#its helped a lot with stranger anxiety but like in the social interaction way
woahajimes · 2 years
its kinda like
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hot-take-tournament · 8 months
Omg the reblog person is so real for that. I understand that Tumblr doesn't have an algorithm so liking doesn't functionally do anything but I get extremely anxious about reblogging so the guilt trips are really awful for me (and I assume it's the same for others with similar issues.)
Uh- bit of a tangent/rant below. For context I'm an "Audhd-er" (I think that's the term people use, it means I'm autistic and I have ADHD)
I understand most of the time they are over-exaggerating their feelings on the matter. In posts about reblogging stuff from writers and artists it's always kind of a "LIKES DO NOTHING SHOW YOUR LOVE WITH REBLOGS LIKES MEAN NOTHING"
I've always found that a bit odd. As someone with two mutuals (one of whom is rarely online) and 1 normal follower my reblogs really aren't gonna do much so I mostly reblog stuff my mutuals might like and occasionally make my own posts. (Keeping everything else private for the most part) When I get a like it always brings a warm fuzzy feeling because it means someone enjoyed my reblog or post enough to share with me that they liked it.
I've only had one post that breached containment and it was a fun weekend of checking out the blogs of people who liked it! All in all I think maybe people are just unaware of the anxieties that come with being online and the people who experience those anxieties are too anxious to really speak up about it. I mean look at me I'm chilling behind an anon mask rn (I rarely send an off anon ask lol.)
For a website dubbed by its users as the neurodivergent website, some people forget to consider that learning and working within the culture of a social media platform can be extremely stressful for many types of people, let alone an autistic person such as myself (the ADHD doesn't help either). Some of us would prefer to lurk in our private blogs, only coming out of our comfort zone when we feel ok to do so.
All in all, a reminder to reblog is perfectly fine, but please refrain from the guilt-tripping and social obligation type of thing— or at least be aware of it and try not to be offended if one of your mutuals struggles to reblog.
Now this is all my personal perspective, other people will likely have completely different experiences but I wanted to share in case people were confused on why it's an issue for some people. Thanks for reading this whole thing and I hope you have a lovely day <3
I think I get what you're saying -
For a lot of people it genuinely takes a surprising amount of guts to put themselves out there on the internet in any way, even if it's anonymously, and that includes things as simple as reblogging a post.
It's not just Tumblr either. You also see it on Reddit and Twitter, and in online games where people just want to keep to themselves and not interact with strangers. Some people just want to lurk, maybe liking or upvoting, but not commenting or reblogging, because that feels like making yourself more "visible" somehow, in a way simply liking posts doesn't.
It's difficult to put into words, but I feel it's kind of like being in a university lecture with 50+ strangers. Liking is sitting in the back quietly taking notes. Reblogging is like putting your hand up and giving an opinion when the professor asks for one.
It's true that only reblogging actually contributes anything functionally, but there are plenty of people, especially neurodivergent people, who might struggle with that kind of thing, but still want to show some appreciation, or just save it as a bookmark.
So, I think that's partly why that kind of guilt-tripping or threatening reblog bait can be so stressful. Tumblr is a comfort app for a lot of people, who just want to curate their own little private space. Reblog baits are like someone banging on your door, telling you that you're actively doing something wrong by keeping to yourself, and (in the case of "I'll block/unfollow you if you like/read but don't reblog" baits) people will hate you for doing it.
It also implicitly takes away the sense of control you have over your own personal online space. Ideally, you should be able to do whatever you want with your own blog - no one should dictate your own online experience. So, if you just want to reblog things you like or want to share, at whatever pace you feel comfortable with, there shouldn't be anything wrong with that.
But reblog baits seem to suggest that you shouldn't have that control, and there are certain things that you have no choice but to put on your blog, and it has to be right now. And I feel that sense of having control suddenly snatched away from you without warning could also be a major source of anxiety for a lot of people who see Tumblr as a source of comfort.
With all that in mind, while I do believe that it's not quite this simple, considering artists and writers, and especially those who rely on commissions, do need exposure from reblogs, I also feel it's difficult to blame people for finding very aggressive reblog baits stressful, especially when you're suddenly blindsided with them.
At least, those are just my initial thoughts based on what you said, but absolutely let me know if you disagree with any of this or feel I misrepresented what you meant <3
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sofiiel · 1 year
Me absolutely gushing and fangirling over the people of this fandom. So don't mind me 🥰
At its core this fandom is fueled by the best people I've ever met or have gotten the chance to interact with.
I've not run into one sour person. And I've been told it's because I'm not heavily active in the fandom or as diehard as many others.
But I don't think that's true. I think this fandom is genuinely filled with the most amazing folks.
I've only come across creative, gentle spirited, unique, protective, open-minded, friendly, caring, original, honest, transparent, welcoming, warm, bright, accepting individuals.
I'm in a lot of fandoms and I've never seen the community this one has. It's not just Tumblr unique either this fandoms energy spans several websites.
I know theirs a dark side to it, as their is with any fandom. But more often than not I see the good side of it.
It's incredibly easy to talk to a ST fan, even as a woman with severe social phobia and general anxiety.
I love seeing us all interact with each other. It always looks and feels like old friends chatting.
The support the fandom gives each other and the general acceptance of differences is heart warming.
It's like.... you've all become a great big version of the family the characters in the show have become.
I've seen so many people build each other up when one of us is being down on themselves. People reaching out to other fans to help. Sharing joys and sadnesses with one another.
Welcoming new people into the arms of the fandom in the best way.
But as well as protecting each other and the people who brought to life the very show that we all love as well as the industry it's driven by.
I don't think you all know how wonderful you actually are.
It's been years and I'm still blown away by this fandom. Even with it's moments of turmoil, those never last long. It gets a little ugly in some small spaces and sure like any large fandom folks bump heads from time to time. But even that usually gets resolved pretty quickly.
I've heard horror stories, but overall even in those spats ~ all sides end up having a support circle that's genuinely concerned for those involved.
Everyone whose helped build Stranger Things into what is should be proud of this community that it formed and the people it's brought together.
The ST fandom is one with so much heart it's spilling over like a waterfall.
And I thank everyone in this community for making it what it is and being who you are. This fandom constantly gives me reasons to smile.
Fanart, fics, conversations, theories, character analysis, gifs, the way you all spread news, info and hype. Good lord it's endearing and constant.
Seeing everyone rally together over things.
The overflow of empathy within people here, even those who claim they aren't good with people ... they are unknowingly great with people.
I adore how you all strive to share your interests with each other and let one another know your valid, seen and accepted.
Thank you all for making this party the best ever.
Shut up I'm sentimental 🙃 I know but seriously.
I'm so glad for this fandom community. Beautiful, priceless, enchanting, unforgettable people all of you.
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awetistic-things · 2 years
hello! I believe im autistic but I don’t have a special interest. I don’t have any specific 1 thing that im completely passionate about. I mean, maybe psychology but isn’t that too broad? idk. I need to consult someone autistic themselves bc im a minor and I can’t get a therapist and probably can’t convince my parents to get me a diagnosis. my mother thinks I just have high anxiety and ocd. I definitely have dermatillamania though. here’s some of my symptoms:
Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts; I go nonverbal when I’m anxious/stressed/in a social situation where I’m being forced to talk to or interact w someone.
Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities; i do really like sameness but I’m also super impulsive and love changing thing up that don’t have a lot of value to me. for example I would go on a trip to Chicago rn with my friends if I had the means and they wanted to but I’m not changing the way I write my notes or cleaning my room
I have a hard time understanding figurative language and kind of obsessively overanalyze most things that I don’t understand
maybe it’s a mix of me being weird, ocd, and high anxiety that’s been present for my entire life and that I also can’t pinpoint the reason for. or maybe I’m autistic. I know you can’t diagnose a stranger on the internet from a couple paragraphs and I’m sorry if this is too much info.
I’m staying anonymous for my safety but my pronouns are they/it!
okay, so for starters i'm just gonna share with you some of the articles that helped me essentially start me on my journey of "oh shit i'm autistic" and my own two cents for each statement you made
social interaction:
What Is Social Interaction In Autism - AutismTalkClub.com
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i personally relate to the "non-verbal" part of what you said. I tend to lose the ability to speak whenever i am overwhelmed due to environmental factors (senses being overstimulated), but there are many other reasons (sometimes due to masking)
being overwhelmed in social situations is really easy for me personally. mainly because of sesnory issues, masking, resisting the urge to stim, etc and this can set me off into having meltdowns among other things
repetitive behaviors:
Restrictive and Repetitive Behavior | Kennedy Krieger Institute
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having a schedule is really important to a lot of people on the spectrum, it can help create some calmness in constant chaos
but, sometimes (such as myself) it is nice to be spontaneous and just do random shit without planning or a schedule or anything
so although repetitive behaviors are an autistic thing, the flexibility can differ depending on the person (emphasize on its a *spectrum*)
language misunderstandings:
Whose metaphor? Autism Spectrum Disorder and metaphorization (metnetscandinavia.com)
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that metaphor doesn't necessarily make sense to me, but just in case it makes sense for you there it is
about overanalyzing i totally get that. something I've noticed is that autistic people tend to question "basic" rules and social hierarchies so becoming obsessed with asking "why?' questions is very relatable to say the least
i dont really struggle that much with more everyday metaphors and I love analogies, but once again its a spectrum and I still very much need tone tags to avoid misunderstandings between both parties
the way i figured out i was autistic was through research, research, research. at first I thought that meant clinical studies and such but it also means learning from the community itself, so its cool that you thought to do that (I wish I thought of that immediately)
also about how you don't really have ONE thing for a special interest, that's something normal from what I've seen. you don't have to know everything about something to have it be a special interest. you don't have to have known about it for years or an extremely long period of time. its really an individual thing for how you view hyperfixations and sp.ins (special interests). so, if you think that psychology is a sp.in of yours, then its a sp.in. its really up to you
all the things i sent you arent to diagnose you, but involving yourself in the community, researching a lot, or calling yourself/self-diagnosining yourself as autistic is okay. its perfectly okay. i know you said that because of your age and your parents you arent able to get a diagnosis at this time, but don't let that stop you from finding out more (even if its not with a therapist or your parents) about autism and essentially about who you are
im always free to dm, so please reach out to me if you want to talk (doesn't have to be just about autism) :) /gen (also my discord server for autistic people is linked in my pinned post if you wanna check it out)
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eternal-echoes · 9 months
how do u deal with bullying coming from a lost catholic . Even though the bible says u should forgive those that have wronged u for they do not know what they are doing-i think that what the verse said- its hard cus i want to do something bad back because i have negative feelings and thoughts racing in my mind when encountering such people. Ever since entering secondary school and i have been tormented for 5 years by my peers, Now it is my last year and i feel like giving up. I dont even have the motivation to study for exams. Because of relentless bullying i have retreated into a shell of anxiety, every interaction i have with people in school feels like an npc interaction as it is the same bs everyday. Even the people i call friends arent rlly trustworthy. Ive recently started to go out more often and ive felt better. But i cant escape the thought of the negative wave of feelings once re entering school. you can tell i have a strong disdain for these people. I feel out of place with my peers - idk if i have autism, maybe- but people think im awkward and weird. recently catholicism has piqued my interest again after reading about Saint Teresa. plus ive become interested in philosophy
"Then Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they're doing...'" - Luke 23: 34
This is the Bible verse you’re referring to, anon. This is Jesus speaking from the cross. I understand what you’re going through anon. Wanting repay injustice for those who have done injustice towards you to let them know what they did to you is unacceptable. That it was wrong for them to look down on you that they did that. I struggled with it myself and tbh I’m not even sure if I’m over it.
I think what helped me is reminding myself the “… for they do not know what they’re doing…” part. It’s really a dense clause. Because I believe what Jesus is saying here is is that a lot of people who have done evil things, haven’t been blessed enough to be raised in a Christian household to understand that what they’re doing is wrong. Sometimes they even lack the grace. And sometimes because they’ve been hurt before, their only means of coping with the pain is to hurt others. Not to say that makes them off the hook or the pain hurt any less, but their circumstances led them to be who they are.
I think in order to forgive, to truly forgive, is to love them. You love them by willing their good. And the way to do that is praying for them. Praying that they’ll repent so they can be reconciled with God because that’s good for them. Because God wants us all to be united with Him in the afterlife. It’s hard so it will take a lot of willpower and effort to tell yourself to do that. That’s just the definition of love because love is a verb. And if love isn’t hard then it’s just mere words.
If we don’t forgive it will drag us to Hell.
And in order to not the negative feelings of bullying get to you, remind yourself that you’re a child of God made in His image and likeness.
Also, repeat this to yourself,
“I renounce the lie that I’m worthless.”
“I renounce the lie that I’m worthless.”
“I renounce the lie that I’m worthless.”
Negative feelings is usually associated with a lie and in order to counteract that lie, you have to fight it with the truth. And the truth is you have infinite worth. You know when you watch a movie, especially about one with good-hearted protagonist, in order for the writers to show that he’s good, he’ll go out of his way and fight tooth and nail to save a stranger from dying. God did that for you on the cross. So don’t give up on the life He gave you.
As for feeling out of place and awkward, remember that social skills is a skill, and skills require constant practice to get better at it. So just keep going out and talking sincerely to people and eventually you’ll find people who you connect with. And just because you don’t have chemistry with someone it’s not a bad thing. You’re not for everybody. There are other people out there that would be better fit for you.
I’m glad you’re growing interested in philosophy. My advice is to keep reading whatever speaks to you so long as it isn’t heretical (maybe you’ll wanna read them either later or to contrast it with teachings of the Catholic Church to understand the latter better) to make sure you don’t fall into heresy. Check out my #quotes tag to see if anything pique your interest to start your research. Also check out: conduit-of-grace.tumblr.com.
I’m sorry I can’t say anymore about your bullying situation other than it will pass and get better. Pray for their salvation because they need it more.
If you have anymore questions, feel free to send them.
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Review: The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone by Audrey Burges
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It was the title and this very intriguing cover that drew me to this magical sounding novel. I didn’t really know what to expect from it but I have since seen it on a few of my favourite BookTube channels and was excited to see what it was all about.
Myra is a 34-year-old recluse, who is mysteriously tied to a tiny mansion that was gifted to her by her beloved step-grandmother. With the help of her childhood friend Gwen, Myra writes a blog about the mansion and its constant changes and she has built a loyal following of fans. But the mansion has always been a mystery to Myra -rooms keep appearing and disappearing and sometimes there is music that she can’t find the source of. Across the country, Alex Rakes works for a furniture business. He comes across Myra’s minuscule mansion on social media and is shocked to discover that it’s an exact copy of the house that he grew up in. The house that belonged to his grandmother who disappeared years ago. 
