#jeankasa fan fic
heavenzscent · 11 months
Jeankasa Fic recs (all complete)
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I just realized SamNotAm, author of Green velvet, is gone :( I wish these "fans" would stop bullying people off the internet. The Fandom just isn't the same anymore with so many people being chased away
Yeah!! Don’t even get me started 😂 I think she did that a while ago, and my understanding is that Heartvu also took a lot if not all of her fics down! And I think now a lot of writers are getting hate which is ridiculous. Like whatever if ppl write other ships or something u don’t like, fuck off and don’t read it 💀 it really angers me, like don’t bite the hand that feeds u, there’s gonna be no writers left by the time everyone is done. Like I can’t fucking stand jeankasa, but quite a few ppl write and like both, u don’t see me throwing a temper tantrum about it.
Tbh I’m the most active writer I’ve ever been in the Eremika fandom but it’s honestly the worst fandom I’ve ever been a part of 😅 like ppl are mean and kinda cliquey, I much prefer my own blog, I avoid Twitter like the plague the only good thing is the art lol!
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
My son (9) read Assassination Classroom recently. I read only the first few chapters and couldn't get into it, but he was enthralled. He hates handwriting anything because he still struggles with penmanship, but he was so excited about the series that he would laboriously copy down character stats onto a notepad. The ending made him cry. I was sitting next to him on the couch, working on a wip or maybe playing a game, when he said, in a trembling voice, "Mom?"
I looked over at him. Tears were pouring down his face. "[spoilers]," he said. "I want to stop reading. I'm so sad."
But he couldn't stop reading so he kept going and he kept crying. And he was still thinking about it days later.
I didn't think much about it at the time, because at this point, I've been deeply affected by so many pieces of media that I take it for granted. I cried at the end of the new Pixar short, Carl's Date, right there in the middle of the theater. I was a broken zombie for days after the end of Attack on Titan. My brother finished Attack on Titan and had to go lie down for a while before we could talk about it.
But, this morning, I found one of the note pages where my child had so enthusiastically copied out a character's details, and, left with a moment to think because he's away at his dad's for a month, I realized that this is maybe the first time he's become really invested in media. Like, he's had favorite shows and whatnot before, but I don't think he's ever let himself become so fully immersed in a story before. And I started thinking, what a beautiful and human experience it is to lose yourself in something that another human being has created, to have it find something inside you that connects you to it in such a deep and profound way that it makes you feel visceral joy and sorrow, that you want to talk about it and think about it and wrap yourself up in it. How lovely that a work does not have to be high brow or genius (in general, I haven't read Assassination Classroom to make that call for it) to get you in its grip and light you up. What a joy of being alive.
Bringing this back around to fanfiction, this reminds me of something else I've thought before. Being a fan of post-apocalyptic dystopias to begin with, and with the news over the past few years being the way it has been, I've thought a lot about society collapsing, and the future anthropologists (if there are any left) who will study our society. And imagine if all they have left of us is a remnant of the internet (I'm not a computer person. I do not know if this is even possible) where they find AO3, a digital library of tributes to original works. The original works themselves are gone, or lost behind a paywall, but the fanfiction is there, and the future anthropologists and historians and digital archaeologists (I made that up, as far as I know, but why not?) base all their understanding of how we engaged with and created stories based on our fan writing. What would they infer about us and Attack on Titan based on studying our Eremika fics? Would they read our "ancient classics" and be consumed by the characters like we were? Will they write essays about the many faces of Eren (is he a fuckboy or a simp? A toxic daddy or a pathetic goofball?)? Will they speculate about whether Eremika or Jeankasa is the true pairing? What can our portrayals of Mikasa reveal about our society's internalized misogyny? Surely they'll be able to tell from the comments and author's notes that these stories are based on other media, but what if fanfic is all that's left? Isn't that interesting to think about?
God, sorry, I went off on a tangent. It's just so exciting. Art and creation is so exciting, and the idea that these pieces of our minds can live on and change people even long after we're gone.
In conclusion, I just think it's all so neat.
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
💔 Is there a fic of yours(or any other) that broke your heart?
✅ , and i really thought a lot about this one,
Would you prefer a happy ending, a sad ending or a bitter sweet/ambiguous type ending. (Not just in fics, movies, books or anything)
Me personally am never a big fan of happy ending, i love if it goes with the plot and characters otherwise i always find them cooked up..idk why.💀
and i really am a big fan of bitter sweet/ambiguous ending (a reason for my recent obsession with Korean movies..ugg it's so good i can't lie)..i feel like it's more powerful when used properly .
💔 Is there a fic that broke your heart?
i actually have an eren/armin jean/armin fic that i think is really heartbreaking but i don't know how to finish it i mentioned this a few days ago but there are two future chapters of tbaw that absolutely shattered my heart 😭 i can't wait for you guys to see them for someone else's fic, this one devastated me recently! it's a blue lock sae itoshi/reader fic. this fic also devasted me, it's porco/reader and this jeankasa fic ruined me 😫 but warning this has major manga ending spoilers
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i've previously answered this here but i thought of another one! i will often write repetitive sentence fragments. like i did it in my most recent lil jean angst drabble where i'm like "You said he was always angry with you — always picking fights. You said that kissing him didn’t feel the same. You said that it was obvious he stopped trying." I don't do this intentionally, it just kinda happens 🤷‍♀️ sometimes i cut it out if i feel like it doesn't flow the way i want it to, but a lot of times i leave it
⚖️ happy, sad, or bittersweet/ambiguous ending?
(i made up an emoji for this question so the questions would match aesthetically 💀) but!! i love sad/emotionally gutting endings the best. like i'm talking The Mist movie ending, Black Mirror episode Shut up and Dance, Flowers for Algernon-type endings!! if a piece of media can leave me feeling emotionally devastated and thinking about it for weeks -- that's the ideal ending 😭 for my writing, personally, i prefer bittersweet/ambiguous endings because i feel like it's the most realistic 👀 also hook me up w some good korean movies!!
asks game questions
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roses-at-moonrise · 5 years
Fictober 2019, Prompt 8 — “When the World Gets Too Heavy, Put it on My Back”
Prompt #8 - “Can you stay?”
Fandom: Attack on Titan
Warnings: vague mentions of injury
Characters: Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein
Ships: Jeankasa
Inspiration - “Always” by Panic! At the Disco.
Mikasa is bedridden after injuries, and, despite her pain tolerance and ability to heal quickly, she is compelled to rest until she is fully healed. But she certainly doesn’t mind a certain member of her squad waiting on her hand and foot.
