#it’s so funny to me how kids were able to escape in one night while they adult security guards couldn’t 😭
halfricanloveyou · 1 year
ok so i watched the new superman show. thought it was just okay romance wise, nothing very exceptional. the animation was weak in a few areas, i think they should have just gone all out and animated it like an anime, like in the myx episode. loved that battle sequence too!! the rest of the animations with the fight scenes were kind of clunky imo.
character wise i think they’re all pretty predictable and fall into the same boring stereotypes. tenacious and ambitious/spunky ‘tomboy,’ goofy comedic relief third wheel black friend, OP main character who’s main trait is being both responsible for all conflict and saving people from said conflict…yeah. it’s literally danny phantom but instead of being ‘sassy’ clark kent just has anxiety.
HOWEVER…taking into account the episode with the loving and kind gay gorilla and his robot-body-but-human-brain-scientist-husband, clark kent being quite possibly the most peggable fictional character to exist, casually depicting lesbian moms, and most importantly being very obviously and overtly anti US government means i objectively have to give it a 10/10 and say it’s the best tv show i’ve ever seen in my life.
also…it’s definitely a kids show (like probably ages 10+) and i can only assume it’s on adult swim because the people at cartoon network are fucking cowards. let cool stuff back on prime time air and stop shoving it all to after hours!!! sometimes midnight is too damn late!
#srsly as a kid i would have LOVED this show so much#but staying up late on saturday night when church starts in the morning???#my mom wouldn’t have let me#what happened to airing the preteen/teen shows after 7:30-8pm??#we don’t all have a DVR to record shit#moment of silence for my sheltered lil homies who like any form of action show at all#censorship is annoying. why is CN following disney SNP rules???#it’s BULLSHIT#shout out to my homies that don’t care about whatever dumb bullshit studios think kids like and just wanna watch cool sword fights#or laser guns or ninjas or superheros or interesting plots that go beyond stand alone episodes#or realistic conflict that isn’t solved with ‘just be nice and do the right thing all the time and then life will be perfect’#kids who like cartoons and fantasy and superpowers and magic#kids who like cool stuff more than funny stuff or stuff about everyday life or stuff that’s for their appropriate age group#the whole appeal of cartoons for kids like me who daydreamed a lot was that i could use them as an escape#i could daydream about myself in those situations and imagine i was in a world where things were different and a weirdo like me would fit in#i couldn’t do that with average disney channel shows or kids shows aimed at 6 year olds#as a preteen/teen i wanted to do anything and everything to not have to think about how hard things were#sorry i’m rambling i’m in one of my hyperfixation spirals again where i enter into obsessive and cyclical thought processes and get excited#and soapbox-y again…i have too many opinions and i get to excited to share them here#cause i’m not able to verbalize them or express them all completely while explaining them in real life#it’s the ADHD. i spent too much time online again and wasted my whole day without realizing it until it’s too late again#went right through lunch and breakfast too. i have got to stop doing this so much.#nobody even cares what i think i should spend my time doing something i enjoy#rather than spending it typing up pointless paragraphs that are as random and sporadic and hard to follow as my thought process#sorry ya’ll. i will be back again tomorrow to do it again 💕💕
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Shinning Like the Sun
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Hi guys!
I have the new chant for Mariona in my head since yesterday, so this is my way to try to get ride of it 😂
It's kind of short and only fluff, I hope you'll enjoy it :)
Also if someone can tell me who make those gif, I try to find it back on Tumblr but I wasn't able to 😭
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You smile while watching your girlfriend, walking behind her for twenty meters. You both just won your second game with Arsenal for the Champions League, and you feel like Mariona is literally glowing.
She’s walking with Vic, Vivienne Lia and Laia, all happily japing around. You know that she might be a little disappointed not to have scored today either, but she seems so happy right now that your heart clench with love for her.
Her move in north London had surprise a lot of people, she passed ten years of her life in Barcelona, in the same club. She was a very important player for the club, but she still chooses to come in Arsenal. You won’t complain about it, having your girlfriend after two years of being apart is something you really enjoy.
You both had a long discussion before her move, you wanted to be sure that she’s making this for the good reasons, not only for you. You were scared, you still are, that she realizes at one point how it was better when you just have the happily reunions and fun and sweet holidays together.
It seems to be perfect for now, but you are living apart of each other, even if you have to admit that the night you slept separately weren’t majority. Far from it to be honest.
It’s for the same reasons that you stay away from her for now, letting her enjoy her moment with the people who seems to become easily friends with her. You aren’t surprised, Mariona is sweet, kind, funny and always smiling. You feel like she took Barcelona’s sun with her.
“Staying away from the missus?”
You turn in the direction of the voice, smiling softly when you see Katie and Caitlin walking next to you. You shrug softly, you know it’s only a friendly teasing. They both tried to hide their relationship last year, before giving up and living their life like they wanted. It seems to be a pretty great idea, considering how happy they are.
“I just want to let her live her moment; you know?”
They both smile for any answer, and you look in Mario’s direction again. She’s now laughing with Alessia about something, probably the song Arsenal’s fan cooked for her. It probably will stay in your head for days, but you like it for now.
You walk around the pitch with Alessia and Kyra, before joining the rest of the team to hear a quick speech from Jonas. Leah smiles at you and pinch your ribs, like she always did when you played together and played well. It was the case today, you are pretty happy about your performance tonight.
When Jonas release all of you, Gooners are waiting for pictures and signatures, which you do happily. There are more people than when you began to play, but you like make people and kids happy. It’s only several minutes of your time and you enjoy it almost every time. You manage to spot the creeps pretty easily.
You gave your jersey to a little girl with cute blue eyes and a big smile, and you are in a black sport bra when you finally went to the locker room to take a shower and change. You spot Mariona not far from you, making her way probably in the same place and run to catch her.
When you are behind her, you pass your arms around her waist, tiptoeing to be able to kiss her cheek from behind. Her smile is beaming, and you are smiling too.
“Shake it Caldentey” you sing-tease her, your cheek against hers, your front against her back.
She laughs and manages to escape your arms, only to take her coat off. The weather isn’t awful tonight but it’s still way colder than Barcelona, so you aren’t surprised to see Mario wearing one of them. You didn’t expect her to put it on your shoulders, though.
“Aren’t you cold?” you ask, tightening the number 8’s coat around your body.
“A little, but you are the one half-naked here”
You hum and offer her one arm for her to side-cuddle while walking inside the tunnel going to the locker room. She doesn’t hesitate to go against you, and you went to kiss her cheek but sloppily went for somewhere behind her jaw and her neck. For your defense, you both were walking.
The Spaniard doesn’t seem to mind though, passing her arm around your waist for the last meters separating you from the locker room. You can hear the laughs and the music coming from it already.
You let Mariona go with a hint of regret when you are inside it, but you are soon taken by Kyra to dance around the room. Steph manages to save you from her after several minutes, letting you go take a shower. When you finish to prepare yourself, Mariona comes to sit on your cubby, quietly waiting for you.
“Are you both coming to have a drink?” Kyra asks you, suddenly popping next to you again.
“Oh” you say, glancing at Mariona.
To be honest, you would rather go somewhere with your girlfriend only. Maybe ordering something and relax in front of a movie. But maybe Mariona wants to go out with your teammates, you don’t want to deprive her of a good night.
You silently look at each other for several seconds, you trying to read into your girlfriend’s warm eyes.
“I… think… that we will go home” you answer slowly, still looking at Mariona.
The forward smiles at you and nod discreetly, filling you with relief when you understand that you have managed to correctly decipher her thoughts and wants.
“Ok Oldies, like you want”
You shush Kyra away with a foot on her ass, turning in Mario’s direction. She’s smiling again and you sometimes wonder how she never gets to hurt her cheeks. She stands up when you put your last things in your bag and grabs your hand when you leave, saying goodbye to everyone.
Leah and Beth keep you company until you reach your car, sharing a small talk with you. The night has fall for several hours now and the streetlights are on when you drive to leave the stadium.
“Yours or mine?” you ask her.
“Yours” she doesn’t hesitate. “Can I put some music?”
“Of course.”
You smile and roll your eyes when she puts some Spanish music on your Spotify. Since you know her, your algorithm doesn’t have any sense, but you like it. It was always nice to have a reminder of your girlfriend when you were driving around and she still lived in Barcelona.
To win some time, Mario looks for what you want to eat when you will be home. You let her choose and she’s still smiling when she passes your command. When you finally reach your house, you sigh of complacency before getting out of the car. You are living in St-Albans, like a lot of your teammates, in a semi-detached house with a garden.
You abandon your bag with your dirty clothes in the bathroom, choosing to make the laundry tomorrow. Mariona’s bag is waiting next to yours.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have taken a flat finally” Mariona comments with a grin from your couch.
You smile too, sitting next to her before cuddling against her. Her body is always warm and welcoming for you and you love it. You usually are more cold than warm so it’s the perfect contrast for you. You smile when she passes her hand under your hoodie, snuggling even more closer to her. You take advantage of your position to look at her, prodigiously ignoring the movie she had choose.
“You seem happy” you say carefully, not wanting to assume things.
She puts her eyes on you and smile softly before putting some hair behind your ear. Her touch send you shivers. She could have understand your sentence as happy right now, but she seems to catch what you mean easily.
“I am” she smiles. “It was hard to leave Barcelona after all this time, but London has even more to offer than I thought”
She nods, still smiling. You are looking deep in her eyes when you open your mouth again.
“So still no regrets?”
Her hand stayed on your neck after she touch your hair and she uses it to take softly your face against her, kissing you lovingly. While you expend the kiss, she strokes your jaw with her thumb.
“I told you, I was sure it was what I needed. It’s not a surprise for me to see I was right.”
You smile shyly and kiss her one more time before getting back in your first position, you spread on her body. Unfortunately, this moment doesn’t last because soon the bell of your door is ringing in the house, making you jump.
“El sushi está aquí!”
You smile while looking at your girlfriend almost jumping to the door and gets up to go to your kitchen, to grab some extra soja sauce for the sushis. Salty for you, sweet for Mariona. You grab some things to drink too, finding Mariona on your couch, carefully opening the boxes she had choose. You let her decide, you have almost the same tastes for food. Except for soja sauce, maybe.
“I’ll cook something Spanish for you next time” Mariona says after several minutes.
You like to cook to be honest, but just after the games you don’t have necessarily the courage to do it. It’s easier to just use Uber Eat and chill on your couch while you are waiting for your food.
“I’ll help you” you smile.
Like this, you will be able to cook for her too. You don’t know any Spanish receipt but it’s not really a good excuse, you have a Smartphone, and you know how to read. Maybe you could surprise her with a tortilla or something like that. You really need to extend your knowledge on Spanish cooking.
That’s what you discreetly do when your plates are empty, and you are watching another movie. Mariona is now lying on you, her breathing slow and deep, informing you that she might have fall asleep. But you don’t mind.
Playing with her hair with one hand, you are scrolling in a website dedicated to Spain food and you learn a lot of things. Remembering where exactly your girlfriend comes from, you even search for specialties from Mallorca. You might not be able to find every ingredient of the receipts, but you will try your best to bring her some Spain touch in North London.
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itostea · 10 months
better than me?
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Gojo comes home to find you fangirling over a book character named Aaron Warner
warnings: uni! au, reader is called pretty girl, fluff, idiots in love, idk what this even is
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Unread messages. One Five missed calls. No good morning or good night texts.
As of late, Satoru thinks you’ve been distant towards him–ghosting him while he was suffering on a trip his parents forced him to go to. It gets to the point where he thinks he did something to upset you and before he can drive himself mad with far-fetched possibilities, he thinks he should check up on you.
“Honey I’m back!” He bellows out, discarding his shoes to the side of his apartment that you practically live in now. His brows furrow at the lack of response, a bit disappointed at the fact that you could’ve been out. 
It’s only when he catches a whiff of your shampoo and perfume that he allows himself to grin. His place was already overtaken by your presence: the scent of vanilla, the sweaters you leave neatly folded on the couch whenever it got too hot, the extra toothbrush in his bathroom. He missed you. 
He rushes to the living room, his entrance dramatic as his words. “There you are! Why weren’t you there to greet me at the door? Do you not love me anymore?”
“Oh ‘Toru,” You mumbled absentmindedly and it only took him a while to catch sight of the book in your hands–considering the fact his eyes landed on your (his) hoodie you wore. “You’re back. How was your trip?” 
He frowns, his lips parting to release a sigh. “That’s it?”
His heart does something funny when you finally look up at him, tilting your head in genuine confusion. “Hm?”
“That’s all you have to say?”
“Wait one sec let me finish this chapter first, Satoru.”
It’s ‘Toru, 'he wants to say but settles on walking to where you sit, his eyes landing on the stack of books on the table–most of which seem to be of the romance genre. There’s a colorful display of sticky tabs decorating the pages of the book and a pen you keep close to you. He leans down to squat, his fingers playing with the book tabs–his mind wandering to the time you mentioned reading to him. “I thought you were reading literature. Like Shakespeare or I don’t know! Not sappy books about love.”
“Sappy books about love is literature. And who reads Shakespeare for fun?”
“Like I would know,” he mutters, standing up to walk behind the couch where he can get a peek of the pages–an offended laugh escaping his lips the moment he sees what scene you were reading so seriously. He easily steals the book out of your hands, ignoring your protests. “So Aaron Warner huh?”
“I was reading that!”
“Baby I can’t believe you were ignoring my messages for this,” he clicks his tongue. “This is worse than catching you make out with another man.”
“Okay that’s a bit of a stretch and besides, you go on trips all the time. Also, who would I even make out with?”
“Aaron Warner!”
You roll your eyes. “Satoru, he’s literally words on paper.”
He narrows his eyes at you and for a moment, you think he’s going to stop. Yet, he continues to observe the stack of books on the table all over again. “So that’s what my money goes towards? Books about other men–”
“Hey! I bought these books with my own money!”
“Oh,” he huffs, suddenly looking insulted. “So you don’t spend my money?”
Your lips release an annoyed groan and you roll your eyes for the nth time–wondering how his mood was all over the place. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” 
“Why do you need to read about Aaron Warner when you have me?” He says, climbing over the couch to sit next to you. You don’t object when he easily props you on his lap and discards the book to the side–his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. Your heart clenches at the feeling of his hands gripping your hips as if it were second nature to him–how he looked at you like he had the world on his lap. 
You clear your throat, not able to resist the urge to tease him. “You know. I wish I had a strong, handsome man holding me right now.”
“What? Like Aaron Warner?”
“That’d be great actually–” Your words die on your lips as he begins his assault of kisses on your face–peppering them along your jaw and neck. Gojo can’t help but smile against your neck at the sound of your surprised laughter, his head coming up so he can flash you a boyish grin. 
“Still think he’s better than me sweetheart?”
“You’re jealous of literal words on paper!” You try to retort, your lips a bit swollen and your hair fairly all over the place. He can’t help but press another wet kiss to your cheek, laughing at your sound of disgust.
“So what if I’m jealous? My girl’s not paying attention to me squealing over–”
“I was not squealing–!”
“--Squealing over a book character,” he finishes, taking his hands off your hips to cross them.
You frown, heaving a sigh at the sight of him–a bit affected by the loss of warmth his hands provided. You open your arms, looking at him expectedly. “Fine. I’m sorry I didn’t respond to your messages or calls while you were on your trip, in your billion dollar vacation house by the way.”
He only huffs at your sarcasm but you don’t miss the way his lips twitch in amusement. “And?”
“And,” you roll your eyes again. “I’m sorry I said Aaron Warner was better than you. So you can please just hold me again?”
Your boyfriend watches you carefully, pretending to sulk at the sight of your teasing smile. You’re cold to the touch–your hands and feet always contrasting the warmth of his own. You still smell like yourself but he likes how he can catch a whiff of the body wash he uses on you. I miss you, is what his hug says. 
His arms easily flip you on your back as he presses his weight over you, his grin wide and lovesick. “You know what? I think I might read the book myself to see what’s so special about this Aaron guy.”
You laugh. “Are you being for real?”
“For real, real, pretty girl.”
It’s been a week since Satoru’s returned from his trip and you’re starting to think he likes the books a bit too much. And you’re still convinced he’s not over your petty argument about Aaron Warner–seeing as he rushes to you on a peaceful evening. 
“You wanna know something sweetheart?”
“What is it now ‘Toru,” you groan, having just woken up from your nap. 
“Aaron Warner’s only 5’9.”
“What about it?”
“I’m 6’3.”
“Is that all you wanted to tell me?”
“Add that onto the list “Why Toru is better than Aaron Warner.”
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exoticb-utters · 1 month
So I saw that your requests were open, and would like to ask for a Hank McCoy (Wolverine and the X-Men) x Reader short story, if that isn't too much trouble. If that's not on the table, I'm sorry for bothering you.
YES OFC, I haven’t been writing much, and instead, I’ve been posting a lot more art so it’s about time I get back in touch with my roots 🙏🏽 (sorry this took me forever omg) pls enjoy 😘
Hank x Mutant Reader Word Count: 2.7k Words
Mutant Power: Water Manipulation
You’ve been a member of the X-men for the last 3 years. Yes, that’s almost 3 years you’ve had a crush on Henry McCoy. 
I mean, how could you not? He was so sweet, and always put aside time for you whenever you needed it. He’s also, like, insanely hot…
While you do have a huge soft spot for Hank, everyone had given you a warm welcome when you joined of course, this team was your family. More of a family than your parents; who called you a freak for doing ‘tricks’ with their drinks.
You’d make frequent trips to the lab, knowing all too well there would be a big blue hermit waiting for you. As you did this, Hank could never bring himself to admit the embarrassing fact- but your frequent visits were the highlights of his day.
