#it's the ~romeo and juliet~ aesthetic of it all........
villa-kulla · 2 years
What do you think Howard would have done if Lalo had died in the laundromat, like what happened in the show?
He was going out on his sabbatical and all, but he would never get that call from Lalo and probably would be able to find out that Gus was still alive and thriving in ABQ. Would he just be sad, and keep his distance from the city?
How dare you make me think about the death of characters in my otp, who are in fact, only an otp by virtue of their both being dead lmao.
Omg. Dear god. WELL. The plan (had Lalo not been shot and had his ‘come to Jesus’ moment and crawled away to die with Howard cue “you’re my guy”/”matches your shoes” love confessions + driving off into the sunrise together) was for Lalo to just go straight back to Mexico , enemy out of the way, cartel prince again, maybe missing Howard more than he thought, but able to compartmentalize and move on. And Howard was going to stay out of town for an indeterminate period of time to take the heat off, and honestly I don’t think he made it much farther than that in his head. All he knew was that he needed to get out: out of his job, his marriage, and his town. He would have holed up in some hotel a couple states over and called in regularly to check his messages both at home and at work, because Lalo said he’d check in just to let him know he was okay. Then he could make his decisions, figure out what to do with this fresh start, and move on. That was the PLAN.
But imagine Lalo dies and Howard keeps calling. And keeps calling. But there are no messages, no letters, not even a quick note. Howard wonders if Lalo just went clean break on him and feels temporarily huffy to not get so much as a “goodbye”. But even though Lalo was a lot of things, he was always honest with Howard, and if he said he’d reach out, he’d reach out. So Howard starts fearing the worst, calling all his contacts in Albuquerque, reading up on police raids, getting more and more paranoid. And eventually he finally does what he’d been avoiding, and calls the Pollos restaurant, and asks to speak to the manager.  And when he hears Gus’s unmistakable voice, Howard just slowly hangs up and starts to cry, because if Gus is alive, then Lalo must be dead. And suddenly, cutting all his ties and starting fresh doesn’t feel as exciting and hopeful as it used to, because Lalo’s dead.
So Howard drives back to Albuquerque, hollow and grim, and starts closing up shop properly, but with less excitement than the first time he was going to get out of dodge. He quits his job officially, the divorce is finalized, and Howard wanders the streets like a ghost, no idea what to do now, which is stupid because it’s not like he and Lalo were going to end up together anyways, but somehow knowing he was out there helped, gave Howard direction and inspiration, and now that he’s gone, everything he embodied to Howard - fun, danger, passion, adventure - is gone too. But then one day as he drives aimlessly around town he winds up parked at a red light, stopped next to a laundry. Howard thinks of the laundry he sent Gus to, and stares through the window, and watching the machines inside spin and spin and spin gives Howard an idea...he can finish what Lalo started. 
Fring is a dead man.
(can't make the read more work, warning that what follows might not go well for Howard.....but YOU STARTED IT WITH THIS TALK OF DEATH </3)
Howard starts planning, and he’s certainly not able to raid a fortified laundry guerilla style, like Lalo. But he can play to his own strengths, and sniffs out all the benefits and charity dinners in town, donates money to all of them, plays nice, circles the rooms with a glass of wine in hand, but eyes always sharp, until one day he gets lucky because across the room he sees him. Fring. Howard follows him into a deserted hallway, Lalo’s pistol tucked up his sleeve, and he’s almost at Fring’s back, swinging the gun up, when of course he’s slammed out of nowhere by two bodyguards, and drops the gun, and Fring turns around, knowing Howard was following him and says “Were you hoping to kill me, Mr. Hamlin? The last time I saw you, you weren’t nearly so obvious about it.” And Howard just spits out “Where's Lalo? What the hell did you do with him?” Gus just picks lint off his sleeve like “I’m not in the habit of leaving loose ends. Which brings us to what I should do with you.” And hearing it confirmed, or as confirmed as it could get, Howard just breaks down on the floor of whatever fancy hotel they’re in, and Gus motions for his guys to release him and steps towards him and says, “This is your only warning”. And he picks up the gus Howard tried to use and puts it in his own pocket and coolly says, “This isn’t your world, Mr. Hamlin.” And it’s like being stabbed in the chest, because Lalo had said that to him the last time they saw each other, but out of care, not as a threat, and it’s like Howard can still feel Lalo’s fingers brushing his jaw as he said it. He watches Gus leave through blurry eyes, but then his eyes narrow in cold satisfaction, because he’d never planned on shooting Gus here, didn’t even think he’d get close, knew he’d lose his gun, but that’s fine because inside Lalo’s gun, he’d put....A TRACKING DEVICE. Howard never knew which laundry Lalo was talking about, but now Gus or one of his goons is bound to go there, and Howard can FOLLOW.
Howard has a project now, he’s a man on a mission, and that mission is bringing down Fring. He has some vague plan to collect evidence on what Fring is doing, turn him over to the authorities, and if that doesn’t work, well, like Lalo told him, “there’s always a good reason to kill someone”.
But...unfortunately for Howard, more experienced men than him have tried and failed to take Gus down. And while Howard’s plotting goes undetected longer than anyone could have guessed, he’s simply not a criminal, and it’s really not his world. And maybe after a couple months of investigating Gus, and getting closer and closer, one day while he stakes out the laundry, the black bag comes down over his head and he’s knocked out.
