mothervega · 6 months
NEW ROBLOX OC YYAAYYAYYAAYA (definitely the most unhinged and feral out of my bunch of weirdos)
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name: Lethal
pronouns: she/it
height: varies between 5’6 - 7’0
personality: animatic_from_animatic_battle.jpg
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under-lok-n-ki · 11 months
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Captain Ava & Captain Lizzie
literally cannot wait until we get more development on this plot bc it’s so so good
also I got around to listening to the Black Rose One-shot and Lizzie was originally blonde??? ik her design was changed a lot during the campaign in general but I’m deciding to play around with that info—I’m thinking she started dying it after joining Shadowbeard’s crew
anyways thoughts I had about Ava/the Ferin’s while designing her (possible spoilers or maybe just incoherent rambling):
gave her a rifle bc I feel like she’d have sharpshooting capabilities on par with Drey, but a pistol just didn’t seem appropriate for her. but I also see her favoring close-range attacks so she also gets a big knife as a treat
I think it’s mentioned in an episode how Jay looks more like their mother, May, so personally I think Ava resembles Jayson much more with certain aspects (specifically height, nose shape, eye color, hair ‘style’— Jay got his more square-ish face shape and broad build; they both have the same eye shape)
expanding on that fiery hair ‘style’ thing— I’m thinking that’s smthn that just kinda comes with the Ferin abilities and I’m thinking those powers need to be unlocked in a way?? there’s no other reason I can think of as to why Jayson has the flaming hair and specific magic skills while Jay doesn’t, so I’m thinking Ava may have been more in-tune with/naturally drawn towards the Ferin magic (esp since we see her using that golden form during the animatic sequence in ep101) while Jay become more influenced by May’s magic (since I think she spent the most time with her esp after Ava’s death). maybe Jay and Drey suppress their Ferin abilities (Drey def intentionally, Jay maybe a bit unintentionally?) and it could kinda explain why Jay has special blood: she’s a mix of two [supposedly] powerful magical heritages
I also have this thought that Ava may have unlocked these powers earlier than most of the Ferin’s, resulting in a fate similar to Gillion’s where she was regarded with pride for this yet constantly pressured and trained into becoming a weapon for the Navy (perhaps by request of Grandma Fey, who seems to be a very controlling character and could be the reason Jayson acts so cold and ruthless). and when she failed to uphold their beliefs that’s when The Order was given (maybe they found out about her & Lizzie???)
BUT in comparison to Jayson who absorbed himself in his work, and Gillion who was forcibly separated from his family, Ava was able to visit home often and had May and Jay to lean on as a support system. that connection alone could’ve helped separate the brutality and violence of her work in the Navy from her actual personality—the one that she became admired for and the one Lizzie was drawn to. it could also be speculated that she had the same ideas as Kira and Jay: that she could make the Navy better from the inside (obv this would be more difficult if she was held to high expectations, but she could’ve been on her way to making it work)
speaking of Jay—I think I remember a moment where someone explains how Jayson didn’t want her to join the Navy at all, and I always thought this was odd considering how it was moreso pointed towards her rather than Ava (as well as the fact that the Ferin’s ostracize those who don’t join, like Drey). this would coincide with my theory that Ava was expected to join bc of ‘unlocking’ her powers early, so maybe Jayson didn’t want Jay joining due to the fact that she hadn’t tapped into her Ferin powers yet, but Jay being Jay decided to enlist anyways and eventually gained a different motivation for her involvement than the rest of the clan [thanks to Kira & Ava]. or there was another thing at play. idk kinda just throwing smthn at the wall with this one bc that little comment stood out to me and I can’t remember if it even happened lol
also do we think the whole ‘sun nightmare’ is like,,, a test to unlock those abilities?? we know Jay and Drey opted to jump into it which kinda resulted in some magic golden eye phenomena (which we’ve seen in action once by Drey), but the issue here is when Jay rejected the heat the first time it just resulted in pain. so what would’ve been the option that leads the Ferin bloodline to become so powerful? do they choose to combat the sun?? do they conjure up heat of their own until they overpower it??? so many questions
gaaahhh I can’t wait until they’re out of the Black Sea so we can delve into this more bc I’m tired of feelin like this:
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the-lazyyy-artist · 27 days
Now that the live stream has concluded 45 minutes ago, and The Wisdom Saga is now live on Spotify, I spent some of my time to listen to the songs again (without headphones, I know I might've missed a few hints on the instruments and arrangements.)
So for now, here's my notes for this Saga (musically and story wise):
The youthful touch of this song is just what this saga needs. MICO as Telemachus was a wonderful choice. His voice bounces within the song, and he sounds similar to Jorge's so it's like... He is his dad's son.
Story wise? It laid down a clear picture of what's happened 7 years later. His need to be stronger to protect his mother safe, especially that Ody's away.
It sounds like it's wishful thinking in a song.
Little Wolf
Oh my god, my anger in this song. I was scowling the whole time. Jorge is so good at painting a picture in the song. The taunting in the song, the way they challenge Telemachus.
I love how this songs sounds like a video game soundtrack, like Tekken (and the way the animatic looked like Tekken). Athena's entrance? Amazing. Telemachus being a geeky kid? AMAZING! He's such a kid, I love it!
I love Athena so much!!!
We'll Be Fine
Teagen's voice? Angelic! I thought her very best song was My Goodbye, but she really topped it with this one. I loved how she and Telemachus' sang Odysseus' melody in Warrior of The Mind. It's a wonderful touch that shows they're both longing for the same person.
The way MICO sounds so youthful??? He sounds so geeky and a teenager who's so excited about something. It's adorable!
Ody and Telemachus really see Athena as a friend. It's so touching.
Love In Paradise
This is the song I'VE BEEN SO EXCITED FOR (along with God Games). One thing I love: the flashbacks. Jorge really did a great job with the placement and tied every saga perfectly. I literally had chills when she finally saw what happened in Thunder Bringer.
Calypso. Calypso, my darling. Her voice is just so pure, so summery. She gave me summer vibes, seriously. It's kinda reminds me of TWICE's Alcohol Free, for real. Oh my god.
We've heard clips of this song before, and now that they recorded this song again, they sound so mature and clear. Oh god, I love this song so much!
Odysseus really be losing his mind. He was really losing it. Athena is the only one who can save her, and the way he screamed Athena's name. Oh my god, it broke me so hard!!
God Games
Luke Holt's voice... That's it. He sounds so big and scary. I love how his voice digs deep, the growls, it's even better than Thunder Bringer.
