#its there ... giving it a little more thought if you want to avoid certain people you need to make it a little more public than hiding it
abslghost · 1 year
i don't think dni s are stupid I just think they could be used wirh a little more thought ... people generally don't think before they interact so relying on a feature that they can only access by doing more steps than the typical required for a silly like on a post is a little ... eh... my real advice if you want to avoid X group of people/Y topic is just blocking people and muting words
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3hks · 5 months
How to Write an IMPACTFUL Backstory
Honestly, writing and reading about backstories is probably one of my favorite parts of a character's story! It's a strong foundation for a character's goals, motives, thoughts, and actions! Its most powerful effect, on the other hand, is its ability to change one's view on a character. So, then, how do we write such an impactful past?
For beginners, the more tragic the backstory, the better. While this does hold some truth, let me re-iterate that it's for beginners. The idea behind it is that a pure, devastatingly pitiful backstory is unique and pulls at your reader's heartstrings. Unfortunately, instead, we're left with an origin story that feels superficial, overly-dramatic, unnecessary, and shallow. However in this post, I will give you some tips on how to avoid creating such 2D backgrounds and actually bring your character's past to life!
First, your character's backstory can be made with whatever components you choose, but the key is that you must balance them out correctly. Additionally, the majority of the time, you do want their story to stick out, so I suggest trying to come up with something original! It's much harder than it sounds, but honestly, every other protagonist has dead parents at this point. Be creative, add details, and don't be afraid to let your character go through things if you feel that it's fitting!
Second, don't extend their past for too long. The point of introducing the backstory is to elaborate on a (few) certain event(s) that affected your character the most and forever changed their lives. Keep it centered around one, or at most, a couple events.
Next, most writers tend to use sadness and/or to fuel the character, but it should not be overbearing and excessive. Alternatively, it should feel GENUINE. Not dramatic, but genuine. Different genres do form different types of backstories, yes, but the core concept behind it should be something natural. It should be something that your readers will be able to understand; something authentic. They should feel some sense of relatability, even if it's just a little. This could be like family issues, broken friendships, betrayals, leaving someone, mental struggles, loneliness, etc. Complexity can surround these concepts, but the basic, fundamental ideas should still be present.
Furthermore, be sure that their backstory makes sense. Even if you're introducing it through quick, brief flashbacks, ultimately, you want the reader to have all the pieces to solve the puzzle.
Last but not least, make your backstory feel personal to your character! Build it in a sense that if it were to go to any other character, it wouldn't have an effect that's as severe. Make it targeted to its owner. While this is something that can be difficult to execute, it really provides insight to your character, and is an easy way to add some intricacy to a simple backstory! A good place to start is thinking about the things personal to your character. For instance, this could be their past before the event, people they care about, their morals, etc. Then, add it in said event so that it pushes and/or challenges your character in a way that makes them re-evaluate that value.
There you go! Here are my personal tips on how to upgrade your character's backstory and have it really impact your reader! Be creative, keep it centered around a couple things, make it genuine, and make it targeted to the character!
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
Loki x reader General Hcs
this was... spontaneous! but i said i'd write for marvel and theres no better time than the present. PLEASE send in marvel requests🙏
🥀Cw: fluff, smut, switch!loki, little teensy bit of angst if u squint
🥀minors dni with the nsfw portion
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loki is a naturally guarded person, and is very intelligent and clever. he's not one to let his guard down easily and isn't used to dealing with true romantic feelings, so you are obviously very special to him
loki is incredibly intelligent and good at reading people, along with being very charismatic. he's used to charming people to get his way, and he very, very rarely shows his true feelings unless he trusts you. he cares a lot about your opinion, and a part of him really, really wants to please you
at first, it's hard for even loki to tell whether his feelings for you are genuine, and he gets completely tongue tied around you. he wants to be around you all the time, and he admires you a lot
when it comes to actually dating loki, please be patient!!! he will only truly begin to let his guard down around you over time, and he believes that you'll only find him irritating. he definitely has a big "hurt them and push them away before they hurt you", type of mentality, and when he first realizes how much he cares for you he will probably avoid you for a little
everyone knows loki loves attention, and that is no different in a relationship. he is both touch starved and touch disgusted as he doesn't want to appear vulnerable, but craves any sort of intimacy that you offer
very thoughtful, and he remembers every little detail about you. you mention how much you like a certain candy? you miraculously find those candies in your room. you tell him about an important event coming up that you're stressing about? he reminds you about it the day before. you tell him your favorite gemstone? well, you better believe that every piece of jewelry he gives you includes that gem. loki knows your favorite song, your favorite book, your favorite movie, and any and everything else about you that he deems important. you live rent free in his mind 24/7
loki loves matching with you, and he loves when you wear his signature colors. he's always complimenting you and your style, and his heart flutters a little when you ask him what he's wearing for an important event coming up so that you two can coordinate
i don't even think i can pick a love language for him, he loves giving and receiving any form of affection and you two are probably attached at the hip
HE WOULD PASS THE ORANGE PEEL TEST. loki is absolutely the type to lace up your shoes for you, making a corny joke about how he "doesn't want you falling for anyone else". he uses magic to help you a lot, and especially loves your guys' night routines
loki is nooot a morning person, and loves snuggling with you. whenever you both have to get up in the morning he's always pulling you back into bed, nuzzling into your neck and begging for "five more minutes". he's also always very groggy in the morning and won't remember most of what he does when half asleep. he's very honest as well, and says lots of sappy things whenever he's sleepy. on the rare occasion that you sleep in later than him, he loves kissing you awake and pressing kisses all over your fave!
loki naturally runs very cold, but doesn't feel cold if that makes sense. to you his skin is absolutely FREEZING, but he just feels normal. however there are times where he runs insanely hot and there is absolutely no in between. he's either freezing or burning up, and it's both a little sad and a little amusing. there are times where the cold gets to him and loki will be more clingy than usual, claiming that he needs you to warm him up. other times he will practically walk around naked, too overstimulated and hot to even touch you
loki is a lot more anxious then he seems, and will sometimes just freak out over little things when in reality its a bunch of big things piling up one after another. he never ever means to take it out on you, and even when he's reached his limit he would never hurt you, but it can still be frustrating when he gets mad at you for a simple mistake. he always apologizes and takes accountability tho, and is very careful not to hurt your feelings bc he's very afraid you'll leave him. PLEAAASEEE REASSURE HIM :((((
loki is very chatty and loves talking to you about anything and everything. from in depth psychological conversations to simple "how was your day" conversations, he just cherishes getting to be able to talk to you
look me in the eyes and tell me he's not a switch. i definitely see him as being capable of both being a dom and a sub, and i think it really depends on your guys' moods
when he's a dom, i think loki can fluctuate on how mean or rough he is. i do see him being a more degrading or rough dom but i also think he can be a lot softer as well, and more of a pleasure dom. again, i think it all comes down to your preferences
when he's a sub, loki is definitely bratty. he loves being put in his place and getting a little roughed up, but there are also times where he just wants to relax and be taken care of. when he gets in his own head too much and is irritated after a long day he'll be a lot more pliant and willing to just let you take care of him. PLEEEASSSE praise him and pamper him when he's like this, he'll melt like putty in your hands
PRAISE + DEGRADATION!!! BOTH WAYS!!!! he absolutely has a huge praise kink and definitely praises you a looot during sex, but i also see him being a bit mean with his praise and mixing in some degrading words as well. either way he's a wonderful dirty talker and he probably has a voice kink too, considering how often he whispers in your ear (and enjoys it when you do the same).
i also think loki would be into bondage, again, both ways. theres something so delicious about seeing you tied up and squirming from just his gentle touches, but it's equally intoxicating for him to be the one tied up and denied any sort of pleasure. he gets really whiny when you don't let him touch you, and will probably start pouting and begging. tying him up is defff one of the easiest ways to break him
guys hear me out but a candle wax kink. loki is very respectful and will always ask your permission before trying something new, but he loves seeing you whimper and moan while he slowly lets a few drops of wax spill onto your smooth skin. he also will let you return the favor, and the wax often hisses and steams a bit when it hits his skin because he's so cold.
marking you is definitely very appealing to him, and it's pretty self explanatory. loki just loves marking you and being marked up by you. it satisfies his slightly possessive and jealous side, and you two always look like you've been in a fight after having sex from the number of bruises, scratches, and hickies littering your body.
another relatively self explanatory kink, but, hair pulling. he looooves it when you pull his hair while he gives you head
loki is a major tease, and he loves teasing you in public settings where you can't do much about it. it will go from subtle things like placing a hand on your lower back or caressing your thigh to whispering absolute filth in your ears and making out with you in the bathroom. he is always trying to rile you up bc he knows damn well that it will lead to a night of rough sex
we all know loki's a shapeshifter and genderfluid, so i absolutely hc that he can change his physical body to match his gender. if he's feeling more feminine, he LOVES when uou eat him out. facesitting is def something he enjoys and he loooves riding your face SOO MUCH.
loki is very vocal, he def whines and moans a lot. he isn't shy about letting you know how good he's feeling. he knows how much his voice affects you and will whisper the filthiest things in your ear between moans as you fuck him senseless
aftercare is v important to him, and whether or not he's subbing really affects how exhausted he is afterwards. if he dommed he knows he can be pretty rough and he'll run a bath for you both before getting a towel to wipe you clean and then carrying you to the tub. i also think he'd prioritize keeping you well hydrated and would get you some water and food after the bath. loki is very clingy after sex and would want you as close as possible.
when he subbed tho, it's a totally different story. loki will be a clingy mess from the moment you finish, just whining and cuddling against you the whole time. depending on how deep into subspace he is and how groggy he is, he might even cry if you try to get up (even if you're just going to get water or a towel or sum) bc he thinks you're leaving him :(. he's pretty vulnerable after subbing and will probably just lay with you for a while before coming down from his high. once he's mostly calm and cognizant, he'll def want to clean up pretty quickly. he doesn't like feeling sticky and gross and also loves bathing with you!! overall he's a lot softer after sex and generally just wants to be near to you
RAHHHH I LOVE HIM SMMM!!!! he's so silly lmao this post got sooo long 💀 i also lowkey feel like im shadowbanned or something cuz like all of my posts have been majorly flopping recently :/ maybe im just not in a lot of active fandoms idk but!!!! anyways!!!!! hope u enjoyed!!!!!!! PLEEEASE FEEL FREE TO SEND IN REQUESTS FOR MARVEL, ATSV, OR ANH OTHER FANDOM I WRITE FOR!!!
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cupcakeslushie · 2 months
I sincerely see little issue on you coping like that, as long as its not, you know, graphic
Would i be uncomfortable? Very. Im still not quite over my own experience
But I'd be lying if i said i hadnt thought of putting some characters i relate to in such things and having they deal with it and feel like i did (as much as they can in the circumstances)
Yeah as long as this stuff isnt fetishized im on full support of it
Okay I feel like I’m stuck in a loop where the target is still being just slightly missed. I appreciate your intentions with this ask, and I can see where you were going. But “as long as it’s not graphic” and “as long as it’s not fetishized” are still putting qualifiers on art.
Art has no bounds. As long as triggers are tagged properly, and put behind a “read more” for the visually graphic images, any art can be created. When we start requiring stipulations for artists to meet before making art, we start the process of sanitizing it. If you read the warnings and still click on the post, then your discomfort is on you. If you aren’t mature enough to know your own limits in what you can handle, the artist shouldn’t have to issue a statement decrying their art, and listing all their traumas for some kind of purity tribunal to then decide it’s okay, and only when it’s being used as a coping mechanism.
It’s kinda funny, after all this, I likely wasn’t even going to actually DRAW anything sexually graphic, and at most, simply hint at it. But it doesn’t matter. If I wanted to, I should be able to, as long as it’s given all the warnings required. If I don’t like certain triggers, I avoid them. I’m not delusional enough to think that in all the whole, wide expanse of the internet, people will pander to my specific icks, likes and dislikes. I curate my own internet experience.
I can only hope, as I go about my day, that I am given the same courtesy of being warned ahead of time in the summary and tags, that I’m giving. But if another artist does want to draw that, I’m not going to request to see their trauma resume, just so I can approve of what they made. If I clicked, after reading the warnings and knowing damn well I would be triggered, I’m not going to be mad at the artist. That’s on me.
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leonw4nter · 3 months
could you do a fic for re4 leon where he and fem!reader are in a relationship (secret bc they can’t let the agency find out) they are on the spain mission together and luis starts flirting with her and its taking everything in leon for for him to not say “thats my girlfriend” or something like that?
sorry if this is specific i just thought of it in the middle of class
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Music For Two People in A Secret Relationship
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RE4R!Leon x F!Agent!Reader
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Leon is a stickler for the rules. Well, he was– he made sure that he followed the rules he was made to obey, even when he didn’t exactly agree with them. One fine training day, you lunged at him with a combat knife, a deadly fire in your eyes and he felt the ground beneath him shift. He had to move and dodge away from the next offense, even if he wanted to give himself time to admire you. You moved like a panther, your gaze much more penetrating than the blade you held in a reverse saber grip; you embodied one too, light footfalls as you circled him before pouncing with your claws out towards the man in front of you. If giving in to the calling of his heart is a crime then he’d gladly be an outlaw.
