#jennie screaming car gif
hoe4sports · 5 months
“You look like me”
Jenni Hermoso x Alexia Putellas x reader Child
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A/N: Jenni never left Barca. This is a series. Spanish is always google translate. No triggers.
Mami was desperately trying to get you ready for the day, but you couldn’t sit still. You were bouncing off the walls with excitement as you waited for Alexia. Alexia had promised you to take you to the toy store and the local ice cream shop without mami, and you were beyond excited. It was almost like the things Mami and Alexia did! “Princesa, you have to try to sit still” Mami sighted as she tried to brush your long hair for the 10th time. “Lo siento, Mami, so excited” you sang as your little legs dangled from the chair that Mami had placed in the bathroom for you to sit on. Your hands touched the skirt of your dress, it was pink, glittery and had sequins; all the things that together made the recipe of a very happy little girl. “And done! What do you think, amor?” Mami said as she held your hands to stand up infront of the mirror. Your jaw dropped and your eyes widened. “Wow! Mami! Es fantástico!” You said as your touched your little half updo with the pink elastics. “Es perfecta” you say as your eyes is entranced in your reflection. “You are my favourite girl in the world, amor, mami loves you so so much” Mami said as she picked you up and held you tight to her chest. She would do that from time to time, holding you close for a little while without saying a word. This had happened for the first time the morning she had woken up to your screams as a new born, her spouse nowhere to be seen only to pick you up as she found a note downstairs saying family life wasn’t for her. That was when she stopped caring about girls and drinks and parties; life was only about her little girl now. Her world withing her hands.
You breathed in mami’s familiar scent and listened to her heart beat only to be disrupted by the sound of someone entering downstairs. “Jenni, mariquita! I’m here!” She called as you shot your head up to look at Mami. “Mami, Mami! Es Tia!” You said as you wiggled loose and bolted towards the hall and the stairway. You giggled as you ran, your hair flying in the wind and your giggles roaming around the hall. “Mamma, mamma!” You yelled as you jumped down the stairs and straight into Alexia’s arms. The words mamma meant so much to her. She didn’t ever imagine wanting kids, but when she met Jenni; she had fallen in love with both her and you. Mami just didn’t know it yet. Alexia had helped raise you, and it felt natural and completely platonic to call her mamma. That was what Ingrid called her mami back when you met her and her mamma told you that she would read her bedtime stories, take her to football and give her kisses, and that had to be a good thing. You jumped into Alexia’s arms. “I’m excited” you said with a shyness in your voice. “Well, I am excited to spend time with my favourite girl in the whole world!” Alexia exclaimed while stroking your hair gently as she smiled down to you. “Let’s go to the car, si?” Alexia said as you took her head and walked out, Mami following close behind. “I’m just gonna take out her car seat, it’s pretty eas-“ mami begun as she unlocked your big suv Lexus. “No need” Alexia said as she opened up the backseat door to her car. “alexia, she needs a carse-“ Mami said as she shook her head slightly scared. “Wow! A seat! For me? Pink mami, it’s pink” you squealed as you looked at the car seat in the back of Alexia’s car and jumped up into it. “I love it mami!” You said as you slipped into it and giggled. “A special seat for a special girl” Alexia said as she smirked and looked at Jenni. “Alexia, you are absolutely spoiling her. You didn’t have too! I could get one for your car” Mami said as she crossed her arms and looked at Alexia. Alexia was busy buckling you in, and when the belt snapped together like it was supposed to; she turned around to look at Mami. “I’m in this for the long haul”
“And here we are mariquita, are you ready?» Alexia said as you pulled up to the toy store. It was huge. It had pretty lights and so many colors. You could see huge toy sculptures in the front of the store. It looked magical. It was fantastic! “Yes mamma! It has pretty lights” you said as you beamed in the car seat. Alexia smiled while looking at you in the rear view mirror and unbuckled herself before getting out and helping you out. She loosened the buckle and reached for your hand as you jumped down, your little sandals with blinkers going crazy. You walked together towards the store, which was huge in comparison to your 3,5 year old frame. Your hand grabbed Alexia’s hand extra tight when you entered through the door, and she looked down on you lovingly. “Carry me?” You said as you bit your lip, a bit overstimulated with the whole situation. Just like a mother would, Alexia immediately picked you up and placed you on her hip. When she held you, nothing felt scary anymore. It was safe. Warm. And familiar.
“Wow, look at mirabell!” You squealed as you saw mirabell from Encanto. Alexia smiled and looked at the direction you were pointing towards. Together you walked through endless oceans of bouncy balls, Barbies, baby born, cars, swords, game and little houses with little people in. As she walked around carrying you tightly, scared to death of losing the most important thing in her life; your eyes caught a familiar doll. “Mamma, mamma! It’s Moana!” You shouted as you wiggled down from her grip and bolted towards the big isle of toys. “Woah” you said as your eyes were sparkling while looking up at all the boxes. “Is this what you want mariquita?” she said as she looked at the big selection of toys. You nodded as you were still in awe. “Can I have it? With Moana and Heihei and Maui and te fiti and her papi?” you asked as you were staring at the big box of figurines. “Of course, you can get anything you want, mariquita » she said reassuringly. She reached for the box that was high up on a shelf before you headed towards the exit to pay. She carried you out to the car, and got you all buckled in; safe and sound before heading towards the ice cream shop.
You were skipping next to her when she pointed to the ice cream shop. “Look mariquita, there it is!” She said as she looked down on you. You giggled and jumped with joy as you pulled her along as fast as you could possibly move. The bell of the door rang when you entered the shop. It was bright and colorful with sprinkles on the walls. It had nice happy music and the smell was magical. It smelled like a strawberry soft serve with strawberry sauce and fresh cut strawberry. Your feet felt energised as you looked over all the flavours in the display. Alexia picked you up so you could see the ice cream. “Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, banana, orange..Bubblebum!” You say as you point to each flavor. “You are so so smart princesa, you impress me every day. Now, do you know what flavour you want?” She said as she looks at you with awe. “Yes, mamma, si! I do know!” You squeal as you are being called to the front desk to order. “Hola princesa! Qué te gustaría pedir?” The older woman sayid making you giggle. Mami had made sure to speak both Spanish and English, just in case you were to move abroad making the transition easier. “Por favor, puedo tomar helado de fresa?” You say as you smile towards the woman while pointing towards the pink mixture still safe on Alexia’s hip. “Por supuesto! quiere algo señora?» the woman says as her hand is scribbling quick. “helado de chocolate por favor” Alexia responds as the lady gestures for Alexia to pay and she taps her debitcard on the machine.
“Mamma, I love strawberry ice cream, thank you so so much!” You squeal as you dip your spoon into the pink ice cream happy as ever. "Taste mamma!" you say as you shove the spoon into Alexia’s face who willingly leta you. "mmmm, it's very good" she says as she carefully wipes your face on the napkin. “Taste? Pleeeeease” you say as you give her your best puppy eyes. Alexia laughs as she strokes your cheek before offering you a taste of her chocolate ice cream. “Mmm, mamma, gracias, it’s yummy” you say as you lick your lips. An older mysterious woman drops her bag forcing all her coins to fall out of her grip. Your eyes widen as you let out a shocked sound before you wiggle down and start picking up all the coins. You look over at the woman as you hand her the coins and she smiles warmly to you. “Thank you princesa” she says as she touches your hand. Alexia instinctively has a hand on your shoulder and decides that to pick you up is the safest as she was feeling like you are safest on her hip. “Are you her mom? You look so alike. You have raised a very empathetic young woman.” She says just as she walks out of the shop with her bag. You look up at Alexia who kisses your head. “Let’s go home to mami.”
As you pull up to the driveway, you hold your newest addition to your toy collection close to your chest. Then you can see Jenni come out of the house waving at the car. She’s just standing in her slippers which you find silly so you let out a giggle. Mami opens up the door of your side of the car. “Princesa! I have missed you so much! How was your adventure?” She asks as she unbuckles you while you hold the box in her face. “Mami, Tia found Moana!” you say as you squeal. “Wow, aren’t you so lucky?” Mami said as she picks you up and holds you close. The familiarity of mami’s heartbeat and warmth is enough to make you feel so sleepy. You yawn as you lean towards her, taking in the familiar comforting scent that you love so much. At night when you were to sleep in your own bed, you would make sure to have mami’s shirt with you so you could feel comforted if you woke up in the middle of the night. “Are you tired, amor?” Mami says as you nod. Mami carries you inside and Alexia follows quickly behind. “I’m just gonna put her down for a nap, Ale. Feel like home” Jenni says as Alexia nods and puts down her jacket on the counter. Mami starts to walk up the stairs as you say “mamma also put me to bed”. Jenni looks at Alexia and gestures for her to join. Eventually, Mami sits at the edge of your bed while Alexia sits at the pink little lounge chair next to your bed. “Me like mamma” you say as you yawn again while mr.sleep is knocking on your eyelids. Alexia blushes as Jenni smiles “Do you think you look like Mamma?” You nod as you close your eyes and pull your bunny close. “She does, dosent she?” Jenni says as she tucks your hair behind your ear. “I don’t know, she looks like you” Alexia says as she tries to move to conversation forwards. “No, Ale. She does look like you. I can tell that she loves you like she loves me. And I know that you love her as your own.” Jenni continues as she tucks you in with your favourite pink fuzzy blanket. You suddenly say “We family; mami, mamma and me.” As you drift further and further away from the situation while imagining Moana eating big strawberries in England. Jenni and Alexia stands close in your doorway as the shadow of their frames are standing close together. “I would love to be a family” Mami says as you drift complete off.
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jackiequick · 8 months
I’m Already Gone | Top Gun Maverick Fanfic 📄
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw & Jennifer Mitchell
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Summary: It happened in a blink, it happened in a flash, as that night ran cold and old as she had ever seen. What happened that night the papers were pulled? Heartbreak.
Timeline: Post Top Gun—Pre Top Gun Maverick
Characters mentioned: Pete Maverick Mitchell, Tom Kazansky, Carole Bradshaw, Dane Bradshaw, Austin Mitchell and etc
Song inspired fic: Already Gone by Sleeping At Last
It wasn’t supposed to end like this.
In tears.
Sore throats from all the screaming and crying at 3 in the morning.
But it did.
Here’s what happened…
…it was a cold decision based night at The North Island. Pete was out pulling an all nighter, Austin was at Dane’s house doing god knows what and Jennifer was alone. At home, getting calls every few hours from her father to see how she was doing.
To be honest, she was doing fine. It was a rare occasion for the house to be quiet that late at night, usually there was some kind of noise being heard across the halls. Either from the boys or one of her friends.
But tonight, it was pure silence. You can hear the windows cracking from the drips of water outside, the sound of the wooden floor creek every once in a while, and the rumbling of car engines driving past the streets right outside her door. In the living room, she can hear it all too well.
It felt like a odd film she was placed in but she didn’t expect to be thrown in.
Her one thoughts were about Bradley. She knew he was sorta stressing the past few days about getting into the academy and proceeded in his dreams of becoming a pilot. She knew from stories that he always wanted to fly, just like his father Goose and unofficial uncle Maverick.
But Jennifer also knew the concept of events and consequences coming into that role. Deployment across the country, flying into dangerous territory, long distance trips from home and safe housing wasn’t always the best for pilots. Usually in secure parking areas but still.
A part of her wasn’t sure if she was ready to give that up yet, not having Bradley around everyday.
She didn’t know if she wanted that for herself either. She loved the idea of being in the air, cool tricks and taking a knowledgeable look at the world from the cockpit of your plane, it was a rush you can only imagine. But she loved being on the groundwork for things too, surrounded by family and friends. Teammates.
Jenny decided that whatever happens with that paperwork, she will be happy for him. It will hurt to see him leave her to go fly out into the world but she loves him either way…
Jennifer cleared her thoughts turning down the lights on the first floor and headed upstairs to her bedroom, free falling onto the mattress as she climbed underneath the covers, deciding to get some rest. It was late. Midnight. And she was still awake. So laying her eyelids shut for now, she curled up against the pillows and slowly nodded off.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
The next moment happened in a flash, gently being awakened by the sound of footsteps on the first floor and small grunts. She couldn’t tell if that was her father’s footsteps or not, but just for precaution Jenny swiftly escaped the bed and grabbed the baseball bat from behind her door as she walked downstairs.
Even though she was groggy from sleep she held the baseball bat in her grip tightly, ready to swing at the figure she found in the kitchen sipping a glass of water. It confused her as she squeezed her eyes a couple of time, trying to wake herself up swinging a hit at the tall fellow who ducked.
It took Jenny a second to realize who it was, hearing a gulp a second later.
“Bradley?!” She asked, lowering her bat a bit.
“Yes? Who else do you think it is?” He exclaimed, sounding annoyed.
“S-sorry..w-what in heavens are you doing here it..it’s 2 in the morning.”
“Couldn’t sleep. Don’t worry I’ll be gone and out of your hair soon.”
“No? You came here for something..what was it?”
“I was looking for you and Maverick.”
“Why? What did i do?”
Even with our fists held high
It never would have worked out right, yeah
We were never meant for do or die
Instead of saying a word, Bradley handed Jenny a slip of paper that seemed to be a bit wet and crumbled at the corners. It was at the same time, she noticed the look on his face. His hair was wetter than expected, patched of droplets over the shoulders of his shirt as his sweater lay on the chair next to the kitchen table and he was wearing sweatpants.
He had small bags under his eyes. His eyes were dropped onto her hands, as if he wanted to hold her.
To tell the truth, Bradley was craving from physical touch from her in the smallest way, shape or form. He has been a wreck all of a sudden after recycling that letter from the bin at home, that he grumped and threw away. He didn’t want to believe the words said on that paper, nor the fact that his suspicions were correct.
But a part of him told him they were.
He watched as Jenny read the letter, her expression changing every once in a millisecond from shock to sorrow all wrapped into one. He noticed her biting her bottom lip for a moment, as if she’s trying to take it all in with a scoff. A hint of a ever so tiny half smile was tugged at her lips, it was quickly changed but it was there.
He saw it.
Finally after a deep breath of silence waters, she looked up at him, her fingertips playing with the edges of the paper.
“I’m sorry Bradley..” She said in a soft whisper, as if she was gonna wake up a dog within the house, “..I know how much you wanted to fly..”
“I can’t do that now..” He replied with a soft haze voice, looking away for a second.
“You can always apply again, right? I mean, dad can pull a strings to have your application be seen early or maybe Ice do it?…”
“No. Don’t even mention Maverick.”
“Brad, honey, it’s not the end of the world. You will get other chances..i know you will.”
“Not with Maverick around.”
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you now
I can't stop
He sighed and scoffed, “Jen, baby, don’t play dumb with me right now. You may be saying all of this but i don’t believe you. We both know how much you want me to stay here, we discuss it before!”
“That was a while ago! Yes it will take some time getting used to..b-but I wouldn’t stop you from flying!..wait you think i had something to do with this?” She asked, soften her gaze at the question.
“Did you? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time you pulled a stunt like that to protect me.”
“No. No, no, no! I-i would not do that. You can trust me on knowing that I wouldn’t go behind your back for that.”
“Jen..you are the closest person here to know if something that was up..d-did you have a feeling this would happen?”
“..I honestly don’t know. But you don’t get to come into my house in the middle of the night and accuse me for such a thing.” 
“Did you know that Mav would do this?”
“I..no. H-he would’ve pulled my papers too..”
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he does or, he already did it and you just don’t know it yet! Maverick Mitchell has always been shown to be my biggest supporter but all of a sudden he pulls something like this? And the fact that i don’t know if i should believe you right now is what ticks me off.”
“Bradley wait..”
“I..you didn’t think i saw that little smile as you read the paper? Huh?!”
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
Jen wouldn’t admit it but she did smile reading the whole thing, she didn’t want him to leave just yet especially at this young of an age. Tears slowly being welcomed into the corner of her eyes came despite on request.
But she wanted him to fly, enjoy his life even if she left to pick up the pieces at home.
“Okay, maybe i did smile, huh? Cause i don’t want to see you go or worse, have you slip away from my fingers the second you get the green light to do so?!” She yelled, as her temper started to reach up her back.
“I’m not going to leave you!” He replies back, with furrow eyebrows.
“You don’t know that! Austin’s planning on flying like dad, Dane wants to go into engineering planes and high tech jets! You’ve been ready to fly past the 7 seas since you were 8…i just thought maybe..maybe this was a sign that we will be alright..that i don’t have to say goodbye, yet..so yeah, blame me. Go ahead!”
“..blame you?”
“Mhm. Blame me..since you need someone to yell at..”
“Jen..i don’t..I don’t know what to think, okay? B-but I’m..The Navy is my dream, i always wanted to fly..but I can’t wrap my head around not knowing if I actually really got a chance to be there..and i want you there..with me.”
“Then why have you been so busy and in a hurry to get out?..but..not once have you mentioned about it was gonna be us there..just you. You alone, Brad.”
“It always occurred to me that you would be there..”
“It occurred to you that i would just be there with you?! W-what I didn’t want to?..i love you, Bradley, i do and I understand why you feel this way about everything but..there has to be something else right? Why are you in a hurry to get out?”
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
Bradley was silent at the question being repeated. He looked down, as his eyes finally watered. The sound of his sniffles could be heard as clear as day.
She can only guess the reason.
It’s been a less than a hectic year since his mother died. Carole Bradshaw death recked everyone. Leaving a painful scar in the family’s overall built, where it still felt a fresh opened wound.
She was like a mother to Jenny. Treating her with as much love, care and compassion than anyone can ever imagine. Hugs and kisses among all of the kids as her smile can light up the whole night sky.
And her laughter bringing souls together in a lifespan, just wanting to dance around the room. From her sass, to her wit and gossipy cheer.
“..my parents.” Bradley simply said, almost choking on the words.
“..Goose and Carole..that’s why you fight to hurry and fly..to chance that wish to be there..in the there with them.” She answered, looking away.
“Is it bad..? Is it so bad i want to touch the clouds like my dad did and come home to your waiting arms?”
“No..it’s not. It’s a dream but..I don’t know how long i can take waiting for you to come home..w-what if you don’t come home? A-a-an-and i get a knock on the door from a solider with—”
“Don’t. Don’t finish that sentence, Jennifer. It’s not gonna happen! I will come home, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to take the risk to see the world and be a pilot. You know that right?”
She walked away from the kitchen and into the living room as she sighed, “Here we go again..”
“What?” He asked, followed behind her.
“Again with the whole pilot talk! I get that, you want to be like your father but there is more to life than just flying Bradley!”
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you wanna cry
Started with a perfect kiss
Then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
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You know that I love you so
I love you enough to let you go
He raised an eyebrow and scoffed loudly, “You’re serious? If it was anyone else, i would say you’re possibly right but you’re father is Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell. If anything you know better than anyone how important that is!”
“And what if it isn’t?!” She spin around and yelled back, with a glare having enough.
“You’re hilarious.”
“I’m being serious!”
“You don’t get it, do you?”
“No, you don’t get it. I understand you very well and i love you for everything you stand for..but what if it’s short lived? I can’t watch you die, Bradley..I understand you’re mad at my father, you’re more than hurt and you might not trust what I’m saying right now but a part of me knows I’m sure..”
“..w-what are you saying? That your right here and I’m wrong? Cause i do get it! And I’m more than mad right now, I’m furious but whatever happens next..that’s my decision to make, Jen. I need you to know that.”
“..okay. I’m just trying to protect you Bradley but I won’t be there when you yell in my dad’s face tomorrow for pulling your papers..i want you to be okay.”
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
At this point, her eyes were patchy with tears and her nose was reddish as she watched his face changed.
They were both on two different ends of the slightly aggressive disagreement. The two each had their reasons and doesn’t matter how many times they had to repeat them, until they got a point.
It was late.
They have been screaming and yelling at one another.
Their eyes were puffy and throats were dry, sore even.
Yes, they both wanted to touch the sky from the seat of their cockpits but they their reason weather or not to do so. Of course Jennifer wanted to fly just as bad as he did. But her fears and experiences from the family held her back.
The long distance trips, deployment, people she cared about dying young and old, and the navy not always living up to their truth.
She looked down at her necklace Bradley gave her months back on Valentine’s Day as a present, taking a deep breath removing it from her grasp and watching his face as she did.
Bradley’s eye furrowed in fear, annoyance and grief. His eyes flickered between every single way but meeting her gaze. He gulped, as the finger he used to point at her dropped and hesitated to raise again.
He shook his head, blinking twice walking forward in strives as his face said it all. He reminded himself at that moment how much love and respect he had for her, realizing how he basically bashed her more than once.
He didn’t mean to be this way. But watching her remove that single piece of jewelry he gave her the year before his mother died, the one was supposed to be used as a promise to her.
Well, it hurt.
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
I'm already gone
Already gone
You can't make it feel right
When you know that it's wrong
“W-what are you doing? J-Jen don’t. Please, don’t.” He said, standing in front of her glancing at the clock, “..i love you. Don’t do this.”
She sucked in a breath and held out the necklace, “I know you do. But I can’t hold you back. As much as we love one another, and will always be in each other’s lives..right now, we can’t.”
“I want you!”
“You want to fly.”
“I want both!”
“You want to have it all but it can’t happen right now. I can’t be the one holding you back..”
“Jen please..I’m begging you. I’m sorry, we can work it out!”
“Not with your anger and pride taking over..”
“T-think about this! You’re making a mistake here, Jen. I can’t let you be gone.”
“I’m already gone.”
“You’ll regret this!”
“And so will you.”
I'm already gone
Already gone
There's no moving on
So I'm already gone
Already gone
Already gone
Ooh, oh
Already gone
Already gone
Already gone, yeah
Bradley didn’t say another word, closing the gap between them as he looped a finger underneath her chin and pressed a kiss onto her cheek.
He felt a salty tear run down her cheek and reach his fingertips wiping the other way. The other hand took the necklace from grasping palm, fumbling with the chain for a moment.
Jennifer wrapped her around his middle and pressed her face against his neck huffing, holding back a sob as she ran her fingers across his golden brown curls.
She kissed his cheek and then forehead gazing softly into his eyes. He half smiled, leaning into her touch and hummed.
She didn’t want to say goodbye either, but she could bare to witness this any further than what thoughts appeared in her heard. The hint of his cologne entered her nose as she sighed deeply.
Both didn’t want to pull away from another’s light grip.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories, they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I want you to know
That it doesn't matter
Where we take this road
Someone's gotta go
Bradley was the first to pull away noticing the white letters on the coffee table, one being addressed to her as he picked it up.
He signaled for her to open it. He knew she didn’t like to open mail late at night but he couldn’t leave without knowing she got in or not.
Either way, he will comfort her.
She hesitated for a moment, shaking her head but her actions speaker louder than words as she ripped opened the letter to expect something different yet familiar.
Her eyes ran across the page, handing it to Bradley as she gasped, hovering a hand over mouth. He read it quickly, eyesore scanning the sheet of paper to only sigh.
Same as him. She didn’t exactly get in.
The only thing he did was held Jenny in his arms, rubbing her shoulder as she let out a sob she was holding back. Tears rolled down his own face, baring his face into her hair mumbling a few things as they both sucked onto the couch.
No words were said, just soften noises escaped their lips. Resting her head against his chest, as he hummed staring at the wall.
Once again, their throats were sorely lacking as their faces remained dried up with fallen tear stains.
3 am.
They have been doing this for an entire hour.
Closed to almost 3:29am when Bradley stood up from the couch, resting a blanket across Jenny’s body.
Her eyes were nodding off as she whispered a soft, “..i love you..”
“I love you too..” He replied pressing a kiss to her forehead, “..get some rest.”
“You too..please?”
“I will..”
Without a second later, he walked out of the house with a small sigh and looked up at the sky that shined only a few stairs.
She reached over to the small lamp turning it off as her eyelids finally dropped, nuzzling against the throw pillow with a slight sigh.
And I want you to know
You couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on
So I'm already gone
-> Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the fic tell me what did you think about in the comments below.
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foolish-clown · 1 year
All eyes on me
A/N: I’m not even gonna deny the fact that I sound biased because it’s Jisoo but honest to god her solo debut was my favorite.
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2.3k 
The way she moved screamed elegant and formal, sprinkled in with an underlying tone of humility that became more apparent with each kind gesture. 
One look was all it took for you to be a goner, trapped in the abyss of bright eyes and tender smiles. 
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The white marbled walls of some of the buildings seemed almost blinding as you transverse the semi-empty streets of Paris.
The sun sat heavy in the air; golden rays of excellence brought a glorious display of light, and with it, the gentle warmth that was neither overwhelming nor undetectable.
You were beginning to understand why Jennie enjoys coming here so much, but then again, Paris did just fit her vibes perfectly.
She had dragged you with her on this occasion with a certain goal in mind however – and that was to introduce you to someone she had met by chance during a vacation.
“You have to meet her,” she had said, your eyes immediately narrowing in suspicion at the amount of enthusiasm that was enriched with every syllable.
“Why?” You had asked in turn, genuinely surprised when your friend actually began ranting.
Looking back, you’re not even entirely sure about everything she even said when she began listing some of the qualities of this stranger, but there was one particular word that demanded attention in the fog of word vomit.
Why Jennie wanted you to meet this woman was completely beyond you, but to deny the curiosity perking up from within would be lying to yourself.
And so here you were; a suitcase filled with enough clothes for a long weekend in Paris.
You look back down at the address on your phone before looking back to the surrounding buildings.
One of the few… encouragements Jennie had enticed you with was the fact she had already paid for a room for you both. Something you would have playfully argued against under normal circumstances, as you always liked to at least go halves.
Not that you would have been able to add much, the quadruple digits of just a single night in the hotel she had chosen making you slightly ill.
As it were though, your mind had been distracted by meeting this woman. Kim Jisoo.
Jennie had even made you promise to not look her up, as she wanted your first impression to be the actual first one when you’re introduced in person.
All in all, very sus, especially by Jennie’s standards.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Locating the hotel takes a little longer than expected, but once you do you ping a quick message to Jennie to let her know you’re outside.
You watch people come and go as you wait; fancy sports cars drive by every now and then.
Almost made you feel like a simple peasant amongst nobles, but one call of your name from Jennie Kim and those kind of thoughts are banished by her adoring smile.
She wraps you in a hug as soon as she closes in, and simply having her near makes any of the anxiety disappear in almost an instant.
“So glad you made it,” she greets, taking your free hand and dragging you inside.
The lobby is just as lavish and stylish as one could imagine for how much it costs to rent a room; occupants walk about in their expensive suits and designer dresses.
To say you didn’t fit in would be an understatement, but you don’t particularly care once Jennie has you both in the hotel room. Your eyes immediately widen at the sheer size of it alone.
“Are you feeling tired at all?” She asks once you leave your suitcase to scope out the literal apartment, giddy like a little excited child.
You stick your head out from the bedroom at her question, “not really,” you reply, having slept the majority of the plane ride over. “More hungry than anything.”
“Good,” she grins, and you fully exit back into the foyer when she unzips your case and begins rummaging through, “because we’re meeting Jisoo today.”
You suddenly pause, the sudden action almost making you stumble. “Wait,” you force out, slightly panicked, slightly stunned, “what do you mean today?”
“Well, tonight,” she clarifies, like that makes it any better. “So if you needed to rest I would do it now, or we can go and get something to eat.”
Your response comes with a single blink in her direction.
She doesn’t react to your non-verbal reply, having found what she was apparently looking for and holding it up for appraisal. Nodding after but a moment.
“I’m glad I bought you this.”
It was a piece of clothing, an expensive piece of clothing, that she had bought you for a birthday one year.
“You know,” you sigh out, forcing yourself through the shock, “have I ever told you that you act like my mother at times? Like what? You going to cook me dinner next?”
Her smile would look innocent to the many, but after years of friendship you know the difference by now. “Don’t you dare.”
Her laughter is quick and infectious. “Do you not like my cooking?”
“It’s more of the fact that we’re on holiday, so I’m expecting you to wine and dine me… with takeaway.”
Her wink is of friendly banter, and you can’t help but feel extremely lucky to have her in your life.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Evening fast approaches, and with it, so too does your anxiety.
You’re not even entirely sure why. Jennie has introduced you to people before, this wasn’t exactly a new experience.
But there was something that was just… different, this time.
You had never seen your friend so excited before, and the way she spoke about this woman was nothing short of childlike glee.
The city lights of Paris come and go as the taxi drives past, buildings both old and new catching your attention all the same.
Entering the restaurant is a rather easy affair, a member of staff guiding you passed many tables as you head towards the large floor-to-ceiling windows that have a spectacular view of the city.
Your lost in the view before another steals your attention.
A woman stands from the table she had been sitting at, and with it you could swear your heart actually stops at the very sight of her.
She brings Jennie into an embrace once they’re close, but you’re too preoccupied trying to restart your systems that you stutter when they break away and Jennie begins introductions.
“Hello,” she greets, bowing, “I’m Kim Jisoo.”
“H-hi,” is all you manage to squeak out, failing to notice the devilish twinkle in Jennie’s eyes as she leaves you floundering for steady footing.
Jisoo blessedly does not comment on your clear nervousness, but the kind smile she sends you does absolutely nothing with helping you out either.
Holy shit, you internally scream, she’s a goddess.
Your unbalanced legs do manage to get you to your seat, the one opposite Jisoo, and so your eyes begin darting everywhere but forwards.
“So Jisoo,” you hear Jennie begin talking, and you use the distraction to hopefully regain any of the fraying bits of sanity you had left.
Thankfully, albeit eerily, Jisoo’s disposition makes it easy for you to calm yourself down as the evening progresses into the night.
She was just so down to earth and easy to talk with.
You learn of her modeling career, and the way she talks about her job with passion has you grasping on to each and every word.
You can tell that she was a humble person who worked hard for what she believed in, and it becomes clear as to why Jennie seemed so infatuated.
Because you were starting to become the same.
Dinner finishes far, far too soon.
But just before goodbyes could be shared, Jisoo turns to you with the slightest bit of hesitance. “Would you like to come and see me at work tomorrow? We could get to know each other better once I’m done.”
The faltered step of your heart halters you from responding; Jennie throwing a casual arm around your shoulder as she answers for you. “They would love to.”
Jisoo’s smile is soft and understanding, “Jennie can give you my number if you would like.”
Another arrow to your heart, another step fallen.
The 3 of you part ways with tender goodbyes and an air of excitement.
