#its tail has venom in it yes
mothervega · 6 months
NEW ROBLOX OC YYAAYYAYYAAYA (definitely the most unhinged and feral out of my bunch of weirdos)
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name: Lethal
pronouns: she/it
height: varies between 5’6 - 7’0
personality: animatic_from_animatic_battle.jpg
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onejellyfishplease · 5 months
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And finally we have Leo! Our very own Guardian!
Bit of a drastic redesign (he was a charged creeper before), but i much prefer this one.
He has spines which he can extend outwards at will, they are very sharp and have a little bit of venom to them (all of his brothers have built up immunity by now)
I gave him lasers. Everyone cowers in fear. He can only make one at a time and he can technically focus them from any part of his body, but he prefers to use his hands (he thinks he looks goofy focusing them from the eye spot on his plastron)
His tail can smack you into next week. Also, you knwo how marine creatures are really heavy, so is Leo! He is almost heavier than Raph. (his running hugs are deadly)
Yes I gave him whiskers. Like a catfish. Theyre for moving in dark murky water. And looking adorable. (idk if none of the creatures he is made of have whiskers. I am god in this world and i and want Leo to have whiskers so he shall have whiskers)
He can breath underwater of course! He also has no problem breathing air, but he dehydrates really fast. He is banned from the nether for a reason.
He actually has the hardest shell exterior out of all his brothers! Its made of prismarine after all! His skin in really tough too.
This bitch is ~shiney~
Massive horder. cannot throw anything away- says it's because of his 'guardian' heritage but really hes just like that.
Donnie Mikey Raph
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kaijutegu · 10 months
As if you needed another reason not to listen to Jay Brewer/Prehistoric Pets
Of all the reptile influencers, Jay Brewer is my least favorite. Let's see what he is up to today!
Recently this colossal idiot pet store owner who pretends he has any real knowledge about natural history went field herping. He grabbed a wild rattlesnake and filmed himself popping its genitalia for field sexing, without having ANYBODY CONTROLLING THE HEAD.
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He just put his snake hook on top of it and popped out its genitals. In this incredibly unsafe video, he not only put himself and the snake at risk, but he claims it's educational- and that's why he did it.
Only thing is, he's wrong, and in fact spends time spreading misinformation. Let's take a look at some of his comments. This is the caption to his video.
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The "nodes" are the hemipenes. He says that if there was one, it would be a girl. Thing is, girl snakes don't have hemipenes. While they do have hemiclitorises, those don't evert like hemipenes do. If "a node" comes out when you pop (read: bend a snake's tail back at the cloaca, forcing the genitals to emerge), you've given your snake a cloacal prolapse. This can kill them, but mill-style breeder Jay Brewer does not care about the lives of animals. We've known this. He doesn't care about his own snakes- he cuts eggs for funsies, he keeps giant snakes in drawers, and he regularly puts peoples' safety at risk for viral videos. But he also clearly doesn't care about the lives of wild animals.
What else has he said?
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So here's a thought: Maybe your audience shouldn't know that they can pop a rattlesnake's hemipenes out of its cloaca because that is fucking dangerous. Not all information is good information to share in the Instagram format! Sometimes the general public shouldn't see you casually doing something dangerous without explaining what it is or why you're doing it!
Just wanting to know the sex of a snake in the field, when you're not actually doing any real research, is not a valid reason to do something this risky. Part of education is knowing what's actually educational. Another part is knowing how to appropriately frame dangerous activities so that you don't make your audience think that it's something anybody can go out and do. One of the things that makes me so upset about this video is the complete lack of context. It's not just that he has zero respect for a venomous animal, it's that he has zero respect for his audience.
Also, in the audio of his video, he doesn't call them hemipenes. He doesn't provide the most basic education he claims he does! He's just messing with an animal for the sake of messing with it!
He also promulgates a lie that popping doesn't cause the snake any harm, which is not what even most breeders say about it. Now, luckly, the snake seemed fine in this case. But there are plenty of people, mostly pet owners, who have lost snakes because they've tried to pop incorrectly and broken their snake's spine around the cloaca. Between the inability to eliminate correctly and infection caused from wounds, popping is one of the riskiest- and most unnecessary things- you can do to a pet snake.
Good breeders and snakekeepers do not take videos of themselves popping their snakes and put it on instagram and pretend it's educational. You pop snakes to guarantee the sex of the animal, and you do it ONLY when they are very young. Older snakes have more muscle control and it can hurt them pretty badly.
Even Spruce Pets knows that popping can cause your snake significant trauma, but fine, whatever. Let's traumatize random venomous snakes for Instagram views!
Also, he's just completely uninformed! Take this answer:
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Probably? No, the answer is an easy yes. Rattlesnakes lose rattles all the time. They lose rattles due to terrain, to genetic deformity (some rattlers never form them!), and to predation attempts. It's just keratin. They're fine without it. Any real herpetologist would know this. If he can't get basic facts right, how can he be trusted to get more complicated stuff right?
And yeah, maybe this whole post is a little unhinged. But I hate this man and his practices so much. I hate that he's the face of an industry that could be so much better if it weren't for people like him. I hate that he's getting a TV show. I hate that people encounter his media and think that anything he does is a good idea. At least Brian Barczyck tries these days and actually promotes good care and safety at the Reptarium, but all Jay wants is popularity. He has zero respect for animals, and I loathe and detest that he's the face of our hobby.
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belphegorey · 3 months
⌜venom, barbatos⌟ it had been so long since you last spoke ships ⎯⎯ yandere-ish!barbatos x sorcerer!afab!reader tropes ⎯⎯ referenced death and murder, jealousy, love confessions, angst, vaginal tail sex, right person wrong time, tongue
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Nothing could stop the anticipation — he was going to be mad. Dusts of chalk kissed the skin of your calves, ground mushroom powder rested on your hands. Runes and symbols surrounded your summoning circle, charm and latin words spewing protection. The old words so familiar on your tongue recited as easy as though it were your name. Warm wind surrounded your naked body, collecting the tributes and offerings you laid as well as the mushroom powder.
You opened your eyes to watch the ingredients spin around you. The colour teal laid hidden in the gusts of wind, glowing faint and ominously. The words continued to sing from your lips as you readjusted your kneeling form. The rune bracelets and flowers along your wrist jingled while you ran a single finger up the slit of your pussy. Wet. Just as he liked. The tremble up your spine was easily ignored in favour of the incoming form in front of you.
He was still as beautiful as always. It was your own fault for believing that one day when you rang for him he would arrive with disfigurements. Though, you were sure he would still manage to look handsome regardless. His pocket watch was tight in his hand, the engaging of your eternal words still haunting the front. It even looked recently polished and maintained. “I am sure that you are aware of the time?”
Barbatos was in his formal suit. Pressed and primped to perfection. His horns scratched into the roof of the room, tail near frozen behind his body. You remained on the floor kneeling, looking up at the demon. “Of course.”
He remained still in front of you with a stiff smile. Fury. You had known Barbatos long enough to understand how he displayed his emotions. His tail cracked at your words and returned to its place. “Then I would assume you understand what day it is?”
With the smallest of glances you flew your grimoire onto your lectern. It closed itself and the vines extended to lock it shut. Just what day was it? Formal attire, horns and tail pronounced and more anger than you anticipated. His eyes glinted with rage and a soft teal glow emitted behind him. “Yes,” that was right; Diavolo’s ball to celebrate the success of his exchange program. You still were curious why you had received an invite in the beginning — it wasn’t as though you accepted the student role he had offered.
“And yet, you still summoned me?” He still wore pristine black gloves, sleek and warm over his hands. You followed them with a subtle gaze, from the return of his pocket watch to the breast pocket of his suit to when he gently held his chin. He still had them, then. You assumed that Barbatos would have hidden the gloves many decades ago. “Have you no shame?”