Here he is now, dancing around the rules in order to be your boyfriend; twisting, bending, and extending his will to resist the temptation to hold your hand in the walls of the USSTRATCOM headquarters, proudly referring to you as “his” and for him to hear you call him “yours” towards colleagues and higher-ups. He had to settle for the tension-filled stares across the briefing room, the kinds of looks that set off sparks in his chest, and the electric accidental brushes of his finger against yours as he reaches for something.
Although Valdelobos is everything but idyllic, he’s thankful for the opportunity to be with you despite this decrepit village being another reminder of Raccoon City; he wouldn’t want to relive Raccoon City again but it’s less triggering for him because he’s with you … and a certain Spanish gentleman with a penchant of flirting with his girlfriend; he didn’t trust the man one bit but what choice did he have? The man held vital information regarding the villagers and Umbrella; a former scientist, Luis claimed. Despite him being a little different from the usual scientists behind BOWs, he seemed to know a lot regarding the cult and the parasite– Las Plagas. Charming and charismatic too, the perfect man all in all. He also served as the brains behind the group, oddly familiar with the puzzle mechanisms that the Los Illuminados employed.
Now, all of you were stuck in this misty baroque ballroom somewhere in Salazar’s palace. As soon as everyone was inside the room, the big wooden doors closed and several locks were heard clicking in place. Silence followed, Ashley huddled in the middle by you, Leon, and Luis’ bodies as you formed a protective circle. The fact that silence followed and not the groans and cultic chanting unsettled everyone, unused to this odd peace. After a few moments of guns being out, Luis’ Red 9 is holstered back into its brown leather confines.
“Do you smell that,” he softly whispers. “The rusty air. This ballroom was an old bastion for the Los Illuminados, held their sacrifices here but albeit more… morbid. Sacrifices were released like bulls in a bullpen, they all tried to escape while trying not to die on the way– had to escape booby traps and avoid stepping on the wrong tiles. There’s a lot more with the trap system they set up and they’re all elaborate.”
The atmosphere that hung over everyone was heavy and miserable now that Luis had to point out the history behind the room. No one stepped foot away from where they were standing, afraid to trigger something to fly out and impale someone.
“What ballroom is this,” Ashley asks.
“The Birdcage,” Luis responds. “La Jaula de Pájaros.”
“I’ve read somewhere about certain macabre ballrooms being connected to cult hide-outs and traps and usually, the ways to beat those traps is somehow connected to culture like dances and poems,” she begins to explain. “Basically, we might need to dance or make music to make it out alive for this one. Just like… just like a bird. Wait– this place’s name is ‘birdcage’ so we have to escape like birds by means of making music and moving around like how birds chirp and fly!”
“Make music? How exactly,” you ask.
“Rhythmic tapping might be one of them,” Luis suggests.
You look at the people around you, eyebrows meeting in the middle as their foreheads crease in focus and worry. Leon bent down and observed the ground, calloused fingers grazing over the cracked tiles. With each lengthy swipe of his finger, he noticed that the imprints on the ground had a pattern. He leaned closer to the ground and observed what looked like musical notes; he turned to the ground Ashley stood on and noted the same patterns of notes and symbols used.
“There’s musical notations on the ground, maybe we can use that for the rhythm of our tapping,” Leon informs the group. “Who here can read music–”
“I can,” you interrupt. You bend down, fingers skimming over the etching. After a few seconds of remembering which notes sounded a certain way, you get back up and relay the information you just got. You get everyone’s attention and start humming the tune before softly stomping your boots on the ground, asking everyone else to follow along to make sure that they remember the beat.
“Uh guys,” Ashley speaks up. “We have to start soon.”
She points to the ceiling, several ganados kept in cages dangling overhead. The ceilings may be high from where you all stood, but there was nothing separating your group and them. With a determined yet wary nod, you nod to Luis. He approaches you and bows, to which you respond with. He slowly places his hand on your waist, the other gently holding your gloved hand. You glance at Leon, seeing him do the same with Ashley with the placements of his hand in areas that don't make Ashley feel uncomfortable. You give Leon another nod, signifying the start of the dance. Your pair and Leon’s slowly drift to opposite parts of the room, dancing a fierce tango with rhythmic footfalls. You could dance but not in this way and you were lucky that Luis was there to guide you. In the drop of the beat, he spun you and for a quick moment you saw Leon glance at your direction before turning his gaze back to Ashley and making sure he doesn’t mess up his part and involve Ashley in whatever fuck-up he might make. You wouldn’t admit this to Luis but you wished that it was Leon who was spinning and dipping you, that it was the large hand of Leon’s that was perched on your waist. Maybe you’d like to go dancing with Leon once this shit is all over, maybe invite Luis too but you’ll spend most of the evening slow dancing with Leon when you’ve both had one too many drinks. You knew that Leon felt the same based on the gawking Leon unintentionally does, those types of gawks that once you blink, you’d miss and assume that you were just seeing things differently. As much as Leon admitted that Luis was a gifted dancer to his standards, he wished that he could just swoop in and swing you around, to feel your hand around his neck and for you to gaze up dreamily at you when he dips your body. It doesn’t take long for you to get into the dance, the twirls and spins along with the echo of the taps of shoes helping you get into the feel of dancing even though this dance could very much determine whether or not everyone will make it out of this ballroom.
After a few minutes of dancing, all of you finish the beat and you hear a faint click. The eyes and mouth of a tarnished Tarasca statue moves, its neck opening to reveal an ornate conical capsule. Hastily, you run to the statue and take the capsule and twist it open. An intricate copper key falls out.
“We might be able to get out of this,” Leon points out. Hurriedly, he runs to the doors and inserts the piece of metal to the keyhole.
“Careful, Sancho. This thing is brittle,” Luis reminds him. “All that dancing will be for nothing if the key snaps while it’s inside!”
“I know what I’m doing,” your partner seethes.
The faint sound of the door lock’s mechanisms clicking to unlock causes everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, Leon pushing the doors open to let everyone out before himself. You mouth a small thank you to him, to which he responds with a small smile. He finally gets out and urges everyone to run, since the cages holding the ganados were being lowered. After a few minutes, everyone is now out of the palace. All of you stop by the ruins of an old stone house, sinking to the ground to catch your breath.
“Hah… D-didn’t know… hah… you looked lovely in pink,” Luis points out with a tired yet smug smirk bringing a finger up to motion to the flush in your cheeks. “Etérea.”
The Spaniard doesn’t miss the way the blond’s gaze slightly darkens, moving to you as he places a hand on your back as you still catch your breath. You look at Leon as he asks if you’re okay, to which you give him a small smile and a thumbs-up. Leon withdraws his hand from your back to radio back to Hunnigan, giving her information on where you just came from and how everyone’s doing. Since you managed to catch your breath, you check on Ashley who’s doing a lot better now. You offer her the remaining water in your flask, to which she gulped down audibly.
“Water never tasted so divine, holy crap,” she exclaimed as she handed you your flask back.
Since you and Leon were unsure of the safety of the area, you decided that it would be best for you to start moving somewhere less dangerous. Ashley was growing tired, grumbling about her feet hurting but she was still soldering on, walking without breaks. Luis’ chatter made the trip less boring, occasionally talking to Ashley and then flirting with you. After seeing Leon’s subtle reaction to him complimenting your flushed cheeks after running, the cheeky side of Luis decided to flirt with you some more to see how far he can push the reserved and stoic man.
“Hey,” Luis begins. “After all this, what do you say to a little Spanish countryside getaway? You and me.”
“Sounds nice,” you say. “But I’ve got a little night out scheduled with someone when I get back.”
“You aren’t exactly saying ‘no’.”
“I’m going to have to confirm this with my boyfriend. You’re a chill man but I still have to let my man know.”
Luis simply chuckles, his steps slowing down so he’ll fall in step with Leon who is busy craning his head here and there, trying to spot any threat before a possible threat spots you. Well, this is only half true. As soon as he heard Luis proposing the future prospect of him showing off the Spanish countryside to you, he forced himself to pay attention to something else other than the fact that you’re smiling and laughing softly at the Spaniard. The agent brushes whatever he heard off, knowing that his girlfriend loves him and only him but the fact that he can’t do much, especially that their relationship isn’t exactly encouraged at their agency and the fact that they’re both at work; he’s relieved that you aren’t returning his flirting. All he can afford to do is to ask if you’re fine by masking it behind the simple concern for a coworker and nothing more. 
“How’re you holding up, Sancho Panza,” Luis whispers to which Leon responds with silence.
“Ah, I think I know why you’re silent,” the chatty man beside him observes. “It’s because… you like her!”
Leon stops in his tracks and looks at Luis with a slightly baffled expression, head tilted with his eyes slightly squinted before proceeding to walk again, the squelch of his boots against mud resuming again.
“I know just the remedy to this, Leon,” Luis excitedly begins, lowering his voice just before he continues the rest of his sentence. “Y’know, I know a nice bar somewhere in Madrid. Good drinks, good music. I’m sure she’d love it there.”
Leon stays silent again but mentally notes the ‘good drinks, good music’. It would be nice to take her somewhere upbeat.
“But if that’s getting a bit too ahead of our current predicament then you can offer to tend to her wounds, best done in the evening when the night is cold and the fire is the only thing keeping us warm. It’s a sincere tender moment, just imagine it: you, her, and the rustling of trees. She–”
“She’s my girlfriend. I’ve done plenty of that and more so she’d go out with me,” Leon interrupts.
Luis freezes on the spot, eyes the size of golf balls, with his mouth ajar. Leon simply smirks and scoffs at the sight, trudging on. After a few moments, Luis comes rushing back to him. Luis is just staring at him, going off at him in Spanish while he just continues walking and tries to hide a smug grin. Luis wraps up on whatever he was saying, now staring back and forth at you and him before walking a little faster to join you and Ashley several steps ahead. The usual cocky expression makes its way back to Luis’ face, shooting you and Leon a knowing look now before chuckling along. Moments later, Leon decides to speed up walking to be able to catch up with everyone. He hears Ashley and Luis exchanging jokes with you occasionally laughing and butting in with your own. Out of the blue, Leon nonchalantly wraps an arm around your waist, much to Luis and Ashley’s shock.
“Ash, don’t tell HQ about this,” you whisper with a wicked grin before getting on your tiptoes and planting a kiss on Leon's cheek.
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NOTE - Thanks to the lovely anon that requested this, I hope you enjoyed reading this :) I had a lot more fun writing this since I had to think a little more than I usually do when I write (if it makes sense), especially for the ballroom part of the fic. I'll try to write for other versions of Leon soon since I mostly write about RE2 Leon. Also, does anyone know the manga 'Veil' ?? I've recently (yesterday) got into it and now I'm hoping that physical copies are being sold where I live... Aleksander is cute I'll say that (I NEED AN ALEKSANDER IN MY LIFE IM SO ALONE AND SINGLE RIGHT NOW- SINGLE SINCE BIRTH EVEN). Anyways, that's it and thank you soo much for reading my fics!! I <3333 UUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The dividers are made by @benkeibear , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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hyqerfixation · 1 year
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-art by ringorenji88 on twitter.
Kny boys Drabble NOT FINISHED..
"oh shit for real? The pillars are here!? " the pianist asked in shock
"yeah u can see them in the vip seating on the other side of the casino"
"oh for fuck sakes, another fight is probably gonna happen some time soon. "
"you bet"
After hearing the two colleagues gossip Y/n placed her old hairbrush back into her bag.
“What the fuck are pillars?” Y/n thought.
The strip club was definitely something,a popular angle wing in the outskirts of the city of japan
But how could she describe this club?
Utter shit
Female hookers only had a little bit to get ready for their customers, and the bartenders had even less time to change into their uniforms and set the stools down before the casino gets ready
Too add on, the club didn't have a wonderful dressing room for performers to get "all dolled up," as many owners put it, so she dressed up in the ladies employees restroom as long with her female colleagues.
"ume calm down jesus fucking crist, Turn around ill do the zip."
Y/N zipped up the performers outfit, which was way more flashier then her skutty uniform.
"daki ur late ur supposed to be on stage letter A right now!"
Another performer exclaimed, rushing daki out of the females room.
"OKAY OKAY I'M COMING ALRIGHT" daki turned around to y/n who was also supposed to be out on her shift right now.
Y/N sighed lightly while giving a suttle smile
"sure" y/n replied on her way to follow daki to the exit.
Y/n exited the bathroom, leaving her aftershow clothes in on the bathroom sink as long as her bag, and began shifting her fingerless gloves.
