#it's also way more Real like there is actual danger in it
gremlingirlsmell · 3 days
trans woman: we should talk about transmisogyny in queer spaces
a dozen he/they's with "terfs fuck off" in bio, who've been waiting for this moment in the limelight for their entire lives: this but trans men. actually this affects trans men more. everyone is affected by transmisogyny. wow why are you dividing the community. we should be kissing and sucking and fucking instead. you're too online, this "discourse" is so online. it's not real. it doesnt exist irl. touch grass. in REAL communities trans women never complain. what, you actually meant irl communities? well I don't believe you, you make this all up. youre erasing us. I'll just willfully misunderstand everything you say in the worst way possible. why do you hate trans men? youre being misandrist. you're such a transradfem. baeddel. feminazi. everyone should know op is a terf and probably also into some problematic stuff. callout post: be aware of op they're a tirf infiltrator seperatist problematic kink haver. reblogs* popular thinkpiece: these transwomen reclaimed a medieval transmisogynistic slur 10 years ago, here is 200 links of terfs and nazis badmouthing them uh i mean sources, i think we should be able to call every transwoman we dont like this slur and also theyre dangerous if they reclaim it again. love trans women before it's too late #transandrophobia
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monstermoviedean · 15 hours
let's talk about the bridge.
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[spnwiki links known filming locations when available. in all three episodes, this is listed as the spur 4 bridge, lower seymour conservation reserve. it may appear in more episodes, but i'm not sure.]
the bridge appears in 05x02 (good god, y'all!), 13x18 (bring 'em back alive), and 15x20 (carry on). now. do i think this specific bridge was specially chosen each time to communicate a certain message? with respect to the crew, nah, probably not. do i think you can read a pattern here? ooh, yes. tl;dr: you cannot cross the bridge. merely standing on it means the rules have just changed in a reality-bending, fucked-up-beyond-all-repair sort of way. attempting to complete the crossing is an acceptance of the new rules.
in 05x02, the bridge appears as dean and sam are driving into river pass, colorado, the town controlled by war. the bridge is broken. they drive halfway across the bridge and stop. this is the first sign to sam and dean that something is seriously wrong here. this is no normal demon hunt. this is a problem on a scale larger than they can grasp. there's a literal gap between them and the town! they have to leave the car (/home) parked on the bridge and hike in. they are entering uncharted territory.
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when they do, they find people killing each other and seeing demons where there are none. war is altering reality and playing people off each other. jo attacks ellen! rufus attacks sam! the townspeople turn on ellen and dean! you can't trust anyone! but actually...you can. none of them are demons. the danger is real, but it's not what it appears. and no one has ever come across anything like this before.
so what do sam and dean learn? the apocalypse is here. there's no going back. the rules have changed. the tactics they've always used don't work, because they are in a new reality now. and they accept that. while they can't physically walk/drive across the bridge, they do complete the crossing of their own volition. they accept that their world is different now and they will adapt to it.
in 13x18, dean and ketch are in apocalypse world walking near the bridge. they see a group of angels leading a group of shackled, hooded prisoners across the bridge.
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two of the prisoners are executed by the angels right there. they do not cross the bridge. they die playing by the same rules they always have. it's the apocalypse, and they'll fight, but the angels are the angels and it's tough to win as a human. when i started writing this post i thought charlie had crossed the bridge, symbolizing her entrance into a new reality. but she doesn't! the angels fly away with her, without any of them ever crossing the bridge (below are back-to-back screencaps. sorry for the lack of visual but trust me on this)
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charlie doesn't fully cross the bridge. she gets halfway across and then the angels fly her somewhere else. dean is hoping she finishes crossing. if she does, it's like she's crossing into his world. maybe this charlie will be just like the charlie he knew and lost. maybe he can save her. maybe he can undo it. but she doesn't cross and he so he can't get to her!
when he and ketch eventually catch up with her at the silo and escape, charlie hears about dean's universe and chooses to stay in hers. because it's hers. charlie's reality has been fucked with, certainly, but she chooses to accept the reality she knows and stay in it (for now at least). she's not outright rejecting the new reality of parallel universes, but she's also not letting the new reality dictate her actions. it's her home, it's her fight, and she's staying. she doesn't complete the crossing.
so that brings us to. deep sigh. 15x20. dean drives onto the bridge, ostensibly in heaven. he drives about halfway across. and stops. he does not cross the bridge. he gets out of the car and hesitantly walks around the front of it. i won't show you all the screencaps but he touches the car and stays pretty close to it as he walks.
