#it’s the fight I’ve wanted since seeing one and I have no idea how they’ll pull it off
darthluffy · 1 year
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A little over a week until we get to fight one of these. An enemy so large it doesn’t even fit on screen. Whose tendrils stretch out for miles, through solid rock, metal, and whatever humans got in it’s way. I can’t wait
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astropookie · 1 year
Ascendants at different degrees 🦚🦢
my natal mercury is square with transiting mercury 😭 km pls. my mind has been a MESS I can’t and that’s why all my fucking ideas seemed difficult to write. srry if it’s not it.
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Ascendant at Pisces degree (12° or 24°)
that’s fucking meee. i have this fairy vibe or they often call me hippie. that sensible and humanitarian side it’s there, the wanting to contribute for the best of others, to make that world they dreamed of basing it on the different perspective of others, of what the other have felt and how they have felt when they witnessed it. since the origin, since the depth of things. the path of their life is about to express themselves and to speak for others? The ones that couldn’t spoke? Bc all their life they have been listening to them, looking from a side the reality they’re scared of. -they’ve been psychologists if you want to call it that way-. They want to give love, they have so much love to give. During a period of their life -mostly childhood- they could have felt isolated from the world, these period of time could have been pretty sensible for them and helped them to “open their eyes”, how the world they thought worked was a lie.
Ascendant at Taurus degree (2°, 14° or 26°)
the difference of a person when the degree of the ascendant changes it’s incredible. There’s two people in my life that have aries rising but the one with taurus is completely different of the other. How a person with taurus degree on their ascendant live or the vibe of their life…they want comfort but at the same time have to have what they want, they’re persistent in to what they want and that’s attractive. I have seen people with this placement having a lot of romantic interactions or situationships, it’s easy for them to attract lovers👅 I’ve noticed they make good use of opportunities, they remind me of a bear bc I want to hug them no matter what. They’re realistic or practical. They indeed are critical with food, they need to take their nap to feel good. They’re like old people, how they point out manners and limits people have to have on their perspective and etc. I’ve seen a lot of people with these placement that had moved to their natal place to other bc of the opportunities. could mean also they are part of a family that can provide them economic support or/but with time they had struggle with it.
Ascendant at Aries degree (1°, 13° or 25°)
they’re pretty erratic, they look fucking mad all the time. They’re impulsive, their emotions, their decisions, they don’t know how they ended up the way they ended up. You can see from aside they’re natural liders. however, their whole life they’ve been fighting for being the liders of their life. there’s people around them that don’t understand limits, that think they have the right to control the aries degree life. these placement have to learn that they have the right to stand up for they want even if others don’t want to or don’t let them. they want to have something build by their own, THEIR thing, if not they’ll feel lost. they follow their heart and not doing it will cause problems in the future.
Ascendant at Capricorn degree (10° or 22°)
I have a friend that has Leo ascendant but she wasn’t giving me the stereotypical explosive energy someone expects from a leo. I did my research 😌 and of course she has a Capricorn degree. She is a very career focused person, grounded and driven by her goals. Also an introvert or priorities the company of the ones she likes the most or thinks is the best. She’s studying to be a doctor, her whole life will revolve around her work, she is devoted and has a BIG heart for her loved ones and the ones that would be part of her path. She looks serious. They’re seemed as reserved bc they’re 🤪 and when you get to know them they’re a beautiful soul. They won’t let anything get into their way when it comes to their career and goals, they’ll risk it all. Around their life they’ve had this introverted behavior or they’re Saturn ruled, which means they know bc they have to experience things, little by little but they have had and have to. In other words, they have seen and been in difficult situations that later -bc they have the power- analyzed the situation in 3er person to comprehend bc if not saturn will do what they do🤭
❀ Based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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rlimagi · 2 months
Pairing: Uma x Reader
Request: Hi !! Can I please have a fluff Uma x reader fic ? Reader is Uma’s longtime girlfriend 💙 I’m so excited there’s an account for descendants fem x reader !!!!! I’m so excited to read your writing !!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: I don’t think there’s any.
Note: I started writing this since a few days ago but I kept rewriting it because I didn’t feel satisfied with the ending. So this might have a part 2 if my brain wants to work with me again.
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You were Mal’s twin sister, which meant you had the utmost unfortunate experience of having Maleficent as your mother. You never experienced the motherly love you’ve always craved for, so you didn’t know what love felt like until you met her.
At a very young age, you found your love in books. Fairytales about princesses and magic were your favorites because they’ll always end up living happily ever after, and you wanted that so badly. But your love for what many other kids claimed, ‘nerdy’ became the reason you would always find comfort alone in your room instead of doing things a villain should do. Which meant you were a total loner.
You were a disappointment to your mother and as for your twin, you guys had always been close, though being polar opposites. Mal and Jay were the only friends you had and it stayed that way for years until one night.
You had just returned your books back to the library, if you could even call it that, the area was dark and you couldn’t see the paths clearly so you stumbled on an unfamiliar alley.
It was full of older kids, most of the kids on the isles were trouble makers but the kids there were the oldest of the bunch and the worst of them all.
“Hey! Isn’t that Maleficent’s kid?” An older boy shouted out, walking towards you as his gang backed him up. Those kids were pirates, you weren’t sure how that worked out since the isles had no open water for them to sail and rob other ships, but you weren’t going to question them.
It was ironic that you’re the daughter of one of the most evil villian, yet you could barely make eye contact with people who aren’t your sister or Jay, nor fight.
“Shouldn’t she have purple hair, like her sister? Why is it blue?” An older girl spoke up this time but she was as scary as the rest of them. You stood still as she took a few strands of your hair and examined them.
“What should we do with her? Do you reckon it’ll be a good idea if we kidnap her and ask for ransom money?” Another boy smirked, his crooked teeth showed as he cracked into laughters like the rest of his crew.
You were terrified for your life as the rest of them surrounded you but then a voice called out.
“How about you leave her alone, Henry?”
You turned around to see a girl your age but her eyes showed no fear, only confidence and dominance.
“Uma, you’re no fun. Imagine all the money we’ll get from her mom and don’t you hate her sister?” The boy she called Henry shook his head as he placed his dirty hand on your hair and messed it all up.
“Hands off or I’ll tell my mom that you’re the one who broke all her tables last week.” The pretty girl clapped back as she glared at the older boy.
Henry sighed in annoyance before gesturing to the rest of his crew to follow him out. “You’re lucky Ursula’s your mother.”
Your eyes followed as you watched them kicked everything in their way, probably out of annoyance that they got dominated by a kid 3 years younger than they were.
“Thank you.” You muttered, face reddening up when she smiled and nodded. You’ve never seen such a beauty like her before, not like you’ve met a lot of girls.
“No problem, they were annoying me all week anyways…but hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around here before.” Uma smiled, her eyes were dark yet it was so sparkly for some reason.
“Oh I’m-“ You were about to introduce yourself when your sister and Jay, came out of nowhere.
“Yn! We were looking for you everywhere, where have you b-“ Mal rushed to your side, face filled with worries but she abruptly stopped mid sentence when she looked at the girl standing beside you. “Oh it’s you. Hey Shrimpy~”
Your eyes widened up in shock at your sister’s reaction to Uma. You knew your sister was a bully in a way, to other kids but it was just shocking to see her like that with your own eyes. Especially to the girl who had just saved you only a few minutes prior.
“Why are you here with her sis? You’re going to turn into a shrimp if you stand too close to her.” Mal’s grimace turned into a smirk as she pulled you away from where you were.
Uma’s smile turned sour almost immediately after Mal and Jay came. Without saying anything, she gave them both a nasty glare before running away.
“That’s so not cool, Mal.” You pushed your sister away before heading home on your own, ignoring the shouts from behind.
After that night, you secretly went out late at night looking for her. You didn’t want to look for her when the sun is bright because your sister or Jay might find out. Eventually, you found her sitting alone on a dock.
That night, you gave her the biggest apology for your sister’s behavior and asked her to be friends. Luckily, she didn’t have anything against you and agreed.
That was the day your love story started to blossom. After a year of secretly being friends, Uma she asked you to be her girlfriend and of course you agreed.
But fate separated you both after the 3rd year of your relationship, because you were invited to Auradon. You were ecstatic since all your life you’ve always dreamed of getting out of the isles, and you might have a chance of having a happily ever after like those fairytales you’ve enjoyed so much. But will you actually ever find one if your lover won’t be there with you?
When you told Uma that you won’t be going if it meant that you’ll never see her again, she got upset that you’re throwing away your dream, just for her. She didn’t want you to sacrifice your happiness like that, so ultimately you agreed but with a promise that you’ll try everything in your power to see her again.
Your life on Auradon was great, the people were nice, the food was spectacular, and it was a breath of fresh air and eventually you started to forget the life you left behind.
“Yn, can we talk?” Your older sister rushed to your side as you were lying against a big oak tree, trying to read a book.
There were a few decent books back in the isles but it couldn’t compare to the ones Auradon had. After arriving at Auradon Prep, you’ve gain a lot of friends but got close to Jane the fastest after she discovered your love for books and introduced you to a few of her favorites.
“Oh, sure! What’s up?” You smiled before patting on the grass next to you, gesturing her to sit there. Pulling your attention away from the book, you noticed Mal’s sullen expression and you knew all too well what it meant. “Spill.”
Mal sighed before the look on her face turned on into a slight frown. “I’ve just had a disagreement with the other VKs and Ben. They just don’t get me. And I tried to find you first but I swear you’re everywhere yet nowhere at the same time.”
You chuckled, patting her shoulder before asking. “You know I can’t stay still. Well then, what did you talk to them about? It can’t be that bad right?”
“No, but it’s just…” Mal stopped for a moment while her eyes drifted off to the distance, to where the isles were.
“Okay, I think I get what you’re thinking of. You want to head back and they don’t?” Mal was a hard person to read, but luckily you were her twin who could read her like an open book. Even without the spells.
