#jedi enthusiast's fanfics
jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
I know I've already made a meme for it, but now I'm making another because--while the reasoning behind it is sad--out of context it's hilarious.
Obi-Wan: *calling the clones by their names, not their numbers*
Cody: He's faking it.
Obi-Wan: *fighting side by side with them and defending them*
Cody: It's a trick.
Obi-Wan: *literally just treating them with basic respect and decency*
Cody: This is all just an elaborate trap for him to send us back to Kamino.
Chapter Four:
Rex: Cody, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but...what the actual fuck?
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broitsf-ckingfreezing · 9 months
So my We Need to Talk About The Jedi Eldritch Jedi fic is being written, but there are so many things I want to do! I need help deciding!
I want to start with ya boi Qui, since I love him as a character and as a Jedi (Qui-Gon Bashers can fuck right off my blog, thanks), and this will determine his role as a central presence!
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star-wars-writing · 5 months
A tale of Love and War
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Hey Star Wars fans and fellow fanfiction enthusiasts! 🌟
I'm thrilled to share with you my latest work for the @codywanbingo with he prompt nuzzling. a deep dive into the untold emotions and hidden dynamics between General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody amidst the Clone Wars.
A quick shoutout to the character 'Bones,' our beloved medical droid who has made appearances in numerous fan works. Though I can't recall the original creator (kudos to them!), Bones has become a fanfic staple, and I'm excited to include him in this tale.
Dive in and join me on this journey of love, conflict, and resilience. Feedback, comments, and reblogs are immensely appreciated. Let's get the conversation going!
Onboard the Negotiator, tucked away in the labyrinth of corridors and chambers that made up the Jedi cruiser, lay a room that belonged to General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Unlike the austere, utilitarian spaces that characterized much of the ship, Obi-Wan's quarters breathed a quiet, personal charm. The walls were adorned with artifacts from distant worlds and holobooks lined the shelves, each item whispering tales of a life rich with adventure and contemplation. In this sanctuary, far from the watchful eyes of the galaxy, Obi-Wan and Commander Cody found a rare reprieve.
The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the starlight filtering through the viewport casting gentle shadows. Obi-Wan stood by the window, his gaze lost in the tapestry of stars that stretched into infinity. His Jedi robes, usually worn with an air of dignified command, now hung loosely around him, the fabric soft and yielding.
Cody, his armor left behind in favor of simple garb, approached Obi-Wan from behind. His footsteps were hushed, reverent in the sanctity of the space they shared. He paused just behind Obi-Wan, close enough to feel the warmth radiating from him, yet giving him the space to breathe in the vastness of the cosmos.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Obi-Wan's voice was a soft murmur, tinged with a wistfulness that went beyond the stars.
"Indeed, General," Cody replied, the formality of the title spoken with an affectionate undertone. He moved closer, his hands finding Obi-Wan's shoulders, fingers gently kneading the tension that war had woven into them.
Obi-Wan leaned back slightly, a silent invitation. Cody accepted, wrapping his arms around Obi-Wan's waist, their bodies aligning in a seamless embrace. They stood together, two figures enshrouded in the tranquility of the room, finding solace in each other's presence.
The gentle rhythm of their breathing harmonized, a quiet symphony in the stillness. Obi-Wan turned within Cody's embrace, facing him. Their eyes met, a galaxy of unspoken words and shared experiences reflected in their depths. Cody's hand rose to cup Obi-Wan's face, his thumb caressing the beard that had become as much a part of him as his lightsaber.
"You know," Obi-Wan said, his voice barely above a whisper, "in moments like these, you make me believe that peace is possible. Not just out there," he gestured towards the stars, "but in here," he placed a hand over Cody's heart.
Cody's response was a tender smile, one that rarely graced his features but reserved for moments like this. He leaned in, their foreheads touching, a gentle nuzzle that spoke volumes. It was a dance they had mastered over time, movements born of trust and a deep, abiding affection.
In the safety of Obi-Wan's quarters, they allowed themselves to be more than just General and Commander. They were kindred spirits, drawn together in the midst of turmoil, finding in each other a strength that no war could diminish.
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the world outside faded into insignificance.
In the hushed tranquility of Obi-Wan Kenobi's quarters aboard the Negotiator, time seemed to pause, creating a bubble of serenity amidst the relentless tides of war. The room, a reflection of Obi-Wan's life and journey, was bathed in the soft glow of ambient light, casting long, gentle shadows across the walls adorned with relics and holobooks. In this space, Obi-Wan and Commander Cody shared a moment of profound intimacy, a rare respite from their roles as General and Commander.
They sat side by side on Obi-Wan's modest bed, not as symbols of war, but as individuals bound by a connection that transcended rank and duty. The bed, usually a place of solitary rest for Obi-Wan, now became a sanctuary for shared dreams and whispered confidences.
Obi-Wan, his posture relaxed yet still exuding the grace of a Jedi, turned towards Cody, his blue eyes reflecting a depth of emotion rarely seen by others. Cody, his usual stoic demeanor softened in Obi-Wan's presence, faced him, their knees touching in a comfortable familiarity.
"It's moments like this," Obi-Wan began, his voice a soft cadence, "when the war seems a distant echo, that I dare to dream of a different life. A life where you and I could stand side by side, not just as soldiers, but as partners, free from the shadows of conflict."
Cody, his gaze unwavering, listened intently. In his eyes, there was a flicker of hope, a testament to the trust and affection he held for Obi-Wan. "General, I've seen war define many men, but with you, it's different. You've not let it consume you. You dream of peace, and that's what makes following you into battle worth every risk."
Obi-Wan's expression softened, a tender smile playing on his lips. "I know the Jedi Code speaks against attachments," he continued, his voice tinged with a bittersweet acknowledgment of their reality. "But in a war like this, attachments seem to be an unspoken truth. Plo Koon with his Wolfpack, Mace Windu with Ponds... we're all tethered to those we fight alongside."
Cody nodded, his hand finding Obi-Wan's in a gesture that was both comforting and affirming. "And yet, here we are, General. In defiance of rules, yet somehow, it feels like the most right thing in this war-torn galaxy."
The words hung in the air, a fragile truth that both of them had come to accept. Obi-Wan's thumb gently stroked Cody's hand, a small, intimate gesture that spoke volumes.
"Maybe, when the war is over," Cody ventured, his voice a mixture of hope and uncertainty, "we could find a way to continue our journey together. Not as General and Commander, but simply as Obi-Wan and Cody."
The thought hung between them, a shared dream of a future unburdened by war. Obi-Wan's gaze drifted to the viewport, where the stars shone with an ancient light, witnesses to countless stories of love and loss.
"Yes, Cody," he whispered, his heart heavy with the weight of their secret and the uncertainty of the future. "In a galaxy at peace, I'd like nothing more than to explore it with you, side by side. To see worlds without the cloud of war hanging over them."
They sat there in silence, each lost in their thoughts, yet together in their dreams. It was a delicate balance, this secret they shared, a sliver of light in the vast darkness of the galaxy. In that moment, in the quiet of Obi-Wan's quarters, their affection for each other was a silent rebellion against a universe torn apart by conflict, a testament to the enduring power of connection and hope.
Amidst the steel corridors of the Negotiator, far from the officers' quarters and the nerve center of the ship, the heart of the clone troopers' world beat in a rhythm all its own. Here, in a mess hall shared by the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion, the air buzzed with the low hum of conversation and the clatter of utensils against trays. This was a place where rank and protocol could be momentarily forgotten, where the clones could be just men, brothers in arms, sharing stories and experiences.
The troopers of the 501st, led by Captain Rex, sat interspersed with members of the 212th. Their blue-marked armor, a stark contrast to the orange of the 212th, was a visual reminder of their different allegiances, yet among these men, such distinctions mattered little. They were united by something deeper than the colors they wore - a bond forged in the fires of countless battles, a camaraderie that transcended the divisions of units.
As they ate, the conversation naturally veered towards the day's events, the usual banter about missions and close calls. However, there was an undercurrent of something more, a topic that was approached with a mixture of respect and a hint of playfulness.
"So, has anyone seen Cody today?" one of the 501st troopers, Echo, asked with a knowing look. His question was met with chuckles and sly grins from those around the table.
"He's probably busy with General Kenobi, planning the next move," Rex replied, his tone casual but his eyes crinkling with amusement. There was a shared understanding in his words, a recognition of something more between Cody and the Jedi General.
"Yeah, those 'strategy meetings' sure seem to be doing him good," another trooper, Kix, added, air-quoting with his fingers. "Haven't seen the Commander this... relaxed, in ages."
The group erupted into soft laughter, the sound echoing warmly off the metal walls. It was true - Cody, their respected Commander, had always carried the weight of responsibility like a second skin. But lately, there had been a change in him, a lightness that was rare in the life of a clone commander. And they all knew, without needing it spelled out, that General Kenobi was at the heart of that change.
"Good for him," Fives chimed in, his voice earnest. "If anyone deserves a bit of happiness, it's Cody. He's always looking out for us, like a big brother."
There was a chorus of agreement, a sentiment deeply felt among the clones. Cody had been more than just a commander to them; he was a mentor, a protector, the one who always had their backs.
"And Rex, you must be especially happy for him, huh?" Jesse teased, elbowing Rex playfully. "Seeing your favorite brother getting some well-deserved peace."
Rex rolled his eyes, but the smile tugging at his lips betrayed his true feelings. "Hey, I don't play favorites," he protested, but the warmth in his voice belied his words. Everyone at the table knew of the close bond between Rex and Cody, a relationship that went beyond rank and duty.
As the conversation continued, with the clones sharing stories and laughter, there was a palpable sense of happiness for their Commander. They might not speak openly about the nature of Cody's relationship with General Kenobi, but their subtle glances and smiles spoke volumes. They were happy for Cody, happy that in the midst of a war that demanded so much from them, he had found a source of joy, a connection that brought him peace.
Unbeknownst to Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano, who remained oblivious to the undercurrents among their troops, the clones had become the silent guardians of a secret. It was a secret they held not out of duty, but out of love and respect for two men who had become much more than just their commanders. In the camaraderie of the mess hall, among brothers who shared everything from battle scars to dreams, this was one more bond they carried - a silent vow to protect the happiness of one of their own.
On the desolate plains of Zereth, where the winds howled like ancient spirits and the ground was etched with the scars of previous conflicts, the forces of the Galactic Republic prepared to engage once more. The sky, a brooding canvas of gunmetal gray, loomed ominously over the battlefield, mirroring the gravity of the impending clash. Here, on this forsaken world, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody stood at the forefront, leading the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion into the fray.
As the two armies converged, the air was filled with the deafening roar of blaster fire and the guttural cries of combat. Obi-Wan, his lightsaber a blazing arc of azure, moved with a grace that belied the ferocity of his attacks. Each movement was fluid, a dance of light and shadow, as he parried and struck with lethal precision. His presence on the battlefield was like a beacon, rallying the troops around him, instilling them with a courage that went beyond mere duty.
Beside him, Commander Cody orchestrated the movements of the clones with the skill of a master tactician. His orders were crisp, clear, delivered with an authority that commanded respect. Yet, there was an undercurrent of protectiveness in his voice, a subtle indication of his deep concern for the men under his command. His blaster rifle was an extension of his will, each shot a testament to his unwavering focus and commitment.
The synergy between Obi-Wan and Cody was palpable, a seamless interplay of strengths and strategies that turned the tide of battle time and again. They moved in concert, anticipating each other's actions with an ease that spoke of a bond forged in the heat of countless battles. To the casual observer, they were a General and his Commander, united in their goal to secure victory for the Republic. But to those who knew them, who had seen the looks exchanged in quiet moments, their connection ran much deeper.
In the midst of the chaos, a moment of near calamity struck. A separatist tank, its cannons roaring, took aim at Obi-Wan. Time seemed to slow as the realization dawned on Cody. With a shout that was both a warning and a vow, he leaped into action, firing at the tank with a ferocity that was born of something more than just duty. His actions diverted the tank's attention, but not before a blast grazed Obi-Wan, sending him tumbling to the ground.
The reaction among the clones was immediate, a collective surge of concern for their General. But it was Cody who reached Obi-Wan first, his expression a mix of relief and reprimand. "General, you need to be more careful," he said, his voice betraying the depth of his worry.
Obi-Wan, wincing slightly from the impact, met Cody's gaze with a rueful smile. "Thank you, Cody. I'll endeavor to remember that," he replied, his words light but his eyes conveying a wealth of gratitude.
As they returned to the fight, their movements became even more synchronized, a dance of survival and defiance against the overwhelming odds. The clones, witnessing this, fought with renewed vigor, inspired by the unspoken bond between their leaders.
As the battle on Zereth raged with unrelenting fury, the air was thick with the acrid smell of blaster fire and the scorched earth. The sky, once a sullen gray, was now ablaze with the crisscross of laser bolts and the fiery trails of starfighters dueling overhead. Amidst this chaos, General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody stood as pillars of strength, their leadership an anchor in the tumultuous storm of war.
Obi-Wan, his Jedi robes billowing in the wind stirred up by the battle, moved with a sense of purpose that was both awe-inspiring and daunting. His lightsaber danced in his hands, a whirlwind of blue light that deflected blaster bolts and parried enemy attacks with a precision that spoke of years of training and experience. Yet, there was more to his movements than mere martial skill; each step, each swing of his blade, was underscored by a deep understanding of the Force, a connection that guided him through the melee.
Cody, his armor marked with the scars of battle, was a commanding presence on the battlefield. His voice, amplified by his helmet's comms system, cut through the din of combat, issuing orders with a clarity that left no room for doubt. He was the embodiment of discipline and strategy, his mind constantly assessing the ebb and flow of the battle, adapting tactics to meet the ever-changing tide.
The bond between Obi-Wan and Cody was a silent force unto itself, an unspoken understanding that permeated their every action. They moved through the battlefield with a synchronicity that was almost preternatural, a testament to the countless hours spent training and fighting side by side. When Obi-Wan advanced, Cody covered him, his blaster rifle a steady presence that kept enemy fire at bay. When Cody maneuvered the troops, Obi-Wan was there, his lightsaber a beacon amidst the darkness, guiding and protecting.
In a particularly fierce skirmish, a group of droids flanked the Republic forces, their blasters trained on the unsuspecting troops. Sensing the danger, Obi-Wan reached out with the Force, his awareness extending beyond the physical realm. At the same moment, Cody, perceiving the threat through the bond they shared, shouted a warning and directed the clones to form a defensive line.
Obi-Wan, with a swift motion of his hand, used the Force to push the droids back, buying precious time for Cody and the troops to regroup and retaliate. The synergy of their actions, the seamless integration of Force and military strategy, turned the tide of the skirmish, driving the droids back with a ferocity that spoke of their unwavering resolve.
As the battle wore on, the toll it took on the soldiers was evident. Exhaustion set in, the relentless pace of combat a grueling test of endurance and will. Yet, through it all, the bond between Obi-Wan and Cody never wavered. They were a constant for each other, a source of strength and reassurance in the heart of the storm.
In the quieter moments, when the blaster fire ebbed and the cries of combat faded into a tense silence, they would exchange glances. These brief interludes, laden with unspoken words and shared understanding, were a reminder of the depth of their connection. It was a bond forged not just in the heat of battle but in the moments of quiet reflection, in the shared burdens of leadership, and in the unwavering commitment to their duty.
As the battle drew to a close, with the Republic forces emerging victorious but weary, Obi-Wan and Cody stood side by side, surveying the aftermath. Their expressions were somber, a reflection of the cost of war, but there was also a sense of accomplishment, a knowledge that they had once again overcome the odds.
In the quiet that followed, as the troops began the somber task of tending to the wounded and honoring the fallen, Obi-Wan turned to Cody. "We did well today, Commander," he said, his voice low but imbued with pride and gratitude.
Cody nodded, his gaze meeting Obi-Wan's. "We did, General. And we'll continue to do so, as long as the galaxy needs us." His words were a vow, a promise that extended beyond the battlefield, a pledge of unwavering support and loyalty.
As they walked back to their command post, their steps in unison, there was a sense of completeness, a feeling that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, with the unbreakable bond they shared—a bond of trust, respect, and an unspoken love that was their greatest strength in a galaxy torn apart by war.
The dawn on Zereth broke with a crimson hue, painting the skies with the foreboding colors of war. As the first rays of light pierced the horizon, they cast long shadows over the battered landscape, a stark reminder of the battle that had raged the day before. The air was heavy with the scent of ionized blaster residue and charred earth, a tangible echo of the conflict that had unfolded.
The Republic forces, weary yet resolute, prepared to face the enemy once again. General Obi-Wan Kenobi, standing amidst his troops, exuded a calm determination. His presence was a stabilizing force, his confidence in the face of adversity an inspiration to the men who looked up to him. Commander Cody, ever at his side, reviewed the tactical displays, his mind a whirlwind of strategies and contingencies.
As the battle commenced, the air was filled with the cacophony of war – the relentless staccato of blaster fire, the deep rumble of artillery, and the piercing screams of starfighters overhead. Obi-Wan, lightsaber in hand, moved with a fluid grace, a specter of blue light weaving through the chaos. His every action was precise, calculated to protect and strike with maximum efficiency.
Cody, his blaster rifle at the ready, coordinated the movements of the clones with unwavering focus. His voice, amplified by his helmet's comms, was a constant in the tumult, guiding and directing, a beacon of clarity in the fog of war.
The synergy between Obi-Wan and Cody was more than just a product of their shared experiences; it was a connection that ran deep, a mutual understanding that transcended the chaos that surrounded them. They moved in tandem, a seamless interplay of Force and military acumen that bolstered the morale of the troops and turned the tide in several critical moments.
But war is an unpredictable beast, and in a fleeting, heart-stopping instant, the unimaginable happened. A separatist tank, hidden amongst the rubble, unleashed a barrage of fire that caught Obi-Wan off-guard. The blast sent him sprawling to the ground, his lightsaber skittering away into the debris.
Cody, witnessing the scene, felt a surge of panic grip his heart. Time seemed to slow as he saw Obi-Wan fall, the General's body limp and vulnerable amidst the battlefield's fury. Military protocol and strategic planning vanished from his mind, replaced by a single, overriding imperative – to reach Obi-Wan, to protect him at all costs.
Breaking formation, Cody charged across the battlefield, his blaster laying down a covering fire, his every step driven by a desperate need to get to Obi-Wan. The clones, sensing the urgency in their Commander's actions, rallied to provide support, their blasters joining in a symphony of defiance against the enemy.
Reaching Obi-Wan's side, Cody fell to his knees, his hands frantically searching for signs of life. "General, can you hear me?" he called out, his voice strained with fear and concern.
Obi-Wan, groaning in pain, stirred slightly, his eyes fluttering open. "Cody..." he whispered, his voice weak but filled with an unspoken gratitude.
Cody's relief was palpable, a weight lifted from his shoulders. But there was no time to rest; they were still in the heart of the battlefield, exposed and vulnerable. With a strength born of desperation, Cody hoisted Obi-Wan into his arms, his resolve a solid anchor in the midst of chaos.
As he carried Obi-Wan to safety, the clones formed a protective ring around them, their blasters warding off the enemy. The bond between General and Commander, a bond that had always been more than just duty, was now a visible force, a testament to the depth of their connection.