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the last one is about the furthest point he walks across the bridge, give or take. he doesn't go far from the car (which is a good strong symbol of dean's reality and home). you can see there's two vertical posts in the space between him and the car. when the final shot zooms out from him and sam, they are magically further across the bridge, about halfway across, about five vertical posts away.
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dean standing on the bridge means the rules have changed. his world is different now. he cannot go back. this especially works with the next scene, which is the one of the cast and crew in our world saying goodbye. now, can you say that dean dying and going to heaven is the change? sure. but he doesn't cross the bridge. he doesn't accept it. could you say that simply means he's in denial about his death and apparent ascension? i guess. "but what about sam?!" shhhh, not right now.
i think it works much better as dean recognizing there is a new and unknown reality on the other side of that bridge, and instinctively knowing that there is something wrong. that he doesn't want to accept that reality. that if he finishes the crossing, he will be accepting it and will be unable to go back. and sam just appearing out of nowhere, seemingly materializing onto the middle of the bridge without actually taking steps to cross it? somehow moving dean with him so they're both further across the bridge? well maybe that's not real. maybe that's a trick to try to get dean to cross. maybe his acceptance of the new reality will sever his connection to his actual reality - war destroying the bridge in 05x02 certainly did that for the townspeople.
i know others have talked about dean crossing the bridge as an acceptance or an ascension, i'm nowhere near the first person to come up with that. but i do want to call attention to the previous iterations of the bridge. a broken bridge sam and dean cross, only to find war beyond it, an enemy the likes of which they have never seen. a bridge charlie is nearly forced to cross, but which she's taken away from before she can complete it (which would be more likely to lead her to jump realities). and a bridge dean starts to cross, but doesn't. a bridge that appears first in dean's reality, then in apocalypse world, then in dean's heaven, and then in our world, with jensen dressed as dean saying goodbye. and nobody ever crosses that bridge. it's a false promise. you can't do it. all you can do is stand on it and hope you'll be okay, even though you can't go back.
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2024 Book Review #47 – City of Last Chances by Adrian Tchaikovsky
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This book was recommended to me by a few different people, and in any case I am generally a pretty big Tchaikovsky fan. So of course I’m only getting around to reading it now, however many months later. Having put it off so long for no good reason at all, I can say that the book is in fact very good. Not Tchaikovsky’s best work (that’s still Children of Time in a walk), but a good read and one that left me curious (if not exactly excited) about checking out the sequel.
The story takes place in Illmar, the eponymous City of Last Chances – scarred and oppressed, tyrannized by cursed dukes and conquering imperialists, built upon a dangerous and unreliable route to other worlds and forever attracting the sort of people with no better options available to them. While the book has any number of characters, it’s really the city itself that is the star of the story – a story of how the theft of an imperial magistrate’s ward before he makes an experimental voyage through the gateway in the woods leads to a whole series of byzantine intrigues and bloody misadventures, culminating in an abortive revolution against the Pallseen who occupy and rule them. Which in one sense is an absolutely massive spoiler and in another just feels like stating an inevitability that was obvious from the first chapter.
The book was apparently quite heavily marketed as harking back to the whole New Weird trend of a decade or two ago – marketing that is lived up to wholly and entirely. The whole book absolutely drips with Mieville and Vandermeer. The oblique worldbuilding, the mundane day-to-day life built around the opportunities and inconveniences of some intrusion of the sublime, the awkward intersection of ancient magic and industrial bureaucracy, and so on, and so forth. The Reproach in particular feels very Area X (or very Roadside Picnic, as you prefer), but in general the city feels like absolutely nothing so much as Bas-Lag with the weirdness dial turned down from an 11 to a 5 or 6.
It’s a real triumph of the book, I think, that the world genuinely feels vast and strange even beyond the points where it matters to the story - that all the little asides and the ways something affects a certain character feel like just small parts of something far grander and more uncanny than anyone can hope to understand. Maybe I’m just painfully tired of rpg-system worldbuilding, but it’s an effect I dearly love.
Much like Bas-Lag, Ilmar is very clearly a magical fantasy city going through a magical fantasy 19th century industrial revolution (instead of steam engines its demonic slave labor contracted and imported from the Kings Below). The meat of the book is playing into the whole tradition of the idealistic, virtuous but tragic liberal revolution – 1848 in Berlin or Vienna, the June Days and Commune in Paris, Warsaw a dozen different times, Les Mis. You know the type. Students singing patriotic old songs, workers rising up against class oppression, ‘revolutionaries’ who are mostly cowardly nobles pining after lost privileges and criminal syndicate putting on airs being caught flat-footed by events. You can probably tell the basic story in your sleep. But for such a venerable genre, this book's honestly probably the best rendition of ‘fantasy 1848’ I can recall. Something which won it my instant affection.
