#it's fine though i'm slowly but surely getting my life together. and i am definitely not coping.
pokemonruby · 6 months
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zyhkoo · 2 months
☆ we do together - jason todd x f!reader
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fluff, vigilante reader, college au
you and jason work on your research paper
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With patrol done, the two of you immediately slumped on the couch. Though you had your own patrol route, you loved to get in Jason’s patrol route. Not that he didn’t mind of course, he’d gladly let you patrol with him. Today’s patrol was crazy though, it definitely wore the two of you out.
Not bothering to change into much comfortable clothes, you and Jason lazed on the couch. You were sitting down while he was on the far corner of the couch while his feet laid on your lap.
Your stomach grumbled, you forgot to eat your lunch a while ago because you were so busy with your college assignments.
You looked over at him “Jay..” you called out his name. Jason, whose eyes are closed while facing the ceiling, answered “Yeah?”
You sighed, “I’m hungry.. you promised to cook.” Jason slowly turns his face to you “Told you, you said you weren’t hungry while doing the assignment.” he scolded.
The two of you were in literature degrees, in the same class, same professors, and the same lectures. So any assignments, projects so on and so forth; Jason and you would always work together.
“I really wasn’t, I snacked too much.” you retorted “Can we just get takeout?” he asks while crossing his legs. You rolled your eyes and reached the phone to your pocket “Fine.”
You looked at the clock on your homescreen, 2:30 am. Then.. a sudden realization hit you. You tug on his jacket “Jason..” he looks at you with a lazy expression “Hm?”
You looked at him horrifyingly, he checked the clock then it hit him too.
“The research paper!”
You were quickly going through the food app while Jason scrambled to the laptop “Fuck we’re only halfway.” he curses, his hand moving to his forehead “At least it’s halfway…” you pointed out.
You look for sources while Jason reads and types out whatever is needed, if anyone walked in on both of you they’d be concerned to see two College students looking like zombies.
The pizza you ordered arrived, Jason opened the box and saw the toppings you disliked on the pizza “Thought you hated this?” he said, showing you the pizza.
She groaned “Ugh, I must’ve accidentally asked for it. Whatever, give me a slice I’m starving.”
Jason remembers waiting for the letters for both your college applications. You both graduated highschool together, and now this was the bigger deal. Jason was looking forward to being in college with you, especially in a degree you both absolutely were interested in.
He remembered you pacing on the manor waiting for the mail to come while Jason told you that it was going to be alright. You wanted to be in college with him too of course, you’ve known each other since forever and you want it to stay that way.
Damian knocked on Jason’s door with two letters on his hand “These are for you, Todd. Is she in there as well?” Jason took the letters from his small tiny hand “Yeah she is, thanks.” Jason says as he closes the door.
“Is this it?” you asked “Yep, here's yours.” the two of you read in silence, he was accepted. Jason looked at you, a small smile on his face. You were still reading the contents of the letter, focusing hard “So? What’d they say?”
You turned back to him with a bright smile “I'm in! You?” he returns the smile “Got accepted too.” you pulled him to a tight embrace “We’re starting college together oh my god I’m so happy.” she says.
He wanted to experience all the bad and good things in life with you. Because he loves you, your presence just makes him happy already. At first, he wasn’t sure if he was capable of loving, but with you it was enough.
Morning passed, Jason woke up on the table. A blanket was covering him and next to him was you, peacefully sleeping on the coffee table. He looked at your features and smiled, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
You stirred in your sleep “Jay?” he looks down “Yeah?” he answered your call, you shook your head, yawning. “Nothing.” he sighs softly, playing with your hair “Just wanted to call my name?”
You nodded “Yeah.” he yawned “Well, shit it’s twelve now. Can’t go to class today.” he comments, " you stretched your arms. “It’s okay fuck the professor.” you say “We’ll pass it tomorrow.”
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hey there! I've been reading your fics/works and let me tell you- They're amazing! I love your writing! I rlly like you and yoru writing style ^-^
And uhh
It says requests are open, so here I am hehe (became Micheal Jackson for a moment-)
It says that we can request a "-dere" type, so uhh
Can I request yandere Mizuki, Akito and Tsukasa angst?
If not/too much characters then maybe yandere Mizuki alphabet?^^;
Bye, have a nice day/night! Take your time hehe<3 though if you reject this request it's fine ^^
Don't forget to drink water and rest ♡
Hello! Thank you so much and I'm sorry you had to wait for so long... but hopefully you'll enjoy this! Unfortunately I don't have Yandere alphabet yet... (but I do plan on making it) So I did angst for all 3 of them! Enjoy sweetie <3
Back again to rambling in requests... wowie...
Yandere!Akito, Tsukasa, Mizuki are suspicious...
TagList: @bleachtheidiot @vodka-glrl @yulikesminori @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane @alicewinterway18 @prsk-krow @modyuki @no1mizukifan
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Akito was extremely alerted on any contact you had with others in general. That's why it didn't took him look to star eyeing your new friend. He usually does it secretly and whenever you looked at him to see wht your friend was so scared about, you saw your boyfriend looking away or looking through his phone like he's bored.
But when you're finally done talking to your friend, he'll definitely approach that topic sooner or later. Maybe it'll be on your way if it happened before or if he just has bad day, or he'll be willing to wait for more hoping that it was just this once and won't happen ever again.
"Ey, what were you thinking when you were talking to them? They clearly can't bring anything nice into your life."
"They are actually pretty funny and-"
"I said, they can't bring anything nice into your life. But I can so you should focus on me and no one else, got it?"
"Well I need to have other friends as well! I get it that we're together and you're the jealous type but I can have my freedom!"
"Stop being so stubborn. I already told you to not even try! And if you do then I'll make sure you regret it. Do I make myself clear?"
He was extremely seriosu right now and you could tell by his face and voice, so you decided to give in. For now at least... you can't just abandon your friends like that after all!
But whenever you talked with your friends, they were usually avoiding you or telling you that they don't care about you and your friendship anymore, or if someone did spent time with you then you couldn't manage to contact them on the next day and longer... you knew very well who was doing all of this and it was just crazy for you! But even if you tried, you can't be against his will.
"I told you, don't look at anyone other then me or you will regret it. It's called punishments, don't misunderstand it as threats... unless it'll make you more obedient. Then look at it hovewer you want."
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You can't say Tsukasa was extremely jealous or possesive, he was just a bit... clingy somtimes... sometimes too clingy even but besides keeping you in bed because he's not ready to let go yet, he never did anything against your will.
But recently you've been avoiding him and you knew it well... but you were motivated on keeping it as you were setting up a surprise gift for him and needed help of your other friends for that. It ended in you pulling away to text back and make sure your boyfriend won't see or even leaving early! He tried to be understanding but he slowly loosed his sanity while thinking that someone could've stolen you from him, so he finally decided to discuss it with you.
Today you needed to go early once again with same excuse but he wasn't about to let you go this time. This time, he made it his mission to hold you close and not let go. No matter what.
"It's important, Kasa!"
"Nothing's more important than the great future star! So just stay like that for longer!"
"You said same thing 2 hours ago... how long am I supposed to sit here with you?! Look, it'll only take 10 minutes if not less!"
"We can cuddle through these 10 minutes. So you'll stay here forever for ignoring me!"
You really wanted to go there as you wanted to give him something nice and it was your chance to get it but then again... you did ignored him for past few days and it's only natural for him to want some more attentio. So surely you can sacrifice some time to give him cuddles, right?
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Mizuki had you on their eye for a really long time now and they noticed that you didn't wanted to spend as much time with them as you used to... did you got bored of them? Should they make their personality a bit more entertaining for you? They're willing to do so! But for now... they have to know the reason behind your weird behavior.
You were now hanging out in Mizuki's room, they were montaging videos for their group and you were on your phone. They noticed that you were smiling and texting someone, and it was easy to say that they couldn't take this anymore. First you don't spend time with them and now you text with someone when you can talk to them instead?!!
"Hey there! Earth to YN! Are you even paying attention to me?!"
"Ah, sorry I was kinda doing something else now..."
"Yeah, I can see that. There's definitely something more important huh? Almost like it's someone you truly love..."
"What are you talking about?! I was just-"
"Don't try to persuade me with your lies!"
They took a deep breath so they can calm down after raising their voice. They really didn't meant to do that but thought of loosing you is just too much for them.
"Sorry... I didn't meant to yell... how about we cuddle? No electronics at all!"
You didn't even had time to respond and they throwed your phone across the room not looking where. You were lucky that it landed on their chair... you were about to say something but you noticed the grip they had around your waist and also remembered how they raised their voice at you. So maybe it'll be better if you stay silent for now...
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feralkwe · 5 months
For the Director's Cut: To The Edge (And Back Again)
Also, i just want to congratulate you on your exquisite taste of being an Elidibus fan. He is so <3
to the edge (and back again)
this dinged danged fic may be the best work i've ever published. it is, hands down, the one i am most proud of writing, and definitely the one i worked the hardest on. so many lovely little threads to pull together. i spent so much time reading so much lore, combing wikis, sifting through short stories with a fine toothed comb. listening to music. replaying cutscenes. i've never worked so hard to get the lore so right (and i still made some pretty big errors!). it is the most work i've put into a fic ever, and my only chaptered canon character centric work. in a way, it was my white whale. it is by and far the most popular fic i've ever written.
the shb patches gently and slowly broke me as the more we learn about elidibus through them the more he broke my heart. in the beginning i was furious about what he does to ardbert, and it quickly evolved and i felt awful by the conclusion. at the end of the trial the wol is putting down the remaining shell of a very broken man, angry and mad and absent the memories of why he is so driven, and in the throws of rage in his grief at being the last of the unsundered. there was no glory in that victory. nothing to take pride in. it is quickly apparent after anamnesis anyder that he is unwell. even y'shtola mentions that it seems like a mercy killing put in motion by emet-selch. i think the game meant for me to be very sad about one thing at the end of seat of sacrifice, but i was very, very wrapped up in elidibus' fate. the wol has no choice but to stop him, and the only way to stop him is to kill him. i was devastated that it came to that. perhaps being someone who suffers from psychosis made it personal. i couldn't say for sure.
and then after all of it, he gives the very last of his self, his essence, to send us back in time to do what he could not.
it was some time before i did the pandaemonium raids, and they smacked me in the face from the moment you drop into elpis. i became preoccupied with elidibus (and since i played them so late, i already knew the themis-elidibus connection). how did this clever, sweet, smart, driven, and oh so young man who valued his job and duty above all else, get to "i'm going to sacrifice myself to give life to god?"
more than that, the overarching story of ffxiv reinforces a falsehood that zodiark was corrupt, power hungry, and even the source of all evil right up until fandaniel actually corrupts him. this just is not true. even though the writers carefully leave us a trail of crumbs to lead us to question the in-world narrative of zodiark's motivations and morality, much of fandom blithely accepts hydaelyn's misleading of the wol and the word of the lopporits, who are unreliable, being literal creations of hydaelyn herself. the zodiark plan worked. the souls who sacrificed themselves saved the world, at least bought it time. and elidibus somehow got to a place where he felt it was his sole responsibility to bear it all.
it worked. and the burden broke him on the most fundamental level even before hydaelyn made her choices.
that journey gripped me so hard that i had to tell that story. i had to set the record straight in a way that satisfied me. the souls who fueled the creation of hydaelyn get to be literal gods. the souls sacrificed to zodiark are all but forgotten. we only know one of their names. elidibus fought until his last breath for them, for better or for worse. that has to matter.
and now i kill him at least once a week in the hopes of getting my hands on that "fleeting moments" orchestrion. i begged forced my free company to help me do the seat of sacrifice (extreme) so i could get the axe that drops.
so, thank you for this ask. i am so normal about elidibus in a way i've never been normal about another fictional character before.
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virtie333 · 9 months
Day 29 - Life Day Damerey Celebration
Prompt: Cozy
Summary: Poe looks good in anything, but especially soft sweaters
Notes: I'm writing this with the idea that Rey is an HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) like me.
On a separate note, I posted this last year on the day I lost my heart cat, Rodney. It was just another nail in the coffin of the year 2022. I still feel like I haven't processed his loss completely, I was so numb when it happened. Maybe I'll start going through his pictures someday soon.
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Rey didn’t know how he did it.
It didn’t matter what color he wore, what pattern, what kind of material, or what season of the year, Poe always made sweaters look cozy and comfy. Cardigans, turtle necks, v-necks, even ugly Christmas sweaters looked great on him.
Rey envied how comfortable he was in them, as she herself had such sensitive skin that all but the softest of sweaters made her skin itch. She didn’t like anything tight around her neck, either, so though she knew she looked cute in turtle necks, she always felt as if she was suffocating in them, and if they weren’t super soft, it was pure torture to wear one. Poe knew about her dilemma, though, and never bought her anything but the softest of cardigans. They were always in bright colors, with no patterns, and they were warm and easy to slip on and off in case they became too prickly feeling at any time.
When Rey and Poe first stated dating, Poe was never picky about what kind of sweater he wore, nor did he really care how he looked in them. Not that he had to worry, since he looked great in anything. However, after he and Rey had been together for a few months and he started to learn her little quirks, her likes and dislikes, and the reason behind them, he started paying attention to what he wore. Not for any aesthetic reasons, but for Rey’s comfort.
Suddenly, his t-shirts, dress shirts, and of course his sweaters, had to be super soft. He wanted Rey to be comfortable touching him, therefore she needed to be comfortable touching his clothing. Rey didn’t notice what he was doing at first. All she knew was that she was never physically irritated by anything while she was near Poe. Her brain slowly began to connect that fact that everything he wore on his torso was of fine material, oftentimes smooth, and always soft. The rough sweaters he used to wear were gone, as were the stiff, starchy shirts.
When she began to suspect he was doing it for her, she was too afraid to ask him outright. What if she was just imagining things? What if he was just realizing he was more comfortable in that kind of clothing? But one night, as he was dropping her off at her apartment after a movie, she decided she had to ask him.
His coat was open, so she ran her fingers gently down his chest, appreciating the downy feel of the sweater he was wearing underneath the coat.
“Is this for me?” she asked softly.
He tilted his head questioningly. “Is what for you?”
She felt her face heat, but she pushed forward. “The sweater,” she said. “Your other shirts these past few weeks. They’re softer than what you usually wear.”
He looked away, biting his lip, then he smiled and looked back at her. “I wasn’t sure you’d notice.”
“It is for me, isn’t it?” she nodded. “Because I’m too sensitive.”
“You’re not too sensitive,” he denied. “Sensitive is just what you are. It’s not a bad thing.”
“Isn’t it?” she asked. “If it’s making you change who you are?”
He laughed softly. “Rey, my choice in clothing isn’t who I am. My sense of style has no definition. Besides, I’m kind of getting overindulged by wearing all this soft stuff.”
Rey huffed a laugh. “More comfortable?”
He shook his head. “Nope. You touch me more often, now. It’s spoiling me.”
“What if?” Rey started to say.
“What if, what?”
“What if I wanted to touch you even more?” she said with a shy smile. “Without that soft stuff between us?”
He looked at her for a long moment, his eyes intense.
“Then you better invite me inside.”
Rey stepped aside and invited him inside.
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prokyon · 1 year
General life update:
The last 10+ months have been hectic, and I have 1-2 more months to go before things get relatively back to normal. Short version: I moved to Canberra for work at the end of October 2022. I am moving back to Central QLD at the end of September 2023 and have secured housing there and can work from home remotely from then on.
As my friends know, I have been very lucky to get this job and keep it as it gives me a lot of financial security even though I am just a bit of a pencil pusher.
I hope to do more art, writing, and streaming when I go home as I will be living with family again and taking up my carer duties but also not spending double rent money and doing exhausting commutes etc. And honestly I am just so relieved to stop having such big expenses. For the salary I have, Canberra isn't very sustainable if I want any savings despite my best efforts to keep every dollar. I am pretty sure I'm going negative in terms of funds this year overall but don't worry I am fine and can keep it all together for now.
The Canberrans probably think I want to leave because it's cold but really I just want to get control over my personal life back. The flatmate situation is affordable but I don't get any time to actually relax or even eat properly anymore. I think I have health problems from gluten cross contamination (I have Coeliac disease) and the air quality in this house has made me feel ill. I only get to really go outside when I go to work.
Working from home full-time has its struggles too with feeling disconnected and isolated but my team is nice and supportive so hopefully that doesn't become an issue. The perks definitely outweigh the risks here.
The enby werewolf novel is still progressing in the draft stage, very slowly as I don't have much capacity to think after work (honestly I felt more energised when I did manual labour and wasn't wringing my brain out all day!) but I am still planning, researching, and writing when I can. As usual y'all can come chat about it with me in the server where I basically thought-dump everything: https://discord.gg/FCneba8X8V
SO yeah just wanted to put this message somewhere. I'm still chugging along and I hope to relax and be more creative when I leave Canberra :)
Stay safe y'all 💜
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missmonsters2 · 3 years
today I feel awful... idk my insecurities are taking over me and I just want to curl into a ball and cry. maybe it's my hormones maybe the fact that I weighted myself and found out I gained weight (I can't fit into my jeans 😭) and the fact that I saw my sister in a tight skin dress looking perfect while I'm in my pj's just destroyed my confidence. I need something angsty to read to make me forget about my sad, miserable lffe right now. would you be down in writing sth angsty with nat maybe? you don't have to though. it's fine either way. I really appreciate all of your work and I keep reading on repeat whenever I'm feeling down. makes me cheer up. thank you, van ❤️
It's like we're the same person because I also went to visit my sister recently and my sister has gotten her life together and is living her best hot girl bod while I...let's not go there.