It hadn’t even been an hour, and the tall sandy-blond young man was already making his way to her room. Mikasa had been in bed long enough to be able to recognize his footsteps as he walked down the hallway, so she had about 10 seconds to prepare herself until he walked in.
He always opened the door as quietly as he could, hesitating to walk in until her silence confirmed he could. The first few times he did it, she thought it was strange.
Earlier that day, though, she realized it was an act out of respect for boundaries.
And how could she ignore that?
“I thought you might need some more water,” he said, carefully inching into the room.
Mikasa sat up, peering at the empty glass by her bed before she looked up at the full one he was holding. She nodded and began to sit up.
Jean put the water down on her bed side table, then reached over to lift her pillow so she could lean back more comfortably. He half expected her to take the pillow from him so she could do it herself, but she didn’t object in any way. When she was first put into the infirmary, she was too weak to do anything herself. But now that she was regaining her health, rather quickly too, Jean was waiting for the moment she would tell him she didn’t need him to do anything for her anymore.
He really underestimated himself. Mikasa appreciated his help more than he could ever know.
“Thank you, Jean,” she said, causing him to suddenly stop and look at her curiously. “You didn’t need to do this all for me, and I know it’s not convenient for you.”
Jean could feel how hard his heart was pounding in his chest. “Well... I want to make sure you’re better as soon as possible.” He hoped that was convincing enough. He hated caring for her without her knowing it’s because it keeps him up at night knowing she’s not in good shape. He hated only being able to see her the few times a day he came to bring her food and water to make sure she’s nourished enough.
He hated loving her without being able to tell her so.
It wasn’t that he got nervous around her, it was because he had a job to do. They all had jobs to do. They couldn’t afford distractions when the world as they knew it could end at any moment.
Mikasa didn’t respond to what he said, and an uncomfortable amount of silence dragged on before Jean finally decided to break it.
“It’s my fault you’re here,” he said.
In that moment, Mikasa finally realized why he had been so ardent on taking care of her for the days she’d been here. He blamed himself for her getting hurt, even though she was the one who took her eyes off her target for one second before getting shot. She didn’t blame him one bit, and her stunned expression at his statement said it all.
He avoided eye contact with her, but she watched him sit down at the bench by her bed, placing one of his hands on the mattress. His mind went somewhere else, and he seemed to forget where he was.
Mikasa reached over so she could place her hand on his. When they touched, Jean snapped out of whatever trance he was in, and he looked up at her.
“Can you stay?” She asked.
Jean placed his other hand on top of hers, holding it gently. A soft and wholesome smile crept its way onto his face, replacing his melancholic expression from earlier.
“You really want me to?”
She nodded. “I want you to tell me why you keep putting yourself in danger for me.”
Jean’s cheeks became slightly rosy. “You really wanna know why?” He looked down at her hand for a bit, lightly stroking it with his thumb as he reflected on what he was about to answer. He looked up at her once again, a look of affection on his face that he had never given anyone before. “Because it’s you.”
“Mhm,” he assured. “It was always you.”
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smallblip · 3 years
Hello sweetie! I swear your fics are like my fav things in the world! I wanna ask if you have a favorite Levihan and Jeankasa scene or moment that made you say I FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIP. I hope you're having an amazing week! <3
Thanks for reading them lovely😭💖
YES. Brilliant question. /pulls up a PowerPoint/
For Levihan, I know this is cliche, but every levihan fan’s pilgrimage starts at this very spot:
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Fucking “right here” sexual tension so thick it breaks my fucking butter knife. Because I’m an idiot, I didn’t *notice* it the first time (I used to watch the anime when having dinner during University forgive me), but when I rewatched it and this scene came on. Omfg. I just-
What even is that Levi? What is this smouldering look? Did your face have to be that close to Hanji’s to make your point? Omg! And Hanji’s stupid wide-eyed expression because Levi caught them off-guard? Stop it. Stop. We’re in public. We’re at work. Human Resources will be hearing about this!
The second scene that made me absolutely feral was when Hanji barged in on Levi’s squad’s tea time and talked to Eren while the others were like “fuckkkk go awayyyyy” and Hanji just barks a curt “Levi! What’s Eren up to today?” And he replies, completely deadpan, and Hanji proceeds to ignore his comment completely, switches back to their “uwu hewwo bb Ewen” voice and pulls Eren out of his duties. It was such an embarrassing partner (who is the manager of another branch and technically my boss) shows up at my workplace to wreak havoc moment? And Levi is just- completely used to it by now? He doesn’t mind?
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And the third, after investing countless hours on this goddamn ship, they hit me with the telepathy scene. God. If that doesn’t sum up why I love them- Hanji getting excited and Levi being like “how the fuck were you raised? Why are you so feral? Stop being embarrassing!” And Hanji getting annoyed because “I know! Don’t you think I know? How dare you think I wouldn’t know!” And then they proceed to demonstrate that they, in fact, do not know.
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There ain’t that many but- we do what we can… (I do have favourites).
The scene where Jean swoops in to save Mikasa? A classic. A cliche. A favourite. It’s always Mikasa who has a handle on things, but when she’s in danger Jean fiercely protects? He’s just a boy trying to save the girl of his dreams? So tropey? So heroic? Iconic.
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But my two absolute favourite moments?
One would have to be when the gang was talking about Eren and how he put everyone in danger. And Mikasa knows he’s not the same Eren, but she just doesn’t wanna face it. And Connie’s had it with everyone’s bullshit and is like “so tell me Mikasa since you know him so well- Why did he laugh?” And Mikasa looks at Jean and this is me reading into it because I’m obviously a sucker for them, but she looks at him? You always look at the person in the room you’re most comfortable with- whether it’s a tense situation or whether it’s to laugh. Or you look at the person whose counsel you seek or whom you trust to give you an accurate read of the situation. And she looks at him for assurance, for confirmation. And when she sees his face- she knows he feels the same, that Eren has gone astray, he just doesn’t want to say it because what’s there left to say? What’s the point of hurting her more? At that moment she looks away and her expression is one of realisation? She finally faces the truth? Ugh. This moment has such brilliant hurt comfort potential? I gaped okay. This scene makes me feel things.
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The other? When Eren said shitty things to Mikasa and they rejoined the group and Jean asked for elaboration on how Eren had hurt Mikasa. And she was like “it’s fine…” and Jean, very calmly but very firmly, said “no it’s not fine. What did he say?” Very protective, very delicious. But in a way that isn’t him swinging his ego about and yelling and being forceful about it and making it about him? And after when he tries to rationalise Eren’s behaviour, reassure them that he’s out of it and he’s saying things he wouldn’t normally say? It’s just such a defining moment for Jean? It shows how mature he is. He didn’t use that to his advantage to be like “lol told y’all Eren’s an asshole”? He just wants to make sure everyone’s okay, and that Mikasa isn’t hurt.
