#ive cried so much over these dudes
the-invisible-queer · 5 months
Anyone who's had a fixation over the Friends of the ABC Cafe please say aye
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thebiggestmenace · 2 months
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diorkyeom · 4 months
THE @diorkyeom / @fairyhaos AO3 FIC REC LIST: PART 3
masterlist. part one. part two.
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part three of all the ao3 fics that i've read for seventeen which i've loved, kudosed, and proceeded to download so i'll always have with me! lots of these are fics that have been in my library for a while that i just never got round to reccing, so expect a lot of verkwan in this haha
(list is in order of titles!)
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By Any Other Name - bapilli
verkwan, omegaverse, oneshot
i don't even read omegaverse so idk how i even ended up reading this in the first place but. it's actually sooo so sweet. their dynamic is just sososo gentle and hansol just Likes seungkwan SO MUCH and it's So obvious and it makes me want to sob in my hands a little bit. this fic gets bonus points for its hurt/comfort elements and the gentle reassurance it has.
Give Me A Chance To Be Yours - lillupon
meanie, uni au, pining, chaptered
listen guys. there is So Much stuff in the meanie tag that if i rec a meanie fic, you just know it's the best of the best. the whole best-friends-who-act-like-theyre-dating thing is delicious But add that with oblivious mingyu and pining wonu and a confession not taken seriously and jealousy and you have an absolutely stellar fic. and wow, guess what, that's exactly what this fic is
Green (With Leaves) - kaiteki
soonhoon, plant shop au, chaptered (but short)
no bc why is literally the gentlest, sweetest, fondest soonhoon characterisation ever and why is it so accurate???? i Love dramatic soonyoung and dry humour jihoon and their fun little dynamic put into the loveliest friends to lovers plot ever. y'all know that i prefer strangers/ friends to lovers over e2l for soonhoon any day and this fic does it rly well
i'm all about you - checkyeshoshi
verkwan, football (soccer), chaptered
honestly seungkwan as a firecracker of a football coach is something ive Never thought about before but it also makes so much sense???? and hansol just being The Guy dragged into the team's shenanigans is so adorable and very much him imo. also seungkwan basically just gawking at hansol's muscles the entire time >>>
Insomnia - Mistehri
soonhoon, canon au, ib insomnia zero 1, oneshot
soooo soft and soooo sweet!!! i love little canon fics bc theyre always so self indulgent and i love that for the author. also adorable jihoon who can't sleep without soonyoung?? that's absolutely adorable and i cried a bit bc my heart was Melting at how soft they are
pack off the sunset glow - orphan_account
verkwan, roadtrip, non-idols au, oneshot
*clenches fists* i love these gay little boys so so much. it's so chaotic and fun and you literally can imagine everything that happens here and seungkwan being a dramatic mess as usual makes everything soo so much better
PEACH. - petitseok
seoksoo, non-idols, age regression, twoshot
honestly ive never even read those caregiver + regressor fics before but this one :((( instantly the best one of those types of fics ever like. i don't even know what made me click on it but it's So sweet and devastating and regressor!seok now has my heart bc of course this lovely man with big doe eyes should get to act like a 3 year old every now and then to relax
The Tiger On The Mountain - natigail
soonhoon, magical realism, shapeshifter hoshi, chaptered
hnnghghfh listen. people really underappreciate the potential for hybrid fics and shapeshifter fics that hoshi's tiger agenda brings, but this uses it really well! i love the interleaving of fantasy into Totally Normal Lee Jihoon's life and dude,,, the cliché tropes r all just so good
What's In A Name - thanku4urlove
verkwan, non-idols, fluff, crack, oneshot
seungkwan is so!!! himself!!! in this fic and i literally even have one section of this fic screenshotted bc i screamed about it to my friend since it was such an on-point seungkwan characterisation. also user thanku4urlove literally writes the best verkwan fics. i think i've recced their fics in every list so far
your name is a triangle - universefactory(jaeminjeno)
soonhoon, idolverse, established relationship, oneshot
mild misunderstandings and soft relationships. that's it, that's the fic. soonyoung is Sad and Sulking but jihoon is there to knock some sense into him and all is fine once again :D okay but also the way that the members r just so caring in the fic is vv sweet too
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Breaking down walls- Astarion x reader
Astarion x "uses humor to cope" reader, second person POV, 1.4k words, gn reader
tw- Mentions of Cazador, nothing else really?
a/n- ive been so obsessed with this little dude i love him sm. this is my first time writing fanfic online so any advice is welcome :)
You had never been good at genuine emotions. It was always so much easier to joke about such things, as a way to make people feel less shitty about their situation than to actually talk about the reality of things.
It’s what you had done with Karlach, making up all sorts of outrageous stories about the fun you and your best friend could get into once she was free from the furnace that burned inside of her. Even though deep down you had no idea how to free her from the flames. 
You had done it with Gale, making up jokes about his stereotypical “wizards tower” whenever he was feeling down about Mystra. Even though deep down you had no idea how he was supposed to cope with what she demanded of him. 
It was easy to joke. To make people feel good and laugh for a short amount of time. That’s what you told yourself. 
But the truth was, the alternative was hard. Feelings, reality, genuine bonds, they all meant you had to put down your walls. And the other person had to do the same. And deep down, you feared letting down your walls for someone, only for them to keep theirs up. 
It was probably why you liked Astarion so much. While you put up a front of jokes, he puts up a front of flirty advances. Both of you knew you were putting on an act, yet neither minded. Neither dared try to climb the other's wall. 
And so the two of you formed a bit of a routine, he would flirt, and you would tease. Both of you dancing around how you really felt like leaves fluttering in the wind. A subtle glance there and a stray brush of the fingers here made you think, or maybe hope, that he really felt something for you. Just a little. Or maybe that was wishful thinking on your part. 
But he’d never seen the sadness in your eyes when he would say those sweet words to you, both knowing he didn’t mean them. And if you had any say in it, he never would. It was better that way. Easier. Safer. And you’d be damned if you ruined the current relationship you had with him. Because at least you got to be close. A few genuine words among a sea of deception was far better than him shutting you out completely. Better savor what little you can have than lose it all right? 
That had been your mantra, right up until that night. 
You had had a bout of insomnia the night before, and so you had offered to take the first watch tonight. You'd hoped staying up extra late meant that after your watch you would instantly crash and hopefully fix your sleep schedule a little. 
It had started a little before midnight, you had heard Astarion mumbling something under his breath, tossing and turning. You had heard somewhere that elves only sleep for about 4 hours, so you figured it was best to leave him be. He’d be up soon anyway. 
And that plan worked fabulously. For about 5 minutes until the mumbles became more like cries for help. You knew what, or rather who he was dreaming about, and it hurt to see him in so much pain. 
Lifting yourself up from the rock you were seated on, you made your way to shake him awake, only for Astarion to shoot upright as you were about to grab his shoulder. 
Your eyes met, only inches apart, your face filled with mild shock and his with horror. 
Quickly recovering, you took a step back, giving him proper space so as to not add to his obvious terror. Unfortunately for you, trying to get away meant stumbling over your own crouched form and landing on your rear with a yelp. 
For a second you both sat there, you not daring to even breathe too loudly. while he looked at you in slight confusion, though that was mostly covered by the blinding terror still on his face.
