#ive said this before and ill say it again: in a fandom this small any ship can look popular if you crank out enough material
suppenzeit · 1 year
im so confused as to why people think greased lightning is super popular. sure, it has the most fics on ao3, but out of those 53 fics, 22 are written by a single person. greased lightning is literally not that popular </3
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vxmpyree · 2 months
ive never requested anything ever so im shy n gonna use anon teehee. ANYWAYS ik you said you write for pretty much anyone but i'm still gonna ask: do you write for keegan? if you do..... could i ask for a sick fic?🙏🙏 or any type of fluff rlly. with a male reader :3 (theres barely any for him 💔) THANK YOU FOR UR SERVICE IN THIS FANDOM BTW RAHHHH🫡🫡🫡💖💖‼️‼️‼️‼️
ofc!! i dont know much about cod ghosts so sorry for any errors. thisll be my first plot fic :)) ♡ not beta read,,
[im the devil - clams casino] [0.7k wc]
when keegan returns from deployment, he finds you ill, and not just with a bit of a sniffle and cough. no, he can hear how your lungs shudder with every breath and feel how your skin is hot to the touch.
being his husband isn’t an easy job. he’s always out for one reason or another. you’ll be at home watching a film together, only for his boss to call and say that they need his help. he’s too much of a workaholic and empath to say no, i’m busy. keegan is always worrying about you, always thinking about the slight pout of your lips when he comes out of his bedroom in uniform again. 
so, seeing you like this doesn’t do any good for his anxiety. 
“you’re burning up,” he mutters, pulling a thermometer out of your mouth. 
the curtains are drawn, letting in only traces of sunlight tinted by the lavender linen. more light would only give you a headache. 
he pulls off his gloves before reaching out to touch you, not wanting to touch you with the same cloth that clutches his rifle. his rough palms move to cup your cheeks, swollen from fever and sweat. you can hardly even keep your eyes open.
“did you eat today?”
he grumbles as you shake your head. you must’ve been too sick to get out of bed, only able to helplessly roll over and try to sleep through hunger pangs. at times like this, he wishes he hadn’t chosen an occupation of aiming sniper rifles and long months of waiting in bushes or on tall buildings. then, he’d be able to take care of you. 
“do you want to eat? we’ve got… hm… soup and crackers. or bread,” he presses.
you shake your head again. you don’t want to eat!
keegan sinks into the edge of the bed and furrows his brow, considering you. he has the air conditioner unit on for your feverish top half, and keeps the sheets over your shivering legs. he’s taken your temperature and wiped you down. he gave you some tylenol, which should’ve gone with a cold glass of water, but you gulped it down before he came back with something to drink.
something is missing. there’s more that he could do for you, but he just can’t put his finger on it. 
when he lifts his head to check on you, keegan finds that you’re already staring at him. he has to stifle a smile. you are what makes him feel at home-- your accepting stares, and the slight curl of your lips. it would’ve been impossible not to wish for something more when you’re so welcoming, so warm. 
you motion with one hand for him to come closer. for a moment, he wants to say no, that his face is still covered in grease and he’s clad in heavy armor. but what’s the use in saying no to a face like yours? before he can even start stripping himself of his gear first, he’s already slipping into the sheets.
there’s the low hum of the air conditioner unit and the occasional car rolling down your quiet street. everything seems so small when he’s here with you, tucked away from the world. all he can think of is the smell of your shampoo and the slow rise and fall of your chest.
"...did you just miss me?” he whispers.
you only smile and watch him silently, looking at the bump in his nose and cheeks starting to droop with age. he’s getting older and so are you. it feels like you two only just settled down. the years have slipped through his fingers like sand. maybe it’s time for him to retire. then, he could spend all the time with you in the world.
keegan leans closer to you, and wonders if he smells like gunpowder and sweat. but he waves his worries away in favor of gathering you in his arms. his palm rubs slow circles into your back, wrinkling your old t-shirt. 
you cough into his chest and furrow your fingers into the back of his heavy jacket. your hands claw helplessly like it’ll ameliorate the itch at the back of your throat or your heavy cough. if he could, he’d do away with this sick spell. he can do things most men can’t, from scaling towering buildings to gutting men, but he can’t fix his poor husband’s fever and runny nose.
he pats your back until you settle down, becoming jelly in his arms. 
will he be sick tomorrow? definitely, but he wouldn’t mind spending a day hidden away with his husband, even if the two of you can only lie in bed and kiss each other’s warm faces.
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sea-jello · 1 year
Regarding the BMC tumblr remake: I would like to preface this ask by saying that I appreciate your enthusiasm and dedication to the fandom. However, I have concerns that there might be arguments- about the final casting, about the script, about the portrayal of the characters, about how to split roles. What if someone gets upset over not getting a role and has an issue with the final cast? What if someone accuses the judges of being biased with the auditions? And I'm not sure if copyright issues exist- it probably won't be a big deal but if it becomes a problem, it's going to be messy. Not to mention people have their real lives to manage and schedules will most likely come into conflict.
I'm worried this could easily become a recipe for fandom drama and discourse if not managed carefully. I don't mean to be a killjoy. It's great how the fandom is still so lively despite being so small, but unfortunately that is exactly where the problem lies. If something goes wrong it could damage the entire fandom. I hope and trust it won't come to that but wanted to voice my thoughts: maybe there could be better approaches? Such as leaving it as an open-source sort of project with more freedom. People can seperately post covers and storyboard them. That way everyone can participate, no hard feelings about not being part of the cast or stress over managing everything.
Of course, I am in no place to discourage this project from happening nor do I mean to. I am aware you are still working out the details, which is why I thought it would be better to put my two cents in while things are still being discussed. Thank you for your hard work and have a good day!
hey i really appreciate you voicing your concerns! really helps me think through this stuff
first of all i think arguments are just inevitable for giant group projects, especially something to this magnitude. im gonna try to have as many people as possible in making big decisions and ofc ill be open to any suggestions from anyone at all. so far from the responses ive been getting most people who want a major actor role have said they would be happy just in ensemble or participating in other roles, like music or editing, so im really just trusting them on that. as for being biased no one who wants to audition will have a hand in casting and im not particularly friends with anyone in this fandom so ill try my best not to be biased skdbksdj. if I do need help with casting again im just gonna have to trust them
it's really all riding on trust in everyone involved, which is risky but you really can't control what other people do or feel. we're just gonna have to trust everyone wil be civil and fair to each other. it's just a part of teamwork
i ddon't really know how copyright works either but im really hoping it's fine. if people can make animatics and covers of the songs then we should be good right?? that's all we're doing. there's like some sort of only use for entertainment purposes or something idk ill have to read up on that
ik ppeople have real lives and schedules lord knows i do. that's why im waiting to see if we're actually doing this, and if enough people are interested. ive even specified in the form that this will be a big project and will require patience cause not everyone can work on this 24/7, though i can't say how many people actually read the question before clicking yes. ultimately we're just here to have fun, so nothing will be taken too seriously
i know something small can ruin the entire fandom which is why ive been so nervous about actually doing this, but again it's really on trust, and so far people seem civil and enthusiastic for anything. there's gonna be a LOT of freedom for this tbh my word isn't gonna be law. the artists can decide what to draw and the actors can decide the portrayal, which does go back to your point about arguments but they're gonna have to accept people having different ways of doing things just comes with the job. if they can't accept that then honestly they're probably too young or not mature enough to even watch bmc, let alone work on a big project online. ofc some things are gonna have to be controlled for the sake of smoothness and just collaboration in general, but i think they can handle that
again im very open to suggestions but ultimately i will still be one of the people running the whole thing (i most likely will need help if we do it) so obviously there's still gonna be stuff like no changing anything without telling anyone. im not gonna be like the dictator or something im just,, a small step higher (i don't want to sound pretentious but,, yeah) i want everyone to be able to express their portrayals and takes on the show, teamwork and different points of view is just part of what makes this fun. idk how well a lot of freedom would work but we'll adjust as we go. so ig it sorta is similar to an open source project, we're just compiling them all into 2 hours together
as for participation im trying to make sure everyone who wants to can participate! i have said in the form to pick a backup in case you don't get a major character role. if you can't sing or draw or anything there's a speaking ensemble for like the people shouting over each other in the smartphone hour, or like people at the mall or something in be more chill pt1. other than the major characters there is no age limit, which might be an issue but ill try my best to sort them out. again it's just trust they won't lie about their age, cause ik some people are uncomfortable with a certain age. scenes like dywr/dywh is a HARD 16 year old limit, even for editors and artists. I've got age limits for the characters posted somewhere cause ik there are actual adults auditioning. the actors feeling comfortable or not are gonna have to be taken into account of course, but we'll sort that out if we get there. and again i will have a lot of people helping with management and might ask for opinions from people who aren't doing management too
like you said i am still thinking this through, so these are just my answers at this point in time. i will change my decisions if i have to, so thank you so much for bringing this up! see this is already an example of civil teamwork, and i really hope it will continue for the rest of the project if we do it
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
Schizophrenic Nico, here's why I think it's possible:
I want to start off by saying these are just my thoughts, there is no one way to be schizophrenic or to have schizophrenia. It's also important to note that many of the schizophrenic symptoms overlap with other mental illnesses/nuerodivergences like ADHD, Autism, Depression, and OCD which I know many people who head canon Nico as having. I'm not arguing schizophrenic Nico is more correct, more canon, or more right, but to explain some thoughts on why I think it's possible/very likely he does so I can use this for future reference in various thing.
I am using the term schizophrenia as a catchall for all "types" of schizophrenia, but not for schizoaffective disorder which I would say Nico probably doesn't have.
Children born in the winter/those who were "sickly" as babies are more likely to develop schizophrenia. It may also be possible if your mother was sick while pregnant with you, or having a father who was significantly older when he had you.
A stressful life, especially trauma, are more likely to develop schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. It likely has something to do with excessive dopamine production, but it may also have something to do with the same genes that control the sleep-wake cycle. Schizophrenia is more common with other mental illnesses or with other nuerodivergences or developmental delays.
Common symptoms include:
Disorganized thinking
lack of motivation
slow movement
change in sleep patterns
poor grooming or hygiene
changes in body language and emotions
less interest in social activities
Now what does this mean for Nico, and why do I think it's likely he has Schizophrenia?
Let's start with Nico's childhood, "children born in the winter/those who were "sickly" as babies are more likely to develop schizophrenia". Although Rick proposed two birthdays for Nico, the fandom generally accepted the January date more fully. We also know that Nico is described as small when he was younger, smallness is common in children who grow up sickly, but it is also common in children who's mother was ill while pregnant with them. We obviously don't know if Nico was sick as a kid, or if Maria was sick while pregnant with him, but again being born in the winter makes these things more likely, as well as consideration for the time period Nico grew up in and the larger variety of illnesses going around at the time. (He is vaccinated against some things though).
Trauma and Nico... do I really have to go into super detail on this one? He spent his childhood growing up in a fascist country that was extremely racist/anti-Semitic/homophobic/etc, his mom died when he was a child- in front of him, his father intentionally gave him amnesia, his sister died when he was a child, he then proceeded to become homeless living/spending lots of time with Minos who verbally (and possibly physically) abused him, becoming aware of his past memories, becoming aware of the fact that many people hated him because of his father and because they thought he was joining the other side (therefore, he was "bad"), he fought in many battles as a child, fought monsters alone, was often faced with life or death situations, went to Tartarus alone (where the goddess of misery told him he was "perfect"), was trapped in a hostage situation with little/no air for a long time while people debated whether or not to save him, was outed against his will, was freed only to travel again fighting monsters and then win a battle, was eventually made to quest with Apollo despite still having lots of healing to do in ToN. So stressful life? Fuck yeah, that doesn't being to cover it.
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Genetic factors, obviously nothing here is confirmed so I'm speculating a little bit again, but the common idea in regards to Hades children through the series is that they are "bad". Mental illnesses have been stigmatized for hundreds, if not thousands of years, and often mentally ill people were made out to be weird/bad/etc. It's more than possible there is some sort of genetic factor taking place, also "having a father who was significantly older when he had you". Although I doubt godly genes work the same as mortal ones (trust me I have lots of thoughts on how god genetics/DNA work, but that's not the point right now), I think Hades being the oldest out of all his brothers and having a reputation for having "questionable" children says something... We have no information on Maria's family history at all.
As for schizophrenia often occurring with other mental illnesses and/or neurodivergences: Nico canonically is implied to have either ADHD and/or Autism, and is canonically stated to have PTSD. I think most people would agree that saying Nico has or has had depression isn't a stretch in the slightest.
So canonically we can all agree Nico has severe trauma and coinciding mental health issues/neurodivergences, so out of 4 possible issues I’ve first presented we guaranteeably have two. If I wanted to stretch this a little I would give myself a half point for him being born in the winter and a half point for the aspect of Hades genetics but I won’t do that.
On top of that schizophrenia usually appears during teenage and young adult years in people who receive diagnosis; most people live with mental illness for a few months or a few years in some cases before they're able to receive a diagnosis. Nico being 15 (16 by the end of ToN/shortly following the end of ToN) is about the age that schizophrenia would start to make an appearance. It's also more likely to be found in men, with men also noticing the appearance of schizophrenia appearing early in their lives, and experiencing more negative symptoms in comparison to the higher commonality of affective symptoms in women. That's a really complicated explanation to basically say there's 3 more things that would make Nico having schizophrenia make more sense.
Alright, let’s go back to the list of symptoms I provided:
Disorganized thinking
lack of motivation
slow movement
change in sleep patterns
poor grooming or hygiene
changes in body language and emotions/behavior
less interest in social activities
Once again, some of these are not solely related to schizophrenia and can be the result of other mental health issues, I’m just going to go down the list and add in some moments from the books in which Nico shows some of these traits/behaviors.
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Delusions/Hallucinations (more later)
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Our best chances for understanding Nico's thought process is in Blood of Olympus where he has a P.O.V... Sometimes Nico's thoughts do derail, or sometimes they get a little confusing, but not always, and when talking to others he is consistent and aware of what he's saying, as well as blunt. Anything "off" about his thought patterns to me just seems like ADHD..
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Dietary changes (whether or not you think he has an eating disorder) are behavioral changes (I personally think Nico has AFRID)
Within House of Hades Nico's poor sleep patterns are constantly referenced, and I'll give him a pass on poor hygiene because he's in the middle of a quest but still..
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I have extremely complicated feelings on what Will says here, it's possible Nico is an extremely unreliable narrator (unlikely, it seems many people are bothered by him and only maybe a handful aren't), I've also thought at many points this was Rick trying to backtrack some stuff with Nico because he realized he'd made his story a little too harsh for a kids book, it could also be Will's trauma kicking in and that happening... I'm not counting it as full proof about Nico disliking social interactions, but Nico does try to leave even after this conversation and isn't convinced to stay until the last chapter, so maybe there's something to be said about people's dislike of him for being a Hades kid- but I think it's fair to say Nico also dislikes people at least some because he doesn't have interest in trying to befriend anyone either, and is quick to assume all people dislike him (paranoia/low self esteem/and some other possible stuff). There's lots of discussions to be had about this quote and other similar ones, and I don't think a broad brush approach of "Nico good everyone else bad" is accurate it's more, "Nico is good but he fails to try and you have to work on your own mental health everyone won just go to you, and also people dislike Nico for silly reasons and need to get over themselves and make an effort too". (I'm extremely oversimplifying my thoughts and feelings to keep it brief.)
More on delusions and hallucinations:
Now I want to state that lots of schizophrenia symptoms share a lot of commonalities with ADHD and with depression, so although I might include some moments you think are just ADHD/depression I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with you but they could also be schizophrenia or coexisting mental health issues/divergences. I also went through the DSM-5 for schizophrenia (the DSM-5 is just this big book with lists and it’s how doctors diagnose any mental health issue/divergence), I also looked through the DSM-IV (an older book from before DSM-5 which is no longer really used) and the differences between the diagnosis was fairly minimal but they quit categorizing types of schizophrenia and instead rely more on a couple of word descriptions that seem more in line with a spectrum rather than a checkable box.