“Yes! I just miss being…bad, no rules, no people throwing microphones into your face and asking invasive questions. I just miss being me, you get it right?” Of course you understood her, you could see it from miles away.
You saw how she had been dealing with her new title as Ben’s girlfriend and soon the future Queen of Auradon. It was a lot of responsibility being thrown on her, you knew she would break soon enough.
“I get it, I do miss beating up nasty old men, stealing candies, and...” the thoughts of your girlfriend flooded all over your head. “Her…” you whispered.
“And?” Mal looked at you, confused. You’ve never told any one of your friends, even Mal about the relationship between you and Uma. Mal hated Uma and the feelings were mutual with Uma, they hated each other’s guts and honesty it was hard hiding the fact that you were dating the girl your sister used to bully.
You blinked, getting caught off guard before faking a cough. “Umm, nothing!”
Mal nodded but you knew she was still a bit suspicious but chose to let it go anyways. “I think, I’m going to go back.” Mal claimed confidently as she abruptly stood up. Not even a second later, she looked at you back with vulnerable eyes. “Should I? I don’t think I’ll be coming back and I don’t want to leave if you’re all going to be mad at me for doing so. Especially you, you’re my twin and your words means the most to me.”
You sighed, following her action. “Mal, .you’re my sister and as your sister, I say you should do whatever the hell you want. No matter what, and no matter what we will always be sisters.” you wrapped your arms around her shoulders. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”
“Thanks, I really needed that. Do you want to come with me, maybe?” Mal chuckled before punching you jokingly.
Your breath hitched, immediately thinking of Uma. You did promise that you’ll find a way to see her again.
“Thanks Mal, but I do need to return these books back to Jane first. You go a head and I’ll find you there after I’m done.” You smiled before pointing to the piles of books that laid next to you. “I’ll know where to find you.”
“Got it.” Mal nodded. “Talk to the others for me okay? They don’t know I’m leaving, at least not yet.”
“Of course, you can always count on me.”
When you arrived at your shared dorm with Evie and Mal, a freaked out Evie rushed to your side. “Yn! There you are!” She exclaimed, pulling you inside before handing over a note. “Did you know about this?”
You looked at Mal’s goodbye note before looking back at your best friend. “Of course, she talked to me right before she left.”
“And you didn’t stop her?!” Evie gasped, pulling you to sit down on your bed.
“Nope.” You replied casually before popping a few gummies into your mouth. Your table always had sweets in stock for you to munch on. You’ve never had any sugar before but after arriving at Auradon, you’ve never gone a day without them.
“I’m planning to go too, now if you’ll excuse me.” you muttered before walking past Evie to grab a notebook which you had written down all the useful spells on. Honestly, you were cursing yourself for not thinking of a way to meet her until now.
“Wait what?” Evie asked in shock before blocking your way as you were about to head out. “Well you can’t leave, not alone anyways. We need to tell Ben about this, he’ll know how to get her back.” Evie said before pulling you with her.
“Slow down Evie! She’s just giving little old home a visit and if she decides to stay there then, well we can’t do much about it!” Your voice echoed across the halls but went unheard as Evie dragged you into Ben’s office.
The next thing you know, you were pulled into the Limo with Carlos and Jay sitting beside you. The ride to the isles wasn’t too long, but you were nervous extremely nervous yet excited at the same time. You haven’t seen her in 6 months, what if she found someone else while you’re away?
Your worries never washed away, even when you bumped into Gil after landing. He was the only person in the world who knows about your relationship with Uma. How he knew didn’t happen on person.
During your second year anniversary, you and Uma had sneaked out to go on a date late at night on top of the roof of your school’s building. It was sweet and romantic but then Gil for some odd reason was there and walked in on you two making out. He swore not to tell anyone and luckily he kept his words.
“Ben, before you go in and talk to her…you need to prepare yourself for the worse outcome, alright?” You called out to Ben right before he walked up the stairs. He frowned slightly but nodded anyways.
“This is what Mal needs, no offense you’re great and I love you for her but sometimes she just needs to get back to figure things out with this side of hers…alright you can go now I won’t stall any longer.” You patted his shoulder before pushing him slightly.
“Thanks Yn, and don’t worry. Whatever Mal decides, I’ll respect it.” Ben said before rushing up the flights of stairs.
You nodded and looked back at your other best friends who all shared the same nervous looks. Not too long after, Ben came down looking devastated and ran off into the darkness. You knew that he would get lost being all by himself so you left the VKs and followed after him.
“Ben?” You called out but got left with no response, you swore he was just there a minute ago. “Ben, buddy. Is that you?” You asked once you saw a figure walking up to you.
The alleyway was dark since there were barely any light source so it was hard to identify who it was. Not too long after, you found yourself losing consciousness.
You woke up to the sound of people yelling and running around your surroundings. “Hey, Yn! Wake up!” you felt a hand nudged yours and suddenly you were finally aware of where you were. Uma’s territory.
“Ben!? Is that you? Why am I tied up? Why are we tied up? What the hell is going on?” You whispered back, squirming as you tried your hardest to get the ropes to loosen up. Of course it didn’t but it was worth a try.
“I talked to Uma who’s like the captain here, I really messed up by forgetting about the other kids who didn’t get picked” Ben replied, deeply regretful for forgetting his main goal for the future of Auradon and the kids who were punished because of the faults of their parents. “It was my goal to bring every kid to Auradon. But then I got so busy with being a King that I had forgotten about all the innocent lives out here.”
“Wait Uma was here? Never mind, don’t blame yourself. You are an amazing person and King, we’re all forever grateful that you gave us a chance to figure out who we are. And it wasn’t your fault for forgetting, you’re still a kid who became King and suddenly got handled all the responsibilities.” You had always thought of Ben like a brother and he was amazing.
Ben was different than all the other royals, he didn’t have to care but he did by bringing 5 villian kids to Auradon and giving them a chance.
Everyone was outraged, but Ben didn’t care. He wanted change, and it’s starting to happen slowly but surely. “You can always make your goal happen, it’s never too late for anything.”
“I promise the first thing I’ll do when we get back to Auradon is find a way to get more kids out of here.” Ben said in determination. After exploring the island for a while, he could see how terrible the conditions were.
“I know you will.” you replied before everything went quiet. All the pirates stopped at their places and you could hear someone untying Ben and before you knew it, Harry walked past you with Ben being pushed towards the plank.
“Boo!” Someone whispered in your ear, scaring the living soul out of you. Then you heard a laugh, the voice of the only person you’ve ever loved. Uma.
“Hey baby, did you miss me?” Uma smirked as she moved to stand right in from of you. Her hand held up next to your face as she teasingly pinched your cheek. She had always adored the way your cheeks reddened up whenever she did that.
“Do I?” You teased back, enjoying how she acted annoyed whenever you played with her but you knew that she secretly loved it. “Kidding, of course I do! Now can you please untie me?”
“I kind of like it when you’re tied up though, that way you can’t go anywhere else.” Uma replied back jokingly but you could see it in her eyes that there was some truth in that. Ever since you guys became a couple, you had never gone a day without seeing each other at least once. And ever since you got sent to Auradon, you have been apart for longer than 6 months.
“Uma, I really wish I could bring you to Auradon with me.” You said sincerely as she untied you from the pole.
Uma stopped for a moment, looking at you with a smile before leaning in. Her hands trialed from your neck to your face before pulling you in for a much needed kiss. Even after kissing her so many times, the same spark and fluttery feeing from the first one will always reappear.
The way she looked at you, the way she touched your lips, the way it made you feel like you were floating, it was everything. She was everything.
“I know, but don’t worry. You’ll be able to bring me with you after Mal gives me the fairy godmother’s wand.”
You looked at her in confusion. Uma and Mal were clearly not on good terms so why would your sister willingly do that. “What are you saying?”
Your question was left unanswered as Uma broke eye contact, her smile turning into a mischievous grin after seeing visitors stepping in her territory.
You were confused by her sudden change of demeanor before looking the same way she was heading to, Mal and your friends were there.
You knew that it would not end well, at all.
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burnorgetburned · 1 year
Homura wins by style points alone.
Anyway. Choice screenshots and my thoughts on them. Plus a few wild theories. Replies, tags, and your own reactions are VERY welcome.
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(You're doing great, sweetie!)
First of all, I’ve already said this, but Homura has usurped Kyubey. She is the contractor in this new system. She calls magical girls and asks them if they can bear the responsibility of fighting (LEAGUES better than Kyubey's misleading BE A HERO language), using a magical lizard phone. She knows better than anyone else how heavy this is.
And she looks amazing while doing it. Look at that outfit! Look at her steampunk-esque aesthetic! Her throne. Which, notably, has glowing magenta eyes and her wings as a backrest.
The moon is either actually, physically repurposed, or she’s made something that looks like it. Not only that, but the pins going into the moon are exactly like the pins that went into her soul gem when she was being experimented upon in Rebellion. Those pins, according to the artbook, are for draining her gem of grief to keep her just before the point of witching.
Well, here’s my first wild speculation: Homura has not only taken over Kyubey’s job as a contractor but also its job of disposing of grief. That moon steampunk device is maybe for collecting, concentrating, and distilling grief into energy - hence the strange tesla coils connected to red liquid in the second screenshot above. She's doing what Kyubey says it's doing - turning the grief of people into energy to prolong the universe's lifespan.
I for one support her reality-warping shenanigans.
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Here are some voices over a phone, sometimes speaking over each other, sometimes together. They call Homura “Akuma-sama” (!!!) which is a distinct upgrade from calling her Good-For-Nothing. They say “Just bring hope” like a mission statement. Are these her contracted girls? Or her Clara Dolls? They seem to show her a lot of respect.
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I’ve also said this, but I strongly feel that this and the girl shown later are some of Homura’s new contractees. Their magic is darker. It warps the world around them, even. Their outfits incorporate black a lot more, too, though that might be the lighting.
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Look at the little sigil on the top left-middle! Looks a lot like Homura’s lizard sigil shown when she was consuming the universe, just with a longer lizard.