You sat there in silence for a few more moments, before your brain finally kicked in and you realized you needed to say something, now. Preferably without sounding like a complete lunatic, freak, or wackjob.
you open your mouth to speak, but Astarion beats you to it, his velvety voice cutting through your uncertain, cracking tone. 
“You know, you’re not the first person I’ve left speechless, although normally it’s for quite a different reason.” 
Astarion's tone was playful, but the slight shake in his voice was obvious. Once again, you couldn’t see beyond the walls he had built.
“Anyways love, sorry for disturbing your watch. Feel free to go b-“
“I was thinking of what to say.”
Your sudden interruption earned an eyebrow raise from the pale elf. 
“That hard for you darling? Maybe because you’re stunned by how beautiful I look when asleep?” 
He was giving you a way out. A way to laugh this all off and pretend like it never even happened the next morning. If it were any other time you might have taken it. If you didn’t see the fear in his eyes. If you didn’t see the way his hands were still shaking. If deep down, you didn’t want to break down your walls for him. 
Before you could think better of it, you opened your mouth. 
“I could say that Cazador can’t hurt you anymore. That you're safe here. But you're clearly hurting, so that isn’t true.” 
Now it was Astarion’s turn to look shocked. He hadn’t mentioned the dream was about Cazador but he didn’t have to. You knew all the same. He looked like he wanted to say something, to object maybe, but if you didn’t say what you wanted to say now you may never do it again. So you spoke again before he could.
“I could say that I’m going to rip that bastard limb from limb for you, but-“
You shrug and gesture vaguely to the camp around you. The supplies you all had managed to scrounge together, and your weary companions sleeping silently nearby 
“We don’t exactly have a plan now, do we? Hells we can’t even figure out how to be rid of this damn tadpole. So saying that’s definitely out, nobody wants to hear empty promises” 
A dry bark of laughter escaped Astarion,s lips, probably out of shock from your brutal honesty, but you weren’t done yet.
You opened your mouth one more time, voice shaky but eyes locked onto his all the same.
“I could-
I could tell you that I don’t know everything about your past. About what all he did to you. But I do know that whatever your future holds, I will be there. I will stand beside you and I will not leave. No matter what you choose I will support you. I will stay. And you will not go back Astarion. You will never go back under him. Not while I breathe. Not when you can still fight. You won’t do this alone, I swear that to you.”
And just like that you had broken down your walls. There were no jokes, no double meanings, no way out of it. Because despite the fear, you wanted to be seen. And you wanted to see him too. Not the act that he put up, but the real genuine version of him, scars and all. 
Astarion looked at you in silence, it was his turn to be rendered speechless. Despite all your bravado before, this was terrifying. Honestly, jumping into a pit of hungry manticores seemed more appealing than this current conversation. You looked down at the ground, unable to hold his gaze any longer. A million thoughts ran through your mind, but no matter what you wouldn’t take it back. You couldn’t go back to stealing glances at him and smiling at his honeyed words, secretly wishing he’d meant them. Not again, you just ca-
A cool hand against yours stopped your train of thought right in its tracks. 
Long, slender, Pale fingers wrapped around yours. And your mind went silent.
You whipped your head up to Astarion, but he wasn’t looking your way. His eyes were focused on the horizon, not even stealing a glimpse in your direction. But he gently weaved your fingers together more. His grasp was firm, yet still slightly shaking. 
A crack in his wall. A start. A glimpse at the real Astarion you so desperately wished to see. 
You sat together in silence. Your hands never left each other's grasp, not until you were eventually overtaken by sleep.
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paul-ster · 1 month
Why do you hate Steve so much?
Not trying to be mean at all
Just generally curious to what he did to make you despise him?
He’s fugly <3
Jk, but in The Outsiders, he’s never given a proper part. Of course we can see that he’s snarky and all of that. But- that isn’t character. No, that’s just him being a dick.
And I hate how he’s characterized (in fandom) as sweet and all of that when he acts so uniquely with Ponyboy. While I don’t mind much about him, there’s just a certain distaste I get for Steve.
His whole character is just bullying Ponyboy >:( And honestly, while it can be funny- he doesn’t offer anything. We know that him and Soda are best friends and that he might have a heart. (When Dallas was shot and he cried, also when Two-Bit tried pretending to be sad over a switchblade in which Steve gets angry) But that doesn’t define him.
Ive done a character study on him and have come to the fact that he doesn’t have ambitions. He isn’t shown to have goals or basically a reason for being in the book. I don’t hate Steve, but rather the lack of “Steve”
With Ponyboy and Johnny you get character, you understand their goals and reasons. You’re actually able to connects it’s something that’s there. But, Steve’s only ambition is to bully Ponyboy (which in my case doesn’t help because i love Ponyboy. I hate you Steve… 😒)
I feel like I can go on for days about how much I hate Steve. While it’ll feel like I’m going in circles for disliking Steve, it’s because THERES NOTHING ELSE TO HIM! He’s just a random greaser with daddy issues. Like cmon, EVERY GREASER HAS DADDY ISSUES.
S.E Hinton made practically a character that serves no purpose other than to show Ponyboys character development. And I hate how much potential he had. But hates kinda a strong word, THAT FITS STEVE DUDE. He probably doesn’t even know how to spell it man.
Someone put him through character development and I’ll change my opinions. But for now, just understand that I cannot enjoy something that is nothing. And- to be rude- Steve is nothing. Nothing maleable to give a sense to actually like him.
You don’t like Steve. You like what Steve could’ve been. And that’s what pisses me the most off about Steve.
Rant over, what if I said everything above was a joke? ;3
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zouyceth · 9 days
ice rinks tragedy, gojo satoru
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what if gojo fell in love with an old friend he casually met at the ice skating rink? gs x femreader gojos POV.
"i just want a girl that loves me, you know?" i say, sulking in evidencial sorrow. geto laughs, nudging me. "we will both get it one day, ya' just gotta wait, gojo. and besides you got the looks, and uh, personality too, i guess-"
"-maaaan shutup. my personality is charming too, right?" i inturrupt, evidently embarrassed. "i was gonna say that, duh." geto replied, eye rolling. we both laugh, walking to the ice skating rink i begged we go. it's been so long since we hung out like this, and i was pleased that we did.
"i forgot my socks.." geto said, irritated. i sigh, as we walk back to the counter where they had the socks. 
"hi, i just need so—"
"(y/n)? that you?" i say, shock written all over my face. "?? TORU???SATORU???" she says, almost as everyone could hear her from the blasting music. "what are you doing here? oh my god wait i haven't seen your ass in YEARS!!" she squealed, coming over to hug me. 
"i don't know.. to maybe.. ice skate?" i reply, joking around. she tuts, rolling her eyes. "shut it. anyways, ive missed you so much! id never know i'd see you, oh and yes i do work here." she said, eyes gleaming.
she's still as pretty as when i last saw her. despite not looking any different, she looked really stunning. "you work here? oh that's nice. i thought you moved out to a different city?" i ask, confusion written. 
"yeah i did. but i really do miss being here so i saved up to come back and i just got a job so i can be financially ok. but how about you? how's life going?" she said. i could just notice the minor wrinkles on her face move whenever she spoke, or the sparkle in her eyes. even how she presented herself.
she was so beautiful. 
