#its been almost an entire week and im so weak at this point
jokesboy · 1 year
a friend and me have become so attached to the idea of being matching wizards we ordered fabric and were gonna make wizard hats and cloaks and wear them to school occasionally
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aniqua · 2 months
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error: v1r2ous | yandere!qimir x reader
✧content: 18+ mdni, y/n not used, everything that comes with yandere tendencies, a prequel to [f13nd] that can stand on its own
✧anon says: "im super curious to perhaps see flashbacks of reader and qimirs relationship before their death but whatever u choose to do w the plot im sure itll be great!!!💓"
✧note: anonie, my self-control is laughable. this originally was a couple of bullet points until it wasn't. I even foreshadowed it when I said, "I keep pretty much be convinced of a lot of things if it's in the form feedback."
✧word count: 1.4K
✧series masterlist
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Qimir and you originally met when you entered his shop to buy something for an illness you were experiencing.
From his perspective, a pretty customer--wide-eyed, slightly frazzled, but sincere--comes in walking in like a blown-in dandelion, and his brain halts at a blank. All of his senses were taking you in except for sound. He was picking up on your scent, taking in your appearance, trying to taste your fragrance like a madman, all the while he couldn’t hear a thing coming out of your rosy lips.
There are no quippy jokes, clever back and forths, or sarcastic upselling. He just saw someone with shining eyes and an unintentional constant pout to their lips as they explained their problem and he was just staring.
Through what he heard when he finally checked back in, you chose to entrust him with your health because of what you heard through grapevines and gossip which led him to take on a deep sense of responsibility to get what he was making down to the right gram.
From your perspective, you didn’t expect the apothecary to be so breathtaking. You expected to meet the face of an age-old man who you’d have to convince to take your symptoms seriously. So when you had materialized at the first jingle of the door and you saw Qimir look up, you’d almost waited for his master to come walking out of a room. Even as you spoke, you sort of hoped it would still happen since his sharp features but kind eyes were too overwhelming for your sensitive self to stomach. If he was to be your saving grace, you feared that your timidness to his aura would have you killed before a progression in your condition did.
Through nervous small talk from you and shaking hands that only Qimir could feel, he works on something as you watch with a look that could only have him describe you as a rabbit. In the end, he fervently insists that you return for weekly refills since swore he could only make so much with the supplies that he had. This was untrue. But you were so dazzled by the way parts of his warm hand ghosted yours when he passed the medication that you didn’t even think twice about it.
By a few months, you both had established an unspoken comfort that resided between each of your meetings. 
You were expected to call ahead so that Qimir could ensure it was just him and you in the shop. Your appreciation for the gesture made you believe that he was entirely selfless but let Qimir tell it and it would be the most selfish thing he did once a week. The days would meander as he spent time forgetting faces until he’d get a call in which in that moment, the time ran like a jackrabbit. 
There was a night when you called so late that the sun had already set and he was already in bed. He picked it up without a second thought and felt his spine turn into water when he heard you on the other end profusely apologizing. The name of the game was reassurance and patience as he tried to keep you talking. He so effortlessly did it that you would almost believe him when he said he didn’t mind the call if you didn’t feel immense guilt.
Qimir spent the time listening to you ramble about the series of unfortunate events that had led you to break your medicine vials and lose your travel ticket. The way your weak voice spoke and the shaking in your cadence made it clear to anyone who cared--so Qimir--that you had just been crying. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you heard from the other end. He waited for you to come down from your panic while twistedly picturing how beautiful you must have looked when you cried. Red eyes, clinging lashes, and swollen lips flashed across his mind just for him to say “I know a guy who can get you a much sooner ticket and when you come here tomorrow I’ll make you more. Free of charge. How does that sound?”
Another good amount of back and forth was spent with you refusing his generosity until his persistent rejection of your rejection caved you. Sure, you felt unworthy of the offer but you also were terrible at resisting the way he sounded over the phone. 
It was in that moment that Qimir determined to make you his permanent problem. From his perspective, he couldn’t stay just your good friend, but he wanted you to see him as the lighthouse that you were a permanent resident of. He was transfixed on the image of you and him together.
Did Qimir actually know a guy? No, but he wasn’t going to find a guy since he knew how to be both hell and high water.
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On another one of your later visits, you made some remarks about your uncomfortable trip to his store as his hair curtain his face while he worked. 
Qimir saw this as a rare window of opportunity to take advantage of the trust between the both of you.
“You know, long trips are taxing on the body,” he said as he was dicing a specific plant.
“How else do you expect me to get here?” you teased as you layed your head on the counter and watched him so focused. It was when you liked watching him most. 
This was now routine for the both of you. You would pretend like you weren’t watching the way his biceps flexed and his brows knitted together when he was focused. All the while, Qimir was trying to use every bit of his self-control not to drown in your fresh scent and the warmth that came from your close body. If he didn’t use every bit of the discipline he was taught, he would have devoured once for every time he looked up to find you desperately trying to look anywhere else out of shyness.
“You’d walk here if you just lived in the city,” he told you while peeking through his lashes.
You sighed as you waited for another lecture from him that he practically had memorized but it never came which surprised you. He was playing offensive this time.
“The city is expensive,” you said.
“Hm” he quirked a brow in acknowledgment as he kept dicing. Although he was calculating, he loved the way your voice sounded when you were passionate.
“And who knows if I’ll find somewhere to live on such short notice.”
“So stay here.” he dropped so casually as he went to grab something off of a high shelf.
“Huh?” That was new.
Qimir didn’t say anything until he came back. He made his way back to the counter and leaned over it. You felt so scattered as you watched his striking features get closer as you swallowed. He was intentionally playing dirty.
“Stay here and you can work in the shop in exchange.” When he shrug so nonchalantly, strands of his hair framed his face so well.
“Qi-Qimir,” you manage to get out. “You don’t want me here,” you joked trying to get out of his intense soul-eating eyes. However, he took your hands as you tried to lean back into the chair you were sitting in.
“What makes you say that?” You almost lost your breath at the way he lifted his brow.
“You really want to become roommates with a customer?” you said only half teasing.
The way his expression shifted like a cloud had gone over him. You wondered if you had said something wrong. With his thumb, he made circles in your hands as he straightened out the fabric of your shirt. He was still silent as you held your breath until he said, “Did you really think I’d empty out a store on a weekly basis for just some customer?” His voice was steady as he practically loomed over you from across the table.
You had no response to his words but you were getting hot in the face.
“I don’t even answer Osha’s calls in the middle night,” he laughed. The way that he went back to his light demeanor and the smile that eclipsed his eyes gave you enough whiplash to say stupidly vomit “alright” without any clue as to what you were signing up for.
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leave a comment, send an ask, or reblog. i might write a whole fic because of it or maybe send a meme, but I always respond.
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novemberevenings · 2 years
what comes before night? | chapter 1
In the entire history of Prythian, there have always only been three solar courts: Dawn, Day, and Night. But, on a seemingly random day, an island located closest to the Night Court suddenly makes itself known. No one knows who they are or where they come from but it cannot be any good. Especially when its power rivals that of all the courts, both seasonal and solar. 
word count: 4326
a/n: first chapter!! woo hoo!! also fun fact the picture im using as a divider is one i took myself and it just reminds me so much of the Dusk Court so yeah :) hope yall enjoy this chapter! 
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The sun had just begun its descent when you start getting ready. It had been a very busy morning, filled with people fussing over you and countless last-minute decisions. You were already so exhausted. This morning’s activities were draining but it was the weight on your shoulders that made you want to curl under the covers and sleep for a century. 
You had been preparing for this moment for your entire life. Then why do you feel as though you’re walking off the edge of a cliff, going into a free fall, and not knowing what’s next? 
The funeral was held last week. The entire court came to pay their respects to their late High Lord. Fae of every kind showed up wearing Dusk’s traditional mourning color of the darkest blue. You were dressed in dark blue yourself. But, unlike the mourning fae around you, you did not let a single tear escape from your eyes.
The only time you let yourself truly break was in the comfort of your own room, with only the deafening silence as your company. The citizens of Dusk were looking to you for leadership now. You couldn’t afford to look weak in front of them. 
For a single moment, you hoped that maybe, just maybe, the Mother would overlook your presence. That the power from your father would flow to your brother instead. But, you dismissed the thought as soon as it came. Your brother was not trained to rule over an entire court and frankly, he didn’t want to either. 
You wanted this power. Had craved it from the moment you saw your father sitting on his throne. You wanted the ability to change things for the better, to help your people. You had inherited many things from your father, his ambition was one of the things you loved the most. 
Thinking about him makes your chest ache. You feel your throat tightening, tears threatening to spill from your eyes but you try to keep them at bay. You’ve cried enough late last night, thinking about how different your life would look after today. About how much you miss your father. 
Your hair had already been done by one of your handmaidens along with a soft brush of kohl on your eyes and a neutral kind of red painted on your lips. It was simple, regal. You stood from your spot on the bed to walk to the window. 
From your window, you could see the entire capital city of Cyra. Your home, your safe place. As you look up at the sky, you could see the dome that has been shielding your court for the past couple of millennia. It was a complex work of magic and was created by your ancestors. The dome itself was made up of two layers: The outer layer was for protection, to ensure that nothing can go in, almost like a physical barrier. The second layer was an intricate spell that allowed your court to stay hidden without any detection. It’s transparent but if you look closely enough, you could see that it has a faint gold color. With the sun setting, it makes the entire sky look like it's shimmering. 
It’s been a few hours after lunch, the sun halfway through its descent. It was the afternoon now and you could see people preparing for the big event. 
The coronation of the Dusk Court’s newest High Lady. 
The event would take place on the highest point within the court which is located at Roava Hill, just before the sun sets beneath the horizon. Fae from all over the court had come to see the ancient Dusk crown placed upon your head. 
You mutter an incantation to project the sounds of the people from below into your room, finding the silence to be a little suffocating. The sound of bustling vendors trying to find a spot for their stalls, courtiers setting up for the ceremony, and the birds chirping their afternoon songs filters into your room. 
That small release of power granted you some reprieve from your earlier thoughts. While closing your eyes, you tip your head back and take a deep breath. Listening to the people below, your people, helped to calm down your thoughts. As you listened, you silently applauded yourself for your work. If there was one thing you liked about being High Lady, it was the power that came with it. 
The specialized power that originates from Dusk is unique. And even though you had been studying it for your entire 400 years of life, it never ceases to amaze you. The other solar courts had healing, knowledge, or darkness as their specialty. The power to wield fire or ice, water or earth, belonged to the seasonal courts. The Dusk court had its own specialty powers too. 
Sorcery and the Mystic Arts. 
The citizens of Dusk could manipulate power gifted from the Mother and Cauldron themselves. While the other courts did have access to basic magic that is unrelated to their specialty powers, Dusk’s powers are wholly different. The magic that the citizens of dusk possess is magic in its purest form, which can be harnessed using spells and incantations. However, the wielder also affects the scale at which the magic can be used. The more powerful the wielder, the greater the magic.
As High Lady, the magnitude of the power you wield is insurmountable. Not to mention the fact that you had been training and studying your powers since you took your first steps. 
The realization hit you out of nowhere, the fact that you were one of the most powerful Fae currently in existence. Great, another burden you have to bear. 
You wonder if you have what it takes to do this. To lead an entire court, to protect them and serve them just as your father did. You wonder how you could ever do this without him. 
The door of your chambers opening interrupts your train of thought. Your mother slips inside, already in her ceremonial garb. “Why haven’t you put your clothes on yet? It’s almost time for the coronation.” 
You look to the sky again and realize the sun has set even more since the last time you looked at it. “Sorry, I didn’t notice the time.” 
The ceremonial dress for your coronation is beautiful. It looked like a sunset captured in fabric with a blend of oranges, pinks, and purples. The silhouette is loose and flowy, making you look like a deity. It made you feel like you could deserve your title. 
Your mother helps with the simple gold necklace you chose to wear for the ceremony. She stands behind you as you move your hair to the side, allowing her to clasp the necklace. A simple gold chain with a ring around it. It was your father’s ring. The ring that he dedicated to you. He had three rings in total, one for each of his family members. Engraved inside the ring was the nickname your father affectionately called you. Witchling. 
As a young fae learning all about the mystic arts and sorcery, your parents realized that you took to it quite easily, the Mother blessing you with great power even as a child. Your father had joked that you could be a witch with how good you were at using your powers. From then on, you became your father’s little witchling. 
The ring rests between your collarbones, the sunlight hitting it just right and emanating a soft glow. You feel as though your father is watching over you at this very moment. 
“I know what you’re thinking about, you know,” Your mother breaks the silence with a small smile, her eyes glinting knowingly as she looks at you through the mirror. 
“And what would that be, mom?” Your tone is a little disbelieving, but deep down, you’re worried that she could see right through you. She rests her head on your shoulder, hugging you tightly for comfort. 
“Your father was nervous too before his coronation. He was a mess. I still remember the day like it was yesterday, the day I became the High Lady.” At the mention of your father, your mother’s eyes flutter shut, as if she was replaying the memory behind her eyelids. “I’m pretty sure he was still nervous as he was climbing up Roava Hill, even more so when he was saying his oaths.” 
“Well, it couldn’t have been that bad since he became one of the greatest leaders in the history of our court,” The thought of your father being nervous was impossible. You never saw him as anything less than brilliant, both as your father and High Lord.  
“That is precisely my point, sweet child. Despite the fact that he was nervous, and that he didn’t believe he could lead, he still did. He ruled with no tolerance for injustice and with kindness in his heart. You will do just the same, if not even better.” 
You take a deep breath, readying yourself for what's to come. You knew that you had what it takes to rule. You had been born for it. You had been trained in the art of politics, battle strategy, diplomacy, and everything else that comes with being a ruler since you were a child. You could do this. You have to do this. 
With one last look in the mirror, you turn to face your mother. You take a deep breath, and with a harsh exhale, you dismiss all your earlier worries and concerns.
“Alright. Let’s get myself crowned shall we?” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The coronation starts the moment you start climbing Roava Hill. It’s supposed to be symbolic, representing how you will have to persevere through hardships as a leader. You make the climb alone, the courtiers and your family already at the top of the hill while the citizens of Dusk gather at the base of the hill to watch you make the climb. 
The hill is steep and the journey is long, but when you finally make it to the top, you decide the view was worth the effort it took to get there. As it is the highest point in the entire court, you get to see everything that will rest on your shoulders, your responsibility. A feeling of pride surges through your veins, feeling eternally grateful that this beautiful place was your home. That you had the privilege to rule this magnificent court
You turn to the small clearing where courtiers are gathered alongside your family. The priestess stands before a marble altar that has been worn down with age. 
The light of the setting sun glows on your face as you step toward the altar. It seems like an eternity before you arrive in front of the priestess, the entire court at your back and only the setting sun as your companion. Everything else around you drowns out as you focus on keeping a brave face, too scared that people could see your fear. Your fear of failure, your fear of not being enough. 
The priestess begins the ceremony by casting a similar spell that you did earlier, making her voice project to the people of Dusk waiting at the bottom of the hill. You can’t back out now. 
“People of Dusk, we gather here today to witness the rise of a new ruler. The passing of our late High Lord is a loss that we will grieve for eternity. But if there is one good thing that has come out of it, it would be this. A new High Lady of the Dusk Court.” 
Cheers ring out from all around you, the people standing at the bottom of the hill applauding and shouting, your mother and brother with matching looks of pride on their faces. With every second that passes, your fears slowly slip away, turning into a feeling of pride and joy. This was your day, you realized. It’s time you acted like it. 
Your mother steps forward next, moving to stand beside you. As the current High Lady by marriage to your father, she will have to renounce her title before you could proceed with your ceremony. Your mother’s hand brushes yours slightly, her silent way of showing support. 
“I, High Lady Solana of the Dusk Court, renounce my title as High Lady. With this setting sun, I shall step down from this title as it shall be passed on to Lady Y/N of the Dusk Court, the firstborn daughter of the late High Lord and I.” Pride laces through her words. When you turn to look at her, you see her eyes glistening with love. 
After her speech, your mother steps back from the altar, gives your cheek a kiss and returns to her spot beside your brother. The priestess continues with the ceremony, moving on to the oaths next. Oaths that you will have to uphold during your entire reign, promises that you make not only to yourself but also to the entirety of the Dusk Court. 
“I swear that I will serve and protect the Dusk Court with my life. To have the court’s best interests at heart. To cherish and uphold Dusk Court values. I swear that I will give up my time, my efforts, and my life if duty calls for it. I swear to act as High Lady of the Dusk Court from this day, till the end of my days.” 
With the last words of the oath leaving your lips, the bargain you made inks itself on your skin. A band of orange and purple colored swirls appears on your right upper arm. With the oath finished, there’s just one more part left for the coronation ceremony. The crown. 
The Dusk Court’s crown was beautiful. It was gold and had a simple design, purple and pink gems lining the entire crown, with an orange gem set a bit higher than the others. 
The priestess picks up the crown from the cushion it had been resting on. Before the crown is placed on your head, you kneel before it. Another symbolic act, the last time you would ever kneel to anyone or anything would be for the crown. 
With a deep breath, the priestess places the beautiful crown on your head. It's heavier than you expected. You stand from your position on the ground with shaky legs, hoping and praying to the Mother that the crown doesn’t fall off your head. 
The ceremony was planned meticulously for this precise moment. The light of the setting sun passes through the gems of the crown at just the right angle, reflecting colorful light all around the clearing. You feel the sun shining on your face, the soft glow providing you comfort. 
As you turn to face the crowd, a hush falls over all the attendants. 
One by one, everyone drops to their knees and bows their heads, the crowd at the bottom of the hill following suit. 
You were now, officially, the High Lady of the Dusk Court. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:
The entire court is in celebration following the coronation. The entire city of Cyra is abuzz with excitement. As the capital city and home of the royal palace, fae from all over the court has traveled to witness the coronation of the newest High Lady. 
You didn’t receive any breaks in between the ceremony. After you were crowned, your mother and brother came to congratulate you. They both crushed you in a giant hug, both sporting matching looks of pride and love. 
“See, that wasn’t that bad wasn’t it?” Your mother says while she cups your face with both hands. Her thumbs make a swiping motion on your cheek and it brings you so much comfort. 
“Do I have to start calling you your majesty now?” Your brother jests with a teasing smile. “Ugh, please don’t,” You groan, reminded of all the courtiers coming up to you and bowing as low as they could while saying Your Majesty continuously. 
“I’m still your big sister. But now, you have a legal obligation to do just as I say” Now it’s his turn to groan, rolling his eyes and huffing like a petulant child. 
You smile looking at your family. Eternally grateful that you still had them by your side. But there would always be that one piece missing. Your father was the source of many jokes and, surprisingly, loved to share court gossip with you all. You’ll miss family dinners every night and sitting in your father’s study while he gives you lectures on politics. 
You shook yourself out of that train of thought. You were happy, beyond happy right now. You would carry your father’s memory with you for your entire life. But now, it was time to party. 
You were still in your ceremonial outfit when you joined the festivities. The plaza in front of the palace was decorated beautifully. There were stalls lined on the edges of the plaza, selling food of all kinds, trinkets and souvenirs to remember this occasion. 
Despite the anxiety and worry you were feeling before, being surrounded by your people made your heart feel a little more at ease. So you conversed, accepting congratulations from strangers and receiving gifts of all kinds. 
The center of the plaza became a dance floor, with musicians playing lively music. You were hit with the sudden urge to dance, to let yourself enjoy the night after such an exhausting day. So, that is exactly what you did. 
You let your thoughts fade into nothing and allowed your body to take over. Twirling and swishing around the dance floor, your dress flowing just as you did. Eventually, your mother and brother joined in and you basked in the presence of your family. You were all still grieving, but at this moment, you finally felt like you would be alright, in time. 
Later on in the night, after dancing, drinking, and laughing to your heart's content, the promise you made to your father rings in your ears. 
You must share our court with the rest of the world. Please, Y/N. It is the last thing I will ever ask of you.
I promise, dad. I will share the beauty and knowledge of our court with the world. We will never hide again while the rest go to ruin. I promise.
You decide that your first act as High Lady will be to fulfill that very promise as a way to honor your father. With a deep breath, you head up to the palace steps, garnering the attention of everyone who has come to celebrate.
With a raise of your hand, everyone falls silent, waiting to hear what their newest High Lady has to say. You feel everyone’s eyes on you, and suddenly the crown feels just a little heavier on your head. 
“Good evening citizens of Dusk. I hope that you have all been enjoying your night as I know I’ve had,” More people make their way to the front of the palace steps after hearing your commanding voice. “Before we end the night, I would like to make my first act as High Lady.” 
“For many millennia, we have kept ourselves hidden from the rest of the world. We have watched as history forgot about our existence. We have remained silent as wars were waged, as the rest of the world suffered. We have done nothing when we have all the resources and abilities to help many others.” 
You take a pause in your speech, looking around to survey people’s reactions, wondering if they would be against the idea you were proposing. But you didn’t see a single look of disapproval in the crowd so you continued. 
“I made my father a promise before he died. I promised him that I would share the wonders of our court with the world. To help even more Fae and ensure their safety just as he has ensured yours.” 
The crowd starts to cheer, excited at the prospect of finally being able to see the rest of what the world has to offer. “This dome has shielded us from the outside world. I hope that you will all join me in this new era of Dusk. The old ways of our court will fall with the setting sun. Come dawn, the rest of the world will know who we are.” 
More cheers and shouts of approval ring out throughout the crowd, applause and cries of excitement feeding into your own confidence. You raise your hands to the sky and aimed at the dome that has been shielding your court for several millennia. 
You reach into that power deep within yourself and mutter an incantation. With a thrust of your hands, your power shoots from the palms and into the night sky, manifesting as a glowing purple and pink column of light. It hits the inner layer of the dome, the spell that kept your court hidden from the rest of the world. 
Your face scrunches up in concentration as you dive deeper into the well of your power. The depth of your power was unimaginable, you thought that it would never end. Slowly but surely, the inner dome crumbles. Cracks start forming from the point where your power made contact with it. 
After a few more seconds, the dome is completely broken. Golden flakes fall from where the inner dome used to be, covering you and everyone else in gold glitter. You tip your head back to the sky and let the flakes fall on your face, relishing in the cheers and joy from the people around you. 
The Dusk Court is no longer hidden. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:
It was a peaceful night at the River House. All of the Inner Circle were gathered for the weekly family gathering and surprisingly, everyone is in attendance. Everyone has long since left the dining table. The sky is clear tonight, so the Inner Circle chooses to head to the backyard where little Nyx can stretch his legs and run around in the grass. Feyre and Elain both chase him around while the others choose to lounge on the chairs and sofas on the shaded patio. 
Rhys looks at the sight with a contented smile, taking a sip of his second glass of wine. 
“-as I was about to land a hit, the motherfucker decides to trip me using his spear. It was cheating! Admit it, I would have won if you didn’t play dirty.” Cassian recounts the sparring match he had with Rhysand from earlier in the morning. 
“You forget that I excel in playing dirty, Cass,” Rhys says with a teasing smile on his face. The rest groan in unison at the innuendo. 
Azriel sits in the seat beside Rhys, rolling his eyes at his brother’s antics. As usual, the Shadowsinger keeps to himself. In fact, he almost decided to skip coming to the River House entirely but he knows if he misses another meal he’ll get an earful from his family. 
Yet, despite his reluctance on coming, he finds himself relaxing further into his seat, his shoulders becoming less tense and his wings drooping with every laugh and chuckle from his family. He closes his eyes for a bit, letting his guard down just a fraction. 
These gatherings usually last the entire day, so Azriel figures that he could get some much-needed rest in the shade. The others continue on with what they’re doing for a little longer. After Elain catches Nyx in her arms, he manages to squirm free from her hold and squeals when his aunt and mother start chasing after him again. Cassian continues to tell stories they’ve all heard a million times, Mor refills Rhys’ glass of wine, and Amren sits a little farther, but still close enough to snark at Cassian from time to time. 
Everything was perfect. The entire family is in one place, with no threats anywhere in sight. 
Then it happens. 
Something in the fae realm changed. A sudden shift in the balance of power that has been so carefully maintained. 
Goosebumps rise all over his skin and all the chatter stops. He sits up in his seat, going tense once more, shadows dispersing to ensure that everyone is safe. All his friends are quiet. Even Nyx can sense something is wrong, running back to his mother and Feyre picks him up quickly, holding him close to her with a hand on his head. She heads to the patio with everyone else, Elain following quickly behind. 
“Did you guys feel that?” Mor questions, confusion, and curiosity etched onto her face. Everyone shares the same sentiment, having felt the strange disturbance too. 
“My shadows don’t report anything unusual. But they’re on edge” Azriel announces to his family, all of them sharing matching looks of confusion and worry on their faces. 
It was an unusual feeling. Like something old and powerful was making itself known. Like a lion roaring its challenge or a wolf howling its victory, another apex predator telling everything around it that it is a force to be reckoned with. 
It’s pulsing, this strange feeling. Like a heartbeat. As if it was a signal to inform every one of its location. 
Strangely, Azriel felt drawn to it. He didn’t know why but instead of warning bells, this felt more like a beacon, a summons of some sort. As if something or someone was out there calling to him. He was tempted to shoot to the sky and follow it, see where it takes him. Nyx’s cry snaps him out of it, turning to face his family once more. 