Then again, he still kept the pocket watch you had also gifted him. At least the gloves did not hold as much memory behind it. You dusted your hands and stood up inside the summoning circle. All the chalk was gone, along with the petals and tributes you used to bring him to the human realm. “Of course not, you should know that better than anyone else.”
The thumb atop his chin grew tense from his clenched hand. “Many things can change in one hundred years.” Had it really been so long? Last you had counted it was only eighty-two. The idea of time has grown so irrelevant over the years. A hundred years was barely a day in your life. For Barbatos, it was far less.
It felt normal when he took in your body before him. Every scar along your skin marked times that he had been there with you. His eyes stopped on the long one along your hip — the first you had received and the one he openly favoured. Barbatos only glanced for a moment at your crotch, there was no care or surprise. You would have preferred he kept his eyes down, but instead he decided to watch your eyes directly. It made you shy.
Not shy enough that you hid the body you both were familiar with. Instead you glanced away from his strong eyes, illuminated in teal and black. Even after the many millennia that had passed, his presence still commanded parts of you. The glowing of his eyes in complete darkness was still a spark that illuminated fire within you.
“Let’s not waste anymore of your time, Barbatos,” his silhouette has grown to take over the whole room, extinguishing each candle you laid. His horns scratched further against the roof as he took a step closer to you. In avoidance, you turned and groped the desk for a vial. “You should know why I’ve summoned you.”
The whip of his tail gave you pause. It slithered around your leg and stroked at your ass. The scraping on the roof continued. A century without the touch — your body nearly succumbed in an instant. “I’m surprised it took you so long to contact me for more.” His point was far. Your last meeting had been strange, you hadn’t wanted it to ever end… so you ran. The memory of Barbatos haunted you each night in punishment for your cowardice.
You turned back to him, clenching your jaw to avoid reacting to the tail. Barbatos was barely an inch from you. Dusting from the roof rained down slowly as he angled his head softly, his same smile watching you. His tail coiled tighter around your leg while the tip slipped between each thigh. “I found someone else who offered me the same deal -“
“And price. I’m aware.” He took the vial from you with restraint. You nearly shivered at the touch of his gloves briefly against your hand. Hand-made just for him, well over five hundred years ago. His small smile the day you gifted it to him told you everything you needed to know. “I dealt with him accordingly.”
Your nod did little to distract from your small smile. Barbatos hasn’t changed. Your heart lurched in memory of the final words you’d spoken to one another.
I’m afraid I adore you.
…I’m sorry, but…
“Rumour was that he had lost a bet against Mammon.” He held the vial behind a sharp fang, allowing his venom to fill the vial. Its colour was shared with his eyes — glowing teal. You pressed a finger into your palm as the tail rubbed against your pussy. Each ridge and divot reminded your body of the lost flame Barbatos supplied within you. The one that only he could bring. “I assume that Lord Diavolo and Lucifer aided in that story?”
His eyes bore into you once again. You felt stuck in his web, much like it had been that first night you met. He had scared you so easily. You had never encountered a demon before, never practiced sorcery either. Barbatos had been surprised at your nativity to his word, even remarking so when the battle you called him for was won.
That night, covered in blood of the men you had begged he kill, was only the start of your alliance. “It would bring forth a bad reputation about the young Lord if people discovered that I slaughtered a demon out of pride,” his tail rubbed back and forth against you. Wet slipped against it and down your inner thighs. You supposed it was your own fault for the demon’s death. There were far easier ways of collecting his venom that didn’t involve sex. The relationship was bound to return to Barbatos eventually. You were surprised it had lasted the eighty years that it did.
Refusing to turn from the man in front of you, you placed the venom behind you on the desk. “I suppose it would. Though you did leave me with a few years of no venom at all.”
When it came to collection with the demon, it was far more frequent. You needed to visit him at least once a year to keep your supply. Though, it was smart that he had made numerous vials in anticipation for your last visit. Asmodeus had once mentioned over a manicure that many demons were allured by you. You blamed that on your status and the lack of pacts you made to get there.
None, to be specific. The closest one you ever got was Barbatos, and you refused to make it official. “Shouldn’t you have needed more?” With him, collection was more complex. The withdrawal of venom was easy and the strength of it lasted far longer than another’s. The sex that would follow was where it got complicated. You never wanted him to leave when it was done.
Though you were the one who left him the last time. “We had more frequent meetings than you and I.” His furious smile only got brighter. A clawed hand moved to your hips, digging into your skin. You hadn’t squirmed, hadn’t jumped, nothing when he touched you. It was all you had wanted for years. The tip of his tail dip up into your slit, circling your hole. “His was simply not as potent as yours, Barbatos.”
A growl vibrated in his chest. Behind your back he pulled each glove off, returning cold hands to your boiling skin. A century had done nothing to aid your need for him. After many lifetimes of constant encounters, shared murmurs and longing touches you would never be rid of it. “Could you say that again for me, little lamb? Your compliment… it simply feels far too nice to hear only once.”
The name gave you pause. Just how long had it been since he called you that? At least one or two thousand years. You’d grown out of the lamb wandering around a world of wolves. Barbatos, maybe one of the biggest dangers around, helped you to do so.
“What is this?” The demon materialised before you. He wore a uniform and vest, broken pocket watch hung in the breast pocket. White gloves tapped at his chin in curiosity. You shivered on the dirt ground of the forest, his glowing eyes were shifting back and forth. “A little lamb conducting a first ritual?”
Your cheeks were puffy from tears and your white gown torn in your hasty run. “Can you help me?” Your hands were shaking — the summoning circle worked. The women in the cabin were right. You tried to fix your hair and stand, wobbly legs made you fall. “Please, I need you to save me.”
Like you said, you had known Barbatos for many lifetimes.
“I haven’t heard that for a while…” you hummed and lifted a chin to look up at him. In the Devildom, your heights were more equal, but in your realm his monstrous species had more height. An inability to completely hide their true nature from humans. “I think the last time was soon after the brothers fell.”
His claws went to your cheek. Even with his fury of being taken from the ball, from your running away, his touch was as gentle as it always had been. His crooked finger caressed your cheek one and you leaned into it without fight. “You’ve always been my lamb.” There it was again; your fear. Even after so long with each other the softness he spoke with scared you. Pacts, love… you couldn't stand it. It was constricting. It was the lock that kept you strained. It was the marriage you had narrowly escaped with Barbatos’ help.
You cleared your throat and fixed your head. “The fact your venom is stronger is simply that. A fact. I am certain you already know that too.” His circling tail at your hole continued its torment. More slick showered down it and your thighs. His cheeks flushed pink and his claws held you tighter. “You have to return soon Barbatos. Would you prefer our usual deal or instead like something else as payment?”
His tail slipped inside of you without another word. You gasped in surprise at his haste. The curling of his tail around your thigh and down your ass was mimicked inside of you. “What I always want.” The hand along your oldest scar, his favourite, traced the wound with a fond softness. Your legs shivered as his tail dug deeper within you, his palm pressed to your gut to ensure your moan.
“Barb,” you huffed between each shallow breath he allowed you. The claw from your cheek teased down to your neck, tracing the rope marks from the witch trials centuries ago. You could remember that day. Once you'd been caught in the trap, Barbatos burned the whole town to the ground and saved you. “You… what're you…”
His thrusting tail grew in speed, halting your words. It had been so long, you clenched around the tail with an airy cry of pleasure. Barbatos leaned in and shushed you with his kiss. Messy and needy — completely unlike him. Even the first time you'd lain together, everything was proper and respectful. Even when he used his tail it was tame! His fangs locked with your teeth and his long tongue pressed in.
