#it's okay tho daddy's there :}.lucifer
sniigura-archive · 2 months
imagine that somehow adam runs into judas or lucifer, and since adam is alone standing there (he is waiting for his family) they make fun of adam thinking that his relationship with reader in college didnt work "ha!, that bitch couldnt stand youre lazy ass, i knew it" and before adam could tell them to fuck off, reader appears with all of their 8 kids that go to hug him and judas or lucifer has the most WTF face ever and adam is SOO smirking while pics one of his kids in one arm and holds reader waist with the other. This encounter fills up his ego so much worse
that inspired me to write this. it’s like roughly 5/6 years post college graduation
cw/tw: pregnancy, children
Even though it was close to dinner and bed time for the children, the sun was still mercilessly beating down on Adam. He stood under the shade of a tree, his bag laid by the tree trunk.
The boys were on the playground, while you and Eden were at the restroom right now.
„No way! Adam, is that you?“ A familiar voice called out.
Adam turned around, Judas and Lucifer were really the last people he expected to see. Great.
„ 'Sup?“ He tried to sound as casual as possible.
„Adam, my old friend, what are you up to these days?“ Lucifer asked him, taking a good look at Adam. Since Lucifer and Lilith have been completely cut off, it must be hard for them to keep tap on him.
„Eh, you know. Have been here and there.“ The last thing he wanted was to share any personal details with the demons.
Judas smirked, which was a bad sign, „You here to pick up chicks? Lots of hot single moms around.“
Ah. His wedding ring was getting cleaned right now.
„You speaking from experience?“ Adam asked him back with a raised brow.
„Sure, buddy.“ The way Adam wanted to punch Judas for calling him buddy, „It sucks being single, don’t you agree?“
Why can’t they ask if he’s still banging you like normal people?
„Daddy! Do we really have to go home now?“ The 4 year old, curly headed girl asked him while running up to Adam.
Adam immediately went to bend down, picking up his first born. He gently pushed the hair out of her little face, smiling at her. Her hair was neatly put into french braids.
„Sweetheart, when your Mommy says we have to go home it’s time to go home.“ The girl pouted at Adam’s answer, resting her head against Adam’s shoulder.
She sighed heavily and mumbled out a detached Okay. The way Lucifers and Judas mouths fell open wasn’t missed by Adam.
„The children are too quick for me now. Being outrun by toddlers is really embarrassing.“ Lucifer and Judas whipped their heads back to look at you.
Your sundress hugged every curve perfectly, while your hands rested below your very pregnant belly. You’ve perfected the waddle at this point. Brushing past Judas and Lucifer, you let Adam wrap his arm around you to give your forehead a kiss.
„You remember Lucifer and Judas, right?“ Adam said to you.
You bit your lip at that, stifling your laughter, „How’s it going guys?“
„They’re here to pick up hot single moms.“ Adam told you with laughter.
You sided eyed both of the men, while they fumbled for words.
„It’s not like that!“
„Adam is just messing around…“
The silence was painful. Adam enjoyed it tho. You shifted around on your feet, while Adam went to rub a hand over your stomach.
„…How is the family life treating you both?“ Judas asked, his eyes focused on your stomach.
„It’s good. Nothing is more satisfying.“ Adam told them.
Eden started to squirm around in Adam’s arms.
„Can we gooOooo?“ She whined, rubbing her eyes.
You and Adam nervously exchanged a look. She was close to a tantrum, since it was getting late and she was tired and hungry.
„Boys! Let’s get going!“ Adam called out to the playground.
„There are more…“ Judas mumbled under his breath.
„Lili and I are also trying for a child right now! How long did it take you guys to convince?“ Lucifer tried to keep the chat going. He couldn’t come home without information for his own wife.
„We…never really tried?“ You nervously said.
The twin boys kept digging in the sand, not a care in the world.
„I fucking swear they have selective hearing.“ Adam grumbled out.
Putting your index and thumb together, you placed them under your tongue to let out a loud whistle sound. The boys whipped their heads to you immediately and started running towards you immediately. Even Eden turned around to look at you.
„Good boys! Thank you for listening! It’s time to go home now.“ You ruffled the twins heads.
„Aww. Really?“
„Mama, five more minutes?“
„No. Get going.“ You pushed them towards the way to the car.
The boys immediately started running again, pushing each other while screeching. Eden whined some more, and Adam let her down. She immediately forced her way in between her brothers, easily out running and pushing them.
„Let’s go. I’m pretty sure I have to pee again.“ You groaned, wrapping your arm around Adam’s. Pressing your cheek against Adam’s arm you looked up to him.
„Yeah, we also need to get those little terrorists into bed. It was..Sure fucking something seeing you chumps again.“
And with that you and Adam went after your children.
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lemonandlime22 · 2 years
Obey me mom mc baby’s first word is calling the the brothers daddy if you are ok with it
The Brothers reactions to Mc's kid calling them daddy
Warning(s): cussing, not edited
A/N: sorry but I dont do fem readers so mc is gn in this. Thank you for requesting!
[Side character ver]
Diavolo had called you for a last minute meeting and Luci was happy to babysit.
He was in his study doing paperwork with the kiddo playing with a little toy on his lap and babbling to themself away
he wasn't really paying too close of attention to what they were saying
it's normal for children around their age to babble and try to talk and imitate what the people around them are saying.
did that make sense? I'm trying to sound smart I don't even know if that's true honestly
But he dropped his pen
and almost the baby
when he felt them tug at his tie and start stumbling saying daddy.
He quickly gained his composure and held them closer to him and continued to work
with a very obvious smirk
that may or may not have slowly turned into a warm lil smile
Overall, rly fuckin happy, might even very subtly brag to his brothers about this. He won't tell you about this btw, he wants you to have that first word moment with them.
the bby started crying then he also started crying and panicking.
He was babysitting for you like usual,
he always insisted on being the person to do it
even if he was busy from sunrise to sunset, he would still demand to he the one to take care of them when you couldn't.
The two of them were relaxing on his bed with the baby on his chest, surrounded by all their favorite stuffed animals
all of which he got them
anyway, they started playing with his glasses and babbling like crazy
neither of which were that much out of the ordinary, they have been very talkative and grabby lately
but when they babbled he always responded and had very long entertaining conversations with them,
he does this with babies you can not change my mind
then the baby started slapping his chest and saying dada over and over again.
Like I said, he screamed, bby cried, he cried, then nap.
When you get back you find them asleep cuddling on Mammon's bed
and obv you join them.
Overall, he is going to brag to EVERYONE about this, surprise surprise. He takes that title with so much pride that Lucifer would tell him to pump the brakes.
Surprised pikachu face
even if he spent every waking hour with your baby and specifically taught them to call him daddy
he would still be very shocked.
He was showing the lil goblin some baby friendly games while you were taking a nap in the bathtub bed
they kept trying to take the controller from him
but he wouldn't allow it, it was one of his favorites and he didn't want them to get all their baby slime on it.
The baby would start to get fussy but then he would find a way to calm them down somehow
this carried on for a little while until the baby hit his chest and yell dada.
Like I said he was in shock, for a long while too, the kid managed to get the controller from him, and only snapped out of it when you shook him asking if he was okay.
Overall, he thinks he was hearing things, it will take at least 10 more times for him to finally believe it, and honestly he doesn't know how to feel about it and will prob go into an excisional crisis of sorts.
You were exhausted from studying for exams and really needed some sleep
and Satan was more than happy to offer you some help with your child and give you a chance to sleep
so now here we are
Satan sitting in a rocking chair reading a book to the baby who he is cradling in his free arm.