"earth to.. gojo? she's talking to ya" geto said, as he starts laugh seeing me look at her. i was in love.
but she was oblivious to shit like that so im good.  "what you say again?"
"i asked how u were."
"im.. im happy.. im so happy right now."
she giggles, confusion written on her face. "why's that?" she asks, arms resting besides the counter. "it's just—"
"he's happy to be here. let's go, we have limited time here!" geto interrupts, annoyed. "oh you guys are fine. you can stay all day ..it's on me." she spoke, smiling. i continue staring at her with nothing but love and adoration in my eyes. "thank you, (y/n)? is that your name?" geto said. she nodded, walking back to the counter she was at.
"i'll let you guys have your fun, bye!" 
i couldn't stop staring at her, and i swore i nearly cried. she's so pretty i nearly cried. 
"gojo.. be civilised, ain't she just an old friend?"
"my wife, actually." i followed him along. geto laughs, i don't know why but he does. i roll my eyes. i wasn't lying. i wanted her to be my wife.
—turns out she had a boyfriend the entire time. 
"dude just let it rest, with a girl as pretty as her, it was quite clear she probably had a significant other."  "so? i should've been her signature shit whatever shit you just said" i say, frowning. he sighs, passing me the controller.
"let's just play cod and forget about this, ok?" geto said, switching on the console. 
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imnotasuperhero · 1 year
Look into my eyes (search your soul)
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Your love for Wanda could make you go the distance and more, just to see her happy.
A/N: I know I’m a week late, BUT! March came by and I’m back to my old schedule at karate and then a friend opened her own dojo and we celebrated and if you add work to the mix.. adulting sucks, dude. I promise I’ll try to stick to weekly updates! I also have a started wip that might be posted tomorrow.
Here’s part 4. I hope you enjoy this one and it’s enough to keep your hearts hanging 🤭🤭 Enjoy!
Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX
The cries could be heard through the door, so you decided to avoid the knocking and just enter Wanda’s home, feeling your heart squeeze at the scene in front of you.
Hurrying to the quietly crying woman, you took one of her babies from her hold, slowly rocking him trying to calm him down.
"Shh," you coed. "Everything is okay." Bewitching the baby in your arms, Tommy -you noticed, you looked into Wanda's green eyes, hoping she understood the hidden meaning in those words.
Sitting on the couch, you patted the place beside you, a clear indication for Wanda to follow.
The whole smoothness in which the next minutes elapsed only added to your emotional bag.
"They're asleep," Wanda sighed. "Thank you."
"It's nothing," you breathed.
You knew this silence meant some heavy chat. It wasn't usual for Wanda to be so erratic. And if it wasn't for the babies, you knew she would even be catatonic. But you also knew you couldn't force her. So you just stood there, admiring the sleeping baby in your arms, waiting for the bomb to drop.
"You were with Nat." 
The spoken words froze your respiratory system for a moment too long. That was not what you expected. 
"I was," you looked at Wanda, who refused to take her eyes off her son.
"You had sex with her."
"Since when you question what I do?" You raised an eyebrow, a small smirk hiding on your lips.
"You did." She whispered, making the wires in your brain short-circuit.
Sighing, you just sunk deep into the couch, letting the silence make its presence once again.
"Can you look at them while I shower?" Wanda asked with certain shyness that squeezed your heart.
"Of course," you nodded. "Take your time, there's no rush," you made sure your eyes locked with Wanda's, hoping she believed your words.
Looking at her go, you finally breathed out all the pent-up emotions you felt. 
"Welcome to the world," you laughed drily at the sleeping babies, admiring the ability to ignore the problems. 
If only they could talk to fill you in the blanks.
Leaving Tommy in their small crib beside his brother, you marched to the kitchen, decided to mend Wanda's heart. Or at least try. 
"Wands?" You knocked on the closed door.
"I brought you tea," you maneuvered to open the door with your elbow, giving her one mug to take the baby monitor out of your pocket and placed it on the countertop. "They're fast asleep," you smiled, easing Wanda's worries.
After staring at you for a few seconds too long, Wanda hummed at the warm steam filling her nostrils. "Thank you," she mouthed.
"It's nothing," you sat down on the floor by the bathtub, just waiting.
It wasn't rare for you two to work in tandem without having to speak your needs. Much less considering the friendship that linked you both. So when you stood there by her side, she didn’t think about kicking you out -not even when she was naked, only covered by the foam in the water. 
“I’m sorry,” Wanda felt her heart squeezing at the confusion plastered all over your face. “For always dragging you into my problems.” She changed the course of her intentions. Now was not the time.
Wanda’s breath hitched when she saw you move closer, maybe too close for two best friends. And the breath she was about to exhale delayed even more at the burning feeling of your hand against her wet arm.
“Remember all those years back after your fight with Pietro under our tree?” How could she not? It was one of her favorite moments with you.
Once she nodded, you continued. “Do you remember what did I tell you?”
“Soulmates don’t necessarily have to be lovers. I’m your soulmate and we’re linked forever, even after our deaths.” Wanda remembered every single word with a smile, the warm feeling in her chest easing the pain she was feeling moments ago.
“After all these years, I still stand by my words,” you reached for her shampoo, standing up to sit at the edge of the bathtub. “Scoot forward.” 
Wanda let herself relax at the feeling of your expertised hands washing her greasy hair. God knows she had barely had time for body showers.
“You are my soulmate, Wanda.” The pause in your statement went unnoticed by Wanda for all her body felt like giving up to gravity at the massages on her scalp, drawing soft moans out of her at the feeling of floating.
“Your burdens are mine and your happiness and successes are mine, too. So don’t you ever think for one second that I won’t be by your side to help you through whatever you’re going through.”
Looking up, Wanda finally let her tears run freely at the sincerity she could see in your eyes. But before she could say anything, a cry was heard through the white small speaker by the bathroom sink.
“Think you can finish yourself?”
“It’s feeding time,” Wanda smiled. “And Y/N?” She spoke before you walked out, “Thank you.” Wanda sighed, unplucking the bathtub before opening the shower to rinse her clean hair.
Feeling the hot water washing all her worries and the sadness lingering in her heart, Wanda finished with her task, taking her time to allow herself to think about the best way to break the news to you.
She’s known you for over half her life and even though a part of her wanted to join you in whatever your plan of action could be just to make him feel a small proportion of what she was feeling, an even bigger part wanted to keep things civil for her kids’ sake.
Feeling clean, she quickly changed into her comfort clothes before joining you. No matter how bad her body ached for rest, she couldn’t leave you alone with her kids. It won’t be right.
Reaching the bottom of the stairs, the cracks in her heart started to repair themselves agonizingly slowly at the sight of you quietly lulling both babies, making it seem so effortlessly as you paced around the living room’s floor.
“Nice shirt,” you smirked and Wanda looked down at her body, inspecting the clothing. Oh.
“It’s comfy,” she shrugged away the feeling of her cheeks heating up. Walking towards you, she picked Tommy up as she leaned towards your shoulder to kiss Billy’s head. “I’m ready,” Wanda locked her eyes with yours, hoping you understood. After all, you couldn’t do much with the babies sleeping.
“Vision left,” Wanda sighed after making herself comfortable on her couch.
“For how long?” You asked and Wanda smiled sadly at the confusion in your voice.
