#jaw let somebody else touch her bro
ambeauty · 8 months
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It was a good night for traumatized people! The Bear family feasted!
Also the non answer about the nature of Sydney and Carmy’s relationship was answer enough for me 😊
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pennamesmith · 3 years
Return of the Skeletor
A family reunion. Find more Skeletor stories here! 
Micah remembered the other world. 
Most people could, in fact. The whole planet was affected. They’d all lived a life they thought was perfect. They’d all imagined something intangible. The memories were faded and fragmentary, like the recollection of a dream, but everyone was certain it had really happened. 
Even if nothing that had happened was real. 
At first Micah didn’t realize anyone else had shared in the dream. He’d lost track of time on Beast Island long ago, and when the collapsing portal closed around him he only assumed it was one of the despairing wasteland’s many tricks. He never had long to dwell on the matter, either. Soon after finding himself returned to reality (he could remember shouting to Angella, reaching for her, trying to tell her “I’m not dead!”) Micah had met the loud and unusual Princess Entrapta. And after her there came…
“She-Ra! It’s She-Ra!” a nasally voice shrieked. 
Micah was startled out of his reverie by a sudden clattering of hooves. The door to his Bright Moon office burst inwards and he was presented with the sight of a breathless Swift Wind. Sitting astride the rainbow-winged unicorn was one of Entrapta’s bots, a lanky drone she’d named ‘Skeletor.’
“The time has come!” Skeletor said. 
“It’s true!” Swift Wind confirmed. “I felt the sacred bond return just a minute ago. Adora and the others are back from Eternia! Darla is over the Whispering Woods right now!”
“What?” Micah jumped to his feet, abandoning his desk without a second thought. It was covered in a mountain of paperwork: royal records, his regent’s duties, and the calendar pages where he’d marked off every day since Glimmer and the rest of the Princess Alliance left for their dangerous mission to another universe. He rushed to the door where Swift Wind was standing. 
Skeletor reached out and helped Micah onto the horse’s back. “Join hands as we bring together our mystic powers!” the robot cried. Once Micah was settled, Swift Wind turned and leapt out the nearest window. They sailed through the skies. 
“What’s going on? Are they all right?” Micah asked, with undisguised worry. 
Swift Wind banked, soaring over the tree line. “I’m not sure! The ship is under control but — look, there it is!” 
Darla, the rebuilt First Ones ship, was descending rapidly from the sky over the treetops. Her flight was steady, but parts of the hull were damaged, and smoke trailed from one wing. Suddenly the ship lurched and plummeted into the trees, vanishing from sight. A plume of vegetation went flying as it plowed to a smouldering stop. 
Micah felt his stomach twist. “We need to get closer!” he called out in a panic. 
“I can take you there!” Skeletor declared, urging Swift Wind toward the ground. They touched down by the edge of a long path of smoking destruction that stretched deep into the woods. 
“They must have landed near here,” Skeletor deduced, observing the massive trench in the ground. He hopped off the horse’s back and ran ahead, making anxious utterances as he went. 
Micah dismounted and walked beside Swift Wind. “I hate this,” Micah confessed. “The staying behind, I mean. At least on Beast Island I was the only one I had to worry about, and I was in control of my own survival. But having to stand by while Glimmer goes into danger? I’m so proud of her, yet I’m also so scared.” 
“I know what you mean,” Swift Wind answered. “I trust Adora, but I also worry about her, like, all the time. Whenever we’re apart I get so restless. I just feel powerless!”  
“Sometimes letting them find their own way is all we can do,” Micah mused. 
They came into a clearing in the woods. Darla was there, sparking and steaming but generally intact. Skeletor hammered on the door. 
“Here, let me try to get you out!” he called. 
Something inside the ship made a noise. There was a hiss and a jet of steam, and Skeletor tumbled backwards, landing with a squawk at Micah and Swift Wind’s feet. They all stared at Darla, holding their breath expectantly.
The front hatch of the spaceship popped open. Entrapta erupted out of it, tumbling down the landing ramp in a ball of frizzled hair. She pulled her goggles up. 
“Aha! We made it!” she crowed, taking in her surroundings. “All in the right dimension and everything!” 
She reached into the recesses of her hair and emerged with a haggard Hordak. “Your piloting saved us! I knew you could do it!” she told him proudly. 
Hordak squinted through half-lidded eyes. “Is it over?” he muttered. “Are we still alive?”
“Yep!” Entrapta wobbled to her feet and gathered her partner up in her ponytails. “Now, let’s get you a checkup and some rest. You’ve had a stressful voyage!” 
She suddenly seemed to notice the gathered onlookers. “Oh! Hi Skeletor. Hi Bird Horse. Hi Micah. Guess what? You’re gonna love this!” Entrapta turned back to the ship. “Safe to disembark, crew!” she yelled, before trotting off with Hordak.
“Now we’ll see how clever you are!” Skeletor said. 
Mermista peeked around the door. “Ground!” she cried, throwing herself across the dirt in relief. “I never thought I’d miss you so much!” 
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad a flight,” Sea Hawk cajoled, helping her to her feet. “Why, I can think of a dozen — no, two dozen more harrowing trips I’ve taken in the Dragon’s Daughter XXVIII.” 
“You fishmonger,” Skeletor scoffed. 
Frosta was the next one out, followed closely by Perfuma and Scorpia. “Eternia was amazing!” the teenaged ice princess announced, brandishing a pair of frozen fists. “I got to punch so much stuff!” 
“Come on, it wasn’t all violence,” Perfuma pleaded. 
“Yeah, we learned a bunch about friendship and responsibility too,” Scorpia agreed. 
“Punch! Punch!” Frosta said. 
“You’re becoming evil, I can sense it!” Skeletor hummed approvingly. “Excellent!” 
Catra and Adora came next, and they were accompanied by a young man Micah had never seen before. He had a pink shirt, bobbed blond hair, and bore an uncanny resemblance to Adora herself. A sword hung on his back. He blinked as he emerged into the light. 
Swift Wind’s jaw dropped. “Adora! Is that…?” 
“Hey guys!” Adora grinned sheepishly. “So, funny story. You remember how when I was a baby I was taken from a hidden First Ones faction that nobody has ever been able to find since?” 
She held her hands out, presenting the newcomer. “Well, uh, we found ‘em! This is my twin brother, Adam!” 
Adam smiled and waved. “Hello everybody,” he chirped. 
“Brother?” Swift Wind sputtered. 
“He-Man!” Skeletor bellowed. 
The group fell into a chattering commotion, but Micah was hardly paying attention. Glimmer and Bow had appeared at the top of the ramp, holding each other as they looked out. Emotions that went beyond words swam in the young queen’s eyes. 
Adora saw where Micah was looking and quickly pulled her brother away. “We’ll tell you the whole story later, sir! Trust me, it’s hilarious. Now come on, I gotta show you around Etheria, bro.”
“Sure thing, sis,” Adam replied, grinning hugely. They pounded their fists together, adding their own sound effects as they did so, and marched off laughing. 
“They have been doing that the entire. Trip. Back,” Catra groaned, following close behind the pair. “Somebody save me.” 
“You furry coward,” muttered Skeletor. 
At the entrance to the ship, Glimmer and Micah hugged each other fiercely. When they finally broke, the old king could see that his daughter was smiling through her tears. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Glimmer sniffled. “So much happened. You wouldn’t believe how scary things got! Oh, but I totally had everything under control.” 
“I know you did,” Micah smiled back. But he could tell there was more. 
Glimmer’s face turned serious. “Dad,” she said shakily, tripping over her own words. “Listen. Entrapta’s theories about the other dimension were right. When we — I mean, didn’t know if…” 
Bow stepped in. “Your highness, I think there’s someone you should see.” He beckoned gently. Still at a loss for words, Glimmer nodded and took her father’s hand, leading him inside the ship. 
Micah’s heart was racing even before she rose from the chair and turned to face him. His breath caught when he saw the spreading wings, the shining light, the smiling face that he remembered so clearly. 
Their eyes met. It was a miracle. 
Just like on the island, a part of him couldn’t believe this was really happening. But it was. 
They both reached out. They’d mourned each other once. Their hands met. 
“Micah?” she asked, hardly believing it herself. 
Outside, both the princesses and their well-wishers had gathered around Adam, excitedly showing off the wonders of their planet. He gazed with delight at everything, marveling in the magical light of Etheria. His laugh brimmed with kindness. 
Skeletor elbowed his way through the crowd. “I can’t let any of you delay me! Out of my way, now!” he jabbered. “This is no time for jokes!” 
He made it to where Adora stood with her brother and glared. Adam turned in surprise, not sure what to expect. They stared at each other. 
Skeletor held his arms wide. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment!” he cried. “Take this, He-Man!” 
Then he lunged forward, and wrapped Adam in an enormous hug. 
“He-Man, I am your friend!” 
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The Reader is a virgin and Erik gives her oral turning her out/Erik dry humping The Reader playfully
I am doing two imagines in one because I wanted to write these two together I think it fits lol. Also, it took me forever to write this that is why I haven’t updated in like three days. Very long, and very detailed. Enjoy 💖
Warnings: SMUT, Bickering, slight FLUFF, Daddy-dom, mention of blood, Virgin SMUT, dry humping. 
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“Yo, am I gonna have to pop this clown! Nigga, don’t you EVER put your fucking hands on my best friend like that. When she tells you no that means no, nigga.”
She looked at him with cautious eyes. Her best friend, Erik Stevens, was there to save the day. Thank God for him. The guy who had a death wish was pushing up on her and grabbing her ass after Y/N told him multiple times that she wasn’t interested. All she had to do was hit up Erik and he came to the rescue. He didn’t fuck around when it involved Y/N. That was his Thickums.
Don’t nobody fuck wit’ my Thickums. I will kill for her.
That’s just how it was.  Erik and Y/N  have been best friends since she met him through her brother. It didn’t take long to connect and vibe the way they both did. Tony, her big bro, died in a motorcycle accident and even though she hates to say it, that accident brought Erik and her closer. Now he was Y/N’s protector since Tony was dead. Erik is older than Tony by three years and Y/N by four.
“Aye, my fault, bruh, this yo girl?” The drunk asshole with frisky hands asked.
“Does that matter? Don’t worry about all that,” Erik pointed a deadly finger at the guy almost shoving his head back, “Don’t touch her again, BRUH, before I put you six feet under-“
“Erik!” Her prominent eyes went wide staring up at him before she mouthed let it go. Over the years Y/N gained some upper body strength with the number of times she had to hold Erik back from killing someone. The thing is, he would literally KILL someone. He didn’t hide anything from her. The times he’d been away was times when he was off doing a mercenary job adding scars to his body. He would come and go with little communication and each time felt like a hole was being drilled into her heart.
Now here he was. Back home after a couple of months. He seemed angrier than the other times he came back from a job. His eyes were stone cold and pitch black. Nostrils flared and blowing smoke like a dragon. Hennessy running through his veins. Fists clenched and veins popping out his arms. Y/N grabs Erik’s jaw to make him look down at her. When she did, his eyes seemed to soften and then a teasing smile spread across his lips.
“I’m cool, Thickums,” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “I won’t kill nobody tonight, I promise.”
They both had an audience at this little bar and lounge that Y/N’s friend, Paige, dragged her to. All the black people staring over at the bar to see if a fight would break out so they could record. The disgusting guy who tried to touch Y/N walked away muttering something and Y/N was sure that Erik overheard it. Pulling Y/N in closer, Erik placed a kiss to her forehead before turning her back around to face the bar. The smell of his Tom Ford cologne burned her nose. He dragged his face along her wild curly hair with his arm still around her. Y/N didn’t complain because she knew her best friend missed her and he was also very drunk. However, that wasn’t until Erik leaned against her, causing her breasts to painfully smash against the edge of the bar. He was doing that shit on purpose now.
“Erik, stop! you’re putting all your body weight on me, “ Y/N complains as she rolls her eyes before pushing Erik away.
“I miss you, Thickums. It’s always good to see my best friend when I come back home.”
“If you miss me so much you wouldn’t leave like you do, stupid,” She could feel Erik wrapping his large arms around her waist, prompting his biceps to mold into her hips. He was very touchy-feely when he was drunk and Y/N knew she was going to have to babysit his ass. No driving at all.
“Why would you drive here drunk, Erik?” She spoke with a stern voice.
“Because...I can,” He looked down at her with an elevated brow, “Why, you’re gonna punish me, Thickums?”
“If only I could tame your big ass.”
“You wish you could tame me, baby girl. So what’s really been up with you?”
She chuckled before taking a seat at the bar, “Besides the same old everyday boring shit, I’ve been getting set up with blind dates by Paige and her friends.”
“Blind dates? Really?” Erik shook his head before smiling, “And how did that go?”
“Fucking horrible. That’s all they want is sex. I don’t have time for that mess.”
Erik bit down on his bottom lip to suppress a laugh.
“What?” She asked with a bothered tone.
“I keep forgetting you still have your V card.”
She looked around her at the crowded bar to see if anyone overheard him. Blushing, Y/N takes a sip of her mixed drink. She didn’t want to get on the topic of virginity.
“Let me guess,” Erik nudged her with his shoulder, “You don’t wanna talk about it?”
“Nope. And definitely not here.”
“We ain’t gotta talk about it here we can talk on the way back to your place.”
Y/N leaned back from Erik with a playful smile, “You’re spending the night with me, bestie?”
“Only because I don’t feel like making that drive to my new spot. You gotta come through soon it’s dope.”
“Just like that Audi R8 V10 you got parked outside?”
Erik glanced over at her with low eyes and a smirk, “You love the whip, huh?”
“Love it?” Y/N’s eyes rolled with a leering expression on her face, “Love it doesn’t even describe how much I envy you right now.”
“You’re not driving my shit, woman,” Erik shook his head before waving his hand in her face, “I said no! you can’t drive for shit.”
“HERE WE GO,” Her voice grew loud and defensive, “I can drive jack ass-“
“Not when you swerve up on the sidewalk you can’t-“
“Bitch, don’t even play with me like that it was one time!”
Erik glared at her, his voice becoming deep and gravely, “Did you just call me a bitch?”
“I-Yes, yes I did.”
“You better watch your fucking mouth, Thickums. You’re lucky you’re my bestie because if not...”
Erik smirked before turning away from her. Y/N blinked at him with interest, impatience written all over her face.
“If not, what?”
“...Put my dick in your mouth to make you shut up.”
“Oh...” her skin felt like a furnace.
“See, that’s why I didn’t want to say it. You need to loosen up, bestie,” Erik nudges her shoulder playfully.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me, E,” Y/N avoided Erik’s eye. She couldn’t understand why she felt so...turned on. Maybe it was because that was the first time a guy ever said something like that to her. She wouldn’t feel so awkward if he said that to another girl but he was referring to her in that manner. Now, the wheels in her head were turning. What if Erik wanted Y/N to be his girl? What if he thought about having sex with her but didn’t mention it for obvious reasons. Y/N was so deep in thought at the bar that she hadn’t noticed Erik calling her name. It took for him to wrap his arms around her waist again and pull her close to him for her to finally snap out of her daze and come back to the present.
“Huh?” She said with a whimsical expression on her face.
“You good? Should we bounce?” Erik asked with concern. His brown eyes focused on her intently.
“Um, yeah, we can,” She grabbed her clutch from the bar, grimacing a little because it was sticky at the bottom, “let me just tell Paige and then we can go-“
“Paige ain’t worried, look,” Erik pointed to a small section near a bar on the other side of the lounge. Paige was surrounded by a few men and her other friends she brought with her. They were freak dancing and flirting with drinks in their hands and low eyes.
“Paige ain’t worried. She too busy freaking on some dude.”
“And drunk out of her damn mind,” Y/N added with a disapproving tone.
“Jealousy isn’t a good look, bestie,” Erik joked.
“Jealous? Why the fuck would I be jealous, Erik?”
“Because deep down in your virgin heart, you want to let loose and grind that thick ass on a nigga. I know you do. You ain’t even gotta front with me. I know you better than you know yourself, Thickums.”
“Clearly you don’t, because-“
“Save all that shit, ma,” Erik threw down some money that the bartender graciously grabbed before someone else did, “Let’s go. We need to have a little discussion.”
“No,” she shook her curly head, “You are drunk, I’m calling an Uber.”
“I’m not getting in the back of somebody’s car when I have my own,” Erik snatched her phone from her hand, “And I’m not drunk, just a little buzzed. I’ll finish off my bottle when we get in the house, ma.”
“Whatever,” Y/N stomped away and through the crowd, leaving Erik behind. He caught up with her and grabbed her hand, both of them rushing out of the claustrophobic lounge. Finally, outside, Y/N was thankful for the 60-degree weather because it felt much better against her skin than the 90 degrees in the lounge.
“Can I have my phone back now, DAD?”
“Not with that fucking attitude,” Erik pulled her arm like she was a bad kid, “Let’s go.”
Y/N stayed rooted to the spot. She pulled her arm back causing Erik to stumble and a black couple to walk past snickering. Erik looked down at her as if she tried to kill him. Eyes round saucers, nostrils flared, breathing heavily like a dungeon dragon, grip on her hand tighter than before, Erik was pissed.
“Y/N,” Erik looked from side to side before speaking in a gruff low tone, “Don’t make me embarrass you out here, best friend or not, I will whip that ass.”
“Okay, Killmon-“
“Say it.” Erik dared her. Y/N snapped her mouth shut before lowering her head to fight a smile. She loved toying with Erik.
“Getting on my damn nerves,” He pulled her again, “now come on before I throw you over my shoulder.”
“Fine,” She stopped with her games for now. They both walked down the street and around a corner to find Erik’s car parked next to a Subway. He unlocked the doors with a click of a button before walking to the passenger side to allow Y/N access. She slipped inside and watched Erik shut the door softly. As he walked around to the other side, Y/N opened the door again and slammed it shut. She snickered and damn near lost her breath at the way he stopped in front of the car and scowled at her. He nodded his head slowly before walking with his chest poked out to the driver's side. Y/N could not control her laughing. Hand clutched for her chest, eyes welling up with tears, breathing nonexistent. She was in literal shambles.
“WHAT THE FUCK, GIRL!” Erik growled, “You really asking for it don’t be slamming my door like that!!!!fuck is wrong with you!!!”
“You should have seen your face, oh my God,” she threw her head back, “You were ready to kill me over your whip.”
“You wanna try me again?” Erik asked with an even tone. But it was a dangerous tone of voice.
“If it makes you look all angry like a pit bull then HELL YEAH,” Y/N closed her eyes, falling into laughter again.
“I really wanna throw you over my lap and pop that big ass butt until you cry.”
Y/N licked her lips, the laughter gone and replaced with a shocked expression.
“...did you? I mean...did you just?”
Erik didn’t say a word. He started his car, turned the volume up on the radio, and focused all of his attention on driving even though his hands were itching to spank her good and hard.
“Erik?” Y/N asked with a soft tone. Still, nothing from him.
“E-Kill-I’m sorry,” She put an innocent smile on her face, “I love you, bestie, don’t be mad at me.”
“You really know how to piss a nigga off.”
Y/N beamed, leaning over to kiss Erik’s cheek, “It was all jokes, kay? I just like messing with you.”
Erik shook his head, “It’s because you know I won’t get you for it. But that’s where you’re wrong, Thickness,” Erik reaches across to the passenger side, grabbing Y/N’s exposed thigh and squeezing it hard. She swatted his hand away before kissing her teeth. Erik laughs before mushing her playfully.
“What do you mean?” She looked at him with wary eyes while massaging her upper thigh. His grip was firm.
“My best friend is too beautiful and sexy and she needs to let loose a little, cut all that shy shit out. You hear me talking to you, Thickums?”
“I hear you but I’m not following,” She gave Erik a puzzled look.
“When we get back to the house,” Erik paused for mystery, “I’m gonna teach you some things.”
“You’ll see. Put your seatbelt on.”
Y/N fastened her seatbelt. She kept her eyes on Erik to see if he would break down and tell her but no, he acted like she wasn’t even there staring at him with her doe eyes. Y/N pouts, folding her arms across her chest. The silence was eating her alive. The drive felt longer than usual. As soon as they pulled into her Apartment Complex and Erik parked his car next to hers, she hopped out and walked to her building to unlock the door. Erik took his time grabbing his bottle of Hennessy to annoy her further. He even turned up the music in his car to bop to a little while drinking.
“Drip to hard/don’t stand too close/you gon’ fuck around and drown off this wave/doing all these shows/I’ve been on the road/I don’t care where I go/long as I get paid/bad lil vibe/she been on my mind/Soon as I get back/she gettin’ slayed/do this all the time/this ain’t no surprise/every other night/another movie getting made!!”
She watched Erik rap in his driver's seat, tapping her foot rapidly against the concrete with a mug on her face. She was fuming watching him have his little concert.
“Erik!!!” She yelled at him even though he could hardly hear her with that loud music.
“What’s up, Y/N!”
Y/N turned to see her neighbor, Sharnese, walking towards the building in a pair of leggings and a thin ass T-shirt with a bonnet on her head.
“Hey, Nese,” Y/N groaned, her eyes focusing back on Erik dancing in his driver's seat.
“You okay, girl?” Sharnese followed Y/N’s line of vision and a big smile appeared on her face. Sharnese squealed like a schoolgirl, jumping up and down making her titties bounce around.
“Yeah, that’s his annoying ass-“
“OH MY GOD ITS BEEN FOREVER SINCE IVE SEEN HIM!” She rushed towards his car. Sharnese ran around to Erik’s side, knocking on his window. Erik looked over at her before smirking, rolling his window down. Sharnese wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck before leaning into the car, all in Erik’s face, planting a kiss to his cheek. They were talking a little too close for Y/N’s liking. She was growing jealous.
Why is this bitch on my best friend like that?
Sharnese giggles then she bit her lip.
Girl, you do too much.
“Erik!!!!!!” Y/N yelled making her throat raw. Sharnese and Erik looked over at her as if she interrupted something.
“What? Let’s go!” Y/N finally unlocked the door to the building before pulling it open and stomping up the steps to her place. She was so angry that she dropped her keys a few times while trying to get her apartment door, 2C, opened.
“I haven’t seen Nese in a minute, Y/N, stop acting like that.”
She ignored Erik and walked into her place, kicking off her shoes at the door. Feeling a vibration inside her clutch, Y/N pulled her phone out to see that she’d gotten a message notification from Paige letting her know that she made it home safe with everyone.
“She was all in your face, Erik.”
“I know,” He walked to the kitchen to retrieve a few cups, “She’s cute. Pretty and ghetto.”
“Erik, shut up.”
“I don’t want her, Y/N. Stop being jealous. Every time I come home you have me to yourself. A nigga has needs too. Just because you ain’t getting none doesn’t mean I don’t want none.”
“Was that a jab at me for being a virgin?” She was truly offended.
“Let’s talk about that.”
Y/N saw Erik pouring two cups of Hennessy and apple juice.
“What is there to talk about? I haven’t had dick Erik, boo-hoo, what’s so special?”
Erik almost spilled his drink, “What’s so special? Man,” He laughs, “You wouldn’t be saying that if you let a nigga pop your cherry.”
“I don’t want just any nigga taking my virginity, my pussy is too precious for any nigga.”
“You’re right,” Erik swirled his drink around his mouth before swallowing, “That’s why I have a suggestion.”
“If it involves one of your friends, fuck no-“
“If you shut up and let me talk, Thickums, then you’ll know.”
Y/N sat down on her carpeted floor in her living room, head leaning back against the couch. She motioned for Erik to speak.
“What if...I help you out?”
“Come again?” She asked him to clarify.
“What if I am the one to...” Erik made a motion with his hands to make her catch on to what he was inquiring about. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion at that very moment. Y/N stares unblinking at Erik. Even him snapping his fingers in her face didn’t break her out of it.
“Oh my God,” Erik ran his hands down his face frustratingly, “It’s sex, Y/N, I’m asking you to let me be the nigga to pop your precious cherry.”
Still bewildered, she opened then closed her mouth like a fish in the water.
“Hello?” Erik said with annoyance, “Why are you giving me the silent treatment now?”
“Um...” Y/N laughs nervously,  lifting from the floor to take a seat while gripping the edge of the couch, “Erik...are you for real?”
“No, I’m for play,” Erik chuckles, “Yes, Thickums, I’m asking you to...let me...you know...lay that pipe.”
“Nah,” Y/N motioned for Erik to pass her his cup, “That’s enough devil juice for you tonight, bestie, you are really tripping.”
Erik threw it back in one sip before placing his cup on the coffee table, “I’m dead ass, ma, no games over here. I really wanna hit.”
“Wow. What the hell happened to you when you were gone for two whole months?”
“Nothing, I’m still the same old Erik. Just...okay don’t look at me like that,” Erik rolls his eyes, “You want me to keep it real?”
Y/N tilted her head up at Erik, “Yes, I want you to keep it real and stop messing around. You don’t play and say something like that unless you really want to do that, you get what I’m saying?”
“Yeah,” Erik lets out a breath slowly, “which is why I’m about to be brutally honest.”
“Fuck,” Y/N nibbled on her bottom lip.
“Fuck ain’t even the word, Thickums,” Erik looked over at his Hennessy, “I’m gonna need more to drink.”
“Fill mine up too,” Y/N really needed it. Her stomach felt queasy. She figured drinking Erik’s favorite drink would calm her nerves and prepare her for what this man had to say. Erik walked over with her cup and the bottle, settling next to her on the couch. He poured himself a cup, then handed her the mixture he made with the apple juice. Y/N curled up into the corner of the couch while tucking her toes into the cushion to warm them. She fixed her skirt so Erik wouldn’t have a straight-on view of her panties.
“Aight so listen,” Erik leans on his thighs while twirling his cup in hand, “I’ve thought about having sex with you on plenty of occasions but I didn’t initiate it because you’ve been my best friend since like, forever, and I just didn’t want to make the shit weird-“
“Like right now?” Y/N spoke with a shaky voice.
“Yeah...like right now. This shit is mad awkward forget I brought it up-“
“Nope,” Y/N takes a long sip before scrunching her face with disgust. Too much Hennessy and not enough apple juice.
“Don’t get scared over there cuz I know you can’t talk about sex for five seconds.”
“You’re so petty,” Y/N scowled, “Keep talking.”
“I told you I’m going to be brutally honest. And... I peep shit.”
What did he peep? Y/N sat up straighter. She felt like she was sitting in a confessional with a lie detector attached to her arm.
“For one thing, you get mad jealous when I talk to other women. Like...possessive. Two, you stare a nigga down hard when I got my shirt off and when I’m walking around in my grey sweat pants-“
“Don’t interrupt me again,” He said with a husky voice. Y/N closed her mouth and listened.
“You blush anytime I make a reference to sex or compliment you, especially if I talk about your ass. You love it when I call you my Thickums. Makes you feel special doesn’t it?”
“I hate you.” She could feel her cheeks heating up. Y/N covered her face out of embarrassment.
“No, you love me,” Erik reaches across to pull her hands away, “And you have feelings for me.”
“Leave it alone, ERIK.” She was starting to grow frustrated.
“You want me to be that special nigga that pops your cherry-“
“Didn’t you pop Paige’s cherry? If that’s the case then you’re not so special, ERIK.”
Erik mugged at her, “The fuck you mean by that? I ain’t never fuck Paige. That’s a fucking insult to myself, especially this dick,” Erik pointed to the dick in question. He kissed his teeth, “Man...I can’t believe you put me and Paige in one sentence like that.”
“That’s what everybody said, Erik! And you didn’t deny it either-“
“Everybody must wanna die. I don’t like motherfuckers lying on me, Y/N. You know how I can get,” Erik’s jaw tightened, “Really? And you of all people believed that shit?”
“Because you DIDNT DENY IT.” She yelled.
“Number one, I was hardly around to deny it. Two, I don’t entertain that bullshit. It’s child’s play. Three, I would never disrespect you like that and fuck your homegirl-“
“Erik, you fucked one of my homegirls STOP IT,” Y/N laughed harshly.
“WHO?” He argued back.
“JAMILLA.” Y/N fired back.
“JAMILLA? Big titties? Chocolate? Short cut hair?”
“...Yes.” Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose. Erik was deep in thought for a second before a coy smile spread across his lips. Y/N hated his handsome smile at that very moment.
