#it’s Cody’s helmet bc I love him
am3mb3r123 · 10 months
hi yes i’m watching the Bad Batch arc of season 7 for the millionth time so here are this rewatch’s thoughts for all four episodes:
Marshall Commander Cody, highest ranked clone in the GAR: “let’s just wait until we’re in enemy airspace to debrief this highly important mission”
watching TBB inflict damage is always so much cooler than reading it, thanks aphantasia
wat tambor can suck a dick
Rex having both his greatest hope and worst fear confirmed is fucking *chefs kiss*
everytime they zoom in on Hunter it’s like a bad video game cut scene and i love it
poor Rex, Anakin puts him through so much
i will never get over Crosshair using Tech’s shoulder as a stabilization
god i wish TBB tv show showed more of Hunter giving incredibly specific orders in increasingly vague numbers
did i mention wat tambor can suck a dick?
yah know what? i’ll say it. Cross deserved that punch from Rex
TBB theme behind Anakin trying to brace Rex for Echo not being there?? kill me now
“Yeah, it’s a lift”
“His mind is ours” STFU TAMBOR
Anakin sees Echo back from the dead and doesn’t bat a fucking eye he’s seen so much since the start of this war
Wrecker blowing up Echo’s chamber so they can’t use it again warms my heart look at how much Wrecker cares!! (excuse me while i refrain from my full emotionally intelligent Wrecker rant)
so much time is devoted to the battle between the techo union and the TBB/Rex and Anakin/the Poltechs and i genuinely just want so much more of it
saying “hopefully it’s gonna be just like old times” to a man who’s been kept as a science experiment for two(?) years is insane
the narrator will not let us forget that Echo’s an ARC Trooper and i’m so grateful for it
whoever decided to give Echo a scomp arm i am kissing you on the mouth
“to be blunt” Tech you’ve never not been blunt in your entire life
has no one informed Admiral Trench that his “algorithm” has been compromised!?
Windu trying the “can we not?” method with the battle droids is so funny to me
“if it makes you feel better, it isn’t my plan” Anakin you little shit
unrelated but since when is the entire back of Jesse’s helmet blue??
Anakin wasn’t super justified in cutting off half of Admiral Trench’s limbs and then killing him, but who boy i love watching him go from Jedi to Jedi-adjacent to Sith
god i love Wrecker, if you’ve made it this far and have Wrecker-centric fics to recommend let me know
and, finally, love seeing TBB give a clean salute to Rex and knowing that they’re only doing it bc of Echo lmao
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noeasyisnoisy · 7 months
js more of my thoughts, except this time i was typing as i was watching instead of after
ep 6:
the operator again EEE
WAS THAT TECH??? (it was not)
i love the animation sm. have i mentioned that i love the animation? i love the animation.
ok the guy we all think is tech does not sound like tech bc tech has a slightly more british accent than the other clones and THIS GUYS DOESNT HAVE THAT so i’m a little skeptical 
WAS THAT OMEGA WITH A TOOTHPICK???? i thought that crosshair’s toothpick was supposed to be a substitute for a cigarette WHY DOES SHE HAVE ONE THEN?? 😭
evil clone having a tracker in him is wild THIS IS WHY U DONT TAKE THE ENEMY TO UR BASE
he didn’t shoot.. ITS FUCKING TECH
hearing him speak again, it COULD be tech but idkkkkkkk
ep 7:
robotic arm? or is it some “controlled shock 😀”(yes that was a fnaf reference i’m sorry) type shit?
crosshair’s hand :((
“you’re as bad as hunter!” “oh, i’m much worse.” ILL CRY RIGHT NOW
“i’ll deal with him later” WOLFFE IS SICK AND TIRED BYE
“i’ll draw his fire, get to the rendezvous.” “i don’t like that idea-“ “too bad 🙂” PLEASE HE DIDNT HESITATE
ok so i was wrong
also can maybe-tech SHUT UP OMLLLLLLL
“you chose the wrong side 👹” FUCK OFF
i think i’m supposed to think maybe-tech is dead but i highly doubt it 
“wolffe?” “rex?” i don’t think i was supposed to cry but i did
“i am a soldier of the empire.” NO YOURE NOT
“stand down.” YAAAAAAAAAAAA
ok wait hear me out: maybe it’s cody and not tech- it’s possible but i’m still pretty solid on it being tech bc I NEED HIM
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kaminocasey · 2 years
Hi! I really love the Cody fic you just did 😍 I have a similar request (you pick the clone). Reader and clone have been on again off again bc of their work or being in different battalions or something and neither of them have confessed to eachother. But then reader gets seriously hurt and the clone finds her on the battlefield and is trying to save her and they have a fluffy love confession and happy ending bc help comes (or not, you choose 😂).
Anyway, congrats on 300! Love what you do! 😘
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this!!! To make up for it, I hope it's okay that while it was supposed to just be a blurb, it kinda turned into a small fic? Lol. Title: In Time A/N: I chose Tup bc I've never written for him before and I thought it'd be fun! Plus, he's just so pretty, ya know? Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI; Angst, Smut WC: 2K
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You and Tup. You made sense… but you didn’t. It didn’t stop the feelings you had for him, though. All the desperate hookups when your battalions would be paired up together. The 501st and the 212th all knew about the two of you. But neither of you could bring yourselves to admit your feelings for the other. 
“Maker, you’re so fucking pretty.” Tup whispers, his voice raspy with lust as he picks you up, pushing you up against the shelves in the utility closet that you had snuck off to in the middle of the night.
You moan softly against his lips. “You are.” 
He chuckles as you pull his hair tie out of his hair, letting it flow around him so you can wrap your fingers in it. He moans at the feeling. You know how much he loves when you massage his scalp. Unfortunately, you didn’t have time. Hopefully next time, you’d have time to explore each other’s bodies and needs more. 
“Wanted you so bad.” You groan as he thrusts into you. “Every day.”“Yeah? Tell me.” He gives you a sheepish smile.
You kiss him instead, afraid that you’ll accidentally let your feelings slip through. That was something neither of you had time for, unfortunately. Feelings.
“You gotta tell him, cyar’ika.” Fives tells you as you walk, his arm slung around your shoulder as you help carry him to safety.
“Are you kidding me right now?” You ask him, laughing. “You just got shot and you’re trying to lecture me about my love life?” 
He chuckles, breathlessly. “Yeah, guess I am.”
If Fives was anything, it was nosy. He had the perfect ability to butt into anyone’s business. It was a real problem. “He has a point, you know.” Hardcase chimes in, walking by, his gun slung up on his shoulder.
“Maker, go get your own lives, thanks.” You roll your eyes. 
“Tup has no idea. No matter how many times we tell him.” Fives shrugs, then winces in pain.
You shake your head at him. “Unbelievable.”
“I know. It’s completely obvious to all of us, except him.” He says as you start to spray a bacta-spray over the wound.
“No, Fives… You. You’re unbelievable. Why can’t you just mind your own business?” You glare at him.
“Oh… I’m sorry, cyar’ika… We just want to see you happy.” He tells you.
“Hey, everything good over here?” Tup comes walking by, raising his helmet so you can see his face.
You smile as soon as you see him, Fives momentarily forgotten. “Yeah, love. We’re all good.”
He grins and gives you an encouraging wink before pulling his helmet back down and nodding before catching up with Hardcase and Dogma. 
Unfortunately, the realization of what you need to do sits in and your smile fades immediately. This was your last day with the 501st for who knows how long. It’d be a lost cause to try to start something with Tup now. Right?
Later that night, in the barracks, you walk quietly into Tup’s where he’s bunking with Rex, Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Kix, and Dogma.  “Tup.” You murmur, grabbing his attention.
He looks up, grinning immediately and your heart clenches, breaking silently. You knew this was going to be much harder than expected.
“Cyare.” He comes over to you, clearly excited to see you.
You glance around him at the rest of his brothers who are all staring at you, grinning, then back at him. “You want to go for a walk?”
He follows your gaze then looks back down at you. “Yeah, sure. Everything okay?”
You nod, silently, trying to give him a soft smile. The problem is, Tup knows you all too well. His smile fades immediately.
“What is it?” He asks you, seriousness lacing his voice.
“Not here…” You whisper, walking out into the hallway.
He follows behind you. “What’s wrong?”
When the door slides shut behind him, he pulls you into his arms. You gently remove yourself from his arms, looking up at his face, trying desperately to not reach out and comb your fingers through his hair since it’s down.
“This isn’t working, Tup…” You murmur.
“What isn’t?” He asks, brows furrowed in confusion.
