#its not the crows but all the other book to screen stuff are so just go with it lol
xiexiecaptain · 2 years
Shadow & Bone rewatch deep dive commentary that was started on twitter and is being moved/continued here!
This is the post for EP 04: Otkazats’ya
[Episode 01 post] [Rewatch Commentary Links Masterpost]
((There WILL be spoilers mentioned for the books in the Grishaverse including the Crows duology & King of Scars duology! This is basically from the perspective of watching the show as someone who knows the books well.))
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(Just a disclaimer that I’m picking up doing these commentary posts from here after season 2 is out! Just fyi, I might mention s2 stuff in these where it wasn’t mentioned in the posts for eps 1-3)
Omg not the captain singing the drinking song Nina sang to Inej in the hold of the ship on the way to Fjerda
I love how they just toss in background book details in new places to color in the world! You can tell everyone working on constructing this show was such a massive fan of the books and it warms my heart
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As always, I’m just enamored by the linguistics and writing systems the show has designed and fleshed out for all the languages!! They make the world feel so lived-in!
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Poor Mal. He really feels so powerless and helpless; even to people who are super devoted, sheer faith and longing can’t keep people going forever.
Boy is living on crumbs atm
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Mean Girls (2004) voice: AND NONE FOR MAL ORETSEV BYE
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These two are so pure i can’t get over it. 
Thank you for giving Mal close relationships (even if they eat it soon) other than Alina!
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😭 😭 😭 
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Yep yep giving her crumbs of vulnerability to draw her in. 
Top tier manipulator shit.
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Jesper’s hair and expression here I’m fucking laughing so hard
He looks like he just woke up from a week-long bender omfg.
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 Jesper, honey, I’m begging you, drink some water along with whatever alcoholic beverage is in that glass
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LOVE LOVE LOVE how they find ways to weave the Crows’ plotlines into the S&B book plot.
Using the Winter Fete party as distraction was probably drawn from them using Hringkälla for the Ice Court job. But I suppose in the show it’s gonna be the other way around now which is funny. They’re probably gonna be like “Well, remember how we snuck into the Little Palace in Ravka because of their big celebration? Let’s do that with this job too!”
Very Beethoven/Bootstrap Paradox meta shit here and it makes me laugh
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Kaz Brekker has never taken a day off in his entire life and it shows
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Even Inej is trying not to burst out grinning
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Same you guys
I always get hyped as fuck for a heist!
You’ve heard of Chekov’s gun, but we’ve finally found Chekov’s bullet
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The fucking barmaid’s face 
I can’t
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“Who is this strange Zemeni dude and why did he dump a goat in my arms and start speaking softly and mournfully to it in Kerch???”
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Not him blowing Milo a kiss
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Spinning his fake little sob stories
Manipulator 👏 Shit 👏
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I do appreciate this way of trying to make exposition about the Black Heretic story more active
And making the scene serve several purposes at once (Kirigan trying to draw Alina in with his ~relatable outcast~ stuff, as well as giving the viewers the backstory)
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Again, I’m just glad these three got to be on-screen. It gives Mal other people around him that matter. (Which does then help fuel/motivate his devotion to Alina as we go forward.)
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That was really also one of the things that bugged me about book!Mal (Although, to be fair, it might be less of a writing issue than a personal one) but it sticks in my craw when characters are single-person focused. (Unless that’s, like, part of their character shit to figure out, them feeling lonely or co-dependent, etc.) 
Like I do understand it’s kind of been “Mal and Alina against the world” since they were young. But they haven’t always been together since they joined the military. Having relationships that span back for a long, long time can be powerful, don’t get me wrong. But length of a relationship isn’t the only measure of its importance.
I think part of it was that we only got Alina’s POV and so Mal in some parts of the series felt very one-note, unmotivated, unbelievable, etc. Because all we got was what he managed to say to Alina when he was actually present and interacting with Alina (which didn’t happen for a large part of books 1 and 3.)
The lesbian skepticism on Nadia’s face-!!!
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I will never, in my life, get over Freddy’s acting as Kaz acting as a stuffy fancy ~artíst~
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Ok so remember when this was the first sneak-peek scene they released of the Crows and we got to see them in action together for the first time??
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It reminded me of my thoughts about Freddy’s voice as Kaz. 
At first I was like “oh, hmm, he’s got kind of a higher, smooth voice as opposed to the way Kaz’s voice is described in the books” which is that rough gravely “rock-salt rasp.”
But as an iteration of Kaz (pluralism is my friend, you guys) Freddy’s voice for him is something I actually super love? 
Like it’s a different sort of menacing. It can feel icy, if that makes sense. Like the higher register lends itself to his voice sounding cold, and the smoothness comes across as that kind of menacing sort of calmness. I dunno I just dig it.
I know we talk a lot about Inej’s knives (for good reason) 
But dear saints I love Inej being invisible soundless sneaky. 
I know she’d dislike me saying it, but honestly, she’s goddess material. This woman deserves to be lauded and honored at every opportunity.
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What’s that meme again? “My idea of help from above is a sniper on the roof?”
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Also, him waiting for the clock to chime to disguise the gunshot-!!!
Clawing my face off because I love my clever clever little thieves so much
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[“Oh, and Inej,” he said as he led her out of the salon, “don’t ever sneak up on me again.”
The truth was she’d tried to sneak up on Kaz plenty of time since then. She’d never managed it. It was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her.”]
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Ok so we all agree that Kaz 100% did the same thing as with the magician he saw as a kid, right? Where he was obsessed with figuring out how the trick worked and unraveling it so he could learn to see what was actually happening?
Like [“Some people see a magic trick and say, “Impossible!” [...] And then there are the ones who stay awake, running through the trick again and again, looking for that skip in perception, the crack in the illusion that will explain how their eyes got duped; they’re the kind who won’t rest until they’ve mastered that little bit of mystery for themselves. I’m that kind.”]
Oh, yknow, just reviewing stolen high-security floorplans in a public bar. As one does.
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Lmao so basically my entire family hunts (northern woodlands, man) and I’m relatively sure my grandma has something that looks pretty much exactly like this
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every friend group has someone like this in it
(in my experience said friend is usually a transmasc gremlin type)
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fucking Mal just Very Seriously doing his Very Serious tracking while these two chucklefucks discuss selling literal shit in the background
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knowing our beloved nina, the amount of sheer willpower she’s dredging up to refuse food is seriously impressive
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she aint wrong, matty boy
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ok so this is actually super interesting?? Because it speaks to Matthias having subtle curiosities/doubts about grisha and not fully understanding why someone would become grisha since he believes  (read: was told) they weren’t just born that way.
In the books we never got to see Matthias speak to Nina alone until the shipwreck, there was always either other drüskelle and/or the other grisha captives on the ship (I mean there are other captives tied up here but they aren’t all shoved into a cage together so Nina and Matthias can have their own conversation)
I really like this little peek into Matthias trying to make sense of the indoctrination he was fed
yeah exactly, he’s trying to assuage his doubts about how “human” feeling Nina is because it’s gnawing at the indoctrination of dehumanization he’s been taught
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Also, i love the camera work in this scene -- the lights are all hazy with lots of lens-flares and the shots are so so tight and close!
We’re putting two characters whose circumstances of birth and country and beliefs are so diametrically opposed together. But here they’re having a brief moment of connection where they each have a glimpse of each other’s humanity (in between all the vitriol.)
By cutting in close and having the rest of the “world” feel “out of focus” or “out of shot” it’s allowing this moment to feel like they can be two people for a brief moment rather than grisha and drüskelle. I adore it.
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Yeah, see and then when they start talking politics about the Darkling, more of the shots have the camera pulling back a bit, because the “world” outside the two of them is shoving distance back between them
(Obv this is not an exact one-to-one this mapping of shots, but the scene in general does that and its really cool)
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And then it pushes back in and gets more hazy again when Matthias has a moment of decency and offers Nina the bread without strings attached
mwuah! chef kiss!
ofc then it falls apart because these two are the most stubborn (affectionate, exasperated) people on the entire planet who can’t EXIST without taking petty jibes at each other
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Just taking a moment to appreciate Calahan Skogman because he plays Matthias so incredibly well
I’m hoping so damn hard we get to see the Ice Court job adapted so we can see Matthias get let out of detention so he can go run and play with the other kids at recess
These are the faces of two exhausted parents at the end of a frustrating day with their excitable son and I’m living for it
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Ok but this troupe leader, Marko, actually comes off as such a wholesome guy? I lowkey love his face?? 
Look how tear-stained and puff from crying it is?! This poor guy finally got to perform for royalty and thought his lifelong dreams had just been crushed and was sobbing into a mug of beer!
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Inej entrusting Kaz with her knives DOES something to me, you guys
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There is a fucking novel of unspoken words in these expressions I’m gonna gnaw my couch cushions in to piecessss-!
He’s so cute you guys I hope he still has a long and fruitful career even after all the fuckery that goes down at the Winter Fete
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This whole scene has me gazing in adoration like a doting parent
Me to the person next to me, pointing, with a camcorder in my hand: Those are my kids!!! God, they’re so talented, I’m so proud of them!!
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The fact that they made up entirely new playing card suits for this world-!!!
Honestly so much of what makes this world come to life in the show is thanks to how much AMAZING work the props and set people did??? 
They obviously loved and cared about the grishaverse so much, you can see in the sets and the costumes and the props how much work was put into making this world come to life and feel like a world that really exists with all its little bits and bobs and details!
That kind of worldbuilding minutia stuff just makes my brain go brrrrrr
Also I haven’t mentioned anything about the soundtrack yet but hot damn they’ve done so much to make it atmospheric but also do the A+ soundtrack thing of weaving musical themes for characters/groups
Ok tho Kaz 10000% could have gotten in as a performer too. Man’s got mad slight-of-hand skills he could definitely go in as a stage magician
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It’s time for 🎶✨~Alina’s Emotional Mushroom Trip~ 🎶✨
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Of course she was! 
I feel like its super obvious that two orphan kids who’ve been through trauma and made a close connection would crave the stability of the life they have with a beloved friend, especially over an unknown where they would be alone and in a new place again having to start over???
I mean, she says she was thinking of Mal and not herself, but it’s both. Because him being alone would mean she would also be alone. 
Alina was a scared little kid who had lost everything and was doing what she thought would keep everything she knew from being ripped away again.
I feel like in the books the dynamic of Darklina in the first book, it was obvious/deliberate that Alina felt very isolated at the Little Palace and so was kind of always steered back to the Darkling for scraps of affirmations or reassurances, plus the draw of their powers compounding this manipulation net the Darkling pulled her in by.
The dynamic feels different in the show, for a few reasons. I think Alina being aged up contributes to that. Also, we don’t get Alina’s interiority and descriptions of how her/the Darkling’s powers feel and pull her. 
(Also Jessie and Ben have Very Good on-screen chemistry. And Ben Barnes is, well, Ben Barnes so the attraction-angle of the pull toward him is very believable.) 
I mean, while Alina is aged up, she’s still a young woman. Her whole life she has overwhelmingly felt less than, invisible, and nothing special. And someone powerful is now telling her she’s unique and powerful and he’s the only one who understands her. 
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While Alina is still obviously manipulated heavily in the show, it feels less extreme? I don’t know how to word it?
Other contributing factors I think are her actually making closer friends at the Little Palace and that in the show we don’t see that extended period of time of her struggling and struggling and feeling like shit and powerless and “Other”-ed again. Also because we are shown that Mal DOES super care about her, rather than only getting her speculating and worrying. 
And not only on Alina’s end is it different but I feel like the show we get shown more of Kirigan feeling helpless (something which is both authentic and strategic.)
Like I think its definitely real that he is struggling with these feelings of helplessness and futility in moving towards his goals. 
But he is very deliberate in the ways he goes about showing it to Alina to make her feel like he’s letting his guard down with her and to garner sympathy with. As Baghra says towards the end of the season, giving Alina “a glimpse of the wounded boy.”
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And it’s a huge credit to Ben Barnes that I feel that simultaneous nature. 
Like in the moment, you do believe him in his pain and his loneliness. Because that is real. 
But then you step back and realize he’s only showing it and showing it in such a way to weaponize it to cultivate those feelings of sympathy in Alina and keep her from seeing him as dangerous to her. 
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Ben Barnes’s performance really sells the Darkling so well. Because these things are all true: he has seen people die and is lonely and feels like he has to claw his way toward any change he can achieve.
But he is also playing bits of that up in very strategic ways in Alina’s presence to manipulate her.
(I always feel like I’m not gonna have more to say about the Darkling and then I end up writing a novel about it??)
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Wait, was I the only one who believed we were actually giving them a fair trial?!?”
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My parents’ walks to school, according to them.
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Listen, I just love them
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Listen all I can think about when I watch this scene is how this actor probably spent 9 hours in hair and makeup and wardrobe just to stand there, grab a stack of letters, shake his head, and walk away because he was a non-speaking extra and if he said “No” out loud they would have had to pay him the under-5-lines rate
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Get that shit outta here, Baghra, we celebrate interdependence in this household!!
Also, the entirety of season 2’s themes would also like a word with you 👀👀
Ok not to sound like my northern midwestern mother but
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You’re gonna get frostbite, Mal!! 
It is AT LEAST below 10°F with how crunchy that snow sounds!!
Honestly, good for Alina. proud of her
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This is funny to me because I know Jessie had a habit of just napping constantly in random places on set
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Just BFF things: having matching palm scars
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Sometimes I feel for Archie because it can’t be easy playing Mal who, as characters in the grishaverse go, isn’t exactly the biggest fan favorite
And yet he’s out here giving us performances of this caliber
I see you and I love you Mr. Renaux
And that’s the end of episode 4!
[Episode 01 post] [Rewatch Commentary Links Masterpost]
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immobiliter · 2 years
alright spoilery thoughts below the cut!
okay so let me preface this by saying that i do think a lot of reworking of the og trilogy was needed. i'm personally not a fan of a lot of stuff in the trilogy and there were changes that they made in the first few episodes that i thought made sense. however by ep 6 it seemed to have gone completely off the rails lmaoooo. not to mention that my favourite part of the trilogy is the ending for alina & mal and i really hate that it was changed here. alina losing her powers in favour of a quiet life running an orphanage with mal is such a powerful thing after all they both go through, and now to suddenly hint at "dark" alina while packing mal off on a ship to play at being sturmhond is just. dumb. lazy. not a fan. assumedly it's a way to keep the actors involved provided that the show moves forward but still. bleh.
my other issue with the way they kept borrowing things from every single grishaverse book is the way it all felt very crammed in. the plot just kept going and going and it was as if they wanted to get as much in as possible in case the show gets cancelled after its second season. but that came at the expense of the characters, who in many cases were not allowed to breathe or have the development that they needed for some of the emotional beats to actually land. there were plenty of things i didn't care about because the plot simply didn't allow me room to care about them.
positives, though: kaz, nina, genya and david were the highlights, although i cannot believe that they have killed (?) david off without his bromance with nikolai. but genya and kaz really did kill this season and were the most watchable parts
the crows were wonderful, i can understand why they brought in aspects from the duology ( and a lot of stuff from crooked kingdom ), although i kinda wish the pekka rollins thing wasn't wrapped up after four episodes ( even though i'm assuming from pekka being in hellgate that it's Not Over Yet ). i'm still not sure how i feel about jesper and wylan already Knowing each other, but they were cute so there is that. kaz and inej were one of the strongest dynamics this season.
the show vastly overestimates how much i care about the darkling moping around in his dilapidated mansion. nor do i care about the unhinged tidemaker girl. i don't give a shit about either of them, thanks.
the fight scenes were so very camp and it was both funny and also kinda sad.
hahahahahaha nikolai okay. so my overall opinion is that he was Fine and if it was anyone other than nikolai that would be okay, but nikolai as a character is meant to be so much more than fine. he is meant to crackle with charisma and steal every scene that he is in and not just be the dashing privateer and boy prince, but a madman and an absolute pain in the ass for everyone around him, and i just ??? didn't get that ?? he did get better as the show went on but, aside from his scene in ketterdam in episode 1 ( that i did really like ), he really did blend into the background when he was sharing the screen with the likes of kaz and jesper and even tamar. i don't wholly blame the actor, i think it was also a combination of the show's breakneck pace with its plot and the writing, but i just found him bland in comparison to all of the other characters
i also still don't really know how to process what was going on with his family. vasily ????? like he's an idiot but why did they make him a full blown antagonist ?? also why wasn't he blonde like the lantsovs are meant to be ??? he was so cookie cutter it was ridiculous
whoever decided that nikolai and zoya should be kept apart for the entire season. i would just like to talk. zoya was so sidelined and even though i liked some of her stuff with nina it was kinda ridiculous seeing as she has such a key role in the og trilogy
and then don't even get me started on how it's not even the darkling who turns nikolai into a winged monster, and that he still hasn't transformed or become the king of scars by the end of s2. i don't like it. i also don't like that they kept the political marriage between nikolai and alina and followed it all the way through to nikolai's coronation.
but yeah. i probably have more thoughts but on the whole. i think i'm going book based lmao
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kallypsowrites · 3 years
Ok serious question you seem like the best person to ask ( love your blog and your fics btw you got me reading GOT fics when I wanna purge that show from my mind) because you're sort of optimistic but also realistic I think. What do you think we're going to get in S2 in terms of darklina I'm bouncing like a ping pong ball between thinking on the one hand they wrote everything before seeing just how popular it is and leigh was involved and they're building the other ship so how are they gonna give us darklina at the same time but also Ben only signed on bc they promised him a lot of involvement but he spends most of the second book removed from all of them so how are they gonna do that. I need to manage my expectations so in a year or a year and a half when the show comes out I don't get depressed when they give me nothing 🤣. Thank you for your service.