I was so excited about Apollo's voice. I did imagine him to sound a little cute, kinda like Yuuji in the English dub lol! So adorable! The little harp melody!! Uggh!!
HEPHAESTUS!!! okay, okay, the way he sang "Trust is not given not forged" was in the tune of Scylla and Mutiny ("I will not let you get into my way"), and it's UGGHH because that's the part where TRUST was tested. Oh my god JORGE!!!!
Aphrodite and Ares, my little sweethearts! Ngl, the animatic between Aphro and Athena was... Ughhhh!! I love Ares, I'VE ALWAYS LOVED ARES! Their voices fit them so well!! Athena fighting back to Ares for badmouthing Telemachus??? Holy shit.
Hera is so groovy!!!! So so groovy!!! I can imagine her throne room as a little dance floor!! And Zeus!!! Oh my god, Luke Holt!!! LUKE HOLT!!! PLEASE!!! STOP I'M OBSESSED!!!!
And Athena, oh my god. I wanna hug her. Her voice when she sang "let him go, please." Oh God, it's hurting me so bad. The animatic really didn't help because I was bawling!!!!
In conclusion, Jorge you smart and amazing person! You are creating a masterpiece!!!! This will be so big on stage, I can't wait till that happens!!!!
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namidew · 2 months
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Updated Apollo and Artemis designs !! (Still subject to change and clothing changes)
Details below for design concept ramblings (not including a few details explained in prior posts) !!
Complementary Details - Apollo and Artemis are very similar in physical appearance, which is to show that they are close to each other. Not just as a design choice by me, but within the story they choose to look similar, as the gods can change their appearances. Apollo has gold (jewelry, eyes, and hair strands) and the sun halo for the domain of the sun, and Artemis has the silver (jewelry and eyes) and the moon halo(?) for the domain of the moon. They have a light-and-dark outfit contrast to highlight their different domains, such as Apollo’s domains of the sun and light, and Artemis’s domains of the moon and the wilderness. They both have green himations, with Artemis’s being “warmer” in tone and more earthy, while Apollo’s being “colder” and more “refined(?)” in a way while the two still match.
Apollo - Individually, his chiton now has faint yellow stripes shooting from the gold jewelry, in resemblance of the sun and its rays. His himation has lighter green lines, resembling a blank music score, to represent his domain of music. If drawn for a comic or an illustration, I like to imagine he’d have the melody of a related song on it.
Artemis - Her chiton is now a dark brown rather than the previous white, allowing her to blend in more within the woods at night. She has a deer pelt over her shoulders due to her domain of the hunt and her association with deer, as well as a more “woodsy” look. Her himation now has darker green details of leaves, also adding to her wilderness and nature theme.
Story Dynamic - They’re rather close siblings, always looking out for each other. I’d imagine they talk frequently but have the sort of relationship in which they can go a long time without talking and return to normal even after. I’d imagine Apollo to be pretty conflict avoidant and of the tendency to try to keep the peace, while Artemis may be more impulsive depending on the circumstance, as based on their domains. Not entirely sure about the next concept, but it would be interesting if Apollo, while rather amiable and within good graces with many, actually tells little about his personal details (as in the type of person who you think you know well until you try to recall anything about them personally) while Artemis is the opposite where she’s more of an open book so long as you start a good conversation, but it’s not a concrete idea. It would be an interesting concept though, given how the moon is physically closer to the earth than the sun.
Unrelated and Miscellaneous - First, I’m considering toning down the vibrancy of Aphrodite’s chiton and possibly Dionysus’s purple (grapes, eyes, himation) for the sake of more cohesive of a color palette (warm and earthy), but I plan on waiting until finishing all the Olympian designs to finalize that, given there’s a few others I plan on giving a more cool-toned color palette. Second, the next few Olympians are going to be a bit more difficult to design, for me it seems, so ideas are greatly appreciated ! Third and lastly, if I were to make this story more than an idea, it would likely be a non-linear slice of life “comic” series in which random drawings or scenes are posted in no real order. I’m not good at writing stories anyhow, and while a written story, actual comics, or animatics/animations would be very cool, I haven’t the skill for any of those.
Anyway, thank you very much if you read all these ramblings, and if you have any suggestions or ideas, I’d be happy to hear them !!
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aimseytv · 1 year
Sorry but uh... who is Guqqie? I've seen them mentioned a lot recently and I think I've seen them in some videos (they're very pretty btw) but it's just occurred to me I don't actually know who they are XD
you’ve asked the right person (i am her biggest fan). guqqie is a creator from ireland who’s absolutely brilliant at story telling and having minecraft come to life. she’s mostly known for her character, c!guqqie, due to the tragic fate that character suffered and funnily enough that character is also linked with my character, c!aimsey! we have a lot of universes where our characters are linked, and recently guqqie did a full art animatic stream of their character from her server ‘area unknown’ where her character is revealed to be a clone (very hard hitting stuff but insanely good). we have lots of cool lore streams you can catch up on if you wanna see us do what we do best (create gay angst) or you can just catch up on some of their silly vods (just search guqqie vods and pick whichever, i like her stardew ones). they are also extremely funny, and has very similar humour to me so if you somehow find me funny you’ll enjoy guqqie too i think. oh and also she’s a big fan of anime, if you like anime especially mob psycho 100 she will very much talk about it with you during any of their streams. and important things to mention is guqqie goes by she/they and her sexuality is pretty fluid in where she doesn’t know what she is but she knows she is queer and that’s all okay! also she is my girlfriend and we live together :) she’s pretty cool i think
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theoddest1 · 6 months
with how the fans and even viv being VERY excited with the “visuals” of poison it’s was very clear that the intended purpose of having those scenes was for porn. Why else would viv be excited for SA scenes and make a cum joke? Not dismissing any SA survivors that felt seen or represented through Angel. I think the bar scene where Angel has a breakdown is good I just hate how they kinda swept everything he said under the rug for a musical, with the episode ending on a happy note and were told not shown that he gets better.