It was no secret that his tongue was long and forked. You had kissed him many times before and he had licked at your cunt even more. Yet again, it was different. Far less restraint. One of his arms grabbed your leg and folded it over while the other pulled at your hair. His tongue was deep in your throat. Air was limited. Your body shook in his hold and he only held you tighter.
The sloppy noise of his tail fucking you spurred you further. You never thought it would be something that made you aroused. He was always clean with you! Quiet even when you were babbling with tears in your eyes. You had long relied on passion through his gazes. Not his intimate actions.
You whimpered around his tongue and fisted at his hair in return. He moved you both against the wall, your back pressed against photos and diplomas. His actions had your hips gyrating right against him. His clothed erection against your cunt. A shiver ran through your back, imagining both his cock and tail ruining you.
The fire in you was successfully sparked by Barbatos once again. You thumbed at the base of his horns and he growled, chest vibrating against you. His tail curled down itself for girth and stretched you. Your hips lifted from the wall as you got closer. So close.
Only Barbatos.
His tongue left your mouth as you came along his thick tail. You cried and moaned together while tugging at his hair, rubbing your face against his neck. His claws held you tight and pressed into your skin without puncture. His dishevelled appearance looked glorious. His kiss and biting at your neck felt even better.
“That's it,” he whispered into your ear as his tail slowed down in its thrusts. When it left entirely, even undoing its coils around your body, you felt empty. The endings were always your least favourite part. You supposed you deserved it after how you had left things with him. What kind of person just runs away when someone confesses their love? “You did so well, my little lamb.”
Again with the nickname. You moved away from his warmth and looked up to your damaged room. Why couldn't you have admitted you shared the love he felt? There wasn't even a mention of marriage, pacts, anything. You had just left your mind to wonder about the horrid things you feared. “You haven't -”
“It doesn't matter,” he let go of your leg and gently placed you down on the floor. First, he collected his gloves from the desk while ducking his head to avoid ruining your roof further. He fixed his hair and attire that you had successfully dishevelled. “I have to return to the young Master’s castle.”
You hid your pout behind a stiff lip and turned up nose. Was this how he felt that night one hundred years ago? Was his soul also crushed at the sight of your back turned to him? “Of course. I'm sure he and all the guests are waiting for you.” He nodded and placed his gloves back on. Your heart clenched that he had kept them.
“Goodbye, lamb,” his pride was as high as your own. You should have known he would want you to suffer as he had. How stupid could you be? A single moment of love would not forgive years of agony.
You were cut off by him kissing you once more. His gloved hands held your cheeks as he pushed you back to the wall, teeth clashing with yours. Yet again, he had caught you off guard. Your heart thumped loudly, you were sure he could feel it in your chest. “I’ll return tomorrow night,” he pulled away and pressed his forehead against you. He… wasn't mad?
That was more like him. Barbatos was one of the most patient and proper beings you had met in your long long life. It was something you loved about him. But, as he disappeared out the door to his home, you couldn't help but smile at the venomous passion he hid.
Though, that was reserved just for you.
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© belphegorey 2024 ⌜18+ banner from @/cafekitsune thank you <3⌟
notes ⎯⎯ i am in love with barbatos :)
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impishjesters · 11 months
Hello it's me again 🤞🏻 do ya think you can do Jax with a so who is like demon/angel who depending on what their doing they change into demon/angel or a mix of both?
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Jax with a demon/angel s/o
warning(s): insults (affectionately?), insults (not affectionately) note(s): The non-affectionate insult is someone else, it's not intended to be anyone in specific, though it's not really an insult in my opinion I figured it was fair warning. (I kind of just wanted the situation itself that came with it.) A/N: Ooo nice, its giving Sun/Moon from FNAF, I like that ;D
Jax thinks both appearances are cute (which isn’t saying much, he claims a lot of stuff is cute but at least this sounds more genuine)
It also gives him twice the ammo for pet/nicknames.
“Well, would you look at that? Angels do exist, unfortunate that they look like you though.” (relationship or not, you are not spared, but it’s got less venom than his usual cracks)
“You look like you crawled right outta hell, rough night?” (how flattering Jaxy)
He likes to see what causes you to switch between the two.
So far, being grossly nice to everyone (including him), and kind acts like helping the gang of idiots (yes, including him) usually result in the more angelic-like form.
Partaking in pranks with him or other nefarious things usually results in a more demonic-like form.
However, he is curious if that’s unintentional or something you are willing to choose to do.
Like was that just some weird part of your character in here, or something you consciously could change and it just so happened to be very on-brand?
What does throw him off is that weird hybrid of the two that has popped up on occasion. It’s a little weird to look at but it’s… cool, he guesses.
Jax has stated that if the two of you could dress up for Halloween, he’d wanna be the angel. Which is hilarious because that is the absolute last fuckin thing he is.
If you say that he’ll give you a shit-eating grin and say something like “What are you talking about? I’m as innocent as an angel.”
“If an angel crawled out of hell, sure.”
Out of curiosity, he’s definitely tried to remove your halo from your person to see if it’s permanently attached or not.
If it is he’ll only slightly flinch at the yelp you let out, but if it’s not attached you bet your sweet ass he’ll be plucking it away at random times and probably wearing it like a bracelet.
Which honestly is kind of cute if you think about it, he’s got a little piece of you with him if you’re actually able to part with it.
On top of that, you can definitely annoy him by playing ring toss with his ears. He’ll make it more difficult by moving them at angles that make it harder for the halo to catch.
One time he forgot all about the halo dangling on his ear and someone thought it’d be funny to ask him “what that stupid thing on his ear” was.
He’s annoyed because he was damn well sure he threw the thing back at you. But now he’s also more annoyed that someone brought you into this and called your halo dumb. (they didn’t call it dumb he’s overreacting)
Though realistically he doesn’t care about your halo, he’s just annoyed someone called any part of you dumb (again, nobody said that sweetie), even if it was true—ahem, said affectionately, he’s the only one allowed to call you dumb (affectionately)
In retaliation to subjecting him to the ring toss games, if you have a tail or something as a demon he’ll intentionally step on it. (not often though)
On the topic of tails, he’ll occasionally play with it, though if you have full control of it you’ve definitely tripped him up a couple of times.
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tycutiovevo · 1 year
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woe, fat snakes be upon ye!
dunsparce variants! this was so fun! i know poke variants have been around for a while but i was inspired to do these because of @onebadnoodle 's banette variants!
gonna put some rambles about each one under the cut:
cobra (+arbok): normal/poison type. this dunsparce has gained a strong venom, but still prefers not to fight foes. it scares off potential predators by puffing up its body and showing off the pattern on its back, which resembles a face. if the enemy is still undeterred, dunsparce will deliver a potent bite before fleeing.
viper (+seviper): normal/poison. this dunsparce has gained a more mischievous attitude, and the two horns on its chin can inject prey with a deadly toxin. for some reason, this dunsparce seems particularly frightened by zangoose.
sunbeam (+kecleon): normal. this dunsparce has gained the ability to camouflage itself and turn invisible. well, mostly. its bright red stripes and belly are still visible even upon camouflaging, so it still relies on its drill shaped tail to escape predators.
royal (+serperior): normal/grass. this variant appeared only domestically, as its snooty nature makes it unsuitable for combat or living in the wild. it wishes to be treated like royalty, and will bully other pokemon into being its servants. the rare royal dunsparce seen in the wild seem to be released, and have only survived by getting other pokemon to do its bidding.
hog-nose (+sandaconda): normal/ground. its wings seem to be vestigial, as it spends almost all of its time buried in the sand. it can shoot sand from its large nostrils to scare off predators. its rotund body stores water and fat, keeping it cool and hydrated for long periods of time while also keeping it warm during desert nights.
