#jane volturi x bella swan
zapreportsblog · 10 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do a felix, Bella, Alec , demetri fix could you please base it of new moon
If you could write it I would be so grateful thank xxx
Perfect, absolutely amazing!
↱ the predators and their prey ↰
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➘ summary : Bella always assumed Edward was her mate when in reality she was the mate to another vampire or rather vampires
➘ a/n: firstly I find this gif to absolutely fucking hilarious like why tf is her hands moving like that 😭 ooh update : I changed the gif
➘ volturi x reader , felix x demetri x bella swan x alec
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The night had settled over Forks, casting long shadows across the quiet streets. Bella Swan sat on the couch in her dimly lit living room, staring blankly at the TV screen. Her heartache was palpable, her thoughts consumed by the memory of Edward Cullen's departure. Months had passed since that fateful day in the forest, yet the pain was as fresh as if it had just happened.
With a heavy sigh, Bella reached for the remote and switched off the TV. She leaned back against the cushions, closing her eyes as if trying to shut out the world. The empty silence of the house only served to amplify her loneliness.
Suddenly, a sound caught her attention—a faint, almost imperceptible tapping against the window. Bella's eyes shot open, her heart skipping a beat. She turned her gaze towards the window, her breath catching in her throat when she saw a figure standing outside.
It was Alice Cullen, the ethereal and enigmatic sister of Edward. Bella's heart raced as she hurried to the window and unlocked it, allowing Alice to glide into the room with a grace that defied human limitations.
"Bella," Alice said, her voice both urgent and comforting. "I'm so sorry to intrude, but I need to talk to you."
Bella's emotions were a tumultuous mix of shock, relief, and confusion. She had always been drawn to Alice, the vibrant and mysterious girl who had become one of her closest friends after she'd started dating Edward. But Alice had disappeared along with the rest of the Cullen family after Edward left, leaving Bella in a void of silence.
"Where have you been?" Bella managed to choke out, her voice a mixture of disbelief and emotion.
Alice's golden eyes held a mixture of regret and understanding. "I couldn't be around after Edward left. It was too difficult for me," she explained, her tone sincere. "But I came back as soon as I saw a chance to help."
Bella's heart hammered in her chest. "Help with what?"
Alice took a step closer, her gaze unwavering. "Edward," she answered simply. "I've seen a vision—a way to bring him back. But I can't do it alone. I need your help, Bella."
Bella's breath caught. The mere mention of Edward's name had rekindled the pain she'd tried so hard to suppress. "You saw a way to bring him back?" she whispered, her voice a mixture of disbelief and hope.
Alice nodded, her expression determined. "Yes, but it's risky, and we have to act quickly. Will you help me, Bella?"
Bella's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. A chance to see Edward again—to undo the agonizing separation that had torn them apart—was both tempting and terrifying. But deep down, she knew she couldn't ignore the opportunity that Alice was presenting.
With a shaky breath, Bella met Alice's gaze. "Tell me what we need to do."
Alice's lips curved into a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Bella. We're going to need your courage for this."
As Alice began to explain the plan, Bella felt a spark of determination ignite within her. The path ahead was uncertain, but the prospect of reuniting with Edward was a beacon of light in the darkness that had consumed her life. And as she listened to Alice's words, Bella knew that she was embarking on a journey that would test her in ways she couldn't have imagined—a journey that could potentially lead her back to the love she had lost.
The night air was cool and crisp as Bella and Alice found themselves in an unfamiliar country. The journey had been swift and silent, Alice's preternatural speed carrying them to this distant land. Tall trees surrounded them, their branches swaying gently in the breeze, and the moon cast an eerie glow on the path ahead.
"We're almost there," Alice said, her voice carrying a note of anticipation. "Just a little further."
Bella's heart raced with a mixture of anxiety and hope. She had followed Alice without question, drawn by the possibility of reuniting with Edward. But the uncertainty of their mission gnawed at her, the weight of her decision becoming more tangible with each step.
As they reached a clearing, Alice suddenly froze, her eyes distant as if she were gazing into the unknown. A shiver ran down Bella's spine, and she watched as Alice's brow furrowed, her expression shifting from anticipation to concern.
"Alice, what is it?" Bella asked, her voice edged with worry.
Alice's focus snapped back to Bella, her eyes wide with a mixture of realization and alarm. "I had another vision," she said hurriedly. "Edward—he's exposing himself to the Volturi, thinking they won't kill him because of his abilities."
Bella's heart clenched at the words. The idea of Edward putting himself in danger to protect her was both heartwarming and distressing. "We have to stop him," she insisted, her voice tinged with urgency.
Without another word, Bella started running, her determination propelling her forward. The trees blurred past her as her steps became swift and purposeful. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins, her mind focused solely on reaching Edward before he made a rash decision.
As she broke through the treeline into a small clearing, Bella's heart sank. Edward stood there, his back to her, facing the Volturi guards Felix and Demetri. The tension in the air was palpable, and she could sense the conflict raging within him.
"Edward!" Bella called out, her voice carrying a mixture of worry and desperation.
Edward turned at the sound of her voice, his expression a mix of surprise and relief. Before Bella could reach him, however, Jane appeared in a blur of motion, her eyes narrowing as she focused on Bella.
"Stop right there," Jane said, her voice cold and commanding.
Bella skidded to a stop, her heart racing as she found herself face to face with Jane. The petite vampire's gaze held an unsettling intensity, and Bella could feel the weight of her power pressing down on her.
"Isabella Swan," Jane mused, a hint of a smirk tugging at her lips. "It seems you're determined to make quite an impression on our coven."
Alice joined Bella's side, her stance poised and unyielding. "We're here to talk to the kings," Alice stated firmly.
Felix and Demetri flanked Jane, their presence imposing and unwavering. "The kings are expecting you," Demetri said, his voice carrying a note of finality.
As Jane, Felix, and Demetri surrounded Bella and Alice, Bella felt a mixture of apprehension and determination. The Volturi were not to be taken lightly, and their reputation for swift and decisive action was well-known.
With a deep breath, Bella exchanged a glance with Alice, their shared resolve evident in their eyes. The path ahead was uncertain, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But as they prepared to face the kings of the Volturi, Bella knew that the choices they made now would determine not only their own fates, but the future of those they cared for most.
As Bella and Alice stood before the three kings of the Volturi, the air in the grand chamber was heavy with tension. Aro, Caius, and Marcus regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and authority, their expressions unreadable as they listened to Alice explain their purpose for seeking an audience.
"We've come to plead for Edward's life," Alice said, her voice steady despite the weight of the request.
Aro's lips curled into a smile, his crimson eyes twinkling with amusement. "Ah, the ties that bind. Love is a powerful motivator, isn't it?" he mused, his gaze flickering between Bella and Alice.
Bella's heart raced, her emotions a whirlwind as she faced the kings. She was acutely aware of the gravity of their situation and the potential consequences of their actions. But her determination to save Edward gave her the strength to stand her ground.
As the conversation continued, Bella couldn't shake the feeling that there was more at play than met the eye. The Volturi had always been enigmatic, their motives often shrouded in secrecy. She sensed a subtle undercurrent of tension between the Volturi guards—Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demetri. Their gazes occasionally met hers, and she saw a mixture of intrigue and calculation in their eyes.
Unbeknownst to Bella, Marcus had been quietly observing the interactions. His ancient eyes, clouded with centuries of experience, noticed the shifting dynamics and the subtle bonds forming between Alec, Felix, Demetri, and Bella. The connection, faint but growing, intrigued him.
During a lull in the conversation, Marcus leaned in to speak quietly to Aro. "There's something interesting happening, Aro. A bond—subtle, but significant—forming between Alec, Felix, Demetri, and the girl."
Aro's gaze sparkled with intrigue, and a smile played at the corners of his lips. "Ah, young love. How delightful," he said, his voice carrying a mixture of amusement and interest.
As the conversation resumed, Aro's attention was drawn to the interactions between the guards and Bella. His crimson eyes glittered with amusement as he observed the way Jane's gaze occasionally softened when she looked at Bella, or how Alec seemed to be more attentive in Bella's presence. Felix and Demetri's behavior, though less obvious, also revealed signs of a growing connection.
"Bella," Aro said suddenly, his voice laced with amusement. "It appears you've managed to capture the attention of not just one, but five members of our esteemed guard."
Bella's cheeks flushed, her gaze shifting between Aro and the guards. The revelation left her feeling both surprised and unnerved.
"We shall have to keep an eye on these intriguing developments," Aro continued, his tone playful. "It seems love is in the air."
As the kings and the guards shared a knowing glance, Bella felt a mixture of emotions—bewilderment, curiosity, and a touch of embarrassment. The unpredictable turn of events had added a layer of complexity to their already delicate situation.
Bella exchanged a glance with Alice, and in that shared moment, they knew that the choices they made now could have far-reaching consequences. As they navigated the intricate web of relationships within the Volturi, Bella and Alice were both aware that their journey had taken an unexpected turn—one that would test not only their resolve, but the bonds they formed along the way.
Bella's heart raced as she absorbed Aro's words. "This can't be true," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of disbelief and desperation. "Edward and I are mates.”
“You stupid girl! All he wants is your blood!” growls Caius.
“There's more to our connection than just my blood."
Aro regarded Bella with a mixture of sympathy and amusement. "I understand that this may be difficult for you to accept, my dear Bella. But I must clarify that Edward is not your mate in the traditional sense. He is, in fact, a blood singer—a rarity among humans. Your blood calls out to him, hence his inexplicable attraction to you."
The truth hit Bella like a tidal wave, leaving her stunned and overwhelmed. Her thoughts raced as she considered the implications of what Aro was saying. The foundation of her belief, the idea that she and Edward were destined to be together, was being shattered before her very eyes.
Alice placed a comforting hand on Bella's shoulder, her eyes filled with empathy. "Bella, I'm so sorry," she murmured softly.
As the weight of reality settled in, Bella's gaze shifted to the Volturi guards—Demetri, Felix, and Alec. Their eyes were fixed on her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. The revelation that her connection with Edward was purely based on her blood left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.
Demetri's lips curled into a subtle smile, his gaze unyielding. Felix's expression remained impassive, but there was a predatory glint in his eyes. Jane's lips curved into a faint smirk, while Alec's gaze held a mix of curiosity and something that Bella couldn't quite decipher.
Aro's voice broke through Bella's racing thoughts. "My dear Bella, you possess a unique allure—a siren's call that beckons not just Edward, but others as well."
Bella's eyes widened, her heart pounding as she realized the implications of Aro's words. The guards—the ones who had already shown signs of a growing connection to her—were now looking at her with a hunger that left her feeling exposed, like prey caught in their sights.
"You see, my dear," Aro continued, his tone almost casual, "a blood singer's allure is potent, and it can affect even the most disciplined of vampires."
The realization hit Bella like a blow to the chest. She was standing before a coven of powerful vampires, and her very existence seemed to incite a primal response within them. The guards' reactions were unsettling, their predatory gazes fixed on her as if she were the embodiment of their desires.
As Bella met their unwavering stares, a surge of determination welled within her. She may be a source of fascination and danger, but she was also more than just her blood. With her heart set on reuniting with Edward, Bella braced herself for the challenges ahead, knowing that the choices she made now would determine not only her fate, but the fates of those around her.
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shelbgrey · 11 months
Hi, could I request more about "Being Carlisle and Esme's youngest daughter HCs:" and we have the Volturi wrap around our finger, please, thank you, and love it.
You put it, the Reader doesn't get along with Bella. I was hoping you could tell us more about that relationship. And I personally would love it if the Volturi knew that we're there since Carlisle and Esme got custody of us. They are "Cousins [ Demetri, Felix, Alec, Janeand Heidi,] Anutes and Uncles [ Uncle Aro, Caius and Marcus] to us". When Alice goes and saves Edward dumbass. We're there to save Edward, but we're also happy to see them. When Demetri and Felix came, we called them Cousin Dem and Fe while smiling. We hug Jane, holding hands with her. The Cullens knew about what we call them. We really don't care what happens with Bella, but we do care about our brother and sister. Personally, I got the feeling we don't really care if Bella lives or dies
Thank you so much 💓
P.S. feel free to message me if you need anything clarification on this
Being the daughter of carlisle and the Volturi loving you:
So I usually don't write for the Volturi so bear with me.
🩷MasterList 🩷twilight List
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So you want to know more about Bella and y/n's relationship...
So, I want to compare how Edward thinks and how Bella thinks to show the two girls relationship.
I think when Bella is finally introduced to the family she's quite jelouse of Edward's relationship with you, there's no real incureties to it, she just doesn't want girls hanging around Edward.
Bella also thinks your plan and shy, there's off hand comments on how she's discribes you, Edward on the other hand discribes you as happy, humorous, and so beautiful.
You guys are always throwing harmful comments to each other and Bella usually takes it too far.
You also hate how she's treats her father. She always gets mad and says it's none of your business and you have no idea what you were talking about.
“my parents chose me, yours just got stuck with you”
Carlisle and Esme would put a stop to it, there's been many times Carlisle and Charlie have had talks about Bella's bullying.
Of course you're parents know your not a saint in theses situation, but Bella is usually the one to start it.
“if someone pushes you, you push back” Emmett always says, which is why your never scared to decened yourself.
And since your the youngest, your basically the center of the Cullens universe, but then Bella comes along and puts your family in danger, that's your problem.
You also have a problem with Edward putting everything aside no matter what for her, your happy he finally has a girlfriend but there should be boundaries.
You especially started hating her when Edward decided to go to the Vulturi after Bella's supposed death.
You knew about the Vulturi and you became friends with them in fact, your uncle Marcus(yes, you heard me right) says your the glue that holds you all together.