“I should’ve pretended to sick today smh” she thought.
"hey y/n! What's up w being late all the time. We could've had a smoke break together."
"i would of been here five minutes ago but I was helping your sister "
Y/ns workmate, also known to be gyutaro rolled his eyes as he gave y/n her note pad and biro pen.
"whatever dude, but come tell me when your on your next break so we can go smoke mm k?"gyutaro said
Y/N waved him goodbye as she slowly walked away.
"we could've talked longer if u came on the right fucking time."
"mm k!" y/n mimicked, taking notes how the siblings act like each other.
Y/N walked out of the bar counter and pushed a stool aside her to continue on to taking orders.
Yet while she looked around she noticed all her work mates avoided the back left,also known as the more "mightier side". Was there someone big there? But if it was someone famous there wouldn't everyone be offering to take their order?
It didn't make sense.
Y/N walked towards to back without a ponder. There wasn't anyone to take the people's orders since the waiters scurried to take their orders, as if they were avoiding a certain table.
'whatever this is; i need that bag, so I guess I'm just going to have to deal with whatever hits me.' y/n thought.
High heels clanked on the ground while y/n search for a table to assist, only for-
"y/n! Y/n!"
She turned around.
"sasumaru? What's up with you?"
Sasumaru was one of y/ns closet friends at the casino, besides the siblings. She wanted to be a volley ball player but failed at everything ever since she was put under house arrest.
"I'm begging you to do that vip table! All of us are to scared to do it!"
"Well why, its not like they are gonna try to kill u for getting their order wrong."
Sasumaru laughed sarcastically
"they tried to kill yahaba because he asked if they wanted ice in their drink!" sasumaru exclaimed, rocking y/n back and fourth by the collar.
"whatever, I'll do it" y/n dead panned
"Are u so sure after hearing what I just told u!" sasumaru panicked even more
"yes it's fine I'll just do what they say, no questions, no ice."
Sasumaru stopped and starred at y/n
"Now will you let me go?" y/n asked.
Y/N pulled sasumaru off her and continued to walk to the vip room
'if u were brave like me, u would be walking to the vip lounge' y/n giggled to her self.
"hey babe what's ur number?"
"look at the fat in her back!"
"I would smack that"
Y/N grumbled to her self about these comments, much to her dismay shes pretty much used to the cat calling here. The manager doesn't really give a shit about the treatment his female employees get here.
'tch, whatever. Fucking saddos'
Y/N walked to the vip table, no in closer inspection she saw a group of men.
Rich men.
Rich and powerful men.
How could y/n tell they were powerful? Doesn't the silent tables of men around them tell you enough? What about the employees refusing to serve any where over here? Is that enough?.
"what could I get for you guys" y/n asked carefully, remembering what happend to yahaba.
"finally someone flashy to help us order!" one of the men said. His hair silver white with magenta eyes that popped. Jewellery coated his body with a expensive tuxedo.
"can I please just have some water? I hope that's okay." the other man said, he was way more bigger then the others and had a red beaded necklace on, his eyes were-wait, is he blind?
"CAN I PLEASE HAVE SOME HOT WINGS" a booming voice asked, his eyes were orange and red, matching with his hair.
"shut the fuck up Kyojuro. I want a sex on the beach cocktail" another white haired male asked, his appearance way more scary then the others with his scars that show from his face to where the tuxedo is undone to show more scars.
"I want the same as sanemi!" the male from the start exclaimed again.
Y/N noted all of these
"anything else?"
"how about you darling?" the flashy man asked. y/n internally screamed inside.
"can uzui shut his mouth for ten seconds" the man known as uzui smacked the scar face beside him while the others laughed.
Y/N walked away when they finished their order.
Okay! Maybe they are a little bit imtimidating.
Yeah, especially when she realised she saw them on the news for murder half way through their order.
But it's fine. It won't bother her THAT badly. Would it?.
"what's up with you? You are all shaken up."
"I just realised I was taking the fucking pillars orders"
"Are you fucking stupid? Everyone knew that's why they stayed closer to the entrance."
Y/N clicked her tounge, she knew that she was stupid but she Just wanted some more money! Cut her some slack!
"I did hear the pianist talk about it outside of getting changed. I didn't really deep much into it though."
Gyutaro placed the drinks on a round black tray along with some hot wings.
"I mean it's your problem now, and to be honest if they didn't like you, you would have been dead by now."
Y/N awkwardly smiled, knowing shes fucked.
"yeah yeah whatever."
She grabbed the tray and started to walk back towards the mobsters
I mean are they really mobsters? even though how imtimidating they were, they somewhat respected you.
They respected you way more then other people you are close with.
"look at her body."
"she's hot."
"yo guys should I ask for her number?"
At this point y/n couldn't even hear the things that were said about her. She was too focused about the men on the Vip table. Is she scared? Incredibly. Is she going to act like nothings bothered her about them? Yes. She is.
The platform heels platters the floor, alarming the men on the table.
"I see your back so soon"
The bling guy said, clasping his hands together.
"took her time didn't she." the scarface complained, tapping his finger on the table.
"don't be so rude sanemi."
" and how the fuck am I being rude?!?"
Y/N placed their drinks down, ignoring how her body's shaking from the pillars infront of her.
"so lady! How long have you been working here?"
Y/N paused at what she was doing and looked up to the fire head who just asked her a question.
"just under a year."
Kyojuro nodded and smiled
"that's nice, you look so young though how old are you?"
Sanemi who sat on the edge of the table hanged his leg out
"I bet not a day over 19"
Y/N chuckled lowly, letting her guard down
"I'm 23"
Uzui spat his drink out
Gyomei smiled towards y/n, he felt comfortable around her arua.
He couldnt explain it, she just seems nice to hang around with.
Y/N chuckled again
"do I really look that young? -"
Uzui shouted light heartily, maybe he could have a 4th wife.
"how about she sits down with us? Since u guys are obsessing over her like bitchy dogs."
Sanemi complained, true they were acting like dogs, but he would be lying if he didn't want to talk to y/n too.
"that's not a bad idea!" Rengoku exclaimed while tengen patterned on the the sofa like chair in between him and Kyojuro.
"how about you sit here precious?"
Y/Ns face paled, does she have a choice? I mean she doesn't mind sitting between them she's just worried her boss would think she's slacking off again.
"don't force her, remember she has a job to do." gyomei said to the two, for sanemi to agree
"I'll pay her to sit with me, her job is to get money from customers right? Come sit down with us darling."
Uzui said, while rengoku took a few papers out of his wallet.
"It's fine if you don't want to! We will still pay for our drinks." Rengoku re assured y/n.
Y/N smiled softly, forgetting her worries about any of them.
"cmon girl they will be asking all night if u don't say anything." sanemi grumbled, embarrassed of the two weirdos on the table with him.
"sure.but not for to long"
"BETTER THEN NOTHING!" Rengoku shouted, for uzui to nudge sanemi to move for y/n to get in.
Sanemi stood up and put his hand on her shoulder.
"come on uzui we don't have all day."
"Sorry my fatass Is making it harder to get out, I know you can't relate sanemi" uzui chuckled to make sanemi embarrassed. Y/n chuckled lowly, just to embarrass him more.
"whatever, in you get girl"
Y/N nudged over to Kyojuro, only to smile at each other while ignoring gyomei telling uzui to not body shame anyone.
"It's not my fault he fails at squats" uzui said nudging over to sit next to y/n
Which made her sandwiched between two physco extroverts who wears expensive tuxedos
Nothing else could get worse then it already is.
"so pretty face, what's your name?" sanemi asked, fed up of the name calling.
"I bet her name is really cool!"
"I bet its something snazzy"
Gyomei took a sip of his water and looked over to y/n
"whatever her name is, it would be beautiful."
Y/N was going to answer sanemis question once she had some of uzuis drink, that he offered her.
"my name is -"
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peacefulpianist · 11 months
The Green Dress
Loki x Fem. Reader (no y/n)
Wow hi everyone, I can't say I ever thought I would be doing this, but I've written something! I've been an avid reader for a few years now and have finally convinced myself to give it a shot. Any constructive criticism is more than welcome, but please do bear in mind this is the first thing I've written since year 8 English that isn't an academic paper of sorts. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
I'm tagging a few members of the SAS who I think may like this? But if you want to be removed please do let me know - no hard feelings at all : @lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @acidcasualties @muddyorbsblr @wheredafandomat @liminalpebble
Description: When Stark invites you last minute to one of his infamous parties, you've not got many options on hand to wear until Nat suggests you wear the green dress you had bought months ago. Perhaps it will be enough to inspire a certain god to finally make his move.
w/c: 4.2k whoops I didn't intend for it to be nearly this long
My Masterlist
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“How many times do I need to tell you that you absolutely can not do that Stark!” You exclaimed in exasperation over the cluttered lab table once more.
“But if I just ignored that little thing-” the glare you sent from over the top of your glasses quickly shut his remark down before it could continue any further. Looking contrite, but rather worryingly still determined, Stark pushed back from the table, going slightly further than expected in his chair and trying to style it out as intentional as he almost collided into several rather important projects. 
“Well since you’ve thoroughly pooped on that party Brainiac, I’m declaring we call it a day here, and hey speaking of parties, you are coming later aren’t you?” He asked whilst trying not to fall of his chair and catching a rather dangerous looking item falling off one of the nearby tables he had knocked into. 
A wave of panic washed through you at the mention of the event later; you had been hoping that as no one had specifically invited you to it, only mentioned it in passing, that you would be able to give it a miss unnoticed. It wasn’t that you disliked Starks events or even parties in general, you just happened to be aware of who else would be there and definitely couldn’t trust yourself to keep up a front with the copious alcohol that would no doubt find its way into your system. Not that you were totally innocent in how it found its way there. You had been hoping to avoid a direct invitation like this, purely because you had a real issue saying no to people, especially those you liked and admired. It was because of this, and only this - not the fact you would get to see Loki in one of his impeccably tailored suits again as a helpful voice in your head supplied, that you found yourself blurting out the following. 
“Uh yeah sure, of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world boss!” 
You had hoped that it had come out in a convincing tone, but the slight frown emerging on Starks face said otherwise. However, as quick as it had appeared on his face it was gone, replaced by a trademark smile as he slapped his thighs and stood.
“Well then, you better be off to prepare and polish your elbows, or whatever it is you ladies manage to do to fill so much time getting ready before these events,” his face quickly faltered after realising what he had actually just said and quickly followed up with “not saying of course that it isn’t absolutely worth it, especially if Pepper asks”. 
In an effort to allow Tony to leave the interaction without digging himself an even deeper hole, you stood too, gathering your bag as you went, giving a slightly awkward wave over your shoulder as you walked out the door. 
It was only when you made it back to your room upstairs that you fully understood what you had actually agreed to. Not only were you going to have to be in the same room as Loki, desperately trying to hide your feelings towards him, whilst watching him flirt with practically everyone in attendance, but also work out what the hell you were going to wear to a party at such short notice. Unlike many of the other inhabitants of the tower, your wardrobe wasn’t exactly equipped for these kinds of events. You had always preferred to skip out on anything that required this level of formal wear, the comfort of your staple jeans and a hoody was something you had always chosen over the tighter fitting, more formal attire required at Stark’s parties. 
In a somewhat unhelpful move, you decided that putting off the outfit dilemma was the best course of action, as a frantic full-body shower was needed, and of course there was no point choosing an outfit before you’d done your hair and makeup after the shower as well. You had told yourself that the outfit choices could be mulled over during this time as well, but realistically knew that you were just lying to yourself and would inevitably put it off until the last moment. 
A frantic search of your wardrobe, which involved many an outfit being taken out, only to be thrown into the rejection pile on the floor moments later, left you coming up short and in the middle of a ring of discarded outfits whilst still in just your towel. You sank to the floor, just staring despondently at the chaos around you, contemplating whether Tony would actually notice if you didn’t go after all. 
It was in that state exactly that Nat found you minutes later after she had knocked, not waited for an answer and entered anyway, only to stop in her tracks and abandon whatever purpose she had come with upon seeing you in such a state. 
“Well that outfit is sure to grab everyone’s attention, not what I would choose personally but good for you girl!” Nat said with a smirk, leaning on your doorframe.
“Don’t even start with that right now, I wasn’t planning on going to this until and hour ago, and I appear to have greatly underestimated my wardrobe deficiencies. Some actual help right now would be greatly appreciated.” Your reply came from the floor, all hope of being able to avoid Stark’s shindig fading with the sound of the door closing behind Natasha. 
“I’m sure your so called deficiency isn’t nearly as bad as you’re making it out to be,” her voice somewhat muffled as she rooted through what was left of your clothes in you’re wardrobe. 
“I mean look right here, what was wrong with this option, it’s even green, perfect to catch you-know-who’s attention!” The smile on her face dropped when she turned to face you, brandishing the green dress you had bought months ago on a whim when out with some friends, only to realise you would never be comfortable enough to wear it out in public when you had tried it on at home later that evening. 