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boozenboze · 2 years
*distant shouting once again*
You have full ability to reject this!
Can we get a Task Force 141 with Male Reader that's a Naga (basically a person that has a snake body below the waist instead of legs) They can transform their body from human to Naga form
The Task Force gets sent to retrieve info, while they're told someone was the demolition with no other info then their callsign being 'COBRA', yes in all caps, and not to attack the one with a blue (darkish) vest.
They run into them just ripping someone diagonally in half with their bare hands. After tearing out their victim's vocal cords with their mouth. While crushing someone into a pancake with their giant tail.
The reader is really nice btw, just a sweet Boi.
Thank You great work btw!
TF 141 x Naga!Male reader
COBRA a man in a deep blue vest.That was some of the only information that 141 had received from Laswell before leaving for the mission.The man had no other information,no name,no picture,anything that you’d expect to be on a persons file about them wasn’t there.
“Your saying not to attack this guy,why exactly?”Gaz asked as Laswell sighed on her end.
“I’ll explain later,and just a heads up if you hear slithering at any point just stay low alright?”Laswell spoke in a firm tone which made them know she was being dead serious.
“Alright Laswell,were going out.”Price said as Laswell didn’t respond, seemingly had left her laptop.
“Alright y’all heard the woman lets move.”Price said as Gaz walked swiftly behind him as well as Ghost and Soap.
“Laswell said we have to get to third floor,thats where the documents should be eh?”Gaz asked as Soap responded.
“Yeah she did.Say don’t ya think its weird we haven’t any enemies?”Soap asked as the four of them hid behind a corner.They were about to keep going until they heard a few screams,a slam and gunshots.
Ghost had peeked down the hallway they previously came from and heard a faint slithering sound.
“What the hell...?”Ghost muttered as he saw something in the corner of his eye.A tail, a snakes tail to be exact.The thing sbout it was that it didn’t look like a normal sized one it was huge.The tail moved making it’s way down the other hallway of the building.
“Captain there something(someone) over there.”Ghost mentioned as Price turned his way.He waved his hand signaling them to follow him as they wen back down the hallway they had came from.They were about to ambush the person but froze in place at what they were witnessing.An h/c haired male holding a soilder upside down,as another soilder was being crushed by the mans pure black tail.
“Just tell me where the files are and I may let you die painlessly.”COBRA spoke with venom lacing his voice.The guy didn’t say anything and only stared in fear as the males pupils sharpened before grabbing his other leg and ripping him in half.His intestines and guts all spilled out of him and 141 watched in horror.The man in the dark blue vest,standing right in front of them just ripped a fully grown adult in half.They could only watch as the other soilder continued to squirm in the males grip.COBRA tightened the grip he had with his tail as the mans face visibly turned red.Blood poured out of his eyes before his head blew clean off.
“I think im gonna throw up.”Gaz whispered as he covered gis mouth and clenched his stomach in nausea.Soap wanted to pass out as Ghost could only stare with wide eyes.Price never saw anything like this.A man whose lower body is built like a snake wasn’t anything normal.At least it wasn’t normal to him.The man let out an audible sigh as his form began to shrink.He was now normal sized,previously standing at atleast 7 feet tall and now being 5’6, now that his build was more human like.The male stood there for a moment before turning around only to be met with looks of horror,awe and confusion.
I’ll be making another part to this
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zippyjiffy · 1 month
Yo yo, Pressure oc anyone?? (Ill draw him when i get motivatation
Farlei/Z-64 or ‘Panic’
Found at: Hadal Blacksite, In darker illuminated rooms
Aliases: Seahorse, Panic, Z-64
Personal Information: August 18th 1997
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Hostile: Yes, if someone comes too close
Hybrid of: Human, leafy sea dragon, Leaf scorpionfish, axolotl
Height: 7’1
Farlei, has murky gray-brown colored skin—that has an extremely cold and smoother texture to it,
His gills being located on the back of his neck.
His hair is almost about to his shoulders(He will try cutting it whenever he can as he hates having tangled and matted hair, it stresses him out)
The color being a grayed-out color,that was originally was blue, but is now extremely faded in an off brown(Farlei previously used to dye his hair before he was arrested), and which his hair is pretty unkept—but he really tries to keep it okay-ish.
Along his face, is two-three streak scars—one being a darker brownish-gray and blackish and the other just a dark brown.
Along his head are these leafy-like ‘ribbons’—that are similar to a Leafy Sea dragon’s, also having these along his back—and a longer ‘appendage’ that acts like a tail. He has spines along his back, which are venomous to touch.
His overall body has been modified, and giving him a more aquatic system—but despite this he can be on the surface if he pleased(even though he rather not)
He also has anthropomorphic legs.
His eyes, having black ink-like scaleras—and lighter grey eyes/pupils.
His tail is a mix of an axolotl’s and Leaf scorpionfish tail as well.
The shirt he wears is a sleeveless turtle-neck like shirt, that is a grayer hue with softer muted-blue accents, being a bit baggier as well due to being a bit starved and malnourished
Also having two belts(?) draped across him as well.
His pants being rolled up right to mid-calf, and which they are a lighter grey color—despite being horribly stained.
He has a dirty bandage wrapped around his one leg, as being paranoid the wound he had is still there(Its not).
Farlei, also has a loose muted-blue rope tied around his waist—the reason is unknown why he has this, but he appears to like to cling to it or mess with it for comfort.
His clothes, are usually coated in algae as he tends to hide a lot—and sometimes seaweed, but seaweed doesn’t always grow that frequently.
Farlei, is a very easily-startled and difficult individual—He is very easily triggered.
During his ‘human’ years, as he calls them—he used to be somewhat—rude. He was careless, and didn’t care for anything—as in to contrast of present time,
Where Farlei is fearful by even close proximity of another living being.
This change in character, was not that ‘he wanted to’ or anything—but by the experiences he went through.
Farlei is absolutely not trusting, and can become irritated rather quickly, and will not hesitate to either kill you or run away and cry if pushed far enough.
He is extremely fearful of anything that breaths, but mainly fears humans.
Befriending him, would take an eternity—unless you were to maybe save his life—which he is still yet to truly know who released, and yet being curious of it, he rather not go out and find out.
He can be somewhat envious towards those who make it far, as he rarely will follow—you can spot him in rooms with windows that look out into the water, like where Eyefestation pops up.
He wants to escape, but at the same time—he is fearful of having this repeat, and as well as the whole monster looking thing.
Farlei, grew up in poverty—and was seen to be a ‘bully’ when he was younger—as he had a problem with anger issues, that were never truly addressed by his parents. His parents were barely there, always working or busy—and which no one ever really taunt him certain things, so he found kindness or other positives to be frustrating.
Dropping out of high-school, and soon leaving his parents to bunk with a friend—began working at a nearby gas station.
When he got to the age of 20, he started shoplifting—it started put as simple stealing, but quickly escalated.
One day, when he was trying to steal from a home—a man had spotted him and which, Farlei tried attacking so he could get away without word, but he was quickly brought down, but despite this—killed the man, little did Farlei know—was the police had been called by the man’s wife.
After being court, and then being taken into prison, he slowly started to dislike people—and close contact, constantly being picked on for certain things—about how skinny he was his brightly colored hair, or whatever his crime was.
He slowly began almost fearing people after a few beatings.
Soon—When Urbanshade came around, and being ‘lucky’, he got tested on, being around the age of 24.
He was one of the few who were tested for the ‘gill’ surgeries(or whatever), and once that passed—scientists started experimenting on him to see if they could mix human DNA with near-extinct species, such as the Leafy sea dragon and axolotls.