You really didn’t want to do this. Maker, why did you have to be in love with him? 
“Us.” You tell him, barely above a whisper. 
“Us…?” He tilts his head in confusion. “Why do you say that?”
You lean against the wall, crossing your arms, shrugging. “This is the 501st and 212th’s last night together for who knows how long…” 
“If you need a break-” He starts.
“No, Tup… that’s not it… It’s just too hard.” You try to keep the tears back as you attempt to not back down. 
Tup whispers your name, trying to get you to look at him. “Please… look at me.” You shake your head, knowing if you look at him now, you’re going to break. “Just… stay safe, okay?” 
“Cyare, I lo-” He starts but you put your hand over his mouth. 
“Don’t.” You finally look at him and he has tears in his eyes that match your own.
Finally, the dam breaks and you practically run away, back to your own barracks. Alone.
One Year Later… 
The blaster fire was almost too much at this point. You were beyond exhausted, but you knew rest would come soon. 
“You good, Ad’ika?” Wolffe calls down to you. “Comet good?” 
You nod, trying to make sure Comet is alright as he clutches his chest, gasping. It’s barely a flesh wound. He’s just being dramatic. 
“You’re fine, Comet. I promise.” You grin at him and then look back at Wolffe. “He’s perfectly fine!”
Wolffe chuckles with a nod and continues to follow General Plo Koon.
“You’re sure I’m fine?” Comet asks you.
“Barely any blood. You’re fine.” You pat his arm and help him back up.
“Whew. Close call.” He chuckles, joining Wolffe and Sinker with General Plo Koon.
You shake your head at the dramatic man and sanitize your hands, throwing your pack back over your shoulder. You’d been with the 104th for the last eight months and you considered the entire Wolfpack brothers at this point. 
You watch as General Plo Koon greets General Anakin Skywalker. The 501st was here. 
The 501st was here… with the 104th… Which meant… 
Oh no. 
You look up and see Captain Rex walking with Fives and Jesse. They look up just in time to see you searching for Tup. 
“Hey boys.” You try to smile. 
Rex greets you with a smile and then Fives’ booming voice fills the area.
“Cyar’ika!” Fives comes rushing over to you, picking you up and swinging you around in a hug. 
When he sets you down, you gently step away from him and turn to say hi to Jesse but are met face to face with Tup instead. Your lips part, unsure of what to say but he smiles softly at you.
“Hi.” He looks about as nervous as you feel.
“Hey.” You smile back, softly.
Jesse starts to lead Fives away before he can ruin the moment. You give him a grateful smile and he throws you a wink as they walk away. 
“How have you been?” Tup asks you.
Before you can say anything, Comet and Sinker come and rush you off. You give Tup an apologetic look.
“We got you, ad’ika.” Sinker assures you, knowingly.
The next day comes and you’re in the midst of battle again. You were keeping close to a few of the 104th guys if they needed you, trying to stay out of the 501st’s hair, especially since you knew that Kix was nearby for them. 
“How’s it rolling with the Wolfpack, cyar’ika?” Fives finds you and asks you. 
You smile softly up at him and try to think if you should ask about Tup. Should you be honest and tell Fives how much you miss Tup, how you haven’t stopped thinking about him or dreaming about him all year? Would he relay that information to Tup even if you asked him not to?
“I’d like to think we’re more fun than the 501st!” Comet calls out as he passes by.
You shake your head at Comet and he chuckles. 
“Is that true?” Fives asks you.
You roll your eyes and keep walking, trying to figure out how to answer as you both keep low out of the blaster fire. When you don’t answer him, Fives gently grabs your shoulder and stops you.
“Talk to me.” Fives tilts his head.
You let out a sigh, ready to be honest, except all of a sudden, you feel a sharp burning pain in your side and again in your shoulder. You look down, realizing you’ve been shot twice and then drop. Fives stares at you in shock for only a second before quickly dropping down beside you, desperately yelling for Kix. 
“KIX!” Tup hears Fives’ voice yelling urgently. “WE NEED HELP NOW!”
Tup drops his blaster to his side as he sees Kix run back past him and toward Fives and a body on the ground. He notices your shoes first, and when he realizes who’s shoes they are, he takes off sprinting in your direction. 
When Tup reaches you, you’re gasping in pain, tears in your eyes. 
“Tell Tup, Fives… Tell him. Promise me.” You gasp.
“Tell him yourself.” Fives grabs Tup, pulling him down beside you.
“Tell me what?” Tup asks.
You don’t have the energy to say it, no matter how bad you want to. You can feel yourself slipping into sleep, not sure if this is your last chance to tell him. You’re in so much pain. You mouth the words, hoping to the Maker that Tup understands what you’re trying to say. 
I love you.
He nods, understanding. “I love you, too. I always have.” 
You smile again before slipping under. 
When you come to again, the medbay lights are so blinding and white, it’s nauseating. 
“Turn off the lights, Kix…” You whisper, keeping your eyes closed. “Ugh.” “There she is.” Kix chuckles, patting your hand, getting up to turn down the lights. 
“Thank the Maker.” Tup jumps up to his feet from your side, kissing you desperately, all over your face and lips. 
“Tup?” You open your eyes.
“I’m here.” He promises you.
Relief washes through you, glad that you woke up again. You needed to tell him you loved him.
“I love you.” He tells you without you having to say it. “I’m in love with you.”
Unable to hold back your smile, you pull him to you, kissing him deeply. And then you realize how much pain you're in and let him go. 
“Sorry, cyare…” He murmurs, calling over Kix to give you more pain meds. 
“SHE’S AWAKE.” Fives claps his hands, strolling into the medbay with Jesse and Hardcase. 
“Yeah and I need some peace and quiet already.” You mumble, smiling.
Fives looks over at Tup holding your hand to his lips, smiling at you and starts grinning like an idiot. 
“It’s about time.” Fives nods, approvingly.
“Get out, Fives. Jesse. Hardcase.” Tup tells them. “We’ll talk to you later.”
Fives comes and sits a vase of flowers on the table by your bed. You look at him with a thankful grin and he throws you and Tup a wink before heading out of the room.
“We’ve reassigned you back into our care. So, when you feel better… you’ll be with the 501st from now on.” Kix tells you from the doorway before walking out of the room to give you and Tup some privacy.
You look over at Tup as you start to get sleepy again, but you try your best to fight it. You just want to spend time with him, and he knows it.
“I’ll be here when you wake up. We’ll talk then.” He kisses your hand again. “I’m not going anywhere ever again.” 
You nod with a sleepy smile. “I love you.” 
“I love you. Now rest.” He squeezes your hand, resting his head against yours. 
As if that’s all you needed, you drift off into sleep again. This time, happier than you’d been in an entire year.
TAGS: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin
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clonewarssimp · 2 years
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I finally watched the three episodes already out for the bad batch, and I HAVE to talk abt it!!!
I almost cried seeing the development in omega, the way she views the world with such wonder and has so much love and commitment to give. I don't know how to explain it, but it reminds me of the divine feminine
seeing a well-written younger woman is so inspiring
scared me half to death when he collapsed in the forest bc I thought he had died ngl
I love their new colors even though I miss their old ones
the new colors symbolize their separation to the past and a new beginning
wrecker was KILLING me it was so funny how anytime hunter was like, "this is a problem," he was like, "WE CAN HANDLE IT."
not a surprise tbh when he showed up, but a joy nonetheless
loved the colors in his armor and how you could see the good within him just from his body language and how different it is from crosshairs
dad echo is something i never knew i needed
his little talk w omega was so adorable
notice how at the end of ep 3, crosshair didn't put his helmet (the symbol of no individuality and solitary for the clones) on until AFTER he left ramparts office
he's definitely going to defect this season i just know it!!
