#it’s just sometimes those kids need to be humbled a lil bit
pollenallergie · 1 year
an unofficial requirement for dating Eddie Munson is that you must be willing to talk a lil shit about the freshmen, right in front of them, with him and Jeff
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lacharcutiere · 4 years
before they year ends, anyone wanna admit they have a crush on me ?
characters: oikawa tōru, miya atsumu, bokuto kōtarō, kuroo tetsurō, terushima yūji
requested by @howlpendragonsupremacist (kt it’s ok real men suck that’s why we have our baby boys)
anyway yeah,, it’s those things people post on their snap/insta stories that are like, “before 2020 is over does anyone wanna admit they like me?” yeah. and they boys post and u swipe up, here’s what would happen.
oh my god this is so so late lmfao but oh well, bc i also didn’t get the rq until after new year’s anyway oops
this ended up crackier than i meant it to be but,, enjoy 🤪🤪
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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oikawa tōru
※ ok honestly,, he probably said he was posting it ironically, but deep down it was a liiiitle bit unironic. just a little.
※ this is how it went:
you *probably* had to have one of your friends convince you to just say “fuck it” & hit send. probably.
he didn’t respond immediately; the boy has lots to do !!! go easy on him
but when he did finally get a chance to check his phone & he saw your message, he definitely didn’t wanna leave you hanging any longer
so you probably got a response back after like,,, a few hours ? but he definitely responded on the same day
unless you messaged him while he was asleep—in which case you either woke up to a response or didn’t have to wait long after you woke up to get one
this is the one he posted on his story:
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※ (you KNOW he likes to keep it classy or at least that’s what he SAYS)
※ and this was your conversation:
uhhh me 😳 seen
👀👀 Oh???
i said what i said seen
you’re not the first🥰 KIDDING KIDDING
nevermind seen
cocky bitch😡 someone needs to humble u gOd seen
😔😔 if i take you out will that make up for it
yes please i would like to no longer be alive🥰 seen
NOOO like a date???? or something ...ahahah
oikawa i stg but i’ll THINK abt it seen
please say yes
miya atsumu
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this is the one he posted:
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※ it was definitely not ironic and the way he tried so hard to make it seem ironic honestly just,, made it sm worse LMFAO
※ how’d it go ??? well.
so you slid up like “🙋🏻‍♀️”
and uhh u didn’t get a response back for like,, a MINUTE
like maybe a couple hours ?? probably not more than like 2 or 3 tho
※ AND your conversation,,
ahahaa *a whole minute later*
wait like actually
uhh yeah haha seen
ohooo say less XD
dork seen
i thought u said u liked me :(
yea um,,, wanna go out for coffee sometime? seen
OH HELL YEAH oh btw i think your cute 😌
※ yes i am calling it rn i hc that he gets your/you’re mixed up sometimes
bokuto kōtarō
※ my big baby boy forgot what year it was for a hot minute and unfortunately that minute occurred when he was posting
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※ so he ended up posting this one
※ okok one of two things happened
EITHER nobody had the heart to tell him it wasn’t the end of the decade LMAO he’s baby
ORRR maybe like one or two people told him and he *meant* to take it down but then he forgot
※ and again w how it went, it coulda been two things
unless he was busy, he responded IMMEDIATELY because he was EXCITE oh my god such pretty lil human showing interest in him ???? absolutely passed out from excitement
he got scared. he got scared and then he left you on delivered for probably wayyy too long. and eventually he probably texted akaashi panicking, begging for advice, and akaashi told him he better get back to you if he didn’t want you to give up on it. and then he got even more scared. but he did text you back.
※ i’m thinking the convo went like
it’s not the end of the decade dummy but i might 👉🏽👈🏽 seen
🥺🥺 really
hehe yes seen
:))))) sent
*he leaves u on delivered for like, 10 minutes* can i take yuo on a date ***you
that sounds nice 🥰🥰 seen
so yes???
dummy ofc bo seen
※ oh my god he’s baby
kuroo tetsurō
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why does this specific pic of sonic give off literally the exact same vibe he does
※ ok tbh LMAO he’d be kinda awkward about it but like,, he wouldn’t notice
※ you, on the other hand, do notice but it’s sort of cute so do you care ?? no.
※ so,,,, he’s one of the ones that probably didn’t get back to you as soon as you’d have liked but he was actually super nice about it so yk, it’s fineee
※ and the reason he didn’t get back to you super quickly was because the boy’s got THINGS to do, like come on, he’s got his shit together (or he tries to, at least)
※ it went like this:
ahaha me 🤡 sent
*after being left on delivered for like 4 hours* hello i am so sorry i just checked my phone now but wassup babeyyy
hello seen
hello you we’re serious right? **were autocorrect
hahaha yes seen
i’m flattered 😁
ur welcome:) sent
*probably 5 minutes later* sorry um did you wanna maybe hang out some time?
nooo it’s totally fine if you don’t want to !! seen
NO I WANT TO i’m sorry i was just uh SCREAMING bc holy woah u like me back
wait HUH seen
ahahaha u bet i do babeyy
ok look ur hot but pls stop trying to talk like that it’s weird seen
don’t make me sad like that
terushima yūji
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※ cursèd
※ okok SO he either
got back to you almost immediately, and you were about to go to sleep when he did—it was probably around midnight or something?? and then you ended up staying up late talking because does this boy have a functional sleep schedule? probably not
left you on delivered for a while. but,, not on accident. no. he did it so that he could gloat about bEiNG tOo bUSy tExTiNg baCK EveRYonE ELsE WhO SLiD uP
i mean,, ok look, one or two other people probably did. but definitely not nearly as many as he’d like you to think.
cocky little bitch, even after fessing up for himself, he definitely went on about how “on god can u IMAGINE how jealous everyone’s gonna be of u”
※ the conversation proceeded as follows:
what the fuck teru you just awakened a memory i didn’t know i had  also,, me 🤮 seen
👀 u don’t have to be shy ab it i alr knew;)
👁👄👁 no u did NOT seen
mayyybe but i figured yk wit all the other people who also hit me up i’m not surprised;)
wowowow people like u??? who woulda thought seen
u apparently
can u like shut the fuck up for a minute  seen
but what if i told u its mutual😏
yeah shut the fuck UP i am screaming seen
and here’s an honorable mention that tbh i could see probably any of them posting
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general masterlist // haikyū!! masterlist
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curiousscientistkae · 3 years
oh yeah since I have new peeps here is a rundown of myshe ra kiddos +finally adding some i never talked about. Ages are just to show gaps between kids, they are not "canon". Under the cut stuff. I uh....ramble
Harper-20, eldest daughter/child. Born Feb 1st. She/Her, Demi-Bi. Heir to Brightmoon, gets called 'AJ' (Adora Jr) a lot by Glimmer since she looks and acts a lot like Adora. Has shoulder length two toned blonde hair (top half light like She-ra, bottom darker like Adora) with sparkles at the edns, sparkling purple eyes shaped like Adora's, tan skin like Glimmer, glasses, sometimes wears a hearing aid in her right ear. Has cream/purple wing markings on her back that later will turn into feathery cream wings with purple tips.
Sound based powers (cause my brain was like light and sound) but still can create light stuff they just make sounds also. Also can turn invisible. Being unable to control the powers as a toddler, she lost her hearing in her right ear. Everyone in the family knows sign language.
Smart af, witty, as the eldest of all the kids can be protective to a fault, anxious, wants to not fuck up and be a great queen. Will overwork herself and is a perfectionist, though can be forgetful. Is a great shoulder to lean on/be listened to.
Grows to 6' (she got them angella genes (who is alive in this au, not micah) and athletic build like Adora. Named to match the 'er' at Glimmer's name, her sound powers, and the Lyra constellation. Glimmer was the one to have her.
Mira-13, youngest daughter eldest twin. Born July 9th. She/Her, Lesbian, about 5 mins older than Micah. Powerless Princess. Got her great aunt and grandpa's hair color, pale skin (same as Adora), ice blue eyes shaped like Adora's, freckles on face. Usually has hair in ponytail held up by that butterfly pin from princess prom. Also almost always has a red cloak around her. Called 'Mimi'
Born with no magic and not connected to the moonstone (long story short in my au, First Ones cannot use magic without help or it will kill them. Mira got the most FO genes thus she cannot use magic. Whole ass idea i need to explore). Tries to make up for it with fighting skills. While she doesn't show it a lot, she hates the fact she is powerless and will not grow wings either.
Clever, rebellious, loves to explore. Can have a temper to her, wears her heart on her sleeve. Natural born leader. Butts heads with her mothers the most and has run away a few times (once for a very very long time heh). At the end of the day, she doesn't want to be in the shadow of anyone/wants to make her own mark.
Grows to 5'6", chubby build like Glimmer. Named to match the 'ra' in Adora's name and the 'Mi' in Micah's name. OG she was going to have healing powers before I got rid of that so it was also sort for Miracles. 'Mira' is a star, one that is an actual shooting star. Adora was the one to have her
Micah-13, youngest child only son. Born July 9th. He/Him and They/Them. Demi-Boy. Bi, about 5 mins younger than Mira. Has spell powers. Messy, chin length dark purple hair (the same shade as the bottom half of Glimmer's hair), sky blue eyes with sparkles and shaped like Glimmer's, freckles on face. Light tan skin (between his sisters). Has purple wing markings on back and later will get purple feathered wings. Called MJ (Micah Jr) or Mickey
Like his grandfather, great aunt, and Ma before him, he can use spells. Struggles with it but eventually learns he is best at defensive ones. They look up to many of the guards in the castle and wants to be one when he grows up.
Quiet, soft spoken, nervous boy. Def keeps his twin sister from doing something totally stupid. Trusting, sometimes too much, can hold grudges if wronged badly. Tries to see the best in others. Named to honor his grandfather, they want to live up to them and be a great sorcerer
Grows to 5'11, more avg/a bit stocky build. Named to match the 'Mi' with Mira and as Micah is dead in this still (i made them a long time ago) after him. Adora was the one to have them.
Scorpia's Kid
Onca-13, only child of Scorpia. Born May 4th. They/Them. Non-binary Pan. Magicat/Scorpion. OG a scorptra kid but Catra no longer with Scorpia. Has medium length snow white hair, usually in a small pony tail, light brown skin, amber eyes (only iris has the color not the whole eye). Cat fangs and white cat tail. Has those scorpion shouler pads and venom their fangs (not as strong as their mother's) and blue blood. No fur. Called 'Onc' or by Scorpia her 'Lil' Kitling'
Has electrical powers like Scorpia. Venom will only make the part they bite numb, does not fully knock anyone out. Is quick on their feet.
Laid back, quick to adapt, resting bitch face, can be a little lazy, sometimes acts without thinking, and easily distracted. Before growth spurt, they were small and grew a hatred of being seen as always needing help. Just a gentle giant really.
Grows to 6'3, strong build like Scorpia. Named after the latin species name of the Jaguar.
(i so need to work and the following kids more rip)
Robin-18, eldest son/child of Bow and Perfuma. Born March 20th, He/Him. Gay. Dark brown skin, dark brown, short hair, dark brown eyes. Wears glasses. Has plant powers. Called Robby. Heir to Plumeria.
Plant powers are a WIP kind of, might be like Perfuma or a little dif but is connected to the Runestone. Knows some archery but prefers a crossbow.
Self assured, he knows who he is and what he wants to do, fair-takes both sides of an argument into account. Is the least likely to cause shit. Can be messy and hates when his things are moved. Procrastinator.
Grows to 6', lean build. Named after both Robin Hood, the archer, and the bird
Eliza-16, only daughter. Born Sept 15th, She/Her, Aro/Ace. Dark brown skin, dark brown hair in two braids, dark brown eyes, freckles. Needs glasses but wears contacts. Powers allows her to talk to animals. Called 'Liza'.
Also connected to the runestone, Eliza and talk to animals. She actually started to talk to them before speaking to her parents. When she talks to them, to others it sounds like she is making the animal sounds.
Passionate and loves animals. While her cousin Mira puts her energy into trouble, she puts it into being outside and building things or helping her mom and dad. Hates being stuck inside. Can be whimsical. Loves to be challenged and doesn't back down from stuff, even when maybe she should. Can be a bit dense.
Grows to 5'8", lean build. Named after Eliza Thornberry.
Ash-15, youngest of their siblings. Born Nov 23rd. He/She/They genderfluid. No real label-uses queer. Medium brown skin, medium length, wavy blonde hair, dark brown eyes. Freckles. Has no powers but does not mind it at all.
Unlike his younger cousin, Mira, Ash does not care they do not have powers or are not next in line for the thorn. They are happy to just learn from their father or others. Kind of a jack of all trades.
Has a big heart and a love for all life. Once she is set on something, she sees it through to the end. Very observant of the world and what goes on in it. Can be impatient and doesn’t always take things seriously. Jokes way to often. Free-spirit
Grows to 5'10", thin build like his mom. Named after the type of tree which you could use to make a bow.
Newt-18, oldest and only son of Sea Hawk and Mermista. Born Dec 11th, Trans Man He/Him, Pan ace. Dark brown skin, dark brown eyes, short blue hair. Has no runestone powers but can still turn into a merman when in the water.
Newt was next in line for the throne but stepped down, not liking the idea of being a king. He likes to spend time at the beach, swimming, and enjoying being in the sun. Usually keeps his sisters from killing each other.
Hard worker, does not usually slack off, does hate being in the spotlight. Humble. Good at reading emotions. Can lose track of time easily. Has his mother's dry sense of humor. Will faint at the sight of blood
Grows to 5'7", build like Sea Hawk. Named for the salamander that is associate with fire. And with it being an amphibian and transitioning from one stage to another, kind of works there also.
Sandra-15, oldest daughter. Born Mar 7th, She/Her, Pan. Medium brown skin, brown eyes, dark long brown curly hair. Has water based powers (still a WIP whoops). Can turn into a mermaid when in the water.
After her brother stepped down, she is now the heir to her kingdom. Still working a bit on her powers but is connected to the runestone. FIGHTS with her sister all the time.
Very much a girly girl, loves pink, skirts, sparkles, all that jazz. Takes her role as princess seriously. Dutiful and punctual. Hates messes, likes things to be neat. Does not like things randomly being dropped on her.
Grows to 5'8", Mermista's body build. Nickname is Sandy and is called that the most. Named cause yeah....sandy.
Yamuna-12, youngest child/daughter. Born Apr 13th, She/Her, Greyromo/sexual Lesbian. Long blue hair though will dye it many colors, usually orange, light brown skin, brown eyes. Water powers. Cannot fully turn into a mermaid when in the water, just gets webbing and gills.
She can control the temperature of the water around her, freezing it or boiling it at will. Is a great sailor
Pure Sea Hawk child, pretty much his clone. Wild, hyper, will set shit on fire. Takes pride in everything she does. Will blurt out things without thinking and can be pushy. Doesn't like to be told to do things. Zero filter.
Grows to 5'2", small body build. Named after one of the largest rivers in India.
(these guys are VERY WIP so not much to them)
Ada-Entrapta child, on the younger end. Adopted, trans woman, het. Does love robots and what not, helps their mom out a lot. Probably can run on little sleep and still be fine. Name was given to me by my good friend Dorku named after Ada Lovelace, a mathematician and first computer programmer. Very close with Onca
Luka and Felix-Catra's sons, adopted. Both magicats. Catra moves away from everyone and wouldnt really come into focus until much much later when Mira runs off. Luka and Felix idk ages yet but are only a year apart in age. Luka means light (he is one of Catra's lights now) and Felix is a cartoon cat. Would become close friends with Mira later on
(im too lazy to proof lmao and free to ask questions or change stuff up lmao god)
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strigital · 3 years
Do tell about Nim, I couldn’t find much info about her through your blog and I am dying to know more about this werewolf lady
well grab a pint and sit yo booty down, cause our bard of the evening tonight is Nim and she's drunk as all hell and ready to weave some outrageous stories!! 🍻
in all seriousness, thank you for asking! 😭💗 she came about back in ye oldie days of hype over the 11th of november 2011, and since then refuses to give up the title of my fav oc!!
now, a Paarthurnax would say: lets-a go!
a quick recap of the events in Skyrim:
Naali Saryn was born sometime in 4E 130 on mainland Morrowind as a result of a quick fling between an unknown Dunmer girl and Lucien Lachance and Kassandra Saryn's (The Hero of Kvatch's) son.