In order to receive a schizophrenia diagnosis, two (or more) of the following, each present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (or less if successfully treated), and at least one of these symptoms must be (1), (2), or (3):
Disorganized speech (frequent derailment or incoherence)
Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior
Negative symptoms (i.e., diminished emotional expression or avolition).
It’s important to note that only one of these need to be checked off/true if the patient has voices which narrate their actions/behaviors/thoughts or if the person has more than one voice conversing with each other.
Nico deals with auditory hallucinations (2), he believes the voice belongs to Bob, his titan friend he left in Tartarus:
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However this isn’t and immediate diagnosis because Bob’s voice doesn’t talk to another voice(s) in Nico’s head, and we don’t know if Nico has voices running commentary on his behaviors/thoughts.
The reason I state we are unaware if Nico has commentary isn’t because Nico hasn’t said anything, but because many people with schizophrenia before their diagnosis believe the narrative voices are just their thoughts and are a normal internal monologue- usually patients don’t realize anything is wrong until the voices start providing commentary on their actions so instead of “washing the dishes now” the voice(s) might say “wash the dishes now, you’re so lazy you can’t do anything, idiot” during a period of psychosis which may help them acknowledge that the voice(s) isn’t the way most people experience internal voice(s). It is very possible Nico is unaware he is experiencing narrative thoughts and simply assumes that his experience is something most people have, but I won’t use this to argue my point because it’s not confirmation of anything.
Returning now to Bob, Nico knows he is hearing Bob’s voice but he believes Bob is calling to him from Tartarus. Now, Nico says the voices are calling to him from Tartarus but there’s no confirmation of this anywhere… What I think is happening is Nico has a guilty conscience. He feels bad for “using” Bob to get out of Tartarus and various other things, so he feels bad that he is still down there. However, we don’t really know if Bob is calling to him or if Bob is able to do that- what I personally think is happening here is Nico’s brain is convincing Nico that Bob needs him because Nico is upset with himself for not helping Bob more, but also because Nico has never “sat still” before without a quest. Nico has also always felt the want to be needed/important...
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It very well could be a delusion.
Schizophrenic patients often experience delusions which make them think they are destined for greatness, or that they have some divine/high force calling out to them for help that only they can provide. It’s an extremely common thing in individuals who experience delusions, and is in fact one of the most common delusions experienced. So although Bob could really be calling out to Nico, I don’t think he is, it doesn’t entirely make sense and there’s lots of little things which point to it being not entirely real- like the fact that nobody else knows about it? Or how absolutely sure Nico is that he need to return to Tartarus? It seems like a mixture of PTSD, delusions, and trauma response (returning to the trauma), working against him. I’ll say delusion is very likely (1).
Using these two factors alone there’s sufficient evidence for diagnosis, but let’s keep going just to see.
For disorganized speech (3) this isn’t something Nico seems to struggle with, and even if he did “derailing” could be ADHD or Autism, so I don’t think this symptom pertains to him.
Changes in behavior (4), seem to all be explainable via depression and/or PTSD- he has begun to express emotion again in Tower of Nero upon learning of Jason’s death he is said to be upset by Will and he walks off to be alone, seems like depression to me. Emotional/Behavior changes from schizophrenia tend to relate more to bipolar disorder rather than a depressive disorder, so I would say if Nico has schizophrenia he probably doesn’t have emotional or behavioral changes from it. If he did he might have some catatonic behavior, but this seems to be clearing up some in Tower of Nero so I’m not super sure on that, maybe during bad periods of psychosis behavioral changes occur, but I would lean more towards this isn’t a symptom Nico personally deals with. Negative symptoms (5) tie into this same idea, it’s possible it’s schizophrenia, but it’s more likely PTSD or depression at work.
So why do I care so much about the possibility of Nico being schizophrenic?
I feel like canonically/fanonically making Nico schizophrenic does a few things, firstly schizophrenic rep in media is extremely extremely awful- can you think off the top of your head of a schizophrenic character who isn't from a horror film/a murder/a villain in their own story? Maybe, but personally I can only think of one which is Charlie from Perks of Being a Wallflower- and even then? That's not canon, it's only implied- and it might not even be true
Schizophrenic media representation always paints schizophrenic people as bad, scary, and evil, and although the horror genre is extremely well known for being super ableist, transphobic, racist, homophobic, and misogynistic (just the final cherry on top) having one of the first- if not the first openly confirmed schizophrenic characters in children's media not only be someone who has lots of character development, and isn't a stereotype, but also be someone people have grown up with, cared for, and sympathized with- would be extremely monumental.
People with schizophrenia and other related disorders aren't something to be scared of or to think of as bad, and often times they're more bothered by whatever they're experiencing than you are.
I don't have schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder or anything like that, but I have various undiagnosed mental health issues which often lead to me questioning reality, or having to set aside time to convince myself that no there isn't a man living in my wall... Having a character have to question those things, work through those feelings, and learn to trust themselves and care for themselves even with those difficulties would be really great to see in media, not just for people with schizophrenia but also for people with similar/related disorders who might share symptoms see parts of their own struggles in a good, educative way.
I have to finish this in two parts because tumblr keeps breaking because there's too many words in my post lmao (2nd part here)
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single-malt-scotch · 2 years
accepting i like blogging a typing a lot so, perhaps ill loosely 'live blog' my thoughts on various mcyt things im trying to watch. im basically just jumping on a lot of random guys i have never seen before bc i dont really know what i like at this point lol
hermitcraft s9 & s8 - after watching the Life series i thought ya know, ill watch the new HC to see whats up. etho wasnt playing s9 yet so i watched bdubs s9 and kinda liked it (tho i find myself to be less into his style of commentating now). i decided to try watching Grian s9 as well since i didnt mind what i saw of him either. his buildings are cool and s9 being new, its made me realize they hadnt really had a chance to do all the... rping stuff ive seen implied about season 8 (but again idk how much is exaggerated by fandom there so).
but having caught up on s9 i wanted to watch, i decided to go backwards. im kinda jumping around perspectives aaand it made me realize. while i really dont care about the rping they apparently often fall into during the newer seasons... i loooove the beginning. like, the start of s9 throwing everyone in blind, starting from scratch, scrambling to figure out what to do. thats fun. idk, i just loved the energy of the start of s9! and s8 too. and i think thats also where i love the proxy mod, i like the proxy when its there but not like... always constant, and having it for the first episode/beginning is a nice reminder of everyone's energy and vibes. like youre meeting everyone for the first time again. and i think the reset of a server and needing to start over is the most pure form of fun all of them have with each other.
so while i may keep up w s9 for a bit i feel i may fall off it unless etho continues and is consistent... and i may just slowly work my way backwards until i hit a season that isnt as full of rp as these more recent ones. s8 is also one i bet ill fall out of too tbh but i will keep jumping around episodes too.
hermitcraft s6 - since i didnt mind grian all too much, i wanted to see what he was like when he first joined. also because, etho and bdubs have been around SO much longer, i felt intimidated trying to start from their beginnings... and with s6 being grian's first, i felt maybe itd be less abt the rp stuff because hes newer and all. im about 20 eps in and i like it. theres a little bit of that 'i dont know everyone super well' awkwardness to some extent lol but i find him amusing at times. i wouldnt say grian is a fave of mine, but surprisingly i dont mind him even if he has more energy than who i typically prefer lol. idk how much i will keep up with his series though but its been good seeing what hes like.
Additionally with his interactions with others- i have certainly enjoyed scar and impulse but i dont think i have the energy to watch them fully. in any other case i thought id find scar 'annoying' with his um. well, constant dying and lack of awareness. but hes got such a good personality, and is legitimately funny alongside it and others. seeing him in small doses with grian is nice and i like him quite a bit tbh!
other things - while i watched the Life series i enjoyed some others' povs a bit. i like scott and joel, and wanted to see if i would enjoy their other stuff. i do like scott, but i have yet to watch a series of his i was super into... admittedly the first thing i jumped into with both of them was After Life, and while i think the mods are neat, i just couldnt stay hooked. i already kinda said why in the tags of my last post so i wont really repeat. i know they have a few other series but Empires didnt intrigue me either so! idk. may just have to be the Life series for these two.
i want to give some others a try, so if anyone Old School out there kinda leans on 'less rp more casual fun' and has some people theyd reccomend watching... lemme know!
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madisonrooney · 3 years
for the first time in almost two years, it’s dove story time!!!
we got in line 4 hours before doors which ended up being PERFECT timing bc two other groups showed up literally right when we did. it was VERY important for me to be as close to the front as possible so i could interact with her and im so happy we managed ideal timing. we almost only got there 3 hours early so im v glad we tacked on that extra hour. it was me and katy for most of the wait then lee joined up with us closer to doors. we headed in and got right to the front of the stage! and it was a VERY small venue so extremely intimate.
interactions - i think she waved at me during remember me? - during lazy baby she looked right at me during a “if you dont give a fuck” and we v much did “oh not even one like i cannot even stress how much im done” together - BEFORE WASTE SHE SAID “this song is about when youre so attracted to someone you just wanna rip your skin off just to look at them. weve all been there right?” AND I SAID “yep with you!” AND SHE SAID “with me!? stop it! so this is a group date now-” LIKE HFGJKFDJKGF THATS GONNA GO DOWN AS ONE OF MY FAV ICONIC INTERACTIONS WITH HER. LIKE NOT TO GET OVERLY SAPPY OVER A SILLY MOMENT BUT THATS LIKE THE CLOSEST IVE GOTTEN TO CONFESSING MY LOVE OVER THESE LAST SIX YEARS LMAO I REALLY NEEDED THAT. IVE BEEN TOO SHY TO SHOW IT IN THE PAST BUT NOW THAT THE WHOLE FANDOM IS LIKE OPENLY GAY FOR HER I FEEL LIKE I CAN BE TOO. i found a vid ill post it soon. - also touched my hand during waste!!!! and pointed at me when singing “i wanna waste all my love on you”!!!!!! - p sure she was looking at me when better in stereo started which....is fitting - think she was looking right at me during taste of you - touched my hand again as she left during out of touch - not with her but after she did so good someone said “it was so good!” and i did a “ba dum tss” then the drummer did it and pointed at me LMAO - also i got a pic with her guitarist and he gave me a guitar pick!! (and i got a set list and photo ID lyrics!! i was really hoping to get a set list so thats def going on the dove wall)
people brought up froyo yolo again and she talked about it which was hilarious. if the fandom is gonna have solidarity over anything, thats the best possible thing we couldve come together about.
and ofc better in stereo live got me like....hyperventilating. i had NEVER heard that live in these past 8 years. if she was gonna include ONE throwback song it literally couldve been nothing better. and it just warms my heart that she did that on her own accord, that it meant that much to her.
and now the part where i sound like a broken reocrd and talk about how much this means to me.
first of all, obviously it had been almost TWO YEARS to the day since the last time i saw her. and that was from VERY far back seats so quite honestly i couldnt even see her face. so its technically been more than two years. thats more than TWICE as long as what had previously been the longest id gone without seeing her, which was already ahead by a wide margin. and yah, this is the case for everyone and everything bc of the global panda express, but that doesnt take away the amazing feeling of it finally happening again.
also, this is SO much different than anything else ive experienced with her before. people could say “ok youve seen her a million times this was just another time” but ive never had an experience like this!!! any other time ive been that close to her, it was for a meet and greet and lasted like less than 5 min. i got to stand there in all her glory for more than an hour. and hear HER music for the first time. it was the first time ive been to something like this where it was all about HER, no character or movie franchise (not that thats a bad thing, but this was something new and special).
again, the venue was so small and intimate it was perfect. my simp ass was STRUGGLING looking into those eyes from mere feet away for that long. it was really one of those nights of falling in love all over again.
i also had my two lovely emotional support friends who im so happy got to experience this with me and enjoy it as well. and i talked to a lot of other nice fans!! sometimes im too shy to do that but it actually worked out really well??
and then i found the vid of me flirting which i didnt already have so i was relieved to find that
its hard going back to not knowing when ill see her again, but the way im trying to look at it is the fact that events are only just STARTING to happen again, so theres more where this came from. we dont know when, but im sure its just around the corner. things always seem to work out for us.
anyway, all the love to my favorite girl and all the thanks for giving me yet another memory thatll last a lifetime
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momentofmemory · 4 years
FICTOBER 2020 - day twelve
Prompt #12: “Watch me.”
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Melissa McCall, Scott McCall
Words: 1306
Author’s Note: A series of four vignettes featuring Melissa & Scott’s relationship, culminating with the fallout of 2x10 (Fury). Fluff that slowly descends into angst. Melissa POV.
>> i saw your eyes (they looked like they were mine)
“Watch me, mama!”
Scott’s head just barely peaks up over the counter, his hands reaching up to grab for her attention. “Look!”
Melissa laughs, gently hip checking him to the side so she can cover the bolillos with a towel to rise. “Just a minute, mijo, I’m coming. You don’t want flies to get into your food, do you?”
Scott pauses, having somehow managed to get flour in his hair already. “Do flies need it?”
“I’m very sure they can get food somewhere that isn’t my house,” Melissa says, dusting Scott’s nose with flour until he falls back, giggling. “Now, what’ve you got for me?”
Scott’s eyes light up as he grabs her by the hand, decorating the floor with even more flour, and drags her into the living room.
“I fixed Roxy!”
The dog in question is sitting placidly on one of the couch pillows, the McCall’s medicine kit open and its contents strewn all over the floor. She’d gotten into a fight with the neighbor’s cat the day they’d gotten her, and while the cut she’d sustained on her ear had long since healed, Scott’s been rather taken with making sure she’s okay ever since.
Which is probably why there appear to be over a half dozen bandaids covering the poor terrier’s ear, along with an incorrectly though painstakingly placed Ace bandage.
“Wow,” she says, making sure to give Roxy a few extra scratches as a reward for her patience. “You do this all by yourself?”
“Yeah!” Scott bends Roxy’s ear up, eager to show off his handiwork. “I even got one on the—scapha, like Dr. Deaton said.”
“Oh ho, I see. Scapha’s a big word.” She moves from ruffling Roxy’s fur to Scott’s hair. “You gonna be doctor someday? Dr. McCall?”
Scott shrugs. “Is that what you do?”
“Sort of, sweetie. No doctorate here, but. Yeah. Close enough.”
“Then I’ll be close enough,” Scott says. “So I can be like you.”
Melissa feels a swell of warmth, and kisses the top of Scott’s head. “You’re already far better than that, mijo. And I’ll be there to watch the whole thing.”
Melissa looks up from the pamphlet she’s been reading, and Scott looks so small on the hospital bed. “Yeah, sweetie?”
“Am I breathing?”
Melissa’s heart twists in her chest. “Yeah, baby. You’re breathing. Does your chest feel okay?”
Scott nods, his lips pursed close together. “It felt okay before, too.”
“I know.” The signs were there—the coughing at night, the perpetual fatigue, the muscle and determination for sports but not the stamina. “But you’re okay now, I promise. The doctors have got you fixed all up and you’ve got plenty of medicine in case it happens again.”
Scott frowns, staring down at his hands. “So it’s going to happen again?”
“Not this bad, mijo. Not this bad.” She nods towards the inhaler on his bedside table. “That’s what the medicine’s for, remember?”
She wishes, sometimes, that she didn’t know quite so much about everything that was happening in her baby boy’s body. The bronchodilator via nebulizer to open his airways. Corticosteroid drugs in his IV to lower lung inflammation. Oxygen via nasal cannula to bring his blood oxygen levels back up. The trigger that’d caused the swelling and mucus production to threatened him to begin with, still lurking in his genes to strike at any moment.
Not that she’d tell him that.
“You’re okay, Scott,” she says. “I promise.”
“But what if it happens again while I’m sleeping?”