After Aro found out about a human joining Cullen Coven, he showed up to see if it was true, Aro didn't really have a plan for what he was gonna do, but when he met you he saw no harm. He was in aw at the sight of the small child.
The deal was that you could stay human with the family as long as you wanted, you just had to keep the secret of the Vampires.
Honestly you see Aro as the creepy uncle, you'd never say that to his face and he'll never found out because he refuses to read your mind.
“but, Dad he creeps me out! None of the others do”
Dispite you thinking he's creepy, he'd never hurt you.
At first Cauis wanted nothing to do with you and didn't agree with Aro's decision, but the more the family interacted with the Vulturi the more he grew a soft spot for you.
Marcus is more of a grandpa than an uncle if were being honest, he's a lot older than the others and he's always been so gentle and kind towrds you.
He gives you advice and is there if you need to talk.
I don't know much about Heidi, but I figure she'd absolutely love you and is always spoiling you.
Demetri is like a big brother/cousin and you kinda have a love/hate relationship. You guys tease each other and sometimes it'll get mean, but trust me he'd kill anyone who harms you.
Your probably closest to Jane and Alec, they're both closer to your age and you three just hit it off immediately. You hate hearing about they're tragic back stories but they always tell you it's not your fault and you make they're lives better.
Then Edward left for Italy to go and execute himself 🙄
You were so made at Bella for putting Edward in this headspace and situation, especially after you found out she's was perfectly fine.
But, anyway Alice was getting ready to take Bella to Italy and you wanted to Tag along. Not because you were there to support Bella, but because you wanted to see the extented family.
Ya know... Going to Italy to beat Felix and Demetir at Mario cart again...
What you didn't want to do is see Bella getting all dramatic and telling your Uncle Aro to kill her instead of Edward.
You rolled your eyes and came up to hug Jane as she threatened to use her gift on her, she was only using like 5% of it on Edward just for ✨dramatic effect✨ . “alright Jay, they've learned their lessons”
Jane chuckled and stopped using her powers on Edward, wasn't too painful for him.
“Aw, I was having fun” Felix sighed as you ran up to him and hugged him.
Cauis rolled his eyes trying to hide his smile as Bella looked completely confused. “What just happened?”
“nothing... Just you being dramatic for no reason, they're on our side bone head, You think they'd actually hurt Eddie?”
You left Felix's arms and walked around the Castle. “by the way, where's Dem?”
He appeared and hugged you while Bella looked even more confused and kept asking unanswered questions. “aw, she's still alive”
You laughed and quickly shhed him.
“what? You think just because they're old school and basically vampire royalty they're evil? you asked Bella, you were kinda pissed off she thought so low of them.
“yeah we never said we were gonna kill him and Alice never said that either” Aro said, clapping his heads together.
You then clicked your tough, with a sarcastic smile. “well, we send little miss. Main character home and me and Alice can stay here for the weekend, dad said we could.”
Jane hugged you excited for some girl time while Felix ran around the Castle making sure you had a comfy room to sleep in.
“do what ever you want Dem, killer or set her free, send her to the moon, have her for dinner, I don't really care”
Uncle Cauis laughed as bella started stuttering as Felix and Alec came back with arms full of dvds.
“wait, what?” Edward sighed. “they're kidding”
“we could watch a bunch of TV shows, we got Bones, and supernatural” Felix smiled.
“no Supernatural, they got the vampires all wrong” Alec said.
The two boys and you and Jane both just walked off talking about what you should watch without even a goodbye for Edward and Bella. “What about Moon Knight, dad finally got an account for Disney+. It's a really good marvel show”
“ooh, I heard Oscar Isaac is in it, he's so hot” Jane said, Felix and Alec groaned as you girls started thirsting over male actors.
“they're just gonna be horny for 40-something year old men the whole time” Alec sighed, heide slapped him and told him to be nice.
Bella scoffed and left with Edward after Alice smiled and ran after her sister and Jane.
“Lators Gators” you shouted to Edward.
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volturissideslut · 7 months
Can you do the Volturi guards with a vampire mate that is the youngest cullen and the Cullens are over protective.
𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎 𝖌𝖚𝖆𝖗𝖉
3 for 3? Maybe I have turned over a new leaf... This is more of how they are with the cullens as in laws than anything else
He's civil. For you.
Just don't expect him to interact with them much.
And by 'them' I mean the idiots of the group as he claims.
Doesn't mind Carlisle, Esme, Jasper and Rosalie
Doesn't know what to think of Emmett. He's cool but too much sometimes. (he won't admit that he kinda likes him even tho he finds him a little much sometimes)
Lock him in a room with Edward, Alice, or Bella alone they're not coming out alive.
The cullens?
Of all people, them??
Constant eye rolls when you talk about them, but she's civil for you.
Just please don't leave her alone in a room with Edward. One of them won't come out alive, and rest assured she'll be fine.
Same goes for bella
She is slightly less disapproving of the rest, but they are tainted in her mind by those two baffoons
Whines like a toddler
"do they have to come?"
"do I have to go?"
Will stop if you actually get upset, because upsetting you is the last thing he wants to do.
But if Edward gives him one more patronising lecture on how he should treat you they he may have to smash his face in
"What do you mean ignore him? I would never do anything like that to you and it's insulting that he would even insinuate that"
Actually unbothered, unless they start accusing him of doing wrong by you.
They're your family, and he'll deal with the irritating in-laws because he loves you because, yes, he loves you that much
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bbyxbambi · 11 months
witch twin headcanons (general)
alec and jane volturi x gn !reader
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⭒ jane is definitely the more distant one. although it was a little difficult, alec becomes accustomed to you quicker then his twin. jane tends to avoid you at first, refuse to talk to you and make you feel invisible. alec will silently check up on you. he would buy you random gifts such as books and paints to keep you occupied and staying out of trouble.
⭒ when jane eventually comes around she can be quite doting, however, its very hard to see. in jane’s eyes, you are her perfect doll. she picks out your outfits, styles your hair and helps you with your makeup if you choose to wear any. she won’t make it obvious that she’s doing these things because she loves it, she’ll pretend it’s because she thinks you’re incompetent and even slide in an insult here and there, however, doesn’t mean a single word. 
⭒ i think alec is genuinely a really calculating and quiet person. he has a very powerful aura whereas jane has more of an aggressive and frightening one. although you still rest with jane, you are calmed easier by alec. 
⭒ whenever you are sick, injured, overwhelmed or just in pain, you tend to graviate towards alec more. alec will lay down with you in his dark room and at first, just be present with you and hope him being there will soothe you enough, but as time goes on he will be comfortable holding you, rubbing your back or playing with you hair. 
⭒ i actually think the twins would use their gifts on you. not to hurt you obviously but i do think they would. not often and more so alec then jane but they find that their gifts can be used to help you. i think if you’re newborn or even just a very energetic human, hybrid or full on vampire, you might be susceptible to going too fast and accidentally breaking things. if you’re with jane and she starts to see you getting a little too much she’d almost be a shock collar and briefly pain you, not enough to hurt you but enough for you to feel it and know that is her warning you to be careful. alec on the other hand would only use his gift if you ask or he sees you’re getting too overwhelmed. if you happen to be someone who easily has panic attacks or sensory overloads, he’s your guy to strip all of those senses of yours away and have you focus on one thing at a time. 
⭒ alec and jane would have very strict rules for you. jane would enforce them more then alec but he still would nonetheless. i think these would include a bed time (if you’re human or a hybrid), not leaving the castle without them, training your gift, eating and whatever you want to imagine. 
⭒ they would 100% team up on you. if you fight one, you fight both. i could see this happening if you refuse to sleep or eat, argue with them or break one of their rules. would punish you together, tease you, but also care for you together. i think they’d have a set routine on who does what for you and when. might take turns ‘babysitting’ you at the start of your relationship to ensure you don’t try to run away. 
⭒ it would be very hard to be their mate at first however you grow to love them and love how possessive they can be. you know you are always safe with them around because at least one of them always has their eye on you, ready to protect you from anything, even if you can protect yourself.
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thanks for reading! let me know what you want me to write next!
bambi xx
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How they would react to their mate having ADHD
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Requested by : @ari-sometimes-writes
Would you continue the dating a reader with ADHD? Loved it! Maybe with Carlisle?
• In most cases, you can’t be anywhere without Carlisle, especially after finding out you’re both mates
• Sometimes you do want time for yourself, and it slightly scares you to speak that out loud, even to yourself
• What you don’t quite understand yet is the fact that wanting time for yourself is a healthy part when comes to a relationship 
• Carlisle is very understanding, you sometimes forget that there is one member of the family that is a mind reader, and after Edward tells him of your thoughts, he pulls you aside and at first you’re upset, but he was very reassuring and kind that helped calmed your anxiety and worries
• Having ADHD was a challenge, but it was your own personal challenge. Everyone handles it in their own way, those who have it and you nail it right on, rocking through through it
• After being with Carlisle for so long now, you have been changed from human to vampire and despite the ADHD still taking affect, you stop at nothing from a successful past to a successful future, having Carlisle by your side every step of the way
• All your time as a vampire, since the beginning of it, you did the best you could in living a normal life and by starting out on the very course, you followed your mate’s footsteps on the medicinal fields and had become a nurse working in the same hospital
• You were the first to be examining Bella after a that car accident at school that fateful day, and when Carlisle walked in, he took over for you
• The both of you know that Bella would soon become part of your large family, part of the bright future ahead and you truly looked forward to it, you were excited to welcome her into your large family with Carlisle
• You both had known since the day Edward first mentioned her name, since the day Edward had finally brought her to meet the family
• All in all, the future is now
Requests: open
• Carlisle Cullen
• Edward Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Emmett Cullen
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Cullen
• Bella Swan
• Jacob Black
• Riley Biers
• Aro
• Alec
• Caius
• Felix
• Jane
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fanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Startling Nightmare (Alec x Reader)
The reader's appearance is not specified. Gender neutral Y/N.
A/N: Sooo... Make of this what you will. It just happened. Many things are left open for your interpretation. Please let me know what you think..(cries in self-consciousness)
Have fun and enjoy!
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Your heart pounded rapidly as your eyes shot open. A feeling of pressure remained in your ankles and feet, although you knew that that sensation couldn’t be real. Still, the pictures that had unfolded in front of your eyes a few seconds ago – sometimes idyllic but always foreboding, sometimes gruesome and inescapable – had carried over from the dream world into the actual world, leaving you with not only tingling feet but also with sweat grasping your body. Your forehead was clammy, and your pajama shirt clung to your skin. Usually, you sleep with a lot of clothes and a thick blanket. Otherwise, you get cold. But now was one of those rare times when all of it was too warm for comfort. 
You dared not to move. Usually, you do not mind nightmares. When you woke up, you laughed about them and giggled when you closed your eyes again, soaking up the rest of the night’s hours for more sleep. But this one… It had been so vivid, so dynamic, and disturbing that it invoked the need to be held by someone. You were not a person who liked to be held. You dealt with your stuff on your own. But not now. 
You called out his name faintly. Although you despised the emotions and memories that followed you like the shadows of a ghost. He had taken your dreams, after all, by bringing you to this cursed castle. You only dared to move your head to the side a little, limbs remaining under the blanket. A part of you was afraid that the woman from your dream would suddenly appear out of nowhere. Maybe hanging from the ceiling or clinging to one of the pillars of that stupid vampire’s four-poster bed. You were so grateful when you only found him. He was already standing next to the bed, keeping his distance. Either he had heard your heartbeat accelerating while you dreamed and had come immediately to see whether you were alright, or he had appeared like a flash of lightning – just without the light but instead like a looming shadow, tracing your every movement – when you had called his name. 
You couldn’t tell. Just like his sleepless immortality failed to grasp the concept of a dream, your human senses were fallible when it came to this marvelous being. He had gone too long without dreams. For him, only reality had remained. Sober and gloomy. Until you came… But you fought him with every ounce of blood in your body. The very source that had made him addicted to you in the first place. Until the addiction transformed from craving your blood into the encompassing sensation of unconditional love. But that transformation had only happened for him. You needed more time. You were not ready to love nor to be his. 
“Y/N.” He hovered at the edge of his bed. 
His bed. His room. His everything. But your boundaries. And he respected those. In fact, in the last few months, his room had become your safe place. Your things were scattered everywhere, but Alec did not mind. He gave you as much alone time and space as you needed, realizing that this was the least he could do after tearing you from your life. Alec was now often found in Jane’s room, much to the latter’s dismay. She was also very fond of her time alone, but the twins could be in the same room and not talk for hours or even days. 
You found yourself mulling again and again over the fact that Alec and Jane had never once called you out for needing so much alone time. Especially Alec was very understanding. He seemed to understand when you wore noise-canceling headphones, lying on the ground and staring out the window. A lot of people have called you absurd and abnormal for your behavior. So often that you were just waiting for someone to utter those words again. The past had made you believe that you were not deserving of kindness nor of being understood. So whenever someone said or did something nice to and for you, you questioned it endlessly, trying to decipher an ulterior motive that was not there. 
That made it so hard to trust Alec. To love him like he did you. Unconditionally, spiritually, and infinitely. 
“Did you have a nightmare?” Alec asked, a tremble going through his hand. But he didn’t act on it. He didn’t reach out to touch you. 
Despondent, you nodded. “Can… you…” The words died on your tongue. It was so hard to say them out loud. 
But Alec understood. “Of course, I can hold you. If you want?”
You nodded again. Slowly and cautiously, he got on the bed, the mattress sinking down. The presence of his weight was already comforting. But you needed more. He waited patiently, letting you decide how close you would be. You had a clear idea in your head. You placed a small pillow on his chest, and he held it in place. Then, you draped your blanket around your shoulders and back, climbing between his legs, rolling on your side as his arms engulfed you. You rested your head on the soft pillow. One of Alec's hands cradled your head. The other lay on your shoulder. Occasionally, it wandered down, drawing circles on your arm.   