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And, of course, the image of Madoka throwing herself off of a building. “Wraith” and “Legend of Bestie” (lmao) show up here. I’ve actually been really looking forward to seeing what they’ll do with Madoka’s… self-sacrificial tendencies, so this might be part of that. Or, because of “Wraith”, it’s… well, I’ll get to that later.
On the other hand, it might not be Madoka. It might be the girl who the speaker in the phone call calls her "best friend", jumping to her death because of a wraith, and Homura saving her to fulfill a wish.
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So glad that the insane architecture from Rebellion is making a comeback. Love what you’ve done with the place, Homura. Look at all those cranes!
The outfit changes are very cool to me. I honestly don’t have speculation for why Sayaka is covered in bandages, but I do have speculation for the changes!: they’re older. Years have passed. Since they’ve changed and grown, their outfits have changed, too. I don't have proof of this - I just like the idea.
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Light shines down on Madoka. Petals fall towards her as flowers bloom above. Behold, Homura's extremely subtle and inscrutable feelings. (Sorry for the blurry Madoka, but I am not going through the ordeal of uploading screenshots to my computer again because Tumblr does not like mobile users).
Homura is apparently waiting for Madoka here. She's standing right in the fountain's water and holding a Victorian umbrella like a vampire. Right now we can see that the visuals of this movie will not miss.
Is this a routine thing for them or is Homura just showing up to greet them this one time, for some reason? No clue. Madoka's expression as she notices Homura could indicate either.
Eagle-eyed people on Twitter noticed this, but in these shots, Sayaka already has her bandages.
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Aside from the multiple and/or teleporting Homuras, there's also a Clara Doll in a ballerina dress and a cute Clara Doll peering over the side of the tower like a little kid.
The tower is interesting. It appears to be made of books or pages, and there's chains throughout it. More notably, it's in the shape of a helix - infinity symbols on top of each other.
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Please appreciate these Clara Dolls. I'm sure they're working hard.
But seriously, those Clara Dolls' details. One has a witch's hat. One has an apple on its head. And the one with a teacup appears to have not only a lizard's tail but a replica of Homura's Devil outfit. Appreciate them!
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Here is Homura(?), lounging or trapped on a chair filled with even more of those pins. Look at her closely. She's wearing a strange combination of her magical girl outfit and her Devil outfit - her shoulders are bare, and she has... feathers? She's sitting on a bunch of nails. But she also has two soul gems - one in her hand, and one hanging from her neck.
Is she cleansing them? Eating them? Holding people hostage? I don't know, but I support her completely.
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She looks so tired.
So: here's some of what I think might be going on.
Homura is using wraiths to repress her worst memories. We know already that wraiths take memories and emotions from their victims. Well, there's no reason it can't be used as extremely terrible coping! Homura actually does this in the Wraith Arc, too - she lets a wraith take her feelings for Madoka.
If it is Madoka, it explains the shot with Madoka throwing herself off a builing - what if Homura has seen this happen in the loops, and out of pain lets a wraith pull it right out of her? The shot says "WRAITH" and billows with smoke. A wraith could have taken Madoka's form to act out this memory. And it doesn't need to be a memory - it could also represent Madoka's self-sacrifice and almost suicidal tendencies. This, too, would explain the multiple Homuras. All wraiths using her form.
This puts forward powerful enemies for the plot, as well as an interesting point of literally fighting Homura's demons. Most importantly, this lets everyone see Homura's pain.
Other wild dartboard speculations:
Homura will try and present herself as a villain. This is, honestly, kind of guaranteed, but it bears mentioning that her magical girls will be very likely to try to defend her.
Kyubey may appear to try and turn the girls against Homura.
Homura made the new magical girl who is drawing a bow. She has a lot of design choices from the Quintet, and people have already noticed how much she looks like Madoka. This new girl plays a role of the hero to Homura's pretend-villain, eliminating the risk that her friends will get seriously hurt.
The new magical girl is actually Madoka. Or the Law of Cycles. Or Kriemhild Gretchen.
The girl who jumps from the tower is a contractee being asked to take a leap of faith. She does so, and Homura rewards her with magic.
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riongeee · 3 months
I’m sorry you have sprung me back into my mild interest in Sebek. I’m sorry I have to dump my ideas here
Your recent post has reminded me of how I feel about Sebek and the Dia 3. I might be wrong, because tbh I’m not that good as social situations so if I’m wrong correct me.
So, we know that Dia3 are like a little family, so he’s always somewhat out of place. Like to me, he comes off to Lilia as a “Bauls Grandson/Silvers Friend” and Malleus as “Silvers friend/Guard.” He feels a bit different than how they treat each other.
It’s weird, as he’s, like acknowledged, but not really ever that close to the others like they are to each other.
For Lilia, it feels odd but natural, as it seems like he just really pranks him, but he does, in my opinion, acknowledge him as his own kind of dude, though their relationship isn’t really son father like Silver and Lilia, but he’s still treated (mildly-) like a friend. Like how your friends parents treat you, where they’ll take care of you but you’ll never be as close? It’s a bit weird, because someone (other Sebek Zigvolt blog) mentioned that Lilia might’ve only convinced/was convinced by the fact that Baul is his old friend and Sebek was friends with Silver, and not the fact that Sebek stood out on his own, which would suck for Sebek.
For Malleus, It’s even weirder, but the best I’ll say is it’s like a younger sibling trying to praise the older one that is his idol, even though I’m pretty sure Malleus mainly views Sebek as a guard and Silvers friend, but I can’t make a really big opinion since most interactions are just Sebek praising him. (From what I’ve seen) It just feels like Malleus is close yes, but not really, as he more or less views him as a “younger brothers friend” vibe to me.
Silver is the closest, and to me they’re like brother and younger brother. They’re close, but constantly fight, (it’s one sided lol, Sebek views him as a rival, while Silver is just like “chill.”) and it’s actually kinda sad, because it feels like Sebek tries to be better than him to prove himself, but always loses. (Expect in height. He wins that one.)
On that last point, I think (read somewhere) that he’s a late bloomer, so for some reason, I headcanonned that Sebek is so spiteful, because of Silver always coming before him. Because hear me out, Silver is a human, and Sebek is half, and they lived in a place that despised the both of them. The “shame” he must feel when the human gained his powers and abilities over him while they lived there (I’m pretty sure Silver gained his power when young) because at least Sebek is half fae, and somehow always got beaten by a human. Like imagine how much he got bullied for it over the fact that he’s probably bullied for being mixed. Poor boy.
Anyways thanks for letting me have my thoughts I’ll probably make them all in one blog post later but thanks.
P.S. His own Wiki insults him, I just want to give this guy a hug.
“A livewire who, in his zealous eagerness to be a retainer worthy of the great Malleus, often expends a great deal of energy to accomplish very little.”
Anyways thanks bye
Omg, your ideas? Beautiful. Your brain? Massive.
I swear people don't get how much I like Sebek as a character/just Sebek.
What you said sums up so much of what I think is the issue(not really but kinda) with Diasomnia dynamics.
I just want to add on a few more of my little brain worms to this. Sebek treats him being around Malleus like a job, which I think really inhibits how close he can get with Dia 3. They all see eachother as family and treat eachother accordingly, yet Sebek always mentions how he will be/is Malleus' guard.
I feel like it really sets a boundary that Diasomnia don't really try cross. Which is really interesting because there's something to be said about Sebeks insecurities on being half human and feeling less than as a result. So he subconsciously doesn't let the Dia 3 in.
As for the Dia 3 themselves, what you said pretty much sums up my thoughts too :')
Lillia is distant and only took him in due to Baul and treats him warmly but not 'family warm'.
Malleus is nice enough but as you said distanced due to their positions. Which is probably sad for Sebek to watch Silver despite also being a future guard being treated more warmly. I see Malleus as more of an 'older cousin who hangs out with the older kids instead of you' vibe idk.
Silver is nice. However, he doesn't understand what Sebek is feeling so he can't help really. The comparisons between him and Sebek must also drive a really big wedge in the potential for a closer relationship.
Overall, it leads back to the main issue in which Sebek is treated like an outsider by people who are dear to him. Exacerbated by already feeling like an outsider due to being only half fae.
Lastly, my personal closing thoughts, I really dislike when people boil down Sebeks character to 'loud, shouty dude' and say that's why he's not close to Diasomnia. (Also, the wiki insulting Sebek is actually devastating, Sebek support groups need to rectify this for the poor guy).
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katnissmellarkkk · 6 months
AN: I always see the take that Gale thought of Prim as his own family, his own sister, his own child. And I’ve just always felt like it was an exaggeration, not anything that was proven canonically. I appreciate headcanons but I feel like that one is just very widely accepted so I decided to isolate all the Prim/Gale interactions from the series to basically just put all the facts out there and let anyone decide for themselves if Gale really thought of Prim as his own flesh and blood, or if she was just the kid sister of his best friend/crush. I think it’s apparent that I’m obviously in the latter group. But I may be the only one who interprets it this way so lemme know. But don’t turn this into an argument.
Also @rosegardeninwinter encouraged this.
“Prim left us a cheese.” I pull it out.
His expression brightens at the treat. “Thank you, Prim. We’ll have a real feast.” Suddenly he falls into a Capitol accent as he mimics Effie Trinket, the maniacally upbeat woman who arrives once a year to read out the names at the reaping.
“Leave the district. Run off. Live in the woods. You and I, we could make it,” says Gale.
I don’t know how to respond. The idea is so preposterous.
“If we didn’t have so many kids,” he adds quickly.
They’re not our kids, of course. But they might as well be. Gale’s two little brothers and a sister. Prim. And you may as well throw in our mothers, too, because how would they live without us? Who would fill those mouths that are always asking for more? With both of us hunting daily, there are still nights when game has to be swapped for lard or shoelaces or wool, still nights when we go to bed with our stomachs growling.
“I never want to have kids,” I say.
“I might. If I didn’t live here,” says Gale.