(edit) I FORGOT TO MENTION SOMETHING when crosshair was talking abt the jedi being traitors and cody looked away all sad YOU KNOW HE WAS THINKING ABT OBIWAN
I'm so excited for this new season and will probably have more rants as the episodes come out ;)
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Rough general rundown on Strike’s backstory until I finish a polished version
CWs: child death, experimentation, physical and emotional child abuse, war, death, the Kaminoans, Strike’s sad love and family life, my sadistic use of smiley emojis during angsty bits
spoilers for the fics I have not written (and one I have) lol
at first the Kaminoans were trying to clone assassins for their own use (bc who doesn’t like having a personal assassin?) but the fast-aging thing they were trying to do didn’t work and they terminated the whole batch, except for one kept by Nala Se as a side project: FC-0025
(ten of the other baby clones were saved by a nice Kaminoan, Gona Ta — the Mandalorian donor’s gf — and sent off to random places in the galaxy a la superman, but no one knows that until later)
FC-0025 is born around 37 BBY. then is trained by Dred Priest and Nala Se. is blissfully unaware of anything on Kamino, after a while starts to visit 99 sometimes (In the Stars segment 1) then gets yeeted off to war like the rest of the vode except Omega ksbdjdbdjdbh
Gets shipped off to planet Maoldis with Blink, is hidden in a supply room for a while, meets OG Theta Squad when they come to get stuff, punches Dryn out of surprise, Blink arrives like the meme with the guy holding pizza walking into the burning room and quickly explains and she joins Theta)
Battle of Teth (TCW film), Torrent gets wiped out, squad dies (some protecting her), she is Big Sad before getting new Theta
They almost die on a mission, but then she accumulates Some Leadership Skills and emotional journey
Battle of Kamino, gets chased by Grievous with '94, a cadet, and tries to protect him but he dies in her arms. she doesn’t know about 99 until Echo tells her [“was he a friend of yours?” “the very first”]
The Citadel, is sad after losing Echo (TCW stuff happens, Ahsoka gets kidnapped, Battle of Mon Cala etc)
Umbara. Gets thrown in the brig for ‘unauthorised communications’ until Rex and Co. mutiny then fights Krell with the others
Fives, Tup die (after In the Stars segment 3), she kind of meets TBB in TCW s7 but leaves with Jesse, Kix and Cody to tend to Cody’s wounds, and they find Echo on Skako
sometime near the end of the war, she finds out that the other clones from her batch exist and goes off to find them. only five of them besides Strike have survived. she brings them back to the Republic, only for the Kaminoans to assert that they are Kaminoan property and therefore have to fight in the war instead of going back to their families. tension moment between Strikey and her new friends but eventually they reach an understanding. they’re still not close, but they’re friends at least.
O66 is declared, she starts to go with Anakin to the Jedi Temple but sees a Padawan (Leo) and runs off to shoot him (she doesn’t remember much of this it’s fuzzzzzyyyy), Alex finds her and manages to KO her to get her de-chipped by a smarty friend with some fancy equipment She wakes up, tries to apologise to Padawan but he runs away, then she runs away and cries (In the Stars segment 9)
She leaves Coruscant, finds TBB in A Super Dark And Creepy Tunnel and kind of makes friends over their non-reg-ness, hangs out with them for a while and finds the Tribunal and Jesse’s helmet, is v sad (In the Stars segment 5)
After two years (17 BBY) ends up on some planet working at a diner for a bit, meets Kaydee and dates her for a while (slightly unrequited on Strike’s part bc she’s still a little in love with Alex. it’s complicated.) but then leaves soon after
At some point after O66, she cries over all her loved ones being missing or dead :) (In the Stars segment 2)
Goes to get a job (bounty hunting?), gets found by rebels in 9-7 BBY and joins the Rebellion (recruited by Cassian), reunites with Alex and they get married, she sees Kaydee in the rebellion again at some point Meets Phoenix Squadron sometime before Rex does, finds him and Ahsoka during Rebels (4 BBY), but then Ahsoka disappears (3 BBY) and she and Rex are sad :( (In the Stars segment 4) participates in the Lothal Liberation Thingy (0 BBY)
Is in the battle of Endor with Rex and Co. (4 ABY), then settles down and Five and Acho are born (9 ABY) then loses Wolffe and then Rex a few years later (16 ABY; In the Stars segment 6) to natural causes
Goes to some planet with a ‘local insurrection’, but SURPRISE! It’s the nascent First Order!! Alex d i e s (21 ABY), Five and Acho’s first childhood trauma \:)
She goes missing a few months later (on First Order investigation with Leia), gets captured and confronts Ben at some point and she just goes ‘something something you’re still the little boy who cried when Acho tripped him on his butt’ ‘I AM nOt I am eVil I am a SIth’ ‘ok lmao’
Eventually she finds her way back to her twins 🥺 and runs into a First Order base and blows it up, Not Throwing Away Her Shot (29 ABY)
Five gets the pistols and Acho gets… the recklessness They become X-wing pilots for the New Republic at first, then the Resistance after buir dies
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 2 years
Hey uh...... whend you get the clone trooper helmet my guy???
March, I think, it’s subtle tho so if you didn’t notice it’s not surprising. It’s also covered by the green reblog indicator on the dashboard
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jangofctts · 4 years
mama keida, your hungry bitches now humbly beg for your Thots© on these men and their eating out habits 🥵
oNCE again I have no CLUE which boys ya want but here, tiS under the cut
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boba: since I wrote about this I hope YALL WOULD UNDERSTAND thAt when this bitch eats you out he’s gonna EAT YOU OUT. Boba likes to tease a lot before actually putting his mouth on you and so expect a lot of “aw, princess, what's got you so worked up?” or like “I haven't even touched you, little one, and you’re already dripping.” maybe he’ll coat his fingers in your arousal and then suck it off while you just have to watch. SHIT LIKE THAT, HE’S A SMUG MF bc if he’s putting his mouth on you he’S GONNA DO IT HIS WAY. when he actually DOES taste you, he just sucks your clit until youre shaking or begging aND THEN puts his entire mouth over you, isn't afraid of it getting a little messy, esp when Boba wraps his arms around your thighs and just locks you in place so you cant wiggle away. he’s a bit of a biter, so he’ll nip your thighs and very lightly scrape his teeth over your clit. when he FINALLY gives you what you want and lets you cum he just smirks and doesn't stop. he’s a fan of overstimulation and just, pushing you over the edge as many times as it takes for you to start sobbing a bit or just incoherent babbles. once he’s satisfied, his lips and chin soaked with your arousal, he’ll flash you a cocky smile and drag you into a lONG, open mouthed kiss   
din: baby boy. angel man. sweetheart who can do no wrong. since he's a virgin or very inexperienced, he’s very CURIOUS. he’ll be laying between your legs, head resting on your thigh as he run his fingers through your folds. he asks what feels good, sees what makes you twitch/moan or grab at his hair (pssst he likes his hair PULLED). din is a quick learner and so he jumps right in, licks a long line from the base of your cunt all the way up to your clit and sucks for a little. he lOVES when you yank his head closer or arch your hips to get more of his tongue inside of you. din's not afraid of being loud and so, expect to hear little moans/curses/praise--whatever comes into his mind he just says it. imo I dont think he intentionally means to overstimulate you BUT he just cant get enOUGH--addicted to your taste when you cum on his tongue so he just doesn't stop. you have to force his head away and TELL him to stop or else yall gonna be there for hours ngl. he’s lived under armor for so long that every flavor, scent and touch is so fuckiN CRISP for din and so he wants to savor everything before he has to put the helmet back on. (also pLEase CaLL him a good boy--might bust a phat nut in his pants tho so wekejh)    
paz: a fuckin horndog. sit on his face--do IT, in fact he asKS YOU TO. he wants to drOWN in that wap. paz is an ass man and so he loves it when you let him eat you out from behind, or you ride his face reverse cowboy. if you’re into it he’ll stick a couple fingers in your ass while he sucks your clit or has his tongue buried in your cunt. his lips are very wARM and plush so it just feels like HEAVEN. he’s a talker too, wants to tell you how pretty you are or how well youre doing for him, yknow? he ALSO likes when you pull his hair or tell HIM how good he’s doing. paz is a big boy but he’s also a big teddy bear and he just wants to make you feel good. hoWEVER he does have a tendency to edge and or overstimulate you so watch out kekjhrekw  
rex: he jUST wants to treat his baBY--wants to show how good you make him feel by eating you out. I think rex is a bit reserved with telling people how he feels so he likes to show a lot of his love through action. he’ll sit you down on a couch and be on his knees for you while you stroke his face and maybe steal a kiss before Rex gets started. he definitely wants to hold your hand while he does it, scratch that HE NEEDS to hold your hand, needs to feel grounded and loved bc he adores you. it’s very slow and gentle--he’s worshiping every inch of skin his tongue laves over and savors each moan and gasp of his name. his favorite thing to do is suck/lick your clit while he fingers you--rex just likes to feel everything and give you his absolute best. since imo he’s a bit shy with these sorta things you need to encourage him and tell hm what he’s doing right and what you like, yknow? but after a couple times eating you out he’s AN EXPERT. he’s memorized you and uses it to his advantage. after you cum make sure to give him a sweet kiss, soft praise and ofc CUDDLES   