Jennie also uncharacteristically first bumps you on the way back.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
Hours pass by in a blur.
Jennie watches you leave the hotel room with an encouraging smile after she had served you up some breakfast to help with the nerves.
You’re grateful for her actions, but you doubt there was much she could do to squander the deep chasm filling your chest.
She had given you Jisoo’s number the night prior, and after a serious pep talk you had managed to send off a text before chucking your phone on the opposite end of the bed and burying your face into your pillow as a wide nervous smile ignites your features.
Her reply was almost instantaneous, but you had to work up the courage before you could even pick up your phone to read it.
One message led to another, and then another.
You felt light and giddy throughout the entire exchange, which was mainly filled with the initial politeness shared between acquaintances. Subtle bits of personal information hidden with compliments and words of thanks.
You had fallen asleep feeling… just really, really happy.  
The feeling didn’t go away in the morning, but the knowledge of actually seeing Jisoo again did bring back the nervousness of yesterday.
Finding the studio she was at actually proved easier than finding the hotel, the security taking one look at you before they ask you your name.
They hand you a pass to wear once doing a quick check and list off some things you were not permitted to do, allowing you to enter shortly after.
Jisoo is actually waiting for you at the entrance, her bright smile still rendering you weak in the knees.
She ushers you in with great enthusiasm, linking her arm with yours as she asks you how your morning had gone.
You obviously forgo the minor details of being really eager to see her again.
You’re not left a whole lot of time to talk, as her photographer is calling her back on set with quick hand movements.
You watch in awe from the sidelines.
It’s easy to see, even with your untrained eye, that Jisoo has a mixture of natural talent and hard work backing her movements.
The expressions, the way she moves, all of it just seems so fluid and easy.
Not to mention hypnotizing.
You’re not sure if you even blink once during the entire ordeal, too fixated on the model in her element, but once it’s done it’s like a switch has been flipped.
As soon as it’s finished Jisoo goes and thanks everyone for all of their hard work, and you can feel your expression softening as you watch her do so.
She returns to you after quickly getting changed, “thank you for waiting for me.”
Your smile feels tender against your lips, “no worries,” you reply, enjoying the way she once again links her arm with yours. “So where are we going by the way?”
Her smile turns slightly wicked, looking at you from the corner of her eyes. “That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
You are left little time to find out just what exactly that means, because she is gently tugging on your arm for you to follow.
The pair of you exit the studio after one quick word with her manager, entering a car that was waiting just outside the front.
Once again you find yourself watching the Parisian streets come and go, the daylight giving off a whole different atmosphere to the night prior.
Unbeknownst to you, Jisoo does cast subtle glances at you every now and then. A smile curving her lips when she notices the awed look in the reflection on the window.
And then the building breaks away, and once you turn you catch the glimpse of France’s most famous landmark standing tall.
You turn to Jisoo with wide eyes, and that smirk from earlier returns in full force as she silently gets out of the car before you can say anything, your own hands scrambling with the seatbelt before you quickly join her.
“Jennie mentioned you had never been here before,” she states. “And I thought it would be a good view to get to know each other better at least.”
You’re kind of left for words if you were being honest, eyes managing to tear themselves away from the Eiffel Tower back to the woman beside you.
“I am actually struggling to believe I’m here.” You blurt out, and she laughs with affection.
The grounds surrounding the Tower have small groups of people, both tourists and locals alike.
It almost looks like a scene from a movie.
Accessing the top only makes it more so.
You both stand there, watching the city in comfortable silence.
“Can I confess something?” Jisoo asks after a while.
You turn to her in curiosity, but it would seem like it’s her turn to be unable to meet your eyes.
“I, um, I was the one to ask Jennie to introduce us,” she admits, and you watch in shock at the way her cheeks redden slightly, “the way she spoke about you was so full of affection, I was curious at what kind of person you were.”
She turns to you then, “and this is going to seem sudden, and for that I truly apologize. But I am leaving for South Korea tomorrow and I feel like if I don’t ask this now I will regret it.”
Your heart races from where it lies within your chest, and you can feel some kind of hope begin filling the gaps.
The question is almost lost within the wind, fleeting and timid.
- - - - - - - - - - ☆ - - - - - - - - - -
10 years have passed since that day, and you find yourself once again standing upon the Eiffel Tower, alone, during the quiet dusk hours.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice call from behind, and you smile when a hand covers your own, a pair of wedding rings lying next to each other.  
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lnfours · 1 year
summer loving (ten) ⎸t.h
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⌙ summary: your mom and tom’s mom grew up together, swearing that their kids would be life long friends. and it was true, the holland boys were a special part of your life. but on the annual trip to their beach house this summer, everything feels different. and that’s because it is.
⌙ au: based on the book and tv show ‘the summer i turned pretty’ by jenny han. childhood friends to lovers
⌙ wc: 3.7k
⌙ warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff. mentions of anxiety/panic attack, some language, tom is a certified softie, idk. i love these two so much.
⌙ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader
masterlist ⎸ chapter nine  ⎸ chapter eleven ⎸ listen
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
you felt your heart jump into your throat as you stood up, ignoring tom’s voice calling your name. a group of people have gathered around your table, asking if you were ‘shawn mendes’ mystery girl’. people were staring, looking back and forth from their phones back to you, trying to piece it together.
because if you were supposedly with shawn mendes, why were you out with tom holland?
you pushed past the people crowding around you, awkwardly saying ‘excuse me’ as phones were pushed into your face. you made your way outside of the pub, letting out a gasp as you realized you had been holding your breath. you jumped when someone put their hand on the small of your back, turning around and seeing sam.
“you okay?” he asked sweetly. you nodded, catching your breath.
why? why did he post that?
“you don’t look okay,” he said, rubbing your back.
“i just-” you cut yourself off, “i don’t know-”
tom walked out of the bar, a group of girls screaming after him as he made his way over to you, “y/n? what happened? are you alright?”
“i think she’s having a panic attack,” sam said, “we gotta get her out of here.”
tom nodded at his brother, the two of them walking with you to tom’s car. once the two of them helped you into the car, he started driving.
“where are we going, tom?”
“i don’t know,” he said, “somewhere where there aren't a lot of people.”
you closed your eyes in the backseat of tom’s car, tears threatening to spill as you tried to steady your breathing. once inside an empty parking garage that was nearby, tom climbed into the back seat with you.
“you okay, love?”
you shook your head. he placed his hands on your cheeks, “open your eyes, darlin’.”
your eyes opened, meeting his brown orbs, “give me your hand.”
you let him take your hand as he placed it over his chest, his heart beating under your fingertips, “just focus on my heartbeat and breathe with me, okay?”
you nodded as you followed his movements to steady your breathing. after a few minutes, he wiped the tears that had fallen from your eyes with the pads of his thumbs, “what’s going on, love? you can talk to me.”
you licked your lips, “shawn posted a picture of me on his instagram story, a-a picture he took when we were dating last summer. people think he and i are dating.”
he furrowed his eyebrows, fishing his phone out of his pocket as he opened instagram. he clicked on the story icon, reading the same caption you had read 15 minutes ago.
missing summer with you! <3 @/y/ny/l/n
sam’s eyes widened as he looked over at tom’s phone, “this dude really can’t take a hint.”
tom sent him a look, eyes traveling back to his phone, “why did he post this?”
“i don’t know,” you said, “i-i told him we could still be friends and we got lunch when he was in new york a couple months ago, but he knows i chose you. he knows that we’re together. i just don’t understand-”
he cut you off, “hey, it’s okay. it’s not your fault. we’ll figure it out, alright?”
he pressed his forehead against yours and you nodded, his hands rubbing small circles on the top of your hand. your phone was buzzing and lighting up with notifications left and right, which made tom grab it and turn it off.
“trust me, it’s better if it’s off right now.”
you nodded, “can we go home?”
“yeah, baby. let’s go home.”
after getting back into the driver's seat, tom made his way back to the house. he tried to lighten the mood by playing your favorite songs, which did put a small smile on your face. soon enough, he was pulling into the driveway and the boys led you into the house.
“i’m gonna tell the others we’re back,” sam said, holding up his phone, “just so they know where we are.”
tom nodded and you gave him a smile, hugging him. he was caught by surprise for a second before hugging you back.
“thank you,” you said, “for everything.”
he nodded, rubbing your back softly, “always.”
you pulled away and tom nodded his head towards the staircase, “c’mon, love.”
you two made your way into tom’s room. you immediately kicked your heels off and started rummaging through your suitcase for a pair of pajamas. you grabbed a tanktop and a pair of pajama pants out along with your toiletry bag, joining tom in the bathroom as he brushed his teeth.
you sent him a small smile in the mirror, “so, i’ve been thinking.”
he raised his eyebrow, “oh no,”
you swatted his arm at the joke, “shut up.”
he chuckled, turning to look at you as you started taking your makeup off, “what’s that pretty little head been thinking about?”
“so, i’ve talked to kat and my mom about it,” you said, “and i know you said you were coming to new york to film starting next year, but after graduation, what if we…”
he smiled, leaning against the counter, “what if we what, love?”
you knew he knew what you were about to ask, but he just wanted to hear you say it.
“what if we moved in together?”
the smile still pulled at his lips, “as in, you move to london?”
you nodded, “i've done a bunch of research, and i've started contacting companies to see if they’d want to hire me this summer. when i get back, i can start shipping my things here little by little, or we could get our own place? i don’t know-”
“i know it’s really early and i know you’re going to be away filming a lot of the time, but i feel at home here. i don’t want to have to keep timezones in mind when i want to talk to you about your day. i want you, all of the time.”
he didn’t say anything, he just kept smiling at you. you sent him a confused look, starting to worry about what his answer would be.
“i have a house saved on my computer that i actually was planning on going to look at tomorrow,” he said, “maybe we could go look at it together, hmm?”
you smiled back at him. you didn’t know what to say as he pulled you into his body, his warmth radiating through you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head, “sound like a plan?”
“good,” he said, pulling away from you to look at you, “i think you’ll like it, actually.”
“mhm,” he hummed, leaning down as he pulled your hips closer to his, “picked it with you in mind.”
you smiled, “i love you.”
“i love you most.”
he pressed a kiss to your lips, the both of you pulling away as tessa barked at the both of you. you giggled at the staffy, bending down and petting her. she wagged her tail happily, accepting the attention.
“you’re coming too, tess,” tom laughed, ”‘don’t worry, love.”
you both finished getting ready for bed. you turned your phone back on as the thousands of notifications caught up, more ringing in as you plugged it in.
you looked over at tom, “what should we do with my sudden rise to fame?”
his eyes shifted towards your direction, seeing that you were on your phone. he grabbed it from your grip, placing it on the nightstand next to you after turning on do not disturb,  “we’ll deal with it, tomorrow.”
you sighed, “i just don’t want to be known as someone that i’m not.”
he nodded in understanding, “here, i’ll let you in on a little secret,” he said, sitting up on his elbow as he looked over at you, “as hard as it is, let the negativity roll off your back. half the time, people who send hate don’t have any valid reason to hate you other than the fact that they’re jealous. as long as you know who you are, and those you surround yourself with know who you are, no one else matters.”
you nodded, “easier said than done, huh?”
he nodded, “yeah, but you’ll learn.”
you smiled, watching as he moved back onto his back. you laid your head on his shoulder, “thank you for being there for me tonight. i thanked sam, but i never thanked you.”
“because you don’t have to thank me,” he said into your hair, “it’s what i’m here for.”
you smiled up at him as he spoke again, “wanna watch something?”
“sure. your pick.”
“alright, how about a nice, wholesome movie,” he said. you watched as he clicked on netflix, putting on a movie the both of you had already seen. you looked up at him, his face illuminated by the blue light of the tv, the rest of the room dark.
he looked down at you, a smile tugging on his lips, “what?”
you shook your head, “nothing.”
he leaned down and kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to him, “i love you.”
“i love you, too.”
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the next morning you woke up, rolling onto your side as you snuggled into tom’s warmth. he wrapped an arm around you, scrolling through his phone.
his comment section had flooded, his messages blowing up, and when he went to your instagram he saw you had gained thousands of followers within the past 12 hours.
he couldn’t even scroll through his socials in peace without an account turning what happened last night into a headline.
‘shawn mendes posts about mystery girl who’s later seen out and about with tom holland at a pub in london’
he clicked on your instagram, your posts erupting with likes and comments. he couldn’t help himself as he clicked on the bubble icon, scrolling through.
‘i feel kinda bad for her :/ she was living a normal life until now all because she was posted on someone’s story’
‘so, is she dating tom or shawn?’
‘she’s pretty! doesn’t matter who she’s with, they’re lucky to have her :)’
he was thankful that most were positive messages, his fans calling out those who said anything unnecessarily negative. shawn’s fans did the same, however each side wanted that one big question answered.
was she with tom or shawn?
it took everything in him not to post pictures he had taken of her throughout their friendship and relationship, it took everything not to show her off and openly claim her as his.
it wasn’t his place. he wasn’t going to do it without you knowing.  
instead, he did the next best thing he could think of.
he climbed out of bed, tucking you back in as he pressed his phone to his ear. he walked out of the bedroom, cracking his bedroom door open slightly as he stepped into the hallway.
“hey, sorry if i woke you, i just realized what time it was over there,” he said quietly.
“hey, tom,” kat's voice chirped through the other end of the line, “it’s alright, can’t sleep, anyways. but, how’s y/n? is she okay? she hasn’t responded to my texts and it says her phone is on, do not disturb.”
“yeah, uh, she had a panic attack last night but i helped her through it,” he said, peeking into the bedroom to make sure you were still asleep, “she’s tired, mentally, i can tell.”
“yeah,” kat sighed, “i just don’t understand why shawn would post something like that. i mean, he knows the two of you are together. i just don’t get it.”
“maybe he gets the strong urge to treat her better than i can?” he joked and she let out a laugh.
“trust me, you’re doing pretty good in my book right now,” she said, “can’t believe at one point that i was team shawn.”
he smiled, letting out a soft chuckle, “at that time, i couldn’t have blamed you.”
there was a soft chuckle from her end of the call, her smile audible. he was thankful that you had someone like kat in your life, someone to keep tabs on you, who cared about you as much as he did.
“so, how's house hunting going?” she asked. of course kat knew. she was the one person who was told everything, all the secrets, the plans, all of it.
“good,” he nodded, walking down the steps, “she mentioned moving here last night and i told her everything. i think i might've found a potential house, as long as we both agree on it.”
she smiled on the other end, evident in her voice, “she’s mentioned it to me a couple times, just as ‘what-if’ scenarios. i'm glad she finally talked to you about it.”
“what about you, though? gonna stay in the city?”
“nah, probably not,” she said, “i’ve been looking for an excuse to leave for a while now, y/n thinking about moving to london just gives me an excuse.”
“where do you think you’ll end up?” he was genuinely curious.
“who knows,” she sighed, “was thinking about finding somewhere not far from my parents in jersey. city life is exhausting.”
he let out a laugh, “i think you mean american city life is exhausting.”
“okay, whatever, london boy.”
“seriously, what is everyone and this taylor swift song?”
she laughed, the noise of the tv filling the background, “i’m gonna try to get some sleep, but text me if you need anything.”
“sure thing, thanks.”
“always,” she said.
he hung up the phone and put it down on the counter, starting to make some coffee as he felt a pair of cold hands wrap around his torso. he jumped a little at the feeling, relaxing quickly, “good morning, love.”
“‘morning, tommy.”
he smiled at the nickname before turning around in your grasp, “what’re you doing up already? didn’t expect you to be awake for another hour or so.”
you shrugged, cheek pressing into his chest, “it got cold.”
he chuckled softly, “i could tell by the ice cubes you call fingers.”
you playfully rolled your eyes at him, looking up to meet his eyes, “what time do we have to leave for that showing?”
he looked down at his watch, “around noon,” he brushed a few strands of hair from your forehead as you continued looking up at his brown orbs, the chocolate color sparkling in the early morning sunlight, “figured we could go down to that little cafe you like and get some breakfast before hand. how’s that sound?”
you smiled up at him, “the one with the strawberries and cream crepes?”
he smiled, “that’s the one.”
“sounds perfect.”
he smiled, “good, it’s a date then,” he chucked and you both smiled as the kettle started to whistle quietly. he fixed two cups of coffee for the both of you, handing you yours which you graciously accepted.
your peace-filled morning was interrupted when someone came barreling down the steps, “ooh! coffee!”
you smiled as tom handed harry his mug, reaching up to grab another one, “it’s like you know when i’m making coffee.”
harry shrugged, “keen senses,” he looked over at you and smiled, “how are you feeling this morning? any better?”
you nodded, smiling back at the boy, “a lot better, thanks.”
he nodded, snapping his fingers as he bummed, remembering something as he looked over at tom, “oh! almost forgot, mum and dad want us to have dinner with them tonight.”
tom nodded, “alright, what time?”
“dunno, probably around five,” he said, “apparently sams helping out with dinner.”
“thank god,” tom sighed, “i love mum but i'm not in the mood for dry pork chops.”
you snorted, “leave nikki alone.”
“no, you’re just lucky you don’t have to put up with mum's terrible cooking as much as we do.” harry said, putting his mug in the sink.
tom nodded in agreement and you rolled your eyes at the two holland boys. you sipped your coffee smiling down at the blue staffy as she finally decided it was time to wake up.
“morning tess,” you cooed, petting her head as she wagged her tail, happy to see you, “did you sleep well, baby?”
tom smiled as he watched the interaction, you leaving the room to let tess outside. harry nudged his brother’s shoulder, speaking up in the comfortable silence of the kitchen, “so, when are you going to ask her?”
“ask her what?” the eldest brother didn’t tear his eyes from you. he wanted to wake up to this every morning.
harry looked at him dumbfounded, “ask her to marry you, you div.”
he looked over at his curly haired brother, “i don't know. there’s so much left to do.”
harry smiled, “and you know you both want to do them together, so what’s the hold up?”
tom shrugged, “just waiting for the right time, i guess.”
“oh c’mon,” harry laughed, “we all know that it’s always been you. has been ever since she was eight years old. even mum has a bet with dad going on about how long it’ll take you.”
tom chuckled, sipping his coffee before turning to his brother. his cheeks turned a light shade of pink, trying his hardest to keep his secret.
his dirty little secret? he already had a ring. he just needed to pick the right time.
“i’m just gonna see where we’re at when she graduates this spring,” he said, “and then go from there.”
harry nodded at his eldest brother, patting his shoulder, “for all of our sakes, please don’t keep us waiting too long. it’s the most anticipated wedding of the whole family.”
he laughed as harry smirked, making his way back up the wooden steps. as if on cue, you and tess walked back into the house. he smiled at you as you made your way into the kitchen, it was obvious he was staring but he didn’t care.
he shook his head, “nothing,” he let you lean into his chest as he wrapped an arm around your back, “ready look at our potential future home?”
you nodded, a smile plastered on your face, “of course.”
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the showing went really well, the house was damn near perfect. it wasn’t far from where he was currently living, had a big backyard for tess to roam around in, had a great open floor plan for entertaining all your family and friends.
it literally checked all the boxes. everything you and tom wanted in a home. however, it would take a little bit for you to be granted uk citizenship, so you decided to sit on it a little.
part of the whole thing made you a little bit nervous, like how long it would take for you to be able to officially be granted citizenship? would the house of your dreams still be available? how would you move all your things over?
tom noticed how quiet you had gone on the car ride home, placing a hand on your knee. you were pulled out of your trance as you looked over at him with a gentle smile.
“you okay?”
you nodded, “mhm, just thinking.”
he nodded, “about anything in particular or…?”
you shrugged, “not really, i guess. just life. how fast everything is changing, it’s like i can't keep up mentally at the moment.”
“we could always wait a little longer for the move-”
you shook your head, cutting him off, “no, no, i want to move. i want to move over here as soon as i can, it’s just going to take a little bit of getting used to, y’know?”
he nodded, “i do.”
you brought his hand up to your lips and kissed his knuckles, smiling as he squeezed your hand.
“i love you.” you said, the cool metal of his ring pressing to the inside of your fingers as he held your hand again.
“i love you more.”
another beat of silence before you spoke up, “god, i don’t want to go back to new york city.”
he chuckled, “think of it this way,” he said, “after the holidays, i’ll be there for filming and we get to spend a few months together. a little trial run of living together, y’know?”
you nodded, “yeah,” you smiled, “i suppose you’re right.”
“always am, love.”
you shoved his shoulder softly, laughing. you couldn’t wait to spend all the time in the world with him.
you checked your phone, your social media popularity still buzzing. you did your best to try to ignore it, but you couldn’t help but be curious.
you hadn’t talked to shawn ever since he posted that photo. you didn’t know what to say to him, to be honest. you didn’t want everyone to think that you were his girlfriend who was also seeing tom holland, but what else could you do?
“hey,” your voice broke the silence for the third time on this car ride, “i’m going to say something possibly a little crazy and i’m gonna have to have you hang with me for a second.”
he cocked a brow, “what’s that?”
“post me,” you said, “post whatever picture, or pictures i guess, you want. make it clear that i'm yours and that you’re mine.”
he looked over at you, “you sure you want to do that right now?”
“how else are people supposed to get over the whole fake love triangle they think we’re in?”
“i don’t know,” he sighed, “i just don’t want any more backlash to come your way.”
“fuck anything negative someone has to say,” you said, “i love you. i’d scream it from the rooftops if i had to. you’re mine, and i'm yours. for my own sake, i need everyone to know that.”
the car was silent for a few seconds as tom was contemplating his answer.
“okay. i'll do it.”
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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smolwritingchick · 7 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 83- I Need You On This
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Chapter Summary:  BTS rent out a movie theater to watch Captain America Civil War. Jennie's dream which she had been talking about for years finally comes true. Jen has the honor to film with Yoon Mirae for the first episode of Celebrity Womance. Jennie and Jungkook spend time with his family. Jennie supports AGUST D's mixtape
Words: 9,000+
Author's Note: Bon Voyage Season 1 is next after this chapter! Also, don't panic, things will be fine :)
The following morning, Jen received a phone call from one of her sisters while she was gaming with Jungkook.
"Awesome! Thank you, we'll be there! I'll make sure of it! I have been waiting to see this movie!" Jennie happily got off the phone and turned to Jungkook excitedly as he chilled on the bed. "Oppa, let's watch Civil War, today! My sister's friend hooked us all up for a rented movie theater to watch the movie, today! We'll be alone with no one to bother us!"
Jungkook's ears perked up and he quickly turned to her, Jungshooked.
She finally said it...
Jennie realized what she had just said as her entire face flushed. It just slipped out, she meant to say his name but it just flowed naturally to call him that despite her not being a fan of saying the word often.
"Did you..." he trailed off as a huge smile came across his face. He stood up and walked over to her. "Did you say what I think you just said?"
Smiling softly, she nodded. "Yes, I did."
"Can you say it, again?"
"Oppa, let's watch civil war, today."
Jungkook immediately wrapped his arms around her and gently lifted her off her feet as she laughed. "Okay, Jagi. Let's watch Civil War, today!"
"I'll tell the others," she said after getting set down.
"Am I the first guy you said oppa to?"
She pondered for a moment. "As a matter of fact...yes, you are the first guy."
Jungkook smiled triumphantly, already planning to brag to his hyungs. "Good."
At the theatre, JenKook wore Marvel shirts for the special occasion and sat in the back while the rest of Bangtan sat further down, scattered around. Her sisters sat near the members.
"I hope y'all won't be doing anything dirty back there!" Vienna teased the couple.
"Hush and watch the movie!" Alani replied.
"Would y'all be quiet!?" Jen shouted as the previews finished.
As they watched Captain America Civil War, JenKook freaked out and spoke during the movie which amused the members.
"Look at this, look at this! Look at this perfection! Iron Man wishes he could do this!" Jen said as Captain America was shown fighting at the beginning of the movie.
During the scene where Tony gives the students a grant, Jungkook goes on to brag about Iron Man, "Captain America wishes he could give students a grant like Tony,"
"Oh shut up," she rolled her eyes.
"Be jealous~!" he teased.
The rest of the members laughed at the debate JenKook had rows behind them including her laughing at Tony getting beaten up and hit by cars.
"That wasn't funny!" Jungkook huffed.
"Yes, it was,"
The scene with Steve and Bucky talking about whether Bucky was worth it made Jennie tear up.
"You see the mess he made!? All of them are in cells! Captain America is better." Jen debated with him later on in the movie.
"They brought this on themselves,"
"Would you guys be quiet!?" Jin shouted.
"We knew this was going to happen," Namjoon laughed.
During the plot twist of Bucky being the one to kill Tony's parents, Jennie and Jungkook were shooked.
"No..." she covered her mouth.
"I hate him, I hope he dies," Jungkook furiously stared at the scene.
"No! I don't want Bucky to die-"
"He killed Iron Man's parents!"
"He was brainwashed! It wasn't him!"
"I don't care!"
"Well, I care!"
The final fight scene between Bucky and Captain America going after Tony got them hyped as they both cheered on their favorite superheroes.
A scream left Jen's lips when Bucky's arm was destroyed by Tony.
"NO! WHY!?" she yelled.
"NO!" Jungkook yelled in horror when Cap hit his shield in Tony's heart.
Jen covered her mouth again and started tearing up at the defeated Iron Man. He really got hit in the arc reactor.
"Jungkook..." she murmured, not knowing what to say.
"Do you see the destruction your Captain America has done!? He ruined everything!" he angrily said.
"Hey! Don't blame him! He was protecting his friend!" she snapped at him.
"People are hurt! He almost killed Tony! That's unforgivable!"
"Tony tried to kill Bucky! He blew out his arm!"
"He deserved it!"
"No, the hell he didn't! He's a changed man!"
"A-are they actually angry with each other? Are they really fighting?" Jin asked with concern.
"Nah, they do this all the time when they watch Marvel movies," Taehyung answered, calmly.
"Yeah, they're just bonding, no need to worry," Jimin reassured with a chuckle.
Near the end, Jennie laughed at Stan Lee's cameo, calling Tony, Tony Stank.
"Ha! I told you it was true! Tony Stank for the win!" she laughed.
"At least Tony is richer than everyone," Jungkook quipped.
"Oh ho ho...no the hell he ain't! Black Panther is richer! Um, hello he is a whole prince. He has almost 100 trillion! Don't get me started on my brothers,"
"Blah, blah, blah,"
After the movie finished, Jennie sighed in contentment. "Gosh, I hope they have a Black Panther movie soon! Like that'll be so lit. I can only imagine how awesome it'll be. What I wouldn't give to be a part of a Marvel movie. That would be a dream. Even if it's just a song or something or a small role, I don't even care,"
After the movie, Bangtan went shopping at the mall. When splitting up into groups at the mall, the members found their way back to each other after shopping at Forever 21. Everyone but Jennie had bought some things because all she was looking for was a certain brand of perfume that she could not find anywhere. That was until she finally spotted Victoria's Secret.
"Oh my gosh, finally! I gotta get something real quick!" she eagerly rushed in, surprising the guys with her enthusiasm. "Man, oh man, I hope they have it."
"Jennie...what are you planning on getting from here?" Jin's heart dropped as he walked into the store with fear, quickly following her.
"I think we all know exactly what she is going to buy from here." Hobi chuckled with Yoongi.
"Hey, hey, Jungkookie, do you think Jennie is going to buy something to wear for you?" Jimin teased, wrapping an arm around him as they walked deeper into the store.
'I-is she going to get some lingerie now? I-in front of the Hyungs? Is she ready for THAT??' Jungkook thought with wonder and astonishment as he began to blush.
Did she want to do THAT already?
His imagination was already beginning to wander...
Did she want him to go crazy?
Why couldn't she do this when they were alone? Not with the rest of the guys around them.
Jungkook's thoughts were interrupted by a large pat on the back by Namjoon. "I'm surprised she would be this bold. Don't you want to help her pick something out? We can wait out here."
Before Jungkook could answer, he peeped Jennie walking past all the underwear.
'Wait...why is she walking past the lingerie? Even the red underwear?? No...no, no, why?' Jungkook thought.
"Finally!" she happily announced and grabbed a few bottles of the perfume she wanted. "I have been trying to find these everywhere!"
Namjoon let out a laugh, looking stunned. "W-wow...perfume. Would you look at that? She came here for perfume."
Jin sighed out of relief. "I'm glad it was just that!"
"Yeah, of course. What did you think I was gonna get in here?" Jen stared at him like it was the most obvious thing she would get in the store.
Meanwhile, disappointment was clearly shown on Jungkook's face while the rest of the members felt salty that what she bought wasn't what they were expecting.
"Darn...I really thought she was going to get a set for Jungkook." Hobi whined.
"Bet the kid is upset, right about now," Yoongi added.
"Aw...tough luck, Jungkookie." Jimin giggled with Taehyung.
Back at the hotel, Jungkook decided to speak up about it and ask her about the stunt she pulled at Victoria's Secret.
"S-so you weren't planning on getting anything else?" he asked.
"Nope, just the perfume. Why?" she watched him as he averted his eyes.
She then realized what he had meant and felt her face heat up. "O-oh." she nervously laughed. "Well...the stuff in that store is not even what I would want to wear for you when I'm ready for that."
That sparked his interest as his ears perked up. "Well, what do you want to wear?"
"I guess you'll have to wait and find out one day." she teased, grabbing the controller to finish her game.
"When can I find out?" he eagerly asked.
"Can I at least know the color?"
"Can it be red?"
The next morning, all packed and ready to leave America, Jennie met with the rest of the members on the first floor.
"Jen," Diana, her manager called out.
"Yeah?" she turned to face her.
"You won't be going back to Korea just yet,"
That caused Jennie to furrow her brows. What did she mean? She was planning to go back with the members so what could possibly be left on her schedule? It made her nervous but decided to stay positive about it.
"Okaaaay. What else is on my schedule?"
"Last minute meeting Bang PD and I scheduled with some important people that want to meet you. Come on. They're waiting for us,"
Important people? Meeting? That she and Bang PD scheduled? What was going on?
After telling the members she'd be staying a while longer in America and saying her goodbyes, she went to follow Diana in a car that took them to the location of the meeting.
"You keep looking at me. What is going on?" Jen asked after she caught Diana staring at her longer than usual.
"It's nothing. Just relax. The meeting shouldn't take that long, anyway." she replied, trying to change the subject.
"Who am I meeting anyway?"
