#it’s not supporting him. they’re fictional characters and not even his characters.
colduncrustable · 14 hours
the martin antis working so hard to make waves is so funny. like, you are very much allowed to like/dislike any character you please! but making it your whole personality or acting like you’re cooler for it is a little bit silly. you are not morally or intellectually superior for hating on a fiction character.
not to mention all of the characters in tma are very nuanced and complicated, just like real people (!), and erasing all of that to serve a certain narrative is a complete disservice to the entire body of work. jon and martin’s relationship was never meant to be easy, they first and foremost worked closely together as boss/employee, and in a workplace that was actively putting them in dangerous and horrible situations. the whole point is that they’re both super fucked up but they have each other anyway. they both have flaws, they both have gone through a great deal both with and without each other, but they found love anyway. the idea that the dynamic change in s5 is due to martin just being this villain is so wild? like he’s not a doormat anymore but he also loves jon so fiercely and stands by him over and over again?
jon hated him, jon ignored him, was verbally horrible to him again and again, literally sent him on a dangerous investigation and said if anyone had to die might as well be him, jon accused him of murder, screamed at him, jon was on the run, jon died. martin was his number one defender through everything, even when honestly? he didn’t do a lot to prove he deserved it. but martin was strong in his loyalty and did his best to be a supporter anyway. he picked up extra work, he thought of him kindly when no one else did, he mourned him, and he put himself directly in the line of fire for jon. for everyone, yes, but especially for jon, he says that. because after everything, protecting jon is still his number one priority.
it’s so important to his character that he isn’t s1 martin anymore—that he learns to be a real person who has thoughts and feelings and a backbone. jon wanted that, and does it not say something that they don’t work out until martin learns to have a little bite? there’s a difference between being a real complicated traumatized human person, and just straight up being evil, or an asshole. jon had to learn how to be a lot of softer things but martin had to learn how to square his shoulders and stick out his chin. they had different arcs, and that doesn’t make either of them inherently evil or bad. it makes them real and not perfect and very multilayered, yeah.
martin didn’t handle every choice or action perfectly, he made a lot of mistakes, and he never claims to be the best person ever. but jon also fucked up, a lot. it isn’t a competition or a comparison, that’s really not how that works. but they work because of their flaws. that’s a big part of them fitting together. martin represented the humanity they were saving, with all his good and bad. jon was well beyond that, and while that doesn’t inherently compromise his character, it does mean he’s viewed in a much different light.
(meaning i think jon’s sins are seen very very different to martin’s.) (to be clear i think both deserve to be looked at critically, but hating either of them devoutly seems sort of silly.)
i’m not sure how you can listen to tma and all the ways it dissects and reflects on humanity and turn around and run blogs or make posts in the fandom about how you hate one of the main characters for being all of that.
jon never would’ve made it through without martin, even if martin wasn’t the key to everything, he was the reason to push through and not give up. martin is why jon didn’t go full monster mode, why he held onto who he was and his humanity, even with the whole ‘kill bill’ thing. martin gave him a reason to keep going, to try, to care so deeply. obviously there were other factors but jon says it himself, martin you are my reason.
if you can’t handle the fact that martin isn’t a grade a soft boy by the end of the show that’s a lot more about you than it is about him. he grew and maybe not always for the better but he could be a real person for jon instead of some kind of mirror or blank slate to be reflected on. i genuinely don’t understand how he can be misunderstood so deeply.
they’re both fucked up ! and if they are alive Somewhere Else you bet your ass they’re having long talks and going to therapy and fighting and making up and pacing the floors and figuring it all out together. it isn’t clean or easy or necessarily enjoyable all the time, but humanity isn’t either, love isn’t either. they went through unimaginable trauma, and expecting either of them to be holding it together any better than they already are is wild. context, it’s important. but let’s not turn multi-dimensional characters into flat one word answers.
it’s very human to like and dislike, love and hate based off of bias and experiences and perspective. but also opinion does not make fact. everything is relative, everything is subjective, everything everything everything. it’s an open discussion yada yada idk i’m just screaming into the wall about all the nonsense.
and beyond all of that, discourse is so useless. criticism and constructive conversations are really really important but discourse is pointless! oh you ship these people? well that inherently threatens my ship! oh you like this character that i hate? well that makes me feel invalid for hating them. like what you like, hate what you hate, have your feelings. but if you post shit on the internet you will get people who disagree, sorry, that’s how it is. partaking in little arguments over who is right or wrong when it doesn’t actually have to do with anything harmful or unhealthy makes no sense though. posting on the internet about all the hate you have in your heart when the world is already so full of it doesn’t actually do anything but add more bad to an already very large pile of bad.
things can be discussions not arguments sometimes, i promise. it’s not always tooth and nail, and let’s not forget, most of it is over things that never need to be fought over.
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comfymoth · 2 years
hey guys! been a little while, but i just wanted to give you a small update on my plans for this blog.
ultimately i think i probably am going to keep posting here? but it’s not because i’m over the situation or changed my mind on anything. i still hate dream, i still think what he did was a disgusting abuse of power, and i still think he needs to lose his platform. but, the dsmp is fiction, and it’s not his. don’t get me wrong, my relationship to it has definitely changed as a result of all this, but (at least for now) i feel alright occasionally using my blog to just reminisce about the story he was only one collaborator on. it meant a lot to me for two years, and all the meanings i gave it were mine. i do view my relationship to the fiction as separate from whatever the creators wanted from me, and i’ve never engaged in a way dream could profit from.
this isn’t a dissertation of my full thoughts, and i worry even this might be worded poorly or not make sense, but i’m just trying to get out an overview and a small disclaimer— i might still post here, but i don’t want it to be misconstrued as support for dream. i fucking hate the guy. and if you’re continuing to support him, then unfollow me. thank you
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Pregnancy Headcanons
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──── ✧*・゚*✭˚・゚✧ ────
summary | How the House of the Dragon characters would react before, during and after your pregnancy
warnings | Mentions of pregnancy and childbirth
this is a work of fiction. i do not own these characters
divider by @princessbellecerise
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Jacaerys Velaryon
Finding Out
Jacaerys has the audacity to look shocked when the Maester tells him that you’re pregnant, like the two of you haven’t been fucking like rabbits ever since you got married
No seriously—he literally freezes and just kind of…stares with an unreadable expression on his face
Just sort of wide-eyed, in shock before he finally snaps out of it and briskly walks away without another word
He’s not really sure what to do, or how to react to be honest. And it might take a few days for him to come around, but he will eventually
Bonus: Rhaenyra sees his reaction and she’s like Jacaerys, what did you expect?
And he’s like: Not this
And then she’s like: Well did you pull out? Ask for moon tea? Something??
And Jace is just like staring at her like: No? Why would I do that?
Like boy what did you expect when you literally nut inside your wife every single time
During Pregnancy
Once he does come around though, Jacaerys will be so protective. I’m talking like he barely let you out of his sight, and makes sure that everyone knows you’re pregnant
Like they can’t already tell, he’ll constantly tell people that you’re carrying his heir and that they need to be careful with you
Even the Maesters who literally know what they’re doing get a scolding by the future king if he thinks they’re being too rough
No one is allowed to get too close to you and if they do, Jace will always have one hand on his sword just in case he needs to defend you
He will even better himself at sword fighting, pushing himself to the limits during the hours that he’s not with you so that he can always be prepared
For Jacaerys, you being pregnant is sort of like a wake-up call for him, a chance for him to finally rise to his responsibilities and become a bit more serious
He understands the weight of being king now and for Jace, he’ll want to put away all childish things so that he could become the man you and your child need
Giving Birth
Oh my god he’s so supportive
I’m talking like this is a man that will get behind you and physically hold you while you push
Despite what anyone says, he will be there for the birth of his child and he will be so soothing
Holding you, kissing you, kissing your neck to calm you down, taking the cloth from the Maester and wiping the sweat off of your forehead
Jacaerys’ support of you never ends and he’s constantly telling you how proud of you he is even while you’re screaming your lungs out
He’ll help you breathe and let you squeeze his hand till you break it if that’s what you so desire
Calling you his brave girl and letting out teary laughter when your baby is finally delivered
After Birth
When your child is born, it’s like fatherhood is something Jacaerys is born for
He’s a natural; knowing exactly what to say and how to raise your children even if you are still figuring it out
Seriously, it’s like he has a cheat code or something
If the two of you have a boy, then Jace won’t hesitate to start grooming him to be king and unlike most father’s, he is very involved in his son’s upbringing
Jacaerys will be the one to teach him how to hold a sword, how to ride a horse and a dragon. Jace will be there for his son every step of the way no matter how improper it may seem
Likewise, if he has a daughter, he will be entirely overprotective
If you thought it was bad when she was in the womb, just wait until Jace takes one look at his baby girl
Suddenly, he’s terrified to let her out of his sight; sometimes even holding her on his knee during council meetings. She likes to play with the marble and Jace tries so hard to keep a straight face while also wrestling it out of her hands
Everyone at the meeting will try and pretend like they don’t hear her babbling and like it’s not the cutest thing ever while they’re talking about literal war
Overall, Jace would be prepared to defend you and your children to the death if need be, and he would be such a stern but loving dad
Lucerys Velaryon
Finding Out
Luke doesn’t even notice that you haven’t gotten your moon blood for several months and neither do you, until one day a servant happens to say something and you’re both like: oh shit
Since you both are still quite young you’re not really supposed to be having heirs at the moment. Like Rhaenyra specifically told this boy to not get you pregnant just yet and now he’s terrified of telling her
So yeah, it was an accident and Luke is so nervous he’s literally shaking when the Maester confirms it
But sweet boy, he will do his very best to remain calm and will put on a brave face for you
He’ll act like he’s not scared as well at the prospect of having children so young but on the inside he’s freaking out. He’ll hold your hand tightly and give you kisses to calm you down, keeping his voice from shaking to seem brave
During Pregnancy
Even though it’s a little too soon for the both of you to become parents, Luke will slowly become excited at the prospect of becoming a father
Like he’s so proud, growing to love his child before you’re even four months along
He decides right then and there that he’ll do anything to protect you and his child and swears that no harm will ever come to either of you
While you’re pregnant, Luke will take on every single responsibility so that you won’t be stressed out. He always has you relaxing and content while he deals with all of the hard stuff
And yeah, over the course of the months he will find himself growing up a little
Maybe a little bit too fast, much his mother’s sadness, but Rhaenyra can’t help but love the look of pride of Luke’s face every time he touches your belly. And neither can you
You love when Luke rubs your son or daughter and you especially love when he blows raspberries on your stomach, giggling every time while he coos to the baby or talks to them in High Valerian
It’s a such a sweet moment to witness and many people, sometimes even Daemon, catch themselves smiling or smirking at you and the young prince
Giving Birth
Okay, so Lucerys is now back to being scared shitless
It all started on the day you delivered your child, with Luke sweating and pacing outside of your room while the Maesters attended to you
Your screams severely upset him and he kept pacing back and forth in the hallway, peeking in the room and desperately trying to get a glimpse of you before the Maesters pushed him out
He wants to be there for you so bad, especially since it’s your first pregnancy and you’re crying your eyes out for him
Eventually, he’ll just have to say damn it and force his way in, gathering his courage for his wife. And even though the Maesters tell him that it’s highly improper, he’ll ignore them and will hold your hand the entire way
Whispering sweet praises in your ear and stroking your back while Rhaenyra or your own mother loudly encourages you
He’ll be so worried up until the moment he hears that first cry, and that’s when everything just melts away for Luke and all he can feel is happiness when the Maester hands you your child
After Birth
After your child is born, you and Luke are the absolute best parents
You’re both soft and gentle with your baby, and you’re glowing in a way that Luke just absolutely loves
Both of you have immense pride for your son or daughter and you fall in love immediately despite not even knowing if you were ready yet
You just…jump in and honestly it’s not so bad for you and Luke once your bundle of joy finally gets there
Lucerys especially is thrilled, winning the best dad award for always playing with your child or making up silly games to make them laugh
You love watching him interact with your baby because he’s just so good at it and he doesn’t even realize it
Sometimes, he’ll confess his insecurities that he might not do a good job at raising your kid and you literally have to be like: hold up. Luke you’re doing amazing already
He’d be scared and terrified on where this new adventure would lead but honestly, Lucerys has never been happier and in the end it would all work out
Also, he totally gets so excited when you let him pick out an egg for the baby, just like he did for his brothers
It’s almost like it’s tradition, and every single time Luke knows exactly the right one to choose
Aemond Targaryen
Finding Out
If you’re nervous to tell Aemond, then don’t be
Nine times out of ten he’s so perceptive that he’ll put it together himself and Aemond will be over the moon
He will not stop smiling the entire time the Maesters confirm it, pressing a hand to your stomach and kissing your belly
His reaction kind of throws you off a little bit because you’ve never seen him so excited in his life, but he reassures you that he’s been waiting so long for this moment and now he’s just ecstatic that it’s finally here
During Pregnancy
While you’re pregnant, Aemond hardly ever lets you leave your bed chambers. Nor does he let anyone other than your family or Maesters near you
He’s just so protective and he’s paranoid that something’s going to happen so he wants you to be safe at all costs
He definitely does his own research because it’s not like he distrusts the Maester’s, he just wants to be sure that he knows what they know and more about childbirth in case he has to step in
God forbid your baby won’t come or is stuck upside down—two common themes for Targaryen children. Aemond reads all about it so that he knows different ways of getting the baby out or repositioning it without hurting you
He’ll also read about different birth techniques and decides to teach you to make your labor easier
Making you drink raspberry tea, take walks or stretch to lesson your pain when the time comes
You have to admit, you’re a bit shocked when your husband comes to you and makes you start doing breathing exercises with him
After all, who would have thought Aemond of all people would be so involved and so devoted?
It definitely warms your heart to see though—and no matter how much you want to wave him, you always end up letting him help you because you trust your husband you know more than anything he has yours and your child’s best interests at heart
Giving Birth
Aemond will respect your privacy and will wait outside during your labors, but you better believe he’ll be right there
Listening to every scream and every detail just in case he feels the need to step in
If you really want him to be there, he absolutely will be in a heartbeat. And if anybody tries to stop him he’ll venomously tell them to get out of his way before pushing them aside
As much as he loves his incoming child, majority of Aemond’s focus will be on you and your safety
He’ll make sure everything is going smoothly before he even thinks about celebrating and only then will he finally start to smile, a grin like no other taking over his face when your baby is finally placed in his arms
After Birth
Aemond is a caring yet trusting father
He knows that if his child came from you, they’ll already grow up to be exceptional so he allows them to grow into their own person
He doesn’t hover, but he does care. A lot
He may not show it in every way but if your child wants his attention, they’ve got it. If they want to play with him, he absolutely will. If they want to be comforted? He’s there. They tell him they want some space? Then Aemond is in the next room over, ready to talk when they are
In a way, your children are way for Aemond to heal his own self. To be there as a parent like his never were
Early on, Aemond already swore to you and your babe that he would never abandon you or ignore you when you needed him most
He swore to break the curse his parents placed on him so he is very involved with his kids
He’s also very protective, especially considering what he went through in his childhood. He never wants his child to feel left out so Aemond will go searching for a dragon egg pretty early on
You better believe that thing is burning HOT until the moment it’s ready to be placed in your child’s cradle
And Aemond swears
He swears by the old gods and the new that if they allow his child to have their own dragon he would never commit another sin again, if that’s what it took
And sure enough, Aemond is beyond relieved when your babies egg hatches—the widest grin ever overtaking his face as the baby dragon prances about
You swear—you sometimes joke that it was Aemond’s fiery gaze on the egg that hatched it and not nature
And while that very well may be true, Aemond is just grateful nevertheless that even if he wasn’t delt the best cards, he sure would find a way to rig the game for his children
Anything just to make them happy
Daemon Targaryen
Finding Out
You wish you could say that after having two children of his own, your husband would recognize the signs of pregnancy
But unfortunately Daemon is not a man that concerns himself with that kind of stuff so it’s the Maester that points it out to him
And at first, Daemon is stunned
Like okay—he knows that he never pulls out and that the two of you go multiple rounds a day but pregnant?
