#it's awesome that people are so eager to meet up and yesterday was really nice
visdiefje · 11 months
In a freak coincidence I'm meeting friends from Bumble for the first time three days in a row
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thatonebirdwrites · 3 months
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So yesterday I went to People's Pride in my town. It's an event run by locals, where corporations and cops are NOT invited and not allowed. They want to keep it people and community focused, so that our talents are on display. A way for us to bring back the aims of the original pride (before corporations and cops took it over).
The only reason I decided to go was because it's a mask-mandated event (thank heavens, we're in the pandemic era, so community care means wearing masks for not only security but also health safety).
I also went because the friend who asked me was so eager to hang out again. (I've been isolated due to LongCovid for four years, so being around people genuinely excited to get to know me better, and who don't belittle, tear me down, constantly bring up all the things I do wrong no matter how much I apologize? I felt anxious. Wondering when the other show would drop. But it never does. They are just a very kind person.)
While there, a baby bird was found. That little critter is so soft, and I was so delighted. My friend told me I looked cute looking at the baby bird as the bird looked at me. I didn't know they had taken a picture until after when they sent me a copy. lol
My nickname is Bird. :D
While there, I encountered another wheelchair user that had decorations on the spokes of their wheelchair. I squealed in delight, "Holy crap, that is so awesome! Where did you get those wheels? I need them for mine."
The person replied, "They're spoke covers. You can get them online. I definitely recommend."
So now here I am searching the Internets for spoke covers to make my wheelchair even gayer than it currently is. (I have put so many LGBTQIA flags and stickers on it that it's kind of ridiculous. lol)
I could only last around an hour, and I did get to meet new people. The friend who took me was oddly eager to introduce me to ALL the people, and they sounded so proud. I wasn't sure why until after I got home, rested a bit, then sent them a signal message thanking them for taking me.
That's when I found out they had been SO EXCITED to share the joy of knowing me and getting to know me better. They also adored the fractal art I gave them.
My first thought was: Why?
Am I really that delightful to know?
I didn't know what to say, so I just gave the message a heart.
As an aside, I fear I'm unlovable at times because most days I feel like I don't know how to human. Like I'm a bundle of chronic illnesses and trauma wrapped up in a spiffy trenchcoat. I try hard to be kind, and I'm trying hard to not sabotage things out of fear of getting hurt/abused again.
Overall, People's Pride was a good experience. The entertainment was all local folks either doing drag, singing and interpretative dance, poetry slams, or sharing stories at the nearby amphitheater. The vendors were just local folks who make art, mending library, repair library folks, tea folks, and just folks who manage LGBTQIA shared spaces.
The organizers asked to store things in my garage, and I agreed because I don't use it. Fair Air Network (FAN) already uses it to store their masks and air filtration supplies -- they are the group I help with and who are doing their best to educate people on mask-wearing and the necessity of continuing pandemic mitigations.
I'm fine with my garage being a community storage for LGBTQIA folks and groups. It's nice to be able to give back to the community in what little ways I can.
Anyway, wanted to share this story. :) I love when community comes together like this. It's beautiful.
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Sorceress (Loki Oneshot)
Summary: Loki comes to stay at the Avengers Tower while you are away on a mission. He becomes quite interested in you when he learns you wield magic similar to him and Doctor Strange.
Pairing: Loki x F!Reader
Word Count: 5,260
Warnings/Disclaimers: Anxiety issues, brief mentions of blood loss and injury, Wanda being an awesome friend
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You wound your way into the kitchen and flipped on the electric kettle. Gathering your mug, you pulled out your calming tea blend. Today was the first day of the semester, and it always made you anxious. You felt like you had not rested one bit over the summer break. It probably didn’t help that Fury had sent you on a mission for most of it and you just returned yesterday, but there wasn’t much you could do about it. Just keep moving. This was your life now.
You went over the mental checklist in your head. Syllabus, notes, handouts...
“And who might you be?”
The low, charming voice ripped you from your thoughts, causing you to jump and almost knock over your mug. Swinging around to face the intruder, you found Loki the God of Mischief hovering closely behind you. You had forgotten about Thor contacting you on your mission to tell you Loki would be kept at the Tower for his punishment. Tony made him call you, something he did when he was afraid of you being angry. You had heard Tony coaching Thor in the background of the call.
“Don’t do that!”
He chuckled, taking a step back. “My sincerest apologies.”
You folded your arms and took in his appearance. He definitely did not look the same as he did on the news when he tried to take New York. From the images you had seen, his eyes were wild and sunken and his face gave off a sense of malnourishment. The god standing before you now looked healthy with bright not quite blue but not quite green eyes that held a sprinkle of boyish mischief. Maybe Thor had it right about the possible mind control.
“Shall we start anew?” He bowed lightly, delicately taking the fingers of your right hand in his, forcing you to uncross your arms. “I am Prince Loki of Asgard.”
Oh no... Boyo was laying it on thick.
Nervously clearing your throat, you introduced yourself.
“A lovely name, my lady. May I ask why I have not seen you here before?”
He was still holding your hand. You could feel his energy pushing against yours. Was he trying to test your abilities?
“I was on a mission overseas. Just got back last night.”
“That is a shame. I would have preferred your presence here when I first arrived.”
You heard the click of the kettle and pulled your hand away to pour the hot water in your mug. He seemed almost disappointed by the loss of contact.
“I heard from Wanda that it was pure chaos for a while. She practically begged me to abandon the mission and come home,” you chuckled. “Don’t know if that would have done any good though.”
Taking a sip of your still brewing tea, you realized Loki had retaken the step back from earlier and was nearly looming over you. You regained that space, heading for the door.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish preparing for class.”
You rocketed out the door before he had a chance to respond.
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You flopped on your bed after taking a portal home. Your closest friend Wanda was there to greet you.
“So how are all the magic newbies you ditched me for?” she teased.
You huffed a laugh. “Same old, same old. College freshmen who think they already know everything. They’ll be in a world of hurt in the coming weeks.”
“At least being an adjunct professor has its perks, right?”
“Yeah. I have some semblance of a life.”
You both started giggling at that.
“Are you still going to eat with everyone for dinner tonight?”
“I don’t see why not. Today was only day one of classes. Nothing to grade yet.”
“Maybe Loki will chill out then.”
You casted Wanda a concerned look. “What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes and sat up on the bed. “Ever since Thor mentioned you could wield magic, Loki kept asking when you would be back.”
“Huh,” you mulled. “Guess that would explain this morning.”
“This morning?”
You nodded and hummed. “Yeah. I was in the kitchen making tea when he showed up.”
“You talked to him before me?!” She shoved you playfully, feigning hurt feelings.
“Because I totally planned it,” you laughed.
“So what did you think?”
“You mean other than tall, dark and handsome?” You paused as she snickered. “He’s alright, I guess. He was being overly nice.”
Wanda scoffed. “That little... Okay. So, when he wasn’t holed up in his room or the library being all nice and quiet, he kept making all these snarky comments to everyone. Then, there was the pranking... He saved that mostly for Tony though.”
“So what you’re saying is to keep my guard up because he could go bipolar on me.”
“Great... This is going to be fun... How long is he staying?”
All you could do was groan and hide your head in your pillow.
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Dinner was suffocating to say the least. Loki joined the team in the dining area, apparently a rarity for him, and they were not happy about it. Well, it was mostly the original team members, the ones who fought against Loki in the Battle of New York. The newer members like you and Wanda, while not fond of him either, couldn’t care less. Thor seemed to be the only who was content, shoveling food down his throat, unable to read the room with a silence so palpable and deafening.
This is... awkward. Wanda spoke to you through her mind, something she usually did when she was uncomfortable but still needed to express herself.
No kidding. I’m thinking about ditching.
Aren’t you hungry though?
Starving! But I can’t eat like this. I’ll come back down in a couple of hours for something. Maybe I’ll watch a movie til then.
Room for one more?
With half your plate empty, you excused yourself and disposed of the scraps in the kitchen. Steve, who usually fussed at you about your not so great eating habits, did not say a word. Sneaking some snacks for the movie from the kitchen, you went back to your room to wait for Wanda who popped by about ten minutes later.
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You woke with a start, stomach growling and gurgling. You blinked away the sleep from your eyes and looked around. Wanda was long gone. You guessed she went back to her room after you fell asleep at some point. She was at least nice enough to turn off the TV before disappearing.
Your belly rumbled, again. Reluctantly leaving behind the warmth of your blankets, you stumbled to your feet and hobbled to the kitchen. You reached for the light switch, the kitchen being too dim in the low lighting left on at night. The lights turned on before you could find it.
“I was wondering when you would arrive.” Your name slid off Loki’s tongue like silk.
Letting out a breath, you tempered your scowl. “What made you think I was coming down here?”
“Aside from the dinner you barely touched?” he chuckled as he traced a finger across the counter. “Well, it can be considered rude to hold a private conversation from such a small group of people.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised by a magic wielder being able to see what other magic wielders are doing.
You folded your arms. “It’s definitely considered rude to eavesdrop.”
“That is quite true.” His signature smirk graced his face. “Although, is it really eavesdropping when I did not listen to what was being said? I merely sensed the exchange of energies.”
“Sure...” You didn’t believe him, but you would let it go for now. It’s not like you two had said anything damning. You just needed to be a bit more careful moving forward. “Now would you be so kind as to stand aside? I would like something to eat, and you’re blocking the fridge.”
“My apologies, but perhaps I may be of better service to you with,” he snapped his fingers, “this.”
The leftovers from dinner instantly appeared piping hot on a plate.
“How did you-”
“Come now. I thought you were a sorceress,” he smirked teasingly.
There was the ego you were expecting.
“I can manage the same end result,” you pouted. “But... the steps leading to it would be different...”
“I could always show you how.”
That grin and those alluring aventurine eyes would be the death of you. You wanted so badly to say yes. While you had the schooling and moved on to helping others, there was still so much more to learn. To say you were eager would be an understatement. The problem was you just met this Trickster God. How could you trust him so soon?
“I... I appreciate the offer, but maybe another time.”
You tucked some of your hair behind your ear. Why did you feel guilty for turning him down?
“Of course. The offer remains standing. Enjoy your dinner, Sorceress,” he replied, his disappointed voice betraying his stoic demeanor.
With that, he swiftly left the room. Yeah. You felt bad. Maybe you would find a way to make it up to him.
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Weeks later, and you were frustrated beyond belief. The last lesson you attempted to teach was going nowhere. You needed help, and you needed it now.
You sprung from your room with your notes and textbook and practically sprinted to the library where Loki could usually be found. You were right. There he was lounging with his back to you on one of the couches amongst the books, reading Dante’s Divine Comedy.
“To what do I owe the pleasure, Sorceress?” He didn’t even look up from the text. Not a good sign.
Taking a breath, you answered, “I was hoping I could get your help with something.”
That got his attention. “Oh? Would you not rather ask that Strange fellow the others prefer to associate with.” he scowled.
Great. Of course, he had to be in one of those moods today. His mood swings were to be expected but the timing was difficult to predict.
“Pff. The last time I asked him for help, he was a total ass. Just because he trained with a master overseas for a short period of time and has a photographic memory does not mean he fully understands every magical concept.” You brought your rant to a halt. You could say so much more but doubted anyone wanted to listen.
“Well, someone who sees that charlatan for what he truly is,” he snorted, snapping his book shut. “Now, pray tell, why would I assist you when your magic is so similar to his?”
Adding fuel to the fire. The rant was back on. With a huff, you came around to the front of the sofa and dropped your supplies on the coffee table, taking a seat next to him.
“You really want to get me started, don’t you? Look, I have been practicing and studying magic since I was child before I even knew what I was even doing. Hell, I’m still learning. That will never stop. I have worked my ass off to get this far. That’s why I get frustrated with Strange. He never believed in magic until it could help him in some fashion, and then he’s deemed a ‘master’ so soon after starting. Admittedly, yes, I am a bit jealous. However, I would not change how I have learned because it has allowed me to dig deeper and understand more.”
You inhaled deeply, signaling the end of your monologue. You had not really meant to go that far with it, but it was too late now. Your words hung in the air as Loki studied you.
“What do you need assistance with?” He flashed you a grin.
You silently screamed with relief. “Okay, so there was a theory I was trying to teach yesterday.” Flipping open the textbook to the right page, you brought your notebook and pen to your lap. “The students just aren’t getting it.”
Loki leaned over the table to read the book. “Magical Exchange: The Equal Exchange Theory...” His eyebrows could have rocketed off his forehead with how surprised he was. “This is an elementary subject.”
“It is a 101 course,” you shrugged. “I just don’t know how to explain it better. I’ve not taught a class that had issues with this before. This particular group has proven... Difficult.”
“Have you attempted a more... Oh what do you mortals call it,” he hummed. “A more ‘hands on’ approach?”
You sighed and unconsciously tapped your pen on your notebook. “Yeah. I tried to improvise like that when the text did nothing. It just made things worse.”
“I see...” His lips drooped into a frown. “Perhaps a new perspective is required.”
“You read my mind,” you teased, winking at him. You still had not forgotten that first day. “So if you were teaching this, how would you go about it?”
Clearing his throat, he picked up the text book and lounged back on the couch. An anxious silence droned on before he finally spoke again.
“This text describes the various classifications of what is considered Equal Exchange, yet there is little on what does not qualify.”
Loki proceeded on his own mini-lecture about the experiments performed by both mortals and Asgardians, many of which ended in failure due to the lack of Equal Exchange. One ended up being about the Philosopher’s Stone, a topic you had already learned quite a bit about. You scribbled notes as fast as you could, filling up a good quarter of your notebook when he had finished.
You chewed on the end of your pen while looking over your notes. “This could work. Between these explanations and showing some examples, they might grasp what all it means.” Letting out a tired sigh, you looked up at him with full sincerity. “Thank you, Loki. I owe you one.”
He chuckled deeply, sending shivers down your spine. What was he up to?
“There is one favor I wish to ask of you in exchange.”
You blinked deftly. “And what might that be?”
Taking your free hand in his, he gently swiped his thumb across your knuckles. “I merely ask for a dance.”
“A. Dance?” That was not what you had expected.
“Yes. Stark is holding one of his... illustrious parties next Saturday.”
Oh crap. You had purposely forgotten about that. Parties were not normally your thing.
“R-right! I forgot...” you mumbled, swiping your hair behind your ear.
“All I ask is one dance. Would that be acceptable?”
You gazed into his eyes where a dabble of insecure hope hid. “I... Yes. That would be nice.”
Your face felt like it was on fire when he kissed your knuckles, whispering, “Excellent,” before he helped you to your feet and gathered your belongings.
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Saturday seemed to arrive all too quickly. Anxiety pulsated through your veins most of the day. Why were you so nervous? It was just one dance.
You sucked in a breath as you took in your appearance in the mirror. The off-the-shoulder, malachite dress hugged your form just right until it flowed gracefully from your hips to your knees. A silver pendant and heels tied off the look. You looked... Good. Better than you had anticipated. Now if you could just calm yourself down.
All those people, people you did not know for the most part would be there, too. Tony always invited so many guests no one else knew. But you also wouldn’t be alone. The whole team was going to be there. You would not be alone. One party should be manageable.
A knock at your door tore you from your spiraling thoughts. With a half-hearted sigh, you meandered to the door and open it to find Wanda and Vision. Wanda must have sensed your distress. She took one look at you, told Vision she would meet him downstairs, gave him a chaste kiss and stepped into your room, closing the door behind her.
“I-I don’t know if I can do this, Wanda.” You sat on the edge of your bed, thoughts of nausea swimming in your head.
She said your name with such resolution, your gaze snapped up to hers. “You can do this.”
“I don’t-”
“Don’t start. One, you look gorgeous. Two, you’re a professor AND Avenger. You teach in auditoriums and fight bad guys for a living. This party should not be a problem.”
“Small auditoriums...” you mumbled, earning you a look.
“Three, Vision and I will stay nearby. If any weirdo tries anything with you again, we’ll be there.”
Because you needed to remember the one party where some drunk rando was getting too handsy, the one where you had trouble controlling your abilities because you did not and do not like crowds. Tony, Steve and Wanda had to extract you after kicking out the drunk moron. That was your last party.
“I don’t want to be the third whe-”
“Shush. I’m not done.” She waved you off. “And four, once you have your dance, you can get the hell out of there. Okay?” She smiled sympathetically.
You nodded and looked at the floor. Wanda took you by the shoulders and forced you to stand.
“Alright, now breathe with me. Ground and center. Breathe. Raise your shields. Breathe.”
Doing what you were told, you started to feel better, the deep breaths helping the most.
“Okay. Let’s get going. Remember, you can do this.” She guided you towards the door.
“Right... I can do this...”
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I can’t do this...
You leaned on a wall out of the way, sipping on a light cocktail that you had hoped would keep you calm. It didn’t. Between the flashing lights, pounding music and the chaotic array of energies emanating off the guests just made you want to crawl in a hole and bury yourself.
Wanda and Vision were out of your sight but you could still sense them nearby. They’d be there in a blink of an eye if you needed them, but you didn’t want to ruin their fun. It also did not help that Loki was nowhere to be seen. At first, you thought he and Thor were getting ready, but that thought was thrown out when Thor arrived fashionably late alone. Maybe Loki decided the whole thing was a waste of time and backed out of coming. Yeah. That had to be it which meant you could bug out of here early.
“There you are, Sorceress.”
Never mind. Just as you had moved to the bar to set your glass down, Loki showed up behind you. You spun around, dress flowing out as you did. He looked taken aback with his cheeks slightly flushed. He muttered something under his breath but the music and chatter drowned him out.
“I’m sorry? I didn’t catch that.”
He just shook his head, smiling as he reached out a hand for you. “Would you care to join me on the balcony?”
Balcony?! Why didn’t you think about going out there? It would be so much quieter.
“I would like that very much.” You took his hand and let him lead you outside.
The balcony was so much better. The doors muffled the incessant beat of the club music along with the yelling guests. You took in a deep breath, taking the chance to glance at Loki and appreciate his look.
Yup. Still attractive in Midgardian clothing. His designer suit looked as though it was made only for him, the black color matching his curling hair that brushed past his shoulders. The green tie brought out his eyes and made them seem more saturated like an emerald. You definitely appreciated the new style.
“You’re staring, Darling,” he chuckled.
“Sorry. I’m so used to seeing you in your Asgardian garb,” you flushed. “T-the change is not unwelcome though. You look great!”
Great. Where were your words when you needed them most? And did he call you “Darling”?
“Thank you, my dear. Now, about that dance...”
That’s when you realized he was still holding your hand.
“What about the music?”
“I have something better planned than the noise Stark has chosen.”
He pulled you close, one hand encased yours while the other placed your free hand on his shoulder before snapping his fingers and keeping you close by the small of your back. A record player appeared playing Merry-Go-Round of Life.
“Shall we?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes.”
Loki swayed with you along the length of the balcony, leading you into spins in time with the music. Neither of you had said a word since you started moving, but you did not need to. Everything was perfect. You felt like you were dancing on clouds amongst the stars. All of your anxiety had melted away. Needless to say, you were disappointed when the song ended.
“I do not suppose I would be able to convince you for another dance?”
Loki held your hands in his as he pulled back. He seemed just as disappointed as you.
“Well,” you mocked contemplation, “That wasn’t part of the original agreement.”
The soft grip on your hands loosened even more.
“But, I don’t see why I can’t make an exception, especially seeing how your explanations went over so well with the students. I haven’t thanked you for that part,” you smirked and with a golden flourish of your hand, changed the music on the record player.
Loki’s grin put the starlight to shame as he brought you back to him. As one song ended, one of you would switch it out to keep the music going.
Neither of you knew how long you were out there for. It had to have been more than a couple of hours since Tony was the one to break up your private party.
“Reindeer Games, Magic Hands! Pack it up! Party guests have already left!”
Both of you grimaced, hating your nicknames. Regardless, Loki led you back inside. Wanda and Vision had stayed throughout the party while you were on the balcony, and gave both of you these little knowing looks as you passed them. Ignoring them, Loki walked you to your room.
“Thank you, Loki. You made the night much more enjoyable,” you smiled brightly.
He smiled back, playing with the fingers of your hands. “I am happy to be of assistance, Sorceress.”
A moment of silence and you stepped forward, thinking of something a touch bold. “You know, if this were to become a regular occurrence, I might be persuaded to show up at Stark’s parties more often.”
A low chuckle reverberated in his chest. “That could be arranged.”
“I hope so.” You leaned on your toes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, again.”
You slipped past your door so quickly you didn’t notice the lightly dusted blush on Loki’s face.
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Today was not a good day. Scratch that. It was a terrible day. Some senior in Advanced Summoning got cocky and accidentally summoned a few large, irate creatures from the Fae Realm. With you being an Avenger and working for the school, it was no surprise you were chosen to handle the situation. Killing would have been easier, but you could not bring yourself to do it. It’s not their fault they were ripped from their home and dropped in an unfamiliar world. You were able to open a portal and send them back but not without sustaining a critical injury. You were barely able to close the portal before passing out from blood loss.
You woke up in the medical wing of the campus, a fog clouding your brain. You felt the dull pain in your side where one of the creatures had swiped its claws whenever you tried to move.
“Oh! Please lie still!” A healer came rushing over. “You don’t want to reopen the wound. We’ve done all we can to heal you without overloading your body.”
You just nodded and rested your head on the pillow. Looking at the window, you noticed how dark it was.
“What time is it?”
The healer looked at you nervously. “A little after 10PM.”
Groaning, you sank into the pillow more. “Do you know where my phone is? I need to make a call.”
The team knew your schedule, and they were going to flip, especially Loki. You two had grown attached to each other since the start of your balcony dances (there had been at least six so far). The status of your relationship was in limbo, somewhere between friends and romantic partners. Neither of you seemed to know which way to go.
The healer left the room momentarily before rushing back in. Handing you your phone, she warned, “Now, your phone started going off non-stop since about six this evening. We had to answer just to see if it was important and if they could wait until you called back. Th-the man on the other end. He was.. Not. Pleased. He started demanding to know where you were...”
“I understand,” you cut her off softly. “If I could get some privacy please, I will call him.”
She nodded and headed to the door.
“And whatever else he said, don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure he behaves.”
The healer pursed her lips and closed the door behind her. What the hell did he say to her?
You picked Loki’s contact in your phone. He answered in barely one ring, calling out your name. “Norns, are you alright?! Where are you? What happened?”
“Loki, I’m fine. I’m still on campus. There was a little mishap that I had to take care of. Got a little banged up in the process, but everything is okay.” You added that last part quickly.
“A little mishap? You should have returned hours ago. Please, allow me to bring you home.”
“Loki, the school only allows faculty members and students on campus. The wards make sure of that. And despite the constant demands, even Fury and Strange have not been granted access. They don’t even know where to look. Besides, you’re on lockdown. Remember?” You tried to reason with him, but knew he would not give up so easily.
He pleaded your name. Lately, he almost always stuck to pet names for you, only using your name when he was truly upset. “Please... I need to know that you are in good health.”
“I am, Loki. I will more than likely be back at the Tower in the morning.”
“Not tonight?” His pout was clear even over the phone.
“It’s late and I doubt the healers would let me check myself out at this hour.”
“I- Alright.” The defeated tone in his voice made your heart break.
“I’ll call you in the morning, okay?”
“Goodnight, Loki.”
As you pulled the phone away to hang up, you heard him call your name.
“I... I will see you tomorrow.”
You hummed with a smile. “See you tomorrow.”
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It was early morning when you finally left the campus. Loki didn’t answer his phone, so you left him a voicemail instead, fairly sure he knew how to access it. Cell phones still were not his strong suit, but he was getting better.
Stepping through the Tower doors, you were greeted by Happy who gave you the world’s most gentle bear hug. He had Friday let the others know you were headed up.
“By the way,” he yelled to you as you stepped in the elevator. “Loki was up all night worrying about you. You should go talk to him.” He winked at you.
You just shook your head as the elevator doors. When they reopened at the common room floor, you were greeted with Wanda tackling you before she dragged you out.
“Loki told us something went down at the University. What happened?!”
She pulled you into the common room to one of the sofas.
“Some moron was trying to impress a girl in Advanced Summoning. Brought in some undocumented creatures from the Fae Realm.”
“Of course... Now you were hurt? Where?” She started looking you over.
You lifted your shirt just enough to show the heavy bruising on your side. “The healers did a decent patch up. Just have to deal with this for a couple days, and then I’m good.”
“I wish I could help, but healing is not my forte.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m fine,” you smiled reassuringly, letting your shirt fall.
“Fine is not how you would have been classified yesterday,” a low voice came from behind the couch, startling you.
“L-Loki! I thought I had told you not to do that!” You clutched your chest, taking a deep breath.
“Darling, may I speak with you? Alone.” Loki gestured for you to follow him.
You squeezed Wanda’s hand apologetically. “I’ll come find you later.”
Loki led you out, down the hall and into the library. He didn’t say a word until he sat you down on the couch next to him, gaze on his lap.
“Loki... I-”
“Dove, what were you thinking taking on those beasts on your own?” He clutched your hands tightly.
“I didn’t have much of a choice. I’m one of the few stateside who is trained in battle magic,” you pleaded.
He was upset. It was obvious. Your heart shattered with how he looked at you, fear and worry melded into one.
“You could have called for assistance.”
“Loki, we’ve been over this-”
“Would they not have made an exception with their students in danger.” It was a statement. He was right about that.
“If there were time, yes. They needed to be dealt with immediately.” You tore your hands from his grasp and cupped his face for him to really look you in the eyes. “Loki. Everything turned out alright. I’m still here, and I’m okay.”
“And yet you almost were not.” His voice was so quiet, you barely heard him. “I... I do not...”
You stroked his cheeks with your thumbs, encouraging him to go on. He pulled one hand away to hold while leaning into the other.
“Just be more careful from now on. Please.”
“Of course.”
“Promise me.” He squeezed your hand.
“I will. But first.” You took your hand from his face. “Finish what you were saying.”
He froze. “I am not sure what you mean.”
“You cut yourself off three times within twenty-four hours. You always finish your sentences. Now. What were you going to say?”
He still was not used to being caught, his initial confusion evident in his eyes which then darted about the room nervously. You sighed, and with a golden flourish of your hand, the library doors shut and locked.
“There. No one to walk in and disturb us or overhear.”
Loki was silent. He stared at your hand that was intertwined with his, then met your eyes.
“I do not know what I would do without you,” he whispered, bringing you into his arms in one fluid motion, your head tucked under his chin.
The scent of cedar and sage filled your senses as you returned the embrace and carded your fingers through his hair.
“Well, that’s not something you need to think about. I’m not going anywhere,” you responded softly. “Promise.”
He hugged you close, pulling you into his lap. His chest rose with a deep breath before he kissed the top of your head.
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Helloo, it's me again. Your writings are awesome and I jsut can't seem to get enough. Can I please request a scenario where Loona's Jinsoul has a crush on reader and during her rehearsal with her group, Loona members just literally exposes her.
Jinsoul x Reader
Big fat crush
It's been a little less than a month since you met Jinsoul. You met her thanks to mutual friends and since that day you've seen each other two or three times on casual hangouts already. She was a nice friend, always caring and kind, someone that actually listens when you talk; it was nice having her around.
Today she invited you at her rehearsal since it was your meeting day of the week. She had things to do but didn't want to give up your Thursday's encounters. So here you were arriving at the concert place in the middle of the afternoon, feeling a little nervous if you had to be honest.
Meeting the eleven members and close friends of Jinsoul was quite stressful but you weren't too worried, after all you could be pretty social when you had to.
Anyway you didn't expect her members to be that friendly. When you arrived you sent a text to Jinsoul asking her to come get you because you didn't want to face her members alone but they all came greeting you, eager to know you.
"Hey, Y/N how are you?"
You blinked a few times before answering to Haseul that you were fine, quite shocked that she knew your full name. Of course Jinsoul must have been talking to her members about you since they live together but you didn't expect them to remember or even pay attention to what she was saying.
All of them introduced themselves one by one and you could now put faces on the stories Jinsoul told you.
"So are you guys ready for your concert ?"
You chuckled when Yeojin answered that she was born ready, receiving light taps from her older members.
"I'm pretty sure we're going to do well but you know, there's always some pressure."
You nooded at the very logical answer coming from Choerry.
Soon enough the girls had to go do sounds checks letting you alone with Jinsoul that had already did hers.
"Are you really going to act shy now that your members are not with us anymore ?"
You laughed at Jinsoul shy behaviour and crazy eyebrows expressions before giving her a hug. You smiled at her once you stepped back, not noticing the way her cheeks turned red at your proximity.
Well maybe you didn't notice but Hyejoo was fast to point it out when she came back from sound check.
"Why are you blushing like a teenage girl ? You look like Gowon when I..."
"..When she gives me food !"
Gowon was fast to cut her secret girlfriend off sending her a terrific look. But of course Kim Lip had to step in with her perverted mind right at this moment. You truthfully didn't even have time to register the first segment.
" That's how people call it nowadays ? Wait ! Did I miss Jinsoul great finally ?! Oh chuu, you could have call me seriously guys.."
You tried to search for Jinsoul's eyes but she kept avoiding to make eye contact with you, making you unsure on what to believe or not.
"Did you call me ? Why are you disappointed ? Oh no don't tell me we miss Jinsoul's confession ? Was it great ? Did she kneel down to ask Y/N to be her girlfriend like in romantic movies ?" Chuu asked without breathing between each question.
Sooyoung approached, encircling her girlfriend's shoulder with one arm and listening carefully to what she was saying before presenting her fist to bump to Jinsoul.
"Well done bro."
"Oh no we missed it I told you we didn't have time to make out !"
Heejin's and Haseul's voices were heard respectively talking to Hyunjin and Vivi who exchanged a look before shrugging. You would have let out a chuckle if you weren't so lost at this moment. You tried to reach out to Jinsoul but she walked away before you could.
"Did we say something wrong ?"
You kept your eyes on Jinsoul's figure while answering Heejin's question.
"She didn't ask me out or confess yet, she was just blushing."
The members exchanged terrified looks, feeling guilty for the way they messed up. In sync they started saying all the good things they could about Jinsoul.
"She's always smiling so big when you text her, seriously it seems like her cheeks are about to rip off sometimes."
"She really loves you, she can't stop talking about you to the point where we practically know all about you."
"It's been days that she's been harassing us to have date ideas. I'm so sorry."
"Yesterday she repeated her confession speech so much that all of us know it by heart like poetry now."
They were all talking at the same time letting you hear only half of the informations.
Suddenly no one was speaking, curious about why you didn't bulge or say anything, your eyes still on Jinsoul. Vivi talked for the first time.
"Y/N, why are you not looking surprised by what we said ? You already knew didn't you ?"
"I figure it out a while ago. Jinsoul isn't exactly the best at hiding things and to be honest if she wasn't planning on confessing I would have been the one to do it anyway."
The girls were so happy to hear that you felt the same way about Jinsoul than what Jinsoul felt for you. They started squealing like crazy, getting Jinsoul's attention back to you. You noticed how even though she was kind of sulking she was looking out for you when she mumbled : "Are you okay ?".
You decided that it was time since her confession had been sabotaged, you had to do it. You nooded before mumbling an "I love you" almost imperceptible on your lips.
You saw how Jinsoul's eyebrows frown, not sure that she understood it right. You didn't have time for more charades so you walked to her.
"What did you say ? I didn't get it."
"Nevermind. Would you go on a date with me ?"
Jinsoul's blinked a few times before looking at you with arched brows. Asking you if you were serious.
"Thursday, 6pm ?"
The smile that took place on her face was the brightest you ever saw.
"I'd love that."
"Yeah I kind of guess."
She chuckled at your joke even though she was still a little angry at her members for being so bad at secrets.
