#it's going nowhere but I greatly enjoy it
bbqhooligan · 4 months
i am a feminist. i am queer. i think you can weaponize feminizing language towards men who cant think of a single worse fate than being called gay, or a woman. idec
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unproduciblesmackdown · 4 months
one thing i can intermittently remember re: lackadaisy is that way back when, would've been around '08 to '10, i mentioned it to someone in person w/whomst like informal Media Recs Trading was established & i think mentioned wanting recs for checking out webcomics specifically? & i was like ooh lackadaisy Gotta be lackadaisy (i read like, a few others at the time but was immediately huge on that one specifically due to [the ways it pwned were obvious to me first reading it in '07 and Now alike]) and like. in the realm of Left Field Responses I Got After Ventures Of Someone W/o The Confidence I Have Now Thanks To Grinding For It In The Entire Interim i eventually followed up like did you check it out, what do you think, b/c my enthusiasm was stronger than my reluctance to bring shit up unprompted. and i think they were sort of evasive a moment but then were like nah b/c.......why are they cats....like lmfaoooo was Not ready for that like yeah idk what to tell you if that was that significant a factor. except that if you know that much it's too late the furry police are en route
not long afterwards perhaps truly more unexpected. i managed to finagle going to the first convention marble hornets was at, relatively short notice, and this is thanks to by that point having Enthusiasm behind it again, of course. afterwards to the relatively small tumblr mh ether i Ventured Forth again like is there interest in my talking about it, livestream q&a possibilities style even? and then i got an anon telling me not now b/c hοmestuck had updated. omicron just to not risk it plus i think even now i'd filter my own post. like divide this into four sections the way i'm truly at a loss. didn't have that much to talk about but looking back like fr you're neurononconforming in online fanbase Posting same as in the [random discord servers Hate them! non normative verbal communication happens in scores / hundreds of words if it happens at all] like and yet it gets to you to the con. and to the "i don't need other people to like media 'with' me i didn't talk about lackadaisy at all till the pilot dropping & my [first full reread in a Minute] got me all fired up posting style & 'hey wait. my special little guy. all this fresh Mystery Plot Everything appreciation. whoa'" moment. plus nowadays it's only like Lol Lmao whereas back then it was like :( :/ but also still funny b/c this person was running away throwing chairs & tables behind them like i'm not a furry i'm not and an anon was like didn't ask don't care oppa homestuck style. standing there palms open like. furious theorizing is there for me
#talking to the one person i rec'd lackadaisy to could always be a trip just out of nowhere so like#and i was [when you're autistic] in that situation then too#it could be them and their friend in the room & i'd chime into the conversation except No I Didn't. ignored lol#other times i was not but when it's unreliable it's like you can't be nonplussed why i'm not forthcoming w/shit. you Can be but idc....#lattermoreso > be me > be autistic > in that small niche fanbase for years Whole Time felt like i must be bad at smthing#/ had better deliberately try to conform somehow or Put Myself Out There or etcccc like lol & lmao hand on my own shoulder....#but like also idk no matter the scale of things who even likes/wants/enjoys a fanbase experience where you Gotta know Everyone#much less Like everybody or do some kind of social extracurricular the right way lol. guess godspeed if you do#living & learning like was early into smthing when it was quite niche online then it stops being niche? quietly backing out#doesn't mean i'm not just out here Posting then & now but like. doing what i always do#simply my shit & then if people enjoy it well that's a rewarding overlap on the internet for us isn't it#legitimate in & of itself / its own right. don't have to extend into Friendship & it will probably not lol#which; w/never being fucked to stop filtering homstuck posts even unto this day; not like i would take personal insult or like#think one needs to argue their way out of going Nah That's Okay to a rec or anything lmfao#just so like [person standing there emoji] Not prepared for someone to be not interested b/c anthro design it's kittycats. okiey..........#not prepared to get anons as like the only real response going like No. no it's humestuck time. Huh Wha? hewwo?#past me struggling & bemused like hang in there. my Power and Oh I Get It Now levels greatly increased. Eventually. Gradually lol.#couldn't convince them to endure the cats couldn't convince them to go a block & visit their partner on said partner's bday. it was tough#don't think i convinced anyone of anything ever in my Regular MH Posting Life n Times#scooted away from that too b/c it Also simply got more obviously unwieldy for a bit after slender release. back in the day fr
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gghostwriter · 8 days
i saw you opened your fluff requests so how about this: reid recieves an invitation to a high-school reunion back in Vegas but he doesn't want to go because of his bad childhood. but his best friend (who is completely in love with him) convinces him to go, and offers to be his fake girlfriend to hype him up and make him feel more comfortable. he agrees and ends up confessing his love on the same football field he was bullied on
please feel no pressure to write this, it's just an idea i thought was cute
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Trope: Friends to lovers; Fluff with a mix of pining wc: 2.1k A/N: Reader is not part of the BAU, but she just still work for the FBI. By far, this is my longest request written (it's a chapter length) and I don't know how it became so long but I hope you enjoy it still! Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated 💗 Main masterlist
Rewriting History. // Spencer Reid
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It was the heavy scent of books and wood that welcomed you home. Street lights reflecting off the emerald green walls, bathing the apartment space a warm golden hue. There was peace and stillness, your roommate of two years, Spencer Reid, nowhere to be seen—a usual occurrence that came with his and your job too, being FBI agents under the BAU and CACU, respectively.
You sluggishly made your way to your bedroom, adjacent Spencer’s closed door. Flipping open the switch, your worn body collapsed on the plush vanity chair as thoughts about the darkness of your job slip away and get replaced with melancholy on your connection with the boy genius. It was a relationship nurtured by grueling times in the academy—a connection forged out of convenience at first before becoming this convoluted and intimate bond all because you ended up falling for him.
It wasn’t a conscious choice and Spencer didn’t make it any easier. He was a closed off castle complete with a moat and a secret password—painfully shy and awkward in nature. If it wasn’t for required partnership in physical classes, you doubted you’d get as close as you were now.
A beep brought you out of your musings.
And as if he knew you were thinking of him, it was a text message from Spencer informing you of his return home in a few minutes. 
With a sigh, you pushed yourself out of the chair and changed into a set of clothes—a faded Caltech tee, that you never returned, and a pair of black leggings
Padding across to the kitchen, you opened the refrigerator and silently thanked your past self for prepping dinner for two in advance. With how irregular both your schedules were and Spencer’s apparent lack of skill in cooking, it fell upon your shoulders to make sure he isn’t living off of cold pizzas and Chinese takeouts. 
As the second plate of food was heating up in the microwave, the chiming of keys softly echoed from outside the mahogany door.
“Hey Spencer,” you called out from the kitchen counter.
A series of rustles and a soft hey answered back.
You tilted your head to the side in contemplation, something was wrong and as he turned the corner, shoulders curving in on itself and brows furrowed, something must definitely be wrong. 
“Tough case?” You asked, bringing both plates to the rounded dinner table.
“Yeah—” Spencer shook his head. “Actually no, not really but I got an email from Las Vegas.”
Your spoonful of soup hung midair, immediately concerned with the email contents. “Is it your mom? Is she okay?’ 
Having visited Diana in numerous occasions with and without Spencer, you’ve learned to love that woman fiercely too. She was a breath of fresh air—blunt during her lucid days and smart during her academic lectures. 
“It’s from my high school, an invitation for the reunion.”
Ah. “And you’re not sure if you want to go?” 
He shrugged, chewing his slice of chicken before answering. “There’s really no one I want to reconnect with, you know. No happy memories really.” 
“That’s true,” you nodded along. 
During the first few nights moving in the apartment, Spencer had shared the lows he had to go through just to get to where he was now at such a young age—endlessly mocked for being a geek, no friend group or single confidant to watch his back, and the utter humiliation of being tied naked on a football post. You had an inkling that the genius had gone through bullying, it was a sad norm in all schools, especially in public, but hearing it first hand had brought home just how much of his closed off and shy personality was a product of his trials.
You tapped your fingers on the table. “I think you should go.” 
“Yeah, yeah. To show all those mean bullies where you are now,” your back straightening from the idea. “They’ll talk about you in passing anyway, whether you’re there or not so might as well be there to show them up and defend yourself plus—” you paused, taking a sip of water before barreling through. “—you’ve become quite handsome since then. Don’t you think?”
His hazel eyes widened in surprise, further adding to his appeal. Spencer was so innocent that he didn’t know the effect he had on women—first evidence was yourself and the second was Lila Archer. “Y-you think I’ve become handsome?”
With warmth spreading on your cheeks, you nodded. “You’ve always been handsome to me.”
Spencer started coughing, hand beating on his chest as the food threatened to go down the wrong tube.
Alarmed, you quickly stood up and started patting his back for assistance. How embarrassing was this—the first time you blatantly flirted with the man you formed intense attraction for ends up with him almost choking. Was this a sign maybe to not push your luck? You’ve done just about anything to nudge Spencer’s mind in acknowledging your feelings, from remembering all his little quirks (all were just so cute), actively listening to his tangents (all very informative and interesting), and even sometimes delivering a box of donuts to his team (all in the name of seeing his face brighten up) but none seemed to have worked. So, you opted to tell him in words and look what that did to him.
You gnawed on your lower lip. Maybe it was best to pull back, maybe it was best to throw in—
He cleared his throat before his hand reached yours situated on his shoulder. There was a slight tremor before it closed around your all of a sudden clammy palm. “I’ll go if you go with me.”
Filter off your brain. “As a fake girlfriend type of thing?”
You shut your eyes closed, promising to yourself to stop reading those unrealistic romance novels that Penelope lends you.
“If—if you want,” his voice shaky and soft as rustles could be heard in the background.
Opening your eyes, Spencer was now fully facing you. Eyes roaming your face and body—profiling you.
A small smile graced your lips. “Okay.”
The second thing your brain thought of was how oddly fitting that the reunion was held at the school gym, located beside the football field. The first thought being how Spencer looked devastatingly handsome in his suit and tie.
His attire wasn’t that different from his usual in the FBI but there was a hidden meaning behind his choices. The patterned brown blazer was a gift you had given to him for his first anniversary working at the FBI and his tie matched the color of your dress. 
It made you feel warm even though a shiver went down your spine as a sudden gust of wind passed by. 
Spencer slid closer towards you. “Do you want my coat?”
“I’m alright, thanks for asking Spence,” you looked up, smiling in reassurance. The fairy lights hung in rows emphasized how structured his face was. A high nose bridge, similar to his mother’s, and high cheekbones that made your fingers twitch in want to caress. He was stunning to look at—a view you feared you’d never get enough of.
“Spencer Reid!” A booming male voice shouted from across the gymnasium causing a few heads to swivel. Based on the other attendees reactions—giving them ample space as they passed and the stares tracking their every move, you knew who he was right away. A former bully.
“How are you?” he reached out his hand for a handshake. One that Spencer stared at before bringing his hand up to a wave, lips in a tight lipped smile.
“Hey Paul, nice to see you.”
“Is it?” He chuckled before turning his eyes on you. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”
You stated out your name, tone very similar when you’re on the field—cold and professional.
“Look at you, Spencer, having such a pretty girlfriend. Heard you work for the FBI now, is that how you two met?” 
A saccharine smile spread across your lips. Your boy genius had been stiff ever since Paul called out his name. Having have heard how Spencer once reacted to a case where the unsub was a high school victim, you knew where his mind was at the moment. Grappling with the hurt from the past and trying his best not to lash out from the scars it had left behind. “Yeah, we met at the Academy and just clicked. He was such a gentleman that I couldn’t say no when he asked me out for a date.”
“That’s good to hear. Listen, man, is it alright if I talk to you for a second? Alone?”
You brushed the back of your hand with his, bringing his attention to you. There was a slight furrow in between his brows and his stature was taut, like a stretched out bow that needs to release it’s arrow. This was one of the few times, you could tell, that Spencer was unsure what to do. There was no malice behind Paul’s request and although you weren’t a profiler yourself, the slight hunch on the former bully’s shoulder silently communicated his remorse. 
Spencer’s eyes trained on yours and as if he found the answer within the depths of your gaze, he slightly smiled, squeezing your hand in his before turning back and nodding to the interloper. 
“I’ll go get a refill,” you lifted your empty cup to excuse yourself.
In truth, you stood idly near the punch bowl and kept your eyes glued on the male duo. Paul was looking down, shuffling his feet, before taking a deep breath and looking straight at Spencer. He uttered a few words you couldn’t make of and in turn, Spencer’s body relaxed and he nods once. With an offer for a handshake, one that Spencer shook, Paul walked away as you made your way back to your partner’s side.
“Good talk?” you asked.
“He apologized,” Spencer muttered, eyes studying you before grasping your hand back to his. “No refill?”
You shrugged. “Didn’t feel like it anymore. Say Spence—” he titled his head as an answer. “Want to get out of here?”
He chuckled, eyes twinkling with relief. “Thought you’d never ask.”
The cicadas were singing their tune as you and Spencer stepped out to the football field. The grass lush in color and the faint smell of wet earth wafted around. Grateful that you opted to wear sensible flats rather than the high heels Penelope was bartering you to wear, you held Spencer’s hand tight as he started recollecting the worst bullying that happened in the same place many years ago.
“That—” he pointed at the goalpost on the far right. “—was where I was left tied up. I remember feeling worried that I would catch hypothermia as the rain kept coming and going that day and I remember feeling sad when I got home and my mother didn’t notice me missing.” 
Your voice caught in your throat.
He continued on. “They say people forget events as they grow older and I wished I had the luxury of that.”
“Because of your eidetic memory,” you sighed. It was a blessing and a curse to have. 
“But I was thinking, maybe I could rewrite it instead?”
There was a thick layer of hope behind his words causing you to turn, fully facing him this time.
“I—I’ve been keeping a secret from you for 24 months and 182 days and I don’t know if this would change our relationship or ruin it but you’re my person, my best friend—” he took a deep breath. “—and I’m in love with you.”
People say there are moments in your life that would upend everything as you know it and tilt everything to an axis, you never understood what they meant by that, up until this moment. The twinkling night stars suddenly appeared brighter, the temperature warmer, and the force that tethered you to Earth was no longer gravity, it was now Spencer Reid.
You smiled, eyesight blurring from tears. His trembling fingers reached out to wipe the droplets making its path down your cheeks.
“I’m in love with you too, Spencer Reid, since the beginning.” 
And as if the world needed more proof, he smiled—his bright, full teeth smile and you felt your heart halt before starting back up again. 
It was proof that he owned the beating organ in your chest and all the emotion that came with it. 
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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chkn-soup · 6 months
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🎀The Radio Demon🎀
Warnings: Alastor is bad at affection, Alastor is awkward, Alastor’s dating skills are pathetic…..give him tips please..he sucks….
Syno: silly little Alastor dating headcanons, but I wrote him in character so he’s very…him🤨..
How you guys start
-Alastor isn’t really one for romance or catching feelings, but if he were, yoid have to be the most entertaining thing he’s seen in a while.
-I think he’s all up for giddy innocent people, people that smile a lot, people that laugh a lot, people that are carefree, and a joy to be around, even people who are crazy..crazier than him or just crazy. If you are those things then he’d take a great liking to being around you all the time.
-especially if you have dark humor, that makes him really laugh. As soon as you make him laugh the first time, he’d be around you a lot more, if being funny is your thing, he’d follow you around just to laugh again. He’d find you greatly entertaining.
-As soon as he notices that he’s taken a liking to your personality or just your humor, he’d begin to reciprocate, he’d want to make you laugh as well, and he’d often appear out of nowhere to tell you an “old timey pun”. That’s how you get the hint that he likes you..other than him just stalking you around the hotel.
-When he’s surely come to the conclusion of adoring you. Then he’d make the move..it wouldn’t be very..romantic per say? Like he wouldn’t ask you out with sparkles and kisses. It would kinda go like this
^Alastor waltz into the hotel’s lobby, shadow demon trailing shorty behind him with a big smile on its face, matching the same big one that Alastor is wearing. He finds his way over to you and sneaks up behind you, slightly startling you as he doesn’t make his presence known..you just have to guess he’s there by the chills that present themself down your neck. Once he knows he gotten your attention, he just stand there and smile at you..eerily..
“..How can I help you Alastor..?” You’d have to break the creepy silence, Alastor truly isn’t trying to be weird he just doesn’t know where to start.
“We shall enjoy breakfast together in my room, let’s say..tomorrow.” He doesn’t really question..it’s rather a statement. But of course you just nod a little off put.
“Lovely.” And with that he walks away.
-the date would go better than him asking you out though, he’s a old class gentleman, so he would come prepared with a bouquet of your favorite flowers..you don’t know how he got that information but he has it.
-He’d also thank you for dining with him at the end of breakfast, and pat your head with his radio cane as a sign of affection.
-the only way you’d know that was considered a date, or that you guys are even dating is if he tells you that it should become a regular thing everyday..that’s his way of asking you to be his partner.
-Like I said, it would probably take a couple of breakfasts together for you to realize you guys are even ‘dating’ because Alastor won’t straight up say it or call you his spouse.
-Even with him being very avoidant on the topic, he’d still be absolutely classy with you, he’d act the same way he did when you guys were just acquaintances but..notched up a little, so he’d plant kisses on your hand on special occasions
-Will compliment you the best of his ability, “Dear, you look absolutely deadly this morning.” ..please don’t take it the wrong way, he’s trying his best. Will most likely say shit like “You’d taste delicious” to compliment you..Will he eat you? Who knows it’s always a surprise with him.
-he will most definitely bite you though, I read it on @/Radioisntdead’s page, (creds to them), and I thought it was so fitting and cute, so yes he would definitely bite you uncalled for as a sign of affection.
-He showers you with flowers and small trinkets from cannibal town.
-You are the only one who gets to see his tail!! Will he let you touch it..maybe..but make him laugh first then you’ll get a two in one deal of touching his ears too.
-Will cook you cultural food from when he was alive, yes that includes Jambalaya, he makes his shit spicy so, if you aren’t into that, have milk on hand or be really nice about telling him to tone it down.
-Or if you don’t like speaking up about things cause you’re a people pleaser like me and will just take the pain of burning taste buds instead of possibly hurting his nonexistent feelings, then he will figure out by the red look on your face and your watery eyes..he finds it funny. But he doesn’t want to put you in pain for too long, so the next time he cooks for you, you can see that he’s toned down the spice a little..he will never tell you that he did it for your sake though.
-your special thing is eating togther because Alastor is a big foodie and will try different foods with you, also if you like cooking, Alastor would adore your food especially if it’s something from your culture.
-Alastor, will not be one for cuddles…what he will do is sit on the couch next to you and wait for you to fall asleep, the he will lay you down on his lap. He won’t ever physically wrap his arms around you or snuggle into you, he’d wait for you to snuggle into him..but then he’d sit perfectly still and not reciprocate.
-Alastor also doesn’t sleep…but when you guys are dating, he won’t have to stand in the corner anymore..cause he knows that would creep you out, so when you sleep in his room or when he goes to your room, he will instead lay on the bed, back against the headboard, but legs relaxed on the bed, and he’d read, while you slept beside him..he’d also be very overprotective and on gaurd for you while you are in such a pathetic state.
Tell me if I should do NSFW or Argument HC’s next!! Also, I am working on a part two of my Vox smut ‘Photoshoot’, so it should be out soon!!😙😙🫶🏼🎀
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guildofscribes · 2 months
Humans are Weird: Indomitable Spirit Addition.
Okay, so I've been following these sort of posts on the internet for a while now, but now I have a Tumblr and the ability to add my two cents! Humans are stubborn. They're obnoxious and juvenile and too curious for their own good. And they break. So. Much. Stuff! "I just wanted to see how it worked, I'll put it back together, promise!" Humans are incorrigible. There is no changing them into something slightly more sane, on the galactic scale.
Humans don't ever know when to quit. Ahn-skletch (well, that's as close as galactic standard characters could get to the approximation of his name) had been assigned to an away party, to go take samples and verify the habitability bracket on some Nowhere moon close enough to the human's Sol system that they picked up one of those capricious creatures for "diversity within the crew". Convenient. Humans were only ever trouble, but oh well. Maybe it would be funny to watch them. Ahn-skletch had the misfortune to be partnered with the gee-awl-uh-gyst human they'd picked up... the kind that studied rocks. Close enough to Ahn-skletch's field of ecology that they got paired up because those two fields of study were the same thing, right? Beings of the Vlistant species were not known for strict logic alongside their high intelligence rating, and the waves of mild irritation that swept over when that erroneous point had been made were truly immense. Rocks and eco systems.
Perhaps the human had been annoyed as well, but they did not show it. The human stepped over and introduced itself as "Gene, nice to meet ya'."
The human Gene did not stick out its hand, as Ahn-skletch had heard humans greet each other with touching of hands or wrapping appendages around each other, but the aborted movement was there. Which was a relief, for the reason that Vlistants did not generally greatly enjoy unnecessary contact. Humans called the phenomenon "electric shock", but that seemed to be the closest description to the sensation they received upon physical contact with other living creatures, having a slightly greater dormant charge to their organic systems. Contact = discomfort. Why bother? But that did nothing for him on the surface of the moon, where the air was breathable, though not for extended periods. That could be treated for specific species easily enough for colonizing. The ground seemed rich enough, though soft and somewhat crumbly, which likely meant the soil would be easy to work and cultivate the native edible flora. Little pools dotted the landscape with regularity, the liquid inside tested positive for consumption for 73.25% of the galaxy's sentient inhabitants, and recent signs of fauna signaled it to be a thriving system. Very encouraging signs. Until the human Gene insisted on getting a closer look at a large cliff face nearby, one with a convenient shelf to look out over the land below. Ahn-skletch followed. Humans shouldn't be left alone, after all. Too many stories circulated the galaxy for that. While the human Gene touched, tapped, made little scrapings into bottles... did they just lick the cliff wall? Well, humans were weird, after all. Ahn-skletch stepped along toward the edge of the shelf, carefully examining the organic life that stretched out and up towards the atmosphere, taking note of the smaller life forms crawling along the ground and in the flora, glancing back to human Gene now and then, taking peace from the calm and quiet. The oddest sensation came up through Ahn-skletch's pods, and then the ground seemed to rise up before their eyes!