Sometime in that year, the baby was found aboard a ship bound for Raven Rock and when no one came forth to claim her a couple of elderly and childless ash yam farmers decided to take her in until her family was found.
The family, of course, was never found, and so they raised her as their own for the next sixteen years. They called the girl Nim - short, sweet, meaningless, and easy to shout out into the fields where the little brat is out adventuring when the house chores are yet to be done.
Nim grew up alongside her best friend Teldryn (don't believe his tales about his past, there's a reason why he wears a helmet in his hometown). For years the kids dreamt of leaving Raven Rock behind and making it big in the big city. And idea which really annoyed Nim's ol' Nana, who believed that everything needed for a simple happy life was right here on Solstheim.
After one particularly nasty fight with Nana about the ordeal, Nim gathered a bag of things and slipped out in the dead of night to catch an early morning ship with Teldryn.
They stuck together for a while then went on their separate merry ways. He - to Blacklight, she - to Leyawiin. Once in the wild, Nim had to quickly figure out her place in the pecking order. The romantic life of crime seemed to be the most attractive for her, but getting on top could never be easy. Especially for a young, inexperienced, and naive girlie. So she ended up running with the wrong kind of crew. Ended up in some truly dark places. Barely got out alive. Learned from her mistakes. Wore the scars of abuse like armor and made sure that since that day no one in this world or any other would play her for a fool, use her or put a finger on her without her permission.
By the time she turned fifty, Nim was well known amongst certain circles as the kind of scoundrel, thief, bard, and wench one should not trifle with. But her luck had to eventually run out, and so it did on the night of the fabled Umbacano Mansion heist, which failed so badly Nim had to either leave Cyrodiil or end up in a Thalmor owned torture chamber.
Skyrim seemed like a perfect place. After all, in a kingdom torn apart by the civil war, no one would even notice yet another greyskin refugee, right? Well, the Thalmor did. And so she ended up on a cart bound for Helgen to have a date with an executioner. But then Alduin showed up to crash the party before he himself got rudely interrupted by another dragon, who swooped in to save the Last Dragonborn.
After the narrow escape, Nim concluded her duty to warn Balgruuf of the dragon threat and went on to start a new career as a merc with the Companions. She and Aela became fast friends and when the prospect of joining the Circle came up she gladly accepted a sip of her new sister's blood. To never again be helpless and weak? To rip apart any fool who'd take her for just another elf wench who can't put up a fight? Well of course it was worth giving up the ability to sleep and having to get used to all smells suddenly becoming ten times worse!
After that Mirmulnir showed up and ended up as another ornament above the throne in the Dragonsreach. And Nim got stuck with a title which she would wear with great discontent for years to come.
Eventually, she ceased trying to run away and hide from her destiny, accepted her role as the Last Dragonborn, and begrudgingly began her quest to save the world. On her journey, she met and became tight friends with Yollokmir and Alasil who taught her how to speak, fight and fly like a dragon. With their help she inherited Konahrik's legacy: his mask embued with his soul, his citadel far up in the mountains - the NebenLok Zeikangaar - and the right to revive and lead the order of dragon riders sworn to defeat Alduin - DovahDein.
As she gained power and the word of her great many deeds spread across Skyrim, she managed to get quite the following of fellow men, mer, and Dov, willing to follow her into Sovngarde and beat the hell out of Alduin. Alas, she failed. Twice.
At that point, Alasil informed her of a special someone who might be of help in their quest against Alduin and who might prove difficult to convince to join her cause. That was the first time in fifty years that Nim got to visit her home. Unfortunately, Solstheim had changed. And upon arrival, she learned that her Pa passed onto the realm of Azura soon after her departure, and her Nana... well, she wasn't young anymore and suffered greatly due to all the ash ruining her lungs... and when the islanders got called to the All-Maker stones night after night by a mysterious spell, she just worked herself to death. That was the only thing Nim wouldn't forgive Miraak for, not until he swallowed his pride and sincerely apologized for being responsible for his potential mother-in-law's death.
And with Miraak's help, they finally sent Alduin back to his Maker, enjoyed a few peaceful years until High King Ulfric became a bit drunk on his power and needed a good ass whooping as well. Then Miraak suddenly found himself as the new king and Nim... she just did her own thing. As always. The end?
Oh and all the while running about, gathering forces, growing her Dragonborn powers, hunting Dragon Priests and Alduin's henchmen, she also meddled with the Thieves Guild, put Karliah in charge and became her right hand, managed to become an advisor on all things dragon at the Mage's College, ended up teaching lute and songwriting at the Bard's College (she's taking a break since Viarmo can't seem to handle her teaching tactics), earned the title of Thane in every hold and became a good friend to the Dawnguard fellas (Isran is more than happy to teach her kids the ropes of monster hunting) after kicking Harkon's ass into Oblivion. In what little free time she has Nim also manages the Lakeview Manor and leases the ash yam farm back in Raven Rock for some extra cash. All in all, a busy woman!
and some tidbits about the dovahmom:
Although Nim is perfectly aware of her real name, she chooses to use the one given to her by Nana. Both as a sign of respect and because, frankly, she dislikes both the Sarynes and the Lachances, who are, in her humble opinion, just a bunch of pricks. Somehow, the ghost of her murdered grandad finds this opinion of hers kinda funny.
Her friends sometimes describe her as "cyrodiilic brandy in a cup of tea": she's this small elf girl with pretty blue eyes and a smile on her face and you think that she'll be very pleasant and cute and shy and then... then you realize she drinks like a sailor, swears like one too, can beat anyone into the dirt (thanks, Hircine) and doesn't take shit from nobody. She openly speaks her mind and doesn't give a shit about what someone might think of her. She does what she considers the right thing to do, never plays nice with those she dislikes, never pretends to be someone she isn't. She's feisty, sassy, brassy, and, quite honestly, just doesn't give a fuck.
Nim is in almost complete control over her inner beast, partly thanks to her draconic blood, partly - to the ring she got when she and Sinding had that little party on a moonlit night in that grotto. She only loses control over herself when both moons are full and thusly will travel deep into the wilds a few days before the magical night. This way the only people that might get hurt are bandits, necromancers, hags, and the like. She and Aela also managed to get a small werewolf pack going, named the Whitemane Pack after the old man himself and dedicated to those who wish to take control over their inner beast, hunt with honor, and cause the Silver Hand as much grief as possible.
Nim is raising Blaise and Sofie as her own since they both were just wee lil' war orphans (the babes are in their teens now). She never quite really knew why... Nim was never a wifey nor a baby momma kind of woman. In fact, she can't even have children in the first place and, honestly, always thought of this as a blessing - never having to worry about contraception like all those other girls and just having fun without a care in the world! Her friends sometimes joke around, saying that she might've finally "ripened" for the motherhood, but she doesn't care. She loves Blaise, Sofie, and Sissel (thanks, Miraak, you're so good at kidnapping children!) and is content with being their famous Dragonborn mom. Post-Alduin Miraak, however, is secretly annoyed for not being able to get her pregnant. Oh well, the man can dream...
Oh yeah! Nim plays the lute and sings too! It's a skill she picked up across taverns all over the continent when she realized that bards get free drinks and a bed, as well as ample opportunity to sniff out and seduce prey. And even though her days of hunting for good-looking rich fools are long behind her, she still performs in inns and taverns across Skyrim. Firstly, it brings in a fair amount of money, and secondly, it's good for her Voice! And also just plain and simple fun.
Also, people get terribly surprised when she, a Dunmer, doesn't act like one at all! Nim might've grown up in Raven Rock, a Dunmer settlement, but she spent the rest of her life traveling the continent and then living in Skyrim. She's more Nord-ish than some Nords! And the Nords actually really love it! It's so so easy to just get plastered with the homegirl, punch some faces and pass out on a heap of hay behind the inn, just happy to be alive on this fine snowy day. The only truly Dunmer thing about her is the occasional "n'wah!" which escapes her potty mouth. I mean, she doesn't even like sujamma all that much and would rather have a pint of mead! Whatever Ancestors she has must be spinning in their graves fast enough to generate electricity.
uuuhhh I think that's all the important stuff? i might've forgotten, in which case, I'll add it later... meanwhile, have some more Nim content:
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^^^ the fanfic is slow, but it's moving... at a snail's pace. my advice: don't expect updates, so that when they do come, you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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tigerdrop · 4 years
hey i just wanna say the long posts genuinely make my day. also can you talk more about gordon freeman character because the way you write him makes me quake in my gay little boots
i would love to talk about gordon freeman. thank u for the opportunity
the first thing i need to communicate about gordon is that this dude sucks. and i say this in the fondest way possible. he is a bitch from the moment he drops into the world until the moment he goes out. if you dont believe me, give it another watch! gordons mouthy and rude for no real reason, at least so far as “being a regular dude on his way into work” goes, and this dude goes around calling his coworkers names with zero provocation. (of course, we all know that the reason is because its a funny guy improv stream that borrows a bit from freemans mind, but im talkin from a character sense.)
but my argument isnt just that gordon freeman sucks. its that he sucks in a very specific way that i find insanely endearing. i love this dude. i love to hate him. hes awful in a very mundane sense - weve all known a guy like this, at least if youve spent too much time online - and its cathartic to watch him suffer because of it.
gordons a smart guy. as written, hes gotta be - hes a recent MIT grad, on his way to work at a top-secret research facility to do weird shit with crystals and theoretical physics. but the thing about smart guys is that theyre often......selectively intelligent. we can see this in the way that he has a hard time navigating his surroundings, and needs the science crew to guide him through it and keep him alive.
this is one of those things that is a natural consequence of somebody going through the game for the first time, but that i am interpreting as “gordon is kind of stupid sometimes”. its uncharitable but its not like he doesnt deserve it. he likes to boss around the crew as if he knows what hes doing, when he often very much does not, and is fond of demeaning their intelligence. hes real bad about this with tommy in particular, treating him like hes a kid whos playing at being a scientist when tommy is actually a decade older than him. all i am saying is that gordon ought to stay humble. hes awful cocky when he perceives himself as better than others.
which, i think, tracks with how cocky he gets when he gives up on the whole “well-meaning citizen” thing and just unloads bullets into people. he puts up a front of being a Nice Guy, you know, just some dude caught in a bad situation who doesnt like seeing his companions obliterate every NPC they come across, but that doesnt stop him from cackling like a fucking madman and mowing down aliens (and soldiers) every once in awhile. when he stops seeing himself as helpless and starts seeing himself as the one in control, the gloves come off. he gets mean. and i think thats very sexy of him
this, among other things, is why i am insistent that gordon freeman is a control freak. he desperately wants to be in control of the situation at all times, shepherding around the science crew primarily by bitching at them, but its of limited success. its futile. sisyphean. tommy, coomer, bubby, and benrey exist almost to torment him with exactly the thing that would make him suffer the most: a gaggle of people running around causing problems for him, but he cant go anywhere without them b/c hes reliant on them to make it out alive.
its perpetual suffering, and its cathartic to watch. and funny, too. and if youre a little weirdo like me, its very, very enjoyable. how twisted up he gets when nobodys listening to him! how sweaty and frazzled he must look. its cute, and it also makes me want to reach through the screen and shake him and tell him to just be a little nicer. he wants control but he doesnt know how to attain it, he doesnt know how to play nice like a real leader. i think its a neat contrast to gordon freeman as we know him in HL2, where he literally is the leader of the resistance and has to live up to it. this is gordon freeman but if he was moe through helplessness.
“helpless” is, i think, a great way to describe him. a core bit of imagery in half life is this sense of railroadedness and helplessness, with gordon freeman being put into play like a chess piece and having no choice but to move forward. and this iteration of gordon leans into that by being totally dependent on the science crew in order to make progress and Not Die. and hes also subject to the whims of benrey, local eldritch weirdo who has basically made it his life mission to fuck with gordon.
gordons anxieties dont help with that. if he wasnt so fun to stress out and fuck with, the science crew probably wouldnt do it so much! too bad for him that they like fucking with him so much that he was driven into a panic attack (multiple times, even, depending on your interpretation). hes got that real neurotic mindset. always worrying about shit that could go wrong, and attempting to exert control over his surroundings in an effort to control the anxiety.
IMO the real way to nail the Neurotic Gordon Freeman Experience is to combine the ever-present anxiety with his pervasive sense of self-loathing. he openly states that he has no friends and nobody seems to like him, and to that, i really gotta say, i wonder why. he doesnt really seem to factor in that hes kind of a bitch, and has way too high an estimation of his own intelligence relative to everybody elses. its really one of the worst ways to be: aware that people dont like you, but unaware of exactly why. if he was like, 10% nicer, he probably wouldnt have had half as many issues getting through black mesa, but also, its funny to see him squawking his way through the game. so, you know.
its stuff like that that makes me headcanon him as a dude with low self-esteem in general. convinced that hes not likable, not attractive, out of his element......impostor syndrome, except that theres some truth to it. this is a guy who truly does not realize how good he has it: he really is just an average shitty dude, and yet, somehow, benrey took a shine to him. some poor motherfucker out there actually likes him and wants to suck his dick. thats dedication
also, i keep bringing up “repression” when i talk about gordon. and hopefully, what ive been talking about helps explain why. he has a strong desire to be a regular dude, not just murdering his way through black mesa, but if hes pushed hard enough he leans into it. gets bossy. picks up a cigar off a dead soldier and takes a long drag, before smacking forzen around with a pistol and ordering him around. gordon freeman is a regular, kind of anxious guy who likes competitive swimming and streaming on justin.tv and making anime references, and he is also a guy who takes a filthy pleasure in making a trained soldier his bitch. and i didnt make up any of this shit - this is purestrain canon, baby. this is a guy with problems
to me, this screams the kind of guy who represses a lot of shit b/c he doesnt feel like its morally decent. you run into this guy a lot online: the wokeboy, the online leftist, the guy who spends too much time on social media websites. (like reddit. i think he would actively use reddit and he would never get any appreciable amount of karma but he never stops posting. its sisyphean! cathartic.) from the way he talks about “bootboys”, i think it tracks. he knows about imperialism, he knows about feminism, but at the end of the day hes your average american white dude who struggles with internalizing it.
a lot of those dudes struggle with sex and gender issues. (dont we all.) when youre trying to be a Good Person(tm), you spend a lot of time thinking about your own relationship to sex and kink and all that shit. and i maintain that a too-online dude who buries a lot of his control freak tendencies would also try to bury a lot of weird sexual shit in an attempt to seem Normal and Well-Adjusted and not like a little freak. i justify this by the sheer number of times gordon blurts out weird sex shit as a joke. there are only two outcomes to making that many piss jokes: either youre secretly a piss guy, or you lathe-of-heaven yourself into becoming one. i will stand by this
ive talked a lot about why this dude sucks. now, let me talk to you about what makes gordon so much fun to write. first things first: hes funny! a subjective evaluation, yeah, but both in- and out-of-character, hes aiming to be funny. and being the straight man to everybody else plays into that whole “helplessness” thing.
secondly: underneath it all, there is a good dude under there. gordon worries when his companions get hurt, he tries to clean them off and patch them up, and hes got his lil leftist heart in the right place. you could even read a lot of his bossy, bitchy demeanor as him wanting to make sure everyone gets out okay and doesnt hurt themselves. when it comes to animals and anti-imperialist sentiment, gordons a pretty good guy.
hes the kind of guy who would probably see a dog on the street and get excited and play with it, but would get really prickly about the correct way to put dishes in the dishwasher. control freak tendencies.
finally, subjecting such a miserable, tormented guy to even more psychological anguish is really, really fun. you feel a little bad for him, but he kind of deserves it. so many problems he goes through are purely of his own making, and if gordon would just relax and quit trying to hard to maintain control - of himself, of the people around him - and own up to having Problems and Issues, he would be a happier guy. but thats why its fun to bend him until he breaks. being a little control freak myself, putting gordon freeman thru psychosexual torment is cathartic.
when it comes to writing his thought processes, the fact that he is canonically some kind of psychotic (yes, i am boldly claiming this. suck me) and i am also canonically some kind of psychotic makes it easier to write what i think his thought processes are. i just give him my brain issues of “getting lost in thought” and “overthinking fucking everything”. a touch of paranoia helps. even if i dont explicitly label him as schizophrenic please know that i am writing him as a paranoid little nutcase at all times because, uh, you write what you know.
paranoid. anxious. of the mindset that everyones out to get him (which isnt helpful when everyone is out to get him). repressed and deeply Not Normal but trying so very fucking hard to be normal and well-adjusted. a control freak with sadistic tendencies who also really, really likes getting bullied by his best frenemy. a hapless little nerd who sounds really cute when his voice starts to break from nerves. and, most importantly, a dumb jock. do not ever forget this.
thats gordon freeman, babey. hope that helps
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The kids pt 2
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BB: we're back all you weirdos that enjoy senpai's blog! Here again to show you the kiddos with this convoluted lore dump of post Chaldea life for senpai and his family!