Which—this partially worked, and unfortunately Farlei suffered horribly—his fear of other people, humans in general greatened.
When Z-13, released all the experiments—Farlei, dashed the second he could, and hid in the waters. He hid for about a year, just staying as far as he could from other convicts that explored—
But soon enough, he started venturing out more—not because he wanted to, but because he knew he needed too.
His paranoia, after ditching his hiding spot—had definitely increased, though his paranoia is somewhat useful, as he knows pretty much all the rooms and hallways pretty well.
Function within the game:
Farlei, can often be found on swimming levels, in larger spaced rooms.
He can be found in corners or safe rooms, he is never in the same room—and sometimes won’t even appear.
He can be found usually from 20-45 levels,
If he is found—make sure not to near yourself close, as he will become horribly panicked and try attacking—either by stabbing with his little makeshift knife he has, or by kicking you.
He helps, with predicting the next 10 rooms. Predicting how many void-masses there will be, how many lockers there will be, and if there are any other safe spaces are ahead, as he came from that way.
He will only help, if you give him the items that are a medkit, flashlight, or a hand-cranked light, or the gummi light.
If you give him a medkit, he will only tell you one of the things listed above.
(You can only give one of each item, so only one medkit, flashlight, and hand-cranked light, gummi light)
If you give him a flashlight, you may get the chance to get two predictions—
If you give him a hand-cranked light/gummi light, he will tell you all three.
If given all these items though, you either will have them thrown back at you—as he believes you’re tricking him, or he will tell you all three the predictions and possibly give you a little data(50-100),
This is a 50/50 chance for either to happen, and you can keep trying—but the chance for the good option will go down.
When first meeting him—
"HUH—? ACK!! DANGER—!! OH—..Oh.. you’re—well, sorry… Hello… Me? What am I doing? What was—I’m hiding, rather than going forward…"
Any other meeting with him—
"Back..? Why return?—whatever..Hi—"
"Wha—Again?? Hmm.."
"Can you—knock next time? Scared me half to death.."
"HUMAN—Oh. You."
"Guhh.. Can you die already—I mean, Hi.."
"I truly wonder how you return, I envy your determination…"
Asking for predictions—
"Want to know what the next few doors hold…?Why not… have—anything.. by chance?"
Giving him what he wants—
"I’ll tell you… I guess…?"
"Eruggh… Fine—I’ll tell you, Just stay over there…"
"Keep away… And listen—Or don’t… Do you or whatever…"
Giving him anything else—
"Not looking for that…"
"Ew…" (for lanterns, he don’t like those💔)
"No. No thanks…"
"You can keep that…"
"No use for me…"
"About.. ‘Blank’ of those… locker thieves…—"
"I’d say… ‘Blank’ lockers…"
"A ‘blank’ of safe rooms…"
(He will say all three if given a hand cranked light/gummi light or all three items)
Leaving the room—
"Good riddance…"
"If you die, Sorry…?"
"Have—a mediocre time…"
"Finally—… Now wheres that—
*cutoff of a falling file cabinet*
Dangit…" (Rare one)
Getting too close/Touching him—
"Woah woah!! GET. AWAY."
"You will be the thing I eat for the next six weeks if you bring yourself into MY proximity…" (This is a lie)
(If you continue getting closer, he will try stabbing you or kicking you, these doing about 25-70 damage)
After killing someone—
"Oh.. Oh—Eesh…Sorry—Wait no—Deserved."
"Stay down."
"I’m not eating that…"
"Are they still moving…? No? Good."
"No breathing? Mh. Exactly."
"Floor hugger…"
"*Hyper ventilating breathing*"
(Last two are the most likely to happen)
Flashing him with a flash beacon—
"EEP—oh.. Not a gun—or taser… cool—"
"ERKR—Don’t be swinging that thing around at peoples eyes!!"
"EERP—.. Ugh… Very funny…"
"AERK—Flash beacon!! Ha!! Consider trying that on Angler… It’d be funny."
Farlei, likes anything sweet—and dislikes sour items
Farlei hates the words ‘twig’, ‘Wimp’, and etc…(Im lazy)
Farlei was a troublesome kid, but he always had one friend growing up named Liam—and which the two had dyed their hairs around the age of 13 together, Liam got teal, and Farlei got blue
Farlei would like softer music, piano, acoustic, and probably heart-break music—despite never have been in a relationship, (he’d also like undertale music)
Farlei, still surprisingly has great vision
Farlei twitches frequently, and fidgets with anything he can—and often stutters and messes up words
Farlei counts sheep to fall asleep
Farlei dislikes being on the surface, and dislikes being dry—he rather swim
He doesn’t like cursing, unless he thinks its needed
Farlei used to heavy drink, and had horrible withdrawal affects within prison and testing
Farlei knows and used to play the violin
Z-13/Sebastian: Doesn’t quite know anything of him, but knows of his existence within Blacksite—is just too afraid to venture out and find him
If Farlei did know Sebastian, the two would get along somewhat—Sebastian seeing Farlei’s files and knowing to keep his distance, and which Farlei just doesn’t fully trust him
Angler: Hates them all—as they’re all loud, and dislikes their scents
Eyefestation: Dislikes them, due to the things they ‘say’—Farlei thinks its ‘gaslighting’ (Delusional)
Void masses: Sees them alot and doesn’t care much for them, but finds them funny
Searchlights: Is absolutely terrified of them, and won’t go anywhere near doors 80 or such
Squiddles: Likes them, as he thinks they’re funny—likes the more silly looking variants
Wall dwellers: Doesn’t mind them, but finds them a little spooky
Painter: Finds him agitating—as Painter has locked Farlei out of certain safe rooms multiple times
Good people(s): Screams at them every time he sees one, as he hated when they touch him(basically shoving him or whatever)
Pandemonium: Gets frustrated with it, has screamed vulgar things at it
Yeah, uhh hes still a bit of a wip but the silly!!!
Can you understand my color coding??🦘🦘
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rainbowchaox · 6 months
hi rainbowwww
-Phil can't speak english right? (I think you said this at one point but I cannot remember for the life of me if I just made this up)
so communication would be through bug noises
would that be like crickets and grasshoppers making noises or like clicks just coming out of Phil's mouth (a different language of sorts rather than a completely different way of communicating)
-BUGZA he's got a scorpion-like tail. Is there any cure to the venom?
-Can Phil use his wings to fly or are they more for attracting a mate (like a moth's wings are pretty and all patterned to scare off predators, blend into the environment, but also to attract a mate (my friend has a hyper fixation on moths lmao))
-I like to imagine that bugza has eyes that blink sideways so the eyes lids blink left to right rather than up and down idk random tidbit I thought I'd add
-Missa eats too many poisonous plants and bugza has to nurse him back to health this is cannon to me <3
-Are chayanne and tallulah in this au perchance (i love my lil egg children lmao)
1. Phil does eventually learn to speak English as Vitari do have vocal cords. Vocally they make like cicada like screams. Trills and Clicks as well. Their wings also vibrate and make noises (like a cricket rubbing the legs together or bee buzzing). Vitari have a full language it’s just full of bug like noises and vocalizations.
2. Vitari do have venom in its tail. And said venom can be used to make an anti venom. Though usually the venom acts as paralyzing agent than actual like painful venom.
3. Phil and Vitari can fly but do use their wings to show off for courting purposes. But do make their wings pretty to attract prospective mates (Phil with his dark and iridescent green wings are esspeically pretty)
4. I’m taking that as canon. Let him be full creature.
5. Literally Canon. Missa is literally Laios (Delicious in Dungeon reference) and will eat everything despite common sense saying DONT EAT THE COLORFUL MUSHROOM or MAYBE DONT EAT RANDOM ALIEN ANIMALS.