Survival reflexes honed by many training courses were all that allowed Ahn-skeltch to close their hands around a large root exposed in the ground as they began to fell with the collapsed shelf. A singular root, sticking out of the same crumbly soil that had just fallen out from underfoot. Almost immediately, as soon as Ahn-skletch looked from the root upward to gauge how far they had fallen, Human Gene's face appeared over the edge, along with an arm that just barely reached far enough to possibly reach. "Sleechh! Grab my hand!" Human Gene, "The electric transfer will shock your system! You must find something to lower down to me!" What terrible fortune to be paired with a human! So delicate a body system, the energy transfer would surely cause the muscles to spasm and drop Ahn-skletch! What terrible odds! "There's nothing in my pack! We didn't get the climbing cord! Grab my hand! I won't drop you! Hurry!" Human Gene scooted further forward on his belly. "The ground might crumble more, and you don't want to go down with that plant, do you?" By all the low gods of the Vlistants... "There is no way! You cannot abide the electric transfer long enough to pull me up!" Desperation for survival won out. Ahn-skletch let the root go with one per and reached up, grabbed that pale human hand, expected to feel the spasm and release and the short fallback to the root... ...but it never came. That human hand clamped like a vice around it, and with a great shout, human Gene pulled upward. Ahn-skletch could not look away from the human's face as they moved up, slowly inching up the face of the outcrop that seemed to be threatening to crumble again with every particle that bounced downward over an eternity that stretched forever. Then the moment came where Ahn-skletch had to let go of the root.
It took much effort to let go, to move that grip to human Gene's arm, which brought another loud, strained noise. But human Gene's grip did not waver, and only ever kept pulling upward. Human Gene groaned, little drops appeared on their skin in the effort to keep pulling upward. Further, further, a little more... Human Gene still did not let go. Particles came loose and tumbled by Ahn-skletch, down into the great distance to the ground far, far below. The energy currant cycling through their bodies became uncomfortable for even Ahn-skletch, who was better developed to handle it. Still, human Gene did not falter, pulled a little further, and a little more...
...Then the top! And they scrambled backward to more sturdy ground. Human Gene had to pry their fingers away from Ahn-skletch's appendage, they had so tightly clenched to keep their grip as their body had spasmed with the extra electric energy.
Human Gene just flexed and rolled the joints and panted, "I guess we'll pack a rope next time, yeah?" in a most underwhelming tone. Ahn-skletch could only stare in shock. But they agreed. Always pack a rope. And privately, Ahn-skletch noted to go with a human whenever possible. Humans would not give up. To their own detriment, they would not give up. Human Gene ("For goodness' sake, call me Gene! I don't call you 'Vlistant Sleechh, do I?") suffered muscular strain and subluxation of four joints through the ordeal to pull up Ahn-scletch. Even when it brought them harm to do so, Humans did not quit. Over many cycle, Ahn-skletch would collect many more stories of humans doing similar things to save crew-mates. So many stories ended telling of much damage to the humans for their determination to keep going. Humans are strange. They are illogical, silly, crass, and troublesome. They cannot control their curiosity or their strangeness. They will adopt tiny, dangerous creatures as "pets", and will spend many hours training harmful behaviors out of their wild creatures. Humans do not know when to quit. Perhaps that is why they have spread so fast through the galaxy. They are delicate, but they are not afraid to be wounded. Either they will heal, or they will not, but the risk is worth it. It is their spirit that makes them so. Humans are not the strongest in the universe, nor will they ever be, but they are indomitable.
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fhrlclln · 25 days
I don’t usually do ask but I DESPERATELY need a qimir au smut😭 idk about what but I just know I need it
in the darkness | qimir
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SUMMARY -> abandoned by her own family and order due to her curse and having no husband, they leave her on a remote planet surrounded by water and grey clouds, as said in her cruel prophecy that her supposed betrothed awaits for her there to take her. but this husband of hers is no ordinary man as he always wears a mask.
qimir x fem! reader
GENRE -> nsfw/smut
WARNINGS -> eros & psyche inspired au, unprotected p in v, mutual masturbation & sensory deprivation
WC -> 6.09k
a/n: hope this satisfies your req, anonzz!! sorry it took so long for me to write!!
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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the waves thrash against the rocks as the harsh winds blow across your face.
you clutch your cream scarf tight around you, the grey clouds loom above you menacingly and you can smell a storm coming. you blink wetly, your chest feels heavy and you feel somewhat terrified and betrayed. your father had forced you to wait here, leaving you behind with only a few words of a sorrowful goodbye. you couldn't blame him really... you knew you were cursed, as said by the elders in your order your family is apart of.
"you would never know love with that darkness inside you."
you could not understand what that meant. you were a normal child growing up, always following your family's footsteps and obeying the order. what darkness shrouds inside you? that it would forbid you to love or be loved.
"but someone will want her darkness and they will be waiting for her in a place surrounded by endless water and shores filled with grey sand. her betrothed awaits there, that is her destiny."
you thought for a moment that your supposed prophecy was just a means to make your family usher you to find a husband, for in your age you were supposed to be married by now. all of your sisters were bethroted and you were the only one without any prospect. your mother had been disappointed that you being the eldest was unwedded and you were the shining beautiful daughter she prided in, putting a lot of expectations in you. yet, after the elders had announce your cruel oracle, none of the possible suitors wanted your hand anymore which made your mother's frown deepen.
and you, in-fact, were more displeased in yourself more than anything. you had wished that you were born different... born normal. alas, you couldn't change your life. and here you are, waiting by the grey rocky shores, standing by the waters crawling up to gently touch your sandaled toes. you breathe in the sea air, anxiousness clouding your mind.
who would want you?
or instead... what would want you for you and your darkness?
the anticipation lingers as you watch the sky slowly turn more greyer. was night falling? was that how long you have been waiting on this deserted planet? the hurt inside you grows, and you shiver at the coldness of the weather. your lips tremble, and you curse yourself for being this way instead of living a perfectly normal life in coruscant. you look to the horizon of endless oceans, you had to accept you were either going to die alone on this planet or suffer the loneliness if you will yourself to make this your new home. you now stand up, opting to walk by the shores before the night captures the dull grey sky.
"are you her?" a feminine voice suddenly asks from nowhere. you halt from where you stand at the sudden presence of another person. "are you the wife my master was promised to?"
you turn your head around to be met by a young woman dawning a dark purple cloak and a wool black and grey gown underneath. her hands are clasped in front of her, you look up to her face but you are only met with her eyes that were slightly covered by her hood and her braided hair. the half of her face down is concealed by a bandana similar in color to the clothes she wears. you blink, registering her question and throwing away the curiosity in your mind about how she managed to appear in thin air moments ago.
"...yes." you merely answer with a soft and slightly questioning tone. her eyes do the talking and she seems relieved. you wait, curious to know who is she and what she is to the supposed "betrothed" of yours that she calls her master.
"come, he's waiting for you." she gestures her head to the caves up the island's hills. your gaze follows there, and a chill runs up your spine when you see the dark opening of a cave. someone is watching you. you look back to the strange woman and nod. she walks first and you follow. the gravel is rough underneath your feet in each step you take. you stay quiet, not knowing what to ask of the mysterious woman.
the path to the cave opening was an easy one. You should have noticed a dirt path when you first walked around the shores, and you wonder why you hadn't turned your attention to the rocky hills then. You look beyond the mysterious woman's shoulder and see that you are almost nearing the cave. you let out a tiny sigh of nervousness, and your mind conjures scenarios of what may lie ahead when you meet your husband-to-be.
will he be kind?
would he hurt you?
would he be neglectful?
"my master awaits for you in here." the mysterious woman's voice snaps you back to reality. your breath hitches, and you nod as you look ahead to see only darkness in the cave. she steps aside for you to enter and you step forward. before she could leave you behind, you stop her for a moment.
"I didn't catch your name." you said, and she halted her departure.
"mae, you can call me mae." she answers, her tone light than before. you nod and offer a small smile in response.
"thank you, mae." she nods at you and leaves you alone to face the prophecy of what lies inside. you almost wished that you had asked mae to stay for a while until you entered the vast darkness in front of you.
enough stalling now. your mind scolds you, and you finally take a step in despite the pounding rhythm your heart is doing. The darkness envelops you for a moment, but as you take small steps forward towards the little light at the end, you are met with an unexpected sight of a well-furnished room. the interior walls were of the caves,' but the interior looked like what your home used to look like in coruscant. it felt... nostalgic in a sense. you stand in the middle of the supposed living and dining room, waiting as you look around.
"hello?' your voice echoes throughout the home. you wait for a response, but your eyes catch an unusual object on the wooden dining table. you walk towards it, feeling an unexplained sensation of something pulling you to it. your gaze is attached to the peculiar object and once you near it, your mind is curious to see a saber of all to catch your attention. the saber was like the elders' in your order, similar style, yet somehow this one had a gravitating and oddly weird aura. you lift your hand to touch it, yet a voice scares you.
"you are a curious thing, aren't you?" a deep modulated voice interrupts your curiosity. you jump at the sudden presence of another. you swiftly turn around, clutching your hand around your scarf. you were met with the sight of a masked stranger dressed in black robes. a poncho-like robe concealed most of his stature, but the peek of his arms made you feel relieved that he was human.
this is your betrothed, then.
strange he's wearing a mask.
"forgive m-me." you meekly say and step away from the table. you hear him walk towards you and your heart skips a beat.
"welcome, wife." he greets you, and you look up at him.
"thank you, husband." you nod and your eyes roamed to examine his mask. it was eerily scary seeing how it had multiple lashes, and the design made it seem that it had teeth. but... you can't help but feel more comfort than fear for this mysterious husband of yours. this was entirely different than what you were dreading when you were alone by the shores.
"are you hungry?" he asks, and you shake your head. your fingers fiddle with the hem of your scarf, feeling shy all of a sudden. despite his mask, you could feel a smile creep behind it. he takes a step to you, and you avert his gaze even if you can't see what lies behind the mask.
"do i frighten you?" he cocks his head to the side, curious about your reaction. you momentarily glance at his masked face, wanting to question why he doesn't let you see his face yet you look away, not wanting to offend him.
"no, j-just... nervous." you confessed.
"why?" he asks, and you shrug.
"not to you! i mean, i'm nervous about what lies ahead... about all of this. it's baffling to think i already have a husband that i haven't met or known yet." you sighed at yourself, fearing you have ruined your first impression towards him. "sorry."
"you don't need to apologize. i completely understand your reasons." he assures you, and your shoulders drop at the sudden relief.
"what about you? isn't this prophecy of mine baffle you? that you would want my..." you try not to say that word that has been thrown around on your face.
"it doesn't." he suddenly holds his hand out, and you glance down in curiosity. "i am looking forward to knowing you, wife. whatever the prophecy might say."
you don't have words for that. even though his voice is robotic and you can't tell if it's genuine, you know he speaks the truth, somehow. you slowly raise your hand and place it on his waiting palm, and sparks ignite when the rough callous of his hand touches yours. it felt warm inside that this mysterious person had accepted you despite what was said.
and you feel like this is the start of a life you always wanted now.
the days passed since you have been living on the remote planet with your husband. you have grown a tenderness for the mysterious man even though you both barely know each other. he was kind, that was given, caring in a way you never expected, yet he was secretive for the most part. he would always go out, but he would still remind you before he departs, yet he never tells you what he does. in the days that you have been adjusting in his home, there were unwritten rules, or rather what he implies, that you have followed as you got to know him. you two did slept in the same bed, but for the first few days, he gently told you that he'd let you sleep alone for comfort. once you had told him that you were fine and you two were technically married in a sense, he did agree yet he strictly had said the lights had to be turned off.
that was one rule. you never should turn the lights on once he lays with you. and the second was mostly obvious...
you aren't supposed to see his face.
you always wondered why and you did ask him this night as you two readied for bed.
the room was pitch black, you were snuggled in the shared blanket as you felt his body near yours. the sheets shuffled, and you bit your lip if you should ask him the question repeating in your mind. your heart thumps as you hear him let out a relaxed sigh; you wish to see him, yet you know better than to not respect his one wish.
"why do you wear a mask?" you asked, feeling nervous, but eager to hear his voice than the modulated one.
you hear him chuckle; it makes your chest feel tight and how deep and raspy it is. "many reasons."
"can you tell me one?" you ask again, feeling courageous. his voice was beautiful to hear the first time you heard it. and it made you even more curious to see his face that matched his voice.
"why do you ask? are you eager to see me?" he teases you and you pout. he chuckles again, and you wonder if he can see your reaction despite the darkness. you are about to turn your back to him, yet you are surprised when an arm wraps around you, pulling you close to his body. your hands instinctively go to where his chest is, and you are met with the touch of smooth, warm skin. you feel hot all of a sudden as you feel his chest rise.
"for your safety, you can't see me." he merely says, and you blink at that. "i don't wish to put you in any harm."
"why? are you... ashamed of your face?" he laughs at that, a heartful one, and you are pleased to hear it. his hand caresses the side of your waist, and you shiver at the feeling; your legs rub against each other, and you wish to see his smile. the warm feeling of his body against yours, with the shame you can't see his face, is starting to get to you.
"on the contrary, i am not ashamed of my face, wife." his raspy tone makes you squirm for a bit as his hand caresses down to your hip. his touch wasn't foreign to you this moment; he had been respectful the first night when you two slept together, opting for distance. but as the days passed, you two had grown to entangle with each other. you both are technically married, and you knew at some point that this would become normal. but you can't help but mourn the fact that this came with the obstruction of the pitch-black room, even though it brought you comfort still. you loved it, the feel of his body to yours.
"i understand." you say to him as you lay your head on his chest. you sometimes hope you'd catch a glimpse of him in the morning but he always woke up before you. you dismiss the other questions in your mind you want to ask him, you need to show him that you wholeheartedly understand his reasons, no matter how vague they are.
"what do you want to eat for supper tomorrow?" he casually asks and you nuzzle your face against his skin. "will you be cooking?"
"mhmm, can you pick up a couple of cooking herbs? I'm hoping to make a stew for you." you respond, eating times were also a big disappointment for you. you always would eat first, and he would eat after, but you still cook for him, knowing he loved your meals from how he would always if you would cook again.
"alright." you feel his face nuzzle against the top of your head. this affection you two had made was astounding to think that you both were already acting like a married couple in mere days. even if you barely know what he does, you do know small things about him. he often bathes in the lagoon, since he would always smell like the sea. he likes to walk along the shores, and sometimes you'd join; you know that he was like a teacher to mae, saying that she's a student of his. you also know that he apparently is a heavy drinker, judging by the bottles of alcohol you'd see by the counter. and that he's also been living alone on this planet for a long time, and he apparently hates the rain.
"good night, qimir." you yawned, saying his name sleepily. and you also knew his name. the name was unique, and somehow, you felt like you heard it before.
"good night." he whispers softly as sleep takes the both of you.
you wake up suddenly from a strange feeling that's poking against your bum. the darkness still is blinding your sleepy eyes but you squirm at the strange sensation. qimir's chest was pressed against your back, and his arm was lazily draped across your torso. his breath tickled the nape of your neck as you unconsciously push your hips back, wanting to get rid of the object poking your rear. did he forget to take off his belt? you thought as you sleepily sighed, still squirming in his hold.
an elicit groan from him fully awakens you and you freeze in place. qimir's arm tightens around you, his hips suddenly press against your rear, and the poking sensation makes you ponder for a moment if you should wake him up. you close your eyes, still wiggling your bum until a tingling sensation on your neck stops you.
"stop moving." he whispers in your ear, hoarse and... agitated? you're confused for a moment until he softly traces his lip on your neck again. your eyes widen at the realization of the moment, and you suddenly feel embarrassed.
"sorry." you whisper back as you lay your free hand on his arm. "h-have i awoken you?" you try to mask the quiver in your voice of how close he is and the thing of his poking your bum.
"no." he answers, but there's a beat. "...maybe."
you're about to apologize again, but his lips suddenly trace from the nape of your neck to the side wherein he hovers above a particularly sensitive spot.
"you've been moving in your sleep." he says. "bad dreams?"
"not really." you confessed, and he suddenly kissed the sensitive spot on your neck. "q-qimir!"
"do you want me to stop?" he hoarsely asks as his hand softly traces the plane of your stomach.
"no." you immediately answer without much thought than to feel more of his lips and his addicting touch. his hand moves downward to where your ache is, the ache that has been pestering you for the past few days since you had been living with him. your mysterious husband, one you desperately want to see his face than his mask. the one that you have been imagining day and night since he welcomed you into his home despite the cruel curse that has been placed upon you.
"i have been holding back from touching you like this out of respect... but it seems like i have deprived you, my wife." you gasped when his hand gripped your nightgown as he scrunched it up to your waist. your grip on his arm tightened as his hand delved down to the center of your thighs slowly. "i did, did i?"
you could only nod slightly as he nipped your soft flesh. "please..."
"you sing so sweetly for me." he groans as his fingers are met with your wetness. your legs open slightly and you could feel him grind his crotch slowly on your rear.
"husband..." you whined when he rubbed soft circles on your pulsing clit. you wondered how he managed to do this in complete darkness. you let go of his arm, wanting to do something for him. he continues his ministrations as his other hand moves to fully embrace you since you were still laid sideways from him. his hand gripped the soft flesh of your breast while the other pleasures your core. your back was flushed against his hard chest whilst he grinds his hard cock against your ass.
you let your one free hand touch him from behind, it was a little uncomfortable that you had to find the prize you were seeking, but once you felt the tent of his crotch touch your fingertips, accompanied by his low groan, you immediately palmed his clothed cock slowly. the darkness of the room was making your senses sharp. even though you mourn not seeing his mouth open in pleasure from the way he is breathily moaning against your ear due to your hand palming his cock, it did make everything feel more heightened. his scent envelops your senses with his warm body heat has you letting out more noise with the way he's rubbing circles on your clit.
"want you inside of me." you moan out as your hand massaging his prick searches for the hem of his wool pants. your hand glides down from his abdomen to be met by the warm flesh of his cock. you grip him, and he bucks his hips toward your hand with a breathy moan. qimir removes his hand from your dripping cunt while you pump his aching cock.
"open your legs." he suddenly says, and you squeal when he suddenly grips the underside of your thigh and lifts it up. you obey him as you spread your legs slightly for him. you remove your hand from his crotch when you feel him shift in his position to lower his pants down. your heart is beating loudly and the anticipation gnaws you. the act of marital duties wasn't unheard of you from your sisters, your mother would always put on a strict lesson for them of what to expect on the night after their marriage.
a prodding sensation touches your wet entrance and you brace yourself, not entirely sure what to expect. you almost expect qimir to fully take you, but you are surprised when he rubs his cock slowly, making you let out a pleasurable sigh.
"you smell so sweet, so pretty, so beautiful..." qimir huffs as he positions the tip of his cock to your entrance. "and all mine."
you let out a moan when you feel him enter you finally. he's gentle and slow in the process, ensuring you were comfortable. he wraps his arms around you tight, as if you were going to leave. you feel your breasts spill out of your top as the cool air hits the skin of your chest. he cups one and pinches your nipple as he fully sheathes in you. you grind back, feeling full. the darkness of the room is a pleasant sensory sensation, you thought you would be disappointed at the aspect of not seeing him. but he made it pleasurable, which makes your heart skip a beat for him.
he thrusts into you at an agonizingly slow pace that has you pushing your hips back to him. he alternates gentle bites and sweet kisses from your neck down to the slope of your shoulders. you close your eyes, wanting to feel all of him as your free hand finds its way to his hair. you want to touch him as well, and you feel satisfied when you interlock your fingers with his soft hair.
both of you don't know how much time has passed. you both were too into the heat of the moment, not wanting to rush things but to just feel each other. your walls clamp around him as qimir's thrust went from being slow to now setting a steady pace. your moans and his groans fill in the void of the room. you could feel his thumping heart from your back and he could feel your heartbeat under his hand.
your mouth hangs open in pleasure. you feel yourself nearing your high as his other hand dives down to rub your clit. you call out to him, and he calls out to you. he fastens his thrusts, cock hitting that spongy spot in you, and you soar high. he lets out a moan of your name when you squeeze him tight with your orgasm. he shakily thrusts into you, and with a loud groan, he follows through, fucking both of your orgasms into completion. his cum spills on your walls, painting you with his seed. your wetness coats his cock entirely and he halts his thrusts, feeling spent like you are.
a moment of silence transpires, heavy breaths are only heard. his cock is snuggled inside you, and you feel exhaustion and sleep taking over. he loosens his arms around you, still holding you close. you hadn't realized that a small smile graces your lips as you feel him kiss your neck, soothing the intense aftershock. you caress the side of his face, and his lips touch your fingertips. nothing else is said other than sweet caresses and kisses on the skin. sleep seems to take both of you as you let exhaustion null you to sleep.
you feel like a whole new person waking up after that night. you were only disappointed to see your husband not by your side when you had awoken. but the sweet soreness of your legs and the dampness of your core were enough to rectify your displeasure of him not being beside you in the morning after. you wobbly did your morning routine and dressed yourself in one of the dresses he had gifted you, a black dress that matched his clothes and your own jewelry, and draped your cream scarf around you since it was cold.
once you had properly dressed yourself, feeling a little giddy when you looked in the mirror to see marks on your neck from his doing. you went out of your shared bedroom and were surprised to see mae sitting by the dining table. qimir was by his workbench, wearing his mask as usual but dressed in clothes you knew he would be going somewhere.
"good morning, mae." you smiled at her, and she nodded at you in greeting. her scarf that concealed her face the first time you met her was gone. you could now see her truly, which made you happy. if only your husband would do the same.
"good morning."
"do you want something to eat?" you asked her, going straight to the kitchen to prepare something for yourself.
"no need. i already ate..." she says, yet there's a concern in her voice as she looks at you. "are you alright? you look tired."
your cheeks heat up all of a sudden. "y-yes, i'm alright. why do you ask?"
"you're walking funny." she points out, and you hear your husband let out a robotic chuckle. you feel embarrassed as you shoot a glare at qimir from his workbench. mae stays silent, a little confused, but you change the topic, noting that they both seem dressed for something.
"are you two heading out?' you ask, and mae nods.
"i'm preparing a lesson for mae in euda. it shouldn't take too long as she will need to learn it herself." qimir answers you as walks towards where you stand. you nod in understanding, finishing up your breakfast.
"will you be here before supper?" you ask him, since sometimes he'd be late.
"i will." he promises as he caresses the small of your back, knowing you ache below. mae watches the both of you with subtle curiosity, and qimir seems to sense this. "wait by the ship, mae. we'll leave soon."
mae nods. "yes, master." you wave goodbye to her as she heads out. only the two of you are alone at last. he presses himself against, and it makes your heart beat loudly at what he's doing. you tilt your head to see his masked face, but you can feel his tension.
"come back safely." you softly say to him as you turn around, and his hands drop to your hips. he squeezes them as your hands caress his chest.