Mari: please, stop talking in such a stupid way...
BB, ignoring her: a lots happen since the last time we did this! We even learned where lovely lil Maria's name came from. And daaaaww, wasn't that a sweet story?
Ed: BB, can we please get started? Sis is eyeing that water bottle and I'm afraid of what she'll do with it and our computer if you don't hurry.
BB: fine fine! Dang Mari you are just no fun huh? Anyways, just like before we're discussing the others who got a second chance at life and how they're viewed through the eyes of these two! So who first? How about, my lil darlings! The first 3 members of the Sakura 5!
Mari: why only the first 3?
BB: spoilers!
Mari: stupid. Well we've seen that Melt became a famous ice skating performer. We don't see her much but the few times we do it's pretty nice.
Ed: sometimes she acts like a big shot celebrity out in the open, but she seems more humble around us.
BB: yeah, that's melty for ya. I gave her a good amount of tsun! Have you seen the picture of her before this tho?
Mari: yeah... pretty weird. Why did you give her huge blades for legs and no hands?
BB: I guess it's just a part of my twisted lil personality!
Ed: and you wonder why Mom wants you gone from our computers.
Mari: and Lip seems happy, she's found love with someone, and her partner seems to truly love her. So that's nice.
Ed: and she's changed even more from before. No huge metal claws and a slimmer body.
Mari: again, wtf BB?
BB: pls stop asking me questions.
Ed: and Protea is also happily in a more normal body then before. But for her it was just too big.
Mari: she still acts like a Kaiju sometimes.
BB: yes, those three are in such happy lives. As their mother I'm so happy for them.
Mari: stop lying or I'm pouring root beer all over the computer.
BB: do not! Moving devices is a pain in the ass!
BB: *sigh* anyways, whose next? Hmmm... what about lil miss Gorgon?
Mari: we don't see her much, the only times we do she's forcefully dragged by mom and her friends.
Ed: and she's always hiding her face and such. She has self esteem issues for some reason.
BB: yeah, and those reasons are called "Stheno" and "Euryale"
Mari: such shitty sisters. Where do they get off messing with 'Dusa about her height?
BB: who knows?
Ed: she isn't even that tall... mom's taller and she's never self conscious.
BB: have you not heard the heaps of praise your father gives her about that?! It's so much I get sick hearing it!
Mari: oh be quiet! What I wouldn't give to have such a beautiful relationship!
Ed: woah! This is the first time hearing you say something like that!
Mari: ...well yeah... when I was young I kinda did that silly kid thing of being grossed out by their affection. It was so much I honestly thought they overdid it in front of us just to mess with us. But growing up... and seeing them still like that and the old videos from Chaldea and how everyone else talks about them... that's real genuine love! I hope one day to find a partner like that.
Ed: yeah, I'm so happy we were born into a genuinely loving family! Sometimes I hear stories of kids born because their parents thought it'd save their relatives, when they should've gone to therapy or something instead!
BB: this conversations nice and all but can we get back on topic? It's almost time for you to walk the lil mutts.
Mari: right... now who?
BB: well speaking of mutts, what about that lil dog Lobo?
Ed: lil!? He's huge! Biggest wolf I've ever seen!
Mari: and they said he was bigger back in chaldea too! Like holy crap!
BB: yeah, he got huge.
Mari: now he's at this wolf sanctuary and seems to be fine with humans now.
Ed: yeah, and he's found a nice mate again. White just like La Blanca!
Mari: you think he used his grail wish to be reunited with her? And she's the same wolf?
BB: why wouldn't that be cute? Anyways, let's do one last servant. Hmmm... actually! Why don't you talk about your dear 'ol mother?
Mari: mom? OK, I guess technically that'd fit.
Ed: well after she reincarnated she became a famous luchadora! She was an unstoppable force in the ring!
Mari: yeah, she was unbeatable! Never suffering a single defeat for her whole career!
BB: buuuuut! She retired! Care to say why?
Ed: well... after she became pregnant with us... she had to leave the ring.
Mari: and... the responsibility of taking care of us didn't allow for time to return to fighting... so she hasn't come back since.
BB: yeah, that's the thing about childcare, it can get in the way of other things.
???: BB, you better not be messing with the children!
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Mari: oh hey mom!
Ed: what's going on?
Quetz: it's time to walk the dogs, come on your father's already outside!
Mari: crap! Sorry!
Ed: we're going now!
After the kids went out, Quetz had more words for the ai.
Quetz: you just can't help but try to mess around huh?!
BB: all I did was tell the truth! Can't control their reactions!
Quetz: do this again and I'm burning every device you've been in! I don't care if we lose some data, you're gone if you go too far!
BB: fine! Don't need to take it that far!
Quetz: this is you were dealing with here
Rex, from outside: mi corazon! Come on!
Quetz: coming!
Quetz then goes outside to join the family
A/N: more of the kiddos. Along with what Quetz got up to in between this and Chaldea. BB can get a bit too Mischievous at times.
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @nureenarts @kierakaz @valiantstrawberrymilk
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leia-organa-fics · 4 years
aftermath (part II)
You can find part I here.
The next day, two days since their argument, Han was on his shift in the cockpit. He watched the stars pass by as white beams of light. Even after all these years, the sight still enthralled him. As a kid, he´d always dreamed about flying to the stars. Back then, it had been nothing more than a wistful dream – so out of reach that people had laughed at him when he had uttered it out loud. His mother had been the only one who hadn´t laughed. More than that, she had encouraged him. She had told him that one day, he would get out of Corellia´s slums, that he was meant for more than the hopeless existence there. Then, she had died.
In the years that Han had spent as a smuggler, he had always felt like he had betrayed her somehow. She had thought he was meant for something more, but he wasted his life as a criminal … not even an all that good one, as the incident with Jabba´s spice showed. No. That was his bad mood talking. That hadn´t been his fault. But he had to deal with the consequences. By now, the bounty on his head was astronomically high, and he had no way of paying it.
He had given the reward money for rescuing Leia back. It hadn´t felt right to take it. No one should suffer what Vader and Tarkin had put her through. He had the feeling that she would have welcomed death … taking money for rescuing her wouldn´t have felt right in any case, but it especially didn´t because he had only arrived after her torture and Alderaan´s destruction. Had it even been a rescue or a sentence to a life filled with vengeance? He didn´t know, didn´t want to know.
In any case, the result was that he didn´t have the money to pay Jabba back. Maybe the reward for their little trip to the remains of Alderaan would be enough, he thought sardonically.
Ironically, that was the moment that the princess chose to interrupt his thoughts. He knew it was her the minute the doors opened. Chewie had gone to bed only two hours ago, there was no chance that he was already up again after his long shift in the cockpit.
She stood in the door for a couple of seconds, long enough to irritate Han. What did she want? Why did she have to search him out in the one place he felt absolutely free?
After several seconds in which none of them uttered a sound, she finally demanded, “What is your problem?”
Han was taken aback by the aggression in her voice. He turned around to face her. “What is my problem?”
“Yes. What is your problem? Ever since we changed our course to Alderaan you´ve been sulking.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “If you really didn´t want to take me there, I could have found someone else.”
He glared at her. “That is not what this is about.”
“What is it about then? Why are you being so difficult?”
“Why do you care?”
“Because we´re stuck on this tiny freighter of yours for at least another week and you´re being insufferable.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, sweetheart,” Han answered sarcastically, “but there´s no board service included in the price.”
Realisation dawned on her face. “You´re offended because I offered to pay you for taking me to Alderaan?” When he didn´t answer and only gritted his teeth, she continued, “Really? You´re a smuggler, I thought this is what you do. Transport things for money. Certainly, the Rebellion is paying you for taking me to Kowak.”
Han turned away. “You should leave. I need to concentrate on flying if you don´t want us to end up as stardust.” It was a cheap excuse, but he hoped that she would get the hint. Of course, she didn´t. Or she just didn´t care.
“We´re in hyperspace. There´s nothing you need to do.”
When Han continued to stubbornly face away from her, she added, “It wasn´t my intention to offend you. You´ve been a huge asset to the Rebellion and I am grateful.”
At that, Han turned around. “An asset?” he spat. “Can you tune that princess talk down for even a second or is that impossible for you? I´m not a kriffing asset.”
“What are you then?”
“I thought I was on the way to being your friend, but you made it pretty clear that for you, a guy like me can be nothing more than an asset.”
The princess looked downright stunned. “I … ,” she started.
Han shook his head and faced the controls again. For him, the conversation was over. He had already said more than he had wanted to and Leia´s silence didn´t need any explanation. Yet another pang of hurt shot through his chest when he heard the door close behind her. He had allowed himself to get too close and made a complete fool out of himself in the process. He should have known that something like this would happen.
 A day later, Leia searched him out again in the cockpit.
This time, she didn´t directly speak but just stared at him. The intensity of her gaze made Han uncomfortable. He felt like she was looking right through all of his defences and was afraid he wouldn´t live up to what she hoped to see. He shifted around but didn´t want to be the one to break the silence. She had come to him, so it should be her who spoke first.
“I´m sorry,” she suddenly said. For a moment, Han thought he had imagined it. The sincerity in her eyes and the way she worried her bottom lip told him otherwise.
“What for?”
“You were right yesterday. We are friends. I shouldn´t have insinuated that the only thing you care about is money.”
“Okay,” he said and meant it. “I forgive you.”
“Just like that?” She looked at him incredulously.
“Just like that.” Han threw her a lopsided grin. “I dunno if you noticed, sweetheart, but I don´t exactly have enough friends to be choosy.”
She smiled back. “Neither do I.”
“Lucky me.”
At that, her expression turned – for lack of a better, more princess-y word – cheeky. “You really are. Lucky, that is. Not everyone gets the privilege of befriending royalty, I´ll have you know.”
Han just snorted. “I´ll try to remember that, princess.”
“Can I join you?” she suddenly asked and nodded to Chewie´s chair.
Outwardly Han just shrugged, but inwardly he was pleased by her request. “Sure,” he said. “The chair might be a lil´ big for you though.”
“I´m used to it.” With those words, she sat down next to him.
“You are rather small.”
“We can´t all be freakishly tall.”
Han smirked. “There´s nothing freakish about me.”
“I beg to differ,” Leia answered.
“Never thought I´d see you beg.”
She threw him an exasperated look. “You know what I meant.”
“Sorry to disappoint, sweetheart, but not everyone had a private tutor for semantics as a child.”
“Actually, it was a course, and it was called ‘Oratory and Rhetoric’”.
Han laughed at that. “Of course, it was.”
A comfortable silence fell over them, as they both stared out at the stars. Han couldn´t help feeling glad that Leia was there. Even though he had grown used to hours of solitude in the cockpit and found peace in them, it often was stifling to be all alone with his thoughts. Besides, there was a strange intimacy about spending time with someone in silence. Talking was easy. Han was good at it – especially when he wanted to infuriate people. Silence though was harder. It meant basking in the physical presence of someone without the distraction of words.
With Leia, somehow it seemed almost easy.
 The next day, they arrived at the asteroid field that had once been Alderaan. Han watched as Leia stared out of the window wide-eyed. She didn´t seem able to comprehend what was happening, what it was that she saw just now.
Han and Chewie shared a look over her head. Should they leave her alone or stay with her? On the one hand, it was a deeply private moment that neither of them wanted to intrude on. On the other hand, though, Leia might need people with her to show her that she wasn´t alone … After some more seconds, Chewie patted Leia on the head and softly roared something before leaving the cockpit. Han wasn´t even sure if she realized it. Her thoughts seemed to be miles away.
Still, he translated, “He said that he´s sorry for your loss and that he will wait in the lounge to give you some privacy. Call if you need anything.”
She nodded absentmindedly.
Han studied her. He could only see her side profile, but he was pretty sure that there were tears glistening in her eyes. “Would you like me to go, too?” he asked hesitantly.
At that, Leia tore her gaze from the sight outside and looked at him. She seemed to ponder his question. Finally, she bit her lip and said, “Would you stay? Please?”
Han nodded. “Of course.”
“Thank you.” She shot him a grateful look before returning to staring at the destroyed planet in front of her.
Han followed her lead. The asteroids around them were moving slowly. Now and again, the ship shuddered as one of them collided with it. Without the shields, they would have already been crushed numerous times. There was no way, anyone in the atmosphere could have survived. The extent of destruction was humbling and terrifying all at the same time. Was life even worth anything if it could be wiped out so easily? So careless? One man had given a command and now billions of beings were just gone. Han couldn´t wrap his head around it. How could anyone be that evil?
He wasn´t big on ethics or philosophy, and he certainly wasn´t religious, but the one ethical concept he had always sympathised with was the Reverence for Life which, ironically, had been coined by an Alderaanian ethicist. Yes, sometimes killing was necessary, and Han had even done it a few times when in retrospect it might not have been, but that didn´t change his inner belief that all life was precious and of the same value. The Imperial discrimination of non-human species had never sat right with him – even before meeting and starting to love Chewie. Now, it seemed the Empire didn´t even care for humans anymore. If they didn´t care for anyone, what did they care about? What did Palpatine care about?
Power, probably. And his own life. That was it.
Han had seen a lot of death and tragedy in his life. He had seen a lot of evil. Still, nothing came close to this one act of destruction, and he couldn´t comprehend how anyone could be that evil.
The Alderaani had been known for their peaceful way of living. They had never openly defied the Empire. Most of its citizens had probably never even done it in secret. They had been innocent, oblivious even. In addition, Alderaan had been a prosperous Core World, an exporter of many treasured goods. None of it, neither the moral nor the economic reasons, had stopped the Empire from destroying it.
Han felt anger bloom in his chest. He was angry about their absolute disregard for life and the pointlessness of the whole act, but mostly he was angry because in the face of sorrow on such a large scale he felt helpless. There was nothing he – or anyone – could do to make this better or even just to lessen Leia´s pain.
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. She was openly crying now. It was probably a good thing that she finally let her feelings out instead of repressing them, but the sight of her so shattered still tucked at Han´s heartstrings. No one should have reason to be that devastated.
Somehow, she seemed to sense his thoughts. “I think I´m ready to be alone for a little while,” she said. Her voice was so steady; if Han hadn´t seen her tears, he would have never guessed that she was crying.
“Alright,” he replied. “Me ´n Chewie will be in the lounge if you need anything.”
With those words, he left the cockpit and joined Chewie at the darjik table. He was greeted with an accusing roar.
“She wanted to be alone,” he defended himself. “I told her, we´d be right there in case she needed anything.”
Chewie made an approving sound, before suggesting a match of darjik. Han declined. He didn´t particularly fancy having his arms pulled off and more importantly, his thoughts were still racing.
Seeing the remains of Alderaan made him think of the Death Star. He, Han Solo, had played a part in destroying it. He´d done the right thing, for the first time since rescuing Chewie, he´d done the right thing and come back for Luke. Maybe that was a sign. Maybe his mother hadn´t been wrong after all.  
But keeping it that way would mean staying with the Rebellion … Was he ready to take that risk? Compared to the Empire, the Rebels had never been a big military force, but from what he´d heard, they had lost almost three-fourths of their ships in the last two weeks – first in the Battle of Scarif and then in the Battle of Yavin. And as if that wasn´t enough, they didn´t even have a base anymore. Kowak was merely a remote planet that they could – hopefully – orbit without the Empire finding them. All in all, the Rebellion didn´t even stand the ghost of a chance against the Empire. What was the point of fighting against those odds?
At a loss for an answer, he voiced that question out loud.
Chewie´s reply came promptly and decisively. Hope. People like Luke and Leia kept on fighting because they had hope. Chewie held on to his family and friends on Kashyyk because he had hope. The answer was as disappointing as it was simple. Han was many things, full of hope wasn´t one of them. He was willing to take huge risks, used to it even, but that had nothing to do with hope and everything with his devil-may-care attitude. In his life there had been so many times when a tomorrow had seemed out of reach that he had simply stopped worrying about the future. What good was it to agonize about something one might never have?