6. Yes Tallulah and Chayanne are Vitari Hatchlings. Vitari have like an adoption like culture. The eggs sorta get chosen by whatever Vitari when said Vitari wants to adopt. Phil chose to hatch two eggs and those are Tallulah and Chayanne.
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helluvaoutlaw · 4 months
My Striker's Headcanons:
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- His singing voice is Eric Clapton's. Because yes.
- He doesn't like fish and seafood in general.
- He's a real animal whisperer: Striker has a natural affinity with animals, especially horses. He finds solace in their company and prefers them to the one of demons.
He inherited this "gift" from his grandfather, Amaru, who was a serpentfolk shaman.
In my AU, the serpentfolk were wiped out by other demons, but their legacy still remains, for there are many demons who have snake-like features.
- He's pretty good at cooking, but only knows a few recipes.
- Even if he tries to hide it, he's a hopeless romantic.
- He recently developed snake-like features, like venom glands and being able to smell scents with his tongue, even if very far away.
- He often sleeps in fetal position and he's a hugger. His arms or tail will automatically wrap around whoever he's sleeping with.
- Striker starts his day with a strict morning routine that includes a workout, a hearty breakfast, and practicing his marksmanship to keep his skills sharp.
- He's a coffee lover: Striker can't function without his morning coffee. He prefers it strong and black, but occasionally indulges in a sugary, cream-filled concoction when no one's watching.
- Striker is surprisingly good at fixing things around the house. Whether it's a leaky faucet or a creaky door, he tackles household repairs with the same precision as his combat missions.
- He enjoys reading, especially crime novels and westerns. He often unwinds in the evening with a good book, escaping into tales of adventure and intrigue. Although his favorite book since childhood is "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood".
- He likes STRONG women and men. Not only physically, but in the sense of attitude too.
- Striker finds small talk pointless and prefers meaningful conversations or silence over idle chit-chat.
- He hates being undermined or underestimated. He demands respect and recognition for his skills and efforts.
- Striker enjoys a good glass of whiskey, particularly after a long day. He appreciates the complexity of its flavors and the way it helps him unwind. His favorite cocktail is the Old Fashioned.
- He doesn't get drunk easily.
- He despises drugs.
- He only smokes whenever he's relaxing or he's pensive. Usually cigarettes, but he enjoys a good cigar from time to time.
- Striker is definitely a Dom in bed. Still, that doesn't mean he never tried being a Sub...but that means he REALLY must trust the person he's having sex with, and that's extremely difficult.
Not impossible, but difficult.
As of now, only his late wife Ember, managed to do that.
- He is fiercely protective of his partner. While he respects their independence, he’s always ready to defend them if necessary.
- Striker shows his love through acts of service. Whether it’s fixing something for his partner, cooking a meal, or taking care of their needs, he believes actions speak louder than words.
-Despite his tough exterior, he has a surprisingly soft side that he shows only to his partner. He can be gentle, affectionate, and even vulnerable with them.
- Once Striker commits, he's incredibly loyal. Betrayal is a deal-breaker for him, and he expects the same level of loyalty in return.
- He has a bit of a jealous streak. While he trusts his partner, he can get possessive if he feels someone is trying to encroach on his relationship.
- Striker is very supportive of his partner’s goals and dreams. He encourages them to pursue their passions and is always there to offer help and motivation.
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eevylynn · 3 months
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That Boy is a Monster
Sterek || G || Creature Stiles || 1836 wc
Derek almost blacked out at that point, that is until he felt two hands grab him and force him back up towards the surface. Gasping for air as soon as his head broke the water, Derek moved his eyes towards the left to see who his savior was. “Stiles?!” He yelped, “You’re a–”
Made using the prompt "Glowing Eyes" for @sterekbingo
I don't know what came over me, but I just cranked this whole thing out in the course of one afternoon. That never happens, but I was like a woman possessed with this thing, so here you go!
Also, yes, I acknowledge the irony that I didn't use a different square for this story, lol.
“Stiles, run!” Derek yelled, frantically turning to push him away from the giant reptile creature. That split second of making sure the human ran to safety proved dangerous for Derek because the humanoid lizard thing whipped its tail, scratching the back of Derek’s neck.
Almost immediately, he felt the difference the paralytic venom made on his senses, muffling them. He had a vague thought of wondering if this was how human hearing worked. Derek heard Stiles’ voice say something, but it felt like his brain was working sluggishly, almost like his body was putting everything into fighting off the venom before it seized hold over him.
It took Derek a second to register Stiles slipping under his arm, helping him run around the pool, and away from the creature.
“Where is it? Can you see it?” Stiles asked.
“No! Just Hurry!” Derek said briskly. “Call Scott!”
They needed help. Erica was knocked out, Boyd was busy, and Derek wasn’t going to put Isaac in danger of getting arrested by coming onto campus. Not to mention he was too far away. Scott was close. Besides, even if Derek wasn’t Scott’s favorite person (for whatever reason Scott decided on this time), he’d come to save Stiles at the very least; Scott’s very human best friend.
Stiles had his phone in his other hand, frantically trying to call Scott for assistance. In classic Stiles fashion though, he fumbled the phone, dropping it to the ground, releasing his grip on Derek in the process–
“Stiles!” Derek shouted desperately as he fell. “Son of a –”
If Derek thought things were muffled before, there’s nothing like being paralyzed in a pool. He was barely able to take a breath before submerging completely. Derek felt the paralysis take full hold of his body by the time he hit the water.
That’s how Derek felt as he slowly sunk to the bottom. He couldn’t even move his head, much less do anything to save himself. Maybe it was what he deserved for everything that has happened in his life. What Derek deserved for what he had done.
Derek’s head felt fuzzy as he lost the oxygen in his brain. His vision was starting to get fuzzy…
Then, he saw it.
Two bright, seafoam green orbs floated towards him.
Derek almost blacked out at that point, that is until he felt two hands grab him and force him back up towards the surface.
Gasping for air as soon as his head broke the water, Derek moved his eyes towards the left to see who his savior was.
“Stiles?!” He yelped, “You’re a–”
Holding him with surprisingly strong arms, the younger teen looked very different from the human Derek thought he knew. His pale, speckled skin had taken on a greenish sheen. His shorn hair was the color of seaweed, and his eyes, sure enough, were a glowing seafoam green. On each side of his long, graceful neck, right below his jawline, were real life gills, opening and closing as the water Stiles was treading entered them. The hands holding him had a thin web of green skin connecting them together.
[continue reading on ao3]
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"You'll pay, pet" part 2 please!!
You’ll Pay, Pet pt. 2 ~Leonora Lesso xFem Professor!Reader
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Link to Part 1
Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warning: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, eating out, edging, bondage kink…?, restraints, vibrator use, magic use, degrading kink, praise kink, mistress kink, etc.
Part 2 of mini series
Enjoy (;
As soon as the meeting ended, you high tailed it to Leonora’s private quarters.
You beat her there, quickly stripping down naked and placing yourself on her bed, awaiting her instruction.
Lesso stormed into the room, slamming and locking the door. That’s when she noticed you…
“Ohhhh, if you hadn’t been such a bad girl…” Leonora tutted, “I would have been watching you cum all night…”
You whined in response.
“Words pet.” Lesso snarled, as she looked over you.
“I’m sorry mistress…” you pleaded, squirming in your spot.
Lesso chuckled darkly, “Oh no pet…”
You then watched as Lesso walked over to her toy drawer and grabbed the silk restraints.
You whimpered, giving her your best puppy eyes.
“Those will get you nowhere.” Lesso chuckled, “You wanna act like a slut? Then I’ll treat you like one.”