"always." he assures you. the way he's touching you makes you want to kiss him. and you suddenly realize you still haven't kissed him yet. you already had him inside you and the thought of you two not sharing a kiss baffles you. before he could leave, you stop him.
"i want to kiss you..." you pout and his grip on your hips tightened. "for luck."
you see his chest rise and you smile at that. his other hand lifts his mask up slightly and you watch in anticipation to see a peek of what he looks like. he holds his mask up and you are met with the sight of his pink lips surrounded by facial hair. you thighs clench, knowing that those lips were the cause of the marks that are on your neck.
"are you just going to stare at me, my beautiful wife?" a grin spreads across his pink lips. you roll your eyes as you tiptoe up, wrapping your arms around his neck to finally kiss him. his lips are soft against yours. you let out a noise when his hand gripping your hips pulls you close, and he deepens the kiss. you moan, almost wanting to pull him inside the bedroom, but you let go, and he seems to chase after your lips, which makes you laugh.
"go, mae's waiting." you could see him pout before he adjusted his mask to cover his entire face. you feel a little disappointed he has to hide again. he lets go of you, and you watch him leave, feeling happy. but the gnawing curiosity of what he looks like still itches you now, even if everything is perfect.
in truth, you knew in yourself that the one forbidden rule he had said would come to you. you feel guilty that you are still thinking about it... but how could you not? you lay beside him in the darkness again, your head laid on his naked chest and your body pressed against his. you convinced yourself you can live like this with him, that you can learn to love him even if you would never see him for what he is until you die. qimir made everything perfect despite there being clear flaws. you can't sleep, you feel restless, and the desire to see him is strong, but something else bothered you.
"you would never know love with that darkness inside you."
those were the first words the elder had said to you when she prodded into your mind and future. you were terrified... would you know love with qimir? you haven't spoken to him about what your prophecy truly is. and it frightens you to think that maybe this would all fall apart because of you. your brows furrow and a dark feeling encapsulates your chest as something calls out to you.
you lift your head gently, feeling through the room, careful not to wake your sleeping husband. the strong hum of the force calls out to you, so familiar that you cannot place what it is, but you know where it is. you quietly detach yourself from qimir, trying your best to make as little noise as possible as you guide yourself to stand up and let the force guide you. your feet walk on its own and you are pulled to somewhere in the dark room.
your hand stretches out, and you feel cold sweat envelop your whole body when your hand grips a metal object. you let out a shaky breath, and your fingers grip it as your thumb presses against a button. your eyes widened as a red glow enveloped the pitch-black bedroom. you gasped, you were holding a saber. a lightsaber with its color that was forbidden in your order, for it tells a story of its connection to anger, hatred, vengeance, and all things that were forbidden. you freeze in place, seeing that the hilt of the saber is familiar. it was qimir's-
"my love?" you turn around quickly to hear your husband's voice, still holding the illuminating saber. you watch in horror as the red glow reveals his face.
he's beautiful. his face is chiseled, his skin is smooth, and his messy black hair matches everything. even if red illuminated his face, his dark brown eyes are a wonder to stare at.
and you recognize him.
"qimir-" you were cut off when the saber in your hand suddenly flew out and landed on his outstretched hand. his black hair is messy, and his eyes shine a pain of betrayal towards you. your heart stops, and guilt washes over you for what you have done. he switches the saber off, and the darkness meets you again.
"wait, qimir!" you call out to him as everything happens so fast. In the blink of an eye, the bedroom door opens with light, filling the dark room again. you watch your husband without his helmet leave hastily and the one thing you feared most comes to you.
he's going to leave you.
your eyes water as you rush to follow him. a sudden gush of harsh winds makes you falter when you see that the front door of the cave has been opened. you follow still, desperate to make this right for him. you huff, stepping out to see the blue hour of the day. your eyes scan down to see him walking hastily towards where the lagoon is- to where his ship might be. your chest feels heavy as you quickly ran to get to him before he leaves.
stupid, stupid girl. the cackling noise of one of the elder's taunts you in your mind. always playing with the darkness.
tears stream down your face. how could you do that to him? the one thing he asked for you not to do, and you completely disobeyed him. your feet ache as the gravel wounds your bare soles. you see his figure near your line of sight, you had to make this right. you love him-
"qimir! p-please! i'm sorry." you sob out. he suddenly halts in his steps, his grip on his saber tightens and you fear for the worst. will he kill you? now that you have seen him. you stop in your steps as your chest heaved with utter sadness and guilt.
"you can't see me. you're not supposed to see me- why did you..." the hurt in his voice pains you.
"i'm sorry." you bowed your head, ashamed.
"i-i..." you aren't sure if you should say something. you knew his face back in the order, one of elder vernestra's students in her stead. the one that disappeared one day without any trace. rumors that he went rogue on the order, communing with the dark side of the force. and rumors that the order threw him out. while you were by the sidelines, doing your duty as the eldest daughter, you had seen him around years ago in the temple in coruscant. he was a knight and you remembered when one of your sisters gushed about a handsome knight coming out of the temple. tall, black hair, a charming smile, and a skilled warrior. you never once dallied with your sisters' hushed talks about handsome men. but he made everyone stare at him when he entered a room. it's a shame you can't remember his name back then, but all is pieced together now.
"and now you know where i fleed. you must have a lot of questions." he sighs as he finally turns around to you. your heart still beats loudly, seeing his face now. you stay silent, unsure of what to ask him.
"i don't have any." you decided, and that surprised him. "i'm sorry i did that."
his brows furrow. "that doesn't matter now. don't you understand? i am the one the elders of your order who warned you all about-"
"i don't care. you're my husband." you cut him off as you step towards him. his chest rises when you near him as you shakily place your hand on his where he still grips his saber. "they don't matter anymore, qimir. i haven't been in contact with them since i've been here."
"really? did you know that they threw you away as well. haven't you wondered why they suddenly placed a prophecy upon you?" he asks, and you think about that momentarily. he was trying to let you see the seriousness of it.
"i know..." you nod, deep-down you knew why they carelessly threw you away. maybe your own insecurity had taken over when they had said that to you, and you believed them.
"when i heard about your ridiculous prophecy, i knew they were using you to find me." he confesses, and you frown at that. his other hand lifts up to caress the side of your face. there's a tenderness in his eyes, and you understood why he chose not to let you see his face.
"but it seems like i find myself not caring about that anymore."
he looks deep into your eyes and you feel the weight on your shoulders lighten. "i love you, my beautiful, beautiful wife."
"i love you too." you say to him as you pull him down for a kiss. the morning sun shines between you both, no need for hiding now. qimir happily reciprocates the kiss, dropping his saber to the ground as he scoops you up in his toned arms. the salty breeze of the planet is a nice touch to this tender moment, wherein all are finally coming to peace.
and you were right, this is the life you always wanted now.
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ Too Late 💙
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⚣💙 A/N → request for @alexanderstarhero! Hope you enjoy it! Also, I apologize for my extended absence. I have a job, I'm starting a new school program, and business-related things keep me busy, but I'm still here guys! I promise! Not sure how I feel about this one. I feel like I could've done better but we desperately need some more Clark Kent x male reader though so here you go. Which, by the way, if you haven't checked out @nouearth, his Clark fics and literally everything else makes me melt and feel unholy things. Churches beware. ANYWAY, Hope everyone likes it! WARNINGS: Magical Male Reader | Angst & Fluff | Childhood Friends To Lovers | SFW |
⚣💙 Summary → You know, one would think moving to a completely different city in hopes of forgetting your past life and feelings would be enough. But fate is a sneaky little bastard that just loves to play with your feelings. Is it too late for a do-over?
⚣💙 Words → 12.4K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💙
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The city lights of Metropolis flickered through the windows of a small, cozy apartment, where the hum of traffic below provided a constant background noise. Y/N stood by the window, a glass of juice in hand, staring out at the skyline. Since moving to the city, he often found himself feeling nostalgic, with old memories of Smallville popping into his mind more frequently than he’d like. Most of those memories had a common thread.
A soft sigh escaped his lips as he took a sip of his juice, the cool liquid doing little to ease the anxious tightness in his chest. Moving to Metropolis was supposed to be a fresh start—a way to leave behind his past and focus on building a better, normal life for himself, free from the constraints of small-town life.
Since he was a baby, Y/N had been gifted with magical abilities. How he got these powers was a mystery to both him and his parents; they could never find any trace of magical ability in their ancestry. With no idea where the powers came from, and no one to turn to for help, his parents did everything they could to hide their son’s abilities from the outside world. They tried their best to teach him control, but without expertise, they were flying blind.
Growing up, Y/N barely knew how to control or use his powers. You’d think in a small town like his, people would have noticed or called in the town priest, but that wasn’t the case. In Metropolis, when something strange happened—something that often happened to Y/N—people would give him odd looks, but then they’d move on with their day as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. In Smallville, though, everyone treated it as normal.
After the Kents arrived with their new kid, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, the town acted as if every strange occurrence was just part of everyday life. They quickly shut down anyone who dared to question it, and that extended to both Clark Kent and Y/N.
Small towns were usually known for everyone knowing everyone’s business. Gossip was the native language. But not in Smallville. Y/N couldn’t help but smile a little at the memory of how the line between the ordinary and the extraordinary seemed to blur there. Most places would have been up in arms if they noticed the strange occurrences that happened in Smallville. But in that little Kansas town, people had an uncanny ability to overlook the impossible, shrugging off the extraordinary as if it were just another quirk of life.
Take Clark Kent, for instance. Anyone could see that something was different about him. He was stronger, faster, and able to do things most grown men couldn’t even imagine, let alone a small farm boy. But the townsfolk never questioned it. They simply accepted that he could do things no one else could and moved on.
It was the same with Y/N. He might accidentally cause a book to float off a shelf or a light to flicker when he was upset, but no one in Smallville ever made a fuss, something his parents were very grateful for. There were whispers—there always are in small towns—but they never left closed doors. The people of Smallville had learned long ago to mind their own business, especially when it came to the Kents and Y/N.
Even more so when a bunch of guys in black suits, glasses, and SUVs showed up one week, probing around town and asking strange questions. It had been after one of the more noticeable incidents—a moment when Clark saved someone in a way that couldn’t be easily explained. If there was one thing you could count on from a small town, it was that they weren’t saying anything to those types of Feds or government officials.
The memory was still vivid in Y/N’s mind: the way the town closed ranks, the polite but firm way the locals deflected every question, sending agents on wild goose chases until they finally gave up. His parents had mentioned that it was nothing compared to when that strange meteor hit the Kent farm and a bunch of government agents and scientists showed up—the same week the Kents got a new kid named Clark.
It was as if the entire town had decided, collectively and without speaking a word, that whatever was going on with the Kents—and by extension, Y/N—was their business and no one else’s. The unspoken rule in Smallville was clear: if you saw something strange, you didn’t see it. You didn’t ask questions, and you certainly didn’t talk about it. It was a kind of willful ignorance, a way for the town to protect its own from prying eyes. And in some strange, twisted way, it worked.
Y/N often wondered how much of it was a conscious choice and how much was just the way Smallville was. It was as if the town itself had decided to shield them, to create a bubble where the extraordinary was just another part of everyday life.
But as comforting as that was, it was also suffocating. Because even in a town that turned a blind eye to the unusual, Y/N couldn’t escape the feeling that he was different, that there was something wrong with him. He couldn’t shake the fear that one day, the bubble would burst, and everyone would see him for what he really was—a freak, an outcast.
At least he had a friend.
Imagine the two kids in town who both had episodes of strange, inexplicable things happening to them or around them becoming friends. Completely ironic, like something straight out of a story. Unless...
But in a place where the extraordinary was treated with a shrug, having someone like Clark as a friend made all the difference. It was as if fate—or whatever unseen force governed the universe—had decided that these two oddities should find each other. And find each other they did, in the most natural, unassuming way possible.
Clark and Y/N became fast friends, drawn together by their shared experiences of feeling different, even if neither of them fully understood why. They never talked about the strange things that happened to them, never discussed how Clark could lift bales of hay like they weighed nothing, or how Y/N could sometimes make things move with just a thought. It was an unspoken agreement, a mutual understanding that whatever was happening to them was theirs to carry, together.
In a town that turned a blind eye to the impossible, Clark was the one person who made Y/N feel like he wasn’t alone. There was a quiet comfort in their friendship, a sense of belonging that Y/N had never felt before. They were both outsiders in their own way, but together, they found a place where they could be themselves, where they didn’t have to pretend or hide.
But as they grew older, that comfort became a source of anxiety for Y/N. The more time he spent with Clark, the more he realized that his feelings for his friend were deeper than just friendship. He cared about Clark in a way that went beyond the bond they shared, and it terrified him. In a town that could overlook floating books and superhuman strength, there were still lines that couldn’t be crossed, and Y/N knew that his feelings for Clark were one of them.
He tried to suppress those feelings, to bury them deep inside where they couldn’t cause any harm. But the harder he tried, the more they grew, until it became impossible to ignore them. He started to pull away, putting distance between himself and Clark, hoping that space would make the feelings fade. It didn’t.
Plus, Y/N still didn’t understand the extent of his abilities, and he knew sometimes his powers would react to his emotions. He didn’t want to risk doing anything that could hurt Clark. He didn’t think he’d be able to live with himself if something happened because of his inability to control his powers.
Yet, good old noble Clark, always perceptive and caring, noticed the change. He didn’t push or pry, but there was always that look in his eyes, a quiet concern that only made Y/N’s heart ache more. Clark didn’t know why Y/N was pulling away, but he never stopped trying to bridge the gap. He was always there with a smile, a warm word, or an invitation to hang out, never letting the distance between them grow too wide.
It was those small gestures that made it so hard for Y/N to keep his resolve. Every time he saw Clark, every time Clark reached out, Y/N was reminded of why he had fallen for him in the first place. Clark was kind, selfless, and endlessly patient—the kind of person who would give you the shirt off his back without a second thought. How could Y/N not fall in love with someone like that?
But that love was exactly what made Y/N so afraid. The more he cared about Clark, the more he feared losing him, either because of his uncontrolled magic or because of the feelings he couldn’t keep buried forever. He knew that if he stayed in Smallville, if he stayed close to Clark, something would eventually slip. Maybe he’d accidentally reveal his powers, or maybe his feelings would come spilling out in a moment of weakness. Either way, Y/N was sure that it would end with Clark looking at him differently, seeing him as something strange, something other.
Thankfully, the age of adulthood and high school graduation came, and Y/N took that as his way out. His parents were as worried as ever about him moving to a college so far away, but he reassured them he’d be fine.
He decided on college in New York, thinking the change from small town to big city was exactly what he needed. At least there, it made sense for people to turn a blind eye to whatever strange things were going on around them.
But even throughout his years of undergrad, Y/N could never shake the memories of Smallville, and more specifically, he could never forget Clark. No matter how much distance he put between them, the memories of their friendship lingered, haunting him in the quiet moments when he was alone. He would often catch himself thinking about Clark—wondering what he was doing, if he was still in Smallville, if he had moved on with his life the way Y/N had tried to.
Y/N thought that maybe, over time, those feelings would fade, that he would move on and forget the boy who had once meant everything to him. But they never did. Even in the crowded, bustling city of New York, where life moved at a breakneck pace and there was always something new to distract him, Y/N found his thoughts drifting back to Clark.
He tried dating other people, hoping that maybe if he found someone else, someone who wasn’t Clark, it would help him move on. But it never worked. No one else could compare to the boy who had always been there for him, who had seen him at his worst and never judged him for it. Every relationship ended the same way, with Y/N feeling like he was chasing something he could never have, like he was trying to fill a void that only Clark could fill.
Then, after graduation, Y/N was offered a job in Metropolis. It was a great opportunity, the kind of offer he couldn’t turn down. It wasn’t too far from where he was already living, but he figured a new change of scenery couldn’t be too bad.
Plus, he wanted to check out the rumors he’d heard of some sort of superhero who had started making headlines in Metropolis. The stories seemed almost too wild to believe—a man with superhuman strength, speed, and the ability to fly, saving people and fighting crime in the heart of the city. It was the kind of thing that would have been dismissed as tabloid nonsense anywhere else, but Y/N knew better. If there was one thing Smallville had taught him, it was that the extraordinary often hid in plain sight.
So, with a mix of curiosity and the desire for a fresh start, Y/N packed his bags and moved to Metropolis. He found a small, cozy apartment in a quieter part of the city, close enough to the action but far enough to avoid the chaos. The job was great—challenging, fulfilling, and exactly what he needed to take his mind off things. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t escape the feeling that he was still running, still trying to outrun the shadow of his past.
Despite his attempts to leave his old life behind, Y/N couldn’t completely ignore his powers. He had spent too long hiding them, too long fearing them, but deep down, he believed that if he had these abilities, he should use them for good. In Smallville, he had been careful, using his magic only when absolutely necessary, but here in Metropolis, he found himself with more opportunities to help in small, subtle ways.
He’d mend a broken bike chain with a whisper of an incantation or quietly heal a scraped knee when no one was looking. He’d use his magic to nudge a stray cat away from traffic or to coax a wilting plant back to life. He was always careful, always discreet, making sure that no one noticed the little miracles he performed. It was his way of giving back, of using the gifts he had been given to make the world around him just a little bit better.
But there were times when he couldn’t help but step in and do more.
One evening, he walked past a small, family-owned bookstore that he had become fond of. The owner, an elderly man who had run the shop for decades, was sitting behind the counter with a look of deep worry on his face. Over the weeks, Y/N had noticed the shelves becoming sparser, and the customers fewer. The man had confided in Y/N once, mentioning how the business was struggling, how the bills were piling up, and how he feared he might lose the store if things didn’t turn around soon.
Y/N couldn’t bear to see the man lose everything he had worked so hard to build. So, that night, under the cover of darkness, Y/N returned to the bookstore. He stood outside the shop, focusing his energy on the building, weaving a spell that would attract more customers and give the store a sense of warmth and welcoming. He whispered incantations for prosperity and good fortune, sending out waves of magic that would subtly influence the minds of those who passed by, drawing them in with an inexplicable urge to browse and buy.
Over the next few days, Y/N was delighted to see the shop bustling with customers. The owner’s smile returned, and the store was once again filled with the chatter of people and the smell of fresh coffee brewing in the corner. The shelves began to fill up again, and the old man even had to hire an assistant to help him manage the increasing business.
Another time, he found himself playing guardian angel when he was walking home from work one night and spotted a young woman on the opposite side of the street, her pace quickening as she noticed a group of men following her. Y/N’s heart raced, and he quickly assessed the situation. He couldn’t confront them directly—he wasn’t a superhero—but he could help in other ways.
A few thoughts and concentrated focus, and suddenly a series of events unfolded: a nearby street light flickered and went out, casting the area in shadow; a loud crash from behind pulled the men's attention away from her; a gentle breeze nudged her toward a more populated, well-lit area. With the streetlight out, it gave her natural cover long enough to slip out of sight and into the safety of a nearby diner, the sound of her heels muffled by Y/N’s magic.
Y/N watched from a distance, relieved when the woman was safe inside, her would-be attackers now lost and confused. It wasn’t the first time he had done something like that, and it wouldn’t be the last.
Recently, he visited a local hospital where a friend’s child was being treated. The doctors were worried; the illness wasn’t responding to treatment, and the prognosis was grim. Y/N spent hours by the child’s bedside, speaking softly to him, holding his hand. When no one was looking, he let his magic flow through him, just a touch, just enough to help the child’s body fight back.
The next morning, the doctors were stunned by the sudden improvement. They couldn’t explain it, chalked it up to a miracle or a sudden turn of fate, but Y/N knew better. He slipped away before anyone could question it, leaving behind only a whispered prayer of thanks for the child’s recovery.
Y/N never took credit for any of his acts. And while they weren’t grand, weren’t the stuff of legends, they were enough to give him a sense of purpose, a way to use his gifts without drawing too much attention. He was careful, always careful, to remain in the shadows, to let the world think these small miracles were just coincidences, nothing more.
But now, standing in his apartment, staring out at the city skyline, Y/N couldn’t help but feel like he was right back where he started. The memories of Smallville were stronger than ever, and the loneliness he had tried so hard to escape felt more suffocating in this big city than it ever had in the small town.
It had been years since he left, but the memories of that quiet town still lingered in his mind, especially the memories of Clark Kent. He just couldn’t figure out why they had suddenly become so strong. Maybe it was the time of year, or maybe it was because he had been thinking about how he used his magic to help people in Metropolis—something that Clark would surely approve of, even if he never knew about it.
Or maybe it was because, despite everything he had done to distance himself, Clark had always been there, a constant presence in his thoughts, no matter how much Y/N tried to move on.
He took another sip of his juice, the cool liquid doing little to ease the tightness in his chest. He hadn’t seen Clark in years, hadn’t heard from him since he left Smallville, but the feelings he had for his old friend hadn’t faded. If anything, they had only grown stronger, deepening with time and distance. And that was what scared him the most—how much he still cared, how much he still missed him.
Y/N set his glass down on the windowsill, running a hand through his hair as he tried to shake off the nostalgia. He had a new life now, a good life, and he couldn’t afford to dwell on the past. Clark was probably living his own life, happy and successful, just as Y/N was trying to do.
But the more he tried to push the memories away, the more they clung to him, like shadows that refused to disappear. He sighed, turning his gaze out the window, hoping that the familiar sight of the city would ground him, would remind him of the new path he had chosen.
The city lights twinkled in the distance, a sea of illumination against the darkened sky. Y/N’s eyes scanned the skyline absently, taking in the familiar sights he had grown accustomed to since moving to Metropolis. But something caught his eye, something unusual that made his breath catch in his throat.
High above the city, a figure streaked across the sky, moving with impossible speed and grace. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat as he recognized the red and blue blur—a sight that had become increasingly familiar to the citizens of Metropolis. It was Superman.
Y/N watched, mesmerized, as the figure soared through the night, his movements precise and powerful. But as he watched, a strange sensation began to creep over him, a feeling that made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. It wasn’t just awe or admiration—though those feelings were there, too—it was something deeper, something unsettling.
There was something about Superman, something in the way he moved, in the way he seemed to command the air around him, that tugged at the edges of Y/N’s consciousness. It was as if some hidden part of him recognized the hero in the sky, even though he knew that was impossible. He had never met Superman, had never been anywhere near him. And yet…
Y/N pressed his hand against the cool glass of the window, his heart pounding in his chest. His magic, usually so controlled, began to stir, responding to the swirl of emotions inside him. The sensation was both familiar and alien, a strange mix of nostalgia and unease that made his chest tighten.