The rest of the team were amazing family to him of course, but no one checked in or visited Hank as often as you did.
Most of the time anyone usually ever came down was if they needed something; nothing this personal. It was new, but it was nice for a change. 
Your jokes with him never got old, and your smile that came with it could only make it better. The willingness you had to sit around and let him rant about the latest experiment that had him losing sleep, to even offer a hand with whatever he was struggling with. Your innocent praises glorifying how smart he was had him hiding his growing blush by looking behind a microscope. 
“I’m afraid blue blushes too, my dear…” He would joke, causing you to smile and chuckle. Ugh who loves a hot, funny nerd. You’d chuckle to yourself. 
Oh who was he kidding, Hank was head over heels. While he tries to use his brain to rationally sugar coat things, he knew he was helpless. 
Your attention to detail was incredible, you somehow remember all of his favorite things without fail. You were just so…thoughtful. 
He couldn’t help but feel a bit selfish, wanting more than your visits down to his lab, the long talks, your presence. He was going crazy.
Then, every night you’d find yourself laying awake in your thoughts, knowing he couldn’t possibly feel the same.
You’d never put your friendship on the line for something so…selfish. 
The thought ate away at your conscious, the numbing sound of your fan tuned out by your busy mind. You sigh, rolling over to your side while pulling your blanket with you. 
You don’t know why you were like this.
You and Hank are…friends. Which is fine- even though it hurts. You are fine with it, and you’ve been fine for the past 3 years.
…for the most part anyway. 
♡ ♡ ♡
You were now hanging out with Hank in his lab, legs dangling over the edge as you talked to each other. Something about a new opera showing happening in town.
Suddenly, you hear Xavier telepathically call for the rest of the X-Men to meet him in the control room, suited up. Must be a mission.
You were informed the Jaggernaut had escaped custody, again.
All X-Men that were on stand-by were now assigned on this task. The team consisted of you, Hank, Cyclops, Jean, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, and of course Storm. Stacked team if you say so yourself.
Everyone was in the Blackbird with the sole goal of neutralizing the Jaggernaut before he caused severe harm. 
Cyclops was put in charge, giving direct orders as he looked to you and Ororo. “I need you and Storm to direct him towards us, we need to keep him separated from civilians. Meaning I need a tall wall of water, Storm you freeze it making sure he won’t be able to get through.” 
You both looked to one another with nod. Scott then turns around to Hank who was piloting the jet. “Hank you go with them and watch from above and make sure things don’t get to out of hand. If they do we need your strength to counter-attack.” 
Hank replies with a “on it” before tilting the jet to left, bringing the stealth instrument closer to the designated location. 
“Logan you’re taking the wheel while those three get dropped down. Everyone else is with me.” Scott said finally while Hank clicked some buttons before switching with Logan. The bottom hatch of the plane opened up, allowing you, Storm, and Beast to exit. 
Storm flew to her position in the air, leaving you and Hank free falling towards the ground. Hank turned to look at you expectantly, blue hair blowing wildly in the wind. 
“Yeah, yeah, I got it.” You chuckle. You outstretched your arms towards a nearby pond you spotted earlier. Pulling your hands back to your chest in a stream-like manner, a large funnel of water shot out towards you and Hank. 
You grabbed Hank’s arm as the funnel reached you, changing the water into a shape similar to a slide with your free hand. You surfed down the water, holding onto Hank making sure he kept up- and knowing him, it was also preventing him from falling off.
As you neared the ground, you spun the water into a wide spiral to slow down your momentum for an easy landing. 
“I’m still impressed you can do that with your hands.” Hank comments as you reach the ground, earning an amused huff from you. “Well it took some practice,” You trail off, your eyes now looking at his crazy wind blown hair. 
“Actually, I’m more impressed your hair can take that shape…” You snort, biting on ur fist to hold in your laugh. It looked like he had an insane cowlick…well, maybe if the cow had 4 tongues.
“…what?” He said before quickly bringing up a hand to his hair. While he was busy fixing his crazed hair, you spot Storm flying over.
“I’ve located the Juggernaut, he’s down the street!” She briefly informs you before taking off, flying further down the street. 
“Right right, back to business.” You say, waving an arm around yourself to recollect your water. Hank takes off, leaping after Ororo as you ride your stream of water. 
You hear loud commotion around your surroundings the further you went, hopefully you arrived in time. You spot the Juggernaut on the street, wildly flipping cars as if he were in a mad rampage. One was now launched and flying in midair- towards you, specifically.  
You expertly weave around it, spinning upside down in doing so. Before he can flip anymore cars you jump, using all surrounding water to form a wall as Scott instructed. 
You hear a crack of thunder overhead as you land, the air chilling and the clouds growing darker. With a strong gust of wind, the walls you made froze over. You see Storm fly into view along with the rest of the X-Men behind you.
Beast jumps onto a light post, swinging on the end before propelling himself onto the large wall of ice.
The Juggernaut’s actions were now solely limited to facing the X-Men head on. Realizing this, he began charging with full force towards the rest of the team.
“Get his helmet off!!” Cyclops orders before bringing two fingers to his visor, firing off his laser beams.
Night Crawler bamfs around the brute, landing on his shoulders for brief moments, attempting to unlatch the dome.
You shape your water into a whip, ready to attack if the villain closes in. You see Storm raise her hands, calling down thunder as lightning begins to target the Jaggernaut.
You even see Jean pressing her temple with two fingers, using her telepathy with the other outstretched hand to slow down the pursuer.
He wavered just barely under her prowess, the strong bolts only slowing him down slightly before Wolverine decides it’s time he steps in.
With a growl, Logan leaps towards him with his adimantium claws extended before being swatted away by the Juggernaut’s large hand.
Not a moment later he grabs onto Nightcrawler and tosses him aside as well, throwing him on top of Wolverine.
The X-Men were losing options, and fast.
You had to do something.
You swing your water whip from underneath the Juggernaught before quickly whipping it back against his head, effectively tripping him and causing him to topple toward.
Before he could regain his footing completely, you call back all your water to blast him with as much force as you could muster.
And…It was working! He was regressing in distance.
…Until he took a step.
And then another.
And another.
It wasn't long before he began fully charging toward you.
Your concentrated expression quickly fell to one filled with fear and disbelief. “Watch out!” You heard Jean, Scott, and Cyclops warn in unison.
Their cries were all in vain, a large hand splashing out of the water had taken hold of your face. You felt your feet lift off the ground as you were directly dangling in the air, at the mercy of an unstoppable force. In this position, the Jaggernaught could easily crush your skull if he so pleased.
“I will find Xavier. And I will make him pay.” The brute speaks as his grip on your head steadily tightens, your chest burning as you screamed in sheer horror at the increasing pressure.
From above, Hank was almost hesitant to give away his position as the others before you attacked- he knew they could hold their own. But watching you face the Juggernaught head-on…Seeing how your life was in such jeopardy, hearing your screams, Hank had no second thoughts about intervening and saving you.
With a distant roar, you hear Beast come down on the Juggernaut. He releases you, but at the cost of you falling; and of course- hitting your head on the pavement.
Your head began pounding, ears ringing as the corners of your vision grew fuzzy with dark spots. All you could see was a flurry of blue viciously wrestling with a large brownish blob. More figures rushed into the picture before a redhead precluded your vision, concern written all over her face.
“Stay with me! Don’t close your eyes and just listen to my voice…“ Her words began to fade out as the black dots in your vision clouded the world around you.
Your head rolled to the side, your closing eyes finding the blue figure before your heavy eyelids inevitably shut.
♡ ♡ ♡
You slowly awoke to a steady beeping of a monitor nearby, your eyes softly fluttering open. Looking up to the ceiling, you recognized it as the flat cement ceiling of Hank’s Lab.
Before you could get up, you felt the intense throbbing pain coming from the back of your head. Had you really hit your head that hard?
Well if it had knocked you clean out it must’ve been…
“You’re awake!” You hear a familiar voice call out to your right. It wasn’t long before a blue face came into view, blocking the blinding lights of the overhead fluorescent lights.
“How are you feeling?!?” Your vision slowly focused in on the figure in front of you. “Good…I think.” You slowly sit up, rubbing the back of your head tenderly.
You notice you had an IV inserted into your right forearm. Without another thought you removed it, ready to go…to wherever you were needed.
“Woah, there- you should slow down it’s been…a bit and you're still recovering.” Hank warns, grabbing your wrist to keep you from moving any further.
You looked to his face…he was worried??? “Hank, I’m fine! See?” You said reassuringly; though, Hank himself didn’t find himself too convinced.
“Hey, what are you so worried about?” You ask, brows drawn together hoping to get a straight answer out of him.
He was worried about you, obviously. You suffered several traumatic head injuries within a short span of time! If you had not been a human…he didn’t even want to think of the possible outcomes of that situation.
Hank sighed heavily, organizing his racing thoughts. “I thought I’d lost you.” He managed to drag out.
That he lost...YOU?!?
“Hank, I think I’ve suffered greater injuries. You should know this.” You say with a small laugh before quickly stopping, his solemn expression instantly killing your attempt to lighten the mood.
His large hands grab your wrists firmly. “You have been out for a month.” His words shook you, so much you found yourself shaking your head in disbelief. You hadn’t been out for longer than a day, right?
Hank must’ve sensed your reluctancy to believe your current situation because he started again. “You suffered several fractures to your skull, luckily, nothing broken or opposing threats to your brain. Unfortunately the stress your skull took on added with the hard contact of the ground basically split your head open.” He explained, running a hand down his tired face.
You hadn’t realized this had happened. “But I’m…I’m okay now, aren’t I?” You ask hesitantly, raising a hand up carefully to the back of your head. You felt stitches, running up your skull. Your stomach dropped.
“I performed an emergency medical procedure…which I won’t go into details with you so soon…” He sighed heavily once again, plopping down in his wheeled office chair.
“I hadn’t realized…” You quietly trailed off while fidgeting with your fingers out of nervous habit.
Hadn’t realized what? How bad the situation was? How worried the other X-Men must be? How much Hank went through to make sure you were well?!?
“Please, it isn’t your fault. If anything, this situation has made me realize something…” Now it was Hank’s turn to dramatically pause, his head in his large, blue hands.
“What? What is it?” You ask nervously, fearing your health was in critical condition at this point.
He grabbed you by the shoulders once again, looking into your eyes deeply, “Because…because I fear I’m falling in love with you.”
You stared in utter shock. Had you heard him correctly? He feels the same way?!?
“I-I want to come home to you, to kiss you like it’s been eons since I last saw your face. I need you safe, I don’t know how I’ll live with myself if you aren’t-“ You didn’t need to hear anymore. 
You grabbed him by his lab coat, pulling him into you as your lips pressed together in a flurry of passion.
He held onto you, hungrily chasing after your lips as he poured all the love he’d helplessly held in for so long.
Your hands slowly slid up his broad chest and towards his neck, finding themselves tangled in his soft hair. “Hank” You sighed against his lips, the kiss ripping all oxygen from your lungs and leaving you breathless in the process.
He groans into your mouth in response, his tongue running against your bottom lip to beg for access.
Your heated ‘session’ was abruptly cut short by the lab door sliding open. Hank shot up, nearly taking a tumble trying to remove himself from you- to avoid any suspicion of previous actions of course.
Though, the scene didn’t look too convincing; seeing how Hank’s glasses laid crooked on his face and his hair was well tussled. You had to cover your giggle at his appearance.
It was Morph, Cyclops, and Logan. They all start laughing, causing the rest of the X-men to come in, groaning in defeat.
“Woah, woah- we’re all of you just standing outside the door?!?” Hank exclaimed.
“Pay up, daddy’s waiting.” Logan holds out a hand expectantly towards the other X-Men, a smirk displayed across his face while completely ignoring Hank.
“I knew I should’ve bet with Logan.” Rogue mumbles, fishing out money from her pockets along with the rest of the team.
Oh yes. This was only the beginning of a long, beautiful (and heavily teased) relationship with Hank.
I hope you enjoyed this cute little one-shot! ;)
If you want more like this or want something written, please hit up my ask box! Requests are always open 💕 Until next time🫡🫡
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waterfire1848 · 8 days
AU: azula escapes the asylum becomes a vigilante akin to batman and is more effective at defeating ozai fanatics than zuko (much to his jealousy and anger when he finds out) and azula manages to fix the reputation of her nation through her vigilantism and while iroh sends agents to take her down as a threat (succeeding in imprisoning her) ty Lee and mai who have found out who the vigilante is, stand up for azula on the trial and state that most of the accusations for what she did during the war is slander. By the end of it, azula is freed and moves to Kyoshi island to live an easier life, even if the warriors hate her; she even sets up a life as a farmer/trader where she sells vegetables, fruits, teas, herbs, spices and medicine. (Tyzula endgame)
Hello, @supbro50000 !!!
1. Azula gets sick and tired of waiting for someone to let her out of the asylum so she breaks out. She frees herself then rushes to a small village outside of the capital to lay low for a while. While there, a nice family takes her in and allows her to stay. She gets food, water, a place to sleep and does some work around the house for them while she's figuring out her next move. The family that takes her in has a mom, dad and two young boys. Azula grows close to the mom in the house, who treats her like one of her own, and even spends some evenings playing with the kids outside. (Mother: I saw you playing outside with the boys. Azula: I was training. Mother: I'd love to meet whoever your parents are. Not everything has to involve training. Azula: You would not want to meet my parents. Trust me. Mother: I'm sure they can't be that bad. Azula: You'd be surprised.) Initially, Azula wants to take down Zuko and become Fire Lord again. She's just taking the time to figure out what the best way to do that is. However, one night, the village, and family that has been incredibly kind to her, are attacking by Ozai fanatics. Angered that they're hurting the people who have been kind to her (especially the mom), Azula attacks when she scares them off, revealing her blue fire and lightning. Azula doesn't try to remain in the village after this, she just gives the mom a silent nod and smile and rushes off into the forest.
2. Azula sets up base in an abandoned village that was deserted by people years ago. She hunts the various animals, collects water from the stream and buys whatever else she needs from neighboring towns to construct her base. From there, she decides to go after the Ozai fanatics who are terrorizing the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens that are trying to call the Fire Nation home. She's careful, never showing her face, and hardly bends (so no one is able to see her blue flames). Wherever she goes, she takes care of the Ozai fanatics with ease because they don't know how to fight a sane Azula, no one does. She's hurt from time to time but never returns to her base without making sure she's gotten the fanatics to leave. As more time goes on, Azula overhears from various that the loyalists are backing down and are more and more scared to come out. Not because of Zuko's efforts but before of Azula. (EK citizen: I'm telling you. My fiance and I were terrified of staying in the Fire Nation last year. She wants to stay here cause her family is in the Fire Nation, but with the loyalists we didn't know if it would be safe for me. Azula: How horrible. Citizen: It was until that Phoenix showed up. Azula: Phoenix? Citizen: She's this fighter who's been taking down the loyalists. Everyone calls her Phoenix because someone saw her bend and the former Fire Lord wanted to be the Phoenix King so...kinda funny. Azula, smirking: I guess it is.)
3. You know who doesn't like this development? (Ozai Loyalists? Not far off, but no). Zuko. He's not against the fact that the loyalists are being taken care of (that's the only part about this that he actually likes) but he doesn't for the fact that it's some masked vigilante who's doing it. They don't know what she wants or who she's working for and that does not sit right with Zuko. One day, when Azula is fighting, Zuko happens to be nearby with Mai and they head over and see the Phoenix. (Zuko: It can’t be…) Pretty quickly they discover it’s Azula and Zuko is not happy. He believes this is all some big stunt by her to trick people or that she’s working with the loyalists in some way. Mai isn’t convinced that she’s doing that at all, but Zuko doesn’t listen. Instead, he informs Iroh about what is going and Iroh orders Yuyan archers and imperial firebenders to head out and capture Azula. During one of her fights when she’s injured, Azula drags herself back to her base and finds everyone there waiting for her. They subdue her and take her to the palace, throwing her in a cell while she awaits her trial. During this time, Mai talks to Ty Lee about Azula being the vigilante and the two come to the understanding that Azula wasn’t doing it for fame or to trick anyone because she never seems to want to do that. Even in prison, she just talks about wanting to get rid of the Ozai loyalists. The two decide that they have to do something.
4. At Azula’s trial, both for her vigilante actions and actions during the war, Mai and Ty Lee speak up for her. They argue that if she’s getting put in jail then, by logic, so should they and Iroh. (Mai: We were on her side. Everything you’re accusing her of is something we did too. Zuko: That’s different. You two- Mai: I love you, Zuko, but that’s the only reason why I defected from Azula’s team. I didn’t think the war was wrong or the Fire Nation was wrong. I did it to protect you and Ty Lee defected to protect me. Ty Lee: And if Azula deserves to be in prison for her actions then why isn’t Iroh. He tried to conquer Ba Sing Se too. Iroh: That’s different. I have realized the mistakes of my actions and deeply regret them and I’m doing what I- Ty Lee: You had time to understand that you were wrong. How long did you go on your spiritual journey? Iroh: 2 years. Ty Lee: 2 years after the war Azula was helping stop Ozai loyalists. Isn’t that a sign that she doesn’t want Ozai back? That she doesn’t want him to succeed? That she realizes her mistakes? Azula: I don’t want Ozai back. I want him gone and in prison forever and those loyalists would have prevented that from happening.) After much arguing and back and forth, Azula is released and allowed to leave the palace without issue. Azula does leave but she also realizes that the Ozai loyalists are pretty much gone now and, after the trial, she doesn’t want to remain in the Fire Nation. Ty Lee comes to her after the trial and says that she might have an idea.