“Woah, what’s so wrong with this one that it makes you pull that face? It’s a stunning dress I can’t see what you could possibly have against this one, its perfect for tonight.” Nat questioned with a confused frown, after seeing the vehement refusal on your face at the suggestion. 
“It is a beautiful dress, just not on me, I don’t-” before you could even finish the thought, Nat had pulled you up, and was pushing you quite forcefully back towards the bathroom, throwing you in there along with the dress and your raciest, laciest underwear that you hadn’t even seen her grab.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, you should know better than to speak like that about one of my closest friends by now, by the time I’m back after getting changed myself, I want you wearing that dress so I can prove to you how wrong you are when you see everyone’s faces when we walk in later” Nate reply was somewhat muffled behind the bathroom door, but the fierceness, and her love for you, was still conveyed perfectly through the wood. 
“Besides if it truly makes you feel that bad after wearing it tonight, we’ll burn it together tomorrow, I’m not having you keeping it if its going to make you feel this way whenever you see it.” The finality in her tone and promise of being able to get rid of the thing tomorrow was enough to get you to follow her orders, that alongside the fact that you were still rather scared of her, even after having been friends with her for a few years now. 
With Natasha momentarily gone, it gave you the chance to ruminate in your thoughts, the dress was truly stunning, a deep emerald green that displayed your decolletage beautifully, with a daring slit from ankle to high up on your thigh. While you could see that the dress itself was objectively great, when it was you wearing it, it didn’t seem that way anymore. Instead of being able to focus on all of the ways it could highlight your beauty, all you could see was the way the closer fit of the dress clung to your stomach slightly, and how the slit showed off your thighs, and just seemed to emphasise how big they were. 
It was in this downward spiral that Nat found you in upon her return, a frown once again set on her face as when she saw the malice behind your eyes, directed solely at yourself. 
The way you could only ever focus on the parts of yourself that you saw as problems had always hurt Natasha, and how it impacted the way you behaved as well. It wasn’t just a matter of wearing baggier clothes that covered your insecurities, but the way you let it decide where you belonged socially. She was intimately familiar with your growing feelings towards a certain god of mischief who had taken up residence in the tower little over a year earlier, but also with your pessimistic view towards your chances of the feelings being reciprocated. Ever since you had realised that your feelings were more than that of just friendship you had immediately resigned yourself to remaining in the friend zone, refusing to believe that he would ever see you as something more because “he’s a god and I’m, well, I mean just look at me.” Nat had tried countless times to reassure you that the way you saw yourself, was not in fact the way others saw you, but had also at this point come to the understanding that your self perception wasn’t based in logic, and reasoning as such wasn’t going to make enough of an impact to change how you saw yourself. 
It was with this in mind that she approached you, an arm reaching round you and pulling you into her side for a hug, while smiling at you in the mirror, before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of your room and to the party on the floor above. 
Your outfit dilemma had delayed the two of you a little, so when you arrived upstairs, the party was already in full swing; with music blaring and alcohol clearly flowing freely if the state that some of the guests were in already was any indication. As such you were easily able to slip in behind Natasha unnoticed, before heading straight over to the bar, feeling the need to indulge a little more than normal tonight. 
From your vantage point at the bar up on the mezzanine, you could see almost all of the goings on down below you, from Lang absolutely busting it up on the dance floor to Tony trailing around after Pepper, seemingly trying to make up for something that was undoubtedly his fault, but wasn’t actually remorseful for. Unfortunately it also meant that you had the perfect view of Loki and his apparent flavour of the night. Despite knowing how unproductive it was, you found yourself comparing yourself to her, noting all the ways she was traditionally attractive, only to seemingly find yourself lacking in the same places in comparison. Even though you had accepted months ago that Loki was never going to reciprocate your feelings, and having desperately tried to allocate him into the friend box in your head unsuccessfully, it still hurt deeply to see him so close with other women, knowing what he would be doing with them that night, only to move on to the next when it suited him. 
This knowledge had one advantage for you though, it had made it much easier for you to become friends with the god. As you knew nothing romantic was ever going to happen between the two of you, you had found it that much easier to relax and joke around him, even going as far to return his flirty remarks, as there was no pressure behind it for you, and the potential embarrassment behind behaving more boldly was removed. Since he flirted with everyone that way, it obviously didn’t mean anything to him, so it made it much easier for you to jokingly flirt back. It was because of this new found confidence, that you had struck up a strong friendship with the god and had come to call him one of your closest friends. It had only added to your mental torture.
After a few more self indulgent moments, agonising a little more over what could have been you turned to the bartender, and took another drink with a polite thanks and a smile before deciding that even if you did still regret coming, and especially wearing the dress, you were going to make the most of the evening. Besides how many people could say they got to drink and dance with the avengers, who they were friends with. 
It was with this new found resilience that you stood from your place and made your way down to the dance floor, having caught Nat and Wanda’s eyes before and been summoned. 
The next few hours passes in a slight blur of laughter and dancing for you, after a few, chaotic but incredibly fun dances with Nat and Wanda some of the other men began to join in, requesting a dance with you. Between the fun of teaching Steve how people actually danced in clubs now alongside Nat, and Bucky whirling you round the floor like an absolute professional - after complementing your outfit for the evening with an all too knowing look, you had almost forgotten about your preconceptions for the evening, but whenever you danced with one of the men, however gracious and smooth they were, you couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like if it were Loki instead of them; comparing the feel of their hand on your back to what you had imagined Loki’s would be like if he were there instead. 
Just when you were about to take a break from dancing, a slightly cooler hand came to rest on your back, as its owner leant down to speak into your ear over the music.
“Darling, I think its about time we show them how its really done don’t you?”
The feeling of his breath over your neck as he leant in closer sent a jolt down your spine, that you were almost certain he must have felt in his hand, still placed firmly in the middle of your back, exactly where you had imagined it being all night. 
Quickly composing yourself, you managed a somewhat natural reply, rather impressed with your own neurones for still being able to function at least somewhat normally whilst Loki was so close to you, having not moved away under the pretence of needing to be closer to be able to hear you over the music.
“Ah of course your majesty, I’m sure us mere mortals couldn’t possibly live up to the prowess of a god”
His low reply was barely heard over the thumping of the bass, in a way that made you question whether he had actually intended for your to hear it, if it wasn’t for the sly wink he sent towards you after.
“Yes I find that is the case in many areas darling, especially when it comes to moving their bodies”
The raised eyebrow you gave in reply expressed all you needed him to know, and covered for the fact that your mind had been sent in a downward spiral imagining his trademark snake hips dance move, in areas other than the dance floor. 
Whilst you were somewhat distracted in your thoughts, he moved the hand from your back to loop his arm round your waist and bring you back into the middle of the dance floor, beginning to sensually move his hips and draw you into to him to do the same. 
What you didn’t know was that Loki and been subtly watching you all evening, ever since you had walked in the door, many may not have noticed your entrance behind the Black Widow, but at this point Loki’s body was finely attuned to your presence and he hadn’t been able to draw his sight away from you for more than a few seconds at a time. You were wearing his colours. His green. But it wasn’t just your choice in attire tonight that had drawn his attention, as delightful as that dress was, you’d had it for many months before this point. Initially you had been a curiosity to Loki, kind to him when many others weren’t immediately following his return to Midgard, but after talking to you the first few times it was your intelligence that had captured Loki’s heart. He had found you to be one of the few midgardians to match his voracious appetite for knowledge, both in reading and in your chosen profession as a biologist working alongside Stark and Banner, but much less insufferable than the other two. 
When Loki had first come to terms with his interest in you, he had thought his subtle flirtations would be enough to alert you to his intentions, but when these failed to elicit any kind of response from you he had slowly become more and more bold with his innuendoes and flirtatious comments when in your presence. At first he had thought he was finally getting somewhere with you when you had began to match him in conversations, but when you made no sign of anything more, he had found himself stumped. At one point he had even stooped so low as to flirt with others in your presence in the hope that it would inspire enough jealously within you to reveal your feelings towards him, alas it did not work. No one had ever taken this long to fall victim to his seduction. He had admitted to himself that this time was different to his previous experiences as truly desired more with you than just a roll in the bed, not to say that did not also desire that with you, he had thought about that extensively, but he was not sure how to progress from here. 
When you had walked in tonight though, looking exquisite in his colours he had decided that enough was enough, tonight he was going to finally bite the bullet and just ask you outright if you would be with him. It was not a decision that he had come to lightly, but he had finally come to the realisation that if he wanted something to happen he was going to have to do something about it for himself. 
You didn’t know whether Loki had bribed the DJ before approaching you, or it was a shear unfortunate coincidence but as you continued dancing, each song seemed to get progressively dirtier and more sensual. This combined with finally dancing with him after having imagined it all night, the enticing smell of him from being in such close proximity, and the one or two drinks you’d had early were practically sending you into an early death.
Simultaneously Loki was experiencing a similar issue, when she wasn’t looking, Loki found his eyes being drawn from her face down to her chest, which with his height he had a fabulous view down, and combined with the lyrics and music he hands had seemingly began to move of his own accord and were veering dangerously further south. He decided he needed to do something soon, or he was going to have a very hard time of it.
As he leant down once again to speak into your ear, your breath hitched ever so slightly, and a faint flush bloomed across your cheeks- a fact that didn’t go entirely unnoticed by the god, and one that made his own pulse race. All hope that you felt the same way as him was not lost.
“Are you alright there darling? You’re looking awfully flushed. You’re not too warm in here are you?”
You had barely managed to stutter out what you could only imagine would have been a terrible excuse before he continued;
“Unless of course it is for the same reason as I.”
The hope that formed in your chest from the one sentence alone caused you to whip your head up, needing to search his gaze to see if he was really implying what you thought he was, surely he couldn’t be, there was no way that he could have felt the same way towards you as you did to him. Before you could continue with your self deprecation, he interrupted your thoughts once again;
“Now now darling stop that immediately, I can tell you are already overthinking this before I have even truly started. I do not know what it is that makes you doubt yourself so, but you must know that whatever it is I do not share that same belief.”
You held his breath as he said this, still not truly believing that this could be going where you wished it was, but not daring to do anything to break the spell just yet
“I was almost sure you would have known by now, but apparently I have not been clear enough in my appreciation or my advances towards you. I very much like you min elskling, you have well and truly captivated me heart and mind, body and soul. I would be honoured if you wished to court me, or as I believe you mortals say, go on a date with me” Loki finished with a release of breath, like saying all that had released a burden from upon his chest and he could finally breath deeply again now it was done.
You just stood there frozen in the middle of the dance floor, unsure if what you had heard was really happening, surely this was all some wonderful fever induced dream, and you were going to wake up face down on one of the desks in the lab any moment. 
However Loki was reading your silence as rejection, and the insecurities that he had previously pushed aside were starting to flood back.
“Of course darling, if you do not feel the same then, I would be more than happy to just remain as friends,” it was of course a lie, but one that he would guard closely if that were the case, as he would never want for you to feel guilty for making an honest decision, and would much rather keep your friendship than not have you in his life at all.
“And I can completely understand why of course if you do not return my feelings, after all with my heritage I know-” before he could finish his sentence though you had reached up and pulled his face down to your height, before promptly pushing your mouth onto his in a scorching kiss. In the time Loki had began to panic and ramble, it had finally registered what Loki had been saying, and that it was in fact real, so before he could spiral any further you had to display your feelings towards him, and this had seemed like the most direct course of action.
After a brief moment in which Loki’s brain had to catch up to what was actually going on right now, he swiftly took charge of the kiss, both of you melting into it, especially as Loki opened his mouth to let he tongue dance along your lips before slowly meeting your own. At the same time, Lokis hands began to wander more actively, finally sliding that last little distance down to your behind, which he grasped firmly before sliding one hand down to bring your leg up and round his hip, letting you feel exactly what you were doing to him. Your own hands had found their way into his silky hair, finally fulfilling the desire you had held for many months to feel what it was like between your fingers, and when you gave it a gentle tug in the passion of the moment, a low growl made its way up Lokis throat, only enticing you in further. 
It was only as a few wolf whistles broke through your bubble that you remembered exactly where you both were and that it was perhaps not the best place for what was clearly on its way to happening. It was with the same thought that Loki took your hand and began leading you out of the room, stopping only briefly first to growl lowly into your ear “we need to leave now darling, don’t you agree?” Before nipping your earlobe and pulling back to grin at you. 
With absolutely no objections, and no subtlety either, you nodded before taking the lead taking you both in the direction your room, before stopping to remember the state you had left it in before the party in your distress to find an outfit. You blushed at the memory and changed direction slightly to lead you both to his rooms instead. Loki however took no notice, or simply did not care for the slight moment of hesitation, as at this point he didn’t particularly care where you were headed as long as it was close by, you were finally his and now it was time for him to claim you as such. 