Just because he didn´t expect a frilly, happy future without the Empire to happen anytime soon, didn´t mean he couldn´t stick around a little longer though, did it? Hope might not be something that could be learned, but it could be inspired. And who was better for that job than their two bright-eyed companions from the Death Star? After all, Leia had already lit that spark in him once when he had decided to come back and help. And it had been a good feeling. Warm and connecting, it had felt a lot like purpose. Han could use some more of that. Maybe …
“What do you say to sticking around a lil´ longer?” he asked.
Chewie´s answering roar could definitely be called enthusiastic. Even though Chewie hadn´t said anything before, Han should have expected it. Defeating the Empire was the only way to free Lumpy and Malla …
“Alright, pal. Then let´s stay a little longer and hope it doesn´t get us killed.” Especially, the last part. Staying with the Rebellion was one thing, dying for it a completely different one.
Before he could get lost in his thoughts again, Leia hectically entered the lounge. “The proximity alarm just went off,” she stated.
You can find part III here.
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kawaiijellymonster · 3 years
So I’ve got a note in my notes app called “Fanfic lines that should be in a hall of fame” and it’s gotten pretty long so I figure I’ll toss it on here so yall can enjoy it, most of them are: mha, zukka, miraculous ladybug, harry potter, and I think one is from a comment on a hannibal amv, But here you go:
Stain sold papers because he just had an aura about him that drew people in, like people who slow down to look at car crashes.
“The Rumor Come Out: Does Todoroki Shoto is Gay?”
Izuku spent the next week going to his normal martial arts classes, studying, and drinking gallons of coffee. Not healthy but he could deal with it. His body was never meant to be permanent.
So no one was watching when Mei placed her forehead against his, breath fanning across his face as she spoke. "Wake up Loki… the world needs you."
“No probs ‘lil listener!” Hizashi said, striking a dramatic pose. “I’ll be your DJ all through the night, bringin’ you such rockin’ hits as safety, security and sweet dreams!”
“This is stupid! Screw the waiting and screw these stupid butterflies. They're not paying rent, the little shits--”
Experimenting with unstable genetic mutant abominations is more of an art than a science, really."
Several looks pass across both their faces. “No flying for a month,” Sirius declares. That sucks, actually. But he’s also a hundred percent certain he can get them to cave on that in two weeks tops. “Okay. Is that for the breaking into the Ministry, destroying the Department of Mysteries, making a bargain with Voldemort, or bringing all my friends with me?” “It’s for recklessly endangering your own life again,” Remus says, “and while the punishment very much doesn’t fit the crime, we’re a bit at a loss for what else to do.” “It wasn’t reckless!” he protests. “We had a plan and everything, and we even brought an adult! An adult Order member! Also what else were we supposed to do, let Snape die?” Sirius takes a deep breath, but Remus steps on his foot before he can put it in his mouth. “Which is why you’re only getting flying privileges taken away and not thrown in a cell in Azkaban for our sanity and your safety.” As if any cell could hold him. “I accept your terms.”
“Who’s Theophania?” Sirius asks. Harry hesitates. Perhaps bringing her up was his smartest decision, strategically speaking. “If I tell you you’re not allowed to throw me in Azkaban. Or ground me.” “This isn’t a negotiation,” Sirius repeats. If Blaise has taught him anything, it’s that everything is a negotiation. “She’s a friend.” “And?” Sirius repeats. Remus suddenly grabs onto Sirius’s shoulder, “Wait. Petrifying - during your second year - is Theophania - she’s not the basilisk.” “No, they killed it,” Sirius says automatically. Harry remains silent. “Harry!” He rubs his nose. “It turns out I’m not that good at killing things. Unkilling things, however? My specialty.”
“It’s okay,” Nanaia says, “you don’t know. What do you do when you don’t know something?” “Try something you do know and hope it doesn’t make everything worse?” For some reason, Horace looks sad at that answer, and Dumbledore shifts from one foot to the other. “No,” she says, “you ask for help.” Oh.
“It’ll piss off your son,” he answers bluntly. “Fuck that kid,” Riddle Sr. says
“You played me!” “Like a cheap kazoo”
Batman sighed, before speaking in a voice that was so unlike his usual growl that most of the other League members almost fell out of their chairs. Diana and Clark seemed to be used to it. “Damian,” he started. His voice was still deep, but a regular-deep, instead of I-just-swallowed-six-buckets-of-gravel deep.
“She loved James too,” she assures, and the confidence she says that with allows him to breathe, like someone has let go of his lungs. “It is possible to love more than one person at the same time. She loved your father with the type of love that’s – that was like a shooting star, burning and bright and touching everyone around them. Her love for Severus was different, and in the end it wasn’t the type of love either of them could handle.”
You’re better at it now then many people are after leaving a full apprenticeship, and you’ve only had a year of lessons a couple of times a week instead of years of intensive study. Do you know why that is?” “Luck?” he offers weakly. For some reason, he doesn’t like the direction this is going in. “No,” she says. “To be good at healing, the way you are, the way I am, you need a certain combination of things. Intelligence, power, control, but more than that. Stubbornness, a tricky balance of flexibility and inflexibility, and a constant, brutal assessment over your own skills. And something else.” “A propensity towards poor life choices?” he suggests. Poppy shakes her head, not taking the bait. “No. You have to care. You have to care about everyone, even people you dislike, and you have to care so much that if feels like it’s killing you, you have to care and that care has to hurt, until the only thing that hurts worse than caring is not caring. To be good at this, you have to let it hurt you.”
“You two shouldn’t have bothered dressing formally for Albus, he’s a bitch.” Harry doesn’t have any idea what’s going on, but he’s loving it.  
“It was on the syllabus,” Zuko whispered conspiratorially to his mother. Sokka gasped. “You know I don’t read those!” “This is your own fault then.” “I like to be surprised. The procrastination keeps me humble.”
sometimes you remind me of the stars youre gorgeous and happy and can always brighten me on the darkest days and even when youre dampened you can guide me home
“imagine you are the only person who loves to play chess more than anything but nobody else in the world has ever heard about chess. and then you see a person holding a chessboard. it’s like your whole world was reborn”
"I wanted to be a stripper in middle school," Izuku said. Yup, that's a good cover.
What you’re asking for isn’t fair or right. You can’t ask a person for more than they’re willing to give
In Mei’s words, “You have about five minutes of ‘fuck that one thing in particular.’ Make them count.”
“Mei, let me introduce your new best friend. This is Momo. She has a Quirk that lets her make anything as long as she knows its composition inside and out. All you have to do is buy her dinner,“ Izuku said,
The cameras were looped. The bots were hacked. It was a good day to be a villain.
“None. The alarm never left the building.” “Really? Why is that?” “Mei finished first and decided to do you a favor. However, you've got the fire alarm just starting to go off and that's on a different circuit. Take a fast way down.” “Understood,” Hitoshi drawled. A moment later he was looking back at the crew. “Ladies and Frenchman. We take the express.”
Quinn is talking like that actually answers his question when it really, really doesn’t. “If you don’t start making sense, I’ll cry.”
“You’re one of my best students,” ze says. “You should understand the importance of timing. Speaking of, you’re late for your next class.”
Fuck, he totally is. “Thank you for that very confusing answer. I’ll think of you while crying myself to sleep.”
He’d wondered if that was what bravery was, to be quiet even when you were hurting so much you wanted to scream.
maybe bravery was also running screaming at the thing that nearly killed you, to keep it from killing someone else.
“Apologies are not difficult. Good apologies revolve around three basic points. One, I acknowledge what I did was wrong. Two, I regret that you were harmed. Three, this is how I plan to make sure it does not happen again. That’s all. Apologies are easy.” Then she’d glanced at them all again, evaluating. “And if you become very, very good at your job... they will be the absolute hardest thing you ever do.”
“Even though we’re a bunch of migraine-inducing hellions who are smart enough to know when something is a bad idea and stupid enough to still do it?”
“You’re like the nice china that Al only brings out for Christmas. Except Bruce just realised that I stole it, and chipped it. Maybe it’s time I give it back before I shatter all the pieces.”
she won’t co-parent my perfectly reasonable and well-behaved children.” Clark snorts. “Damian’s trying to stab Tim, right now.”
"Oh, my knight in shining armour. What would I do without you?" the teen droned, placing a dramatic hand on her head. 
"I think you mean 'knight in shining leather', M'Lady. And without me, you would be left alone in this kingdom of lies.”
"It's a kingdom, alright. It'll topple sooner or later." "That's the spirit!" Adrien laughed.
Here’s something that a harbinger of tragedy would never find the courage to admit: there are moments in between the bitter self-hatred and the visceral, tangible consequences of your sins in which you almost think you’re worthy of forgiveness; of second chances; of a life beyond your greatest regrets. It’s a unique brand of pain,
“Go directly to horny jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.”
“You can’t wait around for him to be sorry,” Izuku says. He’s quiet now. This isn’t something that’s meant to be shouted. “Maybe he’ll never be sorry. Maybe he doesn’t know he did anything wrong, or he doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter.” Cautiously he takes a step forward. “You can’t depend on the people who hurt you to be the ones to make it better, or it’s never going to get better. They’ll only disappoint you, or hurt you even worse, and then they’ll be gone and you’ll be waiting forever.”
Midoriya may be strong as hell, but that just means looking out for him has to be a team effort.
How would his new adoring fans react if they knew he raised a villain? He's no All-Might. His pillar's made of toothpicks, and it's not gonna take much to crack it.”
Tensei approaches Rei, “Okay, this plan is childish, unprofessional, and a discourtesy to this school's reputation. That being said, when do we nail the little twat?
Hinata is dead. Deceased. Passed away, laid to rest with a headstone that reads Here Lies Hinata Shouyou, Killed By A Wink And A Blown Kiss.
It’s dangerous to be a bad father when you have life insurance
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mizzprouds · 4 years
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Get to know PENELOPE “PENNY” PROUD who is often mistaken for DIAMONTE “SAWEETIE” HARPER. People say she reminds them of PENNY PROUD from THE PROUD FAMILY. 
the little things. 
hometown: wizville, corona
birthday: august 12 / 25 (leo) 
occupation: employee at the sugar rush arcade, aspiring singer/rapper & soon to be ceo of viperion records. 
education: senior at corona college
extracurriculars/things she’s a part of: member of the roller derby team. on the soccer and basketball teams. the first girl to be on the varsity football team. part of gaming squad. prescott’s acting class 
Penny first starts dancing when she’s seven years old. She signs up for a talent show at the Wizard Kelly community center. Another group of kids were thinking of doing a dance to Independent Woman by Destiny’s Child and she joins their group. They lose the talent show in the end but she had fun. 
Shortly after this she begs her parents to sign her up for dance classes. At first Oscar is adamant that he’s not wasting money on dance lessons, even when her mom tries to reason with him. In the end Suga Mama ends up paying for the dance classes. 
It’s no secret that Penny is extremely close to her beloved grandma. Often times when she couldn’t see eye to eye with her parents she’d go to Suga Mama’s house for some clarity. Suga Mama always found a way to meet Penny in the middle and provide her with the guidance and wisdom she needed to make the right choice. Suga Mama’s house was also the birth place of her love for music.
Uncle Bobby, who still lived with Suga Mama after his own music career failed, would never know what to do with his frustrated niece when she’d come by looking for a reprieve from her parents. All Bobby knew was music and the way it healed, and so he’d put on his old records and they’d dance around the house until there was nothing but smiles and good vibes.
Bobby insists on teaching Penny how to play at least one instrument. She initially has no interest in learning the guitar or piano. The music she likes is heavy with bass and 808s. But then she hears Fallin’ by Alicia Keys and she changes her tune. Penny dedicates every bit of free time she has to learning how to play. She never gets to be as good as Alicia Keys, but she can read sheet music and has an easier time composing because of it and that’s helped her exponentially in her studies. 
The first song Penny ever performs by herself is One, Two Step by Ciara. She choreographs a dance to it with the help of some of her dance class friends, and she even copies Ciara’s outfit from the video. Her mother loves to show everyone the tape of the performance any chance she can. If you’re invited to the Proud house chances are you’ve seen that video and Penny hates it. 
Avid Hip Hop Helicopter fanatic. It being the island’s version of TRL, Penny would rush home so she could catch the video countdowns and special performances. She rewatches her favorite videos and tries to mimic everything the artist does. One time her father caught her trying to do the ‘Check On It’ choreography. He took away her TV privileges for five months. 
Growing up in the Proud household was never easy. Penny and her father have never been able to see eye to eye on literally anything, and Trudy could be just as hard to deal with as Oscar at times. Penny often felt trapped under her parents set ways, and there was never any chance of expressing those frustrations out of fear of her parents taking it as disrespect. What her parents didn’t seem to understand was the tighter the leash the more willing she was to pull on it. Penny knows she gave her parents their fair share of headaches with how often she snuck out of the house and disobeyed their wishes, but she just couldn’t help it. She was young and curious. Hell, she still is. She was always a good kid at her core though, and she tried her best. Her dad just never seemed to see it that way. 
Their fighting turned to near radio silence over the years, especially now that she’s away from home. She understands his feelings ultimately, and misses him of course, but she’s not necessarily sure she wants to be the one to make amends. Or even how to go about it. Penny feels as if she’s always the one bending over backwards for her father and he never once tries to see things from her point of view. She’s a little tired of constantly being the bigger person in their relationship.
Penny and Oscar are cut from the same cloth. Theyre both hard headed, passionate, persistent and stubborn. It’s the main reason why they can’t see to eye to eye. She thinks he’s overbearing, annoying and unbearable, and no matter how much she loves him she can’t change the fact that in the end she can’t stand him most of the time (when she’s not getting her way.). Trudy has once implied that Penny and her father have a hard time with each other because they’re so similar and Penny did not take it well. So, never compare her to her dad. Ever.
Boy! Crazy! Mostly when she was a teenager. Oscar banned her from dating until she was his age, and Penny never listened to a single thing he ever had to say. You could always catch her chatting up the cutest boys at the mall or at school. She’s still a little stuck in the habit of having to keep her relationships a secret. It takes her a while to feel comfortable posting a significant other on social media out of fear her father will see. 
Penny was originally on the high school cheerleading team, but she realized she much rather preferred football. Getting into football was literally just because one of the boys said girls are too weak for football, and if there’s one thing about Penny; she’s not going to be underestimated. 
Not the best driver. In fact, one would argue she’s a terrible driver. She failed her drivers test three times. She’s easily distracted. If the radio is on she can’t focus, and Penny is almost always listening to music. 
Her brief brush with fame was humbling. LPDZ’s (and more so her own as a solo star) failure made her re-analyze what she wanted out of the industry in the first place. She and Luka are currently working on starting their own label together, but in the meantime she’s focusing her efforts on perfecting her own sound. Penny would best describe her sound as undefinable. She doesn’t want to be classified as a rapper or an R&B singer. She just wants to make music. Women are often put in a box when it comes to the entertainment industry as a whole, and Penny doesn’t care much for the idea of playing by the rules. Because of this she is willing to try her hand at everything, experimenting with anything new at least once. 
The rise to fame is moving slow without the backing Wizard Kelly Records anymore. She kind of hates it. In an effort to keep herself occupied and build a name for herself independently, she utilizes social media. She has a YouTube account where she posts covers of songs bi-weekly, as well as the new music she’s been working. She also has a YouTube series called The Icy Life, which is literally just her vlogging about her stupid ass life. The channel is doing extremely well, thanks both to her bright personality and her proximity to various celebrities from the island (The Muses). She also livestreams on Instagram a lot, sometimes she writes songs on live but mostly she just interacts with her fans. She’s content with her 600k followers but she personally won’t stop until she has millions of followers. She wants to be as big as Beyonce. 
Penny, while focused on achieving her goals, is still the fun loving girl she’d always been. You can’t keep her from a party and she’s easily spotted on the dance floor having the time of her life, or hanging with friends.
Penny has always been understanding and passionate, and she likes to think that she will always stand up for/do the right thing in the end. She’s the queen of the pep talk and long winded speech about what’s right. She’s a leader and doesn’t even really realize it.
Penny’s biggest musical influences include: Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Lil Kim, Lauryn Hill, Beyonce, Rihanna, and Missy Elliott.
