#jade armor spoilers
aaghht · 1 year
watched another "season 2" ep today and jade armor really going places with the whole "love interest on the other side" trope
(ive missed ONE ep [ep 12] so of course, I'm missing a whole lot of context)
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dragongirltail · 14 days
Got myself the soma incarnon when it cycled in like 2 weeks ago and I don't quite understand what everyone says that it's underwhelming
Mania would like to disagree, I think.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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THEM™ (round 2)
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can I just say that seeing the sword necro preview made me even happier that I invested in Aurene's Fang because Grand High Sovereign Ruju is absolutely going to be using dual-swords for his weaponswap when it comes out. a pair of life-draining Zhaitan's Fangs will be perfect for this rancid little robo-rat man...
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hi!! I was gonna ask if it’s not a spoiler, roughly how old were macaque and wukong when they met in Second Chances? also I love ur story and can’t wait until the next chapter!!! I hope everything’s going good!!!
Thank you! Things could be better at the moment but we're working through it 💪
In any case, I have been meaning to make a proper timeline of major events for Second Chances for a while now. So, since this question was asked twice, I finally got the motivation to draw up a rough timeline!!
(Disclaimer: These are not exact dates/years. They're just rough estimates of what happened and when. Also, there is a slight spoiler if you squint.)
The timline goes as such:
4300 years ago- PIF was born
4000 years ago- Macaque was born.
3930 years ago- DBK was born.
3900 years ago- Macaque left the village he was born in.
3800 years ago- Wukong was born on FFM.
3500 years ago- Macaque joined Sijumu.
3100 years ago- Wukong began training under Shifu Subodhi.
3000 years ago- Macaque was forced to bond with the shadow lantern (Yong Ye).
2901 years ago- Macaque escaped Sijumu.
2900 years ago- Macaque arrived on FFM (The Solar Eclipse).
2700 years ago- Snowy Days
2400 years ago- A group of assassins found Macaque and injured both him and Wukong (beginning scene of Ch. 3).
2300 years ago- Macaque and Wukong found their scarfs. (Shopping scene in Ch. 11)
2250 years ago- Wukong “borrowed” armor and Ruyi Jingu Bang from Ao Guang.
2000 years ago- They met DBK.
1800 years ago- Founded the Brotherhood.
1500 years ago- Wukong got recruited by the Heavens only to be positioned as a stable boy.
1400 years ago- The War on Heaven began.
1350 years ago- Princess Iron Fan was tried and acquitted for having relations with DBK.
1260 years ago- PIF and DBK got married.
1220 years ago- The 8th and final siege on Heaven ended with Wukong becoming subservient to the Jade Emporer in Heaven.
1200 years ago- The siege of Flower Fruit Mountain. Wukong was captured and thrown into the furnace while his home was burned.
800 years ago- Macaque left FFM to find Wukong.
700 years ago- Macaque was killed.
~502 years ago- DBK and PIF found out that Macaque has been dead for over 200 years. DBK went on a rampage and was then sealed under what would become Megapolis.
400 years ago- Macaque was revived by the Lady Bone Demon.
350 years ago- Macaque and Wukong met again for the first time since Macaque died.
100 years ago- Macaque was taken in and healed by Wukong on FFM.
1 year ago- LBD was defeated.
So, to answer your question, Macaque was 1100 years old and Wukong was 900 when they first met~
Thanks for the question!
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starplusfourletters · 7 months
I finally finished the last command
and it was a romp (spoilers)
Chewie spends the whole book on the edge of a nervous breakdown but buddy you very much did that to yourself. Sure, you swear a life debt to a guy who turns out to be One of the People in the Galaxy That Things Just Keep Happening To. Bad luck, bound to happen sometimes. But then you decide that life debt extends to his wife knowing FULL WELL that Even More Things Just Keep Happening to HER, and then they go and have TWINS? That’s on you, bud.
Mara “I still do want revenge on Luke Skywalker yes definitely now hold that thought I need to go risk my life to save Leia and the twins” Jade. Mara you’re embarrassing yourself.
Actual conversation:
Leia: Thanks again for saving my life. Mara: Don’t thank me until after I’ve killed Luke which I still absolutely want to do. Leia: So uhhh why’d you do it? Mara: I’m just opposed to kidnapping. Leia: Were you kidnapped? Mara: I dOn’T wAnT tO tAlK aBoUt iT yes. Leia: ... Mara: YOU THINK THIS IS ABOUT MY TROUBLED PAST?? Leia: … Mara: BECAUSE IT’S NOT Leia: … Mara: Anyway here’s the information only I can provide that will turn the tide of the war. It’s free. Friends and family discount. Leia: Thanks. Mara: I’M STILL GOING TO KILL YOUR BROTHER Leia: That’s nice, dear.
MY KINGDOM FOR GHENT. His dad boss forgets to pick him up from AV Club so he spends two months wandering unrestricted through the capital building and then cracks Enigma because he’s bored
A TWELVE-DAY Character Bonding Hiking Trip??!? Zahn’s really outdone himself this time
WAIT THIS WHOLE TIME MARA DIDN’T KNOW LUKE AND VADER ARE RELATED?? Omigod that’s HILARIOUS. I mean, yeah, I guess it just never came up? And she didn’t watch the OT movies? That’s very funny to me for some reason. I definitely assumed she’d gotten that memo
Oh man it really feels like I should have seen that reveal coming and I absolutely did not. Gawd I love the 90s. Wowowowowowow. Chef’s kiss. I have so many questions about the Bespin janitorial system
“LUUKE” I’m dying
Admiral “It appears to be a trap.” Akbar
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Good vs. Evil Star Wars content to bring you “the two Evil factions getting in each other’s way vs the two Good factions getting in each other’s way until they all realize we’ve hit the end of the book and just start attacking everything indiscriminately”
The Climactic Battle Scene:
Luke: Fighting his clone! Han: Pew pew pew pew! Mara: Psychic defense! Psychic attack! Leia: Dual wielding blaster and lightsaber! Karrde: In the back, petting his doggos and talking on his phone I was legit worried about his safety in this book. But he's not dumb; he knows he doesn't have enough plot armor to take on the Big Bad. He is simply the best there is
Wedge / Aves is the rarepair I didn’t know I needed
Oh thank God the doggos are okay
So as far as I can tell Thrawn made one mistake that wasn’t just bad luck and it was doing a shit job of getting Mara out of the way. The dude really should have had MORE of his enemies killed
Thesis statement: Aww Themb! <3
Now I just need to watch someone explain this series to Ep9-era Palpatine. Preferably in the style of Worthikids.
