#jasmin speaks
Science time!
If it is flavoured also good to specify
And as always, reblog for bigger sample size
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schumiatspa · 8 days
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They should rename it Poland Garros I guess
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deancaskiss · 3 months
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yall! it happened! 8 days before my birthday and I reached my milestone of 9k followers! thank you thank you thank you for following and being a part of this journey! I have so much more content to share with you all coming real soon!
I love yall so much <3
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midnxght-sweet-time · 3 months
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So now that Im practically free, I decided to work on my Prince Charming Au and other fic projects— mainly Prince Charming au-
I placed the Little Mermaid one on hold since Ive been on writers block on how to proceed with it (Sorry Azul simps) but continuing with that later I decided to atleast start working on Prince Ali of Ababwa (Jamil's story).
And thus began my revisit to Aladdin, both live action and animated film to get the feel of both perspectives.
Ngl tho the live action was pretty boring. I mean it had more action obvi but for the most part I almost slept thru. But HOT DAMN Will Smith (the genie's actor) was the whole star of the show.
As for the animated film— lmao okay lemme explain—
I managed to ask my friends to join me in watching Aladdin while playing a game of: "Take a shot everytime this possibly 30 yr old man trying to seduce an underage princess"
Jasmine in the animated film was confirmed underage btw look it up. SHES 15-
But oh boy. We did a total of 10 shots. 10 god forsaken shots.
But really. Youre telling me the glorious man himself- HIM-
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Is based off THIS MAN?
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My honest reaction:
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Okay I’ve been thinking on it and
I don’t think coach Ben set the fire.
We see him take the matches and an axe from outside the cabin, and then we see him watch as everyone bows to Natalie. Later the cabin catches on fire, almost kills the girls, and the conclusion most of us have drawn was that coach set the fire.
I think it’s a misdirect. Earlier in the episode, we see coach hiding out in Javi’s cave area, and he’s using flint to (unsuccessfully) start a fire. He takes the matches and supplies bc this man can’t start a fire!!
What happened when Laura Lee tried to escape using the plane? Her teddy bear burst into flames, taking the plane down. We know that the wilderness can spontaneously combust things, and that fire? The cabin was covered in snow. It was wet wood, damp at the very least. We see the fire spread to completely engulf the cabin in a matter of minutes. Maybe it’s tv magic, but fire doesn’t spread that fast on wet wood.
There’s spirituality and there’s survival. Lottie taught them how to listen. The cabin taught them how to survive. They don’t need the cabin now like they used to, the same way they don’t need Lottie like they used to.
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syl-stormblessed · 1 year
reblog for a bigger sample size!!!!!!!!
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mafaldaknows · 5 months
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proqhetic · 3 months
What do you think about Taissa being SO underrated
criminal activity
taissa has one of the best storylines in the whole show (i NEEDDD to know more about the man w no eyes) and her personality is so fking funny 😭😭 she’s so serious about everhthing and for what.. taivan is also so sososooo underrated the only canon queer ship and they’re so low on the popularity scale :|
i also just love jasmin savoy brown
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thecraftyninjacat · 5 months
do i need to see a therapist or was matakara asamine grown in a lab to appeal to me specifically
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freemansgirl · 1 year
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(MASTERLIST) (as of now, things are likely to change)
*= coming soon
“worth the wait” (amber and reader have sex in the dressing rooms when reader tries on lingerie)
“cool for the summer” (amber and reader basically get down in the hotel while reader’s parents are gone for a bit)
“killer” (reader is held at gunpoint once amber finds out that reader knows her big secret) (angst)
“nasty” (reader and amber have bday sex bc it’s reader’s bday)
“showdown” (amber and reader have intense, jealous hate sex after an argument of reader drunkly kissing girls on the verge of breakup)
“so, you got a boyfriend?” (amber hits up reader on her phone, pretending to be a guy from her class so she can see if reader is single to get closer to her and take her on a date) (sfw)
“video games” (you ride amber as she plays dead by daylight after she had a rough game to make her feel better)
“video games part 2”
“get naked, i got a plan” (amber and reader try new things in sex such as reader has a mask and costume kink) (10/31)*
—✰ headcanons:
dating amber sfw and nsfw headcanons
amber as a college roommate sfw & nsfw headcanons
jock!amber x cheerleader!reader sfw & nsfw headcanons
jock!amber x nerd!reader sfw & nsfw headcanons
more will be added soon…
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isleofdarkness · 2 months
It is literally. So easy to find so many beautiful abaya looks for Jasmine even in only her signature teal or sky blue. And that's not even getting into all of the other forms of clothing she could wear that would be absolutely gorgeous while complying with the region Agrabah was based on (Iran.) It's not that hard to find outfits fitting a Muslim princess. Took me one minute.
