#itd only be better if i was sharing it with someone
And sorry I just had a lot of ideas but this is last one. Anyone you want with psychologist reader. Basically they go to him as parient on theraphy and share secrets and traumas with him which basically causes to get close with them
With a psychologist reader
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Angel Dust
Angel was having a bad week. Oh fuck it, he was having a bad fucking year. But he couldnt say that shit else he get a nice new shiner from dear Daddy Val.
He kept having breakdowns. Freaking out or having panic attacks when he needed to keep his shit together.
It got so bad, he actually couldn't preform, and no amount of beatings or drugs were helping anymore.
So, wanting to protect his investment, Valentino would bring him to you. You being a well known psychotherapist, helping numerous celebrities better themselves, completely turning themselves around after seeing you.
At least for a while.
So, he dumped Angel at your door, the Overlord trying to get you to essentially brainwash him to further obey him, planning to use you to keep him under control.
Of course, you shut that shit down immediately.
You told him bluntly you'd do what's necessary to help your patient, and that was Angel.
Val didn't say much, telling you simply he could find someone else, to which you told him good luck, knowing full well itd be impossible to find a therapist of your calibre who wouldnt milk him for every penny they could if thry could do their job at all, effectively calling his bluff.
You said all this in front of the Spider, the man feeling... well, it felt nice to have someone taking him seriously. Not like Val that treated him like a train dog.
Now, your first few sessions were just tredding ground, getting to know the Spider and gaining some familiarity with him. You may have stood up to Val but you'd had enough clients to know he wouldn't just open up.
So, the first few appointments you just spoke, spending time with him, asking genuine questions about him.
Not his Angel Dust persona.
Youd ask about his likes and dislikes.
You know, favourite music, the food he likes, his thoughts on the current events in Hell.
And while it would certainly take time, slowly chipping away at his mask, he'd begin opening up to you.
Of course, Valentino, the massive Cock-Head! Kept putting you back, the man being his usual abusive self. And after each of these incidents, the spider would pull in on himself, making your job even more difficult.
So, you confronted the man, telling him as much, as every smack he gave the arachnid put you back weeks! And despite his domineering personality, he'd back down, agreeing to stop the abuse.
'For now.' The moth pimp added, raising your blood pressure.
Youd make progress on the man's issues, slowly directing and fixing the many traumas and problems the man endured, the Spider visible getting better, cutting back on most of the shit he took in.
At least around you.
It'd be during one of your sessions, you having the Spider just ramble, saying whatever came to mind, letting him get anything he'd like off his chest.
And as he rambled he'd end up on a tangent on how much he hated working for Valentino and how miserable he was working for him.
It was your first major breakthrough, and well, the one you needed to finally get through.
You seized the situation, breaking him down to the bare Demonic soul, the man confessing every insecurity, spilling his heart out to you.
But then came the issue. Because put simply, Valentino was the Issue. But Angel couldn't just leave Val, that's not how the game worked.
So, you did the only thing you could.
Call in a favour.
Now, you'd helped a Looooooot of people.
Powerful people.
The Noble demon kinda powerful people.
So getting someone to help... remove Valentino from the equation wasn't that difficult.
Once he was free of that man's influence Angel really shined through.
He became more confident. More self assured.
He reduced his alcohol and narcotic consumption to a tenth of when he was with Val.
Honestly he was a whole new Angel, and you were happy to see it.
But, well, this is Angel. And even without the pressure or need to hyper sexualise himself, he'd still flirt with you.
And it'd actually be the day you finally cleared him, believing him to finally be well enough to be discharged from your service, that the spider would ask you out.
And since he was no longer your client, you said yes, the two of you going out to a quant little restaurant together.
It was a... charmingly simple night.
Neither of you said much. The usually chatty spider calm and docile as you ate, the both of you feeling everything that needed to be said... had been said.
Youd go home that night. The spiders hand in your own, as you went back to your place.
Nothing would happen between you that nigh. You were still seeing how a relationshipwould go, trying the waters as it were, so you didnt want to force anything.
Angel for his part, and for the first time, well... ever, felt safe. Understood.
And well, cared about.
The spider genuinely happy to be with you.
Youd always been fascinated my how the mind works.
Specifically, how it handled trauma.
It fascinated you how the mind bent and melted, handling or rejecting trauma.
And if there was any group in Hell with issue, it was the Nobility.
Now, it took you a while to find a noble that was willing to pay you to help them, most nobility just expecting things presented to them on a silver platter.
But once you did get your foot in the door, helping a man with some deep seeded inferiority issues. Helping him become the egomaniac he was supposed to be.
And when it got out you could help them with their many, many, MANY issues, and do so descreetly. By God, they flocked to you.
A barrage of daddy issues, child abuse, neglect, regulat abuse and trauma the likes you hadn't thought possible.
And you got good, and rich, helping people with their issues. Learning an abundance on how personality was shaped by abuse. Picking up the patterns and soding that was left with different traumas.
Youd gotten yourself set up, each patient a virtual case study.
And it'd be as you sat in your office, looking over a patient's file, when there was a knock at the door.
Popping the files away, you called them in, coming face to face with an owl demon.
We was unexpectedly timid upon entry, walking around the subject as he asked you if you could help someone with... their issues.
That someone was clearly him.
But you could tell he was trying to be discreet, not like he was the first one, so you played along.
And after assuring him you could help him, explaining you provided a safe, descreet and judgement free service tailored for each client, that he'd agree.
The first few sessions were slow, the two of you just making generic, borderline formal chit chat, Stolas venting to you about his day or something that was erking him.
But after a few sessions, you began making progress, treading new ground. He began opening up to you about his issues. And there were quite a few.
A father that didn't give a shit about him past his utility to the Goetia family. An abusive wife he was betrothed to before he was even hatched simply to produce an heir.
And a completely dead marriage.
Dead implies it was alive at some point. And based on what he had to say about it, it sounded like his spouse was beating the corpse of said "marriage".
So yeah, other than a daughter, he didn't really have anything worth living for. Which, ya know... isn't a good thing.
It took a long time really figuring out what ailed his mind.
There were many sessions that ended up with him in tears, you ending up hugging him, comforting him each time as he sobbed into your shirt.
And while you did your best to remain professional, there were more than a few occasions when you'd stare into each other's eyes for just a little too long. Followed by you awkwardly looking away, clearing your throat.
It took many session, time, care and a small fortune in fees, but you ended with the most logical conclusion.
He needed to divorce his bitch of a wife.
Stolas knew it.
You knew it.
But knowing it, and doing it were very different thing.
Of course, normally that'd be his problem.
But, well, you liked Stolas. Youd done the major no-no of running a practicr and and had gotten attached to him. So you called in some favours to ensure it'd go smoothly.
Of course you kept it all behind the scenes, setting things up so Stolas could escape with a minimal amount of drama.
And so, with a little encouraging from you, as a friend, not his therapist. He'd do it.
He'd tell her they were done and he was sick of her.
Of course the fallout was... not that bad. At least compared to our timeline, especially since Stolas had measures prepared before he did it.
He arrived the next day, you asking him how he felt, Stolas telling you he felt... Free.
Things would be difficult, but for the first time, he felt free.
You'd talk some more, monitoring his progress and development, ensuring he didn't fall back on any of his inhealthy coping mechanisms. And once the time had run out, he'd ask if there were anymore sessions.
Youd smile, telling him, well, no.
He'd resolved his problem, and well, he was done. No more sessions really needed.
To which Stolas would ask if that means if he were no longer your patient.
You confirming it, telling him you were no longer doctor and patient.
Hed nod, before leaning over, grabbing you by the collar just to slam his mouth into yours, the man forcefully kissing you.
The kiss lasted several moments before he pulled back, the man stuffing a note into your pocket, telling you.
"I'll be picking you up at 7. Dress sharp."
And then he'd leave.
Leaving you bewildered and, well, slightly aroused. Sat there thinking one thing.
