#it's under his blue shirt thing thats what Im going with
cak31ssuperi04 · 2 years
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presleyluvschris · 5 months
Hey I got a request for jj
That jj is a single dad to a baby girl and he is to scared to hold because he will think he will drop her and John b everyday will try and get jj to hold her then one day jj was holding her on his chest then he takes her everywhere With him hope that make sense
Koala Care
dad!jj x fem!reader x daughter
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a/n ahh this is so cutie! thank you for the request anon, love you bunches!
desc JJ holds his baby girl for the first time
wc 1.2k
warnings cursing, grammar, fluff
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"Peaches?" JJ comes in through the back door of the chateau, carefully shutting it behind him as he walks through the kitchen to set down a box full of baby supplies.
The usual. Diapers, baby food, her favorite yogurt melts, more of his old band & surf t-shirts to wrap her up in.
He notices Aria crying her eyes out behind him in between the white rails of her bed. he must have forgotten to change her when he left. He also noticed it was pissing off John B who was trying to work on something probably useless and he caught the hint that he's been listening to her cry for at least an hour.
"Shit," he mutters, messing with his backwards hat as he turns his attention away from Aria for a split second to glance at John B. Turns out he was fixing a cooler for the boat.
"Bro." he goes over to him, kicking him in the leg slightly, "You seen Y/n? I really need her help knowing what measurements of tit milk I'm supposed to feed mini me."
John B rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he screws in the side of the cooler handle.
"First of all," he says through a gritted tone from a bolt in between his teeth.
"You gotta stop with the teenage boy, language wording shit."
He spits out the bolt and screws another nail into the bottom.
"You're like a dad now. Its your dick and your daughter, buddy. You really want your kid to go around saying, tit milk?"
JJ tuts. "Bro she cant even talk yet. Plus, I don't remember half the shit i said as a fucking baby. Maybe thats cause my dad probably beat the shit out of me where I like- lost half my cells, but i ain't changing. Plus, daddy will raise her to be the best hooker of man kind. Shes a Pogue, shes not gonna be a goody two shoes if my life depends on it."
John B turns his head around and gives him a look.
"Jesus Christ JJ, did anything click when your girlfriend popped a living thing out of her ass?" He purses his lips.
JJ points his lips downwards and shrugs.
"Or are you always gonna be known as the dad who raised a stripper?" John B rolls his eyes again, taking a weird clear plate out of his box, "Y/n is a doctor for fucks sake, she's the only hope for raising her I swear to God."
John B shakes his head, "I've told you everyday now. You haven't even held her yet."
JJ grips his hat, "Thats because im gonna drop the kid!"
John b slaps his forehead.
"You're litterally her DAD, JJ! Y/n popped a baby out of her kitty sack and you seriously didnt even touch her the day she was born." John B raises his eyebrows. "Do you remember that? Y/n cried in Kie's room FOR AN HOUR thinking you didnt want the kid!"
JJ opens his mouth to respond then stops.
"Whatever. Go back to fixing your cold box and shit," He turns his back to walk away.
John B changes the tip on his screwdriver, "You're gonna have to hold your own ass daughter eventually, dude."
"I hope you screw a nail in your dick!" JJ calls out and tuts again, mumbling under his breath, "teaching me how to handle my own kid..."
"im the one fixing this goddamn cooler so you can drink your shit ass blue moon chilled!" John b yells back, JJ opening the door and slamming it shut to try and find you again.
"y/nnnn," he groans, calling out your name, finding you sitting on the steps outside.
He kneels down and wraps his big arms around you, kissing the side of your head gently.
"Hi baby," he mutters, "How was work?"
you felt your head pulsating before forcing yourself to give a response.
"Hmmm fine. it was busy."
"Yeah?" he strokes your head, "Real quick."
You sigh slightly, "Hmm?"
"how much ti-" He stops, and clears his throat.
"How much milk do I need to feed Ari?" He says in a soft voice, knowing you had a blaring headache from your shift.
You exhale, leaning your arms on your knees.
"theres about 7 oz in the fridge."
He nods, "thank you sweets," he kisses your hair one last time before leaving you in peace to rest your mind.
He goes back inside the chateau, opening the fridge and taking out the bottle, reaching over Aria's crib and putting the tip to her mouth.
"there we are, sweet girl.." he holds the back of her head while she drinks gently, her cries settling down.
After Aria is finished, he stares at her for a moment.
Why was it so hard for him to hold his own daughter? He feels a wave of guilt floods over his spine.
He reaches his hands out, then stops.
"God damnit," He sighs.
"Okay." He stares at Aria one more time. "3, 2.."
"Fuck this."
He picks Aria up gently in his arms, his heart jumping as he does so.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Oh my God."
He holds her to his chest, making sure to support her back, something he learned in a parenting book he found online as he feels his soul melt in his stomach.
"There we go," he coos softly, rocking her up and down gently.
"Hi love." he holds her up to look in her eyes with the biggest grin on his face.
"You have your mommas eyes, don't you?"
It's like he fell in love with you all over again. Just this time, it was a baby. And it was his baby.
He holds her to him again, hearing you opening the screen door to come back inside the chateau as he looks at you with the stupidest smile on his face.
"JJ.." you breathe, a grin full of your white perfect teeth filling the room as you jog over to him.
You rub his arm gently as you stare at Aria in JJ's arms.
"im so glad." You said, tears slightly filling the bottom of your eyes as your breath catches in your throat.
"She has your eyes," He repeats the observation he made earlier.
You nod with a sniffle, chuckling slightly.
"She has your lips."
JJ presses another soft kiss into the side of your neck.
A few days later, you noticed that JJ dorkily bought one of those baby carrier things to attach to your chest, and you had to admit it was pretty cute seeing Aria giggle with him, taking her everywhere he went.
John B was relieved her finally built up the balls to hold his kid, and if you were honest, you were relieved too.
Kiara bullied him everyday for taking Aria with him everywhere because the baby holder he chose was literally hot pink. Really hot pink.
He was so happy everyday. To be the dad that he never had. The one he had prayed and wished for everyday as a kid.
JJ was such a tough guy, tough face, tough love, tough soul.
but I guess not when it came to you and Aria. You and her were his new world and there was nothing in the entire universe that could take that away from him.
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☆ divider & gif credits to @viixcyre @baby-bearie
my navigation ♡
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byhuenii · 10 months
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prompt— couples truth or drink with bf gojo satoru. (WC: idk) pairing— gojo satoru x fem!reader warnings— MINORS DNI! not proofread, fluff, maybe ooc gojo, typos, suggestive, maybe more im missing. a/n— these videos get me through boring days lol, i love these and yeah MINORS DNI. gojo’s questions are in blue and yours are in purple
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“ are we already recording orr… ” satoru’s blue eyes squint at the camera crew who put up their thumbs as a yes now start the video.
YN : “ hi. my name is yn ln! ”
GOJO : “ and im satoru gojo, and this is truth or drink couples edition! ”
“ how long have you two been together and how did you meet up? ”
a sly smirk rolled onto satoru’s lips causing you to groan outloud. “ well if you insist~ she actually spilled coffee on my white shirt that i gifted myself for my own birthday! and 2 1/2 years ”
“ it didnt even look expensive ”, she mumbled under her breath, a few staff giggled
GOJO : “ what? ”
YN : “ nothing anyways.ill go first! ”
a small chuckle escaped her lips, “ oh wow starting off stong. okay what is your favorite part of my body ” her eyes deadpanned to the camera “ i already know what he is gonna say, and its gonna be my ass and boobs .”
GOJO : “ wrong its your heart, i love the way it beats and brings me comfort ”
the silence was evident, gojo tried not to laugh causing little hee hee tee hee slip out. you stared at the camera blank expression.
GOJO : “ it is your boobs and ass though. ” a wide smile plastered on his face
“ have you liked any of my friends? ” satoru happily placed the card down staring beams against you, you hesitated at bit your hand rested against the cup, “ see! she only had eyes on me—“
you took a shot eyes squinting at the bitter and hot aftertaste lingering on your tongue
GOJO : “ WHAT ?? ” “ WHO?? WHAT ??? ”
YN : “ nope i took a shot im not saying shit! ”
GOJO : “ …do any of them know..? ”
YN : “ well i wanna say both of them. ”
you cleared your throat “ anyways, what were your first impressions of me ”
GOJO : “ i thought you were really cute especially when you apologized after spilling the coffee on my shirt.. ”
YN : “ is that it? ” you smiled at how sweet he thought of you
GOJO : “ …and that i wanted to fuc— “
YN : “ OKAY OKAY FUCK. NEVERMIND I ASKED. JUST GO. ” your face turned red flipping off satoru who blew you a kiss
“ what is the one thing you wouldnt change about me? ” satoru rested his head in his hand kicking his feet from under the chair
YN : “ your beautiful big blue eyes. ”
GOJO : “ i was expecting you to say like my big dick or something but awww ”
you kicked his foot under the table “ yeah i guess i love that too. ”
GOJO : “ no no you do love it, you tell me all the time ”
“ okay shut up satoru. how many people did you have sex with while we were talking? ”
GOJO : “ zero, after you spilled that coffee on my shirt i only wanted you. ”
“ whats the meanest thing you said about me to your friends? ” gojo smiled, “ it cant be that bad ”
you sighed taking a shot, debating if you should pour yourself another shot.
GOJO : “ okay im hurt ” he exclaimed dramatically,
YN : “ you may of not had sex with other girls when we were talking but you flirted with them toru. ”
GOJO : “ ..hey i said i was sorry! ” his pout was evident
“ if you could change one thing about me what would it be? ”
GOJO : “ nothing. ”
YN : “ all quick.. ”
“ me or peeta mellark? ”
YN : “ both? ”
GOJO : “ no pick thats not fair! “
YN : “ okay well you obviously! i love my boyfriend more than some fictional man.. ” you looked over at the camera ans whispered peeta mellark,
“ have you ever faked an orgasm? ”
YN : “ no. ”
GOJO : “ im just that good ladies never settle for anything lower! ” he winked at the camera
“ have you ever thought of breaking up with me or taking a break? ”
GOJO : “ honestly once i did, but that was just because my job is so demanding i didnt want you to constantly be alone waiting for me ”
“ would you of dated me STILL if i had a child with another women? ”
YN : “ oh hell yeah i would, kid no kid it dont matter to me ”
“ what is my biggest flaw? ”
YN : “ you are very cocky and some times act like nobody can touch you or you think youre alone basically. ”
GOJO : “ well..damn ”
YN : “ its okay i still love you ”
“ have you every considered having an open relationship? ”
GOJO : “ i have thought about it BUT i don’t like the idea of open relationships. whats the point of being im a relationship if you are going to date another person? it doesn’t make me feel right either.. ”
YN : “ okay good cause i would’ve killed you if you said yes. ”
“ whats the nicest thing you’ve said about me to your friends? ”
GOJO : ww had meanest so obviously we need the nicest now spill.
YN : okay well, this was when we were in our talking stage. i already knew he liked me but i was trying to figure out my feelings and he waited for me and was so supportive. i think i cried and ranted to my friends about him the next day—
GOJO : i mean nobody should pressure nobody into a relationship
GOJO : in the wise words of taylor swift “in a world of boys hes a gentleman!”,
YN : since when did you know tswift…
GOJO : …
“ if i was a leech would you still love me? ”
GOJO : “ aww yes, id put a cute little bow on you! ”
YN : “ really? id love a glitter bow— “
GOJO : “ i would keep you on my arm ans let you suck the shit out of me— “
YN : “ okay bye this video is over. MAKE SURE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE— ”
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A/N: :3 gojo :3
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4pfsukuna · 6 months
Love love LOVE the asexual drabbles and headcannons! Could you do one with Gojo & black asexual woman? Like she teases him ‘i’ll only mess around if you give me a dollar’ as a snarky joke and he’s like ‘i’m rich baby hell yes’ and keeps the joke running🤭 I know i’ll enjoy anything you write! Thank you in advance!
OMG, thank you im glad you love them because i actually love writing them.
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• You met him at the mall…the prada store to be exact, you weren’t necessarily shopping more so just debating on a purse or a pair of boots.
•You were a stylist in japan and your clients loved your American style although they had way cooler clothes. Safe to say business was flourishing.
•Yet here you are trying not to blow through money too fast so you were Legit window shopping.
.•The last thing you expect is a white haired man to stand next to you and startle you, you assume he’s going to say something about your hair as most people had done i mean you were a black person in japan.
• He’s holding a few bags and a cup you initially assume he’s blind because of the blindfold but when he begins to talk about the shoe, your slightly confused but you have decorum so you don’t say anything.
• “I’ve had my eye on the bag for a few weeks but they just dropped the new boots so I’m debating” you say and what’s $950 To any normal person its like a penny to him.
• “How about i buy both and you wear them on our first date” he says smoothly leaning up against the glass window and you laugh at first until you realize hes dead serious. You weren’t use to men here flirting with you and it makes you nervous.
• “Usually people start off with their names” you tell him before introducing yourself as you hold out your hand which he places a kiss on.
• “Gojo Satoru” lifting his blindfold revealing the brightest blue eyes you’ve ever seen
• You also notice he has a tag hanging off his shirt and it cost $1500.
• You decline him buying the stuff for you but accept his offer for a date. What’s the worst that could happen?
• He doesn’t know what he’s expecting when he sees you, he thought you were already gorgeous at the mall but looking at you right now it makes something… stir.
• He told you to dress cute but casual he was taking you sight seeing— he never mentioned it would be in a helicopter over the city.
• It’s obvious this man has money to blow and you contemplate looking him up to figure out just who he is.
• He also brings the shoes and bag as a gift, he couldn’t resist! Plus he likes loves the way your face initially lights up before trying to be humble and give it back.
• He lies and tells you its rude to not accept gifts.
• “Gojo i cant accept this without you knowing all about me…” you speak pouting knowing the good time was coming to an end and while the shoes and bag looked perfect you had to confess.
• “Its the wrong size?” He asked looking at your foot and back at the box on the table.
•“What? No strangely enough you got the right size…im asexual” 
•“…thats… cool. I can write with both hands too”
“Gojo thats ambidextrous! Asexual means—“
• “Im just kidding sweetheart, of course i know what it means”
•He definitely did not and googled it under the table.
• You know the meme “we hung out once and weve been together ever since” that was you two.
• The next few weeks he finds time to either take you to breakfast, lunch or dinner and on days hes completely free he’ll take you on some one of a kind date experience. 
• Hes a kid at heart so when you take him to a virtual reality place and literally fight to pay, you have to distract him by kissing him and biting gently on his lower lip.
•He loved it nobodys every paid for anything for him and the fact that you planned the date, paid and had a great experience hes lovestruck.
• He ended up paying since he put a hole in the wall fighting demons in the game mentioning something about it feeling to real.