He thought that your tits getting bigger was just, well, a huge blessing for him
He can hardly believe his ears or that he’s going to have more children
Briefly, he jokes that he may as well start breeding his own army which causes you to punch his arm
Joke aside though, Daemon is really happy and he will shower you with kisses, laughing slightly at how his seed must be extra strong to stick so fast
During Pregnancy
Daemon is not really much help himself, expect for when it comes to massages or warm baths
Almost every night, to ease your discomfort, your Lord husband will bathe you which is oddly intimate for him, or he will massage your feet and shoulders to soothe some of the pain
Of course, your other activities will remain as well which helps a little the closer you get to birth
Mostly, Daemon will be ordering Maesters around or just simply asking you of your progress from time to time
He really hopes for a boy secretly, and sometimes while you’re sleeping or just barely awake, he will rub your stomach and whisper sweet phrases in High Valerian
Expect Daemon to also already have the names of his children picked out, boy or girl
He might even ask Baela or Rhaena their opinion and let them choose an egg from Caraxes
If he has to be somewhere else where he cannot physically look after you, he’ll also entrust his daughters to keep them informed and up to date on your condition
Giving Birth
Daemon is outside, on the balcony while your screams reach his ears
Truth be told, it’s too much. He can’t be there as much he wants to be—as much as you surely need him to be
After witnessing Laena’s death, childbirth has become quite traumatizing for Daemon so he prefers to remain outside, waiting until a Maester or one of his daughters come to fetch him
Of course, Baela—ever her father’s daughter—scolds Daemon a bit and reminds him that every lady wife needs her husband during such times
But Daemon will not budge, not until Rhaena comes to the balcony with an unreadable expression on her face
At first, Daemon is terrified. He stands, the breath freezing in his lungs as he tries to decipher what that might mean. Your screams had died down…perhaps…
Daemon stands, his heart clenching in chest as he begins to possibly grapple with another untimely death of the one he loved. He prepares himself, but then a wide smile grows on Rhaena’s face and Daemon knows all is well
“My sibling is here. It is healthy, father.”
That’s all Daemon needs. And suddenly, he’s tearing himself away and down the halls, straight to your room where he walks in on the sight of your smiling face and the glowing cheeks of his newborn child
After Birth
You like to give Daemon the benefit of the doubt and say that he spends an equal amount of time with his children
Of course, maybe a little bit more attention towards the baby since he or she does need Daemon more than his adolescent children, but as your child grows up pretty much everything is the same
Baela and Rhaena absolutely adore their new sibling and vice versa. They may be a bit older but you’ll always find the three of them playing together or one of the girls reading them a bed time story
It always warms your heart to see them bond, and Daemon’s too
Though he’ll never admit it, his favorite thing to do is spy on his children and eavesdrop as the girls help the youngest with their Valerian
Or when the three of them are together, somehow still fitting on his lap and Daemon teaches them the history of their house while you sit in the background, smiling
It’s special moments like those that remind you that while you may have married a morally grey man, his number one priority would always be his family
And you know more than anyone that with Daemon around, the five of you would never have anything to fear
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mochatsin · 22 days
School Play
There’s another school play in which you act as the main lead because Simeon thought you’d be perfect for the role, there’s no need to cast anyone else (much to Asmo’s dismay). He’s seen your performances before, and you’re one of the easiest actors to work with compared to the brothers that constantly got their lines wrong during rehearsals. Simeon can get frustrated, and it seems that the brothers feel the same way, if not terrified of the angel’s sudden change in attitude as soon as he plays the director. You’re just relieved he’s not that way towards you.
Of course, who wouldn’t want to see a play written by Christopher Peugeot himself. The theme was a thrilling love story wherein the hero would have to go through a long journey to rescue the one they love, which was you. They would meet so many characters that would either support the hero or become an obstacle on his way to defeat the cruel lord that locked you up. 
You’re the main love interest, and you sat on the side watching as everyone else in the room debated and fought each other on why they should have the main lead role, why they should be the hero who would rescue you. Seeing as how the atmosphere in the room is starting to have murderous intent, Simeon finally thought of a solution that would be fair to everyone. Draw lots. 
That’s how you ended up with Solomon as your hero, and Barbatos acting as the main villain and the rest playing a support role. They either help Solomon with the journey or act as one of Barbatos’ minions to try to stop him from his advances. Everyone could only blame their luck, though to say that Solomon was happy about his part is an understatement. Meanwhile, Barbatos does adore the parts where he keeps you all to himself, however he does not enjoy the scene where he had to terrorize a town since Diavolo’s character, a commoner (which he loves to play), is one of the victims that the hero finds which eventually sets the tone of the play to move forward. It takes a lot for Barbatos not to run to his master’s side while he was acting out his death.
Solomon is always ready to rehearse his scenes with you, and when it’s about lines talking about you, Simeon is impressed at how quickly he can memorize them. But then again, if they’re all about how much he adores you then it’s not difficult to remember at all. Lucifer and the others hate playing supporting characters where they have to hear about how much Solomon loves you. It’s bad enough they had to play the role of helping him, but there are several minutes of dialogue with his character telling them how important you are to him and how he needs to find you quickly! It took several practice rehearsals for Mammon to say his lines without sounding so forced or annoyed at him when his role is to literally help Solomon through the journey. 
Levi is quite happy with his role as the costume designer because there’s no way his envy wouldn’t flare up if he had to stand there and listen to that. That would’ve flooded the stage if he lost all control, so he decides to use headphones and blast music when it’s Solomon’s scene and only take it off once it’s you.
Satan would play the role of the narrator, and while he normally enjoys the part he got, it’s quite irritating that he has to tell the love story between you two, even if it’s merely a work of fiction. His claws threatened to tear holes into the script, but he kept himself calm and collected. They decided to put a leather cover binding to avoid that happening, and Satan actually likes how his own personal script looks like a book now. 
Lucifer is questioning why Simeon would write such a piece, given how most lines are so sickening and romantic. The angel wanted to tell a tale of lovers that could overcome everything, though he omits the fact that he really did have you in mind when he was writing this. Maybe he projected a little too much of his feelings, but the play still had more elements regardless that a lot of the audience would be able to enjoy. The action, the drama, and the tension that could keep everyone at the edge of their seats. 
What Simeon did not expect is for the brother’s self control to snap. Maybe he should’ve thought about that when he wrote down that kiss scene. It’s a page he kept between you and Solomon, as he knew that rehearsals would’ve been a disaster if they knew how the story would actually end. Of course he did ask for your permission, if this is something you’re comfortable with and he would rewrite the part if he needed. You don’t mind, and you understand why this was kept private. 
So when the day of the play came, everything was going smoothly. At least according to Simeon’s high standards.
Solomon and Barbatos really do seem to play the perfect role. A good villain doesn't need to yell, it comes with the composure they bring in the story that sometimes people wonder if Barbatos is really acting. The fight scenes were also phenomenal whenever Solomon would use some sort of imagery magic to make it more realistic, sparkes and effects flying in the air as they fought until Barbatos eventually fled, claiming defeat but he will be back for you one day. 
What the brothers thought was a successful play became something they dreaded when you and Solomon continued the scene. These were lines they’ve never heard before, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess where this was heading. Satan is furiously flipping through the script trying to see where this was coming from, but this part was hidden from the Avatars on purpose. 
“Oh how I longed to hold you like this in my arms.” Solomon says as he pulls you in an embrace that lingered longer than the brothers would like while they watched from backstage. 
“Did you truly miss me that much?” You say, meant to be a half tease to the hero as you returned the hug. It’s a romantic reunion that the audience has been waiting for. 
“More than you could ever think.” Solomon sounds so convincing. He says his lines as if you two were truly apart for so long, that there’s disbelief in his voice like this was all a dream and he would wake up to find that his journey is not over, that you were still locked away. But he has you in his arms, and that’s all he needs to ground himself. “Each time I see the crescent moon, I’m reminded of the smile that graced your lips. It pains me whenever I turn to my side and realize that you’re weren’t with me.”
Solomon brushes the hair away from your face before cupping your cheek, looking at you so lovingly that you feel your heart skip a beat, almost forgetting that you’re acting out a scene. But to the sorcerer, he doesn’t need to act. “Tell me, will you grace me with those lips?” He asks, and that’s the cue for you to slowly lean forward to seal the deal. 
Both if you freeze before turning back to see Mammon pointing the sword prop at Solomon. The sorcerer is confused, and perhaps a little irritated that his moment with you was ruined. It would’ve been a perfect way to end the play. “What are you doing?” Solomon asks with furrowed brows. 
“That’s my line! Get ya grimy hands off em!” Mammon growled, taking a few steps forward. 
“You’re not even supposed to be part of this narrative.” Solomon reminds the demon, warning him for ruining the scene. 
“You claim that as so,” Satan says as he appears by his brother’s side in a puff of green flames, looking quite pissed. “How dare you rewrite the ending to your liking, and then use the Narrative as your shield. You should be ashamed of yourself, filthy thief.” the demon hissed as he threw the script he fashioned into a book  across the stage. The brothers fully believed they were deceived with the script, and that Solomon had something to do with it.
The audience are now all captivated at the scene unfolding before their eyes as they watched the Narrator throw the book across. Perhaps the book told the whole scene, and that Solomon actually rewrote the ending according to his will since they assumed that script was an actual prop to keep the story going. “Was the hero actually manipulating the whole scene?” “What a crazy twist!” “Wait, so who's the real lover?” “Were they tricked to think that Solomon was the real love interest?!”. Whispers rang in the air as they were all made to believe this was still part of the play
That might be the only way for them to salvage what could’ve been a successful performance: to keep acting. Solomon reluctantly lets go of you before standing up to face the two demons. “I can’t believe you all would cause a scene, after all we’ve been through. After all they’ve been through.” Solomon says as he gestures to you, who is just as confused as the crowd. 
“Ah, so you acknowledge our efforts and yet you get to keep them for yourself?” Belphie steps in on the other side of the stage, with Beel following behind him. “Kinda greedy isn’t it? Even greedier than him.” Belphie says while pointing at Mammon. That somehow got the audience to laugh. 
“That’s pretty selfish too, and that’s coming from me!” Asmo finally chimes in, holding onto his tulle costume while he stomps into the stage. He wouldn’t let his brothers steal all the spotlight, and there was also no way he was going to let Solomon just kiss you like that on the stage. If it were him instead, you both would be the talk of the week! “Honestly dear, that’s quite a big low. Even for someone like you.” 
Simeon is just thankful that Lucifer and Levi didn’t even chime in on this monstrous mess of a show, he has their pride and anxiety (respectively) to thank for. Despite the sudden improv show, it seems that it captured the audience’s attention… just not in the way that he hoped.
Solomon is now putting you behind him with a magic spell flaring by the palm of his hand. Nothing harmful, just something that’s more flashy than anything. The other demons are closing in on you both, trying to make up lines on why you should choose them. Of course, a fight breaks out and everyone in the audience cheered for whoever they were rooting for to win while you stayed behind and watched the chaos unfold. 
It took one wrong spell after another for the boys to lay on the ground, groaning after Satan and Solomon’s stun lock spell collided into something bigger that it affected everyone in the stage except you since you stayed behind. You wondered what you could say or do to salvage this as the audience is watching intently on what happens next. 
Thankfully, Lucifer finally steps on the stage, calm and collected as ever while he tries to avoid the groaning actors. He played as one of the Barbatos’ henchmen that Solomon defeated, so seeing his reappearance was definitely a shock to the crowd. You prayed that Lucifer has a plan on getting you out of this mess without ruining the play you all worked so hard for. Luckily, Simeon told him a few lines that could salvage the play and save you from the embarrassment.
He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it, a small smirk appearing on his face before he continues. “I’m here to collect you, under my master’s orders. It seems that he was right, that none of these heroes were ever deserving of your heart.” Lucifer says while he stares at his idiotic brothers with discontent, managing to stay in character just like you hoped. “Luckily, we don’t need to rely on cheap tricks and underhanded tactics.” 
Solomon groans, rubbing his eyes profusely but his vision won’t focus yet due to the spell. “Don’t listen to them…” He says, desperately trying to reach out to you. Lucifer only lets out a low chuckle as he watches how pathetic the hero has become.
“Come with us, and we’ll be sure to prove them wrong.” His line is full of confidence with a slight mischief, and the crowd cheers as the lights go dark and the curtains drop, signaling the end of the play. 
What should’ve ended in a happy love story became some sort of twist. People now assume the hero might’ve manipulated the scene which they find amusing if the good guy of the story was not who they pictured to be, and the villains may actually have a shot of winning your heart. It’s the talk of the school, and people are praising Simeon for writing such a crazy plot twist, which he finds a little frustrating since it’s the only part he didn’t actually plan. He’s not sure if he wants to thank the brother’s recklessness or not. 
Even after Simeon explained the hidden parts that were reserved just for you and Solomon since he expected something like this could happen at the rehearsals, he never really anticipated that they would jump in the scene like that on the actual performance itself. Now he has to write another play in the future as many expressed their wish to see what happens between you and the dark lord Barbatos. 
Needless to say, many of the brothers were strung upside down by their feet after the show.
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daylighteclipsed · 17 days
Your KH Enchanted posts are driving me INSANE! I've never thought about the connection before but like, Enchanted is literally about a cartoon character going to the real world and finding out that her designated "perfect" love interest wasn't actually the one for her despite the fact that he should be. And then cut to SORA WAKING UP IN QUADRATUM AND RIKU THERE LOOKING FOR HIM like... it's all coming together.
YES!!!! There are so many parallels. In Sora’s dreams, the way he and Riku wake up in this huge city at night with so many lights and signs and skyscrapers… it’s so much like Giselle pulling herself up into the center of Times Square. The area Sora’s in especially, Scramble Crossing, brings to mind Times Square.
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Enchanted is about a fictional character becoming real. Giselle’s from a simple, “perfect,” fairytale world. She’s designed to be a stereotypical Disney princess, and she’s a trope more than a person until she ends up in the real world, where she’s quickly challenged by the real world’s imperfections and complexities, embodied especially in Robert and through her relationship with him.
I’ve talked before about how Kingdom Hearts features fictional characters waking up and coming to life, deviating from the script when they’re not really “supposed” to and becoming real. Like Giselle, Sora starts out as a pretty stereotypical trope — the hero — but over the course of his journey grows further away from that. He’s challenged and he changes, and a lot of that is embodied through his relationship with Riku, as Riku represents change and complexity, especially in the context of growing up.
There’s a lot of parallels in the dynamics between Giselle/Robert and Sora/Riku. They’re complementary opposites, and they learn from each other. Giselle inspires Robert to believe in the messages fairytales champion about kindness, the power of love, dreams coming true, and happy endings. Sora inspires Riku to follow his heart and open his heart to others. Robert helps Giselle understand that real life is not as simple as a fairytale. Riku helps Sora see and understand the nuances in their world and in each other.
Real people are complicated, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Giselle’s thrilled, for example, the first time she feels really, truly angry. Robert makes her feel things she’s never felt before, messy things that make her feel alive, that make it easier for her to understand him and grow closer to him. KH emphasizes that experiencing grief, sadness, anger, etc. allows us to connect with others deeper, whether we’re leaning on loved ones for support or trying to understand a stranger. Pain is a necessary part of having a heart, of being alive.
Also, these scenes are literally the same. Giselle and Sora even both smile in their sleep.
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Giselle/Robert and Sora/Riku’s relationships develop significantly over the course of their stories. In comparison to Giselle/Edward and Sora/Kairi, which rely on trope expectations instead of character development/actual relationship building. Giselle hardly interacts with Edward. But he’s a prince, he resembles the man of her dreams, he saves her from falling, and she can finish his duet. Surely it’s true love! I’ve already compared sharing the paopu fruit with singing the duet. Kairi is also a princess. She saves Sora from falling to darkness in KH1. And it’s pretty and perfect and Disney, with him reappearing in her arms, gently pulling away, quietly thanking her with sparkles all around them. Just like how Edward catches Giselle right in his lap, perfectly in his arms, with the tree branches forming a heart behind them.
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Compare that to later in DDD after Riku saves Sora from falling to darkness and Sora thanks him… and when Robert catches Giselle from falling off a billboard. It’s the same thing, but the moments are not pretty and perfect.
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Giselle takes Robert to the hard ground, with a chorus of yelps and ouches as she nearly breaks his wrists. Riku is almost bowled over by Sora’s hug, and Sora holds him tightly, loudly exclaiming his relief, reluctant to let Riku go. But the lack of “Disney fairytale perfection,” I guess, in these scenes kind of makes them better, right? Robert is willing to get really hurt trying to catch Giselle. Sora is so happy to see Riku he can’t contain his emotions. Near the end of Enchanted, we see this again, except Giselle is the one catching Robert. And it’s still very clumsy and rough — he takes her down with him. It’s not perfect, but it’s real.
That’s the biggest difference between Giselle’s relationships with Edward and Robert, and Sora’s relationships with Kairi and Riku. In both surface dynamics and appearance, one is a pretty idea. A perfect, soft, simple fantasy that doesn’t exist, that can’t exist in reality beyond little boys and girls playing Prince and Princess. And the other is grounded in reality, with all the good and bad, the joy and heartbreak, laughter and tears, that entails. Being human is hard. But there is something magical about finding someone you can be human with.
Giselle mistakes Edward for the true love she’s been dreaming of. He’s got the blue eyes and the dark hair, and he catches her from falling. And it reminds me a lot of Sora mistaking Kairi for his light in the darkness in KH3.