5. It’s a challenge at first, living on Kyoshi Island, but Azula and Ty Lee get used to it. The Kyoshi Warriors are not fans of Azula when she first arrives, but the firebender learns to gain their trust and prove that she’s not here for any kind of malicious reason. Eventually, the girls learn to accept that Azula know lives on the island. For the sake of having something to do, Azula trains with Ty Lee in the Kyoshi Warrior style(some girls are against it but Ty Lee convinces them). Suki provides her with more than a few books about a firebender who traveled with Avatar Kyoshi who could create white fire (Azula becomes an instant fan). When Azula had mastered the Kyoshi Warrior’s way of fighting, she decides to stop fighting, taking a few years to simply rest and be free. She and Ty Lee get married when they’re both 25. By then, Azula has become a farmer and trader on the island, learning how to grow crops thanks to her neighbors and trading with Earth Kingdom coastal towns. During one of her visits, Azula notices a young girl stealing from her stand and discovers the child (about 4 or 5) is an orphan. She takes the girl back to the island and she and Ty Lee agree to adopt her. 3 years later, they adopt a Water Tribe baby boy (who is a suspected waterbender). (Katara: Not that I don’t love seeing you two with kids, but why not a firebender? Someone you could train. Azula: I was too worried I’d end up like Ozai. It might be harder for him to learn bending but at least I’ll never hurt him. He’ll be safe and loved even if he is raised by two women from the Fire Nation. Katara: Aw. That’s so sweet. I’m sure you’ll both raise him well. If you need any help with his waterbending later in life, let me know. Azula: We will. Ty Lee: *Side eyeing Azula* Katara: What? Azula: There’s a second reason we adopted him. Not nearly as important as making sure he’s loved and supported and- Katara: What? Azula: It’s hilarious watching old racist Fire Nationals at the palace almost have a heart attack when they realize their former princess is now the mother of an Earth Kingdom ‘peasant’ and a Waterbender. Katara: You know what? That is hilarious.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 7 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Enjoy the fluff <3
Warnings: Smut, fluff, and a slight bit of angst. Steddie dynamic and all that that implies (I regret nothing!), Mentions of Steve and reader having trouble with their parents. More than anything just Steddie being cute dads <3.
Word Count: 3758
Wayne grins as he as holds Aurora under her arms up to his face and makes funny sounds with his mouth as she giggles. You smile as you watch them from your place at the sink, scrubbing away at the never-ending supply of baby bottles. 
It had been 6 months since she was born and thankfully your maternity leave flowed into summer vacation for the school so you were able to be home with her. Once summer started Dylan wanted to help out more offering to keep her entertained while you did things around the house. He really was the best big brother when it came to her. 
He would talk to her 24/7 about books and video games especially when he was playing one. Any wisdom Eddie and Steve had given him, he told her as if he had come up with the information all by himself. 
The guys, of course, were a big help as well when it came to Aurora even going overboard at times. Since you spent all day with her and Dylan, they insisted on getting up with her in the middle of the night when she cried. After the kids were in bed, they made sure you were taken care of whether it be making or bringing home dinner, cleaning the house, or even something as small as rubbing your back. 
Watching them with the baby was always a unique experience. Eddie and Steve were adorable dads and to anyone on the outside looking in, there would be no doubt that they loved her with all their heart. What was fun for you was seeing their different personalities leak through. 
For example, one night Steve woke up to comfort Aurora and after sneaking down the hall to check on them, you found him feeding her a bottle while swaying his body as sang the song from Sleeping Beauty. That morning after Steve had left for work, you came downstairs to see Eddie holding her against his shoulder, patting her back while singing “Photograph” by Def Leppard.  
“You look exactly like your dad when he was a baby.”, Wayne smiled as he brought Aurora down to his side. “I’ll have to bring some of his baby pictures, Y/N. I swear, she could be his clone.”
“She definitely has Eddie’s energy.” You reach out to poke her nose and she giggles, kicking her feet.
“How have you been?”
“Oof. I’ve been alright. I don’t know what I would do without the guys. I forgot what it was like having a baby in the house.” Wayne nods to himself as you sigh. “That’s not what you meant, is it?”
“No, sweetheart. It’s not.”
After drying your hands, you come around to his side of the counter and take a seat at one of the stools. 
“Kierra told my mom I had the baby and…my mother hung up on her. I haven’t seen her since she came by to yell at us. Steve’s parents haven’t been by either and… his dad finally followed through with cutting him off.” You laugh as a tear escapes down your cheek. “Couldn’t even face him, choosing to mail him the information. Yeah… so congratulations! You’re Aurora’s only grandparent.”
Wayne leans forward, wrapping his arm around you and kissing the top of your head. The alarm beeps as the front door opens and you quickly pull back to dry your eyes. Just from the smell alone, you already know who it is before he becomes visible. 
“Hey Eddie!”
“Jesus, woman. Are you psychic? Hey, baby.” Eddie gives you a quick peck, hesitating as he pulls away when he looks into your eyes. “Are you okay?”
Aurora saves you from having to answer as she babbles baby talk in his direction. “Oh, really? Well, I don’t know if you want me to hold you yet. I smell like a car engine.”
He chuckles as she leans towards him and he takes her from his uncle. “Alright, yall. I’m going to head home. Bye, Ro.” Wayne tickles her neck and she keens into her father’s shoulder as she giggles. 
As soon as he leaves, the door flies open again as your son runs through it holding grocery bags in his hands; Steve following a few moments after. 
“Why does it smell like a gas station?”
“Okay, Okay. I get it.” Eddie passes you Aurora before heading up the stairs to take a shower. 
“Hey, babe.” Steve kiss your forehead before tickling the baby’s side. “And baby. Did you have fun with grandpa today?” She smiles at him and tiny arms wrap around his neck. “I got some of those baby snacks you mentioned since we’re supposed to be trying solid food. I also got…” His eyes scanned the kitchen before Dylan beamed up at you, handing you’re a small bouquet of roses. 
“Aw, you guys didn’t have to do that.” 
“I know we didn’t have to. We wanted to.”
After dinner that night, Eddie sat on the floor with Aurora playing his guitar while Steve laid beside her. Dylan sat on the couch with you watching TV while you went through the mail. 
“Steve…” He answered you with a light hm. “This is addressed from Hawkins Community College.” All heads in the room turned towards you as you dropped to the floor and handed it to him. 
He sat up and rapidly tore open the envelope as his eyes scanned the paper. 
“Well? Don’t leave us in suspense, Harrington.”
“Little man, come here and help me read this.” He handed the note to Dylan who promptly began reciting the letter. 
“Dear Steven Harrington. We are so excited that you have chosen to apply at our school and are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the teaching program…”
You squealed with delight as you wrapped your arms around his neck and you both fell flat on the floor. Eddie cheered as he clapped his hands, Aurora watching him with wide eyes as she kicked her feet. 
“I’m so happy for you! This is fantastic.” 
“When do you start?”, the metalhead asked.
“In September. I have to make a payment first though.”
“Oh, don’t worry about that right now. This is a good thing. Let’s be excited.” You lean down to kiss the baby’s cheek. “Did you hear that? Daddy’s going to school.”
“Hey, Mrs. Harrington.” Steve’s mom gave you a once over with her eyes, completely taken back by your sudden arrival at her house. “May I come in?”
She nods and you step inside as she opens the door wider.
“Is my son with you?”
“No, ma’am. He actually doesn’t know I’m here. I wanted to talk to you. One of you… I did try and call Mr. Harrington’s phone but he never answers.”
You take a seat on her couch as you fidget with your hands, waiting for her to sit as well so you can begin. 
“I know what you’re thinking and I swear I’m not here for me. I meant what I said when I told your husband that I love Steve with or without his money. He’s always been good to me and my son. He’s also an amazing dad with Aurora, our daughter.” Pulling out your phone, you show her a picture of Steve fast asleep with the baby on his chest. A small smile flickers across her lips at the image.
“The reason I’m here is…he got accepted into college and will be in the teaching program. We’re so proud of him. Steve starts this fall but only if…he can make the payment. He has put a lot of money aside; we all have for him but…he’s a few hundred short.” 
Your eyes meet hers. “Please. He’s worked so hard for this and deserves it. I can pay you back as soon as I can or do whatever you want me to.”
Mrs. Harrington softly smiles as she rises from the couch to find her purse.
“Tell my son…that I’m so proud of him and I love him.”
You cringe as Steve shouts your name as soon as he enters the front door. 
“Hey, whoa. Calm down, Harrington. Aurora’s asleep. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know, Eddie. That’s what I’m trying to find out!”
“Baby, can you keep an eye on Ro for me?”, you ask. As soon as Dylan gives you the okay, you leave your bedroom and head down the stairs. 
“What did you do?!”, Steve snaps. “My dad texts me while I’m at fucking work commanding you stop calling him and then, suddenly, I have 20 grand in my bank account.”
“I didn’t ask for that much. Your mom insisted after I told her you got into school.”
“You did what?”, Eddie asks now seemingly just as confused.
“We…we didn’t save enough for you to make that first tuition payment.”, you shrugged. “Steve, you deserve this. I swear I only asked her for the small amount you needed. She did the rest saying she was proud of you and that she loved you.”
“Y/N, do you understand how much farther we can get with this money when it comes to our family?! I’d rather use this money for Aurora and Dylan than me.”
“So you can continue making pennies at a job you’re not happy at?! Steve, in the long run you going to school and getting your degree benefits everyone especially our family.”
He takes a step closer to you, pointing his finger in your face. “You had no right to do this with talking to me first.”
“I knew you would say no.”
“You’re fucking right I would have! I can handle this situation without their help, Y/N and the fact that you think I can’t is extremely belittling.”
“That’s not what I’m saying! Don’t put words in my mouth!”
“Okay! Okay.” Eddie steps between you two, holding up his palms. “Stop yelling because, again, our daughter is taking a nap. Now, Y/N, he’s right. You should have talked to him about this first before you did anything. Steve, we know her. She did this with good intentions. Y/N was just trying to help.”
The baby monitor cuts through the tension as Aurora begins to cry. 
“Yeah! I hear her!”
Steve pushes past you both and huffs as he stomps up the stairs. 
“Steve? Can I sit with you?”, Dylan asks as he pokes his head into the baby’s room. As soon as the man nods, your son comes in and lays on the floor beside him and Aurora who was now happily reaching at the hanging toys dangling above her head. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, dude. I’m just…thinking.”
“About my mom?”
“No…mine.”, Steve sighs. “She, uh, just gave me a lot of money so I can go to school.”
“That’s cool! My mom told me once she had money set up for me for when I go. Did yours do the same thing?”
“Not exactly, little man.”, he chuckled. “My dad always wanted me to be a businessman like him. Wear a suit and all that.” Steve mimes tightening a tie that makes Dylan laugh. “When I couldn’t get into college after high school…he took all that money and, um, invested it in other places.”
“He…put the money towards other things that would benefit him.”
“Huh. That sounds selfish.” The man meets your son’s eyes as he continues. “Well, I’m proud of you, Steve! I’m invested in you.”
Steve smiles as Aurora coos as if to agree with her brother. “Can I ask you something, kid? That money my mom gave me…could really help you and your sister. I can set it aside for you two to go to school or we can use it for things like clothes or toys…”
“Do we have trouble getting that stuff now?”
“So…you would be investing it in something that might happen instead of something that you know is happening…like you becoming a teacher.”
Steve laughed as he reached out to lightly push the boy’s shoulder. “When did you get so smart?”
“Sweetheart, what are you doing? I can stay up with her.”, Eddie chided when he found you on the couch with Aurora at 3 am. You grinned at his sleepy frame as he came to sit beside you, yawning as he rubbed his hand over his bare tummy. 
“I couldn’t sleep.” You scooted closer to him as he lifted his arm to wrap around your shoulder before running his hand comfortingly over the baby’s head. 
“My girls can’t sleep? Oh no.”, he whispers in soft voice that makes her smile as her little eye lids start to droop. 
“Eddie, I didn’t know what else to do. Steve deserves this. He’s done so much and worked so hard…it infuriates me that his father doesn’t recognize that.”
“I know, baby. Your heart was in the right place but when it comes to things like this…that’s between him and them.”
“Why are you people awake?”, Steve sighs sleepily as he comes into the living room. 
“Princess woke up and since mommy couldn’t sleep, she’s been keeping her company.”
“Well, she seems to be asleep now. I can take her—”
“Naw, man. I got her. You two need to talk anyway.” Eddie carefully slides Aurora out of your grasp and heads up the stairs to put her back in her crib. 
Steve promptly takes over his place, putting his arm around you as well.
“I’m sorry. I really was just trying to help.”
A heavy sigh leaves his chest before he abruptly grips your waist and puts you on his lap facing him. 
“I know, honey. I wish you would have talked to me first and we could have come up with a game plan or something.”
“Are you going to send it back to her? I swear I only asked her for the small amount that we couldn’t come up with and even offered to pay her back.”
“Hm. I spoke with your son today. He seems to agree with you, that in the long run me finishing school will help us all. He’s a smart kid, ya know?”
“Yeah. Where did the time go? 8 years ago, he was a baby like Ro and now…”
Steve nodded as he cupped your face in his palms and brought your lips to his. 
“Oh, good. We’re all happy again.” Eddie bounces down the stairs with a smile. 
“Hey, baby. Can you hand me that light blue envelope on the counter?” He does as you ask before plopping his body down next you both. “I got this today but with everything going on I thought I should wait to show you guys. Read it, Ed.”
The metalhead carefully pulls the papers out of their confinement and silently reads the contents to himself. 
“What is it, Munson?”
“Um…fucking hell…just seeing it in print…like this…”, his voice cracks as he tries to continue. “Sorry. It says that the process of Y/N changing her last name is complete. She… she’s officially Y/N Munson-Harrington.”
Steve wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly to his chest. You smiled into the kiss he planted on your lips, reaching for Eddie so he could do the same. 
“I just have to update my license and stuff but I can start officially using it now.”
“Y/N Munson-Harrington. You were right, Eddie. It does flow better.” The man grins as he brings your lips down to his again. As your tongue caresses his, your hips start to grind against the gradually growing bulge in his shorts. “Wait, wait, wait, baby. Fuck. What if…Dylan hears us.”
“We’ll have to be quiet then.”, you smirk down at him as his fingers dig into your waist.
“Let’s…let’s go upstairs.”
“Steve, please. It’s been so long.” You reach for his hand and slide it between your legs under your own shorts making his breathing catch in his throat when he feels how wet you are. “I need you both now. Please.” 
His eyes flutter closed as his mouth attaches to your neck while you turn to find Eddie who was palming his own bulge through his boxers as he watched you both. Without moving your arms from his shoulders, you adjust your legs so Steve can slide down your shorts and toss them to the side. You hold the cotton blocking your sex to the side as you watch him guide his cock into your entrance. 
“God, yes, Steve.” You moan as you continue to grind your hips. 
He gently smiles as he licks his lips, hugging your body to his chest as he slides towards the edge of the couch. “So beautiful, honey. Mmm… Mrs. Munson-Harrington.” Steve’s hips thrust up to meet yours and you keen into his neck to cover the moan that wants to escape. 
It had been a while since the three of you were sexually intimate and feeling him inside you again felt like brand new euphoric experience. Not just because of the way he felt physically but because after your daughter was born you saw this new side to him; to both of them. 
They had always been good fathers to Dylan but to see the way they were with Aurora and you during your pregnancy till now… you would never be able to properly express how much the love you had for them was. 
Your fingers tangled in his hair as you came. Steve guided your hips with his hands, pumping into you till he grunted into your neck and released his seed inside of you. 
When you were finally able to open your eyes, you were met with Eddie’s beautiful brown ones as he looked over your sweaty face before reaching with his hand to wipe your forehead. 
You can’t help but giggle. “I told you it was a parent thing…being a human napkin.”
He grinned as he reached for you and climbed off of Steve to sit on the other man’s lap, your back to his chest. His lips tenderly traced your shoulder up to your cheek, meeting your lips as his hand floated down to grip his length and run the tip through your soaking folds.
“Are you ready for me, sweetheart?”, he whispers. 
You nod, pressing your nose to the side of his face as he maneuvers his cock into your core. His arms wrap around your stomach and you place your own over his as you hold his hand, panting against his cheek as delivers slow but firm thrusts. 
“That feels so good, Eddie.”, you whimper and he moans in response. “Make—mmm—make me cum again, baby. Please.”
“You, f-fuck, you keep talking to me like that and…I won’t last. I could…barely hold myself together—mmm—watching you two.”
You delicately trail tiny kisses along his jaw line, tilting your head so your lips can hover over his ear. “Make me cum, Eddie. Please. Please. It felt so good when my pussy clung to Steve. I want to feel it gripping you as you fill me up.”
“Jesus Christ… Steve…can you…?”
Eddie pumps into you harder as you roll your hips, biting down on your lip when you feel Steve’s fingers press fast circles into your clit. 
You stumble over the edge, moaning his name into his neck as you cum. With a few more sloppy thrusts, Eddie’s arms squeeze you tighter to him as he warms your insides with his release. 
You groan as he pulls out, lifting slightly to tuck himself back into his boxers before adjusting you in his arms and rising to his feet. He and Steve exchange a few words you barely hear as your heavy eye lids start to fall. 
A pleasant sigh leaves your lips when you feel your body being placed on the soft mattress before the room darkens further and you are suddenly incased in warmth. Steve’s arm wraps around your waist, taking your hand in his as he pulls you closer. Eddie reaches for your other palm, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as you nuzzle your face into his chest.
“Hey, mom.”, Steve greets her with a startled tone as he opens his front door. “What, uh, what are you doing here?”
“I just…thought I’d come by…check in.”
Aurora starts to cry from the living room as if sensing her dad is no longer there. “Yeah, um, come in. Come in. Give me one second.” He continues talking to her as he hurries towards his daughter. “Y/N is having lunch with her sister and Eddie is at work so I have the kiddos.”