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Myra is very possessive over the mansion to the point where she curates what she shows of it. It clearly has so much magic and history and it is full of secrets. Although it isn’t exactly a bad relationship, Myra doesn’t have the same closeness with her mother that she had with her step-grandmother Trixie. It’s almost like the mansion is the last link that Myra has to Trixie, who died when Myra was still a young child, and she wants to keep that as private as possible.
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Trixie is an intriguing character. She somehow seemed to be quite free of the boundaries of time -I’m not sure whether she was supposed to be some kind of time traveller or simply an old soul but she could have easily been either of these. She has a warm, magical, witchy way about her and I can certainly see how a very young Myra became enamoured with her.
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Myra appears to be quite scared of strangers and the outside world. We aren’t really told the reasons for her apparent agoraphobia and severe social anxiety but of course, it may simply be a case of an introvert who is quite content with her intense special interest and the occasional virtual social interaction. There is some evidence that Myra may be autistic but this isn’t explicitly mentioned.
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The fact that Myra ‘thinks that everything is too much’, according to Gwen is further evidence that Myra falls somewhere on the autism spectrum. As someone who almost certainly does, there is a lot about Myra that is highly relatable. I can’t imagine being a complete shut-in like she is but I certainly understand the need to be alone for long periods of time and the importance of immersing myself in something I care about. I’m sure I’d get really annoyed by a friend like Gwen despite being able to see her good intentions!
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There is another story running alongside that of Myra and Alex and it’s one from the past. It is connected to both of the present day protagonists but we don’t make the connections until the end. It’s the story of a mother and son relationship and its breakdown but I did lose focus and track of what was going on in this strand of the book. I don’t know whether it was too many events or too many characters but I feel like it might need a re-read to fully grasp the ins and outs of this story.
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I have heard people compare this book to The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue and I think this is because of the friendship between Myra and Alex. The anguish and pain of it does echo that of Addie and Henry but this really is the only resemblance that I picked up on. Unfortunately, I was much more invested in the story and characters in Addie LaRue than I was in Myra Malone.
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The Minuscule Mansion of Myra Malone is a touching, multi-layered story about the magic of preserving the past and learning to let love in. Myra is a memorable character and I enjoyed the concept of the tiny mansion. However, my interest waned around halfway through and I don’t think I really understood the true nature of what was behind the magic. Perhaps it is supposed to be open to interpretation but I think I wanted more explicit answers.
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gris-nv · 2 years
On Friendship
A couple weeks ago I went out with one of my friends, we hadn’t seen each other in about three years! I met her in college, back in 2007, so we we making numbers and we know each other since sixteen years ago (my knee hurts every time I say it or think about it lol), we were talking about anything and everything, because a lot happened in our lives and we didn’t have idea, because we hadn’t seen each other in a while.
She was telling me about how a person she worked with once called said “she’s my best friend” and my friends was like “excuse me?” And she was telling me that actually I’m her best friend, not this other person and I felt so flattered and I was like “well, we can have more than one best friend and that’s ok”.
I firmly believe that we in fact can have more than one best friend, actually I consider I have a couple best friends, one of course is her, someone I met 16 years ago and we were seeing each other everyday for about four years while we were in college, we went through a lot together, good times, fun, birthdays, going to the movies,etc and also bad days, we even fought for a while and stop talking to each other. But it doesn’t matter because we grew together, we matured, not always seeing each other, actually we were talking about how even though we hadn’t spoken for three years that didn’t change anything because we still care deeply for each other and we already promised to go out more, we live very close and we don’t see each other as much ha!
My other best friend is someone I’ve known for nine, almost ten years ago, Ive talked about her, our friendship was born in the most unlikely of circumstances, through social media, just two strangers suddenly talking a lot, making jokes, sharing experiences, etc. Then after four years of virtual communication we made it real, and I remember how my mom said, the night before I took a plane to visit my friend for the first time, “I hope you two get along”, I hadn’t even considered the fact of not getting along but it made me nervous, we do in fact get along just fine by the way. And also we have gone through a lot together, fun, laughs, meeting her whole family and some friends, always someone new every time I go visit, with the usual anxiety on my part but it doesn’t matter because she’s one of my “safe people”, those who I trust blindly and rely on, kind of my emotional support person, we’ve cried together, we’ve had our differences even, not getting to fights, but more like “lets agree to disagree”. And after all isn’t friendship about that? Growing together and sharing a piece or our lives with the people we choose to?
I have another friend, I consider her a really close friend too, we met at work, and we also saw each other all day, everyday, we started to go out outside of work and then we don’t work together anymore, but we still see each other, we text everyday to share our fitness goals, to share new restaurants or foods we try, we’ve also had our differences with its correspondent discussion. I’m fully convinced she can also become one of my best friends, those things need time.
And it is in this line of the fact that friendships need time, that I remember once I had a person pop out of the blue in social media, started talking to me, she knew also my friend (the one I talked about in the fourth paragraph) it gave me the impression she saw how we exchanged memes, posts, etc and she was like “uh they seem fun and good friends, I want that!” So she started to interact out of nowhere, at least with me, nothing against that, Ive done it myself lol but it made me think how friendships cant be forced, either it happens or it doesn’t, why? I don’t have the exact answer because we all are different and we consider friends or not someone, but I do think that sometimes, call it destiny or soul connection or whatever, you click with someone, you click and you trust and they trust you, you share and they share, you help and they help, etc.
It also made me think of the times when someone at work confuses things, like, at least for me, I’m sorry but just because I can create a pacific environment with people at work doesn’t mean I’m friends with everyone, just because you see the person I am in social media means you know me deeply, just because you get a glimpse of my family doesn’t mean you know them or you can criticize us, the same way as just because you get a glimpse of my closest friends doesn’t mean you know them or you can criticize them.
Friendship takes time, takes effort and takes work. Friendship looks different for each person, for sure, but I think friendship means trust, means respect, means growth, means loyalty, means the ability to have difficult conversations and grow from there, friendship means family, at least for me.
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doggiesdogsblog · 2 years
Why a dog can make your life awesome.
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Who wouldn't want to wake up to a furry little fellow darting about the house with the tail wagging in excitement? If you do not have a furry friend driving you crazy yet, here are some good reasons why you should own a dog.
1. Companionship Life can be really lonely if you are your only company. Having a canine pet is great for companionship as you always have someone to go home to each evening. That furry friend will warm up your lap as you watch TV together or be by your side during those morning walks. A dog will make your life less lonely.
2. Get more active Responsibilities like training and exercising your dog can motivate you to take charge of your lifestyle as well. A morning jog by the beach is good for both you and Bingo's cardio and muscles. Your pooch may not help you with the bench presses, but the fact that he needs to stay in shape means you also have to stay in shape.
3. Say no to pressure It's been scientifically proven that having a pet helps reduce blood pressure. Blood pressure spikes are often caused by symptoms such as stress and anxiety. You are less likely to worry about life or anything else when you have a furry friend beside you. Dogs can notice when you are down, and they will rush to comfort and cheer you up best way they can.
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4. Get well sooner Spending time with your canine friend releases serotonin and dopamine into your body. These are natural hormones that promote the health of your body. This means you get an immune system boost to help you fight diseases better. That flu would disappear a lot quicker if you had a corgi in the house.
5. Service animals Dogs are great for alerting you when there is an intruder. A courageous breed like a Doberman will shower you with love and also handle any impending danger on your behalf. Some dogs are used as service animals in the army or disabled people such as the blind.
6. Dogs are loyal Let's face it, cats are only nice when they want something from you; food, kitty toy, drinking water, name it. Dogs are different, they are always happy to be around you even if they are getting nothing in return. Even if the two of you lost each other in the woods, a dog will always find its way back to you.
7. Dogs help with social interaction Pet lovers are always treated warmly by fellow humans or pet lovers. Just as two strangers would hold a conversation as they watch their babies play, the same goes for pet owners. Who knows, maybe getting a Shih Tzu will finally get that cute neighbor to say hi to you.
8. Dogs can save your life We have heard countless stories of how rescue dogs that ran to get help for their injured owners. There are scientific studies showing that dogs can detect malignant growths in humans. If your pup is constantly sniffing and licking at that lump on your leg, you might want to have it checked.
Conclusion Bottom line, there is never a dull moment when you have a canine friend around. Besides being great watchers of your home, dogs can help improve your life in significant ways. So don't wait any longer, get your fast furry friend at pupshy pups today.
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anime-addictt · 3 years
A lot of people assume So blindness to be something extreme- being antisocial, that rude bitch who doesn't care about anyone, a cool, awesome person who doesn't bother conforming to the society, INTROVERTS, people with anxiety, blah blah blah.
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Personal experience: I've been taught to be nice. Super nice and considerate to the point that a lot of people will never expect me to be so-blind. I can be super social, extremely talkative. A lot of people think I'm close to them. I've taken part in many activities, been a part of clubs. All of this sounds like an So thing, doesn't it?
But here's where the difference lies: I don't understand the need to associate myself to a group. I don't understand how connections, assimilation to a group can make you feel safe, more recognized, powerful, etc. I just...don't care?
I will do everything by myself and wouldn't have the need to ask for help from someone. Not because I think it's pointless. Its literally because my shit-ass brain doesn't think about it.
I never felt the need to belong to a group- and I've never felt like I've belonged anywhere. Even with my closest group of friends- I always feel like I don't belong there.
Oh, and I have this habit of assuming that what's okay for me, is okay for everyone. I might think my resume looks great (I don't bother adjusting it in a way it is presentable to others) and then wonder why no one wants me to work for them. It's kinda embarrassing to admit, but my Sp/So mum has to double check every time I upload my LinkedIn or update my resume, just to make sure that it doesn't look like a scribble note (I'm way better than what I used to be, but it still sucks :( )
My So-dom friends have to remind me to control my tongue in front of strangers. They have to openly encourage and push me to interact with the world around me and MAKE USE OF MY CONNECTIONS.
To make things even more interesting, I can objectively spill my darkest moments to strangers I haven't even met before. Reason: I don't care about what they think. I'm not bothered about the impression I would make, if I don't care about you. You see: creating a good impression of myself to the society is the last thing I care about. This also one of the biggest reason why I usually fail at selling my skills. So-users are so damn good at this.
I won't take pride in group work- unless I did it. I'm horribly ignorant about everything going around me simply because I'm not even aware of their existence. It's never me and my team- it's always just me. There are times where I have to learn and understand why humans join in groups to support a cause- if everyone does their part, wouldn't that be perfect? Do we really have to group ourselves and work for it?
Sure it sounds cool, but would you like to be that person who misses a job opportunity because they weren't careful about presenting themselves?
I feel like the only nice thing about so-blindness is the ability to save energy when it comes to people. You can go about your day without caring about anything. And you'll somehow be fine by yourself. AND YOU HAVE AN AMAZING ABILITY OF CUTTING PEOPLE OUT. Cause you weren't really invested.
Being So-blind may not be an embarrassment to us, but it definitely is for those close to us.
To the actual So-blinds out there- we've been missing out on a lot of things in life. Get yourself together and start personalizing your need to make connections. And respect the So-users in your life. If it wasn't for them, I would still be in the same place, under a rock in an unknown planet, with people barely aware of my capabilities :)
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poptod · 3 years
Cyber Security (Elliot Alderson)
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Description: An online ad leads him to you, though in reality he has little interest in your ad. What interests him is how you accidentally doxxed yourself and how oblivious you are to that fact.
Notes: idrk what to say about this one its one of those things that i wrote at midnight after almost falling asleep to a fantasy and then realizing it could work as a fic. like i did this same thing with ‘close your eyes’ that one was also a before-bed-to-get-to-sleep fantasy. this is also not a particularly romantic interaction, though it can be read as such WC: 2.2k
Sweat drenched his sheets, bathing him in the cold wind that breezed past his only air conditioner lodged in a nearby window. He stared blankly upwards, half shivering and half overheated, as he once again found himself in a familiar predicament—the practice of sleep.
It was no secret he had trouble calming himself down, and that aspect of himself reached into the evening, as well. He already downed three melatonin pills hours earlier, along with smoking a joint that should’ve put him to bed. Unsurprisingly, that did not work.
“Xanax,” he mumbled to himself, hearing it bounce back from empty walls. “Need to get xanax.”
In the meantime he raised himself to his feet, padding across freezing floors to his computer. With a click of a button the white screen buzzed to life, shining bright onto his sleep-heavy eyes, that did their best to acclimatize to the sudden change.
Hypnotization—strange as it might’ve been—had worked a couple times before. Not all the time, but decently enough to give it a try. He had work in the morning and he didn’t need to be more miserable than usual, especially since he hadn’t slept almost the entire weekend.
sleep hypnosis
The blinker flickered for a moment before his fourth finger slammed down on enter, the last step in calculated movements. What popped up first was a video titled [ SLEEP HYPNOSIS ] 8 Hour Loop with a screencap of a spinning black and white screen. Below that, however, was something he hadn’t seen before—a YouTube video titled exactly what he’d typed, lacking the caps just as he had. The title screen appeared to be some sort of poorly-drawn painting.
Curiosity overcame his hazy, aching head, and he clicked, finding a playlist of videos containing what could be the titles of songs, along with several different poorly-drawn title screens.
The first video began to play before he could realize it. What he first noticed was it was bereft of ads—that meant the publisher made no money off the album.
Sat in the presence of God
whose name means filthy old fraud
Captions had been manually added by, he assumed, you. The author. There were three views on the video, no comments, and no likes, leaving few other options.
Maybe it was the melody—maybe the lyrics, who talked of a world plagued by aristocrats. But he found his eyelids heavy, dropping dark eyelashes in his vision that blurred the screen. By the third song, reciting verses of an Islamic poem, he was slouched in his seat.
He slid down to the floor, crawling his way back to flop onto his bed. The music continued to play till the first ad popped up, at which time he opened his eyes, seeing a music video from Katy Perry, at which time he promptly reached over and unplugged his computer. He wasn’t sure which cord he pulled out, but the screen still went black. With that, he just barely sneaked into his covers, dozing until the morning.
It was far too easy to get information on you. Your full name was stated clearly in your youtube bio, alongside several different social media tags leading to instagram, tumblr, and facebook.
Facebook alone provided him the means to your address, and he didn’t even have to go looking for it. Your most recent post was an ad, searching for someone good with computers to aid you in your recording process, which you noted as ‘dismal’.
Are you fucking kidding me? He thought to himself, reading the ad once more.
Your address, your real, physical address was stated as the place you wanted to meet those interested in helping you. On the internet. You had doxxed yourself after less than a year of being online.
Okay, he thought, clicking on your listed email. Someone needs to be taught a lesson.
