#its stupid but i need to vent or i explode
Bro I hate seeing TERFs talk about PCOS like shut the fuck up. Like actually shut the fuck up. You do not know how much I want to punch you in your pretentious probably-white face - shut the fuck up.
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
Nex Benedict was murdered in a stupid bathroom because of a stupid fucking bill and Palestine and Sudan and I don't know how many more places are under tons of shit and now the fucking KOSA and Im frraking out
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
SOOO true... I feel like Arakawa hardly even knows any pokemon other than Pikachu and whichever ones he happens to see on the covers or on Ichi and/or Mitsu's screens when he walks past them... so at the beginning his argument for the lions is from the heart and then Ichi's infodumping just makes it devolve into digging his heels in to see how red in the face Ichi gets about it...
Jo skims through pokedex entries online on his own time later so he can have an informed opinion... but even if he can intellectually acknowledge that the pokemon would win, he will Under No Circumstances hand anything to Ichiban... so he just dodges the question if anyone asks to try and get him on their side...
In Short I Hate Them <3 (<- for things I just made up about them)
EXACTLY bruh....... all in all neither of them can let ichi win for one reason or another </3
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ironmanstan · 1 year
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jimines · 2 years
#this is just a little vent/update on some stupid shit going on on here regarding someone i won’t name#but i need to talk about it and vent bc im so frustrated at this whole thing#so i cut a friend off recently.. told them in a *very* heated message how i felt about all the terrible shit they'd said and done recently#and demanded they do not try to contact me anymore and blocked them immediately after#no surprise 5mins later i got two anons from them in my inbox trying to start a fight however i blocked the IP after those two#i even went so far as to disable my webpage for a few days to try and deter them both from sending anons and from stalking my page#and i shouldnt have had to unblock them to tell them for the second time to leave me alone and to stop trying to start things with me#because the last time we argued it was six weeks of emotional damage that i am still really messed up from#after all this it was radio silence - or so i thought#because i've received word now twice that this person has been saying untrue things to friends of friends#trying to start drama and rumours all because i cut them off and they didn't get that fight and that last word they so desperately need ?#i just…why? why why why? why does everything have to become a drama? this is why narcissists scare me..#it took me over a year to realize thats what they are and that id been manipulated so fucking bad.. which is nothing short of embarassing#the way this anxiety has been weighing on my chest lately and dulling my time here is something that shouldnt be happening#im so so tired of all of it.. the drama and the fights and the rumours.. i physically cannot go through this kind of thing again#idk if anyone is reading this but im sorry for being so absent and unresponsive and (often times) really negative on my blog#its just so hard to be happy and positive and excited when this potential drama is looming over me day after day ya know?#im trying to push through and be here because i genuinely WANT to be here but its so fucking exhausting sometimes im constantly paranoid#i pray things will come to a rest and nothing will explode bc mentally i cannot take it anymore and i wont be sticking around in that case#i refuse to put myself through the emotional trauma that nicole put me through again. i REFUSE. so if i suddenly deactivate this is why.#but i wont be going down alone thats for sure#c.text
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worstsequence · 1 year
#i need to vent but i cant even find the Words for my feelings and its so frustrating#and i just let frustration build up and up and they always say eventually youll explode but ive been#waiting to explode for like 10 years now and never have#and im just so tired of being suicidal all the time and not being able to just Do It because i fucking hate being alive and the suicidal#stuff isnt New so it feels stupid to vent about it now Because its not new so its like why are you venting on tumblr about it now#why didnt you vent the very first day of your current episode. is months long of suicidal thoughts every day an episode. and like ive been#suicidal for over a decade but theres been breaks and i feel like i havnt had a break from it in forever and im tired and i dont wanna feel#like this everyday for the rest of my life and even if it goes away it comes back everytime and the times its not there dont feel worth the#times it is and i feel like i cant do it anymore but i also cant kms or even talk about my feelings because people will be like no dont#and i dont wanna hear that and like. whatever. ill be fine#(has been saying ill be fine for my whole life. is never fine.)#whatever! i dont matter.#i finally have a psych appointment in april but like what is that gonna do. they cant fix me its gonna be like this forever#theres no such thing as no bad days and i Cant Handle Bad Days. every strong emotion i feel at the suicidal level#and im so worn out emotiobally i cant Fix Anything.#im never getting out of here im never getting out of here im stuck here forever#and its all inside my head so unless i smash it on some pavement its never going away! itll follow me everywhere#idk im good at Tolerating it i guess. still here! that counts for uh. something.
