#it’s the way he says “if you wanna take another swing…go ahead. if that’ll make you feel better” in such soft almost loving voice
Hiii!!! Omg I loved Kindness Isn't Spineless!! Would you be willing to do a part 3?? Where reader and the crew are visiting an island and run into readers ex? Since they ex was toxic/abusive, reader obviously feels afraid. How would Luffy and the crew react? Luffy comforting reader? I hope you’re well <33
Hey so I went totally overboard hope that's alright. I ended up making this way too long and I have a book report to do so I'll make this the 3rd part and the next one will be the last part cuz I don't wanna dwell on this too long. Hope that's good.
Kindness Isn't Spineless
Luffy x Gn!Reader. Lots of fluff, the strawhats are here too. Happiness all around. TW: small allusion to abusive ex relationship, reader gets anxious. 2,820~ words.
part one | part two
“Luffy wait!” You call out to the rubber man as he drags you by the hand happily off of the ship, excited to see a new island. It’s tuckering you out, especially when you’re drowsy from the heat. You try to stop him by standing still, but his arm just stretches as he runs ahead of you. It’s only when it drags you back to him that he realizes what happened, managing to catch you before you slammed into him.
“Woah! Hey you’re being so slow!” He says, putting you down onto your feet.
“I’m trying to be energetic but the nap I took outside ended up just making me sleepier.” You respond, sighing.
“Want me to carry you?” He grins and holds his arms out. You consider that option before shaking your head.
“No, I need to walk around to get rid of the drowsiness anyway.” After declining Luffy nods and almost immediately runs off again, stopping when you squeeze his hand. “Luffy…” You say, your voice stern, and he pouts.
“Sorry…” He doesn’t like being scolded, but listens. It’s not so bad walking like this either, holding hands as he swings them happily. He saved up some allowance so he’s excited to see the kind of food they have here, his eyes shining at the thought. It makes him want to run again but he settles when he sees you looking around.
“It’s pretty here. I know maybe not that different from other islands we’ve been to but they have decorations up. Is there a festival?” You pull Luffy to one of the stalls, buying him an apple to munch on while you ask the stall owner a few questions. As it turns out, there is indeed a festival. It’s why there were other big ships at the dock, people are visiting from other islands to celebrate. “Luffy did you hear that?” You turn to your boyfriend, who nods his head with his cheeks full of apple. He chews a few times before swallowing and licking juice from his lips.
“Festival, right? That’s why they have all the stuff up?” Wow he was actually listening. You give him a kiss on the cheek, earning a “Shi shi shi.” of a happy Luffy. The stall owner mentions that there'll be fireworks too, and even games to play.
“A lot of stall owners are going to be selling food too, which is my personal favorite.” The owner says and Luffy’s eyes light up, looking at you in excitement.
“We’re staying for the festival, Luffy. I doubt the others would want to miss it either. From what the owner said there’s some historic significance to it, we should tell Robin that when we see her.” Luffy seems uninterested until you add “She’ll be happy.” and then he seems more interested.
“Let’s go find her!” He yells, quickly grabbing another apple before he drags you away. He backtracks for a quick second to pay and then you both are actually off, Luffy picking you up and running around looking for your crewmates to give the news. You find Zoro and Nami, Nami seems interested.
“Ooo a festival, yeah we’ll stay.” The prospect of wearing cute clothes and walking around in pretty scenery is appealing to her, especially when she thinks of all the rich bastards that’ll probably come. “Huhuhu.. I’m not giving you more allowance for the festival though, spend it wisely. Unless you want to take out a loan, of course~” She says with a sly smile.
“Crazy woman.” Zoro mumbles and she tugs his ear. “Ow!” They bicker a bit but Zoro also agrees. The festival itself is okay, but the real thing that interests him is the festive alcohol.
“I’m a crazy woman for wanting money but focusing on only alcohol in a beautiful festival is sane?” Nami asks with a scoff and Zoro scowls.
“Okay let's find the others!” Luffy says quickly, picking you back up and running off after waving bye to Nami and Zoro. You find Chopper and Usopp next.
“Festival? Yeah I heard about it, my great great great grandfather actually held the first festival of this island. I even have an ancient relic of the past-” Usopp starts and you cover his mouth before he starts rambling, you’ll take that as a yes.
“What about you Chopper?” You ask the small reindeer and he nods.
“Sounds super fun!” He says excitedly, hopping a little. “They’ll have cotton candy too, right?” You nod and he hops more. “Then let’s stay! I’ll go buy all the things I need before they close up shop for the festival!” With that, the little reindeer runs off with Usopp.
You find Brook and Jinbe next, people glancing at the sight of a huge fishman and a skeleton just sitting drinking tea. “Yohoho, a festival? I agree, what about you Jinbe-san?” Brook turns to Jinbe.
“I agree as well, festivals are always a nice thing to celebrate; especially with friends.” He says with a smile.
“Very wise, Jinbe-san.” Brook says, taking a sip of his tea. “Thinking of spending time with friends at a festival... it brings a tear to my eye, not that I have one! Yohohoho!” Him and Jinbe laugh at his joke, you two leaving after saying bye.
“We already got majority vote, can we go eat now?” Luffy asks as you two actually walk around normally this time.
“True, but this is fun, isn’t it? Telling news to the crew. Plus, didn’t you hear what Nami said? We gotta spend our money wisely. Saving it for the festival food sounds way better.” You tell Luffy and he pouts a little, then grins.
“Okay! And yeah, this is fun!” He says, quickly hugging you. You hug him back, then go back on your festival informant mission. Franky stayed on the Sunny, he didn’t need to buy anything and instead took the chance to look over the Sunny while protecting it. There are a lot of other ships around after all, there’s no telling if one of them is hostile and tries something. “FRANKKYYYY!!!” Luffy yells from the dock up to the ship. A few moments and the cyborg replies.
“Yeah!?” He yells back and Luffy wraps one arm around you, stretching the other to grab onto the Sunny. It launches you both up and onto the ship, in front of Franky.
“There’s gonna be a festival! Fireworks and meat!” Luffy says, excited, and Franky grins.
“Festival? So that’s why there’s so many ships around.” The cyborg notes. “You both want to stay for that, right? Sounds Super!”
“You’re not gonna celebrate?” You ask with a frown and he shakes his head.
“Someone has to look after the Sunny, marines and other pirates might try something.” He explains and both you and Luffy frown. “Cheer up! I’ll be able to see the fireworks from here!” He says, but you and Luffy still seem a little bummed. Franky is mature despite his personality, he has a point. You don’t want him to be alone though, besides the Sunny. Luffy kisses you on the cheek.
“Well, it’s his choice. C’mon we still have Sanji and Robin!” The captain says, spreading his happy energy to you. It makes you feel better; plus, you doubt with some of the crews’ personalities that he’ll be alone for long. You two hop off of the ship and spot Sanji holding groceries, he must be bringing them back to stock the ship.
“Oh, Sanji!” You call out but Luffy beats you to it, grabbing onto Sanji’s shoulders and launching to him.
“Sanji!!” He yells and the cook jolts.
“Luffy you idiot I’m holding things!” He says, but it’s too late and Luffy slams into him. Thankfully, experience and leg strength helps him stay upright. Luffy pulls back enough to look at him.
“Sanji, there’s gonna be a festival!” The captain announces and Sanji’s eyes widen.
“A festival?” He asks and the words echo in his head. ‘Festival… festival..’ His thoughts go to the women crowding the streets in festive clothing, giggling and having fun. Nami and Robin in their prettiest clothes, eating food and playing games. Sanji playing the games for them, winning prizes and offering it to them like the goddesses they are. He can already hear their voices thanking him, praising him, bestowing their beautiful presence upon him.
“Sanji! Sanji! Hello??” You pat his cheek and he snaps out of it.
“Yes I’ll stay for the ladi- the festival.” He quickly answers, blood trickling from his nose to Luffy’s laughter. The rubber man lets go of Sanji, landing on the ground and turning to you.
“We just need Robin now!” He says, having fun on this mission you’ve made.
“Robin-chan should be near the outskirts of the island, saying there were ruins here she’s interested in." Sanji's face darkens. "I wanted to go with her, but I needed to buy groceries.” He seems genuinely bummed. “I can’t keep a lady waiting for me.”
“Cool! Let’s go!” Luffy's too used to Sanji’s woes to take them seriously. You give the cook a pat on the back before you two leave. When you’re at the outskirts of the island you realize you don’t know which part of the island she went to.
“Maybe we should’ve asked around if anyone knows where the ruins are.” You mumble to yourself, bearing the curse of hindsight.
“We just gotta look around, right? Robin always shows up!” Luffy says, swinging your held hands.
“True, Robin tends to appea- AAHH!” You jump with a yelp when you feel a hand on your shoulder, turning around quickly to see a chuckling Robin.
“Sorry, couldn’t resist.” She says with a smile as you put a hand to your chest, your heart thumping. Luffy seems unaffected, just excited to complete the mission.
“Robin! They’re having a festival! There’s gonna be meat and history too but meat and fireworks and meat!” Luffy rambles and Robin nods.
“I heard, I was going to tell you all when we met up but it looks like you two beat me to it.” She says.
“Great! Everyone knows now so we can go eat!” Your captain exclaims, forgetting about your earlier statement of saving for the festival.
“Luffy…” You sigh and Robin chuckles again, able to make out the context.
“Well, eating a bit beforehand shouldn’t hurt, right?” She suggests and Luffy quickly nods.
“Don’t instigate him!” You stare at her, betrayed. She gently shakes her head.
“They’ll most likely make the festival food more expensive, it’s better for him to not hold his hunger." The archeologist points out. “Luffy won’t fill up, but it should help.” She has a point.
“True…” There’s also valid concern that he might eat everything before the festival, but there could be some shops that are selling non-festive food that won't sell during the festival. You might even be able to get some for cheap depending on what it is. “Thanks Robin.”
“Have fun~” She says before you two walk off. You and Luffy go to multiple places that sell food, buying anything that won’t sell during the festivities. It helps Luffy a bit, and he pats his stomach with a content sigh.
“You aren’t gonna eat more?” He asks you and you shake your head.
“I ate enough, I’ll save the rest for the stalls.” You say and he shrugs.
“Well, okay!” He kisses you, tastes like the ham sandwich he just ate.
Festival time! It’s bright and colorful, celebrating the moon’s creation apparently. It used to be a more elegant celebration, but time passed and people wanted to celebrate in the best way they knew how. Fun! Games and food stalls galore. You and the rest of the crew walk around, admiring everything. Luffy, thanks to Robin’s genius, gets to eat skewers with “moon sauce” whatever that is. It tastes good, you know that much. When you’re walking around you hear some whispers.
“Did you hear Mante is gonna be here?” Your heart drops as you hear the two people speaking.
“Mante? The hottie dancer?” The other person asks. “The one who works with that charity for the homeless?” Fuck, that’s definitely him.
“Yeah, apparently he’s dancing here for the festival. He’s using 70% of the profits he gets for his charity!”
“No way! Apparently dancing here is a ton of pressure! Giving most of the berri away, that’s crazy.”
“His good looks match his heart, I guess.” With that, the two people leave. Your heart pounds in your chest, this is bad, this is really bad. You knew he was getting popular but you didn’t know he would appear here.
“(Y/n)?” Luffy, munching on a moon themed pie, says your name. You’re out of it, only coming to when he presses his forehead to yours. You jolt.
“Luffy, you scared me.” You respond, getting startled for the second time today.
“You were spacing out all weird, what happened? Do you know this Mante guy?” He asks and you sigh.
“Y-Yeah, I used to know him…” Your voice is bitter and Luffy tilts his head in confusion.
“Does he suck at dancing or something?” The captain assumes from your reaction.
“No, no, he’s good. He wouldn’t be this popular if he actually sucked.” Your sigh only makes him more confused.
“What is it then?” He asks but you’re hesitant to answer, not wanting to ruin the fun by saying he’s your ex. Before he can push more, the sound of music starts. It calms you for a second before your eyes trail to a platform, on it are various dancers; and in the middle is the person of your nightmares. He’s handsome, maybe even more handsome than before in his beautiful dancer clothing. Luffy swallows the pie in his mouth, furrowing his brows as he follows your gaze to the dancer. He doesn’t know what’s going on but he knows you look scared. He quickly finishes the rest of the pie and grabs your hand. “Fireworks are way better anyway, let’s go somewhere else.”
“Where are you guys going?” Chopper, holding cotton candy, asks. He notices your pale complexion and gets worried. “Are you okay? Did you eat too much?” You shake your head and he frowns, holding up his cotton candy to you. “Want something sweet?” You shake your head again and he looks really worried.
“It’s okay Chopper, I’m just a little nervous. Maybe I just need to go somewhere quiet for a bit.” You tell the little reindeer and he nods, still staring at you. He pulls out some chewable tablets.
“Just in case it is your stomach, chew two of these and you should feel a little better.” The doctor says and you take the tablet, pocketing them.
“T-Thanks.” You mumble.
“What’s going on? Did you get constipated?” A voice behind you says, Zoro. He’s with Usopp and Nami, holding whatever they buy or win.
“Ohh is that it? Are you constipated?” Luffy turns to you and you shake your head again. The assumption is a little funny, but it isn’t really helping your nerves.
“Stop assuming gross stuff.” Nami says, annoyed. She walks over to you. “You’re just feeling anxious right? Robin is thinking about going back to the ship if you wanna go with her.” The offer is really tempting, the problem is that you also really don’t want to ruin things for Luffy. Of course, he can choose to have fun without you and leave you to Robin and Franky. He trusts them to keep you safe like this, but there’s also a chance he might be too worried to leave you alone. You can’t properly predict which one it’ll be with him, plus you do want to have fun with him around here. The thought of losing that because of him makes you angry.
“I’ll go somewhere with less people for a bit, then I'll come back for the fireworks.” You settle with and she nods.
“Well, okay.” Nami says, turning around to see Zoro trying to wander off. She quickly grabs him and pushes him to Usopp. “Make sure he doesn’t run off.” She tells him. Usopp doesn’t really want to, but Nami is scarier than Zoro. “I’ll see you, then. Don’t hesitate to go back to the ship if you need to.” She says and Chopper nods.
“I won’t.” You respond and Luffy looks at you, tightening his hold on your hand.
“I’m coming with you.” He says and you look at him.
“You don’t have to, I’ll be ba-”
“Nuh uh, I wanna go with you. I wanna rest too.” He doesn’t want to leave you alone, walking around without you wouldn’t be as fun anyway. You sigh in relief.
“Mkay, let’s go then.” To be honest you don’t wanna be completely alone either. You’re scared being alone might just make the thoughts come back. With that, you both leave after saying seeya to Nami, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper. 'I just want to have fun without thinking of him.'
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x6 thoughts
I felt like the physical embodiment of a series of iconic reaction GIFs while watching this episode. I felt like Higgins gagging on air and right and wrong choices. As an invested, non-casual Ted Lasso viewer, I feel quite absorbed in the experience of every episode, but I’m not usually a LOUD non-casual Ted Lasso viewer. At one point last night, I shouted “This is the wackiest show ever made!” at @bristler, and that doesn’t even sound like something I would say. And by “wacky” I just meant “all the emotions are happening at once.”
This episode was absolutely great and I knew that every single Rebecca Welton feeling I have would intensify because of this episode and that is exactly what happened.
This is me bravely writing down my episode thoughts after only one viewing (just like last week) and a bad night of sleep! Copious spoilers and emotions ahead...
This show goes all in on hats! A lot of bad hats for giving bad relationship advice and making bad decisions! Feel like you’re gonna do something correctly? Just put on a bad hat, that’ll snap you right out of it. Just had a revelation that you are almost certainly in an abusive relationship? Your girlfriend is hiding in the parking lot with a terrible hat for you! (I love this show.)
Dark forest dark forest dark forest dark forest.
I truly, truly, truly do not mean this to sound judgmental of any other fan, but it’s taking everything in my power not to just type “dark forest” in the comments of every person who is outraged that LDN152 is not Ted.
Gonna get my initial thoughts on the Sam=LDN152 reveal out of the way. I honestly like this choice.
First, I like this choice because of who LDN152 isn’t. I think about how awful it would be if she’d matched with Rupert and realized she’d been manipulated by him and charmed by him all over again, and how, when she gets the same reveal the audience already has, she would end up retraumatized by having been charmed and taken in by Rupert all over again. I think about her matching with Nate (if he’d redownloaded the app) and the inadequacy of her assertiveness advice and how Nate is one of the only non-Rupert characters who’s used sexist language against her and how Nate’s insecurities would be like water trying to co-exist with the oil of Rebecca’s insecurities. Nate and Rebecca are fond of each other and seem to want to be in each other’s lives, but a romantic squishing together via dating app would set them both back lightyears. I think about her matching with Ted, a man currently on a parallel-to-Rebecca trek through a very painfully dark forest, a man swinging wildly between performative attempted wit and utter panic. A man she trusts with her professional and personal challenges. [Her challenging mother comes to town and Keeley and Ted are the people she wants with her at lunch.] Ted and Rebecca, with all their current limitations, and with all the ways the forest obscures the view, are trying to be there for each other in their real, non-romantic comedy versions of their lives, and the discomfort of matching on an app seems like the kind of thing that would make them rear back from each other instead of bringing them even closer together. It is not time. It is so profoundly not time that I would have been furious if the writers had continued the “maybe it’s Ted?” line of thought for another second longer than they did.
Second, I like this choice because of who Sam is. I know. He’s not an appropriate match for her. The power dynamics are all messed up and their ages are all wrong. But this does introduce a potentially interesting parallel between Rupert and his younger women and the scrutiny Rebecca would risk herself and Sam experiencing if she goes for it. Rebecca seems to have tried to put away her Rupert-related trauma, but the specter of Rupert is lurking, and I do see that being a good person making an ethically complicated decision with another good person is very different from being an abuser setting out to take advantage of multiple people...but there are parallels she might have to reckon with. Also, Sam is a kind person with a strong ethical center and a well-documented interest in Rebecca. He and Ted helped each other feel more at home in London during a time of deeply missing other homes, and Sam has internalized a lot of Ted’s ways of living in a way that might genuinely appeal to Rebecca even if she doesn’t fully realize why. The writers on this show don’t write messes for the sake of drama. They write messes because life is painful and complicated and also very funny. I’d be shocked if, however this Bantr thing plays out, it isn’t painful and complicated and also funny.
(I am already a little worried that whatever happens next is going to activate some very ironic fan reactions given this is a show whose thesis statement is about withholding judgment. This fear is based not on Ted Lasso-specific knowledge but on unfortunate patterns of fandom, but...you can fear the impact of racist, sexist, and ageist tropes on two beloved characters without embodying those tropes as a viewer. You can watch characters make decisions that could subject them to harmful scrutiny without performing that harm yourself.)
Ted Lasso is a fictional character who tweeted about the joy of eating out (you know...at the Crown and Anchor) the day before 2x6 launched and during 2x6 Rebecca invited him to eat out at the Crown and Anchor. (I love this show.) I am so, so, so fond of all the little lunch-y things in this episode. Ted can’t bring Henry his lunch because he’s “at work” aka living in London. Ted and Beard surprise each other with secret sandwiches on Fridays. Rebecca is overwhelmed by her mother’s visit (her mother’s performance of a harmful pattern) and wants Keeley and Ted there. The scene at the Crown and Anchor, as painful as all the divorce/separation feelings were, was also so homey and lovely in terms of these characters being friends, being at home in a place despite the very not-at-home feelings emanating from Deborah. The Bake-Off viewing! Ted being the designated driver (probably a good thing on this particular day)! Rebecca feeling discomfort but not shutting down! Also cute British pub feelings. Evidence that Rebecca has talked to her mom about Ted! About personal things about Ted!
Naaaaaaate. His bursts of confidence and insight. The pain and insecurity and anger almost literally bubbling under the surface.
I cannot say enough good things about Higgins. He’s grown so much, and his decision to be honest with Beard regarding his concerns about Jane was absolutely impeccably done. Many, many trusted people in Higgins’ life told him not to do it. They are all good people, and they were all wrong. Sometimes one human being’s honesty makes the difference for someone who is struggling, and that’s exactly what happened here. Beard truly heard Higgins. And of course he didn’t immediately break things off with Jane. But he heard Higgins, and when Jane showed up Beard’s face looked different than it ever has, and Higgins words are with him as he walks off into the night with Jane and that might save him. And Rebecca witnessed it.
And I’m so glad she witnessed Higgins’ choice in the midst of this very difficult experience of a) trying to find Ted because she knows he’s in pain and being unable to and b) watching her mother repeat a pattern that Rebecca herself was able to break. It taught me so much about Rebecca. The way she was punished (and described the experience using the language of punishment) for having an honest reaction to her mother’s decision to leave her father the first time. The way she was taught that love is conditional, that love and reconciliation are things you can purchase with gifts. The way her mother uses the language of self-help without internalizing what it would take to heal, and probably has little use for actual therapy. The way her mother drinks alcohol as a way to feel free.