At first the bby was very talkative, babbling all about, and playing with anything they could get their hands on
eventually tho he got them to calm down enough to, seemingly, pay attention to the story he was reading to them
sometimes they'd grab at the book when there was an illustration on the page
to which he'd bring the book close to them so they could touch it.
Eventually the little one started to get sleepy and drifted off to sleep
with quite the grip of Satan's shirt
their quiet nonsensical babbling never stopped tho
but that was alright, he found it very amusing and adorable and was content in watching them rest
that was unit he was able to make sense of the word daddy
he was shocked but just shook it off and held them just a bit tighter.
Overall, he is so happy! will rub it in Lucifer's face he also doesn't tell, he thinks you should have the joy of hearing your child's first words, and will also try and teach them your parental title to them.
Squealed so loud I'm p sure a few windows broke.
He was hanging out in your room with you and your baby for the day
watching movies
yatta yatta you get the idea
anyway, the bby was playing on the floor surrounded by their toys on the floor while you two were doing ya thing
then they started babbling at Asmo trying to get his attention and show him a toy
he thought it was cute and pretended not to hear them
and it was all giggles with yall unit the kid threw the toy at him and yelled,
you two were stunned
to stunned to speak
but when you did get yalls shit together he picks them up and did a lil spin around squeal.
He instantly rushed to the store with them to find matching clothes and new toys.
Overall, if you couldn't tell already he's quite happy, and he will rub it in everyone's faces. He may have cried a little bit but he surprisingly didn't care all that much
He and the lil stinker were hanging out together in the kitchen
well kinda hanging out?
he was making dinner with them strapped to his chest in that baby carrying thing
I think that counts.
Anyway, like I said he was cooking,
he'd taste test it then let the baby taste test it as well
only when it was safe for them ofc
and he'd change it a bit if they didn't like it.
Eventually the food got to a point where the baby really liked it and kept grabbing his hand when he tried to take the spoon away
but he managed to gently take it away and continue cooking
the kid was not pleased by this and started throwing a little fit
and Beel was quick to start rocking them so they'd calm down
didn't work very well
all he got out of trying to calm them down was a chocked out a little,
which did nothing but shatter his heart
and he quickly went to you for help.
Overall, shocked for like the splitest of seconds then quickly went back to fulfilling the title, he does mention it to you, he wants you to know about your babies first word.
Confused and pleasantly surprised...
This man constantly demands cuddles and naps
and the fact that you have a child changes almost nothing
only adds another member to the mandatory cuddle party.
Yall were in said mandatory nap
which was much needed for you, you were fuckin exhausted
and so was Belphie, as always
but the baby...
not so much, so they woke up before either of you
but do not worry
they made it their mission to wake the sleeping demon.
They started by climbing onto his chest and slapping his chest/face
and obv it didn't work at first so they upped the antics a bit.
Belphie eventually woke up to tiny hands slapping him and a tiny voice yelling
over and over again.
He was very shocked, he picked them up and sat up to make sure he wouldn't go instantly back to sleep
for a minute he thought he might have been dreaming but when another giggly "Daddy!" came out of the mashed potato shaped being, he sighed and laid back down with them on his chest.
Overall, like I said he is presently surprised, he'll tell you when you all wake up again. also refuses to let them go for the next week.
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froggibus · 2 years
Drunk! Reader x Obey Me
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Includes: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor
Genre: fluff mostly
CW: drinking, alcohol, vomiting/nausea, bed sharing, hurt/comfort, soft! brothers, drunk! reader
here are obey me hcs that absolutely no one asked for lol...getting back to writing this week so will probably make my way through the rest of my requests. hope everyone had a great halloween/samhain! enjoy <3
you’re at a dinner party at Diavolo’s castle 
and the boys are all caught up in their own conversations
meanwhile, you and Solomon hit the snack table
and he pulls out his secret stash of human alcohol 
the two of you mix it with your drinks and go back to the table 
you keep drinking from his stash 
and next thing you know you’re so drunk that you’re all warm and dizzy and giggling at stupid stuff 
mammon gives you a weird look across the table but doesn’t say anything 
no one says anything until you get up to go to the bathroom and fall 
luckily Lucifer is magically there to catch you
daddy is not impressed 
“how did you even get drunk??”
looks everywhere for the culprit 
gives up and decides he needs to take you home 
man literally THROWS you over his shoulder 
tucks you in and is surprisingly soft 
“luc can you stay with me” “*sigh* move over”
is probably the one that got you drunk tbh
you’re at a dance and he’s bored so the two of you go to get drinks
“I bet i can out drink you” = big mistake
mammon can easily outdrink you under the table so you’re FUCKED
Lucifer comes and ruins your fun tho saying the two of you are forbidden from drinking 
which just means you’ve gotta be more lowkey 
you’re drunk way before mammon tho
you start hanging off his arm and pouting for his attention
he realizes he’s fucked if lucifer finds out
takes you to the bathroom to splash water on your face and hopes you sober up
instead you start throwing up :(
he holds your hair even if he’s kinda disgusted 
decides it’s probably a good time to take you home 
holds your hand so you don’t fall
when lucifer asks where you’re going he just shrugs 
“y/n has food poisoning”
you, mammon, asmo and beel had just gotten back from a party
all of them are super wasted so you manage to sneak out of their group before they realize 
and you’re free to wander the house of lamentation 
of course your drunk mind has only one person on your mind: Leviathan 
which is how you end up stumbling through his door during the witching hour
he’s playing games with his headphones on so he doesn’t even notice you flop into his bathtub 
only notices when he gets up to go pee
“y-y/n??? OMG are you okay???”
man thinks you’re dead at first 
you give him a weak thumbs up before getting up and practically pouncing on him
he’s super flustered by the sudden contact 
“you smell like alcohol”
doesn’t really know what to do??
tries to get you to go to your room 
but you’re a little gremlin and you don’t wanna go 
“okk if you insist i can go see mammon—“
you’re not even done your sentence before he’s catching you by the arm and dragging you back to his bathtub 
“oh no you don’t!”