Oh wow! First off, I'm glad you read some of my GoT fics despite being burned by the show (same).
Secondly, I'm definitely an optimistic realist when it comes to Darklina. So I'll break it down for you:
1. We will get a lot more Darklina moments. The show knows, at the very least, that Darklina is the most popular ship. it does numbers every time. For over a month, the last post sitting on the official twitter was a pic of the actors. Even if its not endgame, they'll continue to give them moments with each other because that is the major draw of the show. Yes they wrote the scripts before seeing but TV scripts NEVER stay at the first draft. The studio orders changes. They make edits. TV shows live by appealing to an audience. They fear constant cancelation, especially on Netflix. So even if there wasn't enough Darklina in the initial drafts...they'll stick in more in edits.
2. Past that, as you said, Ben Barnes is one of the main draws and they got him on board with the idea he'd be involved a lot. Sure, he's not there for much of the plot HOWEVER he and Alina have their convenient telepathic bond which means they can bring him in regularly and do a lot of juicy stuff with that. They'll also probably give him non book stuff to show what he's doing while he's not with our heroes which I'm tentatively excited about. Ben will do it justice.
3. Ben himself has always fought for the humanity of the character, and of all the actors, he probably has the most sway over the writing. So his nuance and the way he says the lines is gonna continue to be great.
4. I don't think they're going to kill the Darkling in season 2. People have said that BUT unless they intend to end Alina and Mal's story in two season, I don't think it will happen. Remember that once the Darkling is dead, they're out too. And since there's a six of crows spin off being developed, we know the show doesn't have to rush to get to the Six of Crows content. So I think he's got a solid three seasons ahead of them, as they all do. And then the Crows get to go off an have their own thing (avoiding the curse of the post season 3 cancelation).
Like, do I think they'll actually give us Darklina endgame? No. Not a chance. But they will keep milking Darklina until the finish. They will let Ben give the character more consistency and humanity than he was allowed in the books. And there will be lots of delicious angst. And even if the Darkling's character does go more in the evil direction...Ben is so delicious when he's evil and consider the Lovers to enemies tension???
For actual Darklina endgame, fanfic is the way to go. I won't let myself hope in that. I just want them to continue lighting up that screen for long as the show lasts :)
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themadamespod · 3 years
The Great White Gripe
A lot has been said about the “social commentary” within The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. 
“Since when is Marvel a bunch of SJWs? I don’t need this shit.”
“All this race stuff feels SUPER forced.”
“Oh here we go Marvel tryin to be all woke to get the libs on board.”
If you personally know anyone who spews this brand of ignorance, we’re sorry. 
Let’s make one thing perfectly clear: there is no social commentary on TFATWS. Showrunner Malcolm Spellman and director Kari Skogland simply show the reality of life in America. It’s not their fault that so many (white) people (men) don’t like looking in the mirror.
And some people claim they have no problem with film and television addressing politics and social change.
“Just keep it out of my comic book movies. It doesn’t belong there.”
They could not be anymore wrong, even if Chandler Bing himself was lecturing them. 
If you asked 100 people to name the top ten movies of all time, you’d get 100 different lists. But one thing we can all agree on is that film has power. It has the power to move us, to divide us, to unite us. Entertainment can lead to the kind of discourse that prompts action and positive change.
And that’s why The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and the conversations it’s sparking are so important.
One World, One Reality
“Marvel has always been and always will be a reflection of the world right outside our window.” - Stan Lee
There are two takeaways from that statement:
One: Stan Lee didn’t say that in the 1960s, 1970s, or even the 1980s. He said it in 2017.
Two: Our window, not your window, is a subtle but important distinction, particularly as it relates to TFATWS. The Flag Smashers, led by Karli Morgenthau, live by a simple creed: “One world, One people.” The core message of the show is that white Americans and Black Americans experience the world very differently, but there’s still only one world, one reality. 
It’s just a matter of people opening their eyes and seeing it.
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TFATWS is an extension of Marvel’s early support of the Civil Rights Movement. In 1963, Stan Lee created the X-Men as an allegory for the ongoing struggles of the African-American community. Though he didn’t explicitly base Professor X and Magneto on Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, there are ideological similarities.
Five years later, following the assassinations of Dr. King and Robert Kennedy, Stan wrote the following:
“Bigotry and racism are among the deadliest social ills plaguing the world today. It’s totally irrational, patently insane to condemn an entire race—to despise an entire nation—to vilify an entire religion. Sooner or later, we must learn to judge each other on our own merits. Sooner or later, if a man is ever to be worthy of his destiny, we must fill our hearts with tolerance.”
In 2021, Stan’s words still resonate. Racism in the United States is as virulent and damaging as it’s ever been. Black Americans are facing deadly policing, Jim Crow 2.0 voting laws, mass incarceration, and countless other roadblocks to mobility that most white people have never encountered.
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Through the journeys of Sam and Sarah Wilson, Lemar Hoskins, and the heartbreaking Isaiah Bradley, TFATWS shows the unvarnished truth of what Ira Glass might call Black American Life. And through John Walker, the writers nail home the message that’s really making certain people squirm:
White men are the greatest threat not just to Black Americans, but all Americans, because TFATWS is as much an indictment of toxic masculinity as it is of bigotry. 
As aggressive racism has spread like wildfire since 2016, so has hostile sexism towards women of all colors. John Walker is the embodiment of the hyper aggression that the Proud Boys applaud. The clearest example of this comes when Walker dares to clap the shoulder of Ayo, one of Wakanda’s Dora Milaje.
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Her swift and, ahem, pointed response had women the world over screaming like they’d just won the lottery. 
One could also argue that Walker’s dogged pursuit of Karli and displaced peoples supporting the Flag Smasher cause mirrors the Trump administration’s war on immigrants. 
There are plenty of parallels to draw. The point is, none of them are forced or manufactured or exaggerated. And whether we’re talking about a fictional road in Latvia or a real street in Minnesota, white Americans need to stop avoiding conversations that make them uncomfortable.
The Politics of Comics 
In 1938, Americans were still reeling from the Great Depression. Enter Superman, the everyman hero, who made his comic debut while the nation was facing widespread unemployment, rampant poverty, and blatant corruption at every level of government.
Superman could have faced off against any number of supernatural villains. But Siegel and Shuster went a different route, setting a precedent for comic books that has prevailed to this day:
They got political. 
Throughout Superman’s earliest adventures, he fought against evil politicians, apathetic bureaucrats, aggressive police officers, greedy businessmen, and even a Washington lobbyist. 
Then in 1941, Joe Simon & Jack Kirby introduced Captain America just in time to fight the nazis and free the world from fascism. A couple decades later, Kirby and Stan Lee would tell the tale of the aforementioned Erik Lehnsherr, who survived the horrors of Auschwitz. These comics endured because their passion and nuance transcended entertainment. So what was the secret sauce?
Like Siegel and Shuster, Simon, Kirby, and Stan Lee were Jewish. Representation matters, folks. 
Later on, the X-Men weren’t the only conduit through which Marvel supported Civil Rights. In 1966, on the heels of the “March Against Fear” from Memphis, TN to Jackson, MS, Stan Lee & Jack Kirby unveiled Black Panther. When African-Americans were fighting harder than ever, Black children could suddenly read a comic book about T’Challa, the noble warrior king of a highly advanced African nation. 
Marvel has never been shy about critiquing foreign policy either. Tony Stark and Iron Man debuted in 1968 as the conflict in Vietnam was escalating. And let’s not forget, Tony made his MCU debut in a film that is a clear indictment of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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We could do this all day, but you get the idea. 
Comic books have always reflected the politics of our times, and so has the MCU. Fanboys can’t start crying now just because they’re on the wrong side of history. And when they do, we defer to the great Jon Bernthal when asked about alt-righters appropriating the Punisher symbol:
“Fuck them.”
Life Imitates Art
In 1986, American men felt the need for speed. After Top Gun was released, applications to U.S. aviation forces increased by a staggering 500%. 
Two years later, Errol Morris exposed police corruption in his film The Thin Blue Line. The documentary prompted a new investigation that eventually exonerated death row inmate Randall Adams for the murder of a police officer.
That same year, the Polish government ceased all executions after leaders were swayed to do so by A Short Film about Killing.
Following the release of Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine in 1999, Kmart bowed to public pressure and stopped selling handgun ammunition. 
And 5 years ago, Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif changed the law on honor killings in response to the critically-acclaimed film A Girl in the River. 
Like we said earlier, film has the power to spur social change. Even if the effects aren’t always so direct and immediate, television and movies have always contributed to the process in America. 
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Seeing the Ricardos sharing a bed allowed some Americans to start relaxing their prudish ways. 
The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Maude empowered women as they fought for reproductive rights.
The Jeffersons and Good Times facilitated calmer discussions about race relations.
And The Ellen Show led to greater representation of queer people on screen and greater acceptance of queer people in society. Though Ellen herself has become a problematic figure in the last year, that legacy still remains.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is hardly the first show of its kind. And given the impact film has on society, we believe Hollywood has a moral obligation to produce content that exposes society’s ills and fosters productive debate. 
Stan Lee would be very proud of the team behind TFATWS for bringing the stark reality of American life into people’s living rooms. The next time you see someone bitching about it, remind them what Stan himself said just a few years ago: 
“Those stories have room for everyone, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or color of their skin. The only things we don't have room for are hatred, intolerance, and bigotry.”
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him-e · 3 years
what did you think of shadow and bone? have you read the books? i only read the duology
Thoughts on Shadow and Bone, now that you've probably seen it?
I think the show is alright? It lacks a real wow factor as far as I’m concerned, but it’s enjoyable. It’s especially enjoyable in those parts I didn’t anticipate to like / didn’t even know would be there. 
Whereas the main selling points leave a lot to be desired.
The good stuff: the visuals. The aesthetic. The overall concept. Production, casting and costumes are excellent, the setting is fascinating. The worldbuilding isn’t perfect and is sometimes confusing, which is probably due to the show jumping ahead of the books and introducing elements that happen much later in the book saga, but I’m loving the vague steampunk-y vibe of it mixed with more typical fantasy stuff and slavic-inspired lore, the fact that it’s set in dystopian Russia rather than your usual ye olde England.
I find it interesting that in this ‘verse the Grisha are simultaneously superstars, privileged elite, legendary creatures and despised outcasts, according to the context and the type of magic they wield. It’s A Lot, and so far it’s all a bit underdeveloped and messy, like a patchwork of different narratives and tropes sewn together without an organic worldbuilding structure. (there are hints to a past when they were hunted, but how did they go from that to being, essentially, an institutionalized asset to the government isn’t clear yet. There’s huge narrative potential in this, and I hope future seasons will delve into those aspects)
Many of the supporting characters are surprisingly solid. I appreciated that Genya and Zoya eventually sort of traded places, subverting the audience’s assumptions about them and their own character stereotypes, despite the little screentime they were given.
Breakout characters/ships for me were Nina/Matthias, and even more so the Crows, i.e. the stuff I didn’t see coming and knew nothing about (having only read the first book). (I thought the entire Crows subplot was handled in a somewhat convoluted way, at least in the first episodes; it was hard to keep track of who wanted Alina and why, but the Crows’ chemistry is so strong it carried the whole Plot B on its shoulders).
HELNIK. As an enemies to lovers dynamic, Helnik was SUPER on the nose, I’d say bordering on clichéd with the unapologetic, straight outta fanfiction use of classic tropes like “we need to team up to survive” and “there’s only one bed and we’ll freeze to death if we don’t take our conveniently damp clothes off and keep each other warm with the heat of our naked bodies” (not that I’m complaining, but i like to pine for my ships a bit before getting to the juicy tropetown part, tyvm). And then they’re suddenly on opposite sides again because of a tragic misunderstanding - does Bardugo hate high-conflict dynamics? It certainly seems so, because between Helnik and Darklina I’m starting to see a pattern where the slow burn and blossoming mutual trust is rushed and painted in broad, stereotypical strokes to get as fast as possible to the part where they *hate each other again* and that’s... huh. Something.
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^That’s probably why I’m almost more interested in Kaz x Inej, because their relationship feels a bit more nuanced, a bit more mysterious, and a bit more unpredictable. (I didn’t bother spoiling myself about them, so I really don’t know where they’re going, but it’s refreshing to see a dynamic that the narrative isn’t scrambling to define in one direction or the other as quickly as possible)
Now, as for Darklina VS Malina... I found exactly what I expected. 
Both are ship dynamics I’m, on principle, very much into (light heroine/dark villain, pining friends to lovers) but both are also much less interesting than they claim to be, or could have been with different narrative choices. I’ll concede that the show characters are all more fleshed out and likable than their book counterparts, and the cringe parts I vaguely remembered from the books played out differently. And, well, Ben Barnes dominates the scene, he’s hot as HELL, literally every single second he’s on screen is a fuck you to Bardugo’s attempts to make his character lame and uninteresting and I’m LOVING it, lol.
But yeah, B Barnes aside, Darklina is intrinsically, deliberately made to be unshippable. 
It makes me mad, because it’s - archetypally speaking - made of shipping dynamite: yin/yang-sun and moon, opposites attract, COMPLEMENTARY POWERS AND SO ON. And what does Bardugo do with these ingredients? A FUCKING DELIBERATE DISASTER:
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^ Placing the kiss so early on (season 1, episode five) effectively kills the romantic tension that was (correctly) building up until that point, and leaves the audience very little to still hope for, in terms of emotional evolution of the dynamic. 
Bardugo lays all the good stuff down as early and quickly as possible (the bonding, the conflicted attraction, the recognizing the other as one’s equal, etc) only to turn the tables and pull the rug so y’all sick creepyshippers won’t have anything to look forward to, because THEY’VE ALREADY HOOKED UP AND THAT BELONGS TO THE PAST, IT’S OVER, THEY’RE ENEMIES. This, combined to the fact that she falls for him *without* knowing who he really is, is the opposite of what I want from a heroine/villain ship (it’s basically lovers to enemies, and while that can be valid too, I wanted to see more pining and more prolonged, tormented symbolic attraction to the Shadow/Animus on Alina’s part). 
But here’s the trick: it’s not marketed as lovers to enemies - it has all the aesthetics and trappings of an enemies to lovers (the Darkling is, from the get go, villain-presenting, starting from his name), so it genuinely feels like a trollfic, or at the very least a cautionary tale *against* shipping the heroine with the tall dark brooding young villain, and I don’t think it’s cool at all. It makes the story WAY less interesting, because it humanizes the villain early on (when it’s not yet useful or poignant to the story, because it’s unearned) but it’s a red herring. The real plot twist is that the villain shouldn’t be sympathized with, just defeated: there’s a promise of nuanced storytelling, that is quickly denied and tossed aside. So is the idea of incorporating your Shadow (a notion that Bardugo must be familiar with, otherwise she wouldn’t have structured Alina and the Darkling as polar opposites who complement each other, but that she categorically refutes)
Then we have Malina. The good ship.