Through the blur of battle and the haze of pain, Obi-Wan held onto Cody, his trust in the Commander unwavering. In Cody's arms, amidst the harrowing storm of war, Obi-Wan found a haven, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, they would always have each other's backs.
And as they retreated to the safety of their lines, the clones watched with a mix of awe and respect. In the actions of their Commander, in his fearless rush to save the General, they saw not just the duties of rank, but the actions of a man driven by a profound loyalty and care. In that moment, Cody and Obi-Wan were more than leaders; they were symbols of the enduring strength of the human spirit, a beacon of hope in a galaxy torn asunder by conflict.
The Negotiator, a bastion amidst the stars, loomed like a sentinel over the ravaged landscape of Zereth. Within its reinforced hull, the atmosphere was charged with a tension that mirrored the ongoing conflict on the planet below. In the medical bay, a haven of sterile lights and the quiet hum of medical droids, a new urgency took hold as General Obi-Wan Kenobi was rushed in, his body bearing the grim testament of battle.
Commander Cody, his armor stained with the dust and smoke of the battlefield, accompanied Obi-Wan, his demeanor a mix of steadfast resolve and concealed turmoil. As they entered the medical bay, the medical droid known as Bones moved with mechanical efficiency, its sensors and appendages immediately attending to the injured Jedi.
Cody stood by Obi-Wan's side, his gaze locked on the General's pale face, etched with lines of pain and fatigue. The sight stirred a tumult of emotions within him – concern, fear, and an overwhelming sense of protectiveness. He wanted to stay, to be there when Obi-Wan awoke, to reassure him with his presence. Yet, he knew what Obi-Wan would expect of him – to return to the battle, to lead their men, to fulfill the duty that they both held sacred.
As Bones worked, its mechanical voice delivering clinical assessments, Obi-Wan's eyelids fluttered, a sign of the struggle raging within his battered body. "Cody," he murmured, his voice a mere whisper, "the battle..."
Cody leaned in, his hand finding Obi-Wan's. "I'm here, General," he said softly, his voice a blend of reassurance and regret. "Bones will take care of you. I'll... I'll return to the front."
Obi-Wan's eyes opened, a glint of determination shining through the pain. "You must lead them, Cody," he rasped, his words laced with the weight of command and a deeper, unspoken bond. "Our men... they need you."
Cody's jaw tightened, a visible struggle between his personal desire to stay and his duty as a commander. "I'll come back as soon as I can," he promised, the words heavy with unspoken emotions.
With a final, lingering look, Cody turned and strode out of the medical bay, his posture that of a commander, but his pace betraying a reluctance to leave. The doors hissed shut behind him, leaving Obi-Wan in the capable hands of Bones.
Outside, the members of the 212th and 501st watched in silence, their expressions a mix of concern and admiration. They had witnessed the unbreakable bond between their General and Commander, a bond that went beyond the chain of command, rooted in mutual respect and a shared history of battles fought and hardships endured.
As Cody approached his troops, his helmet concealing the storm of emotions within, he was met with salutes of respect and loyalty. The clones knew the weight of what their Commander carried, the burden of leadership and the personal cost of war.
With a nod, Cody addressed his men, his voice strong and clear, masking the turmoil within. "The General is in good hands. Our duty is not yet done. We have a battle to win, for the Republic, for our brothers, and for General Kenobi."
The clones responded with a unified shout, their resolve hardened by the words of their Commander. They were more than just soldiers; they were a brotherhood, united in their mission and in their silent support for the leaders who had guided them through the darkest of times.
As they returned to the battlefield, the resolve in their hearts was a testament to the lessons learned from Obi-Wan and Cody - that duty and honor were the cornerstones of their existence, but it was the bonds of brotherhood and loyalty that gave them strength. In the midst of war, these bonds were their unspoken vow, a promise to stand together against all odds, for the Republic, for each other, and for the leaders who had shown them the true meaning of courage and sacrifice.
As Commander Cody re-emerged onto the battlefield of Zereth, the landscape was a tumultuous sea of blaster fire and echoing war cries. The horizon, smeared with the smoke of burning wreckage, served as a grim backdrop to the ongoing conflict. Cody, his armor now a testament to the harsh realities of war, moved with a renewed sense of urgency, driven by a dual purpose – to lead his men to victory and to return to Obi-Wan's side.
Each step he took was heavy with the weight of responsibility and a deep-seated longing for an end to the strife. The clatter of his boots against the scorched earth was drowned out by the cacophony of battle, yet in his mind, it resonated with the echoes of his unspoken desires – for peace, for a life beyond the endless cycle of war.
As he advanced, his blaster rifle in hand, Cody became a whirlwind of lethal precision. His movements were not just those of a seasoned soldier; they were the actions of a man fueled by a potent mix of duty and personal resolve. He issued commands with a clear, authoritative voice, guiding his troops through the maelstrom with a tactical acumen honed by years of combat.
The clones of the 212th and 501st followed him, their blasters a steady rhythm in the chaotic symphony of the battlefield. They fought not just as soldiers, but as brothers, their loyalty to Cody and Obi-Wan a driving force that propelled them forward against overwhelming odds.
In the heat of battle, Cody's thoughts were a swirling tempest of strategy and emotion. Each time he felled an enemy, each time he directed his troops, a part of him yearned for the conclusion of this endless war. He envisioned a life where the clatter of blasters was replaced by the tranquility of peace, where he and Obi-Wan could explore the galaxy, not as warriors, but as companions free from the shadows of conflict.
But such thoughts were fleeting, quickly eclipsed by the immediacy of the battle. The reality of the moment was harsh and unyielding, a constant reminder of the duties that bound him. Yet, even amidst the chaos, there was a glimmer of hope that spurred him on – the hope of being by Obi-Wan's side once the fight was over.
As the battle raged on, Cody tore through the enemy ranks with a fierce determination. Each droid he dismantled, each position he secured, brought him a step closer to ending the conflict, to returning to the Negotiator, to Obi-Wan.
The fight seemed to stretch on interminably, a relentless tide of adversaries that tested the limits of Cody's endurance and resolve. But through it all, his mind held onto a singular image – Obi-Wan, injured but alive, waiting for him. This vision, this promise of a reunion, however brief, was a beacon that guided him through the darkest moments of the battle.
Finally, as the last of the enemy forces were vanquished, and the dust of war began to settle, Cody allowed himself a moment to breathe. The landscape around him was a stark reminder of the cost of victory – a once vibrant world now scarred and broken. Yet, amidst the devastation, there was a sense of accomplishment, a hard-won triumph that brought them one step closer to the end of the war.
Cody's gaze turned skyward, towards the Negotiator orbiting above. A mix of exhaustion and anticipation coursed through him. The battle was over, for now, but his mission was not yet complete. With a final, resolute nod to his troops, he began the journey back to the ship, back to Obi-Wan. In the depths of his heart, he held onto the hope that soon, perhaps sooner than they dared to dream, they would find the peace they both longed for, and the life they wished to build together.
The journey back to the Negotiator was a blur for Commander Cody. The roar of the transport’s engines was a distant rumble, lost amidst the whirlwind of his own thoughts and emotions. As the ship docked with the Negotiator, the familiar sound of the airlock engaging brought a measure of reality back to Cody. He was back, but his heart was already racing ahead, yearning to be at Obi-Wan’s side.
Beside him, Captain Rex stood silently, his presence a solid, comforting constant. Rex, who had become more than just a fellow soldier over the years, was the only one to whom Cody had ever revealed the depth of his feelings for Obi-Wan. He was his confidant, his most trusted ally, his 'favorite little brother' in a sea of brothers – though Cody would never openly admit it.
As they disembarked, Cody’s steps were brisk, his focus singular. Rex matched his pace, a silent guardian keeping stride with the storm of worry and anticipation brewing within Cody. The corridors of the Negotiator, usually a hive of activity, seemed unusually quiet, as if the ship itself was holding its breath, sharing in Cody’s anxiety.
Rex broke the silence, his voice low and steady. "He's strong, Cody. You know that better than anyone. He'll pull through this."
Cody nodded, his helmet tucked under his arm, revealing the taut lines of concern etched on his face. "I know, Rex. I just need to see him, to be there with him." His voice was a mix of determination and vulnerability, a rare glimpse into the depth of his emotions.
They continued in silence, passing crew members who offered salutes and respectful nods. Cody acknowledged them absently, his mind consumed with thoughts of Obi-Wan. Memories of their shared moments – quiet conversations, shared glances, the warmth of Obi-Wan’s smile – flooded his mind, each a poignant reminder of what he stood to lose.
Upon reaching the medical bay, Cody paused outside the door, collecting himself. This was where he left the Commander outside and stepped in as the man who loved Obi-Wan Kenobi. Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside, with Rex following a step behind, a silent pillar of support.
The medical bay was a stark contrast to the chaos of the battlefield, its white walls and the soft hum of medical equipment creating an atmosphere of clinical calm. Bones, the medical droid, was attending to Obi-Wan, who lay on a bed, his features drawn in pain but stable.
Cody’s eyes softened as he approached, the sight of Obi-Wan stirring a tumult of relief and concern within him. He reached out, gently taking Obi-Wan’s hand, the touch a silent testament to the bond they shared.
"Hey, you," Cody murmured, a tender smile touching his lips. "You had us worried there for a moment."
Obi-Wan’s eyes fluttered open, meeting Cody’s gaze. "Had to keep you on your toes, Commander," he replied, his voice weak but imbued with warmth.
Rex, standing a respectful distance away, watched the exchange with a sense of brotherly pride. He understood the magnitude of what Cody and Obi-Wan shared, a bond that transcended rank and the chaos of war. It was a love that had flourished against all odds, a testament to the strength of their characters.
Cody’s gaze lingered on Obi-Wan, his thumb gently stroking the back of Obi-Wan’s hand. "You need to rest, General. We'll handle things out here."
Obi-Wan gave a faint nod, his eyes conveying his trust and gratitude. "I know you will, Cody. I have always known."
As Cody sat beside Obi-Wan, watching over him, Rex quietly excused himself, leaving the two in their private sanctuary. He stepped out of the medical bay, a sense of peace settling over him. Cody and Obi-Wan had each other, and that was enough. In a galaxy torn apart by war, their love was a rare beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit could find connection and solace in another’s heart.
And as Rex walked back through the corridors of the Negotiator, he carried with him the knowledge that he had played a part in protecting that beacon, by being there for his brother, for Cody, when he needed it the most.
In the quietude of the medical bay, time seemed to slow, its passage marked only by the soft beeping of the monitors and the gentle whir of medical equipment. The room, bathed in a soft, ambient light, was a stark contrast to the chaotic tapestry of war outside its walls. Here, amidst the sterility and precision of medical technology, a different kind of battle was being fought - a battle for recovery, for healing.
Commander Cody sat beside Obi-Wan Kenobi's bed, his posture rigid, a silent sentinel keeping watch. His armor had been removed, leaving him in his basic fatigues, a rare sight that underscored the gravity of the situation. His eyes, usually so sharp and alert, now held a softness, a depth of emotion seldom seen by anyone but Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan, lying on the bed, appeared smaller somehow, the lines of pain and exhaustion etched into his features softening in sleep. The usual air of calm command that he carried like a mantle was replaced by a vulnerability that was heartbreakingly human. His breathing was steady, a reassuring rhythm in the stillness of the room.
Cody watched him, his gaze lingering on the rise and fall of Obi-Wan's chest, each breath a silent reassurance. In these quiet moments, away from the prying eyes of the galaxy, he allowed the façade of the unflappable commander to fall away, revealing the man beneath – a man deeply in love, fiercely protective, and achingly worried.
He reached out tentatively, his hand hovering over Obi-Wan's before gently settling atop it. The contact was a lifeline, a tangible connection that bridged the silence of the room. "You always have to be the hero, don't you?" Cody whispered, a faint smile touching his lips, a mix of fond exasperation and deep affection coloring his words.
Obi-Wan stirred at the sound of Cody's voice, a faint smile mirroring Cody's own. His eyes fluttered open, meeting Cody's gaze with a clarity that spoke of his resilience. "Comes with the job, I suppose," he replied, his voice soft but steady.
Cody's smile widened, a genuine expression that reached his eyes. "Well, this time, let someone else be the hero. You need to rest, Obi-Wan."
Obi-Wan's hand shifted, fingers curling slightly to grip Cody's. "You're doing a fine job at it," he murmured, the gentle tease a testament to the ease and comfort they found in each other's presence.
As they sat in silence, the room around them felt like a bubble, a sanctuary amidst the turmoil of the galaxy. In the medical bay, they were not General and Commander; they were simply Obi-Wan and Cody, two souls intertwined by a bond that had weathered countless storms.
The tenderness of their interaction, the soft exchange of smiles and quiet words, was a stark contrast to their battlefield personas. Here, there were no blasters, no lightsabers, no commands to issue or strategies to devise. There was only the shared understanding, the mutual care that had grown and deepened over time, becoming something profound and unshakeable.
As Cody continued his vigil, watching over Obi-Wan as he drifted back into sleep, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. In the med bay, with the soft hum of machines and the gentle rhythm of Obi-Wan's breathing, the war seemed a distant echo. Here, in this moment, they had found an oasis of calm, a reminder that amidst the chaos of the galaxy, they had each other, a connection that was their anchor, their solace, their home.
As the steady rhythm of the Negotiator’s heartbeats echoed through its corridors, the medical bay remained a cocoon of tranquility, insulated from the turmoil of the outside world. Inside this sanctuary, the passage of time seemed to take on a different quality, each moment stretching out, filled with a quiet intensity.
Commander Cody, sitting vigilantly by Obi-Wan Kenobi's bedside, was lost in a reverie, his thoughts a tangle of memories and hopes. The soft hum of medical equipment provided a continuous backdrop to his reflections, a reminder of the fragility of the moment. He watched Obi-Wan, his eyes tracing the familiar lines of the Jedi's face, each one a testament to the battles fought and burdens carried.
In the dim light of the bay, Obi-Wan's features were softened, the usual sharpness tempered by sleep and vulnerability. His chest rose and fell with a rhythmic slowness, a visual lullaby that held Cody in a gentle thrall. The sight stirred a deep well of emotions within him – a mix of fear, admiration, and an overwhelming sense of affection.
It was in this quiet tableau that Obi-Wan stirred, the subtle shift breaking the stillness. His hand, resting beside him, moved with an unconscious intent, reaching out. It was a small gesture, but in the silence of the room, it was as significant as a shout.
Cody's attention snapped to the movement, his body instinctively leaning forward. He watched, breath held, as Obi-Wan's hand hovered in the air, an unspoken plea. In his semi-conscious state, it was as if Obi-Wan was seeking something, or someone, to anchor him to the present.
Cody, understanding the unvoiced need, reached out and gently clasped Obi-Wan's hand, offering both physical support and an emotional connection. He watched as a faint smile touched Obi-Wan's lips, a sign that even in his weakened state, he recognized Cody's presence.
Moved by the moment, Cody leaned in closer, his movements deliberate yet filled with a tenderness that was at odds with his usual composure. He brought his face close to Obi-Wan's, their foreheads nearly touching. Then, in a gesture that was as natural as it was profound, he gently nuzzled against Obi-Wan, a tactile expression of love and reassurance.
The nuzzle, a simple act in itself, carried the weight of their shared history, of battles fought side by side, of quiet moments stolen amidst chaos. It was a testament to their bond, a connection that had grown and deepened in the crucible of war, transcending the roles they played in the galaxy.
Obi-Wan, responding even in his semi-conscious state, leaned into the touch, a soft sigh escaping his lips. It was a sound of contentment, of trust, a subtle acknowledgment of the comfort Cody's presence brought him.
Cody held the position for a moment longer, savoring the closeness, the rare opportunity to express his feelings without the constraints of duty and rank. In the med bay, with its sterile walls and life-saving machines, they were not General and Commander; they were just two souls, bound by an unspoken love that had become their refuge, their strength.
As he straightened, Cody's gaze lingered on Obi-Wan, a mix of worry and affection etched on his face. He squeezed Obi-Wan's hand gently before settling back into his chair, his vigil resumed. The room fell back into silence, a sacred space where the lines between protector and protected blurred, where the heart spoke louder than words, and where love, in its purest form, was the greatest healer of all.
I'd love to hear your thoughts, theories, and feelings about the story. Don't forget to like, reblog, and share your comments. Your engagement means the world to me!
May the Force be with you, always. 💫
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lemme just callously get a couple deranged shippers' hopes up (it's me i'm the deranged shipper). tidbits that you could twist into possibly suggesting a romance between Dafne Keen and Amandla Stenberg's characters in The Acolyte:
this bit of a recent Dafne interview, speaking about her character. she's been outspoken about Jecki's dynamic with Sol and Yord, but this is someone who "brings the softness out of her" and whose interactions with her would be a spoiler:
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Leslye Headland is very passionate about queer rep and especially lesbian rep
Amandla is an outspoken activist for queer youth, was the first choice to play the protagonist, and was very enthusiastic about the pitch (well they would be, as a star wars fan offered a lead role in a new show but y'know. maybe it's deeper?)
young Leslye felt especially underrepresented as a queer girl
she also wrote fanfic as a teen pre-internet and while none of that is in the show, there might be broad theme similarities, presumably young female dark-side-leaning protagonists. maybe some slash too tho who knows
the production had an intimacy coordinator! from what i understand this strongly suggests there is some kind of romance in the show at least, probably nothing very adult (disney star wars tv-14 rating) but maybe a kiss?
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the cast is almost entirely jedi characters and while we have occasional romance storylines featuring at least one jedi, they're usually teens or young adults, or people in their 30s at most (hello elvar gang). non-jedi characters include Qimir and Aniseya and her witches, while the only important young jedi seem to be Yord and Jecki (actually i wouldn't mind a Yord/Qimir plot now that i think about it. or gay Force witches.)
the parallels... two highly skilled young women trained by Sol now on opposing sides? i think they should kiss about it
the shot of Mae holding Jecki with a knife to her throat did things to me. yeah this is just here because i'm a freak sorry
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silencingspellsongs · 3 months
hellooo redacted nation, i come to you today with a humble question to test the waters a bit....
so for a while now i've been working behind the scenes on some stuff and i've mentioned it a few times on my blog but ok hhh here goes
tl;dr is that i want to make fan audios taking place in the redactedverse, but with exclusively original character speakers and listeners, and the audios would take place in my version of one of the other cornerstone cities (not one that's already named in canon)
these audios would be from a female presenting speaker (so F4A) and besides the worldbuilding and some easter eggs and references thrown in, would not be connected to the dahlia stories plot wise.
so i guess my question here is....
more rambling and i guess explanations of my thought process under the cut
i've been working on a couple different scripts on and off now for a few months trying to learn how to do scriptwriting for audios (oh my god it's so hard how does ANYONE do this 😫) and i have a one or two that are close to being ready to record so i've really started to think about the idea of actually doing this, which is why i'm suddenly so concerned about if anyone would actually want to listen to them 😅
i have friends that are really supportive and helpful of this project but none of them listen to redacted or audio roleplays in general so while i value their input, it's not exactly the same as knowing if the actual fanbase would be interested. saying to them "this character is a sadism demon! this character works for the department!" is equivalent to someone who has never heard of star wars opening a fanfic and reading that someone is a jedi, y'know what i mean? (i use this example as if i am not a bitch that has never seen a star wars movie in their life oop)
and even if the majority of ya'll aren't really interested in what i make, just knowing that a few people would be willing to give it a try will hopefully kick those doubtful thoughts out of my mind and get me inspired to finally finish something! 🥹🙏🏻
and idk if this all needs to be said but i feel better making this disclaimer: i'm obviously not affiliated officially with redacted, and i really stress the term "fan audio" because i don't want to try and claim ownership over his worldbuilding in any way. my intent is not to copy or steal his original ideas, i just want to show my love for his work by making something with all the stories in my head that it inspired. because of the nature of this, i don't ever plan on monetizing the videos if i ever got to that point. and while the characters i make and the storylines that would follow them along with the setting i make would be mine, all creative credit for the overarching worldbuilding itself will always be enthusiastically given to erik.
and i guess if you actually read to the end of all this rambling i could reward you with...... a little something...... a teaser if you will 🫣
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klarex · 2 years
So most of my Obi-wan fanfics are based on the gifs, but in this there is no Plo Koon. I'm totally in love in this chapter😍 Also shy Kenobi is here!
