#izuku does weed
aromanticannibal · 5 months
Possible reasons for "Kacchan Bakugou"
Weed ain't shit this sixteen year old is high off his own hormones however that may work
Alternatively, maybe his nitroglycerin tolerance isn't that good
He's obsessed with Izuku in this specific moment
He's obsessed with Izuku in general and just lost his filter
Kat = victory -> he's emphasizing the victory part of his name in a very awkward fashion
Trying to make Izuku laugh (whether he's still looking or not)
Has genuinely forgotten his name isn't Kacchan
Izuku hasn't screamed "Kacchan" yet when he's expected to so Katsuki does it himself
Forgot he has a hero name
Just decided this instant that his hero name is Kacchan now actually
Mimicking how Izuku calls himself Deku (admiration&love = copying)
Kudo has two syllables and Katsuki has three so to match syllables he uses Kacchan
Wants to stick it to All For One (look MY childhood most precious person with green eyes loves me more than yours he even has a cute little nickname for me)
Wants to stick it to All For One (lmfao loser maybe i really AM like Kudo if I'm banging the current OFA user. lol. lmao)
He's insane
Horikoshi was sleep deprived when he wrote this part. he doesn't know either
Katsuki genuinely didn't realize he said Kacchan and not Katsuki, he has no idea how or why it happened
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captainkirkk · 1 year
Divergence of Destiny by Fernandidilly_yo
This is his life now, here on this ship, serving tea with Uncle and the crew. Traveling the world and staying far, far away from the ongoing war.
The Jasmine Dragon is Zuko's home.
Meeting the Avatar does not change that.
It changes absolutely nothing.
(Until, inevitably, it does.)
Tea and Cakes by ghosteyes
Zuko is having trouble pretending he doesn't has a problem with food and through a series of field trips with friends, the gaang starts to pick up on that as well.
Wishful Thinking by mindbending
Right after Boiling Rock, Zuko found Sokka sprawled in his tent with a bouquet of red roses, and a ring of romantic candles, and one final rose set between his teeth. With the littlest twinge of envy, Zuko realized the entire display was for Suki.
The point is Sokka's flirting is about as subtle as a buffalo yak. To miss it, you’d have to be a complete and utter airhead.
Stranger Things
Down in a Dead Man's Town by holyfudgemonkeys (erraticallyinspired)
When Steve nearly runs over Will Byers on that fateful night in 1983, he doesn’t expect offering him a ride home would result in both of them being hunted into another dimension. Surviving there is hard. Adapting to normal life again is even harder. His old self settles like an ill-fitting suit, and there’s no room for nightmares and fear and his new bond with Will in it. As he struggles to find a new normal he can live with, Steve finds himself befriending a bunch of kids and maybe (definitely) falling in love with a local weed dealer.
Overcome by redrobin1989
When Izuku accepted All Might's quirk, he never expected to feel this helpless again. Sitting in on the interrogation of a serial killer, he realizes that the past can't always be left behind. Sometimes it comes back and brings with it a body count.
One can either overcome the problem or yourself be overcome.
DC (Batfamily)
Conference Room 2B by motleyfam
And okay, fine, Tim can admit it: his parents paying off a school official to circumvent social services just to see him was sketchy at best—probably illegal at worst. They really shouldn’t have done it. Bruce and Alfred would be furious to find out that they had. Not to mention Jason, who would go absolutely apeshit.
But it was also just really fucking sweet of them.
Tim hasn’t felt this loved, this cherished, this fought for and desired by his parents in years.
Doesn’t he at least owe it to them to hear them out?
(Three months into Tim’s foster placement with the Waynes, Jack and Janet Drake decide they want back into their son’s life.)
Another Mirror by byrambles
It’s over remarkably quickly. The winning Batman leaves the losing Batman on the floor, still and broken, and Superman moves quickly to tie that one up as Winning Batman turns away. Turns toward Damian.
His shoulders slump, and Damian feels numb. This is not his Batman.
Anton Syndrome by Anonymous
Tim's parents have been away for six months and counting—the longest he's ever been left alone at one time—and it's starting to have some unpleasant side effects. Luckily, he has a solution.
OR, the one where Tim attempts prostitution to cure his touch starvation. His plan goes wrong pretty much from step one, but it all works out for the better.
DC/Danny Phantom
I Just Wanna Talk by foldingfacets
John Constantine beat the system of life and death until it fully refused to touch him anymore, and when it did, it never went well. It was a fact that the League had come to terms with, or those that knew, anyways. None of Constantine’s past could explain the kid in fuzzy pajamas that was curled up on a chair in the Justice League’s control room asking for the elusive brit.
Danny had barely made it to high school graduation only to be thrust into dealing with the millennia of bullshit waiting ever so patiently for the King of the Infinite Realms to look at. The fact that there was a weird amount of paperwork filed regarding some dude named John Constantine that looked like the weirdest form of tax fraud he’d ever seen was puzzling, and his parents committed that regularly. He has no idea what the hell he’s looking at.
Alternately: Danny is the inter-dimensional personification of the IRS for Death and the Unliving, and he just has a couple questions.
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delawaredetroit · 2 months
In what ways is Izuku “rebellious”? It changes with the tide and the vibes, sure, but from what I recall of the manga Izuku never really gets very far in the process of stepping outside of his society and his role as a Professional Hero.
For all the thematic stuff going on about saving people, most of his attempts to actually act out turn into self destruction and a vague sentiment that he’s learning something about recklessness. Hell, even in the current arc, he literally abandons someone who ‘looks like they need saving’ (Eri) because his work supervisor said “this isn’t the time for that attitude”.
His rebellion is mostly in just, not giving up ideological priorities in bad situations? He enters fights he shouldn’t and makes risky moves because his priorities don’t focus on himself so much as the people around him. And even then, the story doesn’t tend to reward him beyond the bare minimum — saving kouta arguably cost him too much to also save Bakugou, or the whole post-jakku arc rife with people Izuku can’t save despite his whole ‘world on my shoulders’ thing there, or when he focuses so much on todoroki’s trauma in the sports festival that he loses sight of his actual ‘win the sport festival’ goal.
I guess my main thought is a bit lost in the weeds now, but… I dunno, “rebellion” just feels like too strong a word for Midoriya. He doesn’t fit in the world he lives in but nothing about it feels intentional on his part so much as the hand of the author setting done tracks for a narrative theme.
I was going to trash this one because if you have an issue with language that someone else put in an ask, you should take it up with them and not me. But there are a few points I want to address here.
I take issue with your point that "[h]ell, even in the current arc, he literally abandons someone who ‘looks like they need saving’ (Eri) because his work supervisor said 'this isn’t the time for that attitude'”. Izuku had to physically held back by Mirio in that scene and Eri had to run back to Overhaul herself before Izuku relented. He was never shown agreeing with Sir Nighteye on his analysis of the situation.
