#it's a hard life being an extrovert with a pack of introverts
kaleuh · 2 years
it's like. that post made me dwell on the fact that while i'm (mostly) always flattered and grateful when it happens..............none of those guys are Papyrus. :(
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verysium · 6 months
bllk characters and what you think would be their type or what they find attractive in a girl?🙈💗💌
i mean... 🤔 do u want the truthful answer or do u want the ideal answer? cus i don't think any of the bllk boys (maybe with the exception of otoya and aiku) would have a type, much less let it be limited to a girl. but assuming they actually have a life outside of football, here are some traits they would find attractive in a person:
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isagi would like someone he can see as a role model. throughout his life, he often finds figures that inspire him (eg. noel noa, ego, even rin if you squint hard enough). he doesn't idolize them, but he does find a way to incorporate their strengths into his playing style and actions. if you have a character trait he highly values, he will like you, and it's generally pretty easy to get him to like you. (unless of course, you're a massive dick like kaiser.)
i find that he gets along best with kurona and hiori. this is because (1) they can read his intentions well, and (2) they are quiet and level-headed. obviously, this would also apply to the romantic side of his life. isagi admires people who are similar to him but still have their own quirks and idiosyncrasies. for example, you subtly support him from behind the scenes and bring him snacks after practice and pack his bento every morning. he appreciates small gestures of kindness.
isagi is also someone very hot-headed as evidenced by his potty mouth. he likes someone who can match his energy and passion but is still calm enough to prevent him from doing anything rash. i picture him running up to you after a game, and the adrenaline causes him to pick you up from out of the stands and twirl you around in his arms.
canonically, isagi is unpopular with girls. he literally returned from valentine's day empty-handed. he tries to be nice most times, but truthfully, nothing except football really interests him. so if you can skip the small talk and start drafting football plays with him, i think he would be attracted to you. like very attracted.
unrelated but he likes someone with a pretty laugh.
bachira needs someone motherly. i feel like he never really got to be a child because everyone around him was constantly putting him down for being the "weird" kid. that's why his current personality is undeniably childish at times. it's the only way he can express the inner child he had before he grew up too fast. i think he'd like people who take care of him in a parental manner, whether that's scolding him for doing something stupid, wiping his chin cus he's a messy eater, or teaching him english every day.
i feel bachira is one of the most extroverted characters in blue lock. he genuinely thrives off his interactions with others. and for that reason, i think he'd be attracted to introverts because they differ so greatly from him. (he'd probably adopt them too.)
bachira has the most creative insults, and that's partially why he gets along so well with isagi. he's not afraid to get out of his comfort zone, nor is he afraid of pushing others to do the same. if this boy can hallucinate whole monsters, he can sure as hell rip his opponents into pieces. i feel like he'd have such a stark duality around you. he'd be beating the crap out of the other team, but the moment he sees you, he's all sunshine and rainbows and bounding over to ask you about your day and overshare about his.
ADHD. that's it. that's the quote. if you're hyperactive, then he's hyperactive, and you'll both be rocking the same boat. most people would assume he needs a grounding presence in his life, but i think post u-20 arc bachira is actually mature enough to process his own issues. now he just needs someone to let loose and have a little fun with.
rin needs a therapist. end of story. this boy is a whole case study. i don't think he's even mentally stable enough to have a romantic relationship. but if he were to date someone, i'd imagine that person is somewhat similar to isagi (and no, this is not a ship.)
isagi has something rin definitively lacks, and that is his strong, dynamic sense of self. when rin fails, he takes it heart. all solutions are linear and logical to him. if he missed a goal, it was because he didn't train hard enough. if he couldn't beat sae, it was because he just wasn't good enough.
but isagi completely changes his mindset every time he loses. (there's a reason why he's surrounded by puzzle pieces all the time.) analyzing is second nature to him. every failure is a catalyst for self-improvement, and he constantly breaks himself down in order to adapt and rebuild. rin needs someone like that in his life, someone who can teach him to be unafraid of change and embrace it instead.
rin also isn't immune to external influences. obviously, he is still learning to play football for himself. looking at the pxg version of him, he has had a significant change in mindset, but he still hasn't completely separated himself from this idea of "beating" someone in order to get to the top. according to his logic, if he surpasses both sae and isagi, he will finally be content. but the truth is, he won't be anywhere near content because his ego still isn't entirely his own. i think he would admire someone who refuses to let themselves be defined by others.
rin would also like someone who is patient because he clearly isn't. (boy was about to have a whole brain aneurysm when bachira threw that paper airplane at him.) honestly, you need to be both gentle and persistent with him. he hates it when people come on too strong, but he also finds his walls slowly crumbling when someone repeatedly goes out of their way to show that they care.
rin has a high level of emotional intelligence, as evidenced by sae's comments about his intuition. however, he can only work out a person's thought process about halfway before he starts to feel lost himself. for example, he can understand that sae dislikes losing, but he doesn't understand that it's innately tied to sae's self-worth and expectations as the eldest child/genius prodigy/role model. if he's going to romantically date anyone, then they need to be extremely skilled in the art of communication. otherwise, rin is going to easily misinterpret things.
finally, i think he'd like someone who knows how to comfort him. rin overthinks. like a lot. the cogs in his brain are constantly whirring. you need to lay him down on your lap and run your fingers through his hair and tell him that everything's going to be alright. (and it is going to be alright, because you're about to move both heaven and earth for him to make it stay that way.)
kaiser has no set type, but if he did, it would also be isagi (i'm sorry but yoichi is our harem princess for a reason.) kaiser oscillates between this superiority and inferiority complex. he even admits he was weak-hearted once.
any and all attraction is heightened for him because he gets obsessed easily. (like did you see his massive desktop displays of isagi? tell me that does not scream high-key yandere shit to you.)
however, more so than people, kaiser is fixated on ideals. he literally got a cheesy blue rose tattoo to remind himself that nothing is impossible, and he stands naked in front of his mirror every morning repeating the motto: "this is me." the self-esteem issues are glaringly obvious.
now, rather than completely shatter his entire worldview like isagi did, you need to be the one to gently (and i stress, gently) remind him that sometimes ideals aren't everything. kaiser is unpredictable, but the one thing that stays constant about him is the many masks he hides behind. everything is a role to him, and he takes center stage. but you need to convince him that none of this really matters. he doesn't need to bedazzle himself in tattoos and dye his hair and sport a mullet-rattail hybrid to be worthy of attention. sometimes his ugly bed head and dark circles are precisely the reason you love him.
second of all, you need to set firm boundaries (otherwise you'll end up like ness.) kaiser wants someone with a backbone, and he does not turn a blind eye to raw potential. victory is his end goal, and if you can bring him one step closer to that, he will stick to you. the only issue here is that you need to make sure he does not use you. and believe me, he will try. but if you draw a strong line between you two and stand your ground, he will start to see you in a new light. it can go both ways (love or hate), but either way you are someone important in his eyes.
lastly, i think he wants someone with a sense of humor. he's naturally cocky, and he needs someone to match his wit. ness already does that, but he doesn't give kaiser enough challenge. in my mind, i imagine kaiser trying to impress you with his german, but you give him a good run for his money when you already know how to speak it. things like that. he thinks it's hot when you can stand up to his level. but at the end of the day, your loyalty still lies with him, and you're not above/below him but rather the one standing beside him.
barou doesn't have a type. he is the type. you're lucky to have him.
otoya likes cute girls, even better when they have the standard fringe/bob cut look. he also lives for the height difference. teasing short girls by patting their heads is his signature move. he also likes it when girls wear lipgloss, like a sparkly candy pink shade, maybe even a spritz of perfume. he's also type to make fun of the little chubby pooch you get when you eat too much. he thinks it's adorable. personality-wise, it doesn't matter. he's going to cheat anyways. jk but on a more serious note, the person he's likely going to stay with forever is someone who can forgive his weaknesses and actually make the effort to understand him. instead of writing him off as an immature two-timer, he'd appreciate people who can actually hear him out. obviously, it doesn't excuse any of his actions, but it lets him know that you do indeed care.
aiku says he likes anyone who looks easy to break up with, but it's actually the opposite. he tends to go for older women who end up slapping him in the face. he's a womanizer, but he actually has a significant amount of character depth. generally, he's someone who goes with the flow, and nothing really upsets him. but to actually get to know him and his insecurities, you'd have to be someone really important to him. i think aiku is the type to be a serial dater before he finds someone he'll actually stick to. he's afraid of commitment, and it's for good reason. the authority figures in his life have failed him enough times to be considered unreliable. please be kind to him because the childhood trauma was not. i smell lots of emotional baggage here.
nagi likes the flame type because it has few weaknesses and helped him clear three levels in digimon. oh wait, you mean his ideal type? yeah, he does not know what that is, and he's too lazy to think of one. currently he's in the middle of fighting a custody battle for choki, and he's losing to a certain purple-haired freak. please come back later.
reo likes wine aunties lol. it's canon that he prefers older women, but i think it's just because they tend to know what they want. he likes people who have a set goal and are constantly working towards it. he himself diverts all his time and resources into football once he discovers that it is his calling.
i think he's the type to be extremely popular but not actually have any deep, long-lasting connections with any of his friends. he knows a lot of people, but he doesn't know them well. that's also why he gets so attached to nagi because nagi is the first person to really know him. in a way, i think that'd translate over to the people he loves as well. he likes people who don't beat around the bush. if they like him for who he is, they'll say it outright. he doesn't need to do any digging or engage in any form of the pretentious formalities he despises.
reo is rich, which is both a blessing and a curse. on one hand, he's all set for life, but on the other hand, it unfortunately makes many of his relationships conditional. he said it himself that people are often drawn to him because of his money. so i think he'd also like someone who isn't materialistic. he values honesty and genuine connection above all, so if you're ready to give him love regardless of his status, he'd sincerely love you too.
chigiri likes tomboys or any person with masculine characteristics. he's constantly getting mistaken for a girl at blue lock, so i think it'd just be funny to pair him up with someone who also shares the same androgynous plight. you two would bond over breaking gender norms.
he's a capricorn, and even if astrology is a pseudoscience, i still feel like the archetype fits him well. he refuses to let other people see him cry. he values his family a lot. he tends to be moody and intense at times. not to mention he is very goal-driven (excuse the pun.) based on that, i think he'd want someone calm and understanding. it's not that he needs someone else to work out his own problems for him. it's more so that he needs someone to remind him that he's still human sometimes. i feel like after his injury, he was sort of in this survival mode, constantly trying to prove himself and get back to the level he used to be at. but you need to remind him that he can relax once in a while. it's perfectly alright if he isn't as good as he used to be right now. progress comes at a different pace for everyone.
furthermore, chigiri tends to project a serious image most of the time, so i think it'd be nice if someone reminds him that he does have indeed an odd sense humor and his fair share of stupid moments, and that's totally okay too.
shidou likes anyone who doesn't like him, but this has to be done the right way. within blue lock, he's already sort of this outcast because no one understands his playing style (except maybe sae.) you need to show him that you value his eccentricities while also keeping him at an arm's length. he loves a challenge.
since he's someone unafraid to express himself, he likes to see that in another person. whether it's in your fashion sense, way of talking, body language, etc., he loves it when you act unapologetically yourself.
shidou is quite literally a dog kept on a leash, so you need to tug on that leash from time to time. he loves it when people attempt to tell him off and call him out for his bullshit. inhibition is a foreign concept to him, so he feels entertained when others try to teach it to him. he also thinks it's immensely sexy when you're angry at him. lord knows he is definitely going to slip that in mid-argument just so you can yell at him some more.
sae wouldn't even believe in the concept of a "type" in general because he thinks it's stupid to categorize people based on an ideal and fixed set of characteristics. (that's pretty rich coming from a guy who calls people who don't meet his standards lukewarm but we're just gonna ignore his hypocrisy.) either way, he has a non-traditional view of love and attraction.
i do think he likes people who are solid and reliable, and they can continuously yield quality results. he would also want someone who is as ambitious as him because i don't think he can realistically get along with someone who has no dreams or aspirations. it just doesn't fit well with his driven personality.
people who are empathetic and emotionally intuitive intrigue him since that's something he lacks. personally, i think he'd like someone who is mature (doesn't matter if they're older or younger.) if you can teach him something useful, he find you worthy of his time. and if you can read his feelings without him even telling you, he would consider you someone special.
sae needs someone who holds similar ideals to him but doesn't follow him blindly. (notice how he hated it when rin blindly relied on his assists when they were children.) he want someone who is independent because he is also highly independent. however, the difference is that they also actively make room in their life for other people, and that is something sae doesn't know how to do.
there's a point of growth somewhere in your relationship where you call out his mistakes and set him on the right path. sae struggles a lot with his definition of victory, and he finds it difficult to curb his greed. his ego is what sets him apart from everyone else, so failure is not an option in his books. unfortunately, this is also why he loses some of his original spark/motivation. you need to be someone who can tell him that failure is not a weakness, and sometimes the journey matters more than the ending.
also this poor boy needs someone to teach him social cues because i don’t really think he knows how to read the room. he’d probably unintentionally insult a chairman or investor, and you’ll be trailing after him with a sheepish smile as you bow and apologize for him. (i feel bad for his manager.)