“No,” Wanda paused looking for the right words, trying her best to keep it steady. “He left us.”
The confusion on your face shifted into a shocked one just to be replaced by anger.
The change in your pupils lighted up something akin to fear in Wanda. It was very rare for you to get this way, and she thanked her babies for preventing you to break hell free.
“That fucker,” you growled, fidgeting uncomfortably.
Her tongue itched to speak, but she decided to stay quiet until your breathing returned to a normal rate, all while bracing into the baby in her arms. Her hold almost unbreakable, trying to keep the small hope that had been slipping through her fingers for a while, now.
“What was his lame excuse?” You asked, breaking the pregnant silence.
“He… He said he couldn’t do this. That all this chaos was hard for him and-”
“Stop. Please, stop before I go chasing him to kill him.” Your eyes closed trying to calm your erratic breaths and Wanda could only fight harder to run from the darkness chasing her. But when you opened your eyes, all Wanda saw was hope.
Granted, it lasted just a few milliseconds for it disappeared as fast as it came, but the pang in Wanda’s chest signaled something growing inside her.
Opening your arms, Wanda choked at the silent invitation.
“I know you can’t see it right now, but you’re better off without him,” your voice came soothing, but it only served to break her. Her eyes burning with every shedded tear.
Wanda snuggled impossibly closer into your warmth, allowing her body to blend against yours as you secured your free arm around her shoulders, as if shielding her from the bad things of life.
And just like the pain in her mixed with anger, a new feeling she seemed to ignore, lighted up like a torch in a pitch-black cave, clearing away the darkness that had settled around her beating heart.
As always, coments and reblogs are highly appreciated (:
Taglist: @summergeezburr​ @wandabear​ @red1culous​ @inluvwithfictionalwomen​ @aliherreraaa @kiancorpse ​ @whitewidowsbite ​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx ​ @daenerys713 ​ @swiftie1-0-1 @godamnityess ​ @marvelwomen-simp ​ @forthelesbians ​ @when-wolves-howl ​ @marvelogic ​ @cowboyboots236 @iliketozoneout​ (If you wanna be added to the taglist, just let me know! :)
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f4y3w00d5 · 5 days
looked thru my old characters again and now im wondering whod wanna rp with them, so im gonna pick a few out and give brief backstories
YOUNG INDUSTRIES (A former rp I did)
Description: Evil guy Seth kidnaps innocents and experiments on them, no one could ever escape.
Lets start with the characters from the Abyss, the Abyss was where the inmates who angered Seth/were dangerous were. there was the upper and lower parts of the Abyss, ill specify what each character was.
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Oliver (Green eyed) and Alvirum (demonic). Oliver was to be a sacrifice, but ended up possessed by a young demon, and their souls were bonded. Oliver is mostly in control, although when threatened Alvirun takes over. Olivers mostly sweet but Alviruns mocking. They count as 11. Upper levels of the abyss.
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Annie. hahaha fucking shit was she hot- Shes some sort of angelic type being, crossed with a siren. Shes a fucking jerk. I love her. Upper levels.
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I loved Rax but he didnt go well with the industries. Condescending but flirty vampiric asshole. he has minor hypnotic powers, too. He got put into the upper abyss for pissing Seth off
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Skylar!!! The darling was so sweet, I love him. Some sort of siren, but he was cursed by a cousin to only be able to speak the truth and the whole truth. hes also a sorcerer and knows quite a bit of magic. He probably insulted Seth and got sent down
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Zayne. Psychopathic yet human serial killer. Potentially made a deal with the devil. Highly dangerous and his drive for blood outways nearly everything else. Lower abyss, one of the most dangerous.
Ive already got one for Jacob, one of the others in the lower abyss, and Zanthia would be hard to roleplay....
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(thats him, hes 19)
Upper Levels This is the main part of the industries and where the safe inmates are
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Abby. I didnt get much done for her, but shes some sort of wood elf and utterly adorable. easily scared and very quiet.
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Alyce. Early version of Faye, part demon part human, hangs out with some other dude i forgot the name of... wait nevermind its Haydyn!! she was a killer before being captured and shes rlly bright and bubbly
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bored dead inside ghost, friends with Alyce, murdered, sorta goth. tired constantly but hes nice
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Celestia. Some kind of human mixed with an eldritch abomination. she cries constantly. shes grey and black and white. tragedy. her voice sounds like multiple people talking on top of each other.
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Tethys. Already got an account for her. Sweet little cow girl with abandonment issues. Shes currently staying at @monsterfucker-research-wizards place.
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Xander (red) and Shane (blue). Pair of brothers, Xanders the responsible one, Shane is the eternally horny masochist one, twin vampires looking for their baby sister, Evelyn.
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Evelyn, 16. Technically from the abyss, but that was just to keep her secret. Been locked in a room all by herself for 10 years. Shes sweet.
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Anya, some sort of deer-elf thing. Shes sweet. very shy and helpful, i love her....
Next we have the ones that were guards at the Young Industries
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She doesnt have a name, or a personality yet
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also unnamed and personality-less but she looks cool
then theres the ones from the library, they get their own account
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The mother, Cecilia, her 9 year old daughter, May, and the first (and only one ive thought of) resident of the library, Alora. Cecilia and May are... god knows what. some kind of immortal being, teleporting around with a sanctuary for the broken, known as the library. Alora was the first one who escaped from the Young Industries and is VERY traumatised, also shy.
Then lastly just random ones
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Adonis, human murderer, hes badass. not much on him yet
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Erika, also badass... maybe her and Adonis are siblings
@akronus-the-redeemed @gobodegoblin @monsterfucker-research-wizard @the-cherryblossom-system @ibuildblasters @good-wizard @annotated-catastrophe @drew-bard-for-hire @wasteland-wooferbaby @blooper-malte @be-gentle-with-littluns-2 @slymewitch
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starfxkr · 4 months
speaking of jj and giving back to his community, i just know he takes care of his people in his close circle so well :( no one goes hungry as long as he’s working. and he lives humble but his close friends have seen him pull out bout 3 bands and just say “go give this out to people that need it”. he plays basketball with abandoned kids, and brings them over for a nice meal (curtesy of baby) and takes them shoe shopping when he can. and i know it hurts him so bad when one of the kids in the area starts getting involved with that life :(( holding him while he cries, blaming himself for failing them and having to reassure him he’s saved more than he’s lost
- 🪐
literally gnawing at the bars of my enclosure because he drops a band on these kids like its NOTHIN frequently handing out toys and shoes and bookbags because he wants them to stay they asses in school!!! loves jokin with them that “you dont wanna be like me little man i cant read” (yes he can hes just dyslexic 😭)
but ugh yes his real #1 opp is barry because he loves using the kids as runners and it rlly hurts him so much to see it. you’re the only one he exposes this side to, laid up in the bed holding him for once and letting him be the little spoon as he cries.
“i really fuckin try dude, with the shit ive seen i dont want these kids livin like me? and i feel bad because i give em these gifts and you cook em meals and i can tell they wanna be me so they can give back too. how do i even deal with that shit?”
you rub your lips against his shoulder, feeling him start to relax, “you cant put the world on your shoulders jayj, you give em options, you give em a chance and thats all you can do.”
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read the words "Bev and Erlin's wedding" in your Jaina hc post and now i simply cannot stop thinking about them. have any more hcs about our favorite beverlin boys??