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It’s reasonable why Giselle and Sora would assume this… But Robert also catches Giselle from falling. He also has blue eyes and dark hair. Later, he dresses exactly like Giselle’s dream prince at the ball, and he even dances with her like in her dreams. In KH3, Riku sacrifices himself in an act of true love for Sora, and we see the light in the tunnel respond when Sora calls out Riku’s name. There’s a number of visual parallels from Sora’s dream and Dive to the Heart that indicate Riku is Sora’s light. While Giselle realizes the truth, it only seems to click for Sora a moment before he forgets. Giselle also gets a follow up parallel. Sora hasn’t yet.
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Another little thing I want to point out — Giselle and Edward have a duet (that she stops singing), but Giselle and Robert have a waltz. They have the love song, and they dance to it. Sora and Riku don’t dance, but we see their hearts dancing to the song they create — a waltz version of Dearly Beloved.
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Also Robert/Giselle still get the Disney singing element. It’s just not big and flashy like Giselle and Edward’s duet. Robert quietly sings a few words to her as they dance together… Sora and Riku still get the paopu fruit — it’s the keychain of Dearly Beloved (the Combined Keyblade) — but it’s not obvious like the cave drawing between Sora and Kairi is.
TLDR: I completely agree with you and I think, like Enchanted, KH intentionally plays with Disney tropes and audience expectations in order to subvert them. Like Giselle, Sora discovering his designated “perfect” love interest is not the one for him is part of his journey of awakening. It’s part of him becoming real, and growing up.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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this has always been one of my favorite lines in this scene it’s so striking to me. i think debating over callum’s level of lucidity and what can or cannot “fix” him is deeply antithecal to what the story is trying to express with him - but the idea that callum is still there and still a person who does have the capacity to love mingus, just not in a way she can ever comprehend or accept, because she can't comprehend or accept anything outside her narrow worldview, is sooooo good.
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there is no way of actually knowing if callum is proud of mingus, much less recognizes her at all - but it's added to by the fact there's only so much of that she would accept even if he could. ultimately, she wants validation and power, his prestige, from him, she wants a supportive parental figure she never had - there's only so much of that callum is able to provide even in a world where her stint to fix his memory actually worked. he's like a hundred. he never even MET her. to say nothing of all he's missed in the past fifty-odd years. to say nothing of how his age may have messed with his mind deteriorating even without the pre-existing brain damage.
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and mingus' phrasing here implies he doesn't even look at her when she visits - which brings me to the visit that radicalized her: the one after her surgery, where he was watching gingi out the window.
obviously, callum watching gingi is mostly for the thematics of it all, how similar the two of them are in ways mingus refuses to recognize, but theres also the thought of... callum's been sitting alone in that room for over half his life, barely lucid if at all. of course he's going to be drawn to a brightly-colored thing making noises and knocking stuff over outside. if he can't respond to stimuli of the people around him he's at the very least going to latch onto something more visually interesting than Brown Wall and Brown Figure.
but it's not like mingus can think of it like that, because she's internalized so much about her grandfather and built up such a specific, personalized vision of him - she doesn't see him as an elderly man with (a fictional equivalent to) dementia, she sees him as President Callum Crown™, the man she personally has to please and live up to the legacy of and make proud, disregarding the fact that's not something he has the mental capacity to even do - because she's so obsessed with validation and complete control that the only way she can get it is by either subjugating others and forcing it out of them (what she does with her townsfolk), or just completely projecting on someone who, for her purposes, is basically a blank slate.
which is maddening to her in its own way, see how crazy she drives herself trying to restore callum's memory in the first place - but also, would she be happy even if callum could see her for who she is? post-game, when she's working on herself, that's an irrelevant question as she's pushed past that need, but as we know her? absolutely not.
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i love the ch3 standoff between norm and mingus as a show of "Okay guys let’s see who can dehumanize this disabled guy harder (via pedestal-putting) and justify themselves for it better" and why i think it is so important that it’s gingi who reads the postcard and ultimately speaks for callum instead of either of them, or even the narrator. they can’t read, and they struggle to, but they manage to get it right even when people are telling them to stop. and the fact they’re able to do it at all, are given the chance to do so, and are ultimately the one to wind down this conflict shows that the world of dialtown, while not perfect, really is how callum would have wanted it.
both gingi and callum are some of the most altruistic and human characters ever, and the crux of their parallels is that they are denied this by close-minded people because they happen to Behave Strangely. it's why seeing mingus act the way she does hits so hard - she loves her paw-paw, yes, but if she were to see him in a vacuum, a one-limbed man who can hardly think, much less speak for himself: or even his younger self, who was struggling to make ends meet with his odd inventions...
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...well, the feeling norm's imagining here would probably be mutual. mingus' relationship with bigotry is a very fascinating one, she's very close-minded but views certain oddities (ie her flesh-head) as having earned their place and thus being fine - she's a freak too, by her own admission, but she's doing it for a just and wider purpose, so it's fine. which is, ironically, the ideology callum forced upon himself.
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callum was obsessed with helping people, pushing himself to do more and more, because it was the only way he ever found respect. if he didn't help people and have grand visions for the world and make himself "useful" to society at large, then what would he be, if not a freak?
mingus and her paw-paw are very similar people, from their well-intentioned extremism, to their stubbornness and paranoia, to their inability to view themselves as anything more than a vessel for that grand cause they believe in (callum in the dialup, mingus in restoring her paw-paw's memory) - which is funny, because if mingus was able to view callum, and herself, as a flawed human person, she would come to understand how similar they really are.
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hwere · 3 months
Some people here seem to forget that Sydney also has her own problems. Carmy isn’t the only one going through and dealing with shit. How is Sydney supposed to hold Carmy accountable and help him, if he’s not even listening to her on a business partner level?
Conflict is good. Healing isn’t linear. I’m not a child that needs her fiction to be spelled out and squeak clean, but this season proved to me that I can’t trust the team behind the show.
All of the characters this season were written to enable Carmy’s psychotic behavior. Everybody’s progress was thrown on a limbo because of Carmy, all while the team wasted precious time on irrelevant (white) characters and cameos.
Of course I don’t want this man suffering alone, in the same vein that I don’t want to suffer alone, but one of the most beautiful moments this season was Natalie telling Donna that she’s done with hurting herself in order to protect her.
Life taught me that you can only help someone when that person is willing to be helped. There’s no point in hurting and/or traumatizing yourself, waiting around for the person you love to realize they need help and need to change, if they don’t show you signs that they’re trying and want the help—Carmy, so far, has only been words and empty promises. Nothing more.
Which, again, would be good and interesting if the team hasn’t wasted an entire season on irrelevant characters and cameos.
This season we only got glimpses of what constitutes the beauty of The Bear. This isn’t good television, I’m sorry. Showrunners/writers got too comfortable with fans doing the heavy work for them, playing detectives to transform lazy writing into intentional foreshadowing and subtext.
Life’s brutal and you’re only a person. Sometimes, walking away is the best thing you can do for yourself and the person you love.
To me, it doesn’t really matter how much I love Carmy and relate to his problems and struggles, I don’t want Sydney to be his punching bag. I don’t want Sydney to be responsible for him. I don’t want Sydney to be loyal to a detriment—like Richie. At the end of the day, this is still a work of fiction and I’m tired of watching black characters being the support for white characters.
If Syd decides to walk away because she assessed the situation as being more harmful to her than anything else, I’ll support her.
I don’t need SydCarmy together to enjoy the show, but I need everything else. I don’t want to be belittled. If the team wants to make a mess out of a beloved show in order to stop the audience of shipping two characters, they can go fuck.
Nobody learned anything with Game of Thrones?
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I’d personally like to know what fandom they’re in because every third day since May of this year, I have been subjected to takes that include statements like:
Tommy will cheat on Buck because gay men cheat.
Tommy will give Buck an STI because gay men sleep around.
I hope Tommy dies of AIDS.
Tommy is homophobic for dating Buck instead of a “femme twink bottom.”
If I were Buck, I’d have killed Tommy for flirting with me.
If you like Buck x Tommy, you’re just a fetishizer. Even if you’re a queer man. I said what I said.
We should stone Tommy.
M/M romantic relationships have always centered women.
Temu is a predator for dating a grown man who’s younger then him.
Jakey only wants Buck for his body and youth because gay men are shallow and superficial.
Which crime makes you want to execute Tteokbokki the most? Cutting a date short or calling a man by his given name?
Gay men are never actually gay; they just think they are. They actually like women, but don’t realize it or are lying.
Men like T*mmy should be beheaded for flirting with men the way he has with Buck.
Tommy is such a typical gay man, forcing himself on Buck in his loft and turning him gay.
Gay men are all liars, so I don’t expect Buck to put up with Tommy long.
Stereotypes about gay men obvi come from somewhere, and that’s real life! I have good cause to think Tommy will be bad for Buck as a gay man!
Buck’s not actually into men; Tommy is your typical man and pressured/coerced Buck into a relationship.
Tommy and Buck dating makes light of women’s relationship trauma.
Someone needs to tell Buck that he’s actually in love with his best friend!
The gayest thing to ever happen to Buck isn’t kissing a man or the implication he’s had sex with that man, but the one time he told his best friend he’d beat him up.
Buck x Tommy is problematic because they’re both men.
Tommy is a pedo because queer people prey on children and a teen in the show called him “cool” off-screen.
Any number of takes calling fans of 911’s recent decision to expand queer representation by including a same-sex male couple “bummies” or “bummers” << UK queer people have told y’all to knock it off. It’s a slur.
Also any number of takes saying that Buck & Tommy’s relationship feels “off-putting,” “creepy,” “gross,” “weird,” “nauseating,” or “obscene”
If you flirt with men like Tommy, you’re a predator. Simple.
Tommy is a freak and a fetishizer.
Relationships are only meaningful and worthwhile if it’s a slow burn and you more friends for the better part of a decade first.
I think this queer guy is secretly in love with and pining for his (straight) best friend.
Queer guys and straight guys can’t be friends; the attraction gets in the way.
Buck is going to cheat on Tommy because Tommy’s old and has a low libido and Buck’s a bisexual slut.
Tommy is grooming Buck!
So, yeah, I’d like to know what fandom you’re in where people are being homophobic to real queer people for *not* liking Tommy, because all I’ve seen is people literally sending death threats and CSAM fics to queer people—often specifically targeting queer men—who support 911’s newest canon queer couple. It has been MONTHS of targeted harassment. Months. I’d like to know WHO these people are who are harassing queer people in the name of defending a “homophobic queer character,” and then I’d like to know how that character is homophobic.
Please—I beg—tell me how Tommy is a “homophobic” gay man. How is he anything like the self-proclaimed “homophobic gay men” of buddieblr? Do tell. Without relying on any tropes about gay men being predatory. Because the only reason y’all think he is and can and would “groom” or “prey upon” a grown man is based in very popular irl queerphobic stereotypes about queer men. Y’all have spent the last five months essentially saying: “I want to subject this fictional character to violence because of real life false conceptions about men like him.”
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Love is Easy (M) ~Bang Chan
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Pairing: Werewolf!Chan x Human!F.Reader Themes: Supernatural/Fantasy AU | Smut | Fluff | Established Relationship Warnings: Christopher is Intense™ but so is the MC so i guess they’re even, pet names, graphic depictions of intercourse (smut warnings under the cut), sickly sweet i think you might get cavities if you’re a hopeless romantic. gentle reminder that Chris’ girl is curvy/chubby/thick/however you wanna call it :) Word Count: ~10k | AO3 Summary: After two years of living among werewolves, of being an important member of their pack, you finally get to partake in one of their most important activities: their ‘monthly camping trip’. [This story is an instalment of my WereRoomies series].
Author’s Note: when i think i’m over them, i just circle back to Chris and his girl. i wanted to give some depth to their relationship, so i guess here this is ! the title of this piece comes from McFly’s Love is Easy, a song i feel could’ve had this werewolf!Chris having an epiphany.
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Chris’ WereRoomies Instalments:  It’s Cold Out · Rut · Alpha Dog · It’s Warm In · Love is Easy · Afraid to Lose You. For extra drabbles, check out the series masterlist.
Smut Warnings: possessiveness · intercrural (four fics later i realise i’ve inadvertently given this man a thigh kink, oops) · oral [F.Rec] · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but the reader is presumed to be on birth control] · creampie · typical roughness that comes with having intercourse with a full alpha werewolf I GUESS
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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Becoming one of the main pillars of a pack of werewolves was something you never truly expected to happen in your life.
Two years ago you didn’t even know werewolves existed, you thought it was all a mix of myths and legends, all part of the supernatural and fantasy genres in books and media. Which was why, when you moved to this building, you would’ve never guessed you were moving into a werewolf den. You couldn’t have even imagined that the warm, welcoming man looking for a roommate was a werewolf himself.
As soon as you found out of their condition, though, it was as if a switch flipped, and suddenly you were helping all these people living in this place, providing emotional support when needed, giving advice, or simply being there for them when they needed you. Hell, you even started coordinating the communal finances of the entire pack. All of a sudden these seven neighbours of yours started calling you mother–mostly in what you thought was a joking manner–and when you asked your roommate about it at the time, he had simply blushed a bit and explained to you that they started to see you as the ‘Pack Parent’, mostly because of the support you always gave them, because you were always there for them.
Your roommate, Chris, obviously failed to mention that the other reason for them to start calling you that was because he, the alpha of their pack, was harbouring a crush on you, so his packmates liked to tease him for it, alluding to the fact that, if you were to become romantically involved with him, you would indeed be in the position of being their pack’s ‘mum’. 
Although you were well aware of the role you were filling in, and what it typically meant, you fell naturally into the position due to your own personality traits–your need to help those close to you, your emotional maturity, to name a couple–you never really thought of what that could or would mean for Chris and you. Even if you were great at helping others with their problems, you were a bit dense with things that involved you directly, like Chris’ crush on you, which, looking in retrospect, was really obvious–just like your crush on him was, but he also didn’t seem to pick up on it at the time.
It took around a year of you living with him, of you being an important member of his pack of werewolves, for you both to finally become A Thing. And even then, the way you got together wasn’t exactly… Conventional. One ovulation cycle had unexpectedly sent your dear roommate into his rut, and in the process, you somehow ended up helping him through it by, essentially, letting him fuck you silly for days on end. You certainly skipped a few steps at the beginning, but your relationship with Chris was smooth sailing after that.
Sure, he still got on your nerves sometimes, just like he used to do when you were just roommates; silly things like the way he left the spice containers misplaced after cooking, or the fact that he couldn’t leave the goddamn toilet lid closed, or how he would often forget to lock the door at night–just how you knew he just couldn’t stand the way you loaded laundry. In fact, your only major disagreement since your relationship started happened because you just couldn’t stand the fact that he wouldn’t take care of himself as much as he should.
Chris was a grown man, he led his pack of misfits almost flawlessly, and he had a stable job as a software engineer that he was dedicated to. Maybe a bit too much. Chris was so good at his job and at taking care of the people around him that he would often forget to fulfil his basic needs, like keeping hydrated and eating proper meals at appropriate times, something that you couldn’t help but worry about constantly.
Contrary to what your place within the pack might lead people to believe, you weren’t there to mother your grown-ass werewolf boyfriend, so after one too many texts of ‘oh yea forgot to have lunch lol’ you just exploded–maybe a bit too dramatically, you’d admit, considering it wasn’t something he was doing on purpose–the entire thing leading to that only major argument you’d had with him as of yet.
At the time, once both of you had calmed down, you simply apologised for the way in which you delivered your message, and Chris did acknowledge the fact that, yes, he wasn’t taking care of himself as he should, but he had stressed the fact that he really didn’t expect you to mother him in any way. And to his credit, he did get a bit better with his self-sabotaging habits–emphasis on a bit, but he was certainly trying his best.
Other than that, though, everything was great. You’d never truly had such a balanced, healthy relationship before, which was kind of funny, considering your boyfriend was, in essence, a supernatural being. A fact that somehow didn’t bother you in the slightest, but it did bring some challenges, mostly because, since you were but a mere human, there were many behaviours or traditions you simply didn’t understand from the get-go, so you had to educate yourself as much as you could. Which was something you had already been doing since you were only roommates, something that you were sure you would have to continue doing for as long as you lived among his kind, and, by the time you neared your two year mark living at their den, you honestly didn’t think you’d ever leave.
Sometimes, though, you did worry about the fact that you weren’t exactly like Chris and his friends. That worry grew a bit the more you realised how important you had become to them, and how important they had become to you. There was nothing that you wanted more than to do well at the role that you had taken in the pack, and since you became the pack apha’s partner, there was something you hadn’t gotten around to do, and it was bothering you–even when the rest never really said anything on the matter.
“You think I can go with you guys this time?” The entire time you had been lying on this sofa with your boyfriend you had been building up the courage to ask that question, and now that it was out, you certainly felt a bit relieved.