•Its when 3 of his students run into you two and their shocked he’s not harassing you and actually enjoying voluntarily spending time with him, mainly because he has no idea who you are.
• Nobara follows all of your socials loving your day in the life videos, style advice videos even when you have your celebrity clients in the videos.
•Its megumi knowing who you are and thinking you’re cool that seals the deal for him.
•Gojo loves your cooking so the day you pack him leftovers with a cute smiley face and a note hes literally on the desk kicking his feet in the air… weirding out his students. This was next level even for him.
•They beg to bring you around loving seeing him happy with you.
•Its a collective though and nobara who wants to enjoy regular teen things breaks the ice officially by asking 
“Take this dollar or have sex with Gojo-sensei?”
“Give me the dollar” at the same time he shouts her name. Hes also taken aback cause what do you mean youre going to take the dollar.
“No babe i dont think you heard the question take a dollar or—“
“Give me the dollar”
•For the rest of the day Gojo chooses to be dramatic from the grocery store to the hair supply store where guess whos short $1 of buying hair supplies. You turn to him seeing hes fascinated with the hair clips and different color edge controls.
•“Hey sweetheart i think you should get all of these” he suggest ready to pick them all up waiting on your command. 
•“Hey babe im short” you tell him and he scoffs not paying you any mind looking at the conditioners catagorized by hair type.
“I knew that when i first seen you… what’s your hair type? Does 4b mean 4 everyone? Like your down for interracial dating… how do they know that by hair type? Like hard wig soft life?” He rambles and you almost lose it.
“No im short $1” and he sends you the most devious smirk as he holds open his wallet repeating the question Nobara asked.
“Give me the dollar” you smirk back watching his smile be taken over by a glare as he gives the cashier his card to pay for everything  instead.
“Dont give me that look baby, im rich now come on i ordered a package for you” he loves to buy you things he jokingly ask siri how much the world cost one time.
“Satoru it better not be another pair of prada shoes” you scold as he carries the bags, his silence tells you everything you need to know though.
“Babe I’m running out of space to put all the stuff you bought me, please” you pout loving that this was a problem in your relationship and not anything else.
“I have enough space… You can live with me instead”
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
Krueger being a seat sniffer isn’t shocking tbh 💀 that man def already picked out the names of his and Sweetheart’s future kids and wedding plans detailed in a binder (is he manifesting or delusional; who knows lol!).
He also def has a shrine dedicated to Sweetheart openly in his room, atleast the other boys have the decency to hide their shrines in their closet 😤😂
He has like- three binders and two notebooks he has for Sweetheart and his future with her. Like it's just FILLED with where they would live, how many kids they would have, tHEIR NAMES, the colleges they would go to, the house he wants to get when they get married, THE WEDDING
MANS IS EVEN PLANNING FOR THEIR RETIREMENT LIKE-- KRUEGER??? he's delulu and manifesting for this to happen!! Let's cheer him on! ✨️🙏 PFFTT-
And yes. He has a shrine of Sweetheart. OBVIOUSLY. THE MOMENT YOU WALK IN its right there in your face. It's sitting on a small table-like stand and it's FILLED with framed pictures of Sweetheart and heart shaped candles around them. There's a long frame with gold on it, and inside of it is a nail set he got her his first time ever (that was three years ago 💀) She told him it was coming off, and she was so sad because he got it for her (he fell in love with her more because of that) so he helped her get them off, and he told her that he'll throw them away.
once she left he threw them in his pocket so fast and ran off to his room 💀💀 and then there's a pedestal on the table, and it has a small, marble bust of Sweetheart he paid someone to do on etsy (HE LOVES ETSY IM NOT CHANGING MY MIND) and what's crazy is that all of its glued down to the table, and there's a button behind it, so he presses that button when Sweetheart comes around and the table top flips, being empty and he places magazines on the clean top 🧍‍♀️ THE MAN HAS A SECRET CONTRAPTION FOR HIS SHRINE
(You can't deny the fact that he prays to it as well. You CANT)
He's down horrifically bad. He wants her sO BADLY
They don't really have shrines like Krueger (because he's delusional) but everyone does have a picture of Sweetheart or some sort of gift she's made them somewhere in their room. Or on them.
Like Alejandro has a small gold locket of Sweetheart he wears around his neck and NEVER TAKES IT OFF-- and when he's about to go on a mission, he kisses the locket, says a small prayer and puts it under his shirt, so he knows that he's protected and has someone to go back to (why am I making myself cry)
Rudy has a picture of Sweetheart framed with a letter she sent him on his desk with the little things she's made him. He reads the letter every time he misses her (WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF)
Ghost wears a braided friendship bracelet Sweetheart made him. (Its black and blue with lil skulls) He hides it on his left wrist with his glove, but he still wears it. When he's not around Sweetheart, he plays with the ties and smiles
Soap has like a little collage of pictures of Sweetheart and him on a corkboard. They take pictures when they're in a new country or state and collect weeds of flowers and give it to each other (SO CUTE I LOVE SOAP) and his sketchbook is FILLED of Sweetheart-- like he remembers what she looks like so much he sketches her from memory. And he uses a separate sketchbook for her, he calls it "Sweet's Looks".
Gaz only has one picture of her, and it's on his phone. It's Sweetheart cuddled up on his side, hand on his chest while watching a movie. It's obviously his home screen wallpaper (not his lock screen he can't handle that) he also has a little basket of different rocks Sweetheart has given him because she has a little basket of rocks he has given her as well (they're birds I tell ya)
Price has a photo of her in his hat. That's why he never lets anyone touch it, and his heart beats a little quicker when Sweetheart wears is hat cause he's nervous she's gonna see the picture (she has, and it's her and Brutus together and she squeals everytime in her mind)
Roach has a picture of Sweetheart taped to a bear. 🧍‍♀️ don't really wanna go into that one--
Alex has like- one of those photo booth type of pictures. Yk the ones that come in threes or fours. They went to a mall and Sweetheart HAD to get some. Alex uses his as a bookmark.
Now Horangi is like Krueger. He DOES have a shrine but it's in his closet. You will NEVER SEE IT.
König would have a shrine in his closet as well, but it's SMALL. Like two pictures and a good luck letter she wrote to him when he was on a mission. He's so soft for her good lord.
Graves has like.... I don't know a paperclip? That Sweetheart gave him? Think he still has that pen that Sweetheart forgot to take back. Still counts.
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redrydersrequiem · 8 months
The Raven and the Vampire
Chapter 3
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Walking with Angela was nice; she seemed nice, and very smart. The classroom was again in shades of white but did have pops of color from the artwork hanging all around. Setting down your stuff and waiting for the teacher, a familiar figure bounces up and sets down.
“Are you Elara, I'm Alice Cullen. It's so nice to meet you.”
“ You as well” reaching out to shake the girls hand I notice how cold she is, which must be cold if even I notice she’s cold,
“Wow you’re hands sure are cold”
“Oh yeah you know what they say, cold hands warm heart.”
“You know I can already tell we are going to be great friends. I really hope everything comes together for you.”
“Oh thanks and I hope we become friends as well.”
Just as that is said the teacher comes in to begin the lesson. Looking back and forth between the canvas in front of me and Alice I try to not stare at her the whole class but the mystery of what she is to strong, So instead I send out my senses like aunt sif always said “when you can’t use your eyes use your other senses” I can hear all the heart beats in the room the air filling their lungs. Well all except one. Looking towards Alice I can clearly see her moving and blinking as she worked on her sketch. Now that’s new, What on earth are these cullens?
“So elara how old are you” alice asks noticing i was watching her
“Im 853 as of September 13th”
“Sorry I was joking, I’m 18”
“Oh you're the same age as some of my siblings.”
“Yeah, I saw all of you at lunch. I'm sorry for how the people at the table were talking about your family. I'm sure that’s not a good feeling.
“Oh no it's fine they’ve all talked about us since we moved here.”
“ At least what they did say it seems you have an amazing family.
“Thank you, I can tell you're really sweet, you're going to make someone very happy someday.”
“Why thank you thats” The bell rings, cutting me off.
“Have a nice next class elara. I think you’ll really enjoy it.”
Before I can even begin to interpret what she just said she’s gone. Well aren’t the clues just lining up for me. I ponder as I walk to the last class of the day, Cold skin, they reacted to my magic but didn’t know it came from me. Alice didn’t have a heartbeat but I hadn’t checked the others yet so I don’t know if i can count that yet it could just be her, and they seemed really fast. My mind whirling as I walked into the room, the first thing I noticed was him. The very air around him seemed to shimmer.
“Ah miss lane I presume Im Mr Wright welcome to ap history please take a seat over by Mr Hale. Mr Hale please raise your hand so she knows where to come.”
Jaspers pov
Doing as I was asked, trying to mask the internal crisis brewing within. God Edward wanted to kill Bella upon meeting her and I wanted to kill everyone most of the time, and now the new girl is being sent right into the lion's den, damn my luck. I didn't want to breathe or move, but as she got closer, her presence washed over me. A cooling breath of air in the never ending smell of the other students' blood. It was incredible her whole being captured me and it was in that instance I knew she's my mate.
Elaras pov
I was raised in a noble court. I've had over 800 years of speaking experience, but now while I'm sitting shoulder to shoulder with my soulmate I can’t under a single syllable. I'm not even listening to the teacher rampling on, all I can think of are the subtle things I see on him. The way that one curl brushes above his right eye. Speaking of his eyes, his eyes alone are the most beautiful color of ember. The plaid blue shirt he was wearing fit him so well oh for the love of the gods just say something to him.
“Um hi,”
“Im Elara”
“Jasper hale, pleasure to meet you darlin”
Wow darlin is my new favorite word, especially when said in that beautiful accent.
“ Are you enjoying forks?”
“It’s definitely starting to grow on me.”
“I think I can understand that.” The rest of the class I exchange notes and made small talk before that dreaded bell rings and it signaling my departure from him.
“I guess I'll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course, see you tomorrow darlin.”I almost don’t want to part from him, but I know now isn’t the time for us, but it is a start.
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Busting through the front door I call for Mila and Lucas. I have to share all my experiences with them. I have to call mom and dad, I have to…….
“Odins beard, Elara is that you banging around out there.” I hear coming from the kitchen cutting off my inner rant.
“Yes Mila but I have a good cause, where’s Lucas I need to speak to him too.”
“I'm right here princess, how was your first day of school? ' Lucas asks as he steps out of the study.
“I found them, I found my soulmate”
“That's terrific news my lady!”
“Isn’t it. It’s just um”
“I sense a but coming.”
“You’d be correct Mila that's why I need you and Lucas. From everything I’ve observed today his family and him are not human.
“Ok before we start getting into what was just spoken, first at least tell me you know their name.”
“Oh yes sorry Mila. His name is Jasper, Jasper Hale
“How lovely a strong name.”
“I would like to be more focused on the non human part,
“Of course do Lucas.”
“I'm sorry Mila but the princesses safety is my first concern, I promised her father and more importantly the Allfather.”
“Yes yes we shall let you complete your duty, now dear what were you saying about them not being human.”
“From what I observed they don’t have heartbeats and seem very fast. Alice, Jasper's sister, was also very cold, colder than any human should be.”
“Hmmmmm, by any chance did they seem inhumanly beautiful.?”
“Yes actually, they did stand out more than the other children.”
“What about their eyes?”
“ Well my soulmate had beautiful ember almost yellow eyes”
“Then I do believe I know what they may be my lady.”
“You do.”
“Yes midgardians have a legend of an inhuman species that survives on the blood of other sentient beings. While many believe these stories to be just that, the being is very much real. Here the local tribe calls them the cold ones”
“Local tribe?”
“Yes there is a tribe here of children of Fenrir.”
“Oh wolf shifters then, amazing I remember reading of them as a child, I'm glad they are still around.
“Yes they are. Many of them have taken on the charge of maintaining peace
and protecting the humans from the cold ones.”
“Why must they protect the humans?”
“Anciently cold ones while intelligent many would be overcome by their darker tendencies and slaughter full villages. Though from what you’ve told me your soulmate and his family seem to be the other end of that spectrum.
“What do you mean.?
“ Well with the speed, beauty,cold skin but more importantly the gold color of their eyes it would seem your soulmate and his family are in a way vegetarian vampires, meaning they don’t prey on humans but animals instead.”
“Amazing, what else do you know of their species’
“Well a good thing is they are a long lived race they do not age from the time they are turned.
“Perfect I wouldn’t have to worry about out living them, and the aging we could possibly figure out later on but that is so far away.”
“The cold ones can also have gifts my lady”
“They have aesir.”
“No my lady, not really asgardian aesir, it's a special form that we don’t have much knowledge on, all I know is that they can have abilities from telepathy to elemental manipulation and so on from my understanding it all depends on their lives before they are turned and even then not every vampire has a gift.”
“Interesting, mom and dad will be impressed.”
“Elara dear if you contact them please don’t forget to tell them we’ve finished the preparations for the house so they can send over your pet.
“Really, Mila you're the best, Aurelius will love the woods here.”
“Yes, I'm sure your giant pet wolf will love the woods.
“Oh Lucas, it'll be fine. I already decided we’d cloak him to look like that fluffy bread. What was it called again?”
“A husky dear.”
“Yes a husky, to the midgardians he will just be a regular husky.”
“I hope so cause I believe a 12ft silver wolf would upset the locals.”
“I would expect no less from a direct descendent of Fenrir,”
“ Think of it this way, Lucas, he can help you protect me.
“Whatever you say, dear princess whatever you say.”
Cullens pov
The next day at school the cullens including bella all stand by their cars like usual waiting for the new girl to come into the parking lot.
“Jasper are you sure it's her you felt the connection to”
“Yes, I’m sure. She’s the only one around that I don’t feel the urge to kill.”
Her presence alone feels like a cool blanket covering the aching heat in his throat. Not that he’d admit that to his siblings yet.
“Well everyone, how do we think we should handle this.?” Alice asks the
group surrounding her
“ Last time we got involved with a human it didn’t go well, Sorry Bella”
“No offense taken Rue.”
“I haven’t seen anything in any of our futures that suggest she’s a danger and this could be Jasper's chance to finally have the happiness he deserves. I'm not going to let you all ruin that for him.”
“Thank you Alice.”
“I think we should get to know her and if she is a danger we'll speak to Carlisle and go from there.”
“ See rue agrees besides I've already introduced myself to her and I like her. I know she'll be a wonderful addition to our family”
“Just make sure you respect her boundaries babe.”
“Rue Im offended I have great respect for boundaries” Rue shakes her head with the rest of the cullens in a knowing way
“Sure you do sweety. Come on y’all the bells about to ring wouldn’t want to miss another glorious day of highschool.