"You'll see when we get there,"
After arriving at the location, Diana escorted her to a meeting room to see two caucasian people. A man and woman in suits with welcoming smiles.
"Ah, Jennifer Walker. It's a pleasure to finally meet you in person," the man spoke first shaking her hand.
"Hi, nice to meet you as well," she politely replied.
The two introduced themselves and informed her that they were looking for potential musical artists to endorse Macy's. The idea did interest Jen as she thought it would be a good opportunity since she already endorsed Puma with BTS.��
"Any brands you enjoy wearing?" she was asked.
"Nike!" she beamed. "That's my all-time favorite brand,"
"Nike? Why that brand?"
"Oh, a lot of things. I have a whole collection of Nike sneakers. I just love everything about it. Their style, their clothes. It makes me feel empowered as weird as it sounds. Let me show you the collection of sneakers I have," she took out her phone, showing them the large collection of shoes.
Diana refrained from laughing while the two others looked impressed and pleased to see her so passionate about a brand like this. The exact passion they want to endorse a brand. 
Jennie rambled on and on about Nike as she showed tons of photos and stories about wearing the brand.
"...and these are the sneakers I wore on the night I debuted with BTS," she rambled on.
"If you wanted to create something, what would you want?" she was also asked.
"I'd love to create a whole line of Nike shoes for dance and Nike dance clothes. Sneakers, ballet shoes, everything Nike dance shoe related. Comfortable and cute clothes to dance in for Nike. I strongly believe dancing is a sport and I feel like dancing should have some representation. It would be a dream to create something like that for Nike one day."
"Hm...I see," the lady nodded and looked over at her partner.
The man took out a folder and placed it on the table with a smile, "Well, Nike would love to see this vision come true,"
It took a few seconds for his words to register in her brain as Jen stared at them in astonishment. Her heart dropped and her mouth went dry as words couldn't form in her head. 
Did he just say Nike wanted to see her vision come true?
Diana couldn't help but laugh and had to be the one to open the folder to reveal the Nike Endorsement contract waiting to be signed.
"We've had our eye on you for quite a while Miss Walker. Your passion for our brand is infectious. We would love to have you on board and put your vision into action."
"I had to talk to them to try to make something up. I didn't want them to go straight in and say they were from Nike," Diana giggled and turned to Jennie. "Wow, the look on your face. Are you going to say anything? I'm sorry, she's still trying to process all of this,"
"We understand. We've watched all those videos of her talking about Nike. We heard her passion loud and clear," the woman replied with a giggle.
Nothing came out of Jennie but tears as her chest felt heavy. Looking down at her lap, her sight was blurred with tears.
Was this another dream about Nike? It wasn't like the others.
"Y-you want me? To endorse Nike? You really want me?" she managed to speak, looking back up at them after wiping her tears with her sleeved arm.
"We've wanted you for quite a while now. We're pleased we were able to get to you due to your busy schedule. When we heard about Adidas wanting you, we were a bit worried that you would join them." they told her.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, Jen turned to Diana.
"I already looked over the contract. Bang PD discussed it with me as well. This is what you always wanted, although Puma will have to go away,"
Jen understood about Puma and was prepared for it as she tried to process that a contract from Nike was waiting for her.
"Will you do it?" Jen was asked.
Looking up at the Nike representatives, she smiled happily with tearful eyes, opening up a pen.
"Yes! Heck yeah, I will!" she answered proudly, signing her signature.
Diana could feel herself getting emotional as she watched Jennie sign the contract. She was so proud of her having this moment.
"Great! We will keep in touch, Ms. Walker. We are looking forward to working on this vision of yours,"
"Thank you so much! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me! Thank you for giving me a chance! Thank you for noticing me! Thank you for everything!" Jennie rambled on about her gratitude for this blessing.
After they left, Jen hugged Diana as more tears escaped.
"Thank you so much!"
"I got you. Always remember that. You deserve it," Diana beamed.
Pulling away, she took out her phone, still shaking from what just happened, "I-I gotta call my parents," she said, calling her mom up.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" her mom asked on the line.
"Are you all right?" her dad asked.
"I'm crying because I'm happy," Jen sniffed.
"What happened?"
"I got it..."
"Got what?" her dad asked.
"An endorsement deal with Nike."
"Aw, baby I'm so proud of you! I told you, prayer is a powerful thing!"
After returning to Seoul from her meeting with Nike, Jennie still felt her body shaking from the news that Nike wanted HER. She was about to endorse the company that she dreamed of endorsing for many years. She couldn't wait to tell the guys.
"I'm finally back!" she announced, shutting the front door.
When she turned around, the lights went on and she was welcomed with loud cheers. She looked around in wonder, genuinely surprised as she saw a large banner that said 'Congrats on the Nike Endorsement' with various balloons and confetti around the room.
There were the boys who were patiently waiting for her arrival as they had bright smiles on their faces.
"No, you didn't," she covered her mouth as a smile grew on her face.
"Congrats Ennie!" V ran up to her, scooping her up in a hug.
"She's finally endorsing Nike!" J-Hope yelled proudly, jumping up and down
"A dream come true~! Jennie and Nike 2K16!" Jungkook shouted happily.
"I knew you were going to get it one of these days! I'm glad you remained patient," Namjoon praised.
"Nike X Jennie! Finally~!" Jimin yelled
"Wow, I feel like a proud father," Jin rambled, "I can't wait to ask my friends, is your daughter cool enough to get an endorsement from Nike? No? Well, my precious Jennie scored one and is going to break barriers with it!"
"We're proud of you smartie," Yoongi praised. "You deserve this. We're glad you went with your heart,"
"I wish we could have seen the look on her face when she found out," Hobi laughed with Namjoon and Jimin at the thought.
After being set down, she walked further into the room to see pizza and plates waiting at the table, along with a large cake that said congrats on the Nike endorsement. 
It took her a moment to realize that they all knew that she was going to get it. 
"Wait...you guys knew?!" she asked, taken aback. "That I was going to get it!? And you didn't drop any hints!?"
"Of course not! That eliminates the element of surprise," Jungkook giggled.
"Guys..." she said as she looked at them with tears falling down her cheeks.
"Aw, she's crying! I told you she was going to cry!" J-Hope laughed and pulled her in for a hug. 
The rest of the guys joined in, saying that it was all right. After pulling herself together, she smiled and thanked them for supporting her.
"Wow, Nike really has you now. How did the meeting go?" Jimin asked.
"I was nervous, I didn't know what I was getting myself into," she said and explained to them what happened.
In response, they teased her for her reaction.
"Finally that company opened their eyes to see a gem they have for an endorsement. They're going to be happy they chose you," Yoongi said confidently.
"If you need us to model for your brand or anything, let us know," V added.
"Free promo," Namjoon grinned
"Thanks, guys. Really. This is just so surreal. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this. Frickin' Nike...and Jennie of BTS. Bangtan is moving forward. V and his drama, our comeback we're working on. K-Con headliners, Yoongi's mixtape. I feel like as we progress, we're only going to be chasing more bags and success. Let's keep working hard," she high fived all of them as they cheered.
"That's the energy to have! How soon can you start designing what you want to do?" Jin asked as they all sat at the table.
"For now, they'll be in touch with me," she answered.
"Wait until ARMY finds out. They'll be ecstatic," V said.
"Are you going to tell them soon or wait a bit?" Jungkook asked.
"I want to wait a bit. Let it be a huge surprise when I announce it," she replied.
"Cool. Now dig in!" Jimin laughed and pushed her face into the cake with Jin.
As a few weeks went by, Bangtan was back in America for LA's K-Con. The group went through a series of interviews to promote it. News about Suga's mixtape that he was working on had got out and he expressed his enthusiasm that Armies were excited about it.
"Jennifer has been the biggest supporter out of my journey working on the mixtape," Suga announced proudly as she looked at him in shock. "I would find her trying to peek in my studio to see if I'm working on it. I am happy to have a strong support system for my music. ARMY, I hope you like the finished product,"
She didn't expect him to acknowledge that and it made her feel good. The huge smile on her face did not go unnoticed by viewers and the members as Suga glanced over at her to give her a soft smile.
Fans commented on the YoonJen moment and expressed their excitement for his mixtape:
'Awww YoonJen!'
'Keep in mind Yoongi said, Jennifer. Not smartie. You know he serious af about her being supportive of him! I'm soft!'
'My heart! I can't wait for him to release it!'
After the interview, Jennie went out to roam around K-Con with Sejin and a bodyguard with her. She came across fans performing dance covers of BTS songs. It appeared to be a local dance group and she watched as they performed fire. What took her by surprise was the black male dancer performing her part.
'Wow!' she thought, mesmerized as he nailed her mannerisms. It was like she was looking at herself perform.
"Yasssss!" she shouted, which caught the attention of fans who began to scream. "Y'all killing it!"
A large portion of fans tried to get her attention for photos and autographs but she kindly told them that she wanted to watch the rest of the performance before any interaction. They respected it and watched as she happily danced to the beat of fire, enjoying the performance.
After the group finished, Jennie approached them and clapped.
"That was amazing! You guys killed it!"
"Oh my gosh, thank you! We can't believe you came out here!" one of the dancers said.
"I'm still a K-Pop fan at heart. I just wanted to drop in and say hey. How long have you been in a group? The synchronization was extremely good,"
"That means the world to us coming from you. We wanted to do it justice. We've been performing since 2014!"
"Wow, keep dancing, please! Don't ever stop. All of you are gifted,"
As more fans gathered around, she tried to take as many selfies as she could.
"Jennie! What do you think of NCT?" a fan asked.
"I tweeted about them! They are lit! Sooo many members. Firetruck is a bop," she beamed.
"Do you have a bias?"
"Not yet! Hard to choose,"
"I love you and Alex Reid. Have you met Alex yet?"
This had been a common question. Unfortunately, she still hasn't met the girl but eagerly wants to. Someone to relate to in this industry.
"Sadly no. But I really want to! I hope we can meet up one of these days,"
After going backstage, Jen felt like she could breathe easier since Bangtan wasn't until the end of the show. She spent time with Ailee and watched backstage as she performed. She had some mic trouble but she nailed the performance without music as the queen that she was. Her A cappella was on point and it blew her away.
Her name was called out and she turned around to see Zico waving and walking over to her with Dean.
"Zico! Long time no see! How are you?" she pulled him in for a hug.
"Doing good. How you been?"
"Everything has just been blessings upon blessings. I got my Nike endorsement!"
"No way, you finally got it?! About time! They have a gem on their hands! I can't wait to see what you create with them!"
"Aw thank you!" she turned to Dean. "Hi! I'm Jennie! It's so nice to finally meet you, Dean! Your music is so dope. I love your sound,"
Dean was pleased to hear how much she praised his music and thanked her.
"Your vocals are like so soothing and I admire your work. I hope you get a ton of awards for your EP," she added.
"Thank you, Jennie. How does it feel headlining K-Con with BTS?" Dean asked with a smile.
"Surreal. I am so grateful,"
After talking with them, she stayed in BTS' dressing room.
"Hello! Is Jennie Unnie here?" a female voice asked.
Jennie turned around, pausing her conversation with Jimin to see the IOI members walking in.
"Ah! There she is!" the voice belonged to Somi.
All the members of IOI had walked in with bright smiles, dressed in their outfits to perform.
"Oh my gosh, hi!" Jennie rushed up to them.
She hadn't seen them in a while but watched closely at the survival show's results and their journey as a group. 
Sohye with a cute smile presented the large basket to her. "This is on behalf of us,"
"F-for me? Oh my gosh, thank you," she graciously accepted it and placed it on the table.
"A thank you for supporting us," Pinky added.
When Jennie opened it, she squealed in glee when she saw it was filled with packs of smarties. Her happy sound effect made the girls giggle, proud that she liked the gift. Meanwhile, Bangtan watched with amusement.
'You're becoming a great role model, Jennie,' Namjoon thought as he watched IOI look up at her in admiration.
"My smarties! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she went on to hug all of them. "How does it feel to be a group? Hard work paid off, huh? I see bright futures for all of you,"
"Yeah, we love it. It's so exciting to be here, too," Chungha answered.
"I'm glad. Make the most of everything. And if you need anything, I'm here for you,"
Back in Korea, with the short amount of free time that they had, Jungkook wanted Jennie to join him to eat with his family. He thought it was the perfect time to tell them that they were dating, too. There was no doubt in his mind that they were going to be thrilled.
Once they made it to his parents' house, Jungkook turned to her with a smile.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Butterflies are increasing as we get closer to the door," she admitted and took a deep breath.
"You'll be fine. I have a strong feeling they're going to be pretty excited to hear the good news," he grinned at her, making her mellow out.
Suddenly the door opened to reveal his mom smiling brightly at them.
"Jungkook! You're here!" she pulled him in for a hug. "Look at you. Are you eating well?" she pulled away.
"Always, Mom,"
"Good," she turned to Jennie as her smile got wider. "Jennie! I'm so happy you can join us!"
"Hi, Mrs. Jeon. Thank you for having me. This is for you and your husband," she presented her with a gift basket she created for them.
"Oh, thank you very much. Come on. Both of you. Your father and brother are in the backyard, Jungkook,"
"Okay," he responded and let Jennie walk in first. He followed her inside and closed the door.
'You okay while I go to the backyard?' he gave her a look, initiating a brief nonverbal conversation.
'Yes, go on ahead.' she nodded and returned the smile that he gave her.
As she watched him leave, Jennie turned her attention to his mom placing the basket on a table.
"I've been so excited to see you again!" she heard his mom say.
She has?
"Really? That means a lot, thank you!"
"Jungkook can never stop talking about you. It made me miss you more than I already have,"
"He talks about me a lot to you?" she chuckled softly, feeling her heart soar as she heard about her missing her.
"Oh, all the time. It was the cutest thing. Since you came along, I have seen a positive difference in his character. I'm not sure what is going on but whatever it is, I hope it continues,"
'Wow, all from us dating?' Jen thought optimistically.
A lot of people have been saying this to her lately. That Jungkook had been more lively and open. Was it really because of her?
"I hope so too," she smiled. "May I assist you?"
His mother looked at her with appreciation as she was preparing to finish up dinner. "Yes, I would love that. Please set up the table,"
"You got it,"
After finishing it up, she helped his mom put the food on the table.
"Jennie is here," she heard Jungkook as he walked inside with his brother and father.
"I'm glad that I finally get to meet her. You talk about her so much, it made me anticipate her arrival even more," his brother, Jung-hyun said to him.
"Hi! It's nice to finally meet you, Jung-hyun," Jennie greeted kindly.
"Likewise. It's nice to meet the 'most precious person' to my brother,"
That made her face heat up while he giggled at her and his brother's flustered reaction. He could easily tell something was going on and was happy his little brother found a significant other. He approved of Jennie right away just from Jungkook chatting about her and showing their photos over their years in Bangtan.
"H-hey! Cut it out!" Jungkook smacked his brother's arm for putting him on blast like that. 
His face turned slightly pink as he planned his revenge.
"Jennie! It's good to see you again, how are you doing?" his father asked.
"Very well! I'm happy to be here, Mr. Jeon,"
As they sat down for dinner, Jen sat next to Jungkook while they were across from his parents and brother.
"Jung-hyun, Jungkook showed me some of your art. It's amazing. You know my sister Alani likes to create DIY items,"
"Oh really? Cool. Thank you. I'd like to see them sometime," he grinned.
"She has an Instagram about it. I'll show you later,"
"How many siblings do you have?"
"Just two! Both sisters. Alani and Vienna. Alani is into communications and Vienna is starting to lean more into acting. Lately, she's been wanting to get into Broadway and been auditioning quite a bit,"
After more small talk, Jennie felt comfortable and relaxed further. Jungkook noticed and was happy that his family warmed up to her so easily.
"Are your sisters gamers, too?" his brother asked.
"Not as much as me. I'm more of the gamer out of the three of us,"
"She sucks at Overwatch," Jungkook laughed. "She died as soon as the match began. I wish we recorded it for our channel. It was hilarious,"
'Wooooow. Roasting me in front of your family?' Jennie thought, amused as her nervousness melted away completely.
"Hey, I'm still learning. And you show no mercy in these games. Whenever we play against each other you don't give me a chance to try to hit you," she pointed out.
"Of course not, I want to win," he teased.
"I think you should at least go easy on me so I can learn and then go full out,"
His parents watched them cutely bicker about video games and gave each other knowing looks. She definitely fitted right in. Her genuine smile towards their son was another significant factor. And how she praised him throughout the entire dinner touched their hearts.
"You game as often as Jungkook?" his dad smiled.
"All the time. You should watch our channel sometime. It's really funny," she grinned.
"She gets competitive a lot, Dad," Jungkook laughed. "Just like me. There are games that she's better at and tries to teach me,"
"Well just know that I will be rooting for you, Jennie," his father promised her.
"Dad, you're not going to be cheering me on?" Jungkook looked offended, while his girlfriend and mother giggled.
"It's nice to see you get beat once in a while in games,"
"Jennie, how is your family doing?" his mom asked her.
"Really well. There hasn't been much going on at home. Just working and enjoying summer,"
"One day it would be nice to meet them and have dinner together," his dad suggested.
That made her get butterflies in her stomach as she appeared Jenshooked. Was it obvious that she and Jungkook were dating because throughout this entire meal, they'd been talking a lot about the future and how Jungkook had changed happily because of her.
"Dinner with you and her family?" Jungkook looked Jungshooked for a moment.
"Of course! We're eager to meet your girlfriend's family!" his dad blurted out with a large smile.
"Dad..." Jung-hyun groaned. "We were waiting for them to announce it themselves,"
"Surprise ruined," his mom sighed.
His dad laughed nervously. "Whoops. Sorry. I mean look at them. Adorable. They've been holding hands under the table the entire meal. I had to say something,"
Jungkook and Jennie looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh. Jennie had nothing to worry about. Things were just fine.
"Wow, was it that obvious?" Jungkook smiled bashfully.
"Your body language, little brother," Jung-hyun pointed out. "And your lingering gaze towards her. It's cute,"
"Ah..." Jungkook looked down, feeling his face heat up.
Meanwhile, Jennie felt happier than ever at how excited they were to see them dating.
"How long have you two been together?" his mom asked.
"Since January. He's so good to me," she answered sweetly.
"Ah, beautiful. I for one am very happy to see my son with someone that brings out the best in him. You are a wonderful, sweet girl. I fully support this,"
That made Jennie tear up and blink the happy tears away. Wow. They approved. All of them. 
After they finished eating, his mom came out with a small cake. It was mouthwatering as Jen devoured it. After eating a second slice, Jennie asked if she could learn how to make it. The surprised expression on Jungkook's mom's face made her smile as she agreed and asked if Jen could teach her the recipe for the baked goods she baked for them a while back.
"I just wanted to say thank you for welcoming me with open arms and for your hospitality," Jen smiled.
"Of course. I'm so happy it worked out between you two. We are looking forward to having you over again soon when your schedules allow it," his father grinned.
As summer went on for BTS, Jennie, and Jungkook were invited to film a variety show. With Jungkook, he was on Celebrity Bromance and paired up with Shinhwa's Minwoo. They spent the entire day together and even rock climbed as Jungkook began to feel more comfortable and open around him as the day went on.
After the cameras were off them for a brief period, Minwoo asked if there was any special young lady that caught his eye. His question earned an immediate smile from the Golden Maknae as he thought about Jennie.
"That's the smile of a man in love," Minwoo said with a light chuckle while noticing how his eyes shined brightly. "She must be exceptional,"
"She is. I kind of think of us as soulmates," Jungkook smiled shyly as a blush grew on his cheeks. Taking out his phone, he showed him a photo of them together, "This is my girlfriend. Her name is Jennie,"
"Wow, she's beautiful. You two are in the same group, too. Bangtan is very protective of her, I'm sure?"
"Absolutely. She is very precious to us,"
"Good. I bet she has quite the admirers. How did you two start dating?"
"She does. I wanted her so I was persistent for her to be my girlfriend. I made the first move to express my feelings and kissed her before her flight back home to America. Ah...I felt like my mom because she made the first move and went after my dad," he laughed with him. "She's the best...I'm very happy with her,"
"Treasure every day of your beautiful relationship. And don't let anyone, not even the media ruin what you have,"
"I will treasure it. Every day,"
Meanwhile, when it came to Jennie, she starred in a new show called Celebrity Womance. A spinoff of Celebrity Bromance. Jen was honored to be in the first episode of this new show. She decided to meet the woman she was paired up with at a bubble tea shop, ordering tea for both of them.
"I am excited that they asked me to be a part of the first episode of Celebrity Womance. There's already a bromance version of it so it'll be fun to see who I am going to be paired up with. I have no clue who it might be," Jennie said on camera for a brief interview with the staff of the show.
She then went to sit back at her seat in the café to wait for the woman.
"I'm a little nervous..." she murmured and contemplated chewing a piece of gum to relax. 
But then chose to sip on her milk bubble tea instead, chewing on the bubbles that came up through the straw.
'Someone Appeared!'
Jennie turned in the direction of the door opening to see Yoon Mirae walking in with a bright smile.
"Hello!" Yoon Mirae greeted with a wave.
"Holy crap," Jennie blurted out in English under her breath as she stared at her, bewildered. 
She covered her mouth and felt embarrassed at the sudden statement while Yoon Mirae giggled. 
She stood up and bowed at the highly respected artist, "H-hi! Oh my gosh, it's an honor to meet you! My name is Jennie!"
"Nice to meet you, I'm Yoon Mirae. You can call me Natasha Unnie,"
'Unnie already?! Whoa!' Jennie thought in amazement.
"Wow. I...wow. I was not expecting this. You worked with my leader and now I'm sitting with you today,"
The show showed a montage about Yoon Mirae and said that she is one of the most highly respected artists. To Jennie, it was a dream come true.
"I've been watching you," Yoon Mirae smiled.
"You have?"
"You've caused quite a stir when BTS was announced. A black girl in the group. I bet you had to deal with a lot of negativity,"
"Yes. I don't even know where to start. It was ridiculous,"
"What has it been like for you as a black woman here?"
"When I first started, they tried to make me look paler. The makeup they would use would be lighter. It was embarrassing and so disrespectful because I was like hey, this is not my shade. Why do you have to try to make me look lighter? There is nothing wrong with my skin. I had to start talking with the stylists and educate them. I remember some started reading articles and watching YouTube videos on how to style my hair,"
"Have they stopped making you look pale?"
"Yes, thankfully. It took a little while but now my makeup looks more like it should for my skin. And before that, I started bringing my makeup and gave it to them to use instead. When I first started in BTS they always seemed to prioritize the boys and their make up but when it came to me, not so much. I'm happy to see the growth in my hair and makeup being a priority in BTS. You've been bullied a lot too, haven't you?"
"Yes, I have. Growing up I experienced a lot of racism and bullying. When my dad was in the army, we moved a lot when I was young. People would tell my dad that he was a sell-out because he married a Korean woman, why marry a Korean,"
Jennie frowned at that and shook her head. "I get so frustrated with that. If you love someone, you love someone. Whatever race you are or what you're into. I don't like it when people judge who you're dating, especially if they're biased towards people dating within their race. There is nothing wrong with interracial dating and I'm a full supporter of that,"
The two shared a long conversation about their time living in America and then coming to Korea. Jennie was amazed by her story. The fact that she had to deal with so much as a mixed woman and how traumatizing it was for her devastated Jennie.
When asked about the pressure of being the black girl in BTS, Jen broke down.
"Sorry," she tried to laugh away her pain but the tears were too much to stop as they ran down her face. "I'll admit it's been extremely hard over the years. All those hate comments, it was so hurtful to see them coming from the fans that were supposed to be supporting the group. All members of the group. I thought I would be protected by them, y'know? From all the rest of those hating on me. They would defend the rest of the members from the hate but when it came to me, I was just an afterthought. I'm just as important as the rest of the guys. I work just as hard as them and I love our fans just as much as them,"
Yoon Mirae reached out to hold her hand, listening to her as she expressed herself.
"Sometimes it can be overwhelming. And I used to feel like a burden being the only girl in the group. So many high expectations, being an African American in this country, people wonder if you can keep up with the guys, making sure the company is impressed with your work and doesn't think you're slowing down. It's something that was always on my mind," she went on.
"And you're still here. Still strong and performing," Yoon Mirae smiled. "I was happy to see you in BTS. And I was worried about the negative feedback you would get. But you've overcome a lot and you are still standing. You should be proud of that. And what I've dealt with as a kid made me stronger too,"
"Thank you. It definitely has. Things have been much better now. A lot of positives outweighed the negatives. And your music helped me a lot. I love your song Black Happiness. You are such an inspiration and I do hope I can become a well respected and influential artist. To have people look up to me and be a positive role model as a member of BTS is a big dream of mine,"
"I would say that you already are. Keep doing what you are doing, Jennie. Keep singing and working hard. You're a bigger inspiration to others than you think,"
After drinking bubble tea, the two decided to spend the day roller skating. There were a lot of laughs between them as they got to know each other. Both fell quite a few times and helped each other up. After skating, they ate at a booth by the roller rink.
"Do you have a significant other?" Yoon Mirae asked after the crew took a break from filming.
A bright smile came across Jen's face as she thought about Jungkook. 
She nodded happily, "I do! I'm happily dating Jungkook. We've been dating since early January,"
"Ah, your group member? That's cute. Who liked who first?"
"Well, he," she chuckled, "He did. He liked me for a long time and we became best friends. One night he confessed and kissed me hours before my flight back to America,"
"Wow, how bold,"
"Very. But I'm glad he did because it made me realize how strong my feelings were for him. And even if we weren't dating, we would always be best friends. I'll always have love for him. I feel like we're soulmates because I feel such a strong and deep connection with him. He makes me so happy,"
The smile didn't leave Jennie's face as she went on, "I'm still learning about love. I'm still young and experiencing a lot of things. I'm happy it's with him and I wouldn't change anything about it,"
"There's nothing like being with the one you love. That's how I feel about my husband,"
"Right? And I recently met his parents and brother for dinner to announce that we were dating. They were so happy and welcoming. It made me cry that they accepted me so quickly,"
Yoon Mirae smiled at that. She was proud of Jennie. Things were looking up for her and she hoped it continued for this young artist.
"There are days when I watch you and your husband together, being a strong duo in music, it makes me think of Jungkook and I. I want that. To be able to perform with him on stage, and have songs together. I'm not sure when we'll tell our fanbase about our relationship but for now, we are just trying to keep things private and away from Dispatch as much as possible," Jen added.
As the evening progressed, the two sat at the park to enjoy the summer night while eating water ice together.
"Time flew so fast and now our time is about to end," Jen sighed.
She truly enjoyed her day with her. She learned so much and got a lot of advice on performing and life in the industry. The two planned to keep in touch and exchanged contact information.
"Jennifer," a deep voice called out.
Looking up from her phone, she turned her head to see him leaning up against the door of her studio. He appeared nervous as he wondered how he was going to ask her what was on his mind.
"Hey, what's up?" she kindly greeted.
"I want to talk to you...privately. Meet me in my studio when you're ready. I'll be here all night. Take your time," he said and walked away.
His studio...?
"I wonder what he wants to discuss," she murmured as she finished her break.
After she finished her work, she made her way down to his studio and shut the door. She watched gleefully as she noticed that he was working on his mixtape.
"Ah, you're working on it! I'm so happy!" she beamed.
He acknowledged her words with a soft smile and gestured for her to sit next to him.
"Yeah, about time, right? It's almost ready," he said proudly.
He had worked so hard. It was going to be worth the wait.
"I'm glad. I can't wait to hear it. So, what did you need from me?"
"I want you to listen to these two songs," he said and pressed play.
She checked out his computer screen to see that the first track was called The Last. He had played the song near the end as his raw lyrics and intense instrumental had her nodding her head to the beat. He then played So Far Away for her.
"Wow, these are..." she couldn't think of the right words to how powerful his music was.
"It's missing something," he stated.
She turned to him, confused. "Missing something? How? It sounds perfect,"
"Not without you,"
Her heart skipped a beat at his words. "What are you saying?"
"These songs are missing something. And it's you. No matter what I do, I don't feel like they are complete. I want something more on these tracks. And that's why I asked you here today. I want you to play the guitar for these two songs on my mixtape,"
'You want me...? On these?' she thought in astonishment.
"I want..." Yoongi stopped and shook his head, "I need you on this. The way you express your emotions through that instrument, I need that in these two songs. No one else can play the guitar like you. Your sound is what I need for this. Please,"
He gazed at her and held her hand, nervously waiting for her answer. 
Many thoughts went through his head. Was he being too forward? She could always decline the offer. But was he prepared for that?
"When do you want to get started?" she spoke, interrupting his thoughts.
His eyes widened slightly at how quick she was to accept his request. "You'll do it?"
"No one has ever asked me to play the guitar like this for their music. It's usually just my voice and a little feature. So, doing something like this for you will mean the world to me. And the fact that I'm the one you thought of for such an important project, how could I say no to you? I'd be honored to play."
"Jennifer...thank you,"
"Always, Yoongi,"
When they got situated, they spent a couple of hours on the songs. Jen was amazed at his story. He is a reserved person and the fact that he was letting all of this out in his mixtape got her emotional.
"H-hey, Jennifer, are you okay?" Yoongi stared at her with worry as he noticed tears running down her face.
"Sorry. The Last is just getting me worked up. What you've gone through I...I'm feeling it. All of it is from your lyrics. I'll play the guitar right and do it justice. Let's record,"
"Are you sure? You want to wait until you pull yourself together first?"
"No. My sound on the guitar is enhanced when I'm feeling the emotion. If I cry, I cry. Replay it from the beginning. And when it's my cue, press record. I don't need to wait,"
Her demeanor turned into work mode as she remained focused and listened to The Last with her guitar in her hands. She listened to every lyric he rapped in song as her fingers twitched in anticipation against her guitar.
Yoongi couldn't help but feel slightly concerned as she waited for her cue.
"Hey, if this is too sad for you or-"
She raised her hand, signaling him to be quiet as she continued to listen.
Deciding to do as she said, he watched her in her work mode. Lately, Jennie had been mirroring the emotion of whatever she played on her guitar on her face. This was a vulnerable song. And she couldn't help but shed tears as she listened, preparing to play.
Once she heard the drums, she began to aggressively strum through the strings as his rap played against her ears. He watched her astounded as it was everything he wanted in this song and more. The way she played sounded perfect against his voice. The powerful chords she played against his voice were going to leave a huge impact on the mixtape for sure. After she was done, she exhaled sharply and set down her guitar.
