#idk if anyone will appreciate this but me but
wosoamazing · 12 hours
Alessia & Olympic Journey's
Alessia x R (Physio!R & Athletics!R) Warnings: semi panic attack?? one part is light sickfic vibes but idk let me know if there is something I should add
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You and Alessia had known each other since college having both attended UNC and been a part of their sport program, however she was a Footballer and you were a Track Athlete. You had met on one of the sport wellbeing retreats. They had mixed up the sports groups for a week, which allowed you to become close to Alessia and spoke everyday, so when you both ended up in Manchester after college it was a nice surprise, and you became even closer, at the end of one of the seasons Alessia asked you to be her girlfriend and well that was it.
She was playing at United at the time and you were one of the Physios for the women’s team at City. Them having been the only club that really understood what you needed to allow you to be both a physio and a high level athlete, working around your schedule, allowing you days off. It worked well, honestly so well it felt like a dream some days. 
However she had recently moved to Arsenal and you had contemplated moving with her, well originally you weren’t, planning on moving but when some of the London based clubs heard about Alessia’s transfer they thought you might be looking to move as well, and considering your reputation they all jumped at the possibility and gave you offers. But none of them really even matched what you had with City, especially when City offered you extra benefits, not wanting to risk their best physio to a rival club. You had the ability to connect with the players at a level most didn’t, you were one of them in a way, and they appreciated that, someone treating them who understood exactly how frustrating a small niggle is, who understood the frustration of a bad game, to the girls you weren’t just a physio but someone to talk to, who was at the exact same level as them, not someone who had injured out, wasn’t good enough, or was now older and retired.
You stayed at City, but you didn’t take their new offer, how could you when what they were already giving you was so much better than the other clubs. However they insisted on giving you the added benefits, so you had every second weekend off getting to go up and see Alessia play.
You and Alessia were spending the weekend together, which you currently didn’t know, even though she was sat up in the stands of the Manchester Regional Arena watching you train, you hadn’t noticed her, hadn’t unfocused for half an hour. It was something she admired about you, how much you poured your heart and soul into the sport you loved, how focused you were always, and how you never gave it anything but your all.
“I don’t get it,” Ella grumbled beside her.
“What?” Alessia asked, not moving from her position, she was leant forward slightly, chin resting on her hands, her elbows resting on her knees, eyes on you.
“Why does she like it? Why does anyone like it?” Ella asked.
“Why do you like football? Why does anyone like football?” Mary replied with a philosophical question to match Ella’s.
Alessia didn’t reply to Ella’s question, she was too focused on the way you had started to rub your temples between each run, and the way your eyes were now either squinted or closed now, she hadn’t seen them fully open in the past, however many minutes.
“Somethings wrong,” Alessia blurted out.
“Here we go again,” Ella rolled her eyes, as she did you sat down, legs bent up, before you slightly collapsed back to the ground, now lying down, hand covering your eyes, your coach bent down next to you, blocking Alessia’s view of your face, but she didn’t like the way your chest was heaving more than usual with your breaths. Ella let out a small “oh” at your actions regretting the way she teased Alessia just seconds ago
You stood up as your coach walked away, only just realising Alessia was there with Ella and Mary. You smiled slightly, gesturing for them to come down, which they did as you walked over to your bag.
“Hey baby,” Alessia said softly as she walked over to you, your arms immediately wrapping around her and your head dropping to her shoulder, hiding away in her neck, “you all good?” she asked, still concerned.
“Yeah, I just missed you,'' you told her as you released from the hug, only to be pulled into her side from her arm wrapping around your hips, letting your head fall to the side to rest on her shoulder once again.
“What are we doing tonight?” you asked the three girls, slightly hoping they hadn’t planned a crazy night.
“We are going to go o-owww” Ella started speaking, only to be interrupted by Mary stepping on her foot, the older woman noticing how there was definitely something off with you, also having grown slightly concerned.
“We are all going to go to our respective homes, Mary and Ella just came to support you at training,” Alessia informed you and the others of the new plan for the night, before kissing you on your temple.
“What do you want for dinner?” Alessia asked as you entered your home, hand in hand.
“I’m honestly not that hungry baby, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you pick” you admitted before dropping your bag at the door, and flicking your slides off “I’m just going to go have a quick shower,” you told her as you let go of her hand and walked in the direction of your bedroom. Alessia knew something was up, you never just left your training bag lying around, and usually when you had been separated for this long you would be asking Alessia to join you for a ‘steamy’ shower. She made quick work of unpacking your bag, before making some toast for you, plating it alongside two panadol and a glass of water, setting your room up exactly how you liked it, so you could just slip into bed once you finished your shower.