He wakes up inside the superlab, bag yanked off his head, hands tied behind his back, kneeling on the dirt floor of some huge room. He’s facing Gus, and this time Gus is leaving nothing to chance, a cavalry of guys behind him all staring at Howard to make sure he can’t try anything. Gus says “you had your one and only warning to stay away, Mr. Hamlin. Any final words?”
It’s the end. Howard knows it’s the end. He failed to avenge Lalo, but he doesn’t have to fail Lalo’s memory. He asks himself what Lalo would say in this position, and he looks up at Fring and grins and says “Yeah. Lalo was right. Eres un hijo de puta and your chicken tastes like shit.” And when Fring steps forward, snapping open a knife, and cuts Howard’s throat, it’s so sharp and quick it doesn’t even hurt, and Howard collapses to the ground, slowly growing cold, wondering how the hell he got here, murdered by gangsters and about to die in a hole all alone.
That’s when Gus steps over him and yanks Howard’s head back to make him die faster, and hisses in his ear “Your lover died right here, exactly like this.” And Howard looks up at him, eyes wide, and Gus delivers his coup de grace and says “he’s buried under you right now.” He expects this to break Howard once and for all, but Howard just lets out a gurgling choking laugh because Lalo’s here? He’s with Howard? Can he feel Howard’s blood seeping through the dirt, trickling down to meet him? He’s here and Howard isn’t going to die alone after all, and suddenly Howard doesn’t feel so cold anymore, and he laughs again and then can’t stop laughing, and Gus takes a step back genuinely rattled because it’s like he’s looking at Lalo's ghost, laughing on the floor of the superlab while drowning in his own blood, staring up at Fring, face still fixed in a challenge. This Hamlin guy isn’t looking at Fring anymore though, because he’s turning his face to the dirt like he’s resting it on someone’s chest, blood spilling into the ground, eyes slowly closing, smile lingering, until he’s utterly still, gone now, somewhere else with someone else, and now Gus is the one who’s forgotten and alone, still alive to see another day, but no one left on earth who’d care either way. Covering his sudden crushing depression with disdain, Gus orders “get rid of him” and walks out. And there’s already a 6x6 patch in the ground where the soil is still loose, and they’re nothing if not efficient, so they redig the hole, not deep enough to see what might be left inside, and throw Howard in too, his face grey but still with that unsettling smile. And as they pour the dirt back over him, the last thing to be covered are Howard’s hands, cut loose now and curled into the dirt, cold and still, but almost like they’re reaching out to someone. And in the dim light of the superlab, where shadows dance on the walls and death is always close by, it's easy to imagine that only a couple metres down, someone is reaching back.
So yeah.
Apparently that's what I think would happen.
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
Why is blood kinda, fucking, ...Beautiful?
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gemini-s1ut · 1 year
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on film
in all its shades
made by me
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thehopelessexception · 3 months
Nightingale Song I will always be the nightingale. I will forever search for roses and sing until sunrise, sing until death does us apart. I will seek love, traveling for hours through the seasons. I will look for the trees. Nevertheless affection would not be my fate, but the warmth of my heart will be my gift for thee. The words won’t come out; the tone is not for you to hear. The last song I’ll sing will be just for me. And the red rose will be born in vain. Steady in the meadow. You will exit through the gate; I will be trying to breathe. I do not know affection, I only know love. The red rose’s been born, and no one will ever know it was me. I imagine; I imagine the world. I imagine your world unabridged; with the colors I painted with the flutter of my feathers, and the song I sang to your ears. I will never know; I will never know affection. The rain came for the tiny beak; the cold took the bones and rotted the sweaters. I can only contemplate the weather, wishing you would dance with me. My chest was my oblation, though thy happiness condoned my upbeat song. I gave my forever to the moonlight to see; to the crimson to breathe through me, through the thorns. What is love if not isolation? The whistle softens. The petals grow. You won’t dance with me.  You don’t know it would be enough. The reddest rose, the white or yellow. It would be enough. I will never know affection, nor will I ever know love.
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a reinterpretation of oscar wilde's "the nightingale and the rose". written by me at a late night of august, 2023.
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essaytime · 4 months
A lot of productions (or production ideas) for Romeo and Juliet come up with elaborate aesthetics for both of the feuding families, and there is definitely a charm as well as a large degree of blessed creativity to this, but honestly, the more I think about the play, the more I feel the most resounding choice with me, given the play's meaning, would be to make the Montagues and the Capulets' costumes very, very similar. Almost identical - the same silhouettes, materials, everything. Have the only thing signalling which family it is be a ribbon or band tied around the arm, a particular embellishment at the collar of a dress or shirt, maybe some item of clothing that's easy to take off, like a vest or small cape, or a scarf. Maybe aside from the Lords and Ladies of both surnames, they could wear something that's entirely in their family's chosen colours/symbols, but the rest of the family and their supporters? Just these details. Because that's really one of the things that hit so hard in the text: there is literally no reason for the feud. There's no logically existing divide. We have two influential families of equal standing, who live by the same customs, whose children probably have the same education, who employ people with the same mindset and themselves presumably have the same mindset. They could very well live beside each other, they could very well switch places and be each other. These poor teenagers in Romeo and Juliet are forced to live in a world shaped by something that just doesn't exist. And they're mistreated, and they struggle, and they die - at more or less fourteen or fifteen! - for something that doesn't exist. Because at this point there is no reason to go on with this conflict, if there even was one in the first place, which I doubt. I think there is a lot of sense in the fact that we never learn why the Capulets despise the Montagues and vice versa. I wouldn't be surprised if during the time of the play there was just no one that could remember it. But still, this conflict, this absolutely empty, pointless, senseless conflict, wrecks the community of Verona, pitting citizens against each other and leading to innocent kids dying. And I think if I were directing the play, that's the thing I would emphasise: that they are really the same. Have Lord Montague make a similar scream, speak in a similar tone mourning his son as Lord Capulet did mourning his daughter. Have the servants at the beginning of the play use exactly the same gestures and mannerisms. Have the dear uninvited party-sneakers get along with Capulet youth at the ball and genuinely have fun together. And have the citizens at the end be all the same in their surprise and grief, virtually indistinguishable save for this ribbon or embellishment they can just rip off of their costume, becoming one whole crowd. All of these people could pass each other, say hello, gossip on the street with no problem - if it weren't for these details that somehow make them part of two different entities. For there is no border between the Capulets and the Montagues other than the artificial one they try to create themselves. And people die for it.