I don’t even know how to think, much less write, about everything with Roy’s coaching and his image and how Ted feels about it and all the fatherhood things Jamie brings up and all the fatherhood things Ted is missing w/r/t Nate and everyone except for Rebecca taking at face value (or willfully deciding to take at face value) the idea that Ted’s panic attack is actually just him needing to go barf up a fish pie. Ted hugging his backpack in Sharon’s office. Rebecca trying to find him, and Sharon being the one who does. The words “I wanna make an appointment” being the words that conclude the episode at the exact midpoint of the planned-for show. Halfway through the middle season. The moment Ted realizes he’s never going to be okay if he doesn’t give therapy a try.
I also can’t say enough good things about the moment with the team and Sharon, the way she agrees to one drink, the way it’s clear that she adores them all. Sharon is exacting and professional without being cold and calculating, and everything she does in this episode is such a gorgeous model of assertiveness, patience, and moderation...three things Ted struggles with the most.
What a dark forest. What an excellent group of humans.
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mythiccheroacademia · 4 years
The whole time traveling children has me feelin some type of way tbh. Imagine Mirio, Kaminari, and Tamaki walking into their respective rooms and there are just small children vibing. Mirio with his daughter, Kaminari with a daughter and Tamaki with a son. 😭
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as i said, parent!bnha is SUPERIOR
A/N: So, instead of making these separate asks, I’m just going to make it one giant post. I thought it would be easier that way. Probably the only post that’ll have more than three characters lol
Warnings: none
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Kaminari Denki:
when kaminari walked into his room, he didn't expect to see two children on his bed fighting like wild animals
the younger girl was totally beating the boy’s ass tho
kinda embarrassing bc she’s gotta be like, seven, at most
as if it’s not the weirdest thing he’s seen (bc it’s not) he rushes in to break them apart
he manages to separate them with his arms 
the boy with yellow hair snaps his jaws at his sister’s fingers
“hey! bad! no biting!” he scolds
the little girl blows a raspberry and taunts “yeah! papa says no biting!”
the older sibling just rolls his eyes “rat”
meanwhile, denki is literally malfunctioning
the only person’s pants (and heart) he’s been trying to get in to for the past three months was y/n’s and he sure as hell would remember if he did
he didn't have kids
especially one that was his age
“sorry! you two are cute, but i’m not your pops”
thus, they begin to tell denki about how they mayhaps followed him and their mother into a dangerous mission and got hit with a time travel quirk
denki just nods his head
tbh, he’s not that weirded out
weirder things have happened
but, he does have one question
“who’s the lucky woman?”
coincidentally, you bust into his dorm room, wet from a recent prank and head steaming with anger
“Kaminari Denki!”
his son juts a thumb over to you
“the woman that’s about to murder you”
“oh say less”
his life literally couldn't get any better
before you get the chance to throttle him, the little girl jumps in your arms and your anger is immediately quelled 
“hey mommy! i just wanna let you know that it was [son’s name]’s fault that we followed you when you told us not to”
you’re to busy trying to get them from killing each other to comprehend anything that’s going on
kaminari is in a love-struck gaze bc hot damn, he won the jackpot, huh?
if he wasn't in love with you before, he’s in love with you now
you and your feral children
it was nice being God’s favorite
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
funny thing was
kirishima woke up from his afternoon nap with his mini-me in his arms!
at first, he was really confused as to why there was an 8 yr old boy with spiky teeth and (your hair texture) black hair on his bed
he thought he was dreaming
then the little boy bit his nose and grinned like he had done the funniest thing in the world 
did he get hit with some duplication quirk?
and what was that he said...daddy?
as in, father?
kirishima is wide awake now, but before he can ask the kid what’s going on, the boy is up and making use of his punching bag
he decides it wouldn't hurt to get a morning work out in, so he decides to humor the kid
after a mini workout, kirishima is in near tears as the boy tries to flex the little muscles he has 
eventually, he gets the kid to tell him what happened and finds out he was hit with a time travel quirk of some sort
instead of being weirded out, kirishima is ESCTATIC 
he has a family in the future 
he’s so excited and proud that he just has to show his son off to his friends!
the first thing he does is go and bother bakusquad in the common room
he’s bragging like shit to them and his ego swells as they all swoon over how cute and handsome the kid is 
you and bakugo come out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion is about and the little boy excitedly runs to you and jumps into your arms 
“momma! you’re here! you’re so pretty! why’d you marry daddy when he looks so unswol?”
it’s silent before bakugo fucking dies of laughter 
“y-you finally let shitty hair hit it? and got knocked up?? LMAO”
everyone’s dying and kirishima wants to die
he can’t believe this was how his long-term crush on you was getting outted
by an 8 yr old boy
so not manly
you look confused before you put the pieces together
the kid did look like you and kirishima
you want to console kirishima about the crush that you lowkey knew he had on you, but your son was one step ahead of you
with a gracious smile, he hits bakugo’s head
“what the fuck kid!?”
“don’t make fun of daddy, uncle bakugo! at least daddy didn’t faint at his wedding″
Bakugo’s contemplating murder and everyone’s rolling on the floor
even ten years later, bakugo still holds a grudge against your son
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Togata Mirio:
i’m about to kill y’all w this one
since year one, mirio has been feigning over you 
but 1) you were too dumb to notice 2) you both were really busy with, y’know, school and 3) he lowkey gave up bc he thought you deserved better
so imagine his surprise when he sees this four year old girl on his bed
and she looks like you with his features
mirio might not be the brightest crayon in the crayon box
but he’s got eyes
and it wasn't like he’s memorized your features to the T
the tiny girl is swinging her legs absent-mindedly before exploding with happiness when he sees him
she runs to mirio and he catches her with open arms 
“daddy! daddy! i got hit with the coolest quirk at school today!”
proceeds to tell him about her best friend discovered her quirk and it was a teleportation quirk 
mirio can’t help but giggle along with her even tho he knew it was a scary situation for the parents
speaking of which...
he innocently asks her who’s the mom
“mommy is the prettiest mommy in the world! she has e/c eyes, hair like me, and the most beautiful s/c skin! her name is togata y/n!”
if he wasn't geeking before, he’s geeking now
not only did he manage to marry you, but you let him be your baby daddy?
big bet
mirio doesn't even care at this point
he’s parading around UA with the fattest smile as he introduces his daughter to damn near everyone 
everyone’s freaking out bc wtf when did mirio get someone pregnant??
maybe he should've explained himself, but he sees you at your locker and makes a b-line for you
“good morning, y/n!”
he doesn't notice that you slam your locker close and hide the confession letter you wrote to him behind your back
you’re a stuttering mess and he’s too busy basking in the fact that he’s holding y’alls child 
y’all look like a mess
but he’s ready to lay it on thick when the little girl kisses your nose and cheers,
“mommy, i missed you”
he explains the situation 
you cant help but smile, “you know this could potentially ruin the timeline?”
and you feel like melting as he gives you the softest smile 
“there’s no way I’m letting that happen. not when i end up with the woman i’m in love with. we’ll just have to twist fate together”
and twist it you did
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Tamaki Amajiki:
tamaki wasn't the bravest person ever 
and he knew his crippling anxiety got in the way of a lot
but he had never been more proud of himself for managing to invite you to his room
it was supposed to be a study date
despite how bold you normally were, he took comfort in how nervous you seemed 
now, you two were leaning in, about to kiss
and then a voice from behind interrupts 
“uh, am i interrupting something?”
you two let out the ugliest squeal and jump 50 feet away from each other 
you’re all over the place, trying to explain the situation
tamaki’s heart is barely beating at this point
it takes the kid, who looks about 16, about thirty minutes to calm you down and revive tamaki
explains that he’s from the future and a descendant of tamaki’s family
decides to leave out that you two are his parents so he doesn't risk possibly erasing himself from the space continuum 
that would be bad
despite how surprised you two were, you two take it rather well 
you three spend the day together bc you and tamaki feel this weird sense of responsibility for the guy even though he’s only two years younger
the boy is trying his hardest not to expose himself, but it’s so hard
you two are asking him everything from his favorite food to if he has any siblings
he’s good at pretending that he’s cool, calm, and collected, but he wants nothing more than to jump into his parents’ arms and cry about how scared he is of messing up
but he won’t 
bc he’s a strong boy
but he slips up
“how far are you down the future?” tamaki asks
“uh, about like 100 years or so--”
“you’re lying”
the kid nearly chokes on his food as his father blinks at him
you try and scold tamaki but he continues
“i don’t mean to be mean, but your nose twitches when you lie. y/n does the same thing”
that’s when the jazz record stops and everyone is staring at one another
this time, you nearly pass out
y’all had a kid together???
the boy, coincidentally, starts fading and he thinks he fucked up
now he’s full out sobbing into the both of your chests, scared that he’s disappearing
despite the news, you and tamaki calm down, look at each other, and hold your son
“don’t you worry, baby” you coo, kissing his fading hair
“i have a feeling we’ll see you quite soon” tamaki comforts, closing his eyes
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Bakugo Katsuki:
bakugo finally understood when his mom said
“the meaner you are to your parents, the nastier your kids will be to you”
he regretted being such a demon bc his kid was literally the spawn of satan
katsuki didn’t need an explanation to know that that...thing was his kid
he looked damn near identical to him with features that he couldn't quite place
but anyways, that wasn't the focus rn
rn, he was trying to figure out a way to keep that animal caged
as soon as katsuki took his eyes off him, the six yr old ran out the door as fast as his little legs could carry him
“catch me if you can, you old bastard!”
yup, it was his kid
his son is blasting his way through the halls, skillfully evading Katsuki’s grabbing hands 
he’s wildly laughing as he flips and turns through the doors, watching with glee as his father falls on his face
multiple times
the small boy latches on to a cupboard and smirks
“no wonder mom always beats your ass! you weak!”
katsuki nearly looks like the devil, eyes white, and face red with fury
his pride suffering by the second
he’s about to cuss the kids to hell when you come out of the kitchen, confused
you were about to ask why katsuki looked like a rat with rabies before you caught sight of a basket of fruit teetering on the edge of the cabinet, above the little boy’s head
“look out--”
the basket falls on the kid’s head and he’s on the floor, reeling from the hit
katsuki would've normally laughed his ass off, but he felt kind of...concerned?
he watches you run towards the child who’s trying his hardest not to cry
the boy holds his head, fat tears in his eyes as you pick him up and coddle over him 
“i’m sorry, baby. I'm sorry i didnt get there in time” 
cue the waterworks 
the boy is full-on sobbing into your chest about how his head hurts
you bounce him and kiss his forehead as katsuki checks over the red bump 
“you’ll be okay, brat” he comforts, voice softer than usual
in that moment, katsuki can’t help but notice how much a family y’all look like rn
then the dots start connecting and he goes 
oh shit 
so, maybe, he’s had a tiny crush on you
and it didn’t help that you two were friends with benefits bc yall were horny teenagers
but who knew he’d get the balls to ask you out on a proper date one day
he was such a simp for you gosh it was ugly
“you have to be more careful from now on,”  you say to the boy 
the brat suddenly looks innocent and katsuki wants to throw him
“sorry, mommy. i’ll be gooder”
the look on your face is priceless 
bakugo uses it as a chance to kiss you 
“i guess now’s a good time to tell you that i want to be your dick on demand but with feelings and shit, dumbass”
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ptergwen · 4 years
brooo giddy hug w tommy where he asks u 2 b his girlfriend aw 🥺
stopppppp oh god 🥺
you and tom have liked each other for some time now. it took all your friends and a couple of almost there moments until you were finally able to figure it out. since then, you’ve been going out on dates each week, which have only grown both of your already strong feelings.
you’re out with some of the guys tonight for dinner, but tom made it clear to you that you two are here together. he didn’t have to explicitly say it. when his hand finds yours under the table or rests on the back of your chair, how he genuienly laughs at all your jokes, that tells you everything.
“i need a drink,” harry decides towards the end of your meal. harrison sips his water and holds up a finger in agreement. “i second that.” “don’t they have drinks here?” you point out and glance over at tom, who’s biting back a grin at you. his arm slips around your shoulders. “yeah, but i want the real stuff. not this high end, fancy shit,” harry scoffs and waves over your waiter.
“like he knows the difference,” tom murmurs to you, you leaning further into him with a giggle. “let’s let him think he does.” “so, that’ll be all? any desserts?” your waiter asks and clasps his hands together. that piques your interest. you give tom a hopeful look that he nods at, fingers running across your shoulder.
“yeah, can we-“ harrison cuts him off in a groan. “mate, the beers. pub closes in a bit.” tom meets your eyes again. his are apologetic, and you roll yours at harrison and harry’s behavior. you know how they can be. “it’s fine.” you assure him, then speak to your waiter. “we’ll take the check, thank you.” “of course. you can pay up front,” your waiter agrees before heading off.
harry hops up from his and harrison’s booth. “not me. i’ve gotta pee.” “i’ll go with you,” harrison offers, the two of them finding their way and poking each other on the way there. they’re acting like this without a drop of alcohol in them yet.
“right, do you wanna go or should i?” tom laughs out, sharing in your irritation. “i can. god, those kids are crazy,” you sigh lightheartedly. “kids, mhm. here, take my card.” he fishes into his pocket for his wallet and gets it out with another smile playing on his lips. “thanks, i’ll be back.” you push out your chair and squeeze his hand, making your way to the front of the restaurant.
tom searches for your waiter again while you’re gone.
you’re back not too much later, holding out tom’s card and beaming at him. he’s standing in front of the table now. you hand him his card and furrow an eyebrow. “where are they?” you ask in reference to harrison and harry. “i told them to go ahead without us. you didn’t actually wanna go, did you?” tom knows you so, so well. you scrunch up your nose. “not really. i did want that dessert, though.”
a grin spreading across his face, tom reaches behind him. he holds a takeout box in both hands. “interesting you say that. it’s a piece of cake... no pun intended.” you take the small box from him with a soft laugh. “thanks, tom. you’re literally perfect.” “all you, love. you’re welcome.” tom takes one of your hands in his now free one. he watches you intertwine your fingers.
“can i ask you something?” he wonders aloud, eyes moving back up to your face. “anything, yeah. what is it?” you tilt your head to the side. “you know, i’ve really loved spending all this time with you, and i like you a lot, obviously,” tom starts and chews the inside of his cheek while he waits for your response. you swing his hand in yours. “i like you, too. a lot.”
“so, i was wondering... would you be my girlfriend?” you instantly throw your arms around his neck, earning a chuckle from him as he hugs you back. “i thought you were gonna ask for a bite of cake! this is so much better.” tom slides a hand down to your lower back and gives you a smirk. “well, maybe later.” “oh, thomas,” you playfully scold him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“all jokes. is that a yes, then?” he’s back to being his sweet self, tightening his arms around you. he feels you smile against his shoulder. “a big yes.”
he does get a bite of cake that night, in more ways than one.
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katierosefun · 4 years
Did you always know you wanted to study law? If not, how’d you decide on law? Were there other things you wanted to study?
-a high schooler who wants to study approximately a thousand things and has no idea what they’re going to choose
hi anon! thanks for asking!! as someone who has been in that position before, i’m more than happy to talk about this! (but also, please know that it is totally, totally, totally okay to not really know what you want to do with your life right now. you’re not running out of time, and it’s okay to figure things out at your own pace!!!) 
also, this got....super long, because i apparently have many things to say about this, so all my actual discussion / advice is down below: 
so, first of all, i think that most in the world, i want to be an author. or someone who just. writes creatively for a living. that’s something that i would really ideally like to do, and it’s something that i’m still working on now. like, that was my first-ever dream since i was an 8 year old kid, and i haven’t let go of that dream either, but at the same time, i also want to do law because i think it’s important, and just because of the way that i’ve seen the world work? 
so, specifically in my freshman / sophomore year of high school, there were a lot of different factors leading up to my desire to go into law, but one of the biggest factors was probably actually the ferguson protests.
i think that was just like, my first big exposure to how royally screwed over the system was--seeing that the law protected police officers who would murder a black man really opened my eyes to the fact that like,,,we live in an incredibly broken system, and even though i know there’s a lot of discourse on how you can’t fix a broken system that’s literally broken at the foundation, but maybe i’m someone who’s still naive enough to think that we can at least try. 
so that was my entry point in deciding that i was interested in law--but even after i graduated from high school and entered college, i was still a little...scared if i actually wanted to be a lawyer? but i’m lucky in that my college specifically offers a lot of classes about law / legal studies, so i had the opportunity to take an intro to law class and just loved it. i still think it was one of my favorite classes because not only did it give me a broad overview of super important cases, but also--and i think this was the biggest thing that my professor grounded into me--the law is flexible, and the law can be used to help people if they can harness it carefully enough. 
and i think that class--along with a lot of my other legal studies classes--really made me appreciate that the legal field has all these crazy possibilities / options, but a lot of it boils down to like. how can you use the law to help someone. (granted, not all forms of law requires like...the dramatic court battles that you see on tv shows.) 
and idk--that appeals to me the most. there’s lots of ways to help people, of course, but i just feel like my skillset and my passions especially line up to this direction. it’s a whole ton of writing and a whole ton of reading and a whole ton of talking, all of which...i’m mostly good at, i think. (i think. but i’m gonna ignore imposter syndrome right now!) 
that said!!! there are a gazillion ways to help people that doesn’t require everyone to spend time / money / energy to go to places like law school / legal fields, and i don’t think anyone should pursue the legal field unless they’ve really, really, really thought about it. especially given the pandemic, with applications to all kinds of higher education institutions skyrocketing (because when people can’t find a job, people sometimes go to school in hopes to wait out the economic crisis, which...in itself is horrific), a lot of people are deciding to go to law school based on,,,,like,,,,a six month mulling over. this was a decision that took me years to consider and re-consider and re-consider. 
and i think this should honestly,,,be considered that like, if i could have any other career? it would, again, be just writing creatively full time. whether that be writing movies / tv shows / books...all of the above? that’s what i want to do. and honestly, i’m still struggling with this, because i constantly feel like i have one foot in one world and another foot in the other. i want to do both things, which is nuts, and i wish i had some better advice on this, but the honest truth is that i kind of don’t have any advice on how to handle having these two loves. like, i’m taking all these legal studies classes, but i’m also taking all of these english / creative writing classes, so i’m constantly swinging back and forth between these two things.
i will say though that sometimes, things work out. like for instance, i’m doing this internship right now where i’m teaching poetry classes to kids involved in the juvenile justice system. i get to actively help kids / witness how the law works and also use my love for creative writing to make some kind of difference. so i know there is a way to combine these two loves of mine, but we’ll just see how i can fully merge these interests together when i actually become a lawyer. (my current hope is that i can get involved with some branch of publishing law, just because i think it would be cool to merge my love of stories w/ the legal field, and just to like. get really deep into copyright stuff / what are the implications of like........having this thing published. but also, i have no idea how that’ll work out). 
but like, i think if you take anything away from this at all, anon, it’s that you have time. don’t feel rushed to know what you want to do right now--definitely not right now. you’ll figure it out when you figure it out. and you’ve got a long life ahead of you! people’s careers change and move depending on where they are / how they’ve shifted! a lot of my high school teachers, for instance, actually started out doing some other job before realizing that they kinda were tired of it: my chem teacher in my junior year used to work at super prestigious labs / research facilities before going “lol i wanna teach kids now”, and did just that (and he was a wonderful man!). my physics teacher in my senior year worked at wall street doing finance stuff before going “lol this is annoying” and decided to teach physics (and he was also a really wonderful person!). one of my friend’s dad is currently a lawyer who is now taking a break to teach some classes at a university, and he’s in love with it, apparently. and just, like, to be even more personal, my own grandma’s own career paths / interests were constantly fluctuating (and i’m lowkey convinced she’s a genius tbh), where in her 85-ish years of life, she’s so far been an elementary school teacher, a ballet instructor, a writer, a translator, and a painter. and she’s still going. my own brother went from studying business (because he’s got wonderful interpersonal skills and,,,was frankly good at it) but then realized that he hated business / was always in love with art, and is now studying to be an art teacher (which i think is wonderful for him, because he has the interpersonal skills for it + the passion for art + a genuine desire to help kids out where there weren’t a whole ton of teachers doing the same for him). 
so like....the point is? you’ve got time. if you’ve got a million interests, that’s wonderful! you’ll probably narrow things down a little more as you get older, but don’t ever think that you need to pigeonhole yourself into a career path right this instant. if you really want to know, then maybe it’s helpful thinking about what your biggest skillsets are and see where that takes you. but  if you’re still not sure of that, that is also totally okay! you’ve! got! time!!!! 
adssfddf i hope this huge-ass essay was somewhat helpful, anon!!! you’ve got this, i believe in you, and i know that whatever you do / choose to do will be absolutely wonderful. <3
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skeeter-110 · 4 years
A Twist in the Tale (That’s Old as Time)
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle. As punishment for his actions, the young prince is transformed into a monstrous beast by a mysterious enchantress. Only condition is if he can learn to love someone and earn their love in return, the curse will be lifted. The prince - now turned Beast - felt doomed for eternity; until he met a little boy with a heart of gold.