insists you stay because he doesn’t want his normie brothers taking advantage of you 
cheeks are BURNING the whole time tho
Levi wants to try human alcohol like in his anime 
so you obviously oblige 
except the otaku has no concept of what a human alcohol tolerance is
and gets you way too drunk during a drinking game 
you hide out in his room until everyone is sleeping 
and try to make it to yours
of course you accidentally enter the wrong one
satan doesn’t even look up from his book 
“y/n what are you doing”
“w—wrong room” you slur 
he realizes you’re not in your right mind 
he’s quite the detective yk 
he makes you sit on his bed and examines you 
like full on reflex test 
and when you laugh at him and he smells the alcohol on your breath he feels like such an idiot 
“oh you’re drunk”
he forces you to drink water and go to sleep
but you keep getting out of bed so he has no choice but to stay with you and make sure you don’t leave the house 
just to take care of you
no other reason…
also got you drunk 
took you to one of his parties and lost track of you for no less than five minutes 
but you come back absolutely wasted 
he thinks it’s funny 
until you start flirting with everyone who crosses your path 
that’s when he decides to shut it down 
starts trying to take you home but you whine about having fun 
he has to promise you a day out together 
when you get home he’s already preparing for the hangover he knows you’re gonna have 
puts water, Tylenol etc on your nightstand 
and gets a bucket 
you start flirting with him and trying to get him to fuck you 
he is NOT having it tho
he’d rather do you when you’re in your right mind and can remember it yk
he wants to go get his beauty sleep but then he worries that you’re gonna choke on your vomit 
so obviously he has to stay with you the whole night 
he takes you to a pub because he wants to try human alcohol 
he’s heard it’s really good 
you agree to have one drink
but the man keeps ordering round after round
and you’re not gonna let him drink it all
he’d DIE
so you have no choice but to be a good friend and drink with him 
beel is absolutely not affected by it though
you get really drunk really fast
he feels REALLY bad 
but also knows he’s gonna be in big trouble if anyone finds out 
has to carry you home because you can’t even walk normally 
all the while you’re feeling up his muscles and cooing about how big and strong he is
he’s trying SO HARD to not become a blushing mess 
doesn’t really know what to do to help you but eating always helps him 
so he lets you have some of his snacks and gives you water 
eventually you fall asleep on him in his room 
and he doesn’t want to wake you up so he just accepts it 
Simeon and Solomon think it would be funny to get you drunk at a dinner party
so they start to give you drinks 
which you gladly accept 
the brothers aren’t really paying attention to you
except for mammon who doesn’t really care and asmo who thinks it’s super funny 
belphie and levi are both at home 
so when Simeon and Solomon realize you’re way too drunk they decide to take you back
mostly to avoid the wrath of Lucifer 
they leave you at the door and you find your own way into the house 
deciding you need water to sober up, you go to grab a cup and accidentally break it
Levi doesn’t hear cause headphones 
but Belphie is trying to sleep and most definitely hears
he tries to ignore it but then he hears you crying and knows he can’t 
comes to the kitchen to find you crying over the broken cup
is SUPER annoyed 
“y/n why are you crying over a fucking cup”
“i didn’t mean to break it!”
realizes you’re drunk immediately and helps you clean up
tries to go his separate way but realizes he’s the only responsible one home 
so he puts it on himself to take care of you  and brings you to his room with him
“just lay right there and don’t move ok?”
“and don’t even THINK about puking on me or my bed”
the two of you end up falling asleep pretty quickly, Belphie wrapping his arms around you 
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bvnniz · 1 month
Hiii i love love LOVEE your bunny reader x vox & val stories ! I hope your having a great morning/evening/night mylove!
Can i request a bunny reader with lucifer about how reader lost her favorite paci and lucifer helps her to find it.
miiiiiight be back in my writing era ???
lucifer heard a cry that immediately made him get up from his office and run to his bedroom where he knew his little bunny always was if you weren’t with him.
he saw you sitting on the bed and immediately knelt down beside you on the floor, he knew when you were upset you sometimes got more upset by taller presences as they could make your little bunny instincts feel intimidated
“hey princess, what’s wrong?” he gave you a soft smile as he watched some tears fall from your eyes. you didn’t reply tho simply wrapping your arms around him causing him to pull you onto his lap.
“you just need daddy time?” you shook your head laying your head on his chest after. his face softened as he kissed your head. “i need you to use your words princess or else i can’t help you.”
“paci” he nodded before moving to reach for the paci he always kept on his end table but being confused as it wasn’t there. “is that why you’re upset princess? your paci is missing?”
you nodded causing lucifer to stand up, carrying you. “let’s go find your paci then huh?” he kissed your cheek before exiting the room still carrying you.
once you got to the hallway he set you down and held onto your hand “why don’t you take me to all the rooms you had your paci in last?” you nodded before taking him basically all over the house, still without being able to find the paci.
once you guys had reached all the rooms you usually were in lucifer had to deal with his least favorite thing ever, an unhappy bunny. you had sat down on the floor of the living room with a whine that turned into a bit of a tantrum.
“hey princess, it’s gonna be alright.” he sighed before sitting next to you. “we’re gonna find your paci okay?” you shook your head, basically losing all hope at this point.
he looked around the room before he finally spotted it on the kitchen counter. he had totally forgotten he cleaned all your bottles and pacifiers the night prior as he noticed some of them had gone awhile without a wash
he immediately got up and grabbed your paci before sitting back down next to you and placing it between your lips. “silly daddy forgot he washed them for you last night.”
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I made something! You can use it to your advantage as well but I am dumb and forgot Luke my poor child.
Context! This will be basically my Mc's world where me and my sister are in devildom alongside everyone. (Updated feelings!)
Lucifer : I have heavy daddy issues so once I saw Lucifer and how he acted I was like 👀. There is a little red because sometimes I hate him so lol. Due to me having a massive crush on Dia and Beel I slowly had my feelings converted to friends since though I am a slut I am a loyal slut. So I did have romantic feelings/crush beforehand but my feelings became stronger.
Mammon: Ofc the poor boy is smitten but since it's with both me and my sister he has feelings for both. I absolutely adore him and if I didn't want dia and beel so bad he would be next in line. But I do also find him a great friend.
Levi: Lmao okay the little hate is because I cannot stand the way he talks I have stated this before but that's really it. Otherwise I think he'd be a great friend because I do enjoy anime and totally would play video games with 24/7. I do not find myself dating him and view him as only a friend. Though sadly I feel like he'd gain a crush on me with how often I'd be around him.
Satan: Don't get me wrong he is hot and all but not that much my type (doesn't like blondes). We would be great friends I feel like since we have bad anger issues to fix together. Again I feel like he would like me slowly because I love to piss off Lucifer and can relate to him.
Asmos: Now I have like zero romantic interest in him. So I would like being friends since I do enjoy makeup and skincare. Because I enjoy some angst I feel like he would gain a crush on me but I would have to push him away and let him see me actively love after someone else knowing I am not doing it on purpose.
Beel: straight up in love with him. Everything he does makes me smile and make my heart hurt. I feel like even though it's hard for him to speak of his emotions he would be heavily in love with me too. I adore family and would do anything for them along with being strong on my beliefs and opinions. I also often self sacrifice because I care for others too much. (I swear I am not trying to be a pick me I just see qualities the brothers would like about me and they would push feelings too far with them😭)
Belphie: of this little slut has a crush on me he is constantly up my ass and very protective whenever someone else touches me (not beel). I would definitely have a crush since I like protective men. Tho again my feelings for his brother would overpower that. I would absolutely love him as a friend because starting shit is so much fun and I adore sleeping.
Solomon: this fucker is someone my sister would go after so I will back off (in this au). We would be great friends and I'd probably tease him for the crush he has on my sister.
Raphael: surprise! I don't fully hate him anymore! He's grown a bit on me since I can see he does care a little but I still get irritated by him. I feel like he wouldn't care much for my existence and tolerate me when I am around but not fully hate me.
Meso: dear God his attitude in the game gets me furious. I will definitely butt heads with him and constantly argue. But I do feel like at a calming point we'd be a little bit of friends in that time.
13: my beloved wife I want to marry her. It'd be the classic wlw troupe of best friends who have secret feelings for each other that everyone can see but them.
Simeon: he's sexy to me and actually very sweet so I would have a tiny crush on him. That would soon turn to friends due to others but it would be like me and him raising luke basically. Which would lead to him liking me since he'd love me as Luke's (mom).
Dia: I am in love need to marry immediately. He is such a sweetheart that if I'd tell him slightly that I like him he would go off the rails and do anything in his power to come after me. (Id love it)
Barb: again belongs to my sister so no romance. We would enjoy tea and peace and quiet. Kinda like two older siblings finally getting a break together 🤣.
Luke: I would treat him like my little brother or son because he's so cute I wouldn't be able to resist. I'd be aiming for an older sister role but he most likely won't see me as that and more motherly.
Please do not take this as me being a pick me this is my take on how things would be like in my world/au of Obey Me and it could end in many different ways that I can write about if you'd like.
