#jensen was just trying to wave goodbye but misha was like no this is a high five now <3
cockelores · 1 year
just remembered cockles double high five 🥰🥰
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jensenismywholelife · 2 years
I miss you
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Jensen is your boyfriend. Your in Texas while he's in Vancouver shooting for Supernatural. While on set he face times you for a little to see how things are going.
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You haven’t don much today besides clean. Jensens parents had the kids and you sat at the house bored out of your mind. You made some popcorn and grabbed a few more snack and sat on the couch watching until your phone started to buzz. You looked down to see that Jensen was trying to facetime you. A huge smile grew on your face. You missed him, it had been weeks since he left. You picked up your phone and pressed the green button.
~ Facetime Call ~
“Hello” You say.
“Hey babe” Jensen says smiling.
“Hey, what are you doing?” You asked him.
“Well i don’t have another scene for an hour or so, so i figured i’d call you” Jensen said smiling softly seeing your face in the camera.
“I miss you” You say and sigh.
“I know (Y/n), i miss you too, just a couple more weeks then my work here is done” He smiled.
“Good because i don’t know how much longer i can take not having you here” You said giggling.
“Where’s the kids?” Jensen asked.
“Oh, your parents wanted to take them out to the carnival today. I dropped them off earlier” You smiled.
“Oh, i’ll just have to call my mom later” He chuckled.
“So how have things been?” You asked smiling, knowing how their set is you doubt it’s been easy to get through any scenes.
“Well busy for one and Jared isn’t making it any better” Jensen says laughing.
“Yeah i bet, i know how he can get when you guys are filming” You said and chuckled.
“Earlier we were shooting a scene in the bunker. It was me, Jared and Misha. Once Misha walked in the door Jared threw a pie right in his face and i’m not gonna lie i took part in it as well” He said laughing.
“Oh my god, why’re you guys so mean to him?” You asked and chuckled.
“He’s fun to mess with, speaking of, here he comes right now” He smiled and made a face into the camera then turned the phone to Misha. He saw you and smiled then waved.
“Hey (Y/n)!” He said.
“Hey Mish”
"How are you" Misha asked.
"I'm good, i heard about what Jared and Jensen did to you earlier, you need to get them back" You said.
"I can't they are always one step ahead of me" Misha says.
"I’Il help you out Mish" You said.
"Hey, your gonna turn against your own boyfriend" Jensen said, pretending to be offended.
"Yeah, I will if you keep abusing my best friend" You said.
"She likes me better" Misha bragged to Jensen while chuckling.
"Great first she turns against me and now your stealing her from me, my god" Jensen said, shaking his head.
Misha had to go film a scene with Jared so he said goodbye and left.
"Don't worry Jensen, I would never leave you, i love you to much to do that" You said
"I know (Y/n), I love you too baby girl" Jensen said smiling while blowing a kiss through the phone.
The reason he called you baby girl is because he knows what that does to you. He knows what he does to you. He always finds a way to use it against you. You and Jensen talked for another hour but you had to say goodbye so that he could call his mom and speak the kids.
Damn you loved that man.
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dreadpoetssociety · 4 years
Fevers Don’t Exist
TW: Fever ? (I’m not sure what counts for triggers so pls lmk if I miss anything)
Prompt: hi!! could u do one maybe where like, the reader is an actress on supernatural and she plays like their younger sister on the show or something and she gets sick at a con or something? Thanks !!
NOTE: Hey guys, I’m alive!!!! I know I have a lot of Spencer prompts atm, but it’s really hard to write them when I’m not like, hyper focused on Criminal Minds. I am going to try though! So sorry I’ve left so many of you in the wind, I am a very inconsistent person, my bad. But here’s this! It’s REALLY bad because I’m terrible at being realistic but like idk it’s something.
I really don’t even know what to put for tags on this. 