 Now Alec was everywhere. You were caged by him. Lost in him. 
“What did you dream about?” he asked softly, pulling you closer to him. His legs drew together, his knees almost touching. Alec made you feel one hundred percent safe. But the dream… 
You could not ignore this one. Your dreams always had some kind of prescient quality. Not every dream, but some were hints pointing toward the future. There was some message in this dream, too. Impending doom and danger that might be prevented. Sometimes, you wondered whether those dreams would manifest themselves as a gift when you were going to be turned into a vampire. A week ago, the Kings had sent someone who could see whether a human would have a gift once they were transformed. That man could also see what kind of gift it would be. However, in your case, he could only see that you would have a gift. Nothing concrete formed in his mind. That was no surprise. Not even Aro’s gift worked properly on you. When he touched your skin, he could only see a few random pictures that originated from your mind, and although they were powerful, they were not especially telling about you as a person. 
Some pictures showed moments of your life. Most depicted… fantasies. Monsters. Dark colors. Light colors. Mountains not found on this planet. Stars. Vast oceans. You had always refrained from commenting on Aro when he wondered about your peculiar mind. You always had a very 'alive' imagination that seemed to be its own independent entity. It just so happened to have chosen your body as its vessel. There was no taming it. Only accepting and living with it.
Initially, you did not like the idea of becoming immortal. But the Volturi Kings had told you the rules. A human could not live with the knowledge of the supernatural world. Which meant death.
You had been fine with that. Anything but being stuck in a prison with powerful beings who hunted your kind. But Alec would not allow that. You had heated arguments, but eventually, he prevailed. Talking you through the advantages of being a vampire over and over again. Some discussions were pretty factual and rational on both sides. What convinced you eventually was not beauty or eternity. But you really wanted to have one of those high-functioning vampire brains. Imagine… The possibilities. The languages you could learn! You had already picked out a few that you had always wanted to study but did not have the time for. But if you put immortality into the equation… There was more than enough time. 
When you had told Alec that you were okay with becoming a vampire, he had breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn’t need to. Naturally, he had inquired why you had changed your mind. The vampire smiled smugly when you told him, the corners of his mouth twisting with amusement. 
“You are a clever one, Y/N.” Alec chuckled. “There is no power as great as knowledge. Besides, you do not need more beauty. You are perfect as you are.” 
“Whoa… Tone the flirting down a little.” You rolled your eyes, sitting next to him on the sofa in the library where he was reading a book. 
“There is a difference between flirting and speaking the truth.” He kept his gaze on his book. 
“Stop it, charmer.” Your cheeks were glowing slightly.
Alec heard the rush of blood in your cheeks and smiled, satisfied. “Never. So, what languages?”
“Definitely French and Japanese.” 
“I can help you with French. Japanese… I know someone who might be able to teach you. You will only get the best teachers and books, of course.” 
“Splendid.” For the first time, Alec saw you smiling genuinely and brightly. So languages. You loved languages. He remembered that and your smile. Languages and telling stories. Those were your purposes. He knew there was nothing you were more passionate about. Just thinking and talking about it made your eyes glow, clouding him deeper and deeper in your enchanting presence. 
That passionate expression was a stark contrast to the dullness that had settled on your face now. It seemed like you had not heard him asking what you had dreamt about.
Or maybe you had, but you were so lost in your mind now you had forgotten he had asked a question. 
“Y/N,” he called out softly, brushing your temple. You jumped, startled. Ahh… you had indeed wandered into the most remote corners of your enigmatic brain. It often happened. “What did you dream about?”
 “Do you perhaps know a woman with black hair and yellow eyes? Yellow cat-like eyes?”
Alec frowned. “What do…” But the words died in his throat. He did know a woman with black hair and cat-like eyes. Her eyes were not exactly yellow. They were an intermediate form between brown and yellow. “Tell me more,” he said instead. 
“So you do know someone like that.”
“Yes. Her coven drinks animal blood. What happened in your dream?”
“Well.” You paused. “Buckle up, Sir, as we dive deep into the human subconscious. This will be a ride unlike any you have ever seen before. Hooray..."
"So," you began, "at the beginning of my dream, we both were swimming in the sea near a small harbor. We were both wearing clothes. And were still dry. But dreams don’t ever make sense. So, I wouldn’t bother about that detail too much. Anyway, that woman suddenly appeared next to us. Her skin was grey and looked unhealthy. She stared at us, but we didn’t mind her. So we left the water, walking on a lane that connected a park to its city.
"The woman followed us. We turned to the city, and she went toward the park. Strangely enough, I talked to her, and we smiled at each other. Somehow, she looked normal then. Lovely, even. Beautiful skin and bronze hair. Warm eyes. We parted ways with her, following the sandy road to the city. Suddenly, while we walked, I felt pressure on my feet. I looked down, staring at them. They were covered in blood. Something was sticking out of them. Something that did not belong there. Startled, we turned to our side. The woman was back: grey skin, yellow eyes, long black, sleek hair. Smiling sadistically again. She tricked us, making us believe she was friendly. And when we weren’t looking, she attacked from behind. The scary thing is, you didn’t see any of it coming. You didn't hear her approach.” 
Alec remained silent. “I know her.”
“She loves you. She is obsessed,” you noted flatly. “You have history.” 
“Yes, but that’s nothing for you to worry about.” He kissed the top of your head. “I was never interested in her. I will see if she poses a threat.” 
“I don’t quite believe I have nothing to worry about.” You shook your head. “My dream told me you weren’t worrying enough.” 
“But now I am aware of her. I won’t take this dream lightly. I know that you have some kind of gift.” 
“Another thing.” You sat up, staring deep into his eyes. 
“What is it?” Alec tensed when you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his neck. He quickly relaxed, however. Enjoying your warm breath on his cold skin. “We have met before. Haven’t we?” 
“Yes.” Pained, Alec nodded. 
“In another life.” You kissed his jaw, face returning to the crook of his neck. “Before the dream I just described, there was another sequence of events. It was shorter. But I was there. I was not from this life. But from another. And the woman was there, too.” 
The vampire’s arms tightened around you, pulling you impossibly closer. He crossed his legs, caging you even more. “Yeah, in that life I lost you to her. And it will not happen again.” 
“How many years ago was it?” 
Alec chuckled. “Y/N, darling. Think bigger. We are talking about centuries. 1245, to be exact. But you were a young man then. A poet. Dashing and courageous.” 
"I’m glad to be back.” 
“Glad.” Alec spat the word out. “That does not even come close to describing how I feel. It is hard to put into words. I’m sure you can find the right words. After all, you are talented with them.”
“It feels like a dead planet was revived by hope and hope alone after experiencing armageddon. As if all the puzzle pieces of the world have connected to build their one true form. As if the past, present, and future have morphed into one entity to give birth to an endless golden summer. It feels like…”
“You.” Alec breathed. “Just like you. And that is enough.” 
“You…” You smiled. “Yes. You.”
Alec was about to swear that he would never leave your side from now on. Even if it annoyed you. But then he felt your slow heartbeat and even breaths. You had fallen asleep. Here, in his arms. 
“It feels like me, too. Like you and me.” Alec closed his eyes, imagining a dream.
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Midnight Roses - Master List
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AN: Here is the Twilight x Percy Jackson fic that I promised months ago. I'm really happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy the fic as well. Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated! There are some darker elements in this fic; please read the warnings below. The warnings will be the same for every chapter.
This fic contains canon-typical violence and behaviours, manipulation, mentions of death, murder, orphans, pain, blood, blood drinking, torture, memory manipulation, prison, and criminals.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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psychooomind · 4 months
I'm creating a whole fanfic around my favorite characters from the Twilight saga, the Volturi. I think they are fascinating characters and ones that Stephanie didn't explore in depth. The fanfic is going to be about Alec x reader, but a reader who has a first and last name, since she is my beautiful creation: Cassandra Pavoularis, a human and Greek girl who had the luck (bad or good) to be Alec's designated partner. . The first three chapters are the meetings between the two of them, and that is what they will be called: “Encounters”. The rest of the story is about different missions that Cassandra and the rest of the guard undergo. Even though it's mostly going to be a CassandraxAlec ship, I want to explore what it's like to be part of the Volturi guard, how busy their days are, how they handle missions, what they are like as a group, between things. English is not my first language. The characters of Jane, Alec and Cassandra are between 15 and 17 years old, because these are the ages of the characters in the film adaptation and not the books.
Chapter 1: First encounter
Chapter 2: Second encounter
Chapter 3: Third encounter
I hope you like it 😊
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Will you try? - Two
(Felix Volturi x reader)
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After well over a year I finally wrote something to post again. I swear, I have so many ideas I’m just too lazy ahaha, anyway I hope you like it! This sorry will probably take a while to finish, but alle the parts have a kind off closed ending so it’s still satisfying to read if you know what I mean <3
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Description: After dealing with the Newborn Army in Washington, Felix comes home to you.
Warnings: Slight mentions of smut
1666 words
You’ve been living in the castle in Volterra for about four months now and Felix was away on a mission. At first he didn’t want to tell you what it was about, but after you got on his nerves enough he finally told you it was regarding the red headed vampire Victoria, who was after your cousin. Apparently she wanted to revenge her mate James that the Cullens killed after he bit and tried to kill Bella. And now Victoria was assembling a newborn army to kill the Cullens and your cousin. You were trying to wrap your head around how Bella managed to get herself into these situations for a long time now, since you were kids. But then again you were one to talk, living in a castle in Italy with your vampire mate. Maybe it was because you two were related.
You insisted on going with Felix, Demetri, Alec and Jane, but after a heated argument, Felix put his foot down and while you pouted, you backed down and stayed behind. So you lounged around in your shared room and binge watched a few shows, Heidi sometimes joining you when she wasn’t on duty. She was your closest friend in the castle, even though you had the feeling that Jane was slowly beginning to crack and warm up to you too, which got Felix speechless, as he’d known her for centuries and she still didn’t like him.
While you where watching (Y/F/S) for the nth time, your phone chimed. Hello my love, we just landed so I’ll be there in about an hour, can’t wait to see you, it read and immediately a smile lit up your face. You really missed him while he was gone, it’s crazy how it’s only been four months and you were head over heels in love with the giant vampire. Neither of you said the three words yet, but you knew it was because Felix wanted to give you time and not send you running for the hills. That’s great baby, I can’t wait! I missed you, you answered and threw the blanket off you.
It was already 8pm, but you still wanted to brush your teeth and look somewhat presentable when he arrived. That’s one thing you were always insecure about, vampires could see everything so very clear and detailed, every pore, pimple, hair. You were glad all the rooms in the castle were soundproofed, otherwise you’d probably had to go to the next restaurant to use the bathroom with the knowledge everyone in the castle could hear you otherwise. You were sure the vampires were happy about the soundproofed walls too, glad they didn’t have to hear each other all the time. Leaving the bathroom you sat back down on the couch and resumed your show, waiting for your mate to come back.
Half an hour later the door finally opened and an exhausted looking Felix stepped in, as far as vampires can look exhausted. You immediately jumped up from the couch, the blanket falling on the floor, and made your way over to him. “Hey”, you smiled and as soon as your eyes locked, a smile made its way on his face. “Il mio amore”, he replied and opened his arms for you to step into. Your face pressed to his sculpted chest, he embraced you and bent down slightly to put his cheek on your head.
“Are you alright?”, you asked, muffled by his chest. “Now that I’m back here with you, I am”, he answered making you giggle. “You can be so sappy”, you smiled and you could practically hear him grin. “You know, back in my times people called that romantic”, he lectured you with a laugh and pulled you to the couch with him. Before your butt could hit the cushion, he sped to the coatrack by the door and took off his coat, before sitting right next to you. Even though you’ve seen him do this a thousand times already, your heart still skipped a beat. “I`ll never get used to that”, you breathed holding your hand to your heart. “Don’t worry my love, I mean at the bottom line your body is made to react to a predator like that”, he grinned and - just to prove his point you felt - was leaning over you a second later with his hands on either side of your head, your back pushed into the pillows behind you. And to his satisfaction your heart sped up again.
“You’re an idiot”, you laughed, lacing you’re fingers behind his neck, his smile shifting from playful to genuine. “Is this idiot finally getting a kiss though?”, he asked and with a smile you leaned up towards him, but he was already leaning down to meet your lips. Even though his body temperature was considerably lower than yours, you never felt more comfortable and at home than in his arms, with his lips on yours. You’ve kissed people before, but no one could ever come even close to the way you felt when Felix held your cheek with one hand, while slowly deepening the kiss. He was always like this, the perfect gentleman, especially compared to the teenage boys you’ve had experience with before him. But with his tall, muscular frame propped up above you and his tongue starting to trace your lips, you’d be lying if you’d say you weren’t thinking about more inappropriate things he could be doing with his tongue.
But if you tried to bring up the idea of having sex again, you knew exactly what he would say. That he’s afraid he’d hurt you - or even worse, not being able to control his own strength, especially with him being even stronger than a normal vampire (as if that didn’t turn you on even more). This seemed to be a vampire thing in general though, considering Bella told you Edward was the exact same when you last talked to her over the phone. It was good to have someone kinda being able to relate, especially to everything you had to give up. But all of that didn’t mean you wanted it any less. And it also didn’t mean you could control getting turned on by the attractive vampire on top of you, making Felix groan deeply and pull away.