Amren, who normally remains unphased, seems just as worried as the others “We best get inside. Secure the house and figure this out from there,” Everyone shuffles out of their seats and heads back into the house, all of them wondering the same thing. 
What the hell just happened.
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swordofsuns · 4 months
to be honest I was still on tumblr a lot of the time so it wasnt really gone. but. I now have time to present to you:
ARC 4!
CONTINUED!!!! (explosion sfx in the background) (guitar riff) (bald eagle screech) (in case you cant tell I have been waiting for this all week)
small recap for where we left off: Ira and Braxton left to get to Axum to try and kill the Flesh Baron and kidnap some of our NPC friends who got kidnapped. We all jumped into the feywild to follow them. not sure if I mentioned this but we met up with a half fey shapeshifting druid (Actaeon killed his parents on accident)(it was a whole thing), and he joined up with our party. Turns out Red's crazy ex girlfriend has gone on a slight murder spree. We met up with some old friends. we learned some lore about the immenent end of days. we accidentaly gave another one of our friends a magical mind connection with an evil appocalyptic eldritch god (oopsies). Red's magical protection amulet broke in her sleep.
(oh also for context everything that is about to go down happened in the course of a single, increadibly hectic session)
Red doesnt know her amulet is broken, only suddenly feels her conciousness pulled from the blissful dreamlessness shes had for only a month, back into the all to familiar almost-reality of dreams. this time, however, she does not find herself in a forest of black pines and snow, or in the blood and fire of her past, but instead in a very different corner of the feywild. and this time she isnt even in her own body, or even her own mind. Currently she has her mind mixed with that of Manti, as her vision doubles between her bed in the walking castle and of a slaughtered chapel, with its last resident begging for mercy. Manti, pauses, right before delivering the killing blow, as it seems the connection between the two of them goes both ways. suddenly, without a word, she turns, and gives chase.
Back in the castle, Max has realized what is happened and is quickly casting as many protections as he can around Red, eventualy managing to block out the power of a LITERAL GOD, though by then Manti has figured out where we are, and is on her way. We try to come up with a plan, and realize that despite practicaly everything Manti is interested in being in the material world, shes spent practicaly her entire time in the feywild, even though she has interdimentional portals at her fingertips. we come to the conclusion that because of her fey ancestry, she probably either straight up cant get into the material plane, or at least would be extremely weak after doing so. We also realize through a tracking spell that our other two party members have already made it through to Axum.
Our plan is pretty simple: step 1, leave the castle. step 2, remove protections on Red so Manti is able to follow us, and doesnt go after castle. step 3, make it to the portal to Axum before she does. step 4, meet up with Ira and Braxton, and if she can come through we fight her on home turf and if she cant then were all safe.
we hop out of the castle and make run as fast as we can for the portal to Axum (though it is several miles away so its more of a "hike quickly" than a run). We manage to make it to the portal in time, but right before we pass through, Manti appears out of nowhere and closes it, though in the process Ira and Braxton get swept through the portal and we all reunite.
At this point Manti barely resembles anything even vaguely human. she is approxamitely 15 feet tall, with a chitinous and segmented body, twisted features, and two twisted unnatural portaling sickles melded into her hands. She offers the party the option to give her Red, and in return they all live, but we say no and a fight breaks out. Absolute chaos breaks out as portals are opened everywhere, reality itself begining to crumble at all of the wholes in it, as well as having several extremely powerful adventurers, some of whom have literal gods as pets, effectively warping the fabric of reality like a black hole.
We manage to do some good damage, but Manti is also the vessel of a god so the fight is long and painful. Around halfway through the fight, with a single swipe from a sickle, Manti cuts Iras broom in two, sending her plummeting to her death.
Manti lets out a horrifying shriek, though whether from victory or from horror we cannot tell, and Red, uninjured, falls to the ground unconsious. Actaeon rushes to her aid, but he she is already somewhere else.
(this right here is my favorite scene in the entire campain)
Red wakes up in an all too familiar forest. the pines are black and the snow is thick underfood. this time, she finds herself in a clearing in the trees, without a cloak, and with only a rusty iron sword as a weapon. the snow in sprinkled in drops of blood, and, all around the clearing, she can sense the Leech circling around her. she cant see him, aside from the occasional insectoid leg, a glint on one of his many, many teeth, and his seven gleaming red eyes. his true form is massive, easily 100 feet long, easily encircling her and bringing his circles slowly closer and closer. and then he begins to speak. (Now listen brief side not but I dont think that I have properly communicated to you just how much Red and The Leech absolutely fucking despise eachother. their first interaction had Red threaten to kill herself just to ruin his day, and it has only gone downhill from there. basicaly any time one of them mentions the other it is followed by a series of insults and curses. its made even funnier by the fact that everybody else is great freinds with their godly patrons, while Red is continously willing to do whatever she possibly can just to spite him. but I digress). The Leech just begins absolutely ripping red to shreads (metaphoricaly), pointing out how all of her acheivments and victories were because he was rigging it to give her a confidence boost. how she claims to fight to avenge the people she lost, and yet, cannot even remember her parents faces. how in the end, every adventure she has gone on has only lead to more death. after all, she released the Lost Brother, she made a deal with Benny for her own sake, she gave Manti everything she needed to free him, She shot Kraka, she led Manti to them, and in doing so got Ira killed. how even after everything, all her supposed growth and change, the reason that every time she finds herself in the forest she appears as a child is because a scared child was all she has ever been. In fact, he offers, why not embrace it. She has always wanted power, and now, he can offer it to her. She and Manti can be his two knives, breaking this world she has always hated in two, and creating her own world, a new world all of her own. (Red cant quite tell how far away he is still, but he has certainly grown closer) Red takes a breath. She calms herself, and prepares to deliver her elequant and informed rebuttal: "FUCK YOU YOU BLOODSUCKING COWARD! IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!". The Leech snarls in anger, and simply responds "you are free to die trying", before he closes in, fully encircling her. Only 10 feet away. then 5. Hes fully encircled her now, and she has nowhere to run. She swings her sword down at his side, but it simply brakes against his chitin. she tries to punch him but only gets a few broken fingers in return. He lowers his titanic almost-face down to hers, showing her his thousands of clistening, sharp teeth, and his 7 glowing red eyes level with hers. "do you have any last words". Red doesnt respond, but reaches out in anger and panic, grabbing hold of one of his eyes. with all of her strength (and a nat 20) she tears out his largest eyeball. The Leech SCREAMS IN AGONY, and back in the fight with Manti, she suddenly collapses on the floor in pain. With the last of The Leech's power, he lunges at her, attempts to devour her very essence for daring to defile him, but, (with another nat 20)(the dice were insane that day) she survives the assault of a god through shear stubbornness and spite.
Back in the real world, the fight with Manti has taken a bit of a chaotic turn, as, right in the middle of the battle, she collapsed onto the floor, and then, suddenly, all of the transformation on her body begins to dissolve into a black ichor. Red suddenly wakes up, and finds that Manti has returned to her origional form, though her hands are still portal sickles. she considers just killing her right there, but decides that even if she doesnt forgive her for what she did she still was being manipulated by the literal god of manipulation, and was later sorta fully mind controlled, so decides to let her live.
We also remember the fact that oh right Ira died, and decide to try to kill two birds with one stone (or I suppose save 2 birds with 1 castle) by taking both of them back to the castle to try and heal Manti (she is practicaly mortaly injured now that all of her magical protections are gone) as well as trying to see if they have the ability to revive Ira, who is now been dead for too long for us to revivify. We go back to the walking castle of Cisero and King, and beg them to pretty please help us again. they agree the heal up Manti and deliver her to our little village for Diana and Brandon to take care of her.
However, they tell us that they have no way of reviving Ira, as they just aren't powerful enough for that. Thing is though, Kings old teacher, The Duke of Thorns and Fruit (I mentioned him briefly in my recap of the second arc), does have the ability to do that and is located nearby, though King warns us that he will probably just kill us on sight. In the end she sends us off with a signed note from her telling him that we are freinds and to pretty please help us and not kill us. We make it to his corner of the feywild, which is a giant thornbush maze, though the thorns sometimes grow these juicy red fruits, that kit decides to snack on as we travel, though nobody else does. Finaly, we make it to the center of the maze, where we meet the Duke himself. hes this weird regal deer man, who does try to kill us on sight, until we prove were friends of King, to which he decides that hes not going to kill us instantly, but, because one of us stole one of his fruit, he will still kill us unless we do him a favor.
Each of us must tell him our greatest regret, or we will be killed. he also promises that he will revive Ira, but that will come with its own price. Braxton goes first, and admits that his greatest regret was finding The Bear for the first time, but, instead of the words leaving his mouth, the world around us shifts, as Braxton is forced to relive finding The Bear as a child, chained up in cold iron. how he took pity on the animal and chose to free it. how his body changed and was morfed into something unfamiliar. how his parents through him out after they saw what he had become.
second is Kit, who admits that their greatest regret is stepping through the portal he found when they were a child, and relives them and their best friend finding the portal, stepping inside, and seeing it close behind them as they became trapped in a dimmention of infinite everchanging light, blinding and maddening.
Red is next, revealing her greatest regret to be that she is still alive, though everything she survives always kills everyone around her. she sees herself surrounded by every person who has ever died from her actions, or who she has been unable to save, which at this point includes her entire extended family, 2 small towns, an adventuring caravan, Kraka, Ira, a major city and a good portion of the feywild. The worst part is, she cant even remember any of their faces. she simply curls up into a ball on the floor and cries.
Actaeon goes next, hesitentaly admiting that his greatest regret is that Red had him as a father, and how he was only able to fill her head with imposible dreams and fail her in the end. he also reveals that he is getting old and is probably going to die in about a year.
Acris (that one druid who was with us that I mentioned) says that his biggest regret was leaving home to travel the world, seeing as the second he left home Actaeon immediately showed up and accidentaly murdered his parents in cold blood (im not going to explain this its a whole thing)
Val admits that his biggest regret was running away from home, but leaving his sibling behind with his parent who was doing human/demon expirementation on them.
The Duke of Thorns and Fruit accepts this as payment for trespassing and stealing, but says that in payment for him reviving Ira, one of us must give up our Happy-Ever-After. whoever does this will permanantly lose the ability to have a happy ending to their story and their life will be endless heartbreak and tragedy.
Everybody goes dead silent and refuses to accept, until Red steps foward, claiming that at this point she has nothing to lose, and shakes the Dukes hand. The image of Red living a comfortable life, in peace, with no paranoia, no threat of violence or death around every corner appears, before crumbling and being consumed by the Duke.
with that he takes a fruit and squeezes some of the juice on Ira, instantly reviving her. he opens a portal for us to Axum, and cheerfuly bids us good luck. As we all step through the portal, however, he pull Val aside and reveals to them that he knows that they're part demon, and that if they meet again he can help Val "reach his true potential".
Actaeon also tells Red that with the eye that she gouged from The Leech, she could use it as a sacrifice to the Huntsman, who would almost certainly reward her by turning her into an Ent-Jaren, or that she could use it as a powersource for her Bloodhide Cloak, which would unlock its magical potential. at this point shes extremely depresed and has given up on all of her dreams, and uses it to complete the cloak, giving her a bunch of nifty power ups and blood magic.
wow this is long. this was probably the most insane and chaotic session of the campain, but also definitely my favorite. I cant properly convey it to you but Red and The Leech have a absolutely perfect dynamic so any session that allows them to bicker with each other is always great. plus we get to give Red turbo deppression. hooray. I love hurting my characters.
to be honest I am very tired and Im not sure any of this even makes sense to anybody who is not me. I wrote this in a state of pure manic energy (really not sure what came over me) and it is all gone now.
Red no.
Red no
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
and another thing that chronic pain brings that i find is less talked about and that people without chronic pain can't wrap their head around, is the emotional pain and just straight up despair of feeling like your body is useless, knowing you'll never be able to do the things you want to that "normal" people can do.
^^^^^ Exactly
especially when it hits you when youre young. even if and when you manage to get used to the pain itself (tho even "getting used to it" takes a prepetual toll) theres still always that part of it too. of feeling trapped in a body that seems so weak and fragile, and there being things you want to do that you used to be able to at some point, or dreamed of being able to do that you just.... have to accept you either cant, or that if you do them theyre going to make you exponentially worse....... it feels like being forced to miss out on so many things, and its so damn hard and mentally draining and scary and,,,,yea,, a lot of dispair hits you. its hard to accept
i always lose it when i realize how much i can't rly do anymore. even when i had chronic pain some years back and my joints were going to shit, id still push myself and walk for hours upon hours almost every day, it was relaxing and one of my favourite things to do.... now there are many times when walking for 30-40 minutes a day or several times a week feels like it absolutely cripples me. such seeminly low effort things take it out of me for days on end.... i cant play guitar anymore because my hands cant handle it. when my pain was worse, thank god its better now, i couldn't draw anymore... theres so many hobbies i wanted to try, but cant because some part of my body wouldnt handle it. many times ive been too dizzy or exhausted to cook, despite it being one of my favourite things to do.... i had an entire weeks-long mental breakdown and spiraled horribly when i realized i couldnt really ski anymore, despite being very, very good at it. id rather die than think i could never ride horses again, but i know there is a high chance doing so will ruin my hips...... the list is fucking endless
it feels like some sort of nightmare you just cant seem to wake up from. past a point damned be the pain, but realizing your body just cant handle or do shit or doesnt have the strengh, or that the pain is just too sharp, its just... fucking horrible.... it almost breaks you more than the pain itself past a point. and idk personally its been a nightmare for me to see how fast a lot of my health issues have progressed. i was certain i wouldnt be as bad as i am now until i was in my 30s.... but in just a few years, its gotten so much fucking worse
..... its one of those things that i guess you cant do nothing about but accept...? and try to make the best out of??? because getting endlessly upset about it doesnt help, and being upset only feeds the chronic pain. but its very hard, especially when daily things in your life constantly remind you. i still havent been able to figure out some sort of way or mindset to do that at all
i assume from this ask you also struggle with this? im very sorry ❤️🧡❤️ it truly is a lot to handle to say the least. thank u for this ask tho, helps to feel less alone, and if u ever need to vent to someone who gets it ur more than welcome to 🌸 i hope this week will be easier on you and that youll feel a little bit better, and i hope with time you'll maybe be able to find some things which make it easier to bare. god knows what the chances are, but maybe with all the science nowadays well both have the insane luck for some cure or actual treatment, as far fetched as that seems at times
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hellfiremovieclub · 2 years
could you do a steve harrington x henderson!reader set after season 2 (cause wow season 4 hurt) where the reader is stressed with keeping her GPA senior year, so she comes home to stress cry and steve comes over to hang with dustin and is concerned but dustin is like "she'll be fine, she'll just want a hug after" and steve makes sure to be the one to hug her cause he likes her? im not saying i think hed lock dustin in a room or push him out of the way but you can do whatever you want with this...sorry if this is rambling.
lmao this is me :) and it's not rambling!! i ramble myself so <3
senior year sucks | steve harrington
warnings: about anxiety
word count: ~1.5k
i didn't know what to call this one 🤠
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You had made note of Harrington’s car outside before rushing into your home. Just keep push through, you thought. Your fingers were crossed, maybe they’d already be in Dustin’s room.
Turning the knob, you made your way inside and headed straight for your room. Claudia was out, thank god, on her weekly grocery run. She would notice something was off later, surely, but you could deal with that then.
“Dude, if you want to have my hair for the Snow Ball you’re gonna have to just let me walk you through.” You could hear Steve from the kitchen.
“I can understand directions, Steve.” Dustin shut the fridge. “I don’t need you styling my hair for me.”
“See, the thing is,” Steve’s keys clattered on the counter, “I know that you do. At least this once, just so you actually know how to do it.”
Their back and forth almost made you chuckle, they were simpletons. 
Sniffling and wiping your face dry, for safe measure, you shut the door behind you and quickly turned down the hall towards your room. The pair glanced over, curious about how quick you were to walk away.
Steve cleared his throat, hoping you hadn’t heard their conversation before. “Hey, Henderson, didn’t think you’d make it home so soon?”
You squeezed your eyes shut and took in a deep, silent breath. Turning on your heel and praying your voice wouldn’t sound weak, you spoke, “Yeah, I just…” you fumbled, “I wanted to get home soon, need to study for the upcoming tests.”
Now you saw them, Steve leaning forward with one hand on the counter and Dustin setting out two cokes from the fridge. They had a knowing look in their eyes, but their expressions had slightly differing messages. 
“You okay?” Dustin asked.
Lips pressed into a thin line, and nodding your head hastily, “Yeah, yeah.” You felt the pressure on your chest increase, “I’m gonna go study and leave you two to your hair care.”
Steve pushed himself off the counter, “y/n, wait.” 
Already turned back around you kept going, with each step pulling out more tears. The day was overwhelming. Hell, the entire school year had been.
Before shutting your door you heard Dustin, “Just give her some time.” He insisted, “Later she’ll just want a hug, she’ll be alright.”
Door shut and book bag tossed to the floor, you curled into your bed and hugged a pillow, taking in a steadying breath.
School was already so stressful on its own, years of stress piling on itself. Then, with saving Hawkins at random points in time, all kinds of new stress was put on everyone’s shoulders. 
It was your last year, finally, but last year before what? You were doing your hardest to push through, which you’d been successful in doing until recent events. Blame it on the Upside Down, that made it feel so much better.
“Just… go wash your hair, get a solid base, I’ll be in to help in a minute.” You heard Steve’s voice in the hall, tensing your muscles up at the sound. They bickered for a few moments.
Quite the timing, for Steve to be over as you were finally crumbling that week. You’d been spending more time together, helping him out with Nancy and his own school work. It didn’t feel comforting, the thought that he definitely knew there was something wrong. You were fine with comforting Steve through his worries of school, but it scared you to be open with him about it.
A soft knock on your door, “Hey, can I come in?”
Rising slowly, you huffed out a hot breath and wiped your face clean again. You were too tired for this.
“Not really a good time,” you offered an easy out.
There was a silent pause before you heard Steve shifting on his feet. “It’s just, you seemed upset when you got here.” You pinched the bridge of your nose as he spoke. “Did… did something happen? Are you alright?”
He’d keep asking, if not at that moment he would ask again later. Steve cared, it was sweet. But it also could bite you in the ass.
Tossing your pillow on your bed and lifting yourself up, you caved in and opened your door. The moment it opened and his eyes landed on you, you became more conscious of your overall appearance. It didn’t matter much, but it was adding to your frustration.
You hugged your arms around yourself, “Senior year sucks.”
He snorted, “Tell me about it.”
He let himself in now. Closing your door and leading you back over to your bed, he massaged your arms gently. The pressure felt nice, though you felt new tears forming in your eyes.
“Is this like, uh,” he motioned with his hand, “senior year sucks because of everything that’s happened kinda mood, or senior year sucks because… senior years sucks feeling?”
You groaned, finding the pillow and hugging again before harshly laying back. “It just sucks.”
Steve glanced around, finding a pillow to hug for himself. He joined you and flopped back, gaze locked in on the ceiling.
Defeated, you said, “Maybe it’s just me that sucks?” 
“Christ no,” Steve scoffed. “I’m not even going to pretend I understand where that idea came from, but absolutely not.”
“Well, why not?” You flipped on your side, facing Steve. “It’s like I’m some magnet, or some beacon that just attracts… suckiness.” 
He turned to face you too, “Would explain why I was pulled to you like a bee to honey.”
“More like a fly on shit.” It almost made you smile.
“Okay, no,” he tossed his pillow and moved closer. “See, you were supposed to disagree with the bee thing, since you’re not a magnet for suckiness. Where’s this even coming from? What’s it about?”
Steve pushed his hand to hold one of your own, rubbing circles on the back of your hand to offer some more comfort. Hand clinging to his, you could feel your muscles starting to relax.
He was looking at you with such delicacy, it was truly showing how much he cared. He wanted to help you, and it was high time you accepted some help.
“My grades are starting to slip,” you admitted. “And I’m trying so hard to keep up with everything, but it’s like it all keeps getting further and further away from me. I mean, I’m doing everything. I’m giving it my all, and that isn’t good enough.”
“What a load of shit,” he said, as if it were so simple. 
You looked at him, confused. It wasn’t the response you expected.
You pulled your hand away, “Is not.”
“Is too,” he shrugged. “You are giving it your all, and it’s a load of shit that it feels like that’s not enough.”
“So now I suck because I let it make me feel worse?”
“What? No.” Steve put his hand on your upper arm, “It’s a load of shit because… school isn’t our only focus. It’s our last year, yeah, so we should be doing our best to get through, but also there’s more to it.”
“Okay?” You wanted him to explain.
“For one, we just got done saving Hawkins again, and no one even knows about that.” A fair point. “And two, you’re supposed to have a life outside of school. You’ve been so hard on yourself about keeping up, and I’ve been so hard on myself about getting into college and whatever. So, fuck it. It’s a load of shit.”
Steve was smiling, it sort of made you want to punch him. 
You blinked, “I don’t see how calling it a load of shit is going to solve my problem.” 
“It won’t, I mean you should look into tutoring, Nancy’s a great tutor,” he started on a ramble.
“You’re plugging me to your ex for help?” You chuckled.
“Yeah, I mean, she’s way better at academics than me.” His mouth hung open. “You could go to anyone, it wouldn’t have to be Nancy. We could study together, even, god knows I could use the help…” He looked at you. “But my point is, you have to accept that it’s all a load of shit. It’s not on you that it's been so hard, and you should get to exist outside of your grades.” 
“I guess that’s true,” you sniffled.
“Oh there’s no guessing, it 100% is true.” He stated. “Look, I’ve got no future ahead of me, and that eats me alive every single day… but I came over to help your shithead brother learn how to actually style his hair, and I’ll be damned if I’m not present to get him to actually learn.”
You finally laughed at that, it sounded a bit ridiculous.
“You do have a future, you’re just figuring it out.” You squeezed Steve’s shoulder.
He glanced at your hand before smiling at you. He wiped your final tears off your cheek with his thumb, lightly tapping your nose and holding your hand again.
“Maybe try that same gentle, judgment free thinking with yourself too?” Steve had a lopsided smile.
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adorerdraco · 4 years
It’s Only Quidditch ✧ Draco x Slytherin!Reader
Request: can i please request you and draco being in slytherin and dating for a while and you two are on the quidditch team with him so maybe you two are in a match together but you get hurt and he gets worried and has to win the game and visits you after and maybe even wrecks the person who hurt you hehe just fluff and angst
Warnings: angry!draco, vengeful!draco, VIOLENCE, kinda graphic details like blood and injuries, lil bit of angst
Words: 3.9K (love making these long for no reason)
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November had begun and with it came the new season of quidditch at Hogwarts along with very poor weather and over-bundling nerves. Tensions had always gotten high around this time of the year amongst the teams and all animosity between the house’s respective players was on the forefront as the competition was building. It was like clockwork every year; captain’s starting strenuous training schedules, begging Snape to help book the stadium even if it was already occupied, spying on other teams to figure out their strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention the arguments that would happen regularly in between the first couple of games when you and your teammates would be accused of cheating or using dangerous and illegal moves. Which did happen to be true most of the time.
It was safe to say that it was the most eventful time of the year, and as suffocating as it sometimes got - you looked forward to it every time the new term started. It was in quidditch that you found yourself feeling the freest in, zipping around the stadium in a flash of green with the wind blowing through your hair and crisp autumn air biting at your cheeks. But most notably, it was in quidditch that you met Draco Malfoy and had quickly evolved from teammates to friends, to him now being your boyfriend.
You made Slytherin’s team your second year as a Chaser, a shiny new broom being given to you on the first day of scheduled training when Lucius Malfoy had made a generous donation that came along with a new platinum blond seeker. With the two of you being the latest additions to the teams, your captain, Marcus Flint, had decided to leave the dirty work for the two of you to do in the downtime every one else was able to enjoy. Marcus never changed that as the years went on.
So you and Draco would be sent off to other teams’ practices nearly every other day or week, depending on how secure Flint was feeling, both of you huddling closely together for sometimes hours behind the thick wooden benches as you watched and studied tactics with conversations in between. You would joke around a lot and call him your partner in crime which he would always roll his eyes to and make a snide and playful comment about even if he secretly loved hearing it. And the two of you stayed partners in crime for a while, neither of you ever making any move towards the other besides lingering touches and longing looks, and very rarely, a shy compliment.
It wasn’t until last year when you were hiding behind the bleachers, bored out of your mind watching Ravenclaw have a flawless run through around the stadium when you were graced with the dumbest idea.
“They’re playing good today,” you drawled out, “too good that it’s boring.”
“You reckon they studied so hard and found the key to quidditch?” He snickered as he played around with a pebble on the ground with his wand.
“We should help them out,” you suggested as Draco turned to raise a puzzled eyebrow at you. “Prepare them for the unexpected, nothing too crazy.”
You took out your wand from your pocket and pointed it towards one of their Beaters that was sitting idly by on their broom, a faint “confundus” leaving your lips that caused the broom to jerk swiftly to the side and nearly topple over its rider.
“You’re a genius,” Draco laughed quietly, repositioning himself so that he was right beside you with his wand directed out into the field. He spotted one of the bludgers flying towards the same Beater and instead of colliding with the bat, he used a charm to direct it into the back of their broom and then doubled it back around to try and hit one of the passing by Chaser’s that moved at the very last minute. 
