#it was a really cool and unique concept at the time! plus the art was stunning
total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
Unpopular Opinion: Island of the Slaughtered doesn't make much sense to me honestly... I don't hate it, but the serial killer wouldn't last a day after there's revealed to be one on the island... Because Chef is a psycho that probably went to war and would snap the killer like a twig... Or Chef and Chris would get guns and shoot the killer down... Also, some of the contestants are strong enough to take down wild animals... The killer wouldn't stand a chance against their combined forces... Plus in canon, Chris and Chef did try to save Gwen from a killer (and Gwen defeated the killer)! XD
Island of the Slaughtered was actually what initially drew me back in to Total Drama as a whole, which is ironic because the AU itself kind of got overshadowed by the source material for me.
I like the concept, and the execution is really good too, but I haven't really interacted with the AU at all besides following the Tiktok uploads when they dropped last year. So please excuse me if anything I say here is inaccurate.
But I'm fairly certain that a pivotal plot point of the AU itself is the fact that both Chris and Chef abandon the campers on the island at the first sign of foul play; Chef wouldn't be there to fight off the killer. And that's not exactly out of character for them either- both Chris and Chef are shown throughout canon to not care for the safety and wellbeing of the contestants, and the two of them would believably prioritise their own wellbeing over the campers' survival.
And as far as the strong contestants go, the only characters in Island who would really stand a chance against an active serial killer would be the likes of Eva, Izzy and maybe Duncan- who all survive the massacre because the killer never targets them. I don't know if that's a sign of intelligence on the killer's part or pure coincidence, but it's true nonetheless.
Courtney later shows off her physical prowess in Action, but throughout Island there's nothing to indicate that she could take on a serial killer alone. Since the AU is based in the canon of Island, she doesn't count as a "strong" camper. In the same vein, DJ is very strong, but he's also a 'gentle giant' who's hesitant to cause physical harm to anyone- he wouldn't have the courage to confront the killer.
In the AU itself, the killer works more as an ambush predator than your stereotypical "hunt and kill" murderer; the only time a contestant is ever killed is when they stray from the pack. A huge aspect of this AU is "safety in numbers", the only time someone ever dies is when they're alone and/or in a vulnerable position. This implies that the killer themself is never too far away from the cast; they're always watching, hidden in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to pick off the weakest links as they stray too far from the safety of their group.
Would it have made more sense for the group to attack the killer as a united front (allowing the likes of Eva, Izzy and Duncan to subdue/kill them in turn)? Probably. But at the end of the day, these are frightened teenagers- they're not going to think logically when they're being hunted for sport. They're going to follow the safest route of their continued survival, which in this case is remaining together as a tight knit group and waiting to be rescued from the island.
I, personally, think the plot of the AU makes a lot of sense when you consider the above factors. And, of course, because it's a Horror AU- you'd need to suspend a lot of the cartoon logic to make it somewhat believable, which includes the fact that Gwen canonically 'takes down' the real killer by insulting him. That kind of stuff wouldn't fit the tone of the IotS AU.
Not that I'm saying you have to like it. You're entitled to your opinion! This is just how I understand the AU.
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Hi, random comment but Holy shit your half-transformed Monster Tom with the mouth in his chest is so fucking cool! Also, monsterfucker Tord is so real! Can only imagine Tord's reaction when he saw Tom like half-transformed for the first time.
THANK YOU! im like. super happy with how i draw tom, monster form ABSOLUTELY included. i put like. way too much thought into it lmao but ive always been a fan of unique creature designs so what else is new.
so ive been obsessed with the concept since i figured out what exactly happened during PowerEdd, ~2015. tom was kind of already my favorite but i only got more obsessed now that i could draw him with claws and fangs now.
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(lmao old art^ lets all point and laugh)
when i finally got back into eddsworld this most recent time and started thinking about how i'd draw the guys i already knew i wanted tom to be trans, so when i started sketching i drew him with top surgery scars... which kind of looked like teeth... and the canon monster design already has a mouth on its chest/head... it just worked!!
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ok tangent time- i dont like the canon design very much (the combined head/torso is Very limiting for poses. F!!!) but i also have never really liked the popular fanon of just making monster tom a wolf with horns and a single eye. it always feels so reductive!! do you KNOW how many monsters there are out there who are just "big dog/cat plus one fantastical feature"???? MANY!! so i was pretty determined to find a design i liked (one that was both flexible and fairly unique) before putting it in anything.
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...and the partial transformation cliche of just putting accessories on a character is SUPER boring to me. so i wanted something that would be an actual halfway point to a fucked up freaky creature that is only barely humanoid.
ok back on track it took me like fuckin forever to finally get the final ~50% design together. i tried mimicking the merged torsohead of the canon monster and it just left me disappointed. :/
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the single blank eye instead of the rest of the face was a god damn GENIUS move i am so proud of it im pretty sure the first time i drew the design was the actual draft sketch for the comic. because fuck making reference sheets!! the design's in your mind, right???
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oh! as for the second half of your ask, the first time Tord saw Tom half transformed was right here^^!!
then a couple weeks after that i managed to find a 100% design i liked that still looked like a reasonable end point. at which point i actually made a little ref sheet! BEFORE i used the design in a comic!! it hasnt gotten much use but i still like it :)
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i took a much more wyrm-like horizontal approach as opposed to the vertical design of the original, but the arms (connected to top of spine, directly behind head) and legs (close to the bottom, optional) allow it to still match the original's body plan, especially from the front view. then extra legs, big spiky scales, even larger mouth... because who wants just a dog with horns am i right!!
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ahaha so basically im incredibly proud of how the design turned out so thank u for liking it :))
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adobe-outdesign · 8 months
Neopet review: the Zafara! Last in the alphabet of neopets, but certainly not last on how cool they are!
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I always enjoy a good abstract creature that's still a believable animal, so unsurprisingly, I like Zafaras a lot. They've got a really unique body shape amongst Neopets that's vaguely like a kangaroo, but that's where the similarities stop. I really like the feathery structure to their tails, their long ears, and that random set of spines they have along their back.
Visually, my only nitpick is that I'm not a big fan of the base color's palettes—most PB colors fix this, but the base colors have a weird mix of beige, pink, blue and black going on with their accents and none of it goes together. I feel like the back spines should've been black along with the nose, or the spots should've been beige instead or black, etc etc.
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I'd argue Zafaras mostly benefited from customization as their old art was getting very dated by the time the conversion happened, and they likely would've received a redraw even if customization didn't become a thing. Plus a lot of the updates look really good, such as the tail tip shape being improved, fluff being added to the chest so they don't have a weird shape jutting out there, the feet being lengthened, etc. The only downgrade are the fists, and that's just a standard thing for customization.
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My only other minor nitpick is that old Zafara eyes were almost pitch black and it gave them what I can best describe as a sopping wet meow meow vibe that gets lost nowadays. Even when they had color in their eyes, it was more of a crescent shape and overall cuter. Granted, though, the new eyes are more in line with other Neopets, so I get the change.
Favorite Colours:
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Christmas: While most Christmas pets are just the standard reds and greens, the Christmas Zafara goes in a completely different direction by being an angel with a very pretty white and yellow color palette and a nice get of wings. It's super simple but very pretty. I also like how they fixed the color balancing that I mentioned above by changing the ear spots to yellow and making the tail tip match. (I do kind of wish the nose were black or something, but that's an extreme nitpick.)
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Maraquan: I am 100% cheating by including this one because I usually try to stick to only pet colors you can obtain in the present day, but with UC styles becoming a thing I'm hopeful we'll be getting the old design back one day.
Because yeah, I absolutely love the pre-customization design; making it a sort of sea horse/leafy seadragon cross works perfectly with the Zafara's body shape, the pose is lively, and I love the bright pink fin accents to contrast with the teal body striping.
(The converted is... okay, but the concept was completely lost by changing the pose, the striping was reduced too much, and the body has this bizzaro lumpy shape instead of being a smooth curve like it should be.)