“Damn you smell so good, you’re making this really hard tesoro”, he breathed, his hands clutching the fabric of the couch tightly while you laid under him flushed and panting. Taking another breath in, he clenched his eyes shut and buried his face in your neck with a moan. “Maybe that’s the plan”, you laughed breathlessly, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck making him sigh. “You know we can’t”, he whispered against the sensitive skin of your neck, your body almost reacting instinctively, clutching your legs together a little more. You could feel his body stiffen immediately. “I know, I know, but…we haven’t even tried, have we? And you seem to be in control just fine when we make out, so-“, you tried once again to convince him, your hands gripping the front of his shirt. “Love, there’s a considerable difference between making out and having sex”, he said smirking while pulling away from your neck and looking at you with those red eyes that made your knees weak.
“Yeah, yeah I know that, but-“, you tried again, but he immediately interrupted you with a slightly tense look: “What do you mean you know?” “Just because I’m a virgin, doesn’t mean I haven’t done anything before, we’re living in the twenty first century after all”, you said rolling your eyes at his possessive nature (trying to hide it also made you feel a certain way). This conversation wasn’t really going in the direction you wanted it to, because now he looked positively pissed off. You really did forget sometimes that his views and morals were from a different millennia, getting yourself in trouble once again. “Other men have…touched you before?”, he asked with a dangerously calm voice, his eyes narrowed on you. “Uhm…I wouldn’t say men, more like boys or someth…”, your voice chocking up under his fiery gaze, your hands slowly releasing his shirt while the hand on your hip tightened her grip. After staring at you for a few seconds with furrowed brows, seemingly thinking about something he finally opened his mouth: “Alright, we will try.”
You must’ve looked like a deer caught in the headlights, because he adds with a smirk: “Not today though, don’t worry amore.” Before you could muster up an answer he already claimed your lips again with a short, but passionate kiss before pulling back and leaving you breathless again. “If I’d known making you jealous would make it happen, I would have tried that months ago”, you giggled, beaming up at him with joy. “Don’t get your hopes up love, I can’t promise you anything”, he said with a serious look, shifting you both so that he was laying on his back with you on top, your head comfortably against his shoulder.
“I know, thank you for trying though baby”, you smiled, pressing a small kiss to his neck. He hummed, his eyebrows furrowing again slightly. “I really don’t like the idea of other men touching you”, he shared his feelings making you giggle slightly. “Don’t worry my love, since the day I met you I knew you’d be the only touching me from now on”, you promised smiling, feeling him relax underneath you. He pulled the blanket over both of you, knowing he’s cooling you down.
“(Y/N)”, he quietly said while pressing a kiss to your head. “Mhm?”, you hummed, your eyes closed, satisfied with having him back in your arms. “I love you”, he whispered, making your heart skip a beat. You immediately pushed yourself back up, looking into his eyes completely stunned. Considering he was such a strong and tall man, he looked kind off unsure right now waiting for your reaction. But you didn’t even have to think about it, a smile forming on your face. “I love you”, you whispered back. His face relaxed right away and he was pulling you down to meet your lips in another kiss, this one more soft and gentle than the others.
A small explanation as to why (Y/N) didn’t say “I love you too”: I read somewhere, a long time, that when someone says “I love you too” it feels like they’re just like accepting or confirming what the first person said instead of really meaning that they love the other person and it kind off stuck with me.
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wolfish-nightmares · 3 months
Twilight Masterlist
The Cullens: 
E for Everyone -
Coming Soon
Edward Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Alice Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Decode -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Jasper Hale 
Coming Soon
Save a Horse -
Good Dog - No matter how far they threw the stick, you kept coming back.
Rosalie Hale: 
Haunted -  
Coming Soon
Emmett Cullen: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Esme Cullen:
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Carlisle Cullen: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Bella Swan:
Coming Soon
Coming Soon  
Charlie Swan: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Wolf Pack: 
E for Everyone -   
Coming Soon 
Sam Uley: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Emily Young: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon 
Jacob Black: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Jared Cameron: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Paul Lahote: 
Coming Soon 
Anger Management - It's like when a cat is being bad, you spray it.
Imprint On My Heart - Your heart has always wanted Paul but as your life begins to shift you learn how much you truly love him.
Embry Call: 
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Quil Ateara V: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Leah Clearwater: 
Hatred - Leah has always made her hatred for you obvious.
Haunted - 
Coming Soon
Seth Clearwater: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
The Voltouri: 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Bloodletting - 
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon 
Coming Soon
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
The volturi’s relationship with cullen reader
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You met aro when he and your ‘father’ Carlisle lived with him and the rest of the volturi in Italy in the 17th century
Aro found you absolutely darling
By around 1702 when you and Carlisle had been with the volturi for two years you had learned to stop going against Carlisle wishes
Carlisle could be very cruel and aro found it fascinating
He found it interesting how Carlisle could disagree with their feeding methods but could be cruel enough to lock up his ‘child’ and starve you if you decided to talk back
He saw that day that when it came to you, Carlisle and aro could be two sides of the same coin
Eventually aro demanded to meet you properly without your father darkening the doorway the entire time
He found that once on your own, you liked to talk
He enjoyed the sciences and arts which helped the two of you connect
The two of you would talk for hours about art and science and he took it upon himself to educate you on some sciences that your father had refused to teach you in the fear that you might use it to escape
This earned you the title of “sweet dear” and aro would always find away to talk with you
Carlisle grew jealous, the two of you reminded him of before he turned you
The relationship you used to have
The growing closeness between the two of you was another reason that Carlisle decided that it was time to move away in 1720
You begged aro to stay with him and the others but aro couldn’t help you
He discussed with his other council members and they didn’t see it ending well for them
His parting words to you were
“We will always be here if you need us, my sweet child”
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When you were first properly introduced to jane, you were incredibly intimidated
Aro had talked about his high ranking solider many times when the two of you would talk and you were incredibly impressed
Jane was intrigued when she heard of you, considering the two of you were turned at similar ages
(In the books jane and Alec were said to turn around 12 or 13 but in this au they turned around 16 or 17 so they are similar ages to reader and so they match the look that the movie portrayed)
Aro decided that it would be a good idea for the two of you to meet
When Jane walked into the room, she commanded respect with every look she gave
When Jane saw you she thought you were strange as you stared at her in awe, she did find it slightly flattering
As the two of you talked, Jane remained closed off and would only offer one word responses you your conversation starters
Jane quickly grew bored of your company and looked out of the window at a bird chirping in the trees
It was a beautiful bird, one that reminded her of the birds that would fly near her village
You noticed janes distraction and grew sad that you could not gain a friend before an idea entered you head
You used your power to manipulate the bird to chirp sweetly and to come closer
Jane had stared at you in confusion as your eyes squinted and stared at the bird until it appeared on the open window and chirped at jane
She had asked if you were going to keep it as a pet but you only responded with a sad chuckle and
“It would be to similar to my situation, a bird stuck in a pretty cage”
Jane didn’t ask what you meant but she could guess
From that day jane, in her own way, accepted you as a friend
Rather than affection and sweet words she would bring you blood from her victims and would listen to your stories
Even sometimes you would be given a gentle smile as you talked before she would quickly return to her stoic expression
You and her brother were the only one to ever get a soft moment from her
The day it was announced that Carlisle was taking you, she insisted to the council that you should stay but it couldn’t be done
Her parting words to her were
“I will see you again, dear friend”
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You met Alec when you went with Carlisle to introduce Edward to the volturi
It was a tradition that would come when each new family members would come, they were to be introduced to aro and the volturi as a sign of respect
Jane and aro had greeted you so sweetly, well more aro than Jane but you did receive a nod of respect, it made Alec wonder what you could of done to gain so much appreciation
He was slightly jealous of you, he had a powerful gift and a taste for blood yet you had won aro over to be so kind
You, wide eyed, naive, gentle you
Alec decided it was time to introduce himself
Since edwards introduction was being celebrated, aro decided to throw a ball in his honour
It was more like a strategic show of power to the young vampire
Carlisle and Edward fussed over you nonsensically and would refuse to let you out of their sight
Alec had concocted a plan in his head and Asked for aros help to distract the two male vampires
When they were distracted, Alec asked you to dance and you accepted quickly in an attempt to cure your boredom
Alec had noticed that Carlisle had dressed you childishly for your age and you noticed that Alec seemed to want to dress older than he was
Alec held onto you threateningly tight as he interrogated you on your relationship with aro and Jane, you answered his questions honestly as you danced
You noticed that Alec was more teasing than Jane but somehow more calm than your sadistic friend who was watching you out of the corner of her eye somewhere in the grand room
As you danced with Alec he found you annoyingly likeable but you were truly interesting when Edward pulled you from Alec’s grip and harshly pulled you to Carlisle before you were sent to your room that aro had kept from you short stay
Alec had felt himself curious and walked in the courtyard in the dead of night and caught you at your open window (more like an arch like ancient Roman architecture windows)
You had tears running down your face and to Alec you looked like the picture of beauty with the moonlight shining on your tear stained face
Your emotional pain was delicious to Alec and he craved your presence
After what he witnessed he tried to closer to you but Edward sensed his romantic intention when he read his mind and would lead you away
Every time he saw you after that he would offer you a Dance and would crave in his undead heart to be that close with you for eternity
When he parted with you after edwards celebration his parting words to you were
“We have eternity my love”
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Caius had met you centuries before he found an interest in you
Before he only saw you as Carlisle meek little pet who satiated his paternal desires and followed him around
He found you slightly pathetic as you clung to your family members, never knowing it was because they held you there
He found an interest when one of your ‘siblings’ were introduced once again as your clan grew bigger
He had been taking a stroll at night when he had seen Carlisle grip your jaw tightly as you fought to break free
Caius saw as Carlisle locked you up in your room at the volturi and as he walked away he listened at the door
He heard the sounds of things hitting the wall and wood smashing before something very interesting caught his attention
“I hate you” you had screamed so loudly that the door rattled
Hate? That word brought a familiar sense of warmth in his chest
And just like his anger had attracted aro to him, you anger and hatred had attracted him to you
He requested a private meeting with you the next day but he was firmly denied by you ‘mother’ and ‘father’
So he found you again locked in your room and entered by breaking the lock
He had found you smashing your chair against the wall and applauded you impressed
“What’s wrong, little dove?” He had asked with a smirk and your anger left you ranting to the strange friend of aros you had only seen for formal introductions or meetings
Your hatred and anger was fascinating to caius who declared to be your new mentor
Caius is an ambitious man who saw you as a future investment, when you were ready he was sure you would be a powerful fighter
He spent more time with you as you enjoyed your extremely brief stays and as he did the two of you adopted a father daughter dynamic
He saw you as someone who could be an prodigy if you were actually treated like the hundreds of years old being that you were
His parting words to you in that fateful trip were
“Use your anger to find us, little dove”
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Marcus had observed you for many decades
He never found an interest in you until the time came for the two of you to interact
He had seen how you behaved with with fellow volturi members and was curious
He was also curious if Carlisle’s bond with you
How could someone be so paternal to someone who hates them so
Marcus power is relationship identification and when he used it on Carlisle, he saw that the man loved you very much and adored you while you felt hatred for Carlisle and saw him as the one preventing your freedom
His interest reached his peak when you walked into the volturi library while Marcus himself was brooding by the chess board
You offered a kind smile which caught Marcus off guard slightly, how long had it been since someone’s smile was one of genuine kindness towards him
Out of curiosity he offered you a place at the chess table which you accepted as the two of you played chess silently until he beat you
The two of you played another game and this time you offered conversation which Marcus hesitantly accepted
Your chirpy laugh and your sweet smile reminded him of his late wife Didyme
He felt himself drawn to conversation with you and you graciously accepted
He grew slightly closer to you but certainly not as close as you were to the others
He had a silent fondness for you which was only made clear when he craved your presence and felt himself laughing at your jokes and stories, small smiles and laughter obviously
He decided to have some of his rouge vampire ally’s keep an eye on you and he would inform the rest of the volturi of your movements and actions
His parting words to you were
“You’ll be looked after, girl”
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These are all the volturi members I could think of for now but let me know if I missed someone :)
This has been in my drafts for a while so I apologise if it’s trash, I know the characters are a bit ooc but I thought it was interesting
Hope you enjoyed
Love ya ❤️
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zapreportsblog · 10 months
*ahem* Yandere Alec & Jane x Reader
Think about it,
When Bella goes to save Edward from the Volturi, Reader comes along to make sure their older sister Bella goes home alive only to make first contact with Jane.
Jane would be the quiet yet protective Yandere type, meaning when Jane first felt the bond she instantly wants the Reader close to her.
As Jane tells Bella, Edward, Alice and Reader to follow her with Felix and Demitri behind them(of course Jane makes sure to hold on to the Readers wrist lightly but strong enough)
Soon the group is in the throne room, Alec soon feels the same type of bond just like Jane and looks at Reader with hungry eyes.
Alex is the type of yandere that gets jealous easily and just wants to keep the reader locked up in a room.
Soon both siblings are on each of the readers side being protective and clingy, holding onto their hand and arms for recurrence and security.
Of course the reader is not used to it and gets freaked out and tries to get close to their older sister Bella, Bella doing the same thing by trying to reach out to the reader.
But the reader gets pulled back from Bella and has been forced to stay by the Volturi and the siblings FOREVER.
Ah yes now you’re talking my love language, who doesn’t just love them an unhinged partner
❝forced to stay❞
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✭ pairing : yandere jane volturi x reader x yandere alec volturi
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : the moment she made a contact with the twins she should’ve known that her fate was sealed 
✭ authors note : I don’t know what it is about having a unhinged partner, but I find it oddly romantic . Like for an example I have been dating my current boyfriend for almost a year now and only recently I would say a couple of months back. He told me that he was going to look up my location and come to my house after I did not respond to him for the first few days of us talking, we were not dating in the beginning, obviously so the fact that this man was going to somehow get access to my location whew gurl, this man got me down bad 
✭ twilight masterlist
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The evening had settled in, casting long shadows as Bella Swan sat in her room, her thoughts consumed by worry for Edward. She had barely spoken to him since he left, and the emptiness was overwhelming. Just then, a light knock on her window startled her, and she turned to find Alice Cullen perched on the windowsill, her golden eyes filled with urgency.