That’s why people kept bringing up moral Orel, silent hill 2 and tuca and Bertie as good SA rep because the abuse is NEVER shown were told or it’s heavily implied it was the aftermath that was shown, nurse bendy is hyper sexual in public but she secretly hates, is lonely and regresses into a little girl playing family with stuffed animals when she’s in her safe space. Angela is depressed/suicidal her only hope is to find her mother so things can get better but she never finds her mom and it’s implied Angela dies, Tuca and struggled with her sexuality and sexual trauma even feels ashamed about having intrusive fantasies of her abuser and thinks that after being SA’d but she is complete control of those situations and it’s her way o healing and even if she wasn’t SA’d she’d still be into those fantasies. It’s too early to say anything about Angel character it might change in season 2 and actually talk more about his trauma especially since the vees are gonna be more prominent (which I call bs because they said the exact same thing about Adam and he didn’t do shit, he only showed up in 3 episodes and he was so underwhelming plus he was the 2nd most powerful being in the show, idk what vox and Val are gonna bring to the table expect be stupid wannabe “mean girls”, plus lute is still around and she is by more powerful and interesing villain) but we have to wait and see, right now I’m indifferent to Angel he’s not a bad character but he’s not the best, sir pentious and nifty outshined him and everybody else, they were the best characters, and they were just joke characters
Viv is very, very obvious with what she seeks involving Angel Dust's character arc. She sees it as an opportunity to recreate a similar situation to Raph's animatic, a 3rd person view surrounding Angel's dilemma rather than Vox's. It's paraded around as though it's a tragic "Love Song" but there is no proper or meaningful way to convey the tragedy surrounding it all. It's an elaborate kink video for those who indulge those sorts of subjects. As you've mentioned, some other known media have handled the topic with much care and didn'tshow it, but this time around, this could have been a great time to make useful imagery to show just how awful the entire situation is. But we don't get that. All of it is glamorized in a pop song with neon lights and no subversion of one's expectations. The only time we are shown any blunt and saddening imagery is when Angel is passed around in bindage gear. The colors change and turn red, and we are faced with a strikingly blunt reality of the situation, but we then see Angel dancing in front of his situation, whiplash of the seriousness pertaining to it all. And while the pacing is better in this episode than most, it's still FAST.
So on top of everything we have a rushed pop song that's supposed to engage the audience in a mindset regarding SA to further think and discuss but it only aided in fueling kink culture and no one has had any strong meaningful discussions when it is about that entire sequence but the kinks sure are THRIVING! Imo, the fact that this side of the community got more outta this than those who love to discuss stories reflects on how unserious and sexual Viv saw it to be, and THAT is what makes Viv's shit representation bad. The remix only solidifies what I had assumed this entire song to sound like. It fails to be commentary, only fuel for a kink someone has, and NEARLY EVERYONE in the community is letting it slide cause of that.
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twinksintrees · 7 months
so i am absolutely obsessed with @play-rough’s classification au on ao3 and it got to the point where i needed to make a whole playlist dedicated to it, so here it is, i hope you all like it.
playlist breakdown under the cut
understand: it’s the first song on here because of @/knoxx.tbox’s animatic, it’s gorgeous and everyone should check it out. it captures the gentle, caring part of their relationship perfectly.
little space: it’s just a song about little space, i also found the line “and i start to give in/to the sin/to the sin” very fitting for dazai because of just how much he hates his little head space.
hazel: sad tired dazai vibes, it makes me think of the second fic where he stays up all night, trying to drop but can’t, and the poor baby is just so out of it. “hold me tightly” he wants chuuya to hold him so, so badly. but he can’t say that, he can never just say what he wants, so he has to wait until he drops and then he has no choice, and he hates it. but yeah it also just soft sweet comforting vibes to me.
smoke signals: this one’s weird cuz unlike most of the songs on here where they’ll apply to either dazai or chuuya, this one has a stark divide of both. the first few lines “i know i’m a freak/ripped the band aid, broke the peace/took the lock but lost the key/guess i set you free” are so dazai it hurts. he thinks he’s a freak, he hates himself for his regression, he thinks leaving and getting out of chuuya’s space and life is setting him free from dazai. but that’s not what chuuya wants, the rest of the song is all about chuuya always welcoming him back, always wanting him there when he’s upset, wanting to be there and to help him. he wants to take care of his baby and for his baby to let him.
almost home: this one just gave me very gentle sweet vibes. it also made me think of the car ride back to chuuya’s apartment after dazai bit tsu and walked back to his shipping container alone and regressed, and just chuuya lulling small dazai to sleep and holding him, happy to have his baby back.
moon river: i wanted at least one nice lullaby on here and this is what my mom would always sing me so it’s just very personal to me lmao. just picturing chuuya humming/singing it to little dazai makes me v happy.
treehouse: the childhood friends vibe. “i’m the captain/but you can be the deputy” just like, describing their bond together. the closeness, the trust, all that.
escapism: this one’s all about dazai. him wanting to be free from his pain and wanting to be free from his little space, while also using his little space to escape his pain, if that makes sense.
beautiful boy: first off this songs just makes me insane second oughhhh chuuya singing it to dazai would end me. he’s chuuya’s boy, his sweet little baby. and chuuya will always be here for him, will always keep him safe, will always do his best to quiet the overwhelming voices in his head. they’re so soft it makes me unwell.
yellow: also a chuuya one, he’d do anything for baby dazai. he would bleed himself dry if it came down to it.
i need to be alone: dazai angst. the isolating himself when he feels little space coming on. the antsy-ness, the irritability, all of that. he doesn’t want to snap at chuuya, but he doesn’t know what else to do, doesn’t know how else to handle it. so he lashes out and somehow, still, chuuya is there. he hasn’t pushed him away yet. dazai doesn’t think he can handle the day he hits his limit.
i’ll die anyway: similar vein to the above. sad dazai.
juliet: the opening verse is so dazai core to me it hurts. “but i need to understand/when I can power through/and when i need some help from you/when i should stand my ground/and when i need to just sit down/sometimes i act like i know/but i’m really just a kid” all of this speak to dazai and his relationship with chuuya, specifically with accepting his help with his little space. he doesn’t know what to do, how to handle anything, when he’s little he is just a baby. chuuya knows what to do, what will help him feel better, knows how to take care of him and make him feel good. and dazai has mixed feelings on that, because he loves chuuya and he loves his attention, but it hurts to receive sometimes, and it hurts to not know what’s going on with himself, and that chuuya knows better what to do. he feels out of control and he doesn’t like it, but he still trusts chuuya and yeah it’s a whole thing.
i’ll keep you safe: chuuya song. very straight and to the point, chuuya just wants to keep dazai safe and happy and he wants to protect him, be there for him, quiet all the bad thoughts in his head. he knows how much it takes for dazai to regress at all, and the fact that he keeps doing it around chuuya (even though sometimes it is out of either of their control) just proves a huge amount of trust and chuuya values that so deeply, and that is a bond he would never dream of betraying or breaking.
rises the moon: imma be honest this one’s just for the soft vibes. i could see chuuya humming it as a lullaby, but mostly it just made me feel soft and happy so i put it on here.