However you spent your day looking at the girls rehearsal before Jinsoul led you to your car since you couldn't attend the concert.
Before you entered your car she hugged you tight, inhaling your scent to get courage before the show.
"What did you mumble first ?"
You chuckled at how she was trying to get what she wanted in exchange of a hug. You broke the hug and got in your car but before driving off you repeated it in the safe place of your car where she could only try to guess.
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Heyy, thank youuu. Here is your request, hope you like it, don't forget to give feedback. I had fun writing crackheads loona exposing Jinsoul thanks 😂 and well you already know you can request again whenever you want. -Ael
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ohmyjinsus · 4 years
kissing by the book
yeo one (changgu) x female! reader 
high school! au (non idol) || 8.8k (I went a little crazy whoops) 
super fluffy + some suggestive themes I guess (basically changgu in something rotten has ruined my life and I felt the need to write about it) (like,,, look at him!!) 
summary: you’ve been happily crushing on changgu from a distance for the past year, but when you get cast as romeo and juliet in your school’s spring play, it suddenly hits you how much you actually like him - oh, and you have to kiss him multiple times, so that’s fun too 
You can’t stop staring at the clock. The cast list is being released today, but you have no idea when. You checked outside the drama room as soon as you got to school, then again at lunch, but there was nothing. Now you’re dying for the bell to ring so you can check again. 
Finally, you’re free to leave your stupid last period chemistry class. You grab your bag, and run out of the room without saying bye to your friends. It takes less than 2 minutes to run across the parking lot to the other building. When you get there, no one else is around. Thank god. 
You hold your breath as you walk up to the drama room door. Your name better be at the top or else you’ll start a riot. You’ve spent the last 3 years playing supporting roles (some of them being male roles as well). This is your senior year, and if you’re not the female lead after all of this, you’ll be absolutely crushed. 
The list is there. You immediately scan it for your name, ignoring everyone else. You find yourself on the second row, cast as Juliet. All your friends’ names are there too, cast as side characters. When you finally look at the first row, your heart almost stops. 
Romeo........................... Yeo Changgu 
You met Changgu at some point last year, when your school did Twelfth Night. Technically, you knew him before, as you’re the same age, and he’s been in some of your classes, but you’d never actually spoken to him. He’d never taken a drama class, and he’d never been to a drama club meeting, so it seemed odd that he’d been cast as Sebastian.  
After a few weeks of rehearsal, you understood why. In addition to being a great actor, he was extremely friendly. He worked insanely hard to memorize his lines and was off book earlier than everyone else. Like you, he showed up to rehearsal 10 minutes early whenever possible. 
When you realized this, you started showing up later so you could avoid him. Although he was nice, he made you incredibly nervous. At first you thought it was because he was popular, but you soon came to realize it was because your idiotic self had a crush on him. Every interaction involved you forgetting how to speak. It’s like you lost all your brain cells every time you were in his presence. To be fair, you didn’t have many to begin with. 
Plus, everyone knows you should never date a cast mate. Not that you’d date him. Because he’d never be into you, right? 
“Wait, y/n, does that mean you have to kiss him?” 
“Oh my god, please stop.” You’re in your room, on FaceTime with your best friend. You haven’t even thought about that. You’re too concerned about having to speak to Changgu, never mind touching him- that’s too much for you to handle. 
“I’m just saying,” your friend takes a sip of her bubble tea, “remember the play y’all did 2 years ago where there was a kiss?” You were shocked the two students playing the leads agreed to actually do it, but then again, you’ve never kissed anyone, so what do you know? 
“I’m sure there are ways to fake it, or we can avoid it somehow.” You prop your phone up on your desk so you can go find your copy of Romeo and Juliet and look for any potential make out scenes.
“...... do you want to avoid it?” 
“No,” you say without thinking. 
“I knew you still had a crush on him. I should have joined drama club so I could see this all play out.” You roll your eyes and grab the book off your shelf. “I see the way you look at him.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
You friend puts her hand under her chin and stares off into the distance, imitating you. “Oh Changgu-”
“I’m gonna hang up on you,” you tell her, picking up your phone again. 
“Wait no!” You end the call, but text her right away, saying your mum called you down for dinner. It’s a lie, but a believable one. You just need a minute to yourself to think about this. 
It’s really not a big deal. A kiss is just a kiss. There’s a possibility Changgu might not even want to kiss you in the first place. You wouldn’t blame him. There’s no point in getting worked up about it just yet. 
But still, you flip through your copy of the play, flagging down all the potential kiss scenes. When you’re about halfway through, your phone lights up. You’ve got a new email from your director. 
Your first script reading is at the end of this week, which is good with you. That gives you enough time to read the play again and start thinking about your character. 
Then your phone lights up again. It’s another email from your director, but it’s only addressed to two people. 
Hey y/n and Changgu, 
Congrats on being cast as our leads this semester! I have no doubt you’ll both do amazing. 
As you probably already know, there are some kiss scenes in the play. I thought it might be a good idea for the three of us to meet before the script reading to talk about how that will play out. 
Ultimately, it’s up to the two of you, so discuss amongst yourselves and then tell me what you think on Friday. 
Your goal for the next 24 hours is to avoid Changgu and Changgu-related thoughts. You’re not going to look for him to initiate any kind of kissing conversation. He can come to you whenever he wants. 
Which happens to be as soon as you get to school the next day. You didn’t expect to see him so early in the morning. The only class you have together is chem so you assumed he would talk to you then, if at all. 
“Hey y/n,” he calls from down the hall. You try to smile like a normal person, not someone who was thinking about making out with him all night. 
“Hey,” you say awkwardly. You try to focus on stuffing your textbooks into your backpack so you don’t have to make eye contact. “What’s up?” 
“Oh,” he smiles, “I just wanted to talk to you about the play.” It might just be your imagination, but he seems as nervous as you. 
“Right, congrats on getting the lead role,” you say. “You deserve it.” 
“Same to you,” he replies. “It’s about time you were recognized for your talent.” Your brain goes blank for a second. You can’t believe he’s complimenting you. You shake the thought out of your head but you’re pretty sure you’re blushing. 
“I appreciate that.” 
“So.....” You let him trail off, praying he’ll bring it up so you don’t have to. “About the email we got yesterday....” He looks so stressed out. You bite the bullet and say it yourself. 
“The potential kissing thing.” 
“Yes!” You frown at him. He seemed way too enthusiastic about that. “I mean, yes, the kiss thing, what are your thoughts on it?” 
You take a second to think about it, because you don’t want to seem too eager. But god, for some reason he chooses this exact moment to run a hand through his hair and your poor fragile heart can’t handle that. 
“Yes.” It’s his turn to frown. He looks so adorable when he’s confused. He looks adorable all the time. You’re crushing on him way too hard. 
“Yes as in....?” 
“Yes, I’ll kiss you.” 
“Oh.” He seems shocked. 
“I mean, unless you don’t want to kiss me, which is totally valid, I completely understand, I won’t be offended.” 
He just smiles. “I’m cool with kissing you too.” 
“Right, okay, cool, awesome, great.” Your awkwardness makes him laugh, which makes you feel a little bit better. 
“Do you want me to reply to that email?” He asks. You nod. 
“I’m not good at forming coherent sentences, so I think that’s probably a good idea.” You pick up your backpack. “Good talk.” 
“Are you headed to north?” He asks. “I’ve got English over there, I can walk with you.” 
“Oh.” You try to act like you’re not internally screaming. “Yeah, sure, of course.” You start to walk towards the stairs, and he follows you. 
“You don’t have to be so nervous around me, y/n, it’s not like I’m about to make out with you right now.” You almost trip. “I’m just messing with you,” he says immediately, reaching out a hand to steady you. 
“You better be,” you tell him, but you’re smiling. 
“This is gonna be a fun semester,” is all he says in return. 
The meeting with your director only lasts 10 minutes. Changgu’s email was pretty clear, so the two of you don’t have much to say. Your director’s quite shocked you both agreed to kiss for real. 
“We talked about it a couple days ago, so we’re all good.” You nod, agreeing with Changgu. You’re glad he’s taken the lead in this conversation.
“Are you sure?” Your director asks. “Last year one of my students said no because she didn’t want her first kiss to be a stage kiss. If that’s how you feel, you can totally say no.” 
You know she’s talking to both of you, but she’s only looking at you. You wish you could sink into the floor. 
“If either of us change our mind, we’ll talk about it and let you know,” Changgu replies. If you were on your own right now, you’d probably cry out of embarrassment. 
But thanks to Changgu, everything is fine. As far as you’re concerned, he doesn’t know you’re a 17 year old loser who hasn’t had her first kiss yet. That’s a win in your books. 
“Alright,” is all she says. The two of you are dismissed and you immediately run out into the hallway. Changgu’s close behind.
“You good?” 
“Yeah,” you lie. 
Thankfully, he changes the subject. You talk about your chemistry class for a while, as you have a test coming up. There’s a practice question he got stuck on, so he asks for your opinion. The two of you sit outside the drama room comparing notes until everyone else shows up. 
The next 3 weeks are all about blocking and memorizing lines. Midterms are soon, so everyone is just struggling to get by. Your director doesn’t mention anything about your solo scenes with Changgu. You assume she knows you two are her best actors so she’s not worried. Hopefully she’ll leave it till the last minute so you don’t have to think about it. 
As for your relationship with Changgu, you’re much more comfortable around him. The first time you do the party scene and have to waltz with him, you’re incredibly anxious. It turns out Changgu has never waltzed before, so you have to walk him through the steps. Your nervousness fades as you both focus on getting the dance right. When you finally do, he’s so happy, it’s adorable. 
After that, you start talking to him more. Because you’re the leads, you’re closer with him than anyone else on the cast. You would call him your friend, but you still have that stupid crush on him. You try to forget about it, but the two of you are spending so much time together. If you’re not acting, you’re helping with other drama related things, like painting sets and finding props. 
On one of these days, you’re talking to Changgu about prom. It’s all anyone in your grade is talking about right now. Neither of you have decided if you’re going, even though all your friends are. You’re talking about how expensive the tickets are, when you notice one of your cast mates watching you from a distance. You keep talking to Changgu for a while, before heading off to check your phone. 
She walks over to you while you’re texting your mum. 
“I saw you and Changgu talking.....” she says awkwardly. You look up and smile. You have no idea where she’s going with this. “Are you two a thing?” 
You frown. “Um no, why do you ask?” 
“It just seems like you’re really close,” she says. You put your phone away and grab your water bottle. She follows you as you walk back over to Changgu. He’s getting paint to work on one of the backdrops. 
“We’re just friends,” you tell her. You know you probably don’t have a chance when it comes to Changgu. If someone else wants to go after him, you won’t stop them. He’s not yours. 
“Who’s just friends?” He asks when he sees the two of you walking over. You freeze for a second.
“You and y/n,” your cast mate says. You watch Changgu’s face to see if he’ll have any kind of reaction. He doesn’t.
“Oh, I thought that was common knowledge.” You smirk. 
“I was just wondering,” your cast mate shrugs. “You two have chemistry.” 
“Fifth period,” you respond awkwardly. She gives you a blank stare but Changgu laughs. You’re thankful he understands your stupid sense of humour. 
“Right, I’m gonna go help with props.” Once she’s gone, you take a few sips of your water, not sure what to say now that you and Changgu are alone. 
“Do people actually think we’re a couple now?” You keep drinking. “I guess we’re just really good actors.” 
“Haha, yeah.” You put your water bottle down and reach for one of the paints. He hands it to you and your hands brush for a second. You jump a little but he just smiles. It’s so annoying he has this effect on you. You’re probably going to forget all your lines after he kisses you. The entire play’s going to fall apart because you’re lowkey falling in love with him. 
“I meant to ask you,” Changgu says, breaking your thoughts. “We should run lines together.” 
“Don’t we?” During chem sometimes, you’ll sit in the back with him, helping him memorize some of them. It’s easier for him than doing it alone. That’s what he says, anyway. 
“I mean we should focus on the scenes between just me and you.” That shocks you. “We don’t have to, I just thought it might be a good idea since we’ll have to start blocking those soon.” He has a point. So far, your director’s only worked on group scenes.
“Yeah, sure,” you tell him. “That makes sense.” It’s just like rehearsal, you tell yourself. It’ll just be you two. Alone. 
“Are you free tomorrow? You have 4th period lunch, right?” You nod. “I can meet you outside north and we can sit on the bleachers. It should be quieter out there.” 
“Sure, that’s fine.” You don’t really know what to say. It’s just lunch with Changgu. It’s not a date or anything. It’s purely business, nothing else. That’s what you keep telling yourself. 
You really wish it was something else though. 
Changgu: I’m going to run to McDonald’s before we meet up
Changgu: can I get you anything? 😃
You try to discreetly reply to him under your desk. You’re not supposed to be on your phone during data management, but when you saw it light up you had to check. 
y/n: if you could get me an iced coffee, I’ll love you forever 🥺
The second after you send it, you realize what you’ve said. Hopefully he won’t think anything of it. You put your phone down and try to focus on your textbook, but it buzzes again. 
Changgu: anything for my juliet 😌
Changgu: do you want any food? 
This boy is going to ruin your life. You’re sure you’re blushing now, but no one’s paying attention to you, thank god. 
y/n: I’m good but I appreciate your kind offer 
Changgu: if you say so 
Changgu: you can always have some of my fries if you change your mind 
“Aw,” you say out loud. Your best friend, sitting next to you, gives you a weird look, but you ignore her. 
Changgu: I’ll see you in like half an hour 
You send him a thumbs up emoji and put your phone face down on your desk. No Changgu thoughts for the rest of this period. 
When class is over, your best friend asks if you’ll have lunch with her. You lie and say you have some English homework to work on in the library. Thankfully she doesn’t question you. You’ll tell her about what happens with Changgu afterwards anyway. You don’t want to make a big deal of it just yet. 
When you get to the bleachers, Changgu’s already there, script in hand. He’s got two iced coffees next to him. He hands you one when you sit down.
“Thank you,” you chug about half of it. “I needed that.” 
“Clearly.” He takes a sip of his own drink. “How was your morning?” He offers you some fries, so you take a handful. 
“It was okay,” you tell him. You’re confused as to why he’s making conversation with you. Your lunch break is only 45 minutes long. You figured he’d just want to rehearse for a while and leave. You won’t complain if he wants to spend all his time with you, you’re just shocked. “How about you?” 
“Not too bad.” He hands his script to you. “I think I finally have the last monologue memorized.” 
“Let’s hear it then.” You grab a pen out of your backpack. 
“Are you gonna take notes?” You nod. 
“Don’t you want feedback?” 
“Of course,” he says. “You’re just making me nervous.” You laugh at the irony. 
“You’ll be fine,” you reassure him. “Go on.” 
He runs a hand through his hair and you temporarily lose your focus. When he starts talking, you’re snapped back to reality. 
You underline some parts where he should slow down, and star some areas where he needs to work on facial expressions. About halfway through, you put your pen down and just listen to him. 
When he notices, he stops. “What happened? Was I that bad?” You shake your head. 
“You’re doing great,” you say. “I just like watching you.” He blushes at that. 
You read him the last line he did, and he keeps going. He really is a good actor. You already knew that, but sitting here, just the two of you, makes you appreciate his talent even more. 
When he gets to the end, he picks up his iced coffee, pretending it’s poison. “Here’s to my love,” he says, taking a sip. You can’t help but laugh. He breaks character and laughs with you. “What are your thoughts?” 
“That last bit was amazing, please do that during the real thing.” You glance down at the script and your notes. As you scan the page, you realize he left out the last two lines. Thus with a kiss I die is where your eyes land. 
“y/n?” You look back up at him and smile. 
“Sorry.” You go through all your comments, making sure to praise him at certain parts too. When his eyes light up, you start to feel nervous again. That monologue was just a reminder that you’ll have to kiss him soon, and that thought alone gives you so much anxiety. 
“Your turn,” he says, taking the script from you. “Wait, where’s your copy?” 
“Lemme get it.” You open your bag but you can’t stop thinking about the kiss. Once you get the script, you sit back up and face him. He reaches for it but you don’t hand it to him. 
“What?” You hesitate for a second. You could just keep running lines with him and try to forget about it. Or you could tell him what’s on your mind so you don’t have to keep worrying about what he’s going to say. “y/n, what’s wrong?” 
“Can I tell you something?” 
“Anything.” You look into his eyes and he looks so genuinely concerned. Up until now you thought this was just a crush, but in this moment, you’re convinced you’re going to fall in love with him. 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes. 
“I’ve never kissed anyone before.” You’re scared to look at him. He probably thinks you’re a complete loser. When you open your eyes, he doesn’t look disgusted, which is a good start. 
“Okay.” You frown. “What’s wrong with that?” If he was anyone else, you would think they’re teasing you, but you can tell he genuinely doesn’t mind. 
“I just thought it might be weird.” 
“It’s not weird.” He finishes his iced coffee and puts the empty cup next to his backpack. “I’m just surprised you’re cool with me being your first kiss.” 
“Are you joking?” You say without thinking. He looks confused now. Surely he knows you have a crush on him. “You’re so nice, and talented, and thoughtful, and cute, and I’m just really glad to have you as a....“ You hesitate for a second, not sure if you should call him your friend. He doesn’t wait for you to finish your sentence. 
“You think I’m cute?” He’s smiling at you. 
“Shut up.” You go to hit him with your script, but he grabs your hand before you can.
“I have an idea.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” It’s your turn to be confused now. 
“Do you want your first kiss to be a stage kiss?” He asks. 
“I already told you, I don’t really mind.” 
“No,” he says. “I mean, do you want it to be us in front of the entire cast kissing for the first time during rehearsal?” 
“What other option is there?” 
“I could kiss you now.” You pull your hand away from him. “I’m being serious y/n.” You take a sip of your iced coffee so you can think for a second. “You said you want your first kiss to be me, right?” 
“Want isn’t the word I would use but yes, okay.” He smiles at that. 
“And we’re going to have to kiss each other quite a lot, yes?” 
“Probably.” You’re blushing at this point. You suddenly become aware of how little space there is between the two of you. It would be so easy for him to just lean in- 
“So why not get the first time over with?” You gasp, which makes him laugh. “I just mean.....” he trails off. 
“You just mean what, Changgu?” You know he’s being considerate and genuine, but there’s still a small part of you that thinks he might be messing with you. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
You swear your heart almost stops, but you nod anyway, leaning into him. He meets you halfway, and you close your eyes. You’re expecting a split second peck, but he gently presses his lips to yours. It’s clear he doesn’t want to push your boundaries. When you part your lips slightly, he deepens the kiss. That catches you off guard. He must sense it, because he pulls away. 
“Was that okay?” He whispers. You can’t stop yourself from grinning. You wish you could kiss him again, right now. 
“It was more than okay.” He laughs and kisses your cheek. That surprises you. 
“Sorry,” he says. “You’re just really cute.” 
“What?” Your eyes go wide. He’s definitely blushing now. This boy just kissed you, on the bleachers, in broad daylight, without second thought. But he’s blushing because he said you’re cute. 
He ignores you and glances at his phone. “We have 5 minutes before chem, should we head over?” 
“What is happening?” You say quietly. He smirks and puts his script back into his bag. You just sit and watch in shock. 
He thinks you’re cute. Yeo Changgu thinks you’re cute. And he kissed you. What the hell? 
“Let’s go.” He hands you your pen from earlier. 
“Right.” You take it from him and throw it in your bag. You don’t know how you manage to stand up and follow him to class, but somehow, you do. 
When you get to your class, he sits with his friends and you find yours. They ask how your lunch break was and where you got off to. You tell them the same lie from earlier. 
You can’t stop thinking about Changgu for the rest of the day. You were into him to begin with, but now you’ve definitely fallen. You really hope it’s the same for him. 
“He kissed you?” You were afraid your best friend would be mad at you for not telling her about your lunch date earlier, but she’s just as confused as you. You called her the second you got home so you two could figure out what the hell Changgu’s thinking. 
“Oh my god y/n, he definitely likes you.” 
“What?” You suspect it too, but it’s nice to know she has the same idea. 
“He literally asked if he could kiss you, obviously he wanted to.” 
“Perhaps you have a point...” You avoid looking at her. “He sent me a text a little while ago.” 
“What does it say?” 
“I’ll send you a screenshot.” You put the call on hold for a second so you can go to your messages. Your response was kind of lame, and you know she’ll call you out on it, but you send her the picture anyway. 
“y/n,” your friend says as soon as you resume the call. “Let me know when you want to rehearse our scenes again, smiley face.” 
“He’s just being nice.” 
“No he’s not, he’s looking for an excuse to be alone with you again.” 
“You honestly think he likes me?” You ask quietly. 
“I do.” She looks at the screenshot again. “He was clearly flirting with you earlier as well, anything for my juliet, I get why you’re so into him.” 
You roll your eyes. “I really, really like him,” you tell her. “I don’t want to mess this up.” 
“Keep doing whatever you’re doing, cause it seems like he’s into it,“ she says. “But you have to make a move at some point.” 
“Easier said than done.” 
“Don’t be such a wimp.” She says. “You’ve liked him for how long? And we’re graduating soon anyway, if he rejects you, you don’t have to see him again.” 
“True,” you say, “but I’m not asking him out anytime soon.” 
“Let me know how that works out for you.” You roll your eyes, but you’re grateful she’s willing to give you advice. If you didn’t have her you’d be googling things like how to get someone to fall in love with you, which would just be sad. 
You can do this, you tell yourself. Changgu obviously likes you to some extent, all you have to do is make him fall for you and then you’ll be set. You’ve got this. 
It’s 2 weeks until opening night, and you and Changgu are doing amazing. Since your kiss on the bleachers, you’ve stopped avoiding him all the time. In fact, you’d say you initiate about half of your conversations with him now.
He seems down in rehearsal one day, so you text him when you get home, to make sure everything is okay. He admits he’s not totally confident in his acting skills, especially compared to you. That surprises you, but you tell him that you sometimes feel the same way, but it’s not something to be too worried about. You remind him you’re in this together, which makes him feel significantly better. Before you know it, it’s 3am and you’re both still talking to each other. This becomes your new normal.  
You’re seeing Changgu in chem and during rehearsal, but you spend your time coming home thinking about what you could say to him next. Normally by the time you think of something, you already have a message from him. He understands your sense of humour, and before you know it, the two of you have tons of inside jokes. Even if you can’t think of something to say, you’re able to find the perfect meme to send him instead. Your crush on him has grown exponentially in the month and a half you’ve been in this play together. You feel like it might be the same for him. 
It seems like other people are picking up on it too. The first time Changgu kisses you in front of everyone, they’re shocked with how comfortable you are with each other. Someone jokes that this probably isn’t the first time you’ve kissed but you both laugh awkwardly and change the subject. 
Originally, your director had quite a few kissing scenes, but she decides it’s overkill after a couple of run throughs. 
“This is too steamy for Shakespeare,” she tells you one day. 
“We’re not making out,” you say, trying not to blush. You and Changgu have probably kissed onstage over 100 times, but it still makes you feel a certain way if you think about it for too long. 
“I can feel the passion between the two of you, you may as well be.” You make a shocked face at Changgu, who’s standing a couple metres away, also listening to this conversation. That makes him laugh. 
“If you say so.” 
She changes some of the scenes to Changgu kissing your hand, or you holding his, just to make it less affectionate. She’s constantly reminding you Romeo and Juliet were children, which makes you both cringe. 
You thought your favourite scene would be the one where Romeo and Juliet first meet, but it’s not. You prefer the second act, where Romeo monologues and you sit outside on the balcony. It gives you the wonderful opportunity to sit and listen to Changgu speak. Even if he is acting, you feel like there’s some sort of truth in his words. You got so distracted during the first full run through that you forgot your lines. Someone offstage had to prompt you, which was insanely embarrassing. Thankfully Changgu wasn’t phased, he just went back and started his monologue again. You made an active effort to focus this time, and you were okay after that. 
Although Changgu has his lines down perfectly, he still asks you to run them with him during chemistry since the two of you are always done your coursework so early. You’re starting to think your best friend might be right, and that he does just want to spend time with you. After rehearsal one day, you decide to shoot your shot. 
“Changgu,” you say, walking over to where he’s putting some props away backstage. “Do you wanna maybe meet up tomorrow and we can like, work on lines or blocking or waltzing or all of the above or something.” It all comes out in a jumbled mess because you’re speaking so fast. You should’ve texted him and asked instead of doing it in person. 
“I’m gonna need you to say that again,” he says, with a smile on his face. You take a deep breath. 
“I was asking if you want to run lines again tomorrow,” you look into his eyes. “Just me and you.” 
You might be imagining it, but it seems like he’s flustered. “Oh, yeah, sure.” 
“We don’t have to-”
“No, I want to.” Your heart rate’s definitely gone up now. “Bleachers?” 
You shake your head. “Come here,” you gesture around you. “It’ll be empty at lunch.” 
“Sure,” he says, glancing at his phone. His smile fades. “I’m so sorry, I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?” 
“For sure,” you say. “See you then.” 
You get to the theatre before Changgu the next day, which makes you panic for a second. He’s not the kind of guy who would ditch you like that, but you’re still scared. Until you check your phone and see a message saying he’s running a little late. 
You take the opportunity to practice some of your monologues alone. You know your lines and you can do them fine when you’re with the rest of the cast, but for some reason, when you’re on your own, your flow gets so messed up. You pace around the stage, saying your lines to yourself, practicing your intonation. Your hand’s moving up and down as you figure out the rise and fall of each sentence. 
You’re so caught up in yourself that you’re startled when you notice Changgu sitting in the front row, eating candy. 
“Jesus Christ,” you say, jumping off the stage. “How long have you been here?” 
“Only a couple of minutes,” he reaches into his bag and pulls out a box of Smarties. You take it from him. 
“Let’s go,” you say, after you pop a couple in your mouth. You keep eating them as you walk up the stairs to the stage. 
Once you’re both onstage, you run through your major scenes together. You skip over the monologues because you only have about 20 minutes before chemistry. 
When Changgu goes in for the kiss during the party scene, you turn your head so he winds up kissing your cheek instead. 
“What was that for?” He asks, breaking character. You point at the clock on the wall. 
“5 minutes till class.” You head over to the stairs at the side of the stage so you can get your backpack, but Changgu grabs your hand.
“Wait.” You turn around and hold his gaze. “Skip chem and stay here.” You’ve held his hand so many times over the past month, you interlock your fingers without second thought. It’s just a habit at this point. 
“What?” You’re surprised he’s willing to skip class just to stay with you a little longer. You’re more than happy to, but you just need a moment for this to sink in. 
“We don’t have a test, we aren’t going to miss anything important,” he says. “Even if we do, we’re the smartest people in that class, we’ll be fine.” 
“You’re not wrong.” 
“So stay with me a little bit longer.” You nod, because you don’t trust yourself to form a coherent sentence right now. 
You follow him to the centre of the stage, where he just sits down on the floor. You don’t question it and sit down next to him, facing the empty auditorium. You can’t believe this is your last time performing on this stage. 
“What are you thinking about?” Changgu asks. He’s still holding your hand, and he kisses the back of it. You’re so thrown off by how affectionate he’s being right now. But you aren’t complaining. “You seem like you’re deep in thought.” 
“I just can’t believe this is my last show here,” you reply. “I’ve spent four years on this stage, it feels weird having to leave.” 
“You’re going out on a good note,” he says. You nod in agreement. 
“I’m excited,” you tell him. “Opening night is always fun.” 
“Is it?” He doesn’t seem too sure. “I find it more nerve wracking than anything.” 
You gasp. “Don’t tell me Yeo Changgu gets stage fright.” 
“I don’t,” he says immediately. “I just don’t want to disappoint anyone, you know?” 
“You don’t, and you won’t.” You bump your shoulder against his. “Everyone loves you.” 
“Do you love me?” You can’t tell if he’s joking. You decide to answer honestly. 
“I definitely like you, if that counts for anything.” 
“It counts for a lot.” He pulls his hand away from yours and you let out a small gasp, sad he’s moving away. He laughs at that but turns around. When Changgu lies down with his head in your lap, you’re even more caught off guard. You don’t know what he’s playing at anymore, but this almost feels natural for the two of you. You’re not uncomfortable, just surprised. 
“Is this okay?” He asks. When you say yes, he smiles. “So tell me more y/n, what’s this about liking me?” 
You roll your eyes. “I wish I never said anything.” 
“No, you don’t.” You look down at him. You’re about 80% sure he likes you back. All the late night texts, and inside jokes, and the way he’s looking at you right now makes it seem like he does anyway. 
“No, I don’t.” 
“Is it?” You frown. 
“Yeah,” he says. “Cause I like you too.” 
“Don’t play with me.” 
“I’m not!” He says right away. “I swear I’m being serious.” He seems genuinely concerned that you don’t believe him, which is incredibly cute. 
“Tell me more then, when did you know?” 
“Second rehearsal, I think. I mean I’ve kind of liked you since Twelfth Night, but recently I’ve been like really crushing on you.” You’re surprised at how quickly he answers. “Right before second rehearsal, you were just outside here, running lines like you were earlier today.” 
“What’s so special about that?” You absentmindedly start playing with his hair, which makes him jump. You move your hand away as quickly as possible. 
“No, it’s okay,” he says quietly. You run your fingers through his hair again, slowly this time. The sigh he lets out has your mind wandering to dangerous places. 
“Anyway,” he breaks your thoughts. “You know that thing you do with your hand, while you’re speaking, to try and get the flow of your speech right?” 
“Uh, yeah.” You don’t know where he’s going with this. 
“You kind of look like you’re conducting an orchestra or something.” You still don’t understand what about that makes him like you. When you look down and make eye contact with him again, he’s smiling up at you in such a cute way that you have to look away immediately. You’re scared you might do something dumb, like kiss him. Which wouldn’t really work in this scenario anyway since you’d have to bend down weirdly, it’s just not worth it. You keep playing with his hair instead. “And when you get a line wrong, you don’t get flustered the way I do. You just laugh and move on.” 
“Well, yeah,” you shrug, “what’s the point in getting upset?” 
“I wish I had that sort of mindset. Do you know how great you are, y/n?” You can’t help blushing at that. “And you’re ridiculously cute.” 
“Says you,” you mutter. He sits up and turns around so he can face you. “What are you doing?” He’s so close to you, it makes you slightly anxious. 
“I just want to look at you,” he says. His eyes are completely focused on yours but you’re not scared. You just don’t know what to say. So naturally you wind up saying something stupid. 
“Shut up.” He doesn’t even blink.
“Make me.” 
You know he wants to kiss you, and you definitely want to kiss him, but you’re still hesitant. You lean into him slightly, letting him make the next move. He gives you a quick kiss and then pulls away. But then he does it again, and again. You keep waiting for him to kiss you properly, but he won’t stop teasing you. 
“Changgu,” you whine after he pulls away for the 5th time. 
“What?” He laughs. You grab the collar of his shirt and pull him closer to you. He’s surprised at first, but then his arm’s around you and you melt into his touch. 
You give him a light kiss, and finally, he gives you want you want. His other hand makes its way into your hair to hold you in place as he deepens the kiss. Your heart is pounding out of your chest as he places kisses along your jaw and down your neck. You can’t help but let out a small moan. He pulls back for a second, looking shocked. 
“Sorry,” you say awkwardly. He smirks. 
“Don’t be sorry,” he whispers. When he kisses you again, you smile. 
You have no idea how much time has gone by when you two finally separate. He rests his forehead against yours, while you try to slow your heart rate down. This boy’s going to be the death of you. 
“Was that okay?” He asks, quietly. He sounds a little scared, like he doesn’t want to push you too far. You appreciate that more than he could know. 
“So good,” you murmur, opening your eyes. You give him another quick kiss before you sit back, putting some space between the two of you. Otherwise, you won’t let go of him. He doesn’t seem to care, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer the second you move away. 