“To Disney?” Chris chuckled, looking away from the TV currently playing an ad for Disneyland to look at you instead.
“No”, you couldn’t help but chuckle. Removing yourself from Chris’ embrace, you sat straighter, straddling him as you settled your hands on his chest, looking down at him. “Wanna join you on your monthly trip”.
Once a month, when there was going to be a full moon, Chris and his pack went on a trip to the woods–it was their ‘monthly camping trip’, as they called it. They would usually be gone for a couple of days, a few at most, and whenever they came back they always looked refreshed, invigorated. Chris had explained to you that basically all they did was go for a run through the woods, they’d simply shift into their wolf forms and run for a few hours.
‘It helps greatly to relieve stress, especially the stress induced by just… You know, existing as both a human and a wolf. That’s why we always come back looking so relaxed. Plus, the moon’s just… Can’t explain it but running under the moonlight feels just so freeing. Especially when it’s full’, Chris had told you once when you were still just roommates, and you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since.
“Baby…” Chris’ hands sneaked under the hem of your pyjama shorts to softly caress the skin of your thighs. “You know it can be… Dangerous. We can get very, uh… Animalistic. Which is why we’ve never taken a human to one of our trips”.
“I know…” Your fingers lightly tapped on Chris’ chest, and your eyes moved away from his to stare at the movement. “But… Don’t you think it’s weird that I’ve never gone on one of your trips?”
Removing his hands from under your shorts, Chris cupped your rear, lifting you up just enough so he could sit up and place you back on his lap, settling his hands on your lower back as he looked at you. “Why would I think it’s weird?”
“I mean… We’ve been together for a while now, and I’ve been living here with you guys for even more than that”, placing your arms around Chris’ neck, you wiggled a bit, crossing your ankles behind him once you found a more comfortable position to sit on his lap. “Kinda feels like… Like I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing, you know?”
“What do you think you’re supposed to be doing, pretty?” The confusion was clear in Chris’ eyes, and honestly, you couldn’t blame him.
“Helping you out”, you replied simply, and you literally saw the moment your words started to really make sense in Chris’ brain with the shift in his eyes, that look of confusion turning to a glint of concern almost immediately.
“Baby, it’s not something you have to do. You know that, right? You… Always help out in many other ways”, Chris pulled you further into his lap, almost pressing his chest to yours. “In many, many, less dangerous ways. Hell, you already practically plan the entire thing beforehand…”
“But I want to go. Want to be there for you guys”, moving your hand away from where it was resting on his shoulder, you reached to push his fringe out of his eyes. “Besides, I trust you guys. You know that”.
“Babe…” Chris sighed, taking a hold of your hand, moving it away from his face for his thumb to softly caress your knuckles. “I know you trust us, but… This is… We’re a bit different from our day to day selves”.
“At least think about it”, you squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. “Besides, no offence, babe, but I’ve literally let you fuck me like an animal when you’re deep into your rut, how can it be any different?”
Chris laughed at that, a bit incredulous, and you couldn’t help but smile as you took in the sight of his dimples showing up. “Fair point, I guess”, leaning in, Chris pressed a soft kiss on your lips, pulling away after, just enough to look you in the eyes as he spoke, but keeping his chest pressed to yours. “Alright, pretty baby. Let me think about it, okay? Need to… Consider some logistics. Make sure it’s safe for you, yeah?”
You just gave him a smile in response before you leaned in to kiss him, mumbling a soft ‘okay’ against his lips.
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“No”, Chris said firmly, leaning on the backrest of the dining chair as he crossed his arms and looked Minho dead in the eyes.
“Yes”, Minho replied simply, leaning back on his chair as well, matching Chris’ stance.
“Minho, no”, Chris repeated, slightly exasperated.
“Guys–” Changbin tried to speak, but Chris cut him off.
“Changbin, no”.
“Love, it’s only fair…” You couldn’t help but chime in, giving him an apologetic smile when he shot you a pained look.
Chris, Changbin, Minho, and you were sitting on your dining table, planning the upcoming trip to the woods, just like you did every month. Typically, you’d simply plan out the basics–fresh changes of clothes, clean bedsheets, whether they’d take groceries or fully prepared meals, anything and everything they might need… Today, part of the topic of discussion was your attendance to the trip.
“But it’s not the same”, Chris looked at the three of you with his brows furrowed in concern. “You going there is already enough human presence, adding another–”
“It’s only fair, she said it herself”, Minho interrupted, pointing at you. “I’ve asked a million times and you’ve never let me bring my friend because she’s human”, he turned to you then. “If we’re taking you, then we’re taking her, too. Both humans or none. No offence”.
Bringing your hands up, you simply added a, “none taken. I do think it’s only fair”.
Chris groaned, dragging his hands down his face. Crossing his arms again he looked at Changbin, almost pleading, to which Changbin just gave him an apologetic smile and a shrug.
It wasn’t like Chris needed you all to agree. In fact, if he put his foot down for real you’d probably have to comply, but that wasn’t how Chris led his pack. He liked to make things fair, to take his packmate’s opinions into consideration, even when they went against what he himself wanted to do, and that was especially true when it came to Changbin, Minho, and you.
Chris was quiet for a while, the rest of you as well, just waiting for the Pack Alpha to make his decision. Staring at the table, Chris drummed his fingers on the surface as he pondered, but ultimately, he heaved a sigh, looking straight at Minho. “If she comes, you do know she’s your full responsibility, right?”
“I do know. Never have I not thought that”.
“If anything happens to her–”
“Nothing’s gonna happen to her”, Minho was really confident in his statement, and you honestly didn’t doubt for one second that Minho would do his best to protect his friend. He always did, she’d been coming to the den since even before you moved in, and based on what you knew about their friendship, you were sure Minho would do his best to take care of her.
Chris looked at Minho for a few moments, until finally, he took a deep breath, sitting straighter on his chair only to exhale, leaning his elbows on the table. “Fine. She can come”.
Minho simply gave Chris a smile, a genuine one. Funnily enough, Chris didn’t sound particularly defeated or annoyed at all, he hardly ever did with these things, you knew he was probably just concerned for her safety, just like he was concerned for yours. Prior to your ‘meeting’ today, he’d finally told you you could come, and honestly you couldn’t have been more excited when the words came out of his mouth, but he did tell you of his ‘contingency plan’, as he called it.
‘Checked the blueprints of the house. Apparently my grandparents had added reinforced doors to the basement, so if anything doesn’t go as planned, that’s where you’ll go, okay?’ Chris had told you earlier, and he was now just telling the same thing to Changbin and Minho.
“We’ll get some wolfsbane, too. Just in case”, Chris finished, and your eyes almost bulged out of your skull.
“Christopher, we’re not getting wolfsbane!” 
“Just a bit! And as a last resource”, Chris laid his hand on top of yours, trying to soothe your worries–a low tactic, knowing that having his hands on you in one way or another could certainly help persuade you.
So you turned to Changbin and Minho. Minho just shrugged, “I’m not fond of the idea. I wouldn’t like to die from wolfsbane poisoning if I’m honest…”
Changbin looked at the three of you, and then sighed. “Honestly? Chris, I think you’re being a bit dramatic… But if it makes you feel better I’m not opposed to it. Trust you enough to not kill our entire pack with it”.
So Chris turned back to look at you, giving you his best puppy eyes, adding a pout for good measure, and you couldn’t help but scoff a chuckle, slightly incredulous. “Fine, if that makes you feel better, baby, bring the deadly plant…”
“It’d be just a bit, promise. Just enough to knock us out, but not kill us in the process”.
And the smile he gave you after that honestly made you trust him completely.
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With Chris’, Changbin’s, and Minho’s cars filled to the brim with your supplies, and distributing the rest of the pack members between the three vehicles, you all made your way to the woods, to the property Chris’ grandparents left him in their will. When you found out about that house, and how big it was, you had asked Chris why they decided to move to their current den instead of going to live there, out of curiosity more than anything.
‘It’s too far away from the city. We’ve got our lives out here already, you know? Plus, back when we started the pack the place wasn’t even mine, and the rooms are too close together, we’d hardly get any privacy’, he’d told you back then, and it sounded fairly reasonable to you. Especially the privacy part… Even though they were all essentially family and they loved each other deeply, each member of the pack had distinct personalities of their own, each one with their own oddities that could clash with one another when having to share their space for long periods of time, and if it happened to Chris and you sometimes, you figured it would be the same between them as well.
Jeongin and Jisung had taken the back seat of Chris’ car, so they kept the conversation flowing with you as Chris kept his concentration on the road, since he didn’t like to talk much while he was driving. Occasionally, though, Chris would move his hand from the gear lever to your thigh, mindlessly caressing your skin or squeezing the flesh lightly, only removing it whenever he had to change gears. Eventually, Jisung noticed, and, in good Jisung fashion, he just couldn’t keep quiet about it.
“Damn it, Christopher. You never hold my thigh when I’m your co-pilot”, the pout was audible in his voice, and it made you laugh.
Chris just chuckled as he looked at Jisung through the rearview mirror, offering a “missed your chance, sweetcheeks. Got my baby here now just for that”, which had you chuckling.
“Want me to hold your thigh?” Jeongin had a devilish smile on his lips, reaching for Jisung only for him to swat his hand away.
“Don’t you dare touch me with your death grip, Yang Jeongin!”
“C’mon! Just a squeeze!” 
“Get off!”
Jeongin and Jisung kept jostling for what was left of the road trip, Jeongin would try to get his hands on Jisung, and Jisung would immediately push his hand away. ‘But I thought you wanted to be touched, Jisung!’ Jeongin would tease, and Jisung would swear loudly and allege ‘I don’t want to lose circulation on my thigh, Jeongin! You’ve gotten way too strong, you might kill me one of these days…’ just for Jeongin to reply ‘I’m not strong, babes, you’re just fucking weak’, all as you laughed at their antics and Chris smiled fondly any time he looked at them through the rearview mirror.
As soon as you all made it to the house in the woods, it all became a blur of unpacking and settling things in their place, making sure everything was ready for the evening when the moon would rise and the pack would go on their run. You knew the schedule better than you knew the back of your hand, considering you prepared the entire thing with Chris, Changbin, and Minho every month. 
So, with enough water and food for an army set in the kitchen for when they came back, and nine robes neatly stacked on a table in the back porch of the house, the pack finally made their way to the backyard–now with the addition of Minho’s best friend and you–and they started stretching and getting naked just as the sun finally set. 
“We’ll be gone for a few hours…” Chris cradled your face in his hands, softly running his thumbs on your cheeks as you rested your hands on his bare–and incredibly warm–chest. “Remember, if anything weird happens when we’re back–”
“I’ll take Minho’s friend and go to the basement. I know, baby”, you pressed a brief kiss on Chris’ lips. Earlier, he had shown you the way to the basement, and how to close the reinforced doors securely in place just in case, but you could still see the worry in his eyes as he looked at you right now. “It’ll be fine, babe. I’m sure”.
Taking in a deep breath, Chris just looked into your eyes, you were going to reassure him again, to tell him nothing would happen, but suddenly you saw how his eyes started to change colour, from that brown you knew so well to a bright golden. They were essentially glowing, and you blinked a few times, feeling all your attention pulled to them as he continued to look at you.
Chris noticed your reaction, and he simply gave you a small smile. “It’s time, pretty baby…” Letting go of your face, Chris took a few steps back away from you, putting enough distance between you two as he started to shift. You’d seen Chris shift a handful of times, but you didn’t think you’d ever get used to the unpleasant pops and cracks coming from his body as he did. In less than a minute, where your boyfriend used to be, there was the biggest wolf you’d ever seen, almost as big as you, and even though logically you should’ve felt intimidated by the sight, you couldn’t bring yourself to, not when you felt so safe with this beast in front of you just looking at you.
As soon as Chris had fully shifted, you walked closer, bringing your hand to his head so you could pet him, and Chris simply nuzzled your hand as you did. Leaning in, you pressed a kiss to his forehead, booping his nose immediately after–almost as if he wasn’t the biggest predator you’d ever encountered. “Be safe out there, my big bad wolf, hm?”
Chris just huffed in response, in what you assumed was his way to reassure you as well. After giving your wrist one final affectionate lick, he turned around, walking past Minho’s friend to make his way towards the edge of the woods, where the rest of his pack were already waiting for him.
You walked forward so you could stand next to Minho’s friend, just watching Chris pace a bit as he took in the sight of the other wolves. Once he seemed to be satisfied with their positions, he howled, and the sound had you shivering, even more so as the rest of the pack started to howl as well. It was imposing, really, hearing all of them in their most primal state. But even though you were just a human, it all sounded so familiar to you, not really that different from when they were talking extra loud to each other, which was honestly kind of weird–and amusing–considering they weren’t talking at all, at least not in human language.
Finally, Chris turned back towards the woods and took off, the other eight wolves following right after. As soon as they were gone, you turned to Minho’s friend, regarding her with a smile on your face. “Well, just you and me for a few hours, then. Wanna hang out here, or you prefer chilling on your own?”
She smiled back at you, offering a simple “let’s hang out”.
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Minho’s friend was always really enjoyable to talk to, she was Minho’s closest friend, she’d seen the pack grow since Minho joined it years ago, and she seemed to care deeply for him. You could still remember how happy she was when she met you when you’d just moved in with Chris, offering a ‘it’s nice to finally have another woman around! And a human one at that’. She’d helped you feel welcomed–not like the kids didn’t, she was just the most vocal about it–so you always liked to sit down and talk with her about everything and nothing over some tea just as you did now while you waited for your friends to come back.
You sat there on the back porch for hours, until the rustle of leaves from the edge of the forest brought your attention to the area, just as the shapes of Changbin and his girlfriend came into view. You sprung into action as soon as you saw them, Minho’s friend following soon after, taking a couple of robes and handing them to Changbin as soon as he turned back to his human form.
He was panting slightly and a bit sweaty, but he gave you a big smile, murmuring a ‘thanks’ and easing himself into the robe, tying it securely around his waist just as his girlfriend wrapped her arms around him from behind and gave him a squeeze, resting her chin on his shoulder, also giving you a smile. “The rest will be here in a few minutes…”
You couldn’t help but notice that Changbin’s eyes, as well as his girlfriend’s, were also glowing, just like Chris’ were before, and you realised then that you hadn’t really paid attention to anyone else while you sent Chris off, but now that you saw them, you assumed their eyes had been glowing since then as well.
Soon enough, wolves started to filter from between the trees, starting with Felix, who joined you at the back porch a handful of minutes after. Between the five of you, you helped the rest also get themselves comfortable into their silky robes, the material helping them cool off a bit after their run for them to finally make their way into the house to start getting refreshed.
Minho was the last one to come back, meaning only your boyfriend was still left in the woods.
“Where’s Chris?” You couldn’t help but ask as soon as Minho was in front of you and had shifted back into his human form, handing him a robe.
“He’s checking the perimeter”, Minho’s eyes were glowing golden as well. Taking the robe from your hands he draped it over his frame. “He always does that after a run. Will probably be here in a few minutes”.
A low howl resonated in the distance, the sound had the hairs on the back of your neck standing on end and a shiver running down your spine, dragging warmth and heat to pool in the pit of your stomach. A smirk crept on Minho’s face at your reaction, clearly amused. “That’s him. It’s all fine”, he patted you on the back, offering a ‘let’s go, kitten’ to his friend as he slung his arm around her shoulders and pulled her along so they could make their way into the house, Changbin and his girlfriend following right after.
So you sat on the steps of the back porch, just waiting for your boyfriend to come back from his run. From his run as a wolf, a thought that you couldn’t help but chuckle about. 
Soon enough, there was a rustle among the trees far in front of you, and after a few moments, the dark shape of your boyfriend’s wolf form came into view, with his glowing golden eyes, somehow brighter than the rest of his packmates–a Pack Alpha thing, you supposed.
Taking down the few steps that were left, you leisurely walked towards Chris just as he trotted your way. When he was almost in front of you, he started to shift, the unpleasant cracks and pops giving way to human groans as he finally turned back to his human form. You had the full intent of handing him the robe in your hands as soon as he turned back, but, before you could even register it, he had already cupped your cheeks and pulled you to him, sealing your mouths in a heated kiss.
It took you by surprise, your breath hitching in your throat as Chris’ kiss stole the air right out of your lungs, but that didn’t stop you from kissing him back. With your arms around his shoulders and a hand in his curls, you tugged him even closer to you, pressing yourself flush to his body, the robe still in your free hand, now hanging over his back.
The way Chris was kissing you was almost as if he couldn’t get enough of the taste of you on his tongue, hungry, desperate. It felt similar to how he kissed you when he was on his rut. Maybe not with the same intensity as those times, but it was certainly close to it, and it almost made you feel dizzy in the best ways possible. 
