#jamie tartt x neutral!reader
simpingland · 1 year
Who is Higgins?// Jamie Tartt x neutral!reader.
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Being new at Richmond is always complicated no matter how many times you have been there. One lonely Jamie Tartts grows font of Rebecca's new assistant.
You'd rarely been to team parties, but if your boss insists you go, when she's six feet tall, in heels and a smile she rarely gave you, you have to accept. The team had won after a tough period of defeats, and although it may sound childish, you had been through an even worse period. No, you hadn't lost a game, but you'd spent the same hours as the players around the stadium, chasing Rebecca wherever she went. Being new to the building had been harder than anyone could have expected, with Rebecca getting frustrated with the team and equally frustrated with you. She barely left you time to socialise, although at least Keeley had been there every day to give you a smile. You could also add Ted to that short list, of course, who always stopped by to ask you about your day, never mind that you always responded with the boring routine of the day. Coach and Nate gave you little more than a pleasant greeting, and the players...well, to each his own. When you got to work, you had no idea why the arrival of a former player had put all the teammates in such a disgruntled mood. Even good old Dani Rojas didn't agree with the arrival of this Jamie Tartt. At the first meeting with him, you understood everything.
"And who the fuck are you supposed to be now?" he blurted out the first time he saw you enter Ted's office.
"I could ask you the same question." Your sentence was typical of a confident person, too bad that wasn't the case. You could hear the nervousness and surprise in your voice.
"Sure... playing dumb..." Jamie was smiling, laughing at you. He stood there waiting for you to blush, biting his lip flirtatiously and putting his hands on his hips, almost posing. But you did nothing but stare at him in confusion. He was cute, yes, but you needed Ted, not him. "You genuinely don't know who I am...wow."
He went from that pose to that of a normal person and just as confused as you. You were amused then and couldn't hide a smile as you shrugged.
"I'm Rebecca's secretary, if that answers your question. I'm...new."
"Didn't Rebecca already have a secretary?"
"...no. Higgins is the communications director, not secretary."
"Who's Higgins?"
This made you laugh, and although Jamie had been totally serious, he decided to take that as an accomplishment and stood smiling as he waited for you to stop laughing.
"I'm Y/N," you held out your hand.
"Jamie Tartt," he accepted it.
"Oh... you look so familiar..."
"Well, I played for Chelsea until recently."
"Nah, I'm not much of a football fan. Must be something else..."
"Well, I'm quite popular." He put on that star pose again.
"I don't doubt it. It's just that lately I've been a bit... scattered. This job is more stressful than it seems. And I'm new in town, so...I'm going to shut up now, I'm being a pain, aren't I? Yes, I am. I'm sorry."
"Well, it's okay to overshare once in a while. If it's any consolation, I didn't get the best welcome either..." his tone was tender. All that cool guy stuff was behind him. He had hidden his hands in his pockets.
"Gee, I'm sorry. I guess things always get better...at least I'm making some serious dough! God, I'm going to enjoy my retirement so much..."
You watched as Jamie smiled and was about to say something else when Ted walked in with his trademark accent and cheerfulness. You immediately resolved your doubt and said goodbye to both of them, giving Jamie a shy smile.
"Higgins is a cartoon...that's the description I'd give him. He looks like a cartoon." And you walked away.
From that day on, when you passed him, you only had time to say good morning, good afternoon or good evening. You rarely had more than a three-minute walk together, and if you hadn't been so busy synchronising schedules and events for Rebecca, you would have noticed that Jamie was always late at his trainings to walk with you wherever you went.
During the match in which the boys had emerged victorious, two goals (out of three) had been scored by Jamie Tartt, and you noticed at once that in none of them had he been as congratulated by his teammates as Sam had been on his one goal. It was true that Sam was a spectacular boy, but the detachment of the teammates from Jamie was all too palpable. When the game was over, you congratulated Ted, taking advantage of the fact that he had stayed behind, and the smile you received from him was like a fatherly hug, happy to be seen socialising for the first time.
It was Keeley who solved the clothing question, and thanks to her, you were able to avoid the ridicule of wearing office clothes. So a quick visit to your tiny flat and you were ready to have some fun. By the time you got to the club, half the guys were already drunk out of their minds. The first drink was passed to you by Dani Rojas, and you barely spoke to Rebecca because she was too busy dancing with a friend of hers and Keeley. As usual, everyone fell back into their groups, with Ted and the coaches (and Higgins), Rebecca with her girls, and the players. You had no confidence in any of them, though they were too close to you as they danced drunkenly, and coordination was starting to fail them. It didn't take you long to pour your own drink over someone you hadn't seen.
"Sorry!" You turned around and started to swipe your hand without even looking at who it was.
"Relax, it's these wankers who aren't careful." It was Jamie, who had just arrived. And you'd stained his whole shirt with your San Francisco. "I'll forgive you if you buy me a drink."
Before the drink, you went down to the toilets, and wetting one of the towels in that posh place, you tried to get the stain out of the shirt. You watched in the mirror as Jamie enjoyed his look, a shirtless blazer.
"I've always looked good in this outfit," he declared.
"For some reason, it suits you to have worn that outfit to a funeral..."
"And all the little old ladies would faint, and with a little kiss, I'd bring them back to life." He winked at himself.
"I know where I know you from!" He stood expectantly, glad that he could finally pose as a hero. "You were on that couples show! Oh, my God! My grandma had the biggest crush on you!"
Again he turned red, and dropped the pose. He nodded his head as he let you laugh at him.
"I'm not proud of it..."
"Well, you can do a lot of other bad things, Jamie." He smiled warmly at you, still blushing. "You were amazing today. You were a star."
"Thanks, even though I don't feel like one." He leaned against the faucet, leaning closer to you as you finished drying his shirt.
"I've already noticed that the boys... they're still a little stubborn. These things take time."
"I don't really have anything to make up for either, I was never a good team player. And I think the idolatry they had for me has completely disappeared. And now it's totally the other way round. They hate me now."
"Hate is not the word. It's important for you to know that. People hate bad people, and being a bad team player doesn't make you a bad person. Besides... you made them win. That's not so easily forgotten."
"They like you... The boys. They like you. And I like you too."
"Well, I'm glad, and if I'm being honest, I like you the best out of all of them."
"Really? Better than Dani?"
"Yes. I swear."
"Well, you don't overshare your life with just any stranger. I guess you're still special beyond the field."
He was silent for a second. It was obvious then how sad he always felt. As if he had to hold back that insecurity because he had no one to leave it with.
"Thank you for saying that."
"I mean it."
"I know. You're special too."
"Thank you. It's been too long since I've felt like this. I can have my friends and family a phone call away, but over time, they become things that only exist on the phone, nothing more."
"I live here. If you need to talk, just knock on my door."
"So invite me over."
"Whenever you want."
To you he meant it as a joke, but not to Jamie. He had rarely let people he knew (and liked) stay at his house for more than a day. The only exception had been Keeley. And he had never had the urge to talk that much with anyone else. But in that bathroom of pink lights, with your hair tousled and smelling of vanilla and cocktails, your company was all Jamie wanted.