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cephalonserotonin · 2 days
Devstream 180 Notes
This is a long one, folks.
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brought to you by creative lead Rebb Executive Producer Dick Wolf
New dojo contest to kick off a transition to cross-save dojo world… see forum post
Pride Campaign 2024
is active now until the end of June! a new glyph, display, and wings in lovely rainbows!
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Jade Shadows update coming June 18!
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features a new cinematic quest: Jade Shadows. It picks up after The New War (so it's got TNW as a prerequisite) where the storyline of the Stalker left off. Rebb and the crew request that folks not spoil the quest for others after playing it. Use spoiler tags if possible! Quest runtime ~ 25 min There's a teaser for the story quest, featuring the Stalker hanging upside down like a bat:
New Warframe: Jade!
Pablo describes her as a support frame. Her passive is two aura mod slots which is kind of crazy ngl
Her kit briefly summarized:
1: throws a little mote with an AOE effect of healing for allies and increasing damage taken to enemies
2: cycle through various squad buffs. The UI art for these is really gorgeous
3: a debuff: enemies in her sight are slowed and lose armor. You also revive any dead allies in your vision.
4: floating and a zappy exalted weapon. It's kind of like Hildryn's four but basically better in every way because you can actually set off large amounts of damage and fly higher and faster. The exalted weapon has synergy with her 1 and 2.
As Pablo mentioned, Jade's abilities provide a lot of combo potential, good for any "min maxers" in the audience.
Jade's three signature weapons: the Cantare throwing knives, the Harmony scythe, and the Evensong bow (a variant on the Dread).
The Ascension game mode: "what if Warframe but up?"
Non-endless There's a giant elevator you have to feed with energy. The team's video crashed so Rebb gave what I'd call an excited 12 year old's description of the game mode instead which I loved:
There's this giant elevator that needs energy to go up. So you have to keep feeding it ionic charges so you rise out of the depths. And as you're feeding, the Corpus are there! *excitable machine gun noises* And then you're like, oh god! And then you have to, like, jump around-- but if you fall out of the elevator, you better hope you're good at parkour, and that you can read the level to get back up! and back up! and back up! And then: you have to make it to the top. But that's not all. Once you get to the top of the elevator, you gotta escape. You gotta make a run for it before the Corpus hold you back! Aahhh! Aah! Ah! …and that's Ascension. :)
Once we finally watch the video preview of the game mode later I think it looks fun. The level looks really neat; I love the graphics of the inside of the elevator. There's a new Jade Light eximus enemy here but I can't really tell any details about it quite yet.
He's hosting the clan operation Belly of the Beast (featuring above Ascension game mode). In his shop is the Asteria ephemera, which evolves with community participation. Also some arcanes… and a beautiful skin for the Hate.
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"If you're a hater, this is for you." Hilariously the arcanes are capped at 42 each because apparently in Gargoyle's Cry certain players went crazy burning themselves out to stock up on arcanes, and the team is trying to prevent that (and players blaming them for their own bad choices, as always). Two full sets each is more than enough, frankly.
Status Rework!
Blast now does a secondary detonation, or if hitting 10 blast procs, creates an AOE explosion. This is exactly what I have been wanting for ages so I, personally, am thrilled.
Magnetic now scales with overguard and shields the same way, and also does a secondary punch of damage (and an electric proc!) once the shield is broken.
Cold should freeze enemies more often now… and came with a free Frost rework! Now Frost's abilities give proper cold procs, thus freezing enemies, which is now standardized across his abilities. His 1 has been buffed and his 3 snowglobe has been modified (to allow shooting from in to out but not out to in). He has a new passive: his armor scales with the number of cold procs enemies have (like the defensive version of Ember).
There's a lot of testing going on right now on the interaction between ragdolling and freezing enemies.
There's a change to damage vulnerability mechanics which I didn't quite follow; seems to be mostly a simplification of the system.
Armor damage attenuation scaling, as mentioned in the last devstream, now has a cap, meaning corrosive procs should be more effective.
Yareli Deluxe
...looks like eldritch coral?
Next round of TennoGen
…finally comes with a Lavos skin, which is plague doctor themed.
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Some augments (Protea's is probably OP), decrees (list shown below is incomplete), and arcanes
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UI improvements!
In the upgrade screen: duplicate mod config button, indicator for substats, increased mod polarity
Augment list viewer in the abilities screen
Community customization table where you can copy others' fashions. Great news for gamers too unoriginal to make their own fashions, I guess. Coming at first for just Excalibur, Mag, Volt, and Jade.
Quick Access (fast travel wheel) for more areas like the dormizone.
UI autoscaling with resolution (to prevent tiny UI bars for people with huge resolutions), also coming with ability to scale the UI back down.
"Donut numbers" for damage view that do not cover the enemy you are shooting (old way can still be switched back to, called "cloud.")
Awakening quest has a lil fashion preview now!
Loadout hot swaps conveniently directly from the starchart!
Cap on adversaries (liches and sisters) at 150. For the sake of database health. The programmer in me is mildly concerned that there was no limit before this.
Semi auto becoming full auto (see last devstream for more detailed description).
Automatic selection of last relic during endless relic cracks.