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hpdgirlfriend · 2 years
no bc what the fuck is he talking about
#IM TRYING SO HARD NOT TO FUCKING START ANYTHING OR LASH OUT IVE BEEN SO GOOD BUT WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT#its like he copied all my fucking vents about him i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you#'i wish i didn't need to care super hard for people in hopes i'll get something in return. i wish someone did that for me. no one did that-#-for me. i had to become who i wish i had. im miserable'#there's no fucking way u genuinely feel like this i've literally vented like this before and it was about how *YOU* FUCKING NEGLECT ME#also 'i wouldnt vague about you🥺' fucking LIAR. i Know its about me you stupid fucking asshole i hope ur skull explodes#its not even true theres a million things that you could criticize me on that would be true i have awful anger issues and i dont trust you#but the ONE thing you choose. is something fucking made up.#because i have ALWAYS FUCKING BEEN BENDING OVER BACKWARDS FOR YOU EVEN WHEN YOU CONSISTENTLY IGNORED ME FOR A YEAR FUCKING STRAIGHT OVER#PETTY JEALOUSY#im having a fucking meltdown what the fuck are you talking about#thats literally how i feel thats how i've FELT since forever#i fucking do everything for you im at your beck and call to give you attention constantly while you make up excuses to avoid responding to#me every time i talk unless its related to you. and u can switch it back to me giving you attention#im literally going to explode#nothing i do for him fucking matters nothing is good enough#why can't you get your own fucking feelings stop stealing mine#i hate him so much#and he had the audacity to get mad at me because i related to him about it. i should be telling you to knock it off?????????#whatever whatever whatever i hope i cool down soon because i dont#want to lash out at him#even though he fucking deserves it#im trying to be better or whatever which he clearly isnt#ALSO HE HAS NEVER *NEVER* DONE ANYTHING FOR ME YOU HAVE NEVER CARED ABOUT ME. WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK#i feel like im going fucking insane like this cant be real am i being crazy#i feel like im being fucking gaslit is this fucking real. am i losing it#like he cannot be serious. im just being fucking lied to right.
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yusukenui · 2 years
as a girl... what do u get from being rude to other girls? who are u performing for? ur greasy boyfriend?
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lamponellatempesta · 25 days
DAY 5: Roadtrips
For this prompt, I've decided to write the first encounter and trip of Ben with his red Jeep (thanks @gingericywolf for putting this headcanon in my head) I hope you will enjoy it!
(Countdown gently created by @campbenji)
"Hey wait wait!" Ben said, late, as he ran towards the bus, "One more second please!" His pleadings were not heard, and the bus resumed its run to the school, with the boy staring at him as he vanished at the intersection, without him on board. Ben cursed, running for the next stop was useless and he couldn’t miss another day of school, he had already lost enough, the only option he had left was to continue on foot so, reluctantly, he started.
He decided to vent his frustration by hitting a rock along the way. "For once I do a late night, This is the result. On foot. Because some stupid driver doesn’t want to wait for someone who’s practically yelling at him. Of course. Pfft. If I only had a car I wouldn’t have these problems, am I late? No problem! I’d go with the car and I wouldn’t have to run after a stupid bus!" he said, hitting the rock harder while talking to himself on the way. He’d got his driving licence for a few months now, but his mom wouldn’t get him a car because she said he had to earn it, work it out with the money he was earning from his summer job at mantah corp island and the delivery job he did on the weekends during the school year; He didn’t make a lot of money, but he was saving it to get the car he wanted. He wasn’t too pretentious, it didn’t need to be new or luxury like Kenji’s, he just needed it to work.