Alessia quietly knocked on the bathroom door before opening it, too much time had passed since the water was turned off for her liking and she was growing slightly concerned yet again. When the door opened she saw you standing leaning against the counter heavily as you gripped onto it for dear life, your towel now on the floor at your feet, having been wrapped around your body at one stage. 
“Baby,” she said softly as she walked into the room, “do you need some help?” you bit your bottom lip as you sunkenly nodded your head, Alessia quickly jumped into action, helping you get dressed before pulling you in for a tight hug, “you don’t feel well do you?” she asked, to which you just shook your head, she silently guided you to your side of the bed, watching as you climbed in before handing you the two panadol and the glass of water, before moving to the otherside of the bed, and climbing in, handing you the toast, which you took a few bites from before placing it back on the plate and shaking your head, “that’s okay, thank you for eating something, why don’t you try and sleep now,” you nodded slightly as you slid down the bed moving to lye down, you laid on your side as you looked at Alessia longingly and she knew what you wanted, so she moved to lying down next to you, facing you she opened her arms, allowing for you to snuggle into her, your head burying in her neck, as her hands started to softly run over your back, sending you to sleep quickly.
Alessia couldn’t help but be content, she wasn’t going to get to spend the weekend with you the way she wanted, but she still got to spend it with you, and if she was being honest there was probably nothing she loved more than hugging you.
“We might see each other,” you told Alanna as you worked on her for the last time that season, having both been discussing your plans for the summer, and the upcoming olympics.
“Yeah but we won’t see Alex,” Alanna joked as she looked over to the British player who laid on the bed next to her’s.
“I don’t know, with the amount of tickets Alessia’s bought I might be seeing Y/N at least,” she replied, to which you rolled your eyes. Alessia had bought enough tickets for every member of her family, and even ‘some’ of your friends, but it might be more than just some friends if Alex had a ticket as well.
“Why is there so much stuff, surely they don’t expect it all to fit in there,” you said as you flopped back on your bed, exhausted from trying to pack all day.
“Will you just let me do it now,” Lotte asked and you nodded not wanting to look at it all again, you and the three UNC girls were all in their shared apartment as you and Emily were packing for your next month, specifically the olympics training camps and the actual olympics, you had planned to spend your last day before you all went your separate ways together, kind of like old times.
“Baby, treat yourself, once slice wont hurt,” your girlfriend told you as the four of you sat on the couch watching a movie, the others having ordered pizza, which you refused to eat.
“No, it’s fine don’t worry,” “Bu-” “No Alessia, you don’t understand, one slice will hurt, you haven’t seen me eat even a square of chocolate for months and yet you thought ordering pizza the night before I fly out would be smart, let alone telling me to eat a slice, I get it you’re not going to the olympics, but I am, and I am not letting months of draining go down the drain by even eating one single bite of pizza,” you stormed off to your bedroom, needing a minute to breath, immediately regretting your words.
“She didn’t mean it, she is just nervous,” Lotte tried to reassure Alessia, as she saw tears starting to well in her friend's eyes. Emily had already grabbed her keys and gone somewhere.
“I just, I didn’t expect it, she has been fine all day,” Alessia said to Lotte who nodded, “but- I-I’m, I don’t know, why didn’t she say something about the pizza?”
“She did,” Lotte muttered under her breath, hoping Alessia didn’t hear her.
“When?” “When you asked if we wanted Pizza for dinner, she said she wanted-” “a chicken salad from that place down the road,” Emily interrupted Lotte as she walked through the door holding exactly that, which caused Alessia to burst into tears, both girls rushing to her side.
“She is my girlfriend and yet I didn’t even listen to her, I-I-” “Less, no it’s okay, you’re distracted, you don’t want her to go.” Lotte told her.
“Go. Go give her the salad, say it's from you, spend the night in your room with her, but please if the salad makes her that happy don’t be loud, I need some sleep before I get on the plane tomorrow.” Emily said.
“Oh don’t worry about that, we haven’t done it in weeks, it’s too risky, she might get injured. But thank you. I’m sorry,” Alessia told your friends before she wiped her eyes and took the salad from Emily before walking into your room.
“I’m sorry,” Alessia said as she walked into the dark room, walking to her side of the bed turning on the lamp only to find you asleep on her pillow, “baby, wake up,” she gently shook you, and watched as your eyes opened “I, well Emily got you a chicken salad. I’m really sorry, I didn’t hear you, but I should’ve been listening and not been so focused on what we wanted, I-” her sentence was interrupted as you pulled her in for a kiss which quickly got heated before she pulled away and held her hand up, and placed the chicken salad in your hands, you moved over on the bed and patted the space beside you, so she sat down and you quickly curled yourself into her side, enjoying the salad, whilst she turned on the TV, you both understanding what had happened, not needing to talk about it, you both knew you were nervous and not excited to be away from each other for so long and it all just kind of boiled over.