The other thing the book just overwhelming shares with the Mieville’s Bas-Lag books is a very keen sense of the necessity of revolution combined with an extreme cynicism towards anyone who might actually carry it out. The university students are sincere believers, and also naive sheep the narrative views with condescension (at best). The professional revolutionaries are all power-grabbing hypocrites who have wrapped themselves in the flag. The workers syndicates have a real sense of solidarity among themselves, and also none at all to the demon slaves that are used and broken powering the mills and factories. And so on. The overall thrust of the book is a tragedy not in the sense of railing against the inevitable, but in the sense that triumph and revolution were absolutely possible – indeed plausible – but for the flaws and frailities of the revolutionaries who might have accomplished it.
Not to say that it's misanthropic – the book is very humane towards the vast majority of its POVs. Of which there are enough for ‘vast majority’ to be a meaningful term. It was something like 130 pages in before any character got a second chapter through their eyes, a feat I had previously only seen in Malazan – and that’s not including the chorus chapters which just give a half-doze vignettes from across the city. But yes, most characters (even the ones who are really just viscerally repulsive) are shown through their own eyes as someone who is at least understandable, if not particularly sympathetic. The sheer size of the cast in a 500 page book mean that no one character or set gets that many chapters from their perspective (you could easily have written as long a book about roughly the same events with half or less of the cast), but some of the dynamics that are very lightly touched on are just incredibly compelling. Its enough to make you wish this was a series that would ever get any fanfiction written about it, really.
Given the way the book is so deeply concerned with oppression and violence on the basis of culture, class, and nation – imperial occupiers, native population, refugees and immigrants used and scapegoated by both – it is kind of fascinating that this is a world where misogyny and (possibly? Not very explored, the only example of a queer relationship we see is hardly going to be concerned by normative society) homophobia just flatly don’t exist. Which would be less interesting if it was unusual, really – the same could be said about very nearly every recent sci fi or fantasy book on the same lines I can recall. Interesting because it is very much not the case in Melville’s stuff – the cultural impact of Ancillary Justice continues to echo down the years, I guess. So yes the imperial police inspector will extort sex out of a brothel owner in exchange for not stringing up the entire workforce for peripheral involvement with the resistance, but also this is entirely gender-neutral. Something very modern about how oppression is imagined relative to the ‘90s or ‘00s (or just a different genre of self-consciously feminist novel a few book shelves to the left).
But yeah, great book, I am compelled. No idea where the sequel would be going, but will probably hunt it down sooner rather than later.
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Hello! How would Jeff, laughing Jack and Masky be with a reader just as crazy as them? Thank you!
Flashing gif trigger warning!!
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
Jeff the Killer
When he first meets them and realizes they match his freak, he’s actually not too happy
Between his deeply rooted narcissism and insecurity, he immediately sees them as a threat
Like,,, what do you mean some random newbie is similar to him? He’s supposed to be the specialist boy ever!!