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none, just cutiness
Summary: You need to stay in your headquarters, but thankfully not alone.
Paring: Obi-wan x Senator! reader
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Not my gif his smile😭❤
Pov. Y/n
- With all due respect Senator, but you must stay here.
Master Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi said looking my way. I was just sitting on a couch in my headquarters on Coruscant and Master Kenobi was standing in front of me. I groaned and throw myself down on my couch. He was standing there not really knowing what to do. He turned to leave.
- At least you could stay and keep me company..
I mumbled as I looked at him stopping. He simply nodded. He sat down on an armchair next to a couch I was laying on. He fidgeted with his fingers nervously, while we were sitting in silence, tension filling the air.
Moments later I stood up and went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. I pecked my head to look at Obi-wan.
- You want something to drink?
- A tea would be nice, thanks..
He said and I quickly get to work. I took two mugs and put tea bags in them. When water was ready I filled mugs with it and slowly made my way to the living room. I could fell Obi-wan's eyes on me for all the time.
When he saw me walking his way he immediately got up and took his mug from my hand, brushing his against mine. He blushed slightly and made his way back to his chair. I sat back down and took a sip of my tea, but hissed.
- It's still hot..
I mumbled as Obi-wan chuckled. I rolled my eyes and put my mug on a table next to a couch. I settled myself on my stomach and rested chin on my hands. My legs were swinging in air while I was looking at a man in front of me.
- So Master Kenobi.. tell me about yourself.
I said curiously as he looked away. He blushed, but quickly tried to shake it off by looking away. When blush was nearly there, he looked back at me. He took a deep breath.
- Well... I'm really not that exciting..
- Aw.. come on.. there must be something interesting!
I said enthusiastically as I smiled widely at him. He smiled back.
- So.. as you know I'm in the Jedi Council and my fellow Padawan was Anakin Skywalker. My Master was Qui-Gon Jinn and-
- Yeah.. right. But I wanted to know something about you, like what's your favorite planet or what's your favorite dish.. you know..
I interrupted him, looking away, but he smiled more.
- I don't have answers to that, darling. I like most of the planets and about dishes I mostly like desserts.
He said as he laughed nervously. The nickname got me. My face became red, but he didn't seem to notice, because he still was talking. I nodded after he finished, not being able to say something. Then he noticed.
- Senator.. Are you okey? Your face is whole red.
After he said that I immediately looked away and tried to hide my face behind my hands.
- I'm fine, Obi-wan... And call me Y/n.
He nodded. Then an idea popped inside my head. I took my hands out of my face and I looked at Obi-wan again.
- Would you like to cook with me? Like a cake? Maybe for ourselves or other Masters?
He was shocked at my question, but smiled and nodded. I got up and grabbed his hands making him get up. I dragged him to the kitchen, laughing. He was blushing and smiling. His big fingers locking with mine small ones.
When I stopped in a kitchen I pulled my hands away from his. I searched for a recipe on my data pad that was laying there. I was leaning against a counter.
- Okey, we need flour, milk, eggs and a little bit more ingredients... Oh.. wait. How are we suppose to have an Aura Blossom?!
I mumbled and looked up at Obi-wan who chuckled.
- You know what? I'm done with this... Let's just make some waffles.
- As you wish Y/n.
We worked together perfectly. He mixed the dough while I put it in waffle maker. When he was finished with his work, I imperceptibly took a hand of flour.
- I finished my work. How's your doing?
He said and turned around to me. I immediately pulled out my hand and throw flour at his face. It didn't hit him that much, but enough for him to be dirty with it.
He was silently looking at me with no smile on his face. I started to worry.
I shouldn't be doing that! I'm such an idiot!
What if it's his favourite robes?!
Does Jedies even have those? Ugh!
Maker! Y/n get yourself together and apologise!
When I opened my mouth to say sorry, I felt a LOT of powder falling on my head. I gasped and looked at him with a frown.
He used the Force to lift a bag with flour above my head!
Obi-wan! You kriffing bastard!
I was covered in flour from head to toe and Obi-wan laughed hard. He was almost choking on air and I started laughing too.
It was until I didn't smell my waffles burning.
You shouted and ran to the waffle maker. Obi-wan just laughed more if that's even possible. I took my waffles out of a waffle maker, almost burning myself.
I sighed with relief and saw Obi-wan standing next to a sink, trying to wash the flour from his face. I laughed and came closer to him. He dried his face, leaving his hair's wet, tips fall on his forehead.
- Look at me.
I said and he did as I said with a slight pink on his cheeks. I gripped his chin with my hand. I brought the other hand closer to his cheek and took the rest of the flour off his face. I booped his nose and turned around to take care of my waffles.
- Y- You should change too, Y/n... You are covered in flour..
- Oh.. really?
I said sarcastically and giggled.
- Look after them as I go and change.
I said and walked to the refresher. I changed myself into more comfortable clothes, by that I mean shorts and a T-shirt. I washed my face and my hair quickly.
When I walked out I didn't see Obi-wan cooking, but sitting on a couch I was sitting earlier with a mug and a waffle in his hands. He looked at me with his big, blue eyes as I went his way.
- I- I decided to make some tea for us..
He said and I sat down, closely next to him.
- Thank you..
I said and grabbed a waffle from a plate. I took a bite and immediately melted away.
I shouted and Obi-wan laughed.
- Happy to hear that..
When I finished my waffle I decided to do something that could change my life forever.
- You know Obi-wan.. you are cool.
- Oh.. Am I?
I put my head on his lap.
- Yeah..
I breathed and his eyes widened. I brought my hand to his cheek and brought his face closer.
- You don't know how long I have been dreaming about this..
He breathed and I closed the gap between us. Kissing him was even better then I thought it would be. His lips capturing mine in slow movements. His hands on my waist and mine on his cheeks.
When we were out of breaths, we pulled away. I cuddled up to him.
- Thank you that you stayed...
I mumbled into his chest.
- For you always..
He whispered softly into my ear.
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duxhess-kryzewan · 2 years
Idk if you still do Obitine fanfic requests, but I was wondering if you could do one where Obi-Wan and Satine almost get caught by the Jedi Council and Anakin (and maybe Padmé) have to frantically cover for them left and right? I adore your work, been reading them all day if you can't tell 😅
- Lies, Sweet Lies -
While Obi-Wan had never explicitly stated his reasoning for leaving Coruscant so abruptly Anakin knew - in the uncanny way he had always been able to read his master - that he was jetting off to Mandalore to see Satine. 
He wouldn't say anything, of course. How could he? He himself had spent the entire morning with Padme. Out of everyone in the Order he had no right to chastise Obi-Wan. 
Still, at least he and Padme were more often than not on the same planet. He doesn't quite know how Obi-Wan does it; being so far from Mandalore. Then again, his Master had gone literal years without seeing Satine. He's certain both of them have a patience that neither he nor Padme posses. 
He had been standing outside the entrance of the Senate chamber, chatting idly with Padme about his latest mission when Mace Windu shouted his name. 
"Master Windu," Anakin greeted, "Is something the matter?"
The Jedi Master eyes both he and Padme cautiously, gaze shifting from one to the other for a bit longer than Anakin was particuarly comfortable with. 
To his relief though, the older man didn't comment on them. 
"I'm looking for General Kenobi." He says gruffly, "But it seems your master has vanished and hasn't answered his Comlink. Any idea where he may be?"
Anakin felt his blood run cold. Surely Obi-Wan wouldn't have been so careless as to leave the planet without coming up with a valid reason. 
To his relief, its Padme that jumps in. 
"I actually just saw Master Kenobi only this morning."
He knows immediately that his wife is lying; Obi-Wan had left late last night, a fact that Padme is more than aware of. 
"Did you?" Mace questions, "I don't suppose he had mentioned where he would been heading today, did he?"
Padme froze, unprepared for the question. As much as she was a quick thinker on her feet, and could convince someone of even the most outrageous lie by sheer virtue of her honest demeanor, he knows that she doesn't know enough about Obi-Wans day to day and missions to come up with something plausible. 
"As far as I know sir, he had mentioned going to the medical station. Some of the 501st were injured just before we returned. I suppose he wanted to check in on our men."
Mace narrows his eyes, clearly unconvinced. 
"You mean to tell me Obi-Wan pulled himself away from the temple to pay a visit to the clones medical station?"
Anakin hoped that Mace couldn't detect the slight panic that was bubbling in the pit of his stomach. 
"I recall you saying that his com was lost during their mission, didn't you Anakin?" Padme asks, looking pointedly at him. 
God bless Padme and her quick thinking. 
"You're right," Anakin says in a tone he hopes is convincing enough, "Cody had found it after we cleared out. I assume he had taken it with him to the Medical Station; it's likely Obi-Wan went out to retrieve it." 
Mace looks back and forth between the two of them. If he isn't convinced by the story, he doesn't vocalize it.
"Contact the Medical Station, would you? Tell them if Obi-Wan hasn't already left his presence is required by tomorrow morning, Master Billaba is returning from Chalacta with an urgent update for the Council."
Anakin nods enthusiastically. 
"Of course, Master Windu. I'll get in contact with them immediately."
Without so much as a goodbye the older man saunters off, and with him went all the tension Anakin had been holding in his chest. 
"That was a close one." He looks at Padme, "Thank you, for that. I don't think I could have come up with a cover story that quickly. The lost com was a brilliant idea."
"Working in the Senate has certainly helped my quick thinking skills," She says, "You need to contact Obi-Wan now and tell him the council is looking for him."
"If he isn't answering for the council I doubt he'll answer for me." Anakin say with a shake of his head.
Padme grins, "He might not be answering, but I'm certain Satine will."
He can't help but return her grin. 
Obi-Wan watches as Satine looks out the windows that lead to the balcony. It was nearing sundown on Mandalore, and the skies were lit up in an array of orange and red. It wasn't often she was given the opportunity to gaze out onto the sunset, and it wasn't often he was given the opportunity to gaze at her. 
"Does the sunset interest you more than my presence, dear?" He teases, coming to stand beside her. 
Satine chuckles softly, "Can't I admire the presence of both?"
He had arrived hours earlier, sneaking into Sundari Palace undetected. He had wanted to surprise her, and so he hadn't alerted her of his arrival. Instead, he had waited in her private chambers until she returned from her conference with the neutral systems. 
To say she was surprised to see him would have been an understatement. Had she not been so shocked to see him standing in the middle of her room he's certain she would have panicked at the intruder.
Not that he gave her much time to react, by the time he saw the initial panic leave her eyes he was already kissing her. 
He places a hand on her hip and looks out towards the skyline. As much as he loves to tease her he can't help but understand her fascination with the sky. It was a sight to behold. 
"I suppose," He says, "So long as the sunset doesn't overshadow my visit."
Satine chuckles before leaning up and pressing a chaste kiss against his lips. 
"I would never allow it."
Reconnecting with Satine felt like both the most daunting task and yet the most simple decision he's ever made. He was a man that valued truth above all else, and he could not deny one truth more than the other. He loved Satine just as he loved being a Jedi. It was a conundrum that plagued him more often than not. He knew he was going against the code that he held so dear, yet he cannot being himself to pretend as though being in love with Satine is wrong when it is something that felt so conclusively right. 
"I'm glad you're here," Satine says, resting her head on his shoulder, "It was a lovely surprise."
"I thought so," He presses a kiss to the top of her head, lips lingering for just a fraction longer than necessary, "It's been too long."
"It has." She agrees, voice a bit more solemn than before.
He feels guilty every time he leaves, knowing that she would be waiting anywhere from weeks to months to hear from him. He hated it, jetting off around the galaxy with the knowledge that she was waiting for him. 
But Satine was nothing if not dedicated to her duty, and she understood as well as he did that if they were going to act on their feelings for one another it would only be allowed in fleeting moments. 
It wasn't fair but then, neither was the war they were both thrust in. She fighting to keep her people out of it, and he entering the fray and fighting for the republic. 
"I miss you terribly." Satine admits, "More so than normal, which is why I'm overjoyed to have you here."
Another pang of guilt hits him square in the chest. 
"I'm sorry," He says, "For always leaving."
She looks up at him, eyes narrowed in a way that lets him know she's deadly serious. 
"Don't you dare apologize," She tells him, "I made my choice just as you did. There is no place for apologies in that. They do no good to us."
"You're right," He takes her hand in his own and raises it to his lips, "No dwelling on the what ifs. It's a waste of the time we have."
There's a wicked grin gracing her lips as he speaks, "I can think of a few more productive use of our time."
The hand he held in his own was suddenly tugging him in the direction of her bed, and who was he to deny her anything?
He had just collapsed on top of her and pressed his lips to the base of her neck when the familiar chirping of Hololink sounded throughout the room. 
"Ignore it." He requests. 
She hums contentedly but still tries to squirm out of his embrace. 
"Obi-Wan." She huffs. 
"How often are we alone, Satine?"
"Not often enough," She relents, "But no one knows you're here, and they're likely to send guards this way if it's important and I ignore it."
He sighs in defeat and rolls off of her.
He watches as she finger combs her hair and adjusts the collar of her dress. The last thing she would need is someone questioning her dishevelment. All the better for him too; best not to alert anyone she has a consort in her private chambers. People would start to suspect things.
When Satine accepts the call, the last face he expects to see is Padmes.
“Satine!” The younger woman exclaims, though her voice is lacking in its normal excitement.
“Hello Padme,” Satine greets, voice as even as ever. “Is everything alright?”
He watches as Padme opens her mouth to answer, but is cut off when the holo is taken out of her hands. When it settles back into focus, it’s his Padawans face that he’s greeted with.
“We have a problem,” Anakin says, forgoing a hello, “The council is asking me where Obi-Wan is.”
Upon hearing that Obi-Wan scrambles off the bed, grabbing his discarded tunic and pulling it over his bare chest. Anakin might have been made privy to his relationship with Satine, but that didn’t mean he wanted to hear the teasing that would surely come from the younger man.
“Anakin,” He says, coming to stand behind Satine, “What’s going on? Did something happen?”
“Other than having to make up a complete lie to Mace Windu about your whereabouts, everything is going fine.”
He groans, not even bothering to hide his displeasure. If there was one thing he didn’t want to happen, it was for Anakin to be tangled in his web of lies when it came to his relationship with Satine.
“You what?”
The projection flickers for moment and obscures his padawans face but he’s certain he caught a glimpse of an eye roll.
“Lied to Mace Windu, to cover for you. Padme and I both.”
Having Anakin lying to the council is one thing, but dragging Padme into his mess was worse.
“Anakin,” Obi-Wan places a hand on Satines should, “You shouldn’t have lied to a council member, and certainly shouldn’t have involved Padme.”
“I involved myself, Obi-Wan.” Padme assures him, “And we didn’t have much of a choice.”
“Still,” Obi-Wan says, “I dislike the idea of someone lying on my behalf.”
“I very well couldn’t tell them you jetted off to Mandalore to see your girlfriend, could I?”
He doesn’t need to look at Satine to know the both of them are blushing at Anakins brash description of their relationship.
“What did Mace want, Anakin?”
His thumb gently rubs the exposed skin of her shoulder; trying his best to soothe the worry he knows is bubbling inside her at the thought of their relationship being exposed. He can’t say he blames her. If anyone less friendly than Anakin and Padme found out it would be a disaster for the both of them.
“Master Billaba is due to return shortly from Chalacta, evidently they’ll be holding a council meeting tomorrow morning to discuss whatever information she found. Master Windu was looking to inform you, I’m assuming, but you weren’t answering your comlink.”
His mind briefly wanders to the comlink he has hidden safely in the pocket of his robes, which lay somewhere discarded on the floor. No doubt he was too preoccupied with other things to have heard it.
“Yes, I mustn’t have heard it.”
Though out of view, he can hear Padme giggle lightly in the background.
“Thank you, Anakin, for being gracious enough to cover for the both of us. Don’t let his feigned annoyance fool you, Obi-Wan is just as grateful.” Satine says in the same tone she uses to address her people. Clear and crisp but sincere.
“If anyone asks,” Anakin says, “Particularly Master Windu, you were at the medical station with the 501st retrieving your lost comlink, which Cody so graciously found and held on to for you.”
It worries him a bit how well Anakin was able to lie to a council member. But then, he had been lying about his relationship with the Senator for years now.
“Very clever.” He says with a shake of his head, “I suppose I’ll be departing soon, then.”
The thought saddens him and he can tell by the slight slumping of her shoulders Satine feels the same way.
“We’ll see you soon then, Master.”
“Thank you both again,” Satine says, “Truly. Time is precious and I appreciate you doing what you can to provide us with it.”
He may have been given the moniker ‘The Negotiator’ due to his impeccable social and verbal skills, but he knows Satine could give him a run for his money any day on that front. She was as articulate and sincere as she was serious and dedicated.
“Anytime, Duchess.” Anakin says.
“I’ll be talking to you soon I’m sure,” Padme says to Satine, “Take care in the meantime.”
“You too, my friend.” Satine says warmly.
“See you soon, Master.”
The image flickers for a moment before vanishing completely and Obi-Wan releases the breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.
“I apologize.” He says, sliding the hand on her shoulder up to cup the back of her neck, “It seems my impromptu visit turned into more trouble than intended.”
“Isn’t that how it always goes?” Satine asks. Her tone is light and teasing but he knows there’s an undercurrent of truth to it.
“I had truly intended to stay for at least another day.”
Satine leans forward, her hands flattened against his chest, and kisses him sweetly.
“I am grateful just to have been able to see you, even if our time was cut short.”
There’s something about the way the evening sun illuminates her pale hair that makes him feel a bit weak at the knees. It always seemed that she somehow became even more of a breathtaking sight when he had to leave.
And he thinks in some regard it would be easy to walk away from the order if this - the love of his life drenched in the evening sun - was waiting for him when he did.
But he knows as well as she does that they both have a duty to their people, one that must be carried out by them.
“If I could give you all the time, I would.” He says sincerely.