You were a giggling mess, gripping tightly onto Draco’s arm as you watched everyone begin to look around wildly for the wild bludger with panicked expressions. What either of you didn’t realize in the middle of your joyed hysterics and Draco’s smugness for causing the angelic sounds, was that the bludger was flying idly still in front of the bleacher’s as his wand was still trained on it without moving it around anymore, his focus completely gone and concentrated on you.
It wasn’t until you heard someone yell out a, “Is that Malfoy and Y/L/N back there again?!” That made you get up with a sudden jolt, grabbing onto your accomplice’s hand as you ran towards the set of stairs that descended out of the stands. All you heard was distant angry insults and threats quickly fading out of ear-shot while you ran, laughing uncontrollably alongside Draco with his hand still tightly gripped in yours. 
When you finally reached the entrance of the empty courtyard of the castle with flustered cheeks and wheezing chuckles, you looked down at your joined hands at the same time he did and after a few seconds of realization and lingering adrenaline, you quickly moved into each other with a yearning kiss that changed everything from that day forward.
Draco stood beside you while you sat on a bench outside the locker room, your head resting lazily on the side of his leg while his fingers carded soothingly through your hair. Marcus was pacing in front of you, using his broom as a walking and pointing stick whenever he wanted to add any calculated words to his very hostile pep-talks that left everyone feeling more irritated and stressed.
Today was the last game of the season and the most important, it was the game that ended the season with a shimmering Inter-House Quidditch Cup and it just so happened to be against Gryffindor, making the stakes much higher than they already were. The matches against Gryffindor were by far, the most dangerous as they weren't afraid to play roughly either if push came to shove. The determination to beat each other and to win was critical on both sides and the day always ended with some sort of injuries.
“I don’t care how dirty we have to play today,” Flint fumed to the team, “I don’t care how many fouls we get, as long as we win.”
“Relax, Flint,” you sighed deeply. “We have the best players on our team and we’ve been working our arses off all season, we’ll be fine.”
“Still, I want to see blood out there,” he muttered back, walking towards the entrance of the field as Madam Hooch started calling your team out to start.
You stood up with a huff, Draco frowning when he noticed how tense you looked when your eyes worriedly met his.
“All right, love?”
“I'm just nervous,” you shrug, “I don’t want to mess up.”
The silver-haired boy moved to stand in front of you, placing two strong hands on either side of your arms to stand you in place so that he would be the only thing your wandering eyes were able to focus on.
“You are the best Chaser that Slytherin has ever had, no, that Hogwarts has ever had and I know for a fact you’re going to do amazing out there,” he cups your face with care, brushing a few stray hairs out of your face as he spoke. “You’ve got this.”
He pressed an encouraging kiss onto your forehead and then your lips, smiling at you supportively before taking your hand and hurriedly walking the two of you out into the field where the match was about to start.
Almost the whole school had shown up in an overcrowded sea of red and gold for Gryffindor. There were red sparks and small fireworks of lions that were charmed to roar when the animal would open its mouth. On one end of the stands, however, was the entire student body of Slytherin that was throwing green and silver ribbons and sparklers from their wands, yelling loudly in support as if their life depended on it. Over the rails, they had thrown down a large poster of a snake that moved around sleekly over large green words that read, “SLYTHERIN FOR THE WIN.”
Rain was lightly drizzling from the grayed dense clouds above, a sharp chill in the air from an approaching winter that always seemed to give the worst weather during the last couple of games of the year. You didn’t mind it since the cold had always felt nice against your sweaty skin during the game and it served like a small revitalizing shock that gave you a surge of energy to push forward with. 
Madam Hooch quickly went over the rules, set free the bludgers, and the snitch, forced the two captains, Wood and Flint, to shake hands and by the time she had counted down from three to one - brooms were soared into the sky with such speed it looked like a tornado had formed as she threw the quaffle up into the air.
A roar of cheers erupted from beside you as you got ahold of the quaffle, dashing past your House while you headed straight towards the Gryffindor’s goal post and managed to make the first shot in within the first five minutes of the game putting you at 10-0. You spotted Draco flying around above, smiling down brightly at you with triumph that only fueled your confidence as you darted forward to catch the ball again. You were, just as Draco had said, the best Chaser on the team and in all of the school. You were fast, agile, and smart when it came down to it and you were the reason why your team had easily wracked up 40 points with thirty minutes down in the match. Marcus was always trailing behind you with focus, shoving anyone who tried to get to you or pulling them back by their robes that landed Slytherin a couple of fouls throughout. 
You didn’t like to play dirty, but when Katie Bell had rammed into your side either accidentally or on purpose, it knocked the quaffle out of your hands and into one of their other Chaser’s, Rowan Rees, a muscular and tall seventh-year boy that had made the team that same year. With Katie still closely trying to cut you off, you veered sharply into her with your shoulder before breaking away from her and heading towards your goal post where they were trying to shoot. 
You rolled your eyes at the announcer, completely ignoring the boo’s that had filled the air as you whizzed past the other houses even though it was you who got hit first. Just as Rees had raised his arm to score, you flew over him, swooping your arm underneath your broom until you felt the quaffle back in your palm and ripped it from his grasp. The match was becoming more intense by the second, Gryffindor was promptly catching up in points because of the penalties they were awarded from the illegal moves your team was making and it left you feeling more pressured that it was nearly a tie now, Flint reminded you of that every chance he zoomed past you.
Unbeknownst to you, Draco was watching you cautiously from across the field most of the game when he noticed how close everyone was trying to get to you. You didn’t see the way you were almost tugged back multiple times or were missed by inches when someone was about to push you. Or how the Beaters were deliberately directing the bludgers in your direction. You also didn’t see how irked you had made Rees with your constant scoring and with the sporadic few times you had cut him off or almost bumped into him - but your boyfriend did, and he was much more focused on your safety now than the Golden Snitch he or Potter hasn’t spotted yet. Instead of searching for it, he was purposefully maneuvering himself around in front of the other Chasers to throw them off their focal point towards you so that you would have a clearer path to fly through.
He watched as you pulled your broom upwards to try and twist away from the area but Rees had reached out and pulled at your ankle, sending you out of your seat as the quaffle fell while you tried to rebalance yourself. That was all the encouragement the blond needed when he hurtled down into the mess, kicking at the back of Rees’ broom and sending him quickly spinning on a dive before he could try and move any further. 
“MALFOY!” Flint roared as he flew past, “Potter’s spotted the snitch! This isn’t your place, get out of here, NOW!”
And when he looked up, sure enough, Harry was going around desperately with an arm outstretched towards the small glint of gold that was moving too fast. 
“Go, I’m fine!” You shouted out to him when you flew back up with the ball back in your arms.
It was like slow motion when he forced himself to leave your surroundings, everything around him was moving fast and intensely with everyone screaming wildly that he couldn’t think straight. In a daze, he haphazardly sped towards Harry but noticed the panicked look on the seeker’s face when he had lost sight of it again which directed his attention right back to you. You were right in front of the Gryffindor goal post, arm stretched over your head and releasing the quaffle with a harsh throw.
It wasn’t until the very last minute that everyone, including you, had realized the flash of red that came hurtling into your side at full speed, Rees colliding so loudly with you that it echoed around the stadium in a powerful clang and crack.
Draco watched in horror as you were thrown off your broom, your now unconscious body falling like a rag doll with a speed that sent his stress levels into overdrive. He had never pushed down on his broom so fast, immediately abandoning his spot to bolt towards you even as Marcus was screaming at him to not go. 
A few feet above the ground and before you met it, he managed to loop his arm around your waist and heave you onto the front of his broom with a slight struggle as it was now raining hard and clouding his vision. He saw Madam Pomfrey and Mcgonagall rushing into the field, hands holding tightly onto their hats as they worriedly rushed towards the area where your broom had fallen and where Draco was hovering over with you. 
Marcus had flown down towards him, face twisted in fury and annoyance as he approached. 
“Is there a reason you’re not being a seeker, today?” He spits, “because I’ve been seeing you do everything but your job.”
“My bloody girlfriend just got knocked out!” Draco seethed at him. “I’m not going back into the game, I’m going with her to the hospital wing.”
“Like hell you are,” Flint scowled, “if you leave, you'll forfeit us the game. If you stay and let Potter catch that Snitch so it’ll be over quicker, I will personally make sure that this is your last year on the team. You’re going to win this for us.”
“Mr. Malfoy!” McGonagall called up to him, waving her arms hastily. “She needs to go to the infirmary, immediately!”
The two Slytherins were staring each other down aggressively as Draco contemplated the threat he was just given. There was nothing more he wanted to do than to throw a hex at Flint and leave with you, but he just swallowed thickly and nodded at him before descending towards the ground and letting you off carefully into the hands of Madam Pomfrey. A surge of fear ran through his body when he finally saw you clearly; a harsh red mark was making its way up to your neck, the corner of your bottom lip had split and doubled in size, there was a small scratch on your cheekbone. It made him feel queasy, but he tore his eyes away from you and hopped back onto his broom while glaring angrily at Marcus and the distant group of huddled Gryffindor’s. 
He was blinded in rage when the match resumed and even more enraged when Flint had cheered loudly when the announcer granted Slytherin a penalty for the injury Rees gave you, allowing them basically to get a free score in against Gryffindor. Draco let his eyes wander around for the snitch for the first time that day and he could hear his heart thundering in his eardrums in distress as the rain continued to make his search worse. All he wanted was to get out of the game to check up on you, and then he'd come back to the stadium to throw his fists into Rees’ face with maybe a few hits in on Marcus.
Just as he was losing hope, he saw a flash of gold whiz past him with a loud buzzing that shocked him into alertness. He didn’t care that catching the snitch would win the game, or the cup, or give him all the glory, no - this was his ticket out. He dived towards it with his arm outstretched, hand thrashing around in the wind as he tried to eagerly catch it. In seconds, Harry was right beside him, bumping him with his shoulder to try and throw him off the path but Draco only pushed back harder. There was a flurry of shouting as everyone watched, the announcer was yelling into the mic about the seekers going head-to-head, bludgers were flying past him. 
It was pure chaos and urgency, Draco could feel the fluttering of its wings beneath his palm and when Harry pushed into him one more time, he felt the coldness of the Snitch get trapped into his enclosed hand, the vibration of its wings sending a current of relief up his arm that spread throughout his whole body as he soared up into the sky while brandishing it to the schools’ painfully watchful eyes.
Draco hurriedly made his way down to the field where the rest of his house was pooling into, celebrating proudly and calling out for him to praise, but when he landed on the ground and was met with half of the Gryffindor team including Rowan Rees - all his wrath came flooding back into him. 
Angelina, another Gryffindor Chaser, had nudged Rowan with her shoulder, pointing towards the Slytherin Prince that was stalking towards them.
“Malfoy,” Rees started bitterly, “sorry about the girlfriend, I was only trying to knock the quaffle out her hands.”
“After she had already thrown it?” He glowered, walking closer up to the boy that was beginning to straighten himself out and flex. “Looked a little personal seeing how she was dragging you through the dust the whole game.”
“Accidents happen, mate,” Rees shrugged, “it’s only quidditch, you won didn’t you? Maybe you should be thanking me for giving you that extra push to win the game.”
A clear line had been crossed and everyone who was listening knew it. But before Rowan could say anything to try and drag himself out of the hole he had just dug himself into, he was being tackled into the ground with Draco above him throwing punches wherever he could land them. There was loud hooting and laughing coming from the Slytherins that gathered around the fight, cheering loudly for their House superior.
Rees was thrashing around on the ground, trying frantically to throw off the extremely infuriated boy that was repeatedly pounding into his face with bloodied and bruised fists. Oliver Wood ran up to the sudden brawl, Fred and George following closely behind him as they all started trying to rip the fighting boy’s apart from each other. Oliver had gotten Draco off briefly, allowing Rees to try and get a hit in but it was dodged at the last second as the blond quickly leaped up to his feet. The fight immediately ended when a muddy shoe had collided with Rowan’s jaw and Draco stepped back satisfied with the damage he had done, roughly shrugging off the grip Oliver still had on his arm.
“It’s only quidditch, right?” He spat venomously from above the Gryffindor who was holding his now battered face in pain. “That’ll teach you from putting your hands on a woman too.”
“Mr. Malfoy!” Madam Hooch bellowed as she broke through the crowd in a frenzy. “50 points from Slytherin, go wait outside Professor Snape’s office for further punishment, go right now!”
Draco did go, and instantly, but he didn’t go down to the dungeons to hear about the lengthy detention that he knew he was going to get and the scolding for being reckless and stupid. His feet carried his sore body up the many stairs that led to the hospital wing, his pace picking up swiftly when he saw the large double doors of the infirmary ajar and he was able to hear a faint and familiar voice speaking indistinctly. 
He threw open the doors, walking straight in as if he owned the place and ignored Pomfrey’s requests for him to leave as he made a beeline towards your hunched figure that was facing away from him. 
“I need to see her,” he said to the nurse quickly when she stopped in front of him. “I’ll leave soon, please.”
At the sound of his voice, you hastily turned around in your spot to face him, a yelp escaping your lips for moving too quickly through your injuries. Pomfrey stepped out of the way with a sigh allowing Draco to jog over to you.
“I’m going to kill him,” he scowled when he reached you. You were wearing a sling, a deep purple and yellowed bruise quickly set itself over the side of your arm and the same cuts he saw from earlier were still scattered over your features. His fingers ghosted over your skin and he let out a deep shaky exhale of anxiousness before moving his thumb up to graze your cheek tenderly.
“What happened to you?” You asked quietly in shock when you noticed his mud-splattered clothes and tattered fists. 
“Long story,” he drawled. “Don’t worry about me, are you okay?”
“I’m okay,” you muttered with a slight shrug that made you whimper lightly. “Did we win?”
He nodded quietly, his eyes still scanning sadly over your face with a frown. “I swear, I’m going to kill him.”
“Only if I can help,” you sniggered faintly, trying to make light of the situation and succeeding in doing so when you saw he had cracked a small smile. With his hand still on your cheek, he bent down to press a firm kiss on the top of your hair and then warmly on the side of your mouth that wasn’t bleeding.
“I’ll just let you finish him off then,” he mulled amusingly when he pulled away.
“Finish him off?”
The doors of the hospital wing were thrown open again, a sea of red flowing inside as they carried in a pummeled Rowan with a busted lip, bloodied nose, black eye, and deeply bruised jaw. You looked briskly between Rees and Draco, both of them staring daggers at each other and it rapidly clicked in your mind why your boyfriend had looked like he just walked through a battlefield in your absence.
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youngbeezer · 3 years
hi!! can I please request something?
going to a lake house, maybe friends to lovers with bowen byram?
thank you! 💗.
A/N: HI IM SO SORRY THIS LITERALLY TOOK 4 EVER!!! i was having such bad writer's block with also zero motivation, but i eventually put a little something together and i hope whoever requested this first off actually sees this bc seriously its been a good month of this sitting in my inbox but also i hope you like it :)
Word Count: 2940
Warning(s): kinda angsty in beginning, curse words, ends fluffy !!!
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These next few days is either going to turn out to be the best week of the summer, or the most awkward week of the summer...
I’m currently stuck in a car surrounded by couples on our way to a lake house in Colorado. Somehow I ended up being lumped into this chaotic group of professional hockey players and their drop-dead gorgeous significant others.
About a year ago at my local salon, I just so happened to be seated right next to a woman named Grace, who I immediately hit it off with. We became fast friends and are now basically inseparable at this point. Her boyfriend just so happens to play hockey for the Colorado Avalanche, Cale Makar. Now I have also grown quite close with Cale as well, since I am always at their shared apartment for Grace. At this point Cale is basically third wheeling us, instead of it being the other way around. Therefore I was also always invited to team parties and get-togethers, which prompted more friendships with most of the guys on the team and their respective partners.
Someone I have surprisingly grown super close with is Bowen Byram. As soon as Cale introduced us two, his blue eyes and raspy voice immediately drew me in. Straight away we bonded over common interests and that night we talked for almost three hours. After that, we were thick as thieves. So thick that recently I have come to the realization that I have caught major feelings for him along the way.
It has only been a few weeks since I have come to this realization and it has already started to affect our relationship. I definitely started to ignore Bowen a little bit when I first figured out my feelings because I was scared he would somehow find out or I would just end up blurting it out at some point. And the last thing I want is for my silly feelings to ruin such a great friendship.
Thus why this week can either turn out to be the best or the worst.
I’ve decided that at some point during this trip I need to confess my feelings for Bowen. He’s also seemed to notice the shift in my attitude towards him. I have become more closed off and not as touchy as we used to be. Bowen and I are both very touchy/feely types of people. So what seemed like just some harmless cuddling and play wrestling with each other, to me did very little to quell down my feelings.
For example, this morning when we were packing up the cars for the trip a group of us are taking to Tyson Jost’s lakehouse, Bowen went to wrap his arms around my middle from the back and I subconsciously flinched away at his touch. I know he definitely noticed my mood shift from the defiant pout that was resting on his face. After that I did what I do best, and ran away to the other car that was driving up and basically begged Nate to switch seats with me.
Which now leads to my current thoughts. The entire car ride up I have been contemplating on ways I could tell him, but each scenario just ended up with him telling me that he doesn’t feel the same, and our friendship essentially being over. Obviously I was just overthinking just a little, but I’ve never been stuck in a situation like this before-- and now we are going to be stuck in a lake house together for an entire week, so I am going to be forced to face this situation whether I want to or not.
“Yo. Earth to y/n?” Tyson draws, trying to gain my attention. I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I hear my name, and bring my gaze to the rearview mirror to meet Tyson’s questioning look. “We’re here.” He announces.
Susanna, Mikko’s girlfriend, adds on, “You alright? You seemed kind of out of it the entire car ride.”
I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts and notice that we are indeed here at the lake house we will be staying at for the next week. I clear my dried up throat before croaking out a weak, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just don’t like long car rides.”
Both of them nod, content with my answer and exit the car to join Mikko in unloading all of the luggage from the trunk. I take a few more moments to fully get my head together after dealing with all my jumbled thoughts throughout the entire three hour car ride.
Jumping out of the car, the first thing I see is Bowen letting out a yawn and stretching out. As his arms raise over his head, some of his shirt rises up with it and immediately my eyes are drawn to the small portion of skin and v-line that is in front of me. Bowen then notices my presence and makes eye contact with me, giving me one of his adorable little smiles. I advert my gaze as quickly as I can so my obvious ogling isn’t as obvious and go to finally retrieve my luggage.
Yeah this was gonna be a long week.
After everyone got pretty much all settled into their rooms, we all ended up coming back together to sit around the firepit to chat and enjoy some drinks. For this trip that Tyson orchestrated there are in total ten people staying in the house. Me, Tyson, obviously since it’s his house; Bowen, Cale, Grace, Alex Newhook, Mikko and his girlfriend Susanna, and lastly Nate and his supposed new girl who will be joining us later on in the week.
Apparently a group of the guys and their partners have been taking trips together at the end of the hockey season for a while now, and since growing closer with the team this year, I graciously got an invite.
Since it was getting later and a little bit more chilly, I grabbed a random sweatshirt that I saw already laying around in the living room before making my way outside to join everyone by the firepit. Getting closer I noticed that the only seat available just so happened to be next to Bowen.
Cale and Grace give each other a not so inconspicuous knowing look when they see me approaching. As soon as I sit down, a question is being thrown at me.
“Whose sweatshirt is that y/n?” Cale brings everyone's attention to me with a growing smirk on his face.
“I don’t know, I just found it in the living room.” I give Cale a questioning glare, trying to figure what his endgame is right now.
“It’s mine.” I hear that same raspy voice that I love and know so well. I feel my face start heating up at the idea of wearing Bowen’s sweatshirt. Am I wearing his name on my back right now, and I just didn’t even think to check earlier?
“Oh, uh. Sorry, I can give it back to you, if you want it.” I stumble out, now feeling awkward and a little embarrassed about how flustered I am getting over a simple sweatshirt.
Bowen gives me a little smile before replying back, “Nah, it’s fine. It looks better on you anyway.”
I clear my throat and stumble out an awkward ‘thanks’ at Bowen and then turn my attention to Grace right next to me so I don’t embarrass myself even more. What I don’t see though is the way Bowen's face immediately falls when I turn my back on him.
Around midnight is when everyone started to make their way back inside the house to start getting ready for bed. I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media, so I didn’t notice that mostly everyone had already gone inside.
“Y/n.” I look up at the mention of my name to notice that Bowen and I are the only ones left outside.
Also noticing the intense gaze I am receiving from Bowen, I quickly gather my things and stumble out, “Oh my gosh I didn’t notice everyone left already. I should head inside as well.”
Bowen is quicker though because he grabs ahold of my wrist, halting me in place before I make my very obvious escape.
“Hold on, please. Can you please talk to me?” Bowen pleads out.
“What do you mean? We’ve been talking all night.” I countered, trying one last time to get out of this conversation.
“We’ve been talking as a group all night yeah, but you couldn’t even make eye contact with me. You know what I mean. What’s been going on? Did I do something?” Bowen frowned.
At that moment I felt so guilty. I’ve been so focused on trying to ignore my feelings that I have developed that I ended up pushing my best friend away and hurting him in the process. I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. I knew I would eventually have to have this talk with Bowen during this week, but I just didn’t expect it to be on the very first night.
“Okay. Yeah, let’s talk.”
I lead the way down to the dock overlooking the lake and sit down to dangle my feet into the water. I know for a fact that Grace and Cale realized that we both haven’t come in behind them, so they are most likely snooping by the backdoor wondering what we are doing.
Bowen joins me, after slipping his shoes off and dangling his feet in as well.
“What’s been going on y/n?” Bowen asks again.
“I-I think I’m in love with you.” I blurt out. I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I await any type of response from Bowen. Taking a peek over at him, I see the pure shock on his face. Probably wasn’t the best idea to start off the conversation with that.
Taking his silence as a bad sign, I start spewing out whatever I can to try and calm the anxiety coursing through my veins. “I-I think I have known for a while and I just tried to ignore it, I guess. But then I realized that I was just pushing you away, an-and I never wanted to do that. Our friendship means that absolute world to me, and I would hate myself if anything I did, or-or my stupid feelings jeaporized that.” At some point during my little rant, a few tears escaped. I turn my head away as I try to hold back on a full on sob breaking loose.
“You think?” He eventually breaks the silence.
Confusedly, I turned my head back around and let out a strangled, “Huh?” I see the corners of Bowen’s mouth start curving up into a tiny smile, confusing me even more.
“You said, you think you’re in love with me.” He pointed out.
My eyebrows raise in question and I give him a little shrug, prompting him to elaborate more.
“Well… I’m pretty damn sure I’m in love with you.” Bowen softly declared.
My breath catches in my throat and my mouth turns as dry as the Sahara Desert. Those were definitely not the words I was expecting to come out of his mouth. He chuckles at my surprised face and scooches a little closer to my body to wipe a stray tear on my cheek.
“Are you serious?” I whisper out.
“Of course.” He whispered just as softly back to me as his head inched closer to mine.
My heart pounds in my chest as Bowen’s hand comes up to cradle my cheek. All of our pent up feelings and emotions that we both have been too afraid to admit all come crashing together as our lips finally meet. He kissed me gently, almost carefully, but after all this time gentleness was not what I wanted right now. Bowen let out a low groan as I pulled him flush against my body, my fists bunching up the collar of his shirt.
Before this could go any further, we both pull away breathlessly, basking in what truly just happened-- just now realizing how much our relationship is about to change.
“Fuck.” Bowen breathed out, running his hands over his face. “If I knew that was what it was like to kiss you I would’ve blurted out my feelings the day I met you.”
My ears perk up at his last few words and it seems like he also realizes what he just admitted, as his cheeks immediately turn a rosy color.
“You’ve liked me for that long?” I bashfully question.
Bowen runs his fingers through his hair and blows out a breath of air before answering, “Yeah, I-I mean… yeah I have.” He stumbles out, awkwardly letting out a laugh.
I lean my head on his shoulder and connect our hands, feeling super content and never wanting this moment to end. We take a moment to just sit on the dock-- with our feet hanging in the water, hands intertwined; and bask in the feeling of finally letting our feelings out into the open.
“You know everyone in that house is going to have a field day when they find out.” Bowen mumbles against my shoulder, before leaving a lingering kiss on the exposed skin.
“Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if they all had a bet going or something.” I chimed. I raise my head that had previously been resting on Bowen’s shoulder back up to look at him, and see that he is already smiling at me. “What?” I drawled, feeling my cheeks heating up under his gaze.
“You wanna sleep in my bed tonight?” He asked hesitantly.
My cheeks now feel on fire as I ponder on how I want to go about this. I raise my eyebrows up at him in question as I ponder out, “Do you want me in your bed tonight?”
Bowen gives me an almost incredulous look as he voiced, “Of course I want you in my bed.”
I just give him a simple nod and push my body up in a standing position, reaching out my hand to prompt Bowen to join me. “Okay, let’s go.”
Bowen immediately shoots up from his sitting position, clinging onto my hand as we make our way back up the yard to the sliding glass doors of the lake house. Just as I predicted earlier, Cale and Grace were totally snooping. Actually, the entire house was snooping. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen trying to act casual as we walked in, but as soon as they noticed our conjoined hands, all hell broke loose.
“I fucking knew it!”
“Aw you guys look so cute.”
“Bout time.”
“Ha! Nate, you owe me fifty bucks.”