Dylan smiles politely at her as he glances at Steve who flashes him a reassuring smile of his own. “This little one has been having a rough morning.” He bounces the baby in his arms as he smooths down her hair.
Mrs. Harrington gradually makes her way over to him, reaching out to tickle her side. Aurora sighs as she crashes her body into the woman, wrapping her arms around her neck. 
“It’s okay, Steve.”, she grins as she pats Ro’s back. “You did the same thing. Every time a new face entered the house, you would practically headbutt them as if that was your way of saying hello.”
Steve’s eyes follow her as she takes a seat beside Dylan who turns his body to face her. “She likes to kick a lot to especially to Eddie’s music!”
Mrs. Harrington laughs making her son smile. “Has she started rolling over yet?”
“Kind of. She tries but then falls back on her butt.”
“Oh! That’s ok. Once she figures it out, crawling will be next and you’ll be running all over this house trying to catch her!” Dylan giggles as she leans closer to him. “Steve used to crawl into his father’s office and drool over everything.”
Your son makes a disgusted face as Steve sticks out his tongue. After taking a seat beside her, Aurora coos as she reaches her hand out to touch the woman’s cheeks. 
“She’s been doing that a lot to, pretty much since she was born. She loves pulling on Eddie’s hair.”
“Probably trying to get a feel of what her hair will be like.” Her eyes meet his as she softly smiles knowingly. “Those grabby hands are going to get worse so you may want to tell him to keep his hair up.”
Steve extends his arm around his mother’s shoulder, pulling her to his chest as he hugs her. 
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @luna-munson83
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@3rriberri @sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
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smokersbaby · 1 year
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Request text: Hi! Can I ask for prompt n.4 (sfw) Sanji and AFAB!reader please? Can this be after Whole Cake Island on the Sunny and the reader is secretly a Princess and while dancing with Sanji, she confesses to him or something like that? Sorry I have a lot of weird ideas. But if you don’t like that and want to go a different direction, that is fine. Whatever you write will be great like all of your other work! Thank you! 💙 Written for: anon Character: Sanji Reader: AFAB!reader Prompts:  SFW: #4 - slow dancing Total word count: +800 Author's note: I loved writing this. I have to warn you though, it's a bit cheesy! Just kidding, it has the right amount of fluff in it! I hope you like it, enjoy! 💕 -Every reblog is highly appreciated!-
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It was a clear, moonlit night on the Thousand Sunny. The crew of the Straw Hat Pirates was celebrating the end of their latest adventure, being able to escape from Whole Cake Island and Big Mom's clutches without a scratch was something unimaginable but here they were: the full crew and Sanji with them too, managing to run away from that forced marriage.
You have never been so happy, since you secretly left your island deciding to abandon the boring royal life to follow this unusual crew of pirates and sail with them, facing both funny and scary adventures on the sea, not knowing what was about to come next. Somehow you decided to lie about your previous life and status to your crewmates, fearing to be considered one of those "crybaby princesses", so you didn't tell them who you was as they took you with them.
As the Straw Hat Pirates began to consider you as a member of their family, the bond with one of them became stronger day by day. Even though Sanji was notorious for being a bit of a womanizer, the way he looked and behaved towards you made your heart skip a beat every single time. He wasn't just a nakama for you, he was so much more.
The music echoed across the ship, Brook playing his violin and making the Strawhats sing and dance to the notes of their favourite song, Binks' Sake. You stood a bit apart, sitting by the mast of the Thousand Sunny, enjoying less the party as you were lost in your thoughts, your eyes constantly following Sanji dancing between the crewmates.
Before you could notice, he spotted you there, sitting alone with the look lost in the void. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" Sanji asked, you snapped back to reality, your heartbeat accelerating as he approached you. "Just getting some fresh air," you replied, looking up at the stars. How handsome he was, all you could think about was him and him only.
Sanji offered his hand, inviting you to dance, a smile on his face. Before you knew it, he had taken your hand and you two were dancing together on the deck. The music Brook was playing now was much more slow, nostalgic and with a sparkle of romanticism in it.
You smiled at him as you two danced together, but something was wandering in your head. You wanted to confide yourself with him, to tell Sanji everything about your past and who you were before joining the crew. Not that it was something that mattered really, just a little secret of yours that was about to be revealed to the person you cared about the most.
As the dance continued, you felt a weight lifting from her chest. After years of keeping that secret, you knew it was time to reveal it to Sanji. "Sanji, there's something I need to tell you," you said in a whisper, the music covering your voice and Sanji being the only one able to hear you because of his closeness.
"That may sound weird but uhm… do you remember the island where you picked me up? Well, I was the princess of that island." a chuckle escaped your mouth, it didn't seem to have much importance at last, so it sounded so silly saying that out loud.
Sanji's eyes widened in surprise as he listened to your confession. Just like you, he didn't care about your title or her position, all he cared about was you as a person. Sanji pulled you into a sudden hug. You swear he could have heard your heart beating hard as a drum at that moment. "Y/N, now I understand where all these good manners of yours come from, not like these bunch of messy pirates" he laughed pointing at the other Strawhats.
You laughed with him, a faint blush could be seen on his cheeks. Sanji continued. "And now I also know why I am dragged to you this much, how can I resist a gorgeous and sweet princess like you are?". Now you were the one blushing, he was flirty like always, but this time it was somehow different: the way he held you by your waist, the slow music and his eyes locked in yours. The magical atmosphere was making it happen.
So it did. Sanji leaned closer and his lips met yours in a chaste, light kiss. Enough for you to make your heart shambles and your legs tremble, butterflies making a mess in your stomach.
Neither of you said a word after that brief moment. The slow dance continued as he held you in his arms to the sound of Brook's violin and the Strawhats celebrating happily, without even noticing the romance between you two. Everything was perfect, and you knew that was just the beginning of something special with your prince Sanji.
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littleblueeyedsun · 1 year
You won't be alone anymore, little girl. (Nico Robin x F!Reader)
Summary: “I know how you feel. If you’d let me, I’d love to take care of you, you know where to find me, little girl, Love Robin”
Hiding a part of you from your crew for so long might end up differently than you’d think, after noticing how you really feel, Robin decides to help you with it, because she loves you just as much as you love her.
Word Count: 3271 words.
CW. SFW, age regression, use of the word mommy, pure fluff.
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Robin was too observant. She noticed your little slip-ups here and there.
Everyone thought you were just a loving and affectionate nakama, a cute person even, it didn’t help that you were only 5” tall, most of them towered over you, but you’d still hug them, clasp their hands and help them whenever you could. 
You came from a small island on the east blue, you had very few belongings when you became a part of the crew, but one of them was a worn-out stuffed bear that you kept hidden in the girls' room. 
You would always hug it at night when you thought they were asleep, or when you could slip away undetected when you were scared or overwhelmed.
When the crew would go shopping you would always sneakily look away longingly at colorful patched blankets or storybooks when you thought nobody was looking.
You would always clasp Usopp’s, Sanji’s, Luffy’s, or even her hand. You were always hugging everybody, and even though Zoro wasn’t the biggest fan of it he would always indulge you when you’d look up at him pouting with big doe eyes. 
They didn’t see it the way she did. They thought you just liked physical contact. She, on the other hand, understood. You felt unprotected and needed comfort, so in this case, you sought it from your nakamas.
Robin knew better than the rest. She had a broken childhood, her mother left her with her abusive family, and she had no one for most of her life, she saw your urges as little escapes from reality, what she didn’t know was what you wanted to escape from.
So she asked, but to her surprise, nobody was able to answer her doubts. You were the second member to officially join the crew, so none of them knew your past, and she wasn’t sure if it was because it hadn’t come up or because it was something bad. 
She prayed it wasn’t the latter.
To surprise her even more, when she was in the library trying to distract her thoughts Luffy approached her.
“So you’ve noticed it, huh?” He said with a soft smile while he sat beside her.
Robin stayed put, but as her eyes slightly widened, she asked. “...What?
Luffy looked at her while taking off his straw hat and putting it over her head. “She’s had a hard time before she joined me, she’s the youngest here you know? I gotta look out for her because I’m her captain”. 
Robin listened intently, but before she could reply Luffy took his hat, placed it back on his head, and squeezed Robin’s shoulder. 
“She always liked kid stuff, like blankets and storybooks, and sometimes she talks kinda funny when she’s just with me, I’m not sure why she hides it, we all love her, but that doesn’t matter, I still have to look out for her”. 
And with a last smile he left, leaving Robin stunned, but with a resolute mind.
That’s how it all started.
The next time all of you stopped at an island to restock supplies Robin easily excused herself. 
You thought nothing of it while you accompanied Sanji to buy fresh food.
A couple of weeks later you docked on another island. It looked deserted, but the water was running low, and, to your surprise, Luffy volunteered you and Robin to stay and keep the Thousand Sunny safe while the rest ventured on the island to see what they could find.
You missed the meaningful look Luffy and Robin shared.
You went back to your room to find something that was long forgotten when you saw there was a wrapped present on your bed.
You carefully opened it and gasped in delight when you saw a soft and colorful blanket, a storybook you’d been eyeing before, and a heart necklace. 
You thought your captain had gotten you the present, he had always looked out for you, and he was the only one who knew, or so you thought.
But to your surprise there was a note at the bottom, written in beautiful calligraphy, it read “I know how you feel. If you’d let me, I’d love to take care of you, you know where to find me, little girl, Love Robin”.
Your eyes widened. This wasn't just an innocent present. You knew what it meant; and more importantly, you were sure she knew what she was offering. 
So you started pondering what it’d mean for both of you. You could just not go to her and she’d understand you wouldn’t want it.
But it didn’t take long for you to make up your mind.
You hugged the note tight to your chest, grabbed her presents, and went to look for her at the library, where you knew she’d be. 
And there she was, reading a book, she looked too engrossed with it to notice your arrival, your gaze was on the floor and doubt started flooding, but before you could overthink it too much you heard Robin clearing her throat and you looked up.
Her gaze was kind, inviting even. But she kept quiet.
It downed on you, she had made the first move, it’d be up to you to make the second one.
Fear was consuming you, but with your gaze planted on the floor you nervously stammered a hushed whisper, “Th-thank you for the presents Robin-san”.
You were clutching the blanket tightly as your nerves were creeping upon you.
Robin merely smiled and waved it off, as if it was nothing. 
Your feet stayed planted on the floor, unsure of what to do next. But before you could think properly about what to say next she gave you a reassuring smile and patted the spot next to her on the couch.
You immediately sat down next to her. Your legs moving on auto-pilot.
As you sat down next to her, you brought your knees to your chest, not sure of how the following conversation would go. Your mind was creating distinct scenarios, unfortunately, none of them were good. 
Robin’s voice then woke you up from your daydream. “You don’t have to thank me for the present little princess”.
Your face heated up at the nickname as you glanced up at her, she continued, “Would you mind telling me why you’re speaking in that tone?” She asked with a soft yet knowing glance.
You shrunk under her gaze.
You knew she wanted you to tell her exactly what your regression was about. But you had no idea where to even start. 
Your mind was racing again, thinking of a way to explain all you were feeling. 
You weren’t sure how to explain exactly what had happened to you, or why, so you settled on explaining how you felt, anger and desperation filling you as you recall your life before becoming a straw hat. 
“I-I’m not sure when it started, it just made me feel safe, papa was bad, it was just the two of us, I had to do everything, i-if it wasn’t what he wanted he was cruel.” 
You didn’t notice you were clenching your fists in the blanket, your knuckles turning white until she put her hand on top of one of yours.
You looked up, glossy eyes making contact with kind and understanding ones. They urged you to go on. Your gaze returned to the floor as you did.
“It just makes me feel safe, a-and I like you Robin, you are gorgeous and kind, and you make me feel s-safe too and-“. 
Your nervous rambling stopped as Robin pulled you softly into her lap, grabbing your presents and putting them on the table, putting her arms softly around your waist after. 
Your face grew hot out of embarrassment from the boldness of her moves as you kept your gaze down. 
“It’s okay little princess, I understand”, she said while moving a few loose strands of hair off your face. 
“Now I’m gonna ask you something important and I need you to be honest with me all right?”. She said sternly yet lovingly.
“What do you want from me, little princess?”
Your gaze meets hers once again. You hugged her tightly before looking up again, gathering all your confidence.
“I want you to be with me, Mommy. I-if you’re okay with it of course!”.
When she smiled widely at you and pressed her lips against yours you couldn’t help but feel safe and warm like never before.
 As the kiss ended she pressed her forehead against yours humming happily.
“I’d love to be yours, little princess”.
Your eyes lit up as you snuggled against her, causing her to laugh a bit, wrapping you in a loving embrace.
“Mommy, can you put my new necklace on, pretty please?”
Robin was sure your pretty doe eyes were gonna be the death of her someday but obliged nonetheless. 
“Of course, baby, here, turn around for Mommy, okay?”
As Robin put the necklace on for you, you couldn’t help admiring it.
It was a beautiful silver heart-shaped locket, engraved with the words "In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours”.
“It’s really pretty Mommy, thank you so much”.
Robbin hummed, “I’m glad you like it princess, do you want to see Mommy’s necklace?”
You curiously looked up, and smiling she took another locket under her blouse.
Hers was just like yours, silver and heart-shaped, but the engraved words were different.
It read “In all the world, there is no love for you like mine”.
Your eyes watered a little as you hugged her middle pretty tightly, weeping softly.
“Thank you, Mommy, for loving me and accepting me, for everything”.
Her eyes softened as she cooed softly at you.
“Thank you for opening up to me, for loving me and accepting me too, little princess”.
The two of you spent a few more minutes tightly embraced with each other, enjoying the safety and the warmth each other brought.
Robin hummed, “What do you need, little princess?”
She smiled softly at you as you gripped her face with both of your hands.
“Can we read the book you got me together? Oh! Can Teddy be with us too?”
You heard her laugh a bit at your eagerness as she nuzzled your cheek with her nose.
“Why don’t my little princess go to find Teddy while Mommy sets everything up in the aquarium for us to read together, baby?”.
“Okay, Mommy!”
You bolted out of the library and to your room to find your worn-out bear. When you arrived at the aquarium your new blanket was laid on the floor with your Mommy already on it.
At the sound of your footsteps, Robin’s gaze went to you.
“Did you find Teddy, little princess?”
You bolted excitedly to the blanket as you proudly presented Teddy to your Mommy.
“I did Mommy! Here, this is Teddy, Teddy, this is Mommy!”
Robin smiled softly, carefully shaking the little bear’s paw.
“It’s a pleasure Teddy, thank you for taking care of my little princess when I wasn’t here for her”
You blushed a bit as Robin thanked your stuffed bear for helping you with your trauma before she could, but in a way, it made you feel loved and cared for.
You smiled a bit shily, crawling into Robin’s lap.
Robin looked a bit surprised but recovered quickly as she grabbed Teddy and put him in your lap.
“Do you want Mommy to read to you, little princess?”
“Yes Mommy, please!”
You snuggled into Robin as she wrapped her arms around you. She sprouted a couple of arms so that she could read the book while still holding you close to her.
As she read to you, your eyes started to feel a bit droopy, feeling a safety you’d never felt before you quickly drifted to sleep.
While holding tightly onto Teddy you felt Robin shift you a little so the both of you could be a bit more comfortable.
Feeling equally as happy and peaceful Robin drifted to sleep a bit after you, both snuggled under your colorful blanket, holding tightly onto each other.
And that’s how the rest of the crew found you.
After they had found clean water, hunted for meat, and scouted the island for any edible plants they came back to the sunny.
They called for both of you as they started bringing in all they had found. But none of you responded.
Luffy panicked, this wasn’t part of the plan. What if something or somebody had hurt you both?
What if Robin had fallen down the ocean and while trying to help her up the both of you had drowned?
Before his panic could become worse Nami bonked him on the head. Looking up to yell at her, she told him to look for both of you before assuming the worst.
The rest of the crew agreed and started looking for you.
“Are you okay?”
“Where are you?”
“Did you find any meat?”
At that, Nami bonked Luffy on the head again as he pouted.
Before they could start a big fight Zoro shut them both up.
“Eh? Don’t talk to Nami-swan like that, you marimo!”
In a hushed whisper Zoro angrily responded to Sanji, “Shut up ero-cook, I found them, so be quiet!” 
At that, everybody just shut up and followed Zoro.
They certainly didn’t expect you to be sleeping curled up together. Much less under a colorful patched blanket or you holding a teddy bear.
As the crew observed the both of you a bit surprised eyeing the position you two were in, Usopp noticed a book laying open on the blanket.
He went to pick it up and lay it on the table of the aquarium.
Usopp hummed, “This is a children’s storybook. I didn’t know we had this in the library”.
Before anyone could say anything Luffy beat them to it.
Luffy smiled widely “Shishishishi, that’s not ours! Silly Usopp, Robin bought it for her!”
The rest of the crew looked at him bewildered.
Nami hummed, “How do you know that Luffy?”
Zoro carried both Robin and you to the couch and then laid the blanket on top of you both.
Then he looked up at the rest of the crew nodding towards you.
“She regresses, it’s complicated for her because she thinks we’ll laugh at her or something so she tries hard to not do it when we’re around. Maybe Robin decided to help out and become her caretaker.”
The crew looked at him surprised.
Luffy’s smile widened, “Is that what is called? shishishi”
Zoro smiled softly at your sleeping figure. “Yeah, I’m glad for her, she deserves to be able to be herself”.
Sanji looked at the two men indignant.
“You two idiots knew and didn't tell us? We could’ve helped her!”
To avoid waking the two of you up, he angrily whispered.
Nami and Usopp put themselves in front of them to avoid a fight as they silently agreed with the chef.