He doesn’t want to lose his place, so he tries to talk them down or get rid of them to eliminate the competition
Only once it becomes clear they’re there to stay does he finally *somewhat* chill out about it
Like, when he realizes they aren’t a threat to his place in the mansion, only then will he start to take more of an interest
He’ll try to test them to see if they’re the real deal or if they’re just some poser
And the more they pass his little tests, the more they can prove themselves to him, the more he’ll develop an appreciation toward them
If they truly match his freak, chances are, the relationship will initially start as a friends-with-benefits kind of deal
And as he progressively becomes more attached, he’ll increasingly become more possessive
There might not be an official title to their relationship, but it eventually becomes clear that they’re exclusive
(They have his extremely possessive jealousy to thank for that)
And from that point on, they’ll become unstoppable
Crazy obsessive and dangerously explosive, they’ll quickly develop a reputation as being a couple you do not fuck with
And they’ll become absolutely inseparable
Because, although extremely rare, when Jeff finds someone he genuinely likes and trusts, he becomes loyal like a dog
Assuming his partner shares the same sentiment, the two would—quite literally—die for another
It’s an unhealthy kind of love, but it’s the ideal scenario for both of them
Even despite this love-sick obsession, the two are likely to bicker and argue a lot because fighting is practically one of Jeff’s love languages
So it wouldn’t be the healthiest relationship out there, but either way, Jeff probably wouldn’t go back to a normal relationship after meeting his crazy s/o
After all, where's the fun in being normal?~
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Masky’s biggest red flag is his lack of emotional regulation
If he’s not having an outburst of anger, he’s drowning his sorrows in some kind of substance abuse
Or he’s just full-on dissociating
So, again, a relationship with someone similar to him probably isn’t going to be the healthiest
Instead of uplifting one another and helping each other get better, the two are likely going to drag each other down
Especially if they’re both proxies dealing with the same kind of stressful work
Which means more substance abuse and a lot of fighting
It might get to the point where someone—probably Hoodie—will likely have to intervene
But even despite any friction in their relationship, they’re likely to always gravitate back to one another
They definitely develop toxic codependency
They'll also probably realize that their relationship isn’t the healthiest one out there
But at the same time, because they’re so similar, they find a lot of comfort within one another
And sometimes it feels like parting ways would leave them worse off anyways
So there’s definitely this kind of bitter-sweetness to their relationship
And, at the very least, if one of them ever manages to seek help, they could encourage the other to do the same
So they do still have a chance of saving each other
Like Jeff, Masky’s a very loyal person, so he’ll never give up on his s/o
And he’ll appreciate knowing they wouldn’t give up on him either
So, like I said, definitely bitter-sweet
But, hey, at least Masky will no longer feel like he’s alone in the world
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Laughing Jack
On God—it would be mad intense for a human to be as crazy as LJ
They’d have to be super fucked up to compare to a literal monster like him
And, LJ, not being used to seeing a human with that kind of attitude, would be utterly enthralled
He’d think it’s hilarious
He’d make them do all kinds of fucked up things just for his own personal amusement
And every time they do as he says he’d fall more and more crazily obsessed over them—especially if they enjoy it too
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this previously, but I don’t think LJ is capable of feeling love like a normal person
I think he can feel obsession, fascination, amusement, and joy, though—which is what would overall more closely resemble his sentiment toward his s/o
And the more they’d surpass his expectations of their limits and boundaries, the stronger these sentiments would manifest
His s/o would sort of become like his little human pet project
And he’ll be damn proud of the monster he’s created
Honestly, even despite his feelings toward them, I think there’s a chance he’ll derive pleasure from torturing them
And if they keep crawling back to him—even despite everything he does to them—he'll definitely have earned his respect
He might even go so far as to mark them—which will make him super possessive of them
Like, he actively won’t allow any other demons near them, and he might not even be too fond of humans coming into contact with them, either
He’ll see them as this kind of valuable possession he’s played a crucial role in crafting
Sure, they were already nuts to begin with, but he molded them perfectly to his liking—and now they belong to him and him only
Honestly, needless to say, but this definitely isn’t a healthy relationship
But, if his s/o truly is as crazy as him, it’s not like they'd care, anyways
If anything, it's the poor souls that have the misfortune of running into them that'll suffer the worst fate
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ashitakaxsan · 3 days
🎉Franky: The Unsung Hero of Spy x Family 🕵️‍♂️💥
Franky Franklin seemed like the goofy, lighthearted informant in Spy x Family, but Chapter 105 shows how much rigorous training he underwent. Besides the humor and awkward moments, Franky is a man who plays many roles—some light, some heavy, all vital to the mission and to those around him.
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On a day that feels almost ordinary for Franky, we see him waking up in the morning to Japanese karakuri. Interestingly also he starts his morning ritual by enjoying listening to government-banned music. 🎉 🌟 As a well-functioning informant he listens to Fiona Chan's request for a "forged pass for the Podam School of Science. Cool that agent Nightfall(our cute, lovable Kuudere is here) has absolutely recovered after the fight against Mole Wheeler. And he's got the guts to remind her how has wants to be treated :)
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and a man still holding out hope for love. His day starts with babysitting Anya, a task that, for anyone else, would be overwhelming. But for him, it’s just another part of his vigilant life. His relationship with Anya is one of the most endearing parts of his character—he’s her goofy uncle figure, someone who can make her laugh and doesn’t mind stepping up when needed. The man is a solid uncle figure, he makes it where Yuri simply fails. 🎭✨
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As he takes the fee he goes to invest the money to a bet in horse races, but he's unlucky.
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So he's up again to get info about any lucky route. that's when he hears the bad news from the teller. The only informant regarding access to gates 4 and above, Latchkey Lachy(whoever he is) got arrested by the always-feared force throughout Ostania, the SSS! So there's the looming menace of the Secret police.