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stoopid-turtle · 6 months
made-up mbti types for dd and gg
So the GQ event that dd attended recently (you know, the one with the love hat) was supposedly gonna share his MBTI type with us. I don't think they ever did, probably because dd just didn't do the test thing. I'm not surprised we never got to see his mbti type, but I did have my own guess as to what he'd score, so I figured I'd share here.
(As a note, MBTI is pretty much junk science but it's fun. Just don't take it too seriously. I used to be really into it in a fannish sense and it's the closest I get to woo-stuff. If you don't know what MBTI is, here have fun.)
Cut to the chase: I'd guess dd is ISFP. My reasoning below the cut.
Introvert - The best way I've found to describe the difference is that introverts recharge by being alone. That is, a weekend full of social engagements is something they need some alone-time after. For an extrovert, social events, themselves, recharge them. Being alone is what's exhausting and what they try to avoid.
DD's probably rarely fully alone, given his busy schedule and the life of a celebrity. But introverts have ways to introverting, even among a bunch of people. I think sometimes people conflate "introvert" to mean "shy", but they're not the same. I don't think dd is particularly shy. It's just all about where your energy comes from.
Sensing - This one is about how you process information.
As an illustration, my bff and I were on a road trip once. She's the type who liked to literally pull over a smell the freaking flowers. And she could name every single flower/plant/tree she came across. Her eye for detail and ability to describe things with precision is always boggling to me, because to me, the most I can say is something like "It was sunny and the trees are green". Very vague. All about the overall impression rather than the details.
In MBTI terms, my bff would be Sensing while I'm Intuition (this is the N. Just go with it). Intuition folks are thought of as the big picture, abstract thinkers while Sensing is about the details and about the Facts of the World.
I mentioned before that dd strikes me as a pretty literal thinker, and that type of thinking overlaps with Sensing more than Intuition.
Feeling - People get confused by this one. It's not about whether the person expresses emotions or anything like that. It's about decision-making. When making a choice, does this person weigh the pros and cons? Try to come to a reasonable and sound decision? Or do they go by gut, following their emotions like animes tell them to?
This is hard to assess because we don't know much about how dd goes about making the decisions he makes. We don't know what went into his decision to go into idol training, say, or why he put his hat in the ring for The Untamed.
I'm making a guess that he's more driven by emotion than thinking. This isn't to say he acts blindly without any thought or that he never makes rational decisions, but he weighs his feelings highly. He'll pursue a gay romantic relationship with another celebrity, despite the risks, because he's in love and, you know, he follows his heart. His decision to submit his headshot for The Untamed, especially, strikes me as being Feeling-driven. Given his career at the time, acting in a BL adaptation was off the beaten path and risky. He lost fans because of it.
I think both gg and dd make a feelings-based decision to drop candies for turtles. There's no rational business case to do so. It's simply because they value having a group of fans who recognize them as a couple and they want to keep those fans with them.
Perceiving - This one's about how you plan or organize your time (or don't).
Judgers are the type to have a planner with a set schedule a routine. They have trouble adapting when their schedule gets disrupted. Perceivers are more go with the flow, able to take things as they come. When taking vacays, they would rather not have a packed itinerary bc they want the freedom to go where the moment takes them.
This is also something I don't feel I have a lot of insight on. DD's schedule is heavily managed and heavily packed, and he spends most of his time diligently following along with that schedule. That's part of his job, though. On his own, would he be inclined to keep to a schedule? I kinda don't think so.
I'm just going based on his...um...general chaotic energy. That and his tendency to do his KPI social media posts all at the last minute. Classic Perceiver move.
So, ISFP. In truth, each of these traits is a spectrum and people show examples all along the different traits at different times (for instance, dd's decision-making in SDC is typically strategic rather than based on feelings). Most things are based on context. But this feels right to me, overall.
For gg, I haven't watched near as much of him as I have of dd, but a guess would be INFJ.
Feel free to share your own ideas. Or squee about the love hat. Whatever. 🐢🐢🐢
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papaver-decervicatus · 9 months
Headcanons- Enzo Reyes
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Hello everyone! I am still swamped with college work but I wanted to post something so here's a little HC page I have had brewing for a while. Expect Rudy and Nova's soon! Also, I have discovered I absolutely love Reyes, and it's a shame he gets so forgotten about. God, I love a strong nose on a person, fan-freaking-tastic. Cura Ut Veleas! ~ Ceadis
Born November 13th, 1987, in Regina, Canada.
His parents were never married and had a contentious co-parenting relationship throughout his life
He moved with his mother to Alberta when he was 7, so he mostly saw his father over breaks and such
He is ¼ Tsuut'ina on his father's side (his father is half Tsuut'ina and half Spanish,) the two bonded over trapping and hunting. When he’s home, he will stay with his cousins on the reserve to go hunting with them.
Complex relationship with eating meat: believes you should only hunt/kill an animal ethically and for sustenance. Morally opposed to food waste. 
Can skin a deer in record time and not waste any meat/material from it. 
Complicated relationship with Catholicism, but both his mother and father are, at least partially, Roman Catholic.
Both of his parents married others, he has a year older step-sister on his father's side and two younger half-brothers (3 years younger and 5 years younger) on his mother's side. 
At age 13 he got into a massive fight with his mother over something silly (he forgot to turn in a take-home math quiz,) so he hitchhiked his way to his father over the course of 5 days. This is when he picked up his forgery skills from a truck driver he got a ride with. 
He accidentally evaded the police who were searching for him until he showed up at his father's house unharmed. 
Extremely proficient in hunting tracking and forgery. 
More than anything the police were just impressed he evaded them so well once he was delivered home safely. Was recommended to join the military by one of the deputies that brought him home. 
His first language was French (his mother speaks mostly French), second was Spanish (under his father.) Didn’t speak any English until he was 6 or so. Barely speaks French anymore unless with his mom. Is still fluent in Spanish. Also knows minimal Tsuut’ina to communicate while staying with his family that only speaks it. 
Terrible alcohol tolerance, 2 drinks and he’s wasted. 
Incredibly emotionally drunk. 
Chuy once convinced him to watch a nature documentary while drunk. He cried for thirty minutes when a baby seal got eaten by an orca. 
The least braggadocious guy ever, will never volunteer his skills or talk about them. 
That being said, he never backs down from a challenge. Just humbly accepts it and usually wins. 
The only person who can hunt/track a target better than Price.
Price fucking hates it.
Best friends with Chuy. Package deal. 
Enzo is incredibly shy but extroverted, he loves to talk to others and be involved in the action but it’s hard for him to initiate. 
Chuy is confident and introverted and acts as a good barrier for Enzo to feel more comfortable when talking with others. 
They bonded over a love for the outdoors/hunting, Reyes helped Chuy when his rifle broke down one mission and they’ve been besties since.
Has a tendency to talk back, but not out of a challenge to authority, more out of curiosity. 
The “Excuse me teacher, but isn’t it…” kid all grown up and never kicked the habit. 
The biggest nerd ever. Warhammer 40k, DND, wildlife fun facts, doesn’t matter. 
Trivia legend, he’s read a book on just about everything. 
Had to be banned from trivia night because he always wins. 
He always has a pack of waterproof playing cards on him, his favorite is a set he got from the Alberta Airport that have wildlife fun facts on every card.
Did you know that Caribou have 4 chambered stomachs and can swim up to 6 miles an hour?
Reyes did.
Reyes told you.
About 4 times.
This past month alone.
But who's keeping count, really?
Reads over a hundred books a year, easily.
Mostly nonfiction focusing on history, he will write out notes to better remember what he’s read.
Is not opposed to fiction books, but does not typically seek them out. 
Is in a makeshift book club with Gromsko and Nova
It is a poorly kept secret that he will do weapon mods/maintenance in exchange for books, the issue is finding a book he hasn't read yet.
Is on a first-name basis with his hometown's librarians.
Has been working on and off on a Ph.D. in history through an online/long-distance program.
It is about the purposeful destruction of the Canadian governmental records relating to First Nations regiments in the army during the 19th century. The process has been incredibly slow because he works on it remotely and, as stated, many of the records either do not exist or were intentionally destroyed.
Teddy Bear. Gives great hugs, sweetheart of a man, loves to cook for others, and always volunteers to help people. Just generally a great dude. 
This does not extend to his job. 
He doesn’t have a weak stomach when it comes to his work. 
He is ruthless, he is calculated, he is damn good at what he does. 
He gets along well with his comrades, sure, but he’s not letting himself get killed in the field for something stupid. 
Incredibly capable. Do not mistake his affability for weakness.
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callmemana · 1 year
Arms Wide Open, Catch Me If I Fall: Meet Amanda ‘Birdie’ Hallett
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Amanda ‘Birdie’ Hallett is a Naval Fighter Pilot, and could be described as friendly, generous, hard working, stubborn, hot headed, humorous, and never really serious unless needed. She is relaxed and both an introvert and extrovert. She also loves to read, paint, draw, and is a stress baker.
Bob was actually the one to give her the name ‘Birdie,’ while at the academy. Amanda was known around the building for always having a tune on her lips throughout the day. She was always humming, singing, or whispering lyrics to songs. Later, when they went on their first date, he asked about the singing. She said that it calmed her down and helped her focus better on assignments or procedures.
Birdie’s first dream was to be a livestock farmer, just like many generations before her, not a pilot. It changed the day a local Naval aviator walked through the auditorium doors for a speech in her senior year of high school. That talk had spoken to her heart and she just knew, she wanted to be a Navy Fighter Pilot. Later that year she graduated and was shipped off to basic, where she met a shy boy named Robert. They hit it off on the first day, hunched over by the waist as they tried to catch their breath from the morning jog that was mandatory.
They hung out almost every day from the beginning of basic to the end. The night before they got their first official orders, Robert asked Birdie out. After that, the new couple were inseparable. Robert and Birdie were so in love that even if it had only been a couple of months, it felt like eternity in each other’s arms. They had a tradition on every Sunday to stay in bed and watch movies all day as a way to wind down before going back to work.