Oh god I love them so much
They adventure together for a while, during the rebuilding period in the aftermath of Thiala’s cataclysm. But never alone. It’s them and Hardwon and Moonshine, occasionally them and Egwene and Cobb. They know that their strength comes from other people but are insufferable on the battlefield when together in the best possible way.
They kind of forget to have their first actual date until about 4 months after the final battle. They’re in Irondeep helping rebuild and realize there are actual restaurants that are open. Hardwon cheekily offers to chaperone, but he and Moonshine end up clubbing instead. Bev and Erlin are both actually nervous for the date but let that all fall away seconds after arriving. They close down the restaurant, completely unintentionally. Moonshine paid for them ahead of time.
Consciously, they choose to not really discuss marriage until they’re in their 20s. They are both on the same page about it, and for a while it’s more about who will ask than if they will ask and what the answer will be.
Beverly frets because he knows Erlin will want something subtle. Erlin frets because he knows Beverly will want something slightly over the top.
In the end, Erlin asks, because he was able to get his plan together faster. Because he enlisted help from Moonshine and Hardwon. They plan an entire small adventure for Bev, a true Boobs adventure, where Erlin doesn’t come along. But he’s waiting there at the end. With a question and a ring. There was swashbuckling and they accidentally uncovered an actual bullywug plot while trying to follow the plan, but Erlin almost losing it because they were late aside, it was perfect. He got down on one knee in the Moonstone swamp, and everyone cried. Moonshine and Hardwon attempted to get out of earshot but they didn’t make it. It didn’t matter.
Their wedding was at the Crick. There were a lot of conflicting ideas there, about where it should be, but they landed on the Crick almost the second it was suggested. Jolene officiated, because that’s what felt right (and it was the only way to make sure Denny didn’t). Both Hardwon and Moonshine stood up with Bev, Egwene and Cobb with Erlin. Their vows took out everyone in attendance, and the speeches weren’t much better. Moonshine convinced some gods to look the other way for a day so Bev IV could attend. Mavrus swears up and down he saw Balnor and old Alanis. (It was also a breeding ground for insane hookups. But it was mostly sweet as hell).
They settled in Hill Home after they got married, and enjoyed a quieter life for a while. Maybe they adopted some kids, maybe they didn’t. But it was happy.
Adventure called, again, as it often does. They were happy to answer it. Because this time there was no question about whether or not they would do it together.
After all this time, and an extended lifespan, killing more gods than they care to count, and being on the front lines of saving humanity, they still call each other “dude”. It brings a smile to Moonshine and Hardwon’s faces whenever they hear it.
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Christmas Miracles (Alex Keller x GN!Reader)
A contribution to The Holiday Writing Challenge, sorry I've been so MIA my dudes.
| Blog HQ | Modern Warfare 2019 / 2022 Masterlist |
TW for slight angst with a happy ending, Cat Dude!Alex with OC feline Neko
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“It's Neko.” Your husband trailed off, grief saturating his tone. After a minute of loaded silence he continued. “The vet said she's in stage II kidney failure.”
Your jaw dropped at his words, hand covering your mouth as you listened to the soft whimpers on the other end. Comprehending how half his world just fell to pieces.
“She's fine though. She eats, drinks, follows us to the bathroom and screams at random.” You whispered, shocked by the news you just received. Your husband brought the cat in for a minor dental procedure, not to write out her final will and testament
A couple of small sniffles, “I know. They said she'll be ready to pick up in an hour or two.”
“I'll talk to my lead and pick you up. We'll go together.” You decided, sitting back in your chair. “It'll be okay, I love you.”
“Fuck I feel pathetic. I love you too.” Alex sighed, ending the call. Tears burned in the back of your eyes, knowing the undescribable bond between the two.
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“I'm nervous.” He whispered, knee bouncing anxiously against yours. Eyes scanning the room as he waited for your names to be called.
“It'll be okay.” You mumbled, fingers slipping through his. Squeezing three times; silently forgiving him for not returning the gesture.
His eyes were red, and still swollen despite mostly calming down 20 minutes ago. The entire ride to the clinic was filled with apologies and wondering out loud if the staff will notice he was crying minutes prior.
“Hey you two, we're going to exam 3.” The tech walked over, gesturing for you to follow.
“So, before we bring Neko in we want to review the notes from the procedure and discharge paperwork.” She started, eyeing at your boyfriend who was staring mindlessly at the door. Unable to process any of what was said until he knew his feline soulmate was alright.
“Procedure went amazing, we didn't pull any teeth as the previous problem resolved.” The tech explained, showing you images of the x-rays and Neko's teeth. “We did notice on the pre-op labwork that she does have evidence of some kidney disease however.”
Your eyebrows raised unconsciously. Relief flooding your system. Disease isn't nearly as bad as failure.
Nudging Alex with your elbow, silently reminding him to be present in the conversation; you listened as the vet tech continued to explain the ranking of severity. Stage IV being failure.
Neko was stage II. Mild to moderate disease.
“So, to make sure we have it right. She doesn't have kidney failure. Her kidneys just aren't as effective as they used to be?” You asked, feeling Alex relax beside you. Letting out a loud sigh of relief when the tech left the room to grab his cat.
New tears brimmed in his eyes when the carrier was brought into the room. Irritated meows flooding the room, along with your husband's soft sob.
You listened to the dietary changes, recommended supplements and follow up appointments as Alex cooed at the small animal. Chuckling softly as she continued to berate him for leaving her here all day.
“Thank you, we'll call in the new year to book.” You smiled, waving at the staff before leaving the clinic. Rolling your eyes at your husband, who held the carrier up to his face. Apologizing to his feline friend, and explaining to her how awesome it is that she'll get so much more soft food now!
“It's a Christmas miracle.” Alex sighed happily on the drive home, one arm in the carrier. Scratching Neko's cheek as he smiled wide.
“It's a sign you need to brush up on your medical terminology.”
Taglist: @bloodonmyhands-1221 @bowtruckleninja @v1naco
Alex Keller Taglist: @glitterypirateduck @deadbranch @gcing-back-to-505
A/N: This is 100% based off my situation today, except I was Alex. I cried thinking my cat was in kidney failure.
Except it was my husband (Alex Keller at home) who has zero medical training who thought disease and failure were interchangeable. Leading me to pre-maturely mourn my feline soulmate.
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charliecuntcicle · 21 days
i was upset when we lost pomme and dapper but losing richas is the first time ive cried over everything and its just. fuck dude. before now ive just kinda felt this big void and i didnt really understand what everyone meant when they were talking about how devastated they were losing pomme and dapper cause yeah what they went through sucked but i didnt really have that personal connection with them like a lot of people on here did. but losing richas is genuinely devastating for me. we dont know why ricardao left it might have nothing to do with everything going on but just. fuck man. im going to miss richas so fucking much. he was the reason i ever got into any of the brazilian creators because i saw him interact with tubbo and i thought he was so fun. i dont know any portuguese so it was hard to keep up with him at times but god i loved him. and i feel like ive been praised by multiple people for always staying positive about qsmp on my blog even when stuff gets tough but its really hard to do that right now. i know its not the end i know its just a new chapter but right now this new chapter fucking sucks and i dont want this to be goodbye. i dont want to accept that im never going to see richas again
adeus richarlyson, foi maravilhoso conhecê-lo (is my portuguese correct?)