“And I would do the same for you,” She kisses him again, slower and sweeter than the one before and he suddenly feels like he can’t breathe, “But we have our duty, and it must remain that way.”
He doesn’t know what else to do but loop his arms around her smaller frame and draw her close to him.
She tucks her head into the crook of his neck, fitting against him like a puzzle piece he hadn’t known he was missing in the first place.
How can something that goes against the code feel so right?
“I should go,” He says reluctantly, “Before Anakin slips and gets us caught.”
He can feel her chuckle against him as she presses a kiss to his neck before retracting herself from his grasp.
“I will be patiently awaiting your next return, Master Kenobi.”
He smiles, “I will always return to you, Duchess.”
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photogirl894 · 2 years
"Sun and Rain Part 2: Age of the Empire"
Chapter 2
"Order 66"
A "Bad Batch" fanfic!
Pairing: Hunter x fem OC, Echo (more best friend pairing)
A/N: .............well, the title says it all, doesn't it? 😅
Just gonna say "sorry" now cuz y'all are probably gonna hate me by the end of this...you'll see why... 😅
Now, we're finally getting into the show! I love having a lot of time at work that I can get so much writing in so fast 😆 Strap in, y'all, and enjoy!
Taglist: @the-sad-batch , @nimata-beroya , @intrepidmare , @tmnt-leo-simp , @tech-aficionado , @ladykatakuri , @d1n0-dan , @sammi9498 , @darthzero22 , @scarlettroseog , @tech-deck , @thebadbatchscyare , @chxpsi , @ilikemymendarkandfictional , @4pplecider , @locitapurplepink , @l-lend , @nekotaetae , @eternalwaffle , @merkitty49
《 Chapter 1
》 Chapter 3
All chapters (Part 2) (Part 1)
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Explanation: The Bad Batch help a Jedi General and her battalion stop a Separatist occupation on Kaller, but something strange and unexpected occurs with the regs...and one of their own.
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After Caleb the Padawan had gone off to return to his master, Clone Force 99 got themselves into position, ready to charge into the fight. Crosshair and Kimber had scouted the area below to see where the Droids were coming from so the others knew where to go. They could see the Droids, three tanks and also the Clones and the two Jedi pinned down by the rocks and in some trenches further down. Though, they also spotted another Droid battalion coming their way in the distance, so the Bad Batch knew they had to act fast with the current swarm of Droids before the others showed up.
Then the two snipers found a good vantage point further down the mountain where they could snipe the Droids. They positioned themselves up on a stone outcropping and hid behind the rocks on top.
"Are you two in position?" they both heard Hunter ask over comms.
"Affirmative," answered Crosshair.
"Affirmative," Kimber repeated. "You're clear. Go for rockslide."
"On it!" she heard Wrecker say enthusiastically.
Both Crosshair and Kimber raised their rifles up at the ready.
"Now's your chance to redeem yourself, Crosshair," Kimber teased her partner.
He scoffed, amused. "Don't get cocky, sunshine. Your last victory was just luck."
"We'll see about that," she said back.
Right then, they could both feel and hear the rumbling of the incoming boulder rolling down the mountain that Wrecker had pushed down to help clear some of the Droids. Sure enough, in moments, it came speeding down the mountain and a good chunk of the Droids were knocked off the mountain. They knew their squadmates weren't far behind.
Just as planned, the other Clones burst through the snowy cloud left behind by the boulder, blasters out and firing at the remaining Droids.
"Make a hole!" Wrecker shouted.
"It's go time," commented Kimber to Crosshair, propping up her sniper rifle and taking shots below with her partner following suit.
While the rest of the squad dealt with a lot of the Droids in the middle, Kimber and Crosshair shot down the ones around the outside, taking them out one by one with excellent precision. Kimber couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she could hear Wrecker's excited and almost maniacal laughter over the sound of the chaos as he plowed through the crowd of Droids, smashing them with each other.
Then they heard Hunter call out, "Crosshair! Let's get these tanks moving!"
At his order, Crosshair locked on his magnetic cable attachment to his rifle. "Sir, yes, sir," he replied smoothly before firing the first one between two tanks and then the other one, connecting all three tanks with cables attached on their sides.
After he shot the cables, Wrecker ran up to the tank closest to the edge of the mountain and, using his superior strength, started pushing it towards the edge. Some of the Droids tried to fire or run at him, but Kimber shot each of them down, watching his back. It only took a few seconds for him to get the tank toppling over the cliffside, which in turn pulled the other tanks over along with them, sending them crashing and exploding to the valley below. Wrecker moved quickly and climbed over each tank before they got pulled over, leaping off and sticking the landing as he did so.
“Nice work, Wrecker,” Kimber commented over her helmet comm.
The Droid numbers were dwindling as the Bad Batch kept fighting, shooting them down, until Tech set off a series of grenades, destroying the rest and creating a big cloud of smoke in the middle of the battlefield.
“Looks like that’s our cue to leave,” said Crosshair, standing up from their hiding spot.
“Final count?” asked Kimber.
“Thirteen,” he said.
She groaned in response. “That’s what I got, too. Looks like there’s no victor this time.”
Crosshair just snickered lightly as the two of them came around from behind the rocky outcropping and then slid down the snowy hill to join back up with their squad. The others were making their way to the trenches where the Jedi were hidden, their helmets all removed and showing their faces. 
Hunter told them as they approached, “If you’re done hiding down there, I suggest you launch a counterattack. Another Droid battalion’s approaching.”
The Clone Captain in the trench, Captain Grey, spat back, “The General is one who gives the orders around here.”
Depa Billaba held up a hand to the Captain and refuted, “He’s right, Captain. This is our chance. Launch the counterattack.”
Begrudgingly, the Captain obeyed the order given and called out to his men to get on with the attack. As the surrounding Clones took off in the opposite direction, the two Jedi came out of the trench and approached the Bad Batch. As she removed her hood, they saw that Depa was an older, tan-skinned woman with dark makeup around her eyes, her hair was in ringlets hanging in the back and there were two gems placed vertically on her forehead between her eyes. 
Shoving through the others, Wrecker came forward and cried out, looking at Caleb, “There you are, little Jedi! You missed all the fun!”
“Watching your team in action was the fun,” Caleb said back.
Master Billaba came up behind him and said, “Care to introduce your new friends, Caleb?”
“Yes, Master,” he said. “This is Wrecker, Hunter, Echo, Tech, Crosshair and Kimber.”
Depa’s eyebrows went up curiously at seeing Kimber. “A human woman with a squad of Clones…that is highly unusual,” she stated.
Kimber shrugged indifferently. “I’m used to it,” she said with a smile.
There seemed to be a look of piqued curiosity in the Jedi’s eyes for a moment before she then looked around to all of them and said, “While I’m not sure ‘fun’ is the sentiment I would express, I agree with my Padawan. Your exploits were quite impressive.”
“Exploits?” Wrecker repeated, puzzled. 
“Don’t overthink it, Wrecker,” Crosshair told him, putting a toothpick in his mouth. 
“Thank you, General,” said Echo politely. 
Then General Billaba proceeded to ask, “Now, would one of you please explain where my actual reinforcements are?”
Hunter responded, “Rerouted to the Capital. We’re all you’re getting.”
“Ha! We’re all you need!” Wrecker declared with confidence and pride. 
Tech, who had been on his datapad the entire time, then held up a finger and stated, “Actually, if my intel is correct, the General will not need any of us. The Clone War may soon be over.”
“Tell that to the clankers headed our way,” said Captain Grey.
“Plus, we already heard that from Commander Cody,” Kimber added.
“It appears the possibility is looking more certain as I am referring to the encrypted comm chapter,” Tech said in reply. “Clone intelligence is reporting Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi has found and engaged General Grievous on Utapau.”
Everyone all got inquisitive expressions on their faces as Echo then spoke up, “If he captures or kills Grievous, the Separatist command structure will collapse.”
“And most likely the Droid armies along with them,” Kimber followed up with. 
Depa then replied with, “A fascinating theory, yet unfortunately, not something we can control from here. I suggest we focus on the task at hand.”
Stepping forward and with a confident grin, Hunter inquired, “Any orders…or shall we do what we do?”
They all donned their helmets once more as Wrecker then cried, “Let’s blow something up!”
The Jedi Master looked to her Padawan and asked of him, reusing Hunter’s words, “Well, Caleb, shall we let them do what they do?”
“Only if I can go with them,” he replied with eagerness.
“Very well,” she said. 
Seeing they were now going to have a tagalong, Hunter said to the boy, “Hey kid, you ready for this? We move fast.”
Caleb said back self-assuredly, “Good. That’s the only way I know.” Then without waiting for them, he took off running.
“I like him!” said Wrecker as they all followed after Caleb. 
Kimber chuckled at Caleb’s tenacity as she went after them. He was young, but he was certainly confident already in his abilities. He seemed to be enjoying the fighting. Maybe they could show him a few tricks in the next fight.
All of a sudden, she could hear a voice in her ear on the comm; one that she had never heard before and sent an unnerving, icy chill straight through her entire being and caused her to halt in her tracks. The voice, that was bordering on sinister, only spoke three words:
“Execute Order 66.”
She was incredibly confused. What did that even mean? Who did that voice belong to? What was going on…and why did she get the sinking, troubling feeling that something was terribly wrong?
However, just as she was about to call out to the boys, she heard Caleb yell behind her. When she turned around, she was stunned at what she saw:
Caleb was running, his lightsaber withdrawn, back to Depa, who was being fired upon by her own Clone squadron. Kimber was frozen with shock. Why were the Clones attacking her? Why would they do such a thing? She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Depa was trying her hardest to fight back, but the Clones were quickly overpowering her as Kimber heard Depa yell at Caleb to run. 
Then she was broken out of her astonished stupor when Hunter took her by the shoulders and asked with worry, “Kimber, what’s happened?”
“I don’t…I don’t know…,” she gasped out before joining her squad in running towards Caleb. 
To their horror as they ran, they heard Depa Billaba cry out in agony as she was gunned down by her Clones, meeting her end. Kimber was horrified at what had just suddenly happened.
“What is going on?!” she wondered with panic.
Caleb ceased running towards them and they halted in front of him. “Stay away from me!” he shouted in anger before darting off towards the trees down the hill. 
“Kid, wait!” Hunter called out, but the boy was fast and was gone from their sight. Looking around to everyone, he questioned, baffled, “What…what just happened?”
Tech answered him, “The comm channel is repeating one directive: execute Order 66.”
“Yeah, I heard that, too. What’s Order 66?” asked Wrecker.
“I was wondering that same thing,” said Kimber.
With a light shrug and turning back to his datapad, Tech told them, “I am not certain.”
Then Hunter ordered, trying to make sense of the situation, “Echo, Tech: talk to the reg Captain. Find out what you can.”
Echo and Tech were quick to obey and dashed off together. 
Hunter looked to Crosshair and told him, “Crosshair, you and I will track down the kid and make sure nothing happens to him.” Then he directed his attention to the remaining two. “Wrecker and Kimber, stall anyone who tries to follow us.”
The two of them nodded to Hunter and then the Sergeant and Crosshair ran off down the hill after Caleb.
Now that it was just her and Wrecker, Kimber spoke to him, “Wrecker, I’ve got a bad feeling about this. None of this makes any sense...and frankly, I’m scared. Why did the regs kill Billaba without provocation?”
“I’ve got no idea,” Wrecker answered, “but we’re gonna get it figured out.”
Kimber still felt uneasy about everything. It all seemed off; as if the galaxy was suddenly out of balance. The words “execute Order 66” in that creepy voice kept repeating in her mind.
“I didn’t like that voice,” she said in a low tone.
“I think that was the Chancellor,” he said back. “Though, he sounded weird.”
“It made me uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“I hope Tech and Echo can figure out what’s going on. I don’t like feeling on edge about this. That and I hope Hunter and Crosshair find Caleb. That poor boy…having to run and leave his master behind while she got slaughtered….”
"Hunter will find him. He can find anyone. He found you and he wasn’t even trying."
The corners of her mouth twitched up ever so slightly under her helmet. “Yeah…yeah, he did,” she said, the memories of when she was found by the Bad Batch taking place of the repeating phrase in her head. 
Then he stepped closer to her. “Are you, uh...are you two okay?”
Kimber sighed sadly. “I don’t know,” she said. “We seemed okay months ago, but then…he started growing distant from me again. I don’t know why, but we haven’t had the time to actually take a moment to talk about it.”
“I’m sure he’s just--uh-oh, we’ve got regs coming,” Wrecker informed her. 
Sure enough, there was a small group of Clones walking towards them, their weapons still out. “Where’s the Padawan?” one of them demanded.
“Yeah, don’t worry. Hunter’s handling it,” Wrecker told them, attempting to hold them off.
“We have orders from the Supreme Chancellor himself,” the Clone retaliated.
Kimber stepped up and said firmly, “That’s great, but like he said: Hunter’s handling it.”
“You’re not even a Clone. This isn’t any of your business. Step aside, you two,” the Clone in front ordered as he and the other soldiers roughly pushed past them, heading down the hill.
“Sure thing, boss,” Wrecker huffed in annoyance. Then he told Hunter over comms, “Hunter, you’ve got regs inbound.”
“Copy that,” Hunter responded. 
Then Tech’s voice spoke, “We have a situation,” making Kimber and Wrecker listen more intently.
“Tell me something I don’t know, Tech,” replied Hunter. 
“It appears the regs have been ordered to execute the Jedi,” stated Tech.
“What?” cried Kimber in disbelief.
“Which Jedi?” asked Hunter.
Tech answered, “All of them.”
Kimber and Wrecker looked at each other and, even though they couldn’t see each other’s face, they knew they both were in shock.
Then Tech added, “They’re saying the Jedi have committed treason.”
Now speaking just directly to Wrecker, Kimber exclaimed, “Wrecker, you guys have worked with the Jedi before. Would that even be possible?”
He just shrugged indifferently.
“I suggest you get back here,” spoke Tech again.
Then Hunter replied, “Can’t, we haven’t found the kid yet.”
Kimber was still dumbfounded at everything she was hearing. The Jedi committing treason and the regs being ordered to execute every single one of them? That was an absurd feat to ask of the Clones...especially a lot of them who worked with the Jedi directly!
Like Captain Rex…or Commander Cody.
“Fives…was this what you tried to warn me about?” she thought in her head, remembering the warning the late Clone had given her in a dream months back. He had warned her that something big was going to happen and when it did, she had to be with the Bad Batch if they were going to survive...though, this event only seemed to impact the Jedi. Maybe this wasn’t it.
Though, she still couldn’t shake the feeling that it was.
Multiple sounds of blasterfire suddenly sounded from down the hill within the trees. She recognized the sound; it was Crosshair’s sniper rifle. Why was he shooting? What or whom was he firing at?
Almost as if he could read her mind, Wrecker told her, “Sounds like Crosshair and Hunter might need some help. You’d better get down there.”
Not needing to be told twice, Kimber dashed as quickly as she could down the snowy hill, heading in the direction she had seen them go not that long before. She slid a little bit down the hill to maintain her balance and to keep from falling face first into it. Once she reached the bottom, she took off the way she was sure the other two had gone. Though it didn’t take long for her to spot the regs close by. Luckily, they were looking in a different direction and hadn’t seemed to have found Hunter and Crosshair yet, so she kept going forward. Before long, she spotted red at the base of a tree and saw Crosshair slumped up against the trunk. Hunter was nowhere to be seen and there were two sets of footprints going off even further.
“Crosshair!” Kimber cried out, dropping to his side. He stirred at hearing her, his hand coming up to the side of his helmet. “Crosshair, what happened? What were you shooting at?”
“The Padawan,” he answered.
“What? Why? He’s just a kid!” she argued.
“The Jedi are to be executed. I’m following orders,” he droned as he stood up and started walking off in the direction the footprints were leading. 
Kimber was taken aback. That wasn’t normal for him. “What do you mean you’re following orders? Since when did you care about that?” she asked.
He stopped, looked over his shoulder and simply stated, “Good soldiers follow orders.” Then with that, he kept going and she watched him trudge away.
There was an edge to his voice that was different than usual. That combined with the statement he had just said made Kimber even more uneasy. Coming from him, what did that even mean? Why was he all of a sudden concerned about following orders when their squad’s whole deal was not following orders?
Something wasn't right at all and she didn't like it.
Shaking her insecurities away, Kimber moved to catch up with Crosshair, though just as she saw him, she also caught sight of Hunter standing at the edge of a large ravine, removing her helmet as she stopped.
Then she heard Crosshair ask him, looking around, "Where's the Jedi?"
His response was, "I stunned him when he jumped. He didn't make it."
"No...he didn't...he couldn't...!" Kimber lamented in her head. Hunter couldn't have killed Caleb, an innocent kid. That wasn't like him either; he would never do that! What was happening to her boys?!
Right then, she heard other voices behind her. The regs were getting close.
However, Hunter turned away from the cliff, leaving Crosshair, and walked away, his eyes quickly finding her as he did. She was giving him a pleading look that said "Please tell me it's not true."
He went up beside her, leaned in and said quietly into her ear before moving on, "Get back to the ship...and then we need to talk."
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Once the Bad Batch all reconvened at the Marauder, Tech informed them that another message had been sent out over the comm chatter.
"All Clone forces are being recalled back to Kamino," he told them all, not sounding rather enthused about it.
Kimber's heart sank. Back to Kamino...she wasn't looking forward to that at all. The last time they'd went was to get her armor and the Prime Minister, Lama Su, as well as other Kaminoans treated her unkindly. Not to mention Lama Su had put her through an unfair test and tried to have her taken away from the Bad Batch. None of them were happy with him or the Kaminoans for how they treated her and now the thought of going back was unsettling.
"Well...guess we don't have much of a choice," said Echo.
"Let's get to it then. It's going to take us quite a while to get there," Hunter then stated.
They all climbed onto the ship, a seemingly awkward silence hanging in the air between them. Tech and Wrecker moved to the front while Echo and Crosshair sat in the back. Kimber and Hunter were the last two to get on.
Though, as she went to get into the cabin, Hunter grabbed her hand and whispered urgently to her, "My bunk. Now." Then he went to the back of the ship without waiting.
She was surprised for a second, but then after making sure the others were good and felt the ship preparing for takeoff, she too went to the bunk area and ducked inside Hunter's room, closing the door behind her.
"I didn't kill the Padawan," he told her immediately after the door shut.
"Oh, thank the stars...!" she gasped out quietly in relief, clutching at her heart. "I heard what you told Crosshair and I...I didn't want to believe it."
He went on, "I didn't want to kill him. I tried to offer him help, but he jumped across the canyon and got away. I only told Crosshair what I did so he wouldn't be suspicious."
Kimber stepped forward and said in a hushed voice, "Something is up with him, Hunter. I don't know what, but he seemed different back there. Nothing about what happened on Kaller seemed right."
He sighed and shook his head. "I know. I don't know what's happening."
"Why did Crosshair try to kill Caleb? That isn't like him."
"The kid attacked us when we found him, but Crosshair wouldn't stand down. He told me he was following orders."
"He told me the same thing. That in and of itself is concerning."
"I don't know what to make of it." Hunter sat himself down on the edge of his bed and put his head in his hands, his shoulders falling as he sighed heavily. "I don't know how everything went so wrong so fast."