"Well... what am I gonna wear?"
Val wasn't weak.
He didn't need help, or to rely on anyone.
He earned everything he had through cunning and brutality, and would be damned if he needed some shitty head doctor to 'fix' his 'condition.'
But every day, he was filled with the killer of empires.
And doubt led to fear.
And fear led to the dark side.
Was he making the right move? Should he have killed that last guy? Was there a better way of doing that?
It was getting on his nerve and he was sick of it!
So, he found the best, most discreet, psychologist money could buy.
And that's how he found himself walking into your office.
He of course was his ever domineering self, trying to tell you how this would work.
To which you'd listen until he was finished, and once you were sure he'd finished his rant, you tell him simply how it would actually be.
Youd work through at his pace, but doing what you'd say and when. In that room Valentino held no power, but you also held no wish to control him.
You were his patient, and so, you would do your job.
You would help him.
Things went slow at first, Valentino still demanding to be in control, and so you'd have to slowly ease him into it.
You were firm, but not confrontational, letting him feel in control, while trying to figure out just why he needed to feel in control.
Though it was pretty clear, he was an overlord. He had to be in control else he'd loose... everything.
But really, he was just running on survival mode 24/7, and simply put, the mind couldn't handle being on edge every second of every day.
It took a long, long time to get that through to him, but really, it was a simple answer.
He'd reverted back into a Darwinian philosophy. And while many can like relatively normal lives with such a philosophy, he'd actually conditioned himself to abide by such rules, to the point his body physically reacted to every change in his environment. The man constantly stressed and unable to sleep, the drugs only able to keep things on the level for so long.
It'd take a long time to get to this conclusion, and an even longer to start unwinding it.
A lot of explaining and reconditioning, slowly unwinding the trauma he had to endured and inflicted on himself, sure enough, over time, he'd start relaxing.
He was still on edge, but he was slowly learning to take breaks, usually somewhere safe where he could be alone.
The man starting to understand, and rework himself into a more level headed existence.
It was strange for the man.
He'd spent hours rambling at you, answering hundreds of stupid questions, working through a shit load of nitty gritty bullshit he'd never think about.
But, sure enough, one day you asked him a question, and well, he answered.
He gave a genuine, true blue answer. And he could answer without spending 30 minutes figuring out if it was a trick, nor did he give some vague answer to hide the truth.
It felt weird, being honest with someone, and, well, it felt good.
He could be real with someone. No lies No tough guy persona. No alpha bullshit.
Just him.
And well, he couldn't deny, having a connection like that was... amazing.
And so, well naturally, he found himself growing affection for you. The first person he could be real with.
He'd initially disguise his feeling as simply working through any other issue he might have had, the man paying you top dollar to spend even more time with you.
But eventually he'd get sick of making up reasons to be around you.
So he was honest.
Again, a rare act on his part.
But he went all out, telling you he wanted you. He wanted the commitment, a genuine relationship, not just him using his partner for his own gain like every other connection he had.
Youd be hesitant, but after an especially genuine moment with him, you'd agree to a date.
A REAL date. With the real him.
And yeah, everything inside him told him to go all out, utilising his usual power and prestige.
But not this night.
That night you just had a simple dinner, followed the both of you sharing a bottle of wine, bonding on the couch.
And no, you didn't fall into his arms like averyone else did.
And,he loved that.
With you he was honest and genuine, and well, he loved that he could be that way, the two of you having a bond he could never have with anybody else in Hell.
And yeah he had to hide that bond from most anybody else, when in private he still got to enjoy it, the man having something to fight for more than just a never ending thurst for power.
Honestly, she'd first seen you as a gag.
She'd gotten a coupon for a free session in some magazine Blitz had snatched from Stolas.
And after she'd stormed out of the office with said magazine, the girl reading through it, finding your coupon.
So, ripping it out, she figured it was a good way to waste an hour, tormenting some stuffy head quack.
And so, finding your office, she'd strut in, showing the coupon. And since you had nothing better to do, you'd agree to see her.
At first you'd play along with what she was clearly expecting, asking the usual questions.
And yeah, Loona fucked around, acting like a little shit.
But after a while you'd get into some real shit. Asking about her home life, and those directly around her.
She'd whine and complain, giving a biased retelling, events through from her perspective.
But you could see through it, asking her harder and harder questions, the girl eventually snapping at you.
Only for you to snap back.
You told her her feelings were real and valid, but she needed to accept that she wasn't always the victim and sometimes problems were her own fault.
Loona, as whenever she was challenged with something she didn't like and couldn't kick the shit out of.
She bolted.
Despite dropping you, she couldn't get over the damn harsh truth bombs you'd dropped on her.
So, convincing Blitz to get more of the magazines, she'd cut out the coupons, taking them to you to talk.
She'd confront you, and while initially hostile, the two of you would actually have some meaningful dialogue, Loona having to face some harsh truths. But you also helped her face some problems with others, particularly her relationship with her father.
She'd keep scaving magazines off of Blitz, the two of you chatting almost every day, you providing some much needed outlet for many, many confusing emotions for the teen.
And it'd be after bumping into each other at a coffee shop that you'd actually chat.
Not just dig up loonas many issue, but just talking, like two normal people.
She was a surprisingly chill young lady when not having to think about her many flaws and problems. But you were just happy to chat, it being rare you got to speak with someone outside the office. And we'll, Loona certainly lived an interesting life.
The girl would use a dozen more coupons, spending most days in your office, you often scheduling appointments in accordance, each session steadily getting through her swamp off issues.
But you'd also meet up at that coffee shop, the two of you bonding outside the sessions, chatting away like regular people.
And honestly, the two of you getting increasingly close, and look, you were a professional, but after a particularly fiery session, the two of you going at each other, that you'd, well, youd kiss.
The strange development between the two of you seemingly finally coming to ahead.
And it'd be a Hell of a kiss, the two of you becoming ravenous, things quickly getting out of hand. And undressed.
After that things would be... awkward. Very awkward.
But, after some discussion you'd decide to keep your sessions and whatever was happening between you aside, Loona admittedly feeling like the sessions were working.
And now that you were technically seeing each other on the side, she'd finally have someone she could build a healthy relationship with.
Of course you had to be careful she didn't become too emotionally relient on you, not wanting her to develope unhealthy reliance on you, while also being a caring S/O for the girl, using your expertise to help develop healthier outlets for her anger and frustration.
The two of you would take things slow and steady, you and Loona developing a meaningful relationship, one the both of you would adore, coming to truly love each other.
Though you'd gotten the Silent treatment more then once when you brought up an issue she had during an argument.
Hey everybody.
I haven't forgotten about you I swear, just been doing my own life, trying to get my house together. But I remember and still love you guys.
I'll try and post more than I have, but no promises.
Love y'all!
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fictionfixations · 4 months
Kalim in RSA (and I get off-topic)
Spoilers for Book 4 and 5 (im sorry jamil enjoyers. but im so biased towards kalim its not even funny)
(this spiraled into me talking all about kalim in the actual game so oops)
imagine how different the story would be if kalim was in RSA
and we just hear from jamil about these snippets about his 'master' (although itd be weird they'd be separated if jamil tended to him often to where he'd prob be like his personal servant? idk what situation would have jamil talk to us anyway but yknow maybe we get close, he's like the other friend who seems cool? he'll basically help us out with knowledge about things, fleshing out the world a bit more, as the only sophomore in the group cause he kind of feels responsible maybe? then BETRAYAL)
and then eventually partway through the school year KALIM IS THERE (we know why though) and he somehow ends up housewarden.
i have a dislike against RSA. its very petty and its kind of because they keep winning (and they dont even mean ill intent which is worse! …but its kind of like kalims kindness. and i like kalim but that might make me biased. SO. thus the existence of this.)
we probably wouldnt like him much right? (and i imagine he'd get his fair share of bullies. we find this out. he laughs it off like 'nah, im used to attempted assassinations and everything. this isnt nearly as bad.')