As he watched Superman disappear into the distance, Y/N couldn’t shake the eerie feeling that had settled over him. It was as if the presence of the hero had awakened something inside him, something that had been dormant for years. And with that awakening came a sense of foreboding, a nagging feeling that his past was not as far behind him as he had hoped.
Y/N tore his gaze away from the window, trying to dispel the uneasy feeling that had taken root in his chest. But even as he turned away, the sense of familiarity lingered, haunting him like a ghost from a life he had tried so hard to leave behind.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, but the image of Superman remained burned into his mind, along with the inexplicable sense that something—someone—was drawing him back into a world he thought he had escaped.
And deep down, Y/N knew that this was only the beginning.
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The grand ballroom of the Metropolis City Hall buzzed with chatter, the clinking of glasses, and the occasional burst of laughter. The charity event his job was sponsoring was in full swing, a glamorous affair with the city’s elite mingling and donating to a worthy cause. Y/N stood near the edge of the room, awkwardly holding a glass of water and wondering how quickly he could make a polite escape.
This wasn’t exactly his scene. Networking? Sure. Small talk? Not so much. Especially with these tone-deaf, overly stiff airheads.  He glanced around, trying to locate the nearest exit, but the sea of people made it difficult. And just when he thought found a suitable path of escape, a waiter with a tray of hors d'oeuvres suddenly appeared in front of him.
“Crab cake?”
“Uh, no thanks,” Y/N mumbled, sidestepping the tray, only to nearly collide with a woman in a sequined dress who was clearly on a mission to get to the bar. He offered a quick apology and finally made it to a quiet corner, where he could breathe again.
As he scanned the room, his thoughts drifted back to last night and a certain caped superhero. His curiosity combined with the still overwhelming feelings of longing and nostalgia had the magic in him feeling antsy. And the last thing Y/N needed was to accidentally cause a chandelier to implode or a champagne glass to refill itself endlessly.
He closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath to steady himself, not wanting to make a big scene considering he wanted to make a hasty and sneaky exit. As he opened his eyes, Y/N forced his thoughts away from Superman, away from the strange connection he’d felt the night before. He needed to focus on the present, on getting through this evening without incident.
Y/N sighed, taking a sip of his water. This was supposed to be a fresh start. The past was behind him, and he needed to keep it that way.
But fate, as it often does, had other plans. Little sneaky bastard.
Just as he was about to make a break for the exit, Y/N’s eyes caught sight of someone across the room, and his heart nearly stopped. There, standing by the dessert table with a bemused expression, was Clark Kent.
Of course, Clark would be standing around looking lost with his cute little confused expression. Even now as a grown man, Clark managed to keep his boyish and innocent demeanor. Y/N’s mouth went dry as his eyes took in the sight of the male—older, more polished, and just as big as ever.
Since they were little, Clark always stood out among the other kids for his build and height alone. And it looks like that didn't change with the way he towered over everyone in the room and how his broad shoulders filled out his suit perfectly, the fabric clinging just right in all the places that mattered. Y/N felt a familiar flutter in his chest, a mix of nostalgia and something more complicated that he’d been trying to ignore for years.
Clark, as if sensing someone’s gaze on him, looked up from the dessert table. His eyes, those same bright blue eyes that Y/N remembered so well, scanned the room briefly before landing directly on him. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat, and for a split second, he considered ducking behind the nearest potted plant.
For a moment, neither of them moved. Y/N could feel his pulse in his throat, and for a second, he entertained the idea of hiding behind the nearest potted plant.
But then Clark’s face lit up with a grin that could have powered the entire room, and he started making his way over, weaving through the crowd with the kind of determined politeness that only Clark could pull off.
Panic set in, and Y/N’s mind scrambled for a plan, but his feet were rooted to the spot, his body betraying him. All he could do was watch as Clark closed the distance between them, that familiar grin never leaving his face.
“Y/N!” Clark’s voice was as warm and friendly as Y/N remembered, and before he knew it, he was being pulled into a hug that was just as firm and comforting as it had always been.
Y/N stiffened for a moment, caught off guard by the unexpected embrace. When Clark finally pulled back, still keeping a hand on Y/N’s shoulder as if afraid he might vanish, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the slight smudge of chocolate on Clark’s tie. It was such a Clark thing to have—always a little messy, always endearing.
“Clark,” Y/N managed to say, his voice coming out more breathless than he intended. “It’s been a while.”
Clark beamed at him, the smile reaching his eyes in that way that always made Y/N feel like everything was going to be okay. “Yeah, it really has,” Clark said, his tone filled with a warmth that made Y/N’s heart ache with memories of simpler times. “I almost didn’t recognize you without the Smallville backdrop.”
Y/N let out a small laugh, trying to keep things light despite the sudden rush of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. “Yeah, I guess we’ve both changed a bit.”
Clark’s gaze lingered on Y/N’s face, a mix of curiosity and concern in his eyes. It was clear that Clark had questions, but to his credit, he didn’t push. Instead, he gave Y/N one of those easy, reassuring smiles that had always been able to calm him down. “I’m really glad to see you again. I’ve missed you, Y/N.”
There it was—the punch to the gut that Y/N had been dreading. He had missed Clark too, more than he wanted to admit. But standing here, face-to-face with him after all these years, all those old fears and feelings began to resurface. The fear of Clark discovering the truth about his powers, about his feelings. The fear of losing the one person who had always meant the most to him.
“I’ve missed you too,” Y/N said, the words slipping out before he could stop them. It was the truth, but saying it out loud made the tightness in his chest even worse.
Clark’s smile softened, and for a brief moment, it felt like they were the only two people in the room. Y/N could almost believe that they could pick up where they left off, that everything could go back to the way it was. But deep down, he knew it could never be that simple.
His smile didn’t waver, but his eyes narrowed slightly, a familiar look of concern flickering across his face. “You okay? You seem a little… off.”
Y/N forced a laugh, hoping it didn’t sound as strained as it felt. “I’m fine, just—uh—surprised, I guess. I didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Well, surprise!” Clark laughed with his usual shy manner that was somehow still charming for Y/N’s frayed nerves. “I’ve been working at the Daily Planet. Moved to Metropolis not too long ago. How about you? What brings you here?”
“Work,” Y/N answered quickly, trying to keep the conversation light. “Got a job offer I couldn’t turn down.”
Clark nodded, his eyes never leaving Y/N. It was as if he was trying to read him, to figure out what was going on beneath the surface. For a moment, Y/N was afraid that Clark could see right through him, could see the turmoil and conflict he was struggling with.
But then, the moment passed, and Clark was smiling again, his expression softening.
Y/N cleared his throat, forcing his thoughts away from the past and back to the present. "So, the Daily Planet, huh? That’s a pretty big deal," he said, trying to keep the conversation light.
Clark’s eyes lit up, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! It’s been a dream come true. And the best part? I get to work with some amazing people—Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen. They’re right over there, actually," Clark added, his tone suddenly turning a bit more nervous. "You’ve got to meet them!"
Before Y/N could even process the idea, Clark grabbed his arm, leading him through the crowd with an urgency that caught Y/N off guard. He barely had time to adjust before they were standing in front of a petite woman with sharp eyes and a confident demeanor, who was mid-conversation with a young man enthusiastically fiddling with a vintage camera.
"Lois! Jimmy!" Clark called out, drawing their attention.
Lois turned first, her eyes narrowing slightly as she took in Y/N. Then her expression softened into a warm, welcoming smile. "Clark! Who’s this?"
Clark beamed, looking from Lois to Y/N with a hint of nervous energy. "This is Y/N. We grew up together in Smallville."
"Smallville?" Lois’s eyebrow arched with clear interest. "Now that’s a place with some stories, I bet."
Jimmy, now peering at Y/N through the lens of his camera, quickly snapped a picture before lowering it with an apologetic grin. "Sorry, couldn’t resist. It’s a habit."
Y/N chuckled, shaking his head. "No worries. I’m used to it."
Lois leaned in, her curiosity clearly piqued. "So, Y/N, what was Clark like back in Smallville? I can only imagine."
Y/N glanced at Clark, who looked both hopeful and slightly anxious. "Clark and I were pretty much inseparable growing up," Y/N said with a smile, trying to keep the conversation light. "He was always the guy you could count on, the one who’d help you out of a jam and then offer you pie afterward."
Lois’s eyes twinkled with intrigue, clearly not ready to let the topic go. "Pie and jam, huh? Sounds like you two got into some interesting situations. Any fun stories you care to share?"
Y/N felt his heart rate pick up. He could sense the inquisitiveness behind Lois’s casual tone, the way she was gently probing for more. She was good—really good. "Oh, you know, small-town stuff," he said, forcing a chuckle. "Mostly just boring farm work and school."
Clark, sensing Y/N’s discomfort, quickly jumped in. "Yeah, nothing too exciting. Just your average childhood, right, Y/N?"
"Right," Y/N agreed, a bit too quickly. He could feel Lois’s eyes on him, studying him, and it made his magic stir uneasily. The last thing he wanted was for her to start asking more pointed questions that might lead her to the truth.
Lois didn’t miss a beat. "So, you two must have been really close, then. I bet you know all of Clark’s secrets," she said with a teasing smile, though there was a hint of genuine curiosity in her voice.
Y/N’s stomach dropped. He forced another laugh, this one more strained. "Well, everyone’s got their secrets, right?"
Lois raised an eyebrow, clearly catching the subtle tension in Y/N’s voice. "True," she said slowly, her eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to piece together a puzzle. "But something tells me you’re not just any old friend from Smallville."
Clark, sensing that the conversation was veering into dangerous territory, let out a nervous laugh. "Lois, come on, don’t interrogate him on the first meeting!"
Jimmy, sensing the shift in tone, chimed in, grinning as he tried to lighten the mood. "Yeah, Lois, ease up! You don’t want to scare off Clark’s oldest friend."
Lois gave a soft laugh, raising her hands in mock surrender. "Alright, alright. I’ll back off… for now."
Y/N smiled, but there was a tightness in his chest that he couldn’t shake. Lois’s perceptiveness had always been one of her strengths, and it was clear she was picking up on more than he wanted to reveal.
"Seriously, though," Lois said, her tone softening as she gave Y/N a more genuine smile. "It’s good to meet you. Any friend of Clark’s is a friend of ours."
Y/N relaxed slightly, appreciating the warm reception despite his earlier nerves. "Thanks, Lois. I appreciate that."
As the conversation continued, Y/N found himself relaxing a bit more, though the earlier tension still lingered in the back of his mind. He knew he’d have to be careful around Lois—her curiosity and sharp instincts were not something to be underestimated.
Lois, ever the sharp-eyed reporter, leaned closer to Y/N. "So, what brings you to Metropolis? Work?"
"Yeah," Y/N nodded, "I got an offer I couldn’t turn down."
Lois nodded, impressed. "Well, welcome to the city. You know, we’re always looking for interesting people to feature in the Planet. Maybe we’ll run into each other more often."
"Maybe," Y/N said, feeling a bit more at ease. "It’s a small world after all."
Clark chuckled at that, his earlier nervousness fading as the conversation flowed more naturally. "I’m really glad we ran into each other, Y/N. We should definitely hang out more. I mean, if you’re not too busy with work."
Realistically, Y/N should have declined. He should have politely excused himself and gone home, putting an end to the whole thing. But when he looked at Clark, saw the hope and excitement in his eyes, he couldn't bring himself to say no.
All his nervous thoughts and reservations about what could happen if he allowed himself to get close to Clark again seemed to just fade to the back of his mind as he re-connected with him and got to know his two friends. A new familiar feeling also settled in place as well, but not so much nostalgia.
It was more of something he didn't even remember feeling. A sense of ease and comfort, his magic calm and feeling completely grounded. A feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time but something that wasn't new or unfamiliar, a very welcomed sensation and peace.
"I'd love to," Y/N said, his heart skipping a beat.
Clark's smile was brighter than the sun, and though Y/N knew he was in trouble just for that, emotions and impulse overtook his logic. Thus, he didn't really care.
As the night continued, Y/N found himself more at ease, the earlier tension gradually dissipating. Lois, ever the investigative reporter, kept throwing glances his way, but she seemed content for now, her curiosity temporarily satisfied. Jimmy, meanwhile, was snapping pictures of everything and everyone, his energy infectious.
Y/N had to admit, despite his initial apprehension, he was enjoying himself. The company was good, the conversation flowed easily, and for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was part of something. A small part of him wondered if this was what he had been missing—connection, camaraderie, a sense of belonging.
Clark leaned in closer, a warm smile on his face. "So, Y/N, how have you been? I mean, really been?"
Y/N paused, considering his answer. He could have brushed off the question, given a generic response about work being busy and life being hectic. But something about the way Clark asked, the genuine concern in his voice, made Y/N want to be honest.
"I’ve been… okay," Y/N said, the words coming out slower than he expected. "Moving to Metropolis has been a big change, but it’s good. I’m still finding my way, I guess."
Clark nodded, his expression softening with understanding. "I get that. Moving here was a big adjustment for me too. But you know, it helps when you’ve got friends around. People you can rely on."
Y/N smiled at that, a warmth spreading through him. "Yeah, it does."
Lois, sensing the shift in the conversation, jumped back in with her trademark curiosity. "So, Y/N, what exactly do you do for work? You mentioned an offer you couldn’t turn down."
Y/N hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "I work in consulting," he said, keeping it vague. "It’s a bit of everything, really. I help businesses with strategy, operations, that sort of thing."
Lois’s eyes narrowed slightly, clearly not satisfied with the lack of detail, but she let it slide, for now. "That sounds interesting. Metropolis must be a great place for that kind of work."
"It is," Y/N replied, grateful she didn’t press further.
Jimmy, ever the enthusiastic one, suddenly popped up between them, holding out his camera. "Hey, how about a picture? You guys look great together!"
Y/N barely had time to react before Jimmy was positioning them for a shot, his camera clicking away. Clark chuckled, clearly used to Jimmy’s antics, while Lois struck a pose with practiced ease.
As they waited for the flash, Y/N couldn’t help but feel a sense of surrealism wash over him. Here he was, reconnecting with an old friend, surrounded by new ones, in a city that was starting to feel less like a strange place and more like a potential home.
The camera flashed, capturing the moment, and Jimmy grinned as he checked the screen. "Perfect! This one’s definitely going in the album."
Lois nodded in agreement, a smile on her face. "Yeah, this is one for the books. You’re officially part of the crew now, Y/N."
Y/N laughed, the sound genuine and light. "Well, I guess there’s no turning back now."
Clark’s smile was warm, his eyes shining with something that made Y/N’s heart skip a beat. "I’m really glad you’re here, Y/N. It feels like old times."
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of emotions swirl within him. "Yeah, it does."
As the evening drew on, the four of them continued to chat, the conversation flowing easily between light-hearted banter and more serious topics. Y/N felt a connection with Clark and his friends that he hadn’t felt in a long time, and for the first time since moving to Metropolis, he allowed himself to relax and enjoy the moment.
But as the night wore on and the event began to wind down, Y/N couldn’t shake the nagging feeling at the back of his mind. Lois’s earlier questions had been harmless enough, but he knew her type—persistent, sharp, and always on the lookout for a story. He couldn’t afford to let his guard down too much, especially with his magic always threatening to reveal itself.
Yet, despite the risks, Y/N found himself wanting to spend more time with Clark, to catch up on the years they’d missed, and maybe even find a way to make this new life in Metropolis work. It was a dangerous line to walk, but for tonight, he was willing to take that risk.
As they all said their goodbyes and made plans to meet up again soon, Y/N felt a sense of contentment settle over him. Maybe this fresh start in Metropolis wouldn’t be as complicated as he feared. Maybe, just maybe, he could find a way to balance the old and the new, to keep his secrets while building something real with the people who were quickly becoming more than just acquaintances.
And maybe, this time, since he was older and more aware and mature, he could keep his feelings for Clark in check.
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Yeah, that hope didn't last long.
Y/N sighed as he stared up at the ceiling of his apartment, reflecting on how quickly things had spiraled out of control since reconnecting with Clark. It had only been a few weeks, but in that short time, his life had become a whirlwind of old emotions, new challenges, and unexpected complications.
He’d spent more time with Clark, Lois, and Jimmy than he had anticipated. There were coffee runs, after-work dinners, and late-night brainstorming sessions where Lois would excitedly discuss her latest scoop while Jimmy showed off his latest photos. Clark, ever the supportive friend, would listen intently, adding his own insights with that same gentle warmth that had always made Y/N feel at ease.
Lois and Jimmy were friendly and welcoming, but Y/N could never fully relax around them. He still had to always be on guard, constantly aware of the magic simmering just beneath the surface.
And despite the camaraderie, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling of being out of place. It wasn’t just that he was trying to reintegrate into Clark’s life; it was the constant need to keep his magic under control, especially around Lois and Jimmy. The two of them were sharp—Lois, with her inquisitive nature, and Jimmy, with his keen eye for detail. They’d pick up on any slip-up, any sign that Y/N wasn’t just an ordinary guy from Smallville.
And then there were the moments of crisis—because Metropolis was never short on those. It seemed like every time Y/N was with the trio, something would happen. A runaway bus, a building fire, some random new villain on the loose—something always required Superman’s intervention. And every single time, Clark would disappear with a flimsy excuse, only for Superman to show up moments later.
The first time it happened, Y/N had been at a food truck with Clark and Jimmy, enjoying a rare sunny afternoon. They were laughing about something silly Jimmy had said when suddenly, the sound of screeching tires and panicked screams filled the air. Without missing a beat, Clark had mumbled something about needing to make a quick call and bolted, leaving Y/N standing there confused with Lois and Jimmy. Moments later, Superman was on the scene, saving the day like clockwork.
Lois and Jimmy had immediately sprung into action, Jimmy snapping photos while Lois started interviewing witnesses. They had been weirdly calm about the whole thing, a lot of things actually when Y/N thought about it. It was like Smallville all over again, things that should cause people to react with caution and apprehension, but instead, they barely blinked an eye.
It didn’t help that every time Clark returned, he looked winded and disheveled, and Lois would give him a knowing glance that made Y/N’s stomach twist with unease.
Meanwhile, he'd also been using his magic discreetly in these various scenarios to help keep people safe and minimize destruction and casualties. But in the chaos, he’d nearly been caught by Lois, who had turned around just as Y/N was subtly redirecting a beam of wood away from a trapped child.
“Hey, how’d you do that?” she’d asked, her sharp eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Y/N had stammered out a weak excuse, something about adrenaline and luck, but he could tell Lois wasn’t convinced. She’d given him that look—the one that said she wasn’t done with him yet.
And it wasn’t the last time, either. Every time something happened, Y/N found himself using his magic to help, and every time, he came dangerously close to being caught by Lois. She was perceptive, and it was clear she was starting to get suspicious. Her questions about his past, about his connection to Clark, were getting more pointed, and Y/N could feel the pressure mounting.
But there was another element to this that Y/N hadn’t anticipated—jealousy. The more time he spent with the group, the more he noticed how close Clark and Lois were. It wasn’t just their professional partnership; it was the way they interacted, the easy banter, the shared looks, the inside jokes. Y/N couldn’t help but notice the way Clark’s eyes lit up whenever Lois was around, how he seemed more at ease with her than anyone else.
It irritated Y/N more than he wanted to admit. He knew it was irrational—Clark was allowed to have close friends, and Lois was obviously important to him. But every time he saw them together, it felt like a thorn in his side, a constant reminder of how complicated things had become. It didn’t help that Lois was so naturally curious, always asking questions about his and Clark’s past, digging into their history with a relentless enthusiasm that made Y/N squirm.
And then there were the quiet moments—those rare instances when it was just Y/N and Clark, away from the chaos of the city. They’d talk about everything and nothing, slipping into the easy rhythm of their past friendship. But every time, Y/N felt the old feelings bubbling up, stronger than ever.
Like the night they’d gone for a walk along the Metropolis River. The city lights reflected off the water, casting a soft glow over everything. Clark had been unusually quiet, his hands tucked into his pockets as they strolled. Y/N had felt the tension between them, the unspoken words hanging in the air.
“I’m glad you’re here, Y/N,” Clark had said suddenly, breaking the silence. “It’s like… it feels right, having you around again.”
Y/N had smiled, but it hadn’t reached his eyes. He wanted to say something—anything—that would match the sincerity in Clark’s voice, but the words had caught in his throat. Instead, he’d just nodded, trying to ignore the way his heart raced every time Clark looked at him like that.
But every time they were together, every time Clark smiled at him or brushed against him accidentally, Y/N felt his resolve weakening. It was getting harder to pretend that everything was fine, that he didn’t still have feelings for Clark.
And as they spent more time together, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder—did Clark feel it too? There were moments, subtle ones, where Y/N thought he saw something in Clark’s eyes, a lingering gaze, a soft smile that seemed meant just for him. But then Clark would pull back, or Lois would step in, and Y/N was left questioning if it was all in his head.
But now, lying on his couch and staring at the ceiling, Y/N couldn’t ignore it anymore. The old feelings hadn’t just resurfaced—they were drowning him, pulling him under with a force he couldn’t fight.
It wasn’t just about Clark, though that was a huge part of it. It was the fear of what would happen if Clark—or worse, Lois and Jimmy—found out about his magic. They were all so caught up in their own world of secrets and dangers, and Y/N wasn’t sure if he could handle being part of it. He wasn’t sure if he could keep up the act much longer.
His phone buzzed on the coffee table, pulling him out of his thoughts. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from Clark: Hey, want to grab dinner with Lois and Jimmy? We’re thinking Thai.
Y/N hesitated for a moment before typing a quick reply: Sure, sounds good.
As he grabbed his jacket and headed out the door, Y/N couldn’t shake the feeling that he was walking a tightrope, balancing between the life he had built for himself and the one he had left behind. And with every step, he was getting closer to falling off.
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As Y/N walked to the restaurant, he kept his hands stuffed deep in his pockets, trying to calm the unease that had settled in his chest. He needed to get a grip, to find a way to keep his feelings in check before they, and thus his magic spiraled out of control. The last thing he wanted was for Clark to notice—or worse, for Lois to start asking questions.
By the time he reached the restaurant, Y/N had managed to push his anxiety down, forcing a smile as he spotted Clark, Lois, and Jimmy waiting outside. Clark waved him over, his smile as bright as ever.
"Hey, glad you could make it," Clark greeted him with his usual warm and bright tone.
"Heh, wouldn't miss it," Y/N chuckled, trying to keep his voice casual.