Birdie might be a big hotshot pilot now, but she never strays too far from her roots. Born and raised on a mini farm for most of her life, she knew true freedom being able to roam the land and find adventures wherever her imagination or wandering feet took her. She’s known around the town as a ‘troublemaker’ for seeing the opportunity to do something reckless or stupid and jumping feet first. No questions, no thoughts.
After both being stationed together in Lemoore and a couple of years together, Bob proposed to her and they were in the middle of wedding planning when he received new orders to go back to Top Gun. Birdie was so supportive of Bob and tried to praise him, but he just pushed her away. He couldn’t go on an ‘urgent dangerous mission’ with her worried about him and couldn’t handle not being there for her if he were to die, so, he did the most reasonable thing: break her heart.
She cried for days afterwards, heartbroken to find out he didn’t really love her. Birdie tried to fight for the relationship not fully believing that was why he did it, but when Robert Floyd had his mind determined to something, he wouldn’t change his choice. Birdie took the time to dive into keeping busy. She tried different ways, but none worked in her favor. No matter what she did, she couldn’t forget about Robert and their love.
It was a month or two after he left that Birdie got the orders to go to San Diego, to be in a new squadron called the ‘Iron Daggers.’ She packed what she could and stored the other stuff in the time period they gave. Upon opening the door to her shared apartment, she heard squeals and rushed footsteps towards her. Phoenix, Halo, and Lucky gave Bird a group hug before leading her farther into the house.
The women in the squad had grown close just by spending one night together, it was as if it was fate that Birdie became friends with these amazing women. The next day when she got onto base, she was gonna get the surprise of a lifetime, being face to face with her ex.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @sweetlittlegingy @switchbladedreamz
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2
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lgcichika · 1 year
nam here! after this interaction, i decided it’s within my best interest to re-introduce myself and my 3 children. i have been in lgc since 2020, though my “eldest” was actually my second muse and the fact she’s lasted this long still shocks me.
this turned out longer than i expected, but i hope it sort of works re-introduce myself to you, and work towards more plotting!! i used to loooove plotting but life... ANYWAY!
Yamashita Ichika ( fc; miyawaki sakura - le sserafim )
*sobs softly* i remember when i first brought her her fc was listed as iz*one. based off her fc, ichika was a japanese idol who decided to leave it all to come to s.korea to challenge herself and to capitalize on the growing popularity of k-pop worldwide. however, due to the toxic culture within her former group, what was a nice but introverted girl turned hard, and self-serving. over time, however, she not only managed to debut legacy’s crystallis, she’s started to open her heart to making friends and trusting others. though she can be a bit awkward but she’s trying. while she did manage to get a boyfriend despite hating him at first, her main goal for me has always been growing her trust in others and having friends. due to personal irl stuff this last year, i haven’t been as active with this and just been trying to get requirements done, but she has made some progress. in 2023 let’s plot more okay?
Okada Taiyou ( fc; adachi yuto - pentagon )
in all honesty, taiyou was made when lgc was having a model drought but i love my boy. taiyou never planned to be famous, but decided to come to korea as a way to break out of his shell. initially he wanted to be an idol but his own fears and problems with his confidence seemed to dilute whatever promise he held to debut. after he failed to join fd4, he sort of gave up on being an idol (he was aging out tbh), and decided to try modeling instead of packing his bags completely. as a model he’s gotten hosting opportunities and has started his own sunglasses brand called SOLA. he was also made to be a foil to ichika, who was blunt and standoffish but looked pretty and nice. taiyou looks like a cold emo boy but he’s very sweet, and kind. he especially has a soft spot for the japanese trainees.
Parker Su ( fc; xiao dejun/xiaojun - nct/wayv )
while ichika and taiyou are my introverts, parker is my extrovert. he’s friendly and outgoing, and has the ability to talk a wall— or perhaps sing to it. parker is from san francisco, california, usa, and just wants to sing day and night. he’s just a romantic who loves to sing love songs, and used to fall in love with a new girl every week because girls are a gift and he loved the idea of love. even if he’s short, he’s too confident in himself to care— though i wouldnt call him full of himself or egotistical. parker knows he’s playful and fun loving, and believes in the end his personality will always overshadow his shortcomings. that said, he did end up falling for a tsundere model but she left the company (aka was accidentally cleared) before he could tell her how he felt so he’s a bit in his sad boy era right now. which is hard since he just debuted as type zero’s new main vocalist and just finished up his debut promotion so he should be on the top of the world.
the mun;
you can call me nam. my pronouns are she/her, and my mood is typically tired. my timezone is usually pst (utc -8:00) or pdt (utc -7:00) depending on daylight savings. i would say i’m very friendly and laid back but insanely absentminded, so i apologize in advance. you can reach me on twt or dc.
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30 Days of OTP: Day 9, Hanging out with Friends
Rating: K
Verse: Canon
AN: James invites his mates round to watch rugby during its hype season. Unfortunately they're all just as loud and as destructive as each other.
Had to add a few extra characters for this chapter: Aamade (South Africa) Aliti (Fiji) Michelle (Seychelles) Piri (Philippines)
James has too many friends; he’s a magnet for them. He can enter a room full of strangers and leave with a room full of people who adore him, and invite for them to meet up again. His extroverted and friendly nature, as well as the fact he can get along with just about anyone in any situation. He gets itchy being alone, not literally but he always loves to surround himself with people which, for a man like him, is never hard to accomplish. One of those people who can get everyone to love him instantaneously and it was no wonder that he was like the sibling that got away with everything.
Kainga, however, was almost the exact opposite.
He's got a few friends, some have dipped in and out of his life and some stayed for longer. James was acquainted to most of them, after all Kainga only really hung around with the same handful of people. For an introvert, socializing was not his forte. Even less so when friend making with his very specific interests and personality so his social life was mostly nonexistent. His requirements for friends where as slim as paper but if you could get along with him and enjoyed his interests it's guaranteed that you'll be friends for life.
Most of all, he never understood how James made so many friends so quickly. Until he realized during the height of the rugby season, coming to the realization that James and all of his friends are just as loud and destructive as each other. How they bonded over screaming at the TV, taking off their shirts before smashing beer bottles on the floor and punching each other was completely beyond him. Above all, they were all crazy for Rugby in a sense where if anyone was to walk in and see how apeshit they all were over a goal, they'd been deemed completely insane.
First there's Aamade.
He could only describe him as, truly something else. The South African was a force to be reckoned with, especially when it involved his team; The Springboks. He's more like James than Kainga, some boisterous man, rough and ready and frankly absolutely terrifying to the New Zealander at times. Surprising as they consider themselves as 'best friends' which in some cases is true. But that can easily change quickly as soon as rugby is involved. Aamade is a lot shorter than James, rather short in general but he sure as fuck packs a warrior's punch. His hair in thick, traditional braids, tied up to the back as James had a nasty habit of pulling on them when he was angry.
Then there's Aliti.
Aliti, is Kainga's older sister.
Why on earth James invited her round, he didn't know. But the two had a particularly immense disliking for each other. Even spanning way before James and Kainga got together. He swears at least one of the reasons James got with him for another reason to poke at her. Whenever James brought up the smug argument of 'I'm fucking your brother and there's nothin' ya can do about it' it always ends in a very broken nose for James. The Fijian is quick and short tempered, very over protective of her brother towards James.
So all of them gathered on one couch to watch the Saturday nights rugby game, could only end in complete disaster. Kainga knew this all too well.
Kainga had a very different night planned for himself. While James had his mates around causing a ruckus, he'd invited over some of his own friends for something as simple as getting together and having tea. Often times they'd just chat, knit and compare books they were reading or sweaters they had. It was the simple things but for Kainga, he enjoyed nothing more.
This night he'd only invited two of his closest friends around. Piri and Michelle, yet in order to get in, they had to get past the ruckus from the living room. At this point in time, James and Aamade had started to loudly argue over the results of half-time.
“Oh for fucks sake, that was blatantly our ball!”
“Well isn’t someone a sore loser? Your All Blacks have nothing on the Springboks!”
“Sore loser?! Says the guy who couldn’t handle us scorin a try!”
“That’s because you guys hadn’t got the ball off the fucking line!”
Piri sighed once entering Kainga's room, closing the door behind them both and staring at it like there was a zombie apocalypse occurring on the other side of it.
"Are they always like that?"
"Unfortunately yes."
As the night went on, both Piri and Michelle were rather surprised that Kainga didn't seem phased by the crashing and thumping from downstairs. He just simply enjoyed his tea and rambled off about the book he was reading right now. Even offering that they all start a book club before turning on the fairy lights he'd installed to give the room more light.
At one point, the yelling and crashing from downstairs stopped. Michelle couldn't help feel unease and Kainga just simply apologized for his boyfriend and his mates. Finally they had some silence, Aamade and Aliti must've gone home. Either that or they all died. Kainga knew that if James was quiet, something was very wrong as the New Zealander tended to never shut up. He quickly excused himself and went downstairs with his empty tea cup in hand.
"James? Did everyone go home?"
He's only met with James sprawled out on the couch, half passed out and surrounded by beer bottles and leftover pizza still in the greasy boxes. James managed to smile up at him sleazily.
"We wonnnn....we wonnnn th' gameeeee...~"
Of course, rugby was all he could still talk about in his state of, whatever it was. Kainga just sighed and shook his head. "C'mon let's get you to bed."
"I'm....fineeeee..." James insisted as he slumped onto Kainga like a limp sack of potatoes. Almost sending Kainga to the floor with his weight but instead of complaining, a small laugh left the Tongan's lips as he caught James in his arms. Meeting the dorky like grin James was pulling up at him. He couldn't help but smile down at him, holding James's cheeks before he started to kiss him. James let out a soft muffled mumble, wrapping his arms around Kainga's smaller slim waist to keep his balance we kissing back. His mouth only tasting of that horrible cheap Kiwi beer he'd bought and drank in celebration.
Kainga had to pull James's face away from him in order to get a short breath. Feeling the sharp prickles of the Kiwi's ever growing hairy stubble, more evident that James was growing a beard whenever Kainga kissed him. Kainga's soft skin always itched when James's rough stubble met his. Yet, he didn't mind, mainly because he thought James looked hella sexy with a beard. Stopping James's drunken whine by placing a kiss on the bridge of his lightly crooked nose.
"Alright you big boofy kiwi, I said its bed~"
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lovebandit42069 · 1 year
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Heehee did the fun little ship meme for my main self ship
Had to edit the original since it was for ships that only involve two people (and also to change the bug killing one to bug releasing) and included a transparent version of the edited base for those that may want it!
Ignore the awful grey outline that he preview has, the actual full resolution template doesn't have it idk what tumblr's doing
I'm gonna include a little explanation for everything under a read more for anyone that might be interested! (It's incredibly long so no worries if it's too much for y'all to want to read lmao)
Please do not interact with this post/my blog if you: - Are a minor - Are a proshipper - Self ship romantically with Shou, Hizashi and Nem
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Genders: I haven't really thought too hard about my headcanon genders for Shou, Hizashi and Nem so I just went with the canon for them. Crash is Canonically Agender.
Sexualities: I'm bisexual so I like to headcanon all of my favs as bi too 🥰
Heights: Pretty straight-forward I think, I like to make most of my S/I's the same height as me and Crash was no exception (why is everyone taller than me fuck my LIFE !!!!!!!!)