(id do the clapping between but ppl get annoyed, and i get annoyed) CUE KALIM BEING MORE THAN SMILES AND WE LEARN THAT ABOUT HIM !!
HES aware enough that he can cook food good using JUST magic (which takes precision to use it as good or even better than your hands right??. its in his labwear vignette. ruggies teaching him ofc so ruggie wants it to be good cause hes taking leftovers, BUT CMOONNN he can learn. ..and yeah it took a few years for jamil to teach kalim antidotes to common poisons so he could do it easy but kalims hardly a master at making potions so i call that good)
AND in book 5 he noticed vil had like the same look as jamil to where he knew something was going to go wrong (aka the poisoning)
maybe its to show how much kalim doesnt belong in NRC and thats why they dont pull the 'more than he looks at first glance' like cater with glimpses in vignettes and etc
but like COME ON.
the sultan might be dumb (i recently re-watched aladdin) but at least he knew enough that he didnt want jafar marrying his daughter cause hes OLD and also he doesnt want to force jasmine into anything (good intentions. im sure if they just waited and she didnt find a suitor in time he would've just CHANGED THE LAW like he did IN THE MOVIE because he wants her to be happy!)
ALSo he tried to look through the law jafar claimed to say that would make her have to be married to the vizier or whatever (aka jafar) but then jafar just pulled it away before he could (and then attempted to mind control him when he refused) mans was prepared to spend hours reading over it even if he didnt understand it but he wasnt given the chance
also kalim is worryingly nonchalant about stuff. i mean. you can get used to horrible things to where they just feel so normal and uninmportant i guess? but poor bby. hes been like 'i want to keep myself alive because if i die then someone else will get punished.' or like about poisoning, if someone has a change of mind and hes already dead, then he cant do something to help them, so he has to make sure he'll live.
..i really doubt that hes just. so oblivious. maybe in denial, but still.
anyway i got very off topic. my bad. and to be fair we do get to see more of him at some parts. but hhh
okay listen. denial. (i am also a believer that if when kalim confronted jamil, if he said he didnt do anything kalim wouldve believed him. bruh gave him excuses like '..i just got tired, right?')
"The real Jamil would never do such things! He's a good guy. He's always helping me, giving me a shoulder to lean on, and—" (Book 4 • Chapter 33)
we just. dont see him really crumble?? he just. keeps being optimistic
we convince him jamil is bad. he resolves to punch him for being a traitor and THATS IT?
he sobs at the end of jamils overblot but then he goes back to being optimistic like 'lets be equals!' (..it feels like he didnt really learn much though as he's still 'I didn't notice--' 'I--' and i wish he couldve gotten more awareness. cause he makes it about himself yknow and blaming himself but COME ON put some blame on jamil PLEASE? or like. ANYONE ELSE. you also cant notice shit if no one ever tells you about it that you dont even know to look for it! he doesnt want to be cautious about who he can trust so like, why would he think to doubt the person who hes known his entire life??? especially if its something that was just always there that it feels natural, how could he know better? hes sheltered! so someone shouldve explained it to him, made him realize things! aghhh)
heres the book 5 one btw
"I got a real bad feeling when I saw the look on your face after Neige's rehearsal. It was practically the same look I saw on Jamil's face when he lost control of himself over holiday break." (Book 5 • Chapter 62)
And I mean maybe he did learn in that he's more aware of this now than others because he knows what people could look like because of Jamil, but I feel like a lot of things were just so unsaid. That the first time blindsided him, but now he's kind of a little more worried about something happening while he's there that he didn't notice so now he's trying to notice things more??? Or like maybe having gut feelings that he'd ignored before because it was Jamil but now knowing better?
So he can be aware. but then the rest of the time he's just thought of as dumb or an idiot or forgetful and it just makes me sad. and i mean i get that he wants to see the best in people but we never really talk about how its more that its denial. a refusal to see it, and i want to understand why
or maybe its because he sees the good in people that he trusts they'll do the right thing. or he believes that the good outweigh the bad (although i dont know if it'd be the same case if it was someone he knew who got hurt)
like. okay back in book 5
"Besides, I would bet there isn't a single person in Scarabia who hasn't gotten help from Jamil at some point. Am I right?"
"See? There you go. He's been a model vice housewarden. In fact, he's put me to shame. He let dark thoughts get the better of him for a brief time. Other than that, he's a perfectly capable guy." (Book 5 • Chapter 10)
He justifies it with that Jamil isn't the only one to blame (he also blames himself), and that Jamil hadn't done anything wrong before then
which. AGAIn. means that in his eyes the good outweigh the bad. jamils better at his duties so jamil should stay as vice housewarden.
this was the first time jamil did anything bad so it'd be fine, it was just an error in judgment
nothing about the fact that his closest friend he views as a brother
"He's grown up with Jamil since a young age, and considers him a brother in all but blood." (from the In-game Album)
who would be the last person he'd expect to do such a thing BETRAYS HIM, planning to make everyone (or well just the people in scarabia) turn against him
like. that has to be a shock right??? AND THEN HE JUST. welcomes him back into his life like it was nothing im just. kALIM. SWEETIE.
and i mean i get its for the best since if anyone knew what actually happened anything could happen to jamil (and jamil has his own reasons i get that but this is about kalim)
but he still hangs around him. has him as his aide. so while something did change, it also feels like nothing changed at the same time.
"I'm always chosen. Always. That's such an obvious truth that I never even consciously processed it. But now I see that was only possible because of Jamil's constant sacrifices. He created that "truth" in my mind by always holding back. By always letting me win. ...It stings. "Galling" doesn't even begin to describe it." (Book 5 • Chapter 30)
also like one of the very few times he expresses how he feels about something (how it hurts not to be chosen for the first time, and/or that he was only chosen because of someone else so he wants to work hard)
and then grim shuts him down with "You wanna talk about galling? Imagine how I feel not even makin' the cut for the audition to start with."
like. COME ON.
Kalim responds with, "Ah, you're right. My bad! I didn't mean to rub it in. Goodness, there I go again! I'm super sorry, honest."
and yeah it can seem kind of spoiled but also. its probably because of that that he doesnt want to share his troubles because he's very privileged so it feels like he might not deserve to act like its anything when everyone else has to work so much harder, right?
AND ITS JUST. REAFFIRMING TO HIM THAT his troubles are nothing compared to anyone elses and im just aghhauihduadhw
he also cares a lot about other people (people like him as housewarden because he listens to their troubles and supports them) so i just. want him to be able to take a moment to care about himself and just admit these things that he usually doesnt get the chance to.
i got a lot more worked up than i meant to
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animentality · 7 months
First of all, everything you listed has struck my fancy and I would absolutely read every one of them. Which, that means I'd probably be thrown in prison, too. It wont be too bad. We could make toilet wine together and ramble about Durgtash.
Anyway, one in particular caught my eye.
"one overly long but never finished pre-tadpole Durge x Astarion story that would've been multiple chapters but I lost the motivation to develop it"
I'm intrigued. How would they have known each other? If you don't mind sharing, that is.
They would've met in Baldur's Gate, the Dark Urge perhaps looking for murder victims, and Astarion looking for Cazador sacrifices. Maybe skated by each other a few times, watched each other very carefully, a predator recognizing a predator. Maybe struck up an odd friendship, a passing acquaintance. They end up revealing, bit by bit, how they're both beholden to masters who call them extensions of themselves and not real people.
But then it's not just pre tadpole era. Itd be interspersed with the present too.
It would've been like...
Astarion remembers the Dark Urge after the nautiloid crash and pretends he doesn't. Because he's trying to maintain the upper hand. But slowly, as he bonds with the amnesiac Dark Urge, he starts accidentally revealing that he knows about their past.
And then the big drama is, maybe they're being nice, in this hypothetical redeemed dark urge run, and he's frustrated and irritable because he's like, you were a monster before. Why the change now? When we could actually use someone as ruthless and powerful as you?