Streamlining necramech acquisition.
Unifying melee finishers and mercy kills (both with mechanics and appearance).
The return of Heirloom skins: starting with community art this time
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First major change (from last year's disastrous heirloom launch) is the heirloom collections will now be released one warframe at a time.
Ember Heirloom is also a purchased fanartist concept!
Two paths to acquire it: a temporary paid path (for money, comes with some plat) and a plat path that will be available until next heirloom launch (and you can purchase the cosmetics individually!)
This is much better than last year's Heirloom launch, which, as aforementioned, caused a lot of community strife.
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molten booty
And finally, the TennoCon 2024 schedule:
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acre-of-wheat · 1 year
Everyone ready for an unhinged theory about The Gales from Willow 2022?
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So obviously they’re a dark mirror for our protagonists, and they function like a lot of teams of baddies in media-- they tie up each character in combat scenes by either having skills that subvert what the heroes are good at, or are simply just better at the same skills the heroes have.
Have a fast and dexterous fighter like Kit? Throw the Scourge at her and it overpowers anything she throws at it. Have a knight commander in full armor? Toss the Lich at him and have it bamf out of existence every time he swings his sword at it.
But I think there’s more to them than being battle foils for the characters. When Elora and Kit are hemmed in by the Gales and Airk, he tells them that the Gales are, “not what you think they are.”
So much of Willow has to do with the past, and choices, visions and alternate futures, recursions and cursed blood. I think that the Gales actually are our heroes, from a time when they gave into the Crone’s temptations.
Spoilers under the cut.
The Lich / Graydon Hastur
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There’s a lot going on with Graydon.
First, his scar. I think it’s pretty obvious that there’s something magic going on here, and my guess is that it is a seal meant to prevent whatever possessed Graydon in the first place from popping out again.
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I’m going to hazard a guess that whatever is still inside him is where his magic comes from. Magic apparently comes in several colors, but it does seem to at least partially relate to who is casting it, and what the spell is.
Willow and Elora’s natural colors are green, which you can see in the training montages and in Elora’s battle with the crone. Red appears to be pretty obviously bad.
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Something happens to Elora’s magic color when she casts a Nekotic spell the Crone taught her though. The color turns darker, and goes blue.
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Graydon’s “natural” spell color seems to be purple, and it doesn’t change based on what he casts, even when he fights the Crone and uses a spell that sounds very Nekotic.
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I think it’s only a matter of time before the influence of the Wyrm makes Graydon’s spell work go fully red.
I also think his scar/seal is spreading. During the trek across the shattered sea, Graydon begins to learn magic. We know from Willow that magic takes a toll on the body, and we see that a bit with Graydon during a conversation with Elora.
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She tells him not to scratch at something, and Graydon pulls his shirt aside to look, very carefully not revealing what it is. It’s worth noting that this is not on the side that he was injured on, so it’s not that “acting up.” Instead, I think it’s the seal spreading as he uses more and more magic, thinning the line between him and whatever possessed him.
If the scar continues to spread, perhaps Graydon might come to look like the Lich that we know-- covered completely in scar tissue.
The Doom / Jade Claymore
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This is the one that initially got the gears turning, and all because of the weapons involved.
Throwing stars are only used by two characters in the show, and it seems like such an odd choice. Not daggers, axes, or javelins, but throwing stars. The Bone Reavers and the Tir Asleen knights don’t seem to use them, so they’re not a cultural practice that Jade might be familiar with. They aren’t used in the original movie either. Jade uses them once in battle, and then once during a training scene which doesn’t seem to have any story significance other than to remind us that she has them.
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The only other character to use such a distinctive weapon is the Doom, when attacking the silt sleigh.
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Because we’re talking about weapons, it’s worth noting that the Doom dual wields metal whips. Until the last episode, the only one of our heroes to dual wield her weapons is Jade, when she uncouples her sword from its staff/sheath
Speaking of distinctive, the Doom’s dark metal face plate is pretty unique, but we do know another character who wears a face mask into battle-- a battle that took some of Jade’s innocence with it.
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I also really like the symbolism of the Doom’s first fight being with Kit and Sorsha, the very people Jade is most adamant about protecting.
The Dag / Kit Tanthalos
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This one feels like a fairy-tale curse. What does Kit’s dream mother offer her? Freedom, a chance to go wherever she wants. In the usual wicked twist of irony, why not make that freedom both symbolic and literal by transforming her into a bird creature? Rootless, homeless, chasing after who she used to be and the girl she used to love.
The Scourge / Thraxus Boorman
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This one doesn’t have much to go on--  they’re both tall, beefy dudes? The only thing that might be symbolic is that we know Boorman would rather jump off the edge of the world than have an intimate conversation-- what better way to avoid intimacy than to have a spiked cage around your head?
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theelderhazelnut · 3 months
Titan Ombra
Template by lovely @malicedragoness <3
Note: This is so close to “Rise of the Villains: Darker than Black” ending but it’s not the same. So yeah, minor spoilers ahead! Also, this is not proofread.
Title: Ombra the Ironhead, Goddess of knowledge and revenge
Motto: “I infect their minds like a deadly desease.”
Ferrokinesis - Ombra has full control over iron, but she can also manipulate other kinds of metals without being able to create them out of thin air.
Gift of Knowledge - Ombra is able to manipulate the minds of those she has chosen to make them “aware”, or in other words, grant them the awakening. Once the awakening has happened, that person unearths the arcane knowledge of the universe whether in just a second (by Ombra) or a lifetime.
Call of rebellion - Ombra gathered an army of angry people all around the tealms to rebel against the cult. She can do that now with less effort.
Realm they favor: Not a realm, but Quan Chi’s timeline. Also, she tends to spend more time in Metalrealm since she used to live there most of her life.