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Water: Technically speaking this isn't too fancy, but I just think they did such a nice job with this one. There's so much gorgeous detail in the shading along the head and tail splashes, and the artist really did a good job at capturing that watery look. The choice to make the head tuft and tail splashes in the first place was a great choice, and I especially love how the ear spots are water bubbles. Super pretty all around.
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BONUS: I really like burlap pets and think it's an underrated color, so I figured I should give the burlap Zafara a shoutout for being one of the best burlaps out there. The colors are kept muted, the uncanny valley vibe is present, the way they handled the fur tufts looks great, and I like the various slate blue patches on the body, which match with the back spines, spots, and eyes.
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rosewaterconley · 1 year
I solved a mystery that only I care about lol
ok so I have no clue what I'm doing and social media terrifies me. I will probably never touch this account again. why did I have to follow 3 algorithm-selected accounts to get into this website? I can actually name 3 people I'd want to follow on here and it's none of the people your fucking robot told me to follow. but hey, I feel like I have to post it here rather than my blogspot since nobody in the world actually uses blogspot and I want people to see this!
so anyway, there's this band out of the city of Milwaukee called Hero of a Hundred Fights. they dropped a couple CDs in the early 2000s and seem to have broken up, though all their members have been in bands since. that'll be important a little later. for now, Hero of a Hundred Fights are important to me on 2 levels:
I'm a Wisconsinite who has a tiny bit of an obsession with local history and art and really fuck with their weird mathy little corner of the 2000s hardcore scene
I'm a Faction Paradox fan and their 2001 EP The Remote, The Cold contains numerous references to the series! if you've heard of this EP before, it was probably in the context of some "music that references Faction Paradox" list or another
about #2... see, everyone already knows that track 2 is called Faction Paradox and track 3 is called The Celestis. we've all long since put together that the title is a reference to Lawrence Miles' Interference. but what about the lyrics? unfortunately, we don't know. they're not online, and the vocals are good, mind, but rather incoherent.
well, we didn't know. until I ordered a CD copy for like $8 lol. that's all it took! so here you go, the lyrics booklet plus some of the other artwork featured on the CD. artist Nick Slough did a great job on this art and it's a shame only the cover is widely available online (though that's hardly a problem unique to the physical version of this one album). turns out, this is some kinda concept album based on the Miles novel Interference. cool! really love the lyrics on Rope especially. "I need your blood to get this vessel running" and "my life was in your hands, I cut them off and now they're mine" are both raw as hell.
the cover art is pretty interesting. this album was recorded in 2000, released in 2001. the entire creative process occurred before the first standalone Faction Paradox release, The Book of the War. this means the album is entirely Doctor Who-based, not based on the FP series itself. it also means, if we assume the humanoid characters on the art are supposed to be the Remote, that this is the first-ever professional art depicting them!
disclaimer: the booklet lyrics don't 100% match up with what's said in the songs! it's mostly accurate but unfortunately there are some sections missing, some repeated bits that are only written once et al. that's all par for the course but I figured I'd mention it - especially in the case anybody wants to use this to transcribe the lyrics on Genius or some other site like that.
and while we're here, Hero 100 member William Zientara has been in a billion different bands, and I think he's probably the most responsible for the Doctor Who theme on this album. See, he was also in a short-lived band called Managara - named after a Doctor Who tie-in novel so obscure even I, owner of a complete set of Virgin New Adventures who spends my work breaks combing through digital copies of old fanzines, have only ever heard it discussed a handful of times. one of their songs is called Happiness Patrol. more recently, in 2021, he was in the band Fuiguirnet, who have a song called What Grows From the Seeds of Doom! which means Zientara has been randomly tossing Doctor Who references into songs from at least three different bands for twenty years!
so uhh without any further rambling here's the lyrics and art:
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ultravioart · 2 months
I seriously wonder what Juno's lore will bring to Overwatch. Mars is Overwatch's first step into the greater cosmos. For context: Project Titan and early Overwatch ideation had an alien invasion angle! I wonder if Overwatch will take on a Martian invasion plotline? Does Sombra's eye conspiracy have anything to do with Mars?
iirc the Genesis shorts showed Aurora's ascendance shooting a beam into space, and twinkling stars.
Not that it would make great sense for omnics to be in space at that time during the omnic crisis, but it does make me wonder if there were any omnics capable of being awakened out there?
Furthermore, Juno's kit + hair has these spacey cosmic patterns. Is this a technology or energy type unique to Mars? I am really interested in that. Is this energy something harvested only on Mars, or was this tech invented on Mars?
Lastly, a Juno voice line confirmed the Mars station lost contact with Lucheng for an unknown reason. This implies Juno came to earth as a scout, probably to reconnect Mars with Earth again. It makes me wonder what Mars is like, considering Lucheng was involved (Winston and Wrecking Ball were tortured on the Lucheng Lunar station). Is Mars filled with Lucheng propaganda as an eery 'utopian' mission? Or is Mars a rejection of Lucheng and actually is moral? Did Lucheng cut contact? Did Mars cut contact? Did the remaining space-apes on the Lunar colony cut the contact between Mars and Lucheng? (the apes were building some new structure, after all...)
So many questions!
Critical stuff below:
I was a bit sad that Juno had an American accent though. Irl there are unique accents astronauts develop due to the required languages on the stations. And since Lucheng is a Chinese company, it would have been cool to see an English + Chinese creole or accent for Mars. I did notice Juno does not use contractions though! That might be a Martian dialect trait. There is also something to be said about Juno's design represent a Chinese and Vietnamese character (her rig is too similar to certain characters imo).
Based on her design, I expected a more serious scientist ('Space Ranger' with muted colors and punk hair made me think this) but I will have to wait to see Juno's concept art to see if she was always meant to be bubbly or not.
I also think her final design is a downgrade. The white armor on the arms and hips helped balance the design, without them it looks unbalanced. Her current suit leg design is overly detailed/busy. Plus she slow mo walks, and with the armor removes + the animation + skin tight suit it puts focus on her ass LOL. I don't mind fanservice characters (Tracer is well done imo), but I hope Juno wasn't "poster girl"-ified in place of a more layered character that fit the lore better. Again, I will have to see concept art to see if Juno was changed in such a way before placing my final judgment.
Regardless, I hope Juno gets some cool skins on launch. And I seriously hope we get an origin short story (Venture got an animation instead of the staple shorts that connected all the overwatch heroes together) because a bio doesn't do the character justice. I think a Juno skin with pink hair would be super cute!
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journalsouppe · 1 year
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Ghost trick!!!! Loved this game it was exactly what I expected from a Shu Takumi game. I do hope they plan to make a sequel or crossover, I really loved the mechanics of this game.
Writing typed below! (plus some extra commentary)
Rating: 9.3 Played: Su 2023 Port: Nintendo Switch Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
LOVE missile
really fun premise - you died and don't know who you are
not the PM erotica T-T
LMAO Payne and Wright
the kazuma pose (skull)
I'm in love with Cabanela
Lynne not again T-T
Sissel in the painting...
omg the security camera murder and the meory are different. I know your tricks Mr. Takumi (I didn't realize Yomiel shot the gun twice here LMFAOO)
mmm... chicken kitchen
is everyone in love with Lynne?
I'm actually so obsessed with the Ghost Trick art style
ALL of your medicine????
he's already dead... and they used an electric chair.....
chicken kitchen and execution fates were really fun
man I really want an AAxGT crossover
love how oversized all the objects are
MISSILE IS BACK AHHH and he has different ghost tricks omg... then how did the lamp know about mine
so many mysteries omg I love it
how was I supposed to get sissel to the top (skull) (I was genuinely stuck and when I restarted the level it spawned me at a different place LMAO)
but his name wasn't sissel... who is the lamp....
love this crazy arm contraption
red suit man had radiation in his body... so I/Sissel died near it... but who am I... (I forgot about the cat LMFAOO)
Temsik... kismet... mmmm kismet (kismet is the name of my favorite restaurant)
STOP looking at the screen
little Lynne T-T
Sissel has temsik...