She came and straddled you, pulling your left wrist up to the headboard first and tying it tightly and then copying the same movements with your other wrist.
You squirmed against your newly imposed restraints.
Lesso met your eyes with a newfound dark lust.
She pulled out another two silk bindings and started to tie your ankles to the bedposts as well.
Your eyes widened at this.
Lesso only ever ties you down fully when she was serious…
“No wait I’m sorry mistress please…!” You pleaded with her, tugging at your wrist restraints.
“Complaining will only make it harder for you, slut…” Lesso tutted, her voice coated with lustful venom.
You whimpered in response.
You were fully on display now.
Lesso could do whatever she wanted to you.
And she reveled in it…
Lesso went back to the drawer and pulled out her signature black vibrator.
At this, your lip started to quiver a bit.
“No no I’m sorry mistress… please please I’ll be good…!” You cried, as Lesso ignored you and placed the toy on your clit, turning it all the way up to its highest setting.
“You are not to cum, slut. You are only to cum if your mistress says so.” Lesso sternly stated.
You nodded with a whimper in response, “yes mistress…”
“What’s the safe word?”
“It’s red, mistress…” you whined, already approaching your climax.
Lesso sat down in her desk chair, and picked up her work as if she didn’t have you tied up in her bed.
You were getting closer and closer, and Lesso could hear it from your pleas and cries.
But you found that as you teetered on the edge, the vibrator stopped.
Her signature black vibrator was hexed…
It was set to edge the person and not let them cum…
You whined and mewled as the vibrator started back up again, bringing you once again to the edge of your climax but stopping right before you could cum.
This continued for what felt like hours.
Lesso continued her work to the sound of your cries and screams.
Your begging was as relentless as the vibrator.
After a few hours, Lesso had finished her work and came back to you with a smirk.
She was met by a puddle of sex.
Your whole body was trembling…
You were panting breathlessly…
Your voice had gone rough and strained…
Your face was tear stained, and your eyes brimming with more tears…
“Has my slut learned her lesson?” Lesso taunted, with a mischievous smirk on her face.
You nodded vigorously.
“Good Girls use words…” Lesso threatened.
“Please yes mistress please…!” you cried.
Lesso chuckled, “I guess you have taken your punishment quite well…”
At those words, she removed the edging vibrator from your clit, allowing you to finally breath again.
“Thank you mistress please need more…!” You pled.
“I know, slut.”
Lesso then came onto the bed and brought her tongue through your folds.
That was your final straw.
You snapped, back arching as a wave of pleasure crashed into you.
You screamed and tugged your restraints as you came from a mere tongue swipe.
After you came down from your high, Lesso undid all your silk restraints.
You were still panting heavily and your body was shaking.
Lesso’s lips met yours.
“Such a good slut for your mistress…” she purred.
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pudding-parade · 7 months
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One of the games I bought while in isolation was Prehistoric Kingdom. Which is basically Planet Zoo, only with (accurate! Don't get me started on the fucking Jurassic Park/World movies/games!) non-avian dinosaurs and prehistoric mammals like mastodons, woolly rhinos, and cave lions.
The game's still in early access, but I've read that much of it is functional, so I bought it on sale. I just fired it up tonight to see what it's about and figure out how it works. Which was a little bit difficult because the recent major update of it broke the tutorial, so the tutorial is currently disabled. But as it turns out, at least in terms of landscape sculpting and building stuff, much of it works an awful lot like Planet Zoo -- only with added (and awesome) scaling functionality, not to mention being able to turn off the grid and to paint entire swaths of trees/shrubs instead of placing things one-by-one -- so between that and the in-game help, I could figure out most things.
And then I bred myself some psittacosaurs, shown in the pic, because they're among my favorite non-avian dinosaurs, and plopped them in a habitat....and....Well, a bit of nerding ahead. But before I get to that, I give the game a thumbs up so far, and it has tons of potential ahead of it. I'll probably put the game in unlimited, creative sandbox mode and just check out and build for every dino species in the game before going back and actually playing the game in its challenge mode, where you have to unlock stuff and don't get unlimited money.
Now for the nerding. My psittacosaurs promptly escaped from their habitat because I didn't bother with any natural barriers to block the invisible fences I laid. LOL But that's OK because I just wanted to see what they looked like in the game, given that we actually know a lot about what they looked like in real life in terms of soft tissues and pigmentation and such.
And it turns out that they did a pretty good job with the psittacosaurs! They got the dorky bristles at the base of the tail and the bizarre-o head correct. And they got the countershading right! That is, darker on top and lighter on the belly, which is typical for animals that live in dense forests. We know that psittacosaurs had this because there've been some specimens preserved with soft tissues, which included skin which included preserved melanosomes, so we could find out about the coloration of these buggers. So, the devs got the countershading as well as the subtle stripes/spots correct. I'd say they still look a bit too shiny/plastic-y, so they probably need to crank down the speculars a little, but otherwise? Pretty damn good.
I'd read that the developers of this game were trying to be more scientifically accurate, as opposed to...you know what...but I'm still pretty impressed. Can't wait to see if they did a similarly good job with the dilophosaurs, which are my favorite non-avian dinos. (Fucking Jurassic Park...Dilophosaurs are not tiny, venom-spitting frilled lizards, for fuck's sake, and yes, that was well-known in the early 90s, so there's no excuse!)
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autumnistic-danmei · 20 days
FantasyFQ AU
I've been bored in my classes so I decided to just sit down and make something so like- Here's this thing lol.
-Roughly based in the Dark Ages (Early Mediaeval times), but with the fun little added addition of a touch of ✨m a g i c✨
-Yes, I have an obsession with Fenqing. No, I will not be shutting up about them. Yes, those two idiots are a central part of this AU. Yes, I also have an unhealthy obsession with He Xuan.
Feng Xin - He was a royal beast tamer/slayer from the fallen Xianle monarchy, who now just wanders the lands in search of the creature that destroyed his kingdom. Over the years, he has encountered Mu Qing multiple times, but he doesn’t really understand why. He also thinks he’s being followed by an unnaturally large black cat, but he really doesn’t mind its company, and he has nicknamed the little creature “Fu Yao”.
Ling Wen - A scholar and mage living in a coastal merchant town who gains most of her income through dealing with literally everyone’s paperwork and taxes.
Qi Rong - He used to be the irritating younger prince of the Xianle monarchy, who now rules over his own little hidden town of lesser demons.
Quan Yizhen - A wandering beast slayer searching for his old teacher, who has just a touch of the tisms, but really, who doesn’t?
Shi Qingxuan - They are a young noble from a kingdom in the south, who has been cast from their kingdom due to the actions of their deceased brother and now lives in the streets of a small town nearby. They hate seafood of any kind.
“Ming Yi” - A reclusive beast tamer that prefers to live near the coast and specialises in creatures from the caverns, who has ties to the royal family and commonly attends the banquets purely for the food lol.
Pei Ming - A beast slayer from the same town as Ling Wen known both for his flirtatious attitude and his impressive feats.
Ban Yue - She’s a young beast tamer, but she is surprisingly skilled for her age, already having tamed a whole den of lethally venomous scorpion snakes.
Lang Qianqiu - The only remaining descendant of the Yong’an monarchy, but as of yet, he has ruled over the kingdom quite fairly.
Xiao Mengyou (Little guy!!!!!!) - He’s Lang Qianqiu’s best friend and the royal mage of Yong’an.
He Xuan - Very few people have ever seen him, but the few witness accounts say that he is a siren of sorts with black octopus tentacles instead of a fish tail. He rules over the waters in the south, where his bone dragons sink every ship that tries to sail, earning the area the name of the Black Water Demon Lair. He seems to still have some feelings of attachments to Shi Qingxuan, but has yet to act on them.