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thesecretsofthedivine · 5 months
Pick a Pile Reading | Who’s Coming Into Your Life Soon? 🌠 🌸
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*Disclaimer: This is a collective reading — take what resonates and leave the rest. If this resonates with you, please show support by reposting (with credit), tipping, or booking with me! :)
*Exchanges with other intuitives/readers are available via dm’s
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This is a person who is a lover of the arts! You may meet them in an artistic environment (think art class, concert, museum, etc.) or they’ll just enjoy visiting those places and have a knack for creative talents. They also seem to be a people person who is a smooth talker and has a very strong aura. They like to entertain and make people feel relaxed, which could inspire them to host a lot of parties or be an active member of their community. For some, the person coming into your life will be a part of the LGBTQ+ community or advocate for such causes. This person will have a romantic purpose for most of you, but some may choose to keep this connection as a lighthearted friendship or FWB. You may feel slightly reluctant to take them seriously because of how carefree and popular they are. They will be comforting, but some of you could feel like you’re just another person under their spell and may become resistant to these romantic feelings as a result. It’s important to mention this person‘s energy feels very sincere. They want to cater to you and can often struggle with people pleasing tendencies.
~ miscellaneous: blueberries. the color blue. a coquette aesthetic. whicker baskets. white snocks + sneakers. aries, capricorn, taurus placements (tons of cardinal energy). piercings. hair parted to the side. ripped jeans. a laugh that sounds like a scoff/sarcastic humor.
For most of pile 2, the person coming into your life soon is a platonic feminine around your age. Their personality is very peppy, organized, empathetic, hardworking, and sensual. You will meet this person through school, work, mutuals, or shared goals. They seem to be a lover of animals as well so they may have pets or easily connect with them. The two of you will bond over music and the type of people you aspire to become in the future. They’ll make you feel lighthearted and bring out a more extroverted side to you. You may have moments where you let them put stickers or makeup on you just to have something silly to do together. For the people who have a feminine energy coming in, they may also be skilled in things like speech & debate, reading long/foreign novels (especially russian), playing chess — something traditional and academic. This person is an avid lover of film, especially vintage or historical ones. They could be multilingual or come from a different culture than your own. It’s clear that the two of you will never run out of things to talk about, making it seem like you finally found your perfect mental match!
~ miscellaneous: blonde hair. teal/blue crystals or blue eyes. the letters c, e, i, s, n, a, l, and p. scarves. whimsigoth/hippie/70s aesthetic. winter time. romeo & juliet. film major. coffee hangouts. mercury or 3h synastry.
Pile 3 has an entire friend group coming into your life (multiple individuals)! Psychically, there’s a lot of overlapping conversations I’m tuning into 😅 so the people coming into your life will be a big part of your life/daily schedule. You’ll stay quite busy because of their presence in your life and may notice yourself becoming more talkative or that you all can be quite loud and rambunctious together. Parties, social events, clubs, concerts, and any other crowded environment can be relevant to how you meet these people or where you’ll spend time with them. You may notice that the group’s energy becomes more alive at night so a lot of these people could be night owls and extroverts. It’s the kind of thing where you’ll always have thousands of notifications blowing up your phone or will always have something fun to do. There’s a huge blend of masculine and feminine energies here so some people may encounter a friend group of 2-4 people whereas others will find themselves with 6-8 new people in their lives. Some of the masculine energies in the group could like to wrestle so be wary of breakables/fragile furniture that’s in their vicinity 💀. I feel that these people coming into your life will all enjoy sharing food, secrets, tips, and so on. There’s a very open and excitable vibe here so some of them may even be slightly younger than you.
~ miscellaneous: matching tattoos. karaoke. late night escapades. musicians. fire sign placements. the book everything i know about love — dolly alderton. bars. pinterest boards/pinterest aesthetics (especially for those who use it to manifest). gaming/dart boards. bets/dares.
A family member will either become a bigger part of your life or start a new relationship with you entirely. For some, this will relate to a grandmother figure and/or deceased relatives watching over you/being around your energy. For others, it’s more of a mentor vibe. Older, feminines with a lot of advice and maturity to offer you. At this stage in your life, you could be feeling anxious or uncertain about your future/career. This person coming in is meant to be a support system for you during this specific transition period. They will help you to broaden your horizons, believe in your dreams/capabilities, and strengthen your willingness to take risks. If your mental health has been low, you feel like you’ve stepped out of alignment with your desires, or you’ve just been processing some heavier topics lately, this person will come in to soften those experiences while helping you to work through them. They will teach you how to validate your emotions without feeling disempowered by the weight of them. “Your depth is beauty” and they will make you into a stronger person by honoring this part of yourself.
