#izzy hands x calico jack
No but it blows my mind that we never actually saw Izzy and Calico Jack interacting... Like we know they knew each other in the past and we know they talked to each other before the events of We Gull Way Back... I want to see them in the same room! I want to know what the vibe is! Hello!!
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A Bond Broken, A Bond Mended
Sooo it's a CJizzy fic! Omega!Izzy and Alpha!Jack with past Ed/Izzy
Word Count: 12163
Summary: Izzy thought that experiencing a mating bond break would be the worse thing he ever felt, but the knowledge that Edward didn't even realise it happened stung far more, then when Edward bonded with Stede without even letting him know...well, you get the idea. Nobody mentions it, most don't even know it happened, until Calico Jack saunters onto the deck of the Revenge, immediately able to tell the differences in the scent of his favourite Omega. Jack is ready to be the mate Israel Hands deserves but is Izzy ready to bond again?
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ofmd as text posts | part 7/?
(alternate version where they're all one image for easy saving)
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appleteeth · 9 months
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Screencaps that made me laugh x OFMD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) 22
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dizzy-izzy-in-a-tizzy · 5 months
ofmd s1: fuck conformity, fuck queer respectability, be who you are, repression is killing you
ofmd s2: but also maybe let's cut all the poly couples (garlic soup; fang) and have the queer-coded kinksters get murdered (izzy hands, ned lowe [whose kink was a core part in his villainy, and had zero positive contrast]) unless they're femme-presenting and coded as insane lesbians despite being historically bisexual because that's hot (anne bonny, mary read) and keep in mind we're cutting poly rep there too (calico jack)
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magniloquent-raven · 2 years
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still coping
✨here be memes✨
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dontfuckingbother · 9 months
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Artist: itsmstilinski on twitter!
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bougiebutchbinch · 10 months
can't decide if I like calico jizzy in a 'Jack is a gross pig who cockily refers to himself as Izzy's daddy in the third person right from the start and spanks him with 0 warning and does bad BDSM with him because you just know he's one of those fratboy types who THINKS he's a great dom, but luckily Izzy is a Capital-F Freak who is Really Fucking Into All Of That' sort of way, or in a 'Jack is possibly the only person in the universe who Izzy flat out refuses to call daddy when they fuck, and it is DRIVING JACK INSANE' one
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butch-pyrate · 1 year
Surprising lack of flogging fetish fic in the OFMD Fandom. Like you have Izzy right there, the man clearly wants it. CJ literally carries a whip around. Stede talks about floggings. How is there so little of it in fic...
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ritalacochona · 7 months
So I watched The Other Woman (2014), and it is not a good movie, but it gave me an idea for a light-hearted Steddyhands AU I might start writing:
Izzy has been dating Jack for 6 months. He had known Jack in college. Had followed around Ed and Jack. They were stars even back then. Izzy never felt like he fit in with these tall, handsome athletes. Izzy was small, hard working, studious and sullen. Back then Izzy only had eyes for Edward. Not that he ever let Ed see it. Even if Jack could.
When Jack walked into his law firm 6 months ago Izzy was brought right back to his college days. Devilish and more handsome than ever, they fell in to bed together immediately. Izzy had grown a lot since college, yet he was still swept up by the feeling of being the nerdy kid who captured the quarterbacks attention. Izzy was lost on him so fast. He didn't do relationships, yet here he was holding hands with Jack at a work function. He didn't do love, and yet he felt a deep well of affection boardering on something more.
Stede had met Jack 10 years ago. Freshly divorced and out of the closet, he couldn't believe his luck when Jack approached him at Spanish Jackie's. He was so grateful when a one night stand became 1 and then 2 years. When Stede's dad died Jack was there for him. Being his presence at a company he had never wanted to inherit. Jack had proposed. They had gotten married in the bahamas. Louis in a blue bowtie, Alma with chrysanthemums in her hair.
Ed hadnt seen Jack since college. He was a musician travelling around the world trying to find himself. Running into Jack at that fundraiser had been like, meeting his old self again. He had always rejected Jack's advances in the past. Jack had matured, had tempered that fun enthusiasm into success and it looked good on him. Ed had always liked fine things, Jack had developed taste in the last years if the gifts were any indication.