“But you do,” I say, irritated.
“Forget it,” he snaps back.
The conversation feels all wrong. Leave? How could I leave Prim, who is the only person in the world I’m certain I love?
I can feel someone pulling her from my back. I turn and see Gale has lifted Prim off the ground and she’s thrashing in his arms. “Up you go, Catnip,” he says, in a voice he’s fighting to keep steady, and then he carries Prim off toward my mother.
Gale offered to carry [Lady]. I think he wanted to see the look on Prim’s face as much as I did. In a moment of complete giddiness, I bought a pink ribbon and tied it around her neck. Then we hurried back to my house.
“She’ll understand. I watched a lot of the Games with her and Prim. She won’t say no to you,” says Gale.
“Prim?” I gasp.
“She’s alive. So is your mother. I got them out in time,” he says.
He herded those he could in its direction, including my mother and Prim.
Then I hear it. The faint sound of footsteps on the stairs. “We’re coming!” I hear my sister call.
“Hold the door!” That was Gale.
“They’re coming!” I tell the guards, and they slide the doors open about a foot. But I don’t dare move — afraid they’ll lock us all out — until Prim appears, her cheeks flushed with running, hauling Buttercup. I pull her inside and Gale follows, twisting an armload of baggage.
Despite the disagreeable conditions, I’m glad to have time with my sister. My extreme preoccupation since I came here — no, since the first Games, really — has left little attention for her. I haven’t been watching over her the way I should, the way I used to. After all, it was Gale who checked our compartment, not me.
“Was it your bomb?”
“I don’t know. Neither does Beetee,” he says. “Does it matter? You’ll always be thinking about it.”
He waits for me to deny it; I want to deny it, but it’s true. Even now I can see the flash that ignites her, feel the heat of the flames. And I will never be able to separate that moment from Gale. My silence is my answer.
“That was the one thing I had going for me. Taking care of your family,” he says.
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deceitful-darlings · 1 year
I have an idea for you if you accept it... Have you heard about Welcome Home? Well, there's Wally as well as Sunny Day Jack is the protagonist of a children's show, the only difference is that Wally is a factoche (a curiosity: he eats when he blinks, very scary). Well it is if the reader finds Wally's tapes when he is with Jack. Now the poor reader has been teleported through the world of Welcome Home along with Jack, with Wally being a yandere for the reader as well, only Wally never releases the reader into the real world.
I’ve done a little research into Welcome Home, and gotta say I’m not clear on the creator’s stance on...well, anything like this. They said they don’t like ‘objectionable’ content. What does ‘objectionable’ mean? So I’m going SFW because I have no idea what they think is ok and I’m not risking writing something they don’t want posted. If anyone can link me to statements from them about a more concise view of what they do and do not want written, please do because I’m confused.
Now, Jack knows there’s something wrong with those tapes the moment he gets near them, which shouldn’t be a surprise considering he comes from one himself. He can feel that it’s not a normal tape, and he will try he best to persuade you to just get rid of them, they turned up suspiciously, can you really trust it? And you nearly do listen to him, let’s face it after how you met him you’re really not sure you want to be dealing with more supernatural entities, but when you go to throw them away or take them to a charity shop you just...can’t. Physically you can’t, like your body is being held in place, and it’s not like Jack can help since he can only touch you, so the two of you have to settle on the agreement of not ever watching them, because frankly one ghost man is more than enough for you to be dealing with.
And you mean to keep that promise, you literally have no reason to not keep it. Even if you possibly had been curious, with Jack having entered your life is similar circumstances it’s fairly easy to fight said curiosity because who knows what could happen. But...there’s something about those tapes drawing you in. Jack notices, he can see your eyes wander to them when you lose focus. He does his best to distract you and draw your eyes away from them, to keep you focused on the here and now, on him. He wants to regain as much presence as he can so that he can take those tapes away, but unfortunately he isn’t quick enough.
He goes to sort breakfast for the morning, but his gut tells him something isn’t right, and he isn’t going to ignore his instincts. That damn tape is already in the VCR, and he only just manages to grab hold of you before the world fades to black.
He’s on high alert the moment he opens his eyes, which he doesn’t show to you of course, so when you wake up and inevitably freak out over being...wherever this brightly coloured place is, he comforts you. Hugging you, telling you it’s ok and that it isn’t your fault as you realise what happened and begin to blame yourself. Did you want to put the tape in? No? Exactly! Why would he be angry at you for that? Something effected you and made you do it, it’s not your fault Sunshine! He’s just happy that he got there in time so that he’s here to keep you safe!
And it’s while he’s finishing calming you down that Wally appears, welcoming you to the neighbourhood with his ever present smile, his eyes only flash to Jack and they seem briefly shadowed, so briefly you miss it. You don’t really understand why you’re here? That’s ok! They’ll always welcome a new...he means multiple new neighbours!
Hmmmm giving you somewhere to stay is going to be hard for now, there are only so many houses in the neighbourhood after all, but don’t worry! Home will be very happy to have other occupants, he’s sure of it! It’s ok, until you settle down find a way home, you can stay with them! And they could even build you your own house-. Come inside and tell him what happened, he’ll show you around, and of course he’ll listen to you! He loves that voice of yours after all, it quickly becomes his favourite sound.
Jack, of course, goes along with you. The two are smiles and sunshine personalities at each other, neither letting their masks drop, but there’s no denying the tension between the two. The two will be subtly at odds the whole time. Wally’s happy to have a new friend? Well, you’re Jack’s ONLY friend, a very dear person to him! Jack wants the two of you to go home? It’s ok, there are lots of lovely people here who would like to meet you too, there’s no need to rush! The neighbourhood is nice? Indeed it is, but facing responsibility is part of life, and it’s ok because if you can’t face it out there then Jack can be there for you and one day be the responsible one! Of course responsibilities are important, but here responsibilities are different, and everyone is kind, surely isn’t that better for you? Maybe, but you need someone who can truly express that kindness for you, someone who clearly shows you they loves you! It’s ok, while he may not be able to show it in his face and voice, he’ll still be there for you, hug you, talk to you when you need it, just because he can’t express it well it doesn’t mean he’ll never feel it! The bickering is endless, and it’s only your presence there that means they don’t harm each other. How long that lasts, who knows, they’re a ticking time bomb.
Now here’s where things get difficult, with both the game and ARG in their early development stages, we don’t actually know the abilities of either nor their true strength and capabilities. How much control over the neighbourhood does Wally actually have? How much does Home control? What are his actual motives so why would he be particularly smitten? What are the neighbours actually like, and how would they react to a new neighbour? Of the power he has, how much control would Jack be able to exert over the neighbourhood? What even are the extent of his capabilities? Does he have his own tape that he could pull you into, thus his own world that would mean he would be more likely to want to leave than if he didn’t? Are Wally and Home actually a threat to your life?
But it’s safe the say, the two most certainly wouldn’t get along. Wally wants you to stay, Jack probably wants to leave, to be in control. But I would say while Wally has the home field advantage so he probably has more actual power in the scenario. Jack has the advantages of being able to actually express emotions sincerely and be a true comfort to you, which Wally and his lack of understanding emotion would find a serious hurdle, and that he has simply known you longer ergo has more of a connection to you, so if something happened to him, it would be difficult for Wally to play off. After all, who are you more likely to trust, the kind, sympathetic host you have known and seems to genuinely care for you, or can Wally convince you even with his dead eyes and emotional misunderstanding that he’s the more trustworthy of the two?
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sortasirius · 4 months
I’ve been kinda thinking about the finale (as if I ever do anything else) and I have a sort of theory on how it could all play out.
Most of this is spec, some of it is my writer brain, so with that what you will lmao.
With what the 911 on ABC posted on Instagram today, I think it’s fair enough to assume that the councilwoman who was the mother to that guy is about to get involved. That whole thing was kind of just brushed off, and the idea of revenge is being repeatedly being brought up (Amir, even the idea of Doug sort of enacting revenge on Chim while he’s hallucinating), along with the theme of loss and grief (Eddie’s current mess, Amir…again).
I’ve seen several theories saying that she would try to stop Hen and Karen from adopting Mara, and while I can see what they’re saying, I actually think it’s more along the lines of her preventing Hen from being interim captain.
We know something is going to happen to Bobby, with all the stills and bts in the hospital, including the one with the whiteboard that says “R. Nash” on it. And if Bobby can’t act as captain, the usual replacement is Hen, but if Hen is in the midst of this, and the entire 118 is caught up I think it’s plausible (especially with Ryan talking about how Eddie is “isolated” next season) that the councilwoman will basically fight to split them up, citing past cases and insinuating they are dangerous or unfit as a unit. The LAFD brass won’t want to get in a fight with city council and will separate them but won’t fire them. (A compromise they’ll think is good, but we know is terrible).
I personally think that Buck will be left at the 118. With Captain Gerrard. I really get the feeling that the councilwoman may know him and put him back in place there even in spite of his past.
If we think about Buck’s worst nightmare (being abandoned by those he loves) it fits perfectly. Being by himself in his house but without his family, with a new captain that he knows Hen, Chim, and Tommy hated. That’s the worst possibility for him. Throw in a potential fight with Eddie and you have the perfect storm for Buck, something that would be untenable for him long term.
Relationship-wise, I have a couple different thoughts. Either Gerrard being at the 118 brings Tommy and Buck closer together, because Tommy understands what an awful captain Gerrard is and is a shoulder to lean on for him while he has to deal with it (this is preferable and what I want lol).
Or, as much as I hate to say it, it could lead to a distance between him and Tommy, because Tommy doesn’t want to be around Gerrard (don’t blame him) and he can’t be there for Buck because he’s afraid of turning back into the person he tried so hard to escape.
And I don’t think we’d start season 8 with everyone back together. With 18 episodes (bless) they have time to draw out plotlines that they haven’t been able to this season.