Elaras pov
Watching the cullens enter the school I feel the smile spread on my face as I lean against the purple jeep Lucas suggested I drive instead of my bike. I can see them all once again watching me from the gourd around their cars. Vampires huh how very very interesting .Most of them i.e. Emmet, Alice and Jasper have smiles on their faces while the others look somewhat grim. It’s almost like they are suspicious of me, but for what i couldn’t figure, i guess we'll see who approaches who first.
The morning was going well when I saw Alice while walking to my next class. She was standing in the hall with her girlfriend rue and their other sister Rosalie. I waited for the rushing crowd of teenagers to disperse a little before making my way over. Alice saw me and shot me a giant smile, gleefully motioning me over to them.
“Elara, good morning.”
“Morning alice.”
“Let me introduce you this is my girlfriend rue and my older sister Rosalie,”
“It’s nice to meet both of you.”
“It’s nice to meet you. Alice wouldn’t stop talking about you yesterday after art. It's almost like I already know you. Rose say hi hun don’t be stiff”
“No, it's fine she doesn’t have to say anything if she doesn’t want to.”
“Sorry I was just thinking to myself, hello my name's Rosalie, it's nice to meet you. I assume you got the whole tour yesterday from everyone.”
“Yeah it was sooo much fun. Especially all the staring and whisper you hear all day ”
“ I can definitely understand that it was the exact same when we all started school here.”
“At least you all had each other. You all seem like a very tight knit family”
“Yeah we can be.”
“elara I'm so excited you just have to sit with us today at lunch and meet everyone. I can definitely tell we all make fast friends.
“Sure Alice I would love that, only if everyone would be comfortable with it.”
“Oh no everyone would be just fine i'll make sure of it. Now I'll see you at lunch. I'll wait for you by the front door”
“Sounds like a plan I respond when he schools bell sounds in the hallway.”
“Ok elara well see you at lunch come on rue we have science class “
“Oh joy, bye elara” rue replies her whole body slumping with disdain or the upcoming class i simply laugh at her.
“Bye good luck,” the two girls walk off more like alice drags rue off. Rosalie is stood beside me still also lightly smiling at her siblings behavior
“What about you Rosalie?”
“I have math next with Emmet but I guess I'll see you at lunch.”
The blond walks off as I now make my way to my own class. It seems that I have a lunch date with the Cullen family now. This will be a more productive day than I thought.
Jaspers pov
“You did what? Alice what in the hell”
“Oh calm down Jasper, this is the perfect opportunity to formally introduce her to our family.”
“Have you met our family? Look what happened when Edward met Bella, we're still dealing with that. I'm not gonna let my mate get hurt.”
“Jasper calm down nothing will happen to elara”
“How do you know? Isn’t she’s a shield like Bella”
“Well I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily a shield. I've seen glimpses of her in your and our future but it's like she’s surrounded by bright light every time I see her. Almost like she muffled in a way”
“Muffled. That still doesn’t mean she won't be hurt by me or anyone else”
“Jasper you can’t live your life in fear or you won't live at all. I want you to be happy and I know she’s what’s going to make you happy, now pull yourself together and she's joining us for lunch.”
Oh lord, I really hope Edward is wrong about all his eternal damnation because I could really use some hope right now.
Elaras pov
Lunch is only fifteen minutes away. The bells blares in my ears, tuning out the fast beating of my heart momentarily. Ok elara you can do this. You're a 853 year old princess of Asgard. You’ve been trained in the mystic arts and fighting from the moment you could walk. A group of midgardian teenagers should not be a problem. Now put on your big girl armor and let's do this. Pep talk done, I head into the lunch room and immediately see alice bounding up to me.
“There you are girly right this way and don’t worry only Edward bites but you can just ignore him. The rest of us do most of the time.”
Slipping her arm through mine I have no choice but to follow her as the whole cafeteria watches. It’s just like a court function back home keeping my head high and taking a step at a time. Till I see the table come into view and there he is, Gorgeous curls and all. Then he turns and the smile he shows is like being hit with the bifrost full force. All of them are beautiful in itself but him, he's even more so.
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“Here she is, everyone. elara you’ve already met, my better half Rue,” you wave and smile at rue which she copies
“Next to her is Bella swan. I don’t know if you have officially meet”
“Hi Bella”
“Hi elara”
“The brooding one beside her is her boyfriend and our brother Edward.”
“He just nods which is fine for me as I reciprocate the gesture.”
“Hey don’t forget about me, I want to say hi too.”
“Yeah yeah emmet hold your horses. elara this is emmet the loud one of the group
“Don’t you mean the fun one of the group?”
“No i mean loud”
“Hahaha hi emmet it's good to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, elara. I gotta say your bike the first day was sick we'll have to talk.”
“You bet”
“Like you know about motorcycles”
“Hey babe that’s not nice im a wealth of knowledge”
“If you really want to talk about cars and bike I’m the one to talk to”
“Oh really that's really cool Rosalie I would love to talk.”
“Hey see, we're all friends already.”
“Sure Emmett and last but not least is Jasper you can take the seat next to him I'm sure you’ll get along great” The blush that enveloped your checks didn’t go unnoticed by the others but thankfully none of them commented on it.
“Hey darlin, it's nice to see you again.”
“You as well jasper.”
I take the seat next to him that he pushed out, ever the gentlemen that definitely a plus check for him. The table is quiet as everyone settles in, not knowing what to say I wait for one of them to hopefully start speaking and thankfully emmet doesn’t miss his que.
“So elara how's the rain been treating you.”
“I actually like the rain, it's comforting to me.”
“Really wow the complete opposite of Bella. Hahaha” Everyone silently chuckles the brunette glaring at Emmett
“Where are you from Bella I was told you where new last year”
“Yeah I was I came from phoenix Arizona”
“What’s it like there”
“It was mostly like a desert so this was a big change.”
“Oh that's cool.”
“Yeah I was kinda iffy about it at first but now it's really grown on me.” She hugs edwards arm and they both stare at each other with clear love in their eyes”
“Get a room you two, so elara tell us about yourself” rue asks from the other side of the table
“Well I just moved from insert ( fake hometown) and I moved here to travel a little with my aunt and uncle since my parents are really busy.”
“Wow that's cool, but do you not have any siblings or pets or anything?
“No, I have two new baby brothers, Vance and Nate and then my pet dog aurelius actually came with me.“
“Oh you have a pet, what kind of animal are they?” Alice asks from her seat next to rue
“He’s a silver husky. Here I have a photo of him on my phone.”
Pulling up the photo of transformed Aurelius I show the group with a smile”
“Wow , he's really pretty, almost kind of looks like a wolf.” Bella says with aw in her tone, the slight shift from the rest of the table though from her words does not go unnoticed by you. I hope these people don’t have issues with wolfs (foreshadowing lol) But then what Lucas said about the local moon children tribe comes to mind and everything just drops into place in your mind.
“Let's change the subject elara what’s your favorite class so far
“Well rose I would have to say history so far”
“Oh that's the class you have with Jasper right?”
“Alice!” jasper scolds her silently as he sees the blush form on my cheeks
“Yes, that is the class I have with jasper. I must say your whole family is amazing. Jasper has been nothing short of a gentleman to me since he got saddled with me being his desk partner.”
“That’s how my momma raised me, true southern hospitality.”
“I'm glad it’s definitely an attractive feature, I will say.” Alice suddenly Interrupts the staring between you and jasper
“Hey elara you wouldn’t happen to have any plans this weekend would you”
“No I don’t,”
“Then you should come to port a with all of us girls, i think we would all love for you to become a friend”
“I would love that actually.”
“Hooray, ok here let me get your phone number and we'll get all the details finalized.”
It feels so mundane exchanging numbers with Alice,she even whispered she'd give you the others numbers later, only if you wanted them. The rest of the lunch is filled with general small talk. Bella really being the only one at the table eating the rest of us converse. The conversations actually feel pretty easy making time go by faster, the bell echos in the room signaling the end of the lunch period
“Oh shoot there's the bell right when the conversation was getting good to”
“It’s ok alice maybe elara would like to sit with us again.”Jasper asks
“Of course I will. Besides Alice, you and I have the next class together, we can continue talking there.”
“Perfect well then let's go.” She hops up quick kissing rue on the cheek before taking my arm in hers to start walking to our class.
“Bye Elara, I'll see you in last period.” jasper manages before emmet slings his arm around him in a half choke with a giant smile on his face
“Yeah elara he’ll see you last period” Laughs emmet as he drags jasper off
“Bye jasper.” you wave after them just in time to see him look back and give a final kilowatt smile
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The rest of the week eating with the cullens was amazing. I actually had gotten pretty close to everyone including Edward after I bonded off one of his favorite philosophers quotes and the following debate about it. They were all amazing, I was over the moon with the progress, they of course wouldn’t trust me with their family's secret yet but at least they are welcoming, now I just have to get through meeting the cullens matriarch.
It’s finally Saturday morning and i'm ready to experience midgardian shopping, but not ready for meeting my mates parents. Arriving at the beautiful house I arrive at the door but before I can even attempt to knock, the door flies open to reveal a smiling alice.
“Oh elara I'm so happy you're here.”
Alice practically pulls me through the house to the kitchen where the amazing smell of cookies wafts. Behind the kitchen island a beautiful woman stands, she almost reminds me of my grandmother, the grace, strength and kindness just radiating off her in the same waves as her beautiful chestnut hair. This must be Esme Cullen, their mom.
“Esme look who’s here”
“Oh hello there dear, how great to finally meet you, the children haven’t stopped talking about you.” She crosses over to you and pulls you into a quick Hug.
“Oh thank you, it's wonderful to meet you too and I have to say it smells amazing, in here.”
“Oh thank you dear, I'm making some cookies for Carlisle's colleges up at the hospital.
“Did I hear my name?”
A sweet honeyed voice calls as the head of the family walks up to his wife embracing her from behind.
“You did, but now that you're here, introduce yourself to the children's new friend.
“Ahh you must be elara lane” Carlisle greets as he reaches his hand out to shake yours
“That would be me sir.”
“Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm glad the kids have all made another great friend here in forks.
“They are all amazing, it's sad that the other kids can’t see that.
“Well isn’t that great. I hear you girls are going up to port Arthur to shop.”
“Yes sir, Alice graciously invited me along. I’ve never been up there so i'm sure it will be exciting”
“Oh course it will elara well go to all my favorite stores and find the perfect outfits for everything.
“What about us alice?”
“Oh there you two are. I'm guessing Bella was able to get out of girls trip this time?
“Yeah she’s with Edward today.”
“Oh are they that couple”,
“Yes they are girl! But Rose can’t say much, her and Emmet are about the same.”
“Oh please rue, like you and alice aren’t.”
“I wont say we aren’t I love my little pixiepie ” Rue rushes over to alice to kiss her cheek and squeeze her
“Ok whatever, elara we're gonna go in my car if that's ok, trust me you don’t want Alice to drive.
“I heard that Rose,’
“Good you were supposed to. Come on”
As the girls all say their goodbyes and walks away I can’t help but turn back to again say goodbye to Carlisle and Esme,
“Thank you so much, it was amazing to meet you both
“You too, dear.”
“Yes don’t let those girls bully you into anything you don’t want to do we thought poor Bella would never go with the again”
“I'll keep that in mind Dr.Cullen”
“You can just call me Carlisle. I'm sure we'll be seeing eachother again.
“I hope so”
Honking from the garage signals your retreat from the loving matriarchs in front of you.
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Esme and Carlisle’s pov
Watching the young girl leave i turn to my beautiful wife
“So that's Jasper's mate?”
“Yes and I can already tell shell be an amazing mate for him. I mean I’ve never seen him smile as much as he has this past week. He’s finally coming out of that scared shell of his.”
“I agree dear and all of the others seem to really like her as well. I do hope Rose stays so open with her and we don’t have another repeat of Bella.”
“I believe she will, elara has a very unique air about her, I’m sure good things will come to our family.”
Taking one last look in the directions the girls went I silently agreed with my wife as I pulled her into my side.
Elaras pov
The red bmw drives down the street top down and music blasting . The wind flowing through my hair as Rose expertly drives into town.
All I can really hear is the occasional signing from rue beside me, as alice and rose go on about Alice’s driving skills. After what felt like five minutes we all pulled into a shopping district and the day began. Shop after shop we go and I now have no doubt that these girls are inhuman. So many stores we’ve blown through, it's almost shocking. But the fun and light conversation between all of us keeps driving me. Finally we stop at the food court, they all get a smoothie while I find whatever here seems the most appetizing.
“So elara tell us what do you think about jasper?” I simply look up at Alice a smile on my face
“Alice what happened to any subtlety.”
“Oh come on Rose I know you wanted to ask. So elara tell us.”
“Are you sure you want to know given he’s your brother.”
“Uh yes. Especially since none of us have seen him smile so much in a long time.”
“Rues right you’ve truly had an amazing effect on him.”
“What can I say?”
“Just tell us what you like, it doesn't have to be about jasper.”
“But Jasper is who I like.”
“Aww” Rue smacks Alice’s shoulder at the sound.
“Stop it let her continue, go on elara”
“He’s kind and he’s funny, super smart. Being around him is like being wrapped in my favorite blanket with a cup of tea in hand.”
“Aww that's adorable. I’ve got to tell you that he thinks the same.
“Alice for gods sake stop”
“No Rose, I want my brother and our friend to be together, so this is what’s going to happen. We’re going to beautify elara all up which wont be hard your gorgeous love, show jasper what he’s missing and i promise by the end of the week you two will be together i have it all planned out”
“Oh it’ll work out just like that”
“Yup you leave everything to me, it's the least i can do for my future sister “
“Oh lord alice one step at a time i think we all need to get to know each other a lot more before that. And we still have some family things to take care of remember” rose says chastising the small brunete
“Yeah yeah yeah it's only a matter of time”
“Family stuff is there anything i can help with?”
“No elara it's fine, maybe someday but for now let's just think of prettying you up. Come on girls I hear a Sephora calling our name.”
And just like that rue whisks me away with rose and alice following a smile on all of our faces, and all I can think of is how much I'm ready for all our secrets to be revealed so we all can actually be sisters. But first we may have to get none of them being human out of the way
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witchersmistress · 1 year
Punishment Time- Walter
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Hello my darlings!! ive been hiding but im back and @livesinfantasyland here is something to sink your teeth into..
Trigger warnings: Cream pie, oral sex male receiving, bodily pentration, anal play, nipple clamps, pet names, threesome.. i thinks thats everything lol
word count: 2.1K
Grabbing a towel from the edge of the bed, wiping off August’s cum and then throwing it in a laundry hamper nearby, you made your way to Walter’s cage, his hard cock was still in his hand, his magic cross piercing glinting under the lights. He tucked his thick veiny cock back into his jeans, and stood up. He is 6’1, curls for days and those blue eyes…
He may be the quieter one of August and Syverson but he was just as deadly and he was a man in complete control and you were about to break it. You had to think carefully, he is good at what he does so trying to trap him will be a bit more finesse than you did with August, but Gus is a man who lets his temper get the best of him.