As they ate, Y/N couldn’t help but notice the easy dynamic between Lois and Clark. There was a familiarity there, an unspoken understanding that made Y/N’s chest tighten with a mix of jealousy and longing. He wanted to be part of that, to be as close to Clark as Lois was.
But then Lois turned to him, her sharp eyes studying him with that same curiosity he’d noticed at the gala. “So, Y/N, what was Clark like back in Smallville? He never talks much about his hometown.”
Y/N felt his pulse quicken. He shot a quick glance at Clark, who was suddenly very interested in his pad Thai.
“Oh, you know,” Y/N began, trying to keep his tone light, “just your average small-town kid. We spent a lot of time getting into trouble and trying to keep out of it.”
Lois raised an eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the vague answer. “Really? I find that hard to believe. Clark’s practically the poster boy for responsibility.”
Y/N forced a laugh, trying to deflect Lois’s probing gaze. “Yeah, well, even poster boys have their moments. We were just kids, you know? Doing dumb stuff like exploring abandoned barns or sneaking out to the creek after dark. Nothing too wild.”
Lois leaned in slightly, her eyes narrowing with that trademark inquisitiveness. “Come on, Y/N, you’re holding out on me. I want the juicy details. What kind of trouble did Clark get into?”
Y/N could feel the heat rising in his face, a mix of nerves, and the pressure of trying to avoid any slip-ups. “Honestly, it was mostly me dragging him into stuff. Clark was always the one keeping me out of serious trouble.”
Clark chuckled nervously, his eyes darting between Y/N and Lois. “Yeah, Y/N was always the adventurous one. I was just along for the ride.”
Jimmy, sensing the tension, tried to lighten the mood. “I don’t know, Lois. I think Clark’s just good at covering his tracks. Bet he’s got a whole secret rebellious side we don’t know about.”
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at Jimmy’s words, the irony of the statement not lost on him. If only they knew just how many secrets Clark was hiding—or how many he was keeping himself.
Lois, however, wasn’t so easily deterred. “I don’t doubt it,” she said, her eyes flicking back to Y/N with a knowing smile. “And I bet you’ve got some secrets of your own, Y/N. You seem like the type who’s good at keeping things under wraps.”
Y/N’s smile faltered for just a second before he forced it back into place. “Who doesn’t have a few secrets?” he replied, trying to keep his tone light and nonchalant.
Lois’s gaze lingered on him a moment longer, and Y/N could practically feel her trying to piece together the puzzle she was sure he was hiding. He shifted uncomfortably, desperate to change the subject.
“Anyway,” Y/N said, his voice a bit too loud in his haste to redirect the conversation, “what about you guys? You’ve all been working together for a while now. Any crazy stories from the Daily Planet?”
Clark gave him a grateful smile, clearly relieved at the change in topic. “Oh, you know, it’s mostly just chasing down leads and trying to stay out of trouble ourselves.”
Lois smirked. “Mostly. There have been a few close calls, though. Like that time we were covering that gala and—”
But before she could continue, there was a sudden commotion outside the restaurant. The sound of screeching tires and shouting filled the air, followed by the unmistakable sound of something crashing into a building.
Clark’s expression immediately shifted to one of concern. “I’ll, uh, be right back,” he mumbled, already moving toward the door.
Moments later, Superman was on the scene, and Y/N found himself once again in the midst of a crisis, trying to discreetly use his magic to help those around him. He directed falling debris away from pedestrians, subtly reinforced a crumbling wall, and calmed panicked civilians—all while trying to stay out of Lois’s line of sight.
As Y/N moved through the chaos, he couldn’t help but keep one eye on Lois. She was already pulling out her phone, likely trying to reach out to sources or start documenting the scene for the Daily Planet. But more than once, Y/N caught her glancing his way, her sharp eyes narrowing as if she were trying to figure something out.
It didn’t help that every time Y/N used his magic, Lois seemed to notice something was off. Like when he subtly redirected a falling streetlight away from a group of bystanders, Lois had been nearby and had whipped around, her eyes narrowing as she spotted Y/N standing there, his hand half-raised.
“Where, how did you—” she started, but Y/N cut her off quickly.
“Uh, just lucky timing,” he said, flashing what he hoped was a convincing grin.
Lois didn’t look convinced, but before she could press further, another explosion rocked the area as Superman swooped across the sky in a fight with some new villain. Lois’s attention was immediately drawn away as she dashed off to get closer to the action, leaving Y/N with a brief moment of relief.
But it was short-lived. He could feel the weight of his secret bearing down on him, the fear that at any moment, Lois would start putting the pieces together. She was too perceptive, too determined to uncover the truth, and Y/N was running out of excuses.
Y/N’s heart pounded as he watched Lois dart away, her focus now on Superman’s battle overhead. The city block was in chaos—buildings crumbling, cars overturned, and terrified civilians running for cover. Y/N could feel the familiar tingle of his magic, urging him to act, but he hesitated. He was too exposed, too close to Lois and Jimmy, who were both still in the thick of things, trying to stay safe while getting their story.
But then he saw it—a mother and her young child, trapped beneath a fallen piece of debris, their terrified cries cutting through the noise. Without thinking, Y/N moved. He knew he couldn’t just stand by and do nothing.
Darting through the chaos, he reached the trapped pair, his heart racing. The chunk of concrete pinning them was far too heavy for him to lift on his own, but that didn’t stop him from trying. He pretended to struggle with it for a moment, glancing around to make sure no one was watching too closely. Then, with a whispered incantation, he let his magic flow, lifting the debris just enough for the mother to pull her child to safety.
“Go! Get out of here!” Y/N urged them, and they didn’t need to be told twice. They scrambled to their feet and ran, not looking back.
But as Y/N released his grip on the concrete, allowing it to crash back to the ground, he felt a prickling at the back of his neck. He turned just in time to see Lois standing a few feet away, her eyes wide with a mixture of shock and suspicion.
“Y/N…” she started, her voice barely audible over the sounds of destruction around them. “How did you—”
Before she could finish, a loud crash interrupted her, drawing their attention to the ongoing battle above. Superman was locked in a fierce struggle with the villain, who was wielding some kind of energy weapon that was tearing through the city with reckless abandon.
Lois hesitated for a split second, torn between confronting Y/N and rushing to cover the story. The journalist in her won out, and she turned to run towards the action, but not before shooting Y/N one last look, a promise that this conversation wasn’t over.
Y/N let out a shaky breath, but there was no time to dwell on what Lois had seen. The battle was escalating, and the destruction was growing worse by the second. He knew he had to do more, had to use his magic more openly if he wanted to save lives. The fear of exposure warred with his instinct to help, but his desire to help won out.
As Y/N wove his way through the chaos, he could feel his magic surging within him, responding to his need to act. With each subtle spell, he could feel the pressure mounting, the risk of being discovered growing with every passing moment. But he couldn't stop, not when so many lives were at stake.
As Y/N moved through the chaos, helping people where he could, he lost himself in the urgency of the moment. He pulled a child out of harm's way, extinguished small fires with a flick of his wrist, and used his magic to steady a teetering scaffold that was threatening to collapse onto a group of bystanders. Every action was instinctual, his focus so intense that he didn’t even notice how close he was getting to the epicenter of the danger.
Meanwhile, Superman was engaged in a fierce battle with the villain, their clash sending shockwaves through the city. Clark’s attention was divided, trying to subdue the threat while keeping an eye on his friends below. But in the midst of the fight, he noticed Y/N inching dangerously close to the conflict.
“Y/N, get back!” Superman shouted, his voice strained with panic as he saw Y/N unwittingly step into the path of a collapsing billboard that had been dislodged during the battle.
Time seemed to slow as Clark realized he wouldn’t reach Y/N in time, especially with his opponent actively trying to block his way. His heart pounded in his chest, fear gripping him like a vice. But just as the massive billboard was about to crush him, Y/N’s instincts kicked in.
Without even thinking, Y/N threw up his hands, and a powerful force field erupted around him, deflecting the billboard away and sending it crashing harmlessly to the ground. The magic burst out of him like a tidal wave, raw and unfiltered, saving him in the nick of time.
The impact of what had just happened hit Y/N all at once. He stood there, breathless and trembling, staring at the spot where the billboard had fallen. His heart raced as he realized how close he’d come to being crushed—and how easily he had saved himself with powers.
Superman, who had seen the entire event unfold, hovered in the air, momentarily stunned. His mind raced, trying to comprehend what he had just witnessed. Y/N had powers—real, undeniable powers. And in that instant, a dozen memories from their time together in Smallville flashed through his mind, moments that suddenly made sense in a new, startling way.
The villain took advantage of Superman’s distraction, launching one final attack. But Superman, fueled by a surge of determination, quickly regained focus. With a swift, powerful strike, he knocked the villain off his feet, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious and defeated.
The battle was over, but the tension in the air was far from dissipated.
Superman landed softly on the ground, his eyes never leaving Y/N. The adrenaline from the fight was still coursing through him, but now it was mixed with a cocktail of emotions—shock, confusion, and something deeper, something more personal.
Y/N looked up, locking eyes with Superman for the first time. The two of them stood there, surrounded by the remnants of the battle, but it felt as if the world had narrowed down to just the two of them.
“Y/N,” Superman began, his voice uncharacteristically shaky. He took a step forward, but before he could say more, Lois and Jimmy rushed over, their faces a mix of concern and relief.
Superman took a step toward Y/N, his mind racing with questions, but before he could say more, Lois and Jimmy rushed over, their faces a mix of concern and urgency.
"Superman," Lois called out, her voice edged with urgency as she glanced around. "We’re in the middle of the street. People are starting to notice."
Jimmy nodded, his camera hanging by his side as he scanned the area. “Yeah, maybe we should take this somewhere a little less… public.”
Superman blinked, realizing the gravity of the situation. There were indeed a few onlookers, phones out, capturing the aftermath of the battle. The last thing he needed was more attention, especially with Y/N’s secret now out in the open.
He turned to Y/N, his eyes filled with both concern and determination. “Y/N, we need to talk. But not here. Do you trust me?”
Y/N, still shaken from everything that had happened, hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I trust you.”
Superman gave him a small, reassuring smile before glancing back at Lois and Jimmy. “I’ll explain everything later, but right now, I need to get Y/N out of here.”
Lois gave a curt nod, understanding the need for discretion. “We’ll cover for you. Just… be careful.”
Jimmy shot Y/N a quick thumbs-up, though his expression was tinged with curiosity and concern. “We’ll handle the crowd. Go.”
With a final nod, Superman wrapped an arm around Y/N’s waist, holding him securely. “Hold on tight.”
Before Y/N could fully process what was happening, they were airborne, the ground falling away as Superman lifted them into the sky. The wind rushed past them as they soared above the city, the chaos of the battle below quickly becoming a distant memory.
Y/N clung to Superman, his heart racing not just from the flight but from the whirlwind of emotions and revelations that had just unfolded. He had always admired Superman from afar, but now, being so close, knowing that this was Clark—it was almost too much to take in.
They flew in silence, the cityscape sprawling out beneath them, until finally, Superman began to descend, landing gently on the rooftop of the Daily Planet building. The iconic globe loomed above them, casting long shadows in the setting sun.
Superman set Y/N down carefully, stepping back to give him space. For a moment, they just stood there, the weight of everything unsaid hanging between them.
Clark, still in his Superman suit but with the familiar warmth of his old friend in his eyes, took a step closer. “I know. It’s a lot to take in. For both of us.”
Y/N nodded, his mind racing with a thousand questions. “So, you're Superman?”
A faint blush along with his nervous smile appeared on his face, a glimpse of the boy Y/N had known. "Yeah, I guess you could say that."
A moment of silence passed before Y/N spoke again, "I really don't get how people don't catch on faster. The only visible difference is the glasses," he said, gesturing to the frames on Clark's face.
Clark looked confused for a moment, "Wait, huh? Did you know?"
"Well, not for sure. But I had my suspicions. I mean, the glasses, the timing of your disappearances, the fact that you were never around whenever Superman showed up... it wasn't exactly hard to put the pieces together. But, I didn't know until I saw you up close. Until now, whenever you were Superman, I wasn't close enough to get a good look. Then, you were right in front of me, and well, it was like, 'Oh yeah, that makes complete sense,'" Y/N admitted, rambling a little.
"Oh," was all Clark could manage, a sheepish look on his face.
"Why did you never tell me?" Y/N asked, his voice soft.
Clark sighed, his expression conflicted. "I wanted to, believe me. But it's not exactly something I can just go around telling people. And after everything that happened back in Smallville, I didn't want to put you in any more danger. I guess, we were both keeping secrets."
Y/N paused for a moment, now realizing the irony of the situation before laughing under his breath, "Sneaky little bastard strikes again."
"Nothing, just a little joke to myself," Y/N explained, before pausing and looking at his friend, taking in his entire superhero appearance, "Wow, looking at you now, and thinking back to everything, everything now makes so much sense."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you being able to stop cars without getting injured. Or people always calling your parents to ask for you when their tractor was broken down. And that time you and Suzy were playing in Old Man Ferris's field and he almost mowed her over with the shredder but you saved her and broke the shredder in the process. I always thought it was weird, but now, it's obvious," Y/N said, his tone a mixture of amusement and disbelief.
"I mean, it could've just been weak metal," Clark tried to argue, but the blush creeping up his neck betrayed his embarrassment.
"Clark, no offense, but anyone else verse that shredder would've been minced meat. And yet, one run-in with you and it had been totaled with no chance of repair. Which, did he ever get a new one?"
"Yeah, the town all chipped in to get him one while my parents got him insurance on it for a year as an apology."
"Hmm, you know for the amount of weird things that have gone on in that town between you and me alone, you'd think someone would've said something or freaked out," Y/N commented, shaking his head.
"Yeah, well, Smallville is a weird place," Clark chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.
"That it is," Y/N agreed, a fond smile tugging at his lips.
Clark cleared his throat while rubbing the back of his neck, "I guess things also make sense for you too. All those times that lights and power in school went out after you got angry, things disappearing and reappearing in random places, and that one time you got in an argument with a squirrel. Can you talk to animals with your powers?"
"Okay, first of all, we didn't have to bring that specific instance up. You remember everyone made fun of me for like a month after that happened. And either way, that squirrel had it coming," Y/N said, a slight pout on his face.
"It was a squirrel, Y/N."
"And it was a jerk!"
"How was it a jerk?"
"It kept throwing acorns at me and always running at me like it wanted to fight. I can't understand animals naturally unless there's a spell for it that I just haven't figured out, but they do seem to gravitate towards me for whatever reason. But, that squirrel had it out for me since freshman year and I was just trying to defend myself," Y/N argued, his voice taking on a slightly whiny tone.
"By arguing with it?"
"Well, yes," Y/N said, crossing his arms, "But, it was a very heated argument."
"If you say so," Clark laughed, his eyes bright with amusement.
Clark's laughter filled the air, and for a moment, it felt like they were back in Smallville, two friends joking around like they used to. But the reality of their situation quickly settled back in, and the weight of everything that had happened—everything that had been revealed—hung between them.
"So, magic," Clark said after a beat, his tone more serious. "I can't believe you were hiding that all these years."
Y/N shrugged, looking down at his feet. "It wasn't exactly something I could just go around telling people. Especially not in Smallville. I barely understood it myself, and my parents were terrified of what might happen if anyone found out. They were always worried that some government agency would swoop in and take me away if I ever slipped up."
Clark nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I get that. My parents had similar fears about me. We were both trying to protect each other, in our own way."
"Yeah," Y/N agreed quietly. He glanced up at Clark, a hesitant smile on his face. "It's kind of ironic, isn't it? Both of us with these...abilities and we never knew about each other."
Clark smiled back, but there was something in his eyes—something that made Y/N's heart skip a beat. "I wish I had known," Clark said softly. "Maybe things would have been different."
"Maybe," Y/N echoed, the word hanging in the air between them.
A comfortable silence settled over them, the kind that only old friends could share. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city. Y/N found himself getting lost in the moment, in the quiet presence of his friend, the tension of the past few weeks slowly ebbing away.
But then Clark spoke again, his voice filled with an emotion that Y/N couldn't quite place. "You know, I've always felt like there was something more between us. Even back then."
Y/N's breath caught in his throat. He looked at Clark, his eyes searching his friend's face for any sign that he might be joking, but all he saw was sincerity. "What do you mean?"
Clark hesitated as if trying to find the right words. "I mean... I've always cared about you, Y/N. More than just as a friend."
The confession hung in the air, and Y/N's heart pounded in his chest. He had dreamed of hearing those words for so long, but now that they were here, he didn't know how to respond. His feelings for Clark had been buried deep for years, hidden away to protect both himself and their friendship.
"Clark, I..." Y/N began, but his voice faltered. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I care about you too. A lot. But this—" He gestured to the city below them, to Superman’s suit, to everything around them. "This is complicated. Our lives are so different now."
Clark stepped closer, his expression earnest. "I know it’s complicated. But maybe we can figure it out together."
Y/N looked into Clark's eyes, seeing the hope and the warmth there, and for a moment, he allowed himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, they could make this work. He thought about all the things they had been through, the secrets they had kept, the bond that had never really broken despite the years and the distance.
He smiled softly, his heart finally settling into a steady rhythm. "I'd like that," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Clark's smile was brighter than the sunset behind him, and Y/N felt a warmth spread through him that had nothing to do with the fading sunlight. For the first time in a long while, things felt right. Complicated, yes, but right.
But before they could say anything more, the door to the rooftop burst open, and Lois and Jimmy came rushing in, both looking out of breath and a little frantic.
"Clark! Y/N!" Lois called out, her eyes wide as she took in the scene before her. "You guys okay? We’ve been looking everywhere for you."
"Yeah, we’re fine," Clark said, quickly stepping back from Y/N, though he couldn’t quite hide the smile on his face.
Jimmy glanced between the two of them, a knowing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "You know, you guys really should be more careful. The paparazzi would have a field day if they caught Superman having a heart-to-heart with some random guy on a rooftop."
Lois rolled her eyes but nodded in agreement. "He's right. We should get off this rooftop before someone spots us."
Clark looked at Y/N, his expression a mix of reluctance and agreement. "Yeah, you're right." He turned back to Y/N, his voice softening. "We'll talk more later, okay?"
Y/N nodded, feeling a strange mix of excitement and nervousness about what that conversation would bring. "Yeah, later."
With that, they all made their way back down to the city, where the chaos of the day had finally settled. But even as they stepped back into the world, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had shifted between them.
And for the first time, he was ready to see where it would lead.
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☀️ | Clark Kent/Superman | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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yandere-kokeshi · 9 months
Warnings: yandere behavior, naga AU, and slight NSFW.
A/N: tell me if you'd like more of this wild woman + other characters. Enjoy <3!
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I can't stop thinking of Naga! Valeria.
She's a highly venomous Timber Rattlesnake, extremely territorial of her forest. Hisses at anyone, especially at Alejandro, who gets even close to the perimeter. She hates sharing, food is for her and her only; feasts on any animal, and humans she can find, and doesn't care about the wet or dried blood on her face, neck, and naked breasts. Her sharpen eyes only show beast, and loves a game of cat-and-mouse.
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So, when she smelled you — a mere human — she smirked. It was yet another game again, which she greatly enjoyed. But when she slithered near you, finding a rather large branch, she watched you from afar for fun.
She admired you from above — looking at a map in your hands, clothes torn and covered in dirt, scrapes on your knees, she smelled different in the air. You weren't any intruder, simply lost. And whilst most were dumb, maybe you were too, but she almost felt… pity?
Her nose scrunched, it— you were different. And she hated it.
The aura of you was different. Her forked tongue came out, tasting the air. And when she did, it hit her like a truck.
You're hers. It was the taste, smell, and pheromone that you gave off. And you were in her pocket. You were Valeria's, her beloved mate, whom she was gonna wreck and keep. There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and absolutely no one else to rely on. She can already imagine it — you, on the floor with her made-pelts as a bed, keeping still with her tail slithering around you and keeping tugged to her naked chest. And that's what she did. She took you, despite your biting and fighting frame — she began to like your feistiness. And now, you live with her, in a large cave who she calls home; keeping you close to her at all times.
Naga! Valeria, whose venom takes a turn on humans: becoming a highly addictive aphrodisiac. And she uses this to her advantage.
After keeping you in the luscious cave, trying to entertain you, you had run. And it angered her.
And now, it's left you being suffocated with her tongue and lips — her hands grasping at your neck to keep you in place. Her tongue goes deep, playing with yours, and purring when you gag. Right as she's done, rubbing her thick tail all around you, she licks her spit-covered lips with your sweet, sweet scent; she can't help but smirk and giggle at your obvious worried expression.
Of course, your lips sting — but not in a bad way. Your fingers graze at your almost-numb but puckered lips, before Valeria's fingers pull away your shaken fingers. When did you start shaking?
Oh boy, and when she touches you? Claws grazing right above your hips, bringing you closer to her warm embrace? You whimper. She purrs in your ear, rubbing her nose into the space between your neck and shoulder. "Someone excited?"
Even if you shake your head, denying it, the minute her claws go inside your pants and near your V-line, you collapse in her arms. Your arms tighten around her, head laying on her naked tits, breathing heavy now, and suddenly feel warm. Too warm for comfort.
She hisses a laugh — and before you know it, her pretty bottom-body is curled all around you like a log, looking down at you with pupils dilated; in a way of saying: "You're mine, whether you like it or not". She tightens her hold when you squirm, holding her claw underneath your chin to give you more kisses. Her tongue licking the salt on your mouth, and teeth gently nibbling your cheek when you heave in hot-breath.
It's only a matter of seconds when Valeria rips off your clothes, playfully biting your ears whilst grumbling on how, 'you don't need 'em clothes' and, 'I'm warm enough to keep you warm'.
By the end of the night — or dawn if you're good at staying up regardless of her relentless tongue, hands, and tail — you're sweaty, sticky, and heaving whilst Valeria snuggles herself into your hair. She draws shapes into your sides, easily threatening you with her silence.
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Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader.
A/N: This was slightly inspired by Sabrina Carpenter’s song “Nonsense.” I hope you enjoy and I apologize for any mistakes! Also comments, reblogs, shares and likes are super appreciated, thank you! :)
Word count: 1,584.
It was Friday night and Wanda was at the bar waiting for her date to arrive as she dismissed many suitors left and right.
Politely declining their advances since she really wasn’t interested, preferring to wait for her date than entertain the strangers that came up to her.
But that all changed when she noticed it had been half an hour and the person she was to meet with was nowhere in sight and a woman from across the room caught her attention.
Even in the dimly lit bar Wanda could make out the mischief twinkling behind your eyes, a dimpled smile making an appearance from time to time as you looked her way, giving her a final teasing smirk that intrigued Wanda before you approached.