Alessia’s phone started ringing as she sat in her seat, waiting for your second event to start, it was due to begin in 15 minutes, so when she pulled out her phone to see your number flash up on the screen, she felt a wave of panic surge through her. She didn’t even get the chance to say anything when she answered.
“Alessia, you need to come down here now,” It was your coach, Alessia bolted up in her seat and immediately started walking, following the directions of your coach, she found him quickly and a lanyard was thrown over her head before she quickly followed the man to you. You were sitting on the floor against a wall, breathing quickly, looking panicked.
“Baby, I need you to breath for me, okay, you can do that, with me, in, 2, 3, and out, 2, 3, that's it keep going,” after a few deep breaths you had calmed down enough for Alessia’s liking, “what’s going on?”
“What if I stuff up again, I can't do it, I don’t want to disappoint anyone, I-” “Baby, that wasn’t your fault, that was the Swedish girls fault, everyone agreed, even the France coach was yelling at the officials at one stage, it was not your fault and it was unfair that they didn’t call it, but this is your event, the one you love. I promise you, I am so incredibly proud of you already and that wont change whether you get gold in this race or come dead last, you have done incredible to get to the finals of the 400m baby, and you won't disappoint anyone. But I know someone who will be disappointed if you don’t go out and at least try,” “Who?” you asked slightly nervous for the answer, “You,” she told you adamantly, and you knew she was right.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 14 hours
Me or him (part 2)
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pairing: hyunjin x afab!reader x felix
a/n: this is part 2, read part 1 here! there will be more parts, tho idk if anyone waited for this but if you enjoyed it, please consider reblogging!🫶🏻
word count: 1.9k
genre: smut, angst
warning/s: toxic behavior, cheating, manipulation, unprotected sex, dirty talk
~check out my: Masterlist
8 months ago
Tears blurred your vision as you sat behind the wheel. You started the car, wiping your tears away, the last song you listened to blasting through the speaker.
You had a huge fight with your boyfriend Hyunjin, the worst one that happened between you in the last two years you'd been dating. You have no idea how it started, it was a culmination of little things and you were both so busy to work on them that you just exploded at each other.
Things were said, things you didn't mean and you had to just leave the apartment and give Hyunjin and yourself some space to calm down before you said even worse things to each other that couldn't be reversed.
You hit the gas and drove to the first place you thought of, your mutual friend's apartment.
When Felix opened the door and took in the state of you, wearing your pjs, hair messy and mascara streaks stained on your cheeks, he hugged you without a word.
You ended up on his couch, crying and telling him what happened as he held you and shushed you, trying to calm you down. He did feel bad that you were in distress, and he felt bad for Hyunjin too, but he couldn't help himself. Thinking that this was his chance, a chance to somehow come between the two of you. Prove to you that he was deserving of you, maybe even more than Hyunjin was.
You knew Felix liked you, he confessed to you once before but it was already too late as you and Hyunjin just started dating but haven't announced it to him or anyone else for that matter. You saw how his smile faltered and how his eyes lost the sparkle they always carried when you told him. Even though he said he was happy for the both of you, you could see through the fake smile he put on his face. Neither of you ever told Hyunjin about his confession.
Felix wiped your tears away with his thumbs gently before he leaned in and started peppering your face with little kisses. You sniffled and hiccuped, completely lost in your crying that you didn't even feel him press his lips on yours for a few seconds.
"Felix!"- you said pushing him away when you realized what he was doing.
"What Hyunjin said to you was out of line. I would never say things like that to you. You know how I feel about you."
"Felix, stop it."- you shake your head, heart beating fast as you try to catch your breath. Everything was too overwhelming tonight.
"Let me show you that I appreciate you more than he does."- Felix says and grabs your face, kissing you again.
"W-we can't do this..."- you whimper, fresh tears spilling out of your eyes.
"We can do whatever we want, sweetheart. Give me just one chance to prove myself to you."- he whispers sweetly, hands under your shirt, caressing your hot skin.
"L-Lix..."- you whimper as his lips attach to your neck. 'You're crazy' - you think. You can't believe you're actually letting this happen. Felix is kissing you, his lips on yours again, hungrier and messier than before.
His hands are roaming all over your soft skin and he cups your breasts and plays with your nipples. You gasp and he pushes his tongue in your mouth, suffocating the moans in the back of your throat.