Before you could even realise it, Chris had scooped you into his arms with ease–once again showing you that supernatural strength he possessed–and your legs wrapped around his torso for stability as he pushed you to the side of the house, the sudden contact of the concrete behind your back eliciting a small yelp from your lips.
“Chris?” You called for him the moment his mouth moved away from your lips to trail kisses all the way to your neck, licking and sucking your skin with such fervour you knew you were going to see marks later.
Chris hummed against your skin, further pressing you against the wall and his grip on your rear tightening every so slightly. It was then that you felt him, hard and warm against your heat, and the feeling had your head spinning. “Want you”, was all he mumbled between kisses, making your inner walls clench with need.
“Now?” You were already breathless with just a few minutes of kissing, and the hum of confirmation against your skin had goosebumps rising all over your arms. “Shouldn’t you… Eat something first?”
Chris shook his head. “Later. Just want you”.
“Let’s…” You couldn’t help but sigh at the feel of his tongue on your skin, taking a deep breath right after. “Let’s at least get to our room”.
Chris detached his mouth from your neck, only to bring it back to your lips so he could kiss you again. After a few moments, he gently placed you on your feet, taking the robe from your hand. “Okay”, he mumbled before he pressed a brief kiss on your lips, taking your hand and tugging you towards the back door and into the house, holding the robe over his crotch.
Everyone had seen each other naked more times than anyone could count. Hell, even you had seen more cock in your couple of years living with them than you had in your entire life–a mental image you admittedly always tried to suppress, the lack of shame and judgement around being naked something that you found to be quite endearing but also hard to get used to. Even then, you figured they all might get a bit more reserved when sporting a raging erection, your boyfriend included.
The rest of the pack was huddled in the kitchen, causing a ruckus in just the way they knew how to, so they didn’t even register Chris and you making your way upstairs towards the bedrooms, and if they did, they were clearly smart enough not to come close to you both. You could feel anticipation building within you all the way to your shared room, with your eyes focusing on the toned muscles of your boyfriend’s back as he tugged you along the corridor, admiring the way light caught on each dip and curve, highlighted by a thin sheen of sweat, admiring the flush spreading on his skin from all the blood that was encouraged to pump through his body with the run.
As soon as you were inside your room, as soon as the door closed behind you, Chris had already pinned you to it, pressing his body to yours as much as he could as he claimed your mouth while simultaneously turning the lock, the click barely even registering in your ears among the sounds of your wet kiss.
“Take this off, all of it”, he mumbled against your mouth, tugging on your oversized t-shirt–his t-shirt–and your shorts. “Wanna feel you”.
“Babe–” He just wouldn’t stop kissing you, and it had you giggling as his hands found their way under your tee to palm your breasts, kneading them gently. “Baby, I can’t–Can’t take it off if you’re this close to me”.
Chris chuckled softly, pressing one final, loud kiss on your lips before detaching himself from you a bit, enough for him to tug the garment over your head. As soon as that was gone, he dropped to his knees, tugging your shorts and your underwear down with him for you to finally step out of them.
Interesting thing, how even when he was the one on his knees for you, there was absolutely no doubt on who was taking the lead. It never mattered in what position you were, whenever the sparks of lust started to fly around you two, you were always at his mercy, and it always made you weak in the knees, made your head spin, made you want to let him enjoy you however he pleased, because you trusted Chris. You really did. You trusted him with your heart, with your body, because, in a way, you knew he’d be able to make you feel good in every possible way he could, you knew he’d always take good care of you. 
“Fuck, look at these… Look at you…” His hands greedily fondled your thighs, your hips, your rear, Chris tried his best to touch you anywhere and everywhere he could just as his lips pressed kisses all over your soft belly, occasionally nipping the flesh for good measure. “Have I ever told you how much I love your thighs?” Propping one of your legs over his shoulder, he settled to suck purple marks on your thigh, tracing a clear path towards your centre.
“Once or–or twice–Oh!” Chris’ mouth suddenly attached to your clit, your hand immediately moving to thread your fingers in his hair to try and steady yourself as he lapped you up.
Chris’ brows furrowed, and he groaned as soon as he got his tongue on your sensitive skin, tasting you, licking you, building your pleasure at an alarming pace. All you could do was hold onto him, trying to keep as quiet as you could and looking at his golden eyes as they stared back at you from between your legs.
Soon enough, Chris had two of his fingers stuffed into you, curling them against that sensitive spot within your walls that had you trembling under his touch, and when he added a third finger you couldn’t help but tighten your grip on his hair and lean your head back against the door, closing your eyes and biting your lower lip to try to maintain your volume to a minimum.
You felt as his mouth moved away from your clit, quickly replaced with his thumb as he attached his lips to your thigh again, sucking harshly on the skin. “Look at me”, Chris’ voice was so low, so level, as if he wasn’t fucking you open with his fingers, as if he wasn’t turning you into putty with just his fingers and his mouth.
You really wanted to comply, but it was hard for your brain to send signals to your body when you felt just so overcome with all the different sensations coursing through your body, and it was just as Chris was easing his fourth finger into you that he spoke again. “Look at me, love”.
Swallowing, you finally opened your eyes and turned your gaze down, finding Chris’ piercing golden eyes looking at you, holding your gaze as his fingers sped up, as his thumb kept rubbing your clit. It was no secret that Chris’ warm brown eyes were one of your biggest weaknesses, they were one of his physical features you loved most, but there was something about this look of his, about this supernatural glow of his eyes… It felt so raw, it made you feel exposed, almost as if he was stripping layers of your soul when he looked at you.
Two years ago, a look like this would’ve surely sent you into fight or flight, your brain would’ve urged you to turn around and run as far away from him as you could. Now, though, that look only fed the fire burning in the pit of your stomach, it made you crave him with such intensity you thought your heart would leap out of your chest as you held his gaze.
“You’re so fucking pretty”, you couldn’t help but whimper as the words left his mouth, as you felt his fingers moving harder within you, as you held that dangerous eye contact with your boyfriend, at the feel of his other hand tightly gripping your thigh. “So fucking pretty and sweet and perfect and mine, yeah? All mine?”
You nodded, biting your lip to dampen the sounds that desperately wanted to escape your mouth. “All–All yours, Chris… Baby, please… Wanna…”
Chris simply hummed, seemingly satisfied by your reassurance, immediately removing his thumb to return his mouth to your clit. He held your gaze, looking determined, almost greedy. You knew that look. How could you not know it when it was that look that always had you throbbing with need, it was the look he always gave you when he wanted to have you come undone for him. Usually, when he wasn’t driven by his rut-induced urges, Chris would take much longer than this to give you your release, but right now he clearly was just as needy to give it to you as you were to get it.
You could feel your lower belly tighten with each flick of his tongue, with each thrust of his fingers, and it wasn’t long until he finally sent you over the edge. Bringing a knuckle to your mouth, you took it between your lips to bite into it to help muffle the sounds that threatened to come out of your mouth louder than they should when you were staying in a house full of people with enhanced hearing, all as you kept your other hand in his hair, holding the strands between your fingers as if to not lose your sense of reality. It wasn’t until Chris was absolutely sure you had enjoyed every single wave of pleasure from your orgasm that he removed his fingers from you, pressing a couple more kisses on your clit only to finally bring his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean with an appreciative hum.
Removing your leg from his shoulder, Chris carefully placed it back on the floor as he stood up. You were panting, breathless, and a little unsteady from the entire thing, but that didn’t stop you from kissing your boyfriend as soon as he was eye level with you again, holding onto his shoulders for dear life as he held your hips tightly in place.
When he removed his mouth from yours, Chris spat on his hand, wrapping it around his length after to generously coat himself in his saliva, and before you could even wonder what he was going to do next, he was already easing his cock between your thighs, right where they met with your core, brushing your sensitive folds with each thrust. Chris’ eyes rolled to the back of his head in bliss and he let out a sigh of relief, pleasuring himself with your thighs so shamelessly you couldn’t help but whimper at the sight, at the feel of his warm length on your skin, and the feel of his tight grip on your hips.
“So good…” Chris truly looked like he was starting to get lost in the feeling, and it had you dripping, had you feeling desired and wanted in that utterly primal way only Chris ever made you feel. “Always so soft and good for me, aren’t you?” When he opened his eyes again, his gaze found yours, almost stealing the air out of your lungs at the sheer intensity of his stare.
With a hand on his nape you pulled him to you, relishing the groan that escaped him only to get lost in your mouth as you kissed him, relishing the way his hold on your hips tightened and the way he thrusted harder, just as his hands moved you back and forth to have you meet his thrusts.
With one final grunt he brought your hips flush to his, stopping his movements. “Bed, love”, Chris mumbled against your lips, grabbing a handful of your bum. “Hands and knees”.
“Hands and knees?” Draping an arm over Chris’ shoulders and hiking one of your legs on his hip, you pulled him closer to you, kissing him briefly. “My alpha wants to mount me?”
Chris loved to mark you, to call you his, but he also loved when you called him yours, my baby, my dear, my boyfriend, my darling, my, my, my… It didn’t matter what term of endearment you used, whenever you added ‘my’ before it, you knew it would drive him up the wall, and when he was in this type of mood, in his more dominant, borderline animalistic mood, ‘my alpha’ would always get him incredibly worked up, and you loved how it simply worked every single time.
“Fuck!” Chris kissed you eagerly, grunting against your mouth, and his hand flew to your thigh, gripping it tightly to keep your leg around his torso. “So, so much. You’ve got no idea. Come here”, with his arm securely wrapped around your waist he moved, letting your leg drop to the floor to walk you backwards towards the bed.
Removing yourself from his arms after one final kiss, you moved, climbing onto the bed, and setting yourself as requested. Chris simply looked at you, with that look in his eyes that made you feel like you were the first meal he’d had in a long time, almost as if he was deciding which part of the plate to devour first, that look now heightened tenfold by his glowing eyes.
He brought a hand to his length, stroking himself leisurely, licking his lips absentmindedly and slightly tipping his head to the side as his eyes raked your form. You had to bring him back to you, you felt yourself aching for his touch, so you called for him, lacing his name with that breathy tone you knew would snap him out of his trance. “Chris…”
“Shit, baby, can’t help it”, climbing behind you, Chris placed a hand on your lower back, his thumb caressing the skin softly as he dragged the tip of his length up and down your folds, coating himself in your juices, making you shudder with the contact. “You’re so fucking beautiful, can’t help but get distracted”, you felt yourself flush, not only because of the things he was saying, but also because he stuffed you full of his cock as he did, eliciting a shared groan of relief once he was buried snugly within your walls. 
“Fuck… How did I get so lucky, huh?” You could feel Chris’ hands on your back, on your hips, your belly, your breasts, caressing you softly, tenderly, as if he hadn’t pumped his cock between your thighs a handful of minutes ago, and you could also feel his lips, pressing soft kisses on your shoulder, all as he let you adjust to him. “Mmm… Lucky… My pretty baby, all mine…”
When you felt comfortable enough you pushed back against him. You barely moved, only a tiny push, but it was enough to make Chris grunt, to make him bring his hands to your waist and start ramming into you immediately, with absolutely no build up. The movement was so sudden you couldn’t help the moan that left your mouth, completely forgetting your setting for a second.
“Want the whole house to hear you, pretty?” The sheer force of his thrusts had you feeling dizzy, had your mind hazy with nothing but Chris and his motions, had you gripping the bed sheets tightly. “It’s okay, babe. Not like they don’t know exactly what I’m doing to you up here, huh?”
Lowering yourself on your elbows you arched your back, letting Chris fuck you deeper as a shared groan left your lips. In an instant, Chris’ hand was on your clit, rubbing tight circles on your sensitive nub, making your legs twitch and your teeth sink on your bottom lip to try and muffle all your moans and whines and whimpers. It was so much and so, so good, and very quickly you realised how desperate you were for your release again. 
“Chris…” With the feel of his cock reaching so deep within your walls you could hardly speak, but you also knew you didn’t need to say anything, as soon as his name left your lips you knew he’d know exactly what you needed. 
“Fuck, I know, baby. I know, don’t worry. I’ll give you what you want”, his fingers on your clit sped up, you could feel your rear bounce with every single one of his merciless thrusts, and even if you didn’t look at him, you knew he was looking, so you made it a point to push back just as he pushed forward to enhance that movement, immensely enjoying the groan that left his lips as soon as you started doing just that. “What a fucking sight, shit… Lucky… Mine…”
Moving his hand from your waist to your neck, Chris pressed down, effectively pushing your upper body flush to the bed as he kept thrusting in and out of you, as he kept rubbing circles on your clit, the motions turning you into a whiny, whimpering mess. The weight of his hand on the base of your neck, the feel of his cock deliciously stretching you open, and his fingers working you up were the only things you could register, and you could feel your release building and building the more Chris moved, the more Chris touched you.
“You’re doing so good for me, love. You always do, fuck… Are you enjoying yourself? Enjoying your alpha’s cock, huh pretty?”
You weakly nodded in response, mostly because you didn’t trust yourself to open your mouth and speak, fearing all that would come out would be a cacophony of desperate sounds and cries under Chris’ quickening movements. There was a low growl, almost inaudible, but Chris was so close to you there was no way you could’ve missed it, and your body reacted immediately, a shiver running down your spine and your walls clenching tightly around his length. “Tell me, love. Say it”.
“I–” Your lower belly was tightening harshly, and you felt warmth rushing through you every second Chris kept rubbing your clit, the motions had you almost speechless, but you tried, gripping the bed sheets tightly in your fists to ground yourself. “I am–”
Thrusting harder, Chris’ hold on the base of your neck tightened. “You’re what?”
Swallowing thickly, you felt your mind clouding, now filled with nothing but pure need and desperation, with nothing but your boyfriend and his ruthless thrusts. “Enjoying your cock, Chris–Fuck!” As soon as the words left your mouth you felt heat spreading everywhere within you, your release dragging pleasuring warmth from your core to every single one of your limbs, weakening your grip on the sheets, weakening your legs, and your knees would’ve given out had Chris not moved his hand away from your clit to instead wrap his arm around your waist to keep you steady in place, further leaning into you, almost pressing his chest to your back as his other hand found its way to hold one of yours, pressing it to the mattress.
“Mmm, good girl”, Chris’ breath fanned your neck, raising goosebumps on your flesh, that, coupled with his unfaltering pace had you whimpering softly, leaving you on the brink of oversensitivity. “Good, good girl. My girl. Perfect, yeah? Perfect when you come for me…”
Chris was running his mouth a bit, just like he often did when he was close to his peak, mumbling mindless words of praise as he kept working himself up. And finally, with a few more thrusts, he came, groaning lowly in your ear and pressing his hips flush to your rear to pump you full of his seed, just how he loved to do. He pressed kisses on your shoulder, mumbling softly, ‘so, so perfect for me. My perfect girl’. You just hummed, still panting a bit, but undoubtedly satisfied, enjoying the feel of him all over you, enjoying the gratifying tiredness only a good fuck with your boyfriend could leave on your body.
You didn’t move for a while, you hadn’t changed positions at all since Chris came, and you couldn’t help but notice he was still rock hard within your walls. “Chris, baby?” Before you could comment on it, he started to move again, slowly, in and out of your cunt as he continued to press kisses on your nape, eventually settling on the junction of your neck and your shoulder, mindlessly kissing and licking your skin.
While Chris kissed and licked the area, a low rumble resonated in his chest as he kept moving within your walls. You obviously didn’t mind, you loved to feel him in you, fucking you, the feel of his rumble on your back, but Chris didn’t rumble often…
‘Alphas don’t rumble frequently. It mostly happens when we’re really, really, reeeeaaaally lost in a state of bliss, which is typically when we’re on our rut. Rumbling out of happiness is more an omega thing, I’d say’, he’d explained to you once, and you truly had only ever heard–and felt–him rumble during his rut or when he came home really tired and got to hug you close when he finally tucked himself to bed, just right before he fell asleep. This behaviour of his was odd, you knew he wasn’t on his rut, he was being too coherent for that, but by now he would’ve pulled out and tugged you into his arms to relax for a bit.
The moment he grazed his teeth against your skin, you gasped softly, both from the feeling of his mouth on you and the angle in which he was fucking you, but suddenly, his warmth was gone. The sudden change in temperature around you and the sudden feeling of emptiness in your core almost gave you whiplash. You just caught sight of him stumbling back from the bed, pressing his back to the wall as he took in deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” Chris asked you, panting.
You just turned fully, sitting on the bed with your legs folded under you, blinking slightly. “‘Course I am. Are you okay?”
Chris simply nodded in response, and now you were starting to get worried. “Chris…”
“I am! Just… Just need a moment, yeah?” He further slouched against the wall, closing his eyes as he kept taking deep breaths.
You just looked at him, with your brows furrowed in concern, completely uncaring of his cum trickling down your legs. It went on like this for a few minutes, until Chris finally heaved a sigh, opening his eyes again, which were now back to their usual warm brown.