When the t-shirt dried, you were encouraged to go upstairs again. You tried to pay for the drinks, but Jamie spoke to Isaac, to whom he explained that he had spilt your drink on him. And the captain apologetically invited you both to the next round.
"Propose a toast!" You shouted in Jamie's ear, the music was too loud. "To Sam and the team! That's a nice gesture!"
Jamie looked surprised at the idea but nodded and got the attention of the whole team, the coaches, and even your boss.
"Oi! A toast! For Obisanya, you're a fucking champion! WE'RE RICHMOND TILL WE DIE!" once he started singing, everyone sang along with him. The euphoria made them sing the song assigned to Jamie and sooner than expected, the footballer was pushed into the group. You smiled at him from afar, lonely but happy to see him join the group. Jamie was quick to gently take your hand to include you in the circle.
Everyone was dancing, and the first drink began to rise gently, just enough so that you could let yourself dance. And although you weren't particularly good at it, you could tell you were enjoying it, and the usual glow of enjoyment began to decorate your cheeks. Jamie didn't miss that glow for a second. He had gone only because Ted had mentioned that you were going to the party, and he was glad (for the first time in his life) that he had listened to the American.
The night went on like that, as did your walks in the stadium, with meaningless but fast and funny conversations, Jamie teaching you his "captivating" dance steps while laughing at your "captivating" steps. Neither of you ever got drunk because the drinks were slowly running out. You were too entertained by each other. He ran his hand around your waist, and every time he spoke to you, he put his lips to your ear as you put your lips to his ear. So most conversations were held with our faces too close together, but his breath smelled of cocacola and some mint. Jamie's eyes were lighter than you'd think, and he had a laugh that was easier to get out than the journalist would think.
Nothing happened that night, he just kissed you on the cheek, but you, being the most awkward person in the world, were clumsy enough to kiss him too close to the mouth. And if that wasn't enough, the reaction was similar to that of a child seeing a spider, with a compressed scream and jumping backwards. Jamie just laughed at you.
The following Monday, he came back to Rebecca's office with you. He was already showered from training and seemed to be in a hurry. When you got to one of the corridors with stairs, which was deserted at that hour, Jamie stopped you and put his hand on your arm.
"I know who Higgins is!"
"Jamie, you scared me." You started to laugh, between his look of delight at having understood who Higgins was and at the fullness of having described him so well. "He's a fantastic man. He told me the other day about his wife, they're so cute, they've been together for like twenty years--"
Jamie's hands moved to stroke your hair, and you let him kiss you. Slowly but intensely, you leaned against the wall as you kissed him back. You'd been looking forward to it all weekend, and you could tell he had too. When you pulled apart, Jamie looked a little embarrassed.
"Sorry...it's rude to interrupt. It's just that the other day I couldn't sleep, the kiss you gave me was right under my left nostril...or right, whatever. And it smelled like lip balm. And it smelled fucking great. And I haven't stopped thinking about you all weekend."
"I spent all weekend thinking about how your face stung a little, but it was still strangely soft..."
"Thank you..." he smiled confidently and kissed you again. You weren't being very professional, but after all that stress, you deserved some fun at work. Jamie tasted like mint and smelled like cookies and leather. He broke the kiss for a second. "Oh, no..."
"What's wrong?"
He smirked again, and you were reassured by that mischievous look he wore whenever he knew he was going to score a goal. "Your grandma's going to be jealous..."
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ofstarsandvibranium · 9 months
Can I get 122 "I'm not going anywhere" with Jamie??
Hurt/comfort maybe?? BUt idrc go with it where you will!!!!
(aaahh! yes! absolutely! here you go! hope you like it! <3)
Stay Right Here
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x GN!Reader
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You've heard it all from the press, hell, even from some of Jamie's teammates. It didn't bother you. It never used to bother you, but now it was starting to.
See, you're just a regular person. You own and work at a cafe in Richmond. That's where you met, Jamie. You knew who he was, but didn't care too much about him. But he was nice to you as he ordered a croissant and a black coffee. He sat himself in the back corner, hoodie up, sunglasses on so people wouldn't bother him. He kept to himself as he scrolled on his phone.
He started coming in a lot more after that day. He liked how your cafe wasn't as busy as the other one he used to frequent.
You'd serve his drink and he'd ask you questions, whether they were about life or yourself, it was nice talking to him.
Then he did the unexpected: he asked you out on a date.
You thought he was fucking with you at first so you laughed at him. But then you saw how upset he got and then realized he was being serious.
"Sorry, I just-why me? Aren't guys like you supposed to be dating actresses or models? I mean, shit, your last girlfriend was Keeley fucking Jones!"
He shrugged, "Dunno what it is about you, but I like you. You're real, like. You're not afraid to say shit to me. You talk to me like I'm not a famous footballer, like I'm just Jamie. Listen, I like you, but you don't have to go out with me if you don't want to, yeah? I take consent seriously."
You giggle at him, "Alright. Tomorrow's Saturday and I like to close the cafe early so I can enjoy my night. You can take me out then."
"Fucking mint," he slaps a hand on his thigh in excitement and takes his to-go cup of coffee, bolting out of your cafe in excitement.
The date went well, as did the many ones after. Three years into dating and you're happy with Jamie. But you're not sure if he's still happy with you.
This all started because of some TMZ clip a friend sent you. It was footage of Jamie at dinner with a woman. The caption said that she was on Richmond's womens league. You watched as Jamie leaned in, whispering something into her ear and she bursts out laughing.
Usually paparazzi shots didn't get to you but this one did. The way he looked at her, spoke with her, his body language. It was very much giving the idea that he was interested in her. Who wouldn't though? She's a fit footballer just like he is. She's, quite literally, in the same league as Jamie.
Maybe this was the end of your relationship with him.
Ever since you saw that clip, you've been trying to read any signs that Jamie was going to break up with you. But he was behaving the same he always did. He'd kiss you before leaving for training, kiss you when he got back. He'd still drop you off at work before heading to the pitch. He'd hold your hand, tell you he loves you, he was the same just as before.
But you weren't.
Jamie could tell something was wrong, but you never said anything. Your smile stopped reaching your eyes. Your kisses with him were chaste. Shit, you didn't even face him when you two went to bed.
So when you pulled away from him when he tried to cuddle you during movie night, he had to know what was going on.
"Is something wrong?" he asks after pausing the movie.
You shrug, "Dunno, is there?"
He sighs, completely turning his body towards you, "You've been distant lately. Just trying to see what's goin' on. Did I do something?"
"Are you cheating on me?"
He looks at you with wide eyes, "What?! No!"
"Are you gonna break up with me?"
He shakes his head in confusion, "Lovey, what are you talking about? No! I'm not cheating on you and I'm not breaking up with you! What made you think that?"
You sigh, curling into yourself, as if protecting yourself, "I saw footage of you with one of the girls from the women's league. You looked...close. Sitting right next to her, whispering in her ear."
"When was this?"
"Last weekend."