“Thank god,” he says. You take his hand and place it flat against your chest so he can feel how fast your heart is beating. 
“You’re not good for my health,” you tell him. He just smiles and moves your hand to his chest. His heart’s beating just as fast as yours. 
“The feeling’s mutual.” You laugh at that. 
“You have to be careful though,” you tell him, “you can’t start kissing me like that onstage. I’ll forget all my lines.” 
He smirks. “Don’t worry, I’ll save it for when we’re alone.” Your jaw drops. “Do I really make you that flustered?” You nod, as his hand finds it’s way into your hair again. 
“It’s not my fault,” you reply, avoiding eye contact, “you’re the one who doesn’t kiss by the book, Romeo.” 
“I’m not Romeo right now,” he says, quietly, turning your head to look at him. “I’m Changgu, and I’m absolutely crazy about you.” 
“I feel like this is fever dream.” He laughs at that. 
“I like you so, so, so much,” you tell him. “I have for a long time.” 
“Sorry it took me so long to clue in.” 
“Damn right, you should be sorry.” You both laugh at that. 
Suddenly, the bell rings and you jump away from each other. When you glance at the clock, you notice it’s only 5 more minutes until rehearsal starts. 
“We need to get ourselves together,” you say, getting up. You pull Changgu up with you and head towards your backpacks. 
“Don’t you think you should let go of my hand?” He asks. You let go of him immediately, not sure what that means. “I just don’t want to be awkward in front of other people.” He says, running a hand through his hair. You just nod because he kind of has a point. You can’t think about it too much right now, you need to focus on the play. 
While you’re getting your script out and fixing your hair, everyone else shows up. You all go through the play start to finish one time, and it’s close to perfect. When you’re finished, everyone sits in a circle onstage. You wind up next to Changgu, of course. 
Your director gives out notes while you try to forget you were making out with him in the same spot just a while ago. You nervously fidget with your hair, which winds up in you accidentally touching your neck, and then you start thinking about Changgu’s lips there-
“y/n,” his voice says from next to you. Your eyes snap open, you hadn’t even realized you closed them. 
“What?” You give him a dirty look. Does he know you got distracted because of him? 
“Did you hear that?” He points to your director, who’s looking at you expectantly, just like everyone else in your cast. You try hard not to blush. 
“Sorry, could you repeat that?” You punch Changgu in the arm, which just makes him roll his eyes. Your director notices, but she doesn’t say anything. 
Once you’re done with that, the entire cast gets lectured on how the next week’s going to go down. All of you are insanely tired already, you’re scared as to what you’ll be like in a couple of days. 
When you glance beside you, you notice Changgu yawning. He was taking notes but it seems like he’s given up at this point, throwing his pen and script to the side. You move closer to him, and take them both so you can keep up with everything your director’s saying. You don’t want either of you to miss anything. 
He smiles and mouths “thanks” when he notices. You’re writing down final reminders when Changgu’s head winds up on your shoulder. You and your cast mate across the room make eye contact. He frowns at you and you immediately look away, trying to ignore how close Changgu is to you right now.
When you put the pen down, Changgu immediately takes your hand. You don’t fight him, but it makes you smile. You’re definitely going to tease him about this later. 
When you’re finally done, Changgu gets up and takes his script back from you. He promises to send you pictures of it later. You’re okay with that because it gives him a reason to keep talking to you. 
That night, you’re lying in bed, trying to go to sleep when it hits that you have no idea where you stand with him. Are you a couple now? Are you still friends? You’ve never dated anyone before so you don’t know how this works. 
You think about it some more, but you don’t want to get distracted so soon before opening night. You tell yourself you’ll confront him about it after the show’s over. You don’t want to make things complicated now. 
Opening night is so much better than you could have imagined. The entire cast was perfect, everyone’s performance was amazing, you had so much fun. When the play was over, your family gave you the biggest hugs. They complimented Changgu on his performance too, which made him blush. 
The rest of the shows are also great. As much as you enjoy being onstage, the rush of getting ready beforehand is even better. You take it upon yourself to do Changgu’s makeup, which winds up in him flirting with you and you kissing him when no one’s looking just to shut him up. 
Your last night is the best night. All of you put so much work into this show, and it truly pays off. When you do your curtain call next to Changgu, neither of you can stop smiling. There’s no way you could’ve done the show without him. 
When the curtains close, he pulls you in for a hug. The fact that you’re ending high school with a bang, and you’re in the arms of the boy you’ve had a crush on for so long makes you think you’ve never been so happy in your life. 
Once the entire cast has changed back into their day clothes, you pile into your friends’ cars to drive to Pizza Hut. Your director promised to buy you all dinner when you were finally finished the production. 
You and Changgu split up and go in different cars. On the way, all your friends ask if you two are dating. You tell them no of course not, but they don’t believe you. It feels nice to have a kind of boyfriend. You still need to figure that out. But for now, you just want to enjoy the night with your friends. 
When you get to the restaurant, you all sit down at the biggest table they have. It’s almost 9:30, so it’s pretty empty, thankfully. 
The group orders tons of pizza and drinks, and you all reminisce while eating. It’s bittersweet for you. A lot of the younger cast mates tell you how much they’ll miss you and what an awesome job you did. You’d probably cry if you weren’t still wearing your stage makeup. 
After you eat, everyone argues over what to get for dessert. You’re sitting back, laughing, when Changgu makes eye contact with you from across the table. He smiles and gestures to his phone. You take yours out of your bag and there’s a text from him. 
Changgu: come outside with me 
You look back up at him but he’s already standing up and walking towards the door. You tell your friend you’ll be back and follow him. 
The air outside is a little cool but it’s a nice feeling after being cramped inside with so many people. 
You look to your left and Changgu’s sitting on a bench there. You sit down cross legged, facing him. 
“Why did you ask me to come out here?” 
“I wanted to be alone with you for a minute.” He absentmindedly takes your hand. 
“Well, we’re alone.” You’re starting to get scared now. What if he tells you he doesn’t want a relationship and everything that happened between you two was just for the play? You don’t know what you’ll do if that happens. A chill rushes through you and you shudder. 
“Are you cold?” Changgu asks, right away, moving closer to you. You shake your head, but he takes off his jacket and wraps it around your shoulders anyway. 
“Why are you being so romantic right now?” You stick your arms through the sleeves. The jacket smells like him, which makes you feel some type of way. You wish you could keep it forever. “You can drop the act, Romeo.” 
“I just want everyone inside to know you’re mine.” That takes a second for your brain to process. 
“I mean,” he looks nervous. “If you want to be.” 
“Are you dumb?” He looks really scared now, which makes you smile. “Of course I do.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. You’ve kissed tons of times, but this feels different. Good different. When he pulls away, he kisses your forehead. You can’t stop smiling. 
“Wait,” you say, leaning back a little. Your arms are still wrapped around him. He frowns. “Are you my boyfriend now?” 
“Um, yes?” 
“Oh my god,” you say to yourself. “I can’t believe it.” That makes him laugh. 
“My girlfriend’s so cute.” Hearing him say that feels almost euphoric. 
“You’re such a dork.” 
“I,” he kisses you. “Yeo Changgu,” he kisses you again. “Am all,” another kiss. “Yours.” 
You genuinely can’t stop smiling, you don’t even have words. You just look at him in awe. 
“Wait,” he says, wiping the side of your mouth with his thumb. “I messed up your lipstick, I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s fine,” you tell him. “It won’t be the last time.” It’s his turn to blush. You pick up your phone to check your reflection. You look fine, thankfully. 
“We should go back inside, shouldn’t we?” He asks. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“Me neither.” That makes you laugh, but you get up anyway. 
He takes your hand as you both walk back into the restaurant. No one’s noticed you left, and no one notices when you two sit down beside each other. 
You all eat dessert, and then your director makes a nice little speech about how well you all did and how proud she is of you. 
She’s sitting down, when you stand up. You don’t even know why. Everyone seems kind of surprised. 
“Sorry,” you say. “I wanted to say something too.” You glance at Changgu, who’s smiling at you. He takes your hand, which gives you some courage. 
“Go ahead, y/n.” 
“As you all know, this is my last show with you. It’s been so exciting, and I can’t think of a better way to end my high school career. Theatre has connected me with so many amazing people,” Changgu squeezes your hand, which flusters you a little bit. “I’m just really grateful to have met you all and I’m going to miss you like hell.” 
Everyone claps and raises their glasses for you, which makes you roll your eyes a bit, but you appreciate it anyway. You’re about to sit down when you suddenly remember. 
“Wait!” Everyone looks at you again. “One more thing.” 
You sit down next to Changgu and pull him in for a kiss in front of everyone. There are some gasps, lots of people saying they knew it, some people clap for the two of you. Changgu kisses your cheek before the two of you let go of each other. 
“We saw you making out outside earlier,” someone next to you says. You and Changgu both make shocked faces at each other. 
“We all knew it would happen,” says someone else. 
“I’m so confused,” one of the freshman at the other end of the table says. “Changgu and y/n? That makes no sense.” 
His friend sitting next to him smacks him, which makes you all laugh. 
All in all, everyone’s insanely happy for you, and you’re incredibly thankful. 
Although you’re sad your last high school play has come to an end, it’s okay. You made the most of your time, and things ended on an amazing note. 
As for Changgu, you know you have so much more to do with him. You’ll go to prom, graduate, spend the entire summer together, go on cute dates, and kiss him again and again and again. 
But for now, holding his hand under the table, surrounded by some of your closest friends, laughing and having fun - that’s more than enough for you. 
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junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 1. | Recover
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: 8 months later from Tony’s funeral and the promise Peter and you made, where do you two stand now?
WORD COUNT: 4119 words
a/n: i did not expect this to blow up so quickly so thank you all sm!! ill be updating every Friday/ re uploading from Wattpad and converting it to here!! hope you enjoy this chapter and ill see you next Friday ; )
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8 Months Later...
"I have a plan. Okay. First, I sit next to Y/N on the flight."
"Second,  I'm gonna buy a dual head phone adapter and watch movies with her the whole time."
"Three, when we go to Venice; Venice is super famous for making stuff out of glass right?"
"So I'm going to buy her a white gardenia necklace because it's a really pretty flower and... because... well-"
"Is it because of the-?"
"Because of its meaning yeah. Step 4 is when we're in Paris, I'm going to take her to the top of the Eiffel Tower, give her the necklace and 5, I'm gonna tell her how I feel. And 6, hopefully she tells me she feels the same way."
"And don't forget Step 7."
"Step 7?" Peter questions and clicks the top of his pen to write down Step 7, ears perked to listen to Ned.
"Don't do any of that."
Peter lets out an annoyed and frustrated sigh as Ned gave him a look that expressed 'what? what did i do?'
"Because we're gonna be bachelors in Europe Peter!"
"Look, I may not know much, but I do know Europeans love Americans."
Peter had little belief in Ned's statement that he scrunched up his face and looked at Ned.
"-And more than half of them are women!" Ned exclaims to make his point.
"...Sure but, I really like Y/N man. She's awesome, she's super funny like in a kind of dork way, and whenever she looks at me I feel like- she's coming over don't say anything!" Peter quickly shuts himself up.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Don't say anything!" Is the only thing you hear as you walked up to Peter and Ned's table.
"Sup guys? You excited for the science trip?" You greet them, rocking your body with a smile planted on your face, your assignment folder occupying your hands. Technically you got up from your, F/N's and MJ's table so you could photo copy your guy's group project but you heard Peter and Ned rambling about Europe and thought you could start up a conversation.
"Hey! Uh, yeah! We're just talking about the trip."
"Yeah and Peter's Plan." Ned confidently slides in the conversation.
Peter's Plan?
You stop moving and shift yourself to Peter, averting your eyes so yours meet his.
"...You have a plan? For what?" You nervously smile and laugh at him, playing with your bracelet on your wrist. The bracelet was silver but held a black cross (similar to a crucifix) in the middle of it.
"I- I don't have a plan." Peter mumbles, fiddling with his pen and looking at you with anxious eyes.
"No he's just gonna collect tiny statues while we're travelling to other countries." Ned blurts out and you can see he exchanged a look to Peter.
"I didn't know you liked-" You stopped speaking immediately, your response lost in your mind, something else distracting you.
You looked past Peter's head and your eyes meet with the dozens of drawings and tributes to Iron Man, to Tony and his sacrifice.
It seemed like yesterday you were on the battlefield, when you found out Peter was Spider-Man and all of those emotions and memories swept and flooded your mind in a tidal wave.
You can feel the whole room spinning even though your feet were planted on the ground, the voices of Peter and Ned fading as the sobs of Peter replaced them and Tony's dying breath.
It's been 8 months and you thought you had finally moved on from all the grief and suffering, the sleepless nights full of insidious nightmares and the suffocating feeling that came from all those panic attacks.
"You can rest now..."
"Did you photo copy it?" Someone asks and you whirl yourself around suddenly and possibly too fast, loosing balance and landing into someone's arms. F/N.
"Oh shoot sorry F/N I was talking to Ned and Peter about Europe and got side tracked?"
"It's okay! I was just checking since MJ was sorta getting antsy since she wanted it to all be done before you guys leave tomorrow." F/N beams at you, still holding you up.
"I-I'll go do it now-"
"Y/L/N, did you firstly ask me and secondly get a hall pass?" Ms. Warren spoke up and alarmed you. She was sitting at her desk and was staring at the 4 of you.
"N-No Ms. Warren..."
"I'll go!" Peter shot straight up from his seat. Ned shook his head and F/N laughed at his eagerness.
"No Parker you've got work to do. Y/L/N, Davis can take you."
Davis... Brad Davis?
Just on cue, Brad lifted his head up from being preoccupied at his desk and sent you a friendly smile and wave. He stood up immediately and from his demeanor, seemed over the top that the teacher asked him to escort you to the printers. He looked so familiar but no matter how heard you tried, you couldn't conjure where you'd seen him from.
Brad walked over to you and was still smiling from before so you nicely smiled back. Brad offered you to go first so you walked to Ms. Warren's desk and grabbed the huge hall pass with Brad trailing after you.
"We won't be long Ms. Warren!" Brad yelled out as he closed the classroom door.
You shot F/N a look that said 'okay guess i go and also what just happened?' and F/N shrugged back with no explanation and return back to MJ. You saw Peter looking at you as you left and saw him sigh heavily and immediately get back to his work. I hope Peter's okay.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The cold, crisp breeze whirled through the dim lit streets of Queens as you walked back home;  the streets were always alive at night with people hurrying from one place to another, lights shine brightly, beaming against tall, towering buildings and billboards, apartments until rooftops could reach the sky. New York was always cold in the night and what lurked in the darkness was even colder. Robberies, assaults and muggings were a regular sighting in alleyways but with yourself as Saviour and Peter as Spider-Man, the number has been decreasing over time thanks to the both of you. School was weird today with the whole Peter and Ned thing and especially with Brad. He was nice taking you to the printers but he kept asking way to many questions about you and you caught him staring a couple of times... weird.
You gripped your coat tightly around you, wrapping it as much as you could around your body to fight the wind, shivers being sent down your spine. Your mind had been blurry lately; balancing the lifestyle of school, social life and duties into one while trying to properly rest and to be there whenever anyone needed you was a struggle; the biggest fear you had was if you just took one, innocent day off that'd you regret it for the rest of your life. You also found it hard to escape your thoughts,  insecurities and nightmares whenever you'd zoned out or even closed your eyes for a second. Despite it all you had your anchors though; the people who were holding you down from losing yourself from all the madness happening. You slip out a smile at the thought of those special individuals; friends that you put above anything or anyone else. Peter, Ned and even Michelle were all you had and all you were relying on to help you back up.
"Help! Someone!" A stranger cries into the night, pleading for a saviour, followed by the sound of gunshots and glass shattering.
Show time.
Reacting instantly, you check for your surroundings before fleeing into the shadows of a lonesome alley and with a single flick of your bracelet, it lets of a white glow, letting you know its activated.
"Hello Ms. L/N, how may I assist you tonight?"
"You know the drill ARIS: suit up."
"Right away Y/N."
On command, the familiar cool and sensational feeling of the nano tech being released from your bracelet began spreading all across your body; you loved the feeling of your suit coming alive just by wishing it, AI on the ready and that the suit was also with you, being a part of you.
As you relished in the moment your suit was fully on your body, you rushed out of the alleyway, concealing your true identity under your mask, prepared to fight,  you begin to follow the cries of the citizen in need.
You felt your heart beat and pace fasten, senses heightened and the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
A shift in your vision changes as you feel your pupils fill fully black and steady themselves with your mask lenses,  you exert all your energy into a singular jump and successfully land on the rooftop.
"ARIS, scan for location of activity."
"The distress signal appeared from 21st Street."
Ahhh, classic bank robbery.
"Okay ARIS, are all systems ready to go?"
"Affirmative. Initiating heads up display and initializing flight power."
You roll your head back and crack your knuckles, jumping up and down on the spot, ready for take off.
Nodding your head, you extend your arms out and feel the palms opening up and see the infinite blue glow from your thrustsers and feel the energy spreading and going to the soles of your suit.
Staring down the run way of the roof, you start walking before speeding up into a full sprint, running across the abandoned roof top. Steps quickening, you can see the end of the roof nearing with each step you take; you're going to jump. Before you know it you've leapt off the roof and it feels like time has stopped and you're floating on nothing; it's only you, the sky and the city's blurred noises and lights.
"Flight power fully restored."  ARIS states, crashing and hauling you back into reality.
The euphoria of you floating has started to turn into the immense awareness that you are plummeting straight down with such speed to the lively streets and roads of New York below.
Extending your arms and legs, you point them into the direction of 21st Street and hear the whirring of your suit taking control and then, you're off. You're flying, just like Tony did, in the late night sky of New York City to stop a robbery.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Positioning yourself, your eyes meet with the victim in front of you; the typical situation.
The criminals all stop with their actions and immediately turn their heads to you. The hostages look up at you with hope and desperate, tears of fear and joy being to stream from their eyes.
"Looks like you forgot your credit cards huh fellas?"
2 out of the 4 robbers stand up and you took the chance to fire an energy blast, distracting them you slide on your knees towards the captives.
"Go! Go!" You beckon as you freed them from their constraints, they hurried out of the door shouting 'thank you's'  and praises for your service and gratitude.
Getting up from the ground quickly, you turn around and see the 2 robbers running toward you.
You spring off the floor, back onto your feet and observe your surroundings; the 2 robbers are still sprinting towards you. You ball your fists and stance yourself ready to fight.
"Guys, guys, guys! You can either return back the money and nothing happens or we can do this the annoying and hard way."
One of the robbers racing towards you pulls back their gun and you hear a gunshot and feel a little ting and flick on your suit; the robber was really dumb enough to shoot you and your bulletproof suit.
"Well, guess you chose the hard way."
The 2 robbers still at full speed rush towards you but before they can even touch you, you step to the side and they loose control and crash into the wall.
"Ooooh! That's at least gotta leave a bruise.' You mock them.
You dart towards the fallen robbers, dizzy and dazed from the impact. You hit your right wrist twice on your suit and it opens up and greets you with what you were looking for; your trusty tool and invention of electric rope. The rope appeared as a blue wire with white sparks that shot out of it and you used it to tie up criminals and lets say if they were to hesitate or make a runner, they'd get a bit of a shock.
Grabbing the 1st and 2nd robber's hands, you wrap the wire around them both so they are both stuck together and unable to escape.
2 down, 2 to go.
The other 2 robbers that were still looting money had stopped since they'd heard the crash and the groaning of pain from the one's you'd taken on.
One robber stands up and places his fingers in his mouth and whistles.
You tilt your head in confusion but see that 3 more step out from the remaining safes.
"Aww brought more of your friends for me? How sweet..."
They all attack you at once, bullets ricochet off you and bounce back, flying back at them.
In unison they all duck down behind a counter from the bullets and curse out profanities and you take the opportunity to dash forward and leap onto the counter and land in front of them.
They all jump to their feet and a robber steps in front of you and tries to land a hit. You grab their arm and twist it and they let off a howl of anguish, you tasered him with your bracelet and flipping and throwing him to the floor.
Another takes his place and goes to hit you but one from behind tackles you and pins your arms, locking them in a firm and harsh grip.
Even through the suit, you can feel sharp fingernails attempting to latch and pierce you.
The guy in front of you clutches a solid grasp on both of your shoulders, forcefully yanks you down into his knee and hits your stomach. Already you can feel a bruise forming on your lower abdomen.
Jesus this one will be hard to cover...
You groan at the extensive, burning sensation building, your skin becoming tender and aching from the hit. The guy holding your arms down is tightening his grip and
"Given up huh Saviour?" The robber in front of you spits.
"T-that's the thing...." You let out a breathless chuckle, "I'm only getting started."
The robbers stare at each other and back before laughing furiously at you, the rest approaching you with guns.
What the robbers were thinking is that they'd won; they had successfully robbed Queens County Saving Bank and had taken down one of Queen's own superheroes. You on the other hand, had plans and knew perfectly well how criminal's minds worked; allow them to think they've won, they'll loose all focus and control on the situation, so you'd gotten them in the spot you wanted them: busy getting ready to celebrate a fake victory and not realizing the black smoke manifesting around them.
"As I said, I'm just getting started." A smirk lies on your covered face as you look deeply into the taunting robber's eyes full of bewilderment and fear.
The black smoke begins flurrying around your body finds it way around the robber's hands, instantly making him let go you. You lunge forward and punch the one in front of you with full power, he stumbles back and falls to the ground defeated. You then sharply turn and kick the other in the face.
The two out of the three still left go to attack you but you raise your arm in defense and send a gust of smoke flying to them. They stagger back and remain frozen as the smoke curls around and drags them to the ground. You rush over and deploy more of your rope onto the two and wrap it tightly around them, restraining them to the one place.
The last robber you spot is kneeling on the ground, trembling slightly with fear and piling as much money possible into one bag, trying to make a clean getaway.
Slowly and antagonistically, you make your way over to him and stand there, staring at him and waiting for him to notice. So busy and frantically he continues filling the bag he doesn't take care of his surroundings or even the cries of his comrades.
"I'll take that thank you." You cleanly snatch the bag and kick him to the ground with your heel.
He lands flat on his chest, hands out to the side you grab them and wrap them around once more.
People emerge from hiding and cry out cheers of joy and appreciation, a few giving you a pat on the shoulder, hugging you and the occasional asking for photos. The sound of police sirens ring in the distance, signaling its time to go. Waving your goodbyes, you turn to flee the scene but you hear and notice the vibration of a tap being played on your suit. You pivot back around and see one of the bank accountant's smiling frailly at you, evidently anxious and nervous in your presence.
"T-thank you so much Saviour, how ever can we repay you?" The accountant's eyes full of tears and lost distress begged.
"You don't need too; this is my job. Saving people's lives is what I do." You reply to the accountant, taking off into the night.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"You did quite an excellent job tonight might I say so myself Y/N."
"Why thank you my Another, Rather, Intelligent System."
"Was that perhaps what you call, a flex?"
"...Yes ARIS, that was a flex." You mumble with a hint of embarrassment.
Currently soaring in the air with another criminal taken down, the fresh and cool wind rattles against you. Patrols were always 'relaxing' in a sense to you; gliding around the city and if your AI or you come to the attention of any law breaking activity, you swoop in (literally) and handle it. At times, you would bump into now and then into Spider-Man and the two of you mixed with your skills, would work together as a dynamic duo to take down the enemy. Queens loved and adored the both of you as individuals but as partners as well. Before knowing Peter was Spider-Man, there was a bit of tension and jealously and bickering from both of you: 'Dibs I had him first!' 'No, you know I patrol this area!' arguments occurred so many times that even the Avengers were pulled into it.
"I apologize for interrupting your thinking but it seems to be you have approximately 3 missed calls from your mother and from Pepper Potts accordingly."  
Missed calls from Mum is bad but wait- Pepper called?
"W-when did they call ARIS? Any voicemails?"
"Your mother called to say to be home earlier from 'study group' to prepare for Europe tomorrow and that not to miss dinner again... which you did and Ms. Potts left nothing for you."
"C-can you auto text Mum that study group when longer than expected and that Y/F/N's offered dinner so I stayed and that I'll be home soon?"
"Already on it and for Pepper?"
"Don't text her anything."
"Text sent."
Pepper? The Pepper Potts? It's been 8 months; what does she want and is that Peter?
Drifting down from the air, you land quietly behind a wall and crouch down behind it,  peering out carefully and you see Peter in his Iron Spider suit, eyes red and wet with tears as he stares at a piece of graffiti.
What's so bad about- oh.
The piece of artwork was of Tony; no wonder he was so distraught.
"You okay Spider-Man?"
"Y-yeah, I j-just c-crashed into a w-wall?" His voice high pitched, obviously lying.
"Uh huh... mind if I sit?"
"O-oh uh... no! No, you can sit!"
Giggling at Peter's awkwardness, you slide next to him and take a seat. You knew something was wrong by the way he was breathing and that his eyes were wet and red but how do you bring it up?
"H-how is everything Spidey?" God that was awful.
"T-things could be s-so much better... just, the whole Blip thing is, it's getting to me."
"The Blip? W-where the alien guy on Titan s-snapped his fingers and e-everyone d-disappeared?"
"Wait that's called the Blip?"
"Well that's what everyone is calling it."
"It sounds better than something to do with a maniac murdering half of the Earth's population... plus it's easy to say and remember."
And for the first time in a long time, you actually heard Spider-Man and Peter laugh. It was more of a sad and dry chuckle but, at least it was something.
"I'm assuming you didn't hear about 21st Street then?"
"21st Street what now?"
"Just now there was a robbery; apparently some of uhhh, what's his name? The macho, pacho penguin looking guy? Sends out his henchmen to do all the dirty work?"
"Yeah! Pretty sure that's the one! But, really? Kingpin? Sounds really dumb; reminds me of bowling or something instead of an evil business man."
"His head does look like a bowling ball..." Peter murmured quietly.
You smiled brightly and threw your head back as you laughed; that's the Peter and Spider-Man I know.
From his mask, you could tell he was smiling since the corner of his mouth was showing the little peaks from out of it.
Your and his laughter began to die down you two just stayed silence  and looked up into the cloudless sky.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
"It really is... makes my night."
"And mine as well, I mean besides your company." Spider-Man, well more like Peter coughed, trying to cover up what he said.
"T-thank you though.. this was a nice chat Saviour. Not to alarm you or anything, but I'm not gonna be here much longer-"
"W-woah, what the hell do you mean-"
"N-no! Sorry, I worded that wrong don't panic! What I meant to say is I'm not going to be here because, I'm going on vacation."
Parker I swear...
You lightly hit his shoulder and let out a breath of relief. "Don't scare me like that! I did not need that!"
"S-sorry! B-but yeah... I'm going on vacation.. can you handle Queens without me?"
"I already do. Besides, there's always the other Avengers who can."
"Y-yeah... the Avengers... a-anyways Saviour, I-I'm gonna go now. I'll s-see you soon?"
"See ya Spidey and don't go crashing into any walls!"
"When did I- oh."
"Ratted yourself out. Bye Spideyyyyy!" You call out and wave as you watch him swing away and make tracks home yourself.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"I dunno how I did it, but I snuck back in ARIS."
"Well, your mother is asleep-"
"Shhh lemme have this!"
"... Congratulations Y/N."
"Thank you ARIS-"
"Even though I do not condone this behaviour."
Rolling your eyes, you shrug your body and switch your bracelet and your suit slowly peels away from your body, the nano- tech shrinking so it all fits inside the bracelet. You stretch your body but wince from your stomach. Cautiously, you lift your shirt and see the enormous bruise left on you from the robber and his knee.
Bye, bye crop tops...
Plopping yourself on your bed, you lie down and sigh in exhaustion. Closing your eyes slowly, you feel yourself falling to asleep. Until the chime of your best friend's ringtone plays from your phone which causes you to lurch up and open your phone to look at the text.
from: F/N ✌️
yeah.... i'm really sorry that I can't go to Europe...
from: you  
i get it, it's totally fine! your family needs you.
don't feel bad trust me it's all g.
from: F/N ✌️
...if you say so dude. just, have a great time,
take photos and promise to text me when you can?
from: you
you know I will 😤
from: F/N ✌️
kk. well, I better go. it's late and unlike you, people have school tomorrow.
from: you
haha, very funny... well, goodnight nub > : (
from: F/N ✌️
see ya geek : P
Reaching over you place your phone back on the charger and look at the ceiling and sigh.
New York has been chaotic since the Snap- Blip. The Blip. And the amount of crimes has only doubled since before then and everything with school and my friends, Ned, MJ, F/N and Peter and oh god...
Hopefully Europe gives me a break.
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aurodontdoit · 4 years
Sabo X Reader: Chapter 2:
The next day, Y/n woke up to the sound of her mother putting more herbs in a jar, placing yet another medicine basket together. 
"Hmmm where did I put the- oh good morning, Y/n." She warmly greeted her. 
"Morning, mum. Whatcha doin'?" Y/n chirped happily. 
"Oh just putting another basket together for Dadan. She's been needing a lot of medicine as of late. I hope everything's okay." She stated concerned. 
Y/n felt a wave of panic wash over her. "What happened when I parted ways from Sabo and Ace? Did they get hurt? " She shook her head out of it and smiled. 
"Could you deliver this basket for me? I'd ask Rhi, but they're sick today." She asked softly. 
"Absolutely." She agreed with a determined smile. 
"You're a love!" She smiled while squeezing Y/n in a hug and kissing her temple. "thank you, so much sweetheart. If you could deliver the goods before noon, that would be awesome." She smiled. Y/n nodded once again before going into her room, and putting on a pair of blue shorts, and a simple tank top, she did her hair tied back into a ponytail as she slipped her sandals on and grabbed the basket before running out to Dadans hut. 
Once Y/n arrived, she knocked on the door of the hut.
Y/n could hear rustling and shouting from the other side before a tall woman with long curly red hair opened the door. 
"What do you- oh hello there what can I help you with?" She asked nicely. 
The smaller girl gulped "hello miss Dadan… My name is Y/n, and I'm Keely's daughter… I was asked to bring you some medicine." She spoke. 
Dadan smiled "thank you sweetheart, tell Keely I say hi, and-"
"Whoa! is that Y/n?" Sabo asked while smiling and peeking from behind Dadan. 
Ace smiled too "hey! Y/n good to see you! You look different!" 
"Yeah she's not wearing that frilly dress her aunt makes her wear." Sabo grinned. 
Y/n blushed at this and began to feel a little insecure. 
"Oh god does Sabo think I look weird like this? Wait, what? Why do I care?" 
"She doesn't need to be bothered by you right now, little brats." Dadan barked. 
"Please do come in. Your mom has told me much about you and Rhi. It's been a while, I haven't seen her since our glory days as the mountain bandits. I guess marrying and settling down does that, huh?." She spoke sweetly to me. 
Y/n nodded, not questioning it before stepping in, and handing her the basket. 
Upon stepping inside, she saw a third boy sitting at a table, eating copious amounts of meat. 
"Oh ghhj mmvhjmmbhj!" He spoke with his mouth full. 
"Luffy! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Dadan scolded. 
Luffy swallowed his food and smiled "shishishi my bad! Hi there! I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" He smiled. 
Upon seeing the small child Y/n smiled happily 
"Hello there you precious angel bean, I will now die for you!"  
"nice to meet you, Luffy. My name is Y/n." She introduced politely with a sweet smile.
"So Y/n.. your mom tells me you're a healer and herbalist intraining is that true?" Dadan asked. 
"I sure am. I'm hoping to become a medic someday." She smiled proudly. 
Dadan chuckled "big dreams. Keep at it, kiddo. So how old are you now?" She asked. 
"I'm 12. Gonna be 13 soon." She stated before hearing the boys practically spit out their drinks. 