Melissa sets the pamphlet down and goes to sit on the edge of the bed. She takes his hand into hers. “Then I’ll be here the whole time, okay? If you stop breathing, I’ll make sure you start again.”
Scott bites his lip, tracing patterns on the hospital sheets. “You’ll watch me?”
“I won’t look away for even a second.”
She doesn’t, and Scott sleeps, uninterrupted and unafraid and breathing, through the entire night.
“You couldn’t have picked literally any other extracurricular?”
Melissa frowns at the dollar signs on the sign-up sheet, mentally tallying the costs of the uniforms, equipment, and not to mention rescue inhalers he’d need to play lacrosse, of all things.
“Lacrosse is like, the football of Beacon Hills!” Scott says, all but bouncing on the balls of his feet. “I can definitely do this.”
“I don’t know, Scott,” she says. “Your asthma’s been even worse than usual this season, and I don’t want you to commit to something like this and have to bow out halfway through.”
“I won’t,” Scott says, with all the total confidence only a teenager could have.
“Uh-huh.” Melissa sets the paper down and folds her arms over her chest. “Scott, I know you’re angling to get more popular than you were in middle school—”
“—but I don’t think picking something that’s going to be—” Melissa hesitates, fishing for the most tactful word—“unconducive to your health is the best way to go about it.”
Hurt blossoms across Scott’s face. “You don’t think I can do it.”
‘Oh, no,” Melissa says. “You wander around the house without a shirt on more than enough for me to know you’ve got the muscle tone for it.”
Scott’s incredibly tenacious once he gets his mind set on something—which is what moves his chances up from snowball’s chance in hell to snowball’s chance in, say, Nevada.
“I just don’t want to see you get hurt,” she says.
“And you won’t. I can do this, mom—just watch me.”
It’s a bad idea. From definitely a financial standpoint, and probably a health one, too..
She sighs. “What time to tryouts start?”
“You’re coming?”
It’s painfully obnoxious and incredibly adorable how quickly he goes from sullen and determined to exuberant.
“Yeah, you dumbass,” she says. “If you’re going to go on some ill-fated mission to rise through the ranks at risk of life and limb, I’ll be there.”
His answering grin is so bright, she thinks he might actually do it after all.
“So.” Melissa licks her lips, fingers threaded together on the counter in front of her. “You’re a werewolf.”
They’re standing in the kitchen, the single unburnt bulb in the ceiling light shining down on them. Scott’s slouching, or maybe hunching, in the corner of the room; the island staking out the neutral ground between them. He’s not meeting her eyes, or maybe she’s the one that’s not meeting his.
Scott clears his throat. “Yeah. I’m, uh—a werewolf.”
It feels like the setup for an interrogation.
(She wishes she knew which of them was on trial.)
“Uh-huh.” Melissa taps her fingernails on the granite, waiting for him to expound. He doesn’t. “Okay, so how does it—is this a once-a-month thing? You change when the moon’s out?”
"No. I can—I can shift whenever I want, now.”
Now implies it hasn’t always been that way. Now implies a then. Now implies her son’s been a werewolf (a werewolf) for more than just a few days, and she hasn’t noticed anything other than a few slipped grades and out-of-character absences. Now means he did all that without her.
“Do you want to watch me do it?”
Melissa flinches before she can think twice about; Scott flinches in return. “Watch…?”
“Watch me shift,” he says. “I can control it really well, I could—we could just do claws maybe, or my eyes?”
Scott’s beautiful, deep brown eyes stare hopefully at her, eyes he got from her, and the thought of them turning the angry gold he got from someone else hurts too much.
“That’s okay, baby,” she says. “Maybe—maybe not right now.”
“Okay, yeah. Sure.”
His lips quirk up in a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes, and Melissa can’t get her mouth to open far enough to handle the promises he needs.
She says nothing.
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Them Video Games . Pt 1
A very special Non Fandom fic that i care deeply about. I wrote this a few years ago around E3 Time and ive since rewrote it and turned it into a fic with Suna. But this is the rewrite and the one i adore. Its not the full thing because its too long . So ill call this Part One for the time being. I hope you enjoy the read.
W! Nsfw ish. Mentions of body insecurities. One slur. Slight incesty vibes.
I hope you enjoy this as much as me and @squeaky-ducky do. And i hope you fall in love with Toshi like we have 💞
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It was early morning and the sun was creeping up to start the day . The sunlight made its way into a medium sized room . It was full of gaming posters. God of War, Overwatch, Tomb Raider and Final Fantasy. The room also had a large desk riddled with games and systems . Ontop sat a big screen tv with little figures in front of it. A dresser was also in the room that was full of figures and had a stack of gaming guides. An alarm was going off … for a long time.
The door to the room opened and a tall boy came in. He was tall with a small build . He was wearing a tank and some jeans . Quietly he went over to the bed to see a small girl asleep with the blanket kicked off . She was wearing Spyro panties and a video game tourney shirt .
The boy leaned down slightly shaking the girl.
“ kiki… kiki…”
“ MISHIKO” he shook her fast waking her up in a panic . He laughed standing up. “ time for school.”
Kiki sat up with a grumpy look on her face and the boy chuckled.
“ but Maaaax” she whined
“ cmon . Or i take the ps4 outta here”
“ nooo!!!!” She jumped outta bed hurrying to the restroom.
Kiki was in the shower trying to hurry to get ready for school, Max went downstairs checking his phone , he sighed up at the stairs when he heard the shower turn off and a door close.
Kiki hurried to get dressed . She pulled on a Playstation shirt and some shorts along with sneakers and rushed downstairs with her backpack on to see Max waiting by the door. He smiled at her and the two got in his car. Kiki was quiet during the ride, she was squeezing her pack looking out the window.
“ do I have to go..” she asked looking over.
“ yes, you do, why don't you see about joining the video game club ?” He pulled into a parking space.
“ I don't know…”
“ adam is in it you know. All you gotta do is ask Toshi to join”
She squirmed before getting out and Max got out too looking over at her.
“ i .. I don't know who that is..”
“ ah well. Uhhhh.” He came over to her side of the car and crouched down pointing to a black Mazda. A tall japanese guy got out holding a backpack that he slung over his shoulder. Max pointed at him and Kiki fell into him shaking her head fast.
“ hes .. hes..” she wiggled.
“ I promise he's nicer then he looks”
Kiki wiggled and they both heard the bell.
“ have a good day kiki” he hugged her and kiki whined when he let her go. They both went into the school but went opposite ways .
Kiki went into her math class to her seat and sat down holding her shorts , she watched more kids come in . Most didn't look at her , or talk to her. Most kids in her grade thought she was a hermit . Class started and Kiki took her book out to take notes and solve problems . She was mostly thinking about video games though. New strategies , new skins, new loot boxes.
“ Mishiko..” said the teacher
She jumped looking up to see everyone looking at her.
“ please pay attention and solve the problem…” asked the teacher. Kiki wiggled in her seat and answered the problem nervously . The teacher nodded in response.
She was right . The kids turned away and Kiki tried to relax.
Max was in class with his friend Adam . He also liked video games and enjoyed football. They sat next to each other to. The teacher instructed the class to work among themselves and Max turned to Adam.
“ i told Kiki about the club , I even showed her Toshi.”
Adam chuckled down at his books .
He was a big kid. Mostly muscle for football and athletics. “ ill ask her again but I don't know man. She seems shy, I wish she would though. No one will join cuz Toshi is so good” said Adam
Max tapped his pencil on his desk and sneaked a peak at his phone. He had a text from Gina. He grinned and elbowed his friend.
“ cover for me?” He asked and Adam agreed rolling his eyes. Max left class and went down the hall to see Gina waiting for him along with another girl . Kera.
They pulled him into the bathroom and into a stall and started to kiss him all over . Toshi was in the computer lab studying up on some game for the first bell . He did not have a first class but came in anyway to study. He leaned in to his hand watching the monitor , blowing air at it. “ almost time for E3.. “ he clicked on an article reading it about the event . He always went , he loved it . But he always went alone. He read the article and some girls came over to try to talk to him . He glanced over.
“ ohayo.” He said
The girls giggled at each other.
“ we were wondering .. if you wanted to join us for some fun?” They smirked.
“ nani?!” He was not amused
“ you know what we mean..”
“ nani?!?” Louder
The girls rolled their eyes leaving and Toshi smiled going back to his article.
The bell rang and Kiki hurried out of the classroom into the hallway. Toshi logged off and got up going to the hallway . He walked a strut almost, but a lazy strut. He was tall. And he took small steps when he walked. Never in any rush. Kiki was hurrying past all the kids down the hall when she passed him. He noticed her shirt and looked back when she passed him and raised an eyebrow then faced forward again. He shrugged his shoulders smiling and strolled into class.
Kiki made it to her class and tried her best to not be noticed. The class was english and the teacher was talking about an upcoming field trip to a museum . She handed out the paper and Kiki read it over. It was in a couple days . The class went on and one of the boys in her class looked over at her a few times. He nudged his friend and he looked up.
“ how come she never talks?” He asked
“ kiki is a video game hermet thats why”
“ yeah all she does is come to school and go straight home” said another kid.
“ I heard she's into freaky stuff too like video game characters” said a girl.
Kiki squeezed her book trying to block them out.
Max emerged from the restroom panting and zipping his pants. The girls came out and waved goodbye walking away. Max leaned on the wall panting and looking around.
“ to be fair. They asked me first” said Toshi. Who was leaning on the corner wall. Max jumped in his skin looking over the corner to see Toshi leaning on it.
“Well.. uh..” Max leaned on the wall next to Toshi.
“ ill take it i guess. Don't gotta work for it.” He said
“ you Americans are interesting. “
“ nab one Toshi you won't regret it”
“ looking for the right one.”
“ good luck” Max said rolling his eyes.
A bell rang and the two made their way to lunch. Kiki rushed out of the room and to the lunch room . Quickly she got her food and went outside to eat alone . She sat down with her back against the brick school and started to eat. Max went outside and sat down with his sister and the two ate their food. She leaned on him sighing and Max smiled down at her .
“ I have a field trip tomorrow..”
“ oh yeah?”
“ yeah just a museum.. “
“Just a museum .” He mocked chuckling and Kiki giggled pushing on her brother.
“ maybe uh.. ill ask .. friday...”
“ I think you should , it will be good for you”
Kiki wiggled around and Max pulled her up hugging her. He squeezed her tight for a minute. Kiki squeezed back whining. He stroked her hail till he realized and let go quickly.
“ c'mon ill take you to class”
Kiki nodded following her brother.
The day went on and eventually school was over. Kiki was waiting by Max’s car for him and Toshi was walking to his car with Adam. Adam waved and Kiki jumped fumbling her backpack trying to wave back. When the two got in the car Toshi looked over Adam and out his window.
“ .. whos that by Max’s car?” He asked
“ oh that's his sister Kiki. Her real names Mishiko though”
Toshi looked closer and noticed her playstation shirt.
“ she's like a huge video game nerd too” he added.
“Hmm..” he drove off.
Max hurried out of the school with some books and greeted his sister. “ sorry , I needed to get some books from my english teacher.”
Kiki smiled and got in the car and so did Max. He drove home and the two watched tv on the couch till Kiki nodded off. Max looked over and slowly moved his hand to her thigh squeezing it. He rubbed gently.
Toshi was up late playing video games and browsing leaderboards. He only had boxers on and bandages around his chest and back . His room was full of trophies and video games. His bed though took up most of the room . He sighed at the boards till he noticed a “KiKi” in the overwatch top 3. He was number one of course . But this girl was number 2., his phone buzzed and Toshi put his controller down to read it.
“ im skipping tomorrow want to come over around 9?”
Toshi replied and picked his controller back up.
Max looked at his phone and stopped rubbing his sisters thigh to roll his eyes at the text.
“ はい”
“Christ just say yes..” he rolled his eyes putting his phone down and looking at his sister.
It was the next day and Max was dropping Kiki off at school, she looked up at him and he hugged her tightly.
“ your fine. I promise” he assured her.
“ you'll be here at 6?” She asked nervous
“ 6 sharp “ he rubbed her head.
Kiki nodded getting out of the car and boarding the bus. Max drove home and saw Toshi's car already parked. He was leaning on it looking at his phone when Max pulled in.
“ no Adam?” Asked Max getting out of his car .
“ as if Adam would skip school”
The two went into the house and just laze around all day .
“ so i didint know you had a sister Max” Toshi said looking around the house.
“ oh yeah. Kiki. I thought id told you before. She's a sophomore”
“Nope.. didn't know”
Toshi got up going to the kitchen for a drink and Max scratched his lower chest feeling aroused. He sighed at himself trying to think of something. He slipped up to his room trying to fight back the urge. Toshi heard him go upstairs and put his drink down following quietly. He leaned on the wall listening to the door.
“ ughn.. kiki i miss you..” he heard and Toshi peered in but it was too dark to see. He assumed what he was doing and leaned in the doorway .
“ so do you do that all the time or just when she's not here” he smirked .
Max jumped and Toshi flipped the light on to see Max with a hand in his pants.
“ Toshi!!!! God damn it….” Max looked down and away. “Dont tell anyone…”
“ i wont. You should see our porn”
“ WHAT?”
Toshi shrugged his shoulders smiling and strolled out of the room down the hallway. “so where's her room”
Max ran after him grabbing his arm. “ you can't just walk into her room!”
“ but Adam said she's a gaming nerd i wanna see her set up”
“ whats a set up?”
Toshi rolled his eyes opening the door flicking the light on. He peered in and had a grin on his face. It was nice. Playstation and Nintendo, big tv. Stack of games .
Max closed the door and Toshi smiled going back downstairs. Max followed and felt embarrassed still.
“ how are you.. not grossed out?” He asked.
Toshi was feeling his bandages on his back trying not to scratch.
“ because You aren't hurting anything.” He looked over. “ you do you. But I do wanna meet her”
“ she's supposed to ask to join your club at school”
“ mmmm yeah?” He smirked
“ just let her join Toshi…”
“ oh it's not that easy..”
Kiki was on the bus looking out the window. The museum was okay… mostly they listened to lectures about art and sculptures. She was not very interested. The other kids did not bother with her either . She just wanted a friend…
The bus pulled up to the school and Kiki got off running to her brothers car getting in. He smiled and petted her head driving home. Kiki hurried inside and Max grabbed her pack pulling her to him.
“ i'm gonna miss the new loot boxes!!” She whined struggling and Max smiled squeezing her.
“ yeah yeah. Dinner first” he let go going to the kitchen with Kiki following.
Kiki sat down and Max brought their dinner over . They ate their food and Max looked at her a couple times when she was not looking. When they finished Kiki raced upstairs and Max slowly made his way to doing the dishes.
Kiki stayed upstairs for a couple hours playing her video games . She liked to play with all the lights off and the curtains closed. She had just finished opening her last loot box . She rubbed her eyes yawning and looking around. She was lonely . Kiki picked up her phone and looked at her contacts. Just Max and Adam.. she sighed putting it on her night stand. The clock on her tv said 10 pm . Slowly she got up and left her room to not hear the tv on and the lights were off. She knocked gently on Max’s door .
Max was in bed with some music on when Kiki knocked. He yelled for her to come in and she peaked.
“ Max.. can i hang out here… maybe..”. She quietly asked.
Max sat up looking over. He was in pj bottoms and a white shirt
“ yeah.. of course you can” he said quietly
Kiki came in holding the bottom of her shirt blushing and Max’s heart rate increased as he watched her come over. He held his arms out and Kiki hurried into them . Max laid down hugging her and he turned his lights down. The two snuggled while they talked.
“ so.. when do i ask.. to join the club” she asked holding her brothers shirt.
“ well they are there during the off periods , lunch and after school for a bit” he rubbed her back gently.
“ if i eat fast i might ask then…”
“ don't rush yourself Kiki . I can wait for you after school”
“ okay..”
Max held her tightly and let out a big sigh.