Rebellious is not quite the right word for it, which is why I made the distinction that Izuku isn't much of a rule follower. This story is largely from Izuku's perspective and he has multiple biases. I've discussed it a bit here how Izuku often acts outside of expectations because of an unconscious lack of faith in the existing hero system. The reason "rebellious" doesn't fit Izuku is not because he doesn't often act outside of the rules, but because he does not perceive himself as acting outside of the role of a hero.
The basis of their society is that everyone has a quirk they suppress. The best train to become heroes and get permission from the government to use their quirks to help others/defeat villains. Izuku inherently violates those norms in multiple ways: (1) by moving to help others without a quirk, (2) using his quirk on multiple occasions to save without a license, and (3) attempting to save/understand villains.
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ofmermaidstories · 11 months
This might be a weird question but how do you think the in another life y/n’s would react to fanfiction about their heroes? Would they read it🧐🧐🧐
Omg. Okay, okay, I have thought about this and ConsultedTM and here are my thoughts:
Weeds would like, know about Real Hero Fiction, but like, try to avoid it after dating Bakugou. 🥹 I think it’d be a weird level of disconnect for Weeds!!! 🥺 Like, that’s not Katsuki. 💀 That’s Kenneth, and he growls too much. 💀 Plus also Weeds is a bit of a Jelly Baby, so I think Weedsie-Woo would be smart enough to avoid it.
(Denki though absolutely sends Weeds his personal favourites though. Pirate AU longfic where Kacchan is some dashing, grump captain. Cowboy American AUs that have clearly been well, well researched, even with the UFO sightings. I mentioned this to @/andypantsx3 and she thinks that Denki absolutely retweets his faves.
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light it up like an ELECTRIC STRIKE ⚡️: does bakugou actually do this, yes/no???? the fans need to KNOW
light it up like an ELECTRIC STRIKE ⚡️: ao3.com/inthemiddleofthenight-we’llbealright
light it up like an ELECTRIC STRIKE ⚡️: dw about the watersports warning it’s not that bad and it happens on someone else
SCRIBBLES on the other hand—yes, lmfao. Scribbles has like, absolutely bought Pro Hero Deku doujinshi, so like. Yes, LOL. Scribbles actively reads the most depraved of them out loud to Izuku, which ends up with him horrified and Scribbles rolling around on the floor, unable to breathe with how she’s laughing (at least until Izuku lets himself slide from the bed to join Scribbles on the floor, burying his hot face into the side of her neck).
(Jewels—Shouto’s Reader—gets sent Shouto/Reader fics via a Bestie, and reads them after work and absolutely has a slew of favourites that will never be shared)
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sldlovescartoons · 2 months
Look, I’m going to be multishipper on main for a second and put forward:
Ochako is Midoriya’s love interest, but Bakugo is his soulmate. One day Midoriya and Ochako might date or even get married but Bakugo is just always going to be a part of that package. And to expand on that: maybe that’s why Midoriya would end up with Ochako, because she understands. Civilians and heroes from other classes/schools don’t get it, but she does, because they all went through the weeds together. And this girl/boy he met on a blind date didn’t get it but she does. She doesn’t care that Deku will always come to Kacchan’s call. She doesn’t care that Bakugo might as well live in their house with as much as he visits. Because she gets that’s his soulmate, they grew up together, it’s a package deal.
And honestly, it could work switched around. Bakugo might be his partner but he knows that Round Face is special to Izuku and so ends up stuck making mimosas for the two idiots at least once a month (sometimes at odd hours because Hero Work) for their hangouts. Bakugo has all of Ochako’s tea against his will but he accepts it because that was the first friend the nerd made after middle school and he’s not getting in the way of that. Ochako gets that compulsion to Save in a way he just doesn’t, which is good because that means He can push Deku to Win and She can push Deku to Save. It’s just good strategy.
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hey-hamlet · 2 years
For the not related au, how does Izuku become friends with a murder of Crows and Ravens? Does he see a baby in distress and use a healing quirk (an elderly person who didn't want their animal healing quirk to go to waste gave it to him) on the baby?
Izuku healed one crow one time and then became the crow hospital. He's had crows from opposite ends of Japan come to Musutafu raise their chicks because of the free healthcare.
Izuku actually has two different healing quirks! Neither super powerful, but they became a little problematic in old age so their original users were happy to get rid of them. One used the users own energy to heal others, the smaller the injury the less energy, making it much easier to use on small animals because even a major injury on a crow is rather small for a person. He has another self healing quirk that drains lifeforce from others to use it. He'd rather not use that one, but he does if hes hurt enough. It does make him very good at weeding though - he just drains all the life out of the weed!
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I just thought a fic idea.
After the USJ Nezu decides he need a pair of fresh eyes, someone who will help him weed out the traitor, and someone to fill that vacant vice-principal job. His choice?
Inko Midoriya.
While I don't think it genuinely makes sense, it's hilarious enough to commit to the bit!!!
Okay so hear me out: In my AUs, I make it that Inko is a nurse. So how about instead of something she's not quite qualified for like VP, she's hired as Recovery Girl's assistant/eventual replacement?
She would still have the job of finding the Traitor, but being the school nurse would give her more time with the Hero Students. We don't even get that much of her 'weeding out the traitor' she's just helping fix problems.
Izuku is dying a little because ofc Inko has to be an embarrassing mom but she does pull it back most of the time.
Katsuki speedruns the redemption and therapy because Inko can see what's going on directly instead of just Izuku lying about it
Inko does not fear the reaper so she hears about Shoto's nonsense and then goes to yell at Endeavor first chance she gets. (somehow this actually works)
Everyone looks at the situation and is like "Izuku I know you say All Might isn't your bio dad but I think he's about to be your stepdad???"
Inko, being a nurse, looks at Denki zapping himself and is like 'you stop that right now!!!'
Bonus Points:
She shows up to Nezu's office in the middle of him and All Might discussing the bigger plot things. It was just something normal to update the principle on, but she sees an open file on the desk and pauses looking at a picture.
Inko, pointing at the photo: "That man there. Do you know how to contact him?"
All Might, confused: "Unfortunately if we could find him, we'd have solved a few problems by now."
Nezu, catching on: "Why, do you know him?"
Inko, slightly embarrassed: "Not exactly. Only met him the once. But even if he's some criminal, I think he still deserves to know he has a son now."
All Might and Nezu: *record scratch noise as they stare at AfO's file photo*
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heyyallitsbethfanfic · 5 months
Notes: Woah there buckaroo- this here is a fic intended for those ages 18 and up. What does that mean? It means that there will be naughty words and even naughtier actions. There are things in here that will not fly in your typical christian fic. You have been warned, enter at your risk.
Fic Specific Notes: For the sake of this work of fanfiction, everyone in the story is written to be 18 or above, and UA is a college. 
It was July 15. Izuku Midoriya’s birthday. They’d gotten a few gifts from close friends and received a few “Happy Birthday” texts, but they still found themselves sulking to themselves outside a restaurant. 