"Tilda and I were the first ones to arrive at the restaurant. The music in there was pretty loud so we sat close together so we could hear each other. More people started arriving a little after. We weren't alone for long."
He reaches out and grabs your hand, "Y/N, I love you. And I mean it when I say it. There's no one else for me, but you."
"You say that now, but then someone prettier or more athletic or smarter or just so much better than me in general is gonna come around and you're gonna go running after them!"
"Says who? Lovey, do you really think so low of me that I'd do that?"
"..no, it's just...it's bound to happen right? Everyone's been saying it since we first started dating, I'm not like the other people you've dated. Hell, I even questioned why you wanted to date me when you asked me the very first time!"
Jamie scoots closer to you, hands gently cupping your face, "Listen to me, yeah. I. Love. You. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here with you until you don't want me no more. I don't care what people say, you're the one that makes me happy."
You look down at your lap in shame, "I'm sorry."
He shook his head and pulls you into his arms, "It's not your fault. It's everyone else's fault for not seeing that I'm perfectly happy with my lovey."
3 months later, Jamie posts a photo of you and he in Paris with you sporting a very shiny ring on your finger. The caption reading: Fuck all of you who doubted our relationship. We're stuck together forever now. #MeetTheTartts
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rqgnarok · 1 year
“I think I deserve a kiss” has Jamie written all over it, that cocky bastard (affectionate) :)
anon it most definitely does!
The final whistle rings and Jamie lets out a cathartic scream, the sweat and adrenaline from the match hitting him hard all over his body. The other players are wandering around doing whatever they do when a game is over but Jamie's belining towards where (Y/N) and Roy are looking at him amusedly.
Roy's amusement is more like a barely there twist of the lips and raised brows, but Jamie knows him now. He can detect a Roy Kent Emotion from miles away.
"How 'bout that?" he says cockily when he reaches them off the field, opening his arms for an embrace that never comes. "What? Isn't anyone gonna hug me? Considerin' I jus' scored the winning goal and all. No biggie."
"Against a bunch of 12 year olds," Roy doesn't let him forget, looking like he's only regretting it a little, inviting Jamie to the park for Phoebe's birthday party. (Y/N) had tagged along happily, but that hadn't stopped their boyfriend from being a little shit and trying to impress a bunch of pre-teens like they were Man City scouts.
"A win is a win, ain't that what you always say," he makes a shitty impression of Roy's gruff voice and demeanor that has (Y/N) stuffing a giggle behind a cough. Roy rolls his eyes so hard he might hurt himself one of these days. "I refuse to not be congratulated accordingly."
"And how's that, you reckon?" (Y/N) pipes up, smiling like they already know what he's gonna ask for and are more than glad to give it to him.
Jamie stands a little taller, stating proudly: "I think I deserve a kiss."
(Y/N) doesn't laugh, sees something vulnerable in his request that they will never make fun of in a million years. A smirk, too soft to be anything but loving and a nod of the head. "Alright there, Cassanova. Come claim your prize."
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someplace-darker · 1 year
In The Static | Ted Lasso
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Pairing: Ted Lasso x reader (no y/n) Wordcount: 2.1k Warnings: panic attack/talks of panic attacks, vague mentions of trauma. That's about it I think, it's a touch angst and hurt/comfort I suppose. Fluff. Summary: Ted thought he was past his panic attacks until he encounters another, and you follow him to make sure he's okay. A/N: "now jay" you might be saying "wasn't the last thing you posted smut almost a year ago?" and the answer is yes. But i've recently become insanely attached to Ted Lasso, and I dipped my toe into writing more than a wip. SO here's my middle aged white man of the month. Enjoy :)
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“REFEREE!!!” Keeley stands with a force that causes her to latch onto your arm to keep from falling forward. It continues to astound you that for such a tiny lady, she really contains an insane amount of spunk. One of the opposing team’s men had just slid Sam’s legs out from under himself, causing him to land hard on his shoulder. The game had been a rough one so far, more aggressive and bitter than most. Richmond had been respectful at first (as per usual) but the second their opponents had started playing violent and dirty, that changed.
Roy and Beard were obviously shouting and pointing angrily, though you couldn’t make out what they were saying from your seat in the box. Ted, however, was standing stiffly with his balled fists shoved into the pockets of his Richmond zip-up. You can feel that something is off. Even if you can’t see his face, you know him well enough to read his body language. There’s mere minutes left in the game and the teams are tied.
Rebecca is already standing and gathering her belongings to head back in, gesturing for the lot of you to follow. That’s exactly what you begin to do before the crowd goes ape-shit, jumping from their seats and screaming so loud it makes your head thrum. 
You turn just in time to watch Jamie kick the ball into the net, the stadium erupting in cheers that shake the ground.
Keeley, Higgins, and Rebecca rejoice, grabbing at each other in shock. Placing your fingers between your lips you let out a piercing whistle, jumping up and down as thousands of chants echo. You look down to your coaches, expecting to see all three soaking in the sweet relief of not gaining another loss. Instead, you see Ted darting for the locker room, head down with his phone held two inches from his face. It was obvious to you that he was trying to use it as a cover. 
“I’ll meet back with you guys later, I’ve gotta check something real quick.” 
They smile and wave you off, relishing in the buzzing excitement clearly felt throughout the facility. As much as you wish you could join them in celebration, you were pretty sure Ted needed you more. So you slip through the small crowds with ease, having much practice during your time with Richmond, taking the back staircase to the locker room hallway. 
At first you check his office, finding only his jacket laying on the floor. The second spot you search is the right one, opening the door to darkness. You almost turn and leave but a staggered breath gives him away. 
“Ted?” you whisper, stepping into the boot room and closing the door gently. He sniffles almost silently and hums in response, curling in on himself when the lights flicker on at your touch.. You’ve never seen him look so small before, his entire body condensed into half of his height in the corner of the room, the sight moving you to shut the lights back off for his sake.
“Hey,” you murmur softly, walking over to kneel in front of him. He has his head placed between his knees, hands on the back of head with his fingers intertwined tightly. As much as you know of his panic attacks, you’ve never been present for one. Something tells you he tends to keep it that way with everyone around him. 
However, you’re well versed with them yourself.
“I’m gonna sit beside you, but I won’t touch you unless you say it’s okay.”
You lower yourself onto the ground, the floor cold beneath your already freezing ass. England's weather was not kind to the warm blooded. Ted doesn’t lift his head all the way, simply angles it towards you just enough for an eye to peek out from behind his arm. He looks at you with the gaze of a wounded puppy, eyes red and wet, smeared with warm tears.
The silence that follows is deafening, a faint ringing the only thing you hear. Ted looks like he wants to say something, but thinks better of it. It’s not like you can blame him. The last time he opened up to someone he considered close about his panic attacks, it ended up plastered on every magazine and tabloid across the country. Trust within himself and others had been fractured- not broken. No one could ever betray Coach Lasso enough to break that within him, it was fundamental to who he was as a person.