He looked exhausted, torn and confused. Kimber couldn't imagine the burden he must have been feeling, having to reign in one of his own from obeying an order that he believed was morally wrong and just being so lost over everything that suddenly took place.
Seating herself next to him, she laid a comforting hand on his back and said to him, "You did what you could. Even though we couldn't save the General, Caleb managed to escape because of you and that's what matters. You made the right choice."
Keeping his eyes still on the ground, he asked back, "I know I did...but then why do I still feel like I didn't?"
She too looked down in thought. "I cannot say. Whatever Order 66 was really about, it's going to cause a big change in the galaxy by eliminating all the Jedi. I don't believe for a second that all of them were guilty of treason, as the regs claimed. I'm sure there were plenty of good ones out there and no one as young as Caleb could be capable of such things. You saved his life. If anything, I want that to be what you take away from this mission."
Finally, Hunter lifted his head and met her gaze with his, a look of conflict still in his eyes. "The war most likely will be ending soon...yet with Order 66, I feel as though something bigger and potentially worse will take its place. The Jedi protected the galaxy and were peacekeepers...where does that leave the rest of us without any of them left alive?"
She sighed with defeat. "I don't know," she said. "You know more about the Jedi than I do."
"Well, that still isn't much," he countered, averting his gaze to his lap.
Instinctively, Kimber brought her hand from Hunter's back up to his hair, slowly running her hands through it to help comfort him a bit. "We'll get through this, just like we do with everything else. I wish I knew what more to tell you, Hunter," she said with a melancholic tone. "I'm just as lost about all of this as you are."
"What you've said already was more than enough," he told her softly, looking back at her.
She offered a small smile to him and his lips flitted up back for a brief second.
"Is there anything else you need? Or that you want to talk about?" she then inquired, hoping that maybe she could get out of him the reason he'd been avoiding her recently and actually talk to him about things between them.
Hunter stared at her for a moment, his eyes searching hers for something she couldn't place. It looked as though he wanted to answer, but couldn't bring himself to. What was holding him back? When he turned his attention away again, she almost reached out to guide his gaze back to her.
Though, before she could, he said to her, "No...not yet. Later, maybe. Right now, I should go send in the mission report to Commander Cody."
There was no denying that Kimber was disappointed with that response, but she knew better than to press it. If he still wasn't ready to talk, then she wouldn't pressure him...despite how much she was being driven crazy by his distance from her.
"If you're sure," she relented.
Hunter then surprised her, however, by reaching up, cradling the back of her head and bringing his lips to her forehead, kissing her skin reverently. She froze up slightly, not expecting that from him right then.
"Thank you, Kimber," he told her in a gentle voice, giving her a grateful look before walking to the door.
Kimber couldn't help but wonder when Hunter was going to stop being so confusing. He distanced himself from her, yet called on her for help and did things like that. When would he make up his mind? While she still was a bit frustrated at not getting anything out of him, she knew she just had to keep being patient. He would figure things out eventually in his own way. For the time being, though, there were bigger things to worry about, such as Order 66, Crosshair's unorthodox behavior and returning to Kamino.
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Elsewhere in the galaxy, a half-destroyed ship was plummeting towards a desolate moon. It seemed as though no one on board was going to survive the crash.
One of the passengers on the ship, lying on his back in a corner, had felt as though he was waking up from one nightmare into another.
Not long before the ship began to go down, he had suddenly felt as though he no longer had control; that he wasn't himself. He found himself thinking and doing things he would have never imagined. He had fired his blasters on people he knew, respected and revered and he couldn't stop himself. He didn't know what ended up happening to them as the fight had taken many turns before the ship took a nosedive. Though, he had a strong suspicion they had survived as he thought he had seen one of them getting into a ship just before the ship began to crash.
What had happened to him? Why had he suddenly lost all control? Why did he try and kill his friends?
"What have I done?" he thought in despair.
The only thing he knew for certain was that he was going to die very soon. There weren't any possibilities of him being able to escape and survive. He couldn't see any other way. As this realization came over him, there was only one person that came to the forefront of his mind:
A beautiful, compassionate, strong and fierce woman with amber eyes and a long, brown braid falling down her back...the only woman he'd ever truly loved.
His heart ached immensely as he realized that he would never see her again. Even though she didn't return his love in kind, she still had wanted him in her life and that meant more to him than anything. When last he'd seen her, they had promised each other that they would live to the end of the war so that they could be reunited once again.
It grieved him knowing he wouldn't be able to keep that promise...but there was one last thing he could do.
Not wanting to waste any precious time in his final moments, ARC Trooper Jesse sat himself up against a wall and withdrew a holopad to record his final goodbye to the one who held his heart before meeting his inevitable end on a desolate moon.
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
Hongjoong Can Fly
An ATEEZ fanfic by AbsentCaryatid
Part 5, the final installment in the ATEEZ Dreams series
402 words, Content note: no reader, no romance, mention of military service
Hongjoong's friendship with Seonghwa had brought him many things, but this may have been the most surprising. Tonight he was flying over Seoul in the company of three children, something he did multiple times a week. Friday and Saturday evenings to be exact, with a Sunday matinee to follow.
In an 'iHeartRadio' interview Hongjoong had once expressed the desire to be Peter Pan. He was now living that dream while ATEEZ was on hiatus with the younger members in the military. Seonghwa was busy himself with more work on Star Wars projects as the dashing Jedi known throughout the galaxy for his swordsmanship with the lightsaber. It was through sword practice one day that Seonghwa had suggested Hongjoong try out for a Korean production of Peter Pan. He had the right looks, wore red hair well, and could pull off any shade of green. Now with some tips from Seonghwa, Hongjoong was also ready to take on Captain Hook in a staged sword fight.
It had taken many years of practice, but Hongjoong had finally become comfortable with acting in music videos and promotional materials for ATEEZ. That demonstrated, producers needed little imagination to picture the slight man as the eternally youthful storybook character. Once Hongjoong had the reassurance that this stage play had employed professionals with a perfect track record for safety to assist his flights in the theater he signed on to the project. Familiar with J. M. Barrie's source material, Hongjoong had also made sure the play script had been modified to remove the Indian subplot from the story.
To say Hongjoong was popular in the role would be an understatement. ATEEZ fans were thrilled to see the leader in a venue smaller than the concert halls the group constantly sold out. By now many who called themselves ATINY had children of their own to bring to the show. Even though those kids only knew Hongjoong as Peter Pan, they were entranced and loved him for it.
His role impressed theater critics and the general public beyond K-pop enthusiasts too. While he would not abandon his primary career as a songwriter and music performer, Hongjoong enjoyed his time on the theater stage and planned to return one day. In the meantime, the show went on with many beloved K-pop stars rotating through the role including both Felix and Han of Stray Kids, and also Block B's eternally youthful Taeil.
General Masterlist
Masterlist of stories with No Romance
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writing-lily · 10 months
Um. Hi! Welcome to my blog!
No idea how you found it, but you're welcome all the same!
My name is GracefulLily, but you can just call me Lily. I'm a wannabe author on AO3. She/they pronouns are the game, and I am over the age of 25.
My involvement in fandoms are loose, and by that I mean I'm in a couple of discords for fanfiction and exclusively interact through fanfic otherwise. I'm a big fan of SI and OC-Insert fics, especially when shoving them at various potential dad figures in the form of fictional men. It's a thing, I have no shame in it.
A non-exhaustive list of my fandoms:
Ghost Hunt (Underrated anime, needs more love tbh)
MXTX works (SVSSS, MDZS, and TGCF)
Hoyoverse Games (Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail)
Dragon Age Series
Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy, Original Trilogy, Jedi Apprentice books, and The Mandalorian mostly)
Danny Phantom
Hannibal (NBC TV series)
Percy Jackson
I made this blog with the hopes of getting myself more enthusiastic with fanfic or fandom stuff, please do not hesitate to reach out to me through my asks, whether to talk fic ideas, ask me questions, and more!
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
I'm literally frothing at the mouth, I can't wait until I can post this snippet in the actual chapter, but it's gonna be forever because it doesn't happen until a later section *screams*
but I'm impatient, so here you go-
Cody knew, logically, that trying to catch Obi-Wan would just kill them both. They would both be pulled into the vacuum of space, and suffocate, and die. They would leave the 212th without their Commander and without their General. No one would be there to pick up the pieces of their loss. He knew this, but he didn't even have to think when he saw Obi-Wan falling.
He pushed off the wall, and reached out a hand, and grabbed.
His hand found Obi-Wan's, they slid a few inches down the rope, but still, he held on.
Obi-Wan looked up, eyes shining.
Cody looked down, heart pounding.
"I've got you, sir."
And the bastard grinned like they both didn't have one foot in the grave, "I know, Cody."
372 notes · View notes
c-m-li · 11 months
Get To Know Me
Tagged by the lovely @stuffoffandoms
Last song: Control by Halsey (what I listen to depends on what fic I’m working on and Control just screams child soldier Obi-Wan on Melida-Daan)
Currently Watching: nothing. I just finished binging through The Rookie so I’m considering my options. A friend recommended Teen Wolf, solely for season 3 void!Stiles.
Currently Reading: Thinking about reading The Force Unleashed by Sean Williams. Also, all the fanfics, Rough Trade for July started so I’m compulsively refreshing the page every hour.
Current Obsession: Divas podcast, discovered through TikTok. They’re rewatching the entire Star Wars visual media in chronological order and I just finished Dark Side Divas (they just started Rebels which I have not seen) and I have now moved onto Marvelous Divas where they’re doing the same for all MCU visual media. They’re chaotic and hilarious and I highly recommend them.
Tagging @batsutousai @jedi-enthusiast @bitter-chocolate-stars @frostbitebakery @wrennette @wanderingjedihistorian
0 notes
monako-jinn-stories · 3 years
Crosshair X Fem!Reader FanFic
It Started With a Vacation
Hello my lovely readers. I don’t like this chapter much, but all fan fictions have to start somewhere, right? I PROMISE I have a plan…at least later in it akidhwehid. Building up to the parts I have planned is the hard bit for me. But! I hope you stick around to see where this goes (I’m really excited for it AHHHH)
Main Master List
Story Master List
Chapter Two
Chapter One
“A Jedi? Really?” Crosshair said as Hunter told them about their next mission and who was to lead it.
“Hey, it wasn’t my choice. Sometimes we have to follow a generals orders,” Hunter replied. Crosshair rolled his eyes, biting down into the toothpick in his mouth.
“Maybe they’ll be fun!” Wrecker said enthusiastically, earning a glare from Crosshair.
“I doubt it.”
“Cmon, we have to give them a chance. They can’t all be sticklers for the rules,” Hunter countered.
Crosshair didn’t respond, he merely went back to chewing absentmindedly on his toothpick, eyes narrowed while scanning the hanger they were waiting in. Clones wandered around, some coming back from missions while others preparing to leave. Crosshair wished they could just be on their way already, so that his time with this Jedi would be over quickly.
“Do we know anything about this Jedi?” Tech asked, busily scrolling through his data pad.
“No, nothing yet. General Windu just said that he would bring them here to meet us before the mission,” Hunter responded, watching as Wrecker was about to try and mess with Crosshair.
“Not even a name?” Tech said looking up.
“Huh,” he said, going back to his data pad.
“Well, if my information is correct,” he began.
“Ah, not this again with your useless info,” Crosshair mumbled before wheeling around and grabbing Wrecker’s collar, pulling his face down to his own eye level and glaring at him, earning a brief “ahh!” in the process. Tech shot Crosshair a look before continuing, saying, “The generals that are currently engaged in battle right now are General Skywalker, Kenobi, Secura, Fisto-”
“Ah, just tell us who isn’t fighting, that list HAS to be smaller,” Wrecker said while trapping Crosshair in a headlock.
“Well, that would be General Windu, Plo, Tii, Yoda, Jinn, Mundi...” As Tech rambled on, Hunter looked across the hanger again, wondering why they had not been given more information. Was this Jedi notorious for something? Did they have a bad history that Windu didn’t want the clones to know about before the mission? Was it Pong Krell?
“And, by my calculations, which are rarely wrong,” Tech spoke as Hunter tuned back in, “that leaves the possible Jedi to lead us as General Unduli, Tiin, and Jinn.”
“Let’s pray we don’t get stuck with Unduli,” Hunter said, “I know she’s strictly by the books.”
“Yes, and General Tiin seems to be similar by my data.”
Hunter was just about to question Tech about the last General, General Jinn who he had never heard of, when he saw Windu enter the hanger.
“Look, there’s Windu now. Oh,” Hunter said, “looks like we got a lady Jedi this time.”
Crosshair huffed in response, turning to look at who he was pointing to. He took in your appearance as you walked next to Windu. You wore a simple shirt with simple pants, not the traditional Jedi clothing that many humans wore. Your boots looked worn and scuffed, almost falling apart. You had a soft expression on your face, not quite excitement but a level of interest. Boring, in his eyes.
“Hey, she’s kinda cute,” Wrecker said, nudging Crosshair in the side. He merely shot him an annoyed glance before turning back to the two approaching Jedi. The batch all seemed to straighten up slightly as you approached, saluting to you and Mace.
“General Jinn, this is clone Force 99. Also known amongst themselves as the bad batch,” Mace stated, motioning to the clones in front of you. “They are genetically modified with favorably enhanced abilities, and are an elite Squad that never fail a mission.” You nodded as you took them in, certainly different from any clone you had seen before. “You may inform them of the mission details when you’re enroute. Unfortunately, I must be heading back to the council immediately, so you’ll have to make your own acquaintance.”
“Not a problem, Master Windu,” you said, bowing slightly to him before he turned and left.
“So,” Hunter said. “General Jinn, is it?”
“Yes, but please, call me y/n. I hate formal titles,” you said, extending your hand. Hunter gave a small smile, accepting the gesture.
“My names Hunter, and this here is Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair,” he said, pointing to each one individually. Tech looked up and gave you a brief glance when his name was said, before going back to his data pad. Wrecker gave an enthusiastic wave, and Crosshair just stared at you, chewing on his toothpick.
“Tech here is a master of technology, hence his name. He’s the smartest of us as well, and he might try and tell you some useless information if he gets the chance,” Hunter explained.
“It’s not useless information if you might need to know it some day,” Tech countered.
“When do we ever need to know your information?” Wrecker questioned, and Tech just merely huffed and continued scrolling.
“He’s also the most talkative of us, so if you want to have a long conversation, I suggest going to him first.” You nodded, taking mental notes on the clone. He looked younger than any clone you had seen before, perhaps from his genetic modifications. His goggles made him look cute and smart.
“I’m Wrecker,” Wrecker spoke, pushing Hunter to the side to shake your hand. “I’m the strong one, and I love to blow things up!” His massive grin almost made you laugh as he violently jerked your arm up and down.
“Nice to meet you, Wrecker,” you said, rubbing your shoulder after he released your grip. “I’ll make sure to remember to let you press the button if something needs blown up.” Wrecker was the biggest clone you had ever seen. He was taller and more buff than the rest, clear indications of his strength. You felt bad for the droids that encountered him, clearly he would easily destroy them.
You looked to the clone who was seemingly bored with the introductions.
“Crosshair isn’t much of a talker,” Hunter said. “He prefers to brood around like he’s better than everyone else.” That earned a sneer from Crosshair who flicked his toothpick from his mouth at Hunter.
“He has incredible eyesight, so he’s our sniper. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him miss a shot. He’s the best shot there is in the entire clone army,” Hunter stated.
“Try best shot in the galaxy,” Crosshair countered. You guessed he was the oldest of the group, as his grey hair stood out from the others. He was also very lean, and looked like he held himself above others. You noted the crosshair symbol tattooed over his right eye, which you assumed was the one he used to aim.
“And you?” You said, looking at Hunter. He was quite handsome for a clone, who you thought were already pretty good looking. You took in his longer hair, and his half skull tattoo that covered most of the left side of his face. He looked the most respectable out of the group, and you took a mental note to talk to him more. “What are your special enhancements?”
“I’ve got heightened senses, allowing me to pick up on electromagnetic frequencies. I’m more trustworthy than a map,” he said. “I’m also the so-called leader of the group, as my senses will help us determine the best course of action.”
“Well, I don’t think you’ll be needing to do a lot of scouting and leading for this mission,” you said.
“No offense, y/n, but we would rather trust my abilities than yours,” he said.
“Oh, no, I’m not saying I’ll be doing that. I’m saying that we won’t be needing anyone to do it,” you replied.
The clones looked at each other, confusion on most of their faces.
“Care to explain?” Tech said.
“On the ship,” you replied. They nodded and Hunter led you onto the Havoc Marauder, Tech going to the cockpit to begin the journey.
“Where are we off to?” Tech asked as the ship began to exit Coruscant’s atmosphere.
“Dohbar,” you stated.
“Dohbar,” he repeated, suddenly sitting up straighter in his seat. “I was under the impression that Dohbar had been able to stay out of the conflict.”
“It has,” you said, “but we’re being sent there for a reason.”
“And what exactly is that reason?” Hunter questioned.
“I’ll tell you when we get there,” you said. Crosshair suddenly turned to you, an annoyed expression on his face.
“Listen, Jedi,” he said, “you said you would tell us what our mission was when we got on this ship, and we’re on it now, so tell us.”
“Master Windu told me not to tell you anything until we get there,” you countered. “He said to wait because if I told you sooner, things may not go to plan.”
“Actually, I heard him tell you to explain the mission when we were en route,” Crosshair shot back.
“Well he told me privately to wait, as some of you may decide not to do your part,” you said, noting to yourself that Crosshair might have been the one he was talking about.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll find out.”
Crosshair held your gaze for a second before he huffed and got up to leave the room.
“Someone’s grumpy,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Ahh, you’ll get used to it. Cross doesn’t exactly like following orders, or being told what to do. Especially not by a Jedi. He also hates not knowing what he’s getting himself into,” Hunter said, coming to stand by you.
“I would tell you if Master Windu hadn’t warned me, but from what he told me about you, I think he’s right,” you said, meeting Hunter’s gaze. He looked at you with confusion and suspicion, to which you responded, “oh, it’s nothing wrong with you, this mission just isn’t your style, from what I’ve heard,” you said, hoping to ease some tension. He just looked at his brothers before shrugging.
“As long as we get to have our fun, I don’t think it’ll be that bad,” he said, going to sit in his seat.
“Well fun shouldn’t be a problem, I hope.”
“Preparing to jump to hyperspace,” Tech said. You leaned against the wall as the ship jumped forward, entering light speed.
The trip from Coruscant to Dohbar wasn’t terribly long, and it went by faster due to Tech’s curiosity in your home world. He asked you many questions, setting his data pad down for once and focusing all his attention on you.
“What was it like on Dohbar before it joined the Republic?”
“Well, pretty much the same as it is now, except now we have a senator, my friend Ahnimaka Caree.”
“Are there any Republic bases there?” Tech questioned, grabbing his data pad and looking at a map of the planet.
“No, not yet. Since there hasn’t been any conflict near or on Dohbar, there hasn’t been a need to establish a base.”
“But, according to my data, a few years ago there was a separatist attack that resulted in the deaths of King and Queen Monako.”