"Now I need a moment," she said, wiping her tears. "I felt that. All of that,"
"What you just did was amazing. I don't know what happened but it sounded perfect. Thank you," he praised.
"I try," she smiled and he went to check it out on the computer to fit it in the song.
Once he had done some finishing touches to the song, he replayed it for them to listen. Yep, he was right, it did sound perfect. Fully complete.
"Hey, before we work on So Far Away, can you play AGUST D? I've been staring at it and I'm curious about how it sounds," she requested.
"Sure," he clicked on it twice.
"Oh!" she shouted out after the first few beats. "Oh! Oh okay!"
He laughed at her reaction as she danced in her seat while they listened to the song.
They call me new thang
Shinbyeong watda jimeul badeo
"Whew! Okay!" she cheered, nodding her head to the beat.
Oh, this was lit! This song was going harder than she anticipated.
A to the G to the U to the STD
I'm d boy because I'm from D
Nan michinnom biteu wiye runachik
Raebeuro hongkongeul bonaeneun
My tongue technology
Jennie almost fell out of her seat from that lyric. "OH! Tongue technology!?"
Nan bekkineun geol bekkineun nomeul jabadaga
Hubaedeun seonbaedeun jekkineun nom
"Oh shi-okay!" she jumped up and down in her seat during his second verse. He was rapping so damn fast as she stared at him in disbelief. "Yoongi~!"
Hyeongdeure shigi jiltu deoge saenggineun soeum
"OOOOOOOOOOO~!" she shouted, covering her mouth against the side of her fist. "Yo replay that back! You going crazy right now! The delivery! The delivery of that! Replay it back please!"
Yoongi's stomach began to hurt from the amount of laughter he was doing from her reaction. She was adorable. Accepting her request, he scrolled back to the second verse after the chorus.
"Yoongi! Bro! Why are you going off like this? Like damn!"
He grinned bashfully at her praise. "Ah..."
"No, that second verse! How fast you were rapping!? Come on! That's amazing!"
Once his mixtape was finished, Yoongi prepared to film two music videos. Once Jennie found out about it, she made plans to visit him during his AGUST D music video shoot. As soon as he left the dorm, she went to work to bake Agust D themed cookies for him.
"Yo yo yo~!" Jennie walked on the set with a box of cookies in her hands.
'AGUST D gets a visitor!'
Yoongi turned around and saw her smiling at him. A wide grin appeared on his face as he couldn't resist expressing how extremely happy he was to see her. He wasn't expecting anyone to come by during his shoot but the fact that Jennie came made his heart jump for joy.
"Smartie! What are you doing here?"
She laughed, "You know your biggest fan had to be here! You support me, I support you! Here. Your batch of Agust D cookies. It took forever to try to get the boys to not eat them,"
"You made me cookies? Smartie..." his gummy smile appeared on his face as he accepted them. "She baked me cookies. Her cookies are the best. If you get a chance to eat them, you won't regret it,"
"Aw, you flatter me," she smiled bashfully. "How's filming?" she asked as he took a cookie out of the box and ate one.
He sighed in joy at the deliciousness before answering, "Exhausting. This is honestly more tiring than BTS' music videos. But it's going great. I'm almost done and then tomorrow I film the rest of my music video,"
After visiting Yoongi and staying to watch him record, Jen was called to Big Hit's building for an urgent meeting and came back to the dorms visibly upset. It was abrupt that this happened but she was told by the company that she had to go home due to some visa troubles. She honestly thought things were fine with her paperwork and she could continue to do what she does but now she needed to pack and go home until everything got situated.
When Sejin arrived at the dorm with Jennie, the boys sensed something was wrong and immediately asked questions. Once Sejin gave everyone the news, the mood in the room went down and everyone was stunned by the abruptness.
"What!?" Jungkook exclaimed in disbelief as he shook his head in denial.
"You can't go home!" Jimin exclaimed.
"I think they messed up on some documentation or whatever. I don't know but all I know is I need to go home for a little bit until they fix the issue. Maybe it won't be for that long," she tried to stay positive about it.
"No way," Jin shook his head in disbelief. "I can't believe this,"
"We need you. We need all 8 of us here. We're working on our comeback. Everything," Rapmon began to ramble.
She frowned. "I know...I'm annoyed. This is so poorly timed. I thought everything was straight with my stuff,"
"When are you leaving?" Yoongi frowned.
"Tonight," she sighed, which did not sit well with any of them as they tried to ask Sejin if there was anything to prevent it.
Meanwhile, Jen went to go pack as she was told while Jungkook accompanied her to her room. He sat on her bed as he watched her take out a suitcase and go through her clothes.
"Stupid visa..." she grumbled.
She tried to keep her emotions in check. She had plans to chill tonight and now had to spend it on a plane. With Jungkook, he was still trying to wrap his head around her leaving soon.
"Jagi, do you really have to leave...?"
Hopelessness and sadness were evident in the Golden Maknae's voice as he helplessly watched her pack.
He knew the inevitable.
She had to go home. And that meant they'd be apart for an unknown amount of time as Big Hit handled her visa situation. Sure there were times when she would go to America and then come back to Korea but from everything he was hearing, it seemed like this was going to take longer than usual.
On top of that, it was comeback season. That meant more stress as she wouldn't be there to be in his arms to cuddle when both of them felt overwhelmed from working on their comeback. She wouldn't be there to massage him whenever he stayed later from dance practice. Or nap with him after a long day. They wouldn't be showered with kisses, tickles, and derp faces from one another if they needed a good laugh to escape the stress. Finding out that she had to leave so abruptly made his heart shatter and frustrated him. Sure it was temporary but it bummed him out that it had to be this circumstance.
Their dog Tony, whimpered sadly, observing his parents. It was hard to watch Jennie pack up as he was lying in the middle of her bed with a sad expression. No special smartie belly rubs for quite some time. No JenKook bathing him like the family they were. This was going to be new to JenKook but perhaps this would make their relationship grow as they adjust to this brief long-distance relationship.
When Jennie turned to face Jungkook, she smiled sadly at his pouting expression. It was going to be difficult to leave him.
"You know I have to," she answered softly.
"I don't...want you to go," he murmured, looking down at his feet.
"I don't want to go either but it's just for a little while. I'll be back before you know it, Kookie,"
"Can I just come with you?" he looked up and asked as the idea popped into his head.
"As much as I would love that, you know you have to stay here,"
He frowned. It was worth a shot at least.
"It's just...I..." he hesitated.
He just wanted her to stay. She always knew how to make him feel at ease during the comeback season for Bangtan. Now that she was about to leave, it just wouldn't be the same. 
Sensing him overwhelming himself with negative thoughts, she strolled over to him. Standing in front of him as he continued to sit on the edge of the bed, she cupped his face.
"Hey," she softly called out, looking down at him. "No matter the distance, we'll make it work. We're the Golden Duo after all. This long-distance thing won't make us tap out. We can do it,"
He smiled at her words. "You're right. We will,"
He reached out for her as he pulled her into his lap. Smiling, she leaned down to kiss him slowly, trying to enjoy his lips as much as she could before she had to leave. She'll miss this.
"Don't do that..." he murmured against her lips and pulled back, panting softly.
"Kiss me like that when you're about to leave. It'll drive me crazy," he admitted.
Tony's barking caused them to turn in his direction. The dog happily jumped around after watching them. He jumped on them, causing JenKook to laugh at the sudden movement and break apart. She took a seat next to Jungkook instead. 
"I think our son is happy to see us trying to think positively about the situation," Jungkook giggled loudly as a bunny smile appeared on his face.
"Very happy. Hey, how about a belly rub before I leave? Would you like that, Tony?" she cooed.
She giggled softly as Tony eagerly barked and she moved to sit in the middle of the bed. The dog rolled around and exposed his tummy for her while she went to work on her affectionate belly rub. He soon began to relax and eventually dozed off. 
"It's going to suck when he wakes up and I'm gone," she frowned as she watched Tony sleep with Jungkook.
"We'll Facetime you," Jungkook promised.
"Please do. And make sure to send me memes and funny filter pictures of the guys,"
"I will. And I'll make sure to send you my progress on my song,"
"Good," she gave Tony one final look as she gently petted him and got off the bed to finish packing, "Make sure you don't feed him too many snacks while I'm gone. You know how you like to spoil him,"
"I won't. Our son is in good hands. I got it," he stood up and helped her.
Once she finished packing, she zipped up the suitcase. She was then gently grabbed by Jungkook and pulled in for a tight hug. Jennie sighed in contentment as she held onto him, enjoying his warmth. Their final hug for who knows how long.
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Day 97 of Writing Something Everyday
(365 Day Challenge)
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I listen to Billie Eilish just to be close to you.
I wonder if you feel like you're the bad guy?
I'd scrub the blood off your shirt for you, I'd make sure there's no stains.
I tell you I've fallen into your ocean eyes,
I've truly never fallen from quite this high before - your depth is refreshing.
and you reply with
What do you want from me?
Why don't you run from me?
What are you wondering?
What do you know?
Why aren't you scared of me?
Why do you care for me?
When we all fall asleep, where do we go?
Keep drinking me down, I'm drinking you too - we drink of the same cup..
My friend is trying to lead me down the path - to the site where you've buried the bodies of your friends that lie in the back of your car.
She's just got a belly ache from eating the ear candy I gave her regarding us.
I just shake my head, you can tear me to pieces, I'm skin and bones for you - I'd open my arms in greeting when you reappear. Hello, welcome home.
Isn't that lovely?
There's a small part of me that wishes you were gay, at least there'd be a reason for why you stopped writing me - why you deleted me from Facebook.
But why are we still friends on WhatsApp if I'm really poison..
If I'm really bad for you...if you truly hated me and didn't want anything to do with me ever again wouldn't you have got rid of me completely?
Gotten rid of me for good..
You really want to keep seeing my texts pop up?
You really want to be annoyed?
I would've deleted me..
But you didn't..
Maybe you look at the receipts.
But I'm not one of the bodies in your car,
I can't get my friend to see that.
I'm in the car with you but I'm in the passenger seat.
She's looking through a dusty window and can't see the truth.
She's mad at you and she's got a right to be, but I can't get her to see you from my perspective.
She keeps filling my head with what ifs and I don't want to hear the what ifs.
I know you're not a psycho, I know you're not a murderer - who you are is a copycat of who you were right now and you need to kill him. That guy is the bad guy, not you.
I'd kiss you even with blood all over you..
I'm still wearing the same hoodie from a week ago because it smells like our first conversation.
Your boy, your boy, your boy, don't love you like he promised.. shut up! -
I want to scream at my friend but she incessantly tries to convince me that you're playing around with the bodies in your car.
That you're jerking off the joystick on your game console.
You're not...
And you never dug them up - she did.
She's placing those bodies in your car not you.
I stand here once unarmed, now wielding a knife - I'm ready to defend myself and you.
Stop filling my mind with lies people!!!
My pajama pants are the same ones I put on the day you stopped texting me.
I think about what you'd say, what you'd want - I think you'd want me to take them off.
I think therefore I am..
In my head I'm happier than ever,
Yet I know when the parties over you'll be here with me once again.
I miss you.
You are my strange addiction,
I just need a little friction.
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auspicious-lilana · 2 years
The Second Wielder
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Summary: After spending 6 years being in love with her best friend, Ben Tennyson. Jenny had finally won his heart and was happily dating. Right when they thought they were living their best lives, Gwen and Kevin go off to college, leaving the two Omnitrix wielders on their own with a new partner, Rook Blonko. Watch as the trio save the universe countless more times together and tackle the hurdles tossed towards their way.
Part 1 / Part 2
-> The More Things That Change Pt.2
Ben, Rook, and Jenny were running through a street in an underground city, trying to find the alien bad guys. 
“There’s a whole city of aliens down there!” Ben exclaimed. 
“You sound surprised, Ben dude,” Rook said, glancing back at the brown-haired boy. 
“A whole secret city!” Jenny exclaimed as she looked around. 
“Come, Partners! We must catch those lowlifes who wrecked Baumann’s store!” Rook declared as he ran forward. 
“Yeah, Rook, about that new partner thing, don’t get your hopes up.” Ben warned. 
“Come on, Ben. Don’t be so quick to judge.” Jenny said softly as he gave her an annoyed look, Jenny sighed. He’ll come around...eventually. 
They continued to run after the bad guys, Rook taking the highway and jumping from buildings as Ben and Jenny chased from below. 
Rook went after the red robot alien while Ben and Jenny went after Liam; The chicken alien and Helmet Alien. After a bit, they all met up again and continued running into a tunnel with Ben and Jenny right behind. 
“XLR8 can catch those scum buckets,” Ben stated as he switched around his alien selector and slammed his hand on the faceplate as he transformed into a large furnace-like alien, NRG. 
“NRG, really?” Ben said, then he spit some lava on the train tracks, melting it as Jenny stepped back. 
“What happened?” Rook asked coming up to them. 
“Uh, new Omnitrix.” Jenny nervously chuckled. “We’re still getting the hang of it.”
“Allow me.” Rook said, grabbing his weapon from his shoulder, aiming at Liam. He then shot a yellow energy at the chicken alien, knocking him down. Once he fell, he started screaming as electrity pulsed through him and his arms were being held up by a small mechanism that floated above him. 
“Nice going, Rook.” Ben said, holding his shoulder. “For a newbie, I mean.” Ben began to walk towards the alien as Jenny followed suit as she turned her head and smiled at Rook. 
“You’re good, more than most rookies I met.” She said as Rook grinned. 
“Thank you, Jenny.” 
“Now, talk. Who’s behind these Aliens shakedowns?” Ben demanded. 
“Behind you!” The chicken clucked out in fear. 
“Even I wouldn’t fall for that. And this is my first day on Earth.” Rook said as Ben didn’t fall for it either as Jenny looked at the alien, noticing the fear in his look before she knew, when he said behind you, he meant it. 
Jenny turned around to see a train coming towards them and gasped as the two looked as well. 
“Guys, Quick!” Ben exclaimed as he threw the alien across as Rook and Jenny held onto his back as he stood on the train tracks and held the bus from coming at us, pushing him back as well.
“Ah, hey! You took out my brakes!” The alien inside the hover car yelled at Ben. 
“When you ran us over!” Ben countered back.
We continued to slide back with the hover bus pushing us as we slide into a different part of the city, breaking some of the stalls around. Once the car fully stopped, Rook and Jenny jumped off. 
Some Aliens from inside the bus left then the bus started driving again. 
“Hey, you don’t have brakes!” Rook exclaimed. 
Ben transformed back as Jenny ran over to him, checking if he was okay before sighing with a smile. 
“It’ll come to him.” Ben said as they watched the driver go away. 
We turned and Jenny stared in amazement as different aliens shopped around in different stalls and walked around.
“This place is amazing.” She breathlessly said. “Let’s look around!” Jenny grabbed Ben’s hand and dragged him as Rook followed. 
They walked through the streets of the underground city, observing everything as Jenny and Ben soaked everything. 
“I know I am the new guy,Jenny, Ben-dude” Rook tried to say as Ben picked up some glass helmet and put it over his head as Jenny giggled and flicked the glass helmet. 
“Dude. Call. Me. Ben.” Ben said, glancing at Rook with an annoyed look as he took the glass helmet back. 
“Ben, shouldn’t-we-go-after-those-lowlifes?” Rook asked, talking the way Ben had, making Jenny laugh a bit before she began looking around, curiosity filling her head. 
“How long do you think there’s been an undertown?” She asked Rook. 
“Probably since Earth became an open system. But Ben, Jenny--” Rook was interrupted by Ben, again. 
“I know, you’re about to say something official and plumbery.” Ben said rolling his eyes as the two began walking again with Rook trailing. 
“Yes, Ben--” Rook was once again cut off by Jenny’s squeals. 
“Food!” She exclaimed hungerily, pulling Ben as she ran to the stand. 
“Tentacles on a stick! So fresh that they grab you!” An alien exclaimed at the stall. He held green tentacle on a stick as it moved.  
“I’m so hungry, I’m willing to eat from the tentacle group by this point.” Jenny said as her stomach growled as she covered it. “Give me two of those, One for me and one for him, please?” 
“With suckers or without suckers?” The Alien asked. 
Jenny looked at her green eyed boyfriend as he simply shrugged as she turned back to the alien merchant. 
Suddenly, Rook stood in front of the two hungry teens. 
“Excuse me, we’re Plumbers working on a case. Did you see a group of lowlifes run through here?” He then showed his Plumber’s badge. 
“What? No. I don’t know nothing. I don’t see nothing.” The Alien stated as he got on his hover scooter that connected with his stall which was covered now as Jenny was on the brink of tears as she watched what finally looked appealing be covered up. 
“Hey, what about our tentacles?” Ben asked the alien. 
“Never heard of it.” 
“Dude, you were gonna sell us--” 
“I don’t sell nothing. I’m not even here, red spot plumber.” The alien then drove away as Jenny watched in horror. 
“You scared away my lunch!” Jenny cried out to Rook. 
“Oh, man. Why did you have to go show your badge?” Ben questioned Rook. 
“I was interrogating a witness, but I may have misjudged.” Rook said, looking down. Jenny, who was slowly losing any composure she maintained, gulped in her tears of hunger as she forced a smile. 
“Don’t stress, we’re the ones who skipped breakfast, right Jen?”  Jenny nodded. 
They continued to walk through the streets, Jenny keeping her eyes peeled for a food stand. 
“The next time we stop at a food stand, promise you won’t shove your badge till AFTER we get our food.” Jenny sternly said as Rook nodded. 
“This is my first time away from home. When we first became a Plumber, we were assigned to our planet, Revonnah. The most exciting thing to do there is to keep rodents out of the grains.” Rook explained. 
“You learned how to fight like that...protecting alien wheat?” Jenny asked, confused. 
“On Revonnah, the rodents are fairly large.” 
They continued to walk as Ben and Jenny stared at the different stalls and Jenny raced in front of an alien stirring some hot soup. 
“I do think we should keep looking for those low-” 
“Shh!” Jenny said. “Last time you mentioned them you cost our lunch.” Jenny looked at the soup and saw weird things that she wouldn’t eat no matter how starving she was. 
“And relax.” Ben said as he smelled the food from one of the stands before gagging. “Pretty soon the big bad will say ‘Ben Tennyson and Jennifier Jane, here to ruin my plan’ then your lowlifes will come looking for us.” 
As the two were busy looking around, they hadn’t noticed Rook and left till they heard him from a stall a few feet away. Rook was interrogating some balloon-like thing that he didn’t notice wasn’t alien. 
“Knock yourself out. We’re gonna go find some food to eat.” Ben sighed. 
Jenny couldn’t help but giggle as the balloon grew a face before she felt a pair of eyes gaze on her. She looked to see Ben smiling at her. 
“Let’s go get something to eat, Jen.” Ben stuck out his arm as Jenny gladly took it. 
“Let’s. Any longer and I feel as if my stomach will eat me from the inside.” 
Ben chuckled as they started walking away from Rook. The couple looked around different stalls and her stomach began to growl at different weird food. 
“I never imagined I’d actually find alien food that looks tasty.” She muttered as Ben nodded in agreement. 
“Get your protozoan smoothies!” A smoothy vender yelled out as the two perked up. 
“Smoothies?” They both said with a grin as they walked up to the alien vender with the long mouth, like a elephant. The two watched as an alien came up to the stand, handing them money as the vender spitted out a large blob and stuck a straw on it. 
“There you go, sir.” They watched as the alien took the blob, drinking it as it left, leaving the two disgusted as Jenny, desperate for some sort of contact with food came in front of the vendor. 
“Is that safe to eat? For us, I mean.” Jenny asked. 
“Hey,” The vender said, going up on her face. “Listen, ape-” 
Suddenly, a roar was heard as a crash erupted somewhere a few feet from us. The aliens ran away while screaming as a weird white, black and red thing like creature came out of the smoke. It then started making its way to the wielders of the Omnitrixes. 
“What the heck?” Ben said as Jenny watched miserably, as yet another stall ran for it with her food. 
It crept closer to them as they backed up into a stall. It’s mouth was open, bearing its teeth at the two as drool came out. 
“Do we know you?” Ben nervously asked. 
It jumped at the two but they dodged,  jumping to the side. 
“You’re not the only big thing in Undertown, Ugly!” Jenny exclaimed in anger. 
“It’s hero time!” The two exclaimed as they switched their alien selector around to Humungousaur and slammed their hand on the Omnitrix. They transformed as Ben at the creature but got thrown aside by its tail. 
Jenny then noticed they didn’t turn into humungousaur, rather Water Hazard. 
“Is this your way of saying just cause I got lucky this morning that I shouldn’t keep my hopes high? Omnitrix?” She complained to her watch.  The creature charged at her as she was thrown to the ground with the thing on her. She used her hands to keep it from eating her face. “Get off me!” 
She then sprayed a hard pressure of water at the creature, pushing it off her. Ben walked to her side as Rook did as well. 
“Allow me to--” Rook said, holding his gun pointed at the creature as Ben put out his hand in front of Rook. 
“I got this.” He then sprayed two hard pressures of water at the creature but he dodged and pushed Ben onto the ground. Ben groaned as he got up. “I got this.” Rook and Jenny watched as Ben started getting beaten by the creature before Jenny came in and tried to tame the creature to leave Ben alone. 
“What are you standing there for?!” Ben yelled at Rook. 
“You ‘got this.’ I wouldn’t want to interfere,” 
“Take Jen as an example, It’s cool, Interfere!” Ben exclaimed as the two struggled to get out from below the creature as Rook raised his gun. 
“Hold still.” Rook shot a rope from his gun as it tied around the creature’s mouth, shutting it tight. Ben then threw the creature into some stalls as he got up, lending Jenny a hand. 
“Nice shot,” Ben complimented as Rook grinned as he stood by him. 
The creature roared, the rope ripping apart as he extended his mouth open. 
“Come on,” Jenny complained. 
The creature then jumped towards them as they dodged. It went towards Rook as he shot lasers at it but the creature used its tail to deflect them. It was about to jump at him as Jenny quickly grabbed onto its tail, pulling it away from them. 
They soon heard a high pitched whistle and the creatures stopped moving. Jenny let go of its tail in confusion as it sprayed a yellow cloud around itself and disappeared. 
Ben and Jenny walked through the cloud as beeping was heard from them as they reverted back to normal. 
“Whoever sent that monster to kill us, he’s the big bad. See how that works?” Ben asked.  “Come on.” Ben took a few steps as Jenny looked around. 
“Which way did it go?” Jenny asked. 
“Not to worry, Jenny. While you and Ben were looking for food, my investigation turned up a lead.” Rook stated, putting a hand on both their shoulders before starting to drag them. 
“Of course it did.” Ben muttered, slightly annoyed as they walked into a store called Gas House. “Don’t tell me, the balloon squealed.” Ben joked as Jenny giggled as he smiled at his accomplishment.
“I was told where that cyanic lowlife can be found this time of day.” Rook stated. 
“Bubble helmet dude? In here.”  Jenny questioned, going up to the window and put her face close so she could see clearly. The only thing she saw was an alien who suddenly appeared, scaring her as she jumped back, bumping into Ben’s chest as he held her. 
“Use the service entrance.” The alien pointed at the door. Ben cleared his throat. 
“Hope you’re okay with waiting outside. That’s poison gas in there.” Ben smirked but both their eyes widened when the two humans saw Rook already having a gas mask on his mouth. 
“How does he do that?” Jenny muttered. 
“Huh? Wait--” Ben tried to stop him but Rook kicked open the doors and held his badge up. 
“Appendages in the air!” Rook exclaimed. The aliens inside just looked at him and didn’t do anything as Jenny face palmed. 
Ben puts a hand before her, stopping her from reaching her omnitrix. 
“Stay here, I’ll clear out the gas so you can come in.” She nodded as he walked inside using his alien selector on the Omnitrix as he transformed into Terraspin. 
“Cool it with the badge, we are not cops.” Ben said to Rook. He walked in front of him, putting his head into his shell as his turtle legs started going in a circle around his shell, making a fan to clear out the gas. 
The aliens started wheezing and coughing as Jenny walked in and stood next to Ben. 
“Well, you might be a cop but we’re superheroes.” Ben said. 
“There he is!” Rook exclaimed, pointed at Bubble Helmet as he started running around the bar. Rook was behind him as Ben and Jenny stood in front of the exit of the bar, trapping him in.
“Nice hangout.” Jenny said with a smirk as Ben threw the glass helmet that belonged to Bubble Helmet to Rook who caught it. “Why don’t you enjoy the great atmosphere.” 
Bubble Helmet wheezed as he fell on the ground, gasping for air. 
“So, who’s behind those shakedowns?” Ben interrogated. 
He continues to gasp for air. 
“I’ll tell you… guh...as soon as I can breath…” 
“That’s a fair bargain.” Rook said as he put the helmet on Bubble Helmet’s head, allowing him to breath. 
“Rook, no!”  Jenny exclaimed. 
Too late, Bubble head smirked as he flew up by using his jetpack and flew out of there. 
“Rule number one of being one of us;  Never let the bad guy get what he wants first.” Jenny strictly said as Ben used his turtle legs to spin around, allowing him to fly as Rook and Jenny got on his turtle shell and flew out of there. 
They followed him to some tunnel as Jenny glanced at Rook. 
“You never dealt with actual bad guys before, have you?” she asked, referring back to how he blindly gave Bubble Head his helmet back. 
“I’ve read about them in books and trained extensively.” Rook explained as Jenny deadpanned. Books don’t really capture bad guys in the right way. “Don’t lose him this time. This rodent will lead us back to the nest.” 
“Try not to get touchy touchy with my girlfriend behind my back.” Ben half teased half serious as Jenny chuckled. 
“I don’t think you need to worry about that,” Jenny reassured. 
Meanwhile, an alien gang was working on building many shakedown machines. 
“You will take these shakedown machines to the surface. And separate them around the entire city.” The ‘big bad’ ordered his lackey, Tummyhead. 
“But Boss, only alien stores have to pay us in.” Tummyhead stated. 
The big bad slammed his fist on the computer then walked to Tummyhead. He then slapped him across his face as tears began to form in his eyes.
“Don’t fear is my currency. All money is just a wait to keep score. My reputation will be made. Once the whole city fears the name--”
“Ben and Jenny 10!” Bubble Helmet exclaimed, going inside the hideout. Behind him were the said people along with Rook as they rode on Ben’s back. 
Rook stood on one knee then jumped onto Bubble Helmet, causing him to hit the ground and slid forward because of his jetpack. Once they fully stopped, 
“We had a deal!” Rook exclaimed towards Bubble Helmet. 
“Rook! Heads up!” Jenny exclaimed as Ben flew them up to Rook before she hopped off him as he returned back to normal, putting their hands up as the aliens pointed their guns at them as Bubble Helmet took the chance to run behind the gang of aliens. 
“Look...A boatload of those shakedown machines. That spells a boatload of shakedown.” Ben sadi looking at the red machines. 
“That’s quite a lot?” Rook questioned. 
“Yeah, enough to take down a city.” Jenny added. 
“Ben Tennyson, Jennifer Jane. Here to ruin my plans.” A familiar voice said as Jenny nudged Rook. “I think not.” They looked up and Jenny glared at the familiar alien, Psyphon. 
“Psyphon?!” Ben exclaimed. 
“It seems my investigation led us straight to your ‘big bad’.”  Ben gave Rook an annoyed look before the two wielders glared at Psyphon. 
“Psyphon? You're the one who's been jacking up the stores in Bellwood? You were always like Vilgax's third-toughest lackey.” Ben said as the two put their hands down as Ben took a step forward. 
“It seems you have both underestimated me.” 
“Who wouldn’t?” Jenny retorted back. 
“You,” Psyphon said to Bubble Helmet. “Lead not one, but both wielders of the Omnitrixes to me. I don’t know whether to thank you or incinerate you.” 
“Uh...thank me?” Bubble Helmet siad. But was soon getting electrocuted by Psyphon who shot him with a red laser as he fell on the floor. 
“Thank you? You must’ve wondered what ever became of me, Ben Tennyson, Jennifer Jane.” 
“Not even a little bit.” Ben said the same time as Jenny said,
“Forgot all about you till now.” 
“Of course. You still think of me as a servant but now, I am master. So you cannot imagine the joy with which I say this;  Get them, boys!” Psyphon ordered. 
Then the aliens started shooting lasers at them as they dodged each one. Rook kicked some aliens away while Ben and Jenny went in a building, hiding as they both went through their alien selector on their Omnitrix. 
“Please, work for once and give us what we want.” The two pleaded before slamming down the faceplate as they both turned into Armodrillo. Jenny’s only had a slight difference. 
Jenny kicked away the alien that was coming to get them both and broke out of the building they were in. Then they both started destroying the shakedown machines while Rook shot lasers at the aliens.  
“Jenny, behind you!” Rook exclaimed. Right behind Jenny was an alien who shot a laser at the back of her. Ben quickly grabbed a machine and threw it at the alien, smashing him to the ground. 
“Anyone else wanna try to shoot my girlfriend?” Ben threatened.  Jenny smiled as she began to attack the aliens around her while destroying the shakedown machines with Ben. Rook shot a blank that held many wooden blanks as it fell on top of the aliens. 
“Forgive me, I haven’t any witty remarks.” Rook said, pointing his gun at the aliens below him. 
“Don’t force it.” Jenny said as she threw another shakedown machine at a couple aliens. “As Ben would say, let the wisecrack come to you.” 
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Ben said as suddenly the two were thrown back by two shakedown machines by Psyphon before they were tossed back to the market again. 
“Did you think I would be unprepared?” Psyphon grinned as he shot two lasers, hitting both Jenny’s and Ben’s arms as veins popped from it as they began to drill the ground, uncontrollable. 
“W-W-What d-d-did y-y--you d-do?” Jenny asked, her voice shaking from the intense drilling as Ben groaned dizzily. 
“My beam has overloaded your nervous systems.” Psyphon explained with an evil smirk. 
“S-s-somebody’s g-gonna  g-get h-h-hurt!” Ben exclaimed trying to hold his arm down. 
“Only by you two, Heroes.”  Psyphon laughed mockingly. Jenny spotted a fuse box as Ben noticed where she was looking as they nodded at one another and ran up to it, punching their arm inside it. It started to electrocute them as beeping was heard and a flash of green and purple illuminated, turning them back to normal as they collapsed onto the floor, twitching from the electricity as wounds covered them both. 