Ages: Same as heights, used everyone's up to date canon ages
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Sliding Scale Section
Big Spoon - Little Spoon: I feel like Shou and me would share the same sentiment of not really minding either way/switching between the two while Nem is similar but leans more towards being the little spoon and Hizashi is Very Much the little spoon because he's the tallest of the group and I think that'd be funny/cute Lends Clothes - Borrows Clothes: I don't think any of us would necessarily borrow clothes from each other (also Crash is fat and short so I don't think its clothes would fit anyone LMAO) so I just kept everyone in the middle for this one Doesn't Use Pet Names - Uses Pet Names: Uses Pet Names: Bro you KNOW Nem and Hizashi fucking love pet names!! Crash likes pet names but feels like they sound super awkward when it says them but it'll still try. I don't think Shou would never use pet names but is probably a bit more conservative with using them himself. Introverted - Extroverted: Pretty self explanatory if you know the characters, me and Shou being very much introverted while Nem and Hizashi are on the other end of the spectrum being very much extroverted Affection Through Words - Affection Through Actions: Shou and Hizashi have both exhibited actions that lead me to believe they'd canonically show affection with both words and actions. Nem I imagine would be the same way just because I'm being self indulgent lmao. I'm the same way IRL so Crash gets to be too <;3 Confesses First - Waits For Confession: While all four were pining for each other Crash, Hizashi and Shou were the ones that were completely obvlious of everyone else's pining leaving Nem to be the one to finally initiate the relationship (sorry nem lmao) Screams About The Bugs - Releases Bug Outside: Hizashi is canonically entomophobic (afraid of bugs) meanwhile I imagine Shou, Crash and Nem wouldn't be as much. Drives The Car - Can't Drive: We've seen Hizashi drive in canon and while we've seen Shou in cars multiple times he's never once driving (I don't think??) so I like to imagine he doesn't know how/feels like it's not terribly important due to having a good amount of mobility on his own. Crash likes to walk to places it can but learned how to drive for the times when it's gotta go somewhere that isn't walkable/if it's not feeling the idea of walking. Nemuri strikes me as someone that would rather drive than walk somewhere and learned to drive to necessitate that. Can't Cook For Shit - Makes Dinner: We see Shou eating protein jelly packs more than anything else and while that's not indicative of him not being able to cook (he's just being ~rational~) I feel like he's someone that has the barest ability to cook. Crash is the same way fuck cooking lmao. Nem and Hizashi both seem like they'd know how to cook and would be willing to be the one(s) to cook for the group to me personally Dislikes PDA - Loves PDA: Similar to pet names I feel like Hizashi and Nem would absolutely love PDA and Crash would as well but feel a bit awkward about it so it'd struggle a bit to initiate it itself. Shou I feel like wouldn't completely hate it but would definitely not be the one to initiate it first typically. Overprotective - Chill Going: With the nature of the canon universe and just taking everyone's personalities into consideration I feel like we'd all be a bit protective of each other in various ways Has More Relationship Experience - Has NO Relationship Experience: This is heavily headcanon-based but I personally imagine Shou and Hizashi as not really having relationship experience due to mutually pining for each other (and Crash and Nem) and am including Crash in that same boat. Nem for sure strikes me as someone who has a lot of relationship experience though, personally
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Horny Level: Nemuri is self explanatory I feel like LMAO. Crash and Shou I feel would be a little bit lower on the scale and Hizashi just a teensy bit higher. He gives off horny energy I don't know how to explain it
Awkardness Level: Crash and Shou are slightly different types of awkward but still awkward nonetheless (Crash being a bit moreso, feels bad) and Hizashi and Nemuri have never felt awkwardness in their entire lives in my opinion
Jealousy Level: I put everyone at the same halfway level because I can imagine a bit of jealousy happening here and there but I don't really think it'd be present terribly often tbh
Blessing your family and crops if you actually read all this lmao
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idlechatting · 2 years
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47. Cancer. Isfj-a.
Character’s full name: Stettin Dennis Jr. Reason or meaning of name: Follower of Dionysus  Character’s nickname: Denny, den den ( when Ines was a child )
Reason for nickname: Father's first son kind of thing. He’s named after him and even has his fathers nickname. Not that Dennis isn’t honored, but he was very happy that Ines started calling him den den it made him feel like he was his own man. Of course, now that he’s a much older man he could care less, but growing up he always wanted an identity of his own.
Birth date: June 24, 1975
Good personality traits: Reliable, Observant, Supportive Bad personality traits: Overly Humble, Takes things personally, Over committed
Character’s soft spot: Ines and Alex
Height: 6`3
Hometown: MA
Current location: MA
Mother: Stephanie Stettin
Relationship with her: Authoritative 
Father: Dennis Stettin Sr.
Relationship with him:  Authoritative
Siblings: Ines Stettin
Relationship with them: Best friends forever. Protector
Type of childhood: Loving and nurturing
Pets: St. Bernard named Otis
First memory: Christmas 1982 Dennis lost his grandmother. She passed away in her sleep during the weekend just after the holiday. If was the first death he experienced. He wasn’t able to fully understand his emotions at the time, he just knew that it hurt. He wouldn’t leave his grandpa’s side for months because of this. He lived with him until he was sure that he would be okay. 
Most important childhood memory: ( TW; ABORTION MENTION ) Prom 1993 He would be taking his crush to prom. It took him months to think of how he’d convince her that he was the right choice. When she agreed Dennis couldn’t believe it. Unfortunately, when the night of prom began it proved that he was only able to take his crush because he was being use by her to make her ex jealous. Eventually, he’d get left spending prom alone, that is until one of his friends who also had a crush on him confessed their feelings. Shocked at first, Dennis would question why it took them so long to tell them, of course fear of rejection played a part on her not making a move. For the rest of Prom he would spend it with her. Things ended up getting heated and they’d lose their virginity to each other. Having been friends before hand it didn’t feel rushed, but soon, reality would kick in. She’d be packing up to study abroad and he’d had plans of his own after graduating. They spent the summer together, falling for each other more than they thought they would. Before she would be packing up to leave for good, she would find out that she’s pregnant, instead of telling him the truth she reveals that it was a pregnancy scare. They would break up, she’d go to have an abortion, but chickened out last minute. They tried to stay in touch, but eventually raising a baby and adjusting to a new country would keep them from communicating for years.
Childhood hero: Grandfather 
Dream job: Travel Speech Pathologist 
Education: 4 yr Masters in Speech pathology
Smokes: Cigars Drinks: Socially  Other drugs: No
Optimist or pessimist Introvert or extrovert
Daredevil or cautious Logical or emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat
Prefers working or relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself
Animal lover? Yes.
How he feels about himself: He rarely thinks about what he thinks. He can hard on himself, so unless someone else has something to say about him he usually disregards his own feelings.
One word the character would use to describe self: Reliable
One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: He’s always working to please others and to help them where he can. He feels better when he can be useful to others than having to sit around and try to figure out what to do for his own life.
What does the character consider his best personality trait? Supportive
What does the character consider his worst personality trait? Overly committed 
What does the character consider his best physical characteristic? His stature
What does the character consider his worst physical characteristic? His face
How does the character think others perceive him? A gentle giant
What would the character most like to change about himself? His look. He feels like he’s noticeable no matter where or what he does. 
Best friend(s): Ines and Alex
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thexflyingxpotato · 2 years
Monday, October 17
Wow. Umm... I can’t sleep. I’m excited and anxious.
Excited cuz:
-I’m getting new frames/glasses soon.
I’ve been needing new prescriptions for 4 years now, and FINALLY I can cuz I’m not injured or pregnant. I’m mostly excited cuz this time I don’t have insurance but I found a site that does customized lenses and frames on the low. 🥺😭 so I can finally update my look. And be able to see the nail art I do without having to squint or have to paint so close to my face. I’m excited cuz this time I ordered everyday frames, and more artsy frames for when I’m painting at home.
-We’re signing papers and getting married today.
This. This is crazy. I like the idea of being married to someone, but growing up I never wanted to actually get married. I’m scared of committing cuz I’m scared of being trapped and being stuck with someone and having no way out. — but here we are getting married today. I guess you can say I’m excited cuz I’m finally at a place in my life where I’m not afraid of commitment. I’m not afraid of things turning out for the worst. I’m able to trust for once... I’m able to trust again. And it feels so... nice and liberating.
-10 days from now we’re gonna move the last of my things and officially live together again.
Excited for this cuz then that gives me more time to just LIVE. And not have to pack and unpack every weekend. I’ll have more time to rest. I’ll have more time to just spend connecting with my little one and my husband. — 😩I’ve missed being able to fall asleep and wake up next to him everyday. And now fall is here, the nights are getting colder... his work schedule changed, we can all fall asleep cuddling each other, and we’re not in a rush to wake up early anymore. We can take life slowly and do things at our own pace.
-once I’m moved out I’ll be re-piercing my philtrum.
I pierced it before on my birthday this year cuz I was ready to start healing my heart (and letting my walls down and slowly allowing my buried emotions to come to the surface). But the lady who pierced it did it crooked -.- so it wasn’t able to heal correctly and I had to take it out. — this time around I’ll do it myself. I won’t have to feel weird about it cuz I won’t be living with my parents anymore. So no need to feel ashamed or judged for how I want to look.
Anxious because:
-10 days from now will be the beginning of me officially distancing and going no contact with my parents for the third and last time.
It might start out as low to no contact... cuz I’ll probably have to go back and clean out little things I left behind. But ultimately I’m anxious cuz idk if they’ll blow my phone up with texts and calls like they did before. I’m really hoping they don’t cuz them trying to contact me constantly (just to micromanage me from a far) gave me so much anxiety that I would completely isolate and ignore my phone for days. Last time they physically came to the house and I felt so violated cuz moving out and AWAY from them was my literal/ physical boundary and they still came and invaded my safe space.
-Once I’ve organized my things and settled in, I’m gonna take that scary step to figure out on my own how to get diagnosed for depression, adhd, spd, autism, and dissociative identity disorder.
Okay to literally before venting on here, I saw a short video about how sometimes (especially as new parents and stay at home parents) depression expresses as constant anger and irritability. — so now I have even more reason to finally go get diagnosed for everything.
Partly to prove to my family I’m NOT stupid. It’s just the result of their abuse and genetics. Partly to prove to my husbands family that I’m not antisocial or rude, I’m just neurodivergent and have different energetic and sensory needs. Partly to help me understand why it was so hard working a “regular job” and thinking I’m just an introvert forced to work extrovert dominant jobs... and wondering why I always felt so drained at the end of the day. But mostly cuz I’ve been doing as much as I can to heal, but need help navigating and unpacking all these emotions.
I’m anxious cuz I know that once I’m away from my toxic/ dysfunctional environment (my parents), the moment my body and mind feel safe is the moment all the repressed and unaddressed emotions will start to surface so they can be processed. — idk how my husband and his family will take that version of me. Or what that will look like. Violent? Super isolation? Angry all the time? Sensitive af? Will I be hella triggered?
I’m anxious knowing I’m entering a whole different home environment. And am afraid of how ill be able to handle it. At my parents, as dysfunctional as it is... I have my own room. My room as a lock that only I have a key to. When I need to retreat, I can come to my room to hide and feel safe from my parents or just to be alone with my feelings. The house in general is pretty quiet and serene.