I just want you to know that you're hot as fuck and a body is just a body that we can change with time and effort. We're lit rally in this together. This time next year, we will be rocking the body that makes up happy and we'll be healthy!!! 💘💘
But I will still give you nat angst...but with a happy ending bc I said you deserve a HEA!!
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The Withers of Springtime Bloom
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spring is a time of blooming and when things come back to life. You can't help but notice things that may be causing your relationship with Natasha to wither.
Warnings: self-esteem issues, insecurities about body, relationship with working out and food, seasonal depression. angst with HEA.
Count: 2.1k~
You're not sure when things changed.
Things change so slowly after all.
Without you noticing, things change and change and change until one day, you do notice.
You notice that Natasha has become quieter, somber.
You notice the lack of date nights and affectionate touches.
You notice that you've let yourself go a little.
You're standing in front of the mirror, staring at your body with a frown. You've gained weight since dating Natasha, but relationship weight gain was normal, wasn't it?
But you remember how Natasha was just as fit as she was before she met you. Sure, she was a superhero, and you were a regular civilian; there was no reason for you to train long hours as Natasha did.
You turn to the side and peer at yourself in the mirror again.
You can't help but wonder...were you becoming less attractive to her?
It had been the beginning of fall when you met Natasha. You loved the season of change and when things turned into warm colors before withering away for winter to come.
Natasha had come like a blessing, and in the winter, she was just warm as the colors of fall. Instead of withering away, she bloomed and invested that warmth in your relationship with her.
Despite always being an early riser to work out, weekends were the days she stayed in bed with you just a little longer. There had been so many breakfasts, lunch, and dinner dates. You found yourself moving things around or neglecting to work around her busy schedule.
Perhaps that was when things began to change. Eating out so often and forgoing working out to spend time with Natasha was what led to this.
Spring has arrived, and things are coming back to life. Yet somehow, your relationship with Natasha was withering away.
"Hey," you greet her as you come home, shopping bags in hand. You bought some more clothes when things felt like they didn't fit comfortably anymore. The experience had been upsetting for you, and you didn't end up buying too much, telling yourself you didn't want to spend too much when you were going to lose the weight.
Natasha was working in her office, peering down over reports, and barely acknowledged you other than with a hum.
"Long day?" You ask her as you put your things away and walk over to her.
"Yeah," Natasha sighed. "Trying to get these reports done since Maria needs them tomorrow."
That had been Natasha's excuse for spending long hours in her office every night for the last two weeks.
You place your hand on Natasha's shoulder with a reassuring squeeze, but she leans to the side as if to readjust herself, but still away from your touch.
The sting immediately comes, but you try to push it down, so it doesn't hurt as bad.
"Right," you say hoarsely, but Natasha stares on at the reports. "I'm just going to get ready for bed. It's been a long day and all. Let me know if you need anything."
Natasha gives you a nod as you leave the room. You feel awkward as you lie in the bed you share with her. You wonder if you're taking up too much space.
There's a pang of something as you try to curl yourself to be smaller and only distantly realizing you've skipped dinner before you fall asleep.
You fall back onto the mat, chest heaving and your lungs burning.
It's been a while since you've worked out, and now you're definitely paying for it with how unfit you are.
The gym is moderately empty with the hour it is. You hate going to a public gym because it always feels like someone is staring, but it's better for strangers to stare than working out at the Compound for people you know to stare at you.
The rational part of you knows that you should just talk to Natasha, but the emotional side of you whispers that you won't like what Natasha has to say, that she might even end it before you've had a chance to change yourself.
When weeks pass, and you weigh yourself again, you almost start crying because you've only lost a couple of pounds.
It's normal, you know it is. You're losing weight at a normal rate, but it's not enough. You know fast weight loss wouldn't make sense for your body but you also feel you don't have half a year to go back to your normal weight.
You sit on the bathroom floor for hours, debating what to do when you hear a quiet knock.
"Sweetheart, are you in there?" Natasha's muffled voice comes through.
You wipe at your eyes furiously as you stand up.
"Y-Yeah," you answer back. "I'm just in the tub soaking."
There's a moment of silence through the door before Natasha answers back, "Alright. Enjoy yourself. Did you want me to order anything specific for dinner?"
"No, it's okay," you tell her. "You order anything you want. I already ate on my way home." You think about the chicken salad you've been eating for the past two weeks and almost sigh.
Natasha answered that she just came back to see if you've eaten, but she actually had to head back to the Compound. You were Natasha shuffling around before leaving through the front door, and you let out the breath you were holding.
You actually take a long, hot shower before putting on sweats and a big hoodie.
The truth was, you were hungry. The chicken salad was okay on the way home, but it had been a couple of hours since.
You knew starving yourself wasn't the answer, so you went into the kitchen to see if you could find something healthy to hold you over until you could go to bed.
But you can't find anything in the fridge except for Natasha's leftovers from whatever she ordered the day before. You can't find anything except frozen pizzas and microwavable foods.
You check the calories on the back and let out a frustrated sigh. Checking your watch, you realize it's too late in the evening to go grocery shopping because, by the time you get there, stores will have closed.
You slump down on the floor, leaning against the cabinets as you let out a pathetic whimper while your eyes became hot with tears.
You miss Natasha. You want Natasha holding you and telling you it would be okay. But you couldn't have that until you were back to what you were when you met her.
The front door suddenly opens.
"Have you seen my—sweetheart?" Natasha started to call before she noticed you sitting on the floor. "What's wrong?"
You use your sleeve to wipe at your eyes as you sit up straight.
"Nothing," you sniffle before you start to stand. "I just stubbed my toe against the edge of the kitchen island. What were you looking for? USB? You left it next to the bedside."
Natasha stares at your back, hair still wet as she takes in your attire.
"It's a little hot to be wearing a hoodie and sweats, isn't it?" Natasha asks softly. "Doesn't seem like you turned on the aircon in here."
You keep walking, but Natasha starts to follow you.
"'m cold," you say quietly so she can't hear the tremble in your voice.
"Are you feeling sick?" Natasha asks with concern as you sit down on the couch, turning on the TV. You pull the blanket over you as if to make your point.
"No," you tell her because you don't want her to worry. "Just cold after a bath."
Natasha sets her things down before she takes a seat next to you. Even in the low lighting, she can see your eyes rimmed red and dampness of them.
You're refusing to look at her as you have your knees drawn up to your chest and stare stubbornly at the TV screen.
Then she hears it.
Your stomach grumbles.
"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Natasha asks softly again. "We can just order food and stay in tonight."
Your cheeks grow hot. "Don't you have to be at the Compound?"
You don't mean to snap at her, but you can't help but feel embarrassed.
Natasha remains quiet for a moment, quickly thinking over the last few weeks before she feels guilt trickle in.
She doesn't remember the last time she ate with you—doesn't remember the last time she saw you eat.
"Sweetheart," she calls you gently again, and you bristle at the tone. "Is there something wrong?"
The fragile dam you've built to keep the weeks of compiling emotions at bay breaks, and you're hurtling down the stream over the waterfall.
"Are you not in love with me anymore?" You choke out as you begin to cry.
You can't even register to feel horrified at your breakdown because you just need to know.
"I know...I know my body has changed since we first met and I've gained weight but I really am trying to lose it. I just—I feel like you're avoiding me. At first, I thought things at work have been really stressful for you, and I wanted to give you space but you're gone all the time. You're gone even when you're here."
Natasha can barely understand anything you've said after hearing you say the first part. Her breath hitches painfully in the back of her throat, and she legitimately feels appalled at herself.
She starts to say something, but you keep going.
"I'm sorry, I don't want to make this about me because if you're going through something then I want to support and be there for you. But I can't help but feel like you're grossed out by me. I mean—I feel grossed out when I look at myself. I feel like I'm taking up so much space—"
Natasha cuts you off abruptly, pulling off the blanket as she pulls at you until you're in her lap.
"You're not gross and this is not about the weight you have or have not gained. You hear me?" Natasha says forcefully as she holds you close to her, hand over your thigh to keep you against her.
"God, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry if I've been making you feel like you're not attractive me," Natasha's eyes well up as your tears wet her shoulder. "You're literally still the most gorgeous person I've ever met and you're always going to be that to me."
Natasha's hand at your waist dips underneath your hoodie, her fingers trailing up your back as she sighs at your warmth. "I should've told you, but the springtime is just really hard for me. It's odd because it's a time for things to come back to life but some of the worst things have happened to me during the spring and things blooming makes me think about things that aren't coming back. I think it's also just a little bit of seasonal depression too. I'm just the rare percentage that gets it in the spring."
The explanation makes your body sag with relief because while you feel so horrible that there is a reason Natasha doesn't like spring, she's not falling out of love with you.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I was hurting you," Natasha apologizes again. "I didn't mean to be so distant but I didn't want to bring your mood down as well, which is why I've been working so much to keep busy."
"It's okay," you muttered as your turn your head, forehead pressed against her neck. "I'm sorry spring is depressing for you."
Natasha merely hushes you as she kisses the side of your head.
You begin to feel awkward, thinking about how you must be heavy on her and try to move, but Natasha doesn't let you.
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to convince you that you're perfect to me," Natasha says so seriously as she forces you to look at her. "If you want to lose weight because that is what you want, then I support you. But I need you to understand that I love you no matter what. I don't care either way because you're so fucking lovely to me always. Do you understand?"
Timidly, you reply, "Okay. Thank you."
Natasha presses her lips against yours in a long kiss before she pulls back.
"Now, I'm going to ask again. Are you hungry? We can order in and watch that new show on Netflix I heard was pretty good from Wanda."
You feel lighter. You think you might still want to work out because that would make you happy, but you don't feel the rush like you did just a couple of hours ago.
"Yeah," you say shyly. "But maybe something not so heavy?"
Natasha nods as she presses another kiss into your cheek as she helps you settle onto the couch right beside her to grab her phone.
"Anything to make you bloom."
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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synopsis 💭;; Tanaka gets jealous bc some bitch talking to his man.
note 🖋️;; IT TOOK A WHOLE FUCKIN WEEK TO WRITE THIS. WHY DOES WORK ALWAYS PREVENT ME FROM DOING THE THINGS I LIKE? WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- by the way, ‘Isayama Misaki’ is based off of some asswipe I used to know- also, I ran out of ideas at the end, so it kinda cuts of lf at the good part. I apologize to the anon that requested this.
Requested by anon ♡
Male pronouns used
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Tanaka wasn't a jealous man. Or at least he'd like to think so.
(Y/n) was pretty popular around campus, so it wasn't a surprise to see a few fangirls here or there. It kinda reminded him of Oikawa—except (Y/n) didn't exactly pay his fangirls any attention. (And he didn't have an ass as flat as printer paper.) But did that stop them from trying to get into his pants? No.
In all honesty, Ryu felt lucky that he had someone like (Y/n) as a boyfriend, although he didn't like the fangirls—who paid him no mind whenever they were together. It annoyed him that they kept surrounding (Y/n) who clearly wanted nothing to do with them, begging him for dates, one night stands, anything.
To say that Tanaka was mildly uncomfortable was an understatement.
Today was a bit different. Instead of a crowd of women rushing towards (Y/n), it was just one—; Misaki Isayama. The woman (almost) every guy considered perfect. This was...manageable, but what did she want? Well—at least it was only one girl. He had only woken up a little over an hour ago, and wasn't exactly ready for his simps just yet.
“(L/n)-chan, can you help me study for the science exam that's coming up?”
“Just because you're my upperclassman, doesn't mean you can call me that.” (Y/n) said quietly, rubbing his eyes, then yawning. “I'm on my way to the lecture hall though, so maybe after that? I should be fully awake by then..”
Misaki smiled and nodded her head. “It's a date!”
“No. No it's not.”
Tanaka let (Y/n) lean on him during the lecture. That turned into one sided cuddling from the sleepy man. Ryu thought it was cute how (Y/n) always clung to him when he was sleepy. He was a little sad when (Y/n) fully awoke, and let him go, but it was for the best.
“Oh, Ryu-san. I'm tutoring the rumored ‘perfect woman’, and it's gonna be awkward with just the two of us, so can y—”
“You headin to the library? I was on my way there anyway. I'll join ya.”
The (h/c) haired man nodded, and they both walked all the way to the other side of the schoolyard to the library building. Tanaka even held (Y/n)'s hand to flex on the girls they passed by. Some of the girls were noticeably annoyed or a little angry, which pleased him.
When they finally arrived, Misaki was standing by the door. Upon seeing Ryu, she scowled. But it was only for a second.
“Ah, (L/n)-kun..who's this?”
(Y/n) smiled, oblivious to Misaki and Tanaka glaring at each other. Needless to say, the intense atmosphere went right over his head. “This is my boyfriend..Tanaka. He'll be joining us if that's okay.”
“‘Perfect woman’ my ass..the only ‘perfect woman’ I know is Kiyoko-san.” Tanaka mumbled under his breath. (Y/n) may not have known, but Misaki and Tanaka were always competitive with each other. Other times he wouldn't have cared, but now that (Y/n) is what he's fighting for, he wasn't gonna back down.
“Oh, it's fine.” Misaki said through gritted teeth.
Isayama and Tanaka were left sitting at a table alone, while (Y/n) searched for the science books. They sat in complete silence, but it was almost as if you could hear their thoughts—mentally arguing with one another.
(Y/n) returned with three books, seating himself between Isayama and Ryu. “Okay! Let's get started!”
As (Y/n) went on explaining the laws of physics (because Tetsurou used to tutor him), Misaki and Tanaka continued their epic staring battle. The battle ended once they noticed that (Y/n) had stopped talking. He was chewing his tongue in thought, trying to figure out how to pronounce a word.
Misaki didn't notice, but (Y/n) had gone from physics, to microbiology. In less than five minutes.
“Something wrong?”
“How do you say this word again..?” The (e/c) eyed man pointed to a bolded word in the textbook, leaning back a bit so the other two could see.
A suffocating silence reigned over the three of them, but only for about three seconds.
Isayama squinted a bit before she spoke. “Endothelial?”
“Oh yeah. Thanks, senpai.”
Isayama smiled smugly at Ryuunosuke. The said man had a visible tick mark (💢) on the side of his head, symbolizing his annoyance. Tanaka only wanted (Y/n) to call him ‘senpai’—even if they were the same age (if not, then (Y/n) might be older). It made him feel like he was a dependable upperclassman, maybe even a bit turned on in certain situations. But hearing (Y/n) call someone else senpai..made him a little sad.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating. As Tanaka reached into his pocket to get his phone, he caught (Y/n) putting his own phone in his jacket pocket. Tanaka turned on his phone to see a message from (Y/n) in his recent notifications.
Pretty boy💖: Go to the bathroom. I'll join you later.
Although he was a bit confused, he got up from his chair. “‘M gonna go take a leak.” Ryu said as he started to make his way towards the men's restroom.
Almost five minutes pass before (Y/n) goes into the bathroom after Tanaka, telling Misaki that he was checking on him. As soon as (Y/n) had passed the first bathroom stall, he was yanked into the second one, the door locking almost immediately after it shut behind him. He wasn't given any time to react before he felt a familiar pair of soft lips violently smash against his own. (Not violent enough to make his mouth bleed or anything. Chill.)
A heated battle for dominance arose between the two, (Y/n) quickly taking the lead as he gently bit Ryu's lip.
They didn't want this to end, but eventually Tanaka had to break the kiss because he couldn't breathe. He stood there, breathless in his boyfriend's arms, not wanting (Y/n) to let go.
“Ryuunosuke..” Tanaka flinched upon his first name being said—even though (Y/n) said it many times before. His reaction brought a smile to (Y/n)'s face. “I love you~..” He said, drawing out the three words in a sing-song voice.
Ryu felt his legs getting weak, and held onto (Y/n) for dear life. (Somewhat out of fear that he might fall.) He wasn't actually feeling like this because of three words...right? “Babe..am I supposed to be kinda horny right now?” It was a bit of a strange question, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
(Y/n) chuckled. “Well, yeah. I might have to carry you out of here once we're done.” His warm smile from earlier didn't falter as he spoke.
‘How can he say something like that so casually? If I say something like that, I'd get d–’ Ryu's thoughts were snapped away when he felt his chest touch the stall divider and his pants being pulled down. He let out a soft moan as (Y/n) stroked him through his boxers.
‘What the hell is taking them so long?!’ Isayama got up from where she sat, and went to the men's bathroom. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would see her going in. She opened the first stall's door. ‘If they ditched me, I swear to go–’
“W-Wait, (Y/n)!~ Haa!~♡”
“Geez senpai, you're so wet inside~..♡”
Misaki froze. She couldn't be sure that it was (Y/n) and Tanaka in there—but those were definitely Tanaka's pants hanging over the second stall's door. Now she felt more..curious than angry. Isayama slipped into the first stall, carefully and quietly closing the door behind her, and slowly locking it so it didn't make noise.
Ryu tried to keep his breathing steady as (Y/n) fucked him with his fingers—even though that did absolutely nothing to help his current situation. Hell, he couldn't even process words anymore. The only actual word he could say was his boyfriend's name. He eventually remembered how to speak after about two minutes of being finger-fucked.
He wanted to sound more demanding, but his voice came out more whiny than what he'd have liked it to. “Fuck me already..ya fuckin– Hng!~” It may have been that he couldn't process it, or that (Y/n) had moved at the speed of sound, but Tanaka wasn't able to register how fast (Y/n) pulled his fingers out, and shoved his cock into his still tight hole. He wanted to say something, but all that came out was a choked whine.
“You were saying?~♡” (Y/n) asked, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.