“I remember Jamilla,” Erik reaches for his cup but those dimples couldn’t be hidden even if he tried, they were too damn deep.
“She was cool,” He shrugs, bringing that cup to his lips but as soon as he looked over at Y/N’s glaring face Erik damn near spit his drink all over his crisp white T-shirt.
“Fuck you.” Y/N said with spite.
“Listen, can we just get back on topic? About you? I’m not worried about Jamilla, Paige, or Sharnese, okay? I’m worried about my best friend-“
“That you all of a sudden want to fuck?”
“It’s not all of a sudden-did you hear what I said earlier? I SAID that I thought about it plenty of times before, Thickums.”
“Well...why bring it up now?”
“Because I figured I should tell you and get it off my chest since you want some dick from a worthy nigga such as myself.”
“What makes you think it’s you that I want dick from?”
Erik bites his lower lip, “That’s really cute, ma, real cute. What other nigga is worthy? You turn down any dude that gets in your space, and I’m the only man that you’re this comfortable around. So, if that doesn’t confirm it I don’t know what else does. Unless...there are some personal reasons that you haven’t shared with me,” Erik raises a brow at her while looking at her body. Y/N felt exposed and purely shocked at Erik looking at her the way he was. All seductive and sexy.
“Admit it,” Erik pushes, “You want to lose your virginity to me but you’re afraid. You’re afraid to ask because I’m your best friend and you don’t want to make it weird and ruin our friendship. Admit it...you were saving yourself for me.”
Y/N had a vacant expression on her face. She looked away from Erik and down into her lap, twirling the ring around her finger. She couldn’t look Erik in the eyes. He was right. She was saving herself for him. She thought she could deny it for however long and hope that he would somehow make the first move on her. She hadn’t expected that day to be today. He could read her so well. Was she really that obvious?
“I don’t hear you talking, Thickums.”
“Shut up, Erik.”
“Talk to me-“
“NO!” She threw a pillow at Erik’s head, “No! I’m not saying shit.”
“Cuz’ I’m spot on,” He laughs, “I knew it-“
“Erik...shut up...right now.”
“NO. You shut up before I lay you out on this fucking couch-“
“Don’t tell me to shut up-“
“SHUT THE FUCK UP.” Erik raised his voice.
“Who are you talking to?!!!-“
Erik Damn near charged at Y/N on the couch, pinning her body down flat, bringing her arms above her head, and placing his strong body on top of hers. She squirmed, squealed, fussed, but Erik wasn’t letting go. He allowed her to grow tired so that she would have no other choice but to give in. Finally, she stopped moving and started whimpering. Erik was laid out on top of her, his crotch resting on her upper thigh. The more she made those little whimpering noises the more his dick grew. He looked down at her thigh then up into her face. She weakly met his eyes before looking away to avoid them.
“Look at me,” Erik demanded.
“No. You need to get off of me.”
“But you don’t want me to.”
Y/N moved her thigh that was directly under Erik’s crotch, giving him some friction. Erik swallowed spit. That thigh meat felt good against his dick. He went to move against her causing her to writhe beneath him, her thighs moving up and down. Up and down. Side to side. Side to side.
“What are you doing?” Y/N glanced down at her leg.
“Nothing,” Erik plays it off.
“Erik,” Y/N threw her head back against the arm of the couch, “get off of me.”
“Pleaseeeee.” She begged.
That only made Erik move against her thigh again. Alarmed, Y/N started twisting her wrists to try and release herself from his grasp.
“What are you d-doing?” She staggered.
“Just playing,” Erik laughs.
“Playing?” Y/N watches Erik move his crotch up and down her leg.
“Erik, are you-“
“Just shut up and let it happen, Thickness,” His dick was almost at full capacity. About 95% hard. It was Y/N’s thick thighs. Felt like he was grinding into a couch cushion with how thick and soft she is. Each time his dick would rub against her, his balls would jump.
“Erik, a-are you humping me?” Y/N barely spoke. Her voice was so low in his ear. How did it get to this? One minute Y/N was calling up Erik to help her out and now he was grinding his dick against her thigh. Her face was frozen. Her limbs were stiff. She could feel that thick pole and all its length glide against her skin. Each time he came back up his dick would twist to the side in his jeans and touch her inner thigh. He was...she couldn’t find a word that best describes how big he was besides large. Enormous? Monstrous? Vast? Colossal?
“What does it look like, ma?” He bit into his lip, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth at Y/N’s expression. She was lost. Barely able to register what was happening.
“That’s what it looks like,” Y/N spoke off to the side because she couldn’t look Erik in the eye.
“This too much for you, Miss Virgin? I mean...” he swiveled his hips causing his dick to move from side to side on her thigh, “I know you’re pure and all...”
“Fuck, Erik. Please get off of m-me,” Y/N’s heart was thumping in her rib cage, “You’re drunk and when you wake up tomorrow you won’t even realize what you d-did.” She felt exhausted and all she was doing was laying there taking Erik’s assaults. He clearly thought the shit was hilarious because Y/N could tell that he was smiling in her peripheral.
“You got me over here dry humping you’re leg. Stop acting like you don’t like it and let go.”
“I can see that,” she said with an awkward tone, “Erik, I’m in literal shock right now-“
“See what? You ain’t seeing shit with your eyes looking at the wall.”
Y/N rolled her eyes before biting her tongue. She did like it. She’d never experienced it. He was centimeters away from her crotch. All he had to do was pull his pants and briefs down and there would be skin on skin humping. Y/N would probably cum right then and there from that alone. Her pussy was throbbing right now, “I have more courage to focus on the wall than at what you’re doing to me right now.”
“Thickums,” Erik whispered in her ear, “don’t you wanna see it?” Her heart stopped.
“It?” She asked with a perplexed expression.
“Yeah,” He smiled, “Tell me what it is.”
“...I don’t want to, Erik.” She shook her head, trying to force herself to breathe normally again.
“Why? Tell me, I’m your bestie.”
Why is your dick so big? Why are you making my pussy so wet? Can you please pop my cherry? I’ve always wanted this too. Erik, I’m dick-hungry and I need it. Show me?
Her eyes closed.
“Why are you so damn thick?” His breathing was ragged.
“Genetics,” she answered sarcastically.
Erik kisses his teeth, “You’re so damn uptight. Loosen the fuck up before I make you.”
“Erik, please-“
“Nah, I want you to stop acting all shy. It’s me, Erik, your best friend for like, 15 years?”
But,” Y/N licked her dry lips, “My best friend is getting...getting hard because of me. It’s...I can’t even think straight.”
Erik grabs her chin, making her look at him. When she did, she saw all of the desire in his eyes. Raw, uncontrollable, desire. It stunned her. Now, Y/N couldn’t look away. He wasn’t giving her an annoyed look like he usually would. He wasn’t ready to burst into a laughing fit as if to say “gotcha”. Y/N knew he was dead serious. She felt her body relax against his. This was Erik. She could be open with him and honest.
“Erik...,” Y/N looked from her thigh to his face, “I’m not gonna lie...I’m nervous.”
“I know. That’s why I want you to loosen up. We don’t even gotta have sex-“
“No, no. I want to.” Y/N felt her body shivering.
“Yeah. I do want you to be my first. I can’t think of anybody else...”
There was silence for a moment. Erik and Y/N just stared at each other. They were silently accepting what the next move would be. Kiss. Undress. Touch. Lick. Suck. Fuck.
“I got you,” Erik kisses her forehead, “I promise it’ll be amazing. None of that wack shit. I want my best friend to have a memorable first time.”
“Okay,” Y/N spoke with a soft voice.
“Okay,” Erik let go of Y/N’s wrists above her head slowly. Her hands came down at her sides. Erik watched her for a moment to see if she would change her mind but Y/N waited patiently for Erik to make the first move. Any move. Erik’s eyes admired Y/N. Full lips, prominent brown eyes, round nose, head full of kinky curly hair that frizzed at the ends because she picked it out. Now, his eyes were staring at the silhouette of her body. Curvy, soft, chocolate. Everything that he loved. Everything he wanted to eat, suck, lick, bite, fuck. Erik reaches his left hand up to Y/Ns face. Using just his fingertips, Erik strokes Y/N from her forehead down to her chin. His thumb would delicately touch her cheek while he gazed into her eyes to watch her every reaction.
“You’re so beautiful Thickums,” Erik smiles.
“Thanks, E,” she bashfully looked down.
“Especially those lips,” Erik bit his lip, “Those lips looking really juicy.”
“Oh gosh,” Y/N giggles while biting her lip.
“Stop, STOP,” Erik deepens his voice, “I’m supposed to bite that lip.”
Y/N slowly dragged her lip from between her teeth. The moment her spit covered lip released, Erik takes his teeth to bit her lip lightly. Y/N’s body jumped. She wasn’t used to that type of contact. Of course, she kissed guys before but never like this. Erik’s lips sucked her bottom lip into his mouth. Y/N could taste the Hennessy on his tongue. His tongue was so warm and silky smooth. Each time he dragged his tongue along her bottom lip, Y/N would take her fists to grip Erik’s shirt tightly.
“You’re gonna let me stick my tongue down your throat, Y/N?”
Erik gripped her neck lightly, taking his much fuller lips to mold with Y/N’s. He took her breath away each time he kissed. Y/N brought her hands up to hold Erik’s face, closing her eyes to relish at the moment. She couldn’t look at him while they kissed. It was too intense. Erik didn’t even speak, his body did all the talking. Grinding his iron-hard dick into her thigh, grunting into her mouth, tongue wiggling in her mouth, hands coming down to wrap around her waist, pulling her into his solid chest. He could feel her nipples through her Demi bra and thin white top.
“Erik,” Y/N stopped kissing Erik to breathe and lick her swollen lips, “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
“I can’t either,” Erik reaches up to grab her left breast, “but I like this shit. My dick is...so stiff.”
“I know,” Y/N whispered.
“Look, let me show you.”
Erik sat on his knees. Y/N watched with low eyes as Erik unbuttons his jeans. Then comes the zipper. The one barrier keeping that long dick away from her. Erik takes his shirt to rest under his chin, his hands sliding into his jeans and briefs, pulling them down in one clean motion. Her gasp and wide eyes were the reactions that he wanted. Y/N covered her mouth, her eyes never leaving Erik’s dick. Long, girthy, smooth, groomed, chocolate, veins protruding through his skin, tip shiny from his precum, Y/N was blown away. 
“You see how hard my dick is?” Erik moved his hips to make his dick bounce, “I’m so hard, bestie.”
“Um,” Y/N licked her lips, “It’s nice, Erik...it’s...a lot of dick.”
Both of them laugh.
“Yeah,” Erik grabs Y/N’s hand, “touch my dick, Thickums.”
“I’m scared,” Y/N nervously laughs.
“It’s okay, relax, ma. Didn’t I tell you I got you?”
“Yeah…,” Y/N looked up at Erik through her lashes.
“So let me take care of you,” Erik rubs her hand with his thumb, “Here,” he spoke softly. 
Erik wrapped Y/N’s hand around his shaft. Her fingers hardly touched with her hand grabbing him. She swallowed spit, her chest rising and falling swiftly. Y/N was afraid to do anything else but the warmth and softness of his dick made her pussy convulse. Imagine all that smooth dick sliding inside of you. Covered in your cream, stretching you out, digging deeply, and making you cum and squirt. At that moment, Y/N forgot about what her fingers and toys could do. She wanted to find out what Erik’s dick could make her do. 
“Look at that little hand grabbing all this meat.”
“Fuck, Erik.”
“Don’t worry, just wait, you’ll be able to take all of this.”
“I-okay…” Y/N was unsure.
“That tight pussy can stretch, Y/N, before you know it, that pussy is gonna’ take all of me.”
She whimpers.
Erik didn’t say a word as he started untying Y/N’s long wrap skirt. He pulled the skirt from her body and stared down at a pair of yellow lace panties wrapped around a chocolate treat. 
“Mhm,” Erik took his fingers to play with the corners of the crotch of her panties, “This the pussy I’m taking, Y/N? This virgin pussy?”
“Uh-huh,” she spoke timidly.
“Uh-huh is right,” Erik leaned down to her again, Y/N’s hand still wrapped around his dick, “I’m eating your pussy too.”
“Okay, you can eat my pussy,” She nibbled on her bottom lip.
“You can eat my pussy,” Erik mocked her sweet voice, “Damn, just like that, huh?”
“Yeah,” Her voice was shaky.
“Bet,” Erik grabbed the end of Y/N’s shirt. He pulled it up past her belly and then over her bra. She had on a brown Demi bra. 
“Damn, nice full titties, ma,” He pulled down the straps and watched each fleshy mound pop out with hard Hershey kiss nipples. Y/N closed her eyes, skin heated from Erik using his thumbs to pluck her nipples and twirl them. Erik then pulled her nipples and shook her breasts, releasing them and watching them bounce. Y/N’s deep breaths became louder and louder while she squirmed beneath him. 
“Shit feels good doesn’t it?” 
“Yessssss,” She hissed.
“Ima suck em for you-“
“Please?” She reached out for him.
Erik wrapped his lips around her left nipple. He sucks nice and hard. She could feel her nipple repeatedly being pulled and suckled between Erik’s tight lips. Each nerve ending in her nipple ignited and sparked. Her thighs rubbed together, and her hands clawed his arms, mouth unhinged and stayed wide open with no sound escaping. So this is what it felt like to be suckled on? Now, she wanted him to show her right breast some attention. Y/N takes her hand to grip the back of Erik’s neck, pulling his face over to her other breast with a pout of her lip.
“Ha,” Erik looked up at her through his long lashes, “My bestie feenin’ already.” 
“It feels good,” She blushes.
“Mmm,” Erik gave her right nipple the same amount of attention while using his thumb to play with her left nipple. Y/N’s body arched and writhed. She ran her fingers through his dreads, pulling the coarse hair. He made her body tingle all over. Her toes curled and eyes rolled. If Erik kept this up she might cum. It felt that strong and good that she was ready to burst. 
“Fuck, girl,” Erik’s chin was stained with spit, “You taste like chocolate all over these nipples.” Erik licked her nipples one by one to give them equal amounts of attention. Her fingers in his hair were so violent. Erik could feel pain in his scalp as if she was trying to snatch his hair out. Y/N’s skin was at high temperature and now her thighs were squeezing Erik’s hips. 
“Chill out, Thickums,” Erik reaches around her body to pull her bra fully off, “That’s better,” his hands squeezed and massaged her breasts, “Give me a kiss.”
Initiating the kiss this time around, Y/N leaned forward on her elbows, sloppily crashing her lips into Erik’s. He softly chuckles, blowing air from his nose that tickles her upper lip. It was unhurried, steady, and gentle. Y/N wanted to learn Erik’s mouth and what he liked. Did he prefer for her to use a lot of tongue or did he enjoy the way she sucked on his bottom lip? Erik seemed to approve of whatever she did because he was grunting into her mouth repeatedly. Kissing him made her body have chills. Y/N felt like her soul was being sucked through her mouth into his from how breathless she was at the moment. 
“God,” she broke the kiss, taking in a deep breath. Erik trailed his kisses down her neck and back up over and over. Goosebumps rose over her skin and his hands stroking her shoulders didn’t help. 
“Your lips are so fucking soft, Mhm,” He nibbled on her bottom lip, “Why did you move your hand from my dick, ma? Put it back on there.”
Scared, Y/N grabs Erik’s dick again, testing the weight of it. He was so sure that she would be able to take him just fine but the more she squeezed him and lightly stroked him she started to feel apprehensive. Y/N’s hand moves down to touch Erik’s balls. She trembled, her breath coming out uneven. 
“Y/N,” Erik could feel her hand shaking around him, “Relax, baby, relax, Aight?”
“Shhh, don’t talk,” Erik pulled at Y/N’s panties, “Let me take care of you, okay? That way, you’ll feel more confident to take care of me.”
Y/N simply nodded her head. Erik grabbed the sides of her panties to tug down her legs. Her knees quaked as soon as the fabric was down past her toes. She was now fully exposed in front of her best friend. Her best friend and now her fuck buddy. It was now or never. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your clothes, E?”
“Not until I’m finished with you. I want you to undress me.” Erik carefully placed his hands on Y/N’s knees, “I’m about to spread these thick thighs, ma, you ready?”
Dragging her tongue over her bottom lip, Y/N nodded her head sluggishly.
“Talk to me, ma, say yes,” Erik’s hands dragged up her thighs.
“Yes,” Erik was captivating her with his smooth voice. He can get all the pussy in the world with his voice. 
“Good girl. See? That wasn’t hard, Thickums-“
“Erik…,” She shyly looked away, “um...can you take off your clothes too? That’ll make me feel more comfortable if you're naked like me.”
“You sure?” He asked with a single brow upthrust. 
“I’m sure, E,” Y/N smiled, “Let me.”
Erik stood from the couch while Y/N sat in front of him. She helped him out of his jeans and briefs before tossing that on the floor in a wrinkled pile. Now, her fingers lightly pulled at the bottom of his shirt, hitching it up to reveal his scar covered abdomen and chest. Erik helped her out the rest of the way, pulling at his shirt from the back, then up and over his head forward. Even undressing him was stimulating. Erik was a lot of man. Able-bodied and powerful. 
“Lay back, girl, let me taste you.”
She could feel her body laying back against the couch but her mind was elsewhere. She was enthralled but at the same time, she was a nervous wreck. Erik’s strapping body hovered over hers for a moment before his chest touched her naked one. The scarring gave Y/N a pleasant texture against her nipples. His lips sucked on her throat before trailing down the middle of her chest, her belly where he licked her outie-belly button, and now all over her phat mound. She was smooth down there and could feel the moisture of his lips caressing and tasting her. She could feel her body thrusting up into Erik. Y/N’s heated eyes watched him push her thighs back gently so he could kiss her pussy lips delicately. Even when he kissed her outer lips, Erik could still taste her arousal. Sweet, syrupy, goodness. It was the natural lubricant that leaked from a virgin puss. Erik wanted to growl. 
“Goddamn,” He was fanatical, “This motherfucker tastes good.” 
“Thank you,” she withdrew her eyes from his, “It feels good...I like it…”
“How much?” Erik stroked his thumb up and down her pussy lips to rub in her natural lubricant. Each time he drew his thumb back, a slimy string would connect to the pad of his thumb from her pussy lips. Erik sucked his thumb each time causing his best friend to gasp with surprise. 
“Tell me how much, Y/N.”
“So much,” she said with a self-conscious voice.
“Girl...I’m gonna break you out of that shy shit tonight. Wait and see.”
“Erik, I’m sorry-“
“Don’t apologize. I know, baby, you can’t help yourself. I’m putting my lips on this little pussy and it’s too much to handle. Just know this though...I’m gonna make you handle it.”
“Oh,” she lets out a shaky breath, “You’re nasty, Erik.” She nervously bit into her bottom lip. He was too nasty. 
“This ain’t nowhere near how nasty I can get,” Erik looked down at Y/N’s pussy, “open these thick thighs so I can see this little pussy, okay?”
“Okay,” hesitantly, Y/N opened her shaking thighs. Erik watched her juicy peach span out for him. The sound of her wetness against the skin of her pussy when her lips spread had Erik grinding his hips into the couch cushions. Y/N’s pussy is beautiful. All that honey sticking to her clit, labia, and outer pussy lips. He didn’t even want to lick it up just yet. It was so breathtaking coated in her sloppy goodness. He remembers taking some chick virginity when he was in high school and all he wanted to do was cum. But now, he took his time to fully admire how beautiful her pure and flawless pussy is. 
“Baby girl...I don’t even want to ruin this just yet...oh my God-“
“Why?” She asked with a perplexed expression.
“Because it’s so precious, that’s why,” Erik licked his lips. 
“Well...I want you to eat it, Erik, right now, please?”
“Right now?” Erik smirked, “look at you, demanding me. How about you lay there and watch me eat this pussy. How about that? And you better not look away either.” 
Y/N gave Erik a nervous smile, “I’ll try…”
“Nah, you better do it, Thickums, you ready?”
Erik adjusted Y/N’s hips on the couch. He got down on his knees and spread her legs wide. Y/N sat up on her elbows so she could watch him like he instructed her to. Erik’s hands smoothed up the back of her thighs before holding them firmly like he did when they were in the car. Pussy spread open and ready to be devoured, Erik started off by giving his best friend soothing kisses to her clit and labia. Y/N reluctantly watched Erik. She tried to pay attention but what she really wanted to do was hide her face with a pillow. She felt so exposed and watching her best friend kiss her pussy, her special place, made her want to shrink away. Erik is so intimidating and experienced, Y/N felt like she wouldn’t be able to keep up with him.
“Erik...Erik,” She called his name. He was too busy getting his lips covered in her juices. Y/N let out a silent scream when she felt the first lick. He dragged his long tongue between her inner lips and up over her clit. Erik repeated this a few times before looking up into her eyes. Y/N gave Erik a sheepish grin. 
“I like it when you say my name like that.”
He tongue kissed her outer lips on each side before placing that same kiss but slower on her clit. Erik had a finesse with eating pussy that Y/N wasn’t prepared for. He took his time to work her up to even more wetness and a powerful orgasm. Now Y/N was being needy. She could see her hips pushing up into Erik’s mouth each time he gave her attention to her clit. Even while he teased her she felt the full capability of what he could do. Erik didn’t even suck on her clit and tongue fuck her yet. 
“You like it when I do this,” Erik finally sucked on her clit and labia at the same time.
Y/N moaned, hummed, and sighed. She could only make noises. The vocabulary was a second thought. Erik wrapping his lips around her like that had her ready to scream. How could she miss out on something like that? Her clit felt so sensitive between his lips. 
“Answer me, ma, talk to me.” Erik did it again.
Y/N shook her head no with a pout of her bottom lip. 
“We gotta talk to each other, bestie. You don’t wanna talk to me?” Erik spoke with faux sadness.
“E-Erik-Umph!!” Y/N pushed at his head, “Ahhh, my God-“
Keeping her thighs back because Y/N was ready to smash his head like a grape, Erik really showed her just how nasty he could get. Erik used his whole mouth and all its skills to eat the fuck out of her pussy. He wanted his bestie to remember what that mouth could really do. Her arms covered her eyes and her teeth painfully bit into her lower lip. Erik watched her stomach flex. She was ready to fly off that damn couch. 
“Erik, Erik, Erik, Erik, I can’t, Erik,” she whispered, “It feels so good I can’t, Erik. I-Umph!, Erik!”
Erik allowed her to grab hold of his dreads to move his head while he worked his mouth. Whenever she would move his head to the left, he would take care of her there. The same thing for the right, his lips would slurp and kiss whatever he could reach. That middle is what had her moaning and groaning. That’s where she smashed his face into her pussy. His lips sucked her directly over her clit before his tongue rolled out to flick at her entrance. He felt her pussy tighten around the tip of his tongue. 
“Oh my God, ahhhh, Erik, it’s-I’m gonna cum-“
“Mhm, mmm,” He mumbled into her pussy. Erik stuck his tongue out and pushed it as far as it could go into her pussy before he started moving in and out. His tongue was so sharp, wet, smooth, warm, and textured while it fucked her pussy. Her clit didn’t feel left out either because Erik’s thumb would circle it and pluck it. 
“Oh, my goodness, Erik,” She gasped, “Erik shitttt, fuckkkkkkkkk, this is too much-“
Fingers clawing the couch, Y/N threw her head back. She wipes her face to catch the tears. That wouldn’t be the first time she cries tonight. The feeling was extraordinary. As if choking on her breath, Y/N felt her lower belly tighten and a feeling creeps up and over her skin. She knew what this feeling was whenever she rubbed her own clit. Erik reaches out to interlock his fingers with hers while he took care of her, giving his all. She fought to breathe through it all but the second her eyes rolled shut and the muscles in her body tightened it was all over. Y/N erupted into Erik’s mouth. Her fingers tightened around his and she allowed her tears to fall. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me,” Erik praises her.
“I…” she didn’t even know where to start. 
“You came so much best friend,” Erik was amazed.
“Baby,” Y/N moaned.
“You’re a good girl, cumming in my mouth like that,” Erik soothed her pussy with kisses, “Are you gonna be a good girl for the rest of the night?”
“Uh-huh,” she cleared her throat.
“Because I gotta teach you how to suck Daddy’s dick, okay?” 
“Umph, Erik-“ 
“It’s gonna be really good, look at this Daddy dick best friend.”
Y/N lifted her head to stare at all of Erik again. He was pulsating. His dick was really struggling. Erik was much larger than before. Maybe this was his full capacity. Y/N nervously nibbled on her fingers. 
“It’s okay...it’s okay, best friend...I’m gonna take care of you, I promise.”
Erik stood up in front of Y/N. She moved her body to sit on the edge of the couch. Y/N grabs Erik’s dick, looking up at him with her innocent eyes to wait for his first instruction. 
“Good girl, now, you see Daddy’s tip,” Erik rubs it with his thumb, “suck on Daddy’s tip nice and slow for me.”
Y/N timidly wraps her lips around the head of his dick. She felt the sides of her lips stretch uncomfortably before he finally settled in her mouth. Her tongue flicked the tip to taste his pre-cum. More saliva produced after that. 
“Yeah, Good, now suck on it...don’t rush it.”
Y/N did her best and sucked lightly on Erik’s head. She worked up a slow rhythm to help herself get used to it.
“Tighten them lips, ma...yeah, just like that, good girl.”
She kept her lips snug while sucking gently. Spit drizzled to her bottom lip and fell to her chest. This was going to be a mess.
“Damn, bestie, that little mouth…you ain’t so innocent anymore.”
She was getting used to twirling her tongue around his dick and sucking on his head. Now, she wanted to give the rest of him some attention. Y/N lowered her mouth some more over him. She stopped to accommodate the amount of dick she slobbered on now. Her body jerked a little because she felt like she wanted to gag.
“Be patient,” Erik fisted her hair, “You’ll get there, ma, it’s too much for you right now. Take your time wit’ it...uh-huh, Hmph, yep, that’s what I mean.”
The sounds of her sucking made her sunken cheeks blush. He felt so good in her mouth. She didn’t want to stop. She wanted to take the challenge and fit all of him in. 
“Fuck, Y/N, look at you, still tryna’ fit more of me in there? Y/N…breathe through your nose, ma.”
She did, and it worked just a little bit. She wouldn’t be able to speak in the morning. Ten inches of dick trying to fit into her virgin mouth is a lot.
“That’s how you want it, huh?” Erik asked with a breathless voice, “okay...okay.”
Erik took over, moving his hips in and out. Y/N grabbed his thighs, closing her eyes to calm herself so her throat wouldn’t close up. She wanted to challenge herself while sucking dick for the first time. The sounds Erik made while he swiveled his hips made her pussy drip to the floor.
“That’s it, let Daddy fuck this nasty little mouth. I’m gonna turn you into a real freak, best friend. Watch how you end up. Gon’ have you sucking dick and taking dick. You like that, don’t you? Turning into a slut? That sound good?”
She nodded her head with watery eyes.
“I’m gonna train you so well. Before you know it, you’ll be able to swallow this dick just like I like. And for that puss,” Erik reaches down to slap her pussy, “that little motherfucker gon’ know when Daddy in it, have you cumming and cumming fucking with me.”
Mmm,” she whimpered.
“Your jaws are tight,” Erik closed his eyes, “Goddayummm.” 
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut. Erik was heavy and thick in her mouth. She tried to be a good girl for him but the second Erik thrust his hips she gagged around him and slipped her mouth off his dick. 
“Shit, come here,” Erik’s eyes were dark, “Nah, your mouth feeling too good right now.”
Y/N shook her head, “Erik, I can’t handle it.”
“You were just handling it,” He was desperate, “What if I went slow? I can go in and out real slow for you, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N wrapped her lips around him again.
“YES,”  Erik growled, “Let me fuck your mouth nice and slow.”
He went at a measured pace. This also gave Y/N time to admire the faces he made. Scrunching his nose, biting his lip, licking them too. His eyes were no longer a deep brown but more of a piercing black. He looked at her like he wanted to devour her. Not once did he blink. He’s so sexy. So handsome. All that beautiful dick in her mouth. All of this man standing before her ready to turn her out. 