When Lucius suggested surprising Jack after their fight, Izzy had ignored his gut feeling. He wanted to have fun, to relax his shoulders and live a little. Coming face to face with Stede Bonnet-Rackham had not been part of his plan.
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ofmdincorrect · 2 years
Ed: Two years ago, I married my best friend.
Ed: Stede is still mad about it, but me and Izzy were drunk and thought it was funny.
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Woke up thinking about the relationship between Ed and Izzy. Thinking about how important Izzy is to Ed.
In episode 4 when Izzy was having doubts and Ed told him he needed him here.
In episode 6 we learned that Edward is so sad about not having friends but I think Izzy was as close as anyone came before Stede. When Izzy decided to duel Stede, Ed knew he couldn't intervene when Stede accepted, just as he wouldn't intervene when Izzy had to leave, because it was the terms of the duel. Pirate code and whatever.
But in episode 7, Ed wants to leave. "Sharpen his sword, next big adventure" and all that. I think that was directly in response to his loss of Izzy. Izzy and Ed have an unhealthy, complicated relationship but it's been Ed's constant for many many years.
This makes episode 8 make even more sense in context, because here is a man who knew Ed when he was young, another constant of sorts. Of course Ed falls back into his unhealthy habits, not only is that their dynamic, he is deeply feeling the absence of Izzy.
Episode 10 really highlights this in such a brilliant way, because Ed was healing and Izzy couldn't handle it and what does Ed do?
He chooses Izzy. After their interaction in Stede's rooms, we hear the Revenge crew chanting for Edward, by his name. The name he wanted to be called.
In episode 9, Edward comes aboard in the middle of a mutiny. He knows he could be rid of Izzy. We as an audience know Edward orders people killed. He could easily have Izzy killed and selected a new first mate. He could have become Edward to his crew.
But he chooses the Kraken. he cannot lose the only other person in his life who he loves. I do believe he loves Izzy, in a messy, confusing way for him.
And Izzy loves Blackbeard. Ed is confusing to Izzy and in his eyes, Ed is killing Blackbeard.
Edward choosing the Kraken, choosing Izzy, is also choosing someone who loves him at his worst (and unfortunately only at his worst). He thinks he's a bad person, and he's afraid of being left again, so he chooses the person who will smile at him in awe after he feeds him his own toe.
Edward doesn't want to be this person anymore, but he can't risk losing Stede and Izzy
Ed's relationship with Izzy in an undercurrent to the whole show and it's just so messy and delicious and I can't wait to see what they do with it
(Obviously there is a lot more going on with Ed and Izzy psychologically but this post is focusing on their relationship specifically and how that relates to their choices)
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appleteeth · 1 year
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Screencaps that made me laugh x OFMD (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 8
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Thank you so much for all the beautiful fics, I love your writing!
Hope I'm not bothering you with this request but could you write Izzy x Calico Jack x Reader? Even something nsfw if you feel like it. Maybe they had known each other for years because Reader works in Nassau 🤔 whatever you want, I'm sure I'll love it!
(Sorry for my writing, English isn't my first language)
Thank you for an excuse to write Izzy x reader x Jack!
Paramour in Nassau (NSFW)
Word Count: 5177
When Calico Jack Rackham sauntered back aboard the Revenge a couple of weeks ago, the crew wasn’t sure how to feel about it. Buttons obviously wanted him dead and ended up with half of the crew holding him back while Frenchie hurried to hide his fangs.
Of course, when he first appeared, he and Edward had a full out brawl in the middle of the deck, ending up with various cuts and bruises by the time Izzy was chastising them and snapping at them to separate. Then it was like nothing happened, Ed and Jack were friends again, much to Stede’s dismay. 
Thankfully, Jack wasn’t as unbearable as he was when the crew last met him, since he wasn’t there to get Ed off of the ship and sell Stede out to the British. Jack seemed more interested in following Izzy around like a shadow than partying with Edward, a confusing but welcome turn of events. He was even helping out around the ship, Izzy and Stede agreed on the first thing ever, that Jack would need to work to stay aboard the ship.