He looked through the cars he saw parked along the street to see what he might like, even though he already knew it; a jeep had always been one of his dreams since he had driven one for work on mantah island, he had literally fallen in love with that kind of car and he would have really wanted to have one of his own so he could go around camping, be in nature on his own and facing roads not easily passable would have been a thousand times easier with a Jeep than with any other type vehicle. He’d been looking at car ads for months, hoping to find one in vain. Those who owned one apparently held tight on them and envied those he saw in the driveways and sighed.
He had almost arrived at school, when he noticed one in particular in a parking lot; it was not very well put, the red color had some rust and some scratches, the right mirror was broken and the front bumper almost seemed to come off, the wheels were a little flat. Ben scrunched his nose, "Who is owning such a beautiful car in this condition?! I understand that you may have lived it to the fullest, but at least some care!! If I had it it wouldn’t be in this condition-" the boy interrupted his complaining on the owner of the car when he noticed the most important detail, onw he had not noticed at the first glance; the jeep was for sale and at a price he could afford. It was a golden opportunity. He couldn’t miss it. He looked at the school on the horizon and the jeep again.
The choice was not difficult.
Not even an hour later Ben was in his "new" jeep and was taking her for a ride to see how she behaved on the road, "Please don’t explode, you’re doing well! Just a little bit more and we’re home and I’ll starting to give you a nice setup." Ben said as he squeezed the steering wheel all happy; finally he had a car! And it wasn’t an ordinary car, it was the car of his dreams, a jeep! And it was also red! He couldn’t wish for anything better! He had to find a name for it.
Luck was with him and he managed to bring the car to their garage, where it made a bad noise and died suddenly. Ben sighed; he would have a long morning ahead of him, but it would be worth it.
The boy did not even notice the hours spent in that garage replacing, cleaning and fixing the various pieces of the jeep, following old video tutorials made by Brooklynn on her channel, until his mother found him, "Benjamin!!!"
Ben was cleaning the interiors and slammed his head against the roof. "Owww! What?! Oh... mum! Hi! Eheh.. hellooo," Ben said while trying to look cool behind the wheel.
"What is this?! And You should be at school!"
"Uuumh, that’s..uh.. well.. my new car??"
"And you couldn’t pick it up after school?!" She retorted, with Ben getting out of the vehicle.
"I couldn’t miss this opportunity mom! Look how beautiful she is! It was a unique opportunity I couldn’t let go! Look!" And Ben started to go around the car dragging his mother with him to show her all the changes and improvements he had already made, while his mother was not so convinced of the result, but smiled anyway, proud of her son, "You’ve done a really good job, Benjamin, I guess you are skipping school today. Only for today, though!"
Ben smiled all excited and made jumped of joy, "Accompany me to try it out!! Come on!" He said jumping to the driver’s seat without leaving his mother time to respond. She sighed and then climbed into the passenger seat, "Are you sure... sure it's safe?"
"Of course! I checked everything Brooklynn said to check in the video! I’m 90, maybe 85%, sure!" Ben exclaimed all excited as he turned it on, with some difficulties, as the engine made some not so reassuring sounds and Mrs Pincus grabbed the handle for the passenger, which detached and remained in her hand; she turned to look at Ben who giggled nervously as he got out of the garage. He was ready for his first official ride in his jeep!
He decided to make her go around the neighboring blocks, honestly even he didn’t trust her to go long distances yet but heck it was so nice to feel independent, the feeling of the rough skin of the steering wheel under the fingers and the distorted radio sounds, he should have changed it but he didn’t care, he was happy. He already dreamed of future roadtrips.
"Everyone has to see my new ride! Mom, isn’t it great!? I love her!"
"Don’t get distracted!!" And he took a corner a little too wide because of the worn tires that had no grip on the asphalt "Need to change them yeah. Eheh." "Benjamin, you are a crazy child!" She said with a nervous laugh and smiled, "You want to go get some take away, you won’t even have had lunch focused how you were." Ben still had a smile on his face, "You’re right, I’m hungry... Take away! Let’s go Jolene!" And he turned steering wheel, which again made some uninviting noises, "Ooops. Sorry,"
Mrs Pincus held to her seat and then looked at him, "Jolene? You gave her a name?"