After a few more minutes of silence his foot slides over to yours, just barely nudging it. He lifts his head and sniffles, using his sleeve to wipe the mix of tears and snot off his face.
“I want to tell you about it, I do. I’m just… stuck. Feels like if I tell you, it’ll be too much,” he murmurs, keeping his foot pressed to yours.
“I understand, Ted,” you whisper. “I started having panic attacks before I was even a teenager. I’d been through things- rough things -and they plagued me for years.” He begins to unfurl himself, listening intently to every word you say, the blatant honesty and vulnerability easing his anxiety. “It took me a while to open up to anyone about them, let alone a therapist. I spent so long trying to hide them, that when I finally did get help I felt like a fake.” 
Ted adjusts himself to sit up straighter, shimmying closer so your shoulders touch. You can tell he’s trying to be inconspicuous about it, but the man is known to be anything but subtle.  Outside you can hear the boys begin filing into the hallway, headed for the locker room surely for some type of victory activity. Their shadows dance across the wall in the darkened boot room, slashed into segments by the blinds slanted slightly open. Both of you seemed to have held your breaths as they passed, because as soon as they’re gone there’s a simultaneous exhale of relief.
An amused breath comes from Ted, palm pressing from the corner of his eye to the tip of his cheekbone to wipe away the stray tears. He knocks his knee against yours and dares to glance at you, opening up enough to make eye contact. Here in this room, he looks more human than you think you’ve ever seen him. For the most part he keeps his mood insanely optimistic, tending to care more about others happiness than his own. It gave him an almost otherworldly bounce to his step and light to his eyes. 
But now that he’s sat no more than two inches in front of you with puffy eyes and a chewed lip, Ted is just… a broken man. 
“You’ll never be too much, Ted. It’s normal to feel stuck, and it’s okay to not be able to talk about it yet.” His eyes flick to your hand when you lift it towards him, a lifeline of trust, openness in the form of warm skin and an upward facing palm. Internal conflict tugs at his lungs, his breath hitching as he weighs his options for all of five seconds before taking your hand. You are someone Ted knows he can always find solace in. 
Someone who he could spot in a crowd of thousands, someone who he will always seek out. 
His other hand reaches to pat the top of yours, rubbing his thumb against your skin in soothing circles. A shuddered breath begins to pass his lips, but he smothers it to ashes with the cool press of a kiss to your wrist. 
Humming amusedly at the feeling of his mustache tickling your skin, you lean your head on his shoulder, moving slightly as they lift with the intake of air into his lungs. “I suppose you’re right. I just feel bad that I haven’t spoken to you ‘bout it,” he tsk’s softly to himself, carefully navigating his brain for the right words. 
“I was fine out there, y’know? I’ve been doin’ better, Sharon’s helped a lot. But it just got so loud, and everything felt out of my control- out of any of our boys’ control and I- I just couldn’t breathe. Tunnel vision, boom, just like that.”
You whisper encouragements softly under your breath, murmurs of ‘it’s okay’ and ‘you can keep going’ pushing him gently in the right direction. Voices can be heard from the locker room, loud cheering and chanting from the team acting as muffled background noise for Ted’s moment of vulnerability. 
“After everything that happened with Nate, I learned to mask it a bit better I guess. That’s the fancy word Doc told me about,” the corner of his lips quirks up “I figured I’d be okay in here for a bit anyway, then you walked in.” Your brows furrow and you pull away from his shoulder, opening your mouth to apologize for intruding but he beats you to it.
“No, no, that sounded different than I meant. I am very glad that you found me here. I needed you even if I didn’t know it,” he traces the details of your face with his eyes, not stopping you when you move your head back down to his shoulder. 
“I think you’ve worked on it so much quicker than you realize, Ted. It wasn’t that long ago, yeah? Healing and improving takes time, and it’s okay that it takes time. I certainly took my time,” you muse, channeling your own therapist’s word. “But I think it’s right on par with who you are, who I know you to be, that you got on it as fast as you did. Even if it was begrudgingly at first.”
“Yeah, Doc definitely had her work cut out.”
You laugh, normally at first but then Ted snorts and you both lose it, bodies bumping against each other with the shakes that come with post-meltdown laughs. Soon enough you’re both wiping away tears of a different variety, the air in the room much lighter than before. You take that moment to push yourself up and off the floor, lending a hand to Ted to pull him up.
“I am immensely proud of you, Coach Lasso. So is the team. You have a very large family backing you up, as unorthodox as said family is.” You take one step closer, hand still holding onto his, pressed between your bodies. Taking your free hand, you hold the side of his face and lean in to kiss his cheek, thumb stroking his jaw. 
Ted presses into your lips, chasing your touch even when you turn to the door. Twisting the knob open you find Will standing there, boots tied by their laces hanging over his shoulder, hand outreached to grab the now absent handle. 
He blinks at the two of you for a second, gaze one of vague shock, before curling his lips in an embarrassed smile and stepping out of the way.
“Not a word, Will,” you sing-song when he opens his mouth, pulling Ted down the hall to stand outside of the locker room door. 
You can hear Roy in the middle of a somehow happy/angry sounding congratulation speech that only he is capable of, grinning and turning to face your Coach once more. “Now, get your butt in there and relish in the sweet taste of winning.”
“I mean, relish is pretty tasty-”
“Yep,” Ted takes a deep breath and nods, squeezing your hand “you coming in with me?” 
“I don’t want to intrude on your moment, Coach.”
He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly and pushes the door open, dragging you with him. The boys’ faces light up, immediately rushing to storm him, all reaching to touch him and jumping up and down. Their team song buzzing and bouncing along with them.
You slide past the group, safely reaching Roy and Beard without your feet being stomped on. The smile on your face is one of pure joy and contentment, not faltering when Beard slides to your side, bumping your elbow. 
“Thanks,” he speaks, nodding towards Ted. It’s easy to know what he means immediately, always one to be of few words. 
“No need to thank me,” you reply easily, watching your family bond even more “it’s what we do.”
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐭'𝐬 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!    
a/n: I’m on that goddamn Ted Lasso train binches. Please don’t let me be the only one that is in love with ... everyone. Also - this is the ONLY team I will ever care about. 
Warnings: sWEARINGS hehe, mentions of family abuse, childhood trauma
Chaotic Neutral
The Hanged Man
Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising
・Was he a prick when you first knew him? Fuck yes. But did he grow and become a better man? HELL FUCKING YES.
・You knew Jamie from your school years, he was always the prick, the jock who would tease anyone just so no one would see the hurt he endured
・You used to stand up to him all the time - putting him in his place
・The funny thing was, that later in your life, your brother was chosen for the Richmond team
・And you were forced to go to every game by your mother, and see your former bully play on the same team as your brother 
・It was such a weird situation, and yet you tried to make the best of it. 
・Somehow you became incredibly close friends with Keeley. She saw you trying to find the locker room, to wish your brother good luck. And you became fast friends. 
・Your relationship with Keeley became really important, and once you found out about her and Jamie (after they split up), you were shocked.
  “But, but you’re so - you!” 
“What are you talkin’ about?” 