“I’m sorry, pretty. The full moon and the adrenaline from the run have me a bit… A bit feral”, Chris chuckled softly, but he didn’t move away from the wall.
Moving to sit on the edge of the bed, you looked at him. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes. Just… Need to control myself a bit”.
“Is that why your eyes were glowing so bright? Because of you ‘being feral’?” You emphasised the two words with air quotes, genuinely curious about it.
“I mean, it’s just the… The entire thing. The full moon, the run, you… There’s a lot going on inside of me right now with all those things combined”.
“Me?” You couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “What do I have to do with anything?”
Chris simply smiled at you, walking over to sit next to you on the bed. “A lot of things! When… When the full moon hits and we go on our runs we don’t… Think much. We act. At the end of the day, I’m an animal, too. You know that, right?”
You just nodded, because of course you knew. There was no way you weren’t aware of the fact that your boyfriend wasn’t exactly like you, he was very close, but not the same. Chris reached for your hand, turning it so he could place a soft kiss on your palm. You could almost see the cogs turning in his head, the way he was trying to make sense of his thoughts, or at least, of what he was going to tell you about them. So you decided to ask directly. “Chris, baby… What’s bothering you?”
Chris looked at you for a moment, taking in the features of your face until he finally heaved a sigh. “Just realised that I always… Always get these urges during the full moon, just that, since you’ve never been here, it’s never progressed further than… Just urges. Now you are here, though, and it’s throwing my hormones more out of whack than usual”, you were slightly taken aback by the comment, and it must’ve shown on your face, because he quickly added. “Not in a bad way! It’s just… Primal instincts and shit”.
“Wanna… Tell me more about it or…?” You took his hand between yours, squeezing gently.
Chris looked at you for a few moments, only to drop his gaze to your joined hands right after. “I’m… Uh… A bit embarrassed, I guess. It’s not something… I mean…”
He was rambling a bit, just as he often did when he was trying to make sense of his thoughts, so you gave his hand another squeeze, the motion bringing his attention back to you. “Babe, you know I won’t judge you”.
He looked back at your face, his gaze jumping from one of your eyes to the other, until his eyes moved lower, settling on your neck, and his free hand, the one that wasn’t holding yours, came to softly caress the skin of your neck, just as a soft blush settled on his cheeks. “I feel like… Like claiming you, biting you…”
Ah, claiming. Essentially the act of mating. Something you’ve read about, but that Chris had never brought up, so you hadn’t either. It was common practice for werewolves, especially alphas, to mark their partners by biting them in a very specific way, in a very specific place. Suddenly, where he was kissing and licking you before he jumped away from you made sense. “Don’t you… Want to do it?”
Chris chuckled softly, almost incredulous. “Babe, if I do that I might as well get down on one knee and ask you to marry me, while simultaneously getting married”.
You blinked slightly, looking him in the eyes just as you felt the tiniest twinge in your heart. You and Chris had been together for more than a year now, and although there had been no talks of the future of your relationship, now that the talk was happening, his hesitancy made you feel… Uneasy. “So you wouldn’t like to…”
Again, it must’ve shown on your face, because Chris’ expression shifted, slightly alarmed. “Wait, no, no. I’m not saying I wouldn’t like that. Love, listen, come here”, Chris motioned for you to sit on his lap, and you did, sitting sideways so you could drape an arm over his shoulder, relishing the way his arms wrapped around your hips and the way his eyes were almost sparkling when he looked at you.
“I love you”.
Chris said it so confidently, so sure of it there was no doubt in your mind that he meant it, but it still took you by surprise. He’d never said it before, he really didn’t need to, you knew it already, because he had shown that to you in many different ways. But you still felt your face flush and your heart stammering in your chest. “I love you so much. I want it all, and when I say all I mean all all, but I’m… I’m wired differently. Claiming you, mating… For us… For me, it’s pretty much a lifelong commitment, and you’ve already given so much of yourself to keep up with the dynamic of my family, to keep up with me, I don’t want to take this away from you, too. Not because of… My stupid horny alpha urges, not like this”.
“Chris”, cupping his cheeks, you softly caressed his skin with your thumbs. “You’ve not taken anything away from me. Everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I wanted to. I don’t think I’ve ever felt happier than I do right now with you, with the kids, too”.
Chris looked at you for a few moments, completely silent, just scanning your face, until he finally spoke again, his tone a bit quieter than usual. “How do you know it’s not just… You know, my alpha pheromones and shit…” He sounded genuinely distressed about it, and it pulled at your heartstrings unpleasantly.
“Christopher, have you been worried about this the entire time?” You couldn’t help the combination of concern and incredulousness that clung to your voice at his question. “That you’ve somehow coaxed me into all of this?” 
Chris averted his gaze, looking anywhere but your face. “I… I do worry about it sometimes. Wouldn’t want for you to–”
“Baby, listen. Look at me”, you put some pressure on his cheeks, making him pout a bit with the motion, bringing his eyes back to yours. “Remember a couple of months ago when I went abroad with my mum for like, three weeks?” Chris nodded, so you continued. “I was kilometres away from you, and I still wanted you, still loved you. Because I do, I love you, and I love your family, too. You guys took me in, made me feel at home, and I feel like… Like they’re my family, too. And every day I hope they all feel the same way about me… I hope you feel the same way”.
Chris looked at you for a bit, digesting your words, until finally, with a hand on the back of your head and the other caressing your thigh, he pulled you in for a brief kiss. “I do feel that way. Every day. I’m so grateful you came into our lives, into my life. Since I met you, since I got to know you, it’s like… Like I can finally breathe, I’ve never… Honestly, I don’t think there are words to express how I feel, but I seriously can’t imagine anyone else by my side”.
You could feel warmth spread in your chest, your heart threatening to burst with all the love it harboured for this man in front of you, and you couldn’t help the blush that came to your cheeks along with the splitting smile that made its way onto your face. Leaning in, you pressed a kiss on Chris’ lips, enjoying the way his arms pulled you tighter against him with the action.
“I know it’s not… Not ideal”, you shuffled a bit within Chris’ arms, moving instead to straddle him, resting your weight on his thighs and your arms around his shoulders as he traced patterns on your back. “You are what you are and I am what I am, we can’t change that. But I do love you. Every part of you. Lycanthropy and all. Truly”.
“Truly?” Chris’ arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you tighter against him.
You hummed, nodding. “Truly. As for you claiming me… If that’s what you want, we can… We can wait. Let’s… Have this conversation again a couple of years down the road. There’s no hurry, is there?”
Chris shook his head, and you continued. “Just, please don’t… Don’t keep these worries to yourself, yeah? Just because you’re Mr Alpha of the Pack doesn’t mean you have to deal with everything on your own, that’s what I’m here for, to help ease that burden. I love being a part of your pack, babe, I really do, don’t ever doubt it, or worry that you have somehow supernaturally influenced me to do these things. There’s a reason for me to have fallen into the position I did when I moved in with you… Because I like it. Makes me feel… Just so full. To be there for the kids, for you, to help out… It kinda feels like I was meant to do it”.
“You do it so well, too”, Chris tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, looking at you as if you held his world in your hands. “Much better than me sometimes”.
“Hey, don’t be like that. We’re a team here, huh? No bringing yourself down nonsense”, you swatted his arm playfully, making him laugh, but you still gave him a smile, blushing a bit. “As for our relationship… We can always just… Talk, hm?”
Chris simply regarded you with a smile, one of those genuine smiles of his that had your heart doing somersaults in your chest, until finally, he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to the apple of your cheek, mumbling an ‘okay’ against your skin.
“Okay”, you repeated, sealing your statement with a kiss.
You stayed like that for a bit, just kissing, hugging each other tightly, enjoying each other’s warmth. Until you just couldn’t ignore the obvious anymore, so you reached for Chris’ length between your bodies, stroking him leisurely, eliciting a soft hum from him. “Can’t believe you’re still hard”, you mumbled against his lips, pecking him softly.
Chris chuckled, moving away from your lips to look you in the eyes. “Told you, pretty baby. My hormones are a bit out of whack because of the moon. Besides, you just told me you love me, I don’t think it’s going down any time soon”.
You regarded him with a smile, shuffling a bit to prop yourself on your knees and line him with your entrance. “Let’s make the most of it, then”.
Chris brought his hands to your hips, pushing you down his length as you cupped his cheeks and kissed him, moaning at the sudden feeling of fullness that only Chris could bring you–both physically and emotionally. “Mm, shouldn’t we eat first?” Chris’ teasing tone was hard to miss, and it had you chuckling.
“Later. Want you now”, you mimicked his words from earlier, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“Later, then”, sneaking his hands to your bum, he gripped your rear tightly, starting to slowly move you up and down his cock with ease. “Mmm… Love you, pretty…”
“Love you more, baby”, you couldn’t help but smile as you said it, as you saw the way he took your challenge, and you knew Chris was just going to try and spend the rest of the night trying to convince you he loved you more, just like you were going to do the same.
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Author’s Notex2: i didn’t proof read this as many times as i usually do, so sorry if there are any weirdly constructed sentences, might go back and tweak things later. also, if you’re reading this, do you think these are getting too long? 👉👈 i fear they might be, i just have a lot to say i guess hahah. anyway, hope you enjoyed !
Tagging: @raspbinniecreme @staaa96 @oiminho @dundullresident @honey-lemon-goose @straylightdream @carefully325 If you want to be removed from the list just PM me. If you want to be added fill in this form~
© therhythmafterthesummer 2022-2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback (or even keysmashes, really) is always welcome :)
Chris’ WereRoomies Instalments:  It’s Cold Out · Rut · Alpha Dog · It’s Warm In · Love is Easy · Afraid to Lose You. For extra drabbles, check out the series masterlist.
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buddiebeginz · 2 months
Considering how annoyed I get when I see comments about bucktommy endgame I can see why they’re combusting because that comment section is 90% Buddie 😂 when we flood a comment section we’re crazy and harassing people and will be punished by Tim for it but when they do it it’s just because BuckTommy deserve all the love. When we do it we’re “biased and showing we only watch the show for Buck and Eddie”(proven wrong considering like half the Buddie comments also include comments about other characters like Ravi and Henren) but when they are clearly only watching the show for a guest star with minimal screentime that’s perfectly fine.
100% nonie. I'm constantly amazed by their level of hypocrisy. Like they relish in calling us delusional. They say we're seeing something with Buddie that was never there and or will never happen. Yet many of them used to be Buddie shippers so they clearly saw something there. They've built this thing between Buck and T*mmy up to be something so much more serious than it's clear the show has ever intended it to be. No one on the show has even called T*mmy Buck's boyfriend at this point and they're sending stuff to Tim about how T*mmy is Buck's soulmate. But we're delusional for thinking that Eddie putting Buck in his will means something important. 😒
They also have the nerve to call us homophobic and fetishizers yet they're the ones who have harassed people (even journalists) for shipping Buddie or seeing Eddie as anything but straight. Not to mention so so many of the things I see them post is about sexualizing Buck and T*mmy's relationship. And there's nothing wrong with envisioning the sexual relationship between two fictional characters you love but without a doubt I know that whenever there is a post about Buck they'll come post on it and make it something sexual about B/T. They literally just commented the other day on a pic of the medal ceremony with Buck, Chris, and Eddie on what if T*mmy was under the table (giving Buck a bj I assume they meant). Yet we're fetishizing Buddie because we've seen the love that has developed between these two men and the family they've built together and we want to see them take that next step.
Oh and about them having a problem with us flooding the comments with support for Buddie at least most of that is actual individual people. Our fandom doesn't have to create burner accounts to pretend there's more support for our ship than there actual is because there is a ton of real support for Buddie including people that work on the show.
You're also right about us showing love for Henren and Ravi. I've seen tons of Buddie shippers talk about how we want Ravi to be a main character this season yet the B/T stans have said repeatedly that T*mmy should be a main, T*mmy deserves a begins episode, T*mmy should even be on the s8 poster. They seriously care about him more than any other character on the show.
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the-desolated-quill · 5 months
Okay. I’ll tell you the issue I’m having with Deadpool & Wolverine. Because to be fair this was a much better trailer than the first one, but I’m still nervous due to the MCU factor. Every time I see something MCU related in my Deadpool sequel, I die a little inside, but that’s not the problem (well, not the main problem). Here’s the problem.
EVERYBODY is in on the joke now.
In the first two films, Deadpool is the only one breaking the fourth wall because it’s a coping strategy. His life has gone to shit, so he imagines he’s a fictional character with an audience who’s watching him and supporting him. That’s what grounds the humour. Here, everybody’s making fourth wall jokes now. Wolverine is making quips. Blind Al is trying to think up code words for cocaine to get past the censor. Even the villain is cracking jokes and it all just falls flat because it completely misses the point of Deadpool. Which is not to say other characters can’t be funny. Negasonic Teenage Warhead is funny. Firefist is funny. Domino is funny. But they’re not funny in the same way as Deadpool. They have their own styles of humour because they have their own set of circumstances. Whereas here everybody seems to be operating on Deadpool logic. This is partially because the MCU has had a problem for years of having all their male character sounding exactly the same and where the dialogue is practically interchangeable, but it’s also due to a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes Deadpool work. They see a film that’s self aware and go “Hey. We can be self-aware too. We’ve been doing it for years. We made She-Hulk. Let’s bring in the writers of Bob’s Burgers to add loads of self aware jokes”, without stopping to consider why Deadpool is self aware and what makes it an effective comedy tool. She-Hulk is a prime example of this. That show was painful to sit through, and that’s because the self aware humour and fourth wall jokes serve no purpose other than to make jokes at the expense of the source material, which undermines the rest of the show.
It’s always funny whenever I meet people who say they don’t like Deadpool because it always turns out they mean a version of Deadpool that showed up in an animated show or a video game. Not the canon Deadpool from the comics. The Deadpool that suffered intense trauma and abuse, struggling to cope moving forward. That Deadpool is a compelling character. Without that crucial foundation, he can be annoying and insufferable because there’s nothing to ground the humour or the character. The first two films understood that perfectly. This film on the other hand… I’m not convinced.
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darkonekrisrewrite · 1 year
The Villains (specifically the Lov) Are Right
Especially about the civilians in Bnha
(2 Part Meta Civilians and Lov) (Warning spoilers and long Meta Post) (Permission given to re-blog)
The Lov, specifically the core League of Villains, don’t owe any consideration, atonement or apologies to the civilians in Bnha. Because since long before the Lov had even become villains, even when they were still children, the civilians decided that they don’t owe them anything at all.
Most people I’ve seen in the fandom say something like “I don’t justify or excuse the villain’s actions.”, when it comes to the destructive/murderous parts of the villain’s deeds, which is very nice and moral of them to say.
But as long as we’re talking about the average Bnha civilian, I definitely justify/excuse the Lov’s actions.
Because the “innocent” people in Bnha are awful.
Part 1 The Civilians
That’s not even an opinion really but rather a fact that’s been presented to us clearly, over and over again, in Bnha’s story.
That’s partially why I believe that, even at their worst, the Lov are still worth more than most of the civilians that we’ve been shown so far.
See Past the Labels
“Heroes”, “Villains”, “Innocent People”. All labels that are used frequently over the course of Bnha, but seeing past these, looking beyond what we’re told by the story and instead seeing what we are shown by the story, that’s where the truth is in what these characters are and the effects their actions have on each other.
In Hero stories, saving the innocent/civilians is pretty much a guarantee at any point in time, it’s a prerequisite.
Where in most of those fiction, the civilians (or any large social group of innocents) are shown to definitely be people that should be saved, that it would be a tragedy if even some of them died, no matter the numbers.
But that’s not the case here, because the civilians in bnha aren’t like what you’d normally find in a hero tale, so much so that they’re nearly incomparable to any other series’ “Innocents”.
Looking at them as a whole, they’re more like what you’d find in a horror story.
Starting with one of the largest by the numbers examples:
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They’re personifications of the bystander effect/syndrome, taken to the highest degree.
A truth that’s sometimes overlooked is that, while All for One and the Shimura family played a part in making Tenko Shimura the Tomura Shigaraki that he is today, so did all the civilians above. If even a single one of them had tried to help the child that would become the most dangerous villain, no matter how that would have turned out, the person Shigaraki is now would be different, maybe entirely.
Even just one true attempt to aid the scary looking child, instead of leaving it to the heroes who weren’t there, would have made a lasting impact. Just like the civilians choosing not to lift a finger to help left a lasting impact on Shigaraki in the present.
They condemn people for things that aren’t their fault, even when the individual hasn’t done anything wrong:
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These are pretty self-explanatory in the point, but these aren’t just examples of ‘bad luck’, they showcase a callous legal system and civilians willing to throw a 16 year old kid under the bus for something that was in no way his ‘stumble’ or fault.