“That unpleasant twitch is only temporary. But I have so many sensations left to show you.” Psyphon smirked, standing over them as he pointed a ray gun at them. 
Suddenly a scream was heard, catching our attention as we looked to see the creature from before, Buglizard. It ran towards us, puffing out yellow clouds and this gave the heroes a chance to run out. 
When they did, Buglizard jumped at them but they dodged weakly as they were pinned against a wall, trying to catch their breaths but Bulizard stood in front of them, snarling it’s teeth at them. 
“You already have us beat Psyphon, Call your stupid dog off!” Jenny shouted. 
The cloud of yellow smoke cleared out showing Psyphon getting up from the ground while coughing. Buglizard turned his back towards them and growled at Psyphon. 
“He’s not mine!” Psyphone yelled, backing up a bit- dropping the ray gun on the floor- and ran away. 
“Halt!” Rook shouted as he jumped off a house and ran after Psyphon. 
Then Buglizard turned back to us and growled as he jumped at us. Before he could touch them, Ben slammed his hand on the Omnitrix and grabbed Jenny as they dodged. Then Buglizard was thrown away by a blast of electricity and Jenny looked up to see Ben in Shocksquatch form. 
“Shocksquatch, huh? Okay.” Ben said before turning to Jenny who looked at her watch, still timed out. “I’ll fight this dog. Stay here where I know you’re safe, since your watch is still timed out.” 
“That dog is after the both of us, there is no safe place for me. And I can’t leave you to fight alone.” Jenny reasoned as Ben sighed. 
“You’re right, just stay low till your watch can reactivate again.” 
Buglizard then charged and jumped onto Ben, throwing him to the ground but Ben shocked the creature, sending him away. Ben’s fist sparked with electricity as he slammed them on the creature’s head. Ben continued to punch the creature,  making the ground beneath them crack. Then the ground breaks as they fall down into a tunnel as Jenny runs to the edge, watching Ben fight Buglizard. 
“How can I help get that thing off Ben without him getting clawed in the face or me falling in there putting both of us at risk?” Jenny asked herself glancing at her timed out watch before looking around and spotted the ray gun Psyphon left on the ground and grinned. “Bingo.” 
Jenny ran and picked up the ray gun and ran back to the edge as she went on her knees as she looked for a good opening as she pointed the gun at Buglizard. 
“Hold it.” She muttered before shooting as the ray hit the creature, making it screech loudly as it got electrocuted. The sparks disappeared and the creature collapsed onto the ground. “Lucky that wasn’t us getting shot.” She chuckled. 
Beeping was heard from Ben as green light illuminated from him and he turned back to normal. He looked up at Jenny and smiled as she smiled back as she slid down into the tunnel and ran up to him. 
“Guys,” They looked over to see Rook with their foot on top of tied Psyphon who laid on the ground. “I made a wisecrack.”  The two grinned as Jenny giggled. 
Buglizard then opened his eyes and it sprayed some yellow gas around them. It got up and ran away somewhere. The smoke cleared showing it was gone and Jenny narrowed her eyes. 
“Gone.” Rook said.
She had a strange feeling that Buglizard had an owner who wanted to kill Ben and her for a strange reason. But whatever it is, she wasn’t going to let it happen.
Back in Bellwood,  the three lowlifes aliens were taken into custody as a plumber stood behind them with a gun. 
 “I am telling you! I don’t know what that creature was?” Psyphon exclaimed who had cuffs around his wrist. 
“Yeah, tell it to Arbor.” Magister Patelliday said. Psyphon then was pushed away into custody. 
“So, how do you like your new partner?” Max asked Ben and Jenny as they glanced at each other and grinned. 
“They’re kinda good.” Jenny said with a grin as she placed a hand on her hip. 
“Kinda a donut hole through.” Ben said. 
“Is that good?” Rook asked, unsure. 
“Oh, sure. See?” Ben said with a croaked smile. 
“Well, you two been doing this for a while now. Maybe somebody else’s turn to be the donut hole.” Max stated, placing a hand on their shoulders as the two looked confused. 
“Huh?” They both said. 
“I know you haven’t yet eaten yet. Magister Tennyson says you two prefer these chili fries and cinnamon pretzel bites. Care to join me?” Rook asked, holding two bags full of chili fries and Cinnamon pretzel bites as Jenny nearly cried of joy at the smell of her favorite food. 
Ben looked at them in awe. 
“Team?” Ben said, suddenly convinced at the smell of chili fried as the three high fived. 
| Bonus | 
Jenny was about to take a cinnamon pretzel bite from the bag before some sort of creature snatched it and ran off with it as she watched in pure horror as everyone watched in laughter. 
“I just wanted to eat!” Jenny cried out, dropping to her knees.  Ben shook his head with a grin as he kneeled down and offered his chili fries. 
“Why don’t we head over to Mr. Smoothies and get a full proper meal.” He said as Jenny happily ate the chili fries with tears of joy streaming down her cheek as she ate for the first time all day.
16 notes · View notes
Gotta say that last night's episode of Big Sky was the most frustrating one yet. I have a lot of thoughts. I think it goes without saying at this point, if you don't like, don't read.
This was me the whole episode:
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Logistical mishaps in this episode alone:
Cassie goes to see Blaire's father which Beau and Jenny just realize that he's the guy who broke into the office & rush to get to her but don't call in any backup or have any units rush there who might be in the area? Especially when they can't get a hold of her though they're repeatedly calling her?
Donno heads out after Luke (and Nosy Emily) but somehow he doesn't come across Emily or hear her very loud screaming when she finds Mary's body (though Emily was heading in a similar direction to where Luke was in)?
Same goes for Buck - Donno had no idea? And Buck knowing the woods better than any of them, he didn't hear a thing as Donno loudly made his way through the trees, going Snap, Crackle, Pop every few seconds?
Sunny overhears Tonya and Donno discussing looking for Luke but she doesn't think for a second that this is abnormal because she's so focused on setting up Luke for Paige's and Mary's murders? She has two dangerous people in her camp and she now knows it but she just lets it roll off her shoulder?
Emily was scared of Luke not two episodes ago (and I'm assuming the time passage is about a day or so?), thinking he killed Paige, and now because she had one conversation with him (two if you're counting his ominous warning to her before leaving) and she follows him into the woods alone? Even after she had that conversation with the other camper about not trusting him? Like I get she's a teenager and a nosy one at that who is consistently making stupid decisions, but really?
So Sunny was so concerned about DNA evidence that she had Buck set their car on fire but when moving Mary's body, neither her or Buck stop to think about the DNA evidence for one second? Like I get they were reacting in the moment but come on
Emily goes missing and Carla, while worried, listens to Avery and doesn't call Beau or the police? Not to mention, she waited until it was after dark and a couple of hours had passed? Instead, she just took Sunny's and Avery's word for it that she would be fine? This isn't a town fair or an amusement park or even a baseball game - this is the woods out in Montana and the show has already mentioned bears and coyotes - why tf would Carla not call Beau/the authorities if no one at the camp ground is doing anything? Especially since she knows that something is up with Luke who oh so mysteriously can't be found either?
How is it that Paige and Walt knew where to find Luke? I know Walt has been watching the camp but in all of this commotion, Walt wasn't seen or heard once? He was that focused on Luke that he was able to slip past him, Emily, Donno, and Buck, get Paige, and take her to a spot ahead so she could surprise Luke? ...what?
Beau tells Cassie not to go alone out into the woods so Cassie takes Denise with her, the woman who has just been through an ordeal but okay, and they're trailing the killer that just broke into their office and left them a message insinuating they're the killer and now both women are roaming the killer's alleged hunting ground? (what is logic at this point?)
Beau says to Jenny that he should pull Emily out of the camp, now knowing that the BHK (Bleeding Heart Killer) is back after the break in at the D&H office, but then they rush to...wait for it...interrogate a retired detective about documents he took YEARS ago? Not once does he call Emily or Carla or Avery or even Sunny for that matter. Not once does he ask Cassie to reach out to them or go get them (due to the whole no service thing). He doesn't even send Poppernak or anyone from the Sheriff's Dept, any cops, not even a Park Ranger (or whatever the equivalent is there) to go get them either. Like...🤦
Blair's father breaks into the D&H office to not only take files but to leave a bloody message on the wall, something to scare/motivate them into finding her killer? Because Denise left a message on an online forum about the case that hadn't been updated since 2012? Sure, that will definitely draw focus to the cold case & make the cops (oh sorry, I mean the local PI) want to solve the decades old murder. Not to mention, if a family member is advocating for the case to be solved, they consistently call the law enforcement dept handling the case to see if there's any updates, they consistently lobby the DA's office, they don't break into private investigation offices and do some finger painting to scare people into action. Maybe I've seen one too many true crime/procedural shows, but jfc this was ridiculous.
Blair's father also threatens Cassie by holding a firearm & mentioning her trespassing, slamming the door shut behind him (enclosing her in that space with him with no exit), approaches her even though she warns him to stop when she has her gun drawn, and then a few minutes later is tearfully begging her to solve his daughter's murder?
Beau literally mentions to Cassie in 3x03 that if she gets any bad vibes about the missing backpacker case he wants to be the first to know since Emily is in those woods (this is after him worrying about Emily in 3x02 when Cassie mentions the BHK case) - Cassie literally calls him (and Jenny) when Buck's car is set on fire, talks about how she found Walt creepy when she came across him on the road, and their office is broken into with a bloody message from the alleged BHK, AND HE STILL DOESN'T GO GET EMILY???? and Jenny and Cassie suggest he do so now knowing what they know & knowing how worried he was??? like I said, what even is logic at this point? - why mention it at all then? why did we need to see Beau's worry in 3x02 or that he's an overprotective dad? why did we need to see Cassie's or Jenny's reactions to his worry? why did we need Beau reminding Cassie in 3x03 about Emily camping (which she already knew in 3x02 not only by seeing it for herself but talking with Beau about it, and then Beau and Jenny)? I seriously wish I could sit in that writers' room for a day
I seriously wish I could sit in that writers' room for a day. I get that they're trying to tell a story here and some rules will have to be bent in the name of storytelling but these are not little things. I also understand that they're most likely struggling not only with the new format this season but attempting to balance a would-be ensemble cast's story lines, trying to thread all of them into this massive rug to weave with intersecting lines that hopefully will all make sense in the end. But the thing with rugs like that though (at least for this example anyway) is that if you pull one main thread in the wrong way, you can expect the rest to unravel and quickly. And before you know it, you have a pretty screwed up rug on your hands.
Cassie is the protagonist of this series (in both book and show forms) but only in the last couple of episodes has her story started to come to the forefront, and that's only because her big case in the background is starting to collide with Beau and Jenny's story line (as it did this episode in a big way) so now she is being given more face time. For a protagonist, this doesn't work. It's possible for one episode, maybe two, three max for the protagonist to take the backseat. (like those story lines we've seen play out in television where either another character is given the spotlight for an episode (i.e. Dean and Sam being in the background of the home movie camera episode of the teenage werewolves) or something has happened to the protagonist that is preventing them from being onscreen (i.e. when Lucy Lawless had a serious hip fracture while shooting season 2 of Xena & Hudson Leick had to step in and be the body-swapped Xena & the writers had to extend that story line for an episode further than they planned). The whole point of a protagonist is for us to see the story through their eyes. Think about it: Harry Potter wouldn't work if Harry was given 20 mins max screentime in any of the 2 hour movies. Not saying that the story of Hogwarts/Voldemort couldn't be told but there would have to be another protagonist like Hermione or Ron or someone. It wouldn't be called the Harry Potter series then. So diminishing Cassie into the background until her story line can serve the other characters', it's exactly that: diminishing. And it's not only rude af, it doesn't make sense.
While I understand that they're pushing the Beau/Jenny story line (not just romantically speaking but also weekly case wise) and Jenny is the other lead in this series, it shouldn't overshadow the main plot or again, the protagonist's story. Beau is not a lead; he's a side character (no matter who is playing him or how the show is pimping him out, see the sucking up to #acklesnation tweet for reference). While I also enjoy getting to see Beau onscreen and getting to know more about his story, this should be done in a way that balances well within the main plot, like Emily being camping up at Sunny's campground. So for him and Jenny to constantly take the spotlight, no matter the weekly case, it doesn't make sense and feels severely imbalanced. Especially when you have moments of Cassie and Jenny together/ their story lines converging and you have Beau only interacting with one lead but not the protagonist??? Or they can't interact themselves without having Jenny there since 3x04? Though their story lines are converging? This isn't about ships or any fandom wank, this is about good story telling and things making sense, which is definitely not happening here.
All of it feels incredibly unbalanced. Sunny's story being the third major plot of the season so far makes sense since they've done that before (i.e. Ron's story in season 1), but it feels like these writers are having trouble making the new format work while either the network or someone (or certain actors' contracts, idk, i'm literally thinking anything is possible at this point) is enforcing upon them a certain amount of face time for certain characters each episode, and one particular forming relationship. I get it, Beau and Jenny are a big selling point for this season, the writers are building it up, and it's most likely going there (I would think after this episode), but it's not the focal point of the story (nor should it be). Not when you have two major plots (Sunny's & the BHK) already and a constantly evolving third (the weekly cases). Like do what you gotta do, but for the love of story telling, can you please figure out a way to make this more organic?
One of the main reasons why I didn't care for Beau/Jenny immediately upon seeing 2x18 is because story wise, at that point, it didn't make sense. Of course Jensen and Katheryn have chemistry and they're both fantastic actors, but for Jenny's story, it doesn't make sense for her to have a romantic relationship with Beau. And here's why: Jenny's last romantic relationship in the show was with Travis. Travis, the guy who was still in love with his allegedly dead ex-girlfriend. The same guy whose need for revenge for said girlfriend took precedence over his connection with Jenny, to the point where it consumed him and he almost forced Jenny into doing the unthinkable. And in the very same episode where Travis exits Jenny's story, Beau enters her story as the new love interest for her? In the very same episode where Beau basically confirms that he's still in love with his ex-wife after Jenny suggests it. He used the same line ("You're good") he used in his scene with Cassie & Cassie had been right in that scene, so you do the math. And in the scene after that, Beau literally helps Jenny to stop Travis. And sure enough, in a scene after that one, Jenny tearfully lets Travis go to find the woman he's in love with now that he knows she's alive. So, tell me, how is her getting involved with Beau or any of this good for Jenny as a character? How does this help her character development? Her last romantic relationship before Travis was with Cody, and we all saw what happened there. So again, how is it good for Jenny? And how has her reactions to Beau as a character and now her present cockiness (see last episode) good for him? Yes, he may be a side character, but don't forget they brought his ex and daughter into this season, and we see Carla for the first time onscreen with Jenny right there. Where Jenny again states Beau is still in love with his ex but this time he denies it (though we see that Jenny may still be on the right track with that one because of how affected Beau is by Carla). And right after that, she makes it obvious that she is intent on getting her man like she always does, even when he outright tells her "you wish" when she flirts with him. So again, tell me how is this any good for Jenny or Beau? How is this good for either of their stories or the story in general?
My whole point being that there needs to be more organic buildup if they're going that way and stop playing into the enemies to lovers trope. It doesn't work in this context, not the way it should. But more importantly than that, stop giving it a spotlight in the main story line and letting it literally push other characters and plot points to the background. The focal point for Beau's story being Emily (and now his ex as well) makes sense because they are embedded into one of the major plot lines. The focal point on his developing relationship with Jenny does not. Now, Beau prepping Jenny for her eventual takeover as Sheriff, that makes sense.
So yeah, the last two episodes left me feeling a little frustrated because if there's one thing I can't stand, I hate feeling like I'm wasting my time (and bad writing definitely is a time-waster). Especially when you compare this show to other shows currently airing. No one is forcing me to watch (obviously) but I am trying to give it an honest chance and I'm sincerely hoping things will get better in the next episodes, especially now that it seems things are starting to converge and coming to a head. But man, this is a tough watch so far.
I admit, I never knew Big Sky existed until Jensen was cast. But after seeing the episode, I decided to give the show a chance, despite hearing about all of the problems associated with it. I immediately liked Cassie, which I'm thinking was the point since she was the protagonist, and grew to love the other characters as well. I knew of Katheryn before then (Vikings; though I've never seen it, I had seen some well done fan video edits of her character in that show) and knew she was a powerhouse, but I definitely fell in love with Jenny as the show progressed, as well as falling in love with the friendship between the two women. While season 1 had its own issues, I csn arguably say that so far, holding the two side by side, there was better writing and pacing in season 1. I'm hoping whatever is going on with this season, they figure it out and figure it out fast. They have a stellar cast as well an amazing cast of side characters and revolving door of guest stars. I personally think Jamie shined this episode as did Reba. They have all of the makings of a great story in their hands, they just have to figure out the best way to make it congeal into one.
Here's hoping the next episode will be better and that we get more Cassie (and more moments between Cassie and Jenny, this was the first episode I felt like we had them back btw), Beau's upcoming "Liam Neeson moment", and for everything to collide in a way that gives us something great to watch.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Devastated || 9. Appearance
Paring: (Christopher "Sully" Sullivan x Original Female Character Mance!)
Word Count: 2263
Warnings: slight language, death
Last: Preposition | Next: Register
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"Why would your dad deliver Jimmy?" Chloe asks Jennifer.
"Don't call him that ever again." She snaps at her.
"We don't know for sure it's Wakefield. Kid might be telling stories again." Shane tells Chloe.
"Hey! You don't blame a little girl because she was afraid for her mother's life." Trish tells him.
"Don't get all high-and-mighty with me. You're the one who sent Abby out there to God knows what."
"She had good reason to think it was about Abby. We all did." Shea speaks up.
"And you all deserve to apologize to her too!" Jennifer snaps at them. "If you still wanna think it's about me too... I mean, you're right, but I didn't choose to be a baby of an affair with a killer. Twenty-seven years of my life, I had no clue I was his child! And if you try to give me shit for it..." She glares at them, "Fuck you."
Madison watches for the group to return, and Nikki explains that the lack of communication from the island likely won't be realized for a few days.
"Mommy, he's here!" Madison makes everyone look over as Wakefield busts through the door with a two-foot boarding knife.
Nikki runs for a shotgun behind the bar, but Wakefield stops her, and she shoots into the air before he runs her through with the knife.
"NIKKI!" Jennifer screams, so Wakefield looks over at her with a smile.
Shane tells everyone to leave as Wakefield pulls Nikki over the bar, leaving her on the floor. Shane pulls out a fishing knife to face Wakefield, and Trish forces everyone into the bathroom, grabbing a shotgun before she leaves.
"No, I can't let him kill Shane too. Plus, Jimmy is still out there." Jennifer tells Trish.
"There's nothing you can do to help." Trish tells her.
"He wants me! Yes, I can."
"No! I'm not letting you go out there." Trish shouts as they hear Shane groaning in pain as the others rush out the window.
"Please, Trish." Jennifer begs her.
"No, what if he wants you just to kill? I'm not risking that."
"Fine, give me the gun so you can go through next. I promise to be behind you." Jennifer sighs, so Trish passes her the gun to climb through the window.
Wakefield approaches the bathroom, and she shoots through the door, running out of shells. Wakefield kicks the door open, scaring her, "Face to face." He tells her.
"Hey," Shane speaks up weakly, so Jennifer rushes to get out, but Wakefield grabs her waist.
"JENNIFER!" Trish grabs her arms.
"Go!" Jennifer lets go of the gun, getting dragged back in.
"Let her go!" Shane shouts, coughing up blood.
Wakefield lets go of her to go after Shane, "NO!" Jennifer jumps on his back, so he tosses her off him, and she hits her head hard, passing out.
Sully and Cal finally get to the dock after stitching up Cal's bullet wound. Sadly there wasn't a boat there for them.
"Looks like we're stuck."
"Thanks to me. If I hadn't gone to the wrong side of the car, I wouldn't have been shot." Cal tells him upset.
"Hey. Way I see it, I owe you one. I mean, if your hadn't been there, that bullet would've hit me instead." Sully lets him know.
"Saving me cost us our way home."
"No, we don't know that. I mean, sailboat could've been gone for days." Sully tries to get Cal to understand.
"I just want to get Chloe off this island." Cal sighs.
"I get it. I want to get Jen off this island too."
"You really like her, huh?" Cal looks at him.
"I've been trying to get for eleven years, man. So yes, I really like her. I told her I loved her before we left." Sully hopes she was okay right now.
"Well, let's get back to her and Chloe." Cal pats his back walking to the car.
Abby, Henry, and Danny arrive at The Cannery, finding the door open and the jukebox playing. Inside, they discover Shane strung from the ceiling over an oar.
"Jenny!" Abby rushes over to her side as she lies on the floor. "Jennifer." She shakes her awake. "Oh, thank god." She sighs as Henry moves to secure the rest of the bar as Danny stops the jukebox.
"What happened?" Henry rushes over to them.
"Wakefield busted in. He killed Nikki first, so Shane told us to go. We all went to the bathroom, and the others escaped through the window. When I was about to go, Wakefield came in and grabbed me. Shane told him to let go of me, so he went to go finish him. I tried to stop him, but he tossed me aside, knocking me out." Jennifer slowly sits up and then sees Shane covering her mouth. "Where's Jimmy?" She gets worried.
"He's not here." Abby tells her.
Henry and Danny work to get Shane down and then lay him and Nikki next to each other to cover them up. Abby says Wakefield has changed, the game, becoming overt with his murders. Danny becomes scared, and Jennifer tells him that they need to finish Wakefield off.
Suddenly the church bell rings out, and Henry believes the bell to be Trish, while Abby suggests it may be a trap.
At the church, Henry, Abby, Jennifer, Trish, Chloe, and Danny are reunited. "You're okay." Trish was glad to see Jennifer.
"Sorta. I think I have a tiny concussion still." She tells her.
Abby asks about Jimmy, discovering that he has gone missing, and Chloe asks about the bell. Abby leads the group inside in an attempt to find the bell ringer. Danny lights a candle while Trish attempts to cope with the crime scene of her father's death.
Trish apologizes to Abby about Charlie when Chloe screams out. The group runs over, discovering Patrick Lillis' body in a pew. A car's headlights are cast on the church, startling the group.
They run to the door, and they find Sully and Cal, so Jennifer rushes to Sully wrapping her arms around him and he does the same to her.
"There's no boat." He tells the group as Cal asks where Chloe is.
"She was just here." They tell him, realizing she is missing now.
As day breaks, the group continues searching for Chloe in the church. Trish pulls out the map of the island's tunnels, suggesting Wakefield could have taken Chloe underground.
A bang is heard, and the group readies their weapons as Jimmy enters the church. Jimmy explains that he woke up in The Cannery, finding Shane and Nikki dead, and walked to the town to find it deserted, winding up at the church after hearing the bell. Jimmy asks how he arrived at The Cannery, and Trish explains that Wakefield brought him.
Cal calls out, leading everyone to a hidden entrance to the tunnels. Abby decides to block all entrances to the tunnels as they head to an unknown point on the map. Henry assigns people to block each entrance as he, Abby, and Cal head into the tunnels.
Danny, Sully, and Jennifer head to the hotel to block off the entrance from there. "You okay, man?" Sully asks Danny.
"Yeah. I just lost it for a while. Abby's dad hanging like that. Nikki and Shane. It was awful, man." Danny tells him. "I'm glad you're safe, though. I wasn't sure Cal would have you back."
"Cal's okay. He stayed awake while I dug a bullet out of his shoulder." Sully tells them.
"He's tougher than you thought, huh?" Jennifer speaks up.
"Yeah. But it's not... it's not just that. It's him and Chloe. He really loves her."
"Yeah, well. I always liked Cal." Danny adds
"You like everybody." Sully tells him.
"So, I wish I had that." Sully tells him while Jennifer watches him from behind walking.
When they get to the hotel, they head down to the kitchen to board up the tunnel entrance. As they gather wood to board it up, Jennifer decides to speak up about what Sully said.
"Did you mean it?" She asks him.
"Mean what?" He asks, not stopping what he was doing.
"That you love me?" She asks, so he stops to look at her.
"What if I did?" He says, nervous about her response.
"I would say... I love you too." She walks closer to him.
"You do?" He asks, surprised.
"I've always had a thing for you but was scared because of the type of guy you were." Her eyes scan his face.
"How long is always? Exactly?" He smiles.
"Since we were sixteen." She smiles, so he kisses her.
"Wow," Danny walks in to see them, "What happened to never going to happen?" He chuckles slightly.
"Shit happens." Jennifer tells him as they go to board it up.
Once they were done, Sully resolves to be more open with people. Sully prepares to place more boards over the entrance as a banging is heard on the door, causing them both to jump to their guns. They empty four shells into the door, and Danny peers into a bullet hole.
"Don't do that." Jennifer tells him as a sawed-off metal pipe is shoved through a hole and retracted.
"Okay, you were right. I'm scared." Sully tells Danny since not even a minute ago, he told him that. "Our friends are in there with that." He adds
"I know, I'm feeling guilty too. We have to go in there." Danny agrees.
"This is going to suck." Sully sighs before they break down the boarded parts.
"I'll go first." Jennifer tells them.
"No, no way." They tell her.
"He won't kill me. He's had the chance many times, and when came face to face, all he did was knock me out." She explains to them.
"Jennifer." Danny sighs.
"I'm his daughter... I go first." She says so they let her take the lead in the tunnels. After some time, they make it out of the pipe looking around before continuing.
Sully suggests that they should split up, and Jennifer and Danny were against it but slowly kind of give in.
"I can be sorta bait?" Jennifer suggests.
"Maybe, but he'll go after someone he wants to kill first. So you stick with me. While Danny is bait." Sully says.
"Do what he says. Hopefully, it works." Danny tells her.
As Danny passes and Wakefield steps out behind him, Sully successfully fires a shot at Wakefield, wounding him. Danny and Sully keep their guns fixed on Wakefield as Abby and Henry arrive. Sully decides to let Abby kill Wakefield, but she hits him in the face with her rifle instead.
"If you won't kill him, I will." Jennifer tries to take her gun, but Abby backs away.
"Yeah, what was that? We should kill the bastard." Sully agrees with her.
"That's not our job man." Danny tells him.
"Who says? He deserves it. Everyone he's killed." Jennifer tells them as Danny suggests tying Wakefield up and taking him to the police station, and Sully relents, telling him they're making a mistake.
"If anyone else gets killed because of this mistake... I'll kill them myself." Jennifer tells Sully as they walk from the three.
"I don't think I'll stop you." He tells her.
Henry has Danny and Sully tie up Wakefield with their belts and consoles Abby as she regrets not killing Wakefield.
"Abby, you're not a killer." Henry tells her.
"I'll be one if I have to." Jennifer looks at Henry before looking back at Wakefield.
"No, you wouldn't." He tells her.
"Wanna bet, Henry?" She walks over to him, "I shot through the bathroom door to stop him. If I didn't run out of bullets before he busted the door open... I would have shot him right in the chest. Why? Because he deserves it. He killed many people, but he killed Charlie, Kelly, Nikki, and Shane, and I've known them my whole life. I grew up with them. Not to mention your brother... He may be my real dad, but he's not my dad. My dad hated me, and I prefer him over Wakefield."
At the Sheriff's Station, Henry and Danny lock Wakefield into a cell. Henry goes to find Trish and Jimmy, and Abby decides to retrieve Shea and Madison from the attic.
While Sully looks through things, Jennifer walks away to go see Wakefield. "Why?" She stops in front of him, "Why do all of this?"
"All part of our plan." He tells her.
"Our? Who is part of our?" She asks him.
"You're other brother." He smiles slightly.
"You found your other child? He agreed to do this?" She says shocked.
"Making up lost time. You should join in on family bonding. You might already be very close to your brother; who knows?"
"When you had the chance to kill Jimmy... why didn't you?" She asks him.
"Sheriff made a deal to keep him safe... Your brother also has his reasons. Plus, it's to mess with you and Abby. Easy way to make him suspicious to others." He eyes her, "Everything will be right once this is over."
Sully walks in with Danny following him. "Hey! Back away from the bars." Sully walks up, moving Jennifer away.
"Sully, what are you doing?" She asks him.
"I said back away from the bars." Sully says and he doesn't so he tases him, "He didn't back away. Come on, let's get him out of here." Sully talks about Deputy Garrett's body.
0 notes
alexiabae · 2 years
BAD HUMOR; alexia putellas x fem!reader
Summary: in which reader goes to england to watch a match between spain against germany.
Warnings: mention of accident car, fluff.
Note: English is not my first language.
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not my gif.
The noise in the stadium made Y/N mood worsened. She let out a frustrated groan, already hoping the match finish. But not, it was to start.
Both nationals team stood up in horizontal, waiting for their anthems to sound. Y/N moves uncomfortable in the chair, looking briefly to her mom, who was next to her in the stand.
Y/N passed her tongue for her dry lips, hearing Spain's anthem. She looked to the public, swallowing hard. When it finished, she let out a sigh, thanking that it was going to start.
She watch distractedly the Spanish players while the captain went to the referee to chose. The ambient was cozy, but Y/N felt really uncomfortable and mad. She didn't want be there in first place, but her mother decided it will be a good idea. Y/N doesn't showed interest, but neither happiness.
The referee whistle and the ball began to roll, Germany with the ball. It didn't take too much for Spain steal the ball, showing dominance and long plays. So surprisedly, Spain scored soon, thanks to Jenni Hermoso. The first half Spain dominated it, failing some clear occasion of goal. The half time came with only a goal. The second half started with a goal from Germany, making it more indecisive who would win. But like the first half, Spain dominated it, stealing the ball from the rivals easily, but they have a weak spot and it was that they don't dare to shot to the net. It's like of they are afraid of it. Y/N was tensed, of course she wants Spain win, she is from there after all.
In the 87th minute, the goal came. Alexandra Popp made a foul to Aitana Bonmatí near of the box. Its was a dangerous and powerful place. Y/N saw how Alexandra protested alongside her teammates, but she just received a yellow card. Alexia Putellas positioned herself to take it, Y/N grabs her armrest, nervous. The Catalan took a few steps away and when the referee whistle, Alexia ran and shot it hard but precise. The ball inside of the net made half of the stadium scream, just like Spain's players, who ran towards Alexia celebrating it, Y/N just smiled, a tiny smile. When the group hug dissolve, she didn't know if was casuality or what, but she swore that Alexia's gaze found hers. It were a brief moment, but maybe Y/N's state was enough to bring Alexia's attention, Y/N doesn't like that and look away, her frown intensifying. The rest of the match, she didn't look up, the floor it was more interesting in that moment.