small hands. this song. this song oh my god. i love this song so much it hurts. anyway it’s chuuya talking to dazai, “if you need come build your home in me, i can’t fix what was done to you, but i’ll shield you from the rain.” it’s chuuya knowing he can’t go back and erase dazai’s past, but being here for him now. he’s here now, and he’ll be here in the future. “cause i never mind, no matter the day or time, i never mind” chuuya would do anything to be there for dazai, it’s him telling him to reach out for help, telling him it’s okay, telling him he truly doesn’t mind, he wants this. he wants to care for him, to help. “and all the anchors that they hid inside your chest/we will unravel all of the chains/toss the remnants all down the drain” the anchors and chains being the trauma mori’s instilled about little space being bad. that dazai’s not supposed to, that he just push through and push it down and be fine. it’s chuuya telling him that’s not how it works, but together we can get you to regress safely and see that it’s not bad, it doesn’t have to scary, it can even be fun sometimes. it’s the slow process of working through all that trauma. “i will be there to pick up the pieces, and keep you housed while you bend them up” literally just chuuya always trying to have dazai over. his apartment is so much better than dazai’s shipping container. like just objectively. “if you wind up in the dark again/just turn and call my name/if the fire in your chest goes out/well i’ll hold you all the same” this whole bit also makes me think of after dazai bit tsu. “if you wind up in the dark again” is dazai going back to his container alone and scared. dazai doesn’t even need to call chuuya’s name before he’s showing up to help him, even if it’s a bumpy ride getting on the same page. “well i’ll hold you all the same” goes for chuuya’s feelings towards dazai in general. he wants to care for dazai in and out of headspace, it’s just the type of care looks different depending on where dazai’s at. sometimes it’s holding him in his arms, sometimes it’s pulling him back from a ledge. sometimes it’s gently feeding him a bottle, sometimes it’s forcibly fighting him into dry, clean clothes so he doesn’t get sick. and now for my favorite line “if you need to take this out on me/well you know i won’t complain” it’s chuuya never getting angry at dazai’s outbursts in headspace, cuz he knows how hard it is, how hard his baby is trying, he just doesn’t know what else to do with his overwhelming feelings. so chuuya takes his outbursts and handles them, and he’ll never hold them against his baby, because he’s literally just a baby what else is he supposed to do but cry and lash out when he’s tired and grumpy.
tired: sad tired dazai and specifically the line “cause i’ve been eating less all day/to give my brain some extra space to think.”
coffee: I know it’s called coffee but honestly this makes me think of chuuya prepping dazai’s bottles, making sure it’s just the right temperature, the right flavors for his baby. vanilla and strawberry, something more special than just milk. it’s cute.
feb 14: honestly i just kept coming back to this song and the playlist didn’t feel complete without it but i couldn’t tell you why, i don’t have a real detailed reason for it other than vibes.
this side of paradise: chuuya not wanting dazai to feel lonely/be alone and scared while in headspace. “come be lonely with me” all that jazz. i chose the slow version cuz the og felt to fast paced and overwhelming compared to the rest of the playlist, and i this fit it better.
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v-albion · 9 months
Now that we're entering into 2024, I'm asking some artists and writers that I follow:
1) What is the one piece you're most proud of from this past year?
2) What are some pieces that you would have liked more people to see? If you can include links, I'd love to go check them out!
3) What were your top three favorite pieces (art, comics, fics, etc) that someone else has made this past year?
(As always, no pressure to respond! Feel free to just ignore, or let me know if you'd rather I not send you these kinds of asks in the future.)
Hi again!!! Thanks for the ask!
1) Hmmm for an art piece, my favourite I think would be my Shredder Risetober piece. I’m very proud of how my art style and colouring style changed during the whole Risetober event, and I’m quite satisfied on how I pose the turtles and April in this piece
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For animations, it would have been my Just A Man Animatic. Spent a long while on that and I’m very proud it
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2) I guess I would love for more people to see:
Future Leo Animation - I animated that to try out Procreate Dreams. I would like to think that the mask tails and cape’s flutter is very satisfying
These wallpapers - Because I loved how I drew the tattoos. The flowers all have their own meanings and I included little details like lightning storm in Leos tattoos, machinery gears in Donnies, Dragon scales in Raphs and Crane wings in Mikeys
My old header - Soldier Poet King. What can I say I love medieval/fantasy vibes
3) Only 3?? Hoooo boy. Have more:
Tapa’s Yellow Light and Nothing animatics - because those 2 inspired me to make animatics of my own and I’m very grateful for them.
The Lemonade Leak fic by @turtleinsoup and The Rotten Reflection fic by @nicoforlifetrue - those fic changed my brain chemistry immensely. They’re living in my head rent free, I’m a changed person after I read them. They have similar…. Taste? Vibes? I dunno how I would describe the feelings they inspired in me and I could ramble on and on about those fics for hours
Honestly all of @yeye23’s storyboards but especially Escape-a-tello - they really just came in, drop banger after banger animatics and went teehee
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crescentrivers · 23 days
Remembered I still like Sanders Sides (seriously though it’s a great webseries) but the Hatchetfeild brainworms are consuming anything else (downside of a special interest) so here’s which lord in black each side would be associated with/which lord in black would mess with them/maybe even which lord in black they’d follow in a crossover au + overly detailed explanations
Under the cut cause this got long
Roman- funny how both my previous and my current special interest have a Roman in them. Roman Sanders is a much better person though fuck you Roman Murray /hj. Anyway I think this Roman would be associated with Pokotho. More in a “Roman would get tricked into following him way” than in a “Pokey would want to mess with him” way. In terms of punching bags Pokers seems to go for the people who hate his deal the most and Roman is a theatre kid so. Already not one of the people who hate his deal the most. Okay but actual reason Pokotho has a big thing with conformity, mind control, giving up your real indentity to one singular voice and Roman is known to conform. Trying to be the perfect “good” creativity and turning against Janus mostly because his friends didn’t trust him. Also again, theater kid. So yeah in this hypothetical crossover au there’s probably a timeline where Roman becomes a Pokotho prophet. I can also see him swinging Wiggly though, wanting to be adored kinda like Linda in Black Friday. But I think he’s closer to Pokey in most ways.