“Guess what?” Erik pulls his dick from her compressed mouth, “I’m this close to cumming,” He put his thumb and pointer finger together to show her how close, “If you let me, bestie, I’ll cum in your mouth.”
“You want me to swallow it?” Y/N asked while staring at Erik jerk his dick.
“Uh-huh...swallow my cum for me?” 
“Yes,” She nodded her head leisurely.
“Good fucking girl, I swear,” Erik rubs the tip of his dick against her lips, “open up.”
Y/N closed her eyes as Erik’s dick went deeper into her mouth. His hands came up to hold her face while he thrust his hips into her mouth. His mouth unhinged and his head went back to stare at the ceiling. She could hear him mumbling something. Probably saying how good it felt. Now, Erik stood still, taking one hand to palm the back of her head, using it to bob her head up and down his dick. Y/N used all the strength she had to accept his rapid pace. He didn’t care about slow and careful anymore, this big dick was about to bust. 
“Fuckkkk, girl fuckkk.”
Y/N took it up a notch and grabbed his balls to squeeze.
“The fuck- Oh SHIT!” 
Y/N’s windpipe gave way to Erik’s dick. She gagged around him.
“ECHHH, ACHHH,” Y/N gurgled. Her eyes widened and blinked when she finally felt Erik’s cum hit the back of her throat. Thick, warm, tangy, it was a new experience. Wanting to get all of him, Y/N gulped him down while jerking his dick to empty him. Erik breathes deeply. She didn’t think it would end with how much it was. 
“Girl, I swear to God,” Erik pulls his dick out, “I bust so much, girl.”
Y/N wipes her mouth, “I know, Daddy.” 
“I’m Daddy,” Erik lifted her from the couch, “That shit felt so damn good, mmm. And you’re my little girl.”
Y/N thought about that. Being Erik’s little girl. And his best friend. 
“We takin’ this shit to the bed, Aight?”
Y/N covered her chest, walking past Erik with a bashful smile. Erik reaches out to lightly slap her ass. That shit jiggled like a bowl of jello. 
“Take your hands down. What I tell you about that?”
Y/N lowered her hands.
“Go and arch over the bed. Ass up, baby girl.”
He wanted it like that already? Y/N took her time walking to her room. While there, she crawled on the bed, lying flat on her belly. She shivered. Ass up? How would she be able to handle that? 
“I thought I said ass up?” Erik walked in with his dick swinging.
“Umph, okay,” with difficulty, Y/N hiked her ass up and turned her head sideways to face Erik. Erik looked over her body before his eyes connected with hers.
“Now it’s time for lesson number two. I gotta teach you to take some dick in that little pussy. That arch...that arch ain’t good enough, ma.”
Erik walked up behind Y/N, grabbing her hips. His fingers massaged her hips in soothing circles. She closed her eyes. Now, Erik’s large hands were in the middle of her back, pressing down further. Y/N clenched. She never curved her body like that. Her chest was pressed into the mattress. Her ass was really lifted into the air. She shook slightly. 
“This is how you arch. Get that ass up as far as it can go. See? This how you bring that ass north,” Erik slaps her cheeks, making them sting.
“Daddy…,” Y/N spoke weakly, “I-I’m scared.”
“Shhh, cut that out,” Erik rubs her ass cheeks, “Stop doing that. What did I say?”
“You’re gonna take care of me,” She spoke with a small voice.
“Exactly. I wouldn’t lie to you. It’s gonna be your first time, bestie, and my dick is big. Once I'm there, you’ll be feenin’ so good you won’t want me to stop,” Erik leaned forward to kiss her back, “You’ll want me to fuck you anytime and that’s cool cuz I plan on doing that anyway.”
“I trust you.”
“I swear, I promise.”
“I’m ready.” She convinced herself. 
Erik got down on his knees to spread Y/N’s pussy open. She was still very wet but he knew she would need a lot more. 
“Do you have lube?”
“Yes,” Y/N pointed to her dresser, “In there.”
Erik got up to retrieve the lube. He found it hidden between her socks and underwear. Erik walked back over to her, getting down on his knees again. He put his mouth on her pussy again to warm her up to it. Y/N reached back to grab his head. Erik slurped her up all over. She whimpered into the bed. 
“Daddy, I love it when you eat me,” She spoke softly.
Erik went crazy. Now she was getting her pussy eaten from the back. Once he started he couldn’t stop. Y/N made the sexiest noises. Erik’s tongue wiggles everywhere and Y/N’s ass rocked back. She was going to cum each time Erik sucked on her pussy. 
“Ahhhhhhhh!” She shook, “ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ahhhh!”
Like before, Erik drank her empty. Y/N pulled the covers from her bed. 
“Girl, I’m telling you,” Erik rubbed her pussy, “I’m going to fuck your little ass up.”
“Please,” She begs, “Please fuck me, Daddy.”
Erik takes his fingers, two of them, and slides them inside of Y/N. She instantly gripped him. Erik couldn’t even get his fingers out from her vice grip. He was steady with his fingers. The more he stroked, the more cream spilled from her entrance and trailed down to her clit. When it reached her clit, the fluids dropped to the bed. 
“This pussy can’t stop leaking,” Erik wiggles his fingers deep, “I’m reaching in that pussy, best friend?”
“I gotta stretch you to fit me.”
“Please fuck me.”
“I will-“
“Why do you have to beg me like that?” Erik grunted.
“Because I want you to pop my cherry.”
“Y/N,” Erik slaps her ass, “Say that shit again.”
“I want you to pop my cherry, Daddy-“
“Fuck, you know how bad I want it.”
“Then get it, fuck me like a Daddy is supposed to fuck me.” 
“Ain’t shy no more. You talk like that now?”
“Mhm, please-“
“Bet, I got that ass.”
Erik opened the lube, squeezing some on his fingers. He applied it to his dick until it was fully coated before sinking those same fingers into her pussy again. He didn’t go too deep in her pussy but deep enough for her to feel him. She wanted that cherry popped it was going to be with his dick. Erik stood behind her, taking his dick and bringing it to her pussy. He rubbed it around her clit before placing the head of his dick at her entrance. He looked at her tiny fuck hole and the head of his dick was bigger than that. He would really have to squeeze in there. 
“I’m sorry, baby girl, but you have a little pussy on you and...It’s gonna hurt at first, okay? Don’t be scared, I promise I will make it better.”
Y/N swallowed spit. She was panting like she ran a marathon.
“Y/N?” Erik asked with concern.
“Just do it, Daddy. Will this help?” Y/N reached behind her to spread her pussy lips, “Is that better, Daddy?”
“Yo,” Erik shook his head, “Oh, that’s fucking better alright. Keep that pink puss open just like that and take this big ass dick, okay?” 
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good fucking girl,” Erik takes the base of his dick, then at a slow-going pace, he pushes the head of his dick in. It felt like he had already popped her cherry with the way her body jerked and how his head went in. Smooth at first then pop it landed right inside. 
“Are you okay?” Erik looked around to see Y/N’s eyes closed and lips parted. 
She licked her lips before speaking with a hoarse voice, “Yes.”
“Okay, I’m about to put more in,” Erik watched Y/N’s pussy slowly engulfing him while her walls damn near wrung him dry. She was so wet and compressed around his thick pipe. Y/N’s hands let go of her pussy lips to reach for Erik. She had her face smashed into the bed. Erik pulled back to the tip and when he did that, Y/N clenched up and whimpered in pain.
“Ouch,” she cried, “Ouch, ouch, ouch.”
Erik looked down at his dick to see a little bit of blood. He did it. He popped her cherry. Y/N breathed so rapidly that Erik was afraid she was having a panic attack.
“Y/N are you cool? I don’t like the way you’re breathing right now.”
“I-I’ll be okay,” Y/N breathed out of her mouth, “Just...just please keep going.”
It stung, and now her pussy throbbed with pain but it wouldn’t last forever. Erik was stretching her and she wanted more. Under that pain is a tingly sensation inside of her. The reaction to the way he glided in. If that’s what it felt like she needed more of it and now.
“I popped that cherry, ma, you bled out on my dick.”
The sound of that turned her on. He took her virginity. His big dick invaded her purity. She loved it. Loved it a lot. Y/N could tell Erik did too.
“Can I see?” She asked.
Erik walked around her to show her. Covered in cream and her clear fluids with a little bit of blood on the upper shaft of his dick. No wonder she bled out as well. Erik is a big boy. She was surprised that was all that came out of her.
“You like this,” Erik smirked while jerking his dick, rubbing it in, “I like the shit too.”
“I want more,” Y/N reached back to rub her swollen lips, “please, Daddy, I want more.”
She was so excited and nervous at the same time. Erik was behind her again, fixing her arch and adding more lube. She was already so wet but he needed to be sure she would feel comfortable. Satisfied, Erik brought his dick to her entrance again, sinking back inside. Y/N clawed the bed, before turning her head to stare forward. Her toes flexed. She was stuffed full of dick. Finally, Erik had all of him inside of her pussy. 
“Goddamn,” Erik brought his hands up to rub down his face, “Hold still for me, okay?”
“Okay,” Y/N rubbed the bottom of her belly. She felt a lot of pressure there. It was this damn position. 
“Gotta pull out some so I can get back in this pussy. You have me hooked.”
Erik pulled out to the tip of his dick, then bam! He hit her again. Y/N gasped aloud. He repeated it again, his hands on her hips. Y/N could hear her wet pussy covered in lube. After Erik thrust a few times she started getting used to it, arching her back even more and moving her hips. That deep pressure made her eyes roll. 
“I’m fucking this pussy up. You ready?”
“Damn, I’m about to show you some shit, girl.”
Grabbing the sheets, Y/N felt Erik’s hands get tighter. He pulled out again to the tip, then bam! Back in but this time he knocked the wind out of her. Her hands came back to grab his wrists. Erik pulled out...bam! Her eyes popped open. He increased with each stroke until finally, Y/N was experiencing what it felt like to be fucked by a big dick. Doing it nice and slow felt good but doing it fast felt amazing. He made her cheeks clap against him, loud moans escape her mouth, and her legs shake. He brought his hands up to her spine, Y/N’s hands falling to the bed. 
“Nope, that’s not how we arch, girl,” He barked out, “I’m fucking this little pussy don’t play with me.”
“Pussy so tight, give me that pussy,” Erik presses in deep, “still shy, baby? You’re doing so well, such a slut aren’t you? That’s it, keep that pussy open, fuck, you look so cute when you’re struggling, desperate mess.”
“Daddy,” She moaned. Sniffling back tears, Y/N tried to be a good girl but damn he was banging that thing to death. 
“I fucking love hearing you struggle.”
Y/N was crying and drooling.
“Can you take some more?” 
Y/N quickly shook her head no but Erik lifted her ass up more and kept pounding anyway. When he did that, he stroked her G spot. Y/N couldn’t pull away even if she tried, Erik had her arms. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Please! Cum, Daddy! Please cum! I can’t take it!-“
Instead of him cumming, Y/N spasms, her eyes rolled almost to the whites and she leaked all over his dick. It happened so suddenly. She didn’t see it coming to be able to prepare herself for it. Now, her pussy felt overworked. Erik pulled his dick out of her. Y/N fell flat on her stomach while her body quivered. 
“Flip over, baby, I’m not finished with you yet,” Erik strokes his wet hard dick. 
“Daddy...I don’t know if I can take anymore.”
“You can, and you will. Flip over.”
Y/N flips over onto her back. Her curly bush was matted to her head and her face was stained with tears. Erik grabs her thighs, bringing them over his shoulders. When he did that, her pussy lips spread and she could feel it convulse with need even though it was sore and thoroughly fucked. 
“Now you get to see how my dick gets all this pussy.”
“Erik...please be gentle.” 
“I’ll try but I’m not making any promises.”
Y/N was in another dimension. Erik put his dick in and basically said fuck gentle. One clean thrust of all his long dick had Y/N gasping for air. Her hands came up to push into Erik’s chest but there was no use, her arms were like noodles. She looked around the room with wary eyes. He didn’t go too fast and he didn’t go too slow. She found herself staring down at Erik’s dick and the view had her in a trance. She would have never thought that all of him could fit inside of her. Y/N locked her ankles and wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck. She wanted to kiss him. He understood what that meant, bringing his lips to hers and took her breath away. It was sloppy and passionate while he was inside of her. The minute Erik’s hips smacked against hers loudly Y/N broke the kiss to moan. Erik took that opportunity to ruin her further. He sat up on his hands and fucked her just like he was fucking her from the back. Hard and long. 
“Erik! Pleaseee! Just cum, Daddy! Cum! It’s so big and it’s too much!” 
“Whatever Daddy wants, Daddy gets, ma-“
“Oh my God-“
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” Erik leans down to kiss her throat, “But you gotta stop moving and be a good girl for me, okay?”
Y/N quickly nodded her head. She wanted him to cum badly, that’s how sensitive she is. His dick would drag over her G spot, causing her to tear up. 
“Look at me.” 
Y/N looked up at Erik.
“Go ahead, cum on this Daddy dick.”
She exploded. 
“Good girl, now...let Daddy cum all over you.”
“Can I cum on these big titties?”
“Umph, yes-“
“You gotta say it, Thickums, tell me where you want me to cum?”
“I-I want you to c-cum on my big t-titties.”
“Yes-yes, baby, let me cum on you. Your pussy making me do this. I don’t ever wanna’ catch you giving this good tight pussy to another nigga, understand me?”
“You’re mine now. Make Daddy happy, baby.”
“Fuck, Daddy,” Y/N let out a sigh when Erik slowed down. His jaw tightened right along with his balls. He was really holding off his cum to feel her more. If she was his and only his, then he would have her pussy anytime. He didn’t need to hold off when he would be cumming again because of her sweet little pussy. 
“Come here,” Erik hooked his hands under her ass, “Come to Daddy, baby.” He said with a gruff tone.
Erik slips out dragging his dick up to her breasts and shooting a hefty load over her nipples. He jerked and jerked as Y/N watched ropes and streams of cum shoot out and hit its target. He finally stopped cumming, a long string left over and oozing from his dick. 
“S-suck Daddy dick, baby girl, clean up the m-mess you made,” Erik could barely talk after that big ass nut, “Clean up your fucking mess. All this because of that g-good pussy.”
Y/N wasted no time. She grabbed Erik’s dick up, opened her lips wide, and wrapped her them around him nice and tight. She could taste his cum on the head of his dick and her cum on his shaft. Erik was covered in it all. Y/N didn’t even need to be told to grab Erik’s balls. She squeezed them while sucking his dick. Erik was still iron-hard and ready to fuck. His limitless dick wanted more and more of her. She could tell because of his pitch-black irises. The killer look in his eyes. She popped her mouth off of his dick, a long string of spit hanging from her bottom lip while her innocent eyes cowardly gazed up at him.
“I don’t know what it is right now...but I feel like thumping that ass real good.”
“W-why?!” Y/N clenched her ass cheeks.
“It’s the way you’re looking up at me, girl. I really wanna spank that ass. Make you cry.”
“Erik, no,” Y/N shook her head, “You are too much.” 
“You want it,” Erik smiles at her darkly, “You would like that, wouldn’t you? Be polite and ask nicely.” 
Y/N was back to being faint-hearted. This was Killmonger. One taste of Y/N’s pussy and now he was giving her evil looks and commands. 
“Spank me, Daddy?” She spoke with a fearful tone.
“I can’t hear you, baby, what is it that you want?”
“Spank me.”
“Turn that ass over and arch your back.”
Y/N turned over and arched her back again. She flexed her neck to look back at him. 
“That’s how I want you. Look back at me while I pop this big ol’ ass on you, girl.”
“Daddy...what did I do to deserve this?” Y/N was scared stiff.
“Making me cum like that, had a nigga stumbling over his words like you’re in charge. I’m in charge. Hear me?”
Erik’s hand painfully struck Y/N’s ass without warning, “Good girl.”
She instantly screamed. 
“I’m gonna turn you into my trained little slut, do you fucking hear me?”
“Turn your little ass out, make you a slut for this Daddy dick. This is your dick now, slut, this is what you cumming on, okay?!”
“YESS, pleaseeeee.”
THWACK THWACK. Y/N’s legs shook tremendously. She no longer has pain receptors in her ass. She was going numb to his spanking.
“You like my cum on your tits?” THWACK, “Do you like my nut on your tits?”
“Ughhhh yesssss.” 
“Daddy’s pretty little slut. Not a virgin no more, huh? I took that shit didn’t I?”
“Yesssss,” She cried.
“I popped that cherry and took that tight puss. I made that shit mine, am I right?”
“Daddy, yess,” THWACK, “Oh, gosh, Daddy-“
“Does it scare you that I could do anything to you right now? Like, take that puss again? Fuck that puss and make you scream?”
“Oh, Gosh- OH MY GOODNESS!!!” 
Erik’s dick was in her again.
“What’s wrong, baby? Finding it hard to focus?”
“Umph! Umph!”
“Yes, moan like that. Yessss, you sound so fucking sexy.”
You know what’s good? When someone with nice big hands is making you moan while they fuck you but the second you let out a sound they immediately cover your mouth and tell you to…
“Shut up,” Erik commands. 
That’s what’s good. Y/N’s eyes rolled when Erik’s large hand with his thick fingers covered her mouth like that. Bonus points for him because he clapped that ass from the back while still keeping his hand around her mouth and the other in her hair. Now, he was putting his fingers in her mouth to make her suck on. It still kept her quiet anyway. 
Erik leans forward whispering in Y/N’s ear menacingly, “You’re fucking mines, yeah?” Y/N mumbled against his hand, “you’re a messy slut, I can feel you dripping all over me.” 
“Erik...stop,” she spoke with a muffled tone because of his hand. Y/N was done. She came on his dick again. She was afraid by the end of the night she wouldn’t be able to cum anymore. Y/N was definitely a virgin no more. Now that Erik took that pussy, she would be on his dick whenever he wanted.
“THAT'S it, baby. Feel good doesn’t it? Just needed a little more hm?” 
“A-Ah-ahhhhh,” she moaned with a struggle.
“What is it, angel? That made you feel good?”
Y/N nodded her head with a whine.
“What? Like this?” Erik thrust back in and abused her sweet spot, “You’re so goddamn beautiful. Fuck, I’m gonna cum again, girl!”
Two more thrusts in her pussy had Erik pulling out and cumming on her ass now. His dick jumped against her ass. He didn’t even need to jerk it, his hazy eyes just watched his dick jump and spurt out cum covering her ass cheeks and lower back. Erik finally grabs the base of his dick, rubbing the rest of his cum onto her ass. He stood back watching her body slump into the mattress. He was definitely weak and in need of electrolytes to refuel himself. Erik walked to Y/N’s bathroom to retrieve a warm wet rag to wipe her down. It was late as hell and she needed some rest. He would run a bath for her in the morning. He made it back into the room, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N to clean her pussy, ass, and back. As he wiped her pussy, heavy, drawn-out, gurgling noises came from Y/N.
“Wow,” Erik laughs. He laughed so hard his stomach hurt. Y/N was snoring sleep with her mouth hanging wide open. Erik put her to bed. He flips her over to wipe off her breasts. She grumbled and snorted. He forgot how much of a snorer she was. Erik pulled the covers to her bed back, picking her up and laying her in bed. She automatically curled up into a ball, snuggling her face into her silk pillow and reaching out to grab her large teddy bear almost the size of the bed that Erik got her for her birthday. 
“So fucking adorable.” He flicked off her light, pulling the covers back to lay next to her. He snuggled her close to him, his arm reaching over her bare chest to rest on top of the bear. As soon as he closed his eyes, sleep overtook him as well. 
@tgigoldie​ @soufcakmistress​ @chefjessypooh​ @chaneajoyyy​ @pananegra​ @theblulife​ @becincere​ @blaqqjacq​ @fish-outta-watah​ @eyeknowmywrites​ @crowngold​ @njadakillthiscookie​ @blktinkerbell​ @luvanxi​ @sheisexcellent1​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @brandithecrystalgem​ @dababydababydababydababy​ @soulfulbeauty19​ @btitannaaa​ @sunkissedebony97​ @youngblackndgifted​ @harleycativy​ @rbhp​ @thee-germanpeach​ @thadelightfulone​ @bugngiz​ @palmstreesallday​ @skylahb​ @bakaris-shorty​ @nizzle-mo​ @truglori​ @queenflaws​ @ljstraightnochaser​ @nickidub718​ @vikkidc​ @thehomierobbstark​ @rent-emspoons​ @abluestethoscope​ @abeautifulmindexposed​ @fd-writes​ @chasingsunlight​ @sickaddiktions​ @munteanhore​ @xo-goldengirl​ @tiava143​ @33kiara​ @honeytoffee​ @asiasblackworld727​ @momobaby227​ @informalmelancholy​ @soulshinechronicles​ @hearteyes-for-killmonger​ @goddessofthundathighs​
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little-diable · 4 years
Gone - Jax Teller (angst/fluff)
 Request by anon: Jax teller x reader some sad shit
This is pretty sad, I listened to the song “the end of everything” by Noah Cyrus, while writing this. If you need somebody to talk to, please just message me. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Warnings: loss of a family member, could be triggering. 
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Her fingers were trembling, another sob wrecked through (y/n), her hands were tightly grasping her phone, pressing it against her chest. She rocked her body  forwards and backwards, her mind was racing, it felt as if the whole room was closing in on her, (y/n) couldn’t breathe properly anymore. The (y/h/c) haired girl stumbled out into the garden, crashing down on her knees, (y/n) pressed her forehead against the grass, nails clawing into the soil, screaming as if she was burning alive.  
The ringing of his phone wouldn’t stop, it seemed as if Jax was either not hearing it or as if he wasn’t in the mood to talk to her, so (y/n) began to dial Chibs number, praying to the gods above, that’d answer his phone. 
„(Y/n)?” Loud music was blasting from the speakers, it took Chibs a few seconds to leave the clubhouse, a smile on his lips as he took in the calm atmosphere outside.
„Chi-” she didn’t get far, another sob interrupted her. “(Y/n)? What’s going on?” Panic clear in his voice as he placed his bottle down on the wooden table, he felt sick to his stomach as he took in the sound of her crying. 
(Y/n) could still recall the way the ringing of her phone had ripped her out of her sleep, an annoyed sigh had left her lips before she had answered the call, “Miss (Y/l/n)? I am calling from the St. Thomas Hospital, I am sorry to inform you,” the lady didn’t have to keep on talking, (y/n) knew from that second on, that her aunt had died, the last remaining part of her family, the mother she never had, the best friend that kept her sane through all those years. She was gone. How could she just be gone? Not breathing anymore? Leaving (y/n) behind, all on her own. 
Chibs took a deep breath. „We‘ll be there in a second,“ still confused about what was actually going on, with long strides he walked into the clubhouse, grasping Opies shoulder, taking the glass out of his hand.“I’ll meet you at your bike in a minute, we have to see (y/n).”
As he spoke her name, Opie jogged out of the room, bitter feeling heavy on his tongue, (y/n) was one of his closest friends, he felt anxious, not knowing why Chibs had looked that distressed.  
“Come on Teller, we have to leave.” Chibs took a hold of Jaxs hand, shying away the crow eater that was sitting on his lap, a determined look on his face as he pulled the blonde haired biker outside. “What the fuck bro?” Anger swapped over Jax, he wasn’t in the mood for any games, he felt tired, exhausted, just needed a second to breathe, without having to worry about any club business. Chibs grasped his collar, jaw clenched, a fire was burning in his eyes. „Something is seriously wrong with (y/n), so, get your ass on your bike, we are leaving.”
The sound of their nearing Harleys made her lift her head, tears were still falling from her eyes, (y/n) was crouching on the floor, desperate to have her friends near, she needed something, or rather someone, to hold onto.
“(Y/n)!” Jax called out her name as he found her frame, dressed in nothing else than her  nightgown, seemingly unbothered by the chilly October air. Jax fell to his knees in front of her, he grasped her tearstained face, his heart was clenching as he looked at her, almost ready to start crying as well. 
„She,“ (y/n) took a deep breath, hiccups left her. „She died Jax.“
Both Chibs and Opie were standing behind her, hands covering their faces as they tried to take in, what she had just told them. 
(Y/n)s aunt had been a close friend of the club, knowing that she could leave her niece behind, without having to worry too much, the boys would take good care of her. Jax pulled her into his chest, chin placed on top of her head, hands moving up and down her freezing skin, his eyes found Chibs and Opies, nodding his head “yes”, telling them, that he’d take care of her. Both men grasped her trembling shoulder, pressing a kiss onto the back of her head, before leaving the pair on their own. Jax took a hold of her frame, carrying her inside, towards the bathroom, knowing that he’d have to try and get her to warm up.  
“Don’t leave, please,“ she whispered as he walked out of the room, trying to give her some kind of privacy. His bright eyes found her glassy ones, slowly getting rid off his clothing, trying not to look at her exposed frame, Jax couldn’t even remember a day where he didn’t crush on (y/n), but he always had been too scared to ask her out, acting as if she’d deserve someone better than him. (Y/n) grasped his forearm, head placed against his wet shoulder, hot water was crashing down on them, soothing her tender muscles, mixing with her tears. 
Jax desperately tried to comfort her somehow, knowing that nothing in this world could take her pain away, he could try, but he wouldn’t succeed. He wrapped a big towel around her wet body, drying her off, eyes focused on hers, wiping away some of her tears with his thumb.
“Thank you,“ her voice sounded raspy from all the crying. Jax pressed a kiss to her forehead. „Always,” he whispered against her skin, pulling her into the bedroom, putting his shirt into her hands, while he was looking for a pair of panties for her to wear. 
“I don’t know mom, I’m not sure, if I’m doing enough.” His phone was placed between his ear and his shoulder as he prepared her a cup of tea, not noticing the way (y/n) was leaning against the door frame. It was around eight in the morning by now, (y/n) couldn’t close her eyes without having another panic attack, so Jax had stayed by her side, cuddled to her chest as they were watching movies, no words were shared between the pair, leaving Jax uncertain, if he was doing the right things. 
“Yeah, I will. Bye mom,“ a sigh left him as he placed his phone down on the counter, hands pressed against the cold surface, head hung between his arms. 
„You’re doing enough, more than I could ever ask for.” His head whipped around, meeting her eyes, (y/n) stepped towards him, she pulled herself up on the counter, pulling him against her chest. (Y/n) ran her hand through his hair, she tugged on his roots, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes were focused on his lips, finally giving into her instincts as she pressed her lips against his, her lips were tingling, Jax melted into her touch, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss. 
“I’ve been waiting for that for a long time by now,“ Jax mumbled against her lips, hands placed on her hips. „Me too,“ (y/n) had to feel his lips on hers again, finally being able to let go of her pain, even just for a few minutes. Jax Teller was everything she had ever wanted and needed, finally, after years of waiting,  he was hers and (y/n) wasn’t planning on letting him go anytime soon, he’d pull her out of the darkness, would fight her demons for her, (y/n) was sure of it.
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Until Death (Part 5)
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SSA ✧ Red Hood ✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧ 4 ✧ 5 ✧
    Jason frowns at the sound of his alias escaping your lips but don’t see it. You turn around and swallow a sob before you walked away.
    “Damn, Jason! How heartless!” Roy has been giving Jason a hard time for the past half hour in Roy’s apartment since Jason told him what happened between the two of you. “The girl goes out of her way to search for you, gets chased by bad guys, falls off a roof, and then you just tell her you never wanted to meet her?”
    “What?” Jason snaps back, “Should I have lied? Tell her I’ve been dreaming about the day when we’d meet?”
    Roy rolls his eyes to the side, a small smirk playing on his lips,  “Weeell…” Jason stares at him as he waits. “Before you, you know,” Roy makes a gesture of cutting his throat with his thumb, making Jason glare at him, “you did brag a lot about the day you’d meet your soulmate you know. When you were still a Titan--”
    Jason physically shuts Roy up by covering his mouth with both of his hands. He glares at him with wide eyes and raised brows but Roy can see the blush covering his cheeks, “That was years ago.”
    Roy removes his friend’s hands from his face, “That was three years ago and that was you. At least one type of Jason.”
    Jason turns away from him, “I’m different now.”
    Roy doesn’t believe him one bit. Three years is a good time to change a person but not enough to completely forget who they were. “And you’re scared she won’t like you?” Roy stares at Jason who stubbornly makes a show of lying down on the floor and staring at the ceiling instead of him. “How are you going to know if you never try~” Roy lets his sing-song voice echo in the room but Jason doesn’t budge.