AKA: a Beauty and the Beast Irondad AU
Read on AO3
|| Chapter One || || Chapter Two ||
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Chapter Three: Dinnertime Disaster
Peter's sob-fest was quickly interrupted a few minutes later by knocking on the door. Peter only stopped crying long enough to sniffle and wipe some of the tears off of his face.
"Who is it?" Peter quietly asks, his voice sounding rough from all of the crying he's been doing.
"Mrs. Potts, dear." A female voice responds making Peter wipe his face a bit more and run to open the door. "I thought you might like a spot of tea." The voice says again, Peter opening the door only to be pushed back by a teapot, and a couple of tea and sugar cups hopping into the room.
"But you're... you're a..." Peter tries to stammer out through his shock, only succeeding in backing up into a wardrobe.
"Oh! Careful." The wardrobe warns, Peter spinning around as soon as he heard the voice and come face to face - literally - with the wardrobe.
"This is impossible." Peter marvels out loud as he plops back down on the bed, the wardrobe tipping over to land on the bed next to him.
"I know it is, but here we are." The wardrobe responds.
"I told you he looked sweet, Mama, didn't I?" The teacup says.
"All right, Morgan, now, that'll do." The teapot - Mrs. Potts, Peter's mind supplies - says, getting the teacup - Morgan - to stop talking so the sugar bowl could pour some sugar into the tea.
"Slowly now. Don't spill." Mrs. Potts instructs as Morgan begins to hop closer to the bed. Peter took his cue, getting down on the floor and picking Morgan up. He also tried not to think about how weird it was that he was about to drink out of a sentient thing that had a name as he did so.
"Thank you." Peter thanks.
"Wanna see me do a trick?" Morgan asks as soon as Peter took a sip, making him pull her away from his lips. Peter watched in surprise as Morgan began to blow bubbles out of the top.
"Morgan!" Mrs. Potts scolds as Morgan and Peter both giggle at the popping bubbles of tea.
"Oops. Sorry." Morgan sheepishly apologizes.
"That was a very brave thing you did, my dear." Mrs. Potts praises.
"We all think so." The wardrobe adds right after.
"But I've lost my Aunt, my dreams, everything." Peter sadly says, looking away from all of them in an attempt to hide and get rid of the tears that were forming once again.
"Cheer up, Child. It'll turn out all right in the end. You'll see." Mrs. Potts tries to soothe before giggling at herself. "Oh, listen to me jabbering on while there's a supper to get on the table. Morgan?" Mrs. Potts says as she began hopping out of the room.
"Bye." Morgan bid farewell as she hops after her mother.
"Well, now, what shall we dress you in for dinner?" The wardrobe asks once it was just her and Peter in the room. "Oh, let's see what I got in my drawers." The wardrobe says, already beginning to rummage through her drawers and pulling out a bunch of evening clothes.
"That's very kind of you, but I'm not going to dinner." Peter stops her, making her gasp.
"Oh, but you must." She says, both of them looking towards the door when they heard Happy enter the bedroom.
"Dinner is served."
*   *   *
The Beast was pacing back in forth in front of the fireplace they had in the dining room as he waited for Peter to join him.
"What's taking so long? I told him to come down. Why isn't he here yet?" The Beast impatiently asks.
"Try to be patient, Sir. The boy has lost his Aunt and his freedom all in one day." Ms. Potts tries to placate.
"Master, have you thought that perhaps this boy could be the one to break the spell?" Rhodey chimes in, causing the Beast to whirl on him.
"Of course I have! I'm not a fool." The Beast snaps.
"Good! So, you learn to love and care for him, he comes to love you, and poof! The spell is broken. We'll be human again by midnight." Rhodey continues.
"Oh, it's not that easy, Rhodey. These things take time." Ms. Potts reminds, making sure Rhodey didn't get too ahead of himself and created false hope.
"But the rose has already begun to wilt."
"Oh, it's no use. He's a child and I'm - well - look at me! I'm something he'd see in his nightmares." The Beast grumbles, making both Ms. Potts and Rhodey sigh at his self-depreciation.
"You must help him to see past all that." Ms. Potts gently coaches.
"I don't know how." The Beast grumpily admits, causing Ms. Potts to furrow her brows in determination before hopping down towards him.
"Well, you can start by making yourself more presentable. Straighten up. Try to act like a gentleman." Ms. Potts commands, The Beast being quick to stop slouching and obey her.
"Yes. When he comes in, give him a dashing, debonair smile. Come, come, show me the smile." Rhodey is next to order, the Beast attempting to give a charming smile, which just turned into him showing off all of his razor-sharp teeth.
"But don't frighten the poor boy." Ms. Potts says, both her and Rhodey taking turns trying to explain what Beast should do to make Peter feel more welcomes.
"Impress him with your rapier wit."
"But be gentle."
"Shower him with compliments."
"But be sincere."
"And above all-"
"-you must control your temper!" Both Rhodey and Ms. Potts finish at the same time, the handle to the door jiggling right after.
"Here he is!" Rhodey excitedly says, making the Beast put on a smile as the door swings open. Only, Happy was the one to poke his head around the door, and he appeared to be there alone.
"Good evening." Happy nervously greets, causing the Beast's smile to fall.
"Well, where is he?" The Beast questions.
"Who? Oh," Happy begins, nervously laughing when he realized that playing dumb was getting him nowhere, "the boy, yes. The... boy. Well, actually, he's in the process of... uh... circumstances being what they are... oh... he's not coming." Happy stutters about before finally spitting it out.
"WHAT?" The Beast screams, instantly bursting out of the dining hall and running up towards the room Peter was staying in.
"Oh, dear. Your Grace! Your Eminence! Let's not be hasty!" Happy yells at the Beast as all three of them run after him.
As soon as the Beast slid over to Peter's door, he began banging on it as hard as he could, practically shaking the walls as he did so.
"I thought I told you to come down to dinner!" The beast screams through the door at Peter, everyone behind him shaking their heads at his harsh tone.
"I'm not hungry." Peter's small voice reaches out the hall, making Beast's hair stand up on his back due to how angry he was.
"You'll come out or I'll-I'll... I'll break down the door!"
"Master, I could be wrong, but that may not be the best way to win the boy's affections." Rhodey hesitantly chimes in.
"Please attempt to be a gentleman." Happy practically begs.
"But he is being so difficult." Beast points out as if that was going to excuse his behavior.
"Gently, gently." Ms. Potts coaxes, the Beast giving her an unimpressed look before turning back towards the door.
"Will you come down to dinner?" The Beast asks in a quiet and bored voice.
"No!" Peter still denies, the Beast turning towards everyone and giving them an, "I told you so" look.
"Ah-Ah," Happy tuts before coaching, "suave, genteel."
"It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner." The Beast says with fake enthusiasm, Happy cutting in right after.
"And we say 'please'."
"Please." The Beast grits through his teeth, only to get the same answer in return.
"No, thank you."
"You can't stay in there forever!" Beast angrily yells at the boy.
"Yes, I can." Peter argues back, clearly dead set on being as stubborn as possible.
"Fine! Then go ahead and starve!" The Beast screams once again, turning the end of his sentence into a roar. "If he doesn't eat with me, then he doesn't eat at all!" Beast tells the gang behind him before angrily storming off down the hall and slamming the door after him.
"Oh, dear. That didn't go very well at all, did it?" Ms. Potts comments as Happy turns towards Rhodey.
"Rhodey, stand watch at the door and inform me at once if there is the slightest change." Happy commands, Rhodey walking right in front of Peter's door and getting ready to stand guard.
"You can count on me, mon Capitaine." Rhodey salutes.
"Well, we might as well go downstairs and start cleaning up." Happy sighs prompting both him and Ms. Potts to start heading back downstairs.
Meanwhile, the Beast was running down the hall in the west wing, slamming open a pair of doors at the end of the hall.
"I ask nicely, but he refuses," Beast grumbles, taking a broken chair that was sitting in front of the doors and throwing it clear across the room. "what does he want me to do, beg?" Beast angrily asks the air, stomping over to a table that held only two things; a  rose glowing brightly inside a large glass bell and an enchanted mirror.
"Show me the boy." Beast growls as he swipes the mirror off the table, the last thing he saw was his own reflection before the magic of the mirror took over and showed him the image of Peter sitting on his bed next to the wardrobe.
'But the master's really not so bad, once you get to know him. Why don't you give him a chance?' The wardrobe tries to cajole.
'I don't want to get to know him. I don't want to have anything to do with him. He's mean and scary.' Peter tells the wardrobe, making the Beast wince and look away from the mirror.
"I'm just fooling myself. He'll never see me as anything, but a monster." Beast sighs, gently placing the mirror face down on the table, right next to the wilting rose that was already losing another petal.
"It's hopeless."
Tag List: @joyful-soul-collector​ @lost-lunar-wolf​ @spideyspeaches​ @hatakehikari​ @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm​
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thisissirius · 4 years
Number 1 of the 100 prompts!
“Six days in a car,” Buck says, sounding irritated.
Eddie ignores him, stowing the last of the bags into the back of the truck. He’s fairly sure they have everything they need—and if they don’t, Sophia’s already informed him he can just buy it.
“Dad! Where’s my new boots?”
Buck mutters, “you’re driving,” and jogs inside. “They’re under your bed!”
“Are you sure?” Chris yells back.
Lovely. Eddie’s really looking forward to this drive.
When Sophia’s invitation first came through, Eddie remembers feeling excited. They could have flown, but he and Buck spent a night hashing out a three day journey that would take then through several states—let Chris see a bit more of the country.
Now, the closer they’ve come to actually leaving, Buck’s been getting short and seemingly irritated by the idea.
When he comes back outside, Eddie narrows his eyes. “We can still fly. Whatever your issue is—”
“I don’t have an issue,” Buck says too quickly.
“Sure,” Eddie says. “I’ll go via the airport and you can go on ahead. Explain to Soph why you’re early.”
Before he can storm inside, Buck rests a hand on his elbow, looking awkward. “I know I’ve been complaining. It’s not because it’s six days or that I don’t wanna drive. You said,” he pauses, winces. “One last journey with Chris.”
Eddie softens immediately. “Buck,” he says, pressing his hands to Buck’s face. “I meant before he goes into high school. He’s getting older and I know he won’t wanna do this again.”
“He’s fourteen,” Buck says, finally smiling. “I’m sure he doesn’t wanna do this now.”
“Not if you keep being gross,” Chris says, coming out with his backpack and phone. Eddie’s still not sure he likes the idea of Chris having one, but given the avalanche, the landslide, and the boating incident, he and Buck are convinced they’re cursed and a phone is necessary. (Bobby threatened to bench the both of them until they gave Chris a phone for emergencies.)
“Charger?” Eddie asks.
Chris rolls his eyes. “In the backpack, Dad. Do we really have to drive?”
“Yes,” Buck says instead. “Your dad wants some quality time with you, and I just wanna annoy you.”
Chris sighs dramatically—was Eddie this dramatic at 14?—but climbs into the backseat. “I’m texting Adriana and telling her you’re dragging me around tourist sites.”
Buck tosses Eddie the keys and opens the door to the passenger side. “Jokes on you, Adriana loves the sights.”
Adriana does, in fact; love tourist attractions. Buck took her to Rome for a graduation gift and she’s never stopped talking about it. The architecture, this. The structures, that. Eddie’s not sure he ever needs to visit himself.
“Okay,” he says, “let’s do this.”
Day two and Eddie’s beginning to revise his plan. It’s nice, spending time with Chris and Buck and doing ridiculous things. They go on a walk through Pisgah National Park (where Buck loses a shoe), take a detour to go to Six Flags (which Chris decides he doesn’t actually wanna do) and swing by the Basketball Hall of Fame on their way out of Massachusetts (Chris decides basketball is his new sport of choice, but Eddie knows that’ll last only as far as Texas.
The original plan was to drive through New York and pick up Adriana, but she’s still convinced they’re crazy and wants to fly out a day before the celebration.
“We should have done the same,” Eddie says quietly. Chris is asleep in the backseat and as they join Interstate 87, he can feel himself wanting to stop and they’ve only just started day three.
“Pull over when you can,” Buck says, scratching a hand through Eddie’s hair. It’s nice, even though they spent last night tangled up together, Buck’s breath hot on the back of Eddie’s neck. “Let me drive for a while.”
It’s a tempting offer; Eddie doesn’t mind driving, but he’s never the best at interstate travel. “When we stop for lunch,” he says eventually. “Then you can take over.”
“Alright,” Buck says easily, leaving his hand on Eddie’s thigh as he stares out of the window.
With another five states or so to pass through, many a sight to see a long the way, Eddie knows they’ve got time. They’ll get bored eventually, or Sophia will call and tell them to get a move on before they’re late, and on the last couple of days, they’ll drive through the night, but it’ll be worth it.
(When they finally tumble out of the car at the other end, minus a shoe, three socks, and several hundred dollars, they’re giggling like children, and Chris hugs Eddie, something he doesn’t like to do much anymore.
“Thanks, Dad,” he says quietly. “It was fun.”
That, and the way Buck smiles at him, rubs the ring on Eddie’s finger like an affirmation, makes the driving and irritation of a six day journey worth it.)
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
Hello! I have a request to make. Can you write Arthur flirting with a very shy reader who ends up hiding and avoiding him but loves it deep down throughout the day? He's being no help though, finding her demeanor adorable and goes after her to see her blush some more by teasing.
Hello Anon! Sorry for how long this has taken! Anywhere, here’s this fun one shot for ya, I hope it isn’t too bad. 
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You finish hanging up the shirt you’d just washed so it can dry in the early afternoon sun. It’s a beautiful day at Horseshoe Overlook. The sun’s been out all day but it’s not too hot. You’ll take this any day over the frozen misery of Colter. You’ll be happy if you don’t have to see the snow again for a long time. 
Just as you head over to Pearson’s wagon to get a drink, Arthur trots up on his horse. Your eyes find him instantly and he beams at you, waving. He’s done that every time he returns since Colter. You blush and return the wave quickly before scurrying off. Something about Arthur gives you butterflies. 
Out of all the gang members, Arthur’s the man you’re closest too. It probably has something to do with that event in Colter, but you only dare remember that in your dreams. It’d been too perfect, but Arthur changed towards you after that, for the better. Before, he’d been just as friendly with you as he was with the other girls, but now he’s… no, you sternly say to yourself. He’s not flirting with you. No way in hell is Arthur Morgan flirting with you. 
Throughout the day while he’s in camp though, he seems to pop up whenever you move from one area of camp to the next. When you went from Pearson’s wagon to your own tent to get something, he’d been at Dutch’s tent, talking to him. He’d tipped his hat to you and smiled, again making you blush. When you went to the main campfire, he walked past you and it seemed like he purposely bumped into your shoulder. Not hard, but enough to gently push you. “Sorry, Y/N,” he said, catching your arm. “Gotta watch where I’m walkin’.” He gave your arm a gentle squeeze before walking off. 
By afternoon, you’re helping Pearson make dinner. Arthur and John walk past. They stop a few feet from the wagon and you can hear them talking. They seem to be deciding the best way to rob a stage with some wealthy people riding up from Blackwater. 
“I say we just do the usual approach, Arthur,” John says, his back to you. “Just point some guns at ‘em, they’ll throw all their money our way. These soft city people ain’t got much spunk.” 
“Yeah, but then they’ll talk,” Arthur counters. “I’ve robbed enough rich folk to know that merely scarin’ ‘em ain’t gonna keep them off your back long. I suggest we take one of the girls, have her put on an act. Make the stage stop, distract ‘em while we rob ‘em blind.”
“Well which one of the girls?” John asks. “Mary-Beth is always a good choice, but there ain’t no one who plays the lost little girl like Karen.” 
Arthur’s eyes brush over to you briefly. He’s got one hand on his gun belt. He couldn’t look more attractive if he tried. “I say Y/N. I bet she knows how to do the act just fine. Y/N!” he calls you over. 
You blush again and walk over, feeling quite small to the men. “Yes?” 
John looks at you, almost as though wondering if you’ll do, but Arthur smiles softly at you. “You wanna help us on a job?” he asks.
“Sure. Is it that stage you’ve been talking about the last two days?” 
“Sure is,” John says, walking over to the horses. “Come on you two, mount up and let’s go rob these bastards.” 
Just as you’re about to hop onto your horse, Arthur stops you. “I was thinkin’... you should put on the injured woman act on the trail. Best way to pull it off is if you ride my horse.” 
You can feel your cheeks burning. “O-oh, that’s okay, Mr. Morgan. I’d hate to be a burden.” 
“Ain’t a burden, miss, I’m the one offerin’. Come on, it’ll be fine.” He hops into his saddle and then offers his arm expectantly. You’re not sure how to tell him no so you just grab his arm and he swings you up behind him. Hesitating a bit, you wrap your arms around his body. Damn, he’s firm but warm. He turns his horse with a soft click and then canters up to meet John. You bury your face in his back to keep the wind out of your face. Little do you know he’s swimming in the joys of having your arms around him. There isn’t a thing he wouldn’t give to put his arms around you too. 
The trip is relatively short as the men take the horses just south of Flatneck Station. There, Arthur helps you dismount. He and John give you instructions on how to stop the stage and then they disappear into the trees. Feeling inspired and determined to do this job properly to impress Arthur, you sit down and roll around in the dirt a bit to make your clothes dirty to make it look like you’ve fallen from your horse. 
Not long after, a stage approaches from the south end of the trail. You hold your arm up and wave to the driver. 
“Oh please sir, could you help me?” you say from the ground. “My horse got spooked by a snake and threw me.” 
The stage miraculously stops. “Anything broken, ma’am?” the driver asks as his two passengers peak out. They’re both women, finely dressed with broad hats on their heads, colorful plumes waving lazily in the breeze. 
“I don’t think so, but my leg’s numb. I know Flatneck ain’t too far from here, could you give me a ride there and I can grab a train home?” 
The driver looks back at his passengers, who nod. He gets down and helps you up, although you put on quite the show of having an injured leg. You see John and Arthur quietly approaching the back of the stage where the luggage is. You’re almost standing and the driver’s about to turn and see them, so you pretend to take a bad step and fall to the ground again, knowing how ridiculous you must look. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir. Guess my leg’s worse than I thought. This is real embarassin’.”  
“That’s alright, ma’am. Come on, let’s get you up.” Arthur gives you the thumbs up and then he and John run off the trail and out of sight. You stop putting on nearly as strong of an act and let the driver guide you into the stage. Inside, you thank the two women and the stage goes down the road. After only a few moments, it stops and the driver helps you onto the platform of Flatneck Station. Arthur and John walk up on their horses, acting like two innocent travellers. 
You thank the driver. “Oh I wish I could pay you somehow for your kindness, but I’ve only enough money for a ticket home. Perhaps this will suffice?” you reach up and kiss his cheek. The man smiles. 
“That’ll do, ma’am, you stay safe ya hear?” He climbs back up onto the stage and whips the horses, riding off down the trail. You make a show of waving the two women off. Once they’re out of sight, you run over to Arthur and John, beaming. “Did you get it?”
Arthur grins. “That we did. That was one hell of a show.” He slides off his horse and walks over to you. 
“I’ll see you two in camp,” John says heavily. “I promised Abigail I’d go into town, pick something up. That woman…” He rides off before finishing, leaving you alone with Arthur. 
“So, should we actually get a train home?” you ask Arthur, feeling quite self conscious. You’ve never fully appreciated just how big Arthur really is. 
He smiles. “Nah, I’s thinkin’ we could just ride back on home. That’s if you don’t need nothin’ else? We could go somewhere if ya want.” 
Is Arthur really offering to take you somewhere? He’s never offered this to any of the other girls, even when he heard them complaining about being stuck in camp. 
“I… only if you don’t mind, Arthur, I know you got a lot going on.” 
“Ah, that stuff can wait. I got time to spend on ya.” He hides his eyes beneath his hat, a soft pink touching his cheeks. You’re blushing too of course. You know exactly how rough and even scary Arthur can be, you’ve seen it. You never knew he could be so sweet and generous though. 
“Okay. I wouldn’t mind seeing that moving picture in Valentine. Heard some folks talkin’ about it the other day,” you say. “Only if you don’t mind, of course.” 
“Nah, I won’t mind as long as you don’t mind ridin’ on my horse again.” 