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lils420 · 4 years
A lil something for the kids - Part 7
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Summary: Y/n settles in in Wakanda. A few weeks have passed since Part 6
Warnings: Swearing, mention of Torture, a lot of hospital stuff.
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The next few weeks, y/n followed a strict routine. It ranged from combat training to doctor’s examinations to hours and hours of what Shuri called ‘Fire Feast’; those sessions where y/n was using her power, again and again, until she would final control it. Sometimes, T’Challa came to these sessions, not to talk, but to observe. But apart from him and Shuri, y/n lived secluded. She didn’t mind that much, after all she had been alone for far longer than that before, but she did mind not being able to leave the tower. Every morning, y/n would wake up just before sunrise to watch it. It was by far one of the prettiest sights in Wakanda, and she regretted not being able to breathe it in. At night time, similarly, y/n watched the sunsets, whenever she could from there training room, as it had the biggest windows. It was spacey in general and y/n liked being in there. Apart from a range of weapons which were hung up on the wall, it also housed the other foreigner, the popsicle. Although he was put into something that looked like a fridge, and had multiple medical cords attached to his head and breast, he looked peaceful, sleeping the days away. Once or twice a day, a medic would come to refill some of the tubes, check his vitals and attend whatever needed attending to. The visits had increased the past few days and y/n wasn’t sure whether that was a good or bad sign. Apart from that, she knew little about the man. His name was James Buchanan Barnes, or so it said on the fridge, and he looked about thirty, maybe thirty five. Sometimes, when y/n felt particularly lonely or sad, she would sit next to his fridge and tell him about her worries. Of course she knew he couldn’t hear her, but afterwards she always felt better. But usually, she went about her day ignoring him, and sometimes, she forgot he was there, until one of the medics would kick her out of the room to attend to him.
It was the beginning of July when things started to change. As y/n wasn’t allowed upstairs, she gathered little of what was going on, but one day, when Shuri came down to examine her and she looked particularly stressed, y/n decided to ask.
“Shuri? What is going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Up there. With you and king T’Challa and... I don’t know. But your vibe is off.”
Shuri playfully hit her with a few sheets of paper. “At least I have a vibe.”
“I’d have one too if I was a princess.”
“I’d hAvE oNE tOo iF i waS a pRinCeSs”, Shuri sticked a few more white stickers on y/n hand, “No you wouldn’t. But regarding your question, T’Challa was crowned king a few days back.”
“I thought he was already king.”
“He needed to go through a ritual first. And everything was fine, until we heard of this one guy we’ve been trying to catch for a while, but after we caught him, he escaped and this morning a dude shows up, says his name is Killmonger and claims his Wakandan. Anyway, he brought with him the dude that escaped us and claimed he was rightful air to the throne.”
“That’s fucked up.”
Shuri pulled down her screen to read y/n’s vitals. “That’s not even the fucked up bit. He challenged my brother for the throne and this stupid ass accepted.”
Although Shuri said it lightly, y/n could hear her concern. Unable to think of something reassuring to say, y/n said the first thing she could think of. “Killmonger is a stupid ass name. At least T’Challa sounds normal.”
Shuri chuckled softly. “Yeah, fuck this dude. Also, you’re fine, everything is normal, no abnormalities.” She sighed. “Seriously, if you don’t give me something to work with soon, I might stop visiting you.”
Y/n frowned. “But, but I’d miss you”, she complained jokingly, elongating the u until Shuri smacked her with the papers again. “Yeah, well I wouldn’t miss you.” Now it was y/n’s turn to hit her friend, multiple times. Both were laughing until Shuri gasped for air. “Fine, maybe I can find a few minutes in my busy busy schedule for you tomorrow.” In that moment, a medic came in. Y/n was going to get up and leave, as usual, but she too was stringed up. Luckily, Shuri was with her. Apparently, the medic didn't feel half as comfortable bossing her around, as she did with y/n. Her work was barely noticeable, so Shuri and y/n continued with the check up. “Small flame”, Shuri commanded and y/n produced a small flame in her hand. “Blue flame”, once more y/n delivered. It went like that for a few minutes until the medic approached Shuri. “My princess”, she said in a deep voice, “Could you please look at this.” She held out her paper, but it was turned away, so y/n couldn’t see what was on it. Shuri studied it with a grim look on her face. “Oh, this had just been missing”, she sighed, “How long do we have?”
“We are not sure. Probably a few more months, maybe two. If we’re lucky, half a year.”
“Can we not refreeze him?”
“Not until he has woken up completely.”
Shuri sighed once more. “Fine. We will wait.” After the medic had left the room, y/n looked at the princess in confusion. “What happened?”
“The Winter Soldier. He is waking up.”
Y/n gathered that the Winter Soldier referred to James Buchanan Barnes, the frozen man. “And why is that such a problem?”
“It’s not under normal circumstances. But when he wakes up he will be delusional. He might have a short episode, an incident like the one you had, before remembering who he is. Nothing we’re not prepared for, but it takes time, and, at the moment, I wanted to concentrate on T’Challa.”
“What do you mean ‘an episode’?”
“You see, before he came here, he had been tortured for years to become this super soldier. In that state, he has killed many people, hurt even more. Stark’s parents were under his victims. We put him on ice to help him, to fix his mind, but we aren’t ready yet, so if he wakes up in the next few weeks, he’ll need time to readjust.”
Y/n felt her jaw drop. “What the fuck?”, she whispered, “This is a plot twist I was not expecting.”
Shuri laughed. “Oh Fire girl. You are so incredibly dumb. And I am so incredibly smart, which is why I must go now. My brother’s duel is about to start and he needs my brilliance.”
“Hope he doesn’t need to be humble to win. Because that you couldn’t offer”, y/n snickered, “But good luck! I am sure he’ll smash it!”
Shuri’s face turned serious. “God, I hope so too”, she mumbled, before leaving the room.
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azrcxlfatale · 4 years
under the cut you’ll find saint’s intro, its just a brief run down for now until i get bio pages up but it should help get a sense of the boyo all the same !! he is gentle and friend shaped is all i can say ajjdfg. THIS HAS NOW BEEN UPDATED WITH LIKE FIVE EXTRA LIL MORE CURRENT HEADCANONS! [ they r just like for his own growth nothing major has happened with saint and he’s still fundamentally the same as he was bc he’s always been a more laidback and less tragic muse but feel free to read em bc they do help contextualise how he’ll be career wise and with grandmami] : 
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so for the best part of his life saint was raised with his ‘grandmami’ as he terms her, but she’s better known to the whole island as ajumma solmi. for this reason he’s very doting toward her and a real grandma’s boy. he bakes with her often and they can often be found on street corners selling cheap priced but some of the finest flowers to the citizens because it’s grandmami’s tradition and its mostly done in hope to uplift the islanders and bring joy to their day in a small way and act of love. 
when i say doting i mean doTInG, he will help her in and out of chairs, help her cross streets, hold the groceries for her as she crosses, open doors for her even if grandmami insists he stops fussing because ffs saint ur making me look ancient and i’ll have u know i am still fighting fit and could knock any idiot on his ass with a fliCk of my finger. ajdhf. she is v fiery, if saint is like the picture of elegance and good manners then grandmami is the sTARK contrast. she has one hell of a potty mouth and just a no time for ur shit attitude. if anything saint is keeping her in line, not the other way around. 
his quirk is warp gate. he rlly just uses it to entertain himself mostly and help give his pals quick escapes when a prank of some sort has gone wrong. he can basically create portals out of a dark fog which can either be emitted through his breath or openings at the end of his fingers which he can activate, anyone can also use his portals to travel so long as he’s given them permission.
he just exudes sunshine rlly. is well known round the island for his out of this world smile which has been known to charm many. he is a very eligible and sought after bachelor but saint is like...not interested mostly bc he just like has no romantic awareness ahdhfhf not bc he doesn’t want it. and also bc he doesn’t like the way it’s mostly super young girls and guys just like awestruck by him. it feels a little too much like he’s a collective childhood crush by his groupies so yeah he is OBLIVIOUS. 
very humble and incredibly polite. just really down to earth whenever spoken to but being raised by an elderly person kinda makes u a little outdated, for this reason saint is kind of demure and bad at conversation mostly due to the fact he can easily talk for hours about his plans for baking with grandmami later, the book he read her this morning, the lovely walk they took in that gorgeous spot which he rlly recommends etc but he is god awful at talking about like typical young people stuff. 
lot of ppl think he plays hard to get, this is not true, saint just fr does not know how to fuckin speak and is the most oblivious person in the world to how to flirt, he’s easily flustered but bad at knowing when he’s being flirted with or if this person is just rlly nice and is usually too shy and respectful to rlly push luck by flirting in response hfhfjkg. USELESS. 
very 70′s/80′s aesthetic bby boy, sweet summer child. he is obsessed with old classic black and white films, had a collection before he moved to the island which he misses like everyday but luckily he has memorised ten million quotes. also collected records. obsessed with anything retro, is a collector of gaming merch. but he didn’t get to sneak much to the island :-( the only thing he rlly snuck was a small record stash. liked roller skating, bowling, drive in movies. dresses very retro but refined and classy with lots of layering. rlly good knowledge of classic literature. 
most likely to find him at the arcade in the funzone now on the island, he is a master at all the games but esp the old retro ones, usually goes early morning or late evening so he can spend hours uninterrupted on them and beat his high score everyday a bit more. if not there then he’ll be at zen’s computer gaming instead. he likes all tech really but prefers retro, he’s still figuring out modern. before coming to the island he was rlly getting into VR. if he’s not in either of these places, he’ll be on the beach in a volleyball match or doing a jog. still v much into his sports. 
ultimate sike power cause people think he looks like ur typical jock fuckboy but jokes on u he is pure of heart and dumb of ass himbo just blessed with ethereal looks, he is the breed of good lil boyo and that is all. 
obsessed with milkshakes and popcorn at the diners if he’s ever there u can guarantee that is what he is snacking on or treating himself to. his weakness is churros he fucken thinks that shit SLAPS. he’ll do anything if the prize is churros.  sMH someone help his diet. also loves fiddling with the jukeboxes there ajdjd. 
has two pet geckos one is peach colored and called zelda, the other is black and white leopard spotted and named zeus and he also has a chonk of a fluffy grumpy white cat called yoshi. he is the best. saint is a huge animal lover but probably still not on nyx’s level of dog worshipper. 
weeb. not as big of a one as nyx but he likes haikyuu, kuroko no basket, given, fruits basket, free! and yuri! on ice. he is very into anything that is slice of life or sports anime. 
has the nickname ‘koda’ bc of the movie brother bear, nicknamed after the lil baby bear cause he just reminds people of a baby bear ahdhd. 
he studies art, spends half his life in the studio working, big art nerd. once he gets in the work mode, he just does not stop for anything but water and snacks and goes at it all day into half the night. usually does big projects bc he loves a challenge. mostly paints, sometimes sketches. u know those vids of people mixing paint colors like a swatch of gold and turquoise? saint fuckin loves those so bad unf he does that all the time to calm himself. 
still lives with grandmami currently, he’s looking at getting his own place bc everyone tells him if he ever wants to have his own life then he needs to but he’s just v anxious about leaving grandmami on her own bc she getting older by the day and she’s all he has sO she cannot get hurt!! 
also in a bit of a dilemma with his art bc he kinda wants to make something out of it, like maybe teach some classes sort of thing and use it more as a career but right now he does not have the confidence in his ability and is mostly just doing it for fun and as a calming thing ( he’s an idiot he’s rlly fucken good pls someone make him take himself seriously )
never cusses but does say bitchin a lot, only ever uses fuck in bed basically so if u ever hear him say it then u know something next level has gone down bc saint refuses to swear even if he stubbed his pinky toe.
looks like a cinnamon roll but HE FUCKS!! boy is a kinky freak however saint has no shame or embarrassment like he will discuss it as casually as a discussion of what to have for dinner not bc he is like lewd but purely bc to him its rlly natural and like another form of art and he does not get the embarrassment or secret nature of it all like it is just factual to him that we come into the world like that and ppl enjoy it sometimes ajsj. 
gardening enthusiast!! has a fascination with studying plants and insects tbfh. still uses 70′s and 80′s kewl kid slang like unironically someone help him pls. sjjdjf. cute bonus fact: has freckles all over his shoulders and down his back. UWU. 
i would love for him to have a muse for art and/or to be someone’s muse. also and maybe interchangeably someone to kinda be his art mentor and be like saint u could pursue this fr if thats ur dream, then do it pls share this talent dont let ART DIE!!
someone he does gardening and insect studies with who gets his nerdy enthusiasm over it. 
a regular who gets flowers from him and grandmami, maybe he makes a special bouquet for them every day which always has a different meaning in the flower language bc he is soft like that ajjfl
someone who he can take on loads of cute lil platonic diner dinner dates bc he is a huge foodie as we can tell. this one is super fun like I imagine they scam tf outta restaurants that are over priced and for the elite by being like we all kno married couples or people getting engaged, celebrating anniversaries etc tend to get better deals on their meals. so he’s essentially doing this one bc he likes ur muses company and enthusiasm for food but also bc it means cheaper high quality meals for both and a guaranteed good time.
someone to nerd out with him over classic literature or films bc that would be hella cute
maybe someone who is also close with his grandmami and rlly loves spending time with her as well so he kinda trusts them to take care of her and trusts their judgement when they r like saint chill let the lady live okay go and do ur own shit akskf
he usually jogs alone but it would be cool for him to have someone to do that with and like table-tennis and shiz cause he just loves fitness activities and active leisure stuff too. 
maybe someone who is tryna teach him a little more about how to uH TALK LIKE SOMEONE HIS DAMN AGE AND STOP BEING SOME RETRO MAN STUCK IN MODERN TIMES AJDJD
so a lot about saint hasn’t overly changed because like he just is and has always been a very wholesome laidback boyo but just a few bits of like additional info for his personal growth can be added:
he’s owner and manager of the florist now, grandmami is also there most of the time and handles a lot of stuff when she’s feeling up to it but with her getting more tired more easily from her illness saint needs to head everything really.
he grew up in a neighbourhood on hosu which like consisted of his entire street pretty much being full of his aunts and uncles so now like it’s a street just littered with all his tiny cousins who like to follow him about everywhere and play ball games etc on the street with him and kinda take it over shs. you can hear their joyful playing from like streets over it’s very cute.
his mother gave him up when she realised she was pregnant with him and too young to raise him and that it would hinder her from pursuing the life she wanted with his father. saint doesn’t hold any resentment for her choice, it only bothers him that his grandma has always had a serious illness since the early days of talks of her having no choice but to take him on and that despite this his mother allowed him to be left to her care and another burden on her when she was already so ill.
grandmami is now at a point where she’s hanging in there but she won’t have long left and saint is essentially now her live in carer till her final days which is hard af for him but he refuses to let it show. he’s not sure how he’ll function when he loses her. right now he’s trying to extend the florist business into a wellness one as well and more of an apothecary so he can keep himself stable and busy.
this is more just a cute fun fact but he’s a Christmas Eve baby. uwu lil boyo was born on the night before Christmas bc of course he was sdjdj.
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liam-93-productions · 5 years
Summer 2017. It will, justly, go down in musical history as the season of Cardi B’s ascendance; the career-making single “Bodak Yellow” was released in June, and, by year’s end, it had propelled the performer into the firmament of hyper-celebrity. 2017 also marked the year of “Despacito,” released in January by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee (only to then be remixed in April with Justin Bieber). “Despacito” was tied as the longest-running No. 1 placeholder on the Billboard Hot 100, until Lil Nas X’s “Old Town Road” broke that record in mid-2019.
Within that same time frame, another mega-hit would emerge. It was the solo debut from Liam Payne, whose years as one-fifth (then one-fourth) of One Direction have made him a permanent global force. “Strip That Down” dropped in May, featured Migos member Quavo, and was penned by the singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. Payne describes the track as “rap singing” with a “pop melody on top.” With a bouncing intro beat overlaid with percussive snaps (and a dusting of piano-key complements), the song was palatable from the first hook and dance-floor ready throughout. In essence: a satisfyingly uncomplicated, all-but-guaranteed banger that would go on to become a quadruple-platinum success (with over 300 million music video views on YouTube and nearly 700 million streams on Spotify, totaling north of 1 billion plays).