What’s striking is his relentless optimism—even in the face of constantly changing hideouts and near-constant danger, Franky holds onto the hope that one day, he’ll find love. That's why now he's on a date with a familiar girl, Priscilla, and they'll go to watch a movie.
It’s this mix of resilience and vulnerability that makes him so relatable. He’s a man living in the shadows, often overlooked, but still working to hold onto the idea that there’s more to life than just survival.
Suddenly the news comes: Their teller is arrested "by the you-know-who": The SSS who has him, and Franky has to act quickly to save him.
The way Franky charges in and saves him is Amazing: He steps up prepared, with an effective plan as a real spy, saving the teller from the clutches of the SSS.🕵️‍♂️🛡️👧
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The seeming "flower bouquet" is actually a pistole of smoke gas to make the SSS interrogators lose their focus, briefly and it works!
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Watch this. How he gives them an awful time:
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As they see the SSS reinforcements arriving he says: "They're welcome to try. But I'm going to show them just how hard catching rats can be!" With goggles for concealment, he fights them, using a real handgun, he presses a secret button to open a hatch, and they escape with his well big balloon:)!
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This is Franky at his best—quick and profound thinking, resourceful, and willing to risk everything for the people he cares about. In this moment, we see his true heroism. He may not have the physical strength of Yor, but Franky's improved, worthy peer of Twilight. He’s a man who understands the dangers of the world he’s in, yet continues to put himself on the line.
Then he listens to Priscilla, about how she has found a boy to chaperone to the movies.🤔💔 Despite the disappointment, he calls it a good day.
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Thus he and the teller go to watch a romance movie:
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"How did he get so determined for the rigorous training?" you'll ask me the question.
The failings for finding love didn't get the better of him, so he made up his mind: To become someone as effective as the two people he's looking up to: Twilight and Nightfall.💪🕵️‍♂️🤔
Franky’s ability to juggle these different aspects of his life—his spy duties, his loyalty to his friends, and his optimism for happiness—makes him one of the most vital characters in Spy x Family. He reminds us that even the seemingly ordinary people in a story filled with super spies and assassins can have profound, heroic moments.
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daz4i · 1 year
me last month seeing the elevator falling and the implication dazai might die: lol. lmao even
me this month seeing him drag his bloody broken feet until he can’t move anymore and telling fyodor he’s tired of being in pain and asking for a break from it etc:
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nekropsii · 4 months
RUFIOH PROPAGANDA: Literally everything he has ever done to and about Damara - cheating on her and lying to her for years, seemingly never standing up for her when Meenah was terrorizing her, still chasing her image as a sex object to this day (particularly Aradiabot, who he says acts “just like the real thing”), and calling her his “psycho ex” behind her back constantly while acting nice to her face.
KANKRI PROPAGANDA: Straight up doesn’t think Misogyny is real and denies its existence outright, calling it a meaningless pseudoscience not worth any concern, discussion, or consideration. Slutshames Porrim directly to her face.
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tanglepelt · 2 years
Dp x dc idea 9
When Danny does his jail break after being arrested by walker, walker doesn’t do his revenge plan.
He doesn’t raid amity or make everyone think phantom is bad. Nope walker does research of the human realm and goes to the justice league about escaped convicts from a different dimension.
I think it would be funny
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my greatest achievement in DA2 is maxing out Carver's friendship
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and all it took was begrudgingly kissing a little templar ass in act 1 because Carver didn't want to plan a prison break if my Hawke got his ass arrested for being stupid.
#carver hawke#dragon age#dragon age 2#da2#well that and he didn't want leandra gamlen and himself to also get arrested for harboring an apostate but you get me#carver hawke loves his sibling and doesn't want them to get taken away that's why he's such an ass and approves of 'pro-templar' choices#in act 1 he's not pro-templar himself but kissing a little templar ass is how you avoid being arrested#'why yes cullen you are so right the templars are so cool and sexy' my hawke says through gritted teeth for that +5 friendship#look i love him okay he's my favorite and i will go the extra mile to make him happy and it's worth it for how much softer can be later on#honestly maxing out his friendship isn't hard if you're aware of what quests you're bringing him on and make him a grey warden#oh but you do need the legacy dlc otherwise you can't fully max friendship out... you can still get enough to change his dialogue/attitude#also like... we the player know hawke won't be arrested like they're not in any actual dangers from the templars as the playable character#but carver doesn't know that and neither does hawke so the templars *are* a real threat to them#and it's incredibly reckless to purposely piss off templars AND selfish because it's not just hawke that'll be arrested it's their family#for harboring them like we witness templars going after people hiding apostates soooo.....#i'm just saying that carver isn't irrational or just being an ass to personally annoy you okay he has cause#also once carver's a warden and ed has money and the estate THEN he's way more open about telling the templars to piss off#sigh one day i'll sit down and write an essay about carver.... one day
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undersea arc. undersea arc. when. undersea arc when.