Tanaka wasn't given a chance to answer due to (Y/n) ruthlessly fucking the poor man senseless. His loud whines and moans echoed throughout the bathroom, much to (Y/n)'s pleasure. He wanted everyone to know that he was a taken man. He wanted everyone on campus to hear Ryuunosuke's pleasurable cries.
Hearing the two men fucking in the next stall turned Isayama on to no end. (Even though it was more of (Y/n)'s voice that made her wet.) But she resisted touching herself because she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she masturbated to her rival getting fucked. (A kinda stupid reason, but okay.)
“Fu–fuck, (Y/n)!~ So good..it feels so good!~” Ryu babbled, the words almost incoherent as he attempted to push back against his boyfriend's cock. “More!~ Give me more!~♡” He begged, voice broken and choking on his own breath.
The (e/c) eyed man didn't say a word. As his senpai had politely asked of him, (Y/n) drove his cock so deep into Tanaka that the said man let out the loudest drawn out moan (Y/n) had ever heard from him. If it weren't for the cum spewing from the teary eyed man, (Y/n) would've thought he had hurt his lover. He wasn't entirely sure until he felt Ryu continue to push back against him, desperate for more friction.
“Aww..you're so cute when you act like a bitch in heat, senpai~..♡”
He only got a choked whine in response.
“I'm pretty close anyway..do you want it inside?~♡” (Y/n) asked, pulling the shaky man up to his chest. Again, only a whine. (Y/n) parted Ryu's lips with his fingers, those fingers soon being coated in saliva. “Use your words~..”
Finally, Tanaka spoke, despite his unintentional dry heaving. “Fuck me- please~..”
“As you wish~♡” (Y/n) almost whispered, gripping Tanaka's cock firmly, earning another broken moan from the said man. “You're the only person I'd fuck like this, you know that, right?” He said, as he rubbed the shorter man's stomach.
“Y-Yeah..that makes me happy~..”
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Lmao this was like- 80% highschool drama (in a college setting), and the remaining 20% being me getting horny for no reason. Also, I'm aware this made no sense. None of the stuff I write makes sense. :)
The class session is now over!~♡
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heyyyharry · 3 years
(inspired by happier by Olivia Rodrigo)
Word count: 2.4k
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I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Part 1: Drivers License
Part 2: Deja Vu
A/N: I edited the original lyrics to match the POV :)
Harry had come up with a thousand scenarios of how this day would play out. Actually, he’d been thinking of this day since the moment he’d received the news. He didn’t dare to hope that she’d say yes to coming back for a sequel. He’d been sure that they would write her character off, give a lame excuse for how his love interest could not make a return and make his character forget about her completely to move on with a new girl in town. It would have been great if it was that easy in real life. Once someone was written off the script, they were gone for good. Real-life relationships were not that simple. Goodbye didn’t mean ‘never see you again’. You would still share the same friend circle and social bubbles, and it was worse when you two worked in the same industry. Harry didn’t know how he’d lasted a year without running into her, not since the Grammys.
“Didn’t you two date?”
“No.” Harry shook his head, but his eyes stayed glued on Y/N from across the room. She wasn’t looking his way, too busy saying hello to everyone else. “No,” he repeated, more to himself than to his co-star. “We didn’t.”
“But she wrote an entire album about you,” said the other twin. What was her name again? Lulu?
“Luna!” cried her sister, Lex. “You can’t ask him that!”
“No, it’s okay,” Harry said with a tight smile, slightly annoyed by the blonde twins, but he didn’t want to seem like an ass on the first day of filming. “And I don’t know if it was for me. You should ask Y/N.”
“Ask me what?”
Harry flinched when he looked up and saw Y/N padding towards them. She hugged the twins, who seemed way too excited. Harry guessed they were Y/N’s fans. They gave off crazy fangirl vibes, probably just pretending not to know the drama to interrogate him. He couldn’t blame them for assuming he was the villain and definitely could not blame Y/N for portraying him as one. It was more important that he knew who he was and how much he had changed since his last relationship. Maybe they could finally be friends.
“Were they bothering you?” Y/N asked him once the twins had left.
Harry nodded. “They’re your friends?”
“Oh, I met them last year on tour. I’m surprised you don’t know them. They were on Disney.”
“I don’t watch Disney,” Harry admitted with a smile. “Well, not today’s Disney.”
“Understandable.” Y/N nodded and bit her lip. She seemed guarded with her straight back and hands hidden behind her. She eyed him up and down, quite subtle yet noticeable. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” he said, nodding slowly. “You?”
“Yeah, but mostly tired because of tour.”
“You’re done?”
“Yup, last night was the last show.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Harry blinked. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Y/N giggled. “You still sound very...you.”
“Well, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, you should. But it’s been a year so…I mean, you haven’t changed much.”
“Right,” he said lowly, his eyes falling to his feet. Harry supposed he should say something else, perhaps bringing up another random topic to discuss, but all he could think about was what had happened between them. Things had been messy, hadn’t they? How could they go back to before that? Before her first song about him. Before he’d chosen someone else over her.
Or he could talk about her new relationship. She’d been in a happy relationship for almost six months, right? No wait, hadn’t they broke up two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure because he hadn’t been catching up. If they’d broken up, he’d sound like an ass to even mention her ex’s name. He should just stay quiet.
“I’ll see you later?” she said, gesturing at her stylist who was waiting by the door.
Harry could ask her right now -- the reason she’d agreed to film the sequel to their first movie together. He’d heard from a very reliable source that she’d specifically asked her agent to decline any project that he was in. So did this mean they were good? That she didn’t hate him anymore? He could have gathered his courage and got the answer right then…
“Yeah, see you.”
...but he didn’t.
And so she gave him a smile and a little wave, then happily returned to her stylist.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“See you, Annie!” Y/N said as she put the rest of her things into her tote bag. Her new driver had got her schedule mixed up, and so she had to wait here for another half an hour. She was in no rush. It had been a light first day, and she’d had a fun time getting to know the new cast members and catching up with old friends.
She sat on the sofa in the lobby, legs crossed, texting her best friend about her day. She’d purposely left out the short off-screen conversation with Harry, and her best friend didn’t even bother to ask. In their world, he didn’t exist, and his name was censored in every conversation like a curse word that was even worse than ‘cunt’. Nevertheless, she didn’t hate him anymore. She was doing just fine on her own, being busy with her career, and she’d been in a happy relationship after her fall out with him.
She and the guy, a model, had broken up two weeks ago due to long distance and some differences that they could not change. They had ended on good terms and decided to stay friends. They said you could only stay friends with your ex when you still had feelings for each other, or you had never loved each other that much in the first place. For her, it was probably the latter. Her previous relationship had been more platonic than romantic, apparently. So she had nothing but the best to say about him.
As she was going through her camera roll, just reminiscing about the past, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Harry. He offered a smile and gestured to the spot beside her on the sofa. “May I sit here? My ride is late.”
“Yeah, sure.” She hurriedly scooted over.
“Good job today,” he said. “You were great.”
“Thanks, so were you.” She smiled, and they both looked away at the same time. This was so awkward. She hated small talk. She’d never had to have small talk with Harry. Conversations with him used to be so easy and natural and silly. Whatever this was, it wasn’t them.
“Can we just be normal?”
At first, Y/N thought she’d been the one who’d said it, so when she realised it’d been Harry, she was speechless.
He swallowed and sat a bit straighter, still not looking at her. “I don’t want us to be weird and awkward.”
“Okay,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “Wanna try again?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, not to sound like an ass but when Joey kept forgetting his lines, I was so pissed off, I could throw a chair at the wall.”
“Right?!” exclaimed Y/N, feeling free to have finally broken out of her shell. “Like, he doesn’t even have many lines. I know he’s new but damn...you can’t get far if you don’t learn your goddamn lines.”
Harry shook with laughter. “Oh God, we sound like dicks, don’t we?”
“Maybe.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth. “But you know what? We can’t be nice in this industry. It’s impossible.”
“Shhh, if someone heard this, we would be into big trouble.”
“Oh please, I’ve had worse articles written about me than ‘Y/N speaks facts about her lazy co-star’.”
Harry tossed his head back and cackled. “The worst one I’ve got this week was ‘Harry Styles hates therapists.’”
“What?!” Y/N gasped. “No way! That’s so stupid!”
“Right?” Harry rolled his eyes. “I could get all my therapists to speak up for me but I’m kinda immune to bullshit now.”
“Therapists? Like plural?”
“Yeah, one in every city.”
Y/N rubbed her hands onto her legs. “Rough year?”
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he leaned back. “You have no idea.” Then he swept his hair out of his eyes, sucked in a breath, and finally looked at her. “I wish I could have talked to you, though.”
She bit her tongue, knowing what she was about to say next would disappoint her best friend so much, but she had to. “So do I.”
Harry looked taken aback before his lips curled into a smile. “It’s silly, isn’t it? I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I feel like I know everything that’s happened to you except that I don’t.”
What he’d just said might make no sense for most people, but Y/N knew exactly what he meant. She nodded and wetted her lip. “You only know as much as everyone else does.”
“Yeah, I got updates on you from the news and our friends.”
“Same.” Y/N smiled back. “I hate how they write articles about your new haircut but not mine.”
“I like your new hair colour.”
“Thanks. I like your new car.”
Then they both burst out laughing. It was fun and also a little bit strange that Y/N didn’t feel the same anxiety talking to him as she used to. It must be because they had grown and were now meeting again as better people.
“Damn, my ride's here,” Y/N said as she read the text from her driver. “I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Harry stood up and followed Y/N to the entrance. “Hey, just wondering--”
“Am I...am I still blocked?” He looked a bit flustered as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “On your phone. Because I remember you having my number blocked--”
“I unblocked you on your birthday.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Y/N shrugged. “I should’ve sent you a happy birthday text but...I didn’t want your girlfriend to get the wrong ideas.”
“My ex.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They smiled at each other one last time before saying goodbye. Y/N knew it was silly, but she was hoping he would go after her.
A notification popped up when she was in the car. She was almost home, and it was from Harry’s number. He’d sent her a link with a message that said, “Hope you like it :)”.
Curious, she tapped on it and was directed to an audio file titled ‘Track 5’. The upload date was last year. About two weeks after their short conversation at the Grammys.
Hurriedly, she fumbled inside her bag for her iPods and put it on before she pressed play.
“Hey, Jeff, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote this song. Listen and let me know if it should go on the album.”
Then came the piano intro. It sounded good, so Y/N wondered how it hadn’t ended up on his last album.
But when he started to sing...
We ended a while ago Your friends are mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more guy who brings out the better in you
And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But he’s so nice, he’s so funny Does he mean you forgot about me?
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
And does he tell you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen? An eternal love bullshit he might not even mean Remember when you were with me I meant it when you heard it first from me
And now I'm pickin' him apart Like cuttin' him down will make you miss my wretched heart But he’s charming, he looks kind He probably gives you butterflies
I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy I wish you all the best, really Say you love him, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on him I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The song was for her. He’d written it when her new relationship had gone public. Y/N sat there, staring blankly ahead until the honking of a car tore open her inner peace, and reality came crashing back in. The driver dropped her off at her house. Instead of going inside, she stood on her front steps and replayed the song one more time. When it ended, she decided to text him: Why didn’t this make it to the album?
She didn’t know where he was now, but it showed ‘typing’ in less than a second, as if he’d been waiting in their chat since he’d sent that link.
You would’ve hated me, Y/N.
True, she replied. Still, I would’ve loved the song lowkey. And added, I love it btw.
He took so long to type that it was driving her crazy. She flopped down on the concrete stair with her phone clutched in her hands, her heart thundering against her ribcage. Anxiety popped like a balloon when his message appeared: Were you happier?
She reread it again and again.
I wasn’t either, he responded. I kept getting deja vu.
Ha, nice reference.
That song is my guilty pleasure. Love listening to you roasting me on loop.
That last message made Y/N bury her face into her palm and giggle like a fool. She thought for a second and wrote: I could come roast you in person now if that’s what you prefer. I think we’ve never had a proper roasting.
Can we meet, Y/N? Or are you busy now?
No, not busy.
Great, I’ll pick you up.
Just tell me where, she responded with a smile on her face. I got my drivers license now :)
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Gojo Satoru Edition 💙
note: I just want to thank everyone for making this blog hit 500+ followers. Never in my wildest dreams would have thought to have a writing blog and a one that is so supported and loved. I love everyone single of my followers and readers who took the time to read my content. English isn’t my first language so I struggle a lot when writing since I make a lot of typos and I barely have any writing skills. Even though I reread it to check I still manage to find some typos so I’m constantly editing, even my old posts. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have no idea how happy each comment or reblogs makes me, I love reading what you guys think. I will continue to work hard for you guys and the jkk community! Please look forward to future updates my lovelies! ❤
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A= Admiration (How do they admire you? What is their thoughts about you? What is their reaction in meeting you for the first time? Do they instantly like you?)
Gojou loves staring at you and he's not afraid if he gets caught.
Even if you're doing chores or you're laughing with the first years. You could of just woken up with messy hair, drool dried on the corner of your mouth and he'll still think you're the most beautiful person in the world.
When he stares at you it's as if the world slows down and everyone goes in slow motion. He'll notice the twinkle in your eyes or how you suddenly shifted to your right. As he's in a trace where his hearts flutters at the sight of you.
His Six Eyes will notice even the tiniest detail about you.
Even in a crowded room his eyes will immediately try to find your form. You're the first person he seeks whenever and wherever.
He likes to boast about you to everyone, especially his students. You're his lover and he's proud to have you.
To him, you're his equal, his safe haven. You're the only person he can truly let his guard down with. You love him not because "he's the strongest shaman" but just as "Satoru" and that's something he thinks about that makes him feel all warm inside.
You're his everything, he wouldn't know what would he do if he ever loses you. If Gojou truly loves you he will fully commit to it.
You and Gojou didn't exactly start off on the right foot.
You thought he was too arrogant and annoying.
While he thought you were weak and boring.
You quickly proved that wrong, and his perception of you changed. He would often tease you and find opportunities to spar with you.
You slowly started to grow on each other from rivals to lovers.
He's still annoying though.
B= Bestie (Do they act like best friends while dating? How comfortable are they with you?)
Why absolutely! You guys are lovers at the same time bestfriends.
Gojou is very comfortable around you. He's pretty confident man already but when he's around you there's no breaks for this man.
He will do the wackiest and craziest things just see you laugh and smile.
You both tell each other everything, such as recent turn of events or even student gossip. He loves to gossip.
You can expect him to wake you up at 2 am just to go to McDonald's while blasting music from the car while you both sing on top of your lungs.
Of course there will be moments where both have arguments or disagreements but they don't last long. They get solved pretty easily.
"Wanna get icecream?"
"Fine, but you're playing."
Gojou can be quite obnoxious at times and you're not afraid to let him know. He doesn't listen and still annoy you anyways.
But now you should be used to his antics and don't take them too seriously.
There is no such thing as a boundary for this man.
He can literally become your safe haven during sad times or hell as he tickles you until you cry.
C= Cuddles (How often do they cuddle? How are they when they cuddle? What cuddle position do they like best? Are they the Big Spoon or Little Spoon?)
If he could, Gojou would always want to be cuddling with you. Whenever and wherever you both are.
He loves the feeling of having you in his arms or him in your arms. His home is where your arms are. It's one of the moments where his Infinity isn't activated.
He wrap his long limps around you and bring you as physically close as possible so he can nuzzle against you or press kisses to you.
Whenever he's in a cuddling mood or he's feeling stressed he'll come to find you and pull you to the nearest chair. He'll have you sit in his lap while he embraces you tightly. He won't go until he's satisfied too!
He usually prefers to be the bigger spoon, he likes the idea that you're safe within his arms. Sometimes he'll just stare at you while you sleep, smiling to himself as he drifts off to sleep.
If you're both in bed you must cuddle! It's a rule he made up.
He doesn't being the little spoon either, he loves the feeling of when you playing with hair. He truly feels comfortable and vulnerable within your arms.
He can't decide with position he likes best, he just likes the feeling of your body close to his.
D= Domestic (Are they willing to settle down with you? Are they willing to do chores? What do you two do at home?)
Gojou never thought he would settle down. That is until he met you!
With his busy and dangerous lifestyle, he thought he would spend the rest of his days alone.
Being with him, is a huge risk. The higher ups or the enemies would use you as a bargaining chip.
After lots of convincing, that you'll promise to be by his side forever. You'll have his heart now and forever.
Gojou when he's at home...he's lazy. He'll be munching on some snacks, lying on the sofa while you hang the laundry.
Somedays he's tired from work, so you let him be but if he really isn't doing anything. Some threats work really well on him.
"If you don't don't do the laundry, you're sleeping on the sofa tonight!"
"Then I'm off to do it!"
Having growing up with servants, he's not used to doing household chores.
But he will try, because he doesn't want you take take on the full workload. Teach him, he's a fast learner!
At home, within your arms is where he feels safest. Majority of the time you two would be in contact with each other one way or another.
You're watching tv? He's sitting you with his arm around your shoulder. If you're cooking, he'll come and unexpectedly hug you from behind. This man craves your touch.
Watching movies or television is something you both do very often, you'll both be snuggled up together, while Gojou throws commentary here and there.
Cooking or baking is another thing you both do. Majority of the time you both rarely get to spend together due to Gojou's work schedule. Who ever arrives home first will have to make dinner. However, you two are both at home you both help each other make a delicious dessert or meal. Nothing like eating a home cooked meal together.
Playing video games together is a must! You're his player number 2. He's very competitive so if he wins, it's non stop boasting but if he loses he demands an immediate rematch. Mario Kart or Super Smash Brothers is some the common ones you both play.
E= Endeavor (Are they supportive in you trying to do something? Will they help you reach for it?)
Gojou Satoru is known to be your literal hype man.