If, as I fervently hope, Bobby makes a recovery from whatever happens to him, he’ll have to go through the same retraining that Buck did when he was crushed by the ladder, which would be an interesting contrast for him to be put in those shoes, maybe desperate to get back out to the field but not being cleared, Athena being worried about him the same way he was worried about her after she was attacked, all that.
I think Hen’s big conflict would be that she feels like them being separated his her fault, since she didn’t force the guy to get care. She would be okay in another house, but potentially feel like she’s starting over, just like with medical school.
For Chim, I think his biggest thing would be taken out of the 118, maybe he would be assigned to the 133 as an extra gut punch since it was Kevin’s house? I think there’s something interesting there.
And Eddie. Eddie, who is taking doppelgänger Kim out in public, while bringing his girlfriend to the medal ceremony. Something is coming here, this situation is precarious at best. I highly doubt he will still be with Marisol by the end of the season. At the same time, I don’t think he’s going to be with Kim either. With this photo, it could be that Chris finds out about Kim or something like that. If I had to guess, I would say that Eddie and Marisol are done by the end of 7x09.
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I could also potentially see Eddie being left at the 118 and Buck transferring to air support with Tommy, which could be interesting since Eddie was the one to leave last time. But for angst points, I think leaving Buck alone in his house which is suddenly no longer home, but hostile? I would eat that up.
Overall, with all those happy stills we got today, juxtaposed by the way press is talking about the screeners, I would say we’re in for a rough couple of episodes and a rough hiatus too.
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kalijhomentethi · 4 months
Headcanons: Akali Tropes I Hate
Really strong title right off the bat but there’s really no way to sugarcoat it. To be clear: My aim here isn’t to attack anyone. I got inspired by people posting headcanons in my dash and since it’s been a while since I’ve done one, I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring too! The tropes I’ll be tackling here are people’s perceptions of Akali that I’ve gathered over the years, and I just can’t stand it when I encounter them in any shape or form. They’ll mostly be about Popstar Akali because it’s what most people are interested in out of all her skins/verses since the K/DA boom. I'll also be using this post to talk about how I portray and understand Akali!
The most popular tropes I’ve seen are the following:
Stupid Akali
Fuckboy Akali
Nothing but baby Akali (derived from her being the maknae/youngest in the group)
The worst trope I've seen for her is when people portray her as an idiotic person with 1 or no braincells at all 24/7. I don't know how this became such a common characterization for her, but I hate it this pops up. It's one thing for her to be silly at times (anyone can be, really) but it's another thing entirely to constantly see her as straight up stupid. I draw the line at seeing Akali as inefficient, irresponsible, and wholly incapable of doing anything.
Akali can be silly enough to put on a shirt backwards and then take it off when she realizes. She can be silly enough to offer up an improbably idea or suggestion while being fully aware of the implications of it. She can be silly enough to distract a reporter on purpose so she can get away from an interview while grinning mischievously to herself all the while.
She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t understand basic instructions/information. She’s not stupid to the point that other people have to speak for her. She’s not stupid to the point that she’s slow to process anything. She’s not stupid to the point that others have to physically steer her from place to place. She’s not stupid to the point that she can’t do the most basic calculations in her head.
I write her doing pranks sometimes on even the most serious characters but not because she can’t realize that pissing them off would mean trouble. I write her making “corny” jokes sometimes but not because she can’t read the room. I write her stumbling over her words or even herself sometimes but not because she can't express herself and not because she's a clumsy mess.
She can be reckless when she decides to spraypaint something while knowing the cops could chase her down any moment. But whenever she wants to go out spraypainting, she's always dressed up to prevent anyone from recognizing her, she has her entry and exit points mapped out, she has it planned. So, if she does all these preparations beforehand, does she really not exercise caution? Akali knows her own limits. She also knows the streets like the back of her hand. With her being incredibly athletic, she can and will outrun and outmaneuver anyone that wanted to track her down. She does it for the thrill and refuses to let anyone restrict her creative spirit. In fact, the risk of being discovered while vandalizing property tends to be low because she's either done before anyone is tipped off or she's using an abandoned location as her canvas.
She can be overconfident when it comes to doing things she loves and knows she's good at. It won't matter if she's seen as an underdog, she's going to prove every single person that expected her to fail wrong. There's flair in everything she does because of her pride in herself. Breakdancing, rapping, art, fighting, you name it. This attitude of hers backfired many times in her life but if her pride takes a beating, she's not going to stay on the ground. If she's going up against a reigning champion, then she's going into the ring swinging. If she's in a rap battle, she won't be afraid to turn up the heat (it's how she got popular in the Music universe after all). She even makes her own diss tracks aimed at people who do her dirty.
She can be chaotic. She can come up with all sorts of crazy ideas because she thinks it'd be fun, she can write songs in not one clear-cut way and as a result have lots of scratch paper on her desk or incomplete beats/documents in her computer, and she can get side-tracked even when she was previously focusing on one task. But she is not messy to the point that her can't even organize her things, to the point that objects are strewn about everywhere. She can take care of herself.
She's not negligent. This woman can keep track of so many things at once. It's canon in the Music universe that she's still capable of wielding her weapons and you can bet she regularly and properly maintains them. Her lyrics are rewritten and polished multiple times before she thinks they're good enough. She has important dates saved in her calendar to make sure she won't forget to treat her loved ones. Whether she regularly interacts with someone or not, she still checks on them to make sure they're doing okay. She can be methodical in her approaches to some things because she puts great care into them. Her loved ones are important to her, and her weapons, lyrics, etc. are extensions of herself and are a window to her soul.
She's not tactless when she refuses to play along with an interviewer. She's just not one to stir up drama for the sake of it. She's not afraid to openly cold-shoulder someone riling her up especially when her reaction is being broadcasted live. She'll tell a reporter to back off when she doesn't like the questions she's being asked. Does she come off as rude? Yes, to those who thrive off juicy gossip. But she also has a reputation of being a no-nonsense person despite that. She shuts down anyone who insults her or anyone she's close to.
In line with this, not only can she walk the walk, but she can also talk the talk when it's worth it. She can be a smooth talker if she wants to be. She's not always the quiet type. In the ALL OUT interview, Akali was very lively while explaining how they came up with the EP and even joked around about True Damage being the reason for her "leaving" K/DA.
Although I don't completely see the ALL OUT interview as canon. Riot had to call on Shannon Arrum Williams, the voice actress of Jett from VALORANT, since she can speak both Korean and English. I don't know if that's the only reason why they didn't choose Krizia Bajos (Base Akali VA), but I want to say that although Akali and Jett are similar personality-wise, Jett comes off as more playful in contrast to Akali being more aggressive/sarcastic. Akali's songs paint her as an untouchable badass with Soyeon sounding close to Krizia, but Jett's VA just does better voicing a generally more upbeat character and I believe that played a part in how Akali was done in that interview.
Akali can be talkative and cute and excited—with the right people. Not just a random interviewer. I'm just saying that Akali's lines in the interview have been delivered a bit differently. In K/DA's interview with PopRox, Akali never willingly offers up information herself until she's prompted. She sounds much cooler and composed. In fact, Akali has the least number of lines in the article. In both the article and the All Out video though, we figure out that she's much more open to talking about her creative process.
The second worst trope for me is when people see her as a fuckboy. This commonly appears in settings where she has a complicated relationship with another person or if she has recently broken up with them. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth when this plot in general is used, not even just for Akali specifically.
There's nothing wrong with a character being sexually active. My problem is when people use this trope to portray Akali as someone who treats others with little respect, only going after them for the sake of satisfying herself/her curiosity. The pride of being able to get anyone she wants is conveniently amplified in the Popstar universe because she's rich and popular, therefore making the process easier. And this whole "get anyone she wants" thing is what's supposed to bring her a false sense of comfort or at least distract her from whatever problem she's going through. Honestly, I think a part of why this trope is so popular is because it's supposed to make Akali more attractive or charming* by building her up more as the "bad boy/girl" type.
But a character can be the "bad boy/girl" type without being in everyone's pants.
With that, I don't think Akali would be the type of person to sleep around for the sake of it. A character as standoffish as Akali wouldn't so readily take the closest person to her to the nearest bedroom, even with no strings attached. Her sense of independence is a core part of her character, it would take her forever to genuinely warm up to someone, much less come to terms with her wanting their company. And it's also how she protects herself. K/DA Akali is mellower (mainly because of the setting) compared to her Classic counterpart but even when someone is upfront with what they want with her, Akali will not shy away from shutting them down without mincing her words. I pretend this scene from the Zed comic doesn't actually exist because I write Akali as a lesbian but for this part of my post, it's a good example of being direct. She takes her vibe checks seriously. She may flirt with women she finds interesting or talk to them in a way that makes her sound like she's flirting, but it doesn't necessarily mean that she'll follow through. She can also be tough when she doesn't really want anything to do with someone but needs to talk to them. She'd be up in their face while clearly wanting to be anywhere else but there.
*I get the idea that a person that sleeps with a lot of people is someone that must be charming. Typically. But Akali can be charming without catering to the fuckboy trope. Because here's the thing: my ship partners, since the start of this blog, are all hard-to-get muses. What's hotter than a bad girl type girlfriend that only has eyes for you? A partner whose walls were broken down by one specific person? Akali knows she's a hotshot and handsome as hell, but she only wants her partner. It's a huge deal for her to be in a relationship and she won't entertain others while she's busy showering her partner with love and affection. Not to mention that she won't appreciate other people trying to get her partner's attention. Akali is protective of her loved ones, and her possessiveness can show by keeping her partner close, especially when said partner has shown disinterest in everyone else.
Credit also would have to be given to her partner because it means they showed Akali that it's worthwhile for her to stay and emotionally invest in a proper relationship.
I had some difficulty describing this without making it sound similar to the first trope. The best way I can differentiate the two is that Stupid Akali downplays her intelligence as a whole and Baby Akali downplays her maturity.