You stiffened slightly when he mentioned this, remembering the day like it was yesterday. “Yes,” you said, “but that was seemingly a one time threat. There has been no interest in Dohbar shown by the Separatists, so we have remained confident that the only protection we need is from our own military forces.”
He suddenly stopped scrolling, staring closely at a picture on his data pad. He suddenly looked at you, eyes narrowed, and then back at his data pad. He did that once again before turning completely to you, holding the data pad to face you. Your eyes landed on a picture of yourself and your friend Kwol Barren, under the heading “Current Rulers: King Barren and Queen Monako.”
“Is this you?” Tech said more than asked.
“Yes,” you replied simply, unbothered by his discovery.
“Wait, you’re the queen of Dohbar?” Wrecker asked. You nodded your head in response, taking in their reactions.
“So, is there some kind of high-level threat that we need to protect you from? Is that why we’re going there?” Hunter asked, folding his arms across his chest, “we’re just some kind of personal bodyguard group?”
“Believe me, I can take care of myself, and I certainly don’t need you to protect me,” you shot back, suddenly angry at his question.
“Calm down, your highness,” he said defensively, “I wasn’t calling you weak or helpless, I was just observing what this situation looks like.”
You huffed in response before folding your own arms. “Sorry. I’m just sick of my entire life, people have thought that I need protection, or that I need to be watched. That I can’t stand for myself.”
Wrecker, Tech, and Hunter looked at each other before Hunter spoke.
“Hey, we get the feeling of no one believing in you, or respecting you. Hell, almost every reg thinks we a bunch of lab experiments gone wrong. We’ve had to fight our own brothers for a chance to prove ourselves in this army,” he said gently.
You looked at them again, seeing sympathy in their expressions. You felt bad for almost exploding on Hunter, it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know what his duty on this mission actually was. He had only been putting together the information he had to form the most accurate guess.
“I’m sorry that the others don’t respect you,” you said. “Maybe it’s because they’re jealous that you’re better than them?” You offered, smiling slightly.
“Yeah, they don’t see it like that though,” Hunter laughed. The mood in the room changed back to calm again, tension leaving the air.
“Tell us about your military,” Tech said, pulling your attention from Hunter. “I’m very intrigued on how you’ve been able to avoid conflict so well.”
“We haven’t always avoided conflict,” you began, “but when it presents itself, we’re always prepared. We always try diplomatic solutions and negotiations before engaging in any kind of fighting, but sometimes that doesn’t work. Like the clones, I assume, we train from a very young age to defend our planet. All kids enter into their local academy, and the ones who develop a passion for fighting and protecting Dohbar transfer to one of our military academies after a certain year in their academic career. In recent years, we’ve made the schooling more private in the sense that parents have less influence over their children’s choices. In the past, parents had more ability to make the military decision for their children, often against their wishes. Many were forced into furthering their training that did not have a real passion for it. But, since me and King Kwol were coronated, we made it one of our priorities to ensure it is the child’s choice, not their parents.”
“Interesting,” he said, leaning forward as he listened to you. “And what about your training? What kind of fighting do you learn?”
“Well, we learn all types of fighting. When we’re young, we learn hand to hand combat, the sort of self defense kind. As we get older, it progresses into offensive combat, while bringing in some weapons to defend ourselves, such as knives and small blasters. Those who chose to continue on the military path learn how to fight with bigger weapons, like larger guns, cannons, and tanks.”
“So it’s very similar to the the clone army?”
“I guess, in a way. Yes, I suppose you’re right, now that I think about it.”
“Interesting,” he said, turning to face forward in his seat as the navigator began to go off.
“It appears we have arrived at Dohbar,” Tech said looking at the navigator. You looked out the front of the ship as you came out of hyperspace. Dohbar sat in front of you, beautiful as ever.
“Nice planet,” Wrecker said.
“It doesn’t look especially interesting,” Crosshair said. You jumped when he spoke, as you had not noticed him reenter the cockpit. A hint of amusement was briefly in his eyes as he settled down in his seat.
“Where shall we land?” Tech asked, taking the controls from autopilot.
“The palace hanger, they’re already expecting us,” you said. Tech nodded as he made his way into the lower atmosphere. You had made this trip many times, constantly going between the Jedi order and your diplomatic duties as queen. As the ship settled in the hanger, you eagerly made your way to the exit ramp.
“So, what exactly are we doing here?” Hunter asked as you led them off the ship. You were walking in front of them, so they didn’t notice when you bit your cheek, hesitating before answering.
“I was told that your squad needed some time off to relax, so I was asked to bring you here.” You sensed them all stop walking before you turned around to look at them.
“We’re being sidelined?” Crosshair hissed through his teeth.
“No, you’re being forced to relax,” you responded.
“This has to be a joke,” he angrily said, going to turn back to the ship. “I’m not taking a vacation in the middle of a war.”
You looked at the others before you shrugged your shoulders.
“Fine. Leave. See if I care,” you said, turning and continuing to walk into the palace.
Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker looked at each other before looking at Crosshair, who was standing on the boarding ramp of the ship.
“Well?” He said to his brothers.
“Sorry, Cross. We’re gonna give this a chance,” Hunter said, turning to follow you.
“Yeah, and I’d love to learn more about this planet as Dohbar only recently joined the republic and opened its data to outsiders,” Tech agreed, putting his data pad down and looking around himself.
“And y/n’s nice!” Wrecker added, joining the group. Crosshair grumbled to himself, going to sit inside the ship.
“Is he going to be alright?” You asked, leading the boys through the palace.
“Yeah, don’t worry. As soon as he gets over himself, he’ll join us,” Hunter said while looking at his surroundings. You heard Wrecker and Tech let out astonished noises at their surroundings. You passed massive windows that overlooked the city and pillars carved long ago. Every so often, you walked by a painting of a past ruler hung on the wall with their name under it.
“This is really quite incredible,” Tech said. “According to my research, the royal Dohbarian palace was constructed 374 years ago. Many renovations have been added to it in order to keep up with new technological advancements. The original structure has also been reinforced many times in order to protect it from aging.”
“Ahh, do you have to ruin everything with facts?” Wrecker groaned, shoving Tech playfully. Tech quickly regained his balance and adjusted his goggles before grumbling something about not being appreciated as much as he should be.
“Don’t worry, Tech,” you said, moving to walk next to him, “I appreciate your information. Some of what you’ve said today, I didn’t even know myself.”
He seemed to lighten up when you said that, offering you a smile before looking around again.
“Up ahead are 5 rooms I had prepared for you,” you said, pointing down the hall.
“5?” Hunter questioned, “but there’s only 4 of us.”
“Well, I didn’t know if you wanted separate rooms or a shared room, so one of them has beds for all of you, while the others are just singles,” you explained. “I know that at least my men in the 17th battalion often like to stay together, as they have grown up that way.”
“Oh, well, thanks,” he said. They seemed to appreciate the gesture. You watched as they all made their way into the shared room.
“I’ll let you get accommodated to your room, then I can show you around later.” You left the room and the boys began to settle in. There wasn’t much to the room. It was simple, with a bathroom off to the side and a balcony over looking the palace grounds. There was also a staircase that led down into the grounds. The boys put their stuff down next to the beds they had chosen, Wrecker jumping onto his and laughing when it didn’t break.
“Ahhh,” he said, falling back and relaxing. “This bed is the nicest I’ve ever had!”
Tech rolled his eyes at his brothers actions and sat down on his own bed.
“This is quite a nice place. Y/n seems to be trustable,” Tech said.
“Well, yeah, she is a Jedi,” Wrecker replied.
“Not all Jedi are trustable. Some, like Pong Krell, don’t care for us clones. Something tells me y/n cares more than most,” Hunter explained.
“Maybe we should try and get Crosshair to come join us,” Tech said while standing up. “I don’t like leaving any of us alone.”
Hunter shook his head. “He’ll be fine. I think he just needs some time. He isn’t happy about this “mission” we were sent on.” Tech nodded before walking over to the balcony. He noticed you kneeling under a tree off to the side. He watched curiously, assuming that you were meditating.
“I do hope we aren’t here long. As nice as relaxing might be, Crosshair is right. We are in the middle of a war, and we should be fighting,” he said while turning back to his brothers.
“How about we give it 2 days? If we feel as though we need to go back, we will. I’m sure y/n would understand,” Hunter said.
“Aww, I was hoping for longer,” Wrecker complained.
“Wouldn’t you rather be blowing stuff up?” Tech questioned, to which Wrecker opened his mouth to respond before huffing and crossing his arms in defeat.
“Come on, let’s go ask her to show us around,” Hunter said, leading them down the stairs into the palace grounds and over to where you were meditating.
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swbumblebee · 2 years
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I posted 463 times in 2021
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Longest Tag: 100 characters
#is it romantic if neither of you notices you're drinking wine and holding hands in the candle light?
My Top Posts in 2021
Plo Koon, clutching a woolly hat: "Obi-Wan, good luck on your mission. I have heard the region can be very cold for humans."
Obi-Wan, Doing His Usual: "Oh no I’ll be fine thank you Master Plo, I’m sure I’ll cope."
Plo Koon: Distressed Parent Noises
Obi-Wan, hastily taking offered hat: "But of course, it doesn’t hurt to be extra prepared. I shall be sure to take it with me."
Plo Koon: ...
Obi-Wan, trying not to panic:"...and...wear it at all times?"
Plo Koon: Visible Happiness
335 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 16:58:55 GMT
The group of Jedi Generals and senior clone officers were clustered together in the hanger, watching with keen eyes as troops from both the 212th and the 501st were suiting up and organising themselves into ground teams, ready to ship out.
Marshall Commander Cody let the usual Skywalker/Tano banter wash over him, as much background noise as the whirring of machinery and the thud of boots. Instead he focused his gaze on his own General, who was standing silently with an uncharacteristically distant look on his face.
“Sir, everything alright?” he asked in a low voice, positioning himself so the question was as private as possible.
The Jedi didn’t move for a solid twenty seconds.
Cody dithered.
General Kenobi finally acknowledged him, seemingly quite startled to find Cody so close. “Oh ah, yes. Sorry Cody I’m just…” he trailed off, and Cody watched with a sinking feeling as the vacant look took over his face once more.
He was starting to recognise that look:
Force Oisk was going down.
“Padawan” the General cleared his throat suddenly and Cody was instantly alert.
To his amusement, both the younger Jedi looked up at the summons, stopping their horsing around immediately.
“Would you run and fetch my Shoto from my room please?” the senior Jedi asked politely, addressing Commander Tano.
Both younger people looked at him with the most confusing expressions. General Skywalker tilted his head in surprise and Commander Tano’s eyes widened in excitement as a smile formed.
“Really?” She asked in an endearingly childish tone, as if her Grand Master had just announced life day had come early. Cody half expected her to start bouncing on the balls of her feet.
General Kenobi only hummed in confirmation, tilting his head as if listening to something. If he wasn’t so used to the aforementioned Force Oisk, it would have been decidedly creepy to Cody.
“Yes…” he tapped his chin thoughtfully. “I’m not quite…but…yes” the General finally said, nodding firmly once at the end of his sentence. “Would you mind?”  
“Err Sure! I’ll go get it now!” she exclaimed enthusiastically. Turning back to the group seemingly as an afterthought, halfway to the doors, “I call Master Obi-Wan’s squad!” she called as she bounded out.  
General Kenobi shook his head fondly.
“Sorry, Sir…what’s a shoto?” Cody asked, hoping to jump in before it became any more of A Thing.
“Ah apologies Cody, that was rude of me” his C.O apologised. “A Shoto is a second lightsaber blade, slightly shorter than a main sabre. One uses it when performing double bladed fighting forms.”
Cody blinked.
He knew there were Jedi who had two sabers, Commander Tano for instance, but he’d never seen his own use anything other than his trademark single azure blade. Force knows he was lethal enough with it.
“Yeah, Jar’Kai” General Skywalker chimed in. “Master’s really good at it.”
Of course he was. Cody would have been surprised if his breathtakingly competent General was bad at anything.
“I don’t suppose it’s telling you why?” Skywalker asked drily.
“Unfortunately not” his Master replied flatly.
Before Cody could ask what the hell they were talking about now, Commander Tano positively skipped back over to them waving a lightsaber hilt that was slightly stubbier than the one Cody was used to seeing.  
“I’ve got it!”
It would’ve been a very cold person who didn’t smile at the enthusiasm of the young Jedi, and like the sun coming out from behind the clouds Cody’s General gave a soft smile as he took the hilt in his hands, briskly clipping it to his belt.
“Thank you Ahsoka.” The senior Jedi cleared his throat “hopefully I won’t have call to use it but” he shrugged “at least I can be prepared.”
Cody had A Bad Feeling about this.
“Master please can I go with Master Obi-Wan?” Commander Tano’s excited plea cut off his next question as she bounced in front of Skywalker, who rolled his eyes.
“I hope you’re as excited to hang out with me one day” he teased.
“We’ll hardly be ‘hanging out’” General Kenobi corrected. “But, Anakin if you have no objections, Ahsoka you’re with me.”
Skywalker nodded and shook his head fondly as Commander Tano punched the air.    
“Try and learn something Snips” he tugged playfully on her Padawan beads “I’ll see you later.” He looked at them all, suddenly serious “May the Force be with us.”
Cody had tried to prize an explanation from his mystic Jedi before they found themselves in the middle of the fray:
“General, why did you have to bring your shoto blade?”
He got a shrug in return.
“The Force told me to.”
Well. Ask a silly question.
But an hour or so later, as Cody paused (rather unprofessionally) mid-way through kicking a clanker into the other end of next week, it became apparent that the Force knew what it was doing.
Gradually the others around him, separatist and clone, were pausing and looking up as one, as on the top of a low building just up ahead their General was showing them just what this “Jar’Kai form” in the hands of a Jedi Master could do.
Once the spectacle had caught his attention Cody found he couldn’t look away; his General was moving almost faster than the eye could follow; blue and yellow blurs following him as he quite simply decimated the forces in between him and his goals; both the rusty old bastard that was Grievous, and the all-important controls for the shield generator.
Flips, turns, twists and jumps. So far away from his usual contained, tight style. Every so often the sun glinted off red hair, highlighting intense blue eyes and a determined grimace that spoke of utmost concentration, and the whole picture looked like a scene from one of the stained glass windows Cody once saw in a place of worship on some long forgotten planet.
He could’ve stared at the scene quite happily for hours.
“Still with us Commander?”
Waxer’s voice, clearly amused, in his ear brought him crashing back down to earth.
He cleared his throat, infinitely glad his helmet concealed his blush at being court staring (he did not moon, thank you very much Rex).
“Lieutenant. Keep that flank covered” he instructed, with a vicious kick to a nearby grenade bot.
Waxer, the impertinent shit, snorted in his ear.
“Don’t you worry Codes, if you ask Tano nicely she might let you borrow her recording. Maybe just tell her you also want some pointers on your Lightsaber work.”
That little-
The click of the radio signaled the dead air that met his insults.
There was no denying the very small voice at the back of the Commander’s mind that was seriously considering nabbing the footage, but by the end of the battle reality was sinking in. It occurred to Cody that there were now twice as many lightsabers to catch when they inevitably fell from a great and dangerous height.
344 notes • Posted 2021-02-07 20:20:28 GMT
Mace Windu found himself in a singularly unique situation, and for the first time in a very long time felt something akin to nerves. The fate of the entire galaxy depended on his ability to connect with a small boy.
He looked down at the blonde child trotting happily next to him. Worlds away from the shielded young man who, last time, used to stalk the corridors of the temple, or the angry teenager who had radiated resentment.
Ten-year-old Anakin Skywalker hadn’t seemed to know quite what to make of the Korun Jedi. There had been suspicion there, at first. Understandably. Mace and Plo had discovered very quickly the Force had spat them out around six months after Naboo, and everything was still very raw.
He felt the shame of his words in that other life creep up on him. The first order of business when he had picked Anakin up that afternoon had been an apology. Starting from a foundation of trust was the cornerstone of their plan; save Anakin Skywalker, save the galaxy.  
The Master of the Order had given speeches to Kings and Emperors. He met with the Chancellor on a weekly basis and once had to improvise a poem to save a man’s life.
But this, this was the most important thing he would ever say.
He had knelt to be eye level with the boy and spoken from the heart.
“Anakin, do you remember our first meeting?”
The boy nodded silently.
“I have thought about our meeting a lot, and I would like to apologise.” Blue eyes got wider and the surprise in the Force was tangible. “I am afraid we did not live up to the ideals we should, and we did not support you – I did not support you” he corrected himself “as I should have.” He bowed his head a little before resuming eye contact. “I know you have a good heart Anakin, and I know you will be an excellent Jedi.”
This time.
He pushed sincerity into the Force and smiled a little.
“I am very glad, Padawan, that your Master is so stubborn. And you are proving us all wrong.”
After Mace’s apology had been awkwardly accepted, he moved them swiftly on to the hanger, picked up two spanners and then asked politely for Anakin’s help modifying his fighter.
And that, as they say, was that.
Three hours later and it was a completely different boy who walked back to the flat with him. He lit up the Force like a bonfire, bouncing along chattering away about droids, pod racers and all the planets he was going to see.
The Master smiled down at Anakin, who gave a heartbreakingly easy smile back at him. Blue eyes wide and trusting.
Mace thought he might need a lie down. A wave of intense sorrow threatened to overwhelm him for a moment when he thought of all that might have been, had they only paid more attention the first time around.
He shook himself out of it and sent a wave of warning to Plo as they neared the door to the Kenobi/Skywalker temple flat.
Plo had been on Kenobi Duty whilst Mace had been making a start on Phase One of the plan. Force only knows what awaited him in the flat. He half expected to find the young man wrapped up in blankets being force fed soup whilst Plo sang a lullaby.
His friend did go overboard sometimes. And he was damn near unstoppable when faced with a being in distress; Kenobi didn’t stand a chance.
Mace braced himself as Skywalker, no, he corrected himself, Anakin bounced through the doors with a joyous cry.
“Master Obi-Wan! Guess-“
“Shhh young one. Your Master is sleeping” Plo’s gentle voice cut him off.
The scene before them was sickeningly sweet and Mace rolled his eyes fondly: Plo was sitting on the sofa, propping up a fast-asleep twenty-two-year-old Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“Anakin, go and change into something clean.” Mace instructed very quietly, giving the child a light push towards the refresher. As soon as they were alone he rounded on Plo.
“You were supposed to bolster and support” he said, careful to keep his voice soft despite his exasperation “Not…cuddle him!”
Plo gave a dismissive hand gesture with the claw not stroking ginger hair, and would’ve shrugged if he didn’t have Obi-Wan’s head lolling against his chest.
“I did. And then it was nap time” he explained simply.
Mace shook his head. He would be on Kenobi Duty next time, and by Force they were going to actually address issues this time around or die trying.
Anakin re-emerged in clean tunics, standing unsurely in the doorway to the cozy living room.
Well. No time like the present.
He knelt down to the small boy’s level.
“Anakin” he said seriously. “We need to be gentle with your Master for a while.” Concern flooded the round face as Mace spoke “he’s strong, but he’s dealing with a lot, and he’s very tired.”