Ah, September. You knew what came along every September, and looked forward to it for the first eight months of every year. Secaucus, New Jersey. You loved every con you went to, truly. Everyone was so nice, you love staying in hotels, panels are such a great time, the whole thing. It's a great experience outside of the set to get connected with fans. And, they loved you almost as much as you loved them. You were typically closer in age, since you were still just a teenager. You also started out as a fan of the show before somehow snatching a role, so you really were with them at one point. Everything that excites them excited you just as much. And, you loved making friends with them. You weren't allowed to be reckless with your phone number, so you made a snapchat that you shared exclusively with con goers, whom you made swear to secrecy. It was like a club, and you just enjoyed genuinely talking to everyone. But, when you woke up that first morning, you knew it was going to be a long day. Your body ached, and you were still pretty exhausted. You had a fever, but didn't really know if it was a fever because you were still young, and God forbid you ever decided to recognize the signs of you being sick. It was almost like a form of denial, not knowing. You were sweating, but freezing, and your throat felt particularly dry. Your headache rested underneath your eyes for the most part, to which you just blamed on being tired. Your stomach didn't hurt, but you definitely weren't hungry. Even though you hadn't felt exactly 100% the past days before, and you obviously weren't feeling right now, you just deduced that it was all because you were tired, and had a late flight in. As a responsible person does, of course. You didn't even bother taking any medicine for it, because hey, you obviously weren't sick, you'd feel better in a bit, and you didn't have any, so why waste the time, right? 
You groggily got dressed and met up with "the boys" (even though they were all older than you) for the free breakfast downstairs, in a separate room, since fans did happen to stay in the same hotel. You grabbed some Cheerios, only to conspicuously throw them away after. 
"You good, Y/N?" Jared asked out loud, gaining the attention of Jensen, Misha, and Alex. You could feel their eyes burning through your skin. Or, maybe that was the fever. It had to be their eyes, you convinced yourself, you didn't have a fever. You were fine. 
"Yeah, why?" you asked, faking the perk in your voice and confused eyes. Your eyes felt really heavy, you noticed. 
"You just... You look exhausted. And pale." he said, "And you threw away that cereal without eating any of it." 
You looked down at yourself as an effect for what you were about to say, "Wow, well that's one way to make me self-conscious. I thought I looked kind of poppin'." you laughed slightly, trying to play it off. 
"W-wait, no that's- that's not what I meant! You look fine, I just-" he was embarrassed. You and the others chuckled.
"I'm kidding. I'm all good, just went to bed late, y'know?" you smiled. It was hard to try and mask the rasp in your voice, and doing so made you feel the need to cough, so you downed some water until it dialed down a bit. He nodded. In your mind, you blessed your acting skills, thinking you got away with it. What you didn't know was that Misha, Jensen, and Jared, as fathers do, knew every trick in the book, and each noted to keep an eye on you. Not to mention, they'd been acting far longer than you had, and could just tell when one switches into a character. They all figured that if you weren't sick now, you would be in days to come, and exchanged glances with each other, while Alex innocently continued to chew on his toast. 
"Well, if you're tired, I don't think you have a panel or anything for another hour or something, maybe you could catch up on some sleep then." Jared suggested. You shrugged.
"Nah," you said, "I've got photo-ops in like, twenty minutes. I should actually probably get going. I'll catch up later!" 
You left with a wave, and disappeared into the hotel somewhere. You stopped in your room, allowing yourself finally to set free the coughs living in the back of your throat. You blamed it on your throat being dry since you didn't drink enough water. Not on germs. So, you grabbed two water bottles from the small fridge in your room, and left, making your way towards the convention center.
  You felt slightly better during photo-ops, which just confirmed in your mind that it was impossible that you were sick right now. You smiled and talked to everyone. There was one girl, who introduced herself as Meredith, who stuck out in your mind. She gave you this super cool hand painted keychain, which you very excitedly put on your keys instantly.
"Dude, I've been looking for a cool keychain. Not just one of those janky ones you find at like 7-11, like a cool one. This is so exciting." you smiled genuinely. You had just recently bought yourself a car, and thought that your keys looked a little lonely, and searched for hours on Etsy for something to spice it up a bit. A weird obsession, thinking about it now.
