton or linen, sandwich it between some more linen and smash it with a big rubber mallet, those pigments get squashed in your fabric. You get a coloured squash print of a flower or leaf:
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Then you wash your fabric in iron sulfate (your fabric goes yellow and your print goes black) white vinegar (your colours stay, reds go pink) or alun/aluin (your colours fix but go more purple).
The sad thing is, the colours fade very quickly. The fresher your leaf, the brighter the mark, but even the vibrant colours fade when they come into contact with the sun :(
Anyway, it turned out very interesting and was great fun to do for an afternoon:
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Stay tuned for the turning it into stays part!
(Link here when I get to that)
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strawberry-carpcake · 3 months
I hate that the atla remake toned down Sokkas sexism for the sake of not being offensive bc honestly I think it’s MORE offensive that it’s not included bc they are basically saying that it’s not important enough to teach those lessons and it’s negative to prevent toxic masculinity 🫶 As a girl I loved seeing the sexism in atla, I loved the lesson that it taught and I loved that all the girls were capable and strong but some of them were STILL FEMININE (cough cough Katara. The new show ruined that too)
While I’m talking about Katara, they ruined her too, not just Sokka. Where’s her rage? Her hurt? Her anger? Let her be angry. She’s 14 fighting in a war, she’s supposed to be mad. I loved her anger it was real and gave her flaws and depth. And also she’s supposed to be motherly. What’s bad about that? There’s nothing sexist about that? Some girls DO want to be that way? Also, it’s supposed to show how she was forced to take the role of her mother as a CHILD bc of the fire nation. It shows the negative effects of war and the loss of innocence, it was so important why is that gone???
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