Three days later—after about two weeks of listening to your echoing voice every night—you replied, sending a cheerful email detailing when you would be available to meet him. After shooting a short message back, the date was organized.
Two more days and he was standing at your doorstep, his neck craned upwards as he scanned your tall, narrow home squished between two other apartments. He just barely knocked before the black door swung open, revealing a familiar face belonging to a stranger. Elliot was dressed in his black hoodie and jeans, a stark difference to your long, colorful robes, coming out of a sort of fantasy world.
“Hi,” he said, his voice grating with how low and quiet he kept it.
“Hello,” you said with a smile that did not match his hunched posture. “Are you Mr. Alderson?”
“Elliot,” he corrected, his chin just barely raising to meet you. “Elliot Alderson. Elliot works.”
“Alright,” you said, nodding. “Come inside? I was just making tea. Do you like tea? Or do you prefer coffee?”
“I... I’m fine, thanks,” he said softly, scooting past you when you opened the door wide enough for him to enter. He sucked in a breath as his chest brushed yours.
Your home was modern—far fancier than Elliot’s own apartment, with large windows flanked by soft grey curtains. A small, upright piano was in the corner of the living room, set upon a reed mat lined with Korean symbols. The couch was clinical, made of a sort of black plastic leather that matched the grey skies beyond the window panes.
He sat down, shifting his feet closer together as his fingers dug into his palms, continuing to scan the room in its’ entirety until you returned with your own tea.
“What kind of experience do you have? School counts,” you said, setting your cup down on a tiny plate whose decorations matched your teacup.
“I’ve been... experimenting, with computers, since I was around 9,” he said, mumbling the words out as his shoulders hunched awkwardly down. “Have a job at a cyber security firm. Started a while back.”
“You still have that job?”
“Yeah,” he said with a small nod. “Jus’ thought this would be... fun.”
The dead look on his face indicated no humor whatsoever, but you took his word as it was.
“How’d you find the ad I put out?”
“I... I listened to your music,” he answered honestly for once. “Helps me fall asleep.”
“Oh,” you said, clearly taken aback. Your face grew warm as you glanced away with wide eyes. “I’m glad I could help.”
“You’re not very good with technology, though,” he said in his usual low, grating voice.
“Not really,” you chuckled sheepishly. “That’s why I put out the ad -“
“No, not that,” he interrupted you. “You put your physical address on the internet. You doxxed yourself. Do you even know how dangerous that is?”
The lyrics of your songs pointed towards a kind of brilliance, balanced against emotions felt thoroughly on pages and screens. It didn’t match your actions at all.
“What’s doxxing?” You asked.
Elliot had to physically stop himself from sighing and leaving.
“You want everyone to know where you, a minor celebrity, live?”
“I’d hardly call myself a -“
“I could’ve been a murderer,” he said, reaching into his bag.
He looked you in the eye as he pulled out a gun, clicking on the safety before he pointed it at you.
“This is how easy it would be to kill you.”
As expected, you stiffened at the sight of the iron barrel, your fingers withdrawing to your chest. Your lips pursed as you met his gaze once more.
“Please put the gun down,” you whispered, your voice cracking.
He did as you said, resting the gun on the table.
“That’s a hell of a way to start an interview, Mr. Alderson,” you said quietly. “Please get out of my house.”
His heart sank. What had he expected? For you to fall to your knees and sing to him as he desired you to do? He threatened you with a gun to teach you a lesson, and you reacted accordingly. Calmer than others would.
Elliot stood on shaky legs, sliding the pistol into his backpack before he zipped it up. Throwing the pack over his shoulder, he swallowed through a tight throat, shuffling as he delayed his departure.
“Keep safe from people like me,” he said in a strained mumble. “Take that ad down. Meet people from the internet only in inhabited, public areas.”
You tapped your fingernails on the table for a moment, chewing on your bottom lip. Suddenly you stood, tugging on his sweatshirt sleeve to get him to face you, instead of staring at his feet.
“Alright. If you’re really so good at the internet -“
He ignored your incorrect grammar.
“- and... if you actually do want to help me with my songs,” your tone softened, “then you’ll be able to find my real name, not my stage name. If you do.. I’ll hire you.”
“Alright,” he said monotone, knowing the battle was already won.
Even though he knew your name already, he turned away and left to his apartment, immediately going to work on figuring out everything he could about you. If you willingly still offered him the job after that, he knew it would take a lot to scare you off. He could impress you.
It was, after all, the only thing he was good at.
Two days later he showed up at your apartment again, quietly thanking you when you let him in. The clean floors and walls remained unchanged since his last visit, and you led him to the same table, sitting him down on the same seat.
“Your name is (Y/N) (L/N),” he started with. You already appeared to be surprise. “You grew up near LA and you’ve had a chronic illness all your life. At eleven you saw your first therapist.. that must’ve been when you first got diagnosed with depression... and anxiety.”
“Killer duo,” you muttered.
“Your parents split when you were thirteen, which came at the same time as your dog, Penelope, died. Or... sometime that year. When was that... 1997?”
“1999,” you said quietly.
“Your mom homeschooled you,” he continued. “That’s probably why you don’t know how computers work. Rather eclectic, in a.. boring way... an ex-Amish, right?”
You nodded and his heartbeat tripled. Everything was right thus far despite a two year difference in his guesstimate of your life’s timeline.
“Then there was your dad... logger in the Redwood forests. Burly guy. Not a great man, from what I saw,” he said.
“He was fine,” you said with a small shrug as you looked away. “Didn’t ever hurt me, or anything.”
“Abuse isn’t always physical,” he said faster than he could think, dizzied by his own memories playing behind his eyes.
“I know,” you murmured.
You went silent, so he continued, hoping to pry more precious words from you.
“Your favorite color is yellow,” he said, leaning closer to you. “On Valentine’s you get chocolate strawberries, and on easter you get kinder eggs.”
“You studied mythology as a kid, and you made paintings of the forest you lived in with your mom. Santa Cruz mountains, I think.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I miss the forests.”
“I know. You want to visit Ireland again because it’s a land of faeries and moss, it’s a breeding ground for your song lyrics.”
“How did you find all this out?” You finally asked.
“You use the same password on everything,” he said, though that was far from the actual answer. “Your web browser tracks all your movements and you don’t try to stop it, or hide ads, or stay away from sketchy websites. Your parents aren’t much better, either.”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you brought your hand to massage your brow.
“You’re way too smart to be helping me,” you said with soft laughter, blushing with your smile.
“It’s better than working for E Corp,” he said, huffing out a laugh that was hardly humored.
“E corp?”
“My.. uh, place of work,” he brushed off his slip. “My point is... I’d rather work with you and do easy work than work with my current fucking coworkers.”
You laughed, truly and fully this time, curling into a little ball that shook with the force of it. Your feet tucked into your tiny chair, making you even smaller.
“Bad people or just annoying?”
“Stupid,” he chuckled. “Don’t let me wear my sweatshirt.”
“Ooh, now it’s my turn,” you suddenly interrupted him, earning a strange look. “I’ve noticed things about you, too. I couldn’t learn anything off the computer, but you, you have anxiety too. Probably some childhood trauma.. maybe a dissociative disorder of sorts or a form of PTSD. Your jacket is like your home, and... you have sensory issues. Few types of fabric, don’t like to be touched, if I had to guess I’d say you might be autistic.”
“Blunt,” he said after a full minute’s silence.
“Do you mind?” You asked.
“No, not really.”
“Good. Then you’re hired,” you said with a smile, extending your hand for him to shake. “If you still want the job, of course.”
He watched you with evident apprehension, but took your hand after much thought, shaking with a firm grip.
“When do I start?”
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sokkastyles · 4 years
Abused kids are often not aware of or have trouble regulating their own emotions but tend to, conversely, be hyper aware of and tapped into the emotions of others. This is a survival mechanism in people who grow up with an abusive parent, because any sudden changes in the mood of the parent could indicate danger. See the scenes of Zuko when he is with Ozai, particularly in "The Awakening" and in the flashback to the war meeting in "The Phoenix King," when Zuko carefully measures his responses to his father's praise, because even accepting praise is dangerous and could be a trap.
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Although Zuko is often oblivious in social interactions, he actually shows a pretty keen insight when it comes to mediating and understanding what the others need once he joins the gaang. He figures out that the loss of his firebending is connected to his change of coat, he helps Aang overcome his fear of fire at the same time he overcomes his own mental blocks with regard to his element, and he realizes that Sokka will go on a foolhardy mission to rescue his father no matter how much Zuko warns him that it's dangerous, so he resolves to go with him. Particularly in "The Southern Raiders" he pretty astutely figures out that the source of Katara's anger was her unresolved feelings about her mother's murder, and knew how to help her. He also shows keen insight into what Katara needs. Aang, though he means well, responds to Katara with moralizing that just makes her angrier and more determined to go her own way. Zuko offers her the means and lets her lead the way, and defends her to Aang after Katara had made it clear she did not agree with Aang. Zuko, in fact, gets angry at Aang on Katara's behalf, and interestingly, Katara, the person who regularly told off anyone who ever said a bad word to Aang and who, a few episodes ago, threatened to kill Zuko himself if he ever hurt Aang, says nothing in response to Zuko’s sarcastic words to Aang, only thanks Aang for understanding in a tone that implies that she doesn’t think Aang understands at all.
Zuko also seems to be aware of the tension between Katara and Aang at the end of the episode, as he purposefully leaves Katara on Ember Island and goes to speak to Aang himself about what happened when they confronted Yon Rha. This implies not only that Zuko knew Katara needed space to process her feelings, but that he knew that Aang and Katara would need time away from each other after the angry way they parted, and it also implies that Zuko wanted to explain Katara's perspective to Aang, fearing that Aang would misunderstand. Aang actually misunderstands anyway, wrongly assuming that Katara had forgiven Yon Rha, and Katara angrily tells him that she will never forgive her mother's murderer, but does forgive Zuko.
Zuko tells Aang that he was right about Katara, although that is contradicted by what Katara just said and the events of the episode. I know some people theorize that this was a result of a lack of unity in the writing, but I also don't think it's out of character for Zuko to say this, even though he also ultimately disagrees with Aang's stance on violence. Zuko is again playing a mediator role and playing both sides a bit, because the episode positions him between Aang and Katara, but he also leaves Aang with a challenge to his moral absolutism.
So I don't think it's a stretch to assume that in the very next episode, Zuko was also picking up on some tension between Aang and Katara when he sat between them. I'm not sure he knows about Aang's romantic feelings for Katara - although he would when he hears his actor on stage call Katara "the Avatar's girl" and sees Aang nod. But he does seem to pick up on Aang's irritation being about more than just a taken seat, as he responds with unprompted anger. Zuko also takes note of Aang’s increasing anger throughout the play, with a concerned expression on his face. 
Remember what I said about abused kids being hypersensitive to the changing moods of others? It might be that, or Zuko might be feeling anxious about his role in the play and feeling like he doesn’t deserve forgiveness, or it might be that Zuko is hyper aware of the conflict between Katara and Aang carried over from the last episode to this one.
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Actually, this shot is particularly interesting because the rest of the gaang is laughing at the portrayal of Toph, including Katara, until Toph shows that she’s pleased by the play’s portrayal of her. Then we see Katara frown, her attention shifting to Aang. 
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Katara is unhappy that her attempt to get even with Toph backfired, then when she notices Aang as the camera pans to her left, she looks even more unhappy. Then we see the shot above of Zuko looking at Aang with clear concern over the situation. I’m pretty sure that Zuko is aware that something is going on between Katara and Aang at this point. Especially since Aang’s anger at being played by a girl (which is made worse by Toph’s happiness at being played by a boy) is linked to his insecurity about his relationship with Katara, and the play keeps making jokes about it, meant for us to feel sorry for Aang for being put in the “little brother” zone.
I think Zuko was generally anxious going into the play. You can see when they walk in that he has his hood pulled up, to hide his face, because he's aware there's a chance someone will recognize him. So even before the play starts, with its incriminating and humiliating portrayal of him, he is probably already on alert and wants to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Aang's outburst is the kind of thing that would draw attention, and Zuko tries to minimize the attention by insisting that Aang just sit next to him. Zuko also reacts with defensive anger, as he is wont to do when he is anxious or upset, which of course would have the opposite effect from drawing attention away from them. But Aang acquiesces in frustration, and Katara, interestingly, notices the dispute, but just like when Zuko defended her to Aang in "The Southern Raiders," says nothing. Katara also is facing away, fidgety, and looks unhappy while the confrontation is going on. This is also consistent with (and probably contributed to) the way Katara reacts to Aang’s pushiness and accusations later on.
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Zuko spends much of the back part of season three physically close to Katara, which is a visual way for the animators to show how close they have grown. It’s not necessarily an indication of romantic Zutara, although there is nothing wrong with interpreting it that way, and I find it hilarious how threatened some people are by shippers gushing over the idea that he wanted to sit next to her, particularly in this episode because this episode actually intentionally plays up the “love triangle” for the purposes of getting the audience to sympathize with Aang and root for him to “get the girl.” Regardless of whether we interpret it in a romantic context, I think it is a good indication of how Zuko feels about Katara once he has gotten her forgiveness. Given Zuko’s social ineptitude, it would make sense that he would be likely to want to stick close to the people he felt closest to, especially in situations where he is surrounded by potentially hostile strangers. Witness his behavior in “The Beach,” where he spent most of the time awkwardly glued to Mai’s side and it was when he was separated from Mai at the party that he ran into trouble with the other partygoers, who make fun of him. That might explain why Zuko, although he comes from the opposite direction when they enter the theater as everyone else does, walks all the way down the end of the aisle to sit next to Katara. 
It might also explain why he wants to sit in between Katara and Aang, as these are the two people who he now feels closest to. It also is very likely that he is subconsciously picking up on the tension between Katara and Aang, which comes to a head later in this very episode. It’s worth noting that Zuko is often positioned physically between Katara and Aang throughout this episode, which is meant to communicate to the audience Aang’s anxiety over Katara not returning his feelings (and Zuko plays an indirect part in that, or at least, his stage actor does).
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Zuko is also positioned narratively between Aang and Katara as a mediator and comfort to Katara after her fight with Aang in the very next episode, “The Phoenix King,” in which Zuko tells Katara to let Aang figure things out for himself when he runs away after yelling at Katara.
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So no, I don’t think the deliberate positioning of Zuko in between Aang and Katara is a coincidence, nor is it “lol Zuko is clueless!” I’m actually very tired of seeing people talk about how clueless Zuko is, especially since a lot of his reactions come from trauma. Even if Zuko didn’t pick up on Aang’s romantic feelings towards Katara he very obviously picks up on and reacts to and interacts with the dynamic between them. And it’s very telling that certain fans will complain about the “infantilization” of Zuko when it’s traits that make him seem sympathetic, but then talk about a traumatized abuse survivor as if they’re completely incompetent.