Look, I’m not that biased against it. I don’t want to be biased on principle against a friends to lovers dynamic that antagonizes a heroine/villain one, because every narrative is different, and for personal reasons I can deeply relate to the idea of being (unspeakably) in love with your best friend. So there are aspects of Malina that I can definitely be into, but it troubles me that in this specific context it’s framed as a regression. It’s Alina’s comfort zone, a fading dream of happiness from an idealized childhood, to sustain which the heroine systematically stunts her growth and literally repressed her own powers, something that in the books made her sickly and weak. But the narrative weirdly romanticizes this codependency, often making her tunnel vision re: going back to Mal her primary goal and centering on him her entire backstory/motivation, to the point that when she starts acting more serious re: her powers and alleged mission to destroy the Fold, it feels inorganic and unearned. 
Mal is intrinsically extraneous to Alina’s powers, he doesn’t share them, he doesn’t understand them, he has little to offer to help her with them, and so the feeling is that he’s also extraneous to her heroine’s journey, aside from being a sort of sidekick or safe harbor to eventually come back to. People have compared him to Raoul from Phantom of the Opera, and yeah, he has the same ~magic neutralizer~ vibe, tbh.
The narrative also polarizes Mal’s normalcy and relative “safety” against Aleksander’s sexy evil, framing Alina’s quasi-platonic fixation on the former as a better and purer form of love than her (much more visible and palpable) attraction to the latter. This is exacerbated by the show almost entirely relying on scenes of them as kids to convey their bond. I’m sure there are ways to depict innocent pining for your best friend that don’t involve obsessively focusing on flashbacks of two CHILDREN running in a meadow and looking exactly like brother and sister. LIKE. I get it, they’re like soulmates in every possible way, BUT DO THEY WANT TO KISS EACH OTHER?
Which brings me to a general complain: for a young adult saga centering on a young heroine and full of so many hot people, this story is weirdly unsexy? There are a lot of shippable dynamics, but they’re done in such a careless, ineffective way that makes ZERO EFFORT to work on stuff like slow burn, pining and romantic tension, and when it does it’s so heavy handed that the viewer doesn’t feel encouraged at all to fill the blanks with their imagination and start anticipating things (which is, imo, the ESSENCE of shipping). The one dynamic that got vaguely close to this is, again, Kaz and Inej, and coincidentally it’s also the one we didn’t get confirmed as romantic YET. Other than that, where’s the slow burn? What ship am I supposed to agonize over during the hiatus to season two? Has shipping become something to feel ashamed of, like an embarrassing relative you no longer want to invite in your home?
Anyway, back to Alina/Darkling/Mal, this is how the story reads to me:
girl suspects to be special, carefully pretends to be normal so she can stay with Good Boy
the girl’s powers eventually manifest; she’s forcibly separated from Good Boy
the girl’s powers attract Bad Boy who is her equal and opposite but is also a major asshole
girl initially falls for Bad Boy; has to learn a hard lesson that nobody that sexy will ever want her for who she is, he’s just trying to exploit her
also, no, there is no such thing as a Power Couple
girl is literally given a slave collar by Bad Boy through which he harnesses her power (a parody of the Twin Scars trope)
you know how the story initially suggested that the joint powers of Darkness and Light would defeat evil? LOL NO, Darkness is actually evil itself and the way you destroy evil is using Light to destroy Darkness, forget that whole Jungian bullshit of integrating your shadow, silly!
conclusion: girl realizes being special sucks. She was right all along! Hiding and suppressing her powers was the best choice! She goes back to the start, to the same Good Boy she was meekly pining for prior to the start of the story.
... there’s an uncomfortable overall subtext that reads a lot like a cautionary tale against - look, not just against darkships and villain/heroine pairings, but also *overpowered* heroines and, well... change? Growth?
Like, it’s certainly a Choice that Alina starts the story *already* in love with Mal. That she always knew it was him. The realization could have happened later (making the dynamic much more shippable, too), but no. 
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mattzerella-sticks · 3 years
“is scamming gay rights?” - Dean & Jack, DeanCas, Bi!Dean (ao3)
Jack tries teaching Dean about his latest obsession, TikTok, except a breakdown in communication teaches Dean that, sometimes, acronyms can mean more than one thing.
           Dean didn’t understand exactly what Jack rambled on about, but he passed the point of no return a few minutes back and couldn’t interrupt without revealing he had no clue what the younger boy prattled on and on about. As it was Jack currently kept pushing his phone in Dean’s face, gesturing at it and shaking it every ten seconds or so. Dean glanced between Jack and it; each time he did there was a new video on screen and by the time he shifted his focus back to his son the lecture had moved elsewhere along a road he had trouble following. By then, he let himself sink into the comfortable numbing cadence of Jack’s speech, sipping at his beer, surfacing only when he recognized a word before diving back under.
           His ears perked in familiarity as Jack used an acronym Dean recently learned, and so he tuned back in. Jack drew the phone closer to his side of the kitchen table, tapping on it. “There was this big problem with mlms actually, and even though I filtered my home page to avoid profiles like that, they kept popping up,” he said, “Luckily TikTok went ahead and basically blacklisted and deleted all mlm content. Now, I rarely see any of those kinds of content.”
           Dean’s features shuddered, mouth dropping slightly in fright. His ears echoed with the awful drumming of his heart, and a painful wheeze tickled his throat, demanding freedom. He released it on a sigh, slightly curling in on himself. “W-what?” he asked, “You… you didn’t like it?”
           Jack shrugged, “I mean, it was kind of annoying, but I learned to ignore them. When I learned how harmful the content was, however, I was very glad to hear that TikTok went ahead and took some sort of action – Hey!”
           On autopilot, Dean snatched the phone out of Jack’s hands. He slammed it, hard, on the table between them. Dean pointed a harsh finger towards Jack, snarling his next few words. “I don’t want to ever hear you talk like that again.”
           “Or!” he added, fist hammering Jack’s phone further into the wood, “use this, this damned app – if this is what it turns you into!” He huffed, hands retreating to steeple at his chin. “You think you’re raising a kid right… raising a kid to be accepting despite being so close to the Bible Belt… and one dumb app undoes all that hard work.”
           Jack, frozen in his seat, stared at Dean with concern shining in his comically wide eyes. “What are you talking about, Dean?”
           “Look,” Dean said instead, his finger extending once more to point at the younger boy. It was a less accusatory gesture, softened by the gentle tone Dean adopted. “I know I haven’t been the best role model with… with that kind of stuff. Hell of a lot better than my dad was, though… still not the best. But I’ve been getting better, especially after I…” His words bottlenecked on his tongue, and through great effort did Dean spit them out. “After I admitted my own attraction to… to men, especially one man in particular…” Dean’s head felt like it might erupt, magma-like blood swelling his brain to dangerous sizes. “Cas.”
           “Yes, Dean,” Jack nodded, “I know that. I’m… I’m confused what any of that has to do with this?”
           “What it has to do with…? Jack…” Dean pinched his brow, tense shoulders collapsing as the strain became too much, muscles snapping like bridge cables. “I might not be the most… the most out, or the most proud, okay? But I’m trying. Remember that bi flag pin I wore during that hunt one time? That was me… trying. And I’ll keep trying, because this isn’t something I’m ashamed of.” He reached for Jack, ensnaring his wrist to make sure his message was well received. “So you see, being gay isn’t – it’s not annoying. It shouldn’t be hidden, or… banned and it certainly isn’t harmful despite what some repressed shitheads might think.” Emboldened, Dean levelled a disappointing glare at Jack. His lower lip jutted out in fatherly disapproval. “And I’d rather be staked on some piece of rusty rebar than let a stupid app make you homophobic. No more… Ticking-tock. Period.”
           While Jack might not appreciate Dean’s ultimatum now, he will later on in his life. Dean imagined a future where he and Jack, much older than they were in this moment, sat on a porch swing talking about how good a job Dean did raising him to be a decent human being, as Jack’s partner, whose features he couldn’t distinguish from such a distance in their front yard, played with their son, named for the man who set Jack on the right path, obviously. He was knocked out of this fantasy, unfortunately, by the lumbering footsteps of his oafish brother.
           Sam entered the kitchen, Cas at his side with a tome held open in his hands. Their conversation withered as they took in the scene they walked in on. “Hey,” Sam said, shuffling his way to them, “what’s going on?”
           Dean opened his mouth, about to explain that he was dishing some serious parental law and wisdom. Except Jack hurriedly interrupted, rushing to speak first. “I have no idea,” he told them, “I was explaining TikTok to Dean, and suddenly he starts ranting about how it’s a homophobic platform?”
           “Because it is!” Dean argued. He grabbed Jack’s phone, waving it at the others. “Jack told me that they’ve gone full Russia – banning mlms and… and it was brainwashing him, making him hate gay people!”
           “Dean! I don’t hate gay people –“
           “Because I acted before any of the damage actually managed to take root,” he said, “If you used this any longer you would’ve had more harsh things to say about mlms than they’re annoying.”
           Jack groaned, scrubbing his face with twitching fingers. “They are annoying!”
           Dean gestured at Jack, asking with exaggerated brows and frown lines, what they should do about Jack’s denigration. Sam, for his part, seemed unbothered by Jack’s callous attitude. “I mean,” he shrugged, “Jack’s not wrong. Mlms are… pretty annoying.”
           Betrayed, Dean staggered to his feet. He faltered visibly, enough that Cas rushed over, dropping the yellowed book he held, and offered a hand. Dean accepted it, leaning on his boyfriend’s shoulder. The touch on the small of his back renewed his strength. “Sam,” he muttered, voice cracking, “how could you say that?”
           Sam mirrored the confusion noticeably present in Jack’s features. “Dean, why are you taking this so personally?”
           “Because, apparently,” Dean shouted at him, “you find me annoying!”
           “No more than I usually do,” Sam told Dean, “But that’s never bothered you before?”
           “Well, it’s pretty hard staying fucking unbothered when you think my sexuality is annoying.”
           “What?” Suddenly, something flashed behind Sam’s eyes, and the fog of bewilderment dissipated as pure rays of understanding shone from his smug expression and annoyingly struck Dean in the face. “Dean,” Sam sighed, “you… we’re not talking about gay people.”
           Dean snorted, “Of course you are. I’m not stupid.” Sam’s bitchy expression disagreed. “I’m hip, Sam. I know the lingo – better than you would, anyway… ‘ally’. Mlm… men loving men… What else could it be?”
           “Mlm is an acronym for multi-level marketing, Dean,” Sam explained, “that’s the kind of mlm we’ve been talking about this entire time.”
           “What?” Dean’s gaze bounced around the room, from Sam to Jack, then Cas, finally returning to Sam. “No, but I… the Internet, mlm is… it stands for…”
           “Things can have more than one meaning,” Cas supplied, appearing pained as he spoke, “especially acronyms.” He pressed a consolatory kiss upon Dean’s cheek, touch sparking a flame on his already burning skin. “It was nice to see how outspoken you’ve become, though.”
           “Yeah,” Sam agreed, “Like a modern-day Harvey Milk.”
           Dean refused to comment on Sam’s teasing, sinking into his seat again while his mind processed this new information. Cas joined him, continually rubbing soothing circles into his back. Sam sat next to Jack, across from them. Jack, sullenly tracing the cracks Dean made in his phone screen, asked, “Does this mean I’m not banned from TikTok?”
           “I just don’t get it,” Dean said, ignoring Jack’s question, “why would something that sounds boring like multi-level marketing even deserve its own acronym, let alone be banned from a whole app.”
           “Because it’s bad, Dean,” Sam explained, “multi-level marketing is, like, an evolved pyramid scheme, made more prevalent because of how easily social media disseminates misinformation and reaches impressionable people. Companies like TikTok are doing what they can to try and curb all these kinds of scams because, well… they’re annoying.”
           Adamant, Dean scowled and shook his head. “Mlm meaning that is what’s annoying.”
           “Too bad, Dean,” Sam said, “that’s probably the universally accepted meaning for it.”
           “No!” Dean said, “No, mlm is about gay people. It doesn’t have anything to do with scams.”
           Cas scoffed at Dean’s side, mumbling, “But what if scamming people is gay rights?”
           It was ridiculous, made in jest, and held no actual weight in a discussion, but Dean latched onto the throwaway line like it were the last life preserver on the Titanic. “You know what, Cas, you’re right!” he crowed, “Scamming is gay rights.”
           “It is?”
           “It should be,” Dean said, “I mean, do you know the number of times in my life I’ve scammed bigoted jerks for all they had? Scamming definitely feels like something that’s for gays only.”
           Sam rubbed his temples, battling an incoming migraine. “I don’t know why, but that take feels homophobic.”
           “Hush, Sam,” Cas told the other man, “I want to see where Dean goes with this.”
           Jack nodded, camera eclipsing his features. “Just let me hit record first, Dean. This could go viral.”
           Dean waited for the signal from Jack, a small thumbs up, and then he cleared his throat. “Okay, so here’s why scamming is a right for the gays and the gays alone…”
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battlestar-royco · 3 years
8.7/10 ⭐️
spoilers for everythingggg under the cut! i'll be discussing its merits as an adaptation vs as a show, characters and plots, and the overall aesthetic and magic/world.
i say this as someone who knows all the books very well and has been in the fandom for nearly a decade, so i'm biased. but. s&b functions better as an adaptation than as a standalone show. alina's plot moves so well, and satisfyingly renders so many iconic scenes and sites from s&b. the worldbuilding is also pretty easy to fall into, with a forgivable amount of voiceover/infodump. and, hurting budget aside, i mostly liked this visual interpretation of the gv.
(sidebar: the in-universe racism... doesn't work. i tried to view it in good faith but imo it was very heavy-handed. if it was framed like, "wow it's a SHU WOMAN saving the world!!!" it might've been better, but it's just racism without recompense. and it's a terrible look to make other characters of color racist. i just. why?)
as for the crows, however... i'm just not sure how strong they'll be for new viewers? i totally understand why they were included, and i really like certain connections the show made between the two series. it was a great decision to introduce the druskelle in the first Cut scene, and showing nina as a ravkan spy.
the new crows stuff felt in character, but i think the show is at its height when it sticks to the books. the first couple episodes switching between tgt and proto-soc gave me whiplash, but luckily it got more organic as it progressed. if i didn't know and love all the crows before going in, i wouldn't be that invested in them based on season 1. aside from a couple fantastic scenes, it really felt like the writers were trying to make fetch happen for like 4 episodes before they figured out what to do with everyone. plus, ravka is such a different vibe from ketterdam--tonally, sartorially, technologically, etc they didn't totally feel like the same world. it was pretty jarring. although i prefer the duo to the trio, s&b is alina's story and she is That Bitch who walked so the crows could fly. so i didn't hate their inclusion but the shoehorned content did at times disservice both plots, imo.
way too many, which is yet another consequence of smushing everyone into one season.
MAL/ALINA/DARKLING: first and foremost, and i PROMISE i'm not saying this just to be a hater, but there needed to be less malina. i'll be the first to say that show!mal really has what book!mal wants. the new pre-fold scenes were so good. li and renaux have amazing chemistry, and their laughter over stolen grapes was a highlight. his stag plot was also good. THAT SAID, there were way too many keramzin flashbacks and malina parallels like.. 🤢🤢why do they want us to love mal so much. for what. they only needed the teacup scene but they clearly thought they were doing something with micro-aggressions and that meadow shot they showed like 6 times. knowing mal's original character, and how they scrubbed his show counterpart almost to the point of flawlessness, he's just never going to be my fave even though i do respect what they did with him. also, why were there like 5 fake deaths for this dude? boring.
the darkling was great. ben barnes knows what the fuck he's about, and he funneled manipulation and charisma into every scene. as for the backstory: at first i really wasn't feeling it, but i eventually did warm up to it and i'm so glad they showed it because oh god the cut and the creation of the fold were SO FUCKING ICONIC. also, love love love the baghra development. WE LOVE TO SEE OLD WOMEN/MOMS WHO AREN'T "EVIL"/"CORRUPTED" BY THEIR MAGICAL POWERS!!!!!!! BITCH! it didn't have to be 12 minutes long though.
i honestly don't have much to say on alina. jml was excellent in her role and very true to the book. without her book narration she feels much more consistently written.