“ kiki..”
“ yes?” She looked up but it was dark so she could not see. He stroked her hair for a minute.
“ im just happy you can come talk to me…”
Kiki rolled to her stomach to lay on and hugged her brother tight.
“ me too.. I love you'' Max ``
“ i love you kiki..” he squeezed her and the two listened to music all night.
It was morning and Max was shaking Kiki to wake her up . She whined rolling off of Max and hugging his arm. He sighed watching her and reached over to rub her butt gently.
“ cmon wake up. You can sleep in tomorrow” he said
Kiki whined opening her eyes and sitting up.
“ what are you gonna do today?” He asked trying not to look at her thighs.
“ ask.. about the club..”
“ yes you are” he pet her head smiling and Kiki slid over him and went to the shower. Max waited till he heard the shower and slipped his hand in his pjs groaning.
Once everyone was ready the two went to school. Kiki was a nervous wreck the whole day. Would Toshi let her join? She was so paranoid that she did not hear the other kids in her classes talking about her.
The final bell rang and Kiki hurried out of her class and to the upper classes hallway. Her legs hurt since she was on the bottom floor. She peeked into the hallway to see Juniors and Seniors making their way to the stairs. She jumped when some of them said hello and complimented her gamer shirt. She spotted Max and ran over and he hugged her smiling.
“ just go down the hall, last door on the left Kiki”
She nodded fast still hugging and some of the seniors chuckled as they passed.
“ cmon you can do it” he slowly peeled her off of him.
“ ill be at the car” he petted her head and followed some of his friends.
Kiki held her shirt looking around the now empty hall and closed doors . Slowly she walked down the hall to the only open door. It said Computer Lab on the wall . She could hear talking and button mashing along with some music.
Kiki peaked in to see Toshi and Adam playing a game on a computer . She tried to sneak in but she bumped a nearby chair making it squeak. She jumped hugging the wall and the boys looked over. Adam jumped up and hugged her.
“HEY KIKI!!!” He squeezed making her whine and try to get loose. “ are you gonna join finally?!?”
“ augh let go!!! Adaaaam!!!” She whined till he let go .
Kiki held her chest looking at Toshi . He was… she slumped into the wall and Toshi smirked going over and leaning down till he was eye level .
“ you must be Mishiko…”
Her heart jumped. No one ever called her real name..
“ yes i.. I wanted to.. join” she said quietly
He smiled looking over over. Now he knew why Max liked her so much. She was cute and tiny.
Toshi held a controller in front of her face.
“ beat me in Overwatch and you can join. Three outta three”
Kiki grabbed the controller grinning . Toshi smiled at her standing back up and the two went to sit down in front of the computer. Toshi leaned back in his sit looking over at her. She didn't look nervous in the slightest . She had on a Ubisoft shirt and blue shorts with sneakers and thigh highs. He smiled at the thigh highs and Adam let them know it was starting soon.
A half hour later Toshi’s controller was in half and on the floor. The screen said “WINNER. KIKI & JUNKRAT” the chalkboard had three tallys on it for Kiki. Toshi was very … very silent. Kiki was shaking and looking at Adam but he looked just as surprised as her. The sound the controller made made her jump and look over at Toshi. He was huffing heavily, the bandages on his arm looked like they were being strained from his fist . Kiki slowly set the controller down and slowly got up. She should leave… he's angry… this was a bad idea…
Toshi whipped out of his seat in front of Kiki putting his hands on her shoulders sitting her back down.
“ …...how……” he ordered.
“Wah!!!” She jumped hiding being her hands. “ I WATCH A LOT OF STRATEGY STUFF IM SORRY. “ she whined through her hands. “ I can replace the controller…!!!!”
Adam was about to intervene but Toshi stood up and looked at him in disbelief. Adam nodded very fast. They both looked down at Kiki . She was hiding behind her hands with her knees touching.
Toshi stretched smiling.
“ ahhh…. baka… you can join” he chuckled
Kiki peaked through her hands up at the boy.
“ but to repay me your gonna come over tomorrow.” He smiled down at her and Kiki nodded fast and left in a flash
It was just Toshi and Adam in the computer lab. Toshi slowly picked up his broken controller and Adam quietly packed up the system. Toshi squeezed the controller again making Adam look over.
“ uh ..Toshi..” Adam said quietly.
“Well well well….” he threw his pack over his shoulder walking out of the room . His steps were heavy down the hall and down the stairs. He was on his way to the last floor when he stopped to look out the window. Kiki was running to Max’s car . He grinned and kept walking .
The car ride was quiet , she must of beat Toshi .
“ sooo.. what game was it?”
“ Overwatch…”
Max nearly missed the light .
“ you beat Toshi in Overwatch?!?”
“ yes!! He broke his controller and … told me to come over tomorrow”
Max pulled up to the house not saying anything. Kiki got out running inside and Max dialed Toshi
Toshi was already home and looking at the broken controller in his hand when his phone rang.
“ ohayo” he said
“ so what exactly do you plan to do with my sister tomorrow?”
Toshi made his way to his room to lie down. He ginned looking up at his ceiling.
“Friendly gaming Max. I'd never hurt your little sister”
“I swear Toshi if you try anything”
“I mean it !”
“Uh huh.” He hung up smirking.
It was the morning of the next day and Kiki was still asleep. Max was awake in bed, he did not sleep much, he was caught up on his sister going to Toshi’s house. He trusted Toshi, he wouldn't try anything. Right?..
Max’s phone buzzed , he rubbed his face lifting his phone up to look at the text.
“She can come over whenever. I'm awake.” -Toshi
“Don't try anything.” -Max
“🤷🏻” -Toshi
Max groaned putting his phone down hugging his pillow. He heard Kiki after a while going down the stairs and the door opening.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Tremor VI
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Teen/Mature Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Angst Characters: Kayo Kyrano, Gordon Tracy, John Tracy
Part 6 of my contribution to Hear from @gumnut-logic‘s SensorySunday challenge. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
This was supposed to be one of the shorter sections.  Kayo had other plans.
Gordon was taking too long. Kayo frowned, casting a look around Thunderbird Four’s interior.  It was all ready for a patient – or at least, as ready as it could be.  She hadn’t got a good look at Scott’s condition, but the glimpses she had caught told her that Thunderbird Four was not well enough equipped to do much more than stabilise him.  There would be no recovery until they were at least in Thunderbird Two, with Virgil taking control, if not until they reached a hospital.
They wouldn’t get anywhere until Gordon and Scott were on board.  What was taking so long?
She crept back to the airlock, looking out of the window.  No sign of them.  Her uncle’s ship loomed threateningly and she scowled at it.  How dare he take one of her brothers and torment him?  The idea that she could be at all related to the man made her sick, and she shoved it out of her mind to panic over later in the sanctuary of her own room.
Not here.
She dragged herself back to the present, refusing to let herself spiral.  A glance out of the window showed that there was still no sign of Gordon and Scott, and Kayo couldn’t wait any longer.  She pushed out of the airlock, cutting through the water and slamming up against the bigger ship’s airlock in time to hear a muffled gunshot.
Heart in her mouth, she wrenched it open and tumbled through, prepared for combat.
The first thing she saw was Scott, sprawled limply with his eyes closed.  The second was Gordon, cradling his brother close with one arm even though his torso was twisted around to face something behind him.
The third was the gun, held at the end of a steady arm.  The fourth was the slumped body of her un- the Hood, bleeding sluggishly onto his own ill-gotten plush rugs.
“We need to move,” she said, stepping forward slowly.  Gordon lowered the gun, stowing it back inside his baldric.  “Is he..?”
“He doesn’t deserve the easy way out,” Gordon said, his voice level, neutral, even.  If not for the hard look in his eyes, she’d think he was entirely unaffected by the fact he’d just shot a man.  “I hit his collarbone.  He won’t be a problem now; we’ll leave him to WASP.”
Kayo had long since forsaken any notion of family loyalty to the criminal, but that didn’t stop a small voice in the back of her mind reminding her that he was her uncle, that they’d been close, once upon a time.  She tore her eyes away, squatting down by Scott and retrieving a discarded rebreather. Gordon took it out of her hands before she could affix it.
“He panicked,” Gordon said. “Wouldn’t let me put it on.  We’ll have to find another way.”  Kayo frowned and inspected Scott more closely.
“He’s passed out,” she realised.  “Look.” She didn’t touch him, but Gordon had no such qualms, cradling his cheek and patting it lightly.  Scott didn’t respond, and Gordon sighed, looking less military and more first responder.
“Okay, we’ll risk it,” he said.  “Let’s hope he doesn’t wake in a panic.”  Privately, Kayo thought he was unlikely to wake at all, but she kept those thoughts to herself as Gordon fixed the rebreather to Scott and stood, once again cradling his brother in his arms.  “See you in Four.”
He passed through the airlock and was gone.  Kayo looked around again, ignoring something tugging at her heart as she caught sight of the crumpled, bleeding figure of the man she was related to.  She should do something, stop the bleeding maybe.  Save him.
Scott would.  Scott refused to let anyone suffer if he could do something about it, no matter who they were.  That was what made him such a good commander for International Rescue – a strong successor to Mr Tracy, who Kayo recalled as having similar ideas.
Kayo was not Scott.  Kayo’s job was to keep her family safe – her real family, not a twisted mess of a man who happened to share her blood.  Scott needed help, and it was help she delayed every second she lingered.  With one last shaky breath, she turned her back on a man she refused to refer to as anything other than ‘the Hood’ and plunged into the ocean, towards Thunderbird Four.
Gordon had Scott on the stretcher with a medical scanner resting on his chest when she stumbled through the airlock.  There was no question what took her so long – Gordon trusted her too much for that.  He directed her to get a pair of towels from a locker, and she obeyed instantly.
“Get him dry,” he ordered, busying himself with an IV and drip.  Kayo nodded, stepping up next to him and for the first time allowing herself to see her big brother’s state.  It was so much worse up close, a body wracked with tremors that could be cold or something else.  She pushed it from her mind again, another thing to break down about later. Clinical, detached, she dabbed him dry, barely noticing when Gordon left for the cockpit.
Thunderbird Four moved, detaching from the Hood’s ship and rotating to head back the way they’d come – to Thunderbird Two and Virgil, no doubt waiting beyond anxiously to pick them up and see Scott for himself.  Kayo found her balance against the movement quickly and carried on with her ministrations, not letting herself pay too much attention to the state of the body beneath her hands.
Not yet.
She’d just got him dry when their altitude shifted dramatically, Gordon taking them back up to the surface, and she threw a foil blanket over him.  It wasn’t much, but it was something, and when she looked at Scott again, allowing herself to see, she could almost fancy he looked more comfortable. Almost.  He was still pale and trembling, cheeks hollowed and eyes sunken, and she pushed his hair back as they docked inside the module.
“Virgil will be here any moment,” she told him.  He didn’t respond, but she didn’t expect him to.  Gordon returned from the cockpit, fussing with the blanket and looking at the medical scanner with a frown.  Red and amber alerts flashed up all over his body, telling them nothing they didn’t already know; it was bad.
Heavy footsteps ran towards them, and Kayo stepped back to let Virgil take her place.
“I’ll pilot,” she said, knowing where Virgil was needed.  She didn’t wait for a response, all but fleeing the submarine.
Thunderbird Two’s cockpit was empty, Alan kept at home with Grandma despite his complaints to the contrary, but the yoke was shifting by itself.  Autopilot wasn’t engaged, so it had to be John or EOS.
“Where are we going?” she asked the empty space, slumping into the co-pilot’s chair.
“Usual hospital.” John looked tired – Grandma had forced them all to get some sleep over the past five days, but up in orbit John had been outside of her reach.  “I forwarded the medical scan results to the island and Grandma made the call.”
Kayo didn’t argue, even though that meant her job wasn’t over yet.  Off the island meant security was needed, and even if the Hood was subdued, that didn’t mean he’d been working alone.  She said as such and John sighed.
“I know,” he agreed, pushing his hair back from his face.  It was a far cry from its usual perfectly-coiffed state.  “Colonel Casey’s providing security detail; a team she’s hand-picked personally.  She says it’s the least she can do.”  The GDF’s failure to be of any use at all had to be a sore point on the woman; Kayo could understand that.  No doubt they were also fuming at the fact that the Hood had fallen into WASP hands rather than their own.
Kayo didn’t care where he was as long as it was nowhere near her true family.
“WASP reported in,” John continued.  “The ship’s been captured and the Hood is under heavy guard.  They swear he won’t get away.”
“He won’t,” Kayo agreed, her mind flashing back to a crumpled, bleeding body and steely amber eyes. The look John gave her said he didn’t want to know.
“How’s Scott?” he asked instead.  “I’ve got the medical scan, but… how is he?”
Kayo put her head in her hands.
“Unconscious now,” she said. “It would have been better if he’d been unconscious the whole time.  It’s bad, John.  Gordon couldn’t get a rebreather on him until he passed out.”
“Do we know what the Hood wanted?”  She looked up at the hologram.  “Some sort of information?”
“That would be my guess,” she admitted.  “Most likely on International Rescue.”
“He wasn’t after information.”  She jumped and turned around to see Gordon standing by the door.  His eyes were furious, and with a start she realised he had his gun in his hands.  “Not unless he’s stupid.”
“What do you mean?” she asked.  The cartridge slid into place with a snap and he eyed it for a moment before putting the weapon back in his baldric.
“Scott couldn’t talk if he wanted to right now,” Gordon said, striding forwards.  Kayo vacated the co-pilot seat, but he didn’t sit down.  “That’s just sloppy if you want information. Either he already got what he wanted – but Scott’s trained to resist for longer than five days so I doubt that – or information was never the aim.”
“Then… what was he after?” John sounded genuinely confused, but Kayo could see what Gordon was getting at and it made her blood churn.
“Not information,” she said, her voice painfully short and curt even to her own ears.  “Revenge.”  Why? The Hood had always been dogging International Rescue, but why?  What reason did the Hood have to hate them so much?
Beside her, Gordon was ramrod straight, his hands balled into fists.
“He wanted Scott to die.”
“What?” John paled, clearly visible even across the hologram.  Gordon sat down in the co-pilot’s chair, and Kayo reluctantly perched in Virgil’s.
“He didn’t succeed,” Gordon said firmly.  “And he won’t.  Give me control, John.  I’ll get us there. You get your ass home.”
John didn’t argue, signing off a moment after Gordon took over manual control.
They flew on in silence, Gordon concentrating on getting them to New Zealand – definitely not the closest, but security was the priority, and there was only one hospital on the planet Kayo would trust with her biggest brother right now – and Kayo trying and failing to compartmentalise everything.
Her uncle had tried to kill Scott.  The Hood had tried to kill her brother.
Gordon had shot her uncle. Her brother had shot the Hood.
“They don’t need to know the full story,” Gordon said suddenly, jerking her back into the present and away from the mire of her thoughts.  “Even if it’s the Hood, they wouldn’t agree he deserved to be shot.”
“It’ll be on record,” Kayo reminded him.  “WASP know it wasn’t them.”  Deserved to be shot?  Kayo wished she could believe that so whole-heartedly, but whenever she thought about it, she remembered the uncle that used to be kind, once upon a time.
Why hadn’t that lasted? Why had he turned so cruel?
He’s never hurt you, her mind reminded her.  Even now.
“They won’t check the records.”  Gordon was confident.  “John doesn’t want to know and the others don’t care what happened as long as Scott’s okay.”
“But he’s not.”
“He will be. He’s Scott.”
Gordon was a tough young man, spine of steel – not just metaphorically – and cold as ice when required. Despite that, he was still Scott’s little brother, still clung to the need for his big brother to be okay.
Kayo understood.  She couldn’t imagine Scott not recovering, either.
The hospital was the same as ever, doctors she knew the name of – and every inch of their background – there to carry her brother away.  The GDF personnel were equally known to her; Colonel Casey had been thorough with her selection.  The final reassurance was the pink Rolls Royce, and Kayo exchanged a distant nod with the lady inside before returning to Thunderbird Two.