Your face must look sunburned at this point, you’ve no doubt. “I don’t mind in the slightest.” 
He nods and mounts up again, lifting you up behind him. He doesn’t gallop to Valentine like you expected he would. Instead, he walks his horse there. When you point out it’ll take a lot longer, he doesn’t seem to mind. “Unless you’re in a rush,” he adds. 
“Of course not, Mr. Morgan.” 
“Arthur. Call me Arthur, miss. You been runnin’ with us long enough, ya can drop the formalities.” 
“Okay, but only as long as you stop callin’ me miss.” 
He chuckles. Along the way, you both talk. You’re finding it incredibly easy to be open with him, you tell him things you haven’t told another person before. He doesn’t judge you though, and he tells you about his own past as well and how he feels about things. You can’t help but trust him. 
When you finally get to Valentine, he helps you off his horse again and then leads you up to the ticket vendor. The boy there charges him fifty cents for two tickets. 
“Oh no, I can pay for my own seat, Arthur,” you say but he slams down the money and winks at you.
“Arthur, you really shouldn’t have paid for me,” you say as he walks you over to the tent. Just before reaching the entrance, he stops you. 
“I wanted to, Y/N. But… well, there is a way you can repay me for this.” 
“How’s that?” 
His cheeks are red and he smiles a bit. “Same way you paid the stage driver.” 
Your heart skips a beat. Kissing the stage driver had been nothing, he was just a stranger. But this is Arthur Morgan. You’ve only had a crush on him for weeks now. How you imagined it would feel to have his hands on yours, to feel his lips caress your skin. You blink, you’re getting ahead of yourself. He’s just merely asking for a kiss on the cheek, it’s not like he’s asking you to strip down or touch him inappropriately. 
You smile, trying to calm yourself down. “I can do that.” You reach up, but just as you’re about to kiss his cheek, he turns his head and his lips meet yours. You freeze at the contact and then quickly pull away. “S-sorry! I must have twitched!” you say. You must have.
He chuckles, his whole face red. “Did that feel like a twitch? Nah, sorry. I been wantin’ to do that for some time now. Hope… hope you don’t mind.” 
You smile at him. “Not as much as you think. Should we go see this motion picture?” 
He gestures for you to go in front of him. Once seated, you make sure to stay close to him. He seems stiff, like he feels bad about the kiss. You’re desperate for another one though, but it seems like he won’t make a move first this time. When the movie starts, you ignore it. You grab his arm and wind it behind you. He looks at you curiously in the darkness. Before he can whisper anything, you kiss him on the lips again. You’re glad it’s dark, he can’t see how much your entire face is burning. You hesitate in the kiss and then dive back into it with much more enthusiasm. His arms wrap around you, his hands tangling into your hair. You’re practically on top of him, but you don’t care. 
“Shhhhh!” a voice suddenly hisses from two rows up. You break apart and look, but whoever shushed you is staring at the screen again. You’re quite embarrassed now. Arthur’s hand rubs up your back. 
“Come on, darlin’,” he whispers in your ear. “How about we go somewhere we won’t be a distraction?” 
You bite your lip and smile before standing up, his hand in yours. You lead him towards the bright opening. Lord only knows where this encounter with Arthur Morgan will lead, but you’re excited to find out.
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bigtimetired · 4 years
Red ‘n Blue
another one-shot in a wider au- in which robin and superboy meet for the first time (set near the beginning of reign of the supermen, in this au not long after damian wayne meets his father)
Sunday 5th November 1989
[Palisades Avenue, Metropolis, DE]
Tim’s never been in Metropolis in person before, which is far from ideal.
Obviously, he’s looked at maps and pictures- he’s not an idiot- and he’s fairly confident that he could navigate the main streets. There are plenty of signs on the ground after all.
Unfortunately, Tim is neither on a main street nor on the ground.
He’s on a cold and miserable rooftop, somewhere rather far from where he stowed the bike he shouldn’t be riding between cities- between states- after dark, but hey, that’s just life.
It had been a spur of the moment idea, coming to Metropolis- an idea Tim had had (purely coincidentally) after a phone call from Bruce, reminding him that patrol tonight was cancelled.
(Tim hadn’t heard anything to suggest that he was there but had been fairly fucking certain that Damian had been smirking somewhere nearby.)
(Tim had also very carefully not thought about how this was the third time Bruce had either cancelled on him or brushed him off since his son had come to America. He had also very carefully ignored the burning feeling in his chest at the thought- such things didn’t bear further investigation.)
It had been a spur of the moment decision which Tim might be starting to regret, just a little bit.
One would have thought that there would be plenty of crime to stop here, considering what had happened to Superman a few weeks back. (Rest in peace, Big Blue.)
One would have been wrong though, because Metropolis has been cool and quiet and melancholic so far, and altogether very lacking in the crime department. That’s good obviously- great even- but if Tim doesn’t find an outlet soon he’s going to start fucking screaming.
He’s just a tiny bit on edge, recently.
He wonders why.
Tim makes the leap to another rooftop, peers down over the side with disinterest- a darkened movie theatre, shutters drawn, and doors locked. Just like every other building around here seems to be.
(Would Gotham do the same for Batman?)
“Nice costume, dumbass,” says a nearby voice, and Tim whirls, heart thumping and staff in hand.
There’s a boy- only about his own age- floating (actually floating) by the edge of the roof, arms crossed and face unimpressed.
Tim’s eyes skitter around, desperately trying to find some inspiration for a plan. His gaze catches on the bright insignia just visible under the boy’s leather jacket.
Tim blinks. Surely this isn’t…
The boy huffs, annoyed. “No, I’m the new Superman.”
Tim eyes the boy’s messy hair and very young face and snorts rather rudely.
Normally he would feel bad- Robin has faced similar disbelief in the past- but Tim hasn’t been in the best of moods lately.
“Sure thing, man. Whatever you say,” says Tim, and the boy’s face twists.
“Yeah, and who the fuck are you?”, he spits, and Tim scoffs, feeling like an absolute asshole and enjoying it.
(And if he’d much rather direct all this vitriol at a certain assassin-in-training rather than a complete stranger, then that’s no one’s business but his own.)
“Robin,” says Tim, as if it’s perfectly obvious.
“Uh-huh,” says Not-Superboy. “Don’t you have a gargoyle to be standing on or something?”
“Don’t you have kittens to be saving from trees or something?”
Not-Superboy floats closer, mouth opening in response.
And then there’s an explosion from down the street.
Tim stumbles badly, is saved from tipping off the roof by Not-Superboy himself, who looks more than slightly dazed.
“Thanks,” says Tim quickly, before taking off towards the smoking crater which used to be a building.
Finally, finally, something to do, to investigate, to-
After a moment Tim realises that he seems to have acquired a shadow.
He slants a hard look at Not-Superboy, who takes this as an opportunity to grab his arm and yank him to a halt.
“What the fuck man?”
Hot, simmering, rage is starting to build in Tim’s chest.
Not-Superboy frowns at him. “What are you doing?”
“My job? What’s it look like?”, Tim snaps, and Not-Superboy rolls his eyes in response.
“No, you’re gonna stay here, out of the way.”
“And why’s that?”
“‘cause you’re just a kid?”
Oh hell no.
“Oh yeah?”, Tim’s ears are burning, and he finds himself stretching up- because the bastard’s still floating like a complete dick- into Not-Superboy’s personal space. “You’re pretty fresh-faced yourself, bud.”
Not-Superboy throws his hands out from himself in frustration. “Yeah, but I’ve got superpowers. You’re just a civilian with a stick and a cape.”
Tim would very much like to smash said stick into someone’s face right now.
It’s at this point that the cause of the explosion decides to make itself known; a huge, spider-like, machine of gleaming silver trundles its way out of the wreckage and into the street, headed towards what Tim thinks is the city centre.
Not-Superboy lets out a harsh breath. “Fine. I don’t have time for this- if you get yourself killed, that’s on you.”
He shoots off after the machine, and leaves Tim standing there, fuming.
A civilian with a stick and a cape.
That’s a fucking challenge right there, in Tim’s book.
He unholsters his grapple gun and zips ahead of the metal spider-thing, mind already whirring with plans and ideas.
If he creates a blockade up here, that’ll hopefully limit collateral damage and buy him more time to shut this thing down before it gets to somewhere slightly livelier.
Tim squints at the scene behind him- the silver thing is still making its way towards him, seemingly undeterred by the colourful shape floating alongside and hammering dents into it.
Tim rolls his eyes, before snapping back into professionalism.
Assess the situation, Robin.
It’s got spidery leg things, that’s for sure, but the machine is actually trundling along on thick caterpillar treads, which gives Tim an idea.
Out of his belt he pulls the largest and hottest flares he owns, and chucks them at two faded patches of road, roughly around where the treads will run over them in several moments’ time.
Hopefully, the tar should start to melt around there and stick to the treads for a few minutes until Tim can stop this thing permanently.
Tim jumps from the roof, swings himself onto the back of the spider with his grapple and a well-placed girder, and starts poking around for a weak spot.
A vent, an escape hatch, any gap in the armour.
Tim narrows his eyes at a tiny space next to a panel of some sort and unceremoniously wedges the end of his staff into it.
Levering a panel that doesn’t want to move is easier said than done- even more so when one is on the back of a trundling monstrosity and in danger of being flung into the street at the next sharp turn.
Tim glances up and catches Not-Superboy’s eye, who has stopped whatever it was he was trying to accomplish and is instead staring at Tim in askance.
Tim jerkily beckons him closer with his chin, not letting go of his bo staff for a second.
Not-Superboy drifts over and yanks the cover up with relative ease- that fucking show-off- and Tim slams the end of the staff into the revealed circuitry over and over until it sparks.
It’s inelegant, but it generally works.
Some of the spidery legs rise up and twist around on themselves in an admittedly very impressive display of dexterity before one of them shudders violently and pierces the shell of the machine with a horrible scraping sound.
The vehicle judders then- once again Tim nearly falls and has to be steadied by the floating dumbass- and slows its steady trundle forward.
Tim glances around and realises that they’ve driven over his melted asphalt and mentally pats himself on the back.
Not-Superboy has landed at long last and is currently stomping on the shell with one foot. Tim wants to ask him what the fuck he’s doing, but it becomes obvious as soon as one stomp makes a slightly different sound than the others.
He’s found another weakness.
This panel is also ripped off with sickening ease, though this time Not-Superboy goes, “Ha!” and reaches in.
Finally showing some sort of effort- see how it feels motherfucker? – Not-Superboy uses both hands and starts levitating again to pull out a full-grown, wriggling, man dressed in various shades of grey and not in the least bit pleased about the current state of affairs.
The man breaks free and takes a swing at Not-Superboy who dodges it, and Tim decides to delegate that particular task to him and instead focus on turning off the whatever-the-fuck’s engine, as the whatever-the-fuck is still slowly inching forward and may or may not have some form of explosive on board.
Tim drops down through the hatch and into the cabin. There are a whole load of monitors and wires and stupidly complicated-looking panels in here, so Tim takes a nice, deep, breath and compares it all to the most complex machine he can think of- the Batcomputer.
Tim knows how to turn the Batcomputer off- he pictures it in is head, the flickering lights, the hum and whirring of machine parts, the button sequence required to switch it all on and off.
And then he slices as many wires as he can with the side of a Batarang until all the lights go out and the ground stops shaking.
Never fails, that one.
Tim clambers up on the ladder back to the top and peeks his head out strategically.
Not-Superboy is still struggling with the man, taking a glancing blow to the arm and being knocked back surprisingly far.
Tim decides to not be an asshole about this and creeps up on the pair.
He kicks out the man’s legs and Not-Superboy takes advantage and socks him in the jaw with an audible cracking noise.
The man crumples, out cold.
For a moment, neither of them say anything, just catching their breath.
Then Tim says, “Do you wanna call the cops?”
“…yeah,” Not-Superboy decides. He hesitates then, “Do you have, I dunno, zip ties or something?”
Tim nods.
“Cool- back in a sec.”
Tim watches Not-Superboy dip down to ground-level, making a beeline for the nearest phone-booth.
Tim rolls the man over with some difficulty and cuffs him like Bruce taught him to. He predicts then and there that Bruce will have called him by midday tomorrow about this whole thing and a part of him lights up with a savage kind of pride.
Not-Superboy is back then, staring up from the ground with an unreadable expression.
Tim raises an eyebrow and nudges the man’s unconscious form with his boot. (Lightly, because he isn’t a complete ass and is feeling a great deal more vindicated than earlier, for some unknowable reason.)
“You gonna help me with this or not?”
Not-Superboy’s face crinkles. “Huh?”
“We’re not leaving him on top of this thing, dumbass,” says Tim, with significantly less venom in his voice than earlier.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” Not-Superboy blinks, and Tim rolls his eyes, dragging the man to the edge by the armpits.
Not-Superboy takes him then and Tim hops down to the ground, surveying the scene. He decides that this is a victory for Robin on the collateral damage front and awards himself bonus points for managing it on someone else’s turf.
There are already police sirens in the distance, and Tim blinks.
“Huh. That was quick.”
“There’s a precinct a couple of blocks over,” says Not-Superboy matter-of-factly.
Tim grabs his grapple again and decides that the top of the movie theatre looks promising.
“Wh-where are you going?”
Tim shrugs, cocks his head slightly. “I dunno how you do it over here, but back home we don’t tend to stick around for the cops too often. Vigilantism, and all.”
“Oh.” Not-Superboy seems to consider this for a moment. “Alright, I guess.”
Tim salutes him and zips up to the rooftops again.
He makes it all of ten seconds before a voice calls after him, “Wait a sec!”
Tim obligingly waits a sec and is only kinda exasperated to see Not-Superboy floating up to him. (Again.)
Not-Superboy rubs the back of his neck and doesn’t quite look at Tim when he says, “Thanks, I guess. I mean, I had it covered, but it was nice of you to stick around, so, uh, thanks.”
Tim nods, not quite willing to unbend yet.
“Am I still just a civilian with a stick and a cape?”
Not-Superboy winces. “Yeah-uh, that was maybe kinda shitty of me and, uh, I guess I was wrong. So sorry about that.”
It’s definitely not the best apology in the world, but Tim’ll take it.
He shrugs. “It’s okay- I was kinda a dick earlier, so we’re even.”
“Where’re you going now?”, asks Not-Superboy.
Tim rolls his shoulders. “Home, I guess. Just gotta find my bike first.”
“Yeah? I mean, I hardly walked here from Gotham, did I?”
“Guess not.”
There’s a beat of silence, before Not-Superboy glances around furtively.
“Is he here?”
Tim blinks. “Is who- oh, you mean Batman?”
Not-Superboy nods.
“No,” says Tim, and he decides not to elaborate on that.
“Alright,” Not-Superboy’s shoulders relax a little. “Where’s your bike?”
“In the alley next to some diner back that way,” Tim gestures vaguely behind them.
Tim squints, tries to remember. “…maybe?”
“Oh my god.”
Not-Superboy’s rolling his eyes but his tone is light, so Tim doesn’t feel too offended. He drifts back a few feet, gestures that Tim should follow him.
“C’mon- I don’t think Gotham will ever forgive me if I leave Robin stranded over here.”
Tim snorts but follows anyway.
 Tim’s bike is stowed neatly in the alley next to Mary-Anne’s diner, as it turns out. Not-Superboy stares at it for a few moments, eyes starry.
Tim grins. “Her name’s Redbird.”
“She’s gorgeous,” says Not-Superboy, sounding as if he means it.
Tim nods. “Yeah, she is.”
“You know your way back, right?”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Dude.”
Not-Superboy grins, honest and open. “Just checking, man.”
Tim swings his leg over Redbird, settles down and brings the engine to life.
He looks at Not-Superboy, who looks much friendlier than he did earlier.
“Thanks again,” says Tim, meaning it. “This was fun.”
Not-Superboy shrugs, but he’s still smiling. “Yeah, it was a lil bit. See you around?”
Tim nods. “See ya.”
He shoots off into the night then, feeling much lighter than he did on the trip in.
 (He gets to school by lunchtime the next day, waves a forged doctor’s note at the necessary people and doodles in the margins of his notes until the final bell.
Bruce is either busy or getting old- he doesn’t call the house phone until 6pm. Tim lets it go to voicemail, grins a little as he listens to it over dinner, despite himself.
Bruce is disgusted, Tim is benched until the weekend, and somehow he’s not quite as upset as he thought he would be.
Funny, that.)
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bleachanimefan1 · 4 years
Oblitus Part 17
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now!
59 days left until Extermination...
"I can't believe it!" Charlie exclaimed. Alastor and Husk walked over to the group and talked to the cyclops demon.
"Your theory worked!?" Baxter questioned, still shocked.
"Well, partially, anyway," Vaggie commented.
"Yeah, why is she still a demon?" Angel asked.
"Maybe, there's something else that's still keeping her here?" Anna said.
"But, what?" Vaggie asked.
"I don't know." Anna answered, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm not exactly an expert." Charlie smiled.
"Well, I'd say it's progress. Nobody have managed to make anyone get this far!" She said, happily, almost crying. "Oh, that reminds me-" the princess reached for something her pocket and pulled out a cellphone.
"Here, I want to give you this," Charlie said holding out a Hellphone For Anna. "That way you can stay in touch, if you ever need anything!"
"Uh, thanks?" Anna replied, taking the phone from her. 
"We need to tell everybody about this! I'll call up Katie Killjoy and set up another appointment-" Charlie was about about to dial in her phone when Vaggie stopped her. The moth demon placed her hands on the princess's shoulders.
"Hun, I think you're getting ahead of yourself," Vaggie said. "Remember, what happened last time? We are going to need more proof, if we're going to win anyone over."
Alastor stepped up with a strange smile on his face. "Ladies, I have an idea," Everyone turned to him, listening.
"Let's have a show, advertising the hotel, of course, and Niffty as our poster gal!" He explained. "I'll even broadcast it live!"
Charlie beamed, jumping up and down, excitedly. "That's perfect, Alastor!" She exclaimed. 
"And that's not all! We'll have Anna here, sing as well," Alastor said, gesturing to Anna. Anna's eyes widen in shock.
"WHAT?!" She shouted. "I mean, why me? Can't you do it?" She stammered, nervously.
Alastor smiled. "Well, I've figured that since YOU helped out our little Niffty, you can have the favor of presenting!" Alastor "Unless, you'd be more comfortable singing with me, as a duet?"
"Please, do it! It'll really help the hotel's status!" Charlie pleaded. Anna sighed.
"Okay, I'll do it," She answered.
"Great! I'll swing by Mimzy's and let her know!" Alastor said, walking away, leaving.
"I'll make some fliers and posters!" Charlie shouted, with Vaggie following behind, heading to the management room.
 "I guess I'll go freshen up, before the show." Anna murmured. She walked away, up the stairs, heading to the bathroom. She walked into the room and pulled her shirt over her head and shimmied out of her jeans and shoes. Anna headed towards the shower, turning it on and stepped inside, closing the curtain. She happily sighed, feeling the warm drops of water fall on her. However, waves of nerves and anxiety soon began to cloud her mind. 
 She was going to dancing and singing in front of an large audience. What if she messed up? What if she embarrassed herself? What if Alastor does something weird to her?
Anna blushed as she shook her head. What is she thinking about him for? She has a boyfriend for pete's sake! Could she really be lusting over him? Suddenly, Anna felt something as her hair moved on the top of her head. She reached up and felt another ear tuft. She groaned, slumping her shoulders and leaned her head against the wall of the shower. She have get out of this place and soon. 
Anna turned the shower off and reached out grabbing an towel, drying herself. As she pulled the curtain back, Anna's eyes widen and she screamed, seeing Angel in front of her. Anna quickly pulled the curtains for cover herself. 
 "Aah! Angel?!" She exclaimed. "What are you doing?! Get out!"
 "I wanted to talk," Angel said.
 "Can't it wait, when I'm not in the shower?!" Anna asked, irritated. Angel ignored her and continued.
 "So, doll face, are you nervous for tonight's big bit?" the spider demon asked.
"Yes," Anna answered, flatly.
"Hey, come on, cheer up! You've made it this far. What's a little silly bit going to do?" Angel said, smiling. "Do you know what you're wearing for the show?"
"Well, I thought I'd just wear what I'm wearing," Anna replied. Angel frowned.
"That won't do," He said. "Come with me. I'll help find ya something that'll be the bee's knees!" 
At Mimzy's, it was completely crowded and packed as demons gathered around, sitting down, waiting for the show to begin. Alastor had placed Mimzy in charge of the stage lights and production. Charlie, Vaggie, Angel and Husk sat down at the table, waiting as well. Vaggie looked over at the princess seeing her nervously playing with her hands and biting her bottom lip.
"Relax, Hun, it's not going to be like like time," the moth demon said, comforting her girlfriend.