Before “Bodak Yellow” pulled its money moves by gaining major traction toward August and onward, “Strip That Down” was what you heard blasting when cars drove by; sun and sound and windows-down fusing together to create that fleeting, specific euphoria that helps determine the song of the summer. “Despacito” contended, no doubt, but it had been around a bit longer, and there was something extra — a listenable breeziness — about “Strip That Down” that made it linger. Payne says he couldn’t release any new material “for nine months, because they just wouldn’t take it off the radio.” According to YouTube commenters, the song has had a minor resurgence in 2019, and Payne admits he is still shocked by how it continues to stream in the millions, monthly. “I’m like, what? It’s so old now.” The song also made a major, unmissable declaration in its chorus: Payne repeatedly voices, “You know I used to be in 1D / Now I’m out, free.”
Fast-forward two years from the song’s release, and Payne is sitting in his London management office, jet-lagged but energized after a quick but busy trip to New York City to promote his newest single, “Stack It Up,”featuring the artist A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie. The song, which also credits Sheeran as a writer, marks Payne’s first major promotional push since “Strip That Down,” having released an EP in 2018 but, as of yet, no complete album. Though fans will not have to wait much longer: it was announced in mid-October that Payne’s first album, titled LP1, will arrive on December 6, 2019.
Eating a salad from Pret a Manger, he is boyishly handsome, even when battling time-zone disorientation. At 26 years old, the Wolverhampton, England-born Payne (...) and no stranger to fame. One Direction, that union of Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, and Harry Styles, formed in 2010 after appearing on the British version of the singing competition show The X Factor. “1D” would earn millions of fans worldwide and hundreds of millions of dollars; the band went on indefinite hiatus in 2016. “I’ve been doing this for 10 years,” Payne says with a smile, when everyone in the room admits to feeling the grind of an exhausting schedule.
“We’ve gone full circle,” Payne says, relaxing into his chair. “‘Stack It Up’ is the same team that made ‘Strip That Down,’ which is why it sounds like the song’s little brother.” The track is similarly playful but is more about cash-lust than anything physical. It’s also slightly less shimmery, with an attenuated keyboard pulse and a semi-scratchiness to Payne’s vocal work. “One of the main problems I had with the song, actually, is that it’s very money-oriented, and I didn’t know if that was the message I wanted to convey,” Payne continues. “I’ve been really lucky to have great success, but there have been times in my life when I am sitting there, looking out at the most beautiful view, and all of these amazing things are happening around me, but there’s no one there and you’ve got no one to share it with. You sort of think, ‘Well, that didn’t fix anything, did it?’ You feel just as low as if you had none of it.” This is the first bite of Payne’s ice-clear transparency. He is think-aloud and cut-to-the-chase candid, which, it could be argued, is a rare trait for the very famous.
“So, with that in mind, we kind of switched up the lyrics so that you have dreams for you and someone else, and sending this message of working hard for what you want to gain,” Payne says. “I was a kid from humble beginnings. My parents didn’t have a lot. They gave us what they could. The reason I love this song is that, if you’re on your way to work and you’re listening, I like to think that it gives you the urge to go above and beyond for your shit.”
Love — sometimes messy, sometimes fanatical, sometimes deeply personal — is part of Payne’s narrative. (...) Likewise, his friendships (both then and now) with the other members of One Direction. Regarding modern love — and the trials and tribulations he’s gone through to understand it, and to achieve self-love, at this point — Payne has much to say. The path to 26 has not been easy: The singer has been open about facing mental health, relationship, and self-esteem issues. There is fact and fan fiction when it comes to One Direction’s split, but Payne himself has said there was strife. He even has a tattoo that reads, “We are the quiet ones,” as he felt he was never allowed to speak up on account of the group’s squeaky clean public-facing image.
“I think everyone has a love-hate thing with what they each individually do. It’s not always nice,” he’ll say of his career. “You get a bit of that feeling of turning against your profession.” Has he ever fallen out of love with music? “It can get tedious, and there is a lot of pressure a lot of the time, which is difficult. Your urge sometimes will not be enough. I’ve found that having people around you that give you unwavering support is, more than anything, what keeps me going. (...) Whereas in the past, there have been times when I didn’t know if I wanted to make any more music. You need those people around you to make sure that you carry on.”
Payne also admits to mentally working through the backlash and the hysteria that can follow his every move. From the One Direction days, his fandom can tread into extreme territories. “Some people can be really nasty for no reason,” he says. “And also, when you’re worried about going to a restaurant or the park and being overprotective, that actually causes more problems. Because then the paparazzi and the press get more on your shit when you’re hiding away, and then when you do finally show yourself or reveal something, it’s a fucking frenzy. (...)”
Payne would not count himself as one of those people. He has been affected by acute anxiety, agoraphobia, and insecurity. He has canceled shows and, at one point, found himself drinking too heavily as a coping mechanism. “We all have an ideal in our heads of what we want to be,” Payne says of self-love. “From the moment you step in and say, ‘I am who I think I am,’ then nothing can touch you. For a long time, I was playing this character, and in reality, I was a million miles away from it, and everyone could fucking see that shit. You get a different level of confidence once you are, like, ‘I’m good.’ Self-assuredness is a powerful thing.” Payne says committing to a fitness regimen and routine has helped, too. “You become happier and more confident, more quickly.”
Payne concludes by saying he has only “very recently” felt truly comfortable in his own skin. “I’ve just had a long conversation with a friend about this,” he says. “Don’t let your past define you. It’s not all about what you did or didn’t do. I’m on the map of where I am supposed to be, and knowing that is the key.” Liam Payne, consciously stripped down and continuing to stack it up, takes the last bite of his Pret salad.
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mrs-hollandstan · 6 years
Please write a whole lot for richkid! Tom!! I just love your writing sm and u
Thank you so much first off. I made it longgggggg and I may or may not have cried during the last little bit. Don't mind me. A lil bit of NSFW throughout.
Tom is one of those kids that doesn't he's spoiled fucking rotten
He grew up thinking it was normal
He was the type of kid to ask his mom why the other kids didn't have a Maserati at five and six
But the older he got, the more cocky he got despite his mom trying to humble him
The second he meets you though, all of his cocky humbleness goes out the window
He's star struck and he doesn't know how to feel
He thinks you're absolutely stunning and he finds himself with his brothers at a diner for dinner and malts just so he can (totally not creepily) watch you flit around behind the bar
"Why don't you just ask her out Tom?" Harry asks
"Yeah... we've come here three nights in a row and I'm starting to miss the caviar at Le Gavroche." Sam adds
"You think she'd wanna come?" He quickly pipes up
So when the boys say they don't know, he just walks over and sits on a barstool and quickly sparks up a conversation
Only having a few, not so serious relationships, you're enamored by how easy it feels to talk to him and flirt
After only a few minutes he asks if you'd like to accompany them and you agree
So after your shift, you're being escorted home in a limo which is pretty terrifying
But the smile on Tom's face is reassuring
He's a cutie
But his brothers know he's a cocky little shit and once he has you, you're fucked
So you go on the little date and all and Tom loves hearing you talk about yourself and he's just grossly in love
Like... its sickening
But after that night he asks to see you again and it's really cheesy like straight out of a Hallmark movie and its disgusting
And soon you're on like your fifth date and he's officially calling you his girlfriend to people and he loves it
And now you're starting to see the other side of him
Not that it's really shocking considering he got a little tipsy at a ball he took you too (totally coerced you into buying your dress) and the way he talked about some of the 'whores' made you laugh and you knew you were in trouble
He's constantly trying to buy you things
You don't have enough fingers for the rings he's showed you and wants to buy you
"Tom, I don't wear jewelry all that often."
"So... it's just 5000 dollars... no biggy."
There have been a few times you swallowed your tongue over the 'no biggy's' Tom speaks of
But you just hold his hand and look as pretty as he makes you because he's insistent
He buys you clothes and jewelry and makeup and whatever you need and sometimes... if you're short money from the diner he'll pay a bill or two
Sometimes you're so grateful... and he may get repaid in a blow or two or maybe some good sex but the thanking is enough for him
He loves when you sleep over at his place and wear his shirts and look middle class domestic
And sometimes he loves that life too
Being rich is stressful
But there's a lot of parties and galas and all kinds of stuff and he likes to buy you dresses
And when it comes to sex, he can't get enough of it
He's obsessed with how you look naked and how you feel
He loves the way you look on your knees
He loves the look on your face when he eats you out
And all the positions... oof
Missionary: loves the way your face looks when you whimper and moan
Doggystyle: loves the way you cry out when he hits that special spot
Cowgirl: loves the way your tits bounce
Reverse cowgirl: loves the way you lean on the bed between his legs and he can just kickback and watch you take him
You guys have done it standing
And he's kinky so you have toys and lingerie and heels and all
You have a pair of red bottomed heels that he literally calls the sexy time shoes
He's a major dork
But okay... back to your first times for sex
There's this place you now call first time lake because it's where you've done everything for the first time
The first time you gave him a blowjob was when he was showing you this little cave thing behind a waterfall
Real pretty until you turned and he had a boner and asked you to blow him
He also got a handjob near that same waterfall but... ehh
He doesn't particularly care for it
The first time he went down on you, you were out with him and his brothers who went out on the lake while you sunned and Tom rubbed lotion on your back and just stayed on the boat and all
And then he appears and puts more lotion on your legs and you smile and look at him over the bridge of your sunglasses and he can see your nipple because you're not wearing your bikini top
No weird lines fam
And he just wants to taste you so he just drags you to where he's out of sight and you're watching to make sure his brothers aren't suspicious and when he pulls your legs over his shoulders and dives in, you just gasp
He's good at oral and you're not surprised
You cum fast and he's sitting up with a proud smile, kissing you
"Back to it. You're gettin a nice tan."
The first time you guys sleep together is similar to your first oral
It's on the same boat and while you're watching them play a similar form of water polo, giggling and all, Tom sneaks up behind you and holds a finger to your lips, drawing your bottoms down and gently sliding up into you
"You're beautiful. This is an amazing first time sweet thing."
Within minutes, your hand on his wrist, you both cum together
He loves everything about you and he loves spoiling you
The little look on your face when you're annoyed is worth it
And you love him
The longer you're together, the more he can see spending the rest of his life with you
He can see himself throwing an extravagant wedding and inviting all of New York and London
He can see himself making love to you nonstop on your wedding night
He can see you going to shops and them calling you Mrs. Holland
He can see himself knocking you up with as many curly haired babies as you like
He can see those sexy times shoes being changed to baby making shoes
As many as the both of you decide on
He can see all of this in your eyes, in your smile, in everything you do
He loves you more than anything and the feeling is mutual
Despite him being a little shit
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chrisbangs · 5 years
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so i guess i could type like a practical person for once……. maybe………. but i probably won’t so i apologize ahead of time……… anyway, so i hit? 1k…..? after remaking only 3 months ago... to me that’s pretty crazy because as a lot of my older mutuals will know, i remake like every 0.38 seconds because i’m annoying like that… to the people who’ve been here since forever (you know who you are) it means a lot that you’ve stuck with me through blog type changes (there’s like 1 or 2 of you who’ve just been around since The Beginning and wowza thank you for dealing with me like that ifnawoeiawoef)!!! and to the people who i’ve only recently become mutuals with i apologize cause at any second i will probably be like hee honk time to remake. to all of you, mutuals and followers, thank you for dealing with my stupid lame text posts about chan or my crazy ‘content creators deserve better’ campaigns!! thank you for interacting with me through dms, asks, even just liking my posts and being kind to me when i’m down- i really appreciate that. i’ve been using tumblr for a very, very long time, and tbh, i feel like its not until recently that i’ve found a group of people that i feel very comfortable and happy around. you guys are all so talented and funny and warm and friendly, and i’m so thankful for you guys in my life! thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your dash !!! i’m really grateful if you’ve ever enjoyed my content (gifs, gfx, etc.) and i hope i can continue to make your dashes and hearts bright whether it be through content or my stupid dumb (i hope funny) tags! i love you all!
(( if theres a 🖤 next to your name!! i’ve left a little message for you under the cut ;; v ;; !!! i hope you know how much i love and appreciate all of you! (i really didn’t proof read these so like… u know… just…….. i apologize foawinefoiwna) ))
@00hj 🖤, @1095, @19gf, @3rachha, @angelhyunjin​ 🖤, @binnieseason​, @binsungz​ 🖤, @boxerminho​, @changbeanie​, @chimneycloud​, @cosmicskz​ 🖤, @dhalfmoonbydean​, @f1owerlix​ 🖤, @huiracha​, @ilovedowoon​, @jedixuxi​ 🖤, @jinlix​ 🖤, @jisquish​ 🖤, @johfam​ 🖤, @kim-seungmins​ 🖤, @kim-woojins​, @kimwuujin​ 🖤, @kqngyounghyun​ 🖤, @luvknow​, @marriael​, @momowlw​, @mydays​, @noairmv​ 🖤, @naekkung​, @parkjinwoo​, @prodskz​ 🖤, @pouringmv​, @realstraykids​, @seofthours​, @seungminsmile​, @soohao​, @sk-z​ 🖤, @skzbffie​, @skzd​ 🖤, @stray-kids​, @straykisd​, @theminho​ 🖤, @uayv​ 🖤, @ultscb​ 🖤, @wayvgf​ 🖤, @yngbok​
@00hj​: hello karen! wow :( it feels like forever since we’ve been mutual… like i really cannot believe it’s been??? 7/8 months since we first became friends? like it doesn’t even feel that long. i know time flies and we’re at that point in our lives where every day just flashes by but :( even in those moments that do pass by, you’re always there making me smile. through your killer content or your funny jokes or those convos where we’re both just yelling abt how much we HATE group projects… its all fun :( you always make me smile and make me want to work harder. when i see how hard you work??? it just makes me want to work /that/ much harder. from your gfx to your gifs!! you are a pillar in this community and i am so honoured to be pals with u man faionwefoaie !!! to top that off, i feel like i can always ask you anything- any dumb questions i have abt making things, anything that’s just kinda eating at me, i feel like i can talk to you about it. you’re such a comfy place !! a comfy warm person !! and i love you dearly! i hope you get to kick back with jisung and hyunjin and enjoy a slice of pie!!
@angelhyunjin​: hello angi! my darling you work so so so hard! your art is always stellar and always wowing! i know sometimes you worry about posting, but please remember to put your health first;; its hard to think about yourself sometimes, i know, but remind yourself that !! to make smth nice, you need to be well first!!! anyway;; your art never fails to make me smile. like your style is sososo distinct and memorable?? and also?? you’re an amazing dancer!!! your covers are always so lovely and you do such a great job :( i can tell how passionate you are about things through both your art and your dance! thank you for always working hard and being kind to everyone around you! i love you dearly angel! hyunjin is sending his love!
@binsungz​: yooooo whaTS UP HOMIE FIAWNOFANWFO HELLO BABY!! MY WHORE PARTNER!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!! literally what do i even say here that i haven’t already said to you??? you’re one of my closest friends online and you ALWAYS make me laugh. from talking abt nsfw things to cute things to minecraft and gaming!!! you always always get me !!! you just have a knack for understanding me?? and that’s just :( so appreciated!!!! you !!! are !!! amazing dude!!! ur gifs are always so clean; you’re one of the reasons i started working harder to make my gifs better bc you inspired me !! you’re always so kind and warm and loving ; and i can always talk with you abt sucking dicks or eating pussy like IT REALLY DO BE LIKE THAT !!!!!!!!! i was going through my old blog and i found those videos you did where you looked through my blog and when i heard your voice again and you being like ‘omg ur so funny’ i was ready to scream cause it was still so fuiowenaowieaoe fricking cute :(((( dude I LOVE YOU!!!! like you really are one of the kindest people in the world and i can’t stop !! saying !! how thankful!!! i am for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you so much britt !! thank you for always dealing with me and being kind to me and just fjaoweifnaow you’re really the best :((( jisung and [redacted] love u but not as much as me ok foaiwneoaiwnfia ……..