   “You’re so ... gorgeous, and funny and open-minded...the complete opposite of Jamie!” 
・She just shook her head with a sad smile, “there’s a lot about him that people don’t see. Or understand.” 
・Keeley actually became one of your biggest shippers
・It was a slowburn romance. A lot of stolen glances, baseless insults and light-hearted complaining about the other. 
・Everyone could see it but the two of you
・And you both denied your feelings over and over and over again
・Even Coach Lasso could see it, and it wasn’t until Roy told Jamie to stop being suck a twat, that Jamie realised his feelings 
・Keeley gave her blessing, because you’d never go breach your friendship over a guy 
・When you started going out, Jamie did everything he could to impress you - take you on the most expensive dates to restaurants; one of his ideas was to take you to Disneyland but Keeley said ... that was overdoing it a bit. (She said maybe after a year of dating you’d be comfortable with that idea)
・You were hesitant with the relationship because you didn’t want an immature partner. But although he can be childish at times, he really developed as a person. 
・He’s accountable for his actions - and actually went and apologised to everyone he bullied at school
・You made him watch the Prince of Egypt and he response throughout was “woahh babe, babe what-” “um...why aren’t more people talking about this?” 
・And he basically cried throughout the movie, especially at the end. And then he asked what happens to them after they escape and you’re like ... “babe c’mon. It’s - they’ve literally written...”
・Calls you “babe,” “sexy,” “sweetcheeks” 
・Actually really likes the show Outlander, like ... a lot. To the point that he binge watched it and wanted to dress up as Jamie Fraser for Halloween
・You go to all his games (I mean...your brother is on the same team, so really two birds one stone, right?)
・He always spots you in the crowd (easily done - you sit where Rebecca, Keeley and Higgins do) and when he does, he blows you a kiss. It’s always good luck when you catch it and place it on your heart 
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔    
”I love you, wholeheartedly.” x “You shouldn’t, I don’t deserve it.”
Tough on the Outside, Soft on the Inside  x The Top 
Malewife x Girl/Guy/Theyboss
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆  
Enemies to Lovers 
Second-Chance At Love
Late Love Realisation
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:    
Supersoaker by Kings of Leon
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
Fluff Alphabet: Jamie Tartt
Inspired by this post by @snk-warriors​
Relationship(s): Jamie Tartt x gn!reader (romantic)
Warnings: None! (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: I figured I’d finally try out the alphabet format. Let me know if you’d be interested in me doing this for another character, and feel free to send me other alphabet layouts to try out! Plus, just feel free to send in Jamie requests. Also, apologies if some of this makes my love for Keeley beyond obvious.)
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
At first, Jamie loves to take you out to dinner, shopping, or wherever he can spend money on you. 
Over time, though, I feel like he’ll become more content with just having a night in with you, doing some mundane thing like watching a film.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
I feel like Jamie’s grown to become far less shallow, so his appreciation for you is well-rounded. As cheesy as it sounds, he really appreciates who you are as a person. It’s not something he’s used to in relationships (even though Keeley had plenty to appreciate outside of her appearance).
That said, I do imagine there are physical characteristics of yours that he could spend a lifetime gazing at. If he had to choose anything specific, it’d probably be your smile and your eyes. He’s not used to people being genuinely warm to him, so it makes his heart melt when you look at him and smile at him.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jamie will give you his full attention when you’re not feeling great. It’ll break his heart to see you looking almost broken, but he’ll engulf you in a hug and tell you everything’s going to be alright.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Jamie’s previous relationships have been relatively shallow; you’re probably the first person he’s considered an actual future with. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
At the very least, he wants you to live with him. He loves the idea of waking up next to you every morning and falling asleep beside you every night.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
You and Jamie are on equal footing in your relationship. It’s quite unexpected, since he’s a well-off footballer and you’re... well, not.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Oh, God, Jamie hates fighting with you, especially with the history of his dad. If you end up yelling at him or express anger/frustration, he’ll immediately go into panic mode because I feel like he might associate fighting with anyone with his dad being a dick to him. He’ll worry that you don’t love him anymore and he’ll just generally feel like shit. He might need a bit of space for a given period of time, but he’ll forgive you if forgiveness is warranted.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He doesn’t really express it a whole lot (at least at the start of your relationship), but he is so grateful to have you as his s/o, since he’s not exactly used to being appreciated as a person (not to bring up his dad again, but-).
If his breakup with Keeley taught him anything, it’s that he should be grateful for what he has when he has it. He’s definitely learned his lesson.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
At first, I imagine that he’s conscious about unloading too much of his emotional baggage onto you, so he’ll end up concealing his insecurities until you kind of pick up on them yourself. It’s not even like he views any of this as secrecy; he just thinks he’s shielding you from... well, himself. He’ll definitely become more and more comfortable opening up as your relationship develops, though.
When it comes to things that aren’t his emotional problems, though, he doesn’t have anything he really hides from you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Being with you is part of what inspires Jamie on his road to self-improvement (of course along with multiple other things). You make him want to be a better person.
Since his relationship with his dad (wow, we’re sure mentioning his dad a lot) is less than ideal, I imagine that you’ll probably help him work through some of the issues he has been left with as a result of that. It’s nothing you can fix completely, but you definitely help him get through tough times.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I feel like jealousy is something Jamie has to work on. He’s not crazy possessive nor does he get jealous easily, and it’s not like his jealousy is something you’d notice unless you were the most perceptive person on the planet.
When he experiences jealousy, it’s more linked to his insecurities. He’d probably just try to ignore it, or, failing that, seek your approval in some way. It might not be the healthiest way of dealing with it, and if you end up figuring out how he’s feeling he might open up.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jamie absolutely prides himself on being a good kisser.
I feel like your first kiss with him would be surprisingly sweet. Like, you guys are both nervous (Jamie’s obviously trying to play it cool, and you tell him he doesn’t have to). He asks if he can kiss you, and you obviously agree. With that, he gently grabs your face and presses his lips to yours.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He’s surprisingly awkward and nervous. Here’s how I imagined his confession in part one of my critically-acclaimed duology Inadequate.
“I really like you. It’s not because I think you’re fit. I mean, you’re still pretty fit, but, like, I dunno, I like who you are too, probably more than how you look. That doesn’t always happen for me.”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
I feel like marriage isn’t something overly important to Jamie. He knows that he wants you in his life forever, but he doesn’t have strong feelings about marriage.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
The most common name he uses is probably ‘babe’. If you’d prefer, though, he’d probably call you some variation of your name (e.g. a shortened version of your name).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When he’s head-over-heels in love with you, he’s (to quote Roy) a bit less of an insufferable little prick.
He tries not to be all lovey dovey and he tries his best to play it cool, but sometimes he just can’t hide how happy you make him. He smiles to himself and his teammates often notices that he looks like he’s waiting for someone when you’re not around.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Jamie will definitely check in on what you’re comfortable with before doing anything, or, at the very least, he’ll listen to you if you express any discomfort.