Ben blinked, he hadn’t even noticed, he unconsciously had already chosen the name, and it was great. "Of course! Every car must have a name!"
"It’s a nice name, but be more careful and don’t strain it too much!"
"I’ll treat her like a princess mom don’t worry!" And the two continued on their journey to fast food and continued to talk and laugh among themselves.
He felt happy, this was the first of many trips with Jolene, and he could only reward himself with some food.
Later he sent some photos to the campfam groupchat while eating his reward sitting on the hood of the jeep,
"We will make many trips together, Jolene. And you will be the best jeep of all. I assure you."
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giorno-plays-piano · 2 years
Too Late To Run
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Pairing: monster!Bakugo Katsuki x reader
Warning: dubcon, tentacles, belly bulge, sex pollen, implied kidnapping, implied breeding kink, nothing but smut.
Summary: You knew there was something wrong with coordinates of the castle even before you teleported to some god forgotten forest, full of scary creatures and one particularly angry tentacle monster.
Words: 1.3k
P.S. Don't even ask me why 😩
"How many of my tentacles do you want in you, baby?" The creature whispered gently in your ear, one of its long, slimy limbs already massaging your womb, rubbing its soft walls until you were sobbing and mewling. "Two, maybe?"
He didn't wait for your answer, pushing one more thin, deliciously warm and wet tentacle inside of you, making your eyes roll back into your head for a couple of seconds as you shuddered, barely holding on from cumming: Bakugo knew how to make you squirt all over him, rubbing the spot making you see stars. All his hostility was now gone since he had you where he wanted to - on his lap, naked, weak, and utterly hopeless, waiting until he fucked your brains out.
"No, I think five would be better," he licked the shell of your ear and started stuffing you full before you had a chance to protest, your pussy clinging to his tentacles so hard he knew you really needed a good fuck despite your pleas to let you go.
Now, why would he do anything so stupid? In the end, it was your fault on stepping on one of his precious roots when you were fighting your way out of the woods. Silly little witch, you didn't even teleport properly, landing god knows where instead of the royal palace, bringing so much noise into his precious enchanted forest. Worse, you had the audacity to trip over his roots and hadn't apologize as if Bakugo was some stupid tree who you could kick and step at! You had no right to protest now since you really had it coming, hadn't you?
He couldn't say he was unhappy with catching himself a pretty little human, though. Once he had vented his anger, hanging you in the air upside down with his tentacles until you sobbed and plead for mercy, Bakugo realized you looked pretty delicious. Your naked thighs and lovely plump pussy hidden behind your silk underwear made him think of giving you a lesson why you shouldn't have been running around his forest like a little whiny bitch. Besides, he wanted to have a taste of you so badly his dick was ready to explode.
"Please don't eat me," you squealed then, trying to put some distance between you two by putting your hands on his bare chest, and Bakugo smirked, pretending to sniff you before he'd have a bite.
He was sure going to eat you as long as he wanted.
"P-please," you mumbled with your kitten tongue going numb, "f-five's... -s too much..."
He pinched your perky nipples in between his callous fingers as if it were your punishment, forcing you to moan like you were in heat. "Come on, baby. Bad bitches like you can fit all five inside, right?"
Forcing you to open your mouth, he gave you a lick, leaving a trail of saliva on your lips before he stuffed his tongue inside, swirling it around yours as your pussy eagerly took two more tentacles. Fuck, you were cumming again. Your hungry cunt was trying to milk his long, green limbs, and Bakugo moaned into your mouth, eager to have his cock in that tight pretty pussy of yours. It was almost a shame he was so big a human girl like you couldn't take him full unless he prepared you properly.
But watching you writhe helplessly and cum and sob was so delightful Bakugo could wait a bit more.
With all five tentacles sheathed inside your cunt, he saw your belly bulging and gave you a wicked grin. So fucking nice. It would be a pleasure to hide you behind the gigantic petals of his flower and show you what else he could do to you, pushing one of the tentacles into that even tighter hole of yours before he stuffed your pussy with his cock, having you cream all over his lap. And that sweet nectar of yours when you cum... You were a lovely flower, indeed, and Bakugo decided he needed you in his forest.