Walter is a man who never shows his feelings or his pain after all the things he has seen in his time. So that is what  his punishment will be , pain to the point of pleasure. you flick you gaze back to August, he is slumped on the couch where you left him. Too tired to move, he’ll need his rest, you're not done with him yet, however you and Walter were just getting started
Opening the door to the monster’s cage, you let yourself be enclosed with him. He ensnared me in his arms, but that's just what i wanted, he wasn't aware of secret held inside his prison….
He drew closer to your ear “Tsk Tsk Tsk you are awfully brave or very foolish to get locked in here with me” he nipped at your earlobe and trailed kisses down your neck, pushing him slightly to get him against the back of the cage, your arms encircle his neck to bring him in closer, he attacked your chest and neck like a vicious animal. Reaching for the black collar behind his head, and locking it around his neck and stepping back. He tries to grab me and is tugged back by his collar. 
A wicked grin is plaster on your face, his eyes narrowed when he realized that he was trapped. “You evil little wench, let me out” a wild giggle escaped your lips as you watched the big burly man struggle against his collar. “They say that you were one of the best, the Night Hunter, but nobody knew about the monster that laid underneath those clothes, the proverbial  wolf in sheep's clothing.” grabbing the neck of his white t-shirt, you pulled and ripped it open. Pulling off the scrap of fabric and tossing it to the cage floor, you ran your fingers along his rippling prectors, as a growl ripped out of his chest. “You let me out of this right now” pressing a finger to his lips and shushing him,  reaching around for the nipple clamps, holding one in you lowered hand, you  leaned forward and swirled your tongue around his right nipple, he hissed at the intimate contact.
you were going to enjoy this punishment far too much but there was no turning back now, removing your mouth from his chest, you brought the clamp up to his nipple and placed it on before gently tightening it. His face contorted in pain and pleasure, honestly wouldn't have pinned this man for a pain kink, he definitely has a primal kink.  The thought of that man chasing you like prey, gets you blood boiling, not sure if it was August’s cum or your arousal leaking down your inner thighs, a shiver racks through your body as you attach the other nipple clamp. Attaching a leash to his collar, i undo the chain holding him in place, “ Come boy” he glared at me while i tugged on the leash, “ I am not a pet” he growled, turning back to look over your shoulder, “ Oh no you darling, you are  so much more than that, you are my  good boy” his blue eyes narrowed at that remark as i tugged him along to the bed in the middle of the room. 
“Lay down on your stomach, if you are a good boy you’ll get a reward” he eyed me suspiciously as you pulled him by his belt towards the bed, undoing his belt and letting his pants fall free, only his navy blue boxer briefs left in place. He begrudgingly layed down for me, he hissed at the contact of the cool satin bed sheets to his taut nipples. Attaching his collar to the chain in the bed so he couldn't move, you gave him a swift smack on his muscular ass, the thwack echoed off the walls and he growled at me some more.
“Tsk tsk, down boy you know better” a low grumble left his chest, if he wasn't happy now he certainly won't be in a few minutes. Making sure that he was  secure before walking twoards the hutch of fun things, humming a disney song like a psycho path, i grab what you are looking for, it was a small silicone buttplug, it was black with a flared base and a sparkly green gem blinking back at you. Grabbing the lube off the side bed, you pulled his boxers down and smiled wickedly at him. He was quiet, always observing and plotting his revenge no doubt. Opening up the bottle of lube, i squirted some on his perfectly shaped ass, he hissed at the contact “Woman you better stop right now” ignoring his words you pressed on, spreading the lube and desensitize around his tight puckered hole, placing the tip of you finger against the open, pushing gently, with a little effort, the muscle gave way. swirling around the tight sphincter as he moaned at the sensation. 
Pulling your finger out and wiping it on the towel besides you grabbed the plug and generously covered it in lube and desensitizer, and some more lube to his back end. you smacked him on the ass. “Hands and knees pretty boy, it'll make it easier.'' He struggled to get to his knees, the nipple clamps leaving imprints on his skin, and his cock, was rock hard with precum dripping from the tip. you bent forward and took the tip of his swollen cock and licked the precum off. He let out a wanton moan. Pulling back, you went back to his ass and placed the plug at his designated target. Placing your hand on his lower back, you gently pushed the plug until you felt the moment of give and it went. He hissed at the sensation.. "you've had your fun now let me out" he said. A sinister laugh left your throat. " not likely, besides this is your punishment not mine." Extending the chain on his collar, " Roll over and hold yourself up on your hands knees apart" the look in his eye assured me that yes you was indeed going to be in trouble later
you climbed up on the bed and positioned yourself at the end of the bed.  For a man who is usually a hard read, he was an open book at the minute, didn't bother to hide a damn thing. Sitting back on your heels and grabbing all of your long hair and putting it up in a ponytail to get it off your neck and out of your face. Grazing your hands up your thighs, to your breast giving them a gentle squeeze before reaching your arms high above you head, stretching like a cat bathing in the sun, rolling your neck, you locked eyes with him. He was practically salivating, August had rejoined us. Sitting back on his sofa just watching, and admiring “Don't you start Walker” Walter hissed in his direction, August put his hands up “Boys” you chided them as you shook your head “ enough, both of you stop or you can pleasure each other and ill watch” 
you've never seen August's spine snap straight so quickly or Walter who turned and was drilling holes in August’s skull with his eyes. These two are just annoying. Finishing your stretch, bring your arms back down slowly, grabbing your throat then trailing you middle finger, through the valley of your breast before resting them on your lap again.. “Woman,” Walter said. Rolling your eyes you tossed a look over your shoulder back at August who was about to get the perfect view of you ass and cunt wet from his release mixed with you own, placing you hands in front of me, shifting you sitting on your heels to all fours, you red bottom thigh highs and black garter belt firmly in place. Wiggling your feet and your ass at him as you crawled in between Walter’s spread thighs. “Fuccck” you heard from behind me, "eat that you smug bastard," you thought.
Nipping at Walters thigh as you crawled up his body and got within an inch of his face. My lips hovering centimeters from his  "if you move in any way we stop, do you understand?" he nodded and you pulled back. Sinking your way back to his throbbing cock, flattening your tongue, licking from balls to tip, paying special attention to his piercings, you reach your hand under his balls and pull on the base of the plug. He emits a deep moan when you pull on it, pulling back on his cock and wiggling your ass in excitement. 
Sounds echoed around you  but you were solely fixated on Walter as you took him in your mouth all the way to the back of your throat, gagging slightly on the piercing, pulling on the plug as you sucked on him, his moans increasing and his cock growing thicker. Feeling a hand move down your back and to the top of the garter belt “Don't you dare stop little one, let's give him a real treat shall we?” August huskily whispered. His hands slipping farther down your hips, one pulls away and claps you hard on your ass leaving a mark. You jumped at the impact, that sound of him smacking you made you even more wet than you possibly had been before. The hand that spanked you slowly trailed down your thigh and in between your legs “Hmm if you could only feel how wet she is, Walt, i can imagine how her walls are clenching begging for something to grab on to” he slipped two fingers inside you. Moaning as he found that one spot and curled his middle finger to hit it just perfectly “Shhh don't lose focus, you need to punish Walter” glowering at August, you pop walt from your mouth and start working him by hand. His moans growing louder, and his arms started to shake “Do not torture me Dove”  August pulled his fingers out and before you could question him, he was balls deep inside you at a steady pace, you struggled to concentrate on Walter 
“ little one, moan for him, show him how good he makes you feel” pumping Walter faster as August plowed into you, moaning Walters name as August hit that spot that caused your eyes to roll “ Fuck baby, im going to cum if you dont stop” Walt pants but that only encouraged him more, one of his hands left your hip and delved between your legs to throb clit as he circled your throbbing clit “Hold on little one, dont cum just yet” pulling Walter back into your mouth the finish him off, his thigh began to shake as he leaned back at one arm and his other wrapped in your ponytail and held you in place “Open wide dove, im cumming in that pretty little mouth of yours” you could feel the hot liquid shoot down your throat as August pinched your clit and you went over the edge as he pounded away at you. Wave after wave of your orgasms washed through you, your limbs shaking with the effort it took to hold your heaving body.  Finally releasing Walts cock so you could catch your breath.                                                                          
They both share a deviant look, while August is still balls deep in you and your  struggling to catch your breath from the orgasm that August wrenched from you body as you dragged one from Walter with the quickest of movements, you were pulled off of August and thrust into  Walters chest and pinned in place. “Release the collar dove, i will not ask again” Walter seethed. With shaking hands you undo his collar and it hits the ground with a thud, a hand goes immediately around your throat. “Well dove, you're in quite the pickle, two dangerous men have you trapped in this room with all sorts of objects and toys.” undoing his nipple clamps and he hissed “Thats it dove.. Run, because if we find you, we fuck you” you sprang off the bed, grabbing a black satin robe and took off up the stairs with to predators hot on your tail and the third one? Waiting bed for you…. 
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roseworth · 3 months
do you have a favorite artist for rose?
honestly. its jeff spokes (from the stormwatch story in batman the brave and the bold)
first of all i love the braid. this book is the only time shes had it (so far...) but ive completely incorporated it into how i picture her in my head. i think its such a good look for her even though i cant figure out what its doing half the time
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the costume itself isnt very interesting in this story but i can forgive that because her costumes are rarely interesting
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i dont think its a bad costume but its just not a very good one. go girl give us nothing! but it still looks good on her so i love this art
anyways. i loooove how shes drawn out of costume <3 i actually dont know if spokes drew these panels just because it looks so different than the others but no one else is credited so i have to assume its still him
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if im being honest i think they could tweak this look and make it her actual costume (i want her to have the sort of costume sort of casual look) because it has a lot of good elements that could work + the shirt underneath is pretty close the her costume in tt03 and ds16. the second best time to give her a new costume is now. the best time was 2005. but thats not the point. the point is i think shes drawn so nice in these panels and i love the way she looks here <333
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these two are just panels i really like <3 i love her screaming at people and i think she looks so pretty in both of these :)
god. this story was just so good for her all around. and i think she was drawn so well & i feel like there was at least an attempt to draw her with asian features which i appreciate. not to mention shes drawn older here! people tend to draw her like a 16 year old but she was drawn & treated like an adult in this story <333
anyways. more artists i love under the cut
tony daniel is probably my second fav, he drew her for like 3 issues in tt03 but she looked great in those 3 issues
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i love her <3 its mostly because he was the first one to draw her after she joined the team but hes definitely the definitive rose artist to me
but also. i hate how he draws her costume. its way too blue and it just does not look right for some reason. idk exactly what it is about it i dont like but it just does not look good
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but i like his art anyway <3 he draws a good rose
yildiray cinar is the artist for fresh hell and its honestly hit or miss for me.... i think the art looks amazing but in some of the panels it just doesnt really feel like rose ig?
like i cant describe it but this panel feels so rose:
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but then this panel.. idk who this is is:
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its nice but i dont.. love it. sometimes she looks great and sometimes she looks like some kind of barbie doll
but i think she looks great when shes drawn in costume in this one. i think cinar is probably my favorite artist for her pre52 costume <3 i cant put my finger on exactly what i like about it i just think it looks so good in this book
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so his rose is sometimes great and sometimes eh. but my pfp is his rose so i cant complain too much
another one of my favs is fernando pasarin from deathstroke 2016 <3 ds16 has a few great artists for her but pasarin is my fav :)
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i dont love how the hair is drawn but other than that i just think she looks nice here <3 not to mention he manages to draw the costume to look so good on her without making it seem oversexualized which is very impressive to me
i like how dexter soy draws her in knight terrors ravager too <3
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idk what it is but i like how soy draws this costume even though i just complained about it when spokes drew it. it has the same problem of being kinda boring but i think its drawn really well here <3 the sneakers are a bad choice but overall i like how it looks in this book
and it pains me to say this. but another one of my favs is ian churchill in the ravagers
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a slay is a slay i cant deny it. the thing that hurts most about this book is that the art is amazing but everything else about it is terrible. shes drawn so well! she looks great! its too bad about the writing and the characterization and the plot and everything else
i think thats all my favs <3 honestly i have no basis for what i consider to be good for her other than that it scratches my brain and it feels right in my heart
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sorry i have to brainfart this somewhere but mersault chuuya wearing almost damn near similar clothing to his youth got me thinking about dazai and chuuya's fashion choices.
dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit. it fitting, given his character and such.....so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's. i think it's cool, to show the stark contrast between his pm days and how he's faring now, aswell to show how much effect oda had on him.
chuuya.....is the complete opposite. boy changes his clothes all the time. but it's so interesting.
his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here. almost similar to ada dazai's outfit. and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outift- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in".
then theres sb outfit- hes wearing the standard mafia outfit like higuchi, but with his own touches- rolled up sleeves, glasses tucked in his breastpocket, choker, gloves. its not much, but even higuchi doesnt do anything to hers. we kinda see him "getting into" the mafia work, and theres no pop of color here. the dragon head conflict outift is different though- hes wearing clothes that are "his style" again. simple shirt, jacket, choker, gloves. he also has his red petticoat (i think thats what it is? whatever that long cloth underneath his jacket) that, once again, gives him some color. i dunno what spured the outfit change, but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color"
and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat. he wears his coat on his shoulders, similar to pm dazai. (also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)
where was i going with this?? oh yeah. why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes? like was it his off day or something. bc if you look at chuuyas various outfit as his progression towards the mafia then him wearing his old non mafia clothes either means two things : 1. this is to signify chuuya, under vampire influnce, is well. obviously not loyal to the mafia atm. or 2. something might happen in the future that makes him swear allegiance to someone else which i dont find possible but??? who knows. im overthinking this
Oh my god I opened my asks to find this monster in here and scrolled through it like ?????????
Please feel free to do this anytime this was an absolute joy to read hahaha
"dazai, in all the eras where he was in the mafia....never changes his outfit." His outfit stays pretty similar, you're right, though he does actually change it once during his mafia days. The left image is the outfit he wears in Fifteen and Stormbringer, while the right is what he wears in DHC and Dark Era.
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The difference is the blazer jacket he adds under his coat. It's a minimal change but I think it's significant. I mentioned in this post how I believe the change might be related to his change in pronoun from boku to watashi, but really it's more the added layer of distance that makes this significant. Dazai just looks a little... odd, in the first outfit. The coat hangs off him loosely, his shirt is a little baggy. He looks very boyish, and that makes his deceptive tendencies and deeply concerning outlook all the more disturbing to others.