Hua Cheng - An infamous fox spirit known for his unpredictable behaviour, mysterious past, and his rule over the massive beast den known as the Ghost City. He usually stays in his foxlike form, and very few have seen his human form.
Yin Yu - A ghoul serving under Hua Cheng who was once Quan Yizhen’s teacher, but he accidentally caused the deaths of many during an accident with a dangerous beast, so he was banished and later on, killed.
Yushi Huang - She’s probably the most chill faerie you’ll ever meet, who lives in a large farming town in the north and blesses their crops. She can and will beat you up if necessary.
Bai Wuxiang - An ancient white dragon known for destroying kingdoms and sending mysterious plagues into cities, wiping out large populations of people in a single sweep. He has been missing for years now, but people theorise that he is simply resting in the northern mountains.
E-Ming - An infamous lesser spirit possessing a large silver longsword, which is tied to Hua Cheng and is by his side almost constantly.
Ruoye - A lesser spirit possessing a long silk band, which has a rather playful attitude when it’s around Xie Lian.
Who knows what they are at this point:
Mu Qing - He was born human, but most (everyone except Feng Xin and Xie Lian) do not consider him to be one anymore due to his curse that causes him to have catlike features and an alternate form of a large black cat with a white spot on its chest. He follows Feng Xin around out of curiosity, but he refuses to admit that he’s actually following him.
Xie Lian - We’re pretty sure he’s a human, but his eyes reflect light like a cat’s, and he’s practically poisonous from all of the weird stuff that he eats, so he’s just the neighbourhood cryptid at this point. He lives near Shi Qingxuan, residing in a small village a short distance south of them, and he used to be the crown prince of the Xianle Kingdom.
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sapling-hoshii · 17 days
Pro-Curetember Day 9: A Crossover with PreCure!
Since day 9 is all about crossovers with PreCure, I saw the opportunity to share some crossover art I made, which is yet another Monster Hunter crossover!
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This first art piece depicts Cure Prism from Hirogaru Sky, but not clad in her usual white, pink, and blue-colored dress; now taking the form of pieces of thick leather clad with a steel breastplate, elbow-pads, knee-pads, and skirt adorned with pink, spiky scales, Cure Prism emerges in the form of a brave Huntress - or should I say: Rider (from the Monster Hunter Stories spin-offs) - with a glowing Kinship Stone held in place by smaller, leather belts on her left hand that mimics the design and shape of her Sky Mirage. Her design was based on the Blossom Wyvern, Pink Rathian (as seen below) - a Subspecies of the verdant colored Rathian, which is a species of female Flying Wyverns dubbed the "Queens of the Land". These mighty creatures are known best for three things: first is their ability to sprint and pursue prey for long distances; due to the weight of the Poison Sac in their body, the Rathian species are not known to fly often. They do, however, make up for this with powerful hindlegs, which allow them to pursue prey on foot with relative ease. Next is their notable flame breath; refined to even greater degrees than their green counterparts, Pink Rathians can unleash sweltering bursts of fire from their mouth in the form of huge fireballs or wide-sweeping flamethrowers. Lastly, Pink Rathians are also known for their barbed tails and shoulders, which contain a potent venom that can weather away at the health of their assailants if they are careless enough to face the brunt of the Blossom Wyvern's deadly tail-whips and spinning somersaults. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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Moving on, the second piece depicts Cure Dream from Yes! 5/Yes! 5 GoGo, clad in golden pieces of armor with ornate, magenta-colored patterns and light purple accents, sprouting translucent butterfly wings from behind her - which fade into a light turquoise from a baby-pink color.
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Furthermore - her Crystal Fleuret has changed, now depicting a golden Rapier with brown thorns wrapping around it in an upward spiral, ending right before the forked tip of the weapon. For those unfamiliar with the Monster Hunter franchise, Cure Dream's design is heavily based on the Pavilion Mantis - Ahtal-Ka. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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Ahtal-Ka is a species of Neopteron (the classification of all Invertebrate/Insectoid animals in Monster Hunter) that closely resembles a Praying Mantis in physique, with a golden exoskeleton and ornate patterns that resemble classical Egyptian Pharaohs in design and hues. It is known for its incredible intelligence, utilizing the strong, golden silk from its abdomen and weaving it to latch on to large objects, such as: - Destroyed chunks of castle walls - Actual pieces of ruined kingdoms - Ancient weaponry and rusty artillery - A giant, double-crossed wheel, and; - Giant metallic scraps from destroyed fortresses. Now, the question is: how is it so intelligent? Well, here comes the awesome part: Remember the weapons, the giant wheel, and the fortress scraps it takes from the ground? Yeah - what if I told you it uses these to create and pilot its own giant Gundam by weaving the parts together with its silk? Behold: Ahtal-Neset. [ Render by CAPCOM. ]
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So, uh, yeah! That concludes my entry for ProCuretember Day 9! Thanks for sitting through yet another yapping session if you've read this far into the article lol ~ Sap NOTE: Stay tuned for Friday the 13th - I've prepared something extra special. You don't wanna miss it!!!!
Procuretember Event by @pro-curetember
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AN: This is the end of the miniseries. The previous installments can be found here, here, here, and here. Thank you to everyone who has commented, liked, and reblogged the installments - I really appreciate it. The surname I gave Kennedy is made up - she doesn't have one in canon.
Warnings: violence, cursing, insults, lying, and attempted manipulation.
Tagging: @rmoonstoner and @queenofthehobos.
“What the hell is that thing?” Kennedy screamed.
“It’s a manticore!” Rupert yelled back.
The manticore prowled towards the potential and the former Watcher, flicking its tail every so often so the duo would catch a glimpse of the venomous spines along it.
“It’s backing us into a corner!”  Kennedy screeched.
“I’m well aware of that!”
A loud whistle caused the manticore to pause mid step with its paw in the air then it raised its head and sniffed at the air.  The fearsome beast let out a growl and turned to face the whistler.
“I’m over here you pitiful excuse for a killing machine.”
The manticore roared and leapt towards you with its claws outstretched.  You stayed where you were as the manticore sailed through the air in your direction – at the last possible second, you dived out of the way and instead of the spines on the manticore’s tail spearing into you, they embedded themselves in one of the manticore’s paws.
The beast fell to the ground paralysed and in front of your very eyes, it turned an alarming shade of green before crumbling into pieces.
“You saved our lives!”  Kennedy exclaimed.
“It’s what I do.” You pivoted on your heel, not wanting to spend another minute in their presence, and came face to face with Ares.
“Well done my dear.”
“Get away from her.”  Rupert growled, striding towards you.
“No.” Ares refused.  “Who will you choose, the mortal who hurt you or the god that will worship you until the end of time?”
“You’ll only worship her as long as she does what you want.”  Kennedy barked.
“Kennedy Whipstone.  You have my thanks for refusing to learn from your mistakes and for pushing (Name) into my arms.”
“You slept with him?”  Rupert whispered brokenly.
“I didn’t.  He’s lying.”
“You mortals are so predictable. You hoped she would say yes so that you could tell the former Watcher ‘I told you so’ and watch as the mortal crumbled, unable to muster any strength to continue to fight the First.”
“I’m a brat and I usually get what I want.  I never wanted to damage their relationship. I didn't want to be proven right.”
“Your words in the kitchen in the home of Buffy Summers suggest otherwise. Your selfishness drove them apart and created a void in their relationship.”
Rupert interlaced his fingers with yours, “That's in the past. She’s staying by my side for as long as she’ll have me.” He asserted.
“I’ll set a timer.”  Ares vowed before he vanished.
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