Logan- Bliklotep or Pokotho. Okay so most obvious thing for Blinky is eyes, Blinky has a lot of them and Logan either is the orange side or is dealing with the orange side, the mysterious unrevealed character that made his eyes go orange that one time. But on a deeper level in Watcher World Blinky uses Alice and Bills’ conflict against them, trying to make them angrier so he can watch them fight. I can see a similar situation with Logan playing out in this au where the gang goes to Watcher World and Logan’s anger over being ignored is used against him. And if Orange and Logan end up not being the same person (which I stand by that theory) Orange using Logan’s anger against him to cause conflict within the light sides is actually just something I can see happening in the show.
For Pokotho it’s well, if you asked me to make a TGWDLM SaSi crossover Logan would be Paul. He’s the side with the least interest in theatre (I’m not sure if it’s really a dislike though) and while he lacks the panic Paul has for most of TGWDLM and isn’t as much of a normal guy tm I think he fits very well. Let It Out is SUCH a Logan song you don’t even get it like imagine that song but with him and Orange hshshgshshshshshsh I NEED TO MAKE AN ANIMATIC OF IT. Also like back to the ignoring thing can you imagine like “Aren’t you tired of being ignored Logan? Don’t you want to be the star of the show?” I’m going insane. If we’re just putting Logan in the Hatchetfeild universe I think he’s still more Blinky leaning but a SaSi x TGWDLM au with him as Paul would go very hard.
Patton- probably the one in the least sure on so luckily he doesn’t need as long of a paragraph. He’s just so nice I can’t really see him being singled out by any of them but he also isn’t nice in a way where he has Webby vibes so I’m just lost with him. I think either Blinky cause I can see him in a similar situation to Bill in Watcher World or Tinky cause I feel like out of all the sides Patton is the most likely to try to time travel to change or revisit the past and than get boxed because of it.
Virgil- none of them!!! Well at least none of them in particular. Why you ask? Well I think he’d be associated with Webby. Okay listen, if I had a nickel for every time my special interest involved a character associated with spiders that either left or was abandoned by the main antagonist group depending on your theories and became a good guy, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice. Do I need to explain further than that? Obviously Virgil’s situation isn’t nearly as severe as Webby’s and the dark sides are much more redeemable sympathetic villains compared to the lords in bright ass neons black, but my point still stands. Virgil works with Webby which means various horrors have it out for him instead of any specific one!!! Yayyyyyy
Janus- another hard one to place. I’d say he’d work with Wiggly most likely. Basically capitalism/greed (though the greed thing could also have him going more on the Nibbly route with like selfishness desire stuff or even like unrelated he could work for Pokey cause like mind control/manipulation isn’t that much of a stretch from his character, it is a stretch I’m lying to myself) and idk he has the vibes where I feel like he’d work with the lord in black himself and not just one of his brothers. Idk he has Wilbur Cross vibes kind of not really? (it’s the green apples) The thing is Janus still doesn’t hit quite the same level of evil as most antagonistic Hatchetfeild characters do but there’s no way this guy wouldn’t be caught up in something in a crossover au, so maybe he made a deal with them but doesn’t fully worship them. Idek what this post is anymore.
Remus- Hard to place because he’s just such a freak (derogatory) that he kind of just has general cultist vibes (I know there are plenty of freaks in Hatchetfeild completely unconnected to the lords but Remus would be the kind of freak that is connected imo) but if I had to pick I’d say either Wiggly or Nibbly. Wiggly doesn’t have much reason, they just both insane people associated with the color green, royalty, and tentacles. Nibbly does have an explanation kind of. He’s like the god of desire kind of and I think in analysis of how he’s connected to stuff (think Grace in NPMD) that kind of leads to lust associations? Which yeah fits Remus. I can see him working for Nibbly or going insane cause of him (does Nibbly even do that? Does he do things that don’t involve eating people? What even is this post) honestly I don’t really know for him I’m just saying words, would really depend on his role in this hypothetical au
Bonus: c!Thomas- honestly I don’t know for him but dare I say Pokotho. Cause A. Him and Paul don’t really act alike but they both have that panicking normal guy tm energy as protagonists. B. He’s a theatre kid. C. Idk I think it would be screwed up if the guy who the entire show centers around the mind of lost control of his mind and had his entire being warped (infection) 👍
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lil-lost-mind · 7 months
(This is a bit of a along post about my general experience in the qsmp fandom, both good and bad, and it does mention xenophobia but not direct experiences)
I'm happy to see people here being so nice and reminding that we(Brazilians) are welcome here
I was really hesitant about interacting with fandom at first, I actually was there the Brazilians arrived because suddenly tazercraft live appeared for me on YouTube, I joined for a moment but didn't stay long, but I did look about it later. Because Brazilians youtubers/streamers are on a server with a bunch of people from other countries? I was curious about what this would lead to
Didn't regret it, but since then, I was a bit scared of interacting on fandom. Some comments on clips were fine. But then I started using tumblr because of a friend's recommendation, I kept a look on what was happening on lore on general but didn't really interact on fandom. Hence why I created this blog, and also why it took me so long to link this blog to my main one
Because, well, if I got hate for any reason, it would only be a sideblog that I only posted about qsmp. I could just delete it or just ignore them
I am by nature a person who is very shy to talk about my interests, it might have nothing wrong about it but I'm shy, I'm the type of person who goes on asks box on anon because is too shy, even if I'm not doing anything wrong there's this fear of judgemeent.
In the light of the recent events, I am once again reminded that's why I don't use or plan to use Twitter, but still I couldn't avoid but feel... scared in a way, I don't think anyone would like to be treated that way. And even a bit ashamed of saying that I'm brazilian. Ashamed might not be the right word, but there's this feeling wich is similar, and while I'm proud of being a brazilian, I just... maybe invalidate is a more fitting word, it's just feels like my culture is unimportant compared to others.