"Bella," Alice began, her voice laced with concern, "we need to talk."
Bella's heart raced as she sat up straighter. "What is it, Alice?"
"It's Edward," Alice said, her voice steady yet grave. "He's planning to expose himself to humans—to reveal his true nature—in order to provoke the Volturi into killing him."
The words struck Bella like a physical blow. Her mind raced, unable to comprehend what she had just heard. "No, he can't be serious," Bella whispered, her voice trembling.
Alice's expression was somber. "He believes it's the only way to keep you and your family safe from the Volturi's attention."
Tears welled in Bella's eyes as the gravity of the situation settled in. "I have to stop him," she said, her voice determined.
Alice nodded in agreement. "I'm coming with you."
As Bella stood, her gaze locked onto the window, and she realized that someone else was listening. Turning, she saw her younger sister, (y/n), standing at the door, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Bella asked, surprised yet touched by her sister's presence.
"I heard everything," (y/n) replied, her voice steady. "And I'm coming too."
Bella's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. "(Y/n), this is dangerous. I can't let you get involved."
(Y/n) stepped forward, her eyes unwavering. "Bella, you're my sister. I can't just sit back while you face this alone."
Alice's lips curled into a small smile. "She's right, Bella. We're all in this together."
Bella hesitated, torn between her protective instincts and the realization that her family's bond was unbreakable. Finally, she nodded. "Fine, you can come. But promise me you'll stay close and follow my lead."
(Y/n) nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I promise."
With the decision made, the three of them exchanged a look that held a mixture of worry and resolve. The bond between sisters ran deep, and their determination to protect each other was unyielding.
As they stepped out of the house, ready to face the perilous journey ahead, Bella knew that no matter what challenges they encountered, they would face them together. The unbreakable bond between sisters would guide them through the darkness, giving them the strength to save the ones they loved, even if it meant facing the Volturi themselves.
As Bella, Alice, and (y/n) approached the Volturi chamber, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. Shadows danced across the walls, and the weight of their purpose settled heavily upon them. Just as they were about to enter, a trio of figures appeared, drawing their attention.
Jane, Demetri, and Felix materialized before them, their presence both unsettling and foreboding. (Y/n) sensed the intensity of the situation, her instincts on high alert. Her gaze locked with Jane's, and a strange shiver ran down her spine. Unbeknownst to her, Jane's connection to (y/n) ran deep, fueled by the intense bond of mates.
Demetri's voice cut through the air, his tone respectful yet firm. "The kings are awaiting your presence. Follow us."
Bella exchanged a wary glance with Alice, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. With a nod, they followed Demetri and Felix, their steps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. The tension was palpable, and (y/n)'s heart raced as they moved closer to their destination.
As they entered the chamber, (y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine once more. The Volturi kings sat upon their thrones, exuding an air of authority and power. Aro, Caius, and Marcus regarded them with interest, their eyes glinting with curiosity as they took in the unexpected guests.
"(Y/n) Swan and Bella Swan," Aro's voice rang out, his tone laced with intrigue. "A pleasure to have you with us."
(Y/n)'s and her sister Bella’s eyes widened, taken aback by Aro's direct acknowledgment of her presence. They offered a tentative nod, voices momentarily caught in their throat.
“So tell me, why have you come here? Why do two humans and one vampire stand before us?” Aro questions obviously amused with the whole situation. 
As the conversation with the Volturi kings continued, (y/n) felt a strange sensation wash over her. The intensity of Alec's gaze upon her didn't go unnoticed. Unbeknownst to her, the same bond that had sparked between her and Jane had also formed with Alec, albeit with different implications.
Alec's eyes, hungry and possessive, trailed over (y/n) as if she were the only thing in the room. An invisible thread connected them, a connection that (y/n) couldn't comprehend. Her heart quickened under his gaze, an unfamiliar heat blooming within her.
As the conversation continued, (y/n) found herself shifting uncomfortably under the weight of Alec's gaze, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Soon before she knew it Alec and Jane were standing before her, they clinged to her every being allowing no room for others to touch or even get near her.
Their presence was suffocating .
(Y/n)'s world had become a whirlwind of confusion and unease. She felt like a puppet, caught between the possessive affections of Alec and Jane on one side and the protective concern of Bella on the other. It was suffocating, overwhelming, and completely foreign to her.
As (y/n) attempted to navigate through the tense atmosphere, her heart rate quickened. Alec and Jane were by her side, their grip on her hand and arms feeling like a constant reminder of their presence. The clinginess and possessiveness made her uncomfortable, and she found herself longing for a moment of solitude.
Bella's attempts to reach out to her were a lifeline in this sea of intensity. She wanted to cling to her sister, the familiar bond between them offering a semblance of normalcy. But every time she tried to get closer to Bella, Alec and Jane would pull her back, their possessive gestures preventing her from seeking comfort in her older sister's arms.
Torn between the conflicting desires of those around her, (y/n) felt trapped. She wanted to be with Bella, to find solace in her sister's embrace, but Alec and Jane's hold on her was unyielding.
Then, the announcement from Marcus changed everything. His words echoed in the chamber, declaring that (y/n) was Alec and Jane's mate. The shock and realization of what that meant sent tremors through her. It was a bond she didn't understand, a connection that both terrified and intrigued her.
As the truth sank in, the weight of her circumstances settled on her shoulders. Aro, always the master manipulator, took advantage of the situation. He presented Bella and Alice with an unfair deal, Edward's life in exchange for (y/n)'s captivity among the Volturi.
The decision was left to (y/n), and despite the unease and discomfort, she found herself speaking up. "Agree to the deal," she told Bella and Alice, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I'll be fine. You have to save Edward."
It was a sacrifice that she never thought she would have to make, but (y/n) was determined to protect her loved ones, no matter the cost. As the deal was settled, (y/n) felt a mixture of fear and determination coursing through her veins. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and now she had to face an uncertain future, bound to two yandere vampires who held an inexplicable claim over her heart and soul.
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raindancer2004 · 1 year
The Other Swan
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Word Count: 6,033. Demetri x OC Swan. Part one. Warning: Angst and Fluff
March 2006 Daniella and Bella go with Alice to save Edward in Volterra, Italy.
Edward starts to step outside without his shirt on when Bella runs into his arms, asking to him to open his eyes and to go back inside. “I needed to make you see me one last time so you don’t feel guilty. I can let you go now” Bella says to Edward, his hold on her tightens a little as he replies “I love you and I can’t live in a world where you’re not in it.” Edward captures Bella’s lips in a loving kiss as Demetri and Felix enter the hallway and make their way towards them “I won’t be needing your services after all gentlemen” Edward tells them “Still we should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue” Demetri replies. Edward nods and says to Bella “Go and enjoy the festival” “The girl comes with us” Felix says without missing a beat “No. Go to hell” Edward replies.
The large doors burst open as Alice enters with a human close behind her. “Come on gentlemen, you don’t want to cause a scene” Alice states with a smile and removes her sunglasses and scarf. “You wouldn’t” Felix replies. Demetri ignores the conversation between his friend and the female vampire as his eyes focus on the girl standing behind Alice. She has dark blonde wavy hair and light blue eyes. He feels a slight burning in his throat and a strange pull towards her; the need to hold her, protect her and then he realises he is looking at his mate. The mate he had given up all hope of ever finding after 1000 years alone. He feels very protective of her and keeps his hand on her back as they all follow Jane, making their way to the throne room to meet with Aro, Caius and Marcus.
Once in the throne room Demetri keeps the girl next to him with his hand still on her back. Aro takes Edward’s hand seeing his thoughts and the fact that Bella and her sister are immune to his gift. Aro steps back and asks “I’d like to see if Bella & Daniella are immune to my gift too” Demetri tenses slightly at this, keeping her in his line of sight the entire time whilst observing the interaction between Aro, Edward, Bella and Daniella. Aro then states he cannot read Bella or Daniella’s minds, and wonders if they are immune to Jane’s gift too. Jane is frustrated that her gift did not affect Bella and then turns her attention to Daniella.
During Jane’s attempt on his mate Demetri moves closer to her ready to catch her and hold her in his arms should she fall to the floor as Edward had done just moments ago. Aro laughs as he realises both girls appear to be immune to all their gifts. Demetri immediately goes to Daniella and pulls her into his side; protectively wrapping an arm around her waist, quietly purring relieved to have her close again. Daniella felt a little confused that the vampire beside her was holding her so close considering what Edward had them about the Volturi and their disregard for humans.
Edward and Felix then fight as Edward tries to stop Felix from killing Bella. Felix has Edward kneeling on the throne steps with his head in his hands ready to remove it, when Bella cries out “Kill me, kill me, not him, not him” Aro holds his hand up to stop Felix and then looks to Bella “You would give up your life for someone like us, a soulless monster?” “You don’t know a thing about his soul” replies Bella.
After Alice shows Aro her vision of Bella becoming one of them, he then turns his attention to Daniella “What are we going to do with you?” She stiffens in Demetri’s hold and he growls at Aro holding her even closer to him. Marcus recognises the mate bond and calls out “Brother” getting Aro’s attention, before getting up from his throne and offering his hand to Aro. Aro sees Marcus’ thoughts and sees that the girl in Demetri’s arms is indeed Demetri’s mate.
Edward having read Aro’s mind looks back at Daniella and says “I’m sorry.” She looks at Aro and then up at Demetri as his grip tightens slightly around her waist. Demetri leans down and whispers in her ear “Mine” He rests his head on hers, breathing in her scent, as Aro announces the news to everyone in the room. “It would seem that our dear Demetri has finally found his mate.” Daniella gasps in shock and mutters sarcastically “Great. I’m gonna have to learn to say no to you and your ideas Bells” Bella doesn’t say anything, still trying to process the information herself. Edward nods, confirming Aro’s declaration.
Aro explains that Bella, Edward & Alice can leave once evening arrives but that Daniella has to stay with them; she shakes her head “What? No, I-I can’t stay” “You cannot leave my dear, you belong with Demetri” Aro replies smiling at the two of them. “No! She’s just 15” Bella says loudly. “I’m 16 in a few months” Daniella instantly replies, unsure why she said that. “But I need to go home, my family is there, my stuff is there, I-I can’t stay. Please let me go home Aro. I will keep your secret” She replies. “I’m afraid that’s not my decision. You will need to ask Demetri, my dear Daniella” Aro replies looking at Demetri.
She turns to Demetri now with tears in her eyes “Please let me go home to my family. Let me finish high school. You can come visit whenever you want; I could come visit in the holidays? I’ll come back when I’m 18 and finished school. I promise” Demetri looks down at her resting a hand on her cheek and says “I’m sorry cara mia, but I have waited over 1000 years for you, and I cannot let you go. You are my mate and I want you by my side forever” He presses a kiss to her forehead still holding her in his arms.
Demetri leads them out of the throne room and to the reception area, where Daniella says a tearful goodbye to Alice, Edward & Bella. “Look after her Edward” Daniella says to Edward and he replies “I will, I promise. Look after her Demetri” He nods at Daniella. Demetri nods in response “I will” He wraps an arm around her waist once again.
Demetri takes Daniella to his quarters “You cannot leave this room without me or a guard escorting you. The same goes for leaving the castle. I’ll be back later” He tells her before leaving to return to the throne room to feed. She just stands there at the window beside the balcony doors overlooking the garden with tears running down her face. After a while she goes to into the en-suite bathroom to wash her face, eyes now red from crying. She then goes into Demetri’s walk-in closet, amazed at the size of it and picks a black shirt to wear to bed as she has nothing with her but a small backpack.
Demetri comes back to the room seeing her walk from the closet in just his shirt. She blushes slightly before speaking to him “H-hope you don’t mind…but I needed something to sleep in” Demetri nods and replies “I’ll take you shopping tomorrow. Good night cara mia” “Aren’t you staying?” She says in a low voice “No. Do you need anything before I go?” He asks “No” is her only reply before he watches her climb into his bed and lay facing the window, more tears falling down her cheeks. The door closes softly behind him. “Felix, keep an eye on her. Please” Felix just nods and stands by the door in the hallway.  
Sometime later she hears the door open and a voice say “Here, I got you a glass of water. If you need anything else, I’ll just be outside the door” She turns over to see Felix placing the glass on the bedside table and mutters “Thank you” Before seeing him leave the room.
In the morning, Demetri comes into his room and gently wakes her up and hands her some toast and a glass of fruit juice. “Morning, once you’ve had breakfast get changed and then we can leave” She nodded “Thank you for breakfast” She watches as Demetri went into his closet to get some jeans and a shirt before entering the bathroom to get ready. Demetri leaves the bathroom and takes a seat on one of the sofas picking up a book from the coffee table and began to read.
Daniella ate her toast and drank her juice, then went into the bathroom to get washed and ready. She put the jeans and strappy top on from the day before and exits the bathroom seeing Demetri still sitting on one of the sofas. “Do you mind if I borrow a shirt please?” She asked quietly. Demetri nodded and got up and walked to his closet and handed her a shirt “Here” “Thank you” She replied and put on the shirt, tying it at her waist. Demetri smiled liking how she looked in his shirt. She noticed that his eyes were no longer red, in fact they were a shade of blue and she guessed he was wearing contacts so he’d blend in with the humans. “Ready Daniella?” “Danni” She said softly “Sorry?” He asks “I prefer Danni” She replies. “Danni it is” He smiled at her.