Jack had been aboard for a couple of weeks and had made himself at home, and there was no sign of him leaving anytime soon. eseseAs the Revenge steadily approached the republic of pirates, Izzy stood by the railing, watching the island take form in the distance and slowly approach.
Large hands clasped over his shoulders from behind, giving him a small shake. “Nassau, Iz…” Izzy could hear the smirk in Jack’s voice, the almost giddy excitement.
“Fucking hell,” Izzy grumbled but still found himself smiling a little.
He couldn’t lie, he was looking forward to the visit just as much as Jack was. They hadn’t been to Nassau since the duel with Bonnet and plotting with the British, and that hadn’t exactly been the most fun visit. But they were going back now, they would be there soon.
“What’s in Nassau?” Lucius appeared out of the blue, a habit that he was getting increasingly comfortable with much to Izzy’s irritation. “It was not fun last time I was there,” he recalled, possibly expecting one of them (most likely Jack) to ask for further details.
Neither of them did.
“Mind your own business, Spriggs,” Izzy huffed, smile disappearing immediately.
“Iz and me have a bit of a paramour in Nassau,” Jack told him with a proud grin, rubbing firm small circles into the back of Izzy’s shoulders with his thumbs.
“A paramour, really?” Izzy raised an eyebrow, looking over his shoulder at Jack, a hint of amusement in his eyes.
Jack laughed, digging deeper into Izzy’s shoulders, forcing the smaller man to hold back a small groan. He would not let that slip in front of Lucius Spriggs of all people. 
“Learnt it from Steve. Did I use it right?” Jack asked, letting his hands drop from his shoulders when Izzy shrugged them off and turned to face him and Lucius.
“God, I sure hope you did,” the scribe grinned, looking just as excited now, maybe even more so. “So…a shared paramour…are we all going to be able to watch a fight for their hand? Oh, I bet on Izzy!”
“Really?” Jack huffed, pouting while Izzy smirked.
“He’s scrappy,” Lucius shrugged.
Izzy rolled his eyes, assuring him that, “there won’t be a fight.” 
“Confident or giving up?” Lucius questioned, seemingly both teasing and serious.
Jack laughed again, throwing an arm around Izzy’s shoulders. “What Iz means is that our little paramour wouldn’t be satisfied with just one man.”
Lucius looked between the two men until he was satisfied that Jack wasn’t just pulling his leg. “...holy shit, really?” His grin grew even wider. “Really, Izzy?” He wanted every little detail.
Izzy knew that his face was heating up under the interrogation, with how excited and suggestively the scribe was looking at him. “Why do you look so excited about this?” he asked petulantly.
“...I knew about the two of you but a third?...that’s tasty.” Lucius couldn’t help but reevaluate everything he thought he knew about Izzy Hands. Now he was rethinking the whole ‘we don’t own each other’ conversation he had with the older man. What did his relationship look like? How long had he been involved with Jack? How long had either of them been with their other mysterious partner?
“I fucking hate you,” Izzy muttered, unable to feel too angry when Jack gave him another little shake and squeezed him closer to his side.
“Can I meet them?” Lucius asked, eyes bright and hopefully.
“Absolutely not,” Izzy scoffed. Why was this man always involving himself in everyone else’s business?
Lucius looked between them both again, looking more curious this time. He was still always taken back when Izzy allowed Jack to touch him like that in public, all casual and affectionate. “And the two of you…they have an interesting taste…”
“Fuck off,” Izzy sneered.
Jack frowned a little this time as well. “What’s that mean?” He wasn’t sure if he should be offended but he was ready to defend the honour of both his partners.
Lucius shrugged before smirking. “Just interesting…kinda hot, though.”
Jack was grinning again, grip on Izzy tightening. “It’s really fucking hot,” he agreed.
“Jack,” Izzy said his name in that stern way he does when he needs Jack to pay attention.
Lucius was also always a little taken by that, the way Jack’s expression would change when his gaze turned to Izzy. Becoming all soft and attentive.
“Shut the fuck up,” Izzy grumbled.
“Yes, sir,” Jack beamed, shooting Lucius a playful wink.