He will be very supportive of you and what you're trying to accomplish. As long as it's not something like becoming a murder. He's gonna have to do a double take on that.
If you're gonna become a piano, he'll have a grand piano delivered straight to your home. If you're gonna become an artist, he will buy you the best art supplies.
As they say "live your life to the fullest" and Gojou completely agrees with that statement.
If you're trying to learn something new, he will be encouraging you. There are times where he can be a little but don't take it to heart. He just wants you to improve and sugarcoating things isn't always the best way to improve.
If you're feeling down but you're trying to achieve, he'll be there to comfort you and motivate you.
"Things won't always go your way, but I promise I'll be there to cheer you on."
If you're trying to learn a new skill, he might have a go at it too. He's a fast learner but if he doesn't or can't do something, he'll just blame it on the fact that if he does it then he's gonna become perfect so he chooses not to. It's just to save his huge ego.
F= Fights (How often do you guys fight? Who apologizes first? How long will the fight last? What is the reason behind the fight?)
You guys argue pretty often but they're mostly about trival issues. Like Gojou forgot to take out the trash or who cooks today.
If you both do fight seriously. It would definitely have to do with "work". Because of Gojou's busy schedule you're not sure when will he be back home or when he will be gone. If you both have very different schedules it would definitely lead to some misunderstandings.
If you realize you did something wrong you'll apologize to him right away. While he spouts things like "I told you so!" but he's only teasing.
If he realizes he did something wrong it'll take him a while for him to admit it. Depending on the seriousness of the situation his apology will differ.
If it's something trivial, he'll just pepper you with kisses while says sorry a hundred times.
If it's serious, he'll fully embrace you and apologize, straight to the point no needless words.
Trivial fights don't last long but serious one may take time. Depending on who's wrong or right.
Gojou is a stubborn person so even if he's wrong it'll take him a while to admit it. Maybe days or a week but no longer than that. After all he can't resist not being around you.
G= Guard (Are they protective of you? How protective are they? Are they willing to risk themselves to save you?)
This depends whether you're a shaman or a civilian.
If you are a civilian, he will be very protective of you. You don't have the ability to see curses so who knows what or when can hurt you.
He'll take sure to put lots of talismans and barriers around your home for safety.
Gojou due to his busy work schedule won't always be home or be around you. During these days he's worried sick about you.
He'll be sure to message or call you whenever he can to check up on you.
If he truly senses you're in danger, no matter what he'll go to you instantly. After that happens he'll more frightened of losing you and might resort to leaving you.
Despite how much he loves you, you're life is more precious than him. He can't risk that by being around you.
If you're a shaman just like him, he won't be as protective over you. He'll understand and trust that you'll be able to defend yourself.
He'll make sure to spar with you so that you won't lose in touch in fighting.
Even though he knows you can take care of yourself, in his heart he still worries for you. So he may or may not pop up randomly during your missions and exorcise the curse immediately.
You may end up getting annoyed or mad at him because you may think he thinks you're weak but that's not the case. He just loves you and worries about you.
Whether you're a civilian or shaman, Gojou will 100% risk his life to save you. He's lost so many people, he can't afford lose you too.
If you're out in public, he'll be sure to be holding your hand or have an arm around your waist. He'll glare at anyone who looks at you funny through his sunglasses.
Gojou has a massive presence so good luck to anyone who tries to approach you. They gotta get through him first.
H= Healing (What is their reaction in you getting hurt? Do they get hurt often? Do they help you patching you up? Or do they not know how to patch you up, and tries their hardest?)
Gojou hates seeing you hurt in anyway. Even if it's a tiny wound. It's kinda like if you're hurt he's hurt too. That's his way of thinking.
If you get injured during a mission, you can bet Gojou will be all over you.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"For the hundred time, yes..."
Despite your assurance that are fine, he'll still insist to take you to Shoko just to be safe.
If it's a trivial wound like you accidentally cut yourself or you stubbed your toe. Gojou will be the one to take care of the wound. He does have basic knowledge on how to treat wounds.
If it's a severe wound, he'll instantly bring you to Shoko. He'll teleport all the way from Hokkaido to Tokyo if he has to.
He doesn't know how to use the Reverse Cursed Technique but at the moment when you're dying in his arms he will try his best to.
He will literally become your human shield if he knows things are dire.
If he sees an enemy wound you, well it's gonna be game over for the enemy. Instant oblivion.
It is known that Gojou has his Infinity activated at all times, so he doesn't ever get hurt whether from missions or trivial issues.
Very rare but when he does turn off his Infinity he can get hurt but it's because he let's it happen.
He still gets sick from time to time because that's something his Infinity can't protect him from.
I= Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do you two often go on dates?)
Gojou as we all know is very affectionate and romantic person.
He's very cheesy and likes to tease you just to see you blush.
He can't keep his hands off of you, he has to be touching you even just by lacing your fingers together. He also likes to stand near you often behind you or right beside you.
Gojou goes all over Japan for his missions and he makes sure to always bring a souvenir home for you whether it's a little trinket or something you'll like. Definitely will buy sweets, he'll share just a little though.
You'll often be surprised with deliveries of bouquets at work addressed to you but not written from who but you know who it is.
This man is extremely rich, so you ever have an eye on something, he'll secretly buy it for you.
When you're cold, he'll give you his jacket or hug you to keep you warm. If you're feeling hot under the sun, use this man as your personal shade. He doesn't mind.
It's rare for the both of you to have day offs at the same time so it's always something special to him.
He'll either take you out shopping or a cafe date.
He loves going around Tokyo with you to different places and secretly takes pictures of you when you're not looking.
If you don't feel like going anywhere he's fine with just cuddling you while watching a movie.
Gojou just has a sense for you if you're feeling down or stressed. He'll instantly know and would try to make you feel better.
He can cook your favorite meal or even give you a massage.
He's not shy to show the world how much he loves you, everyone in the Jujutsu society knows about you two.
J= Jealousy (How often do they get jealous? Do they get easily jealous? How will they react?)
Gojou doesn't get jealous easily. He trusts you and knows the things you do and won't do. However, on rare occasions it does happen but he won't directly voice it out.
"I'm the strongest most handsome shaman ever!" But behind that he still has insecurities. It usually depends on the person you're interacting with. If he sees you getting a little too close to someone, he'll step inーcausally stepping in between the two of you. A hand around your waist around strangers and a full on back hug around people he knows.
If a stranger tries to pick you up, he'll swoop right in towering the poor stranger. He knows he's attractive and he knows show to use it.
"Pay attention to me (Y/N), not Nanami!.
"Satoru, we're talking the recent sighting of a grade 1 cursed spirit."
Afterwards he'll just be very whiny and needy, he wants your full attention on him and him only!
K= Kissing (Do they like kissing you? Are they shy or confident in kissing you?)
Gojou Satoru loves all forms of affection. Kissing being one of them.
Gojou has had experience with kissing so he knows what he's doing. One moment he'll be kissing you sweetly then it turns into a full blown make out session.
He's not embarrassed about kissing you in public. Despite the Japanese culture of being conservative of PDA. He won't be making out with you in front of the entire crosswalk but he'll give you pecks or smooches that last a moment or two.
Whenever he leaves for work, he'll always ask for his goodbye kiss or when he's back home he'll be eagerly waiting for your kiss.
Whenever you both pass by each other whether at home or at school, he'll press a chaste kiss to you.
His tongue is divine, he definitely knows how to use his tongue. You can bet he knows how to tie a cherry into a knot using just his tongue.
You will always taste something sweet lingering on him as you kiss him.
He doesn't have a specific type of kiss he likes, he likes them all as long as they're with you. Forehead kisses, cheek kisses, eskimo kisses you name it!
He will definitely will to try out all forms of kisses with you.
L= Love (Who drops the L-word first? Would they rather say it or do it?)
Love is a complicated feeling, Gojou hasn't felt that before with any of his past relationships.
That was until he met you. That's when he realized that what the feeling was.
You were cuddling in bed together, face to face. There was no talking just silence as the two of you stare deeply into each other's eyes. Only the light of the moonlight peaking through the curtains illuminating the room.
Gojou stares into your eyes with a soft smile on his face as he gently lays his hand on your cheek.
Your eyes held the universe within them, the universe that is you and it's staring back at him with so much love and affection within them. He feels the warmth spread throughout his body. He whispers softly "I love you..." as his own eyes reflect yours.
You gasp with eyes widening, processing the words he spoke. You feel your eyes well up in tears, as your cheeks warm. You place your hand over his and whisper back "I love you too.." smiling brightly at him.
That was the moment when he first told you he loved you, it was so genuine and raw.
Afterwards he'll always voice out that he loves you but of course he shows it as well. He'll call you beautiful while pressing a kiss to your forehead.
M= Marriage (How do they propose to you? What’s their ideal wedding like? Where do you plan it?)
Gojou is a very spontaneous man, I can imagine him doing it during the most mundane and random moments. Such as after you're both walking home from a date or maybe it's late into the night while you're both cuddling.
Maybe moments where you're hurt or if he almost lost you.
"Marry me, (Y/N)..."
It's just a spur of the moment kind of thing, when he's the most vulnerable. When he realizes "ah, I want to spend the rest of my life with this person..."
Gojou is pretty flexible with the kind of wedding he wants. He doesn't really have a dream wedding.
The elders of his clan would definitely bug him for a Traditional one as it is customary.
However, if you want a Western style wedding instead he will definitely go for it.
Mostly likely, you both will have two weddings one traditional and western.
Money is different not an issue with this man. Say the word and you shall receive. It's definitely going to be extravagant.
Whether you want to or not he'll find a way to splurge his money.
If the elders are opposed to your marriage you'll both will just have a private wedding, inviting the people closest to you guys.
Not marrying you because someone said no is not an option for him.
N= Nicknames (What do they call you? Do they call you these in public as well? How often do they call you in nicknames?)
Gojou has a variety of nicknames for you!
Ranging from the typical baby, babe, sweetie, darling and honey.
Or something more sweet such as princess/prince, my love, my dearest.
And there's those really cringey ones such as sugarpie, cupcake, my strawberry cheesecake.
He will literally call you by any dessert name.
"Hey, my kikufuku!" Yup, that's you.
If you're shorter than him you can add shorty, short stuff or munchkin to the list.
When he uses them usually depends on the situation. If he's feeling really affectionate or needy he'll be using the really sweet nicknames.
Sometimes he'll even come up with the most ridiculous ones as much as it embarrasses you.
Usually he'll just call you using the common nicknames. He will only use your real name during serious situations.
He's not shy about proclaiming you as his chocolate cupcake. Not even in front of his students or colleagues.
"Are you referring to (L/N) sensei?" "Bingo!"
You've tried to beg him to stop but the man doesn't listen.
O= Open (How open are they with you? Are they willing to share their secrets and past with you? Do they trust you?)
Gojou despite being a man who loves to talk does not like talking about his private life or his past.
It's very personal information to him and he doesn't want the information to fall into the wrong hands.
If anyone asks about it he'll either ignore the question or answer it very vaguely.
You would have to be someone has spent years by his side to be to attain that level of trust with you.
There are some things in his past that isn't easy to talk about, even though it doesn't bother him now. If you ask he will tell you about it briefly.
If it's information not regarding his secrets or his past, he doesn't sharing those details. If you wanna about his mission or want to check his phone, he will let you. He has nothing to hide except the secret pictures he takes of you.
He in return trusts you as well, but he won't pry into things you don't want to talk about.
If you manage to gain his trust enough for him to reveal personal information about him, don't break it. If you do, you will never be able to gain it back.
P= PDA (Are they into PDA? Do they often do it? Their reaction if you hold their hands or kiss them in public.)
Gojou is into PDA but he doesn't flaunt it as often as you think. He won't be making out with you in the middle of the school hallway but he will press chaste kisses to you.
He's not afraid to hug you or hold your hand around the faculty or students.
He won't do something inappropriate in public he likes to keep that in private. Through sometimes he will because he likes seeing you embarrassed while you desperately ask him to stop. Trying not to gain the attention of the people around you.
He also likes seeing the reactions of other people when he does display affection towards you but mostly he does it to see your cute reactions.
If you initiate hand holding with him, he will definitely hold your hand back tightly. If you kiss him, he'll be surprised but then he's quick to tease you about it.
"Oya, is my cupcake getting bold~?"
If anyone looks at you two with disgust he will yell out "you got a problem?"
He's not shy to show the world he loves you.
Q= Quirk (Do they find your quirks adorable or odd? Do they tell you or not? Do they have a quirk of their own?)
Nothing escapes his keen eyesight. He'll notice and remember a lot of your quirks even the ones you're unconsciously doing.
He thinks its absolutely adorable, like how you furrow your eyebrows in concentration how you pout when you're deep in thought.
All these little quirks make you who you are and he adores them.
Gojou will tell you about them of course, even if you try to deny it. If you don't believe he'll try to take a picture to show you which ends up making you really embarrassed.
"I can't help it, I don't even know that I'm doing that..." you whisper with a blush on your face.
Gojou has a quirk of fiddling with his blindfold or his sunglasses if he's wearing them.
Definitely a fan of putting his hands in his jacket or hands while he stands or walks. He doesn't like the feeling of his hands being empty.
R= Reliable (Are they loyal? How loyal are they? Are they there for you when you need someone?)
Gojou is a very honest and down to earth kind of guy. Of course, loyalty is something he firmly commits to.
Cheating is something he won't resort to at all costs. No woman or man is tempting enough for him to be swayed.
We all know he is a good looking guy, he's bound to attract suitors anywhere but he'll turn them all down. He already has you, why would he need anyone else?
There are times where you might feel insecure or jealous but Gojou will always be there to assure you not to. He'll do his best to comfort you, until you're smiling again.
"You're the only one I need..."
During these times he'll even share his precious sweets with you. He'll feed you cake while hugging you from behind.
Have faith in him because whenever you need him, he'll make sure to be there.
S= Solace (How do they comfort you? Do they immediately notice you being sad?)
Gojou just has sense whenever you're feeling sad, even though you try your hardest to hide it.
He just sees through your facade. He won't ask if you're okay when he clearly knows you'll try to lie about it.
If you're trying to avoid him, he'll either pin you against the wall or pull you into his embrace.
He'll be silent as he takes off his blindfold to stare deep into your eyes, how could you lie when those eyes are looking straight at you.
He won't ask you about what's bothering you but he will always be there to comfort you.
Gojou would pull you into his lap on his expensive chair and cradle you like child as he gently caresses your hair.
Ligerning forehead kisses is also he does to comfort you.
Gojou would also bring his sweets stash and slowly feed you some while he hugs you from behind. If you want food, he'll be glad to cook up your favorite meal.
He knows a lot of cringy and cheesy jokes, in which ends up with him laughing at his own jokes. His laughter is contagious so wouldn't be able to hold back a smile after that.
T= Turn-off (What do they dislike in people? What is their turn-off?)
Gojou hates the old way of thinking he finds in elders especially the elders of his clan and the jujutsu society.
He doesn't like anything anything serious or boring. If you're too uptight, he'll find a way to break that.
Another thing he hates is when people do something behind his back or say something behind his back. If you have something to say, then say it straight it to him.
Routine is another thing he dislikes, he's very spontaneous and looks for the fun in things.
He dislikes vegetables and anything bitter. He's a lover of sweets afterall!
Prying too much into his personal life, as proud as he isーhe doesn't like going around talking much about his private life or his past.
U= Umbrageous (Do they easily get offended by what you said? How will they react when you get hurt by what they said?)
Now if you mean playful gets offended then the answer would be yes. If you're seriously trying to offend him, he won't. He's not the type to take things like that to heart.
Call him an idiot, a narcissist, he will playful hold his chest in pain and whine to you while he pouts.
He'll even tease you back if he feels like it.
"Sorry, did you say something~?"
Even though he doesn't take insults to heart, if you use his past against him, he will take offense to it. His past is something he doesn't want to bring up so if you or anyone brings it up. That changes things.
He tries to keep the optimism but he's only human with emotions so there will be times you could offend him.
If you managed to offend him, he'll be unusually quiet as he dwells on your words.
He won't resort to anger but that doesn't mean he won't at times. That's when he's firing insults back you, blinded by rage. He will regret it afterwards though.
V= Vision (What do they imagine their future? What is their dream? Do they want to spend it with you?)
If Gojou truly loves you, he'll definitely would want to spend the rest of his life with you by his side. Somewhere where he doesn't have to be on guard and would always welcome him with open arms.
Yet at the same time he is afraid of the dangers that come associated with him. If you're a civilian he'll try to distance himself away from you. He's afraid one day when he's not around, someone might come after you. His world is completely different from that of a normal person's afterall.
If you work in the same field as him. He'll definitely be more reluctant to push you away, because he knows you can handle yourself. It lessens his worries.
Still life as a shaman is still as dangerous, you're putting your lives at risk every time you go on a mission. The thought of losing you scares him to the very core.
Despite that he still loves you and if can't be with you he would like to associated with you someway maybe as acquaintances or friends.
He dreams of a world without cursed spirits, where he can live a peaceful life, settle down and start a family with you.
In a world crowded with darkness he dreams of a single ray of solace that is you.
Someone that will stay by his side no matter how difficult it will be.
W= Wacky (What is their reaction in you doing something crazy? Will they join you or stop you?)
Gojou Satoru is a man child, he does the most ridiculous of things like wearing a skirt of a highschool student.
If you're the type of person who's just as energetic and wild as him, it's going to be chaos.
You both will pull pranks on the students and faculty. Poor Ijichi being one of your primary targets.
If you're the type of person who's more on the serious side then he'll be shocked by your suggestion.
But of course he's willing to join in whatever plot you have.