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blakelywintersfield · 3 years
Okay so, I originally wrote this in response to this post (my friend's reblog is linked instead of the original because OP either deleted it from their blog I guess?), but I feel like this constitutes as its own post.
I know this may sound like an overbearing parent "don't trust strangers on the internet" talk, but like. I don't think a lot of you understand just how quickly a situation can escalate; it's scary. I mean that not in a condescending "you think you're untouchable you stupid little child, you don't really know what the world is like" way either, but as in, I don't think internet safety is being taught realistically, so those things you're told to watch out for are far-fetched or already seem suspect.
Predators don't work the way TV shows joke that they do -- most predators aren't going to try and message you at random posing as a teenage girl and attempt to strike up a friendship. A lot interact in community spaces like tumblr, where some level of anonymity is allowed, and it's not odd for there to be people of both minor and adult ages. They interact with a variety of people -- not just targets. They will have full-fledged social circles. Their blogs and social interactions will look like literally any other person's on here.
Then, of the different blogs they follow, they end up interacting a lot with a certain user. Maybe the kind of humor clicks, or similar opinions, or interests. Nothing out of the ordinary; that's how people make friends. Maybe then they start by sending an ask, or a message, or whatever, and that continues for a bit until you two are kind of acclimated to one another, and then, as far as everyone is concerned, it's just a new friend! Neat! That's how you make friends on the internet. They most likely did this with their other friends on tumblr. Nothing weird. In this hypothetical, the minor party has their full name and city public.
But then this person you make friends with -- the way you would any other person on this website -- turns out to be 10+ years your senior. Which like. Honestly, you don't have to cut them out of your life and block them immediately, but you inform them you're 10 years younger than them. A responsible adult would respond to that knowledge with anything from the range of "oh holy shit you're baby uhh I feel a little weird interacting with you so personally" to "oh goodness you are a youngling I will now enter caregiver/parent-like mode". And there will be an established tone from there of "we may still interact but there is going to always be a set emotional distance". It'll have a different dynamic/feeling to the friendships you have with people your age. And it should. Both parties can still care about each other! But this isn't someone you would like. Hang out one on one with. You wouldn't hang out with your mom's friend one on one, or at your teacher's home alone. That'd be weird, right? That should be the same kind of vibe you get with any adult "friendship" you make online (I put friendship in quotes because I feel like... there's a better term for it, or should be one that establishes that adult/minor relationship, but if there is I can't for the life of me remember it).
But maybe that person doesn't go down that path. Maybe it comes off that way at first, but there's a subtle level of emotional manipulation that is subtle enough that you're not certain you can accuse them of being manipulative. "Oh wow, you're so much younger than me... do you still want to talk to me / be friends / etc.? I can leave you alone now if you want." Warning sign #1: they are pressuring you to make the decision; they are placing responsibility on you. And it might feel a little mean to just drop communication all of a sudden because of age -- you got along fine before. Why should that change anything? That's a rational thought process, but it's also the one that benefits them too.
So hypothetically, you say "no it's okay, we can still talk. we were talking just fine before we found out each other's ages so why should that change?" And then maybe the conversation continues normally from there. But then they continue interacting with you as your peers would. You guys talk about stuff that's been stressing you or your problems, just like you would with your peers. Nothing seems out of the ordinary. Warning sign #2: That form of emotional connection isn't normal with an adult/minor relationship. I have minors that follow me. They have talked to me about their problems, and I've offered advice and wisdom; I don't condemn that because, well. As adults, we should help guide the younger if asked. But when it comes to my troubles, I limit how much I discuss with them. I don't bring them up myself (it's often brought up by the other party because I'll post about it on here, like a vent post or whatever). And while I don't brush them off with a short "don't worry about it", I make it clear -- I appreciate that you care enough to make sure I'm okay (because their sympathy / care is just as valuable as an adult's), but even if I'm not okay, the burdens and problems surrounding my troubles will be dealt with by me. I don't ask them for advice. I don't goad them for sympathetic words. And it's not that I believe they couldn't give good advice, or their sympathy means less, but an adult should not be relying on a minor for those levels of emotional labor. That established emotional connection where both parties exchange advice and comfort is how predators manipulate their victims because it's subtle and seemingly harmless, and difficult to paint them as a bad person when you have that level of emotional trust.
And once that emotional connection is established, that's when things can escalate, and get scary, quickly.
One day while talking they will probably bring it up -- the way one of your peers would. Something along the lines of "hey can I tell you something?" or "there's something I want to tell you but I'm afraid you won't want to talk to me anymore if I do" etc. etc.; with that peer/peer dynamic, that'll make you anxious, sure. You'd probably get anxious if they were your own age and said that too. So then, it comes out in some form that "I like you, but like... as more than a friend" or "I think you're really cute; I have for a bit now actually" or something similar. Obviously then it's uncomfortable.
But then you realize -- this is an adult. This is someone who has access to transportation. This is someone that doesn't have to report to someone (i.e. a minor can't just say "I'm going out of town for a week bye!" like your parents would, or SHOULD, be like "uh okay where are you going, who are you going to be with, why, etc. etc. etc."). And they know your full name and a general idea of where you live. You could just block them then and there and remove that information from your blog. But what if they already saved it? What if they already used one of those websites where you can look up a person's address by name for $5? What if they already know where you live, and they had planned on asking to meet up? They might know where you live. And you can't confirm or deny that they know. You can't say for sure if you removed that information before they saved it and used it for that purpose. Suddenly, there's the very real possibility that a pedophile that admitted to being attracted to you knows where you live.
Then what do you do? You should tell your parents or a trusted authority figure. But you're also a teenager and there's the likelihood that your parents might brush it off, or get angry with you, and you might get your internet taken away, etc., which is stressful because that takes away a major social area. To build upon the anxiety with that, there's the risk of unknowing if this person does know where you live, and if they do, if they are just unstable enough to do something drastic, like, y'know. Kidnap you. Because they know where you live. And they may know your school schedule too. And if your parents or trusted authority figure doesn't know about this situation, you may end up a missing child never found at worst, or found with far more trauma (5 years of life being kidnapped as opposed to a few months) that could've been avoided had someone known the situation.
But to 100% ensure your safety, it would have to be reported to the police. Because your parents can't do anything about the fact that a pedophile on the internet might know where you live. They can't confirm or deny that they know, and if they did, there's not much they can do other than keep an eye out for someone that looks out of the ordinary. But if they're most likely not home at the same time you are all the time. So, having the police involved ensures your safety -- if you open a case. You can report it to the police, and they'll ask: do you want to press charges (because it could be considered a form of child endangerment). If you say no, then that guarantees if you are kidnapped, that person would be the first they'd look to as a suspect. But to avoid that kidnapping risk at all, you'd have to say yes. And you're a kid that's now having to get involved in court just to avoid any risk to your safety because a pedophile may or may not have your address and may or may not be someone that would abduct their target, and so even if they didn't have your address and wouldn't kidnap you, you are now in a legal situation, which is. extremely. stressful. As someone's who's dealt with the court system a lot it's stressful no matter what.
And sure, you could omit the last step. But then you'll have that looming anxiety for as long as you're a minor that there is a possibility this person may show up at your house at some point. And that anxiety is fucking torture. I know it firsthand, I know all of this up to the legal portion firsthand, because this is exactly how I got tangled up with a pedophile in high school. That anxiety can make you paranoid. It impacts your sleep, which impacts your emotional tolerance and your concentration. It looms and there's nothing you can do to get rid of it other than convince yourself "they probably don't have my address; they probably won't find me". And that logic becomes sounder as time passes. But it requires time to pass, and in the meantime, you sit in constant suffering suspense.
It's just not fucking worth it, okay? You might think "this would never happen to me" but like. I was the fat emo weirdo in high school, literally considered attractive by no one and told so by peers and I still had it happen to me. So don't think "I'm not appealing enough" or whatever. Put self-esteem issues aside here, because to them, you're underage and at a power dynamic disadvantage not just physically, but most likely emotionally too. They care that you're a certain (under)age and can be manipulated into sexual acts. They will target you no matter how ugly you think you are or how unattractive your peers have convinced you.
So please. As an adult, that went through this situation (and could've had it turn out a lot worse tbh) -- do not disclose your real name (especially last names), location more specific than country, phone number, or school publicly online or to anyone you cannot 100% trust. I practice half of these in adulthood just to err on the side of caution since a full name and phone number alone could be used to find my address, and there are some preeeeetty unstable people out there. As a minor, absolutely no one needs any information unless you plan on meeting them in person, which should only be done after you've gotten to know them extremely well and both parties' parents know and are involved. It doesn't need to be on your public profile, and it shouldn't be on your public profile. I want your social media experience to be as enjoyable as possible, I don't want you feeling like you have to constantly keep an eye out for predators. But to keep yourself as safe as possible, don't purposefully make that information public. It's simple, but it’ll help you avoid so much potential stress.
Please stay safe.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Two)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 10.4k
Warnings: swearing
Notes: Hi everyone! Here’s ch2 of the new story, hope you guys like it. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @monvieesdaebak @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni
© taestefully-in-luv
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You don’t think you have ever been this bitter in your life—and you have a few things you can be bitter about. You could honestly make a list. But this? This is the ultimate bitterness and you hate it. It is driving you absolutely nuts! You’re alone with a man on an island…that’s lonely enough, right? Well, said man doesn’t even want to talk to you…that makes it ten—no, a million times more lonely. And you have every right to be bitter about that. So, yes maybe you are being a little petty when guys do interact.
It’s not like you are trying to purposely be petty, no, it’s not like that. You just can’t help your smart ass mouth or how childish you can become. Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind completely though, he just has his own smart ass comments or he becomes childish himself. It’s a horrible mix! Neither of you win! And you always want to have the last word but with Taehyung as your opponent it’s almost impossible.
“Maybe if you weren’t always following me, they would have sent us home by now.” Taehyung states bitterly as he puts his slice of bread on top of his now made sandwich.
“I’m not following you.” You roll your eyes, “I have to eat too.”
“You can’t wait until I’m done?”
“You look pretty done to me…” You point at his sandwich and he scoffs.
“I still have to eat it.”
“Eat in your room for all I care.”
You and Taehyung are getting along just fine…maybe not swimmingly but like, fine. It’s been a couple weeks and you have mostly stayed out of one another’s way but it’s moments like this that you end up interacting.
“I think I’ll eat at the table, thanks.” He grabs his sandwich and makes his way to the dining room table, sitting down with a thump. He aggressively picks up his sandwich and takes a bite while showing you a smart ass smile.
“Fantastic,” you state, “Me too.” You finish pouring milk into your cereal bowl and set it back inside the fridge. You dramatically make your way over to the table as well, giving him a wide grin as you sit down in front of him. You slightly slam your bowl down on the table, some milk dribbling over the edge of the bowl and Taehyung snarls.
“Great, you’re making a fucking mess.”
“If you went up and ate in you room you would have no idea about this mess.”
“But you still would have made this mess?”
“Ignorance is bliss, Taehyung.”
“You’re such a…” he stops, setting his lips into a firm line and you lean your head forward, clearly curious about what you are.
“Such a…?” you blink at him repeatedly and his lips curve upward into a charming smile.
“A fucking brat.” Taehyung grabs his sandwich again and takes an obnoxious bite while grinning and you give him your best annoyed eye roll.
Okay, maybe a little less than fine. This company has got it all wrong! All. Fucking. Wrong. You two are barely getting along! It’s just eye roll after eye roll, smart ass comment after smart ass comment. That’s it. That’s the relationship. Taehyung barely spares you a glance throughout the day. You do your own thing and he does his. You won’t lie though…you are curious what he gets up to…the last week he has left the house and doesn’t come back until sunset…and he comes back sweaty and exhausted.
You want to ask what he does, you do, you really do. But something tells you he wouldn’t even tell you even if you begged. And you’re not about to beg for this asshole.
So, you guys keep to yourselves save the occasional breakfast/lunch/dinner run in. While he does god knows what, you have also been trying to keep yourself busy. You have recently learned to cook a couple meals, nothing too fancy but you feel proud. You play a lot of games, read a lot of books and watch a lot of movies.
But to put it simple—You’re bored. Fucking bored. You miss human interaction. You hate to say it but your food run ins are mostly on purpose at this point…you just want someone to chit chat with for a few moments even if its unpleasant conversation—because hey! At least it’s conversation.
You and Taehyung eat in silence after your little convo, he and you share strange eye contact…you call it strange because it’s more like he glares at you and you glare at him. Your eyes never leave one another. You feel like he’s trying to cast like, black magic on you, maybe something where if he glares enough you will burst into flames. You assume this because that’s exactly what you’re doing.
“Stop looking at me.” Taehyung finishes his last bite, wiping his mouth clean with a napkin.
“You stop looking at me.” You fire back and he sighs, folding his arms across his chest.
“Why would I look at you?”
“Why would I look at you?” you mock, shoving a spoonful of cereal into your mouth and Taehyung squints at you.
“Oh yeah, real mature y/n.” His lips curl inward and he relaxes his arms at his sides as he stands from the table.
“I’m going to my room now.”
“You literally don’t have to announce everything you do.” You raise the bowl to your lips and drink back the leftover milk. You don’t want to look at Taehyung’s expression, you know you’re being ruder than usual. You’re just bitter. Yeah, pretty god damn bitter. You hear Taehyung release a long breath, and you’re starting to think he’s right, maybe you are a brat.
“Goodnight y/n.” he says much softer than you were expecting.
Yeah, maybe you are a brat.
You’re snuggled up on the living room sofa, the TV plays some cartoon movie you found on the shelf (obviously one of his picks). The movie is on a low volume as you have a book in your hands. You just started it this morning and you have not put it down, it’s called The Roommate, a funny and sexy novel. Too bad your own roommate is nowhere near funny nor sexy. Okay, maybe he’s a little sexy. But his attitude is the opposite of sexy so therefore he isn’t sexy. Yeah, totally. Whatever you have to say to yourself, right? It’s evening now and you’re almost done with the book, you have hardly taken a break from reading. This reminds you of your last memories before the island…the night before you were…kidnapped. Yeah, kidnapped. That’s how you would describe it.
The night before you were like this…snuggled on your sofa in your parent’s house…
“All I’m saying is it doesn’t seem like you’re trying that hard to—”
“Honey, relax.” Your dad cuts in. Your mom is going on and on again about how you still haven’t found another job.
“Relax? Our daughter suddenly left her job and moved back to town!” Your mother throws her hands up, “And she won’t even tell us why!”