#my post#please. please. please. on my hands and knees BEGGINGGGG#maybe if gill didnt get donjon'd theydve gone#bcus it was like. that was when they were like 'its too dangerous out here we need to get ollie home Now.'#but if theyd just gone to the feywild. put on a funny show. fought the doctor. and then gone back to liquidis?#ollie wouldve gone 'just oneee more adventure pleaseee :( pleaseeeeeee :(' and chip wouldve caved and well. well. opens the map.#yeah the undersea capitol is actually pretty close to liquidis#they couldve gone. they couldve gone#I NEED THINGS TO BE NOT DIRE. I NEED THINGS TO BE SILLY AGAIN#although if they go to the undersea its automatically going to be dire anyways.#goddd i want an undersea arc i want gillion to see the REAL elders again#yknow how in ep 53 chip and gill sorta stood in the back and shouted encouragement to jay but ultimately let her handle the situation when#it came to her dad. i think confronting the elders will go much the same way#guh. god i want them to go to the undersea i luterally think about this all the fucking time#going to warn the elders about the navy and the black sea spreading and the nameless prince.#wwhat if gill could show them the room he grew up in. what if they go there and its bare empty. what if they scrubbed all evidence gill eve#existed.#alternate also evil version. what if they somehow ran into gills parents. and he doesnt recognize them but they recognize him#more because of the coral crown than anything else#guh. idk man i just desperately want them to go to the undersea
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(genderly) chill as hell if i was only ever glimpsed / detected like this
#Shrouded In A Rectangle neither sleeves nor an open front to be besieged with? yes#just doing whatever else like doesn't matter. tee cargo shorts which is my best guess rn of my ideal outfit. + sandals Absolutely#unfortunately my hair could never do that. somehow neither am i yet like forties fifties? have i not been at this for eons?#i Can be like uh let's just nobody talk to me i'm busy pensively perceiving truths that you don't ever actually wanna hear about#just the other day it was like hey....a [way Having To Talk could be a difficulty / problem] was under my nose in this lifelong pattern#certainly noticing the Verbal Exchange Demand heaped upon burnout as like [delay delay delay struggle weariness stress]#but also who knows like spent plenty of time just probably indeed Not having to have such exchanges while burned out. not noting them#anyway like this isn't even [dysphoric Ideal Outfit until i could [whatever supposed even more ideal than that gender euphoria]]#though shoutout to that but like nah get shrouded anyway. the only [how do i look] im motivated to consider is: when it's a costume#when it's just me it's like. i guess whatever pants and a comfortable enough tee. need glasses. hair's w/e so cut quite short ig#might accessorize w/things that are fun to me like hey yeah yknow i might want a calculator watch#[yea as a kid it was like :( im actively appreciating the animals supposedly Gross or Bad] if i had hated little friends Sure yaay#if i had disorienting light effects like a pelagic creature. but you don't even need that. like hey i'm nd in real life. i got it#chat i'm in the walls too bestie lmao. if only my bigfoot pose reference Step was this good#tl;dr long rephrasing of my being like; now the gender slay....#& nodding & Noting when [worksheet exercise: what's your gender euphoria look?] is like shrug idk. but this is serving maximally to me; so#going Chat how can i up my uncanny stats. looking up ''isn't it like Uncanny knowledge e.g. so like why not....canny''#but i think the un canny is the Uncanniness Accuser's perspective. not of My ken. your literal weird one maybe#so again apt to be like jk i'm just autistic & shit; i got it....horror shit challenge impossible: Don't have sm typical mundane#[disability moment] as like Unsettling danger/malice cues. challenge impossible; again#subverted here like as [horror holding hands touching foreheads w/comedy] w/o Rescinding just casual disabled behavior/qualities#just remembered like three witches weird sisters etc macbeth. weird uncanny soothsaying gendering. word#anyway i should be shrouded (made no any connection whenever i put the blanket now over my head & shoulders in place min ago)#perhaps the real Ideal Look insight: i do not have any way i wish to be observed by people. secret passages / removed room anytime
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Thinking and laughing a bit abt how much of a fucken shock the knights must have had when shy, never-strayed-from-Diluc’s shadow Kaeya up and became the kind of guy who would take a squad of knights to catch a criminal and purposefully set off a mechanism that at best spooked the shit out of everyone involved by the sheer risk it incurred upon the knights and their target at once bc he liked the thrill of seeing their responses to the sudden danger.