Gojou already gives the higher ups a headache, if you're added to the mix it's going to end up being a massive headache.
He lost count of the amount of times he got scolded by Principal Yaga.
He can come up with the wildest ideas and sometimes you will have to become his break.
Principal Yaga specifically asked you to keep him in check after all.
X= Xtra (Random Headcannon about them)
Gojou Satoru has a driver's license. In fact he even owns several cars.
Of course, they're all the expensive ones because he thinks they look cool.
Does he use them? Not that often, when you literally have the ability to teleport or have Ijichi to drive you around.
As you expect he's a fast driver, you will literally be griping your seatbelt for dear life. It looks like he's gonna crash but he won't. He just likes to scare you.
Of course there's a stash of candy and extra pairs of sunglasses in the glovebox.
Gojou is surprisingly a great cook. You would think being raised with servants he wouldn't know how to cook but he does.
He studies the recipe very carefully and cooks. It's as if he has a natural talent for cooking.
At first, you were pretty skeptical of his cooking but once you had of bite of his dish. You could feel the literal flavors explode on your tongue.
When it's his turn for him to cook, expect him to be wearing a cute apron while blasting music from his speaker.
He'll be singing and dancing in the kitchen.
Hug him from behind while he cooks and he'll melt right then and there. Trying to hide a blush from you.
Y= Yearning (Do they long for you? Will they find themselves missing you while you’re away? If so, how will they cope with it?)
Even though you haven't seen each other for a day he terribly miss you. Your just gives him warm and when you're not there he feels cold.
He goes on missions very often and they can last days or even weeks depending on the case. He'll try to update you as much as he can on when he could come home.
Even when he's in the middle of fighting cursed spirits, he'll find his mind wondering towards you.
If he's away from you, you'll be getting calls and texts from him quite frequently. He'll make sure to always greet you good morning or good night and ask how you are.
He'll always ask if you've eaten or not and asks you to send a picture of your meal to prove it to him. He needs to know you're being well fed.
If you think he talks too much he texts just as much. He'll even take random selfies of himself or something interesting he wants you to see.
If you send him a selfie or video he'll save that so fast and save that to his folder. So he can look through them whenever he misses you.
If it's a long mission, he might pack one of your shirts which has your scent so he could take a whiff to calm himself or cuddle as he sleeps.
After a mission if he's not tired yet, he'll video call you every now and then.
He'll try to come back as fast as possible because he doesn't feel complete without your presence.
Z= Zzz (Do they fall asleep easily? Do they move around while sleeping? What sleeping position do they like best?)
If we are talking about the past Gojou, maybe around his youth then no. He had difficulty sleeping because sleeping meant he's vulnerable to attacks.
This is why relies mostly on sweets to stimulate his brain because there are days where he can't sleep at all. His powers drain a lot of energy to keep up.
Once he could run Infinity automatically, he doesn't have any trouble sleeping at all. In fact, he passes out instantly once his head hits the pillow.
The man works hard and goes on tons of missions so of course he's bound to be tired when he gets home.
Gojou Satoru is 190 cm tall so of course he has a large king sized bed at home. He likes having a lot of space but he tends to move around a lot unconsciously.
There have been times where he has fallen off the bed as well.
If you're sleeping with him and want to prevent him from taking all the bed space, you both cuddle that way his limbs are locked on you.
His likes to sleep laying on his back while you lay on your chest or embracing you from behind as you both sleep on your sides.
It's very rare from him to snore but that doesn't mean he doesn't and when he does, it's loud.
However sleeping with him has it's benefits, if you wake up before him you'll be graced by the most angelic view. As he breathes softy while his long white eye lashes remain closed.
If he does wake up you will also be graced by his morning voice which is divine.
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agirlwhoisaphantom · 3 years
Our Yellow - Dad!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Baby Barnes's birthday is around the corner, and planning has been a bit stressful. But at the end of the day, everything goes to plan
Word Count: 3800
Warnings: Fluff, slight teasing
Author's Note: I would like to thank my lovely friend for making me write this. It was so much fun writing it. I'm a bit sad that these parts came to an end. I hope you all love this 3 part one shot as much as I did.
Part One: Turning Page
Part Two: To Build a Home
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March 12, the day baby Barnes entered the world. Who would have thought baby Barnes would be born around Bucky’s birthday? Such a beautiful little boy with the same ocean blue eyes and brown hair that Bucky had. Leo was practically Bucky’s mini; they were both inseparable.
Bucky was always excited to go home, especially after long meetings and missions. He was always happy because he knew that his two bundles of joy would be there waiting for him. There would be days where he would arrive late at night, and he wanted to spend time with you and Leo, but he truly didn’t mind because he would catch you holding Leo in your arms fast asleep.
Crazy to think that it had been eight years that Bucky had met you. Suppose you were to ask him if he ever saw himself having a family of his own. He would rapidly answer no, but fast forward years later, who thought that he would have a family of his own with the girl he loved the most.
When you first met Bucky, it was an instant click. Your relationship with him rapidly increased. He was the most handsome guy you have ever met. Meanwhile, you were the most beautiful girl he ever laid his eyes on. You both weren’t ashamed of admitting to each other the feelings you both had for one another.
He wanted to know your story as much as you wanted to know his. It was difficult for you to tell him about the things you have been through, thinking that he would run away at any moment, but instead, he stayed and listened to all your demons. When he first asked you to listen to his story, he was unsure if he should. But you stayed and listened to every word he had to say; he appreciated you so much for not getting up and leaving.
It was nerve-racking for the rest of the Avengers to find out about your relationship with Bucky. You weren’t sure how they would react to you dating him. But when they noticed that you both had smiles on your face, your aura was radiant yellow, and there was nothing but pure happiness. They all knew that this was something you both deserved, especially after a long period of sadness you two had experienced.
Out of everyone, Steve was the happiest. He hadn’t seen his best friend be happy like this in such a long time. But now that you were in Bucky’s life, Steve was grateful. Steve was able to witness seeing Bucky get the happiness that he has always deserved.
There would be days where Bucky stayed up longer than you and Leo. Seeing you hold Leo in your arms brought him peace. He wishes he could go back in time to 2016 when Bucky was on the run in Bucharest and let that Bucky know that life does get better, and eventually, he will smile again and find the peace he is searching for.
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams, and someday
Walking down the hallway, Bucky was able to hear you sing Leo a lullaby. He tried to walk as quietly as he could, so he didn’t interrupt you nor try to wake him up. Leaning up against the door frame, he continued to listen to you singing and watched as you hold Leo in your arms. Your fingers were running through his hair, softly singing into his ear.
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
Leo was asleep in your arms. As you get up, Bucky gets near you. "Doll, I got him." he whispers gently, trying not to wake him up. You carefully hand him over to Bucky. Carrying Leo in his arms to his toddler bed, his little hand reaches out and holds one of his metal fingers as the rest of Bucky's hand rests against Leo's stomach. Placing him down onto his bed, Leo was fast asleep, but with a strong grip, he didn't want to let go of Bucky's metal finger. Bucky gently wiggles the finger out of his grip, making sure he didn't wake up.
You grab Bucky's hand and start quietly getting out of Leo's room. Gently closing the door, you pull Bucky towards the kitchen. He stops you from walking by rapidly pulling you in towards him and placing his hands around your waist. Leaning in forward to give you a brief kiss on your lips, "have I ever told you that you are the most beautiful, amazing mother" he smiles as he rubs his nose against yours.
You quietly chuckle and nod to his response "yes, honey. You tell me that every day," placing your hands on both his cheeks, "and you are a great daddy" you have a smirk on your face and slightly winked.
Without hesitation, his lips were pressed back to yours. His lips were warm and smooth as they brushed against your own. Your lips were parting to let his tongue explore your mouth and your tongue, feeling the pure pleasure of exploring his mouth. Even though you were craving more, you need to pull away. Pulling away, you place your index finger on his lips. "As much as we want more, we have work to do."
Leaning in forward, he moves your hair to the side, pressing his lips on your cheek and gently kissing you from your cheek to your ear, taking a nibble of it. "Do we have to? Tomorrow we can wake up early and work on it," he whispers in your ear and moving his lips from your ear to your neck.
"Yes, we have to, Bucky. I want his fifth birthday to be perfect" these types of kisses you were receiving were your weakness. It was hard for you to say no to him whenever he would tease you like this. "Please, can we work on this" your voice got soft and gentle.
Bucky stops nibbling on your neck and gives out a small grunt. "Fine, but we are waking up late" he places his hand on the back of your head and pulls you in so he can give you a brief forehead kiss.
Letting go of his embrace and turning around, your back was now facing Bucky as you walked towards the kitchen. You flipped your hair and softly chuckled "see, I can get whatever I want," you whispered loudly enough so Bucky could still hear you.
With his right hand, he slaps your ass. The slap was hard that it was a bit loud. If it weren't for the television noise in the background, you would have been worried if that would have woken up Leo.
Bucky places both of his hands on your waist, pulling you towards him. Leaning in forward, "Just you wait till Sunday, Darling, you'll be paying for every little tease you have done for the past week," he whispers into your ear, "okay, bunny." once again but this time gently slapping your ass.
1:35 AM
Blue or Red? Dinosaurs or Cars? Cake or Cupcakes? How many cups of coffee have you taken? Was Bucky already falling asleep? Even though the party was in two days, you wanted to make sure it perfect. As you turn the pages of your planning book, you notice the amount of crossing and pasting you have done for the past couple of days. The moment you thought you were almost done planning, ten other things were thrown at you.
It wasn't a big deal for everyone else besides you. You were worried that Leo wouldn't have any good memories to look back at when he was older. As you stare at the planner, your heart accelerates, hands get shaky as you wrap your arms around you.
Bucky noticed that you were slowly experiencing a panic attack. He gets up fast from the chair causes it to fall onto the ground. He turns your chair so that you can face him. Kneeling in front of you, "Doll, give me your hands" without a second thought, you agreed to give him your hands. "No matter what, Doll, Leo is going to love the party we are planning for him" he looks at you in your eyes; meanwhile, you were staring at how his thumbs moved against your skin. "Even if it's Cars that are Dinosaurs or Cars that are Dinosaurs. He is going to love it and create as many memories as possible" A soft chuckle escapes his mouth.
You take a big breath as you were slowly calming down. Bucky places his hand on your cheek and softly moves his thumb against your skin. "We should go to bed, it's nearly 2 in the morning, and we both are tired. We can work on this tomorrow," he says in a soft, gentle voice. He was right, it was already late, and you both needed some reason.
As soon as you both start walking to the bedroom, you can feel Bucky placing his arm on your back and his metal arm by your calves. He wanted to carry you to bed. You place your arms around his shoulders. He lifts you, now carrying you in a bridal position. He gives you a brief kiss on your forehead as you place your head on his shoulder.
He notices that you were sleeping in his arms. Bucky gently places you on the bed, covering you with the duvet. He goes back to the kitchen, grabs your planner, and starts adding and crossing things from your list. He works on it for an hour, finishing the last details. "Let's go to sleep, baby, please," you mumbled in your sleep, making it hard for him to hear you.
“Dad, you are going to lose.”
“I’m definitely not losing.”
“My car is the fastest. You have a slow car.”
“Are you sure about that, sport?” Bucky reaches Leo’s stomach and starts tickling him.
Leo tries to push Bucky’s hands. He was laughing uncontrollably. “Stop, Dad. You are cheating”
“And the Race Begins” Bucky was loud enough that you could hear him from the kitchen.
The cars go around the track two maybe three times. Laughter is shared between Leo and Bucky. Leo's car was in 1st place. Meanwhile, Bucky's car was in 2nd place. "I'm catching up" he had a small smirk on his face.
Leo had a concerned look, eyebrows knitting together and his lower lip forward "nope, no, you are not, dad." he chuckles a little.
Bucky's car was now in first place; meanwhile, Leo's was in second "ah. I'm ahead" there was a bit of excitement in his voice. "And dad pulls in, near to the finish line" Bucky was like a little kid all over again. He always made sure that Leo had a fun time whenever he was home.
Leo looks at Bucky with a concentrated look, squinting his eyes nearly shut. "oh, no," he shakes his head, keeping his eyes concentrated on Bucky. Moving his focus to the track, "I'm in the lead! I'm in the lead!" he screams in excitement. "See, I told you, dad, you have a slow car."
With the two cars close to one another. Leo's car crashes into Bucky's. "I'm the winner!" he gets up in excitement and jumps around. "I'm the winner, dad" he starts running around Bucky and the track. Bucky stops him from running around, picks him up, and places him on his back in a firearm position. He has a strong hold of him as he gets up and spins him around.
You were able to hear Leo's screams and laughter. This didn't feel real to you. It all felt like a dream. Hearing them laugh and have a great time brought you joy. As you finish making lunch, you can still hear them.
Bucky kneels so Leo can get down. As soon as Leo is down, he runs to his toy box and gets an unfinished paper snake that he and Bucky started making a few days ago, as well as painting materials. His little hands full of items, walking towards Bucky he would drop the items one by one and get every little piece he dropped "oops, dad, the snake, doesn't want to stay in place. It keeps falling," he pouts as he waddles with the materials, trying to balance himself.
"Throw the snake, and I'll catch it. Just bring the paint." he gently shouts at him. Leo throws the paper snake at him. Bucky inspects the snake, and he notices that it is nearly done. "Leo, we are almost done with this snake."
Leo forms a frown on his face. "It's not a snake, dad, it's a cobra," with a slight grin on his face "be careful, cause I'm going to make it bite you" a small evil giggle escapes his mouth. He gets the snake near Bucky's hand, making a slither noise as it gets near him "ahhh, dad, it bit you" he looks up at Bucky. "Ummm… now…umm… you are infected" he does the same evil giggle from earlier.
"oh no, ouch. Am I going to- "Bucky lays on the floor as he pretends that he just got poisoned.
Leo shakes him gently "dad, wake up, I found the medicine" he shakes him harder, trying to wake him up. Meanwhile, Bucky is trying his best to hold in his laughter. Leo gets up and jumps onto Bucky's torso. This takes his breath away, making him grunt slightly due to how hard Leo jumped. "yay! You are alive. We have to hurry. We don't have much time left" Leo had a concerned look on his face as he tried to 'save' his dad.
Once you finished placing the plates on the table, you decide you wanted to see what Bucky and Leo were doing. Leaning up against the door frame, you see Leo and Bucky sitting down on the floor, surrounded by art supplies and papers everywhere. It had seemed as if an art supply store had exploded.
"The medicine comes from the cobra's guts" He takes the rubber piece of the paper snake and pulls it out.
"Argh," both screamed at each other as they pulled the rubber band out.
Seeing them being goofs and not give a care in the world made you chuckle. This got Bucky's and Leo's attention, and they both wondered for how long you've been standing there. Bucky points at you with the biggest smile on his face.
"Oh, hi, mom. We killed the snake look." Leo rapidly gets the rubber band and throws it at you "now mom has all the guts," He and Bucky scream as the rubber band was launched at you.
Bucky gets up and runs towards you "oh no, we have to save her too" He picks you up and spins you around. Meanwhile, Leo was still screaming about the guts all over you in the background. "I love you, Mrs. Barnes" while he is still spinning you around, he pressed his lips against yours.
"Ewwww, mom, dad."
This made you and Bucky chuckle. Bucky, let's go of you and tackles Leo onto the pillows behind him.
Leo’s 5th birthday.
Who would think of thought that your little munchkin was going to be Five already, it feels like just yesterday you were changing his diapers. Being able to witness his first word, his first baby steps, his first anything. Made every cry worth it. Especially having such an amazing man by your side, helping each other every step of the way.
As you comb Leo’s hair, these thoughts go through your mind. He was your little man and seeing him grow every day made you sad yet so happy. “Mommy, I want the red shirt with cars on it” Leo interrupts your thoughts. A smile forms on your face, and you did a soft nose scrunch. Leo was always so independent, but he never hesitated to ask for help if he needed it.
Meanwhile, Sam, Steve, and Bucky were outside in the backyard trying to finish decorating the backyard. Bucky looks around. He wanted everything perfect.
Once you were done helping Leo get ready, he runs towards the backyard. He notices that Steve and Sam were there, and without hesitation, he ran towards Steve. He both loved his uncles and would get very excited whenever they were around.
Steve notices Leo running towards him. He lifts him and spins him around. “It’s my monkey’s birthday today.” Leo was practically screaming into Steve’s ear.
Letting Leo down, he was dizzy from all the spinning Steve had just done. He waddles, trying to keep his balance on his way towards Sam. Before he could make it, he falls. Just in time, Sam catches him. “Woah, be careful, champ” Leo couldn’t help but giggle at the fact he had just fallen.
“Hey, where is my hug?” Bucky reaches out his arms towards the direction that Leo is in.
Leo giggles a little and forms a frown on his face. “No, dad. You get a hug later” He wraps his arms around Sam and sticks his tongue out to Bucky.
“Ha, sucker. He loves me more” Sam raises his eyebrows and has a small smirk on his face.
Bucky crosses his arms and rolls his eyes. He walks towards Leo and grabs him, placing him on his right shoulder. Leo gently kicks and punches Bucky to let him down. As soon as Bucky was near the bouncing house, he throws Leo onto it. Leo was scared at first, but he knew deep down Bucky wouldn’t do anything to harm him. As soon Leo felt his body fall into the bouncy house, he bursts into laughter, so as Bucky.
Hours pass by, and everyone was here. Leo was playing with the rest of the kids, running around the whole backyard. Peter was chasing them with a water gun, getting them all wet. Leo and Peter were practically soaked. Bucky, Steve, and Sam were sitting together side by side. Leo decides to walk behind them and spray them with the water gun. After he did that, he runs towards Peter, hiding and giggling.