"Please... I c-can't," you whined like a little girl, hiding your face in his chest as you attempted to hug him, your knees shaking. "It's too much!"
He cooed softly, "Wanna rest, baby?"
When you sniffed and nodded, Bakugo patted your head as if he was comforting a little girl, slowly taking out all his drenched tentacles but one, leaving the longest and thinnest inside you. He was careful when he held you close like a baby, kissing your warm, wet cheeks until you wrapped your arms around his neck, breathing out a sigh of relief. Poor little witch, you really thought he was gonna tear you apart.
A soft sigh escaped him before the creature left a feather light kiss on your lips, then on your eyelids and on your forehead, and you visibly relaxed, keeping your eyes closed as you listened to his heartbeat. What an adorable little human, he thought, giving you a peck on the lips again, and then one more time before his free hand returned to your breast, fingers stroking the nipple. You opened your eyes immediately only to see his mischievous grin.
"I'm just gonna put my cock in your baby room," he cooed again, seeing you ready to plead. "I won't move for now. Just keep me nice and warm, alright?"
You nodded, still a little unsure. He was lucky you didn't see his large, rock-hard penis with a spade-tip and supple suckers, but Bakugo was sure you'd grow accustomed to it pretty quickly once he made you climax a couple more times. Judging by the way you reacted to his tentacles, you'd be asking him for a fuck soon enough.
Once he had barely entered your cunt, you were already grunting, squeezing your eyes shurt, and Bakugo was softly patting your back to ease you. It took him a couple of minutes to have his way, spreading the walls of your pussy and pushing inside until his cock was kissing the entrance to your womb along with a tentacle. Shit. He enjoyed it far too much than he thought. He couldn't be possibly teaching you a lesson when all he did was mating with you like some stupid fuck.
"You alright, baby?" He forced the words out of his mouth, his voice low and husky. When you shuddered against him, Bakugo knew you enjoyed it as much as he did.
You murmur was barely audible, "Y... yeah." With your hands around his neck, you clung onto him like you needed his protection so badly, and the creature almost purred at the thought. Sure, he was going to keep you. His witch of a mother had been nagging him about getting a mate for a long time, so having a pretty human girl hanging around would surely do him good. Besides, it was time for him to have some little monster children on the way, and you with your delightful body could birth him as much babies as he wanted.
"You won't hurt me, would you?" you whispered quietly in his ear, and he put your head on his chest, stroking your hair.
"Of course not," he reassured you, leaving a kiss on the top of your head and fighting his desire to put you on the ground and fuck you till you screamed. He really, really wanted to, but you were so sore it could hurt, so Bakugo let his tentacle prepare you some more, releasing drops of aphrodisiac into your aching cunt.
Soon you started fidgeting on top of him, and he licked his lips in anticipation.
Then you asked him all of a sudden, watching Bakugo with those big doe eyes of yours, "But you'll let me go after that, right?"
The creature grinned, "I think the fuck not, baby."