You feel arousal between your legs, in the pit of your stomach mixed with an uneasy feeling of doing something you definitely shouldn't be doing. One big fight and you ran into another man's arms. How weak are you?
You part for air and Felix's eyes are dark with lust, making you shiver under him.
"You want me, don't you?"- he smirks.
"This is wrong, Felix."- you say, but your body screams for him, your hips lifting up towards him involuntarily, chasing some kind of friction.
"I don't care about wrong or right in this moment."- he shakes his head, his hand on your cheek. "Tell me you don't want this right now and I'll stop... but if you do, there's no going back."
You shiver at his words, driven by some kind of desire and insanity you grab Felix's shirt and pull him into another passionate kiss. He grunts into your mouth, his hands sliding down to your pants. He wastes no time in sliding them down your legs together with your panties, throwing them somewhere behind him.
"Fuck, so pretty."- he whines, taking in the sight of you with legs spread out for him.
"Lix"- you moan, crazed with hunger for him.
"I'll take care of you, don't worry love."- he smirks, leaning down, his breath ghosting over your wet cunt. His plump lips leave kisses on your inner thighs, hands squeezing your flesh, and you sigh impatiently.
"I can smell your arousal from here. So sweet."- he licks his lips, smirking and leaning his cheek on your inner thigh.
"Please, Lix!"- you whine, trying to push your hips up but he holds you tight.
"Tell me what you want love. I'll do anything to please you."- he says, his voice dipping lower, sending shivers through you.
"I want your mouth, please."- you beg.
"You ask so nicely."- he smirks and leans in, his lips attaching to your clit immediately, sucking on the sensitive nub.
"Ah, f-fuck!"- you moan and his tongue darts out to lick between your folds.
You find yourself comparing him to Hyunjin, and your heart skips a beat. Your sweet Hyunjin, who has no idea you have his best friend between your legs, eating you out like no tomorrow.
Even though you had a horrible fight, you know he loves you more than anything. And you love him too, so why are you doing this?
Felix brings you back to the present when you feel his fingers pushing inside your wetness.
"Oh my god!"- you whimper, hips coming up to meet his hand.
"So eager."- Felix says, his deep low voice sending shivers through you.
The faster he moves his fingers, the more Hyunjin keeps fading somewhere in the back of your mind.
You try not to think about anything, only focusing on the feeling Felix brings you, and the euphoria builds up.
"Are you gonna cum, sweetheart?"- he asks.
"Mm, yes, so close!"- you whine. "Don't stop!"
"Wasn't planning on stopping."- he smirks, curling his fingers and touching your sweet spot.
"Fuck!"- you whine, your legs shaking before you spill your juices all over Felix's fingers. He pulls them out of your went cunt and puts them in his mouth, sucking on them.
"Mm, so sweet."- he looks at you darkly. "I want you so bad."- he adds, pulling his pants and boxers down.
"How do you want me?"- you ask.
"I want you on top of me, beautiful."- Felix smirks, pumping his cock and hovering over you.
"Okay."- you sit up and Felix lays down so you can climb on top of him.
You grab his cock, touching your folds with his tip, your eyes already rolling back.
"Take me in deep, sweetheart."- Felix groans as you slowly start sinking down on his length.
The stretch is perfect as you take him in completely, your walls clenching around him making him groan.
"Move baby, please."- he practically begs.
You start fucking on him, wasting no time as you speed up immediately, feeling hungry for him in that moment like you've never been fucked before.
His hands are on your hips, guiding you and holding you down so you don't lift up too much.
He groans as he looks up at you, your fucked out face, your titties bouncing and the way his cock disappears inside you.
"Yeah, just like that. Fuck yourself on my cock baby. Make yourself feel good. Use me."- Felix groans, hips pushing up to meet yours.
"Ahh fuck, Felix!"- you whimper as the both of you start losing control, fucking each other like there's no tomorrow.
It doesn't take long for you to cum all over his cock, the way he kept perfectly hitting your sweet spot.
"I'm close, sweetheart."- Felix groans.
"You can't come inside me."- you groan, still trying to come down from your orgasm.
"Okay, whatever you want."- he whines, his hips chasing you.
You pull off of him and grab his cock, jerking him off fast and Felix whimpers, his hands grabbing at the couch beneath him, hips pushing up into your hand.
With a final groan mixed with your name and curse words, he cums all over your hand and his stomach.
Both of you sit there for a moment, trying to catch your breath.
"What the hell did we just do?"- you ask, coming down from the high and panicking.
"We fucked. And it was really good."- Felix smirks, lifting up and grabbing some tissues from the coffee table so he can clean himself up.