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greenhaired-gremlin · 7 months
rewatching HH pt 3
the intro is a bop tho. i literally never skip it
Charlie having an unhealthy sleep schedule is so real
"Kill everyone?' real honestly
"you got daddy issues?" his smirk I'm dead
the scripting before answering is so real
niffty in the background just chilling (literally acting like Alastor)
Pen's (i can't spell his name help) fuckin OwO face constantly
Al plotting
AL: meets literal king of hell - immediately insults him
Luci canonly being the first person to make Al say the fuck word
the roaches fucking while Charlie is showing Luci the parlor
ok you can't tell me Luci didn't realize Vaggie was an angel like halfway through and just didn't say anything
Hell's Greatest Dad is such a vibe. Luci's little spin im sjhbdhjsd
DEVIL WENT DOWN TO GEORGIA REFERENCE (its funny cause i live in Georgia hehe)
"sadly there are times a birth parent is a dud" can confirm
Husk's face when Mimzy shows up he rlly is just like "fuck this bullshit"
Alastor is very annoyed by Mimzy you can tell. in the back he's just like -v-
okay so its implied that Alastor killed most, if not all, of the overlords when he showed up, but Zestial and Carmilla are known to have BEEN THERE FOR A WHILE... so im curious if he knew he couldn't kill them or if they made an unofficial deal
okay i love Al as a character but husk and his convo scene makes me so mad
al is terrifying
husk shaking like a cat i have so many headcanons for husk rn (lmk if anyone wants them...)
vaggie speaking Spanish
HUSK JUST -_- this entire episode is so relatable
okay but the doubling voice when Al uses his power. makes brain go brrr
Charlie: defending Al
Al: literally dropping a loan shark down his throat in the back
Al being done with Mimzy is so important to me. probably gonna post a full thing on it cause it's actually a really vital thing
Husk and Angel eating popcorn. me too besties
More Than Anything hits me right in the daddy issues i literally almost cried that first time i watched it.
okay but Lilith taking Charlie away? i really think there's something between Luci and Lilith that we don't know bc like... what?
"I've missed that smile" IJHWBUYSHYBYHS
"I'm grateful you're my daughter/father" UGH RLLY CALLING MY DADDY ISSUES OUT
Vaggie at the end is just like oh fuck
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ittovera · 1 year
… loading 「 internet romance 」
「 lucifer 」 -> vox akuma
偉いね偉いねご苦労様 ( well done, thank you for your hard work ) -> lucifer。¿? shimon
characters: vox akuma
summary: falling in love with vox akuma over discord.
word count: 1.0k words
content: fluff
a/n: part of my 「 internet romance 」 collection (*´∇`*) sorry it took so long for release !!!
it wasn’t like you were nervous or anything, but it was always a little nerve-wracking to experience something new for the first time. it’d been a while since you were introduced to the wonderful world of nijisanji, and it was about goddamn time you joined a fan server to meet other fans like yourself.
a spur of fans welcomed you with the discord welcome function. you grinned to yourself, replying back with semi-enthusiastic “hello!”s as not to seem too overexcited.
server daddy: welcome to the server~ we’re elated to have you here 🫶
millayyyy: stop being cringe 😬
server daddy: you’re just jealous you have negative rizz
ennaurrrr: the only person with negative rizz is mfing reimu endou
petra’s wife: stfu fucking enna alouette you literally hate me im not even part of this conversation
ennaurrr: yet you’re here ???
petra’s wife: 🫵 you're 😩 literally 🤢 horrible
server mom: calm down honeys you’re going to scare the new member 🫠
server daddy: okay calm the fuck down, let me talk to the newbie
you: 😃
you laughed to yourself as the group kept bickering in main-chat. it seemed slightly strange, but hilarious nonetheless.
were people in the nijisanji community this wild?
as the person supposedly ‘enna’ bickered with someone called ‘reimu’, server daddy himself, albeit his server nickname, sent you a dm.
his username was actually vox akuma, so vox was probably his name.
vox: sorry about them, they’re always unhinged.
you: it’s nothing !!! they’re super funny, and it just means they really cherish each other.
vox: wow, i don’t know if you’re seeing things or just really optimistic
you: it’s how i roll ✌️ no way you’re one of those gloomy types tho ???
vox: there’s a difference between gloomy and sexy/angsty.
you: is that what you’re going for 😃
vox: :)
you: okay, sexy/angsty, teach me how to have w rizz, if you have it (supposedly)
vox: are you doubting my rizz right now?
you: 🤡 maybe
vox: alright, i’ll give a rizz demonstration. hop on vc with me right now.
albeit a little skeptical at what was about to happen, the adrenaline and excitement from your hilarious conversation with vox fueled your urge to accept his call.
the first thing you heard when you got on the call was the smoothest voice you’d heard in your lifetime.
“well, hello there, darling.”
you were definitely, totally, only slightly taken aback. blushing from your head to your toes, at least that’s how it felt, you muttered a small “hello”, to which you received a hearty laugh as a response.
“told you my rizz was phenomenal.”
“your rizz is literally lowering by the second i don’t even know what you’re talking about.” you laughed, the self-confidence in his statement throwing you off.
“sure darling, sure. and where’s your rizz?”
“me?” you questioned, and he “mhm”ed for you to continue.
“well, babe,” you dropped your voice by an octave, attempting to sound swag, before bursting into a fit of giggles after vox snorted when hearing your voice.
“you are hilarious, i mean it. and adorable, at that.” he said, and the words came out of his mouth with such warmth you could imagine the smile on his face.
as the conversation continued throughout the night, you found out that somehow, you and vox had a lot of the same interests, talking for hours on end, and it happened the next day, and the next, and the next.
vox could feel himself sinking into what seemed like honey, sweet and sucking him in, keeping his heart fluttering in his chest incessantly. he knew it was stupid, to fall in so deeply with someone he’d just met, on discord, too. but it was the way you two clicked, the same conversations on the tips of your tongues and the sound of your laugh.
he was utterly enamoured with you. he groaned as he leaned back in his chair, always confused as to what to label your relationship. he’d done his best to try to push your relationship forward, but he was still unclear on what you thought due to the flirty nature of your relationship. were you serious? were you not? it flustered him.
he couldn’t take it anymore. you’d usually be on call with him already at this time, but something was probably holding you up. he pulled out his phone to send you a message.
vox: darling, are you home yet?
you: you make us sound like we’re married 😭
vox: do you not want to be married to me? 👁️
you: that’s not what i mean !!!
vox: then what do you mean
you: i’m getting home soon, i’ll call you to talk about it 🫶
the last heart at the end of ur message sent his mind into a flurry. what did you even mean by that? you were truly adorable, and there was nothing he could do to suppress the feelings that bubbled up in his chest.
about half an hour later, your call arrived, and he promptly accepted.
“hello. the trip home was nice?”
“yeah! but… i wanted to just talk about us.” you said.
your unsure tone frightened him just a little bit. and with his heart beating wildly out of his chest, he gathered the courage to open his mouth and speak.
“you know, y/n, really, i—”
“i like you.”
and with that, vox stood still for a moment, processing your words in his head. you just said that you liked him. his heart pounded even more erratically, but somehow he regained his calm.
“gosh, darling, you beat me to the punch. i wanted to say that first.” vox mused.
your flustered laugh resonating from the other end of the call only made him fall for you more.