"I know, it's just-" The stage lights flipped on and Alastor stepped out from the curtains, wearing his top hat and tux, and on to the stage. A news demon with a camera faced him, filming. Alastor grinned widely, holding his microphone. 
"Hello, all you sinners! How you doing tonight?" The radio demon stated. "How about we give a round of applause to Hell's charming princess, and the daughter of the head honcho himself, Charlie Magne!" The whole room went silent as nobody said a word or clapped. Alastor smirked and continued.
"Maybe, this will change your minds," He said. Alastor snapped his fingers and the lights went off then came back on with luminescent neon colors. His whole attire was in different colors as well from the lights. Alastor looked around on the stage, wondering where Anna was. He haven't seen her since the hotel. Then Alastor's shadows began to play instruments and Alastor set his microphone down.
"Listen, ladies and gentlemen, if you would be so kind," Alastor began singing.
"Got someone very special here," He gestured his hand towards the stage curtains. "She's 'bout to speak her mind..."
Anna stepped out as she flipped the curtains behind her. Everyone's eyes widen in shock and their mouths dropped slightly. Alastor turned his head and his widen in surprise, as well. He felt an unknown and strange feeling, seeing her. The human woman was wearing a strapless slit dress that reached down to her thighs, showing off her curves, glowing an dark bluish color in the dark and black heels. Angel smirked as he leaned back in his seat, proud.
"I gotta song to sing!" Anna singed. "If you don't like my song, I'm gonna sing it anyhow!"
"I gotta a dream in my heart, yeah!"
"Nothing's gonna stop us now!" Alastor and Anna both sang together. Mimzy frowned, glaring, crossing her arms, seeing that the two were awfully close together. She flipped the switch. The stage curtains opened up instead. Alastor took Anna's hand and danced in circles as the spotlight followed them. Anna felt her heart beat fast and couldn't breathe as they did. She looked up at Alastor, feeling an certain and strange feeling as she did. Could she really be in lov-? No, couldn't be.
"Take 4 to 20 blackbirds and bake it in a pie," Anna singed. "Before you put it in an oven, babe, you know they're gonna fly!"
"They say curiosity killed the cat? I'm living proof that that's a lie!" Alastor singed, high. The two smiled and faced each other.
 "Now, I'm gonna tell you why!" They both singed together. Mimzy growled and flipped another switch and multiple lights came on behind Alastor and Anna. Her eyes widen in shock.
"Yeah! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
A light came on and shined on Niffty, revealing her. Everyone's eyes widen in shock. Charlie squealed seeing the look on their faces, biting her lip, excitedly. All over the monitors in Hell, every demon froze looking up in shock. In his office, Lucifer took a sip from his coffee until he glanced over at the TV. His eyes widen and spat out his drink, spraying the screen.
 Anna twirled as she danced gracefully on her feet. "And if I wanna dance, I'll dance!"
 "She'll dance," Alastor slid on his knees, singing in an girly voice, batting his eyes, looking up at Anna. She rolled her eyes. Mimzy had to put a stop to this. She picked up a crate of bulbs and dropped them from above aiming at Anna. Alastor twirled Anna as the two danced, dodging the falling bulbs as they shattered on the ground.
 "Just as long as the law will allow," Anna continued. "Dance and sing all night long. Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
Alastor dipped her and Anna around him. "Yeah, nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, NOW!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Alastor danced as tapped danced on stage.
Anna smirked as she walked off the stage stepping on the tables as she did. She bent down to a demon couple and placed a finger underneath the male's chin, leaning in closer. Alastor turned and frowned, seeing Anna getting a little to close to the demon. He snapped his fingers and instantly, Anna was right back on the stage, next to him. The demon's girlfriend glared at her boyfriend, seeing him still eyeing Anna, and slapped his cheek.
 "Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us, Now!"
 "I gotta feeling inside!" Anna smiled, fluttering her eyes. "Ooh, it's love! Without a doubt!"
 "Oh, I got someone I'm crazy about!" Alastor pitched in.
 "Annnd, nothing's gonna stop us now!" The two singed together. Alastor picked Anna up and tossed her in the air.
 "Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us! Nothing's gonna stop us!-"
 Multiple fireworks went off on the stage. Alastor caught Anna as the two posed, facing everyone.
"Now!" Anna and Alastor panted.
The whole crowd let out a loud uproar from cheering to clapping as they gave them an standing ovation.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Breakfast In The Afternoon - Director Keller x Reader (Captain Marvel)
A spiritual successor to Don’t Let Me Forget it’s the same relationship, anyhoo
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Author’s Note: Considering we’re on permanent hiatus with his Space Girl, I figured I might as well go full flow with his Agent, because I miss writing for this man so much.
I won’t lie, a lot of this wouldn’t have happened without this post. I sent this song around literally the day after ‘Dont Let Me Forget’ came out and the general consensus was it was gonna work for a sequel. Breakfast in the Afternoon - Caitlyn Smith
Disclaimer: Gif not mine / lyrics not mine / Captain Marvel characters not mine / Shout out to the aviation page I found with all the innuendos on, honestly, peak internet content -  I wasn’t sure there was such a thing and you didn’t let me down! 👌👌👌
Premise: You’re determined to make sure that Keller has only the best of lazy Sundays. He’s only determined to test your reflexes...
Words: 2672
Warnings: Sexual Connotations (+Pre-Amble) / Innuendos / Swearing
I've been awake all morning Think I'll just stay in bed Listening to ya snoring Don't wanna wake you yet But I kiss you on the cheek, and you smile Before you open your eyes And you look at me and say, "Hey" Shuffle on in to the kitchen Put on some Nat King Cole Do up the dirty dishes Left from the night before You wrap your arms around me and sway Singing, "You're my Mona Lisa, babe" Ooh, and everything else just fades away If trouble's waiting, they can keep on waiting 'Cause we got the day figured out Wake up slow and make love slow And keep all the shades hanging down The world keeps spinning all crazy But let it keep spinning on without us, baby Just me and you, having breakfast in the afternoon
You hoped it was Sunday. It definitely felt like a Sunday. You’d probably had just a little too much to drink last night. You could feel the rhythm of his breathing, the warmth of his body under yours; so it must have been - or both of you were going to be very late to work. Not that you thought Keller had an off day, he was always checking his pager - you’d once thrown the thing across the house, when you’d got a little too annoyed at it going off every five seconds in the middle of a very important make-out session. You cracked one eye open to peer at his clock, happy that the day was already in double figures and he was still here. Your head was on his chest, one of his arms draped around you; and you had no intention of moving just yet. Instead you merely snuggled into him, closing your eyes once more. You didn’t fall back asleep, just listening to the sounds of the house, and his body, and every so often the world outside. Before long Keller was shuffling around under you, and groaned gently as he stretched; he drew out his exhale and you smiled, knowing he was looking at his bedside clock. “What time do you call this, Director?” “Oh, don’t act like this is my fault...” but he chuckled, hand running smoothly along your back and through your hair. “Good morning.” “Just.” His sarcasm was clear as day “Aw, a lie in won’t kill ya...” You kissed his chest, tracing your hands over his skin as you held him tighter. “No, but you might!” Your eyes were still closed but you could hear the grin in his voice. He groaned once more, rubbing his eyes; “I am too old to drink like that. It makes me wanna grab a pack of Marlboro again...” You lifted your head from his chest to look at him, “Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t let you drink then.” Keller exhaled sharply, “We better have a box of toothpicks I’m gonna go crazy...” he blinked slowly, and finally his eyes lingered on you, large hand shifting to frame the left hand side of you face. “Still...” Keller brushed his thumb over your lips, “You’re not such a bad thing to wake up to.” You chuckled, “Well Director, you’re not so bad yourself...” then you grinned, “Your vision must improve when you’re drinking too.” He scoffed, “It’s not that bad. It’s just better with glasses.” Understanding your meaning he chuckled; “Perish the thought, you’re gorgeous no matter when I’m looking at you.” You gave him a disbelieving look, which of course he had to kiss off you, pulling you to his lips. But the movement of your body across his made you gasp softly, and Keller smirked against your kisses, one hand tangling in your hair, the other tracing down your back as you supported yourself against him and continued your slow, needy kisses.
His hand moved to your hip and stilled, soon enough joined by his other, but you were half a step ahead of his gentle guidance, hooking your leg over his to straddle him. You released his lips to catch your breath momentarily; “Don’t you get tired of me wearing you out?” “Baby...” His voice was low and seductive as he looked between your eyes and your lips, desperately wanting them on his again, “How could I ever?”
It was at least mid-day by the time either of you thought about shifting out of bed to shower and get dressed. You wanted to be as comfortable as possible but Keller, raised the way he was, always wore a button up shirt and smart jeans, if not pants. At least he was merciful (or not as the case may be!) enough to roll his sleeves up. “Why don’t you just go to Church?” He gave you a pointed look, “I think you’ve already made me late for that. I don’t need Church to pray.” He tilted his head, “Besides, I do know a thing or two about what happens after Church on Sunday.” Without warning he picked you up and, placing a kiss to your neck, carried you down the stairs to the kitchen. Once there he sat you down on the counter, and you were already giggling. “What would you like for breakfast? At… 12:30, right, Brunch, then.” “I should just ask for cereal.” “That’ll get you far…” He pondered through the cupboards, pulling out ingredients and setting up before reaching for the case of toothpicks, sliding one out and placing it between his teeth. You watched all this from the side, swinging your legs nonchalantly and studying Keller’s every movement carefully. You knew his body and his mannerisms like nothing else, and that wasn’t just because you were together – you spent so much time with him, and watched him constantly in the field. Keller didn’t become a Director overnight - he didn’t get where he did without being excellent. There was so much you could still learn from him. Even here, in a comfortable domestic environment, every so often he’d do something that would surprise you. But he was memorised, engrained in you – so much so you knew you’d picked up a score of his habits. But to be honest, there was nothing much better than watching him make breakfast in the kitchen on a lazy Sunday. Especially as every time Keller passed where you were sitting to collect something else he would kiss you – and you knew that he ‘forgot’ things on purpose sometimes to do just that. Well, you weren’t complaining. Keller slid across the room to the radio, switching it onto whatever local country radio station he was choosing today, before turning back to his cooking. Sunday was also comfort food day – and you were dating a Southern gentleman, who liked to remind you of this fact often. He still had both his parents and his little sister, who you had yet to meet but had heard a lot about. And Keller must have talked about you to them, because he often told you that she said ‘Hi’. They were still all back in his home state though. He moved the toothpick skilfully to the other side of his mouth with his tongue, humming gently to the song on the radio and you couldn’t help but smirk and chuckle. Which made him turn back to you removing it from his lips, holding it between his fingers like it was a cigarette; “What?” You knew why he did it - for exactly that reason – just to have that feeling and stimulation, in his fingers, or lips or sometimes tucked behind his ear. But you just couldn’t help yourself, and gently bit your lip as you fixed him with your best innocent stare, “You know, if you need an oral fixation you could have something a lot better in your mouth…” Saying things like that never failed to make him blush; this time around he coughed and cleared his throat, “Shut up and sit to the table.” “Are you ordering me around, Director?!” He paused again and shot you another look, making you cackle, “Okay, I’m going!” Keller whistled you back to him, bending down to kiss you gently, “I love you.” You pulled him back by his collar as he straightened because you weren’t done with him yet; “I know. I love you too.” Breakfast was as incredible as you knew it was going to be, and he spent a lot of time sweet talking you – even though you’d heard it all nearly a thousand times, you couldn’t help but sit there and swoon over him. The way that he would smile at you or giggle whenever you’d pay him one compliment for every hundred he gave you. But you still couldn’t help but feel so lucky whenever Keller looked at you like that – and he made you feel everything at once, always at no less intensity than a supernova; Gosh he’s so perfect. Oh my god I’m so lucky. But also, geez, now I just want him to fuck me on the kitchen counter, he’s such a southern gentleman, boy just take me please-!! Drive me to a church right now, you’re so perfect… But Keller was always so bashful, and he’d always respond to everything you said with “Aw, I’m nothing special...” Although you didn’t believe he really felt that way at all with the shades of pink, through red, he turned. You’d felt his heart beat fast under his skin when you’d complimented him before. Sure, Keller would always want to act professional, and always pretend that you were the only one who deserved praises – but you affected him in exactly the same way. And you weren’t sure if that was meant to be a secret or not – even if it was for sure one he’d never tell – but you would keep it to yourself, as if it was the most important secret you’d ever been told.
 A lot later in the day on your lazy Sunday, you were curled up on the couch. This time you’d actually decided to check something out on your own pager. This obviously wasn’t something you usually did, but that was because you rarely got paged at the weekend, so another member of your team insisting that something might be urgent was certainly cause to leap into research action. You were definitely curious, even when you knew the irony, considering how often you told your significant other off. Keller was in the room, but you hadn’t noticed him yet. At first he was trying to figure out what was going on, staring curiously at you from his bookshelf - as soon as he caught the device in your hand he could do nothing but smirk; ‘Oh?! What’s this? She’s working!? When she’s always chiding me?!’ Of course he wasn’t about to let you get away with that, and laughed to himself silently, ‘Girl, you just wait!’ He had years upon years of S.H.I.E.L.D training, and he’d been an agent longer than you had (before you even counted his time in the Airforce); therefore Keller had no problems using his sneaking skills to stealthily make his way across the living room to you. Or so Keller would think, problem was, as you were also a top Agent, you hadn’t failed to notice his presence at all. All you were doing was pretending to be oblivious to his presence. His approach led to him studying you closely, and he couldn’t help but soften his expression, when you concentrated on your tasks like that you always looked especially beautiful. He liked watching you work hard for similar reasons – to him you genuinely had it all. You deserved all the love and affection he showered you with, and much more. Keller smiled gently, and leant over – after all, how could he resist giving you a kiss? You were, unfortunately, prepared for him (or at least what you thought he was going to do) and he just about caught your grin before you grabbed him. Getting his head into a comfortable lock and supporting his shoulders you tugged, and before he really had time to react, Keller found himself flipped over the couch with you pinning him down beneath you; hand on his throat, nails digging into his jaw line. “Didn’t anyone ever teach you not to sneak up on a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent?” He blinked a couple of times, that delightful shade of pink already threatening; “I’m just glad my best and brightest would be able to handle such an attempt on their life.” “Uh huh.” You raised a disbelieving eyebrow, before leaning forward to kiss him harshly without warning; leaving him breathless. “That’s what you get for sneaking up on me!” Keller couldn’t help a small smile of delight; “Uh. That’s not really deterring me. In fact I might keep testing your reflexes-!” “Careful.” You breathed, digging your nails in a little harder causing Keller to bite his lip, a curious look in his blue eyes as your own stare hardened. “You wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses would you?” You tipped your head, pushing him further down into the couch and removed them from his face. He raised an eyebrow as you slid them over your own eyes. You blinked a few times and then squinted looking around, pushing them up with your fingertips; “Good god! How bad are your eyes-!?!” Keller chuckled, and shook his head; “You always make the same joke!” In all honesty they weren’t bad, they blurred things for you a little, but were near perfect, and not as bad as anyone might think considering that he wore them as much as he did. He was Airforce previously, so you imagined they were once 20:20. You didn’t know very much about The Accident - which was exactly how he referred to it if he ever referred to it at all. You knew that Nick Fury had more details but he was sworn to silence, out of respect for his boss and good friend. And you would never pry anyway. What you did know is it was the last time that Keller had ever flown as a fighter pilot. And he’d been hospitalised for an undisclosed period of time. But they didn’t revoke his license and he still flew now; a fact for which he was very grateful. Planes had always been his life since he was very little, it would have broken his heart to take them away from him completely. Taking them off carefully you watched the way Keller tried to suppress his smirk with a lip bite and completely failed. “If you like me in your glasses…” you placed them gently on the table behind you, “You aught to see me in your clothes…” He opened his mouth to respond, but didn’t get very far before your lips were back on his and your hands were running through the buttons on his good shirt. “It’s a little disappointing that I don’t get to undo a tie and waistcoat…” you grazed your lips to his again, “But I’ll take what I can get…” He groaned gently into your kiss as you lay him back on the sofa, straddling his hips and grinding yours against him. You pushed your body to his and continued to run your hands over him; Keller’s were back in your hair and he could do nothing other than pull you closer. Still he broke the kiss, breathing heavily as your hands moved to his belt; “What? Geez again?! Why don’t I just talk dirty to you instead?” He took your hands in his, placing them on your thighs, tracing his eyes slowly over your body as he ran his tongue lazily over his bottom lip, “Cuz, baby, you can pressure check my pitot static system any day…” That was exactly why usually you wouldn’t let him dirty talk you. Because he always said things like that, leaving you more quizzical than turned on. “Yeah. That usually goes along the lines of comparing me to technical aeroplane parts and things that I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He smirked, with a cocky raised eyebrow; “There’s some pretty sexy aeroplanes out there though, trust me.” You scoffed, well, if it worked for him! “Sex and aeroplanes should only go together if we’re getting into the mile-high club-!!” Keller grinned, cupping your face in his hands before kissing you gently, and making himself more comfortable under you; “Well. I am a director, and I’m sure I could charter a private plane and fix that...” You couldn’t help your momentary stunned silence, looking at him with wide eyes; “Don’t you dare tease! That better be a promise!” “Oh baby, it’s a promise.” And before you could say any more, he grabbed you – pulling him flush to him to make sure those steamy kisses continued. What a Sunday…
Thank you for reading-!💙
@happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad
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krizaland · 5 years
Enter the Zimvoid Chapter 12
First Chapter  Previous 
Alrighty! There’s still spoilers along with a fight scene and a musical number ahead!
Here’s the song I used btw
“WHAT?!” You nearly choked on your own spit.
“You heard me! You have the highest honor of ruling by his side as his beautiful spouse! Aren’t you excited?!” Number 2 squealed as he squeezed your hand.
“Well! I mean, I guess I could date him but I’m not ready for marriage yet!” You spluttered as you put a hand on your chest.
“Oh come now, beautiful one! Number 1 is still a Zim! He’s just the perfect Zim is all! Y/Ns are supposed to love Zims aren’t they?” Number 2 replied as he patted your hand.
“Well, I love my Zim and I’ll admit I did fall in love with some other Zims along the way but-”
You nearly crashed into Number 2 as he stopped dead in his tracks.
“What did you just say?”
“I said I’m already in love with some other Zims?” You repeated sheepishly.
“Ok, you’ll need to tell me their numbers! Stat! You simply can not be with any Zim other than Number 1! You’re his Y/N now! Got that?! No one else’s!” Number 2 chided as he wagged his finger in your face.
“Well..I don’t know their numbers! There’s like a schimllion Zims on this planet!”
“Hm. I suppose that’s true. No matter! The great Number 1 will find who they are eventually!” Number 2 muttered as he continued to walk you down the halls.
“What will he do to the other Zims when he finds out who they are?” You had a feeling you were going to regret the answer.
“Well, he’d probably execute them! Like I said, no one else is allowed to have you other than Number 1!” Number 2 explained nonchalantly.
Yup. You absolutely regretted the answer. You felt a shudder run down your spine as you tried to remain calm.
“Are you alright, beautiful one? You’re starting to shake.” Number 2 asked.
“O-Oh yeah. I’m just shaking with…excitement! Yes! I sure am excited to be marrying the great Number !” You lied, hoping you sounded convincing.
“That’s the spirit, beautiful one! You should be excited! You should feel honored to become the spouse of Number 1! Now FEEL HONORED!” Number 2 cheered as he picked up the pace.
You simply nodded as you tried to keep up. You took a deep breath and tried to remain calm.
“Sick of all these Zims suffering, Sick of all this noise. Tired of all these Zims fighting, Sick of being poised.” You sang in your head as you tried to keep it held high.
“Now the doors are open wide, begging for my feet to break them. Already choking on my pride. So there’s no use crying about it.” Your mind kept singing as you walked by a choir of Zims.
“Finally a Y/N….Finally a Y/N…Finally a Y/N…Finally a Y/N….” Their chants echoed throughout the halls.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They wanna make me their majesty!” Your mind sang as you shut your eyes for a moment.
“And there’s an evil man sitting on the throne, that says he wants a piece of me!” You imagined yourself wearing battle armor as you kept walking.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They got the kingdom locked up! And there’s an evil man sitting on a throne that’ll try to keep my pretty mouth shut! I’m headed straight for the castle!” You felt your shock morph into rage with every step you took.
“Oh all these minutes passing. Sick of being a muse. If he wants to break my friends down, he’s gonna get bruised.” You imagined yourself  punching a hole through a painting of Number 1.
“Now the doors are open wide, begging for my feet to break them. Already choking on my pride. So there’s no use crying about it.” Your mind kept singing as the choir of Zims kept singing.
“Finally a Y/N….Finally a Y/N…Finally a Y/N…Finally a Y/N….” Their chants grew louder and louder in your mind.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They wanna make me their majesty! And there’s an evil man sitting on the throne, that says he wants a piece of me! ” You imagined yourself standing before Number 1’s throne.