"This is wrong on so many levels. If Hyunjin ever finds out-"
"Hyunjin doesn't have to know anything. As far as he's concerned you're at a friend's place."- Felix shrugs. "I wont tell him anything unless you want me too. I don't wanna put you in a position like that."
"You kinda already did."- you say, too shocked of your behaviour that you couldn't even cry.
"I'm sorry."- he starts. "Actually, I'm not. I loved you first. Hyunjin didn't even care about you that way when we first met."
"Stop talking! You don't love me, Felix. You love the idea of stealing me away from Hyunjin."
"That is not true-"
"I'm not having this discussion right now. I'm gonna take a shower and then leave."
"Stay the night, please. Just this once."- Felix begs, grabbing your hand.
And you stayed the night. And you found yourself running into his arms multiple times after that, whenever you were sad or whenever you and Hyunjin got into an argument.
You know how wrong that is and that you should be working on your relationship, not going behind your partner's back but something about Felix always being there for you, listening to your problems and fucking your sadness away made you addicted to that feeling.
Present time
You had to drive around the empty roads to empty your mind before finally arriving home around 2 in the morning. The apartment was quiet and dark, meaning that Hyunjin already went to sleep.
You tiptoed to your room and opened the door, finding your boyfriend hugging your pillow and sleeping on your side.
Your chest feels heavy.
You walk slowly towards the dresser to grab some clean underwear so you can take a shower and Hyunjin stirs.
"Love, are you back?"- he asks sleepily.
"Yeah. I'm gonna shower, keep sleeping."- you say quietly, grabbing your clothes.
"Did you have fun?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I did."- you say, your chest becoming heavier and heavier, the feeling of guilt overwhelming you.
Tears prick at your eyes.
"I'm glad. Come cuddle when you're done."- Hyunjin whispers, his eyes still closed.
"Ofcourse."- you whisper back and disappear into the bathroom.
You break down under the shower, hot tears streaming down your cheeks as the hot water warms your skin.
But you can't wash away the feeling of Felix's lips and hands on you.
They're burned into your skin. And you wonder how much longer can you do this?
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @velvetmoonlght @janepg
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artbyace · 1 year
assigning mitski lyrics to marauders characters !!
cuz all my favorite things have to make me so sad and i love being miserable apparently. i added explanations that r pretty 50/50 on how much i pulled from canon or just sprinkled in headcanons
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Reach out the car window tryin' to hold the wind / You tell me you love her, I give you a grin / Oh, all I ever wanted was a life in your shape / So I follow the white lines, follow the white lines / Keep my eyes on the road as I ache - Strawberry Blond
Remus about Sirius while watching him date girl after girl in school
Mom, would you wash my back? / This once, and then we can forget / And I'll leave what I'm chasing / For the other girls to pursue - Class of 2013
Regulus because mommy issues (same ) and those last two lines are so jegulus angst
I haven't given you what you need / You wanted me but couldn't reach me / So you went into your memory / Relive all the ways you still want me - Should’ve Been Me
James, how he never moved past Regulus’ death and spent his whole life looking for him in even the smallest details (really Regulus talking to James)
If you would let me give you pinky promise kisses / Then I wouldn't have to scream your name atop of every roof in the city of my heart - Once More to See You
Dorcas, because this lyric is just absolutely her pining over Marlene. personal HC that Marlene struggled with internalized homophobia so she constantly pushed Dorcas away, fearing what people may say. Dorcas just wanted to give her everything
Still nobody wants me / And I know no one will save me / I'm just asking for a kiss / Give me one good movie kiss / And I'll be alright - Nobody
Peter, feeling constantly on the outs of his friend group and just horrible about himself. Feeling as though no one would ever love him because he wasn’t as handsome as Sirius, funny as James, or intelligent as Remus :((
And I was so young when I behaved twenty-five / Yet now, I find I've grown into a tall child /And I don't wanna go home yet / Let me walk to the top of the big night sky - First Love/Late Spring
Sirius. this one feels pretty self explanatory but how Sirius had to stand up to their mother and protect Reggie as a kid. escaping ‘home’ and finally being able to live freely and cry and experience emotions and heal his inner child. this whole song is So Sirius to me
And autumn comes when you're not yet done / With the summer passing by, but / I don't think I could stand to be / Where you don't see me - Francis Forever
Mary having to outlive all of her friends and ultimately not being able to stand it without them. they were her summer. (also there’s definitely an autumn/lily tie in i could make here but i’ll let that speak for itself)
One morning this sadness will fossilize / And I will forget how to cry … / And then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / And I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry - Fireworks
Remus trying to move on with his life and forget Sirius after believing he was the one who had betrayed Lily and James.. but always having those feelings and grief resurface at the slightest memory of Sirius :(((
All of this turbulence wasn't forecasted / Apologies from the intercom / And I am relieved that I'd left my room tidy / They'll think of me kindly / When they come for my things - Last Words of a Shooting Star
Regulus dying, but being so okay with doing so because he was dying doing the right thing. he died thinking Sirius and James and everyone else would know that he died defying Voldemort, and they would finally love him for it but they would never get to know T_T
You're coming back / And it's the end of the world / We're starting over and I love you darlin' / And I am done, dear - I Want You
Sirius or Remus about each other respectively. they’d finally made it back to each other after Sirius escaped Azkaban, but would never be able to live the life full of love they deserved .