Gordon was waiting for her in the cockpit.  Virgil would be staying at the hospital; Kayo was unsurprised.  It would take a miracle to tear him away from his older brother now. Not when he blamed himself so whole-heartedly for the situation.
She’d be back later, in Thunderbird Shadow.  But first she needed to wind down, destress until she was capable of being the best security she could.
For that, she needed her bedroom, and peace and quiet.  Gordon disappeared who-knew-where – Thunderbird Four, most likely, to stow away his gun before Alan saw it.  Kayo made a beeline for her sanctuary, shut the door, and threw herself face down on her bed.
There, she let everything she’d suppressed bubble up.  The confliction over blood family versus her true family, the guilt and shame for there even being a confliction when her uncle – the Hood – was willing to commit such atrocities.  The state Scott had been in, battered and broken, all done at the hands of a ruthless murderer who had already broken her family – her real family – once.
Her bed dipped, someone sitting by her head.  They didn’t speak, but they didn’t need to.  Only one person would ever dare intrude without knocking.
“I hate him, Grandma,” she sobbed.  “I hate him.  So, so much.”  She couldn’t get the memory of the Hood, slumped and bleeding, out of her mind. She shouldn’t care.  She shouldn’t.
A gentle hand ran down her hair, comforting.
“I know, dear.”
They’d done this dance before, after Mr Tracy’s death, her father’s disappearance.  Every time her uncle tore apart her true family.
She hated him, but there was still a part of her that loved him, even now.
Part VII
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dreamindolls · 5 years
Aaa so i know i haven't been active on here but its been hard to be excited to write for kny because of all the new chapter leaks every week so i think ill be starting to write for other fandoms instead ww
For now im gonna start with bnha cause ive been getting really into it lately!! Also i say im gonna do reader inserts but this ones actually with my oc cause i love the quirk i gave her and i wanna write for her really badly
Usui's Quirk: Anima
This Quirk allows her to have the ability of an animal she befriends! She can understand animals and communicate with them. She can only use up to 3 abilities at a time. Depending on her friendship with the animals depends on how long she can use her abilities for. If an animal dies of natural cause (I.e: dies of old age, sickness,etc) it can choose to give her full access to using it for any amount of time.
This has only happened once so far with her bird. She cant pick and choose what abilities the animals give her rather they choose what they want to give her. 
Her ability takes up lots of stamina and can be difficult to discover what abilities were given and control them. 
So!! Without further ado heres my oc x hawks!!! (ily hawks)
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It was a pleasant evening on the rooftop of her building. Who knows how many stories high it was but definitely close to the clouds. She took a deep breath in and sighed before standing up and stretching as if getting ready to jump. As she was prepping she felt a tug on her tank top. She turned around only to find a red feather. She grabbed it only for it to struggle in her fingers before slipping away back to it's master. 
"Not going to jump I hope?" Bright red wings overtook her vision for a second as he flaunted them spreading them wide into the sky as if showing off to no one. The stray feather reattached itself. 
The girl smirked as she turned to face him. "And if I am? Will the great number two hero save me?" She pretended to swoon, sarcastically emphasizing the word great and putting a hand over her forehead as if she was going to faint, taking a step backwards closer to the edge which made Hawks reach out slightly. 
He smirked back at her making his way closer to her and the edge. "And if I stop you?" He tried to sneakily put his arm around her before noticing two distinct holes in the back of her shirt. He was about to question it but she quickly did a small spin as if dancing away from him. 
Her arms out to her sides as she spun she laughed. "Then I guess we'll just have to see if you can save me number two." She smiled softly at him before she spun again and took a step off the building and let herself fall. 
Hawks only reaction was to jump after her to catch her but as he was about to grab her, he stopped. "Do you jump off buildings for a living, for fun, or to be saved by a handsome hero?" He said that striking a pose clearly referring to himself, as he fell with her, a feather on her slowing her fall along with him. 
She had a feeling he'd put another feather on her so she picked it off as much as it tried to stay on her. "I can fly on my own so I guess it's for enjoyment." She stated simply and if he knew. And before he knew it she disappeared. He looked around before looking up and seeing she'd gone up and she had sprouted wings. It was hard to see but he could see a smirk forming on her lips as she flapped her wings and turned to fly up. That was an invitation for competition if he ever saw one and he flew to catch up to her. 
She looked down trying to see him again but suddenly he'd appeared next to her. "You'll have to be faster than that to beat me" he shrugged at her almost stating matter of factly. 
"Challenge accepted bird brain" she whispered to herself as she took off after him catching up to him and tapping his shoulder to get his attention. She mimed a yawn and stretch as she continued to fly farther and faster than him. Honestly it was a surprise how long this continued. At some point though she had a thought. 
She started to slow down little by little and her wings started to flap less and less. And of course the number two hero noticed this. "Getting tired already dove?" Dove?? What a lame nickname… I guess he really is a bird brain. 
She smiled tiredly. "Maybe just a little but doesn't mean I can't keep going Bird Boy!" She stuck her tongue out at him in a teasing manner as he stared at her entertained.
“Not a very good insult if you’re also a bird y’know.”
“Hmm~ I wonder if I am a bird though..” She tapped her chin in fake thought as her wings suddenly disappeared and started to fall again. Hawks couldn’t help but react again trying to catch her just like the first time, but this time he'd caught onto her. 
She was smiling again. Just like when she fell the first time. He cocked an eyebrow and frowned at her. "This must be fun for you huh? Do you always play heroes like this?"
"Aww you caught on to me. I guess you aren't as much of a bird brain as I thought." She smirked again. She sprouted her wings again and pushed out of this grip and made her way back to the building she started at and landed. Her wings spreading themselves one last time in almost the same fashion Hawks did when he arrived before retracted into her back. 
"What kind of Quirk do you have? I don't think I've ever seen someone hide a mutant type like that before." He stared at her back before she turned around eyeing the marks on her back and the obvious holes in her shirt, seemingly designed so she could sprout her wings. 
"Hmm… Do I tell the Number two hero my secrets or do I let him wonder forever… What to do, what to do." She pondered sarcastically as she tapped her finger on her chin. "The least I can do is introduce myself I suppose!" She laughed before pulling a card out of her pocket and handing it to him. Hawks was shocked it didn't fall out of her pocket while they flew. "The names Usui Enma. I run this building here. I have a hero license so I can freely use my quirk when I want. You should come check out my building sometime! It's quite fun in here you know!" She stated before she clicked a button on one of the pillars of the building and a hole appeared on the rooftop. 
A few birds came out from inside the building and flew around Usui and Hawks as he stared at her amazed for a second. Only a second… Ok it was more like a minute. When he finally snapped out of it he put on his usual smirk and asked her. "What do you own a zoo in here or something? An awful large building for a zoo."
Pfft– Usui burst out laughing as the birds perched themselves around the hole in the roof and looked curiously at her. "This isn't a zoo but there are animals here! They're my friends! Of course I have human friends too but animals are so much better. Come see what it is when you have a day off, this isn't the kind of place you can spend only a few minutes at!" She laughed a little bit more before signaling something to the birds which made them take off back into the building. 
The hole started to close again. She saluted to him as she walked forward and plummeted into the now closed hole. 
That was…. A lot more strange than Hawks had anticipated.  He couldn't even react to what she was saying. He looked at the card again. Usui Enma… Quirk House..? What does that mean??
I guess he could find out now–
Ah. I guess not. That's Endeavor calling him for a job. Maybe another day soon he could see what this place is all about. 
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answers (16)
Anonymous said: A lot of these secrets are really serious and sad so heres a lighter one: me and my sister are knitting christmas socks for the whole family as a surprise. Ive never knit a pattern before but im really good!!
Anonymous said: idk if your still doing this but my secret is I fear im a terrible person who only acts nice to rick people into liking her and ik that actually does make me an okay but i still feel im doing it for the wrong reasons and someones going to get too close and find out the truth and hate me
That’s very self aware of you, I think-- probably too self aware. You’re absolutely right to say it’s the trying that matters, but I’m not gonna blame you for worrying about it. I have similar concerns about myself sometimes. I’m aware that for me personally they’re partially justified. Some of my kindness is self motivated. 
I think though (and it seems like you already know this) it’s the effect of the kindness that matters. Maybe it’s better for me if I have “pure” intentions, but if I don’t, I should still do the kind things anyway, right? Because at the end there’s still going to be good. And there’s nothing bad about actively trying to be good, which is all we’re doing. 
Anonymous said: my secret is that ive been chasing after a dream my whole life but im not sure ill ever achieve it. times running out and i dont know what to do if i cant. i feel like my whole life has been put on standby and i dont know the way out. i know ill be okay in the end but i dont know what the end will be and that scares me.
Shit that’s relatable. You really will be okay, but it’s terrifying in the meantime, isn’t it? To have those turning points bearing down on you?
Things will happen. You can’t stop that. Time is gonna continue, but you’ll still be there at the end. Your head’s already in the right place. 
Anonymous said: My secret is that I really, really like one of my friends, but he has a girlfriend and slept with one of my best friends when they were both super drunk. I want the feelings to stop and go back to being just friends, because I honestly think I don't have a chance, but there is a small part of me that doesn't want to let go. I don't know what to do.
Well that’s a bitch of a situation, isn’t it? Romantic feelings aren’t really my area, but I understand holding on to things you consciously want to let go. Emotions always feel like part of me, you know? I don’t want to tear them away. Sometimes it’s better to do it, though. I don’t know from a few sentences if that’s the case here, but I hope you find the way that’s the best for you 
Anonymous said: My secret is I used to be suicidal, in my pre/early teens. I had realised I was lesbian in a small, largely Catholic town and hated myself for it. I was awful at social situations and couldn’t make friends. I hated myself for having baby fat because I danced part time. Then as I got older I slowly got more confident until one day a friend died I realised that holy shit I used to be suicidal and I could have killed myself. I’m terrified that I might get like that again and actually do it
Honestly, and I know this is gonna sound cliche, but I’m always in awe of folks like you. I don’t handle my own mental health issues super well most of the time, and to hear about someone growing? Changing? Getting better? Amazing
Anonymous said: If you're still taking these... my secret is that I don't want to give birth to children ever, and would consider adopting instead (when I'm older), but if I were to voice that to any family member or even an acquitance, they would shun me for it and make sure they try to talk me out of it. I really hate how conservative people put so many expectations on my shoulders
Heyyyyyy same. I’m not planning on birthing any kids, but my parents have come down pretty heavily on the single-women-should-not-adopt-children thing, which is.... bullshit. I’m gonna adopt some kids one day, whether they like it or not. 
You know your own mind and your own plans. Other people don’t have to be happy about them, even (maybe especially) family members. 
Anonymous said: My secret is that I’m a bad friend. I don’t make time for the few friends I have and spend most my time working or being in my room. They deserve better than me.
I don’t think you’re a bad friend. Not being around isn’t bad-friend behavior. You’re not hurting anyone. You’re not doing anything wrong. And I certainly don’t think that it justifies the idea that they should leave you. Relationships are always kinda a difficult balancing act, but you don’t have to be perfect at balancing it, you know?
Anonymous said: My secret is that I'm extremely self-sufficient, I've always had to be. But because there's no one else taking care of me it's so hard to invest my time in others because I'll neglect my own mental state. It make sit hard to develop stable relationships. Every once in a while I re-realize that I'm no one's priority so I have to be my own. And it just sucks.
Shit anon that’s really really rough. It makes me sad with you. I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong, because I don’t know, do I? But I hope you are. 
Anonymous said: My secret is I imagine myself as OCs I create for certain fandoms like Young Justice or Castlevania, and I spend all my time daydreaming of how I would act in episodes and how I would interact with the characters. I think it’s because I’m not satisfied with my life, and I’m also afraid that this makes me either weird or crazy.
Oh biggest mood
I do that too. I’m not in a position to say whether that’s a good or bad thing, but I like to think it just makes us creative. For me, it eventually found an outlet in writing, and that’s been a big source of joy in my life. I had some unpleasant experiences sharing that stuff with people in the past, but for me? I don’t worry about it anymore. I know a lot of people that do similar stuff.
Write some fanfiction, maybe :) You might be real good at it
Anonymous said: My secret is I’m secretly attracted to people who are better than me at stuff
That’s not really my area, but seems to me that’s a pretty good thing to be attracted to. One of the sweetest things I hear around school is people talking about how their partners are going to be such good lawyers. It’s cute. 
Anonymous said: My secret is that my anxiety is crushing me. I don't want to feel this way anymore.
Oh, anon. I just.... feel you. I’ve been really struggling lately with the idea that other people move through life without that handicap, and it amazes and angers me. Why don’t I get that? Why am I like this? It isn’t fair. 
And it isn’t. It just isn’t. You didn’t ask to death match your brain every second of the day. You’re not any worse than everyone else, so why do you have to suffer? I don’t know. I really don’t.
The only happy thing I can say to you is people do heal. It’s bullshit that it takes so much time and effort, but it is possible. I’m better off now than I was five years ago, even if it did take five years and a whole lot of therapy, medication, and energy. You shouldn’t have to fight like this, but you can, and you can win. 
Anonymous said: My secret is Im so bitter most of the time that I cant be happy for others. Me and my best friend are both singers but I can never be happy for her when she gets compliments or any success bc im jealous and im scared I'll never learn to be selfless and happy for other people
You’re only human. You have human emotions. You have every right to feel them. The only thing that matters is your choices, because that’s the only thing you can control. 
I’m so sorry you’re scared. That’s another emotion you have every right to feel 
Anonymous said: My secret is that sometimes I hated myself for not express what I felt because I thought they'll hate me or make distance of me but I'm learning to express my feelings to others and try to be more confidence :) I hope you'll be brave too and do whatever you want to do 💜
I wanna be anon when I grow up 
Anonymous said: My secret is that my hands hurt all the time but in different ways, and I’m scared to get help because I’m scared they’ll tell me I’m making it up or being dramatic.
Man do I hate the shit people put you through to get medical help. Everybody’s entitled to ask, aren’t they? So why are we all making that difficult? Why are we making people feel bad about their own pain?
I understand your fear, but I hope you start asking questions anyway. Other people’s opinions about it aren’t your fault
Anonymous said: My secret is that my dermatillomania has gotten way worse since I got to college, so I’m having to wear headscarves again to keep myself from picking my scalp. I smuggled my scarf collection out of my room without telling my parents.
I’m sorry, anon. That’s difficult. That sucks. That’s bullshit. 
Anonymous said: my secret is that when one of my family members says something homophobic I'll laugh and agree because I'm afraid that they'll disown me if there's any shred of proof that I'm LGBT and it makes me feel like such filth
That’s not your fault. It’s theirs for making you feel unsafe, because your safety really should be your first priority! That’s okay! You’re not being a bad person by doing it. You’re just protecting someone. You’re allowed to make that someone you
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xadoheandterra · 5 years
Series: The Burning of Solheim Title: The Path Untrodden Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII Characters: Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Cor Leonis, Gladiolus Amicitia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Gilgamesh, Monica Tags: 10 years older!Prompto, Cor does not do flirting, Uncomfortable!Cor, Gilgamesh is 2000 years out of date and game, Monica is Mom, Poor Cor Day Summary:  Solheim was the height of civilization long enough that their ruins were ruins over 2000 years ago, and still had the power to function in the time of the King of Light. They should’ve realized something was very wrong the minute Prompto remarked on the lights being on, and yet no one was home.
Car rides were cramped. With four people who stood at or over six feet in height obviously car rides would be cramped. They’d spent days just figuring out how to situate one another so that the damn things could pass by without the need for too frequent breaks in the countryside as the hours of driving past them by, but some things just couldn’t be helped. Gilgamesh, at seven feet, could only have Prompto on his lap for so long before his legs ached. It didn’t help that Noctis utterly refused to settle in the passenger seat up front, and so Gladio in all of his six-foot six glory had to cram himself behind Ignis’ long legs.