Number 1 glared down at you and let out a distorted cackle.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They got the kingdom locked up!” You pulled out a sword and raised it into the air.
“And there’s an evil man sitting on a throne that’ll try to keep my pretty mouth shut!” You sang as Number 1 reached out and grabbed your face.
You pushed away his hand and jumped back.
“I’m headed straight for the castle!” You sang as Number 1 jumped off his throne and lunged at you.
You jumped out of the way, causing Number 1 to go flying across the room.
Number 1 let out a distorted roar as he peeled himself off the ground.
“There’s no use crying about it!” You taunted as you braced yourself for his next attack.
Number 1 pulled out a sword of his own and tried to take a swipe at you.
You blocked his attack with your own sword and continued to sing.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They wanna make me their majesty! And there’s an evil man sitting on the throne, that says he wants a piece of me!”
“I’m headed straight for the castle! They got the kingdom locked up!” You sang as you deflected another attack.
Number 1 let out another roar.
“And there’s an evil man sitting on a throne that’ll try to keep my pretty mouth shut!”
Number 1 shoved you into a nearby wall.
He grabbed your face and pulled it close
You pushed him off of you with all over your strength.
The impact threw Number 1 into his own throne, causing it to fall on top of him.
“I’m headed straight for the castle!” You sang as you raised your sword one last time.
With three swings of your sword, Number 1 was blasted to smithereens.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! I’m gonna be their majesty! I’ll overthrow that evil man sitting on the throne and restore the peace!” You cheered as you stood on top of the ruins of Number 1’s throne.
“I’m headed straight for the castle! I’ll set the kingdom free! I’ll overthrow that evil man sitting on the throne and make him rue the day he messed with me! I’m headed straight for the castle!”
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amped and wired, part two | chapter eight: i was right
I lay down in my bed to await Lars, who was in the next room seeing Mrs. Hamilton off and switching off the light. I had already stripped off my sweatshirt and my jeans in favor of pajama bottoms and I was more than ready to call it a night. The whole entire time she was out getting us dinner, he kept on saying that he wanted to show off a little more of his tennis skills to me when given the chance.
“Well, it's dark and rainy out right now, Lars—not really the best time to be doin' such a thing at the moment,” I told him. “Aside from the aforementioned school, this really isn't the best place to be playin' tennis.”
“Who said we were going to be playing at the school? I didn't say anything about playing at the school.”
“Well, one of us brought it up—I was sure that was a suggestion of sorts.”
“It was not,” he insisted.
“Then why the hell bother mentioning it if there won't be anythin' that'll come of it?” I asked him.
“Because it was something. It was something. Something is far better than nothing. If there was nothing here, I would suggest going down to Syracuse or some place else.”
“Yeah but you didn't.”
“I know.”
“So yeah, like... I just assumed it, though.”
“And I know you did. To make an assumption is to base off of an observation and therefore, seeing as you observed it, you came to an assumption. Albeit an incorrect one, but you made an assumption.”
“And—your point?”
“My point is exactly what you said. All I am doing is pointing out what you pointed out and you are in turn pointing it out to me and therefore I am pointing it out to myself.”
I didn't know what to say to that, so I said: “oh, okay.”
“Okay what?”
“Me? You're the one who assumed it.”
“Well, why didn't you add anything, though? My head wouldn't be spinning right now.”
“Because I didn't think you would assume,” he confessed.
“Lars, I'm a dumb hick from out here in the sticks—I assume bullshit all the time. Yeah, it's gotten me into trouble but ya gotta cut me some slack, though.”
“I'd be more than happy to cut you some slack, Joey—just gimme some fabric for a molding of sorts.”
“Says the guy who won't darn his own socks.”
“I cannot darn my own socks!” he exclaimed.
“Yeah, you also wanna make your own tennis racket, too. There you go—I just hockey punched a huge hole in your logic.”
He giggled at that.
“What's so funny?” I demanded.
“Just the way you said that,” he replied with a hand up by his mouth. “'There ya goo—I jus' hahckey punched a yuge hole in yer lahgic.”
“Oh, right, like you don't 'ave a weird way'a talkin'—I cannot dahn my ohwn sohcks!” I said that with a big old gyration of my head, too.
“I don't talk like that,” he scoffed, “—at least I hope not.”
“Lars, all the times I've listened to you in interviews—just either on TV or by hearsay, you always sound so proper and prim. Like... I could listen to ya talk for hours. And I'm here like 'hey, y'all, how ya did?' Makes me pale in comparison, y'know?”
“Well—if I'm honest... I don't see that as a trait of being a hick, Joey,” he said. “I see that more as a sign of humility, which is a rare feat with lead singers especially. I wouldn't call you a hick as I would a country boy, like... Cliff was like that. You're humble and I like that. I try to be, but sometimes I don't really have a choice, you know? I have to be forthgoing—I have to the leg work because James and Kirk won't do it, or they don't really have all that much to add.”
“Your band wouldn't be where they are now without you,” I told him.
“And I hate to say it but James has a big case of lead singer's disease at the moment. When I was let go, I could feel it coming on. I figured it was only a matter of time and then the next thing I knew, he looked at me dead in the eye and said 'Lars—it's over. Kirk and I are going to have to ask you to leave.'”
“At least you got looked at,” I assured him. “I got a phone call.”
He gaped at me. “Damn.”
“Yeah, you're tellin' me,” I said with another shake of my head. “But Charlie sounded real remorseful, though—like he said, 'Joey, I really don't wanna be doin' this', and I had a feeling what was going on and then he said it. Now that I look at his behavior in Black Orchid, he still does. Like I knew when he offered me a cup of coffee earlier in Black Orchid, he wanted to make things right between me and him. Like that was the start of repair.”
“I think their becoming homeless had something to do with it, too,” he pointed out with a raise of one eyebrow and a tucking of a lock of hair behind his ear. “Like they went through something terrible and it was like a wake up call to not rid of something precious.”
“I have no doubt in my mind that had sump'n to do with it,” I said with a shake of my head. “Not entirely, but it definitely played a big role in it, though, y'know?”
“Absolutely. But at least they learned their lesson, though. On my end, it was like—Cliff was killed and James and Kirk still went ahead with the decision together. What especially hurts is Metallica was all my idea. I was the one who put the wanted ad in the magazine and James was the one who came to me. It's like, 'you're kicking me out of my band?' You should consider yourself lucky, Joey.”
“You're kinda lucky, too, Lars,” I assured him, “—you've got this cozy li'l apartment here takin' care of you. It's filled with ghosts an' my nonsense, and there's only so much I can do, but I'd rather you be here chillin' with me than out in the cold out in Cali, though.”
“You know, come to think of it—I am lucky. Before I came here, I was doing what Scott, Frank, and Charlie are doing at the moment bunking over at Black Orchid. As lovely as Mrs. Hamilton herself is, I came to a limit over there.”
“How exactly are they staying there?” I asked him.
“There's a loft upstairs—not the loft so to speak, where she, Scott, and I were having our moments together. But there's one over the main atrium, though—there's two beds up there and a bathroom, but that's about it. There's not much to do and I think that's what drove me up the wall when I stayed there. It is better than nothing, sure, but I am lucky to have met you when I did, Joey.”
“And I'm gonna tell you this right now, I ain't precious.”
And right as I said that, Mrs. Hamilton stepped back into the apartment with dinner in her hands. Big helpings of that and a couple of trips to the bathroom later, and I was back laying in my own bed with my hands behind my head. I was feeling all warm and silky again, and I just wanted to fall asleep right there. But I promised Lars that I would stay awake until he slid into bed next to me. I had no idea if he would take off his socks or not before he climbed into bed but I was certain he would come in at any given moment.
I lowered my arms to underneath the blankets: the clash of the warmth under the blankets and the cold feeling on my skin made me shiver, even with my hands right on my stomach. But I was feeling full again and I wanted to nurse the feeling.
I rolled over onto my side with my arm over my waist and my hip cocked out. I just relaxed every inch of myself. I nestled my head down into my pillow a bit more to feel every bit of the warmth. In a way, I almost felt like I had fallen asleep at my parents' house after dinner. I made a mental note to call up my mom in the morning to tell her how everything was going.
I could feel myself falling asleep when I caught the sound of the bedroom door swinging open behind me. Silence.
And then—
And it made the bed shake a bit. I opened my eyes to see him laying next to me on his back and his hair fanned out from his head.
“Did you just jump onto the bed?” I asked him in a muffled voice.
“Kind of,” he replied.
I paused for a second.
“I don't think that was 'kind of',” I admitted.
“No, it—it was,” he said.
“You made the bed shake, though.”
“Because I'm fat, that's why.”
“Oh, right, right—” I closed my eyes again because the feeling needed to be nursed some more.
“Mrs. Hamilton told me she's going to be back here tomorrow morning to take us grocery shopping,” he informed me in a single breath. “She doesn't want this place to be without any legitimate morsel food for a second longer.”
“Oh—good,” I muttered with a shifting of my head so I could better breathe. He lay on top of the blankets so I couldn't move too much.
“You look—very relaxed,” he said.
“I am. Before you came in here, I was about ready to fall asleep.”
“But you stayed awake.”
“Yeah. 'Cause—you're kinda like my buddy now, Lars.”
I opened my eyes to see the soft expression on his face.
“And—you kind are like my buddy, too, Joey,” he added. “Here—”
He climbed up and off of the bed, and to the spot right behind me. I didn't want to roll over to see him, but I could hear his clothes rustling. I felt the blankets peel back down at my feet. Within a few seconds, he had turned off the light. I felt him climb into bed next to me with his head down by my feet; meanwhile, I felt his bare feet make their way up towards my pillow, but he kept them away from me.
I sighed through my nose and relaxed again. Within a matter of seconds, I had fallen asleep.
The dream I had was nothing like the one I had had the night before, in that I wasn't laying on an operating table but laying atop a huge pile of bones and ocean waves. I didn't understand it, either, especially since the waves weren't so much as pulling me along as they were keeping me in a singular place upon the ocean. I took one look down at the bones to find that most of them were from animals: there was a cat skull right underneath my right hip. I noticed I was rendered to nothing more than a skinny little sack of bones myself, far skinnier than I was in real life.
My knees were pointed like pyramids and my legs had lost all of the tight lean muscle I had built up in all that time playing hockey and learning to drum. My stomach had caved in all the way down towards my spine: my belly button was stretched out into a long narrow stripe on the skin. My stomach itself meanwhile was in utter agony from hunger. I could see my ribs jutting out from under the skin. I could feel my heart pounding inside of my chest, which was in sheer agony. I couldn't hardly move from the starvation, given it gave me such a deep and profound ache within me. I needed to get off of this makeshift raft, wherever it was headed to there on the ocean.
I shifted my left foot and everything on the left side ached like crazy; I did the same for the right side and the same story there.
I lay my head back down upon the pile of bones and I could feel something upon my face. Moving my eyes down, I noticed I had no nose. My lips had disappeared too, even though I could pucker them with ease. My skin was gone and I was a sack of bones that had lost its skin within a matter of seconds.
I jarred myself awake to the sound of Lars quietly snoring right next to me and the feeling of his foot right within my spot of my heart, hence the pain in my chest. I ran my hand down my bare belly, which was still quite warm with dinner and still very soft and full. I gazed up into the darkness, to the shadows over my face, and then I let my eyes sink closed. I rolled my head over a bit on the pillow when I felt something brush against the side of my neck.
I opened one eye to see her inky black hair lay itself against me. Her full body was round, heavy, and very smooth, but cold with that ghostly chill. I looked over at Nerissa, who lay over me like the succubus she was, and the succubus I let her be.
Her dark eyes gaped at me like a pair of deep black holes. Her dark lips hung over my face. Usually I would let her kiss me and caress me down while I was laying in bed, but then again, Lars was right there next to me. But then again, Lars probably couldn't wake up if I stayed quiet, and she was usually quiet whenever she appeared before me for a little round of ghost lovin'.
I put my hands underneath my head and let her caress my face and the sides of my neck. I watched her float down towards my collar bones and then my chest, and then she reached my stomach. Her kisses felt like the tips of feathers on my skin; I felt her lifting the elastic band of my pajama bottoms for a peek inside. I closed my eyes as she slipped her fingers down inside for a touch.
Even though she was so cold, so cold and icy and grazing my skin with goose pimples, I was still feeling as warm and soft as ever within. I didn't want this feeling to ever go away. Those same goose pimples made their way across the skin on my shaft, which only made it rise more. I couldn't resist the smile on my face and the warm feeling just continuing to spread throughout my body. She caressed me down right there and I felt so relaxed that all I could do was give soft and sweet little groans inside my throat upon each kiss from her lips. I couldn't help but shift my hips a little bit upon the mattress, but then I remembered Lars was right there next to me.
She gave my head a little kiss before she vanished into thin air.
Sometimes all you need in life following a bad dream is a bunch of dinner and then when there's another bad dream, have a succubus to kiss you good night. I sighed through my nose and caressed my belly with both hands. The warm feeling made me weak at the knees. I couldn't hardly stay awake a second longer.
I fell back asleep, that time into a dreamless bout, and I awoke to Lars' feet right up on my chest. His heel pressed right up on my nipple which made me squirm a little bit, and it didn't help matters that he kept shifting his legs about so it felt like he was trying to pinch my nipples with his feet. I did however have my moment with him in that my feet knocked him right square in the crown of the head.
“Another round of getting kicked in the face, Joseph,” he remarked in a broken voice.
“Hey, at least it's just the back of your head this time,” I pointed out with a clearing of my throat. “I feel like you're givin' me a li'l nipple piercing here. A li'l piercing on a cold day.”
He snickered to himself.
“What's so funny?” I demanded; I opened my eyes and looked down at his softened face, hugged by those blankets and that couch pillow. I noticed the bright white glare outside of the window behind my head, which meant it snowed overnight.
“Again, I just like the way you said that,” he said, “I feel like yer givin' me'a li'l nipple piercin' ahn a cold day.”
“You really wanna try your hand at my accent?” I challenged him as I cleared my throat again. “Park the car down on the lawn by Lake Ontario for a bit o' pop.”
“Pahk the cah down ahn the lahn by Lake Ahntariah fer a bit'a pahp.”
“There ya go!”
I was quick to climb out of bed even though I didn't feel like leaving from under those covers, but I remembered Mrs. Hamilton was coming over for me to have some more things to eat there at my place. I wore the same sweatshirt I wore the night before but that time I put on a fresh pair of pants. Once I had laced up my black boots given the snow outside, there was a knock on the door. Lars was kind enough to answer and Mrs. Hamilton stepped inside of the warmth.
“Good morning, boys,” she greeted us with a jovial smile, “a little change of plans: we're gonna do all that later on today—Scott and Charlie are making us breakfast at Black Orchid.”
“Oh, boy!” Lars declared.
“Also, Joey?” she continued.
“Scott wanted me to give you this.” She took out something from her black and silver pocket book and handed it to me.
“What is it?”
“Hold out your hand.”
I did and she dropped it inside of my palm. A little black triangle shape with that logo on the back and the Not Man on the front.
“I guess that was the only thing he could salvage from the fire,” she confessed.
“Oh, wow, really?” To which she nodded.
“I would make a pendant out of that thing,” Lars advised me.
“Well, for now, it's going into my pocket. Just so long as I ain't rolling upside down anywhere.”
Mrs. Hamilton drove Lars and me over to the strip joint, where we were met by that fresh aroma of brewed coffee accompanied with—
“WOW, that's a lot of pancakes!” I proclaimed at the stacks upon stacks of light and fluffy pancakes on that table where we played strip chess, all fresh out of the kitchen.
“Isn't it?” Scott called to me from the doorway with a spatula in one hand and a dish towel slung over his shoulder.
“Hey, thank you for that pick, by the way,” I told him.
“It's my pleasure, Joey,” he said with a shrug. “And it's what I can do right now.” He ducked back into the kitchen to help Charlie, and that was when Lars guided me to that one hallway, the one with the dressing room and the stairs up to that loft he told me about. Even as we made our way up those creaky wooden steps, I could hear Frankie singing to himself up there. I always thought Frankie should sing more, either alongside me in Anthrax or with his own thing: he had a nice voice.
I caught the soft smell of laundry soap as he had put down fresh sheets on those two beds. Lars had said there wasn't much to do in there: that wasn't what the big long bookshelf against the wall indicated for me. A shelf full of comic books and actual books themselves. In between the beds stood a nightstand with a heavy brass lamp and a small clock about the size of a golden potato. I gazed straight ahead to the window outside to the snow and the rooftops.
“What the hell's goin' on here?” I asked aloud.
“What he said,” Lars added.
“Kinda makin' ourselves at home here,” said Frankie as he smoothed the blanket on the bed closest to the window. “This place was empty and void when we showed up here so the girls helped us give it some life.”
I turned to Lars.
“I thought you said there was nothing to do here?”
“Yeah, there wasn't,” Frankie continued, nonplussed.
“And apparently I missed the boat,” Lars said in a soft voice.
“Two of us sleep head to toe and then we switch every night.”
“That's rough,” I said.
“Eh, not really. If Danny was here with us, it'd be extra rough because we'd be in gridlock here with the beds. I should also tell you guys—”
“Joey—?” Louise's voice called out to me from downstairs. “Lars?”
“What's up?” I called back.
“Is Frankie up there with the two of you?”
“Yes!” said Lars.
“Okay! Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Alright, we're comin' down,” I assured her, and I returned to Frankie. “What were ya gonna say?”
“Danny's coming here. To Oswego.” I gaped at him.
“When?” asked Lars.
“No idea,” Frankie confessed with a shake of his head. “But I guess he tried to call my house but the line was dead 'cause I got evicted, and then he tried to Charlie and nothing. And then he called my mom, and then I called her because I thought she might be worried about Charlie and me—” And then I remembered I had forgotten to call my own mother, ugh. “—and she told me about it. I called him just a little bit ago and he's coming here soon.”
“What's he doin', goin' by paper plane?” I wondered aloud. “Last time I saw him, he wasn't drivin'.”
“No idea how he's getting here,” he continued, “but he told me it's horrifying down there in the Big Apple, and Mom told me the same thing. She's almost afraid to leave the house.”
“Why?” asked Lars. “What's going on?”
“Remember that weird meaty webby shit we saw on the sidewalks the other night? Apparently it's all over the place now. Every sidewalk, every building, all the way down to Jon and Martha's front step. The neon is, too. It's like the whole city became a living breathing partially brain dead organism overnight.” He then rubbed his hands together. “I dunno 'bout you guys, but I am starving right now!”
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Ride or Die ch.15 -Dead End
Colt's POV of chapter 15, when MC crashed her car
Colt x MC (Ellie)
Words: 3557
Warnings: NSFW
This was requested by @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction 
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Colt had spent all day looking for Toby and Ximena, finally finding them and filling them in on what’s been happening. He told them about the plan Ellie came up with, capturing the Brotherhood on video.
“I’m hoping they’ll be too distracted by my attempting to catch them on camera that they won’t even notice there are others. “I bought a burner phone specifically for this, so it really doesn’t matter if anything happens to it.”
“Wow, that…could actually work.” Toby told him
A flash of pride rippled through Colt. That’s because my girl is smart.
  After telling them what they need to do, where they need to be, and at what time, they parted ways. I hope Ellie’s right and they pull through.
Colt rode his bike to a random small house in South Central, roaring into the quiet neighborhood, parking behind Ellie’s pink car.
Pink. She had to have pink. So noticeable, so girly girl, so…Ellie.
He gets off his bike and saunters over to where Ellie is standing with Logan. Fucking Logan.
“Is it done?” She asked
Cold nodded. “Green light. We’re just waiting for a call sometime tonight.”
“You’re sure?” Logan had his eyes narrowed, looking at Colt accusingly.
Anger bubbled up inside him. “Yes, I’m sure, you…”
“Guys, we’re on the same side, remember?” Ellie cut in, glaring at the both.
Colt sighed, running a hand through his hair. Fine.
Logan looked at her apologetically. “Let’s just get inside.”
Colt takes Ellie’s hand and holds her back as Logan walks ahead. “Hey, look…I stopped by the old garage earlier, to try to find some things. Anything, really, to remind me of my family’s legacy. And I found this. I guess my pop kept it from my first car. He had it in his desk. And now, well, no place for it on my bike, so…I figure you might as well have it, if you want.”
He hesitantly holds out a little cactus bobble head, complete with a mustache and sombrero. Please don’t laugh. I know it’s lame. I was a kid when I got it and thought it was cool. Something prickly just like me.
“Colt…thank you.” She smiled warmly at him, and butterflies erupted in his stomach.
He shrugged casually. “It’s nothing. Just a trinket, but…maybe it’ll bring you some luck.”