But it'd be basically them bonding over... redemption.
Becoming better people than they were before. The Dark Urge becoming good and dragging Astarion with them.
Also Astarion maybe doesn't trust the Dark Urge because he thinks they're only pretending not to have their memories at first. And it leads to misunderstandings.
but yeah. that's about it, anon.
i lost my interest in writing durgestarion, mostly because Enver Gortash ripped my heart out of my chest and pinned it to his headboard. still like the ship tho!
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killing-machine · 1 year
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Thought id share my information about my two madcom ocs since i never really talked about them.
not much backstory with them atm, just mostly normal grunts doing mostly normal jobs, Janitor is the only one who is slightly abnormal.
His main gig is doing clean up for the aahw since theres *always* a mess around. but just bevause he does eork for the aahw doesnt mean he is directly for them. he is easily swayed into working for the sq or anyone else if they offer him something good enough, things usually go unnoticed since hes just concidered a lesser working and normal grunts usually are pretty clueless so noone really questions if hes up to something.
i had a bit of a story where 2b offered him some good money to smuggle out intel and supplies and so he's a bit more on the sq's side since that gets him more interesting things to do for better pay. but those kinds of jobs arnt steady so he sticks with being a janitor til something else pops up. sometimes he just gets paid to beat the shit out of someone with no questions asked, he just does his job.
he blends in really well when he needs to so he can literally smuggle in whole guys into the buildings too, had the idea of maybe doc asking him to smuggle deimos and sanford in as fake supplies and since he can literally just look like a normal grunt they wouldnt be able to figure out where the leak came from.
and with Vendor, he is really just. a normal grunt. He serves food, but is kind a germophobe so he doesnt really touch people and stays away from corpses and stuff. he can handle it but just not on his hands so he wears gloves.
they are mute, never expressive besides vauge motions and is often just seen as bland but not many people notice that they often love to do little extra touches to spruce up their clothing
the simple bottle cap pins to them tying their apron in a bow just to help themselves feel a bit more different without it being too obvious about it, they like cute things a lot.
the janitor id imagine would often buy things from the vendor and eventually just got interested in the guy and started chatting them up, they never responded but vendor honestly just wanted someone to chat to and the vendor never really made them leave so it just ended up where they had a routine of janitor showing up during lunch break to talk to vendor about his wild adventures, and vendor would quietly be amazed and live through these stories and experiences and enjoy someone seeing them as a person rather than just another grunt.
vendor would never be able to experience the sort of things janitor could, probably would die very wuickly, but they enjoy imagining what it would be like out there. and janitor could never be able to stick with one job and be satisfied being stuck in one place but they love having atleast has something that stays the same, and thats the vendor.
opposites that end up meeting in the middle
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sorry if this was messy, it was mainly copy pasted from a rambling i sent to my friend over discord, said itd be a good idea to share this so why not.
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kidflashimpulse · 5 months
(Hi, it's me, the overexcited rambler dambler)
Because listen, just like you wrote, him appearing to not have scars sells the story of future tourist so well, BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW THAT THERE IS ONE HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT
I do kinda wish that Jay told someone, or managed to come through to Bart and have a real heart to heart with him instead of being roasted for being concerned (Bart "livestock get branded, it's literally common knowledge, I was about as important as a pig" Allen I'm looking at you, maybe you haven't acknowledged/realised it but there is SOMETHING hiding behind that titanium wall of yours)
It doesn't even need to be Jay, but maybe some day Bart will feel comfortable sharing this scar with Ed or Jaime (though Jaime would probably, like, want to fling himself to the sun if Bart ever told him) and just get some form of comfort out of it
(A funky addition would be that Ed found out by exploring if ya know what I mean🤭)
But that also leaves me wondering, like, since that brand is pretty unique in his time, how would Bart have passed in the camps after/if he escaped the Scientists? Did he draw a fake brand on his neck? Did the Scientists send him there after being satisfied with their tests and just knowing where he was/being able to pull him back whenever they desired?
Also his connections with the prostitutes was really clever, they're the ones who can coax information out of important people after all, allowing Bart to gather some necessary tech for his time machine. Genius genius genius. I'm just imagining a 12-year-old Bart casually vibing/downing booze with these people and nobody suspecting a thing when in reality he's plotting to break their reality down
omg it’s the return of an icon ❤️
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honestly (hes unaware of it though) Jay seems to be respecting Barts very much unsaid wishes (bart doesn’t think he cares about who knows, but he seems to prefer the fewer the better approach in this case) by not telling anyone. I don’t think it’s intentional on his part, but u knw sometimes u do (or don’t) do things without realising
genuinely, it’s the funniest thing ever to me how everyone read that scene as bart roasting jay like 😭 he was just keeping it real but with his unshakeable attitude 😂 which honestly yeah that is basically sass, love it when characters and scenes take on a life of their own sometimes truly it’s so entertaining and such typical bart behaviour lol
idk if Jaime knows 👀 if he does i feel like itd be cause of Bart for some reason thinking it would be funny to show it to him and then Jaimes just like
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yeah Ed 100% knows and for the exact reasons u mentioned 😂 i mean besides being at the dentists that’s pretty much the only other socially acceptable reason for someone to look into barts mouth at this point
i won’t go too much into the timeline of bart’s captivity as a lab rat vs him being in the camps as a slave, but they’re two very different stages of his life (he’s much younger as a lab rat whereas being a slave was closer to him leaving his timeline, a lot of stuff went down in between). I should’ve probably elaborated a bit more on it in the chapter, but whilst it was unique it wasn’t completely unheard of to not be branded on the neck, especially since a lot of their subjects were meta humans, there’s bound to be some variety of people that have it elsewhere. all that mattered was that u had the brand
“when in reality he’s plotting to break their reality down” that line goes incredibly hard, i’m obsessed ! love how that’s genuinely what he did though, like he’s crazy for real
thank u for sharing ur thoughts with us and for reading ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i appreciate it so much 😘
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kiophen · 7 months
okay, i came from your big post, you know the one (outcast to harmful-id pipeline ig???) and i want to say that it is 1000% accurate. you have no idea how freeing it feels to hear someone like, actually get it. i was super lucky in my case, but ive seen a lot of people fall through this messed up little pachinko board.
so for context, i was groomed online all throughout highschool. classic no one will ever accept me as my real gender so ill just date people online kind of thing? my home life was super rough and i really only found acceptance online from adults.
i ended up falling in love with anime like kodomo no jikan and several age dynamic manga around that time because it was one of the only sources of media that make me feel seen in some way. i was pretty vocal about my love of this kind of media, at the time it felt like just a basic wanting to be edgy thing, but in hindsight i think it might have been a call for help in the shape of a huge red flag.
because of this it kind of isolated me more. and any time the topic of the shows i was identifying with would come up on social media or in youtube videos itd always be alongside words like pedo or groomer. these youtubers were inadvertently talking about me, to me, and i internalized it relatively quickly. i wasnt able to self reflect the way i can now, so to me at the time there were these pieces of media that i was getting immensely emotionally attached to for reasons i couldnt comprehend, and then there were people calling me really harsh things because of it.
and for a brief period at the time i was genuinely convinced that i was just a literal criminal who liked this horrible awful thing. and i was so scared of being judged even harsher or even being put in jail if i ever spoke up about what i was going through and showed anyone the literal thousands of DM screenshots i had saved up. i was 15.
now that im older, i can thankfully understand and cope with my feelings a lot better of course. i can fully distinguish fiction from reality, and i have much healthier, safer outlets. but still, there are times when a work like made in abyss will speak to me directly, and i end up seeing a part of my younger self in it, and it helps me understand myself better. and i try to tell people about this cool show i just watched that, despite its flaws (or possibly in part because of them), made me feel a little less alone in the pain i went through. and then people look at me like im a monster for having a connection to the bad thing that they havent taken the time to understand.