If he had it his way, though, he’d constantly have his arm around you or have your hand in his, and he’d give you so many kisses. Mostly because he loves you, but part of him really likes to show off that you’re his s/o.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Maybe this isn’t all that random, but he’s got a smart mouth. He’s very good at saying things that’ll totally fluster you, much to his delight.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jamie tries his best to do what he thinks is romantic. He’ll take you out to the nicest restaurant (he’s paying, of course) and he’ll buy you gift after gift.
But I feel like, gradually, how he shows his love will become more personal, since he’ll learn more and more about what you like, and he’ll realise that you see romance in the personal rather than the material.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Since you’re (probably) incredibly supportive of him and his career, he’ll definitely reciprocate this support.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He definitely leans more towards trying new things, though he does like having a balance between normalcy and stability and trying out new things.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
I feel like you’d probably underestimate how well Jamie knows you. When he gives a shit about someone, he picks up little things that might seem trivial to most others. He’ll definitely surprise you when he casually recalls something about you that you wouldn’t expect him to remember.
Jamie can be very empathetic. He’s been through some shit in his life despite the front he tries to put on, so odds are he understands how you feel. At the very least, he’ll try his best to understand.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
As I mentioned before, Keeley breaking up with him was a wakeup call he needed to start valuing his future S/Os.
So, he really does value you and your relationship. Of course, he’s come to value his friendships with the team, but he values your relationship just as much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Jamie will definitely try to protect you from the press as best he can, and he’s sure to sort it out if any problems do arise.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
As you can probably guess, Jamie is incredibly affectionate. He’ll often greet you with a peck on the cheek or lips, and he’ll often find himself wrapped around you before and after you two go to sleep.
He's become desensitised to the bollockings from Roy about him being late because of these morning cuddles.
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
It’s apparent when you’re on Jamie’s mind. He’ll become distracted, and it’s difficult for him to get his head in the game.
The best he can do is think about how he’ll get to see you soon, and he’ll just occupy himself until then.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Jamie will definitely go to great lengths for your relationship, and he’ll do whatever it takes- within reason- to maintain it.
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burnthoneydrops · 1 year
can you write another jaime tartt imagine with a his girlfriend borrowing one of his headbands?
Tickle Fight (j.t. x gn!reader)
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pairing: jamie tartt x gn!reader
word count: 678
warnings: language?
a/n: ahh! another jamie tartt request coming at you! i ended up making this one gender neutral unintentionally cause nothing really came up while i was writing it about it being a girlfriend specifically (which was kinda cool). hope you enjoy!!
You’re cleaning up the water that spilled on the bathroom counter from you washing your face when Jamie calls out from the bedroom. “Babe?”
“Yeah?” You hang the towel back on the hook and take note of the fact that it sounds like he’s rummaging around for something. 
“Have you seen my headband?” 
“Which one darling? You have about seven million,” you comment as you apply moisturiser. 
“The one I was using at training yesterday, it’s slightly scuffed at the corners,” he says as he closes one of the drawers. 
“Nope, I don’t think I’ve seen that one. Not since yesterday anyway,” it’s not like you were totally staring at it in the mirror or anything. 
“Are you sure? Cause I could have sworn I put it on my nightstand but-” he comes around to the bathroom doorway and stops when he sees you. “What have you got there?” 
You put the moisturiser container down as you quickly swipe the headband off your head, gripping it behind your back. “Nothing”. 
“Oh no, you can’t hide from me now, I’ve seen it. How dare you!” 
“Jamie no, I swear, I didn’t know it was yours,” you try to save yourself, already knowing where this is going. 
“Oh, uh-huh, totally believe that,” he darts one arm to grab the headband from behind you, but you move to the side. “If you’ve got nothing to hide, then why can’t I see your hands?” 
“Listen, love, it’s not that serious,” he darts out his other arm, causing you to move to the other side. 
“Damn babe, with reaction speed like that, we should get you out on the pitch”. You smile, thinking you’ve distracted him long enough for you to sneak past him and out of the bathroom, but he doesn’t budge, blocking the doorway. “Now, let’s try this again. Have you seen my headband?” He raises an eyebrow, smiling slightly. 
“Nope,” you don’t even think, wanting to see how long he’ll hold this up. 
“Alright then, you leave me no choice,” he quickly wraps his arms around your waist, hoisting you off the floor and carrying you over his shoulder back into the bedroom. 
“No Jamie!” you laugh, “put me down!” 
“Nope, not happening babe. You lie, you have to deal with the consequences”. He lays you down on the bed, and you raise your hands so the headband is now over your head. “Aha! Would you like to hand it over now?” 
“Never!” You’re laughing like a little kid. 
“Fine, have it your way,” he smirks before leaning in to tickle you, running his quick fingers up and down your sides. Your legs kick his thighs, trying to get him to stop nonverbally as you can’t breath from how much you’re laughing. 
“Jamie, Jamie please!” You finally get out after a quick breath. 
“No headband, no stopping,” he carries on. 
“Fine!” you fling your arms forward, “here’s your stupid headband!” 
Jamie grabs it, striking a victorious pose, holding the headband in the air. “Aha! Victory is mine at last!” 
You roll your eyes and scoff, “you’re just lucky it looks good on you”. 
“Oh you think it looks good on me huh?” He questions as he pushes his hair back with it. 
“No! Don’t get all cocky now-” 
“Too late, you already said it,” Jamie once again grabs your waist, but this time he leans all his weight forward so he falls on top of you. “You think I’m hot”. 
“Jesus Christ you’re heavy, get off of me!” You shoot back, though it’s muffled by Jamie’s shoulder. 
“Just admit it babe, you can’t get enough of this,” he replies, planting a kiss on your cheek. 
“Fine, you’re hot or whatever”. 
“Now, was that so hard?” Jamie questions as he puts all his weight on his arms, pushing himself up and off of you. 
You flip him off, rolling over to the other side of the bed as Jamie falls back down to his previous position and cuddles up behind you. He may be dramatic, but you love him for it
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embeanwrites · 11 days
Car Karaoke (Jamie Tartt x GN!Reader)
A short little piece I wrote after singing very poorly in my car. The reader is gender-neutral!
Jamie had gotten used to driving around with them in the passenger seat. 
It started as him trying to be nice while returning to Richmond. The lads seemed to enjoy their company, they were someone Keeley had brought in to be her “eyes and ears” on the ground at Richmond to work on different PR projects, and the boys had essentially adopted them as almost like a younger sibling figure.
At first, it annoyed the crap out of Jamie. Now there was someone new around that only had bad opinions of him, someone else he would have to convince and fix his self-image with. But almost instantly he realized that wasn’t the case. He was positive that the team had at the very least warned them about him and his actions, but he never had a moment where he felt like they were judging him or already knew more about him than he had shared. 
It was nice. It was like a fresh start one that he didn’t feel like he necessarily deserved until he saw them walking home in the rain. 
“Oi!” he shouted, his voice fighting the sound of the rain. The look on their face was almost priceless if they weren’t soaking wet and shivering like one of those tiny rat dogs. 