    Then Roy stops abruptly and Jason watches him close his eyes. He waits for a while before Roy opens his eyes again.
    “Your soulmate?” Jason asks.
    “Yeah, she’s done with class. Sorry, bro, duty calls.” Roy kicks himself off his bed and packs his last-minute-superhero-bag-disguised-as-an-ordinary-gym-bag. “She took military science this semester and I’m helping her write a paper on reconnaissance.”
    Jason frowns, “Don’t tell me. You’re letting her experience it first hand?”
    Roy chuckles, “You’re skeptical. I see that but once you meet her. Oh, boy. You’re going to wish you have her for backup.”
    Jason watches as one of his closest friends hum while he packs away more gadgets for his trip. “How do you do it, Roy? Having somebody else’s thoughts in your head?”
    Roy pauses at the sudden seriousness of Jason’s voice, more serious than usual. “It’s not all bad. You know when you’re thinking to yourself, trying to find answers to life’s dilemmas?” he asks and waits for Jason to respond but he doesn’t so Roy scoffs. “And then suddenly someone actually answers you. It’s like God answering your prayers or something. It feels good talking to somebody.”
    “Sounds just like having comms on a mission.”
    “Exactly. And life’s a mission, Jay.” Roy teases as he opens his door and steps out. He leans in gives Jason a goodbye kiss in the air. “And you better get on with yours.”
    Roy shuts the door to his own apartment and leaves Jason lying on his floor feeling miserable and antsy.
    Later that same evening, it doesn’t take long for Jason to track you down. No, not all because much to his displeasure, you are still looking for answers regarding his death. Now that you know he’s the Red Hood, it has lead you to even deeper shit than you can imagine.
    “Lookie here, boss. One just came straight to our lap.” One of Black Mask’s goons drops you on the floor like a garbage bag and you land on your wrists tied behind your back.
    You bite against the cloth wrapped along your jaw and you glare hard at the crime lord standing tall and menacing in his diamond-clad black suit. He squats down and stares at you with his face only a few inches away. You can smell the tobacco and scotch in his breath mixed with the stench of the black paint of his mask.
    “Gutsy,” he turns back to one of his goons, “Definitely has enough spunk to be a soulmate of one of those do-gooders.” Black Mask looks you over from head to toe making you tense under his gaze. “What does she have?”
    One of his men steps up and harshly grabs your wrists to show his boss the faded timer on your hand.
    He frowns, “Timer link, huh. Luthor would have paid big money for you if your timer hadn’t run out.” He turns his eyes away from your wrist and looks back at you in the eye, “Seems you’ve met your soulmate then.”
    “She was walking around asking people about the Red Hood.”
    Black Mask’s eyes widen and fill in the sockets of his mask. He stands up quickly and smacks the man who spoke. “You idiots!” he bellows at them. “Get her out of here!”
    The man holding you quickly let you go and backs away. You quickly stare in shock as you and the rest of the men in the warehouse watch the Black Mask trudge along the ends of the table spouting rushed instructions to his men. “Do you all want to die tonight?”
    Then one loud bang of metal hitting the cement floor steals everyone’s attention. You turn your head away from the Black Mask and find the Red Hood with his knees bent, head down, and an AK-47 in his hands.
    “Yes,” he says as he straightens his posture and rests the assault rifle on his shoulder, “It does seem like you want to die tonight.”
    The men are inching away from the Red Hood and Black Masks grits his teeth as he tries to keep still against the table. “Here for your girl, Red?” Black Masks snarls at him. “It doesn’t look like you’re here to save anyone with that gun you’re carrying.”
    You stare at Jason. Black Mask has a point. The rifle isn’t the best gun for a rescue mission so he must be here more for an assault. Less for you. Or not at all.
    The Red Hood laughs with his chest, making the Black Mask flinch. “Oh,” he says as he straightens up and leans forward, “I’m just the appetizer.”
    You feel the vibration of the whole warehouse before you heard the crash of the ceiling on the other side of the warehouse. You cower until all of the debris has fallen and then you quickly take a look and find Superman floating down from the gaping hole. Much faster, you see a familiar broad-shouldered silhouette glide in and land right onto Black Mask’s face.
    You’re too busy watching the Justice League round up Black Mask and his men that you instantly flinch at the feel of someone touching your wrist. It’s the Red Hood. He raises his hands, “Are you hurt?”
    You stare for a moment before you look down, “I-- I think one of my wrists is broken.” You hear him click his tongue and hear a switchblade slice through the ropes around your arm. Gently, he helps you take them off. You rub your wrists and confirm that one of them is definitely broken.
    “Does she need medical attention?” the sudden presence of Wonder Woman startles you.
    “Not critical, but her wrist is broken.”
    “I-I’m fine,” you utter in sudden embarrassment. It’s not a feeling you’re used to, being fussed over. Especially by a whole league of heroes.
    Batman approaches the three of you and he immediately kneels in front of you. He holds out his hand and tentatively you offer up your broken wrist. He takes out a makeshift wood splinter and lays it under your palm.
    “I can do it,” both you and Batman quickly turn to the Red Hood. He’s already squatting down and holding out his hand. Batman hands you over and gives him a roll of medical tape. You watch as the Red Hood slowly aligns the wood along your forearm. He takes one end of the tape and presses your fingers down on it with his palm.
    “I saw the look you gave me back there,” his voice suddenly jolts you and he has to align the wood again before he can start wrapping. When he spoke again, he sounded like he was pouting, “You didn’t actually think I would put you in harm’s way, right? That rifle was just in case I had to break my way through some of his guys but mostly it was just for show.”
    You stare up at his mask and wonder what face he’s making underneath. You look back down and watch in awe at how gentle he’s treating your arm. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, making Jason stop.
    After a moment he starts again, “What the hell do you have to be sorry for?”
    You try to fake a laugh, “For putting myself in danger and then having to have you and the League get involved.”
    “First of all, are you dense?” He uses his head to point towards the League escorting Black Mask and his men out of the warehouse and towards the incoming police lights. “This is exactly what heroes are supposed to do. I was looking for you and Batman told me Black Masks’ men had you. So he and the rest of the League got involved.”
    You suddenly go quiet and sharply turn back to the Red Hood, making him flinch. You wanted to ask why he was looking for you but you’re thinking too much and all you got out was one word. “Why?”
    The Red Hood sighs, bored as if he’s just de-briefing on a mission, “Someone’s been targeting superhero soulmates, kidnapping them, and then having their links stolen or broken. It’s what happened to Superman and his soulmate.”
    Your fingers tense as he finishes up wrapping up your wrists. Would he want that? You wonder if Jason would have been happy if they had been successful. Your voice comes out as a whisper, “You said you never wanted to meet me. Do you wish they could have taken away our links before we met?”
    You can tell he’s watching you under his mask.
    “I doubt they could have. Not even death kept us apart.”
    Quickly, he stands up and offers a hand, “Can you stand?”
    You were completely phased by the sudden change of topic and his non-answer. You resorted to stubbornly staring at him and remaining rooted on the warehouse floor. The Red Hood groans under his mask and then squats back down, with his back facing you.
    “I’ll take you home and then I’ll give you my answer, deal?”
    Again that surprises you. He pretty much answered you, right? If he didn’t want to meet you he would have just said no right away like he did weeks ago. Slowly you climb onto his back. As soon as you secure your arms around his neck and his arms wrap around your thighs to hold you up, he says, “I’ve wanted to meet you for as long as I can remember, Y/N.”
✧ 1 ✧ 2 ✧ 3 ✧ 4 ✧ 5 ✧
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amerie-wadia · 4 years
a mayward drabble/little fic because apparently i just needed to write this
JJ is all sharp edges and screams that cry too loudly in explosive bursts of passion and wonder. He jumps so much higher than Pope that sometimes Pope worries JJ will float off into the sky like a balloon and Pope will be left alone on the shore. JJ will sprint down the gravel streets or rev his dirt bike as he comes crashing to a stop, the bike still rolling as he tumbled off. JJ lives every single moment like it’s the most important and Pope can only marvel at him for it.
But then the balloon deflated and his screams turn to silence and suddenly JJ is so quiet that he gets lost in the shadows. He’s a good liar and when he wants to go unnoticed, JJ can easily be forgotten.
JJ is two sides of the same coin. He is always at an extreme, as if he had never learned how to approach life neutrally. Or maybe Pope had forgotten how to live with with everything he had all the time. Maybe that’s why when JJ crashed, he crashed hard—so tired from giving life two hundred percent.
Pope never knows what to expect from JJ. Nobody does. There are moments, fleeting and few, when Pope thinks he can read JJ. Can even begin to understand.
There are times when JJ has bruises on his face or when he wears a long sleeve shirt in the middle of August, when Pope can see past the lies. JJ will try and brush it off, say that he’s fine or that it was just a Kook, but his eyes betray him and Pope can see the way JJ’s jaw tightens and his eyes well up. Before he pushes it down and lights up a joint or dives out into the waves. JJ needs to move when he’s upset. JJ needs to deflect when he’s upset. Pope notices.
Pope has begun to notice a lot about JJ.
He can’t quite figure out why—at first—every time he looks, JJ is already watching him. Usually he shifts his gaze away almost instantaneously. But sometimes he’ll just shoot Pope and goofy smile or wink at him and Pope really notices that. JJ likes to keep watch of Pope, but Pope never sees JJ keeping watch of the other Pogues. Not the way Pope does.
Pope notices a lot about a lot of things. He’s always been observant—nosy, as his mom would say. He likes the understand people’s mannerisms and learn about their quirks and habits.
He knows that Kie cannot physically hold her annoyances inside, that the Pogues can barely go one conversation without Kie rolling her eyes. Pope also knows that Kie bites her nails when she gets nervous. It’s subconscious, he knows this, because sometimes she’ll blink a few times and then her eyes will go wide and she’ll drop her hands to her sides, looking around to see if anybody noticed her doing it.
He knows that John B doesn’t understand the effect he has on JJ. That one was a hard thing for Pope to nail, to truly understand. John B loved JJ, Pope knew that for a fact, but he was always shooting down JJ’s ideas, undermining the things JJ thought, and he never seemed to pick up on the way JJ’s face would fall and he would get quiet and withdrawn for a few minutes after. Not all the time, but enough that Pope had started to notice.
For all Pope notices, there is still so much that goes over his head.
Being the smart guy that he is, this realization is hard to take in. Especially when JJ is standing in front of him with a fat bruise between his eye and his hairline, cuts and dried blood on his lips. JJ flinches as soon as Pope is holding onto him and—as much as Pope knows he should respect it—he’s been worried sick about JJ and just needs to hold him. Needs to have JJ someplace safe and secure and he needs to hug him or he is going to lose his mind.
JJ doesn’t hug him back and Pope can feel him tense up, rambling on about something that Pope doesn’t have the capacity to listen to. He was too worried. JJ is such a shit texter that Pope had no idea if he had even been bailed out of jail. And that’s fucking horrifying. Pope knows it’s different for JJ, though. In his gut he knows that JJ is white and he will be okay. But he watched the cops put hand cuffs on his best friend and he couldn’t help but worry about the worst case scenario.
So the first thing he asks if it was Shoupe who gave JJ that bruise—the bruise that was not there when JJ was arrested.
“Oh, this?” JJ breezes over it, “This is my dad, you know?”
But no, Pope doesn’t fucking know. Sometimes he wondered, but he didn’t fucking know until right now.
“Guess that right jab will really snap it off at times.”
Pope can’t let him do this. JJ can’t just admit that his dad hurts him and try to act like it’s nothing. Not when the re-evaluation hurts Pope so deeply in his soul that it feels like Luke has hit him too. The bruise is too dark on JJ’s pale skin and it makes Pope want to vomit because how could anybody hurt their child? Hurt JJ?
“That looks like more than a jab bro,” Pope says, because he can’t stop himself and it’s breaking his heart at how nonchalant JJ is acting. JJ shrugs but he’s quiet his eyes give everything away and Pope wishes he could hug him again. But JJ didn’t want to be hugged the first time and he’d flinched when Pope touched him so Pope gives him his distance.
And just like he always does, JJ goes to the opposite extreme and is smiling and excited and spitting off his plan to help John B find the gold. Pope knows John B doesn’t understand the effect he has on JJ, doesn’t understand how JJ would do whatever he asked even if it put his own life at risk.
Suddenly, Pope thinks for the first time that maybe he, Pope himself, doesn’t understand the effect he has on JJ. How JJ was willing to go to jail for him. How JJ was willing to get beat up by his own father for Pope. And Pope feels helpless when JJ walks away.
After that night, Pope can’t stop thinking about JJ. Can’t stop thinking about JJ’s dad hurting him. About how JJ said it was ‘nothing that hasn’t happened before’ as if he thought it would be comforting. About how scared JJ’s eyes were for just a minute. Because JJ is not scared of anything. JJ is the bravest of the bunch, stupid and reckless but wholeheartedly brave. JJ oozes confidence and he speaks as if he doesn’t care what anybody would ever think of him. He’s electric and wild and Pope can’t stop thinking about how much of a contradiction JJ is.
And then JJ really spirals. Pope is waiting in the van with Kie and Sarah when John B volunteers to try and calm JJ down. Because JJ is in one of his explosive fits of passion but this time it’s not fun or adventurous, it’s way too dangerous and absolutely everybody is worried about JJ. Even Sarah Cameron is worried about JJ. But when John B and JJ come back outside they’re fighting and John B is yelling at JJ—and Pope really doesn’t like that.
JJ is spiraling and Pope feels helpless again so he intervenes.
“I took the fall for you, man,” JJ responds, voice heavy with emotion and it makes Pope’s chest hurt. “Do you know how much money I owe because of you?”
Because of you. Pope doesn’t know the effect he has on JJ, never has. Pope didn’t fucking mean for that to happen. He never wanted to put that on JJ.
“I’m gonna pay you back,” Pope promises. “And I didn’t even ask you to do that.”
But JJ is getting even closer to Pope, closer and closer to his face. His teeth are gritted together and he wreaks from sweat and his eyes are filled with anger. Anger that’s being directed at Pope. JJ has never looked at Pope that way before.
“I just did. Pay it back. Right here, right now.”
Pope is angry now too because JJ is right and it hurts to hear the truth. But he’s also mad because he let JJ take the fall for him. And then JJ was arrested and beat by his father and now he owes more money than JJ has ever seen his life. So he did the thing he’s best at and he stole. And Pope is furious that he can’t be mad at JJ for being so stupid because he also knows how scared he is.
“By myself.”
That hurts so much more than Pope would ever admit. He would help if JJ just let somebody else help him for once. And JJ is so close, close enough that Pope can feel JJ’s breath hot on his cheeks.
JJ is leaving again and Pope feels helpless, John B holding him back before he can chase after JJ and force him to accept some help.
Pope notices the way that nobody else tries to go after JJ. He notices how when they say he just ‘needs some space’ they really mean that they just don’t know how to help him and are too overwhelmed to try. Pope isn’t good at telling other people what to do so he gives JJ some space.
Which is so fucking stupid.
At first Pope is angry. Angry because JJ is willing to risk everything to help others but can’t help himself. How the hell did he spent that much money in one day? How come he couldn’t have just paid of his restitutions? Or just given it back to the drug dealer before he found out it was missing. But JJ is hammered and drinking champagne in a hot tub surrounded by neon lights.
“But, you know, I didn’t do that,” JJ exclaims after Kie and Pope have both tried to reprimand him for spending the money. The second he stands Pope loses feeling of his legs. He feels his dinner churning in his stomach and threatening to spill out. Because JJ has three giant purple bruises on his stomach and Pope knew—he fucking knew—that JJ didn’t need space.
“Look what I did for you,” JJ barks, too drunk to pace himself or keep quiet. “Look at this!”
“JJ,” Kie says firmly and Pope is so glad at least one of them can speak.
“No, stop being emotional. It’s fine, okay,” JJ pleads but his words are getting quieter and shakier and Pope doesn’t know what to do because he’s watching the strongest person he knows crumbling before his eyes. He can’t look away from the bruises and he can’t stop thinking about the fact that all of this happened because he let JJ take the fall for him.
JJ is starting to cry and Pope has never seen him cry. He doesn’t know what to do at all.
“I mean, it’s sweet right,” JJ is adding, voice trembling as Kie is climbing into the hot tub. “Just get in.”
Pope is still frozen, too overwhelmed to move. Can’t come to grips with the fact that JJ’s dad could ever do that to him. Kie pulls JJ against her chest and he absolutely collapses into her arms. Pope can hear Kiara crying too but JJ begins to sob and Pope’s heart falls out of his chest.
“I just couldn’t do it,” JJ whimpers into Kie’s shoulder. Pope has never heard JJ sound like that, didn’t know it was possible.
JJ sobs, his body bouncing as he clutches Kie, pressing his face against her skin and it glows under the neon lights.
“I just couldn’t take it anymore.”
Pope’s heart is dissolving into dust and he wants to throw up or scream or cry but he’s frozen and JJ is sobbing. The scene spins around his vision like he’s standing in the center of a merry-go-round.
“I was gonna kill him,” JJ cries, his voice high and broken and Pope feels his shoulders fall. JJ has never sounded so scared and Pope has had enough. He still can’t find any words to say. JJ lifts his head for just a second and as soon as his eyes meet Pope’s, Pope climbs into the hot tub.
He wraps his arms around JJ, around Kie too. JJ melts against his arms and drop the bottle, his hands both latching onto Pope’s arms.
“I just wanna do the right thing.”
Pope knows. Pope knows enough about JJ to know that his heart is always in the right place.
“I know,” Kie coos softly, voice high and filled with tears too. Pope tightens his hold on both of them because he doesn’t have the voice to speak but he can hold them as close and as tightly as he can. “I know.”
Pope holds them for a while. JJ sobs and sobs until Pope is freezing and JJ’s breath is filled with hiccups and snot and Pope refuses to let go. No more space, he’s not making that mistake again. Eventually, Kie unwraps her arms from JJ and shuts off the disco mode lights. Pope has hugged JJ to his chest—who has stopped sobbing but Pope can’t tell if he’s still crying since he’s refusing to meet either of their eyes. Pope gets it. Vulnerability is hard and JJ basically just shattered. He lets Pope hold him. Pope is grateful for that.
Kie motions her head to the house and Pope nods in agreement. She puts a hand on JJ’s back and the two help JJ out of the hot tub and stumble into the house. JJ won’t lookup from the ground and his fingers are still wrapped around Pope’s arm. He sniffles and stumbles over his feet, water dripping in a long trail behind them as they walk through the porch and into the house. Kie leads them both to the bathroom and takes a towel out of the linen closet. Pope is amazed that John B actually had a clean towel left after weeks of living in his own.
Now’s not the time to think about John B, though. Now is the time to help JJ. Kie draws the towel over JJ’s shoulders and looks to Pope with inquisitive eyes. Pope doesn’t know what she’s trying to ask. She puts a hand on JJ’s shoulder.
“I’m gonna get you some dry clothes, okay?”
JJ doesn’t say anything. He is lost in Pope’s arms but it’s drastically colder than the hot tub and they’re all covered in goosebumps. Pope gives Kie a nod and she dashes off to John B’s room to find some clothes. When she returns, JJ has still made no effort to separate himself from Pope.
“Do you want us to give you some space?” Pope asks, the first words he’s been able to get out. And it feels like such a stupid question because he never wants to give JJ space again in his life.
“Can you stay?” he asks, voice raspy and quiet. “Just turn around?”
“Of course.”
As much as he doesn’t want to, Pope let’s go if JJ and he and Kie turn around so they’re both facing the door. JJ’s shorts drop to the floor in a wet thump and Pope can hear JJ shuffling around until he finally tell them they can turn around.
It’s the first time Pope has seen JJ’s eyes since he started to cry. It’s fucking devastating. Pope and Kie are both soaking wet and Kie has brought some of John B’s clothes for them both so they take turns looking away. JJ reaches out for Pope’s hand when their backs are turned to give Kie privacy. Pope grips as tightly at he can, glad to be holding onto JJ again. Kie finishes and they’re all making their way out of the tiny bathroom. Nobody is saying much of anything but JJ keeps his hand in Pope’s.
“What can we do to help you right now?” Kie asks as they sit down on the couches in the living room. JJ sits right next to Pope, no space between them at all. Kie is on the adjacent couch, sitting in the edge and leaning towards JJ. “Do you want something to eat? Watch a movie? Just tell us what we can do.”
JJ leans against Pope slightly, his wet hair brushing against Pope’s skin but he’s getting warmer and he’s not shaking or crying anymore. He still smells like alcohol, but Pope doesn’t think he’s drunk anymore.
“JJ?” Kie asks, her voice high again and Pope can tell she’s worried. She bites down on her nails and Pope wraps his free arm around JJ’s shoulders because all night JJ has been reacting particularly well to touch and it’s all Pope can think to do.
Pope wants to say it’s going to be okay. It won’t be though, probably, so he doesn’t. He wants to come up with something funny or distracting or anything he can to make JJ laugh or smile for a moment. He wants to find wherever John B is and bring him home because JJ would smile right now if John B wanted him too. Pope wishes he had that strong of an effect of JJ.
“I dunno,” JJ mumbles, leaning into Pope’s touch even more. “Just sit here with me.”
Pope can do that. He can definitely do that. They sit for a few minutes, JJ and Pope clinging to each other and Kie watching them anxiously. At some point she turns on the tv and brings them all blankets. She fills up a glass of water for JJ but hands it to Pope. She doesn’t fall asleep until JJ has already fallen asleep in Pope’s arms—as if her body couldn’t physically relax until she knew JJ was okay. Pope gets that.
He doesn’t fall asleep as quickly, his brain too overwhelmed. Because Pope notices things. He notices his friends and their quirks and he notices so much about JJ. But he never noticed this.
How had he never noticed this?
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simsadventures · 5 years
Only Mine: Chapter 2: New Experience
Summary: Bucky has never been rejected by a woman before. And he truly doesn’t know what to do now. Warnings: mentions of sex (nothing explicit), mobster au, mentions of gun, swearing, a lot of swearing Word Count: 2491
A/N: I live for the cold, dangerous mobster Bucky right now! Anyone else with me? Anyway, let me know what you thought of the second chapter guys. Love you all!! xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter 
Bucky was seething. Not only did you run away from his apartment, but he made one of his guys check every single Dita in the whole damn New York, and none of them matched your age or description. Was it possible that you not only left him in the middle of the night but that you gave him a fake name? No girl ever had the audacity to do something like that, and he didn’t know if he wanted to applaud you or punish you.
Didn’t matter, all he wanted was to see you again and show you who’s in control. Because right now you probably thought it was your cute ass, but that wasn’t the case. Couldn’t be. Not with Bucky. He is the fucking boss around here and you gotta learn your lesson.
He was in the middle of a meeting, but he couldn’t concentrate on anything on the table. All he could see was you on your knees in front of him. He clenched his fists and tried to breathe slowly, to regain some composure.
“Yo, Bucky! You listening, bro?” Steve hollered from the other side of the table. Bucky just nodded curtly, dismissing Steve, but because the punk was always testing him, he didn’t let it go.
“Still thinking about your mysterious Dita? I mean, bro, it’s just a pussy, let it go and find somebody else.” Sam joined the taunting. Bucky wanted to kill them both, really, but because they were his best friends, or whatever, he apparently couldn’t.
“Shut up, both you, before I make you. You were saying something about Pierce trying to regain his power, didn’t you, Sam?”
Sam smirked but let it go and went back into business mode. “Yeah, so my source is telling me that he is trying to come back. I mean, after last time didn’t work out, and we sent him on his way back to LA, he is obviously holding some grudges. He keeps running his mouth about how you played him and all that shit, totally forgetting that it was he who fucking played himself. I mean, we didn’t push him into dealing with IRA last time around, and he still smuggled some guns here for them. The man’s gotta realise that actions got consequences.”
It was true. Three years ago, Alexander Pierce was one of the highest-ranking mobsters in The Avengers, Bucky’s very own mafia. He did a lot of talking with police, looked over the finances for the whole team, and was a pretty crucial member overall. But apparently, it wasn’t enough for him, and he wanted to make some money on the side, and not tell anyone about it.
He made a deal with IRA (Irish Republican Army) who were trying to enlarge their business and smuggled some guns for them here to the US. But because Bucky’s got his eyes and ears everywhere, he learned it before the ship had the chance unload and sent them packing back to their fucking green plains. With the same breath, he kicked Pierce out, telling him he was a lucky son-of-a-bitch because any other person would be fucking beheaded for this kind of shit.
But Pierce didn’t take it as an act of mercy and was obviously trying to get back into the game. The business was going good, New York was “protected” by his guys, as long as everything went the way he wanted, and Pierce threatened this piece, and Bucky wasn’t having it.
“Alright, I don’t wanna give it too much of my attention, but tell me if something new comes up. If he crosses the border of the state, I wanna know about it, we clear?” He looked around the room and saw a bunch of nodding heads. “Good, anything else we need to discuss? Rumlow, the new club doing good?”
Brock nodded. “Yeah, boss. People are coming in like crazy, and are paying, even more, to see what’s behind the curtain. Our girls are thrilled with the tips they’re getting. So I’d say it’s even better than we anticipated, but Lang and I are gonna have to sit down and go over the numbers properly.”
“Good, keep me updated. Everyone out except you two shitheads.” Bucky didn’t look up from the paper in his hand, but everyone knew who he was talking to. Sam and Steve stayed seated and rolled their eyes. They were very well aware that the conversation will be about a certain girl, and they couldn’t help but smirk at each other.
When the door closed, Bucky leaned on his elbows and looked at the men in front of him. “I know you two dipshits find it real funny, but, for fuck’s sake, could you not voice it in front of everyone? I love you two, but Imma make a scene next time you two act like little children.”
“Yes, boss!” Sam smirked, and it earned him a flying pen landing on his head. “You think I don’t know how pathetic I sound? Finding a damn girl who I shouldn’t really give a shit about? And I don’t, it’s about the principle here. I’m supposed to be the one breaking things off, the one who can get up and leave any given moment, not the other fucking way around. I can’t let her run around New York running her mouth ‘bout how she slept with me and what? I wasn’t good enough in bed that she had to run away? Or that she just couldn’t be bothered? Every damn girl would feel like they could run their mouths, and I don’t have time for that shit.”
Both Sam and Steve were quiet because they could see that this was a serious shit for Bucky and that one wrong word in this situation could very well end up with a bullet in their bodies. Bucky wouldn’t kill them, but it would hurt like hell, and both men wanted to skip this part.
“So, what are our options? We don’t know her name, we don’t know where she lives if she’s even from New York, nothing, Zilch. Nada. So, what’s the plan here?”
Bucky sighed and tried to relax a little. You were clouding his mind, and he hated this shit. “I don’t fucking know, man.”
Two weeks. That’s how long it’s been since you ran away from Bucky Barnes’ apartment. You had to go into details when you described the night to Nat, and she was ecstatic. Especially when you told you that you just got up after he fell asleep and left him there, alone. She had to promise you not to tell anyone because you didn’t need a bunch of people in your circle knowing you shagged the notorious womaniser.
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy the night. You would have to be completely insane not to like it. But you knew it could and would never happen again. First of all, you gave him the wrong name, so even if he tried to look for you (which you seriously doubted, it was one night, after all, he wouldn’t find anything. And how else would he try to find you? Type into google your description and hope for the best? It also wasn’t almost any possibility that your paths would cross again. You didn’t plan on visiting any of his clubs or restaurants in the town, and he most definitely didn’t visit the same spots as you, so you were most probably safe.
You didn’t even know why you dreaded meeting him so much. There was, of course, the little detail of him being the mafia boss, and all that, but also just the fact that you could be one of those girls in people’s eyes, and you liked yourself too much for that. Bucky looked like the type of guy who liked his girls pretty and quiet, and you didn’t necessarily feel like either of them, but definitely not quiet. You liked to speak your opinion, and you had a lot of it too.
So you just kept your head down, delved into work and tried not to think about those piercing blue eyes too much.