But before they could complain Franky interjected.
“It’s not super for someone to tell your stuff, if she told Zoro and Luffy in super confidence we can’t pry that”
The rest of the crew frowned, sad that you hadn’t told them, but agreed with Franky nonetheless. 
Zoro hummed, “She didn’t tell me, I just kinda figured it out, I’m always on the lookout so it wasn’t hard for me to notice, I just didn’t help her with it because I can’t be what she needs, so I just excused myself whenever I saw her itching to regress.”
Luffy nodded at Zoro, “She never told me either, she just spoke funny whenever it was just the two of us, she’d ramble excitedly about kids' stuff, I always wondered why she felt like she couldn’t do it whenever she wanted instead of when it was just me and her.”
Nami pursed her lips, “Why wouldn’t she tell us?”
Zoro frowned at her, “Don’t be selfish, Can’t you be what she needs every time she needs it? Or are you just sad she just didn’t tell you? She suffered and this is how she deals with it, it's not just some little secret she can share with you”.
Nami sighed, “You’re right, well, at least we can make her understand that we won’t laugh at her or anything like it, Robin can take care of her while she regresses in front of us if she needs”.
Usopp looked at you smiling softly, “Well then, let’s let them sleep, we have food and water to store anyways.”
Robin and you slept for a bit more before you felt someone shaking you softly.
As Robin and you opened your eyes you saw Sanji smiling sweetly at the both of you.
“Dinner’s ready, Robin-chwan, little dove.”
You looked at him surprised at the nickname and then you noticed that the two of you were on the sofa, your blanket covering you both and your book on the table.
“W-what do you mean little dove, Sanji-kun?”
You looked up at him, afraid he’d laugh having figured out about your regression but to your surprise, he crouched down at the height of the sofa and smiled sweetly at you.
Sanji carefully petted your hair, “It’s okay, we won’t laugh at you or judge you or anything like that sweetie, we promise, we just want you to be happy, and healthy.” 
You looked up at Robin, big doe eyes not knowing what to say, as Robin smiled kindly at the cook.
“Thank you Sanji, we appreciate it, don’t we, little princess?”
At your Mommy’s encouragement and Sanji’s reassuring words you slowly nodded.
You bolted to trap Sanji in a hug, “Yes Mommy, thank you Sanji-kun!”
Sanji laughed softly at your eagerness but hugged you back just as tightly nevertheless.
“You have nothing to thank us for little girl, you are our nakama, we love you, no matter what, now, Is it okay for us to call you little dove whenever you regress?”
As you separated from the hug and looked up at Sanji, kind eyes met your sheepish ones.
“I-if it doesn’t make you guys uncomfortable, I’d appreciate it”
You didn’t notice the rest of the crew waiting by the door for Sanji to talk to you and Robin, all of them knew that Sanji could be more of a caretaker than all of them combined.
Taking that into account they decided he’d be the one to talk to you both.
Luffy bolted inside the room, “Of course, it doesn’t make us uncomfortable! shishishi” 
As the three of you looked at your captain in surprise Nami bolted into the room behind Luffy and bonked him hard on the head.
“Ow! Namiiiii!”
“Shut up Luffy! We agreed Sanji-kun would talk to them so she wouldn’t get upset! Now look at what you did!”
The rest of the crew sighed and entered the room as Nami and Luffy kept arguing.
All of you sweat-dropped when their arguing didn’t stop. So Chopper in his human form and Usopp separated the both of them.
Zoro sighed as he looked at you and Robin, “We’re sorry if we made you uncomfortable, we just want you both to know, that even though we can’t help you with it, you can regress in front of us with no issue, you’re family, and we’ll love you no matter what”
Luffy laughed loudly, “What Zoro said!”
You smiled a bit, feeling warm and happy, you were loved, safe, and more importantly, you weren’t alone anymore
“Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart”
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artbyace · 1 year
assigning mitski lyrics to marauders characters !!
cuz all my favorite things have to make me so sad and i love being miserable apparently. i added explanations that r pretty 50/50 on how much i pulled from canon or just sprinkled in headcanons
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Reach out the car window tryin' to hold the wind / You tell me you love her, I give you a grin / Oh, all I ever wanted was a life in your shape / So I follow the white lines, follow the white lines / Keep my eyes on the road as I ache - Strawberry Blond
Remus about Sirius while watching him date girl after girl in school
Mom, would you wash my back? / This once, and then we can forget / And I'll leave what I'm chasing / For the other girls to pursue - Class of 2013
Regulus because mommy issues (same ) and those last two lines are so jegulus angst
I haven't given you what you need / You wanted me but couldn't reach me / So you went into your memory / Relive all the ways you still want me - Should’ve Been Me
James, how he never moved past Regulus’ death and spent his whole life looking for him in even the smallest details (really Regulus talking to James)
If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses / Then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart - Once More to See You
Dorcas, because this lyric is just absolutely her pining over Marlene. personal HC that Marlene struggled with internalized homophobia so she constantly pushed Dorcas away, fearing what people may say. Dorcas just wanted to give her everything
Still nobody wants me / And I know no one will save me / I'm just asking for a kiss / Give me one good movie kiss / And I'll be alright - Nobody
Peter, feeling constantly on the outs of his friend group and just horrible about himself. Feeling as though no one would ever love him because he wasn’t as handsome as Sirius, funny as James, or intelligent as Remus :((
And I was so young when I behaved twenty-five / Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child /And I don't wanna go home yet / Let me walk to the top of the big night sky - First Love/Late Spring
Sirius. this one feels pretty self explanatory but how Sirius had to stand up to their mother and protect Reggie as a kid. escaping ‘home’ and finally being able to live freely and cry and experience emotions and heal his inner child. this whole song is So Sirius to me
And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me - Francis Forever
Mary having to outlive all of her friends and ultimately not being able to stand it without them. they were her summer. (also there’s definitely an autumn/lily tie in i could make here but i’ll let that speak for itself)
One morning this sadness will fossilize / And I will forget how to cry … / And then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / And I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry - Fireworks
Remus trying to move on with his life and forget Sirius after believing he was the one who had betrayed Lily and James.. but always having those feelings and grief resurface at the slightest memory of Sirius :(((
All of this turbulence wasn't forecasted / Apologies from the intercom / And I am relieved that I'd left my room tidy / They'll think of me kindly / When they come for my things - Last Words of a Shooting Star
Regulus dying, but being so okay with doing so because he was dying doing the right thing. he died thinking Sirius and James and everyone else would know that he died defying Voldemort, and they would finally love him for it but they would never get to know T_T
You're coming back / And it's the end of the world / We're starting over and I love you darlin' / And I am done, dear - I Want You
Sirius or Remus about each other respectively. they’d finally made it back to each other after Sirius escaped Azkaban, but would never be able to live the life full of love they deserved .
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polyphonetic · 4 months
Last night I dreamt I was time traveling with the 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi). However, he was a stacked hot older woman (still he/him) and we made out a bunch and that was pretty funny. He would keep resetting the timeloop, but I had special goggles that would update my memory each time, so we could save time as well as save-state particular repetitive parts of loops. It involved stealing stuff from my estranged father's office as well as his truck for some reason.
I remember driving around dark fields in a vehicle, dodging missles from weird roaming contraptions, searching abandoned grocery stores for food and a special type of wet food for my cat.
This afternoon I had a dream that there was a door in a basement of a house in a rural field. I and a bunch of other people my age would go through it, and it was a portal to this endless plane with black skies and precarious pathways built over bright flowing lava. There were these glowing cats that lived around and they were cuddly and immune to the lava.
However, there became a faction of the other people that wanted to create some sort of right-wing revolution somehow involving living in the endless Nether world (that grew increasingly dangerous to humans as you strayed further from the entrance). A five year old kid who was naively radicalized activated a mechanism that formed these massive metal doors that started to close before the basement entrance, but I was able to hold open the doors and call desperately for everyone to escape.
Afterwards, I tried to deconstruct parts of the door to see if there was any way for someone to escape from the inside should they be trapped within, but the material paradoxically folded endlessly upon and into itself, and was a one-way entrance. Additional doors would also generate to prevent people from holding them open. Despite this, some people of that faction were still compelled to enter and explore, shaming me the whole time.
There was a wild search for potential keys around the property before people entered the lava abyss, as a chance to escape after an entrance. An uncle-ish man saw me taking some of his tools, and asked what was going on. When I explained, he took me to this rounded staircase structure, with a long metal pole in the center pointing down towards a sort of porthole to the abyssal plane.
He showed me deeper layers of that plane, how it transforms into a cerebral-fluid-like sparkling black sea of consciousness, weird bones, and other body structures, before it folds in on itself and exits. I decided I had to enter the plane after that group with him to try to save them.
I crawled down some weird furnished ventilation tunnels towards the exit, and this is where things get fuzzy. The scene shifted to this massive auditorium full of thousands of mages seated along a slope, and one by one disappearing, until I, the final one shifted with the rest into this "graduation" room. I exited this room full of mages to this other room filled with tall vetical strings connecting the floor and ceiling, millimeters apart from each other. Before an instructor, I danced through these lines of energy, focusing my attention on the subtle black coloring on parts of the strings, that while I danced seemed to be animated, and I danced by following these shapes like we were dancing together. These shapes became more detailed as I twirled faster, becoming colored and more realistic, and I danced my way back to the rural field outside of the house which contained the portal.
I looked around the world, and I had a deeper understanding of the material 2D planes that constructed it. I could see vertical and horizontal planes everywhere from which you could see the clouds and nature and could step through them and understand how my world worked. It was like moving in 4 spatial dimensions around my world while still being able to interact with it. At the same time, I saw the former party who had entered the portal, who stumbled deep enough to fall back into this world, but they were blind with eyes that could only now see the abyss they had desired.
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meonlyred · 8 months
I talked with my DM last night, our original campaign has been on indefinite hiatus for 6 years now. She asked us once we finish Descent into Avernus what we wanted to play next. I had expressed interest in either going back to our original campaign or at least having her tell me what was going to happen. Whichever we do I wanted the chance to play Lark again as well.
We are not going back to our campaign unfortunately, our DM said that there was too much foreshadowing and such that we likely do not remember tiny things like that and she is not sure how she would be able to reincorporate that foreshadowing without making it obvious. So she just spilled all the spoilers.
Turns our our BBEG, "The Master," is actually Gargauth who has been siphoning power from a campaign created demi god. (Its funny because Gargauth plays a part in Descent into Avernus but this campaign started years before that module came out. lol oops) Gargauth, pissed that we freed her he would have sent his cult to raze one of the towns we were affiliated with to the ground. We would have went to try and hold the line but would have been overwhelm and forcing to flee. One of our long time allies and a few others would have stayed to buy us more time to get the citizens out.
Gargauth would then be calling all his forces together and sent a Dracolich against us. Again forcing us to retreat further and making a last stand in Waterdeep. Because and I quote "because I want an excuse to use the Walking Statues of Waterdeep."
Ya know these things. The giant fuck you massive walking statues that are dormant until called upon to defend the city. (Well there is that one time during the Spellplague... don't worry about that. Ha ha...)
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One of our other long time allies, Lady Layne Greyson of Silverymoon, would have come to help. She is the mother of two of the men that killed Lark's lover, Aiden. She doesn't fault Lark for having to kill one of her sons. They had been influenced by their father, Jader "Venom Eye," who was a follower of Asmodeus. She had asked that we capture the other son she had with Jader and bring him back so that she can "correct" his behavior. Turns out she is a lot older than she looks and is a level 20 Archwizard.
Jader's partner in crime known only as Stone Eye would have also helped us for a time. Because Gargauth has been trying to overthrow Asmodeus. As pissed as he might be at use for killing Venom Eye, its an enemy of my enemy kind of thing.
I also found out there had been a flashback kind of scene planned where we went back 30+ years and been involved with Lark's mother's Uthgardt tribe. We would have found out that Lark's mother Eiriol was a once in a century extremely powerful Wild Magic Sorcerer. While the Uthgardt don't like arcane magic in the first place, they fear the next time a sorcerer with that kind of power would be born amongst them. Which is the biggest reason the Black Raven Tribe traded Eiriol to the Snowcat tribe. The Snowcats sought to keep Eiriol on a leash and use her power for their own ends. She of course escaped and eventually meets Bran, Lark's father.
Something I already knew but it was expanded upon, was that once Eiriol died in childbirth along with her second child, she possessed the forest and was the reason why the Wild Surge that killed the highwaymen who killed Aiden and tried to kill her happened. That I knew and I knew Eiriol's spirit had been looking after Lark when she was a younger. What was expanded on was that Eiriol was a bit more aware and had been sending animals to play with Lark when she was young. It was her influence in the Cold Wood that allowed Lark to be able to play in these extremely dangerous woods as a kid.
There was also plans of us going down to Menzoberranzan to help an Drow ally who was secretly Eilistraee worshipers and been hoping to subtlety change Drow culture from the inside. Our ally had been in an arranged marriage with another House whose daughters had unwittingly joined the cult of Gargauth. And because our party killed our ally's fiance, her sister had sworn to destroy our ally's House and us.
I am sad that we didn't get to play this out because having a huge last stand in Waterdeep with the Walking Statues, the Lord's Alliance, a level 20 Archwizard, and whatever else allies we had made a long the way. But I am glad I know now. I will play a campaign where we get those Walking Statues up and running, oh yes, I will.
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Fan-made ‘Famous Five’ video
So I wanted to share this little video that I found while I was looking for something else. It’s a fan-made adaptation of Enid Blyton’s Famous Five book, “Five On A Hike Together” or “Le Club des Cinq en randonnée” for its French translation. The episode is 50 minutes long and worth a look for the effort that went into it. It was all made by the members of one family, and shot over 4 days in August 2009. Admittedly the kids’ acting is rather amateurish, and the adults’ just a midge above, but it’s a very endearing endeavor for all that. The filming/directing is actually quite good, as far as I can judge. There’s no director mentioned, but my guess is that the person(s) who directed it (likely one of the adult actors) has/have a background in film making. I particularly enjoyed the spooky moments, like the siren blaring at night and Dick/Mick’s encounter with the escaped prisoner. Very atmospheric!
The story is set in a fictional village called Langonnec, which as far as I know doesn’t exist, but sounds like a place that you could find in Brittany, where the original stories are located according to the French translations. It’s a bit funny because the video was actually shot in South-West France and several details give it away: 1) outside the bakery there’s a poster announcing a local country fair and the town mentioned is easy to pinpoint in Aquitaine; 2) both the baker and the policeman have a slight south-western accent, not very pronounced but noticeable all the same; and 3) something very telling that made me laugh a lot: the kids use the word “chocolatine”, which is a colloquialism found in South-West France rather than “pain au chocolat” used in the rest of the country (“chocolate croissant” to English speakers) – there's actually a whole good-natured warfare going on between “chocolatine” and “pain au chocolat” advocates (count me firmly on the “chocolatine” side! 😉) Anyway, the point is, the word “chocolatine” is a dead giveaway that this wasn't shot in Brittany. These little imperfections are rather funny – definitely not something that you would find in a professional movie - but charming in their own ways.
I usually don’t appreciate when stories are “updated” to a modern setting but the video makers were creative in incorporating their modern environment into the story. For example, Dirty Dick/Mick-qui-pique rides a motorcycle, which adds an element of danger when he chases the kids. It’s also the basis for a joke that made me chuckle: when the kids split up to find help for an injured Timmy, Julian/François pointedly tells Dick/Mick not to lose his way, to which Dick replies “Don’t worry, I have a GPS in my head”; he and Anne then leave in one direction, only to be stopped by Julian who then points the other way. This moment was genuinely funny, and a good setting for Dick and Anne getting lost later on, so this is good film-making at work! It’s at the 6’00 mark if you want to have a look and a laugh!
The video makers were able to shoot in a real bakery, as well as the local police station, which helps ground the story. I was a bit disappointed that they were unable to find a suitable ruined house to provide scenery, but they made do with a shot of an overgrown yard and a line about how there’s nothing left of the house. The lake is what’s important to the story anyway, and they have the kids sleep in what they call a “cave”, but is really more of a rock overhang. They were also ingenious in adapting the treasure location markers from the original “Tock Hill / Steeple / Chimney / Tall Stone” to “pierre blanche / pylône / clocher” based on the available landmarks around their shooting location.
Unfortunately for non-French speakers the video does not come with captions, but if you have a passing knowledge of the original story, you should be able to keep up. As a heads-up, the sound is missing in a couple of places. Also, Julian/François is dark-haired in this video while Dick/Mick is blonde, which can be… confusing at first; and George/Claude has longer hair than her canonical self, but I can’t fault the kid for not wanting to cut her hair just for a few days’ shooting!
If you have an hour to spare, go and give it a look, I hope you’ll enjoy!
(Tagging @sweetsorcery and @majormcnerdy-geekinfantry-blog who are the two people on this site who I know are into this fandom 😉)
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peonyslumber · 2 years
S5|pre-villa| Suresh/MC | 1,130 words
Author’s note: Title idea from the song ‘Pitseleh’ by the artist Elliott Smith. This is my first fanfic written about a character from love island the game. So with that, I hope I did an exceptional job. Enjoy!
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Sure, Suresh was busy with work, he’s always busy, but ever since that night he’s been closed off. Sometimes I look into his eyes and feel like he’s hiding something.
My head snapped to the direction that his phone was at. It buzzed on the nightstand, calling my name. He was too busy snoozing to have heard the notification. So I got up and reached to check to see if it’s his mum. His family and I got on well. I loved them. They loved me. One of these days we’d be a big happy family. I’ll officially be a part of them. But I haven’t found the right time to do it. It had to be right, everything had to be perfect. It had to be memorable. A day he and I would look back on and tell our future kids about. A love story one could do nothing but smile while hearing.