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Picture a dog barking at the doorbell. That was me this entire post. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk, have a lovely week ahead and stay frosty❤️‍🔥
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mawgarette · 2 years
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“𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒, 𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓,”
Fan art for one of my favorite Jeankasa fic on Ao3🥺 "A Beautiful Dream" by TitansandDragon .💖💗
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alienheartattack · 3 years
Hiii!! Quick question, what is ur otp and brotp for snk? It’s probably rm, but what r ur thoughts on other Mikasa and Levi ships? (Rivetra, levihan, eruri, ereri, rivahisu, rivannie, rivasasha, eremika, arumika, jeankasa, mikahisu, mikahan, Mikannie, erumika, mikasasha) thx so much love u so much :D
Thanks for your message! 💖💖💖
Otp is absolutely Rivamika. No one even comes close. (Although I've def enjoyed some NSFW works of Eruri, Erejean, and the holy grail of gay SNK, Erurimike.)
I have a few brotps. The veteran trio is pretty great as well as the individual relationships therein (Eruri/Eruhan/Levihan), and I like the potential of EMA even though it was squandered in the end. I also loved Sasha and Connie's friendship, and Sasha and Mikasa's friendship even though we didn't get to see it as much.
Gonna rate these ships behind a read more so this post doesn't take up your entire dash.
Rivetra - Don't like it. I headcanon this as one-sided love on Petra's part. (I liked her and Oluo better.) I feel like Rivetra has pretty much disappeared from the SNK fandom landscape, I used to see it a lot more in the dark times between seasons 1 and 2.
Levihan - S-tier friendship, hate it as a romantic pairing. I've seen a lot of otherwise very good Levihan art that makes Hanji more feminine, which I don't like. Plus I feel like even if the two of them got wasted and fell into bed together, Levi would be incredibly turned off by Hanji's bad personal hygiene and nothing would happen.
Eruri - I don't think they ever got sexual in canon, but I do think they genuinely loved and respected each other. Eren and Mikasa take note: THIS is how you do an Ackerbond.
Ereri - Meh. Not a fan.
Rivahisu - Hate it. It feels weirdly gross to me, for some reason? Even though, fun fact, one of my first fic ideas was Hisu domming the shit out of Levi after he roughed her up and yelled at her about becoming queen. Idk, they're both so small. Their babies would be like hamsters.
Rivannie - I can't even imagine this lmao. What a weird pairing.
Rivasasha - Another one that doesn't make sense to me.
Eremika - The worst and most toxic pairing in the series. I hate everything about their dynamic. Eren is cruel to Mikasa and she just accepts his treatment without wavering in her obsessive love. She infantilizes him even though he clearly hates it, although she's right that he usually needs someone to clean up his messes. I hate that Eren claims he loves her even though he had, like, 2 moments in the entire series where he wasn't openly contemptuous of her. I don't see them as a tragic couple, unless the tragedy is that they had great potential as characters but Yams decided to hamper all the development they could have had as individuals in favor of smashing them together at the last minute with no buildup. I don't even think Eren likes Mikasa as a person very much. I'm not against childhood friends to lovers as a trope, but I think Yams did a really bad job of depicting any kind of mutually positive relationship between them.
Arumika - Cute! I have a headcanon that they've fooled around as sort of an exploratory thing out of mutual platonic love rather than being sexually attracted to each other. They have a great friendship and although I don't think they have endgame romantic potential, I could see them trying out dating but deciding that they're better off as friends.
Jeankasa - I go back and forth on this one. It's not bad, but it's no Rivamika. I did ship it initially but then Levi showed up and my interest in JK went out the window entirely. I think Jean would be a good husband to Mikasa, but after the ending of the series I question her love for him. I think she'd agree to marriage more out of the idea that they have a mutual goal of love and family and the knowledge that he'll take good care of her, and then over time maybe she would fall in love with him. I feel bad for Jeanbo because he's Mikasa's second choice both in canon and in my headcanon!
Mikahisu - I haven't really considered them as a pair before; I got the vibe that Mikasa kinda hated Historia for capturing Eren's attention before she was shoved off the page to get pregnant and... whatever she ended up doing. Fascism, I guess. I could see them getting off to a rough start but Hisu wins Mikasa over with her charm and determination.
Mikahan - Another one I haven't really considered. I think Hanji's overzealousness would turn Mikasa off, although they could have a friendship like a less playfully antagonistic Levihan.
Mikannie - I want them to be friends so badly! They could be gym buddies who kiss sometimes. With the right AU you could make this pairing like lesbian Rivamika because those girls do not like each other.
Erumika - I'm into it in theory, but when I think about the pairing I don't really feel anything about it.
Mikasasha - I wish we'd gotten to see more of their friendship. One of you (I forget who lol) also reblogs a lot of romantic Mikasasha and it turns out I'm into that as well. I think Sasha would be a good influence on Mikasa, getting her to loosen up a little, but I guess asking for well-fleshed female friendships in shonen manga is probably a bit much.
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bakugohoex · 3 years
fkjsh wait why r u so against jeankasa? (absolutley 0 hate just curious)
hehe dont worry about asking i was expecting something like this;
basically i dont really like the ship in general like i was never a fan of it even with jean having a crush on mikasa with mikasa always being devoted to eren jean would always be second place and he deserved better that that, and that if i understand people change but it felt like by the condition of eren and mikasa not being together mikasa and jean got pushed more
i’m not a big shipper of characters x characters unless i genuine believe them to be perfect for one another e.g. ymir x historia and sasha x niccolo
but yeah i think it more comes from me not wanting jean to be a second choice when he deserves better, it’s not to bash mikasa or anything that’s her feelings but personally i just don’t like the ship very much and blocked it from my feed cause i follow the jean tags so the fics will come up on my feed which i wouldn’t have liked
also i’m a whore for jean so technically he should love me instead 🤣
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lucy-ghoul · 3 years
Mikasa Ackermann, Levi Ackermann, Amane Misa, Aeron Greyjoy for the charactet ask :3
okay, let's start with levi (my beloved):
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (THEE little feral anime man after my heart)
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (Dark, Tall and Snarky + piercing grey-blue eyes and chronic insomnia? clearly my type ❤)
hogwarts house: gryffindor (maybe....?) | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
ugh, the hp sorting house system is way too reductive. he has qualities of gryffindor, slytherin, and hufflepuff - brave, astute, loyal to a fault, etc. so it's a hard choice. but if i really have to choose, i'd go for gryffindor. i know that his Bad Boy facade shouts slytherin, but while he has larger goals (killing all the titans, then saving the world etc.), he's got no actual ambition for himself. hufflepuff would also be a good option.