Her mother yelled happy when the referee announced the end, Spain winning it. Y/N looked around, watching happy and sad faces. She needed made time to left the stadium, so she expected that her zone let it soon.
"Hi..." An unknown voice call Y/N's attention. She turned towards it and saw Alexia's shy smile directed towards her.
Y/N made a imperceptible grimace. "Hello." She said serious, her face too.
Alexia scratch her neck. "Who is in your back?" She asked, pointing with her finger Y/N's Spain kit.
"You." Y/N simply said. "My mother buy me it, I guess your name it's most popular than the others."
"Y/N!" Y/N's mother scolded her. "Forgive her. She thinks she have right to say such things."
Alexia shakes her head, her cheeks very red. "It's okay." She said to Y/N's mother. "We can exchange it, if you want." Alexia turned to Y/N again, muttering.
Y/N frown. Why she wants exchange it when literally it was her name in the same kit? She shrugged her shoulders. Alexia took off her kit quickly, staying in her thermal red t-shirt. Y/N's mother help Y/N took off hers, she had under it a black sweater. The Catalan tended her kit towards Y/N, this one did the same and she puts it on. Alexia puts in a shoulder the jersey, biting her lip shyly.
"Are you coming to the next game?" She asked, this time looking both of them.
"I don't think so. Tomorrow we come back to Madrid, she have rehabilitation and the next it's sold out. If Spain pass to the next round, surely we could come." Her mother answered for Y/N, giving Alexia a apologetic smile.
Alexia nodded, biting the inside of her cheek. "Well, I hope you both enjoyed the game. And... Thank you for the support, it's mean a lot." She thanked them.
Another player came behind Alexia, whispering something in her ear. The player greeted Y/N and her mother and went away.
"I need to go." Alexia let them know. Her gaze stayed in Y/N, but she didn't know what to say so she looked at her mother. "Take a safe trip and I hope to see you again." The Catalan wished them, nodding with her head to them both.
"Thank you." Y/N's mother said, waving with her hand. She hits Y/N's shoulder when she saw that Y/N was ecstatic watching Alexia walks away. "You need be more kind." Her mother reproached her. She puts behind Y/N, putting her hands on the wheelchair handlebar.
"She approachs me because she felt sorry." Y/N said dryly.
Her mother stayed quiet, pushing the wheelchair up the ramp.
A week later, Y/N's mother announced her that they will come back to England to watch Spain against Norway.
She told her it after the rehabilitation, during lunch. Y/N rolled her eyes, playing with her food with her fork.
"Why?" Y/N asks her, annoyed.
"Because I want. And you like this sport. Or I need remember you that you played it all your life?" Y/N snorted at this.
"Whatever you say mom." Y/N mumbled, finally eating.
They fly to England two days later and the next they went to the stadium, this time a one different. They went to the zone where the people with wheelchair could watch the game without problem.
Y/N was wearing the jersey that Alexia gave her the other day. They watch how the players from both teams warmed up. Y/N hoped inside of her that Norway beat Spain, for two reasons. The first was for her mother, because if Spain fell today, they wouldn't play anymore and Y/N would stay in her house and the second reason was because she likes Norway. The Scandinavian country have a soft spot in Y/N's heart, she always liked them and she didn't knew why. It would be too a surprise if Norway beat Spain.
Y/N was wandering in her mind, looking mindlessly the pitch when Alexia's gaze fell in her. The Catalan gave them a lipped smile, waving with her hand briefly. Y/N remained motionless, surely her mother wave for them both. Alexia's smile dropped a little.
"Y/N." Her mother warned her. Y/N sighed and raised her hand to wave shortly to the player when she looked again to her way. Her smile this time was wide, she nodded with her head in Y/N's direction.
"Are you happy now?" Y/N muttered to her mother.
"Yes." Her mother stated. Y/N could hear the smile in her voice. She rolled her eyes, but a tiny smile was in her lips, and she didn't know why.
The time passed and the match started. For Y/N surprise, Norway was having the ball a lot and with long plays and occasions of goal. Spain was showing her worse version in the pitch, the team clearly was tired and Y/N doesn't like it. The coach have a full of good players in the bench and he barely rotate his players. It made Y/N angry. Even if Y/N is enjoying with Norway's version, she doesn't like how it turned and why, because if Spain plays from you to you, maybe Y/N enjoy more Norway playing in that form.
For her luck, they went to half time in a draw, neither of them scored. Almost Spain defended good. But if Caroline Graham Hansen plays like the first half, probably she would score two goals and some assists.
Y/N comments with her mother some tactics that Spain would do in the second half. Her mother didn't understand very much, but she smiled and nodded, watching her daughter loosen up and forget for a moment the reality.
The fifteen minutes passed and the players come back. Spain's players positioned themselves quickly in their positions, and then, Y/N knew that they would win it.
The second half started and Spain winning possession with the ball and creating long plays. Y/N smiled at this, knowing that if they lose their fear of shooting on goal, Spain will win for a good difference. And Patri Guijarro opened the scoring for Spain, and it was a golazo from out of the box. Y/N raised her arms excited while she watch how Spain's players went to hug Patri Guijarro.
"She did what you said before!" Y/N's mother exclaimed in her ear for her daughter could hear her better.
"Well, if someone could do it, it's Patri." Y/N said smiling, shrugging her shoulders.
Just like the match against Germany, Spain scored her second goal finishing it. After the first goal they maintained the ball, creating beautiful and long plays that for their disgrace, finished in nothing. It was an assist from Mariona Caldentey to Ona Batlle. The defender puts the ball by the goal square, taking a beautiful effect.
If Y/N could stood up, she would did it for sure. But she just raised her arms again and screamed happily, bringing her right hand to the shield and pat it a few times, proudly.
She hugged her mom when the referee whistle the final.
"We passed to the next round!" Her mother exclaims excited, hugging her daughter back.
Y/N laughs when her mother say it.
"Yeah." Y/N said, smiling.
Since they need wait to get out from there, they watched the players and talk about the game. Y/N was relaxed and this didn't happen in a long time.
"You've come." Alexia's voice interrupted their conversation. They turned towards her. Y/N smiled widely. Alexia smiled widely too.
"Thanks to this one." Y/N said, pointing to her mother with her head.
Alexia laughs softly.
"Well, thank you for coming." She said, giving them a sincere lipped smile.
"Can you said to Patri Guijarro something for me?" Y/N asks her, playing with her fingers.
Alexia nods, smiling.
"She is the best. She scored a fucking golazo and she needs to do it more often." Y/N said faster, receiving a pat for part of her mom when she said the bad word.
"I agree with you." The Catalan said, getting closer to them. "Do want you say it yourself?"
Y/N raised her eyebrows and looked to her mom, who looked at her smiling.
"I wish it. I mean, it would be cool, but... It's good if you say it yourself." Y/N explained, looking at Alexia.
The Catalan understood immediately to what she meant. Her features hardened. "Wait a moment please." But she said it with her most soft voice. Y/N nods, curious.
Alexia went towards where Patri was. The Balear was talking with Claudia and Aitana while she drank water.
"Patri?" The midfielder called her. The young player looked at her. "Come with me." She ordered and then she started walk to where she was before.
Patri followed her, confused and curious. She saw that they was approaching the barrier where two persons was there and when she saw the girl, Patri more or less understood.
Y/N opened her eyes and mouth. One of her favorites player was standing in front of her, she didn't care that there is a barrier that separated them.
"She wants tell you something." Alexia said, signaling with her head at Y/N.
Y/N swallowed hard, clearing her throat. "Hi... I told her that if she could say it to you but I guess I'll do it." Y/N began to say, laughing softly. "You are absolutely amazing. That goal was one of your best and... It's wonderful see you play." Y/N confessed, her cheeks turning red.
Patri smiled widely, scratching her neck shyly. "Thank you. It's rewarding when people like you say that types of things, someone who care about you do, in this case I do, and thank you so much." The Balear said greatful. "I'm Patri by the way." At this Y/N and Alexia laughed.
"I'm Y/N." She introduced herself.
"Nice name." Alexia compliments, biting her lower lip. Y/N smiled.
"Thank you." Y/N said, blushing.
Alexia approached Y/N's mom and tended her something, muttering to her something that only her know. Y/N frowned, looking at Patri, who looked curious what her friend was doing.
"We need to go." The Catalan announced them after she talked with the woman. Y/N nods.
"Nice to see you, Y/N." Patri approachs the girl and jumping a side of the railing, she hugged her, surprising her.
"Same." She said, nervously. Patri let out a chuckle, getting off from there.
Alexia does the same Patri did and hug Y/N with careful. Y/N hugged her back, awkwardly. Before they separated, Alexia deposited a kiss in her cheek, a brief touch but simple to made Y/N blush. They looked each other a moment and with a last smile for Alexia's part, she and Patri went away from there.
"She give this..." Her mom woke her from her reverie. She looked at her and saw that her mother was tending to her a small paper. Y/N grabs it curious, opening it. A number phone written fastly was there. Y/N looks at her mother, confused. "She wants to see you tomorrow, if you want of course."
Y/N raised her eyebrows surprised. "You will take me there even if I won't." She muttered after she processed that Alexia wants see her.
Her mother snorted. "You said it." She muttered back.
Y/N wasn't texted Alexia, so her mom made it for her. The next day she sent her a text and immediately she received a call from that number, confirming that it's Alexia on the other line. She gave her some indications about where she was staying and hang up.
They went to breakfast and her mother took her there since their hotel that they all are staying it's close.
Alexia was waiting outside, her back leaning in the wall with her hands in her pockets. When the Catalan saw them, a big smile painted in her lips, walking towards them.
"Good morning." She greeted them, hugging briefly to Y/N's mom. Then she bent down and hugged her, caressing momentarily Y/N's back. "I'm glad you accept it." Alexia muttered in her ear.
"I guess it happen once in life." Y/N whispered, chuckling.
Alexia separated from the hug but remained close, smiling her.
"I guess." She simply said. "Come on, let's go inside."
"Wait! I thinking I'm going to explore the city. I call you later. Or you call me if everything bad happen. Behave well." Y/N's mom warned her daughter, kissing her cheek and going from there before Alexia could say something.
Alexia looked at Y/N raising an eyebrow, Y/N shrugged her shoulders, as confused as her.
"Okay. Then, we two come inside." The Catalan muttered, putting behind Y/N when she saw that this one was going to push the wheelchair with her hands.
"You don't have to do it." Y/N said.
"I know. But I want." Alexia said, pushing the wheelchair, walking to the hotel.
They went inside, passing for the lobby and going to a separate spot where a lot of people are. Y/N recognizing them like Alexia's teammates. They turned to look at them, Y/N blushing for the attention.
"Y/N!" Patri calls, smiling and going to where they are. The Balear belt down and hugs her.
"Hi." She said, timidly. After Patri separated, she remained next to Alexia and her.
"Girls. She is Y/N." Alexia introduced the new face. A lot of them greeted her, and then one by one introduced themselves.
"Hi! I'm Ona." The freckled girl said happily, smiling widely.
"Hello!" Y/N greeted her with enthusiasm.
And without nobody knew it, Ona sat down in her lap, making Y/N blush uncontrollably.
"Ona, take off now!" Alexia scolded her, serious. But the young woman stayed there, still smiling. "Ona. I swear to God that I will punch you." Y/N giggle when she heard it.
"Relax, Ale. She likes it." The young Catalan said, passing an arm for Y/N's neck. Alexia takes this opportunity to hit her neck, making Y/N laughs and she laughed more when she saw Ona's indignant face.
"I warned you." The midfielder said, hiding her smile for hear Y/N laughing.
"Don't worry Alexia. I barely feel anything." Without Y/N pretend it, the room went silent. She felt bad, so she apologies quickly.
"Don't." Ona simply said, grabbing with her hands Y/N's face, gifting her ones of her famous smile.
Y/N made a grimace with her mouth, nervous.
"I need take her to somewhere. So please Ona, move." Alexia's hard voice sounded in the room. Y/N shuddered, not liking made feel Alexia bad or mad with her choice of words.
Ona nods without looking Alexia. The freckled girl kiss Y/N's cheek and stood up, going next to Patri.
Alexia takes Y/N out of that room fast. The way was silent, it was a tense one. But Y/N didn't dare talk, maybe she said something that would made Alexia angry. They went to where the inside pool is. It was a big room with a lot of space, it was empty. Two long bars were along, set back from the pool. Alexia takes her at the start of it, stopping there, then she went to the other final of it, making Y/N confused.
"The other day your mother mentioned that you go to rehabilitation. So I assume that in a future you could walk, again." Alexia explained in a soft voice, just like her gaze. She puts her hands in every bars, swaying a bit.
"You want that I try." Y/N figured it out. Alexia nods slowly. Y/N sighed, looking everywhere but her.
"I don't will obligate you. If you want try, take the time you need. And if it hurts you, we'll stop." The Catalan said in a small voice.
Y/N thought about it. She takes her time. Usually when she goes to rehabilitation, trying walk or training, she get mad. Her muscles failing in some point, warning her that she can't take anymore.
Y/N sigh and looking at the long bars, she puts her hands there. "Can you help me to stood up, please?" She asked for her help.
Alexia went immediately to help her. She puts her hands in her sides and carefully, she help her to stood up. She moves the wheelchair to aside and Alexia moved to where she was before.
Y/N swallowed, and all her strength she moves her right leg. It was imperceptible, but it made Y/N tired. She takes a breath and moves her left leg. Ten minutes passed and Y/N advanced slowly, just a few centimeters. She looked at Alexia, who was giving her a reassuring smile.
"You doing amazing." The Catalan whispered, smiling proudly.
When Y/N arrived to the middle, she let out some breaths. Probably it was the first time she did it and without complain.
"I'm to rest a little, if you don't mind." Y/N giggle, taking breath.
"Of course. Take your time." Alexia said.
Y/N raised her head and looked at her. She really feel curious why Alexia in the first place, approached her and now she wants help her. A rush of pain ran for her right knee, like a pinch. The first warning, but she ignored it and in change, she moves that leg and give a tiny step. From now, every step she takes, a cramp ran through both legs. She tried to maintain a neutral face, but every time it were more difficult.
She stopped. Y/N estimated that six inches separated her from Alexia.
"You can stop if you are in pain." The midfielder warned her, biting her lip worryingly. She took noticed of Y/N's face and it was showing, apart of tiredness, pain.
"I could do it. Just a few... Centimeters to get to you." Y/N said stubbornly. She walks, dragging each foot, but in every step, Alexia was more close and it made her feel good.
Alexia extended her hands when Y/N was getting closer. This one puts her right hand to hers, grabbing it strongly. Doing the same with her left hand. The Catalan brings her closer, putting Y/N's hands in her shoulders and she puts hers in Y/N's waist.
Y/N bite her lip shyly, looking everywhere but her. Alexia giggle.
"Can you look at me?" She whispered. Y/N does what the other said, finding Alexia's smile. "Are you okay?" She simply questioned her.
"It hurts a little... But I will fine." Y/N answered.
Alexia leaned her head to aside. "I can take you to my room and you can lie down." She proposed.
Y/N shakes her head softly.
"I don't want to overstep and less if we barely know each other. But... I'm here if you want talk about anything." Alexia said sincerely.
Y/N felt tears coming to her eyes, but she holds it. She nods slowly.
Alexia deposited a kiss in her cheek when Y/N looked away. She saw how her eyes watered. Maybe it was a painful topic and Y/N doesn't talk about it often. Y/N leaned her head in Alexia's shoulder, letting out a sigh.
"The pain wasn't go away. It's still the offer available?" Y/N whispered.
"Yeah." The Catalan whispered back. She didn't want that Y/N force to walk, so she took Y/N in her arms, making Y/N rolled her arms around her neck, and took her to the wheelchair.
"Thanks." Y/N muttered.
"Lie down." Alexia ordered her, helping her. She sat down next to her, grabbing Y/N's hand between hers.
"Do you rest today?" Y/N asks her.
"Only this evening. Later we have recovery." Alexia explained.
"I will lie down for a few, later I call my mother." Y/N said, closing her eyes. She tried to move her feet, getting it just a little bit.
Alexia stayed quiet, looking at her. She started to caress her palm with her thumb, hoping that Y/N's pain will cease.
Y/N relaxed a little, enjoying Alexia's gesture in her hand. In her mind was discussing if she tell what happened or no. She sighed, knowing that Alexia deserved knew it just for taking care of her when they barely meet.
"It happened last year." Y/N began to speak, still with her eyes closed. "I always liked football, but more like a hobby, not to dedicate it myself. A few years a friend convince me to join a team, just to training and sometimes play. I was getting late because I was doing a homework with a partner for the university and after I would meet with them to training." She stopped, passing her tongue for her dry lips. "I... I went out from my car to go to inside of the building when out of nowhere, a car appeared at full speed and hit me." Y/N opened her eyes, finding Alexia red eyes looking at her. Her jaw was clenched, but her thumb remained in Y/N's palm, not stopping caressing it.
"A year?" She asked in a lower voice.
"A year and half." Y/N specified.
Alexia looked away, biting hard her lip. Y/N brings her hand towards her cheek and leaned her palm towards it, Y/N leaned in it. The Catalan looked at her again, smiling softly, but her eyes was still red.
"Can you lie down with me?" Y/N asks, shyly.
The brunette took off her shoes with her feet and even if she didn't want took off her hand from her cheek, she did it. She leaned her back in the headboard, passing her right arm around Y/N's neck, bringing closer to her. Inevitably Alexia kissed her head, leaning after her head in hers.
"When are you coming back to Spain?" The midfielder whispered.
"This night."
Alexia nodded, thinking something.
"If we pass to the semi-finals... Do you think you could come?" Alexia asks her, hopeful.
"I don't know. I think if this it's not yet sold out, stay close and I don't know for that date if was still available." Y/N muttered.
"Let me handle that me. Just... I need a confirmation." Alexia let her know. Y/N raised her head, frowning. "What? Being popular sometimes its good." She teased her.
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully. "I need talk with my mom." She said, blushing a little.
"Okay. Just let me know in time." Y/N nods.
Alexia gaze her, appreciating her features.
"What happens if you don't pass to the semi-final?" Y/N asks her teasingly.
"Then, I will invite you and we can watch it together." She whispered, smiling when she saw how Y/N looked away, blushing more. "How are you feeling?"
Y/N looked at her again. "I'm feeling better." In her features could see calm.
"In five minutes we need get down. I want you pass some time with the girls before you go." Y/N smiled at this, hiding her head in Alexia's neck.
Since that day, Y/N and Alexia couldn't stop talking. They text each other frequently, every moment that Alexia had free, she sent Y/N a text or call her.
And for Alexia's luck, Spain passed to semifinals and Y/N confirmed that she could go. They couldn't see each other before the game, so they promised meet after it, like every encounter that they had before.
The semifinal day, Alexia felt with a lot of reasons to win. And maybe it have something to do with a new person in her life. Actually, when they get out to do warms up, Alexia looks to the stands. Her gaze found quickly her mother and sister, she wave at them. Then, her gaze felt to the zone where people with wheelchair are. She spotted her, smiling widely when their gazes collided. Y/N wave at her, smiling.
Then, Alexia focused in the match. They are doing history with the national team. It was their first semi-final in a big tournament and they will do everything to pass to the, first, final that they will be.
Y/N watch with excitement the game. It showed that Spain would do everything and they are showing it in their game. But the rival too and the first half finished in a draw with some occasions of goals for both part.
The second half started with intensity. Y/N was more nervous with every minute that passed. Two subs came quickly, taking for surprise probably to all of them, it's not common in that coach to do it. And like if that players wanted to showed what he was losing that past matches for not putting them in time or from the start, one of them scored the first goal for Spain, the assist came from the other player who come with the goalscore. Y/N raised her arms excited while she screamed, her mother hugging her just excited like her.
And the better part was when the second goal came soon, this time for Mapi León. The defender took the left corner and made an olympic goal. Y/N didn't know how she did it, but she puts her hand in the railing and stood up. She screamed Mapi's name, shouting compliments that of course the blonde player couldn't hear.
"Y/N!" Her mother shouted, surprised. She puts her hands in her waist, unsure of her daughter would stood up too much time.
"Mom, we are going to the final!" Y/N exclaims, not noticing what she is doing.
"Darling... Sit down please." Her mom said, carefully. Y/N frown, but soon noticed it when their gazes was at the same height. She let her mom help her to sit down. "Are you okay?" She asked once Y/N was sat down, in her eyes could see worried and tears. Y/N nods.
Then, they watch silently the rest of the match. Spain defended very well and even they could score the third goal, but for bad luck the ball no enter inside of the net. The referee whistle the final and Spain's players ran towards each other, screaming and chanting. Y/N watch everything with a smile.
Alexia moved to aside to talk with a reporter. After she approached the stands where her family is. She exchange a few words and promising that she will going later for them, Alexia puts her way towards Y/N were.
"I'm glad Mapi puts you on your feet." Alexia said to her, putting her arms in the railing.
Y/N blushed. Alexia took her chin with her left hand and raised it, looking at her way. "I'm proud." She simply said.
Y/N smiled. "I didn't notice it until my mom told me." She confessed.
"I want to take you somewhere else. More privately." Alexia said. Y/N frown.
"Where?" She asked, confused.
"To the locker room. I tell to a security guard to let you in." The Catalan said, going to tell it to the closed man.
Y/N looked at her mom, who was smiling. "You knew about it?" Her mother just nods, taking her to the ramp.
Her mom took her to a secluded area and when she saw that Alexia was walking towards them, her mother goes away.
"Why do you scare my mother?" Y/N asks jokingly.
Alexia snorted. "Asks her later." She muttered, belt down and kissing her cheek. After, she puts behind her and push the wheelchair. She takes her to an empty and big room. "Do you think that you could stood up?" She asked, closing the door.
Y/N frown. "I don't know." She said, unsure.
Alexia puts herself in front of her and extended her hands towards her. Y/N took her hands and with her help, she stood up. She raised her arms around Alexia's neck when this one moved her arms around her waist.
The Catalan looked at her, biting her lower lip. "I want to do something that I wanted do this past days." She whispered in Y/N's mouth. "I know you think that approached you the first time because you are in a wheelchair. Maybe I saw you for it, but I swear to you that I decided talk to you because I felt attracted towards you. And I don't care if you are in a wheelchair. I care that you are comfortable with me." She confessed, her cheeks blushing, matching Y/N's.
"I'm comfortable with you." Y/N let her know.
Alexia nods and closing the distance, she pressed their lips together, pecking it.
"It this okay?" Alexia asked worried after the separated.
Y/N let her know kissing her again.
"I need confess something." Y/N said in her lips. Alexia frown, confused.
"I support Atlético de Madrid." She confessed, laughing when Alexia rolled her eyes, relief to hear it and not another serious thing.
"Well, don't worry. While you wear my name behind your kit, everything will be good." The Catalan joked, giving her a chaste kiss.
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luxora · 2 years
Blackpink -> {Mafia AU} -> You are their soft spot
Requested: Yes
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff. Some angst.
Warning: Some blood and violence
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It was not often that gang meetings are held in her house, however when they do occur, they are expected to go along accordingly. Jisoo hated lingering presences in her home. It was her private space and she hated bringing work home mainly due to the fact as it is the place of which she is free to be who she is when she is with you. And the fact that you prefer her not to bring her work home was also a factor she was always considering.
However she had no choice in this matter, therefore she had to go along with it for the pure simplicity of causing no tension. But her irritation of having to play host did not go unnoticed and it was only becoming more obvious the longer the meeting continued as the restlessness of the members were furthering her irritation. Jisoo’s irritation eventually reached its boiling point when an argument between two members kept going in circles and resulted in the the breaking of drinking glasses as they were knocked off the table in the midst of the argument. Jisoo slammed her palms on the table and conjured the coldest glare ever to her members.
“This meeting is over. Get out.”
They knew better than to try argue with the oldest, gathering their things and getting kicked out the house just as you arrived home from your own work. You got out the car and watched her members walking away with a puzzled look before glancing at her for some understanding.
“Everything okay?” You asked, walking up to her as she stood at the door way.
Jisoo didn’t say anything. She simply responded by wrapping you in a hug, hugging you tightly and nuzzling her face into your neck as she inhaled your natural scent. She sighed she comforted herself with the feeling of your body, your warmth lulling her into a more peaceful state. You arms wrapped around her and you comfortingly rubbed her back before pressing a kiss to her hairline.
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Jennie Kim prided herself on having no weaknesses. She did strive to lead by example, and that example was to live with no fear in the gang. She could not say that she was afraid of anything, having done so many horrible things in her life and occupation, she couldn’t say that there was something which terrified her due to probably doing something worse than it before. Not even death frightened her. She has come close to death so many times that it was hardly anything new for death. It was something which came as part of being a gang member, hence why she was so immune to it.
But like all humans, Jennie did have a weakness, and she only discovered this when you were put in a dangerous situation to learn that you were in the fact the only thing which could cripple her otherwise immune stance.
You were unknowing of the danger that you were putting yourself in by walking into the room where Jennie was having a meeting. While the gang did know of your existence, the new recruits had not yet learned of you and so one of them believed you to be an intruder as you entered the room. Jennie could only watch in horror when the recruit took out his gun and shot at you, hitting you in the shoulder.
“Y/N!” Jennie screamed your name as you collapsed to the floor, forgetting whatever she was saying as she vaulted over table to reach your side, cradling you into her lap while one of the older gang members tackled the new recruit to the ground for shooting at you.
“J-Jennie...” You clutched at your shoulder, pain evident in your ears as blood began to soak through your shirt. Terror clawed at Jennie’s chest and she couldn’t stop the sob that escaped her lips as she lifted you into the arms and hurried out the room to take you to the medic wing.
“Its okay baby, its going to be okay.” She promised you, crying as worry filled her entire being as she carried you through the headquarters, uncaring on who saw her in this state.
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Chaeyoung gently cupped your face with her hand, smiling serenely at you as you closed your eyes and leaned into her touch. She loved seeing how much you adored your touch, like the best thing that you could ask for was for her to touch you. You just melted against her, craving her warmth as if without it, you would only be known to the cold.
She felt the same. She leaned in and met your lips with her own in a kiss. Neither of you tried to deepen it, simply enjoying the feeling of each others lips pressed together in a warm, sweet kiss before finally pulling away, sating the warm spark in both of your chests as the two of you continued to gaze at each other.
“I love you.” Chaeyoung uttered, the saying foreign to those who know her but it being so common for you. You smiled back at her.
“I love you too. See you at home?” You asked, a slight blush on your cheeks from the kiss which made Chaeyoung’s heart flutter. She leaned forward again to claim your lips for another quick kiss before pulling back.
“Of course. I won’t be much longer. Just to deal with a bit of clean up.” You cocked your head at your words but chose not to say anything, simply leaning up for a third kiss before finally leaving, only turning back once to share one last smile with Chaeyoung before leaving with her driver to take you home.
Chaeyoung swooned slightly on the spot, your lingering presence still affecting her despite just leaving. Her smile remained on her face before she reverted back to her previous persona, one of which striked fear in everyone as she stormed back into the meeting room, the rival gang members apprehended and the rival boss tied to his chair, courtesy to her henchmen who kept themselves busy while she was saying her farewells to you. She unhooked the knife from its strap under skirts and played with it in her hands and she walked over to the rival boss and tilted his chin up with the point of her knife.
“You are lucky that your little tantrum didn’t catch attention of my little lamb. But its seems your luck may have just run out.”
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Lisa stared into the eyes of the terrified henchman, her blade pressed against their neck while her smile matched the temperature of metal biting at the henchman’s skin, ice cold.
“Since you love using that tongue of yours so much, how about I gift it to you in pieces?”
It was well-known that Lisa had very high expectations and standards for the gang, never lowering them for anyone because she did need to drop to other peoples levels when they can simply raise up to hers. Therefore the gang new better than to complain about their circumstances in the gang, especially about the missions or duties they were issued by Lisa when she was within earshot. Disrespect was something which Lisa did not tolerate, and yet this young henchman believed they had earned the right to run their mouth just as Lisa was turning the corner.
She had heard his disrespect loud and clear and she was not going to let it unpunished. She had to ensure that the others will learn from their colleagues mistake that she will not drop her standards, not even a little, and that she will take action if disrespect is issued from them. She was ready to slice their throat when suddenly she heard her name being called from the most beautiful voice in the world. A smile crawled along her face when she turned and saw you walking towards her with a bright smile on your face.
The henchman easily became forgotten, Lisa tucking her knife away before hurrying towards you to sweep you into a hug. The henchman and their friend watched in amazement as they watched their boss pepper your face in kisses with a sweet smile on her face, looking nothing like the terrifying woman who was threatening to kill one of them just a second ago. It was like Lisa was a whole different person. And she could agree she was, because she was with you and you always brought out her softer side no matter the circumstance.
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retrobp · 3 years
Hello! I'm new to your blog and I've been loving your works! I was wondering if I could request Yandere bp's reaction to almost killing their s/o in a punishment.
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Genre: Yandere, Gender neutral!Reader
Tw: Starving, mention of murder, close death experiences, knife play, lots of blood, gun.
A/N: So sorry for posting this so late anon 😭. I'm glad you like my works! It makes me so happy <333 Hope you like this one too!
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♡ Jisoo ♡
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Two weeks have passed. Two weeks in this basement, which had become too familiar for you. You sigh, fiddling with the chains around your wrist that bound you to this place.
Suddenly, you squint your eyes at the bright light coming through the door. You look over weekly to see Jisoo standing there with crossed arms and a smug look on her face.
'Are you ready to forgive me now, darling?,' she asked, smiling her once comforting smile. Looking down at the ground, you felt very weak.
She refused to give you food and water for weeks because you screamed at her when she killed your mother. Apparently, your mother didn't approve Jisoo as your girlfriend.
Slowly, she touched your neck, tightening her fingers a bit. You stared at her, without any emotion in your eyes. You would rather die than endure her torture.
As you close your eyes, you smile faintly as darkness envelopes you. Jisoo frowns, letting go of your neck. Panic flashes in her eyes as she checks your pulse hurriedly.