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solarpunkani · 6 months
sometimes spite is a powerful motivator and today its motivating me to crochet
long story short I saw a cool bag on pinterest while I was looking for crochet patterns but there was no fucking pattern but one of my friends found a pattern for a similar but not quite bag so I watched an hour long video, transcribed it into text, and am now gonna make a wholeass backpack just because Sunflower Vibe
Wish me luck I guess
Also this is the bag
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detnoto · 11 months
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thelilylav · 1 month
Y'know what? Fuck it (gives u guys a list of poc artists to listen to cause the white ppl on the music side of tumblr have been embarassing me)
List is under the cut, and warning bc I made it very long
Los Abuelos De La Nada
Gesu No Kiwami Otobe
Chuck Berry
Ben E. King
Los Prisoneros
Ahmed Fakroun (ok this one's french art rock but in my book it still counts)
Burnout Syndromes (been fucking w them since I got into Haikyuu lmao)
Infinity Song (their hater song genuinely gets me every time LMAO)
People in the Box
N.E.R.D (my god if u don't know them.. idk dude my brother has been obsessed w them for forever so i just was not getting away regardless lol)
Punk/Punk Rock (& other punk subgenres):
Nova Twins (u must listen to them it's just the way it's gotta be guys)
Rina Sawayama (her hatred of Matty Healy is so attractive. i cannot believe i found her two years ago cause i still remember i would not shut up when i first heard her music it was so good)
BABYMETAL (the way their band name just straight up screams at people gets me every time lmaooo)
The Younger Lovers
Mashrou Leila
Stella Jang
Shak SYrn (Jenni is on repeat in my room at any given moment)
Steve Lacy (if u listen to more than just Bad Habit u will find an actuall amazing discography)
Jenny Nuo (i have been OBSESSED w her music since like 2021 ish and it is a crime she hasn't blown up more imo)
Hemlocke Springs (oooo i hate that she does not get more love!!! synth pop and alt indie is such a fun niche like!!!)
Lyn Lapid (in my head she's huge but i have recently learned that artists i think r super popular may be unknown to an entire genre of ppl soo)
Megagonefree (found them on ig and omg!! PLS go check them out genuinely)
boa (i am once again shaming u if u don't know them)
JAZZ (in all caps bc I fucking LOVE jazz no it's not dead go listen to jazz rn motherfuckers):
Idris Muhammad
Esperanza Spalding
Joanna Wang (ok she does pop and folk music too but idk she felt most appropriate here)
SAMARA JOY (put. some. respect. on. her. name. i would actually go to war for her i am not kidding. also this is in all caps bc MY MOM GOT TO SEE HER LIVE??? AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHO SHE WAS PLS I WAS SO MAD OMGGG but i've been promised tickets next time so we're good)
Sade (my og one and only)
George Clinton (i mean he's just a classic yknow)
Parliament (Give Up the Funk can make me dance like no other i swear)
Stevie Wonder (i mean.. like if we're on the topic of classics anyway then...)
Michael Jackson/The Jackson 5 (moreso his earlier stuff if my memory isn't lying to me.. look it's been a second since i listened to mj IM SORRY i am a busy person ok TT)
Valerie June
Maxine Nightingale (if u don't listen to her... how do u have fun? actual question i put her on every time i need to feel happy atp)
Boney. M (technically they're reggae but they also count as R&B so idk.. i'm just putting them here if anyone wants me to move them later i will)
Amahla (Ca Suffit was so good and got me to check out the rest of her music, YOU SHOULD TOO!!)
Mary J Blige (not to judge but like... if u don't know THE queen then idk how to help you tbh)
SZA (wouldn't be a list without her in it tbh. i'm in love w her not even joking abt that)
Kali Uchis (to this day i cannot believe i saw her live i'm truly never getting a better moment than that omggg i have such a big crush on her anyway)
Aupinard (if ever u need to just vibe, this is the man u go to.)