As I stated in the start of this post, this trope typically comes from Akali being the maknae of K/DA, but Akali's role in the Classic/Runeterra universe also plays a part in it. Because of her also being the youngest out of all the known Kinkou champions and her leaving Shen's tutelage, she's seen as a brat. People can't stand her indignance at Shen's teachings and they always downplay her actions as her "not knowing any better." She fights for what she believes in and if it ends up with her not quite making as big of an impact as she hoped, then people roll their eyes at her.
Maybe people are expecting her to be an anime MC or something since she's already a ninja complete with an arsenal of weapons and the N.aruto run, but the point of her character is that she's been forced to stick to the shadows and watch as everything is taken from her and everyone around her. She is tired of doing nothing when she can help. She may not always know the best solution to every single problem, but that doesn't change the fact that she wants to do something. Serial killer Jhin is right in front of her after she was held hostage by him? Time to punch him in the face, beat him to the ground, and shoot him with his own gun. Giant tree guardian uproots itself with the aim to kill a Noxian kid? Her principles pull her into attacking the guardian even when she herself was going to teach the Noxian a lesson prior to finding out he was a kid. Undead behemoth 4x her size leading an army to rampage across Ionia? You can bet Akali's going headfirst into the fight and making sure Sion gets a taste of her steel.
Now you may be thinking, why does Akali tend to default to violent solutions? Because she refuses to fall back into the trap of passiveness disguised as something good for the sake of balance. She doesn't go for violent solutions because she's a bloodthirsty brute.
"It's not the killing I'm about — it's the cause." - Akali, long move in game.
Her line of thinking does not always work in her favor because the very land she lives in operates under that same concept of balance she walked away from. If it's not other people that are getting in her way of doing things (e.g. Shen and Zed when she wanted to kill Jhin in the Zed comics), then Ionia will force her into the back foot, evident in the way she handled the Tree Guardian in the LoR cinematic. Now, I'm not saying the people that tend to this balance, such as Shen, have no wisdom. It's just that Akali has been exposed to the horrible effects of having to enforce that balance, as stated in her biography. And it doesn't help that the ones that could've helped her deal with these feelings are either missing/probably dead (her father), busy at times (Shen and Kennen), or clearly don't like her (her mother).
But Akali’s soul was restless, and her eyes were open. Though the Kinkou and the Order of Shadow had come to an uneasy accord in the wake of the Noxian invasion of Ionia, she saw that her homeland continued to suffer. She questioned whether they were truly fulfilling their purpose. Pruning the Tree was meant to eliminate those who threatened the sacred balance... yet Shen would always urge restraint. - Excerpt from Akali's champion biography.
In the LoR cinematic, when Shen tells her how to calm the Tree Guardian down, her first instinct isn't to figure out how balance can be restored. No, her first course of action is to throw herself into danger, insisting that saving a person's life is more important than upholding the rules that govern the land.
"Can't we just bend the rules? He's a kid!" - Akali, in reply to Shen in the LoR cinematic.
She has strong complicated feelings about Ionia's balance. Hearing her in-game voicelines, it's obvious that she's fueled by this sense of justice, hellbent on avenging those she failed to protect, and wanting nothing to do with the Kinkou. She even goes as far as outright mocking the fundamental principles of the Kinkou. Except you can also look at this voiceline beyond something as simple as showing disagreement with the Kinkou. What was the reason for Akali turning rogue again? She saw countless Ionians fall to the Noxians. Why can't the Ionians be the people still living and breathing after the invasion? She is not willing to let go of what she endured during her time with the Kinkou.
"You're dead, I'm alive. See? Balance!" - Akali, killing a champion in game.
Akali being so happy at the end of the cinematic is so bittersweet because in this instance of restoring balance, nobody had to die. One life was saved (the kid's), and another was made better (Shen casting a spell on the shrine protector that turned it into a bigger tree), for the lack of a better term. Of course, one can argue that technically the lives of the trees the kid cut down were still lost. The important thing in this cinematic is that Akali knows she did everything in her power to prevent casualties.
K/DA Akali with the Baby Akali trope is treated with more "affection" but in such a way that's essentially exaggerated babying to the point that some people border on infantilizing her. I say "affection" because I get that people want cute scenarios where other characters spoil Akali but sometimes it's overdone and paints a picture of a useless Akali. And to clarify, I'm not against muses spoiling or being affectionate with Akali. I'm pointing out here that this trope stems from how people overemphasize the babying and then it would seem that Akali relies on being treated like a child. Of course, this trope can pop up even without the active enabling from other characters. She is not a ramyun guzzling gamer with a horrible sleep schedule. She is not a gremlin that hides in her room while her bandmates stock her up with her daily dose of ramyun.
She has her likes and dislikes like any other person, but I hate it when people condense a character into a fragment of what they really are because they choose to only emphasize certain likes and dislikes. I'm sure she does love playing video games and I see it as a way for her to bond with friends, who may or may not be good in the same games as her. She does love spicy ramyun, as stated in the 8 facts part of her profile, but that is not her entire personality.
In a way, this trope loosely connected to the Stupid Akali trope. This trope doesn't appear as often as the first two but it's still annoying when I do see it. It's honestly insane how the same trope can have such contrasting perceptions on the same person, just in different settings.
I think Akali's main character traits make these tropes nonsensical. She's quick-witted, independent, and strong-willed. Not to mention that the tropes come from people overdoing something until it turns into a tasteless characterization of Akali.
After all this though, I'm not saying that my portrayal of Akali is perfect. There are times when I'm indecisive with how I want certain things to happen or when I'm unsure with how I want Akali to talk back to someone. I suppose aside from taking the opportunity to talk about how Akali can be mischaracterized and how I write her, another point I wanted to make through this post is that I hope people don't come to my Akali talking in a way that's influenced by perceptions such as the ones stated above.
I hold Akali dear to me, having written her for years already. I do not appreciate it when her character is misconstrued, and an interaction is based on an out-of-scope idea (not related to lore, existing headcanons, relevant plot, and the like). Fictional character or not, we're all on this platform roleplaying for a reason.
And that's all for this post! :) Thank you for reading all the way through, I hope everyone has a nice day ❤️
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shiny-jr · 2 years
Shiny speculations, I guess. So, ever since being spoiled for events in chapter seven, I’ve had a theory/thought but I’ve yet to see anyone talk about it so I’m gonna throw in my two cents. Obviously, spoilers for chapter seven: diasomnia!
We know that Malleus already snapped, went into overblot, and placed everyone to sleep, right? Well, I saw this theory floating around about how there’s a chance that we might see the dreams of the students, the dorm leaders specifically. And in those dreams, they’ll be happy. For example, Riddle might dream of a life where his mother wasn’t so strict and controlling. Leona might dream of a life where he was deemed just as or more important than his elder brother. Azul might dream of a life where he wasn’t bullied. Etcetra. 
Now, my idea/theory includes taking this a step further with the previously mentioned theory. What if those cursed did have those happy dreams, but Malleus appeared in them? Let me explain. In each chapter, we learn more about the character before the final fight. If the chapter is mainly about Yuu/others trying to resolve the curse, how will we learn about Malleus? I think this theory/idea I had is the perfect solution for that. 
To be more specific about my thoughts, let’s put it like this. Each student has their good dreams (like detailed a bit above), Malleus appears in them and tries to befriend each person in their dreams. It’s much easier because it’s a dream, and his whole issue is about his lack of friends or rather his lack of ability when it comes to befriending others. This lack of friends thing is reinforced after I heard that in a new scene in one of the cards, Malleus crushes Lilia’s phone after seeing a picture of Lilia with the other dorm leaders at yet another meeting he wasn’t invited to. Malleus obviously wants to be included, and these dreams he’s creating can make those bonds and friendships he craves into a reality (sort of, since it is still just a dream, but perhaps a reality to him). 
ADDITIONALLY. We know that Malleus’ overblot was triggered by Lilia revealing that he was dying(?)/leaving, followed by Yuu also mentioning their own leave. Two of his only companions would soon be gone. Now, imagine that somehow, someway, if characters and the dorm leaders are to be awakened individually, it pains Malleus each time. Because in those dreams they had, he might’ve actually became their friend. But once that dream is over and the characters are saved/awakened, that dream is shattered and in a way another friend is “gone.” Kind of like Lilia and Yuu, what triggered everything in the first place. So each time someone wakes up, it breaks Malleus every time because he’s reminded of that and to him it means another precious friend is leaving him.
Or something. Thoughts, ya know.
Reminder: as always, if you want to talk about this in the inbox, make sure to add a spoiler warning for others to avoid them if they wish!
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lordamaranthus · 7 months
I’m trying to reign in my excitement for the Pokemon legends Z-A game since it’s coming out next year
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I made a bingo prediction sheet. A large chunk of these are just things people have been speculating/hoping for, some are things I want, a few are things I do not want, and a few of them purposefully contradict each other
With some long winded, too detailed explanations for most of them under the read more :]
[These are just for fun, and purely speculation/hopes]
Mega Charizard Z: [/hj] For the love of fucking god GF I do not want to see this lizard anymore. I know you’re obsessed with him. I wish to be free.
Kalos Starters/Random Mix of Starters: I feel like even though we had a random mix in the first Legends game, it’s not a guarantee that they’ll be doing the same for this one; I think it’d be cooler to finally give the main three Megas instead, but I wouldn’t complain if it did end up being a random selection
Tera Raids of the box legendaries in SV: They were skipped over when they brought the older legendaries in the dlc; please, I would like to see my children again
[Fade to Black, SFX, Fade back in]: Since you’re giving the game an extra year and not forcing the Devs to spew out the game as fast as possible, that means we’re getting a little bit better animations, right?
Set in the Future/Past: I’ve seen a lot of people go back and forth over this because of the crumbs we were given, so I figured I’d put both on here so I could win either way 💅💅
Megas are the next Nobles: I’m just going on a whim since this is only our second Legends game, so who actually knows what the plot points are going to be
Slightly Cleaner Art Style/Exact Same Art Style: This is another one I’m personally hoping for, I did really like the way the last one looked, but some things were a bit weird to me, like the light purple shadows on everything. When the trailer comes out I’ll be changing this card once I have my answer
AZ. In general.: I just wanna know more about him. Crumbs, even. Gimme info on that weird ass tall fucker.