And this is what it seems, in my understanding, what looks like suffering from xenophobia is, but I imagine it's worse suffering it directly ofc, and ironically, I don't think I ever felt like that for those reasons before. And while I can't talk about how it feels when suffering from it directly, I feel bad for the people who had to go through it(not only Brazilians). Nobody should feel ashamed of their culture or ethnicity
Ofc tumblr isn't free of people like that. After all, no social media will be free from intolerance. But it feels like it's harder to see it. But I can't emphasize enough how it makes me happy to see so many people saying their blog is a safe place for us. After seeing this stuff, it makes things better, for me, at least. It reminds me that my culture isn't less important than any other
And qsmp brought something beautiful, the unity of communities. Because even with those bad things happening, it's not the only thing in fandom, it happens, and any fandom has this, unfortunately. But I love to see every time someone talks about their culture, facts about their languages, to see people motivated in learning new languages. It's beautiful and makes me happy each time
I don't regret making myself part of the fandom, the opposite, really, I've met creators that I would have never without the qsmp. I've met amazing people there, I've found incredible artists and writers. I've had fun
I've found the motivation to learn new languages again, more passion to draw
And I'm thankful to everyone there who is incredibly nice and so made me more comfortable interacting here, even if they will probably never know
So despite everything, I think it was worth it
Was worth reading character analysis and theories, enjoying stories, seeing fanart and animatics, learning new language facts and about other cultures. Was worth seeing people being happy
Again, I'm very thankful for all the people who made me, and I'm going to assume a lot of other people who needed to hear that, comfortable and validate here, I can't express how much this made me happy, I hope everyone coming from twitter have a good time here<3
And a very big and sincere "VAI TOMAR NO CU" to any xenophobic and racist person
I know very few people will see this, or even read everything, but I had to say this somewhere, so yeah, I'm rambling on tumblr again:D
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ikintwosm · 3 months
Hello hello!! ๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ My nicknames are:
Cuppa Suppa [For close friends]
Cheese Pretzels!
Wonderful to meet you all! ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
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Who am I?๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮I am a demi-girl and I use she/they/it! I am okay with any feminine or gender neutral terms! Just no masc terms!
✮ I am Aroace! [Meaning Asexual & Aromanitc!] I do not feel any romantic attraction to others!
✮ I am a minor so please don't say weird stuff, I'm not comfy with it!
✮ I am from Wales and I'm Welsh/British! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
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More about me!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ I'm possibly neurodivergent! [Maybe ASD!]
✮ I have Trichotallomania and C-PTSD!
✮ I zone out a lot and am potentially a maladaptive daydreamer!
✮ I have possible selective mutism!
✮ I can have major highs and lows sometimes, and I can be quite short-tempered, so apologies if I am, I don't mean to!
✮ I am quite a soft-hearted and sensitive person! I also have trouble processing things sometimes, so apologies if I'm a little slow!
✮ I've been struggling with mental health for majority of my life, and I may be distant sometimes, as I need a lot of time alone!
✮ I am a fictkin! This means that I kin fictional characters whom I see myself in/relate to in any way! This could be due to similar characteristics, trauma/past experiences, etc! Although, this can also be due to finding comfort in the character or even something very simple that I relate to e.g. if the character has a British accent, as I do too!
✮ I also tend to act as fictional characters in order to regulate or cope!
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DNI LIST!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ Do NOT interact if these apply to you!
Racists, homophobes, transphobes, abelists, etc.
People with offensive humour. This type of humour makes me very uncomfortable.
People with s3xu4l humour. Suggestive jokes are okay but actual full on in depth jokes make me really unsettled. Also jokes that s3xu4l1s3 things that are perfectly normal also make me uncomfortable. Also things like THOSE types of usernames on tiktok and doing/saying really weird stuff is a massive no no for me, as I am a victim of s3xu4l h4rr4sm3nt.
People with rude/cruel humour. In some cases, it's okay, but please do not do it excessively or stop if I ask you to. I am quite a sensitive person, so that can easily upset me if it's not specified to be a joke or is just too far for me.
People who gatekeep characters they kin. I understand that you kin that character for a reason, but I don't like when people insist NO ONE else at all can be character. Other people can kin a character too!
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My hobbies!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ I love to draw traditionally and digitally! I especially love drawing on Whiteboard Fox!
✮ I love to write character lore and AUs, own creations and things! I like to RP at times! [Nothing weird though, as that makes me uncomfy!]
✮ I am a VA, scriptwriter & Storyboarder!
✮ I VA for:
AEMOS [Magical Flame]
Shape's Shapety Object Show [Grey]
DREAM! [Lamp]
Untitled Presentation [Teapot, Chinese Lantern]
BFAM [Bone, Glass Shard, Battery]
TWISTS [Mild Bobby Sauce]
✮ I am a scriptwriter for Church Of The Divine Bloom & Getaway!
✮ I also storyboard for AEMOS!
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My interests!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ Favourite shows:
Inanimate Insanity
Object Kerfuffle
Discord Emoji All Stars
Problems and Solutions
Animatic Battle
✮ Shows I want to watch!
It's Time For The
The Nightly Manor
Extraordinary Enitites
Love Of The S*n
The Daily Object Show
The Battle For The Island Made Of Candy
Paper Puppets Take 2
Object Overload
Object Show 87
Mickey Mouse Battlehouse
Object Filler
✮ Shows I am in progress of!
TPOT [Ongoing]
BFDIA [Ongoing]
II S2 [Ongoing]
Animatic Battle [Ongoing]
Object Kerfuffle [Ongoing]
BURNER [Ongoing]
DEAS [Ongoing]
PaS [Ongoing]
KFC [Ongoing]
✮ Shows I've finished!
THANOS [Not continuing :(]
Object Fool
✮ I also love lots of other things!
Bendy And The Ink Machine
Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
The Amazing World Of Gumball
Total Drama Island
The Amazing Digital Circus
Poppy Playtime
The Lego Movie
Parappa The Rapper
Dandy's World [I don't support the creator!]
✮ My music taste is quite broad and I can't typically tell music genres!
✮ Some of my favourite music artists!
Tally Hall
Miracle Musical
Lemon Demon
Glass Animals
The Living Tombstone
✮ Some songs I can't stop listening to!
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More about me! [OSC]๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ My favourite characters!
X, Loser, Woody, Pie, Ruby, Lollipop, Yellow Face, Pillow, Clock, Naily, Gelatin, Teardrop, Remote, Fanny, Two, Winner, Foldy, Tree, Marker, Bubble, Dora, David, Bomby, Golf Ball, Tennis Ball [BFB/TPOT]
MePhone4, MePad, Toilet, Balloon, Silver Spoon, Candle, Taco, Bow, Yin-Yang [II]
Literally all the characters in BURNER [Though I like Limey, Peanut & Tissues a little more than everyone else]
Hour Glass, Hanging Pot Plant, Glass Pane, Box Of Explosives [Object Kerfuffle]
Lipstick, Cactus, Dice [DEAS]
Airy, Liam, Charlie, Stone [HFJONE]
Animatic, Nonagon, Pea, B Block, Weathery, Bouquet, Doorstopper, Iced Coffee, Danger Sign, Tea, Mushroom, Printer, Nebula Void [Animatic Battle]
✮ Characters I HATE /hj
Leafy, Profiley, Liy [BFB]
Clover, Steve Cobs [Love-hate relationship] [II]
✮ My comfort characters!