Game Dev Notes
really fun animations and character design
unique gamplay - I love moving thru objects
love the character dialogue - great humor and timing
extra puzzles and challenges similar to professor layton
characters have tons of personality in design and posture
LOVE the cool toned shadows on the sprites
great music
fun and sweet ending credits
Shu Takumi has done it again (even though this is a remaster lol). What and incredible mystery game with really fun mechanics. There were definitely a couple times I was stumped on what to do or was stuck bc I missed my window of opportunity, but I think it worked well since the puzzles were difficulty and you couldn't just immediately breeze past them all. I also really enjoyed gaining missile's abilities later and having to think of the puzzles in different ways. The characters and animations/sprites were really fun. There's so much personality in them without even saying a word. The game also reveals character information in a really good way as you slowly learn more about the mystery of the game yet also feels like you're getting farther from learning who you are. I also just love how this game is just made with so much love for Takumi's real pets and how Sissel ended up being Yomiel's beloved cat... what a sweet ending oh my god. Each level had such a fun and unique design while also adding a twist to the puzzle, like the stealth level or submarine sinking level. The game also has many unlockable achievements to encourage replayability as well as concept art and other illustrations to unlock. There's so much added to this game and you can really feel the love and care the team put into this game, I hope there are more Ghost Trick games in the future or hopefully even a Ghost trick x Ace Attorney crossover -- I wonder how that would play out esp with Maya's spirit abilities. All in all, such a sweet and fun game. Not too long either. Can't wait to replay it to get all the achievements and make fanart!
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crystalkitty1220 · 1 month
What’s Curse!IBVS? :0
Guess this is gonna be my monthly check-in
Curse!IBVS is an IBVS horror AU heavily inspired by Razmerry's Warriors AU "The Cursed Three". I thought the concept of "What if the main characters' powers were actually harmful?" was really cool and wanted to see if I could twist the IBVS characters' powers in a similar way. I think I've deleted most of my old posts about it because I quite simply just didn't like it, and I've slowly been reworking it ever since.
Trigger warning for general spooky stuff, non-graphic body horror, major character death, child death, unintentional hanging, unintentional self-injury and probably a bunch of other things.
The easiest powers to curse-ify were Nevin and Edward's. Admittedly, Nevin's curse was really just a mix of Lionblaze and Jayfeather's from Razmerry's AU (because Lion has super strength and Jay has empathy, and Nevin has both plus a secret third thing and also an aura). Since last time I've posted anything about it, I've shimmied the curse around a bit into something that feels more unique and fitting for him.
Most difficult was between Chris and Dez. I've still got nothing for Dez because I don't want to make it too similar to Nevin or Edward's "be super careful at all times" curses. Chris, on the other hand, doesn't even really have a power of his own?? In the first and second versions, Charlie was some demon with a grudge against the entire Jackson family or whatever, but I just don't really feel like that works. So I've kept him and Chris being a bit closer to their originals, but Charlie's ghost situation is worse, and Chris gets no benefits. As I implied in my last post, if I actually wrote some kind of fic or something, Chris would be the main character as to ease the reader into the curses.
I could keep typing, or I could just copy-paste all of my rewrite notes into this post. Keep in mind these were written in a google doc that I shared with @echosoftheflower, so I might have some stuff directed to them.
Updated Curse!IBVS notes
•Isaac: Drawings will always be alive, even if he doesn’t take them off the page. Drawings removed from the page will always move in strange and unnatural ways, and look kinda fucked up. When they run out of time, the drawings die a gruesome death (unless they remain on a page, in which case they stay alive and watching until the art is destroyed). Just a minor god complex. Appearance does change to look more sketch-like over time, though I'm removing the part about his specific sketches getting tattooed onto his skin.
•Edward: With any sudden movement of his hands, strings will grab and strangle/destroy anything in front of them. They will actively seek out something to wrap around, and never miss their target. He never told his family because of guilt over what happened to Barry. [Added note: I'll elaborate later.] He wears gloves, but that only directs the strings back to his arms, where they dig in. He’s grown quite used to that pain by now. His bones are really strong, they basically just can’t break (except a half-hearted punch from Nevin would crack them quite easily). His skin's also pretty tough. [Note: I really only made his bones and such stronger so that his hands don't just get snapped by his own strings. That's not due to a lack of him trying.] His intuition is also strengthened, so it’s less like random hunches and more like just knowing things. He never learned about anyone else’s powers, and he doesn’t remember a certain time when he realized they had them, at some point he just knew. His intuition will probably never break the fourth wall, but no promises. (Debating: His intuition also tells him about things happening in other AUs, so he can never be sure which hunches are real and which aren’t.) [Note: Still considering that one.]
•Chris: honestly he might just be normal. charlie’s the supernatural one. No knife privileges, that's for sure.
•Charlie: things really can’t get much worse for him. Stronger? He can possess Chris for longer? I definitely want it to be impossible for him to be separated from Chris - maybe one or the other will die if such a ritual is attempted.
•Nevin: Super-strength so strong that touching anything with too much force will crush it. Empathy so strong that it’s nearly impossible to differentiate others’ emotions from his own. Aura so strong it’s.. actually not that bad compared to some multiversal entities I can name. He can prevent himself from destroying things by staying calm/positive and focusing (since his powers are tied to emotions), but the empathy combined with the aura makes it really hard to do that. [He needs to stay positive to control his strength, but he unintentionally causes fear in others, and then he's forced to feel that fear. Oof.] Goop shenanigans tbd.
•Drew: Colors take up most of his vision. Instead of his powers simply healing him, branches weave in and out of his skin, trying to patch up whatever’s wrong. Was hugged by Nevin once when they were kids. Got a bit of a Snow White situation going on at the moment, but more crushed and looking vaguely like the aftermath of hanahaki. The blossoms [apple blossoms] are more vibrant than the universe’s color palette generally allows, and change color depending on nearby [or his own] emotions (if there are any). Sometimes people will hike near where Drew is, and if Nevin’s nearby he will always scare them away. Nevin can still sense Drew's emotions, and Drew can even kinda tell what Nevin’s feeling when he’s nearby.
•Dez: [Very small image of "He hurls his thunderbolt!"] [Suggestions from Echos:] Forgetfulness? Seizures?
•Bullet point for Harley [I'm still anticipating the reveal of him having powers]
Aesthetic [Personal notes for when I'm drawing, or for Echos]
•Artstyle inspiration: Courage the Cowardly Dog, BatIM, Tim Burton, abitfrank, LavenderTowne, Paprikup, Litchi Kitti, and ofc Razmerry themself.
•All colors are dull, except for the ones in Isaac’s drawings (mostly monochrome, but the colors that are there are uncomfortably saturated) and the flowers from Drew.
•Constant cloudy day. The sun and moon aren’t visible, but there is a lighter patch in the sky around where they would be. No stars either. Sunsets and sunrises are sepia yellow, or sometimes a desaturated red. It seems like there are always fewer clouds on nights when Nevin visits Drew - stars are actually visible then, and so it the moon (fullness of moon should reflect Nevin's current state).
•Tree branches curl a lot and tend to have thorns. Knots are large and cause the tree’s shape to be curvier. Roots stick close to the surface. Most leaves are gone, despite it still being early fall.
•Bushes are similar to trees but with more thorns and fewer leaves.
•Animals will usually just be drawn as shadowy figures with unnaturally fast and sudden movements. When drawn with more detail, they’re spiky with pencil-thin necks, small eyes, no other facial features, needle-like teeth (if mouth is open), and bug-like limbs. They’re generally rare, as the impression should be given that there’s not much nature or life nearby.
•NPCs [background characters] are uncommon despite the school having the same number of students as in OG. When shown, they should be undetailed and unresponsive to the main characters, as if the school is populated by ghosts. In fact, there should be a lot more hushed, overlapping voices than visible NPCs, and none should be able to be traced back to any single person. NPC numbers should be increased when Nevin is the main focus, and they should be even more ghost-like, but louder. NPCs should be less ghost-like when Edward is the main focus.
•Water is dark and murky, but is water.