It was Thursday afternoon, and you got out of the office to get some coffee for you and your colleagues. You took turns in getting the drinks, Thursday marking you as the designated person. You were waiting in your favourite coffee shop around the corner from the small publishing house you were working at. Not that you hated the big places like Costa or Starbucks, but you just liked the personal approach of the smaller sites more.
Wendy knew your order and was quickly making all of the 6 coffees when you felt a hand on the small of your back. You jumped a little and looked at where the stranger’s hand touched your body. You slowly looked up and almost fainted.
“Stop here, Peter. This looks like a nice place to get my afternoon lungo. You know how I hate mainstream places.”
Peter was still pretty much a kid, he only just turned 22, but he wanted in so bad that the boys made a driver and an errand body out of him, and with enough time they were sure they could make a valuable member out of him. “Would you like me to get it for you, sir?” Peter asked politely as he parked the car.
Bucky smiled and shook his head. “No, you wait here. I can get things by myself.” Well… not by himself completely, there were always at least two guys standing near him, to protect him if shit went down.
He was still thinking about you, and, to his and everybody else’s surprise, Bucky hasn’t slept with anyone else since the night with you. He just couldn’t get you out of his head, and it would be unfair if he moaned Dita in the middle of a different encounter. Bucky’s jaw clenched a little, just thinking about you giving him a fake name.
He was in his head, only barking his order and stepped back, trying to clear his head. From the corner of his eye, he could see a woman standing there, waiting for her order to be prepared, and he felt as if he knew that ass. When he really looked at her, his eyes suddenly had a devilish glint in them. It was you. Fucking finally.
He took a few steps, so he was standing right behind you, and put his hand on the small of your back, effortlessly. You jumped a little, and it made Bucky’s smirk grow. When your eyes finally reached his face, Bucky could see you blinking rapidly, probably wishing this was a bad dream.
“Well, well, well. Who do we have here?” Bucky said, and even though you tried to create a space between the two of you, his grip tightened and let you know, that you were not the one calling shots here.
“Bucky, good to see you again.” You said with a smile, that, however, didn’t reach your eyes and your voice wavered a little, so Bucky was now sure you were more than nervous standing next to him.
“Good to see you too, Dita. Oh, wait. Your name isn’t Dita, though, is it? Wanna know how I know? I tried to look for you, doll, and it only came to me then that you actually tried to outsmart me.”
“I didn’t try to outsmart anyone. I just wasn’t comfortable giving you my name, so I gave you a different one. What’s the big deal, Bucky?” You could feel sense coming back to your body, and you weren’t about to let him intimidate you, and definitely not in your coffee break. “Go and find someone who is utterly smitten by you and leave me alone, will you? The night was fun, but that’s about it.”
His hands were suddenly on your upper arms, and he gripped them so tightly, you could feel the blood flow stopping. “What. Is. Your. Name! And that’s the last fucking time I’m gonna ask nicely.” He growled into your ear. His voice was so deep, goosebumps erupted on your skin, and you hated your body for betraying you. You were about to taunt him again when you heard Wendy’s voice.
“Y/N, your order is ready.” She chimed from behind the counter. Your eyes rolled so hard you were afraid that they would fall out. Dammit! Bucky smirked triumphantly and let go of your arms.
“At least now I have a real name, doll. You’ll have dinner with me tomorrow night,” and because he saw you taking a deep breath and opening your mouth, he shot you a cold glare, which shut you up immediately. “Not up for debate. Give me your phone.”
“Fuck you.” It wasn’t the most mature response, but this guy thought he owned the whole fucking planet and that he could tell you to jump and you’d actually jumped.
“Drax? Grab her.” Bucky growled at somebody behind him, and before you knew what was happening, your arms were behind your back with a monstrous guy holding them there. Bucky stepped closer to you, and despite both yours and Wendy’s protests, he reached your purse and pulled out your phone. He quickly typed in his phone number, gave himself a call, and held the phones close together, to be able to transfer the tracking app into your device.
You tried to struggle, but the guy holding you was built like a mountain and you had no chance.
“Great. Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll come pick you up at 7, don’t you dare to be late. Understood, Y/N?” When you didn’t say anything, he took a step closer, grabbed your chin and made you look right into his eyes. They were colder than eyes, and the danger that was surrounding him was visible in his look. You slightly shivered, and this time, not in a good way.
“You don’t wanna play this fucking game with me, Y/N. Do you fucking understand?”
All you could do was to nod, and as if magic happened, everyone who was holding suddenly let you go and you could take a deep breath. You didn’t even look at him again, just took the cups for the office and ran out of there.
Now, there wasn’t a way in hell that you wouldn’t meet him again. That asshole made sure of it. You tried to think of your options, but the only one that seemed like it could work was to throw away your phone and move to Mexico, or maybe even further so that he would never find you. But by now you realised that the universe hated you so much, that it would let Bucky find you even on the very opposite part of the world.
You were screwed, and that was an understatement of the year.
/ Next Chapter >
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Dreaming While I Wake
Sanders Sides Foster Care AU - Roman-centric Angst & Hurt/Comfort & Abuse Recovery
Roman tries to be upbeat and hopeful despite all the shit that’s happened to him. And a lot of shit has. Luckily, his new foster home is with two literal rays of sunshine (and a sarcastic asshole).
Words: 3,977 Warnings: Spoilers and I’d consider checking them. Characters: Roman, Patton, Remus Universe: Dreaming While I Wake Genre: Power Angst
Chapter 21
chapter 1 for new readers - ffn mirror
   “Remus Reinhart!” A guard called, and the door opened.
   Roman’s heart could have stopped. He was completely blindsided by finally being able to see his brother after so long. He didn’t look different from Roman, other than the fact that he was almost twice as muscular. So his fear was as stupid as he thought. Though it appeared like Remus had broken his nose and it set funny, even though it wasn’t very noticeable. Roman only saw because he looked at it every day in the mirror. His hair was shaggier than Roman’s, which was saying something, but everything else was like staring at an alternate universe version of himself. That would be bizarre if he wasn’t used to it somewhere in the back of his head.
   “Ro!” Remus shouted and rushed up to the table Patton and Roman were seated at.
   “Remus! Holy shit!” Roman exclaimed fervently before he could stop himself. “Have you been lifting the younger kids? What the fuck?” Roman exclaimed in bafflement.
   “Why aren’t you lifting the younger kids? You got to be able to throw a punch!” Remus sat down next to Roman and the pair laughed buoyantly. “‘Ey! Seriously though, Sanvgjet?” Remus pointed to Patton.
   “Huh? Oh, yeah. He’s okay. Do you still speak that nonsense language we made up?” Roman asked curiously, leaning toward Remus.
   “Half of my unit does, the guards can’t break the code since there’s no code to break,” Remus tapped his head with a smug smirk.
   “Remus is your identical twin?” Patton asked loudly and incredulously. Oh yeah, that’s the expression he was looking forward to. Sheer bewilderment. Roman smirked at Patton’s dropped jaw as he glanced between the two.
   “He didn’t know we were twins?” Remus pointed. “You chaotic bastard, you wanted to see his face, didn’t you?” Remus laughed and hit the table lightly.
   “I only just realized they didn’t tell him on the way over. Perfect opportunity. The face is worth it,” Roman smirked. “Seriously, though, this is bullshit. I’m really sorry you’re stuck in here. My SW said something about you getting drunk and starting a fire? There’s no way,” Roman said pointedly.
   “I didn’t get drunk. I’m not that fucking bastard. That family was just assholes,” Remus huffed angrily. “But I did start a fire,” He shrugged, disaffected.
   “You did?” Roman raised his eyebrows. “For god’s sake, why?”
   “I didn’t mean to! They didn’t cook for me there and it was mom’s birthday so I tried to make her paella and it sort of scorched part of their stove. I ran away so they wouldn’t beat my ass for it. Mom would have been pissed if somebody touched us on her birthday of all days,” Remus said sheepishly. “I’m not the best chef, but I was sick of peanut butter sandwiches, and I just really miss her food,” He added solemnly.
   “I knew that was absolute horseshit. I can’t make her paella, either. I’ve been trying, but it never tastes right,” Roman admitted hourly.
   “We’re just going to have to wait till Dia de Los Muertos and ask her ourselves for how to do it, huh?” Remus laughed. “I just… still really want it again, even though I got in Juvie for it,” He admitted much more quietly with a reserved look on his face.
   “If they wouldn’t kick me out immediately, I’d give you a hug, man,” Roman said sympathetically.
   “That’s also horseshit nobody’s allowed to touch anybody. We’re all touch-starved bastards who get off on punching each other as human contact,” Remus bemoaned. “I think we could cordially shake hands like fancy fucks and be fine,” Remus held out his hand and Roman took it and they shook vigorously.
   “Hm, yes, quite, stocks,” Remus hummed.
   “Yes, yes, indeed, business contracts,” Roman nodded. They released before the guards got antsy.
   “So who’s this incredibly baffled looking stiff and how’d a non-parent get in to visit me?” Remus pointed vaguely to Patton with a quizzical expression.
   “That’s Patton. New foster parent. He’s nice, actually,” Roman motioned to Patton. Patton waved weakly, but he looked like he was still processing everything.
   “I mean, he drove you out here, so probably. It’s been fucking years, man,” Remus faced more towards Roman.
   “I’m sorry. I’m pissed about it, too. I’ve had just a real shit lineup of foster families. I lost phone privileges two families back, and I was with them for just short of a year and then I didn’t have your number anymore, I’m so sorry I never called, man,” Roman apologized emphatically.
   “I mean, I’m not happy about it, but I get it. It’s not like I could get your number to call, either. Your jackass social worker would never share it with mine,” Remus shrugged. He didn’t look happy, but he also didn’t look hurt, which was relieving. Maybe Roman was afraid for nothing.
   “Oh, I got a new one. They fired the old one. Long and Kistka story. Events transpired,” Roman replied, honestly not wanting to get into it. Though Roman wasn’t sure he could hold it together if he saw the police here. It was unsettlingly sterile, like those holding centers, and the guards were extremely unnerving.
   “Shit? Kistka? Jesus. Some serious events must have transpired to get an SW fired, I had one who used to hit me and he just got suspended,” Remus said flippantly.
   “Shit, that’s a bad SW. My new one is nice. He pulled some favours to get me on the approved visitors list along with the new guardians,” Roman explained.
   “What, a real bro? Nice. Mental fistbump. If we make fists they will tase me,” Remus nodded. “My parole officer isn’t the worst. I had to throw my weight around for a while, but I’ve got respect now and the other kids give me some space. Can’t be the top of the ladder but can’t be the weakest here. I think I’ve mostly got this place figured out by now,” Remus explained proudly.
   “I’m so sorry Remus, I feel like such a piece of shit for winning the fucking lottery while you’re stuck in Juvie,” Roman wrung his hands and dropped his shoulders.
   “Hey, the fates be dicks like that. Honestly, it’s nice to know you’ve got it good, if that’s what you mean,” Remus nodded encouragingly.
   “Nobody hits, nobody yells, and they have real ice cream. It’s awful I don’t deserve a lick of it,” Roman and Remus laughed together. Patton looked like he tried to object, but Remus cut him off before he could start.
   “Man, I hope I get placed with someone who will let me visit you after I get out. I’ve just got one more month,” Remus said, seeming excited.
   “One more? Seriously? How long have you been here?” Roman perked up immediately at that news.
   “Just a little short of two years. They couldn’t prove much, but the family was intense about pressing charges. So I got a lengthy sentence for freaking out and running off,” Remus said, sounding annoyed.
   “God, I freaked out and ran off last Wednesday and they’ve been nothing but nice about it and it’s driving me up the wall,” Roman rolled his eyes and flailed his arms slightly.
   “What’d you freak out about? The usual?” Remus asked curiously, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow.
   “Nah, I got this new thing where I have a fit about being a fuckup and I’m not punished for it, it’s weird,” Roman said dismissively.
   “Ugh, what a nightmare,” Remus laughed. “So you’ve had mostly shit homes, too? I always kinda hoped you ended up better than me,” Remus admitted, sounding disappointed.
   “Same,” Roman agreed sourly.
   “Well, the nice part about Juvie is I’m so desensitized to hitting and loud noises that I don’t freak out about it anymore. I mean, the smell of alcohol still sets me off, but otherwise I’m a little better at handling it.” Remus said. Roman smiled at that. It was a mixed bag at best, but at least it was something.
   “God, I’m worse if anything. Pat says that good environments are hard or something? I don’t follow. I just know I have a mental breakdown every goddamn day and I’m just so sick of it,” Roman groaned and leaned on the table.
“Ugh, that sounds like shit city. I haven’t had one in a while. Some kid choked me out like dad used to recently and I pulled myself together long enough to sock him in the dick and get out of there,” Remus looked proud of himself and nodded.
   “Oof, in the dick?” Roman made a disgusted expression and winced.
   “You’d do the same,” Remus accused and gestured towards Roman vaguely while he tilted his head.
   “I know I would, I can’t even handle shirts touching my neck, but that had to have pissed off some people in your unit,” Roman said, motioning to the building in general with the hand that wasn’t propping him up on the table.
   “Yeah, but ‘dickpunch mcgee’ ain’t been fucked with since. Somebody will doubtlessly try to get me back in the dick, though. I’ve gotta stay ready,” Remus said resolutely. What a nickname.
   “That’s probably the hard part even if you have it figured out. No safe spaces,” Roman nodded hourly.
   “Man, what’s even a safe space anymore. Safe spaces are a lie we tell ourselves. We ain’t safe from ourselves, even if we’re safe from others. Under the bed or in the closet always seems like a great idea until you’re cornered, you know?” Remus said blithely.
   “Deep. Dark. But deep. Turns out I’ve been attacking myself so I get it,” Roman held up his arm. The bandages were finally off, but you could still the healing lines of nail cuts.
   “Brutal. Badass looking though, like you fuckin’ fought a badger,” Remus smirked.
   “Is fighting a badger badass?” Roman raised his eyebrow.
   “I dunno, I fought one in the yard once and people said I was a badass. Rabies shot hurt like a bitch. Do you know when you started doing that?” Remus pointed to the healing scrapes on his arms.
   “I don’t even know I’m doing it. They’ve been making me wear these stupid gloves at home,” Roman said, feeling annoyed with the situation.
   “Gloves are pretty cool, IMO,” Remus made a spirit fingers motion and wiggled his eyebrow.
   “I don’t want to be a ‘Hans’. Who wants to be a ‘Hans’?” Roman’s voice raised slightly and flipped his hand in the air dismissively.
   “I thought Hans was a cool villain! He found himself in a shitty situation, so he made a master-plan to put himself in a good one! If he could have just married Anna off the bat, then he’d have been sitting pretty as princess-consort of Arendelle. I mean, assuming he stopped trying to kill Elsa to ascend the throne. He’d have no need to do anything shitty unless he felt like he wanted to dominate the world or something since he’d assuredly get a say in running the kingdom since he was honestly helpful other than the whole evil plot thing,” Remus explained his standpoint. It weirdly made sense.
   “Huh. I never thought about it like that. I mean, Anna would still have been in a loveless marriage,” Roman said, not completely sold.
   “She could’ve got the weird reindeer fucker as a side piece, it’s super common for royalty to have extramarital affairs,” Remus nodded sagely.
   “Boy, that’s a freakin’ AU I never saw coming,” Roman whistled. “Bypass the events of the story completely. Elsa is clearly a lesbian, anyway. The movie could have used her powers as a metaphor for coming out or something,” Roman mused.
   “Yes, make it gayer,” Remus hissed in delight.
   “Um… Hans is gay and mostly leaves Anna alone. And Anna’s bi and Kristoff’s NB?” Roman suggested, not sure what Remus was looking for.
   “Perfect,” Remus nodded. “Now you can be cool with the gloves,” Remus motioned to Roman’s hands.
   “I do not follow your crack logic,” Roman furrowed his eyebrows.
   “Gloves are gay,” Remus grinned.
   “I’m not-” Roman tried to object.
   “Yes, you are. We’re identical twins, fucko, that’s how I know. That’s dad talking and you need to sock that voice right in the fucking face,” Remus said seriously, looking Roman dead in the eye.
   “Identical twins don’t necessarily have the same orientation,” Roman said dismissively.
   “We’re monozygotic, not dizygotic, we statistically likely have the same orientation and I’m bi as the day is long,” Remus said firmly.
   “Don’t you use math to fool me, I can’t do math,” Roman hissed in displeasure.
   “It’s true, see, ‘cuz you’re gay and gays can’t do math,” Remus laughed.
   “Fine! I’ll consider that maybe it’s dad and reevaluate my life or whatever,” Roman dramatically huffed and gave up.
   “Thank you,” Remus gave Roman a thumbs up. “Any chance you’ll get kicked out in a month and they’ll maybe place us together if there’s a home willing to take two gay teens?” Remus asked hopefully.
   “I said I’d consider it, I’m not admitting anything! But probably not. I’m getting medical care and shit, I think they might like me for some ungodly reason that I can’t comprehend, I’ve been nothing but an ass,” Roman sighed. “Patton, any chance you’ll send me back next month?” Roman asked, equally hopeful and depressed about the concept.
   “What? Huh? I’m so lost! You’re both talking like a thousand miles a minute,” Patton answered, looking between the two with furrowed eyebrows and pursuing his lip.
   “Any chance you’ll change your mind and boot me out next month?” Roman asked again, a little slower.
   “What? No! Why would you ask that? I told you we’re not sending you back and I mean it!” Patton insisted.
   “Ugh, see? But they promised they’ll take me to visit you even if your new ones won’t take you to visit me. I think they might actually be good for it since I’m here now and all. I’d kill to live with you again, though. I’d put up with you kicking me and everything,” Roman sighed, motioning to Remus’s tapping foot.
   “I do be kung fu fighting in my sleep. But, actually, I shouldn’t share a bed. I sleep-attack anyone within a foot of me,” Remus said. “Defense mechanism, these days,” He tilted his head and shrugged slightly.
   “I’d put up with the sleep fu. We can have 4 AM panic attacks together maybe,” Roman chuckled.
   “Aw, brotherly bonding,” Remus cooed and fluttered his eyelashes.
   “Shut up, you fucking dork,” Roman groaned. “I miss you so goddamn much,” Roman said intensely.
   “Miss you, too. Don’t get emotional or they’ll kick my ass,” Remus shot a look to the door he entered from.
   “Sorry. I know the no emotions rule. I’ve just been waiting this whole time in the stupid hope that maybe we can be brothers again,” Roman admitted quietly.
   “I’m always your brother, you can’t lose me that easily,” Remus smirked and leaned forward.
   “I must start lifting more weights and then I can punch you in the face through the mirror,” Roman motioned to Remus and laughed.
   “Man, that’d be cool. I’d stab you behind the ear,” Remus nodded. “It’d hurt like a bitch,”
   “Ugh, Rude!” Roman scoffed.
   “Mirrorverse Twinicide! Calling the band name,” Remus declared.
   “Shit, that’s a magnificent band name,” Roman nodded in agreement. “Is the food here okay?” He asked curiously.
   “I mean, it’s better than starving,” Remus shrugged loosely, not seeming very bothered.
   “That sucks. Hey Patton, can I give him the chocolates? They made Patton carry them in for some reason,” Roman asked, holding out his hand for the bag.
   “Huh? Chocolates?” Patton pulled the bag out of his shirt pocket and Remus hissed in delight and made grabby hands. Patton passed it over, still looking kind of confused. “We couldn’t bring much, sorry kiddo,”
   “Kiddo? Weird. Thanks, though! Oh my god, I just want to eat them all, but stuff like this is gold in there. I can use it to trade for things or favors,” Remus said, sounding really conflicted, glancing between the bag and the door he came through.
   “Just pick a favour you’d do for yourself and eat a chocolate for it,” Roman offered.
   “Oh, life hack,” Remus nodded and considered it, holding the bag. “There is more here than I need of favours, I think. Hm. Staying alive is a favour,” Remus chuckled and dug out a chocolate to pop into his mouth. He ate it with a massive smile. “Oh my god, I have had nothing sweet since our fuckin’ birthday,” Remus hissed in delight.
   “We can bring more next weekend, kiddo,” Patton offered.
   “What, we can come again?” Roman shot in excitement. Remus looked to Patton with a wild joy in his eye.
   “Bring chips, too!” Remus cheered.
   “I have no idea what’s happening, but sure?” Patton said. “We’re almost out of time for visiting. I think I see why you’re not good with time because I literally do not know how that happened,” Patton sounded really confused.
   “Shit, already? Can we please stay till they kick us out?” Roman pleaded with Patton, holding his hands together.
   “Of course, bud. I know it’s been a long time. Why are they only letting you get an hour, Remus?” Patton asked, still clearly befuddled.
   “Oh, one hour is the ‘good’ amount of time. They don’t let us have more than an hour. If I was in trouble I’d have less,” Remus shrugged.
   “That’s awful. Prison really is better,” Patton’s frown deepened. “There’s not a lot we’re allowed to bring you, but is there something other than chips you want?”
   “Seriously? You don’t know me and you’re willing to buy stuff for me?” Remus asked incredulously. “What’s with this guy?” Remus pointed with this thumb.
   “I still can’t figure it out, honestly,” Roman shook his head. “Too nice. People can’t be this nice,” He tilted to the side.
   “I mean, he puts up with your ass,” Remus pointed to Roman and laughed.
   “And I continue to be baffled by it,” Roman shrugged with amusement.
   “Man, I hope someone will barely tolerate my presence over the clear and present disdain here. I mean, I will be hard to place now because I’m a ‘dirty criminal’. I’ll probably be in a holding center and end up in a group home at best,” Remus said, dejected.
   “I’m so sorry, those centers set me off just thinking about them. I hope you’re not stuck in one long,” Roman was equally distraught at the idea.
   “My parole officer says he’s already working with a social worker to find a placement. He warned me to not get my hopes up or anything, but he knows those places freak me out,” Remus said, a little hopefully.
   “You, too?” Roman asked with a raised eyebrow.
   “I mean, we were screaming like we were being gutted with a fishhook when they dragged us apart. I don’t think anybody in the room was okay with that. I bet we traumatized other people,” Remus gestured outward with his hands.
   “Oh, god, probably,” Roman sighed. “Man, prison’s too good for dad, they should have let mom kill him,” Roman groaned angrily.
   “Wait, what?” Patton asked incredulously. “I thought your mom died protecting you?”
   “She died in the emergency room. The cops separated her from him before she could finish stabbing the bastard after he gave her the fatal internal damage,” Remus spat. “We were all in the hospital, after that. Black and blue with broken bones and shit! ‘Cept good ol’ Arthur, anyway. He was out back at the time. Obviously, dad had to get his guts put back in, but they should have just let him die,” Remus rolled his eyes.
   “I still have fuckin’ nightmares about it. Ugh! Dude, the smell from dad’s guts, holy shit. I’ll never forget it. I try not to use serrated knives…” Roman mumbled and trailed off.
   “I mean the flashbacks and nightmares aren’t great, but serrated knives always just reminded me that mom loved us enough to try to kill him for it,” Remus shrugged.
   “I mean, that is nice of her and all, but that doesn’t stop the fucking blood-curdling screams from playing in my head. Though, to be fair, mom probably thought we were dead when she came in. I mean, we were barely breathing and there was blood all over us,” Roman shuddered. “You think we’d be here if Abuela didn’t have a stroke and she could still take us when dad fell off the wagon again?” Roman asked curiously.
   “Dad would have done it one way or the other. I don’t think Abuela could have protected us forever, as hard as she and mom tried. I miss the fuck out of her, though. Remember when we got bored and sawed off those tree branches in the backyard when she fell asleep so we could hit each other with them and after she was mad she let us keep the branches? Great day,” Remus smiled and nodded.
   “Not that this information isn’t completely and utterly horrific, but do you need me to bring you anything, Remus? We’re running out of time,” Patton shuddered and looked absolutely horrified for some reason.
   “Oh! Right!” Remus smacked himself in the head and they both cackled.
   “Mood,” They deadpanned together.
   “Underwear. Medium. Black boxers,” Remus said. “Boxers and chocolate,”
   “They-” Patton started, looking concerned.
   “Listen, you and your sad smile don’t need to know what sick shit they put us through back there,” Remus pointed behind him with his thumb. “Just trust me on that. Don’t bring too much stuff or they won’t let you in with it. Less candy and only one of those snack bags of chips,” Remus showed the size of the bag with his thumbs and foreigners.
   “I’m going to miss you all goddamn week, Remus,” Roman said despondently.
   “Eh, we waited four years, we’ve probably got this. I dunno about you but life’s suddenly a lot more worth living,” Remus leaned on his arms.
   “Oh, same. I can’t wait to throw you out of a tree,” Roman laughed evilly.
   “Oh, come on, it only happened a couple of times,” Remus rolled his eyes, sounding amused.
   “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, but a little vengeance never hurt anybody,” Roman smirked.
   “I’m pretty certain revenge hurts people, there, Roman,” Patton stopped him and Roman shook his head sarcastically.
   “The tall twink will protect me from your cold vengeance. He could probably reach in a tree and pull you out. You’re skinny as shit. I could carry you above my head,” Remus laughed darkly.
   “Man, I haven’t had a house that let me eat full meals for years until these gay dorks, cut me some slack,” Roman huffed and flipped his hand as if he was shooing a fly.
   “Gay dorks? All of ‘em?” Remus sounded oddly impressed.
   “Yup,” Roman popped the p. “I mean Virgil hasn’t mentioned it,” He added while considerately tapping his face.
   “You will get so bullied at school if that gets out,” Remus whistled.
   “I’ll just start benching the other kids like you do,” Roman laughed.
   “Time’s up,” A guard barked out near them and Roman and Remus both jumped.
   “Shit,” Roman and Remus hissed in unison.
   “I miss you, I have stupid emotions for you, I’ll see you,” Roman blurted out as Remus got up.
   “Ditto. See you next week, thanks again for the chocolate!” Remus waved as he walked back over to the guard. Roman sighed deeply and Patton stood up to help him out of the table. He grumbled and stared at the door Remus exited through and pulled himself up to his feet to head out. It would be a long ride home.
Personal Taglist: @bunny222 @elizabutgayer @prinxietyforever @kanene-yaaay-o-retorno @the-sympathetic-villain @croftersjam15  @ollyollyoxinfree
the taglist repository:
High school:  @dragonwithproblems @starlight-era @averykedavra  @potatsanderssides
Roman Angst:  @k1ngtok1
Hurt/Comfort:  @callboxkat @nonasficcollection @supernovainthenightsky @evoodo123
Roman-Centric:  @smileyzs  @robinwritesshitposts @thatgaydemigodnerd
Fostering AU:  @i-am-not-a-dinner-roll
literally everything sanders sides:  @katelynn-a-fan @dwbh888 @grouptalekindnesssoul @the-hoely-bleach @anvil527up @fanficloverinthesun  @brain-deadx0 @the-grounded-raven  @ananonsplace
19 notes · View notes
roseduroi · 5 years
Moments Like This
Pairing: Tom Holland x Sister!Reader
Word count: 4.8k
Summary: One of the greatest life’s blessings is the love of a family. 
English isn’t my native language, I’m so sorry for the mistakes.
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“How do I flip... – oh here we go.” Tom chuckled quietly to himself as he finally managed to turn on the back camera of his phone, now filming Tessa. “We’re at the park at the moment. Tessa’s watching Y/N swing on the swing; she terribly wanted to go to the park. So here we are; big brother duties are in session.”
He turned the camera towards his little sister who was swinging back and forth, the soft breeze tousling her hair, but most importantly to Tom was the smile resting on her face. She was wearing a pair of sneakers and dark blue jeans with a striped turtleneck and a jacket which Nikki has insisted Y/N wore otherwise the mother wouldn’t have let the girl set foot outside the house without it. The weather was quite chilly and the sun has already come down; Nikki was just looking out for her daughter. While Y/N loved the park, Tom was making Instagram stories and just enjoying the quiet moment.
“I’m on a date,” Tom said, now looking at the front camera and placing a few kisses on Tessa’s head, hugging her as the dog was sitting next to him on the bench, his hand massaging the pitbull’s chest. “With this princess –“ he kissed her some more. “And it’s raining. My head’s super curly, but we’re in love.” He added, showering Tessa with love and soft kisses on her head as he looked at the screen of his phone. He loved that dog endlessly.