Disney, do the fuck better.
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halcyon-hyacinth · 5 months
Yall need to read the jasmine throne and the oleander sword NOOWWWW I’m serious
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jholl07 · 8 months
Imagine the boondocks but in 3D!
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Huey & Jazmine
Models By: DorPoem
Rigging and Render by: me
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sandrockianblues · 1 year
Heyyy you have any hcs about Andy? Esp with the builder and/or Logan? Always love readin ur hcs btw :3c
Andy? You mean my child? The one I kidnapped expressed adopted without the paperwork? My lil ray of sassy sunshine, Andy? Bold of you to assume I would waste my time creating some headcan-
-what a smart adorable little cookie. I mean, look at his adorable freckles and tired eyes!
-this isn’t his first life. You can just tell by how he views the world and dispels random bits of wisdom that no preteen should be capable of doing.
-he’s a big lover of animals and treats most with kindness if they’re friendly and passive. Those that aren’t and that he can just refer to as monsters or mutants or beasts? He still likes to observe them from a safe distance
-you’d think his favorite monster would be a rockyenaroll or a boxing Jack, but nope. It’s a pensky and he’ll take that secret to his grave.
-fastest little thing you’ll ever witness if you manage to not blink. He’s impossible to catch up to or wrangle and he knows it too. He gives Jasmine a run for her money. Because of it, they always have random little races and make bets on them.
-he’s very loyal to Logan and Haru, especially Logan. How can he not be? They’re his dads! He never expected for there to be more room in his heart and life for another person.
-oh but hey, that builder. Hm.
-even after being such a little shit to them in the beginning, he can’t deny that they still treat him with a certain kindness he’s been missing from someone like them.
-ok ok, so what if he kidnapped expressed adopted another parental unit? What if he’s trying to push them towards Logan? What if he’s secretly planning the wedding between the two and seeking covert help for it? Like, mind your own business pls and thanks
-he’s getting better with his manners but sometimes forgets them in his excitement or in a moment of distraction. But he makes up for it when he has his sudden bursts of recollection like: “can you help me tie this?” And soon after you begin- “dang, I forgot to say please. Can you please help me tie this?” Orrr you give him something and he takes off after maybe shouting “awesome!” Or “you’re the best!”, and that’s fine. He’s a kid. But then he’ll either reappear just as fast (kid is like the Flash, remember) or he’ll stop by your door hours later and like “I forgot to say thank you earlier. Sorry ‘bout that. Thanks for earlier!”
-big big big fan of affection from the adults he trusts the most. As soon as he realizes the builder cares for him and loves him? He doesn’t care how tall or old he is even as time progresses, he’ll go from hugging their hips and pressing his cheek to their waist at a fireside meeting, to hanging off them when he’s as tall as Logan, he’ll hang off them.
-not this boy being a long and threatening shadow and- oh. No. It’s just him draping himself across the builder’s back and complaining about his homework again.
-once he realizes how human Logan is and vulnerable at times, he tries to read the man better and keep him from any pain. Even at a young age. He does whatever he can to prevent Logan from enduring any more hurt than before.