My husbands family is very loud. The neighbors are loud. My husband always has music or tv shoes or movies playing out loud on his phone. We don’t exactly have our own room. We have to share half of our living space with the rest of the house cuz they need access to the washer and dryer. Therefore we don’t have a private place. We have a lock on our door but we don’t have the key to it... idk how I’m going to handle feeling like I don’t have a safe space. Or having privacy. Or how his family isn’t very considerate about time and noise. And how their schedule to do laundry doesn’t coincide with my sons schedule to nap. — idk if I’ll be okay sensory wise. As I need a lot of quiet to myself... and there isn’t much of that until everyone is asleep. And that doesn’t usually happen till around 4-5am. Which doesn’t leave me much time to meditate or process my thoughts and emotions for the day. Or to sleep :(
I... am excited cuz I’m beginning a completely new journey and cycle, coinciding with the eclipse. But I’m also anxious cuz this is such a huge shift for me...
Culture shock from different households and completely different and clashing ways of living. From emotionally unstable but physically secure, to emotionally healthier but physically doesn’t feel safe or comfortable. Being able to breathe a LITTLE bit better knowing I’ll be out and away from my abusers... but not able to breathe freely just yet... cuz I know I won’t feel at “home” till we have a place completely of our own where I can run the household and raise my son the way I want and need to, without having to worry about anyone being a bad example or influence on him. Or me having to pick up after everybody JUST to be able to do what I need to do.
I just hope I don’t move in and have more time on my hands, just to be more exhausted from having to deal with my husbands family (who don’t believe in the same values or lifestyle as us)... the point of me moving out and in with them was to save my mental health. But now I feel their lifestyle and beliefs and lack of holding each other accountable or being able to work as a family or team to keep the house maintained or clean... will lead to me constantly wanting to isolate out of annoyance and anger and eventually will make my mental health spiral back down into depression.
I worked so hard for 3 years to battle my depression and finally organize and clean and maintain that cleanliness and get out of my depresso rut 😭😩 I refuse to go back. But I also don’t wanna step on toes and get so angry that I end up disrespecting anyone or hurting anyone’s feelings tryna voice my feelings and frustrations on boundaries.
It’s only temporary. Idk how long we’ll have to live with them for but I have to remind myself it’s only temporary. >.<
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jvnnierubyjane · 2 years
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+compassionate, outgoing and independent. -sensitive, perfectionist and over-achiever.
"I don’t want to rely on anybody when I’m having a difficult time. The reason being that, in the future, if I’m having a hard time and that person isn’t there, then I would collapse. My mom and my friends won’t be able to always be by my side" - Jennie Kim.
What is your nickname? -- Jendeukkie, Mandu, J, Nini, and Human Chanel.
Do you have any pets? -- Two dogs! Kai and Kuma.
What are your hobbies? -- Cooking, baking, and shopping.
Do you believe in astrology? If so, what is your zodiac sign? -- Yes, and I am a Capricorn! 
Are you more of an extrovert or introvert? -- Depends on the mood I’m in but most of the time? Extrovert!
What are two of your pet peeves? -- People who chew loudly and people that are always negative.
Do you like or dislike surprises? Why or why not? -- Dislike. I am so easily scared and I’ve got bad anxiety so surprises are not for me. If it can be a mellow surprise, then it’s okay. 
If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be? -- Donatella Versace, David Beckham, Vera Wang, and Beyoncé! 
How would you describe your personal style? -- Diverse? I like dressing up flashy but I also like baggy t-shirts and sweats. Jennie-chic. That’s how I describe it. 
What’s one thing you can’t live without? -- My phone. It has everything I need. My schedules, and just all of my important info.  
What are your go to comfort things (items, places, movies, etc)? -- Probably not the best thing but my credit card? I always buy things when I need comfort or a pick-me-up. Never fails. 
When you’re in a bad mood, who is someone in your life that makes it better? -- My mum. She is always there for for whenever I need even the smallest of things and I am forever grateful for her.
What is your biggest fear? -- Everything? That sounds so bad but I have a lot of fears. Clowns, heights, bugs...
What’s something most people may not know about you? -- I can play the flute! 
What is your most treasured possession? -- My grandmothers earrings that she was gifted on her wedding day by her mother. 
Excluding essential items or anything with streaming/internet capabilities, what 5 items would you need/want if you were stranded on a deserted island? -- A tarp, string... I’m not sure what else since a lot of things are essential. Even flint & steel.
What is one thing on your bucket list? -- Skydiving! I want to get over my fear of heights. 
If you could only keep one song on repeat, what would you be listening to? -- Ghost by Justin Bieber.
If you had to spontaneously get a tattoo, what would you end up getting? -- A butterfly on my shoulder. 
If you could live anywhere for the rest of your life, except for where you currently live, where would it be? -- Back home in New Zealand. I miss it so much. 
If you could have been part of any experience in the past, what would you have liked to experience? -- I would have loved to experience the 80′s into 90′s transition of fashion. Such a difference.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? -- Flew hours away during a jam-pack schedule. Risky. 
What has been your favorite movie theater experience? -- Going to be honest, I hate movie theatres. I’ve never not had a child or grown human kicking my seat. 
If you could have anyone play you in a movie or TV show, who would it be? -- Jun Jihyun! If she were to play me in fifteen years, I’d love it. 
What is your favorite thing about your career? -- Getting to meet so many amazing people and do my part in helping spread awareness with different things. 
Do you regret any career moves? -- No! Everything is a learning curve. 
What is your dream project? Your ultimate career goal? -- To walk in a high end fashion show. I feel like I’ve accomplished so much in music but there’s still so much to go when it comes to my fashion projects. 
If you didn’t have the career you have today, what would you be doing instead? -- Modelling full time. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! 
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redmbti · 3 years
Also can you make a post about what each cognitive function is (but dumbed down bc I've read a lot of explanations and I still don't understand) with some examples?
note: in the bullet list i’ll be talking about the HIGH users of the mentioned function.
and i’ll talk bout heathy and unhealthy traits in the same bullet list randomly without order so don’t be offended if there’s a trait bout your dominant function that ain’t as nice, it’ll probably be just an unhealthy trait of the function.
each extroverted function proceeds information faster than its introverted contra-part.
for example: Fe proceeds feelings faster than Fi. Fe might feel more emotions but Fi will feel more deeply.
Fe— extroverted feeling
Fe is an extroverted judging function.
dom-Fe —> ExFJ (high user)
aux-Fe —> IxFJ (high user)
tert-Fe —> ExTP (low user)
inf-Fe —> IxTP (low user)
Fe is concerned with other people’s feelings (contrary to Fi)
Fe can be dependent on other people cuz it does a lot for others and expects em to do the same.
Fe high users are usually rly socially aware
they are empathetic and can put themselves well in other peoples shoes (that can be used for good AND bad intentions; remember just bc someone might be emphatic does not mean they’re good people)
they tend to get jealous rly easily (bc Fe compares itself to others a lot
they tend towards passive aggressive behaviour instead of expressing their anger in an open manner
Fe-high users are aware of other people’s emotions but not their own
they often want you to feel a certain way (like if you’re upset they’ll try their best to make you happy again; or they can guilt trip you)
slight inference that you better agree
CAN be fake
Fe is warm, caring and rly helpful if heathy. dependant, manipulative and passive aggressive if unhealthy
Te— extroverted thinking
Te is an extroverted judging function.
dom-Te —> ExTJ (high user)
aux-Te —> IxTJ (high user)
tert-Te —> ExFP (low user)
inf-Te —> IxFP (low user)
Te is concerned with structure and getting things done
values external evidence over pure logic
independent and often work alcoholics
socially aware but not of other peoples feelings
suppresses emotions cuz what would you gain from expressing it?
often intimating
if you have a problem they wouldn’t try to make you feel better but to fix your problem instead
very straightforward, direct, blunt even
Te-high-users are the least type to be manipulative
they hate being manipulated
highly objective
Te detests subjectivity
Te is objective, practical and structured if heathy. mean, angry and concerned with cutting thru if unhealthy.
Se— extroverted sensing
Se is an extroverted perceiving function.
dom-Se —> ESxP (high user)
aux-Se —> ISxP (high user)
tert-Se —> ENxJ (low user)
inf-Se —> INxJ (low user)
lives in the moment
wants to experience everything life has to offer
cant plan further into the future
physical approach
impulsive and spontaneous
relaxed and laid pack
hand-on learning
often like sports and material arts
get bored of pure theories
doing instead of thinking
Se is spontaneous, chill and fun if heathy. reckless, future-neglecting and impulsive if unhealthy.
Ne— extroverted intuition
Ne is an extroverted perceiving function.
dom-Ne —> ENxP (high user)
aux-Ne —> INxP (high user)
tert-Ne —> ESxJ (low user)
inf-Ne —> ISxJ (low user)
possibilities possibilities possibilities
broad ideas and abstract concepts (contrary to Ni’s deep ones)
what if thinking
expanding (contrary to Ni)
Ne-doms are often excited
inclined to rapid changes in mind
a lot of perspectives at once
Ne reads between the lines and too much into things
seek proof to back up their instinct (contrary to Ni)
thinks outside the box
loves new thinks
hates being/feeling trapped
strongly values freedom
commitment-issues and burning bridges
likes to keep things open (contrary to Ni)
Ne is open-minded, creative, and full of new possibilities if heathy. scattered, commitment-phobic and tends towards burning bridges if unhealthy.
these are often not clearly visible cuz they do their work internal.
Si— introverted sensing
Si is an introverted perceiving function.
dom-Si —> ISxJ (high user)
aux-Si —> ESxJ (high user)
tert-Si —> INxP (low user)
inf-Si —> ENxP (low user)
comfortable with routine
doesn’t like change
hand-on learning
get bored of pure theories
how did it always work?
understands things when they are done
down to earth
can be picky/ control freaks (istj more than isfj)
can be close-minded
Si is down to earth, detail oriented and in tune with reality if heathy. close-minded and picky control freaks if unhealthy.
Ti— introverted thinking
Ti is an introverted judging function.
dom-Ti —> IxTP (high user)
aux-Ti —> ExTP (high user)
tert-Ti —> IxFJ (low user)
inf-Ti —> ExFJ (low user)
detached, highly logical and analytical
values logic (and personal freedom) over everything
cant enjoy anything unless it makes sense to them (for example if a relationship is nice but it doesn’t make sense to them why the other person likes them they’ll break up)
quite and laid back (only IxTP)
have a hard time controlling their anger
not aware of their emotions nor other peoples emotions
if they feel emotions it’s often expressed thru anger
barley ever cry (they just can’t, it’s awful)
tend to run away from their pain thru fun
IxTPs aren’t rly socially aware due to inferior Fe, where ExTP are charming due to tertiary Fe.
it often seems as if they don’t care bout you (even if they do)
might not give a fuck cuz everthing is so meaningless
Ti can be analytical, logical and an affective ‘search machine’ for plot holes of any kind if healthy. detached, emotionally dead, isolated and nihilistic if unhealthy.
Fi- introverted feeling
Fi is an introverted judging function.
dom-Fi —> IxFP (high user)
aux-Fi —> ExFP (high user)
tert-Fi —> IxTJ (low user)
inf-Fi —> ExTJ (low user)
sensitive but private in their feelings
makes decisions based on personal values
how does this affects me?
cant verbalize emotions
needs time to proceeds feelings
not judgmental of others
very protective of identity
“i” talking
to focused on self (it’s my fault, i fuqed this up, i ruined everything)
CAN be selfish
extreme self loathing if unhealthy
feels rly deeply
Fi is sensitive, private, and almost immune to peer pressure if heathy. isolated, self-loathing and selfish if unhealthy.