We were like that. Suresh was the one for me. And I was going to make sure that he knew that soon.
I did the pin and saw that it was actually from one of his mates.
I ignored it, and opened his phone. I smiled as his wallpaper was a picture of us. I checked his photos to see if I could send that picture to me. He was always better at taking pictures than I was. He was my professional photographer. But as I scrolled to find it, I came across something far more heart crushing.
The phone slipped out of my hands.
I guess the loud noise of his phone hitting the ground was enough to steer him awake. Tears began to well in my eyes, my lower lip began to quiver as I fell to the ground.
“Bua, is everything alright? Wha-“ his eyes darted to his phone on the ground, “It isn’t what it looks like. I-“ I interrupted him, stopping him from speaking.
I stood him, shoving the phone that had a picture of him in bed with another chick, “What is it then, Suresh?”
His face went pale.
The way I said his name stung. “It’s exactly what it looks like. So we have a fight, and you go running to somebody else?! After everything we’ve been through.” I felt the tears run down my face, to my neck and ears.
“Calm down, beautiful. I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to happen.”
I wiped the tears away, “But it did, Suresh, and you can’t take it back. You can’t take what you did to us back! I have stayed by your side through thick and thin, and you threw it all away for a little fun. This isn’t funny. This isn’t a game. My heart isn’t meant to be played! This is why, why you will never have my heart ever again!”
He stayed silent. Not moving an inch. He didn't dare to interrupt.
“Look at what you did! Did it ever occur to you about how it would affect me? That one day the truth would come out. And that day, you’d lose me?” I shook my head, turning around, looking out the window.
“It was an honest mistake. You know I’d take it back if I could. She didn’t mean anything. It has always been you.”
I could see his reflection from the window. His nose sniffled, trying to hold back the tears that begged to escape.
Suresh was never the type to be able to speak how he felt, and when he did, it spoke volumes with his actions. He kept everything bottled up inside. I was always able to find what was wrong, how he felt, through the quirks that he did to hide how he was feeling. Today was no different, and he knew that. I knew everything I said, he could feel in his core. Behind his fierce exterior was a man on the verge of breaking down, but he'd tell not one soul that.
My nose flared, “It wasn’t me when you laid next to her. It wasn’t me you were snogging. It wasn’t me who you were flirting with at whatever place you two crossed. You can’t take it back. The damage has been done. I can’t even look at you anymore. I cannot stomach the thought of what you two did.”
I bit my lip, “I want you to leave. Suresh, I want you out. Today. Right now. Don’t come back. Don’t even come knocking at my door, or show up where I work with a bouquet of flowers and chocolate apologizing trying to win me back. Please don't. This isn’t like the other times. I can’t forget about it. I won’t forget about it. Pack your bags.” I opened his drawers and started throwing his clothes on the floor. Getting his suitcase from the closet and the clothes he had hung in our closet. Or should I say mine now.
I knew I was being reckless. But what can you do in this instance, but act anything but rational?
He stepped forward, “Bua, where am I going to stay? I want us to work this out. I want us to stay together. Just please listen to me.”
I turned around facing him, “So I can hear a bunch of lies? I know you enough, Suresh. Not only that, but I won’t have it. I don’t care where you stay. You’re no longer worth my worries anymore. Heck! Call that girl up. See if she’ll care enough to let you stay there. We’re done.” I pushed his clothes against his chest.
“If all your clothes can't fit in there because I know they won't. You can use a trash bag, you ought to be well established with them by now.” I shot him a glare. Folding my arms. I walked over to my keys.
“Lock up when you’re done taking your crap. I won’t be here, and I expect you to leave my life once I come back. I don’t want to see an ounce of anything of yours.” I closed the door, still holding the doorknob.
Furthermore, I opened it quickly, “Don’t forget to tell your family I love them. And tell them that their son messed everything up too.” I closed it shut. Sliding my body against the door. I placed my head between my knees.
It was hard to ask him to leave. It was hard to believe that he’d cheat. I didn’t need an excuse from him. And to think that I would’ve proposed to him. A hiccup came along with the silent sobs.
I sighed as I got up and gained the courage to walk away from the home we once shared. I can’t help but think about how lonely it’ll feel without his presence there.
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BROKEN HEART OF GOLD - chapter 6; can't see my way out
AO3 link
pairing: chishiya x gn!reader
format: gender-neutral original character/self-insert, they/them pronouns are used when necessary, no use of y/n or "___", feel free to picture the character however you wish!
tags: canon-typical violence, slow burn, ocs as side characters, mentions/depictions of mental health issues
word count: 3290
song recommendation: "One By One" by ONE OK ROCK
Players must find a key to unlock their collar to be able to leave the building.
Clues as to where the keys can be found will be sent to your phones.
Every 5 minutes, the players' collar LED will switch between ON and OFF.
If you get caught by the night guards patrolling the museum, it's GAME OVER.
If you try to leave the building while wearing a collar, it's GAME OVER.
Unlock your collar and escape the building. The time limit is 1 hour.
‘A six of clubs game? Alright, this doesn’t sound too bad. At least they helped us with these floor maps.’
‘What do they mean by our collars LED switching between ON and OFF?’ The girl that was in the car with us spoke up, her voice quiet and shaky. But before anyone could answer her, all of the lights in the building went out.
‘What– What is the meaning of this? Is the game broken?’ A man yelled, his voice echoing inside the hall.
‘Hm. Interesting.’ Chishiya said to himself, turning on the flashlight on his phone. ‘So we will have to search for our keys in the dark.’
‘But if the whole building is dark and we have to use flashlights to move around, we are going to be easily spotted by those ‘night guards’, won’t we?’ I asked, looking at Chishiya.
‘Exactly. And I believe the collar's LED will make it worse for us.’
‘And here I thought this game wouldn’t be so bad.’
A voice resounded through the building:
The clues will now be sent to your phones.
I didn’t know what kind of clues I would have expected from this game, but the reality was kinda disappointing. We had to solve a riddle to get to the key. I expected it to be difficult, but it was simply ridiculous.
‘They can’t be serious about this. Riddles for a scavenger hunt? Are we playing like kids now?’ Niragi grunted beside me before reading his riddle out loud, ‘I'm small and white, and I'm often found in groups with my brethren. Apply water and heat, and you will soften our hard facade. This sounds so stupid.’
‘Do you think you can solve that on your own?’ Chishiya teased him.
‘Haha, very funny. The answer is obviously rice.’
‘Rice…’ I quickly opened my booklet, ‘Wait, I remember seeing something about rice here!’
Rushing through the pages of the floor map, Niragi walked in uncomfortably closer and shone his flashlight over me. ‘Here, three instances where rice is mentioned, all of them in the north area of the 2nd floor. Should we go up there now?’
Niragi snickered before looking at me, ‘I guess you’re not as useless as I thought you would be.’ He walked past me, making his way to the elevator, and I followed. Chishiya was also tagging along with us.
‘Aren’t you going to look for the answer to your riddle?’ I looked back and asked him.
‘Mine is on the third floor.’
‘...Did you memorize the map in that short time you were looking over my shoulder?’
‘No. I’ve been to this museum before.’
‘Oh. I see.’ I felt a little embarrassed at how stupid my question was.
Reaching the 2nd floor, I spotted a small sign titled ‘Japanese People and Nature’.
‘People too? Maybe I’ll find the answer to my riddle here as well.’
Inside that room, right at the entrance, there were some pieces of rice illuminated by small lights inside the glass display. All the pieces were secured behind the glass, and it didn’t appear to have any keys nearby.
‘What now? Do I have to break the glass to search for the key inside?’ Niragi said and immediately lifted his foot, preparing to kick it. I yelled ‘NO!’, causing him to look at me with an irritated expression.
‘You think you can tell me what to do? You know I’m your boss here, don’t you?’
‘No, sorry, I didn’t mean to– I mean, there must be another option, because breaking the glass would make a lot of noise and would probably attract the night guards to us, don’t you think?’ I tripped over my words trying to ease the situation, and he seemed to consider what I said.
‘So? If you’re so smart , what do you suggest, then?’ He leaned over the wall, staring down at me.
The problem was, I couldn’t think of any alternatives. I began touching the wood around the displays, hoping to find some sort of secret opening, while Niragi kept his gaze on me. ‘Tch, I guess you are useless after all. I’ll just break this damn glass.’
He walked closer to the displays again when a strong violet light suddenly flashed around us. I shielded my eyes with my arms for a moment until I realized the lights were coming from our collars.
Niragi didn’t seem bothered by the lights. He broke the glass next to us, rummaging inside and destroying the pieces of rice looking for a key.
While he looked for his key, I thought about looking around for the exhibition I needed, until I noticed a spot of violet light outside moving closer to us. Chishiya stopped at the entrance, darting his eyes from Niragi to the glass shards all over the floor.
‘Not even 10 minutes have passed yet, and you’ve already made this much of a mess?’
Niragi quickly got up at the sound of Chishiya’s voice, ‘You again? Why don’t you go after your own clue?’
‘Already did it.’ Chishiya picked up his phone and read the riddle he had received, ‘Large as a mountain, small as a pea, endlessly swimming in a waterless sea. It’s about an asteroid. I just came back from the meteorites collection on the 3rd floor.’
‘And was that the right answer to your riddle? You still have your collar on.’ I looked at his neck, the deep violet light glowing under his face.
‘The riddle wasn’t pointing to the key.’ Chishiya came over to the rice exhibitions, carefully avoiding the glass shards on the floor. He stopped in front of a small monitor in front of the broken display and tapped on the screen, where a QR Code appeared. ‘You can scan it with the camera app on your phone, in case you didn’t know,’ he looked at Niragi with a mocking expression.
‘You really get on my nerves, you know that? Fuck off.’ Niragi moved closer to the monitor and scanned the QR Code. A notification sound came from his phone, and an image appeared below the riddle.
‘What the hell is this?’ Niragi was flipping his phone in all directions trying to make out anything from that image.
‘It’s your next clue. I believe that’s where the key is. I still have to figure out mine, too.’ Chishiya raised his phone, showing us a picture of a silver sphere. He, then, turned his face to me, ‘Have you solved your riddle yet?’
‘No, I was about to do it!’ I moved to the center of the room where a huge display showcased the historical evolution of Japanese people, from pre-history up to modern times. Now that I knew what to look for, thanks to Chishiya, I stopped in front of the monitor and scanned the QR Code with my phone.
Except… it didn’t work.
The voice on my phone said this was the wrong answer.
Both Chishiya and Niragi came over to me, with the latter asking what the fuck was taking me so long.
‘Well, now I’m confused. This is the only exhibition showing ‘people’ that I could find.’ I opened up my booklet to double-check, and Chishiya tried to read the riddle on my phone.
‘Are you sure the answer you’re looking for is ‘people’? What does yours say?’
I sighed before lifting my phone and reading my silly riddle out loud.
‘What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, and three legs in the evening?’
Niragi cackled out loud after hearing it. ‘That’s even worse than mine!’
‘Yeah, I know, I know. But it’s also very easy and well-known, that’s why I’m confused as to why the scan didn’t work. I guess I’ll have to keep looking.’
‘Try looking for ‘human’ instead.’ Chishiya pointed it out, and it did make sense; I remembered seeing an area on the map called ‘human evolution’, so it was worth a shot.
As we were making our way out, I noticed a faint spot of light moving outside, but this one wasn’t violet. It could be coming from a player’s phone, but I had an awful gut feeling about it.
Niragi passed by me, still laughing out loud. Out of panic, I placed my hands over his mouth to shut him up, but he quickly grabbed my arms and pushed them.
‘What the fuck do you think you’re do-’
Raising a finger in front of my lips trying to shush him, I whispered ‘I think the night guard is outside.’
Chishiya lifted his hoodie to cover the light from his collar and peeked outside; ‘You're right. And the guard seems to have a gun strapped to their belt.’ He whispered and turned to face us, ‘There’s an elevator around the corner.’ He left the room, running toward the elevator and pressing the button to open it.
Niragi and I moved next, but before I could get close enough, he pushed me and I fell on my back.
‘Ah, sorry, can’t risk the guard coming inside while the doors are still closing, right?’ His tone was full of sarcasm. He had a disgusting smirk on his face as he waved at me before pressing a button inside the elevator; Chishiya was staring down at me with a neutral expression, though his brows were slightly furrowed.
Loud footsteps moved closer and closer to me; I glanced behind me and watched a night guard walking in my direction, reaching for the gun on their belt.
I tried to get up as fast as possible when I heard a scream followed by a whack – another guy slammed a fire extinguisher on the guard’s back, but they barely reacted and slowly turned their head at him, making that guy tremble in fear after his plan didn’t work.
The guard pointed their gun at that man and pressed the trigger, but no bullet shots were heard; the man began shaking violently before his whole body tensed up and he fell to the floor, now completely motionless.
It was a taser gun. And it was powerful enough to kill a person.
I stared at the scene in front of me, hearing the wires being pulled back inside the gun after the guard let go of the trigger. Suddenly, the collar of my shirt was pulled back with such strength and I was dragged inside the elevator.
The guard followed me with their eyes, aiming in my direction, but the elevator doors quickly closed before they could shoot. Our collars finally turned off, leaving us in total darkness.
Chishiya shone his phone flashlight at me and began talking, ‘You should’ve run the moment the night guard turned their back to you.’
‘You say that like it’s easy! I had just seen someone die in front of me, I was frozen in fear.’
‘It should be easy. You need to get used to that and move away fast, or else you’ll become an easy target. I won’t be there to save you next time.’
Chishiya’s words were blunt, and I recalled the moment he told me something similar during the Tag game. ‘Can’t stand the view of people dying? You’re not going to survive for too long like that.’
Still, I knew he was right, I would’ve died if it wasn’t for him. But I also knew I wouldn’t get used to the view of people dying near me so easily, and I didn’t get how he could be so apathetic toward death like that.
‘I will definitely be there next time to watch you die, though.’ Niragi was leaning over the wall, he had a small grin on his face that quickly faded away before his next words, ‘This idiot had been holding the elevator doors for you for too long, and you just sat there like a little prey waiting for its impending death. I was expecting to see you get shocked, but he dragged you here and ruined the moment.’
The doors opened, and both of them left without looking at me again. I finally got up to my feet and turned on the flashlight on my phone to look at the wall next to the elevator; we were now on the B1 floor.
I rushed to catch up to them. I didn’t know if I should keep following Niragi; he tried to get me killed, but he was still supposed to monitor me, wasn’t he? Following Chishiya could be a safer choice, since at least he came to save me, though he said he wouldn’t be so kind again and he seemed to be annoyed at me.
‘In the end, I need to survive on my own. And I need to be able to move fast.’
‘Oi, I need to check that map again.’ Niragi looked back at me. I reached inside my pockets, but they were empty. Anxiety filled my body and I gulped before slowly raising my head to look at Niragi – he had the most irritated expression I had ever seen on his face.
‘Don’t tell me you lost the damn map,’ he walked in my direction, and I moved back a few steps trying to keep the distance, ‘that was the only thing you were mildly useful for. Now you’ll just be a hindrance to me in this game.’ The look on his face was threatening, and he looked like he would kill me on the spot if he still had his gun.
‘We can still get another booklet! I’m sure there are some left at the central hall, which is just one floor above us-’
‘You go get it.’ Niragi cut me off. ‘This is your fault, so you go get it.’
‘Alright… I’ll do it.’ This guy was pissing me off so badly. But I still needed a booklet for myself since I had never been to this museum before. The idea of going up completely on my own made me anxious, but it would be a brief moment of peace away from these two.
I glanced at Chishiya for a moment, who was simply ignoring me and Niragi here. He was quietly watching something that looked like a pendulum, swinging back and forth in a corner.
Making my way upstairs, I walked over to the center and picked up another booklet, opening it on top of the table and shining my flashlight on it to get a better look. I wanted to find any other exhibitions that were related to people and get my clue as soon as possible.
As Chishiya suggested before, I looked for exhibitions that were titled ‘human’ instead of ‘people’ or ‘person’, and I found way too many instances of it. There was a huge area about human evolution, with specific exhibitions for each continent. ‘It will take some time to go through all of them, so I better go back fast.’
When I raised my flashlight, I noticed someone coming from upstairs – it was that climber woman. She also recognized me and walked over to me.
‘Hi! You’re that person from the Tag game, right?’
‘Yes, I am! Good to see you’re alive and well.’
She gave me a kind smile and we introduced ourselves to each other, before she mentioned being in a bit of a rush to get her key, explaining she needed to go downstairs. I told her I was also heading there, so I invited her to come along with me.
Back on the B1 floor, Niragi and Chishiya were arguing about something up ahead.
‘Oh, I forgot I’m stuck with those two for this game. I said we could go together, but that won’t be possible anymore, sorry.’
‘That’s fine, don’t worry about it. I’m going ahead then!’
Usagi quickened her pace moving toward the entrance to the Global Gallery when a night guard walked out from it and took notice of her. They immediately pointed the taser gun at her, but she was fast enough to run away from their aim.
I moved back to hide behind a wall, turning off my flashlight and noticing Chishiya and Niragi hiding in other corners of the room. I thought we all would be safe for a moment until our collars decided to turn on. Worst timing ever.
Footsteps came in our direction as the night guard made their way to us, and I got up to my feet heading for the stairs. I heard an electric shock sound, turning my head back to see that the guard had barely missed Chishiya. Glancing over at him, something else caught my attention – something was drawn on the silver sphere he was observing, though it disappeared when he moved far away from it.
It was like a cartoon lightbulb lit up above my head as I finally realized why our collars had violet lights, instead of normal white ones: They most likely had a blacklight LED, and our next clues were drawn with invisible ink.