She laughed, "I'm glad you like it!"
"Hell, yeah! Now, are there any poses you wanna do? Or do you just want to hit that casual look? I could make it look like I'm meeting you." you stupidly rambled. One of your traits that was so widely known was how funny and awkward (in a good way) that you were. It took you a long time to get to that point, though, because you were always anxious about meeting others. You still are every now and then, but it's different here. 
"I was just hoping to get a hug." she said, "If that's okay with you." 
"Yeah, that's cool!" you wrapped your arms around each other and shot the camera a grin. The girl looked a bit confused. 
"Hey," she said, quietly, "are you like, okay? You feel really hot."
Nervously, you replied, "Oh, no, yeah totally fine. I'm just wearing two layers, and it's getting spicy in here."
"Yeah," she answered, "don't push yourself, okay?"
"I won't, thank you. It was really nice meeting you!" 
"You, too! Thanks!" she waved goodbye and you moved on to the last few people in line. She was right, though. You realized that you felt worse than you did when you walked in. You thought it had gone away for a while, but now it was just amplified. You noticed you were cold again, but that you were sweating as well. It must've just been the temperature in the room. These conventions aren't always able to keep a steady temp in the entire building, right?
This day, you didn't have much to do. Most of your events were on the other days to come. You had one panel in a few hours, and then a panel with Jared, Jensen, and Misha a few hours after that, and then bam, the day was over. You just had to get through those two events. Just two. 
Two, events. And both were an hour. So, two hours out of the day. Rookie work. Yet, as your panel approached, the headache had expanded from under your eyes to anywhere that there was space to hurt, your throat ached and so did your lungs from how much you were going off somewhere to cough in privacy, your body felt heavy, you couldn't tell if you were hot or cold at this point it was some weird combination of both, your stomach hurt just slightly, the world was moving around you a bit more than it usually would, and the fever you "didn't" have had climbed a degree, probably two. And, at some point during the day, you got pretty congested. You felt like you could just fall asleep at any moment. Jared and Jensen happened to be walking by where you had been waiting by yourself, away from any congoers or employees, and noticed that even though you were leaning against a wall, you somehow were still swaying.
"Y/N?" Jensen called out, worried. You heard him, you knew you were supposed to respond, but didn't know how. Maybe you did have a fever, and maybe you sort of let it out of control. It was like you were comprehending them, but not at the same time. You heard everything, but it just swept right through your feverish mind. The walked in front of you and examined you within seconds. You felt Jared's cold, really abnormally large man hand sweep your hair back and land on your forehead. 
"J, she's burning up." you felt another hand on your face. You, quite exhaustedly, swatted it away. They couldn't figure out how it'd gotten so bad so quickly. You were sick this morning, but not to this degree. They knew then that you had just shrugged it off all day, and your teenage fever brain probably didn't even think to take any kind of medicine or anything for it, even if you were trying to hide it.
"I'm good. Just tired. Fevers don’t exist." you finally mumbled, taking a few deep breathes, which you hadn't really been able to do in a bit without being rudely interrupted by a bone-shaking cough. It felt nice, almost. The boys sighed at you and shook their heads. 
"Y/N, you should go back to your room and get some rest. We can bring you some stuff that'll help." Jared suggested. You shook your head and opened your eyes, which somehow felt even heavier.
"Nah," you said to them, "I've got a panel, I think, in like, I ‘dunno, some minutes or something. Something I-" you pushed yourself off the wall to try and make your way somewhere, but stumbled a step or two, which result in Jensen and Jared instinctively to grab you in order to keep you steady.
"Like hell we're letting you go to that, Y/N, you can't even form a sentence, or stand for that matter. You're out of your mind. We're going to bring you back now, we'll take care of your panel thing." Jensen stated pretty sternly. You were about to fight back, and they could see it, but you coughed a few times, and they could almost feel it in their own chests. You just nodded in defeat.