Demetri placed one hand on her back and guided her to the underground garage and over to his car. Demetri opened the passenger door of his black Lamborghini and Danni climbed in thanking him as she did so. He then made his way around to the driver’s side and climbed in. They sat in silence whilst Danni looked out the window at the passing landscape. The weather was warm despite light clouds in the sky.
Demetri parked the car in the mall carpark and got out of the car and made his way around to the passenger side and opened the door for Danni, holding out his hand to help her out of the car. “Thank you” Demetri smiled at her and took her warm hand in his cold one and started to walk towards the mall entrance, liking how her hand felt and fit within his own.
As they approached the first shop Danni said “I won’t take long, I don’t have a lot of cash with me so I’ll just get a few things” Demetri looked down at her and replied “Today is on me, after all I am the reason you are staying here without your things” He smiled at her and Danni went to refuse his offer when he spoke again “I’m your mate and I said I’d look after you and I will” He kissed her hair and Danni nodded, blushing and taking her bottom lip between her teeth whilst looking up at him through her lashes. Demetri smiled at her reaction thinking to himself how beautiful she looked in this moment.
They entered the first shop and started to look around. Demetri picked out a blue sleeveless dress and silver sandals thinking how nice Danni would look in them when he took her out for their first date. Danni meanwhile had picked out a few vest tops, some t-shirts, 2 shirts and some other tops. Demetri led Danni to the changing rooms and handed her the dress and sandals. “Here, try these on please.” Danni tried them on staring in the mirror and she had to admit Demetri had great taste. She slowly stepped out of the cubicle and Demetri instantly looked her up and down before complimenting her “Stunning, the blue really brings out your eyes” Danni blushed again “Thank you” She replied before returning to the cubicle to change.
Demetri paid for the clothes thanking the sales lady and took Danni’s hand again leading her out of the shop. They entered another clothes shop where Danni picked out some jeans and a pair of flat shoes. Demetri bought himself a new a pair of black trousers and a smart jacket. He also picked out a black waist length jacket for Danni.
Demetri took Danni to a coffee shop and she ordered a vanilla latte and a piece of lemon drizzle cake. Once Danni sat down Demetri spoke “I’m going to take these bags back to the car and I’ll be straight back. Stay here, please” She nodded in response. Demetri bent down slightly, inhaling her scent and smiled to himself. He returned less than 10 minutes later and took a seat opposite her. Once Danni had finished they got to up to leave, Demetri taking her hand in his again.
“Demetri” Danni said quietly, “Do you mind if I go in here and buy some underwear” She pointed at Boux Avenue. Demetri smiled at her “Of course not, come on” He led her into the shop and Danni pulled her hand from Demetri’s and started to look at the lingerie. He followed behind her, making a mental note of the size and style of underwear she went for. Danni picked out two white bras, two black and a navy one to go with the dress, before picking out matching lace shorts. She then noticed a cerise pink set hanging up next to a peach set. She added a set of each to her bag. Demetri couldn’t help smiling to himself, imagining how good his mate would look in the underwear she had picked. Danni found the pyjama section and picked out a short and vest top set with a picture of vampire fangs on it with the words “Bite me” Danni let out a small chuckle and added them to the bag. She then picked out two more sets of short pyjamas and two sets of long pyjamas. Demetri paid for the underwear and pyjamas and then took Danni’s hand back in his and led her to a shop where she could buy toiletries, he picked up some items for himself too.
Demetri led Danni back to the car and held the door open for her, she looked up at him and smiled. Once Demetri was in the car Danni turned to him “Thank you for today and for buying me clothes, I appreciate it” “You are very welcome cara mia” He replied with a smile “A perk of working for the Volturi and being around for over 1000 years, the money just adds up over time.”
Once back at the castle, Demetri escorts Danni back to his quarters and places the bags in the walk-in closet and tells her the left side is all hers. He hangs his purchases up inside the wardrobe. “I’ll get you something to eat from the kitchen whilst you unpack” Danni just nods and looks at the left side of the room, thinking to herself that she is unlikely to ever the fill the closet space he has given her.
Demetri returns ten minutes later with a bowl of pasta “Gianna cooked enough for you too, hope you like it” “Thank you, it’s delicious” Danni replies after trying some. Once she had finished her pasta, she gets up and makes her way to the closet getting a pair of pyjamas before heading for the bathroom “I’m going for a shower” Danni says quietly, not wanting to disturb Demetri too much as he was reading his book from earlier.
Danni showers and washes her hair before getting dried and putting on the pyjamas with the vampire fangs and the slogan “Bite me.” She plaits her hair and steps out of the bathroom. Demetri looks up as the scent of Danni’s coconut shampoo hits his nose and fills the room. Danni makes her way towards the seating area and Demetri cannot help but chuckle at Danni’s pyjamas. “Nice pyjamas” He tells her “Thank you, I saw them and couldn’t resist” She giggled “That could be seen as an invitation you know” Demetri smirked and winked at her, hoping she would know he was joking with her. Danni smiled at him and looked over to the bookcase behind him. “May I read one of your books, please?” She asked “Of course. They are yours now too” They sat across from each other on the sofas with the fireplace crackling low warming the room. Danni soon fell asleep whilst reading her book and Demetri gently picked her up and put her in his bed and pulled the duvet over her, before leaning down and placing a kiss on her hair “Goodnight Danni” He whispered. He then returned to the sofa and picked up his book and continued to read whilst she slept.
Danni awoke in the morning to find Demetri still sitting on the sofa, but he was reading a different book. He looked up when he heard Danni get up from the bed and make her way to the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later and noticed Demetri had left the room. Danni sat on the sofa and picked up her book from the night before and began reading it again, just then the door opened and Demetri came in holding a tray with a plate of toast and a glass of juice. He set the tray down on the coffee table “Morning Danni, I am on guard duty today so please stay in this room. Gianna will bring you lunch and dinner and I will be back this evening.” “Ok, have a good day” Danni replied. Demetri nodded and left the room.
Danni spent the morning on the sofa reading until Gianna knocked and entered the room with a tray “Hi Danni, I’m Gianna, I have bought you some lunch” “Hi Gianna, thank you so much” After lunch Danni got a new book from the bookcase and took a seat on the balcony to read whilst enjoying the sun. At 6pm Gianna knocks on the door and enters with a different tray. “Danni, I’ve bought your dinner” “Thank you” Danni ate her dinner on the balcony and continued to read.
Demetri returned around 8pm and noticed Danni wasn’t in the room or on the balcony, although the doors were open. He closed his eyes and tried to reach out to her, feel the tenor of her mind, before realising he can’t sense her. Then it hits him, her scent strawberries and vanilla with a hint of champagne. Looking to the bathroom door he smiled to himself, relaxing knowing she was in the bathroom, safe. He loved the way she smelt, his mate, his human mate, who he would love and protect no matter what.
Demetri closed the balcony doors and lit the fireplace, then laid down on the sofa facing the bed and began reading waiting for Danni to finish in the bathroom. Danni came out of the bathroom and made her way to the sofa facing the fireplace and sat down “How was your day?” She asked “It was good, thank you. How was your day?” He replied. Danni smiled “It was ok; I read most of the day, in here until lunch and then sat on the balcony this afternoon. Gianna seems nice too.” Demetri nodded and said “She is the only other human in the castle. It might nice if you had lunch together sometime, become friends even” Danni smiled at him “That’d be nice.”
Danni had been in the castle for a week and she was getting used to her new routine. She had helped Gianna the previous afternoon on reception and had enjoyed doing so.
Danni woke to find Demetri was not in the room, but soon the door opened and Gianna entered holding a tray with a plate of pancakes and some juice. “Morning, Danni. Demetri sends his apologies, but he was called to the throne room early this morning. He has had to leave the castle on business and won’t be back until tomorrow. I thought we could have dinner together tonight if you’d like” “A change of scenery would be nice. Thank you for bringing me breakfast” Danni replied “You’re most welcome.”
Later that day around 6pm, Gianna comes and collects Danni and takes her to the kitchen where they cook dinner together and get to know one another. Around 8pm Gianna walks Danni back to Demetri’s room and bids her goodnight. Danni gets a book from the bookcase and climbs into bed to read, before falling asleep a few hours later.
Demetri returns to the castle the following morning and heads to the throne room for the trial of the rogue vampires he, Felix, Jane and Alec bought back to the castle. Once the leaders had passed their judgement, he and Felix made quick work of ripping them apart and burning the bodies. Demetri then made his way to his quarters, needing to see Danni and to take a shower following the events of the last twenty-four hours.
When he entered his room he noticed Danni was lying on her stomach on the bed facing away from the door reading. “Afternoon cara mia, I hope you have been ok in my absence. My apologies, I couldn’t say goodbye before I left” “Afternoon, that’s ok. Gianna explained you had business to attend to outside of the castle. I stayed in the room except for dinner last night, which I ate in the kitchen with Gianna. How was your trip?” She asked “Eventful” Demetri replied pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers, whilst walking into his closet.
Danni got off the bed and made her way to the en-suite and began to run a bath. The running water and the scent of lavender and camomile coming from the bathroom got Demetri’s attention. ‘So much for a shower’ he thought to himself. Danni came to stand in the doorway of the closet “Demetri” She said softly gaining his attention. He liked hearing his name come from her lips. “Hmm” He responded “I’m running you a bath; it should help you relax” She turned and went back into the bathroom. Demetri couldn’t help smiling to himself at the thoughtfulness of his mate.
“I would have lit some candles but you don’t appear to have any. Do you have a phone?” Danni said as Demetri appeared in the bathroom doorway “It’s ok about the candles” He chuckled “Yes, I have a phone, why?” “If you don’t mind, can I borrow it a second?” He entered the passcode and handed her his phone. He watched as she seemed to be searching for something, and then he heard soft music playing and looked at her surprised. “I downloaded a music app on your phone, so you can listen to soft music whilst you relax in the tub” She smiled at him “Thank you” He nodded. “You’re welcome, I hope it helps you relax.” With that Danni left the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Demetri laid in the bath feeling the hot water relax his tired muscles whilst listening to the soft music. ‘I could get used to this’, he thought to himself. It had been a while since he actually used the bath, normally opting for a long hot shower after long or stressful missions.
After a good soak he got out of the bath and dressed in some lounge pants and a t-shirt and made his way back into the bedroom to find Danni lying on the sofa facing the fireplace reading. “Feeling relaxed?” She asked. “Much, thank you” He replied. “I know you don’t sleep but I have closed the curtains and put your book on the nightstand” He nodded and made his way to the bed and got comfortable “Join me? Please” He asked, looking at Danni. She slowly got up and made her way to the bed and climbed on beside him. They lay beside each other reading, her steady breathing and heartbeat soothing him.
Danni looked to her left to find Demetri had put his book on the nightstand and had laid down with eyes closed. If she didn’t know any better she’d say he was sleeping. Demetri felt her shift on her side of the bed and opened one eye to see Danni was now lying beside him with her eyes closed facing him. He turned on his side to face her and watched her for a minute before closing his eyes again. Although he knew he couldn’t sleep, laying this way next to her relaxed him and he couldn’t remember the last time he felt this relaxed.  
A little while later he felt like he was being watched and opened his eyes to see Danni’s beautiful blue eyes looking at back at him. “Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you. You looked peaceful; almost like you were sleeping” She said quietly “You didn’t disturb me Danni, in fact I’m feeling rather relaxed thanks to you.” Danni smiled at him and he noticed the slight blush that coloured her cheeks.
Over dinner later that evening Demetri answered Danni’s questions about the Volturi and the position he held in the castle. She found the idea of his gift interesting and he was more than happy to discuss it with her and explain how it worked. “I’m a tracker. I pick up on the essence of someone’s mind and can follow it like a scent over any distance. To be able to do this I have to either have met that person physically or anyone who has met the person in the past” “Will you show me how it works one day?” She asked smiling “Of course I will. We can play hide and seek, although I must confess, I usually win.” Danni laughed “I bet, but I think I could hide from you…for a bit anyways. I always beat Bella and our friends at hide and seek” Demetri smiled liking the idea of a challenge, if only a small one. “How old were you when you were turned?” “I was 21 at the time” He responded “Wow! You look good for your age Demetri. I mean you’ve been around for over 1000 years, if I remember correctly?” “Yes, I have and thank you” He chuckled, if vampires could blush his cheeks would definitely be rosy.
Demetri became intrigued when she talked about the vampires in one of her favourite TV shows ‘The Vampire Diaries’, finding it funny that they couldn’t go out in the sun without a ring and that there were veggie vampires in the show. Danni became curious when he pointed out that vampires can go out in the sun, but don’t because they would expose themselves to humans. He promised to show her what he meant the next time it’s sunny and he has time off.
The following morning whilst Danni was eating breakfast Demetri caught her by surprise when he asked “How would you like to go on a date with me tonight?” “You mean leave the castle for the evening?” She asked a little excited at the thought of leaving the castle, if only for a bit. “Yes, I believe that’s how a date works” He chuckled lightly “I’d like that Demi, thank you” He smiled at the nickname and was happy that she agreed to go out with him. “I’ll have Heidi come and help you get ready. Please wear the blue dress and silver sandals I bought you” She smiled and nodded “Will do.”
Demetri left the room to organise things for his and Danni’s date. First stop was Heidi’s room; he knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. “Come in” Demetri entered her room “Heidi? I need a favour” “In here” She called from the bathroom “How can I help?” Demetri took a seat on one of the sofas and waited for Heidi to come out. “I’m taking Danni on a date tonight and I was hoping you might help her get ready. I bought her a blue dress and silver sandals especially” Heidi smiled at him “Of course, leave it with me” Demetri thanked her and left the room to prepare for his date with Danni.