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mascdom · 24 days
get to know me :) ⚢
🂱 you can call me claudia or clauds
🂱 i’m 19, she/her (or he idk im still figuring it out)
🂱 butch/masc lesbian
🂱 i’m british and 5’8
🂱 i like fem and masc compliments
🂱 i’m a switch (heavily dom leaning)
🂱 i like both fems and mascs/butches
🂱 i do smoke (cigs, vapes, weed) so you may find me talking about that on here, if it makes you uncomfortable my page ain’t for you
🂱 my asks and dms are always open, however don’t try to roleplay/sext with me. you are always welcome to message me if you wanna be friends tho 🫶🏼
🂱 everyone is welcome here but men, minors, zionests, terfs and homophobes politely fuck off my page i will block you
⚠︎︎ what i’m into
(g= giving, r= receiving)
✃ breeding(g), praise(g+r), degradation(g+r), petnames(g+r), edging(g), overstimulation(g), daddy kink(r), bondage(g+light r), breath play(g+r), choking(g+r), public sex(g), ice play(g), strap (g+r), knifeplay(g), scissoring
i can’t think of anymore but that’s about it
what i’m not into
ageplay, petplay, raceplay, somno, anything to do with feet, piss or scat
some of my interests/hobbies ✧
❏ love love love reading, there’s not a single day you won’t find me without a book in my hands, drawing or anything artsy, travelling/roadtrips, sunsets, motorbikes and cars, photography, piercings and tattoos, lego, charity shops
❏ tlou, arcane, lucifer, shameless(us version), tua, narcos, killing eve, one day, the 100, criminal minds, dickinson, station 19
♫ frank ocean, sleep token, i prevail, catch your breath, chappell roan, kehlani, billie eilish, pierce the veil, black veil brides, the smiths, mötley crüe, hozier, avenged sevenfold, abba, mother mother, the weekend, ethel cain, motionless in white, bad omens
okay that’s enough of me yapping i hope you enjoyed getting to know me, if you have any questions feel free to ask i’ll answer them as soon as possible
hope you’re all having a great day ily🫶🏼
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viriborne · 1 year
Hey I saw you do a character ask thing, and I was wondering if you would do lucifer
Okay, just to start off with, quick warning to Lucifer fans...I am VERY UNFORGIVING when it comes to my opinion and interpretation of him. He's too real of a character to me for me to like him. I appreciate his complexity... but I hate him lol.
If you've ever been in a family with generational trauma, you likely know someone like Lucifer. Someone who, while recognizing the abuse they've endured, still perpetuates it over and over again. Someone who controls his brothers just like how his Father did. And this is why he's mom-codedBEFORE PEOPLE GET ON ME FOR THIS, just listen. While we can't determine what Father's motivation is for keeping angels on short leashes, I feel as if we can infer that it's meant to "keep them in line," by force, if needed. We can see this mirrored in Lucifer's treatment of his brothers. Yes, the brothers are Very unruly but, as we can see with Mc's influence, they react MUCH better to when treated with kindness than humiliation and corporal punishment, something that mirrors real life. While Lucifer isn't as Bad as Father is when doling out punishments, it still yields the same effects of the brothers being terrified of the one in charge, something they reiterate over and over again. And Lucifer acknowledges this! He KNOWS his brothers are terrified of him but feels that it's "for the greater good" as he's scared of being thrown out of their home once again.
Okay, now let's get into Lucifer's treatment of Mc (is about to be nailed to a cross by Luci fans)
Sorry, I gotta mention Lucifer beating Mc until they passed out as "punishment" during the early lessons for the heinous crime of...protecting Beel and Luke. Like uhh wtf was that lol?? How am I supposed to like him after this? Even Belphegor had a better motive literally Killing us than he did for beating Mc unconcious lol. Not to mention the god forsaken pact scene where, despite attempting to be forced into a pact by Solomon multiple times, forces Mc into a pact (and a fade-to-black sex scene) and undermines their consent. Yippee!!! Overall, he's really just written to be the stereotypical Christian Grey archetype when it comes to Mc. I'd say he's like Beast from Beauty and the Beast but at least the beast grew as a person instead of being a man baby who can't express his emotions for the rest of his life. Instead, I feel as if he's the husband from The Taming of the Shrew. Okay that might be a bit harsh, even for him, but it still feels like an accurate comparison in some aspects lol.
Onto fandom interpretations: I've already gone at length as to why "daddy dom" Lucifer is inaccurate and makes me wanna deglove my entire body so I won't go into it. There is an issue where I feel like he's reduced only to a sexual object by many fans and that's Weird and Not Good and often aids in how he's so bastardized in writing and interpretation of his actions. It really feels like his bad parts Really get glossed over or completely excused even by fans who Recognize his flaws and I really feel like that's a damn shame. He's a shitty bastard with tons of baggage and u gotta accept that or else you're liking a completely different character.
Anyways take this meme I quickly made while writing this.
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dontfuckingbother · 6 months
Overexplaining my hazbin kins etc
Angel dust - his character growth heals my soul. Best thing that happened to me since i found 10 bucks on a street when i was ten.
Sir Pentious - i would die for him, i would kill for him. Either way, what a bliss. I love him i love him i love him i-
Cherry bomb - she’s an icon, she’s a legend and she is the moment. -1 for wanting angeldust to loose his streak, +1 for respecting his choices.
Husk - half of the time i was sure his name was Hastur (for obvious reasons). He was kind of annoying but turned into one of the brightest green flags in Angel’s life. His voice made me shiver in embarassing ways.
Lucifer - apart from giving Charlie daddy issues, he was perfect. I would buy rubberducks from him.
Nifty - made adam shut up for good, was cute and chaotic evil. I love her.
Alastor - just expected more from him. Tbh, its almost a love. 50/50. I have set a high bar for him after pilot and i do not intend to lower it down.
Vaggi - i call her veggi all the time. She had some plot twists, but overall she was fine. Her singing voice was not good, expected more from stephanie beatriz after encanto and all of that.
Valentino - he is abusive and i have daddy issues so don’t judge me to hard. Fuck him tho.
Ahh a category for those who did not enough to hate them and not enough to like them. Or made everything to love them and hate them simultaneously.
Adam - jackass, dumbass, mean bitch. I love him.
Carmilla - i don’t like her design, her singing voice was fine. Kinda annoying. I like that she was defending her daughters so much. OUT FOR LOUOUOUOOVE
Charlie - i wish she had bigger character growth. She was kinda annoying and kinda likable. She was fine. I think i like her. 50/50.
Emily - basically charlie 2.0. A little lazy design and writing. I like that she joined charlie on the iconic IF HELL IS FOREVER THEN HEAVEN MUST BE A LIE (would love to see her actually fall - in the best way possible) but as an angel it doesnt really make much sense for her to doubt institution heaven as much as charlie does. She is not a kid anymore, and she still kinda acts like one.
Tv girl - idk what to sat, shes got the spirit, but i dont know what for.
Lute - same as adam.
Mimzy - she was likable and selfish. Shes okay.
*drumroll* Dislike:
Vox - a pretty big disappointment. Expected more from him. He was okay, kinda bringing Vees together, but also he didn’t really add more to them. Disappointing:(
Zestial - disappointed, again. It seemed that everybody fears him, but the writers didn’t really give us as a viewer a reason why to. He was just sort of there, to move the plot ahead and let other characters do the talking and have impact on the story. Had really high hopes for him:(
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multiimistakes · 1 month
okay im gonna be insANE and just do this @platiinums
Kerian - gonna be good for any muses that are either chill and tragic (Kell for example) or muses that are usually antagonistic and scare anyone else off. He's got that nice mellow and chill but firm vibe but also has the muscle for anyone that tries to step on him for being a lil' nice dude. i dont think i have him with any AUs yet outside his supernatural hunter main plot. Lauden might be a good fit. I could see Bas being some sort of professional connection. Obviously Kennedy since they're both friendly monster hunters it seems. Uhh Buffy too maybe. I see them more as a good sturdy but comical buddy duo.