In the past, you had endured her choking for a longer period of time, but today you fainted so quickly. Of course, you were already weak and she only made matters worse.
As she untied your chains hurriedly, she bit back her tears. She hated showing her emotions, she hated being vulnerable. However she almost killed you today. She killed her beloved.
She let a tear fall down her eye when she felt a faint pulse on your neck.
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♡ Jennie ♡
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As she watched you having a cup of coffee with your friend, she was enraged. You never asked her permission. She had been so worried when she could not find you in your room.
She dragged you out of the cafe and practically threw you in the car and drove off. While trembling, you whisper to her to stop the car. She glares at you, clenches her jaw, and stops the car on a highway. She drags you out on the road and begins screaming at you.
You cry and whimper as she grips your hair harshly and says, 'Why didn't you ask my permission, you little bitch?!!'
You finally get the courage to reply. 'I'm my own person, Jennie! I can do whatever I want!'
At this point, Jennie was livid. She shoved you onto the road and called you a brat. In the blink of an eye, a vehicle swerves in front of Jennie. Jennie's body stopped moving out of shock. You had missed getting hit by the car by only inches.
While you covered your face with your hands and sobbed on the road, Jennie joined you, hugging you and rubbing your back. She apologized many times, realizing she had almost lost you.
'I'm so sorry love, I'll never be mad at you again. Sorry sorry sorry'
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♡ Rosé ♡
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You screamed in agony while Rosé giggled and dragged the knife through your arm. She loved watching the blood ooze out of your delicate skin. It was absolutely mesmerizing.
You stopped thrashing around and became weaker as you screamed. She never knew if you were shouting out of pain or pleasure, however the sounds was like music to her ears.
'Please stop,' you say, throat sore from screaming all day. She carved her name on your arm with a smile, saying, 'You should have kissed me back, idiot.' She dug the knife deeper while you sobbed.
There were no words to describe how you felt. Your head felt like it would burst. Your arms were numb from all the bleeding and the pain.
Your breathing had become ragged and you felt like your death was finally close. You'd finally escape this monster. You whispered a goodbye, and that's when Rosé realized she went too far.
She dropped the knife on the floor, and stared at your body drowning in a pool of blood. She cried out a choked cry, enveloping her arms around your waist and feeling your pulse.
She wiped her tears and walked away to fetch a doctor she had imprisoned in the basement.
She had almost lost her sanity, as well as her soulmate.
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♡ Lisa ♡
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As Lisa watched Areum, her rival, she clenched her jaw. Areum cleared her throat and fiddled with her watch nervously. Lisa noticed, and smirked.
Apparently, Areum had the audacity to kidnap you from her. 'If you want your precious (Y/N) alive, you have to pay me,' Areum said, not daring to look into Lisa's eyes.
She glares back at her when she mentions your name. No one can say your name, only she can. Lisa tilts her head and gives a forced smile towards Areum.
'10 million dollars and she'll be back in your arms again,' Areum said smirking. Lisa scoffs. You were clearly worth way more than that.
'Whatever. I want to see (Y/N) before I give you your stupid money,' Lisa says, her hand on the gun hidden near her waist. Areum nodded and told one of her men to get the "slut" out.
Lisa resisted the urge to blow Areum's brain out for the time being. She wanted to make sure you were okay first. Lisa's eyes softened when she saw your weak form. She was furious when she saw Areum's bodyguard touching your arm and whipped out her gun and aimed at her. However, Areum was quick to pull (Y/N) in front of her.
Lisa grew pale as all the color was drained from her face. Areum fled the scene, dropping you on the ground. Lisa screamed out your name while you groaned in pain.
When Lisa realized the gun had hit you in your arm and not in your abdomen, she sighed in relief. She kissed your forehead and sobbed.
She deserved to die for hurting you.
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© retrobp — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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putawayurhalo · 2 years
Out For Blood | Chapter 4: 100mg
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!Munson!Reader ; Eddie Munson x Fem!Henderson!O.C.
Warnings:  Strong language, some season 4 spoilers, nose bleeds, Tylenol usage, “BOOBIES!”, i know nothing about sports nor how a guidance counselor is suppose to talk to teens because mine sucked in high school lmao
Word Count: 4.1k words (longest one yet)
Author’s  Note: deadass thought I was never going to get this out because I finished it at 1 am my time said I would get it edited when I woke up and publish and then the internet was out for several hours... anyways here it is! might have another one out before Friday no promises though! Also I barely edited it,
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“Okay but Steve, you do realize you don’t have any obligations nor any commitments to these random girls you’re going on dates with right?” Robin asked Steve as he drove her to school.
“What are you even going on about Robin?” Steve asked, confused.
“You have this lack of self respect and a lack of respect for… well, actually that’s besides the point. You lack any conviction.” Robin began to ramble as she put on mascara.
“Conviction? I’ve never been charged with anything!” Steve practically shouted.
“No, oh my God, Steve, you lack any firmly held belief when it comes to girls. You go on like fifty dates a week and have no plans for the future with any of these girls, Harrington. I know you swear you’re not looking back on anyone you’ve dated or seriously liked,” Robin continued to ramble while moving her hands around as she spoke, “Look, since last year I’ve noticed your serious lack of ambition to do literally anything. That and your lack of common sense… which has always been a thing so…” She trailed off.
“Hey!” Steve looked over at her.
“Eyes on the road, dingus!” Robin shouted at him. “Besides, I wouldn't want to die before you and (Y/N) at least become friends again.” She mumbled but Steve still heard her.
“We’re never going to be friends again, Robin, she’s made that very clear and I have no idea what the fuck I’m suppose to do to change that.” Steve said quietly, “Anyways! What about you and Vickie?”
“Oh cut me some slack, please!” Robin started, “This isn’t about me, this about you! Besides, we just don't know if Vickie likes girls.”
“She returned Fast Times paused at fifty-three minutes and five seconds; do you know who pauses Fast Times at fifty-three minutes and five seconds?” Robin shook her head at Steve, “People who like boobies, Robin!”
“Ew! Gross!” Robin rolled her eyes.
“Don’t say boobies!”
“It’s not a big deal! I like boobies, you like boobies! Vickie likes boobies!”
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“Oh my God can we stop talking about boobies!” (Y/N) groaned as she slid farther down in the passenger seat of her brother’s car.
“I’m not the one who was watching Fast Times and at fifty-three minutes and five seconds when I came home last night.” Eddie spoke, wagging his index finger at his sister while keeping his eyes on the road.
“How do you even know that? Actually, don’t answer that I’m going to vomit.” (Y/N) covered her mouth with her hand.
“Not in my car!” Eddie screamed at her, eyes wide as he stared at her.
“I’m fucking joking, Eddie.” She giggled, “Now pay attention to the road, asshole.” 
The two sat in silence for about two minutes before Eddie spoke, “Why were you even watching Fast Times last night?”
(Y/N) sighed, “I was bored and I was sick of watching The Breakfast Club.” She didn’t exactly lie. 
“Yeah, but you never watch Fast Times, and you had what I can assume was half a box of tissues, used and next to you and an empty pint of ice cream, which was mine by the way.” Eddie pulled into the parking lot. “Look out of the two of us, I’m supposed to be the dramatic one… so whatever happened last night when Jenny dropped you off has to be serious.” 
“I really don’t want to talk about Eddie, so fucking drop it.” (Y/N) muttered, ejecting her mixtape for the car stereo and putting it into her Walkman. “Besides we don’t own Gremlins and we both know Gremlins Phoebe Cates if way better in that movie than in Fast Times.”
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“Phoebe Cates!” Dustin shouted as he got into his sister’s car.
Jenny jumped slightly, “What?”
“Suzie is hotter than Phoebe Cates!” Dustin shouted again, startling Jenny more.
“Oh my gosh, Dust…” Jenny hit her forehead on her steering wheel before putting her car into drive.
“She helped me change my grade in Latin.” Dustin spoke.
“I’m not even going to ask how…” Jenny muttered. The sound of some pop song playing on the radio.
“So what’s Plan B?” Dustin asked after a few minutes.
“I don’t have one.” Jenny nonchalantly responded.
“WHAT?” Dustin yelled.
“Dustin, stop yelling in my car!” Jenny shouted at him, “I really thought plan A would work.”
Dustin and Jenny sat in silence for a few more minutes before she pulled into the school parking lot. Dustin turned toward his sister, “I have an idea, but you might not like it.”
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“I just don’t understand why we keep having these meetings. I’m going in no direction, there’s no hope for me, and there’s no sense in trying to save my sorry ass.” (Y/N) spoke as she sat in the uncomfortable chair in the guidance counselor’s room. One arm resting on the back of the chair, the other just laying across her lap and she leaned back. She had been in there for thirty minutes and they were going in one circle with the questions and answers as they had always done and as much as (Y/N) hated her U.S. Government class she would rather listen to her teacher dwell on about random laws than deal with Ms. Kelly’s never ending questions about her nightmares, her nose bleeds, and her migraines. 
“Because it’s my job to make sure that all the students at Hawkins High are okay mentally.” Ms. Kelly started.
“See that’s the problem, this is simply a job for you. What happens when I graduate in a few months? Sure I may see you around town but there’s no way you’ll still actually give a fuck about the senior students you give ‘guidance’ to when you have a whole new set of Freshmen coming in next year. Besides, there’s no chance I’m making it out of Hawkins alive and not a slightest chance I’ll ever last outside of this shit hole.” (Y/N) spoke again leaning forward, her elbows resting on her knees, “There’s no getting through to me, and I’m not just going to wake up one day and get my life together just because you or anyone else asked me to.” 
She grabbed her backpack, “Look, Ms. Kelly, you’re a very nice lady and I’m sure you do actually give a fuck about us kids’ well-beings, but there’s no sense in any of this if everything still happens for no reason whatsoever. And quite frankly, I’m sick of everyone asking me if I’m okay and asking me to talk about my problems. I don’t want to talk about them anymore, I want to live my life instead of thinking about how my best friend died and I wasn’t there to save her, how the boy I was madly crushing on borderline in love with out of nowhere stood me up, and I sure as hell don’t want to talk about what the fuck happened to my parents either.” She stood up, “Good talk.” She said as she left the room bumping into Chrissy Cunningham, “Shit I’m so sorry Chrissy.”
“It’s okay.” She gave her a wide smile before entering Ms. Kelly’s room. 
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“You want me to do what?” (Y/N) asked Jenny.
“Cover for me with the cheer squad tonight. I know it’s the last game but I really need to get a hundred on this math test and Eddie’s supposed to tutor me tonight.” Jenny told her best friend as they walked down the school hallway. 
“Doesn’t he have Hellfire tonight?” (Y/N) raised her eyebrow.
“Yes! But he’s helping me study before the session, that’s what it’s called right, starts and then during the session I’m taking the practice test Mr. F gave to us and he’s going to grade it after. I won’t have time to cheer tonight.” Jenny pouted slightly.
“Oh my God, fine, I’ll cover for you, but you owe me big time.” (Y/N) spoke as she opened the restroom door, a smaller presence walking into the restroom first and muttering a small ‘thank you’ to her, “I’ll see you at lunch?” Jenny nodded and continued walking down the hallway.
“Hey, Max.” (Y/N) spoke as she washed her hands and looked over at the young girl.
“Hey.” Max muttered as she slipped her headphones off and reached into her backpack. “Need one?” She asked the older teen as she pulled a Tylenol bottle out.
“You are a lifesaver.” (Y/N) sighed in relief as Max passed her two pills, she grabbed an unopened water bottle out of her bag and went to pass her it but Max shook her head and dry swallowed the pills. (Y/N) took the pills and sipped the water, “I don’t know how you do that.”
“Yeah… yeah.” Max responded. “You owe me.”
“I know,” (Y/N) started, “do you think it’s something at the trailer park causing our headaches?” 
“I don’t know, my mom and your brother don’t seem to get them.” Max replied with a sigh.
“Yeah but my brother is constantly high and well…” (Y/N) trailed off. Max nodded and went to open her mouth to reply when they heard a sob and the sounds of someone throwing up, “Hey, are you alright in there?”
“I’m okay.” The person said.
“Chrissy? Do you need help?” Max asked her getting closer to the stall.
“I’m alright, thank you though.”
“You sure?” (Y/N) asked this time head tilted.
“Yes, thank you!” Chrissy responded.
“Okay… let’s go Max.” (Y/N) started and nodded her head towards the door, “I’ll get you those sour gummy worms you like out of the vending machine.”
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“(Y/N)!” A voice called as she walked down the hallway past the gymnasium doors.
“What?!” She said with a slight attitude before turning around and seeing Chrissy, “Oh my, Chrissy, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” Chrissy giggled, “Have you seen Jenny? She wasn’t at practice and she still hasn’t shown up.”
“I’m looking for her as well, actually, but if I find her I’ll let you know.” (Y/N) lied to the sweet girl and felt bad about it.
“Thank you!” Chrissy ran back inside the gym and (Y/N) sighed as soon as the doors closed. She walked down the hall towards the drama club room and opened the door with a little too much force.
“What the hell am I supposed to tell Chrissy when I go back out there without you Jennifer!” (Y/N) said as she walked over to her friend.
“Oooooh, is the hot Munson sibling filling in for Lucas?” Gareth asked.
“Gross!” Both Eddie and (Y/N) said at the same time. “That’s my sister!”
“Firstly, Gareth, I will never ever play D&D with you dweebs ever again and secondly, no, I’m going to go support Lucas because my brother here is a jackass and won’t move the session to tomorrow night so you could go support him.” (Y/N) glared at her brother.
“I already explained to you tha-.” Eddie started.
“I know!” (Y/N) interrupted, “You don’t want to watch a bunch of jocks throw balls into laundry baskets or whatever the fuck you said in the cafeteria, and God knows I can’t stand Jason at all but Lucas deserves support from his friends, from the people he’s close to… from us. He’d do the same for us.” (Y/N) replied before crossing her arms over her chest and looking at her beloved best friend, “Seriously are you going to actually come out there or are you going to work on math homework all night? You know Spring Break starts after this game right? You have all of the break to do this bullshit.” 
“No, I really need to get this done today, I have plans for this break.” Jenny replied as she worked on a math problem.
“Plans? What plans?” (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at her best friend.
“Ya know… plans.” Jenny replied nervously, tapping the end of her pencil on her notebook.
Eddie took note of the action and jumped in, “Are you really going to support Lucas or are you going to see Harrington?” He teased.
“Why the fuck would he be here?” (Y/N) asked her brother, completely forgetting her question to Jenny.
“Because he has a date!” Jeff spoke mid chip chew.
“What?” (Y/N) softly asked. Jenny kicked Jeff from under the table and glared at him earning an ow. “You know, I’m just going to go. I’ll tell Chrissy I couldn’t find you, figure out what you’re telling her after the game.” (Y/N) left the room, no longer in the mood to talk.
“Is it me or has she been more bitchy since this morning?” Eddie asked Jenny. 
Jenny rolled her eyes ignoring her boyfriend’s question and glaring at Jeff and Gareth more, “Did you two not listen to a single word Eddie and I were talking about or were you two too busy being total dumbasses?” 
Eddie chuckled at what she said while Jeff and Gareth glared back at her. 
As (Y/N) walked down the hallway she passed by Mike, Dustin, and Erica, giving the trio a puzzled look before shrugging and minding her business as she continued to the gymnasium doors. She looked over at Chrissy who’s eyes widened and she smiled slightly as she saw her, she shook her head answering the silent question she was asked and Chrissy’s smile flattened.
(Y/N) made her way up the bleachers and passed by Robin, “(Y/N) you’re here! I thought you’d be, I don’t know, anywhere but here!” Robin spoke.
“And miss your last band performance and Lucas’ last game as a freshman? Not a chance in hell would I do that.” She smiled at her friend and she continued up the bleachers and sat at the end of one of the rows. She pulled the book and her Walkman out of her bag, having no actual interest in the game, placing the headphones on her head leaving one ear uncovered and pressing play on the tape.
She was too engulfed to hear or see Steve walk up the bleachers with his date and sit across the stairs from her, only noticing him when they announced Tammy Thompson was singing the National Anthem, “Told you a Muppet.” She heard Steve say to Robin and she giggled slightly at the joke, Steve turning his head to look at her and smiling, she only caught a glimpse of his smile before turning away from him. 
The game seemed to go on forever, (Y/N) had barely paid attention but she did look up at the scoreboard and saw they were only a few points behind and about a minute left on the clock, as the timeout was over she saw Lucas running out on the court. She took her headphones off and laid them on her shoulders and placed her book back in her bag. The whistle rang, the game began again, (Y/N) stood up so she could see over the sea of heads in front of her, she tried her best to follow where the ball was at, seeing it get passed to Lucas, she watched as he dribbled the ball and shot it. Everything felt like it was in slo-mo, “Come on Lucas.” She whispered to herself as she watched the ball hit the rim and slowly roll around. She started picking at the skin around her nails again… and then it went in. “Oh my God! YES!” She yelled and cheered. She felt like a proud friend, a proud sister even of the young boy. 
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“Hey.” (Y/N) felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Chrissy, “Do you know where your brother is at?” She asked.
“He’s probably in the drama club room with the Hellfire Club… why?” (Y/N) asked her.
“Oh…” Chrissy paused for a second, “I, uh, borrowed his pencil in class and promised to give it back but I forgot. I just want to give it back to him.”
“Hmm.” (Y/N) hummed in response with an eyebrow raised, she opened her mouth to say something else felt someone else tap her shoulder.
“(Y/N), how amazing was that game? Wasn’t it amazing Steve?” Robin rambled all giddy. 
“Is she good?” (Y/N) asked Steve as she looked at Robin. 
“Yeah, she’s almost always like this.” Steve replied to her looking down at his feet.
“I’ll be right back!” Robin shouted as she ran off to who knows where leaving Steve and (Y/N) to stand by themselves. The two just stood there in semi-silence, the only noise coming from the girl’s headphones and the conversations of the students walking around them, (Y/N) was fiddling with her fingers and biting the inside of her cheek while Steve looked over at her. Suddenly the basketball players were walking past them, none of them seemed to care that they would bump into the girl so Steve grabbed her arms quickly and pulled her into him. 
“What?” The girl started to question.
“Shh.” Steve said as he held her tighter, she looked over her shoulder and noticed the jocks walking right through where she was standing, not giving a single shit about the other students standing or walking around there.
“Jesus, thank you Steve.” She muttered as the group finished walking by, Steve loosened his grip and she backed away.
“Your nose…” Steve pointed to her and she wiped her index finger under her nose and found blood.
“Fuck.” She whispered as she reached into her bag and pulled out a napkin placing it under her nose, “God dammit this is embarrassing.” 
“I mean, you’ve done worse in front of me.” Steve joked, trying to make her feel better.
“When do we intervene?” Robin asked Jenny and Dustin as the three of them watched from where Jenny’s car was parked. 
“If they start fighting… or in like five minutes because I’ve got to make sure (Y/N) doesn’t see Eddie leave without her.” Jenny spoke.
“Why would he leave without his sister?” Dustin asked.
“He has something to do.” Jenny told him, “Now shh I’m trying to hear them.”
“Hey, Steve,” (Y/N) started, “I have a question… well actually two.” 
“Shoot away, Lil’ Munson.” 
She pondered for a second on which one to ask first, “Do you ever feel like you’re living in a hollow shell of what you used to be? Like you’re not fulfilling these expectations everyone has for you?” 
Steve scoffed, “Everyday… What made you ask?”
“This conversation I had with Ms. Kelly today. Kind of told her to fuck off though.” (Y/N) smiled slightly as she spoke, for the first time in a while it was a genuine one.
“You told her to fuck off?” 
“Well, I’m really sick of every time I go in there for our ‘meetings’ it’s the same five questions; how’s your migraines? The nightmares? Has your nose bled this week? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about your parents? I don’t want to answer any of that anymore.” She shared with him and he nodded. (Y/N) sighed in relief before feeling a sharp pain in her temple, “Ow! Fuck!” She held a palm to her head as she reached into her bag and pulled out a small packet of Tylenol, “Can you open these for me?”
Steve nodded, “Sure.” He took the packet from her and opened it for her, waited as she reached into her bag and grabbed a water bottle, he noticed the book that laid toward the top of the chaotic mess. “What was your other question?”
The other trio watched from afar, “Is she okay?” Dustin asked Jenny, the girl nodded her head.
“Just give them a second.” Jenny started to bite her lip, “Plan B has to work. Please let this plan work.”
(Y/N) downed the two pills and drank some water before looking at Steve and asking, “What happened to your date?” 
“Oh… she uh, she left right after the game… with one of the basketball players.” He sighed.
(Y/N)’s shoulders fell and the look she gave him softened slightly, “Oh Steve, I’m sorry.”
Steve was taken back at her empathy, “It’s all good,” he shook his head, “To be honest I wasn’t really paying much attention to her tonight.”
“Yeah, I get it, the game was so interesting.” She responded with a slight giggle.
“How would you know? You had your head buried in 1984 and listened to that mixtape the whole time until Lucas was on the court.” Steve raised an eyebrow at her.
“It’s not my fault that the game is boring besides I was only there fo- Hey! How did you even know that?” (Y/N) asked him, shock evident in her tone.
“Because I wasn't paying attention to the game either.” Steve looked her in the eyes, (Y/N) gasped quietly at his confession the two were now closer to each other than before, standing in front of one another, another step closer from either of them and they’d be chest to chest again.
“Steve! I’ve got to get home, come on Dingus!” Robin called as she walked up to the duo who jumped further apart from one another, Dustin and Jenny hot on her trail both with annoyed looks on their faces.
“Okay, Robin!” Steve responded and started walking towards his car, he turned around and looked back at (Y/N), “Hey, (Y/N/N),” The girl hummed in response, “I think you should know I’ve never met anyone who’s as special to me as you are.” The girl’s cheeks grew warm and she smiled smally at his words. Steve smiled back at her before turning back around and making his way to his car.
“You want to stay the night tonight?” Jenny asked her, pulling (Y/N) out of her daze.
“Sure… let me go tell Eddie.”
“Already taken care of.” Jenny smiled at her, “We can even watch Gremlins when we get home.” The trio walked towards Jenny’s car, Dustin immediately hopping into the back seat. 
Jenny started the car and the radio started, Cyndi Lauper’s cover of ‘Girls Just Want to Have Fun’ playing, “I can change it if you want.” Jenny immediately reached for the radio.
“No, no. Leave it on.” (Y/N) smiled at Jenny.
“But it was Roxy’s favorite song.” Jenny looked at her bestie confused. (Y/N) nodded and hummed along to the song as it played.
A little while later, Jenny pulled into the local grocery store, “I’m getting snacks and ice cream, anything you specifically want.”
(Y/N) shook her head and Dustin spoke, “Popcorn!”
“Already on the list Dust.” Jenny laughed as she exited the car, “Be right back.”
Dustin leaned forward over the center console, “Can I ask you a question, (Y/N)?”
“Sure Dust.” 
“How close were you and Roxanne?” He asked, he carefully worded the question not wanting to accidentally upset the girl.
“We were best friends since elementary, kind of like you and the boys, and then we became friends with your sister in middle school. All of us were inseparable, until last summer when she spent her time with Billy and Jenny and I spent our time with Steve and Robin.” (Y/N) answered truthfully.
“So you let a boy get between you guys?” He asked.
“I wouldn’t put it that way. Friends grow apart sometimes and Roxy was more interested in Billy Hargrove than she was in being friends with Jenny and I… the same could be said for me though, I was more interested in spending my days talking to Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington than going to the city pool and watching Roxy ogle at douche bag Billy.” She leaned back in her chair, “There’s just a part of me that still thinks I could have saved her. That I could have hung out with her more and she wouldn’t have been at the mall with Billy when it caught on fire.”
Dustin frowned at her words, “You shouldn’t blame yourself.”
“Dustin, you don’t have to make me feel better.” (Y/N) looked at him, “Besides, I’m already living in a hollow shell.”
“A hollow shell?” Dustin asked her.
“I’ve become numb to the topic of death, I mean talking about it once a week for the entire school year does that to a girl.” Dustin noticed a difference in her demeanor, one moment she’s happy and fine like the (Y/N) he’s known for six years and the next she’s back to this girl with a gloom cloud above her head, “My uncertainty is everlasting and perennial, small child, and is it even possible when you’re already in hell?”
Taglist (still open for now): @preciousbabypeter​ @honeymunson​ @willgrahampills​ @secretsicanthideanymore​ @hiphopdancer101universe​ @tanyaherondale​ @lettyshush​ @kayt-marie​
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disturbedbydesign · 3 years
Goodbye, Earl
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Pairing: soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Word Count: 5.6K
Summary: You thought you'd left Knockemstiff behind you, but when your best friend needs saving and has no one else to turn to, you return to town to take care of business. But can you get out of town before Sheriff Bodecker catches up with you? Because he's got some unfinished business of his own.
Warnings: Dubcon if you squint (power imbalance/manipulation, quid pro quo), explicit sex (oral m/f, vaginal), unprotected sex (wrap it up, kids!), interrogation, domestic violence, gun violence, minor character death, breeding.
A/N: BINGO! Written for @writing-in-the-dark-bingo challenge (card at the end). Inspired by Sheriff Daddy Lee Bodecker being an absolute dirtbag and also because sometimes "Goodbye, Earl" comes on in the car and you just want to go out and kill a man.
If you prefer to read on AO3, you can do so here.
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The only thing you want to do after your double shift at the diner is take a long, hot bath. Hours and hours of the local men playing grab-ass at you and leaving you shitty tips had put you in an ornery mood. You almost don’t pick up the phone, but somehow you can feel her anguish screaming through the line. You and Jenny had been the best of friends since you were itty bitty babies back in Knockemstiff and had developed an almost psychic bond over the years. You know it’s Jenny, and you know something is very, very wrong for her to be calling damn near midnight on a Tuesday.
You’ve never heard her so afraid, and she doesn’t even have to say why. Of course it’s Earl. It’s always Earl.
You’d told her not to marry him, but she was 18 and just as stupid as all 18-year-old girls are when a cute guy is involved. “Why don’t y’all just wait awhile longer,” you’d told her. “If he’s the right one, he’ll stick around.” But Jenny was determined.
You had always wanted to get the hell out of Knockemstiff, but Jenny just wanted to settle down and have a bunch of babies like her mama did. The handsome and charming captain of the football team seemed like a dream come true to her—truly the best Knockemstiff had to offer (which, of course, isn’t saying much). Besides, she’d already lost her virginity to him. To Jenny, that was a form of marriage on its own.
Earl wasn’t always a piece of shit, but it didn’t take long for him to turn once he’d locked her down for good. She was pregnant by the time he graduated from the police academy and had three babies by the time he got promoted to deputy. You weren’t sure how long he’d been beating on her exactly but you had your suspicions—she kept herself good and pregnant for years, so your guess is that he wouldn’t lay hands while she was carrying his children. Otherwise, all bets were off.
You can hear her newborn screaming bloody murder in the background as she recounts the latest incident for you. Earl came home from work, drunk as a skunk as usual, and what with the new baby and the other three little ones running around the house, she’d burned his dinner. And Earl was hungry. So Earl got mad. And when Earl gets mad, Jenny gets the belt.
Only tonight, it wasn’t the belt. Tonight, it was the brass knuckles.
“I thought he was gonna kill me this time, I swear it. I can’t take much more of this.”
“Grab those babies and get in the goddamn car and get up here. You can stay with me until we get you sorted.”
“He’s never gonna let me go,” she whimpers. “He’ll kill me before he lets me take his babies away from him.”
You feel the anger coursing through your veins and roiling your stomach—the same old anger you feel every time she calls you beaten down and bawling over a man who’d never deserved her. You want to help her, to free her from this demon she married, but you know there isn’t much to be done. She can’t call the law—Earl is the law—and nobody else is gonna help her.
“I’m comin down there. Tonight. You think he’s comin home, or is he stayin with…”
You trail off because you didn’t mean to mention her, but it ain’t much of a secret—everybody knows Earl’s been steppin out on her for years.
“He ain’t comin home,” she said, her voice filled with a sad resignation.
“Hold tight,” you tell her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You drive as fast as you can but it’s near 3am by the time you pull onto the dirt road down to Jenny’s house. When you get close enough, your headlights illuminate the flashers on top of Earl’s cruiser and you slam on the brakes.
You cut your lights and back up as silently as you can, knowing it’d be bad for everyone if you’re spotted. Earl would know exactly why you were there, and he wouldn’t like it at all, and Jenny’d be the one to pay for it. You park your car and cut the engine a good distance from the house, but you can still see it. The house is dark except for the porch light and all’s quiet except the shrieking insects and the sound of your own heart beating.
You sit for awhile, waiting for something to happen—a baby crying, a woman’s scream piercing the quiet summer night—but all is as it should be. At least it is on the outside; God knows what’s going on inside that house in the dark.
You have to make a choice. You could leave for your momma’s house, make up some excuse as to why in the hell you’re showing up in the middle of the night unannounced, and figure out a plan in the light of day. Or, you could take action now, while you still have enough nerve and violent anger to stay the course. You pull your daddy’s old .38 out of the glove compartment and walk quietly up to the house.
You take out the porch light with one shot, then run around the side of the house to wait. You see the lights go on and hear the baby start wailing; you hear Jenny’s voice trying to calm the older ones and Earl’s deep voice booming, “Y’all stay put.” The screen door shrieks open on its rusted hinges and Earl’s heavy footsteps hit the porch wood. You break the side window with the butt of the revolver and hide behind the old oak tree.
Earl rounds the corner, flashlight and gun up, sweeping the perimeter. “I don’t know who the hell you are,” he calls into the night, “but you’re makin a big mistake.”
You step out from behind the tree. “I don’t think I am,” you say, and then you put one right between his eyes.
Daddy always said a girl should learn how to shoot. He’d meant deer and coyotes and the occasional bear, of course, but you’d always known there was far more dangerous game.
Lee is still drunk when he wakes up, tangled in his sheets and drenched in sweat. It isn’t even 7am and it’s already hot as hell, and he knows the fans at the station will be no match for the sweltering humidity of mid-August in Knockemstiff. That, coupled with the hangover soon to set in, is about to make for a nightmare of a day.
He makes himself throw up before groaning his way through a cold shower. His first cup of coffee does nothing for him, but the second one starts to clear his fuzzy head. He’s gonna be late, again, but he’s the goddamn sheriff and he does what he pleases.