Part Two here:
Thank you so much for reading if you made it this far! Please do let me know what you think x
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onmyyan · 7 days
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A/n: had a thought about a homelander-like reader in the DC universe, reader has homelanders powers minus his incel-like qualities just something self indulgent
It was over in an instant, the second her eyes refocused she calmly stood from the ratty chair he had her bound to, the dark steel cuffs he'd been sworn would weaken her became paper as she stood and shredded them to nothing. The tall young woman rolled her head between her shoulders, and the small grimace on her face fell after a satisfying pop echoed throughout the room.
"You know how I feel about people poking around up there." She smiled at him, tapping her finger against her temple, then took her first step forward, like a predator stalking its prey. 
"In fact- I'm almost certain you know how much I hate it." Another calculated step.
They both knew she could end him anytime she felt like it, so the slow almost teasing way she hadn't yet, chilled him to his core.
"I was only trying to right a wrong- you must understand the world must be protected-"
His tearful plea was cut off by the harsh bark of laughter leaving the younger woman. "Please, this is me you're talkin' to. I know you old man- you don't give a shit about the world." Her smile cracked giving him a flash of the beast he'd raised.
"You just want someone to remember your sorry ass when you keel over and die. You want them to think you were worth something- well guess what? You were. You made me, and I'll always remember you for that." She stared down at the man she'd called Papa, her serene smile looked as hollow as it felt.
She'd finally made it close enough to see the microscopic beads of sweat on his upper lip. Her stare was eerily curious, (e/c) eyes forced him frozen as she looked him over, akin to the way a cat stared at a mouse it was about to bat around for fun. Her (s/c) hand came up to rest gently on his chest, dead center. She patted the area a few times as gently as she could, the force shaking him in place, he moved for the syringe on his belt, if he could get to it fast enough he had a chance of survival.
"I'll also never forgive you for it." 
He saw it before he felt it. In a flash she had pushed forward and punched a hole straight through his chest, her fingers made contact with the cool cement wall behind him, Her free arm came up to cradle the back of his head, and she calmly pets his hair in a gesture she'd only seen in the hero films they showed her, his choking, bloodied sputters and gasps were quickly shushed.
"I think it's time for me to move out." She sighed to herself, yanking her arm back from the warm insides of her papa. Her face twisted in disgust at the chunks and viscera clinging to her skin, she wiped as much as she could off on the cleanest part of the deadman shirt before making her way out of the room, she had a few more doctors and nurses to say goodbye to.
Across the city was a soon-to-be hero having a not-so-good time.
Tim was having a very, bad day.
His alarm never went off forcing him to run to his classes to be on time, some freshman got too excited at lunch and knocked his soup all over the front of Tim, he had to wear his ugly gym shirt for the rest of his classes, then that idiot Kon accidentally crushed his phone with a little too much strength so Tim was screwed when it came to patrol tonight, he had a police scanner on that thing.
Then it began to rain. Sure he had an umbrella, but with the way it was coming down, it was useless.
He huffed a harsh breath through his nose, trying everything not to scream, there was an alleyway nearby that had a cover, and he quickly ran under it to avoid getting any more soaked. That was when he saw her.
A woman stood hovering over a mewling kitten, the small creature's desperate cries were almost inaudible from the harsh pound of the rain. He watched as she just stared at the helpless creature and felt himself hit his breaking point, he stormed over with a vengeance. 
Tim glared at the odd woman, his attitude more directed at his shit day than her.
"You some kinda' sicko? What the hell are you doing just standing there?" He yelled poking the taller woman in the shoulder.
She didn't budge.
"I can't grab her cuz' I can't control my strength. I think I might hurt her." She responded in such a sad tone, the guilt in her gaze made his stomach lurch with shame, the instant regret was a new feeling he noted, not one he enjoyed. "And you're standing there because you couldn't leave her either." He said it more like a statement than a question. 
The drenched (h/c) haired woman remained silent, offering a nod instead. He cleared his throat, a nervous pattern developed in middle school, and took the few steps needed to kneel next to the creature, he untied it simply enough and the small kitten instantly calmed down, rubbing its little face against his palm.
He risked a glance up and found the stranger smiling down at the scene before her. His heart did a funny little skip when he caught her gaze. From the way her eyes reminded him of warm honey, to the way she stared at him as if he was the most interesting person in the world, down to the way the rain beat against her (s/c) face, her plush lips curled up in that smile that sent shivers through his belly, everything about her pulled him in. She was enchanting so- enchanting, he'd thought it was her quirk.
"Thanks, mister." The tall woman smiled at him so brightly he felt the urge to shield his eyes, but he couldn't look away, she stood there like this goddess carved from marble, it almost seemed unfair how she lit up the grimy alleyway, how she looked to good just standing there.
"My name is Tim, what's yours?" She seemed to ponder it for a second, her head tilting, eyes calculated as she smiled at him again, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, 
"(Y/n), I'm gonna be a hero." Her greeting was odd, but he returned her smile with a small one of his own, she stuck her hand out and shook his with a toothy grin, he could feel her strength in the simple motion as they shook hands. He had a feeling she could give Kon a run for his money.
"What are you doing out here? Besides rescuing kittens that is."
"Oh, you know stuff. Normal stuff." Was her calculated answer? He laughed to himself a bit, "Well whatever you're doing, you know you don't have any shoes on right?" She looked down with a hum. 
"It would appear I do not." He took that moment to really observe her. She looked like a gorhamite, including her clothes, she wore a white set of hospital thermals, well mostly white. Splotches of pink stained her front as if she'd been splattered with paint. Thick (h/c) curls clung to her perfectly carved face, framing it even more, the fabric of her clothes hugging her body like a second skin. He had a feeling she'd been in the hospital recently, judging by the thin band across her right wrist. He got close enough to read the word 'HOMELAN' but the rest was concealed, He chose not to comment on that, having a feeling one wrong move would send her flying.
"You hurt?" He asked standing to his full height, he had to look up a bit to meet her gaze, "Nah- I'm all good hot stuff." She made a point to flex her arm playfully, even in jest he could see she was packing some serious muscle under there.
"You running from someone?" Again she took her time to respond, her finger tapping against her chin in thought.
"Hmm, I'm gonna go ahead and say no. They definitely can't chase me anymore." The thought pulled a snort from her as if genuinely tickled, by the it, her gaze seemed gleeful, but something in her tone made his stomach do a flip, and he didn't know if that was a good thing or not.
Another thing that caught his attention was that innocent look in her eyes whenever she looked away from him, how she stared at the ivory leaf-covered brick with the most interested expression, something in the way she looked at the sky reminded him of a child's innocence.
It was as if this was her first time outside or something.
His heart had been steadily rising throughout the entire interaction, a strange but warm feeling began to grow, and a dangerous little seed had sprouted in his heart the second he realized she was just some poor soul looking for someone to reach out and save her.
He could definitely be that person.
"I can't leave you out here like this- do you have someplace to stay?" He watched her rack her brain for an answer.
"Yes, thank you." She nodded more to herself than him and began walking in the opposite direction, straight into the storm that seemed to only worsen. He cursed under his breath and did a light jog to catch her. "You're a terrible liar." It was instinct to lift his umbrella higher, now standing side by side the good few inches on him really seemed to stand out.
"You can tell? Gotta work on my poker face then." The smirk on her plump lips felt teasing, paired with the confident way she carried herself left the purple-haired man with a swarm of dancing butterflies in his tummy.
"I know somewhere safe-" he flicked his tongue out over his lip, "I'm..connected with some heros in this town, I can protect you." He said as earnestly as he could, something telling him not to let this one go, he rubbed her arm, trying to warm her with his hand as he gave her a crooked grin. She giggled at the man before her, she wasn't used to people worrying for her so intensely, so honestly, to think she'd known him five minutes and he'd shown her more kindness than any of the cold, calculating doctors who raised her ever had, it made her laugh to herself. He had no idea how little she needed protection, but still, the thought made her chest feel funny and warm.
 "Oh jeez, my own personal hero? Lucky day." He returned her grin, the festering feeling of obsession gripped him all that more. With that, he took a calculated risk and linked his pinkie with hers. "Come on, it's not far." The kitten was happily asleep in his hoodie pocket, the stallion beside him reminded him a lot of a feral kitten, just asking to be taken home and pampered.
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pawpunkao3 · 1 month
Yknow what since we're doing discourse on Irredeemable Teens I wanna share with yall some thoughts on Penelope Everpetal
Penelope is a wild magic sorcerer. It seems so random. With a name like Everpetal, wouldn't you expect her to have something more elegant, like divine soul sorcery? Storm sorcery, like her best friend Sam? Hell, even draconic sorcery has a certain villainous finesse to it, especially considering that she's working with a dragon. But instead, she gets wild magic. The subclass that new players get told to avoid because half of its features nerf your character. The subclass that has a 0.1% chance of killing you and everyone in a 20ft radius every time you cast a spell.
People like to joke that sorcerers don't work for their magic---I mean, they call the sorcery teacher "just a guy who hangs out with students and talks about how cool their powers are". But that's ignoring the other side of magic---not power, but control. While wizards and bards fought to learn to cast even basic spells, Penelope struggled to reel in her magic. It was a battle that nobody saw, and when she lost it, it would end up humiliating at best, and devastating at worst. Combine that with the fact that she seems spoiled and entitled---maybe the type of person to believe being born with magic made her better than other casters---and it's easy to see the conflict. Her sorcery should have made her glamorous, desirable. Instead, it only burdened her.
Maybe that's why Kalvaxus picked her as his future prom queen.
I imagine he found her in her freshman year. She'd had a surge in class and grown a big beard of blue feathers---not cute. Not pretty. Humiliating. So there she was, behind the school, sobbing and tearing them out in big bloody fistfuls and muttering about how she was going to kill everyone who ever laughed at her because she was the best most powerful sorceress ever, and, well. Kalvaxus normally wouldn't care about some idiot student being sad, but something about her fury intrigued him. It seemed...exploitable.
So he blew a puff of smoke her way and made her sneeze the rest of the feathers out. Told her she was right---she WAS better for being a sorceress, and it wasn't fair that people made fun of her for something she couldn't control. Penelope wouldn't have noticed the contradiction. She was only fourteen, and more than a little dehydrated. All she wanted was for someone to hear her problems and not laugh, and he did just that.
And so Vice Principal Goldenhoard became her special friend (don't tell mom and dad---they wouldn't understand that he really was just her friend, you know SOME teachers would be using her confidence for nefarious purposes. Not him, though. Never him). If she had a bad surge and Sam was busy, he would even let her eat lunch in his office. He made a confession: he wasn't a dragonborn. He was a true dragon, kept in this form by a wicked curse. She agreed that Aguefort was evil for trapping him. He should be principal, really. Maybe (when he suggested it) he should even rule the world.
As Penelope grew older, she and Kalvaxus made an agreement---she would help him rise to power, and he would make sure nobody mocked her and her friends ever again. He introduced her to some new friends---one of the paladin students, a party girl from Hudol, a warlock with a cool car. She started campaigning for prom queen. But there was one little thing: for the plan to work, he needed sacrifices. Nobody important---that stuck-up nerd from the library, the cringy horse girl who made everyone so embarrassed (she forgot how bad it felt to be in her place whenever she surged), a bossy jock. Kalvaxus had her pick out the next one---an annoying activist type, someone nobody really liked, someone who she might even be able to convince to give up her life for the "greater good". Kalvaxus was so proud. They took that brash cleric without a hitch, but it was harder to get her to budge on her best friend. Suddenly her good friend Kalvaxus turned scary---she couldn't back out now. She'd already helped kidnap five girls. Did she want him to turn her in? Besides, when she was queen, everyone would want to be her friend. Who is she to question him when he tells her to sacrifice this one?
Penelope didn't protest when Kalvaxus picked a random freshman as the last sacrifice. She'd already done the worst thing anyone could do.
By the time the Bad Kids charged into that gym, she was too far gone. She'd steeped too long in Kalvaxus's lies for the stain to come out. She genuinely believed that being herself gave her the right to be queen. She'd sacrificed so much for it, after all. Maybe eventually she realized she wasn't going to win. But hey, she came this far. Might as well go down swinging.
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boyfiejay · 6 months
Next door hottie neighbour
PAIRING : nonidol! Sunghoon x gn Reader
GENRE : next door neighbour / hottie, bad boy x good girl (kind of)
Warning : reader is mentioned to be wearing a skirt, sunghoon can come off as too pushy but reader likes it (ig?), sunghoon has a bike🤩
Word Count : 0.8k
Author's note : this active era of sunghoon is making me feel very delusional and i really needed to let it out or i would simply combust, so here it is 😁 it isnt the new year for me yet so here is my last fic of this year. Happy new year to everyone! <3
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Suddenly moving away from a place you've grown up at makes you feel very sad. A ton of memories left behind because your mom's boss thought transfering your mom from one branch of her company to the other would just be no hassle at all. Now, you and your dad can never survive without her and so the logical decision was to move away.