Taking her hand again, they follow Logan up to the door. He knocked, and a moment later the door swings open to reveal some food truck guy Colt had seen around every now and then.
“Logan! It’s been a minute, cuz.” He steps forward to give Logan a hug but stops short when he sees his expression. “What’s wrong?”
“Can we lay low out here for the day?” Logan asked.
“Course. Come in.”
The guy leads them inside. He takes in Ellie’s prom dress. “You wanna tell me what’s goin on?”
Mother fucker better not be checking her out ever again. I’ll forgive the dress, because it’s odd she’s still in it, but next time…
“The less you know, the better.” Logan informed.
“You at least gonna tell me who this dude is?” He points to Colt, and he fists his hands, agitated. Seriously?
“That’s Kaneko’s kid. And you remember Ellie.”
Kaneko’s kid?? I have a name!!!
“Colt.” He said flatly.
“Hey, Vaughn. Sorry for intruding.” Ellie shot him a Look, and he shrugged slightly. Whatever, it’s my name.
“Nah, it’s cool. Get comfy, change outta those threads…”
“Thanks. We’ve got some planning to do.”
“Well, hang on just one second. You can stay here, but I need something in return.”
Logan’s face fell. “You do?”
Vaughn turns away, walking to the kitchen counter. “You might be my cousin, but nothing in life is free. You gotta do me a favor.”
“What?” Logan asked hesitantly.
“You gotta taste test my new dishes for my truck.” He turns back around with a tray of fresh, eclectic street food.
Logan grinned. “I think we can manage that just fine…”
Colt’s mouth immediately started watering, and as they discussed their plan, they scarfed down amazing food.
Hours later, the sun sets outside, and the showdown with the Brotherhood draws nearer. After planning every last detail of the night, the four of them are passing time half-watching TV in Vaughn’s living room.
Ellie keeps looking at the clock. Logan nudges her. “There’s nothing we can do but wait.”
Colt slid his eyes over to her. She looks just as nervous as I feel. I need an outlet. We both do.
Ellie gave a half smile. “I know, I just…I feel like I need to do something now. Get all this anxious energy out so it doesn’t distract me later.”
“I know how you feel.” Colt clenches and unclenches his fist, over and over and over again.
“You can lie down in my spare room for a bit, Ellie.” Vaughn offered.
Right. Mr. Nice Guy. No wonder Logan brought us here.
“Thanks, Vaughn. I think that’ll help.”
“We’ll get you when it’s time.” Logan assured.
She nods, the heads toward the hall, she pauses in the doorway, looking back at them. Colt catches her eye from across the room.
Come on, Ellie, bring me with you, I know exactly how to get out all our frustrations.
“Colt, could I talk to you for a minute?” She asked.
Yesssss. Shove it, Logan. She wants to fuck me, not you. I win.
Colt shrugs, not showing his excitement, and follows her down the hall to the bedroom. He closes the door behind them, then leans against it casually. “Did you actually want to talk, or…?”
“No.” Ellie wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a passionate kiss. He pulls back to smirk. “Not even dirty talk?”
“Colt!” She slaps his shoulder playfully, but then he captures her mouth with his. Their embrace is heated, insistent. He walks her back toward the bed, his hands running all over her body, under her clothes…
He can feel his kisses make her dizzy, his touch alone sets her on fire. Something tells him they’re both barely on the edge of control.
This feeling…what is this feeling….it feels like…I can’t control myself around this woman, I need to consume her. She’s mine and I’m hers and this is forever.
“Ellie, what’re you doing to me?”
“Hopefully making you feel really, really good.”
He groans into her mouth, pulling her flush against his hard body. “Yes…Can you feel how good you make me feel?”
He thrusts his hips into her, letting her feel how hard he is. He wants to plunge his cock inside her. His lips travel down her neck, nipping and licking at her exposed skin. His hands slide under her sweatshirt, and she arches into him.
“Colt…take it off” She says breathlessly.
As you wish. He doesn’t need to be asked twice. He quickly pulls her sweatshirt over her head, then unbuttons her jeans and pushes them down her hips, and she quickly shakes them off. He pulls her back into his arms, her bare skin rubbing against his still-clothed body.
“Not…fair…” She moans as he caresses every inch of her exposed skin.
He licked his lips, unable to stop the smile appearing on his lips. “If you want me outta my clothes, all you gotta do is ask.”
She tugs on his leather jacket, pulling it off one shoulder. “Off. Now.”
Colt pulls back to take off his clothes, throwing them haphazardly across the room. “Better?”
The two of them settle back on the bed together. He pulls her in for another searing kiss, his body flush against hers. He squeezes her ass and knows exactly how he wants her.
“Don’t stop” She begged.
“Wasn’t planning to. Come here.” He nudges her onto all fours, facing away from him. He kisses her spine, making her shiver
“Colt stop teasing…”
“But I love when you moan my name.”  And now you’re gonna fucking scream it.
He glides his hands down to her hips with a featherlight touch, a whimper escaping her mouth, then guides himself into her tight, wet slit. He grunted as he began to thrust in and out of her, his need for her consuming them both as she puts a hand on the headboard to steady herself as he moves faster and faster.
“Colt..oh, god…”
So fucking tight. So fucking perfect, This body…I love this body, she feels so good wrapped around my dick. Where the fuck has she been my whole life?
He can no longer contain himself. He swivels his hips just so, pulling on her hair so she leans more backwards and together they fall apart. He shot his hot sperm into her as her sweet pussy drank it up, milking him completely. The two of them collapse on the bed together, a tangle of sweaty limbs.
She snuggled into his arms and he kissed the top of her head gently. After a few minutes, they caught their breaths.
“We’re gonna have to do this soon, aren’t we?” She whispered into his chest.
Colt runs his hands up and down her arm in a soothing pattern. “Whatever the Brotherhood throws at us, we’re ready.”
She flips over to face him. “Promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”
He runs his thumb over her cheek, gazing deep into her eyes. “Only if you promise me the same thing.”
I know you. You’re just like me. Both of us do what needs to be done.
She sighed. “…This whole plan is kinda stupid, isn’t it?”
He kisses her forehead. “Maybe, but it’s the best we’ve got.”
Logan knocks. “We got the call. We’re in. It’s go time.”
Colt kisses her one last time before getting up and pulling on his clothes. “I’ll let you get ready.” She just nods, and he leaves the room.
Joining Logan and Vaughn in the living room, both men were giving him death stares. Alright. Guess Logan told Vaughn I stole her away from him. Which I did, so…fuck off losers.
Steps sound in the hallway and they all look up to see her.
“Oh, damn.” Vaughn’s eyes were wide.
“I’m ready.” She announced.
“You sure look like it. Logan’s jaw was practically on the floor.
Colt eyes her ravenously, soaking in her appearance. He really likes the red leather coat. “I already feel better about our chances.” You look bangin’.
Logan tosses her her keys and she catches them out of the air. “Let’s go.” She pulls out her phone, powering it on for the first time in a while…and dial a number. She presses speakerphone, so they can all hear.
“9-1-1 emergency, what is your location?”
“My name is Ellie Wheeler. I want to turn myself in.” There’s silence on the other end for a moment.
“Alright, what is your location Miss Wheeler? We’ll send someone to come pick you up.”
“There’s only one person I’ll speak to. Detective Wheeler. Have him meet me at the Pacific Division station. I’ll be there soon.”
“Miss, if there’s…”
She hangs up the phone. “Clock’s running.”
They all walk outside to where her car is parked at the curb.
Logan grabs her hands. “You’re sure I can’t convince you to let me go in your place?”
She shook her head. “No. It has to be me.”
Logan’s shoulders slump a little. “I know…but a guy can hope. Just…if anything goes wrong, Ellie, look out for yourself. Run.”
Colt watches from a short distance, arms tensely folded. He just gives her a nod when she looks his way. Yes. Run, and I’ll find you to live out our lives. I promise, Ellie.
“Well. See you on the other side.” She gets into her car, shutting the door. Colt sees her put his old cactus on her dash and his heart feels like it’s going to explode of happiness…until she turns the engine on and drives out into the moonless night up the 405 toward Mar Vista.
His heart sinks as he climbs on his bike and heads for his location. Hardly any time passed when his earpiece went off, Ellie’s voice coming through.
“Logan? Colt? We’ve hooked them. They’re coming up fast in the cars we stole for them off the hauler truck.”
Logan’s voice sounds through next. “Already? Damn, they’re quicker than we thought.”
Colt narrows his eyes in frustration. “It’s too early! They’re gonna catch you before you get to the target! Step on it!”
“They’re almost on me!”
“You’re still a ways out. Hang on. I’ll be there as soon as I can!” Logan shouts into his Bluetooth.
Right. Knight in shining fucking armor. Ugh.
“Hurry up, Logan.” He spat out. “You better not let anything happen to her.”
“I got it, Colt.”
As Colt reaches his destination, he sees her rocket forward, the two cars that were at her side crashing into each other and sending debris flying.
Oh my god…my pop…he trusted her with a NOS system?? He taught her how to use it?? His heart ached at the realization of exactly how much his father cared for her and looked out for her…all because his son did.
Thanks pop. I had no idea. Thank you for keeping her safe.
She dodges another car back and forth across the lanes, barely staying out of reach.
“You’re almost there, Ellie!” He shouts into his speaker.
Come on, come on, you’re gonna make it! Just a couple more miles!
Colt whips out his burner phone and sets it up to record. He hears bare metal and looks back up, gasping. He felt like he was watching everything unfold in slow motion.
Ellie’s car stalls as her tire blows out, sending sparks flying against the pavement. Another car slams into her, sending her spinning.
“Ellie! Can you hear me? I’ll be there in a few seconds! One last go for old times’ sake?” Logan pleaded.
“One last go” It was barely a whisper, but Colt still heard it.
Ellie dodges hard to the side as Logan turns on his high beams directly in front of the Brotherhood cars.
“Ellie, go! I’ll catch up!”
“Hurry! You’re at the off-ramp!” Colt added.
She steps on the gas. “I’m almost there! I can make it…”
One of the cars in pursuit flies ahead of her and skids to a stop, blocking the exit ramp.
His heart began pounding erratically. This is looking…familiar.
Flashes of his father speeding towards the barricade and crashing his car to save the crew, to save him, swam through his head. He felt sick. She’s doing the same thing. Oh my god, please no.  
“Dammit! Okay, just stay on the freeway, Ellie!” He could hear his voice but it didn’t sound like his own. It sounded a bit higher, panicked…fearful.
“Colt, I have to get there! If I don’t, all of this was for nothing…” She argued
Colt shook his head violently, his breaths coming faster and his head starting to spin.  “There’s gotta be another way.”
“No. This is where I get off.” She said, fury and determination evident in her tone
She floors it straight towards the stopped car, while Colt fell to his knees, bile rising in his throat, shock overtaking him. No, no, no…NO!!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!! THIS CAN’T HAPPEN TO ME AGAIN!!!!
He screamed, yet there was no sound. He didn’t feel attached to his body anymore. He was with his father, whom he didn’t even think loved him and yet gave his life to keep him safe. He was with Ellie, whom he had found love himself and loved him back…and was about to give her life to keep him safe. And he was completely helpless to stop either one of them. For the very first time in his life, he was terrified of losing someone he loves. He never had to think about it before his father died.
Like a missile, she crashes into the car, knocking it aside.
“Ellie!” Logan cried.
Her airbag deploys as gravity abandons her. She goes airborne off the ramp, spinning like a top. She slams down on the pavement of a wide, empty lot fifteen feet down. Colt could practically feel the metal crumpling and denting, unable to handle the impact. Her momentum sends her rolling several times until finally coming to a rest on the car’s roof.
Colt gaped at the heavily damaged car, the glass broken and scattered in all directions.
Oh my god, Ellie, what did you do?? You can’t…I don’t believe…you have to be okay. You’re all I’ve got left
Slowly he realized he was shaking uncontrollably, the phone in his hands had already dropped to the ground, his face the only thing on the screen. He became vaguely aware of Logan’s voice in his ear.
“Ellie! Ellie, can you hear me?”
A weak cough responded. “yeah…I made it to the target”
Oh my god, she’s alive. She made it. She FUCKING MADE IT!!!! MY GIRL MADE IT!!!!
“That was absolutely insane!” He finally found his voice. SHE FUCKING MADE IT!!! SHE’S ALIVE!!!
“Colt, are you in position?”
Taking several deep breaths to slow his still racing heart, he answered. “Ready and waiting by the transformer box. They’re coming up on you now.”
“Okay…*cough*…make sure to get their faces on camera.”
But she sounds so weak. She must be hurt. No has that kind of accident without getting hurt. Not even someone as crazy as her.
Headlights approach and the cars stop, doors opening, masked figures approaching the destroyed car. One of them offers her a hand helps her crawl through the shattered glass.
Jason’s helping her to her feet when Logan approaches. Jason draws a gun, putting the muzzle to Ellie’s temple just as Logan comes around the bend. He slams on the brakes, skidding to a stop ten feet away, bathing them in his headlights. Jason’s form casts a long shadow across the lot.
She survived the crash just to take a bullet to the head? I don’t think so. We’ve come too far. Time to end this. Without thinking, Colt started marching forward, ready to kill the Brotherhood. He’s blind with rage, not seeing the woman deftly approaching him.
“Nice phone.” She snarled, snatching it away and wrenching his arms behind his back in a hold.
“Thanks. It’s insured.” He snapped back. FUCK!!!
A walkie-talkie crackled at the woman’s side.
“Hester, it’s Shaw. You find Kaneko’s kid?”
“Bringing him in now.” The lady spoke back.
“I have a fucking name, and it’s not ‘Kaneko’s kid’.” Everyone calling me Kaneko’s kid. I’m not my father, and I never will be.
Crossing the lot, Hester pushes Colt along at gunpoint. “I really don’t care.” She replied, sounding bored. She calls out to Jason. “Caught him over there trying to film us on this.” She tosses Colt’s phone onto the ground and shoots it. It shatters and sparks.
“Trying to get us on tape, huh? Get us locked up? Oh, so close.” Jason teased menacingly.
 “Good thing we wore masks. You would’ve had nothing, anyway.” The Brotherhood then peel off their masks.
“But how…did you know?” Ellie asked, her voice feigning disbelief.
Jason smirked, shaking his head. “Ellie…come on…we tapped your phone. Duh. We’re the goddamn police. I thought you would’ve figured that out by now.” He laughed.
“We heard you call 911…we heard you tell Kaneko’s kid what to do, where to be.”
“Colt!” He couldn’t stop himself, the words just slipped out angrily.
Jason rolls his eyes and steps closer to Ellie, the barrel of his gun just inches away from her head. “It’s actually kind of tragic. I thought you would’ve made a good cop, Ellie…but I was wrong. A cop always needs to think one step ahead. And now…now your dad will never know what happened to you.” He aims the gun at her, his face neutral.
“You said you didn’t want to hurt her.”
Mona. Traitor. Never trusted her.
Jason frowned. “I didn’t. But she didn’t learn her lesson. You should know, Ellie, I take no pleasure in this. We really were never that different.”
A slow smile spread on Ellie’s face. “Oh, really? I think we are.”
“How’s that?”
“The difference between you and me? Well, for one, I’m not the dumbass who just walked right into a trap.”
She really is going to be okay. There’s that snarky tone I love so much. Colt let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.
“What is she talking about?” Wallace asks nervously.
Jason looks around, anxiousness spreading on his face. He looks far across the lot…to the façade of Mar Vista High, and the dozens of CCTV cameras on the streetlamps.
“Say cheese, asshole.” Logan grinned.
Jason’s eyes went wide. “No…”
Gotcha   “Go ahead. Wave to Toby and Ximena.”
Inside the school’s AV club, Ximena grins, her voice ringing loud and clear in the parking lot. “We got ‘em”
“In crystal clear high definition.” Toby agreed.
“Shaw…what just happened?” Hester’s voice raised a few octaves.
“Always gotta stay one step ahead, isn’t that right, Jason?” Ellie asked sweetly, winking at Colt. He smiled at her before directing his gaze back at Jason and the other two members of the brotherhood.
That’s right asshole. No one messes with my crew.
  @annekebbphotography @gardeningourmet @zigortega4life @eileendannie @thequeenofcronuts @drakewalkerfantasy @friedherringclodthing @coffeebeandragon @drakewalker04 @alesana45 @mfackenthal
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rosywrites · 5 years
Silent Waves, Chapter 1
Title: Silent Waves (Siren Sona x Bounty Hunter/Pirate Jhin AU) Chapter 1: Drops of Blood Fandom: League of Legends Ship: Jhin x Sona
Word count: 3,930
Songs have power within their melodies. Some say it’s like magic, that it has the power to soothe the soul of its worries and troubles. Many would agree. While there is truth within those words, it is merely one side of the same coin.
“Out! All of you!” a voice calls out through the wooden hallway, each step heavy with panic. 
Songs have power within their melodies. 
“What?” Sailors perk up from their cots in a daze, not registering the frantic rocking of the ship. “W-what’s going on?”
But its power isn’t limited to soothing those who are troubled.
“We’re under attack!” another yells before the ship heaves onto its side, throwing panicked sailors overboard into whirlpools. Seawater begins to fill the ship as it sinks under the waves. The sailors fortunate enough to swim out lay their eyes upon the wreckage floating among the sharp rocks. 
Just what happened? There was no storm to cause this. Was it bad navigation?
Songs naturally have the power to attract anything with a heart.
“Hey, do you hear that?” a sailor asks in between coughs. “Music.”
Two sailors who had escaped alongside him exchange glances and listen. He was right. Though faint, they could hear music playing from a cave up ahead. It sounds like someone singing. The other survivors seem to hear it as well. They swim towards the cave, seeing a figure sitting on top of a rock lit by the sunlight above.
A woman. They don’t hesitate in getting closer, wondering if she was stranded. But one sailor, notably younger than the other two, doesn’t move from where he is. He feels something is wrong. He opens his mouth to warn the others, but his words are lost to the seawater that fills his lungs. 
Songs can lure unsuspecting prey by seeping into their hearts, their innermost desires and insecurities laid bare.
He struggles against something that’s pulling him under. It feels like a hand around his ankle. A cold, scaly hand. He sees colors of green, blue, purple and more glimmering under the water. For a moment, he thinks them beautiful. Then his vision fades to black as he runs out of air.
His hearing is the last to go before his imminent death. He hears a melody as clear as day. No words, no voice. Just a melody that puts him at ease as the sea welcomes another victim into its arms.
“Captain,” a voice gravely calls from behind a door. “They’re here.”
“Are they now?” In the far corner of the captain’s quarters by the window sits a man polishing an ivory white gun on his desk. One. Two. Three. Four. Four wipes, that’ll do the trick. “Stubborn bunch, aren’t they?”
“We’re holding them back as best as we can, but they’re being impatient.”
“Anyone dead?” the captain asks. 
“Not yet, sir.”
The captain clicks his tongue in disappointment. “Shame,” he responds as he stands up. “I suppose I’m ready to meet them. Tell them I’m on my way.” He hears the sailor run up the stairs after a curt salute. He folds up his sleeve into a neat roll and holsters his gun. Slipping on a leather mask that covers the lower half of his face, he squints with a glint in his eyes. “Time for a little show.”
  “Where is he?” a burly, bearded man barks at the men blocking the entrance of the ship.
“Sir, he’ll be right out.”
“You expect me to wait any longer when he’s the one who suggested this damn rendezvous? Near Demacia of all places?”
The sound of clapping coming from the side catches their attention. “Gentleman, gentleman, no need to rush,” the captain says as he approaches the burly man. “Captain,” he greets, before the barrel of a gun is pointed at his head.
“Khada Jhin,” the man sneers. “Did you really think you can get away with the bounty all by yourself?” His eyes narrow as he gets closer to Jhin. “We made a deal, and you broke it.” He pulls back the hammer of his gun. “You wanna know what I do to traitors?”
Such a boorish man, Jhin muses. But he does not look fazed from the gun practically pressed against his forehead. He gazes into the other’s eyes throughout the exchange, a sinister spark in his own that unnerves the man. “Let’s not jump to conclusions so quickly, captain. It’s rather insulting—”
“No,” the captain interrupts. “I know the kind of bounty hunters you are. You spout some noble bullshit to let their guard down, and the moment they turn around, you shoot them. I ain’t gonna fall for that kind of trick, lad.”
At this, Jhin sighs with dramatic flair. “Is that so?” he asks. He looks back up into the captain’s eyes, that sinister look now fully evident on his face. “I’m glad to know this won’t last long, then.” In the blink of an eye, his gun is already in his hand with the hammer already cocked and ready to fire.
Before the man can pull his trigger, he falls by Jhin’s feet, dead. 
The gunshot echoes in the open sea for what seems like forever. 