cody: lmfao gOOD LUCK YOU AINT WALKING STRAIGHT AFTER HE’s DONE WITH YOU. nine times outta ten cody will eat you out after he’s fucked you. he literally gives zero shits if his cum is all over you, he just wants his mouth on you IMMEDIATELY. it’s very sloppy and needy, lots of cursing on his part and rumbly groans. he’s a biter too, youre not leaving without his teethmarks or big ol hickeys over your thighs and hips. he you to remember for days (lmfao like you could forget). if you’re a Jedi/senator/whatever, and youre on a mission with him, he’ll 100% pull you into a supplies closet or behind a gunship and eat you out there. he doesn't care if you get caught, he actually thinks it’s funny if one of his brothers walks by and sees you cumming over his tongue and crying his name. he’s DEFINITELY a talker in bed and it mostly consists of him teasing you, that rumbly voice feels like heaven when hums around your clit or asks if you’ll be good for him and cum in his mouth. I also have nO doubt in my mind if you’re being a brat, cody will edge you for hours and then just fuckin leave. he likes to see you squirm..just a bit :)
wolffe: aGGRESSIVE--idk how to explain that other than aggressive but kjrkjehr wolffe bites and digs his nails into your thighs when he eats you out. I feel like he’s a blend between cody and boba with the teasing--he likes to edge you, maybe he’ll eat you out and then leave you at the brink of orgasm, leave for hours, and then come back and overstimulate the fuck outta you until you cry a bit. if you agree, he’ll want to definitely want to wake you up by putting his mouth on you with lazy licks and quiet groans. you should pull his hair too :) he Definitely wont Get Grumpy or Bite Your Thigh. I feel like wolffe could be a spitter, like he’ll spit on your pussy, rub it over your clit and then drag his tongue from the base of your cunt and then all the way up. yknow? he also likes it when you ride his face, doesn't care if he literally cant breath from how hard you’re grinding into him, all that matters is your taste on his tongue and you screaming his name. I feel like when he asks to eat you out it’s another way of showing how much he cares for you, bc like rex, he’s shy with feelings and so wolffe will do little acts of service like this or anything else you wanna try. but anyway, he likes to rip your panties off and just go ham    
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aeligsido · 2 years
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kiss me like we’re dying, kiss me like we’re living (the war is over)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano, Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Boga (Star Wars), The Force (Star Wars) Additional Tags: prompt: french kiss, Anakin Skywalker Doesn't Turn to the Dark Side, soft, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort on the side, Anakin Skywalker Needs a Nap, and he gets one, Boga is the best, THERE'S A CHARACTER TAG FOR BOGA IT'S AMAZING, Fix-It, or: the galaxy is saved bc some people are too busy making out to answer their coms, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Anakin Skywalker's Parent, Obi-Wan Kenobi is Ahsoka Tano's parent, Good Parent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Force Bond, ah yes. anidala. the secret couple absolutely no one know about., Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cody doesn't appear as much in this one ooops, he's just kissing the life out of Obi-Wan, so valid of him, no beta we die like my sleep schedule part 2 Series: Part 5 of CodyWan Kiss Bingo Challenge 2022 Summary:
"Boga is heading them toward Cody — the good girl knows what she’s doing, obviously. Obi-Wan pats her side again. He can feel her contentment in the Force, and he huffs a soft laugh at it.
Cody is waiting for them — waiting for him. His helmet is off, and he’s looking at him, and he’s smiling, smiling even as he teases Obi-Wan will handing him his lightsaber back—
Obi-Wan should have seen it coming, but he didn’t, and Cody grabs his wrist and draw him toward him and his waiting arms—"
OR: The war is over. They deserve a kiss, as a treat.
For the prompt “french kiss” for @codywankissbingo​!
Obi-Wan pets Boga’s side as they head toward their troops.
Grievous is dead. Grievous is dead, and Dooku is dead, and finally, finally the war is ending. It’ll take more than that, but—
But it’s the finish line, and his heart beats in adrenaline and hope.
The Force nudges at him, just a little bit, and then some more. They’re not yet toward their troops — Obi-Wan enters a light meditative stage, and feels the Force around him. It’s excited and worried, waiting for something, an important event perhaps. Obi-Wan follows the nudge, until he releases into the Force, toward the Jedi, his family, his friends, the joy and victory of Grievous being defeated. And then, with it, a simple message, born from a hopeful place in his heart and amplified by the Force — the war is over.
His fellow Jedi reach out to him, to his message, and the Force is suddenly filled with hope and love and joy from all fronts, and Obi-Wan’s heart lightens by the second. He takes the occasion to reach out himself to his bond with his Padawan — contrary to the other Jedi, Anakin feels terrified, anxious, and angry, which is never a good combination. Anakin immediately answers him, relief flooding their bond as he does so.
“How can I help, dear one?” Obi-Wan asks immediately. He senses Anakin’s hesitation before he answers.
“I don’t know. There’s so much, Master, I don’t know what to do!”
Obi-Wan soothes him; his Force signature softly envelops Anakin’s, protecting him and reassuring him. “I’m nearly done. I won’t be long. How about you take a nap until I’m back home?” He can feel his Padawan’s tiredness way too easily. He probably didn’t sleep well these last days. “You should go to Padmé; you both deserve the rest.”
He had seen his friend tiring as well — her state isn’t helped by her pregnancy.
Anakin sends back more confusion and fear. Obi-Wan sighs slowly, before opening his memories to Anakin — how they both thought they were subtle is beyond everyone, but there’s no reason to hide themselves anymore. He shows him Geonosis, and then events through the war, all the moments they thought were hidden but were definitely not, all the kisses and hugs and open, loving looks — him and Cody had been more discreet, at least, which isn’t so hard honestly, but he won’t mind openly kissing him now…
“Ew, Master! I don’t want to know about that!”
Obi-Wan suddenly realizes he projected more than what he was supposed to.
[Read the rest on AO3.]
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loth-wolffe · 3 years
hello there! um, so. I saw that You'd marry Fox and my first thought was that I'd ABSOLUTELY love to hear Your hc on him 🥺🥺🥺
GENERAL KENOBI sorry I had to
but hi sweets! i would absolutely lOVE to share my hcs on him with u my love<3 🥺
so this goes for u my sweet nonnie.
(also this turned out to be extremely longer than I thought it would be bc apparently I don't have any self control lmao. enjoy ✨)
first of all, fox is tired. VERY.
so this isn't any kind of news right, but I just think that because of this, he doesn't have both time or energy for so many things. He carries Coruscant on his back, literally, so there are two (2) kind of fox in this life. 1. he wants to destroy you bc he's all pent up with all this stress or 2. he's a soft baby.
speaking oF SOFT BABIES
listen. contrary popular belief, I really think fox is a lil softie who just wants to feel loved by you but he does mask it very well tho. (not me making headcanons of everyone being soft) BUT ANWAYS. I mean, there's different levels of Softness™ ofc, foxie can be softer than wolffe but less than cody, I don't know if u got me but uh huh, pretty much.
so now that we have clarified that fox is a lil babey I have these amazing soft hcs for him alright now hear this:
he absolutely loves baths
it's a plus if he's the lil spoon. he loves to just relax, his back touching yours as your fingers shampoo his locks, curling and uncurling in them and scratching his scalp. he sometimes rants about his job and other times he just listens to your soft, quiet voice as you talk him about your day and he feels this peace and so so loved.
in this same train of thought I can assure you that fox loves sleeping above you
MOSTLY if he's had a bad day. he loves cuddling with you and be the small spoon. his favorite times are at night when he comes home from a long shift and collapses onto you after he showers quickly, your fingers on his hair and his head on your chest as he listens to you read whatever book you're currently reading. whenever he thinks of home, he thinks in this exact scenario.
i feel like, during very very though days, maybe when he loses a brother (that doesn't happen thAt usual unless there's something like, a fucking gigantic animal trying to destroy both Coruscant and the chancellor or that kind of stuff) and he would feel this lump in his throat that only tightens when he feels you squeeze him in your arms, and kiss the top of his head but he also feels so relieved because you're there, with him, and when you whisper that you're not going anywhere he just, feels like he was falling only to be catched by you.
he aDORES so much when you visit him at the office
at first he was very apprehensive because he didn't really want to mix his work and his love life, and if thorn or anyone found out he would nEVER hear the end of it. (they eventually did find out and always tease them but I'll talk about this later).