"You're 12!?!" Ace and Sabo stated in unison. 
"Whoa you're practically an adult." Luffy blinked. 
"Wait does that mean you're super strong like my brothers?!" Luffy asked excitedly. 
"Well-" Y/n started only to be cut off by Ace
"Hardly! She needed our help yesterday!" Ace scoffed. 
"Ease up on her Ace. They had knives, she was unarmed." Sabo justified. 
"Sabo you're a freaking saint!" 
"So? We've beaten bigger men with bigger swords! Being so weak where you need help from two 10 year olds? Pathetic!" Ace shook his head. 
"Oh you're that motherfucker." 
Before Y/n could say anything, Dadan thumped Ace across the head "be nice!" 
"Ow why the hell should I be nice?!?" 
"Because she brought medicine for you guys since you three little Fuckheads always come back injured!" 
Sabo blinked before looking at Y/n "you brought this for us?" 
Y/n blushed softly before gulping and holding the basket to him "y-yes… p-please accept this as a token of my gratitude for saving me!" She stammered nervously, holding the basket out while bowing slightly to hide her rosy cheeks. 
Sabo blinked and blushed before smiling and accepting the basket "thanks, Y/n! That's really kind of you." He chuckled. 
She looked up and blushed before smiling. 
Ace watched in annoyance "geez it's like watching a love confession." He groaned while his pinky was knuckle deep up his nose, digging for gold.
"So Y/n, would you like to stay for dinner? I invited your family too for a get together since it's been a while." Dadan asked. 
She smiled up at the lady "is that really okay? I don't wanna impose or nothin'" 
Dadan smiled softly "absolutely! You're such a sweet kid!" She then pulled the smaller girl into a bone crushing hug. 
She laughed while being hugged tightly. "Okay!" 
"Yay!!! New Nakama!!!" Luffy cheered. 
"Yeah…. Whoohoo…. " Ace groaned. 
"So in order for dinner to happen, you guys need to hunt. Got it?" 
Ace, Sabo, and Luffy smiled and nodded. 
"We're on it!" the trio cheered in unison.
"Take Y/n with you, too." Dadan requested. 
Ace sighed and frowned. 
Luffy smiled happily while cheering and proceeded to latch himself onto me. 
"What are you doing, little Monkey?" I giggled.
"Piggyback ride!" He smiled. 
"Alright but I gotta warn you… I go pretty fast!" She then proceeded to quickly Sprint outside as Luffy laughed. "WHOOOOHOOO!" he cheered. 
"You gotta admit, it's kinda nice how she brought us medicine and is getting along with Luffy." Sabo smiled with a dreamy look in his eyes. 
"Yeah I know. She's awesome." Ace stated. 
"Then why are you annoyed?" Sabo asked. 
"Because since you met her yesterday, you've been acting like a lovesick boob!" Ace defended. 
"I have not!" Sabo defended and blushed
"Oh yeah?" Ace challenged before proceeding to imitate Sabo in a mocking fashion. 
"She was so cool! Her hair was so pretty! I feel weird when she smiles! I hope I see her again! Ohhh Y/n, marry me~" Ace mocked. 
Sabo frowned while blushing "okay dude! Not cool! I never said marry me!" 
"You might as well have said that, with how obsessively you've been talking about her! And I bet you're just so excited to show off your manly hunting skills!" Ace retorted with a smirk. 
Sabo rolled his eyes "whatever bro, let's just go catch up before they get lost or worse." 
Ace nodded and shrugged while smirking "you're right… oh wait do you hear that?" Ace asked before stopping in his tracks. 
"What?" Sabo questioned also proceeding to halt his stroll.  
"Y/n and Sabo sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!" Ace sang teasingly before Sabo began stomping off. 
"What? I'm just messing with you! Isn't she like the first girl you like?" 
"Yeah and what about it?" 
"....how's it feel to have the hots for an older woman?" Ace smirked. 
Sabos' eye twitched 
"How's it feel to have no teeth?" the blonde sneered
"I dunno." Ace shrugged
"Keep talking and you'll find out, brother dearest." Sabo sneered. 
"Whoa! Easy killer! I was just playing." Ace raised his arms defensively. 
"I'm sorry… I just.. I dunno.." Sabo sighed. 
"It's fine, bro. I know you like her, and that's fine. I mean dude, you practically begged me to help you save her from those goons." He smiled. 
"I know those guys… their parents allow them to run around hurting people… I couldn't let her get-" 
"Hey guys, everything okay?" 
"Ack! Y/n, how long have you been standing there?!?" Sabo practically shrieked with shock. 
She blinked at his odd behavior before giggling "not too long. Why? Did ya' miss me?" She asked with a slight teasing tone and a smirk. 
Sabo blushed harder before stepping back "uhh n-no, I mean yes- wait why are you teasing me, and where's Luffy?" He changed the subject. 
Real smooth, Sabo.
"Here I am!" Luffy cheered before tackling Sabo with a hug. Sabo caught him. "Sabo! Y/n's amazing! She found a bunch of herbs we can use for dinner! Plus, she's super fast too!" Luffy grinned. 
I smiled and held up the herbs with a grin. "So about the hunt… what do you guys normally look for?" I ask. 
"Usually whatever is around, not really anything-" 
"We ate a huge boar once!" Luffy interrupted Ace. 
Her eyes widened "whoa! Really? That's so cool!" I smiled. 
"Shishishi! Ace and Sabo helped me kill it. They're super strong, and brave! I'm gonna be just like them when I'm 10!" Luffy smiled 
"I'm sure they are, they gotta protect such a sweet little brother. I'm sure you'll be just as strong as them." Y/n smiled. 
Ace groaned "oh brother give me a break…" 
"Sabo beat up this big tiger that attacked me!" Luffy bragged again. 
"Oh wow! That's so cool." I smiled. 
Sabo blushed. "Luffy what are you-" 
"He also took care of me when I got hurt! He shares food with me too. He's really strong and nice!" Luffy continued. 
I giggled at his eagerness to boast about his amazing brothers. 
"Well, I don't know them very well, but I can say this. They are by far the kindest boys I've met…" Y/n smiled warmly at them. 
"Aww what about me?" Luffy whined. 
"What do you mean what about you? You're first on that list, silly!" I giggled and hugged him. 
Sabo watched as Luffy hugged Y/n It was like watching a big sister hugging her precious little brother. 
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dontdietwd · 4 years
Day 310, part 1
Michonne hadn’t been there when we returned that night with the young ones. They were scared and awed at the same time, and everyone at the Village received them really well. Miranda checked their wounds and scratches, they showered, had dinner and slept with the Morales’ for the first night. In the end, when they fell asleep from exhaustion, they were both more relaxed and Emma had even spoken a little. It was going to be good for them to have a real place and people around.
Michonne hadn’t come back on the next day either, and the day was passing and she wasn’t returning. Over 24 hours gone made us all worried. At that point we had already found working radios that could cover a good range for communication, but she wasn’t answering on the channel we all were in. She was probably just out of range, travelled a bit farther, but as the hours passed I got more and more anxious about it, my wrist aching and my heart tight. I always preferred when someone went on runs with her, being alone was not good.
I decided not to allow it anymore. Nobody was to go out alone, at all, ever, that was final.
But for now she was out there, the radio was silent, and time was passing.
I sent Merle out to look for her instead of going myself because there was work to be done at the Village, and I trusted Merle’s tracking and fighting skills. If someone could find and bring Michonne back, it was Merle. So he left and I stayed working with Morales on the wall – I was learning well how to set the bricks with cement – and I got David working with us as Miranda worked on comforting Emma – poor thing, she was jumpy and anxious all the time, even after a good night of sleep. Miranda and Emma were cleaning a house together where the girl and her brother would live. Honey liked her and I thought maybe she could be good company for her. As I worked, my mind was constantly out there, with Michonne and Merle. We had Mikki in the platform, Andrea rounding, and it was all alright.
But my mind was out there with my friends, picturing every little thing that could have gone wrong, every horrible way they could have been hurt, every terrible person they could have found on their way. And if I kept on with it I would go insane.
I needed to do something. Everything in the Village was fine as I walked along Circle Street and turned the corner to Main Street. I saw Mikki coming out of her house to cross the street towards the office. Her hair had changed since I knew her, looking more blonde now, contrasting prettily with her tanned skin. So I jogged to meet her before she could enter the house.
“Mikki!” I called her and she stopped to look at me and smiled. “Odd question! Could you help me with my hair?”
“Oh, honey,” she said tenderly and reached for my head. “What hair?”
I laughed, “It ain’t that short anymore! It’s what, two inches now?”
“If that. What do you wanna do –” and she stopped abruptly, widened her eyes and was suddenly really excited. “Oh, I know what we can do!!”
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the next house, Merle’s. She entered with no ceremony, like she knew the place well. That got me thinking, but I didn’t ask. She dragged me straight to the bathroom – exactly where I had shaved my head the first time – and found the machine inside a drawer.
“You’re shaving me again?” I asked her
“Yes! Not all, though. Just trust me, you’ll look great!”
Eager, she dragged me away again, now to her house. Ma was napping on the couch, so we crossed the house silently and entered the bathroom. This house was larger than mine, more spacious, as we both fit well in the small space. So Mikki looked, and looked, and measured, and drew lines with the handle of a comb, and then started shaving the sides, leaving the top and back of my hair untouched.
And she was right, after she styled the longer part to stand up with hair gel, I did look awesome.
It was still the middle of the afternoon, tough, so I tackled the deep cleaning of my house that I’d been intending to do for a few days already. I had some detergent and bleach and they did a great job. I hand washed all the bed sheets, swept and mopped the floors, cleaned the inside of the fridge – thank the gods for the solar power we’d been able to get running. My fridge was small and didn’t spend a lot, so I still had enough energy for one warm shower a day and to have lights on at night. I washed the sink and kitchen floor with bleach, took the couch and mattress outside to take some sun, cleaned every surface of the house.
I was sweaty and stinky but I still decided to do a little makeover on the outside of the house. I walked around the Village looking at the other houses and chose a few path stones there were in front of one of them. They were large and heavy, so I took the car there and loaded them on the back, one by one, and drove then back to my place to lay them, making a path to connect the sidewalk to the porch steps. Then I swept it all from any dirt, and ended up sweeping the sidewalk too. One thing led to another and I ended up with a can of white paint that Morales’ had stocked and painting the rails of my porch.
I did it all to keep my mind busy and it worked damn well, because it was dark already when I stopped, deciding to give the paint a second hand tomorrow. I went to the sidewalk and looked over the house, the light on the porch on, couch and mattress back in. It was a nice house, real small with just a living room joined with dining room, a small kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom. It was enough and more than that, it was awesome. It was mine, the first time in my life that I had a house that was nobody else’s, and that was home.
I just needed Daryl there with me now. We could be happy in this house.
The radio on the back of my waist came to life then, startling me but in a really good way.
“Sam, you’re there?”
I nearly dropped it in the hurry to answer, “Michonne?! You okay?”
“I’m fine!” her voice told me.
Fuck, that was a relief!
“Is Merle there?”
“Yes, he found me,” and before I could ask what had happened and whey they’d be coming home, Merle’s voice came over Michonne’s. I could see him grabbing the radio from her hands unceremoniously.
“How ya doing, Sammy girl?”
I laughed. Shit, thank God!
“Don’t call me Sammy!” I answered exactly what Merle was expecting to hear. “Where are you? You coming home?”
I waited for an answer but the radio was silent for a while. Too long.
A few more seconds passed before she answered. Shit, don’t do that to a person!
“We’ll be back at first light tomorrow. Too dark already.”
Right. No wandering around at night, I had decided that. Nobody was to be out of the Village at night even if they had to sleep somewhere else in order to only be out of any safe place during the day. I wanted them back home, but I’d made the rule for a reason.
“Are you safe? Gonna be safe until morning?”
“We’re safe, don’t worry.”
“Good. Good, okay. Thank you for reaching out, I was worried sick here.”
“I know you were,” she told me and I could hear she had a smile at that. “How are things there?”
“All in order. Found two kids in the woods and brought them home yesterday. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Please, no delays in the morning, okay?”
“You got it. We’ll see you soon. Good night!”
“Night,” and I added knowing Merle was by her. “Night, asshole!”
There was no answer but I could hear Merle’s laugh in my head. I laughed shaking my head, relief flooding me. They were fine.
I made one more round in the Village, spoke to everyone, checked again on the nights shifts and went back home. I tried turning on the little stereo that had been in the house but apparently the battered had finally died and it didn’t work. I remembered there were other ones on the stock house but I didn’t bother going there to get them now. I just took off my boots, sat on the couch, closing my eyes and breathing out, and then lit up a joint and smoked a little of it. Only two or three lungful’s, just to relax. I couldn’t smoke too much today because I had to be up in the middle of the night for my round shift. Already light on my feet, I moved to the kitchen, prepared myself some dinner – I had leftovers from yesterday’s canned meatballs – and after eating I took a quick, hot shower and went to bed.
I didn’t know, when I woke up just a few hours later, that my life was about to take a whole turn once again.
 * * *
 Merle wasn’t there but his schedule was followed normally. In the last three hours of the night, Mikki was on the gate platform keeping guard and I was in my post, circling the inner walls of the Village, Honey loyally following my every step. It was a calm night like all and the day was starting to show its face, the sky palling gradually and all the birds around starting to sing.
I was up on a tree on the back of the Village looking out to the woods over the hedge with binoculars. All quiet, nothing more than one walker with a long white dress wandering blindly far from there. Damn, that was a bride…
Mikki’s voice on the radio cut the silence, “Sam, do you hear me?”
I took it from my waist band, letting the binoculars hang, “Clearly, what’s up?”
“I see cars coming down the road towards us, bit slow.”
“Pro’ly Merle and Michonne coming back,” I told her.
“Nope,” she said with certainty. “Not their cars.”
“I’m on my way.”
I let myself fall from the branch to the ground and made my way walking fast nearly in a sprint around the lake towards Main Street. Just as I entered it, the radio came alive once again.
“Sam, quick, they’ve stopped!”
I started running, Honey did too, keeping up with me, “You’re armed, right?”
“I am, but they –”
She stopped abruptly.
Instead of her voice on the radio, I got Merle’s from somewhere out there, “What’s goin’ on over there?”
“Gonna know in a minute!” I told him and was already halfway up Main Street and now I could see Mikki up the platform, and she seemed fine. Not less worried, I saw David under it, looking up, his rifle already in hand. I heard steps behind me and saw Andrea and Morales, also armed, running up the street, and as I ran past Will and Mikki’s house, Will was coming out as well. I just stopped on the bottom of the platform to cock and arm my crossbow and having it ready before joining Mikki upon the platform and instantly aiming out, before I could even see who or what was out there.
I understood who it was at the same time he also recognized me.
The Governor.
He had an annoying, arrogant smile on his face, but when he saw who I was, when he fixed his eyes on me, it was gone instantly.
“You,” he said simply.
“Right back at ya, asshole,” I had no fucking ceremonies this time. “The fuck you want?”
He started laughing, his assault rifle in hand still pointing up. His man behind him, though, had them all pointed right at Mikki and I.
“Lynn,” the Governor said as he laughed. “Who’d tell? It’s you! I remember you. You’ve killed my men! Massacred them, I’ll give you that. I’ve been looking for you; did you know that?”
“How did you find me?”
“Oh, your little friends told me where to find you.”
Wait a minute. Merle and Michonne hadn’t. I was definitely sure they hadn’t, they’d talked to me yesterday on the radio, Merle had just talked to me. They hadn’t.
“Don’t bullshit me, Gov,” I mocked. “No friend of mine told you where to find me.”
“No? China boy and farm girl are not your friends then?” he laughed and I was frozen, the words still meaningless in my ears.
China boy and farm girl.
China boy and farm girl!
Glenn. Maggie.
Glenn and Maggie!
“D’you have them?” I asked, my insides in turmoil but I kept me exterior firm.
“Oh, so now you do know them,” he said with a smile. “It wasn’t even that hard to get them to say it. Point a gun at the china man’s bloodied head, farm girl will tell you all.”
Glenn and Maggie.
How the fuck did they lead the Governor here? I understand Maggie would tell anyone anything is Glenn’s life was a risk – and damn, Glenn and Maggie!! They were together and nearby; they were all nearby! – but how in the holy fuck did they know where the village was? Fuck, so many questions and the only person who could answer them was the Governor, the motherfucker.
I needed help. I needed everyone who was at home and I needed Merle and Michonne, I needed them all. So I needed time. I lowered my crossbow a little, not aiming for his head anymore, as an attempt to get them to relax a little bit.
“What have you done to them?”
“What do you think, Lynn? Wouldn’t mistreat guests, now, would I? What kind of man you take me for?”
“The kind that attacks smaller communities to take it all and tortures people for information? Am I close?”
He laughed, opening his arms, “You got me!”
I smiled at him. “Let’s talk, Gov. I ain’t willin’ to strike back like I did last time. Maybe we can work something out.”
“You wanna talk?” he stopped and pretended to be considering it.
“I got more than I did back then. More people, even more weapons. If I was trouble for you then, you don’t wanna know what I can do now.”
“You’re threatening me now?”
“Friendly warning. Let’s all put our guns down and I’ll go down there to talk, how does that sound?”
He nodded, mouth turning up and opening his arms, “Sure. Come on down, we’ll talk.”
We’ll talk, my ass.
Nodding, I lowered the crossbow all the way and Mikki and I went down the ladder, and started giving out orders immediately, my voice firm but low so they wouldn’t hear me from the other side of the wall.
Thank god the front wall had been the first one we got done. No bullets would go through it.
“Full load, everyone! Hide behind the cars and shoot the fuck outta them! This man will not talk, he’ll shoot as soon as we open the gate. Shoot to kill. They’ll not take the Village, we’ll fight for it!” and I took the radio and pressed the button, “Miranda, you got Ma and Emma?”
She answered immediately, “I got them!”
“You three stay in there no matter what until one of us go get you!”
“Got it!” she said.
“Michonne, Merle, you get your ass back here RIGHT NOW!”
“On our way already!” Merle said though it. “Fuck’s happenin’ there?”
“He found us. The Governor’s here.”
He took a second to answer and I knew he and Michonne were over there wherever the fuck they were, sharing a worried and angry look.
“Six minutes,” he informed me.
Good, that was quick enough.
I hang the crossbow on my back and took the .12 shotgun what was Will’s before, checked it was full and moved to the gate, everyone already out of sight but ready behind the cars. Looking at Mikki, who had her hands on the gate ready to slide it open, and gestured for her to open it and then to run up the platform. She nodded, her face serious and concentrated, and opened it.
With my back to the wall right on the side of the gate, I peeked out just as there was only a gap. The first shot came right then, hitting the metal of the still sliding gate, sparks flying and making me flinch back inside.
“Fuck! I thought you said we’d talk!” I yelled.
“I changed my mind!” the Governor’s voice came from somewhere outside.
Unlike in the movies when the bad guy and the good guy have a whole conversation before the big action scene, we said nothing else, neither did anyone. My people started shooting as soon as the gate was fully opened, aiming for any parts of bodies from the Governor’s people that could be seen. Mikki was already up in the platform, crouched down to hide behind the wall, shooting and hiding again. Shots came non-stop from the outside, making it hard for me to get an opportunity to look out, aim and shoot. These motherfuckers were trained, much better than we were.
Mental note to get battle training to everyone from now on. With plans and formations and all.
I needed to get out of this corner because he knew that’s where I was and bullets were grazing the corner of the wall too close to me for my likes. Before I could sprint away though, his voice came from the outside again.
“I thought you said you wanted to talk!”
“I lied!”
I took the crossbow from my back and let it fall there near the wall. As much as I loved it, I wouldn’t be much help not and the thing was heavy, I didn’t need anything holding me back. Then I ran away, not entering the line of fire by running behind and around Ma’s house – thank God she was at Miranda’s with her and Emma, no stray bullets would get to them – and returning to the street behind the cars with the others. I knelt on the asphalt and from there I had better chances on seeing and shooting them. I hit one of the men high in the chest, nearly on his neck instead of in the head like I wanted.
Update on my kills: five.
We’d have as least one walker in a few minutes, also all the noise as going to attract others from the area. This had to end as soon as possible. I heard, among the all the shooting, when the door of a car was strongly closed and a motor turned on. They couldn’t be withdrawing, could they?
Looking over the hood, I saw the Governor had a huge truck with some sort of metal grid fortifications on it, and he was accelerating. Caught his eyes then.
He was smiling.
“Get away from the cars!!!” I yelled at the others as loudly as I could. “Now!!”
But I only moved after the instant I saw the others heard me. Morales, Andrea, David and Will ran seeking cover elsewhere but I had no time to see where because looking again I saw the car coming straight at the car I was behind, straight at me.
I jumped to the side of the street, falling on my chest and hands just as he hit the car. Motherfucker destroyed my Hummer but it didn’t matter now, because as I turned to look, the car had flied sideways and it went straight to the office porch. The wood column tumbled and the roof fell on top of the ruined car, the whole small house bending to the side. It was destroyed.
Safe inside the car even after a strong crash, the Governor looked out at me through the window, smiling and opening the door. Still on the ground I reached for my shotgun that had fallen by my side, stretching a bit, but before I could even point at him and cock it, the Governor was out of the car and a golden brown shadow was flying over me towards him.
Honey attacked like I’d never seen her do, viciously, growling and biting his arm. He was screaming, his machine gun falling to the ground, and he fought her. I turned to shoot at others who were approaching to try to help him.
Six. Seven.
I didn’t see him take a pistol from fuck knows where even as he tried to fight Honey away. I just heard the shot and a shriek whimper and Honey fell to the ground. I froze looking at her, who was trying to stand, limping and crying, and there was blood coming from somewhere on her hind.
Now I had it. That was it. Motherfucker wanted to take my Village? I’d kill him for it. But shoot my dog?! I’d fucking torture him!
It was like it was all happening in slow motion. Honey had fallen and I’d looked at her, and rising my shotgun again looked back at the sonofabitch as he pointed his pistol right at me, a satisfied, smug look on his face even as his other arm bled. I lowered my shotgun as I swirled around myself, raising my leg as I went, the motion giving me force to kick the motherfucker’s hand away and send his gun flying away. It hurt his hand, good, and he cradled it as I got nearer and pointed the shotgun right at his head.
“Kneel!” I yelled and he rose his hands. The shooting around us was lessened but not gone, so his men were still around. The Governor was bending his knees a little, looking a bit scared at me but not kneeling as I ordered.
And then his creepy, annoying little smile returned, and felt a barrel of a gun press on the back of my head.
“You kneel,” a male voice said from behind me.
My wrist burned like hell as I held the shotgun, finger on the trigger. “I got a shotgun on your boss forehead, you sure this is a good idea?”
“Drop it!” the man yelled as he pressed it strongly against my head. It was still a bit hot from his probable shooting with it before, and it pushed me a little forward.
Fuck. Fuck, fuck.
Where the fuck were the others? There was still shooting going on, so I don’t think any of them could come to my rescue, and there the hell were Merle and Michonne? It’d been over six minutes hadn’t it?! But was that a car noise? I couldn’t look, but I knew someone was coming. They were here, they’d help.
I’d had to lower the gun but I didn’t want to. But the hot barrel on the back of my head made sure I did. I lowered it and –
And then so many things happened at the same time it got all a mess in my mind. The car I’d head came cross the gate and ran over one of the governor’s man, who flew somewhere out of my sight. I felt the gun on my head move and the man holding it got startled, but it never left. I looked to my side to see it and they were coming out of the car, Merle, Michonne, Rick, Daryl, all guns pointed at us, including the crossbow and –
I saw nothing, all the sounds around me deafened by my pounding heart and ringing ears and I looked, just stared, everything around me in slow motion again. Daryl was coming on our direction, crossbow pointed and long steps, and his eyes found mine.
He was here.
Daryl was here.
My eyes widened and I started, but only just started, to come back to myself and the reality around me. There was a gun pointed to my head but I couldn’t simply not look at Daryl, because this was Daryl and he was here.
It had all happened in probably two seconds. I was being grabbed forcefully, turned to face the others, to face Daryl with the Governor behind me, the gun now in his hand, pointing it at my temple, his arm around my neck. I hadn’t seen it happening. I got distracted, obviously because Daryl was here, how could I not? I raised my hands to hold the Governor’s arm, trying to pull it away from my neck because the feeling of a man around my neck again got to my nerves instantly, but my eyes were still on Daryl, as though if I stared enough I would understand what was happening and what he was doing here.
“Merle?” the Governor asked from behind me and then laughed aloud.
It was only then that I looked around, my eyes leaving Daryl’s to see Rick right there, his Python pointed right at me – of course not at me, but the man had his head hidden well right behind mine – and then Merle, his eyes worried looking at us and Michonne coming a little behind, limping.
Oh, these guys had lots to tell me! I’d want details!
But first I had to get rid of this motherfucker. The other man was by our side and I felt movement behind us, which meant other of Woodbury’s men where there, and then my people we closing in behind the others, behind Daryl.
So it was me between the two groups. Nobody wanted to do anything not to risk him shooting me in the head right in front of them. Oh, no, he wouldn’t. Daryl was right here, finally, after so long he was here in my sight, and I would not just motherfucking die now.
I hadn’t said a word yet and I wouldn’t because if I said anything it would end up being Daryl’s name and now was not the moment.
“Drop it!” Daryl said and I couldn’t believe I was hearing his voice again. It was loud and firm and filled with anger. Oh my Daryl.
I had to think and act fast but any defense movement I knew would point the gun right at the people in front of me even for a milliseconds and he could pull the trigger and end up hitting someone. I couldn’t take the risk.
It felt like it’d been all happening for minutes but it was seconds. The Governor was speaking, threatening but I didn’t register the words because I started panicking a bit when he started walking back, towards the car he’d used to enter the Village. He was going to take me away.
Everyone reacted at that, yelling at him to stop, at his man to drop, but nobody felt safe enough to shoot or he’d shoot me, I knew that’s what they were all feeling.
“Shoot’em!” the Governor yelled from behind my head and at that, chaos spread. I barely saw it, everyone was shooting and looking for cover but I didn’t watch long enough. I squatted a little as I removed one hand from his arm around my neck and raised it strongly above our heads, pushing his armed hand up and away from my head. I failed in grabbing hold of his wrist, though, and that was a mistake. As I grabbed his arm around my neck with my other hand, I tried shoving him backwards with my hips and pulling his forward so he’d roll over me and fall on the ground, but his free hand came down on my head, the butt of the gun hitting me straight in the nose.
I hear the crunchy noise and went blind to everything, my eyes watering instantly and I screamed a round of curses because that hurt like a motherfucker, and then I was being dragged into the car. I kicked and punched and spat all I could but now I was mostly useless. He was again on my back, the worst bear hug I’d ever experienced, and then I was inside with him and two other men were entering even as the bullets flew freely outside, people yelling and cursing. He pressed the gun to my temple again to make me stop fighting and then the car was backing off, bullets grazing it and the thing was probably armored because none came though, not even the windows.
We were outside already and people were running, I was able to look though the back window and I saw, and it broke my heart and filled the little pieces with rage, that Daryl was out, looking at the car sped away on the road, and he ran after us for a while before stopping and running back to the Village.
This was not over. They were all gonna go after me. Daryl was gonna get me.
So I relaxed and stopped struggling against the Governor’s chest, and he let go of me, pushing me away to press my back against the back door, and he faced me.
And he saw me smiling.
“Do you think you have reasons to be smiling about, Lynn?” he asked me, the gun pointed at my chest.
I licked the blood that was rolling down my nose to my lips. “Yeah, I actually do. It’s ‘cause you got no idea. No fuckin’ idea, Gov.”
“No idea of what?” he asked as he breathed hard though his teeth.
“That you’re fuckin’ with the wrong people.”
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angrylizardjacket · 5 years
bodyache {Joe Mazzello/Reader/Lucy Boynton} [1]
Cryptid AU
Summary: Reader is sick, and Lucy and Joe want nothing more than to come and make her feel better, but there’s more at play here than just a headache.
A/N: 4773 words. I’m worried it’s too exposition-y. I meant this to be one thing but I had to stop it where I did because it’s 2am, and I think it would benefit from being 2 parts. anyways, feedback please would be great! :)
Reminder: Lucy is a witch. Joe is a demon. Rami is an angel. Gwil is a dryad. Ben is an alien.
You've had this headache for what feels like a week. It didn't start off too bad, it wasn't like you were hit with a sudden wave of pain behind your eyes, more like someone had been slowly tightening a vice on your skull for three days. Yesterday it was a slight bother. Today it was a problem.
"Is there anything either of you can suggest - non-magical -" you have to specify over Skype to Joe and Lucy that night, "to help?"
"I don't have any traditional cures anymore, I'm sorry, dear." Lucy frowns, looking a little lost.
"And I've never actually had a headache," Joe muses, "so I can't exactly help you."
"Yeah, rub it in why don't you," you grumbled, squeezing your eyes closed, rubbing at your brow. After a moment, Joe gives a surprisingly gentle apology, and you can't help but sigh. "Sorry, it's just been a long day, the internet says it should go away if I drink water but I've had like four glasses and it's still there." When you crack your eyes open, you see them both looking back at you with concern written all over their faces. For just a moment, your heart softens, and the pain dulls just a little. "I miss you guys."
This is the longest the three of you have been apart since they first agreed to go ghost hunting with you. Since the press tour had ended, and the, let's say eventful hunting trips had ended, you were being whisked back to your office in LA, and they had gone back to the UK and New York to see family and wind down after the tour. But it meant you were all apart, which was sometimes difficult after everything you'd been through.
"That balm I made to help you sleep should keep the pain away while you're unconscious," Lucy tries, but it obviously upsets her to see you in pain. She looks like she's contemplating coming to see you in person, and you know you should wave her off, let her spend time at home, but your head feels like a grape being squished. You stay quiet.
The pain gets worse as the days go by and sometimes you think you see something out of the corner of your eyes, something malevolent, or maybe you think that there's people watching you as you pass by different desks at work. But you're pretty sure, at least at first, that it's just your mind playing tricks on you. You buy more pain killers, and you drink plenty of water, and you use the balm that Lucy made that knocks you out cold every night.
The pain in your mind plateaus at a point where you can barely ignore it, but not at the point where it's worth anyone else worrying about, and the Tylenol feels like a lifesaver most days.
Until it's not.
"You're Cheryl's assistant, right? You went with her on the BoRhap tour, didn't you?" The man at the door is familiar in a way that means he's new and unfamiliar, that you've only seen him around the office a few times; he'd started just before you'd arrived back from the tour, apparently.
Weakly, you nod. The painkillers are about as effective as sugar pills today.
"So you like know them? The cast, like did you meet them and stuff?" He asks, far too eager and ignoring your obviously pained expression. Crossing his arms, he leans against the doorframe of your office. You don't answer, and for the barest moment, with your head in your hands, you feel the pain, the pressure in your head lessen, just a little. "It's alright if you don't want to talk about it." He says, gentler this time.
"The Bohemian Rhapsody cast, I just, I wanna know what they're like!"
His name is Marcus, and there's something about him that doesn't seem right. But you're not sure what.
He keeps stopping to make small talk with you in the office, will be getting lunch at the same cafe as you, and always seems to say goodbye to you when you leave for the day. It would be kind of nice, just rather friendly, if his very presence didn't set you on edge for some reason you just can't quite put your finger on.
But you can ignore it. Your headaches are marginally better, and soon enough you have bigger things to worry about. Like Joe pressing the buzzer to your apartment. Repeatedly. At 3am.
"What are you doing here?" You grumble and yawn once he's at your actual door after being buzzed in and taking the elevator up.
"Couldn't sleep," he muses, peering into your apartment, though you refuse to move.