TRILOGY CHARACTERS: i really felt the lack of genya and zoya. genya's character and actress are perfectly layered and effective, even though their roles are relatively minor. i'm so looking forward to her razrushost moment, but i wish they'd laid more groundwork for it. (and i hope throw out the wig and just dye her hair next season.) also like. WHY KEEP THE IRRELEVANT MEAN GIRL/DARKLING THIRST PLOT FOR ZOYA??? AFTER ALL THE EFFORT THEY PUT INTO IMPROVING MAL? they sacrificed so much for malina at the expense of other characters. finally, it was interesting how they decided to kill marie. i love the tailor magic flex. but also they clearly just did that to emotionally manipulate us and connect the crows so. hm.
CROWS: speaking of! the crows storyline felt a little like filler. honestly i wish they waited to roll crows into later seasons. i'd prefer little foreshadowings about them, a la the druskelle cameo or the references to nina and matthias. introducing the crows so soon makes the ice court heist feel less special. the recruitment was super tight and pragmatic, so this felt a little fluffy/fanservicey. kaz also comes off as sooooo old again. especially without the vulnerability of his book counterpart, he just seems like a 40-year-old in a 20something body.
i was pleasantly surprised to find jesper my favorite crow. like wow.... second amendment rights for jesper fahey only!! i like all the crows but book!kanej are my faves by a long shot. they felt a bit stiff tbh, like the actors were a little uncomfy with each other and/or their exposition-heavy lines. however, the one scene that felt EXTREMELY kanej to me was when they killed that dude in the church holy fuck oh my god. WE STAN AN ANGSTY BATTLE COUPLE WHO ARE BOTH DEAD INSIDE. highlight for sure.
and i actually kinda loved helnik? i know helnik is controversial for very valid reasons, but i thoughy their dynamic was fantastic and they were among the strongest performers. it was much less overwhelming than the constantly interweaving kaz/inej/jesper imo. they need to fire their location scout though. those green screen mountains and beaches were um. interesting.
aesthetic and magic:
i really hope they get a bigger budget for costumes, cgi, and sets next season! the keftas are serviceable, but they look a little cheap at times. i will also never forgive ANY of the crows' hats. it's mostly just a personal aesthetic thing but god i fucking hate them. the darkling was best dressed, but in general i liked the ravkan look more than the kerch. why were the crows always in the most elaborate getups? why couldn't they just chill in their waistcoats??? they never seemed relaxed in the way alina and co did; the clothes never felt worn or broken in.
favorite sets: the darkling's room, the crow club, all the grisha tents, the matthias/nina ship, the church where inej killed the squaller, outdoor fountain where they told the story of the black heretic. the lighting was almost always right for each scene, and there was so much detail in every one of them.
THE MAGIC WAS SO COOL! my greatest beef is alina's light--it often looked so fake, and it washed out jml. oftentimes it was fluorescent or blue, and it was used as a forcefield or orb. it's supposed to be sunlight bro. what is so hard about that? the darkling's magic looked good, other than the fold. i've always imagined the fold more like a huge black fog rather than a literal wall. so that was a bit game of thronesy, but not terrible.
and can we talk about the amplifiers? amplifiers are my personal favorite gv lore but season 1 barely gets into them. they never mention the bear zoya slew, nor do they establish the unique strength of the stag, sea dragon, and firebird. BUT THE ANTLER COLLAR FUSED INTO ALINA'S SKIN WAS SUPER DARK AND MACABRE AND I KINDA LIKED IT? ALTHOUGH I HAVE TO WONDER HOW TF IS SHE GONNA SLEEP???
if you made it this far, thanks so much! that's all i have for today.
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breanime · 5 years
Getting Back with Jax Teller Headcannons
*gif not mine*
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Ohhhh man
Ohhh boy
Ohhhh jeez
When Jax looked up, a crow eater planted firmly on his lap, her lips stretched in a wide grin against his, and he saw you across the room
Homeboy knew he fucked up
He stood up, dropping the crow eater on her ass
He expected you to run out
He was already prepped to chase you
But instead, you swallowed down your drink, dropped the glass on the bar, and walked over to him, face calm
But as you got closer, and Jax tried to tell you that she just jumped him, it meant nothing--
--he saw your eyes
And he knew he was doomed
“Don’t bother coming to get your shit,” you told him, “It’s all getting fed to the fire tonight.”
And then you walked off
He was so stunned, he didn’t even chase you
Instead, he retired to his dorm with a handle of bourbon and quietly panicked for the rest of the night
In the morning, hung over and nervous, he made Juice drive him to your place
The first thing he noticed was the fire pit in the middle of the driveway, and when he got closer to inspect it...
...Yup--that was his shit amongst the soot and ashes.
When he knocked on your door, your best friend answered--
--and verbally ripped him a new one
“I knew you were no good for her,” she’d concluded, “but she said you loved her, and she loved you, so I kept my mouth shut, but now,” she leaned in, sneering over at him, “I get to say ‘I told you so’.” She leaned back, her eyes full of hatred. “Fuck off, biker boy.”
So he did
For now.
But he came back, after a nap, a shower, and a meal forced upon him from Gemma
You were outside, dragging a garbage bag to the end of your driveway, and Jax had a feeling his non-flammable shit was in that bag
He hopped off of his bike, taking a breath
“Baby, I can explain--”
“What are you doing here?” You asked, one hand on your hip. “Do I have to spell it out for you? I don’t want you anymore, Jax. And clearly you don’t want me; we’re over.”
“No,” he felt his heart constrict in his chest, and he took another breath, trying to calm himself, “That’s not true. Last night was--baby, it was a mistake! I was drunk, and high, and--”
“I don’t want to hear it,” you said, walking past him, dragging the bag with you, “I’m not Tara or Wendy or your mom, okay? You fuck up with me once; that’s it. You don’t get to just bat your eyes and get forgiven.”
“Well what do I need to do, then?” He asked, heart pounding. “Just tell me, and I’ll do it.”
You rolled your eyes
“No, I’m serious,” he went on, reaching out to you
You stepped back, avoiding his touch, and Jax nearly fell to his knees at the action
Shit shit shit
“Please,” he said, dropping his hand, “Baby, please. I need you. I know you’re not Tara or Wendy or any fucking crow eater-- I love you. I’m in love with you, and I need you.” He say your eyes soften, and he kept talking, hoping his words could thaw you. “I’ll do anything to prove that what happened last night will never happen again--I swear.”
Sighing, you dropped the bag
“I can’t have you out here disrespecting me,” you said, “I can’t be afraid to turn my back on you because I don’t trust you--”
“--But you can,” he swore, “You can trust me, Y/N, I promise you can.”
You sighed again
You loved Jax, you did, but you couldn’t tolerate his shitty treatment of you
“I’m not one of your guys,” you went on, “Just because you have that patch and that gavel, doesn’t mean everything you say or do is law.”
“I know,” he agreed, “I know. Just... Please, let me make this up to you. I can’t lose you, Y/N.”
You bit your lip, and Jax knew you were considering it
Finally, you spoke:
“Fine. But I need you to fuck off. I need some space from you, at least for a few days.”
He nodded, ready to agree to anything
“I’m serious, Jax. I don’t want to see you, or Juice, or Chibs, or Gemma until I’m ready.”
“Okay. I can do that.”
“And I need you to send me my things,” you went on
Jax deflated at that--giving you your stuff back, the clothes, makeup, books and other shit you’d left at his place or his dorm--seemed really final
“We’re not getting back together just because you said so,” you told him, “So as of now, we’re still not together. But if you listen, and want to try to get back to where we were... I’ll let you.”
Jax swallowed. He could do that.
He would do that
Hell, he’d do anything for the slim chance to be with you again
It hadn’t even been a full day since you’d dumped him, and he was already desperate for you
So he agreed
Per your instructions, he mailed you all of your things
He also didn’t see you or speak to you for five long days
(It was hard, but keeping Gemma from getting her claws into you was even harder. But he manged it)
On day six, you asked him if he knew anyone who could fix your water heater
Jax was at your place with a tool kit and Happy within the hour
“Anything you need,” Jax told you, “Just call me. I’ll always be here for you, darlin’“
So you did--and Jax kept his word
When you needed something fixed around the house, Jax was there
When you were hungry at work, he would bring you lunch
If he was on a run or busy with club stuff, he’d send one of the guys or a prospect in his stead
He checked in on you throughout the day, asking if you needed anything and listening when you complained about your coworkers
A month into this, you kissed him on the cheek when he showed up at your job with a bouquet of flowers just because
Jax could have passed out, he was so happy
The real test came a few weeks later, when you asked him if he’d go to your best friend’s house to rid her of a pest
When Jax got there, he was surprised to see that the pest was her ex-boyfriend’s current girlfriend
Apparently she was involved in some kind of love triangle
It took everything in him not to rub her drama in her face, but he didn’t
Instead, he got rid of the gf and actually sat down with your friend and told her she deserved better than to be some asshole’s side chick
She cried into his shoulder
When he got on his bike to leave, she stopped him
She only had one thing to say, but it meant the world to Jax
“I was wrong about you”
That night, you let Jax back into your bed, and he spent the entire night showing you how much he loved and missed you
He told you, too
And though you didn’t say “I love you” back, he knew you did--
--he could feel it
You didn’t let him stay the night, though
You handed him his jeans with a smile
“I’ll call you tomorrow,” you said
Jax spent most of the next day checking his phone, hoping to see your name flash across the screen
All the guys knew he was waiting for you call
So they couldn’t help but fuck with him
Opie stole his phone and hid it for a good 30 minutes, which resulted in them wrestling in the middle of the bar until Gemma hit them both over the head with her purse
Juice--on orders from Clay--blocked the cell service at the club house for 15 minutes, and the guys took a shot every time Jax cursed in anger at the situation
They were drunk for the rest of the afternoon
Bobby, Chibs, Hap, and Opie all pretended to get calls from you, making Jax so frustrated, he almost pulled his hair out of his hair
But then you called--for real
And everything in Jax’s world felt right
“I was thinking,” you said, your voice sweet and warm in his ear, “I don’t think I’m ready to get back together with you yet...”
His heart sank
“...but maybe we can go on a date?”
And so Jax started courting you all over again
Sex that ended in you gently kicking him out
It was frustrating, but he was determined to win you back
Plus it was kind of nice starting over with you
Jax felt like he learned new things about you--and himself--through the process
And then, one day, when the two of you ran into one of your coworkers at a restaurant, you introduced him as 
“Jax, my boyfriend”
And that night, you let him spend the night with you
In the morning, Jax woke you up with kisses, crawling over you and covering your body with his
And he knew, as you wrapped your arms around him and whispered “I love you” back to him
--that he would never do anything to lose you again
And as time went on...
...he didn’t
Lessons, it seemed, were learned. 
Thanks for reading! I feel like my headcannon lists are always long as hell... so...sorry about that? haha!
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast​ @jigsawlover10​ @gollyderek​  @charlylama @realduckvader​ @teacuplotus @whovianayesha​  @lexxierave​ @loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com​  @maxslime-blog​ @songforhema​ @lucielandss @themadhatter92​  @christinawxxx​ @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme​ @luminex3​ @ashkuuuu​ @luckysstrikes​ @carlaangel86​ @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry  @ymariejp @its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli @stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19  @binbons-is-theloml @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out  @witchygagirl @geeksareunique
Jax Taglist: @nich0lasmatthews​  @melissataggart87​ @jaxteller87​ @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ateliefloresdaprimavera​ @mrsjaxtellerfan​ @itsme-autumn​  @mydemons-aremy-friends​
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Six of crows rant
The thing which has constantly been bugging my head is why is kaz brekker a 17 year old gangster with such a high influence who also has this EXTREMELY tragic life this early in life. I mean I cannot say much on real life tragedies and I am not classifying tragedies as well but according to me it would have been more fitting if the protagonists of this book were in the age group of 19-20 but not 16-17 because a certain age difference really makes a lot of difference in emotional maturity. Of course the author did it because her audience already existed in the young adult category(although according to WHO the age range for “YA” is 19 to 39 years but in terms of fantasy fiction books we the readers have unanimously decided for the age group of YA protagonists to be 15-18) because of the massive success of her books under the grisha trilogy. The marketing and publication of her books also plays a huge role as young adult genre is very much lucrative and books can go hyped up very easily due to the presence of fan favorite tropes like enemies to lovers or love triangles or a girl finding out about her “magic” but there is not a single one of these tropes in this duology(six of crows and crooked kingdom). I'm not saying that the absence of these tropes should make it NA but generally teens at the ages of 14-18 definitely feel insecure about a lot of reasons, there is romantic angst in fiction as well as in real life and it makes sense for the genre to have these things because it is what defines the genre right? It should have simply been classified as a new adult book according to the plot and the type of protagonists we got. If we look in this manner even shadow and bone deserved to be an NA(new adult) book because clearly the plot ,our Mr.Darkling,darklina and all the other stuff in the book would have been more comfortable to read if it was classified as YA but the special girl/boy trope(I don't mean to say this in an insulting manner) gathers a lot of traction because no matter how many stories we get it, is never enough and such tropes in a fantasy setting just transports you to a different world altogether(this trope is by the way a guilty pleasure of mine too). So I guess the conclusion would be that it was successful for the author to have kept both the series in the YA category but I do hope they change the ages in the Netflix show because other than in paper or in fanfictions such tropes with a huge age gap  slightly makes me want to puke.
And I have seen at least every booktuber praising the six of crows duology for being one of the best YA “fantasy” book series ever, although I would say it has crime and fantasy in equal amounts. It made me wonder why did everyone like this so much instead of the usual magic , love triangles , enemies to lovers , romances like in classic fairytales in various other YA novels which got high praises as well. I think one of the reasons would be because it was different and experimental to this supposed “fantasy” story and it was different done absolutely right! This book isn't my best YA books I have ever read but one of my favorite books including all the genres because it was a rollercoaster ride of emotions, amazing friendships, interesting dynamics between characters,realistic romances,slight edginess and darkness!. All in all everything is pointing towards the fact that it should have been a new adult book which can make any adult feel like a kid because of its storyline and the heist! *sweat smile*.
P.S. I really wanted them to alter the storyline in shadow and bone by not giving the darkling much traction since they are getting an opportunity to resolve the quality and the story of the grisha trilogy. I really don't think they would do what i suggested after watching the trailers. I also want genya and zoya to have a different dynamic with alina and their individual storylines in general instead of darklina and malina on our screens 24/7,and I also want six of crows to have their authentic dynamic with each other and not just settle for frikkin 1 million kruge *rolls eyes*
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.4
a/n: I love Gei here xD do ya’ll love Gei? I hope you guys love his extra ass <3
warnings: this cannot be read solo, cursing(?), subtle flirting
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 5
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased​ @infinite-universe-love​
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Taking your planner from your bag, you jotted down a reminder to dig up some old case files regarding the 3 villains Tsukauchi had just mentioned. Everything seemed clearer now as to why Overhaul managed to snag an invite. He was one of them no matter what his ideals were.
Forking the last bit of cheesecake, you stuffed your planner back into your bag and exited the shop. Scanning the area for any black cars, you were relieved that no one had been tailing you. There was a rising suspicion that Overhaul stalked you but perhaps it was simply chance. You couldn’t blame him though, you were usually buried under stacks of documents at this time of day.
Walking towards your first stop, you had to interview a witness by the convenience store. One of the cases you were working on involved arson. At first glance, you ruled it out to be some villain’s nasty prank. The more you dived into the case, you realized this was organized.
“So you recall seeing a person with black hair across the street?” You questioned the cashier while eyeing some chocolate bars. “Do you remember what he wore or an estimate of his height?”
“I can’t really picture his height but I do remember him wearing  a dark blue jacket with a high collar.” Peering at the glass doors, the witness tried to think back on the events that had happened. It had been a week since the incident but the fear was still there. “He just stared at the store for a couple of minutes, I remember. After that, he turned to that corner over there. Moments later, the explosion happened.”