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bilboscanoes · 4 months
not to be dramatic but NOTHING in the past year has made me cry as much as oromis' passing. okay wait i lied sad boy passing might still win but i mean it when i say that it was written and overall executed PERFECTLY and glaedr's pain alone was enough to make me cry for at least ten long minutes and im still sitting here, tears in my eyes, unable to finish the last ten pages of the damn book because. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO MOVE ON.
and yes in a way brom's death was more meaningful and yes ive cried because of it but when he died we didnt yet fully know his full role in the series so i at least was not able to grieve him as much as he "deserved" immediately when he died. as weve found out what he reslly meanr ive cried a lot but with oromis' death we already know all there is to know about this dude (at least i think so) and glaedr's pain and the setting and everything- i just cant stop the tears it is so moving.
brom also didnt leave a lonely dragon after him since he had already lost his love, in fact BOTH his loves, so even though the whole community was left to miss him he ultimately got to leave the sorrow of living without your soulmates whereas oromis left glaedr to suffer this sorrow.
but all in all id like to thank christopher paolini for executing his passing so perfectly. even though the reading experience was cruel (and i have yet to find out what really happens to glaedr) i havent read a scene of someones passing this fulfilling like. ever. and im a boromir girlie. i felt as every word filled my body one after another and how my body took the shape oromis' and glaedr's pain as its own. and it was terribly sad but so beautiful and fulfilling. admittedly its a little peculiar to call the loss of someone and the HUGE hole he left in all our hearts fulfilling but in the end that is what it was, for me at least. it took over my existence, thats how touching it was.
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gardenofcarnations · 2 years
Damn, like really.. I’ve been in a drunk like trance reading through your fics. They’re honestly amazing!!
Ive been dreaming of a fic where you’re friends with sap, just broken up with your boyfriend and just extremely frustrated bc he’d never ate you out of even made you cum. sap gets mad and want to help you out by treating you right. He makes you cum more times than you’ve had in the last year.
Like darling, I’m so caught up in your works and i honestly think you are the one to bring my dream to paper. Ive never asked for a writer before but i hope you like the request!!
Keep up the good work<3
Oh my god! Thank you so much! I can't form into words how grateful I am for the recent support. I did my best to fulfill your submission, I hope you enjoy it! This was quite fun to write ;)
Also "Sinners" by Ari Abdul & Thomas Larosa was playing as I wrote this submission and it helped build the imagination lol!
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“Fuck you too! Cheating ass bitch!” you scream, tears welling at the brim of your eyes. You slam the door on your now ex-boyfriend’s face.
3 years down the drain in an instant. 
All because of a girl from the club he worked at.
You and Damien had met at a college party back in your first year. Damien was charming to say the least, he had a good sense of humour and that heart throbbing smile that balanced out his lack of a personality and shit mannerisms. On the outside, to everyone else, you both looked like the hottest couple. 
Although, behind closed doors, you both argued over every little issue that irked him. 
You didn’t have dinner ready when he came back from work? An argument.
You took too long to get ready for an outing? An argument.
You didn’t clean the house you both shared? An argument.
You didn’t want to have sex? You didn’t want to suck his poor excuse of a cock? An argument.
He wasn’t always like this. Damien had somewhat redeeming qualities about him like the fact that he was caring from time to time, he would take you out on expensive dates and get you pretty necklaces.
He got you one in particular that read “mine forever.” and it was the sweetest thing you ever had someone do for you.
Sweetest thing until you saw the girl that was wrapped in the sheets with him wear the same necklace. 
It was so sad it came off comedic sat this point.
You were so drained and frustrated with yourself, sacrificing your mental health and well-being all for a half assed excuse of a male. You packed your clothes and left the keys of the shared apartment complex on the bed that you caught them in.
Damien was well aware that you wouldn’t stay in the same house anymore, at least he had some sort of brain cell in that empty head of his.
Salty tears blurred your vision as you struggled to wipe them away, driving down the highway at a whopping 180km to your best friend’s house. 
It would be the best thing for you as of now.
Sapnap was bewildered to see you at his front door at 4am in the morning. He rubbed his eyes to get a better look at you before greeting you. 
“Dude it’s four in the morning why—“ He choked on his words, reading your heartbroken expression and noticed the tears that streamed down your red cheeks, your nose was a bright pink from rubbing your hoodie over it to wipe the snot that dribbled down.
He wraps a hand around your waist and pulls you into the house, “Hey, Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?” he asked you words laced with concern and sympathy. 
You walked over to sit on his living room couch. He shuts the door and walks over to sit beside you. “He— He was in the bed with her…I—I just came back from work…and he was, they—“ You sniffled out. 
Sapnap didn’t need to hear the rest to understand what you were talking about. 
He pulled you in for a tight bear hug, or, in his words, a panda bear hug. He rests his chin on your head, rubbing your back to soothe your cries on his shoulder. He hushes your sobs in attempt to comfort you.
After a while, it worked. 
You calmed down and soon the sadness settled it’s way into the midnight rain. Sapnap stuck with you through it all, making sure you weren’t left alone in such a state. He suggested you lay down in a more comfortable area, he recommended the guest bedroom, and you took it. He suggested that he would help you move out your PC equipment tomorrow morning, he also kept a mental note to rock Damien’s shit before leaving the house for good.
You were in the middle of stripping off your shirt when Sapnap walked in with a bottle of cold water, “Y/n, I brought this just incase you get thirsty and—oh.” His head snaps to your back side, the way your hair fell on your shoulders, the subtle tones of your back, and the curvy, slim, or thick figure of your body made him weak in the knees for a moment.
He clears his throat after noticing you hadn’t heard him come in.
“Oh! Sorry, I was thinking I could change, my shirt’s a bit drenched from snot and…” Your gaze falls to the floor.
“Of course, don’t apologize, it’s all good. Do you need a shirt or?” He asks you while setting the water bottle down on the nightstand. 
“Actually, I’m good, I brought a few clothes.” You respond slipping on a larger shirt that loomed over your figure. Something Sapnap picked up on that wasn’t your daily attire. 
“I didn’t know you were a fan of…ACDC…?” He reads the faded printing on your shirt.
Your eyes flash on the print and then back at him, “Oh, yeah, no, no this…this isn’t mine.”
Sapnap perks an eyebrow, “Who’s, uhm, who’s is it then?”
You look around the room, anywhere but his eyes, the embarrassment eating at your insides as his name slips out of your mouth. “Damien’s.”
The silence flourishes the room, Sapnap shuffles in his steps before turning to leave the room. “Goodnight Y/n–”
You yell out of instinct, “Wait!”
Sapnap turns around and tilts his head, “What?”
“Can…can you stay with me tonight? I don’t wanna be alone.”
Now, at this, the male could’ve let his jealousy shine in the silver moonlight and say “Well you have your boyfriend’s t-shirt, so you won’t be as lonely.” However the look in your eyes before and after crying your heart out diminished the growling anger in his chest. He walks over to the other end of the bed and lays down. You follow.
Your backs are facing eachother, the tension in the room is still lingering, but not as strong, it seemed to be like this with Sapnap a lot, you’d find yourself feeling rather relaxed in the quititude. Even when he’d be focused on editing or filming or school work back when you two were younger and all that could be heard was the soft breathing and occasional scribbling of the pencil or typing of a keyboard, Sapnap’s presence alone could calm you in an instance.