“Oh! Hi Jamie!” They said with their normal cheery voice, once again stunning him stupid. 
“Get in my car before you get sick and die on us!” 
Since that day they had soaked his seats and raved about how he needed a car with heated seats, even though it was dead summer, he had been driving them home. And for about 15 to 20 minutes a day, the two of you would be in his car. 
He has ranked his favorite types of times in the car in his head. 
The last of which, is ones in silence, which had only really happened the first week. 
Next would be the ones where he spends the whole ride talking, normally ranting about something Roy had said to him at training. He did appreciate how they’d silently listen.
The runner-up would be the days when the two of you are just chatting. He found himself enjoying their stories and the random questions they had for him. However, some of their strange hypotheticals threw him off. 
Oh, but his most favorite. His favorite of them all is when they would sing along to his music. 
The only issue, which he didn’t view it as one, is they weren’t the best singers. Jamie wouldn’t even call them good, but for some reason it made him feel so trusted. Their off-key notes, singing unbridled with fear from him ridiculing them. Never had the others heard them sing, they had always bowed out during karaoke night with the team, and as far as he could that was the only opportunity anyone else would have had to hear them sing. 
So their bad out-of-tune singing was reserved just for him. Or maybe that was his wishful thinking. That you and him were closer than anyone else and that you trusted him more than anyone else and it took about three months of him driving them for you to stay anything about it.  
“Listen, if I ever bother you with my singing you can always tell me to stop.” Jamie took a moment to glance over at them. They were looking down at their feet, their cheeks an adorable shade of pink, and he couldn’t help but wonder whatever gave them the idea that he would want them to stop. 
“Why? I think you’re a great singer.” 
“Great is definitely wrong, but I appreciate it, Tartt.” They said, sarcastically. 
“No, I mean.” Jamie took a deep breath. “Okay, yeah, you’re singing…it’s rough, but! But! I like it. I like that you are comfortable enough to do that around me…it’s nice.” He finds himself cringing at his honesty as he pulls up in front of their flat. He takes a moment to look at them. They’re blushing, but they’re also staring at him like he’s hung the stars in the sky. For a split second, he wonders if it’s less about his words and more about the fact he’s the one who said them. 
He finds himself really hoping it’s the latter. 
“Oh well…that’s kind of you Jamie. I really do enjoy our car rides.” They said with a goofy smile on their face. “Maybe…maybe sometime we can hang out outside of just you taking me home? Only if you want to though! We absolutely don’t have to if you don’t want to! I just-”
“I’d love to.” He interrupts before they can spiral anymore. “I’d really love to.” He watches their face become even more red as they nod. “Maybe we could go karaokeing.” He teases, wanting to see just how red their face could become. 
“Oh fuck off, Tartt. Besides that’s like…5th date material.” They tease. 
“Well, I’ll be holding you to that then.”
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z0mbieb0ybyersblog · 10 months
request rules!
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— requests can be sent through my inbox! aka the button on my profile that says request
— state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and what you want with it
— do you have any specifics for the reader? male, female, blonde, poc, etc?
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male, female, and gender neutral reader
or no reader, I do ships too!!
alternative universe: soulmates, coffee shop, roommates, royal, bookstore, fake relationship, coworkers, neighbors, flower shop, library, bodyguard, modern era, band/rockstar, celebrity, mermaid, pirate, teachers (you can also mix them in your request, like asking for bookstore and coffee shop au! if that makes sense)
Headcanons, one-shots, drabble, imagine, etc.
poly relationships, whether it be character x reader x character or character x character x character 
omega verse
illegal ships (incest or underage)
dark or yandere
someone having cancer
rape/sexual assault
canonically gay characters with fem identifying readers/characters, same thing with canonically lesbian characters with masc identifying readers/characters (platonically is fine, romantically isnt)
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character list
bolded means they’re my favorite characters to write!
Nine, Ten, Eleventh, Thirteen, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Donna Noble
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry, June Claremont-Diaz, Nora Holleran, Bea
Ted Lasso, Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton
Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson
Ponyboy Curtis, Johnny Cade, Sodapop Curtis, Darry Curtis, Steve Randall, Twobit Matthews, Dallas Winston
Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew, Tom), Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Loki, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff
[more to be added]
911 FOX
Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Maddie Buckley, Howie Han
Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
[more to be added]
— golden trio era
Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Draco Malfoy
— marauders era
Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Potter, Lily Evans, Pandora Lovegood, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadows, Marlene McKinnon, Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Roiser, Alice Fortescue, Mary MacDonald, Narcissa Black
[If you want one of these characters, like Remus for example to be older like during the Harry Potter movies let me know!]
— legacy era
Sebastian Sallow, Amit Thakkar, Poppy Sweeting, Natsai Onai, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt
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catalogercas · 1 year
Ask meme
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
In Ted Lasso? I love everyone?
(Except, you know, the abusive folks - James Tartt Sr., Rupert, Jane, and Jack. Well, Shandy wasn't abusive, she just had a completely terrible and aimless plot line, like, what was the point of that plot line???)
Oh, I am neutral about boatman! And he gave us gezelig! (Well, unless you're Dutch, in which case, I assume you already had it). He seems like he's a good dad.
A- Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Jamie x Roy
Jamie x Roy x Keeley
Jamie & Sam
Not Ted Lasso:
Crowley x Aziraphale
Dean x Cas are always a little on my mind
Murderbot & A.R.T.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
What does this mean??? Like, support my headcanon with canon evidence??? Write a fic prompt about my headcanon???
Well, since I'm unclear on the directions here, as someone who enjoys sickfic entirely too much, enjoy my OT3 sickfic thoughts: I think that Roy would be a terrible sick person because he would want to be taken care of but also feel like he shouldn't need to be and therefore not want to ask to be taken care of. Keeley could also be terrible because I think she would either want the boys to be mind readers about what she wants/needs (like with her not telling Roy she needed space ...) or she would be content if they literally left little care packages of food and medicine for her but otherwise completely left her alone (which, despite my love of sickfic is exactly what I want when sick --for literally, everyone to leave me alone). Jamie wants to be taken care of and asks to be taken care of. The main issue with him is he wants cuddles and kisses and doesn't care how germs work.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
I weirdly haven't really been thinking about Ted Lasso & Roy, Jamie, and Keeley while listening to music ...except for when I was listening to No Milk Today by Herman's Hermits after International Break and was thinking about it being "No Training Today" with Roy not training Jamie because he and Keeley were, at least, sleeping together (because what was going on with them after that episode was very unclear) and Roy and Jamie both just morosely staring at bicycles and parks because they weren't doing their insane one on one training
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 10 months
A Cliche Romance - Jamie Tartt x Reader
https://ift.tt/ImrWZsz by jamietarttswife nerves, romance, eye contact. a cliche romance of a fan catching the eye of their favourite footballer. no specific gender for "y/n" , they/them pronouns used and no character descriptors! Words: 1237, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Jamie Tartt, Ted Lasso, Roy Kent, Reader, You, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso) Relationships: Jamie Tartt & You, Jamie Tartt/Reader Additional Tags: Eventual Romance, Football | Soccer, Ted Lasso Spoilers, Jamie Tartt-centric, player x fan, Celebrity Crush, Meet-Cute, First Kiss, shirtless jamie tartt, Interviews, Reporter Y/N, use of Y/N, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Supportive AFC Richmond Players (Ted Lasso), AFC Richmond Football Team (Ted Lasso) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/51683512 November 19, 2023 at 08:40AM
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ofstarsandvibranium · 9 months
I’m loving your Jamie stuff 🥺 could you do 133 never stop smiling? But like reader says it to him? 😮‍💨🤍
You’re sitting on a bench beside Roy while you and he watch Jamie and Phoebe kick a football back and forth on the Richmond green.