"It's not like you need it anyways, seriously, why are you here?" You ask, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. With your arms crossed over your chest, anyone else would have looked a little bit put out at being denied entry, but Joe just looks concerned.
"Headaches still bothering you?" He asked, and it's here you drop his gaze, becoming acutely aware of the now ever-present ache in your skull. Slowly, slowly enough that you could stop him if you wanted, Joe reaches out to take your face in his hands. He's warm, he always runs warm, but your gaze meets his and he looks like he's concentrating.
"I'm not great at this," he admits under his breath, and as you realise what he's doing you wrench out of his grip, snatching up his hand and pulling him into your apartment. You close the door behind him, and for a moment he's so worried that he's made you angry, but when you look at him, it's not with a glare, but with concern.
"In the hallway? Are you kidding? That's so reckless!"
"I'm always reckless, have you met me?" He grins, but steps up to you, holds your face gently once more. This time, however, you lean into his touch, let your eyes fall closed as the familiarity of his warmth eases your poor, stressed and sore heart. "And it's three in the morning, who's gonna see?" He asks quietly, but it sounds distracted, and already you can feel the pain in your mind beginning to dissolve.
He doesn't get all of it, but it's much better than it was before, and when he announces that he did what he could, bringing your face close to his so he could drop a kiss on your forehead, you surge forward and wrap your arms around him.
"No, it's great, it's awesome, thank you so much," you murmur, and he hugs you back, holds you tight and mutters about how Lucy's better at that sort of stuff, but you pull back and kiss him to shut him up.
Much to your surprise, he admits easily how much he's missed you, won't even pretend he had some obviously fake motive, just toed off his shoes when you head back to bed, and tells you that he and Lucy had been worried, but her flight wouldn't get her to you until tomorrow afternoon- actually, it's after midnight; this afternoon. You turn off the heater since Joe is warmer than a furnace, and the two of you settle in to bed together, curled up, your head on his chest.
"You don't have a heartbeat," you mutter, and Joe hums for a moment. The way the thump of his heartbeat starts so suddenly in his chest makes goosebumps rise on your arms.
"Babe that's really freaky," you rest your chin on his chest and fix him with a concerned look.
"I can make it sound like bongos, you wanna hear?" He grins brightly.
"Horrifying." But still you lay back down, and he keeps the rhythm of his heartbeat steady. His fingers ghost along your bare arm and with your headache mostly alleviated, you can feel yourself drifting off again. "Love you." You yawn, and he pets your arm gently.
"I love you too."
You wake up for work the next morning feeling better than you have in almost three weeks. Joe walks you the few blocks to your office, his arm around you, the two of you chatting easily about nothing much, which turns to excitement about seeing Lucy again. There's a few moments where you catch people staring and you know it's not your imagination and you find yourself remembering that Joe is in fact quite a big deal in his own right, especially with Bohemian Rhapsody so close to releasing, and you're hit with a wave of insecurity.
But it seems Joe doesn't notice, too distracted looking up at the building you work in. There's a deep frown wrinkling his brow, and there's concern in his voice when he asks you if this is the place.
You nod.
He blinks up at the building and you catch sight of his irises and whites swallowed up by an inky darkness as, for just a moment, he looks with his true sight.
"Maybe this place is giving you headaches," and when he looks at you, his eyes are back to normal; if you didn't know any better, you could play it off as a trick or the light, "weird vibes." He adds.
"You and your vibes," you smirk, giving him a shove, "it's probably just a vampire in legal or something." Joe groans, loud and faux put upon, scrunching his face up.
"A vampire? Ah, geeze of course I'm getting bad vibes-"
"I know, I know," you tease, wrapping your arms around his neck, "never met a vampire who liked you." Voice quiet, you try and placate him with a sweet kiss, but he can't help himself.
"They just don't like that I -"
"You're about to say something weirdly specific that we can't pass off as a euphemism the way we can with vampires," you advise. He nods in solemn agreement, and you leave for work.
At about midday, your phone starts going off with messages, and you have to pause where you’re making small talk with Marcus to check it. It’s the group chat between yourself and your partners.
Lucy 💖: when do you have lunch? just got in. want to see you xx Squishy Human: in about an hour and a half. hope your flight was good. excited to see you too!! Devilman Crybaby: do i make a joke about broomsticks or ‘your arms must be tired’ Lucy 💖: broom parking is cheaper in england so unfortunately i flew here like a regular person 😘😘 Devilman Crybaby: then your arms must be tired 😘
Lucy 💖 changed Squishy Human’s nickname to Precious Human. Devilman Crybaby changed Lucy 💖’s nickname to Sabrina the Teenage Witch 💖. Precious Human changed the group chat name to No Bad Vibes.
“What’s got you so smiley?” Marcus asks, giving you a gentle nudge, though the moment he comes within even a centimetre of touching you, your headache spikes and your mood sours.
“My girlfriend just got in to town, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her,” you say, careful not to say too much; for all they’re casual with you, Joe and Lucy are still celebrities. Marcus is giving off a seriously werid energy, maybe you should have Lucy or Joe run some sort of supernatural background check on him... which you weren’t entirely sure they could do, neither of them was really forthcoming about the extent of their powers, persay, but you could at least bring up the suggestion.
But for the moment, he seems happy for you, and he moves on and lets you get back to your work.
When you step out of your building and into the blinding afternoon sunlight, you take a few moments to blink, to orientate yourself with your headache still pulsing by your temples. After a moment of glaring at the clear, blue sky, you’re greeted by a familiar feminine voice, though when you turn, it’s not to a familiar face.
“Hello dear,” it’s Lucy’s voice, you’d know it anywhere, but the woman definitely doesn’t look like Lucy. She’s blonde, lithe and angular, but you’re pretty sure that’s where the similarities stop.
“Excuse me?” Of course you’re hesitant, you’re about sixty percent sure it’s Lucy, but it’s also LA, and you’re already wrapped up in some strange, supernatural stuff, so you can never really be too careful. 
“Oh, sorry, it’s me, it’s Lucy. I’m trying out a new glamour,” relief floods through you at her words; you didn’t exactly have any reason to not believe her. You can’t help but smile, and then she’s grinning brightly back; even for the illusion, you’d never be able to mistake that smile for anyone else’s. 
When she hugs you, she murmurs a much gentler, much fonder greeting into the crook of your neck, and something about just holding her close eases the aching in your mind. Though she shifts so she can look at you, her elegant fingers coming to ghost across your brow, she doesn’t move back, doesn’t move away.
“There is something there,” she murmurs, thoughtful more than anything else. It feels like she’s looking through you, looking past you, seeing something more beyond what everyone else could. It was a little unnerving.
“Hey,” voice gentle, you call her back to reality, expression gentle, and yeah it felt a little weird to be looking at a face that was not entirely Lucy’s, the familiar warmth of her in your arms was enough to reassure you, “let’s get some lunch before you start telling me my brain is haunted.” You joke, and Lucy’s answering smile is soft, her hand coming to rest on your cheek as she agrees easily. 
Meeting her halfway, the way she kisses you is all too familiar, sweet and gentle in the afternoon light. It feels like you can breathe again for the first time in a long time.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch 💖 sent a photo to No Bad Vibes.
Devilman Crybaby: Who Is She Devilman Crybaby: Who is that with Y/N?? Lucy is that the source of her headaches?? Precious Human: omfg joe Devilman Crybaby: ??? Sabrina the Teenage Witch 💖: That’s me Sabrina the Teenage Witch 💖: I’m using a glamour. Precious Human: 😂😂😂 Devilman Crybaby: oh. Devilman Crybaby: you guys are adorable im so stupid 😂😍
“There’s something strange about you,” Lucy’s frowning at you across the table where you’re both eating lunch in your favourite cafe, and isn’t that a strange thought. If someone told you a year ago that you’d be sharing lunch with Lucy Boynton, actual witch and your girlfriend, you’d absolutely have laughed until you’d cried, yet here you were.
“You-weird, or regular people weird?” You ask around a mouthful of the sandwich you’d bought.
“Well,” and she gives a small smile, looking down at where she’s stabbing at her fruit salad absent-mindedly with her fork, “there’s always something strange about you, but that’s strange I’m used to; our strange rubs off on you, you can’t help that.” At that you frown, but keep quiet, just wait for her to elaborate, “okay,” she finally concedes, “for all we make fun of Joe for his obsession with the concept of vibes, it’s the only way I can describe this phenomena; each of us, me, Joe, Rami, Ben, Gwil, and everyone like us, if we’re around someone for an extended period of time, someone like you, we tend to leave...” pausing, she ate a piece of watermelon, looking thoughtful, “we leave vibes, like a proof of our existence.”
“You guys have marked me?” You snort, and Lucy’s eyes go wide, as does her grin.
“Not in a physical sense, it’s more like perfume -” though she reflexively frowned, “I mean, Rami’s almost literally is, from what I can recall, but he’s an angel so what else would you expect.”
“Like perfume,” you muse, “so it fades?”
“Yes, usually after maybe a week or so? Depends, it’s different for everyone.”
“So if Rami’s perfume, what’s Joe?” Your grin turns wicked, “is it wet dog? Burnt toast? I’m going with smells here, are the vibes like smells? What does someone like Joe vibe?” You ask pointedly, wiggling to get more comfortable in your seat, your sandwich forgotten as you leaned forward eagerly. Idly you knew there had to be day-to-day effects of exposure to supernatural creatures, but it was exciting to get confirmation.
“Everyone’s vibe is different, it’s not necessarily a smell; Gwil is the feeling of waking up from a nap in an orchard on a perfect Summer afternoon,” Lucy spoke around a grape and piece of honeydew, “Ben’s hard to describe; the best I can give you is like... pop rocks? But pop rocks that aren’t of this galaxy.” She half laughs, and you nod; makes sense. “But Joe,” her smile becomes almost adoring, so fond as she considered him, “he’s cinnamon whiskey.” Laughing a little, her eyes roam your face, searching. “The others have faded, but he’s there; it’s strange, him being the only familiar one I can sense.”
And there it is again, that concern, that feel like she’s looking at you but not really seeing you.
“It’s like someone set fire to a wasps nest!” It’s the single least comforting thing anyone has ever said to you, and she says it like she’s solved some great mystery. At your blatant concern, she finally meets your gaze, and reaches slowly to tap your temple; as she does so, your headache spikes, making you visibly wince, though she moment she withdraws her hand the pain eases, “I’ve been trying to figure out what it felt like, it’s all by your temples, bunched up there.”
“Can you do anything about it? That sounds horrifying.” Leaning back, you can’t help but frown, anxiety beginning to pool in your stomach.
“Not here,” Lucy answers, her expression mirroring your own, “after you finish work we can figure something out, I promise.” You let it go, let it slide, it’s not bothering you much at the moment, so you just let yourself enjoy her company.
“What’s your vibe?” You ask, after a long moment and a few more bites of your lunch. Lucy gives a strange little smile.
“I don’t have a very strong aura; I’m still mostly human -”
“You’re like four hundred.”
“I’m a child compared to the rest of them, and,” she hesitates, “I’m the only one who started out completely human,” she admits, and that comes as news to you, though you try not to let your shock show on your face, “it’s not really my place to talk about it but, yeah, by a lot of people’s standards I’m just a very hardy human with a lot of tricks up my sleeve.” Though she looks a little forlorn, it only takes her a moment to smile again, this time gentle and warm, “I’m not sure about my vibe right now, but Joe can sense it pretty well, ask him.”
Though your headache had subsided over lunch, it comes back with a vengeance back in the office, and you’re practically counting down the minutes until you can head home. Thankfully Marcus leaves you alone for the afternoon, though he gives you a strange look when you get back in from lunch. You don’t dwell on it.
Devilman Crybaby: @Precious Human something is wrong with your apartment Precious Human: oh hell what did you break? Devilman Crybaby: no, that’s lucy saying that. she just showed up. Devilman Crybaby: also she’s right. Precious Human: ???  Precious Human: What Does That Mean Sabrina the Teenage Witch 💖: can you meet us at the restaurant across from your place after work? Precious Human: yeh of course Precious Human: seriously, what’s wrong with my apartment??
You find them both tucked away in the back corner of the Chinese restaurant across the road from your apartment, talking quiet enough that no-one passing by would be able to hear them. Joe looks uncharacteristically serious. Lucy’s still in her glamour.
“It’s not random; you’re being targeted.” Lucy tells you flatly as you slide into the booth opposite the both of them.
“Hello to you too, super ominous greeting, thanks,” your eyebrows rise as you look between them, unamused, concerned more than anything else.
“How was work?” Joe gives a brief reprieve and slight smile, bumping your foot with his under the table. You sigh, unable to bring yourself to smile back, shrugging.
He nods in understanding, and you both turn your attention back to Lucy.
“Sorry, hello dear, I didn’t mean to alarm you, I’m just worried,” she sighed, reaching out across the table to take your hand in hers, “it feels like someone’s purposefully giving you negative energy, like they’ve been overloading you with it for a while, and you carry it home with you and-”
“It’s all over my apartment,” you feel your breath catch in your throat, eyes going wide in realisation.
“Yeah,” Joe nodded grimly, “I felt it last night but I didn’t want to worry you in case my senses were off or something; I thought it was a mistake.” There’s a strange quality to his voice, a muted anger that seems to surprise even Lucy, and when the two of you turn to him, his gaze dips.
“What do you mean?” Lucy asked quietly, and Joe looked up, giving a tight smile.
“I thinks it’s one of mine.”
“Yours?” You ask with a slight frown. He gives you a very pointed look.
Oh. His. Demon. Oh no.
“How do you know?” You hear yourself ask, and even Lucy seems interested in hearing the answer.
“So Luce told you about, like, vibes and shit,” Joe began, avoiding both of your gazes and fidgeting, “well for people, ah, like me, we have some control over that - some - but there’s a catch; we, I’m gonna say run warm, and our vibes or whatever always reflect that. At first it’s like a warning sign for anyone who can sense it, like ‘stay away! This dude somehow feels like a forest fire!’, you know? But as we get older, we can change it so that it’s less aggressive, if we want it to be, but it’s still warm, and it’s a very slow going process.” He pauses, considers, “I have a friend, granted they’re much older than me, and they’re like falling asleep in a sunbeam. It’s cosy, but they use it to lure in other creatures who can sense it, like an angler fish, you know?”
For the barest moment you find yourself painfully aware of the fact that Joe Mazzello, the man sitting across from you, is a literal demon, an apex predator, and older than he’ll ever admit. The fact that he’s sitting across from you, his knee knocking yours beneath this little table, so calm and nonthreatening, it’s more than a little terrifying when you think about it.
“Are you okay?” Joe brings you back to reality, looking at you with concern.
“Yeah, I’m - why?” You say, still feeling a thrum of nervous anxiety running through you, both from the realisation that Joe was a terrifying and probably ancient demon, and that a different demon might be targeting you. After a beat, you pinched the bridge of your nose, exhaling, another memory coming to you, “it’s still weird that you can tell when I’m afraid.”
“Listen, if I could turn off that particular sense of mine, I would, everyone’s so afraid nowadays,” Joe grumbles, adjusting to sit lower in his seat, actually pouting, “and it’s not even fun fear; the twenty-sixteen clown sightings? That was fun; like candy- it was like fairy floss to me. Now all I’ve got is climate change and politics, it’s like I’m stuck eating drywall.” His words leave you reeling, and even Lucy looks a little concerned, but Joe just huffed. “Anyways, it’s probably one of my lot, but I don’t recognise it; last person I knew who had an affinity for putting wasps in their aura is taking a vacation at the bottom of Marianas Trench.”
There’s no way you’re heading back to the apartment tonight, a sentiment which all three of you agree upon, and so that’s how you find yourself in a hotel a few blocks from your house. Since you hadn’t been able to go home, you find yourself in a fluffy bath robe provided by the establishment after your shower.
“You look so cute like that,” Joe grins from where he’s lounging on the bed, watching TV idly while Lucy keeps pulling things from her suitcase. The moment she’d stepped into the hotel room she’d taken off the charm bracelet she’d been wearing, and her glamour had dropped away.
Now she looked like herself, carefully lining up dried herbs and other ingredients, looking back and forth between them and an old looking book. When you climb onto the bed beside Joe, you take a moment to watch her, quiet and contemplative, before shifting to lie against his chest.
“What’s Lucy’s vibe?” You recall your earlier conversation, and Lucy grows still where she’s working.
“She didn’t tell you?” Joe asks, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you close so he could rub circles against your back.
“I couldn’t; I’m terrible at sensing my own aura,” Lucy shoots a sheepish smile over her shoulder, and Joe laughs, the sound low and warm in his chest. This time when you look at him, his eyes are a cool, glassy black; pupil, iris, whites, all swallowed up by darkness.
“It’s harder to sense any auras of vibes without suped-up eyes like mine,” he wriggles his eyebrows with a grin, and it’s not as unnerving as you thought it would be, stifling a laugh as you watched him watch Lucy. “But Lucy does a pretty impressive job; she’s the first witch I’ve met with an aura,” Joe muses frowning a little, and Lucy goes back to her work, “it changes more than anyone else’s I’ve met; her vibes are whatever was involved with the last spell she cast.”
“So right now?” You prompt, and Joe smiles fondly.
“Like indescribably metallic, and the sound of those charms on her bracelet knocking together, a little bit of thyme, and a lemon zest spray I’m pretty sure, and- vanilla,” as he speaks, Lucy nods in confirmation for each of them, “but she always has a bit of a vanilla thing going on.”
“It’s the reason I can see auras at all,” Lucy explained, mostly to you as Joe was nodding along like he already knew this.
It felt good to be back with them both, it felt safe. Lucy had her things laid out across the desk, but once she’d done some basic warding on the room, she seemed content to curl up by your other side. The tricky stuff could wait until tomorrow, all three of you finally had a moment to enjoy one another.
The three of you catch each other up on your lives on what’s been happening, not that you didn’t know most of it, you messaged daily after all, but it was good to talk in person. As Lucy talks about a few upcoming projects she’s interested in, she rests her head in your lap, and you card your fingers through her hair. Joe, meanwhile, where he’s sitting beside you against the headboard, rests his head on your hand. The headache you’d been steadily trying to ignore starts to subside; it’s like finding shade and cold water in the middle of the desert, a reprieve, a break from the irritation. With the pain no longer keeping you on high alert, you feel the exhaustion of the past few days settling in, and your hand comes to still in Lucy’s hair.
“I tried clearing the negative stuff,” Joe explains to the witch, who gives a grateful smile as she reaches up to cup your jaw, “I’m still not great at it; aura cleaning has never been a speciality.”
“But it looks like it’s done her a world of good,” Lucy says gently, running her thumb along your cheek, and you yawn and nod, “sweetheart, if you want to go to sleep, feel free; we’re not gonna go anywhere.” Joe leans his head on your shoulder, and you press a kiss to the top of his head.
“I love you guys,” you murmur, and Lucy’s already obligingly moving from your lap so you can get under the covers. 
Between them you’re safe and secure; come what may tomorrow, but tonight there’s nowhere you’d rather be.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Have a Magical Day 1/?
Pairing: Chris Evans x You, Chris Evans x OFC
Summary: A deserved break from work with your best friend turns your life upside when you meet the Evans Family while at Disney World. Follow along as Belle and Chris get to know each other over 10 days at the Most Magical Place on Earth™. Will they have a fairytale happy ending or is this just a vacation fling?
Warnings: Disney Rides Spoilers?, Mild Swearing, Chris Evans is a big kid, Fluff, Eventual Smut, long ass descriptions of rides, I don’t know how to write without turning it into a 10K fic, sorry ‘bout that
“Well, maybe next time we ‘Drink Around the World’ you’ll listen to me. I told you we should’ve eaten a pretzel in Germany or Fish and Chips at England.”
This was supposed to be your first night at Epcot and now your best friend was drunk and looking like hell warmed over.
“Bitch don’t talk food to me damnit, I’m so close to throwing up.” He leaned back into the bench and pinched his eyes. ‘Look, I’m sorry alright, I know it’s tradition, but Illuminations will have to wait till next week. I’m walking back to the Boardwalk, the fresh air might help, you stay and enjoy Extra Magic Hours.”
You sighed and asked if he was sure he’d make back to the hotel and he waved you off, saying it’s like walking backing home, which was true, you ever only stayed at The Boardwalk Villas as that was your DVC resort.
“OK, I’m skipping the firework and going back to Future World, Test Track was down all afternoon and I just looked at the app and it’s back on.” You kissed his cheek and he knew he was a bit better when he exclaimed ‘ewww girl slob’ at you, pulling a face.
You left him by International Gateway and started to your left when you heard someone behind you.
“Excuse me miss, you said Test Track was back on?” a sharp voice asked.
Turning around you saw a group of about 10 people, adults and a couple of kids plus a stroller. The voice belonged to one of the three males, he was tall, had on a character black shirt and had a NASA baseball cap pulled down low on his head.
“Yes? I just checked the app two minutes ago.” You pulled your phone from your shell cross body purse, opened the app again and confirmed it’s on. “Are you guys on site? Extra Magic Hour is on till 11 pm.”
“We are! We arrived this afternoon and didn’t look at the time schedule yet, thanks!” A short brunette answered you.
“No problem, you guys have a magical day.” You groaned when your cast member training kicked in.
Waving, you start to walk but could hear them talking and when you looked back the guy who had first talked to you, a shorter blond guy and the brunette girl had broken from the group and were now a few paces behind you.
You knew him from somewhere, didn’t you? When your mind couldn’t provide the answer, you shrugged.
You made your way through England and Canada, people watching as you went. People were lining up near the lagoon to watch Illuminations but seeing it alone wasn’t the same and you continued your way. You debated whether or not to stop at Starbucks and 15 minutes later you’re happily sipping on your Iced Caramel Macchiato while walking the corridors of Mouse Gear on a brisk pace.
You were checking your Twitter feed, head down and immersed on your phone when you walked into a wall. Because that what felt like right, who on earth was that hard?
“Ughh,” looking up you saw the same man from before, hat even lower now. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry”.
You both said it at the same time, while you put your phone away.
“No, no, I was on my phone and didn’t see you there. You’re okay?”
You were near one of the least used exits of the store, and for a moment you thought that he as hiding. You quickly put that thought away, why would someone hide inside Mouse Gear anyways?
“No, I’m the one who’s sorry, I was… some people saw…” he scrunched his nose, rubbing his eyes with both hands.
“Don’t sweat it, crowds can be a bitch sometimes.” You had seen your fair share of people having panic attacks, anyone could have them. “I’m glad I didn’t pour my drink all over you. Sorry again.”
Just when you turned to leave you saw his companions looking around and making their way over.
“Hey Ch…” the blond stopped when he saw you. He looked at you a little suspicious. “Hey.”
“Hi again! I’m glad you’re here, your friend’s not really doing well, but he does a nice wall cosplay!”
“She’s cool man, I wasn’t looking where I was going, and we collided. She’s been keeping me company while my panic attack goes away.” He looked funny when he said panic attack but you let it go. He turned to you, “Meet my brother and my sister, Scott and Shanna. I’m… Chris.”
Oh. OH.
“Nice to meet you all, I’m Belle.” You’re prepared for the reactions that followed because let’s face it, that was just too much of a coincidence.
“Like the princess?
“No, you’re not!”
“It suits you.”
The last one came from Chris. That wasn’t new but wasn’t a norm either. You choose to ignore the blush rising on your neck and turned to the others.
“It’s Isobel... But Belle is easier. It was nice meeting you guys, see you around.”
You had the feeling the Scott Evans wasn’t overly fond of you, so you made yourself scarce. You heard someone calling for you to wait, but you’re already halfway through the door.
Captain freaking America. Talk about timing.
You heard the last booms signaling Illuminations was over and hurried to Test Track before the throng of people descended from World Showcase.
The few day guests are still in line, but you went through the single rider line and was quickly seated. Although you loved the thrill the ride offered, they placed you on your least favorite seat, so you made your way back to the front entrance and got into the normal line, scanning your Magic Band to show you’re staying at one of the Disney hotels and could ride during the extra time.
Making your way through the queue you got to the designing room and was excited to design a cool car. You had just started when someone cleared their throat behind you.
“And we meet again!” Chris and his brothers were standing at the same station as you. “I guess we have to share our car making skills.”
“Hurry up, we only have one minute and a half left.” Captain freaking America or not, no one messed your mojo when it was time to design your Test Track model car.
Turning back to the screen you tried to pick the shape of your car, laughing when Chris tried to turn it to a sports car but coming up with a beetle-like car. You argued about the color and accessories, pushing each other from the control panel and when the countdown reached zero, you had a bit of a Frankenstein car in front of you.
“It’s… cute?” you laughed when the green stripped car turned around the screen. Not your best work for sure, but you’d had a good time.
“It’s something alright, but cute it ain’t.”
You both laughed and Chris scanned his magic band to lock the car to your group and the doors opened to the final part of the queue.
“After you, Mademoiselle,” you laughed when he sang the first few lines of Be Our Guest when you did a little curtsy.
Scott was right behind you in line and he holds your elbow when the queue stopped moving.
“Sorry about earlier, I’m kinda protective about my brother.”
“It’s all good really. Water, bridges and all that.” you reserved judgment on the younger man, understanding his need to protect his family’s privacy. “You said you arrived today?”
“Yeah, unpacked and came straight to EPCOT, had dinner at Le Cellier,” Shanna said from somewhere behind Chris. She was a tiny thing when compared with her muscled big brother. “We’re heading back but heard you talking to your friend about Test Track and here we are!”
“Yeah, it’s down most of the day, we arrived around noon and every time I searched the wait times Test Track was unavailable. I’m glad they got it back together for EMH.”
“What about you Belle? It’s not your last day or anything is it?” Well, that was… interesting? Chris seemed eager somehow and on the back of your mind you chucked it for anxiety. Hadn’t you read somewhere he had anxiety? “Your friend seemed upset when he said you’d miss Illuminations.”
The queue moved and you could see the cars on the loading dock.
“It’s our little tradition, Corey and I came up with it like 10 years ago. We have to watch a fireworks show on our first park day. But he overdid it during the afternoon, especially because we were already a little drunk from Jelly Rolls last night.” They were next in line now. “How do you wanna play this?”
“First row!” You jumped when both Scott and Shanna screamed.
“Any place is fine really,” Chris said.
“Well, I’ a firm believer in the back row, right side, so you can have the left.” You looked around and saw that the single rider line was now closed. “With the number of people here, I don’t think they’re gonna force single riders on us.”
The cast member manning the loading area asked you how many but it was Scott who answered. A girl pointed you to the last loading station, the cars pulling up as you walked.
“You went to Jelly Rolls last night?” Chris asked, a hand out to help you enter the ride.
“Thank you. Yes, we arrived yesterday and mostly hanged on the Boardwalk. Saw some magic shows and had a way later night than we’d planned. But Jelly Rolls was awesome, I love the place and the sangria was so good.”
Chris nodded, sitting down and sprawling his long legs. “We love the place, there’s just something about live karaoke with a band, people are either really good or really fucking bad, it’s fun either way!”
The four of you snapped on your seat belts while you talked, and the car launched to the checkpoint. The girl making the checks must’ve been either new or slacking because she never asked Chris to remove his hat.
The car launched again, the usual spiel starting and then you’re off, speeding on the make-believe vehicle safety test drive. A particular turn had you moving on your seat so bad a hand shot out to hold you in place, landing on your knee and staying there. The fastest part of the ride arrived and everyone screamed, the wind outside making you tear up a little. Chris almost lost his hat and you made a mental note to send a memo to the ride’s crew leader.
Then it was over. The car made its way to the unloading dock while you clapped and then you’re cleared to open your seatbelts.
“Well, now we know why they put six people in the car, I was afraid you’d fly out of your seat when we hit 85 mph.” Chris again helped you out the car.
Gosh, that was fun, wasn’t it? You smiled at him waiting for Scott who had his seatbelt stuck somehow. Then an idea struck you.
“You guys wanna go again?” you took a chance because you’re having fun and damnit, he might be Captain freaking America but he was also cute as hell with that thick beard, plump lips and blue eyes, and if you could prolong this just one ride more, well, why not?
“Won’t we lose too much time going around front again? Looks like there are quite a few people in line behind us.” Chris looked at you and you could see the cogs turning inside his head, a frown forming. Maybe he thought he’d use his status to get another ride? You scoffed. As if.
“Nah, I got connections man.” You grinned at him and went to the guy you knew was the person in charge. Patrick laughed and hugged you with one arm, claiming you need to catch up before calling on his radio and them directed you again to the last dock.
“Thanks, Patrick, I owe you one” you bumped fists before the car moved forward.
This time when the car moved to the checkpoint a young man asked Chris to remove his hat. He did it with a sigh, fingers trying to tame the hair back in place and you had to struggle a giggle when the other guy working on the checkpoint squeaked.
You kept on a detached face and send a smile his way. The man was here to have fun, the best you could do was not bring attention to who he was. Besides, you were really enjoying his laid back attitude. He could’ve used a guide or gone through backstage, but here he was, waiting for his time in the queue like everyone else and you’re the one actually using your job to get what you wanted.
Chris once again helped you out and you were tempted to run your fingers through Chris’ hair, the wind had played havoc with the locks.
“This is the best ride ever, my favorite by far.” Shanna skipped ahead to see the automated picture and scan her Magic Band to move it to their Disney account.
You walked behind with Chris and Scott and it took you a few seconds to realize you still were holding hands with Chris. You raised an eyebrow at him but he just shrugged, a smile on his lips.
“Mine is definitely the whole Avatar area and of course Flight of Passage,” Scott said and then also raised an eyebrow at Chris but he got a friendly tap to the head when tried to actually point it out.
“Nah, it’s the classics, the best will always be Space Mountain.” He took the NASA cap off again, turning it backward when the three of you got outside and he did it all without letting go of your hand. Impressive fella, wasn’t he?
“Sorry to burst your bubble but Space Mountain sucks, at least here in Florida. My knees hurt just thinking about it.” You faked a shudder, also making a face for good measure.
“Oh, them be fighting words!” Chris tickled your side making you squirm and laugh.
Shanna reappeared a few seconds later, asking where to next.
You’re having way too much fun but didn’t want to intrude and started to say goodbye when both Shanna and Chris protested.
“No, no, come with us, you don’t need to hang out alone, what’s the fun in that?” Chris was right by your side when you turned to leave. He cocked his head to the side, beckoning you back to him.
“Are you sure you don’t mind? I don’t want to impose or anything.”
“Believe me when I say I don’t do anything I don’t want to.  Come on.” His little hand wave calling you to him was enough to give you butterflies in your belly as you took his hand, lacing your fingers together.
“Again I ask, where to?” Shanna pulled free the sweater she had tied around her waist and put it on and you realized that the early December night was indeed a bit chilly but you didn’t have a sweater and Mouse Gears was closed during the extended hours.
“Anyone up for Mission: Space?” Chris wasn’t looking at anyone when he asked but rummaging around the left pocket of his long shorts. With a little ‘aha’ he found what he was looking for and before straightening up now wearing a pair of prescription glasses.
Your uterus may or may not have imploded at the sight, but you’d never tell.
Clearing your throat, you shook your head.
“You guys go ahead, if I set foot inside one of those enclosed capsules after 11 drinks in three hours, I’ll make the girl in The Exorcist look like she just burped a little.”
Scott guffawed, doubling over, hands on his knees. “Oh, that was fun! Ok, girlie, you’re an okay person, I give whatever this is my blessing!” He moved your hand between you and Chris.
“For fuck’s sake Scott!” Chris groaned, his free hand slapping his forehead.
“Why thank you messier, merci beaucoup.” You took off an imaginary hat to him and he returned the gesture chuckling.
“Don’t go getting your tighty whities in a bunch brother,” Scott grabbed Shanna by the arm and brought her closer to him. “$50 bucks for your sweater, Shanna.”