When he walks into the station, he sees that he isn’t the only one who’s tardy.
“Where’s Earl at?”
“He ain’t come in yet, Sheriff,” one of the new recruits replies.
Lee chuckles. “Probably lost track of time with that girl of his again. Y’all let me know when he gets here.”
Lee closes the door to his office and sits down behind his desk, leaning back and putting his hat over his eyes. As far as he’s concerned, it’s already nap time. He gets a fitful rest until a loud knock on the door puts an end to his attempts at sleeping it off.
“Come in,” he croaks.
“Hey, Sheriff,” the recruit says sheepishly. “It’s past noon and Earl still ain’t here. I called his house and Jenny said he left last night around dinner and never came home.”
Lee has a bad feeling. Earl would occasionally come in late when he slept out with the mistress, or after an especially nasty fight with the wife, but he was always at his desk by lunchtime. If he wasn’t in by now and hadn’t called, something was very wrong.
“I’ll handle it,” Lee tells him. “You go on and get back to work.”
“Yes, sir.”
Lee had been reluctant to bring Earl in on his action, but they’d been friends since high school and were at the academy together; Lee thought he could be trusted. Besides, Earl already knew what he was up to, and it was in Lee’s best interest to dirty him up, too. But now Lee can’t help but wonder if Earl got himself in deeper than he knew—if he had some side action that had backfired. Lee hates to even think it but it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing for Earl to disappear. He’d been getting greedy lately, being more reckless—borderline unhinged at times. He was becoming a liability. But still, Lee needs to know exactly what’s going on, if only to cover his own ass.
Lee decides to start with the girlfriend. He knows what went unspoken when Jenny’d said Earl “left around dinner” and besides, he thinks Earl’s girl might know more than his wife would. But she doesn’t know a thing. She’d been reluctant to admit to it—poor thing still runnin around thinkin everybody in town don’t already know she’s the other woman—but eventually she’d said that Earl had come over around 8 and left sometime in the wee hours. And she’s too stupid to lie. She’s a pretty thing, and sexy as hell, but she’s dumb as a box of rocks. She’d seemed worried, though, which led Lee to believe she was as deep in the dark as he was.
He sets off to Earl’s house to talk to poor Jenny. Jenny was always a nervous little thing, and Lee knows why—Earl wasn’t always the nicest man, but what happens between a man and his wife is no one else’s concern. Today, though, she’s especially jittery as she tries to pour his coffee and keeps missing the cup.
“I got it, sweetheart,” Lee says, taking the pot from her trembling hands. “You just sit down and tell me what you know, alright?”
Lee had seen Jenny bruised up before, and she’d always tried to cover up with cosmetics and scarves and such, but it was never enough. That day she hadn’t even bothered. Would’ve been pointless to try. She has a split lip and a gash on her cheek that probably could use a stitch or two, and the whole right side of her face is well on its way to black-and-blue.
“Earl do that?” Lee asks, but of course he knows.
She nods. “He was blind drunk last night, didn’t know what he was doin. He said he was sorry but I-”
“You what, sweetheart?”
“I kicked him out. Told him I didn’t want him around the children actin all crazy like he was. That was around 7 last night and he ain’t been home since.”
“You got any idea where he woulda gone to?”
Jenny stares daggers at Lee. “I think you know very well where he woulda gone, Sheriff Bodecker.”
Lee gives her a sympathetic smile. “Alright, then. Is there anything else you wanna tell me, Jenny? Anything at all?”
“No, Sheriff,” she says. “Nothing out of the ordinary. It ain’t like this is the first time Earl run off.”
“You mind if I have a look around?” Lee asks, but it’s not a question.
“Have at it,” she replies. “I have to go feed the baby so just holler if you need somethin.”
Lee may be a drunk and a louse and a crook, but he’s good at his job. He had clocked the broken porch light and what looked like a bullet hole before he even walked through the door. The broken window is boarded up but the ground outside it is freshly disturbed—like someone had been tilling the soil. Something happened here, but he knows in his gut that Jenny didn’t do it. He’s known her for years, they all came up together—she just doesn’t have it in her. She would have let Earl beat her to death before she fought back.
She may not have done it herself, but she knows more than she’s saying. With all them kids and Earl on her back all the time, she wouldn’t have the time for a man on the side to take care of her problem—so who then? Lee decides to lay off her for a spell, keep an eye on her, wait and see what she does next.
He’s headed down the highway towards Meade later that morning when it all comes together. Bent over under the hood of the car, long legs and ass on display in those tight little capri pants, he doesn’t even need to see your face to know that it’s you.
Of course it was you.
With Jenny’s help, you’d managed to get Earl wrapped up in a tarp and into the trunk of his cruiser. She’d followed you in your car as you drove out to the quarry lake dumping ground to send the cruiser down to the deep with Earl entombed inside. She’d had to leave the kids alone (except the baby, of course), but there was no way around it—they were old enough to talk even if they didn’t understand, and they couldn’t see this. She’d cried quietly the whole time, though you didn’t know what the hell she was crying about. If it were you, you’d have felt relief—joy even—to be rid of that awful man. But you and Jenny were not the same, never had been.
You’d dropped Jenny off at home and told her to say Earl never came home when the police inevitably showed up. That’s as far as your plan went, though. You’d tried to clean up and cover up best you could. You’d made sure there was no evidence that Jenny helped you get rid of him, and she wasn’t the one who killed him anyhow—that was all you. Now you just had to disappear and pray that God was truly merciful.
Your car had other ideas, though, and when you break down on the side of the road outside of town, you know you have to fix it yourself, and quickly, or hitch back to Columbus. Daddy made sure you knew your way around an automobile, but this is looking like a bigger problem than you have the tools, parts, or skills to solve. You’re about to give up when you hear him.
“Hey, there, buttercup. Car trouble?”
There’s only one person on God’s green earth who calls you that, and he’s the last person in the world you want to see.
Lee pulls his cruiser in front of your car and parks, and your stomach starts to churn. Your mind is racing, trying to concoct the right series of lies as he swaggers towards you, his thumbs hooked around his belt. When he reaches you, he tips his hat.
“Been a long time, Lee. Or should I call you Sheriff now?”
“You can call me anything you like, buttercup.” Lee licks his lower lip and looks at you like you’re a homecooked meal. “You’re looking absolutely lovely, if I might say so.”
“Thank you kindly,” you say, still struggling to come up with something.
“Your momma didn’t say you were in town. Saw her at the grocer’s yesterday.”
“Well, you know, she’s gettin old. And she never much liked you sniffin around me anyway.” You give him your most flirtatious smile, and it isn’t difficult to do. Lee is still a handsome man, even if he’d gone a bit soft around the edges over the years.
“Now, you and I both know you weren’t visitin your momma. Come on, buttercup. I always could tell when you were lyin to me.”
“I- I’m not-”
“Think you’d better come with me on down to the station. Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”
Lee puts his hand on the small of your back to guide you to the cruiser and it sends shivers through your whole body. He doesn’t cuff you, though; he knows you won’t try to run from him—not this time.
He’d tried not to think about you all these years, but it was pointless; Lee’s mind always came back to you—especially on the loneliest nights when he was feeling particularly sorry for himself and wanted to relive the best and most hopeful days of his life: senior year of high school when you’d finally let him do all the things he’d wanted to do since the first day he met you. You were his first everything—well, except kissing. Lee had chased a lot of girls and gotten to first base with a few, but none of them ever held a candle to you. None since had, either. He always knew you were going to leave Knockemstiff, but that didn’t make it any easier when you actually did.
In Lee’s lovesick teenage mind, he thought he could get you to stay if he loved you hard enough and fucked you good enough. Jenny and Earl were fixin to get married; he could convince you to do the same. But you were nothing like Jenny—you never were, you never could be. So now Lee finds himself locking eyes with you in the rearview mirror as you sit in the backseat of his cruiser, and he knows two things: you absolutely killed Earl and he is absolutely still in love with you.
He pulls around back of the station so no one will see you and lets you out of the backseat. “Don’t you run on me, now,” he says, but he knows you won’t.
The look on your face is hard but resigned. You know you’re caught, but he can tell you aren’t one bit sorry for what you’d done. He admires you for it, if he’s honest—that fiercely protective nature, that fire in your belly that never could let sleeping dogs lie. You always did have the guts to do things others wouldn’t dare.
He walks next to you, his arm in yours, guiding you past the officers and deputies—some of whom know you, some of whom do not—into the interrogation room. He pulls out the chair for you and you plop down in it with a pissed-off look on your face. It’s one Lee knows well, and he’s missed it.
“Can I get you anything before we start?” Lee asks.
“A cigarette,” you reply. “I know you have some. I saw you put em in your back pocket when you got out of the car.”
“You checkin out my ass, buttercup?”
“Might have been,” you say, and you give him that bright sunshine smile he still sees in his dreams sometimes.
Lee has a decision to make. He could do things by the book, or he could do things that serve his purposes. Earl being gone was not a bad thing for him, and it was certainly not a bad thing for poor Jenny. Solving this crime benefits no one, but it’ll hurt you. And Lee doesn’t want to hurt you—it’s the last thing on earth he wants to do. You put one of his Marlboros between your pretty lips and he lights it for you, and by the time the smoke hits his nostrils, he’s made a decision: he’s gonna let you make the decision.
“So,” he asks, “are you gonna tell me the truth?”
“Do you really want to know it?”
For a second, Lee gets lost in that familiar spark of hellfire in your eyes and the mischievous quirk of your lip. You always could get him hard with just a glance; some things never change, he supposes.
Lee chuckles. “I already know it, buttercup. I just need to know if you’re gonna say it or if you’re gonna make me work for it.”
You take a long drag and exhale, blowing the smoke out of the side of your mouth, away from him. “I’m not tellin you shit, Lee. I want a lawyer.”
“Now don’t go and do that. We can settle this just you and me. Maybe we can work a little somethin out makes sense for the both of us.”
You look at him, your pretty eyes scanning him to make sure he’s saying what you think he’s saying. But you know him, deep in your marrow, and you know that nothing is beneath him—not when it comes to you.
“What do you want from me, Sheriff?”
“You know exactly what I want,” he says, his voice husky.
You laugh and it sounds like music. “You’re a real sick fuck. I ain’t gonna marry you, Lee.”
“I ain’t askin for that,” he says, “although I would if I thought there was a snowball’s chance in hell you’d say yes. No, I’m askin for something less… permanent.”
You raise a perfectly penciled eyebrow and take a drag of your smoke. “You’re serious? Here?”
“Deadly serious. You give me what I want—right here, right now—and I’ll let you go. You never have to see me again if you don’t want to.”
You stub your cigarette out on the table and cross your arms with a wicked grin. “Alright, Sheriff. It’s a deal. And you don’t have to tell me what you want. I remember.”
All things considered, this is one of the better outcomes. You always did have fun with Lee, and you’re still attracted to him, even if he is an absolute scoundrel and a pig. It’s been years but you still know how to get Lee going, how to make him hard with a single look. You knew even before he made his indecent proposal that he was palming himself under the table.
You figure, fuck it—there are much worse ways to get away with murder.
You round the table and get on your knees in front of him, licking your lips as you rub him through his trousers. He’s already a whimpering mess by the time you get his pants down and take him out.
“You know what to do with it, buttercup. Come on now.”
You grab the base, your fingers barely fitting around his girth, and you smile up at him. “Forgot what a big boy you are, Sheriff.”
“No you didn’t,” he says, and you giggle because he’s right. Lee Bodecker’s cock is not something one simply forgets.
You put the tip in your mouth and tickle the slit with your tongue, tasting the salty bit already leaking out. You lick along the vein that runs from the base to the tip and he groans. You have to admit—you miss that sound. Lee always did make the prettiest noises, and just the sound of him sets you throbbing down below.
You start slow, the way you know he likes, massaging just the first few inches with your tongue and your lips while you stroke the rest of him, getting his cock nice and wet. When he puts his hands in your hair and starts to jerk his hips, you flatten your tongue and open your jaw and take more.
“Goddamn baby, I missed this pretty mouth.”
You moan your approval onto his flesh as you continue to work him deeper until he hits the deepest part of your mouth and you start to gag. You keep going, though, because you know he can’t get enough of the sound of you choking on his cock (and you’re certainly not getting away with any half measures today).
You place your hands on his thick thighs and take him deep—not all the way, you never could manage that, but deep enough to satisfy him. You let him fuck your throat for a while, massaging his balls the way he likes, knowing it won’t be long before he’s desperate to get inside you. That’s what he really wants, after all. It’s all he’s ever wanted.
He pulls out of your throat with a loud pop and you gasp for air. “Need to taste you, buttercup.”
He pulls you to your feet and kisses you, deep and hungry, and you let him have free rein of your mouth and your body as his hands roam up and down and around you. He moans into the kiss when he gets his hands on your breasts under your blouse, and you break away to take your shirt off.
He licks his lips as he stares at your bare chest. “No brassiere, eh? You one of them bra-burnin hippies now?”
“I did burn it,” you say, “but only cause it had ol’ boy’s brains all over it.”
He laughs and grabs your face. “You’re goin to hell, you know that, right?”
“See you there, Sheriff.”
He kisses you again, hard and quick, before flipping you around and pushing you flat against the metal table. He yanks your pants down to the ground and you step out of your flats and spread your legs wide for him.
“Christ, that’s pretty.” You hear him drop to his knees behind you, feel him squeeze your ass cheeks and spread them wide before licking you from bottom to top. “Mmmm, so sweet.”
Lee isn’t the only man you’ve ever been with, but he is the most enthusiastic when it comes to pleasuring you. The sounds coming out of him as he devours you are sinful and animal and you try to hold it in but you can’t—it’s too good, he’s too good.
“I missed this, baby. Feels so good. God, Lee, don’t stop don’t-”
You gasp and grab the edge of the table when you feel him start to tongue your tight ring, and he sticks two fingers deep inside you and starts to pump them slowly. You bring one leg up on the table so he can get deeper, and when he crooks his fingers just so, you start to lose control. You clench around his fingers and you feel the timbre of his voice against your slick flesh.
“Come on, buttercup. Get it nice and juicy for me.”
His thumb finds your clit, and he remembers what to do with it, and it isn’t long before you’re cursing and crying out his name—far too loud given the circumstances, but you don’t care and he doesn’t care, either.
“Scream as loud as you want, baby. I’m the goddamn sheriff of this town and ain’t nobody gonna tell me where I can fuck and where I can’t.”
You feel him run his tip across your slick and you’re aching to have him inside you. He pushes in real slow and you both moan deep at the reunion as you take all of him. He leans down and you can feel his soft belly against your back as he whispers in your ear, “Tight as the day I popped your cherry,” and then he starts to move.
You were both virgins the first time you had sex, but it hadn’t taken long for you to learn each other’s bodies. Lee had always been so eager to please you, always asking what you wanted, what you liked, what felt good. You can tell he remembers every bit of it as he fucks you exactly the way you like to be fucked—slow, deep strokes at first, so your body can adjust to him, then harder and faster. He gives your ass a few hard smacks and you clench around him with each one, and when you reach back and put your hands on your cheeks to spread wider for him, he places his hands on top of yours.
His pace is so rough and relentless that the table under you starts lurching forward with every thrust, making an ear-piercing scraping sound. He pulls you up by the arms and turns you around, putting one hand on the back of your neck and one on your ass and pulling you in for a kiss. He sits down in the chair and pats his thighs.
“Hop on, buttercup. Wanna see your pretty face while I fuck ya.”
You straddle him and position him at your entrance before sliding down the length of him, and he throws his head back and grabs your hips.
“Ride it, baby. You know how I like it.”
And you do, so you grip the wooden chair back and start to bounce on him. Your knees are aching from the exertion but the pleasure outweighs the pain. He brings his hands from your hips to your breasts and sucks them into his mouth one by one, back and forth between them over and over as you fuck yourself on him.
“So good, Lee. So good.”
You throw your head back and slow it down a bit, sitting on him and circling your hips so he hits all the right spots deep inside you. His belly bulge is giving just enough friction that you don’t even need his fingers on you and you decide that you like him better this way—a little rounder, a little softer. You start to feel another wave of pleasure coming on and you roll your hips faster. He knows what that means, so he wraps his arms around your back and holds you still and tight against his body before he starts to snap his hips beneath you.
“You like that, huh? You miss this? Feels good, don’t it?”
“God, yes, Lee. Harder.”
He obliges, and soon you’ve got your hands in his hair and you’re panting in his ear like a bitch in heat. When he feels you start to pulse around him, he takes a big ol’ bite out of your shoulder and growls and it sends you over the edge. You start to gush around him and he grabs the back of your neck and pulls your face to his.
“That’s it, buttercup. There you go. That’s my girl.”
You can’t form words anymore so you just stare into his steel-blue eyes with your mouth open wide, letting out whatever sounds your body decides to make. He drags your bottom lip between his teeth slowly as you come down, and then he kisses you deep, his hands on your hips, moving your body exactly how he wants you to move.
You know he’s close so you lick a stripe up his neck to that spot behind his ear that makes him go absolutely feral, and when you take his earlobe between your teeth, he makes that sound that he makes and you know he’s right there.
“Oh, baby. Oh, fuck. I’m gonna fill you all the way up.”
Your head snaps up and you look at him and he’s got his tongue hanging out and you know that face.
“Lee, wait. You can’t-”
You try to push off him but he’s got you in a vise grip. “Uh uh, buttercup. I’m puttin it in your belly.”
Before you can fight it, you feel him shooting deep inside you and you clench around him, your body betraying your mind as you milk every last drop from him. You’d never let him do it inside you before—it was always in your mouth or on your tummy or your chest. He always wanted to, though, and he certainly chose his moment wisely.
“Goddammit, Lee.”
“Sorry, baby. Jus felt too goddamn good not to.”
You sigh and look down at him, and with his pink lips and flushed cheeks and blissed-out blue eyes, he looks like he did the first time—when you were both just kids crazy in love with each other. You want to be mad, but you can’t—not when he’s looking at you like that.
“I hate you,” you say, but you know your face is telling a different tale.
“Nah, you don’t. I’ll let you pretend, though.”
He stays inside you, holding you close, but you don’t fight it.
“Stay with me, buttercup” he whispers, and it sounds exactly like it did all those years ago. Your answer is the same, though.
“You know I can’t stay here, Lee.”
“Just a few days, til we can get your car fixed up. Besides, it makes for a better story—you comin for a few days’ visit instead of poppin up for a few hours when Earl just so happens to disappear off the face of the earth.”
You sigh. “I don’t know.”
“Yes you do. Where’d you dump ol’ boy anyway? Not that I’m goin lookin for him. He’s better off dead to me anyhow.”
You smile. “I took him to our old spot,” you say, “down the quarry.” Lee cocks an eyebrow at you. “What can I say? I was feelin sentimental.”
He laughs, deep and hearty. “Well alright then. So you’ll stay?”
“Yeah,” you say, “but just until the car’s fixed. I should go see momma anyways. But I ain’t stayin at your place.”
“Yes,” he says, “you are.”
That night, Lee gets you settled in at his house. He cooks you dinner. He makes sweet love to you—so sweet that you let him pump you full of his seed again even though you tell him not to. He’s determined to love you even harder and fuck you even better than he ever did before. This time, things will be different; this time, he’s not going to let you go. Because Lee has got you now—he knows what you done and how you done it—and he’s gonna put a baby in you whether you like it or not.
No, this time you’re not gonna leave him. You can’t. You’re home now.
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pluto-52 · 3 years
ⓑⓘⓣⓣⓔⓡ ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: jungkook x reader
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: insecurities, self-inflicting pain (not cutting just not making decisions that include the path of happiness), mentally drained
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: angst
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 0.7K
ꜱɴɪᴘᴘᴇᴛ: “I wouldn’t mind sacrificing everything for you...but I am not her.” Your eyes glided over to their figures and only then did you force out a smile. However, how could they ever tell if you were suffering from this unrequited love?
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Would you confess to your crush? Has the thought of not capturing the right time ever been weighing heavily on your mind? 
It seems like it was a little too late for you as you mindlessly glanced over your phone screen. Those four words alone made you feel like your whole world would collapse. 
“I asked her out”.
Your eyes wavered and shook as you tried to understand what you just read. Was that...right? You came up with many scenarios and most ended up with you being friend-zoned. You wished upon every star that you knew, hoping that at least one would listen to your call, but alas not every fairytale ends with a happily ever after. 
You had seen it all before, you were there. The way he would smile at his phone. It was the type of smile that softened his features, the type of smile that caused the crinkles around his eyes to deepen. His eyes would always trail over to a certain girl. 
It was just that...you were too stuck in this world that you couldn’t have stood a chance, all because you were his best friend. Jungkook stood out amongst everyone but saying this could be a bit biased. 
He was your best friend and for a while, he was the center of your world. He was a quiet guy but one of the better-looking ones. He cared for no other unless they were important to him. It was lucky for you that you were someone he cares for--as a friend.
Nevertheless, it was just wishful thinking of you to believe you could ever be more than that. You didn’t know if you could bring yourself to show up to school tomorrow. It felt difficult seeing that you would see the girl he asked out and him being together. 
As his best friend, what else can you do other than cheer him on? 
When you pushed open the classroom door you could see that the seat that was once reserved for you was taken by another woman.
Ah, that’s right, you were no longer his special person anymore. You gave him a small wave when both of you made eye contact. Yet, that contact did not last long as his eyes rushed back to the seat beside him. 
Right, now that there was a replacement, you didn’t matter as much anymore. 
“Jungkook!” You yelled out a little as you tried to catch up to the male. It seemed like he was in a rush but you still caught up with him in the end, a cheerful smile plastered on your face. 
“Are we eating together today?” You asked, feeling like he couldn’t possibly reject you...right? It was something both of you do every day for the past few years you guys have been friends. 
“I’m sorry, Jenny wanted me to eat with her and her friends today.” He gave you an apologetic smile as he sped walk away, probably to his girlfriend’s class. You just waved him off with a smile, though you couldn’t help but hear the pieces of your heart-shattering. 
It was okay! He was your best friend so you will support him to the best of your abilities. It's what every good friend should do!
You trod over to the bench that had the best view of the schoolyard. You took out Jungkook’s favorite gummies. You were planning on sharing it with him but…change of schedule. 
You just stare at the pack with a solemn smile as you watch the clouds. You remembered when you were up there within the clouds. You zoned out so much he sometimes called you an airhead. 
You silently hummed the melody of the song you both used to scream to in his car. You couldn’t help but look at your lap as your tear ducts started to build up. It was so unfair, but you couldn’t afford to be thinking that way. 
The bell rang once more, it signaled that lunch was over. You slung your backpack over your shoulder, slumping a little. You started walking to class but you avoided the cracks on the ground as if this was an approach to your broken heart. 
Right, when you turn the corner you caught the newly formed couple kissing. You froze as Jungkook looked up to spot you in the distance. He immediately stopped what he was doing as Jenny followed suit. 
They both looked at you like they were caught doing a heinous crime. You just shook your head and gave him the signal you guys would always use that meant, “don’t worry.”
“I wouldn’t mind sacrificing everything for you...but I am not her.” Your eyes glided over to their figures and only then did you force out a smile. However, how could they tell if you were suffering from this unrequited love? 
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48 notes · View notes
not a soldat | part 15.
Summary: Y/N L/N is not a superhero. No serums, no agencies. Just a civilian from a long line of family that’s served in the military. Y/N’s a history buff and bit of a spy in her own special way. This somehow lands her in trouble she never saw coming and straight into the hands of Falcon, Captain America, and Black Widow… if she doesn’t get caught in the unbreakable grasp of the Winter Soldier first.
Warning for the Series: violence, angst, slow burn
Pairing: Bucky x black!reader
Word Count: 1.5k
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The dog, Jennie, joined you once again on the porch. Her head in your lap wasn’t making your job any easier but you weren’t about to push the puppy away. After she whined a little, you put down your laptop and scratched her head. Jennie couldn’t get enough of the pets and you were happy to oblige. You switched hands when your phone rang so you could pick it up but still pet the dog.
“(Y/N)! Get the hell out!”
“He knew we were coming, he knows someone has the list. We’re on our way but get the hell out!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll—”
“Printesa,” Bucky’s voice came on the line.
“There’s a car in the forest.” Your voice faltered off.  
The phone was irrelevant as you stared at the two bright circles peeking through the trees. You watched the headlights come a bit closer before stopping. The car was still a distance away, the lights the only thing that you could see.
“(Y/N)? Talk to us, what’s happening?”
“He found Penny.”
You heard Steve yell over the line asking Clint if the quinjet could go any faster. You couldn’t move as you watched the lights. Until suddenly the car lights cut off.
“There’s nowhere to go. She lives nowhere.”
“Hide, printe—”
Bucky yelled as the phone cut off. The team tried to push the quinjet as fast as possible. They weren’t too far away but it was far enough that if you knew Sabretooth was there, they might not have time.
You ushered the dog back inside and grabbed Penny. She didn’t have any secret rooms or safehouses and while you knew it, you were hoping to be wrong. All Penny had was a back door. According to the records, Victor didn’t have super hearing. There was a slight chance that you two could sneak out the back. It was the only chance, considering if you hid in the house he would definitely find you.
You removed the knife from your thigh strap and handed it to Penny. Just like you before Bucky’s mini training session, Penny had no clue what to do with it and you had no time to teach her. She clutched onto the knife as you two ran— neither having time to grab shoes. You heard the loud crash of her backdoor being busted open.
“Stay here, don’t make a sound.” You pushed Penny down into a ditch and kept running.
The Avengers landed the quinjet and raced out without even bothering to check that they turned it off. The front door was swung wide open. But as they checked, there was no semblance of life in the house. Nat was the first to the area where the back door was and just like the front, they could tell it had been busted. The team split quickly, some staying at the house while most ran into the woods.
You heard the footsteps get closer. Your stamina was wearing down and you weren’t sure how much longer your adrenaline could beat out Sabretooth’s speed. The loose branches and rocks in the path were cutting at your feet. You screamed in pain as the claw marks hit your arm. Victor was on you. Running was going to fail but you couldn’t turn and fight either. You tried to push but it was too late. The shock of getting scratched in the first place had slowed you down. Victor pulled you to the ground, his claws cutting marks into your leg as you were dragged along the forest floor.
Bucky screamed as they heard the gunshots. They reached to see Victor bleeding out on the ground, a cluster of shots to the head and a few littered in other places on his body. You were laying on the ground as well. You dropped the gun as soon as you recognized Bucky, Sam, and Steve.
“You need to hold him, he’ll heal from it.”
You were in shock but still cognizant enough to do your job as you motioned to Victor. Sam and Steve grabbed Victor’s currently dead body while Bucky tried to scoop you up as gently as possible.
“Bruce! We need medical started on the jet now,” he yelled into the comm.
You insisted on walking off the quinjet in order to ensure they had Victor locked up properly and to show Penny the guest rooms in the compound. It had been agreed that Tony and the others would help her relocate and bring her records back to you. So for the week, Penny and her dog would stay on the compound instead of holding them up in some motel.
You were limping and moving terribly slow but the old woman didn’t mind. Bucky on the other hand was very bothered. The minute Penny closed her door, Bucky appeared from the around the corner— he had been stalking close behind. You jumped when you saw him. He had a habit of purposely making his footsteps louder so you were aware he was there but sometimes the master assassin that he was slipped out.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, printesa. Just don’t want you walking more than you have to.”
Bucky looked at the bandages that were now soaked with blood again. You felt small as he eyed you, it wasn’t flirty but observation. Bucky looked at the blood stains on your dress and something wasn’t adding up. There was a stain that wouldn’t be possible just from scratches on your calf and arm. And then he noticed the dress you had worn wasn’t a dress but a matching two piece set.
One that you had hiked the skirt up higher when you had seen Steve, him, and Sam approaching to hide the large wound to your lower abdomen. It had taken you longer than you would’ve liked to admit to remember you now had a gun and then having to pull it out without Victor taking it from you. For once Bucky didn’t explicitly ask if you were okay before he reached to pull your skirt back down to its normal level, now seeing the wound that caused the unusual bloodstain.
“I didn’t want to alarm anyone before we got Sabretooth confined.”
“Darlin’, you can’t do that. At least tell me.”
“I’m sorry, Buck.”
He shook his head and carried you up to your room. Bucky was used to cleaning up after Steve’s fights in the 40s and then sometimes his own injuries when HYDRA neglected to take care of him. He set you down on your bathroom counter after removing your bloodied clothes, leaving you in underwear, so he could clean your wounds properly. He shushed and cooed as you winced with every movement.
“I know, baby, I know. You’re doing so good for me. I don’t know if this will heal without scars.” Bucky’s voice softened to a level reserved solely for you.
He carefully washed you and helped you into new clothes. He tied your hair for you, struggling but refusing to give up, and then got you water. The tears started as you hardcore felt the pain now that the meds Bruce gave you on the quinjet wore off. Bucky was near panicking at this point. He hadn’t seen you cry, not that he could recall— not even when he attacked you in Winter Soldier mode.
“It hurts, James.”
His first name. You were seriously in pain and he knew it. You looked up at him with wet eyes and Bucky felt as if he was in pain himself. He watched your eyes flit to the side like you were debating something.
“Will you please stay, until I fall asleep.” You added the last part quickly in hopes of avoiding rejection.
“I think I can do that,” he said as he helped you down from the counter.
He took off his shoes, realizing you’d chew him out later for having walked all in your room with them on— but he was still in his tactical gear. That you didn’t seem to care about since you pulled him towards the bed anyway. You curled up and rested your head on Bucky’s midriff, trying not to be in a position that would wake you up when he had to get up and leave. Bucky watched your breathing even out. He waited another thirty minutes to make sure you were actually asleep before gently setting your head on a pillow and leaving.
Sam caught him as Bucky entered his room— Sam had switched floors a couple weeks ago, no longer wanting to be on the floor that often stayed empty since it was shared with Thor and Clint. Bucky and Steve were still getting used to Sam’s odd habits of having to get up in the middle of the night for something before sleeping again. Sam couldn’t help the confused look on his face when he saw Bucky not in your room. But it was all over his face and Bucky knew he owed your best friend an explanation. He wasn’t expecting to have to provide Natasha an explanation but suddenly she came out of Sam’s room as well.
“I’m just scared I’ll hurt her again.”
“Barnes, we get it. I’m sure she gets it.”
“I know, I just wish she didn’t have to.”
(Part 16)...
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