thank you for sharing. it is sad to know I was on-base with what i said in that post, but im glad that it has been speaking to people. you aren't alone
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hey! I saw this mentioned in your pinned post and it looked fun so would you write stingxnastu hcs? (romantic)
i did that as an example just bc i saw one person complain they were boiling sting down to that and yukino in 100yq SDJKFHSK aye aye cap
before read more is when they each realized they had feelings, after is when they started to do anything with it
spoilers for gmgs and alvarez??? if people havent seen them yet
its after the gmgs and probably during the dragon king festival that sting realized he really liked natsu
like natsu kicked his ass in that 2v2 and i feel like most dragon slayers would find that hot so he probably started to realize his idolizing of "the salamander" has turned into a crush around then
which made him a bit more angry at fairy tail and a bit more willing to try and fight them in the final brawl. where he, again, got his shit wrecked. and not even by natsu
and during the festival when nearly everyone was bandaged up and already running on fumes natsu was one of the few who wasnt nearly that bad
so when the fight was nearly done and natsu was able to be on the ground and not flying on a dragon he was the only one who could move quickly
bc sting nearly got impaled by falling debris an there was no chance he could move out of the way an ultear had long since turned back time already an there wasnt much light he could hide in
natsu was able to shove him out of the way and the debris only grazed their legs. gave sting a concussion, falling down on the brick road with all the force of natsu fucking dragneel in a protective state, but that was better than death and oops there goes my heart
natsu probably realized in the alvarez arc somewhere
itd be firmly during or after sting beats larcade / rahkeid
natsu woulda had no thoughts before that. the most hed think about sting is as a friend in a lesser way to gajeel, since they both started off "bad" but gajeels in his guild and sting wasnt so. more time to bond with gajeel
when sting ate rogue's shadows natsu could feel it. hes fucking unconscious, yeah, but hes also draconic and demonic fire. he can feel the presence and absence of warmth. so when warm light meets warm darkness, he can feel it
it absolutely did not help that little "are you a dragon or a demon" thing going on in his core but it did pull him towards the right answer faster than canon. just more painful and it just kinda sped the whole thing up more so natsu was burning up on lucy's back before they could fully get to porlyusica
the realization wouldve come at the end when everyone had time to share their side of the story. saying "im neither. im human" doesnt really affect your instincts and whatnot. hed already be looking between rogue and sting when someone mentioned they were doing something after he had passed out
he had long since realize rogue's shadows could be cold and warm. he figured it was rogue doing something wacky while sting did something wacky. learning sting fought through starvation, ate rogue's shadows, and beat someone up WHILE STILL FIGHTING STARVATION. and it was ALL FOR NATSU. his heart went soaring. even if he just thought he was amazed and/or proud of how far sting had come. so he,,,, didnt actually realize it
read more ^^^
when sting realized, he also already thought natsu and lucy were together. hence his constant idea that hes just gonna be the idiot pinning in the background to an obliviously thickheaded, taken man for comedic relief
when natsu realized-without-realizing, not only did he not actually realize it, but he just kinda. shrugged. and he started wanting to get to know sting more and train with him more and fight with him more but like. thats just typical friendly behavior to natsu
and sting actually let natsu do all that. he let natsu pull him away from guild master work to talk and train and go on quests and whatnot. but it just meant that sting could throw flirts straight at natsu's face and get either a too-serious answer, a too-joking answer, or a blank stare bc what in the hell does that mean
sting would walk over to lucy at some point in time and be all "look your boyfriend is far too fucking dumb. i love him but i respect that you two are together but also can i go on fake dates with him. please think of the comedy of me, sabertooth's master, saying i go on dates with lucy heartfilia's boyfriend. thatd be so fucking funny"
but then lucy just looks at him and is all "my,,, my what? are you saying natsu's my boyfriend?"
sting would look back at her and nod and hed be confused bc. what does that mean. and when lucy starts busting a gut laughing her ass off hes even more confused
when she finally calms down shed say "natsu's more like my dumbass friend who couldnt tell the difference between flirting and shit-talking in a fight. i cant deal with something like that in a partner. hes all yours"
so sting gets excited. hes thinking about all the dates and all the gifts and all the funky little pickup lines and then he realizes just what lucy said and he realizes that not only did she immediately knew who he was talking about. meaning hes already so fucking obvious. but that natsu straight up doesnt get flirting. which is also obvious but to have it confirmed
he had run off after quickly thanking lucy. so when he realized this he was already way too far away. his hearing sucks but he KNOWS lucy is laughing her ass off and honestly he would be too if he wasnt the one smitten with a dumbass
sting would just say fine. whatever. all those fake date ideas he had were just going to be real dates whether natsu would say they were or not.
whenever he showed up at sabertooth
whenever he showed up at fairy tail
walking to get some random thing for someone
zooming to fairy tail in the light just to materialize for a moment, smack natsu upside the head for doing something dumb, and zooming back to sabertooth
sting got desperate to call everything a date. he even called them dates TO NATSU'S FACE. and he wasnt getting it
he saw lucy and gray and happy and cana and laxus and minerva and gajeel and mirajane fucking strauss tease natsu! hes sure erza even got in on it!! hes sure lisanna and yukino got in on it!!! natsu just kept saying how good of a friend sting was and how proud he was of his accomplishments. WHAT WAS THERE NOT TO GET
sting even kissed his cheek one time. natsu saved his ass on a quest. again. for the like eighth time. but this one was actually a mistake and not the dramatized little mess ups sting does sometimes to see what natsu would do. so he thanked him with a kiss to the cheek and natsu just SMILED and said "that's what friends are for!" WHAT.
sting didnt even know how natsu couldnt tell the difference between talking smack and flirting
but noooo natsu would say hes was talking SMACK. STINGS BOUTTA SMACK YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD AGAIN DUMBASS
when the training had finished and natsu said that sting just. went on a rant. about how different shit talking and flirting was. he went into details. he gave examples. he made sure to start trying to kick natsu to make sure he was paying attention because their adhd asses liked to just look off at butterflies every fucking second without something to do
sting got so riled up he started throwing white attacks around at natsu. natsu started throwing fire back but he was asking questions that just KEPT. MAKING STING. SO ANNOYED. BECAUSE HOW HAS NO ONE EXPLAINED THIS PART OF MODERN HUMAN BULLSHIT YET.
it was when stings voice got so scratchy and his throat got so raw that he finally stopped giving natsu a fucking crash coarse in modern romance. he stopped fighting and back on the ground. and it was silent
until natsu walked over, straddled stings hips, and said "so... all that time we were eating and talking and fighting, you were trying to mate me?"
and sting drags his hands down his face and looks up at natsu with the least impressed expression he can while honestly very embarrassed. he cant even say anything again. so he just nods.
"yknow you couldve just said 'hey, want to be my mate?', and i wouldve said yes"
"i mean i wouldve asked you to wait because it only took until you started throwing white magic at me just now to realize that i liked you but. i probably wouldve said yes a few months ago."