Large blue eyes flickered over his Master’s slumbering form, and back to Mace, glinting with understanding.
“He’s really sad” the child observed quietly, and the intelligence behind the simple words drifted over to Mace in the Force.  
He nodded.
“You’re a Jedi now Anakin, we look after each other. Can you look after your Master?”
Obi-Wan Kenobi is not perfect. It was one of the crucial misunderstandings that doomed them all last time; Skywalker had placed Obi-Wan on a pedestal so high he was outraged whenever his ‘perfect’ Master faltered. Kenobi was an ideal to Skywalker, instead of a real person. He believed his Master incapable of empathising with the mixed up, troubled young man Skywalker grew up to be.
Pushing him towards Sidious, and the dark.
And believing him utterly capable, nobody offered support in training Skywalker and Obi-Wan had given absolutely everything he had to raise the boy, resulting in a Jedi Master who was scarily competent but completely incapable of caring for himself.
Not this time. This time, they would do better.
Anakin gave him a serious nod, and Mace stood up solemnly. Plo was carefully untangling himself from Kenobi, gently lowering the sleeping man to lie flat on the sofa with a few clever twists of the Force. Mace rather suspected his friend was applying a sly sleep suggestion, when Obi-Wan didn’t so much as twitch at the movement.
Plo bowed to young Ani, raising a giggle from the boy.
“We will be back on Primeday Padawan.”
“May the Force be with you Master Plo and Master Mace” the Padawan in question chirped, already moving to take the discarded mugs from the coffee table as they left, giving his supine Master a gentle pat whilst he snored softly.  
The time travelling Master’s grinned at each other and Mace let out a long breath.
They had a long way to go, but this was a good place to start.
Hope you enjoyed this first snippet of my “Mace and Plo go back in time and fix the Kenobi/Skywalker team and save the Galaxy” AU! 
354 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 19:40:37 GMT
Obi-Wan Kenobi personally knew nearly everyone in the Jedi Temple. Not only his fellow Knights and the Masters, who had observed him grow from spirited child to stalwart Jedi Knight, but circumstances and his uncanny knack for remembering names meant all corners of the Temple counted Master Kenobi as a friend. It wasn’t thanks to some kind of box ticking exercise; he had no desire to be well-known. Over the years it just kind of happened…
The Master Scholars all knew him. A thirst for knowledge and a (slightly worrying) desire to prove himself meant Padawan Kenobi seemed to be in every class, typically near the back, quietly getting his head down or focusing intense eyes on the holo-board. Later, a new generation of Jedi teachers experienced the quiet cleverness of Knight Kenobi and his ingenious ways of helping his new Padawan catch up.
The Healers all knew him. Oh, did they know him. An apprenticeship marked by the worst luck and an abysmal attitude towards his own health meant his arrival was always accompanied by a halls-wide sense of urgency. That never changed. But nearly a year of playing a depressing little game called “What’s Padawan Skywalker Allergic To?” meant he was a regular visitor, face pinched in worry (often carrying a miserable ten year old) but with a kind smile for the Padawans and an obvious gratitude for their work he quickly knew all of them by name.
The kitchen staff all knew him. Popping in with a cheerful hello to politely enquire as to the ingredients of this week’s menu, and possible substitutions, to hopefully devise a strategy to win the aforementioned game, his arrival eventually became accompanied by shouts of greeting from all corners of the massive kitchen, and a box of pastries was inevitably thrust at the skinny young Knight.
The Temple Guards knew him well. It was something of a tradition for one of them to turn up at least every few days, having intercepted Padawan Skywalker wandering off, depositing the squirming child at his Master’s door to an exasperated sigh from Knight Kenobi. It was a strong guard indeed who was able to resist the apologetic smile and the offer of reconciliatory tea. Years down the line they found themselves automatically and unquestioningly accompanying the distraught young Master into the streets of Coruscant at all hours of the night to find his wayward Senior Padawan.
The Quarter Master knew him, and whilst their relationship had at times been something slightly less than stellar (he was the first Jedi ever she had had to give a Robe Allowance to. Two a quarter, and no more) he was responsible for a whole new tailoring style and colour scheme that was now very popular with the younger set; many an evening Knight Kenobi and his small Padawan had appeared at her door with a light brown Padawan tunic singed and stained beyond belief with oil, dirt and force only knows what. The sheepish smiles were accompanied by boxes of pastries after a while until they hit on the winning formula of dark robes to hide stains and synth-leather tabards to avoid singes and fraying.
The mechanics and maintenance staff all knew him, though for a long time not by name. He was simply Ani’s Master That Ginger One, who waved from the doorway of the workshop, always so careful with their little grease monkey and seemingly so impressed with that they’d taught him. It was when Grease Monkey Ani got a little more ambitious that they got to know him better, fighting over who got to call by the Kenobi/Skywalker flat to restore something to factory settings.
The administrative staff, who didn’t know anyone, all knew him. The close team of middle-aged women, most of whom had children, instantly kicked into Mothering Mode when he became the first Knight in a decade to search them out. Pale faced and exhausted, knocking on their door asking respectfully for guidance on the monstrous amount of forms he had to submit to register a being as a citizen of the republic. It was a long and difficult process, and they were all so terribly proud when he turned up one day with a big smile and an official identity card for young Skywalker, brandishing an Alderaanian sponge cake and some paper plates.  
Temple Wide Announcement, 7th Month, 21 Galactic Standard Calendar
It is with great pleasure that we announce Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi has answered the Order’s call to serve and will take his seat on the Jedi High Council
“Ahh, he was always such a bright boy, quite dedicated to his studies. I always rather thought he might end up in the archives you know”
“Would you look at that? Well, he’s Head Healer Che’s problem now, won’t be treated by the likes of us! It’s a shame really”
“Oh how wonderful! Let’s get some of those pastries going for dinner, he’ll like that”
“Kenobi? Nice. Solid choice. ‘Suppose he’ll have the whole order to chase after now!”
“Hmm. Well, I suppose we can’t have a High Councilor going about without a robe. Ash, let’s up his allowance to three per quarter.”
“Hey it’s Kenobi! Do you think he still has that Chrono that swears? We never did get around to fixing it.”
“Oh it’s dear Obi-Wan. We should send him a nice card, he was ever so sweet.”
416 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 18:46:23 GMT
He wasn’t hiding. Jedi Masters don’t hide. Mace Windu doesn’t hide. He just so happened to be in the furthest, quietest part of the archives where it was unlikely anybody would run into him.
He closed his eyes, breathing in the silence as he progressed. This period in time was turning out to be much more taxing than it had been the first time around. Then again, last time he wasn’t trying to formulate a plan to assassinate the Chancellor and decide the fate of a few million potential clones, at the same time as running the order and keeping an eye on two of the most unpredictable boys he had ever met.
Well, a boy and a young man.
Another reason for his journey. He could sense young Anakin’s blindingly strong presence and Obi-Wan’s steady, shielded light, getting closer and closer as he journeyed through the stacks.
What in the galaxy were they doing here?
A high-pitched giggle stopped him in his tracks.
“No Master! It’s Goodd`e da Lodia, otherwise it doesn’t make sense!”
“Alright alright, how’s this? Goodde da Loddia”
“Don’t just repeat it Padawan. Sound it out for me, like we do with Basic”
“OK, Goo-dd-è”
Mace cleared his throat.
“Good day”
Both young Jedi started, Obi-Wan nearly dropped the mug of tea that seemed to be permanently attached to his hand these days.
“Master Mace!” ten year old Anakin cried happily, pushing pleasure into the Force with enthusiasm, to a wince from his Master, who was exuding just the right amount of polite welcome from behind his shields.
“Hello Master Windu” Obi-Wan nodded at him with a somewhat tired smile. He made to get up from the dusty little table squeezed into the alcove and tucked into the wall, but the Master of the Order waved a hand.
“What’s all this?” he asked, eying the various pads and pieces of flimsi littering the table and the floor.
Instead of the usual bouncy response there was an unexpected, rather pregnant, silence and young Anakin gave his teacher a (not terribly subtle) worried look.
“Anakin is teaching me Huttese” Obi-Wan answered smoothly. The boy in question nodded vigorously, and Mace watched with a small amount of amusement as he ever so slightly kicked a piece of flimsy further under the table.
“Yes, as you probably heard, it’s not going terribly well” Obi-Wan gave him a self-deprecating smile, no doubt taking note of Mace’s incredulity. He turned to his Padawan.
“Anakin, could you make sure Madam Nu doesn’t close up this section yet, and let her know we won’t be long.”
The boy looked at his Master, and they gave each other a tiny understanding nod. Anakin’s Force signature flared ever so slightly with…fear? before it was quickly soothed by Obi-Wan, Mace assumed.
“Sure Master, be right back” The child took off among the stacks with a smile at Mace.
“Walk please, don’t run!” the young Master called after him, shaking his head.
Mace took the empty seat at the table, taking in the mess once more.
“So…Huttese?” he asked mildly, looking at a nearby pad “and…The Bantha who came for Life day?” he raised his eyebrows at the simple children’s story in Basic.
“Ahh, yes.” The young man chewed on his lip a little as he gathered his thoughts. Mace waited patiently, eyeing a nearby piece of flimsi with the Galactic Basic alphabet written out half a dozen times in shaky writing.
“Anakin is a bright boy” Obi-Wan began slowly. “He has an incredible knowledge of mechanics and electronics, and mathematics comes very easily to him.” He said, unable to keep a proud smile off his face, until he turned serious eyes on Mace again. “There are some areas, however, where he has a lot of catching up to do. He isn’t quite at his age level yet with his literacy.”
Mace frowned.
“Not quite at his age level?” he clarified, with a sinking feeling.
“Ah, no.” Obi-Wan paused again. “Obviously there wasn’t much cause for reading and writing in his previous…position” Both of them scowled at the euphemism “and whilst he can obviously speak it fluently” Obi-Wan sighed. “Anakin never learned to read and write in Basic.” he finished, rather apprehensively.
Mace blinked.
“He…can’t read or write?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. He crossed his arms in front of himself, wrists aligning with elbows. Mace recognised the nervous tick even if it was usually under his robe sleeves.  
“He is getting there though” the young man implored “we’re working on it, and he’s a fast learner. I assure you he’ll be up to standard in the next few months.”
Mace breathed out, shaking his head. He could’ve kicked himself.
One more way they had all let Anakin Skywalker down. Of course he wouldn’t be able to study at the level of core-educated temple younglings. He was a slave, the very idea was preposterous.
“But…how has he got on with his classes so far? He’s been here nine months already” Mace asked, deliberately keeping his voice light. He wasn’t going to admonish the only being in the temple who had actually been helping the boy. And it looked like, spending all his free time doing it.
Obi-Wan nodded.
“We work on assignments together, Anakin records his comprehension and writing class and we go through it afterwards.”
Mace took a moment to marvel at the kindness of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“Obi-Wan” he said gently. “You have your own teaching and advanced training to work on, not to mention the Master level courses.”
He instantly knew he’d said the wrong thing when fierce blue eyes turned on him and the younger Jedi straightened his posture.  
“I am perfectly capable of teaching him Master, he is my Padawan.” He paused, looking down at the table “I won’t put him in a class with the younglings. I won’t allow him to feel like he is less than the other Padawans, like he’s unintelligent.” He said firmly.
For a moment Mace was transported to council meetings with his friend, Master Kenobi arguing his point with words as strong as durasteel and a determination that could move planets. He felt a sudden pang of loss, looking at his friend’s twenty-two-year-old face.
“Of course not” Mace assured, pushing apology into the Force around them. He looked at the table. “But this isn’t sustainable Obi-Wan. You don’t need to do this alone.” He said quietly
The Knight blinked in surprise. Mace nearly rolled his eyes. Had asking for help really never crossed his mind? He made a mental note to focus more of his and Plo’s energy on Kenobi Support Duty.
“Yes.” He repeated firmly. “I will take him for an hour a week” he winced inwardly when he thought of his already busting schedule. Save Skywalker, save the Galaxy he reminded himself. “As, I’m sure, will Master Plo.”
Obi-Wan was giving him a look that was very difficult to decipher, halfway between wary and relieved.
“I…thank you Master” he bowed a little in his seat “that’s very kind of you and I…appreciate it.”
Mace smiled again, satisfied. He couldn’t sense the ball of energy that was Anakin Skywalker yet, obviously still on his quest.
“So you’re teaching Anakin Basic, and he’s teaching you Huttese…?” Mace raised his eyebrows in question again.
Obi-Wan’s ears started to turn ever so slightly pink.
“Ah yes” he cleared his throat. “I just thought…if Anakin considers the way a language is formed and taught, it might help with his own practice. And this way we’re learning together; it might boost his self-esteem a little.” The young Knight paused thoughtfully. “I want to emphasise that learning happens at any age and stage” He explained slowly, and then gave a sheepish smile. “And it’s quite fun” he admitted shyly.
Mace regarded the wise young man across from him. Obi-Wan Kenobi had been wasted in a war, in that other time.
Nerd. He thought fondly.
As Anakin practically skipped back over to them, attempting to sit on his Master in lieu of a third chair, he observed the two Jedi (bickering happily) who could have existed that first time around, if only they’d had more than each other.
Well, this time they had Mace, and Plo. And they’d be dammed if either of their boys ended up carrying the weight of the Galaxy, this time around.
500 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 21:51:40 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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7 16 and 17 for the ask game my dear!!!
Thanks Cordelia 💕
Get to know your author
7. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
I am embarrassed to admit that I write fanfic to non-fandom people, 100%. (I tell anyone unless directly asked or someone else writes it too.) Because i feel like most people who've heard of fanfic but haven't read it think it's only smut, or like, uber weird shit, and neither are what I write (no hate to those who write that!). But also because I know the feeling when someone messes with a thing you love and you don't agree with the changes they've made. A lot of people wouldn't understand fanfic as a nod to the original creators' ideas, and that's just a lot to unpack to someone who isn't a part of a community of fans/fandom.
But I am always super hyped to tell people I'm a writer
16. Are there any characters who haunt you?
Haunt as in stick to my soul forever and ever
Honestly, once I started to look at Obi-Wan through the broader whole-saga context of the storyline and learned about his padawan years, that's really only when i began to love him. I'd always really liked him, he was the Jedi I wanted to be when i was little, but once I really looked at the absolute dedication and extreme level of faith and how much willpower and love and trust that took to uphold, and how much he lost in the process? That is when i realized how admirable and rare he was. I still want to be like him.
Outside of Star Wars, Samwise Gamgee. If you (or anyone) want elaboration, man, hit me up with another ask. I will gladly talk about Samwise Gamgee.
17. If you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
a) You gotta believe that when people are telling you that you're good, they're not just doing that to appease you. b) there really are people out there who'll understand what you're saying. The wait to find them is worth it.
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trikadekaphile · 3 years
Excerpts from one of my favorite Han/Leia fanfics
Dant Solo once wrote a fanfic on the now-defunct TATS website, which was posted in three parts. It was titled "Oblivion" and focused on the missing moments from the period during the NJO (New Jedi Order) where Han and Leia were separated, then when they got back together. Dant Solo did what Kathy Tyers had neither the talent nor the decency to do: gave Han and Leia a proper reunion.
Now, it is no secret that I do not care for the pre-Disney EU, now called Legends. (For the record, I don’t care much for the Disney EU, either.) I flat-out hate much of the NJO, particularly the way it crapped all over Han/Leia's relationship -- not only separating them, but gypping them out of a reunion, and instead giving all the love/personal scenes to the red-gold pestilence and the penis on life support it married Mara and Luke...in the book that was supposed to contain the Han/Leia reunion. Tyers poured salt on the wound by offering a fake mea culpa where she said -- heck, gloated -- that she could have written some Han/Leia scenes, but she wanted to focus on the red-gold pestilence and the penis on life support it married Mara and Luke.
Han/Leia fans, justifiably outraged, began a campaign to get their couple better treatment. It took three years before Del Rey finally delivered something more than a half-assed stopgap measure: "Tatooine Ghost," set after Han and Leia were married, and thankfully retconned some of the most egregious and nauseating parts of the travesty called "The Courtship of Princess Leia."
Anyway, I feel a rant about the red-gold pestilence coming on, and I choose to quash it and refocus on the aforementioned excerpts from Dant Solo's fanfic. The whole fanfic is good, but I have some favorite parts, which are the ones I will post.
Without further ado, here are my favorite excerpts from "Oblivion":
[Han] came to a lift and entered it with half a dozen other beings, traveling downward to an entertainment level.  He found a familiar cantina, one that had been renamed but remained, nevertheless, the same sort of dive it had always been.  He swaggered through the doorway, hand resting casually above his blaster in an old, customary habit.  His senses were immediately assaulted by a musty, hazy smoke that filled the crowded, dimly lit room.  Loud conversation filled his ears, and he suddenly hoped that no one would speak to him.  He wanted a drink and he wanted to be alone.
He ambled to the bar and sat on a lone stool at one end, waving a hand to the bartender, a shiny headed Bith who greeted him enthusiastically.  Grumbling, Han ordered Alderaanian ale, noting the way the bartender slunk away after he provided it.
Gulping the brew greedily, Han's thoughts returned to Leia.  He couldn't remember the last time they had exchanged pleasant words.  He supposed it must have been some time shortly after Sernpidal.  Again, as had been the case for so long, despair flooded him at the thought of his friend and co-pilot.  His eyes closed without him even realizing it, his mind remembering the final moments of the Wookiee's life, recalling the horrible, shattering events against his own will.
Chewie!  No!
Dammit!  His fist clenched around the cold, hard mug of ale, but almost as quickly, it unclenched with a weak, sorrowful acceptance, eyes opening reflexively.
Ahh, Chewie...What am I supposed to do here?  I wish you could tell me.
He knew what the big lug would say...he would tell him to get off his ass and pull himself together.  That there was no use beating himself up over it and that he had wasted enough of his time already.
And he would probably tell Han to go back to his family.  If there was one thing Chewie had always felt very strongly about, it was family.
Maybe if he hadn't been running around with me, he'd be with his family right now.
A futile thought, but Han couldn't help but think it anyway.  He sighed, feeling a shudder pass through him with the release of that breath.  This was why he'd always been a loner.  Granted, Chewie had been in his life for an incredibly long time before he'd lost him, but he remembered vividly the kind of pain that loss of any kind imbued, and he had vowed, as a much younger man, not to risk such loss ever again.
But first there was Chewie and then there was Leia, both taking on a tough edged scoundrel who really wasn't worth it.
Surely, Leia had recently drawn that conclusion in earnest.  He thought of her trip to Hapes, of her time with the dashing, regal Prince Isolder.  If she'd married him instead of Han, she wouldn't be alone right now; she wouldn't have to wonder what would become of her husband, her marriage.  With a distant darkness, Han wondered what had passed between the Prince and his wife.  He was still a handsome bastard; certainly Leia would have noticed that.  Han had left her alone all these months, had in truth mostly left her alone for months before, all the while existing in the same home as her, drinking himself into oblivion.
The idea of Leia with Isolder inflamed Han with a heart clenching, smoldering jealousy that consumed him for a long, violent moment, tempting him to hurl his mug across the room, shattering it against the wall as concretely as the thought shattered his soul.