“Hey, is this seat taken?” You ask as you point to the empty space beside Wanda.
“No, the seat's all yours,” the redhead says as you sit beside her.
“So, what’s a beautiful woman like you doing all alone in a place like this,” you ask as you flag the bartender down.
“Would you believe me if I said I was stood up?” Wanda says, taking a small sip from her drink.
“No way,” you gape, smiling towards the bartender when they place your drink down in front of you.
“Yeah, they were supposed to be here half an hour ago, guess they’re just not interested,” she shrugs.
“Well, honestly, it’s their loss, because they are truly stupid for standing you up. But, also please remind me to thank them for giving me the opportunity to speak to a woman of your caliber,” you say with a silly smile on your face.
“Charmer,” Wanda chuckles, cheeks lightly flushing.
“I try,” you say shrugging, eliciting a small laugh from the woman, “do you mind if I keep you company?” You ask.
“I absolutely do not mind,” Wanda says and you smile.
“So what’s your name?” You question, as you take a swig of your drink.
“Wanda. Wanda Maximoff,” the redhead says, extending her hand for you to shake.
“Pleasure to meet you Wanda, I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N,” you say, shaking her hand in return.
Talking with Wanda feels natural, as if you’ve known each other all of your lives and you can’t help but want to see where this takes you.
“Forgive me for being forward but I would like to take you out on a date,” you say and Wanda smiles.
“Well since we’re here now and already getting acquainted why don’t we make this our first date,” the redhead suggests and you nod.
As you and Wanda continue conversing about your lives, you can’t help but get lost in her insanely beautiful green eyes as she retells a story about her week.
“Wanda,” you begin softly, stopping her mid sentence, “I don’t mean to interrupt but, I just can’t help but be captivated by your gorgeous eyes,” you say and the redhead blushes.
“Thank you,” she says, a shy smile present on her face.
“Would it be okay if I take you home to make them roll,” you say lowly, a smirk on your lips that takes Wanda’s breath away.
“Yes,” she says, “but what do you say we get out of here and go back to my place instead?” Wanda asks slightly breathless, as she feels a heat grow on her body. Your words greatly affecting her.
“I would but, unfortunately I got an Uber here, I don’t have my car,” you say, rubbing your neck awkwardly.
“I don’t normally do this,” Wanda begins, lip caught between her teeth in contemplation, “but I’ll give you a ride,” she breathes.
“Lead the way, beautiful,” you say as Wanda grabs your hand to drag you out of the bar and to her car.
Making her way home Wanda feels her body set ablaze as your hand rests on her thigh. The small caresses you give her making the minutes feel like hours as she can’t wait to get you into bed.
Pulling into her driveway Wanda turns the car off immediately before walking out with you in tow.
Walking the small path to her front door you can’t resist any longer so you pull her into you.
“My god, do you have any idea of how beautiful you are,” you say softly, as one hand caresses her face, the other tightly holding onto her hip.
Blushing Wanda casts her eyes downwards, “you’re full of compliments aren’t you?” She says, a shy smile on her lips as she shakes her head.
“I only speak the truth amor, and if you let me, I can show you just how beautiful you truly are,” you whisper, as you pull the woman in a little closer. The redhead nodding as her arms go around your neck, “can I kiss you?” You ask breathlessly.
“I’ve been waiting all night for you to ask,” Wanda breathes before pressing her lips to yours in a bruising kiss.
Standing on the porch you suddenly grab one of the redhead’s legs and wrap it around your waist, your hand making its way to her backside as you squeeze her ass tightly.
“You’re truly a goddess, my love,” you breathe, “isn’t this the best idea I’ve had in a while?” You say as your lips begin to make their way to Wanda’s jaw.
“Yes baby, yes. You were absolutely so right. Pretending to be strangers and then coming home together afterwards was such a hot idea,” your wife says, panting slightly as you kiss her neck.
“I told you baby, I may be an idiot most of the time, but I have my moments,” you say, causing Wanda to chuckle before you kiss her sweet spot, making her let out a moan and roll her hips into yours.
“Patience Max,” you say, amusement in your tone as you press your wife against the wall roughly causing a louder moan to escape her lips, “we have all night baby and I plan on taking my time,” you say against her lips before pressing her harder into the wall, swallowing her moans as you kiss her.
As you continue making out with your wife a sudden voice makes you both stop.
“Oh. Ohhh! Oh my god, I so did not need to see my godmothers making out! Ah, my eyes,” Pietro’s daughter Luna yells as she covers her eyes causing you and your wife to pull apart.
“Luna, what are you doing here? I thought you and the twins were out at a party?” Wanda asks, as you let go of her leg that was around your waist, her cheeks blazing red in embarrassment at having been caught nearly making love out on her front porch like a horny teenager.
“The cops raided it, so we came home early. But never mind that!” She says, waving her hands around in distress. “What are you two doing out here? Were you guys going to have sex on the porch?!” The teen asks loudly, causing both of your twins, Billy and Tommy, to come out of your home, looking around at the 3 of you in confusion.
“Mom, Mami, what are you doing back home so early?” Billy asks.
“They were about to have sex on the porch,” your goddaughter provides loudly, properly scandalized.
“No, no we weren’t,” you shake your head laughing nervously, “and uh, how about we don’t broadcast that out to the whole neighborhood, huh?” You say smiling sheepishly.
“Oh please, it’s not like we don’t know when you get it on, honey, your wife is not necessarily quiet,” your neighbor Agatha screams from across the street and your jaw goes slack.
“Agatha, what- oh my god,” Wanda exclaims, cheeks blazing red as her hands come to cover her face.
“It’s true dear, you’re a screamer, but that’s okay, because at least we know that someone around here is getting pleasured,” your neighbor shrugs, as you stand there your look of shock being replaced by a proud smirk.
“I don’t know why you’re standing there looking so smug,” your wife says, as she sends a menacing glare your way, “because we are so not having sex anymore,” she exclaims, as she storms into your home.
“Wait, what?” You ask stunned, your smirk immediately wiped off your face, “oh Max, come on, don’t be like that, she’s joking,” you yell into your house, “wow, thanks a lot Agatha,” you say with a pouty frown as you follow after your wife.
“Sorry dear!” Your neighbor exclaims, “anyway, you three should get going, it's late, goodnight kids,” the older woman says before she disappears into her home.
“I learned so much about your mother’s today that I definitely did not want to know about,” Luna says with a shudder.
“Yeah, us too,” Billy supplies, shuddering as well at the new information he just heard.
“I’m going to be scarred for life,” Tommy says as he stares into the distance. “Like seriously, I’m going to need a lot of therapy. Mom and mami just- eww,” he says grimacing before giving his whole body a shake.
“Come on, I suggest we get out of here. What if they change their minds? I do not want to hear what goes down if they do, I say we go to aunt Nat’s,” the girl says and the boys nod. Tommy sprinting inside his home to grab his car keys quickly before the teens make their way to his car and drive away.
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luvneymar · 2 years
Omgg your footballers princess treatment was the best I’ve ever read 😭😩 you’re amazing ❤️ Can you do a part 2 with Mbappe, Griezmann, Trent and Mason. Maybe Richarlison? Up to you.
# PRINCESS TREATMENT 2 — footballers
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— SUMMARY: you show off the princess treatment you get from your footballer boyfriend! (part 1)
CONTENT: fluff, footballers being simps, sensual themes, light jealousy
PARINGS: kylian mbappé x reader, mason mount x reader, antoine greizmann x reader,
NOTE: none of the examples is a default body type & always feel free to change anything! enjoy! 💕
KYLIAN MBAPPÉ — expensive jewelry!
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“Love what do you think of this one?” Kylian picked up a necklace that was resting in a large black velvet box & placed it around your neck. His large warm hands wrap the cold diamond necklace around your neck holding onto the clip in the back.
You admired the way it looked on you which didn’t go untouched by Kylian who hoped you’d say yes since this was probably going to be the 5th necklace you turned down.
“It’s nice, but expensive. Try finding a cheaper one.” To be complete honest you loved the way the necklace looked, it complimented your eyes & your dress. It catch anyone’s eye whenever you walked past them or walked into a room.
“Love is there something wrong? This is the 5th necklace you turned down.” Kylian removed the necklace from around your neck and turned you around forcing you to look in his eyes.
His large hands cupped your face pulling it up to look into your big (colour) eyes, he could see the worry & doubt behind them which worried him greatly. “No, nothing is wrong. It’s just— you know what? Never-mind.”
“Just what? Talk to me.” He begged as his eyes switched their focus from one pupil to the other.
Your eyes avoided him as much as possible even though his hands were quite firm, You pulled his hands away by his index finger and walked away towards another jewelry case you weren’t even interested in. “Nothing Ky, just drop it.”
“Not until you tell me what’s going on. Have I upset you?” He walked towards you turning your body around by your shoulders forcing you to face him once again, this time he was much more firm causing your resistance act to drop a little.
“No! It’s not you, just drop it—!” Kylian pulled you in gripped the bottom of your ass for a deep kiss right in the middle of the store, it was late at night so there wasn’t that many people in the store let alone the shopping centre.
He pulled you in so closely you had nowhere to put your hands other than his chest as you traced the embroidery on his suit. He pulled away keeping his hands on your derrière pulling his other hand out of his pocket to hold the side of your.
The way he was looking at you with so much love & concern made you melt finally confessing what was wrong. “All of these necklaces are extremely expensive.”
He raised his eyebrow hoping you’d elaborate seeing as how you we’re definitely living life when he met you. “I known I’ve lived a lavish life before but this, this is a lot.”
Finally realizing what was happening with you he pulled you towards a more secluded spot in the shop where the couches were & sat you down, he took your hands into his before continuing. “Baby look at me.”
“The money I make means nothing to me if I can’t spend it on you.” He explained wrapping his hand around your shoulder pulling your body into his, you leaned into his body listening to his heartbeat.
“I know you think that way but the media thinks much differently.” You sighed stroking your finger up and down his chest, hearing what you said he stroked your hair all the way down to your back.
“I don’t care what they think. The tabloids don’t make millions from their knowingly fake stories. I do, my millions are for you; only for you baby.” He turned to you and saw you trying to hide your smile in his coat, then he knew he’s succeeded in destroying all the doubts that flew around in your mind.
“You really have a way with your words, don’t you Ky.” He chuckled at you before standing up holding his hand out to you. You smiled at him taking his hand & linking his arm with yours.
“Of course beautiful, now please pick out a necklace or five, just say the word and it’s yours baby.”
TRENT ALEXANDER ARNOLD — shopping spree!
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“Beautiful are you finished yet?” Trent called out from the other side of the change room walking around in circles hoping it’ll make time go faster, Even though you guys were lingerie shopping you couldn’t find the ones that you liked.
He insisted you looked incredible in all of them & especially naked but you refused to hear it, so now here he was outside a change room holding 6 different colours and types of sexy underwear
“Yeah just a second!” You shouted as you finally made your way out of the chnage room showing off the white lingerie you were wearing, as you walked out Trent’s eyes had almost fallen out his his sockets.
“God damn baby, you look incredible.” Trent breathed out holding out his hand which you took gracefully. Trent always thought you looked absolutely stunning at all times. Even in the mornings when you had eye boogers & morning breath.
From the way you smiled when he told you the most unfunny joke ever, to the way you walked into a room as confident as ever. “Thank youuu.” You sung out twirling around his hand that was above your head.
He pulled you in hiding his head into the crook into your neck taking in your vanilla scent as his large hands rubbed up and down your back sliding in and out your underbra. “Hey watch yourself sir. Last time we did that we got banned the store and the mall.”
“How could I when you look and smell so heavenly? You’re like the embodiment of a vanilla flower.” Trent tiled his head as he leaned in for a kiss that your graciously accepted.
“You’re such a sweetheart.” You pulled away to whisper that on his lips.
As you both made out you moaned into the kiss feeling Trent’s hands ease down from your back, to your lower back all the way to your ass slowly pulling down your underwear. Feeling his hand pulling at your underwear you pulled away thin line of saliva being left.
“Only for you my love.” He whispered back slapping you on the ass, you squealed jumping slightly at the impact. He pulled you in once again for a quick his keep his hand on your ass trying to convince you to give him some.
“No can do Trent baby, I like this mall.” You winked at as you walked backward back into the change-room. “Your driving insane love.” Trent whispered from our side the door, you giggled to yourself at his neediness.
Ever since you and Trent had met a Underwear shoot that had went a little too suggestively, he almost choked on his own saliva the moment you walked in and smiled at him, he smiled at the memory not realizing that you had opened the door showing him another set.
“Do you like this one? It feels a bit too much.” You walked out dressed in skin tight pink lingerie, the moment you walked out Trent pushed you back inside the change room.
“Trent! Remember none of that in here!” You warned him as you wrapped your arms around his neck giggling at his ridiculousness.
“Fuck that, I need you right here and now. You can’t look that good and expect me not to fuck you right here.” He kissed along your neck tracing along your waist appreciating every inch of your smooth skin.
“You’re absolutely insane & corny.” You insulted him playfully slapping him on his shoulder as you both laughed at what he said.
“Want me to show you how corny I can be?” He asked as he slid himself down your body pulling down your underwear in the process.
“Oh really? Show me how— oh my.” You moaned out gripping onto his hair as you felt him pleasure you in the middle of a changing-room, you sat down on the change room bench feeling Trent pull your thighs over his shoulders.
“I’ll show you how corny I can be, you show me how loud you can be.”
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“Princess are you enjoying yourself?” Antoine asked as he poured you & himself another glass of champagne, since France had won the world cup just a few hours ago he decided to surprise you with a rose filled bathtub .
You sat on-top his his lap as his handed you another glass of champagne kissing the back of your neck as he wrapped his arms around your naked waist. “Definitely. I should’ve done this for you though. After all I didn’t win the world cup.”
Antoine sighed before kissing down the back of your neck before sighed into your ear. “Princess, I wouldn’t have been able to this without you and you know it. You’re my good luck charm.” You laughed throwing a little of the water in his face. “You’re too much, Toine.”
As you laughed he sighed over your shoulder hands moving from your waist to your breast covering them, you moved your hands from the edge of the bathtub onto his. “I’m serious love, everything about you is the reason why I’m the man I am today.”
“Really?” You asked turning your head around twisting your body to face your boyfriend who was staring at you with nothing but love in his eyes.
“Really, which is why I’d like to give you this as a token of my appreciation.” He smiles at you on as he slides an expensive looking & feeling diamond necklace around your neck securing the back. It was a bit heavy proving its authenticity but nothing you couldn’t handle.
He handed you a hand mirror so you could see what he just put around your neck. As you took the mirror you squealed at what you were seeing.
“It’s beautiful Toine, it’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.” You turned your body around cupping his face as you pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
“Don’t thank me love, you deserve it and so much more.” He pulled away for a second before he placed his hands on your hips moving his hands up and down as you both made out “Mmh, really? You something else for me?”
As you looked at each other with sensual faces he chuckled before responded with “Well your sitting right on it baby.”
It took you a second to process what he said before realizing what he meant“Antoine! Don’t be dirty!” You slapped his shoulder laughing at his smug face.
“It’s the truth! But it’s true I also have something else for you.” He lifted you from his lap so he could exit the bathtub
You gawked at his butt as he shuffled his way towards the dresser looking between the drawers trying to find some mystery token of appreciation. “You know I hate surprises right?”
“I know, which is why I got you something I know you’ll love.”
“Promise?” You questioned mine going crazy as to what the surprise could be.
“I Promise you’ll love this one.” He turned around winking at you before turning back to find the mysterious item, you propped your self onto the edge of the bathtub face leaning on the back of your hand as you stared at your boyfriend.
“Found it!” He held up a velvet box as he walked towards you entering the bathtub again placing you onto his lap facing him. As he opened it in-front of you revealing a box of keys to a Porsche. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Yes it is baby. Your own keys to a brand new Porsche, in (colour) just the way you’d like it—” Just before he finished his sentence you pulled him in for the 40th kiss tonight pulling in for a hug in the process.
“God, baby! What did I do in my past life to deserve you?” You pulled the keys out of the box holding them up to make sure you weren’t dreaming. “Just being you princess.”
You smiled at him before pulling him in for another hug kissing his check before burying your head in his neck. You pulled away putting the keys back in the box so they wouldn’t fall in the water “Thank you so much baby.”
You both sat in silence just appreciate the atmosphere and being in each others arms, you pulled away with a cheeky smile on your face before continuing, “Now we can have car-sex in a luxury car. Not that we weren’t already doing that. In my luxury car.”
“Oh really?” He raised his eyebrows pulling his hands back to rest them behind him on the edge of the bathtub, you nodded leaning in for another quick kiss.
“Mmh! Look forward to it.” You got up out of the bathtub tired of the water as it had already gone cold just before you could walk towards the counter you felt a hard slap on your ass making you laugh.
“Don’t make any promises you can’t keep baby, I’ll buy you 100 cars if it means I get to fuck you in them.”
MASON MOUNT — roses!
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“You’re so lucky, you got one of the good ones. I need to beg for anything from a guy.” Your friend Vivi complained to your sobbing pouring her feelings out after having 1 too many glasses of champagne as you laughed at her.
“Vivi you’re beautiful you just need to reject any type of negativity or relationship that’s less than what you want.” You explained taking another sip of your champagne finishing it up before the waiter took the dirty glasses away.
“Easy for you to say you’re dating the Mason Mount, you bagged Mason Mount of all people.” Vivi grabbed the bottle of champagne and downed the rest of the bottle
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You raised your eyebrow at her shady comment, “Wrong way sorry, I’m too drunk to remember what I’m saying.” Wiping her mouth from any excess champagne dripping down her lips.
“Mmh, anyway who’s getting the cheque?” You asked as you signalled the waiter to bring the bill to your table, Vivi looked at you with “are you serious” eyes as she packed up her things.
“You. Mrs. Mount, Mason Mount’s girl, wifey, fiancée thingy. You’re getting the bill.” You giggled at the all different titles she was throwing at you while grumbling about how you could even ask her about covering the bill when your forced her to come to such an expensive restaurant.
“Fine.” You replied shortly while waiting for a check, as you were waiting another waiter came and placed a giant bouquet of red & white roses on your table with a note sticking out from the side.
This was a common place for couples to meet for first dates or engagement so you just assumed that the waiter had gotten the wrong person “Oh I think you have the wrong person.”
“Are you Mrs. Mount?” Waiter asked pulling the flowers from the table thinking he had gotten the wrong person.
“No—” Just as you were going to clear up the confusion with your identity Vivi had butted in turning to face the waiter as she popped a fortune cookie into her mouth. “Yes she is what do you need?”
“This is for you.” He placed the large bouquet of flowers back onto the table right in-front you along with the bill and left leaving you with a head sized bouquet & a very drunk Vivi.
You pulled out the card that was sticking out the side and read it out loud heart melting as you read each word, “100 roses for the 100 different reasons why I love you, Love Mason. Aww Vivi he sent me flowers.”
“Aww, I hope you guys are related.” She smiled at you throwing the sarcastic comment in your face, you paid no mind to it knowing that she was just drunk and it was her sense of humour.
“I love you too Vivi, come on we gotta get you home.” As you both made your way out of the restaurant and into the parking lot you felt your phone buzz as you got an incoming facetime call from Mason.
You picked up just to see a happy Mason grinning ear to ear as he saw the bouquet of flowers resting in your hands.“Hey baby, did you get my gift?”
“Yes infact I did. I love it so much, Thank you.” You kissed the screen waving around your phone showing you excitement unpin receiving a gift from your lovely boyfriend.
“Don’t thank me love, It’s all you.” Mason threw cheesy line your way that almost, almost made Vivi throw up in your car “Shut up Mason, stop flaunting your perfect relationship.”
“Nice seeing you too Vivi.” Mason waved to your friend who sat in the backseat of your Mercedes Benz curled over about to throw up, as you started the car you looked in the rear view mirrors to check on your friend just to see her fast asleep.
“She’s fast asleep, babe.” You alerted Mason giving him the green light to say whatever he’d like that wasn’t so appropriate with your friend still lucid and aware of your phone call.
“Did you flip the card around?” Mason inquired as you angled your phone to face you while you drove. “Mmh, I did. Can you actually make me climax in 100 different ways?” You laughed thinking about you had read again.
“What can I say? I’m a man of many different talents.” You chuckled at his reply squeezing your thighs together thinking about the 100 different possible ways he could do you.
“Already getting excited? we might as well skip to number 10 once you get home.” Mason teased you once he caught onto what you were doing. “Well what’s in store for number 10?”
“You’re gonna feel so much pleasure you might faint darling.”
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pacentia · 11 months
Title: Forest Lovers
Pairing: (established relationship) slightly dom non-ascended!Astarion x reader WITH VOYEUR GALE
Setting: act 3 beginning, right after shadow cursed lands
Word count: 2,218
Tags: voyeuristic Gale, bloodsucking, vaginal sex, forest sex, pussy eating, L-bombs, body worship, slightly sad Gale
Synopsis: Gale wonders where his Muse (reader) went off to. Stumbles upon her fucking Astarion in the woods 🫠
Author's note: some random ass ideas come into my head in the middle of the night. Couldn't let go of it so I had to write it down lmaoo - please enjoy
It was nice - being out in pure sunlight again after spending God knows how long in the Shadow Cursed Lands. Gale never thought about missing cobblestone streets beneath his feet, the vibrancy of Rivington made him feel alive again. It wasn't his tower in Waterdeep, nor his very own study - cuddling with Tara, but this would do. And, it would all be over soon, according to the pack leader, because she would take the fight to the Elder Brain. 
Gale admired her for quite some time, well - ever since he set eyes on her after stumbling out of that damned broken portal. He had dropped some hints here and there, but she never quite fully indulged him in his desires. She remained so incredibly kind and supportive though - for everyone - during their long journey. 
The vampire Astarion had her heart a thousand times. It's the way she looked at him, and the way the broken man softened in her company that Gale knew these two were soulmates, destined for each other. It felt bittersweet - watching them kiss in public. Hold hands. Embrace each other around the campfire. Of course, if she preferred somebody cold and undead - that was entirely her choice. 
The night before the party would venture forth to Baldur's Gate - Astarion and her were nowhere to be found. Not present in each of their tents, nor in the campsite. Gale felt a little concerned because of that, because tomorrow was a big day and everyone needed a well deserved rest. Who knows what overcame her - the woman he cared for so deeply. And so the wizard cast an invisibility spell and ventured deeper into the nearby forest.