You sit here, your knees to your chest as you read your book. You try your best to ignore your mother…you two have rarely ever seen eye to eye. If you told her why you “quit” your previous job and why you had to move back home she would probably find a way to blame you.
“She will tell us when she’s ready.” You hear your dad whisper to your mother. “Don’t push her, you know that makes it worse…”
You can’t help but nibble on your lips, starting to feel the anxiety build. You try to focus on the words on the pages in front of you but they’re beginning to become blurred.
“Oh what is she 5 years old? You treat her like a child! She’s an adult she can handle a little confrontation.”
Your eyes lose focus on the words in front of you, instead all you see is blurred vision thanks to the tears that try to visit.
“I’ll be going to sleep now.” You announce, closing your book and setting it on the end table next to the sofa. “Goodnight.” You grab your phone and stand from your place on the couch. Thankfully, your dad offers a soft ‘goodnight sweetie’ and your mom just nods her head.
You make your way down the hall to your bedroom, opening and closing the door quickly. You lean back on the bedroom door and sigh out, blinking away any tears that tried to appear. You won’t cry. Not again. You feel your phone buzz in your hand, startling you. You unlock your phone to see who messaged you when you see it lit up with a notification from him. You feel your whole world collapsing. Why the fuck is he messaging you?
You stare at your books pages, in deep thought as you recall your last night before the island. You don’t want to remember honestly. You shake your head, ridding yourself of your thoughts when the side door opens in the kitchen. It’s Taehyung. He’s sweaty and clearly exhausted again…what the hell does he do outside for so many hours?
“Hi.” You say, looking up at him from your book. Wait. Why did you greet him?
“Hi…?” Taehyung is just as surprised as you are, with his wide eyes and open mouth. He scrunches his brows together as he eyes you. He gives you a small wave, confusion written all over his face as he begins walking through the entry way and heading upstairs.
You sit here embarrassed as hell. Why did you say hi? And why was your voice so high pitched? You turn red, redder than you probably can imagine. You drop your face in your book and groan, wishing you didn’t say something as simple as ‘hi’.
You have to remind yourself you two aren’t talking. That your roommate here at Casa de la Trapped, isn’t looking to become buddy buddy with you. Which sucks because you are human, you know, a social creature. What’s the harm in becoming friends? Sure you two banter, but you can tell he isn’t a bad guy. You just don’t get any bad vibes from him, in fact sometimes it seems like he’s forcing himself to be closed off.
You try to go back to your book when you hear a faint yelp from upstairs. Did Taehyung just kind of…scream? You sit here with your book, your ears in the direction of the stairs trying to listen for any indication that something is wrong. But it’s silent. You decide to go back to your book when you hear the noise of Taehyung running down the stairs. He is out of breath by the time he reaches you, standing next to the sofa.
You quite literally choke on your spit when you see him. This boy just don’t give a damn, huh? He’s standing here, trying his best to breathe evenly with nothing but a dark red towel hanging lowly around his hips. You gulp at the sight of him. You knew he probably had a nice body but you were not expecting this. His strong build surprises you, his soft, caramel skin glows even in this lighting and his muscles flex with every movement.
“Uh,” you begin, setting your book down again, “Can I help you?”
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Taehyung rushes to say, he sounds much different than usual. His voice is usually calm and deep but right now it’s panicked like a child.
“With what?”
“There’s a spider in the shower, I need you to take care of it.”
“You want me to kill a spider for you?”
“Kill?” Taehyung brings a hand to his chest, a shocked expression on his face. “All life is precious, y/n.” he pouts. “Just get it and take it outside.”
You tilt your head and try not to laugh as you look at him…he looks bothered, that’s for sure. But god, what a baby. Can’t even take care of a small bug by himself.
“Fine. Show me where it’s at.” You rise from the couch, pointing at the direction of the stairs.
“Yes, yes. I’ll lead the way!” Taehyung walks quickly. He makes his way upstairs with you following right behind him. He leads you into the bathroom when he brings back the shower curtain to show you the spider.
“Well?” you ask expectantly. “Where is it?”
Taehyung turns to face you, his face as white as a ghost.
“It was just here, I swear.”
You roll your eyes as you fight back a grin.
“Sure, Taehyung. Are you sure you weren’t just trying to show off your body?” you shamelessly drag your eyes down his body and he goes red.
“W-Why—why would I do that?” he murmurs out, “Plus, I am sure you’ve already imagined what I look like without clothes.” He recovers quickly, a smirk making its way on his face.
“Not likely.” You say nonchalantly. “Well, if there’s no bug—”
“Wait! You don’t expect me to use this shower still, do you?” He looks panicked again, like a small child.
“Uh, yes?”
“The spider could be lurking anywhere! Let me use your shower.” He suggests, loving his own idea. You on the other hand, do not love his idea.
“Yeah, nah.”
“y/n…” He whines, “Please. I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” You raise a brow, a small smirk creeping on your face. “Okay, have breakfast with me tomorrow. And you actually have to talk to me.”
“y/n…” he warns. “You know we shouldn’t do that.”
“And I want 5 facts about you.” You stand your ground, your hands on your hips as you speak. “And I’ll give you 3 about me.”
“How is that even fair?”
“I’m the rule maker here, Taehyung.” You narrow your eyes at him, “Get used to it.”
Taehyung walks closer to you, his breaths reaching your skin.
“Oh y/n.” Taehyung’s voice goes low, “I definitely make the rules.” There’s a moment of strange tension as he stares down at you…then he’s speaking again. “If you only give 3 then I only give 3. That’s the deal.”
You stare up into his dark eyes and you struggle to swallow your own spit, he might only have a few inches over you but maybe they are a little intimidating.
“F-Fine. Use my shower.” You step out of his way and gesture towards your room. “See you at breakfast tomorrow.” You wink.
Taehyung rolls his eyes but this time it almost seemed playful and not overly dramatic. You don’t want to get your hopes up but when he’s not being closed off and frankly, rude, he’s really not that bad.
“Don’t get used to these types of deals.” Taehyung throws over his shoulder as he walks to your room. “Basically, don’t get used to me.” He says a little quieter, but you still hear him and you frown.
“Like, I would want to!” you yell out.
Taehyung does not want to leave this shower, ever. He’s almost kind of bitter that he let you have this room! You get the awesome rain shower and he’s stuck with some plain, basic shower head in the guest bathroom. He eyes all the different bottles that sit on the shelves inside the shower, these must be all the bottles you use in your real life, he thinks. He grabs the shampoo and opens it to sniff it. He’s never gotten close enough to you that he can smell your hair but man, this is what you smell like? Delicious. He squirts a generous amount of the shampoo in his palm with an evil glint in his eye and massages it into his scalp. Whoops, did he just use your shampoo? Oh well. He rinses his hair out and uses your conditioner as well, but he doesn’t stop there. He uses your body wash too! It smells divine and its making his skin so soft.
Taehyung just knows that him using your shit would bother you, he just gets that vibe. And he’s not sure why but riling you up is quite fun. Taehyung turns the water off and grabs his towel and starts drying off…he steps out on to the shower mat and eyes the room as he dries himself. He sees you organized all your lotions and whatever other products onto the sinks counter top, he sees how empty “his side” of the sink is. It previously held all his belongings that he had moved into his bathroom—the guest bathroom.
“Are you almost done in there?” He hears you knocking on the door. “I want to take a shower before bed!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He whispers out, “Hold on!”
Taehyung wraps the towel around his hips again and goes towards the bathroom door, he stops to check himself out in the mirror before opening the door.
“I’m all done, cry baby.” He rolls his eyes and you secretly hope they get stuck like that for how much he does it.
“Me, the cry baby? You wouldn’t even use your own show—”
“—anyway, bathroom is all yours.” He breezes past you, but stops before exiting the bedroom. “Um…” he turns around, “See you in the morning.” And then he’s walking out.
You made eggs, bacon, pancakes, and have fresh fruit in a bowl all set up on the dining room table. For some reason you are too nervous to call out for Taehyung and let him know that breakfast is ready…you know, 30 minutes ago. You just patiently wait, sitting here tapping your fingers against the wooden table.
Another 20 minutes pass by when you hear faint footsteps from upstairs…he must now just be getting up, you think. You rush to reheat up some of the food before he makes his way downstairs. You set the bacon, eggs and pancakes back down on the table and make yourself busy like you haven’t just been waiting for almost an hour.
Taehyung finally walks through the kitchen, his face evident with sleep and his hair sticking out in all directions. He blinks at you lazily before his eyes widen in panic.
“B-Breakfast. I forgot—”
“It’s okay, I just finished.” You cut him off with a strained smile. “I see you like to sleep in.”
“Most days, yeah. Because I go to bed so late.” He admits sheepishly. Then he smirks. “Can that be fact number 1?”
“I’ll allow it.”
“Oh, you’ll allow it? How gracious of you.” Taehyung takes a seat at the dining room table and he starts with grabbing two pancakes from the pile and setting them down on his plate.
“You cooked all of this?” He asks, surprised.
“No, the other people who live here did it.” You deadpan.
“Always a smart ass.” He says while pouring syrup all over his pancakes, “Aren’t you going to sit down?”
“Right…” you make your way to the table and take a seat in front of him. You start with some pancakes as well, waiting for him to finish with the syrup so you can pour your own generous amount. He notices you waiting, his eyes finding yours and the corner of his mouth twitches into a sort of half smile. He slides the syrup across the table and your hand goes out to grab it, your fingers touching his.
You both get out at the same time. You stare at one another for another few seconds before Taehyung rolls his eyes,
“Big deal, our fingers touched. No need to get weird.” He chuckles, and you feel your heart feel all fucking weird.
“Anyway,” you clear your throat, “What’s fact number 2?”
Taehyung takes a bite of his pancakes and moans into the syrupy mess, his eyes finding yours again.
“Oh? You’re greedy for information.”
“I’m a little greedy.” You admit, “So?”
“Fact number 2…I’m almost 5’11.”
“So you’re 5’10. Just say you’re 5’10.”
“But I’m not just 5’10. Because I am almost 5’11.” He groans, “Can’t you just humor me here?”
“Okay Mister 5’11.” You laugh, “My fact number 2 is that I have one older sister.”
Taehyung nods his head, remembering the picture of you and some other girl that you looks a lot like you.
“I see.” He swallows his food, “So you’re the baby of your family?”
“Yeah, I can tell.” He smirks at you, “You have that baby of the family vibe.”
“Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?” you give him a curious look and he looks at you like you can’t be serious.
“Because you’re…you know,” he gestures towards you with a knowing look and you scoff.
“No, I don’t know.”
“Brat.” He states simply. “Because you’re a brat.”
“Whatever.” You grab for some eggs and bacon, and Taehyung does the same.
“So, what’s fact number 3?” you ask, piling some eggs onto your plate.
“Already want the last fact? We are barely just eating.” Taehyung points out. He shovels some eggs onto his own plate once you are done, and sticks a piece of bacon into his mouth.
“Greedy, remember?” you remind him with a smirk. “So?”
“I’m sure you already gathered this but…I’m an aspiring musician.”
“I figured you were…that, or an artist.”
“Art is just a really fun hobby for me.” He admits. He loves to paint but singing and making music is where his true passion lies.
“What’s your last fact?” he stuffs his face with another piece of bacon, you watch him as he eats the crispy meat.
“Umm…” you look up at the ceiling as you think, “I used to think I looked bad in sun glasses but then I got over that…so now I buy any cool, funky sunglasses I can find.”
“That’s a really random fact.” Taehyung chuckles, “I like cool, funky sunglasses too.”
“Wow, are you saying we actually have something in common?” you tease, bringing a forkful of eggs to your mouth.
“Don’t get used to it.” He says dryly. “Since we said all of our facts, I guess I can go now.”
“You’re not going to finish your food? Taehyung…” you place your hands on the table. “They’re not going to assume just because we are talking that we are falling in love for Christ’s sake.”
“Don’t want to give them any ideas.” Taehyung says a bit harshly. Your face falls into a frown and you stand from the table.
“You can finish your food. I’ll leave.”
Taehyung blinks up at you and opens his mouth to say something but he remains quiet. You shake your head at him and walk off into the living room. If he wants to continue this “Little to no interaction” thing then so be it!
Taehyung sits here with his appetite lost. He holds his fork in his hand out in front of him and attempts to cut into his pancakes when he just gives up. He drops the fork onto the table and sighs out.
“y/n…” he calls out but you ignore him. “y/n!”
“Don’t talk to me.” You say with as much attitude you can muster and Taehyung silently mocks your words. He grabs his fork and aggressively cuts into his pancakes and takes a bite.
“Fine by me!” He yells out with his mouth full.
“You’re so annoying!” You groan and Taehyung silently mocks your words again but you can’t see him.
“And you’re a brat!” He says stuffing his mouth with another slice of pancake.
Great. For a moment there you thought you two could almost get along but he is set on this bullshit of not talking. You walk to the shelves in the living room and choose a new book, another romance novel. You take a seat on the couch, and curl up into a blanket. Taehyung can do whatever he wants! You’re going to enjoy your book and forget all about his annoying ass.
Taehyung is finally dressed into some shorts and a sleeveless shirt as he makes his way out of the house. He is going to continue working on his little…project. You are probably wondering what he gets up to everyday, he thinks.
He is working on building a raft. He wants to escape this island but he doesn’t know how to build a fucking raft and this company didn’t necessarily give him the tools to escape. But he’s figuring it out. He is quite literally breaking tree branches and going from there. But it is taking time but apparently he has all the time in the world. 3 months? 6 months? A year or even more? He releases a long breath as he walks the path to where his “raft” is. If anything it’s just nice to get out of the house and breathe the island air. This whole thing kind of just gives him something to do and he knows this may not really work but he’s got to try. He’s a man of action after all.
He finally sees his “raft” chilling against a tree close to the beach and he walks up to it. Already feeling frustrated just looking at the pathetic thing. He has to make it big enough for two people…he isn’t an asshole, he doesn’t plan on escaping by himself, leaving you here.
He goes to his knees and holds it up, he feels his frustrations bubble over and he throws it to the ground. How the hell is he supposed to escape with this shitty thing?
He slams his eyes shut and sinks into the sand. He wants to go home. Things aren’t easy here…he can’t sleep. He is surprised he’s eating as much as he is, and he has mostly bad interactions with you. And he knows that it’s his fault. But he knows this is for the best but he can tell it’s not what you want. To be honest, this is actually really hard for him. He tries to come off as cold and closed off so you won’t take an interest in him but he’s dying! He wants to talk to you too! He is probably one of the most social of his friends! He has a lot of friends and he loves talking and hanging with them.