He stopped the video, re-watching it before uploading it on his story; he looked down at Tessa which was staring at something ahead of her. She jumped off the bench; growling lowly and making Tom look down at her with confusion. She had never acted this way ever before; she has never been this aggressive. Tessa was always calm and gentle, as Tom always described her: she was the sweetest, most angelic thing a person could ever meet. Sure, she barked at the strangers who passed her territory, but it was understandable, she was only protecting her home with the Hollands, her family.
Tom looked ahead of them and immediately frowned, a swear word almost escaped his lips. “The hell...” He whispered under his breath, slipping his phone back into the pocket.  
Y/N wasn’t swinging anymore; she was standing a little bit further away from the wooden swing, closer to him, but cowering away from the strange man who was towering towards her. He was tall but lean, his eyebrows thick – no space between them, the nose pointed like a needle, lips – two thin lines curled into a wicked smile. The man’s clothes were dirty and creased, but he was taking confident big steps towards Y/N, reaching out for her and making the little girl back away from the strange man.
Tom stood up almost immediately when the man roughly grabbed Y/N’s wrist, frowning as Tessa bared her teeth at the sight, snarling, and her posture rigid, almost as if she was ready to attack. The brunette clenched his fists, digging his nails into the palms as his knuckles turned white. Tom’s eyes were hard, never leaving his little sister’s petite frame, watching her as he headed to their direction, getting angrier and angrier with every passing second. Tessa followed him near. Y/N was struggling to get out of the stranger’s iron grip, whimpering softly as tears appeared in the corners of her eyes. The fear behind her gaze made her bottom lip tremble and she tried to pry off the stranger’s hand again.
“T-Tommy..." Y/N whimpered, her voice barely above a whisper. She didn’t know if Tom had heard her, she didn’t know if she heard herself; if she had really found her voice to call out for Tommy. Nikki had always taught her to call for help if anything like this ever happened, if anything bad happened at all. In fact, all of the family did. Perhaps this was why her first instinct was to call out for Tom.
The girl’s heart skipped a beat, the man let go of her wrist and she was gently pushed behind. “I suggest you not to touch her.” Tom clenched his jaw, his voice cold and holding authority. He glared at the man, standing protectively in front of Y/N as one of his hands was outstretched, making her stay behind him. The man immediately stepped back, the confidence fading away as quickly as he was going backward. He glanced down at the growling pitbull, her ears perked up, chest thrown out and posture tense. The man swallowed a lump in his throat, dreading the consequences.
Tom glared holes into his skull. “S-sorry, man, she just seemed lost. Wannaed help the girl out, ya know?” The man tried to play it off, offering a small smirk to the young male but licked his lips anxiously. He looked him up and down, observing the black zip-up hoodie and matching black sweats and sneakers that Tom wore, however, the man couldn’t get rid of the cold glare that pierced right through his soul. The stranger looked around the environment to make sure no one else was around. A coward.
“Help the girl out, huh?” Tom mimicked him, gritting his teeth. “You do not touch a girl against her will, especially if that girl is my little sister.” He growled, stepping closer to the man, making the stranger’s hands sweat. “You do not just approach someone you don’t know and force them to go with you.”
The man nodded quickly. “Of course man, yes, my mistake. I’ll... I better go now seeing she’s all taken care of, yeah? Just wannaed help the girl out, don’t want any problems.” The man repeated himself over and over, fearing the brunette one, who appeared to be the girl’s brother, would call the police. The young actor sighed, relief flooding through his veins as he watched the man leave. He turned back to look down at the shaking girl when the stranger was out of his sight. Y/N was looking down, playing with her fingers as a tear tickled her cheek.   
“Come ‘ere...” He murmured, kneeling down to be her height, slowly gesturing with his hands for her to come closer. She did. She fell straight into his arms, burying her face into his chest and wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. Hot crystal droplets rolled down her cheeks one after another as the soft sobs escaped her lips and her brother rubbed small soothing circles on her back.
“It’s okay, you’re okay.” Tom soothed her, holding her close to his chest as her small frame shook with quiet sobs. He shifted his gaze towards Tessa which was gently nuzzling her snout against Y/N’s thigh and whining softly.
“Tommy...” She sniffed and the guy’s heart broke. He always remembered her happy – smiling and laughing; the times they both had those ‘big bro lil sis’ moments and that one time he taught her how to be spider-man, er... spider-girl, or at least partially. He had shown her how to do the landing pose and shoot webs. It was always those big eyes filling with happiness that made his heart swell. But seeing her cry...  It was heartbreaking.
“It’s alright, I’m here. ‘m not gonna let anyone hurt you. I promise.” He stroked Y/N’s hair and felt her head turn to the side. She gently brushed Tessa’s short hair and scratched her behind the ear; a tiny smile appeared on her face when Tess licked her fingers.
The young actor stepped back a little, now holding Y/N at arm’s length, but she didn’t meet his gaze, keeping it down like she was afraid to meet his. “Did he hurt you?” He asked her, his voice steady. He gently took her chin in between his thumb and pointing finger, making her look at her through the wet lashes as he silently observed her face.
Y/N shook her head but showed him her wrist which was slightly red. “He just grabbed me.” Her voice was barely above a whisper. Tom frowned a little when she winched as he took her hand in his, but he gently rubbed the sore spot, soothing her.
“What happened, munchkin?” He asked her, still holding her hand.
“I don’t know.” Her eyes watered. “He just came here. He told me to come with him, said he could show me a good time, but I refused so he grabbed me.” She explained as a few tears managed to escape her eyes. The parents strictly forbade her to go anywhere with strangers, let alone talk to them.  
“I didn’t even know what he meant by it.” She told him sincerely, her eyes sparkling innocence. Tom clenched his jaw, glaring at the distant... He did. He knew what the man meant, clearly, there was nothing to be confused about, and while a part of him was glad that she didn’t understand, the other one was pissed.
It was the exact reason why wandering around the streets of London was dangerous. It was already dangerous during the day, how many people got robbed during that time? How many people became victims because they have been wandering alone, or have been ‘in the wrong place at the wrong time’? That’s why their mum didn’t want Y/N to go alone, why Tom had to tag along with her, why she still didn’t let Paddy go out without somebody by his side. It was understandable, as scary as it may sound; mankind was the most dangerous of all. Tom couldn’t bring himself to imagine what could have happened if he weren’t there. What if he weren’t there?
Y/N sniffed, using the sleeve to wipe away her tear-stained cheeks. “Can we go home?” She asked, clutching at him like a koala. Meanwhile, Tessa was carefully watching over them, with her eyes following their every move. She nuzzled her nose against the little girl’s knee, in a comforting manner and whined softly as the girl slowly with a shaking hand stroked Tessa’s head and ears before she turned all her attention back to her big brother.
“I wanna go home.” She looked at him with teary eyes and Tom nodded, understanding. He stood up but never let go of the girl’s hand as she tightly gripped his.
The young actor looked around for the last time. He hooked a leash up to Tessa’s collar, patting her as well. “Let’s go home then.”
The walk home wasn’t very long; the park was quite near, but the view... It was enchanting, beautiful... simple. The trees swayed every time the wind blew, leaves danced and the fallen ones rustled. The sun, which was already asleep, has painted the sky with different colors. They’ve walked to the door, Tom unlocked it, letting the girl in first, before coming in himself and informing the family they were already home.
“Mum! Dad! We’re home!” Tom shouted as he closed the front door of the house. He unhooked Tessa, throwing the leash somewhere on the hall stand, and took off Y/N’s jacket, hanging it. When he turned back, the girl’s arms were stretched out towards him, signaling him that she wanted him to hold her.
“Already?” He could hear his mother’s voice coming from the kitchen and her quick steps heading towards them. “Why so early-“ Nikki stopped talking in the middle of the sentence when she saw her little girl in her oldest son’s arms, hiding her face away from the world.
“What happened?” She asked, rushing towards them, her eyes filling with worry, eyebrows knitting together. She gently placed her hand on the small of Y/N’s back, but immediately retracted it as the girl flinched away from her touch and clenched Tom’s hoodie in her hands, trying to hide. “Sweetpea?”
Y/N’s ears perked up at the sound of her mother’s soft voice calling her and she lifted her head a little to look over her shoulder. The girl’s eyes met Nikki’s gentle ones which were staring right at her, concerned. And that’s when she realized how much she missed and wanted her mum to hold her. The girl didn’t have many friends, she was just too shy to make a conversation or talk somebody up. She was still young, of course, still a child to be honest, but a closed person when it came to meet new people. But she acted differently with her family around; it was as if they made her come out of her shell, and her mother was her biggest fan, her biggest supporter and a friend. Y/N looked up to her – her mum was her safe haven.
The girl looked up at the woman with teary eyes and reached out to her. “Mummy,” the little girl whimpered. She wrapped her arms around Nikki’s neck, letting go of Tom, and her legs around the woman’s waist, burying her face into her chest.
“What is going on here?” Dominic’s voice boomed across the room. A frown appeared on his face when he saw his daughter’s tear-stained cheeks, a worried look on his wife’s face and a guilty one on Tom’s.
“I-I don’t know...” Nikki stuttered, puzzled as she tightened her grip on Y/N.
Dominic shifted his gaze to his youngest child, who clung to her mother like a baby koala while Nikki gently ran her fingers across the girl’s back. He studied his daughter’s looks, her teary eyes, and trembling bottom lip. She gripped her mother’s t-shirt, her sleeves raised a little bit, revealing her wrists. That’s when he spotted a forming blurry bruise on one of them. It was pink and slightly red, nothing big but it was enough to make Dom’s eyebrows knit together and his gaze hardened as he immediately glanced at Tom, his glare demanded answers.
“A stranger approached her.” The young actor didn’t dare to look up at his father and his words came out weak.
“What do you mean someone approached her?” Dominic boomed.
“A stranger-” Tom stopped. “A man grabbed her and...”
“You weren’t with her?!” Tom winced at Dominic’s strict voice, guilt creeping up on him. If he wasn’t beating himself about the incident in the park that much back then, he sure was now. It was his fault after all if he only had stayed close to her the whole time they were in the park, hadn’t been on his phone but watched her; Y/N wouldn’t have a bruised wrist and those hot tears streaming down her rosy cheeks now. Nikki’s heart wouldn’t have skipped a beat as she thought about it; a shiver wouldn’t have been running down her spine at the thought of what could have happened to her little girl if Tom didn’t notice.
“I-I...” He stuttered. “I was near her, I swear, I was sitting on the bench. I... I just didn’t notice the man creeping up on her at first.” Guilt was written all over his face. “Only when Tessa started growling...” he trailed off.
“Do you even imagine what could’ve happened if you didn’t notice if Tessa wasn’t there to announce you?!” The father glared at his son, completely forgetting that his wife and the youngest child were standing right next to him, the little girl whimpering at the loud noises, trying to hide away the soft sobs. “What the man could’ve done to YN if you didn’t notice!”
“Dom...” Nikki stopped his rant as she saw their oldest son drowning in guilt and regret, blaming himself. The woman looked at her husband as her quiet and soft voice reached his ears and his facial expression immediately softened.
Dominic has never been this angry or aggressive towards his family, towards anyone, at that. He was always patient and tolerant, never raised his voice but tried to listen. Of course, there were always the first times, and special occasions. It’s when it came to family, his children. It was the moment the man let the emotions control his actions, for them to take over and forget the common sense. Now Dom was angry and frustrated but scared as well. His feelings strengthened. He wasn’t mad at Tom, no, not really. Annoyed by his kind of irresponsible act – yes, but not furious. People do make mistakes and there are painful consequences, but all of it is a part of the journey, the path they take that leads to something better. And as long as they feel responsible for their actions, it was alright.
Dominic was protective, especially of his youngest. When he heard that someone hurt his little girl, dared to lay their hands on her, and saw those bright eyes filled with salty droplets and a bruised wrist, he just lost it. The thoughts of what the man could have done to her hit him like a truck. The worst was that he could have done nothing to prevent it from happening. This was what was driving him mad the most. He was a father; a father of five children. The love and concern he felt towards them were endless. The protectiveness only came along.
Nikki slightly widened her eyes as she felt Y/N slipping out of her grasp. Soon all they eyes went wide as the girl stood up in front of Tom, taking his hand in hers, brushing away the tears with another.
“Daddy, stop,” she looked at her dad, surprising him with those big innocent eyes staring at him. “Tommy’s not guilty.” She stated softly. “I am. I shouldn’t have wandered too far away from his sight. I’m sorry; just don’t be mean to Tommy.” Her bottom lip quivered and Tom squeezed her hand.
Nikki looked at her children, love sparking in her brown orbs, shining like stars at the chilly nights. Her heart fluttered and eyes glistened with a thin layer of tears of how happy and proud she was feeling at the moment. The way Y/N stuck up for her brother made her heart melt. It was the cue that she knew they’ve raised them right. Always stand up for others. It was an unspoken rule their family always followed; the right decision to do. And also it was the cue that Nikki needed to step in.
“Dom,” Nikki caught his attention and placed her warm hand on his bicep, stroking it gently to calm him down. “It’s okay.” She gave him a small smile before shifted her gaze above Y/N and Tom’s heads when she saw her two other sons coming downstairs. The twins must have heard them and wanted to check if everything was alright.
“What’s with the loud noise?” Sam asked, digging his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. He looked over his parents and then at Tom and Y/N who moved aside so they weren’t blocking the access for them.
Harry frowned when he saw Y/N’s puffy red eyes, shooting a confused look at Tom. “What happened?” But before the brunette could answer, Nikki interrupted, moving towards and in between her children. She smiled softly at Y/N who was looking down at Tessa; the poor dog was here the whole time, listening to the loud noises, and then the mother shot a stern glance at the three boys, making them all freeze.
“What about you all go upstairs, I’m sure Harry wants to show that brand new game he got earlier today,” Nikki told them and they nodded, unsure. The truth was the mother didn’t want to explain the same story to the twins once more, not when the wound was still fresh. Maybe later, when Y/N wasn’t near or awake, where she couldn’t hear, the girl didn’t need to relive it twice, what happened was already enough. All she needed was to feel safe again and Nikki had to talk to their father in person.
“Of course, mum.” Tom nodded and rubbed his fingers over Y/N’s knuckles, nudging her to go upstairs. She shyly looked up at her brother and they all headed upstairs to the twins’ bedroom, leaving Nikki and Dom alone.  
Tom opened the door, letting Y/N go in first, Harry and Sam following after as Tom shut the door. The computer was turned on, the logo of the game they have been playing before still playing as well as the quiet music while the game consoles were placed on the bed. Y/N stopped walking; making Tom bump into her back and look at her confused who only shyly rubbed her elbow in respond. The brother placed both of his hands on his sister’s shoulders, massaging her gently in an attempt to make her less tense. While Sam clapped Tom on his shoulder, Harry plopped down on the bed, his twin following, taking the consoles in his lap.
“Do you want to play?” Harry asked, peeking up at Tom and Y/N from behind his twin, offering one of the consoles. The oldest brother gently nudged his sister forward, seeing her shyly stood there without any movements. She stumbled a little before falling straight onto the bed, right behind her brothers. She pulled the soft blanket around her shoulders which was once on the edge of the bed and curled up into a small ball, facing the boys.
The young girl shook her head, making Harry pout. It was very rare when she refused to play, but when she did; it only meant she was very upset. Although she wasn’t the best player, she loved playing any kind of video games her brothers owned. It was sort of their thing, one of them. Even though she did have a feeling they were going easy on her and let her win from time to time, it didn’t really steal the fun out of it. After all, she did have the best brothers in the world.
“Oh, I think I know what she wants,” Harry said and glanced at Sam and Tom, who chuckled a little as if reading his mind. The twin looked at Y/N’s confused face and slowly showed her his hands, wiggling his fingers. “A tickle monster!” He beamed, attacking her belly with his slim fingers.
She burst out laughing, trying to escape his tickling. Y/N wiggled around as the room filled with her laughter. “Haha, no!” She shrieked, her small hands trying to pry off his. “Hazy,” She used her nickname for Harry. “Stop-p!”
“Only if you smile!” The girl vigorously nodded her head, giggles still escaping her lips while her eyes were closed. Harry suddenly stopped, leaving Y/N panting and trying to catch her breath. “Well?” The little girl opened her orbs and smiled softly at her big brother.
“Okay guys, scoot over.” The oldest sibling grinned, interrupting.
Later that night when Y/N fell asleep Tom explained what happened at the park, found out that Paddy was staying the night at friend’s, and learned that his sister was a heavy sleeper who snored in her sleep. The girl was worn out.
When Nikki found out she was expecting a girl, it felt like a miracle. The mother of four was more than happy. She’d always wanted a daughter, a little girl to whom she could braid hair for, have a spa day or go on a shopping spree and look through old photos together. But as much as the mother was excited, she was just as scared. She couldn’t shake off the feeling of nervousness and fear creeping in.  At the family’s dinner when Nikki had finally found the courage to tell them about the new family member, she was a little nervous about her husband’s, Dominic’s, reaction, nevertheless, they were already raising four boys. But he took the news very well, he, as well as the boys, were beyond happy and excited.
“It’s okay. I can take her to bed.” Tom said, scooping the sleeping girl up, her cheek pressed to his chest, her eyes shut. He looked up at his parents that now were in the twins’ bedroom as well, Dominic grabbed Tom’s arm as he was about to leave the room. The father looked guilty but you couldn’t miss the sparkle of pride in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, son.” The man apologized. “The way I talked to you earlier...”
“I get it, dad, really I do.” Tom gave him a small smile. “We will talk in the morning, okay? I have to take her to bed.” He said and Dom nodded his head, letting go of Tom’s arm.
The young man kissed his mother on the cheek, exchanging ‘goodnights’ with everyone else and he headed to Y/N’s room. He shut the door behind him, shushing the sleeping girl who stirred in her sleep. He placed her on the bed, pulling the covers up to her chin, tucking her in. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead and turned to leave, but before he could, he felt someone weakly grip the hem of his shirt.
“Don’t leave me...” Y/N whispered as he faced her, he could feel her panicking. “I don’t want to be alone.” She quickly added. “Please,”
It was a long time when she was afraid of sleeping alone. The monsters under the bed and in the closet always kept her awake at nights. The nightmares were horrible and the fear - exhausting. Her room had always become unrecognizable and spooky due to the darkness surrounding it all. That’s why she slept almost every night in her parents’ bedroom when she was younger. Only later when she became older and braver she summoned up the courage to sleep on her own, but no matter how brave she could get, there were still remained tiny pieces of fear lying down deep in her heart from time to time making her tremble with fear. And today that fear was triggered by the man in the park.
His brown eyes met her frightened ones and he felt himself nodding. “I won’t leave, I promise. I’m just gonna take a quick shower, okay? Gonna be right back.” The young actor explained, his thumb circling the soft skin of her hand that had gripped his shirt. She nodded slowly but didn’t let go of his hand.
“Can you get Toothless?” Y/N asked him nicely, looking around for her cuddling toy. It was a black stuffed dragon from her favorite animated movie “How to Train your Dragon”. She loved the trilogy, the whole family did. The animation was enchanting, the friendship between Hiccup and his best friend Toothless were what made it so special, what made it so reliable and compelling. And well... she liked Hiccup and Astrid together. In other words, she shipped them.
“Here he is.” Tom smiled, reaching out for the toy which was just above her head. Y/N thanked and cuddled the dragon close to her heart. “Do you want me to get Tessa as well?” He asked her, straightening.
“Can you?” Her eyes widened slightly and eyebrows rose up a little.
“Of course,” His British accent clear in the short sentence, he opened the door and called out for the blue pitbull. The dog came in running, happily jumping on the bed, onto her lap. “I’ll be right back.” He shut the door, leaving Tessa and Y/N.
When he came back Y/N’s eyes were closed, she was lying on her side, tightly hugging Toothless while Tess was curled up in a ball right beside her, both peacefully sleeping. At least that’s what he thought. The dog raised its head a little, cocking it to the side, with sleepy eyes observing the dark figure that had just come into the room. But when it caught the familiar facial features and well-known pajamas pants and loose white shirt which the dog recognized the gentle smell of, she realized there was no danger and went back to sleep. He rolled down the roller blinds and lay down in bed, carefully getting under the covers so that he wouldn’t wake up his sister. But little did he know she wasn’t really asleep. Her eyes fluttered open and her tired orbs were met with his curly wet locks.
“Tommy?” She whispered, looking at him in the eyes and putting her palm under her head but keeping the plush toy close to her chest with another hand.
“Yeah, Y/N?”
“Are you and daddy okay?” The little girl whispered and Tom hummed in response, glancing down at her.
“Of course we are. He was just really concerned about you, didn’t mean to lash out like that, believe me, he didn’t. But you have to understand that you were in danger today, the man who grabbed you, he meant harm, and he wasn’t friendly. He wanted to hurt you and dad would never forgive himself if someone happened to you. Neither would I or any of us. He had the right to be mad at me.” He explained
“We look out for each other.” She bit her lip, the words coming out more like a statement than a question.
“That we do, sis. That we do...” He whispered. “Always.”
It was what family did.
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snkpolls · 5 years
SnK Chapter 119 Poll Results
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The chapter 119 poll closed with 2,021 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! 
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,942 Responses
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This chapter was a roller coaster of action and emotional turmoil, clearly affecting the majority of the fandom, with 92.7% of respondents giving it either a 4 or a 5 rating. 
Well, Isayama. Mission accomplished. This chapter did phenomenally hurt me.
Colt became one of my new favorite characters. This is the only series where I can say I'm happy one of my favorites is dead, because that means they don't have to suffer anymore... 
don't lose your head now, we are almost in the end
Entertaining chapter, but with some glaring inconsistencies
To me, it was one of the most nerve wracking, emotional, and plot twist chapters that I've ever read in this series.
Isayama one of the madman. That's it. That's the whole thoughts.
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Our top three fave moments were Colt hugging Falco as he transformed (28.7%), Gabi shooting Eren (21.3%) and Porco sacrificing himself to save Falco and Reiner (17.1%).
Eren getting his head blown off is my favorite manga moment since the Armored/Colossal Titan reveal... hands down. Might be even better, depends on what happens next
The Zeke scream was my favorite moment. It was so epic, I just can't wait for the anime to use YouSeeBigGirl or 2volt in this scene. It's my favorite moment as a manga reader after Willy Tybur's speech
Colt died a selfless, loyal big brother, and that's all there is to say about that.
Eren getting his head blown off is the best thing to ever happen. We know it means jack shit for him, but we got soooo many great memes. It's a good time to be alive.
I never really had strong opinions on Colt before, but he is 100% best Oniisan, being with his frightened younger brother til the end
Porco went too soon 😢
This poll was also inconsistent this month, I couldn’t vote for Pyxis drinking as my favourite moment.
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With so many characters to choose from, it’s surprising but exciting that Porco won this chapter MVP by a landslide. Perhaps even more surprising, however, is Gabi coming in at #2. 
I'm so proud Porco. 
#GabiGang rise up!
I’m glad that everyone’s eyes have been opened to the fact that Porco is - was - a great character 
Colt was too good for this world. 
 Gabi shoot Eren’s head off was strangely cathartic
Porco the real mvp and you all know it
Even though I don't like Porco, and never have, I will admit he was kind of the MVP this round. Reiner kicked more ass than he did at every given opportunity, dude was kinda useless tbh, so it's cool that he finally served some kind of purpose.
Badass Gabi is best Gabi
The Grice brothers were the only Marleyans I liked from the get-go, so this chapter was yet another wrench in the heart (thanks again, Yams!) Colt was totally the MVP in this entire arc, as far as I'm concerned. His last words to Falco were absolutely heartbreaking. My poor boys. :( Falco's guilt will be devastating to see.
Never cared about Porco before. But this time...
*crying like an idiot*
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The members of the 104th are finally out of jail and back in action!  47.5% think Armin’s epic use of a thunder spear shot him into first place, while 33% think Mikasa, who went to fight the Cart along with him was the standout.
Armin was so cool this chapter <3
Connie & Jean was unexpected
Floch just die already...
So one of Armin's major characteristics throughout the manga up until this point has been him whining about how weak he is and how he never gets better at the gear and how he's such a burden, and now, suddenly, miraculously, he's keeping up with an Ackerman.  Amazing plot armor there, Isayama, truly amazing.  It certainly would be nice if the other side got even half the advantages that the Paradise crew does.  Imagine what a fair and balanced battle would look like!
Mah boi Floch seems to be the only survivor of the attack on the carttitan... he definetly knows how to survive
I love the Armin and Mikasa duo action. I also hope Armin will transform soon
Armin now is so close to Magath. I want to see him try to negotiate with him, but I also want to see him go colossal already ahhhh.
floch suffers again
I miss Sasha :(
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The warriors got a lot of action as well as emotional play this month, and though polls in the past have shown Porco as unpopular, 59.4% of you chose him as the MVP among his comrades.  11.4% think Colt finally stood out from the crowd, 9.7% selected Gabi, and 8.6% chose the sufferboi Reiner.
Best bois: Porco and Colt Best girl: Gab Gab
All of them? Seriously they all did great this chapter despite literally half of these kids dying or being in danger.
I was truly surprised by gabi shooting eren, but god that was awesome i loved it
I hadn’t even liked Porco or Colt before but damn did they earn my respect.
mad props to Gabi for being such a badass that she was able to dig Colt’s rifle out from under his burnt body in order to fire on Eren. Being able to think so clearly and take action even under the weight of her horror and grief was incredible. 
Originally Falco was the only non-Paradis character I liked. Now we can all Colt to that list. Shame he had to die in order for me to feel this way.
Falco was the only one who didn't do a whole lot this chapter but a large majority of them got a moment to be recognized as the type of person they are.
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Colt trying to do everything in his power to protect Falco is what touched the majority of the fandom’s hearts, earning them a solid 80% of the vote. At a very distant second, 10.2% of the fandom were most emotionally touched by Eren and Zeke’s desperation to make contact with each other, only to be ruthlessly denied in the end. 
I think Colt and Falco scene was one of the best scenes in all manga, so emotional
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Sorry, Reiner, but most (90.8%) of us don’t think you’re going to have any success in ending your own life.  ….But look on the bright side: 11.9% think that maybe you’ll get lucky and somebody else will kill you! 
Let Reiner die in peace already, Isayama!
I love that my baby boy Reiner is still alive. 😭
No wonder Reiner wanted to be like Marcel, at least that kid didn't fail at suicide.
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64% of the fandom veered towards “Dear god!” in response to Falco’s horrific titan form. Only 7.6% replied with confidence that they’d seen worse.
Falco’s titan looks like a hybrid of Cheese from Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends and Dead Hand from Legend of Zelda: OOT. So horrifying that I can’t not look at it.
 Falco gets a medal for having the creepiest mindless titan. 
MAN F****** that jaw titan is a problem!
Two things I did not need to see this chapter were Falco's mindless titan form and a decapitated Eren. So much horror, so little beauty…
Why are Falco’s Titan’s teeth in hIS NOSE WTF
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Porco oh so barely edged out Reiner as the person we’d most prefer Falco to have eaten. Looking at the comments, popularity had nothing to do with this. Rather many people seemed to think that dying for Falco was a more fitting gesture for Reiner’s arc.
Disappointing because the Jaws died. Reiner easily could’ve got out his nape and let Falco eat him, we didn’t need to lose Porco. 
I feel bad for reiner, becouse he could get his redemtion and complete his perfect development and he lost this oportunity,
i'm pretty frustrated that falco didn't get the armored titan, half because i want reiner to finally have some peace and also because i really wanted to see an armored titan falco.
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38.8% of respondents were moved the most this chapter by Colt and Falco’s brotherly love for one another. 26.2% most enjoyed Porco’s sacrifice that couldn’t have happened without a little classic Porco sass. 18.5% are really feeling it for Nile and how he tried to save one child while knowing he’ll never see his own again. Pixis, at least you were still able to enjoy one last swig. 
I liked Pixis accepting his fate while Zeke screamed
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In a chapter filled with so much death, does Colt’s stand out? Was it even necessary? 47.2% feel that his decision to stay by his brother’s side was understandable but unreasonable given the circumstances. 36.1% went with the simple explanation of “Tragic”, where only 8.8% thought his choice was 100% heroic.