Gentle moonlight cast over the forest and the stars shone bright that night. It was quiet and calm, the two nowhere to be seen nor heard until -
Two completely bared souls entwined in one another, passionately kissed in the middle of the forest, no place left untouched on their bodies. The silver haired vampire and his muse. Gale's muse. 
His jaw went slack from surprise and he suddenly felt greatly inappropriate for stumbling onto this incredibly private moment but… 
Gale just couldn't look away, respectfully, of course. Her body had the likes of a true Goddess - his imagination before had done him so wrong. She was even more beautiful than in his wildest dreams. Astarion was… surprisingly gentle with her. His hold on her was protective and firm but the kisses that he planted on her lips, cheeks and breasts were so soft.
Gale, you damned pervert. He complained to himself, pinching his brow. He could leave now, and forever hold his tongue or he could just… Watch just a few more seconds.
Her fingers wrapped around Astarion's aching hard cock - Hells, the man was big - and started teasing him playfully. The vampire reciprocated - wetted his long, pale digits on his tongue and pleasured her beautiful pussy. Gale swallowed, unaware that he was pitching a huge tent in his purple robes.
"Oh sweet darling…" The vampire moaned in absolute pleasure, burying his head full of untamed silver curls in her neck. She just pulled him into the most amorous embrace as she closed her eyes, lips slightly parted as she felt her vampire's fangs graze her neck. This made her moan in delight - of course - as she was bloodless every damned day.  Her hand gently caressed Cazador's scars on his sculpted back while her other hand worked  his erection. 
"I need you, Astarion." She voiced needily, her feminine hips bucking into the vampire's cold touch. "Need you inside me… Please…" 
Gale swallowed - feeling too hot in his robes right there. He just fantasized he was in Astarion's place, feeling her magic hands work his own cock - making him twitch in the process. Astarion was going to take her right there, on the soft bed of overgrown grass, next to their pile of clothes.
It's as if he had chosen the perfect spot. Astarion had guided her down gently, her legs spread out incredibly wide before her lover. Gale could see the glistening of her folds - how completely drenched she was for her vampire. Delicious, it looked. 
Astarion's hands caressed her perfect body. Breasts, hips. Kissed inside of her thighs - working his way up to her toned calves until her feet. He worshipped her like a real Goddess. As he should. A sweet smile spread across her face as she watched Astarion show how much he desired her. 
"I love you." She confessed sweetly, completely spread in front of him. It's the way her eyes shone with adoration that you could tell she really meaned it. She's completely in love with her vampire. Goodness, Gale never anticipated being hurt by seeing the scenario unfold before his voyeuristic eyes, a sharp tightening in his chest overtaking him. Neverminding his obvious pain, Gale continued watching.
The vampire then lowered his head to her sex, and pressed a soft kiss on her clitoris. Dripping wet, needy for him. "My sweetheart, I love you more than anything." The vampire whispered, kissing her folds again with such careful love. Her hands sunk into his silver curls, letting her head fall back in the grass. Astarion utterly devoured her, nuzzling into her sex, licked her until she was a squirming mess. He suckled on her sensitive bud, gently sinking two of his cold fingers deep inside her. 
Gale just needed to watch this a little closer. So he could really admire her angelic pussy. Study how she liked to be pleasured - learn from… Astarion's seduction. He inched further, so that he watch in detail how Astarion licked and fingered her. 
Astarion's fingers gently dipped in and out of her drenched folds, his tongue swiping back and forth over her clitoris. His sharp fangs were bared, reminding her what he truly was - her vampire. Everyone knew at camp that this excited her incredibly, eager to feel his fangs dig into her neck every night. God's, she was so sinful.
"Star… I'm… close..!" She warned him, one hand tangled in his silver curls, the other one gripping onto the grass soil beside her. Her legs were shaking, hips bucking while Astarion expertly pleasured her. "Then cum, my love. On my lips." The vampire ordered.
What a sight it was to behold, her body coming down from such an incredible high. His name was on her lips like a melody as she shivered in her lover's hold. Gale knew he should leave right now - but then Astarion just climbed over her body, and guided his dripping hard cock inside her drenched pussy. Fuck. He could just. Not. Look. Away. 
"Did you enjoy that, sweet love?" Astarion whispered, sinking as deep as possible into her. He didn't even falter in his speech - Gale would've surely have. 
"Y-yes, my love… God's - forgot how… big you were…" Immediately she enclasped her legs around his waist, the aftershocks of her orgasm begging the vampire to get deeper inside her. Her arms clung around his back, holding his scars ever so gently. Astarion chuckled at her response, "How dare you, darling?" The man smirked. "But you do remember how - good - it felt?" Emphasizing the words with the rhythm of his vigorous hips, the vampire pumped into her unrelentingly, chasing after his own orgasm. 
"Y-yes Astarion - fuck… Your cock feels incredible…You're so big, so powerful, so beautiful…" She gasped, her pretty moans bellowed deep into the forest. Astarion seemed to enjoy her praise, rewarding her with kisses, licks and nuzzles. 
Gale's trousers were completely soaked in his own pleasure - how could he not - watching such a beautiful woman reach her high out in the open. He figured he was too far gone already and sneaked his fingers under his robe - cupping himself - until he decided to take out his own length and stroke himself. He still had to concentrate on casting his invisibility, if he'd fail - he figured he'd just explode his Netherese orb.
"Will you get on your pretty hands and knees for me, sweet darling? I want to feel you as deep as possible, please…" Astarion sighed in pleasure, ragged breath overtaking him when he stopped thrusting. She nodded heavily, just carrying out whatever her vampire needed. God's how devoted she was to him, completely wrapped around his finger. She shifted her body exactly as Astarion asked - and the hungry man immediately mounted her like a horny stallion. 
Certainly, he had read this in one of his lewd novels in his library, but he'd never seen such lust up close, nor experienced it for himself . Mystra never let him.
Astarion growled like a beast, thrusting every inch of him inside her wet cunt. Eventually he pulled her into his lap, pumping up inside of her. She was completely on display for Gale, breasts swinging, Astarion's hands roamed her delicate body, until he swept her hair from beautiful neck, and wrapped his hand around her throat. 
"Darling, your blood smells so delicious tonight…" He moaned, inhaling the scent of her neck, grazing his fangs over previous puncture wounds from his own teeth. 
Gale swallowed, pleasuring his cock faster, harder. He was about to witness him setting his fangs into her - God's, wouldn't that hurt her? She seemed even more eager than before, rubbing herself, arching her neck more - she wanted it desperately. Longing for him to mark her as his.
"Ask me, sweet darling. What do you need?" Astarion teased, his hands digging into her breasts, using them as leverage for his thrusts. "Tell me what you so desperately crave." 
She giggled at his statement, teasing him right back, "Love, aren't you the one who's starved? You crave my blood." 
Astarion's wits seemed to fail him, and buried his face in her neck. "Darling, do not play with me like that… I'm incredibly hungry - Starved, if you will." He continued kissing her neck, dragging his tongue over the pulsing arteries and veins. "You know I'm a very dangerous vampire, and your jugular is right next to me." He teased playfully.
She giggled at his lighthearted intimidation, turned her face to stare into his deep red eyes. "Then bite, Astarion. My blood is yours." 
Nothing the vampire liked hearing more as he continued to pound into her, only now - he latched onto her neck, and buried his fangs deeply. She visibly winced in his hold, obviously in pain as Astarion sucked her blood out. So this is what she's been going through almost every evening since meeting the vampire near the Grove. Gale's cock twitched at the sight before him, close to own climax. All of this was so private, intimate. She willingly surrendered her neck to the vampire with such love.
"God's, s-so… delicious…" Astarion whined in bliss, his hips starting to give out - thrusts becoming erratic. Her body initially freezed against him - until a few gulps of blood later, she started feeling dizzy, two taps onto his thigh stopped his bloodthirsty urges.
Astarion released with a growl, bloody fangs bared, his chin and lips tainted with her hot, red blood. Drunk on her, he lapped up the remnants on her neck, kissing her, holding onto her for dear life. "So f-fucking delicious, darling. I -I'm close." Astarion panted as he grit his teeth like a beast, blood dripping from his chin, his tongue licking the remnants of his chin. 
Nothing had prepared Gale for her desperate pleading. 
"Please, Astarion… Fill my cunt, need your cum deep inside - please, cum!" 
Gale wrapped one hand around his mouth, shutting himself up as he spilled all over the woodland ground, silencing his heavy breath watching their lovemaking end.
Astarion erupted deep inside of her perfect cunt - God's how Gale wished he was the one absolutely filling her to the brim. The vampire growled, pumping her full of his essence, tongue licking the remnants of blood off of her neck. Astarion was a filthy, filthy man - Gale remarked. Well, he had already anticipated that from all of his quirky mannerisms and slick talk.
The couple lay spent on the grass, cuddling in the afterglow of their pleasures, looking up to the stars.
"Need this everyday, Astarion. It's been too long." She whispered, and he rolled over on his side, gently caressing her stomach. 
"Well, we can do it everyday now, darling." The vampire smirked, pressing a small kiss against her cheek. In turn, she wiped a streak of blood off of his chin, and made him suck her finger clean. Astarion indulged her with the greatest pleasure - as long as blood was involved. Gale didn't know why that made his cock stir.
The two cleaned themselves up, and he made notice on how she wiped her cunt with a particular cloth, throwing it away in the bushes - well - wouldn't it be a shame to… let it go uninspected later? They got dressed again in their camp clothes, joked some more and left.
The couple walked hand in hand right past Gale, still invisible of course - until Astarion stopped his footsteps to take in the air.
"What is it lover, did you hear a squirrel you could feed on?" She grinned, to which the vampire playfully poked her.
"Worse, darling. It smells like… Gale here. Well, nevermind." 
Gale had never gone red so badly in his entire life.
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atiianeishaunted · 9 days
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blue writing is lance's notes fyi anyway uhh character bios below !! long ass writing warning but worth it i promise chat pspsp | no notes version AND the transparent PNGS down at the end!
character bios:
Allura [???] | A lone princess who is burnt out and stressed out her mind, her only solace/stress relief being the garden she has where she can have peace and quiet, shutting her brain off while she does the tasks of tending to her precious plants and bugs. She tries her best to remain as friendly and optimistic as possible, if not for her own sanity, however thanks to the stress and pressure put on her, she has a tendency to lose her cool and sometimes shut down entirely. She has a passion for commanding and loves honing her fighting skills as that was one of the ways she bonded with her father. She more often than not can be seen in comfortable clothes, she doesnt mind dresses and does enjoy dressing up but will only do it when shes going out the castle or theres a meeting. | this gal couldve been an burnt out autistic queen DREAMWORKS, YOU COUDLVE MADE HER ICONIC .... let her be a dorky nerd whos a hater sometimes, pretty please
Takashi Shirogane | A garrison commander (no one is really sure of his job title to be honest with you..) who's insanely passionate about his job, to the point where hes willing to sacrifice it all if the garrison wills it. Anything to serve. He tries his best to fit in and be hip with the kids, he tries to come across as the 'chill' teacher, but students of his have reported that after a few months, any amount of chillness is thrown out the window. If not that, hes often not even in class, too busy doing missions he wasnt assigned to. He's intense. Very intense. Knows his way around words though for the most part, can be very convincing and a bit maniuplative, very goal driven. He means well though? Thats what he says. He always throws a quick sorry if someone brings it up with him, so that must mean something. | sorry in advance if you follow along with Sonder's story... unrelated but dreamworks wrote a banger antagonist without even realizing!
"Keith" Kogane / "Morse" | Unknown origins. He was a talented garrison pilot who could practically fly with his eyes closed, a jack of all trades, short tempered and prone to losing it but all things considered, the perfect cadet for the garrison's goals, he came out of nowhere practically, just poofed in like a ghost and wiped the floor with everyone. He really just needed a good guiding hand. No one is quite sure what gender he is, his androgynous appearance and tendency to respond to anything besides being called a girl have people baffled to say the least. He's very clearly not all there in the head either which goes hand in hand with his odd bursts of ego and then odd bursts of whining, these bursts often include talks that could only be described as cult-ish. People have their theories. Beyond those bursts, hes mostly very deadpan and quiet. But despite his strength and that intense feeling of fear and dread people get when they're around him, he's.. popular, somehow. Admired greatly for his devilish good looks. A universal appeal if you will. He doesn't seem to notice. Or perhaps doesnt care. Either way he's far too busy following Shiro around and treating him like the second coming of god to really indulge in romance for now. Lance's self proclaimed rival, Keith is also unaware of this. | also sorry in advance for this one if you follow sonder's storyline Lance McClain | A former Garrison cargo pilot who moved up in rank when Keith got kicked out. Keith is his rival and also all that Lance can talk about, even after the guy got kicked out and left for dead (Lance overheard some things while sneaking out past the teacher's lounge). He has a very noticable personality and loves to be the center of attention, hes still finding his footing and figuring out what he wants to do with his life and who he wants to be. Despite his many claims, hes not all that popular. He can't really flirt with girls all too well. His general goal is to be so well known so he won't ever be forgotten, hence why he begged his mom to let him dye his hair and get piercings (if he used Keith as an argument, thats none of your business.) (he saw keith dying his hair once or twice and instantly wanted to copy, its a bad habit.). He loves LOVES taking care of his appearance and is fairly vain, he has extensive routines and will freak out if he can't follow them. His ego and overbearing confidence is all to drown out his deep insecurities and fears. He tries his best to come across as a suave, cool, charming, awesome, any positive adjective really, person but in all reality he's a mama's boy, a dork, a loser if you will who has a love for the retro and is a huge gamer. If he must admit, he and Keith'd get along great actually, Keith ticks alot of boxes and honestly Lance deeply admires him and wants to be like him. | dreamworks dropped that lance was a gamer and loved retro stuff and then never talked about it again. sigh. Hunk Garrett | Hunk has many passions, mainly inspired by parents, he mainly specializes in cooking and mechanics, he enjoys tinkering with things, taking them apart to see how they work and working from there to see if he can rebuild it with 0 instruction, hes gotten good at it. He's Lance's childhood best friend, they're extremely close and are often seen constantly poking fun at eachother. Its all in good fun though. Hunk struggles extremely with anxiety and has a service dog back home that he left at home when heading to the Garrison as he worried he couldn't take care of it while studying. Despite his anxiety, he quite enjoys talking to people and sharing things he enjoys with them, he often tries to get over his fears by branching out and | I looked up his name from the old show because he deserves an 'actual' name, free my boy, he was done so dirty, also i remember when we all thought hunk had two moms (or was that just me ..) and i live by it tbh, two moms and a dad whos still active in his life, 3 whole parents for the greatest fella ever
Pidge Holt | Not much can be said about Pidge, they keep to themselves and don't share much about themselves. Just like Keith, their gender is often up to debate and when asked, Pidge will never give a consistent answer. They're a major tech wiz and with their talents, they're a complete menace. Pidge is prone to being mischevious and pranking others, often taking jokes a bit too far. They're egotistical and find that robots are their preferred companions in comparison to humans. | loser chronically online 13 year old who would tell you to kys, matt probably has to take away their electronics all the time LMFAO purposely made their outfit look a bit strange bc , theyre a kid whos a NERD /aff let them dress a bit stupid and let them cringe at it 5 years later ty
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No notes version and PNGS below :-)
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im insane about this reboot!! please reblog and im willing to elaborate if anyone wants me to <333 hrgfhrfg i really want this to take off bwaa
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kairiscorner · 1 year
hiii can you write a e42 miles (or both Idc) where they been dating for some time but we still haven’t meet rio and for some reason rio doesn’t know he got a gf, so one day Rio and us meet and we talk to her and after like a while we become like friends yk and she’s like you shoudl meet my son and you can do whatever you want with that thxxxx <33333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
my son would love you. — miles 42 x reader
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you waited by your parents' offices, what with the two of them being doctors, they were constantly busy and had a lot on their plates. you were just scrolling through your phone as you were seated down by the waiting area, patiently listening to the ticking of the clock's hands as the seconds passed by, getting closer and closer to the end of their office hours.
your attention was completely on your phone, not really minding anything else until you heard the clatter of some medical equipment by the small trolley this female nurse with long, dark curly hair was pushing. she accidentally bumped the trolley against the wall as she made way for the patients passing by her–she muttered to herself in spanish as she hurriedly crouched down to pick it all up.
looking up from your phone, you felt bad for the woman–you decided to help her as you got to your feet and began making your way towards her. you crouched down next to her and handed her the tongue depressors and gauzes you found sprawled on the floor. you handed them to her with a gentle smile, and you soon saw her smiling back. there was something about this woman that felt reminiscent of someone dear in your life, but you couldn't figure out who or why you were drawing that connection out of nowhere, but as you were thinking, the woman had thanked you repeatedly for your help.
"it's no problem, really, i'm just glad you didn't have to clean this all up on your own." you said with a gentle voice as the woman helped you get up on your feet. the woman smiled at you as she looked at you up and down. "such a kind soul you are, really, i can't thank you enough. say, you seem a bit familiar, do you by any chance attend brooklyn visions academy?" she asked you as you nodded. her smile widened as she witnessed your affirmation. "oh! that's wonderful, my son attends that school, too. you'd love him, he's just like you. though dare i say, he's a little cranky sometimes." she says with a chuckle as you chuckled back, being reminded of a certain boy you knew who was incredibly cranky during mornings when anyone but you would talk to him.
"that'd be nice, though, i... i kinda have a boyfriend already." you told her as her smiling expression morphed into one of surprise. "oh... oh, that's okay. you don't have to think of it that way, you guys can be friends." she said as her smile returned; she introduced herself to you as rio morales, and you introduced yourself to her–she found your name very fitting for a person as beautiful and kind as you, no wonder your parents named you that name. you spoke with that woman as you waited for your parents to finish up–with the two of you sharing about yourselves, your hobbies, and a certain person you two had deemed to be very important in your lives. you enjoyed rio's company and keeping her company, and these little exchanges and late night conversations between you two would go on for a few weeks–almost a whole month–until rio had mustered up the courage to ask you and your family if you could come have dinner with them.
your parents were okay with it, they did want some time away from work anyway and more time with you; and the thought of dining at their coworker's place intrigued them, they were more than willing to come over, and so were you. as your family neared the apartment unit where rio's family lived, you heard a barrage of voices inside–three voices to be exact. rio's voice surfaced compared to the other two, whose voices were male–one of which you swore you heard before, a voice you were far too familiar with. rio spoke out in spanish to one of the males there to open the door for the guests since she was busy making sure the food wouldn't burn.
footsteps were heard from the other end as the door's mechanisms clicked and the doorknob turned, and behind the door was rio's son, the young boy who bore the surname 'morales', and... was your boyfriend. the boy greeted your family, looking up at your parents first until he turned and saw you. his face became flustered almost immediately, his eyes going wide and his mouth hanging open as the words he was meant to utter just fell flat and his voice had ultimately gone mute. his uncle from inside the unit had called out to miles, gesturing to him to let your family in, breaking him out of his trance. he stepped aside and opened the door wider for you and your family to enter, with his gaze following your own bashful and surprised one.
"good... evening to you, my mom's new friend." he said with a slight smile as you chuckled and nodded. "you too... mrs. morales' son, handsome son, might i add. she says so, they were her words, not mine." you said in a teasing manner as miles felt even more sheepish and chuckled, thinking that, out of all the people in the universe... his partner had to befriend his own mother, without either one of your parents knowing you both were more than just strangers towards each other.
tags !! @k4tsu3 @onginlove @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @solecitoszn @meowmoraless @conitagray
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gtsdreamer2 · 7 months
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"Mmmph. Yes. That's it. Umph! I can feel it pouring into me!" You hugged the lamp tightly to yourself, hidden under your shirt and nestled between your petite breasts, bucking against the air as you laid in bed. Having the warmth of the lamp contained with nowhere else to go, your body seemed to absorb its energy quicker than your mother had. The heat was almost unbearable, but you knew that you needed to hurry. Your brother's girlfriend would be here soon to steal away this treasure that was suddenly thrusted apon you. After seeing how large your mother had grown simply from this morning at breakfast to only a few hours later, you were hoping that you could at least gain a few inches before then.
Aa your body adjusted to the heat, your arousal levels began to spike. You could feel your body expanding and becoming more sensitive. The lamp's energy being concentrated around your breasts was causing them to swell more quickly than the rest of you which elicited a coo from your plumping lips. You felt them growing bigger and bigger as they began to envelop the lamp, which was quickly running out of room under your shirt. You felt your feet sliding further down the bed and figured you must be close to the six foot tall mark by now.
"This feels so good!" You cried as you bit your blanket to try and stifle your moans and whimpers. Sweat poured off your body, but the heat only felt like a gentle, loving caress at this point. Just as you were starting to get lost in the throes of ecstacy, a knock at the door forced you back to reality. "Shit. She might wake mom."
Quickly you withdrew the lamp from its prison and put it on your nightstand. All your clothing was sopping wet from sweat and desire as you got up. Stretched beyond its limits, your pants tore at the seams, as did the sleeves of your shirt. Your midriff was exposed and glistening with sweat as your now massive and surprisingly perky tits tented your top. As you exited your room and made for the door, you were suddenly overtaken by your mother, who's stride greatly outpaced yours.
"Don't worry, sweetie, mommy's got it." As she opened the door, you were surprised that it wasn't Katy, but instead a delivery man for Doordash. "Finally. I'm famished." Your mom said, hungrily. Being in the presence of your eight foot tall mom, the poor man was immediately captivated by her overwhelming pheromones. "Come on. We're going to enjoy this in my room." Cindy beckoned the delivery driver and he shambled behind her, caught in a trance while carrying enough food to feed three people.
'Well that was weird' you thought to yourself, watching the whole scene play out until the door to your mom's room was shut. Just as you thought you might have more alone time with the lamp before Katy arrived, there was a second knock on the door. Before even waiting for an answer, your brother's girlfriend let herself in. She was immediately thrown off by the size of her boyfriend's "little" sister.
"Woah, Des, you're massive. What the fuck happened to you?? I mean, don't get me wrong, you look gorgeous, like seriously, super amazingly scrumptious, but your clothes are all torn because you're just...bigger." She was practically drooling as she took in all of your new stature. "Your tits grew. And your muscles grew. And you're like six foot two or something. I'm seriously jealous."
You were suddenly aware of the effect you were having on this woman in front of you. It seemed similar to the way the delivery guy had just reacted to your mom, although not as strong...yet. You began to form a devilish plan as a smile crept across your face. "You wanna feel these muscles? I'll give you a taste. Come to my room, it'll be fun." She only hesitated for a moment.