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cowboy-robooty · 10 months
no guys see robooty itager is the slowest burn fucking imaginable. because i think that 1) italy would have to initiate them dating since germany thinks hes rejected forever after buon san valentino (my boy loves one sided crush) and 2) if they dont slow burn theyll crash and explode. because i think italy takes forever to realize he genuinely really fucking love germany and ONLY loves him and is willing to be loyal 'n treat him well to have him. Since i think italy isnt the type to really love ever since his kindergarten crush so he takes forever to recognize what he feels is genuine love (plus his love is born from a sense of entitlement but thats a whole 'nother enchilada). but yeah and because they take forever and are fully developed in their feelings when they date things are happy happy sunshine swag peace and love ❤️ they do stupid shit as bros the only difference now is they make out sometimes and japan cries himself to sleep everyday ^_^
but in a world where somehow they started dating BEFORE italy completely sorts out his feelings then OHHHH MY GOD. HELLWORLD. LITERAL HELLWORLD. because italy would totally cheat on germany and germanys heart would have youtube poop glass shattering effect explosion and italy would be #unloyal and #mean #scumgong and he would break up with germany for being so clingy and upset about him breaking his heart everyday or germany would break up with italy because everyone in his entire life (2 people: japan and prussia) is telling him that he needs to because italys making him chew glass (they take like 6 years to convince him and have to resort to saying its for italys own good if he breaks up with him). and then when they break up germany would hashtag die and explode because he obviously still loves italy but hes held back by prussia to not come back to him and tries to satiate his autistic brain by thinking "he was mean to me and told me to leave. im sorry ill leave now sorry for bothering you" and he also doesnt feel close to anybody except italy and has to go "brother....... i am.... not feeling good right now........" and cant say much else bc WE SAW IN THE ANIME GERMANY WANTED TO VENT ABT ITALY AND REALIZED HE HAS NOBODY BC HE ONLY IS CLOSE ENOUGH IN THAT WAY TO ITALY. and then cut to italy and hes partying it up because hes pissed off at germany for being on his ass hardcore every single day for the past god knows how long (hate my wife syndrome) until a while later the partying slows down and he has a bunch of moments where he thinks "well usually right now germany would do [thing]" and that builds up until he is hit with the full realization that germany is not going to stay by his side anymore. because hes run away now and hes never ever coming back. and that realization is like the evil version of italy realizing that he loves germany and wants him to ALWAYS be by his side; so much so that hes willing to do what it takes and compromise and be loyal n shit to make that happen. and now italy is freaking out because he doesnt feel this urge ever and now hes already fumbled the dude hes fr in gays with. but this realization is evil because its under a sense of panic and shit so its also motivated by italy feeling a sense of entitlement to having germany by his side and like HES SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.
and from there italy would get back together with germany either easily bc he would just ask and say sorry and germany would go "well to be fair I should have been better as well. yes we should try again i want to too, i will try my best to not fail you this time." or it would be hard because germany would have his mind made up (with prussias support and urging and shit) to be like no italy we arent good for eachother and i cant (shouldnt) forgive you for doing those things to me and italy would be like Oh. and chew glass and freak the fuck out until he decides hes going to use #emotional manipulation and sob to everyone about how germany wont take him back and make everyone hate on germany and call him a terrible guy n shit to make germany feel so guilty and think hes an awful person to italy that he takes italy back. but even then their relationship is now fucked up forever because they live in perfect symbiosis thats their entire thing but now they dont because germany now has doubt of italy because of how he went into their relationship before and didnt give a fuck and italy unlocked his evil paranoia because now when he gets scared that germany will leave him he cant be comforted by thinking that would never happen because IT DID. HE WAS SEPERATED FROM HIM IT IS POSSIBLE TO MAKE GERMANY RUN AWAY. and because of that italy gets a lot more freaky about not wanting anyone to like germany so germany wont like them more than him and being emotionally manipulative and possessive and yandere shit because his paranoia is driving him to it. itager is great because it has so much potential to be evil like italy could emotionally manipulate germany so hard and all that shit but it would never happen because germany is so loyal and obsessed with italy that he never makes italy feel paranoid and like he has to. theyre like imagine if someone who has potential yandere gene in them dated a person who loved them more than anything in the entire universe and bends to their every will and never even glances at another person. that yandere gene is never getting activated bruh and at most manifests when italys like WAHHHH GERMANY YOU WONT LIKE RUSSIA MORE THAN ME RIGHT?? WHY DONT I HAVE THE MOST GERMAN TOURISTS IN THE WORLD WTF IS THERE SOMETHING ABOUT ME I NEED TO CHANGE????? but in the world where they rush things they break up and it disrupts all this homeostasis and makes them a little evil afterwards because italy has excessive paranoia that cant be quenched and germany has autism doubt because "he betrayed me once...... so hell probably betray me again *cries*"
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likeadeadbattery · 2 months
Welp, uh... I am very very tired of "taking care of people" and listening to them and comforting them. Dawg, I have been doing this for years and years with no break 😵
Free was 1,000% right when he made that comment on my original, first ever post talking about my issues. That did end up being one of my reasons.
I am currently trying to convince several kids not to kill themselves, am barely holding it together as is, lost several friends over this, and many other things.