“... she forgot…”
It’d been two hours since the time they agreed to meet eachother. Izuku invited their longtime friend Ochaco to dinner. They used to crush on her in high school, and there were a few things they wanted to tell her about, how they hadn’t been feeling themselves lately, they knew she’d always accept them nomatter what. At least they had hoped. And maybe afterwards, they could finally muster the courage to ask her out. But it’d been a long, cold two hours waiting. Izuku had slunked out of the restaurant without ordering anything, just leaving a large tip as an apology for wasting their time.
Izuku walked around the side of the restaurant, finding themself in an alleyway, and leaned back against the wall, and slowly sank down until they were sat, head hung in their hands sobbing. They’d learned to not cry over the years, they thought they’d wasted all their tears when they’d been bullied throughout their childhood, but for the first time in months, the tears trickled out from their flinching eyes. They wiped their eyes, trying to be strong, before retreating their hands into their pockets and retrieving a pack of cigarettes. Their fingers trembled as they grabbed one out of the pack. Izuku flicked their index finger and thumb together, causing a small spark, lighting the end of her smoke. It was a trick they’d picked up a long time ago, One For All’s kinetic energy was enough to trigger a spark when focused. Not useful for much, really just for this. Due to One For All’s impact on their body, cigarettes and alcohol messed with Izuku bad, doing far more damage than normal. Izuku could care less about this. Their body was scarred and beaten. They’d been beaten to inches of their life from the moment they were first discovered to be quirkless, enduring years of physical trauma from bullies, and then again from real villains now that they’d made their way into UA. And it’s not like they liked their own body anyways…
They sat there for several minutes, watching as the embers slowly consumed the cigarette that rested between their lips. They tried to think of nothing, to feel nothing. It didn’t work. They sighed to themselves and put out the cigarette on their hand, singing their skin with a small burn. They tossed away what remained of it in a bin. “No littering”. They thought to themselves. Hands in their pockets, they started lazily walking their way back to UA.
Until they heard music. They had been walking for a small moment, finding themselves in front of an unfamiliar bar, looking dingy and out of the way. They sighed and stumbled inside. “Maybe a drink wouldn’t be too bad.”
They were met by the stench of cheap perfume and cheaper booze. The pungent odor of skunk weed filled the room, a disgusting but nostalgic smell that reminded them of taking the bus home from their old public school. In the corner of the small dive bar, there was a streak of purple, with pink highlights. An all too familiar punkette was performing a set to the small crowd. Izuku smiled at the sight of their friend Jiro, who was too engrossed in her performance to notice them. Izuku took up a stool at the bar, placing a couple bills in the tip jar that was labelled for that night’s live performer, Kyouka Jiro.
Izuku wasn’t the biggest music listener, they liked a lot of songs of course, but they weren’t really a fanatic for any particular band, or as heavily into the scene as Kyouka. But hearing them talk about their interests always made a part of Izuku’s heart flutter. She was a reserved girl, but when it came to music, she was ecstatic, and showed a smile that filled the room with the light of a thousand suns. Izuku smiled fondly as they remembered bonding with Kyouka, over the discovery of a shared favorite song, ‘Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls’. However, as their ears tuned in, the notes were familiar, but with an all-too-pleasing new vocalist. “It’s THAT song…”. They giggled internally, of course they’d get lured in by their favorite song. They hummed along, tapping their fingers on the bar. 
“Thanks everyone for coming out tonight to listen to my set, especially since that last song wasn’t really my typical style…” She laughed as the crowd laughed. “It’s just a song someone special likes, and I was thinkin’ of them tonight.” Beneath her pink triangle covered cheeks, there was a faint blush.
Izuku smiled, but was slightly confused. As Kyouka packed up her stuff for the night, their eyes followed her. “Someone special? I guess they know someone else who likes that song too.” Izuku never saw themselves as special. It’d been figuratively and literally beaten into them. They were plain, ordinary. Anything but special. Just a dork who liked superheroes too much.
Kyouka turned back towards the bar, and her eyes locked onto Izuku at the counter, who weakly offered a smile and a wave. Her blush went from faint to crimson as she awkwardly raced towards them.
“H-hey greenie. How long have you been listening?...”
“Oh, sorry, I-I just got here during your last song. You were great, I wish I was here for the full set.” Izuku circled a ring of condensation on the bar. “Fun coincidence, I was in the neighborhood, and just so happened to find myself drawn to a bar playing my favorite song.”
They smiled up at the girl beside them, her red flush face bright against her all-black ensemble, their own cheeks starting to match hers with a small brush of pink beneath their freckles.
Kyouka tapped her earphone jacks together.
“W-well. It’s your birthday… I was thinking of you…”
Izuku felt like they’d been decked right in the stomach, losing their breath instantly.
“T-th-thank y-you… You- you- remembered…” Their stutter had slowly gotten better as they grew up, but when they were flustered, all their speech therapy got thrown out the window.
“Of course. What kind of friend would I be if I forgot…” her index fingers mimicked her earphone jacks, pointing at themselves. Izuku couldn’t help but smile at the cute sight.
“Well… another friend forgot I invited them to dinner today…”
Kyouka’s face went white like she’d seen a ghost, her eyes widening.
“No way… that’s just fucked and heartless… on your damn birthday…”
She shook her head.
“I invited Momo to my performance today, guess she forgot too.”
She beckoned Izuku over to a private booth beside the bar, where nobody had been sat. They sat face to face with eachother. For a moment both were silent as they sipped on the complimentary glasses of water.
“God… We’re both hopeless aren’t we?”
Izuku shook their head and laughed at themself. Kyouka leaned back and sighed, looking towards the ceiling.
“Definitely seems like it. Thanks for coming today Izuku. It means a lot. You’re the only person from school who's ever come to a show…”
“You’re kidding- and I didn’t even see much… Listen, I’ll come to all your shows from now on. No excuses.”
“You mean that?”
“Of course, you’re my friend. And it sucks that nobody else ever heard your beautiful voice…” Izuku’s voice trailed off into a low mumble of compliments, seemingly going down a list of every lovely thing about Kyouka they’d ever picked up on. Kyouka blushed and giggled as Izuku rambled. It was one of the things she had always loved about them, their little fits of thought, separate from the world around them.
Izuku was knocked out of their ranting at the sound of Kyouka’s laugh. It was soft, and warm. They felt their heart pick itself from the pit it had been in.
“You’re just full of praise of lil ol me huh?”
“Of course! Look at you, you’re a rad and confident punk girl, I wish I could be like you!”
Kyouka smiled fondly, then smirked.
“You wanna be like me? The confident part or the girl part?”
She laughed to herself, but cut herself short, noticing Izuku wasn’t laughing.
“That’s… actually why I invited Ochaco out today. I wanted to talk to her about something serious.”
Kyouka watched as her green hair friend forced themselves to sit up straight in their seat, wincing as they confessed.
“I… I wanted to come out to her. I’ve been having a lot of thoughts about my gender recently and- and I think I’m transgender… I think I’m a girl.”
Their voice was soft, and while the message started strong, the voice behind it faltered as the sentence went on.
Kyouka grabbed the fidgeting hand of her friend across from her.