He booked a table for two at an Italian restaurant and bought a bouquet of red roses. He removed the thorns so Danni couldn’t cut herself. He planned on taking her dancing after dinner. He returned to the castle and went to Felix’s room to get ready, having put his new black trousers, navy shirt and new black jacket in there before he left the castle that morning.
Meanwhile, Heidi arrived at Demetri’s room and knocked before opening the door “Danni? It’s Heidi” “Hello” She replied as she walked in from the balcony, closing the door behind her. “Demetri asked me to help you get ready for tonight. So, the first thing to do is to have a nice bubble bath to relax” Heidi went into the bathroom and started to run a bath. Once ready she called Danni into the bathroom “Get in and I’ll wash your hair.” Danni did as Heidi said before letting Heidi wash her hair. Heidi then held up a towel for Danni and once dried Danni put on a robe and sat on the chair that Heidi had bought into the bathroom. Heidi then started drying Danni’s hair before tying the front back so she could start on her make-up. Once Heidi had finished Danni looked in the mirror to see Heidi had created a smoky eye look using different blue and grey eyeshadows. Danni’s lips were now a rosy pink with a shimmer. Heidi then began to curl Danni’s hair and pulled the front back and secured it with a silver clip.
Heidi then led Danni into the walk-in closet and handed her the navy-blue lingerie set and got the navy dress and silver sandals from the closet. Once dressed Heidi led her to the full-length mirror “What do you think?” “Wow, thank you” Danni replied with a smile, a little shocked at her appearance “You’re welcome sweetie. You’ll take Demetri’s breath away” Heidi said and Danni just blushed.
Just then there was a knock on the door. “Speak of the vampire” Heidi said with a smile “Come in” Demetri opened the door to his room and stepped inside, after a few seconds Heidi led Danni out of the closet and into the room. “You look stunning” He said looking at her, Danni blushed and looked down taking her bottom lip between her teeth “That dress really does bring out your eyes cara” Demetri said, stepping forward and taking Danni’s hand in his and placing a kiss to the back of her hand. “Here these are for you” He handed her the bouquet of roses “Thank you Demi, they’re beautiful. You scrub up well by the way” Danni said smiling although she was nervous about her date. Demetri chuckled “Ready?” “Yes” She replied. “Here, I’ll take those and put them in water for you” Heidi said, taking the roses from Danni “Thank you for today Heidi” “My pleasure. Enjoy your night” Heidi replied smiling and watched as they left the room.
Demetri held Danni’s hand and led her to the garage. He held open the car door and helped into the passenger seat before climbing into the driver’s seat. He drove them to an Italian restaurant about 30 minutes outside of Volterra.
Demetri took Danni’s hand in his and led her into the restaurant where they were seated at a table at the back of the restaurant. They were the only ones in this section. A waiter came over and introduced himself “My name is Mario and I’ll be your waiter tonight. Ready to order?” “Chicken Ravioli please” Danni replied “And for you sir?” “The same please” Demetri replied “Ok, and drinks?” Mario answered “Lemonade please” Danni replied “Same” Demetri said “Of course, I’ll be back shortly.”
“I thought vampires didn’t eat human food” Danni spoke softly leaning over the table slightly “We can eat human food, but it tastes like dirt and we have to bring it back up later as our bodies cannot process it” He responded quietly “Oh, ok. You didn’t have to do this Dem, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable because of me” She said and Demetri nodded “It’s our first date cara mia, I wasn’t going to sit here and watch you eat as that would likely draw attention to us, and no doubt make you uncomfortable” He replied “Thank you Demi, that’s very considerate of you” She smiled at him, how he loved her smile.
The waiter returned with their drinks and ten minutes later bought out their dinner. “Thank you” They both said together. “Mmm, this is nice” Danni says after tasting her meal, looking up at Demetri as he takes a mouthful of Ravioli trying not to show his disgust. Danni giggled quietly, causing him to look up at her “Sorry” She mouthed. Once they have finished their mains Mario came to collect their plates “Dessert?” “Tiramisu please, with two spoons. Thank you” Danni replied and Mario nodded “Of course.” Demetri looked at her confused, an eyebrow raised. “I figured if we ‘share’ a dessert it’s less food for you to have to deal with later” Danni answered as if she knew what he was going to ask “That’s very considerate of you, thank you” Demetri said smiling.
After Demetri had paid the bill, he led her down the street to a dance hall. When they entered Danni saw couples dancing and drinking and felt nervous again. Demetri took Danni’s hand and led her to the dance floor “I’m not too good at dancing” Danni said quietly “Don’t worry I’ve got you, just follow my lead” Demetri responded. Danni smiled and nodded as Demetri proceeded to lead Danni through various routines, Ballroom, Latin, Salsa and Swing. After an hour or so Demetri and Danni left the dance hall and made their way back to the car. Once they were in the car Danni spoke first “Thank you for tonight, I had fun” “You’re welcome darling and so did I” Demetri responded with a smile.
Once back at castle they made their way back to their room and Danni went into the closet to get changed into her pyjamas, “Demi, can you please unzip my dress?” She called out when she realised she couldn’t fully unzip the dress by herself. “Of course” He replied and unzipped her dress, his cold fingers lightly brushing down her back in the process. He then took out a pair of lounge pants and a t-shirt and went into the bathroom to get changed. Once Danni was in her pyjamas she knocked on the door “Are you ok?” Demetri knew what and why she was asking “I’m ok, I’ll be out shortly” “Ok” She replied and made her way over to the seating area to wait for him.
Once ready he went and took a seat on the sofa next to Danni “Here let me” He gently took the book from her and begun to read aloud to her. Danni shifted closer to him and took the blanket from the back of the sofa and placed it over the two of them, whilst listening to Demetri read to her. He smiled at her actions and continued to read aloud until he noticed that her breathing had slowed and she had fallen asleep, her head resting on his arm. He closed the book and gently lifted her up and carried her to the bed. He pulled the duvet back and carefully laid her down before placing the duvet over her. He looked down at her and gently kissed her forehead before whispering “Goodnight mi amore.” He then went back to the sofa and began reading, although he wasn’t fully focused on the book as he found himself thinking about his evening with Danni and how much he’d like to take her out again and soon.
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Bella Volturi
what if...When Bella Cullen woke up as a vampire Everything she had with her husband change.
It turn out that Bella Cullen isn't Edward's mate he mistake his blood singer for his real mate who he been waiting to meet for 90 years. But the moment Bella open her eyes both of them can tell everything they had change.
After hunting for the first time she tried to bonded with her own daughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen but her daughter seem to hate her no matter what she dose it was so obvious her own daughter dosen't like her very much that she had never even held her own daughter not once since she become a vampire.
2 months after Bella become Vampires they got divorce since their not mates and their was no point gor them to stay together. The only reason she stayed with the Coven was tgat she tryingvto bonded with her daughter who seem to hate her for no apparent reason.
And it wasn't long after that Edward found his real mate with Maggie who is a member of Irish coven
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( This is Maggie)
Who has the gift Lie detection so no human or can lie to her. Renesmée likes her better than her own mother that evenutally Bella had enough trying to bond with her daughter who dosen't like her and with Maggie around it would be awkward for both Edward and Maggie if she stay with the family so she left and become a nomad decided to change her diet to human blood instead of animal blood she been on since opening her eyes.
During the first 5 months alone she discover gift as a vampire she has Shield Construction the user can construct shields and shield-like objects to defend themselves, which can be composed of anything/everything, including matter/energy, power, concepts, during those time she was able to experimented with her shield for defense and offense and other things she can also turn invisble when ever she wanted and in order to hide herself from Alice's Vision she put a invisble shield on herself at all time.
I isolated myself for 2 years in the mountain to train myself and how to use Shield like it's secound nature to me after mastering my shield I move to North Dakota living under low profile, where I meet one of highest ranking Volturi Guard
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(This is Alec Volturi)
And it was non other than Alec Volturi, when they first meet back when she was still human he didn't know that she was his true mate until that moment if he had know he would have never allow his own mate to leave Italy with the Cullens that day or even allow her to get married to Edward Cullen at that even if it was a short marriage when they discover they weren't mate like they first thought.
While he was in North Dakota he is getting to know his mate Bella Swan who decided to join her mate in Volturi which Aro Volturi accepted her to the coven especially with her gift of Shield Construction which stop any attack whether it be mental or physical attack.
After join the Volturi she quickly made friends with Jane and Heidi Volturi and she's even close to Demetri at that.
2 years at Volturi and Bella married her mate Alec surrounded by all the covens the only one not in attended are the Cullen coven and during the honeymoon they found out bella has the ability to get pregnant since she end up pregnant. And finding out the ability to get pregnant and allow any female vampire who wish to have a child get pregnant as well but only with their true mate.
It was then that she admited that she had a daughter with Edward before she was turn who seem to grow faster than human since after 3 days of her birth she look like a 3months old baby and bella allow Aro look into her memories.
Alec was sadden that his mate's first born seem to hate her for apparent reason that she was never been able to bonded with girl which is why he promise his mate that their child will not act the same as Edward's daughter, after all it would be their child together.
Demetri was sent to see Edward's daughter from afar now that she's 5 years old and return with the news the girl almost a teenager and even act like one for a 5 years old so it's most like she mental thought of a teenager. Which Aro himself saw through Demetri's memories.
5 months later...
Bella Volturi gaved birth to twins both a daughter and a son they were given the name Olivia Diantha and Aiden Alexsander Volturi who the three Volturi king meet along with Jane other than that they both were hidden until they are old enough but the twins are born gifted like both their parents both Alec and Bella discover their daughter Olivia's gift which is similier to Jane her gift is Death Illusion which the user can kill their target through illusions. If the illusion is powerful enough, it can literally convince the brain to copy anything that happens to the victim within the illusion, making it possible to kill the target with illusions. If the illusion is an illusion of death, target will think they’re being killed over and over again. When a random vampire suddenly show up tried to take a bite out of one of them while their parents were away she manged kill the vampire before their parents reach them. But that wasn't her only gift she also has another so simlier to first gift which is a Psychosomatic Illusion which the user can create illusions powerful enough to cause physical effects (cuts, bruises, burns, etc.) to appear on the target. Such illusions can even be realistic sufficient to interact physically with and affect the surrounding environment as well as their target.
Aiden's gift was discover not long after his sister which is Death Inducement the user can kill anyone and possibly even anything using varying means, either instantly, slowly over time, after certain conditions are met, or after a certain period of time has passed. May be induced by touch, at a distance, simply willing it to happen, or by performing a certain ritual. And like his twin sister it isn't the gift he has he also has the gift of Winter Manipulation which the user is able to tap and induce the winter and the powers/forces it represents: snow and ice, cold, death and solitude. It is also time of endurance and survival with any means possible, waiting, reflection and preparation for the upcoming growth season.
With how powerful and dangerous the twins gifts are it's foolish not to train them less they lose control of their gift and killing everyone so for the last 18 years the twins were train by their parents how to fight and how control their gift to mastry like it's became secound nature to them.
The other Volturi guards has never meet Olivia or Aiden not once except for Jane beging their aunt and with her gift so similier to Olivia she sometime help train them. By the time the twins 7 years old they now look about 19 years old physically by then Jane Volturi married her mate after all these time her mate happen to Felix Volturi one of the high ranking guard. And with Bella giving Jane the ability to have a child of her own it was no suprise that she end up pregnant and give birth to a daughter she named Elizabeth Rose Volturi who was introduce to her Uncle and two cousin since they mostly watch her when both Jane & Felix go on a mission for the kings.
10 years later...
Olivia and Aiden Volturi are now both 17 years old and it's the first time the rest of the guards meet them but when Demetri meet Olivia for the first time he notice who she is to him she's the one who he has been searching for, many years she is his mate and he is hers which Bella and Alec allow since they know that he would always protect his mate no matter what.
It's been 22 years since Bella left the Cullen Coven and every since then Alice has never saw her future again.
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( Renesmee Cullen, 22 years old)
Renesmee Cullen is now an adult who never had any mother figure has never been attachment to any woman not even Maggie who she like than h er own mother or Rosalie who took care her during Bella's change.
Maggie who tried to be there as mother for Renesmee after bella has enough trying to bond with a daughter who wantes nothing to do with her but Renesmee see her more an older sister than a mother figure really. That's when Carlisle start runing some test on Renesmee on why she has no attachment to her own mother. During the test Carlisle found out that Renesmee is slowly developing attachment disorder.
Which explain why she has attachment to bella it was the first sign something was wrong we just thought they needed bonded more together not because she was developing an attachment disorder.
which Edward has her on treatment so that she could bond with a morher figure if she can't bonded with her own mother.
They all tried to gain contact with Bella but unfortunately she has change her phone number and no one knows where she disappear to not even Jake Black the imprinter of Rensemee know where abouts. she's out their somewhere.
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(Olivia Diantha Volturi, 17 years old)
Olivia Volturi is getting to know his mate Demetri since while her parents know him, she never meet him until then which she is glad since she dosen't want to ever think he is anything but her mate because she dosen't know what she'll do if at one point she thouht him as a brother but when the truth came out that their mate she would have never likely be with him and she wanted to be happy like her parents or like her Uncle Felix and Aunt Jane together.
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(Aiden Alexsander Volturi, 17 years old)
Aiden has always been protective of his twin sister Olivia before he found out that his sister is the mate of Demetri Volturi at less he was a sured that Demetri would porotect his beloved twin with his life and that he would love her like she deserve. His sister isn't the only one he us protective of he is also quite protective of his younger cousin
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(Elizabeth Rose Volturi, 10 years old but physically 17 years old)
Elizabeth Rose Volturi look very much like her own mother that they pass as sisters instead of mother-daughter with how young they both look. She is also very gifted vampire her gift is very similier to her own mother which is Pain Inducement which the User is able to cause varying levels of pain, including physical, mental and/or emotional, to their targets using supernatural means. Which makes the lower guards nervous beging around Elizabeth but not more than Aiden and Olivia Volturi who has a very dangerous gift that dhould they lose control of their gift they would die not that they would ever lose conttol of their gift especially with Alec & Bella train them for 18 years to control it.