Sam got up immediately and grabbed the water gun that was on the table, spraying him. Bucky and Steve stayed seated as they both knew that Sam was going to go after Leo. After all, he did mess with Sam.
The moment Leo noticed the cake that Wanda was bringing. He runs towards the table, nearly almost tripping himself to get there. You sit on Leo’s left meanwhile Bucky sits on his right.
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Leo
Bucky leans into whispers into Leo’s ear, “what did you wish for, champ?”
Leo looks at Bucky with a confused look. “I’m not telling you,” he shakes his head.
As Leo tries getting a bite from his cake, Bucky pushes his head onto it. Leaving Leo’s face full of cake. Without hesitation, Leo grabs the piece that his face landed on and shoves it onto Bucky’s face, rubbing it all over. Now Bucky and Leo were covered with blue and white frosting.
As you stare around, you notice Wanda staring at you with a ‘really’ expression on her face. You shrugged and a lopsided grin formed on your face. “I’m so sorry, Wanda,” you expressed using your lips. As you turn around to face Leo and Bucky, the cake was gone, not because everyone took a piece but because Bucky and Leo were covered in it. You were unsure if you should feel upset or just laugh at the fact that for the next few days, their faces were going to be stained.
Luckily, you had cupcakes in the fridge in case if this were to happen. You take a napkin and start wiping Leo’s face, hands, and clothes. You used the whole roll of paper towels on him. As soon as you went inside, you noticed Bucky trying to clean himself up. You get near him sliding your finger against his cheek grabbing a piece of cake. He turns around and looks at you. Meanwhile, you lick your finger seductively as you winked.
You turn around, Bucky grabs your hand and pulls you towards him. You were now able to see the smudges of icing on his face. He leans in forward to kiss you, but instead of kissing you, he rubs his face against yours. You had a smirk on your face as you rolled your eyes. He grabs your face, and with his tongue, he licks you from your chin to your nose to your forehead. Trying to remove as much frosting he just put on your face. “Hmm, that tasted good” there is a small pause as he licks your cheek. “I can’t wait for later tonight,” he whispers into your ear.
It was already nighttime. Leo crashed on the couch holding his new favorite Iron Man Plush that Tony decided to gift him. Bucky picks him up and cradles him in his arms.
You decide to put on music, so time goes by faster, and you can finally finish semi-cleaning.
Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft
There is nothing for me but to love you
And the way you look tonight
You start feeling the music, and you close your eyes for a sec. Bucky leans on the entrance of the living room, watching you as you sway to the music with a smile on his face. He comes up from behind, wraps his arms around your waist, and starts swaying with you. You both were in sync. “I’m the luckiest person on this planet. Having you by my side has been a blessing, doll,” He whispers into your ear. He turns you around, and you were now facing him. You had a smile, and your eyes sparkled as the light hit your face “god, I can’t get over how beautiful you are” He leans in to kiss you.
You put your head on his chest, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. and you both continue to dance to the music “Bucky?” you pause for a minute listening to the music. “I think it’s time.”
“Are you sure, doll?” his voice gets soft. You look up towards him and give him a nod. “Okay, but this time let’s make our princess” He turns his head and softly kisses your head.
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Hot Chocolate (Birthday/Christmas Special)
Summary: Levi is bound to spend this birthday on his own, seeing that you're halfway across the globe as an exchange uni student. What he doesn't know though is that you have planned a huge surprise for him. NSFW 18+
Notes: sorry for any mistake you guyss please enjoy this
Pairing: Levi/ Reader 
Tags: f l uff, nsfw
Warnings: nsfw, the sexies
Disclaimer: I do not own the gif, I simply found it on Pinterest.
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White heavy cream fell fluidly out of the carton it was stored, squeezed by Levi's calloused hand and into the small metallic pot that he rested his other hand onto. The mixture, an aromatic, dark brown hot chocolate, lightened in color upon a few stirs of his tool. Slowly with his hand he disposed of the empty carton in the recycling bin, making sure to wipe any stray droplet of white on the counter.
He blinked as his mind went blank, forgetting the next step of the recipe but only momentarily. His thoughts once again traveled to what troubled him, but he continued with his stirring in fear of burning the beverage he was set on making. With his teeth sinking dangerously at the tip of his tongue what he needed clicked in his head. Corn flour. A quorter of a cup.
He didn't bother tasting the mixture as he lowered the fire of the stove to the minimum, he simply marched to the corner built in cupboard, hands searching furiously for the porcelain vase that held this oh so precious corn flour that would act as the stabilizing factor to his hot chocolate beverage.
Seconds later he brought the fire to an halt absurdly, never ceasing with his stirring careful as to not have the mixture stick to the pot. He didn't like his chocolate adorned with burnt flakes or the taste they brought to his mouth neither did he like cleaning the burnt pot before having to pop it in the washing machine. As his hands reached for the cups he had set beside the stove beforehand to his alchemy, he helped the thick mixture in with a spoon.
The cups were immediately transfered inside the over; an attempt to keep them from any predatory fly that could have entered the apartment before Levi had a chance to realise and in addition keeping them sheltered as they reached a drinkable temperature. Levi threw the pot into the sink next, sighing to himself as he grabbed his thick latex gloves and out them on his hands. With a twist of his hand at the handle the watered started running on his gloves hands pot making him grab his steel wool.
His hand came to his forehead, wiping some sweat as he sighed again, hanging his head low as he gritted his teeth in frustration. His eyes squinted in anger, his hands dug into the inox of his sink and his heart sink dangerously low as he felt the room run cold due to the sun quickly setting behind the horizon.
Why had he made that chocolate, it beat him. The two of you hadn't spoken in at least two days and he liked -or rather chose- to blame it on your busy studying schedule, rather than the fight the two of you had over that call two nights ago. He had been to angry to admit he was acting like a brat to you, he had been too proud to simply say that he wanted your attention, instead he had resolved his anger into grumpiness, causing your overworked mind to snap.
You were gone as an exchange student in Japan for too long and both your busy schedules and the enormous time difference had dug their ways into Levi's life very negatively. Before you he had never lonely when he was alone, but now, now that he had gotten a taste of what it was to be with you, now that you had been ripped away from him from so long, he definitely felt lonely. And angry. And it killed him that he was almost on time for your arranged video chat, when you didn't even show any sign of being in existence still.
It made his boil though, by now, it must have been the 26th in Japan and you had spent your day ignoring him, not even bothering to open his message. Had he been so cruel to you while admitting he wanted you here with him? Was it that you didn't have enough decency to let him you know you were alright? That was what he simply wanted to know, in the end.
Sighing again he ripped the gloves off his hands and grabbed his phone. His fingertip touching the button provided him immediate access to his homescreen and he quickly entered Instagram dragging the homepage down a couple of times to let it load any new activity. Internally he knew, he would have been glad if he was to see a story or a post by you, any sign that you were alright would do for him.
Of course, as if on cue to shake him of his miserable thoughts his phone rang, buzzing in his palm. His eyes fell on the small window the revealed the caller id to him. It was Erwin, naturally, as he always used to shower him with phone calls on his birthday even up until the moment he was at his front door. Levi didn't missed out on those signs of affection, it's was quite the opposite really. He cherished them deeply. Seeing how much of an impact he had on his friends' lives moved him whether he showed it or not.
And so, while holding back his saddened sigh he picked up the phone, greeting his friend through greeted teeth.
"Hey Levi, uhm, I kind of need you at the moment, am I interrupting anything?"
"No," Levi spoke, biting painfully on the inside of his cheek in an attempt to hold himself back from sprinting out on his frustration. Of course Erwin could try and hide behind his finger, Levi knew that much. The blond was aware he wasn't interrupting anything, but he was still kind enough to ask; he always was sappily kind when it came to such sensitive subjects.
"Great look, I'm on route twenty two, fifth exit, I'm out of gas can you please come to my rescue and bring me some?" Erwin paused for a moment and then proceeded to mumble through an overly amused breath "I'm sorry I'm doing this to you tonight."
"Did you take your father's run down car again?" Levi questioned.
"No... yes. I'm sorry Levi I felt like I wanted to drive his car tonight. I shouldn't have to drag you here too, I'm sorry."
"No it's fine," Levi bit back, hissing at Erwin's unhealthy habit of wanting to drive his father's antique due to its sentimental worth. But then again, he reminded himself he wasn't in a place to judge. "Give me 15 and I'll be there."
Fidgeting his fingers on the counter without throwing a second look he came in contact with his car keys. The familiar jiggling sound gritted through the air proudly as Levi pierced his finger inside the key loop, finally pressing the keys steady to his palm. With another grunt, he hang up the phone, bringing the device to the palm of his hand once again.
His mind begged him to open his texts with you again -his initial goal ever since the moment he opened his phone- just to stare at the screen or at his unopened text, his insides begged to boil with concern at the process but he figured had all night to do so, prolonging his misery could definitely wait now that Erwin was in need. And thus he simply marched to the hanger behind his front door, eager much to quickly get a hold of his warmest jacket before having to step out in the cold apartment corridor and consequentially outside in the cold December weather.
You forced Hange to suppress her giggles as you slipped the metallic key inside the lock to your shared apartment with Levi. With an exaggerated jump though Hange let out another scream fill the air, ignoring yet another playful rasped gaze you consequentially threw her. Laughter bubbled from the both of you as you kept on locking eyes, amused by the upcoming execution of your plan.
The plan was simple really. You had Erwin call Levi for any emergency he could come up with and only when he left the house you and Hange would sneak in, light up the aromatic candles you spent weeks picking. You would make some hot buttered rum and light the fireplace to warm up the house. Then, Hange would leave right when Erwin would call you to announce that Levi was on his way back and you'd wait for him with the biggest smile on your face.
"Okay now let's see how much time we have." You said and rubbed your hands together to warm them up. Leaning with one hand over the wall you moved the heel of your left foot on top of your right one, pressing down enough so you could wiggle your foot out of the shoe. Doing the same for your other foot, you removed your jacket and hung it behind the door.
"Erwin said it will take Levi about twenty minutes to get to him, they shall spend about ten to fifteen minutes fueling his car, but he promised he'd try his best to delay Levi if we need to. And then add another ten minutes for him to get back." Hange spoke, fixing her glasses onto her nose.
"You think I have enough time to take a bath?"
Making sure to slip her shoes off after you, Hange nodded in your direction and proceeded to set her heavy backpack on the couch. One by one she took the candles and a lighter out, eventually smirking to herself as she tried to come up with a plan on how to neatly set them around the living room.
"Hange!" Can you put those in the bedroom?" You spoke, ripping your shirt off of you before your finger came to graze the side of your mouth as your mind sunk in your thoughts.
"Ha!" Hange huffed "as if you're even going to make it to the bedroom!"
Your cheeks burned as she spoke, eyes widening slightly at how your mind told you she was completely right. Of course you and Levi wouldn't make it to the bedroom at least until later tonight. It had been months since you had last seen him and it was his birthday, you wouldn't even be able to rip yourself off of his arms. Thus you simply threw a mellow smile at Hange as you sprint to the kitchen checking to see if you had all the ingredients you'd need to make your choice of drink.
Coincidentally, you opened the oven and your eyes immediately fell on what was inside. Your expression softened as two grey toned cups shone in your orbs, the smell they emitted deliciously filling your nostrils. You smiled to your self as you thought about how your lover didn't miss out on making your traditional Christmas drink.
It was unbelievable how kind hearted Levi was, in contrary to what people thought of him, you thought. Most of the times -and simply because he didn't allow otherwise- the only thing people who weren't close to him saw was a cold demeanor, a sharp tongue and a foul mouth. It all would be too ironic if they knew how Levi was behind closed doors. Taking notice of small everyday details, sticking to his beloved routine, cherishing moments with his loved ones, remembering everything most people would ignore about others and showing his love in the sweetest yet most Levi way were only a few of his virtues.
Of course he wouldn't miss on making your favorite strawberry scented thick hot chocolate, even if you had spent the last few days not speaking to him, even if as of now he remained ignorant as to why. You assumed he believe it was about that ridiculous fight and you could admit you purposefully riled him just enough for him not to expect to see you. You were sure, seeing he had shown a previous liking in surprises like this, that his jaw would hit the floor when he'd see you.
Guilt rushed through you at the thought of you making him feel miserable even in the slightest, but Hange couldn't just have you standing there, sulking in your anxiety over how things had led up to this moment. If you wanted to make it in time for when Levi came home you'd have to rush. Hange insisted on shooing you out of the kitchen and into the bathroom, urging you to act fast, before Levi came. Sensing she was right, you settled for running to retrieve a new pair of underwear and a clean towel before jumping in the shower.
Stretching your arms to close the curtain behind you as you stepped on the white marble tiles you twisted the faucet handle to the right, letting a deep sigh escape from the depths of your chest as the hot water started running.
The sound of keys jiggling together filled what should have been an empty apartment, making Levi's arrival known only to you who stood inside the kitchen. He stepped inside a few seconds later, ripping his shoes off of his feet before slipping into his fuzzy slippers.
His hands immediately reached for the wipes and rubbing alcohol he kept on a stand right next to the door, silently grabbing a wipe and coating it in the strong smelling disinfectant before bringing it to his phone and keys. He spent a good minute cleaning the items meticulously only stopping when he felt satisfied to set them on the stand. He took a step to turn around with his goal to walk to the kitchen and heat up his got chocolate. Judging by the time he could still try to reach out to you before the day ended.
With a quick glance around the room, though he found himself freezing in his spot.
"Great, now I'm so shit mad I'm seeing fucking things." Levi announced -seemingly only to his own self- the moment he laid his gray orbs upon you.
"No Levi, you're not seeing things baby."
Standing up for your seat on the kitchen table you shot him an adorning look; your eyes squinted and your cheeks puffed up, coated in a sheer scarlett color. You silently watched as his eyes grew impossibly wide, flickering between you and each lit candle that showered the room in plenty of romantic golden light.
His legs were slightly trembling, his knees going weak at the sudden need to intake all of what was unraveling before him, but with his heart hammering in his whole body he only managed to part his lips before even beginning to thing if what to utter.
"Merry Christmas and happy birthday my Vee." You smiled again, mouthing the tooth rotting sweet nickname as you walked to him with open arms and a longing look on your face.
He wasted no time, even if his head was starting to buzz in confusion and uncertainty, he bucked in his stand before sprinting towards you. His hands quickly wrapped under your bum, lifting you up on him while prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. With painfully squinted eyes his nose nuzzled up between your neck and your chest, inhaling your magnetising aura sharply as he span you around. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, embracing his head in a loving manner as you couldn't supress your bubbling giggles.
His strong grip on you wasn't ceasing, not even for a moment as he began mouthing his questions; he didn't even care that his voice was muffled by your own form.
"How- I mean when?" He spoke and only hugged you tigher onto him.
"Well, you thought I'd ever miss this day?" You placed a kiss on the top of his hairline. "I was supposed to be here days ago but my flight got delayed, so Erwin and and Hange came up with this surprise plan."
Levi's hands loosened their grip on you slowly was you tried to slide down his body carefully; this breathtaking moment could only ever last for so long, Levi figured as he set you down. Kissing you was the next task he assigned to himself, but it could only happen after he got a good look at your face.
God, he had missed you so much.
So many months had passed since the last time he had been graced with seeing you this close to him and in the moment what he was witnessing almost felt too unreal. Your tender eyes looked into his with adoration and warmth, your chest dwelled with tainted breaths as your hands slowly came to cup his sharp face.
"I'm sorry I wasn't responding at all, I really had to leave to go to the airport after that silly fight we had, I couldn't just tell you I was coming." You said and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. "Although I was really temped to."
Levi wrapped his arms around you again and hugged you to his chest- this time he missed on levitating you if the ground, even more fiercely than he had done before. He simply huffed in amusement in the crook of your neck, mouthing a sole 'thank you' against you.
The next kiss you shared was maniac and passionate in nature. His lips didn't just graze over yours, the engulfed them. He sucked onto your tender flesh as if his life depended on it and you couldn't get enough. You found yourself grabbing his shirt, then running your hands through the short spiky hair of his undercut.
His slick hands cupped your own face as he pulled back only to catch his breath for a moment.
"I've missed you much I can't even be patient to talk with you."
"Me too" you announced, a hazed look masking your face.
You took a few leading steps to the couch, careful not to disturb the candles in the corners of the coffee table that before it, much afraid of setting everything on fire in your despairate state to have him. Your mouth launched feverishly onto his as you threw him onto the gray sofa.
Levi didn't fight it, not even for a moment. His tongue shoved inside your mouth, rolling around yours, slurping and cherishing each corner of your mouth as he took small intakes of breath through his nose from time to time. His tender hands loosened their grip on the sides of your face, the action eliciting a small whine from your occupied mouth but to was quickly gulped down by the movement of his lips that came to suck on your tongue.
You felt his fingertips travel down your clothed body, skillfully sinking underneath your shirt before restlessly traveling back up taking the cloth away with them. You only broke away from each other for a singular moment, breaths hitching and tinting the air around you, so much that you could almost ignore the way your heart sped it's throbbing in your ears. His hips bucked longingly int you from underneath, the friction already driving you crazy.
As his hands shoved longingly inside your pants you let another moan slip from the depths of your throat, though it was guickly muffled by your lover's mouth attaching on yours , making you melt into him. You felt his fingers graze ever so slightly over your still clothed crotch, painfully flicking their way through your flesh.
Roughly, he pulled back, detaching his want body away from yours while fixing his gray eyes into you. He didn't bother speaking as he tagged at the sides of his shirt, ripping the article of clothing away from him in such quick movements, as if it was the only thing getting in his way from getting close to you.