Liluthe - good for any girliepops, frankly. she's mean and has a temper but isn't impossible to thread with. prob' also good for any supernatural or supernatural adjacent since i dont see her as very AU-able.
Emerick - if you have any DBD aus or characters gimme
Gavin - I got zilch for him aside from messy drama plots involving Gavin running into Kell before he met Bubbles and obviously Kellam finding out Gavin is Bubbles' mainly fucking antagonist kjfnbdfg
Peter - I see chill things with tb!Kell. Any sort of muse that isn't gonna super push him out of his comfort zone. general werewolf stuff would be fun. he's a good muse to just be chill and platonic with otherwise. i can see him a tobin having a mini fucking book club. peter doesn't really TV or anything so he reads a lot. i can see him venturing out to be a regular.
Kaden - idk much but my brain immediately sees him and Owen. Kaden is a spoiled brat with lots of daddy issues so fdkjbgdg he's a harder muse to interact with because he's so insufferable. he's like Clark's foil so maybe anyone that wouldn't get along well with Clark??? jhfdbgfg
Meya - Kinda same with Liluthe. She's pretty solitary and hard to get along with but def' more lenient with girliepops. I like the thought of her and Salem interacting if only cuz sister vibes dfhgdfg. anyone that's shacked up with clark gets an automatic shot at family/platonic stuff. even if it's the....awkward stepfamily vibes with her kbdkjg. Anyone higher class or up in the business world would be a good fit. anyone super high intellect.
Lance - vampire rich boy so any anything that vibes with that is automatically on the table. in terms of shipping, their poly potential is super specific. him and destrian are sort of that immortal couple that is just off and vibing with their own plots most of the time. so the third or fourth or whatever would have to also be sort of chill like that kdfgbdg. if that makes sense. anything sexual or romantic on lance's side would need to be masc but des swings whatever way so it could totally be a femme in a lil. ykno queer platonic but also more than platonic poly situation.
at a first glance for interactions in general, immed go to Eric. any other vampires could be good fits for antagonistic or friendly dynamics. again, anyone higher-class and up there in status could be coming across him.
Destrian - See above. I like to describe Des as a dryer, more sarcastic version of Clark so anyone that might fit that fdkjgnbdg. lotta trauma tho. also the curse thing so like. their poly ship or even anyone platonic would need to like...be able to stomach him just being dead pretty often.
Lucifer - Eric so far kdfjgbdfg. Anyone that's a girlboss type character or ig any character up there that needs to be gently humbled oop. She's super put together and big time healed from their own trauma so any muse that might need that sort of rock, ig.
Michael - The opposite. she's messy and angry and like actively trying to work through her shit. any artists or writers or related to books would be good for her. anyone that can stomach her personality. she's essentially the second favorite child going through burnout so i can see characters that might be the foil to her sort of messy and chaotic state working.
Olethe - Kenny seems like a good fit either way. otherwise she's def' a girl's girl. i can see her and salem matching well. Speaking of your lovers on the run, Dallas or Mayhew might be fun with either of the cursed siblings. Bas maybe
Mi-cha - sapphic older hitman/assassin? cmon my brain immed goes to Beatrix or any of the KB babes. or even Kell might be a good muse to thread with.
Kyle - Brain says Lauden because both old dumb men. otherwise Kyle is this older hunter with a reputation from when he was young. he's 'retired' but is always itching to get back in. Would be fun to have him matched with a character that can immediately see past that cute dorky single guy energy and see him for the trained killer he actually is fdkjgbdfg
Cassius - I dont have him on here yet but he was a Payday oc i made general crime. If you've got any grungy rat people, he's your dude. So any tattoo artists or criminals or Dacre with the street racing and forging, Jessen might work. He's totally primed for any sort of supernatural au so that's an option too. (the obvious route is to make him a werewolf but iDK lmaoooo)
Cache - She's a bit harder since she really doesn't do in person communication. she's essentially this information hub and hotline for hunters. honestly i love her to death but she makes for a better BG character or npc than anything kdjfgbg. but im always open to ideas with her. but obviously she's gonna be good for any monster hunter or even just supernatural creature in general. she is very anti-vampire though so there's that.
Elliot - Anyone crime, tbh. Again, he's more of a good connection and character to mention in the background. i haven't really put my thought into him so far kfdnbggf.
And then I just have faces I wanna do stuff with but no real concrete places for them yet. dkjfgbdg
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also kinda wanna reboot an old ass and chaotic oc who i made a joke to be the complete opposite of Clark and he gained sentience lmao. He started purely crime as this comical henchman character but i developed him into supernatural by making him such a lucky and chaotic motherfucker he pulled a Devil Went Down to Georgia and walked away being unable to die. just like idk if you smushed loki and dionysus and every fun loving chaos entity together and made him a douchebag looking dude except he's actually super chill but like in a i think we should beat sex offenders to death with bricks type chill jdfbgdfg. no fc ive settled on but honestly i just picture that tall cringe white boy wearing crazy shit vibes yung gravy brings to the table.
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thebindingofpillo · 2 years
Demons and fallen angels
CW: There will bre mentions of cannibalism. Demons be evil. They be eating people. You’ve been warned.
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While the terms demon and fallen angel (or just fallen) might be used interchangeably, they mean two very different things.
Fallen angels = something that was an angel before, and now it’s not. At full power they can smoke even the most powerful demons, and are generally more respected and with a higher rank in the hierarchy. The always have wings and can fly. (Note: Belial, despite being a fallen angel, doesn’t have any wings or horns. But he’s special, and we will talk about him too)
Demons = something that was never an angel. They’re a bit weaker that fallen angels, even if the oldest and more experienced ones can become quite powerful. They never have wings, and animal feature (tail, claws etc.) are also optional. Unlike angels, they can be born and not just created.
Ascended demon = a demon turned into an angel. We’ll get to that.
And now the Heavy Lore Trademark
What happens when an angel falls Okay so. Angels are vessels for the Word of God, beings made of pure divine energy. They’re immortal and don’t need to eat to survive. Once an angel falls, their connection to God is severed. This means they don’t have a purpose and that they’re not sustained by divine energy anymore. Unlike angels, fallens can bleed, and get injured by human means. They also need to take care of their now physical body! Azazel needs to eat to survive! Sure, he might go longer than a human without water or food, but he can still starve and that’s not pretty. AND, unlike angels, a fallen might choose to create, and find a new purpose in their life. It’s usually for evil tho. Sorry.
How a demon is born When a fallen daddy and a fallen mommy love eachother very much, the result is a demon.This unions are rarely out of love, and more just for convenience, or to grow the numbers of Satan’s army. Unions between humans and fallen angels also produce demons. There are, however, different ways to get a demon: the more a human sins in life (and doesn’t repent) the more this will weigh on their soul. Once a corrupt soul gets to hell, their sins coagulate into some sort of goop that gets scraped off and molded into a demon. This type of demon is incredibly low in rank (but can grow to become powerful). Humans can also turn into demons as a result of a deal with the Devil, or if they were very very terrible people. Humans-turned-demons are also very low in the hierarchy, and advancing in ranks for them is incredibly difficult. While a human-turned-demon can also ascend, they do not become an angel, and just get blasted into heaven.