“He wasn’t worth it.” You admitted outloud, now letting your raging thoughts pour out one by one.
“Yeah, he was a selfish prick, always got what he wanted like…there’s should be some sort of balance somewhere, right? God…” You groan out, “I can’t believe I let that shit happen for 3 years. I don’t even remember finishing a single time we had sex.” 
Perhaps that was a bit more than you wanted to share but with the sudden burning feeling you had inside of you, you didn’t care.
Although, Sapnap was bewildered to hear such a statement slip out of your mouth, he flips over and makes eye contact with your backside. “He never…made you—?”
You shake your head, “It was only sex when he wanted it, obviously I consented but only cause I figured sex was a mutual pleasure thing not just…it’s fuckin stupid. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to…”
“No, no don’t apologize,” Sapnap could regain a sudden dejavu where he said the same thing on different occasions. 
He slowly places his hand on your hip side. You didn’t think much of it, you both were comfortable with close proximity, you melted into it. 
“He never made you cum, that’s…what a shame.” His tone starts slipping, more slurred, whiney, as if mockingly sympathizing for you. His hands move lower to caress your thigh. Sapnap’s lips were now inches away from your ear.
“Sap…Sapnap?” You call out to him in the night.
“If you’d let me, I could make you cum more times then that asshole ever did in the past three years you were with him, Y/n.” He lowly whispered into your ear, the words shot straight down to your core, the sudden ache you never knew that was there began throbbing, in a good way.
He kisses your cheek, you turn to lay on your back and finally see Sapnap leaning over you, he knows his boundaries so he doesn’t want to overdo it. 
“Please, I can make you feel good–I want to make you feel good.” He notices how his voice came out more whiney and needy than intended so he chews on his bottom lip to stop him from going any further. He patiently awaits your response.
You gaze at the shadowy outline of your best friend, you knew you had some sort of treasured emotions for Sapnap, specifically for Sapnap, but it had died down the day you met Damien, you couldn’t risk loosing the friendship if you confessed so having Damien present himself in the (now rusted) shining armor he did it help you move away from Sapnap.
You regret it all now, seeing as he cared about you deeply.
So much so he was practically begging to get a taste of your pussy.
Why say no to such an eager boy?
“Okay.” You nod your head and get ready to sit up but Sapnap stops you by placing a hand on your chest and pushing you down so your laid on the plush pillows.
You’re confused by this, but Sapnap makes himself clear by slipping between your legs, helping you spread them far enough to gain access to what he needed.
“I told you I wanted to make you feel good, so lay down and relax, okay?” He reassures you in a soothing manner, you nod your head and shift to get comfortable and prepare for what was about to happen. “Has that bitch ever eaten you out?” He seethes through a set jaw, slowly slipping your bottoms off and throwing them behind him. 
His fingers slowly come in contact with your clothes pussy, the tips of his fingers trailing with just enough pressure to feel it trace patterns back and forth but also whimper at the lack of action. “I asked you a question Y/n.”
“No. Never. He never ate my…” Sapnap pulls your panties down to your ankles and you shove it off. 
He leans down see how perfect and wet you already were for him, he felt himself smirk in pride, you were wet for him. He loved everything about that, he coats his tongue in your juices, licking a long stroke up, essentially testing the waters. When he felt you shiver and immediately go to grip something, he laughs.
“Fuck, you’re sensitive.” He chuckles out, watching how your eyes were fluttering. “I want to fucking ruin you.” He blurted out.
“Then do it.” You respond as quiet as possibly, but Sapnap caught every syllable.
He dives back down between your legs and ravishing your cunt, licking, sucking, and kissing in all possible patterns he could think of on the spot, you loved it, you loved feeling his warm tongue on you, you loved the way he knew how to move, just the right amount of pressure, you loved how you could feel the slight stubble of his facial hair tickle the inner of your thighs which oddly made you shiver in satisfaction.
Sapnap was a natural at eating pussy.
It was his favourite thing to do, you would know this because he would talk about his one night stands with girls after a party and how’d they be writhing against his lips.
Similar to how you were now.
Practically riding his face, a hands pulling at the strands of cinnamon hair. He was a whore for pain and pleasure, so feeling you not only tug on his hair and shove his mouth into you, the feeling of your soft thighs wrap around his head made him want to cum right then and there. 
He pulls away after you moan out strings of curses calming down from your first orgasm that hit a bit quicker than you wanted to. Your body was beginning to feel heavy, it felt so good.
“I’m not done with you yet, baby. Take that fucking shirt off, it’s a god damn eyesore.” He growls lowly, you waste no time tearing it off you and tossing it away from the two of you. 
Sapnap’s olive eyes snap to your body, he takes in the view, relishes in it. 
“You’re so beautiful, I’m so fuckin jealous that he got see all of you before I could but…on the contrary…” He kisses your lips softly, a hint of aggression, but you were to expect that of Sapnap. He gropes at all parts of skin and nibbles on all possible flesh he can get onto.
His hands slips down to your cunt once more, letting his fingers tease over you enough to have you claw and his shoulder. “He didn’t get to dwell in the pleasure of fucking you properly.”
“That’s not my name.”
“Close but, not close enough, baby. You can do better than that. Call me by my name.” Sapnap slips a finger in, curling it up slowly, and when he feels more arousal drool out of you, he slowly slips in another to which you finally moan out.
“Nicholas, oh fuck!” Your grip on his shoulder doesn’t loosen, but Sapnap loves that.
His fingers pick up pace, he goes to kiss along your neck, and then to your tits. “Does this hurt? Do you want me to stop?” He asks you, now using his thumb to rub at your clit, your eyes were rolling at the back of your head, hair a mess, all you could do is shake your head. Sapnap wasn’t satisfied at all though.
“Words, Y/n, I need words from you.” You struggled to tie the sentence together feeling another orgasm builds it’s way up into your core. Your body spasmed, and your eyes shut closed. 
“You’re not responding…I think I’ll stop…” His movements grow slower, and you scream out.
“No! No! Please…Don’t, don’t stop.” You shove your face between sapnap’s right shoulder and neck. He feels your heavy breathing and butterfly kisses. He had to hold back from letting a moan out himself. “Please, it feels so good. Make me feel good. You’re so…fuckin good, Nick.”
He loved hearing your praises, it did things to him he couldn’t explain, he wanted to be good for you, he wanted to satisfy to no end, and with you already close to your second orgasm he let you have it.
“Cum for me, Baby. You earned it.” Sapnap ghosts above your ear, you let out groans tied in with whimpers as you came another round, feeling your legs shake under him as you did so.
He lets you relax, setting you back down on the pillows and kissing along your stomach, and lower belly. “Feel good?” He asks.
“Amazing.” You breath out.
“Good, I’m no where near finished with you so…”
“There’s more?!” You question him with an astonished expression. Sapnap laughs as he helps you sit up, this time, laying down and looking up at you.
“I want you to sit on my face.” He ordered you, his eyes studying your expression to see your reaction to his request in the dim moonlit bedroom. “Ride my face, I can’t get enough of your taste. I want more, please, can I have more?” There’s that needy voice again, one that made you suddenly feel at charge, something you both knew you needed.