I looked over at Bowen with an unimpressed look, “Told you they probably had a bet going on.” Meanwhile Bowen has an incredulous look coating his face watching his friends freak out over his newfound relationship. Instead of questioning our oddball friends, Bowen just simply shakes his head, letting out a little chuckle.
“Alright I’m heading up, I can’t deal with these idiots right now.” Bowen gives me a quick peck on the lips before announcing his departure for the night. Most of the others also start making their way up to their respective rooms for bed, the guys putting on a show of making kissy noises and making a few chirps as they follow Bowen up the stairs.
Grace joins me by the counter, making a show of wiggling her eyebrows at me. I’m smiling like an idiot as Cale also joins us, chuckling at my lovesick expression.
“You’re welcome.” Cale smirked.
I scrunch my face up in confusion as I question him back, “For what?”
“For introducing you two, duh.” Cale teased. Grace smacks him on the arm with a tut, making a show of rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. “Alright, seriously I am happy for you guys though.” He eventually relents.
My cheeks heat up from the attention but also from the thought of Bowen and I’s new relationship. Grace grabs me by the shoulders and starts pushing me in the direction of the staircase.
“Obviously I’m happy for you too. All I’ve wanted is the best for you and I think Bowen is just that. And with that being said, go get your mans!” She sends me off with a quick smack on my ass. I giggle the whole way up the stairs on the way into Bowen’s [now our] room feeling extremely giddy and content.
When I enter the room, all the lights except for the bathroom are already off, and it looks like Bowen is already settled into bed. So, I quickly do my night time routine and change into my pajamas before making my way over to the bed I will now be sharing for the week.
Bowen is awaiting me with his arms wide open, which I happily cuddle into the second I am under the covers. He buries his head into my neck, leaving featherlight kisses here and there.
“I love you.” Bowen mumbles into my neck. I card my fingers through his hair and kiss the top of his head as I mumble back those same words, in complete awe over how fast my life has changed in one night. We both knew that we would eventually be together, it just took a little time and a trip to Tyson Jost’s lakehouse for us to figure it out. This week will definitely be one for the books.
Taglist: @barzysandmarnersbitch @handwrittenheroes @hockeyplayerstories @barzy-xoxo @gnemgn @joelsfarabees
Tagging some mutuals as well so this doesnt flop,,,
@2manytabsopen @bb-nhlqueen7 @frederikanderson @simon-edvinsson @coltonndach @carepriceisgoodathockey @lovereadinghockeyy @pettypeteys @kentjohnsons @joekellys @mattybenierss
146 notes · View notes
prongssmrrcury · 3 years
a very bleak christmas
wolfstar fic /// one shot
word count ( 6.2k ITS LONG SORRY)
fluff, not much smut
this turned out awfully long IM SORRY😭 having that said i hope you enjoy <33 ily mwahh
"you ready wormy?" james said, shutting his trunk and looking at his bed and around the dormitory to make sure hasnt forgotten anything. he looked over at the shorter boy with sandy coloured hair who was bending down apparently trying to get something he dropped from under the bed, but struggling a great deal. he nervously shot his head up giving james a weak smile and said "yes, im ready, i just dropped something here im not sure what-"
"just tell moony to fetch it for you while we're away" james said and peter just agreed and left the dormitory trailing after james with his trunk, shutting the door on his way. the gryffindor common room was emptier than usual, but the fireplace was lit with a couple of people huddling around it to shield themselves from the ruthless cold of december. despite this however, peoples spirits were as light as ever as almost everyone was departing for two weeks to spend christmas with their families, even lily evans stopped rolling her eyes every time james breathed, and started spending more time with him and ( to james' great delight) enjoying his company. speaking of lily, she was standing by the fireplace with her hair up in a ponytail with a furry winter cap on her head. james noticed her at once and made his way down the flight of stairs and tapped her shoulder softly, she turned around and gave him a warm smile, a short hug followed.
"happy holidays james!" she smiled so widely it watered james' eye. she called him james, not potter.
"happy holidays" he managed to respond, taken aback by the sudden affection she just showed him. she looked around furrowing her brows slightly then spoke, "wheres your trunk? have you not packed?"
"oh no i have! i left my trunk with peter to um, you know, come and say hi" he said the second part of the sentence quietly, she let out a soft laugh, god he just wanted to kiss her so bad. "wheres yours?" he asked quickly. she turned around slightly to show him her trunk which was standing behind her, tapping it twice.
"alright then, lets go down to breakfast, minnie wouldnt want us to be late" he told her, taking her hand and leading her out of the common room with him. he looked back at peter who was struggling with his own trunk and james' but peter just shot him a thumbs up as if he got everything under control.
"alright wormy, dont be late" he muttered. the pair of them walked down from the gryffindor tower to the entrance hall and right to the great hall where elaborate christmas decorations were encapsulating the place, giving the entire castle a more homey vibe. the four house tables were emptier than usual, james and lily made their way to the gryffindor table where they were met by a handsome boy with long hair that he managed to scruff in a very messy pony tail, and a taller boy sitting across him who seemed to find his buttering his toast to be a very intriguing activity. lily and james took seats next to them.
"morning" sirius spoke, looking at lily then at james.
"morning sirius, how are you" lily replied, who also began buttering her toast. sirius didnt respond right away, instead he eyed her then finally spoke, "oh im, im very good" it didnt really seem like it, sirius didnt seem to be in his loud, arrogant and flirtatious mood today, instead a rather dull and quiet one. lily looked at james silently trying to understand what had caused the sudden change in sirius behavior, she was met a mere shrug from james. the four of them sat in silence for the next ten minutes, no one breaking silence that seemed to have swallowed them. remus then looked up for the first time and sighed loudly, which made sirius look very attentively at him, waiting for him to say anything.
"im gonna go, im in the dorm if you want me pads. enjoy your holidays james, you too lily" he said lowly, also clearly in a dull mood in contrast to everyones mood right now. he got up and left, shooting them a weak smile before disappearing out of the great hall.
sirius watched him so closely even when he had gotten out of sight. it was common knowledge that the pair are in love and clearly fancied each other, almost everyone in school knew that. maybe its because of sirius' shameless attitude, cuddling with remus in the common room, sitting on his lap in the middle of the great hall, or pushing remus against a wall and just stand in front of him doing god knows what. the only problem was... neither sirius nor remus knew they liked each other. they obviously knew they had a different relationship than anyone else but they were so oblivious to the fact that theyre in love that it sometimes made james just want to scream it in their face.
"you okay pads?" james said mockingly, sirius had been staring at where remus left for at least ten minutes completely transfixed, he came back to his senses at once and looking abruptly between james and lily then back at his doughnut, fiddling with it slightly. he then shot james an alarmed look and said, "dont call me that james". he spoke so firmly, he knew james knew this is what remus calls him. no one was really allowed to use that nickname with him, even he and james who had a light hearted friendship that was basically based on jokes and pranks, sirius pronounced the words looking into james' eyes, which made james know he was being one hundred percent serious. james didnt respond, feeling a rush of guilt in his stomach, he just took a bite of his oatmeal.
"how are things with you two" james asked. sirius once again didnt respond right away but instead took time to ponder his answer.
"what do you mean how are things"
"you know, have you guys had a row or anything?" james asked, stuffing more oatmeal in his mouth.
"oh- um yea no. not really no" sirius hesitated a bit. the truth is that remus and him didnt have a row, but today was one of these occasions where sirius woke up finding himself on remus' bed not knowing how or why. it had happened a couple of times before and when it did, remus would immediately smile warmly at sirius and pamper him with kisses here and there on his cheek and his jaw. however, today, remus woke up a bit more shaky to the fact that he was in the same bed as sirius. he straightened his pyjamas quickly giving sirius an awkward smile and leaving without a word.
james dropped his oatmeal and looked at sirius looking serious for the first time, giving him a smile that carried something between sympathy and support.
"are you ever going to tell him?"
"tell him what" sirius said bluntly
james smirked. even lily suppressed a knowing look. sirius rolled his eyes.
"you guys are not onto that bullshit the whole school talks about right?" he asked cringing slightly.
"if the bullshit includes you and remus being blindly in love then yes" james gave a small laugh.
"literally blindly" lily mumbled, but sirius heard her and gave her a look.
"guys- hes my best mate"
"doing a lot of canoodling with your 'best mate' ?" james smirked rolling his eyes.
"first of all, what the fuck is canoodling james, this isnt the eighteenth century" he ppinted out the weird choice of wording.
"whatever, point is, people dont sleep on their 'best mates' chests every day padfoot" sirius opened his mouth to protest but james cut him again "just save your breath will you. im trying to help"
sirius sighed heavily burying his head in his hands and shaking it.
"i dont fucking know what to do prongs. fuck ugh i hate this so much why cant it be simpler" sirius' voice got weaker.
"mate just talk to him, remus cant read your mind. and its pretty obvious the feelings mutual" james tried to convince him.
"i dont know if hes into- you know, into me" sirius tried to explain. sirius had come out to the entire school three years ago so it was common knowledge that was gay.
"oh he is" lily said
sirius blinked.
"i mean, i spend a lot of time with him in our prefects meetings and in the library and stuff" she explained. sirius blinked again.
"i mean" she began again, "he talks about you an awful lot and seems to be quite fond of you" she smiled.
"look, you'll never know if you dont ask" james said again. "look at me, i had to ask lily out at least fifteen times-"
"james what the fuck this isnt the same, why are you even comparing it" sirius interrupted
"oh of course its not the same, but communication is key, no matter what the relationship is"
"yea and when i ask him out and he just says i misunderstood all his soft affectionate gestures, then stops hanging out with me because im gay and he would know i have feelings for him, that clearly arent mutual. i'll just ruin everything, and i'll lose probably the only person that likes me in this lousy world" sirius spilled, laughing bitterly.
"sirius! you know remus would never stop hanging out with you because of that, you know it!" james said, his voice getting a bit louder.
"yea but it'd be a sticky situation when your gay friend has feelings for you" sirius said, his eyes filled with tears that he wiped right away hoping james and lily didnt see that.
"sirius.." lily said lowly
"lily can you please check up on peter and help him if needs any assistance" james told her firmly, she didnt need telling twice, knowing he wanted to be left alone with sirius. she made her way out of the great hall until she was out of sight, then james look at sirius again who had his head buried in his hands once again.
"sirius i dont know whats gotten into you today, but you know damn well that neither moony or i would ever think of you any differently because you're gay. stop saying that as if its something that hinders you" this was one of the rare occasions where james was serious and firm. he wanted sirius to know meant every word that left his mouth. at this moment he heard a sniff followed by a weak sob.
"james, i sometimes wish i wanst- wasnt, you know, gay" he managed to say between sobs. james' face fell suddenly.
"no dont say that. please dont say that, you know we love you the way you are and we dont give two damns if you're gay or not" james got up and made his way across the table to sit next to sirius rather than in front of him.
"you're me best mate, i dont like seeing you like this. i love you a lot sirius and nothing your little overthinking brain comes up with could change that" he said, pulling sirius into a hug, so hard that he mightve broken a few ribs. he wasnt gonna let go before sirius does, he could stay here all day until sirius was ready to let go. he heard strong sniffs and felt his chest going up and down. sirius broke the hug after a few minutes, looking a lot more content than he had a few minutes before. james gave him his usual cheeky smile.
"your fucking snout sirius" james laughed, picking up a handkerchief trying to clean his shoulder.
"fuck off" sirius managed to laugh, sniffing again.
"thank you" sirius said quietly
"come off it, dont thank me" james smiled at him. he watched him grab a cigarette and right when he was about to light it with the tip of his wand james stopped him hesitantly. james never really liked to mother him about smoking or give him lectures about the effects smoking had, but he noticed sirius was eating less and smoking more the past couple of days. sirius shot a "what-do-you-want" look to which james responded, "um, can you please just eat something before you smoke" james said. he knew this was a touchy subject, he never liked to mention it but they were alone and he knows he's the only one sirius would listen to. sirius gave him a hesitant look, before stuffing the cigarette back in his pocket.
"just for you prongs" he rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his doughnut. james however was filled with so much joy seeing his best friend do that just for him.
"what are you smiling so much at you prat" sirius said between bites. james shook his head softly before saying, "im very proud of you sirius, i hope you know that" sirius smiled and laughed dismissively at that statement, james knew it touched him but sirius never really knew how to respond to affectionate words.
"you're very sappy you know that" sirius laughed slightly.
"whatever" james felt his cheeks go red. "anyway i have to get going before i get minnie mad on christmas" he said, getting up, swinging his backpack on his back leaving the hall.
"tell moony i say merry christmas" james called, leaving the great hall also disappearing out of sight.
later that night, james and lily departed home to spend the upcoming weeks with their families to celebrate christmas, so did most of the school. as homey and welcoming as the school felt, everyone loved going back to their family, everyone except sirius. sirius was never fond of his family, he never had a good relationship with them and all they did was make him more miserable, he would take any chance to be away from them. sirius was sat in the library that was emptier than usual (but the ceiling was enchanted to fake snow) he was sitting with two giant books opened in front of him, yellowed by age. he looked over at the books, he hadnt read a single word despite being here for nearly an hour. he came here in an attempt to distract himself from the intensifying amount of nerves and stress, however, he was so lost in his thoughts that not even that gigantic book can save him from his exhausting overthinking. he sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulder, shutting the books that made a loud thud and put them back in their place. sirius swung his backpack on his back and left the library making his way to the gryffindor tower. he just wanted to sleep. yes, sleep, thats what he needed. he went through the fat lady's portrait and climbed up the stairs to his dormitory, finding remus sitting on his four poster bed completely engulfed by a book. remus shot his eyes up the second he heard sirius walking in and gave him a wordless smile, going back to his book. sirius' stomach did a funny lurch.
"i was starting to think youve forgotten your way around the castle" remus said, flipping the page of his book, still reading it. sirius looked at him nervously, not sure what he meant by that.
"what?" sirius asked, he was going to take his shirt off and get in his pyjamas but stopped abruptly. he didnt wanna make remus uncomfortable around him, especially after what happened this morning. they always had a very intimate relationship though, changing in front of each other was never a problem. remus suppressed a chuckle which made sirius look at him, unsure what he found comical in this very intense atmosphere.
"you can take your shirt off if you want sirius" remus said, still poured into his book.
"how can you even see me?" sirius couldnt stop himself. remus looked up from his book and gave him a is-that-even-a-question look. sirius slipped his undone tie, unbuttoning his buttons his fingers shaking horribly for a reason he didn't understand. he knew remus was looking in his book (not that he didnt want remus looking) but he still felt like all the worlds eyes are on him. a couple of awfully long minutes passed and sirius finally was in his pyjama and got into his bed under his blanket and stared absentmindedly into the wall. remus flipped the page once again, he hadnt read a word on the previous page. how could he? he was so preoccupied by sirius changing in front of him. remus did freak out when he found himself on the same bed as sirius this morning. he doesnt know why he freaked out the way he did, its not like its the first time. he knew that this had made sirius extremely self conscious the whole day, he was wearing a very dull look. he had to make up for his unexplainable actions, he cant stand seeing sirius this upset, especially if he was the reason hes feeling like that. he couldnt stand seeing him in such a bad mood on breakfast this morning that he had to dismiss himself early. but sirius' loss of his loud flirtatious attitude was what stirred the pot for remus. he didnt walk in the dorm and try to slip in bed with remus, or get a kiss from him, or remotely try draw any attention to hismelf from remus rather than that book in his hand, which was as un-sirius as one can get.
"why were you late?" remus asked sirius, knowing hes not asleep. sirius mumbled something inaudible from his bed that remus didnt catch onto. remus furrowed his brows slightly. he shut his book and put it on the bed side table, the sound he made when he shut his book made sirius shift in his bed to face remus who was staring back at him.
"where were you?" remus asked
"in the library" sirius said simply, avoiding any sarcasm or any joking around. remus face wore a surprised expression.
"oh- by your own will?" he said with a breathy laugh.
"yea" sirius replied
"what were you reading?" said remus, sounding excited. sirius didnt exactly know why he wad being interrogated by remus about his absence.
"um, i was just doing homework"
"oh, thats actually nice pads" remus smiled. sirius' stomach did another flip at the nickname. god this was so awkward and tense, sirius thought.
"sirius are you mad at me?" remus said, going straight to the point. every muscle in sirius' body went tense and completely still.
"no" sirius said bluntly.
"okay. great then. um do you wanna come lay here with me?" remus offered, this was quiet foreign for remus as it was never him who initiated anything sexual or intimate. but he was willing to go out of his comfort zone for sirius. just for sirius.
"uh- sorry moony im really tired" it pained sirius to say these words, if he was being honest, he wanted nothing more than to lay in remus' chest right now and give him soft pecks and kiss his stupid plump lips.
"oh, okay" remus said lowly. "okay then" sirius wasnt sure what he meant by that tone, and before sirius has any other second to think about it, he felt his bed dip slightly and remus climbing on him, placing himself on top of sirius with his legs wide opened around his waist. sirius felt like all the oxygen in the world had escaped his lungs.
"tired, you said you are pads? want a little massage?" remus cooed softly. he leaned down on sirius' chest undoing his pyjama buttons revealing his tattooed chest.
"remus-" sirius tried to stop him. sirius promised himself he wasnt going to do anything like that with remus because he doesnt want to make him uncomfortable or possibly hate him more, however, this is different. its remus thats initiating it. it remus that did it.
"what pads?" remus continued cooing softly, completely stripping sirius of his shirt and attaching his lips on sirius' neck. at this exact moment, sirius moaned louder than he intended. he shifted slightly in his bed and put his hand through remus' hair. remus continued nibbling sirius' neck. he bit and licked at all the right spots, leaving a soft trail of kisses all over his neck and made his way up to his chin and on his lips, where he left a soft peck. sirius however pulled remus' head back towards him to kiss him properly, remus licked sirius' bottom lip which made sirius moan approvingly into the kiss. remus slipped his tongue in sirius' mouth and deepened the kiss, he felt sirius' hand wandering around his shoulder and slipped in his shirt to touch his bare skin.
"god this is so" remus moaned breaking the kiss only to attach his lips on his once again.
"remus-" sirius stopped him abruptly. remus looked down on sirius, his eyes mobing fast between his godly features, furrowing his brows slightly not understanding why sirius stopped him. did he make him uncomfortable? was sirius really not in the mood and remus overstepped a boundry? remus felt a horrible tingling feeling in his stomach as his brain raced between all the possibilities.
"remus im sorry- i cant do this" sirius said, as soon as the words left his mouth he felt horrible, reading the shocked and bewildered expression on remus face, he looked very hurt and unsure of himself.
"oh- fuck okay im sorry" remus said quickly, getting off sirius and leaving his bed, but sirius held his arm to immobilize him and not make him leave. they stared at each other for a few seconds that felt painfully long. both of them felt confused, upset with themselves and unsure of what to do or say next.
"can you please stay" sirius said quietly avoiding remus' eye. remus didnt respond which made sirius feel a horrible pit of nerves in his stomach.
"i- i don't understand. you just asked me to stop and told me you cant do this" remus spoke lowly with a soft rasp in his voice. sirius buried his head in his hand, he was on the brink of tears, he honestly didnt know what or how to explain his confusion to remus. how could he explain it or put it in cohesive words when he himself didn't understand.
"sirius please talk to me" remus said softly, holding sirius' hand
"rem i dont know how-"
"do you trust me?" remus cut him off.
"what- yes of course" sirius said sternly.
"then please tell me how you feel"
"how i feel about what?" sirius asked
"about doing this" remus tried to explain, sirius knew at once he was referring to all the sexual stuff they do.
"remus i love it. i enjoy it a lot, i sometimes just want the day to end only to get in bed with you. i- i dont know how to word my feelings because it's honestly just all a mess inside me" sirius spilled. this was the most he'd spoken all day. remus smiled at the last sentence. "what about you?" sirius asked, feeling the same horrible pit of nerves in his stomach increase. remus however smiled.
"i do things for you pads that id never do to anyone" he said, smiling more. he leaned closer to sirius' face and brushing a few strands of his hair out of his face. "but, if you feel unsure about this, we can stop and just be friends. i'd completely understand"
"no what the fuck moony" sirius said before he could stop himself, remus looked in his eyes. "no im unsure about your feelings to me, not about my feelings to you" he tried to explain.
"you think i dont like you?" remus asked quickly.
"well not exactly but im not sure how you feel towards me". at this, remus leaned down to kiss sirius lips a soft and tender kiss. he took his time to savor every bit of his mouth he could.
"maybe this would give you a good idea about how i feel about you" he smiled at him. "we're both exhausted, its best if we just go to sleep"
"right okay. can you sleep with me?" sirius asked, remus gave a breathy laugh at his sweet request.
"yes darling i can" he said with his usual rasp apparent, getting under the blanket and spooning sirius playing with his hair for the the next foreseeable hours until both of them were sleeping.
soft sun rays illuminated through the window of the gryffindor tower and on the entire hogwarts grounds. the translucent curtains that were in the dormitory were not doing any shielding from the sun rays whatsoever. it fell gently on the two boys that were sleeping together, tangled together, their bodies almost intertwining so perfectly with each other as if they were jigsaw pieces. sirius' head was on remus' chest, remus hugging sirius' body towards him and their legs just tangled. they looked so peaceful, their chests raising and going down every couple of seconds, it was all so perfect that one could confidently bet that even their heartbeats were in sync.
an owl came knocking its beak on the window above the bed theyre on, breaking the gentle yet majestically peaceful the state they were in. sirius shifted slightly in his sleep, opening his eyes to find uninvited sunlight penetrating right through his eyeballs. the owl made another knock on the window trying to grab their attention.
"fine okay" sirius said rasply, he got up sitting upright opening the window for that stupid owl that interrupted his sleep. the owl had two parcels tied on its leg. sirius untied them and the owl flew out at once.
"whos that from?" a raspy voice spoke he immediately knew it was remus.
"um, i think its" he turned the parcel around to see if there was any name, he smiled when he saw the senders name.
"yep, its from prongs" he said looking at remus who also smiled warmly.
"well, we'll open it later, lets just get up quickly now before we miss breakfast" he said, sitting up right and sliding his legs out of the bed. the two boys changed into their normal clothes. remus got into a hand knitted sweater and pants, sirius also got into a baggy sweatshirt and sloppily tied his hair up.
"pads is that mine?" remus smiled looking at the sweater sirius was wearing.
"maybe" sirius replied with a cheeky tone.
"course it is" remus rolled his eyes. "you literally have the biggest closet out of all of us, yet youre never wearing your shit" sirius gave him a weird look.
"not that i mind it darling" remus said softly, playing with sirius' hair slightly. they both left the dormitory and walked down to the common room with the intention to leave to the great hall, however they were met by a small table that was put in front of the fireplace with breakfast food laying on it. they looked at each other exchanging weird looks.
"there was no point of making you leave the common room only to go down and eat when its only you too in the whole school" professor mcgonagall's voice spoke. she was sitting on an armchair wearing her usual green dressing gown. "well anyway, im going down to have breakfast with the rest of the teachers. you two have a merry christmas" she smiled slightly and left the common room.
remus and sirius were just left there standing stupidly in front of the food table.
"well, i guess we're not leaving. sit down lets eat im starving" sirius said sitting himself down and starting to eat toast. they both ate until they were full and just laid on their armchairs to take their breath.
"wanna open the parcel prongs sent?" remus asked after ten minutes of silence.
"uhh sure" sirius said, getting the parcels, handing remus one box and he opened the other one. he tore the wrapping and opened it, a smile breaking on his face.
"he got me a wand polishing set. oh and look, he got me some hair bands" remus laughed a little. sirius put the hair bands in his wrist.
"what are you laughing at, i love it" sirius smiled "what did he get you?"
"he got me part six of 'crows or crowns'. its my favorite book and he knows i couldn't find that volume anywhere" remus' face wore a very big smile from that present. "oh and look! he got me a vest, it's beautiful"
"i'll be wearing that" sirius said at once
"of course darling you can wear it whenever"
"remus open my gift!" sirius said with so much excitement, remus held the huge box wondering what he has inside. he stared at sirius before opening it, unsure of what will meet him when he opens it. his suspicion grew larger when he was met by a cheeky smiling sirius.
"its not gonna blow up in my face right?" remus laughed a little
"only one way to find out" sirius shrugged
"oh god" remus joked. he opened the box and the first thing he saw was a big box inside labeled 'book polishing kit' remus' face fell with shock.
"sirius! sirius is this a book polishing kit? oh my god" he was gasping. sirius felt his cheeks burn by the fond expression on remus' face.
"holy shit pads where did you get this, these are so rare and expensive" he held it close to his face examining it with so much excitement.
"shhh its a gift" sirius was kind of embarrassed fora reason he doesnt know. "theres more stuff"
remus looked inside the box and laughed out loudly when he saw at least a doesnt bars of chocolate.
"what are you laughing at! this is the muggle chocolate you told me you like" sirius said flustered a little.
"yes yes i love it" remus smiled. "thank you"
sirius shrugged, not knowing what to say in situations like this.
"um, right open my gift" remus said looking nervous. remus' gift was something a little different and not very expected, he spent a lot of time thinking whether its a good idea or not. hes so nervous for sirius to see it, he felt his stomach lurch so badly he might vomit. he handed sirius an a4 piece of parchment that was folded into quarters. sirius gave him a confused yet excited look.
"are you giving me your transfiguration homework as a christmas gift moony" he joked.