Speaking of ranks: the demon hierarchy Unlike Heaven, where angels are divided into neat little categories, Hell is a hot mess (pun intended). While a Cherub understands that a Seraph is of a higher rank, and would respect them for it, demons are always at eachother’s throat, trying to one up eachother and advance in rank. A Duke might respect a King to their faces, but you can be sure they’re definitely planning something behind their back. Demons and fallens killing eachother is incredibly common too, and Hell is usually plagued by civil wars between this and that demon.True crabs in a bucket mentality. The only one who gets a modicum of respect is Satan/Lucifer, who’s extra careful in running the show and ruling over Hell with an iron fist.
Demon magic: how? Angel magic = supplied by God, and therefore incredibly powerful and without limit. All angels can tap into this limitless reservoir of self-sustaining godly energy to fuel their heavenly fire. Sure, no angel is as powerful as god (except maybe Apollyon but shhhh) but it’s still leagues ahead of a demon.
Fallen angel magic = once an angel falls, their connection to God (and His magic) is severed. HOWEVER, since they once were angels, the touch of divinity is still present in them, and can power an incredibly weak version of their magic. The heavenly fire turn into brimstone but without fuel, it can’t hold a candle to an angel’s powers. This is where humans (and their souls) come in. Human souls (created directly by God!) are an incredible source of energy, and they’re harvested once a contract or a deal is fulfilled. The fallen consumes the human soul, which can power their magic for a really long time. Human bodies are also harvested sometimes, and... eaten. To regain energy. This is also the reason for blood sacrifices and offerings during a summoning ritual! The demon/fallen angel needs a lot of energy to reach the human plane, so they take those offerings to sustain themselves. This is also why Azazel’s brimstone is so weak compared to others: he’s never made a deal with a human and refuses to consume any human soul.
Demon magic = kinda works like fallen angel magic (with human souls as fuel etc.) BUT unlike angel magic, it has a limit. Once the power of a human soul has run out, a demon is left basically defensless. They can fuel their magic with their own flesh and blood, but this takes an immense toll on the demon’s health, and is usually a last resort in truly dire situations. Note: even the weakest demon is leagues more powerful than the strongest human. You need an angel to fight a demon!
A little tangent about demon possession Both fallen angels and demons can possess human bodies BUT in different ways. Demons physically get inside the human body. This requires energy that can be supplied by the human soul. Once the soul is fully consumed and its power runs out, the human dies. Fallens can pilot a human body from afar, like a puppetteer. Their real body stays in Hell, safe from the dangers of the human world, and they maintain consciousness over both bodies. Very powerful fallens (Semjaza, Satan) can also possess multiple people at once.
Ascended demons Once they repent and seek guidance, a demon can ascend and become an angel. Their brimstone gets burned and replaced with heavenly fire, and the connection to God now sustains them, so they don’t need to eat or consume human souls. They also get a nice flaming halo and a pair of wings that enables them to fly. An ascended demon is, for all intents and purposes, an angel. Once they ascend they usually get a new name, and they might get an angel assigned to them as a sort of mentor, so they can acclimate to Heaven better.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Demons and fallen angels are not the same as monsters. We’ll also get to that. Lilith is a monster, not a demon. We will talk at length about her too.
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radarchives · 3 years
HEAR ME OUT do you think the brothers (or dateables too) have ever ridden a bike?
I imagine these thiusands of years old demons falling off a bicycle and burning it and/or destroying it out of spite JDJFJFKD
OKAY now you've got me hooked. 
lucifer: yes.  he's been on several bike tours with diavolo and barbatos. it’s a thing they do at least once every month.
mammon: has definitely misused a bicycle as his getaway vehicle bc Lucifer confiscated his demonio. will do cool bike tricks to impress mc. like jumping on one wheel and riding no-handed.
levi: no. can't drive a car, can't ride a bycicle. can rollerskate tho bc of some anime he watched.
satan: knows in theory but also hasn’t tried it out just yet. most likely to rage quit when his first attempt fails.
asmo: can ride a bike. but only because it's one of the workouts he actively enjoys. might act as if he doesn't know how to so you can teach him though. it’s not as sexy as he thinks.
beelzebub: yes. dude's a gym bunny. he definitely knows how to ride a bike.
belphegor: knows how to bc of beel. chooses not to.
barbatos: yes. extremely good at it. has participated in several competitions bc diavolo asked him to.
diavolo: yes, but he only learned how to as an adult. barbatos taught him (bc i just know big daddy devildom couldn’t be assed to teach his son a thing)
simeon: yes. sometimes you can see him biking through the city with luke sitting on his bicycle rack.
luke: no, but wants to learn. 
solomon: why ride a bicycle if you could just use magic instead? so i’ll boldly say he can’t ride a bicycle because he never needed to. also because i can’t imagine him on a bike.
mephisto: absolutely can’t. diavolo invited him to a bike tour back in the day when they were still friends and this mf showed up on a horse. will also rant about how horses are marginally better than bikes if given the chance.
thirteen: she is sexy she is unhinged and she cannot ride a bike either. never tried, never felt the need to try. 
raphael: simeon offered to teach him, he refused to learn how to. so yeah he also can’t ride a bicycle.
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immasock · 3 years
Welcome to even more incorrect Obey me quotes because I don’t know when to stop
Asmo: *is hugging MC*
Levi: Hey! It’s my turn to hug MC!
Mammon, kicking down the door: What do you mean “yOuR tUrN”?? We agreed it’s my time slot now!!
Asmo: No it’s still my turn!!
MC suffocating: Guys I love you, but just cause I’m a human doesn’t mean you can be hugging me constantly
Mammon: But we need the moral support!
Asmo: And you’re small! Which is cute!
Levi: If I don’t hug you right now I think my depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning
MC close to tears: Well- okay I guess
MC with daddy issues: Grammar tip! Farther is for physical distance, further is for metaphorical distance and father is for emotional distance
Asmo: Bye MC! Bye Beel! Bye MC!
Satan: You said bye to MC twice
Asmo: I like MC~
MC watching hack videos on their D.D.D: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal
Satan: imagine what it’s doing for your body
Mammon: pfft. Getting rid of rust. Idiots
MC: that’s not how that works
Mammon: I’ve been drinking soda and my body’s rust free
Mammon: not sure where you’re getting your facts from
*MC falls over*
Beel: MC are you alright?
MC: God? Is that you?
Beel: What?
MC: It’s just that you sound a lot more like Beel then I thought
Satan: There’s nothing worse than people using big words they don’t understand
MC: I Photosynthese with this
Solomon: Why don’t humans have a specific sound that means “there are bees here, let’s leave immediately”
MC: We do. It sounds like this
MC: There are bees here. Let’s leave immediately
MC: Hey Dia! Are you free to go out Saturday? Like around 8?
Dia: I believe so
MC: Cool. Lucifer, are you free?
Lucifer: Yes?
MC: Cool, Im not. Enjoy your date tho!
Dia: Did the human just-
Mammon: I’m not superstitious!
Mammon: I’m just a little stitious
MC: is Levi always like this when he looses?
