#its traumatic
chickpea0 · 5 months
They should invent an agere server that DOESN'T have a really toxic, oppressive vbe to it
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heartofhubris-a · 10 months
Hey anyone wanna hear about the time i almost made a cop shit himself with fear
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kokomoonbae · 2 years
Just one of my many ex JW horrible experiences.
Imagine sitting down at a table surrounded by two of your own aunties and a life long family friend scolding you about how you should be living your life, and absolutely scrutinising you about your life choices and how much of a disappointment you are to them and our “so called God” all because you slacked at going to meetings and going on the ministry, then continuing to writing a life schedule for you dictating your every day and how to manage your time in order to put the “truth” first and have a life merely dedicated to an organisation run by human men who think they are Gods chosen ones.
My whole life was taken from me and my choices were no longer mine. All I could feel in that moment was pure and utter embarrassment and disappointment in myself, the blood came rushing to my face and this feeling of complete dread came over me like I was a complete failure and I should never have been born and didn’t deserve the life I had been given because I didn’t appreciate it enough to put this organisations wants before myself. I carried so much guilt for years asking myself “why can’t I just be like the rest of those JW’s and do things like they do? “Why is it so hard for me to just get to a meeting?” “Why does it feel impossible for me to take this religion so seriously?” “What’s wrong with me?”. The majority of my life I carried so much anger towards myself because I just couldn’t do the things I was ‘supposed’ to do, only to realise later in life that I was never the problem, and that I was the innocent one in all of this, and it was at that very moment I turned my back, ran as far away as I could and haven’t looked back since and I never ever will. I am free, I can make my own choices, I can live my own life, I can be happy and free of guilt because the problem was never with me but with them.
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poisonedprose · 2 years
The Vampire King 5 ♰˚‧
chapter 5 !
warnings: this is like really heavy if you cant read it or finish it please dont force yourself to, cursing, descriptive character deaths, angst
masterlist - @thefailcollection @riffcrusader
prolouge // chap 1 // chap 2 // chap 3 // chap 4
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The group looked at Dustin's moribund body in horror. Blood spewed from his neck onto the grimy floor of the Upside Down. Steve quickly rushed down to Dustin's side. "Henderson?" He whispered as Dustin choked on blood in his throat. Steve quickly sat him up, desperately hoping that would save him. He quickly took off the vest he wore and pressed it against the gaping wounds.
Eddie looked down at the quite gruesome scene, but amusing to him. "You can't save him. If I were you," He spoke plainly, holding back a laugh. "I'd worry about the ones of you that still have a chance of making it out alive." He couldn't help the smirk that spread across his face as he pointed to Vecna.
By now he was almost a foot away. El quickly tried to use her powers against Vecna but he counter-attacked her, causing her to start floating into the air. Nancy grabbed her gun and pointed it at Vecna but vines, seemingly from nowhere, roped her around a tree. "You may have won the battle, Eleven," He lifted her higher as he walked closer. "But, I.. will win the war." A low, grumbly, raspy laugh sent an eerie chill through the air.
Mike decided to take matters into his own hands, running to grab Nancy's gun. Once he gets ahold of it, he uses it to hit Vecna on the back of his head. Not shoot. Hit. Vecna's head slowly turned to look at Mike. Mike swallowed harshly and watched as Vecna returned his focus to Eleven. He turned his hand ever so slightly causing El to begin to choke.
Jonathan rushed over to Mike, snatching the gun from his shaky hands. He aimed the gun at Vecna's head. He placed his finger on the trigger but the gun was thrown out of his hands. He looked up to see Vecna's free hand outstretched toward them. "There is nothing, any of you can do." If he could smile, he would.
Eddie walked past the crowd around Dustin and took his place right beside Vecna. "Run." Eddie hissed and to his surprise, some took his advice. Argyle, Lucas, and Mike began to run towards any exit they could find. "Pussies." Eddie laughed as he watched them get snatched up by vines.
Steve and Robin were kneeled on the ground trying to find any way to keep Dustin alive. "Stay with us, Dustin." Robin looked around, swallowing with fear as no plans came to her mind. Looking around only made her lose more hope. The vines around Nancy's neck were tightening, leaving her gasping for air. Jonathan was doing everything he could to get the vines off only to have vines wrap around him too. Argyle, Lucas, and Mike were lying on the floor as bats feasted on their bodies. Eleven floating mid-air with Will yelling at her to concentrate. "He will win the war," Robin whispered as Dustin took his final breath.