“Hmm…” You mentally took down notes. Nothing much to take from that statement. “Well, thank you for your time and if you see something please don’t hesitate to call.”
Handing him your business card, you exited the store and crossed the street. Heading towards the corner mentioned, you scanned for any possible belongings left behind or a tell tale sign the initial investigators failed to see. Nope. Empty-handed.
Making your way back to the precinct, you felt a vibration in your pocket. Taking your phone out, you stopped walking and you blinked yourself back to reality.
You: Thanks for the cheesecake. Not gonna work.
Overhaul(?): Bold of you to assume I was after something.
Would it be logical to reply to his message? Moving aside to let people walk, your thumb tapped the locked screen. Generally speaking, there would be nothing wrong if you answered back. Communication was key, afterall. And, to top it off, he was basically your partner for this mission. Maybe some playful banter here and there wouldn’t hurt. That’s all you’ve been doing, anyway.
Chewing on your lower lip, you scowled and put your phone back into your pocket. Tsukauchi was right. His charm was strong. Either that or you're just paranoid of being kidnapped by one of the strongest men in the yakuza. Yet, a part of you wanted to know if he was waiting for your response. Probably not. Facing your gray cubicle once again, you rummaged through the metal file bin and pulled out a rather thick manila envelope. Closing the drawer with your foot, you tossed the envelope to your desk and began to search for what you needed.
The first document you found was of Nokusu. Looking at his quirk information, you took into account his ability to bend and manipulate shadows. The small footnote indicated that light played no weakness to his quirk. He wasn’t that up there in terms of ranking but he knew his cards well enough.
Setting it aside, the next file you picked up was of Tamisura. Ahh. You remember her all too well. Still an intern at the time, it was still clear as day the way the chief of police came with a rather huge gash on his chest. Healing him took 4 days and the only thing he mentioned was a name. Tamisura.
There was no detail about her quirk. Flipping a few more pages, the chief’s statement was all you had.
‘It seems as if her quirk gives her momentum. Stopping her movements was impossible.’ That’s what it stated. With the number of quirks present, it was a little too vague for your liking. Oh well. You had an idea and you could pull some straws with that. Stacking it on top of Nokosu’s file, you found the last of the three.
Akuji. Holder of one the most annoying quirks to deal with. Telepathy. Everyone is an open book when it comes to his mind.
Ransacking the files, you let out a loud and long groan. To your amazing luck, their profiles all had masks covering their faces. No stranger to this turn of events, you thought about contacting your confidants about possible information regarding these people but even you didn’t want to risk their safety. Villain or not. It became a habit of yours to make sure the favors you ask for are worth it.
Resting your chin on your palm, you reached for your phone and unlocked it. The first thing you see was the exchange you and birdman had. Checking at Tsukauchi’s desk, you found him hunched and busy encoding his cases. Eyes back on the screen, you decided to send a little message.
You: Busy?
Overhaul(?): Are you after something now?
You: I hate you. But, yes.
Overhaul(?): No.
What were you even expecting? Amused with the little exchange, you stretched your joints and packed your stuff. The profiles of the three villains now tucked into your bag. With only 15 minutes left before your shift ends, you took the liberty of scrolling the internet for dresses. Told to dress appropriately for the gala, you would have to comply.
There was no theme indicated but you were sure to go there with a black ensemble. That color was the safest and it was also the easiest to pick from. Getting a faint picture as to what you wanted to buy, you peaked at the wall clock and immediately turned your desktop off.
"Before you leave," Tsukauchi piped up. Peaking at you from his cubicle. "Chief wants to talk to you."
Nodding at his message you went up the stairs and hummed towards the chief's office. He'd probably want updates. He always did have a knack for annoying you. The mission barely started and he's already pinning you to the corner. Knocking on his door, you heard the permission to enter.
Now seated on the guest sofa, you gave him a respectful bow. As did he. Telling you to sit down, you obeyed.
"I request a little update of the mission." He began. The not so subtle exhale from your nostril only proved how obvious he could be at times. "How's working with Overhaul?"
"The status of the mission only has one movement. The upcoming gala has a few villains joining as well." You reported. "I'm not so familiar with how the yakuza works in big events like this, though. So, I took...no. I decided to join the event with him as my plus one."
"Smart choice." He nodded at the developments. "Has he taken his mask off?"
Snickering at the question, you shook your head.
"Take that as a side quest of yours." He instructed. "We need an update on his profile. We're still empty as to what he looks like without that mask. Gain his trust. Just enough for him to show you his face."
Great. Your personal mission just evolved into official business. Accepting the task, you pushed it aside and would rather let things take its course naturally. Overhaul was something else and there was no way you would rush things. Especially if it meant him showing something personal. You were keeping your word. One purpose and one purpose only.
Conveying what he needed to, he dismissed you and you were more than excited to get the hell out of his suffocating office.
Take out. That's what you needed to unwind.
Now that you were walking down the street, establishments began to light up the path. Neon signs heavily contrasting the orange and pink skies. With the mall coming to view, you decided now would be a good time to look for an outfit. And, mostly because shopping calmed your nerves each time you had the talk with the chief.
The air condition was heaven. Heading to the area where dresses were sold, you went inside the first store you saw.
The dresses were nice but came with a high price. Though thanks to your dad, your shopping needs were never a problem. Keeping yourself glued to the ground was always simple. With the job you had, the temptation of impulsive buying always flushed down the drain. Instead, the money put under your name went into aiding your missions and a few under the table deals here and there.
Seeing a dress you liked, you decided to try it on.
Inside the plush fitting room, you stared at your reflection. This brand always did good at flaunting the curves you had. The amount of running and training you did paid off. The dress was backless save for a small but secure bow resting on your nape. The lace mesh wrapped your arms delicately and the bead work was intricate. He would like this.
"Whot?" You thought out loud. Scratching your nape, your vision trailed towards  your face in the reflection. Your cheeks were a little pink and once again your heart rate was a little quicker than normal. “Lack of sleep. Caffeine overdose. Yes.”
Deciding to buy the said dress, you were accompanied to the counter by the clerk. As they were preparing the box and paper bag, you scanned a few trinkets inside locked glass boxes. Most of them jewelry for women and studs for men. They did look nice but you weren’t a big fan of diamonds.
One did capture your attention. Moving closer to it, you saw a shiny gold pair of cufflinks. Upon closer inspection, you saw how the small jewelry had what looked to be a crow. It was small but distinguishable if you knew your birds. Checking the tag, it wasn’t all that expensive. Y20,000.
Okay, maybe it was a little expensive but it looked hella worth it.
“Here’s your dress, miss~” The clerk snapped you out of your thoughts. The smile she used on all customers showing on her face. Her cherry red lips popped due to her pale skin. Accepting the bag, you glanced one more time at the tiny trinket. She seemed to catch up quickly. “Those are limited edition Bivenchy cufflinks. Would you like to see them?”
“Uh, w-” You let out a defeated sigh and agreed to look at the cufflinks.
An hour later, you were now back in the comfort of your apartment. The big paper bag with your dress now laid flat on your coffee table. Beside it, a smaller box with the brand’s name displayed in the center. Sending death glares to the impulsively bought item, you took out the contents and flopped onto your sofa.
Flipping the lid open, inside were the same cufflinks. They seemed to shine even more with the lights your unit had. Cursing yourself, you hadn’t put into consideration that a guy like Overhaul would probably have this item already. Or, something even more expensive knowing him. Closing the box, you placed it on the table and did what you had to do for the rest of the night.
Now that you were ready for bed, you scrolled down to Gei’s contact and called him.
“Hellooo my sweet quiet friend.” He greeted. The faint sound of television could be heard in the background. “What can I do for thee?”
“Hair and make up in two days, is that alright?” You asked shyly. When it came to underground thugs or villains, you were hella confident in asking for favors or settling deals. But when it came to Gei, you were like a child in her first day of school.
“Wanna look good for yo man, I presume?” He teased. For sure, his right eyebrow was cocked high by now.
“I wanna look good for the people in the gala.” You defended yourself. Twirling a few strands of your hair, you let out a yawn. “And, I don’t trust myself with makeup.”
“What time will he be pickin you up, booboo?”
“6. So, you can drop in at 4.”
“Copy on that.” He agreed. “OH OH OH. Did you buy a dress? Please tell me you’re not wearing that monstrous thing from 2 years ago. Honey, that color made me want to puke.”
Cringing at the memory of that vile yellow and purple dress, you THOUGHT you looked good in.
“I went shopping. Don’t worry.”
“What brand?”
“Auscer de la Venta…”
“YAS BEECH! WIG SUH-NATCHED!” He screeched through the line. “I swear to Queen Todrick, if his jaw ain’t gonn drop, imma whoop. His. Ass. even if it kills me. Oooh~ You think he’ll take his mask off?”
“Probably not. I doubt he’d even eat anything at the gala.” There it was again. The second person to wonder about what he was hiding underneath. There was the idea that he hid his face so he could get away if things didn’t turn out. But you recalled his explanation that he hates the air around him. “He hates dust so taking the mask off would probably be the last thing he would ever do.”
“Oh my lords.” Gei breathed out. “If he disappears when the food comes, I bet my money he’ll be eating in the men’s toilet.”
Okay. That made you laugh. Hopefully, you wouldn’t picture that scenario when he comes pick you up.
Gossiping for a few more minutes, your energy levels were now gone. Saying farewell to your friend, the moment you closed your eyes, you immediately fell asleep.
- - - - -
are yall enjoying the story so far? :’) comment or message me if you want to be a part of Overhaul’s waiting list or any questions about the story :)
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
National Examiner, March 22
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson -- his journey from thief to superstar
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Page 2: These stars wheely like to bike -- Hugh Jackman, Eva Longoria, Matthew McConaughey, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn, Russell Crowe, Arnold Schwarzenegger
Page 3: Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez, Al Roker, Pierce Brosnan and Keely Shaye Smith, Matt Damon, Justin Theroux, Ethan Hawke
Page 4: Jennifer Aniston's roles and costumes
Page 6: Susan Sarandon is 74 and single now and she admits she likes to date younger men because they have more inquisitive minds than older guys
Page 7: Golden Age of Glamour -- the shocking beauty tips, tricks and secrets of Hollywood's most stunning stars -- Mae West, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor, Joan Crawford
Page 8: Listen to Granny -- older media influencers are getting into the act on social media, with women in their 80s and 90s earning huge followings and lots of money on Instagram -- while some are all about their head-turning styles, others go with decorating or fitness to create their granfulencer brands
Page 9: Go ahead and binge that new TV show because it's good for your mental health -- new research shows the lack of social connection we're all feeling now because of COVID-19 restrictions can be filled, at least to some degree, by watching TV, reading books and listening to music
Page 10: Lucia DeClerck has some advice for living a long life, and she knows what she's talking about because she's 105 years old -- not only did Lucia live through the 1918 Spanish Flu, she's the oldest person in her nursing home and she just beat COVID-19 -- how does she do it? Gin-soaked golden raisins
Page 11: 8 ways to prevent back pain
Page 12: Stars Still Strong and Sexy As They Hit Milestone Notorious 90 -- Marla Gibbs, Gavin MacLeod, Angie Dickinson, Barbara Eden
Page 13: William Shatner, Olympia Dukakis, Dan Rather, Rita Moreno, Willie Mays, James Earl Jones
Page 14: Dear Tony, America's Top Psychic Healer -- all marriages need care and attention to flourish
Page 15: There are nicer, more medically accurate ways to describe it, but "dead butt syndrome" says it all, that feeling of numbness or achiness from sitting too long -- it is no joke to the many people who experience the discomfort of DBS, otherwise known as lower cross syndrome, gluteal amnesia, or gluteus medius tendinosis -- people who sit at their desk all day for work are particularly prone to this syndrome, where muscle tightness in the hip flexors and weakness in the gluteus medius muscles in the buttock combine to create hip and lower-back pain, leading to numbness -- luckily there are simple remedies you can try to alleviate symptoms and even reverse the syndrome
Page 16: Princess Diana: little girl lost -- Diana's brother Charles Spencer reveals truth about heartbreaking childhood
Page 18: There are about 100 prepaid food receipts fluttering on the wall of Ruma's Deli in Missouri and if you're hungry and your pockets are empty, you can grab one, bring it to the counter and get a free meal, no strings attached
Page 19: Pixel the cat is so creepy-looking even a professional exorcist crossed himself and ran -- Alyson Kalhagen's cat has giant googly eyes, a Halloween pumpkin smile and oversized bat ears and he's also fond of making funny faces but the two-year-old has racked up a fan base online, where more than 12,000 followers find Pixel's peculiarities precious
Page 20: Cover Story -- Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is huge in every way -- the muscle-bound ex-wrestler has starred in dozens of blockbuster films, has tons of projects in the works, millions of bucks and a brand new show about his childhood but he hasn't always been on top of the game -- the dynamo has gone through so many tough times and bad decisions they would sink a lesser man but he's an open book about all of them and how he fought to get to the top every step of the way
Page 22: After a long break to raise her children, Michelle Pfeiffer is on the silver screen again and looking better than ever -- the 62-year-old is in a new film called French Exit, in which she plays a tragic widow who packs up and moves to Paris with her son -- the actress says to return and thrive in an industry formerly known as being obsessed with youth is a gift -- although her husband David E. Kelley has been behind dozens of hits like The Undoing and Big Little Lies, Michelle doesn't want to work with him because she's seen a lot of couples where they seem to have a great marriage, and then they work together and next year they're filing for divorce -- next up, Michelle will play Betty Ford in the upcoming series The First Lady
Page 24: A Texas grocery delivery driver got more than just shelter from the storm when her car became stuck in a customer's driveway -- the people who lived there took her in for five days and made her feel like part of the family
Page 26: Deep Focus -- stunning underwater pix from an unseen world
Page 32: Pet Projects -- family portraits get everyone into the picture -- photographer Tasha Hall creates "farmaly" photos, which include each and every one of the household where they've got two feet, four feet, paws, claws, hooves or wings
Page 34: While everyone loves a comfortable, cozy mattress, having a really good becomes more important with age because a bad one may leave you with aches, pains and posture imbalances but the problem is that these specialty mattresses are very expensive -- fortunately, Medicare may cover up to 80 percent of the cost if you go about this purchase the right way and you'll then be responsible for the remaining 20 percent, as well as any deductible
Page 40: Psychic Self-Defense -- many people are born with a psyche that is naturally sensitive -- there has been a modern-day rise in occultism and practicing psychics and the way of the world at this time had made many more people seek help -- this has produced a far greater awareness of the need to protect and defend ourselves when working in a magical or psychic context -- we are all constantly being bombarded with psychic vibrations, not all of them good
Page 42: 20 Things You Never Knew About Tiger Woods
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Jenny McCarthy is in high spirits as she preps to tape a new episode of The Masked Singer in L.A. (picture), Goldie Hawn works out in L.A. (picture), Jane Fonda has given up on getting hitched -- she has three failed marriages and being single means she can watch whatever she wants on TV, Kelly Clarkson admits that since her marriage soured she no longer considers marriage a fairy-tale thing and she can't imagine being married again, Charlize Theron admits she hasn't made the grade when it comes to homeschooling her kids Jackson and August, Patrick Schwarzenegger is looking to follow in the footsteps of his dad Arnold Schwarzenegger but says his dad hasn't offered any pointers when it comes to a career in showbiz, Bindi Irwin is close to welcoming her little wildlife warrior with husband Chandler Powell and her 17-year-old brother Robert Irwin has some opinions about his sister's ever-expanding figure saying she's massive
Page 45: Duchess Kate and Prince William hold video calls with folks shielding at home during the pandemic to discuss the positive impact of the COVID-19 vaccine (picture), Chrissy Teigen goes shopping with daughter Luna (picture), Mary-Kate Olsen finalized her divorce from French banker Olivier Sarkozy and she was spotted in NYC having dinner with businessman John Cooper, Gordon Ramsay is steamed after being diagnosed with arthritis, Jessie J has a new boyfriend with dancer and choreographer Max Pham Nguyen, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin dropped a bombshell -- they've welcomed their sixth child via surrogate
Page 46: We all get a bit snippy at times, but if you tend to fly into a rage, it's not good for your health or friendships -- here are some simple anger-management techniques you can do any time
Page 47: Curious Earthlings have always been hungry for movies about the moon and its mysteries -- Cat-Women of the Moon, A Trip to the Moon, The Right Stuff, First Man, Gravity, Apollo 13, Hidden Figures
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astrarchesstuff · 4 years
An Obey Me x Fruits Basket drabble
I’m not much of a writer and I suck at writing stuff but the thought of having the Demon Brothers transform into animals, like what happens in Fruits Basket, won’t leave my mind. So I tried writing a short fic about it. Please have mercy on my writing style because I know I not so good about it *cries*
To summarize what had happened, you were supposed to be in bed right now. Waiting for the alarm to wake you up and prepare for another day of school. For some reason though, you stood in front of, apparently, the next king of hell with the six demon brothers? What? Apparently this is not a dream and is your reality.