"oh shut up and open it" every fibre in remus' body was screaming in anticipation and nerves. sirius unfolded the paper and read:
"dear sirius,
i am writing this in the dormitory for the fifteenth time at least. i thought so much about this and decided that its perfect. six years ago when i laid eyes on you for the first time, you had this aura that carried so much charm, something about your stupid gorgeous personality was so seductive and made me in complete lust for you. there aren't enough words in the english language to explain how you make me feel, nothing will come close to describing how i feel when you slip in bed with me every night, when i play with your hair, when i hear your heartbeats, when i hold your hand and stroke it with my thumb, when you kiss my scars, when you sit next to me in class sit there looking pretty doing nothing. i came to the conclusion that every little thing you do has me in utter awe. no one has ever made me feel like that, for a long time i was so confused as to why and how you could do that so effortlessly. i was confused about how i felt about you for so long, i was so confused about myself, and you helped me come to terms with who i am, by being so unapologetically you. at the end of a hard day you're always there to cheer me up, even in my darkest days, when nothing felt like it'll be okay ever again, you're always fucking here to change that. the number of times you've saved my life sirius, i couldnt tell you, by just merely being here. i figured that no matter what happens and no matter where life takes me, i want to always be with you. i never want to see that day i have to depart you, i dont ever see it coming because not even the strongest force from the gods above will make me leave you. im in love with you. im so fucking in love you idiot. im in love with the way you talk, the way you tie your hair, the way you dress, the way your eyes crease when you smile, your bark like laugh, your stupid jokes that i find funny unironically, your chirped nail polish... just in love with you. so sirius, this is me asking, do you want to be my boyfriend?"
sirius read the letters at least three times to make sure he wasnt missing anything, to make sure he was reading it correctly. was remus asking him out? was remus actually in love with him? none of this felt real. sirius felt like he's seeing stars in his vision, like he was going to pass out any second right now. he looked up at remus who was staring attentively on him and watching his every reaction. he met eyes with him and felt like all the worlds oxygen was being drained.
"so?" remus asked, his voice quivering.
"so?" he repeated as if this was a incredulous thing so say, " fuck yes i wanna be your boyfriend" sirius threw himself on remus on his armchair and splattered him with kissed everywhere he could reach.
"i never thought id be the lucky person to actually end up dating you" sirius breathed
"please, im the lucky one here" remus rolled his eyes.
"i mean hell yeah you are" sirius said sarcastically.
the pair of them spent the rest of the day sitting on the armchair cuddled up with the heat of each other, sharing soft intimate touches every now and then. they spent the whole day in peace and delicacy and made the most out of each other’s company. soon enough before they knew it, the holidays were over and students were returning to hogwarts for their second term.
“hi remus! hey sirius, good holiday? how are you two?” james showered them with questions enthusiastically when they saw him come in the gryffindor common room, he seemed to be in a cheerful mood.
“yea, great holiday” remus mumbled finding himself an armchair and sitting in it. the rest followed and sat on armchairs around him but sirius sat on his lap which remus scooted over a little to make space for him. james and lily looked at each other rolling their eyes playfully but happy that theyre on good terms, unlike the last time they saw them.
“what about you two? and you wormy? how was ur holiday” remus asked calmly, playing with sirius’ hair absentmindedly.
“great we had a great a time, i invited lily and wormy over, wormy couldnt make it though. but lily and i had fun, my parents liked her a lot” james smirked looking at her. “obviously they knew her because i always talked about her to them, but they’ve never really- woah WOAH” james’ speach was cut abruptly when he saw sirius attach his lips to remus’ and remus kissed him back fondly. they all exchanged shocked looks but they werent too shocked, they knew something was happening between the pair of them.
“woah guys” james laughed as they broke the kiss apart and giggled at their reaction.
“yea um, remus and i are dating” sirius said, lookinh flustered slightly. remus was still playing with his hair softly.
“does that mea we can go on double dates?” james said at once
“james potter i am not going on double dates with you and sirius thank you very much” lily said sarcastically.
“suit yourself, james and i are going on dates” sirius shrugged
“james and you are what-“ lily looked confused but cant help a laugh.
“thats right evans” sirius said in a dignified tone.
“dont you talk to my girlfriend like that black!” remus said at once. they all laughed at the sitiuation but lily said with a serious voice, “guys im so happy for you, youre finally together” she smiled wamrly. remus and sirius scooted closer next to each other smiling back at her.
“really proud of my mates” james said, trying to keep a serious tone but smirking at the same time.
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peachiikawa · 4 years
Fly | Route Selected: O. Tooru
genre: mafia au, choose your own adventure
warnings: honestly nothing too bad in this route
word count: 3.1k
Fly Masterlist
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“I choose--”
But before you could even finish your sentence, the front door opened and an arm draped around your shoulders
“They’ll be with me”
You looked to see who had just walked in and were stunned to see such a beautiful man
“Very funny oikawa, now let them go. This is a personal matter”
Daichi took a step forward and you could feel the tension in the air
But the silence was broken with a chuckle from oikawa
“Dont worry so much daichi. They arent just a threat to you theyre a threat to the entire community so to make your burden easier ill gladly take them in. you have better things to worry about anyways”
The smile on his face was far from a friendly one
Even you could tell it was a bit condescending and it made you a bit scared
He led you out the door but not before turning his head one last time
“Tell your old man seijou gives their regards”
With that he led you to his car and got you buckled in
“Now where do you live..?”
“My name is y/n and i live down the street and around the block”
He drove you home and made sure you got into your apartment
“Come in tomorrow whenever youd like, preferable before noon though. Heres my card if you have any questions. Goodnight y/n!”
He kept the conversation brief and didnt look back as he left
As soon as you closed the door you leaned against it and slid down onto the ground
Just what had you gotten yourself into?
You couldnt really sleep that night knowing that in the morning you were going to be working with the mafia
So you took an early shower and got to the address on the card oikawa gave you the night before around eight o’clock
You took a nervous breath before walking into the gigantic corporate building
‘Seijoh Industries’
The company had a long reputation of being in the modeling and fashion industry
It scared you to think that so many big companies were involved in who knows what else
You pushed the glass doors open and immediately got lost
Like how do you even navigate the inside of this building???
It wasnt long before you got stopped
...by some guy with blonde hair with lines in them
Was he trying to look like a tennis ball??
As he steps toward you you take one back until youre against a wall
“What the fuck are you doing here? Youd better leave. Now”
You feel like your stomach is about to drop before you hear that all too familiar voice
“Maddog what are you doing to y/n! Its their first day you shouldnt be so mean”
Oikawa grabbed your hand and led you down the hall to a pristine office
He sat down behind his desk and organized a few papers for you
“Youre here bright and early. I was half expecting you to just not show up”
His eyes glanced up from the papers in his hands for a brief moment
“But im glad you did it would have been a..hassle to find you”
The way that sentence came out of his mouth with that smile on his face sent a shiver down your back
He handed you a few papers and a list of tasks to do
Most of which consisted of you running errands and organizing some cabinets around the building
“Finish those and if you get done with that before the end of the day you can do whatever. Just dont poke your nose where it doesnt belong”
The smile on his face never left once your entire conversation and it left you with a weird feeling in your gut
As you turned to leave you just couldnt shake the weird feeling you got every time you saw it
But you went on your way, trying not to think about it too hard
You did each task with ease and you really thought that some of them were a bit unnecessary since most of the things on the list were already done
It was almost therapeutic doing normal things, it at least made you feel less nervous
It didnt take you long before you finished your tasks
“Hey you”
You jumped at the sound of someone’s voice and slowly turned towards a man with short and spiky brown hair
He held out a couple of papers to you
“I need you to make a few copies of these and then bring them to trashykawa”
Your eyebrows furrowed and he noticed your confusion
“I mean Oikawa. Sorry, force of habit. Im Iwaizumi by the way. I work over in communications''
You fumbled with the papers in your hands, trying to get a grip before he noticed how nervous you were
His sharp eyes were fixed on you which made you even more self-conscious 
You let out a shaky breath before introducing yourself
“Im y/n. Its my first day working here”
He nodded his head
“Yeah well just lay low if you want to survive this mess. Ill see you later y/n.”
A few weeks go by and it seems to be the same thing filling your days
This place wasnt as scary as you first thought and everyone seemed nice enough
The beeping from the copy machine brought you back to reality from your daydream and headed back to oikawas office
Though you had been here for almost a month now, it never got easier to be around him
Something was just too off putting about him
You took a deep breathe before knocking on the door to which you got a muffled “come in”
He didnt look up as you set the papers on his desk and only looked back up at you when he didnt hear your leave
He took off the glasses he was wearing and set them down in front of him
“Can i help you with something?”
Again, that smile on his face just...didnt feel right
“I was done with my work, is there anything else I can do for you?”
He just shook his head
“That should be it for me! Why dont you go see if iwa needs anything?”
You could tell that he wanted nothing more than to have just a moment to himself
And the constant flow of people probably didnt help
“This might be bold of me to say but that smile you wear around people...you dont need to put up any false pretenses around me. I know my situation and I know it isnt all sunshine and rainbows so feel free to be yourself around me. So one last time, before I go, do you need anything?”
His eyes were wide at what you just said
You had only been here for what? A few weeks? With minimal contact as well
So how did you notice?
The only other person whos ever called him out on it was iwaizumi
And he hated being read like this but he kept that smile up
“Nope im fine”
You nodded and left, closing the door behind you
And as soon as you did he threw his pen down on his desk and held his head in his hands
How...how did you see through him
He had carefully made this mask of his so that no one would be able to see how he was feeling
Emotions were a weakness
He didnt need them
And he sure as hell didnt need you
The next week he made it his mission to completely ice you out
No contact at all
And it made you kind of frustrated
The man steals you away from the other mafia you almost became affiliated with and just throws you to the side?
So you went to him after him doing whatever he could to make sure he avoided you
The man literally had tennis-head outside of his office to scare you away
“What are you doing”
The sudden voice behind you almost made you scream
“Oh iwaizumi! Dont scare me like that!”
You smacked his shoulder as you two hid around the corner from oikawas office
“If you must know im trying to get into oikawas office. I'm sick of his avoiding me like im the plague”
Iwaizumi let out a deep sigh
He knew why oikawa was avoiding you
And he also thought it was a little much
Wasnt it about time he stopped being scared?
“Tell you what y/n, ill distract kenta and while i do you can sneak into oikawas office”
Your eyes sparkled and he almost wanted to laugh
He nodded and patted your head
“Get that idiot out of his funk”
He then walked up to kenta and walked off with him, giving you a thumbs up behind his back
And when they were out of sight you knocked on oikawas door and didnt wait for him to respond before barging in
To say he was shocked was an understatement
“What are you-”
“Stop. Before you go on about how youre busy just please listen to me. I dont know what i did to deserve this amount of avoidance but if its about what i said that day, i dont regret what i said. And i wish you would stop avoiding your problems and just confront them”
Confront his problems?
What the hell do you know about his problems
“So you came in here to tell me that? What the fuck do you know about me? Youre just some street rat that poked their nose where it didnt belong. You dont know me so stop trying to tell me what to fucking do! Emotions make you weak and i dont need that”
At this point he had you backed against a wall
And when he realized what just happened he pushed himself away from you
God what the hell was he even doing
Hes spent years perfecting his facade
And then you come barging in and it just breaks?
You slowly approached him and put a hand on his shoulder
“See? Was that so bad? Honestly, seeing you like that was refreshing. Feel free to keep the mindset that emotions make you weak, i wont try to convince you otherwise. Thats a realization you need to make on your own but for now please dont hold back around me”
For the first time in a while oikawas heart stood still, almost as if he could feel himself again
“Whatever. I still have paperwork to do so leave or make yourself useful”
He shrugged your hand off of him and went back to his desk
You just smiled and nodded your head
“Ill be back with a coffee for you!”
And when you exited you bumped into the back of kentarou
“Ah sorry! Ill be back!”
As you ran off kenta took a step toward you
“What the hell..get back here!”
But before he could take another oikawa cleared his throat
“You can leave your post mad-dog. Youre no longer needed here”
Kenta nodded his head but was too shocked to move for a moment, caught off guard by the small smile that lingered on his boss’ face
The couple weeks after that you were allowed back in his office and he even started to request your presence at times for no other reason than he just wanted you to sit in the room with him
And that smile he used to give you was now replaced by a soft, genuine smile that made your heart flutter
Little things started to become more noticeable to you
Like how cute it was when he pouted his lips when he was really focused
And honestly he was too
Your smile was maddening
And your laugh made him feel like he was being swallowed whole, unable to breath
It scared him
Nothing good has ever happened when he became emotionally attached to someone
“Oikawa, are you okay?”
You put your hand up to his forehead and checked for a fever
He could feel his cheeks heating up and gently swatted your hand away
“No im fine. Dont worry about me”
He watched your face fill with concern and his heart lurched forward
This feeling...it scared him. But for now, if its you, hes willing to see where this goes
“Good morning oikawa!”
You walked into his office with his morning coffee which he gladly took from your hands
“Good morning y/n”
He had a job later and needed all the energy he could get
But not before having his morning conversation with you
“I'm leaving around noon with maki and mattsun. Iwa’s in charge till i get back so if you need anything ask him”
You could tell by the way he was talking that it was something serious and therefore probably something to do with the mafia
Sure you had done a few things for Seijoh like fax some papers and have oikawa sign a few things but nothing to where oikawa needed to leave has ever come up
He could see anxiety cloud over your face
He grabbed your hand and gave it a small squeeze
“I’ll be fine. You have nothing to worry about, okay?”
You nodded your head
“Please be safe”
Worry reflected in your eyes and it made him almost go weak
All he could do was nod and give a half smile
The entire time he was away you sat at his desk anxiously waiting for his return
“Cough up the money oikawa. We had a deal”
Oikawa looked at the man in front of him with his trademark empty smile
“That wasnt our deal. Now give us what you owe”
The room was tense but nothing that oikawa hasnt dealed with before
But his world soon turned upside down with what was thrown on the table that stood between them next
The color drained from his face as he looked at pictures taken of you without anyone knowing
“Where the hell did you get these”
The man in front of him just laughed
“Now thats an interesting expression oikawa. Never thought id see the day where that smile of yours wasnt on your face”
His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching his fists
“You know, it would almost be a shame if something were to happen to them”
Oikawas eyes widened in fear
It felt as if time around him had stopped for this one moment
And it made him want to puke
“Dont you dare lay a hand on them”
His jaw was so tense that he thought he was about to pop a blood vessel
“Then give us the money”
He wasnt left with much of a choice
So he did what he was told
“See? Was that so hard?”
“Are we done here?”
He was itching to get back as soon as possible
To make sure you were okay
He couldnt rest until he knew you were fine
“Yes now leave”
The car ride seemed to last forever, maki and mattsun had never seen their boss like this and exchanged subtle glances the entire ride
As soon as the car stopped he ran into the building and to your desk
And when he saw you werent there his heart dropped
‘Where are you, y/n?!’
The only other place you could be was his office
He slammed his door open only to see you jump up from his desk, the sleep in your eyes still evident
He let out the breath he didnt even know he was holding as soon as his eyes landed on you
He went straight over to you and pulled you into his arms
The tightness of the hold around you was comforting yet alarming
You brought your arms up to wrap around him and you swear you could feel him slightly shaking
You voice was soft and made him feel weak in the knees
“Just…let me stay like this for a moment”
After that day you were moved into his home and he never left your side
He never fully explained what happened that day
But you knew it had shaken him
Especially since you havent seen his smile since then
You were escorted everywhere
And when you asked why you were only given the short answer of “i said i’d guard you so i'm doing that”
You didnt mind being with him, really
If anything you liked being able to be with him all the time
You just hoped you werent being a hindrance
So one night as you laid in bed while oikawa sat on the ground next to you leaning against the bed frame, you turned towards him
He had been doing this lately to “guard” you and you knew he wasnt sleeping much
His eyes immediately met yours
“Am i being a burden on you?”
Though it was dark, he could hear the sadness in your voice
“I just feel like ive been holding you back lately and thats the last thing i want to do”
He cupped your face with his hand and gently stroked your cheek
“Not to mention that you havent smiled once since coming back that day and it just all feels very distant and lonesome. I hope you know that you can talk to me, i’ll never judge you for anything”
And in those few simple words the gate that had been holding back all of his emotions back suddenly broke
“y/n im scared”
His head hung low as his lips trembled
“Im scared to lose you and im scared that ive become weak since being with you but i just cant let you go. Losing you makes me feel more terrified than anything else”
The thought of losing you made it feel as if he was drowning and the water was filling his lungs with a burning sensation
You sat up in your bed and took his hand in yours
“Then why dont you turn that fear into strength? Hiding me...putting me under 24 hour surveillance...its no different than running. I dont want to be away from you either oikawa”
How did you always clear his head? It was like your words just made everything make sense
He made his way onto your bed and started to kiss you, soft yet hungry for more
He could never get enough of you
You made his heart full
And you became his strength
You made him strong and he could never forget this debt
taglist:  @the-ironic-me @multisun @my-mass-hysteria @sugawsites @youbloodylegendyoudidit @sinthxy @celamoon​ @tinymouth @fait-de-fleurs @tsukifanbase​ @69owo​ @laglyssage @hearteyeskags​ @ntngann​ @shnnn​ @fukuro-dani-ace​​ @exponentially-tired​​ @soy1melk​
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
duet | see you soon then
NOTE FOR ALL READERS: this is an installment of a series. the masterlist for a catch-up is linked above. this particular chapter is to fall between [im]mature and silky smooth. thanks!
desc: things had been a bit rocky when the twins told you they were leaving hogwarts before graduation. you’d been so hellbent and obsessed on spending time with george that you’d sort of neglected fred. emotions are running high, but the three of you fall into a comfortable routine and suddenly you’re bursting at the seams with happiness. but since it’s finally time for them to leave, you have absolutely no luck in trying to suppress your tears. they’re making their dreams come true, so why is it so damn hard to say goodbye right now?
a/n: yo! sorry its been a while. school has been kicking my ass and also I genuinely had no inspiration to write this chapter. it was actually supposed to look a little different which is what I think was evidently holding me back. but leeann’s the best and has been incredibly patient with me as I worked through my writer’s block and we bounced ideas off of one another. i..... am so sorry for this. full masterlist is linked above, loves.
word count: 3.4k
warning(s): just sadness bc boys are leaving :(
Things had been… tense, to say the least. Your arguments with both of your best mates had caused quite a bit of discomfort between you all. And not to mention that the Easter holidays were rapidly approaching, which only seemed to speed up the pounding in your chest.
You’d been making progress, though, coming around to the idea of finishing school without them. What an incredible opportunity this was for them, wasn’t it? While your feelings of dread and sadness were still very much prominent, you couldn’t help but be bursting at the seams with pride, too.
They were damn brilliant individuals and it was about time more people recognized that, right?
It still didn’t lessen the pain in your heart, though. It only seemed to elevate it. But you supposed, you’d only learn to grow from it.
The three of you had fallen into a somewhat comfortable routine. Spending lots of time with one another -- you’d also been very conscious about how much time you spent chasing after George. You didn’t want to embarrass yourself any further than you already had. Plus, you’d sadly forgotten how lovely it was to be with just Fred -- he was your absolute best mate, after all, and while yes, there had been times when the two of you had very angrily bumped heads, it only made your friendship that much stronger. You owed it to him. You owed it to yourself.
And you’d taken to spending more time with the Gryffindors too, when that ghastly toad look-a-like of a woman wasn’t around. What she didn’t know wouldn’t kill her. They were your friends, too, after all -- Ginny, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Neville -- the lot of them. And by the light of the common room fire reflecting in Fred’s eyes, and the very bright grin George had painted onto his face nearly every evening, you were pretty certain they were genuinely happy to have you there.
“What’s this one?”
“Ah -- an extension of our latest and greatest inventions, Y/N,” Fred beamed, examining his own creation as he twirled it in his fingers, “Wildfire Whizbangs.”
“You mean you’ve created something even bigger than those blasted fireworks you’d let loose in the courtyard a few weeks ago?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “Don’t tell me you’re about to set the bloody Great Hall on fire -- I’ve got exams coming up, you know.”
George laughed and pulled out yet another wildly vibrant colored whizbang from their trunk. “Can’t make any promises.”
You’d been spending so much time in their common room, in fact, that people had just ended up making you an honorary Gryffindor. You did miss yours, though -- the warmth hues of the yellow lining, the cozy armchairs near the fire with books next to it stacked so high they touched the ceiling, the tiny, potted plants on the windowsill. You were placed in Hufflepuff after all, so it was only normal that you’d miss the coziness of your own spot.
You couldn’t help it, though. You found yourself with your friends until the late hours of the evening, and sometimes you’d ever crash in the girls’ dormitory in Gryffindor tower because it was far too late to even attempt to sneak back down to your own common room, and the boys didn’t want you to risk getting into some type of trouble. Who’d have thought? The Kings of Mischief, worried about you getting into trouble. The irony was wonderfully funny.
You’d even found yourself working less and less on your assignments, just to spend time with them. It was, truthfully, the closest the three of you had been since you’d met. Absolutely nothing could squash your happiness.
Until you realized one evening when you were pulling on your silk pyjamas and thinking about how good things had been, that you had exactly one week left with them. One week. Seven days. Most of which would be spent studying for exams.
Some type of knot shot up into your throat and you found that your eyes had begun to water more so than normal. Sometimes, you couldn’t quite believe the effect this was having on you.
And so you swallowed down your feelings and forced yourself to sleep, hoping that the next day, you wouldn’t think about the limited time you had left with them before they fled school, but only about just how much you enjoyed your time with them.
-- -
“Please don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll cry, and I’m a bloody ugly crier.”
You knew that Fred was doing his best to make you laugh. He always had a particular knack for making you burst out into giggles at the most inappropriate of times. But even so, the mischievous glimmer in his eye and the lopsided grin on his face couldn’t make you laugh. Not this time.
You’d sort of distanced yourself this last week. Not purposefully, mind you, but because there was studying to be done. You had exams, didn’t you? And the boys needed to pack all of their belongings for their adventure into adulthood. It sounded so silly when you thought about it. But it also sent a soul-crushing feeling straight through your body.
You hated crying in front of them. Sure, you were a bit dramatic at times, but you tried your absolute hardest not to break down in front of them if you could help it. But this was different, you reckoned. This was them leaving with a permanence that could not be undone. This was goodbye… for now.
“I -- I’m just --” your voice sounded raspy and weak, like someone was gripping your vocal cords and strangling them. You watched through blurred vision as Fred’s lower lip began to wobble, and he bit down on it to keep you from noticing. But you noticed. Of course you did. How could you not? You knitted your brows together to keep the tears from falling, but your emotions were far too high for anything to work. You searched desperately for the words that were filling up your heart, though were proving very difficult to leave your lips. “I’m.. I’m really…”
And Fred, who found himself sometimes turning to mush around you, let his shoulders collapse as tears welled up in his eyes, too. He couldn’t believe they were really doing this -- really leaving. Hogwarts had been their home away from home for so many years, and you, the second sister he didn’t know he needed.
When he spoke, his voice didn’t have the usual cheeky sound to it, that mischievous tone you grew to know and love so much. It was soft, and tired, and pleading with you to please not be angry. You could hear it in the way that he said, “I know,” before pulling you into his chest. He interwove his fingers in your hair and pressed his lips to your forehead before sucking in a breath. You tugged gently on the drawstring hanging from his sweatshirt. It was hard to stay mad at either of them. You forced your eyes shut and bit down hard on your bottom lip, causing you to suck in another breath due to the pain. You felt your heart snap perfectly in half when you heard his voice shake a bit. “I’m really going to miss you, too.”
That was one of the most intimate moments you’d ever shared with Fred, letting each other cry into one another’s shoulders. The vulnerability hanging in the air between you both was so intense, it almost didn’t seem real. But as quickly as this new side of Fred had appeared, it vanished when he pulled away from you and held onto your shoulders to steady you. He sniffled a bit and tried to nonchalantly wipe away a tear from his eye. “But you’re coming to visit, yeah? First thing after graduation?”
“Of course,” you playfully swatted him with the sleeve of your robe. “Have got to make sure you two don’t find yourselves in any mischief, right?”
Fred threw his head back and laughed. “Great thing about our shop is that mischief is more than welcomed, darling.”
You both continued to laugh through tears, until everything became still and silent between you both. You bit down on your bottom lip again and repeated the address back to him very slowly. “Number 93 Diagon Alley.”
“Number 93 Diagon Alley,” he echoed you. His grin was so large, you began to see traces of that thirteen-year-old boy you’d first met all those long years ago. He was so excited, wasn’t he? You felt a pull at your heart. And you were so excited for them. “I love you, kid. Don’t forget to write, and definitely don’t forget to study. Molly Weasley would be so disappointed.”
He pulled you in for another hug before making his way down the corridor. You folded your arms across your chest and raised an eyebrow. “You? The King of avoiding schoolwork at all costs is actually telling me to study?”
“What can I say?” Fred shrugged his shoulders. Your best mate. Your best mate in the entire world, known for his pranks and laughter and everything in between was pointing a finger at you and telling you to get a jump start on your school work, like he’d done a complete one-eighty. “You just bring out this side of me.”
“I love you, you absolute git.”
“I love you more.”
Your breathing intensified as he vanished down the corridor.
“Wow,” you heard a voice from behind you, “can’t believe you somehow got my brother to tell you to study. What has the world come too?”