-Qi actually likes him! Everyone including the two themselves are surprised about it. Qi was ready to talk this kid’s ear off as a lesson for knocking on his lab’s doors when Andy suddenly told him he wanted to know his thoughts on space exploration for a paper he was writing. Kid actually nabbed the scientist’s heart and now he’s got someone to obsess over space and the stars with. Qi won’t admit it, but he always has time for Andy even when he’s busy.
-family dinners are a must!!! Everyone’s gotta be there. The builder, Logan, Haru, Nemo, grandma Vivi, Rambo, Jasmine. It makes Andy happy seeing some of his found family together.
-he becomes the town’s errand boy for a few years and he actually enjoys it. It keeps him active, healthy, in shape, and expends the energy that used to drive him up a wall! He doesn’t mind running here and there. But he does believe in breaks! They’re important and he’ll chew a person a new one if they tell him to take his break later.
-please please please let the builder ask Andy to help with some commissions. He’s a smart kid! He knows how to read instructions! Lmao what is this? Swedish IKEA furniture? He’s got an active mind and loves when his hard work and efforts are recognized. Plus, he loves the builder and wants to help them. It’s literally a win in his book.
-Jensen thinks Andy likes trains, but really, Andy is just curious about the mechanics and inner workings of them. He won’t break his heart tho so
-Andy often finds himself lounging on a work table of the builder’s when he’s got a free moment and doesn’t have any responsibilities to get to.
-the builder’s home is a second home for Andy. If allowed to come at any time, any day, he’ll take them up on the offer. Bonus points if Nemo has been adopted by the builder too.
-Andy’s got his own throw blanket in their living room. His own toothbrush if he spends the night. His favorite spot to sit. His own books at the bottom of their book shelf. Even his own preferred dishes and silverware.
-Andy’s got a great intelligence and is made for activity and being tasked with things, but for the life of him, he cannot focus on homework if he doesn’t have the right conditions and hasn’t expelled his energy. The builder has gotten used to unlocking their door to find Andy sitting on the floor with his throw blanket over his shoulders, Nemo in his lap, and the child hunched over the coffee table with homework spread across the surface. This even carries on when he gets older.
-Andy likes to let Logan, Haru and the builder know he needs them, even when he doesn’t. So sometimes he’ll request their help with things he’s capable of doing by himself. Or he’ll take on more challenging tasks and ask them for assistance if he knows they can do it. It’s his wordless gesture that he sees their value and reminds them of their importance in his life.
-Andy demands Haru be made a teacher for math and science. He doesn’t have anything against his current one, but the boy has lived with Haru long enough to know how he works and what he has to offer for Andy’s education.
-the builder is the one Andy goes to when he wants to confide in someone. Logan doesn’t really mind it considering he’s the more apparent father figure in his life and he knows how Andy sees him, but he also knows how hard it is to be emotional at times and the builder is someone both of them can trust to take care of his feelings and insecurities.
-if Logan and the builder are together,
-Logan’s gotta accept the fact Andy really loves affection from his S/O, especially if they’re f!builder because of that missing maternal bond he lacks and they make up for. He’s fine with it, just jealous bc now he’s gotta sit on the opposite end of the couch when the two of them are all the way over there, cuddled and bonding. He’s fine.
-it really feels like a family with both his express adoptive parents under one roof with him and their pet (he’ll riot if it’s not Nemo. Literally.) Nothing makes him happier than having them together
-Andy won’t call Logan or the builder “dad” and “mom”- though, he has slipped before and did so, but that’s a story for another time. But he views them as such and treats them like they are. To strangers, he’ll refer to the two of them as his parents or mother/father. He’ll brag about them too because how many other kids can say their dad was an infamous bandit? Or that their parent saved a dying town? That’s right. No one. He’s literally the coolest kid around.
-lmao but if Andy doesn’t get his way with Logan or the builder, he’ll sassily go “whatever, I’ll just ask my other dad.” Before heading to go see Haru
-it never fails to amuse Andy when Logan tries to help his builder in his free time with their commissions only to end up breaking a part they needed because of his brute strength or it just being too tiny in his hands. The boy will be in tears and carve another notch (with builder’s permission) into the side of their work table for amount of times Logan has accidentally destroyed something.