“No Scott, next time you listen to Mom. I say no to Mission Space, yes to Nemo.” She said looking at Chris.
“Mine.” Scott pulled at her sweater.
“Are they always like this?” you stage whispered to Chris.
“Sometimes I say they’re distant cousins, but the fucker looks way too much like me for that to stick.” He laughed when following Scott and Shanna with his eyes, his brother was running after Shanna screaming ‘mine, mine, mine’ Shanna was doing a great job evading Scott till he faked left and grabbed her by the arm when she tried to go right. “Children!”
“You playing a hot dad next? Might need a few tips from Pratt for that.” The hand that smacked Scott upside the head was Shanna’s. “Watch the hair woman.”
“Just how much sugar have you guys had so far?” You could barely keep up with them, but they were fun to be around. Like oversized retriever puppies. Times a million or something.
“Not enough Miss Connections, but I’ll have the tea anyway.” Scott fell into step next to you as you walked by Fountain of Nations.
“You speak gay? Are you and my friend Corey cut from the same cloth my dear Scott?” you ask and he laughs next to you.
“Sparkly lumberjack? Hell yes. Now come on, gimme, I hate cold tea.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about and I don’t think I want to know.” Chris shook his head. What a sweet beautiful Labrador, you just wanted to eat him up with a spoon.
“He wants to know what’s my job with Disney.”
“Oh, in that case, I wanna know too. What gives?”
“I’m one of the four VPs for Media and Public Relations.” You proudly say. You had worked hard for that job, starting as rider operator way back then, putting yourself through college while working long hours under the hot Floridian sun.
“Oh, fancy. I thought you worked here, you seen to know everyone.” Scott commented.
“I worked here for 15 years. Ride operator, character handler, parade dancer…” she lowered her voice, “I was also friends with my namesake and Snow White for two years as well.”
“You’re friends with Belle? Oh, OH!” Chris’ eyes widened. “You’ve played the princesses.”
“Never, ever say that.” You looked around. “You say Marvel has snipers but so does Disney! All princess and characters are real; we just get to be friends with them. Know what I mean?”
“Sorry! I consider myself pretty versed in Disney speak but I never heard that one before.”
“Yeah, manly cast members know that one.” You agreed. “After I graduated I worked my way up to Media Relations here in Orlando and two years ago I finally got my dream job, and I’ve been in Los Angeles since then. I work with promotions, social media, and influencers. It’s a pretty sweet job.”
“Need an assistant?” Shanna asked as you entered the line for Nemo. “That sounds pretty rad!”
“Do you have any experience in PR?”
You separated into two groups when the cast member asked ‘how many’, Chris and Scott, you and Shanna. You entered your shell with the brunette still talking about a possible job and what she’d need to get it.
On the other shell, Chris looked confused.
“Did she just ditched me?” He asked his brother dumbfounded.
Scott laughed and shook his head.
“Oh, how the mighty have fallen.” He laughed again. “Welcome to the real world brother! Not everyone will fawn over you, as hard it is to believe it!”
“I thought we’re hitting it pretty well,” he got comfortable on the ride vehicle, taking off his hat so he could see the aquariums and screens where Dory, Marlin, and Nemo played, “did I read it all wrong?”
“Nah, she’s into you as well, as far as I could see.” Scott nodded. “She strikes me as a sisters before misters kinda woman, and she was talking to Shanna while we waited we queued.”
Chris uhmed in agreement.
He hoped you’re not putting up a front for him, because he liked you from the moment he bumped into you at Mouse Gears. He saw the moment you realized who he was but you had been pretty cool so far, and besides the sniper comment, you hadn’t made a big deal out of it. Definitely a breath of fresh air, it had been a while since he could be himself outside his immediate circle of friends. The fact you knew that joke told him you had seen some of his or his co-star interviews but as you worked handling the media and social media accounts for Disney he believed seeing footage of his movies was part of your job and that put his mind at ease and he decided to give that little spark between you a chance.
You were beautiful, full heart-shaped lips, long mahogany hair, aquamarine eyes, and a soft but toned body. He wanted to get to know you better, see if you felt the same connection he did.
The ride reached the end and he saw you getting out, still talking to Shanna.
“I mean it, send it to me, I’ll see what I can do.”
“The fact that I’d have to move to Los Angeles is a concern, but that kind of job would be fun. Thanks, Belle, I’ll think about it.”
“You’re most welcome. But don’t forget, I can only get your foot inside the door, you’d have to walk whenever you want to be by yourself.” You saw Chris and Scott approaching and a huge smile broke up on your face. “How about we go fly around the world?”
“Yes, finally! Soarin’ has been calling my name since we left Test Track!” Scott exclaimed.
He linked his arms with Shanna and dragged her along in front of you and Chris.
“He’s not very subtle, is he?” You questioned Chris when he stepped next to you.
Chris laughed and put his baseball cap back on backward. He looked ridiculously handsome, his longish hair escaping on the sides, his black ‘I am smiling’ Grumpy T-shirt stretched along his hard chest and biceps, black and white basketball shorts hugging that delectable ass he had. You licked your lips and gave him your brightest smile when he caught you staring.
“I guess neither is you.” He winked at you and grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, sue me, I refuse to play the virgin giggling girl when I see something I like.”
“Do you see me complaining?”
You shook your head as you play catch up to Shanna and Scott, who were already inside The Land pavilion.
“You never answered when I asked you if this was your last day,” Chris said while you rode the escalator to the lower floor.
“It isn’t; we’re staying for 10 days.” You saw Scott waving you over to the ride entrance. “Why’s that?”
Before Chris had a chance to answer Shanna bellowed.
“Come on slowpokes! We’re wasting time here.”
“Can we go on Living with The Land before Soarin’? I forgot it was open during EMH. I’ve never seen it at night.”
“Oh come on Scott, Living is so boring!” Shanna complained.
“Living with the Land is not boring,” Chris argued back, siding with Scott.
“It is so.”
“Children!” You waved a hand between them and they stopped. “How ‘bout this, we do Soarin’ once, get back to Living and quickly backtrack and do Soarin’ again?”
“Finally, someone with a plan.” Chris clapped. “But do we have time?”
You checked your watch.
“There are 45 minutes left before the park closes, I believe we can make it if we hurry.”
“Let’s do this then.
You hurried up the queue for Soarin’, once again cursing Disney Imaginners for making it so freaking long. There was a decent amount of people in front of you when you got to the split before the theaters. If things were the same there would be only one theater open for the extended hours and with about 150 people on the queue it would take about 10 minutes to get to the front of the line.
Scott lowered his voice.
“Now remember, it’s B1 or nothing alright? I don’t want to look up and see dangling feet in front of me.”
“Ah, a man after my own heart.” You agreed.
“Have you seen the new film? I liked it but I miss the old one.” Chris commented. “I was hoping they’d keep the Soarin’ Over California in Anaheim but they are all the same now.”
“I really like the soaring around the world aspect, but I miss the orange smell. Childhood memories and all that.” You walked over to the line for the first row of the second string of seats, dead center inside the theater. Those were indeed the best seats in the house and you’re surprised Scott knew about them.
“This is not our first rodeo, Miss Connections! We’ve been coming to Disney twice a year for the past thirty plus years, sometimes more if Chris can swing it.” Scott explained. “You’ve probably even seen us before, or operated a ride while we were on it.”
“You’re probably right!” Shanna gasped. “Oh my god, you might even be in our pictures, Belle.”
“No way, I would remember taking pictures with this hot beefcake by my side.” You pointed to Chris making it seem he was showing him off with your hands.
“But would you really?” Chris said in a lower voice. “I barely remember the face of the girl who asked me for a picture this morning at the airport. How many pictures you would take in one day?”
You looked shocked, they did have a point. Could you really be in a picture with Chris and his family?
“There were always two friends taking turns during the set but it was a freaking lot. Akershus alone might make that number reach a thousand during the holidays.”
“I’m pulling all the photo albums from the library when we get back home, I’m really curious right now!”
Shanna looked excited at the prospect of finding you in their family photos, and you tried to jog your memories of thousands of families you met over the years. Chris was right, there was no way you could have remembered them, especially if it was before his Captain America days.
You talked through the whole pre-boarding video and were now being directed to your seats. B1 was a popular choice so Scott played buffer and sat between Chris and the other guest, you sat beside Chris with Shanna by your side. He waited till the cast member checking the seatbelt got to him before removing his hat and sticking it on the bin below his seat.
The ride started and the music swirled around you as the seats were lifted from the ground, making it appear as you were indeed soaring around big blue skies, mountains, and lakes around the world. You smiled as the powerful aroma of roses reached your nose while flying over the Taj-Mahal, giggling when the sea breeze smell reached your nose when you glided over Fiji and squealing when the turned upwards to reach the top of the Eiffel Tower. Soarin’ was probably your favorite ride in all parks and the smile on your face when the ride ended with fireworks over Epcot was a testament to that.
You unbuckled your seatbelt and were one of the first out of the theater, walking so fast a cast member reminded you no running was allowed. Chris sent a sorry his way but your group didn’t slow down, cruising the corridors to get to Living with The Land.
Shanna checked his watch when you got there and cheered when there was only a family of three in line for the boat.
“Ok, guys 27 minutes left. How long is this ride anyway? I want to ride Soarin’ again!”
They all turned to you waiting for an answer.
“20 minutes.”  You said and Shanna groaned. “We’re gonna cut close, but as long as we’re inside the queue for Soarin’ before 11 pm they will let us in. We might not get B1 again though.”
“It’s ok, we’re coming back to Epcot to hit more of the food booths anyway, I can live without the best seats for once.” Scott nodded.
You let the family in front of you get on the boat that was docked and waited for the next one.  Thankfully there was no one else behind you so you got the next boat all to yourselves.
Scott seated with Shanna, who immediately opened her phone, earning a glare from Scott.
You sat with Chris two rows behind them, Chris entering first and offering you his hand to help you inside the boat.
“Why thank you, Prince Charming.” You accepted his hand, noticing he didn’t let go when you sat beside him. Which suited you just as well because you had your own plans for him.
“I thought I was Prince Adam to your Belle?” He got closer as the boat started its journey through different types of nature scenes, putting his arm around your shoulder as you entered the rain forest and the boat waved a bit.
Oh, he was a smooth one. You grinned at him and scooted a little closer your sides now pressed together.
“You know Adam is not an official name right?”
“That’s not possible, his name’s Adam.” He doubted you.
“Nope, he’s never named during the animation. The actor who voices him is just credited as ‘Beast’.”
You loved Disney Trivia and could quote the most obscure facts and anecdotes about the parks, movies, and Walt’s life.
“Well, my childhood has been ruined. Thank you for that.”
He tickled your sides in retaliation, making you squirm and giggle. When you tried to tickle him back he grabbed your hands and pinned them down between the two of you.
Your laugh subsided when you noticed Chris looking at your lips and you subconsciously licked them because they suddenly felt dry as sandpaper. He looked at your eyes and back to your mouth in a silent question, blue eyes searching your face for what could happen next.
You nod almost imperceptibly and Chris smiles, leaning towards you, full lips slighted parted.
“How much trouble would I be if plucked a miracle fruit from the tree over th… oh my bad!”
Chris curses his brother and you blink away the nervousness that surrounded you.
“Do not try to pick up a berry, that’s cause for revoking your annual pass and you’ll be escorted out of the park.” You speak as you try to control your beating heart.
“No way!”
“I’ve been the one waiting for the poor soul at the end of the ride Scott. Not a very fun part of the job and also so many forms to fill out.”
Maybe it was better this way. You knew you were attracted to each other but all rides were full of cameras, it’d only take one less than honest cast member to sell the footage to TMZ anyway.
Chris didn’t try to kiss you again but kept on holding your hand as the boat glided over the murky water, passing through the suspended hydroponics plants, the self-sustained display with fish and plants and finally reaching the end of the ride.
The boat wasn’t even properly docked and Shanna was already on the move, making a tight turn on the tunnel leading to Soarin’.
You had two minutes to get there before they closed the queue so you hurried over, Chris pulling you along, your legs barely keeping up with his stride.
You entered the line with seconds to spare and as soon as you did the cast member pulled a rope behind you, indicating the end of operation hours.
The four of you laughed while making your way up to concourse C, the only theater that was open.
“I don’t think I’ve run so much at Disney before.” Scott breathlessly said.
“That’s because you have an escort who gets you backstage and takes you to the front of the line! Us mere mortals are the ones queueing for six hours for Flight of Passage.”
“As if you ever waited that long.” Shanna quipped from the front of the line.
“Uhm… who’s to say I didn’t?” You winked at her. Chris looked at you quizzically. “Okay, so maybe I haven’t, but I’ve done the running thing before, I do wonder to the dark side and Escape from Gringotts is almost as bad as Flight of Passage. People run like crazy mofos to get there.”
“You cheat on the Mouse?” Scott put a hand over his heart.
“Say it louder to the people in the back.” You hit him in the shoulder. You turn to one of the corners of the queue, playing as if there was a camera there. You move your hand as if bowing, “It’s all lies oh Big Cheese who reigns supreme and all hear and all see, I’d never cheat on you!”
Chris guffawed, both hands grabbing his chest.
“You’re crazy!” He laughed.
“Shhhhh, you never know who’s listening!” You winked at him.
As it turned out there were only four other people waiting for the last flight of the night and as you approached the end of the line you were directed to B1 anyway, as each row of seats sat 10 people each.
You decided to let all brothers be together and sat on the outside this time, Chris by your side.
He turned to say something to you at the same time you leaned over to let him know there was a hidden Mickey on the flight over Monument Valley and his lips grazed yours. You both paused, surprised at the sudden touch. Then he was kissing you for real, full lips pressed over yours, sending sparks all over your body. He brought his right hand to your neck, holding you close as he deepened the kiss, your lips danced together.
As fast as first kisses went, you ranked this one a solid 13 in a one to five scales. He never pressured you to open your mouth or tried to slip you the tongue, his lips were plump and he moved them with purpose, alternating hard pressed and feathered touches. You opened your eyes when he moved away and he gave you a little nod which you returned, grinning at each other.
The ride was over before you knew it and the cast member was ushering you out, saying good night.
Your little group made your way over World Showcase again, you saying goodnight to all cast members you passed by, thanking them for staying back during Extra Magic Hours.
“You sound sincere too,” Shanna commented as you walked the dark path leading you to Canada.
“That’s because I am. Most of them will have a shift no later than 10 am tomorrow and they won’t leave here for another two hours. Sometimes more. Saying thank you is the least I can do.”
“And could you do more?” Chris inquired.
“I can actually. All visiting cast members fill a form when we get back to work, citing areas we think the parks can improve, what was good, bad and exceptional.”
“That’s cool, I wish we could do something like that,” Chris commented.
“Actually you can. In 2014 we introduced Cast Compliments.” The three of them looked at you, never reading about it before. “Say you wanna say something nice about a particular cast member; you get their name, go on Twitter and tag either @DisneylandToday or @WDWToday using the hashtag CastCompliment. Write their name, location, and your motive. We will print your twit, and take a picture of the cast member with it. They also get a mark on their file. Every 5 marks they receive a monetary bonus.”
“Wow, that’s crazy cool. And you came up with this idea?” Shanna was already on her phone looking up the hashtag. She gave the phone to Chris and he scrolled through the feed, smiling at the amount of love being shared.
“My team and I did, together with HR” you nodded.
“That’s amazing and so thoughtful Belle!” Scott was the one looking at the phone now.
“They are the ones keeping the park running after all.” You smiled.
You reached International Gateway, waving to the guards and everyone said goodnight this time.
The temperature had dropped quite a bit and you shivered, Chris immediately pulling you close and running his hands over your arms. You smiled at him in thanks and asked where they are staying.
“We’re at the Grand, it’s our favorite resort,” Chris answered. “How about you?”
“I’m a DVC member, I’m right over there at the Boardwalk Villas.” You pointed to the red building on the other side of the man-made lake.
“Mind we walked you over to the lobby? That way I know we got back home safely and we can call a Minnie Van?” Chris smiled at you.
You crossed the bridge to Boardwalk Inn in silence, just appreciating each other companies. When you reached the well-manicured lawn of back gardens he stopped you, mentioning for his siblings to go ahead.
He brought you under the canopy of a huge tree, giving you a little privacy from the passersby.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” He inquired, his back leaning on the tree trunk.
“My friend and I have brunch reservations at Boma, so we’ll be at Animal Kingdom till around 11 am. Our fast passes are for Hollywood Studios but they don’t start till 3 pm.”
“Damn, we’re staying at the Magic Kingdom all day, the kids really want to see the parade.”
“I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time with your family.” You nodded. It was a shame you would be at different parks but you had fast passes for Slinky Dog Dash and that was one ride, not even you could swing your non-existent badge at the cast member and get in on a whim so you weren’t changing your own plans.
“I will, but I also wanna see you again.” He whined and you giggled, he was the perfect mix of gorgeous man and little boy and the butterflies in your belly certainly agreed. “MK closes at six for the Christmas Party though, and we’re not going till Tuesday. Mind if I join you after we leave?”
“I’d love to see you again too, so I don’t mind it at all. Word of warning though, Corey will freak out, even with me telling him you’ll be joining us, so come prepared.”
“How bad are we talking about?” Chris sighed. You had been so cool-headed about everything, almost no one recognized him today and now your friend was almost guaranteed to make a scene.
“I’ll try to prep him over carbs while we have brunch, but he’ll stare and be mute for a while.” You told Chris the truth. Corey had a major crush on both Chris and Sebastian Stan and was a diehard Stucky shipper. That would be an interesting conversation to have.
“As long as he doesn’t draw attention, I can deal with some staring.” Chris acquiesced. He wanted to spend more time with you, see if there was anything else besides physical attraction drawing him in.
He pulled out his phone and asked for your number before sending you a text so you could have his.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” You looked over at him with a little smile. You started walking backward still holding his hand.
“Not so fast!”
Chris pulled you back so fast you fell on his chest with a little oomph. He tilted your head up with two fingers and his lips descended on yours, kissing you long and hard. You gripped the sides of his T-shirt, hands digging on his waist as he held your head closer to him, one hand bunching up your hair, the other touching your neck and cheek in slow circles. You felt his soft beard brushing your skin, heightening your pleasure. A warm feeling spread all over you and you melted into Chris, parting your lips slightly. When his tongue skimmed yours you kissed him harder, tongues touching languidly.
You had been kissed quite well in the past but Chris was definitely the best one so far, he maintained full body contact and he kissed you like he had nothing else to do for the rest of his life. He pulled your lower lip as he broke the kiss, his thumb caressing the bite while he alternated between nips and kisses over your chin and neck.
Your hands got under his T-shirt and ran over the hard v on his waist, circling it to press your thumbs on the dimples on the small of his back. Your fingers touched his back vehemently, nails dragging a line just under the band of his shorts. He rocked against you and you felt him pressed against your belly, your hands itching to get closer.
“God, you’re beautiful.” He whispered against your skin. “I want to take you back to my room and kiss you all over and see if the rest of you are as soft as your lips.”
You shivered again and you weren’t sure if it was the draft wind or your reaction to his words, but you’d put good money on the latter. You felt your hardened nipples and the damp spot in your underwear and a quick look down was enough to see the hard on the basketball shorts could barely conceal. You definitely clicked on a physical level, never a kiss had such an impact on you before.
Your brain took over as you remembered you’re in a public space and you took a little step back, just enough so you could think straight.
“Maybe this is enough for one night.” You exhaled hard, trying to clear your head.
Chris nodded, he never lost control so quickly with anyone before, you barely touched his skin and he was almost rutting you to the ground right by Disney’s Boardwalk.
“Right, you’re right.” He kissed your forehead before pushing himself off the tree trunk and adjusting himself as best as he could. “Want me to walk you to your room?”
“I’m good, let’s not tempt faith, shall we?”
You had rented a two-bedroom suite so you and Corey could have more privacy, so it wouldn’t be hard to sneak Chris back to your room, lock the door and spend the rest of the night learning each other’s body.
He nodded and rested his head over your shoulder. You stayed like that till his phone vibrated on his pocket.
“That was Scott, Minnie van is here.” Chris looked over from his phone. “Thank you for today, for hanging out with me, I really liked it. I really liked you, Belle.”
“I really liked you too Chris.” You pressed a chaste kiss on his lips, hugging him for good measure.
“I’ll text you and we can work out the details for tomorrow ok?” He said while hugging you back.
Neither of you moved and his phone ringed.
Chris rolled his eyes when he answered.
“I’m on my way meathead, give me one second. No, he won’t leave, you know they can wait for a while. Alright, I’m going, Jesus, hold your damn horses.”
You giggled and let go of him, telling him to go.
“Bye princess Belle.”
With a quick peck on your lips, he was off, taking the stairs to the main floor two at a time.
You stayed at the same spot till he disappeared upstairs before making your way to the Villas side of the Boardwalk, quickening up your pace to get away from the cold air.
Entering your room, you sighed against the door as you closed it.
This had been indeed the most special Extra Magic Hour you ever spent at EPCOT and you couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring.
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aufbrechen, um auszubrechen – Finding the love of my life in Ottawa
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Hello world!
You might be wondering why this entry is written in English. The answer is simple: It's because this is a very special one for a very special person. Exactly two years ago I met a man that I've been in love with ever since. And this is how our two paths crossed...
I arrived at the Ottawa airport in the late afternoon. Compared to Vancouver it was freezing. Snow was covering houses, trees and streets. One could assume it was actually winter. I took an Uber to my Airbnb which cost me about $30. When I had booked the Airbnb everything around looked pretty close. I actually thought I could walk into the city within 45 minutes. Oh, what a fool I was. After I arrived at my apartment in Gloucester, a suburb of Ottawa, and logged into the wifi I soon found out that the next grocery store was a 30 minute walk away. Needless to say that there was 10cm of snow covering the streets.
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But since I was hungry and the owner of the apartment was not home yet, I decided to go for that walk to buy myself some dinner. Except for that huge scarf I had bought in Revelstoke my winter gear was rather uncommon – two t-shirts, a sweater, a light jacket, a pair of jeans and runners. I'm still freezing just thinking about that walk. But when I came back I had dinner and some snacks in my backpack. So it was definitely worth it. I made myself some food and had great company – the owner's two cats. With my stomach full of spaghetti I went upstairs to my room. One of the reasons I went to Ottawa was to meet the OTM crew. OTM stands for One Track Mind and it's a group of people training for the decathlon. Kevin, head of that crew, vlogged about his life as a decathlete and put the videos on YouTube. I had been watching his videos for quite a while now and was eager to finally meet and train with the crew. Before I started my trip I had been emailing Kevin about the possibility of training with them. He liked the idea. So now I emailed him again asking about their training schedule for the week. While I was waiting for him to reply I opened up Grindr on my phone. I hadn't touched the app since Vancouver so I was interested to see if the Ottawa users were less creepy. And indeed most men on there seemed to be rather ordinary judging by their profile pictures. Also, I did not get any dick pics. So I was regaining trust in the app. Still, I did not use my real name on the app. I was Ben. Nice to meet you! Since I was still home alone I spent the night scrolling through numerous profiles of gay Ottawa men. If you are interested in a person you can either text them right away or send that person a flame to see if they like you back. Since I'm not good at taking the first step, I usually waited for people to text me or send me a flame. There was only one person that night that got my flame. His name was Brennan and I liked his greenish blue eyes. There was something faithful in his look. It did not take long for him to send me a flame back. My heart jumped a little when I saw that notification. Now it was time for me to take the first step. I started texting him on the app. Honestly, I don't even remember what my first lines were, probably something like „Hi, I'm Josef... I mean Ben. Nice to meet you!“. But whatever I said first, it must have worked because he texted back. I was super happy and we texted back and forth for quite some time. Finally, I got a text message from Kevin that there is training tomorrow morning and that he's gonna pick me up at 9am. It was 2am. Time to go to bed. I put my phone aside and fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.
I got up after less than six hours of sleep. But nothing could worry me because Brennan still texted back. After a quick breakfast Kevin picked me up to go to training. What I really like about Canadians is that they are so open-minded. I mean, Kevin just picked up a random German guy to take him to training. We had only texted a few times and soon after I was joining the OTM training session in the Dome at Louis Riel. I had never seen a 400 meter indoor track in my entire life. It was awesome! Unfortunately, none of the other OTM crew members showed up for that training. But two girls that I knew from Kevin's vlogs – Charlotte and Sveta – were also there. So that made it a bit less awkward. We spend the next two and a half hours doing long jump drills, short sprints, hurdles, med ball exercises, some weight training and finshed off with 2x300m. It was a lot of fun. I was super out of shape, but they still made me feel like I was part of the group. In the end, I got a cap from their coach James and two Ottawa Lions t-shirts from Zach, another coach from that club. I had a great time! Thanks a lot, Kevin!
Back at home, I took a shower, ate the rest of yesterday's spaghetti and went to a thrift shop that was next to the grocery store. I desperately needed a warm jacket. But I was unlucky. They did not have any jackets that I could wear with confidence. So I walked back to my Airbnb. I was lucky that I just made it before it started to snow like crazy. When I arrived I finally met the owner, Mark, and his girlfriend Kaitlyn. They were both super nice. While they were preparing their dinner we talked a lot about travelling and cats. After lots of laughs I went upstairs and started texting with Brennan again. We agreed on exchanging numbers and continued our conversation on WhatsApp. Since Kevin had told me that there was free ice skating Downtown and I needed to go buy a warmer jacket anyway, I knew that I was heading to the city the next day. So I suggested meeting Downtown. When Brennan did not they no right away I figured my chances were really good to actually meet that man with the beautiful eyes. Again, I went to bed with a smile on my face.
When I went downstairs to make myself some breakfast the next morning Mark offered to take me Downtown since he had a meeting there anyway. An hour later I found myself standing in the cold wind of Parliament Hill. I had booked 30 minutes of ice skating online. So I just rented some skates and had a great time on the ice without falling once.
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After freezing my butt off on the ice it was finally time to get some winter clothes. So I went to the Rideau Mall to get a nice warm jacket and some shoes. I texted Brennan to see what his plans were for the day. He actually considered coming Downtown to meet me. But I had some convincing to do. He told me how gross he looked today and I told him that I would really like to experience his complete grossness first hand. It kind of worked. He agreed to come and meet me at The Highlander Pub. We had a date! So now I did not only need a warm jacket and shoes but also a nice pair of jeans and a sweater since I was wearing some super worn out travelling clothes. I found everything I needed, got changed in the bathroom, stuffed my old clothes in a backpack that was way too small and looked in the mirror. Just one little detail was missing. I was still wearing my glasses. But since I did not have glasses on in any of my profile pictures I figured to better not wear them. So I didn't. It made my vision worse but helped my confidence. I checked my phone and Brennan just texted that he was sitting in The Highlander Pub, in the left corner when you enter. I loved how specific he was because it lowered the chances of awkwardly not finding each other immensely. And that's when I walked in and saw him for the first time. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I said hi and the rest is history. We had an apple cider and some good talks. We was funny, asked smart questions and made me feel super comfortable. After our Ciders we had some pizza at The Grand Pizzeria and Bar. That's where he asked me if I was actually gay. I had a good laugh and confirmed my gayness. Time just flew by. He showed me around the city. He took the picture of me hanging from the T of the famous Ottawa sign. We walked through the snow.
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To Parliament Hill where we saw a little light show.
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After our amazing first date he drove me to my Airbnb. We hugged and said goodbye both knowing that this would not be the last time we saw each other. I went to bed with the biggest smile on my face.
After all the excitement the day before I slept super long. I went to get some Christmas presents for my family and headed to training after. This time the whole OTM crew was present.
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We did some sprints, weight training and shot put. It was fun to get back into training. After a shower at home Brennan picked me up to get some burritos at Mucho Burrito. On our drive there I took all my courage and placed my hand on his that was on the gearshift. I asked him if that was okay. He said yes. That made me really happy. At Mucho Burrito I ordered a Mucho Veggie, the vegetarian burrito option, and was asked what kind of meat I would like on that. Classic. Brennan and I had a good laugh about that and ate our delicious burritos. We headed to his place to watch a movie. Julia Roberts ate, prayed and loved. And we cuddled. The weather outside got super ugly. Snow fell like crazy and the wind was picking up. We both decided that it was not the best idea to drive or be in a car right now. So I stayed the night. To not rush things I slept in the guest room which is something we now laugh about a lot. Whenever I visit Brennan nowadays he asks if I want to sleep in the guest room again. Probably I should some day to relive the memories.
They next day started with lots of cuddles and breakfast. It felt like the right place to be. Brennan took me back to my Airbnb so I could make it to training in time. At training we just did some running and pole vaulting. I took an Uber home, showered and prepared my dinner. I spent the night at the kitchen table talking and laughing with Mark and Kaitlyn. They gave me a little guestbook to sign. Here is what I did.
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After that I went upstairs, packed my things and fell asleep right away. My Ottawa experience had been amazing so far. The next destination was Montréal although I liked Ottawa and especially Brennan so much that I just wanted to stay there.
The next day I left Gloucester and took the train to Montréal. The train ride was quite scenic so the time flew by and suddenly I arrived in the most populated city of Québec. When I left the train station to walk the few blocks to my hostel a windy negative 15 degrees celsius blew into my face. I had never experienced anything like that. It felt unreal. And very, very cold. I made it to the hostel in one frozen piece, checked in and got to my room. At hostel looked nice at first, but the eight bunk bedroom looked and smelled like prison. We had a little bathroom in there that probably hadn't been cleaned in two years. It was a mess. But it was cheap. I just put my stuff in that room and left it as fast as I could. The common area was nice though. And they had a big room for reading which nobody used. So I sat down there and started writing on my blog. After a while I could not concentrate anymore so I decided to go ugly Christmas sweater shopping. It's a family tradition that I started a few years ago. I basically put on every piece of clothing I had in my backpack and went outside. After a few failed attempts of finding a really ugly one I found this one.
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After my shopping success I went to the Museum of Modern Art. They had a Leonard Cohen exhibition. All I knew about him was that he wrote Hallelujah. So I was eager to learn more. I walked out of that exhibition three hours later thinking that I learnt a lot. But now the only thing I remember is his quote: There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. I really like that quote, but still feel embarrassed about not being able to remember more. Not to blame anyone here but I was constantly texting Brennan while walking through the museum. One could say I might have been a bit distracted. After that nice educational visit I got a delicious falafel and went back to the hostel. The room was still smelly but so was I after the falafel. So I called it a day and fell asleep.
The next day I slept in a little, took a shower in one of the hallway bathrooms, got my breakfast and went into the city. I bought a few postcards and a nice sweater for Brennan as a surprise. After that I felt like I had seen enough of Montréal since all I could think of was Brennan. So I went to the train station to change my train ticket to be back in Ottawa earlier. That way I could spend one more full day with Brennan before leaving for Iceland. I paid $21 to change my ticket and was a happy man. Through the freezing wind of Montréal I walked back to the hostel to relax in that reading room nobody was using. When I went back into my room I met Charlie from London. He told me about a Christmas Market he wanted to go to and asked if I wanted to join. So we walked to that Christmas Market which felt a bit like a German Christmas Market. Just that it was trying too hard.
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But it was at that place and time that I had my very first poutine. I felt super Canadian right away. The poutine itself was okay. It was more about the experience anyway.
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After that Charlie went to a party and I went to bed.
The next morning I got up early to catch the train to Ottawa. On the train ride I watched Home Alone 1 on my laptop. It's the kind of nostalgia I like. With the perfect timing of Kevin hugging his mother in the end I arrived in Ottawa. Brennan picked me up at the train station. We went to our favourite – Mucho Burrito – and with a full stomach made it to his place. We spend all day watching movies and cuddling on the couch. I enjoyed every minute of it. Julie Andrews taught us the Do-Re-Mi as we were watching The Sound of Music. Later Melissa McCarthy food poison pooed in the sink in Bridesmaids. All in all, it was a successful day that ended with pizza and more cuddles. This time I upgraded myself to sleeping in his bed. We were both happy with that decision.