Wejdene (TU PARLES AVEC UNE ANISSA MA MOI J'APPELLE WEJDENE- she's been my day 1 since i was like thirteen i can't even lie)
Annisse (just found out she only has like ~500 listeners on spotify??? apparently i'm one of them tho lmao so yeah go get that number up guys i love her too much for this disrespect)
Sister Sledge
Cheryl Lynn
Daddy Yankee (he's an honourable mention cause i couldn't not lmao)
Skindred (they're a reggae/metal fusion band and i will shut up abt them when i'm dead bc Nobody rewired my brain chemistry!!)
Manu Chao
Toquinho (i was so convinced this man was bossa nova but apparently he is reggae and i need to do some music theory review)
Sushi Soucy (oh the things I Deserve to Bleed had me going thru in 2020/2021)
Miriam Makeba (Pata Pata should be enough to get anyone listening to her, just saying)
Lead Belly (do urself a favour and do some research on this man, i'm not kidding even if u don't like folk music u should know abt him- ESPECIALLY if u like Nirvana that'll make sense later trust)
Corinne Bailey Rae (she has so much good music that gets ignored bc of Put Your Records On so.. yeah go listen to Black Rainbows she's only gotten better as time goes on lol)
Dru (he is for any person who likes ke$ha. i'm so serious he is early 2000s in a bottle and i love his music ur rlly missing out if u ignore him)
Monique Hasbun (found her recently! she's a Palestinian, Mexican and Salvadorian artist who plays around with Latin pop and does a lot of fusion music. she's dope go listen to her fr)
Mohammad Assaf (he made the Palestine song that's been going around ig a lot, but his other stuff is great as well. he's another Palestinian artist, so once again, go check him out!!)
Pinkpanthress (i LOVE her she's so much fun to just vibe to and idk how anyone couldn't have heard of her atp but then again this is the sight that didn't know who drake was so... sigh. go listen to her if u don't already!!)
Aliyah's Interlude (BROOO if u haven't heard of her actually go listen rn i'm so serious she is so good i can'ttttt ok bye)
Veondre (had a collab w Aliyah on It Girl and is gonna be releasing her own music very soon! she's trans too so go give her some love)
Shalco (wasn't sure whether to put him here or in hip hop, but his stuff is very very good either way)
Ado (she's j-pop but it's a form of pop so into the pop category she goes)
Moon (she's got two songs out rn, Moonlight and Seoul City Drift, and both r going on loop in my head at all times)
Jay Chou (call me a basic bitch idc he's good ok)
Atarashii Gakko! (i wouldn't say they're j-pop, but google did, so i'm just going w it lol)
flowerovlove (just trust me on this one)
El Tio Gamboin (Los Gatitos is such a cute song)
Grace Chang (see note for Jay Chou)
King Gnu (for all my j-pop lovers... come get ur man)
Lalo Rodriguez (included this genre specifically so i could mention him)
Adalberto Santiago
Roberto Roena (he's a classic i can't lie)
Hector Lavoe (i think he might be the most popular one in this genre lol)
City Pop (this is its own genre bc i literally did a presentation in high school abt it and i'll be damned if i don't flex my knowledge now):
Mariya Takeuchi
Miki Matsubara (my QUEEN my everything my-)
Taeko Onuki (one of my most listened to artists last yr for a Reason)
Kaoru Akimoto
Kingo Hamada
Jun Togawa
Bossa Nova:
Joao Gilberto (ooo he gets me every time i fucking love this man)
Elizeth Cardoso
Johnny Alf (forgot this man the first time around my bad BUT he's called the father of bossa nova for a reason so)
Hip Hop:
Flyana Boss (they're sooooo good i actually can't gush enough i have never felt so girlypop listening to music before go listen to them!! found the duo through ig so yeah if u want go follow them on there too to show support)
Lil Uzi Vert (for any emo lovers, go check out his song Werewolf with Bring Me the Horizon it is SO GOOD)
Samyra (she's slowly curing my body dysmorphia lol)
Yame (there's an accent on the e but idk how to do that on tumblr. anyway my ass loves french rap and before him i was stuck with klub des loosers so he saved my faith in the genre i can't even lie)
Lay Bankz (u cannot be chronically online and not have heard Ick yet, but i'm repping her regardless bc SHE'S SO GOOD)
A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie (HEAR ME OUT-)
Kaliii (Area Codes was one of my most listened to songs last year... as it should be tbh)
Miguel (he does R&B too i just first listened to him bc of his collab w J.Cole sooo)
Tyler the Creator (putting him on here just to brag abt getting to see him in concert lmao)
XXXTentacion (he has been mourned and talked abt an insane amount, but he deserves it i'm not even gonna joke on this one. his artistry is insane and he deserves some love if u haven't listened to him yet)
Kendrick Lamar (i mean i've been reblogging stuff abt him enough. Mr. Morale was actually the album that made me start Listening listening to him and i'm honestly glad it was bc that album is still my favourite to this day if i'm being totally honest)
Renaissauce (criminally and i do mean CRIMINALLY underrated)
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doodlebloo · 9 months
The term "rewired my brain" gets thrown around a lot but the DSMP truly did change the way I think about characters media and narrative forever and in a drastic way like I had never really delved so deep into analysis of a character and what they represent as well as them as a person just for fun before, and I had never heard so many deep complex interpretations of the same character/event all of which had their own merit.