With hanger widening his eyes he stared at you again, prompting you to put your hands into him, to feel him all the while he run his hands into your form. He failed in exploring your body as he had wished though, with a shagged breath he only managed to bring you close, in a proximity that didn't even allow a kiss to be exchanged. You simply nuzzled into the crook of his bare neck, rubbing the tip of your nose in calm circles against him as you breathed hot huffs of air onto his skin.
His back was still so muscular and ripped despite his skin being so overly smooth under your tender touch, the more small trails you rubbed over him the more he sighed in greed and over exaggerated longing. Licking his lips with a constipated look on his face, he placed a tender kiss on your collarbone before traveling back up, just to teasingly rub his bottom lip over yours.
Breaking the kiss you grabbed his hand, bringing his palm close you your face. You teasingly picked his pointer finger, making sure to scratch the inside of his hand with your nails as you brought the digit to your mouth. His mouth, running ahead of his own desire to stay quiet, blurted lewd moans at your soft suckling and with all blood boiling in his body he was unable to even think about chocking down on his sounds.
He was on his back before he even knew it. It seemed like squirming was the way to go now, right underneath you as you placed kisses all over his chest and torso. With slow hands you reached for his pants, fidgeting with his zipper and buttons before wiggling your arms inside the dark denim.
Quickly, any remaining article of clothing was discharged thrown anywhere on the floor; you could worry about that later but right now you couldn't seem to be able to pay attention on anything else than each other. You had missed him, he had missed you, there was only so much that the two of you could process momentarily.
It was the high of the moment mixed with your scent that pulled him even even more as you craddled him to your chest while never ceasing the bobbing of your hips. The kisses that he sucked in you, sped up the beating of your heart against his as soft skin mingled with your own. Even that was painful to him, the extend to which he had missed you didn't leave any space for him to pull just an inch away from you, as if he wouldn't ever be able to get enough.
"My Levi, I've missed you so much." You spoke with hitched breaths, lips grazing his earlobe ever so slightly.
Levi allowed him self to eventually grunt in response letting harsh huffs of air through his nostrils while trying to guide your hips to an alt.
"Keep talking like that and I'm not going to last." He spoke, his fingering digging into your thighs to put an halt to your movements.
It didn't work -he should have known it wouldn't work- because you only slid down on him longingly and fast, sending his mind in the familiar pre orgasmic haze he so wished to momentarily be freed from.
"Who said," you paused only for another tainted moan to slip outside your lips "I want you to last?" You placed a kiss on the skin behind his ear, careful not to suck and create any loud noise that close to his eardrum.
Levi only threw his head back, his hips starting to work onto a hard, quick rhythm against you. He trembled under your words and every deep thrust, every feel of your insides on his throbbing length was only contributing to the build up in his abdomen.
He hair, sweaty as it was, stuck on his forehead as it dripped, but you paid no mind in his salty taste as you kissed your way all over his forehead and cheeks, nose and jawline, trailing your tongue on any sharp edge of him.
Your legs were shaking now and much to your best wishes you struggled with your thrusting onto him. You only managed to gyrate your hips, earning another moan of him as you ceased your movements, sweat dripping off of your own forehead as if mimicking his antics.
His hands nearly slipped from your thighs as wet as they were but he managed to get the message you were trying to convey; with jaded breaths he started thrusting maniacally from underneath you, damaging through you as pleasure dueled in both your bodies.
Yearning splashed all over his face and his grunts only got louder. Your foreheads collided as you cupped his face, noses nuzzling up, eyes staring deep into eachother.
Gentle. His ultimate indulge into you was gentle and earth shattering at the same time. His veins popped in white hot pleasure and his chest boiled with numerous erotic moans as his abdomen screamed throughout him, leaving him with barely enough time to mechanically reach just to pull out. His head hung low onto your collarbone while his head throbbed, unable to come down from his high just yet. He couldn't even move his eyes to see you, although he knew by listening to your panted breaths that you were in the same position as him.
Pushing him back to lay down on the couch, you kissed all over his face for the thousandth time tonight.
"I'd never ever miss this important day, you know." You smiled, pressing your lips to the tip of his nose.
"It's not that special, brat" he spoke shyly as he cooed into your face rubbing his upper lip to your cheek. You recognised the action; it was a habit of his to coo in such way, any overly soft thing grazing his top lip indulged him in endless calmness and you hummed to yourself in amusement to the feeling.
"I missed you."
"I know. You said that." He huffed, his lips puckering to hide the playful demeanor behind his next words. "But I don't think I heard it right, mind repeating it?" His fingers trapped your nose between them and swayed your head from side to side before moving to your naked back to press you closer to him him once again.
"You're such a tease. I love you Levi."
"I love you too," He blurred with eyes that burned into yours and proceeded to place a sweet kiss onto your sweat drenched hair "so much, you brat."
Taglist go off: @ackermans-freedom-inc @hawkssnugget @berrijam @levisbrat25 @nobody-knows-anymore @callmepromise
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allystyles1 · 3 years
the proposal-Loki Laufeyson x reader (daisy series-part 7)
Hi people! first of all thanks for the birthday messages🙃 i made myself cry like 20 times while writing this and i'm sorry if it makes you cry too. Happy reading! Thanks for all the feedback<3
my main masterlist is here!
series masterlist is here!
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It was the next day but you were still trying to process what your parents had said. Could they really “forbid” you from seeing Loki? You just wanted to talk to Loki, wanted him to tell you it was all going to be okay. Did he even love you back? Maybe you just wanted to believe he did and your brain convinced you but he didn’t. You really needed to talk to him.
You got up and left the room to go to his. The maids tried to stop you (you guessed it was Frigga’s request) but you said you needed to use the bathroom and kept walking until you were standing in front of his door. You listened to the sound coming from inside, was he crying? You knocked on the door three times and waited a second before knocking two more, the sign you used to have with Loki to say “it’s me.”
“Loki, please. Your mother doesn’t know i’m here and... I need to see you.”
“I said no y/n.”
You wiped the tear that escaped your eye. “We don’t have to talk, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to but i have to see you Loki. Please.”
The door slowly opened, revealing a Loki sitting on his bed with his eyes closed.
“Do you hate me so much that you can’t even bare to see me?” You didn’t care about the tears anymore.
“I could never hate you y/n, but i would hate myself for what i might do if i see you.”
“Loki i just want you to know that i-”
“Please leave.” He swallowed, probably wanting to say something else but didn’t. “I promise i won’t tell my mother you came here. Please just, go.”
“Loki, i have to do it. I have to say yes to Thor tonight and i am so sorry. I hope you will understand me one day.”
“Goodbye y/n.” You turned back and left the room, crying on your way back and thankfully not seeing anyone you knew.
“My lady, are you okay?” one of the maids in front of the door asked you and you nodded.
“Could you please get something to eat for me?”
“y/n, are you in?” you heard Frigga’s voice outside of your room.
“Yes, come in.” She got in the room and closed the door, giving you a sincere smile.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” You nodded. “Have you decided on what you’ll do at the dinner?” You nodded again.
“I’m going to say yes.” She gave you a sad smile and hugged you.
“I’m so sorry you’re going through this love. And i’m sorry i couldn’t stop this. I couldn’t keep my promise to you.”
“No, it’s not your fault. Please don’t blame yourself for it. I’m the one saying yes and my parents are the ones forcing me. You’re just being there for me when no one else is doing it.” She smiled and kissed your forehead. She smelled like Loki, you didn’t realise it before but they actually smelled really similar. Loki would always smell like new books and a garden in spring, his scent would bring you comfort.
“Well if you’re going to say yes, you might want to wear something different than that.” Frigga pointed to your current dress, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Do you think he’ll ever forgive me? Will he ever talk to me again?”
“What?” Frigga wasn’t expecting your question out of nowhere.
“Loki, do you think he’ll forgive me? I’m doing this to see him again but i don’t think he’d do that if i say yes. It’s like the universe doesn’t want us to be together. We won’t be able to live like we wanted to no matter what i do.” She shook her head and held your hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb.
“I think you’re not the person he’s angry with. He will understand, if you tell him your reason.”
“I can’t do that. I- Thor is my best friend and if i become his wife then i won’t betray him. Loki will just remain a friend, i’ll always love him but i can’t act on it while i’m married to Thor.”
“You have the kindest heart in the universe, my sweet child. You don’t deserve any of this. I’m sorry.” She smiled and hugged you again before leaving the room to let you get dressed.
You chose a simple sundress with a jacket in case it got windy and tried to hide that you had been crying a lot earlier with a little make up. Just when you were wearing your shoes you heard a knock.
“No, it’s me.” Thor spoke from the other side of the door. You quickly wore the other shoe and opened the door with a smile on your face.
“Thor. Hey. Uh, how are you?”
“I’m okay, thanks. How are you?” He smiled and offered you his arm. You held his forearm and started walking.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You looked a little angry yesterday, are you mad at me?”
“No, of course not. Why would i be?” You forced another smile on your face. He nodded but you could see he didn’t really believe you. You were still thankful he didn’t ask about it any more though.
“So uh.. Did you think about what our parents told us yesterday?” Oh no, not at all. You definitely didn’t almost felt like you were becoming blind because of how much you cried.
“Yes. And i know what you’re going to ask. No, i won’t scream anything this time.” Hopefully.
“Okay, that’s good.” He smiled and didn’t say anything else until you got to the dining room. As soon as Frigga saw you she came and hugged you before making you and Thor sit a little away from your parents. Loki was there but he was talking to Sif, with a huge smile on his face. At least he was happy.
“I need to use the bathroom before we start.” You smiled and Thor nodded. You got up from your seat and made your way to the bathroom. After closing the door you washed your face, trying to calm yourself down a little bit. You looked up when you heard the door opening.
“Hey.” Sif smiled, she didn’t look like she was angry with you.
“I talked to the queen today.” You nodded and she sighed. “She told the story to me from your point of view and that made me feel really shitty about the way i acted the other day.” She admitted.
“Okay. So you’re not mad at me anymore?”
“No. No i’m not. y/n i’m so sorry.” She hugged you tightly, nearly choking you.
“Sif.” She let go and smiled.
“I’m sorry, i just missed you. It was awful not talking to you knowing i was the one that acted really stupid.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You were sad and it was in the heat of the moment.”
“So i’m forgiven?” she smiled.
“I was never mad at you. I could never be mad at you.” you smiled too and hugged her again.
“Loki came to me today.”
“Yeah, he was really sad, crying actually. It was probably the first time i saw him do that since we were so little.” You were the reason he cried. You were the reason he was sad when the only thing you wanted to do was to be able to see him again.
“So i’m guessing that means you’re going to say yes to Thor?” she looked at your eyes and you nodded.
“Are you mad at me?”
“No.” She smiled.
“Why not?”
“Because i know why you’re doing it and i know Thor will be happy so that’s enough for me. I would never make a nice wife anyway.” She chuckled and you smiled.
“Thank you. For understanding.”
“Of course, you’re my best friend and i have to be there for you no matter what because you did the same for me for years.” She smiled and held your hand, walking back to the table with you. At least now that you knew Sif was okay with it, you felt a lot better. She sat next to you and squeezed your hand, reassuring she was there for you. You smiled and started eating with the others. It was quiet, the parents said something here and there but no one really talked that much.
You looked at Loki, not expecting him to be already looking at you. He first looked away, trying to hide it but then looked back at you with a serious face. You turned back to your dinner and sighed softly, telling yourself that you were doing this for him and he would understand it. Sooner or later.
When everyone was finished with their dinner, Odin told the maids to get the dishes and the table was clean in seconds. Everyone was looking at each other, waiting for someone to say something. Thor finally cleared his throat, bringing the attention to himself.
“So, as we all know, i’m going to be the new king really soon,” he got up from his chair and kneeled on one knee before you. “and i will need myself a queen. y/n, i have known you my whole life and i knew i wanted to spend all my life with you even when i was just a little boy. You know me better than anyone in all the nine realms, you have always been there for me and i know you always will be.” He pulled out a ring, you knew it was Frigga’s. You looked at her and she just smiled. “No matter what happened i always found my way back to you. You are my best friend, my favorite person in the universe, and the love of my life. So will you please marry me and give me the honour of having you as my wife?” You closed your eyes and let a tear escape your eye. Thor was so in love with you, and you felt so bad for saying yes but you had to. You couldn’t live without Loki.
“Don’t.” You heard Loki’s voice but you knew he was not actually talking out loud. “I’m sorry.” You thought, knowing he was reading your mind and smiled at Thor.
“Yes. I will marry you.” He grinned like a five year old slipped the ring on your finger before getting up and lifting you from your seat.
“I love you so much.” He kissed you deeply, you returned his kiss and when you stopped everyone was smiling. And Loki wasn’t in the room anymore.
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bakubub · 3 years
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favourite time of year
w/c: 1.2k
written for @kal0psi-a 's halloween collab
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folding the sticky dough carefully, just as the recipe instructed, i try my best to ignore the itching in my nose in a feeble attempt to stay concentrated, but give up when it starts to irritate my eyes.
"eughh, because of you there's flour in my nose," i complain to my boyfriend, who has his chin hooked over my shoulder and very heavily leaning over me.
"hey, don't complain! have you seen my hair?" he asks, stretching his neck to show me. sure enough, his hair is more white than it is black. i rake my hand through it before he can say anything, my dough covered hands clumping his hair together as an avalanche of flour sprinkles all over my chest.
he screeches, jumping back from me and i quickly use this chance to start running, because based on previous incidents, there's a 90% chance he will chase me relentlessly.
his cough from across the kitchen halts my escape plan, "are you happy now? i have flour in my nose too," he complains.
i watch in amusement as a cloud of flour puffs around him in the shape of a mushroom as he sneezes heavily, looking quite literally like a cartoon character and quickly near him to snap a picture. this will do nicely for the autumn section in this year's album.
since we started dating, tetsuro and i have been taking photos of one another, which we organise into albums by year, separated by season. it started when he gave me an album on our first anniversary, now, 6 years later and married, putting together an album of the past year has become tradition. each season we do an activity that correlates with the vibe, and today, we're making pumpkin pie with halloween shape indents because really, what else comes to mind when you think of fall?
i laugh loudly at the photo i took, his face caught mid sneeze, and it seems to flick the switch deep within tetsuro that i thought i had flicked earlier, and his feline gaze snaps to mine, before lurching forward in an attempt to catch me. i move just in the nick of time and run to the other side of the bench. he chases me until we're playing cat and mouse around the bench like children, slowly stalking one another as the other makes it as though they're backtracking but running forward instead.
"give up, wicked witch!" he exclaims, putting his right hand on his heart and holding the other outwards as he closes his eyes, apparently overwhelmed with emotion, "it is i, prince tetsu-" in the midst of his theatrics, i move in for the kill. his need for dramatics is most definitely his achille's heel, i think as i stab him in the hip with my fingers, and he yelps, opening his eyes only to find the mouse catching the cat.
"and the wicked witch of fall wins!" i yell, jumping up and down, getting flour all over the hardwood floors.
"fine, this round goes to you. your reward? a magical kiss from your prince charming," he says, leaning in and halting my celebration.
"the prince kisses the witch? haven't heard this fairy-tale before," i mutter before he silences me by placing a soft but unhurried kiss on my lips. my hands automatically make their way around his neck, and i lean back slightly as his hands firmly hold my waist, providing protection and support even in a moment as miniscule as this. in the glow of the autumn sunset, painting our kitchen with a golden hue, with the man i love in front of me, everything is perfect. we break off, his forehead leaning on mine, neither of us moving away.
"this is our fairy-tale, with its own happy ending."
looking up, I'm met with his golden brown stare, the small specks of gold especially visible in this lighting, practically glowing. his white turtle neck hugging his form nicely, and his raven hair sprinkled with flour, i can't help but wonder if this is what we're going to be like in the future, when we've lived our lives, and grown old together; the only indication of our age being the salt and pepper hair, and the slightly more prominent lines around our eyes from spending a lifetime of smiling.
because that's how it would be, i think, to have tetsuro next to me for eternity, to smile and to laugh every day.
he has to kneel down considerably to reach my lips with his own, to rest his forehead on mine, but the look on his face and the emotion in his familiar, beautiful eyes reflect nothing but comfort and content, genuine even as he says stupid and cliché things. in a way, he’s promising me nothing but a life full of the music of our happiness.
"i love you, witch," he whispers, as if afraid to ruin the moment by speaking.
i kiss him again, before pulling out my secret weapon and dumping more flour over his head. "love you too, prince!" i screech as i run away. i hear his chuckles as he chases after me, muttering empty promises of revenge just as he did before, and every other time, and hopefully, if my luck holds out, every time after.
"okay, nod gonna lie, dis ith really goo-dh" i say, speaking with a mouth full of the pumpkin pie we finally got around to baking.
i watch him snap a photo of me, smiling through my full mouth, knowing full well i have pie all over my mouth and teeth.
“you’ve never looked better, babe,” he says, chuckling, before trying it himself, moaning through his full mouth, "oh mhy gohd." i roll my eyes as he continues, "baby, thth is fudding amathing," he says, taking another, and then another bite.
“slow it down, moron. you’re going to choke and the wicked witch is going to have to ruin her comfy position to give you the heimlich,” i say, my legs crossed on the carpeted floor with my feet nice and warm in my thick panda bear socks.
“how abouth we sthip straighd to the kith of life?” he asks, wiggling his eyebrows with a mouth full of pie.
"how about you shuffle the cards, prince? i'll pick a movie," i suggest, or rather order, raising my brows. he salutes sarcastically as he sets down his plate and goes to get our worn out deck of uno cards.
"i thought you were a witch, not a princess," he mutters once he swallows his pie.