Needless to say the normally three hour drive from Ravatogh to Caem would take the six that Cor claimed only because the number of breaks needed and not because, as Cid would claim, the boys wanted to stop and fish at every damned fishing hole they could find. While Cor felt certain that the boys, or rather Noctis in particular, would like to spend each stop fishing Cor knew them to be a bit more efficient than that.
“We should take a photo here,” Prompto murmured as he looked out over the railing of the road where they stopped. His arms were crossed over the metal as he stared out over the trees of the Leirity Seaside. From next to him Gilgamesh snorted.
Cor tried to ignore the conversation and stretch his back against the railing instead. He felt a faint pop and he knew it shouldn’t feel as good as it did, but damn if it didn’t ease some sort of tension somewhere. Then it started to hurt and with a wince Cor pulled away—he was getting old and the reminder made a small part of himself curl up and want to cry; the small, angry and utterly uncaring of his own life part of himself that he worked hard to bury with little success after he foolishly took on Gilgamesh.
“If it shall keep—” Gilgamesh started to say before Cor interrupted.
“Five more minutes,” Cor called to the group, and he missed a good chunk of what Gilgamesh said next.
“—from their assault upon my thighs,” Gilgamesh finished. Cor only blinked before Prompto turned from the railing, eyes wide and brows up, lips pulled apart in shock, before everything narrowed into utter outrage.
“I do not have a bony ass!” Prompto shrieked.
Gladiolus snorted.
“I don’t!” Prompto insisted, firmly, and he crossed his arms over his chest and ground his teeth together. Cor wanted to sigh.
For a moment there was silence, then Gilgamesh smiled. It was a soft sort of thing that made Cor feel a little weird all things considered—he felt nauseated, and briefly wondered if that omelet didn’t agree with him. Then Gilgamesh opened his mouth to speak and Cor viciously buried the nausea under his need to be alert. He could be sick later when the King wasn’t in danger and they didn’t have an itinerary.
“I stand corrected of my ill-gotten assumption,” Gilgamesh demurred, and he ducked his head a little as he did so. The trails of the scarf that Gilgamesh wrapped around his head like a hood shifted with the movement a little. “Your posterior is far more akin to that of a flattened cake.”
Gladiolus snorted again, and promptly buried his face into his hands like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Cor couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“A pancake,” Cor said. His tone was dry, short, but edged with a sort of faintness that only Cid or Weskham would detect if they listened. “You mean a pancake.”
Gilgamesh blinked and turned his gaze onto Cor who felt a flush rise along his neck and found himself in need to viciously squash down the nauseous feeling again.
“What is a…pancake?” Gilgamesh questioned.
Cor thought he heard Gladiolus say something that sounded vaguely like ‘oh my six,’ though muffled through his hands. He did see the way Ignis gripped Gladiolus’ shoulder tightly, eyes wide behind his glasses. He didn’t miss the way Noctis nearly doubled over with his own snort, or the way Prompto carefully edged from Gilgamesh to grasp the young monarch by the shoulder with the beginning of a smile curled at his lip.
“It’s—ah,” Cor floundered for half-a-second before he squared himself up and didn’t buckle under the seven foot behemoth of a man’s curious stare. “It’s a fluffy cake-like breakfast food fried in a pan, often accompanied by sweet toppings, sugar, and syrup.”
Gilgamesh eyed him, then smiled and said, “Ah. I shall have to try this pancake, then. Though I doubt Silver’s posterior shall taste ever as sweet.”
“GIL!” Prompto shrieked, and Cor watched as the royal retinue and King lost it. Ignis barely contained his wheezed snort, and Noctis on the floor outright cackling. Prompto even seemed amused by the words despite his reddening face and outraged look, and out of them Gladiolus seemed unamused. He kept his face in the palms of his hands and muttered more words and Cor felt himself in kinship.
Then a second later Cor turned red when Gilgamesh shifted closer and said, tone deeper and softer, “Although I shall believe that yours might make a wonderful, sweet, and meaty breakfast treat. I would not mind it ridden upon my thighs so.” Cor stared as Gilgamesh’s lips curled up, and he couldn’t quite tear his eyes away from how they parted. “Might I propose a trade, then? To have you upon my lap for the rest of this daunting trip? Why it would be positively a pleasure if you were to agree.”
Cor stiffened; this man was wicked and he stumbled backward as he felt his stomach up in his throat.
Gilgamesh eyed him, then backed down with an uttered, “Ah, a check of rain then?” in some bastardized parody of a common colloquial phrase that had Prompto fall over into a fit of amusement.
Quickly the Immortal straightened himself up, lips pressed together into a scowl, and strode back toward the car with a barked out, “Five minutes are up!”
“Thank Bahamut,” Gladiolus mumbled.
Noctis stretched his back as he climbed out of the Regalia at the edge of Cape Caem. The cramped car ride had left plenty to be desired, but at least the journey had finally ended after six hours of inescapable travel later. Noctis wondered if Cindy was anywhere on the property still or if she returned to Hammerhead to continue to run the business there. Cid obviously remained, and really Cid deserved the rest that the lighthouse offered—if Noctis ignored the fact that Cid essentially just fixed up his father’s old royal vessel.
“Cid’ll be waiting at the dock,” Cor said as the last of the car doors slammed shut and everyone gathered in the gravel of the parking lot.
Noctis frowned lightly, uncertain if he wanted to just get right into it and gear up the vessel for the trip to Altissa or not. At the same time Noctis knew he couldn’t delay any further. Luna waited for him in Altissa to summon Leviathan and every day he delayed more put the Oracle’s own safety at risk. No doubt Ravus informed Nifflheim and Aldercapt what the Covenent’s meant, what his sister was doing—and it would only be time before they realized Leviathan was next on the list.
“And just where is this dock, anyway?” Gladio asked. His booted feet shifted on the gravel enough that Noctis glanced over to him, surprised—until Noctis remembered that none of his retainers actually visited the dock before. Out of everyone only Cor knew, and that was because Cor had been on the detail back then.
“There’s an elevator in the lighthouse,” Noctis said as he started his way up the path. Noctis tucked his hands into his pockets as he climbed, and the group fairly quickly formed up around him—at the rear Noctis could vaguely here Prompto and Gilgamesh get into some sort of soft, heated argument that threatened to bring the travel to a stop for all of a second. A glance from Noctis stopped whatever it was going on between those two, followed by a small frown, and the group continued their route up the path in relative silence.
Noctis preferred the quiet right now. It gave him time to think about the plan ahead—and he would need to have a plan ahead Noctis realized. Right now his plan mostly consisted of get to Altissa and find Luna which to be honest had been the plan since day one so that hadn’t changed. It felt weird to realize that he’d been working on the same basic plan since he first left Insomnia.
The party climbed past the house when Monica spotted them. Noctis knew it to be Monica from the way she uttered, “Cor?” in that strangled sort of way that Noctis could remember from his childhood. Noctis didn’t bother to pause in his climb up to the lighthouse except when he noticed Cor still next to him and turn with a faint bit of paleness to his cheeks.
“Monica,” Cor said, and Noctis turned to look at the second in command of the Crownsguard who stared at their group with a gaze so utterly devoid of emotion that it knocked Noctis off kilter for a second. He didn’t understand why Monica looked at them like that until he heard a slightly cut off, “Is that—” just as Cor said, “I can explain—”
Oh, Noctis thought faintly. Right. His gaze slid over to Prompto and Gilgamesh toward the back; Gilgamesh towered over everyone and had that tight grip upon Prompto’s wrist again, but unlike when they first dragged the man out of Taelpar Crag and into the wonders of how the world worked now, Gilgamesh had finally removed the majority of his armor and dressed down in a basic tunic with an attached hood that dipped low over his face and cast reddish-brown eyes into darkness.
“Cor Leonis,” Monica said, voice soft and it struck Noctis that she wasn’t looking at the party as a whole with a blank face, but rather at Cor with a blank face and the tension drained from Noctis’ shoulders. “You are Marshal of the Crownsguard, not a random field agent on a solo mission.” Cor winced. “A curtesy call for an update as to your status, or the status of those with whom you travel, is expected.”
“Monica—” Cor started, then paused, then sucked in a deep breath. “The situation changed.”
Monica eyed the group as a whole, and then turned back to Cor and gestured toward the house. “Inside.”
“Is inside.”
Noctis turned and started for the house without a word, and at his back Gladio and Ignis followed after. Prompto hesitated for half-a-second before he tugged Gilgamesh to follow—only for Monica to raise a hand to forestall both from following directly after them. Noctis paused when he realized that she kept Prompto and Gilgamesh behind, even as Cor already drifted into her space and began to speak softly that they weren’t threats to Noctis’ safety.
“Uh,” Prompto glanced between them, then to Noctis. “Noct?”
Noctis frowned, took three quick steps until he was right next to Monica and Cor, who fell silent, and peered at the Crownsguard intently. “Is there a problem?”
Monica glanced to Cor, and then to Prompto and Gilgamesh, and then to Noctis and bowed her head lightly. “I apologize your highness. You may travel with whom you please, do not doubt, but without verification of—”
“Monica—” Cor started with a faint groan, but Noctis held up a hand so the Marshal quieted.
“I have with me my retinue,” Noctis said carefully, “and while yes, our newest member is for the most part a stranger—he is a stranger we have gotten to know for a few days already, and one who has come highly vetted as he can get by two of my retinue, and by Cor.” Cor winced at that statement, and when Monica arched her eyebrows at him, he shrugged an agreement to the words.
“He is not lying,” Cor said. “Ah—I met Gilgamesh when I was young?”
“Gilgamesh?” Monica questioned, voice deadpan. “The Blademaster from Taelpar Crag.”
Cor nodded. “He is.”
“The immortal who slaughtered far too many Crownsguard before you got it in your head to enter into a series of recently excavated caverns and, by the way it was told, pick a fight at the tender age of—fifteen? Sixteen? The one you nearly didn’t survive?”
Noctis snorted faintly at the way Cor seemed to shrink just a little bit downward. He could remember the man doing so few little times back in the Citadel, and always when Monica hunted him down to bring to his attention something or other that he decided to ignore. Gladio beside him canted his hip and crossed his arms in the way that meant he was enjoying the show, and Noctis didn’t doubt that Gladio had heard stories growing up about Cor, or had some sort of insight as to why Monica seemed to be his minder in situations like these.
“Your point?” Cor demanded, but Gilgamesh chose then to speak up with a slight twist of his head as he regarded Monica, and then regarded the way Cor’s shoulders seemed to knot together.
“Out of all who challenged me, young Cor Leonis near bested,” Gilgamesh uttered. “His denial of the Calling at the Gates did not come without consequence; for Life in return an arm he took.” Gilgamesh glanced to Gladio. “Only one such as he I have faced ever since, and ever shall.”
Monica looked Gilgamesh up and down, and then glanced to Prompto before she turned back to Noctis with her hands placed upon her hips. “Very well. I can concede to…the Blademaster,” the words rang a bit sour, although Gilgamesh ducked his head in acknowledgement of the title. “Given that Cor is with you, and that young Gladiolus as well, but what of his blond companion?”
Noctis frowned. “His blond—you mean Prompto?” Noctis looked at Monica like he hadn’t seen her—she knew Prompto. He she helped train him alongside Cor so that he would be considered good enough for this trip in the first place. She’d even been there when Prompto agreed to make his Oaths; how could Monica forgot all of that? Noctis glanced to Prompto, confused for a minute before he remembered—Steyliff.
“As I said,” Cor said when Monica’s entire countenance softened, especially at the way Noctis suddenly jerked his head away from her and from Prompto and stared off into the distance, “the situation changed, Monica. We will discuss it inside. Suffice to say that this is Prompto Argentum.”
For a moment no one said anything, and then Monica sighed explosively. “Alright. We’ll discuss this—all of this—inside.” Noctis turned to glance at her again, with wide eyes. “Preferably now, your majesty.”
A second, and then Noctis nodded. This time unimpeded the group as a whole made their way inside. Monica took the lead with a comment about informing Dustin, and getting the children out of the way which led to Gladio’s sigh of relief. They could address the events without Iris or Talcott getting underfoot, and Iris would get underfoot at the least, Noctis knew. Hell, she probably had a few choice words for Gladio after all; Noctis hadn’t missed the way that Iris refused to send her older brother messages, or how it upset Gladio.
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One PM Pajamas
By: SassyShoulderAngel319
Fandom/Character(s): Final Fantasy XV/Prompto Argentum
Rating: PG/K+
Original Idea: Nothing. Just a cute scene in my head.
Notes: (Masterlist)(By Character)(About Me) Hopefully this reads as cute as it was when I imagined it.
When my doorbell rang at one in the afternoon, I really should have been prepared to answer it.
But was I?
I was eating a Cup Noodle for lunch in my pajamas without pants on—just in my giant T-shirt and underwear. My hair had been brushed but that was it.
I crept to the door and peered through the peephole.
Confused, I opened the door just enough to peek around it, letting it get caught on the chain. “Prompto! What are you doing here?” I asked.
He beamed at me. “I need your advice,” he said.
“You sure that’s a good idea? Last time you took my advice you dislocated your shoulder.”
“I trust no one else with this question.” The seriousness behind the playful look he gave me convinced me. I shut the door, slid the chain to release it, and opened it again. I let it swing wide to let him in, pulling my shirt down to more securely cover my modesty.
“Well, if you’d called first, I could have looked like a normal person when you showed up. Let me put some pants on. Make yourself at home. Grab a snack and a drink if you want. Be right back.”
I headed down the hallway to my bedroom, still making sure my T-shirt was pulled down.
“Hey how come you’re in your jammies at one in the afternoon?” Prompto called jokingly.
“Buzz off!” I shouted, shutting my bedroom door to change. “Mimi and I stayed up till like three-AM watching makeup tutorials and trying to replicate them!” I shucked off my pajamas and pulled on a normal person outfit. Nothing fancy—it was Prompto. He’d known me since we were kids.
“Where is your roommate anyway? She gonna walk in on our secret discussion?”
“Decidedly not. She’s at work all day,” I said. “Hence why I'm eating a Cup Noodle in my pajamas at one in the afternoon.” I went back into the living room. Prompto was sprawled on the sofa, holding a bag of chips.
“What in Eos, gurl!” he teased, throwing a pillow at me. “You said you were putting on pants not a formal outfit!”
“Sweats and a T-shirt that’s actually in my size is not a formal outfit, Argentum,” I snapped, grabbing my Cup Noodle from the breakfast bar and plopping down on the sofa next to him. “Now what’s up?”
“I need your advice.”
“So you said. Carry on.”
“Okay. So. There’s this girl—”
“Ooooh! A girl! Prompto Argentum has finally succumbed to the endless stream of romcoms in his Chocoflix queue and fallen in love himself!”
“Shut up,” he muttered. His ears and cheeks were turning bright red.
I laughed and gave him a hug. “C’mon, Prom. You know I love and support you in all your endeavors. And that includes dating. I'm just surprised you’ve finally fallen for someone.” I crossed my legs and put some noodles in my mouth. “Now. What about this girl? What do you like about her? What do you want from your interactions with her? Are you going to ask her out?”
“Uh… she’s smart, funny, nice. Seems to actually care about me—which is, y’know, awesome. I don’t know. I’ve known her for a while and I just… well. I realized the other day that I was head-over-heels for her with no idea what to do about it.”
“So you came to me.”
“Well I would trust no one else with this information.” He gave me a mock-serious glance.
I laughed. “Okay. So do you want to ask her out?”
“Yeah… but I'm nervous that if I do, it’ll destroy our friendship. And I value our friendship a lot.”
I pursed my lips, jovial mood souring slightly. “That does put a damper on things. It’s a hard tightrope to walk, I’ll admit. Because feelings change things and knowing about someone’s feelings changes things. Like, if you liked her and kept it secret, you could just go on being friends and she’d never be any the wiser if you played it right. But if you told her how you really feel… well. There’s always the chance of rejection and then the awkwardness that comes after. Because you want to try to still be friends but she knows you want to be more.”