"Henderson, don't do this, man. You're all I have left." Steve whimpered and shook Dustin's body. "He's gone, Steve." Robin confronted him with the truth. "Dustin, wake up." Steve began to shake Dustin's deceased body more vigilantly. "Steve. Steve. Steve!" Robin pulled Steve away with all her strength.
She dragged him away from the process, only something when her back hits something. "Hey, pretty lady," Eddie whispered in her ear from behind her before sinking his teeth into her neck. "No! Stop! Please, Eddie!" Steve pleaded as he watched the life drain from his best's friends eyes.
Steve could barely breathe, he couldn't focus. He didn't even see Robin's body drop to the floor and Eddie walk up to him. "Hi." Eddie grinned like the Cheshire Cat. The corners of his mouth practically reached each ear. He lifted his hand up to Steve's cheek, caressing it gently. "You're next."
El screamed drawing both of their attention. She fell to the floor and Will rushed over to her. "El? Can you hear me!? El!?" Will screamed but it was to no avail. "Move." Vecna demanded but Will stayed where he was protecting El's body. Vecna sighed with an eye roll and used his telekinesis to throw Will out of sight.
Eddie turned Steve's face back to face him. "Eyes on me, you don't want to watch what's gonna happen next." Eddie actually spoke sincerely, or maybe Steve couldn't tell the difference anymore. El screamed followed by squelching noises. Everything was silent.
Eddie looked into Steve's emotionless eyes. Steve could barely keep them open. He didn't know how to keep them open. "Please, just kill me. If I have to die, I want it to be by the hands of someone I love." Steve confessed. He wanted Eddie to kill him. He didn't want to live in a world where all his friends were dead. Eddie gasped. "I'm so sorry." He spoke with a pitchy voice as if he just realized what he had done.
Eddie pulled himself away from Steve and faced Vecna. He lifted his hand out and a sword flew into his palm. "Eddie..." Venca warned. "I am going to make you pay." Eddie charged at Vecna. Using the superspeed perk he gained when he was turned into a vampire, he was able to slash Vecna in his chest. "Pitiful. That's what you are." Vecna raised his arm to defeat him but Eddie raised his sword and slashed it around, hacking Vecna's arm off. "You have nothing on me," Eddie smirked as Vecna stood in shock.
"You are going to regret that." Vecna stepped forward. "I don't think I am." Eddie laughed. He swung his sword around, doing cool tricks he didn't know he knew how to do. Vecna raised his uncut arm. Eddie used his superspeed to run in circles around Vecna. "I'm right here." He appeared next to Vecna on his right. Vecna turned towards him but he was gone. "Now, I'm over here." Eddie appeared on his left. Vecna turned to his left only to be met with nothing. "Turn around," Eddie whispered from behind Vecna. He quickly spun around, thinking he finally got Eddie. "I got you." Eddie smiled wickedly as he sliced Vecna's head off.
As Vecna's lifeless body dropped to the floor, so did the bats, and the vines. Eddie dropped the sword and turned around to Steve who had dropped to the floor by now, tears flowing onto the ground. He rushed over to him, wrapping his arms gently around him. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Eddie repeated as Steve cried into his chest. "I'm sorry." He whispered as he looked at the scene that lay out in front of him.
Lifeless bodies were everywhere you looked. "What have I done." Eddie swallowed harshly. "I love you," Steve whispered, clinging onto Eddie tighter. "You shouldn't." Eddie took a deep breath. Steve nodded, agreeing with Eddie, but in some weird way, he still loved Eddie. He didn't care what he had done. He knows he should, but he doesn't. He doesn't even blame himself either. He's fucked up for sure, but he's fucked up with Eddie, so, nothing matters. Not anymore and never again.
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battling-my-demons · 2 years
So yesterday was my school's 10 year reunion. I kept going back and forth debating on going. I didn't realize how close it was,but it was yesterday, apparently. I wasn't sure how I would feel if I missed it. Well, now I'm feeling angry, sad, and relieved. I am mad and sad because I didn't get the experience with school that others had. I never enjoyed school or the activities that others had. I didn't go to many events. I barely went to prom. I was bullied and excluded from many things. Purposely. I was barely in the yearbook. I hated it. So I was a little relieved I didn't actually have to make the decision after all. Still, I am so upset that I was robbed of the joy and the fun. These people ruined my childhood. From 5th grade to 12th, I delt with all the bullshit they put me through. So then you would say I'm lucky to not have gone, right? Wrong. I would have loved to have gone if I had a good relationship with any of those people. It just isn't fair to have missed a milestone in my life. I'm just upset now. It's a big deal and yet I am so conflicted. Now, I'd hear things like, "well, you should have gone and ignored the mean people." Or "then you're better off not going." Or "you should have gotten over it by now. " ect ect. It's not easy when you're younger years were traumatic. It's very hard to understand and express how you feel because a lot of people don't relate. Now, I feel so torn up.