"I..um...your brother sent me here to get...something. A present? I forget...um..."
"Oh, don't worry about that. It's in my room! Come on. I'll show you! You replied jubilantly. Grabbing her hand, you pulled her into your den, trying hard to ignore the moans that were escalating from your mother's room.
You pushed Katy gently into your room and closed the door behind her. "Wow," She said, dazed and dosed with an even higher concentration of your phenomenal pheromones. "It's smells so good in here. So sweet and feminine. Nothing like your brother's room. It's nice." She took the liberty of sitting on your bed while you closed the vent above your door, which you had no trouble reaching. When you turned around, Katy was staring at the lamp, still aglow beside your bed. "Hey, this is really pretty. It's totally my aesthetic."
"Ya! Isn't it cool! That's your present! I'm borrowing it right now though." You hopped into bed between Katy and the lamp and rested yourself against the headboard before grabbing it to give her a better look. As soon as it touched your hands, the familiar warmth began to spread through you. You couldn't help but let out an audible coo."
"What was that?" Katy asked quizzically, reaching for the lamp instinctively before you pulled it further out of her reach.
"It just feels really good...and it's turning me on.", you confessed, embarrassed about how honest you were being with what the lamp was making you feel. You spread your legs, revealing the split seam of your pants and a pair of strained and soaked pink panties beneath it. "I need you to...um...help me. You rubbed the soft wet spot between your legs enticingly and Katy began to drool subconsciously. She was easily being overwhelmed by your pheromones in this confined space.
"I...um....what?" She said absent-mindedly as saliva began to pool in her mouth.
"Here. Like this." You pressed the lamp to your chest with one hand while you grabbed the back of her head with your free one. With ease, you forced her head between your legs and she automatically stuck out her tongue and began to eagerly lick you over your panties, completely unaware of what she was doing. She was yours now.
"Mmph mmph mmph." Your brother's girlfriend made rhythmic whimpers between laps of her tongue as you grew more and more aroused, the warmth of the lamp still pouring into you. 'This is my own personal heaven.' You thought to yourself, your panties growing tighter as the seam in your pants split further and further with each pulse of energy.
"You know...umph..I know you're my brother's girlfriend and all, but...(holy shit I'm getting so big) you're so good at this. I might just have to steal you and make you mine." You let the lamp rest between your massive tits which had no trouble gripping onto it unassisted as you reached down and grabbed two fistfuls of Katy's hair to both pet her and force her harder against your sopping panties. Looking down on her, you suddenly realized that she was packing more ass into her jeans than she was when you ushered her into your lair. 'This girl is leaching size off of me!' You thought to yourself. You could feel yourself still growing, but you were also now aware that the warmth of the lamp was being fed to her through you. 'This is so hot.' You bucked your hips harder against her as your jeans and panties snapped off. Katy peeled the remnants away and continued her work, now unobstructed.
As Katy grew, she was slowly starting to shake off the pheromone fog caused by her boyfriend's gargantuan little sister.
'What the fuck am I doing?' Was her first thought as she was tongue deep in Destiny's snatch. Her second thought was 'why was she enjoying it so much?' Her third thought was 'why was the bed so small?' Quickly coming to the conclusion that her boyfriend's sister was causing this and that she wanted more, she continued to indulge her temporary lover. No longer bound by Destiny's pheromones, Katy began to get more aggressive with her movements. She gripped Destiny's hips with force and tried to maximize her skin-to skin contact by laying her arms against her larger partner's thighs.
"Fuck, who taught you to eat like that?" Desiny moaned, crying out in sudden ecstacy. Unable to hold back, she finally let go and succumbed to her first orgasm of the evening. The heat of her arousal peaking only added to the lamp's power, forcing a sudden growth spurt out of her and causing destiny to crest the ten foot mark. "Fuck!" She cried out, gripping Katy's head and adding a second climax.
"Who taught me that? What, like your brother has been my only lover?" Hearing Katy's voice snapped you out of your euphoria only briefly. How had she broken your spell? You felt her grip on your hips change as she pulled herself up to get on top of you. She was still clearly some feet shorter than you as she maneuvered herself swiftly face to face with you. Lowering her weight, she was suddenly sandwitching the lamp between your ample chests as she pressed her lips to yours. A small whimpered moan of surprise escaping your lips. "Let me show you what else I know." Sharing the lamp between you and tasting your own arousal on your tongue immediately relit the fires between your legs and ignited another session of passion.
Your first thought pulling up to your house after a long day of work was that Katy must have been late to pick up her gift if her car was still out front. Your second thought was curiosity about the extra car that belonged to the delivery driver trapped (unbeknownst to you) in your mother's clutches. As you opened up the front door to your house, you were greeted by a half naked delivery driver making a mad dash past you to his car. He sped off, not even bothering to collect the money for his deliver. As you turned back towards the inside of your house, your eight foot tall mother exited her room, covered in nothing but a bed sheet. "I wasn't done with him." She pouted.
"What's all that noise?" Your sister said groggily, squeezing her twelve foot tall frame out of her doorway. She had to crouch next to your mom as to not dent the ceiling.
"Oh fuck. Des, what happened? You were supposed to give that to Katy, not use it!"
"Oh, I gave it to her alright, she said sardonically as a ten foot tall Katy followed your sister out of the bedroom. Seeing your twelve foot tall sister, your ten foot tall girlfriend, and your eight foot tall mother was too much for you to bare. You fainted at the sight, and the gaggle of girls giggled about what to do with you next.
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Reborn!Wukong: First Date.
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Word Count: 2697.
Content/Trigger Warnings: Implied daddy issues, mention of dead parent.
Authors Notes: This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would, but I'm happy nonetheless. Hope you enjoy! ^^
<---Previous | Start | Next--->
The next village you all got to was a mile away from your hometown. It turned out to be one of those hot spots for festivals and firework shows. It was the perfect place in his mind. So the second you all got lodged into an Inn, Wukong had disappeared somewhere without a word to any of you. You were curious about what that mischievous monkey was doing, but got concerned since he didn't return when the sun started to go down.
You wanted to spend the evening exploring the town with him, but with him nowhere to be found, you didn't think it would've been any fun had you gone alone or with any of the others. You sat boredly in your room at a very nice yet cheap Inn run by a cute old couple, who gave you cookies a while ago. 
You were doodling on a scroll, though you were supposed to be logging what you did for the last three days. You had started keeping logs to kill time, and it just ended up as something you enjoyed; even though Wukong teased you about being a nerd since you also logged any new plants or herbs you encountered.
You yawned softly and laid down on your arm as you started drawing Wukong. You liked doing that a lot and would absolutely bury yourself alive if he ever found out. Your eyes were getting heavy as you detailed his, they grew heavier and heavier till they couldn't open anymore, and the grip on your pencil loosened. 
“Pst,” the sound from the window made you jump a bit, but you chose to ignore it as your subconscious slowly took you over. This got an annoyed growl and the person jumped into the room with a soft thud. “Hey,” you heard Wukong's voice as he walked over and poked your cheek. “I know you're awake.”
“No I'm not,” you mumbled, which made him chuckle to himself. He guessed that you probably were asleep, or at least dozing off. 
“You wanna go on that date or not?” That woke you up, and you looked up at him as he folded his arms. 
“Right now?” you let out a defeated breath.
“Yes, right now. Get up and c'mon,” he walked to the window and leaned against it. 
“Ugh…” You sighed and stretched, cracking some bones before you slouched in your chair with a content sigh. 
“Don't make me throw water on you,” he threatened as he saw your eyes close. 
“I'm up,” you sighed and sat up straight. 
“Meet me on the roof when you freshen up,” he rolled his eyes.
“The roof?” you look at him like he was crazy.
“Yes, the roof,” he hopped onto the window sill with a grin, “you know what the roof is, don't you?”
“Moron,” you rolled your eyes and got off the bed and folded your arms. “Why the roof?”
“I'm waiting,” he dodged the question and left you on your lonesome. 
Did he leave earlier to prepare our date? The thought made your heart beat like a drum before you paled. Wait, did he see the drawing?! You thought to yourself in embarrassment at the mere possibility.
You shook off your bashful response and instead focused on freshening up; fixing your hair and your clothes. You walked to the window and looked at the drop. You gulped, trying not to think of what would happen if you fell. You looked up and jumped back with a startled yell. 
“Stop scaring me like that!” You whisper yelled at him. Wukong snickered to himself and held out his hand to you. You looked at his hand, but took it with a wary smile before you yelped when he pulled you out the room and you both landed on his cloud. “Show off.”
“You like it though,” He grinned at you. 
“Promise not to drop me?” you looked up at him nervously. 
“What kind of fool do you take me for?” he looked down at you as he held you close to his chest. If your own heartbeat was any indication to him, his words affected you greatly.
“Whoa…” You mumbled when you saw the things he'd prepared. 
On the roof of the Inn laid a blanket with a basket of treats, a tray of steaming buns, a bottle of what was no doubt alcohol, and two chalices you recognised at the ones you both use. 
Simple yet beautiful, the food smells reaaaally good too. He put a lot of effort into this. Your heart skipped a beat.
“Do you like it?” he asked as he carefully set you down before dropping beside you. 
“You did all this? For me?” you looked up at him. 
You have no idea what I'd do for you. He thought to himself and looked away.
“Let's eat,” he cleared his throat and sat down. You were careful as you sat down beside him and looked at the view. 
“This place really comes to life at night,” you marvelled since the town didn't seem like much when you all got there.
“The town of stars,” he offered you a bun, which you gladly took and took a bite. 
“It's so good!” you beamed, he smiled a bit as he watched you. 
“I'm glad,” he reached over and wiped a bit of the filling from the corner of your mouth before licking it off his thumb. “Hm, it is good.”
Cheeky monkey. You blushed at the action. Dirty move, that's cheating.
He smelled… clean. Not a trace of dirt or sweat, he even looked more neat now that you got a good look at him; you guessed he probably got all dolled up for you. You looked at the food to hide your embarrassment. Wukong watched you, the light of the town made you look more enchanting than ever… In his mind at least. He looked at the view and took a bite out of a stuffed bun he got. 
It is good… he thought as he looked down at the nun in his hand. Guess the merchant wasn't all talk after all, these really are worth it. 
He'd never admit to selling the fancy clothes he wore to that party to get the money to pay for the treats. He knew you'd be crossed and most definitely hit him while being a bit bashful. He got discounts too since, apparently, a lot of them saw how you looked at each other earlier and guessed he was trying to woo you… Which was true. 
“What’s your favourite childhood memory?” your voice caught his attention. 
“Don't have one,” he answered simply. 
“Really?” you looked up at him curiously. 
“I was born from a stone. No parents, no family,” 
“Must have been hard,” you placed a hand on his arm. 
“I got over it eventually,” he shrugged it off, trying to focus on the intimate atmosphere. 
“I don't believe you did,” he looked at you. Your gaze was gentle, and you had a small smile as you held his hand. “It's okay to feel lost and alone. Especially when you can cheer yourself up when you remind yourself that you're not alone anymore.”
Your words made him look away from you, but let you hold his hand. He had to admit that your warmth felt really good. He finished the bun and started to eat another as his tail swayed a bit. 
“What about you?”
“Me?” you tilted your head a bit. 
“Yeah, can't I ask questions too?” He gave a cheeky smile as he raised a brow. 
“Of course you can,” you squeezed his hand. “Well…” you trailed off, thinking back to your childhood. “I don't think I have any either… maybe stargazing with my dad before he died?” you smiled a bit. “He used to tell me all these stories and that if I ever bring a guy home, he’ll have to put him in his place,” you mused. 
“You miss him, huh?” Wukong looked at you with a soft look. 
“More than anything,” you looked up at him. “He’d like you a lot. He used to geek out all the time about your powers and how awesome flying on a cloud would be.”
“Hmph,” was his only response. 
He's embarrassed. You mused. He always gets embarrassed when people compliment him.
“What’s your favourite food?” you broke the silence. 
“Bananas,” he gave a smart ass grin, which got him elbowed. 
“C'mon, be serious,” you laughed a bit. 
“Hmmm,” he glanced away from you in thought. “I'd probably say… The peaches back home. They're the biggest and juiciest you'll ever find,” he looked at you.
“I look forward to trying them,” you smiled at him. “I like (f/f),”
“I know,” he chuckled. “You wouldn't shut up about it.”
“I'm a passionate person, leave me alone,” you huffed. 
“Uh-huh,” he huffed. 
“Do you believe in love at first sight?” you blurted out.
I can't believe I just asked him that… You mentally slapped yourself.
I do now. He thought to himself.
“What?” he raised a brow. 
“It was just a question,” you looked away in a mental panic as your face burned from a blush. “You don't have to answer if you don't want to.”
“I guess,” he mumbled and your gaze shot up to meet his gaze. You honestly didn't think he was going to answer, he just kept on surprising you the longer you spent time with him. “Where'd you get all these questions anyway?”
“Just a random list I came up with a while ago. I struggled to make friends back home, so I made a list of some stuff to ask to help me.”
“Did it work?” He raised a brow.
“Not really,” you rubbed the back of her head. “I'm still not much of a people person.”
“Were you ever?”
“Not really. Even as a kid I was pretty timid and would only talk to my dad or when he’s around.”
“How'd you meet that rat from the party?” The reminder of that guy left a bad taste in Wukong's mouth, but let's just say you weren't the only one blurting out questions without really thinking them through.
“I almost forgot about him,” you laughed nervously. “We went to school together, the other three too. Honestly, thinking back, dad didn't like him at all,” she huffed softly. “But when he asked me out then asked to be his girlfriend, I was really happy and agreed without hesitation,” you found yourself leaning against Wukong's shoulder. 
“Hm…” He looked at the crowd, offering you the last of the steamed buns.
“This one time, I wanted to visit him after his birthday since he seemed down…” you took a bite out of the bun and sighed, “that's when I saw him with Daiyu, then he told me that our entire relationship was just a dare. They had a good laugh at my expense for a long time.”
“I should've killed that bastard when I had the chance.” he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. 
“Thank you,” he looked down at her. “For being there with me… honestly, I had a panic attack when I first saw him there, but your voice helped me calm down.”
“Happy to help,” he mumbled.
I knew she was breathing really heavily, but I didn't know why.
“What are you most afraid of?” she started back her questions.
Losing you. 
“Nothing,” he shrugged. 
“C'mon, there must be something even the Great Sage is afraid of,”
“No,” he looked at the view again and leaned back on his hands. You positioned yourself and laid your head on his lap.
“This okay?” you asked sheepishly. 
“It's fine,” he looked away, unable to look at you. “Any more questions?”
“Hmmm…” you hummed softly in thought. “What do you enjoy most about travelling?”
“Freedom,” he looked at the sky. “Soaring through the sky… it feels…”
“Amazing,” you smiled up at him and he looked down at you. 
“What makes you happy?”
You do.
“Same thing,” he stated. 
“That makes sense,” you mused. “Being able to fly on the cloud… you looked like you had fun every time.”
“I'll take you flying for our next date,” he smirked at you.
“Next date, huh?” you teased. 
“What, you don't wanna do it again?”
“I really do,” you smiled at him. 
“Then I'll take you out on my cloud next time,” he waved it off. 
“I can't wait,” you smiled up at him and sat up, much to his dismay but he kept a straight face. “What’s something that not many people know about you?”
“Again with the questions,” he let out an annoyed breath.
“One last one?”
“No more questions,” he pulled your cheek, which made you whine.
“C'mon, just this last one,” you pouted up at him as you rubbed your sore cheek when he let go. Who was he kidding? He can't say no when you look this cute. 
“Hm,” he rested his cheek on top of your head. “I love you.”
That sentence made you tense, the blush causing your face to heat up like a hell fire. You'd never expected him to say it so casually, like he was used to saying it. It made your heart race so fast you thought it would jump out of your chest. 
Wukong… Well, he was in an even worse state. He'd managed to keep those comments to himself, but that one slipped out without really meaning to. He was embarrassed to say the least, but he simply remained quiet and listened to your heartbeat. He stared at the sky as you stared ahead.
“I love you too…” Your voice was soft, but in the night air, even if the town was alive, it was loud and clear. 
“It's getting late,” he cleared his throat before he glanced down at you.
“So?” you looked up at him, he smirked a bit seeing the blush on your ‘cocky' face.
“Are you gonna complain tomorrow?” he raised a brow. 
“Your stubborn embarrassed face is kinda cute,” you giggled softly, which only served to embarrass him more as he looked away. 
The sudden sound of fireworks made you jump and momentarily grip his clothes. He looked at you from the corner of his eye before he looked at the fireworks show. 
“Oh yeah, I remember. The granny said something about a firework show tonight,” you suddenly remembered the old woman's words when she gave you the cookies. “Oh! I almost forgot!”
“What?” he watched as you dug into your pocket and took out a small bag. You took out a cookie and offered it to him.“She gave me these cookies! They're really good. Wanna try one?”
“You're too trusting,” he sighed and sniffed it before he took a small bite, which made you blush as you basically just fed him.
“You should be more welcoming, it could help in future,”
“You say that after everything we've endured?” He raised a brow. 
“That's true, but is it so bad to be optimistic?”
“You can be that all you want,” he looked at the cookie and took another bite. 
“It's good, right?” you grinned at him. 
“It's alright,” he begrudgingly grumbled. 
“Lighten up,” you smiled at him, “for someone over 500 years old, you're such a downer,” you reached up and pushed up the corner of his mouth. “You should smile more, you look really handsome when you do.”
“You think so?” he looked at you. You froze for a second, realizing what you said made you look away and rest your hand on your lap. 
“W-Well, yes, of course,” you stuttered. “You're attractive for a demon.”
“Good to know,” he mumbled.
“I'm serious,” you looked up at him.
“About what?” He raised a brow. 
“About loving you,” your voice got soft.
“Me too,” he looked at you and lifted your chin before he placed a soft kiss on your lips. 
It took you by surprise, but you melted into it nonetheless. The fireworks went off once more and made it feel like a New Year's kiss. All in all, it was a pretty amazing first date. 
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 4 months
May I please request Baldwin comforting y/n after a bad dream?
♧ All Is Well - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: Hello Anon, thank you for this cute request. I really enjoyed writing this one! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven not the real historical figure. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy, Nightmares
The night air was cold when he died. The castle was silent, aside for the soft weeping of the queen of Jerusalem.
She refused to leave his bedside. He had died in her arms. Her beloved Baldwin. The agony that tore through her heart was sharp and ongoing.
She refused to speak with anyone, and whoever dared approach her was screamed at to leave. The awful disease had taken him from her at last.
Y/n knew it would happen one day, but she never believed it would happen so suddenly.
Just the day prior they had spoken of trying for a child since his condition had improved so greatly over the last few weeks. And now he was gone. She held onto him for as long as she could, desperately praying that it was not the end. That somehow, somehow, he was still alive and would return to her. She cried harder and harder.
Then it happened.
The young queen's eyes snapped open and she shot up, desperately gasping for air.
Tears stung her cheeks and she clutched her chest as she attempted to regain some sense of composure. It was still dark, but the room was illuminated by the dull glow of the moonlight.
Remembering what had happened, she turned to the side, fearing the worst. But she sighed with relief when she saw Baldwin laying beside her, sprawled out and fast asleep. Her heart rate relaxed at the sight of him, snoring quietly and completely fine.
But tears soon stung in her eyes once more at the realization that one day, perhaps soon, her nightmare would become reality and her precious husband would be gone forever.
This thought was more than she could bear. She felt a burning sensation in the back of her mouth as bile rose in her throat. She threw the heavy bed covers off her sweating body and sprinted to the bathroom. 
Baldwin rolled over in his sleep, reaching out an arm to pull his wife closer. He groaned softly and opened his eyes when he discovered her side of the bed, cold and empty.
“Y/n?” he said into the darkness. Sitting up, he looked around the room only to find she was nowhere to be seen. Groggily, he turned and stood up to go and look for her.
His first thought was that she had left to retrieve a glass of water or use the bathroom, but her side of the bed was stone cold. As if she had been gone for a long time. This realization caused him to grow slightly worried. Perhaps she was hurt?
Baldwin put on a robe to cover himself and started down the long hallway, but stopped quickly when he heard a faint sobbing coming from behind the bathroom door.
“Y/n?” he asked quietly, tapping on the door with his one good hand. Worry turned to panic when she answered with a broken “yes?”
“Are you alright my love? What is going on? Are you hurt?-” a million questions flooded his mind.
“I’m alright darling. Just return to bed, i’ll be alright” y/n replied, attempting to sound calm.
“No sweetheart, I'm staying right here. Please tell me what is going on?” 
He heard her sigh faintly before the door opened. The queen's eyes were red and puffy, tears stained her cheeks. Baldwin immediately took her in his arms, wrapping her in a firm embrace.
“Please, tell me what happened? Are you hurt?” he asked urgently, pulling away to cup her face in his hands gently. “No my darling, I am not hurt. I just had a bad dream, okay? That is all” she took his hands in hers and gave him a weak smile.
“Oh no, well what was it about?” he pressed.
Y/n thought for a moment before answering. “It was terrible” she felt tears sting her eyes again. “You were dead, I watched you die. It was more than I could bare” tears began to run down her cheeks again.
Without a word, Baldwin took her in his arms again as she cried into his chest. “I’m right here my sweet love, I am not going anywhere anytime soon. Remember? We discussed with the physicians and they say my condition is improving! Oh please wake me next time something like this happens, I can't bear have you crying by yourself like this my love, you promise?” he rambled to her quietly about how much he loved her, she could have sworn that she felt a few tears of his own fall onto her shoulder.
“Please promise you will wake me if something like this happens again?” he said, looking into her eyes. “I will, I promise” she nodded, wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. 
The two returned to bed and Baldwin did not let go of his queen the entire time, as if he wanted to remind her that he would not leave her.
Once back under the covers, the young king pulled y/n close and rested his head against her soft chest. “Are you alright?” he asked, looking up at her.
Y/n smiled at his concern. “Yes I am alright now. Thank you, my love” she replied, kissing his forehead. Baldwin returned the smile, cuddling against her chest. 
After a little while, Baldwin had fallen asleep again, leaving the queen to her thoughts once more.
He was right, the physicians had told them that he was making great improvements in his  health.
Some sensation had returned to his hands and feet, and a few of the many sores covering his body had begun to heal. Maybe this was a sign from God, that he was destined to live and have a family of his own.
Y/n smiled at her sleeping husband and closed her eyes once more. Allowing this thought comfort her, she fell back into sleep with the knowledge that her husband was safe and peacefully sleeping in her arms. All was well.
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