“So what do I do?”
“Honestly, Prompto, that’s up to you. I can’t make that decision for you. I feel like if you really like her and she seems favorable to the idea, you could ask her on a low-key, friendly sort of date. Which seems counterintuitive, I know. But, like, ask her if she’s seen that new movie and if she’d like to go see it with you. Or offer to grab lunch with her sometime to chat. If she agrees, you can try stepping it up. I don’t know, Prompto. I'm Miss Forever Single, remember?”
“Well… just tell me what you would want if some guy you’ve been friends with for a while suddenly asked you out.”
“Depends. Is he a creep that I’ve known for a while?”
Prompto sighed. “I hope not. Okay. Imagine it was me. You and I have been friends for… how long now? Twelve years? Since we were kids. What if I asked you out. Would you say yes?”
“Of course I’d say yes. It’s you. You’re like… the greatest, sweetest guy in all of Lucis.” I smiled and flipped some hair off my shoulder. “Any girl—actually, any person—would be lucky to snatch you up. Like, you are a catch, Prompto. And if this girl doesn’t see it… that’s her loss. Truly. You don’t have to start big, Prom. Just be casual. And be yourself. You’re awesome.”
Prompto regarded me thoughtfully, munching on some chips while I had another mouthful of noodles. “Thanks. I guess you’re right. Casual sounds really nice, actually. Like… less pressure, y’know?”
I smiled. “Oh yeah. And really, girls don’t always like fancy dates. Getting ready is a hassle and sometimes it’s awkward. I love chill dates. Like that blind date I went on a couple weeks ago. We literally went to the arcade in jeans and sneakers and stuff and played games. It was great. He smoked me at Skee-Ball but I beat him at Crossy Road. Like, that’s where the real fun and enjoyment is. To me anyway. Your crush might like being splurged on and pampered but ugh why.”
That made Prompto laugh. “No… I think she wouldn’t mind a casual date.”
“So go for it. We don’t get a lot of time on this planet. Sometimes we just have to shout YOLO while diving headfirst into the deep end.”
Prompto knew how much I hated the term YOLO for being annoying, but it got my point across and made him smile. He had such a bright smile. It always managed to make me happy just by seeing it. Which was probably why I had so many framed photos of the two of us in my room—though that was also because I got one every year on my birthday from him.
“You’re right. I think I will ask her out on a casual date.”
“Do it. And tell me how it goes!”
“Yeah. Yeah I will,” he said. He gave me a hug. “You’re the best dating coach in the world.”
“For being perpetually single?”
“Well, coaches don’t play the sport.”
I laughed. Prompto let me go and put the chips he got out of my cupboard away.
“I'm gonna call her on my walk home.”
“Tell me how it goes. Text me when you get home so I know you got home safe, ‘kay?”
“You got it, gurl!”
I ruffled his hair. He groaned and swatted at me like I was an irritating fly before heading for the door. We exchanged another hug and he left. I disposed of my Cup Noodles and went into my room so I could get some work done for Ignis before he started breathing down my neck. Mimi and I had a small study where we literally just stored books and the fancy desk my dad had given me when I moved out. I only used it when I was feeling really productive. I sat at the desk with my laptop and set to work.
I wasn’t sure how long I was typing up reports and council notes that Ignis had handwritten—thank the Six his handwriting was as neat as a computer font and perfectly legible no matter how fast he was writing—but I could feel the passage of at least a few minutes in a slight ache in my shoulder.
Out in the living room, my phone buzzed.
I sighed. “What now?” I muttered.
I got up and ran to get it.
Incoming Call: Prompto XD
“Hey! Would you want to come catch a movie with me sometime? It doesn’t have to be anything formal.”
“Oh my word. Were you talking about me?!” I demanded.
All I got in response was laughter.
“Prompto Argentum! I cannot believe you asked me for advice on how to ask me out. I hate you so much that I love you right now. Of course I’ll catch a movie with you sometime. If I can get this stupid report of Ignis’ done, I’ll be free tonight.”
“That’s great! I’ll come pick you up at five-thirty?”
I laughed. “Absolutely. I’ll be ready.”
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tumblunni · 6 years
Like man it always makes me so confused cos i mean im a soft AF person and i always end up having sympathetic redemption headcanons for them so its not like i like VILLAINY ITSELF but what else do all these characters have in common?
Thats it. Thats it, ursula helped me crack it.
I really want a nice confident sassy funny chubby trans auntie who promotes body positivity to our young hero and always gets to say the coolest lines and get the best moments and BE LOVED FOR WHO SHE IS
And like usually whenever you get anywhere close to seeing those "villain traits" on a hero they like.. Remove all the good parts. If you have a supportive hero aunt she's always boring and generically supportive instead, and has to look like the most stereotypical boring mess ans have a super small plot role and uuuugh thats IF SHES EVEN THERE i mean seriously aunties and grandmas are weirdly less represented as mentors than grandpas who are already REALLY HARD TO FIND and again OFTEN GENERIC AND UNFUN WHENEVER THEY GET TO APPEAR
And how damn often are we allowed to have a chubby gay aunt!! WHERE IS MY CHUBBY GAY AUNT!! ive met SO MANY chubby gay aunts in real life like 90% of all my psychologists have been either that or like.. The exact same but a straight lgbt ally instead. Sassy plus size aunties are THE BACKBONE OF OUR SOCIETY DAMMIT! I've had so much help thanks to sassy gay aunts!! And like even just looking at any damn crowd scene in a normal city centre youre gonna see so many chubby aunts and long nosed uncles and all those sorts of bullshit "ugly people" that mass media pretends are ugly and relegates to One Minor Role In The Entire Cast despite them being infinately more common than supermodels and NOT UGLY AT ALL GEEZ IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH
I cant believe im a fuckin disney villain fan cos of body positivity
Tfw u suck so bad at making hateable people that the fandom universally hugs all your villains and ignores your boring protagonists like fuckin TAKE THAT DIDNEY
God i wanna hug hades sooo bad he just needs a friend aaaaaa
And i mean its not just disney, every damn time ive obsessed over a villain its been because they have some trait thats supposed to be "bad" but its actually good and we dont get to see it on the heroes
Like my thing with science villains in particular is that when i first played ff7 i really liked the idea of an evil minion who's a bad sidekick not just because he's "dumb" or "bumbling" but because he's actually not interested in any of the evil stuff and he works against his own boss and is like.. Friendly to the heroes, i have no particular grudge against you and i wont stop you if im off duty and all. I liked the Turks for the same reason but in the origibal ff7 translation they were kind of stoic and serious and i didnt really become as much of a fan of them til i saw them being more goofy and comic relief in some optional sidequests and then their movie adaptation. But hojo was always being all "lol my boss's plan is so stupid amirite" and had that very memorable scene where he's just sunbathing and tells you everything you need to know to get to the next thing to ruin his boss's plan cos i mean fuck it who even cares im just here to soak up some sun while fully dressed in a turtleneck and labcoat. It sucked so much that he was such a reprehensible bastard with creepy sexual assault vibes and murder and child abuse and experimenting on people and basically just NOT A LOVEABLE VILLAIN but his CONCEPT held so much potential to be filled by a sympathetic character instead...
So yeah then cos of him i kept being obsessed with finding SOME CHARACTER SOMEWHERE that actually lived up tp that potential, and thats why i was instantly interested in charon from pokemon and totally on edge waiting for the slightest chance for him to become That Perfect Sass Gramps Of Legend. And then he was indeed sassy!! And had so little screenyime that there was potential for interpretation of him as potentially redeemable cos i mean the game never said he wasnt, the game barely said anything about him at all, lol. And he was so old and small and frail looking and i just wanted to protect him!! And then that one wifi event that actually hinted at synpatheticness!! Aaaa its a recipe for a Forever Fave~
And i guess maybe it all started with my grandma being awesome and me really missing her? Cos i had shitty abusive parents and she was my ONLY good family member who showed me what love was like. And she was also basically a supervillain. Like every damn supervillain trait except being evil! She was bombastic and confident and sassy and mischievious and loud and passionate about stuff and always had something funny to say and never gave up no matter how many times she failed. And she also used all that great power for the forces of good!
So yeh thats why i love sassy good guys and i hate that often even when a sassy villain gets redeemed they seem to lose all their edge and become more generic now theyre a good guy. Or they get totally sidelined with no screentime anymore, or they ONLY get to be comic relief and dont get the full and complex redemption they deserve. Or just a lot of bads!! Its never the simplest answer of just fuckin.. Keep the character the character. Thats kinda why i didnt feel too much for the maleficent movie even though the concept itself sounded like everything i ever wanted. The character in that movie is a very different person to origibal maleficent, she's more just a stoic tsundere mumsy figure than a hammy badass iconicness. Still a nice villain redemption but it felt like it would have been better as an original story instead of an attempted maleficent. Also i wish they handled it better with the whole "true love's kiss could be from your mum instead" thing cos i get sooooo grossed out whenever i see people shipping movie maleficent and aurora! Like yes sleeping beauty with lesbians would be great but not when one of them is old enough to be her mum and raised her like a mum and changed her goddamn diapers! Also why did they have to ruin the three good fairies just to make maleficent have the mum opportunity? Like just remove them from the story if you wanted maleficent to raise the kid instead. No need to rewrite them into incompetant assholes when they were everyone's fave part of the original! Dont sacrifice the rare and elusive Good Sassy Gay Aunts!! THEYRE LIKE THE ONLY ONES IN DIDNEY!!! (Incodentally merlin is the equivelant of this to hades as the fairies are to ursula)
Also also villains tend to have ACTUAL FLAWS in stories that have a more boring bland protagonist. I wanna see the story behind charon's neuroses and how he struggles with overcoming his temptation to be bad because of greed but ultimately manages to conquer his own negative side because power of friendship and such. Thats a great character arc that provides so much more than he does as a villain where they just wasted him entirely :(
* villains are often more complex and well developed characters with flaws while the same wroter might make shitty heroes due to the illogical fear that nobody would root for them if they werent 100% perfect and successful at everything ever
* villains are also often made as negative stereotypes of minorities and other rarely seen traits, which means its easy to reach out to them and reclaim them as a more positive version when theres literally no other options for you to cling to
* the quite common accidental sympathy factor where a villain will seem to be hated more than they deserve for their actions, ir unjustly punished so much that they feel like an underdog, since the writer assumes you'll think theyre "more evil" for being a stereotype and if you dont agree that this thing is bad then it seems like they have way less sins than the story claims they do
* also sass. Sass is good.
But basically the whole root of it is that its stupid and cruel and doesnt goddamn work when you make villains bigoted stereotypes. It just makes me love them! The only person i hate when i see a stereotypical villain is the writer who thought that was a good idea, lol. Just imagine that meme of the samurai holding the cat but its me holding all disney villains!
Also even if a villain isnt outright intentionally meant to be "this minority is bad", it can still make me symoathetic to them if theyre still something thats rare amoung the hero side in the same series. Like charon being the "most unredeemable" villain despite being the most harmless and funny and his plan being so much less world destroying than cyrus, and also he's the only grandpa villain in like.. The whole of all. And he's drawn very much in that way thays supposed to be "ugly" i.e normal grandpa, vs that weird sort of younger than he looks grandpa that hero ones tend to be because blablabla beauty ewuals goodness anti body positivity whatever. Tho actually sinnoh was good with that, they had the best grandpa professor in my opinion cos he got to be sassy too! Rowan always reminds me of auron from ff10. Sinnoh was a good game where i liked a lot of both the heroes and villains even if i still had more villain faves cos i mean pokemon is always biased towards that for me since every game has a voiceless perosnalityless main character and often theyre the one doing most of the heroing with the supporting hero characters having surprisingly little proper screen time. Thats a big part of why i loved hau gladion and lillie in sun and moon! They felt more like a real friend group than any other ones before.
ANYWAY now im just going offtopic into more "i love lots of stuff about every pokemon game" so ill stop typing now
But just basically VILLAINS ARE GOOD COS THEYRE GOOD CHARACTERS and if those stories gavethe same character a good guy role then id still love them just as much, if not more. I dont specifically like villainy, its just that my definition of a good character is often considered a bad character by lazy writers, apparantly?
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nyxwordsmith · 6 years
Deserved Rest
A/N: So it’s my dear friend, Parker’s birthday today, and I wanted to do something nice for them. It’s only been six months since they first approached me on Tumblr, and it honestly feels like we’ve known each other so much longer. So, Parks. I hope you have a fantastic, wonderful day and you better get spoiled absolutely rotten. Love ya, kiddo. Though much has changed, you are still such an amazing person.
 Happy birthday, @red-the-ruler
Warnings: None that I know of (I know right? Nyx writing a fic with no warnings? What the heckity heck?? Feel free to let me know if I missed any tho!)
Roman didn’t know exactly what was wrong. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was everything. But…they just…
What did they want!?
They slumped forward, burying their face in their hands and groaning to themselves in the quiet of their room. It wasn’t like the day went…particularly bad. And it also wasn’t like it went…well. So why did they feel so…bad?
There were things to do…Patton had asked them to do the dishes, since Logan was out working late…but they really didn’t want to leave their room. It was hard to find the motivation when they didn’t know what was wrong.
Roman was used to Logan’s curt, almost stern knock on their door. They were used to Patton’s soft, almost bubbly knock. It always threw them off when Virgil just walked in. Sure, they’d told Virgil to do so whenever he wanted too, they were best friends after all, but they forgot.
Their head snapped up when they sensed the presence halfway into their room, eyes widening when they saw the exhaustion on Virgil’s face.
“You’re home.” He said, voice cracking and exhausted.
“Yeah.” They answered quietly as their hands dropped.
Virgil’s face scrunched up a little, “You didn’t come say hi.”
A weak smile spread on Roman’s face, “I-“ they sighed, “No, I’m sorry-“
Whatever apology Roman had was lost when Virgil literally tackled them onto the bed, knocking most of the wind from their chest in a surprise laugh.
“Virgil-“ Roman squirmed, trying to get onto their elbows, but the other Side had landed flat on their chest, face buried in the crook of their neck, “Virgil, what are you-“
“Punishment.” Virgil murmured quietly, “We sleep.”
Roman couldn’t help the laugh that escaped them again, trying push Virgil off, but was he getting heavier?
“Dad wants me to wash the dishes, Virge, c’mon.” they laughed again, trying to shove Virgil off.
The other Side grabbed the blankets, digging a knee into the mattress so Roman couldn’t throw him off, “I’m punishing you.” Virgil answered in a tired yawn, “No chores.”
Well, there was no winning this argument. Roman let themselves fall back against the mattress and sighed dramatically, rolling their eyes, “Couldn’t sleep?”
Virgil scoffed as he made himself more comfortable, “Had a nap. Nightmare.”
“So, you came in here?”
“See if you were finally home.” Virgil’s voice was starting to get softer, his words drawing out, “Missed you…” he sighed into Roman’s neck, “Why gone so long?”
Roman couldn’t help but chuckle, wrapping an arm loosely over Virgil’s waist, “I missed you too, buddy.” Already feeling a little better from the company. Virgil made a happy little whine against Roman’s neck, and they could feel him smiling as he settled in, “And you know I had to do some stuff with the court.”
“Gone…too long…” Virgil yawned, “Bestie…”
Roman smirked, “Look, buddy, before you fall asleep, this is not a comfortable spot to be in.”
Virgil grumbled unhappily, pushing himself up off of Roman and gave them his best attempt at a glare. Roman couldn’t help but grin as Virgil only really managed to squint and frown, before crawling toward Roman’s pillow.
“Thank you.” Roman teased, kicking off their shoes and shedding their jacket, before crawling up to join Virgil.