•The school has some murals around it, most of them courtesy of Isaac. The eyes in those paintings always seem to be watching you. A lot of the murals are of gray foxes attacking other schools’ mascots, in honor of wins Foxfield sports teams have had against those schools. I’m purposefully leaving how realistic/distorted/unsettling the paintings are up for interpretation because that depends on what you headcanon Isaac’s style to be.
[Describing the appearances pretty vaguely on purpose because I prefer when designs are left up to interpretation. The only canon details about their designs are the ones listed here. Any other details I draw should be considered headcanon - yes, even for my own AU]
•Funnily enough, Isaac is more similar to my original plan for him than the previous version was.
•Isaac’s appearance: Same fashion sense as OG (light clothing, which I find surprising considering this man looks like he has no body heat), and for the most part unchanged if not for the half of him that looks like it was drawn.
•The style of the sketch half is up for interpretation, depending on what you headcanon Isaac’s art style to be. It might be cool if you could see the style change as it gets closer to the non-sketch side, showing the progression of his style over time. So his ear would just be like a circle and his nose would be his current style. I didn’t do that in my concept sketches tho.
•He's gradually painting a design on his jacket, but only has half of it done at the moment.
•[Echos and I tend to come up with nicknames like this, just in case. Habit from the UTMV.] His multiversal nickname could be Sepia or Vignette, but Vignette might be more fitting for Ghost of Foxfield. Bistre could also work.
•Isaac's room is very decorated. His blanket is embroidered to look like a pile of snakes, which he thinks are pretty silly, but will try to constrict around anything (that isn't him) that the blanket is wrapped around. His closet doors are painted like a cave opening, but the handles look like two little glowing eyes in the darkness, and the stalactites and stalagmites look like teeth. His carpet has a dead tree on it, which looks an awful lot like a hand. There are eyes painted on the bottom ridge of his bedframe.
•At some point, Edward started chilling in the lair with the previous king’s squad, completely uninvited. This confused everyone who was not high school royalty. [Edward just kinda knew that he was gonna be the next king, and the current king knew it, too. No exchange necessary.]
•Edward? Blaming himself for the death of one of his peers? In an AU by one of us? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•[This part wasn't on the doc since it hasn't changed much, but I'll put it here for you] Some of you might be wondering why Barry hasn't been mentioned yet. That's because when Edward first got his powers, when he was trying to save Barry from the cliff, the strings caught onto Barry's neck. Edward was missing for a while - his strings caught on everything, digging deep into trees, cutting through branches and bushes, tugging him around, damaging his own skin - and when he was found, he was in his family's own garage, wearing a pair of heavy-duty gloves that were much too big for him. Barry was found before Edward, but Ed remained silent about the death, or anything that had happened while he was missing. Growing up, he's regularly brought to speak to therapists (and sometimes police), but he still refuses to talk about it.
•Edward’s appearance: Outfit almost identical to OG, plus a pair of gloves. He usually keeps his hands relaxed in his letterman’s pockets. His hair is a lot messier, as he doesn’t spend much time on it.
•Was gifted a pair of gloves from Isaac. These gloves have bramble thorns embroidered on them.
•Chris and Nevin become friends very quickly, but a part of it was just because Nevin thought Chris might be able to talk to Drew. Zombie bush things are kinda similar to ghosts, right? Right?
•Man, I wonder whose aesthetic should be based on black-and-white movies? Does anyone quite fit that description? Maybe a certain oreo?
•I’m in love with the Murder By Bramble color palette. Definitely going with something like that. The pop of red is just *affectionate popcat noises* [For context, Murder By Bramble is a really cool Warrior Cats Multi-Animator Project which I have on my playlist for Curse inspiration.] [Also, any time I draw anything for Curse, the style will be changed a bit to fit the character it's centered around. For Chris, the colors would be almost full black-and-white. Normally (or when centered around Isaac, who has the default), however, they'd just be desaturated.]
•Drew-centered vibes are heavily inspired by the Brokenstar Absinth PMV. Psychedelic, bright contrasting colors with complex, cluttered patterns and very shaky lines. Hollyleaf Look Away PMV vibes, too, but more for Nevin. Litchi Kitti’s art is such a huge inspiration for me and I will not stop gushing about it, actually.
•Apple blossoms and thorns. That’s so much of his aesthetic.
•I’m vaguely imagining those flameless fireworks from MLP for the flowers, but in apple blossom form.
•How did Drew get to Foxfield? [Comment from Echos: trunk] Good question. I’m going to say after the mess Nevin made when he got his super strength, his grandmother showed up because his father and stepmother were afraid of him. She took Nevin back to where she was living and Drew was moved to a hospital near them because she thought he should be where Nevin could easily visit. Then the doctors started pointing out the fucking tree branches growing in this boy and making it nearly impossible to perform surgery, and cutting the branches seemed to be painful, so at some point, Grandma Jovel took him home. It was a little difficult to get him to Foxfield when they moved, but they managed to do it.
•Religious Nevin? In my Horror AU? It’s more likely than you’d think.
•Nevin was homeschooled up until middle or high school, to get better control of his powers before going into public spaces with a lot of emotions. Instead of having moved to Foxfield in 2017, another possibility is that he moved there after the incident and just wasn’t in public school until 2017. While that would clear up Drew’s half of the plot a little, I think Nevin’s experiences in previous schools are an integral part of his character, so keeping at least one year of that feels crucial.
•Nevin’s appearance: Hair is curly because trying to use a flat iron would probably be dangerous. His eyes are constantly cyan, but usually not glowing (too brightly). Wears a smart watch and a second ‘watch’ with a little keycard in it. He’ll sometimes put his hands in his pockets but he’s usually afraid of ripping his jacket.
•His vibes shall be weirdcore-y in the sense that some things are hyperrealisitc. Consider: making him much less defined (scribbly, lineless, etc.) at points, or adding some hyperrealistic pieces of stuff nearby (petals of a flower, etc.) into his hair or stuck on his clothes. [All to symbolize how much of him his environment makes up, and how little he can be sure of what's really his own feelings.]
•Nevin has a little pencil holder thing that attaches to his pointer finger so he can still write, he just has to be careful not to break the part that goes around his finger.
•The Jovel house is set up to make it as easy as possible to do everything while applying the least amount of force necessary. The front door has a card reader that reacts to Nevin’s watch. Voice-activated things are very handy, especially Siri or Alexa or whatever the Jovels have. The electricity bill is a bitch, but the constant repairs would have been worse. Anything that can’t be used electronically has some sort of contraption attached to it, mostly of Nevin’s own design.
•Nevin and Edward kinda mirror each other, having similar curses and backstories. But while Edward will slowly recover, I have absolutely no intention of letting Nevin do so.
•Dez [yeah i got nothing]
•Louis? [Comment from Echos: Puella Magi Madoka magic]
Aaand that's all in my doc. I don't think I'm forgetting anything? You can ask more questions but I probably won't answer until next month.
Concept art below (mostly for writing; it helps me remember what to describe, or get into the vibe)
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atiianeishaunted · 2 months
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something i threw together before i go on vacation to give some incentive for people to get into this dumbass au thing i got goin on, the premise sounds insane but once you let go of any common sense its pretty chill over here . i swear !!!! ignore how i type liek a 13 year old on deviant art btw im cringe but free.....
some funfacts to make this ,. worth reading plus to give context:
this started because one of my ex best friends was REALLY into danganronpa and we were rp partners for a hot minute and liek . i ended up having a dream that kazuichi souda and keith kogane went to the mall together, told them about it n we were liek "hah thats funny" n then the danganronpa au was born even though i wasnt even into it at the time (became a major hyperfix and still is :'/)
the reapers canonically do fall within different age groups, all have unique deaths which play into their designs somewhat, uhh liek sheepdog got drowned and he has a lot of blue in his design, rein froze to death and also. is blue.,,,, a surprising amt of blue in these bitches ?.
sheepdog is a fan favorite and also alot of his fans turn out to be some flavor of freak and not in the funpilled way :( .. SIGH
when i mention fan favorites n fandom i mean on pixilart dot com i am .. heh a bit of a celebrity /j [i only have 5k] [ive been on there for liek 7 years atp
theres a whole prequel to the reaper project that follows an artifical god, and also theres technically 3 fake nations i made for this but like 1 of them is a pangea of the other two, also fake religions n cultures YIPPEEE
the reaper concept started with morse because i texted my friend red at liek 2am or smth n was liek "keith kogane corpse theory" and then i was liek "that sounds kind of epic" n now we are here ,,,,
one of my MAJOR dreams is to like see people with reaproj layouts, i make custom art for it n everything so if you end up getting into this request ur fav ill do it man
feel free to ask me questions or what have you, glad to answer, in fact begging for people to get into this i want friends !!!!!!!! and silly people in my phone!!!!!!! also this has been ongoing for liek 5+ years atp ,,,, unfortunately my special interest i fear but like s so epic i SWEARR, theres a lil smth for everyone, theres probably a reaper for your fandom, maybe, hence, the fandom tags, tried to tag every reaper's source media
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^ do you see how many bitches there is in here!!!!!!!!! look at that!!