-Andy loves walking Nemo around town to get the pup’s exercise in. He especially loves it when Logan decides to join him and how they could talk about everything and nothing until it’s time to head back.
-and the builder is always there too, waiting for them both with more love and adoration in their eyes than they both think they’re worth.
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Jasmine: (Walks into Acadia on her own after a long day. She still hasn’t uttered at word out loud to anyone other than Nick, Kasumi, or Jules)
DiMA: (Stands from his chair to greet the teen) “Hello there, Jasmine! I hear you and Nick have had quite an adventure here on the Island.”
Jasmine: (Stops and slowly blinks at her new uncle, still very wary of him because of what he’s done to Jules who was her only friend at Acadia)
DiMA: (Smiles warmly and approaches) “Is there anything you want to know about the Island and its inhabitants? I have had my own fair share of adventures, I could recount a few to you if that’s something you’d like.”
Jasmine: (Blinks some more, then rubs her eyes) “Desculpe me.” (Yawns sleepily as she stretches out) “Estoy muy cansada porque anoche yo no dormí.”
DiMA: (Rubs his chin) “Hrm, that’s a foreign language that I am not familiar with. Though, so far there hadn't been much need for any other language other than English.”
Jasmine: (Straightens up then shakes her head) “No entiendo, señor.” (Makes a motion with her hand) “Más despacio, por favor.”
DiMA: “I think I have a better idea.” (Stares off for a few seconds) “………” (Starts sizzling like an old overworked computer as he installs Google Translate)
Jasmine: (Under her breath) “Oh fuck….”
Faraday: (Comes running in) “NOOOOOO! He can’t run a translator anymore! He’s too old and fragile!”
Chase: (Also comes flying in) “Get him to stop!”
Faraday: (Rushes over to a terminal) “I’m trying!”
Jasmine: (Steps back and tilts her head at the two) “No entiendo qué es lo que quieres.”
Chase: (Sternly) “Stop that! Stop talking!”
Jasmine: (Folds her hands and smiles innocently and politely) “Padrón señorita, yo no hablo inglés.”
Faraday: (Swears and grumbles like he’s a crazy person on drugs)
DiMA: (Sizzling and steaming to the point you could cook an egg on him)
Jasmine: (Motions to DiMA) “¿Está bien?”
Faraday: (Desperately mashing buttons) “VALENTINE! PLEASE COME GET BABY VALENTINE BEFORE SHE BLOWS UP THE WHOLE DAMN OBSERVATORY!!” (Screams at the terminal as it crashes and reboots)
Jasmine: (Crosses her arms) “Usted es un hombre muy estresado. ¿Estás bien? ¡Necesitas ayuda para los locos!”
Faraday: (Smacks the terminal multiple times as he yells over his shoulder) “I DO NOT UNDERSTAND A WORD YOU ARE SAYING!!!”
Jasmine: (Mumbling to herself) “El gringo es un loco hombre y estúpido.” (Thinks it obvious she was joking from the start, they are all just too dense to notice)
Jasmine: “Ustedes cállense la boca!!!” (Throws up her hands) “¡No estoy haciendo nada!” (Jabs a finger at DiMA) “¡Es su culpa!” (She didn’t tell the synth to download a translator, just to talk more slowly)
Nick: (Appears from the stairway) “Alright missy, that’s enough outta you for one day.” (Snatches his daughter’s hand and starts dragging her away)
Faraday: (Squawking like a distressed and disturbed parrot as he shakes and bangs the terminal)
Jasmine: (Follows along without any complaints) “Papá, tú familia está MUY loca. ¿Por qué es eso?”
Nick: (Tired Dad sigh) “Let’s just get you to bed before ya blow your uncles fuse too….”
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deancaskiss · 6 months
merry christmas my loves 🩵❤️💚
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