Taehyung feels his eyes become wet with hot tears and he grits he teeth together in irritation. He wishes he was home with his friends, with his family, with the girl he likes. He misses everyone so bad. He knows the night you two were “kidnapped” was the last day of the year, meaning they started this experiment January 1. He recalls his last few nights before the island…it was his birthday.
“No! I want him to open my present first!” Jimin whines and Taehyung can’t help the wide grin that adorns his face.
They’re all out at a bar, the music is loud and the alcohol is nonstop. Taehyung is surrounded by his closest friends, plus Hana—the girl Taehyung has been crushing on for the last year. She brought along a couple of her friends to this night out of celebration.
“He can open whoever’s he wants first…which is mine, right?” Jungkook hands Taehyung a box and Taehyung chuckles.
“Just for that, your two are going last.” Taehyung says, “How about I open Namjoon’s first since he planned this night?”
Namjoon gives the other two boys a cocky grin as he hands Taehyung a bag.
“Can I go after Namjoon?” Hana’s sweet voice is heard over the blaring music. She looks absolutely gorgeous tonight, her pink dress doing her a million favors. Not that she needs the favors, she’s always gorgeous.
“Y-Yeah.” Taehyung blushes, “But you didn’t have to get me anything…”
“Really? You practically yelled at us when you thought we weren’t getting you anything.” Jimin playfully comments.
“Shut up dude.” Taehyung grits out, “Anyway, let’s see what Joonie got me.”
The night went on, the music got louder, the alcohol kept on coming. Taehyung is so happy. Everything is perfect. He doesn’t think anything can ruin his good mood.
“Want to dance with me?” Hana’s words leave her pretty, pink lips and Taehyung finds himself nodding yes before he can even register what she said. He would literally do anything she wanted.
“Then come.” She waves him over with her small, manicured hand.
Hana and Taehyung end up on the dance floor for quite some time…he’s too drunk to be nervous like he usually is. His large hands grip at her tiny waist as he brings her in closer, she lightly moans when she feels his hard body against her.
“We should talk.” Hana breathes out, “About us.”
Taehyung’s eyes go wide, panic starting to make its way into his body.
“What about us?”
Hana chuckles lightly, she goes on her tip toes and places a soft, sweet kiss against Taehyung’s lips.
“Nothing bad, I promise.” She takes his hand and leads him outside the bar, out to a little patio. Taehyung has a huge smile on his face as he follows her outside…it’s not the first time they’ve kissed but he still can’t get used to it.
“You like me right?” she asks, pointing to herself. She’s got that sweet smile and Taehyung feels his nerves spiking.
“Yes.” He finally breathes out.
“Good. Because I like you too.” She admits, she closes her eyes for a moment, Taehyung spots the golden eye shadow that is painted over her lids. She opens her eyes again and he spots a sadness in them.
“But…” she begins and Taehyung feels his smile fade.
“But what?”
“No…it’s nothing.” She clears her throat, “You should take me on a date. And soon.” She giggles. Taehyung feels his smile grow and he nods his head.
“I would love to. We can—”
“Hey Tae!” Hobi’s voice cuts him off, “Yoongi says he just got off work and is on his way!!” He cheers happily. Taehyung turns to face Hobi and gives him a thumbs up before he’s spinning back around to Hana.
“Let’s go inside. We can discuss more on our date.” She smiles, taking his hand again.
“Sure.” Taehyung grins, his stomach doing a million flips. “Let’s go!”
Taehyung feels a few tears escape his closed eye lids as he sits in the sand. It’s too early to be in this state, Taehyung thinks. But alas, he can’t help it. He misses his life. This island put his life on complete hold. What if he’s stuck here for a year? Would Hana wait for him? It’s not like he’s expecting her to…but he thinks he would wait for her.
He stands to his feet, wiping his face of any leftover tears and he begins working for the day. He finds new trees with branches that would be easy to cut down and he resumes his little project. Hours and Hours go by and Taehyung is sitting on the beach’s sand and staring out at the water. He’s tired, he’s sweaty and he’s hungry.
Taehyung starts making his way back to the house now that the sun is setting. It’s pretty orange glow sets a relaxing mood and Taehyung feels grateful. He walks up to the side door that leads to the kitchen and watches you from the window. You look calm as usual and he feels himself feeling frustrated all over again…how are you so calm? He was having a meltdown on the beach earlier and here you are cooking dinner with a small smile on your face. He doesn’t understand you. Does this whole situation not bother you? No…he knows it has to bother you but how are you able to be so relaxed about it?
He opens the door and walks inside, startling you. You bring a hand to your heart when you see him but then visibly relax after a moment or two.
“You scared me.”
“Sorry.” He mumbles lamely. And then he’s walking up the stairs leaving you to your lonesome.
Month: 1
It’s been a month. A whole month! It seems Taehyung has gotten even more distant with you…no major interactions since you two had breakfast together. He keeps his comments to you brief in passing and he barely makes eye contact. You’re fed up. You’re lonely. You need interaction and you can’t always cater to him! He can suck it up for once and do what you want.
Feeling brave, you give yourself a pep talk in your bathroom mirror. That’s right, you are going to just go for it! You are going to demand that he hang out with you. You fix your hair in the mirror and nod to yourself. Yeah, you got this. You exit your room and stroll down the hall to his bedroom, once you are standing in front of it you lean your head against the door, your ear lying flat against it as you try to listen for him. The room sounds pretty quiet…maybe he’s sleeping? No, no. You’re just trying to find an excuse not to do this, aren’t you? Ugh, pathetic.
You raise your fist up and begin knocking on his door. You’re left with silence…you’re being ignored. So you knock again. And again. And ag—
“What?!” Taehyung swings open the door, revealing that he was indeed maybe sleeping. His hair is doing that funny thing where it sticks out in every direction and his eyes are barely open.
“This better be important.” He huffs out.
Suddenly, you feel a wave of shyness wash over you. You feel kind of bad you interrupted his nap…but you got to stay strong.
“Please hang out with me.” You blurt out.
“Huh?” Taehyung looks at you as if you’re crazy. “Not happening.” He quickly says.
“Just play a game with me, or maybe we could watch that movie…”
“I don’t want to do anything with you.” He raises his voice just the slightest and you flinch.
“Yeah? You think I want to do things with you? Like you specifically? Hell no! But I just want to do something damn it!” you flail your arms up, and breathe out heavily. “I am so fucking tired of always being by myself, it’s literally driving me insane.” You admit, you look off to the side as tears threaten to wet your eyes. “I am alone every single day. It has been a month, Taehyung? Did you know that? You’ve left me lonely for an entire month! I am going fucking crazy!” you bring your hands to your hips, “I have tried learning to cook all these god damn recipes as a way to distract myself but dude, I don’t even like cooking. I read all day too…I have all these imaginary book friends and that’s where I meet my social needs, isn’t that insane? Oh my god, I am going insane. And you?! How are you okay?!”
Taehyung is left speechless at your rant. He realizes that this loneliness is really getting to you…he admits he isn’t much better. But he kind of likes that you’re beginning to spiral. Is that mean?
“W-What game?” he juts out his bottom lip as his eyes slide to the side.
You stare at him with wide eyes as your chest heaves. You screw your eyes closed, and bring a hand to your head.
“What game?” you open your eyes to look at him, “That’s all you have to say?”
“What game y/n?”
You glare at him, huffing out deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
“Mortal Kombat.” You spit out, “I really want to kick your ass.”
Your fingers work the buttons on the controller as you test out every god damn combo you can…and damn it is working because you are on fire.
“You could have warned me that you actually know how to play…” Taehyung pouts.
“You should have just taken my word for it, you loser.” You continue to kick his ass in the game, you are pretty good at pretending his character is actually him.
“One more game, y/n.” Taehyung begs, “I will beat you!”
“You haven’t won even one match, Taehyung. Just admit you suck.” You chuckle darkly.
You press a few more buttons until you see the word ‘Fatality’ grace your screen, you stand up in excitement yelling out your victory, you laugh like a god damn maniac and he can’t help but chuckle. Taehyung throws his controller to the ground and pouts dramatically.
“I know what will make you feel better.” You turn to face him, calming down.
“Nothing will heal this wound, y/n.” He states, throwing the sofa’s designated blanket over his body.
“How about we watch that movie you like so much?” you offer with a smile but Taehyung goes stiff at your question.
“I think we should just call it for the day…” he looks awkwardly to the side and you slump your shoulders.
��Listen…it’s not you—”
“Just stop.” You hold your hand up, “You want nothing to do with me, I get it.”
“y/n…” Taehyung looks down at his hands…he does feel bad. It’s not like he didn’t have fun with you just now. He just wishes this was all different.
“I’ll be in my room—”
“Teach me how to make one of the recipes you learned.” He cuts in.
“What?” you ask, completely off guard. “What?” you repeat.
“I said,” Taehyung breathes out, “Teach me how to make one of the recipes you learned.” He’s not just trying to be nice…he’s also, you know, hungry.
You hate yourself because you light up like the sun almost immediately. You wish you were strong and you could tell him to fuck off but instead you become the god damn sun from how brightly you shine.
“Really?” you ask with the most hopeful eyes.
“Yeah.” Taehyung laughs, “Really.”
“You mean…you want to actually spend time with me?” you ask bluntly.
“I guess you can put it that way if it makes you feel better.” Taehyung rolls his eyes, but it’s in that playful way you only ever get to see so often.
“It does make me feel better actually.”
“Well, then.” He stands up and motions his hand towards the kitchen. “Shall we?”
“Are you going to be annoying the whole time?” you ask, “Or will you be serious about learning?”
“God, woman.” He rolls his eyes again. “I hope I annoy the shit out of you.”
“Oh, you already do.” You gesture for him to go to the kitchen first.
“You haven’t seen anything yet.”
“Somehow I believe you.” This time it’s your turn for the dramatic eye roll. “Now come on.”
“Oh my god. You aren’t even listening!” you yell out over Taehyung’s nonstop humming and whistling.
“I truly believe cooking is like an art, you know?” he continues to whistle some made up tune, “These instructions are like…a guide but you can kind of do what you…” he makes a fist with his hand and shakes it in front of his face. “… you want.” He finishes. “Yeah, these are more like suggestions.”
“Can we please just follow the directions.” You deadpan. “I want this to taste the way it’s supposed to!”
“You’re no fun.” Taehyung says nonchalantly. “Cooking should be fun.”
“Cooking is so we can eat.”
“These dumplings are going to taste fine, y/n.” He assures you with a grin.
“You say that but…” you look at his pile of failed dumplings. “But…” you show him with your hand the absolute mess he’s made.
“Your point?” He raises a single brow and you scoff. There’s no way he is serious, absolutely no way.
You notice Taehyung is staring at you, his eyes look everywhere but your eyes and you start to feel nervous under his gaze. He has one of those dark, intense gazes that you just can’t shake off your mind.
“What?” you finally ask. “Something on my face?” you joke.
“Actually, yes.” He blurts out. “So much flour.”
“Oh.” You start to turn red with embarrassment, “Where? Here?” you point to various spots on your face with a towel and he just shakes his head.
“No, there.” He points but you still miss it.
“Just clean it off me!”
“You want me to touch you?”
“Yes, please touch me.” Then your eyes expand in size. “Wait, that sounds wrong.”
“You have a dirty mind, y/n.” Taehyung shakes his head again, “You’re just all kinds of dirty.”
“Oh my god, stop.” You look at him with your flustered as hell face, your face is probably redder than ever and it feels so fucking hot.
“Here.” Taehyung grabs the towel from your hands and begins wiping your face clean. “Your face isn’t dirty anymore.” He pulls his hand back, “But your mind still is, huh?”
“Will you just shut up?”
“Will you just shut up?” he mocks how you usually would and you roll your eyes. Hard.
“Doesn’t feel good does it?” He teases, “Getting a taste of your own medicine.”
“Can we please just focus on this recipe?”
“Fine.” He breathes out, “Except I will ignore this recipe completely and do what I think my ancestors want me to do. They whisper in my ear that these need more garlic.”
“You are so annoying.”
“You are so annoying.”
“Okay, I get it, Taehyung.”
You reach behind you and untie your apron and place it on its hook by the pantry. You walk over to the dining room table and take a seat.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Taehyung quirks a brow as you rest your head on the table.
“Resting. Letting you do all the work. You can cook from now on. I give up.”
Taehyung shakes his pointer finger at you and walks your way.
“Oh no, no, no.” he grabs on to your arm and begins dragging you up. “This was your idea so we are cooking together.”
“Uh, actually this was your idea.”
“Oh.” Taehyung’s mouth hangs open as he realizes how true that is. “Not one of my better ideas…” he admits.
“Oh? Do you usually have good ideas?” You make your snarky comment and Taehyung let’s go of your arm.
“Usually the best.” He says, a cocky smile making its way on his stupidly handsome face.
“I don’t believe that for a second.”
“Well, you don’t know me.”
“Oh? And whose fault is that?” You jab at him and he visibly deflates.
“You know 3 things about me actually.” He gives you a half smile.
“All I remember is that you’re almost 5’11.”
“Well, that one was the most important. So your head is in the right place.”
Taehyung doesn’t realize it because you didn’t say anything but his face is full of flour as well. You stare up at him and start to laugh. Taehyung looks at you, confused. An adorable pout forms on his lips as he begs you to tell him what’s so funny.
“Your face.” You point at him and his fingers go to touch his skin.
“Clean me.” He commands. “I cleaned you, it’s only fair.” He points out.
You nod your head and walk towards the counter to grab the towel, Taehyung follows closely behind you. You turn around quickly and your chest bumps into his.
“Oh sorry.” He says while scratching the back of his neck, “I got too close.”
You nod lamely, but neither of you step back. Maybe expecting the other to do it? You decide to ignore that and you reach up to clean his face. He has flour everywhere. No joke. This dude is messy. You kind of laugh as you wipe his face clean, he can’t help but laugh too. His breath mingling with yours as you two giggle.
“We are kind of a mess.” He admits, his tone is soft—almost shy. You slow down the patting on his skin and you gaze into his eyes for a moment. They’re dark. They’re powerful. You feel yourself getting lost in the moment when Taehyung clears his throat and you bring your hand back down.
“There.” You say, “All done.”
“Should we finish cooking?” Taehyung grins down at you.
“I don’t know, what do your ancestors say?”
“They say you’re a smart ass.”
“Do you think we could…we could do this again?” You and Taehyung are standing outside your bedroom door. Why did Taehyung walk you all the way to your door? The world may never know.
“Do what exactly?” he asks as he sways back and forth in front of you
“Play a game…or cook dinner…or you know just hang out.”
“Maybe… once a week we can play a game or watch a movie or something…” he gets out awkwardly.