"do it yourself, coward"
happy and lector, who had taken to the sky the moment they started using magic, just sigh when that made sting start sputtering. natsu probably didnt even fully realize what that meant. but the exceeds are just glad the long and torturous slow burn is finally fucking over
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hacknineirl · 2 months
girl im so annoyed. " b-but im queer!!!!!! i cant be homo/transphobic bc im apart of the community!!!!!!!!!!!!" anyone can be a jackass to anyone. anyone can have preconceived notions about another demographic. its one thing to be ignorant or to not understand something immediately, but its another thing to not choose to be better. its another thing to choose to be inconsiderate towards others. and that doesnt have anything to do with your gender or sexuality. bigotry is a learned thing, so its up to YOU to unlearn it. and your status as a minority wont stop you from being a bigot. instead of hiding behind your identity, own up to your mistakes and become a better person. and for gods sake, why are you insulting someone's appearance? i dont care how much you dislike a person, why would you insult a (black person's) nose? there are other people in the world with that nose. are their noses ugly too? or is it okay to belittle someone's appearance just because you dont like them? you being pansexual or whatever sexuality or gender doesnt shield you from being an inconsiderate jerk. what if someone in your life has that sort of nose shape and they saw what you had to say? do you think theyd be okay with you insulting a trait they share with a person you dislike? or do you think itd make them feel insecure/self conscious? do you think theyd want to be your friend after seeing you insult someone like that? if the only way someone gets respect from you is whether or not you like them, then maybe youre shallow and inconsiderate. youre not the ally you think you are
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devondespresso · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @museumgiftshoperaser
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
technically 2, but its a sfw and nsfw version of the same fic fhajklfjdalfjk
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
...6,357. i promise i write.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just stranger things so far, but i have seriously thought about writing about Fender's gender from Robots (2005) and I promised my friend a Shark Tale fic for their birthday fjalhfdjkalfdj
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Never Again
Never Again (sfw)
fascinating statistics arent they
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
never gotten comments on ao3, i do reply to what i get on tumblr tho because it literally makes my day
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
(including my unposted work) Never Again, tho i think its more bittersweet than unrelenting angst
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
tho its technically not finished, We'll Be Alright (Steve Henderson AU) has a very happy ending
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
im gonna say no? despite writing something spicy at the beginning of Never Again it was not a good time (for me or Nancy)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
haven't yet, and while i wont write them off entirely itd have to have really strong potential for me to want to do it
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i dont know how well id go. on the one hand im usually good at group stuff but im also an annoying perfectionist with my writing
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
platonically stobin 100%. i dont get nearly as attatched to the romantic ones so i kinda just bounce around the fandom. Really love a lot of the steve harrington rairpairs floating around, plus robin and vickie
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I dont realllly have a writing wip i know i wont finish cause i've just been posting those vague ideas instead of actually writing them becuase i know i wont. My only active wip is the steve henderson au and im hoping praying to god that i dont suddenly loose passion for it
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue probably, coming up with how different characters are saying things, what theyre saying, what they mean, all the little differences in their voices, I love it. that and having characters interact with the environment
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
overthinking and underthinking, stopping myself from making something happen or a character do something because theres this pull in my chest telling me its wrong. even just standard selfishness or saying something without the express intent of making sure it wont hurt someones feelings. i also start sentences with verbs djaldjdjaf
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
makes sense if characters are speaking multiple languages i guess. depends on pov and how limited it is to the pov character. like if the pov character doesnt speak spanish it'd be better to write "and they said something in spanish they didnt understand" instead of writing the spanish out assuming the audience doesnt know it either
19. First fandom you wrote for?
stranger things
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
definitely my steve henderson au. i wish it was shared already but at the same time i've editied and changed so much im glad i havnt officially yet. its helped me work through a lot and has even caused noticable improvement in my relationship with my family even if they dont know it exists. i cant promise itll be fully posted soon, but i am so exited for when i do
tagging @stobinesque @marvel-ous-m @eriquin @itsthestrangestthings @findafight @fag4dykestobin (no pressure ofc 💕)
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ambalambs · 7 months
What is Miko's relationship with each of the other scions like? Is there any that he gets along with better than the others? Are there any he just doesn't vibe with as much for whatever reason?
Hmm there really isn't any of the scions miko doesn't get on well with. They're all basically his family at this point and he loves each of them very much in different ways for different reasons. But I'll go into more detail under the cut here in case this gets too long lol
So first off of course his favorite absolute bestie love of his life scion is g'raha lol they just got on so well back during crystal tower. Tbh miko really did see g'raha as basically his first actual true friend since he wasn't just someone he met from his work with the scions so losing him so quickly was rough. But everything is good now and they can be dorky idiots together forever \o/
I really think miko is extremely close with the twins. Theyre basically like younger siblings to him and he'd fight tooth and nail to keep them safe. They remind him a lot of his younger brother and sister back home and so he goes into ultimate big bro miko mode a lot with them. He does seem to have a slight softer spot for alphinaud just because of all they experienced together throughout hw. And during a moment of weakness after haurchefant died miko shared his real name with alphinaud so the kiddo was the first out of the scions to ever learn it. However that doesn't mean he's not incredibly close with alisaie lol those two together are a powerhouse of playful rivalries and miko knows if he is up for some chaos then alisaie will no doubt stand beside him. It sometimes breaks his heart how much she seems to worry about him tho.
His second bestie next to g'raha is definitely estinien tho. They just have so many things they can relate to together and there is so much comeraderie between them. Also there is probably a single braincell shared between them when they're together lol miko is a lot more easy going and playful tho so I imagine there is a lot of eye rolling from estinien when miko gets going. The only time miko had difficulty with estinien was back in hw with estinien's drive for revenge. Miko struggled with that in himself a lot and just to see how destructive it became for his friend really shook him.
As for thancred, miko absolutely respects and loves thancred to bits. There has never been a single moment miko has doubted thancred would have his back no matter what. Even after the whole ifrit or lahabrea stuff miko never lost his trust in him. This has also kinda led to miko feeling pretty comfortable in confiding in thancred when he needs to without feeling like he needs to keep up strength and appearances. Theyve seen each other at their worst and that just creates a bond that can't be broken.
I feel like if there's gonna be any scion that I could say miko doesn't entirely "vibe" with itd probably have to be y'shtola. Only in the sense that she is very smart and intense and miko will sometimes feel very small and dumb in her presence lol being in the scions full of smart people isn't always easy for him cuz he doesn't have their level if education. But he still adores y'shtola. She is another one he knows he can always trust no matter what and he finds her power and strength of will something he strives to match. He also does love how she can dish back any teasing he can give and absolutely obliterate him lol
And as for him and urianger, well thats been a complicated one over the course of their journey. Urianger has fascinated miko since he met him. His fancy way of talking is definitely something miko was initially drawn to cuz he just found himself engrossed in whatever topic urianger would lecture him on. But its the lies and deceptions urianger has engaged in that led to some bumpy moments for miko. Not in the sense he's angry at urianger for anything he did. Its that it always seems like urianger seemed to think miko wouldn't trust him cuz miko does wholeheartedly trust and understand him and why he'd always done things the way he did. Miko just wants them to be as close as he is with everyone else and they seem to be now after everything in ew. So now he just likes to sit with urianger and observe and listen to whatever the guy is studying lol miko may also try to sneak in some triple triad cards into urianger's ast card deck just to see how he'd react xD
That covers the main crew tho I think yeah? Except for like krile and tataru which he of course gets one super well with them too. He likes to poke krile for funny stories about the twins. And he love love l o v e s tataru so much! A good number of his scarves are no doubt made by her at this point and he cherishes all of them. So yeah basically the scions could do no wrong in Miko's eyes lol theyre his big family now and sure there's some ups and downs, some times where he'd like to smack a couple of them on the noggin but he loves them all so much and would do anything for them.
As an aside too he misses papalymo a lot ;^; he didn't want to leave him behind on baelsar's wall. And he still misses minfilia a lot and it weighs on him he couldn't do more to have saved her 😔 she meant a lot to him and he learned so much about himself and the echo and everything from her and he just wishes they couldve had more time.