And unlike your parents, you were very excited for new things. It was not that they werent excited, but they were a lot more worried than they were excited.
The result of your mom's worries was that you would be going to give your neighbour an apple pie 'to get on their good side' as your mom claims. After her stumbling across the kitchen, getting mad at your dad for forgetting to buy certain stuff and making sure the pie looked absolutely perfect, you were on your way to deliver it to your new neighbour. (i mean youre new here but they're still new people to you..)
On the way to the house beside yours, you noticed a matte black bike standing in the doorway of said house. And one of the things you're obsessed to is pretty bikes (just anything pretty in general ) and you were definitely going to rant about this to your mom.
You knocked on the door, but what you were not expecting was for a half naked guy around your age to open the door. And he was so handsome.
Despite your face turning a concerning shade of red - because did you mention he had a such a toned torso? - you introduced yourself, "Hi. I just moved next door. My name is ___. Ni-" before you could even finish your sentence, your stupidly handsome neighbour cut you off with a teasing smile, "So you're the pretty girl from yestrday, huh?" he said, probably mentioning you moving your stuff. 
His eyes suddenly shifting lower noticing your ruffled skirt, okay maybe that wasnt a good idea but he wasn't looking at you in a creepy way so it was fine you thought.
Desperately trying to change the topic you said, "My mom made an apple pie and she wanted to share it with our new neighbours." You didn't mention his parents, incase he lived alone and you looked like an idiot. He muttered out a 'thank you' and took the pie from you. The whole atmosphere suddenly turning too awkward to bear.
In hopes of starting a conversation, you said, "Is that bike yours," he nodded, maybe you were also going to give him a lecture on how dangerous it is, "its so cool." Sunghoon was going to sound like such a loser but maybe it was because you are the first girl who had something good to say about his bike (his baby), or maybe the way your eyes twinkled when you looked at the bike and he knew you were being genuine with your compliment. Park Sunghoon wanted to kiss you so bad in that moment.
And he decide he was going to shoot his shot, and not care if he would appear desperate. You were too pretty to regret. 
Reluctantly looking away from your lips he said, "How rude of me. My name is Sunghoon. You're new in this area right? How about we hangout sometime? You know, so i can tell you who to avoid," he said taking a step closer to you, suddenly the distance between you two seeming too small for mere strangers, "and who you should be close to." he said, with that same teasing smile.
You felt like you were in a daze, his naked chest suddenly so close to your red face. You took a step back and realized a little too late that there was no ground beneath your feet. But just in time Sunghoon put his arms around your waist preventing you to fall flat on your ass.
"Careful there, we dont want you injured before the date, do we?" This guy and his smile were going to be the death of you.
"Huh? What... Date?" you asked, bewildered at what was unfolding.
"You heard me. Here-" he said, taking his hands off your waist (finally‼️) and handing you his phone, "put in your number."
Not knowing what to say, you wordlessly put in your number. Well what were you supposed to say? No?? To such a handsome guy?
You gave him back his phone and you saw him putting a little heart beside your name (this one ♡︎).
"See you then." he said, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
As you were walking back home and reached the gate of your house, you curiously looked to see if Sunghoon had went inside. But he was still there, half naked, leaning on the doorframe, holding the pie. With that damn smile.
Your face burning up again (it should be permanently red by now) as you almost ran to your front door.
Moving away wasn't such a hassle, especially if your neighbour was so hot.
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Proceed to part 2 ?
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the-irken-pony · 27 days
Compilation of disorganized facts (and derived headcanons) about The Henry Stickmin Collection's "narrator"
First thing’s first, since I typed more than I should’ve for a single bullet point.
Who is this “narrator” anyways?
In this post I’m talking about the implied source of the fail screens, bios, and certain other interactions in the game (which I’ll get into as we go. It’s implied that this character is the same across these different sources of meta interactions.
It is possible that this character is a self-insert of PuffballsUnited, but for the sake of this post we'll assume that this isn't Actually Puff. I feel weird tying my blorbo detail-plucking thoughts to an actual person and don’t want anyone making assumptions about Puff based on anything listed here, plus certain things may be added, exaggerated, omitted, etc. to the character for comedic effect in a way that further delineates the two. (tl;dr narrator ≠ author)
The wiki (derogatory) notes a theory that this character could be Wilson Stone. Granted, it’s not an entirely groundless theory: there is no message on the fail screen for D.E.B., which could be seen as a result of Wilson dying. I disagree with this for a couple of reasons: Wilson is referred to in the third person in his bio, the narrator makes a disdainful comment about the CCC having a surplus of nukes in CtM (there’s little reason for Wilson to be opposed to nukes but not a dark energy bomb), and Wilson’s voice is different from the narrator’s (I’ll get to that later).
The general fandom consensus that I've seen uses "the narrator", but this character/being/whatever isn't known by any name officially, nor any pronouns. For simplicity's sake, I'll refer to this character as "the meta" or “the meta voice” and use they/them and it/its interchangeably for them (partly to distinguish from the large surplus of male characters). I prefer “meta” over “narrator” and “commentator” because it doesn’t really narrate anything, it gives more than just commentary, and just because it rolls off the tongue better.
More on the meta
It comments frequently on Henry’s stupidity, but it’s hard to truly baffle them. Not that Henry hasn’t managed to before in fails such as Cheese and Distract.
Getting the obvious out of the way, they’re known to crack jokes of all sorts, including memes, wordplay, references, & callbacks.
Lots of these jokes are at the expense of Henry, the player, or someone else. It frequently makes disparaging comments about the player or Henry in general; more common jabs include fatphobic comments toward Henry or making fun of the player’s poor skill.
Speaking of Henry and the player, it typically uses “you” for both you (the player) and Henry himself, but it does also differentiate between us and Henry, such as in the Duplicatorange fail and Toppy fails, even noting you to not be a stick figure
Not only are they aware of the player and Henry as separate, but they’re also aware that you’re playing a game.
The meta seems to have the most control over the timeline, including what counts as a “fail” and when a fail cuts off, as shown in the duplicatorange and invisibility pill fails.
It has a certain amount of control over the nature of the game itself. The slingshot fail in FtC has them creating various popups that the player must click through to get an achievement. This power isn’t limitless though: the CorrupTick fail in particular shows that things can fall out of their control.
They’re capable of summoning objects (this is implied in Dance Off v4 and outright confirmed in the Lockpick fail).
The free transform option also shows that it has the ability to directly alter people in-universe. The mind control fail implies that it may also be able to outright control people to an extent, but finds this difficult and thus avoids doing so.
They seem to exist in a flux state between being “the game master” and simply being a bystander. It knows at least a little bit about nearly every character in the game and has some control over the environment, but it also reacts to events as though it’s just a spectator and seeing things for the first time.
On a related note, they seem to be in a state between being “in” the game and existing outside of it. Things that would wipe out everyone in the vicinity have no effect on it, but things that alter things on a meta level (such as the corrupted disk, Goodball, and CorrupTick fails) do affect them in various ways.
They aren’t omniscient. They have info on nearly everyone, but they don’t know everything. A lot of their comments in fails seem to be guesswork, and their bios for some people, notably Ellie, are very lacking.
It can feel pain. They complain about their ears hurting from the high pitched sound of the sonic pulse. At the same time, it isn’t nearly as sensitive as Henry or other stick figures and can survive the subsonic wave with little consequence.
It can, supposedly, use the bathroom.
The duplicatorange and invisibility pill both imply that the meta voice has some sentimental attachment to Henry, triggering a fail screen whenever they lose track of Henry.
Related to the above, it seems to have a vested interest in keeping Henry alive, despite having killed Henry themself. Revenged is notable as an ending for the fact that Henry dies in every outcome, and The Betrayed isn’t much better in this regard.
It also shows mild concern for Henry’s wellbeing in RPE/RBH, asking him if his head is okay.
While it’s unknown if they know all languages, they do at least seem to know German, specifically commenting on Friedrich Spielen’s nonsensical German.
They can sleep and even dream; in the G-inverter fail they comment that they “had a nightmare like this”. It’s unknown whether they need sleep or if sleep is simply recreational for them.
I don’t know if the above indicates that they used to be affected by gravity or if they simply had a dream about being affected by gravity, but given their ability to simply hover at a point in the air or even outer space, they probably aren’t affected by gravity at any point that we know them.
The meta is aware of other timelines, making a reference to Charles during the helicopter fail in Toppat King.
While it doesn’t have a known physical appearance, it does occasionally emote with hand-drawn “emoticons”, some of which are even animated.
On rare occasions, it can conjure Twitch emotes or even a full animation of a stick figure.
Feel free to add if you think of anything!
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miamochi-writes · 1 year
Hi I hope you're doing well! I love your writings! Also would you ever write a part 2 for "The Only Time I Feel Safe?" That ending you left us with had my screaming, crying, and gushing over it. Please tell me it gets better!
Thank you! I'm trying to balance out work stuff and finding time to rest. And I've gotten so many requests to make a part 2! So here it is! Also tagging @usuallynana since they also asked for this. I hope this isn't too cheesy at the end! I hope you enjoy it! :)
The Only Time I Feel Safe Part 2
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After the bandit incident, you've been more careful during your travels with the group. Just like Vash, you had to keep a low profile wherever you went. Thankfully, learning to be a spy all your life had its perks. You were able to snag some clothes and items to obscure yourself in public. Hell, you even adjusted your voice to different pitches thanks to your training. On your visit to the next city, you insisted to the group that you would make it up to them by getting a hotel for them to stay the night.
"Listen Y/n, you don't have to," Meryl looked at you at through her rear view mirror.
"I know, but I want to. Just give me until sunrise to get you money for a hotel," you pleaded.
"Look, newbie just let 'em. I doubt you can change their mind," Roberto butted in.
Meryl sighed as she looked at the endless sand again.
"Fine, but just be careful. At least have Vash or Wolfwood accompany you," she gave in. You looked at Wolfwood who raised his eyebrow at you. Then you looked at Vash who gave you small smile.
"I can keep a look out for you, while keeping some distance," Vash offered as you felt relieved that he was willing to join you.
"Then it's settled. We'll split up again. Roberto and I will be at a local diner waiting for you. But you need to be back before sunrise," Meryl reminded you as you agreed to her terms.
Once you arrived at the next town, you handed Vash a cloak to keep himself hidden. He was already too well known with the wanted posters you kept seeing in every town. Plus his face and red jacket were a dead giveaway to anyone. Once he got changed, you told him your plan of going around the city for awhile to see if you can find some good info. Before you could walk, you felt nervous looking at the crowd. Your mind kept drifting back to what happened before. Your heart was starting to quicken as you thought about those people who were after your bounty. You couldn't afford to mess up now.
"Hey, everything okay?"
You looked at Vash as he snapped you out of your thoughts. He was looking at you with those blue worried eyes of his.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" you tried to convince him.
"Then why are you so tense?" he pointed to your hands. You didn't realize they were turning white from balling them up into fists. This was one of your bad habits you developed. You unclenched your hands and took a deep breathe.
"Okay, I'm a little nervous," you admitted.
"Hey, don't forget that I'm going to be right with you. I'll protect you no matter what. That's a promise," he reassured you.
"You're right, how could I forget?" you said showing him a small smile. He then offered his hand to you. You looked at him wondering what he was doing.
"I can lead the way, if you want. Just in case we need to avoid certain people or areas," he explained. You looked at his hand and figured he had a point. You hesitantly reached your hand to his. Once your finger tips made contact with his, you gently grabbed his hand. You felt your nerves wash away from the warmth of his hand. Despite the traumatic experiences you had with physical contact before, you felt surprised with how comfortable you were with him being this close.
"Lead the way," you told him.
Once you started walking, you kept your ears peeled within a crowd of people or by any buildings you passed. For the most part, you would hear local baseless gossip or mindless small talk. At some point, Vash noticed some of the military police up ahead and would either lead you another way or hide in a corner until they left. But after a good hour, you finally heard what you were looking for. Some people finally brought up topics about the Windmill Village, Jeneora, or some areas that you recently encountered. You pulled Vash back from walking as he turned around to look at you.
"I found what I'm looking for. I'll be around the corner. I'll whistle for you if I need anything," you told him.
"Okay, I'll hang around here waiting for you. Be careful," he replied as he put his hand on your shoulder. You nodded before walking back to where you came from. You approached the people you heard earlier and talked in a lower pitch.
"I have answers to those questions. Meet me at the corner," you whispered to these people as you passed them by.
The sun was about to set and Meryl was getting impatient. Roberto was having another drink while Wolfwood was smoking his next cigarette. Before Meryl could get up from her seat, the doors of the diner opened. She turned around to see you and Vash. You walked to her table and put down a good amount of double dollars in front of her.