~ miscellaneous: the barbie movie scene where she meets her creator (ruth handler). what was i made for - billie eilish. holding hands. traditional baking. words of wisdom/words of affirmation. bridges. feeling at the end of your rope when they come in. disco music. the 60s - 70s as their birth year. gardening hats. flowers.
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blue-grama · 7 months
Fave Thai BL moments of 2023
I thought about doing fave series for my own personal BL Wrapped, but this is the "live inside 3 seconds forever via a GIF" website. So: Here are some moments I keep coming back to. Thank you to the GIFmakers because you all are amazing.
Wen and Jim's first meeting, Moonlight Chicken
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There are so many visceral, gorgeous moments in Moonlight Chicken, but this scene?? My Roman Empire. Perfectly encapsulates the feeling of being drunk and wistful somewhere hot and humid. Anything could happen and everything mundane feels beautiful. Mix does yearning so well.
2. Khun Yai's drunken poetry recitation, I Feel You Linger in the Air
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Again with the drunken yearning. Yai's such a romantic and I love that in a period piece. Bright nailed that foggy intoxicated state and his makeup people nailed the flush in his cheeks.
3. The olive oil, I Feel You Linger in the Air
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This was maybe the most intimate scene of the year. The TENSION, the backwards way they get into the scene, the cuts between Jom and Jom with Yai. It was so creative and ridiculously well-done. I just--
4. The spin, Laws of Attraction
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Laws of Attraction was here to have a good time and so was I. Also, Jam Rachata should call me.
5. Tinn destroys a custom bedframe, Laws of Attraction
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This was everything. A clear Manner of Death homage, undercut with Laws of Attraction's unhinged brand of humor, in a scene that rapidly swung into full tear-your-heart-out mode. LoA was a series that knew exactly what it wanted to be and never failed to deliver. Often in slow motion.
6. The 25th hour, Only Friends
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I ultimately felt like Only Friends faltered pretty hard on story, and I will always be mad about Boston, but when this series hit, it hit. I loved its aesthetics and the music, and I will credit the writers with creating some absolutely amazing characters. The Sand and Ray angst in Episode 5 was probably the peak of Only Friends for me. The 25th hour concept was so good, and First and Khaotung just nailed the emotion.
7. The fishtank, Last Twilight
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It says a lot that just four episodes in, I struggled with which moment to pull out of Last Twilight. I'm going with the fish tank, because of the cinematography of it all -- the split between the clarity and the blur, the reflections, the way it's giving 1996 Romeo + Juliet. This also could have been the hands, or the pink shirt at the marketplace, or the flirting-via-the-scent-of-jasmine scene or or ... Anyway, Aof Noppharnach 4lyfe.
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thelargefrye · 1 year
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CAFÉ ETERNAL SUNSHINE ... bullet - point fic
pairing : poly!ateez x f!reader
genre : cafe au, fluff, established poly relationship
word count : 873
warnings : food, mentions of getting sick from overworking
special tag : @sanjoongie who allowed me to talk about this with her and is mainly inspired by this tiktok [ here ]
you and your eight boyfriends run a cafe together.
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four sunshine boyfriends and four grumpy boyfriends with you somewhere in the middle
sunshine boyfriends : hongjoong, yeosang, san, and mingi
grumpy boyfriends : seonghwa, yunho, wooyoung, and jongho
you all run and own a cafe together
you and hongjoong originally started the cafe together before the others just slowly began working there with you both
the cafe as a comedy and tragedy type of aesthetic mixed with some artist vibes with painting down by hongjoong hanging on the walls
the food is very cute and bright and very comedy inspired
while the drinks are more darker and tragedy inspired
you even have a romeo and juliet inspired drink called "true loves poison"
the sunshine boys handle the drinks and the to-go orders
the grumpy boys handle the food and waiting tables
you and wooyoung are in the kitchen making the food and trying not to have a food fight every ten minutes
while all the boys are handsome, yeosang and seonghwa have become kind of like the faces of the cafe
you look on social media and its always you can always find either of the two in at least every single post
some people come to cafe just to see seonghwa and/or yeosang
yeosang is very welcoming and along with the other sunshine boys will have conversations with customers
while seonghwa is more of a "either buy something or get out" type of guy and usually gives off a cold aura to people that try to flirt with him or one of his partners
also– general manager!seonghwa who isn't afraid to kick people out of the cafe he sees them trying to cause a problem
seonghwa is very protective over you and the others
will also immediately rush to the back if he hears wooyoung giggling too loudly because he KNOWS that boy is up to something
eventually the cafe started hosting an open mic night once a month to allow people to come and perform
you and the boys will also perform once in a while
you'll mainly find hongjoong and jongho performing more than you or the others
you originally wanted to do a cat cafe but hongjoong turned it down
san was all for it but you guys got outvoted by the others
so to make up for that, you guys host an special animal adoption day at the cafe every once in a while
probably one of the few times you are seen out of the kitchen as you mostly help with the animals
during these days hongjoong or mingi are usually in the back with wooyoung to help him
the cafe also does special themed drinks and foods inspired by what broadway show is popular at the time
some examples have been six, beetlejuice, heathers, etc.