(First Side Point: Twice didn’t turn to a life of villainy because it was his “choice”. There’s been zero evidence of any social help for victims of hero society’s circumstances, so there’s no reason to assume that Twice had any help in supporting himself after his parents died. Twice then getting fired from his low level Job and having a glaring blemish on his record (as shown above ^) was a death sentence for a normal life right then and there, especially considering the setting in hero society (Japanese culture taken to its most socially merciless), it doesn’t really need to be spelled out any more than that why he turned to a life of crime against a society that screwed him over at every level and left him to rot. Between becoming a tragic statistic that the hero state didn’t (and still doesn’t) care about or becoming a villain for the chance at having some kind of life, it’s not really a choice at all. The saying ‘Cool motive still Murder’ comes up sometimes when taking about specific villains in Bnha and my response to that would be: ‘Then Suffer and Die Nobly.’ There is no ‘being better’ because if they were better in their current circumstances, they’d just quickly become a statistic.)
They’d rather someone, even their own children; suffer in silence than be seen as anything but their “normal”:
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Toga’s parents might seem like a more ‘personal’ point but they’re actually a prime example of the standard bnha civilian, caring nothing about their own suffering young and only about their own lives and normalcy. Even when Toga was obviously self-harming due to her quirk, something that couldn’t logically have been hidden from them, there was no real attempts to help her with this other than rejection (as evident by the parents stopping taking her height down on the wall when her quirk presumably manifested, clearly meant to be a hint that it was the point that they stopped caring about her) and sending her to “Quirk Counseling”, taking no responsibility in helping their child and taking none after Toga was broken under the weight of what was normal after struggling to hold back for so many years.
This mentality extends past Toga’s parents to most of bnha’s civilians.
When Dabi revealed himself as Toya and exposed the Todoroki family’s past the world, nobody cared. At least not in any way that could be considered ‘caring’.
Endeavor bought and bred his wife, and it’s very debatable whether or not the later ‘child making’ could be considered consensual.
Rei told endeavor that it was “too much” and “too cruel”, all but saying that she didn’t want to have any more children, and in the anime it’s played even more clearly:
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This ^ does not seem like consent.
Also letting his first born son burn himself to his apparent death because he couldn’t be bothered to care enough to prevent it.
Endeavor knew Toya was burning himself and he never got him any psychiatric help, even though Toya was already having extreme signs of mental breaks alongside the burning, he never even thought about it.
Even if this failed in stopping Toya, Endeavor just could have pulled some strings as the number 2 hero and gotten Toya Hero tech/equipment/suits, anything that might have helped.
But all Endeavor did was tell Toya to stop and do “other things” and when that failed he simply ignored him, even though he knew his child was literally burning himself.
(Endeavor could be considered an unreliable narrator, I think other great Meta writers have already called him on that, with him telling Natsuo that he never meant to neglect any of his children, which is evident (by how he treated Toya) as complete Bullshit.)
Now do the civilians know all of this down to a T?
No, but even before the Dabi reveal there was more than enough sketchy events surrounding Endeavor to raise eyebrows on anyone paying attention.
A son burning to death alone on a mountain, another son getting a burn scar on his face and a wife in a Mental Hospital, more than a little suspicious. Nobody ever looked into it.
And after the Dabi reveal, after Endeavor confirmed what Dabi said to everyone, this is the only Civilian backlash he gets:
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Nobody cared what happened to the Todoroki family; they only cared about how it affected them. The first half of that anger wasn’t even about the Todoroki drama.
And while the mention of Dabi’s victims and their families might seem like consideration, paired alongside everything else the bnha civilians are/do, I really doubt that the line comes from a genuine place of sympathy.
They have no loyalty to their best Heroes:
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After everything Deku did for them, they wouldn’t risk a single thing for him. Most of them don’t even look anxious or afraid, just angry at their lives being disrupted.
Telling the kid who nearly worked himself to death, fighting so that they could have their lives back to piss off, while danger sense was being activated implying that they did mean him very real harm.
 Another big point against the Civilians that’s brought up a lot:
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They’re violently racist. (Quirk-ist? Anti-Mutant? Basically against anyone very different in their appearance and/or their quirks.)
Mutants are an obvious Allegory for the racism/minority angle of the story, and it never casts the majority of the civilians in a positive light when it’s touched upon.
(Second Side point: Revisiting the end of ‘Side Point One’ because it pairs perfectly here, Shoji Mezo’s “Answer” to the horrible treatment the Heteromorph/mutants face is the opposite of that, and by that I mean Shoji’s answer is pretty much: Aspects of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Syndrome (an American theory/term but a Universal Theme) mixed with the acceptance of hero martyrdom.
His words to the Heteromorphs are this: “Let’s use that light to change the people who hurt us. So that they’ll feel ashamed to ever raise their fists against us again.”
Very inspiring…or at least it would be, were his words not disproven by his own backstory. 
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Shoji got his Scars ^ after he saved the little girl, in fact him saving her life was literally the cause of it.
There is no greater way to Shine or be heroic than doing what Shoji did, saving the life of a small child from drowning to death, and for that act the “Innocent People” gave him the Joker facial treatment.
Seriously if there’s a group of people who “don’t deserve to be saved” in Bnha; it is civilians like this.
Yet Shoji’s answer is still to “Be better than mere Avengers” and if they don’t the Heteromorph’s “Children will become the next Target!” as if they weren’t already??
None of it makes sense when looking at the whole picture and it’s clearly not a great plan, to draw another American based parallel that fits too well not to be noticed despite it being American; Shoji Mezo is basically Sturdy Harris from the Boondocks TV Series (freedom ride or die episode).
Look up the character’s wiki info or watch the episode, the fact that Shoji is willing to use violence in some extreme instances might seem a difference between them but the fact that he urges the other Heteromorphs to “be better than avengers” and “use their light to change the people who hurt us until they feel ashamed”, giving no thought as to whether or not his fellow Heteromorphs could even survive living by that standard like he can, fits the comparison to a T.)
Back to the final few points about the Bnha Civilians:
Are the Civilians in Bnha conditioned to be this way, products of influence and circumstance much like the heroes and villains are?
Kind of but not really.
While it is true that there are mountains of propaganda in hero society, there’s nothing specific enough to point to and say that this is why the Bnha civilians are this level of callous. They’re conditioned to love heroes and fear the violent villains they’re fighting, not to ignore the suffering of children (even their own) completely, and they’re definitely not compelled through propaganda to reject them or scar them, nothing in the series is evident of that.
And even worse, all of these examples of the people’s flaws/incidents (excluding the Ordinary Woman Heteromorph) happened during Allmight’s “Era of Peace”, so there’s no shifting the blame onto the villain’s current actions and even less excuse for things like these to be happening.
Why should the Bnha civilians have peace or justice if they’re like this?
If they show no more empathy or loyalty than the worst, most unsympathetic villains in the series (Like AFO) then maybe their point of view shouldn’t be considered any more than his. (And even AFO had some truth in his points: Failed social framework and the Quirk Singularity.)
To draw one final example for the Civilians with another Manga series that has pretty awful ‘ordinary people’ in it: Naruto.
But even in Naruto, the Author still showed that there were good people among the Civs. Population that weren’t like that and that did deserve to be protected and live peaceful lives, people who were outside of the Ninja system and just genuinely humane.
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Before Naruto became a hero who saved the village multiple times, before he was even a ninja, they treated him like the human child he was.
These characters deserve their own Meta, other Naruto fans have probably written them already.
But suffice to say that the people who treated right the abandoned and hated child, host to a demon Fox that could casually level mountains, Teuchi Ramen (Owner and Daughter), are an excellent example of giving narrative motivation to “protect the people”.
There’s not much of anything like that in Bnha’s story, not anyone to point at and say; “They are worth saving/protecting!” and having it actually be true instead of just ‘What the hero is supposed to say’.
 And if anyone disagrees with this, I’ll ask: Can one instance of goodwill be pointed to for the Bnha civilians? Any act of compassion, bravery or selflessness from someone in Bnha who wasn’t in anyway associated with heroes?
And no, the Civilians letting Deku stay at UA does not count.
It wasn’t even framed as selfless or compassionate anyway:
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This ^ is a deal more than anything else.
Because the heroes (Deku) swore they’d fix things and the people practically made him swear it before they were let in.
Kota and the Ordinary Woman running to stand by Deku was a sweet and great moment but considering that he saved them first, it seemed more like a ‘returning the Favor’ sentiment. Same with the rogue Civillian group helping Shindo after he fought Muscular, more a give it back than a gift.
 Part 2 The Lov
Even at their worst, the Lov still display humanity and redeeming qualities more than most of the civilians.
And I believe that this is 100% truth because Actions/Dialogue without reason for deception and inner thoughts, imply genuine Truth.
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This ^ scene is referred back to a lot because it’s a good showing of Compassion/Bonds, one of the first really, in the League of Villains, in Toga saving Twice from ‘coming apart’.
Toga has no real reason to comfort Twice as much as she does in this series, in this first instance and in later ones, because aside from one time (no matter how cool and heartfelt it was) in MVA when Twice saves her and the rest of the League, Twice kind of messed things up more than a few times for the Lov.
Bringing Overhaul to meet the Lov without precaution resulting in the death of Magne (even though she herself rushed in recklessly), Twice’s personal hang-ups limiting his Quirk lessening his value to operations overall (from a purely strategic standpoint), and trusting Hawks (because he felt bad for him) so much he gave out Info that definitely shouldn’t have been given.
Yet despite having one singular success in MVA that Twice really pulled through among many other shortcomings, Toga still cared about him. Enough to try to help him hold himself together during the Overhaul business and then later go on a violent, rage filled assault toward the Heroes during the MLA raid after Twice was killed, giving little thought to her own safety.
Dialogue without reason for deception:
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While Shigaraki is definitely an unreliable narrator, as evident by the monologue ^ in the bottom panel clearly contradicting what actually happened during the death of his family, the middle panel where he states that he only wants “Them” (definitely the Lov) to live as they see fit seems like the truth.
Because why would Shigaraki lie here? In this time or place to Redestro, someone he presently had no reason to manipulate, as they were in a life or death fight?
Shigaraki couldn’t have known Redestro would surrender, at this point he was talking to someone he fully intended to kill, further dissipating any suspect of manipulation.
Shigaraki does care about his comrades, their wishes and while he hasn’t really kept the promise he made as of current Bnha, I think that’s a result of All for One scrambling his Brain so much during the Mental Fusion stuff, the true Shigaraki barely seeming to know what’s going on half the time and only able to think about his past.
Twice and Spinner: Basically everything about them.
They might not think things through that much, but there’s no doubt that Twice and Spinner were and still are devoted to who they care about, true loyalty in all its successes and faults.
Inner Thoughts:
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Dabi is…kind of a dick most of the time, even to the Lov, just to a much lesser extent than to everyone else.
It makes sense that he’d act that way though, given what he’s been through and the end goal of his plans, it’s understandable why he’d want to push everyone away in some form and not let them get too close.
But even underneath all of that, Dabi much like the rest of the core Lov never blamed Twice for his mistakes, and since this is an inner thought and thus having no reason for manipulation, it does imply that this is his honest truth.
Knowing that Twice would blame himself, although he never said it out loud, maybe he couldn’t with all of his own personal hang-ups, Dabi inside probably did want to reassure Twice that none of this was his fault.
The Core Lov do have empathy towards others abandoned and hurt by Hero Society like themselves, and they do care about each other, that is as much as they’re able to care about each other while being weighed on by their own individual issues.
 The hero kid’s parents
Lastly for this Meta, there are parts of Hero Society that shouldn’t ever be destroyed, but they fall into small groups and come with their own faults.
The Hero Kid’s parents shouldn’t be destroyed just by virtue of being so close to the better/more heroic characters, but even they aren’t that great with possibly one exception.
Inko Midoriya has technically tried to protect Izuku but she never really helped him. She basically apologies for his existence in the childhood flashback, and until Izuku got a Quirk and became a Hero, she was never really shown to encourage him in anything, even to find happiness in other things.
Despite having doubts herself about saying the wrong thing to her son, Inko later tries to keep him from going back to UA for very good reason from a parent’s point of view.
But then she’s pretty easily convinced by a promise from Allmight, that wasn’t in anyway kept. Cut to the Dark Deku stuff later, she never calls Allmight out on this.
It’s the same story with little difference for all the student’s parents, they’ve never been shown to try to protect their children, especially at the UA confrontation with the Civilian Mob.
Inko, Bakugo’s parents, Ochako’s parents, and I’m just assuming the rest of them to cause it makes sense for them to be at the UA shelter, none of them helped.
I know Inko was being held back by Mitsuki because it was dangerous, but couldn’t she have shaken her off?
Kota did and ran to Deku to try to help him, and he was a little kid being held back Pixiebob (a Hero).
That probably wasn’t what Hori was going for or implying but that’s what happened.
Is this an illogical thought process that would be dangerous or harmful for the parents? Definitely.
But that’s the point. The parental instinct that goes beyond self-preservation and logic to protect their children hasn’t been shown for any of them.
Except one.
*Current Spoiler Warning*
 Rei Todoroki in the recent chapter stands apart and above in this aspect, although this depends very much on how it’s framed going forward.
A mother fighting to stop her child from killing himself more than trying to stop a Villain from killing. Both true but one has to take front over the other for it to be meaningful, for Rei to show that she will stop Touya from burning himself this time, unlike how she wouldn’t before.
That’s character development, that’s parental instinct.
*Very current Spoilers*
 Rei is there for Touya  :)  trying to save her son…and also Endeavor maybe?
Close enough (Double Thumbs UP!)
 The children
Another group that definitely should never destroyed is the Young Children of Bnha, Kota, Eri, the work studies Kid group.
I put them into a separate category than the whole of the Civilians but it would take a lot to explain why that is and why they can be viewed as their own separate group, so I’ll put it in the next Meta and expand on how they relate to the existential parts of Bnha.
Also same for the villains/heroes and finally getting to the Quirk Singularity Theory.
To be Continued…
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ilikekidsshows · 2 months
I just noticed that some (most?) senti defender mostly think people who hate the senti BS hate the plot because Adrien isn't ...human? Because I saw them comparing Adrien with Nobody, Grimwalker (I think, from Owl House?) and I saw them even quoting Mew Two about the circumstances of one birth doesn't matter and it just so wild for me because they seems to be missing the most important point about a sentimonster which is the fucking remote control!
ADrien being a magical being is the least of the problem here, the one hit kill isn't even close to being as being problematic as the fact that SENTIMONSTER IS A BEING WITH REMOTE CONTROL AND ANYONE WHO HAVE IT CAN FREELY CONTROL THEM AS THEY WISH! Them renamed it to Sentihuman doesn't even erase the fact that they still aren't human and still a magical being with a fucking remote control!!
"But it's good for angst for bodily autonomy!" I saw some people said it. And here I thought angst supposed to have a happy ending to balance it, but what kind of happy ending that a sentimonster can have, who's life is so ephemeral? Who's agency can be overwritten by anyone anytime? Unless Adrien can be like a Pinokio then sure... But at this point I don't think Adrien as sentimonster even matter in Marinette's eyes, until she feels the need to control him for whatever bulshit excuses and justification that she can muster that is. Ephemeral exist as a case of point after all.
The argument that people against the “Sentipeople” concept just don’t like nonhuman characters has been around since the start. It’s a purposeful way of misreading the very first argument for why it was a bad idea: “it would dehumanize Adrien.” The people in support of such a storyline decided that “dehumanize” means literally making him not human, and that was inherently bad, when, all along, “dehumanize” means “deprive of human qualities, personality and dignity” (Merriam-Webster). It’s not the act of making a fictional character not human, it’s the act of depicting a human being as someone undeserving of similar dignity and consideration as what are considered as normal people. Dehumanization can be, for example, ignoring the struggles and traumas of real people, in favor of focusing on a more favored group of people. Miraculous, by turning Adrien into a Sentimonster, turns the focus from his reactions to how he’s being victimized by his parents to why his parents decided to have a Sentimonster kid. And we find out they were unable to have a child, so tragic :’(
This approach to “Sentipeople” was foreseen, by several people, but the fandom supportive of the idea ignored all these explanations and just focused on the word “dehumanize”, because it was the easiest to misinterpret to serve their narrative, which was that the people opposed to the concept are the ones not treating Adrien as human, because they’re the ones saying turning an abuse victim into a literal monster makes him less sympathetic! The writers never said that so there’s no way that could be a real thing that could happen! The idea of “SentiAdrien has very ableist, abuse-enabling connotations” being a statement of fact is inconceivable.