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helloo !!! im so sorry if im bothering uu but i must let it out to u and i love love ur swagdoons fics so muchh 💕💕🏳️‍🌈
i thought i could share some of my hcs of smitten red (or i call head over heels red) as a token of gratitude!! again so sorry if im bothering you
that song love language by tom cardy sounds so much like swagdoons, its just so much like them idk??? (u can check it out if u want, no pressure :33 its only 48 secs)
like red is singing this to ash, about how its so easy to make red fallin head over heels for ash. they did start out w only wantinv money and power, and trying to kill eachother..... but recently, it's different now, money isnt really the main aim but more of a reason to entertain themselves or something way cooler. they still do act like this to everyone else but not to eachother
like in the song, only a small physical touch (non-sexual, cuz i agree w qpr swagdoons) could make them fall in love hard and words of affirmation (although that's a bit complicated in swagdoons situation)
id like to imagine when ash would grab red's arm in a battle or just to call him over, red would just immediately melt. doesn't matter if itd be in tge middle of fighting or talking or something else, it would not fail to make red stop at his tracks and just think about the touch for a long time. hed just stand there in silence until someone asks him why's he's just standing.
most of the server knows this, bcuz they're very bad at hiding it but at the same time, the server is bad w figuring it out. so they'll just encounter a situation where ash would accidentally hold red's shoulder or something and he would be just frozen in place.
of course it got better the more it happens, red can control himself now. those days were when he realized it was deffo a crush. but now its more chill, except if it doesn't happen for a really long time ..
(again so sorry!! i know i said it too many times but i could never be so sure ykno,,,..,)!
li$ten anon i am holding your face in my hand$ li$ten Carefully There i$ No $uch Thing a$ me being bothered by $omeone dropping their $wagdoon$ take$ in my inbox . now if i dont agree with them i may ca$t bloody murder but in the end it will bring me deep enjoyment no matter what ( ^-^ a$ bloody murder tend$ to ! ) $o yeah . that $ong ive never heard it before and that$ $uch a $ong . oh my god i$ that $uch a $ong that I$ $o red im looping it in my head forever ( involuntarily ) thank$ for . all of thi$
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spotsupstuff · 1 month
i followed a long time ago, i cant remember for what originally, and i never unfollowed, but when you got into rain world my reaction was basically "ah! i do not want to spoil myself! i will play it soon and come back later!" that being said, i only remembered to actually play it a few days ago, and thought maybe it might be fun to share a few of my thoughts with you, someone who knows a ton about the game, as me, someone who knows absolutely nothing but what ive stumbled into so far. not for an explination or anything, i just think itd be fun (i know i like hearing about people experiencing things for the first time that i like, so i thought id send this here, in case you do too)
i dont Think ive gotten very far yet? i just met pebbles. and felt pretty in character, as like my little white cat i had no idea what was going on and then i was... for lack of a better way to say it Gravitated into a hole. ive been very good at seeing no spoilers yet, so based off my One interaction so far all i have to say is that pebbles seems? real sad and defeated, but in the "the sun is going to explode one day so nothing matters" type way. poor thing needs to get a dog or maybe a house plant. something to take care of i think. also pebbles has a Lot of those little floating jellys. i dont know what theyre called but i figure theyre related to like, power? it makes me want to try and bring moon some because theres so few there. i could obviously tell moon wasnt doing great but if theres supposed to be that many of the jellies, and theres only five, moons probably doing worse then i thought. idk, i feel like ill be able to go back at some point, and itd suck, but id be willing to try and bring moon a couple of pebbles jellies. ive very stubborn.
i proved that by spending a little over 8 hours going through unfortunate development because i didnt know there was another way. when i looked it up later and learned it was entirely optional after beating it i... well.
Ignoring the agony i experienced learning that though i can say im having a lot of fun! and also that i hate specifically the white lizards and the shadow spider centipede things. and also that bridge. but so far everything else has been very fun
I don't care much for things like this, no, but it's good you are having fun and get to develop your own opinions on stuff in the game.
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siswritesyanderes · 8 months
Hey! Im rereading rule one and i felt awkward saying this in a comment but i just wanted to mention how much i really like your characterisation of the cullens and how youve chosen to write them. In general your writing is very well done and intriguing but the way youve chosen to go about some things is very fun. Its been about a year, maybe a year and a half since i last read rule one especially the earlier chapters and im at the point where nessie steals sadie's dog and im just like... Woah. Holy shit. Youve really nailed down the horror of nessie? Like u know its good if its making me go oh holy shit bc im pretty immune to a lot of horror centric things like this. Idk i guess i forgot just how horrifying you made nessies pov of things so it really punched me in the face in a good way. I really admire how youve gone about this fic in general tbh bc you have this sense of creeping horror that actually hits bc its not ignoring the bad elements of canon and the canons bad implications and ur actually confronting them head on in a realistic way while also not going overboard and bashing on canon? Idk its a really precarious balancing act youve got going on but its real inspiring to see how well u do it. What was your thought process for nessies characterisation like? Like how did u arrive at the point we see in the fic. Sorry if this is all over the place its 6 am and im just in awe and really enjoying re reading rule one and i thought itd be cool to let u know how much im enjoying ur writing choices! Ty for sharing your writing with us
Thank you so, so much! For the compliments and for the opportunity to ramble about this, lol.
I guess I just felt fascinated by the potential consequences of Renesmee growing physically at such an accelerated rate. In Breaking Dawn (and the Twilight Illustrated Guide), it's indicated that she has a complete understanding of what is said and done around her, but she still acts like a child. She's still a child. And I find it interesting to imagine what a person would be like if they feel like- and indeed, are -a child but have capabilities that exceed their age and size and don't have worldly experience to match their mental awareness.
I've read fics like "Wedding Crashers" where Renesmee is written as Veruca Salt-level spoiled, and she is positioned to have shades of that, being raised in a family that has bottomless money and seeing evidence in her first year of life that she is so important to everyone she knows that they will put their lives on the line for her. If she fully understood everything that was happening around her during Breaking Dawn, what must all of it have looked like through her eyes?
The book mentions that she only ever sleeps in someone's arms, never in a crib, because she lives in a house of sleepless vampires. Has she ever been denied anything? If so, what? And how did it feel? Pretty much everyone adores Renesmee, or is fascinated by her. One of the first people she laid eyes on imprinted on her on sight. She was brought to the most feared vampire in the world and touched his face, and then the bad guys went away and everyone was happy. She remembers all of it. She understood what was happening. How would that affect a kid?!
And, like the fic kind of explores, a lot of the things she's learned about her family and their lives before she was born would send some pretty concerning lessons about morality that I think someone would have to confront down the line- whether it be her family, or someone Renesmee meets who objects to being treated the way she's learned to treat people, or just Renesmee herself if she happens to learn better without being given reason to.
I just really enjoy exploring the duality of Renesmee as someone who was practically designed in a lab to be hugely entitled and selfish but also just a child who wants everyone to have a good time. She doesn't quite believe her actions have consequences, because everyone in her life is ready to fix anything she does and no one will hold anything against her because she's three and she doesn't know any better, and she's consciously aware of all of it, but also she is three and she doesn't know any better. Imagine an actual three year old, with all the tendency toward misbehavior that entails, but make them 1. capable of going anywhere they want, 2. superpowered, and 3. very aware that they won't get into any real trouble for whatever they do. Her heart's in the right place, but she's a kid, and a kid whose few life experiences to draw on, to guide her judgement, are all bizarre.
To answer your question about balancing a realistic tone without bashing canon, I guess my approach has been to kind of just go "Yes, and" to most things that are established in the books. (The exceptions, as mentioned in some of the chapter notes, being the child grooming and the idea that venom removes melanin; those two things I just got rid of.) I try not to go, "That's stupid, and here's why." For any given thing that the books hold to be true, I try to have a response of, "Okay, but let's look at the consequences." I won't take away anyone's happy ending, no matter how dubiously-obtained I find it, but their actions to get there still matter. I'm glad to hear you found it effective!
I always love getting comments about Renesmee's characterization! I love it, because the fic isn't even about her, so I love to know that a relatively small aspect of it stood out to you.
Also, thank you for specifying that you're rereading the earlier chapters, because I'm super self-conscious about those. 🤣
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seyvetch · 1 year
Kinda just wanna die
For last few months life was kicking me in the balls repeatedly I mean cmon 2 days ago I was told me Im a victim of a financial crime Im not sure I can legally talk about yet which I had no idea was even in motion just fckn police called me and informed me yeah that happened. Before that one of my teeth got a giant hole the same week. Things just arent really working out for me evwr since someone I dated for a year broke up with me in one of the most hurtful ways for me while I was basically dying from being unable to eat. Granted some of the problems are from my inaction but I couldnt do fucking anything cuz my mental state was shit for past 2 months.