“Wow, you’ll grace me with your presence once a week?” you roll your eyes, “How generous of you.”
“Listen…” Taehyung looks at you more seriously, “I know social contact is important for like, our mental health or whatever. But we shouldn’t push it.”
“You’re so…”
“I’m so what?” Taehyung steps forward and you gulp.
“So unfair.” You whisper. Taehyung bows his head down, he feels like he is shrinking. Because you’re right, he is being totally unfair. But he thinks this is the right move, the smart move.
“Y/n…” he sighs, “I’m doing this so we can leave.”
“And what if your little strategy isn’t working? It’s been a month Taehyung.” You point out, “And we’re still here.”
“I know, I know. Jesus, woman.” He breathes out, his dark eyes finding yours. “Look, they will get bored with us.”
“How can you be so sure?” you step forward. “What if we aren’t boring to them?” you whisper, your eyes staying on his.
“That’s why we should interact as little as possible.”
“Taehyung. No offense. But do you really think I want to interact with you?” you spit out, “I just need something, anything. I just need someone.” You step closer, “And you happen to be the only person here.”
Taehyung’s brows pinch together as he looks down at you, a frown decorating his face. He…he doesn’t want to be hurt by that.
“Once a week y/n. That’s all I can offer you.” He steps closer to you, his feet bumping into yours, “Don’t get greedy on me.”
You tilt your head up and chuckle,
“I told you I’m greedy though.” Your eyes stay on his, his piercing gaze causing you to shudder but you don’t break contact and neither does he. He’s challenging you, you can feel it. His eyes begin to narrow as he stares down at you, you wonder what he is thinking. He sighs out, his breath hitting your face and you blink up at him. You’re about to say something, anything when his tongue darts out to wet his lips. You mean to keep your eyes on his eyes, you really do but you don’t. You hate yourself for dropping your gaze down to his lips. He smirks as realization hits him.
“Goodnight y/n.” He says, his voice so deep and low it catches you off guard. Then he’s stepping away from you and heading towards his room, leaving you at your door. You release the longest, shakiest breath as you watch him disappear.
You open the door to your bedroom and walk inside, you wish you could yell out in frustration. You wish you could scream into your pillow and know for sure he can’t hear you. You wish you weren’t here.
You change into some sleep clothes and slide into bed. You pull the blanket up to your nose and kick your legs dramatically. This guy is so annoying! Why can’t he just not care and live life normally so you can be normal too! Listen, you aren’t fucking thrilled about this either. But you’re handling it a lot better than he is. Why is that…? Why are you handling this so well? Maybe it’s because your real life is a fucking mess and this truly is the vacation you needed. You know, you know how pathetic that sounds.
You close your eyes and try to sleep but memories of your real life keep hitting you. You hate this. You hate all of this. You’re lonely. You’re all alone. In this this life on the island but also in your real life. You’re so fucking alone. You feel tears prick your eyes and you let yourself quietly sob for who knows how long. You wish you had someone to lean on…just in general. But you lost all of your friends at work…you lost your boyfriend…you only have your parents and even they are fed up with you.
After crying tears after tears you decide you’re thirsty. You tip toe out of bed and make your way downstairs…the house is so quiet and dark. It’s relaxing and also depressing. You finally make it to the kitchen when you scream bloody murder. Sitting in the dark at the dining room table is Taehyung.
“Wow, y/n. It’s not next week yet.” He jokes. You quickly turn on the dining room light and look at him like he’s insane.
“You fucking scared me!” you exclaim loudly, “And why are you awake?”
“I have trouble sleeping…” he admits, he scratches the back of his neck and gives you a sheepish grin. “What about you?”
You step closer to the table and Taehyung’s eyes slightly expand. He notices your swollen eyes and puffy lips. Had you been crying?
“Hey…are you okay?” he whispers out, standing from his chair.
“Don’t act like you care so suddenly.” Your eyes slide to the side, “I’m fine.”
Taehyung looks down, guilt burying itself into his body. He looks up at you and tries to speak but he doesn’t know what to say.
“I just came down for some water.” You tell him. “That’s all.” You walk over to the fridge for the pitcher of cold water then you walk to the cabinet and try to grab a glass from the top shelf but you struggle. You huff out and close your eyes in frustration when you feel Taehyung’s chest on your back.
“I’ll grab it for you.” He says softly. He reaches for a glass and hands it to you, you take it from him and offer him a small thanks.
“See? That’s something only people who are almost 5’11 could do.” He teases and you look at him with a serious expression. You look down at your feet and sigh out before you let a giggle slip between your lips.
“Goodnight Taehyung.” You look up to study his face, and you see his smile fade.
“What?” you ask.
“Once a day.” He says. “We can hang out once a day. But that’s it.”
You feel your heart do something funny…you feel your tummy doing something weird too. You feel your entire chest get hit with a wave of….something.
“It’s fine, Taehyung.” You finally say after a quiet moment, “I don’t want to push you.”
“This isn’t for you.” He smiles, “I think I need the social contact too.”
“Well, no fucking duh.” You state with the roll of your eyes. “We can’t isolate ourselves…it’s so unhealthy.”
“I get it.” He breathes out, “So, I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“And every day after that until we’re out of this place.”
The next couple of days you and Taehyung play some games or watch a movie together, just doing at least one activity a day. Just like he said you two would. Admittingly you do feel better about this arrangement. Not talking at all was a pain in the ass and terribly lonely. Sometimes Taehyung will come to the living room and play a game by himself while you read, just sharing a space without really talking, even after he did his one activity with you. You hate to admit how much you like that he does that.
It’s not like you want to get to know him specifically…but you would like to sort of know the person you are living with…that makes sense, right? It’s not him! It’s just that he’s the only person here…and you want a friend. Yes, you can admit you want a friend. You aren’t going to fall in love with the dude…you just want someone to talk to and hang out with. God, is that such a crime? Plus, you’re in no place for love. If the company truly knows you, with their “research” and all then they should know you are not ready for any type of romantic relationship.
You lay here on the couch, your legs hung over the arm of it while you stare up at the ceiling. It’s hot out today and this house happens to come with a lovely pool. The ocean is scary so no beach for you…but pool? Yes. You lay here, wondering what Taehyung is up to. He went out again today like he usually does, you wonder if you can ask him about it now…now that you guys aren’t on total terrible terms. Nah, you will wait a little longer before you ask. Instead, you rise from the sofa and head upstairs to change into a swim suit.
You have a lot of options, to be honest. This place did not lack on the clothing items! You decide on a simple dark green bikini, you try it on and decide you like the way it looks. A lot actually. Have you lost some weight? You guess the lack of fast food options has made you a little slimmer, and the amount of fresh food that’s available here. Plus you started lightly working out in the home gym, sweating a storm.
You head back downstairs and go to the back where the absolutely lovely porch is located…it’s a whole wooden deck. With a glamorous pool in the center and a hot tub off to the side. You wish you really lived in a place like this—not here, specifically. (For obvious reasons) You shrug off the towel that’s wrapped protectively over your body and make your way to the pool. You don’t know what you’re being self-conscious for…Taehyung doesn’t usually come back until sunset and it’s barely the afternoon.
You dip your toes in the water first…it’s pretty chilly but you handle it, dipping your body further and further into the water. You shiver just a bit before dunking your head underneath, letting the water consume you. You stay underwater, opening your eyes and staring at the blue nothingness.
“I love you.” He says for the first time, making you float on air. You knew he was going to say it soon, you could feel it but you were not expecting it here.
You two are sitting at Cozy Coffee, your favorite place to relax and read and write. You are in the middle of writing a very intriguing sentence when your fingers stop typing in reaction to his confession.
“You what?” you ask, a small smile adorning your face. “You love me?”
“Yes.” He reaches for your hand across the table, “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
“I had a feeling.” You tease. “But I…”
“You don’t have to say it yet if you aren’t ready,” he squeezes your hand, “I can wait.”
“No!” you squeeze his hand back, “I…love you too.” You admit softly.
He brings his hand back, folding his hands together out in front of him and sighs out, his breaths escaping him softly.
“These past 6 months with you y/n…” he begins, “Have been the most wonderful.”
“They have been pretty nice, haven’t they?” you smirk. “Tell me your favorite part?”
“Any part where you’re naked, for sure.” He laughs and you gasp.
“Hey! Behave.” You warn with a smile and he keeps laughing.
“I’m serious, this is the best relationship I have ever had. You’re definitely the best girlfriend…all these other girls have been crazy.”
You frown at that, “Why crazy?”
“Ugh, you know how women can get.”
You don’t like the way he said that, you feel your smile twist into another frown.
“What do you mean?”
“It doesn’t matter. Because you aren’t like that. You’re different.”
You smile again, once again feeling special with his praise.
“Different how?”
“Jeez, you ask a lot of questions.” He half jokes. “I don’t know, you just are.”
The water is starting to sting your eyes as you continue to hold your breath, memories flooding you. This water isn’t the only thing trying to drown you. You finally squeeze your eyes shut and swim up to the surface, gasping for air once you reach it. You breathe out heavily as you try to catch a breath, your wet hair dripping down your just as wet face. You swim to the edge of the pool and lift yourself up on the ledge and sit with your legs still in the water.
Why do you have to think of him?
After an hour or so that passes and plenty of sun later you decide you’ve had enough of the day outside. You stand to your feet and grab your towel and dry off, draping the towel over your right arm. You’re still pretty wet you admit, but nothing crazy. You head for the house, walking through the back door. Once you enter the house the cool AC hits you, causing you to shiver but you decide a warm shower will solve this. You turn the corner in the hall to head upstairs when your body slams into another body. You run into Taehyung hard causing you to tumble over and fall on top of him.
Taehyung yelps out when he makes contact with you, his body falling to the hard tiled floor and he winces. You fall on top of him, your chest smooshing his face. Yeah, your boobs in his face. That’s what that fucking means. Your wet boobs in his sweaty face.
“What the hell?” Taehyung mumbles between your breasts, “Get off me.”
You’re quick to try to scramble off his body, your hands landing in all the wrong places as you try to lift yourself. He groans loudly when you make contact with his lower hips and his hands go to grab your wrists trying to stop you from moving around so much.
“Chill, chill.” He breathes out slowly, still holding on to your wrists. He makes his way out from beneath you and pulls you up by the wrists.
“I wasn’t this sweaty before you ran into me…” Taehyung observes, “How wet are you?”
“I wasn’t this wet until running into you. How fucking sweaty are you?!”
“Fair.” Taehyung says with a smirk, then he’s blinking at you. “You went swimming today?” he eyes you up and down and you immediately feel insecure under his intense gaze.
“Uh, yeah.” You take the towel that’s draped around your arm and go to cover yourself with it.
“Why are you getting shy now?” as sly smile draws itself on Taehyung’s face. “You didn’t seem this shy just a moment ago with your tits in my face?” he questions with a low voice.
“Oh my god, can we not bring that up?” you begin to blush and you hate yourself for it.
“Why not?”
“It was an accident first of all. There will never be a time again where my boobs are in your face.”
“Oh you’re making the company sad.” Taehyung pouts.
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes and Taehyung laughs. His laughter dies down though when he shamelessly eyes you again.
“Green is my favorite color.” He says while walking past you and heading upstairs.
You stand here, embarrassed as fucking usual. Your whole body warming up and you don’t even feel that cold AC any longer. You breathe in and breathe out. Taehyung is not making this stay very easy, is he?
Month: 2
“Don’t you use that blue shell!” You scream at the air around you, your eyes concentrating on the screen ahead.
Taehyung smirks, working his fingers on the controller. God, he can really move his fingers. Wait, why the hell would you think that?
“Don’t tell me what to do!”
You are both totally immersed in your game, the finish line in sight. You jump to your feet in rushed excitement as the finish line is soon approaching. You need this win to tie with him on your ongoing competition in Mario Kart. You’re both oh so close, the anticipation rising. Like, honestly you might shit yourself. Taehyung also leaps to his feet, joining you at your side. Now you are both screaming at the screen, your throats will totally pay for this later. You are jumping up and down, yelling at one another , slamming your fingers on the controllers, harshly pressing down on the accelerator button. You can see it. Its literally right in front of you! AND you are ahead of him! The finish line! Your screams getting louder and louder…when…you are graced with a black screen.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” You yell in unison.
You turn to face Taehyung, the one you hate the most right now. Your eyes dark and your voice low.
“What did you do?”
“ME? I didn’t do anything!” He says accusingly.
“You must have! You knew I was going to win—”
“First of all, we don’t know that.” He cuts you off all matter of fact. So annoying.
You look at him incredulously.
“THAT’S IT! I’m going to strangle you!” Before you can take a step towards him to you know, kill him, the screen turns a bright white, catching your attention. Lucky dude. Your focus now on the screen, you look at it with your head tilted to the side. There are black letters at the top of the screen and you decide to read out loud whatever this caption says.
“Re…Request?” your eyes scan the word slowly. “Oh. Oh shit,” Your eyes go wide, you turn to face Taehyung, his expression mirroring your own. You had completely, like completely forgot about the ‘Requests’. It has been a couple months of silence so how could you not forget? You wonder if this company is finally ready to move …this…along. Whatever this is.
Only seconds pass before more black words appear on the screen. Your eyes stay on Taehyung though, too nervous to read what comes next.
Taehyung must realize you have no intention on reading anymore because he exhales deeply and faces the screen.
“Okay, here goes…” he begins, “The two subjects must…”
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kinkyfortheyanderes · 4 years
Hey! Your blog is so amazing! Its hard to find good yandere stuff, also your writing is just *perfect*. Could u maybe do Headcanons, or scenario, of Tamaki pining for his crush pls?
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Yandere!Tamaki Amajiki Pining for S/O Quick Headcannons
He's not a yandere who would immediately dive into yandere behavior. He has a warming up period. Basically emotionally flagellates himself—his anxiety causes his mind to think along the lines of '[Y/N] isn't really [Y/N]', 'It's just a façade', 'Why would God ever give you such an angel?'', etc. So in the beginning there is a brief stretch where Amajiki's idolization and adoration of you struggles with his anxiety. His anxiety/doubt quickly loses though with enough interaction. After that, it's open season.
Watch out—Amajiki has the power of both God and anime anxiety on his side.
Aka, he legit thinks that you're either the divine, or of divine origin. He is the 1# devotee Yandere in BNHA. Also, now that his love for you has 'convinced' his anxiety of your perfection, it's actually uses you as a tactic to cause more anxiety. Like, 'Where are they right now?', 'Are they okay? What if there are villains', 'Who could be talking to them'.
Okay now into the actual pining.
Way, way too shy to pursue you face to face—so he improvises.