Places of Worship: There are temples all over the realms in which people can go to and pray. At the beginning of her timeline, Ombra was unsure about whether make herself known to her creatures, or keep her identity classified. But then she realized that it’s for the best to do what the Elder Gods did in the previous timeline. So Ombra created her own cult and religion in order to control the creatures. That was exactly what she fought against in the previous timeline, but she came to realize that she was stuck in a loop. There was no escaping this eroded system. Gradually, she watched herself turn into something she used to hate with every bits of her being.
Consort: Titan!Quan Chi is now her unofficial official husband. They found each other again after eons of loneliness and anticipation. However, Ombra made sure that the Quan Chi in her timeline has the good life he deserves.
Physical Appearance: Ombra now has short hair - it’s pretty short on the left side close to her forehead, and it gradually grows longer as it circles around her head to her right side -. Her left eye is golden, and the skin around it is gray with golden edges and veins as though it was exploded. The scars on her cheeks which grow from her iron jaw are golden as well.
Armor/Style of clothing: Ombra remains loyal to the style she used to have in the previous timeline. She’s almost always is seen to be wearing a black overcoat which makes her look a bit huge. Underneath that she wears customized vest with gothic elements, a shirt or a turtleneck. As for shoes, Ombra wears knee-high punk/gothic boots.
Weapons: Ombra doesn’t really need any weapons as she is able to create a lot of them with her powers. However, when it comes to her weapon of choice, Ombra prefers a gunblade. She can manipulate the blade while also shooting those who have dared to wrong her.
How does Geras help them/regard them: They have a love-hate kind of relationship. Geras a admires her calculated and intelligent character, but he also knows what she did in the previous timeline - causing an apocalypse -. At first he tried his best to stop her from executing her new plan: killing the remaining cultists and aiding the deadly alliance. But now he feels like his mindset is gradually becoming like Ombra’s. She’s the one in control after all.
Any characters or events that have drastically changed that you would like to mention?:
1. Quan Chi is the protector of the Netherrealm because he deserves the best.
2. Her parents are alive and have a good life without her. She just watches them from afar.
3. Shao Kahn is the protector of Outworld.
4. Jerrod and Sindel rule Edenia, and Kitana is their only daughter. Then Kitana falls in love with Jade, her bodyguard.
5. Hotaru is the protector of Orderrealm.
6. Havik is the protector of Chaosrealm.
7. Shirai Ryu doesn’t exist.
8. Raiden and Fujin are Ombra’s butlers.
9. Tarkatans are a race of people who live somewhere far from the cities of Outworld. Mileena is their princess.
The whole world was pouring down my fingers, splitting in between them. The Elder Gods were clawing at the last rope of chance to save their throne, never accepting that it was already too late. Cetrion had sheltered behind her mother, begging her to end me. Little did she know that I would never be dead really. Thousands of me was born all across their realms with sharpened teeth, ready to follow my footsteps. However, I was left with no choice but to fight Kronika in combat.
After the keeper of time turned into solid stone before my eyes, and was shattered to dust, I kneeled down. The blood staining my overcoat was almost invisible. It was only Kronika’s dust which shone like stars over this black sky.
Now I was the keeper of time. This uninvited responsibility of restarting the whole timeline and creating the new one fell heavy on my already exhausted shoulders. It was true what they said about people like me. We fought with monsters only to turn into one. Now I was one of them, exactly. It was all a cycle perhaps.
But I was granted with the greatest power. The reality would bend to my will. I would keep chasing any remaining cultists, and remind them who was their worst nightmare. And I would only hope that one day, I’d shroud myself in Quan Chi’s arms with a peaceful mind.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
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𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓣𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓸𝓷 𝓟𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓽𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓟𝓵𝓾𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓲𝓷 𝓪 𝓡𝓮𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓹 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓡𝓸𝓷𝓪𝓵 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓸𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓲
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴛᴏɴᴏᴡᴀʀɪ x ʀᴏɴᴀʟ x ᴛᴀʟᴏᴋᴇᴀɴ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ꜱᴏɴɢ: ꜰᴏᴜᴅᴇQᴜꜱʜ ᴀɴᴅ ʟᴜᴅᴡɪɢ ɢÖʀᴀɴꜱꜱᴏɴ- ᴄᴏɴ ʟᴀ ʙʀɪꜱᴀ
Tw: some Wakanda Forever spoilers? Reader understands them, cussing,
Author’s note: Somewhat similar to the Atlantean story but this time reader is an adult and from Talokan, should I do a reader from Wakanda next?
P.s. I also come to realize that I’m still knew in writing Polyamorous relationships, sorry if my poly fics/hcs sound stale. 
You had landed on Pandora with your group, ever since the War between the Wakandans and the Talokans things haven’t been the same. You had left earth and explored some planets, to find better materials for better weapons. The technology back home was one of the bests, but the Wakandans were not dumb. Once your team was done with you all boarded the ships to leave. While on the air, something had been wrong with yours, you couldn’t explain what it was but you had to get out of the ship fast, if you didn’t you’d explode along with it. The only thing you got was your spear and an extra mask then jumped out just in time as it exploded. You had landed on the ocean, the problem was that now your team won’t be able to locate you due to your ship’s destruction.
You decided to look for a village or something, you weren’t going to just stick around in the ocean. So you began to swim, you took your mask underwater to swim better and able to breath the water. You swam for hours and hours until you had spotted a village, hopefully they’d help you. So you put your mask on and swam towards the shore. Then the villagers had spotted you, some began to circle you as you approached, others ran around to get other’s attention. Now you were standing in the middle of a crowd, of both children, teenagers and adults. They were eyeing you, seeing your blue skin, the jade earrings, the gills on your shoulders that were covered with the same breathing device. Not to mention your amour, your height, your different form of attire and you had your spear in hand. They didn’t miss your lack of tail, wide arms and wide eyes. The villagers had mumbled amongst each other. 