I searched around for Chishiya, hoping that I could share my theory with him, and he was already watching me with a smirk on his face; it reminded me of the way he looked at me during the Tag game when he saw me staring at the safe zone door.
Shit, I really wanted to go over there to check the drawing, but the night guard was still nearby. I squatted and quietly tried to move closer to the sphere, but the guard spotted me and pointed their gun in my direction.
Before they could properly aim, though, someone – no, Usagi came running and jumped over their back, the guard struggled to dislodge her. They spun their whole body to fling her away and she hit the ground with a loud noise. My eyes darted between her and the guard as they looked over to her, readying their gun once again.
Something snapped inside of me, and I dashed in their direction. My heart raced with adrenaline when I tackled the guard and we both fell to the ground, making the guard drop both their taser gun and flashlight. 
I sat back and looked up; the guard was already getting up while staring at me, and I felt my blood running cold. They walked in closer and I quickly scooched back, when my hand touched something on the floor – the taser gun.
Stunned and frightened, I could hardly think straight; my body moved too fast for me to realize, and suddenly I was holding the taser gun with both my hands, pointing at the guard in front of me as they had stopped moving. My arms were trembling and I couldn’t aim properly, but this wasn’t a normal gun – unlike a bullet wound, this could strike anywhere on their body and the shock would still kill them.
Was I really thinking of killing this person?
‘Would I even be able to do it?’
I had no time to reconsider anymore. The night guard sprinted toward me, and I pulled the trigger. A blood-curdling scream left their mouth when they received the shock, and soon they fell forwards to the ground, silent and unmoving, right next to me.
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This has been the craziest two days of my entire life. I can’t believe I’m even able to write this down, oh gods. Like… I’m free! I’m alive and I’m free. It’s insane I’m able to say that, but it’s true. Gah, I want to scream!!! I won’t, but I want to. As happy as I am it’d probably upset Morr and I really don’t want to do that. She’s like the nicest person I’ve ever met, I’d feel awful upsetting her. But I’m getting ahead of myself here. The whole reason I asked for this journal was so I could process everything that’s happened to me over the past tenday. Probably every tenday after this as well. 
I’m still kicking myself for deciding to run away in the dead of winter. Not like I really had a choice in the matter though. My ears most likely have frostbite they hurt so much. Hopefully it’s not too bad. I quite like my ears and I’d rather them not fall off. Even now in the warmth of Morr’s cabin I still feel like I’m at risk of freezing to death. I hate it. But it’s better than being stuck back in that goddamn prison. I’d rather die than go back there. But processing things. I guess I should start from the beginning. So much has happened I want to write it down while it’s still fresh. And if this all pans out well it’ll be nice to be able to look back on my writing here and see where it all began.
The beginning. I don’t exactly know what counts as the beginning. Like, is the beginning when I decided to run away? Or is it when I actually ran away? Uh… Ah screw it, it’s not like it really matters why, what matters is that I did. About six days ago I finally managed to break free and run away from home. Father decided he was going to host some sort of party or something at the estate and, as usual, I was instructed to blend in with the crowd and make sure the guests were attended to. Nevermind the fact the gash in my side hadn’t fully healed and shifting with stitches in hurts like the hells. 
Personally I’d rather not remember the finer details on that. Long story short once the party was over I saw an opportunity to escape and I took it. One of the women his mistress had invited had several children with her. They’d been causing chaos all night chasing each other around and playing their little games. At one point the idea to change into one of them popped into my mind. No one noticed, and once I’d followed her and her kids into town I broke off from the group and just… Ran.
I never planned to leave. I’ve always dreamed of running away, but I never thought I’d actually go through with it, you know? Yet suddenly I was running down the streets of South City fast as I could trying to get as far away from that damn manor as possible. Like I said, I’m never going back. I would rather die. Not even that. I’d rather walk the hells as a lemure for the rest of eternity than go back. It was so freeing to run past the city gate and onto the open road that it took me a good hour or two to realize just how badly I’d screwed up. I ended up going back into the city to pick up a few supplies once the sun started to go down. Gods, it’s SO cold outside it’s not even funny.
Honestly I don’t even know what I planned on doing after leaving. If I hadn’t stumbled across Morr’s cabin I’d probably have frozen to death by now. The first day sleeping outside was fine, but the first day’s air was still and skies were clear. So, still unbearably cold, but survivable at least. But it’s the start of winter. The days have been getting colder and they’re going to keep getting colder. And of course I was out in the middle of goddamn nowhere. If I would have stayed in South City someone would have eventually found me and returned me home. Or arrested me, whatever came first. Once I was out I knew I couldn’t turn back, but I really don’t know anything about the surrounding area. I’ve never left home before.
Eventually after wandering for a few days I came across a dense forested area. It was late and I figured the trees would help shield me from the wind. Maybe I could build a fire with some branches or something too, I don’t know. So I walked off the path and looked around for maybe like a little trench or something to sleep in. That’s when I came across Morr’s cabin.
I really wasn’t expecting to see anyone living out in the middle of the forest, but I’m really glad I found this place. I probably wouldn’t have noticed it if the lights weren’t on though. The entire place is ancient. Like, vines and moss growing all over the walls ancient. But my god it really was a welcome sight. For all of like two seconds. I was so sick and tired of being out in the cold I found myself walking right up to the door without even thinking. In hindsight, anyone could have been behind the door. I could have gotten myself kidnapped by a hag or something. But that didn’t end up happening, thankfully. How shitty would it be to finally escape only to be caught and locked up by someone worse… I don’t want to think about that.
Once I’d come to my senses I decided to peek in through the window to scope the place out. See who lived there and stuff. That’s when I first saw Morr. The inside of her house is like an alchemist’s playground. I’m glad I don’t have allergies because she has plants absolutely everywhere. Live plants, dried plants, fermenting plants, mushrooms, mosses… Everything! She also has like anything and everything you’d need to cast probably any spell in existence. I really don’t know much about magic, though, so that I can’t say for sure. There might as well have been with all the stuff laying around.
Her cabin also has this strange air around it. It’s really hard to describe, and even now after being here for a couple days I’m not used to it. Though I guess in the two days I’ve been working for her I’ve only been inside a couple of hours. The air here feels light, and it almost makes you feel weightless even though nothing’s changed. I don’t know. I almost feel energized just standing near it in a weird way. It’s really hard to explain, I can’t really say much more than that. Anyway, as weird as the place was, it didn’t feel overly dangerous and I really didn’t want to freeze to death mere feet away from a warm fire so I knocked on the door.
Like I said, Morr is kind of a… Strange individual. She seems to be very fond of the mask she wears. I don’t know what it’s for, but she had it on even when she thought she was alone. It’s made of some strange wood that I can only assume is enchanted. There’s this weird arcane… Sheen to it? If that’s the word? Like depending on the lighting you can see this swirly glow across its surface, but in others it looks totally normal. Aside from the fact it has insanely intricate carvings and patterns all over it. Her mask paired with her eyes still sort of freak me out. I know I shouldn’t be judging her based on her appearance, as she’s been nothing but kind to me since we met, but her eyes are just… Eerie. I’ve never met anyone with pure orange eyes before. No pupils or anything. And they GLOW! All the time!!!
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Honestly though I don’t really care in the grand scheme of things. She let me inside, even though I was a total stranger. Apprehensive as she was she didn’t seem to want to send me back out in the cold by myself. She let me in and gave me a warm cup of tea and… Gods… It was so good. I’ve never drank anything like it before. It was warm and minty, with a very sweet aftertaste. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water. Actually no, note to self time here. Ask Morr what the hells was in that tea because I NEED to know how to make it. If I even can. For all I know it was some weird magic tea from whatever “plane” she’s from. Whatever that means.
But yeah she let me inside and had me warm up by the fireplace and she said I could stay the night as long as I didn’t mess up any of her work. Which I wouldn’t DREAM of doing. I know better than to go messing with someone else's stuff. This is where we properly introduced ourselves. Her full name is Morrighan, but she asked me to call her Morr so this is the only time I’m going to write her full name down. After she let slip she wasn’t from this world she started asking me questions about my life. The last thing I wanted to do after escaping was talk about myself, but I guess I understand. I’m still just some stranger who randomly knocked on her door in the middle of the night begging for a place to stay. I… Really don’t deserve the kindness she’s shown me…
I feel bad not telling her the whole truth about who I was, but honestly I think she knew immediately I wasn’t telling the full story. All I said was that I was from South City and that I used to work for my father by testing his new spells and potions. I left out all the other stuff. I guess I just… I don’t know! I don’t want Morr to pity me more than she already does. She totally knows though, there’s no way she doesn’t. I’ve never been able to keep composure and I was a stuttering mess the entire time.
I don’t even know how to explain what happened next. Two days later and I’m still here trying to process it all. Hence the journaling, duh. That was the whole point. Once I finished my stupid half truth life story she started going on some confusing rant about paths and how I “had no path in life” or how “my path lead you here” or… Something? I couldn’t really follow along. It hurt hearing a total stranger basically calling me hopeless. That’s what I was able to gather from her rant, anyway. Maybe she didn’t mean it like that but it sure sounded like it. But she kept going on about how my old path didn’t matter and how it was fate I ended up here and how she could “give me a path to follow” and how I’d never be lost again so long as I followed her lead. She also mentioned how she could grant me power when I felt powerless and all this other stuff I hardly remember. She talked at me for a LONG time, and it was so late at night.
See, I’ve heard stories like this in the past. It’s something father often ranted about. He always hated people who took the “easy way out” when it came to learning the arcane. Totally hated sorcerers simply for being born. Ironic, considering his own child is a Changeling. Either way, over the years I’ve heard alllllll his rants about sorcerers and clerics and warlocks. He views clerics and warlocks as one in the same because “both sell their soul to some deity in exchange for free magic. Or so they think” and then the rant continues on cursing out the gods and saying that nothing in this world comes for free and how they’re all slaves and blah blah blah. 
While I don’t agree with him entirely, I do know that warlocks DO ACTUALLY give their souls away. Or… Bind them to someone? Or something to do with the soul, I don’t know exactly. So when Morr started talking about all this stuff and how she could help me reach my potential by making a pact I was skeptikal. But she kept going on and on about how much she saw in me, and how my desire for a better life drew me here, and how she could make my life so much better and I just… No one’s ever told me anything like that before. And she’s been SO nice to me! No one’s ever been this nice to me before either! I really hope I haven’t been tricked, but honestly what the hell else would I do? Wander back into the snow and hope I can survive the walk to wherever the nearest town is?
I can’t believe I actually made a pact with her, but I did. By the gods do I feel different. Once I agreed she had me step closer and she placed her hand on my forehead and started doing what I can only assume was an incantation or a ritual or something. Everything fell totally still. Time itself seemed to cease. We started floating in the air as she asked me a few final questions. I just agreed to everything. Maybe I’m a fool for that. Once it was all said and done I shook her hand and we both fell back to the ground and everything went back to normal. I don’t exactly know the full details of this pact, but she promised she’d tell me tomorrow morning. Gods, I’m still reeling over it all. I don’t feel nearly as scared of the world as I did before. Like, I feel like I can do anything.
But it didn’t end there. Obviously, since that was only the first night and it’s been like two days now. I gotta take a break here for a second, though, my hand is starting to cramp up. I think the cold might have done more to me than I thought. 
Okay I’m back now! Just needed a break for a second. But yeah, I made a pact with Morr. Then she showed me where I’d be sleeping for the night and said we could discuss things more in the morning. Which we did, and gods did it take an even wilder turn. She, uh, gave me a familiar to watch over me. I know all about those. Both father and his mistress had one, and I often saw them running around doing little jobs for them both. But Father had a rabbit and his mistress had an ugly flat faced cat. Gods, I hated that thing. I hated both of them, but at least Father’s rabbit was cute. That doesn’t matter though. When Morr told me she was giving me a familiar I assumed it would be something like that. A little animal that could ride around on my shoulder and whatnot. Instead she brought me to the back room of her cabin where there was a FREAKING WOLF!
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When I say she’s massive I really do mean massive, though. I rode on her back like a horse! That’s how big she is! And she has the same glowing orange eyes Morr has. No pupils, just orange. Oddly enough while she is made of some sort of fog or smoke or whatever it is, she still feels mostly solid. Like there’s maybe four or five inches of fog and then she feels just like any other wolf. At least, I assume wolves feel like that. I’ve never touched one before.
Morr said that I had to touch her to form our bond, but she also said that if I was too scared the bond wouldn’t form. How in the hells am I supposed to walk up to a wolf who’s teeth are larger than my FINGERS and TOUCH IT without being terrified?!? I did what I was told though. I held my hand out for her to sniff because I can only assume wolves are like dogs. She sniffed my hand and then howled at me, I think. She made some sort of noise, but it certainly didn’t sound like any animal I’ve ever heard. It sounded kind of like breathing, but kind of mechanical, but also very echoy? Like a “WhhoOoooAhAhhahahahh” kind of noise. Writing can’t do it justice.
After that I worked up the courage to pet her on the head, and once I did she became a lot less intimidating. Even with her being almost the size of a horse and having creepy glowing eyes and being surrounded by dark mist/smoke she’s still exactly like any other dog I’ve ever met. I pet her and her tail started wagging and kicking up the smoke everywhere making the room all hazy. It was cute, in a weird… Campfire ghost story sort of way.
Anyway, she doesn’t have a name yet. Well, she does, but I’m not allowed to know it? Uh.. Basically, I asked Morr if she had a name and she said no. So I said I would think of one, but Morr said that would be improper because this wolf is an intelligent being, she just can’t speak. Basically it’d be like me giving a grown woman a name after just meeting her for the first time. Morr said she didn’t have a name at all, but I learned that wasn’t the case soon after speaking with one of her friends. Or contacts. Or whatever, I don’t know their relationship. He told me that she DOES have a name, she just doesn’t trust me enough to tell me it yet. Which begs the question, why doesn’t she trust Morr with her name?
But yeah once we formed our bond, which is super freaking cool by the way, Morr gave me my first job as a warlock. Or would “as HER warlock” be the right way to put it? Regardless, she told me that one of her contacts had been keeping ahold of a tome for her and that I needed to go find him and bring it to her. This guy’s name is Aurthur and he lives in the next closest town. It’s a little town called Darrow that I’ve never heard of before now. Though I don’t see any reason why I would have. I was kept in a noble house in South City. Father’s family had lived in the estate for like three generations, which is a LONG time for high elves. We certainly weren’t going to move any time soon, so I had no reason to know about the surrounding villages and towns and whatnot. In hindsight he probably never told me so I’d never want to leave. Whole lot of good that did…
Darrow is about a day’s ride from here. I don’t know how much faster horseback is compared to walking. Or wolfback, considering I didn’t ride a horse to Darrow. All I know is I’d certainly have froze to death before getting there if I’d have tried to walk there from South City, and with it being the CLOSEST town… Yeah, I’m really glad I found Morr’s cabin. Thankfully Morr gave me some winter clothes before I headed out. Me and uh… I’ll just call her “wolf” for now? We both left in the early morning and we got to Darrow at maybe eleven o’clock? I figured Arthur would probably be asleep by now and I really didn’t want to spend another night out in the cold so once I got into town wolf and I wandered around until we found a tavern to stay at.
If I have any say in it I’m never going back to Darrow. Though considering Morr has a contact there I have a feeling I’m going to be making return trips frequently. Aside from Arthur the people I met there were so… Horrible! See I know a lot of places don’t allow animals, familiars or not, so when we got to the tavern I told wolf to stay outside so I could go in and ask about it. The plan was I’d ask, and if we got turned away I’d just find us somewhere else to go. Instead the woman there freaked out on me. She went on and on about how I’m just some small changeling and how I could never handle a wolf as big as mine, and how I was secretly bringing it here to let it loose on the town and how it could maul or devour someone. Just on and on.
It didn’t help that I didn’t have a name to give her. In this woman’s eyes the fact wolf doesn’t have a name yet proves that she isn’t a pet or a companion and is, in fact, a wild beast. I offered to prove she was obedient but even after doing so she just kept going off on us. The other people at the bar were all laughing and booing me as well which was absolutely humiliating. I’m not upset at Morr over this though. There’s no way she could have known…
Anyway, once this woman made it clear we weren’t staying in her tavern I tried to leave, but she blocked me from doing so. She said that I’d brought a monster in town and that it was her “duty” to protect her customers. This lady tried to get the town’s guard involved just because I politely asked if I could bring my familiar inside. I don’t know how I managed to calm her down. I think guilt got the better of her, honestly. She decided to let us leave once I put a “leash” onto wolf, which was really just a bit of rope I had in my pack. But I guess once she saw how cold it was outside and she changed her mind. So… Maybe she’s not all bad. Then again, not wanting someone to freeze to death should be basic human decency. It doesn’t make you a good person.
I paid extra for our room, which really wasn’t much. She wanted a gold so I gave her a gold with the promise that I’d leave first thing in the morning. That’s exactly what I did, too. Kind of. We did end up sleeping in until noon which was NOT my intention, but the trip to Darrow was tiring and I kinda stayed up for awhile… In an emotional state… I’m just glad I wasn't alone. Wolf may not trust me enough to give me her name, but she does seem to care about my wellbeing. When she saw me crying she nuzzled her head into my lap and licked my face and stuff. It’s still bizarre that a creature as large as she is can act so… Normal, I guess?
It wasn’t hard to find Arthur once we started looking. Morr said he ran a little shop in town and there really weren’t all too many shops. Plus wolf was guiding me most of the way. It seemed like she knew where we were supposed to go, but she didn’t exactly seem happy about it. I asked her if Arthur was mean and she shook her head, but I got the impression she disliked something about him. It’s weird, but it’s almost as if I can like… Feel what she means. She can’t talk to me, and these feelings I get aren’t words exactly. They’re like… Emotions as well as something else I don’t know how to describe. I just understand her, I guess. Not much else to say other than that.