 Now, you’re stuck with an annoying white-haired brother who wont stop whining about looking after you.
 “That Lucifer! Why’s it gotta be me?!” Mammon, the white-haired whining demon, says as the two of you walk down the halls of the House of Lamentation.
 “Hey Human! Be sure to stay outta my way got it?! If you don’t, I’m gonna eat ya alive.” He says. It would seem to be a threat but for some reason you don’t sense fear.
 You were going down from the second floor where the rooms are located when you suddenly trip on the stairs.  Mammon, who is right in front of you, didn’t see it coming and you suddenly fell on top of him.
 A cloud of smoke appears out of nowhere.
 “What now?” you say as you rub your head. When you look down, Mammon is nowhere to be found. Instead, you see a pile of clothes on the floor and a crow.
 “What’s a crow doing here? And where’s Mammon?” you say to yourself as you stand up and fix yourself.
 “Ya stupid human I’m right here!” you hear his voice. Yet, you can’t see him anywhere.
 “Yo human! Look down!” you hear his voice again. Down? You look down to where the pile of clothes and the crow were. The crow is looking at you with its black eyes and you look back at it.
 “Stop staring and pick up my clothes!” it suddenly yells. What? Did that crow just talk? This is a dream, right? You’re not in hell, right?
 “What are ya waitin’ for?!” the crow yells again. Surely, it’s Mammon’s voice. Did Mammon just turn into a crow?
 “M-Mammon is that you?” you ask as you crouch down to talk to it.
 “Of course, it’s me! Now, pick up my clothes and take me ta my room before I transform back!” he yells again before another cloud of smoke appears from him. The next thing you now, there’s a naked, beet-red Mammon in front of you.
 “I told ya’ to pick up my clothes!” he says as he takes his uniform to cover himself. You immediately turn around on pure instinct. At least your mind still knows what to do when that happens.
 “What- what was that about?” you ask as you hear a rustling of clothes behind you. Is he wearing his clothes here on the staircase?
 “Uh oh, Lucifer’s not gonna like this.” Mammon says to himself. You turn around to see a horrified Mammon behind you.
 “What do you mean ‘uh oh’?” You ask. You can see, clear as day, the fear on Mammon's eyes. What exactly is happening?
"You human, this'll be the only time that I, the Great Mammon will ask ya for somethin'. Ya got that?!" Mammon places his hands on your shoulders, and they're trembling.
"Wh-what is it?" You ask. Curious as to what made Mammon act this way. He stops to think for a bit. Maybe it's a big secret that he can't just tell you. You wait for almost a minute. He takes a deep breath before looking back at you.
"Let's talk somewhere else. Don't want my brothers findin' out that I've messed up big time." He says as he goes up the stair again and walks to the direction of the rooms.
He stops in front of a door and opens it. You peek behind him to see a spacious room, quite messy, but spacious.
"Get in before anyone else sees us." He grabs your arm to get you into the room and closes the door behind him. You look around the room. You see a pool table with an empty bottle of something, a manga next to it.
"They have mangas here?" You stop to think. You shake your head and continue looking around.
The next thing you see is the car on the second floor of the room. How the hell did that get in here? Bellow it is the bed and a closet. You look to the right and see the couch and table. A game controller on top of the table. There's no television, only a white screen in front.
You find the room both amusing and shocking st the same time.
"Stop lookin' 'round and take a seat." Mammon walks into the room and sits on one of the chairs. You do as he says and sit on the couch right across Mammon.
"Just so ya' know, this is my room." He says as a matter of fact. You nod your head to say okay.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment. Not knowing what to say next but the curiosity is killing you so you say something first.
"So… about what happened?" You say. Leaving the end for Mammon to continue. He sighs and scratches his head.
"Lucifer is totally gonna kill me but we can't have you goin' around blabberin' 'bout what happened." He says.
"I'm pretty sure Lucifer's told ya 'bout who we are?" He asks you. You nod to answer his question, afraid that if you talk Mammon won't continue what he's about to say.
"I can't tell ya the whole story 'cos it'll be too long. I'll only tell ya what had happened earlier." He says. Trying to pick out the words that would come out from his mouth.
"You've met Lord Diavolo earlier and he's the most powerful demon here in the Devildom and we brothers come right after him." He starts explaining. You sight tight in your chair as Mammon leans forward and continues his story.
"But just 'cause we're powerful as well, doesn't mean we can't be cursed." He says. Just from what he's said, you still couldn't understand anything and Mammon must've seen the confusion in your face because he continues his explanation.
"Out of us brothers, Lucifer's the one who's an expert in curses but for this one, he hasn't found a way out of yet." Mammon looks at his hand and clenches it into a fist. You still look at him with a confused face and he continues his monologue.
"Look, remember the student council room? I'm sure ya' saw the picture hangin' on the wall." Mammon says. If you remember correctly,  there are seven images hanging on the student council walls. Each images are a silhouette of an animal.
"Ya remember what they are?" Mammon asks you. You stop to try to remember some of it.
"I think I saw birds, a scorpion, a horse?" You try to wrack your brain to remember the rest of the images but that's all that it can remember.
"Well, at least ya remember some. Those animals are representations of each of us brothers." Mammon starts. You lean in to listen closely to his explanation.
"The first image is a peacock which is Lucifer. The second are crows which is me. Next's a serpent, that's Levi. Then a unicorn which is Satan. A scorpion, Asmo and a fly which is Beel." Mammon stops. There are seven images in that room but he's only mentioned six.
 "Maybe it's a given that it's Lord Diavolo." You think to yourself.
"What happend earlier, when ya' fell on top of me. It triggrted the curse and I transformed into a crow, which is my animal representation." Mammon sighs. You try to take all the information in at once.
"If we get hugged by the opposite gender or if we get terribly sick, the curse will take into effect and we become animals. We have no idea how long the duration of the curse takes effect that's why I was panicking a lot earlier. Look what happened." Mammon scoffs. You blush a little remembering the naked Mammon standing in front of you.
"That's all I could tell ya." Mammon leans back as he finishes his story but immediately leans in again.
"If Lucifer finds out that ya know about the curse this early on I'm dead meat. So keep yer mouth shut for now, okay?" Mammon’s back to his old self. It just occurred to you that Mammon’s aura changed while he was explaining the curse earlier. You were to engrossed in listening about the curse that you didn’t notice hat the air around him changed.
"I get it, I get it. I'll keep my mouth shut." You promise him. He looks at you, still not believing what that you'll keep it a secret so you mimic the action of actually zipping your mouth.
"Good." He says as he stands and heads for the door.
"Where are we going next?" You ask him as he opens the door.
"To yer room. Tour's over for now." He says as he bobs his head to the side to tellcyou to get out of the room.
"By the way, that was my room, okay?" He says as he walks in front of you. His hands in his pockets.
The words pass by your ears as if they were nothing. The only think on your mind is the curse and your current situation. You have to make sure not to accidentally hug the brothers while not being so suspicious about it. It'll be easy obviously. What kind of idiot would hug random strangers right off the bat, right?
"Oy, we're here." Mammon is standing in front of you. Opening the door beside him.
The inside somehow reminds you of a forest cabin in fairy tales. Almost everything is made of wood or more like a live tree since it still has leaves growing from its branches. There's a table with chairs at the side. A small bookshelf with books. The bed looks comfortable with its purple blanket.
"Get goin' and get some rest human. The Great Mammon's outta fuel too. Gonna reward myself with a nap." He yawns and stretches his back as he closes the door to your room. You take a look around once again. Taking it all in. Taking your new life all in.
Wait, why are you accepting the fact that this’ll be your new life for a year? You scratch your head hard. Getting a way out of this place is almost impossible. You sigh and approach the bed to get yourself a good night’s rest, hopefully. 
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littlequeenies · 4 years
Before embarking on a musical career of her own, Bebe Buell was a much in-demand model but was most often seen as the second fiddle to the famous rock musicians she was dating. She, however, saw herself as the Muse to these musicians, inspiring and sharing ideas with them. Inevitably, the term “groupie” would arise. As she says, “I’m not opposed to ‘groupies,’ per se. I just don’t like being called a name or being tagged like a sheep to slaughter’. Bebe elaborates on this idea for PKM.
I remember the first time I saw a photograph of Oscar Wilde. I was five and it was Easter. We were at the Virginia Beach home of my mother’s friends, Poppy and Tilly, who were hosting a Sunday get together. We were dressed in our pastels and frills and the candy and food was flowing. It was an adult affair and, being the only child there, I wandered off to explore while the grown-ups enjoyed their martinis and snacks. I found myself in a living room study area and on the table was a big book filled with photos of poets, painters, sculptors and scholars. I was immediately drawn to an image of Oscar draped on a chair like a velvet throw! It stuck with me and when I got older I looked him up in the school library. At the age of twelve I read The Picture Of Dorian Gray, but my main interest was in Oscar Wilde, the man and his story. I felt an instant connection, just as I have with all the great inspirations in my life. In 1978, when I was living between NYC, Maine and LA, before finishing the year in London, I never missed one episode of Masterpiece Theatre and their 13 episodes of Lillie about the life of Lillie Langtry, played brilliantly by Francesca Annis. To my delight, it explored in great depth the relationship/friendship between Oscar and Lillie, and I became obsessed with knowing everything and anything I could about their dynamic. I was intrigued, too, by the descriptions of Mrs. Langtry in the press at that time in England and the U.S. She was often called a “Professional Beauty” or “The Jersey Lily” because she was born on Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands off the coast of Normandy. She was also one of the most featured women in advertising; her face was everywhere. She was the image for Pears Soap and the most respected painters of the day stood in line just to have a sitting with her. In 1877, she met Edward, Prince of Wales, later King Edward VII, and became his first publicly acknowledged mistress.
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One of my favorite quotes was attributed to her from her conversations with Wilde: “They saw me, those reckless seekers of beauty, and in a night I was famous.” This reminded me of the back room at Max’s Kansas City, the temple of cool when I arrived in New York during the era of everything! It was this platonic duo that introduced me to the role of the “Muse”—that is the Artist and the Muse. Throughout history and especially in the arts, there seems to always be a driving force that brings the flora. In the series Lillie, they emphasized how Oscar would repeat Lillie’s quips and observations in his writing. Their banter with one another fascinated me and I often envisioned myself as a “Patron of The Arts”, in a sense, as I’ve always promoted and sang the praises of those whose work I liked. I felt an affinity with that spirit—the gift of inspiring and sharing special ideas with an artist I admired. It wasn’t just music. I adored musing with photographers, writers, film directors and designers, too. Creative energies have always fed my soul. The first time I referenced the term “muse” was in a 1981 interview I did with the Emmy-winning writer Stephen Demorest for the edgy publication Oui. Its sister magazine in France was called Lui. Playboy had taken over ownership of Oui so it was a glossy, classy, European-style men’s delight, targeting a younger demographic. When Stephen approached me about the piece, he showed me a couple other interviews with “It Girls” that had been published.
One was with Patti D’Arbanville, the inspiration for some of Cat Stevens’ biggest hits. He even used her last name in one of the songs, “Lady D’Arbanville”. I knew Patti from the early 70s and, in fact, it was she who introduced me to Jimmy Page in 1973 on a night out dancing with her in NYC. It was a quick meeting, as I was eager to get home to my boyfriend at the time, Todd Rundgren. A year later, I would run into Mr. Page again and the rest is the stuff of rock tales.
I adored Patti so knowing that both she and Jerry Hall had done this particular interview sealed the deal. Like Patti Boyd, Jane Asher, Linda Eastman, Maureen Van Zandt, Sara Dylan, to name a few, the musical muse is the most often of the muses referenced. I recall how so many people wanted to know my viewpoints and opinions about the word “muse” and why I preferred it to the term “groupie”.
Even in Cameron Crowe’s Almost Famous, his beloved character Penny Lane’s first words on screen are, “We are not groupies. We inspire the music- we are bandaids!”. The film was Cameron’s love letter to women and how even at that time a stigma was attached to calling a woman a groupie; it was not necessarily a compliment. It was almost like a dismissive jab, on par with “she’s such a slut” or “whore”. Another scene in Almost Famous has all of the members of the fictitious band Stillwater squeezed onto a small plane that, they thought, was about to crash. Secrets were spilled and fingers were pointed. In one of the most moving moments, the William character defends Penny when she is described as “that groupie” by one of the band members. William nails it when he points out who and “what” she really is- a bright light and cherished fan. Someone who loved them all and for all the right reasons.
I feel that women have been unfairly branded and labeled without cause. I’ve often said that I’m not opposed to “groupies,” per se. I just don’t like being called a name or being tagged like a sheep to slaughter. Summing me up for the life I’ve lived, seen through someone else’s eyes or, worse, exaggerating the truth. I didn’t want those I’ve truly loved or the relationships I’ve had to be considered less sincere because of the visibility of my partner.
Certainly loving music or dating musicians is not derogatory. Isn’t it logical, then, that birds of a feather flock together? Like-minded tribes mate or unite because of chemistry? Rock boys and models have been drawn to each other since forever! In the Netflix series Hollywood, you find that sex and sexual favors were the core of the industry. Several of the movie stars everyone loved on screen had started out as rent boys or nude models to make ends meet. Who decides why someone can give a blow job to the “right” person and get a starring role in a movie and another blow job by an aspiring talent gets tossed into the trash can of regret.
Why, after having four children with Mick Jagger, a successful modeling career and now being Mrs. Rupert Murdoch, would anyone refer to Jerry Hall as a groupie? Or gold digger, another favorite term used to describe women who marry well. Or Marianne Faithfull, Anita Pallenberg or Winona Ryder, for heaven’s sake? These are the questions I’ve always had and one of the main reason why I have rejected the term groupie in the press. It’s not a personal attack on those who identify with the moniker. It’s my own rebellion against being labeled and frowned on for the relationships I’ve had.
I’ve taken this stand for a long time, even though it’s also caused some judgement and negativity towards me from other women. It’s almost as if they think I see myself as better than them. Or that I’m not being honest when I don’t just call myself a full-on groupie, and own it. My closest friends tell me it’s just jealousy but that doesn’t make it any less hurtful to have tales and lies circulated about you by people you barely know or those who don’t know me at all. Or to have relationships that lasted for years being reduced to a laundry list of “conquests.”
This is nothing new, of course. Catherine The Great‘s enemies within the Emperor’s Court turned on her and started rumors that she was a sex fiend who had intercourse with horses. That stuck with her throughout her life and even in the museums of Russia, the tale has echoed although it’s completely untrue. Cleopatra and Anne Boleyn were also targeted. Ruining reputations was the way people got their revenge in days of yore. Or in some cases, the reason why some lost their heads to the guillotine. Why is it that women who have power or beauty have been subjected to crazy accusations of sexual voracity or deviance? Eve takes the blame for the banishment from Eden and although she was supposedly created from Adam’s rib, she is seen as a temptress and Adam as her victim.
I believe every woman should identify by how she feels comfortable and for the work she does. I personally prefer to be known for what I do, my accomplishments, my career. However, dating a rock star or an actor should not merit a nasty quip or name calling fest. It becomes unbalanced when just because someone gets famous as, say, a model or an actress and then dates a rock star, that she should get called anything other than what she does to earn a living. I’m not sure “groupie” falls under the umbrella of job occupation. I’d file it under pastime, hobby, passion, or fetish.