this are very rare though and very limited time, like maybe a week or two
also do special days that are either comedy discounted or tragedy discounted days
when these days happen you and the others either dress in brightly colored clothes or dark color clothes and the music in the cafe also matches the discount of the day
sometimes the cafe will also stay open into the very early hours of the morning (almost 24/7)
when this happens, you and yunho usually run the cafe by yourself since during this you only serve coffee and biscuits
usually during the late nights you'll get office workers, people who can't sleep, night shift people, or college students looking for a place to study
usually after these shifts, you and yunho crash in bed together for a few hours
hongjoong once tried running the night shift with yunho when you couldn't and hongjoong honestly can't figure out how you do it
"i don't know how you do it, y/n."
like hongjoong, yeosang has also covered yunho's late night shift, and every time he does he says he learns more and more about you each time
you two have been dating for years along with the others and so he thought he knew everything about you
"i think with each night shift, i fall more and more in love with you"
you have a tendency to overwork yourself which has lead to you getting sick a few times
the boys are all the time worried about you and try to get you to take the day off especially after some big event has happened at the cafe
one of the boys – usually san or jongho – also take off so that way you aren't by yourself
speaking of taking off
when either you and wooyoung take off or can't come or something, mingi is always the one to come help in the kitchen
mingi is really great help in the kitchen and usually left to decorate the cakes and such
one time both you and wooyoung were gone – you both had went out of town to get new ideas for food, so that left the others to run the kitchen
it was a disaster
you and wooyoung left mingi in the kitchen and so mingi brought san into the kitchen to help him
next time you both go out of town, you'll just close the cafe until you guys get back
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tag list (bold means unable to tag ) : @invuwrld @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @rdiamond2727 @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @kryybebe @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frogogh @marsanhwa @kryukyustar @sookacc @seongwin @melomatz @songmingisthighs
network : @cultofdionysusnet
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softpine · 7 months
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character/story inspiration tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
tagged by @morrigan-sims & @goldenwaves ♥
FROZEN PINES: Strange Trails by Lord Huron with lyrics from Frozen Pines // The Wall by Pink Floyd // The Sixth Sense (1999) // Life is Strange // Supernatural s4ep1 "Lazarus Rising" // lyrics from Kin by Radical Face // a magic 8 ball // It (2017) // Stand By Me (1986) // Lovers of Modena // SYFY article on black holes
CASPER MAYFIELD: Montero by Lil Nas X // French Exit by TV Girl // Troy Bolton from High School Musical // Carmy Berzatto from The Bear // lyrics from Off My Mind by Joe P // Brian O'Conner (+ Mia Toretto) from Fast & Furious
COCO ARIAS: Lyrics from My Own Dance by Kesha // Fiona Gallagher from Shameless // Back to Black by Amy Winehouse // adult film star Angela White // Lyrics from Gimme More by Britney Spears // Who Really Cares by TV Girl // Xena from Xena: Warrior Princess
ELAINE NGUYEN: Fearless by Taylor Swift // the record by boygenius // quote from Lang Leav // lyrics from Seventeen by Sharon Van Etten // Juliet Capulet from Romeo and Juliet // Jackie Taylor from Yellowjackets // lyrics from Let It All Out by COIN
STEVIE DONOVAN: Lyrics from Big Fat Mouth by Arlie // unknown artwork // Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn // lyrics from Space Cadet by The Technicolors // Broken Bells by Broken Bells // Dreamland by Glass Animals // Nomi Marks from Sense8 // climbing by Lucille Clifton
JADA CAREY: Lyrics from Hush by The Marias // quote from Frank Bidart // When the Pawn... by Fiona Apple // Raven Baxter from That's So Raven // Mystery by Jesse Jo Stark // unknown artwork // quote from Margaret Atwood
ALISA MARCIANO: Lyrics from Under Your Skin by Aesthetic Perfection // Carrie White from Carrie // artwork by griefmother // You Forgot It In People by Broken Social Scene // So Tonight That I Might See by Mazzy Star // lyrics from Desire by Meg Myers
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oc-challenges · 5 months
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Ciao! It's almost that time of year again, when love is in the air and heart-shaped boxes of chocolate are in every gas station, which means it's almost time for the annual oc valentines challenge!
Once again, we begin on the seventh of February and conclude on the 14th. Except from now on the valentines challenges are gonna be a little different: we're going to focus on a certain theme. This year it's tropes, next year it's AUs or prompts. So take a look at the tropes and choose your oc ship it fits to make a graphic, video, web weave, gifset, drabble, aesthetic, playlist, or drawing for!
DO NOT copy others edits, if you feel someone has stolen your edits, follow these guidelines!
If you are doing crossovers, PLEASE make sure that the creator of the other oc is okay with crossovers.
If you want your post to be reblogged onto this blog, it must contain the hashtag ovc24.
Feel free to ask any questions, as long as your kind about it.
Everything is up to the creators interpretation, although I have tried to include some examples for help!
Have fun!
Day One: First Love
For the first day of the challenge, we've gotta do first love! Make something for your oc and their first love.
Day Two: Second Chance Romance
For day two, we're looking at the one who got away but came back. This is a ship that we're together at one point, broke up for some reason, and then decided to give their relationship another try.