The second outfit makes one change but his clothes now look like they fit him (still with the exception of the coat, which never fit and never will... in this universe anyways. You mentioned Beast so... you know already hehe). In the case of the second outfit, he looks more mature and formal, which lends itself to a person who withdrew further and further away from people (with the exception of the other two at Bar Lupin); who became a terrifying executive in other's eyes, moving away from the "creepy intelligent child" image he had earlier - even though he is still very much a kid. No one knows Dazai - I think the added image of formality and authority here is just one of the many barriers he constructed to keep people from getting too close.
"so his ada outfit makes him look like a rainbow. dark blue vest, blue gem(?) bolo tie, striped shirt and a tan coat similar to oda's."
hjdfvbdjf rainbow - entering his no longer closeted gay era (sorry lol i couldn't resist)
No but you're right about the coat looking a bit like Oda's. He cared for and respected that man like no other and I think when Dazai thinks of "a good person" Oda is the first person who comes to mind. His shirt in the manga is also stripy like Oda's, a little detail that got lost in the anime. :')
"his fifteen outfit is very "him" in a sense. street kid, street kid style- red shirt, grey hoodie, green leather jacket, bright blue sheep armband. he fits right in with the rest of the sheep, and hes so...colorful here."
Yeah. He looks every bit the street kid and blends with the Sheep near perfectly - more than fitting in though, I think it's more than implied that he wants to fit in and changes his look to do so. Chuuya goes to great lengths to give the appearance of fitting in - because he never felt like he truly did (and certainly the Sheep did not treat him like an equal or a friend).
"and then theres the outfit he wears in the mafia- the first one we saw back in the manga where he seems to be wearing like a..."beta" version of his current outfit- but the way it was drawn (disregarding the anime for a second) it looks like its almost ill fitting for him. the vest is too big, the coat looks so heavy, the tie isnt properly tucked, and his pants are baggy. like hes struggling to "fit in"."
YES you get it!! And adding onto that, Chuuya doesn't really have a lot of reason to want to fit in yet. He hasn't found his personal groove yet, because he has little personal attachment to the mafia at this point in time.
Yeah in Stormbringer he's got a few personal touches but is still pretty non-descript (though you're right, it's much more than Higuchi... something to think about for her character too, and how it seems the mafia may be more of a job than an investment to her). By Dead Apple though, Chuuya's outfit is... well, back to his punk vibes, just a little more mafia-classy, I guess. (I don't know fashion I'm sorry, please don't kill me)
"but i honestly think the red color is his own touch- his own "color""
Red makes a lot of sense as a colour for Chuuya. It's energetic, emotional, fierce and aggressive. It's also considered protective, so yeah it suits him for sure. Red clothes, red ability... red camellias...
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"and then current chuuya. no color at all, maybe safe from the ribbon on his hat." Ooo ok. So in the anime, this is true but in the manga, I believe his vest is actually a pale red.
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Well. Brown with red undertones. Your point still stands though because the colour is very muted. It's not like Fifteen or DHC Chuuya for sure.
"(also, slight off tangent here- he always loses his coat whenever hes dealing with dazai?? i think?? which is. interesting. given with how glued pm dazai's coat is to his own shoulders. like he actively takes it off/gets it taken off and i SWEAR this only even happens when hes with dazai. idk. ever since asagiri said beast dazai wearing his coat fully to signify him accepting his role as the pm boss ive been. thinking about it. a lot.)"
Oh. Thinking on this. Um. Embarrassed to say - I don't think I noticed that actually. Like obviously he loses the coat a lot and that was already something to think on but... only around Dazai, is that right? Hold on, I'm gonna check.
Ok so my check wasn't super thorough (read: I am too tired and drained to go through each and every panel he appears in) but...
By god, I think you're right.
That's. Hm. I'm going to join you on thinking about that for awhile.
I see the coat as a representation of his role and responsibility he takes on, really, so it's interesting that the formality and symbolism of his service to the mafia gets quite literally discarded in the scenes with his foil and equal. Fascinating.
He's also not wearing it in any of these now infamous panels from Chapter 101:
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Huh. Well. Thank you anon. You've just given me a whole new thing to whir about.
"why is mersault chuuya wearing his old clothes?? specifically fifteen clothes?"
Honestly, I'm still waiting to figure this out too.
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Because of the purplish hue over this piece of new art, I find it hard to tell what the actual colours of his outfit are but it does look awfully similar to his Fifteen outfit. It could just be his "day-off" outfit but I think there's got to be more to it than that. It could have to do with allegiance, like you suggested. May I also suggest the return to a sense of inhumanity?
These are also the clothes he wore when his journey to find answers on himself began. Might he be entering a new arc where he has to "find" himself again?
I still feel we don't have enough information to make a solid judgement. As the meursault pov continues, I think we'll have a better reason as to why he's dressed like this.
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cyeayt · 7 months
whats ur tim headcanons :)
oooh i have so many i can sort them into appearance, character arc, and sillies, a lot of these are lifted from fics i like fyi,,, ty so much for the ask, this is very rambly lol
i tend to think of Tim as Malay mostly because of Head in the Lion's Mouth and renwhit's other works with the stoker bros which rewrote my brain although in my mind he has short hair instead of long like he has in those series. i also have fallen to the fanon of him wearing colorful button ups but i don't really like him in aloha shirts just cause i think he has better taste than that, i also think he has his ears pierced and i am not immune to the idea that he wears a shark tooth necklace he got from Danny. I do also think that he had his hair shorter and dyed purple on the ends in season 1 that he then stopped taking care of in season 2 so it was washed out green and all messy by season 3, by which time i also think his fashion had deteriorated and to me he was at the unknowing in the rattiest hoodie imaginable and jeans he had been wearing for at least 4 days. he can have a graphic tee as a treat but he was def greasy.
in terms of his character i have a lot of stuff that i think are headcanons that are actually just canon (like that he knew something was up with sasha before not-sasha was revealed or that he felt comfortable in research before getting drawn back into the horror) because i have a really shitty memory but heres some stuff im pretty sure isn't plain stated in the text: he and Jon bonded in research and were very close before Jon became the archivist, and part of how they bonded was that they were both overworking themselves looking for their answers and also they're really good at breaking into places together. i am also a sucker for the idea that jon and him were involved or dancing around something but had to break it off when jon got promoted. speaking of hcs with high angst potential, i also think a lot about subtle rituals of intimacy between him and sasha and the small ways in which he would have noticed that there was something off with her. i also see him as being estranged from his parents/ them suspecting him of having something to do with Danny's death, which is not helped by the box of photos n such i think he keeps hidden in his closet/under his bed. in terms of his mentality Tim is really relatable to me i think he really struggles to be trusted in meaningful ways and that Jon suspecting him of murdering Gertrude brought back a lot of bad memories of police and his parents thinking he killed Danny. he gets stuck into patterns of though and mindsets esp when hes depressed and has trouble thinking of things in different terms in s3. also he did nothing wrong but thats neither here nor there
sillies! hcs that have little support but i think are funny, shipping stuff, and like whatever.
It's not really supported by canon unless you think he was playing 4d chess with Basira in s2 but in my mind Daisy and Basira were the ones investigating Danny's disappearance and they have a bad history. i like to put this one in my aus/ give him and daisy and basira a weird antagonistic relationship whenever i can because i think its funny when people are bitter with each other.
while i do agree that Tim would enjoy outdoorsy stuff like rockclimbing or kayaking, i don't think he's that good at it. i def see him as like the nerdier brother and think that he got into stuff that he and Danny did together, but it would be like Danny trying to convince him to go on the black diamond while Tim zigzags his way down a blue square. idk what the rock climbing equivalent of that is but i do know that tim cannot do bouldering.
i also see tim as being aro-spec like demi-romantic bisexual or somewhere in there idk im aflux aroflux its all soup to me but he and sasha are queerplatonic to me. also don't @ me i think he at the very least flirted with elias a few times either pre-archives for funzies or at some point in s2-3 when he stopped giving a shit.
hcs are so fun bc they're like little outfits you can put your character in like not every fic i write will have all of these and some of my more minute ones contradic each other but they're like ships to me anywayyy
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Ok, the new art Is literally rolling into my head over and over again, so im gonna talk real quick about HOW FREAKING MUCH I LOVE HOW RIN LOOKS IN HERE, and also proceed to overanalyze it without any foundation bc i can
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Important note: obviously all this is just my (bias) perspective and how I perceive things (literally I can made up a metaphor from a yogurt container so this is also me letting me go rambling on and on)
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The pose that Rin does here is an obvious reference to "I'll show you a sight..." (or at least that's how i interpret it lol) and i freaking love that, because it is a subtle way of showing what is, after all, the heart of the series, seeing, discovering for the first time that view that changed Rin, Haru and the others, uniting them and making the essence of "freedom" and "team" become stronger, the moment Rin and Haru saved eachother...
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Now, as we all now know the One who is doing the pose here is Haru, and you know what? this kind of pose (either haru extending his hand or just doing something with his hand) is recurring in some other Free! official arts:
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I know that in one he's holding a ring but still counts for me
And deciding that Rin's pose reference to something that distinguishes Haru is only a way to further strengthen the bond and parallels between them and the impact that both have left on the other, and speaking of impact...
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AAAAAAH i literally dont KNOW anything about fashion but i'll totally use this pants, they look so cool!!
Leaving that aside, I'm really rolling with excitement because they're blue flowers. BLUE FLOWERS. The flowers are directly related to the blossom of things, and in Japan the term that emotions have "blossomed" is widely used, in addition, flowers (obviously i'm talking about the sakuras) are a very important in Rin and Haru's relationship!!
I like the idea that this not only symbolizes an element of Haru in Rin's clothing, but also, the way in which Rin accepts Haru's presence totally, present and necessary, we could say that Haruka has managed to fully "grow" and "bloom" in Rin...
side note: idk who he thought the idea about Rin wearing some kind of see-through shirt under the plaid shirt, but well...
Anyways, thats it, I have vented my insanity.
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thefootnotes · 2 months
scaled & icy live
an hour, huh? i best get comfy.
it's all under the cut xx
the graphics are kinda funky
i can get hype about some pink blue and yellow fr
wait is this meant to be the dema morning show?? thats so fucking funny though. thats actually so fucking funny.
okay wait so in this dema universe, in the lore, twenty one pilots is still a band? tyler joseph and josh dun are still a band?
why is he sad :(
"is that. number 16 cotton candy" bitch ofc it is
u good tyler
whats with the wookie noises
into choker tho is beautiful
sorry brief mention to how fucking good josh looks in this video oml
the stressed out bridge coming in there????
wait are these the bishops little minions or smth cause theres too many of them to be the bishops
this is a vibey little live version
man sidenote im so ordering merch this weekend
wait wahts the light thing at the back
is that supposed to be the nine towers?
oh into migraine?? was not expecting that
"depresS" everybody fucking freeze. "ive thoughts."
into morph??
its a little all over the place but in a good way?? does that make sense
wait no bring back tylers agonised screaming
"my personal favourite, mulberry street" i hate you but same
the murals. yes
josh just doin his lil bounce in the back tho
whats with the chick wtih the teddy bear
that guy was not there before was he???
and back to the piano. agh.
the little adlibs afkdlsjfdsklfjsld
see in my head all these dancers are banditos and i will take no argument
in two days i will know this mulberry street choreo by heart. just saying
when tyler and josh are looking for people for their next venture i will be ready. im telling you now.
that girl in the front in the skirt ate that
wait whos this girl
whats with the gas masks? are you my mummy? /ref
wait where did josh's shirt go not that im complaining
anybody want to learn this choreo with me too
wait i wonder if i can convince my partner to do this at our wedding actually (long long way away but i picture it being Highly Amusing)
joshs hair is just so good in this video idec
joshua william dun was that a lip bite and a wink. god fucking damn
oh hello guitar
into chlorine?? okay this setlist is. wow
whats with all of joshs costume changes??
okay tylers coat is eating here now tho
shy away yessss
the set for this is so interesting too
his little dance is so cute stop
also side note josh ate that fit so hard
"it brought tears to my eyes" same, dude. same.
ok that was fucking weird
that shirt should be so ugly so why is he kind of eating
the outside yes
josh in the onesie wtf😭 he's so!!!!!
hey bud where u goin
just casually breakdancing in the street. ok
"shut uP!" lmaooo
the water into the night sky into the backdrop is beautiful
wait he's in a boat thats so fucking cool
the sets for this are jsut fucking brilliant
i love this being just sort of him and the ukulele. i love it.
torchbearers back yaaaaay
ohhhh jumpsuit???? and the set gives the mv vibes
and then immediately into heavydirtysoul???
tyler periodically turning into a velociraptor is feeding my soul tbh
why are the hosts gradually looking more and more demonic/dead
the disco ball lmaoo
the vibes here are immaculate
wait???? is that jenna?????????????????????
her sweater is so fckn cute tho
him getting off the phone and just going "oooooooooooooooOoOooooooooOOOOOOooOoOOOOOOOOoooooo" is such a mood
oooooh the backdrop here is fire?? the colour palette fdjklfjkldj
the remixed vibes of all the songs are fucking slapping. are they available to stream or anything anywhere??
the visuals have been on point this entire video can i just say
also tylers shirt is so cool???
all the horn instruments are intriguing me
josh is so!!!!!!!!!!
car radio!!! car!!!!!!! radio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this song mostly just makes me want to cry actually. but
wait the mask!!!! the!!!! mask!!!!!
well that was short lived
all the sirens and the freaking out and hes just like 🥰👉👈👏👏
everythings on fire. again.
the little adlibs are so fucking cute tho
also i love when tyler just fuckin. screams
the three guitars in the one shot is such a fuckin vibe
the two in the back just clapping😭
and then there were two....
the lil dragon omg
oh look whos back on the couch
choker again????? yay??????
no tyler dont be sad :(
the overhead shot of all the sets>>>>>>>>>
yeah bitches you better clap for them
no cause josh and tyler at the end there kdfjfsdjfjdksl cuties
wow okay so much to unpack there im gonna go grab some chocolates and soda water
okay i've got the chocolates and soda water.
wow! so that was quite the experience. i can kind of understand how it all ties in with the clancy storyline, but it also feels like its not really *integrated* in the storyline. at least not for me at this point.
i really really enjoyed that whole video itself, regardless of lore. it was just a very interesting and cool way to present those songs
god i wish!!!!! there was a higher quality video. i couldnt find one on any of the sites i normally use, most of them said they were taken down, so.. :(
i dont really get what was happening with the woman and the man, the hosts? like i get that they were hosting but their whole vibe was off and they kept seeming to look injured/possessed/straight up weird. so.
im gonna take a quick break, maybe 15 minutes, to just draw a little bit and have some food and water and then i'll come back to the saturday video. i'm just sort of losing my focus and i need to do something else rq to kind of get my head back into it! so brb!