A wisp of smoke rises from the barrel of Jhin’s gun. As the smoke blows past his face, his eyes scan the captain’s crew and his own. Three to his right. Two to his left. Six in the back. Four around his men. The moment the smoke disappears, he swings to his left and puts another bullet through another’s head. He ducks and rolls to the right, dodging three bullets shot into the door behind him.
His men take cover and shoot the six enemies behind them, as Jhin takes out two others. He reloads his gun and cocks the hammer. He inhales, smelling the aroma of gunpowder mixed with the scent of blood. How delightful, to be able to bask in this moment.
He shoots a man that was too distracted to check the barrels Jhin was hiding behind. One. Leaping over a downed enemy, he shoots another with the grace of a dancer. Two. With a twirl, he snipes one that’s trying to jump overboard. Three.
One more left.
Jhin spots the last remaining enemy, who drops his gun and makes a break for it. He takes a breath and holds his gun towards the back, where the heart is. He can just see the red petals bloom from the man’s chest, like a flower in the dawn.
But before he can pull the trigger, the last man falls from a gunshot to the head. Jhin’s chest tightens, as if he just suffered a great loss. His eyes widen and turn to the crewman who shot the last enemy dead. 
The crewman isn’t aware. He simply sighs in relief that this is all over.
But the other crewmen who understand that look in Jhin’s eyes exchange nervous glances. 
Jhin walks over to the crewman, looming over him eerily with his gun still in hand. The latter takes a noticeable gulp in fear. “So,” he starts, “do you think you can get away with what you just did?”
“Captain, I—”
“Shh, shh, shh, shh,” he hushes, holding his finger to his mask. “You must understand. No one deprives me of the fourth shot. It just isn’t acceptable.” Before his crewman can respond, he holds the barrel of his gun to his forehead. “I’m afraid I can’t have that happening again.”
“P, please spare me, Captain,” the crewman pleads, tears welling up in his eyes. “It won’t happen again, please. I beg of you.”
Jhin only tuts at his pleas. “You should smile. Everyone is watching,” he whispers before he shoots the fourth shot through the man’s head, sending him toppling overboard into the sea. He peers over the edge, watching the blood seep into the waves like ink on paper. Behind the mask, he smiles in bliss.
The others stand in dreaded silence. They were always careful to not take Jhin’s fourth shots, but there was always one that made a mistake once in a while. And all those who did would die. 
“Well, gentleman. That’s the end of that.” Jhin turns back to the crew, who straighten up immediately. “I’m sure you all remember your oath when you joined this crew. I have stated this as clear as day: Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”
“Yes, captain!” his crew responds.
“Dismissed,” he says. “And clean up the deck. I’m sure the deep sea would appreciate the meal. Once you’re done, we set sail for Zaun.” He glances at the dead captain bleeding out by the door that leads inside the ship. “We have a bounty to collect.” He goes back into his quarters and closes the door behind him.
The sea seems troubled today. There’s a stir in the sounds of the waves. More than just a ship passing by. A battle, perhaps? Even the fish seem anxious. 
A hand brushes apart the kelp as a figure swims out towards the open sea. Aqua scales shimmer in the sunlight trickling through the surface of the sea, revealing the silhouette of a siren within the deep. Her hair blends with the deep blue sea, tips of green lit by the sunlight. The light reaches a small golden stringed instrument strapped to her hip, glinting dully in the water.
The siren remains still, listening to the sounds in the sea. Her face contorts in bewilderment at the faintest sounds she hears. It sounds like… 
The siren turns her head to the voice behind her. A fellow siren, who followed her out the kelp forest, flashes a toothy smile at her, her brows arched mischievously. The former’s brows furrow instead, averting her focus to her sense of smell. Ah, she smells the blood. Fresh blood of humans.
“Guess everyone might have a feast today,” the other comments once more before taking the siren’s hand. “Come on, Sona, we can’t stay out in the open sea for too long.”
Sona sighs, taking one last look towards the scent of blood, and follows the other back into the kelp forest. They swim through the thick stipes into an enclosed area on the sea floor. As they approach, markings on their skin glow a sea green in the dark, providing them light through the dark. Others slowly reveal themselves as they swim closer: her circle of sirens.
“So?” one asks Sona.
Waving her hand and arms around, she gestures the sounds of battle and the scent of blood. She points to the direction they come from. Though the scent of blood is fainter, the sounds still reach her ears. Whatever, or whoever, is throwing corpses into the sea had emerged victorious. 
“Should we check it out?”
“Maybe seduce them into the sea.”
“We haven’t had visitors in these parts in quite a long time, after all.”
Sona suddenly intervenes, waving her arms out to reject the idea. Something tells her the victor of that battle could easily kill them all. It sends shivers down her spine.
“But we don’t want to just sit here while they pass by us. That’s like letting easy prey escape.” The other sirens seem to agree. 
“Sona, if you’re worried, you can sit back for this one. We can bring back something for you.”
“It’d be a shame though. Sona’s music is foolproof in getting humans to fall for our trap.”
Foolproof, yes. But Sona can’t help but wonder if there even are fools on that ship. She chews her nails in thought, her sharp teeth almost biting into the skin. She looks up and starts to sign again, that she will scope the area to make sure it’s safe enough. A little test with her music wouldn’t hurt.
If her music works, then they feast.
But the thought of failure looms over Sona’s mind as she swims out to open sea, heading towards the direction of the ship. She remains cautious, as open waters tend to make it easy to be captured. She sticks closer to the bedrock and pokes her head out the corners.
The scent of blood is getting stronger. The sound of ships bobbing along the waves get louder as well. Sona stops under a rock arch, looking up at the hulls of the ships above. All around her are fresh corpses, all clearly dead. She examines one nearby and brushes aside the corpse’s hair to see a perfect hole in his forehead. A golden glint in the sea floor catches Sona’s eye.
Picking it up, she knows its shape immediately. A bullet. Many merfolks, including sirens, have fallen from these before. It’s another reason to never venture out into open waters alone. She’s heard plenty of nightmares from the few who survived, though they died shortly afterwards.
She traces her finger over the engraving on the metal, an organic design that she doesn’t seem to recognize. But it looks so… elegant. The sound of another body plunging into the ocean tears her eyes away, giving her enough room to evade the sinking corpse. Looking at all the other corpses, she sees most were shot dead by the same bullets. The others that weren’t aren’t shot as cleanly.
Maybe this is a bad idea.
Sona shakes her head and turns to swim back. 
But before she can escape the ship’s shadow, she finds herself tumbling through the sand, her vision spinning with red and white. She grips her shoulder in pain. Her nails dig into the skin, drawing more blood aside from the hole made by a bullet. Blood seeps out of her wound and dissipates above.
Suddenly, she hears people yelling from the ship, and the next thing she knows, she pinned down by a heavy net. Her eyes widen in horror when she sees the golden bullet roll in the sand. She scratches at the net desperately to cut it open but no no avail. 
Never stay in open waters for too long.  
The only rule among the merfolk to keep them safe.
Lest you become another tale of blood and foam.
The net wraps around her as it ascends, and she slams downward to force her way out. As the net breaks surface, Sona feels panic and dread pool in her stomach. She holds her instrument close to her chest and stays still as she’s carried onto the deck.
“A real mermaid…” a crewman whispers in awe when they see the face of a woman barely hidden by her hair and the fins of her tail. “Impossible.”
“The sea is full of surprises,” Jhin states. “The stories of merfolks had to come from somewhere.” He crouches to take a look at Sona more clearly. His eyes slightly squint in amusement at Sona’s expression of mixed horror and wariness. It was exactly the look of a cornered animal. “However, this is fascinating. I have never once thought I would one day capture a mermaid.”
Sona hisses at Jhin, managing to swipe at his face and tearing off his mask. The mask clatters across the wooden floor, the entire crew falling silent. A few hold their breath, never having seen Jhin’s mask forcibly ripped off his face before. Her eyes are fixated on the insidious smile on his face. 
“A good aim,” he responds with a raised eyebrow. “You’d certainly make me… quite a fortune, if I sell you.” He chuckles as he stands, but instead, he raises his gun at her. “But you would make such a fine masterpiece. I cannot pass this opportunity.”
No, she can’t die here. She takes a breath to gather her magic at her fingertips. Right as Jhin cocks the hammer and touches the trigger, she plucks the strings of her instrument. Her magic turns the sound into a sharp bolt that knocks the gun out of Jhin’s hands and even slashes the back of his hand. 
Jhin reels back with a hiss as he cradles his hand with the other. “You insolent…!”
Sona hisses again in smug defiance. Two men approach to restrain her, but she starts to play soft, quiet music that lulls them forward in a trance, allowing her to slash their exposed necks. They grip their wounds to stop the blood but end up choking on their own blood. Sona glares at the others, who refuse to come closer should they become the next victims. 
“Music?” Jhin mutters under his breath. Was it just his imagination, or did he hear music come from the mermaid? It takes him a moment, but he realizes this is not a mermaid. “A siren,” he concludes.
“This one is not a mermaid,” he states louder, “She’s a siren. Get too close, and a single siren can lure sailors with their song to kill several.” At this, the crewmen backs away even farther from Sona, but Jhin approaches closer.
“W-what should we do then, sir? Can’t we just release her?”
Jhin shakes his head in fascination. “No. This one seems... special.” His eyes travel down from her gritted teeth to her neck, catching a glimpse of gold clutched in her hands. He watches her cradle it closer and hide it from his view. “An instrument-wielding siren. You don’t see that everyday.”
Sona breathes heavily, as the lack of water is beginning to take a toll on her body. Fish can’t usually survive out of water, but merfolks like her have a longer timespan to breathe air. But they can’t do it for long, or they too will end up like a fish out of water.
What’s more, she recognizes his language: Ionian. What would Ionians be doing so far out here in Demacia?
“Hghk,” Sona chokes, unable to breathe properly anymore. She starts wheezing, and she only just starts to feel the burning sun on her skin and scales. Her vision blurs and spins; she doesn’t have the strength to swipe at the hands that restrain her. It takes everything she has to keep her instrument in her grasp.
“I think,” Jhin muses out loud, “you would be an excellent addition to this ship.” He bends down to her eye level to show her the gash on the back of his hand. “Whether you like it or not.”
She glares at the man, but a smirk tugs at a corner of her lips, as if daring him to try to break her. It’s only before she falls unconscious that she sees a glimpse of the smile on Jhin’s face turn into an unsatisfied frown.
When Sona awakes, she finds herself in a dim corner of a wooden room. The water is tinted slightly orange from the sunset. She reaches out to touch a foreign object a few feet in front of her, only to be obstructed by an invisible barrier. Her brows furrow in panic as she starts reaching around. It’s all the same. Swimming above meets the same results as well. 
She’s trapped, just like the stories she’s heard of. This is a ‘tank’.
Her hands bang against the glass. Her nails scratch against it. But the glass is too thick, unbreakable, to make even a dent. She reels her arm back to make one last attempt to break it, but a white flash of pain stops her. Curling in with a hiss, she finds the shoulder she was shot at, bandaged. 
“I have to say, I didn’t think the movement in the water would end up being a siren. I thought that, somehow, one of them survived to tell the tale. Tried to survive, might I add.”
Her head jerks towards the direction of the muffled voice, immediately recognizing it to be the captain’s. Her eyes narrow at the figure that’s barely lit by the setting sun from the porthole.
Jhin sits on the corner of his table, his mask and a glass of wine by his side. His posture seems relaxed despite having his hand injured by her earlier. His gun is nowhere to be found. Seeing Sona’s wary eyes, Jhin chuckles. “My gun is in no condition to use, thanks to you,” he utters the last few words in spite. “Whatever you did, whatever magic you used, cut through the metal.” He clicks his tongue in further annoyance. “It would take days, perhaps even up to a week, to get replacement parts.”
Sona stares at him in deafening silence. There’s just something in the way her eyes seem to… bore a hole through him, like she’s staring deep down into his soul.
“I don’t suppose,” he pauses to reach behind him, “you’re looking for this.” He holds out the golden instrument she was holding prior. He watches her eyes widen in panic as her hands reach for her hip. “You really had an iron grip on this. It took my men forever to pry it out of your claws,” he continues. 
Bastard, Sona thinks. She curses herself for even getting caught in this mess. She was just supposed to scope the ship, but now she knows she stayed too long. This man was perceptive, and she should have left instead of investigating. And now she was stuck on a ship with no way to communicate to her circle. There aren’t any escapes either. She can only hope they don’t come after the ship to save her. Otherwise, they were just as dead as the other pirates that now slumber in the sea.
“Your little instrument is peculiar,” Jhin comments as he plucks a string, only silence following through. No matter how hard he strums, he hears nothing. “Not a single sound.”
Sona only blinks, making no indication of responding to him. She looks around the tank once last time before inaudibly sighing and perches herself on the uneven floor against the glass. She gazes out the porthole that’s placed near her tank. The sea glimmers orange and gold from the sunset as if it’s on fire.
“Giving the cold shoulder, are we?” Jhin asks without looking up, mesmerized by the instrument. “Can’t be that bad, being captured and all. It’s fortunate you’re not dead.”
She turns her head towards him with a mysterious look and turns back to the sea again.
Two can play at that game. Jhin knew it wasn’t going to be easy anyway. He knew plenty ways to get her to talk, even if it meant destroying the treasure he had just obtained. 
But first, his gun took priority. 
A bounty hunter can’t do their job without their tools, after all.
They would arrive at Zaun in 2 weeks. By the time they reach the gates, one of them will have surrendered. Both have no intention of giving in. 
Jhin takes a sip of his wine as he eyes Sona’s reflection in the glass of the porthole. She looks unamused with a hint of exasperation. To keep a siren in a tank in a dim room, he wonders what kind of results would occur. Insanity? Savagery? Agony? Despair? Desperation? The possibilities are endless. 
And he can’t wait to watch how she descends.
Sona’s lower lip slightly juts out in annoyance. At first, she panicked because of the stories she’s heard: merfolk eaten for longer lifespan or immortality, forced into entertainment for other humans, or tortured for their secrets. But seeing that she will be kept alive, she thinks of every plan possible to plot her escape. It seems the captain wants answers she can’t give. 
And she can’t wait to watch him break against her will.
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isthisthingeven0n · 6 years
aftermath : d.d
this is a sad one, I’ll warn you now. I wrote this listening to all the sad songs on my spotify, so I got ALL the inspo to be in THAT mood okay. 
brief summary: david is struggling to come to terms with the aftermath of your death and can’t help but blame himself as he begins to move on. 
thank you for the request (I think it was like 2 anons combined?) 
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It wasn’t supposed to happen like that. 
You were supposed to be by my side, all wrinkled but still as beautiful as the first time I had met you. I would hold your hand, tell you it wasn’t going to hurt and I would never leave you. We would tell each other a story as the other drifted off to sleep, never to awake again. 
But it didn’t happen like that. 
No, the truth was more painful than you could ever have deserved it to be.
Picking up my phone I listen to the voicemail once again, knowing it’s all I have left now. 
“Hey, Dave. I’m on my way, I got stuck in some traffic but I’ll be over soon! I love you baby, also sorry if my hair is gross, I overslept and didn't have time to wash it.” 
You would always comment on the little things like that as if I would care. Whatever your state was I didn’t care. All I wanted was for you to be close to me, sit with me as I wrap my arms around your frame, bringing you closer. 
And all of that is now a distant memory as I sit on the sofa, phone in hand listening to the last words you’ll have ever intended for me to hear. 
During those long nights where we’d sit watching whatever was on I would listen to you mumbling about all sorts. You would scrunch your nose up when you explained about the customers at work and I’d laugh, watching you look up with that bright smile. It always made my heart swell, and even as it is in a broken state the memory of it can ease the pain. 
I’d thought about our future. I know everyone told me I was too young to think that far ahead, but I knew what I wanted, and you were it. I was going to wait until our third anniversary. We would’ve gone to Paris, to Venice, somewhere special. I would have held your hand as you sparkled beneath the city lights, your smile like the stars as your eyes held all the wonders of the moon. 
You wouldn’t have expected it, the small simple ring I reveal as I stand on one knee. We’d both cry as I struggled to form the right words, yet based on that smile you would’ve worn I could’ve spoken gibberish and you would still say yes. 
Except you won’t. You’ll never get to. I’ll never get to ask you. 
Holding my phone close to my chest I watch as the screen illuminates against my skin. Another message, another void condolence message. I’ve learnt that they’re all the same since I lost you. That there are only so many ways people can word ‘I’m sorry your girlfriend died’ in a polite and meaningful manner.
I guess it’s because they’ll never know how much pain you went through in those few minutes. The Doctors told me everything, the extensive list of your injuries as they wheeled your lifeless body past me in the Hospital. I didn’t realise that would be the last time I’d see your face, but the girl I saw there wasn’t you. 
She was empty. She was bruised, scarred and dead. 
You couldn’t have been further apart from that girl. You loved life, you loved meeting new people and had such a willingness to do anything you wanted to do. 
I’ll never forget when you made me go to the top of the hill in your hometown at 5am to watch the sunrise. You told me stories of your childhood as you properly opened up for the first time. And that was when I knew I had fallen, and I couldn’t take it back. 
“Hey,” Lifting my head up Natalie walks over, perching on the edge of the sofa as I remain still. “Y/n’s Mom has been in touch and she has sorted a date for the funeral.” She mutters, silently waiting for me to respond. 
Since you died finding the right words to say has been difficult. I’ve been afraid to say something that’ll sound insensitive, or as if I don’t care that you’re gone. “When?” I mumble, unable to bring my voice any louder in case the lump in my throat returns. 
“Next Tuesday. It’ll be in her home town.” 
Standing outside of the Church feels daunting as I am surrounded by a group of people here to support me, to mourn the loss of someone so brilliant, so loved. I listen to bits of conversations, pieces from family members I hadn’t met yet. 
Your great aunt told me about how you once dressed as a pirate for a solid week, refusing to change. She told me she’d show me the pictures at some point, that it was one of those things about you no one quite understood. 
“You’ll be okay,” I hear her Mom whisper as she places her hand on my arm, squeezing it lightly as we walk inside the Church. 
As we walk in I don’t remember it being this grand. Yet I can barely focus on the architecture, only the coffin and that photo of you displayed. 
It was of you on that swing, the one under the big oak tree when we went to the lake house for a getaway. I don’t think I had ever seen you happier until that moment, and I am amazed I captured it so clearly for all to see, to identify with. 
Your funeral goes as expected. We sit and listen to those you grew up with tell stories, share moments of humour to lift the mood before it ultimately returns to the ground. I remain seated, unable to take my eyes off of the coffin knowing you’re inside it. 
Someone probably made you look pretty. They probably put those sunflowers in there that you loved dearly. I hope you’re okay. I hope that you’re at peace. 
Leaving the funeral Natalie walks up to me as I begin to part from the crowd. “Are you not coming to the wake?” She asks as I focus on her, seeing the fact that she’s been crying but tries to disguise it in front of me. 
“I’ll be there soon.” I respond before bringing her into a tight hug. 
Based on her reaction, she didn’t expect it until her arms are tight around me. “Okay, just be safe, yeah?” She says with such care, knowing it is something we all say without taking it into much consideration. 
I nod before heading off, knowing the one place I need to be. 
The walk up the hill feels longer alone. I loosen my tie around my neck, letting it hang rather than suffocate me. 
Part of me can see you stood in front of me, laughing as you tell me to hurry up. 
“Come on slow poke!” You encourage, unable to hide your giggle in your voice. 
I watch as your dress floats in the breeze, your hair covering your face as it clings to your lips. “Oh, I’m going easy on you, babe,” I respond and watch as you come to a halt, hands on your hips. 
“Wanna bet?” You raise your eyebrow before running and laughing as you go. 
Following quickly behind you I hold my hand out, wanting to reach you. 
Except when I get to the top, you’re gone. 
Standing still I look out, knowing how much you loved this view. “You were right, Y/n.” I say aloud into the city below. “This is the kind of view everyone should see.” 
Below I watch as I slowly see those lanterns float towards the sky. “Every single lantern is a reason why you’ll be missed, why you were and still are deeply loved.” I focus on the lanterns, watching the flames flicker inside the tinted fabric. 
“I wish I had another lantern because one isn’t enough to let you know how much I love you.” My words begin to come out as a whisper. These were words I only want you to hear, no one else to invade on us. 
Holding the lantern in front of me I watch as you stand in front of me with that bright smile on your face. “What’re you waiting for?” You ask, tilting your head. 
I close my eyes, letting out a sigh as I release the lantern from my fingertips. 
Opening my eyes you’re gone, the image of you in front of me has vanished, floating away along with every version those in your life knew you to be. 
You were a daughter, a friend, a person to go to when there was no one else, someone to make anyone laugh, to be the one to stick to through and through. 
You were my everything, and I still don’t know how I’ll ever get past you floating away from my grasp. 
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