#italian verbs
italuvin · 5 months
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Italian Word of the Day: Giocare d'azzardo - to gamble
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sayitalianolearns · 7 months
Diary entry 383 ho visto questo esercizio sui verbi e m'è piaciuto per cui voglio provare con un multilingual post (anche perché i verbi in spagnolo: non pervenuti per me -ma pure in francese ormai... dispersi) ENG - ITA - KOR - FRA - ESP
verb: to eat, mangiare, 먹다, manger, comer
I eat Io mangio 저는 먹어요 Je mange Yo como
I ate Io ho mangiato/mangiai 저는 먹었어요 J'ai mangé/mangeai Yo he comido/comí
I will eat/I am going to eat Io mangerò/sto per mangiare 저는 먹을 거예요 Je mangerai/vais manger Yo comeré/voy a comer
I am eating Io sto mangiando 저는 먹고 있어요 Je suis en train de manger Yo estoy comiendo
I was eating Io stavo mangiando 저는 먹고 있었어요 J'étais en train de manger Yo estaba comiendo
I want to eat Io voglio mangiare 저는 먹고 싶어요 Je veux manger Yo quiero comer
I can eat Io posso mangiare 저는 먹을 수 있어요 Je peux manger Yo puedo comer
I have to eat Io devo mangiare 저는 먹어야 해요 Je dois manger Yo tengo que comer
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mortola · 1 year
hey im new to language learning on tumblr but can anyone rec me the best way out of romance languages? like what non-romance lang to start learning if ik or am already working on like spanish french portuguese?
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sayitaliano · 1 year
I learned that bevere is "to drink," and it's what I hear in the South here, so what's the difference between bere and bevere?
"Bevere" is the old/arcaic popular (=of the population; "vulgar" if you want) form of the verb "bere". You can consider it as a local (Regional) version of "bere", which is the verb we now commonly use when speaking standard Italian. We also kept the root "bev-" for (many of) this verb's conjugations. For example: (indicativo presente:) io bev-o tu bev-i .... (indicativo passato prossimo:) io ho bev-uto .... (indicativo passato remoto:) io bev-vi/bev-etti .... (congiuntivo presente:) che io bev-a
... and so on. Ofc being an irregular verb, you can also find for example "io berrò" (indicativo futuro semplice) and "io berrei" (condizionale presente), but that's ofc another story and not what you asked for :D
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theophagie · 7 months
Destati overall is associated with the heart and the light vs darkness conflict, but considering that its lyrics talk about remembering and taking something back and that the choir is addressing a female/feminine entity, I wonder if it could be about Kairi as well, at least in some roundabout way (though admittedly luce/light in italian is a feminine noun to begin with too)
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carcarrot · 1 year
would you all still love me if i learned french
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sarenhale · 9 months
Thinking about yesterday's finnish class, where my lovely teacher (this sweet 60 year old lady that gives off precious aunt vibes) was giving us some verbs to conjugate with her in call to practice conjugation/different verb types, and then gave me the verb 'Kiroilla'. I don't know what that means, but she always tells us what new verbs mean when we do exercises so I'm just there chilling with no reaction to it, but I see she's struggling to find her words and she goes like 'Kiroilla means... uhm... eh... 'to curse'. You know what Marina, just do the negative conjugation for this' NJHSDGHCHUJKSDGVVYUHGRBJABOIFCHBIOGBVIOJUERGFBDVOIURFE She looked so mortified... it was so funny oh my god
She said 'Well I needed some verbs to conjugate that end with 'LA'... sometimes there's not enough and I had to pick one...' dshjgvjfdgbvhjfd
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reneeub · 1 year
15 fics in the byler tag are written in Italian.
The question is: can I learn more Italian by reading them than I learned in 4 years of school?
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skiddo-xy · 3 months
I've actually found that language learning is quite enjoyable for me when you look at it as a bunch of different skills you can use. I think the thing that first triggered this feeling as an example was when my English teacher from exchange (they put me in English so I could help out the class/teachers lol) who was an L2 speakers said "that makes two of us" when talking to me and even though you I would usually hear "same" or "me too" it was just a nice way of showing how hard you worked in the language. So yeah, going to focus more on grammar points and sentence structures for Italian
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ndostairlyrium · 2 years
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all this wife talk reminds me of that time I found these two hiding behind a bush at skyhold’s gardens Quite the scandal actually
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essektheylyss · 2 years
New fun language learning activities: read Wikipedia pages for philosophical and political theories in your target language, just for kicks.
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abba-enthusiast · 1 year
I bring a ‚either I know it or I don’t‘ vibe to the language exam that is going to bite me in the ass someday
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metalfeather · 5 months
brb cracking time travel just so I can go back in time to my 10 year old self and kick his ass asking for how he managed to rawdog learning English
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sayitaliano · 1 year
Ciao! Qual’è la differenza tra “vedere” e “guardare” quando qualcuno dice “Io _____ TV/film/serie/etc”? Ho visto cose come “Io sto guardando il TV” e “Dove vedere questa serie”. Le situazioni sono diverse? Grazie 😅
Ciao! Ti rispondo in inglese perché magari interessa anche altre persone che parlano meno bene italiano!
The difference between "vedere" and "guardare" (as in "sentire" and "ascoltare") is in the attention of the subject in doing the action. For example "Guardo/sto guardando la TV/un film" = I watch/I'm watching the TV/a movie: it means you are looking with attention, to understand what is going on, you're paying attention to the movie to get the plot. While "vedere" = to look, but you don't have to put much attention into this action. Or, as in your example, "Dove posso vedere questa serie?" = Where can I watch/see this TV serie?, means you are looking for a random place/website that broadcasts that serie, but you don't need to put attention into watching that website per se. You only need that to watch something else.
Another example could be: "Non ti ho visto! Stavo guardando le vetrine" = I didn't see you! I was watching shops' windows. you weren't looking at the people around you with attention (cause you were paying attention to something else = shops' windows) so you couldn't spot your friend that stopped you suddenly to salute you.
Same goes for "sentire", as I was mentioning: "Ho sentito un rumore" = I heard a noise (but you don't know what it is about, it was a sudden noise) and "Ti sto ascoltando" = I'm listening to you (I am paying attention to what you are saying)
Hope this helps!
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swallowtail-ageha · 6 months
My teacher complimented my prose??? Sobs
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lucifugousart · 1 year
Thinking of how my qpp wanted to learn italian, and actually tried because they went to classes, before realizing in horror what a mess of a language it is
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