daemon (from the his dark materials series): (because i've just decided that's just way more accurate than the hp method) some kind of big feline. maybe a panther - a black panther would be the ideal - aloof, predatory, dangerous, fiercely independent.
best quality: besides his obvious strenghts as a leader and warrior, the way he cares for his comrades-in-arms. it's very hard to gain his trust and respect, but once you have it, it's forever. he's pragmatic and ruthless, yes, but he also has a huge capacity for compassion and friendship. not that he would be effusive about his affections, of course.
worst quality: none, he's absolutely perfect ❤ jklsdfhjk jokes aside, he really struggles to open up (a serious understatement), idt he ever talked about his traumatic past with anyone. i mean, maybe he mentioned it to hange and erwin (erwin knew him when he was still an undergound thug, so...), but... he's not great with feelings. despite his apathetic, intimidating mask, he feels and cares deeply, but he has a long history with losing the people he loves, so he tries to not personally care about his squadmates, which can be both a strenght and a weakness. of course, he spectacularly fails at this.
ship them with: well, it's not a secret that i'm a huge rivamika fan, this ship is almost literally consuming my waking thoughts lmao. imo they're perfectly compatible: very similar personalities (stoic, the strongest warriors, absolutely terrifying on the battlefield but with a soft underbelly), very similar pasts/experiences, so many parallels that it's actually ridiculous, etc. i love how they're both each other's equals and likeness (yes, i took it from jane eyre. no, i don't regret anything lmao). a lot of tropes i love, too: Terrible First Impression (the Pride and Prejudice vibes are so strong with these two, you have no idea), Kindred Spirits/Mirror Images, Veteran/Young Prodigy, The Last of Their Kind, even Height Difference lmao. i could write a whole rivamika manifesto, but this is already too long. (maybe for some other time 👀) i would've loved for their dynamic to be more explored in canon but alas, isayama clearly didn't give a shit about the ackerman legacy, he just used it as a plot shortcut to give them conveniently unique powers, since they never really talked about it 🙄 (and before some troll comes into my askbox shouting "you iNcEsT fReAk!!!!1!!", they're only very distantly related. we know shit about the ackermans but we know for sure that they've got at least several generations between them. biologically their shared DNA is 0%, obviously they don't see each other as family, all the eldians have a dead ass common ancestor from 2000 years ago so they're all basically ⁓related anyway. if you really wanna scream about i.ncest, go watch got/dark/the borgias and shut the fuck up please. or alternatively go outside and touch some grass) sorry for the rant, uh. anyway, i can also see levi/erwin. idk if i'd ever care enough to read a fic about them (i'm usually a huge multishipper, but for some weird reason not when it comes to rivamika? same with braime and kastle tbh), but still, i can see it.
brotp them with: hange and erwin, obv. veteran trio >>> ema trio, sorry not sorry (at least h. and e. died before yams had the chance to ruin their character arcs)
needs to stay away from: ...uh, filth, i guess? lmao
misc. thoughts: besides the stupid teenage fangirl crush i have on him, i'm genuinely fascinated by the man himself. he's a huge mess of a contradictions, and yet somehow it works: he's violent and brash and kind of an asshole, but also has a strong moral code and integrity; he's obv very skilled at all the killing/torturing stuff and yet he has a huge respect for life; he's got a potty mouth to say the least, and yet some very aristocratic manners/tastes (the way he sits, his preference for tea and usually refined clothes); he comes from what's supposed to be an illustrous bloodline, he's methodical and very precise, and yet he was born and raised in the underground, he's been used to filth and blood and poverty since he was a child, kenny of all people was his father figure, and probably has known no other life than a perennial survival mode existence. he's "humanity's strongest soldier", but while well-built he's also small, the david to the titans' goliah, and probably not what people would assume a born warrior looks like. he's also one of the few characters who stayed true to himself and his original characterization until the end, bless you smol king ❤
(okay, this is getting long!)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them (so much. she deserved better ❤️) | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! (stunning lady ❤) | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
this is actually easy: mikasa belongs to hufflepuff and no, i won't take criticism (just joking lol). enough with this "hufflepuffs are fluffy puppies/Cinnamon Rolls <3" thing: mikasa values loyalty and duty more than anything else. she's also hardworking... and fierce, strong, lethal. yes, hufflepuff and lethal are not mutually exclusive concepts.
daemon: (finally the better option) a she-wolf, fiercely protective of her pack.
best quality: loyal, brave, incredibly strong (alongside her more fragile qualities). practical and level-headed on the battlefield, at least when eren is not included in the picture.
worst quality: struggles to let go of the past (understandable, considering her trauma). tunnel-vision when it comes to eren, obv. extreme levels of delusions ("if only i spoke openly about my romantic feelings for him - as if i didn't made them abundantly clear in ⁓6 years - he wouldn't kill 80% of humanity :(((" lmao okay. just. okay), but that's more on the writing. she's sadly more static than any other main character throughtout the whole series.
ship them with: see above :) but recently i've also started to be intrigued by mikasa/annie and mikasa/sasha. also, i'm sympathetic to jeankasa fans, though i don't actually care for the ship.
brotp them with: EMA trio, especially armin+mikasa. their friendship is so beautiful and special. also sasha.
needs to stay away from: ...... eren, at least romantically. again, that's more on the writing than anything else, but e.remika unfortunately encompasses many tropes i loathe with all the strength of my old shriveled heart: childhood friends-to lovers where the (male) childhood friend doesn't acknolewdge/is completely indifferent to the other (female) friend's romantic feelings, she hopelessly pines for him for years without anything more than a cold shoulder... until in the last chapter it's revealed that he loved her all along and doesn't "want other men to have her!!! :((" (then why did you have no reaction whatsoever to jean's years-long crush on her while she was jealous of any vaguely female-shaped human being you were friendly to, including hange? are you that dumb, man?); the female character's development and entire arc 100% revolves around the male protagonist - she has no goals, no dreams of her own except staying with him forever and ever; the romance is based on an idealized childhood dream, therefore reaffirming those childish illusions would make the character regress, not actually grow up (and nope, epilogue!jk doesn’t count; that also lacks build-up - i would’ve said the same about rm as well, so it’s not about shipping, guys, it really isn’t - and mikasa needed an inner change; getting married to another man but still praying to eren’s shrine is not substitute to actual development lol). post-time skip she's never really frustrated/angry with him, they never get a confrontation about him becoming a, y'know, mass-murderer of gigantic (pun intended) proportions; she puts him on a pedestal, and never stops idealizing him/never sees him for what he actually is (the narrative framing him as some kind of tragic martyr/saint eren from paradis with zero agency and basically... no clear motivation for the abovementioned mass murder, and not the actual complex tragic anti-hero/villain motivated by revenge and righteous fury he deserved to be, does not help). it lacks a good or even decent build-up - it's basically all tell and not show. now, if they'd actually been childhood friends to enemies to lovers/mutually co-dependent... it could have been interesting. sadly, it's not my cup of tea. of course this is just my personal preference, no hard feelings to the shippers.