The origins of the groupie started with nothing more than a desire to be close to the band—the guys who made the music. Or in some cases, the women. The term came into use in the mid-1960s as slang for women who liked to hang out with musicians. It’s fair to say that not all “groupies” are the same. There are many tiers and pecking orders when narrowing it down. Certainly not every girl who dreams of being with a rock star will waltz backstage and demand sex or give oral gratification. That’s the image I despise and wish would not tarnish the entire viewpoint to the outside world. Some of the girls on the scene want to take the word “groupie” back, to personify what it meant in the ‘60s and early ‘70s. It became something entirely different when the ‘80s rolled around. Bands born out of the LA scene liked a different kind of arm candy than the Rolling Stones or the Beatles. They preferred exotic dancers and porn stars, the girls du jour of the time. Just as music changes with each era, so do the kinds of women who pursue the bands. But, more importantly, what kind of women the bands seek out. One man’s status is another man’s yen.
And then there are those who look at being a groupie as a form of prostitution. I’ve never understood that one because most girls who live that lifestyle don’t charge money to be with their favorite rock god or even their crew. It’s a thrill to be with the band, but it seems the glamor that was once attached to that goal has changed. For me, it was a thrill to fight to say “I’m IN the band”… or even “I AM the band!”
When I was living with Todd, he produced one of the first all-female bands, Fanny. They were so great! June Millington could shred! I felt bewildered when I would hear snide remarks wondering if Todd was sleeping with one of them. I thought to myself that would have never been said or thought if they weren’t women.
The bottom line is preference. We all have a choice. And we all can be whatever we want. We can wear many hats. I see myself as a mother, wife, musician, singer, songwriter, writer, mentor, animal lover… many different things. What I do in my spare time is how I make my soul happy. Who I date is based on connections, fate and karma. We end up with who we’re meant to be with and the experiences we have are all meant to be. I’ve been with my husband Jim for twenty years now. Our 18th wedding anniversary is coming in August 2020. So, I’m writing this piece from the perspective of a wife, mother, working musician, writer and mentor. Not just a girl who had lots of suitors in her youth. Every single little thing is part of the journey.
The first time I saw a photo in Rolling Stone of what they called a “groupie”, I was 15 years old and in the 10th grade. It was 1969, and neither the image nor the word was at all something ugly to me. It just seemed exciting and cool. The girls were so outrageously dressed, and it reflected an almost innocent charm. I didn’t aspire to be a groupie but they seemed like they were the ones who made the guys in the band cool. They helped dress them, created make-up looks and spread the word all over town about how good they were. It didn’t seem to be so much about sex and backstage antics. Maybe I was too young to fully understand everything, especially from the pages of a magazine.
On my first trip to LA with Todd in 1973, when I finally did meet some real girls who liked to be called groupies, it still didn’t seem derogatory. I started to see how it was all just tossed together in some people’s minds. It’s a complex dance between an artist and his muse. None of it is something so vulgar or tainted as being only about sexual conquest. Maybe to some, it’s about that. But for me it was a series of fated encounters that have lasted throughout my life.
Some people see a groupie as a girl who will do anything, including have sex with a roadie, to get to the band. There is that element to the rock n’ roll lifestyle. But it’s not the entire package. Others see groupies as a vibe, the girls who are there when the band makes it, the girls that helped them make it, the on-the-road bestie, or the girls who get the bands drugs and food. Or even give them the clothes off their backs if the band is short a cool stage look. I often joke that that’s how wearing your lingerie out became a signature rock girl look- the band had taken her clothes to wear onstage!
I recall reading where Pamela Des Barres said she was still a virgin when she first discovered her teenage heart being drawn to rock boys. It felt sexual to her and it was also just youthful and sweet. Not a salacious sexual quest. More a desire to be near the music and the men who made it. That’s perhaps what one would define as a “classic groupie”. Or, in some circles, “fan” is the preferred analogy. I can relate to that myself as I knew when I was ten years old, I would hang out with Mick Jagger one day. I knew those were my people… my kind.
Pamela has made a career out of her life as a proud groupie. But certainly she has a right to claim the term because she helped invent it! She now calls it her “groupie heart” and that is something anyone who’s ever had a crush on someone or loved someone’s music so much that it altered your DNA can relate to. Hasn’t everyone felt that way? Every guy or gal who picks up a guitar or slings a mic stand had to have been dazzled by their inspiration or felt a need to pursue that for their own futures. So, my point is this- none of it is negative nor should one word hold so much power that when it’s flung at a woman, she’ll feel shamed or scorned.
When I started to get a bit of fame, the media seemed to want to call me anything but “groupie”. It was “Friend Of The Stars”, “Queen Of The Rock Chicks”, “Leggy Model”, “The Mother Of All Rock Chicks”, “It Girl”… so when the internet entered our lives, I began to see just how judgmental and downright mean people were about the women who hung out with the bands. It started to become something so dirty and taboo that I wanted no part of that term. It’s a thin line, a hard one to walk. Personally, I feel loving music and being attracted to musicians is as natural as doctors and nurses getting along. Humans are drawn to their soul tribe. Music, musicians and all art forms attract me. I’m the moth to that flame.
As an entertainer myself, it always hurt me when what I actually do for my job was ignored or not taken seriously because of the famous names I’ve been attached to. It’s so one-sided to only put that burden on women. It has been the norm for men to be patted on the back and admired for their taste in women and especially if they were able to appeal to many and have tons of sexual experiences. Even in the animal kingdom, the male peacock has the massive plume bloom to attract as many lovers as he can. A male lion can rule the pride with his sexual domination. A male celebrity only becomes more famous if he’s got a beautiful model or actress on his arm. Whereas a woman who’s dance card is busy or even full is often ridiculed or bashed. Branded with the scarlet letter of infamy.
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It started to get under my skin when I saw myself defined only by who I’d dated or had close friendships with. It’s the luck of the draw. Some women who are in the public eye can date and marry a celeb several times and be embraced for it. They use it to further their already visible life. They are proud and exploit all their lovers as the playthings that they’ve become. Some have become famous by leaking a porno or being on a reality show. What was once a limited field has become wide open with lots of branches of thought and assumption. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy for me to fight for my image… my persona… my legacy. But I did fight. I turned down almost every request I was presented to be interviewed for groupie documentaries or sensationalized TV shows. Sometimes turning down large sums of money. But I wanted to work hard and felt if I worked hard enough one day I’d be thought of for what I did on a stage, in front of the lens of a camera, as a mother and at times even a manager, more than who I shared my life with. Dare I use the “R” word? I wanted RESPECT.
There’s lots of contrast in the definition of groupie or muse but what about “partners”… the duos who took the world by storm. Sonny & Cher, Karen & Richard Carpenter, Debbie Harry & Chris Stein, Jack & Meg White, Jane Birkin & Serge Gainsbourg, Stevie Nicks & Lindsey Buckingham, Annie Lennox & Dave Stewart, Kim Gordon & Thurston Moore, etc… Or Chrissie Hynde and Courtney Love, who both married musicians. There’s a kaleidoscope of ways women are seen. It all depends on how you are first perceived. The general public seem to hold on to how they first heard of you even if you go on to do many different things in your life. Marianne Faithfull is a perfect example of someone who has been able to transcend her detractors and carry on like the warrior she is. But it baffles my mind how anyone could call her or Anita Pallenberg anything but tastemakers and trendsetters. They were the women I would stare at for hours as a young girl. They fascinated me almost more than the guys they hung out with. Yet I still hear them sometimes referred to as groupies.
Like any entertainer, I have an overwhelming need to be loved and to give love and positive energy to others. That’s why I crave being onstage. The connection with the audience is almost like having the best sex in the world. Or at minimum, a great, soulful hug that sends sparks through your body. I’ve been doing this since 1980, in public anyway. This is my life… not the talented, special men I dated in my youth. That’s part of my story and I will never regret a single heartbreak nor will I ever regret loving to the point of forgetting myself and my own pursuits. But I want to be remembered for more than my dates or suitors. I gave birth to a child who grew up to become a superstar so the role of nurturer has followed me throughout my life. I’ve accepted the fact that my fate is to be a vessel for talent and to enrich those who possess it. It’s become who I am- all the parts and pieces of my karma rolled into one big bang! My artistic side occupies just as much space as my musing side- equal parts love and creative energy.
Things come full circle especially when I get approached after one of my shows by young girls that call me “High Priestress” or tell me that they are my “groupies”. When I hear the words “Bebe, Im your biggest groupie!”, my heart swells but I also like to immediately remind them that I do what I do onstage because of them. Because of the exchange being a performer gives to my being. It’s like fuel… hors d’oeuvres for the soul.
One morning in 2009, I got a call from an old industry friend who had landed at Interscope Records. I was awoken with, “Bebe, you’ve been touted in a song produced by Pharrell Williams called ‘Bebe Buell’ by a young band from Boston called Chester French.” I remember thinking “wow, that’s a nice compliment” because the gist of the song was that someone like me or Pamela Anderson Lee were the creme de la creme of rock-boy desire. There’s a clothing line called ‘Muse & Lyrics‘ that has a blouse/top called “The Bebe” and the brand ‘I’m With The Band’ has named their leopard scarfs and headbands the “Bebe”. There’s even a cocktail called “The Bebe Buell”.
But I think one of the coolest things was having Cameron Crowe name the lead singer in Stillwater Jeff Bebe. He gave me the original T-shirt that was used in the movie, too, and boy do I treasure it! Cameron sprinkled all kinds of little clues and messages throughout Almost Famous. I was especially touched by the Jeff Bebe nod because he knew how much I wanted to be a singer in a band. I remember him once saying to me that I should just go for it. At that point, people only knew me as a model and Todd Rundgren’s girlfriend. I hadn’t even done Playboy yet, so I was still trying to figure out who I was and how to do it. I finally did but it took me six more years to get in the studio and front a band!
It’s moving to be honored and it’s also nice to be appreciated by the younger generation of pop culture lovers. The first time my name was in a song, I was excited by it. My old friend G.E. Smith had a line on his solo album that was about coming to visit “Bebe and Liz”… he came over to my best friend Liz Derringer’s house to play it for us. We were elated… it was cool. I would never be so bold as to sit here and make a list of my lovers or the songs they wrote for me because it seems so long ago. I’d rather leave that up to the fans of the music to decipher and besides not all songs written for others are acknowledged as such. I’ve had several songs given to me as gifts or written to me in letters.
Sometimes the authors don’t admit it because their feelings change and they don’t want to upset their new love interest. Didn’t Bob Dylan write “Leopard Skin Pill Box Hat”, “Just Like A Woman”, “Fourth Time Around” and “Like A Rolling Stone” about Edie Sedgwick, only to later deny it? I know the feeling because it’s happened to me. So, at this point in my life, I just cherish the letters (yes, I still have them so one day when we’re all gone they will maybe solve the puzzles) and I respect and allow artistic license to have its day. It’s an artist’s prerogative to change their minds so I hold no hurt feelings. Music buffs are pretty smart anyway and they usually know the truth, so it matters little unless it’s blatant. The one topic that irks me is that I claimed This Year’s Model was about me. Well, that’s impossible because I didn’t meet and start to date Elvis Costello until he was well into Armed Forces. I was living with him in London when he recorded it in the fall of 1978. He included a couple of lyrics from songs on Armed Forces in letters to me but I can say with certainty that “Party Girl” wasn’t one of them. I guess it was the timing of the release that made people speculate I was the subject, but I wasn’t and never claimed to be. He didn’t even know me when he wrote those records. Why this is disputed has always been a mystery to me. The songs Mr. Costello sent me in letters were from later albums, starting with Get Happy. I will always wonder too why he would say something so false and perpetuate a rumor twenty years later in the liner notes of a re-issue.  Here’s to hoping it is finally put to rest. And even with the shame and pain I felt at the time, I feel no regret or ill will toward anyone. To me the truth is pretty obvious. Remember the story I told earlier about Catherine The Great? Revenge is often used when hearts are hurt, and it is very common in the entertainment industry.
In summing up my thoughts on the topic, I feel it’s time in our culture to appreciate the roles women have played in art since the beginning of time. Dali had his Gala, Picasso would hide the initials of his mistresses in his paintings and secretly tell them so they would know it was for them, Clapton immortalized his love and lust for Patti Boyd with the ultimate ode in “Layla” and John Lennon may have written the most beautiful love song of all for Yoko in “Woman”. Or was it Paul McCartney with “The Long And Winding Road” about Jane Asher or “Maybe I’m Amazed” about the spectacular Linda Eastman McCartney?
We can’t leave out the spirited and unique George Sand whose given name was Aurore Dupin. She was born in Paris on July 1, 1804 and adopted the name “George” because women couldn’t write professionally with the freedom of men in those days. She became one of the most popular writers in Europe during her lifetime- one of the most notable writers of the European Romantic era. She would wear male attire in public saying it was easier and more affordable than women’s garb. She was a confidant to Franz Liszt and lover and muse to Chopin. She would lie beneath the piano while Chopin composed, saying it sent the music through her entire body instead of just her ears.
Music is primal and it gets into our bloodstream. It’s easy to see why young girls get crushes on their idols and some even grow up to marry their dream man. But the days of defining women by their sexual desires or “conquests” should be on the wane. I never looked at the men I dated or loved as conquests. Humans aren’t territories to be battled over or ceded to. The human connection is divine. Each and every person we cross paths with is part of our magical life story.  So, whatever you identify yourself as is fine. That is your privilege and judgement should not follow even if the choices aren’t the norm. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”
*Closing side note* As I was finishing this essay, I was doodling with a People magazine crossword puzzle and one of the clues was “GROUPIE”. Guess what the answer was… “FAN”. The timing was uncanny!
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queer-quackers · 4 years
so first of all, six of crows. magical heist with an amazing cast of characters. amazing
scythe!!! (this one has much less of an active fandom but entirely worth the read) scifi utopia where no one dies but to solve overpopulation there are people called scythes whose job it is to kill people.
city of brass!!!! (not much of a fandom but absolutely amazing) follows nahri, a con woman in 18th century cairo, as she accidentally summons a djinn and gets taken to daevabad, the city of djinn. lots of fantasy politics and scheming and magic and action and ahhhhhhhhh (yes ali owns my heart and soul-)
illuminae (again less of an active fandom) amaZING scifi written in mixed media!!! amazing characters, unique, fast paced, ahhhhhhhhhh
the book thief (wow pretty much all of these just. don’t have a fandom.) if you haven’t heard abt it/read it in school it follows a girl in nazi germany. be prepared to cry (obviously trigger warnings)
they both die at the end. again get a box of tissues this book is absolutely amazing but heartbreaking. you get a call at midnight the day you’re going to die. mateo and rufus find each other through the last friend app and spend their last day together.
the song of achilles (yes all the sad books are in a row. this one actually has a fandom yay) illiad retelling abt achilles and patroclus through the eyes of patroclus. cannot recommend it enough. absolutely amazing.
you should see me in a crown. super cute wlw contemporary following liz, who is running for prom to get a scholarship, and mack. (I feel like i heard abt it being an enemies to lovers, but its really not??? still absolutely amazing)
the henna wars. another wlw contemporary i would sell my soul for nishat and flavia. a bit of rivals to lovers in this one 👀
the poppy war. major trigger warnings (death, genocide, self harm, drugs, rape (off screen but still), racism, sexism, colorism, the list goes on). it’s amazing but check the tws first.
red white and royal blue. (very active fandom). i think everyone knows abt this by know djdjjfdh
okay those are my favorites. there are definitely more but I think that’s more than enough for now 😭
i have so many good things about six of crows! i just have procrastinating it😅
i have never heard of scythe, but it sounds right up my alley!
city of brass is on my list to get! just kinda way down there😅
illuminae is my baby 100/10 wold recommend, *chef kiss*
i see the book thief all the time, i did know if it was worth all the hype(totally not running around trying to find my list to add this)
my friend got this, and she totally recommends it( it is on the to get list as well)
i haven’t heard of this one, totally putting on my list
wlw fantasy, how do you know my weakness?!? have not heard of it, going on list-same with the next one!
the poppy war, ooo reminds me of the women’s war(similar stuff in it though)
i haven’t?!?!? what??? lik i know i live under a rock but i thought i might have caught wind of it???
i might have some recommendations for you then.....