The next day it was time to say goodbye for now. I was headed to Iceland next and Scandinavia after. But I was already sure that I would pass on the last Scandinavia week and get on a plane back to Canada. I gave him the sweater I bought. And he gave me some beautiful gloves. I was so happy and so sad at the same time. He drove me to the airport, gave me one last kiss and the next thing I know is me waving him goodbye. At first, there was a lot of sadness knowing that this part of our story was over, that I was about to continue my travels and that I would not see him for some time now. But soon after I realized that it was just the start of it all. The start of something so beautiful words fail to describe. So I sat there at the gate waiting for my flight. I checked my phone. He texted. Heart emoji. This is just the start. There is so much more to come.
Ich liebe dich, Brennan.
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karinrumi · 5 years
Gambler of Feelings - Chapter 16
Title: Gambler of Feelings.
Status: Ongoing.
Wordcount: 2, 602.
After the events of Sports Festival ended, Sarada had a lot of stuff on her mind. The first question that she asked herself was when her crush on Boruto started?
Looking back on it she always observed him from the shadows before their first meeting. At first, she recognised Boruto Uzumaki as someone with similar family problems, but for some reason more optimistic than her. He was honestly annoying her, Sarada even wrote in her diary special instructions to avoid him. Later learning that Boruto was known as 'troublemaker’, she followed those instructions because of his reputation for creating problems. 
However, Sarada's actions were the result of her secret admiration for him. She admired his optimism, social skills, positive popularity, everything she didn't have.  Maybe that's why Sarada avoided Boruto like the plague, even if his class was just a few steps away from her own class.
Boruto Uzumaki was a person Sarada Uchiha wanted to be, but couldn't due to her stuck-up personality. And now the same Sarada Uchiha tried to think how she ended up with such mixed feelings towards the same Boruto Uzumaki she successfully avoided before.
In that case, wasn't it normal for her to have such contradictory feelings about Boruto as a person? Sarada before realising it until now from an 'idiot' that she's jealous of, somehow started to see him as a good friend. 
"No, not just friend..." she muttered in a daze to the empty air. 'Friend' meant the person she could trust wholeheartedly like Chō-Chō.  Sarada knew why she shouldn't doubt the intentions of other people so much, but being suspicious was her most natural reaction.
Being betrayed once was enough but due to that Sarada was scared to trust people that weren't Chō-Chō. Even though she interacted with Mitsuki, Sumire and Shikadai as a fellow club member, Sarada was unable to trust them completely. 
When did she start to trust Boruto and developed feelings that weren't something which Sarada would label as friendship? Sarada till this day could recall stuff Boruto said to her during these past few months.
"Are you sure about that? No matter how strong you are it is nice to have someone worrying about your well being."
"That's a really awesome dream, ya know!"
"You can always stick to me, ya know! I mean to stick with all club members, hehe."
"Hahahahaha! An alien! I'm not a handsome and popular guy in your eyes, but an alien! It's the first time a girl thinks I'm coming from another planet, ya know? It's hilarious!"
Boruto is quite a smooth talker, isn't he? Out of context, those lines sound strange. No wonder she ended up loving him. It's this annoying idiot fault, not hers. 
Suddenly, a light tap on her shoulder interrupted her thoughts. She couldn't help but jump slightly. 
"Are you alright, Sarada? You seem kind of absent right now, ya know?" It was Boruto. He's the person that is responsible for all her mixed up emotions
"B-Boruto! Don't scare me like that ever again. Please." Sarada came back to her usual composure. The more nervous she was, the calmer she appeared in front of others. 
"Did I scare you? Sorry, I can't tell because you don't look scared at all." Boruto almost looked like an angel with that relaxed smile. 
"Yes, I was startled. Besides, it doesn't matter how I look." She hoped this answer was good enough. Sarada knew her judgement towards Boruto behaviour is clouded. Especially, after realising how handsome he is in this moment. 
"What a waste, ya know..." Boruto muttered averting his blue eyes.
"Eh, a waste?!" Sarada didn't know why he made this comment. Was he trying to make her misunderstand something?
"I mean I think you should care more about how you look, ya know? I'm not talking about something extreme, but it would be nice if you sometimes dressed up. I really know you would be pretty if you smile more, Sarada." 
Sarada eyes widened. Boruto's words really struck her heart, so she looked into his eyes and smiled. It wasn't sarcastic smirk, it wasn't a forced happy expression, it was her most real and sincere smile.
"Thank you, Boruto. It doesn't change the fact you're annoying." Sarada said, ignoring a small blush forming on Boruto's cheeks.
"Y-yeah... By the way, I realised that I forgot to give you an address to my house.  We still need to know when we should meet to buy you a new phone, ya know?" Boruto spoke as fast as possible throwing in her direction the small paper. And after that, he disappeared from her like flash of lightning.
Sarada took this little scrap of paper in her hand and decided to read it. Boruto's house was really close to the cat alley she liked to go. Oh, whatever she'll pretend she's not jealous of Boruto running skills at all and forgives him now for deserting her.
At home, Sarada was like usual alone. She decided to read her favourite mystery novel that she got into. Though, her plans were quickly disturbed by her mom coming back. Did something happen?
"Mom?! I thought you had a shift today?" Sarada questioned her beautiful mother, Sakura.
"Did I surprise you, Sarada? I took the day off today." Sakura responded with a kind smile.
"A little bit. Last time when you suddenly came back we didn't have a pleasant conversation." Sarada remembered her mom was against her being a member of a club she participated in.
"Sarada. I'm still against you being in a club that involves gambling." Sakura sighed silently wishing this issue could finish fast. She wanted to spend time with her daughter in the same way as before. Without this tense atmosphere. 
"I know." Sarada covered her face with a book just not to show her sadness.  Her mom was stressed enough, even without her causing problems.
"You should quit." Sakura walked over and took a book from her daughter's hands. Honestly speaking she should have this conversation with her one month ago.
"I'm sorry, but I don't plan on quitting anytime soon, mom. I know you think this club can bring for me painful memories. However, being a member of this club made me more happy than sad." Sarada started to tell mom her reasons. She should speak sooner about her feelings. Maybe if she explained her reasons calmly before, her mother would be less stressed.
"Happy? Grandma Tsunade was happy too, but look like she ended up. Dear, I don't want for you to end up hurt. Can't you see I'm doing it for your sake?" Sakura mentioned Tsunade. It was painful for her to use the name of her mentor in this sort of way. Tsunade died pursuing her dream, the dream Sarada wanted to fulfil. 
"Yes, happy. I moved on, mom. Of course, thinking about the past is painful, but that's it. It's the past."  Sarada looked into her mother's emerald eyes. Her mom looked exhausted but still decided to have this honest heart-to-heart talk. It made Sarada incredibly happy.
"Are you sure you're okay, Sarada? I don't want to see you looking lifeless again." Sakura patted Sarada head lightly. Why people close to Sarada have the urge to pat her head?! 
"I'm sure. I moved on and you should too, mom. Oh, and I don't know if I want to be definitely the owner of a travelling casino. Dreams can change, ya know?" Sarada imitated Boruto speaking habit. His influence on her was one of the reasons she used it. 
"Is that so? I think you resemble someone I know a lot right now." Sakura teased confused at her words, Sarada.
"I do?" Sarada asked trying to get her mystery novel book back from her mom's hands.
"Yes, you do. Did you meet some new friends in the club perhaps?" Sakura smirked realising why her daughter didn't want to quit the club right now.
"I did. To be honest, joining this club made me feel less lonely. Boruto is really a great friend." Sarada decided not to mention Boruto was the person she had a crush on. Her mom was too much eager to listen about teenage romance stories.
"Boruto, you mean Boruto Uzumaki? Naruto Uzumaki son?" Sakura mouth formed a little 'o' in her surprise.
"Yes? He's the president of our club." Her causal answer made her mother laugh.
"Who would have thought Naruto son is more responsible than him. That's hilarious." Sakura had a small tear in the corner of her eyes from this apparently funny situation.
"You know Boruto's father?" Maybe it seems like she pried too much into her mom private life, but the rumours in the school were making Sarada nervous.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't. However, if Boruto Uzumaki is the club president half of my worries can disappear." Sakura concluded having a little bit of joy seeing confused expression on her daughter's face.
"So I don't need to quit the club and can still be Boruto's friend?" Sarada asked quite unsure how Sakura will answer.
"Yes, but I'm still against you gambling in any way."  And with those words, Sakura started to talk about her work as well plan of spending her day off with Sarada.
Sarada was glad the heavy air between her and Sakura has lifted. It was quite a while when she enjoyed spending time with her mother just like today. It was one of the best days of her life.
Boruto felt strange since yesterday. Seeing Sarada smile was really rare. He didn't know what caused this reaction, but now was seating next to Mitsuki and Shikadai in the clubroom.
"Girls are complicated and scary." Mitsuki started the topic with a heavy sigh.
"You just say it right now because of Sumire and Chō-Chō avoiding you, don't you? What a drag." Shikadai said while closing his eyes.
"No, not really I sorted it out with them yesterday. All three of us decided to be friends after I explained my circumstances. I was talking about Sarada completely charming her way into Boruto's heart."  Damn you Mitsuki! It was the only words Boruto could think as an answer to his friend that changed the subject to Sarada.
Sarada smile popped into his head. She looked beautiful when she smiled. Any reasonable guy would want to put her in the cage and protect her seeing how awesome she looks when she smiles. Being this cute should be forbidden.
"Sarada? I'm her friend right now, ya know?" Boruto forced himself saying those words. For some reason, they didn't feel right to him. 
"Troublesome. Every member of this club knew you wanted to be Sarada's friend. It was obvious. But what do you think about Sarada now?" For the sake of their friendship from childhood, Shikadai wanted to help Boruto in any way he can. He owes it for hurting him that day, after all. 
"She's cute, I guess?" Boruto had a big grin when he told them his opinion. Mitsuki and Shikadai sighed in the mutual understanding of the hopeless case of Boruto denial. It wasn't surprising for Shikadai. Boruto probably didn't want to get hurt by a girl again.
"Why do you think she's cute? A lot of students think it's hard to deal with Sarada and calls her Ice Queen, you know?" Shikadai wondered. Sarada looked more like the girl that would murder you with one stare than looking cute.
"She's cute when she smiles? And Sarada isn't that hard to deal with when you get to know her a little bit better, ya know!" Boruto tone was very cheerful like he told them something they didn't know. 
"Ahh, it's troublesome. If your fangirls heard you right now, Sarada would be probably killed." Shikadai wanted to sleep but helping Boruto was now his priority. It's not like his friend wasn't aware of his own feelings, he was just too stubborn to admit how he feels. 
"Eh?! But my fangirls are afraid of Sarada, ya know? They ran away in fear after seeing her." Boruto statement made Shikadai sigh much more than before. Mitsuki just stared at the clubroom wall with a creepy smile showing on his face.
"I think you and Sarada would make a nice couple." Mitsuki chimed in after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence. Boruto started to fake coughing and cursing Mitsuki brutal honesty.
"No way! Not to mention the fact I don't know if I can trust any girl in terms of dating." Like Shikadai thought that was the main root of Boruto denaying the possibility of having feelings for Sarada.
At that moment door to the clubroom opened and Sarada entered the room. That was kind of awkward since they were still talking about her.
"So why you don't trust any girls in terms of dating, Boruto?" Sarada question made them really uncomfortable. Did she hear everything? 
"Oh, Sarada how long you were here?" Boruto let out a nervous chuckle.
"I just came here and heard something about you having problems to get a girlfriend." Was it Shikadai imagination or did Sarada is jealous? Oh boy, they screwed up in talking about it in the clubroom.
"Kind of, ya know? It's tied more to my own personal problem than wanting to get into the relationship." Boruto answered truthfully.
"Is it tied to the question I asked you during the Sports Festival?" After some thought, Sarada whispered not being sure if she's ready to hear Boruto response.
"It is, ya know. Bringing up Asami Kinoshita and how I got into the gaming is always hard." Boruto averted his gaze from Sarada. It was a stupid move to mention his ex-girlfriend. However, Sarada eyes widened in surprise like she discovered something unusual.
"Asami Kinoshita?! That Asami Kinoshita?! Is she the root of the problems happening in our club?" Sarada outburst was really out of place. She spoke like if she knew Asami too.
"Sarada... You know Asami?" Boruto complexion looked pale. If Sarada knows Asami was she a participant in that game tournament year ago? Shikadai looked like he ate something unpleasant hearing Asami name. Mitsuki, on the other hand, was confused.
"I do, though I can say I wish I didn't know her at all." Sarada words could make anyone shiver in fear.
"Really? That's a surprise, ya know? Want to hear how I got into the gaming from the start?" Boruto voice lacked his usual energy, but Sarada nodded. She was curious about it not too long ago.
"Yes." It was the only answer she could give.
"Are you alright with it Shikadai?" Boruto looked at Shikadai before he got a thumbs up it's okay from him. Mitsuki at the same time thought him fading into the background was a great idea for now.
"You can start. I will listen." Sarada tried to process this unexpected situation calmly.
"Asami was my girlfriend and at that time was the person I cherished, ya know?" Boruto smile was warm, but his eyes looked like he was in pain.
What was this feeling of uneasiness in Sarada's heart? Sarada hated the smile that appeared on Boruto's face every time he mentioned Asami name. However, it didn't matter how she felt. She needed to hear this story. Especially, if it involved Asami. 
Sarada promised Chō-Chō to discover the truth. Listening to this story will lead her to this discovery. No more excuses! She just needed to prepare her heart to hear everything from Boruto personally. She needed to know the truth from him and not anyone else.
Because she loved him.
AN: Uff, Chapter sixteen of GoF is finished! I mean published. I read something angsty and needed to heal from it, so this chapter has a lot of fluff! I will try to at least update one chapter of GoF every month. Maybe two, depending on how fast I polish up the next upcoming chapter. Anyway, like usual hope, the chapter doesn’t contain too many mistakes and ya all enjoyed reading it!
Your clumsy Author Karinrumi/Kirumi Yuriko :D
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wheresmynaya · 6 years
Two Ghosts Ch. 9 | Brittana
Happy Brittanaversary! (A little early bcuz timezones are weird) Thanks for everyone’s patience and kind reviews once again. Ya’ll are awesome. Enjoy!
             Twenty-five minutes fly by and before Santana knows it, she’s heading onto the field. Brittany and Quinn are already there talking while the squad warms up and Santana feels like she could actually pass out from all the anticipation. She genuinely has no idea how Brittany will react, but she knows she has to reconcile. At least, for the sake of the squad.
           Brittany’s back is to her when she walks up but Santana puts on her brave face and takes a deep breath, “Hey Q. Hey Brittany.”
           Quinn smiles in greeting as usual and says, “Hey Santana.”
Brittany remains icy, her eyes focused ahead of her as she says, “I thought you’d be in New York by now.”
           Quinn’s brow arches in question at Brittany’s tone and she looks to Santana for an explanation, but Santana remains focused on Brittany.
           “Can we talk after practice?” Santana asks, forgoing responding Brittany’s snarky comment and dodging Quinn’s inquisitive eye.
           Brittany just crosses her arms and continues to give Santana the cold shoulder.
           Both of Quinn’s brows arch in question this time.  
           Santana does her best to ignore Quinn as she fights the urge to roll her eyes at Brittany; she forgot how stubborn and petty Brittany could be when she’s angry but she knew getting Brittany to talk wasn’t going to be easy.
           “You can’t ignore me forever..” Santana mutters.
           This time Brittany turns to her and dark blue eyes narrow in her direction. Brittany’s glare has Santana wanting to run for the hills, but the slight redness of Brittany’s eyes stops her.
“Why not? Just so you can tell me about my life that you clearly know so much about?” Brittany asks, “I’ll pass. I have nothing more to say to you.”
           Santana falters as her heart sinks, she deserved that, but she’s determined to make things okay. She rather have the awkwardness of before than the anger and hurt it has been replaced with.
           “You don’t have to say anything,” Santana replies but it sounds more like a plea, “You can just listen and if you don’t like what I have to say, you can just leave.”
           Quinn eyes them both curiously but she notices that some of the girls on the squad have taken an interest as well.
“Looks like you need something to do,” Quinn tells the squad and gives them a glare, “Wind sprints, go!” The girls quickly disperse, and Quinn turns back to Santana and Brittany, “I don’t know what you two have going on but you can’t bring it here. You can’t let it affect how you coach. These are teenagers, they love drama, so if you want them in your business feel free to continue but we’re adults and we can be professional. Ultimately, we have a job to do so sort your shit.”
Santana looks to Brittany expectantly, “Please?”
           Brittany frowns slightly but nods before looking to Santana a little less angrily, “I’ll give you ten minutes after practice.”
           Santana smiles weakly, “Thank you.”
           “Whatever,” Brittany shrugs then turns back to watch the squad.
             Two hours have never gone by so slowly for Santana, but by the end of practice the tension is so high that even the squad tiptoes around them. When Quinn dismisses the girls for the day, they’re all too eager to get the hell out of there. Even Quinn packs her things quickly and barely gives Santana and Brittany a second glance before she’s saying a quick goodbye and heading to her car. It’s eerily quiet as Santana and Brittany pack their duffle bags, their backs to each other’s.
           At the sound of Brittany zipping her duffle closed, Santana stands and takes a deep breath, “Bleachers?”
           Brittany stands too and nods.
           They walk together in silence, the gap between them even bigger than normal, but they settle on the first step and dump their bags at their feet. Santana’s heart pounds wildly as she tries to find the words to start.
           She peeks at Brittany who’s staring out in the distance, the setting sun turning everything golden, and tries to remind herself that Brittany used to be the easiest person she could talk to. Once upon a time she could tell Brittany anything so freely. Whatever Santana had on her mind, Brittany was there to listen always.
Although things are extremely different now, the memory is comforting and it gives Santana the courage to speak.
“So I just wanted to talk about yesterday,” Santana starts and she eyes Brittany curiously for a reaction. When Brittany barely blinks, Santana isn’t surprised. She just takes another steadying breath and continues, “I wanted to apologize for how I acted. I was hurt and overwhelmed and, I don’t know, I guess a little jealous?”
Santana pauses because it’s the first time she has admitted that last part and she takes another peek at Brittany but she remains unmoved, “I said a lot of things that were way out of line and I shouldn’t have lost it at you like I did. It’s just, being back here brings back all these feelings and memories that I thought couldn’t affect me anymore. I thought I had moved on and I was doing better, but I guess not.”
Santana glances to her side but Brittany continues to focus her eyes elsewhere. She closes her eyes as her shoulders droop, “I’m just really sorry, Brittany. I’m sorry for the things I said and how I’ve been acting lately. I guess I just don’t know how to be around you yet, but that’s no excuse. I know things aren’t great between us and they’re not how they used to be and I know we may never go back to being us but I don’t want to be the kind of exes that can’t stand each other. Despite how things have turned out, I still care about you and I do want what’s best.” Santana pauses again and realizes that tears have gathered at the corners of her eyes. She swallows hard and lowers her eyes to her fiddling hands, “I may suck at showing it, I know, but I really do want you to be happy, Brittany.” From the corner of her eye, she sees Brittany glance her way but she chooses to keep her eyes lowered, “And what I’ve realized from being back, is that I’ve missed you so much, I’ve missed having you in my life,” Santana admits and finds the courage to meet Brittany’s eyes this time. Blue eyes flickering back and forth, searching, but Santana just smiles softly, “I’ve missed my best friend.”
At that, Brittany’s lips part and her bottom lip trembles ever so slightly but she quickly looks back out at the horizon like she’s trying to hide. Brittany doesn’t say anything and Santana can’t really blame her, so they just sit silently together looking out at the setting sun. The longer Brittany stays quiet, the further Santana’s heart plummets. She didn’t think of the outcome of this conversation; she didn’t think of the possibility that Brittany really doesn’t want anything more to do with her.
Santana nods, sort of accepting that could be a possibility, and looks out at the horizon too, “Maybe I’m too late, maybe too much time has passed and whatever we had between us can’t be fixed, but I hope one day we can try again: to be friends. Even if that means being supportive of your relationship with Trou- I mean, Sam. I can totally do that. If he is what makes you happy, I won’t get in the way of that. I won’t make another comment about his abnormally large mouth or anything, because I’m an adult and I can be nice.”
That causes Brittany to look at Santana again, but this time she’s fighting a grin.
Santana looks back, perplexed, “What? I can. I can be nice.”
Brittany just shakes her head, her smile growing, “As much as I would’ve loved to see that, Sam and I aren’t dating.”
Santana’s eyes widen, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Yeah,” Brittany says, “That’s not a thing. Hasn’t been for years.”
“B-but you guys were-“ Santana stops herself as she tries to recall solid evidence, “At the funeral together?”
“I didn’t really want to go alone,” Brittany shrugs, “Funerals are weird. Everyone’s sad but we all sort of hated Sue at some point and now we all talk about how great she was, it’s just really weird.”
Santana’s brows furrow and she racks her brain for more proof, “He’s always around after practice? He waits for you..”
“He’s a part time personal trainer,” Brittany replies easily, “We work out together sometimes. I get a free gym membership, it’s pretty awesome. They can get so expensive.”
Santana lets out a sigh as she cradles her head in her hands, “I feel like such an asshole.”
“So you should.” Brittany smirks but it quickly fades to a frown, “You said a lot of hurtful things, Santana, things I never would’ve thought you’d say to me of all people.”
“I know,” Santana admits guiltily, “I was just so..” Santana pauses and closes her eyes to keep from crying, “It doesn’t matter, it’s no excuse.”
After a moment, Brittany purses her lips and says softly, “You didn’t even let me explain. You just attacked.”
If Santana wasn’t feeling guilty before, the feeling has worsened now. All she does is shake her head, “I’m so sorry, Brittany. I-I had no idea, I just..I thought-
“No, you didn’t think. You assumed.” Brittany clarifies but her tone isn’t filled with annoyance. She just speaks simply, “I shouldn’t have to explain my friendship with Sam though, that’s the worst part, you came up with this story in your head and you ran with it. I couldn’t even defend myself and what hurts the most is that you actually thought I’d settle for Sam.”
Santana looks up at Brittany but there isn’t anger in her eyes.
“He’s a great guy. He made me laugh at times when I didn’t think I could. He was there for me when things got hard and I love him for that.” Brittany explains and Santana tenses at the word love because she’s not ready for what Brittany has to say about him, “But I wasn’t in love with him. I figured that out early on and I knew it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to continue if I wasn’t fully invested in our relationship. I knew I wasn’t out of love yet but I knew I wasn’t ready to be in love with anyone else yet either. So we’ve just stayed friends over the years and that’s all.” Brittany pauses as she eyes Santana, trying to decipher her facial expression, but not even Santana knows how she feels about all this new information. She can’t believe how quickly she jumped to conclusions and she remembers how hurt Brittany looked yesterday and how she felt like she was about to go off on her but didn’t.
“Was that what you were going to say yesterday? Before you left?” Santana asks tentatively, “That you weren’t together?”
Brittany sighs and looks up to the sky as she nods, “I thought about telling you the truth, but I didn’t think it mattered anymore. You had your mind made up about me already so what was the point of explaining anything?”
All Santana manages to mutter is, “Oh.”
           “I really wanted to tell you as soon as he and I broke up.” Brittany looks back to Santana, “That was two weeks after you left for New York.”
            Santana just blinks, completely stunned, “Why didn’t you then?”
           Brittany just looks down at her feet and shrugs.
           Santana’s lips just part, but nothing comes out.
           “If I would’ve told you, you would’ve turned around and come home.” Brittany explains and Santana finds herself tensing at the word home too. She hasn’t felt like she had a home in awhile, even Lima doesn’t feel like home anymore. “But I couldn’t do that. I wasn’t ready, I hadn’t even graduated, and I couldn’t hold you back from moving forward. We were at two different places in life and I couldn’t be the reason you had to stay. When I told you that you had to be somewhere as big and bright as you are, I meant it. I couldn’t turn around and say wait for me. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Brittany,” Santana mumbles in disbelief, “You should’ve told me..I-I could’ve, I don’t know, I could’ve done something. I could’ve helped.”
The corner of Brittany’s mouth quirks up in a grin but her eyes are show anything but happiness, “That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew you’d drop everything for me and I couldn’t let you do that. I had to do this on my own. I had to learn how to be without you just like you had to learn how to be without me.”
Santana’s heart plummets again and a lump forms in her throat, “That wasn’t your decision to make.”
Brittany nods solemnly, “I know and I’m sorry for that, but I did and I can’t take that back now. I know you think that everything’s your fault and you have this urge to fix things, but this isn’t all on you, Santana. It’s on me too, I am also to blame.”
Santana just bites her bottom lip to will herself not to cry.
“I’d try to call but I never knew what to say so I never went through with it.” Brittany adds, “I didn’t want to be a reminder for you of this place. I didn’t want you to feel guilty or pity me, I didn’t want you to worry. You were finding your way already and I was still stuck at the starting line and I didn’t want you to feel sorry for me. But I told myself if you would’ve ever called, I’d take that as a sign that you’d still want me around and I’d answer. I knew that was silly though so I just kept telling myself I’d call you when I was ready instead, but..” Brittany pauses as her eyes well, “As you can see, I’m still stuck here so..”
Santana’s lips part but she doesn’t know what to say. She hates this side of Brittany because it seems so out of place; sometimes she forgets that Brittany can be just as small and insecure. But she can’t help but feel guilty for leaving Brittany alone in all this, even though Brittany says she shouldn’t. She’s always been Brittany’s protector, she has always looked out for her growing up, so maybe Brittany’s right. Santana had to go so Brittany could learn to be her own protector?
“I just studied hard so I could graduate and I worked on myself so that maybe I could catch up to you, and I tried to make it out of here but,” Brittany pauses again as her voice cracks. Santana wonders if she’s talking about her time at MIT since she’s yet to hear about it from Brittany herself. “It was hard. We both let too much time pass. I let too much time pass and now we’re here, just two strangers..ghosts.”
           Santana heart aches for Brittany because she can hear the pain and she can’t imagine what it was like for Brittany to push through alone. She has missed so much and she wonders if she’ll ever catch up on those years, but she also decides Brittany is worth the wait. It’s sort of eye opening to know what Brittany has thought this whole time and how she’s been hurting just as much and all of this could’ve totally been avoided if either of them would’ve just picked up the phone. In a way, they both cared so deeply for each other, trying to make the right decisions for one another, that it all backfired and they ended up doing more harm than good.
They sit silently, both focused on how the sun hides behind the tree line. Brittany remains quiet and Santana just processes everything Brittany has said and she wonders how they ended up like this: two strangers sitting on a bench filled with regret and guilt.
           “I can’t change the past, but I hope you know how sorry I am.” Santana says finally.
           Brittany just sniffles and nods, “I do and I’m sorry too. I hate that we’re like this, like we don’t know how to be around each other. It sucks.”
           Santana chuckles a little, “It does.” Then she wonders aloud, “So what do we do now?”
           Brittany ponders a moment but then she turns to Santana and smiles, eyes watery and red, “Maybe we can start over?”
           Santana smiles back, “That sounds like an awesome idea.” She then holds out her pinky to Brittany, a gesture that used to come so easily for them, and asks hesitantly, “Deal?”
           Brittany takes Santana’s pinky in hers and nods confidently, “Deal.”
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frederator-studios · 6 years
Graham McTavish: The Frederator Interview
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At the moment, Graham McTavish is in Malta getting his head torn off by a Werewolf. Jack Bauer once rammed a fire poker through his chest then slit his throat. He’s been set on fire, drowned, strangled, stabbed, speared, knifed, shot - not to mention, kneed in the balls, punched in the face, even slammed over the back with a log by an over-eager young performer. All in a day’s work for the Scottish actor, who’s played the baddest of baddies on a slew of excellent dramas-with-a-twist, from Preacher to Outlander, 24 to Castlevania. But Graham himself doesn’t view his characters as ‘villains’ - just passionate, complex people, of which Dracula (though he’d resent to be called “human”) is the embodiment. Read on for Graham’s take on playing one of literature’s most iconic, dangerous anti-heroes—from the relative safety of a recording studio.
Are you in LA long?
I’m flying out tonight actually, back to New Zealand. My kids are there, so I split my time. I’m doing Lucifer at the moment for Netflix as well as Castlevania, so I had to come back for a day, yesterday - I flew back just for that. (wow whaaa?) Yeah. I do a lot of traveling, but even for me that’s insane! It’s also unusual for the scheduling to work out perfectly, which it does the next few months. I have an episode gap now, then in October, I do a film in Malta, and the day that wraps, come back to LA to finish Lucifer, and the day after that, fly to Canada to do a film with Willem Dafoe about the Iditarod. I’ve got to learn how to mush a dog sled.
That’s awesome. It’s like getting sponsored to learn a cool obscure skill.
It’s definitely a nice side effect of being an actor. What other job would allow you to learn how to mush a dog sled, unless you were actually becoming a professional dog sled musher? It’ll be great.
How is it for you to switch between characters, with so little time between roles sometimes?
It really depends on your approach to acting. I approach from the point of view of a child. I have two young children, and the great thing about being that age, is they can switch from one thing to another in an instant. Very fluid. I think because I’ve never trained as an actor, I can see work as play. Some actors live as a cobbler for 5 years to play a cobbler, and that’s what works for them. Personally, I pretend. When I'm mushing dogs, I will give the illusion that I really know what I'm doing. That’s what acting is: an illusion that the audience willingly participates in. And everybody is complicit.
You didn’t have professional training?
No. I used to write comic sketches at school with a friend of mine, and we didn't trust anybody else to perform them, so we did. The Drama teacher at school asked me on many occasions to be in a play, but I always said no. Then on one occasion, he asked me to step into a play called “The Rivals” by Sheridan, filling in for an actor who’d fallen ill three days before the production was due to be performed. I said yes. To this day, I have no idea why I agreed. But I did the play, and was of course bitten by the acting bug.
After that, a local Dramatics company asked me to join them, so I did amateur theatre for a year. Then I attended Queen Mary College London University and majored in English literature. I was lucky enough to have a professor who loved Shakespeare and Jacobean drama, and he cast me in all of those plays. As an English Lit major, I was doing two or three Shakespeare plays a year, performing roles that I never would have been given if I'd been at Drama School. I'm not against it, but I don't think it's for everyone. I got my union card in Britain after doing a Beckett play, and then just started working professionally. I also did a lot of Repertory Theatre in the UK, which I think is a great training ground for actors. So it was all slightly accidental, the case with a lot of people.
How did you choose to play Dracula? What about that part compelled you?
I played him onstage once, a great experience. Dracula is the sort of character people love guiltily. If you get the opportunity to play that, it's a no-brainer. Just reading Bram Stoker’s book, your sympathy is with Dracula, in many ways. You live the story through him. It's such a wonderful ride to be playing a man whose been alive for hundreds and hundreds of years. Dracula plays to our secret desires, our secret fears. I think in all of us, there is a fascination with the idea of living forever. Fear of living forever, and fear of death; the Dracula myth plays on that edge. It’s so powerful because it takes something that we all have to face one day and says, what if you didn’t? But in gaining immortality, you lose something very important. Dracula is very enviable in some ways, but is also deeply sad and tragic.
How is it, playing tragic characters?
Among the few advantages of getting older is you have more life experience, including with tragedy. It’s inevitable. And you can draw on those memories. But you can also draw on your fears as well. I did a scene in Outlander, toward the end, where my brother is dying. I thought of my own father, and all the things I never said to him. Those emotions definitely informed that scene. When tragedy and death and loss touch your life, you carry those feelings into your future.