Until you were then approached by who you assumed where the leaders, a male and female. They had greeted you with their own greeting sign, while you did your own. “What is someone like you doing here?” Ronal had asked, which you responded “I’ve come very far, I don’t have a clue of where I am.” You said as the Female with tattoos surrounded you, walking around you to get a better look. She did not miss your blue skin, your gills that laid on your shoulders. “Where are you from?” she asked. “I am from the underwater city known as Talokan.” You said as you felt her touched your bone like armor then moved to your leather wrapped arms. “Hm, we have never seen anyone like you, ever” she said letting go your arm. “All I ask is for some refuge, I leave as soon as possible.” You had asked, this made Tonowari and Ronal looked at each other then at you.
“Hm, how are we sure that you won’t bring trouble?” Tonowari asked, not missing your spear. Then you got down on one knee, placing your spear down and faced down. “Me and my people come in peace, we’d hate to cause any trouble. I will not bring any trouble, and if any trouble is brought, then I will take full responsibility.” You said looking down, then Tonowari and Ronal looked at one another again, having a silent conversation, then they spoke. “You are to stay, but you’ll have to learn our ways, you will be treated as a sister here.” Tonowari said as you looked up at him. Bowing your head once again and thanked him and his mate. He had instructed his children Ao’nung and Tsireya to teach you. 
They had been kind enough to give your own Marui. It was different from your home back in Talokan, since you lived underwater where majority of the time it was dark, but it was nice feeling the sun on your skin.
You also got to know the leader’s family, his wife, Ronal, his son Ao’nung and his daughter Tsireya.
They often asked you question about Talokan and how the city underwater was compared to the one on the surface. The Tsahik was interested in your beliefs of a deity, you had told her your worshipped multiple deities, but the god you worshipped the most was the one known as  Ku'ku'lkán, The feathered serpent god.
You told her everything about your people’s history, from living on the lands to now under the sea. You’ve also mentioned her about Namor who is a demigod who represents Ku'ku'lkán, who is also the King of Talokan. 
Tonowari had been interested on your skills of combat and other skills you may know. When he had asked about what kind of creatures you rode, you told him that you didn’t ride an animal most of the time but you would ride a Killer Orca.
You had learn about their marine life, it was much more different then the one back home. They rode animals such as a Skimswim or an Ilu, well the Skimswims were more for the Adults and the Ilus for the children or teens.
Both their children Ao’nung and Tsireya would be the ones to ask you loads and loads of questions about Talokan. If you guys had a certain ability only you could do.
That was when you told them that your singing can attract people around you, Ao’nung wanted to see but you didn’t want to it would be a good idea.
Tsireya had thought you their form of sign language, another form of communication underwater. They couldn’t talk underwater like you.
When you’d take off your mask underwater, your skin would change another color, which caused both the interest of in Tsireya and Ao’nung. When they asked you about it, you told them the whole history and the reason why your skin changes from blue to another under water.
Since they had taught their sign language, you decided to teach the Yucatec. It was easy for them to learn since they thought it was almost similar to Na’vi.
You had loved the ilus, they were very precious animals to be around. Even though you couldn’t bond with them, you still swam with them or played with them. The Skinswim were a bit aggressive but you still tried to hang around them.
Some time had passed and their was no sign of anyone on your team, no one seemed to come looking for you.
You began to loose hope, that they were not coming for you, the must have assumed you were dead since your ship exploded and their was no way you could find every piece to put it back together. 
That night you had talk to Tonowari and Ronal about your doubts, they too had also noticed that their was no sign or anyone coming for you. Since you have spent time with them and not cause any trouble, they had allowed you stay permanently. You didn’t expect them to allow you to stay, which you were glad that you had found a new home, you will miss Talokan but who knows how long you’d be able to return.  For the time being, you began to act more like them, but you still stuck to your origin. You could live underwater but you preferred to live on the surface just like the rest of the people. Every now and then you’d go for a swim without your mask. Ever since you began decided to stay, both Tonowari and Ronal had began to get closer to you. They were the ones to teach you more about their culture and other things. 
It began with gifts, handmade gift. You’d often receive either a necklace, an anklet or a headpiece. You believed they were friendly gifts but you had noticed that gifts kept coming and coming. You knew who they were from since they were always delivered to you by both Tonowari and Ronal who’d give them to you. This gestures began to make you develop feelings for the couple, but you decided to return the gesture. When you’d go to hunt for food, you’d come back with a huge catch and give it to the family, saying that you caught it and that they should eat it. Next was a bracelet that you had on, it has been in the family for generations, made with jade and the string of the plant that made your skin turn blue. You had gifted to the couple as a Thank You gift for letting you stay. You’d also notice how one of them would wear it some days. 
 That afternoon you had been in the marui of Tonowari and Ronal, they had been asking you something about how you felt and how things had been going on since your stay. You admitted that you loved being in the village, that you felt as if you had never left home. What you didn’t expect was what came next, turned out that both the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik had grown feelings towards you, this caught you by surprise since you never expected two being to fall for you. You also had grown feelings for the couple, but you knew that your feelings should never be since they’re mated for life from what you heard Tsireya mention. At first you weren’t sure if it was okay but they had mentioned that it was your choice to make, that they weren’t going to force you into anything, but you had accepted them. Afterwards they had talked with both Ao’nung and Tsireya about your new relationship, this was new to them since they’ve only ever just seen their two parents, but now you had been added. They had no problem since it was yours and their parents relationship. You had moved in to the family’s Marui the next day.
Ronal had encouraged you to wear their attire of clothing, at first you weren’t so sure since their attire was a bit different from yours. You were basically covered up while they showed almost everything, you did dress like them in way that was comfortable for you.
Just like before, Ronal likes to be the one to weave your clothes. In return you’d also make sure some things using whatever materials you could find around the beach. 
You’d weave your own clothes but added both Metkayina and Talokan cultures together, Ronal had been the one to help you make your attire. She knew that you still believed in your gods, but she also had taught you about Eywa and other things.