“Thank you for telling me Zuzu, I’m proud of you. I’m always gonna accept you nomatter what, and if anyone says anything about it, I’ll kick their asses for ya.”
She smiled as she held her friend’s hand in hers. Izuku’s grip was firm, Kyouka knew she was jacked, but still, there was a gentle softness to the touch. And a warm heat that was building… 
“Thank you Kyouka…”
The green-haired girl looked away for a moment, before turning back to Kyouka, looking her in the eyes.
“Hey, yknow… that band you like, Deep Dope, they’re playing not far from here… I feel bad for missing your shows, how about I take you to another show?”
“Zuzu, the show sold out months ago- and the scammers at the door will only resell tickets for hundreds more than they’re worth.”
“Oh, who said anything about tickets?” The girl smirked at her, a sight unusual for what Kyouka considered a goody-two-shoes like Izuku. “One of my abilities is Float, see? I’ll just lift us up and sneak in.”
“Aaaaaaaaand now I see why Aizawa calls you the problem child-”
Izuku giggled. “Please. Even if we’re caught, I stopped a villain from demolishing that place like. Last week. They won’t mind two strays wandering in. Hopefully…”
“You’re on problem-girl”
Izuku smiled and Kyouka took her hand and guided her out of the bar, and Izuku blushed heavily.
The plan went flawlessly, Kyouka and Izuku were able to sneak in with not a hint of worry. No security guards or cameras. Izuku subconsciously noted they should send the staffing here a message saying they’re a stadium, they should have better security in case of emergencies. But- feeling the heat of the girl clutching her arm- She would let it slide this time-
The pair snuck into a back row, some seats still weren’t filled surprisingly, Kyouka was giggling the whole time Izuku led her down maintenance tunnels and back rooms in order to get her to these seats. Her face was flush with pink, not from the run, but the sensations of being bad, and the feeling of Izuku’s hand on hers, and her body pressed against hers…
Kyouka slapped her hands against her cheeks. “No! Bad brain- we only like girls!... But… Izuku is a girl now… Oh. OH.”. The feelings she had been conflicted about for the past year, ever since the first time they talked. She knew since she was young that she was a lesbian. The pink triangles on her cheeks were a not-so-subtle reference to it. She’d fallen for Momo when they were both in school together. She’d spent forever with Momo, and yet Momo left her behind, and never came to her shows. Momo never listened as intently as she talked about music. But Izuku… Izuku came to see her. Izuku enjoyed hearing her ramble about the history of drums, and all the different ways that cymbals can be made (fuck you DXP with your garbage waste of money steel cymbals- she’d never make the mistake of purchasing them again-). She hadn’t even noticed but she had fallen for a girl before even knowing they were a girl. Before even Izuku knew they were a girl. 
As they got seated, Kyouka absentmindedly rested her head against the girl beside her. Izuku nervously flinched… but it felt… nice. She loved it. Her silky smooth hair brushing against them, the heat of her cheek against her. She couldn’t handle it, it was too nice. She moved her arm, Kyouka’s head falling into Izuku’s chest, and Izuku stroked Kyouka’s hair. Kyouka looked up at Izuku, surprised, as Izuku blushed and offered a weak smile to her. Kyouka smiled back, and nuzzled right back into Izuku’s chest. There was a warmth between the two as they listened to the pop rock happening on stage. As a crowd camera lingered on them, they hesitated for a moment. Kyouka looked up at Izuku, staring into the viridian forest in her eyes, and lept at her, knocking her to the floor of the venue with a kiss. 
They didn’t voice it, but both of them thought a variant of the same sentiment “I’m glad when I was lost, I was found by you”
“We didn’t think this through…”
“Yeah it was spur of the moment… forgot we’d get locked out with the curfew… sorry”
“Nono, don’t worry, I wouldn’t trade tonight for the world-” Kyouka blushed, thinking about her previous kiss with the girl. Her first kiss-
“But we do need a space to stay…”
The girls walked down the dark streets, the concert got out late so they wanted to find a place fast- they may be heroes but they’re also girls out alone at night. They passed by plenty of hotels with no vacancy, the only place they found that had a room for them was a luxury love hotel. 
“Well. Looks like we’re jumping multiple bases huh Zuzu?” Kyouka could only joke about the situation to ease her nerves.
“I-i-if you’re not comfortable… Um. Uh. I could sleep on the floor-” Izuku was a nervous wreck, and struggled with her words.
“There’s that cute lil stutter of yours- i-it’ll be f-fine I’m sure… We’re just. Just two gal pals sharing a room. And a bed. In a love hotel…” “I am definitely not helping…” Kyouka shook her head to try to rid her mind of all the naughty thoughts she was having.
“I’m gonna shower. After a performance and a concert I probably need it-”
“Oh. This room has a jacuzzi. They dont have a shower.” Kyouka wanted to curl up into a ball and become a speck of nothing right about now.
“Um.. Well. Maybe… Maybe we could both use it? Then maybe sleeping alongside eachother wont be as awkward…” Izuku rubbed the back of her neck nervous, then went bright red and yelled “AH-SORRY SORRY- I WAS THINKING OUT LOUD- WE SHOULDN’T-”.
“Jeez, are ya sure you’re my Zuzu? The old you would’ve never gone for something that bold…”. A playful smirk hit Kyouka’s lips. Maybe she just wanted to see more… She blushed as red as the girl sat next to her on the bed they’d have to share tonight.
“But it might be smart… Besides, we’re both girls aren’t we? We’re gonna have to share the showers at school-” The thought of all the other girls seeing Izuku like that- No. She wanted a monopoly on that sight. At least for a moment. She sighed and stripped off her top, wincing at the thought of someone seeing her- “But it’s Izuku. Surely that wasn’t an issue right?- I mean I kissed her- oh my god i kissed her on camera- problem for later-”. She turned back to the new girl, who was blushing profusely at the sight of Kyouka in nothing but her deep red sports bra and shorts. Infact her face and Kyouka’s top probably matched in intensity here-
“Well- I mean. It’s you Zuzu- so I’m comfortable sharing if you are.”
“I-i-i- I mean if it’s okay with you-”
“Y-yeah… It’s probably better if we’re not s-sweaty and dirty when we go to bed anyways…”
Kyouka’s mind drifted towards alternative meanings of sweaty and dirty as she watched Izuku strip down in front of her. She had yet to get feminine clothing, that was expected, but she had never truly taken in the figure of Izuku until now. Of course, she was always aware of how Izuku was traditionally attractive, they were a muscular guy after all, but now as a girl, she got a good look at her, and she couldn’t help notice all the details.
The girl was built clearly, but both her shoulders and hips were already built feminine, having a similar frame to Kyouka herself. The punkette trailed the muscle on the girl, seeing as the defined abs and smooth skin trailed into scarred and burned skin. Burns, bullets, stabs. The girl’s body was a warzone, and Kyouka loved every inch of it… For a long time, Kyouka was afraid to show her own arms due to them being littered with scars, but Izuku was different. For them, they never ran away from their scars, they didn’t hide those battles, whether they were external or internal. After seeing Izuku be brave enough to show their scars, Kyouka slowly showed more and more of herself. She was already her hero, teaching her to be brave even when she didn’t realize.