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^ heres a further wip el oh el look theres morse and keith kogane normalpilled version, youve seen those two ! i think! sorry in advance if u were jus lookin for cool fanart n stumbled upon this but what is up, im lee,, i make cool art sometimes, known to haunt pinterest with a certain version of shep
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anyway if u read all this ily hello! ur free to comment wtf or whatever, i encourage you to express whatever feelings of bafflement you may have, kissing u on the forehead
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
The Art of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and The Life of Hirohiko Araki
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A while back I promised to give a walk through of the Jojo art books I own, and I found myself with quite a bit of free time today, so that's what I'm doing. These art book are... something else. Everybody knows how much Araki's style is influenced by high fashion and pop culture (specifically music), to the point that stands are named after bands, and a lot of illustrations in these books borrow poses and themes from actual photo shoots. But it's far greater than that when you experience it in full. The depth and sheer scale of Jojo's exists on a different level through these references, the locations, the styles, even Araki's comments. It well and truly is the world that Hirohiko Araki inhabits, and I hope I can do it at least the slightest bit of justice in this (not so) little post.
Jojo A-Go!Go!
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So, Jojo A-Go!Go! (as well as Jojoveller) are actually collections of books for Jojo. The main/big volumes containing all the major illustrations, while the smaller ones are dedicated to more knowledge than art. With A-Go!Go! we get separate books for the various stands of Parts 3-5, and a volume that explores Araki's past through countless interviews and snippets that I'd love to see officially translated some day.
Regardless, one cool aspect of the A-Go!Go! set is this little wheel featured on the box that contains the volumes. As you can tell, there's a layer behind the circle on the top of the box that you can spin around to align properly, or like I show here, create some funny mix ups.
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Anyways, the art. Man, the art. Incredible, just incredible. The book opens with a lot of double spreads that feature groups of characters based on parts or roles within their respective parts, and they all look so good.
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Of course, it's not just good art, it's an impressive creative process that captures the best parts of Araki's creativity, with pages like this. I just think it's so cool how they use a cutout page to provide a unique style and experience through the art book. Especially with the bottom image, as you can see stands in the darkness of the pages.
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But yeah, an absolutely stunning art book for parts 1-5. Very impactful and strong poses and styles, as expected from Araki.
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I really wish that the stands and Hirohiko Araki volumes were translated for this art book. There's so much information and a world of interesting pieces from Araki himself within them. I can read a little bit, but it does take a while, so sadly I can't really translate or explain much either. One day though, I hope Viz or someone else will provide an English version of these art books for English-speaking audiences.
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A rather similar story to A-Go!Go!, Jojoveller is the art book for Jojo parts 6-8, plus a few extras. In addition, it also has a full collection of Jojo stands that's up to date with the release of the art book back in 2013, plus a history book of Jojos. Once again, a huge amount of information, but a lot stuck in Japanese which presents a challenge for NA audiences.
Anyways, the art. There's not much to say besides what I've already said. It's incredible. It's powerful, creative, stylized, unique, so on and so forth. But showing it makes more sense than telling you.
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Once more, I love how these art books use translucent or partial pages to create an experience for readers. So very cool.
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And here's an example of the extras. Incredibly cool to get the Gucci x Araki artworks at this scale (also cool cause it's Rohan).
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These pieces are just so incredible. I'd to try and go through one day and find the real life counterparts for the illustrations that borrow from photoshoots. Just on that topic though, it's incredible that Jojo's has created a feedback loop with it. Borrowing concepts and poses from high fashion and photoshoots to use in its world and story, which people in turn mimic and use themselves.
Jojo 6521
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Want the previous two art books but don't want to spend the money, or want to be able to read what's in them in English? Jojo 6521 is the almost answer. It's a condensed version of the two art book collections, condensing the art and information of them into a single book which includes a really interesting breakdown of information by part.
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It's not near the same scale of information as the other books, but it's also only one volume at a fraction the page count of the others combined, and it's the only one in English. Sort of a beggars can't be choosers thing, but still quite a bit of cool stuff in it. I think my only gripe would be how plainly the illustrations are put together in this art book, as the vast majority of them are just placed together on a plain white page with each other. But, I think that's counteracted by the new/original material discussed and shown in this volume, with loose character designs and other pieces placed thoughtfully throughout.
And there it is, the Jojo art books I own. I could spend hours looking through all the different illustration and designs that appear in these books. Hell, I could spend a significant chunk of time just looking at the packages/formats that these art books come in (specifically the JP ones). The entire experience of these art books is so incredibly well designed that even though they're very expensive, I'd say for anyone that can afford them and is a Jojo fan, you absolutely need to own these art books.
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tchtra · 8 months
Best video game.
Oh that's difficult.
Gonna have to say ULTRAKILL
Massive rant about it and a few other games below
The fast-paced first person shooter has literally everything I would want for a fps. Cool mechanics (slam-storage, railcoin, chargeback), not much dialogue (the only time you're forced to listen to someone talk without being able to fight it's either skipable or at the very end of the act). The boss fights are incredibly fun, like I would gladly replay any of them just for fun. The P-Rank makes the game very replayable and the reward of getting to fight an even more difficult boss is so worth it.
Plus, despite not getting all that much screen time, the main characters/bosses in ULTRAKILL are very memorable.
Like Gabriel, who was seen as a disgrace by the angel council for losing to you, a simple machine. The council removes his holy light and will perish in 24 hours. Instead of enjoying his time left, he decides to fight us once more, enraged by what you've done to him. Half way through the fight, he starts laughing, genuinely enjoying the combat with you. When he looses, he comes to the realisation of how corrupt the angel council was and does the only reasonable thing and kills every single member. He'll still die though.
The concept itself is very interesting as well. You're a war machine that runs on blood and you're going to kill everything until there's nothing left. Humanity is dead so you travel through hell killing husks, machines and even gods. This plays into the gameplay and mechanics of the game more than you'd expect.
The mechanics in the game are so so fun. There's the basics like being able to slide and groundslam. But with your first unlockable weapon, the marksman, it opens up new opportunities for tech and all that gun does is allow you to throw a coin which if you shoot, it guarantees a bit on any nearby enemies. And that's just one weapon. Then you've got the ability to parry projectiles which. Funnily enough, the shotgun pellets count as a projectile so when you "parry" them after shooting, it causes an explosion. It's honestly my favourite way to rack up style points but I can't do complex tech like chargebacks and dead coining. The addition of a style meter makes you want to play in a way which gets you the most stylish way possible.
As well as the main story levels, there's an endless arena area called the Cybergrind where you try and survive for as long as possible while killing enemies stylishly. As with most endless modes, it gets more difficult the longer you survive with harder waves spawning and the introduction of radiant enemies (enemies with more health, speed and damage). This makes Ultrakill infinitely replayable as people try to get the highest score on it. My best is wave 23 on Violent and 25 on Standard.
I'm definitely not the best at it, I haven't P-ranked most of Layer 7 and I haven't even gotten past the many enemies to complete P-2 but this game is great and I can't wait to see what waits for us in the rest of act 3
Honourable mentions to Half Life and TF2. Both are great games by Valve which will never get a third installment.