#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//But also wondering if the older knights and those who knew him like Jean and Huffman lamented this change#//Fullheartedly wanting to believe he’s not the sadistic type; but is doing this bc he regrets his own hesitation in the face of Crepus’s#death. and thus wants nothing to do with someone who would balk in the face of danger or even death. no;he wants only those of FIRM resolve#//Or if he is doing this bc of Eroch. and wanting to make sure he only had the most trustworthy and loyal ppl around himself#//Eroch must also be why he can be so merciless in dealing with his and Mondstadt’s enemies; they wouldn’t doubt it#//They’re not far off from the truth; but it’s latter two ideas are the ones that are right in the money#//though he does heavily disdain those who simply turn tail and run; particularly if they talked so big abt how they could keep up with him#//Hates that sort of false confidence so much. So the instant he suspects it; he IMMEDIATELY plots to weed them out#//Those who talked big& actually went through with trusting & following him; no matter how terrified they were; he will Greatly respect tho#//They tend to be his favorites#//He’s had plenty of aspiring knights wanting to work alongside him; he’s got to have a way to find the Best of them#//Aka the only ones he’ll actually trust to come with on more dire missions & be more willing to accept anything of him#//Regardless of what they might find; just in case if the worst happens and his truth comes to light#//He is the rose; this behavior of his is but one of his thorns#//Letting them see for themselves if they can handle him/what he does;then basically let the suspension bridge effect take care of the rest#//Jean will never approve of this; but no matter how much that stresses him out; he will never let up on it; no matter what she says or doe#//Not like she can DO; anything abt it. Be it bc of her fondness of him or how much the knights can’t afford to lose sb like him for long#//As for his enemies; well; many ppl learned REAL fast that was the LAST thing anyone wanted to be#//Even if his outward charm and languid demeanor constantly make ppl forget just how seriously he takes his enmity#//He has no qualms abt them seeing him in a terrible light at all; would in fact quite relish it#//If he can make those sorts of ppl fear him more than they want to cause harm to Mond and her ppl; he’ll consider his job done well
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hermitdrabbles56 · 2 years
I headcanon that Twilight has his lasso from the Manga and whips that thing out all the time just to fuck with the other members to the point they contemplate stealing it because no one sees him grab it its just suddenly wrapped around their foot or their hand or trapping their arms while he's got a shit eating grin on his face.
But then one day they watch him straight up pull it out in the middle of battle and either rope something like a moblin or turn a bitch into an impromptu weapon.
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sinkableruby · 9 months
i think i finally put my finger on what bugs me about saying that ougi wants to make araragi alone
because like, she doesn't. not exactly
in the owarimonogatari light novel (and in the anime!) she's genuinely disgusted when araragi mentions he had no friends back in freshman year. this is not the reaction of someone who wants someone to be all alone forever
there's nuance to it, i think-- in owari when araragi says he's going to wait for kanbaru, she responds: "so you're counting on being saved by others?"
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recall her words in the avant of kabuki: "people think they're being watched by god when they're going under these streetlights" (when really they're not totally free from danger)
under that philosophy, putting all your eggs in the basket that someone will show up for you is too hopeful. what if no one ends up showing up? then you'd be sitting there helpless. better to learn how to stand on your own two feet before you wait for someone to pull you to them. that's what i think the idea is: "you can't always rely on the people around you, so it's best to be able to rely on yourself if you need to." being able to help yourself, in other words
of course, asking for help could be a form of self help. but just don't bank on it, is what ougi suggests here. (and not even that adamantly i might add. she's not pushing for it very hard-- this is just one point in her criticism, not the whole itinerary. which is why it confuses me when people say getting him to be alone is her goal. because it's really not)
the tsukimonogatari scene is a little different-- ougi criticizes him for relying on a "little girl" (ononoki, whom she knows is not truly a "little girl"), calling it pathetic. i think the ethos is ultimately the same here: "really? putting your problems on a little girl? why don't you learn some self-sufficiency and take care of it yourself?" araragi relies on people a lot, so it's only natural that it would be a recurring point of criticism for ougi. i think the "little girl" thing might either be to rhetorically make araragi's reliance more of a heavy thing-- corpse dolls might not be bothered as much by the weight of your problems as a little girl would. perhaps it calls attention to the idea that oddities changed based on how they are perceived-- calling ononoki a little girl makes her seem just a little more incapable, a little less able to deal with araragi's issue. or perhaps it's to produce more of a sting when ononoki designates herself clearly as a monster to araragi, create more of a rift between them (that she admits she is hoping for). but it's not clear cut, and i'd have to rewatch tsukimonogatari probably to be more sure
either way, the through line still seems to be "don't count on other people or god to help you. do it yourself." which isn't exactly bad, but again since araragi relies on people a lot, ougi criticizes him more for it, and also is just overly critical in general, so it starts to become pushing him away from his friends as a result of that. but my point is it's not "isolate yourself" for the sake of it, it's isolate yourself so you know you can help yourself by yourself
which of course would make hanekawa and meme's appearances in ougi dark all the more baffling to her. she'd been trying to get araragi to not count on a miracle, but because he decided to stay open to one, one actually did happen.