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snzinthewild · 1 year
I've been wanting to write for awhile because I have alot of ideas, its just getting it into words is hard. Anyways
Jax (he,him) blonde short hair and blue eyes, medium build with muscles
Leo (they,them) pale skin, brown shaggy hair, green eyes, smaller build
Warning ⚠️ contagion, mess
Jax is awoken to a sound he is all too familiar with. The sound of a rather messy sneeze coming from beside him. His boyfriend of 2 years Leo is sitting up with a tissue pressed against their face. "Ahhh ACHHOOOOOuish" followed by a nose blow in a tissue they throw into a pile they are forming on the floor next to the bed. Jax is still groggy from just waking up and rolls over to face Leo. Jax reaches over to rub their back. Leo is now aware that their sneeze has woken up their partner. "I'mb s-sorry baby, I didbn't *sniffle*want to wake you. It just came out of nowhere," Leo says as their nose begins to twitch again. "Hey, what did i say about apologizing over silly things like sneezing?" Jax smiles and puts his arm around Leo and pulls them close to him. Leo is now trapped in Jax's embrace. " Ah, heeyyy N-not fair ah ah," Leo's voice hitches. "What, I just love you so much, I'm never letting you go," Jax says, holding Leo and watching their head tilt back as their about to sneeze all over him. "Ahhh, hhh, ACHOOOOO ACHHHHOOOOO ACHHHHHOOOOOACHOOOOO achhhuuuuish" Leo pitches forward into Jax's chest snnezes several times into jax tshirt There's snot dripping from leo's nose onto Jax's shirt. "Wow, bless you baby...okay lets get you cleaned up." Jax grabs a tissue and wipes off leo's snotty nose. Then, he wipes off his shirt. "Imb sorry, i made such a mess *sniffles thickly*, im disgusting." tears form in leos' eyes, and they back off of Jax. "Your not disgusting, its natrual part of life, and your beautiful always plus i dont care if you threw up on me i will always love you"Jax wipes away a tear rolling down Leos cheek. "okay well if you ever do that to me, im breaking up with you." Leo smiles, and Jax acts affended but laughs. "Im kidding partly, i love you too." Leo kisses Jax, and they kiss for a few moments before Leo breaks it with a cough. "Are you sick or something?" Jax feels Leos forhead. "No no its just allergies. Nothing to worry about" Leo removes Jaxs hand and tries to get out of bed but jax grabs their hand to pull them back down "Thats not going to work this time because your burning up" Leo looks shocked but then drops the act and crawls under the covers because their head was killing them. "Can you grab the Tylenol and ah ACHOOOOO *leo sneezes into a tissue* and a glass of water for me?" leo asks Jax with puppy dog eyes."Bless you," Jax smirks, ee's just happy he was right for once. When he comes back with the medicine and water. Leo has the tv on and is watching their comfort show. "Now i really know you dont feel well." Jax hands leo the glass of water and then 3 pills. "I need to eat with my morning pill." Leo shallows the pills and sets the water down on the nightstand. "Tada!" Jax pulls out a pop tart, and leo smiles, grabs it, and opens it. Jax walks around to get into bed next to leo. "This is not what you should be eating." Jax pulls off a piece and eats it. Leo looks at him and pouts. Jax pouts back at leo, which makes them smile. Jax puts his hand on Leo face and rubs their cheek, Leo leans into Jaxs hand. "Baby, I know you dont like to talk about sickness but if i list some cold symptoms can you nod your head yes or no" Leo tenses up a little but nods yes, so Jax begins. "Okay thank you it will be quick i promise, sore throat *leo nods*, head ache *leo nods*, chills *leo shrugs*, okay *jax giggles* and we already know your a sneezy mess" Which reminds Leo that their nose is dripping and grabs a tissue to blow thier nose. Jax gets up and walks to the bathroom to grab the therometer to check Leos temperature. When he gets back, the boy is having a coughing fit. Jax puts the therometer on his nightstand and crawls into bed, begins to rub their back. "It will be okay baby, make sure to take some breaths." Jax is concerned for Leo. As Leo stopped coughing, they turned and threw themselves into Jax, who fell back. Jax held leo for a bit until leo fell asleep. They need rest.
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z0-ne · 2 years
Troubled (Abridged! Future! Trunks x Nonbinary! Reader!
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(TOLD FROM (Y/N) and Trunks's POV)
'Hello. My name is (Y/N)'
"My name is Trunks.'
'and this...is our story.'
'For the first half, we were babies, so certain things may be a little....inaccurate.'
As people surrounded a body lying flat and lifeless on the ground, frantic footsteps could be heard over the sound of one loud wailing child (T:Hey-) and worrisome mumbling could be heard from every corner of the room.
Son Goku perished in his own house, as you could have guessed. 
As a result of a heart condition. Out of all the things that could've done it he died that way. A damn heart attack
'Hush, I'm gonna keep going.'
"What happened, Mom?!"
"Your dad is gone! For good!"
Trunks decided to repeat what he heard because he could hear distant screaming in the distance.
"Dad dead! Dad dead!"
'I was told those were my first words'
"Son of a Bitch!"
Vegeta screamed in disappointment, either because his son's first words reminded him that his father was dead or because Goku was dead. It was most likely the second one.
"Son of a bitch!"
'and those were my second..'
'Seeing what happens afterwards, your first words were a terrible choice.'
"But he just got back fro, his training, after being on namek, after getting back from his training, AFTER being DEAD!"
'Bye son'
A faint voice called out but soon faded away.
'And with the death of goku his freinds and family were left to mourn...For approximately six months'
'Wait why didn't they wish him back before the androids or at least wish piccolo immortal? '
'I..I don't know?'
'Either way, the warriors who were left all got their asses handed to them- I mean were mercilessly killed in a battle despite krillns sorry attempts at flirting. Including one of my dads. Homophobic Dicks.'
'After that things went bad, and it left the fate of the earth with little hope.
'Over the next thirteen years the android would spend time destroying small town fter small town eventually working their way up. Maybe thats why we reacted the way we did, but (Y/N) and I spent a lot more time together.'
'And welcome back folks too TJ and the wombat! Wombat! WOMBAT! 'me so horny!' Starting today off wih our hour with sports: The college Battleball Association has had to disband ENTiRELY'
'As most of the and associate colleges have been destroyed by the Cyborgs.'
'Ahahahhahahaha, WIPEOUT!'
'They dealt with things with....dark humor'
'Speaking of which! In Cyborg news..'
'As we currently speak, Paprikaburg is under siege by the mechanical threat!'
'But on the brighter side!- wombats getting married!'
'That's right! Unfortuantly, my beloved fiance resides in Paprikaburg..and is probably most certainly dying as we speak!'
'But -- silver lining- Im single again!'
'holy hay!'
Bulma, a middle aged woman with long blue hair kept in a messy braid, blue eyes and fair skin reached over and shut off the radio, no longer wanting to hear it. Sitting beside her was two children but only one belonged to her.
A young boy, he wore a white shirt with blue long sleeves and the Capsule Corporation title on the chest along with grey sweatpants and blue boots.
He haf blue eyes, and hair colored  lavender that is soft and straight that parts from the top of his head to frame both sides of his face reaching his ears with two loose strands over his forehead but the wind blew it our of proportion.
Another child named (Y/N) sat beside him, they were Trunks's age and wore a black tank top underneath an orange sweater with a white belt wrapped around the lower part of their waist along with grey leggings and dark brown combat boots.
They had (E/C) eyes, and (colored) hair that was combed/braided/brushed into a bun. (IF YOU HAVE NO HAIR OR SHORT HAIR) They didn't have to worry about hair/ They brushed through their (Colored) hair into some style.
There was a nice breeze in the air and the ride from the store in general was a nice distraction from recent events.
That was until Trunks said something to ruin it.
"Mom? Do you believe in destiny"
"Im a scientest so no."
"Paprikabrug is only 30 miles from here! If we hurry we could save someone!"
"hm." (Y/N) disagreed
The car came to a sudden stop, making the once calming drive come to a stop due to Trunks's stupid yet wishful thinking.
"Or you could die like your father and get Y/N killed too."
"Why do you say that everytime I wanna go fight them?"
"Because YOU are 13, Im 37, YOU somehow manage to drag them into everything and Im all alone."
'My mother had been thirty seven for ten years'
"No means no end of discus-''
Just as she ended the conversation trunks flew off and you watched.
"Oh! No! Just, just fly away! That's fine!
He flew off and you stood up, hovering above air and conteplating how stupid this was, but the simple fact that Trunks didn't think things through like always was enough for you to want to drag him back by his hear, so you ended up following him.
"Don't worry Miss Brief, I'll drag him back if I have to."
"Not you too!"
You dashed forward and quickly caught up to him not hearing bulma call after you two.
"God...bless them."
(Y/N) quickly caught up to him, and he looked back with wide eyes as if he was shocked to see they followed him, and they glared in response much to his dismey.
"Hey! You actually came, I was a little worried about going by myself so I'm glad you-"
"I'm here to drag you back if shit hits the fan, which I know it will. Wanna know why?!"
"Because we're thirteen?"
'We weren't sure if we could do anything at all....but we had to atleast try to stop their chaos.'
"The innocent people-"
"Tell me trunks, what the hell are you gonna do against the androids when you can't even hold your own long enough against ME, and everytime you lose you get all teary and whine about getting stronger knowing damn well it's not gonna happen because you don't even know how to properly fight?! we don't even know how to do ki balst like gohan!"
"Wha- bu- YOU do?! Plus that thing was years ago!"
"Oh yeah A year ago is enough time for us to learn how to fight like sayains to defeat androids and for YOU to stop whining like a little bit-"
The two came to a sudden stop, and so did their "arguing" right below them was a city that was in absolute rubble. Buildings collasped, rubble everywhere.
'But we were too late'
"Damnit! We're too late!"
 The two lowered their bodies and planted their feet onto the ground and right below one of them sat a single doll, and you both got a closer look at it. Trunks kneeled down and picked up the doll, staring at it and then tightening his grip around the toy which probably belong to some dead kid. (Y/N) looked around the area.
'But...as we walked the ruins of the demolished city..'
Suddenly as trunks was trying not to cry, the two of you looked around and there he stood. A slightly older man known as son gohan, a tall, stern, and muscular man who wore an orange Gi.
'A Sexy Hero appereard!'
'A sexy hero appereard!-- Damnit (Y/N)!-'
'Ahem. A Hero appereard! The hero of our time: Gohan!'
'And face-to-face with him all I could say was..'
"GohantheykeepdestroyingcitiesandIdon'tknowhowtostopthemandeverybody's de-he-head!"
'I believe it was profound'
("Gohan they keep destroying cities and I don't know how to stop them and everybody's de-he-head!")
All Trunks managed to choke out was some slurred words that were covered with tears and a whiney voice, in response to that (Y/N) closed  their eyes and took a deep breath before letting out the most dissapointed sigh in history.
"I-..damnit Trunks."
The two children and gohan flew  back to capsle corp, and walked through the door once they landed.
Trunks, who was still in tears and stiffling back cries lead them upstairs with the help of (Y/N) where there was a table and some chairs, so everyone could sit down but gohan stood there looking out the window and (y/n) stared at him for a while, and took in the silence and enjoyed the peaceful moment.
Before Trunks ruined it....again.
(Y/N) Liked the boy a lot, but they wished he would shut the HFIL up sometimes, and this time was one of them. Regardless they still handed him a peice of tissue to wipe his tears away with.
"You remember a time before this gohan..what was it like?"
There was another short moment of silence until gohan took a deep breath and recollected his thoughts before answering.
"Welp, when I was a toddler, my Uncle kidnapped me, and then Mr. Piccolo killed him and my Dad. Then *Mr. Piccolo* Kidnapped me, the sayins showed up, killed a bunch of people -- Including Mr. Piccolo...Then we went to Namek, a bunch more people died, we came back, then my Dad died *again* then all my friends died, and now everyone else is dying."
'But somehow he survied all along, and his life sounds really shitty so far..'
     "But...It was better right?"
(Y/N) slowly turned Their head over to face him, questioning if what they heard was actually real and they weren't imagining things.
"Trunks what the fu-''
Gohan inturrupted and trunks stood up from the table, and (Y/N) sat still at the table and watched them conversate hoping this time Trunks wouldn't drag them into his shit.
"Well (Y/N) and I can help you! We're half sayins! Just like you!"
Nevermind. (Y/N) stood up and walked beside trunks with their arms crossed over their chest.
"I've got two Mr. Piccolo"
Gohan whispered under his breath causing both (Y/N) and Trunks to look at hime as if he was insane, which he probably was, after all he's been through he might have a few screws loose.
The two kids said in unison and gohan began to walk over to them and place a hand ontop their heads.
"I said from now on, you two shall be my pupils..and you will call me Mr.Gohan!"
"Oh! OK.--"
(Y/N) stepped on Trunks's foot to catch him off guard, and that it did, because tears started rolling again but since he was already crying it seemed like he was just getting emotinal again. They stepped over and smiled at gohan before asking him a question.
"Would you like to stay for dinner, Mr. Gohan?"
"Mr. Gohan would!"
Soon the door opened and the three of you heard keys jingling and the rustling of what sounded like grocery bags, and then the sound of bulmas shoes trailed through the house.
"Trunks, (Y/N)? Are you guys home? You know Their dad is gonna kill me if they're dead. Should I change my dating profile from 'Single Mother' to just 'Single'? Because one gets more hits--"
Bulma headed up the stairs, so Trunks quickly dried his tears and (Y/N) sat infront of him as they both acted like they were reading the entire time instead of talking about training to fight man-slaughtering andriods.
"Oh. Gohan, long time no see!"
"so Gohan, You staying the night? we got plenty of room here but, you know..no extra beds, so..."
The three of you looked over to see where she was headed.
"We'll have to share..."
"I'm good''
"well, worth a shot. Who's hungry?"
As bulma walked into the kitchen gohan followed her like a lost puppy simply because she had food.
"I am"
As (Y/N) started to follow Gohan Trunks stopped them dead in their tracks by grabbing their left wrist, and they turned around to face him.
"What was that for?!" Trunks whispered/yelled at (Y/N) while they stood their confused until it hit them, he was tallking about stomping down on his foot earlier when he was about to talk to Gohan.
"Oh you mean kicking you? Because *I* wanted to ask Mr. Gohan to dinner."
"Wha- WHY!? It's not like it's a date or anything!"
"It is if I pretend you aren't there"
"But- Why him?- What about me?!"
"Hey trunks, I like you. you're cute and all, but gohan is just...Wow.."
"What does wow mean- I can be Wow too!"
"...*Can* you?.....  Really?"
"Yes! I can!"
"*Look* I'll give you chance if Gohan ever *Dies*."
Trunks stared at them for a minute before he let go of his wrist and watched as they left, and bawled his hands into fist as he looked down at his feet and mummbled to himself.
"But- He's so much older- and *I'm* around them more! That's stupid! Their crush is stupid! I'm gonna show them I can be wow too. whatever that means!"