And also with the DSMP so much of the characterization was extremely subtle and so you had to be taking note of every little detail to get it all and that made me much more inclined to focus on ALL parts of a character not just the most obvious ones.
Idk tl;Dr the DSMP permanently altered the way I think about fandom for the better
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 10 months
Just saw a take that Nimona (2023) was a Failed Adaptation of the comic
But like
It's not an adaptation
It's a retelling
Like yes it is a failed adaptation in the sense that I am a failed Auto Mechanic (I am not an Auto Mechanic)
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stonyponyofficial · 10 months
loooooooooove the very transgender nuanced inbetweenish spiritual but not religious outlook even down to the individual having a completely new cosmology in their head they likely put together themselves. that post about getting coffee with and being nice to dollgirls and demons alike who will tell u their personal theologies if u simply care to listen. i want to listen so bad i will become ur devotee
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reegis · 5 months
how much of the money from a redbubble purchase goes to you
math is essentially incomprehensible to me so i dont know the exact like. percentage/number but its? not much. if i sell a poster i get about $1.60 or something similar.. smaller things like stickers is just a couple cents per sale 😔
its definitely better than nothing!! and i freak out every time i sell smthn because like… yall have a physical copy of my art????? u liked it sm you bought it irl???? waaack it makes me so happy, even if im not making much of anything off of it
(although if any of yall would like to tip or show your appreciation i do have a ko-fi you know. just in case..)
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It's 2 am and I can't sleep with the thought of Hobie Brown leaving kiss marks all over his s/o face
Like- Imagine it. supermodel Hobie Brown, chilling on the dressing room with his partner, just chilling with each other. Then, he just gets up, reaches for a container of dark lipstick and just... Slowly, teasingly, sets it on his lips...
S/o immediately turns away, pretending like they weren't watching practically not blinking how their boyfriend applied the paint to his pretty lips.
He chuckles, steps closer and sits beside them. Without warning, he grabs their face and just plants a big fat kiss in their cheek. Then on their forehead. Other cheek. Lips. Jaw. It goes on and on, all the s/o can feel at this point is his warm lips, cold piercing and the sticky feeling of the lipstick coating their entire face.
When he steps back, Hobie just has this absolutely smug look on his face as he sees his finished work.
"looking good, luv."
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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what if they where T4T?! What then?
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cowchickenbeefpork · 10 days
tbh I think Gotham Ed would’ve worked better if the writers portrayed him as more so driven by proving that he’s smart than driven by a actual search for knowledge deep down. I know i know a lot of riddlers are that but he just. Doesn’t read like that to me??????????? This isn’t me saying the writers shouldn’t make him smart, but if your going to write him count as insane then incorporate the need to fucking prove how smart he is when he’s doing that shit?????? Why are you making him do illogical actions that don’t tie into that like yeah you don’t have to make it make sense logical he is insane when he gets into those moods BUT OH MY GOD KEEP HIS LOGIC CONSISTENT GUYS
I feel like if they were consistent about him needing to prove he’s smart and justifying irrational behaviour by some bullshit he’s convincing himself he’s doing then his relationships with others romantically or whatever would make more sense too. Why is the man who thinks love is a weakness not bothered deep down by how intimidate he’s getting???? Show that to me Gotham MAKE HIM GIVE A HALF ASSED PSEUDO LOGICAL REASON FOR DATING ISABELLA MAKE HIM START OUT BEING MENTALLY SOUND IN SEASON THREE DUE TO BEING ON MEDS AND SLOWLY BUT SURELY LOSE IT AND BECOME MORE INSECURE BECAUSE OF HOW OTHERS VIEW HIM!!!!!!!! GOTHAM WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME
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dewedup · 8 months
the rats outro is one of my favourite things
don’t look at dew
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flufflecat · 20 days
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I met a lovely bumblebee a few days ago (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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Grians affinity for Zelda skins,,
(Please do not use or repost my works anywhere without explicit permission from me first thank you <3)
(Ramblies in tags)
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