Arthur was kind enough, though. His shop is on the road leading out of town the opposite way I came in. I guess the main road goes from South City, passes through Darrow, and then continues on to Castleview. I know OF Castleview, but I don’t know anything about it really. Not that it’s important. I’m just jotting the little details down so I remember them better. It was decently busy. Most of the items for sale were potions and scrolls and things of that nature. Seemed like a magic shop for those who can’t cast themselves, since I didn’t see any spell components or anything else like that. Since it was a magic shop though, and since Morr and wolf know Arthur, I figured it’d be okay bringing her inside with me.
He was nice, though. A bit odd, but nice. Part of me thinks that everyone I meet who knows Morr is going to be a bit odd. There’s also a really good chance that I’m the odd one out, though. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoe and whatnot, right? I didn’t talk to him much, though. Only enough to prove that I did actually know Morr and that I was here to pick up the tome she needed. He was a little apprehensive giving it to me, considering I don’t know anything about anything in the world of the arcane. But he also said that if Morr had taken me under her wing I really must have something promising about me. From how he spoke of her it seems Morr is tied to the more advanced side of the arcane. Someone you’d have heard about if you studied spells like that, but not someone the average person knows. I don’t really know how much weight that has though.
We didn’t talk much after that, though I promised I’d give Morr his regards. After that me and wolf took our leave. The trip back took longer than the trip there, but all in all it was uneventful. The only real thing of note was that the storm outside really started picking up. It was basically a total white out outside. If it weren’t for wolf’s nose we probably would have gotten lost out there. But we did make it back, and Morr was very pleased with me. After I gave her the tome we sat down and had a real proper discussion about the terms of my pact and why she bothered to help me out at all. While I was gone she got a whole written contract made. I did ask her if I was allowed to write any of this down in my journal and she said I could, so long as I made sure none of it got into the wrong hand. I don’t really feel too comfortable writing all this down word per word though. For the sake of remembering I guess I’ll summarize it, but I don’t entirely trust myself to keep a book like this guarded at all times.
Basically, Morr’s job is to keep balance in the realm. More specifically she keeps a balance in the arcane side of things. How she does this she didn’t say, nor did she say what “balance” means. It sounds kind of presumptuous if you ask me, but at the same time I don’t know anything about magic aside from the fact it exists so… Who knows. Anyway, usually she’s fine on her own, but there’s a few “threats” that have popped up recently that she can’t deal with herself. So she’s been seeking help, specifically from people like me who are “unbiased in the realm of magic”. Again, don’t know what that means, but whatever. She seems to know what she’s talking about.
I guess there’s a lot of things and people and whatnot out there that threaten the realm’s magic, but the main driving force that got her looking for allies is some cultist group. She calls them the “Cult of the Forgotten King”, but I have a feeling that isn’t their real name. Long and short of it is that this group of people are trying to revive some death god. She called him a Lich. Her explanation of who he is and his goals is… Again, pretty vague. Something about bringing “an endless winter of darkness that will never fade and never weaken”. I don’t even know if Morr knows exactly what this guy is about. But I also know that Liches are usually evil undead monsters, so regardless of who he is or what he wants I can see why she wants to prevent his return.
Hearing all that was really daunting, and even now I’m not too sure what the hells I’ve gotten myself into. But I was assured and reassured that I would never be facing this Lich alone and that I’d never be given a task I couldn’t handle. She promised she wouldn’t just lead me to my death which is nice in theory, but in reality it just freaked me out more that she even had to promise that in the first place. It’s an overwhelming and terrifying thought that one day I might be dealing with a real life lich cult. But today isn’t that day, and neither is tomorrow or even the next tenday. For now my job is to learn how to use magic, which is fine by me. 
The contract, though. To summarize, no hurting Morr’s allies, no discussing the terms of the pact with anyone unless specifically told, no discussing anything about Morr to anyone (unless they’re a KNOWN ally), I have to complete any task or errand or job she asks of me (assuming I’m able and no external circumstances make the task impossible). If I go against any of these the contract will be immediately terminated. But on her side of things she has to keep me protected to the best of her abilities (barring circumstances already listed above), continually teach me the ways of the arcane (assuming it’s necessary and/or helpful to my work).
It also goes into detail on how I could terminate the contract if I ever chose to. But if the contract is ever broken or terminated Morr will have nothing to do with me from that point on, I’ll be left on my own to survive without magic, and in the event this cult or any other threat she deals with on a day to day basis rears its ugly head she will not protect me from them. There was a bit more too, obviously. Like how she won’t ask me to do anything that goes against my values and how my duties will never be beyond my current capabilities. But that’s all kind of a give in reading the rest of the terms and whatnot.
The last thing we spoke about before I went to bed and started writing all this was what the tome she had me pick up was for. Nothing overly interesting unfortunately. It’s just an old book of spells from WELL before I was born. So old it’s written in a dead language. It has some pretty powerful spells in it I guess, but all in all it’s a spellbook like any other as far as I’m concerned. My first job was just a mundane delivery job. Though seeing as I don’t know any magic yet I guess that makes sense.
But yeah, that leads up to where I am now. Laying in bed noting all of this down while Wolf sleeps on the floor next to me. I offered her a spot on the bed, but she finds the floor more comfortable. She also doesn’t want to roll over on me in her sleep and suffocate me, which is uh… Considerate, I guess? I don’t know. I don’t really know how I feel about any of this, really. Part of me feels like I’m in way over my head, but the other part of me is glad I did it. All that talk of cultists and liches is really what had me worried, but now that I’m laying here thinking about it I’ve basically been assigned the duties of your average town guard. The Lich person hasn’t been revived yet, so in reality I’m just stopping delusional fanatics from being a nuisance. And learning magic. That’s what I’m excited about. I was never allowed to practice magic back home since it could have affected father’s work. But now that I’m free I can finally do whatever I want, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.
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onmymasa22 · 1 year
I think my biggest secret is that I was one of those people who slept on a bench in the street. Who through up and peed and even pooped on the street because I saw the street as my home. It's funny because I became friends with someone who also lived on the street and she said a part of her feels like that was the best time of her life. For me, it was definitely an adventurous part of my life. I bounced around sleeping on all my friends couches, becoming a member of their family, lots of all nighters, addicted to escaping with alcohol almost every night without fail. I loved the way I felt buzzed. This was my rock bottom. Almost getting caught up in cocaine. Throwing up on the streets. Having nowhere to go and being so emotional and red in the face from the alcohol. This was rock bottom and I knew I needed to change it. I got on medication to help me want a normal boring life half the time and the other half I wanted to end living at all. I don't talk about any of this to anyone. I really don't want the friends I have now to know it, and at the same time, I feel like no one understands me that specific way. People would judge me, not see how strong I am. The people who think I'm strong don't know anything really. I stopped drinking alcohol which was excruciating. I stopped hanging in the same friend group which was even more excruciating. This made me really want to die until I pushed through till sleeping in my own bed became normal for me. That took a lot of work. I stopped talking to the people who I always drank with and I told myself that I had to sleep in my own bed the nights before morning shifts. Those were my rules. Slowly I cut out more friends and stayed in more. Stopped coloring my hair and took the septum ring out. No one knows any of this because the main idea that I know what it's like to live on the streets is my biggest deepest darkest secret. ⅞
I'm terrified of having Abad marriage
Of marrying so and it isn't good. I just want someone who is so in love with me. They'll do anything for me. They'll be so completely inlove with me because I'm ready to be totally completely inlove with them.
I'm so happy that I'm able to sleepwith zissy while the new baby is being born. It's so great. When they get older and ask who took care of zissy when * was born, they'll say their aunt, dalya. Me. I took care of everything. The cool aunt. The aunt that comes and loves them up. I'm not fighting you. My job is to love you and I take that job very seriously.
My life
I want to be happy. I want to live by the beach somewhere. I want balconies. It will have a suite for my parents or guests- guest bedroom and guest bathroom. Something sweet will be cooking in the oven making the house always smell good. I will always have something sweet and a drink to offer guests.
I want to live in an apartment complex by the beach with elevators and a doorman and balconies. It will have a suite for my parents. I want to always have something sweet baking in the oven, making the house smell delicious. Someone will come over and I'll always have something good to offer them. I want lots of kids. We're going to go to spend every weekend in the summer at the beach. I want to be barefoot dancing around the kitchen to music. I want to invite friends over for a cup of coffee outside on the balcony or terrace. The kitchen smells like coffee and
by the beach with a doorman and an elevator. The apartment will have an art studio. The parking will be safe and I'll have a nice car. There will be a guest suite for my parents.
I want a bunch of kids, eat pancakes on the couch, to be a photographer. I want to cook and bake in cute loungeware and no socks. I want to drive a nice car that I can pick my parents up when they come. go on hikes to beautiful places, have the air smell good, watch old movies, clean, drink water, sleep, shower daven, read, go to the gardens
I want to listen to music, go on walks and hike beautiful places, have the air smell good. Watch old movies, clean, drink water, sleep, shower, daven, write letters to gd, read a book, go to a garden, go to a library, beach, wake up to the smell of coffee and vanilla, enjoy bread and butter, fruitcake and tea, apples and peanutbutter, strawberries yummy wine or rosé. Own a really nice coat, nice shoes, and a nice purse.
Lay on the grass and stare at the stars. To sit with the people I love and talk about life. To put on a frank Sinatra record and dance in the kitchen making food. To shower and sleep in clean pajamas at night with a nice white blanket and clean sheets. To work out and be fit and eat a Mediterranean diet of fruits veggies and olive oil. To wear white clothes and sandals. Life was meant to be enjoyed.
I want the diamond ring and a platinum band. A nice timex watch, flowers in my hair, a white flowy simple dress, sparkly sneakers, diamond studs. I will have whatever wedding everyone else wants and plan a honeymoon in Paris. Peony bouquet
According to Steve Harvey, every couple should have 4 bank accounts. 1 shared to pay all the necessities- electricity water house car, one checking account that u need both signatures to move for savings, and one for each side where you can spend money without checking in, that way the bills are paid, you're saving a bit, and you can each have a life
I'm accepting it: I'm a girl who likes massages. I can tell a guy I'm comfortable with that I like it when he rubs my back. I like hard. I like tight hugs and when I can feel it. I feel like the tighter he holds me the more he loves me. I'm more secure in myself.
Green hot pepper
Hilbe seeds, boiling water, big bowl
Foodprocessor lemonjuice garlic blackpepper tomatoes
Zalabia sphinge lahuh pita hilbe schug chrimeh tzatziki
Learn to speak yemenite hebrew- from the first beit hamikdash
I want to be an artist
I want to get married
I want to be a mom
I want to be an emt
I want to live away from the city
Whitebathrobe whitetowelsets greytowelsets magazine portablecharger queensheet strawberries rosè
Car Wallet keys cellphone earbuds phone phonecharger
I want a nice car, a nice apartment, to go to the beach all the time, to get married in elul, get an apartment in Netanya 10 minute walk from the beach with a balcony- 3 rooms Drink water
Painting, pizza, beach, ice cream, movies, playing instruments, hanging out with friends, listening to music, traveling
Recordplayer piano
Get a little apartment with a balcony/garden
Get a dog
Have a job- coffee shop or something
Art, paint, beachy7our , friends, coffee, pizza, icecream, guitar, music, recordplayer, piano
Photography, painter
Get a car
My mom gives the best advice
I'm just waiting for someone who loves me. She said that the right person will do whatever it takes to get me. The wrong guys will give you issues. The good guys- u say what it'll take to get you and they'll do it no problem. They just want to know what it takes.
When I have kids, I want for my parents to come, and stay with them- my mom and my husband. And I'll go to eilat with my dad. Or we'll all go in a plane to the hotel. I'd save up for that now.
Go to Eilat
Go to Greece, and more of the places I've seen- see more in Italy and France and Amsterdam
Go to Australia to see the great barrier reef
When I get engaged: platinum diamond and aquamarine ring, platinum wedding band, silver colored watch
When im married: lingeriesets silkhairscarves velvethairscarves chanelsuits
Why do we need to live like this
Why does living long matter
I just want to tell u. I don't expect anything from u with this. And if I could tell u face to face, I would. But I'm so sorry if I made u feel bad with the whole segev thing. If u felt blamed or in crossfire or like I was going to do something to myself and blame u, im really sorry. I just want to explain more, about a year after that, I started the process of getting diagnosed with adhd and going on medication for it. It really just helped me understand that my emotions can be unbalanced if I don't consciously try to balance them. At the time, I would say I felt too much and didn't know what to do with it. After medication and a few trips to a psychologist I got a handle on everything. My life is better now, and I'm not the same person I was, and I just want to say, I'm embarrassed with how I treated you and how I might have made u feel at that time. I think I was just really hurt on a very deep level that had more to do with my emotions than reality. I tried to be very closed so that no one would blame anyone and it wouldn't be a thing. And I know this is a long time ago, but I just want to say, that I'm embarrassed of the way I acted then, and I'm sorry to the gal of 2019.
Everyone's getting engaged and I'm single. I'm happy for them. I'm supposed to be happy for them. My turn will come. I will have as many kids as I want, no issues.
8:26pm Sunday August 13, 2023
U will get married
Believe in hashems plan and hashems time. U have ur own time that might not be the people prescribed "right time" and that's OK. I'm accepting that as my reality. I will not rush U. I will have faith that being as open as I can be with bring him to me and me to him. I ask you to give both of us strength in this waiting process. I hope he's relaxed. I hope he has a good day. I hope he sleeps well. I don't want him to be in pain like me. Please give him health. Please make him surprisingly happy. So happy his mind clears and he's wondering why he suddenly feels OK. U and I will know it's because of me. And maybe mine is because of him. Heal him for me. Make him appreciate his life. Give him good dreams. Answer his prayers before mine. I love him so much but I dont even know him. I have a faceless being in my head. And I love him. I just know how perfect he'll make me feel. I'm crying now hoping he's happy. But really the whole- me loving him is me telling u to answer his prayers before mine. Because that's the only way I can love him and show him I love him and take care of him. Whatever he needs, whatever he's davening for, give it to him, make sure he's OK. Please make him feel loved. I love him so much I'm crying. I wish I could love him more but u don't know who he is. Hashem please show me him just so I can love him. Just so I love him in more ways than this. I don't think I've ever prayed and cried before. This is the first time. It just shows me how much I love you. Where instead of feeling jealous of all my friends, I can feel happy for their happiness and lives and turn my tears of jealously and anguish to tears of davening. For him, for you. I also want to feel hugged back. I want someone who will hold my gross sweaty hand when I'm too hot, or fart infront of when I eat too much sugar. I want to feel totally accepted for my good traits as well as my flaws and he will speak to the best version of me advising her. I will spend my life- davening for him, loving him, caring for him, building a life with him, devoted to him fully, loyally, fiercely. He would even understand how he could be loved so much but he'll know also that he deserves it and the same for me. It all will happen when it's supposed to. So right now, all I can do is daven for you. That ur happy and healthy and enjoying life. That Noone is making you feel bad, that you will know the right thing to say today or tomorrow. That u will be nicer to ur mother and forgive your parents for not being perfect before it's too late. That u say I love you more, and feel love. It's baffling that I have this power with out knowing it's address. I hope you listen to your favorite song and that ur motivated to wake up and do ur best. I hope tomorrow is a really good day. I hope it bothers u less than me that ur still single. I hope ur stronger than yesterday. I hope u win ur battles and ur demons. I hope the people around u make u feel cherished. I hope that when we meet, others don't feel hurt or pain with themselves. We will meet. And that day will hopefully be great.
My mom- the math teacher: so she's 40
My dad- the chess genius: no she's 44
Me- the art major: she's 42- when u were 2, she was 2 years older, so she'd still b only 2 years older, so it's 42
Full disclosure: I did happen to take my adhd pills in the morning. Had I not, my answer could've been 163 for all I know
Things i learned being an aunt when no one taught me how
Always give one two many pieces of chocolate
A two year olds music obsession will be stuck in your head. You will fall alsleep singing one line to the song a million times
Love too much and give kisses for free
Be a high five and fist bump kimd of aunt
I dont know what kind of issues she'll have... but i dont want them. I want my kids issues. My kids issues might be that sjes left hsnded so shell need left handed instruments. Shell be pretty though. She needs to be pretty. Shell b the prettiest little girls and little boys in the world. Please hashem, make my kids pretty without aesthetic or internal issues. Give her adhd too or anxiety or something. But she should be very pretty.
I want to move on, from ppl i knew. I want to meet new people. Who dont know all the crap ive been through. I want to just be me.
I wa t to make a painting that has grandma Sima next to lady diana. I feel like I'm both
I feel like my soul is part Holocaust survivor, part princess
I am lady diana. I have her soul. I would never say it out loud to anyone. I don't want the attention or to need to prove myself. I just am her.
I want a destination wedding: a Vinyard garden. Yummy wine. Good music. A really good photographer. An afternoon wedding. With a good photographer. I'll be on birthcontrol before so I know I won't get my period. I want to wear a silk dress with a timeless top. Emerald earrings with pearls on the bottom. I'll trade in the gold diamond and emerald ring for a platinum aquamarine and diamond ring and a platinum platinum band. I want a silk white dress with an overtop- maybe ivory ostrich feather bolero or a red fox or light brown fur coat.
I want a black silk dress and a tweed jacket, black chunky heels
I want a life where I can have elies kids come to my house so that they can go on a vacation and I can have my kids at his house for vacations with my husband
Marriage is not a job, it's an investment. It's bigger than just u and u need to put time into it to get rewards and a relationship. It's not automatic.
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