You’re smiling as you watch Jamie coaching the young girl on different moves.
“The prick’s pretty good with her,” Roy grumbles and nods towards Jamie.
You hum, “Yeah. He’s so great with kids.”
“YEEEAAAH!” You both look back to the Green and see Jamie jumping up and down, “ AND THE CROWD GOES WILD!!! PHOEBE O’SULLIVAN, SECOND BEST STRIKER OUT THERE!” Jamie hollers running around the Green with Phoebe following him.
The two of them run up to you and Roy, slightly out of breath.
“I’m hungry, Uncle Roy,” Phoebe says before chugging down her water.
“Right. Let’s eat then,” Toy stands and gestures to you two, “You comin’?”
You shake your head, “Nah. Go ahead. We’ll see you around.”
Roy salutes you and Phoebe waves goodbye to you and Jamie.
Jamie’s smiling wide as he waves back at the young girl. You’re smiling at him when he looks at you, “What?”
“I love your smile. Never stop smiling.”
Jamie wraps his arm around you and kisses your head, “Hard not to smile when you’re around, yeah?”
You pull him in for a kiss and he gladly kisses you back, “Love you, Jaims,” you mumble against his lips.
“I love ya more, babes,” he mumbles back before kissing you again.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 9 months
Random Generator Drabble: Jamie Tartt + #150
Prompt: "Stop distracting me."
Prompt List
A/N: i absolutely headcanon jamie being whiny and needy when he's bored or hurt
You were working from home today and Jamie was resting since his sprained his ankle. You both were sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Backs resting against the arm rest and yours and Jamie's legs meeting in the middle. Light music was playing in the background. Jamie was scrolling on the phone while you were typing on your laptop.
You hear a loud sigh and a small thud. You look up across the couch to see Jamie pouting. You reach out and rub his hurt ankle, "You okay, lovey?"
"I'm bored. I wanna go out."
You shake your head, "Nope. You heard the PT. Rest for a day so you don't hurt yourself further. You don't wanna be benched, do you?"
"No...," he pouts more and fiddles with the hem of his shirt. He then sits up and scoots to your end of the couch, "Whatcha doin'?"
"Answering emails," you answer, your eyes still on your screen.
He tilts your screen down, "Baaaaabe, I'm boooored!"
You snort and put your screen back up, "I can take a break in twenty. So stop distracting me."
Jamie whines and lays his body on your legs, resting his head on your knees. You reach around and run your fingers through his hair and continue to do so until you finish up some emails. When you set your laptop to the side, you realize that Jamie fell asleep.
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ofstarsandvibranium · 9 months
Hi! Could you do prompt #74 with Jaime! “Do you want me to stay?” 🫶🏻
Your relationship with Jamie wasn’t ideal. It wasn’t a real, full blown relationship. More like friends with benefits. You two tried the dating thing but you both were so busy you two just resorted to being friends and then sleeping together when you felt like it.
At first, it went well. Jamie would come to yours after a game or you’d go to his after work. You’d chat, maybe eat a meal, and then have sex.
Lately, however, Jamie’s been craving more with you. He knows it was a mutual agreement to have this arrangement. But fuck, did he wish this was more again. He really did like going on dates with you, holding your hand and doing all that couple shit. Don’t get it wrong. The small moments he had with you and the sex was great. He just wish maybe there was more intimacy.
But did you want the same?
More recently Jamie’s been asking you “Do you want me to stay?” after your trysts. You’d always shrug him off and say you’re fine and he could go.
But what you really wanted to say was “Yes, please stay. I want you by my side forever.” But you figured he wouldn’t want that.
And what you didn’t know was that Jamie was hoping that your answer would change. That you would ask him to stay, that you wanna give dating him another go, that you want to be with him just as much as he wants to be with you.
“Do you want me to stay?” He asks again.
“And if I did?” You ask back.
“I’d stay. But only if you want me to, yeah? Consent’s important.”
You chuckle and shake your head at him, “I always want you, Jamie.”
He grins at you, “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you say, scooting closer to him and letting him wrap his arms around you.
He kisses your forehead, “I’ll stay for as long as you want me to.”
He knows he needs to have a more in-depth conversation with you about this, but right now, he’s just going to cherish your warmth and how you feel in his arms again.
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gonzo-rella · 1 year
I’ve cross-posted one of my Jamie Tartt reader-insert fics to AO3. I’m sharing this both to promote this and to confirm that it isn’t plagiarised either way.
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gonzo-rella · 2 years
Imagine: Roy Being Protective of You When He Finds Out You’re Dating Jamie
Relationship(s): Jamie Tartt x gn!reader (romantic), Roy Kent x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Swearing (it’s Roy fucking Kent; what did you expect?). (Let me know if I need to add any)
(A/N: The idea of platonic!Roy Kent is one of my favourite things ever right now. Just the idea of this gruff man unwittingly becoming a friend/older brother-figure to someone is both sweet and hilarious. [Insert obligatory begging for platonic!Roy Kent/Ted Lasso requests])
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A pair of footsteps tapping and squeaking against the locker room floor wasn’t enough to alert you and Jamie, too immersed in the hypnotic activity of kissing one another as though the other person was a provider of much-needed oxygen, of someone else’s presence.
“Fucking hell.”
That just about did it.
On instinct, you pushed Jamie off you and turned like a rabbit in the road to the source of the gruff voice. Jamie stumbled backwards and also looked over.
“Alright?” Jamie greeted with a nod, clearly less startled than you.
“Not really. That was bloody disturbing.” Roy responded nonchalantly, his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed (like usual). “So, since when is this a thing?”
He folded his arms.
“Not long, really.” you shrugged in an attempt to not appear mortified, but your wide eyes negated this.
“Alright.” Roy replied absently. He glanced between the two of you, but his eyes ultimately landed on Jamie for a prolonged amount of time. 
“You know, Jamie, if you hurt them-” He gestured to you with a nod. “You won’t like what happens next. Do you understand me?”
Jamie’s eyes widened to match yours and he swallowed his saliva. He nodded. “Uh...yeah, definitely, mate.”
Roy was silent and motionless for a moment.
“Right.” he said, almost cheerily (as cheerily as Roy could get). “Well, don’t mind me.”
He casually strolled into the coaches’ office, grabbed his jacket and strode away.
“See you guys tomorrow.”
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