The girls were bare in the room, standing inches apart from eachother next to the jacuzzi. Both of them couldn’t meet eachother’s gaze, but neither wanted to look elsewhere. 
“J-jeez Zuzu… I’m feelin’ outclassed here-”
“I mean- what will the guys think- a- a girl being bigger than all of them…”
“I- I don’t really know- t-that feelin-”
Kyouka snapped out of her depressive ramble as Izuku called her by her first name.
“Kyo. I’ve been where you are. I’ve hated my body for forever. But let me tell you now-”
Izuku stood forward, grabbing Kyouka by the chin, lifting it gently so she met her eyes.
“-You are absolutely beautiful. Size is not important at all. You are beautiful because you are you Kyouka. No girl can be like you. And you’re perfect as you are.”
A glimmer appeared in Izuku’s eyes as Kyouka melted into her touch. 
“Greenie… God- T-thank you… but are you sure that’s you- I mean you complimented a girl without stuttering-”
Izuku, in a moment of lucidity, jumped back and flailed their arms rapidly, red as Kirishima’s hair.
“A-AH! So-Sorry sorry sorry- I didn’t mean-”
Kyouka laughed at the nervous mess in front of her.
“Greenie, it’s fine, I like you. And you- you were sweet… L-let’s um. Get in the bath already…”
“Um. Kyo?…” Izuku and Kyouka were sat beside eachother in the tub, Kyouka leaning into Izuku slightly.
“Y-yeah Zuzu?”
“Wh-when you said you liked me- and- and the kiss… do- do you mean you um. Like me like me?”
Kyouka looked down at the bubbles beneath them. She sighed out.
“Y-yeah. And. And I think I always have. You- You’ve always been a hero y’know. And a damn good friend. You saved me so many times already- and you. You listen to me talk about things I like. You actually listen… Some people pretend, but you listen and like… come back later with research and info. I don’t think anyone’s ever cared about me like that. And well… when you said you were a girl… It all hit me. I love you Zuzu. I always have.”
It was Kyouka’s turn to be blaze red. Her fiery cheeks met Izuku’s. She smiled back at the punk girl, pink around her face.
“I-it’s hard to believe… But Kyo… I’ve always liked you too. For… for a lot of the same reasons. People rarely listen and… You always did. It’s hard for me to talk a lot and well. When I’m with you, the words bubble up. Every time I see you, I feel a warmth in my chest. Every time I fight, I remember everyone I care about… and you’re always in my mind first… I love you Kyouka.”
The two embraced, and for the second time that night, pulled eachother into a deep kiss, no longer from excitement and lust. Just out of pure love and care for the other.
“It is unacceptable behavior for Midoriya to be out past curfew! A pro hero should be ever diligent and obey the rules!”
Iida shook his head in the common room of their dorms. Aizawa sighed.
“Tenya. They may be the problem child, however they were given permission to be out tonight. They most likely knew the curfew and chose to stay out knowing they couldn’t get back in time.”
“I- I suppose that is true Sensei. It was rash of me to assume such things.”
“I appreciate the concern… but cut them some slack. It’s their birthday.” “IT’S DEKU’S BIRTHDAY?”
A pink-pajama clad brunette rushed up to Iida and Aizawa. Aizawa’s eyes widened and then went into a squint.
“Well… I may now need to contact Midoriya. They did say that they were intending to go on a date with you tonight Uraraka. If you are here and they are not…”
Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose and exasperatedly sighed, before walking out to begin a patrol.
“What have you gotten into this time, problem child?...”
Ochaco was hyperventilating as she curled up into a ball on the couch.
“Uraraka- I understand the panic however I cannot approve of this language you are using.”
“N-not helping Iida… I need to call him, hopefully I can apologize for everything…”
Izuku’s ringing phone was silenced by an earphone jack, nothing could be more important than this moment.
Kyouka straddled the girl beneath her, she sat on Izuku’s legs as Izuku laid on the bed. She shuddered at the thought of what would be happening next. 
She kissed the tip of the fidgeting rod beneath her. She slowly peppered soft kisses down the shaft of Izuku’s cock, silently wishing her makeup was still on so she’d be left with lipstick marks all over- claiming Izuku as hers. The sensation sent a chill down Izuku’s spine, and she moaned out softly. A giggle escaped Kyouka’s lips, the vibration of her lips against her making Izuku squirm. Kyouka smirked and slowly lowered her lips onto the head, and slowly, agonizingly slowly, met the base of Izuku. When she was fully hilted in her throat, Kyouka began softly humming. The intense vibrations from the girl’s strong voice made Izuku shake beneath her, panting wildly. It was an agonizing sensation, but pleasure and pain combined as one. It was total sensory overload. Kyouka was happy to make Izuku whimper for the moment, but pulled off of her to catch her breath, placing another kiss on the tip before staring at the girl with lust in her eyes. 
“How’s it feel princess?~”
“G-g-god Kyo…”
“Oh please- call me Goddess, you and I know right now I’m the only thing you wanna worship~”
“Y-yes Goddess.”
“Good girl.”
“He-he’s still not picking up…”
“Hm. It is unusual for Midoriya to ignore a call. Perhaps they have already gone to bed. It is late, Uraraka.”
Iida fought back the thought that Midoriya could be in trouble, Midoriya could handle anything. He had saved him from the Hero Killer, he could do anything.
“I… I know Iida. I just feel like I really really messed up…”
“You most likely did harm his feelings, however Midoriya is a kind soul. I doubt this would affect your friendship in a meaningful way.”
“T-thanks Iida… I guess.” “YO! You guys still up too?”
Kaminari peeked into the common room before bounding in.
“Kyo and I were supposed to have a movie night, but she’s a no show- any chance you’ve seen her?”
“No… But Izuku is missing too… and isn’t returning my calls.”
“Ah right. Should probably call Kyo, maybe she got locked out after her show.”
Kyouka’s phone was slapped off of the nightstand in a heated moment. A rhythmic sound penetrated the hotel room. Skin against skin providing the beat, lips against lips uttering soft moans as a chorus. The sounds of a punkette choking and gasping for air. A villain assaulting her senses and throat with black tendrils as her lower lips were pummelled. The green girl on top would never be recognized as a hero in this position, her eyes glimmering with a sadistic intent, a smirk matching those seen on Aizawa. Kyouka did NOT want to think of that parallel right now… But fuck she was biting back exploding immediately. She was in for a long night. A long fucking night.
Hours later, at roughly 4 am the pair was cuddled in eachother’s arms, sweaty and sticky. They held eachother close, giggling like schoolgirls, enjoying the warmth of the other girl they held by their hearts.
“Hmmm. Kyo?...”
“Yeah Zuzu?”
“... tonight’s a school night.”
“... fuck.”