@cosmicskz​: hello gumdrop!!! my love!!! thank you so much for always hyping – not just me- but everyone up!! you are sososo kind and so so so SO warm and cute and oawifenawo precious!!! please remember to take care of your health and of yourself too!! loving everyone around u is important but also take care of yourself TT TT !!! your content is also always so cute and thoughtful and you put 110% into everything you do ????? like !!!!!!!!  ma’am????? so talented and pure ;; ___ ;; like i don’t know how you do it but you do !!! also thank you for ALWAYS offering to look @ my work and give me advice etc etc!! i am so appreciative of it ;; also – i know i don’t always reply that often but !!!!!!!!!!!! i love you and i’m thankful that you’re so patient with me when it comes to dms fjaowiefnawoiefn TT TT you’re ! so ! lovely and sweet and i hope you know !! i’m here for you whenever you need !!! skz and i lovelovelove you!
@f1owerlix​: vale……….. vale………………. VALE……………………………. HELLO…………………. ??? i ??? can’t even find the words to tell you what you mean to me. i’d write a poem but its just gonna end up being long and i’d never be able to finish it bc i’d go back and keep adding bits and lines abt how you’re like the NICEST person in humanities history and that you’re just an all-around talented and wonderful person….. like….. are u KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! she did that (that = being the kindest person EVER) you’re always using The Most amount of nicknames possible;; and it makes my heart so so so soft. not only that, but you’re also such a kind, genuine, warm person. i don’t know anyone who is as kind, and humble, and talented, and warm like you. i literally could list a billion wonderful things about you because you’re that frucaowienoawikingiawgo amazing…. dude like seriously…. we out here STANNING miss vale….. i was going through my blog a while ago and i saw this tag that was like ‘i got my vale fansite set up and we’re going to start making slogans and planning birthday events’ like past li had it right. you’re so kind and funny and warm and i always feel safe and comfy talking to you. i really appreciate the feedback you give me- because its always so thought out and GENUINE. like… you do this for EVERYONE… all the tags i read from you are so KIND and you always make ccs feel like they’re doing the best job ever…. like you really……. you really are an angel on this ea.rth…. huh….. also…? changbin is dropping by with flowers for you!!!!
@jedixuxi​: hello angel;; i hope you’re doing well!!! thank you for dealing with my blog change and staying mutuals with me regardless of content differing! thank you for always being kind and being patient with me- i know i don’t reply a lot but ;; you are a really good friend to me and i am so so so thankful;; you’re so sweet and warm and such a talented artist;; like everything you draw im always like fjawifeawoej :0000 !!!!! you really have so much love and warmth inside of you and !!! that’s why ur so tall ma’am.. foawiefnoaweifno :’( aaaa thank you so much beth for always being so warm to others; your brightness is like the sun on my dash and in my dms and you always make me smile or laugh its just ;; aofwienaiwneoi I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! and xuxi is also mailing his entire heart your way ok !!!
@jinlix​: hello madam ! hello to my lov e !!! my sweet lil gum drop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hello KELLY!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh hi bb :( thank you for everything you do; firstly, your gfx?? so incredible ok?? like i know your style immediately when i see it yet you always manage to surprise me?? like your work is so fucking GOOD. how does she do it :// like us plebeians will never kno and that’s how it fuckin be ig afoiwneoaiwnfeoawi ….. omg…. ok…. and like secondly??? youre always so humble and kind to other ppl??? like your tags on anyones work is always so so so so kind TT TT you always say the nicest things- and i still remember the tags you left on one of my very first skz gfxs … like you really made my heart flutter like that huh….. hm…. guess you’re an angel or smth like… that…. gmgamoweigna TT __ TT Kelly seriously you’re such a sweet heart? you love with all your heart and its so warm and soft and whenever you talk abt hyunjin im like jfjfaiweIFAIWo …. my heart !!!!!!!!!!! like he would totally be floored by your love bc of how soft u fuckin are oh ymgmymmym go d !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway :( i love u so much and hope you’re well angel!! hyunjin is sending all his love your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@jisquish​: ok here we go … ma’am… MA’AM… how do i even EXPLAIN the love i feel for u.. oh my gosh.. miss india.. you really exist like that.. like we STAN a whole ass legend huh… not only are you funny and smart and talented and kind and amazing?? you’re also just like.. the coolest bestest person in the world? like i still find it hard to believe you were one of my anons bc like… u just.. u r too … ://// cool… like i’m really just sitting here like… an idiot… from day 1 you’ve always been so fucking kind to me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have just :( been so sweet and kind and just an all-around angel- and even if we only talk every now and then, i always feel so warm and happy whenever we do!! u know those ppl u don’t have to talk to 24/7 to know that there’s still a warm friendly hug waiting for you??? :(( yea you’re one of those people. you always always ALWAYS make me laugh like hfawoifenoawie :( hello how do u do this?? yet you also are so grounded and warm and understanding and like.. i can’t believe you’re also one of the most talented humans ever;; whenever i see your covers, i’m always like !!! wowowowo !!! you inspire me to work harder with my music and writing ;; you are such an angel :-( and i am so thankful for you! so so so so thankful!!! jeongin and changbin and jisung are sending all their love !!! and so am i bb !!!
@johfam​: if anyone deserves a thank you- it is you. miss nita… jejejsigaweg i feel like i’m gonna cry typing this so here we go…. you’ve been friends with me for more than a year now i believe :( i think we’ve actually hit our year since we became friends which is so wild to me?? you’ve been with me through SO MANY THINGS… like you’ve been my soundboard for so many things in my life.. i can’t believe we started talking bc a spider landed on your hand… and u stabbed ur own hand with a pencil.. like ig we have to thank that spider….. ghanwegoiawen….. you’ve really stuck with me through blog changes and through me being angry abt things and you’ve allowed me to be angry- which i appreciate so much.. you know me so well :// like… idk how you do it but you always make me feel safe and warm and like i can say anything to you and you’ll hear me out?? like oaiwnefaiwenof :( you just !! you’ve supported me so much through so many bad days and i can’t thank you enough. you are made of sunshine and stardust and your heart is literally the softest and warmest. thank you !!! for !!! always enjoying frogs with me and sending me cute frog things.. like.. :( it makes me SO happy that we can enjoy those lil squishy fuckers together.. also thank u for being my source of johnny content jfjawfieawio i’ve literally unfollowed every other nct blog and you’re one of the only ones left bc i still love johnny so much and seeing him on my dash- esp with your tags- makes me so so so happy;; thank you for everything you’ve done for me and !!! and for all the love you’ve given me :( and just for being there for me through some of the toughest places in my life;; i really love and appreciate you!!!!!!!!! johnny is sending his love and some kisses through the mail :’(
@kim-seungmins​: hfhawefaniow…………… hello dumm..y… :( u r the loml.. you’ve been there for me through so much shit in the short amt of the time we’ve been friends.. u were also one of my first friends in this fandom- and i’m so thankful you were bc we got really close during these last few months and it makes me so happy. you’re so funny and you always make me laugh!!! you give me so much confidence and happiness and you make me feel so warm and happy ;; !!!!!! you are a fajfowienawei whole ass angel who is always working hard both to make good content and in school. :( i’m so proud of you for all that you do dude like wowowwowo :( look @ you go ????? you’re also one of the funniest pals i have like u literally make me bust a LUNG laughing … like whenever i get any of my biases together in one screen i now literally think, without even pause, “abia voice: crumbs” likej faweiojaowefoi you’re such an icon!!!!!!!!! also?? like … you’ve just been s o kind to me and helped me with things that i’ve not talked to others with bc you never make me feel like i’ll be judged… like.. you’re so fucking understanding and warm and kind and considerate with how you reply; you always care and you’re just… :( u r angel or smth like that… i know i tease you and that’s kinda how i show my love but for real dude………………. i love u so much.. like if i could give you the whole world i really fucking would.. :( because you deserve nothing less!! thank u for always providing that good good seungmin content ;; seungmin and minho and woojin all told me to tell you that they love you!!!
@kimwuujin​: hello sugar drop!! thank you for being so kind and warm and always just !!! being so sweet :( you always tag me in funny/cute content and it’s always appreciated !!! i feel like i can always be dumb and say stupid soft things abt chan with you bc you’ll understand how i feel :((( you’re so sweet and i’m so glad we started talking more !! you’re not only like faoiwenfaowi incredibly cute and sweet but you’re also so so so so funny !!! :( like you make me laugh and aofwinewaoinoi i really appreciate that!! you’re also so grounded and understanding and !! you always know what to say and i’m really appreciative of the fact that you phrase things so well and eloquently- when will my dumbass ever- anyway fhawjeofaowein i love you with all my heart and hope you’re !! doing well sweetpea !!! chan and are yeeting every ounce of love we have for you to you!!!!!!!!!!!
@kqngyounghyun​: hello my love :( i can’t even remember the first time we talked bc it feels like its been so so so long; and through all of this time you’ve been one of my close friends who’s stuck around with me through so much. you’re always there, and always kind, and just always warm and friendly and a safe place to go. i love that we can bitch abt things with each other but also oiawenfowaie be super soft… but then also talk abt super nsfw things jfawieaoeif aofiwneoai you’ve always been so so kind to me and i really do appreciate it. thank you for sticking with me through all my blog changes and for always supporting me and my dumbassery;; i really hope you know how much i appreciate you and how much i love you! you’re such a hardworking person- like whenever you tell me abt the effort you’re putting in at school its just oifnawiefnaoi wowowow!!! you’re so amazing :(( !!!!! also, you were there for me during one of the Hardest Points In My Life- like a time when i really thought i was going to ofaiwneoiawen lose my mind bc of how much i was struggling……. but you seriously helped me get through that part of my life and i can never fully explain to you how thankful i am. but i love you so much and i’m so thankful. younghyun and i both love you to the ends of the earth ;; __ ;; !!!
@noairmv​: hello ! ! ! miss ai!! the loml!!! angel!! bb gumdrop!! jacob’s baby!!! all names we can use to refer to you!!! :( hello baby!! thankyou! for everything! for all you do! for all you are! you are always honest with me, always genuine, always kind and understanding. you do more than i could ever fucking ask for. i’ve told this to you before but, i think you’re the one person i can go to- without fail- for like.. real life advice… like things that i feel like i cannot ask anyone else, i can ask you. i remember when i was struggling financially i immediately went to you first to talk things through. you give me a lot of clarity and you help me understand my own thoughts and talking to you always puts things into perspective for me. you’re also always there to rant abt nsfw things with which is foaiwnefoaiwn so fun afnowienfao afjfaowefiao but also i get to be super soft with you which is also really :~( the best oof……… i love u so much…….. like, thank you for always looking @ my gfxs, and for always being supportive and understanding and giving me genuine advice. i love listening to you talk abt Jacob (and being rawed by others who are not … Jacob………… ahem………) aofiwnefoaiwno thank you for always being patient with me and for being so kind (and for always faowineoawi saying yes when i propOSE FAOIWNOAIWF ;;) you’re an angel (hee honk) from above and i will always be thankful for you in my life angel bean :( thank you so much for everything ai, i love you SO fucking much… jacob also loves u – he told me to tell u that !!!
@prodskz​: hello my love! ! ! ! i think i told you this once but!! my favourite kinds of relationships are those ones that have a good roast/love ratio!!! and i deeply feel that ours is that kinda relationship!!! no matter how many times we destroy each other aoiwnafienaiowe we’re always like ‘uwu anyway u r my baby’ 2 seconds later and foawinefoiane i love that!!! i love that you will send me 20 messages in a day and i’ll be like yoiNk i forgot but also let me reply to everything at once !! i love that you send me SO many skz memes throughout the day- they make me laugh so hard;; and also you always send me The Best Chan Pics so thank you for that fiawfenfoawienoiwe TT TT you’ve been so kind to me and so so so supportive of all my work ;; whether my gifs or my gfx or just my stupid posts- you are so supportive neha i :( i don’t even deserve the amt of love you give me but fjawoefawoe i ACCEPT ALL OF IT !!!!!!!!!! i’m such a dummy but please know that i love you WITH ALL MY FUCKIN HEART BABY!!!! you are so precious and talented and kind and funny and you are amazing !! like i mean it :( do not !! forget for a second how wonderful you are baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hyunjin would like to also remind you that he loves you to the moon and back (but i love u more ok)
@sk-z​: hi sweet pea !!! :’) i know we only started talking very recently but i already feel so close to you! i just wanted to say thank you for being there for me that night aofinweoianfew and thank you for always being a voice of reason; you’re so understanding and warm and !!! i really am floored but how kind you are!! i know i always say sorry and that’s ifonaweifnaio really just how i am but !! you really make me comfy and it feels easy to just say anything around you and not feel stressed out or judged?? like even things that i blame myself for, you help me see reason and feel better and i just :( i can’t thank you enough for that;; you’re so bright and warm and i really hope we get to continue talking for a long time angel!! i love you!!!
@skzd​: hi haleigh !! i know we haven’t talked in a while but you’re still one of my fav content creators!! even from back when i was an nctzen and we interacted there, to now over on these blogs!!! you’ve stayed such a constant in my life :( and you’ve honestly been nothing but supportive of me :( you’re always so kind whenever we do talk and you’re still one of the funniest people i know;; your tags will never fail to make me laugh;; i really appreciate your presence on my dash and i really want you to know all your content is so beautiful and appreciated;; :( you’re so talented my dude and i love you long time;; i really hope you’re doing well and taking care bc i do love you from the bottom of my heart angel!!! hyunjin is sending his love (and so am i !)
@theminho​: min my little gumdrop!! my sweet sugar bean!! my lil soft angel!!!!!!! hi angel!! :( darn i think you’re one of the ppl i’ve been following longest and oof… OOF.. like :( !! i’m so glad we started talking!! you always make me smile! you are so warm and thoughtful with your words. i’m not sure i know anyone who is as eloquent or as understanding as you. you just.. you really phrase things well. whenever we talk i !! i feel so grounded and like i know oafiwenoaw what you’re saying!! and you’re always so sweet and funny and expressive with what you say :( dude you’re just amazing ok!! and your gifs are always so so so beautiful like… omg…. WOW…. an angel huh TT TT ;; whenever i see your gifs or your tags i’m always so soft!! i’m so proud of you for working hard at school, and though i miss you!! i hope you’re spending your time resting when you get a chance and that school isn’t kicking your butt too much my love!!! i am so proud of you TT TT and i’m sending all my ‘fightings!!!’ and strength your way angel bean!!!! minho is also sending his love and energy!!!
@uayv​: hi darling!!! miss joyce! miss gfx queen! oh my goodness;; first of all- thank you for the BOMB ass content dude… your gfx… wowowowwo..w… secondly, thank you for sticking with me through a drastic blog change;; faoiwenfoaw i’m so glad that we’re still pals bc you’re one of those people that makes me laugh so hard from just your tags alone- and in dms i usually can’t stop smiling/laughing;; aoiwenfoiawenwa !!!!!! listen to me !!!!! the first time i found your blog was bc u rb’d one of my gfxs and left some of the nicest tags ever and i saw you had ‘gfx’ tagged in your bio so when i scrolled through your gfx and i was eMBARRASSED BC LIKE………… DUDE HOLY SHIT THIS PERSON HAD SOME OF THE BEST WORK I’D E V E R SEEN. i still think you are one of the MOST TALENTED GFX MAKERS EVER. you have so much of my respect and love and i wish i could aowiefnoawiefn give you … the whole world dude… awenfiawfeowia TT TT you are so kind to me whenever i ask for a second opinion on my gfx and you’re always so warm and funny- and your love for bread is so good- like i’m telling you whenever i see bread posts that aren’t from you i IMMEDIATELY either tag you or send them to you fawienoawien ;; you’re such a warm positive influence on my dash and in my life and i really love you from the bottom of my heart. i’m so thankful we’re pals bc you are a true angel and a true pal and just !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAA I LOVE U SO MUCH JOYCE OIANWFOIAWN TT TT (doyoung loves you loads too okay; he is sending big fat kisses ur way!)
@ultscb​: hi taryn!!! miss gif queen;; faoiwenfaown holy moly; you are such a talented person- but not only are you amazing at giffing ?? you’re also just ??? an amazing warm funny kind beautiful person??? like afnoiwnefowaienof hello?? you’re somehow always making me smile; whenever we talk or through your tags?? you’re just !! so !! lovely and fantastic and i!!!! really do love you!!! you’ve been so kind and warm to me and made me smile so much even if we don’t talk that often;; you always give me such kind feedback when you look at my work and it really foanwifeanwoe blows my ego into another dimension fanoweinaowienfao i love you so much angel!!! i hope you know that you’re an amazing and talented and funny and wonderful person! changbin is sending kisses !! (and so am i!!)