Once the Revenge was docked and Izzy’s duties were carried out, he let Jack drag him towards Spanish Jackie’s. Normally, Izzy would feel a little lighter while he was in Nassau, but the fact that Lucius and Black Pete were so obviously following them was pissing him off.
“Are you even allowed in Jackie’s?” Izzy called to the two men following behind him and Jack.
Lucius and Pete scampered forward until they were walking beside the other duo. “Stede was barred. Technically, I wasn’t,” Lucius explained. 
“Uh-huh, I’m not saving your ass if she wants your nose,” Izzy shrugged.
Lucius gulped but steeled himself as Pete took hold of his hand. He thought it was worth the risk.
When the four of them walked into Jackies, they headed to the bar, Lucius and Pete sitting a few stools down from them when Izzy threatened them to leave them alone.
The man behind the bar handed Jack and Izzy their drinks seconds before Jackie walked out of the backroom. Lucius purposely kept his head down and shuffled closer to Pete’s side, but kept his attention on the unexpected couple a few seats down the bar.
“Fucking hell, you two,” Jackie adressed them, warningly.
“Good to see you too, Jackie,” Jack smiled, wide and a little goofy. Like he was purposely trying to piss her off. “Don’t worry, I have my safe entry pass,” he flinged an arm around Izzy. 
The three of them had come to an agreement a long time ago, Jack was only allowed inside Jackie’s when he was with Izzy. The shorter man would be responsible for keeping him on enough of a leash to keep Jackie pleased.
Jackie eyed them both before rolling her eyes. “They’re picking up a delivery, they’ll be back soon. Behave,” she informed them.
“Thanks, Jackie,” Izzy gave her a small nod.
Jackie just shook her head at them before continuing through the bar.
You moved through Jackie’s with a practised ease, crate in your hands. You headed straight for the bar, handing the delivery to one of Jackie’s husbands who was tending the bar. “Was told to drop it off with you.”
Jackie’s husband took the crate. “Probably the good liquor Jackie likes,” he hummed.
“Well, she usually had pretty good taste,” you joked, shooting him a playful wink.
He huffed a small laugh as he left to put the delivery somewhere safe. You lent against the bar, thinking you should probably buy yourself a drink for your troubles before heading out again.
“Work more important than us, baby?”
You let out a little surprised gasp at the familiar voice, a smile taking over your face when you turned to see both Jack Rackham and Izzy Hands standing from their seats.
“Izzy! Jack!”
Jack caught you in an embrace when you rushed to them, lifting your feet off of the ground and spinning you around just for some dramatic flare. Just enough to have Izzy shaking his head at the two of you. Once Jack placed you back on your feet, you turned to Izzy and planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Both of you in the same place, it must be my lucky day,” you couldn’t suppress your smile as you took the two of them in. It had been so long since you saw either of them, even longer since you saw both of them together. You were very committed to not counting their last visit to Nassau since Izzy always invited members of the British Navy.
“Has been a while, hasn’t it?” Jack was smiling right back, teeth on show.
“Too long,” Izzy agreed. His smile was a little more subdued but just as sincere.
Jack must have noticed that too because he gently gripped the back of his neck in his hand. “Aww, always so sentimental,” he teased.
“Fuck off, like you aren’t worse,” Izzy huffed, pushing his hand away. Jack just rolled his eyes fondly.
“I missed you both,” you confessed, planting more kisses on their cheeks.
“We missed you too, sweetheart,” Jack snaked his arm around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest.
“How long are you in port for?” They never stayed for too long, it was just part of the job, but you always hoped they’d give you some extra good news from time to time.
“A couple of days,” Izzy said as you took his hand, pulling him a few steps closer to the two of you.
It wasn’t the best answer he could give you but it was enough.
“We’ll have to make the most of what we got, then,” you shrugged, earning another smile from Izzy and a pleased little groan from Jack.
Lucius watched with wide eyes and his mouth slightly agape as Jack and Izzy left Jackie’s with the mysterious person. He had never seen anyone so happy to see either of the men, not Jack to see Izzy, not even Ed to see Jack that first time on the Revenge. Then again, he had never seen Izzy so happy to see somebody, actually properly smiling. It was almost a little unsettling, but also a little nice.