Ni— introverted intuition
Ni is an introverted perceiving function.
dom-Ni —> INxJ (high user)
aux-Ni —> ENxJ (high user)
tert-Ni —> ISxP (low user)
inf-Ni —> ESxP (low user)
closest function to the subconscious
therefore does most of its work subconsciously
interested in abstract theories, ideas and concepts
always reads between the lines
always searches for a deeper meaning
detached from sensory reality
poor at interacting with the sensory environment
they just ‘know’ things and they can’t explain it
freakin accurate hunches and epiphanies (aha moments)
they NEED (not want to, they fuqin need to, or they’ll feel sick) to narrow things down to reach ONE CERTAIN outcome (contrary to Ne)
therefore predict things in an accurate way
can be extremely paranoid
imaginary monsters
often wrapped view of reality (for the infj more)
big picture
can be control freaks
Ni is highly abstract, creative and can predict future outcomes and great at making plans if heathy. extreme paranoia, wrapped version of realty and pointing at imaginary monsters if unhealthy.
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annarts05 · 2 years
Writing Talkative/Outgoing Characters
When I’m happy and in a good mood, I’m really talkative. Like...really talkative. You have no idea how many jokes are cracked at my expense haha. 
Of course, every character is different, just like people. But these are some things I wanted to discuss based on my personal experience with being a very outgoing and talkative person. 
This is going to be long, but hopefully it gives some of y’all insight into a brain kind of like mine? 
We still get tired of talking to people and do need time alone. 
It’s just easier for me to talk for *literal hours* (sometimes, this definitely isn’t for everyone) to friends, especially with caffeine or sugar. I find that the longer I talk to a person, the more talkative I get and the less awkward I am. 
I have introverted siblings who are drained socially after a couple hours, and that’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with being introverted. It’s not a character flaw. It’s part of who a person is. Extroverted people simply have an easier time with extended social interaction.
I get tired after a day of socializing, okay? I want to be alone in my room and draw or read a good book instead of hanging out with people. That’s fine. 
Depending on the person/people, it’s really easy to be talkative. And sometimes...it’s really, really hard to find anything to say.
With my best friend, it’s easy to move past small talk after just a couple minutes of being together. With her, I could have a deep conversation and talk for an hour with her about the same topic. Lots of words, laughter, etc. Very comfortable atmosphere, because we get each other. 
She’s a little less rowdy, so it’s a good balance and we can carry a strong conversation. 
Now...there are people I’m not as close to, find harder to talk to, or outright dislike. And it can even be hard for me to find small talk when I’m approached by them or I have to speak to them for some reason. Mind just goes blank. So...not very talkative in those cases.
Depression is different for everybody, including talkative and outgoing people. 
When I get depressed or feel low, I talk less and do less. Those are very common symptoms for extroverted or more outgoing people, and it’s really noticeable. I get a lot of people asking if I’m okay because I’m not talking, even if I’m not actually feeling down and am just thinking. 
Motivation to go and see people? Nah. 
Desire to talk to people, even family?
But not everybody experiences those things. Some characters could get really quiet, others could get even louder when they get depressed or stressed. It’s different for everyone.
Rambling, rambling, rambling. 
Again, not everyone does this. But I definitely do. I get stuck on a topic, and bam. I’m gone. 
Rambling about any little facet of the subject, packing so many unneeded details into the hilarious story that it isn’t even funny anymore? Hey, that book I read last week and love so much but have no one else to talk to? Guess who’s getting all the details...haha...
That’s me. 
You mess words up a lot. 
Hahaha...this one’s funny in real life situations. 
When you say a lot of words, you tend to mess them up. Sentences run into each other, you call that one person by approximately ten names before you get the right one, you end up gasping for breath to finish a sentence.
All things I experience on a regular basis ^^^.
Fun facts, anyone?
Random fun facts for everybody at any time of day! *Throws them at people like confetti*
A desire for knowledge and learning coupled with a desire and need to share facts and feelings means...people get the facts I learn! Usually people won’t particularly care about them, but they’re nice enough to listen. 
It’s not all talking. 
I sing. I laugh to myself and with others. I hang out in others’ company sometimes in mostly-silence (which I will admit feels weird). 
It can be simply sitting there and fidgeting, or maybe reading. I just need to do something...even if it’s not talking. Something needs to fill the space of silence or inactivity. 
Silence feels like it needs to be filled. 
Silence is hard. People talk about quiet moments with friends, only enjoying each others’ company, and I’m just like...wha?
It sounds so nice...but I don’t know how to do it.
Even with my immediate family, whom I live with, silence feels awkward. And sometimes, all I can think during pauses is “awkward, weird, strange.”
It feels to me like I need to fill it with something, or if I’m uncomfortable, someone else do it for me!
Passion projects. 
When you talk a lot or have a lot to say, people don’t always want to listen. Sometimes, you don’t want to talk to people. That’s okay. It gets to be a lot, and that’s totally justified. So you need to get feelings and thoughts out somehow. 
That’s where things like journals, writing stories, singing, art, and music come into play. You direct emotions into them.
Emotions are often easier to reveal to people. 
I’m actually a little bit of an over-sharer, and it would probably benefit me to keep a couple things in particular to myself. 
Feelings are easier to give to people. Open communication. It feels easier for me than I’m sure it does for a lot of people out there. 
Personality changes things a lot. 
I feel like...extroversion...has become a personality in and of itself to some people? Characters who are loud and talkative...and that’s it. Chances are, they’re the comedic relief.
You can have talkative people who are secretive, cheerful, grumpy, constantly confused, all over the place with their ideas and disorganized, scrupulously organized, nosy, and so on. 
Being talkative and outgoing is only one part of a personality. 
Introversion isn’t bad. Being quiet isn’t bad. Needing time alone isn’t bad. 
I know people who are quiet, more withdrawn, and I know people who are extremely outgoing...
Both sides have positives. Both have negatives. 
Quiet people are often easier to talk to. My sister is really quiet, and she’ll listen to me ramble about my latest story idea for an hour before she asks if she can leave. Not joking here. It’s happened multiple times. 
I love quiet people. They listen. They’re not all up in your face. They have good ideas, just need a little encouragement to show them. At least in my experience. 
So there’s nothing wrong with having an introverted character, or an extroverted character, or a combination. It’s not a character flaw, like I said. It’s part of who people are. 
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artie5o5 · 2 years
I See You In Every Shard of Glass | Short Story Update #1
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Logline: A 19 year old girl is forced to think back on the whimsical, romcom relationship with her high school ex boyfriend when he suddenly shows up at her window at midnight, and come to the realisation... that maybe... her memory of the whole relationship might have been distorted
Literal logline: looks like we girlbossed too close to the sun galpals!! so now we must gaslight ourself into thinking life is good
Story's vibes: I wanted it to be dreamy, floaty, whimsical- but I don't think i achieved that. It's more snarky, bitter, and romanticised
Setting: Unnamed US town
Genre: Contemporary
POV: 1st person, shift between 1st person present and 1st person retrospective
Word Count: 7086
Inspiration: Taylor Swift's iconicTM song "Style"
I've been listening to that song literally half my life but somehwere around last year I was like hmmm... this is a good story. So I took the first words "Midnight. You come and pick me up no head lights" and ran from there. But somewhere along the line the story got 🔥really🔥fucked🔥up🔥🔥🔥
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Soft hands, pink, white, floral, fairy lights on her bedroom wall
The popular girl in high school who stayed behind at home instead of going to a fancy college
Hopeless romantic
Romanticises ✨everything✨
Was a friend of the popular girl in high school, thus popular by proxy
One of those girls in high school who were known for their relationship drama with that hot guy
Now is just terribly, unfathomably lonely because all her friends left town for college
A little bitter
And I personally don't like her
Like there's just something about her. I can't put my finger on it
I just don’t like her
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Lether jackets, cigarettes, maroon maserati, black mustang
Trip Fontain, Slick black hair, sharp edges,
smell of whiskey and ashes clinging to cologne
Impeccably pretentious taste in music
Kiss, Aerosmith, Arctic Monkeys, Bon Jovi, Pink Floyd
Would make you feel like you're the only thing worth seeing in the world, the prettiest, most wonderful girl ever to exist
Would definitely sell you for a pack of cigarettes
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THAT girl
Instagram aesthetics
YouTubr Vlogs, Instgram stories, Instagram reels - Painted in pastel
Confident, extroverted, can take over your world,
Takes no shit, puts you in your place
Filmmaker, artistic
Never shown in page, only in retrospect
What's it about?
CW: Date Rape??
Our unnamed narrator used to be the introverted friend of the extroverted friend, Sally. And thus she went from being popular by association to a terribly lonely college kid after Sally goes to attend ucla film school. Unable to make new friends, and all her high school friend haven gone to out of state private universities- she wanders around time like the phantom of opera. Big relate.
Until... her high school on-again-off-again shows up at her window, asking her to go for a long drive to nowhere.
Despite her better judgement she decides to go. Sitting shotgun in his convertible she rethinks on their relationship. But at the end of the night comes to a crude realisation that she might have been in denial about the actual nature of what they were...
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This story was so hard to write despite knowing *exactly* how the story goes - All I had to do was to write down the plot of Taylor Swift's song "Style" beat by beat. Starting with him coming to pick her up at midnight and ending in his apartment.
But for some reason the imagary kept changing in my head. Like I just kept seeing a lake??
Even then, I was like alright - instead of going to his apartment we're going to a lake. It's alright. It's gonna be a story about a bad relationship, maybe bad sex. It takes place over One (1) night. Max 4000 words. It won't be hard. You can do this, Artie!
But noooo...
It was so. Hard. To write. Instead of writing straight ahead till the end I kept meandering, running in circles - writing about unrelated stuff. The writing itself was coming out so horrible - at times I felt like I was shitting through my fingernails on the keyboard.
I think my problem began when I realised it's not gonna end in bad sex but something much worse and I was just dreading writing that scene. I was really, really afraid to write that scene.
I never experienced anything like that, thankfully. So I was genuinely afraid of portraying it in a wrong light or leaving scopr for victim blaming in any way. I just didn't think I was a mature enough writer to handle the subject material respectfully. And about 5000 words of meandering and Months waster - I just put my hands up and quit
But then in December I opened the doc and read the stuff I had written so far and realised - it wasn't as bad as I had thought XO What I had thought was me rambling was just - story - the fictive past. You *can* in fact write stories with two timelines running through each other. It doesn't necessarily make it bad.
I had vowed then I'd finish it before the end of 2021
Spoiler Alert: I didn’t.
What really helped me was this video by @coffeeandcalligraphy
I realised that I had 11 short stories just lying around unwritten. Oops!
And I thought this would be a great way to finish them
So I started opening the doc like once a day. But I just. Couldn’t write.
But this time I had a deadline.
After 20th January, I kinda started to retype what i had written in a separate doc and that actually helped
I retyped all of 5000 words over 2 days and something just clicked. That's when I came up with the title. It was just titled "Style" previously.
I basically just edited and polished the story as I retyped but I hit another wall when I came to the end of the document- again, I didn’t know how to continue
Where I had left off, originally, was THE scene, right before shit was about to go down in the fictive past - where She is dancing with him in a baseball field to "I was made for loving you" (That song has a huge Lux Lison/Trip Fontain vibes to me for all the wrong reasons)
After staring at the blank doc for a while I realised - wait, weren't they listening to Aerosmith this whole time? Then why'd a KISS song start playing all of a sudden??
So I changed the song to Crazy by Aerosmith
So I was staring at the screen, half listening to the song - when the lyrics floating in my ear
That kinda loving makes me wanna pull down the shad
And I thought... point. He does want to pull down the shade and get to business
That kinda loving... now I'm never ever ever gonna be the same
I was like... point. She's never gonna be the same after this.
And then the bridge came on...