misc. thoughts: enormous potential. she's been my fav female character since s1 - and ah, i miss s1!mikasa, when she had actually other stuff to do besides mothering eren. i love that she's the strongest warrior (second only to levi, obv), that her skills are never called into questions despite her gender, i love how she stands up for herself and the people she loves, that she may seem cold and stoic and yet has a such a huge heart, that she's not perfect but also sometimes awe-inspiring. sadly, she never really gets out of eren's shadow; what she lacks is an arc focused on herself. that's why imo getting deeper into the ackerman lore would've helped (also, you cannot make the main female character and the most popular male character descend from the same Unique Bloodline or whatever, and never really make them acknowledge it out loud; as a writer, you just can't lol). my spite is so strong that i'm currently writing a ridiculously pretentious fic that's 70% development for her character, to give her a voice, and 30% ackerthirsting. (yes, that's the fic i'm always vagueblogging about lmao, rip @ my brain). if any other rivamika fan is interested… mind you, it’s in italian tho, and idt i have the skills to translate into english.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
daemon: mmh, maybe some kind of butterfly? beautiful, colorful, and short-lived.
best quality: glorious fashion sense, more inventive and ingenious than fans actually give her credit for.
worst quality: shallow, impulsive, and obv her dependence on/obsession with light (which stems from trauma btw, but still… the very opposite of a relationship between equals).
ship them with: rem, kinda (monster/human ftw!). also weirdly enough mogi, a little bit? she deserves someone who actually respects her… though she’s far from being a perfect angel. she may actually be crazier than light on some aspects. but in this house we stan evil ladies anyway, so i have no problem with that <3
brotp them with: uh, idk, maybe matsuda?
needs to stay away from: obv light. also takada.
misc. thoughts: a tragic victim of sexist writing. she may be… unhinged to say the least, but she didn’t deserve the abuse she got from light (and from the fans). the female characters’ writing in dn is so bad that idk if it’s on purpose, to kinda mirror the reality of women in a patriarchal society (dependent on men, housewives whose life entirely revolves around their husband/boyfriend etc.), or just casual misogyny lol. it’s even more baffling since we don’t know the author’s gender (they may be a man, a woman, nb, anything really). i tend for the latter option tho.
aegon greyjoy (now, i wasn’t expecting him lol):
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
i’m so sorry, i haven’t the slightest idea lmao. maybe gryffindor? mind you, it’s been a long time since i’ve re-read the books, so i don’t have many thoughts about him.
daemon: maybe it’s cliché, but some kind of fish/squid lmao
best quality: ugh, i really can’t remember much from his chapters :(( he’s not a coward, i guess? (lame answer, sorry!)
worst quality: definitely his religious fanaticism.
ship them with: no one.
brotp them with: uh… his family, ig? except euron.
needs to stay away from: obv euron. brr ://
misc. thoughts: i genuinely like the greyjoys chapters, though i vastly prefer the martells (with the exception of theon and asha, bcs i love them). yes, they’re deranged. yes, victarion is… well, victarion lol. but the drowned god religion is actually interesting, grrm knows how to write trauma - every time aeron mentions euron and that freaking door i’m like… :// - and the tragedy of it all… just great writing all around.
okay, that’s the end lmao. thank you so much, love!!! ❤❤
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heavenzscent · 9 months
And this one because I can't get enough lmao: 🦋 + 🪹 🪽
🦋 + 🪹 🪽 
Setting: Writers Choice Themes:  Loneliness and Love at first sight  A/N: I wanted to try something more creative than I usually do. Also I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul since it finished so I just wrote the world how I remembered it mostly. I hope I did a good job at imagining Jean in this completely different universe. I listened to Glassy Sky from the OST while writing this. I kinda hope it shows
Tokyo Ghoul AU
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Everyone in Anteiku seems normal, they are; a salary man chatting with his colleague.
A college boy taking a girl on a date chatting about classes and which professors to avoid.
A gaggle of high school girls.
A pair of Siblings chatting about the movie they looked forward to seeing.
A blonde boy just reading a book taking sips on his latte between pages. 
They were normal but they weren't people. Not to most at least. They were Ghouls. 
Beings who must eat humans. 
Jean delivered and packed boxes of the filets that they stole from the morgue and incidents. At times when he really couldn’t stand the hunger he would scarf them down alone in his room upstairs. 
Even Armin who looked about as sweet as a European cherub as he read his book during his break had a deep sigh in relief when a human's meat enveloped his tongue. 
A few months ago Jean would have condemned all his new acquaintances. Still he found his own actions irredeemable even if he could find it in himself to sympathies with the customers of Anteiku and their “ethical” sourcing. Now he was not the person to point and disapprove, now he was a part of the cursed and guilty. 
He was now a ghoul.
Through an unfortunate medical incident he now shared this infliction with many others in the room. And he struggled  to admit that he liked many of them very much. 
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A soft knock on Jean’s door interrupted his concentration on an unreadable section of his textbook. 
He was the best roommate one could hope for in this situation, kind, considerate and not too pushy but Jean couldn’t help but be the ass he had always been. 
“Jean. You in?” He asked shyly. 
“Yeeeuh, you need a pen or something.”Jean hollered through the thick door. Armin usually only bothered Jean in his room when he needed some school supply or another. Coquencidently they both attended the same university. Jean wonders if under different circumstances they would have had more to talk about. He thinks that he and Marco would get on but Sasha and Connie may be too much. 
But Jean just wanted to survive now. 
He couldn’t deal with the rest and dreaded when his medical accommodations that made all his courses online would end and he may eventually run into one of his old friends. 
He didn’t want or even deserve friends. He used to be a person. Unlike them he knew what it was like to live with the rest of the world. He had always been an open book with his heart on his sleeve and keeping this secret weighed upon him heavily. 
He couldn’t hate the ghouls; he understood them. The hunger and the way in which  it tore a person apart. Some ghouls he had met were downright deranged, calm in a way that made his skin crawl and others calm and upright. Ghouls were just people in the end. Even if they were not human. 
Armin was a nice guy. He didn’t deserve the cold shoulder and feel ill at ease in his own home. Even if he denied it. 