Lucius and Pete looked at each other, Pete mouthing ‘oh my god’ before they turned back to their drinks. Izzy and Jack really were seeing somebody in Nassau, and it looked kinda serious…
Your men walked on either side of you as you led them through the streets of Nassau, leading them to the less violent side of the town. They followed you up to the familiar apartment above a dusty bookstore that was definitely a front for something else, something you hadn’t actually figured out yet.
As soon as you were through the door to your little home, Jack was on you. He had you pressed against the nearest wall, his mouth capturing yours in a deep and characteristically messy kiss. You couldn’t find it in yourself to complain, clutching at his shoulders to keep him close and to keep yourself standing upright.
Izzy shook his head, smiling to himself, as he was tasked with shutting the door. Jack was not known for his patience but Izzy couldn’t blame him, he had missed you just as much, he just prided himself on having a sensible amount of self restraint.
Once the door was securely closed, Izzy grabbed Jack by the back of his shirt and tore him away from you.
“God, I fucking missed you both so much,” you panted, letting your hands fall away from Jack as he stumbled away, muttering his complaints.
You barely got to move away from the wall before Izzy was in front of you. You slipped a hand into Izzy’s hair, fingers curling and tugging gently. Izzy whined at the slight sting, pressing his forehead against yours.
“Promise me we’ll never go so long without seeing each other again,” you whispered against his lips. “I promise,” Izzy whispered right back.
“Not going to let it go this long ever again,” Jack came up to the side of you both, a hand against your back and another at the nape of Izzy’s neck. “Can’t be away from my sweethearts for that long.”
Jack could be a difficult man to properly understand, never really letting anyone see his true self. He was an arrogant jokester but also a total sweetheart, at least when it came to the people he actually gave a damn about. Even when he was looking at you both with that dopey smile.
“Shut the fuck up, Jack,” Izzy mumbled but there was clear fondness in his tone.
“You’re such a softy,” you teased Jack, playfully fiddling with the edge of his moustache.
Izzy rolled his eyes while Jack just beamed at you. Jack wrapped an arm firmly around your waist and pulled you close, something hard pressing against your hip. “Nothing soft about me right now, baby,” he said against your ear.
Izzy groaned at the terrible joke but you gave a little laugh. “Can you just get his mouth busy or something so he stops talking?” Izzy pleaded with you.
You smirked, grabbing him by his cravat and planting a kiss on his lips. “Well, give me a hand, will you?” 
You had to be the one with the cognition to pull them both to your bedroom, laughing as Jack threw off most of his clothes on the way, tossing them around your apartment until he was just in his pants.
Jack huffed a little, being the most undressed out of the three of you. He was quick to set his mind to stripping you both down.
“You wear way too many layers, babydoll,” Jack taunted Izzy, pressing up behind him and gripping his hips.
“It is a lot of black and leather for the caribbean,” you agreed, rubbing your hands over his chest.
“It’s practical. Doesn’t have to be comfortable,” Izzy rolled his eyes, hands finding your waist.
“Kinda hot though,” you hummed, popping open the buttons of his waistcoat.
“Those tight leather pants,” Jack pressed a little closer, nipping at Izzy’s ear. “Cute little ass.”
“Fucking hell,” Izzy groaned, unconsciously pushing his hips back against Jack’s while tugging you closer.
Jack groaned against his ear. As much as you both loved how sweet and pliant Izzy could get when the right type of attention was showered upon him, both men had come to your apartment with the attention of spoiling you. They had the last couple weeks to reconnect, missing their missing piece. They had you back and intended on showing you just that.
“It is adorable,” you smirked, slipping a hand around to squeeze his ass.
Izzy grumbled to himself but made no protest as you and Jack stripped him of his waistcoat, cravat, and shirt.
You stepped away to place his ring and cravat down safely on your vanity before hands were grabbing at you again. You were pulled back into the centre of the room and manoeuvred until you were between the two men.
They worked in tandem, quickly having your shirt pulled over your head and thrown somewhere over Jack’s shoulder. Izzy was already stroking calloused hands over your abdomen and unlacing your pants.