I cried when Colt hugged Falco
Colt....I understand you're distraught about your precious lil bro being titanized, but there's a snackalicious founding titan running towards a fuzzy ass monkey, you could've helped in SOME way! 
Anyways Colt’s death although it wasn’t necessary was very moving for me, which is the first time anyone from Marley except Falco has provoked any feelings in me to be honest.
Colt is getting unreasonable amount of crap for choosing to stay by Falco's side.  I don't blame Colt at all, for seeing no immediate master plan to keep going. His instincts went right to big brother mode, to a self-sacrificing degree. And god help you if you can't appreciate that kind of beauty without feeling the need to say how much better you would have done yourself.
I was shocked to see Colt die so soon, but at the same time, I can understand why he made the sacrifice here, and it was an emotional highpoint for me in this chapter. It's going to be sad seeing Falco's reaction when he learns what has become of his brother, but I think he will understand just how much Colt cared about him
Colt's decision to stay with Falco as the later was turning into a Pure Titan was unreasonable considering the heat of the transformation nearby would kill him, but he must've thought this was the only option left because he thought no one else would save Falco (he especially would never expect Porco to sacrifice himself for Falco) and thus couldn't bear to see his beloved brother be cursed into a Pure Titan, so he just wanted to be with Falco in what he thought would be the latter's true final moments as a human.
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Hearing Colt and Zeke’s back and forth about the lengths they’re willing to go to in order to ensure their little brother’s safety is what 44.6% of the fandom believes most motivated Porco to sacrifice himself to Falco. 25.7% felt that he was pushed the most by his unwillingness to meaninglessly die and have his titan power go to waste. For the remainder of the fandom, just a few more believe that his intent was to protect Reiner rather than saving Falco.
Porco only wanted to feel validated. He died because he was in a situation where he knew he wouldn’t survive, and once he knew the truth and felt validated, he was ready to let go and die. This is why in his final line he says that in the end, he was better than Reiner. Knowing the truth was enough for him to finally stop trying to be the best, to stop trying to show his worth, and to finally accept the fact that he couldn’t keep fighting in this battle.
If we're being honest, I was surprised to see Porco die. I wasn't expecting any of that. At least he can finally be at peace with his brother tho.
Porco’s sacrifice was one of the most noble we’ve seen so far in the series and showed a lot of character development. He’ll be sorely missed!
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The results were nearly split, with 34.8% of respondents feeling that Reiner and Porco’s relationship was starting to improve after Liberio, with the potential to become even better, while 34.1% felt that Porco let go of every negative feeling he had for Reiner when he realized the truth of Marcel’s sacrifice. 16.6% feel there wasn’t enough screen time to form an opinion, and 14.5% believe there was no change in dynamic by the end. 
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While close to half the fandom believe that Coordinate power is still dormant in Eren, more than a third believe that there was enough strangeness this month to indicate that Eren has either touched Zeke already or had some other means of accessing the Coordinate power. 
The entire chapter felt... off. Pixis teleporting from outside to inside drinking, Eren’s brotherhood of traveling pants, the whole Magath and Pieck thing, it just... seems weird.
Eren couldn't be using the coordinate rn simple because he needs royal blood... 
I can go either way on the inconstancies, all of them seem like reasonable mistakes for a rushed chapter. But that also makes them just subtle enough to actually be clues that paths shit is happening
I think that the battle shown is a false battle created by the founding titans power and the real battle will be shown to an earlier Eren through a memory
I highly, HIGHLY doubt Eren pulled off some War Hammer Titan shenanigans or activated the Founding Titan's power beforehand to make it out of Gabi's shot. The stuff doesn't add up for these two.
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“All of the above” was the favorite response to the question of inconsistencies in this chapter. Of those who made a choice, “Eren’s clothes magically reappearing” was the top pick (27.2%) followed by Pieck’s quick transformation after creating a skeletonized titan form last chapter  (13.9%). While we listed several of the inconsistencies we’d noticed, the write-ins contained even more
All the above plus Porco changing out of a garrison uniform to a SC uniform
Bert's crater, and the waterway. But I want to say Eren's clothes because that has been inconsistent for 2 or 3 chapters now iirc, memory manipulation incoming.
Commander Pixis was out and suddenly was inside with other people who drank the spinal fluid
Eren getting hit by the Titan rifle by Magath and then suddenly being okay just after that.
Eren magically getting his shoes back after they got bit off by the jaws
Gabi being in the exact right place at the exact right time. If Eren had to "die" that couldn't have been set up better?
It might be me, but Gabi with the titan rifle.  More so "how" she got it, as we can infer it was Colt's.  The problem being that Colt had it on his back even after Falco's transformation.  Being underneath a burning body (RIP Colt) and being in operable condition, it just seems off to me.
Mikasa magically changed positions at one point way too fast to be possible 
No one seems to have mentioned that Gabi's hair is down when she shot Eren
Pixis teleporting from riding a horse to chilling with a drink
Reiner's sudden in-Titan beard is what got me
The three false connections between Eren's clothes (we see once he has a white shirt in his titan, once he is naked and once he had in fact his usual "sweatshirt") I mean, come on, decide on what the boy's wearing Yams.
The Gabi riding a horse wasn't really a "inconsistency" because she spent a month in those Braus stables so of course she'll learn how to ride one in a month.
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Perhaps it could be recency bias, but Falco takes the top spot with 31.2% of the fandom deeming him as the most “nightmare fuel” of the pure titans we listed above. 25.4% still abhor the “flaming turkey” or “meatloaf” titan that is Rod Reiss. 20.3% are forever haunted by the Gluttonous Titan.
Armin titan will forever fuel my nightmares, he ate best boi Bertl
Manga Rod Reiss's Titan didn't do much for me. Anime version was the stuff of fucking nightmares.
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With an… interesting new titan design, it’s time to name it! Just edging out Big Bird, Pac-Man titan is the winner! Third place goes to Muppet Waka Waka, followed by Bob’s Burger Titan.
Absolute Chad
Austrailian Shitposter
Beavis Titan
Canadian Titan
Cheese from Fosters
Giraffe Man Titan
Incel Titan
Leafy Titan
My ex wife
Pelican Titan
Rubber Chicken Titan
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Zeke, who’s not known for his empathy as a defining trait, heard out Colt when he pleaded for Zeke to spare his little brother. 54.8% of you think Zeke cared a little bit, 30.8% thinks he cared a lot, and 14.4% thinks he didn’t care one bit.
When I say Zeke cared a little about Falco and Colt, I do mean *a little*. Like, the littlest little you can care about someone before you care not at all. If Zeke caring  was a scale of 0 to 100, he cared about at about a 4. 
I really thought Zeke wasnt going to scream
Zeke was self-righteous as usual, nothing new here.
Zeke just shattered his belief that anyone cared enough to possibly aid him in his personal goal to help his little brother.
I think HE thinks he cares, but he’s more attached to the idea of himself as a person who cares and is acting out of compassion for the greater good of eldians and the world, and the truth is he doesn’t have any actual attachment and fondness for them as individuals. The trauma of betraying his parents and eating Xaver rendered him basically incapable of forming true bonds of affection.
Colt developed a considerable bond with the person who was supposed to give him his Titan power in the near future, he had the impression Zeke was not the kind of person to put a child in dire situations, so he tried to remind him of that. He never thought Zeke would do the impossible and turn his brother into a Pure Titan despite telling him the situation. The shock on Colt's face when Zeke apologizes for what he is about to do really shows that.
Fuck Zeke
Maybe Zeke will have a change of heart, maybe he will sulk into a state of depression and failure. I really hope someone convinces Zeke that suffering will always permeate in this world and the only thing he can do is hope for a better ending than how this chapter ended. 
zeke is the real life definition of a nutsack
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Crazily enough, this was nearly a three-way tie! 33.4% feel that the Jaw titan wasn’t a factor at all in Marcel, Ymir and Porco’s decision to sacrifice themselves for someone else, but rather that’s just the type of people they are. 32.6% feel that the Jaw titan is absolutely a factor, and that it is a trait or the will of this titan to sacrifice itself for others. 31.4% believe that the Jaw Titan’s will drives its holders to protect the Armored Titan only. 
It better not be, because that means Falco's next. And we all know who he's constantly protecting with his life…
It‘s coincidence but it‘s ironic how everyone of them sacrificed themselves for Reiner.
I don't know but they need to stop.
It’s the shifter’s choice to sacrifice themselves. It’s not some destiny tf you smoking.
Zeke was given the wrong titan. That's all I have to say.
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The majority (71.4%) of the fandom are confident that Eren’s expressions and actions are proof that he was hoping to avoid Zeke screaming and titanizing everyone who’s had a swig of the spine wine. 22.5% aren’t sure, or don’t want to say either way, while a smaller percentage feel that Eren probably didn’t care if Zeke screamed, or maybe even planned for it. 
For the first time in a while, Eren's face shows that he is not in control of the situation
I think he looked horrified when Zeke screamed, and I want to think that he hoped to use the Founding Titan's power before then. :( I'm also holding out for a reversal of this titanisation IF Eren does survive and manages to touch Zeke.
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Gabi has made some questionable decisions in the past, and has been the source of a great deal of controversy. That does not seem to be the case this time around, with ~51% of respondents acknowledging that her actions this chapter seemed to make sense, and an additional ~9% being proudly in her corner waving #GABIGANG flags. Only 8.4% thought that her character development was undone by her latest act of violence… Whether her actions were justified or not, the remaining 31.8% just hope that Gabi is kept away from guns for the foreseeable future.
Gabi's actions are perfectly understandable. She knows sees the Paradis differently but that doesn't mean she sees or understand the person who destroyed her home and killed her friend. 
Congratulations Gabi, you have a knack for finding new and inventive ways to utterly RUIN this series for me. You were a mistake that never should have been made.
Eren getting his head blown off is *chef kiss*  (Also lol karma)
Eren is my favorite character and even I was like "Gabi did nothing wrong."
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Magath and Peick are this month winners for most likely to die next with 20% of the vote each. Floch and Zeke follow with 17.8% and 14% of the vote respectively.
I hope mikasa and armin spare pieck.
I hope that Mikasa and Armin totally destroys Pieck in the next chapter~!
#Zeke_LIVE! #Keep_your_little_brother_safe_you_promised! 
I seriously think both Floch and Reiner are going to live to the end. These two especially seem to be really good at surviving, it's been a pattern now
I've recently noticed death flags on Louise since she was introduced, we didn't saw her in this chapter but there are chances that the poor girl will not survive until the end. 
Also I'm so glad the fandom was wrong and Falco DIDN'T eat Reiner. However, this chapter is raising massive death flags for Gabi. I hope she won't die next chapter.
Eren is too determined to die. He'll just keep going like a head-less chicken. Like those Cuccos from The Legend of Zelda that refuse to die!
I feel guilty now that in last chapter's poll when it's asked who will die i picked Eren, and now it's a possibility that he's actually dead. But I still want to hug and protect him, my son, even if he's in pieces haha
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OMG ERENS DEAD NOOOOOOO- well, probably not. Only 5.2% think this is the end of the line for our protagonist. The two most popular options were that he transferred his consciousness, and that Bucket Girl will intervene; with 24.6% and 24.1% respectively.
A mix between being saved by the bucket girl and him transferring his consciousness throughout his body.
Eren is dead, timeloop shenanigans begin.
He uses the last of his power to shift. That, or Zeke catches his head and he uses the founder to grow a new body.
Regeneration: Deadpool style
He will have a long chat with Ymir in the PATHS dimension and rewrite history
Head lands in Zeke’s hand before his brain dies and it’s good enough to count
His consciousness is safe and sound in his left butt cheek. 
his consciousness is now in his left testicle
We need explanation about the P A T H S already! Isayama will take advantage of "Eren's death" to let him met the little girl (who everyone here suspects that is indeed Ymir Fritz) and reveal the Great Titan War, The Devil of the Earth, etc etc (and ofc the possibility of seeing him naked again lmao)
Isayama likes Game of Thrones. Therefore, like with Jon Snow, Eren will be kept dead for few chapters (preferably 3 till end of this volume). Then he rises - probably with bucket girl help.
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The winners for “more favorable” were Porco and Colt with each getting a huge surge in popularity. On the other side of the spectrum were Gabi and Zeke. While most selected “unchanged”, they still had the largest numbers of people indicating they viewed them less favorably after this chapter.
105: "Imma make Gabi the most hated character in the series" 119: "Hold my beer"
Every time when I'm thinking Zeke can't turn any more awful Isayama proves me wrong. That chapter is a really low blow. Just catapult him on lone island far far away from people he can hurt.
I never thought I could hate Zeke more than I already had. But after Colt absolutely humiliated himself to save Falco and Zeke just screamed...As long as Zeke’s alive horrible things will keep happening.
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27.2% of respondents are determined to keep the focus in Shiganshina, and don’t care what happens next so long as we aren’t taken off the battlefield just yet. 25% are anxious to hear news on Levi and Hange’s whereabouts and condition. 20.4% are hopeful that Eren will recover and finally be able to touch Zeke. 10.2% are still hanging on for Annie…. Someday she’ll come out….. someday….
I want to see Yelena next. We get this chapter one panel to her and this panel was strange as fuck. Something is up with her and I have the feeling that her existence will playing a huge role in the plot. I don't know, but I hope to get a flashback to her. 
ah, yes, this was such a horrifically tragic chapter *sheds tear* .....anyway, now that eren’s injured CAN WE SEE LEVI AND HANJI ??
Chapter 120: "Oh boy, I can't wait to see what happened to Ere-" *MEANWHILE, WITH HANGE AND LEVI...*
Pls dont switch to Levi and hange next chapter
Annie's never going to show up, huh?
I'm itching to see Historia, Levi, and Hange, as always, but what I really want to see in the next chapter is Mikasa's reaction to Eren's decapitation.
Let Eren and Zeke touch already >:v
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With lots of news on the ending coming out recently, from the final manga exhibition, to Season 4 being announced as the final season, discussion on where the series will end has been very common lately.  44.1% think it will end with 130, next June.  30.3% think it will end a volume later at 134 in October, the same month the final season premiers.  14.1% think it’ll still be going while the final season is airing, going to 138 or beyond.  9.3% think it will end a tad sooner, at 126 in February.
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I think there's a possibility that Eren might be dead dead, but his legacy will live through his last wish, supposing Zeke catches his head.
At this point of the story I'm happy Annie is still chilling in her crystal, away from the bloodbath
I never would have thought we would see Falco eating Porco and obtaining the Jaw titan or seeing Eren's head just fuckin fly through the air this chapter was insane.
As much as I dislike Floch, I def do want to see what his reaction will be to Eren’s “death,” even more than I want to see Jean’s and Connie’s tbh.
What I want to know is why do all the people with more use to the story survive when guys like Niccolo who's usefulness to the story ended when the heat from Sasha's death get to stick around?
I don't think Gabi is a bad character, but to me it almost feels like she is just getting in the way of the story progressing. I do however think her actions are understandable for her character, but from a reader's perspective it annoys me.
*Whispers* Ok, but is it possible Porco's alive? and maybe Colt can pull an Armin or survive via P A T H S Magic?
Flying head memes are the best
I was astonished at what a weight it lifted off my chest and how much more forgiving I could be after seeing Eren “I’m too good to tell anyone my plan, I work alone and I’ve always hated you” Jaeger fail so hard that Zeke screamed, Connie, Jean, Armin, and Mikasa all had to save Eren, and he was “killed” by a twelve-year-old.
I actually didn't hate Gabi at first despite killing Sasha. But now whatever development she had is gone and since she is now established as a murderer, I am now aboard the "I Hate Gabi" train.
God, I really hope the next chapter is good because it's at a really pivotal point that could make or break this last arc.
I am very willing to make allowances for the inconsistencies so the chapter itself was very good in my opinion. The story progressed well, awesome action sequences, expectations subverted, suffering continued; therefore, good chapter.
I don't think Eren will return physically, but his presence will remain somehow through PATHS. The title of this manga is Shingeki no Kyojin, not Eren, so the story can resolve itself with the Attack Titan being inherited and Eren's memories explored.
It's a little rushed, but I like the idea and hope Isayama can pull these loose strands together to create an impactful finale.
I don't understand all this Gabi hate. Eren has always been a threat to her eyes : in Liberio's Festival when he brought by his actions death to her home and friends, in the room where he was odious to Armin and Mikasa and threatening them with a wound on his hand, when Pieck -who explained to her the world isn't black and white- designed him as the enemy and here, and here right before her child eyes, because of his and Zeke's plan, Gabi is there when Falco transforms into a titan, killing Colt in the process. It's understandable she was angry and reacted like that.
I know eren isnt dead, but idk how isayama is gonna pull it off without it feeling cheap
I liked it and it was very surprising! Tho it’s time Historia is shown again and Levi and Hange need to come back very soon as well.
I feel like a worrying number of readers seem to have somehow missed the fact Eren is meant to be a major antagonist of this arc lol
I'm torn over that ending. It had the potential to be such a powerful moment, but it just didn't do it for me.
I've never been so upset at a characters death before, not even Armins... Like Jean said to Eren about Marco: "Not everyone gets to go out in a blaze of glory." What a horrible way to go
Isayama delivers every single month.
Isayama. . . Eren internal monologue. . . . . . . when?
 I'm excited to see what comes next, but I'd like to jump back to characters like Levi, Hange, Annie, and Historia first so that everyone can come together for a big finale.  You can feel that the manga is reaching its conclusion.
Commander Pixis turning into a titan sigh so long dog. All the commanders except Hanje kicked the bucket
Oh boy. This chapter had me bawling. Colt and Porco' s deaths hit me hard. "Your big brother will be with you, always"....damn that hurt.
Shits going down and I'm here hoping to see Armin transforms just to piss Reiner off
Such a mindblowing chapter, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I was utterly speechless when Eren's head flew off. Isayama the madlad
Interesting seeing Porco receive path memories From Eren via Porco. The coordinate is the key to getting vivid memories from past shifters which almost certainly means Eren has access to Kruger’s memories with a little help from Historia.
Wouldn't it be funny if they suddenly cut to Levi and Hange for the next few months
WOW, this chapter was absolutely nerve-wracking! This one may just be the biggest emotional roller coaster ride yet with all those major character deaths and that jaw-dropping cliffhanger!
The start of every month sees a spike in my blood pressure as well as how much I pray while opening my browser to check if the latest chapter is up. Thanks, Isayama. Not only have you made me more religious, you've also made me more stressed out about a manga than exams and applications.
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valsjuls · 6 years
fire & desire (4/?) - a juliantina fanfic
read from the beginning here
Valentina takes charge and basically strips Juliana down at the same time she was taking her own clothes off as well. Juliana has never wanted anything more than this night. Something like this has never been anything more than just a daydream, so never would she had thought that this was actually going to happen but she’s damn thankful for it.
She feels Valentina press her warm lips underneath her jaw and to her neck. The touch made her breathing uneasy and she’s had never felt like this before but she craved more of it.
“I know you don’t feel well, but I really do think we should talk about..” Valentina doesn’t finish the rest of her sentence, but Juliana knows exactly what she was referring to as she hands her a glass of water.
“Val..” She softly groans. She wasn’t ready to have a conversation about this because her feelings for Valentina were insane and she was realizing it all too soon, just by looking at the girl. Her denial for her feelings for Val, then having her first kiss and losing her virginity to the girl, and finally acknowledging how she really feels was hitting her all at once.
It was completely overwhelming, not to even mention the hangover she was having and what feared her the most was Valentina knowing all of this.
“I know you aren’t feeling well, but I just don’t want this to complicate our friendship,” Valentina says, reaching out of Juliana’s hand. “We were only drinking and one thing led to another,” She details like it didn’t mean anything at all to Juliana but how could she know? Juliana never once spilled her feelings for Valentina when she was drunk and she thinks she would regret that more if that were to happen instead of the sex.
Valentina becomes hesitant to continue her standing point, so with a low voice she says, “Just a drunk mistake and it won’t happen again.” Juliana feels as if Valentina didn’t believe the words that came out of her own mouth to even begin with and she knows how to read this girl easily. However, whether Valentina meant it or not, that part definitely hit Juliana harder than she would think.
Just a drunk mistake and it won’t happen again. Juliana replays Valentina’s words in her mind.
“Yeah,” Juliana nods with her voice choked up, sliding her hands away from Valentina’s. She clears her throat and gives Valentina a weak smile while hoping that it isn’t too obvious that she was hurt by what was just said. “Nothing more and nothing less, right?” For the first time, she says out loud what she had been telling herself in the past couple months.
“Right,” Valentina’s tone was low and it makes Juliana wonder if something else was on the girl’s mind. At the same time, it almost feels like a slap in the face more than a wake up call because the way Valentina kissed her last night felt like everything.
But instead of asking Val how she really felt, Juliana just tucks her lips in her mouth and nods.
Despite her gut feeling making her question Valentina’s actual feelings, she felt like this was confirmation enough that Valentina didn’t have any feelings reciprocated for her at all. She didn’t want to risk asking Valentina if that was truth, because she wanted to save herself from the potential embarrassment. How could she want me back? She already has everything, she doesn’t want someone like me. Juliana fights herself in her thoughts.
“It’s getting late,” Juliana says standing up from the chair, “I think I’m going to try and get more rest. Thank you, Val,” She didn’t want to be in the same room with Valentina any more longer with the feeling in her chest that makes her was to tear up.
“I understand,” Valentina stands up and rubs Juliana’s shoulder softly. “So we’re okay?” She asks.
Staring back at Valentina eyes, she wonders if Valentina felt as sad as she does and it makes her wish she could know what was running in the girl’s mind.
“We’re okay.”
“Are you sure?” Valentina becomes incredibly hesitant.
At this point, they both were almost completely naked. Valentina was on top of her with fingers gripped on lines of the underwear she’s wearing.
There’s burn between her thighs and she’s never wanted anything more than the exploration of Valentina’s touch.
“I.. think,” Juliana says with a heavy breath. Valentina leans down and presses her lips against hers once more before looking in her eyes.
“Juliana, yes or no?” She knows Valentina wants this and her energy reflected onto Juliana. “I don’t want to do anything you feel like you’re not ready to..” Valentina takes her hand and caresses Juliana’s face.
Two nights in a row, Juliana feels as if she was hardly getting any type of sleep and the reason for that was because she kept overplaying what happened with her and Valentina the other night. It’s all that she could think about and it confuses her. Ever since she’s met the girl, it felt like whatever feelings she had grown for Valentina just couldn’t stop from growing stronger.
She sits up from her bed and rests her back against the bed frame, with her knees bent near her so she could press her head on them. Maybe I need time away from her.. She thinks to herself, because after all she sees Valentina almost everyday since they became friends.
There was no other solution that came in her mind, so she feels like this is the best thing to do. If she wanted to keep Valentina as her friend, she was going to need to get rid of everything she was feeling.
However the timing to making this decision wasn’t the greatest.
For the following weekend, she had agreed to spend her time with Valentina, Lucho, and Sergio at some beach house that Sergio’s family owned. It was an annual trip that the three would take whenever its spring break and Valentina wanted Juliana to come along, of course all the plans were made before that night happened between them and Lucho was trying to set Sergio up with Juliana.
She had only agreed to the plans then because of Valentina convincing her to say yes and she knew the girl wasn’t going to settle for any other answer.
Juliana had four days until this trip were to take place and she knows she can’t cancel on Valentina. So that gives her four days of space away from Valentina before spending the weekend with her and then she can continue trying to tuck her feelings away forever.
She takes a deep breath in as she thinks how possible her plan might be. After all, to have Valentina in her life as just her friend was better than just pining for the girl all together.
“Just a drunk mistake..”
Valentina’s words echoed in her head once again but this time she’s going to use that as motivation if her feelings get out of control, because the thought of Valentina simply not feeling anything back for her alone, was giving her the strength to move on.
There was no specific method to what Juliana was doing to try and move on from Valentina. She definitely didn’t want to immediately go out and find the first person she sees and ask them out on a date.
And if she wanted to move on in a direction that meant giving somebody a chance, Sergio was one that popped up in her mind but right after she made a face at that thought, the type of face when the scent of a skunk comes out of nowhere.
She was keeping herself busy by working at Miss Perlita’s restaurant and avoiding her phone usage, along with phone calls and texts Valentina was sending her. Of course she didn’t want to completely blow Valentina off with no explanation so she keeps conversations short and doesn’t reply on time like she usually does.
On average, these two had text conversations longer than paragraphs just describing how their days went if they weren’t speaking on the phone, so the vague one or two sentences Juliana would text back wasn’t left unnoticed.
I know this is a random question but, are you okay?
She reads the text in Valentina’s voice,  a voice filled with concern.
Yeah, I’m all good. I’m working right now, sorry can’t talk
And send. She bites down her lip, feeling sort of guilty she was doing all of this to Valentina but she needed this for herself.
Even if they hadn’t spoken since Valentina came over and they had that talk, Valentina shows up to Juliana’s doorstep with a gigantic smile and a swimsuit in her hand. “Are you ready?” Valentina looks excited in front of her and Juliana couldn’t help to feel butterflies roaming in her chest and stomach. She doesn’t think she’s met anyone as beautiful compared to Valentina.
Basta, Juliana, basta.. In her mind she’s telling herself to stop from thinking about Valentina like this.
“Let’s go,” Juliana simply says as she puts on a smile, throwing the duffel bag that filled clothes for the weekend over her shoulders.
The drive to the beach house felt like it was incredibly long because she had to sit in the back seat with Sergio telling his weird drunk stories. She wants to gag at the story he laughed while telling her that girl he was drinking with at the time got stung by a jellyfish, so he had to urinate on her leg.
“Bro, you expect to impress her with a story like that?” Lucho laughs as he was driving into the beach house neighborhood area.
Juliana wants to throw up at the idea of her being set up with Sergio, but all she could do is just roll her eyes and give a fake laugh to just get through it. She looks at Valentina, who is sitting on the passenger seat in the front by Lucho. It seems as if Valentina is just as annoyed as Juliana because of the way she’s biting the inside of her cheeks.
Juliana looks away and tries to avoid the wondering thought if Val was bothered by Lucho egging Sergio on and if jealousy played a slight role into that.
She shuts her eyes for a moment, letting Valentina’s words remind her, “It won’t happen again.” They finally get to the house and the first thing the boys take down from the trunk of the car was the alcohol as she and Valentina take down their bags.
“Do you want to share a room?” Valentina asks.
“Huh?” Juliana first impression was confusion because why would Valentina want to share a room with her after what just happened not too long ago?
“Or you could sleep in Sergio’s room,” Valentina laughs and Juliana lets out a breath, feeling relieved Valentina’s intentions were to save her from spending nights with Sergio.
“No, being with you sounds just fine.” She chuckles and it feels good to laugh with Valentina after barely speaking to her for almost a week.
There’s a feeling in her rising that she makes her feel like she could really be just friends with Valentina without having her feelings getting involved. That is, until she sees Lucho walking up behind Valentina and grabbing her by the waist and pulling her in the house with a goofy smile across his face.
“Lucho!” Valentina says with frustration, leaving Juliana standing by the car alone.
She takes a deep breath before walking inside the house and she begins to countdown her time being spent here.
The sun was slowly going down and a bunch of college students that were also on break came to the beach. Some set up bar huts where they would sell and serve alcohol along with selling drugs like ecstasy and xanax, while others set up bonfires and volleyball courts.
Lucho and Sergio had already headed out to find a spot to setup their own bonfire and lay a blanket to sit on. Meanwhile the girls were in the room they were going to be sharing, putting on their beach outfits. The first thing Juliana notices when she walks in the room was that there was only one bed. She feels a nervous feeling rising in her chest about how tonight will go when the two are ready to shut eyes and sleep.
“How does this look?” She hears Valentina asks and she looks up to see the girl in a black see through crochet with patterns that reveal the red two piece she had underneath. Valentina has never looked so sexy to her and it made her stumble on her reply.
“It-,um,” Juliana shuts her eyes and feels her face heat up. “You look good,” She manages to say and Valentina chuckles at her.
“Go ahead put yours on, I’ll wait for you here.” Valentina says and Juliana grabs the swimsuit Val had lend her.