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weeb-dealer · 5 months
its 4/20 please take some time to remember everyone that has died / been incarcerated / lost any chance at a normal life for your right to smoke ur fuckin mids.
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brainrotcharacters · 11 days
wade's undiagnosed ADHD (giggling everytime Logan stabs him) is only ever matched by Logan's undiagnosed autism (stabbing Wade with his claws when he's overstimulated)
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hinamie · 1 month
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I'm always pushing you away from me / but you come back with gravity / and when I call, you come home
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so how about that update, huh
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nenayaquisieras · 7 months
Simon has always been confused on why you gift him toys. Sure, most of the gifts you gave him were some of the things he liked. Bourbon, masks, gloves, make up for him to smudge his eyes with, some daggers and knives. Things that we're useful for him, just him. But later, you gifted him a toy airplane. He makes a comment about it, saying he is not a child anymore and you were better off giving it to Johnny instead.
"No, this is specifically for you, take it."
When he gets to him room, he walks toward his trash can, opening it with the tip of his boot. He gives one more look at the toy, his mood souring before throwing it into the trash. He goes on about his day, training, signing paper work, drills. Doing anything to ignore the pain stinging memories that the toy brought back. Emotions that were buried thousands of feet deep it could reach hell itself. Later, he lies awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, avoiding looking at the cylinder shape that's calling for him in his peripheral.
He pulls the covers off vigorously and stomps over to the trash can. He is standing over it like he's trying to intimidate it, as if it was an enemy he's trying to get rid of in battle. To anyone else, the scene would look comical.
He sighs to himself and reaches down to take out the toy he so cruelly threw away. He sets it on his desk and quickly walks toward his bed, facing away from his desk.
The next day, he wakes up feeling different. He swears he sees his room more vibrant, more lively. That energy follows him through out the day, having his other teammates notice his rather bright mood.
You catch him in the hallway. Pulling him aside to ask him about the paper work you left at his desk this morning. Of course, he notices the way you smile brightly, more so than usual. But he notices that you're not looking at him. More like looking at something next to him.
"What's got you so cheery?"
You turn to look up at him, feeling a bit embarrassed.
"I just..." You take a quick glance at the spot next to him, before bringing your eyes back upon his.
"I just hope you liked your gift." The same bright smile appearing on your face.
He stares at you, examining your words. Your expression.
You think you see his eyes crinkle a bit.
"I liked it."
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squidpedia · 8 months
Frisk POV vs. Clover POV
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(Please ask for permission before reposting onto other sites or dubbing, thank you!)
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youlooklikedead · 2 months
Klaus selling his body for drugs all over again was bad enough but then someone in that writers room decided to amp up the already fucked up situation to 100 by making Klaus to be sex trafficked and being forced to use his powers to let ghosts violate and use his body to have sex with the living so he could earn money to pay his debts to Quinn, which we all know he would never be able to do and he would be explored forever had he not escaped...And then it's played for laughs. Someone decided that putting Klaus through another extremely traumatic situation would be funny because he's always going on his own little adventures and getting himself in trouble, right? Someone in there thought "Oh that's so natural of him, that him going through something like this is just in character so it's funny, he will take this fucked up situation in a silly funny manner, right? Because it's Klaus Hargreeves we are talking about! And for some reason this will have no repercussions for his already poor mental health at all!" and they CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!
I just want to talk to whoever wrote that shit. In a ✨️amicable✨️ way of course. As one does :)
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corvidcall · 11 months
"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an afton-"
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"heres how mike schmidt could actually be an emily-"
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lesbianshadowheart · 7 months
dont get me wrong cuz I DO appreciate Larian continuing to work on the game and trying to fix issues etc but like. mr Larian PLEASE stop responding to fan feedback. Theres like 2 million people playing this game ofc some of them will say character x should be nicer or cuter or do a little dance but that doesnt mean u gotta do it. you dont gotta call neil newbon or whoever up like come to the studio we need to rerecord everything bc a person on reddit said theyd like it better. You’ve worked on these characters for over 4 years and you are allowed to stand by your creation. None of what I said applies to Wyll’s underdevelopment btw but you all know that
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bunnieswithknives · 19 days
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Thinking about his brain
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fcstellae · 19 days
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