Lucifer: Oh yes
Asmo: you should have seen the great Jenga tantrum of 2015
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justchillaine · 2 years
From @lilacknights::
Your ask got me curious too 👀 where are you in the game, bunso? Level, Lesson, etc.? (I'm calling u bunso cause I didn't know what else to call sksksks)
And top three favorite Characters? 🤔
Kinikilig ako hshshs salamat po Raven. Call me Laine po yieee🥰🥰
I played the game for quite some time now. I started last December of 2021. Kinda a year late since the game's release. But anyway,
Level: 139
Current Lesson: 68 (haven't started yet tho)
My Top Three Favorite Characters: (yeeesss)
Lucifer (Main Love Interest)
Don't get me started with this man. At first, I think he was just okay, yk? Typical character that fandom's call "daddy" or whatnot. That kinda turn me off at first and made me want to avoid him. But eventually, after progressing in the game and collecting a lot of memory cards of him(because I was curious on how the devs manage to write "Lucifer" and yes memory cards cause I want stories without the MC) I uhh slowly fell. Ansabe? He has a lot of similarities with me that made the foreground of my love for him. And OC speaking, he gets her and she gets him. Having each other's company after a good amount of slowburn, kinda paved their relationship with one another. I like a character who is a family man and has a deep, complicated past that you want to unravel. I just really feel for him. Being the firstborn is really, it's just plain on tough. I have my fair share of experiences cause I am actually the firstborn in my family. I relate to him in that sense and I feel like despite his pride and cold nature, he'll be sweet enough to listen to you no matter what topic that is. Basically he's my emotional support puppy dog and my OC and him will be sharing headaches. And I feel like having a relationship with him is not a burden but a chance. You have the chance to get the Avatar of Pride a lot more as him to you. Both of you will experience the struggle the other has. And you have the chance to grow as well because you are learning from him. Idk I'm getting a little too exaggerated. This is in my OC's relationship to him tho.
(The amount of angst potential this man has in fics also helped me in deciding that this, this man right here. He's mine know)
Satan (Favorite Brother, Second Love Interest)
Ah yes, that mysterious blonde at the first part of the game. I was hooked on his backstory tbh. The complexity and angst made me curious. Sadly, the game didn't exactly elaborated the idea of his creation. There are several posts pertaining to other stories which was only posted on their socials. Still, having that story in the game would make the game itself more interesting about not just Satan's story but the nature of Devildom and Celestial Realm. Honestly, it is very dissapointing that we have little canon content about the main setting of the game as it only focuses on the character's present storyline. I'm getting out of topic hshs. Satan, another character I relate to because of my anger issues, there you go. Char lol. Uhm aside from his story, honestly, his personality itself can make you fall in love with him. I personally HC that he's the most romantic out of all the charas because he constantly read books so yeh. Why is he not my main? There are certain aspects of him that turned me off. And no matter how the game progresses, it doesn't change. So far, in my current lesson, there is little screen time of him. I heard that at the lesson 70 or something that they gave him more moments with MC. I'm looking forward to that. The main issue I have with Satan is just character development. However, he is not the only one. OC speaking, why would their relationship not work? Because of his resentment on Lucifer and my OC's similarities with Luci that can make him jealous and stuff. (I got this idea from a fic lolol)
Mammon (My First Demon, Rebound, Third Love Interest)
Mammon just like in the game, he is my first. He gives off that comfort character vibes that I even made a playlist for. I was soo in love with him at the beginning of the game. I always intend my choices towards him. So why is he in this place? As the other characters are progressing with the storyline, Mammon was the same. It annoyed me tbh. I know a lot of people in the fandom are Mammon stans. I'm okay with that. He is still one of my faves but not as intense as my liking for Lucifer and Satan. I just want to see Mammon more that just his sin. Same goes with other characters. But since Mammon is our first demon, there's this connection that we want to see him grow more. Remove those witches, casinos, and debts. I want him to be more as a brother, lover, and a father figure to that human child. However, ngl, he is the character I grown attached to so I can't really remove him from my top 3 despite liking Solomon as a character more. Maybe because of the amount of fics the fandom has made. Yk the angsty ones where he has breakdowns kinda thing most preferably without the MC cause I want the brothers to deal with their brother. OC speaking, Mammon and her would definitely get along. Although, the differences are great but that would make their relationship more interesting. I can't think anything bad for Mam's 'cause he is def a boyfriend material.
So that's that. I intend to make "routes" in my head for my OC when playing 'cause dating them at once makes me uncomfortable. I'm not against polyamory, it is just my way.
I answered this late lol hshsh
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Gen Z Humor | Lucifer + Mammon + Satan
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Request: Hey! Heard you started writing Obey Me requests. If you wouldn’t mind I’d like to ask for something. Could I get head-cannons of Lucifer, Mammon, and Satan reacting to an MC who like... I’m trying to find the best way to say this... Has complete Gen Z humor. Like they’d see a snail falling off the leaf and they’d be like “god i wish that were me.” or they just regularly quote vines and tiktok sounds or dances. If not that’s okay ❤️ Thanks for reading.
Word Count: 744 words
Page Count: 2.1 pages
A.N. Hope you enjoy this!
- Fucking B O O M E R.
- He really is lost sometimes, he's so used to speaking so formally and having to "reminisce" about the old days (from when he was getting used to being a demon and such), even if he'd rather not talk about this is the nobles and such.
- So walking down the street with him on the way to the palace, and seeing someone walk into the glass door, had him chuckle before hearing your small comment.
- "Oh, mood tho."
- I feel like the more you hang out with him, and the more he hears these things, he'll start to understand them.
- In about a week or two he picks up on things like, "mood", "head empty" and shit like that.
- I can see him downloading some human apps, on the phone from the he uses when in the human realm, and sitting in bed for HOURS watching tik toks and youtube video compilations.
- He is a man on a mission.
- To not be a fucking boomer.
- But, now that he understands a bit more, you make his demons heart drop.
- Why is watching someone fall off the RAD roof a mood???
- These are demons, they'll be fine, you're human! You'll die.
- I can see him having a serious conversation with you in his office where you need to explain these are jokes, and that you don't want to die, despite everything.
- He now, every time he sits down, lets out a small 'oof'
- He realizes this with a look of horror when Diavolo just gives him a l o o k.
- Sky Daddy help him.
- Also uses this humor at times.
- Wasn't too into human social media before you came, he only interacted with humans when witches came for his fine ass, and it happens plenty.
- But when you came and you two became close, you pull out your old phone and show him some videos, vines, tik toks.
- Saves so he can buy a human phone and download EVERYTHING YOU HAD.
- Was smart enough to give himself a 'human' name.
- MarkusMoney.mamm has now followed you on EVERYTHING.
- He wants to have this be a thing between you two, so he makes sure he's always up to date with us zoomers.
- "Mammon, honey, you're a fucking boomer times a thousand."
- "Shut up, zoomer, what are you gonna do? Give me your student loans?"
- You both leave all the brothers confused.
- Save for Levi and Belphie, who can kinda keep up, or just laugh along.
- Mammon: "[ Y/n ], did you know birthdays are fatal in large doses?"
- [ Y/n ]:  "Oh bitch, I want some more then."
- Lucifer: "For the love of father, please, just shut the fuck up."
- Mammon and [ Y/n ]: Y E E T
- Lucifer: That doesn't even make sense!
- Levi: It doesn't need to. That's the beauty of it.
- Lucifer: Oh, smite me.
- All Three: Mood.
- He's the embodiment of the question, "What is the root of boomer?"
- It's him.
- He's the root.
- He's definitely the least confused, and understands it from up listening to the context of the situation.
- You always manage to get a good chuckle out of him.
- He lives for the morbid humor.
- You guys watch the video of kermit jumping off the roof, and hearing your "I wish that was me."
- You thought you straight iced the mf for a second.
- He just hunched over for a while before you looked and saw him laughing so hard he wasn't making any sounds.
- Wouldn't use your zoomer slang unless its something small.
- "Mood" is his favorite.
- He'll watch Beel drop his food because he was rushing around too quickly, see his dejected face, and just in the most dead and seasoned voice.
- Satan: Fucking mood.
- [ Y/n ]: Satan, no.
- Beel: Satan, why?
- One thing he hates tho.
- Why all his little dark heart.
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