Tonowari had learned about your hunting skills and your hand to hand combat. He had wanted you to show him what you could do, which you did. He was impressed how someone of your size had manage to bring such a big man down.
Since then he had began to spar with you more with the excuse that you should learn more skills. But you know full we he likes it when you kick his ass.
One day he had decided to take you on a ride on the Skimswin, at first you scared since you aren’t used to flying, but it turned out to be fun feeling the air hit your face.
When you’d go for a swim, they’d also go with you or if the both can’t make it together, one will go with you. They liked to see how your blue skin into your natural skin. 
Since you’re shorter than the couple, Tonowari somewhat teases you for it. Not in a mean way but in cute way, he finds your height since. Ronal comes to the recue if Tonowari keeps teasing you. 
You had meet the Tulkun who by the looks of it, they resembled whales, but different. Turns out they were considered the Metkayina’s brothers and sisters. Back home you’d consider all marine life as your brothers and sister since you both shared the same ocean. 
You had met both Tsireya’s, Ao’nung and Tonowari’s spirit sister and brothers, along with Rao who had been pregnant at the time. 
When the Sullys had arrived, you were with Tonowari to greet them. They were caught by surprise seen someone like you living amoung them. They had asked for refuge, but both Tonowari and Ronal had a bit of an issue, since Jakesully was involved with Surface dwellers and his family was in danger.
Ronal did not want them to stay since she fears that they might bring their war here, but Jakesully was done with war, and he wanted to keep his family safe from danger.
You and Tonowari then made eye contact with Ronal, to try and come to agreement involving them staying, but Ronal looked at you a bit longer then finally agreed. 
Back at the Marui, you, Ronal and Tonowari had a talk about the new Family. She explained that she did not want their problems coming over here, but you told her that they won’t to try and ease her nerves. 
She had then decided to give them a chance to at least adapt like the rest of the people.
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aaghht · 9 months
got home today from doctor visit and other daily tasks. Re-watching Jade Armor ep 12, "The Show Must Go On" and this show really does go hard for the more conflicting episodes (it's giving me everything I want from a action superhero show like this)
also the fight choreography is so good as always, but this ep really focuses on it bc of the topic. i also like how they develop Kai more, and in just a few moments, to build up to the conflict at the end
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loveandleases · 10 months
Another cheater??? You should check out for @thedoover-if it also has a cheater spouse 😭 but not with a sister though, thats just evil 👿
I wanted to ask but saw that the cheating was going on for months, how did MC find out?
And you said Jade is conflicted and regrets the cheating if MC accepts the affair? I didn't quite catch that last part of your answer of that anons ask, could you please explain it.
And will Jade try to mend her relationship with MC even if MC doesn't initiate? Because I can imagine a lot people would want nothing to do with her 😅 I mean even if that relationship is patched up its probably never gonna be the same, even with MC parents as they showed they value Jades happiness more than MC, hell they even value Chris so much they still like him,
How was MC as a child? Were they an average child compared to Jade or is it because they're ugly or something. Or is Jades beauty some OP plot armour or something that their parents didn't care for Mc? Do MCs parents love them? And can MC get in on this plot armour too 🤣🤣
Oh I love lengthy asks <3.
Hmm, this is a spoiler but oh well. MC very much witnessed the cheating themselves. As in came home after getting the dog back from the vet to find Chris and Jade in the kitchen on the counter...together.
That was my bad I cut myself off in the prior ask. So MC and Jade's relationship was good. There was no beef, no fighting, it was truly a good relationship. Jade has some regret over what happened, but Jade gets by with a lot because she was raised as a favorite child. Jade has never been innocent, but MC never expected Jade to betray them.
There will be instances where Jade tries to talk to MC about what happened, but you really don't owe it to her. So if MC chooses to just flip Jade off and get the hell out of there, Cam is waiting with the car running.
Lol no op plot armor. MC is attractive just as Jade is., in fact, some would even say more so and do. Mc excelled in school, they just couldn't outshine their older sisters limelight. Mc has Jade built up in their head as this perfect person, which resulted in MC being ok with letting Jade have the limelight, that is until now. It's like how Cam feels like he will never be able to do better than Chris. There is a reason that MC's parents treat them differently than Jade and it has to come down to the parents and not MC. (its spoilery) Mc's parents do love them, their relationship just isn't as simple with MC as it is with Jade.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Look at her, she’s such a cutie, no wonder Arcann missed her so much :P
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wolfsbane-666 · 1 year
So I just saw the new Willow episode and I wanna share some thoughts about Kit's character and her relationship with Jade, Boorman, and Elora.
Spoilers ahead.
Episode three certainly was something. And while it had a great impact on a lot of characters, I want to focus on Kit a little bit (mainly because she's such a little shit and I love her for it).
This episode changed a lot of things for her. Kit can no longer deny that Dove, this unimportant kitchenmaid who just seemed to be her brother's latest plaything, is actually Elora Danan, the woman who is destined to save all of them. Kit saw the result of Elora's magic.
But what does that mean for her? What does it change? The answer is everything.
First it means that her mother has lied to her all her life. In episode one, Sorsha said:
"[...]Tomorrow Prince Graydon marries my daughter, Kit. At last unifying Tir Asleen and Galladoorn, [...] strengthening us against any threat we might face. [...] may they rule wisely and justly, and defend our realm till that day when the true empress Elora Danan returns"
When I first saw this scene, I must admit, I was a little pissed. Sorsha basically called her daughter a fucking stand-in.
But looking back now gives this scene even more weight. Because Elora was never gone. She was there, hidden in plain sight, the whole time. Sorsha was willing to marry her (very gay) daughter off to some guy she doesn't even know, obviously forcing Kit into a situation she felt very uncomfortable with, just to keep up her charade. Something she even admitted to Boorman later on.
That alliance through marriage is only necessary to unite the kingdoms to protect the realm until Elora returns. If Sorsha had decided to let Willow train Elora from the beginning on, the marriage most likely wouldn't have to exist since the realm would already be united under Elora.