so anyways, fox was kinda nervous and at first he didn't even let you take off his helmet and rushed you to leave asap. ofc you didn't take it personally, and just said a lil hello, told him you'd be staying late at work and that you loved him and that was that. maybe left a kiss just a cm or two down the modulator and said your goodbyes (since I read this post, the thought lives rent free in my mind and if I could I'd make a different scenario for every clone using that post and that post only bc I just love it SO much. thank you murdy for your service, I will always be in ur debt)
anyways, after that you stopped by a little more and he ended up yEARNING for your visits, letting you sit on his desk or lap as he worked and you talked about this new gossip or whatever and he just breathed you in or took a few glimpses of you from time to time, stealing a kiss or two and letting go a few "uh huhs" and "oh yeah?" for you to know he wAS listening.
other times you go for a quickie and yeah
NOW. the troopers that tEASE HIM.
they are aLWAYS joking about when are you coming to see fox again, and make kissing sounds and are always like "your s/o is really hot commander" and sometimes he shuts them up and other times he feels this pRIDE swelling over his chest because he loves you so and you're his.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't get jealous. foxie my mans is v insecure sometimes, lemme tell you. he doesn't know why you picked him and the first time you told him he's beautiful he gave you this deadpan expression and went "I literally look like a million others." my baby doesn't know he's one of a kind and that you love him for who he is, so when he sees, idk, thorn making you laugh, he becomes very self conscious.
but like, he sort of suffers in silence and won't EVER let you know he's afraid you might change him for another, but you know bc he always f word you very hard and deep and literally destroy you but he would also be a bit more attentive than usual.
but then again, fox is also a giver.
he always comes home with whatever is missing from your fridge or this one candy you love so much, and he always makes caf for you before heading out, he likes to pass by the medbay or wherever you're working at a minute or so before your shift ends just so you can go home together.
he doesn't like pda and is very Private but like I said before, he will always be ready to help you if you need him.
this one time you fell sick very badly and he stopped by almost every few hours and commed you every hour to make sure you were alright. you got slightly annoyed but you found very endearing how much he cares for you. besides, you were rEALLY ill, so yeah.
and let's not forget that one time he was on patrol close to your apartment and you commed him to ask him if he knew where the flour was or whatever (truth was you just wanted to hear his voice bc you were feeling down and wanted to cheer yourself up.) and he caught on your sad tone and well, the point is that he ended up going all the way to your place just to give you a soft kiss on your lips, shrugging and saying something like "I forgot my comnlink" because clones can't lie for shit but he didn't want to tell you he couldn't focus in his job if you were sad:(
SO ANYWAYS, these are my commander fox hcs, thank you for sending this lovely ask baby. (don't know if you were expecting like, general hcs on him or hcs of him with you or? heh)
lemme know if I agree or don't or if you wanna punch me bc fox is nothing like that, or if you have some amazing hcs u wanna share or wanna ask me or idk idk
u know I love hearing from you guys and talking with u as well 💖
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lifeofclonewars · 4 years
Rookies rewatch! Aka let's cry about Domino Squad!
Everything about this starting scene is perfect. Hevy and Cutup arm wrestling, the radio station, brand new tattoos and the start of them growing out their facial hair, Echo being a lil nerd *sigh* we had it all for all of 3 minutes *shakes fist* screw you Filoni!
Cutup's little smirk when Echo says "shouldn't you be checking your scope, Hevy?" Lol that's definitely why he got his name
Even O'Niner's eyebrows are grey goodness what kind of stress has he been under the war's only been happening for like 6 months max at this point
Ah, yes, back when Obi Wan and Anakin had a little bit of sense and still wore armor
My favorite line out this has gotta be "Oooo meteor shower" and I love that the subtitles on Disney+ specify that he's saying it sarcastically
Rip unnamed deck officer
Me, watching Droidbait die: how do I AU this so he's fine and alive
Droid, impersonating a clone: Roger Roger. Rex: Something's not right here... Wow what a conclusion Rex, that's not obvious at all
Cody, immediately afterwards: let me show off my older brother vibes and make Rex in charge bc I don't want to
Okay so there's that one post about Obi Wan having fluttery eyelashes but apparently that's just,,,how they animate eyelashes bc I've noticed them on all the clones that get close ups
It's the og Domino Effect gif live!
"Yeah I've never seen--" right as Cutup gets taken how dare CUTUP NOOOO again, me: how do I AU this (but in a way that makes sense and isn't overused)
The disguised droid, waving its arms around: yeah, I think this is how humans talk
Where did that flare come from and how did you manage to have it on you when literally escaping? It's either Hevy or Fives tho so it checks out
Wait no favorite line might be "Woah, Rex, what the heck are you doing?" Cody ily
I still can't get over the fact that he says sun bonnets Rex whyyy
"the name's Rex" *cue The Clones theme in the background rjfjfjdj*
Camera: *close up on Echo* Me: I love him, your honor
I would love to see this episode with the new animation models. Seeing Cody and Rex and Fives, Echo, and Hevy smiling and all the little gestures they've been able to show with it? I'd straight up die of mostly happiness I love them so much
"tweezers" rjfjfjdjfjfjfjfj the script writers for this episode were just like "what if we had Rex say a bunch of what might be clone slang and then never mention it again?"
"this is never gonna work" Cody says, right as it works, in front of a bunch of shinies who could end up in either battalion at this point, solely because he's regretting putting his little brother in charge
Did they kill off Droidbait and Cutup so early bc it made sense or bc they didn't want to animate more than 5 clones with distinct personalities at a time at this point? Hmm methinks it's the second one...
Hevy's, Fives' and Cody's eyes all go wide at the same time when Rex is like "let's blow this place up" lol Cody's probably having flashbacks to the however many missions the 212th has had with the 501st already and calculating how many of them have included explosions
...I just realized part of the intro-scenes to Clone Cadets is a close up of a table with their helmets on it in the background as they plan to blow up the base :(
Fives insisting they need to go back for Hevy before Hevy tells them otherwise :( :(
I might be wrong but Echo might be the last one to try to contact Hevy before... #explosionbuddies 😭😭😭
Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh they set a heartbeat in the background right before the droid says "do we take prisoners" and stops right before Hevy says "I don't" I'm srsly going to cry 😭
What Rex says: You're exactly the kind of men I need in the 501st. What I hear: too late, you're my little brothers now and you can't stop me I fought Cody for this
Arc Troopers next, yes?
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sonderwalker · 4 years
Europa (waking up from a nightmare and the conversation afterwards) and Butterfly Cluster (staying up all night, talking about everything and nothing) seem to mesh really well? So here I am, already back on my bullshit w/ another qp codywan request bc ur just so damn good but i know i already made u write something earlier so its fine to ignore this (its tinker in case you couldnt tell)
Hi Tink! This sounds super wholesome, and you know how much I love writing fluff! Also I can totally get behind queerplatonic codywan. Europa fun fact: Europa is the 6th largest moon in the solar system, and has oceans underneath its surface! Europa prompt: waking up from a nightmare and the conversation afterwards Butterfly Cluster fun fact: the majority of the stars that make up this cluster are blue! Butterfly Cluster prompt: staying up all night, talking about everything and nothing this is very short but i think it is very sweet.
Obi-Wan sat up, gasping for air as he took in his surroundings. He wasn’t trapped in a separatist prison cell. He wasn’t at the temple. He wasn’t on the resolute either.
The ground underneath him was soft, and he turned to see the last embers of a fire dying in the cool air of the night. Around him, his men slept, their helmets off, curled up in various positions. Using whatever sleeping equipment they could gather before the ship crashed and blew up. He sighed and leaned back onto his elbows, watching as the last of the embers flew up towards the sky, twinkling like the stars.
“General?” A voice called from his right.
“Cody.” Obi-Wan said, turning to face him. “Why are you awake?”
“It’s my turn to keep watch, sir.” Cody responded. “Why are you awake?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “Couldn't sleep, I suppose.” Obi-Wan turned away from him to watch the dwindling light of the fire they had made earlier. He didn’t need to look at Cody’s face to know that the commander wasn’t buying his excuse. 
“You should get some more rest, general.” Cody said softly after a moment, moving over to place his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder.
“You’ll need your strength.” Obi-Wan smiled softly, looking back up to face him
“I have plenty of strength, thank you very much.” Obi-Wan replied, rolling his eyes.
“And I have rested enough.”
“You sound like General Skywalker.” Cody said after a moment.
“Rex is always telling me about how he has this same kind of conversation with him.”
“Don’t say that.” Obi-Wan groaned and put his head in his hands. He looked back up at Cody.
“Really. Although you do have to wonder where he learned it from...” Cody trailed off with slight smile.