“I actually wanted to talk about some homework. I know you like reading too and I wondered if you would take a look at my creative writing assignment?” Armin asked, his voice dropping the longer he spoke. 
“Sure.” He mumbled as he opened the door. 
After that day from time to time Jean and Armin began visiting one another in their rooms discussing homework and books they enjoyed or their current reads.
One weekend Armin took him to a new Library to sign up for a library card since he wouldn’t bear talking to people he had used to know.  It was something of a small step but Jean couldn’t help but feel that emptiness settling in again once he was alone in his room again. 
This feeling that Jean hated so much that had spent years running from always led back to the same distressing recollection of his mother. When she had been gone for what felt like months as she worked erratic shifts to keep them afloat. At the funeral he was asked if he wanted to speak. He just recited a poem about grief that he had googled.
He had nothing of substance to share.
He couldn’t say that the last time he had seen her before she passed was a normal day or they had a fight or she looked happy. He couldn’t recall the last time he had seen her face or even her figure shuffling through the hall. Shit not even her car. 
In the months that followed his mothers death it was difficult to come to terms with because well nothing had changed much. Even years later he would find himself saving leftovers for her and looking for her lunch bag to stuff it in until - oh, that's right, she’s been gone. 
She had been a ghost for a long time. 
His little room above the shop was one good thing about the incident. Once Erwin and Levi had taken him in he could now get out of that damn house. He spent most nights in Connies apartment near campus. 
Jean felt a little foolish. Maybe he should have sold it a long time ago and bought a small apartment or home just for him when the thought came to mind that his free loading, deadbeat of a dad may be taking advantage and started squatting in his absence. 
Jean smirked, Now he could give that asshole a real scare if he wanted but he couldn’t bring himself to go back to the old house where he had lived as his old self. 
He could be a new Jean 
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The cold months began and with them the cold stayed longer and longer each morning and with every chill that ran through the city Anteiku saw an uptick in visitors. Ghouls and Humans alike craved the warmth that their coffee brought after braving the elements for a few brief moments between their homes, cars and wherever it was they needed to be for the day. 
By December the cold settled, nestling itself into the cities every nook and crevice and it was now to be expected for the shop to have a long line tha curled about like its own living beast. 
Erwin and Levi had begun working in the front to accommodate since Armin and Jean had their hands full on top of jungling school, although Erwin had found ways to lure Levi to do tasks in the back rooms or the office for the sake of the customers mental health. 
Levi would click his tongue in annoyance looking at the packers cafe and muttered some names that Jean didn’t recognize. The names Mikasa and Eren began coming up more often in small spats between Levi and Erwin in hallways or their bedroom that echoed through the quiet upstairs apartment with its too thin walls. 
It made him uneasy and would leave wondering how often his housemates politely ignored his childish weeping. 
“Every year around this time they bicker about customer service.” Armin mumbled in passing.  “Nothing new.” Armin's words were as bright as ever but his big eyes failed to hide a deep sadness that Jean was too  cowardly to ask about so instead he invited him to tag along with him to the book store after their shift. 
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Although it was Levi who had the passion for Coffee and tea and was the best damn barista in the place he was also wildly opinionated. He often would scold customers about how to drink their coffee or he got especially annoyed when they would just let it sit there and get cold while they talked about nonsense like their job or kids or life in general. It especially irked him in the winter. 
The reason to have a cup of coffee was to warm up from the cold after all he would mutter before eventually being turned to the office by Erwin. 
It had been a long day trying to balance online classes and working at the cafe was taking some adjusting but it was okay. It was far less stressful since the savings his mother had left behind were dwindling down by the time he got into the accident. 
He often found himself with the horrible thought that maybe things were better off the way they were, because how would he ever explain this to his mother. She was so kind and delicate in disposition. Maybe he was romanticizing her in the past. He could vaguely remember her yelling and scolding him for staying out too late with Marco. 
He didn’t want to think of Marco. Eventually he would see him on campus or around. It was a big city but still a small world. 
He sighed. 
He brushed away his thoughts, sweeping harder, deciding to bring out the vacuum  to suck up all the dirt between every crevice. 
Move the chairs around. Mop. let it dry. mop some more. Maybe he should get the grout brush and- 
An authoritative knock brought him out of his daze of therapeutic cleaning. 
The prettiest girl he had ever seen was in front of the big glass window near the door trying to peek in . She knocked again and it made him cringe. She knocked with a heavy hand that didn’t match her appearance although she was tall. 
He waved and walked towards the door and looked through the window.  Even through the distorted reflection he knew looked ridiculous and flustered. He could see his mouth gaping through the glass. Quickly closing his mouth he pointed at the closed sign. 
She was lovely but he wasn’t going to turn everything back on and face Levi for a pretty face. Even if it looked like the moon itself. The way her skin almost glowed in the middle of her disheveled black hair that even managed to shine in the streetlight. Levi was far worse and anyways he had nothing to give a girl. He didn’t know he might even lose control and- he shivered at the thought. It was best he sent her off. 
Her expression was serious and she just knocked again and looked at  the door. 
“LET ME HANDLE LEVI.” She smirked. 
He gulped. His mind was blank. She was a Ghoul. 
She could be dangerous. But he was too. It wouldn’t have to be a fight. He was smart and good with words. He couldn’t fight this girl. 
His body moved as though he had been charmed, opening the door for her with trembling long fingers . 
She glided through the door and across his vision like a dream, her skin looked like porcelain and here eyes looked endless in comparison. 
He found himself choking on his words, unable to ask for a name. Not because she was the most gorgeous girl he had ever seen, well maybe a bit. This young woman walked with the assurance of someone much older and her presence sent a feeling down his spine that screamed to him that she wasn't as delicate as she appeared. He may be in danger. She was dangerous. 
Yet all he could do was mutter.
“You have really lovely hair. Are you from around here?” 
“Thanks… Yeah, but are you? Never seen you around.” tilted her head and leaned back to get a good look at him. Her eyes lingered in a way that made him uneasy. 
“Yeah. I’m just new to this scene.. Do you need me to show you to Levi’s apartment?” 
“I think I know my cousin's house well enough.” She sighed irritably. 
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Mikasa was looking for her brother. Eren. 
In the end of a long night screaming and crying between the estranged Ghouls they agreed they needed to find Eren and bring him back because the company he had found himself in was definitely unsavory. 
By the end Levi was gloating that he had them so and he bet that Mikasa had wished she had stayed home and that Eren would have been home in a week without her anyway. Jean had tried escaping to his room to put on some headphones and try to pass out but Levi told him he was part of the family now and had to get to know everyone. But Jean thought he just wanted to embarrass Mikasa who was obviously prideful by scolding her in front of a stranger. 