"This should be enough to cover our stay right?" you asked with a small smirk. Meryl looked at you in shock as she went to go book the hotel rooms. You sat down at one of the tables while Vash joined you.
"I can't believe you were able to make that much money off of sharing information," Vash pointed out as you sighed from how tired you were walking in your disguise.
"I know it's not the best way to make a living, but sometimes information is vital. People will pay for valuable information. I know I would," you commented.
"It's true, people will pay what they can to find the whereabouts of people or events. Take the wanted posters for example," Roberto pointed out.
Meryl then came back with the hotel keys in her hands.
"Good news, I got us rooms. Two rooms with double beds and one single room," she explained.
"Finally, I can take off this disguise," you commented.
"I'm staying with Roberto, no buts," Wolfwood said as he didn't look at Vash. Roberto sighed as he followed behind him.
"Guess it's you and me Y/n. Vash, here's your key. Our rooms are pretty close together and on the same floor in case we need anything. The guys are right across from us," Meryl said as she led you to your rooms.
After removing your disguise and taking a nice shower, you felt much better to be in your normal attire. You got comfortable on your bed as Meryl was giddy with joy knowing that she wasn't going to sleep in a dune for once.
"Finally we don't have to sleep in the cold!" she cheered.
"I told you I'd make up for it," you laughed at her.
"You know, you've changed a bit," Meryl pointed out.
"In what way?" you asked while turning to her.
"Well you were very reserved, especially with the no touch rule. But after traveling some time, you've been more open. Especially with you know who," she explained as your eyes widened.
"Come on Y/n, I'm a reporter. You think I don't know who you're more comfortable with?" she added while raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Also I'm comfortable with you," you argued.
"Yeah but you never gave me a hug," she reasoned as you felt your face turning red.
"You saw me hug Vash?!" you asked.
"I never said who," she smirked as you buried your face on the pillow. Before you could say anything else, your stomach growled. You didn't realize you haven't eaten since you arrived in town.
"I'm going to eat dinner down at the lobby. Do you want anything?" you asked as you started putting on part of your disguise.
"Nah, I already ate earlier. I'm going to sleep after driving for so long," she replied as she turned around.
Once you reached the lobby you grabbed a plate of food and enjoyed some peace and quiet. You thought about what Meryl said earlier on how you treated Vash over the past. After taking your last bite, you headed back to your room. You were about to enter your room until you realized something. You then walked over to the room across and knocked. Vash opened the door and was surprised to see you.
"Hey Y/n, what's wrong?" he asked
"Hey Vash...can I spend the night with you? I forgot my room key and Meryl is already asleep. And I feel bad for waking her up after she drove us for so long," you asked feeling embarrassed on forgetting a crucial item.
"Oh sure come on in," he replied opening the door for you. You walked in and changed out of your disguise in the bathroom. Thankfully the bed was big enough to fit two of you or else you would have been arguing who gets the bed and who sleeps on the chair.
"Hey, thanks for letting me stay here," you told him as you sat on your side of the bed.
"No problem, thanks for getting us a place to stay in the hotel rooms," he thanked.
"It's the least I can do. But I should be thanking you, my nerves would have gotten the best of me if you weren't there," you admitted shyly.
"I'm always happy to help if you need it," he smiled at you. His smile was so contagious that you couldn't help but smile back at him.
"You know, it's funny how when we first met, you were very closed off. Now here you are being this close without sending me death glares. What changed?" Vash asked.
"Well, to be honest...when I first met you I treated you like how I treated everyone. Growing up, I've been hurt many times physically by my mentor and other people. I kinda saw everyone as a threat, but after seeing how much you did for the people at Jeneora that changed. I've never met someone who is always willing to help others no matter the circumstances. Even when they were hunting you down, you still helped. I think that's when I started slowly trusting you," you started. You noticed Vash was staring at you and felt that you might as well tell him everything. You took a deep breathe before continuing.
"But I think I started getting comfortable with the sand worm incident. That's what separates you from the people who've constantly hurt me. You cared so much that you come back for us. You constantly put your life on the line for us when you could have just ran off any time. Plus, you were always kind towards me. You always asked for permission before making contact with me. Whenever we touch, it always felt nice. You never once hurt me. You’ve kept me protected even when I was aloof towards you, especially with those bandits. What I'm trying to say is, I like being with you. The only time I feel safe is when I'm with you," you admitted as you looked at him. You could feel yourself blushing from what you just told him.
"You feel that way about me?" he asked as you nodded.
"Even though I'm one of the most wanted outlaw in Noman's Land? You've heard what people call me. 'The Humanoid Typhoon,' No matter where I go, danger follows. You can never have a peaceful life," he continued.
"I know what they say, and I still feel safer with you than other people. Also have you forgotten what I grew up with? Your lifestyle is nothing compared to the amount of torture and danger I used to face every day with my mentor," you pointed out. You then grabbed both of his hands and gave them a small squeeze before looking him in the eyes.
"I would gladly travel with you, get cops off your back, and live this lifestyle if it means being by your side. I'm with you until the end Vash," you pointed out and didn’t break eye contact. He needed to know even if it put you in a vulnerable spot. Vash’s lip started quivering as he looked at you fondly with his beautiful eyes.
“Y/n, can I hold you for a bit?” He asked. You smiled and nodded as you felt his prosthetic hand rest on the small of your back, while his human arm held your head. He brought you close to him as your chin landed on his shoulder. That’s when you felt him tightly embrace you. He was so warm that you didn’t want to let go. You hugged him back as he began to talk.
“Thank you Y/n, that’s the sweetest thing someone’s ever told me. Thank you for always being there for me. I promise to keep you safe no matter where we go. I want to be there for you the same way you've been there for me after the Jeneora incident," he told you.
"Of course, I'll always be there for you if you let me. I'm glad we met," you told him as you felt him nuzzle your neck.
"Hey Y/n? Can I do something else with you?" he asked.
"You don't have to ask for permission anymore to touch me Vash. You're the only exception," you reassured. You knew he wouldn't hurt you and you felt more than comfortable with him at this point. You then felt him look at your face as he smiled at you. He then leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You immediately turned red as that caught you off guard.
"You kissed me?" you asked.
"Sorry was that too much?" he asked looking concerned. You then grabbed his face gently and placed a small kiss on his lips. You heard a sharp inhale, but soon he relaxed as you smiled into it.
"No, that just means I can kiss you as much as I want now," you smiled more as your cheeks were pink. Vash's eyes widened as he pulled you to his side of the bed for another hug as he started giving you butterfly kisses all over your face.
"I'm happy you forgot your room key so we could spend the night together," he told you as you laughed.
"Yeah, next time we stay at a hotel I'll gladly room with you over Meryl," you replied as you gave him another peck on the lips as he nuzzled your neck.
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hungriesttable · 5 months
if the Sinners got a dog
(below the cut because I actually have a decent amount of thoughts on this)
Outis: one of the only (and possibly THE only) sinners committed to disciplining the dog. She’s a bit perturbed that the dog won’t reliably sit/stay on command because it tends to jump at random intervals instead (Don Quixote’s influence).
Has some belief that if she speaks in a voice that’s authoritative enough, the dog will understand what she’s saying. Is displeased when that doesn’t happen. “Why are you trying to sit on me? No.” “It’s because the dog likes you” “If she likes me she will sit politely on the ground as she is supposed to”
Rodya: She was the one who named the dog, and probably rescued it off of the street, insisting that they should keep the dog at least for a little while. Feeds the dog a bit of whatever the Sinners are having. “That’s not good for dogs!” “A little won’t do her any harm~”
Sinclair: He wasn’t sure what to make of the dog at first (it’s probably not vaccinated, and he only became sure it didn’t have rabies after a couple of days), but he’s pretty fond of it. Whenever he’s in need of company, the dog appears without him needing to say anything. It’s warm, soft, and close, and he definitely thinks of it as a family member. That being said he personally has a steep learning curve of “how to take care of a dog” (if he had one in his previous years then there was probably a butler to take care of it)
Heathcliff: I recently read Wuthering Heights. This gives me reason to suspect that Heathcliff would not be a big fan of the dog, at least at first. He’s fine with it from a distance, but protests to having to touch it (and to having it touch him). I’d imagine that it gets on his good side eventually, though, and he’d probably be one of those people who wants the dog to love him the most out of everyone.
Ryōshū: They weren’t really sure how she would react to the dog at first. She’s currently trying to teach it how to sic. Given the opportunity, she’ll examine the dog’s body. Her efforts of questionable motivation led to the discovery that the dog is missing a tooth.
Gregor: After 5.5, I think it’s safe to say that he’s the “dad with the dog he didn’t want”. He notices that the dog is repulsed by the smell of cigarettes and doesn’t smoke as actively when he’s around it.
Don Quixote: She wants the dog to be her sidekick. She’s taught the dog how to hug (ie how to jump and put its paws on her chest/shoulder), and is hoping to teach the dog how to do some advanced stunts. “Move forth, my companion, and fetch mine lance!” (Dog does nothing)
Yi Sang: The dog is his buddy. He’s a bit concerned about the idea that the dog could be involved in Limbus Company’s business, but has no problem with the idea of teaching the dog some more simple stuff (eg how to track scents and find lost people/things).
Faust: If there’s a City equivalent to a Wikipedia page on dogs, she probably read it. Several times. She wouldn’t say it, but the dog’s capriciousness often confounds her. In lieu of a microchip, she made a tracking collar for the dog.
Meursault: He and the dog share a certain special bond due to his willingness to walk, clean up after, and generally take care of the dog when others don’t feel like it. He’s not necessarily a fan of the whole “spontaneous tackling” thing, but he’s big enough to avoid being pushed over and has few other complaints about the dog. With the lack of interest in training the dog on the bus, he doesn’t see the use of disclosing what he knows about training dogs.
Ishmael: She likes the dog. Walking the dog often brings her mixed feelings, since it reminds her of the other experiences she’s had with being on the end of a guiding rope. She’s figured out that she can derail Heathcliff’s train of thought by invoking the dog, either physically or in name, and she’s greatly enjoying this ability.
Vergilius: He was dubious about the whole “dog on the bus” thing. Since Charon seems to enjoy the dog’s presence, however, he sees no point in objecting to it. He doesn’t dislike dogs, but the fact that anything bad happening to the dog could have catastrophic consequences means he’s always a little on edge around it. If the Sinners weren’t planning on doing their best to take care of it before, they certainly are after receiving some Red Gaze-brand reminders to be responsible pet owners.
Dante: Rewinding dog scratches is a small burden, but please, can SOMEONE cut the dog’s nails? They like the dog, but their clock head doesn’t seem to win them any canine popularity points. They’re both disappointed and relieved that the dog doesn’t count as a thirteenth Sinner.
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merakiui · 7 months
Go off Queen ❤️
>:D why, thank you, my liege. Go off, I shall!!!
(ask game)
I think I'll take this opportunity to discuss Death Row Undertow's chapter seven: Kismet Kiss! Specifically the latter half involving Cater. I've put my thoughts under the cut!
I loved writing this scene (the tonal shift from Riddle's anxious meticulousness to Cater's friendly and feigned positivity is very yummy to me)! The karaoke bar that the pop music club frequents actually has a name: Siren's Heartache. Reader and Cater visit it often! That aside, this chapter shows a much more meaner side to Cater. >_< not only that, but it also illustrates his inner thoughts and feelings. For example, this section here:
Cater makes it a mission to familiarize himself with his favorite karaoke bar’s menu, but despite every food and drink combination he’s come across (some photographed and strung up on his social media and others admired from afar) he cannot stomach the sweetness. So for tonight—like most nights—he chooses something that is, as his sisters would often say, “so not cute.” Beer is his go-to, even if his carefully curated Magicam feed is adorned with photos of pastries and sugary drinks galore. Peel back the pretty wallpaper and you'll find the dollhouse is not what it seems. But festering in rot is so not cute, and so for this reason he plasters the bitter with beauty.
Cater likes to curate a certain image for himself, especially when that image is being posted to his Magicam. He does something similar in Cicada City when he takes Riddle out for boba and orders a very sugary drink (which he only photographs and doesn't drink once). In canon, it's noted that Cater is more partial to spicy flavors than sweet flavors and that his aversion to the latter is due to always having to force himself to eat the sweets his sisters would make to avoid disheartening them. Also, his sisters have a tendency to judge things based on how cute they are. I imagine this habit is engrained quite deeply in Cater, hence why in this chapter (and other chapters) you will see him referring to things as "cute" or "not cute."