The next morning. Izuku and Kyouka stopped by the Midoriya residence to grab Izuku’s spare uniforms. Luckily for Kyouka, even though Izuku was taller than her, their bodytype was similar enough, even if the uniform was slightly baggy. It worked in her favor at least since now the immense amount of hickeys littering her skin were covered up. They arrived at school slightly late, looking a tad frazzled and unkempt as they walked into class that morning. Nobody said anything about Kyouka wearing a boy’s uniform. She’d done it before, she had both sets, she wore one or the other depending how she felt.
Ochaco spent the whole class glancing at Izuku, who did her best to make it obvious she was trying to avoid Ochaco. She’d found a new love, but that didn’t make yesterday sting less. Infact, Izuku stung quite a bit from last night, but that was because Kyouka had a lot of ideas to try… bad brain.
“Oh hey Kyo! You were out last night, so I recorded that concert for you.”
“Oh, uh, thanks Kami. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to movie night.”
“No prob no prob. It happens, Aizawa and Iida wouldnta let you in after curfew anyways lol.”
“Did you say lol in a sentence?”
“Whatever. Let’s all just put this on on the background, we can listen to some of the music you like as we clean this place up.”
Izuku and Kyouka’s eyes shot wide at the thought.
“Fuck- the kiss. Everyone is here we can’t-”
“Too late.”
The class stared in stunned silence, seeing the shot of Kyouka leaping onto Izuku for a kiss.
It was gonna be a long day.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Class 1-Stoners
Class 1-Stoners by mutedcode
Class 1-A does weed, basically.
Words: 934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Class 1-A's Horrific Weed Tales
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki, Ojiro Mashirao, Shouji Mezou, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Kouda Kouji, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Iida Tenya
Additional Tags: Weed, They're stoners your honor, Drabble, Short, Minor Violence, Light Angst, minor vomiting, pot, Slight BakuIida, Like rlly slight, Its there if you squint, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Weed Circle, Bongs
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45733144
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Class 1-Stoners
Class 1-Stoners by mutedcode
Class 1-A does weed, basically.
Words: 934, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Class 1-A's Horrific Weed Tales
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Bakugou Katsuki, Ojiro Mashirao, Shouji Mezou, Aoyama Yuuga, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Kouda Kouji, Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru, Asui Tsuyu, Satou Rikidou, Mineta Minoru, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A
Relationships: Minor or Background Relationship(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Iida Tenya
Additional Tags: Weed, They're stoners your honor, Drabble, Short, Minor Violence, Light Angst, minor vomiting, pot, Slight BakuIida, Like rlly slight, Its there if you squint, How Do I Tag, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Weed Circle, Bongs
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45733144
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adis-is-hades · 2 years
I feel like doing some BNHA headcanons. Specifically about their childhoods and middle school lives (mostly Bakugou and Midoriya centric)
Katsuki grew in spurts. He’d stay one height for, like, a year before suddenly shooting up like a weed in a week.
Izuku grew steadily. He’d have moments of being taller than Katsuki for a month or so before Katsuki’s next growth spurt hit.
When Katsuki hit his growth spurt, Mitsuki and Masaru would go through the closet, making their son try on everything and sorting into keep or donate piles. They’d also go through their own closets.
The Midoriyas had first dibs on the donate pile. Izuku would get to run into the bathroom at the Bakugou’s with his chosen outfits and basically had a little fashion show in the clothes.
Katsuki always loved the black skull t-shirt. He had at least three in his closet and would make sure he got more every time they went shopping after his growth spurt.
Izuku liked the skull shirts too and was always thrilled when he saw that there was one or two in the donate pile. He always picked it up to try on. More often than not he walked back out of the Bakugou home with the shirt on.
Katsuki has sensory issues. He hates stuff around his neck and always gets his clothes just a little bit baggy.
The closet raids stopped when Katsuki and Izuku were in middle school. Mitsuki believed that Katsuki was old enough to go through his own clothes after each spurt. She realized just how wrong she was when Katsuki walked out of his room wearing a skull shirt that was too tight and fit the boy like it was a crop top.
Izuku stopped wanting birthday parties when after his eighth (8th) birthday because he realized that no one would come. He was surprised when Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru walked in, Auntie holding Kacchan by the back of his shirt with the boy looking ready to kill. In Katsuki’s hand was scrunched black fabric which was then handed to Izuku and revealed to be a skull shirt. It was Izuku’s favorite gift that year.
It became a tradition for Katsuki to give Izuku a skull shirt every birthday (and even the occasional Christmas). It was always in secret, the shirt was always a hand-me-down, and more often than not it was either mailed to the green-haired boy or left on the doorstep early in the morning. Izuku treasured each and every one.
Izuku dabbled in a lot of things in his spare time. He got into photoshop and a bit of graphic design in his first year of middle school. His favorite project was designing a shirt. He made the base color black, added the white skull, and began placing fireworks around and behind the skull. He used his allowance to get the shirt made, and gave it to Kacchan for his birthday. He hid his smiles whenever he saw Katsuki wearing the shirt, even if the blond was yelling at the other kids that he designed it himself.
Izuku makes a new shirt for Kacchan every year. The design always has the black shirt with fireworks and the skull, but the placement and colors of the explosions are different. He doesn't know what the other does with the older shirts when he grows out of them (Katsuki places the shirts in a keepsake box, but he won't admit it)
Including some related dorm-life headcanons because I can (also, canon is dead and I'm Frakensteining the pieces into my own monster)
At the beginning of their second year at UA, Izuku actually hands Katsuki the new shirt in person, in front of the entire class. Everyone's extremely confused when they see Bakugou immediately pull off the shirt he was wearing and put on the gift. Izuku just grins brightly.
Katsuki is seen wearing this shirt at least once a week. No one faults him for wearing it when he forces them all to feel the fabric, proving it to be one of the softest things they've ever touched (and Kouda has a rabbit)
When Izuku's birthday rolls around a few months later, Katsuki shoves a black wad of fabric in the other's face. "We're keeping up the tradition, right?" Izuku's grin at those words might just be brighter than the one he gave on Katsuki's birthday. The green boy mimics the other's actions from that day and pulls his shirt off, quickly tugging the black shirt on and revealing the skull design.
Kaminari and Mina sneak into Bakugou's room one day and find the keepsake box, almost immediately running to the common room with the four other firework skull shirts in hand. "LOOK WHAT WE FOUND!" They show off the shirts, everyone fawning over the quality and how well-kept (re: well-loved) they are.
Bakugou snatches them all back and goes to his room while Midoriya just stares at the door that Kacchan left through. "He kept them all," he whispers. The only ones to hear him are Jirou and Shouji, who don't question it.
Bonus: Pro Heroes!
The shirt exchange continues well into adulthood, Izuku giving the firework shirt to Katsuki on the blond's birthday, and Katsuki giving Izuku a black shirt on the greenet's birthday.