When you whirled around to come face to face with George, his face was an exact carbon copy of Fred’s -- but his sparkling eyes and lopsided grin made your insides twist in a way that Fred’s didn’t. All you wanted to do was run up to your dorm and cry, thinking about the entirety of your schooling where you could’ve been wrapped up in his arms if he’d just felt the same way. But that wouldn’t help you in any way. You had to be thankful for what you had.
“It definitely won’t be the same with you two gone.”
You couldn’t help it -- the words escaped you before you could register your own thoughts. You could see George’s expression fill with guilt, something that had been happening more often than not, so you offered him a tremendous grin that split your face in half, despite the tears that were falling generously now. You stuck your hand out to pull him into you. “I hope you know how proud I am of you both.”
He breathed a sigh of relief, took your hand in his and walked toward you. He pulled you into a bone crushing embrace, one you’d definitely feel the effects of a few days from now. He cradled your head in his hand the exact same way Fred did, and also placed a kiss onto your hair, but the way your blood bubbled at his touch was so very different from the way you felt with your best friend.
“I just want to thank you.”
“For what?”
“For.. everything.” George’s voice was raspy. He pulled away from you but didn’t let go. He slid his hands across your shoulders and down your arms before intertwining his fingers with yours. He slowly caressed his thumbs over the tops of your hands as he chose his words carefully. “For being my best friend, for believing in this ridiculous idea, for dealing with my antics. For everything, all of it. I reckon Hogwarts would not have been the same had I not met you in Charms.”
“It was my favorite lesson, you know.”
“Mine, too.”
You forced yourself to continue to smile at him through your tears, because you didn’t want you blubbering like an idiot to be the last thing he’d see before leaving the castle. As if this entire exchange hadn’t been dramatic enough, you were really considering telling him how you felt -- right as he left. You could shout out I love you!, couldn’t you? It would be the perfect time, too, because he’d already be off and you could run up to your dormitory without worrying about having to face him or your own intense feelings! The words were right there, on the tip of your tongue --
“Save a pygmy puff for me, yeah?”
But those were the words that spoke instead.
George raised his eyebrows and held up a finger. “Oh! That reminds me. Have got something for you.” You threaded your eyebrows together in confusion as he reached into his pocket. He very gently pulled out a ribbon, the colour a perfect blend of purple and pink, same as the puffs, with sparkles dancing across it as if it were charmed. Which, knowing George, it probably was. He fiddled with it slightly in his hands before looking up to meet your gaze. “You’ve inspired us. Got a whole line of these things in the works. So I want you to do me a favour.”
Your voice was a whisper. You’d nearly forgotten how to formulate coherent sentences. “What?” you asked him.
He then took a very deep breath and reached out to move your hair. He gently placed the ribbon behind your ears and tied it into a small bow on the top of your head. “When you’re feeling poorly about your exams, or about finishing school, or about anything, because I know you will -- put this on. Think of us. And just remember that we’re only a letter away until graduation, alright?”
As he watched more tears well up in your eyes, he considered telling you the truth: that it had been him this whole time, sending you these letters and gifts. It’d been him since the beginning, he’d just been too afraid to tell you. He wet his lips and watched as you brought your fingers to the ribbon and touched it gently. He was going to do it, it was time. Probably a few years too late, but he couldn’t worry about that now. He was leaving in five bloody minutes, and he had to seize his chance, when the vulnerability was thick and the emotions were high and he wasn’t going to chicken out completely --
But just as he found his confidence, Fred softly called his name from round the bend before disappearing again. You threw your arms around the back of George’s neck and stood on the tips of your toes to hug him. There was no mistaking the sound of your wobbly voice in his ears -- you were crying fully now. “I’m going to miss you.”
If his emotions weren’t sky high, he would’ve noticed just how easily the tears came to the front of his eyes at your simple, five word phrase.
“I’m going to miss you, too.”
He wished it could be yesterday, or the day before. Or last month. Or last year. He wanted to be back in Charms in your third year. He wished he could go back in time, any amount of time, just to have more with you, because this couldn’t possibly be the end. It couldn’t be.
Through sniffles and sobs and the cracks in your voice, he swore he heard you say, “I love you.”
Fire shot through his veins, but bloody hell, he didn’t have time to unload all of that. Fred was calling his name again. “I love you, too.”
George pressed his lips to your hairline and stayed there like that for a few more seconds you wished could last a lifetime. You didn’t even bother trying to hide your tears anymore -- they were cascading down your cheeks, and violent sobs were involuntarily escaping from your overused lungs. Every single ounce of your body hurt due to all of the crying you’d been doing the last couple of days. It felt so stupid and so dramatic and so absolutely awful, because the truth was, it was only a couple of months until you saw them again. Until you saw him again. A few months was nothing.
But the idea of being here without them hurt more than you could begin to fathom.
When he pulled away, you noticed how red and blotchy his cheeks were alongside his bloodshot eyes, his messy hair. But you beamed at him again and squeezed his hand and said, “Congratulations,” and watched him as his fingers let go of yours and he walked toward the other end of the corridor.
“Hey,” you called, thinking of something. George spun around quickly and peered longingly at you. You just needed a few more seconds or so. “How’re you two getting out of here, anyway? You know Umbridge has all the entrances sealed. You think it’s going to work, whatever you two’ve got planned?” There was a sliver of selfishness that hoped it didn’t, but you suppressed it. You were overflowing with pride for your best friends.
And then there he was -- that young boy filled with adventure and reckless abandon, looking at you as if only seeing you for the very first time. His grin deepened when he replied, “Don’t worry -- it’s in typical Weasley fashion.” He stopped in his tracks and placed his hands in his pockets, and peered at you with a type of intense sincerity that made every muscle in your body ache all over again. “I’ll see you soon, then?”
Your lip quivered again. “Yeah,” you replied, willing yourself to believe it. You would. “I’ll see you soon, then.”
You shook your head at him and watched as he disappeared around the bend, but not before that signature wink he loved to offer.
About thirty minutes later, after you’d had a good cry and rinsed the runny mascara off of your cheeks and from underneath your eyes, you heard a bit of yelling from inside the castle. You were sitting in the courtyard basking in the glorious spring weather, forcing yourself to focus on what you needed to study, when a group of students began to huddle near the windows.
Confused, you shut your spellbook and wandered over to where they were gathered, wondering what the bloody hell could be going on inside. Weren’t the fifth years supposed to be taking their OWLs?
And then two red headed figures zoomed out of the castle on their broomsticks, followed by a firework dragon the size of the real dragon Harry had fought just last year, with more sparklers and pyrotechnics behind them brightening up the sky. Students flooded into the courtyard and cheers were nearly shaking the whole entire structure of the castle. You looked around at all of the students, beaming with exuberance, and wondered just how many of the Wildfire Whizbangs had gotten caught in Umbridge’s hair, setting it aflame. You smiled to yourself and began to clap, too.
For as blue as you felt, you were ten times happier for them.
George and Fred were now hovering in the air beneath a very large firework in the shape of a ‘W’. Fred was busy cheering along with the crowd, clearly pleased with the feedback from all of the students -- and even some teachers. Was that Flitwick he spotted below? Had he made his Charms teacher proud?
But George wasn’t cheering -- he was focused. Focused on scanning the crowd, focused on bouncing his eyes from student to student until he found the familiar one he was looking for.
“You alright, Georgie?” Fred called over the roar of the dragon, now swimming through the clouds.
“Yeah,” George replied, though he didn’t fully believe it -- not until he saw you, in the middle of a sea of Ravenclaws, peering up at the two of them with nothing but admiration plastered onto your face. George breathed another sigh of relief and didn’t take his eyes off of you. He couldn’t. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
“To new adventures!” Fred cheered and raised his hands in delight. More students began to scream and cheer and wave to them from the grounds. He proceeded to do a backflip on his broomstick in the air.
When your eyes met his from below, he watched as your smile slowly grew a bit larger and your clapping became more exuberant. He could already count down the bloody days until you were finished with school and walking through the front doors of their shop, a grin on your face so large it could cure diseases! But for now, you had to study, and he had a business to run.
He turned toward his brother, who had never looked more excited or proud in all his years. George stuck out his hand for a high-five as he wobbled slightly on his broom. To Fred, George replied, “To new adventures, mate.”
tag list: @georgeweasleyx @seppys-return-to-madness @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @darling-details @laneygthememequeen @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @feffffffy @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @harrysweasleys @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @geeksareunique @insearchofnewdreams @notstandingstill-imlyinginwait @lumos-barnes @thatfuckingliardavidtennant @slytherinqween @xinyourdreamsx @skiving-snackboxess @wildfire-whizbangs @dwarfwizard-from-panem @diary-of-an-onliner @answer-the-sirens @woakiees @black-widow-fangirl @theheirofnightandday @summerstardust @whysoseriouspadfoot @chocok22 @myhopesareanchoredinyou @siriusblackisme @illusivedaydreamer @zeeneee @writingwitchly @wolfpotter12 @obsessedwithrandomthings @carolinesbookworld @shadowsinger11 @pit-and-the-pen @summer-writes-words @peachesandpinks @gweaslvy @alpineweasley @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic @90shermione @zreads @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hollands-weasley @andromedaa-tonks @bbystrawberry0421 @cappsikle @mytreec @imseeinggred @idont-knowrn @flyingserpxnt @auroraboringalis57 @godricsswords @jejegu @annasofiaearlobe @starlightweasley @alwaysasadaesthetic @thisismysketchbook
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Saving you.
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader.
Summary: Poe saves you after being severely tortured by the first order.
Warnings: Angst. Blood. Medical inaccuracies probably. Leia being a surrogate mother. Wedge being surrogate father. Fluff.
Wordcount: 1.7k
A/N: I know I wrote a poe for just the other day but I needed to try do angst with flyboy.
Tag: @phoenixhalliwell
Poe had always been that level headed, ace pilot that everyone knew him to be. But this was a side no one else had ever seen. Not even General Organa. He was running off of no sleep and caffeine and that was it. Bags had formed under his eyes, his usually somewhat neat curls were all over the place.
You had been captured and tortured by the First Order. After your X-Wing had crashed troopers had dragged you away, and took you on board of Kylo Rens Star destroyer. It had gotten to the point during being tortured that you started to dissociate from the reality that was happening around you.
"What are they doing?" Hux asked a lieutenant that was in your cell with him,
"It seems they are distancing themselves from reality sir, to cope with the pain." The lieutenant responded as they look down at you, and your weakened state as you stared into the distance.
Back on the resistance base, Leia physically forced Poe to go to bed. Making sure that either Rey or Finn were there to make sure he actually slept. He had to be honest, he did feel better physically after getting some well needed rest. After getting some sleep, he woke up and freshend himself up. That was until Finn came running in the room.
"POE! LEIA NEEDS US!!" Finn stated heaving the words out. Poe, BB-8 and Finn running or in BB-8s case rolling at full force down corridors leading towards the control room. There Leia stood over a table of information. Sensing the 2 boys and the droid enter the room, she turned and looked Poe dead in they eye.
"Poe... we found them." She simply stated. A little bit of pressure had lifted off of Poe's shoulders for a moment, knowing that he would be able to get to you. Everything around base started getting busy, Poe, Finn, Rey and BB-8 got the falcon ready and we're on their way to the ship.
You were still in your cell on the floor. The extent of your injuries worse than anyone on base has had for a long while. You were certain that your leg was broken from the crash, only to be made worse by Hux and his men. They hadn't given you anything to eat or drink, so your hydration levels were extremely low. Cuts and bruises had formed all over your body. You were finding it difficult to move anything, and the extent of some of your injuries would probably require some PT and a slow recovery.
Inside the Millenium Falcon, Poe sat there nervously his leg bouncing up and down. Rey walked over to him and kneeled in front of him.
"We're gonna find them Poe." Rey stated quietly,
"I know. It's just.... what state they'll be in." He replied even quieter. She left him to simmer with his thoughts until it was time to board the destroyer. The destroyer came into view after dropping out of hyperspace, and Rey could sense your presence but it was very weak. After spending a few minutes, the three of them along with BB-8 were aboard the ship and Rey used the force on some troopers to find you.
Coming to a stop outside your cell, BB-8 got the door open for the others. Poe was first in, and the sight shattered his heart into a million little pieces.
"Y/N? Honey, it's Poe. We're taking you home." Poe stated quietly. He could see your shallow breathes, but there was no recognition of the fact that he was there and not to mention you were almost cold to the touch. Picking you up as gently as he could, he heard you groan and your eyebrows pinch a little.
"Poe?" Your voice cracked as you felt your body being lifted,
"Yeah baby, I'm here I'm saving you baby. We're going home." Poe responded. The five of you moved through the ship, Finn and BB-8 in front, Poe with you in and out of consciousness in the middle and Rey at the back. It wasn't long until you were all in the hanger, blaster fire all over the place. But you all managed to get away on the Falcon.
Poe laid you gently on the bed, and sat next you holding your hand. Rey and Finn left the two of you alone, knowing that Poe would just want to be with you and not talk. As he sat next to you, he felt your hand squeeze his ever so slightly but no words came out. You were too tired.
"I know baby, we're two minutes away from base." He said quietly to you, his free hand stroking your hair back gently. Surely enough two minutes later, the falcon dropped out of hyperspace right above the current planet the base was on.
Medics rushed onto the falcon, helping transfer you onto a floating medical bed. Poe ran behind them on the way to medical, but soon stopped him when they went to get ready to be treated. Poe started sobbing, as he slid down the wall not realising that Leia had just arrived. She got Poe to stand up and then drew him in for a hug and let him cry. Leia knew that you two were in love, and it made her heart break to know that Poe almost lost you in the way he lost his mother, but also then having to hear you have been tortured by the First Order.
Eventually, Poe and Leia were allowed to see you. You looked better, the miracle of bacta doing its job. And when Poe touched your hand it was far warmer than it had been previously. It took you a long while to wake up, the bacta working as best it could. The medics checked on you frequently, and Poe stayed next to you for almost the entire time.
You opened your eyes, the bright light of medical causing then to shut again. Slowly your eyes adjusted to the light and you were able to see what was going on around you. Looking to the left of you, you saw Poe dozing at an odd angle in the chair next to you.
"Poe..." you croaked barely anything coming out, "Poe." You managed to say a bit louder. He sat up with a start, almost falling off of the chair. His eyes were wide but tired, as he looked at you tears welled in his but a smile was across his face.
"Hi honey, how are you feeling?" Poe asked quietly stroking your hair back,
"Like absolute shit. You look tired." You replied bringing one hand up to his face.
"It's cause I am baby, you gave me a scare." Poe stated leaning into your hand and locking eyes,
"Your gonna need physical therapy for that leg you know." He continued kissing the palm of your hand.
"I'm sorry I scared you flyboy. And I know, I gathered that when I was.... when I was. Yeah I gathered." You stuttered out, everything suddenly coming back to you at once. You looked at Poe, tears now falling down your face.
"K-kriff I'm.... im so sorry Poe. I almost left you and... and I was so scared, all I could think about was you." You continued breathing starting to get more panicky.
"No, no baby. Hey listen Y/N it's fine, there is nothing to be sorry about. Baby just breathe, please just breathe for me." Poe stated instantly taking your hand in his and calming you down. Eventually you started breathing properly again and squeezed your eyes shut for a moment.
"I'm sorry Poe." You whispered,
"It's okay baby, I understand. You've had a bad few weeks. But I'm not going anywhere and neither are you, because you're safe." Poe responded kissing you gently.
It had just been over a month now that Poe had rescued you. Medical had cleared you to go to your own quarters, but you had to go back either every day or every other day for physical therapy. Some days were better than others.
If Poe was away though, you'd spin his mother's ring around your finger. Which he had given to you as a sign of unity, not long after you were discharged.
Today though, you had a rest from therapy and you decided you'd go sit outside and watch Black Squadron practice flight maneuvers. Sensing a presence next to you, you turned and saw that it was Wedge. Wedge Antilles was like a father to you, he was one of the first faces you saw when you joined the Resistance, and he was the one that taught you everything that you knew.
Standing up, you smiled and hugged him. He sat down next to you and looked at the X-Wings flying past.
"Hey Wedge." You said smiling at the older gentleman,
"Hey kid, how's the leg?" He asked smiling back at you.
"It has its moments. It gets bad some days and then others it's like I didn't injure it. But therapy is helping, I just wanna get back out there." You replied looking up as Poe soared past,
"Yeah I know the feeling. I didn't tell you about the time I basically had the same accident as you did I?" He stated tracking your eyes to your fiancé.
"No sir." You shook your head, now focusing on Wedge,
"Not long after the fall of the Empire and the destruction of the second Death star, I went out of my way to find if there was any remnants of the Empire left behind. One day, my ship got shot by a Tie and I crashed into one of the few remaining star destroyers. Injured myself of course, spent a little while moving around the ship before being caught and tortured for answers. This was above the planet Akiva, and they took me to the imperial Palace which was a magnificent building. After that I don't really remember much, but that's where I met Snap and his mum. I done therapy for a injury similar to yours." He explained, his eyes looking into the distance as he remembered.
"I didn't know that you met Snap that long ago." You replied,
"Yeah, he had a droid modified from the clone wars called MR BONES. But the thing is, therapy will get better Y/N." He stated smiling a sense of understanding there.
"Thank you Wedge." You smiled back giving him a hug again. The two of you sat there for a while, until you both agreed that getting food from the mess sounded good. You used your cane to help you around, sometimes placing most of your weight on it.
The good thing was that you had someone who understood how you felt, someone who loved you dearly and someone that could bring you or your fiancé comfort anytime.
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roman--empyre · 3 years
To: Spence:
Ayo my nigga,
All the love and shit,
But I have some stuff to say,
Ive been sick my entire life,
Before I got my shots from Atlantic,
Now im plagued no more, 
And we can talk freely,
So here's some stuff I,
Never should of not said,
I love you brother,
That's one,
You saved my life a grip,
Even though we never talked,
I was lost in time, in my head,
She was there too, my ex,
So I never saw you for a few years,
Then we went to the same campus,
It was chill or whatever,
But I never felt close to you,
But shit man, you are and have been family,
At one point and maybe to this day,
Like a little brother,
So long story plugged into this,
I found God, I told you one day,
I thought it was Jesus,
Well now it isn't,
I was saved though, 
Someday I want you to pray to one,
Satan, Meurte, God, whoever,
But find one, 
Save your soul,
But back to it,
I said I love you, but here is how much,
This one time, I was going to kill my ex,
I had the pistol, or whatever it was,
I took it from the place where we stayed,
I creeped cause I was scared of her,
Like a bitch, but whatever right...,
But long story short, I remembered,
You cared about her too,
So now its been a year, since twenty two,
How the time has flown,
Life has been wasted,
But you never were that,
I could this forever,
Fuck im sorry,
That we never talked,
That I don't see you anymore,
That I need you still,
But you said a week or two ago,
You still reminisce,
It made me happy and broke me too,
I don't think about those days,
I cant,
But, fuck dude, this is messed up but...,
Here's a joke first,
Why did Roman cross the road?
To find the way to the other side,
You were the other side my man,
Thank you for everything,
I’m not killing myself even though Im willing,
But instead im here to tell you,
I’m going to be alright,
I found this in a magazine once,
It was one round,
But one isn't enough,
So I put it down,
I don't want to be a vegetable,
That shit scares me fierce, 
But what frightens me more,
Is not being good enough,
Like you are,
Now you almost have your first body of work,
Well full first album,
I’m so proud,
I wanted to say,
Check out,
Roman Empyre, self titled, or “My Story”,
But I recorded it off an iPhone 11,
Before I put it up on Tumblr off a junk phone,
But here it is,
Use magic to listen, 
All twenty tracks are right there,
Just blink brother and its gone,
Magic means imagination or whatever,
But tell me if you found your shillobeth,
Like I did in the gavel,
If you are extraterrestrial,
If you wear Jordans, or still chucks,
If you hear the fourth it might surprise you,
But I never talk about the people I love,
The fourth was called “The Chain,”
Its about my dead grandma,
I loved her like I love you,
But again I was sick,
Nothing I did was what mattered, 
The rest of the album follows,
Until Residence,
But at the end,
Just remember,
I love you but,
I love this too,
So if I spill about you once in a while,
I hope you are still okay,
Once in a while it might be shit talking,
Like how you thought I didn't love you,
But most important is this,
I thought of you like this one girl,
Who I was too afraid of to sleep with,
After my ex, I was free from sex for five years,
I slept with her to pay off my debt,
But you my man, never got it,
Don't think less of me,
For dating her,
For not being a man after,
I’m just human,
Easy to contort,
Sometimes I think im better off dead,
But im not, 
But I worry about you,
Like today,
I thought selfishly,
What would I do, 
If you ever died,
So im sorry,
But here is something you should know,
I wouldn't visit you,
I cant,
So stay alive, please, 
Lets hang out sometimes, 
Talk like we used too,
Thanks for being my friend,
My first good one at least,
One who might of flipped on me,
But I can still say I care about you,
One love.
~Roman Empyre
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Electric Love pt2
sorry im working on an amelink fic but its hard cause i have little to motivate me with. soooo here's marecal
     They both awoke to the sound of an alarm blaring continuously over their heads. This happened on occasion and as terrifying as the situation was, the couple had almost gotten used to it. After the war the idea of democracy had been popular among the regions. With red and silver becoming equal, the solution had seemed obvious. But it would be wrong to say that the idea of everyone living in harmony was accepted by all. It was mostly the silvers that had an issue with it all, still craving the power they once had maintained. The small rebellion had formed about a year after the war, and raids had been happening throughout the palace almost every month since then. It was rare that anyone would come near their apartment but Cal had built an underground bunker just in case. The raids never resulted in much, other than terrifying those who lived there. Occasionally, they’d take a staff member or government official but eventually would set them free after their pleas went unanswered. 
Mare stumbled out of their bed, still half asleep. However, Cal tugged at her arm, wide awake. He’d already secured his bracelets and a dim flame lit up their bedroom. He couldn’t help but worry that since word had gotten around about Mare’s pregnancy, they may somehow be a target. To which Mare had responded, days earlier, that no silver in their right mind would come anywhere near the two of them, in fear for their lives.
“Feeling nauseous?” He asked as she gripped the stair railing and swayed softly.
“When am I not,” she grumbled, following him down into the blackness. Cal sighed with relief as he bolted the door and pulled the string to an overhead light. The concrete room contained a double bed, a cabinet full of snacks and a pathetic sink that sat in the corner, almost always dripping. Mare crawled into the mess of duvet and leaned back against the bed frame. She was usually unfazed by the break-ins and normally slept through the entire event, unlike Cal who usually spent the night watching the door and allowing flames to creep across his fingertips. He glanced over to find her hands pressed against the small bump that had formed on her midsection earlier that week. Her first trimester was exhausting her and Cal had never felt more helpless.
“You should rest,” he noted. “Practice starts at six tomorrow because of the holiday on Monday.” He knew that despite tonight’s events there was no way that Mare would miss even an hour of training.
“I would lie down but I’m trying really hard to not throw up,” she responded slowly. Mare wasn’t known as a ray of sunshine when functioning on little sleep. “I would appreciate it if you could get your child to give me a break, Tiberias.” She tried to sound bitter but he could hear the fragility in her voice.
“Do you want the plain crackers? Those usually help,” he suggested.
“Do we have any down here?” 
“No.” He expected her to yell at him but instead she leaned back in exhaustion. 
“Can you just come sit with me?” Cal glanced over at her apprehensively, not wanting to leave his position by the door. Mare rolled her eyes at his hesitation.“Cal, for fucksake it’s absolutely fine--” As if on cue the sound of their apartment door banging open echoed through the flat. Mare fell silent as the sound of moving furniture filled their ears. Someone was looking for them. Anxiety raged inside her and lightning sparked on her palms, growing brighter by the second.
“Mare, control it,” Cal hissed. Her ability was becoming more and more unpredictable as her pregnancy went on, to the point where they were in the midst of getting a necklace made out of silent stone for moments like these. Cal couldn’t help but wish they’d had it by now.
“I can’t,” her voice wavered. The light above them brightened immensely before popping and surrounding them in blackness. Light bulb glass reflected red as Cal’s flames dimly lit the room. Mare silently prayed that her purple sparks would not reappear. “Do you hear that?” She asked, as a familiar voice called out to them, calling their names over and over. “It’s Gisa!” She moved to the side of the bed
“No Mare, it’s not.” Cal’s eyes darkened, willing her to lie back down. 
“Cal, I think I would know my own sister--” 
“It’s a voice manipulator, it’s trying to convince us to come out.”
“How do you know--” She wanted nothing more than to answer the voice calling out to her. 
“Because I hear Maven,” Cal hissed, his eyes begging her to be quiet. Mare had never wanted to throw up more. She finally processed the idea of silvers rummaging through their apartment, playing tricks on their minds. Suddenly the situation was more nauseating than the smell of Cal’s green smoothies he’d been forcing her to drink lately. He noticed her gag and shot her a look of sympathy. Eventually the calling diminished and they heard less and less footsteps above, though neither of them wanted to go back upstairs. Eventually Mare fell asleep but Cal couldn’t bring himself to leave the door, waiting for the voice of his brother to return.
She awoke the next morning to find Cal missing from the bunker. A handwritten note was left on her pillow.  
Taking the kids up the mountain today. Don’t try and follow us, we'll be back soon enough. Rest and please just be safe.