Day Three: No Second Chances in Romances
On the other hand, just because there was love before doesn't mean there will be love after. This is when you realize the one that got away wasn't "the one" after all. Make something for a ship that were together at one point, broke up for some reason, but decided not to give the relationship another try whether that be because of a new love, unrequited feelings, or any other reason.
Day Four: Friends to Lovers
My personal favorite, when they go from friends to lovers. Their enemies know their worst sides, the heroes know their best, but their friends know both and fall in love with them anyways. Show off an oc ship that were friends before lovers.
Day Five: Enemies to Lovers
There's a thin line between love and hate, and sometimes that line gets crossed. For day four, show us one of your oc ships that this happened to.
Day Six: Almost Love
Sometimes loving someone isn't enough. Whether it's because that love is unrequired, the protagonist is torn apart from their love interest in some way, the ship decide their better off as friends, or they can't get past their differences, we're showing off those couples that could've been but never were.
Day Seven: Forbidden Love
Romeo and Juliet, Maria and Tony, even Coriolanus and Lucy Gray-- all star-crossed lovers who took a chance despite their love being forbidden. Today, we sympathize with those lovers that nobody loves (at least in the canon of their stories).
Day Eight: Give Me Love
Give love to other creators by making them a gift with love by signing up for the valentines ocpotluck challenge!
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orangeinecstasy · 8 months
inhaler bf thoughts please please please please🙏
an: AAAHHH YES IVE BEEN WAITING TO DO THIS!!! had to do ryan first because i love him so much.
ryan bf thoughts ฺ。*:・
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quality time!! he will 100% just pop over to your place so that he can be around you. he doesn’t care if you’re just sitting on the couch as long as he’s with you
move dates! can totally see him wanting to try out different theaters and maybe even a drive in. also you totally make him watch the 1996 romeo and juliet OMG AND WHIPLASH!
#1 passenger princess. he doesn’t care that you’re the one that can drive he loves it
spa days were you guys do face masks
soooo many pictures of you on his phone. we all know and love his random aesthetic instagram stories and you’d be all over them
park dates
late night music sessions where he constantly asks your opinion on lyrics or how something sounds
songs dedicated to you at shows - would put out when i’m with you from the vault just to play it for you
constantly sending you songs that remind him of you
definitely have some sort of couples item like a matching necklace or ring. but it’s something simple like a silver chain or a small band. nothing too crazy that screams i’m matching with my partner
going back to the romeo and juliet part - definitely did a couples costume based off of their party outfit
definitely soft launched the relationship. he just wants to feel like yours and his and not another third parties
definitely wants to be the little spoon after a long day. you make him feel safe and happy and he wants to be fully engulfed in that comfort
reading together
wearing each other's clothes. because he's a short king you both can totally swap clothes super easy
sending him edits you find of him on TikTok - i KNOW he thinks they're super funny and secretly LOVESSS them
calls you before every show when you're not there
museum dates-- i feel like he would want to go to an art museum most of the time, but you would drag him to a science one at least for one of the dates
baking together-- he always tries to eat the cookie dough and you always tell him he'll get sick
painting your nails together
can 100% see him wearing a ring of yours on a chain around his neck. maybe your claddagh to be a bit cheeky
when he's sitting next to you he definitely will drum on you thigh or tap his fingers against to some rhythm that's stuck in his mind
dancing in the kitchen together late at night
such a big words of affirmation guy
music store dates where you guys try out interments and pick up a few new records
so so so many coffee shop dates
wine tasting in italy
an: the other three guys bf thoughts are already in the works. i wasn't sure if i should be a nsfw section for inhaler's but lmk if you guys would be interested in that!
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gothtsukasa · 5 months
Assigning PJSK characters an alternative subculture!
One of my biggest interests are alternative subcultures so it's time to assign some to the PJSK ocs! Feel free to reply with your own thoughts and headcanons.
Firstly, let's get the characters who are already implied to be in certain subcultures out of the way. Notably Saki and Mizuki. As we're all aware of, Saki is implied to be a gyaru and Mizuki is definitely in the lolita/ouji subculture.
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Saki would a Kogal/Kogyaru since her outfits reflects the kogal style like the cards above! I also like to think that if ColoPale weren't cowards, her everyday outfits and makeup would feature the Ganguro style. Though Mizuki has many cards that depict them in different kinds of lolita/ouji fashion (such as gothic ouji and sweet lolita) I personally don't think they have a fixed aesthetic and simply just sew/buy whatever looks cute. (And trained cards don't exactly reflect what the PJSK ocs would wear in the canonical universe.)
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Now that we've done a quick run down on the already alternative PJSK ocs, it's time to assign subcultures!
To summarize, I believe that:
L/N: Ichika - Grunge, Saki - Ganguro, Honami - Mori Kei, Shiho - Heavy metal
MMJ: Airi - Himegyaru, Shizuku - Mori Kei (For Minori and Haruka, I'm genuinely unsure...)
VBS: Hip-hop
WXS: Tsukasa - Goth (surprise!), Emu - Decora, Nene - Cybergoth/Cyberpunk, Rui - Scene (duh)
N25: Kanade is the type of musician to know what every alternative subculture's music sounds like purely for composing purposes, Mafuyu: Hardcore Punk, Ena: Jirai Kei who indulges in Riot GRRRL music, Mizuki: Unfixed Lolita/Ouji
Further elaboration under the cut because some of these are far-fetched. (Goth Tsukasa is real, I promise)
About Ichika: I know that Punk is often looked down upon by guitarists because it's sloppy and often doesn't involve proper music theory and Grunge is influenced by Hardcore Punk so why would Ichika be that. My answer is: Kurt Cobain flannel.