TF2 is so much fun but the bot problem has really been ruining it. I hope VALVE actually try to fix it after this #savetf2 movement. I personally main Medic which just means I can't aim to save my bloody life- I love the characters, their personalities and playstyles. They're all so unique yet yet stereotypical at the same time. I love the meet the team shorts and how well they establish the characters. This as well as their adventures in the comics really shows the world of TF2 well. The various hats you can get are unique and allow you to make the mercs your own (I have watched death of an art style but I don't think that the cosmetics are the biggest problem for TF2 right now-). The community is completely insane and I'm glad we're all still here after everything the game has been through. I love the fan-made projects so much. The various sfm animations talented creators have made never fail to impress. Like Emesis Blue, a psychological horror movie about the TF2 mercenaries made entirely in SFM, a software that's around as old as TF2 itself! TF2 is really being carried by the community and thank you to anyone who contributes, you guys are incredible. I know I've gone off about the community more than the actual game but without the community, there would be no TF2. But yeah TF2 is amazing, I miss the PS3 version as that was how I first played TF2 when I didn't have a pc.
Half Life as a game series is absolutely incredible. Valve completely changed the opinion of FPS games and the gameplay as a whole. The slower build to the resonance cascade, the scientists chatter, the interactivity as a whole contributes so much to the world building if the first game. The combat options were unique and fun to experiment with while providing interesting enemies to use them on. Of course, the Xen chapters were a bit bland but they still set the atmosphere of what was to come. And Black Mesa's complete remake of Xen completely fixes that if you do have a major issue with it.
Half Life 2 completely blew my mind the first time I played it. I had never seen anything to do with Half Life (except the references to it in TF2) so when I played it, it was amazing. Just like TF2, I first played it on the PS3. There's not many differences except the load times (which were horrid) but I still completed the game.
I hardly remember anything from my first play through of Episode 1 but I did get really attached to Alyx. Oh and I found the kleiner broadcast funny. Episode 2 is a completely different story. I loved every single second of it (there weren't achievements on PS3 version so I didn't do the gnome challenge and it shows-). The car section was fun. I liked looking for those supply crates and doing the physics puzzles to get to them. Hunters were really fun to fight but once I discovered they get instakilled by the jalope, I just started running them over. Made the final sequence much easier. The helicopter fight was interesting. And the ending. Oh my god, the ending. I ain't gonna lie, that shit hurt. It's a shame they rewrote it for Half Life Alyx.
Speaking of Half Life Alyx, I never got to play it but it looks incredible. I hope to be able to play it some day but right now, I have to stick to watching playthroughs.
I love Half Life but at this current moment I prefer ULTRAKILL, may change.
Uh yeah, I'm normal about all these games
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Why is the first drabble I want to write a fucking angsty and sad one? Horny...yes...but SAD AND FUCKED UP
You'll see it when it's ready.
Also I LOVED THE MOVIE (definite spoilers below).
If you haven't seen it yet you need to. Miguel aside, the art was beautiful, sound design was amazing. Representation for EVERYONE, plus size, POCs, cultures, all of it and I just felt really warm and fuzzy watching it.
Such a roller coaster of emotions, and some really good mental health advocacy throughout. The struggles of coming of age, friends coming and going and trying to navigate romance as a teen. Dealing with loss and the philosophical dilemma of doing what's "right" and the relativity of it all.
The use of color to display emotion and the sound design unique to different characters was brilliant. I've never been actually afraid of a villain before but Spot is actually creepy and the way he was drawn is lowkey terrifying.
The twist at the end with Miles being Prowler and just the way that multi-verses are always so fucking cool. AND THE VENOM EASTER EGG WITH THE VENOMINTS (I died). Like the concept of there being the same thing in every universe but it's always a little bit different is amazing to me and so fun to think about.
I was just blown away. I loved the first one (I just watched it for the first time yesterday) but this is one of the only times I can say that a sequel was better than the first movie. It was SO GOOD. Like holy hell did it blow me away. I need more, I'm so excited for the next one.
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gren-arlio · 20 days
So. Fia and the Mysterious School.
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So uh...Yeah, I know I'm seriously late to the party when it comes to this stuff, but I realized that this was mostly done and it was in drafts, so I might as well post it. This might just be filler for the big post, but enjoy nevertheless. ----
Madou 4 is... looking pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie. Really enjoying the art direction they're going for. And the designs of the characters? Amazing.
Like genuinely, even if it doesn't get an official English release, I'm down to watch and learn about it.
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(They're so...silly...)
Even the screenshot of the overworld is very charming to boot.
I heard a pal say "It looks like Gen 6 of Pokémon" and I could see it, but we'll have to wait and see for the true experience of this game.
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I'll make what I think of the characters a Read More thing. Imo, looking amazing.
You can read about the stuff right here.
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The newest silly girl on the block. Besides me thinking that Witch finally got her name chosen, I genuinely love the design they went for, since small hats are peak character designs.
Apparently she's a bit of an airhead and I'm all for it. Let her get involved into dumb stuff because she's dense and clueless and stupid. We love that in this world.
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Tbh, besides the whole crop top thing he has, I absolutely dig the design and color choices they went for. And also excluding the fact that his name is Will in a fantasy game, I do find it curious that he has a twin brother, Roy, who's apparently a teacher.
Oh, and since this is making headlines: Apparently he's got a mix of Lagnus and Rulue in him. So he HAS to be peak.
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I really dig the design, I won't deny it, somehow they made almost all blue look really, really nice. The site says that she's calm and collected, but struggles with speaking to people, which I will most likely hope is just her being shy to talk to people, rather than the whole "She just sounds like a pervert," like Schezo does.
She also apparently reads a lot, if the glasses and the shy personality didn't point at her being quite the reader. So with that, she might be peak.
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Green mage with white hair that covers the eye? Where have I seen that before... Jokes aside, he does open his eyes compared to someone we do know, and he's pretty different. According to the site, he's someone with a lotta info...you just gotta pay the dude for it. So like Anna from Fire Emblem.
Also apparently, there's some promise he made to someone? Who knows about it for now?
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Now this design is pretty unique, yellow and white with pink eyes is an interesting choice of coloring they went for. I genuinely like what they went for with her, AND she's half dragon? I wonder what they're gonna go with her.
She gains interest to Fia (It google translates to Fear, so uh...yeah.) after the start of the game, and she doesn't really have common sense, which is gonna be interesting.
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Besides the fact that he is NOT our boy this time around, Roy is Will's twin brother who went the teacher route in life rather than the hero route. He's basically the antithesis of Will; Cool-headed and prefers to be realistic to Will's optimism.
Also, I think he visually looks better than Will, but eh, that could change in due time.
And finally, Jurk:
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Besides his kinda bad name IMO, I like his design a lot. A guy who simply travels the world is always a fun concept in any game, and his design is honestly one of the best I've seen from the game. He's also friends with the headmaster of the school, which could be interesting.
My main concern is the person he tags along with, Mew. She's probably going to be an alright character, but I don't have super high hopes of that. Plus, her design isn't selling me at all, it just doesn't look right.
But yeah, those are (at least for now), my honest thoughts for the game RN. Maybe when more is covered and shown off sometime. But that'll be all for today.
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Caught up on MONSTERS AT WORK...
*spoilers ahead*
This is an interesting show in that it's a Disney TV Animation production, and Pixar had a *lot* of involvement in it. Rumor had it, years ago, that Pixar halted the show for a brief bit and took a look at it... Hence it missing its projected 2020 release date and ending up debuting a year later, in July 2021. Other Pixar shows made for Disney+ were in-house Pixar productions, like CARS ON THE ROAD and DUG DAYS. MONSTERS AT WORK is the unique exception, much like BUZZ LIGHTYEAR OF STAR COMMAND.
With Pixar seemingly drifting from Disney+, now that streaming isn't this be-all end-all thing that the movie giants aggressively bet on, I wonder if future shows based on their beloved movies will be made still... And by whom? They themselves? Or Disney TV Animation? It was already something of a surprise when MONSTERS AT WORK was announced in late 2017 as a DTVA production, considering how much John Lasseter supposedly despised BLoSC and how in-house Pixar tends to keep things. Also curiously, this show's second season aired on the Disney Channel first and then dropped on Disney+. Once again showing where the tides are going...