I don't know if that's too far-fetched. If Kit still would have been married off to Graydon to secure an alliance. My point is, that Kit feels betrayed by Sorsha. She already did so because Sorsha tried to force her into a loveless marriage, but that betrayal just became a lot more impactful.
But her mother is not the only person she feels betrayed by. If Elora was with them all the time, it also means that Madmartigan didn't have to leave them to protect Elora. That tale, that explanation of his departure that Kit tried to make up for herself, has now completely fallen apart.
So far as Kit knows, her father left her and Airk to chase after some myth about magical armor. And that's where Boorman comes in. He was with her father. He knows what happened to at least a certain point.
The thing is, he is obviously not being completely truthful either. After episode three I honestly don't really trust him anymore. He acted very suspiciously when they reached the Slaughtered Lamb. Plus he lied to Kit about what he found in the well. So I keep asking myself, what is his goal. Boorman claims that Madmartigan found the Kymerian Cuirass, yet he never returned from his adventure.
I doubt Sorshad would have sent Boorman away with her daughter if she truly thought that he had something to do with Madmartigan's disappearance. But I'm sure that Boorman knows a lot more than he lets on and that he is following some sort of agenda on his own.
And that he is using Kit to get to it. He keeps feeding her breadcrumbs about her father and although she keeps asking, Boorman always deflects from Madmartigan's fate.
Of course, that's only theory and could be complete bullshit but at the same time, I find it too suspicious to just ignore.
And that leaves us with Jade in the end. Over the first three episodes, their relationship got pretty dented. At first, Kit felt betrayed by Jade because she was prepared to leave her when she needed her the most. Jade felt hurt by this as Kit wasn't happy for Jade following her dreams. All of that changed, however when Airk got taken. Kit clearly appreciated Jade coming with her and probably wasn't even that mad at her anymore (given the straddling and kissing and overall very gay behavior).
But then Elora came into the picture and better turned to worse again. They became hostile toward each other and more distant. Before Dove's true identity was revealed, there were comforting touches (like when Jade talked about her deceased parents) or soft smiles (like when Jade was watching Kit sleep). But once Willow said who Dove really was, that stopped. Jade believes in Willow and Elora, something that Kit clearly didn't. In Kit's eyes, they were just wasting valuable time that could determine Airk's fate. Airk, who she had a very big fight with. Kit is feeling a huge amount of guilt.
So their relationship strained over time, but the reveal that Jade let Kit beat her during their sparring sessions, that was a huge blow. You could literally see the hurt and betrayal in Kit's eyes. How she questioned everything. Has Jade been letting her win since the beginning? Has she ever actually beaten her or was it all just an act? How much did Jade hold back? Was their friendship just an act too? Was Jade only her friend because she was the princess? What else has Sorsha told Jade to do?
And now combine all that with the fact that Kit has feelings for Jade. That fucking hurts.
But Kit still cares. When Jade was forced to kill her mentor, Kit tried to comfort her, even if they were interrupted before she actually could.
How Kit handles the situation in the next episode is going to be very important. I love her, but girl needs to forget about her pride and swallow that ego of hers.
She saw that Dove truly is Elora Danan. And she saw that Willow was much more than she originally thought. And I believe that that will have a huge impact on not only how Kit interacts with those around her but also how she views this quest.
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Jade, Kalim: Leaves from the Vine
This is the Jade and Kalim content I’ve been waiting for and wanting 😤 We haven’t seen them interact with one another much (the longest interaction is probably in Jade’s School Uniform vignette and/or the interrogation scene of episode 4), which is a shame because I think their dynamic is hilarious. Jade just feeds Kalim all these lies and Kalim 110% believes him…
I was pretty much expecting Jade to be flying low to the ground, but it’s nice that they linked Floyd’s hand in to tease Jade 😂
Side note: writing 2 birthday fics in the same day going to be difficult for me (this weekend is busy), so the Floyd one will be out later! Please be patient; I haven’t forgotten him! (And yes, for those who are wondering, the title for this Jade fic is a reference to Avatar: The Last Airbender!)
***Spoilers for episode 4 of the main story; this fic is meant to take place AFTER episode 4, as some events from it are referenced.***
A Boy in Bloom, and his Flowering Future.
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“What do you do for fun on your days off?”
“I create my own tea blends.” Jade’s smile was easy as he offered his response, dangling it like a tasty morsel over Kalim’s head. “I use a variety of sources for my leaves: the Botanical Gardens, plants I’ve raised, and, of course, those I’ve collected on mountain excursions. I find that there is joy in preparing one’s ingredients just as much as there is in experimenting with them.”
Kalim sunk his teeth into it, hook, line, and sinker.
“Oooh!” The dorm leader blinked back, his mouth in an “o” shape--a mixture of both obliviousness and total awe. “Wow, you put in so much effort to do something you really love!”
“Fufufu. One might say that once something captures my interest, I devote myself mind, body, and soul to pursuing it.” Jade inclined his head to one side, thoughtful. His left eye glinted like gold “The Mostro Lounge occasionally features my tea blends as limited time items. Devotion, as Azul says, ‘pays’ off in the long run.”
“Whoa, that’s SO cool!! Brewing your own tea, making your own potions, mountain climbing, helping out at the Mostro Lounge... There’s nothing you can’t do!”
“You flatter me.”
“No, I’m serious! You’re amazing, studying and working hard for yourself and for others...” Kalim shook his head. “You’re a lot like Jamil!”
A light laugh passed between Jade’s lips. “We are both vice dorm leaders, no? It naturally falls to us to support our respective dorm leaders.”
“Gahahah! You two always seem to be way ahead of me. Azul too! You’re all super smart and accomplished and...”
Kalim continued to ramble, singing the birthday boy praises. But Jade had already sensed a change in the air, and a shift to his interviewer’s smile. Lingering doubts, words not spoken.