It had been Erens idea to go adventuring and  see the country. It was an old now antiquated tration for young ghouls to hop from city to city and find their place. Although most ghouls spent their lives hoping from place to place due to the nature of their lifestyle. The life the ghouls of Anteiku had led up until then had been far more radical.
Going to school and holding down jobs living off rotting flesh. Most Ghouls didn’t stay in a place longer than three months. 
Jean couldn’t imagine just living out in the world. He loved his comforts too much. He was just beginning to grow accustomed to the new accommodations at Anteiku. To just up and leave would be too much for his mood. He would probably become permanently disagreeable not that he was so peachy otherwise. 
As some weeks went by he learned that Mikasa was imposing but quiet alot like her cousin. THe personality must be genetic but that it was only advised to point out their similarities if you wanted to piss her off. 
A regular named Hans gave the two a good tease when he came to pick up some meat which got him practically kicked out by the ass by both the Ackerman cousins.
She was a good worker but horrible with customer service again alot like her uncle. During the day she worked the morning shift and at night she disappeared with only a walkie talkie, beeper and her mask that looked like a rabbit. 
Levi had told her to leave Armin out of her mess and that he would only help if she found a real lead. Jean had caught her staring at him from time to time but he didn’t get his hopes up, maybe she was  considering asking him for help but she knew his background she probably considered more of a liability which he didn’t mind. 
He had to fight as a Ghoul once and the whole experience was jarring. He tried to avoid anything that reminded how inhuman he had become. 
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When Armin first reunited with Mikasa the encounter had been tearful and sweet but since Armin was acting odd. Not just odd for a Ghoul but just plain off. If Jean was feeling more sociable he would ask him what's wrong but he wasn’t sure if it was his place or if he wanted to get in the middle of what seemed to be some sort of old issue. 
From what Jean gathered Eren and Mikasa had left him behind or maybe Armin was leaving them behind as he pursued to live more as a human getting a formal education. 
Despite the odd atmosphere life was easier with Mikasa under their roof they had more help in the shop allowing Jean and Armin to focus on finals and Jean getting his medical leave extended for another semester  and like him she kept to herself. But still the guilt over Armins low mood ate away at Jean. 
On Wednesdays Armin went to help at some charity. It would be a laugh if Jean didn’t know that Armin was so fucking guilty for just being born what he was. 
Jean and Mikasa had finally finished cleaning. Well Jean was cleaning and Mikasa was drinking. It wasn’t human alcohol because something about it actually appealed to him. What he would give to get wasted. Maybe he just wouldn’t ask. 
Levi was sitting on an ottoman pretending to read but anytime he missed a spot he would grunt. 
“How is he?” Mikasa took a large swig from a flask. 
“Neurotic but a good boss.” Jean spluttered, still not used to being directly addressed by Mikasa. 
Mikasa snorted. “I mean Armin.” 
“I haven’t been here long… I don’t know if you've heard ..” She nodded in confirmation if she thought anything of his circumstance; her expression didn’t betray her. “ But he’s nice. Nicer then I am too him .. it makes me feel guilty.” 
“Get in line.” She huffed. 
He couldn’t bear the look on her face. 
“He’s been less himself lately only comes to my room to study, not to try to talk or invite me somewhere or something.” 
Mikasa smiled. “Erwin told me that you two attend the same university. I’m glad that Armin has found someone. A friend to help him be less lonely.” 
He wanted so badly to go along with her presumption but lying to this beautiful and strong girl would only weigh on him and whatever issue she had with Armin would be smoothed over and she would learn the truth. 
“I'm not really a friend… not a good one… I like him well enough but I just I’m not- I’m mixed up right now.” He put his focus on scraping a piece of gum from the grout muttering about fuckin’ animals. 
“With ghouls anyone who isn’t an enemy can be a friend.” 
“I’m not a ghoul.” He said it too fast and he feared that he had offended her. Although he knew she was not a threat he couldn’t help but feel this undeniable presence that told his instincts that he would step carefully when in Mikasa’s presence. He missed the dual senses of being human; it was so much less overwhelming. 
“Well even better Armin always wanted to be real friends, honest friends with a human.” She chuckled remembering something. “Eren would give him shit for it and maybe I should have too but I admire people who dream too much.” 
“Me too.”  Jean chuckled remembering his friend Marco but his smile quickly dropped and dragged down his features. 
“It will be okay.” Mikasa reassured without giving him as much as a glance. 
He studied her unconcerned face. She seemed far away but the amount she seemed to notice was considerable.
She was so caring. 
She took another swig from her flask. “It always is for people like us.” She said with a sigh. 
“I don’t even know what I am now, let alone who.” He confessed. Damn, he sounded stupid. 
“Your the responsible one. You have a lot inside but can’t say much.” Mikasa hiccupped. She was drunk. He didn’t know Ghouls could hiccup. It was cute. 
In another world he would have tod her. 
“Don’t make me blush.” 
“Only if you stop making mekjblosh.” She mumbles where inaudible and the calm mask she wore  crumbled and was replaced by that of just a girl. 
Jean didn’t understand. 
“This weekend are you busy?” Mikasa blurted out. He thought he had gotten a read on her but it seems the drink was allowing her to reveal herself. 
He smiled trying to put her at ease but she only scrunched her nose. “I shouldn’t be.”
“C-Come with me to find my brother so I can bring him back home.” She demanded. 
Jean inhaled. He couldn’t have said no even if she had simply asked. He would probably have to fight and then have to eat more. He was in trouble but it was worth it to see the appreciation on her vulnerable face. “Levi will just kick his ass.” he warned her. 
“Damn straight I will.” Levi bellowed from his office. Jean didn’t even notice Levi cross the room to his office leaving them alone. 
“I’m so fed up I might not mind.”  Mikasa said a little louder. 
Jean snorted. “Give me some of that.” Miksa poured some of her metallic smiling red drink into a coffee mug and they clinked glasses. 
He would get into some trouble but for the first time in a while before all this maybe not since he had been a little boy he felt like he had someone to look up to. 