You position yourself above his face, slowly coming down, watching Sapnap make hungry eyes at your cunt, parting his lips and sticking his tongue out, ready to devour you once more, you held onto the headboard for balance, not wanting to put all your body weight on him, in fear that it might hurt him, or that he’d have trouble breathing, but Sapnap didn’t care.
If anything, it pissed him off.
He locks his arms under and over your thighs, and pulls all your weight completely onto him.
“W–Wait, Nick I don’t wanna hurt yo–” He cuts you off mid sentence by moaning into your cunt, which sends the vibrations straight to your clit and into your nerves. You let out a clamorous gasp. Your hands tightening their hold on the headboard.
You let your body do the rest of the moving, pleasure and ecstasy possessing your mind and body as a whole, you were drunk off it, bucking your hips forwards, grinding against his face feeling his lips and tongue move effortlessly move against your sopping pussy caused your head to throw back in euphoria as you felt yourself build to orgasm a third time.
“Mm, Nick, sl–slow down I’m gonna…” You try to warn him you were nearing your end but Sapnap took it as an implication to fasten his pace.
He was relentless with your body, with you, how badly he wanted you to remember how good he made you feel, in hopes you’d finally notice him and what he could do for you now and these past years you’ve been best friends.
“I’m gonna, oh god, I’m gonna cum, Nick, Nicholas, shit, shit, fuck!” You chanted out his name like a prayer, slurring out the lewdest of noises between each word that left your mouth as you felt yourself unfold and let loose on him. Sapnap groans out feeling your cum on his face.
It took you a couple of moments before you came to a relaxed state from your third orgasm of the night. You slip off Nick, seeing the shiny slick he hd that trails from his lips, chin, and neck. “Fuck, you just squirted on me.” He laughs, licking his lips.
Your eyes widened, “Oh shit, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to–”
“No, don’t worry. That was hot as fuck.” He reassures you, kissing your cheek.
For a moment, you both stare into each other’s eyes, you grab his face, feeling the heat radiating off his face onto the palm of your hands. He’d perplexed before realizing that you’re inching closer to his face. In a swift movement, you lock lips with your best friend, Nick. His lips are soft and tender, the lingering taste of your past arousal is now on your tongue. In a way, it was intimate.
When you pull away, Sapnap is just in pure awe with your beauty, he’s gazing at your eyes and how the reflection of the illuminance of outside is shining over your face. He loved you. And you loved him too.
You notice a look that falters his expression for a moment.
His eyes are misting with lust once more, hunger, want, need.
“You’re not done…are you?” You stand corrected when Sapnaps hands trail to your waist, fingers digging into your skin. He pushes you back onto the mattress and towers over you with a confident grin.
“Nope.” He says before giving you the best night of your life.
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saturoslurper69 · 20 days
i went through a long series of irl traumatic events this week one after the other, had a serious argument with my therapist and have been just kind of out of it.
ive been sleeping under freeways with my bike, fuckin love my bike dude.
im not even homeless my mind has just been telling me to do this shit, i dont hallucinate or anything. i did have a 9 day medication-resistant catatonic depressive episode. cried myself into dehydration.
trace never left my side, not even once.
held me as i cried for hours.
the only thing that could get me to move were the kittens..
they neeeded fed, watered, love
i wasnt letting them suffer with me
they deserve better than most people ive ever known
im doing better now,
but my bpd made me split on my adam selfship and the comfort headspace i created in hazbin's heaven
i think im finding a new comfort with jujutsu kaisen though, someone i like is also into it and i want to talk to him more
im just scared to talk to any of my friends right now
a lot of them are worried, a lot of people are worried..
i cry all the time my brain and body are unsalvgable, im broken beyond repair
but my sister holds my hands and can pull me out with the most inspiring words..
itll be a long while before i learn to love myself if i ever can
the depression never gotten this bad before though, but its subsiding..
its almost over
my wonderful partner
and my sister..
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one person
one vulnerability
thats fine right?
someone needs to keep me in check,
theres playstation idle music in the background, its so peaceful..
im very hungry, ill make some dinner later
one of my friends really wants to save me..
another i relate to with pain like no one else
i care about them so much, theyve been with me so long through everything
theyre all such wonderful, intelligent, kind brilliant people
we grew up together
i cant put them through the pain of watching me die, its not often but their feelings and dreams matter to me, very much so. and i dont feel that often anymore, but i feel its because i met them at a time before my mind deteriorated.
ive learned so much from them
but i dont think im safe to be around
doctor is putting me on bipolar medication
fucking love drugs
gonna miss adam though, i loved him and he meant so much to me
but sometimes you have to accept things will never be the same again
there wasnt even a big drama this time that influenced my change, my brain seriously goes through random acts of attacking itself. i split on my fixations often and can get overstimulated and grow to resent them with or without peoples influence
i always find something better though 🩷
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mell0bee · 2 months
tagged by @candiedjellybean thank u dude!!! im p sure ive done this tag sometime last year so will be interesting to see if my answers have changed
Are you named after anyone? unfortunately, st. brigid of ireland, but also apparently it's a name thats been in my dad's side of the family too? either way my parents knew of the name due to irish catholic reasons. yipee! though im cool with it bc st. brigid used to be the goddess brigid from irish myth, and also both of them were badasses <3
When was the last time you cried? .....genuinely i think the last time i cried was in like. early march when i watched the holdovers? i think? taking a break from college has greatly decreased the frequency at which i cry lmao
Do you have kids? no sir
Do you use sarcasm a lot? i guess yes? probably about as much as the average person (this is not sarcasm)
What sports do you play? i do not play any currently (though i probs should. i am built like a twig and a strong wind will knock me over.) but as a kid i used to play soccer which i hated and was god awful at and softball which i liked more but i was also god awful at and mostly spent my time hitting foul balls and playing with the grass in right field. but it was fun!
What’s the first thing you notice about people? uhhhhhh. uh?????? if they're wearing a cool outfit or have cool hair or smth? idk man. i guess i dont rlly think abt it?
What’s your eye color? brown
Scary movies or happy endings? uh. both? am p sure my tolerance for horror is a lot higher than most people and im always down for a tragedy but i also like happy endings too. though from a writing perspective happy endings are significantly easier to pull off than sad ones (& more common. hero's journey and all that).
Any special talents? uhhhhh im double jointed in my thumbs. also i can put my foot behind my head. is that a talent? im also working on my sudoku time, i think my lowest time for master difficulty is around 6 mins 30 seconds? which is uh. above average?? i think???
Where were you born? idk apparently they cloned me in a lab somewhere
What are your hobbies? lately playing a lot of video games, writing (mostly fanfic), art stuff (mostly drawing but am learning how to use watercolor), uhhhh.... ttrpgs but i havent gotten to play in a while sadly
Do you have any pets? dog!!!!!
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? science
Dream job? ahahahah funny you should ask that, i say, having been doubting my choices in career aspirations and my post-undergrad 5-year plan that i've had since high school for the past 7 months, (please send help. but. for a serious answer. i think i still want to do science research? just maybe in a softer science like psych even tho my undergrad is bio & neuro???? idk. unsure.)
tagging uhhhhhhh candiedjellybean already tagged most of the ppl i usually tag sooo @halflingkima ? i think i tagged u last time too lol. & anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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