Sadness to his sunshine.
Sometimes... I wonder if I can catch up to where you guys are.
Yet Kalim wore a brave face. His smile, his suit of armor. The sadness squashed down so as to not rain on the birthday celebration.
How selfless of him. How kind, Jade chuckled to himself, to worry about such a thing after experiencing the ultimate betrayal.
In the recesses of his heart, something stirred. Notes of sorrow and compassion floated to the surface, coloring his mild amusement with a different shade.
“... Kalim-san,” Jade piped up, “do you know what the trick is to brewing delicious tea?”
“Huh? No, I don’t think so.”
“Then allow me to share my secret with you.” Extending a hand, Jade caught a leaf passing in a breeze. It was just an ordinary little thing, ragged at the edges, and set in an inconsistent color. Scarlet to orange to sienna to yellow. “It’s aging.
“Most commercial teas derive their leaves from the same plant: the camellia sinensis. Depending on how long they are left to dry in the sun, they will produce a different kind of tea. Green, black, red, white, and so on and so forth. Different methods of preparation are optimal for different kinds of tea.”
Jade held out the leaf to Kalim.
“Think of each of us as a leaf. At our cores, we are the same. We have blood, flesh, and bones. We breathe the same air, attend the same school... but we all have our own strengths and weaknesses, our own courses in life. Steeped by time, we can become teas that are unexpectedly delicious.
“We are different, and we are all the more interesting for it.”
He set the leaf free, and it was carried up, up, up over their heads, and out into the world. The two of them, trapped under a beautifully blue sky.
There was silence, with only the whispers of the fickle winds lapping at their ears.
“… Thanks for the advice, Jade,” Kalim said at last. “I feel like I learned a lot about you today!”
“I am always happy to assist a peer.” Jade executed a bow. “It is thanks to those such as yourself that I am able to have so much fun at Night Raven College.”
After all, life would be ever so dull for me without these small, simple pleasures.
“You got it!!” Kalim beamed, the full extent of his cheer having returned. He eagerly thrusted the broom he was holding to Jade, his eyes glimmering. “And now it’s time for you to have fun on the birthday road!”
“Oh dear… I’m afraid that flying is not my forte,” Jade sighed, reluctantly accepting the broom. He positioned it parallel to the ground, but hesitated in sitting down. “I worry that I will embarrass myself before you.”
“Eeeh, so there are things that even you aren’t good at?” (Jade tactfully decided to not point out how indirectly rude that comment was.) Kalim pumped a fist. “Don’t worry, you can do it!! I believe in you!! Oh—I know!! I’ll cheer you on, maybe that’ll help you focus on flying!”
“Oh no, there is not need to…”
Kalim was already stomping and clapping his hands and wiggling his arms in odd waves. His voice spiked up. “Go, go, Jade!! You can do it, Jade!! Close your eyes, summon a WHOOSH, and blow’m all away!!”
“… Pfft.”
Such a juvenile chant—but one that is full of heart.
“Very well. I will do my best to meet your expectations.” Jade gingerly seated himself upon the broom—teetered to one side, then repositioned himself securely. With an uncharacteristic gulp, he let a warm spark of magic run from him to his handle.
A moment later, and the broom shakily hovered off the ground. It stopped a few centimeters up, then crawled off with Jade (miraculously) still mounted on it. Leaves kicked up in a trail behind him.
(Kalim continued to cheer through the fumbling.)
Well, now. This isn’t so bad.
Jade allowed himself a tiny, triumphant smirk as his broom began ascending a stairwell.
It seems that I’ve improved over the past year!! I—
Suddenly, Jade felt his wizarding cap being yanked off of his head. Fully exposed to the glaring sun, he craned his head and stared at his assailant: a boy with a face so close to his own.
Floyd expertly hung upside down from his own broom. He flashed his twin a crooked grin when their gazes met.
“Eheheh!! Made ya look!”
“Fufufu. Indeed you did.”
He laughed, Floyd laughed—even Kalim’s laugh carried to them, riding upon an autumn gale. Different people, mingling and seeping into his closely guarded heart, and the secrets that he kept locked up within.
The memory of today, another secret to store. Something precious to Jade.
Yes, it is because of everyone that I am able to have so much fun here.
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purble-turble · 10 months
Spoiler for Season 4 Special !!!
I have an idea of how some of the new developments and details from the recent episodes can transfer over to the Demon King Red Brotherhood Alliance.
Basically, Azure has a difficult time containing the powers of the Jade Emperor. That's were Demon King Red comes in, creating a specialized armor and throne that allows Azure to contain the power and safely release access amounts of it.
Helping him "Make its power your own"
The task isn't something Red hasn't done before, given he created a gauntlet to hold Monky King staff and armor that Demon Bull King used to absorb power from different objects.
Azure is beyond grateful by the creation of the armor, though Yellow Tusk and Peng are a bit worried. All the same because of this Red Son becomes an invaluable member of Azure Court, thus allowing him to get away with certain things.
There's a peaful few years, but unfortunately for Azure the armor begings to breaks down. Red Son is quick to fix it and add adjustments. But the breakdowns keep happening, from once a year, to once a month, to every other week.
With it and Azure growing more unstable 😥
This is a fucking incredible idea!! Yeah if Azure had Demon King Red at his side, Red definitely would have looked for a solution to the whole "reality being torn apart" by Azure not having full handle on the Jade Emperor's powers. He does have experience bending the power of others' to his own will, as you mentioned, so it's not a stretch at all. It also explains why Azure would be so utterly blind to the cruelty of King Red keeping MK and his family locked up and away from the world as he does.. I mean, Azure's not an idiot or anything, and him just looking the other way on that for no reason was a little out of character. But if he has a meaningful reason for it, one that he believes is for the greater good, well he's shown he's willing to sacrifice others who are innocent in order to achieve what he believes is "the greater good."
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