People are insensitive asf. One of my "friends" immediately started talking about her stupid fucking boyfriend when I was freaking out because I was literally getting sent to the hospital.... I'm no looking for attention or pity or sympathy or anything (in fact, that's the last thing I want) but even a "Damn" would've felt better than that. My sister and best friend both told me to kill myself just a day or two after it. My father said "Are the cops coming for me?"
I'm always the shoulder to cry on for some reason. I still feel a lot of resentment over an incident a couple years ago where everyone was crying on my shoulder, when it definitely should've been the opposite. History repeated itself that day. SERIOUSLY!???!
The one time, the one time I open up about things, it explodes in my face. Maybe I should've kept my mouth shut. I'm pretty salty about that. When I tried to explain what actually happened to my friends when they asked, they were talking over me and interrupting me and shit. They weren't even listening.
Maybe its just me being stupid and a brat??? Idfk. I just needed to vent. This ain't directed towards anybody in particular. Goodness, I wish I could be selfish, but everybody would turn on me, and it would just be total shit. 🙄
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oceanic-vampire · 2 months
hello and welcome :3
you can call me ess ! (you can have my actual name if we end up talking )
im 23(may 2001)
im black (and british/neg)
i don't have much of a gender basically anything but she goes,i have to look slightly off putting and vampiric at all times otherwise i'll explode and die <3
i have audhd and am physically disabled,sometimes i vent abt it
also dyslexic lol but i think that one is obvious once you stick around for a bit
my interests are/talk to me about:
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ splatoon ! (its a special interest tbh,have played since splat 1)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ guilty gear (mostly strive + may and elphelt supremacy >:3)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ magical girl + shoujo anime
˚ʚ♡ɞ marine life ! i enjoy cephalopods very much :3
˚ʚ♡ɞ anything gothic ! also vampirism in non white cultures
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ soul eater is very important to me 
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ pokemon (gengar my no.1 forever <3)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ i like vanitas no carte and pandora hearts more than you <3
proceed to the next level below ↴
• im a switch,no real percentage because i think its lame + doesn't matter unless i like you
• dms are encouraged welcomed so on and so forth but i need you to remember i am mentally and physically unwell,and that means my energy is limited always and my lack of response or enthusiasm is never personal
• im gunna ask for your discord after a conversation or two because i don't like tumblr dms but if you don't have it or don't wanna thats chill
•if you piss me off and it doesn't get resolved after bringing it up or i feel that its not safe to bring it up you will be gone
• on that note if you do some blatantly stupid shit you will be gone without warning,i don't do eviction notices everytime someone decides to take their irritating as fuck meds
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dykestriders · 2 months
venting online is so stupid because its like ive determined my friends do not need to directly hear about the insane levels of despair i have but strangers on the internet (and my friends if they even read this) do need to hear it
the appeal of screaming nonsense into this void so it can echo off the walls and then disappear forever is not lost on me. however im far too old to be spouting the crap rattling around in my brain so im going to keep it there until i hopefully explode from stress
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crazy-lazy-elder-sims · 5 months
Im just venting because i feel like im gonna go insane if i dont let this out it might not make full sense it but i have to let it out
I understand the importance of the case presented by south africa i really do
But i've been holding back so much on just going insane and loosing my mind at how everything is happening
The fact that after all this this case aims to PROVE that palastinians are facing a genocide then maybe persuade the world to take action only if they successfully convince them its a genocide
Everytime i see palastinians who are trapped in this hell yelling with all thier might to try to be heard to be believed that they are being eradicated
And then i scroll and i see how people need cute summarized graphics of whats happening to kinda understand whats going on
People making quick witty "here's whats happning" 2 min videos
Everytime i see a palastine person mourning in english knowing that they cant even do that in our native language they have to do it in english because maybe that might get people to sympathize
Everytime literal children who saw thier entire family die have to speak in perfect english and give detailed interviews because maybe that might get people to listen
Every single time i see a conversation surrounding the genocide its never actually anything but all of us explaining things yet again and again to people who refuse to open thier eyes and take in information they have to be spoon fed it by palastinians who are suffering right now
I feel like pulling my hair out i feel like gauging my eyes out i fedl like shaking the world and yelling at the top of my lungs maybe they will wake up and realize how fucking stupid they are being
Seeing children women men kids the elderly even the pets and fucking trees being eradicated of the fucking face of the earth and still needing a case to persuade them that *something* is happening im just... Im gonna pull my hair out i cant even discribe what i feel right now this is making me feel fucking insane like JUST FUCKING LOOK AT WHATS HAPPNING LOOK USE YOUR EYES AND STOP WASTING TIME EVERY SECOND WASTED ON TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU SOMTHING IS HAPPENING HUNDREDS OF PALASTINIANS DIE :((((
This was a vent this is not me giving up its nothing we will continue fighting regardless of governments or people what i believe in is a free Palestine from the river to the sea forever. Just needed to let out some steam before i explode
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
Hi. Sorry for the following rant, but you're the only person I know who seems to be having a hate-love relationship with genshin. Please feel free to ignore this though if you want.