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Dragon Dancer: Bondarev
We were so focused on our sword training that Johann and I didn’t notice that Mingfei, Nono and Crow were watching from a distance.
Mingfei and Nono had decided that there was enough information here to spend several nights studying and there was no point in making the long drive back to the shrine.
“As for me,” Crow said, “I have to go back to work!”
“You’re leaving us?” I asked with some worry.
“Oh yes, I have to make my daring escape from the S-grade rebels.” He threw one arm over his eyes. “I barely made it out alive!”
A quiet giggle came from my back.
Crow peeked out from under his arm. “Ah... our sleeping beauty has awakened.”
He walked over to stand next to me peering at Ru’Yi who was looking over my shoulder at him. 
“Do you mind if I give her a kiss goodbye?” He asked.
“Sure thing, Prince Charming.” I rolled my eyes.
He planted a kiss on Ru’Yi’s soft hair. “I left some stuff here for her. As well as some food for you. Good food, not the instant noodles and beer I left for the others.”
Mingfei’s jaw dropped. “What are we, chopped liver?”
“Your bodies can take it! Carli has to eat healthy for the baby to grow strong!” Crow roared in response.
Then he turned and grinned at me fondly, becoming that profound and majestic persona, Saeki Ryuuji. “I am a street gangster, and so is my father. He could beat up just about anyone, but when I was a boy, my father told me that I should know how to protect girls, because girls will be mothers in the future. They can have children, and children can bring hope! If the girl is dead and the man is alive, how can he forgive himself?”
We pored over the esoteric manuscripts. Herzog had his own shorthand, abbreviations, and things only he understood. It wasn’t a code, but his lingo and jargon. It made it near impossible to figure out his reasoning.
Nono was using her profiling ability. A lot of these works weren’t complete, not because of his short hand, but because they were referencing other materials not in this collection.
It didn’t help that the man was so disgusting. He conducted hundreds of human experiments. Almost all the disappearances of people in Japan in the past 20 years could likely be traced back to him. For Nono, searching for valuable clues in this man’s thinking was like searching for a wedding ring in a pile of dog vomit.
“Herzog wasn’t basing his work on known dragon research. He’s making leaps in conclusions that shouldn’t be possible given how we understand dragons. Sometimes, he said things that are completely contradictory and yet in hindsight were absolutely right.”
“For example, he knew that the sacred skeleton was not actually a bone but a parasite.” Mingfei said. “Literally no one was saying this, not even among the Hydras, so how did he know?”
“The only way he would know is if he had direct access to someone with first hand knowledge.” I said, sitting with a sleeping baby in my arms. I’d taken the opportunity for her nightly feeding while I listened to them work.
Mingfei looked at me and so did Nono.
I didn’t tell them but I’d actually done something very similar to Herzog’s accomplishments during Code: Leviathan.
EVA had needed assistance in translating reams of dragon text in a short amount of time, but about 25% of that dragon text was completely new to the study. It would take months to decipher it all and our ability to investigate a nearby dragon temple depended on understanding these parchments.
Enter my ethereal twin.
Through my dragon’s scale, I had access to an entirely separate reality, a reality where the White King never rebelled and humans still were ruled by dragons. With her first hand knowledge, I was able to make leaps in interpretations that should not have been possible.
But the system wasn’t perfect. Once my soul twin realized that we were going to kill Leviathan, she hid information from me. It wasn’t until we reached the central chamber of the temple that we found out that we weren’t at Leviathan’s nest at all, but a temple devoted to her human lover, the Raj Yamir.
“What first hand knowledge? Dragons have been dead for ages. The Secret Society is the one with the oldest records...” Nono rubbed her chin.
I shrugged. “Let’s not dismiss a possible solution just because its so obvious. Not only did he know it was a parasite, he had prepared a host for it months in advance. He knew exactly what he was doing ”
That host was a child made from my genetic materials -- materials that he had bought for 500 million dollars.
“He knew exactly what he was doing.” I said, in a softer voice, remembering how helpless I was to stop him.
“Uh. By the way!” Mingfei said loudly. “Do you think Crow has a thing for you?”
I lifted my head, dazed. “Huh?”
“Yeah speaking of obvious...” Nono smirked at me. “I think you should go for it.”
“Oh please.” I rolled my eyes. “He’s very kind and... what he said was nice, but you could tell he was putting on an act.”
“Was making all these dishes for you an act? What about all the baby supplies?” Nono pointed out.
I looked over at it. “He said he’s always wanted kids... ”
I turned my eyes to Johann who was tucked away in a sleeping bag. “I’m already married.”
“He just doesn’t know it.” Nono pursed her lips.
I chewed my lip. “I can’t do that. I swore to death... not to memory.”
Nono tilted her head and cracked open a beer. “Well, I’m done for tonight.”
“Yeah... let’s take a break.” Mingfei said, looking at me with sad eyes.
The next day we were back to it again, this time searching for his sources. One name kept coming up again and again.
“Herzog himself said that his original research was just going to help him to create a super army which... as far as villains go is not a very creative plot.” Mingfei commented. “He only started talking about the Sacred Skeleton after Bondarev came into the picture.”
By that evening, we had opened and closed at least a hundred books, taking pictures and searching for any references to Bondarev we could find.
We kept asking ourselves: Where did Bondarev get his knowledge? He claimed to be a Romanov, a family of Tsar’s that according to Secret Society information, were hybrids.
“But if Bondarev had inherited this knowledge from his ancestors, why did they go west to fight Hitler and not push into Japan to conquer them and get the most valuable treasure?” Nono said. “Japan was not really an opponent to them later either. But this guy is leading him step by step to becoming the White King on his own!”
“Herzog copied Bonderev’s route to becoming the White King pretty much verbatim.” Mingfei added.
According to Herzog’s notes, he killed Bondarev in a sneak attack, but it seemed too easy. Such a mysterious man was shot by Herzog through a cabin wall with a machine gun so that he died. “Herzog himself also said in the diary, ‘I don’t know if it is really Bondarev, I’ve killed.’”
The face of the deceased was Japanese, not Russian. Herzog guessed that it was Bondarev based on his body and figured Bonderev had performed some sort of plastic surgery to blend in and become part of the Hydra.”
We stared at each other a moment. After two nights, we had seemed to have gotten no closer to any answers. Nono, fed up, grabbed one of the books and pitched it across the room.
Crow, who had just walked in, caught it right in the face. “Wow! Good evening!” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Did I come at a bad time?”
“Do you see my face?” Nono snarled, crossing her arms.
“Aaah! So scary! I come bearing gifts!” He held up a bag as if to shield himself. “To make up for my oversight earlier. Fresh gift fruits from the Academy!”
We looked at the bag like it was a bomb. And it could have been given that the Gear Department wasn’t above hiding explosive devices in food.
“Ahahah! It’s fine! I tested it myself on the way here! The finest in Japan. The melon alone is about ten grand!”
Ru’Yi squealed when she saw Crow and he picked her up and squeezed her. “You’re too young for solid food princess!” He planted a loud raspberry into her cheek.
Ru’Yi reached out and grabbed his nose, cackling with a wide smile.
With his nose pinched, he said, “Moutong-sama, if you could please take a look at the video on my phone here. They’ve asked me to broadcast it all over Tokyo.”
He handed over the phone then turned to continue to play with Ru’Yi.
On the screen was a burly middle-aged man with a square face and a determined expression. 
“Motong, if you can see this video, please be sure to watch it all the way through. This is a message from your family. You are in great danger. The people you are with are potentially violent and have committed serious crimes. Your family misses your safety very much and hope you will know how to return.”
“This Mingfei business has nothing to do with you. You are innocent. You have been deceived. No matter where you are now, as long as you fight to come home, call the following number and we have the absolute ability to ensure your safety....”
Nono tossed the phone back to Crow. “What does he consider me? A little girl who fell down a well?” She said, her tone cold.
Crow and Mingfei exchanged glances.
“So... he really is your father?” Crow asked carefully. “You don’t have a good relationship with him?”
“Can you see my face right now?” Nono circled her face with one finger.
When Crow tried to ask another question, Mingfei made a throat cutting gesture.
“Well if you don’t care, I’ll let it broadcast then.” He shrugged, pocketing the phone.
“This is... getting too heavy... Why don’t we go out to eat?” Mingfei humbly suggested. “I know a place near here. A 24-hour Ramen shop. We can decompress there.”
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3195c · 4 years
The Dark Knight: How Heath Ledger's Joker Was Born
On the occasion of The Dark Knight’s 10th anniversary, we spoke with make-up artist John Caglione, Jr., who was nominated for an Academy Award for his work on The Dark Knight along with Conor O'Sullivan. Caglione had previously won an Oscar for his makeup on Dick Tracy back in 1991, so he came into The Dark Knight with some very relevant experience in the realm of creating grotesqueries. But when it came to birthing a new version of the Joker, the makeup artist quickly realized that he would be crossing into some new and uncomfortable terrain.
“So I read the script for The Dark Knight, and having seen the first one of Chris Nolan’s trilogy, I got the feeling it was going to be more of kind of an organic-looking thing,” Caglione explains. “It was going to be kind of real, not so comic book-y. Going in, and then talking to Chris, meeting him, it became a more realistic approach to the makeup. … What would it be if this guy slept in this makeup? You know, this psychopath. If he didn’t spruce up his makeup for two or three weeks. And, you know, he never changes his clothes in the film. … It was those kinds of organic details that really helps.” When Caglione joined the production, Ledger was already signed on to play the iconic villain. The makeup designer’s earliest meetings were with the actor, director, and costume designer Lindy Hemming, followed by Caglione creating five or six color sketches as overlays of headshots of Ledger complete with green hair, different kinds of clown makeup, scars, and so on. This was followed with some makeup tests with Ledger in London, but as the process continued, it became clear that Caglione had to abandon his artist’s instinct to get everything just right. “You know, you go into it, and you’re trying, as a makeup artist, I’m always trained to do every little detail,” he says. “And you think of a clown makeup, and for the most part they’re pretty detailed with sharp lines, but this had to be the opposite of that. It had to look very broken down, very… very lived in. So, yeah, my first few times were too perfect, so I had to kind of let my hand go. And it was hard, it was really hard to do that. And I remember the first week, the first few days on set, I would look at the makeup, and you don’t know the context of the film and the overall vision, and you’re looking at it as a makeup artist. And I’m saying, this is the worst makeup in the world here! You know? And, it was like, oh, am I doing the right thing?
“And you’re looking at all the great makeups in history,” he continues. “Not just the Joker, but Clarabell and so many other greats -- you know, Emmett Kelly. And they’re always just very accurate, very precise makeups, and then here comes this. Ahhh! But, thank God it all worked out, right?” It’s easy to forget now, but before The Dark Knight was released, the standard bearer of Joker makeups was the Jack Nicholson version from Tim Burton’s 1989 Batman. But Caglione says that as far as he can recall, that design was never really discussed when creating the Ledger Joker. In fact, even the idea of the Joker’s white face being the result of an accident -- which is clearly the case in the Burton film -- just didn’t fit in the Nolan world of Batman. “The first Batman was amazing,” says Caglione. “I love Nicholson’s makeup. And I love the whole approach that Tim Burton [took] … the comic book style of the film, it worked. Everything about that film was great. So, in the back of my mind, maybe subconsciously it was there, but no, it never came up in meetings or discussions. It was, let’s roll up our sleeves and make this thing look like a real person could have done this to themselves. … I think it was always discussed, that this was a possible -- you know, just a psychopath. A real person that just gets into this whole thing. It’s almost like a split personality. And so, yeah, it’s a madman in makeup. It’s that concept.”
Part of the “doing this to themselves” aspect of the character includes the question of those scars on either side of this Joker’s face. Of course, the film itself leaves the question of where the scars came from open to interpretation, as unknowable as the Joker’s ever-changing origin. “I always got the impression that it was self-inflicted,” says Caglione. “But it’s up to you to decide. Was he punished, was it abuse? Was it an abusive situation? It could have been [and] that just tipped him over the edge. Mutilation, self-mutilation. We never really know for sure.” Not surprisingly, Ledger himself was very involved in creating the makeup with Nolan and Caglione. Indeed, he was essential to getting the worn and cracked look of his Joker just right. “It was great with Heath, it was just a great experience,” says Caglione. “He was a great person to work with every day. It was like a dance, because certain parts of the makeup, to get those cracks and all the drippy stuff, you really need the cooperation of the actor’s facial gestures when laying down the makeup and the paint. So we had a lot of fun together on that movie.”
Achieving the desired effect essentially involved Ledger acting in the makeup chair. “He would contort his face or raise his eyebrows,” recalls Caglione. “Or I would even take one hand and kind of scrunch the corner of his eyes to create crows’ feet, you know, draw those wrinkles, and brush grays and white colors over it, and he would relax and you would get all these expressive lines and details that just come naturally. Listen, it’s an old theater trick. They were doing it in the turn of the century, the 1920s in theater. Actors would put white makeup on and scrunch their face and let it go, and then paint little brown lines. So it’s nothing that we really invented. It was a throwback to old makeup techniques.” Another throwback in the design process came in the famous interrogation scene, where things get real rough between the Caped Crusader and the Clown Prince of Crime. “So, Heath and I would always be like, gee, what could we do a little different toward the end of the sequence?” recalls Caglione. “And I remember one time we’re talking about the scene where he gets beat up by Batman. He’s in the jail cell. And at the end of the scene, he wanted to have a different look, Heath. And I was thinking about what we can do with the eyes, the black and stuff. And I went, you know, there was this great villain in the Chaplin films, he was played -- the actor was Eric Campbell, and he always played the big heavy in all the Chaplin movies. And he always had these big, black eyes that kind of had these black eyebrows. And Heath was like, well, let me see a picture. So I pulled it up, and we kind of went for that kind of look. It was a throwback to an old Chaplin villain from the silent screen days.”
According to Caglione, Christopher Nolan wasn’t the kind of director who said “I want you to do exactly this.” Instead, he would offer inspiration and guidance. Take, for example, the paintings of Francis Bacon that he brought to Ledger and Caglione early in the design process. “I think it was his way of saying, let’s blur this, let’s loosen this up,” says Caglione. “Here’s a book, look at it, and maybe you’ll find some inspiration. And it really helped, you know, we turned a corner. He didn’t have to say much, but that was the way it kind of went. And then Heath helped me to relax. The great actors help you relax so you can really bring it, and you can just try different things and feel free to do it. But that Francis Bacon painting, that day that Chris came in and plopped that down and we went through some pages… He said, yeah, maybe look at this picture, look at that picture. I think he actually had some of the pictures tagged with Post-its that he likes. Just for inspiration.” Funny enough, it was a Francis Bacon painting in the 1989 Batman that the Jack Nicholson Joker spared during his gang’s rampage in the Gotham City museum. Coincidence? Who can say? Of course, sadly Heath Ledger passed away before The Dark Knight was released. He went on to receive a posthumous Oscar for the role, but had he not died, the actor could’ve returned as the Joker. Caglione recalls Ledger talking about his ideas for the character beyond The Dark Knight.
“Yes, he did, he actually did talk to me about it,” he says. “He wanted to… start at the Arkham Asylum. And his idea -- I don’t know if he ever talked to Chris. This is just private moments in the chair with Heath, and conversations like, wouldn’t it be great to go back and see what really happened to this guy, how he became what he became? And why he just, you know, flipped out and became maniacal? And he always thought it would be great to go back to the asylum, or even before that. So it was just chit-chat in the chair. … Because I’m sure as an actor, he needs to know the origins of the character; it’s really important to him. “He was excited about the idea of going back in time, and seeing how he became the Joker. You know, the evolution of the character,” says Caglione. “It would have been cool. It would have been cool.”
Indeed, it would’ve been cool. But at least we’ll always have Heath Ledger’s amazing performance from The Dark Knight, and the unforgettable look of the character created by Christopher Nolan, John Caglione, Jr., Conor O'Sullivan, Lindy Hemming and, of course, Ledger himself.
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