'We were determinerd for....different reasons'
'...yeah...kinda should've worded some things better tho'
"You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get produce nowadays, but luckily we have our own greenhouse."
Bulma sat the final plate infront of gohan as she finished her sentence, and gohan immediatly picked up the bowl. (Y/N) sat across fromhim and stared with dreamy eyes. Trunks sat at the end looking down at his food and sometimes taking glances at (Y/N).
"can't talk eating
The two half-sayins and (Y/N)  sat around a oval-shaped wooden table with food surrounding them, Gohan dug in and ate fast. He was a little messy and fast, getting rice on the table ajndbut it wasn't  that disturbing. what was disturbing was how he still looked so attractive.
"Oh you are just like your father!"
suddenly Gohans vaccum like eating came to an end and glanced at bulma almost as if she just said something that triggered something.
"In what reguard?
"Well your strong and brave and look at you n that gi."
"It was the *Only* thing he left me.''
"aww that's sweet"
'Over the next few weeks, Gohan would begin training us, focusing on making us super saiyan like him."
"His meathods were..."
Gohan dashed forward while (Y/N) came from the right and trunks charged directly, Trunks delivered the first blow and gohan vanished into thin air by the time they came to back him up he was already behind trunks.
"Watch out!"
With little to no effor he sent the kids both flying into the water after delivering a hard kick to Trunks's chin and caused him to fall back taking (Y/N) with him. They both fell into the water and struggled in the waves.
(Y/N) gripped onto Trunks's shirt and tried to steady the two of them so neither would sink.
"The whirlpool'd too strong we can't swim!"
"*I said* FLY. UP."
"Maybe...I can build a raft!"
Gohan let out a fustrated groan from the lack of understanding with what he said. What was so hard about flying up? was he this hard to train when was younger?
"Wait...didn't he say something about flying?"
Either way no matter what they said trunks was too busy thrashing around and crying for gohan to help to really pay (Y/N) any attention so they linkedd their arms underneath trunks's arms and began to fly up to the nearest surface and sat him down as you landed.
Trunks was coughing violently while you patted his back, and a crab came out his mouth? How is he still alive?either way (Y/N) didn't notice gohan Approaching with towels because they were trying to help steady Trunks's breathing. That was until..y'know he tapped their shoulder and trunks stopped coughing. He handed them a towel and then he handed one over to Trunks
"Here. Clean yourself up"
"Oh-  Mr.Gohan..Thank you-"
Trunks glanced over at  (Y/N) as they stuttered out some words and then Gohan who nodded in their direction  before they took a seat beside Trunks who was still looking at Gohan and so was (Y/N).
"Y'know, if you two think im rough you two should've trained with Mr.Piccolo"
"You really looked up to him didn't you?"
(Y/N) and Trunks said in unison and gohan sat between the two since there was a gap.
"Yeah he was like the father I never had.'
"Y'know speaking of dads, mom never talks about mine...You knew him right? What was he like?"
Gohan looked in the distance as if he was remembering something and it left the three in a few seconds of silence, and Trunks watched (Y/N) looking down at their own shoes as if they were lsot in thought, so he snuck his hand over theirs.
"Not now."
"Yep. Got it."
Suddenly Gohan spoke up and all attention was on him too see what his answer was.
".....He had a lot to prove" Which meant in so many words that vegeata was a d!ck. They'd find that out in the future.
"Gohan never talked much about his family. Apperently his mother and Grandfather lived alone in the woods"
"Hey (Y/N)?"
"What do you do when you're *not* here? I mean theres gotta be a reason why you're stronger than me right?"
There was some silence as (Y/N) had flashback's and the laughter of an evil being named Popo came to their mind as they stared at the ground for a minute leaving Trunks waiting for an answer which he probably wasn't gonna ever get.
"First rule of Popo's training never talk about Popo's training.."
"Wait- what about-"
Just before he could say anything you flew away and he followed.
"Gohan would continue pushing us harder and harder, day and night, to become a Super Saiyan"
Trunks and (Y/N) pushed and pushed , trying to find the power to become a Super Saiyan but it wasn't really working.
They got close, powering up and their ki's locked and formed a sort of flame around the two while their hair raised (Or not)  but then they lost it and the flame went out. Their hair fell back down and so did they, the twokids crashed down to their knees and took deep breaths wondering if they'd ever transform into Super Saiyan.
"The next day the Cyborgs would attack super world"
Three people flew in the sky scanning for the androids wondering if they were really out this time, well one was? Until they all spotted them and hovered over to just witness the mess they made instead of doing something about it in advance.
"Y'know when you can fly these rides don't seem all that fun"
"Well, if you're already bored, why not try taking a ride on my fist?"
"*Wow*... You, uh, want a minute to rephrase that there, cheif?"
"Nope! I'd rather take that minute to kick your ass!"
"Okay now see, that's better"
"Now, (Y/N) and Trunks, I want you two to just sit back and spectate! Unless they team up on me, in which case - jump in."
"I can't help but feel like we're woefully unprepared for this."
"Yeah maybe we should've taken more time"
"That's *exactly what we prepared for!"
The three of them got into a fighting stance despite how unsure they all were, it was highly possible that one was gonna loose and bets were on the guy who brought two kids to the fight, but regardless they all started to take on seperate targets without really paying attention to morals. Nor the fact that this could end up with everyone dead and humanity was *really* fucked.
'This would be our first real battle, and We've never seen anyone fight so fiercely!'
'Or got our asses kicked so badly.'
'Later- Gohan had always told his stories about fights in the past...but those had a lot more screaming and posturing, eh'
"Whatever you're gonna say, don't. "
Gohan and 17 did fight fiercely it was nearly an even number of blows being shared amongst the two instead of one being comepletely destroyed. Yet. Eventually gphan gained the upperhand android 18 bitch slapped him into a building so now his chances were very slim when it came to winning.
"Damn, he's pissed today!" "You think its his time of the month?'
"Ha! Ah it's funny cause you're a chick!"
Soon enough the two Cyborgs teamed up on him, each taking a hit after the other sen him their way. It was bad.
"Stop it!"
So the two kids stepped in and were soon blasted away by 18, luckily they caught themselves and went to higher ground to fight 18. Unfortuantly this now means that the two kids were left to fight the *other* android which (despite there being two vs one) seemed to be a little more...unfair when it comes to strength.
"I can't believe you brought kids to a battle! Super irresponsible."
"She wasn't wrong"
"We're not afraid of you! We can take care of you ourselves!"
"I, However, was."
In a few seconds, the cyborg punched (Y/N) away and punched trunks in the nose, holding him up by his sweater while (Y/N) hit a pole. Trunks was lifted by his shirt to see 18 and she smirked down at him.
"Now what do you think?"
"You hit like a girl!"
"Well...you're not wrong."
18 lifted her left hand and formed a ki blast luckily (Y/N) regained enough consiousness and dashed forward to kick the cyborg away and grab Trunks, after securring their arms underneath his they tried to fly away and get some distance in time, but she still managed to graze their back with a ki blast.
It would've been deadly up close but lucky for them, they managed to gain some distance and it only burnt up their back. Despite the amount of distance they had and the little damage they took they still  lost consiousness and fell to the ground as they faded in and out all while still keeping a hold on trunks.
"TRUNKS, (Y/N)!"
Gohan caught the two of them and ran to find cover while the cyborgs continued to blow things up.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!"
"No you don't!"
The two androids threw ki blast at the
"Hey mom?"
"what is it Trun..OH, MY GOD!"
"What do you know about reattaching arms? That we couldn't find?"
"Oh, sweetie."
Luckily bulma was able to fix Gohan, well everything but y'know..his arm because it was gone.
They set Gohan's things to the side and then returned to his side with trunks and pateintly watched to make sure he was actually breathing.
He was.
"So...have you learned anything today?"
"The only good Cyborg is a dead Cyborg?" "..You really are your fathers son.."
You questioned what his father was like after that but regardless it didn't matter right now.
Luckily bulma was able to fix Gohan, well everything but y'know..his arm because it was gone.
They set Gohan's things to the side and then returned to his side with trunks and pateintly watched to make sure he was actually breathing.
He was.
"So...have you learned anything today?"
After putting his things to the side and stabilizing his body, Bulma waited to see if trunks would answer her question
He turned to her and did just that.
"The only good Cyborg is a dead Cyborg?"
"..You really are your fathers son.."
You questioned what his father was like after that but regardless it didn't matter right now. _______ 'Now stronger and more motivated than ever, we were back to training as soon as Gohan was able again'
The two children struggled as they stressed their bodies to achieve such a difficult form.
'Though we think he was still a little...sore..'
Their energy formed around them, and merged simultaneously as they continued to struggle with the transformation.
"Come on, you two! Just imagine losing someone or something close to you! Like your arm!  Cause trust me, that really friggin sucks!"
Once again they were nearly there, but as soon as they changed the movement of the wind they quickly fell to their knees.
Trunks threw up last night's dinner, and you fell to your knees holding in your own possible puke, and eventually got a headache from it.
"Alright, take five."
'Unfortunately, we didn't transform in time...' ________ Now sitting in the middle of nowhere ontop of some random rock You three found around the deserted area.
It was just all three of you laying or sitting there either talking or watching the clouds in the sky and reminiscing.
"So, Gohan- d you usually hang out in wastelands?"
"What do you mean? This is where I live."
You looked around the place and wondered what he was surviving off of while he were there. It could've been the lizards.
"Oh- uh it's nice!"
Maybe he went back to his mom's house every now and them to get food? The androids managed to be what killed the dinosaurs so he wasn't getting any meat from them.
"I think you guys are really close, you know. You just need something to push you over the edge..."
"Well you always told us to use the pain of loss, but I've never lost anyone."
Looking over to you as you sat him, trunks mightve wondered just why you hadn't turned to super sayain considering you lost a father.
"What about you?"
Unbeknownst to him, you hardly knew him enough to be that upset that he was dead.
Afterall he died when you were four, and you saw him arguing with your father most of the time over sending you out there or not.
"I only know my father from what my dad told me about him. I haven't seen him in years."
You spoke so highly of him, but it was because he wasn't gonna send you out there in the first place until things got rough.
He's the reason why you ended up nearly living with popo had it not been for them sending you to go visit bulma.
Looking away from you as if he was ashamed that he even thought to ask that question and you just shrugged it off.
"Well, for me it was my greatest source of anger. I just think about losing killing or Mr.Piccolo--"
"Or your dad?"
"Uh, yeah, sure. And then it just builds up inside me until finally...it explodes."
Suddenly, a giant explosion from a nearby city was set off, catching all of you of guard and snatching your attention.
"Uh yeah, like that only figuratively"
The three of you immediately jumped up and got ready to go down there and try to stop the cyborgs again.
"The cyborgs! Mister Gohan we have to go!"
Trunks insisted while gohan turned super sayain. It was like he was about to leave the two of you behind in that very moment.
"No, we all know neither of you are ready."
This time you stepped up and defended Trunks's actions instead of going with what Gohan said for once.
"If we don't go you'll be left to fight them all alone! We saw what they did to you at the carnival but now you'll only be fighting with one arm! You have to let us help you!"
You insisted as he looked down at you and then back at Trunks who had one last thing to say before Gohan would retaliate.
"Yeah! You only have one arm! What can you do with one arm?!"
Suddenly, he relaxed ever so slightly, and turned to face Trunks it was like he was about to change his mind and let you guys go.
"You know what, yiu guys are right. What can I do with only one arm?"
"Thank you Mister Gohan! We will not let you down!"
Everything went a little too well, and soon you'd both find out why.
A swift hit to the back of the neck for Trunks first, and he fell to the ground, out cold and leaving you in a slight shock.
That didn't last long, because the next person he went after was you, and yet another swift chop to the back of your neck left you out cold.
"That..I can do that with one arm." _______ (I didn't wanna write out the fight, so just enjoy the video until the sad part comes around!) ______ Suddenly, when the two of you woke up and finally stood despite the struggle that came with being knocked unconscious.
You both saw the smoke coming from the city, and your hearts dropped to your stomachs you shared a single glance with eachother before dashing off to make sure your nightmares hadn't come true.
As the rain poured from the sky and wet the area surrounding it, you squinted through it and kept searching for anything that would give you a sign that he was alive.
"(Y/N)! Come quick!"
Flying over as soon as you heard Trunks's voice you hoped in your heart that what you were thinking was just put of control paranoia, but when you stopped by his side and saw what he saw you realized it was all true.
You two sat there in the air, completely shocked before you made the first move to grab his hand and squeeze, and he squeezed back bringing you back into this horrible reality.
It was Trunks who moved first this time, and you who followed in making your way to the body of your friend and mentor.
You both sat by his side and you reached for his hand only to feel it was completely cold to the touch, not an ounce of warmth left.
The world went silent for the both of you, as Trunks screamed to the top of his lungs, and you felt your entire body burn with both rage and grief.
You hunched over his body as you sobbed, and those sobs turned into screaming. Screamjng until your throat hurt and continuing on long after that.
Your hearts felt like they were burning, and your muscles were so tensed you poured blood from your fist when you left go of gohan and bawled them.
Neither of you knew how long you sat there and just cried, but after such a loss you both found a new hatred for the androids.
New strength was found as well. _________ One year later (Pause here for the sake of not losing track of the video)
"So..(Y/N) remember when you said about..uh..giving me a cha-"
"Too soon!"
"I'm sorry."
(Unpause) ______ THREE YEARS LATER _____
"All right mom, we've got the rest of the supplies for the time machine. Too bad grandpa's not here to help you."
Setting the boxes down where they needed to be placed, you watched as they talked about Trunks's grandfather.
"Yeah. Unfortunately he's still off searing the cosmos for new namek."
Regardless of how odd that sounded. You wondered how long he's been alive and how he even managed to live so long.
"So until your grandfather returns-- just me."
Just when she finished speaking, there was an emergency broadcast from the radio in her work station.
"Hello, this is an emergency broadcast from Cuminopolis!"
You both walked over to hear just what they were talking about a little clearer then you could from the other side of the room.
"They Cyborgs are attacking! And rhey are sparing no one! No one is safe-"
It then went out, and silence followed. Those people were all dead by now from what you could deduct from that last sentence.
Still, you glanced and saw trunks looking at you as if waiting for confirmation to say something about this situation.
You looked back at the radio, and despite this being a bad decision you would make sure to let him know that it would be his last that you agreed on.
"Thats close to here."
"Trunks I know what you're thinking but let me finish the time machin-"
"We don't have *time* for that!"
"That's what the machine is for!"
"Listen! We're stronger now! We're super sayains!"
You heard screaming in the distance, and it definitely didn't sound like anyone you've ever heard before.
"So was gohan! And look how that went!"
"Oh, so now you're just replacing dad with *Gohan*?"
"Trust me I *tried*!"