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Are you an animation fan?
I love animation, I grew up with it. Along with books, it was my first experience of storytelling. Cartoons, as we called them; they fired my childhood imagination. It’s like how we were talking earlier, about children, and the profundity of animation to them. The first film I saw in a theatre was Walt Disney’s Peter Pan. I was five and had no question that those characters were real. To such an extent that when they took the posters down at the cinema, I got upset. I was like, “But where’s Peter? Where’s he gone?” Because I thought Peter lived in the cinema. I still get absorbed into great pieces of animation, when the artistry is powerful, and it’s part of my attraction to doing animated work. And this show, Castlevania, is particularly beautiful.
How were you introduced to the project, and did you have expectations going in?
I knew it was going to be great. I was recording Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles when the Voice and Casting Director, Meredith Layne, pulled me aside. She said she was on a project and couldn’t tell me much, but she thought I’d be a fit, and would I like to be considered? Meredith has great taste, so I said “Of course” and sent in a tape. And when I heard that Warren Ellis was the writer, that was a huge attraction. I love his comic book work, and fiction as well. The Crooked Little Vein is one of my favorite books. Really, it couldn’t not be great, and the more I learned of the creative team behind it, the more sure I was. Everything put into the show - the casting, directing, producing, animation - elevates it so hugely above anything comparable. I love that it occupies this unique space.
What do you feel Castlevania’s Dracula uniquely brings to the character?
It’s his being human that makes it so interesting. When I portrayed Dracula onstage, there was no suggestion that that version of him felt love, or experienced empathy. But in this production, a woman, Lisa, takes him by surprise. She makes him feel, and turns his life around. I love that, because everybody can relate. You think your life is one way, then you meet someone who changes everything, opens your life up, makes you think about it differently - and makes it more enjoyable to be alive. And since Dracula is essentially dead, that irony is very clever.
Do you have a favorite representation of vampires in Media?
I'm a little biased, but I love the portrayal of Cassidy by Joe Gilgun in Preacher. It’s so unconventional. Herzog’s Nosferatu springs to mind, just incredible. Gary Oldman’s Dracula is wonderful. And I loved Let the Right One In, the original Swedish version. It’s genius. It took something familiar as a vampire story and gave it a whole new spin.
You work so much in the fantasy genre - is that purposeful?
Oh yeah. I love the variety. I've been a Viking, a Roman - twice - after always dreaming of playing one, I got to be one for a whole year. Growing up in the UK, you never imagine yourself getting to be a cowboy. On the first season of Preacher, there was a scene I rode into a western town: the whole duster coat with the Stetson guns, surrounded by horses and wagon trains, all the paraphernalia. I had to look cool and unbothered. I wanted to jump up and down in excitement. I was so, pathetically excited. I did a season of 24, and I’d been a huge fan. Every day I’d go up to the producers telling them I was a huge fan. After a while, they’d say, “Yeah, great, we get it. You like the show. You’re in it now, so if you could just be the character that’d be great.”
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And I still get a pathetically childish enjoyment out of playing Dracula. What kid doesn’t want to play Dracula?! I once talked to Lance Henriksen, and he said one of the reasons he went into acting was to be thousands of people. You get to be a cowboy and a vampire and a dog musher and a Highlander in the 18th century and a dwarf in Middle Earth. I'd definitely rather do any of that than put on a suit and do a courtroom scene. Not that I wouldn’t! I’ve just never been asked. No one’s ever looked at me and said, “Let’s cast him as The Dad.”
Have you ever played a “Castlevania” game?
I am a terrible game player.
But, but - your voice is in like every game of the past decade!
Yes, I have done loads of video games. I did a franchise called “Uncharted”. Award-winning; incredibly popular. Never played them. I played one game years ago with my friend, called “Gears of War”. I was so bad at it. I'm the guy that shoots in a circle around his feet. I’m useless at them.
Your character's bad-assery makes up for it. Anything to say to fans of the show, in advance of season two?
I just really hope you enjoy it and get carried along with the story and and want to see more. That’s always the greatest thing, if you can get the fans to clamor for more ❀
Follow Graham on Twitter and Instagram
Thank you for the interview Graham! Without a doubt, you’re the kindest chronic bad guy I’ve come across. 
- Cooper ❀
(Craving another CV interview? Read Richard Armitage’s here.)
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generaldevi · 5 years
Chapter 5: Blisters
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Law x Luffy
Characters: Roronoa Zoro, Nami, Monkey D. Luffy, Trafalgar D. Water Law, Usopp, Donquixote Doflamingo (mentioned), Donquixote Rocinante (mentioned, Dr. Kureha (mentioned), Sanji (mentioned)
Warnings: References to Depression, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Dependency
My part for the @lawlu-events BigBang 2018/19
The story got illustrated by the awesome artist @novicecomics
“Oi, Nami.” Luffy had noticed the way Nami’s posture and way of walking had changed a while ago. Why was she limping, did she hurt herself? He would have noticed her twisting her ankle or her tripping, it must be something different then.
He walked beside her, grinning as she looked at him in a questioning way. The way Luffy gazed at her and then at her heels. Something was up.
“Why did you buy these shoes if you cannot walk in them?” She was wearing light-brown sandals with high heels. It could not be comfortable walking in them. Luffy was confused why so many women (and some men) were wearing these kinds of shoes. They looked more like a device made to hurt someone and not like proper shoes!
“Luffy!” Nami did not appreciate the question, she looked angry at first and then huffed in annoyance. By now everyone in their friends-group was used to Luffy’s weird questions and tics. Often it seemed like he did not understand a lot of things, but Nami somehow felt, as if he most of the time knew more than it seemed.
“What? Did you just buy them, because you like the colour? Or do you think they’ll fit better after a while?” Not that Luffy knew much about shoes. He has had the same pair of sandals since a few years. He only buys new ones, when his old ones were too loose and broken beyond repair. Luffy never had cared much for clothes. Something looked cool, he bought it and wore it till he needed something new. The world was far too exciting to bother with something simple and unimportant like clothes!
“Yes, I like the colour. And hmpf” She would not explain to Luffy, that these shoes emphasized her female curves! Pushing her chest and lower back slightly forward. Making her bosom and behind seem bigger, more appealing.
“But I think I got a blister from them.” She sighed heavily. She did not want to stop wearing them, but then again, blisters would make walking more difficult. Walking had started to hurt a while ago and it would not get better...
“Mh, when we are back on the cruiser, we can go to the doctor there! Torao is really nice!” “Torao?” “Yeah, the doctor! The one I went to with Zorro and Usopp!” There was a big grin on his face. “Oh right, I remember.” Nami thought about it for a moment. The good-looking doctor in fine clothes, who would ensure that she could continue wearing her sandals?
“Yes, I will go there.” Even though it was weird, that Luffy was suggesting visiting a doctor for something simple like a blister. Seems like Luffy was really interested in that person. Luffy nodded. He was excited to meet Torao again. Maybe today the other one would join them for barbeque! It would surely help the doctor with the darkness occupying his mind!
  They had spent the rest of the noon going to different shops, interacting with the locals and relaxing a bit in one of the Cafes close to the shore.
When it was almost evening Nami sighed, feeling numbness instead of pain in her feet by now. “I think we should head back and I really need to give that Doctor a visit!” She said with a big grin. It was nice to see Luffy being so eager about something or someone. This time it was at least nothing dangerous!
It was almost as expected. Travel sick people and sunburned people had been a continuous occurrence on this ship. There were less people with blisters though. Apparently not everyone wanted to wander around a lot. No surprise considering the immense summer heat at the moment. Only one elder couple had visited him for some blistering plasters.
When he heard a rather familiar knock on his door he flinched. Not again. By now the dark-haired boy had visited him twice. One time with his weird long-nosed friend and a second time with some green-haired dude who had the worst sunburn Law ever had witnessed. Both times it had been rather chaotic.
The patients had not been a problem. The only problematic person so far had been Luffy. By now, he knew the name of the Strawhat. Quite a few people on the cruiser knew him after a few days.
Luffy was like a crazy whirlwind. In his office he had looked around, taken some of the medical stuff, questioning about the usage, questioning Law personal stuff. He should stay away. Safer. Isolation.
The first meeting with Luffy had been annoying, one of the most annoying patients/supports he had the pleasure of meeting in a while. Law had endured it, like he always did. His hope had been, that he would not have to see the other one again. He was wrong though.
On the second day Luffy’s questions had been even more personal. What was up with the boy. Did he not know about personal space? Apparently not. The worst part was... as dumb as Law first expected the boy to be, his empathy and emotional intelligence was incredibly high. The questions had been on point, making Law uncomfortable and uneasy. The threatening undertone was missing though. Tongue keen as a razor. Eyes hidden. Prodding. Questioning. Tormenting. Did he reveal so much of himself on the first day? He was kind of nervous what the boy would do today. Would he question him again?!
Of course, he could always send him away, but then again… he did not come alone, he always came with a patient, one of his friends. It felt, as if Luffy knew, that approaching him alone would make Law push him away.
The second knock on the door was louder. Slowly Law headed towards the door, open it in a reluctant manner.
“Torao! How are you!? Nami has worn the wrong shoes for wandering! Did you sleep? No, you did not! Why don’t you sleep? Ask Zorro! He is good at sleeping!”
Nami just shook her head. Poor doctor. “Come in.” Law sighed before closing the door after the two.
“Luffy, will you wait outside? Let me talk to the doctor?” It would make things less awkward for either the doctor, as well as for Nami. The way the doctor reacted to Luffy showed, how uneasy he was. Luffy refused though. He had a big grin on his face, as he sat down on the free chair.
“Eh? I wanna talk to Torao!” Luffy laughed amused. As if he would go outside! By now Nami should know, that he had a mind on his own!
But on contrary to his words, he watched in silence, as Law checked Nami’s hurting foot. “Nothing is twisted or broken, those shoes are way too tight. They are restricting the blood flow in your toes. They are rubbing your skin raw as well, the reason for your blisters. I will give you some lotion. I will apply it for now, make sure to either wear comfortable shoes or, even better, to be barefoot. Put the ointment on, whenever you start to feel the burning sensation again.”
Long, tender fingers were massaging the lotion onto the raw skin. Nami sighed heavy, as she felt the burning pain fade away.
“Your fingers are skilled” She tried to flirt with the doctor, but Law ignored her. Not only was the doctor pushing away Luffy, but also her! Weird person.
“Luffy, are you coming?” Nami asked, after getting up from the cot. The throbbing in her foot was way better now.  
“No! I join you guys later! I wanna chat some more with Torao!” The grin on Luffy’s face did not fade, he simple ignored the way Law looked at him in a shocked way.
“Are you sure?” “Yup!” Nami sighed and smiled at Law. Well, she had tried. She could only hope, that soon Luffy would think about the evening buffet and then losing interest in spending more time with the doctor. “What do you want from me?” Law asked, after Nami had closed the door. He sighed heavily and sat down in the chair behind the desk.
He took the now empty coffee cup in his hands, turning the coffee machine on. He definitely needed coffee after dealing with the brat again. It also felt safer to have something in his hands, something to occupy at least part of him.
“What I want? Silly question! What do you want? Why are you not happy? For someone being able to save so many lives you seem in a rather dark mood!”
“I do not know what you are talking about. Everyone is in a bad mood from time to time.” Slowly Law raised one eyebrow. How did Luffy get these ideas? He could not simply look through his masquerade, could he?
“From time to time? Yeah, but you are not!” The grin did not falter, it was still cheering, still warm. Usually Law would feel threatened by a big grin. Especially while talking about uncomfortable topics.
Big grin, white teeth, revealed gum, sunglasses. These things would trigger not happy memories for the doctor. Isolation. Self-worth. Sacrifice. Shady deals. Things he should not know...
Luffy’s grin was quite the opposite. Warm and nice. Gentle in a way. And yet powerful enough to make others join him in his happy mood.
“Everyone here is happy! Isn’t this your holiday too? It is awesome seeing so many different islands, eating so much food and being able to talk with all these people! Come on! Enjoy it! Tomorrow you go with us! I will show you, how to have fun!!!!”
“I have to work.”
“You are not the only doctor here! There are two others and I am sure you can get one free day!”
If Luffy knew, that there were other doctors on board, why did he always come to him with his friends? Especially with... all of his friends. Yesterday they even had to wait, till the other patient had been outside. And still … Luffy had decided to bring his friend to him and not to the other doctors.
“I am excited for tomorrow! Just think about all the delicious meat we can eat!”
Law glared at the other one. “I did not say yes.” “You do not need to! I know, that you want to!”
Again, there was this laugh of the boy. It was a cheerful sound, kind of quirky and it had a special ring to it. It was no threatening Fufufufu that let one’s blood freeze into the veins.
It was a Shishishi sound, that let Laws lips twitch a bit. His body wanting to follow the smile, but he could not, at least not yet.
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demaury · 5 years
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Game On – High School AU | Enemies-to-friends-to-lovers AU (chap.3)
Ten years after his father shipped him off to boarding school, Jude is back to Los Angeles for his senior year. As it turns out, relinking with his childhood friend isn’t nearly as hard as it is to deal with his almost estranged father. Zero is the typical high school heartthrob and a basketball prodigy on the way to make a name for himself. Everything should be easy, but years in foster care and physical abuse don’t make for the smoothest reunion with former teen-mom  and her perfect family. 
Really. They have a lot on their plate already. 
Falling in love was not supposed to be an option. (read on ao3)
The next couple of days were better… and worse, all at the same time.
Better, because nothing could beat the nervousness of his first day at school. Worse, because he had, amongst other things, spent his first weekend at home in ages and he wasn’t particularly thrilled to have that experience repeat itself for the next three months.
His parents’ mansion was a particularly weird mix of deserted and crowded, welcoming and gloomy, spacious and suffocating. His parents were never really home, with Oscar, forever away on business, and Lionel busy with her hundreds of various activities that constantly kept her out and about. Yet the house was buzzing with activity, a staff of at least twenty (most of whom Jude barely even knew and some not at all) at any given time, keeping the household clean and running smoothly. The house always felt warm and cozy, flooded with light, spotless and ready to be featured in Harper’s Bazaar. But the memories it held of Jude’s troubled childhood were anything but. This was no sanctuary for Jude.  20,000 square feet and yet the only privacy he could get, away from his parents, staff, or even security cameras, was only in his own bedroom.
Life was still a little bit surreal at times. He was still nodding vaguely to the house’s personnel he recognized every once in a while, and he was constantly mixing up Lionel’s personal assistant, Abigail, with Amanda, the landscape architect — which wasn’t nearly as harmless a mistake as he had thought in the beginning, judging by Abigail’s penchant for glaring. He kept forgetting his teachers’ names, turning to people who weren't there to share a joke, and wondering who the hell were those people everybody kept gossiping so eagerly about. On the second day, he contemplated sending a text to Cem, his former roommate, to enquire about the follow-up at Ellis Harwood, but quickly dropped the idea. The following weekend, he faced the fact that if he hadn’t received a single notification from the group chat he shared with his former swim team; he simply wasn’t one of them anymore, he didn’t belong.  
Fortunately, he wasn’t completely alone.  He could say he had officially befriended Jelena and Raquel (or at least Jelena had deemed it so). He still had to get used to the rest of the gang though. Terrence was nice, but Jude assumed he was biased based solely on the fact that he was Jelena’s boyfriend. As for Derek, he seemed a decent guy once you managed to get past his ever-judgmental expression.
That left Kyle and Zero.
Kyle was brutally honest and straight-forward, and Jude had realized pretty quickly that she wasn’t someone he wanted to have prying into his business, whatever that business may be. And Zero… Well, to be fair, Zero was almost never there, although conversations within the gang sometimes turned out to be about him. Jude couldn’t care less. Okay, yeah, he definitely could, but it was only because Zero had that whole… asshole attitude directed right the fuck at him since they met in the Cafeteria. As if he had said something truly offensive, while it was at worst extremely dumb — he hadn’t expected that tiny, scrawny, annoying kid from second grade to become a monster of a baller, all ripped and muscular like that, alright?
Kyle, of all people, seemed to act differently whenever he was around, and Jude had come to the conclusion that those two had some kind of weird chemistry. He didn’t know what their deal was, but he wasn’t particularly keen to find out.
What about school?
He was already bored by his AP Calculus and really didn’t care about his AP Biology course. He wasn’t great in literature but he wondered for a while what it’d be like to attend a class where he wouldn’t be three steps ahead of the teacher before he even finished writing the equations on the board.
In a word? Boring.
That was, until Thursday. He had barely even stepped inside the school when a short girl hovered in his personal space by the lockers. She was ironically wearing a NASA shirt, obviously more of a fashion statement than an actual interest in aerospace engineering, because her very first words were: “Hi there. I’m Emmy. Like the Emmy Awards.”
Honest to God he thought it was a joke at first. But it wasn’t, and his lack of a response didn’t seem to faze her. “I was wondering if maybe you had heard about a party at my place?  It’s on Saturday night.”
“I’ve got other plans,” Jude replied instinctively.
He very much didn’t, right now his social life was as exciting as a suicide letter, but this wasn’t what would make it relevant all of a sudden.
“But it’s on Saturday night,” Emmy pointed out with a chuckle. “Parent free. You could meet a lot of new people there!” And without even taking a breath, she added, her face lighting up: “Is it true that you know the Kardashians?”
He stared at her blankly. “My stepmom does.” And despises them more than you could imagine.
“That’s awesome, oh my god,” she squealed excitedly. “So you’ll come?”
“He’s got other plans, and so do most seniors next Saturday,” a profoundly annoyed voice intervened.
Jude’s head snapped to see Jelena standing beside him. She didn’t look like she had just barged into a conversation that she had no business being in, in the first place. Emmy’s eyes darted to her too, her mouth hanging open a little.
“The party at Xander’s is on Friday night,” Emmy objected.
“It’s been moved to Saturday,” Jelena said without a blink.
There was a short, one-second awkward silence, then Emmy simply shrugged. “Another time maybe?” and with a wave she twirled around and walked away, almost throwing her long hair in Jude’s face in the process.
He groaned to himself, then caught Jelena’s pointed stare. “What?”
She shrugged. “Nothing, just wondering if you’re trying to break a record or something.”
“What record?” he asked, now mildly annoyed.
“I don’t know,” she scoffed, “maybe the number of girls you turned down in a week?”
He snorted. “She’s the only one.”
Jelena let out a small “uh huh”, as if she was giving it a real thought. “Interesting,” she said casually. “You should definitely get yourself a better ‘thanks but no’ answer for the next ones, then.”
And with that she left, heading back towards the entrance of the building. He frowned, confused, and quickly strode behind her. “What next ones?!”
“Look at us, sharing breakfast. Isn’t it great?” Lionel said enthusiastically into her cup of coffee.
Not knowing Lionel, anybody would have probably expected it to be some sort of fake-joy, but her stepson knew better. Jude had been suspecting for a while that her over-eagerness when it came to him probably had to do with the fact that after nearly eight years of marriage with his dad, there hadn’t been another little Kinkade strolling through the house while he was away — he had never known if it was on purpose or not, nor had he found the time or the energy to ask.
Jude hummed unconvincingly at his plate of pancakes. It wasn’t like he didn’t find it great, but it wasn’t like he had many other family breakfasts to compare. As always, his stepmom was going over the top, and the grand mahogany table was disappearing under, like, a hundred different plates. He highly doubted that even if his dad was looking up from his phone long enough to finish his second cup of coffee any of them would return empty to the kitchen.
“Sure,” his dad replied, probably firing off his fifteenth text since they had all sat down around the table.
There was a short silence, only disturbed by the sound of Jude’s fork tinkling on his plate.
“Jude, honey, do you have any plans for this weekend?” Lionel asked casually.
He shouldn’t have told her he had met nice enough people, especially when he was still very committed to making his dad understand that pulling him out of Ellis Harwood hadn’t been okay, thank you very much. That would have, of course, required his dad to even pay attention to the outside world though.
“I don’t know,” Jude replied slowly after swallowing his bite of pancake. “There might be some sort of party tonight.”
He expected his stepmom to talk him out of going — his Centurion card was still confiscated from the time they had found out that his friend, Marcus’, seventeenth birthday party didn’t have a Greek theme but had been organized on a Greek island. But instead of frowning, Lionel smiled, her face lighting up. “That’s wonderful! You should go. Take advantage of some real high school experience.”
“I was in a real high school,” Jude countered, offended. “One I didn’t have to take the bus to.”
Lionel waved dismissively. “You’re being dramatic, nobody has been talking about taking the bus. I told you that Eric could drive you there.”
“I’m attending a public school. It’s not really the norm to have a chauffeur.”
“Jude doesn’t need a chauffeur, he needs a car,” his dad intervened, finally putting his phone on the table. “I got a call yesterday, it should be delivered on Monday.”
Jude almost dropped his fork in surprise. “A car?” he repeated, confused.
His dad arched an eyebrow, as if he had asked a very stupid question, but as far as Jude was concerned, he had never heard of any plans regarding a car whatsoever. He had his driver’s license, and his dad had signed for a few rentals during vacations so he could wander around a bit. But it wasn’t like an actual car had been any use to him up until now, with him on one Coast and any hypothetical car of his on the other one.
Lionel seemed a little taken aback as well. “A car? What car?”
His dad discarded his napkin on the table as he stood up, smoothing his tie. “One that I hope he will have the decency to care for,” then he looked at Jude from across the table, with his ever so slightly annoyed expression, as he put his suit jacket on. “I had expected a better reaction, for an $87,000 welcome gift.”
“Er, thank you?” Jude tried awkwardly, still clutching his fork a little too tightly. His dad grabbed his phone with a snort and left the room without so much as a look back. “Should I thank you too?” Jude asked carefully as he glanced at Lionel.
She gave him a pointed look. “Listen to me, young man,” she said, openly ignoring his question, “you’re going to this party. I will not have you moping around this house till Christmas.”
I hate this, Jude thought bitterly as he progressed through the crowded hall, full of teens his age who were far less bothered than he was about tripping over somebody else, apparently. I hate this so freaking much.
He barely resisted the temptation to shove away the couple who had just bumped into him, too busy making out to notice there was a freaking outside world. The beer was warm and slightly gross, he hadn’t found a single one of the few people he had met so far who were supposed to be here, and he had already fought with Lionel over the matter of his curfew… not to come home two hours earlier than planned.
“If you want extra hours of freedom, you take Ludovico with you,” she had shrugged casually when he had protested against being expected home by half past midnight.
“I’m not taking Ludovico with me,” he had scoffed, mildly horrified at the thought of having to walk around with a goddamn bodyguard. Jeez, his dad was an estate mogul, not a member of a Cartel or the President.
“Then I think we are done here,” Lionel had said sweetly.
Now he was regretting even being talked into coming here in the first place. He wasn’t one of those nerds who had no social life. His was actually just fine, on the East Coast, where he knew people. People who knew the basic rule of not serving freaking warm beer.
He didn’t even know who this “Xander” guy was, who lived in this stupid house. He followed a group of giggling girls into what he assumed was the living room. If he didn’t find anybody he knew, then he’d just leave, and to hell with his-
A hand wrapped around his wrist and made him spin around. “Hey, you came!” Kyle grinned, and Jude wondered how the hell he could have missed her with her shiny silver bomber jacket.
“Thought you guys had a change of plans.”
Kyle raised her red cup. “Kinkade, you’ll figure out that I’m always up for free drinks. C’mon!”
She dragged him through the living room and headed directly through the French doors opening to the backyard. A group of loud people were playing beer pong on the deck, while others were sitting on a blanket laid out on the grass around an improvised table made from a pile of empty pizza boxes.
Okay nobody could make fun of him for not thinking to check outside right away. In his world, October tended to be chilly and windy, with temperatures around 50°F, not 70°F.
“Look who I found once again,” Kyle exclaimed, walking directly to the second group.
Now he recognized a few faces… Raquel, at least. Kyle plopped down next to a guy with messy dark hair whom Jude was sure he had seen in a couple of his classes, and when Raquel gave a nudge to a ginger girl sitting next to her, he vaguely remembered her from his English class.
“Have a seat,” Raquel grinned, patting at the small spot on the blanket.
The girl next to her looked at him. “Seven minutes in heaven, wanna play?”
Jude glanced at the girls, who seemed like they were having too much of a good time to move onto another game — like drinking themselves silly, which would have been an activity he could get behind. “Yeah, why not,” he shrugged.
What were the odds that he’d be picked anyway? There were eight people around the makeshift table, statistics were on his side.
“You sure?” Raquel asked. “You do know that the rule implies that the last one to join is automatically part of the next round, right?”
Uh-uh, no. He didn’t remember that. But given that the only few times he had played he was practically a citizen in Tequila City, it wasn’t hard to see why.
“Er, yeah, yeah, ‘course,” he muttered, awkwardly standing there and seemingly unable to move. Is this something he really wanted to participate in? Should he risk kissing a stranger just to fit in with the group? What was he supposed to do? Sit down to spin the bottle himself, or stay standing because he’d have to get up for his turn anyway? Of course he realized he couldn’t just leave, he’d risk being labeled as the biggest pussy ever.
The guy next to Kyle groaned with impatience and spun the bottle for him. “There.”
Ok… fine. A kiss wouldn’t kill him.
He definitely had kissed girls before. Two, in fact — because he had been dared to do so, but that was beside the point. This time wouldn’t be any different. The empty bottle started to slow down on the pile of empty pizza boxes, settling on Raquel.
He didn’t know if it was for better or for worse. Maybe for the better. Yeah, for the better. At least it wasn’t a guy. Some heterosexual dumbass who would scoff and try to wriggle his way out of it because really, who could ask him to kiss a boy, that was gross, right? He could suddenly remember parties of card kissing back at Ellis Harwood — no lips touching, and that was already far more than most could take.
Raquel stood up and he held his hand out to help her steady herself. “The shed,” she said as he quirked a brow and looked vaguely around.
“Ah, ok… yeah.”
They made their way to the small garden shed standing by the fence in the backyard, closing the door behind them. It only muffled the sounds of the party outside, and if he was listening carefully, he could probably make out the conversations and giggles from the group they had just left. He tried not to.
There was an awkward silence between them as he shoved his hands in his pockets, and Raquel’s high heels echoed against the wooden floor as she slowly took a couple of steps towards him.
She cleared her throat just as he was about to suggest they should get down to business, if only to get it out of the way. “So, uhm. Any chance you might be interested in someone?”
Jude looked at her, slightly taken aback. “Not- uh. Not really,” he admitted. “This is all a bit… it’s a bit new.”
“Makes sense,” she conceded. There was another pause. Outside someone burst out in laughter, and they exchanged a small wince as the sound turned into a cackle. “Look, if you don’t want to, it’s fine, really. We aren’t forced to do this, we can just talk.”
Jude considered her, pondering his answer. “You sure?” he asked carefully.
She grinned. “Yeah, sure. Totally fine.”
He let out a small breath he didn’t know he had been holding in when she perched herself on a pile of plastic chairs, putting a little more distance between them.
“So, what’s up in your life?”
He stared down at the ground a little, and shrugged. “My dad got remarried. That’s about the most thrilling thing that happened to me.”
This was a lie.
Smooth and believable, but still a lie nonetheless. He wasn’t so bad at switching between truth and made-up truth whenever it was called for, but the fact that Raquel was giving him a way out of this slightly awkward situation made it hard to look her right in the eye while doing so.
The most thrilling part of the last decade was not Lionel, although Jude couldn’t deny that she had brought a certain sparkle to his life — no, the most thrilling part was a six-foot-something Lacrosse Team Captain named Connor. Connor Studwick, the heir to the Studwick Hotels all across the world. The guy with a worldwide pedigree, great abs, and a snarkiness that Jude had at first mistaken for pure pettiness, but had turned out to be his classmate’s favorite coping mechanism whenever he was pining for someone — and he would be damned if he said he hadn’t found it hot.
Connor was the most exciting thing that had happened to him.
And that’s exactly what had been the problem since the beginning.
Because all the time they spent fooling around, heavily making out in locker rooms, sneaking out after sunset to wander lazily among the pine trees, all along Jude had forgotten that Connor was very obviously never going to come out. He had never planned for Jude to be more than a distraction, the embodiment of something delicious and forbidden. Jude had been fine with it… for a time. Except that after Jude had turned seventeen, and with a whole summer to reflect on it, he had started to wonder what it’d be like to actually date someone. He liked how it was with Connor, but he wanted more than a few rushed blowjobs behind the science building. He shouldn’t have built castles in the sky, but it wasn’t like he could have helped it.
Then everything had crashed. When the news of their Principal’s involvement in an embezzlement scandal started to spread, the Studwicks had been among the first to pull Connor out. Too fast for them to even discuss what would happen after that.
Jude felt his throat tighten a little and as if the walls of the shed were quickly closing in on him. “I’m still thinking about someone from boarding school,” he admitted quietly, not looking at her.
There was another long pause between them, as the news probably made its way through her brain and she put it together with other various pieces of information he had given her so far.
“So you’re… you’re into boys then?” she asked after a moment.
“Yeah, seems so,” he said with a small, uncertain smile, finally looking back at her.
Her dark-brown eyes were pitch-black in the darkness of the shed and he waited for a rejection of some sort as she kept staring blankly at him, her expression unreadable while she tugged at her choker. It was the first time he was admitting it out loud. Not that he had trouble admitting it to himself, it’s just that up until now it had never come into question openly. He had been tempted to tell his former roommate, Cem, but by the time he had gotten the nerves to do so the moment had passed and the conversation had drifted on to something far less personal — it’d have been just weird.
Connor had never exactly needed for him to actually say it. And the rest of his friends were probably as straight as it was possible to be.
Raquel tilted her head to the side. “Do you want to keep it secret?”
“I don’t know,” Jude huffed. “Whatever happens I just don’t want it to be a big deal, you know?”
She nodded thoughtfully. “They won’t leave you alone until they get you to kiss someone. This thing,” she said, pointing around at the shed, “is just the first part of the game. They just like to mess with the new kids.”
Jude groaned and kicked at the ground with his foot. She chuckled and he glared at her instinctively.
“Relax,” she said as she hopped off the pile of chairs, “I’ve got an idea.”
He stood still as she walked into his personal space and took his chin. He wondered for a second if she hadn’t decided all of a sudden to forget that they had both agreed on not kissing and that he had literally come out to her as gay five seconds ago, until she ran her thumb on her purple-coated lips a couple of times. She then proceeded to do the same onto his mouth, spreading evident traces of lipstick. The concentrated frown on her face turned into a broad grin as she took a step back to admire her work.
“And now you look like someone who just made out with a hot girl,” she decided, sounding rather proud.
Jude let out a laugh as she then proceeded to add the final touch by messing up his hair a little bit. “Thanks, that’s nice.”
“You’re welcome,” she shrugged, waving with her hand just as someone knocked at the door.
“Are you guys decent?” a voice giggled outside.
“Isa you’re the slut in here, not me,” Raquel yelled back, running a hand through her hair.
“Rude,” the girl muttered outside as Raquel grabbed Jude’s hand and dragged him out of the shed.
The music seemed to have gotten louder inside of the house and new faces had appeared in the group they had left seven minutes ago. A concert of giggles and whistles welcomed the slightly debauched look Raquel had created from scratch for them.
“I gotta go to the bathroom,” Jude said, not very keen on going back for another round.
“I’ll save a seat for you if you decide to come back,” Raquel said, pulling a face, before she sauntered back to her own spot.
Jude hopped onto the deck and got back inside the house. He remembered walking past a passably busy bathroom on the first floor when he was still trying to find someone he knew, and it took him only a minute or two to reach it. Just as he was about to pull the door handle, the door swung open and Jude found himself face to face with Zero.
The baller stared at him for a second. “You got lipstick all over,” he commented dryly with a disgusted scrunch of his nose, before walking past him.
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