So I was doing Zhongli's first story quest, about Havria, and it's revealed that when she died there was backlash due to her godly powers. Now I don't remember for certain if this is canon or fanon, but I also thought that the reason Osial was imprisoned and not killed was due to the backlash. So how did Zhongli's "death" not get questioned then? Like Rex Lapis' death should have leveled at least half of Teyvat. And maybe sure, common citizens wouldn't have this information, but at least the Adepti should have known. Was it explained somewhere and I just missed it?
Like Liyue arc was so full of plot holes it's not even funny anymore. (And this is coming from someone who is willing to overlook a few plot holes). Is it so hard for Mihoyo to hire some competent writers, or at least keep track of all that's being said. Like I get that writing is hard, but if you strip it to the bare bones genshin is a simple story, and I think if they had kept that in mind they could have done so much better.
Again sorry for the long rant. i guess I just needed to vent a little bit.
Ah, you poor soul....
You made the classic mistake. When reading Genshin, you felt the hollowness of the storyline and the lack of any logic or explanation behind its events, so you instinctively tried to connect what was happening to other parts of the story. Your self-made explanation made sense, it felt good, so you assumed it was actually canon. But it's not.
There is no reason ever given for why Morax sealed his enemies instead of killing them. This is simply never discussed or mentioned. Same way there is no explanation for why the Traveler wants to see Morax's corpse so bad, or why we think a Guizhong Ballista will help us look for the cocogoat. We just do it because the plot needs us to do it.
In regard to gods exploding when they die, it seems to be something they can choose to control. The energy Andrius unleashed when he died (because, yeah, he's a ghost in present day) was actually beneficial to Mondstadt, since it change the previously frozen climate to something warmer. There's also no mention of Deshret or Rukkhadevata causing any big explosions with their deaths.
Take your personal pick of whether Havria was just taken too much by surprise to control it, was too weak and pathetic to control it, or if she decided to fuck up those bitches who shanked her on purpose.
In regard to why the adepti never question the whole "Rex Lapis was MURDERED" thing, it's because his supposed murder is just a plot device to have a cool sequence of events where the Traveler is a fugitive for some reason. After the end of Act 1, the entire concept of his death being caused by someone intentionally is largely dropped. EDIT: On replay, there's some mention from Keqing that the Qixing would nominally be the best suspects (though no explanation how they could have possibly achieved it), but that the adepti simply do not believe humans could have done it. On the other hand, they also never mention the adepti looking for any non-human culprit, so... do they think he just dropped dead from old age? This is never explained. At the end, the Qixing just tell the human populace that Morax failed a heavenly trialed and uh ascended or something.
At the most generous, you can say that "murder" was just Ningguang's kneejerk reaction and she sweeps it under the rug as quickly as possible once she realizes how stupid it is, and the adepti never took it that seriously. They're just mad in a generic way that Rex Lapis is dead, whatever the cause might be.
Honestly, Genshin's plot being stupid is like... it's bad. But it's made infinitely worse for me by that fact that the characters are worse. The characterization and (lack of) character arcs are just... I can't do this. Why does this """story""" even exist? It's so pointless.
....I mean, I know why it exists. GOTTA SELL THOSE ANIME WAIFUS
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