“Happy now?” Virgil murmured tiredly, eyes closed and already starting to relax, “Make me move…” he pouted, sinking into Roman’s pillow as he fell asleep.
Roman smiled, their eyes on Virgil as they started to relax themselves, “Yeah…much happier. Thank you.”
A small, tired smile pulled on Virgil’s face. Roman knew he was too far gone now to remember anything he said, “Welcome, Princey.”
Roman’s own eyelids felt heavy as Virgil pulled them closer, nuzzling their chest, and Roman wrapped their arm back around Virgil’s waist.
“G’night.” Virgil yawned into Roman’s chest.
Whatever that bad feeling was, it was starting to ease as Roman let their own eyes drift closed and nuzzled Virgil’s hair, “G’night…”
   “Logan.” Patton whispered as the exhausted teacher approached, a mug of coffee in his hands. He looked forlornly to his study, then back at Patton, who was peering into Roman’s room. With a slightly frustrated sigh, Logan rolled his eyes and made his way over to Patton, sipping at his coffee.
“Patton, dear, what have I said about-“
“Shh!” Patton quickly shushed, smiling when he turned to look up at his husband, before nodding to the door. Logan carefully leaned over to peer through the crack in the door, and he couldn’t help the fond smile that spread over his face.
“Must have been a long day.” Logan murmured quietly and Patton hummed in agreement.
“At least their resting.” Patton agreed, smiling at his kiddos as they lay curled up together.
Logan sighed, glancing down at his mug of coffee, and this time, when he looked to his study, his nose wrinkled. He took Patton’s hand gently in his, “Like we should be.”
“Don’t you have papers to grade?” Patton asked softly as he closed the door and let Logan guide him to the bedroom.
“I don’t wanna.”
Patton grinned and giggled as Logan waited for Patton to open the door before abandoning his coffee on the desk just inside, “I thought you’d say that.”
The rest is just taglists!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES (It’s long af)
General A-G @a-blog-just-for-sanders @alwaysmy-lilith @alyssadashrub @areyousirius-noheisdead  @catnip002 @celestial-evening @darastrix-thurirl  @darkle-elkrad @eye-of-terrific @evillive369 @fandoms-n-ship @fandomsofrandom  @fivecroftersjams @fullmetallovr21 H-N @hamster-corn @helloisthisusernametaken @hissesssss  @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @imasmallchild @justanotherpurplebutterfly  @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @meginoi O-U @onehundredphans @peanut0303  @princeyandanxiety @red-the-ruler @royallyanxious @swlotakulady34 @skadinavien  @sos-fandoms @s0ftdoddleoddle  @pearly-sims T-Z @themysteriousballetanon @the-prince-and-the-emo @thestoryofme13 @threepeppers @toujours-fidele @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms  @winglessnymph @xxfluffypandazxx @yall-need-andraste
Romantic Logicality
 @storytellerofuntoldlegends @strangerthings-and-phan @completelyclevername @emphoenixcat @fandergecko @too-random-for-me @whyamihereohwell @tree4life25 @deathbyvenusftw @ill-interested @just-another-transblog @the-prince-and-the-emo @ams-parker @theanxietyofbeinganxious @allthemetalsoftherainbow @treblesanders @depressed-alone @rose-gold-roman @theroyalramen @hikariyukino @icbatocomeupwithausername @walking-encyclopedia @magicmapleleaf @pieces-of-annedrew @saphirestrike @asalwayss @romanssippycup @pastel-patton123 @virgils-anxiety @redundant-statements-for-400 @skylagamingfea @clueingforblogs @thatonenerdtm @logicalspecs @migraine-marathon @alextheodd @alyssadashrub @pansexual-cat @hanramz-the-fander @anastasialestina @prplzorua @darude-sanderstorm @kurna-kovite @royallyanxious @a-blog-just-for-sanders @trashfireiplier @happypappypatton @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @sanderssides-deathangel @lacandra @221biotchplease @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @pattykrabbies @shygirl4991 @strangerthings-and-phan @musicphanpie-b @silversunshine2012 @lockolocka @virgils-hoodie @makemeaplant @out-of-existence @koalaaquabear @catsandrandomness @virgil-has-a-houseplant @musicsavedmefromdeath @heythereprincey @dudlebuggs @on-lock-like-attica @siriuswhiskers @pinkeasteregg @virgilisaneternalmood @thepusheenqueen @artistictaurean @funsizedgremlin @poundland-twoface @logan-exe @thecrimsoncodex @yourmomsafalsehood @robanilla @dementeddracon @ive-given-up-on-it @v-blue-writer @hunterjaegerthings @sanders-fam-ily @trashypansexual @toujours-fidele @paxtonlovestea @lowkey-logicality @do-rey-me @hottopicvirge @rptheturk @candiukas @nottodaylogic @shadow-walker-1201 @milomeepit @grey-lysander @fricksonsticks @baileystarsketches @ace-of-hufflepuffs @voices-and-stardust @deadinsidebutliving @ocotopushugs @moonlightinwater @datonerougecookeh @lana--22 @kentato-kenart @logically-sided @osnapitzbc @microsoft-nerd @theworldismysupernova @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @mercythemermaid @pearls-of-patton @fabulousfanaticfander @jade-dragon226-fan @jesusonafrickinboat @mollycassmith @hi-disappointed-im-daughter @nightmarejasmine @juvenile-changeling @ace-v-p-d @pandagirl0730 @acrobaticcatfeline @sesame-icecream @fireflightyt @stars-in-mine-eyes @reba-andthesides @thesilentbluesparrow @angered-turtle @fanatic564 @didsomeonesayyoutube122 @emovirgil @captain-loki-xavier @save-dirk @evilmuffin @k9cat @louisthewarlock @asterias-confused-writings @bekkyboo2003 @too-precious-to-process @hissesssss @aph-roma @theworldismysupernova @imaflashcard @nuttytheorizer @notveryglittery @cripplingchips @thats-so-crash @sanders-sides-things @cinderlunarcyborg @anony-phangirl @thegreyacefromspace @savingshae @minamishipsit @kfc-chickenyo @theshipqueenarrives @nymphaedoratonks @unknownsandersfan @pansexual-cat @bluebellie01 @katatles-the-fish @elvishfrenchassassin @ashbash-the-trashcash
Platonic Prinxiety  @watch-me-introvert @sarcastic-anxious @emokittenlikesgore @fandergecko @completelyclevername @urtrashhq @thegirlwiththedragonheart @tree4life25 @too-random-for-me @hissesssss @deathbyvenusftw @ill-interested @just-another-transblog @inkyroo @theanxietyofbeinganxious @allthemetalsoftherainbow @depressed-alone @theroyalramen @rileyfirstname @hikariyukino @magicmapleleaf @pieces-of-annedrew @saphirestrike @asalwayss @romanssippycup @virgils-anxiety @redundant-statements-for-400 @skylagamingfea @clueingforblogs @ladynikitablack @vampyrsarah @haikyuupaladin @migraine-marathon @samidaboss3 @proudhufflepuff @alextheodd @sandersfanderscandoers @pansexual-cat @hanramz-the-fander @anastasialestina @prplzorua @darude-sanderstorm @sanders-sides-shambles @thestoryofme13 @i-will-physically-fight-you @a-blog-just-for-sanders @trashfireiplier @the-optimism-of-the-ostriches @sanders-sides-things @callboxkat @kurna-kovite @221biotchplease @pattonly-absurd @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @prinxietypreoccupied @pattykrabbies @shygirl4991 @musicphanpie-b @sugarblob0 @silversunshine2012 @lockolocka @makemeaplant @today-only-happens-once @koalaaquabear @catsandrandomness @rose-gold-roman @musicsavedmefromdeath @devastate-my-space @anachronistic-cat @heythereprincey @dudlebuggs @spoonfullofcrofters @siriuswhiskers @thenerdycube @pinkeasteregg @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @virgilisaneternalmood @kirsten-the-freak @thepusheenqueen @artistictaurean @funsizedgremlin @poundland-twoface @logan-exe @thecrimsoncodex @unknownsandersfan @yourmomsafalsehood @robanilla @dementeddracon @ive-given-up-on-it @v-blue-writer @blazeimagines101 @sanders-fam-ily @trashypansexual @toujours-fidele @paxtonlovestea @lowkey-logicality @do-rey-me @hottopicvirge @rptheturk @candiukas @nottodaylogic @ffsas-side-account @shadow-walker-1201 @milomeepit @grey-lysander @fricksonsticks @baileystarsketches @ace-of-hufflepuffs @voices-and-stardust @deadinsidebutliving @acechirou @ocotopushugs @datonerougecookeh @lana--22 @kentato-kenart @logically-sided @osnapitzbc @areyousirius-noheisdead @ruuworld @kiwibite @theworldismysupernova @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @mercythemermaid @pearls-of-patton @memesanddreamsinc @jade-dragon226-fan @mollycassmith @juvenile-changeling @ace-v-p-d @acrobaticcatfeline @sesame-icecream @roman-is-a-gay @reba-andthesides @thesilentbluesparrow @angered-turtle @fanatic564 @emovirgil @misc-merde @captain-loki-xavier @evilmuffin @k9cat @louisthewarlock @asterias-confused-writings @bekkyboo2003 @aph-roma @theworldismysupernova @notveryglittery @cripplingchips @thats-so-crash @cinderlunarcyborg @anony-phangirl @savingshae @minamishipsit @kfc-chickenyo @nymphaedoratonks @allaboutme713 @the-feels-are-coming @karmicmayhem @faacethefacts @radioactivebread @elvishfrenchassassin @ashbash-the-trashcash @angeliclogan
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beronicahugs · 7 years
Not My Jacket - Part 3 - S.P
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 Part II  <--- Part III ---> Part IV 
taglist;  @allison-rosewood-maximoff , @whenaprincessisahero , @sweetpeas-serpant , @babygirlscali , @randomnesss-of-fandomness , @coffeeaddict201 , @jxhn-mxrphy , @maceyisntcool , @and-i-swear-we-are-infinte , @tacozxd , @lifeisforlosers , @cinn-rawr , @betty-dale , @imthewinchestertoyourimpala , @writersandroses , @kytty27 , @lilithmouse , @poolpartyingwithjaws , @savy-girl , @moonkvd , @svenjafangirlt , @mariechristine91 , @igivethefeels , @luckyfriess , @deethelionprince , @itszehraa , @penisprkr , @lucystivinsky1315
You looked at sweet pea, eyes wide, he was still working on your neck.
“Good job joining the serpents. Your parents must be very proud” She drawled.
“What do you want?”
“You still need to do one more thing for us.. Set fire to riverdale high”
Eyes wide, you dropped your phone.
“Babe what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, nothing...It’s my mom..Ill be right back”
You slipped into his backroom, closing and locking the door before putting the phone back up to your mouth.
“What the hell are you talking about? I became a serpent, I was your puppet, now quit it!”
Penny chuckled, “Good spit fire to have in a serpent, but I'm notion yet. It’s just one more thing, don't worry”
“How the hell am I going to set fire to riveprdale high?! Why am I setting fire to riveprdale high?”
“Don’t you get it” She seemed annoyed. “That blonde Alice cooper wants to tear downtime Southside. We need vengeance.”
“You already got vengeance! When Sweet Pea and the other serpents fought the Northside jerks”
“Right..” Penny clicked, “Your boyfriend..”
She waited, as if you were going to correct her.
“Oh..not going to correct me now? I guess you guys admitted your feelings. Which makes it much easier for me to complete your last task. Same rules apply. If you don’t do it then loverly gets hurt”
“You couldn’t hurt him if you tried”
“Don’t tempt me”
The line went silent. Somehow she knew about you and sweet pea. Someone was watching.
“Complete your task within the next 3 days. If not, you know the consequences”
She hung up, the line dead.
You stood, looking at yourself in the small mirror. You looked like hell. The black eye was very dark, your stomach hurt, your nose had some dried blood on it.
A stripe along your neck layer a couple hickies ,and you smiled.
Realizing that sweet pea was probably fed up of waiting for you.
You turned the light off, slipping back into his room. 
Sweet pea was lying on his bed, eyes closed.
You took your jeans off, and cuddled up to him. He threw an arm around your waist, pulling you closer before pressing a kiss to your head as you both fell asleep.
As you woke up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. The weather outside the window was dreary, exactly how you felt.
Sweet pea was lightly snoring. His hair all over the place.
You ran your fingers through his hair lightly, before being interrupted by your phone buzzing.
You stretched, pressing the home screen button. 
Unknown: 2 days, 12 hours
You groaned, sweet pea jumping slightly.
“Whats wrong” he said, groggily.
“Nothing...Go back to sleep”
You and sweet pea had a lazy day, lounging around in his house, watching movies. At one point in the afternoon, sweet pea had given you one of his flannels to keep warm. You still had it on tonight, buttoned up to keep the chill off.
After convincing sweet pea you were fine, and you were just going to go for a walk, you had finally made it to the Northside.
You didn’t want to wear your serpents jacket to bring more attention to yourself.
Unbeknownst to sweet pea, you had stolen one of his lighters. You didn’t want to do this, hell you shouldn’t do this, but it was the weekend, and you had to make sure sweet pea wasn’t harmed.
You stood near the end of the school.
Flicking the lighter, you watched the orange flame as it licked the side of the building.
The orange reflected in your eyes, and you stood back. You could see someone shouting at you, so you ran into the woods to get back to Southside.
When you got back to the Whyte wyrm, you we’re out of breath. You caught up with sweet pea, he was by the pool table with jughead.
“Hey babe.” He looked up at you, brows furrowing.
“Did you go for a run?”
You laughed, painfully, “Yeah”
“mmm” he didn’t seem to believe you, “Want to join in?”
News got around very quickly that night. Riveprdale kids were freaking out. The firefighters weren’t able to get there before half the school was scorned.
A knock was heard at the door of sweet peas trailer. You were staying at his house again, wearing the flannel like a dress.
You pressed your hand against the door knob, pulling it to open the door.
A red head stood there, the same one that had warned the school when you had been sent to jail.
Your eyes glared.
“What do you want”
“I want to talk to the idiot tall guy”
You raised your eyebrows.
“Sorry. Don’t know anyone by that description. I can get my sweet, smart friend”
You smiled, before closing the door in his face.
“Hey sweets the redhead from Northside is here”
“what?” he flipped around quickly. He had been making (or attempting to make) pasta for the both of you, but as soon as he had heard what you said, he turns, walking towards you rapidly. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he opened the door.
Archie still stood there, looking more annoyed than earlier.
“What are you doing here northsider?”
“We wanted to what happened to our school? You serpents never seem stop do you?”
You looked past the redheaded boy, and saw at least 10 other boys. Your face flushed red, here you were standing in just a flannel in front of a bunch of strangers.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about flame boy. Now ill give you the chance to leave poli-”
A fist collided with sweet pea’s face before he could finish what he was saying.
You looked at the redheaded boy in shock, sweet pea holding his jaw where he hit him.
You glared at him, grabbing his collar (even though he was taller than you).
“Don’t you punch him again”
Handing him back what he gave sweet pea, you socked him in the nose, though probably not withers much force as he did, before slamming the door closed and locking it.
Sweet pea grinned at you, taking your hand gingerly and kissing you knuckles.
“Let’s go enjoy our pasta”
After waking up and grabbing another one of sweet pea’s shirts to borrow, you grabbed your serpent jacket,andyou and sweet pea walked to school.
You typically got there 10 minutes early to talk with the gang, but as you arrived there seemed to be a lot more traffic than normal.
“What the hell is going on?”
Pristine girls with slick ponytails and light coloured clothes. Jocks wearing letterman jackets and geeks who carried 50 textbooks walked around.
You both got inside (barely) before noticing there wasn’t any scanners. They had taken them out.
swerving to the cafeteria, you met up with fangs and Toni, many other new kids laughing and sitting around.
“What the hell is happening?” Sweet pea asked.
“Haven’t you heard? While they try to fix riverdale, all the northsiders are going to school here”
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