That last sentence had you both stuck for a bit, but it wasn't like you didn't take notice the very first time you all saw it.
When she invited him over for one, but it still didn't make the situation any less awkward to acknowledge.
"We're going now."
"Be safe.''
So you just reached for his arm and started to drag him out the place as bumla went back to the Time Machine. ___
'And so, armed with the sword given to me by tapion....which is a whole...other story...'
'Which doesn't make sense since we could've just let him run loose on the androids and helped him after.'
'We raced off to fight the androids.. one last time..' ______
"So we done here?"
"Yep! No more people left to kill here."
Just as they walked away from the city they left in ruins, the two of you showed up to take them on and hopefully put an end to this.
"Why don't you try us?"
But that was wishful thinking.
As one of them turned to face the two of you looking a little suprised by Trunks's statement, her brother pointed out the flaw in it.
"Wait did you just ask us to kill you and your little buddy there?"
"N-no, a-as in 'fight me'"
"Do we even know the two of you?"
"Yes! You murdered our mentor!"
You decided to get right to fighting the one with dark hair while Trunks played catch-up with the blond one in the jacket.
"Oh wait, hold on... I don't care."
It was a somewhat even fight, but even you could tell that he was still a lot stronger than you were and gohan probably gave him more of a fight.
Still you flew circles around him and cut him off up until he started catching on to your movements and you were neck and neck with him.
"So uh hey, your little boyfriend over there is cheatin on you with pavement."
"Hope you can be close with it too!"
You answered his Sparky remark with a swift kick to his neck and knocked him through a rock and flat into the pavement.
Unfortunately, you got distracted when you looked to your side and saw trunks blast a ki blast in the blond ones direction.
"Hey doesn't he kinda remind you of, you know who?"
"Yeah, I see the resemblance, but unlike good ol' righty, he's still got both arms."
You turned to see the one with black hair had disappeared from where yiu threw him and got on defense again.
"Do not let your guard down!"
It was like they ignored you completely, and fought the one who was on a disadvantage by being on the ground and distracted.
"Yeah...but not for long."
Just as she said that, You saw the man with black hair coming right for you after you turned around to save your behind.
Unfortunately Trunks wasn't as lucky, and got knocked right through the building she popped out of and caught your attention.
"Damnit Trunks!"
You yelled as you tried to keep up with the new found pace despite losing your train of focus due to the multiple distractions.
One good kick and he was down again, but just as you tried to blast him away the blonde on came up from behind and used that same move all over again.
Except this way she blasted you straight downwards, and the black haired one was waiting for you just to punch you in the stomach.
You felt sick as you coughed blood and fell to your knees, only to be kicked far from him and right through a building.
"Hey sis! Make sure you blast that building while your at it!"
She did just that, and left the whole building in complete rubble, but she only hit the room right below you to send it all crashing.
They must've thought you died after that, because they didn't come back to finish you off or even check it.
"Hey sunshine, cough if you're still alive."
He had his foot underneath Trunks's chin and just like he asked Trunks let out some painful coughs after his attempt to gasp for air.
"Good boy."
You were out of it. Your back burnt like fire hit it and you felt like you would puke your intestines out on the ground.
"Why? Why are you doing this?"
"The question isn't "why?" , kid. It's "why not?"
"I mean who's gonna stop us?"
"Not those guys seventeen years ago."
"Not ol One-Arm"
"And certainly not you"
They purposefully teased him until he got up and started to punch at them weakly. Hardly having any strength to pronounce words let alone stand and punch things.
He missed every swing, and even when he manged to hit them it was just those weak little punches that you'd get from an infant.
"You evil bunch of jerks, I'll kick your god damn..."
They laughed and mocked him as he punch them square in the face and spilled those pitiful words out to them
"This is hilarious!"
"You killed my master! My friend!"
"Now it's sad"
"And now it's annoying again."
Suddenly, she moved out of the way and kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying in the air and meeting him half way only to knock him back down.
Just as he crashed, his hair turned Lilac again and he nearly lost complete consiousness due to all the pain his body was put through.
"Wait a sec, this kid look familiar to you sis?"
"Yeah! He was at the amusement park with stumpy!"
Stomping on the top of his head and twisted his shoe on a new possible wound, they mocked the both of you.
"Oh look at you, a little survivor. Too bad your little pals can't say the same, but how about we fix that."
Suddenly, the blonde one got in the way of the blast and called dibs on killing him last minute. She took the hit.
"Sis get outta the wa-!"
The near nuclear explosion should've killed yiu both, but from what you knew they couldn't sense the two of you.
"Did you just friggin' *blast* me?!"
"You stepped in front of it what is wrong with you?!"
"NO-NO- TH-THAT'S IT! We're leaving!"
"Oh come on sis! Get back here!"
They also probably can't see in smoke so as long as you snuck to grab Trunks you both could leave to bulmas before anything else happened.
' I still have no idea how we survived'
'I got blasted three times that fight. I don't know how I managed to drag you to bulma.' _______ "Trunks sweetie? You waking up?"
He was in a hospital room covered in bandages and hooked up to a heart monitor that you assumed his mother made.
You entered the room just as he was opening his eyes and peaked from behind his mom to see if he was really waking up soon.
"Mom? Am I alive? How long was I out?"
Leaning over the railings of the bed, bulma smiled, definitely relieved that both of you ended up alive in this.
"Well, I finished the Time Machine."
"Oh...is that long?"
"Yeah.. so now you've got two options."
"One option really."
"They  have a point! So you can take a swing at the androids again."
Grunting in pain from the mere memory of that last interaction with the androids, you knew that answer meant hell no.
"Or you can use the time machine and go save goku! (Y/N) already gave me an answer, we were just waiting for you."
Looking up at the ceiling lights, and after a few seconds of weighing his chances again.Trunks reluctantly answered.
"I wanna save goku."
He mumbled so low that even you couldn't hear it so you tilted your head at his response.
"I wanna save goku!" _______ 'After recovering for a few months, we were finally ready.'
It was spring by now and things felt a little better. After all those months things finally started looking up as you guys prepared to get into the machine.
"Awe my jacket looks so good on you! All the girls in the past are gonna love it!"
Trunks's face flushed a bit after she said that, and you smiled and pat his shoulder, catching him off guard.
You wore your fathers old sword around your waist inside of over your shoulders because the strap couldn't be completely saved.
You also wore his logo on the back of your shirt, and wore his belt around your waist. A way of paying your respects.
"Oh look at you! You look amazing in your fathers stuff! I'm sure he'd he proud if he could see you now!"
"Thanks bulma.."
Looking over at Trunks you saw his face flush and he looked at the time machine as if he was searching for a distraction.
"I can't wait to meet histories greatest hero!"
"Oh yeah...Goku might not be exactly how you think, so do temper your expectations."
You didn't exactly question what she meant by that but you were happy that you got to meet your own father and get to now more about him now.
You'd even get a chance to finally find out just which you came from and how you even had sayain blood in you.
"And dad! I finally get to meet dad!"
"Oh shit you do."
"I mean, just be yourself sweetie, everything will work out!"
"Good luck with meeting your father too (Y/N) he's gonna love you"
You both nodded and smiled before hoping onto the ship and waving goodbye, hoping that the future would be changeable.
"By now, next time you see us.. this'll be a cyborg-free world!"
"Unless this actually operates on multiverse theory in which case-"
Even if it wasn't, at least when you guys come back you could fix it yourself and just kill the androids by then.
You both waved good bye one more time before you closed the window and punched in the time the two of you would be traveling back to.
"Can't hear ya mom time traveling!"
"By sweetie!" _______ "And multiverse theory it is. Shit." ______
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batmanego · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/janemorris/729013196299567104 can we go full supermarket sweep on jailbird im sso hungry
Yes. We can. but im putting it under a cut because its going to be so long + im taking out the questions i already did
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
THE HAIR. jailbird's hair is a defining feature. i actually made a little list of jailbird's most prominent features recently.
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i still think the hair is probably his most defining feature, though it's pretty similar to glory's. i still think their silhouettes are distinct, though -- glory's hair is more coily, jb's is a little looser.
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
still got baby fat. when he grows up, it's a little more angular, especially in the chin area, but he's always kind of got soft cheeks. he's got kind of a perma-scowl going on most of the time. when he does smile it's usually kind of malicious in nature. he has braces.
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
skinny. skiiiiiiinny. jailbird isn't really malnourished, though he could probably stand to eat a little better, but he is scrawny. very gangly. every time i draw him i think his proportions lead people to believe he's much taller than he actually is: at the start of the story, he's about 5'1, and by the end he's about 5'4. in the epilogue, his adult height is roughly 5'7. his civvy clothing is intentionally pretty baggy and layered to give the impression of more meat on his bones.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
jailbird is extremely flexible. think somewhere between a contortionist and a gymnast. he tends to move very quickly and always seems like he's in a hurry.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
jailbird is actually very good at sitting still. he has no problems with it. he can sit unmoving for as long as it takes, but only if he's doing it of his own volition. if you ask him to sit still, he gets huffy about it.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
jailbird has his ears pierced. i'm struggling to think of any tattoos he might want as an adult. he gets a WHOLE LOT OF SCARS during his time as a supervillain, the most notable of which is A MASSIVE SCAR ON HIS ABDOMENT from when he gets impaled on his own harpoon. Best birthday ever!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
silk pajama set. monogrammed. Actually im laughing really hard at the image of him getting them monogrammed with "JV" because thats probably not what his "actual" initials are
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
i've noted this in his character sheet:
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generally, any t-shirt over any turtleneck, bonus points if red yellow black and white. this is really consistent in most if not all art of him.
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you can even see it in haircut! red outline is apron, blue is shirt, green is turtleneck.
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as a fun design note, the school colors were intentionally chosen to oppose he and eugene's natural red motifs. something about institutional repression of individualism... i can't remember my exact justification for it, but i know it was something like that.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
jailbird's not a huge fan of fancy events. he gets dragged to them sometimes but otherwise wants to avoid the public eye. i'd say the most you'll get him in aside from his school uniform is a t-shirt, slacks, and a blazer.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
he's wearing it in haircut:
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bunny socks are a feature that i outlined kind of as a joke while drafting haircut, but i liked the idea so much that they stuck around. anyway, it's his usual upper half with a pair of sweatpants or just loose cotton pants.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
depends on the season. most of the time he'll forgo it. in the winter he gets what he's wearing in this picture:
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(he's the one in the middle complaining.) he gets cold easily.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
combat boots or converse sneakers. when in costume he has those big knee high platforms. scary!
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
jailbird doesn't really travel that much! if he did, he'd way overpack and use the most expensive equipment known to man. it would piss everyone off.
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
jailbird has padding under his suit. it's supposed to be at least somewhat bulletproof, though that's only on the chest and head. he learns after the "harpoon to the gut" incident why full body armor is likely a good idea. he also has elbow pads and the mask functions as a helmet.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
oh yes. Ohhh yes. one of my favorite jailbird gimmicks is his bottomless pouches -- he can store almost anything that will fit through the opening in them. however, he has only a rudimentary ability to control what he pulls out. the more he uses an item, the easier it is to find which is why his harpoon gun is easy and why it fits -- it's huge, but it's relatively narrow and can fit into the biggest pouch on his side, and it's his favorite weapon, so it's no problem.
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roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
not really? he's sort of loosely inspired by mall goth fashion, but that's more to do with color schemes than anything else. if i had to assign an actual aesthetic to specifically his way of dress, i guess it would be skater culture. which is funny, because he's not the skater of the team! eugene is! and eugene's aesthetics are based more on grunge and punk!
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texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
jailbird prefers his clothing to be baggier and looser. his costume is built for agility and speed, so he's willing to sacrifice comfort for function. his mental state is also in a pretty different place when it comes to civs vs costume.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
pretty big. i don't think jailbird buys new clothes very often, and he's really good at sewing and repairs. i think the only thing he probably has to get taken in or buy replacements of are his shoes. everything else he can usually fix on his own.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
yes, all the time. jailbird always has some level of black eyeliner and eyeshadow on. it's heavier in costume, blacking out the space around his eyes, but he wears it all the time. he just likes the way it looks.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
the magen david eugene gives him quickly becomes very important to him. aside from that, it's his fingerless gloves. never seen without them.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
nope. not really, at least. in the epilogue, he's old enough to grow facial hair, and he starts wearing short sleeves. and grows his hair out some. but he's still the same old jailbird. he feels neutrally about it.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
i've mentioned before the concept of the vey in tremont, which are a type of superhero predestined to die a violent, brutal death usually as a result of their own powers or hubris. when initially writing the basic concepts of new blood, especially for the characters, i considered making jailbird vey, and then decided against it for a number of reasons (mostly because i felt that in jailbird's case, it would lean too heavily into capital punishment), but it's sort of stuck with me ever since. i think it would be a lot of the same, except as soon as jailbird realized he was vey, he would construct and detonate a nuclear bomb.
if i had to put him in any other genre, i think he'd be funny in high fantasy. specifically in any kind of dnd setting. oh man. he'd be the world's most annoying warlock.
while i was typing this, you sent me this message:
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and i need it to be known that he would absolutely be like that chris fleming bit about how the stranger things cast are going to convince jimmy fallon to deface an orphanage.
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thesweetestdevotion · 12 days
hey!! dice: aquarius, third house, mercury
tarot: knight of cups, knight of swords, four of wands, five of cups, ten of swords, the magician reversed
hey i see youre really tense and nervous about this, maybe youre expecting the worst? or having intrusive thoughts where things dont end up happening how you want them to. Im seeing there is good rapport here. Third house is the house of communication, with an exalted aqua mercury there as well. so im seeing a situation where he may sit down before it starts to have a talk about expectations, wants, needs, ideas, thoughts, likes and dislike (if you catch my drift).
He seems kind and open, not the type to make it such a big deal, idk he seems chill and unbothered. doesnt really care about going over these details. why do i just see a man lounging on his side rn hehe? is he a chronic relaxer? like a beachy type of guy, i keep hearing aloha aloha, is he saying hello to me? maybe he likes surf or the beach. could have interest in hawaiian culture or be from there but that doesnt have to resonate. I just see him being really into you and being eager to show you the ropes. hes okay with you taking the backseat and him taking on this leading role, if thats what you wish as well.
i keep seeing light blues, sea greens, water, beaches and oceans. a bed with dark sheets that are messed up (ahem ahem). grey pants? with belt? white skin, short dark hair. a white tshirt under blue shirt. prominent eyebrows on someone here. a comforting look. idk why im channelling alot for you but take it as it resonates!! i just see a relaxing atmosphere and no troubled waters. Have open conversations about the details. be open about your fears, doubts expectations. and most importantly: Have fun and be safe!! also a white room? bright window and the wall is scratched somewhere? (omg you got sooo many channels, how weird and specific!!)
hope it resonates! love ya xxx
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