While Aiden and Olivia Volturi knows that they have an older half sister by the name Renesmee Carlie Cullen but they don't care about her or wanting anything to do her their family is perfect the way it is they don't want an older half sister they never meet she means nothing to them. While it's true that their mother gaved birth yo Renesmee but she will never be their mother's daughter.
The Cullen Family never thought that they will ever see Bella again but here she is one of the high ranking Volturi guards along side her new husband Alec Volturi who is her mate. They also never expected for her give birth a gain and have twins with Alec who are two powerful children and stronger than Renesmee herself and somehow Jane got pregnant with her mate had a daughter Elizabeth Volturi who has a similer gift as her mother. The bella Swan they all once known is long gone in her place is Bella Volturi one of the guard guards.
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(Bella Volturi 33 years old)
She is now drinker human blood instead animal blood dhe once did when she was with them and she seem far more happy with her coven and family than she ever were with them. She already left her past all behind her even their daughter who she tried to bonded with many times but never did which she put on back of her mind now that she has the perfect and powerful children that loves her and who she love back. Their's no longer anyroom for Renesmee.
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Caius having a mate with ADHD
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Pairing: Caius Volturi x reader
Warnings: None
Requested: @fromheaventohell12
Can you continue with the sarong a reader with adhd? With Caius volturi?
• You like to play your own theme song when walking into the throne room where the kings are
• Your theme song is “Let The Bad Times Roll” by The Offspring
• Everyone being weary around you, as they don’t want to do something that could upset you, so they’re friendly yet careful
• As if Caius isn’t overly protective enough, he finds a reason to add on more to that. It could be any reason, which includes nothing, Caius almost never leaves your side
• Caius loves you nonetheless, he will love you forever and will love you to pieces
• You had good days and bad days, when it’s a bad day, you are distracted easily, can hardly focus at all on just about anything
• Sometimes when you feel the need of having to defend yourself, there’s a chance you can get a little too egressive, and the first time Caius saw that side of you, he was both surprised and amused
• Amused because you can strike fear into someone if driven over your limit of tolerance
• Surprised because a couple of confrontations you had with others turned into actual fights, almost like you were back in high school joining the other kids in a circle to watch a good fight
• The last fight you had started went a little too far, you had thrown a few good punches and hits that you had dislocated the poor man’s jaw and seeing you were at no point in stopping any time soon, Caius had to pull you off and stop the fight himself
• Though Caius would never admit it, but there have been a couple of times in which he was unable to remove you alone and sought help from the other kings who soon turned to be just as amused just as much as Caius had been, but they agree to intervene and stop the madness brewing
• ADHD is not easy but is manageable, Caius is always checking to make sure you’re taking the medicine prescribed by your doctor before he does anything else
• There had been one certain occasion that you missed because of how much you enjoy reading any book
• That event was Caius’s birthday and though he didn’t say anything about it, he found it adorable of you trying to go out of your way to make up for it
• In the end, Caius reassures you until you follow through and listen to him when he says not to worry about
• But in the back of your mind, you still worry and it wasn’t doing you any good
• Not only did you have ADHD, but you had anxiety along with it and that gave Caius the need to make sure you’re protected and not hurt
• If you’re going through one, he is always there for you, and he uses one or two of your own jokes told to him in the past by you
• “How did they punish Hellen Keller for using the phone?”
• You just shrug, already knowing the answer to this one and yet it still makes you laugh like it’s the first time you are hearing it
• Caius loves the sound of your laugh, that’s one of the many things he loves/admires about you
• Sometimes when you’re in the throne room with Caius, you have your bottle containing your medicine in your pocket. On several occasions you had left the bottle behind without even realizing it until one of the kings return it to you
• Caius doesn’t go anywhere without making sure you had what you needed
• He tries to keep you as close as possible, sometimes when he is with you during the night, you play all sorts of different games to help you to better focus
• The games you have come from the same ones you played throughout your childhood
• Your favorite was Yahtzee
• Sometimes you two wouldn’t be doing anything beside cuddling and taking it easy for the day
• Despite his busy schedule, Caius always makes sure to squeeze time in to spend with you
• Which is something you appreciate more than words can describe
• Carlisle Cullen
• Edward Cullen
• Jasper Cullen
• Emmett Cullen
• Riley Biers
• Alice Cullen
• Rosalie Cullen
• Benjamin
• Bella Swan
• Jacob Black
• Vladimir
• Aro
• Alec
• Caius
• Jane
• Victoria
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kimi240302 · 5 months
Come back to me Part 1
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist/ Come back to me Masterlist
"I had all and then most of you Some and now none of you Take me back to the night me met I dont know what I´m supposed to do Haunted by the ghost of you"- Lord Huron/ The Night We Met
Helplessness or powerlessness
Alec didn't know exactly which feeling had been eating away at his insides every day for the past two months, or was it perhaps both? Ever since he'd gotten the call from the Cullen Doctor that the woman he loved more than anything in the world was on the verge of death, Alec had felt like he was in a freefall into darkness. He was not present and yet not absent enough to be able to shut off his emotions from the pain he felt all the time.
Lost in thought, he looked down at his mate and ran soothing motions over her hand that lay in his. Y/N was still lying in the hospital bed in the hospital room in the city that Alec Volturi had learned to hate even more in the last two months than he had hated it before, Forks.
He had not been told exactly what had happened to her, because no one knew for sure how Y/N had left the road with her car and ended up in the lake. There was no storm that evening, no wet or slippery roads or anything else that could have caused the accident. The rest of the facts were also just speculation. Y/N had managed to get out of her car, but the temperature of the water was too cold for her to have the strength to swim to the surface afterwards. She had lost consciousness and only survived by pure luck. This lucky charm was called Jacob Black. He and the other wolves had heard the crash and had run as fast as they could to the lake.
"I always thought that our twentieth birthday would be the only bad memory that would burn itself into my brain and never want to leave." Alec looked away from his sister and ran both hands over his face. He felt something he hadn't felt in several centuries, tiredness. The vampire would love nothing more than to lie down next to his mate, close his eyes and simply sleep away Y/N's absence. But he had long since lost this ability, something he had never regretted until this moment.
Jane, who was standing at the window, looked at her brother in shock. It was the first time she had heard him speak since Y/N's accident, she had come back to check on him every now and then and had never been able to get more than single words out of him. The second thing that shocked her was that she and her brother had never spoken about what had happened, not since they had both turned. Jane sat down in the chair next to Alec and looked at him searchingly. "I'll be honest with you, brother, I've forgotten exactly what happened. Either it was too long ago or my memories are trying to protect me." Alec turned to his sister in surprise. "Really? My memories want to torture me, in this case, I guess. I remember every little detail."
He fell silent for a few moments, turned his gaze away from Jane and looked through the window at the cloudy sky. He had to grin slightly. He hated this town and yet its weather seemed to know exactly how the vampire felt at that moment.
Alec noticed how his sister's gaze seemed to bore deeper into his side profile with every passing second of his silence. His gaze lingered stubbornly outward as he continued. "I remember how you, me and mother were eating dinner when the villagers kicked down our door. I remember them chasing us through the forest with flaming torches and insults. I remember how we were captured and dragged to the dock on the shore. How we were tied to a stake on a pyre and insulted further. I remember mom trying to get to us and fighting against the people holding her. I remember how she broke free. How they grabbed her just before the stake and pushed her to the ground. I remember how she was kicked by the people she had known since childhood. I remember her choking on her own blood." Alec turned his head back to Jane. "But you know what the worst memory from that day is?" The blond vampire shook his head. "The flames. I remember the pain and the smell of our skin burning off piece by piece."
There was an intense silence between the two siblings for a few moments.
"Since when do you remember every detail?" Jane's voice had changed to a soft tone that she only used with her brother and Y/N. Alec's eyes drifted to his mate, reflecting the pain of the last few weeks. "Since the day I saw her lying here like that. Since then, I can't get it out of my head that fate always manages to sweeten my life, only to ruin it afterwards." The black-haired vampire jumped up and walked over to the window. "Alec, Y/N is alive. Carlisle…" "The Cullen doctor, doesn't know if she's waking up. He doesn't even know if she'll ever be able to breathe on her own again without that machine." Alec ran his fingers through his hair again.
His gaze wandered to the machine that displayed Y/N's vital signs and beeped along with her heartbeat. He looked at the machine, from which a tube led into his mate's throat. Alec knew that if it wasn't for that tube, his lover wouldn't even be breathing. The vampire took a closer look at Y/N. Alec swallowed, because there was hardly anything left of the girl from two months ago. Her skin was white and stretched against her body so tightly that you could see every single bone. Her cheeks were sunken and black spots had formed under her eyes. Her hair looked dull as it had lost its shine.
"I should have kept her in Volterra and bitten her the first time we met. Then she wouldn't have had the idea to come back here." Jane stood up instantly and stood in front of her brother, drawing his gaze from his mate. She put her hands to her brother's cheek and looked deep into his eyes.
"Alec, if you had kept her in Volterra the day she was dragged into our world without any preparation and turned her against her wishes, do you really think Y/N would have fallen in love with you? Do you think she wouldn't have listened to the Cullens and seen you for the monster you are to that clan? She would have hated you for the rest of your immortal lives. You would never have been able to reach her." Sadly, Jane turned her gaze to Y/N and back to her brother. "If she doesn't survive this, which I hope she doesn't, at least you had a time together with her that you would want to remember. Y/N loved you and always will. Hold on to that Alec, I beg you not to lose hope now."
Alec let his head grow heavier in his sister's hands. "What if I bite her now…. Maybe I can end this nightmare." Alec lifted his head stepped away from his sister and began his pacing. "I should never have let her go to Forks. The Cullens and her sister don't care about her safety like me, you, or the rest of the Volturi!" His eyes wandered helplessly back and forth between his sister's face and the lifeless-looking body of his mate. The feeling of powerlessness spread through him again, drilling into his bones like a disease.
Jane shook her head. "Carlisle said that our poison might just kill her faster and you couldn't stop her from coming to Forks. After all, she wanted to say goodbye to her father. You know she wouldn't have been able to see her father after her transformation." "Then I should have gone with her…" "Alec, you can't undo what happened. So stop blaming yourself." "I can't lose her Jane, I can lose anyone but her." Jane nodded knowingly. "I know Alec." She whispered. Alec stopped and accepted his twin's embrace. He tightened his hands in her top and lowered his head into the crook of her neck.
They were both there when their master Marcus lost his mate and how he was broken by it. They also saw how he suffered every day. Jane didn't want her brother to suffer the same fate. That's why she had taken the message that Y/N wanted to be turned very well. That way, the young girl would be out of the danger of being human. But ever since the call had arrived in Volterra saying that Y/N was on the brink of death, the thought that Alec could end up like Marcus was a shadow of every action the siblings had taken. Jane couldn't lose her brother and even if the blonde vampire didn't want to admit it, the same was true for Y/N. For the young girl had burned herself into her cold, non-beating heart. Jane also knew that it wasn't just her, but every single vampire who lived in Volterra.
Y/N had earned the nickname "The Sunshine of the Volturi". Because no matter how many prejudices the Cullens and her sister had tried to put into Y/N to turn her against the Volturi. The young woman had created her own images of each individual vampire, which placed her in a special role for each one. For the three kings and their wives, she became a daughter, someone they all wanted to take under their wing and show everything the world had to offer. To Felix, Demetri, Santiago, Afton, Chelsea and Jane, she became a sister. For the rest of the Volturi guard, she became a friend. For Alec, she became his companion, the love of his life and his best friend. What united the Volturi was one thought when it came to Y/N; they all wanted to protect her, whatever the cost.
Alec detached himself from his sister completely, walked around her and sat back down by his mate's bed.
"I'm so sick of this hospital room." He murmured. Carefully, Alec reached for Y/N's hand and clasped it with both of his. Slowly, he brought it to his mouth so he could leave a kiss on her fingers. Alec cursed his vampire existence at that moment, more than on other days. Because she had taken away his ability to cry. All he could utter was a silent whimper. Alec carefully placed Y/N's hand back on the mattress. He leaned towards the bed so that he could place one of his hands on her cheek while the other stroked tenderly through her hair. His eyes clouded over with pain.
"Did you know that you are so important to the Volturi that even the kings themselves were here to see you? Although Master Aro could see you through Demetris or through someone else, all three wanted to see it with their own eyes." He paused for a few seconds. "I think by now every Volturi has been here once. Your sister and the Cullens throw a fit every time they see another one of us." Jane quietly sat back down in her old seat and watched her brother closely. He removed his hand from her cheek and placed it on Y/N's hand.
"What I want to say to you, my Love, everyone misses you and everyone prays, I don't know to what or to whom, that you will open your eyes and brighten our lives with your light again. Volterra is so cold and dark without you. I miss you, so terribly that I can't even describe it anymore." Alec bit his lips and squinted his eyes. Jane placed her hand over Alec's and Y/N's. "Y/N I beg you come back to me, don't leave me behind in this world."
Jane opened her mouth to say something reassuring, but she was startled and looked down at the hand she had placed on her brother's and Y/N. Alec's eyes snapped open too, his movements in Y/N's hair stopped.
"Tell me you felt that too! Tell me I'm not going crazy Jane!" Jane just looked stunned at their joined hands and then at Y/N's face. "Alec…" Alec took his eyes off the hands and looked at his sister. She pointed at Y/N with her free hand, "Look!"
Y/N's eyelids twitched slightly and all hell broke loose.
@rosedpetal @bofadeezs
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