New Megas: This is gonna be a free space, and immmm really hoping it is a guaranteed free space
Ultimate Weapon Plot Point: The emotions I felt coursing through my pre-teen body when the weapon fucking rose from the ground and knocked over several houses? Gimme that but multiply it.
More Lore of the War: Kind of a filler space, but also I thought it sounded funny when I typed it out
Emmet in Paris/Ingo: A lot of people immediately jumped to the conclusion that it would be Emmet becoming French for this game, but I’ve seen a few arguments[jokingly] for Ingo, so I’m covering my bases and putting both on here. I’m not getting my own hopes up, I’m going to assume neither are in the game juuust in case
New forms for the legendaries: I am a Gen 6-er who’s starving for crumbs. I never see my legendaries anywhere. I think Megas would be fuckin badass but honestly I’ll take a singular grain of anything
Xerneas and Yveltal fighting: God of Peace vs God of Destruction, fighting? Unheard of. Revolutionary story idea. I’d eat it up.
Diantha’s Ancestor: We got to see one champions ancestor, let’s see another’s :D However. They must be fashionable. This is non-negotiable.
Mega Mewtwo Z: Exact same as Charizard, I feel like if you give one a mega you’re obligated to give the other one as well, or else people will complain or question it too much. I put them in the same column because I feel confident that you can’t have one without the other
Volo: A lot of people are speculating this because he says some stuff after you fight him, and while I would definitely prefer to have a different antagonist for this game I wouldn’t really complain about it either
New Legendary/Returning Mythicals: Maybe a new one kinda like how we got Enamorous, but im mostly hoping that the mythicals come back for this game because I’m trying to have a living Dex in Pokemon Home and I have NONE of the mythicals. Like at all. I am not selling my soul to get them
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satoruin · 2 years
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you have selected — HOST TARTAGLIA
if you would like to select a different host, please refer to our host roster located here
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the teyvat host club event is based on the animanga ouran high school host club! these hcs are about genshin characters as hosts within teyvat high school
notes from lee: scrunkly is getting a rerun so i did his event hc’s first! i’ve been lowk struggling to make ideas for all of the guys but it’s ok 👍 ty for supporting me and more of the ohshc au event hc’s to come!
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tartaglia joined the host club his first year at teyvat mostly due to a misunderstanding
he thought that host club meant something about fighting and hosting fights so he blindly joined
he hated it to say the least
but his papers to switch clubs got denied and he was stuck being a part of the host club
and then the benefactor funding his tuition told him that it would be a good opportunity to get to know others his age and to make connections
so he grins and bears it, putting on his charming personality that everyone loves
it’s not until the second semester that he finds himself not pretending anymore and that he actually has started to like some of the members
the other host club members are also very talented and educated even in martial arts so it has given him several new opponents and butt kickings
so as of now he sort of enjoys it but don’t tell the other members, they’ll call him sappy
childe is a surprisingly popular host within the club
it’s not unusual to see several guests at his table hanging onto his every word
tartaglia prefers to go by childe when he’s actively entertaining guests
when he has smaller sessions, he’s even more charming
he’s gotten pretty good at remembering names
but it was only after he messed up pretty bad and then had to beg for the guest roster
loves to fluster guests
he’ll come out of nowhere and start holding hand with you or surprise you with a kiss on the cheek
would make cheesy jokes like how you shared an indirect kiss after he stole your drink
overall, childe is a big BIG flirt, he just loves seeing other people flustered faces and actions
BUT if you manage to turn the tables on him and fluster him…
he gets the cutest blush that turns his ears red and accentuates his freckled cheeks
he also tries to deny that he’s blushing
OMG he makes you feed him and then he’ll bite your finger and tell you that you taste even sweeter than whatever you fed him
has probably beat someone up on school grounds
idk why he would but it’s definitely out of jealousy or protecting his or someone else’s pride
his benefactor (the fatui) definitely sponsors the school in some way so he doesn’t get in too much trouble
most likely a slap on the wrist and that’s why he keeps doing it
but it creates this bad boy with a soft side persona that he absolutely embraces
talks about his family a lot and how he wants to visit them more often
probably brought teucer in one time and EVERYONE fawned over their relationship
since he really likes you and teucer took a liking to you when he was there childe invites you to meet his family over a break
also because he likes you, he leaves little gifts on your desk
it’s always from a secret admirer (bc he’s not supposed to show favoritism as a host) but you know it’s from childe
he’s the only one that would give you a narwhal keychain
if you did start dating, which would have to be kept a secret to his guests, he would still do cheesy simp stuff
like pull you around the corner to give you a goodbye kiss in secret
or tell you the worst pickup lines in existence
but it’s endearing in a way that makes you roll your eyes and smile
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noctuascion · 10 months
i have been doing very important research about a specific HC from izbubbles on twitter and nicktoonsunite on tumblr about danny having episodes where he’ll bleed ectoplasm ( usually in the form of vomiting ) and i’d been wanting to do a take on this HC for awhile now, but i wanted to make sure i was educated enough before doing so. so i spent all day yesterday researching both actual blood disorders and also paranormal ectoplasm. hurray me.
and i haven’t actually posted anything on this acc in literal ages, but i wanted to share it just in case the DP fandom was at all interested in what i have to offer. it’s not all 100% factual, but it’s a series where a guy can turn into a ghost whenever he wants. cut me some slack on inconsistencies or stuff that’s just blatantly incorrect.
anyway, enough dilly dallying. izzy’s original HC is pretty straightforward: danny can get a build-up of ectoplasm when he doesn’t transform for awhile and will have episodes where he vomits up the excess, and while i’m not opposed to that, i don’t want to outright copy their neat idea. so, i’ve actually made up two different terms for my danny HC: “ghost hemophilia” and “ghost anemia,” essentially copying the naming scheme of ghost acne.
however, before i can get into that, i want to talk about how i think ectoplasm could possibly work in the DP universe.
now, it acts an awful lot like human blood does, but obviously ghosts don’t really need to have blood like humans do. ectoplasm, in the paranormal sense, is what allows ghosts to interact with the physical world. in the DP universe, i think ectoplasm does just that, but if they run out of it, then they’ll be unable to interact with the physical world ( “ghost anemia” would be the term used here; essentially it’s just a ghost’s lack of ectoplasm causing them issues in interacting with the physical world: they still can, but they’ll become intangible at random intervals ).
now we’ll move onto plasma, which is the liquid part of our blood. it’s where our red and white blood cells and platelets are, and i think it would work similarly in ghosts, though it holds the components that allow ghosts to interact with the physical world instead ( and in danny’s case, probably red and white blood cells and platelets as well, seeing as he’s still capable of getting sick, but he’s also just a biological mystery in general, so take that with a grain of salt ). a deficiency in plasma causes hemophilia, and hemophilia causes copious amounts of bleeding from even minor wounds due to a deficiency in platelets being unable to clot the wound. a deficiency in plasma in ghosts could cause “ghost hemophilia,” which then could cause “ghost anemia.”
tl;dr plasma deficiency in ghosts causes “ghost hemophilia,” which causes any minor wounds sustained to excessively bleed, and thus causes “ghost anemia,” which makes it difficult for ghosts to remain tangible.
plasma ( paranormal ): keeps together all of the components allowing ghosts to remain tangible.
ghost hemophilia: excessive leaks in ectoplasm from wounds.
ghost anemia: an occurrence where a ghost will struggle to remain tangible when there is a deficiency in ectoplasm.
ectoplasm: a ghost’s “blood.” allows the ghost to remain tangible in the human world.
i think i’ve simplified the terms best as i can! what does this mean for danny, though? since he has both human and ghost DNA? well, this is the rocky part, since danny is such a biological discrepancy, but with the ghost acne episode, i’m lead to believe that half-ghosts are able to have one issue in one form but not the other ( that example being vlad having ghost acne as a human but not as a ghost ).
danny having a plasma deficiency could be caused by transforming too quickly after fights and not allowing his ghost form to fully recover the lost ectoplasm, causing that plasma deficiency, which will then domino into the other ectoplasm disorders i’ve explained! so, what does that mean for danny’s human form? well, while vlad had ghost acne as a human, it still affected his ghost form to a certain degree, i.e. making him weaker. ghost acne is lethal, however, and ghost hemophilia and anemia are not ( at least not to a ghost they aren’t ). danny’s ghost form having ghost hemophilia can cause sudden bleeding from different orifices in human danny’s body ( eyes, nose, ears, mouth ) and while harmless on its own, it is a very notable issue, because when he transforms again, he’ll struggle to remain tangible. if it’s an especially bad episode, he could completely bleed out and experience “second death,” which is essentially a ghost becoming completely unable to interact with the physical world, only heard through speech.
because danny is such an oddity, i want to say having an episode where ectoplasm bleeds into his human form will force a transformation and give him an episode i haven’t actually named just yet ( i’m thinking maybe “ghost down” ). his physical body will become more or less a “husk” and still excrete ectoplasm. because of a forced transformation, it will cause what looks like a complete freak out and like danny’s in pain when he’s actually not; he actually can’t feel anything, which emulates a “second death” but isn’t actually what’s occurring. he doesn’t reach second death until his ectoplasm is completely gone and he starts fading through things.
i’ll try to explain it in more simple terms, just in case i lost the plot a little there: if danny doesn’t let his ghost form recover lost ectoplasm, then he will have a “ghost down,” caused by a plasma deficiency that triggers ghost hemophilia and anemia. if he has a ghost down, he goes into an almost comatose state where he’ll continuously lose ectoplasm until he experiences second death and start fazing through things.
now, how does danny recover ectoplasm? his body will naturally do so. because ghosts are still sort of an enigma in the scientific world of DP, that means the knowledge they have on them is pretty limited, so unless i start coming up with things the fentons could potentially do, i’ll just say his body will naturally recover it. how to keep him contained when he’s experiencing ghost down? well, we’ve seen numerous occasions where ghosts have been locked down with anti-tangible equipment, danny himself included. the fentons ( since they know his identity by the end of the series ) could possibly make something specifically for danny when he has a ghost down. sort of like a containment area where ghosts can’t faze through it. sorta like the cage we saw during one of the dani episodes, i believe. the one jack got stuck in, actually.
when ghost down occurs, danny just sorta has to ride it out in the containment area, and the chance of experiencing second death is high but not always guaranteed.
i think i’ve mostly gotten everything i wanted to write out here??? obviously forgive any inconsistencies or things that don’t make sense. i have more where i have most of this stuff written down and thought through, but i did eventually start thinking of things as of writing this post. i’ll probably write a fic about this in the future honestly?? i’m not sure. i haven’t written one of those in literal ages. feel free to share any opinions you might have about this and whatnot. i’m not the most brilliant of writers, but hopefully some of this is of interest to some of you. peace. ♡
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theredhairedmonkey · 6 months
I’m curious on your thoughts I’ve seen from a certain side of the tdp fandom. The idea that Callum hasn’t lived up to his duty as Ezran’s protector. (This being what was in narrows letter) and eventually they’ll have a big fight stemming from this. Personally I’m not against seeing Ezran and Callum have a moment where they’re at odds..but I don’t like this narrative that callum hasn’t been there for Ezran or something …thoughts?