The only reason it took so long to get your pants off of you was because the two men kept turning you around to take turns kissing you. Finally though, Izzy had your pants properly unlaced and Jack was on his knees, tugging them down your legs and helping you step out of them.
Finally, after far too long of being apart, you were all back together and undressed. Large hands on your hips spun you around to face Jack again, you only got a second to see his beaming grin before he had hoisted you off of your feet.
You yelped, clinging to his shoulders and wrapping your legs around your waist. You didn’t complain though, nuzzling against his jaw and nipping at his neck as he carried you over to the bed.
Jack dropped you down onto the bed, the mattress being at least good enough quality for you to bounce a little when you landed. Jack was standing over you, teeth on show, as Izzy climbed onto the bed and crawled over your body.
“I’m beginning to think you’re teaming up on me,” you accused, sighing pleasurably as Izzy kissed down your neck, his facial hair pleasantly scratching against your skin.
“We’ve missed you!” Jack thought that was plenty enough reason to gang up on you just a little, they both just wanted to get their hands on you after so long.
“Yeah,” Izzy lifted his head to look at you. “Let us spoil you a little.” And, well, how could you say no to that when he was looking at you like you were the only damn thing that mattered.
“Hell yeah, I get to be in the middle,” you joked. Well, half joked. You really were thrilled by the prospect of once again being sandwiched between the two men. 
“Damn right you do, baby,” Jack laughed.
“I’m ready,” you announced dramatically, flopping back on the bed with your arms and legs spread.
“You two are as bad as each other,” Izzy tutted from above you.
“Take that back,” you tilted your chin down to glare at him.
Izzy could only chuckle fondly to himself before kissing you. He had missed that light, warm feeling he felt when he was around the two of you. You wrapped him up in your arms immediately, kissing him soundly, like you never wanted to forget what he tasted like.
Jack took a moment to just admire the sight the two of you made, bodies flushed together. He was one lucky bastard and he knew it. The mattress dipped slightly as he knelt up on the bed, pressing up behind Izzy.
“You two having fun?” Jack asked, resting his chin on Izzy’s shoulder.
“Feeling left out?” Izzy mused as he pulled away from your lips, turning his head slightly to see Jack out the corner of his eye. 
“Thought I got to be in the middle?” you pouted.
Jack’s chuckle vibrated through him as he slapped a sloppy kiss on Izzy’s cheek and slapped his ass. “Go sit against the headboard, babygirl.”
Izzy rolled his eyes at the pet name, even though it managed to make him blush every time, giving you another kiss before extracting himself from between you both. Neither of you made it easy for him, you couldn’t stop touching him and Jack was still plastered to his back despite being the one who told him to move in the first place.
Jack grabbed you by the legs and pulled you down the bed so that your thighs were sitting on top of his. You couldn’t help but laugh fondly through your surprised shout, he was always so impatient.
Doing as he was told, Izzy sat back against the headboard comfortably, legs outstretched in front of himself.
Jack lent down to capture your mouth with his own, the kiss a desperate mess of lips and tongues. Jack always kissed like that, completely uninhibited, with his entire being.
You barely got a chance to breathe when he pulled back, already flipping you over onto your belly. You cursed quietly to yourself as you landed with a tiny bounce.
You swore you could hear Jack chuckling softly behind you as he tapped your hip. You got the message, lifting yourself up onto your hands and knees before inching forward. As you moved closer, Izzy parted his legs so that you could settle between them.
You smiled up at him, sure your lips were swollen and bitten and your face was flushed. Much like his own.
He gave you a small smile of his own as he took hold of your chin, keeping you still as he kissed you again. You gasped into his mouth as Jack ran a calloused hand up the inside of your thigh. You hadn’t dared let yourself dwell on your last meeting with them both, or lament how much time had passed since you could be touched by them, but now it felt like an eternity since you had felt their touches or shared their kisses. It was almost too much but at the same time it wasn’t enough at all.
You could feel the larger man warm and heavy against your ass, and it had you squirming.
“Eager?” Izzy cocked an eyebrow at you.
“Getting impatient. You’re both taking too long,” you taunted breathlessly.
Jack retorted by rutting against you. Once. Twice. Making you feel even more needy for him. “Won’t make you wait any longer then, sweetheart,” he promised.