Love, Cal
Classic. She threw her head back in frustration. Despite the break-ins being an inconvenience, they always put Cal on edge. She was surprised that he’d decided to let her out of his sight, even if it meant her getting some extra hours of sleep. She walked lazily up the stairs to find their apartment torn to shreds. Furniture was pushed over and destroyed. Picture frames had fallen off walls and glass lay shattered on the floor. Although she hadn’t been too involved in the design of their place, she couldn’t help but feel awful that all of Cal’s hard work had gone to waste. She smoothed the crinkled photos that had fallen out of their frames. Most were of her and Cal, apart from some of Mare’s family and Cal had one photo of Coriane, which he cherished greatly. She couldn’t help but grin at the thought of racing up the mountain to meet the group, the idea didn’t seem too bad to her. Undoubtedly would piss off Cal, which was always fun. She didn’t bother having breakfast, through trial and error she’d learned that eating before noon would result in an hour spent in the bathroom. Eventually, after a while of trying to tidy up the apartment, she was dying of boredom. She tied her hair back into a messy braid and pulled on her training uniform before swifty leaving the apartment, locking it behind her.
“Hey!” She whipped around to find Evangeline morphing the garden fountain into a rather inappropriate image. “Cal cleared my schedule to sit around and wait for you to try and leave.” She narrowed her eyes, obviously upset by her change in plans.
“That’s dumb,” Mare shrugged, turning to leave.
“He also lied about where he took the kids today. If you go up that mountain you aren’t going to find them.” Mare stopped in her tracks, cursing. “Why do you want to go so bad anyways?” 
“Because what else am I supposed to do?” she huffed.
“Domestic life not treating you well?” Evangeline teased, Mare glanced up at her, realizing how much she had begun to miss everyone she’d gotten close with last year. She hadn’t seen Farely in what seemed like months.
“How’s Elane?” She changed the subject and Evangeline took the bait, never upset when speaking of her girlfriend.
“She comes to visit today,” her eyes lit up with excitement. “I’m going back with her in a week and then staying awhile. There isn’t much to do around here,” she admitted, Cal had mentioned that her ‘government’ role had been less riveting than she’d anticipated.
“Yeah, no kidding.” Mare couldn’t help but grin at the idea of Evangeline in a stuffy room talking about politics.
“He did seem shaken up this morning though. The raids were bad last night?” Mare could tell Evangeline was trying to keep her from leaving but at that point she didn’t care. There were twelve off campus training sites scattered over Montford and the group could be anywhere. She sat down on the edge of the fountain and tried to look as if she wasn’t bothered.
“They don’t usually search our apartment.”
“Ah,” Evangeline responded. “Probably something to do with the bun in the oven.” She gestured to the small bump that Mare had been desperately trying to hide with baggy clothing.
“I don’t know what they think they could possibly achieve by trying to harm either of us.” She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
“Yeah, it’s messed.” Evangeline bit her lip. “The group is expanding though. If you go downtown there’s signs up everywhere. The silvers aren’t happy.”
“You think after last year people would want a break from the violence.”
“I don’t know, would be nice to have a little fun.” The rings on her fingers were morphing into tiny daggers on her palms. Mare couldn’t help but laugh.
“You haven’t changed.”
“Have any of us, really?” Evangeline shrugged. “Come on, Barrow, I know you miss silver blood on your hands.”
“We crave the chaos now but the moment we’re back in it we’ll wish we savoured these moments.” She shook her head but couldn’t suppress the rush of euphoria that passed over her as she imagined what Evangeline was suggesting. 
“You think there will be another war?” Evangeline’s voice was hushed, as if someone was listening in on the pair’s conversation. Mare nodded grimly.
“Cal’s been seeing Julian almost every night. I can tell they’re hashing out the beginnings of some plan. He’s been downplaying the silver’s revolt. I don’t know why he’s treating me like I’m too weak to handle the truth.” 
“Probably doesn’t want to stress you out.” Evangeline brushed a piece of her frizzy blond behind her ear and smirked as she watched Mare gag at the idea of her condition was making her incompetent. “Just go,” she finally caved. “They’re at the training centre in Elm.” Evangeline chuckled as the lightning girl’s eyes lit up with delight. “Tell him I told you and I’ll give the silvers a key to your underground bunker,” she added darkly, trying to hide her amusement. 
“I wouldn’t put it past you.”
Judging from the time of day the group would probably be on their trek back by now. Mare decided to go anyways. The idea of getting a rise out of Cal was too appealing to pass up. He deserved it for treating her like she was useless. The dirt road was longer than she remembered or maybe she was just more out of shape than the last time she’d run it. She pushed herself faster at the thought. It took a lot for someone to sneak up on Mare. Cal failed miserably almost every day. Which is why, when she was pulled back suddenly, she froze in shock rather than fought back. Before she could react a knife was pressed to her neck and it drew a small amount of blood that began to pool under her chin. She felt the silent before it even started reaping her ability from her, tugging her strength away.
“Not so powerful now, sparks.” She could hear the enjoyment in the unfamiliar silver’s voice and wanted to spit at the nickname. The knife, however, permitted her from doing such.
“I’ve got guards watching me,” she forced out a lie. “Letting me go would be a smart move.” To her dismay the group of silvers only chuckled.
“Look Red Queen, you're the issue here. You’re the reason that reds think they can waltz into our cities and act like they aren’t the worthless vermin that they are. You may have deceived the prince but there’s no mistaking your true intentions.” Mare couldn’t begin to guess what they were talking about.
“He’s not your prince anymore.” Was all she could think of to say. Cal didn’t want anything to do with the crown anymore, or so she hoped.
“And that’s where you're wrong.” The new silver’s voice was calm and poised. “Tiberias Calore VII has been working to revise the new laws. The democratic system is flawed. It’s only a matter of time before it splits. Your boyfriend is working hard to fix the damage you caused.”
“That’s not true.” She could hear the falter in her own voice.
“So that leaves you as the problem. A red can never sit on a silver throne.” Mare could feel the knife digging deeper into her skin. 
“I don’t want your stupid throne.” She managed to kick her leg back, connecting with the soft area that she’d been aiming for. The man yelped in pain, allowing the knife to drop. Mare whirled around to find a larger group than she’d expected. As the sky began to darken she noticed a line of sweat was starting to form on the silent’s forehead.
“Get her in the vehicle,” the woman ordered, Mare could sense the weakness in her voice knowing she wouldn’t last for much longer. She could feel the static energy increasing in the air, begging to strike. The men came at her quickly. She dodged the first couple easily but more kept advancing. The silent held on to her dismay and eventually she was surrounded. It was the knife guy that hit her first, undoubtedly holding onto some sort of resentment. After that the rest was blurry until she doubled over in pain and blackness invaded her vision.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Dabi x Reader
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Literally at this point my entire tumblr is just angst so far...
You sat at the LoV’s hideout waiting for your boyfriend Dabi to return. You sat on the couch with Toga and Magne talking about the latest trends while laughing.
After you started dating Dabi he didn’t want you in his work business even though you knew what he did. So once you told him that you knew, he just decided to show you around. And hence why you meet Toga, Magne, Spinner, Kurogiri and Shigaraki. You usually only talk to Toga though.
‘He said he would be back around 3pm its 6pm, where is he?’ You thought to yourself as you looked at the clock annoyed at your late boyfriend. It was the second time he missed out on a important event for you! 
Today wax your birthday and he didn’t even say happy birthday to you, hell you havent seen him all day! HE was suppose to meet you here at 3 so you guys can go hang out together.
That obviously didn’t go as planned, as you were still here and Dabi was nowhere to be found.
“Hey don’t seem so down (y/n)! Im sure he just got stuck in traffic that’s all!” Spinner said trying to calm your tense being. But the thing is,
Dabi doesn’t drive.
“Yeah i guess im just overreacting...” You said trying to hide your sadness.
“But he should have been here by now! He promised (y/n)!” Toga exclaimed from her seat on the couch.
“She has a point...” You hear Shigaraki’s gravely voice tell you from the bar top. You look at him for a sec before sighing and calling it a night.
“So earlier?” Magne question as you walked out the door.
“Yeah im just not feeling well...” Well everyone knew that was a lie, but didn’t push it any further knowing you were already pissed as it is.
You sat at your dining room table looking at your walmart bought cupcake which you had stuck a candle in. The flame moving around slowly as you stared at it. Your house was eerily quiet as you were the only one home. You took one good look at the candle and breathed deeply before making your wish,
“I wish my boyfriend wasn’t such an asshole.” You said as you blew the candle out. You grab the candle and pull it out from the cupcake so you could take a bite.
“At least i got the expensive ones...” You said as the taste of red velvet covered your mouth. You got up and went over to your room so you could sit on the bed and watch some movies on your laptop. 
You opened Netflix and scrolled through all they movies they had to offer. Which was mostly rom-cons and sad movies. But there were some horror which you took a better look at; they had all these sort of monster movies, paranormal, and just murder movies. You looked around and choose (favorite horror movie here).
You got ready by having some popcorn, blankets, the rest of the walmart cupcakes and your little string of Christmas lights you having hanging around your room.
“Okay show tim-” You were interrupted by a knock on the door. You sighed knowing who would be on the other end of it. You got up from your little homemade cocoon, and walked towards the door. you put up the little chain on the door in case it wasn’t Dabi. You open the door silently and it was indeed Dabi.
Well a drunk Dabi. 
“What are you doing here Dabi?” You said as you tried to hide the anger that was slowly bubbling up inside you.
“I-I came to ch-check up on y-you!” He hiccuped through the entire sentence. A small giggle in his voice.
“Im fine now go away!” You said trying to shut the door but he put his foot in it.
“Come o-on! I came to ha-hang here f-for your birthday!” He said pouting. You turn around to look at the time, 9pm.
“You said you would hang out with me at 3 Dabi! That was 6 hours ago.” You said with a layer of poison in your words.
“Sh-shit really?” He said picking up his phone and checking on the time, seeing you were right.
“O-oh my bad, haha, i was to b-busy drinking a-at the h-hideout!” Well that was a huge lie.
“Really now?” You said through gritted teeth.
“Huh funny considering i was there all day.” You said as Dabi’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights.
“Yeah, so mind telling me where you really were?” You said as you could not contain your anger much longer.
“Well I-I...” You stop him before he can continue.
“I dont want to hear it Dabi, this isn’t the first time you lied to me and it isn’t the last am i correct?! Do you know how much it hurts me to see that my boyfriend doesn’t even care enough to come by and celebrate my birthday?!” You said as tears threatened to spill down your face.
“Im s-sorry (y/n).” You looked at him with a glare when you noticed a paticular red marks that were barely cover by his white shirt.
“WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE?!” You yelled at the scarred male. He looked down and saw the hickeys that covered his chest then back up at you and immediately tried to explain what they were doing there.
“A-are you cheating on me Dabi?” You said as your tone cracked as your tears now spilling down your face.
“What! No! I-” He stopped himself right there before looking at the ground.
“Im sorry (y/n)..” He said looking down. You kicked his foot from the door and slammed the door in his face. Tears covering your eyes as you ran to your room and cried into your pillow completely forgetting about your little movie night setup.
About a week has past since your little fight with Dabi. He showed no sign of coming to talk about what happened that night. Good, you couldn’t bare to look at him knowing he had cheated on you. Anger filled ever vein in your body. 
“Stupid Dabi breaking my heart...” You grumbled under your breath as you walked on the sidewalk on your way to go grab some food. You were a mixture of hurt and anger. 
As you walked down the sidewalk a herd of people came running at you. You tried to move out of the way, only bumping into a few people. You turn to see what they were frightened about and didn’t see anything util a bright blue flame popped into sight.
“Shit Dabi.” You run through the crowd bumping into people on the way there. You got to where you found the flame arising. 
“Crap what do i do now?!” You run towards him as he spit fire from his palms in every direction. Before you could even say anything a bright blue hurled it’s self at you.
You let out a scream as the flame engulfed your body. Burning your skin to the max. You fall to the ground passing out from the unbearable pain that you had just faced. 
Your body was almost burnt to a crisp until the blue flame stopped and you hear manic footsteps running your way screaming your name. Your eyes letting out the only tears that they could produce as you felt your limp body get held up by two hands.
“Come on come on! What were you thinking?!” You heard the familiar panicked voice. You tried to talk but the only thing that came out were groans of pain. Your eyes closed as you could feel your body slowly shutting down.
“Hey! Hey! Open your eyes Damnit!” You could feel his panting breath against your burning skin, still sizzling from the heat. Your body to weak to open your eyes as breathing became almost to painful to do.
“Im sorry okay! Now stop! Don’t leave god damnit!” His voice was cracking as he looked at your limp body knowing he was the cause of all your pain.
“If i could take back what i did i would! Just please don’t leave me...” His voice quiet so only you could hear, a vulnerable state evident in his voice.
Your breathing was slowly but surely coming to a stop as you whole body went completely lifeless in his arms. You took one last final breathe before a coat of darkness surrounds you.
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honeydots · 4 years
127 with shuake would be good.
"My hands are not clean, and maybe they never will be, but they can still carry you home when you're ready to sleep."
once again. didnt forget abt these. im working thru em. 
Summary: Goro wakes up one day in a hospital bed with only a bullet wound to keep him company, and not a single memory of who he used to be. 
(ao3 link)
He was almost certain the last few weeks had been a dream. 
Or maybe, several long and white coated dreams. The kinds with bright lights at an arm's length, and ill-fitting clothes, and men coming in waves carrying their clipboards as flags. With deep voices all at once whispering, echoing, “what is your name?” 
Maybe he was in a hospital. 
His first day of full consciousness was slow and lonely. His second day too, time spent wiggling his toes and counting ceiling spots. Day three he asked for a glass of water and scared a nurse out of her skin, and his week was kickstarted. Which only really meant an actual doctor came in and declared retrograde amnesia the only explanation for his condition.
His “condition” was quite the word to use. Which condition? They could play bingo. Was it his memory loss (obvious, weak narrative), or could it have been the state of comatose he’d been in (intriguing), or even the bullet wound (now here was a mystery, what a plotline) he’d heard remarkably little about? Amnesia, the fickle bastard, was the type to bring one answer to dinner, and disappear by morning. 
But what did he know? 
Well, he knew that this was a pretty shitty hospital.  As far as how he assumed they should be managed, this one was on a low tier. And according to the nurse, as was their police station. Incompetent, and uncaring of his case, which had apparently been made. 
It’d been a week now. He could get up. Limited, with his IV, but he could. The nurse said later that maybe the police would listen to him now, since he was conscious, basically up and kicking. ‘Listen to him now,’ was also an interesting phrase, because he hadn’t been speaking in the first place. 
He wasn’t injured. His vitals were fine, the nurses had told him, and commented he was taking up an unnecessary bed. Not that he could actually make any kind of sound argument, which was frustrating enough on its own, but this didn’t seem like proper procedure. 
He was, once again, very alone in his room. He thought about going to the police station. Incompetent as they may be, there would be no answers here. There was no one here to help him; some healthy boy in a hospital bed. 
He got up. His IV was stuck in poorly, the tape just barely holding on. They’d disconnected him from all sorts of machines. Nothing was roping him down except for saline solution and his own two feet. 
And, he was already standing. 
It wasn’t hard to pull out. 
His hospital gown was tied all the way down, falling just past his knees. He had odd socks on, their texture was weird, and they were several sizes too big. They were thick and patterned, maybe slip proof? But shoeless as he was, they would do.  
The hallway was very empty. He was on the ground floor, but he wasn’t sure there were other stories. Maybe one, or a basement. It didn’t matter much. There just wasn’t anyone around. His concern was in that he didn’t know how long their absence would last. 
There was a glass door at the end of the hallway.
To the police he’d go. A medical bill dodging amnesiac would probably get him some attention. Enough to get a name? 
The door was not locked. That was probably good, for a hospital, and not a security breach, which is where his mind had initially gone. 
Doors are meant to be opened, he thought. There really isn’t anything wrong with that. 
It was just a little bright outside. The sun was up but not too far. He was in the parking lot, and it was almost entirely devoid of cars. Small, small hospital. 
He didn’t exactly have a map, and no nurse was around to give him any condescending directions. He’d might as well go forward, then. He started walking, and thought to himself how odd his feet felt on the concrete. 
No one was out. He hesitated to call it deserted, just maybe a bit early. He kept walking, nerves high, still worried he might get mauled by a stray doctor.
It seemed like this was a very small town, going by his surroundings. Lots of trees, and cracked roads, and old buildings. He didn’t think much of taking it all in. He’d have time for sightseeing when he remembered his initials. 
A bit farther ahead was a woman, leaning on a car parked on the side of the road. She was glaring down at her phone. She looked— maybe irritated? Or tired. He wondered if he could ask her for directions. An aimless stroll through town wouldn’t take him to where he was going, after all. 
“Excuse me,” he called, “Ma’am? Do you know the way to the police station?” He approached her with just enough caution to call it looking out for himself, ignoring the sorry state he was already in. 
She glanced up from her phone. Her hair was short, and dark, and it bobbed around her face. She registered him for a moment, and her eyes went big. 
“Holy shit.” 
He knew enough to know that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. “I need to go to the police, please.” 
The woman kept staring at him. “You—” she stuttered, “are you Goro Akechi? You are, aren’t you?” 
This encounter was already going awry. Did she know him? “Do you know me?” 
“Uh…I mean, no, we’ve never met.” She pushed herself off her car, and slowly put her phone back into her pocket. 
That wasn’t really what he meant. He needed to persist, here. This could be a lucky hit. “No I— Do you know who I am?” 
Blatant confusion spread across her face. “Uh…  Are you not Goro Akechi?”
“I don’t know,” he answered. 
She stared at him again, almost suspicious. Then she looked him up and down.
“Are you… coming from the hospital?” 
“Yes.” He watched her mouth open just a bit in disbelief. He wondered how this woman knew him. If explaining would get more information out of her, then he’d do it. Privacy only existed when you had something to protect, after all. “I’ve been given an amnesiac diagnosis, you see. I’m going to the police station to see if I can find any sort of lead on myself.” 
She looked shocked. “Amnesia? And you’re going to the cops?” She blinked, and suddenly looked very serious. She grabbed one of his shoulders. “Wait. That’s bad news. Don’t go to the police.” 
He (Goro?) hadn’t expected to hear that.“What? And why shouldn’t I?”  
“You… holy shit, kid, do you actually have amnesia?” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Listen you need to— oh good god, this is gonna sound like I’m trying to kidnap you— I definitely know who you are. I can tell you but we shouldn’t… here. If someone finds you… ” She exhaled hard, and looked him dead on. It made Goro freeze. “Fuck, okay. The gist of it is— you’re in more danger than you realize. Like, a lot more. Will you come talk with me in my car?” 
Alright. So, a lot to process, and a lot he didn’t know how to. He didn’t even know if he should process it, or if that was the kind of story that should be immediately disregarded. Someone telling you to not go to the police and please get in their car seemed like a textbook stranger-danger red flag. There had been something uneasy about her tone, though. Like genuine concern— not that such a thing couldn’t be perfected and acted, however. 
But she’d given him a name. And it felt almost tangible, the more he thought about it. Less bendable and more sturdy. It was very easy to attach to himself. And it was a lead, wasn’t it? 
“Hey, did you get discharged, or are you just wandering around? Cause they’re gonna be looking for you if they didn’t let you out,” said the woman, jump starting Goro (almost certainly, Goro) out of his head. “And kid, I cannot just let you turn yourself in to the cops.” 
‘Turn myself in,’ he thought to himself. Such particular wording. It made his stomach drop. This woman knew more than him, clearly. And really, for fucks sake, if he died, he died. Obviously he hadn’t left enough of a mark on anyone to warrant not a single visitor during a five year coma. According to the nurses, it was more evident that he’d simply been dumped in town— like someone had already been trying to get rid of him. 
Well, whoever they were, they’d forgotten to bury his bones. 
He straightened himself up. “Okay.” 
She looked surprised, at first. She swallowed around it. “...Yep, okay then. Hop in before you change your mind.” She popped open her car door, and Goro circled around the side and followed suit. 
Her car was messy. It was filled with food wrappers and empty bottles, but papers and notebooks were scattered around, too. So she kept busy, it seemed. He decided he’d consider this a point in the not-about-to-murder-you direction. Too much here that could be used as evidence against her. Too personalized. He was almost envious. 
She adjusted her seat forwards and turned on the ignition. She was a bit jittery, Goro noticed, as she scratched the back of her head vigorously. 
“So, I’m gonna drive us somewhere that isn’t here but I can talk and drive so, just— like,  just a second, okay?” 
He nodded. She drummed her fingers against the steering wheel. “...Goddamn,” she muttered, and then pressed down on the gas, turning her car onto the barren road. 
She kept her eyes forward, but kept true to her promise of talking. She sighed. “Right. So, uh, to start… Okay, first, my name’s Ichiko Ohya, I’m a journalist. Get that cleared away. Next comes you which is a bit more complicated, but you probably wanna know why we’re dodging cops so I’ll start there. Or, as close to there as I can.”
He would take anything he could get from her, actually. The cops situation was undeniably concerning, but right now he was essentially a sentient empty shell, absorbing everything for the first time. A kid in a metaphorical candy store, but the store was a dodgy reporter who still might be kidnapping him and just stalling.  He’d call himself the kid, but it dawned on him he didn’t even know how old he was. Fantastic. More things the hospital staff hadn’t bothered to tell him. 
“Your name’s Goro Akechi. I told you that already but, that’s you. At least I’m like, ninety percent sure.” She spared him a glance. “You do look a bit different but all in all I’m— I’m pretty sure. Just the hair and the stubble, you know.” 
Goro hadn’t exactly looked in a mirror recently, so no, he didn’t know. He knew he had long hair— certainly longer than Ohya’s. He rubbed his jaw and felt the rough and gritty bristles that had prickled onto him. It bothered him that he didn’t know. It bothered him that he didn’t know what he looked like. 
Ohya continued, not letting him dwell for long. “You’re also sort of famous. Well, you were, and it was mainly with teenagers and moms in the city, but you were a popular detective. So, that’s how I know you. And I swear I’m getting to the running from cops part, but you have to know this first first. Oh, shit, it’s right here.” She took a sharp turn into a grocery store, and Goro had to grip the side to keep steady in his seat. 
She didn’t act very sheepish about it. “Sorry, for that. We’re gonna talk in here.” 
She paused her explanation to pull into a spot, which Goro felt a little thankful for because, under his circumstances, that felt like a lot of information to take in. He was well known, but not well known enough that anyone out here knew him. ‘Famous detective’ raised some weird alarms in his head, a position absurd enough that it might be true. It felt unfortunately right, like a disappointing truth. It was different from his name, more unwelcome. But it didn’t click either. Nothing had been clicking at all. 
There was a pit growing in his stomach, like something was in there, chewing down on his insides. But he’d found he didn’t care for ignorance, so he would put up with it for as long as it took. 
Ohya turned her car off, pushed her seat away from the wheel, and got herself comfortable. She faced him, nonchalant but sincere. “So this is where the really juicy stuff comes in, alright? So like, listen up now, if you weren’t.” There was something very serious about her eyes. 
As if he’d have let any of her explanation slip under his radar. “I’m listening.”  
That was a good enough answer for her, it seemed. 
“I’m trying to think of the best way to explain this, honestly,” she started, thumbing the back of her hand. “You… okay, there was this guy. He was a really big politician that you were involved with, and it’s kind of a gray area as far as what you were doing for him, but you and him worked together. Kind of. He was a really shitty guy.” 
She looked like she was considering her words. She turned her focus out the windshield for a moment, and sighed again. “He basically ended up confessing because this group— well, actually, they don’t matter right now. He confessed, and he talked about you. For some of it. It was a long fucking confession. But half of what he said wasn’t even coherent. He was talking about some crazy shit and no one knows what he meant by it. You were part of that whole section.” She paused again, thinking. Goro let the silence sit. He didn’t want to jump to a conclusion until he’d heard her out. Which was proving difficult, truthfully, because this all left a sour taste in his mouth, one that had almost certainly been there before. 
“They wanted to take you in for questioning, but you disappeared. And, to add fuel to the fire, they were having a hard time getting any actual concrete evidence,” she began. “Can’t make an arrest based on a confession alone. He did other things, too, and that's what he ended up being indicted for, but there's still that problem. This whole chunk of confession is still there that technically lines up with his timeline of events, but there’s no way to prove it. That’s why they want you,” Ohya’s expression darkened. “At least, publicly, that’s why they want you.” 
She readjusted in her seat again. She faced him fully. “This guy— Shido’s his name— he’s got goons. Not to mention, he had complete control over the police, and there are other higher up’s who worked with him. Some of those guys got busted with Shido’s confession, but there’s a few where there just isn’t enough evidence to put ‘em away. These are the ones who you need to watch out for.” She took a deep breath, not finished. 
“I’m gonna be frank with you,” she continued. “They want you dead. They don’t want a single loose end, and you’re still dangling. The police are on their side. Are you understanding me?”
Goro tried to let the words sink in. That was more than a lot to think about. The creature in his stomach was grinning now, he could tell. But, this was also no time to get overwhelmed. If her words were true— which, the overwrought familiarity of her explanation compelled him to trust them— he needed to keep his head above the water. 
“So these— subordinates. You’re saying they’re after my life? They can’t be actively hunting me down, if they have the influence you’re implying, or I’d have been found by now,”  Goro said, deciding to ignore the fear creeping up his spine. “So then, what’s my public status? How unlikely was it that I was the egoless comatose patient they were searching for?” 