She goes in the bathroom and strips down from the clothes she was wearing and slides the white two piece on her. She looks at herself in the mirror, remembering the moment Valentina taught her how to float. During that time, being in the water made everything feel light so when Valentina’s hands were almost carrying her body it felt like the girl was keeping her steady and afloat. She smiles at the memory and walks out the door to see Valentina waiting for her patiently while looking down at her phone.
Valentina looks up at her and Juliana swears she saw something glow in the way Valentina was looking at her.
“Ready?” Juliana asks, picking up the straw hat and holding it near her side.
Valentina clears her throat and smiles at her, “Yeah, let’s go.”
Once they get on the beach and find the boys, the sky was filled of fire with the sun falling down further than where it was earlier. Sergio walks up to Juliana, handing her a modelo bottle but she refuses. She looked back at her actions when she got drunk for the first time. As much as she actually impressed herself with how confident she learned herself to be when drunk, she didn’t want to make any choices tonight that was influenced by alcohol. The fear of accidentally telling Valentina how she was feeling rose up in her once again, so she takes a water bottle from the cooler.
She wasn’t sure how this trip would be like to begin with and to her surprise, it was going well. There were a group of people around their age playing music in a large speaker, and they all made friends with each other. To avoid Sergio flirting with her and watching Lucho his arms around Valentina’s waist, Juliana was making conversation with the people she made friends with.
She was talking to this absolutely beautiful girl with curly hair named Marianna and she learned that the girl was visiting from the states. They had a common interest of designing clothing so their conversation took off and it honestly felt good that she found another girl she could talk to without secretly being in love with her.
Sergio would try to get himself involved in the conversation but ended up making jokes instead and the Marianna girl was taking a liking into him. Juliana felt glad that this was happening because now she could finally catch a breath away from Sergio hitting on her because there was someone else actually giving him attention now. She looks over her shoulder to check on Valentina because she hadn’t really seen the girl once they met up with boys and they began drinking.
Juliana sees Valentina sitting by the bonfire on a lodge with Lucho, who is handing her something tiny and Valentina takes it and puts it on the tip of her tongue, chasing it with a shot of tequila. Juliana walks over to them, ready to punch Lucho in the mouth for feeding her what could be a drug.
“Val.” She calls out her name like it was a warning. Valentina looks up and walks over to her, with her arms crossed.
“Did you just take ecstasy?” Juliana voice was filled with nothing but concern.
“It’s fine, I’ll be okay. Do you want one?” Valentina chuckles and reaches in her pocket to present a tiny little pill in front of Juliana.
“No, I’m okay.” She shakes her head, wondering why she became so defensive for Valentina in the first place. She had almost forgotten the party girl in Valentina, the version that Lucho loves the most and the version Valentina tries to show herself off to be.
However, Juliana sees through it all and she wonders if Lucho loves the real side of Valentina instead of this drunk side of her.
“Okay,” Valentina nods before putting the happy pill away and into her pocket. “I guess I’ll let you get back to flirting with that girl,” She says in almost a bitter and petty tone before walking back to Lucho by the bonfire.
“What?“ Juliana furrows her eyebrows, not knowing what Valentina meant by that. Did the girl really think Juliana was flirting with Marianna? And if she was flirting with her, then why would it bother her?
She watches Valentina walk away and sit next to Lucho, laying her head on his shoulder and link her arm with his. She meets eyes with Valentina before Valentina looks away and stares into the fire. Juliana senses a bit of sadness coming from Valentina but the sight of her being with Lucho was enough for her to feel the need to walk away.
She walks back to Sergio and Marianna, and the two were hitting it off.
“Hey we were just going to take some shots, want to join?” Sergio asks Juliana.
Juliana wanted to bury away the jealousy in her so bad that she said yes. A couple shots won’t hurt. She thinks to herself as she walks to the table that was set up with bottles all around it.
“Shots, I see?” She hears Lucho yell with excitement. She turns around to see Lucho jogging up and tackling Sergio and Valentina walking up casually with her arms still crossed.
“You’re going to drink?” Valentina asks.
“I’m not planning to get super drunk,” Juliana chuckles, ignoring the short conversation they had less than five minutes ago. She didn’t know what type of reaction she’d expect from Valentina when even asked why the bitter voice from earlier at all.
The boys were pouring all the shots and passing it around and Marianna hands Juliana the tiny plastic shot glass. The slight scent of the tequila took her back to the memory of Valentina ripping her clothes off.
At this moment, Juliana feels completely compelled by Valentina’s tenderness. “Because it’s you,” She slowly says with her eyes melting in Valentina’s ocean of eyes. “Yes,” She breathes out and Valentina kisses her again.
Valentina slides down the underwear that was gripped in her opposite hand and tosses it on the ground. The next thing Juliana knew, she felt a sensation of pressure meeting between her thighs.
She snaps out of her thoughts when she hears Sergio shouting, “Para spring break!” For spring break! They all down the shot of the devil’s water right after. The bitter taste still makes Juliana cringe. Seconds later, Valentina takes the plastic shot cup from her hands and pours another shot for Juliana to take.
“What’s your plan with me, Val?” Juliana attempts to joke, she’d thought that maybe taking humor into their situation would make her feel less tension on her end.
Valentina has this smirk on her face and glances down at Juliana’s lips. It makes her feel very regretful for asking that because the way Valentina is looking at her makes her want to risk it all.
“Maybe I just want you to have a little fun tonight,” Valentina says before touching her shot glass against Juliana’s. They both down the shot and Marianna walks up to Juliana with a beer bottle in her hand but before Juliana had the chance to either accept or decline the drink, Valentina pulls her away.
Valentina was leading to the water and the next thing Juliana knows she soaking wet, trying to chase down Valentina and push her in the water. The two were laughing so hard that it makes Juliana forget about the tension she’s trying to bury in her chest. Instead, she’s just enjoying this time she had with Val because she knows this is so temporary.
The ecstasy was climbing up in Valentina’s system and Juliana sees it. It wasn’t long until all the others joined in the water with them. Lucho was just as out of it, he was his crazy self but ten times more energetic. Juliana never thought she would dislike him more than she already does, but here she is now. Those two shots weren’t enough for Juliana to feel anything out of character and she was content with that. If anything she never craved water more than she did right at this moment, so she makes her way out of the water and walks over their blanket near the bonfire. She grabs her water bottle that she didn’t finish from earlier and takes a couple sips of it before sitting on the lodge near the fire. The same lodge Valentina was sitting on earlier with Lucho.
She takes a moment for herself, staring into the fire. A wave of sadness crashed into her as she began to think of Valentina. She’s never cared for relationships at all in her life and it’s not like she was waiting around for the one to come around in her life because if anything she was never looking for that kind of stuff in the first place.
But when it comes to Valentina, she wouldn’t mind exploring what it would be like to be with her.
Valentina plops down next to her and laughs, “Ay, Juls. What are you doing here alone?”
Juliana didn’t need to look at Valentina twice to know that the drugs kicked in her system completely with a touch of the alcohol.
“Peace was much needed,” Juliana chuckles lightly, letting her hands out towards the warmth of the fire. “Are you okay?” She follows up with concern.
“I feel everything,” Valentina says with her hands mimicking Juliana’s.
Juliana feels Valentina studying her face without her looking back at the girl. When she catches the girl’s eyes mirroring back at hers, Valentina scoots closer to her and nuzzles her head underneath Juliana’s chin and into her curve of her shoulder near her neck. Juliana’s lips curve into a soft smile at the comfort they both sat in.
Parts of her was Valentina’s safe place to land and she knew it, but she wishes it meant something real.
“Juls,” Valentina calls for attention softly.
“Let’s go to bed.”
Juliana looks down at the girl who is now standing up, leaving a lingering feeling stained on her shoulder and neck that was rushed to the cold wind feeling. She had instantly missed the warmth feeling of Valentina being comfortably laid against her. Valentina has her hand out for Juliana to reach so she could help her up.
She takes Valentina’s hand and walks over to the house they were staying in. They hear Lucho and Sergio call for them from behind. The two were catching up with them, ready to go back in the house as well.
When they get in the house, Lucho takes Valentina away to spend time alone with her in his room. Knowing that Lucho and Valentina were on the same drug, she knew what tonight would lead up between the two and she wants to leave at the thought of that. One more day, Juls, She reminds herself that this weekend was short and she could go back to her plan of distancing herself. After taking a shower and slipping herself in a tank top and sleep short shorts, she was ready to hit the lights. She hears a knock on the door and she sees Sergio, with a bottle of water and aspirin. “For the morning,” He says with a light chuckle.
“That’s okay, I didn’t drink much to begin with but thanks,” Juliana waves her hand at the generous offer.
“Well if you change your mind, it’ll be in the kitchen,” Sergio says pointing at the direction of the kitchen. “Goodnight, Juliana.” He says before walking off. She thinks that’s the first time he’s said anything decent to her and she breathes out for relief that he wasn’t trying to get in her pants tonight. It would have been the perfect opportunity for him to try because Valentina was probably going to sleep in Lucho’s room tonight.  
She sits on the bed, getting herself comfortable underneath the covers. It shouldn’t bother her that Valentina was spending the night with Lucho, but here she is shutting her eyes tightly just hoping she could fall asleep right then and there.
After battling herself to fall asleep for what could have been two hours, she finds herself waking up still alone on the bed. It annoyed her that she was waking up in cycles of what felt like every 15 minutes. She checks the time and it read, 3:05AM. With a slight groan of frustration, she tries to close her eyes again.
The sound of the door softly creaking open grabbed her attention. She peaked who could have walked in and she swore to herself that if it was Sergio trying to make a move on her at this time, she would leave.
However it was the height and body build of the figure tiptoeing passed the door after shutting it closed slowly had her realizing immediately that it was Valentina. She wonders to herself why she is pretending to be asleep right now but she just didn’t want to have a conversation with Valentina about her whereabouts.
She feels the weight of the bed even out with Valentina sitting on the opposite side of it as the girl slides underneath the covers. She was laying on her left side of the side with her knees slightly bent for comfort.
“Juls?” Valentina whispers, trying to grab her attention if she was awake.
Juliana lays on her back, turning her head to Valentina as a response. “You okay?” She asks softly.
She swears Valentina is staring down at her lips, but it’s completely questionable in this lighting. The only source of lighting that filled the room was from the yellow lamp post that was outside near the window of the room.
“Now I am,” Valentina says, with her a hint of tequila escaping her lips. The girl was drinking again.
“We should get some sleep,” Juliana suggests, making an effort to turn her body back the way it was where it was facing the opposite side of Valentina. But in this attempt to do so, Valentina has her right hand on Juliana’s hip, stopping her from completely turning her back against hers.
“Juls..” Valentina says softly and Juliana turns her body faced to the direction to Valentina.
All she feels now is the glowing feeling in her chest rising back up again and Valentina tracing the tip of her fingers across her jaw. Silence has never felt heavier in a room until this moment. Valentina lifts herself, just where her face was hovering over Juliana’s.
“What are you doing-“ Juliana’s whispered questioned was cut off with the feeling of Valentina’s lips pressed against hers. She knows this wasn’t right but she melted into the kiss and responded back, deepening the kiss. This was the second time Juliana’s ever kissed anybody and it was Valentina once more, and this wasn’t a lesson this time.
Valentina has her hand back placed on Juliana’s hip to support their lips getting deeper against each other.
Juliana pulls away to catch a breath. Pulling away caught Valentina off guard, so the girl’s lips immediately chases back Juliana’s. “Val, wait,” Juliana says with a hush voice, afraid if Sergio or Lucho were to walk in on them.
“Are you drunk?” She asks Valentina, trying to figure out if this moment was genuine or just another “drunk mistake”.
“A little,” Valentina says with a slight slur in her words and just like that Juliana felt her heart dropping to her stomach.
“Go to sleep, Val.” There’s a tone of anger in her voice when she turns her back against Valentina’s.
“Juliana, I..” Valentina sounds completely hesitant and regretful. “I’m sorry,” The girl retreats.
“Do you forget you’re with somebody else when you’re drinking?” Juliana almost hesitates on asking but she stares at the window, waiting for a response.
Valentina takes moment and it make Juliana wonder if she was choosing to ignore the question.
She hears Valentina reply under her breath, but she said it so quietly that Juliana wasn’t sure if she heard correctly but she swears she heard Valentina say, “Only when I’m with you.”
thank you for reading! make sure you leave a review either on ao3 or my ask box :)
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alexross123 · 7 years
Born to be Wild Part 3
hey Royals, i’m having a pretty bad day, but i’ll manage to pull through, but anyways, here is a new chapter, sorry in advance...
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Word Count: 1433
Pairing: Analogical & Royality (Logan/Virgil) (Roman/Patton)
Warning: Angst Af
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Everyone is school knew that Roman was a huge flirt, if it was human, he will flirt, it’s in his nature, sometimes he want to say something seriously, but instead it comes out as a flirty comment, that’s what gets him in trouble..
“Hey Lo, cute tie” Roman never intended to wink at him, his eyes just randomly closed at that moment, he knew it sounded flirty because of two things:
One-Logan blushed
Two-Virgil glared at him and got closer to Logan
It was never his intention; Verge has to know this, HE HAS A MASSIVE CRUSH ON PATTON FOR THE LORDS SAKE!!!!!
Talking about Patton, he approached them “Hey guys, what you up to?” Verge grinned because Karma is a b***h, and he was glad this happened, because every time Patton got close to him, Roman turns into a blabbering mess , Verge saw that he was starting to sweat like crazy, Logan decided to interfere “Hello Patton, we are about to walk to our individual classes” Patton Looked at him and said “Perfect.... Don’t know what you said, but ok” Logan rolled his eyes and said “We just chillin here bro, we are going to class” Patton finally got it and said “OH!!!! Now I get you, your vocab is Infinitesimal” he grinned towards the boys, while Verge and Logan looked at each other “ok, let’s go” Logan accidentally hit Virgil on his left arm, causing the boy to flinch in pain “Oh lord, please forgive me Virgil, please understand that it was never my intention to inflict physical pain on you” Verge laughed at the way he apologizes, but it wasn’t the small hit Logan gave him, to be honest, he is a street fighter, he gets his money by fighting with random people who challenge him, to his luck, he has never lost a fight “Don’t worry Lo, I’m just sore, you know, the gym and all” LO physically relaxed, he though he hurt Verge by the way he flinched, and talking about flinching “ Verge, oh m g, I need your help, please come” Verge couldn’t even answer when he was being pulled by Farrah, Patton got closer to Lo and said “Someone has a crush on Virgil” Logan’s eyes became as huge as a pan, he turned to the bubbly guy and said “I can assure you Patton, I do not have feelings towards Virgil, we are mere friends” Logan decided to hide the fact that he does in fact have feelings for Verge, I mean, who in the entire school doesn’t have feeling for him, with his cold eyes, his fair skin, his purple hair and his bad boy aesthetic, he was dreamy, but Logan can’t get his hopes up, Virgil is just being nice to him and protecting him from Chris and his gang, plus, the ‘chemistry’ he has with Farrah was undeniably strong, Farrah likes Verge, and who wouldn’t like Farrah, she is beautiful.
Once Lo and the other guys turned the corner, their jaws opened and dropped to the floor, Farrah had Virgil pinned to the wall, almost eating him alive, Roman felt like slapping the light out of Virgil, Patton felt sad for Logan, and Logan, well......he decided to run away, ignoring the calls from the other two, Logan ran all the way to his secret place, a small tree located in the back of the football stadium, he sat there a calmed down.
Verge pushed Farrah away once he heard Logan’s name being shouted, Farrah had pinned him down and forced kiss him, he felt disgusted when she did, how desperate was she in order to force kiss someone? He walked up to the guys and said “ What’s wrong guys” Roman tightened his jaw and said “Turns out Virgil, Logan and us saw you sucking faces with Farrah and Lo ran away” Verge went cold, how is he going to explain to Logan what happened “Let’s go find him” Ro looked at him and said “Let’s? I think you have done enough damage for today Virgil, I don’t want to see you near Logan again, and that’s a warning, come on Pat” Pat nodded and followed Roman, Farrah got close to him and said “Finally, now where were we” She wrapped her arms around him, but in a blur, Verge pushed he away from him, he told her with clenched teeth “Listen Farrah, I will never, and I mean NEVER go out with a slut like you, get this in your little brain, I. LIKE. LOGAN. Ok, I’M GAY” from his anger, he ran outside from school and drove off in his motorcycle to nowhere.
“Why does this hurt too much, I knew I would never have an opportunity with Virgil” He thought too himself as he breathed slowly, Meanwhile Roman and Patton looked all over the campus to find Logan, they were afraid for him, but they were really mad at Virgil, especially Roman, how could he say to have a crush on Logan and still devour Farrah’s face, he would make sure to keep Verge away from Logan, if Verge didn’t protect Logan, Patton and hi would do it “Have you seen him Ro” Pat was starting to get anxious, a state Roman, and in this case, nobody from school has ever seen him “Please Pat, calm down, he couldn’t have disappeared, what if we check the stadium” Pat walked with him towards the stadium, once there , they looked every were, Patton could see a small silhouette from afar, and once he got close enough, he saw “Logan” He lifted his view from the ground, and saw Patton walking towards him “Oh, Logan, I’m glad we found you, I was worried sick about you, don’t you ever leave us like that” Logan could see the relief on Patton, and behind him was Roman “You ok man?” He smiled towards him in sympathy “I am ok, I did not feel well, so I came for fresh air” He knew he couldn’t mask it, but he was going to try “Look, I can tell that the whole scene was what caused you to leave so abruptly, don’t worry about Virgil, I’ll make sure to keep him away from you, as for Chris and his gang, you have me know, and I’m not leaving you” Ro kneeled down and placed his hand on his shoulder “I may not be strong, but I’ll kick them in their butts if they dare touch my friend” Logan couldn’t help but to grin when Pat called him friend, somebody actually cares for him...
The day passed, and everyone was talking about Verge storming out of school, Logan decided to not pay attention to the word around school, it was 9:30 pm, he was about to go to bed when he heard a small hit on his window, once he looked outside, he saw Virgil in a horrible state “Virgil, why are you in my house, please leave” Verge climbed up a tree which lead straight into Logan’s room, Logan could smell alcohol all over his body “Virgil, you reek of booze, have you been drinking?” verge laughed and made his fingers indicating small “Just a little bit” Logan still was hurt from the event of the day “Please leave my residence Virgil, I do not wish to be your acquaintance anymore” Verge flinched and said, well, more like slur “Please Lo.... Don’t say that, please don’t leave me” Verge started to cry at the thought of Logan leaving him, he just couldn’t “Virgil, please keep quiet, my mother is in the other room” Verge placed his finger on his mouth and laughed “Why are you here Virgil” Logan placed him on his bed and Verge said “I wanted to say sorry about today, I never wanted to kiss her, she forced me” Logan didn’t know if to believe him or not, but he had to get enough proof “Virgil, I do not care if you kissed Farrah, you obvious like her” Verge shot up and said “That is not true Logan, I don’t like her, I like someone else” Logan turned around and said “Who is it then, the news spread around school, so the girl you like might now you kissed her” Verge laughed at his statement, but the word her made him laugh harder “Logan, I can’t believe you still don’t get it, the way I act with you, the fact I gave you my jacket, and me protecting you from everyone who dares look at you wrong, Logan..... I love you”
Tag List: @novagalaxy4real @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @bobatea-boi @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @lamp-calm-sanders @michealawithana @random7happens @bubblycricket @chocolatey-umbreon @hanramz-the-fander
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pinebypine · 5 years
Theatre of Competition
Triplet AU fic. Ty and Mabel are bored by Dipper’s choice of film
Since Dipper insisted on seeing the movie he bought the tickets, but since Ty and Mabel were the ones with the sugar cravings they bought the snacks. The triplets sat in the back row of the theater so they could push up the armrests between their seats and get a little cuddly. The girls maneuvered Dipper into the middle and each grabbed a hand, intertwining their fingers and laying their heads on his shoulders. The first twenty minutes of the movie passed pretty pleasantly for Dipper, until Ty broke the silence.
"I'm bored. Mabel, aren't you bored?"
"Oh god yes." Her sister opined. "This movie is the snoozeville."
Dipper felt offended. "Hey it’s got dragons and sword fights and junk."
Mabel stuck her tongue out and made a raspberry noise. "The trailer does but so far its been wall to wall talking."
“It’s obviously going to start…” Ty’s fingertip pressed to Dippers lips, effectively interrupting him.
“While Dipper gets to enjoy his boring movie, I would like to propose an activity that will also keep the two of us entertained.”
“Do go on, dear sister. I’m all ears.”
“Well, you know how-” Ty made a conspiratorial throat clearing noise, “loud Dipper gets.”
Mabel giggled and nodded. They had recently been forced to enact a very strict never-when-the-parents-are-home-no-not-even-if-we-think-we-can-keep-it-under-control rule on account of Dipper’s volume and his apparent complete inability to control said volume when suitably stimulated.
“I propose that you and I enter into a good natured bet. First one to make Dipper make an embarrassing noise wins.”
Mabel’s grin shone in the reflected light of the movie screen. “Usual stakes?”
Ty shrugged. “Sounds good to me. Would you like to set any ground rules or does a free for all sound good to you?”
Mabel tapped her chin with one finger and looked at the subject of their little competition. Dipper was wild-eye and probably about to break into a sweat. “No tickling. No biting. No under the clothing.”
Ty’s eyebrows rose. “Well if that’s how it’s going to be then we better make sure the playing field is set up properly.” She reached over, grabbed the zipper pull on Dipper’s hooded sweatshirt, and pulled it all the way down.
Dipper gulped nervously. He had just realized that neither one of them were releasing their grips on his hands. “Uh girls. Don’t I get some say in this?”
Mabel shot him a glance and patted his shoulder. “Shh, Dipper. Grownups are talking. Are we playing until the end of the movie?”
“Yep. Terms accepted?” She offered her free hand and they shook on it.
“For crying out loud,” Dipper grumbled, “you are five and ten minutes older than me and I just want to watch the damned movie.”
Ty leaned in and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of her brother’s jawline and felt him clench his jaw muscles in response. “It’s so cute when you think you get a say in these things.”
Mabel placed a hand flat against his chest and let out a little giggle. “My my, somebody is all a pitter patter.”
“Because what you two are proposing is likely as hell to get us caught.”
Ty scanned the movie theater. It was a tuesday afternoon in the middle of summer. Apparently everyone else had read the reviews for this movie and had decided to pass on it. There were three other groups of patrons; a couple of women in the middle row, a group of three indistinguishable people farther forward, and, closest to the triplets, a man who was so obviously asleep a few rows in front and far off to one side, his head limply flopped backward over his seat, mouth agape..
“I think we’ll be ok, scaredy-cat. You just enjoy your boring movie and Mabel and I will enjoy our game.”
It took about four minutes before Dipper had to actually bite the inside of his lip to keep from letting a moan escape his mouth. Mabel noticed this and paused in her light touches, catching Ty’s eye meaningfully. Which was when Dipper realized that while they were ostensibly “playing” against each other, they were going to drag this out for as much of the whole two remaining hours as they could. When one of them won, they no longer got to have their fun.
They let him cool off for about five minutes, but it seemed like only seconds after they resumed that rivulets of sweat were running down Dipper’s back, despite how cold the air conditioning was making it in here. He was straining with all his effort to keep his trap shut; the fear of the disastrous consequences of them being found out by someone giving him extra reserves of willpower.
“Hey, we said no biting.”
“I was nibbling, not biting.”
“Don’t push the line, Pines, or I’ll take this to the next level.”
Ty snickered and ceased running her lips along Dipper’s neck. She leaned across his lap toward her sister, then made a quick “come here” motion, indicating as if she wished to whisper something to her. Mabel responded by leaning over as well and turning her head for her ear to be spoken in to surreptitiously. Ty made a quick glance to be sure Dipper was watching, and like he had a choice; they were inches away and right in front of his face. Then she reached up with her free hand and in one swift motion, she’d pulled Mabel’s face back round and drew her in for a deep, long kiss.
Dipper was about to explode. He was practically vibrating with tension in his seat, hands pinned in his sisters’ laps, unable to do anything to mitigate the situation. He was starting to worry that if he bit his lower lip any harder, he was going to actually draw blood.
The girls took their time with the kiss but when they separated, and Mabel looked at the straining expression on Dipper’s face, she tut-tutted her sister. “If that had been the winning move, you so totally shouldn’t have been allowed to call it in your favor; team effort as it was.”
Ty attempted an innocent expression. “Never would have occurred to me to even try to claim victory is such a scenario. I was just feeling a little bad at how much attention we were lavishing dear Dipper and none on ourselves.” As she whispered her hand dropped casually to Dipper’s knee and he nearly bolted up out his seat.
“Look girls,” he spoke very carefully through gritted teeth, “I know you’re having fun and all but is there anything I can do to get you to just postpone all this until we’re, you know, alone? I’ll do your chores for a week. I’ll take you shopping. Anything.”
His sisters giggled in response and then they both snuggled up closer to him. Dipper was on the edge of breaking down.
“You said embarrassing noise, right?” He bargained. “How ‘bout this, then?” Dipper scrunched up his face, opened his mouse, and made the loudest and most convincing series of pig squeals either of his sisters had ever heard out of him; the man on the other side of the theater even woke up and looked around, apparently startled and confused. “There. Game over. Winner: Dipper Pines.”
The girls had shifted back from him in surprised at his sudden porcine imitation. They looked around and saw that the few other watchers in the theater had all turned to look at them. Ty reached up with her free hand and gently smacked the side of Dipper’s head in reprimand.
“Seriously,” she shook her head in disapproval, “we can’t take you anywhere.”
“It was either that or you two get what you wanted and we all get kicked out of the theatre for- you know.”
Mabel rolled her eyes, released Dipper’s hand, and slumped into her seat. “You worry too much, bro. Besides, it’s not like you weren’t having fun too.” She pointed at her brother’s lap, which was having a serious tenting problem. Dipper swore under his breath and performed a quick tucking maneuver to at least reduce the problem.
Ty reached up and scruffed Dipper’s shaggy hair. “You don’t have to be such a spoil sport about it. We were just winding you up; we don’t want to get caught either. You’re just so much fun to tease.”
Dipper made a small huffing noise and pouted in his seat. “Well neither of you are the one going home with blue balls at the end of the night.”
“Oh poor Dipper’s little nuts.” Mabel reached over and patted him on the top of the head. “Why would you think we’d be so cruel to our little brother, Big D? Ty and I were gonna help you out.”
His other sister flung her arm around Dipper’s shoulders and and squeezed. “Of course; sisterly duty and all.”
Dipper’s brow furrowed. “But what about the never-when-the-parents-are-home-no-not-even-if-we-think-we-can-keep-it-under-control rule?”
“Oh, mom and dad aren’t home.” Mabel leaned on Dipper’s shoulder and he felt Ty’s hand start to play with her hair. “They have that dinner party for dad’s work; they’ll be out late.”
They silently watched the movie; the sword fighting bit had started up, but even Dipper’s heart wasn’t in it. After a few minutes, Ty felt Dipper’s hand on her leg; he gave her a gentle squeeze. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Look who’s not too reluctant to play now.”
“Actually this movie did turn out to be pretty lackluster and it’s not like I was able to pay much attention to the first part. So I’ve sort of lost the plot and…”
“Dipper Pines!” Mabel scolded in a whisper. “Are you proposing that we skip the end of the movie you so generously paid for?”
Ty snatched a hand of each of her siblings and leapt to her feet. “Oh thank god, I thought you were actually going to make us finish this awful thing.” She started dragging them toward the exit door. They were in the parking lot in record time and Mabel started to strip from sweater down to just her pony adorned T-shirt.
“Jeez, it was getting hot in there.” She tossed the garment at her brother and turned to walk backward a couple of paces ahead of the other two. “Now, I think Dipper was very patient with us, Ty; so he definitely deserves a little something.”
Ty’s eyebrows raised. “You thinking of our patented Triple-Double-Trouble?”
Mabel shot her some finger guns. “Read my mind, Tee.” Then her smile grew playfully sly. “Plus that’ll pretty much hit the reset switch on our favorite brother here, and you and I can get back to our bet.” She winked at Ty.
“You are so on, Mabel Pines.”
“Um girls, I think you’re expecting a bit too…” And then Dipper did the math and decided that with a Triple-Double-Trouble and a whole evening with the house to themselves, he was probably getting a bargain.
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