Never mind how the canon has made it blatantly clear that the “Sentipeople” concept will never, ever be tackled from the perspective of our most prominent example of one. The arc with Adrien’s supervillain dad finally gets wrapped up and he doesn’t just sit it out, he’s left oblivious of anything that happened. It’s obvious Adrien being a Sentimonster isn’t actually relevant to Adrien. It was there because the writers desperately wanted more attention and to give Emilie a “sympathetic” reason to use Miraculous with the superpower of creating beings lesser to humans that exist to serve a single purpose and then die, the human equivalent of tissue paper. The most fucked up superpower ever to create the most nightmarish scenario to be born into, and it’s used to excuse why Adrien’s obviously abusive upbringing wasn’t actually his parents’ fault; Adrien was just born different and had to be kept away from normal people for his own good because he’s just so susceptible as a Sentimonster.
The fandom is once again doing the heavy lifting for this show’s writers by creating these imaginary versions of the show where a Sentipeople story totally gets told from Adrien’s perspective and respects Adrien’s agency and humanity, when the canon gives us the opposite. Similarly, the canon is still calling them “Sentimonsters” with the fandom insisting terms like “Sentipeople” and “Sentihumans” be used instead, or else it’s the fans disrespecting Adrien’s humanity.
The fandom just loves to blame critical fans for the show’s failings. The show treats Adrien like the Pearls in Steven Universe, but, if we point it out, we’re the ones stripping away Adrien’s humanity and reducing him into an object to be owned. The show writers did it first, we’re just pointing it out.
Other people are scared Marinette will go through Adrien's phone in the future of the show (again). I'm scared Adrien will give Marinette his Amok as a token of his love, giving her half of his literal being, possibly without knowing he's doing so, and Marinette will have to accept or she'll hurt his feelings by refusing to accept the symbol of his feelings for her, and the fandom will cheer over how romantic it is.
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kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Scarabia Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere specifically!! Themes will include yandere, possessiveness, violence towards reader, manipulation, mentions of stalking, and obsession! Proceed with caution!!
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
Banner made by @herestrish​ pls don’t steal!! Also huge thanks to my friend, Verizhe, for helping me with these headcanons and tbh for proofreading my other stuff they’re such a huge help! 
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Kalim Al-Asim 
Luckily, I’m updating more and more so this blog doesn’t die. Okiedoki, time for Kalim headcanons! Kalim was always a character I liked and hated. Like I loved his bubbly personality but at the same time I just knew his over-positive and enthusiastic personality was going to be annoying to some. His personality is also the same when it comes to you and your relationship. That aside, his traits would be over-protective, clingy, possessive, and manipulative. 
To keep it really simple, all these traits revolve around one thing and one thing only, his bubbly personality. He’s easy to befriend as he’s actively there to educate you on his culture and their customs, always there to lend a helping hand and just overall keep the party going. Those puppy dog eyes that you just can’t say no to them. To say the least, he’s very clingy. His S/O is someone who he can get along with, which is almost everyone. Someone he can get behind and support their ideals and morals. Someone ‘good’, it’s a very bland description but it’s one that makes sense. He’s clingy because he loves to be around you! If he sees you around the hallway, expect him to forget everything just to run up and greet you. Sometimes even ditching his previous task just to help you with yours or just spend time. When having lunch, expect to see Kalim offering you a spot at his table or inviting himself to yours. If you happen to fail a subject that Kalim excels in, he’ll happily offer to tutor you! Same with if you both fail a subject, it’s okay because Jamil can tutor both of you! I often describe overly clingy people like gum stuck at the bottom of your shoe but it’s different with Kalim because you want to get rid of the gum. With Kalim, you just can’t bring yourself to turn him down. Bringing us to my next point! 
Manipulative. By no means do I want to infantilize Kalim because he’s 17. He knows what he’s doing. Using his bubbly personality, how could you ever turn him down? He’s a great housewarden! Kind, reliable, jump head-on in front of danger to protect you, etc. You get the picture, which is why Kalim would use his reputation to get you to be with him. It starts off small, inviting you out to dinner, a study session, etc. His puppy dog eyes and his please make it so hard to turn him down you feel like you HAVE to say yes. At first, it’s small and something you can easily get out of when needed. “Sorry, I have a club!” or “Sorry, I promised Grim I would help him study with the gang.” At first yeah, but at some point, Kalim started to fight back. “It’s okay, [Reader]. Maybe next time you won’t be so busy!” and “You’re always busy, I’m sorry to bother you.” It doesn’t sound too harmful, right? It’s not, but he says it in front of people. Rumors spread and murmurs get to you, “Rejecting Kalim again?” and “Poor Kalim, he must have spent all day planning this…”. It’s not just your attention he craves, he craves your attention and praise. He’ll buy you expensive jewelry and trinkets. At first, you accept because a small gift for helping him study isn’t too spontaneous. Then the gifts keep coming and their value keeps multiplying. Rejecting them doesn’t work because then Kalim gets sad. “Oh, you wanted something better? Why didn’t you say so! I’ll find something double, no triple its value! Of course, you’d never want something so basic!” He says it in such a cheerful tone that to everyone it’s just playful Kalim but that doesn’t stop the stares and glares you get from the other dorm members. They call you an ungrateful bitch and how you’re using Kalim. They may even intervene and tell Kalim that you’re just using him, but he’ll defend you to the end. 
“Can you believe it, [Reader]? Someone said you were using me for my gifts but that’s not true!” Quite frankly, in this case, you’d be painted as the villain. He’s very overprotective and possessive of you. After all, you’re his lovely S/O! He loves to spoil you and spend time with you, even if you want to or not. He of course loves you and wants you to have friends so I don’t think he’d isolate you, but he does want them to know you belong to him. What better way than marriage?! Don’t be surprised when Kalim asks for your hand in marriage, of course, it’ll wait till after graduation but regardless! He may enlist the help of Jamil, who has no other choice but to help him. Despite being against it, he goes with it. Thinking you could confide in him, he convinces you to go along. You have no magic and no understanding of how this world works. What if you can’t find a way back home? If that's the case, why not stay with Kalim? Not only do you get his name but untold riches! Way better than your life back home, no? Not to mention, you’re powerless here. Kalim and his family name can grant you protection. I doubt Crowley would let you live here at the dorms past your life here at NRC. Being with Kalim is like a dream come true! You’d be wise to accept. Jamil always did look at things on the more logical side, a solution that benefits both parties. Kalim gets you and you get his protection. You can expect him to stand up for you when things get rough. If anyone chooses to pick on you, he’s right there to defend you. 
On a scale, he’s a 5/10. I don’t think he’d harm you physically or do anything against you, but he’s such a manipulator. His words are soft and lovely. You melt like butter when he tells you how much he loves you, how much you mean to him. It’s true, under his love you’ll be protected and his love is so sugary sweet. Just like sugar, too much is bad for you and overbearing, his love is suffocating. You’ll live a lavish life at the cost of your privacy and your attention. Keep your eyes on him, yeah? 
Jamil Viper 
Alright, let’s get into this man’s life. Jamil. Dear lord, his traits are overprotective, possessive, manipulative, and obsessive. How did I reach that conclusion? Well, let’s dive into Jamil’s life. Honestly, he never interested me as much until we got to book 4, I genuinely believed him for a second with the whole Kalim situation but then I realized, shit. He got me. Jamil is a character to whom I want to introduce a new scale, one that I thought of using for a while but I guess never got to use it. Revealing that at the end! 
Okay so, I want to start off with a trait and then get my point across smoothly. So, starting off strong, Jamil is possessive. His possessiveness stems from his fear of losing you to someone better than him, like Kalim. In book 4 we’re introduced to Kalim’s and Jamil’s relationship. One of a master and a servant, as much as Kalim doesn’t treat Jamil like that, it doesn’t change the fact that that's how it is. Jamil was born into a servant family and Kalim into their masters. He has had to be their food tester, has had to prepare the food to avoid someone poising it, shit he probably has taken a bullet for him at some point. If not now, maybe in the future but that’s the way it is. He’s there to serve, granted he can also live a life of his own, but it’s not really living if he has to hold back to let Kalim live more comfortably. Jamil wants to show his abilities, he wants time in the spotlight that he has to, unfortunately, give up to Kalim. This is why I see him as possessive, his S/O is HIS. Just his, a little indulgence if you will. His little secret. Kalim can have any and everything, just not you. If Kalim ever were to take an interest in you, god forbid, Jamil would be quick to guide Kalim away. 
“No, you don’t want them! Your family is very high up, they won’t settle for [Reader]. It’s better to pick someone better, trust me Kalim.” Maybe even slander you? “[Reader] can’t cook, besides they’re an outsider. Your parents would never approve of someone so useless and mysterious.” He’d even try to get him into an arranged marriage so that he can’t get to you. Yeah, he’s that possessive. Which ties in with his obsession. However, you manage to catch his eye, he’s hooked. He is constantly observing you, gathering what information he can on you, and seeing what you like and dislike. He’s not stalking you as you may think, but the information he gathers on you is scary. If anything, it’s to be a better partner. He knows what you enjoy so you can talk about your hobbies and interests, he knows what meals you like so expect him to make them often. He knows what makes you tick, and how to get under your skin but he also knows what you support and seek in someone. He knows things about you that you’ve never revealed and he claims you’ve said before and just forgot. 
Manipulative. He can and will gaslight you. Try his hardest to make you see his side of the story. He’s not above using his ability to make you listen to him. He rather uses it as a last resort, but if he needs to, it’s there. Unlike Kalim, he will isolate. You start losing friends. He’ll end up taking too much of the time that eventually you start turning down invitations and start spending time with him. You’re slowly losing your friends and actively choosing to seek out Jamil now. That’s what he wants, while yes he played a part in it he managed to shift all blame to you. Yeah, he asked you out at first but now YOU’RE the one seeking him out. Not him. All is according to plan. Aside from isolating you, he’ll do what he can to make you keep your attention on him. Look at him. Speak to him only. Love him and nobody else. Stay with him forever. You start seeking him out and that’s when he knows he’s won. He’s so overprotective, constantly looking after you. He has a tight schedule that you follow, it’s for your benefit he says. Eventually, your life starts to be dictated by him. I want to say that after a while, he trusts you around Kalim. You can assist him in his duties and you can lighten his load. You can help him study, you can run errands, can watch over him, etc. At some point, he’ll let the power dynamic get to him and have you do impossible tasks. His relationship with Kalim is the same as yours, except he's the master and you’re the servant. He does love you, but he sometimes lets it slip. He just enjoys the roles being reversed for a bit. 
What's the scale change I want to make? It’s rope, chain, and saw. The rope is soft, their control over you is minimal and it’s usually held with rope. A knot that isn’t too secure but can come undone. The chain is a little bit stricter, there is a key to remove but it’s usually only given after you’ve made them happy for a while. The saw is that these crazy ass mfs took your leg babes, they sawed that bitch off!! Their control is so strong they clipped your wings, and you’re not leaving. So why is this relevant, well. . .I see Jamil using that as a last resort. We jumped a couple of chapters so let me start at the beginning. If you like Vocaloid, there is this song called ‘purgatory and the canary girl’, and honestly, that's how I see your relationship with Jamil. I feel like you’re a doll, a bird in a cage for his viewing pleasure only. You’re not something that he has to give to Kalim or the Asims. You’re his. His to control, his to enjoy, his to exploit, his to love, etc. This is something he can have. He hates being second. He hates having to give up his well-deserved spotlight because his status says he can’t have it. He hates it, he loathes it but it’s okay. He’s willing to give it all up, as long as he can keep you. So like a caged bird, he’s not letting you see anyone. You’re not interacting with anyone aside from him and the people he lets near. If you escape him, yeah he’d probably be one of the few who are willing to look for permanent solutions to make you stay. So yes, he might cut your leg(s) off to ensure you don’t leave him. 
His scaling aside from the saw is a 9/10. Man is committed to doing anything as long as you gaze at him only. Would he take your eyes? Now I’m getting sidetracked but no because I see him as someone who still wants you to look at him. However, if the cage isn’t enough he’s willing to clip a few wings to get you to depend on and rely on him entirely. He’s dangerous because he’s not above certain limits, he’s fine with keeping you as you are. 
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kevinsdsy · 2 months
heyy idk if you’ve seen but apparently olympic athletes have to record themselves saying their names so that i’m assuming viewers and announcers have a reference for how to pronounce them? and apprently at least in some cases those audios didn’t get edited at allll lmao and you can hear background conversation and stuff and the first thing i thought of was what those would be like for the aftg characters that went on to play in the olympics
brought to you by this appearing on my fyp:
AHHHH I ACTUALLY HAD SEEN A VIDEO (i hadn’t seen this one yet but the one with the moroccan football soccer team) AND IT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME BECAUSE:
some of them were so confused if they were supposed to pronounce it in arabic or french (since arabic has a few letters that dont exist in the french alphabet) so i would imagine it for nabil to go like that where he goes: “nabil ma-moud” and laila goes “ma7moud. don’t you know how to pronounce your own name?” (like i said we have letters that dont exist in this alphabet so we use numbers to spell pronunciations sorry besties 🫣) and so he goes “oh we’re doing arabic? not english?” and they have to assure him he can just pronounce his name correctly.
and (2) apparently they also indicate that the players need to pause and one of the moroccan players went: “name” “pause” “name” as in they LITERALLY pronounced the pause out loud 😭😭 which i havent been able to stop thinking about like 😭😭 i’m trying really hard to think of who would even do such a thing because it’s SO SILLY but i can’t think of anyone— like sure we could say jeremy, but i feel like he would know better. we could say shawn, but he’s just a silly fanon socmed character atp yk. so idk 😭 i think i would love this one for matt where he doesn’t really think it through and he’s just reading out loud what’s in front of him SHDJFHFJ
i watched the other video that was put in the comments too of the tiktok you sent and jean moreau would definitely be serious about this and then you would hear jeremy in the background playing ping pong and yelling 😭 i think this could also work with kevin say and the foxes— so kevin is being all serious and then u hear nicky yelling in the background.
renee would do so well and it would be absolutely correct and perfect— no notes.
and i hate to go back to the moroccan team, but sadly i’m not just a sports fan in fiction, but i also support a sports team irl… i kid you not one of the players went: “[name] two. [name] two.” and then it had to be cut off and they had to explain to him “no. your name. then u pause. and then u say your name again.” and he was like :O without the two? LIKE MY BROTHER??? WHY DID YOU THINK U HAVE TO SAY THAT???? this too is something that’s so silly i cant even imagine someone of the aftg characters doing this 😭
but honestly i think overall the characters will do well without too much trouble. there might be some background noises— especially with the trojans because they’re such a big team and have do spend a longer period of time doing it while the foxes can just tell each other to shut up for a few seconds or either dan or coach will threaten them with extra laps around the court.
((anyways im not sure if anyone is interested in listening in to the moroccan team but here is a link anyways just in case: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJnEkJUV/ — it’s a mix of them speaking darija, french and spanish so yeah 😭😭 it adds to the messines))
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thefirstlioveyou · 8 months
isn’t it interesting that for a good majority of audience, all a straight relationship has to do to be considered peak fiction or writing is to make out and have an unhealthy dynamic that loser cishet men can self insert themselves in? for general audiences, these ships don’t need to prove themselves why they’re good - they just have to be a boy and a girl.
but then you got a fully fleshed out dynamic between two characters of the same sex, where their endgame fulfills their personal arcs and are meant to be; they just work, all while still reaching their full potential as characters. but instead of support and, y’know, basic media literacy, it’s always, “why is everything gay now? why can’t they just be friends?” well, because they only ever are! that’s why!
maybe it’s because i’m queer and will naturally be drawn to media i can resonate with, but it’s incredibly rare for me to believe there’s romance in a fictional het ship. it’s almost always souless, always the same formula. there’s no effort to make the audience fall in love along with them. don’t get me wrong, there are queer relationships that also feel poorly written and i cannot seem to be drawn to, but i’ve never experienced this the same amount of times i have with a het ship; not even close.
however, i never felt this way watching stranger things. lumax, jopper, jancy - they are absolutely believable romances. there’s conflict, there’s reason why they love each other. but most of all, the relationship takes its time to grow. the writers understand pacing is an important factor for writing romance.
this is why mileven always seemed so different from the rest, and why it was always destined to fail because of it. it was forced. literally in the narrative, it is pushed upon mike by his friends. el is kissed and because she sees mike in this pedastal from her trauma regarding male caregivers, she follows through and grows an unhealthy dynamic from the understanding of love she’s only ever been familar with. i genuinely believe she never would have seen him in a romantic light if he hadn’t kissed her. and finally, their character arcs just cannot be fulfilled if they continue to stay together - they just can’t. they just go back to square one with zero growth.
there is no actual appeal to the ship. it was cute the first season! but… that’s it? they kept getting pulled away from each other by the story itself, so they get like no time together. and the time they do, they’re busy breaking up. they have no common interests, they can’t give each other what they want/need, they unintentionally trigger each other’s traumas, still have yet to connect on a personal level.
but, i guess that’s what you call beautifully written television romance.. i guess that’s where we are.
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