He pushed the agonizing thought from his mind, forcing it into a quiet corner of his brain, along with all thoughts too painful to bear.
He tried not to think of anything at all, and was barely aware when someone sat on a nearby stool and slid it beside him.  He glanced over to find a tall, curvaceous woman with close-cropped, sun colored hair smiling at him in a flirtatious manner.  He regarded her thoughtfully for a moment, smiling inwardly at the realization of who he had turned into since he'd met a young, idealistic would-be Jedi.  Then he returned his gaze to his drink, dismissing the young woman.
"Hi there," she said, turning to face him.
With a tired sigh, he looked at her again, smiling politely.  She was very attractive, he had to admit that.
"Buy a lady a drink?"  She smiled impishly.
Why not?  It couldn't hurt.  "Yeah, sure."  He gestured to the bartender, who hastened over.  "A drink for the lady," Han said with a gesture.
The woman smiled at the Bith.  "Tagorian Tellder wine."  As the bartender reached for the appropriate bottle and began to pour, she turned back to Han and extended a delicate hand.  "I'm Shayna."
Han shook her hand briefly.  "Han.  Nice to meetcha."  He took another long swig of his ale, watching the woman carefully as she received her drink from the bartender and sipped it slowly.
She raised an eyebrow at him before saying, "You look lonely, Han."
Han raised a brow in return.  "Nah, I'm just fine.  I like bein' alone."
"Really?  You don't ever like company?"
Against his will, his thoughts turned to his family.  It had been a long time, up until Chewie's death, since he had genuinely enjoyed being alone.  Now it seemed the only option left to him.  "Maybe sometimes.  Not often."
She smiled coyly.  "I don't like to be alone.  I'm always looking for company." She leaned toward him and the loose front of her blouse slid forward enticingly, capturing Han's gaze for the briefest of moments.
He looked away quickly, guzzling down the last of his ale and signaling the bartender for another.
Without warning, Shayna placed a warm hand on Han's thigh, just as his second ale was placed before him.
"You want to go someplace more private and talk some more?"
Han looked at her for a long moment, holding his mug in suspended animation halfway to his lips.  It could be so easy....to go with this beautiful woman and forget everything for a little while.  His body was certainly willing.  No one ever had to know.  There was no way for anyone to find out.  And in truth, he wasn't sure what was left of his marriage to begin with, so how wrong would it be, really?
Sighing mentally, Han realized that he would always know.  And if he ever had a chance of fixing things with Leia, he wasn't sure he could live with that knowledge.  Without warning, his mind assaulted him with an image of the hurt that would become present in Leia's eyes if he were to betray her.  Trust and fidelity had always been in large commodity between them, something each had always counted on, perhaps even taken for granted.  He could easily imagine how deeply this would cut her; how devastated and disappointed in him she would be.  Hadn't he disappointed her enough already?
It wasn't worth it.  A night with some stranger was not even remotely worth his wife and family, no matter what state those relationships were in.
He reached down and removed the woman's hand from his thigh, squeezed it gently for a second, then replaced it on the bar, noting her confused look of disappointment.  "Sorry, not interested."  He turned back to the bartop.
"You married?"  She asked knowingly.
"Yeah.  You could say that."  He closed up, pulling back inside himself.
"Hmm....you don't look like the faithful type," she said mischievously.
Han glanced at her, eyebrows shooting heavenward.  He supposed she was right, he didn't look the type.  Funny how things changed.  "Yeah, well, you'd be surprised."  He stood up, took one last gulp of his ale, tossed a few credits on the bar, gave the woman a mock salute, and then swaggered away. *******
Han dug into the travel pack he had stashed in a compartment over the sensor console on board the Falcon.  He was still undecided as to whether or not he was going to give Leia what was inside the pack.
He missed her already.  Their time together had been far too short.  After all the nights he had imagined holding her, he was still being denied.
With resigned uncertainty, he pulled out the gift he had purchased for Leia at the Abregadoe-rae spaceport.  It had almost seemed a sign at the time.  He had expected to see her when he arrived at Duro, and when he had seen this, he'd been uncharacteristically compelled to buy it.
The old fashioned book-- the actual flimsiplast sheets bound in a cover of burgundy with gold writing-- contained Alderaanian poetry.  He had stood in the small shop, holding it in his hands almost reverently, trying to decide if he should purchase it.
In a hasty decision, he had done just that.  Now he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to give it to her.  He felt somewhat foolish about the gesture.
He stood and placed the book on the holochess table and removed a bottle of Corellian brandy from a nearby compartment.  He went to the galley and grabbed a glass, filling it halfway with the amber liquid.  This drink was different from the ones he had taken this past year.   He didn't feel he needed it.  He simply wanted it. The rumble of the hatch opening surprised him, and he went to investigate, hand reaching for his blaster.  It was probably Jacen, but in such desperate circumstances, he couldn't take a chance.  As he hurried, he heard the sound of the hatch closing again, and when he rounded a corner, he saw what had to be Leia, removing the helmet of her chem suit.  He holstered his blaster and stared in disbelief as the helmet revealed her lovely face, surprising him yet again.  Around her now shaven head, a white scarf was tied.
She smiled at his dumbfounded expression, enjoying it immensely.  She knew she would have to be processed again in the morning, but she didn't care.  It was worth it.  She had dreamed of being with Han again for too long.  "Surprised to see me, Captain?"  She dropped the helmet to the floor and began removing the chem suit.
He just stared as she pushed the suit down her legs and stepped out of it.  With her hair gone, she looked thinner, the dark circles under her eyes more prominent.  It brought home to him what he had put her through, and guilt gripped his heart.
And here she is, doing everything in her power to be with me, yet again.  What did I ever do to deserve this woman?  He couldn't imagine.
Feeling awkwardly ashamed, he stuck his hands in his pockets and looked to the floor.
Leia picked up the suit and helmet, stashing them in a nearby compartment.  She was absurdly nervous.  Her stomach was fluttering in anticipation of spending time alone with Han.  In an effort to calm herself, she reached out through the Force to touch Han's essence and found him as nervous as she.  It was a comforting realization, and her tension decreased almost instantly.  She turned back to Han and they lapsed into silence.
He returned his gaze to hers.  "You want a drink?"
She nodded.  "Sure."  As she moved to follow him to the galley, she passed the holochess table and spotted, of all things, a book.  "What's this?"
Han stopped and saw her fingering the book on the table. I guess my decision's made for me, he thought dismally.  "Um...well, I got that for you."  He felt his face warming.
She looked up at him in sharp surprise.  He had gotten her a book?  That was certainly unexpected.  She smiled tentatively, sensing the sudden increase in awkwardness that permeated the air around Han.
Han crossed his arms over his chest, looking around the hold, everywhere but at Leia.  "I just...saw it, and...well, it made me think of you.  So I got it for you."  Did he sound as stupid to her as he did to himself?
She picked up the book gingerly, almost lovingly.  She fingered the cover, tracing the title with a fingertip:  The Heart Of Alderaan.  The old, familiar pain surfaced, competing with the pounding of her heart that was caused by Han's presence.
Han watched her, his heart churning.  She opened the cover carefully and turned to the first page.
Han cleared his throat.  "There was one poem..."  He grimaced at the sound of his own voice in the quiet of the ship, shrugging sheepishly.  "I thought it was pretty good. I marked it.  It really reminded me of you."
Leia glanced up at him for a moment before flipping carefully through the pages until she came to the one Han had marked.  Lead Me Back To You.  Warmth washed over her, and in a voice choked with emotion, Leia read the poem aloud.
"Blind and running, not knowing to where
Burning sorrow, from what isn't there
Eyes could not see, you were there for me."
Leia's voice faltered a moment, the words he had so carefully chosen cutting her deeply.  "Despair held reign, keeping me empty.
"Through the dark haze, your light strong and true
Ever shining, leads me back to you
Starlight so bright, a beacon in black
Filling my soul, completing my lack
"Worlds fall afar, hearts cry out breaking
Desperate need, my arms are aching
Moments are lost, lifetime spent running
Lovers are hurt, even the cunning
"Love and beauty, you brought to my life
Soothing comfort, an end to the strife
Further I fall, deep in your embrace
Hearts breathe in time, tears fall from your face."
Tears gathered, blurring the words.  She looked at him, speechless.  This was the most wonderful gift she had ever received.  Just knowing he had thought of her, as she had thought of him, almost continually, filled her with joy.
He stared back, his own expression grave.  "It's probably not the best poem you've ever seen," he began.  "But--"
"It's beautiful," she whispered.  "Thank you."
They stared at each other for a long, emotionally charged moment.  Han wanted to take her in his arms, but felt oddly unable to move.
She offered him a teary smile of encouragement and it was all he needed.
"C'mere," he whispered roughly, reaching out a hand toward her.
With a small sigh, Leia took his hand in hers and stepped close,  her eyes never leaving his,  feeling the unique way his life force called to her.  She wrapped herself up in it, drank it in with her senses.
With an almost inaudible whimper, Han's arms were suddenly around her, clutching her to him convulsively.  His breath near her ear was harsh as he whispered, "I missed you, Leia.  Gods, I missed you."
A waterfall of tearful emotion washed through her.  She held him more tightly and returned the whisper.  "I missed you, too.  Every moment.  Even when you  were at home."
Her words stabbed at his heart, but he understood her need to say them.  Eyes closed, threatening to overflow, Han breathed reverently, "I'm sorry.  I'm so, so sorry."
She pulled back just enough to look at his closed eyes.  She thought she could almost see a trembling to his chin, but was not quite sure in the dim lighting.  "I understand," she said, meaning it.
And he realized she did.  Because she knew him so well, better than he even knew himself.  He opened his eyes and brought up a hand to remove the white scarf from her head.
Her hand flew up protectively. "Han--"
"Shhh..."  He removed her hand, then followed suit with the scarf, dropping it to the deck.  He ran a  hand along her scalp, humbled by the gesture she had made for a few simple minutes with him.  He could barely  release the heartfelt words that bubbled to his lips.  "I don't deserve you.  I never have,"  he breathed.  
She shook her head slowly, eyes filling with bright tears.  "Just kiss me, you nerfherder,"  she said around the tightness in her throat.
His mouth bent to hers, kissing her with all the loneliness, loss and desperation he had felt for so long.  His arms held her tightly once more and he lifted her to dangle above the floor.
It was like coming home, for both of them.  Almost forgotten passion mingled with the joy of rediscovering each other, to carry them away to a haven where nothing else mattered, at least for a little while.
He swung her more fully into his arms, cradling her lovingly.  As he carried her to their cabin---their cabin,  he thought with a soft squeeze to his heart--- he was almost moved to tears by the gentle touch of her hands surrounding his face.
They reached the cabin and he placed her in the center of the bed, staring into her eyes for long, grateful moments.  Then they kissed again, softly, deeply, burrowing into each others' souls, erasing the pain and sorrow and replacing it with understanding and trust.
Their clothes were lost hurriedly, and when they were bared to each other, physically and emotionally, all else was forgotten.  Their mouths sought comfort, their caresses sought solace.  Forgiveness was understood, love granted unconditionally.
Too moved for words, they comprehended each other perfectly without them, sharing thoughts on a level of intimacy that left them both weak.
Crying out in a release that was as much emotional as it was physical, they clung to each other, trembling together, soaring on waves of passionate eternity.
Breath calming, Han held Leia in a gripping embrace, wanting to never let go.  He was overwhelmed by his feelings for her, in a humbling way he knew not how to express.  It permeated his soul, turning him inside out.  The past year had taken a toll on him, and now those feelings surfaced in the most profound way, filling him up, overflowing from within  him.  He was unable to contain them, and felt the tears choking his throat, unstoppable now.
Leia sensed the deep emotion in her husband and reached out through the Force to touch his soul.  When the first sob wrenched from his throat,  Leia held him close, stroking the damp hair at the back of his neck with excruciatingly comforting fingers, feeling his tears trickle a damp trail down her neck.  She reached out to him spiritually, felt him grip her mental touch almost reflexively, as if he did so without even realizing it.  She stroked his mind, doing her best to comfort him in every way she knew how.
He cried as he hadn't been able to since Chewie's death.  Not just tears now, but huge bursts of grief that emanated from his chest, obscuring everything but the soothing embrace of his wife.  He allowed her, finally, to hold him, to share his sorrow, to see just how much the past year had affected him.  He sobbed until he was too weak to continue, finally, blissfully, falling into a deep,  exhausted slumber, the first of such in a long, long time.
Leia held him still, her aching heart at last peaceful in the knowledge that Han and she had made sense of themselves.  The simple act of sharing his pain was proof that he was healing. It might take a bit more time to make him whole again, but they could do it...
Together, they could do anything.
Leia watched her husband lying on his side, facing her.  She was filled with relief and serenity.  She had dozed on and off for the past two hours, while Han remained  entrenched in sleep.  She snuggled close to him, her thirst for his nearness not easily quenched.  After all was said and done, they had found each other again,  both equally unable to sever the bond they had shared for so long.   Pride and arrogance set aside, there really was no reason for them not to be together.
Leia waded in the warmth of Han's sleeping thoughts, like a gentle current.  His mind hadn't been so calm, so at ease, since before Chewie's death.
She sighed at the thought of the big Wookiee, so prominent a part of their lives.   After all the loss she had suffered in her life, she was surprised at how hard Chewie's death had hit her.  Certainly, not as hard as it had hit Han, but hard nonetheless.
She pushed aside that pain as she felt Han's consciousness stirring.  She pulled herself closer to him,  the skin of his shoulders so blissfully warm under her palms.
Stretching his legs before wrapping them around hers, he let out a low breath as his eyes flickered open and his arms surrounded her.  She brought her face to his stubbly cheek, making a soft sound of contentment from deep within her.
They held each other for a long silence, until Han pulled back, a somber expression etched into his features.  He leaned into her and kissed her lingeringly, then looked into her eyes once more, his expression growing slowly sheepish.  "Sorry to fall asleep on you,"  he admitted, looking up at her with raised eyebrows, face tilted downward.
"That's okay," she whispered.  "It just feels so good to hold you again."
"Yeah."  Han swallowed against the sudden lump that rose to his throat.  "I know what you mean."   He leaned against the pillow, raising a hand to stroke the smooth skin of her shoulder, just above where the blanket fell over her.  Her arms felt so good around him, too good to be true. But it was true, thankfully.  Feeling mildly ashamed at his earlier display of emotion,  he watched his fingers caress her skin and forced himself to speak.  "And, uh...sorry  'bout losing it before, too.  I don't want you to think it was anything bad about you--"
"I know what it was," she said softly, understandingly.
He looked back at her, nodding, resisting the urge to ask her to explain it to him.  He felt better now, more in control, more like his old self.  As if he had purged himself of some parasitic demon that had been eating away at his soul.  He relaxed and pulled her down to rest against his chest, tenderly amused by her lack of hair.  He rubbed her head gently, grinning.  "I bet you can't wait till I shave mine, huh?"
She raised her head to look him in the eye.  Happiness bubbled within her at the familiar sight of his charming, lopsided smile.  "Well, we might as well match," she said with a smirk.
The amusement in his eyes slowly faded to reveal a deeper emotion, as his gaze roamed over well loved features that had only come to endear her more to him with the passage of time.  It didn't matter to him  if her gorgeous hair was gone, she still took his breath away.  "You're still so beautiful,  Princess," he whispered.  He smiled wistfully.  "Too beautiful for an old pirate like me."
She laid her palm across his cheek, an unnerving thought creeping into her mind.  It was something she had thought of over the past few months, but had been afraid to truly acknowledge.  She forced a smile.  "You know you're still gorgeous," she said.  Her eyes fell from his to study the hair on his chest.  "I'm sure plenty of women told you so in your recent travels," she added quietly, unable to do more than imply her concerns.
His fingers lifted her chin, firm but gentle.  "Hey,"  he said fiercely.  "There was no one else."
She gazed into his eyes with hopeful uncertainty.
His lips pressed together before he spoke again.  "I swear it.  No one."
Their eyes held for a long, searching moment, and Leia didn't need to touch him through the Force to know he was sincere.  She kissed him softly on the lips before returning her head to rest on his chest.
They lay quietly for a time, while Han tried to think of a way to tell her all that she meant to him.  He had caused her so much pain,  forced her to put up with far more than she should have had to.  "Leia...,"  he began tentatively.  "I don't want you to think I ever stopped loving you--"
Her head rose quickly, meeting his eyes with her own.  "I never thought that.  I know you too well," she said softly.
He bit the inside of his cheek, eyes at her chin.  "Yeah, well..."  After a brief pause, he continued.  "The things I said to you, when I was drinking...I didn't mean them, not any of them."
"I know."
He sighed in a rush of defeated breath.  He closed his eyes and tried to force the words that did not come naturally to him.  "I just couldn't...I couldn't--"
"Shhh."  Leia placed a finger to his lips, stilling the awkward sentiment.  "Don't," she whispered, voice vehement.  "You don't need to explain anything." His lips moved beneath her finger,  his voice heavily laden with pain.  "I hurt you, Leia, everything I did this past year--"
Her lips replaced her fingertip, kissing him softly.  After a brief hesitation, he kissed her back.  When she broke away from his lips, she gazed at him with large, soulful eyes.  "Your fault, my fault...it doesn't matter.  Not now."
Han's brow furrowed.  "My fault.  It does matter."
She shook her head, smiling gently.  "No.  It doesn't."
He stared at her, eyes softly dubious, lips parting as if to say something else.  Then his mouth firmed into a thin line and he leaned up to enfold her in his arms.  He spun her to her back, holding her to him in a powerful embrace.  "I was selfish," he whispered into her neck.
She stroked his hair, thinking of how she would miss its softness.  "You were hurting, you couldn't help it."
He held her more tightly, felt her heart beating a steady rhythm with his.  "That's no excuse."
Gently, she pulled away from him, looking into his eyes with a grim expression.   She didn't want him beating himself up over this.  There was no point to it.  "Han, sometimes circumstances happen.  And we can't help how we react to them.  We cope the best way we know how."
Alderaan, he thought.  It should have broken her, but it hadn't.  Her inner strength was too tenacious.   He always knew she was stronger than he was.  Where he had crumpled, she had only grown stronger.  In the early years, once they had gotten past the nasty taunts and sarcasm, her strength had probably been what he admired most about her.  He nodded to her finally, unable to argue when she would not allow it.  He would carry this guilt for a long time, regardless of her lack of blame.  He almost wished she would tell him off, give him what he knew he so justly deserved.
Leia watched Han's features settle into resignation, then something resembling tender disbelief.
He shook his head very slowly. "How is it that you still love me so?"
She smiled, equally tender.  "How could I possibly stop?"  She asked softly, eyes wide and sincere.
He grimaced slightly, feeling so undeserving of her love and trust.  "I love you, Leia."   The words were barely a whisper.
Even if Leia hadn't been able to bask in the beauty of Han's emotions flowing freely through the energy of the Force, the look in his eyes would be enough.  She kissed him with a fervent passion that they hadn't known since their younger years, and they surrendered to the growing need to drown themselves in the intimacy each had existed without for far too long.  Their bodies moved  together in a timeless rhythm, strengthening their hearts and fortifying their souls.
All around them, oblivion slowly faded.
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