The public has seen the two top heroes in matching black skull t-shirts and seen Deku in the black one with Dynamight in the firework ones. They don't know what the significance is, but both seem extremely protective of the shirts. (It's considered especially odd for Deku because the black skull shirts are mass-produced and found in just about every big clothing store)
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Don't Leave Me Behind
Don't Leave Me Behind by Evil Astley, SatanicElmo666
Shouto had never tried weed, or any substances (except for medicinal ones) for that matter. The thought just didn't really cross his mind, and he hadn't ever been exposed to it. But what happens when he catches Midoriya and Shinsou red-eyed and (quite literally) breathing smoke? Does he report them? Or does his curiosity get the better of him?
Words: 889, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: idk, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, polyamships' Polyam Shipping Days, Polyamory, Shinsou Hitoshi is in Class 1-A, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Isolation, Depression, Depressed Shinsou Hitoshi, Depressed Midoriya Izuku, Jealous Todoroki Shouto
Find Here: http://archiveofourown.org/users/Evil_Astley
0 notes
Don't Leave Me Behind
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/TSUWRoJ
by Evil_Astley, SatanicElmo666
Shouto had never tried weed, or any substances (except for medicinal ones) for that matter. The thought just didn’t really cross his mind, and he hadn’t ever been exposed to it. But what happens when he catches Midoriya and Shinsou red-eyed and (quite literally) breathing smoke? Does he report them? Or does his curiosity get the better of him?
Words: 889, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Underage
Categories: Multi
Characters: idk - Character
Relationships: Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Iida Tenya/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku, Iida Tenya/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/TSUWRoJ
0 notes
Me and my friend ( <3 love her ) were talking, about Deku and she mentioned him smoking weed because of all this pain and how he’s kinda punky like that. And now it’s got me thinking of a plot I’ll never write
There’s got to be like Hero Health Services in the MHA universe. Like people that specialize in physical therapy, medical treatment, therapy etc for heroes and families of heroes.
Now imagine: going to UA wanting to study Hero Health Services and as part of your studies you get to act as first aid to the Hero Course students during the Sports Festival or their special training lessons etc.
However, there’s one student who happens to take up so much of your time. Our sweet sweet Izuku, who manages to destroy his body every chance he gets. You’re always taking him to Recovery girl or scheduling physical therapy appointments with him on your off days. Sometimes your appointments consist of him just being upset about how much pain he’s in all the time. He does basically break his bones and tear his muscles every other day, so you’re not surprised. You still feel bad though.
You’ve done just about all you can on your end. The two of you have done stretches, acupuncture, ice, cupping, heat, special creams and lotions, you’re running out of ideas….except…well….you have one more thing, but he has to promise to keep it off record.
He promises. Of course he does. He’s at his wits end. You tell him to come to your dorm later that night. Just tell his friends he forgot to get some painkillers or something. When he finally gets there you grab a shoe box from under your bed. He’s pretty eager to see what’s in it. You hand him a round container and a small glass dropper bottle. These weren’t easy to get, but he can have them. If they work then he can just pay you back later, if they don’t then he can just return them.
Izuku looks at you funny. But…what is it? You give him a look. Can he not read? You tell him it’s weed and watch his cheeks get red. He’s not the first person you’ve recommended this too, so he shouldn’t be embarrassed. And besides, it’ll help to take the edge off his pain. The oil will just help him with his daily pain, but if he wants to try and relax from his stress and anxiety then the candies are better. Recent studies have found that those with stockpiling quirks don’t fair well on traditional medication. Once you’ve explained everything he seems to calm down. Well…he supposed he’ll give it a try. If you’re sure it’ll work. He turns to leave but before he goes he asks if you’ll do it with him. He’s too nervous. You smile and say sure. You don’t mind. It’ll be fun.
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
MERMSMERMSMERMS wowowowowowow!!
i have so much to say about the chapter. I finished it this morning, and i do want to do an actual detailed analysis but i don’t have the writing in front of me so i’ll just go through all the things that first struck me!
The beginning of the chapter the flashback to when izuku is still a fledgling hero and the loneliness your portrayed. The repetition of the empty apartment really just struck home and it made his sadness and dissatisfaction with the end of knight-shield that much more potent!
Now izuku is no more 21, he’s older and smarter, but those same demons are still haunting him, and seeing his perspective of what happened during katsuki’s and weeds dance with death really solidified the what was happening to both of them at that point in time. Izuku rushing to the hospital after landing and him and katsuki both sitting down “expecting the worst”, heroes cut from the same cloth. It made me a bit sad) thinking about his optimistic, (maybe naive), view on happy endings and what him, his friends and other heroes have worked towards, what they deserve.
but katsuki gets his happy ending!! weeds is ok. and he has his birthday party. This was one of my fav parts of the fic. Reading the joy spread across katsuki’s face as he realizes that his friends gathered to celebrate and love him. the quiet contentment izuku and kirishima watch him with as he celebrates. perfectly sets up the scene for izuku and reader to meet!
Watching their meeting from izukus perspective was that much funnier. He’s such a dork and i love him for it. his quiet mortification when they see each other again in the meeting and he realizes reader recognized him. perfect!
As we watch reader and izuku begin their hangouts, the thing that struck out to me was how hard and fast izuku fell. I’m surrender its slow and slow you don’t see it coming until you do, just like katsuki said on that rooftop. At first izuku uses the reader like an escape! a reprieve from the chaos of his world and heroics, but it’s obvious she becomes something more to him at time goes on. It’s especially interesting that to watch how the dynamic between him and his close friends changes as well but i’ll get to this part later!!
quick intermission before the sad stuff!! but SHOTO DROPPING THEY BOMB ON US THAT HE GOT MARRIED?!? I DEADASS THOUGHT HE WAS JOKING IN THAT DRY WAY HE USUALLY DOES I WAS JUST AS SHOCKED AS KATSUKI TBH😭😭😭 honestly it just makes me all the more excited for his and his readers story!! This revelation honestly made me think of idea of a short drabble that has been plaguing my mind everytime we talk within this universe. if you actually decided to write this i would die: but the whole of class 1a plans a game night/wedding celebration for shoto and reader??, and at some point in the night they convince the big the big three and their respective partners to play the newlyweds game! (if you don’t know what that is basically two people receive question and try to guess what their partners answers would be)! but anyways it turns into a whole thing because it always does between those three and it’s the most entertaining game of the whole night. ps.(katsuki’s quiet care for shoto even if he tries to hide it in his gremlinness really comes out when he wants him back in the city during investigation and his anger when shoto told them he got married i love ❤️, i love how you always expand on certain characters relationships and dynamic because it makes the universe that much more real 🥺)
back to the sad stuff!: but izuku and katsukis relationship has always been special, especially in the way you have portrayed it in this universe merms. Their history is so rich and it’s the core of the bnba itself. You do it such justice. Their love and care for each other is so obvious. They are sixteen and deku idolizes katuski, continues to place him on this pedestal, his symbol of victory, and katsuki is struggling because he feels that he’ll never catch up izuku or be half the hero he is so he lashes out. They are twenty-somethings and katsuki is still trying to atone for his shortcomings and struggling with the guilt of his childhood mistakes. they are twenty-somethings and all Izuku was is to shield katsuki from that guilt because he’s finally gotten to a place by his side and merms it breaks my heart everytime. They are both so fiercely protective of each other (even katsuki would never admit it)
Everyone is so fiercely protective of izuku, and we see it in his interactions with the people he loves. And reader makes that choice, understanding her history with bullies and what they represent, to portray katuski like that, not entirely wrong no, but completely against Izuku’s wishes and how he wanted to see one of his closest friends depicted in something so close to his heart
When i’d read this part id been peeved for reader, I completely understand her point of view (and honestly i would’ve reacted in the same way given the circumstances). Yet i could not contain the quiet heartbreak and reading izuku watching katsuki read the first scans. The pain of watching an artist whose work you respected seeing you in that way. devastating. I was making little noises of sadness the whole time. (I was also very curious at where the first meeting between katsuki and reader occurs in this timeline, right after izuku and reader had gotten their fried sticks standing right next to the trash can and vending machine with izuku in his bright clothes),
The events after the fallout, watching izuku desperately trying to make things right in his own obsessive way. The festival itself, watching from his perspective. The tiredness and ache and guilt from carrying the world on his shoulders. , beautifully and well written.