“Ugh, Anakin has always been stubborn.” Obi-Wan said.
“And you aren’t, General?” Cody asked.
“I am not nearly as bad as Anakin, who will refuse help even when it is painfully obvious that he needs it.” Obi-Wan retorted.
“Hmmmm, that sounds like someone else that I know.” Cody said, bringing a hand up to his chin. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes.
“Are all Jedi like this or is it just you two?” Cody asked. Obi-Wan shrugged.
“Only the good ones.” He replied with a smile. And even though his body was still tense from the nightmare, and his hands still shook slightly, it was getting better with each passing moment.
But he didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t want to think about it. He wanted to talk about anything- everything else. Like what Cody’s plans were after the war ended. How they could help rebuild what was lost. What he was going to do once he was no longer a soldier.
So, they did. And they sat and watched as the last of the embers rose up towards the sky, blending in with the stars and their light from above. It gave Obi-Wan hope, even though he was surrounded by darkness.
from these prompts!
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bardicindignation · 3 years
Oh oh oh oh for the meta !!!
#3 - What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
(I’m so curious because you have these super detailed world building set ups so I’m like ... is this ever the case for you??)
Ahhh thank you so much for the ask!!!!
oh gosh...(yeah I do go for the super detailed world building set ups, don't I? 😅😂) let's see...
Well, I'm sure if I really took the time to wrack my brains about this I could come up with several, but then I'd have to either choose or resign myself to a ridiculously long post so...alright, so, I have this star wars au floating around in my head right, and most of it is fairly serious, generally speaking, but it also contains these three (so far) scenes that are just complete and utter crackfic.
I've written a grand total of one (1) of them, which I posted on April Fools day and you can read here if you're so inclined.
As for the other two, I'm putting them under the cut bc this is still getting really long:
1) basically, I have this one scene where Ventress winds up killing Maul, then melting down his legs and then having them made into a tea set which she then gives to an extremely bemused Obi-Wan for his birthday (yes this is extremely weird, no, I don't know how the fuck I thought of it but it's strangely hilarious to me, so there you have it) which is ridiculous on it's own but then you've got
2) which is a follow up to the april fools day snippet, in which anankin-undercover-as-darth-vader convinces tarkin that Quinlan Vos is his own, entirely fictional, cousin Sergei who just so happens to look exactly like the definitely super dead Jedi Knight and who is also an extremely loyal informant for the empire. A few years later, a few more 'Imformant Sergei" incidents have happened (Anakin saw the opportunity to troll the hell out of Tarkin and ran with it; Quinlan is more than happy to facilitate this, and so is everyone else who's working with them. All incidents are recorded and safely stored to show ahsoka when they finally track her down) and what happens is this:
For leverage against the rebellion reasons, palpatine has ordered Princess Leia (roughly 15 years old at this point) taken hostage by "Vader's" "sith" apprentice, Mara Jade (who's been secretly actually Anakin's second jedi padawan since she was about seven, which Leia is aware of but Bail isn't). Rex (who is completely unaware of the whole "massive undercover rebellion right underneath the emperor's nose" thing and therefor the fact that leia isn't actually in much of any real danger) goes to investigate and try and rescue her.
Stuff happens, Palpatine orders Mara to kill Leia and Mara (who had already been planning to fake her own death, bc as she grew into her strength in the force, Palpatine had started paying more attention to her which was getting dangerous. she'll join luke and obi wan in secretly living in the secret rooms in "Vader"'s star destroyer lol) explodes the building that she was holding Leia in, successfully faking BOTH of their deaths.
Rex runs into the girls on their way out, and when a group of storm troopers spot them he decides to head them off so that Mara and Leia can escape.
This turns out to not be immediately necessary, bc said storm troopers are actually Cody and an assortment of other de-chipped clone troopers. Cody gets as far as explaining that to Rex, when Tarkin shows up.
He, predictably, zeros in on Rex bc he remembers him from the clone wars and doesn't like him and because he's Tarkin, he decides to order Cody to take off his helmet and execute him.
Cody, obviously, isn't going to do that and goes with the only option left to him: break his cover. So he and his troopers all draw their blasters on Tarkin, at which point Tarkin calls his own troopers to surround them.
Then he starts monologuing: blah blah glory of the empire, blah blah, traitor, blah blah, 'if only you demonstrated the same loyalty that Informant Sergei does without any kind of programming.'
That makes Cody snort, and Quinlan, who's been lurking this whole time waiting for an opportune moment, can't possible pass over the dramatic entrance potential and reveals himself like, "hah, bitch you wish!" and blows his OWN cover.
So Tarkin is about to lose his shit, Cody's panicking, Rex is both panicking and completely confused, at which point Anakin-as-Vader along with a bevy of stormtroopers who include Appo, Boil, Kix, the 212th's medic, and Obi-Wan shows up.
Cue Rex's confusion and panic squaring itself when this, for some reason, makes Cody relax.
Tarkin's like, "Ah Vader, you're just in time to assist me in doing away with these traitors"
And internally, Anakin's like 'fuck fuck fuck' but externally he's like, "Traitors? whatever do you mean?"
And Tarkin tells him what just happened and Anakin thinks fast and goes:
"Oh, yeah they're definitely not traitors, they have until just now been on an important mission for me among ancient...sith...ruins! And it appears that they have all been exposed to a sith toxin which causes confusion, aggression, and muddled loyalties."
And Tarkin maybe buys that? but either way, he goes,
"Well, in that case, they're useless to us now, so we might as well put them down and be done with it."
And Anakin, maybe panicking a little, goes, "Do you really think that I would send such valuable assets into such a situation without having some kind of treatment on hand?"
Tarkin: Oh, and what treatment would that be?
Anakin, mind going blank: Medic, tell the Grand Moff about the cure.
Kix, trying to murder his general with the force of his glare alone underneath the helmet: Yes Sir. The...only cure to such a...toxin...is...a...special tea! Brewed...in the...legs of the vanquished enemy of...the ancient and powerful Jedi...Ben."
Obi Wan, Anakin, and everyone who still has the benefit of a hemet: *tries not to laugh audibly but are about to rupture something containing themselves*
Rex: What? the fuck?? is happening???
So, Tarkin buys it, and Anakin and his men 'subdue' Cody, Quinlan, Rex and co. and bring them back to their shuttle, where Mara, Leia, and Luke reveal themselves and they explain everything to Rex, who at this point is more or less certain that this entire day has been some sort of bizarre fever dream.
And I'd love to write the whole thing out! but to do that and have it make any sort of sense I'd have to write just...so many chapters of context and everything leading up to it which is...a lot of stuff. So maybe I'll get to it eventually, but it's not event the first star wars au on my list of stuff to write, not even taking into account all the stuff for other fandoms, so it's probably going to be a long time until I get to it, if I ever do 😅
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jessiebanethedragon · 4 years
Scuttle (5/?)
takes place after the reader and crosshair have their first kiss because i thought it would be cool/different to write it like this (i have a plant dw) also i’ve left her trauma kind of ambiguous hinting rather than stating bc i don’t feel like it’s my place to say how a reader would react idk. 
also also reader sometimes goes by Yona instead of y/n just because it means rain and i thought it would be kinda cute
Tech finds your fascination with hyperspace fascinating but a little worrying. You seem to spend hours sitting by whichever window you have chosen for that moment, watching the universe whizz by. Sometimes he sits with you, and you both talk about your theories for explaining the galaxy. He learns that your parents never left your homeworld once you were born and nicknamed you Yona after the rain that poured down so often. He mentions it offhand to Crosshair and catches him whispering it to himself later that day. Tech himself sticks to calling you Fairywren, while Wrecker has committed to little bird, Hunter goes with Fairywren like Tech but Crosshair has decided on not using your name or any of the many nicknames the bad batch have for you. 
Infact, he’s starting avoiding you all together. 
You flit around the ship like a plague according to him, Hunter and Tech can’t figure out why the sniper has such a disdain for everything you do but it’s getting out of hand.
“When do we drop out of hyperspace?” He asks one day while you’re perched in the cockpit staring out the window, away from the current conversation. 
“Soon.” Hunter states his focus on his holopad, receiving instructions from Cody about laying low. 
“How soon?” Crosshair presses, keeping an eye on the door that separates you from hearing him. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Hunter says, getting slightly annoyed with his brother, not to be dramatic but you’re literally a joy to have around. All the batchers love you to bits and Hunter is frustrated that Crosshair is being a spoilsport. 
“It matters to me.” 