Only saving grace are people I talk ro on tumblr and my friends on the dnd server - theyre the only ppl that make me sorta not want to kill myself. But Im just so tired of this. Maybe if I had time to go get new meds prescribed for my depression itd be better but I have like 3 different things going on I need to share my time between or else Im not finishing college. One of which is getting a medical for the drafting office bc conscription in Russia. Such fckn bullshit Im mentally unstable cant they leave me alone bc of that ARGH
Whatever I have to fucking live. Im not as eager to leave ppl I love as that ex who gave me nightmares about them
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bbqhooligan · 2 months
hiii i’ve been collecting stupid takes about the beef and i want to share them here’s my list so far:
it was manufactured for publicity. yeah makes sense. drake had been getting FANTASTIC publicity since the beef i can see why he’d engage with something so beneficial to his career. it’s for the pr 👍
it was a distraction from palestine (if you’re able to let anything fully distract you from a genecide then oof you need to do better 😬)
kendrick / someone associated with him got a kid to artificially increase streams of not like us. as if there’s a reason,,, or a need for that. drizzy glazers stay coping POORLY.
kendrick is fake / performative because he had dre (only one of the biggest and most influential figures in west coast hip hop) up on stage with him. even though he’s a bad person.
just a moment ago while scrolling through the kendrick tag i came across a post saying that he’s dumb if he doesn’t release his most commercial / digestible album ever. to capitalize on this situation. also suggesting that the reason kendrick went after drake was because he wants to be him. or something. i um. damn. okay. i mean the op did admit to being team drizzy. so.
just the general misunderstanding of the whole thing especially the pop out. i mean there obviously is an element of hatred and hostility but if you actually listen to the lyrics and the message behind everything kendrick has done in the past couple months then it’s clear there’s much more to it. hating drake and what he stands for (or rather lack of what he stands for) seems to have become more of a rallying point and a genesis for love and unity and culture as opposed to the ENTIRE point ykwim? i don’t think it takes a lot to recognize it’s deeper than kendrick being a hashtag hater. kendrick is an incredibly deep and intelligent man and if you think he put on a show like the pop out just because Hater™️ then you’re not paying attention.
kendrick is one of those artists that just has so much substance and intellect behind his work that the general public doesn’t Get ykwim? yet there’s the dichotomy of being one of the biggest most popular hip hop stars ever. artists like that are interesting and i feel bad for them.
anywayyyyy sorry this is really long i just keep seeing tiktok ass opinions and i want to COMPLAIN 🙌
this is valid and an awesome ask cuz i HAD been bitching about moat of these lemme put my hating cap on.
1-this fight had been coming a long time, drake sneak dissing and kendricks possible references to drake and how back to back opposites they are on how they live, maybe drake thought itd be good pr in the first songs but it was just kendrick grabbing the chance by the balls to kill a man who is everything he stands against
2-palestine distraction stuff was weird as hell. people dont see hiphop and black artists as respectable so they cant grasp the importance of the moment, what it means for the entire entertainment industry.
3-just lies lmao kendrick doesnt move like that + that song is all natural
4-okay so dre. i talk myelf in circles about this so let me summarize it into a single sentence: I THINK, kendrick taking up the mantle, the torch, the favor of people from these men and giving it new life as the successor, better, kinder, smarter in his art, is objectively a good thing. it doesnt have to go deeper.
5&6 okay so kendrick ISNT going commercial and he ISNT the fucking dmx interview reference. you spend all your career explaining you think of your art as a tool for betterment, help for those who need it, how you were saved by community and god and self inteospection and you believe in loving yourself and your people into healing and freedom and people still say stupid shit. hes deep when hes on a radio hit and hes deep when hes on a poem. leave him aloneee
fuckkkk all these made me remember how mad i was on twitter 24/7 lmao people are addixted to being wrong about him youre so right tho, mwah
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hoshi9zoe · 7 months
(if you dont wanna read all this thats fair in that case i just hope you have a good day)
i dont know you and i dont wanna bother you, but i saw your reblog of the post about being scared of trans women, and i just wanted to say that its not always gonna be like that. im younger than you and i dont wanna be lecturing a person with more experience than i have, but reading what you wrote made me concerned. at the same time it is exactly what goes through my head sometimes.
i know i cant fully understand your struggles, because im trans in the other direction, but im starting to think its unfortunately true for all the people who are seen as something theyre not - right now we really have to accept there are our kinds of people and we cant change the rest. you absolutely deserve a better world in which people dont see you as dangerous just because you exist but in the meantime you need to remember your whole life isnt defined only by the people who hate you or are scared of you. it still absolutely sucks that people are intimidated by you just existing, and it shouldnt be like this and i can only imagine how lonely it could make someone feel. none of it is fair, but you can and should try to be happy anyways.
i try to think about it like we got the short end of the stick, but that doesnt mean we should break it and throw it away. it really is shit but (as cheesy as it sounds) we only get one chance at living, and as much as itd be understandable to do so, we cant spend it thinking about how unfair it is.
remember that there will be people who will see you as a person and not as a danger. it might feel like theres few of them, or they dont exist, but they do, and hopefully you get to spend more time with them than you ever will have to spend with the people who are transphobic.
i personally still cant accept it but its the advice a friend of mine gave me (though it was in the context of me being autistic) and i do think its smart even if not groundbreaking. i have trouble applying it to myself, so i might be hypocritical and/or projecting, i apologise for that. still i wanted to share it because i dont think theres any better option for us. im really sorry you feel that way and i hope we both get better at focusing on the people who can see us as people
ps well this is bible length im sorry and also sorry if its rude? i really didnt want to come off as condescending or like i was assuming you dont know any of this so i hope i at least managed that (and i sincerely apologise for my punctuation. )
I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that because of my depressive ass comments on a post people are trying to comfort me and cheer me up. I've done nothing to deserve this kindness and while I think that this kindness and your time is wasted on me, i'm grateful non the less. don't worry about coming across as lecturing me. you're just sharing your thoughts and feelings on that matter and I don't mind. even tho i may be older than you, I absolutely do not have more experience than others. less even probably... and I did not want to make you or anyone else concerned about me. as i said that's absolutely wasted on me. it's just me trying to somehow vent my depression so that I don't do something more harmful. it is just irrevocably true that trans women that are not thin, white, effeminate, with clear skin and no body hair will be seen as dangerous and intimidating by afab people and especially cis women. But i'm grateful that you with for a better world where that isn't happening. It's admirable. And I don't want to spoil your positive message but it's gonna be hard to keep my depression about that in check and I wanna apologize in advance for probably still being very negative about that. You are correct that my life isn't defined by those that are scared of me, but they still can affect it in a profound way even if I try to ignore them. And yes it is incredibly lonely, but I've already been lonely before I came out so there's not much of a difference. Just maybe a new flavor.
I'm just gonna skip the next paragraph with the short end of the stick so that I don't let my depression speak my mind and just rip all of that to shreds. You've got a nice mentality there and I don't wanna take that from you especially since you went out of your way to try and cheer me up. I know there are people that aren't scared. I'd like to meet some one day. But all deprecating jokes aside, I will always get reminded of it when I see how the trans community and especially trans women have their own separate isolated corner from the wider LGBTQ+ community. I'm not faulting you for struggling to apply the advice your give yourself. I really know a thing or twenty about that... Realistically I know that it's not as bad as my insecurities, depression, anxieties ect make it out to be. But acting on that; confronting your fears is exponentially harder. Especially if you have to do it alone because you're shit at meeting new people and making friends and very good at driving existing ones away. And please don't worry about grammar or punctuation or all that jazz. School makes a way bigger deal out of it than I feel is should be on the internet in casual situations. It's your intent and your feelings that matter not punctuation ^^'
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