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 years
hey real quick bc i haven't seen anyone really talk about it; fuck Hoarders. what a disgusting fucking show. like i know a lotta content boils down to "let's gawk at mentally ill or poor or whatever ppl" but this one specifically really peels my paint. it's sickening. let's spend an hour walking around someone's house and going "wow!! look how fucked this is!!! i can't believe you live like this (despite having done like 13 seasons of this)!!!! you really need to get your act together, buster!" and then interviewing the family to get sound bites demonstrating how much of an Unreasonable Burden the subject is and (without actually helping any of the mental health issues that may lead someone to hoard) roll their eyes at them when they are upset at someone taking and trashing/destroying their precious belongings (or are made to do it themselves). and then half the time in the where are they now segment it's like "yeah they relapsed lol idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" like??? no shit dumbass.
i don't care how strange their homes or habits are. these people are deserving of compassion and real, honest help. they don't need people to marvel at how Kooky Wacky Bonkers™ they are, and they don't need people to hurt them just because they don't understand what they see in their possessions or are embarrassed by knowing them or whatever.
we don't need another voyeuristic savior-complex charade where the condition for The Most Half-Assed Help You've Ever Seen is being publicly humiliated and having to destroy things that mean a lot to you. what the fuck.
#a lotta these situations involve actual danger for the subject or their dependents so like getting rid of stuff is sometimes necessary#but just taking the rug out from under them without additional support isnt gonna help anyone longterm#and mocking them on national television certainly isnt either#like if someone's keeping dead cats in their freezer i feel like there are more constructive ways of dealing with that than 'lol' or#'youre a disgusting freak and we're gonna display that to everyone and also not help you fuck you etc'#like. god.#im not arguing the subjects are all saints or whatever either btw but they deserve to be treated like human beings#like?? forcing someone to destroy or throw out most of their posessions and mocking them for being emotional about it is cruel#it's no less cruel just because you dont get why theyre attached to those things#maybe it's even ESPECIALLY cruel because of the nature of hoarding#it's so dehumanizing#and idc if some of the subjects have been helped by being on hoarders. ppl could just help w/o mocking them and they could do a better job#if the show helps ppl it's on accident. the purpose is to watch and revel in it. in how stubborn and deluded people can be. in how much#better we are than them. in how just the hosts' disregard for their feelings is. etc. fucking repulsive#it's a dr phil situation imo#anyway my parents used to watch it a few years back and it's always bothered me that their chill sunday entertainment was. this shit.#and the subjects' faces when they see the cleared out house is almost always so.. strained.#i think it's a part of a broader problem with this kinda content and its fetishization of the reality check#to them the feelings of the deluded person don't matter because they annoy or inconvenience their peers#hence the 'i can't believe you care about this garbage' mentality of the show. even if that care comes from illness those feelings are real#so to force them through step 8 of a recovery process before steps 1-7 and then insult them for not recovering is just. god.#i hate it i hate it so much
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inutaffy · 1 year
"i didn't want to talk in front of archie and the others .... as it turns out, peabody had a lot to say. the bounty on your pal Archie, it's not just on him. it's on anyone who's with him or is helping him. which means there is a target on your back now too jughead. it's the same if he goes back to riverdale. archie's dad, archie's friends, everyone is at risk. which is why you got to cut him loose."
"im not just gonna ditch archie, mom! he's my best friend."
here's how j/archie can still win
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