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kycantina · 5 years
Legally Mikasa, the end of an era
(cross-posted on my instagram)
Legally Mikasa, Ell Emm (LM), that cracky legally blonde/attack on titan au from hell, simultaneously the longest, and the worst fanfiction I have ever written, the hate comment magnet, the ship baiter, the slowest of burns, the butcher of character development, is in its final chapter, and I feel ridiculously sappy about it. This fic has been there, I'm serious. It's been out in the world since December 2017, and has been with me far longer. LM has been around since I was fresh out of therapy from my first self harm relapse, from the summer I checked out as many volumes of Attack on Titan from the library as I could and read them for hours (with the Legally Blonde OBC in the background, I was young and in love with Christian Borle, still am). LM has been around since I rediscovered shipping and what it felt like to understand fictional characters better than real people. LM has been around since I started shipping Jeankasa, for God's sake. Legally Mikasa is what got me writing again, what got me living again, if we're being honest, because who the hell am I if I'm not constantly replying to the same old "jean is an asshole, she should end up with e/r/e/n" comment? (on that note, jean cares about mika more than eren ever could, fight me). LM got me back into fan culture, LM not only got me on ao3, but got me friends on there too (shoutout to my 23 thousand hits). Most of this experience, the past year and a half, if I'm honest, has been completely terrible, but that's ok. It's not about hate comments or deleting my Tumblr (and making another one ten minutes later) or wanting to quit, it's about how at one point, in my horribly depressing life, I loved both a 6.3/10 star movie and a manga about cannibal giants enough that I combined the two together, broke every writing rule in the book, and had a fabulous time doing it, working on LM has been some of my happiest memories these past few months. I've written the end of LM and I plan on posting the last few chapters in between the 4th and the 10th (from one national holiday to another, my birthday, as I like to think). Anyways while I'm emo about Legally Mikasa ending, I know I can't get rid of it that easily. Jean and Mikasa will still be in love every day after (even if Isayama makes e/r/e/m/i/k/a canon and kills Jean like we all are scared be will), and I'll still be writing about it. God knows I'll still be getting e/r/e/m/i/k/a and r/i/v/a/m/i/k/a shippers knocking on my door when I'm an old hag, telling me that Jean sucks (to that I say, I know, and Mikasa and I love him for it).
Julia of @rainy-fangirl
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1,2, 4, And 5 for the fanfic ask :-D!
fanfic writer asks | drop me a number
1.  How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
I was 12 when I started fic! Way, w a y back in 2007, which now makes me a shocking 23 years old today. My first fics were Fullmetal Alchemist and with a lot of OC-insert. Good times, if I’m honest, although I moved on to writing a lot of Royai (and Twilight lol) in the 2008 - 2010 period.
2. What fandoms do you write for and do you have a particular favourite if you write for more than one?
At the moment, I write for Shadowhunters (Malec) and Shingeki No Kyojin (Yumikuri, JeanMarco, hints of JeanKasa, EreJean, and Jingles, always with a side of Springles) (although I will be hanging up my SNK hat when current projects are done). I would also write for The 100 if the right idea ever came up, and I’ve written for Game of Thrones and X Files in the past too, so would again.
I think I’d like to try writing fic for Star Wars too!
My fave fandom to write for at the moment is Malec, because I feel very creatively inspired, and the hits-to-kudos-to-comments ratio is always very healthy and reassuring :D
4.  What is your favourite genre to write for?
I am a massive sci-fi geek, so you may have noticed I write a lot of that. Outer space is my all-time favourite genre, and I love writing things where I can show off my scientific guns, but I love soft sci-fi tropes too, like soulmates, reincarnation, that sort of thing.
I’m also a big fan of magical realism, which is something I incorporate into most of my fics too. Domestic life/slice of life is obviously a sweet spot as well, because I like writing about mental health and the theme of found family.
5.  If you had to choose a favourite out of all of your multi chaptered stories, which would it be and why?
Absolutely would be Another Love Hits The Universe. It’s outer space, it’s hard sci-fi, it’s scientifically accurate, it is full to the brim of existential angst, it’s far and away my most stream-lined writing, it has a female lead who’s allowed to be dirty and ugly and make catastrophic mistakes, and it has Lesbians and Aliens, not mutually exclusive. Lesbian Aliens. The full package.
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yimena-joy · 7 years
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Jean x Mikasa ~ Merry Xmas (Fan Fic)//
Original Drawing By Yimena Joy ~
To: Summer RL (♥) //
#JeanKasa //
Fan Fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12770933/1/Musa ( In Spanish ) 
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flailingkittylover · 5 years
I just wanted to thank you for taking your time to write that aruani fic it is so great! I love everything about it! May i know which ships in snk you also like/love besides aruani and do you have any rare-pairs?
Sdfajkldfmka This made my day right here, no joke. Comments especially hit home for me when readers recognize the time it takes for me to make these chapters, so truly, thank you so much ;~;
And of course you may know ^__^
Naturally, Aruani is top of my ship totem pole.
Hitchani is the runner up and I’m sooo glad it has been getting more traction lately.
Aruamika is third. (which is A-DOR-A-BLE by the way. I genuinely do not understand why there aren’t more stories/fan art on it)
Jeankasa is another one I find cute but sometimes struggle with as I don’t want my boy to be reduced to a second option. If the story behind them is written well, then that would be a great relationship to see.
Like most, Yumihisu is another where I love their dynamic.
I support Eremika and I would have loved to have seen some Nicolo/Sasha moments….ughhhhhhh.
As for rare pairs, I think Arusasha is cute xD I can’t say I ship it but holy crap, the antics which would go on between them would be amazing. I can see the appeal for sure.
I also thought there could have been potential compatibility between Marco and Annie Pre-Trost but…uh…yeah…
Other than that, there are not many ships or even characters I am very passionate about.
I may say something which will put me in hot water, but I started SNK in 2013 being neutral or disliking nearly the entire cast with the exception of a few characters: Erwin, Mikasa, Connie, and Sasha. It was the plot that kept me interested and I didn’t ship anyone or appreciate most characters until I came back around chapter 101 timeframe.
All those poor souls who had to wait through the Uprising/RtS/Marley Arcs, I salute you.
Thanks for the ask!
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smallblip · 4 years
I just read your jeankasa fics and asks... and oh boy i am obsessed! I totally agree with you when it comes to their dynamic. I also think that somehow Jeankasa represents something Mikasa never even dared to think about: a good life, a happy one... I feel like she’s always been so sure she was going to die by Eren’s side that she never thought she could live by someone else’s side. She never imagined all the possibilities, all merrier ones, and that includes Jean... Anyway all that to say that I love your work so so much!
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Oh💖💖💖 thank you so much! I’m always worried my characters are ooc! Especially with jeankasa since I’m pretty new to writing them!
Yes! Everything you said! That’s pretty much why I love them as well! The contrast between a life she has chosen for herself and a life she has built around Eren, and Jean on the other hand. And to me Jean Jean represents an ideal- something bright and shiny she could’ve had if shit didn’t hit the fan. A quiet, simple life with kids and animals and wild flowers in a vase on the kitchen table, with someone who thinks the world of her ☹️
And what’s beautiful is the what if! Who’s to say she can’t be happy with him sometime in the future! 💖
I will ship this in hell!
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