“Yeah we get it. You can't stand Fairywren, because she’s the problem and you can't wait to get rid of her.” Hunter snaps, putting his holopad down.  “Just days ago you were all over her, what happened to ‘we aren't leaving her’?” He’s staring at Crosshair, enhanced senses burning into his soul.   
“Just a little leftover Hutt goo.”  You’d said to him, not that he’d heard, his face was on fire, burned from where you had touched it. And he is surprised he didn't flinch away from your touch, had he become that accustomed to you already? Was Crosshair so entranced by you in such a short amount of time that he was already missing your touch? No. He doesn't know you. You don't know him. He’s memorized every part of your face, but you don’t matter to him. His heart seems to beat for every smile you give him. But you have no effect on the sniper. Every shot he takes is one to protect you from anymore trauma. But he doesn't give a damn about your feelings. Love at first sight doesn't exist, soulmates are fake. And even if they did Crosshair doesn't want it. 
Kamino broke him, being defected, trained and thrown away for your one purpose does that to person. He tells himself to hate you for putting him back together.
“Nothing changed.  But we aint a charity.” He tells his sergeant, who absolutely knows he is lying. But because he doesn't know why he’s lying, Hunter lets the conversation drop, but mostly because he can hear you get up from the co-pilot's seat and head towards the door. 
“Wrecker says we’re dropping out of hyperspace soon.” You report, popping your head out of the door. “Says it'll look cool.” You add with a blush. Hunter chuckles a tad and says something about going to let Tech know. Leaving you to stare at Crosshair. 
“Ram'ser” you say all of a sudden, slow and precise, testing out the word and being very careful of  your pronunciation. 
“What?” Crosshair spits, more surprised than malicious. Since when did you speak mando’a? You visibly flinch at his words. 
“Tech likes to talk to me in phrases of mando’a  and have me guess what they mean.” you explain slowly. “He uses that word when he talks about you.” 
“Yeah? Good for him.” Crosshair is glaring at his reflection in the table. He hates this, he wants to hate you. He can’t stand the way the words come out of his mouth, but his head reminds him that you will be safest far away from the war. And that means he can't catch feelings and any that have slipped through must be thrown away. He hears the door slip closed as you retreat to watch the stars again. Tech and Hunter follow moments later, Hunter looking down at his vod with a sigh. Stupid enhanced hearing. He heard every word. 
You land on a desert planet you already can't remember the name of, but apparently it’s a neutral system and a good place to lay low. The sand dunes make you frown because they go as far as the eye can see, and Tech makes you take a spare pair of goggles and a makeshift hooded cape that was fashioned out of a lightweight tarp from the hold. That combined with your clean (albeit mud stained) pants and an oversized shirt you fit right in with the mess of inhabitants on the planet. 
“You’ll get itchy.” Hunter tells you when he sees that you’ve sat yourself in the sand and are now in the process of burying your legs in the strange stuff. 
“Sorry, I’ve just never really seen this stuff.” You apologize but Hunter waves it off with a smile. 
“It’s okay, just a heads up. Stuff gets everywhere.” You reluctantly pull yourself out of the sand, joining everyone by the edge of the sand dune, looking over at the nearby city in the distance. 
“So what haven't you guys seen?” You ask as you struggle to walk down the intense slope. 
“We don’t see a lot of water usually.” Tech says, “but only because not many species can survive underwater.” 
“If you could go anywhere, where would you go?” The bad batch is used to your barrage of questions. It’s one of the things they like most about having you around, from favourite colours to wild would you rather questions, your brain is always humming with things that take you away from where you are. it’s also beginning to worry Tech.
“Somewhere small and quiet.” Hunter says quickly, the light, heat and everything else already giving him a headache. 
“Coruscant.” Tech answers, the complete opposite of his brother. “Libraries and Jedi temple.” He explains further. 
“Kamino.” Wrecker says, surprising you. You had assumed they all hated it there. “Home is home.” He explains with a smile. Crosshair doesn't say anything, but he can feel the eyes on him. 
“What?” He says to the four faces looking at him. 
“Cross would go to Hoth, because it’s cold.” Wrecker sasses him with a slight push. 
“Shut up Wrecker.” he snaps, in a very bad mood today. 
“Or anywhere his cyare is.” Wrecker adds without thinking. Making Hunter, you and Tech very confused. That's a word you haven't heard from Tech before and both him and Hunter are trying to figure out who Wrecker is talking about while Crosshair looks like he’s actually going to explode. 
“What did you just say?” He says each word is its own sentence. 
“Cross has a cyare?” Tech is now thinking out loud (another habit of his) “no way Cross has a cyare we would know if he did. I mean we are with him all the time so it’s not like we wouldn’t  know them or have met them…” His rambling fades into the background when Wrecker speaks up again. 
“Wait Tech, Sarge? You two seriously didn't notice?” He asks, shocked that his clever brothers hadn't picked it up. 
“Wrecker, shut your trap.” Crosshair orders, and a very tense silence falls over the group, and you’re only a third of the way to the city. You decide to ask Tech what the word means later.  And the now very awkward walk continues, that is until a speeding starts  to approach you from the town. 
“Bad batch! Defensive positions!” Hunter calls to them, and within seconds they have their helmets on. except for Cross whose helmet is still in the bottom of that lake, but has a new one waiting for him at base. But either way they’re all ready for combat in record time, leaving you to shake awkwardly in the middle of them, closing your eyes. repeating the things Tech told you during a window sitting sessions  
“not my fault not my fault not my fault.” 
“Civi’s!” Tech calls, having analyzed the people within the speeder, it’s a Twi’lek woman with a young child. She does, however, raise a blaster before addressing  the group.
“Saw the ship land. Thought someone or something might need help.” She says, eying the group. “Clones eh?” She adds. “Can't be here. Neutral system.”  She lowers the blaster. 
“We just need a few days.” Hunter says, taking his helmet off. 
“Perhaps you didn't hear me.” She’s more aggressive now. “You can’t be here. One day or a hundred, we don't care. Get gone.” You step forward. 
“Hunter we should go.” You whisper, looking at the mother and her young one. 
“Kriff,” The twi’lek sighs when she sees you. “Huxx has already got a bounty on her.” She looks at you with pity. 
“Thought you said this was a neutral planet.” Crosshair snaps. 
“Bounty is a bounty, no matter who’s side it’s for.” She says shaking her head. She pauses thinking for a minute. “All i can offer you is the fact that any planets around here will have been given the same information.” 
“What if I had credits?” You ask, it’s dangerous. But you know if one person saw the ship more must know by now. 
“You’d need a lot of credits and a really stupid person to let you camp out here. Especially with clones” she says, beginning to bargain. 
“What about credits, a nice person, and no clones?” You counter taking a pouch out of your pants pockets. 
“That might work. For a couple days that is.” She agrees. 
“Absolutely not.” Hunter interrupts. “We aren't leaving you.” Ignoring someone with a sniper rifle mumbling ‘hypocrite’ under his breath. 
“The name’s Leeya” she tells you, ignoring Hunter. 
“Yona.” You reply, moving to hop in the speeder, but stopped by Hunter's hand. 
“This isn't happening.” He says firmly. 
“Get in the speeder and tell your very angry friends to find something to wear other than armour.” Leeya smiles softly at you.
“We’ll be back soon.” Tech speaks up, very nervous, just as the rest of his batch. 
“I know,” You tease, “who else is gunna listen to you if i’m not around?” He laughs a little, and you hug him goodbye, before wrapping your arms around Hunter and Wrecker in turn. Crosshair doesn't move. 
“See ya around.” He says, turning away, and there’s a crack forming in your heart. You know he’s been different recently, you know he’s just putting up with you. But you thought there was something there. The present evidence seems to prove you wrong. Wrecker’s looking between you and Crosshair in disbelief. He sees you begin to inwardly collapse, hands around your middle, head down, just like the time he dropped the Gonk droid and scared the living daylights out of you.
“Wrecker!” Crosshair all but screams as he’s lifted into the  air by his brother. Of course he heard him stomp up behind him but he definitely wasn't expecting to be snatched from where he stood. 
“She’s your kriffing cyare!” He booms, before unceremoniously shoving Crosshair down into the sand in front of you. It would be funny if you weren't so shocked by Wreckers actions. Crosshair pulls himself up and whips around, arm cocked ready to throw a punch. The hardest  glare you’ve ever seen on his face. But it falls when you gently take hold of his arm. 
He’s taken back to the night he kissed you, and you begged him to keep the nightmares at bay.  He blinks and he’s taken back to the morning he woke with you in his arms. All at once  he remembers and forgets why he was pushing you away.