I'm generally with you, nonny. Not opposed in principle to Ezran and Callum having a disagreement, but the way that this headcanon seems to come seems to not stand much against scrutiny.
The version I've heard is that either Callum isn't fulfilling his duties as a protector, or that Ezran merely feels/thinks that Callum hasn't been fulfilling his duties as a protector. Doesn't matter much since this is wrong on both counts.
I noticed on reddit someone who saw 6x01 elaborating on their dynamic, and it's quite clear they're a unit even when they don't agree on everything.
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"they are an actual team" // "they are communicating effectively"
We have 5 seasons +1 episode of show, and there is not a single scene - not a one - where Ezran is suggesting that he even thinks that Callum is falling short of his duties.
As for whether post-timeskip Callum is fulfilling his duties as Ezran's protector? Here are the receipts:
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So in short no, Ezran doesn't think Callum is failing in his duties, nor is Callum actually failing in that regard. Nor do I think (as has also come up with this argument) that Runaan is going to wind up being a sticking point between them - remember, Callum really doesn't like Runaan. At all. But he doesn't have to like him in order to think that he doesn't deserve to be trapped for all eternity in a coin (and even then he also seems to specify that he's doing this for Rayla's parents, not Rayla's family). Now, does anyone seriously think that Ezran - moral paragon Ezran - is going to vehemently disagree with that sentiment? Even in (justifiable) anger, Ezran has never been that pointlessly cruel, which really shows how far this headcanon has to reach.
And that leads to another question: where are all of these "angsty" headcanons coming from? Because this is like headcanon #10 that is centered entirely on the perception or implication that Callum is being incredibly shitty to everyone except Rayla. First there as "Callum doesn't return to Katolis" Then "Callum dooms the world for Rayla." Then "Callum only cares about his inner circle" and "Harrow, Soren, and Amaya somehow aren't in his inner circle" and "Ezran is barely in Callum's inner circle."
In totality, this reads less like a desire for some angst and more like a really pointed depiction of Callum as being nothing more or less than an extension of whatever Rayla wants or needs.
So whichever side of the tdp fandom these headcanons are coming from, it's pretty clear what they want, and it's not just angst...
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try-set-me-on-fire · 7 months
HELLO may i ask about hair matted with blood and/or barely conscious please 🫶🫶🫶
Ooh challenge mode right out the gate, I haven’t thought of anything for these two yet…. I’ll ramble under the cut
For hair matted with blood I could write out the little further story idea I had for after the main events of going water and the gone, because I love to start planning sequels for things I haven’t finished yet. It would be: Eddie’s not back at work yet due to the injuries he sustained in the main fic, and he and Buck are both kind of stressed out about it and also just emotions are high in general as they continue to deal with everything they’re feeling about him having been presumed dead for a few days. The 118 is called out to bar fight and in the course of sorting it out somebody smashes a glass over Buck’s head. And it’s not just Buck and Eddie who are feeling thrown off by Eddie’s stint in the grave, everyone’s on edge these days and this is the first major injury the’ve had since, so Hen and Chim and Bobby are kind of freaking out a bit and Buck ends up snapping at them to be professional. He has to go get some stitches, Bobby stays with him and takes him home after. Buck doesn’t call Eddie, he’s stressed that this happened, doesn’t want to worry him. Tired from a long day (a long several weeks at this point) he falls asleep in the car. Swap to Eddie pov at the house, he’s terrified when Bobby is at the door alone but Bobby just wanted to explain things before Eddie saw Buck’s cut up face, assures him he’s fine he’s right in the car. Eddie goes to wake him up and coax him out of the car, Buck tries to hold his head so Eddie can’t see the wounds but Eddie gently turns his face, kisses carefully between all the stitches. I feel like I had some sort of ending to this that I’m not remembering right now… I dunno! Just hitting them while they’re down asdfgh they’ll cuddle about it kind of sadly, probably. But I also have a few other story ideas for this au (at least one of them almost entirely happy! They go camping!), so i might put this in a compilation of those and have to come up with some other idea. We’ll see!
For barely conscious I know I’ve touched on it a few times already but I just love to think about Bobby sitting with Buck immediately post coma, where he’s still out of it and kind of incoherent and worrying about Bobby as Bobby worries about him. So maybe just that again…. Or maybe Buck will be sick or hurt some other time and Bobby is taking care of him? Hm I have been thinking about how fucked up Buck’s lungs are after all the damage he’s dealt them over the years, maybe he gets a cold that just gets nasty because of that, and Eddie is I dunno in Texas or something so Bobby’s taking care of him. I’ll keep thinking on it!
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dearreader · 20 days
since my antidepressants are working i’ve develop the ability to hypetfixate again! so yall get to enjoy my royai moments im thinking of for my gravity falls au!
royai moments in my gravity falls au:
roy and riza grow up together in gravity falls. i’m thinking roy ends up studying there for similar reasons to my in series headcanon. his aunt wanted him to get out of the city and she has connections with grumman who tells her about berthold hawkeye. roy ends up going there in the summer as part of a summer program and then again in the winter. he then eventually ends up living there year round and studying with the hawkeyes. riza and him develop a friendship over the years and eventually a crush on each other.
because berthold is working with bill cipher he ends up spying on them. one night roy is calling back to home and talking to mae’s hughes. he says he doesn’t know how to flirt with riza and needs help. hughes says he should as his aunt but roy says “over my dead body”. cipher then enters his dreams and says he’s helping master hawkeye with his research and saw he needed help. cipher then gives him dating tips, they’re all terrible as he’s trying to get roy out of the house because he knows he’s smart enough to see through him. riza finds it funny and awkward so it has the opposite affect bill wants. this comes to a head when they kiss. cipher knows he has to get rid of roy.
cipher invades his dreams that night. he shows him a vision of the future where riza is killed by him staying. cipher says either he stays and gets her killed or he leaves and saves her. roy then buys a bus ticket home and leaves the next day, he doesn’t tell riza why. riza is a distraught and hurt, cipher uses this to his advantage and gains her trust.
roy eventually comes back for her fathers funeral. she pulls him aside and asks him to burn her back, which now has this:
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roy is terrified and riza fills him in on what’s happened since he’s been gone, vaguely. riza asks him to bury her fathers research far away and never return. roy is angry and they fight. while fighting riza is accidentally pushed up against the portal and her backs burned, while roy’s checks on her the portal activates. riza sees this and pushes roy out of the way before he can be sucked in. she ends up being sucked in. it’s similar to the vision bill showed him, giving him terrible guilt.
roy starts living at the hawkeyes house and poses as his family member, no one second guess it because berthold was reclusive and they think roy was his son (assume riza was someone not related because berthold liked roy more). he works in secret rebuilding the portal and trying to figure out how to bring riza home. one summer riza’s uncle, hohenheim, asks him to watch his kids while he and trisha travel. roy try’s to say no but loses to trisha. he then spends the summer with ed and al.
after riza is brought back they both fight and it’s clear their friendship is on shaky ground. because of this al decides he is going to make them friends again. ed is strongly against this because he doesn’t want to get involved in whatever they have going on. al eventually convinces him and they decide to do the parent trap with them. this is how ed and al find out more about roy and rizas childhood. once both ed and al find out roy left right after riza and him kissed they both decide they have to get HIM to apologize. the plan works somewhat but it doesn’t completely rebuild their friendship, but they’re not fighting and on somewhat better terms. mainly they’ll be in the same room together without fighting.
their relationship builds more over the following weeks, much to bill ciphers dismay as he’s watching them still. (my ideal relationship for billford is a toxic homoerotic friendship solely on bills side without ford knowing bill has romantic feels for him and for thinking he’s so smart and cool. i want this idea carried over to this au by having bill be fucking pissed and jealous because of riza liking roy.)
one day while ed and al are looking for something to do they stumble across DnD, they decide to try and play it with only ed liking the game. when riza and roy find both of them roy is excited, he’s been looking for the box for years, and riza audibly groans. al gets roy to take his place so he can help riza with something, they both just want an out from playing. ed and roy both start playing and start to get along. roy finds a random dice in rizas stuff and decides to use it because they lost their 32 sided dice. this ends up summoning a wizard cause it’s the infinite sided dice. now riza and al have to save them by playing the game with the wizard and they’re both annoyed. after ed and roy are safe the four of them play together. (while they’re playing roy rolls the 32 sided dice between his fingers and riza finds it really hot and no one notices except roy who’s confused why she’s looking at him so intently.)
that’s about how far i’ve gotten. i’ll update as more ideas come to mind
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