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About Tsukasa: Tsukasa is a jazz/classical music type of guy. However, please consider Tsukasa admiring Post-punk vocals (specifically Siouxsie's) and how goth music's lyrics are beautiful and poetic. Imagine him writing show scripts to ethereal wave music. Tsukasa probably wrote the Romeo and Juliet script while listening to deathrock. He is a romantic/ethereal goth and you cannot convince me otherwise.
About Rui: JUST! LOOK AT HIM! That man is a scene guy.
About Mafuyu: She needs to let her inner rage out so I assigned her hardcore punk for that reason. Just imagine her aggressively strumming one of Kanade's guitars.
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archivesofcolin · 2 months
what the tlh characters favorite shakespeare plays would be
James - Macbeth. I'm totally not projecting here but also it just suits him
Matthew - Either A Midsummer Night's Dream or Twelfth Night (inspired by a conversation I had with @alastairstom). He'd love the aesthetics and drama of both of them, and as for Twelfth Night he's absolutely cried over Antonio ending up alone and has long talks with Lucie about Viola and Orsino.
Thomas - Romeo and Juliet. He seems like a guy who'd stick to the basics (in the sweetest way possible) when it comes to Shakespeare and he also loves the tragic romance.
Alastair - Either Macbeth or Hamlet. The darker dramatic stuff. He'd definitely have long conversations with James about Macbeth. Also the historical plays. Alastair's a huge Shakespeare fan.
Cordelia - Antony and Cleopatra. She's not a huge Shakespeare person but she's a sucker for complex female characters and also likes the historical tie-in.
Lucie - Twelfth Night. She's a Viola and Orsino stan until the day she dies and has definitely written a chapter (or multiple) inspired by them in The Beautiful Cordelia.
Anna - She's not really a Shakespeare person, but if anyone asks she'll say A Midsummer Night's Dream bc of Matthew.
Ari - A Midsummer Night's Dream. No explanation just vibes. She gets Anna to read it buddy read it with her.
Christopher - He's also not a Shakespeare person, but Gabriel's favorite play is King Lear and he had Christopher read it to try and bond with him. It sort of worked and the play just stuck with Christopher and he has a lot of fond memories with his dad from it. It's also just the only Shakespeare play he's read.
Jesse - Hamlet or Romeo and Juliet. He likes the tragedies. He got more into the romance with Romeo and Juliet after he started seeing Lucie. He's probably read all of his plays at least twice over all the years he was a ghost. He doesn't like the comedies as much.
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kataraslove · 10 months
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What the fuck is bro going on about??? Especially the Kya and Izumi like huh??
I won’t comment on the two hour dissertation because I haven’t watched it yet. from what I’ve heard on those that have, half of it is proving why the canon ships are poorly written, while the other half of it is proving why zuko and katara would be the better endgame option.
i will comment on the fact that it would be very easy to create an even longer dissertation on why people ship kataang and why it makes complete sense as the canon ship of avatar, without so much as even bringing zutara in the mix. if i ever get the time to do so, i could look into creating it. because i think there should be more discussion in fandom on the depths of katara and aang’s arcs and relationship. if anyone is interested in helping, please let me know :)
“aesthetic coordination and color synergy is the most important part of any relationship.” i do hope this person is speaking solely in terms of fiction. because how aesthetic two people look beside each other should not be the basis for any healthy, long-lasting relationship, at least not in real life. reality continues to show that two people can look incredibly good beside each other, but can be extremely incompatible.
example: celebrities coordinate their red carpet looks to present as a power couple each year. but in actuality, their relationship deteriorates by the second. in a couple of years, that relationship will no longer cease to exist.
i searched up aesthetic coordination and i couldn’t find a single resource on it. but on the topic of colour synergy, here are the colours that are established as complementaries to one another:
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so you mean to tell me that red and blue aren’t complementary colours, but instead red is complementary with green, and blue is complementary with orange/yellow?
interesting. now which couple do we know of that wears orange/yellow and purple/blue in avatar?
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oh. that explains why katara and aang’s colour palettes go so well together, and why their scenes (in both the show and the comics) and accompanying fanart are always so visually pleasant.
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in regards to oma and shu, they are colour-coded as zuko and katara, just like they are also colour-coded as katara and aang. if we are meant to take the colours seriously, that would imply that oma (the girl) is zuko, and shu (the boy) is katara. if the writers truly wanted zuko and katara to represent omashu, i see absolutely no reason as to why oma couldn’t be depicted in blue and shu couldn’t be depicted in red.
we have confirmation by the writer of the cave of two lovers that the legend of omashu is based off of romeo and juliet. we also have confirmation from the same writer (who also advocated for zutara as the endgame ship, by the way) that the legend of omashu was written to push katara and aang’s love story after direction from mike dimartino and aaron ehasz. the first draft of the story proposed by the writer joshua hamilton was just going to be sokka and a bunch of the nomads. we also have confirmation that avatar’s love (katara and aang’s theme) played while katara was recounting the story of oma and shu.
i truly believe that if oma and shu were meant to be about zuko and katara, joshua hamilton would have no problem stating that it was. instead, he confirms that it was meant to be written with katara and aang in mind, as a part of katara and aang’s love story.