I need your love, honey... I need your love
You turn me on
Then you're gone
Girl you drive me crazy
And oh god it clicked!
I could just write their interactions before and after the fact. Skipp the gore entirely
That way there's no way for me to fuck it up or be disrespectful!!
It was 4 in the morning by then, however. So I went to bed.
Here are some excerpts from the finished draft
This is my original work so treat it gently. Do not plagiarise please uwu
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When I could find time, I walked around the mundane streets of our neighborhood, passed the same houses that we grew up around, that I've seen every single day of our lives - walked past the same malls and grocery stores that I know the ins and outs of like the palm of my hand, sat at the same diners and coffee shops that we used to visit as high schoolers. I felt translucent. Floating through air, invisible as a ghost.
I can't say big relate because I litetally never get out of my house.
But I do aspire to go out more and be a ghost
I remember the night in vignettes. In little snippets from some half-remembered dream. I remember Aerosmith blaring through his car radio, I remember standing up in my seat with my hands on the windshield, my hair blowing back in the wind like I’m in a music video -I remember hysterical laughter,  perfect teeth, I remember him pulling me down, saying that I’d shoot out of the car. I remember telling him he’ll crash the car and thinking if I died tonight, I’d be happy.
Is this like realistic? That she remembers everything before the fact and everything afterwards but not the fact itself?
Okay, this next scene is like my absolute favourite
So instead of an excerpt I'm dumping the whole scene!!!
He parked in front of a winding path in the woods. I looked around and I had no idea where I was. He sat back in his seat and looked at me. 
 “Did you miss me?” He said
Be still my beating heart, don’t ruin this for me.
“No” I said.
 “Did you think of me?” 
I thought of you every single day that I walked past a McDonald’s or every time I saw a baby crying. I thought of you every time I saw a sunrise or a sunset. I thought of you every time I listened to Aerosmith.  Every time I smelled ash and alcohol, I thought of you. Every time I saw a fire, every time I lit a candle. 
“Umm..” I said, faking thoughtfulness with a smirk on my lips. “Not really.” 
“That’s a tragedy, isn’t it?” He leaned in so close I could feel his breath on my face.
“Is it?” I said, “I mean..” My voice faltered.
“Your hair smells nice.” His was low, close to a whisper. 
“Thanks.” I nervously ran my hand through my hair. “It’s the shampoo...” 
He kissed me. As naturally as breathing. 
Like gravity, like water running downstream, I kissed him back. I knew the taste of him like the taste of apple custard and strawberry pie my grandma used to make when I was a child. Kissing him was like brushing my teeth or sipping my morning coffee - I could do it half asleep, I could do it blind. Like an old habit you just went through the motions, because it was yours. 
When he broke away I could see the string of saliva connecting our mouths. He looked at me with his lips still parted, eyes dreamy. “There’s a lake here I want you to see.”
The scene after this one is also sooo beautiful. But it's a big longer so I'll just not make you go through it for the sake of my vanity.
I'll just post the last paragraph how that ✨beautiful✨mesmerising ✨ moonlight glinting off Cinderella's glass slipper✨ scene ends
I was on my back. He was on top of me. His breath was stinging like sharp icicles on my neck. His hand left my chest and I heard him unzip. I sucked in my breath involuntarily. I don’t know if he saw the terror in my face but it must’ve been there - he smiled at me and his smile was kind and beautiful, his teeth flashed like sharp razor
She literally goes somewhere inside her mind and starts thinking about the last time she saw him - the "I remember the night in vignettes" scene. And finally realises that the beautiful night wasn't so beautiful after all.
I finished this draft on January 30th.
Writing it felt so cathertic for some reason. I don’t know if I did a good job. But I'm just proud that I finished it.
I'm really excited to start the next story. For some reason the next short is equally as fucked up as this one. Like 9/11 of those stories are. So. Messed. Up.
I'm very achingly new on Tumblr. I only recently started to log in regularly. And I have Zero (0) irl writer friends. So I'd really *Love* to have some online writer friends I can talk to, maybe hopefully even workshop together, be critique partners stuff like that
If you like my ✨vibes✨ I'd really appreciate if you interacted with this post so I could follow you!
I'm going to try and write one short story a month, and write them fairly clean. My college load is also pretty low right now, so I'd be (hopefully) posting here semi-regularly.
I'm a 20 year old Computer Science and Engineering student. My name is Artie. And I'm just glad to be a part of this community.
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doyumacy · 3 years
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*gif not mine
SUMMARY: You, at such young age made your way in business becoming a successful one. With that a lot of jealousy and rivalry came. Your mother finally convinces you to hire a team of security just in case someone tried to hurt you. And that’s when Donghyuck becomes your personal bodyguard, following you everywhere you go. You don’t mind at all since you find him very entertaining and nice. What you don’t know is that he’s the one that has been hired to keep you close and kill you.
PAIRING: reader x bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of jaemin and taeyong. swearing, blood (i’ll let you know when there are parts with blood mentions), smut, violence, angst
7 am. Wake up, take a shower, have breakfast and rush to the office. That was your daily routine and you were used to it. But no that morning. You were getting ready to go to your interview with the TIME Magazine. They were working on an article that would be called “Women Under 30 Are Leading the Pack in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.”
4 years ago, you’d wake up around 9, get ready to go to class and have lunch with your friends, but how does time change, right? Now you were a CEO of your own company with no time for your friends or even yourself. It’s not like you hated it, you liked being a CEO and being recognised by your hard work. It made you proud and wanted to show people that if you really want something and if you work hard for it, you’ll get it.
At the main entrance, you were greeted by the staff and one of them guided you to the room where they interviewed you and took some pictures of you.
That wasn’t your first interview, but you couldn’t feel nervous because you wanted to say the right words to encourage other people.
“Lia, I will be back in ten minutes. Can you sort this papers out on my desk?“
“Okay, Boss.”
It was a beautiful sunny day and the office was busy as usual. You were reading the contract at the table trying to get some order into them when the door opened. Nobody just walked into your office without knocking, so of course it had to be…
“Hi mom...” you greeted her.
“Hi sweetheart,” she smirked at you. “How are you?”
“I’m great,” you nodded and placed the papers on the table, “what brings you here, mom?”
“I can’t visit my beautiful daughter?” She put her right hand on her chest.
You giggled. “Of course you can, but I’d love you to call me first.”
You stood and walked towards her, hugging her. “You want some coffee? Water?”
“I’m fine, darling. I just had brunch with a friend,” she smiled and sat in one of the chairs in front of your desk. “Speaking of which, she told me something that got me really upset at you.”
“Why?” You frowned and sat in front of her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’re getting death threats, (Y/N)?” She looked at you.
You sighed. “Because they don’t matter. You know I don’t pay attention to that. It’s pointless.”
“We’re not talking about hate comments, (Y/N). Someone is threatening you with killing you.”
“Mom, you don’t have to w-“
“Of course I can, and I will. That’s why I contacted an old friend who used to be the Prime Minister’s bodyguard. He’s gonna meet you tomorrow,” she informed you.
“Tomorrow I can’t, I have a meeting.”
“Then you better make some space or you’ll be seeing me here everyday,” your mom smiled. “This is serious. I don’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’re my baby.”
“I can take care of myself, mom. Please, I don’t want a full team of bodyguards,” you sighed.
“You will only have 2 and you won’t even notice they’re there,” she said and placed a hand on yours. “Please.”
You stared at her for a couple of seconds and then sighed, nodding. “Okay, fine. But it’s temporary.”
“We’ll see about that.”
Later that day, after going home you went to the supermarket to get some groceries and went home. You loved cooking, but you weren’t exactly the tidiest when it came to prepare your delicious meals.
After you ate, you checked your email and realised that your mom’s friend had sent you a file with the two people that would be working with you. Somehow you expected an army of people and that annoyed you, but you thought you could with two people. You didn’t even bother to check the profiles since you knew what their work would be.
You closed your laptop and went to your bedroom. Sometimes you thought your life was boring because you barely talked to someone else. Your last relationship didn’t end well and you were still a little bit hesitant to know someone else. Or scared.
And friends? You didn’t have many, but Lena, Taeyong and Jaemin were always there for you. And so were you.
You knew Lena since you were a toddler, your mother was good friends with her parents and you two got along very well. You met Taeyong in high school when you were trying to find the science room and since he was a senior, he helped you. Everyone used to think Taeyong and you dated, but in fact, you never loved Taeyong that way. You saw him as your older brother and he as his younger sister. And last but not least, you met Jaemin through Taeyong.
At first both of you didn’t get along well since he was all an extrovert and didn’t quite understand you were a little introverted, but he with time understood and stopped forcing you. Then you became the crackheads of the group, always laughing and going out and sometimes getting drunk.
You loved college days.
And love? You met Jaehyun during your first year of college, he was in your economics class and you couldn’t help yourself falling for him. He was charming, funny and so handsome.
Jaehyun was your first everything: your first love, your first boyfriend, your first kiss and the first guy that broke your heart.
You two dated for almost 2 years, but ended when he told you he didn’t love you anymore and didn’t want to hurt you and left.
Months after that, you took the opportunity to go as an exchange student to Japan where you met Yuta. You were never a thing, but both of you had feelings for each other but never went official since you would stay there only for 6 months.
You came back to Korea and graduated, and had no time for love since you were too busy starting your business. But Yuta would come on business trips to Korea sometimes and meet you.
But the last time you saw him was a year ago.
The next morning, a tall man showed up to your office holding a black folder. Everything about him was intimidating and you knew he was your mom’s friend.
“Good morning, Miss (Y/L/N). I’m Kim Hyunwoo,” he extended his hand.
“Hi,” you greeted and you shook hands with him. “Yeah, I’ve heard about you. Please sit.”
“Thanks,” he said and sat in one of the black chairs in front of your desk. “I sent you an email yesterday, did you read it?”
“I saw it, but didn’t read it. Sorry,” you apologised.
“It’s okay, that's why I brought this,” he placed the black folder on the desk and tossed it to you. “These are the files of the people that will be working with you.”
“Why is it important to check them out? I mean, they’ll be around me 24/7.”
“Because I want you to know their abilities and their tasks.”
You sighed and grabbed the folder opening it. You saw the first man around his 30’s, no emotions showed in his face. Kang Sungho. According to his file he was specialised in driving and trained in evasive driving techniques, such as executing short-radius turns to change the direction of the vehicle, high-speed cornering, and so on.
You passed the next page and saw a picture of a man with tanned golden skin, brown hair and dark eyes. He looked intimidating. He was trained in pretty much everything, from every type of knife to every type of gun.
Suddenly, the door from your office opened and the air left your lungs momentarily when his eyes met yours, dark and calculating. You expected him to offer you a polite smile as most people do, but his face remained in a stern mask. You somehow prayed he wouldn’t be your bodyguard because the less thing you needed was a distraction.
“Miss (Y/L/N),” the voice of your Hyunwoo forced you to switch your gaze to him and you shoot him a questioning look. “This is Lee Donghyuck” the boy nodded slightly in your direction at the mention of his name, “he’s your new personal bodyguard.”
You couldn't help but let your eyebrows raise comically. The world somehow hated you.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded.
Donghyuck awoke to the steady patter of rain upon his window, droplets yet to scatter the nascent rays of the rising sun. He realised he had awoken up ten minutes before his set alarm, which made him grumble.
He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, took a cold shower and after that, Donghyuck put on a black pants and before putting the white shirt, he put on a bulletproof vest making him look thicker and then continued with a white interior t-shirt, a white shirt, put on his tie adjusting it and lastly, he slipped on the black jacket.