Though he seems rather cruel and detached from the main issue (Reader's disappearance), there are little things to suggest otherwise. The most glaring one would be his song and its lyrics. When I wrote it, I wanted every line to hold an underlying meaning for plenty of analytical dissection. Lilia's able to read between the lines, which leads to this exchange:
Cater curls his fingers into a tight, self-assuring fist, nails pricking his palms. “Sure did. Penned by yours truly and everything! It’s still not finished, though. I’m always going back to edit, but so far that’s the most coherent draft I have. So whatcha think? It’s totally cute, yeah?” “It’s very telling,” Lilia praises with a cryptic grin. Cater doesn’t like the wisdom discreetly woven into his next words. “You can learn a lot from the speaker in the song. Some truths are best expressed in writing, after all. When we put pen to paper, left alone with but our wrist and brain, we’re usually very honest with the page.” As always, you’re a mystery, Cater thinks with a thin smile. Maybe I shouldn’t have shared it so confidently.
These lyrics are very vulnerable and personal to Cater, but he shares them anyway because he's seeking validation for the song itself (not the story told within), which Kalim gives him without touching upon the message. But Lilia's the one who sees beyond the song's cute façade, which is exactly what Cater didn't want. Of course he separates Cater and the speaker in the song when he refers to them, but both he and Cater know they are one and the same.
Cater mentions in Cicada City that, "I’m thinking it could be an energetic love song with dark undertones. Lots of people like creepy romances, and who said Halloween couldn’t start early?" but in this chapter he says it "sounds kinda pop idol." The contrast in these descriptions are unique to Cater because it suggests that previously he was content to recognize the darker aspects of the song and its story, but now he simply wants it to be "pop idol" instead. This erasure of the dark tones in the song is a parallel to how he feels currently: a stressful situation has arisen and he doesn't want to confront it head-on because it's much smoother when things are cute and sweet (or pop idol).
In other words, Cater's role in this chapter is frustrating because he's meant to be Reader's friend and yet here he is: not being a friend. But the truth is that Cater is so used to her pattern of coming and going that he doesn't see any need to worry, so he becomes a little tense when Kalim and Lilia are voicing his concerns (which he's tamped down) back to him rather than agreeing easily.
He's also quite defensive and protective of Reader, even more so when Lilia and Kalim press him on certain issues related to their relationship, often answering with, "I just know" or "I know her." Cater doesn't want to lose one of the few close friends he's ever had, so the idea that she isn't just taking leave for a few days and that it could be something far more serious is deeply unsettling to Cater. And if that's the case, it will confirm two things for him: (1) Cater doesn't know Reader as well as he thinks he does and (2) this isn't another case of crying wolf; it's something more.
It may seem like he's dismissive when he tries to get Kalim and Lilia to drop the subject entirely so they can focus on band discussions instead (and he is), but the reality is that Reader has been on Cater's mind the entire time. At the end of the chapter, he thinks, This is so not sweet. I completely forgot to take pictures for Magicam. Cater never forgets to take pictures. He actively searches for ways to snap photos at every opportunity; it's one of the things that's almost always at the forefront of his mind. He was so distracted with his own buried worries related to Reader that taking pictures genuinely slipped his mind.
So he is genuinely worried. He just doesn't want to show that side of himself because it's, in his own words, "so not cute."
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Okay but to be fair..
Gregory is ABSOLUTELY NOT EVIL. Not in any way. But personally I DO think he tows the line into jerkass territory a bit.
I mean, Freddy tells the kid that these are his friends and theres something wrong with how they're acting, and Gregory IMMEDIATELY scraps those friends without a single thought of "maybe we can get them back to normal", because its "what they deserve" for going after him. And then he takes it a step farther by cannibalizing the people that Freddy clearly cares about, to upgrade Freddy for no clearly established reason when Freddy is little more than willing, only to dance around/avoid telling the truth to the ONE PERSON he trusts and cares about.
Like dont get me wrong, I do NOT hate Gregory or think he should be considered evil. The kid's clearly had a hard time of it and they all WERE after him with the intent of harm.
But I also think Gregory could have been explained or developed a little better, cuz frankly he's kind of a dick
I hate that I really keep having to say this to people. Gregory is fairly average in terms of what a middleschooler is like... Everyone forgets what it's like being that age, and Gregory really has no guidance other then Freddy, who can only help him to a certain extent.
I don't think Gregory needs a complex motive for what he does. What do we know about Gregory's motives?
According to cut lines from Vanny, he's here looking for his friends.
Him being trapped in the pizzaplex and homeless and squatting in is also a motive enough... Like Gregory HAS NO PARENTS OR GUARDIANS OTHER THAN FREDDY to really tell him what's right from wrong here. And Freddy doesn't really help that much other than going "These are my friends..." and "I could open this gate if I had monty's claws" "if I had chicas voice box i could open this door" and... oh yeah "Maybe you'll find a way to deal with Roxy when you are there" We don't have evidence that any other of the animatronics besides Freddy are sentient.
Gregory NOT listening to Freddy is often beneficial at points. Freddy is the only one Gregory has, while Gregory sees him as a safe place, it has been SUPER consistent in that game that Gregory doesn't really listen to Freddy when it matters. Sure, Gregory will listen to Freddy on things like, how to navigate areas of the pizzaplex, tips for where Exits are, where to go next, how the Security Badges work, because it's all unfamiliar to Gregory and he is lost and needs the guidance But in other instances... if Gregory REALLY wants to do something. He'll do it. Like every average middle schooler. And often times, Gregory not listening is beneficial. LIKE LITERALLY if the Princess Quest Ending is canon in any AU like mine is, the Princess Quest ending ONLY occurs when Gregory DIRECTLY goes against Freddy's wishes and doesn't listen to him. Freddy wants you to turn the bots against Vanny..... but if you DON'T listen to Freddy and play the last princess quest game, you free Vanessa's soul and stop the glitch.... Which people often call the "best" ending since you free Her and the plex. Oh yeah, and other endings like the Car ending... Gregory doesn't listen to Freddy again, and takes Freddy with him rather then leave him behind and Freddy usually turns out okay. PLUS GREGORY WOULD HAVE NEVER MET FREDDY IF HE WENT INTO THE UNSAFE PLAY AREA OF HIS STOMACH HATCH WHEN HE WAS PASSED OUT TO HIDE FROM VANESSA IN THE FIRST PLACE. I think Gregory does the right balance of listening and not listening to Freddy. He actually behaves like an actual child! And I actually Like that Gregory takes initiative to decommission the animatronics that are chasing him and are super aggressive.
The Glamrocks have legit killed other children and employees. Possibly even Gregory's friends that he's looking for...
There is an entire wall in the "Sister Location Room" that gives explicit instructions on how to run and jump and shoot and avoid the animatronics.
Yes, while... Gregory did not need to go out of his way to Decommission all of them (especially chica or monty depending on your run through if you stay after 6am and decommission all three) And yes... Gregory COULD have theoretically stayed in Freddy's room all night after he retrieves him from Parts and Service.... but then we wouldn't have a videogame. Well, we could, but it would mean half of the game would be open world, then the other half would default to fnaf1 gameplay. Like he could have stayed in the Daycare or in Freddy's room, but he probably would have been found by Vanessa or someone eventually, and I don't think it would make for an interesting videogame to play.
Like, I love the fandom, and I love how so much of us have humanized the animatrioncs.
There is no evidence that any one of the animatronics other then Freddy are sentient. Like take off your "I love robots" and/or "I love the animatronics" and/or "Im a furry" glasses bias for FIVE seconds... and pretend you're... neutral on them... I'm sure Gregory isn't thinking of "how can I stop them without hurting them" .... like... at all.
And even if the animatronics ARE sentient and are killing children and employees against their will...
And they have killed people, and they are hunting him. And will continue to hurt other people if Gregory doesn't do something. Which we learn is one of Gregory's motivations in the game in general
"If I leave now nothing will change will it, they'll be more disappearances"
I honestly feel that this line makes the "they get what they deserve" a little more justified in my eyes. And even up till that point... all of them have been super aggressive and chasing him all over the place.
Plus Empathy is a learned trait, and it's hard to develop empathy for something that is actively hunting you and is basically, a cold unfeeling murderous robots in his eyes that are aggressively chasing him all night.
Especially with how Gregory talks to Freddy about Decommissioning his friends.
(but it's not like Freddy tries to talk to his friends when you get close to them inside of Freddy like "hey, why are you hunting this kid?" or... "hey what is up bandmates... can't wait to get gregory" )
Do I feel like the animatronics "Get what they deserve" ? Like Gregory says?
No, I don't.
(my rl friend does tho who i introduced to sb this week looooooool)
But From Gregory's point of view, I think he is justified, and in Twin Animatronics... Gregory does have character development in the background to understand that "hey, the other animatronics are actually people and maybe I should start treating them better rather then just pieces of parts for Freddy"
I'm sick of these two polar extremes where "Gregory did nothing wrong" or "Gregory did some things wrong"
...I honestly think. With the knowledge the that Gregory knows... and being 12 and doing his best to survive...
He did the absolute best that he could given the circumstances.
And I'll just share a little of @witchysolfan 's thoughts on the matter.
Tumblr media
I know I repeat a lot of myself here. I just had to get this all out.
Anyway. Love Gregory.
I do not think he's a uwu baby who did nothing wrong... But for all the information Gregory had at the time, and the age range he is, he made the correct choice based on all the information he knew at the time.... And in Twins... He'll learn more, and maybe possibly talk and apologize to the Glamrocks he broke (if all the Glamrocks weren't avoiding him like the plague right now due to trauma)
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dnalt-d2 · 8 months
Hey guys, so around a week ago maybe, I asked a question
About any direct confrontations Fit may or may not have had with the Code. And since I got the answers I was looking for, here's the theory that led to me asking the question in the first place
(And also thanks to the people who actually answered me, it helped a lot)
It seems to me like the Code, for the longest time, has been purposely avoiding Fit for one reason or another. Now I have two hypotheses, one of which is way funnier to me and I kinda hope is the case. And the other which is more likely the case
So basically, the only current documented times the Code interacted with Fit before going semi-non-violent was in the early days of the QSMP, when Phil accidentally found some netherite weapons and incurred the wrath of what he thought at the time was God. (This was almost definitely just a beta design for the Code) It followed Phil as he ran off and encountered Fit, who immediately threw a bomb and killed the Code in one hit. Afterwards, it gave them a book with coords to Luzu's computer, and that was basically it.
The next time I remember the Code encountering Fit was during the fight that led to Tallulah's first death. And the weirdest thing to me at the time was that the Code didn't touch Fit. It teleported him underground for some reason. And ONLY him. Something we never really got an explanation for. At the time, I assumed it was just trying to get some of the fighters out of the way, but it didn't look like it teleported Phil or Forever, who were present as well.
After this, the Code would go on to attack Ramon, but only when Fit wasn't there, taking his final life for a bit there before it got reversed because the Code broke the rules regarding how it's supposed to attack the eggs.
And according to other viewers, it didn't seem to do anything involving Fit, up until it started dropping items related to the eggs, in addition to two clocks, both of which were dropped specifically to Fit. Fit was of course involved with the fight at the Election Dinner to a certain extent, but so was everyone, so that might have just been unavoidable. Same with the fact that Fit was present during some of the failed attempts on Pomme's life. Aside from these, the Code seems to have kept its distance from Fit for some reason (Though if I've missed any encounters, please let me know)
Now for the hypotheses
The first one that's more of a crack theory and would honestly be hilarious.
It avoids Fit because he fucking blew it to smithereens immediately upon meeting, and now he's just fucking terrified of him, avoiding him at whatever cost, only approaching him when it's unavoidable, and leaving as soon as possible. Again, I don't think this is it, but wouldn't it be funny if it was???
And for the actual theory, which someone else probably already put together, but I don't care
So I've been pretty wishy-washy on whether or not the Codes are allied with the Resistance or the Mystery Third Faction, and this unfortunately isn't helping me. Right now, the Resistance seems more likely due to Etoile's connection to it. But I think that whoever hired Fit is also part of the Resistance. Or at least that they're part of whatever group is with the Codes. And the ENTIRE reason the Code's been avoiding Fit is because whoever's in charge of it specifically told it to. Since he's working with them, they want to make sure he's unimpeded as much as possible, to the point that the Code hardly seems to have targeted Ramon specifically, and only did so when Fit wasn't there.
(Which makes it a little fucked that Fit specifically told his employer that he's hesitating because he has a son now. Which would theoretically give them more reason to want Ramon out of the way)
This would mean that the clocks may NOT have been a "The Eggs' time is up soon" warning the way a lot of people assumed, but it could've been trying to tell Fit "Hey, time's running out for you, get a move on, hurry it up." This would explain why he was the ONLY one to get the clock.
So yeah, that's my thoughts, let me know what you think or if I'm just wrong. Like I've said before, I'm not exactly a theorist, so a lot of this is new territory to me. And I haven't watched a whole lot of Fit before about a month or two ago, so a lot of what he was doing back then isn't something I've been keeping up with. So if I missed something please tell me.
(Likely the same guys who were talking to Cellbit before probably Cucurucho intercepted the messages at the tail end of the exchanges (The last chest wasn't black in that so it probably wasn't them))
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