(Also, Disney... Pixar... Where the heck is WIN OR LOSE?)
Season one of MONSTERS AT WORK is this sort-of in-between-quel thing, in that it takes place between Waternoose's arrest and the epilogue of everyone on the Laugh Floor in the original MONSTERS, INC. And ends there, with at least one scene recreated verbatim. I must say, that ICON studio really did a fantastic job making a show that looks like the original movie and doesn't look noticeable cheaper. Amazing to think that the original movie released in 2001 cost $115m and was *top of the line* in technical terms, and today this Disney+ show looks almost as movie quality...
This new season follows up directly on MONSTERS, INC.'s ending.
And because we're past the first movie now - which is going to be 23 this year, it was pretty cool to see the sort-of mundane stuff going on in the company and around Monstropolis. Softball games and old abandoned hallways and fun stuff like that, I also like how it integrated all the stuff established in MONSTERS UNIVERSITY. Worthington returning alongside Chet, Claire and a few others, plus Fear Co. finally being shown. Good stuff!
Season two kinda does this thing where it's still trying to be the OFFICE-style workplace comedy that the first season was, but also functioning as a big sequel to MONSTERS, INC. Pixar bypassed doing a sequel to MONSTERS, INC. by giving us a prequel instead, so it was definitely kinda weird seeing this show function - in its second season - as a sequel of sorts. A big conspiracy with Fear Co., Randall Boggs returning, some pretty high stakes too. A near-finale fallout for the two main characters as well. It feels like it's trying to aim for those great beats in both movies, reprising them in that Pixar sequel style, a trick that's quite noticeable from a mile away. Right down to Tylor scaring a kid in the same way Sulley accidentally did to Boo. Still, it was cool to see some worldbuilding there, and the characters just simply existing. Day by day in Monstropolis. I'd love to see more shows like that w/ big animated movie characters, honestly. Even if I wasn't entirely onboard some aspects of this show, it was still cool to spend time in that world again without it having to be a big sequel.
As a kid, watching MONSTERS, INC. on DVD multiple times and burying myself in the second disc's special features, I always wanted to see more of the Monster World. Outside of Monstropolis, outside of MU, etc. What other cities and towns are out there? Or other kinds of monsters for that matter? What's the wilderness like?
I feel like that's a world you can really, really explore. A lot of the early concept art for that movie suggested something even weirder and gnarlier. Like, where are all the monsters like these?
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You kinda get that with "The Shrieker", the legendary monster that roams the archaic underbellies of the factory. I'd like to see more of that kinda stuff, Monster World history and lore, ya know? It's literally a goldmine of stuff to dig into.
But I suppose you can weave a ton of things out of unmade versions of Pixar movies, for sure.
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I was always very curious about that one treatment done up in the late '90s where Boo - called by her real name, Mary - was a little bit older and Sulley was still named Johnson, where the premise is him hiding this kid for the whole runtime and then her getting lost in the city at one point. That had a somewhat eerie, more ominous mood, almost a completely different movie from the workplace comedy we ended up getting.
But it was the stuff like that on the DVD bonus features that stoked my imagination circa late 2002, and... Well... Nothing Monsters came about - in terms of screen media, not theme park stuff - until MONSTERS UNIVERSITY, 11 years and one cancelled Disney Circle 7 sequel later. The Circle 7 sequel that was being developed around 2004-05 had some potential, I think, but I don't know ideas from it can legally be integrated into a future Monster World project. You can kinda sense - as others have pointed out - that young Mike and Sulley getting lost in the human world in MONSTERS UNIVERSITY's 3rd act seems to echo the plot of Circle 7 MONSTERS, INC. 2.
I still wonder if Pixar will greenlight an actual sequel (which would easily make a massive billion, probably completely blow MU's great $730m+ take out of the water), and if it'll treat MONSTERS AT WORK as canon or not. But this second season certainly went big, bringing back characters from both movies and attempting all these big payoffs. I found it to be amusing at best, sometimes good even. I felt the first season locked together better, but this one - despite how I felt about some of the character dynamics - tried all the stuff, so that's cool. And it got me thinking of the Pixar monster movies again, so that's also neat.
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(asking this anon because I’m a bit nervous lol)
Ok so sorry if this has been asked before or if you’ve already explained it but would you be able to explain exactly I guess the appeal of vore? This is coming from a place of genuine curiosity because I think it’s really interesting, and also the different types of it too? I’ve seen a lot of shortened words (like pred, etc) and was curious about those as well :0
P.S. I love your artstyle!!! It’s so cottagecore and cozy, you seem like a lovely person :)
No worries buddy! I’ve got anon for a reason haha so no shame in doing what you’re comfortable with :) 
I’ve talked about this a bit before, but I genuinely don’t mind talking about it again! It’s kinda fun to think about actually. 
I think the appeal is different for a lot of people, but for me, I mostly see it as a fascinating story trope to mess with. It adds this whole other level of character dynamic and such to mess with that I’m not sure you could really get otherwise you know? You can get extra layers of friendship shenanigans, very sweet romantic interactions, up the stakes for fights between villains and heroes, and other things like that. I think that the threat or option of being eaten, wether by friend or enemy, opens up this whole other side of characters you wouldn’t get to see normally. Just how much do they trust their friends? Would they really be so confident in the face of that sort of danger? How much will someone put themself through just to protect a friend inside of them? Stuff like that. 
It’s also fun from a world building perspective! Especially if we’re talking sci-fi or fantasy, since both genres deal with loads of different species and weird tech/magic, and I personally find it hard to believe something along these lines wouldn’t exist as a cultural practice or smugglers’ trick you know? It just adds a cool layer to the world and gives even more options when fleshing out weird otherworldly feeling concepts and I love it. 
I also see it as probably one of the most...oh how do I say this without sounding weird...intimate forms of connection that can be formed platonically? Personally, as someone who is both aromantic and asexual, I am not really interested in stuff outside friendship (though vore can absolutely be used in romantic and other situations and I like it a lot in romantic scenarios), but I still very much enjoy the concept of being incredibly close to a friend, so I guess that might have fused with my love of anatomy and formed my current interest in vore. I think it’s a very interesting to think about expressing affection in a “hey man I love you so much I want to put you inside my own being” kind of way. I’m also fairly touch starved in general but at the same time am not a fan of being touched if that makes sense, so the thought of laying inside of someone I trust, completely surrounded by them without feeling like I’m being poked or prodded is very appealing. Plus I don’t know, I think there’s something very beautiful about the body in general. All these internal systems working overtime to keep us alive that we never even get to see... There’s a whole other world inside of each and every person, unique and yet the same, and oh so beautiful. A wonderful machine painstakingly crafted by a master artist piece by delicate piece. 
I think this little quote from an essay I wrote on what it means to me to be an artist describes my feelings on the matter the best. 
“Most of what I reflect in my art is a really specific idea of beauty I’ve been toying with for years that has to do with hidden aspects of nature not often really looked at or paid attention too. Then I take those overlooked aspects and put my own strong personal emotions into what I create to make something new and unique. I also enjoy exploring interpersonal relationships between unique and complicated characters in my art. “
Okay now on to the less philosophical stuff haha! You asked about shortened words and shared terms and stuff so I’ll do my best to explain a few of the most common ones 
Pred is short for predator, and refers to the person doing the eating 
Prey is...well, the person being eaten lol
(Full disclosure, I’m not a huge fan of the terms pred and prey, but we don’t really have better words for said roles at the moment either so 🤷🏻)
Soft vore means there’s no biting involved, but the prey could still be killed via digestion 
Safe vore means the prey isn’t killed, though there could still be some mild injury 
Hard vore includes things like biting and is usually fairly gory 
Fatal vore is, well, fatal for the prey. They don’t make it out 
G/t vore stands for giant/tiny vore and refers to scenarios with an extreme size difference, like a fairy and a human or human and giant 
Half/similar sized vore would be vore between a human and say...another person anywhere from one to three feet. So the prey is a fourth to half the size of the pred 
Same size vore is vore between two characters of roughly the same size, though it might be hard to tell with creatures like nagas and such since they’re pretty long  
I hope all of these answered your questions, and if you want to know more or even just chat you’re more than welcome to send as many asks as you like! I genuinely don’t mind and am always happy to explain anything you have questions about. Also, I am so flattered you like my art! As an aspiring illustrator that really does mean a lot haha. 