You snuck one more kiss from Izzy before lowering yourself onto your elbows, nuzzling against his hip before moving further down to kiss and nip and suck marks into the inside of his thighs.
Behind you, Jack continued to tease, but you set your mind to doing the same to Izzy. Licking a broad stripe over him, making him gasp.
You smiled to yourself at the response before giving it your all, nose nested against coarse hairs, feeling utterly pleased with yourself when he choked on his breath and gripped your shoulder.
“There we go. Give them a nice little distraction,” Jack cooed behind you.
“Fuck, ah, off,” Izzy gasped back at him, not as menacingly as he might have liked.
“Ready?” Jack asked, directed at you now as he gave your hips a squeeze and angled them better.
You nodded the best you could, purposely pushing closer into Izzy to hear his breath hitch.
Then, without any more warning or fanfare, Jack pushed in. He entered you with one fluid thrust, slower than you expected from him. You gasped and moaned at the feeling of him filling you, making Izzy moan in turn.
Jack folded over you, his body blanketing yours, and pressed his forehead between your shoulder blades. “Yeah, been way too fucking long,” his breath was warm against your already flushed skin.
You removed your mouth from Izzy with a lewd, wet sound. “You’re fucking telling me,” you panted into his thigh.
Jack kissed the back of your neck quickly, searing the skin like a brand, before pulling back and slamming his hips back against your ass.
Izzy cradled the back of your skull as you got your both back on him, making sure to look up at him through your lashes in the way you knew had his stomach twisting with desire.
You lost yourself in the sensation of being pulled back and forth between the two men, of the two pairs of hands on you, clutching and caressing. Your body rocked between them both like you were made for it, giving and taking in equal measure. The feeling of warm bodies pressing together and the sound of heavy breathing.
You could hear Jack’s low moans behind you and you could just imagine him tipping his head back, eyes fluttering shut as he dug his fingers into your hips and waist. Izzy was panting above you, gaze flickering between you and Jack like he couldn’t quite decide which to focus on. When his gaze dipped down to where you were connected, he groaned low in his throat. From his position he couldn’t quite see Jack repeatedly entering you but he could make out just enough to have him twitching against your mouth.
“Fuck, looks like you’re treating Iz real nice,” Jack rumbled, having the perfect view of the two of you. The slope of your back to where your head rested in Izzy’s lap. “Best show in the Caribbean here and I’ve got the best seat,” he rambled, punctuating his words with jolts of the hips.
Jack was always the most vocal in bed. He loved hearing the sounds he could get you and Izzy to make but he always talked the most. At first you had thought that he had just liked the sound of his own voice but now you knew that he wasn’t as conscious of it as you first thought he was. He just said whatever came to mind, not caring much about what it was.
“Look so fucking pretty, the two of you. Fuck. Feel so good, I’ve got you.”
Izzy began to rock against your face and you knew he was close. He was always so careful to take what he was given when you went down on him like this, even when you assured him that you wanted him to take what he needed instead. He always lost that control when his orgasm was close.
“Think you can come with him, baby?” Jack asked, seeing the same signs as you.
You just nodded the best you could but the way you clenched around him gave him more of an answer than your actual response. Jack groaned and cursed at the feeling, his own thrusts faltering and jolting a few times.
Izzy came first, on hand clutching a pillow and the other on the back of your head, just touching, not holding. You followed right after him, making sure to savour the taste of him on your tongue first. You came with a cry of their names, possibly mashed together incoherently, you weren’t sure but Izzy was petting your head lazily as you muffled your sounds with his thigh.
Jack managed to hold out for a few more trusts, riding you through your high before pressing his hips flush with your ass, groaning his own release.
The room was filled with heavy breathing as the three of you caught your breath, Izzy muttering something about being too old for all of this excitement but not complaining about the sweaty press of your three bodies.
With a few tired groans and complaints, the three of you slowly manoeuvred yourselves into a more comfortable position. Jack lay in the centre of the bed with both of you on either side of him, your heads laying on his chest.