@wayvgf​: hi mara baby!!!!! :0 you are such a bright personality, whenever you’re excited ofiawneofai you’ll make like fawoniewi a bunch of posts back to back with 0 context and idk why that makes me laugh and feel so warm and happy- but the thought that someone who is so warm and bright exists really makes me so happy!!! you are literally the funniest and cutest person i’ve ever !! met !! you are so kind and warm and funny and idk man :(( you’ve just been very kind to me and listened to me rant abt some very dumb stuff faoiwnefoaiwne TT TT thank you for always dealing with that side of me, and for being so kind to me;; i know i always say this but : your nose is… really… afwioenaofiawoifwa the pinnacle of noses ok. u r s o cute :( and whenever i’m like “I LOVE MARA DOT ORG” i mean it !!! i love you SO much!!!!!!!!!!! you are such a fantastic, funny, hard working person and i love you SO much bb !!!!! hyunjin also loves u but :/  i love u mos t.
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saint-patrice · 5 years
Tbh I would like to have the 34 *other* Bergy pics on your shortlist, complete with commentary lolol. And then (if you’re still waiting that is) any other Marchy pics with commentary? xD xD
oh my godddd you are my favourite person anon - ask and ye shall receive 😎 i should maybe warn that while this doesn’t have actual nsfw content you probably wouldn’t want to read this to your kids as a bedtime story. anyway, here we go: 
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this was very close to making the original list. i like the soft lighting and the kind of floofy hair, yet he still looks like he could absolutely fuck me up (both like in a fight and various other ways). this photo gets me thinking some thoughts ™ if i am being honest
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a literal saint and god amongst men right here. his brown eyes are so soft and his little smile puts me at ease. this is a man who would treat me right (fact). this photo is also from quite deep into the playoffs so the beard is going a little wild, and whilst i’m glad it isn’t like this all of the time, i very much appreciate it when it’s around.
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O CAP’N MY CAP’N (sorry zee). nah for real this exudes some real sexy alternate energy. if i were on the opposing team and i saw this formidable man just skating around looking like that i think i’d just go back down the tunnel and hide in the locker room. this man will fucking kneecap you for the sake of a goal if that’s what it takes. and then i remember that it’s patrice and he’s the nicest man alive and he would literally never, but that’s still the energy this image has. and i ain’t saying i don’t like it.
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okay this is just cute. they look like 2 dads who aren’t entirely sure how to take a selfie but are willing to try. the outfits lend this a slightly chaotic energy - i can’t commend zee’s colour combo if i’m honest, and when juxtaposed with the plaid shirt it kind of hurts my head. but it adds to the dad energy so i still love it. also this is from chara’s ig and the caption is super sweet.
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DADS WITH THEIR KIDS ALWAYS GETS ME. i don’t even want kids, nor do i particularly like them, but seeing a man with his child is the cutest thing in the world and this, predictably, is no exception. patrice’s son 100% has his eyes which is really cute. speaking of patrice’s eyes, he may be smiling here but if you look into his eyes all you will see is fear - that child does not appear too bothered about remaining upright on the ice, and i suspect thay bergy is concerned about this. it would be criminal for me to not comment on the jeans. bergy has some exceptional thighs as these jeans do an excellent job of highlighting that.
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this is Hot, and i’m not accepting criticism on that opinion. the crisp white shirt w no jacket or tie, and the top buttons undone???? i need a lie down. the hands are also making a nice appearance which i can always appreciate. basically what i’m saying is that i’m jealous of that snake this is an excellent photo and i owe the bruins instagram person a drink for posting it.
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do you remember when i said bergy had marvellous thighs? well take a fucking sip babes - they’re like tree trunks carved out of carrara marble. if i have to die i want it to be because they crushed my skull. this is also one of the clearest photos i’ve seen of his tattoo, so it has that going for it too ( sidenote if anyone has an image with literally a pixel of his tattoo pls send it my way, i’m getting desperate at this point). i also think men in jewellery is a good look so i’m digging his beaded bracelets and silver chain. fantastic picture all round.
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yeah okay there’s no escaping that the main reason this one made the list is 🍑. it’s exquisite. those pants also do a great job on the thighs too. the hair, socked feet (no i dont have a fetish i just think ppl in their socks with no shoes is kind of funny), and hands get an honourable mention
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is this the only picture that has ever mattered? i’d believe it. patrice just lovingly gazing down at his son giving his hockey husband a handshake? you just can’t beat it. i have also been emotionally ruined by that tiny #37 jersey oh my
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in the interest of being polite, i will describe this look as rugged. he has probably objectively looked better but i just like this photo and awful lot.
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i don’t think i can give any commentary on this without saying something genuinely not suitable for public eyes. the 2 things i will say are: the only thing keeping me going completely feral horny looking at this is those pants,, if they were black or navy i’d be dead; and patrice i am begging you to do up a few more buttons on your shirt or remove it completely or i’m not going to live much longer.
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oh man i just love this??? i can’t even explain why. the lack of much beard and the expression in his eyes just makes him look massively soft - i would give him a kiss on the nose and a cuddle in this photo
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(gif via @gaudreau) i am slightly loathe to admit this bc it sounds weird but cuts and bruises can sometimes be a real look so this checks that box for me. his smile when he talks truly is one of the finer things in life too. also the lil shrug. i love you mr pikachu
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a** fantastic **angle. this is just prime beautiful bergy.  excellent level of beard imo, the lighting shows off his v nice bone structure, and the nose is looking fab as always. weird observation of the day is that his neck looks nice in this
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i mean obviously this had to go in - lord knows it’s fucking iconic. i have so many questions about how this situation came to be (aside from the fact that alcohol was involved. did brad initiate it? or patrice? why are they spinning? what the fuck? how the fuck? why was i not invited?) but anyway, this photo increased my thirst for a shirtless bergy photo at least two-hundredfold. at this point it’s a need not a want. i don’t think i can continue to comment on this without straying into nsfw territory so we’ll leave it at that. oh the things i would do
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classic humble patrice making an appearance here, reminding us that he is not only the most handsome bastard to ever walk planet earth, but he’s a great guy too. just can’t hate him. and boy is he handsome in this gif. excellent stubble (im really invested in his facial hair if you hadn’t noticed), and the smile that could melt even my cold heart on display here. also bonus points for the previously mentioned thing about cuts/bruises. (sorry). i love this one 
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in contrast to some of the prior ones, this picture is so cute that i can make nothing but pg comments about it. this is exactly the same face we all make when someone points a camera at us and says “cheese!” and i love that. the man looks good in white. good, wholesome content right here.
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(gif via @weekendatbergysblog) okay the baby is cute but the fucking headband is what gets me in this. i’m able to make no further comment because this short circuits my brain.
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(gif via @davidpastrnut)when i first saw this gif i had to go find the source video because i didn’t believe he actually said that but i’m here to tell you: he did. i love these hockey husbands so much. also i saw this tagged as “# hot waiter” one time and i still haven’t got over how accurate that is. someone more talented than me, i’m begging you for that fucking au 
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(gif via @gaudreau) can patrice please stop looking up ??? it’s unfair that someone can look so good just looking in a direction what the fucK. he’s so stunning.
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i love this one. brad pulling his hoodie down like that looks like he’s... soliciting and honestly who could blame him. bergy looks very cute, if a bit edgy in the all black. the hand is a treat in this one hooooooooooooooooo yes
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this one show’s off patrice’s dark features very well. it’s amazing how he has such dark hair, dark eyes, big dark eyebrows, and dark facial hair, yet it doesn’t overcrowd or shadow his face ( except occasionally in awful lighting) ??? does anyone actually know how that works?? he’s looking very pensive here, and that hoodie looks oh-so-cosy. absolutely would cuddle.
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**how cute is this y’all. **in case you thought you were just missing something, no, patrice is not sitting on a chair. he’s just maintaining that deep squat like a champ. maybe that’s the secret to his sublime thighs... the navy/deep red is an excellent look on him, and we get a rare glimpse of bergy with his wedding ring, which i find to be oddly cute. bonus points for him being beside a very cute kid too :)
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(gif via @jakedebrask) this, i, ummmmm. i- uhh. just. um. yeah. so like. uhhhh... swiftly moving on
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) this motherfucker and his handsome fucking face even looks good in that god-awful wooly patriots hat. honestly it looks like he’s about to go out and have a snowball fight (presumably with brad). decidedly rather domestic and i love it
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) intense media patrice is intense. this is such a classic bergy face though, i love it. every time some media person asks him some big long question he puts on this exact very-invested-and-slightly-concerned face, its iconic. looking cosy in a hoodie once again. stop it. 
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nice polo, dude
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(gif via @davidpastrnut) that tshirt looks like its fighting for its life to contain those biceps. a dark, brooding patrice that has some sort of slow burn au stirring deep in my mind. from other angles in this interview the tattoo is fairly visible also.
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this has such a strong energy it almost knocked me off my feet. again, i can see this being some sort of business or maybe criminal masterminds au. but fuck me, does that man looking something beautiful in a suit. the one hand in the pocket is quite frankly BDE too. i’m glad i’m not into dadkes or esle i think this whole picture would be too much for me.
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he is literally the kind of man you’d want to bring home to your parents. i’m glad he seems to have cashed in on the navy/deep red combo because it really does suit him. he looks so fucking dapper here i may be very much in love
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another excellent on-ice shot of him, albeit his slightly concerned expression. the beard is looking fucking crisp here hello sir. not much else to say on this, just a handsome, handsome boy.
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(gif via @jeffsamardzija) another one that gives me Thoughts. he’s literally so beautiful. hair is cut a little shorter than usual on the sides and on anyone else it would scream fuckboy but i’m kind of digging it on bergy, at least on this one occasion. if i say anything else we’ll go down the rabbit hole
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oof this is_ intense. _bergy aside, this is just an incredible shot tbh. rare that we get to see mr perfect not completely level-headed and playing it cool so it feels like a treat when we do. lowkey hot ngl
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last but very certainly not least, mr patrice bergeron, four-time bergeron award winner, holding the award itself. this photo honestly just makes my heart swell a little with pride - it’s what he deserves!!!! just absolutely dapper in a beautiful suit as always, and a smile that could topple a nation to round it all off.
thank you so much for this anon!!! it was rather self-indulgent but i hope you like it :) also i will absolutely do another one with marchy, although my nails have been dry for about 2 hours now so i’ll probably do it tomorrow or friday, but it’s on its way :)
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sternenteile · 5 years
★*・ questions addressed to your muse.
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▌What is your real name?  
❝ you’re gonna wanna stick with geno. trust me. ❞
▌What is your /real/ name?
❝ ... heh. okay, you asked for it. ♡♪!?. can’t say i didn’t warn you, so don’t give me that look! ❞
▌Do you know why you were called that?
❝ i think... that merle believed i was something special. no, he knew i was, that something else was written in the stars for me. it’s really cheesy, but it’s why he decided to go with ancient star language for my name instead of a regular english name. that language isn’t really used much in the modern day, not even by my own elders, so, uh... they tend to just call me starlight. i try to convince them to call me geno, but... that’s... kind of a long story. ❞
▌Are you single or taken?
❝ hah! wouldn’t you like to know? ❞
▌Have any abilities or powers?
❝ oh, plenty! i’ve got a whole eye full. ever seen those transforming toys that can turn into cars and stuff? well, this guy can turn into a cannon. i’ve got a lot more up my sleeve than that, but nothing beats the looks i get when i transform. it’s priceless. ❞
▌What’s your eye colour?
❝ kind of a... burgundy? maroon? let’s just go with dark red instead of getting all fancy. ❞
▌How about your hair colour?
❝ i, uh... don’t normally have any! the doll’s got ginger hair. it’s kind of more like ribbons, but... you know. it’s close enough. ❞
▌Have you any family members?
❝ heheheh. what would you say if i told you i have thousands and thousands of siblings? ... make that face, i guess! hahahahaha!! i’ve also got my mother. needless to say, she’s always got her hands full! ❞
▌Oh? What about pets?
❝ okay, luigi’s awesome. he gave me this light blue yoshi egg, and ever since it hatched, i’ve been tending to the little guy ‘til he’s ready to leave the nest. his name is boötes after a constellation. he’s kinda chubby and drools a lot, but he’s my round puddle of drool. ❞
▌That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me about something you don’t like.
❝ thinking about things i don’t like. how’s that? ... hey, that totally counts! ❞
▌Do you have any hobbies/activities you like to do?
❝ uh... geez. gaming? playing with my friends? reading? sparring? doing things on my phone? i’m on, like, video 789 of 1000 on this bunny playlist on beantube. i’m making good progress. ❞
▌Ever hurt anyone before?
❝ yeah. it’s kind of part of my job. ❞
▌Ever killed anyone before?
❝ ... it’s —— part of the job, too. ❞
▌What kind of animal are you?
❝ stars are animals now? i mean... i guess it’s better than being called confetti by your huge, hulking koopa king friend. what’s that? passive-aggression? never heard of it. is that some kind of cereal or something? ❞ ;)
▌Name some of your worst habits.
❝ not... sure why you want to know that. i guess sometimes, i get a bit too gluttonous for my own good, but it’s not like i have a ‘figure’ to keep up or anything. we stars use all of the energy we can get, so it’s more of a benefit. depriving other people of food isn’t a good thing, though. people need it more than i do. ❞
▌Do you look up to anyone at all?
❝ my mother and mario are two people i can’t help but admire. her excellence —— my only real guardian —— is just... incredible in every single way. she’s nurturing and kind, but she also knows how to have fun. she knows how important freedom is, and she looks at every star like an individual. i don’t know how she manages to take care of all of us day-by-day... but it has to take a lot of patience and gumption.
❝ as for mario... he’s just the most human guy i know. he’s got his flaws, sure, but while most people see that as a detractor, i think that’s great. he isn’t just a perfect goody-two-shoes like people seem to think he is. he’s got a heck of a temper and a sharp tongue to boot. he can be kinda bull-headed and do some stupid stuff, too... but that’s not to say he’s dumb. he just lets his bravery get to his head, you know? he’s so humble, though, and so kind. i, heh... i could go on. ❞
▌Gay, straight, or bisexual?
❝ can’t say i’m any of that in particular? ❞
▌Do you go to school?
❝ stars don’t need to go to school, actually! we’re very intelligent beings and are kind of... born with a lot of innate knowledge. on top of that, we get guidance from our elders, meaning they’re... i guess you could call them like our ‘teachers’ to begin with? it’s a constant thing. ❞
▌Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
❝ uh... h-heheh... pass? ❞
▌Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
❝ bowser is my biggest fan. hey, it’s true. don’t let him convince you otherwise! ❞
▌What are you most afraid of?
❝ ... i’m... gonna have to pass on that one. too personal. ❞
▌What do you usually wear?
❝ i usually stick with the doll’s clothes and wash them every morning, but i like to change it up sometimes. i have different kinds of capes, jackets, sweaters... and even a dress or two. sometimes, i just feel like shaking things up. ❞
▌Do you love someone?
❝ h- haha... private. ❞
▌When was the last time you wet yourself?
❝ ew. can we not? stars don’t even do that. ❞
▌What class are you?
❝ depends on your definition of class? if you’re meaning some kind of caste system, pretty much all of us stars are working class except for the higher star spirits, of which there are seven. some are entrusted with more than others, but... that’s about it. ❞
▌How many friends do you have?
❝ plenty of casual friends with a few very good ones! i would protect them all with my life. ❞
▌What are your thoughts on pie?
❝ which one? are you asking because you have a little somethin’-somethin’ for me? ... no? aw. well, i like all kinds of pies, just saying. ❞
▌Favourite drink?
❝ soda. it’s literally like liquid candy that fizzes. i can’t not. ❞
▌What’s your favourite place?
❝ here. this planet, this is my home. ❞
▌Are you into someone~?
❝ didn’t you already ask something like this? geez... ❞
▌Would you rather swim in the lake or in the ocean?
❝ i can’t swim at all, so... how about swimming in a sea of blankets? that sounds more my style. ❞
▌What’s your type?
❝ type of what? what are you even talking about? ❞
▌Camping or indoors?
❝ either has its advantages. i’m cool with both! ❞
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❝ sooooo. do i get some of that pie now or what? ❞
tagged by:  no one i stole this like a lil snot tagging:  @masterprotector @burstbombbitch @bowserful @regionalcoins @hecried @nakotnes and! idk! you!!
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