“Crosshair…” You start, but he pulls you into a crushingly tight hug before you finish. Nose to your hair, and your hands around his neck. Like they were made to be there. 
“I-I” he starts what would be an apology that he knows won't be enough. 
“It’s okay,” you interrupt. “Just be back soon.” and in a haze he watches you pull away from him and get into the speeder. 
“But I promised…” He whispers to himself. “I promised not to leave you…” you’re becoming a speck on the horizon, and he should be happy, he doesn't have to torture himself by refusing to love you anymore. 
Except part of him knows, as he feels his heart get torn from his chest, the real torture has just begun.
tags: @mangoberry43 @imalovernotahater @professionaltrashcompactor @vesperstalksclones @haloangel391 
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Rex for the character ask!
Ooh thank you!!
favorite thing about them -- I love Rex’s devotion to his brothers. He loves them so much and he mourns them long after they’re gone- the moment in the bad batch arc where he’s holding that photo of him, echo, fives and cody Really got to me.
least favorite thing about them -- hmm idk. I didn’t love that he was willing to let jesse and fives be executed during the umbara arc, even if it didn’t happen.
favorite line -- When he fuckign spears that slaver guy on Kadavo and says “I’m no Jedi.” iconic.
brOTP -- Ahsoka and Rex. Their relationship at the end of the war and beyond was just wonderful.
OTP -- Rex/happiness
nOTP -- Not a super huge fan of Rexsoka. 
random headcanon -- Rex went to live with Cut Lawquane and his family for a while after Order 66.
unpopular opinion -- From what we know about Rex in the clone wars, I thought that he was kind of out of character at the beginning of Rebels.
song i associate with them -- Fun by Troye Sivan
favorite picture of them
okay i have 2
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this is rex after ripping off his helmet to make krell stare him in the face as he accuses him of making them follow a flawed plan that cost them “men. not clones, men.”
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and this is rex smiling happily bc he gets to fight alongside his commander again :(((
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padawahsoka · 4 years
for the ask: Rex!
my man!!
favorite thing about them
his GROWTH! i love watching earlier episodes and seeing how far he’s coming throughout the seasons, in some cases it’s more subtle than others but tbh i’m so proud of him also seeing him smile, it’s so rare tho T_T
least favorite thing about them
??? this is not really abt him Lol, but i wish there had been more showing his relationship with anakin & ahsoka, it makes no sense that we barely see them interact after earlier seasons.. plus they’re an iconic trio, what else can i say
favorite line
“it’s captain, sir.” “in my book experience outranks everything” every time he calls ahsoka “little’un” in the books “find him. fives. FIND HIM.” “not clones, MEN.” “i’m no jedi.” ugh he’s just too iconic
i said it already but him with ahsoka and/or anakin is the Best. but also love seeing him with cody, jesse, fives, and kix. also disney release the forbidden rex and r2d2 team-up 
don’t really have one uhhh rex/happiness EDIT: OH i forgot rex/anakin bc it’s so rare to find content but i do ship them Lol
rexs*ka :/
random headcanon
i’m too tired to think of anything deep but, i like to think that when ahsoka was younger rex let her help scratch the tallies into his helmet/gauntlet after a battle because she thought they looked cool; and it became sort of a tradition between them, like No, we’re not talking abt the Realities of War but we can celebrate living another day for one quiet moment. after she left, rex stopped making the marks but kept count in his head so ahsoka could do it when she came back
unpopular opinion
i love obi-wan but i honestly feel like he got way too much time in the show that should have been given to rex, especially in later seasons (also nitpick but the promotional art for the final season/siege of mandalore all has obi-wan so huge on there and rex is barely even noticeable ajsdjshd they did him so dirty like he’s a MAIN character please)
song i associate with them
iron by woodkid
favorite picture of them
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every time he smiles my HP goes up by 50 points
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yodamn · 4 years
I'm adding on to my soft post about older siblings and parents to clones.
a head nurse who tells a particularly stubborn clone to get back in bed. Does the Mom Voice AND counts to three and he immediately goes back to bed.
a nurse who had a few little sisters. And since mom was always a little too busy, THEY were on Hair Duty. So maybe tup is in Med Bay and hella uncomfortable and his hair is just ugh all over the place. So big brother/sister is like Braid Time! And Tup. Just. Melts. And falls asleep.
bounty hunter hired by the republic to train clones. Little did the Kaminioans know is that they had a soft spot for kids. And maybe they come across a cadet or baby clone whos upset for one reason or another and they calm him down and cuddle him and maybe do that nose stroke like in Frozen 2
ive noticed that sometimes peoples families are really different. Mine is really close knit and physical with each other, meanwhile a friend of mines is just not as touchy feely. Well maybe theres a nat-born whos really physical and you know. We all know how touch starved the clones are. So like maybe at one point the nat-born sees a clones just laying and automatically just lays across him in cat pile fashion. Not even thinking about it. And then all the Clones are like Ö can we? And the officer is like ??? Of course? Like just, cuddling bro.
an older sibling officer who sees a Clone or Jedi who's got that look. Like a look of "Im just done, I'm so tired, I just want a hug but I'm not gonna ask for it bc i have to be professional and serious" and they are like alright guess I gotta. Guess its big sibling time idk. Come here you big emotionally constipated lug lemme give you a hug, a warm drink, and a soft blanket. Im here to listen.
or or or just like. Momma Bear. Someone sees a clone being yelled at or just like bullied or whatever and they go full get the FUCK away from my baby so help me God ill rip you THREE new ones. And once again clones are like Ö you did that for us?
Like maybe in the Senate someone is like clones are just weapons they are lower than low. And senator is a parent or older sibling and sometimes. Sometimes you can tell what they are thinking by body language. Especially shinies who havent fully gotten a hold of like hiding emotions. Senator sees that and like anger fills them. How dare you. How dare you.
A civilian sees a couple clones playing a their younger siblings or kids and its like well guess i gained a few new fully adult and armed kids/guess I have new siblings idk.
OR I saw someone sent in an ask to () about Pet Foolery and about Pixie and Brutus. And how Brutus was like Wolffe. And its. Like. What if. Wolf Pack gets a little stowaway or plo gets a new itty bitty padawan, a lost kid or you know SOMETHING. Kid becomes legit attached to Wolffe and the rest of the Pack and they get just as attached to them. Start calling them their "pup". Kids like !!! Look! Look at this cool rock! And these adult men are all like ÖÖÖ Cool Rock! Cool! Or plo brings them sweets and they are like ÖöÖÖ candies? I jus I love it. Or maybe conversely the Wolf Pack is like ugh its a brat but the kids either like FUCK you we are friends now or is too starry eyed at these huge guys to realize they dont like them. And maybe a whole "you mean you dont like me?" Scene happens like in Finding Nemo where baby gets upset and as SOON as tears start welling up theres 300 Clones Arming up to defend them and scare whoever doesnt like the babychild. Babychild falls asleep ON them and they cant move jus UGH so cute.
little kid goes to wrecker and says "I love you THIS much" and stretch their arms as wide as they possibly can and wrecker is like Ö and does the same and the kids like thats alot! And wreckers like Yeah!
kid gravitating to clones who Dont Like Kids. Bc kids are Like That. Like Cats.
kids, younglings, or padawans drawing pictures for the Corosaunt Guard or other clones and giving it to them. Them keeping Every. Single. One. And putting them all over their barracks.
Some pictures that were drawn specifically for THAT individual clone are kept with them even in battle. Like maybe one youngling in the creche was enamored by Cody when Obi Wan came to visit and was nice. Next time the kid saw him they gave him a picture of the two of them with the word friends spelt wrong under neath the two smiling figures and legend says Cody still has it to this day.
kids giggling and playing with the clones helmets, running around pretending to be them. Or making their own "armor" from cardboard or scrap pieces.
one really feisty kid having NO problem telling someone off for being rude, doesnt matter who it is. One time Anakin got snippy and kiddo walks up and says with all seriousness and courage "Youre Mean and a Bully". Ahsoka thought it was hilarious, Rex was honored by his courageous knight in shining robes and tiny pigtails.
Older siblings not really forcing the clones to accept their help but still like "Hey I'm big sister/brother and you gotta deal with it, I'm here if you need me" like if they see they have something on their faces and dont know the older sibling will wipe it off with mass protest. Coordinating with older clones to harmlessly embarrass younger clones. Or to get them to calm down.
I cant write for shit but im gonna have to try bc I gots some ideas. Ive got mostly fluffy soft domestic stuff but still 👀👀👀
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