Amajiki is basically a crow. After he's warmed up to you he brings you gifts and leaves them in your locker. Either, something he overheard you talk about, something you mentioned in a conversation to him, or something he 100% confirmed you liked through his stalking guessed you might like.
Also like a crow—his hair—he follows you around. Either at a distance, or like a lost puppy. Obviously he wants to be near you, but he also wants to make sure
Kinda hopes that if he is just near you enough, you might start to like him? That would be ideal??? He can't talk to strangers let alone flirt with the confidence of a man with smolder.
So to help this angle along, Amajiki will follow you around until the point where he is in every social activity you have. Basically like that one friend who follows you around because they don't know anyone else at the party but 24/7.
The worse thing is that you will most likely not notice. Being an introvert actually pays off for Amajiki since he doesn't draw attention by talking a lot. Making it extremely hard to recognize just how frequently he is by your side.
Eventually he, unwittingly, starts guilt tripping you into spending more alone time with him instead of others. He can't help it.
He'll use his social anxiety as a way to make you cancel plans. Saying that his anxiety is really bad today so will you please stay with him instead of going out with your friends? Mind you, the two of you aren't dating yet, so it's more of a pity/guilt ploy. Makes you question your own character, like, what kind of awful friend would you be if you went out and had fun while Amajiki is clearly in distress?
Overall, Amajiki is the kind of yandere who hopes his gift and proximity tactics are enough to win you over. Literally. That's how he tries to win you over.
He'd only confess if enough time has passed (around a year), or more likely, he thinks that you might like someone else and he needs to put a stop to it.
Helloooooooo world! Rena is back! Let's get some writing done and later edit it to hell and back!
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byulsgrease · 3 years
What Are the Chances? [Part 2]
Looking up from your mind-blowingly delicious sandwich, there was no mistaking them – it’s that group of women from the other night. But what are the chances? (mamamoo x idol!reader)
part 2: the inkigayo sandwich (~1k words) (previous part here)
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cw: food mention
Well, it was comeback promotions time at last. Fans loved the title track as you witnessed people tagging you incessantly on Instagram right after it came out at 6pm the night before. You tossed and turned in bed for almost all of last night, anxious about the upcoming live stages for all the music shows. Despite being a relatively “successful” professional, spending seemingly countless hours in the practice room both with and without your backup dancers, a sliver of performance anxiety always reared its ugly head in your mind during promotions. Oh well, sleep deprivation and funky schedules. Just part of the job, you figured.
Checking your phone to look at your schedule, you were filming for Inkigayo this morning and then the afternoon would be mostly taken up by a fansign event. A smile spread across your face while picturing a small venue filled with fans, getting to meet some of the faces behind all of the virtual love you were always shown online and on social media. But music show filming came first. Music shows were never your favorite, performing your title track to death in different outfits at the mercy of each show’s meticulous winning calculations. The only silver lining to music show filming was interacting with other artists, especially meeting ones you admired or ones you didn’t get to see often because of general busyness. Shit, I gotta get to the studio or I’m gonna be late. Tossing some essentials in a bag slung over your shoulder, you power-walked out the door to head to the train station.
Walking into the SBS building somehow felt calming. The anxiety that plagued you usually fell away by the time you arrived at performance venues, especially now that you had gone through this done this more than once. You made your way to your waiting room, passing by several rooms of other artists, hearing the general shuffle of preparation through the closed doors. Slowing down your pace while approaching your assigned room, a playfully loud “SOLAR-SSI!” came through the neighboring waiting room door. A smirk leapt your face, chuckling to yourself. Waiting room banter was prime behind-the-scenes content with the huge amount of downtime spent between filming, and fans always loved that stuff, whatever group that was.
The waiting room stay was chill, hair/makeup, styling, the whole shebang. Realizing there was time to kill between now and the actual filming time, you strolled over to the cafeteria. The Inkigayo sandwich was all the rage these days, but was the hype warranted? In what world could strawberry jam and egg salad be a good combination? Apparently this one. I guess I can’t knock it until I try it, though. You bought one and sat down at a table, the crinkly plastic making its typical ruckus against your ears while unwrapping the wacky sandwich from the plastic. Taking a bite into the plush white bread, your eyes instantly widened. Damn. It’s actually… really good. Smiling and shaking your head in disbelief, you continued munching on the sandwich while scanning the room to see who was promoting today. You recognized Baek Yerin and some miscellaneous EXO members with their backup dancers scattered around the cafeteria while continuing to look around.
Wait a moment. There was no mistaking them – it’s that group of women from the other night. But what are the chances?
Oh…my god. It’s Mamamoo. You made the connection with the sign you barely glanced at earlier, hung on the waiting room door neighboring yours. How the heck did your mind completely fail to recognize them the other night? You weren’t a huge fan or anything, but some of their chart-toppers were absolute bops. Their hard work and career arc begged deep, deep respect.
Do I get up and say something? But this is a work setting and I don’t actually know them… You felt intimidated and a bit star-struck, body heavy in your seat. Your interaction with them on that Friday night in Itaewon seemed far removed seeing them here and now.
You managed to get up and walk over to them with confidence, overtaken by a similar unidentifiable courage to the one you used to stand up to the Itaewon jerk a couple weeks prior.
“Uh… excuse me?” you said hesitantly while tapping the “mom” of the group on the shoulder. All the members turned, curious to see who talked to their leader. “I’m not sure if you remember me… I wasn’t dressed in all this,” gesturing to your stage outfit and face full of make-up. “But I think I ran into all of you in Itaewon a while ago?”
Recognition and shock flashed across all of their faces nearly simultaneously. Lots of hurried bowing and awkward chuckles ensued, finally formally introducing yourselves. Solar, Moonbyul, Wheein, and Hwasa were their names, as you learned through the exchange of KakaoTalk information.
“I honestly thought we’d never run into you again, I just figured a cool stranger decided to help us out,” said Hwasa, notably more friendly than she was back in Itaewon.
“But after you left I was like – ‘Damn, respect. Should’ve gotten your number’,” said Moonbyul, longingly. The rest of the members grimaced. You could tell this was just part of her charm, strangely attractive, as cringey as it was.
“And now we can all hang out and get to know you as a person and a musician!” exclaimed Wheein, with that same eager puppy energy.
Smiling and nodding in agreement, Solar added, “Good luck with your stage and your comeback promotions, I’m sure you’ve been working very hard.” A flush creeped into your cheeks, who was she to compliment your work ethic when you knew that Mamamoo were some of the most hardworking people in the industry?
“Backatyou,” you stammered, feeling your ears burn. Where’d that courage go? With all the composure you could muster, you asked them when they were free to hang out – obviously after promos were over. Everyone wanted fried chicken, of course. Setting up a tentative time and place to meet, you bid them goodbye to head back to your waiting room, your filming time fast-approaching.
Riding high from having introduced yourself to some industry legends who now knew you by name, you recorded the best live stage of your career thus far.
Again, what were the chances?
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four-letter-girl · 4 years
InuKag Fanfic Recommendations
Hi everyone 🌻
I joined the Inuyasha fandom over the summer, and I’ve been having a good time reading fanfiction since finishing the series. Recommendation posts helped me find some great ones. I’ve decided to put one together for fun [lmao for all 10 of my followers - squad]. These are fics I’ve enjoyed [i.e. binged and used as COVID coping mechanisms]. They aren’t in any particular order. I’m sure there are plenty I’ve read that I’m forgetting, but I wasn’t exactly planning to do this.
I’m copy and pasting the summaries from the writers with each link because that’s more helpful than my fangirl thoughts about each one. Ha. I’ve included ratings, but this list is being made with the assumption you’ll determine if a fic is right for you by reading Author Notes and additional ratings within each link.
I tagged the Tumblrs of the authors I follow/could find. If you see someone on here who isn’t tagged and you know their Tumblr, let me know and I can add them. Also, I’ve been using Tumblr less than a month, and I have no idea what I’m doing. If I’ve done something wrong or something looks weird, THAT’S WHY. 💀
As of 11.22.20
Multi-Chapter In Progress:
(T) Light Me a Lantern by Novaviis / @inuyashasforest: “Picking up the pieces after being separated for three years isn't as easy as it may seem. A quiet, burning kind of chaos sweeps through Feudal Japan, and it's going to take a lot more than a fairy tale ending to put things back together. They defeated a man who would become the Devil. Can they survive a man who would become a God?”
(M) Behind the Silk Screen by Eiennobasho / @eien-no-basho: “When a twist of fate brings the common-born priestess Kagome to serve Inuyasha, Divine Emperor of Japan, will she be able to help him claim his place on the throne and bring order to their country? Or will court intrigues and their own burgeoning feelings tear the two and their nation apart? A historical romance set in Japan’s Heian Era.”
(M) Fate Carving by willowandfog / @willowandfog: “The human world has been brought to its knees by the demons, reverting their culture back a century. Demons now control everything and the humans? Set to be servants forever. Kagome’s city is ruled over by the Inu youkai clan and when she goes to Kaede on her 18th birthday for her required “Fate Carving,” the tattoo that will determine what her place is in the world, she’s stunned, terrified, and overwhelmed by the results. Everyone she’s ever known has been a worker, but when has Kagome ever been the same as everyone else?” (M) Kintsugi by Evilillusions / @soliska: “Failing to be chosen as her village's miko, Kagome had resigned herself to a humble life. An unexpected summons returns her to the city where she's forced to reconcile the taught virtues and the spiralling, warped reality created by those that abuse their power. She holds the key to repairing the fracture between humans and youkai, and the freedom of her new hanyou friend.” (M) Bound Across Time by wonderwander / @thornedraven: “InuYasha and Kagome are separated for three years, travelling for so long together only to be ripped apart without so much as a good-bye. Pain and heartache manifests itself in different ways. It hardens you or breaks you. How long can one hold on to hope?” (M) The Half-Breed’s Wife by Gypsyn / @gypsin: “On the night of the new moon, a runaway girl stumbles into Inuyasha's life. Little did he realize then what he would be undertaking by saving her. But when Kagome has nowhere else to go will he leave her to her fate Or will he rise to the occasion? And what will the humans think?” (M) Hit The Like Button by omgitscharlie / @omgitscharlie: “After a public breakup, successful social media influencer Kagome Higurashi is single for the first time since she started her career. Trying to cheer her friend up, Sango hosts a party in hopes of getting Kagome out of her stooper; unbeknownst to her, there was a certain person Sango wants her to meet. Unfortunately, the set up does not go as hoped as the two know each other from previous, unsavory interactions.” (M) Youkai In The Mirror by SugarRos / @sugarrosfanfiction: “Kagome Higurashi is lucky. She has good grades, good friends, and the cute, popular boy in class just asked her out. But when she accidentally unleashes a very wicked youkai from a very wicked spell, her luck runs out. Now on the run from a powerful priestess, Kagome must help Inuyasha get his revenge.” (M) Demon Nature by Shardetector / @shardetector: “He spoke low and gently, although his voice was gruff with his demon still so close to the surface, ‘You saved me wench, now I’ll repay the favor.’ With that, his muscles bunched in his legs as he sprung up and out of the well, a red blur in the night as he made his way through the forest to his destination. His precious cargo held safely to his chest, as he raced to save her with his demonic speed.”
(M) A Crack in the Glass by willowandfog / @willowandfog: “Kagome’s being watched, followed, but has no idea who it is or why they are doing it. When Kagome hires the help of a private investigator things take a dangerous turn. Uncovering secrets that Kagome didn't even know she had.” (M) The Shogun’s Daughter by Shnuggletea / @shnuggletea: “Kagome’s father passed away when she was just a child but his Shogun status still makes her a valuable bride to a Lord of lands that border their village. She isn’t given much choice but still agrees to marry the stranger so those she cares and loves would be happy and safe, taking her village under his protection in return for her hand. Lord Inuyasha Tenoe is pushed by the council into marriage, assured his new bride was an excellent choice. He has his doubts but has no choice, agreeing to the match sight unseen. All their fears and anxiety are amplified when they meet. It’s an interesting coupling to say the least.”
Multi-Chapter Complete:
(M) The Kings Concubines by The ReddQueen: “The Concubines of the House of the Moon are the most beautiful & idolized women across the Western Land. A chance arises as they search for another to take such a prestigious position. One will find that a true concubine is more than beauty, but she must overcome the most painful of hurdles, keep the darkest of secrets, & still stay true to her heart.”
(M) Thousandfurs by RosieB: “Based on the little known Grimm fairytale. Princess Kagome is forced from her home and into the demon territories. Will Prince Inuyasha ever figure out who his new servant is?” (M) Base Instincts by ImaniJoain: “When Inuyasha is lost to his youkai half, Kagome must find a way to convince him to return to himself.”
(M) To Summon a Mate by Penthesileia / @pentheseileia: “On Halloween night, Kagome is tricked into releasing a possessive, dangerous, hotter then hell demon from his prison of 500 years. She's in danger, but it's not her life she's worried about…yet.”
(M) Lesson by akitokihojo / @akitokihojo: “After a long night out, tensions begin to build. Kagome gets herself into a little trouble with Inuyasha, and Inuyasha is more than happy to teach her right from wrong.”
(M) Dominance by omgitscharlie / @omgitscharlie: “She'd been teasing him all day, and she knew it. Those fleeting glances and knowing smiles, it drove Inuyasha insane; not to mention she smelled sweeter, more intense. What happens when Kagome pushes Inuyasha beyond his limits?”
(M) It Will Come Back by wonderwanderer / @thornedraven: “A one shot inspired by Hozier's song "It Will Come Back". Slight Little Red Riding Hood inspiration as well. Darker themed Little Red Riding Hood, and much more adult themed.”
(M) Touch by KeiChanz / @keichanz: “’I want…’ He paused, trying to find the words, and growling in frustration when he couldn’t. A grunt left him and he dropped his forehead onto her shoulder. ‘I just…I…dammit.’ Inuyasha sighed raggedly, nuzzled her shoulder, and then husked against her skin, ‘I want…you.’”
(M) After the Well Closes by Shnuggletea / @shnuggletea: “It's been a year since Kagome made the decision to jump back through the well and leave her family and life behind. And she is confused to say the least that things are almost the same. Tired of being Inuyasha's demon-killing partner and nothing more, Kagome decides to start her new life and family. When she is stopped by a manic demon Inuyasha, her new life beings quickly.”
(M) Mine by jaygirl987: “She was so beautiful and pure. And his.”
(M) Diamonds and Moonglow by annabeth: “That whimper, right there, is what Inuyasha loves most about this.“
(M) Together Again by wonderwanderer / @thornedraven: “Some intimacy between InuYasha and Kagome after being reunited after three years, rediscovering each other in some of the more intimate ways one can.”
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