Two, Ruby, Woody, Loser, Winner, Lollipop, Pie, Pillow, Tree, Dora [BFB/TPOT]
Silver Spoon, Candle, MePad [III]
Airy, Liam [HFJONE]
Peanut, Tissues, Pilly, Rosey, Polaroid [BURNER]
✮ My fiction kins!
[DISCLAIMER: I do NOT gate keep characters!]
Marker, Bracelety, Ruby, Lightning, Tree, Woody, Pie, Pillow, Ice Cube, Foldy, Golf Ball, Winner, Loser, Clock, Yellow Face, Pin, Naily, Teardrop, Dora [BFB]
Two, X [XFOHV]
Airy, Liam [HFJONE]
Record, Tissues, Erasey, Hanger, Rosey, Limey, Pilly, Peanut, Daddy Long Legs [BURNER]
Balloon, Silver Spoon, Yin-Yang, Bow, Goo, Blueberry, Candle, Taco, Test Tube, Toilet, Microphone, MePad, Steve Cobs [Certain AU with a friend!] [II]
Hour Glass [OK]
Animatic, Weathery, Exclamation Mark [AB]
✮ Ships that I like!
Four & X [Classic!]
Silver Spoon & Candle [LOVE IT!]
MePhone4 & Toilet [Platonically!] [AU with a friend]
Pin & Coiny [I like it!]
Tree & Black Hole [YES]
Tennis Ball & Golf Ball [it's alright!]
Winner & Clock [Platonically!]
[DISCLAIMER: If I ever say I simp for a character, IT'S A JOKE!]
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My creations!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ AUs I've created!
Battle Back To Dream Island [BFDI]
The Wrath Of Two [TPOT]
Battle To Survive Insanity [BFB/TPOT]
Meeple Madness [II]
The Child [HFJONE]
✮ Object Shows I'm working on!
Sensory Serenity
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Other things!๋࣭ ⭑⚝
✮ I love to yap, so feel free to ask questions about me or my creations! I don't bite!
✮ Feel free to also ask questions/requests to my OCs, AU characters or sonas!
✮ I also have art requests open, free of charge!
@justanapplenothinghere owns a special place in my heart! He is one of my bestest friends!! Feel free to check out his amazing page!
@yari-saber @biblicallyaccuratefour @beetlebeeez are my best friends!! Feel free to check out their amazing art too!
✮ Have an absolutely splendiferous day! ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
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its-rat-time-babey · 1 year
I found a YouTube channel called Glitch Techs Archive that has a bunch of leaked Glitch Techs stuff. Mostly various bits of the only surviving piece of the 2020 pilot episode, but there’s also the way cooler 2015 Pilot stuff, With a full Pilot Episode (In animatic form) and an archived TRAILER for the 2015 Glitch Techs.
Please watch it it’s so cool.
Anyways here’s a bunch of Beta Glitch Techs stuff i saw in the trailer (and 2015 Pilot but the Trailer has better visuals):
First off: The animation is COMPLETELY different.
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Looks nothing like the Glitch Techs we got to see.
Also that’s what Five Miko and BITT look like.
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I guess if you squint you can see the similarities between Beta Five and Regular Five, but i just have to ask what HAPPENED to Miko and BITT in between 2015 and 2020. I love the look of the beta and regular designs an equal amount but that is a MASSIVELY changed design.
Also in the 2015 Beta (and the 2020 Pilot actually) Five starts off as a Glitch Tech, albeit one that’s still in training, while Miko doesn’t, being hired due to her Reset Immunity by the end of the first episode. His father is also mentioned in the Pilot (“im just glad your father isnt here to see this”) so he could have had ANY sort of backstory at this point.
Also, BITT is completely different in design, personality and function. In the Beta, BITT is a Tech Training Bot that accompanies Five on missions because he’s still in training. He also acts like a human being instead of purely robotic.
Beta BITT here also explains a small meta thing about actual BITT: Despite BITT standing for “Binary Intelligence Tech Trainer”, BITT in the show doesn’t do much Tech Training, mostly just keeping the HQ running on his own with the only training he does being done in episode 1. So why is “Tech Trainer” such an important part of him that it takes up half of his acronym?
Because his Beta Version WAS a full time Tech Training Bot and during production he was either changed or merged with a character that did regular BITT’s job of running HQ and he kept his original name!
Also The Tech Outfits and Armour look completely different as well with Five and Miko having their own colour schemes.
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And finally, a very cool detail found in the trailer: Glitches in 2015 were originally going to have their own unique artstyles that they would keep when they escaped from games!
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Seen here is the Rock Wizard (a glitch found in both the 2020 and 2015 Pilots and the 2015 trailer, but never actually seen in the show) and a Beta Version of Chomp Kitty. The 2015 Rock Wizard is 3D animated and Chomp Kitty looks more pixelated (while also somewhat fitting into the show’s artstyle). In other words: Glitches keep their in-game artstyle when they leave their games!
Also Beta Phil:
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This feels wrong to look at so I had to inflict it on all of you. (also: does anyone think he looks a bit like some of the younger Phil pictures seen in BITT Prime?)
And finally: Bolypius? Or a more sinister and villainous Hinobi Company?
I also found the original Pitch Bible from 2015, which has its own interesting stuff in it, but it deserves its own post.
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liloinkoink · 4 months
Hello, so I recently read through lamplight (and I understand why people are so hype about it, it's really good) and I want to make an animatic for it. Don't keep your homes up, chances are it won't get finished but I'm trying my best to complete it as a tribute to this cool storyline. However, I'm focusing on Ren's backstory and was wondering if you had any idea what doc would look like in this au and (on a similar note) how common hybrids are? I know magic use is quite common but was curious.
that’s really exciting!! what song do you plan to use? whether you finish or not, definitely show me how it turns, because i’d absolutely love to see anything you make with it!
I don’t have a lot of thoughts for what Doc looks like in Lamplight specifically! i’m not super detailed with people in my head, and doc appeared so briefly i didnt think about a Lamplight-specific appearance. hmmm. i’ll just make one up off the cuff now and you can do what you want with it (up to and including ignore it all and make your own stuff up, i’m not your boss)
i don’t know if he’d wear a lab coat, that seems a bit contemporary, but i don’t know what he’d wear instead. take liberties on that if you want. if he had a dnd class, he would probably be an artificer? so you can maybe steal design elements from that. he’s definitely still got a mechanical arm and eye, but some of its power might come from his own magic (and/or Ren’s—Ren would definitely enchant it for him)
creepers do exist in this setting—i almost had Martyn fight one in heliography, even!—so he could still be a creeper hybrid. i actually have trouble recognizing doc in fanart when he isn’t a creeper, lmao, so i’m very pro doc being a creeper hybrid
speaking of, in my head, hybrids are fairly common. i keep meaning to add more as background characters in Lamplight, but i keep forgetting to describe the appearances of people Martyn encounters. still, hybrids are less common than magic—almost every single person has some inherent magic, while not everyone is a hyrbid. while you do still see elves and stuff, hybrids and the like probably take the place of most traditional dnd fantasy races
thank you for your kind words and your interest and good luck on your project! if you have more questions, feel free to reach out!