“Uh…” said Ohya, seeming like she was the stunned one. “Well, you’re right, they don’t really have a manhunt right now. I guess I don’t need to worry about beating around the bush here— you’re presumed dead.”
Interesting. “That doesn’t surprise me,” he said, furrowing his brow. “But, obviously, a body was never found. They’re probably prioritizing morgues then, not hospitals. That does explain why I wasn’t discovered after all this time.” Though, if they’re smart, they’d also keep an eye on cases like his. They probably were, in fact. He’d gotten lucky that the police here were clueless. 
Ohya gave him a very funny look. “You know, it’s almost creepy how well you’re taking this. You were in a coma this whole time?” She shook her head. “I’d have thought you’d be more out of it, honestly.” 
“Is this not what you’d consider a wake-up call? I’ve been ‘out of it’ for a week. It’s common sense that I’d react like this,” he told her. Just going outside had cleared his head. He had a feeling hospitals had never been a fitting place for him. “Yes, I was in a coma,” he added, as an afterthought. “They said I’d been shot.” 
Just as the words left his mouth, he realized the implications that had. 
Ohya noticed just as fast. “You said shot?” 
They’d certainly both had the same assumption— maybe an attempt had already been made after his life. 
But there was something that felt wrong about that scenario, too. “I’m not… entirely sure it’s what you think it is,“ he replied. Maybe wrong wasn’t the correct word but, it wasn’t completely right either. “There’s no benefit to not making my body public. And, if they’re really after me, it seems messy, to say the least, that they didn’t finish the job properly.” He tried to speak confidently. The effort was familiar, too. Part of him wondered when he’d get the chance to do some self-analysis and tear himself apart. 
Ohya caught on very quick, rolling with every punch Goro gave. “Christ, kid. What kind of shady shit were you into? So we’re thinking you’ve got another group after you?” 
“I don’t know.” 
He really didn’t. There were missing pieces, but that was evident. He had no end of missing pieces. If he was supposed to be some detective, then maybe he should get on with acting like it, and figure out whatever the hell this was.
Whatever business he’d wrapped himself into. 
Ohya, again, spoke too quickly for Goro to finish digging through his own head.
“Maaan, I’ve really got myself into something haven’t I?” She rubbed her eyes, like she was already exhausted. “Look, I’m a busy woman. Don’t expect much out of me, but apparently I’ve got a bad habit of adopting puppies. So I’ll see if I can at least point you in the right direction, okay?” 
He didn’t have much of another choice, other than to let himself be killed. He nodded again, not sure whether to call himself pleased or solemn. 
She buzzed her lips and looked at him, obviously thinking. Then she opened her car door. “Well, okay. First things first, you gotta get some clothes, ‘cause you can’t go walking around like that. God, you don’t even have shoes…” She got out and stretched, and then turned back to him for one last comment. “Don’t expect much, okay? I’m not made of money. Don’t you dare go anywhere, either.” 
She slammed the door shut and started walking into the store. 
Goro was glad for the moment of peace. He let his jaw relax, closing his eyes. He hated how familiar the stress felt, and how desperate he was to welcome the feeling. A life or death promise was about as thrilling as one day should get. 
Getting any memory back was his top priority. But he didn’t have an inkling of where to start. He didn’t have a phone, or a computer, and certainly not a home. He guessed he could use a public computer at a library, but just searching himself might raise more questions than answers. They’d be important questions, he was sure, but he wondered about the bias, the assumptions, the fact that it’d be an outside perspective looking in. He didn’t know how delicately he should go about regaining his memories. 
Not to mention, he had only the word of a stranger and a low feeling in his stomach confirming he was even Goro Akechi. And now, with the reputation he’d had, if he even wanted to be him was questionable. Memories of such a life seemed… unpleasurable, at best, but he hadn’t set himself up to be able to just start over. Remembering his past was his best chance at plain old survival. 
He wanted to have some kind of plan before Ohya came back, but he was drawing blanks. What he really needed was someone who knew him personally. Beyond media attention, if there was a single poor soul around who’d actually known him. He found himself doubting such an existence, past anyone who was out for his head. 
He heard the car doors unlock, and he opened his eyes. Ohya was walking back with two bags, and she was on her phone again, barely looking where she was going. Well, there goes him having a plan. Bouncing ideas back and forth was the last thing he wanted to do. It was time wasted and he knew he would get frustrated, but his choices were limited. At least Ohya seemed pretty knowledgeable. It was possible she knew more than she was letting on, too. 
She opened up the car door and tossed the bags onto his lap. “Hey,” she began, setting herself back into place, “I got your stuff but— I remembered something in there that might be a good starting place for you, if I can run that by ya.” 
Or, of course, he could hear Ohya out and avoid idea bouncing all together. Something solid had come by much quicker than he thought. 
Ohya’s plan wasn’t bad at all. 
She’d told him she had a contact from a few years ago, who was in charge of a bundle of self storage units. Apparently a certain “Goro Akechi” had registered himself one a couple months or so after Goro’s public disappearance. They’d told her once they noticed the name, but Ohya hadn’t taken up the lead at the time. When Goro asked why they’d even told her that, she left it at “no reason important,” and kept the topic adamantly off the table. Goro would push the envelope if it weren’t for the fact that his life (a life he didn’t even know he had, for the record, and one that still bothered him) was on the line. 
If this unit did belong to him, there could be a very solid lead on himself in there, and leads on his acquaintances, too. Ohya didn’t know if the garage still existed, though. So she said she’d give them a call and see if they could figure something out. 
Which is what led to Goro sitting in a barber’s chair. After he’d gotten dressed (an ensemble of sweats, a sweatshirt, and tennis shoes) Ohya had commented that he looked like he belonged in a homeless shelter, and “really needed a haircut.”
She said something about how he’d always kept himself looking clean, and Goro believed it. He was already feeling discomfited the way he was. So unkempt and basically filthy. So, she decided that while she was getting her contact all in order, she’d pay for him getting a trim and a shave. 
She was helping him more than he’d expected her to, in ways he didn’t really expect. But he’d take what he could get. He’d hardly had a reason to say no. 
He sat waiting in front of a mirror. He hadn’t gotten a good look at himself until now, but god, she was right, he looked pretty fucking bad. 
The first thought that came to him was sickly. Eyes sunken in, deep bags under his eyes. You wouldn’t expect him to have just been in a permanent state of slumber for the past five years. Or maybe the correct assumption would be, a coma hadn’t been enough sleep for him. 
His hair was just below his shoulders, and he had a very pitiful looking beard. He didn’t recognize himself. He didn’t think that would change much after his haircut, but it made him itch. It was a face that didn’t feel like his. He wanted to rip it off and replace it with a new one, one he knew better. 
Maybe he’d never liked looking at his reflection. 
Ohya had spoken to the barber for him. The one he got either wasn’t the talkative type, or really got his vibe of not wanting to speak to anyone. She went to work in silence, washing his hair with fruity shampoo and dressing him in a long black apron. That was all fine, albeit uncomfortable, but once she started cutting, Goro found he couldn't watch. The snips were loud, and definite, and it left his chest feeling tight. He couldn’t do anything but let his thoughts run blank. 
He wondered if that was hair he’d had before his incident, now falling away. He’d have the same eyes, and organs, and teeth, too. But he felt all wrong in this body. Like it had gone on without him. 
He was thankful when she moved to his beard. Just for a moment, though, because having someone so close to his face made him want to retreat as far back into himself as possible. A blade so close to his throat. He wondered how hard of a push it would take to make a cut. He wondered how deeply he’d have to go to make it bleed. 
 Maybe he’d always hated barbers, too. 
When she’d announced she was finished, and Goro forced himself to look back in the mirror, it actually took him aback. It had taken years off him. She’d styled his bangs, and left no hair on his chin, but most importantly, it was clean. Soft looking. Pleasant. 
It was almost enough to distract him from the discolored scar plastered on his forehead. 
He stared for probably too long. His disheveled bangs had kept it clearly out of view on his first glance, but now that he was fresh and groomed, it pushed its way into the limelight. It was reddish, and almost shiny, and painstakingly circular. 
He could feel dread bubbling up. He tore himself away from the mirror, and found an instant sense of relief when he wasn’t staring anymore. 
Reflections and barbers. More to read into later, he supposed. He was learning he had been quite the hassle. What an annoyance. 
Ohya met him at the entrance. Pure amusement was all over her face. “Shorter than I expected, but you’re looking pretty smart like that.” Her eyes went to his scar, but she made no comment on it. She frowned, but that was all. 
Goro didn’t mind her reluctance on the topic. He raised his eyebrows, and spoke with the silent mutual understanding of  “that is one gnarly goddamn scar” between them. “Ah, and I’m sure the sweatpants add to the look.” 
“Watch it,” she snapped back, sliding into her usual demeanor. “Not like I could get you Levi’s, kid.” 
She paid for his haircut, and out of the shop they went. They walked to the car in anticipating silence. She had her phone out again, texting someone now. Goro didn’t want to get his hopes up. Texting could mean anything, or nothing, or half of one or the other. 
She pushed her seat back getting into the car, and pulled one leg up with her. Goro waited for her to speak, keeping himself tense. He really wouldn’t be able to loosen up if he tried, like a wound up doll who’d gotten stuck. 
Ohya broke the quiet. “It’s still there.” 
Goro sucked in, but didn’t let himself relax. Nothing ended there. It was one check off a list, but not all of them.
 “And can we go in?” 
Ohya blew air out of her mouth. “Well, she said she wants to make sure it's you, because there's only so many privacy laws she wants to break.” She shrugged at him. “But honestly, looking at you now, there's not a doubt in my mind you’re Goro Akechi. So, you can chill about it.” 
He leaned back into his seat. The tensity had not left him. Something was making him lucky today, and he hated it. He would feel much more comfortable in the mitts of misfortune. But he couldn’t help feeling giddy, too. Like something was rubbing circles into his back, easing, but not erasing, bits and pieces of his concerns. It was something to focus on, and a goal to achieve. Above all, that relief made him feel pathetic. 
“I was gonna ask if you wanted to go today or not, but you look more thrilled than I think I’ve ever seen you, so I’m just gonna take that as a yes.” 
He hated the way she worded that. He frowned. “Only if you’re as concerned about my identity as you seemed to be earlier. You’re welcome to take your time, I’m surely not going anywhere.” 
“You’re snarky! I never realized you had an attitude,” Ohya laughed. 
She got the car going, and they were on their way to the unit. Apparently it was quite a ways, and Ohya advised him he’d better buckle in for a long one. 
He could feel his eyelids getting heavy. He had things he wanted to think about, and questions he wanted to ask. Working up a tolerance to being active was not something that could be done in a day, but fuck if he wouldn’t try anyway. 
But, despite how he tried to fight it, Goro fell asleep. 
He woke up when they were about ten minutes from the units. Ohya commented she’d thought it was a little funny that he’d been so exhausted doing just about nothing all day, but admitted too that his body was probably pretty weak, and he really should take it easy. As easy as he could, at least. 
They were both quiet for the remainder of the drive. The sun was getting low now. They were passing by suburbs between grassy fields, driving past exit by exit. He had no idea how long they’d been going for. Ohya had called herself busy, and Goro believed it, so her continual help felt unusual. People weren’t just like this, he was almost sure. 
She also knew things that felt… almost inappropriately relevant to him. The topic of the unit still tingled in the back of his mind. Why had they called her about his storage? And for that matter, why had she even known so much about him? The information she had felt intimate— like the results of a deep investigation. Had this all been yielded from that politician? 
But Ohya had a distinct air of privacy. There could’ve been something personal about her aid, but Goro figured that she wouldn’t crack easily. It might be better to leave it— personal matters tended to yield lasting effects, after all. At least, he assumed so. He really wasn’t sure if that was as big of a plus as it appeared on the surface, though. 
When the centre came into view, Goro let those thoughts ease into the back of his mind. He could focus on Ohya’s MO later. This was leaps and bounds more important to him; if anything was going to last, it was this. He could play detective, just like he was supposed to, and maybe come across some special clue. Perhaps he could test out his muscle memory and flex whatever skills he presumed he’d had. 
They arrived, and it looked extremely closed. Like the only customers they’d been expecting were ghosts. The lights in the windows were off, and the gate guarding the units was shut tight. It wasn’t encouraging. 
Ohya read his expression pretty clearly. She bumped his shoulder with her fist. “She knows we’re coming, my contact’s still here. The front just closes at 6:00. I’ll deal with it, so just stay put for now.” 
And just as she said, after she hopped out of her car and approached the office, the door swiftly opened and a woman joined Ohya outside. The two of them seemed friendly. Goro watched as they talked, noting quizzically to himself that Ohya was someone who talked with her hands. 
Ohya gestured to her car and they both looked over to Goro. He watched them walk over, and obeyed smartly when Ohya signaled him to roll down his window. 
 The woman peeked her head around to look at him, her eyebrows arched high. “Wow,” she said, completely staring now. “I mean, he looks like him, that’s for sure.” 
Ohya grinned. “Sure does. That enough for you to let us in?” She didn’t really say it as a request, more like an expectation. Goro appreciated the tone. 
She fiddled with her bottom lip. “Hmm. You said amnesia? He got any doctor's notes about that?” She asked, giving cue to Ohya’s sour expression. 
“You didn’t say a word about notes 
on the phone, you know.” 
The contact clicked her tongue, and looked back to Goro. She bit the inside of her cheek, and sighed. “Just cause it’s you, Ohya, I’ll take that nasty scar on his forehead as my confirmation.” She rubbed the back of her neck. “Come with me inside, I’ll get his key.” 
Ohya made a haughty noise of achievement, and followed the woman back in. Goro rolled up the window again. 
They were taking a little while. He rubbed at his scar absentmindedly. So obviously a bullet wound, maybe that had been the real reason his barber hadn’t made much conversation. Whoever tried to kill him had shot just where it counted. You don’t fire a warning shot into a head. He wondered if he’d deserved it, and doubted he didn’t.  
Goro removed his hand when Ohya reemerged from the building, and she was looking confident. She slid back into her car and jingled the key to his unit victoriously. “Easy peasy. She’s gonna open the gate for us in a second. Your unit number is 508.” 
They waited for a little while, nerves ever growing, until the automatic gates opened on their own, groaning and creaking until fully extended. Ohya started her car and drove in, squinting at the unit numbers in the low light.
Rows upon rows of garages awaited them. This must’ve been a pretty large lot, by the looks of things. The dirt road was the only uneven piece of scenery, the repetition was endless. He kept a watchful eye on the unit numbers, as well, skipping between the evens and the odds. 
After a few right turns, and one very tight u-turn, they were there. 508 stood wedged between its neighbors, almost at the end of the row, but not quite. Not a thing stood out about it. It was just as gray and worn and untouched as the rest of the facility. Not even the dirt was remarkable. It reminded him of the hospital. 
Ohya held the key out to Goro. 
“I’m assuming you want this to be a ‘just you’ kinda thing?” 
The gesture was something he should’ve expected, but didn’t. It made him hesitate for a moment. 
He took the key. “I appreciate it,” he said. 
“No sweat.” 
He got out of her car, and she drove off to the end of the row. She stayed parked within general sight of the unit. It was essentially pseudo privacy, but neither of them knew how long he’d be in there, and who knows what this could trigger. Ohya also didn’t seem like she knew a thing about amnesia. He wouldn’t look to her for comfort of any sort, but there was reassurance in her being a safe figure. 
He took a deep breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. This was his step one. He’d gotten himself into some deep shit, his past self hadn’t seemed to have a shred of self preservation in mind. Had he not encountered Ohya, he could’ve been dead by the hands of the crooks that call themselves the police by now. He had a lot more steps to cover, and each one would be riskier than the next. He was much more on his own than he realistically should’ve been. Most people had friends, as far as he knew. But this was seemingly his own fault. He wanted to know why exactly it was his fault. 
One more deep breath. 
He inserted the key into the lock, and grabbed the handle of the metal shutter. He pushed up, and with a squeak of rust and a bang of metal, he opened up his door to more dangerous times. 
And it was nearly empty. 
It was barren concrete. Newly disturbed dust was floating about. It was eerily quiet, and the stale air made his throat itch. Cobwebs stuck in the corners, barely visible in the low light of the setting sun. Though he wouldn’t call it underwhelming. 
In the center of the floor was a cardboard box. About medium sized, without a lid. It matched well with the rest of the room, lined with dust and unaltered. He kneeled in front of it. 
It was its contents that felt much more exciting. There were papers, lots of them. Thick manila envelopes full of information for him to flip through. He scooted back towards the entrance and pulled the box along with, trying to get the last of the light funneling in to help him read. 
It was heavier than he expected, and he didn’t know how much to attribute that to his current lack of strength. He took out the first envelope and it, despite the dust, was clear and candid. When he flipped it around, he noticed with eagerness that there was writing on the front. He tried to make it out as clearly as he could, and in careful handwriting, it read: “05/21/2020— Case No. 1471” 
It was a case file. He pulled out another envelope, and it was similarly marked. His interest was surely piqued. There must’ve been some sort of relevance to these, if they were going to be so pointedly left here. He pulled out a third, and then a fourth, and from the weight he’d expected many more. But, the pile ended there. Instead, what filled the rest of the box was another, smaller, wooden one. 
He took it out delicately, gripping it securely around the sides to ensure he didn’t drop it. This seemed much more… personal. Shiny cherry wood, latched but not locked, just small enough to sit on his lap firmly. A thought that couldn’t help but be excited came to mind. 
This could’ve belonged to me. 
He wasted no time. He undid the latch, and it gave a satisfying click. The hinges creaked just barely as his clammy hands lifted the lid, and pulled all the way back, until it rested hanging by itself. 
Inside sat more papers. Some were crisper than others, some had obviously been crumpled and then flattened out again. But there was consistency in each of them being folded neatly in half, stacked neatly on top of each other. 
He picked up the one from the beginning of the pile, unfolded it, and was surprised to find it had hardly been written on; a simple “To you,” at the top. This was a candidate that had been clearly wadded up and discarded. He set it down carefully, and picked up the next. 
This one hadn’t been written on much, either. It said even less, just “Hello.” 
He picked up another, and another. It was all soft stationary, each topped with slightly different wordings, and some decorated with a couple lines, even. But they were all just about the same, a simple greeting, and then resigning. 
They were letters. Or rather— drafts for one. So he’d learned today that he was indecisive, maybe a bit quick tempered, but potentially also at least organized. He assumed the existence of these drafts meant he’d never gotten around to sending his letter, either. And perhaps he’d never get such a chance, if this visit didn’t convince any muggy memories to creep out of their caves.  
As he pulled out drafts and read his pathetic one-liners, he came across a page that was different. There was actually a fair amount of content on it, over a paragraph's worth. It had obviously also been cast aside, but even a spare scrap could be useful to him, in this state. He used the last of the remaining light to read it. 
“To whom it may concern, 
I would like to skip the inherent shamefulness of writing a letter to you, of all things, in my introduction, and I will title this ambiguously under the assumption that if you believe this does truly not concern you, that you will save me the mortification of reading through it anyways. 
I won’t formally phrase this as a farewell, but you should take it as one. 
Our unknowns are too great to write, and while you were not innocent, neither am I, and there are truths between the two of us that shouldn’t have remained unspoken. I’ve never thought to run from the blame. 
My hands are not clean, and maybe they never will be, but they can still carry you home when you’re ready to sleep. 
Perhaps a fact I recognized too late.
I do not want to say goodbye, however I—“
It cut off. 
The letter left a lump in Goro’s throat. He read it through once more. He wanted to analyze each sentence down to its core, but the light had died out. But there were bits and pieces, words that suck out in his mind. “Farewell,” “Innocent,” “Unspoken.”
“Too late.”
Goro bit down on his lip hard. The case files— those he understood. With the life he’d allegedly lived and the people he’d known, of course something like that would be predominant. They were fact on paper, ignorant of bias, they’d be full of names and leads. They were important. But, he didn’t understand why these almost-letters had been left here. Out of anything that could’ve been kept. Had there been someone he’d felt so strongly for? To be kept in safety behind lock and key? 
To identify this person— that could be his next goal to achieving his memories. To ignite the fire of their eventual reunion, and perhaps they could know what happened to him. They could come easy, though he suspected that anyone who he’d decided to be so rottenly open with wouldn’t be typical. But, they would also know him, past the media, past the appearances. 
And, though he wasn’t going to admit it, he’d needed something more hopeful to work towards. 
He put the papers back where they belonged, placed the entire case back into the cardboard box, and stacked the case files back atop it. 
There was no telling how old these letters were. They could’ve been from much before his incident. But this set him up for a goal, a big one, that might get him back to whatever meager place he’d left himself in. 
He picked up the box, and prepared himself to head back outside to Ohya. He needed to muster up his resolve, because this was only the first out of two very important clues this visit could provide. 
He positioned the box onto his waist, and took one last look into the dark before closing up his unit. He returned to Ohya’s car, pulling open the door without so much as a greeting, and set the box on the floor in front of his seat. 
Ohya leaned forward, interested. “That a box you got?” 
He wasn’t going to talk about the embarrassing letters he found. Even if he wanted to, his second clue came first. “It’s not that important right now,” he lied. “Is your contact still here?” 
She raised her eyebrows at him, but let the topic drop. “Sure is. She can’t leave ‘till we leave.” 
Good. “I need to speak with her.” 
She hummed in reply, seeming very curious by his idea. They drove back up to the entrance, Ohya not questioning his motives, but still giving him an inquiring side eye every so often. 
They got out of the car together this time, and walked into the front office. The woman was reading behind the counter, almost completely in the dark, with only a desk lamp lighting her work area. 
She glanced up at them, and placed her book upside down. “Hey there. You got that key?” 
“Yes,” Goro replied. He placed it lightly on the counter. She took it without a word, and got up to put it back on its hook. Goro stopped her before she turned. “I have a question for you.” 
She seemed a little surprised. She glanced between him and Ohya, and then put her free hand on her hip. “Okay?”
He hoped he could push his luck just a bit further today. He’d made it this far, after all. 
“Is there any way I can see the documentation that was filed when this unit was made?” he asked. 
The woman pursed her lips. “Ohya?” 
Ohya put her hands up defensively. “Don’t look at me. This is all him.” 
The woman stared at Goro. He stared back. This was arguably the most important part of the visit. He needed to see those papers. Just a single particular part, it was the one factor that needed an explanation. He would not leave until he got that documentation, and if he had to stand his ground and pull her leg a bit to get it, he would. 
After their staring contest lasted just a moment too long, she folded her arms. “Jeez. Only because I feel bad for you, okay?” she huffed, turning on her heel. “And because my niece liked your food blog.” 
She disappeared into the back of the office, leaving Goro feeling just a bit full of himself. He would think about the food blog comment later.
Ohya lightly punched his arm. “Okay, good going. But whatcha going to do with that?” 
“There’s something I need to check,” he replied flatly. It made Ohya grunt unenthusiastically. 
The woman returned with a few papers, all paper clipped together. She tossed them onto the counter. “This is a customer copy, okay? So feel free to keep it.” She glared at Ohya. “And, I’m going home now. So, get out, please.” 
That got a laugh out of Ohya. “I know I can always count on you to bend a couple of rules for me.” 
They left the building, Ohya waving her last goodbyes while Goro rushed to the car. He needed to get some light on these papers, it was long past sundown now. He slid himself into the car, clicked on one of the lights, and went to work reading, all while Ohya was still walking over. 
Ohya opened her door and stood outside watching him, leaning on the frame. First, it was with interest, but it soon turned into irritation.
“Kid, tell me what you’re looking for. You’ve got your eyeballs all over that thing,” she said. 
He didn’t let their conversation stop him from reading. He kept his eyes glued to the page, checking each word and box before moving on. 
He did owe her an explanation. Getting his thoughts out would help him focus a bit, anyway. 
“These sorts of things— storage units. Wouldn't they be paid for recurrently?” 
Ohya went quiet for a moment. “They are,” she said, and joined him in the car. “Shit. Those funds can’t be coming from you, can they.” 
“Exactly. I’m looking for the responsible billing party.” He turned onto the next page. None of the handwriting matched what he’d seen on his papers and files, which further confirmed to him that this unit hadn’t been one he’d purchased himself. Whoever this was had put all that information in there, those cases, those letters. He suspected they weren’t his mystery recipient, but he could confirm that with them once they’d met.
Why this had been done in his name, though, was beyond him. 
He flipped onto the last page, and found his prize. Big black bolded letters asking for the responsible parties name, and neat penmanship filling in the blank. 
“Sae Niijima,” he read aloud. 
Ohya gawked. 
“‘Sae Niijima?’ Seriously?” she scoffed to herself, and sunk down further in her seat. “She’s an attorney. A damn good one, too.” 
An attorney? He wondered how she could’ve known him. “She’s the one paying, apparently.” 
Ohya tapped long slender fingers onto her steering wheel again. She dropped her head. “Guess that means she’s our next lead, huh?” 
Goro adjusted himself in his seat. “It does.” 
“Ahh, man,” she complained. “You’re really somebody who’s in with the big guns, you know. You better let me have some exclusive with you after all this is done, or something.” 
Goro gave way a hint of a smile. Probably his first since he’d woken up. If this would be the last of his luck, so be it. He hated to rely on something so shifty and mischievous, anyways. This was a start, barely a sprout, to whatever his big picture was. But he’d see himself to the very top. 
Really, he’d already died once. Hardly a way to go but up. 
“We’ll see.” 
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