Your dalliances usually ended like this, both of you cradled to each side of Jack. His arms wrapped around you both to hold you close, you and Izzy touching hands over Jack’s stomach. He was just that little bit bigger, that little bit broader, and really fucking warm. He made a surprisingly good pillow and he liked being pressed between you both.
You closed your eyes and smiled softly to yourself, feeling Jack running fingertips against your arm and shoulder while Izzy played with your hand. You had slept in this very bed so often, alone. It was nice to have them both by your side again.
Once enough time had passed for Jack to deem conversation appropriate, he spoke. He never could stay quiet for too long, especially when something was on his mind.
“Eddie talked about me signing on with you lot properly,” Jack said up to the ceiling.
You just allowed yourself to drift comfortably, assuming he was talking more directly to Izzy. “Bonnet was alright with that?” Izzy asked, voice a little gruffer than usual.
“Yep. I have been on good behaviour.”
“And you’re going to do it?” 
You listened to their voices, just happy to hear them. It didn’t really matter what they were talking about, you liked listening.
“Might do. Might stick around…if you want me too.” You could hear the vulnerability in Jack’s voice and frowned a little when Izzy didn’t answer straight away, likely due to his own vulnerability rather than dismissal.
“Fucking hell, your pillow talk kinda sucks,” you mumbled into Jack’s chest.
“I’m trying to get to something!” Jack huffed, jostling you and Izzy a little.
“Then get to it,” Izzy grumbled at him.
“Right so, if I sign on with Eddie and Stebe, then me and Iz will be sailing together…” You lifted your head to look at him properly when you realised he was talking more to you now. “...so if you sign up with Eddie and Stefe…”
“...are you serious?”
Jack gave a guilty little smile at your question, though you didn’t sound angry with him, just surprised, an edge of seriousness to your tone.
“Why didn’t you say something before?” Izzy demanded, lifting himself up to look down at Jack.
“I just thought about it!” Jack defended himself.
You sat up a little, hearing Jack’s grumbled protest, to look between them both properly. “Do you…both want me there?”
“Wouldn’t ask if I didn’t,” Jack scoffed.
“And you, Izzy? That’s something you’d want?” you turned to the other man for his answer.
“...yeah. ‘Course, I would,” Izzy shrugged, trying to play it off as unimportant, like it didn’t matter what he wanted. “Thought you were kinda happy here, though.”
“I’m content here. It’s…not perfect but it’s enough for me,” you responded honestly. You had a comfortable little life here but…but they were always so far away from you and if they were serious…“I would be a whole lot happier being wherever the two of you are though,” you confessed.
“Fuck yeah,” Jack launched himself up and pulled you into a messy kiss. You giggled against his mouth, kissing him back, laughing more when he flipped you onto your back and pressed you down into the mattress.
Izzy huffed at being thrown off but recovered quickly, moving to your side as Jack sank down between your legs, trailing kisses down your body the whole way. He hooked your legs over his shoulders and got his mouth on you, making you twitch a little with overstimulation.
“You’re sure?” Izzy asked, quiet and serious, as he cupped your face in his hand, forcing you to look at him. He wanted to make sure he didn’t see any hesitation or uncertainty.
“More than sure. No more waiting for moments like this,” you promised, placing your hand over his. 
“No more waiting,” Izzy agreed, kissing you like he needed it to breathe.
Jack popped his head up from between your legs, grinning and his moustache obscenely damp. “Gonna have to get a bigger bed though,” he commented.
“I know a carpenter that could probably do it,” you grinned back down at him, combing fingers through his hair.
“Love when you have all the answers, babe,” Jack winked before dipping his head back down.
Izzy chuckled and shook his head at the two of you. When Jack pulled a moan from you, Izzy silenced you with his mouth again, greedily swallowing any sounds you made.
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magniloquent-raven · 1 year
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at this rate im just gonna combust when we finally get s2 news
✨here be memes✨
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carrymelikeimcute · 10 months
A tiktok just put calico jack/izzy in my head- it's got to be a trope that they had sex before CJ went to the ship, right? There must be so many fics of that.
My query is, was it rebound sex, or was it more like CJ asking 'well what do I get out of this, aside from fucking with Ed' and Izzy throwing in a shag as motivation - the piratical equivalent of a scooby snack?
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