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starlightshadowsworld · 9 months
Ok so I was watching a danganronpa animatic of an AU where Kokichi and Shuichi are soulmates and of course my brain goes on to think about the themes of trust and love that Kokichi and MAKOTO have (for some reason. I love my boy too much I guess) and was mentally thinking of a scene in some kind of "Makoto is in V3 instead of Shuichi but the events of canon still happened" AU where Kokichi is, y'know, reaching his breaking point where he can't figure out how to stop the killing game and Makoto, y'know, he understands both during this killing game (because he was trying to stop it too or at least keep everyone alive) and all the other previous ones and in private tries to offer him support and tells him how he thinks Kokichi's a good person and he trusts him and loves him (I don't really care in what way this is taken as. Maybe aggressive support?) and Kokichi, of course being at a breaking point and having trust issues, casts him aside kind of angrily because Makoto seems like he trusts people really easily and has probably never felt betrayal like Kokichi had and therefore doesn't believe him when he says all those positive things about him and Makoto SHUTS THAT DOWN HARD. Like he pulls out the determined slightly angry positivity (I don't know if I want to describe it like that but I don't know how else) where it's just like
Makoto is standing tall, his shoulders are tense, and his finger's in Kokichi's face like: Hey, no. I love you and trust you. You don't know anything about me so I will tell you how many times I have been betrayed by friends just because it was convenient and they never or barely gave a half-ass apology. The girl who I thought I could trust to have my back in a situation JUST LIKE THIS WITH THE BEAR AND EVERYTHING tried to set me up for murder. Another girl sacrificed me to find "the truth" on multiple occasions and barely gave me an apology after I was almost starved and had a ton of injuries. I had to try to kill someone because they wouldn't just talk to me instead of attempting to commit mass murder. So when I say I trust and love you I mean it. I may say it often but that doesn't mean I take it lightly. I can't force you to accept those feeling but please do anything but deny or take them lightly. Because I DO love and trust you so much.
Kokichi is fucking BALLING in my head.
Anyway I just wanted to share that since it was on the brain and this is usually my go-to blog for sharing my random DR day dreams and ideas with. Whenever I pop in anyway.
(Sidenote: Protag switch AUs (or even detective switch AUs with Shuichi and Kyoko) between Makoto and Shuichi are so underrated. I don't write fan fiction so I hope and pray everyday that one day I will stumble across one with the quality of the A Change in Variables but that might be wishful thinking)
Oh damn.
That's such a cool idea.
Agreed I love all the protags, Makoto just holds a very special place in my heart.
The way I envision what you've said is that Makoto takes the place off Rantaro or at least plays a similar role to him.
As the Ultimate Survivor, aka someone who's survived the game before and remembers.
Possibly going undercover and not letting anyone else go through this shit again.
The reason for him being there to the outside world could be that Tsumugi wanted a guest star.
And you know having the Ultimate Hope would get people watching.
Makoto talking down Kokichi would be such an interesting scene because he'd be one of the only people who don't hate him.
And would be willing to listen and stand up to him.
Also because Makoto knows what he's doing, he can see through Celest I guarantee he can see through Kokichi.
And it would throw Kokichi off because he's designed this whole thing to have everyone against him, he'd got the perfect plan.
But that's Makoto for you, unpredictable is basically his middle name.
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What song makes you feel better?
6. Say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical
9. What calms you down?
24. What's something you do to de-stress?
25. What's the best personal gift someone could give you? (Playlist, homemade card, ect)
Unfortunately I can't ask all of them so I limited myself to 5
asking for '''''definitely no reason'''''''''
6 - three nice things about myself
My eyes are gorgeous hazel/brown/orange/gold/green and I love them. I have beautiful curly hair that I've been told people would kill for. I love being left handed.
I make the people around me laugh. I am a very enthusiastic and passionate person. And I've been told that I'm a very good writer ;)
9 - what calms me down?
Writing often calms me down. But if not that, then calling one of my friends and just listening to them talk always helps. I also pray, and am blessed with peace and comfort.
24 - what do I do to de-stress?
Hahahaha I am so stressed all the time. My usual go-to de-stresser is putting on some headphones and jamming out.
In a similar vein, singing at the top of my lungs works too (something something the breathing required is like taking deep calming breaths, something something it's like yelling but better, something something makes me feel powerful)
25 - best personal gift?
Stuffed animals are pretty great, but I honestly love any gifts. The playlist that @drsmer made for Spider's Web is still one of the absolute best things I've ever been given. I've said it before and I'll say it again: animatics made for me has been my dream for many years (thank youuu for granting that, my dear)
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wolfgirlandfarmboy · 11 months
Hey Rocky, I recently watched The Book of Life & I remember seeing that you had Diego Luna as a voice headcanon for Jack. Now every time I listen to the soundtrack, I can't help but think of Jack as Manolo singing & playing guitar, especially if he's singing "I Love You Too Much" to Nana (that's the song currently stuck on repeat in my head right now)
YYYEEESSS! I tend to swipe voices from series and movies I like (because honestly it's the only way I discover voices and voice ranges for my OCs) and I love The Book of Life. There are many reasons but one is that Diego Luna has a REALLY interesting and nice voice to me. Plus Manolo is a very underrated sweetheart.
Jack's voice claims are all over the place (I think I even have Yakko Warner on his list) because he's an old OC and his voice range is always the hardest to put into words save for "I really like listening to these voices and they carry his vibes.
Manolo is very much a "Jack" character where they both have similar personalities and actions. They both are also sappy romantics who melt at the thought of their girls. "I Love You Too Much" is very much a song that is deeply embedded in the Red Beans playlist. Like, there is no way I'm every taking it off unlike some other songs that I've giving to other ships because the dynamics didn't fit as the characters developed.
FUNNY THING is that I once had a whole storyboard planned out for an animatic of Jack singing it to Nana and I just never finished it...and then I lost whatever I had left of it so sadly it is now lost Red Beans media...at least until I get the energy to make animatics again.
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