The reoccurring motif of his arm, refusing to taking care of himself and put himself first constantly. Yet in this case with reader, he’s choosing to be selfish. to be secretive , to keep this for himself. Circling to the changing dynamic of his close friendships, especially with ochako! He’s 17, When he chose to be silent in the golden light of UA, as watches uraraka, now he’s 20 something and he’s choosing to be silent as he realizes his giving the heart that everyone assumed was her to someone else. Katsuki’s quiet protectiveness of both of his friends. Again spectacularly written.
There’s so much more i have to say about sero, mineta, aizawa, tenya, HANA!! the reader herself!!!!!! but i’ve already written so much and i don’t want to overwhelm you!
Again thank you so much for all that you do, letting us have a look in your mind and creating stories where our favorite characters fall in love and find their happy endings 🥺🥺. I’ve been reading your works since 2020 and you’ve come so far!! I will always be a loyal reader and lover of your works. I am so excited for chapter 6 and i can’t wait to see what you do next :))
much love, and hopefully new anon
🥺 i need you to know that i kicked my feet like a kid when i first read this. i have trouble answering things because i have this urge when someone writes something thoughtful to like—squirrel it away LOL, it’s almost like wanting to squeeze the life out of something cute? i wanna rattle it around and then hide it under my pillows. press it in-between the pages of my diary. keep it secret forever. Gnaw on it and then dig a hole.
the fun thing about like, writing for a main character like Deku (in this way) is that he is so good… so it kind of makes his small selfishnesses look massive, if that makes sense? because he’s all about like, getting in there, helping people, winning by saving and saving by winning etc etc. and i think in fanfic you can really play that up!!! which, obviously, i’ve chosen to do in SJLT—idk, there’s something so satisfying about him as a lead, in a way that Bakugou doesn’t provide. 🧐 idk, i can’t name it, i just know i enjoy it (which is why i let myself loose with part i there).
i like to think Deku holds onto the happy ending thing because—he needs to. Because they’re going through so much, in canon, and i have no doubt they’ll win—and it will just prove to Deku that they can get there, they can grow up and be these big Pro Heroes and things will be okay. so after a shake-up like the mining-cave and his freak out, and then realising it’s some kind of instinctual response to Bakugou’s loss—yeah. They’d both sit there in the hospital, heroes cut from the same cloth, waiting for the end. ☹️ Proven wrong, though, thanks again to the narrative! 💅🏽✨ Gotta keep ‘em on their toes.
RE: Deku falling hard and fast—idk, i think it’s one of the things that makes him more fun than Bakugou! you have to earn it with the gremlin, work up towards like you’re befriending an alleycat. and by contrast Deku just—takes people in. And I think he’s kind of oblivious to his own feelings, albeit in a stubborn, deliberate way, but i have always seen him being just… easier, emotionally. 🥺 until the self-doubt sets in, whether that’s his own or someone elses.
shouto getting secretly married cracks me up. 😌 for now, anyway. we’ll see how much i’m laughing when it comes time to write it out LMAO. i absolutely believe that the Big 3 and their partners would be a nightmare combo in any game though, omg, could you imagine? it’d be unbearable LMAOOO.
(a Shouto & Katsuki friendship is one of my favourite thingsssss in fic; i guess we don’t get to see much of it, from Deku’s POV, but i cannot wait to get my grubby lil mitts into Shouto’s fic because he and Katsuki have a reason to team up and it’s just sdlkfjlksdfjlksdfj. Best Friends Forever.)
and okay, here is the thing: deku is the star of the show. like, in My Hero. Obviously, LOL. But everyone is canonically protective of him!!! 🥺 He is the sun they’re all gravitating around. i like to think an adult!Deku, one generally comfortable in his skin, routinely saving the country, would inspire that kind of devotion easily. and then you have gromits like Bakugou on TV just like, idk, scaling the wall out of sheer demon rage—if anything i think i needed to make Reader even more judgemental of him and protective of Deku LOL. i think people would just look at Deku and hear something like, “oh, Ground Zero used to bully me” and instantly be like: this man is too forgiving. and maybe he is. but it’s not Deku to want him to be punished for it, to grind his face into the carpet where his mistake’s still wet, you know? whatever happens in the current war arc, if they make it out alive Deku is only going to want one thing: to be with his friends as they follow their dreams and become Heroes. so i’d be mad if i was deku too. Kacchan will always be fundamental to who he is and everyone in their lives just has to accept that (including our Readerchan).
(Reader and Kacchan’s first meeting happened before the comic’s initial draft! so Bakugou making a bad impression probably didn’t help LMAOOO).
i’m always so curious about how like, a lack of communication can lead to so many—mistakes. it’s an admission of guilt, with how Deku’s holding his tongue. he knows he needs to talk to Ochako—and it’s not even because i picture Ochako like, waiting for him, in a needy way, but just in a, she is his friend and they do have history—romantic history, no matter how careful it was—together and idk, he needs to do better by her. and also he needs to free Kacchan from being on venting-duty.
but anon!!!! hello. 🥺 this is me + u on our way to tea to talk about our favourite fics and tropes and why x reader works so good and also why everyone else is wrong about it. i want you to know that i have thought about this ask every day since getting it!!! if you think about it, in a way, we’ve been together on this ride for what—two years? 🥺 i hope i can tell the rest of the deku story in a way that’s fun, for you. 🌷 thank-you for being here, anon. thank-you for saying hello. 🥺
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arbitrarycategories · 2 years
Endlessly entertained by the idea of Deku using float while singing songs about being high, whether he's actually partaking or not, and just like giggling to himself about it. Like it works if he's had some weed, but it also works if he's sober and just a huge dork. Win-win
Deku is actually the only one in the room NOT doing weed, and Iida doesn’t think his song is funny :/ because he thinks it’ll get them CAUGHT
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