also, zuko and katara aren’t forbidden lovers. they started off as enemies, with the fire nation committing ethnic and cultural genocide against the southern water tribe. the fire nation and the southern water tribe aren’t two fighting sides of an equal battle - it’s one larger nation with all the militaristic power in the world committing colonialism and imperialism on another nation.
katara and aang could not canonically be together because of the war. that is what katara states herself. as soon as the war is over, they are free to pursue a relationship with one another. that aligns itself more with omashu’s story than zuko and katara’s arc from enemies to friends does.
katara being a phenomenal firelady is not canon, just this person’s headcanon. firelady holds no political power in canon. it’s just wife to the firelord. kya and izumi are clearly not twins, but i suspect this is part of the “katara secretly cheated on aang with zuko” set of headcanons.
lastly, zuko is the father that stepped up? yeah, okay. let’s assume that aang is this horrible, awful dad that people make him out to be. that would mean that zuko was complicit in allowing his best friend to traumatize his children for life. kya and bumi hold no relationship with zuko whatsoever. but sure, he’s definitely the father that stepped up.
finally, father and secret lover of the year zuko did next to nothing in ensuring katara canonically received her worth and recognition among the world, even after her actual husband’s passing. isn’t zuko also co-founder of republic city? so where is katara’s statue?
what you have sent me is someone speaking an entire different language, about an entire different character that they created. but headcanons are not canon, no matter how much this person wants them to be.
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punkeropercyjackson · 18 days
I'm a book!Percy selfshipper and completely unironically a way better love interest for him than Annabeth.I've had the same personality as him my whole life but as a foil to Thalia and him clashing,it's in a way that would make us be instant best friends and i also have most of the same traumas he does so we'd understand eachother and i'd teach him good coping mechanisms without even trying to just by existing as his friend like what's happened with my irl ones and i have zero filter or want to have it so i'd be telling him how awesome i think he is nonstop from the start and get into his interests with him and be on the case of anyone and everyone who's mean to him and even beat their asses if it was required and he'd do the same for me because again,we match eachother's energy on every level canonically.There's also our aesthetic and motifs that're a lot more original and fitting than Percabeth i.e I'm as obsessed with pink as he is blue,he's the son of Poseidon and i'm a child of Demeter so the sea x the earth and no weirdass diet Romeo and Juliet shit,softcore girl x hardcore guy but we're both bigender too and i'm as tough as him both as a demigod and my human half because i'm pastel punk to his crustpunk,Team Parents but actually instead of nuclear family propaganda that defies the point of found family,black love,nobody even in-universe sees us coming because they're all to obsessed with him x Annabeth out of their own cisheteronormativity and weird lack of boundries and Percy gets to have what he actually wants in-text with me by falling for and dating someone even though there's no pre-mandated destiny to it but defies it instead of shutting up his true self for Annabeth's sake and choosing the one who loves him for his troubled but good and unrestrained self to the fullest rather than complaining about it to be a pick me.Percabeth is cheap and gross.Perlex is the best for Percy
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sl-vega · 4 months
✧Going of Script✧-prologue
prologue-a little fall of rain can hardly hurt me now
THIS SERIES IS CANCELLED: announcement about the cancellation
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placing your phone back into your purse, you took shallow breaths
you choked back sobs as you walked through the rain. your fancy dress clings to your body as you hear your heels click against the sidewalk.
you didn't care where you were going as long as it was away from him.
today was supposed to be special, perfect even, it marked your four-year anniversary with your boyfriend chaoxi. you made reservations at a fancy restaurant, got dolled up and everything. only for him to forget the whole event, and break up with you.
he confessed that he was cheating on you. there was another woman
except you felt like the other woman in the situation, seeing as how you were the one being dumped.
you let out a bitter laugh, still walking down some random street, hugging yourself trying to keep yourself warm.
your phone buzzed
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walking down the street, you saw lynette's car. she got out holding an umbrella and towel.
"you're soaked" she said as she held the umbrella above your head while handing you the towel, it had her signature teal diamond patterns.
you nodded, whispering your thanks to her as you got into the car, settling down into the passenger's seat. swaddling yourself in the towel as if it were a blanket.
lynette got into the drivers seat and started the car. the two of you sat in silence for a bit.
lynette spoke up breaking the tension:
"do you want to talk about it?" she asked
you looked at her, with your tear-stained face, trying to calm yourself down, but you could only sob.
lynette put her hand on yours, gently brushing her thumb over yours, she was focused on the other cars passing by, but you could tell that she was genuinely trying to comfort you.
"you don't have to talk about it now"
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additional notes:
-yes ik this chapter is a bit boring but i gotta set the scene
-only lowercase for the aesthetic
-for those of you who don't know, chaoxi is an npc in liyue who is dating three girls at the same time without them knowing about each other
-the title of this chapter is a reference to the song "a little fall of rain" from les miserables
-i considered making the title "in fair verona where we lay our scene" the title since it references the prologue to romeo and juliet, but it just didn't work
-lightmode cuz why not
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✧Going off Script✧
synopsis: Xingqiu's next major english project requires him to write a romance short story, the only problem is that he has zero romantic experience. meanwhile, you just found out that your boyfriend cheated on you, and you need to show him that you're 100% over him, the only problem is that there's no way you can get an actual boyfriend that quickly. clearly, the solution to both of your issues is to fake date each other. all you need to do is stick to the script
spoiler alert: you go off script and end up falling for him
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(CLOSED) taglist: @freyao7
this series is cancelled
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