Donghyuck gave himself a quick look in the mirror and sighed. He placed his hands on the countertop and asked how did he end in that position?
Yes, he was an assassin.
No, he didn't kill women.
But the money he was offered to do so was such a big amount that was almost repulsive. And he needed the money.
Donghyuck had never pretended to be someone else before, he just showed up and took down his task and then left. Now he was stuck with some random woman and follow her until she was in love with him and kill her in the worst way.
What was with people these days? He didn't want to know.
Jeno was already awake and had made breakfast, “you gotta eat well today in case you die protecting your boss,“ he  joked and sat down in front of him.
Donghyuck and Jeno had known each other for many years and were roommates. There was kindness in his smile, a good man. He knew what ‘Haechan’ did for a living, but decided to ignore it since he rather thought his friend was also a good man.
Donghyuck rolled his eyes. ��I cant believe I'm doing this.”
“You can't still say no, you know?” Jeno looked at him.
“I know, but I need the money,” Donghyuck said and had a sip of coffee, “I will retire after this.”
“Yeah. I don't wanna do this anymore,” Donghyuck shrugged.
“Well, then get the job done and get those millions,” Jeno said and then shook his head, “that sounded awful. Ignore it.”
Donghyuck laughed. “Are you sure you don't wanna work with me?”
“One hundred percent.”
A perfectly collected black-haired woman, dressed in a skirt under her white knee and a pale pink blouse appeared in the room. "Good morning, you must be Lee Donghyuck, right?" She asked kindly.
"Yes," Donghyuck replied, "Hello, you are....?"
"I'm Yun Somin, Kim Hyunwoo personal assistant," she smiled nicely. “You’re the new bodyguard we hired a few days ago.”
"Nice to meet you,” Donghyuck expressed.
“Please, come with me so I can give you  your equipment,“ Somin said.
Donghyuck followed her to a room that was an office painted beige and champagne, and it had only one wall-sized window, which faced the buildings. On the dark brown desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. A bookshelf, bursting with books was behind the dark brown desk.
Somin opened a desk drawer and pulled out a black box that contained a small stainless steel knife, a Beretta Px4 Storm and finally a earphone for a walkie-talkie.
Donghyuck put the earphone on his ear and the walkie-talkie on the waist band. He put the gun away by placing it on the waist band as well and the knife inside the inner jacket pocket.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)’s codename is Sunflower. Whenever you’re public, that’s the name you’ll use,“ Somin informed.
Donghyuck nodded, “Sunflower. Got it.“
Somin opened the door for him and let him in. You were if anything was better looking than Donghyuck expected. Your face told of a leaned body beneath your wintry garb and your expression was serious but not unkind.
You were hot.
Fuck. Donghyuck thought. He was so screwed.
“You would not even know I’m here, Miss,” Donghyuck said.
You nodded and cleared your throat.  “Well, let's keep going. We have a long day coming,“You said, walking to the door.
Donghyuck walked behind you and raised his arm above his mouth and spoke into the mic, “Sunflower's going out.“
You were the smile, or at least that was what Donghyuck thought of you. Everything about you was a soft and understated joy as you greeted each person at every event. You really cared about the people and their interest and could see in your eyes your uprightness. People loved you and Donghyuck didn't quite understand why someone wanted you dead. Your kindness couldnt be the reason, could it?
“So, Donghyuck, what do you think?”
He turned back to Sungho. “She's different from every shark out there. Yeah, I’ll bet they’re lining up to off her.”
“Well, someone’s been sending some pretty disturbing emails. The NIS can’t pin the guy down.”
“They’ll find them.“ Donghyuck addressed.
The eventful day was over. You all spent the day going to different meetings with several people. You were exhausted but you were happy to see your friend Taeyong, after not seeing him for almost two months.
The black car stopped at a red light and you took the opportunity to take out your phone and reply to some text messages. You realised Donghyuck was looking at you and Donghyuck quickly looked straight ahead. “So, Donghyuck? You have been doing this for so long?”
“Not really, ma’am,“ he responded.
You considered him. He didn’t look like his concept of a bodyguard, big and beefy. He wasn't that tall. Slimy built, with a very attractive face, enigmatic yet intelligent dark eyes and dark hair. “And what did you do before?”
“I… used to train some people at a boxing gym,“ Donghycuk lied.
“Cool,” you smiled. “Maybe you could show me some movements.”
You quickly regretted saying that because of how red your cheeks got. Donghyuck smirked without looking at you.
Upon arriving at the restaurant, Donghyuck got out of the car and opened the door for you and you entered the restaurant with him following you.
"Sunflower's in," He spoke into the mic.
A young woman, with loose hair dressed all in black, took you to the restaurant's private lounge, where Taeyong was already waiting for you.
You hugged your friend and smiled, "The Bahamas suited you."
"Thank you, Woman-Under-30-Leading-the-Pack-in-Entrepreneurship-and-Innovation" Taeyong beamed and looked at Donghyuck, who stood with his back to you right at the glass door, "who is he?"
You looked at Donghyuck  and spoke as you sat down, "It's my personal bodyguard."
“Why do you have a personal bodyguard? Did something happen? ” He asked worriedly.
"Don't worry, everything’s fine," you calmed him down and grabbed the menu, opening it.
He sat in front of you and still looked worried, “how do you want me to be calm? Something is going on and you don't want to tell me. "
You smirked a little and shook your head, "really, Taeyong, everything is under control. There’s nothing to be concerned about.“
Taeyong sighed and nodded, "Okay, I will believe in your words."
You smiled satisfied and began to read the menu. Taeyong did the same. Jaemin stood in front of the door of the restaurant's private lounge but Donghyuck prevented him from entering.
"Identify," Donghyuck demanded, looking at him.
"Na Jaemin, owner and chef of this restaurant," he replied, frowning, "who are you?"
Before Donghyuck responded, you opened the door and looked at Jaemin, “I'm sorry, he's my new bodyguard. Lee Donghyuck, all right, he will have dinner with us too. "
Donghyuck nodded, “understood. Enjoy your meal, guys. "
“Thank you,“ Taeyong  responded as Donghyuck closed the door.
“I can't believe the two most influential people of Korea are here in my restaurant,“ Jaemin joked as he sat.
You chuckled, “let’s see if it’s as good as people say.“
Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows as Sungho drove onwards. You watched the raindrops race down to the windows. You had been with Taeyong and Jaemin for almost three hours, and now you were on your way to your house.
"Sorry for staying there for a long time, you haven't even eaten," you  apologised.
“It’s fine, ma’am. It's our job,“ Donghyuck replied.
“You can call me (Y/N). We’re almost the same age,“ You said
“Even so, you’re my boss. It’s not right,“ he responded.
You chuckled and looked at him in the rearview mirror, "Well, then as your boss, I order it to you."
Donghyuck smiled and you noticed it, “I'll try it.“
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jenchwuq · 2 years
vanessa and/or ana for worldbuilding!!
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full name: Vanessa St. James
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Pronouns: she/her
Family: Originally, parents + older brother. In modern nights, Rob (surrogate little sibling) + Joan (childe)
Birthplace: Philadelphia, PA
Job: Fixer
Phobias: Control. Imprisonment. Whether it comes in the form of her family, the law, the Camarilla, or the Second Inquisition, she always has to have an exit strategy to protect herself.
guilty pleasures: Singing in the car lmaooooo, she does it all the time, but she’d die of embarrassment if anyone were to actually hear her. Also dressing like it’s 1890, in both her unlife and her human one, she dresses for utility and function, but damn she loves a good cowboy hat. And spurs. She was lucky in this regard in Tuscon, when she took a lot of wardrobe cues from Lettow.
morality alignment?: Chaotic neutral
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Let’s say…extrovert? She doesn’t mind being alone, but she *needs* interaction 
organized/disorganized: Organized as far as business is concerned, but very disorganized in her personal life. She’s improved a lot, but she grew up a rich girl who’d just throw her stuff all over the place and expect others to keep track of it for her, and part of that’s never changed. When she was living out of her car it got bad. Real bad.
close minded/open-minded: Open-minded. She’s always been intrigued by possibilities outside of those that immediately occur to her.
calm/anxious: Calm. It takes a lot to rattle her, and even then, she’ll stay focused on what she can control rather than what she can’t.
disagreeable/agreeable: I think I’m going to say...disagreeable? Not that she’s a contrarian for the sake of being so, but she’s not one to sugarcoat things and she’s not much of a diplomat
cautious/reckless: Generally speaking I’d say reckless? But Julian makes her look positively timid by comparison so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
patient/impatient: Impatient
outspoken/reserved: Outspoken
leader/follower: Leader
empathetic/unempathic: Empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: Optimistic. To her, a challenge is just a new opportunity for something better
traditional/modern: Modern. She was very much ahead of her time back in her human life, and even then she refused to conform to social norms.
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working. She grew up very privileged, but once she’d earned her independence, she wasn’t afraid to get her hands dirty in order to keep it, and she’s carried that same work ethic into her unlife
Otp: She doesn’t have a partner in the World of Darkness universe, but she also has a Red Dead Redemption incarnation (which I do consider part of her backstory?) so. Arthur
Ot3: n/a
Brotp: Rob
Notp: Idk, maybe Julian??
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full name: Ana Delgado
Gender: female
Sexuality: lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Family: She was raised by a single mom, and in unlife, she’s only really had her old pack. Unless you count her weird parasocial relationship with Julia Sowinski
Birthplace: Dayton, OH
Job: Beaurocrat
Phobias: Being buried, for obvious reasons. Any dark underground space will make her skin crawl tbh
guilty pleasures: Tbh most pleasures feel guilty to her, but. Probably going to see movies. She takes herself on movie dates a lot; she sneaks in and sits alone in the back. She may not be able to eat it, but she loves the smell of movie popcorn.
morality alignment?: Neutral Evil
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: Introvert lmao. She likes to be left alone
organized/disorganized: Organized. It’s a coping mechanism for her tbh
close minded/open-minded: It depends? If she sees potential benefit for herself, she’s willing to keep an open mind, but other than that she tends to be more close-minded
calm/anxious: Anxious. She keeps up a good poker face, but secretly she’s a constant nervous wreck
disagreeable/agreeable: Disagreeable for sure. She is…not nice lmao
cautious/reckless: Cautious in that every move is carefully planned out, but reckless in that she’s willing to take big risks
patient/impatient: She’s learned to be very patient, although she loathes every minute of it
outspoken/reserved: Reserved. She’s survived this long by knowing how to keep her mouth shut.
leader/follower: Follower, but as a self-preservation instinct. She’s learned not to draw attention to herself, and sometimes, doing so means mirroring pretty intensely. 
empathetic/unempathatic: Unempathetic. She’s spent her unlife numbing her own emotions, and definitely doesn’t have time for anyone else’s.
optimistic/pessimistic: Pessimistic. Her unlife’s been pretty rough, and she learned a long time ago to expect the worst for the sake of self-preservation
traditional/modern: I guess modern? Maybe? She was embraced young, and I feel like Sabbat culture is. Sort of beyond a classic traditonal/modern dichotomy. Pre-embrace, though, she was an anomaly against the idealized 50s notion of a nuclear family unit, and she was definitely a lil rebel in her youth. In modern nights though, I thinks that’s something she’s still figuring out, along with the rest of her identity
hard-working/lazy: Hard-working. The grind never stops, especially where the Camarilla’s concerned :/
Otp: n/a
Ot3: n/a
Brotp: I feel like her and Aicha Rana would get along, and I like to think they slowly become friends
Notp: n/a
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