"actually, i married the prince so that legally makes me a princess. c'mon tetsuro," i say, pressing play on a random comedy to play in the background.
with the fireplace going under the television, and our pumpkin spice and cinnamon candles lit, the room is cozy, warm and calm.
that is until tetsuro yells his profanities about me placing a 2+ on his 4+.
"since WHEN?! THIS WASN'T THE RULE LAST WEEK!" i scream back, refusing to back down. i am not picking up four cards. "i would never cheat. unlike YOU," i accuse, shoving another fork full of the pie into my mouth in defiance.
he dramatically gasps shoving a fork full of pie into his own mouth, and glares at me. i glare right back, both of us wordlessly agreeing that whoever loses the staring competition loses the uno argument. ignoring the burning in my eyes, i keep my expression neutral as i watch the tears building up in tetsuro's lashline, his right eye twitching and turning slightly red.
"YES!" i scream as he blinks, wiping his eyes and sighing dramatically before beginning to pick up six cards, unable to come up with an excuse.
i laugh mercilessly and we continue the game, which i ended up winning after he picked up another 12 cards, flashing me the 'please have mercy on me' eyes every time he reached for the deck.
"you really are a wicked little witch aren't you?" he mutters as he gets up. i snort in response, eating the last of my pie.
"i wanna another slice," he announces. "you want?" nodding eagerly, i give him my plate.
"i want a slice with a bat," i call out, referring to the misshapen shapes we cut out on the top layer of the pie.
when he came back, he halted at the door as he silently watches me set up face masks and mani-pedi equipment on the coffee table, the entire pie tray with two forks, instead of two slices, in his hands. i raised my eyebrows, and he mirrors my expression towards my makeshift salon on the floor of our living room.
we both shrug and he comes and sits next to me, picking up a face mask packet and reading the description.
"ooh! aloe vera!"
that's how we ended up watching shitty comedies all night with white face masks on and stomachs stuffed with pie.
laying in bed my head resting on tetsuro's shoulder and my hand rhythmically stroking his hair, i bask in the feeling of comfort and my mind being stress free. shielded from the cold night with a million blankets and the massive man sleeping next to me, with my especially cold, numb feet tucked under his thigh, i match my breathing with his easily as i follow after him into a deep slumber.
because that's what the season of autumn is about, really. taking it easy after the adventurous months that were spring and summer, to rewind and become a home-bug again as the weather cools down. and these moments with tetsuro?
these moments are what makes this my favourite time of year.
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ahhh this was so, so fun!! special thanks to @/kal0psi-a for organising this entire collab <3
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sarastories · 3 years
To all chess lover and haters!
Lately, I was thinking about the hobby that has been following me the longest in my life. It’s definitely chess. My father explained to me to play, has played against me and has never let me win by purpose. Finally, it came that day when I managed to beat him. Sounds a bit like the Queen’s Gambit, just I’m not as successful as Beth Harmon😀. By the way, I watched that serial for two years and it is amazing. I have to admit that the story made me think about why I love chess.
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I played local tournaments during elementary school, but I never studied moves and learned from books. I am intuitive player but off course if you want to be really good at it, you have to work hard and analyze a lot. To be honest, I usually did not win gold, often bronze and sometimes silver on that local tournaments.
Once I was discouraged at my very beginning of playing when my father took me to a neighbor's house to play against the neighbor. He beat me and made fun of me. It might just seemed to me at that moment that he laughed at me and I was just little girl. It hurt. After that I have made a break with playing chess. During high school, it wasn't especially „cool" if you play chess. Usually in the puberty the young people have other stuff on their mind. But during my studies I was asked to play at some events for the faculty team because there was always a lack of a woman playing chess. Then I moved abroad and there it is, for me a new discovery, online chess. Since than I play online chess at www.chess.com under the username Raca87 and later thanks to my husband I found the great chess club. My profile picture on chess.com that I have from the beginning is interesting to many players I played with. People, that is not me on the picture😃! I found a picture of a girl sitting on the toilet with a laptop on her knee and catching wifi quite by accident. It is a picture of a famous Croatian singer and I find it quite symbolic. I see in it a girl who spends every free minute playing chess. That's me!
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Let me go back to the original question and that is why I love playing chess.
- I love it because it was with me in the most difficult moments. When I moved abroad for the job, I had almost no one around. It wasn’t easy to listen as my new co-workers talked about their great plans for the weekend without remembering to invite me to some get-together. So I though who cares and usually spent my weekends at home cooking and playing online chess on my phone.
- When I'm traveling in the bus, plane or train I can play against computer offline. Now I find it even more interesting to play against bots. There is something cool about that. e.g. I was really pleased when I won the bot of the great Alexandra Botez who has a 2100 rating on chess.com.
- When you play a chess game well, you automatically get a dose of respect from the audience. It feels good! For chess you need incredible mental strength to focus and often to stay concentrated for several hours. When you menage that and win, you can be damn proud on yourself.
- It relaxes me! When I want to divert my thoughts from daily life, I play chess games quickly, which is not good for rating. Then I'm hasty and I make banal mistakes, but it's great for relaxing the brain😀. Also my chess statistics simply show my mental state😀. If I am concentrated I progress fine and the points grow slowly. When my head is absent, points go down the road. e.g. How did I manage to go from almost 1700 points to 1400? The drop in concentration began with my pregnancy and continued with the gain of children. I often have to interrupt games or hurry up because one of the babies starts to cry.
- About this point I am not sure if I like it or not. That is adrenaline that I feel in my stomach during the long games on tournaments. I have to fight every time against it to stay relaxed and concentrated because only than I am able to win.
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I realized pretty in the late age that it is extremely intriguing for men when a woman plays chess. With my husband, I often watch great chess player and entertainer Big greek on youtube. My husband likes me playing chess. When I was younger, I thought other consider me boring because hey, I like to play chess. However, nowadays online chess became very popular. Nevertheless, any long term hobby we choose is important as it full-fills our lives in a special way.
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theduosetter · 3 years
── 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙐𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙠 ──
Pairing: Daichi Sawamura x f!reader
Summary: Two strangers laid their eyes upon one another and were captivated at first sight. All they were itching to know was their name yet who knew they were closer to each other than they realized.
Warning(s): cursing, fluff, adorable all around!!
A|N: I hope you enjoy this mini series! Any heart or reblog would be appreciated thank you! Feedback too :D
Links: m.list | writing commissions ✏️ || tip the writer ✍️ ||
Part: 3
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"Hurry up, Y/n!" Hinata yelled as he grew impatient.
"I'm coming, Shoyo! You're literally outside of my door." you hung up and grabbed your bag along with your phone.
Opening your bedroom door you saw your best friend standing there tapping his foot. "Was it really necesarry for you to call me when you were already here?"
"Yes!" he exclaimed "I don't want you changing plans last minute."
"I'm not going to bail on you guys." you chuckled "Relax, we are going to hangout together today."
"Alright. Come on we still need to get to the gym to warm up." he grabbed your hand and ran downstairs.
"Shoyo!" you exclaimed "Where's Tobio anyway?"
When you got to the bottom of the stairs you saw the black haired friend sitting down at the kitchen table. A sigh escaped your lips knowing he wouldn't pass up the chance of some milk with your mom's pastries. "I can't quite say that I'm surprised."
"Do you wnt...s-sum?" he muffled as he chewed down on the bread making his cheeks chubbier.
"I'll be fine." you answered unlike the orange hair who stuffed a plastic bag filled with pastries while your mom laughed.
"Why don't I just give you guys some extra ones?" your mom said as she filled another bag with individual wrapped bakery goods.
"We'd appreciate it!" the duo spoke.
"We gotta go or else you'll be late for the game!" you exclaimed pulling each one away from the counter covered in sweets.
"Let me get one more!" Hinata whined, "One more-"
"You'll both end up getting stomach aches if you don't stop!" you retorted.
What seemed like eternity you managed to get them out the door despite the begs. "Please make sure to come back soon boys!" your mom said.
"We'll be back Mrs. (last name)! Thank you for the sweets!" they both yelled in unison.
"I will see you before closing, mom." you kissed her cheek and grabbed the four bentos. "Thank you for the food!"
"Be careful okay?" she waved goodbye at you then chuckled to herself, "I'm glad my baby has her friends."
"Seriously you guys barely have enough time to get to the gym!" you yelled out as you three ran towards the school's grounds. "I told you we had to go!"
"Yeah but your mom's bread was so good!" Hinata jumped "It tasted like a fluffy cloud Y/n!"
"She definitely needs to bring her food to the next school's festival." Kageyama added "Imagine how much attention your mom's bakery would get."
You bit your lip "You're not wrong about that..."
Hinata looked at his watch, his eyes widened. "We only have 15 minutes to practice before the other school get's here Kageyama!"
"You idiot! I told you we had to go!" he moved closer to kick his butt but Hinata managed to dodge his hit.
"Oh shut up! You were stuffying your face too!"
"Why am I friends with these two again?" you muttered.
"Come on pick up the pace y/n!" Hinata and Kageyama grabbed your hands and ran faster than your legs could move.
"G-guys!" you exclaimed "I-I'll end up falling─ slow down!" they were too focused on getting to practice than hear about your objections "If I break a bone I'm telling my mom to ban you from the shop!"
After a five minute run that was supposed to be ten, you finally arrived. Your legs felt like jelly and your sweater was long gone as your body was too sweaty. 'This was worse than a summer day...' you thought, 'I showered and got dressed so nicely only for it to be ruined by those two. Ugh they owe me big time.'
You slowly treaded towards the stairs of the gym, their teammates were too busy preparing to notice you. A sigh escaped your lips upon feeling the cool air coming from the a/c. "This... this is nice." you mumbled. "It feels like a cold freezer..."
"Um... hi." a voice spoke coming from behind you.
"You two are so banned..." you muttered under your breath. Slowly you turned around to come face with two guys. 'They must be their teammates.'
"Are you going to keep blocking the door or can we get through?" the tall guy with the glasses spoke.
"Tsuki." the shorter one mumbled.
"Well?" he stared you down, "We don't have all day."
'He must be the guy that Shoyo and Tobio went up against.' you thought.
"R-right... but you don't have to be so rude you know." you answered.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes walking passed you meanwhile his friend gave you an apologetic smile. "He's usually not mean." he chuckled slightly "Do you need help with something?"
"No... I came to see some friends. But they left me out on the front steps to get ready for your match today."
"Wait... are you really their friend?" he asked.
"If you're talking about the tall one and the ginger then yes." you chuckled, "They said it was fine for me to come today."
"Don't take this the wrong way but..." he scratched his cheek looking away from you, "I'm surprised they have a friend that's a girl, given the way that they are."
"No worries. I understand what you mean especially since we met in very different times." You two walked inside "I'm still surprised they are friends."
"Y/n!" looking to the left you saw Yachi jogging over to you. "Oh hey, Tadashi!"
"I should go warm up, it was nice meeting you!"
"You too Tadashi!"
She then spoke again, "What happened to you? Did you run all the way here?"
"Hinata and Kageyama were too busy stuffing their faces with my mom's pastries. By the time they actually listened to me it was too late and we had to run all the way here." you whined "Now I'm all covered in sweat and I feel disgusting."
"I told them not to get distracted." she sighed "Do you want to freshen up? I have an extra shirt in the club room."
"Really? Id really appreciate that."
"Come on we still have a few minutes before the whole team gets here."
Your feet were too tired to walk yet somehow you managed to go upstairs to the room. "I swear one day those two will be the death of me." you complained.
"Can you blame them? Your mom's sweets are too good." Yachi chuckled.
Shaking your head you went inside and washed your face along with your arms and back. "How are the two doing with their quick attack by the way?" you asked.
"They're getting there, although they still want to make sure it comes out perfect. Coach Ukai said they need to upgrade it or else it won't be enough to get past the blocker's hands."
You nodded, "There's no doubt in my mind they will make it work. From the videos you've sent me those two can work a miracle even if they end up fighting... their goals are the same."
"Oh right I was going to ask you..." Yachi continued "... how did it go with your guy by the way? Did he end up messaging you?"
Biting your lip, you put on the white clean shirt. "He did, he was so nervous and sweet. I apologized to him about what my mom did yet he said he didn't mind because he was nervous about talking to me." you giggled.
"Wait so your mom really did give him your phone number?!"
"She did! I wasn't expecting her to go that far." you answered "But it is kinda embarrasing how she had to do it for me though..."
"Nonesense!" she exclaimed "You just needed that little push well you both did. I'm sure he knows that especially since he took the time to message you."
It was difficult to hide the smile that kept creeping up on your face. "As cliche as it sounds... it really feels like a movie Yachi."
"You're barely at the talking stage but what if he asks you out on a date then to become something more. Are you ready to go that far?"
Closing the locker you turned to face her, "Not going to lie with everything that has happened... I feel scared to say yes. After what happened I never really thought someone would take an interest in me and that I'd feel the same way."
Yachi placed her hand on your shoulder, "It's been at least 4 four years I think it is time to enjoy a new adventure in your life. You may never know what might happen."
"Yeah, I know."
There was a knock on the door, "Hey! Yachi are you almost ready? Kiyoko said she needs your help setting up."
"Yeah! We'll be right there Sugawara!" she yelled back.
"Who's Sugawara?" you asked.
"Come on let's go meet the rest of the team that way it'll be easier." she chuckled taking your hand and walking back to the gym.
There were sudden butterflies in your stomach, although you knew your friends were part of the team, you couldn't but wonder if it was okay for you to come. All you wanted was to make a good impression for the team that gave your friends the opportunity to play.
As soon as she opened the door everyone turned their heads to look at you. Two memebers then ran over to you both making you jump back.
"A new girl!" they yelled in unison.
"She's so cute!" the shorter one exclaimed.
"You didn't tell us you had such a pretty friend Yachi!" the taller one added.
Yachi became flustered, "Ah! T-this is m-my friend! She came to w-watch the game today. Y/n this is Tanaka and Nishinoya."
Feeling embarrassed you gave them a nod, "It's nice to meet you guys."
"She's so adorable!" Tanaka exclaimed "I hope we get to see you around here more often."
"Oh... um sure, if you guys don't mind." you said.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Nishinoya's eyes widened not being able to handle how cute you looked.
"Oh Y/n!" Hinata then jogged over to you guys "Can you help us toss some balls?"
"Yeah let's go-" you went to follow Hinata only to be taken away in the opposite direction.
"You need to meet the whole team." Nishinoya held your hand dragging you over to what seemed to be the third years along with other members.
"Guys! This is Yachi's friend, Y/n! Y/n, this is Suga or Sugawara for short, Asahi, Tsukishima, Tadashi, and Ennoshita!"
You tried to hide your nervousness, "Hello! It's nice to meet you guys, thank you for letting my friends play."
Tsukishima stared at you with an uninterested look, while Tadashi smiled softly.
"How did you manage for Hinata and Kageyama to get along? They were at each other's throats." Sugawara chuckled.
"Well... let's just say it's still hasn't changed much." you rubbed the back of your head. "But we make it work."
"Are you also a first year?" Ennoshita asked.
"Mhm I had to change school's during the second semester." you answered. "Karasuno is my second school."
"Well welcome to the team, I apologize in advance if things get out of control." Sugawara said "They're usually..." he tried to put into words but you understood.
"No worries if I can handle those two I'm sure it won't bother me." you chuckled. "Is this the whole team?"
"We're only missing our captain." Asahi answered, "Where is he anyways?"
Tskushima shrugged "He said something about needing to find his knee pads."
"Anyway we should go get ready before the school shows up. Let's start to warm up." Sugawara said and everyone went off to do their own things. "If you want you can sit down besides Coach Ukai and Mr. Takeda."
"Oh okay." you then looked around "Do you need help with anything?"
"I think we should be good, can you help with picking up the volleyballs and putting them in that basket when the other team gets here?"
"Sure." you were about to grab the cart when you heard the door open again.
"Oh! Daichi come over here!" he yelled.
Your feet froze, the numbness you felt earlier in your legs returned. 'Please... don't be who I think it is...' you thought lowering your head, 'Oh my god what if he gets dissappointed?'
You tried to subtly fix your hair and tuck in the club room shirt. Sugawara noticed, "Are you okay─"
"What is it Suga?" Daichi asked as he walked over to where you both were.
"This is the friend that they were talking about, this is Y/n." he said smiling softly at you. "Daichi?"
You slowly lifted your head to come face to face with those loving brown eyes. Daichi was in the same state as you, shocked yet happy to finally see you.
"Are you alright?" Sugawara asked looking at him.
"Y-yeah..." he chuckled awkwardly "It should have been obvious right?"
Your face was hot, "Y-yeah, I shouldn't have been so dumb."
"You two know each other-"
"This is y/n... the one I've been telling you about." Daichi said.
"Oh...." Suga mumbled "So you're the one he can't stop rambling about." a smirked then formed on his lips.
You blushed, "W-what, really?"
"Suga!" Daichi exclaimed.
"I can't believe after all this time you two would end up meeting each other at school." he said.
"Yeah..." you chuckled lightly "I knew you played a sport but never thought you were my friend's captain."
"I didn't know if it sounded cool─" he admitted.
"Are you kidding?!" you exclaimed "It's amazing! Volleyball isn't an easy sport. The amount of people that depend on you to lead them, yet you still have their backs and know what to say" you smiled looking up at him. "It's admirable really."
Daichi rubbed the back of his head, shyly smiling "Thank you I try my best to keep them under control... but sometimes they don't bother to listen."
"I know how that feels."
Sugawara stood quiet watching you two converse as if you were the only ones. He wanted to say something to get Daichi all flustered but didn't have the heart to do so. 'I am sooo going to have fun with this.' he thought.
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