Thank you so much for the ask and have a good day/night! :)
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theinstagrahame · 1 year
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It's time for the Monthly-ish Mail Call Hype Post!
Another set of awesome games I've gotten in the mail, and why I'm hype about them. Because people out there making rad stuff and I'm super into it!
It was a pretty big month. A lot of stuff arriving coincidentally at the same time, not all from crowdfunds, but still a really exciting collection. Let's dive in!
Beam Saber: I've played this one, and just started a campaign. Plus listening to Friends at the Table play it in Partizan (Which I legitimately cannot recommend highly enough). Mech Anime Forged in the Dark! It's genuinely a fantastic game.
Coriolis: A friend in a Discord server was clearing some room on their shelves before moving, and offered a few titles up. I wound up with three of them, this and the next two. Initially, they told me the box would only fit two, so I debated between Coriolis and DCC, and ultimately picked Coriolis because the sci-fi universe it takes place in seemed unique compared to what I've really experienced. An exploration-driven, Middle Eastern-inspired universe sounded really fascinating.
Dungeon Crawl Classics: I first became aware of DCC early in my TTRPG career, and was honestly mostly intrigued by DCC because of its use of Weird Dice; D3s and D5s and whatnot. I've heard mostly good things about it, and haven't done nearly enough Dungeon Crawling in my day, so I was quite pleased when it turned out this would also fit in the Discord Friend's "get it out of my house" box!
Last Fleet: This was the game I'd wanted from the pile. I'd recently backed Wreck this Deck, also by Black Armada, and have played Flotsam. I was intrigued by the pitch for this one, so it was the definite from the Discord friend.
Hull Breach: Mothership took the indie RPG scene by storm, and this book looked fantastic. I still haven't played Mothership, but honestly having this makes it feel like I could just about pick it up and throw anyone in. It's packed with scenarios and extra content, in a really great package.
Animon Story: I've been searching for the right Pokemon-themed RPG for a while. Too many of the ones I have seen spend a lot of time on the combat system, which I honestly find the least exciting part of the franchise. I want to explore and meet cool little guys. I confess I haven't read this one, but what I've heard of it sounds way more inspiring than most of the ones I've looked into.
The Hexcrawl Toolbox: I have The Bottled Sea and the Undying Sands from Games Omnivorous (Plus Vaults of Vaarn and Isle of Ixx). This box looks like an incredibly expansion of those ideas, and it's such a great package.
Enoch's Wake: Big fan of R. Rook games, ever since I had Richard on my (defunct) podcast to play a session of Moonlight over Roseville Beach. Enoch's Wake is a fresh take on a science-fantasy setting, and I really wanted to dig in and check it out more.
Sanctuary and Sentinel: I've followed Meghan Cross' work in the scene for a while, and it's all great. I love stories about lone sentinels guarding something long beyond the point of its relevance, and listening to how the two games intersect on Party of One really sold me that the Kickstarter had been a good investment.
The Book of Gaub: I will admit, I fall straight into peer pressure. I've heard about the Book of Gaub, heard all good things, and was really intrigued by the premise. It's honestly not even a game supplement per se, as much as it could function as an in-world text and concept, with annotations to make it usable in a game. The writing is fantastic, the art is great, and I really can't wait to find an excuse to bust it out. (I may or may not be trying to squeeze it into that Beam Saber campaign...)
Aberrant Reflections: Another that I'd heard really good things about, but also I had heard the words "puzzle dungeon" used pretty close to it, so I absolutely could not pass it up. It's been a great year for adventure content, so I am intrigued to get stuck into this one.
A Butterfly Dies and Cocoxoca: Primal Quest grabbed my attention because I don't feel like we see a ton of work in the stone age setting. A Butterfly Dies seemed like a really interesting premise, drawing on Mexican myths and murals to give a perspective on that world that I hadn't seen before. Cocoxoca was a pamphlet adventure that I thought would make a fantastic add-on.
Viva la Queer Bar: As someone starting to explore their queer identity, this was honestly a no-brainer. I'm honestly hoping this could be my first Descended from the Queen game played (I've got For the Queen, and have flipped through the cards, but still haven't brought it to the table). Again, heard incredible things about this game, so can't wait to check it out.
Guild: I did say earlier that I've not gotten enough dungeon crawlers in my background. I've been kicking around some Discords with Disaster Tourism in them, and have been watching this grow with interest. It came with so much stuff I really had to, packed a lot into two zines, a bookmark, and a tearaway pad.
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kiwipineappleparasol · 4 months
TTYD remake Rambling -- Stuff up until the end of Chapter 2 talked about here
The TTYD remake has so much attention to detail put into it it's crazy… Like, there's the big things to improve the general experience for both newcomers and returning players; the Partner Ring and the new pipe system are much more convenient so far. And the battle tutor toad is great for practicing those tricky Stylish Moves with alot more precision than just going off Eddy's well meaning but ultimately still vague advice, considering some of these timing windows are crazy fast. Or the new partner hint system! I never really got stuck in these games, but I know that it's just a much better mechanic than going allllll the way back to have your future path read if it's something you need. Plus, I love any new dialogue for my little friends, even if they're ordering me about haha.
The layout for everything is so slick now too! And I love the fact you can unlock art and music in the menu by collecting Shine Sprites and Star Pieces -- while already useful in-game, it's just extra incentive to get them. Especially star pieces -- I really wanted to collect them in all these different areas and see the art! And it was sooooo worth it. Concept art for not only the remake, but for the original too. Stuff I've never seen before! Makes me wonder if they got it released just for this remake, yaknow? Just really cool to look through.
I love all the little things too. The new animations of course are obvious, I adore those -- they really add to the personality of the characters. But I also love stuff like how everything in the environment reacts to you, how instead of shaking bushes you crush them, being able to whack literally everyone over the head brings Such Joy …
I think Zess T uses unique cooking utensils for each recipe, which I don't believe was in the original? I think that's so cool ! Like this attention to detail is what I'm talking about. This was a completely frivolous change, but they did it anyways -- and that to me, shows the care put into this.
(Unrelated, but the animation of Mario getting trapped in the bubble in the Boggly Tree is sooooo silly… Pretty sure that was in the original but still. I enjoy Flurrie's personality too -- I never really appreciated it as a kid because I wasn't a fan of her design so I never used her. It's still definitely not my favorite haha, but I could appreciate her more now.)
Also the way they changed the dialogue about the Shadows -- I didn't want to just believe wholeheartedly that they would change the translation, but they actually did here! They didn't do a direct translation of the original Japanese version from my understanding -- opting for Beldam's transphobia to be in how she disregards the sister label but gives a very flimsy excuse for it, when it's obviously out of cruelty -- instead of outright misgendering. But Vivian saying that she just likes it when she's called their sister made me so sad… Vivian you deserve better!!! Another great thing about the new changes: you can whack Beldam over the head all you want in the overworld!
I still can't believe we're in a world where a remake with such care put into it exists for a game I thought would never be ported, let alone treated with such love. And even changing the English Translation regarding Vivian's character? I never in a hundred lifetimes would believe that would happen! It's honestly quite surreal for me.
This feels like such a love letter to the fans of this game, like an early birthday present delivered right to my door. It's honestly hard to describe how much fun I'm having with it and everything I enjoy about it -- I just wanna keep playing, haha. Chapter 3 is when I remember getting really invested in this game as a kid, for various reasons -- so we'll see if I come back for another Ramble then.
Bonus: the scene that my mom kept calling “Flurrie knocking over Mario with her boobs” And wouldn’t stop laughing about
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