"Yeah, maybe I could just like, sleep, for an hour or two." you whispered, tiredly. The two were still holding you steady, and could see you already falling asleep before even going anywhere. 
"Or six, by the looks of it." Jared joked lightly.
"Poor kid." Jensen said to Jared as the were walking out of your room. They helped you get there, and you were gone before you even saw the bed, "Why do they always have to pretend like they aren't sick? Look where it gets them."
"Don't know, man. You can't talk, though. You literally tell people you are immune to illness." Jared laughed quietly, shutting you door.
"Well I am. I am the perfect example of health. I don't get sick." 
"Yeah," Jared rolled his eyes, "Right. Watch you catch what Y/N has. You practically carried her all the way here. There's no way you're escaping it." Walking towards the center, the back way of course, Jensen scoffed, "Please, germs take one look at me and know not to mess this up. And, by the logic, that means you're already infected, too. So, tell me, princess, what sort of soup do you want spoon-fed?" 
Again, Jared rolled his eyes, and the two laughed. They weren't making fun of you, they were making fun of each other, and knew that you would've wanted in on that action.
"Y/N probably would've destroyed us if she heard that. Something along the longs of 'You want me to tuck you in? Carry you bridal style?'" Jared pitched his voice a tone higher for it. Again, the two men laughed.
They made their way backstage of what's supposed yo be your panel, and informed the crew about what was going on. They were just going to fill in for you, probably tell a few embarrassing stories.
When they made their way through the curtain, the crowd shouted. They were obviously excited to see the two leads, but also were obviously confused. "Alright, you're probably confused." Jensen stated the obvious, "Because obviously, we look nothing like Y/N, and thank God she does not look like us." The crowd laughed.
"Anyway, Y/N can't make it today. She's really sick-" the crowd cut Jared off with a unison "awe." People yelled out that they hoped she felt better, tell her to take care of herself, and so on.
"Yeah, poor kid looked like she was just going to fall asleep right where she was standing. She literally tried to come anyway, like, kid, you're making no sense. Y/N couldn't really fight against us, though, so she's sleeping now." Jensen explained, "So we came here to chat in her stead, but just know she really was planning on coming. That kid loves you guys." and again, the "awe" rolled through the crowd. 
"If she wasn't sick, she could totally kick both your-" the last word was cut off, but was implied anyway, someone screamed from the crowd, which resulted in laughter.
"Yeah, probably. Even if we were stronger than her," sarcastically, of course, "she'd still beat us. Kid's too fast, and I'm too old." Jared laughed.
In the last ten minutes of the panel, Jared decided to give you call. Not only to check in on you, but so you could at least say hi to your crowd. When you heard the phone ring, you groggily opened your eyes and aimlessly reached for it.
"Hello?" you answered. Jared almost frowned at how sick you sounded, even with just one word.
"Y/N?" Jensen stepped in, "It's Jensen."
"Unfortunate." you sighed exhaustedly. It was joke, a really tired one, but still enough to make the crowd laugh.
"We're here at your panel, we thought you might want to say hi." Jared said loudly, holding the speaker of his phone to the microphone. 
"Panel?" you asked. Panel? What panel? Your delirious mind was clearly confused, "Who's that?" 
"Y/N, the con. The convention panel?" Jensen actually sounded worried. They probably should've thought to give you some sort of medicine to do something about the fever you had before they'd left.
"Oh," you closed your eyes again, almost falling asleep, before remembering finally what it was they meant, and after a moment, "Oh! Crap, the panel thing, I'm late."
"No, Y/N, stay there, we've got it covered remember? You can't come. You can say hi to them, though." Jensen interjected quickly.
"Okay, hi guys." you just followed as told.
The crowd responded with a series of hello's. 
"'M really sorry. I hope they aren't boring you." the two men could practically hear you closing your eyes. The crowd responded in inaudible chatter. Jensen and Jared walked from the mic for a second.
"Sorry if we woke you, kid." Jared apologized, having just realized they probably could've left you alone, "W also just wanted to check in. See how you're doing."
"How are you feeling?" Jensen asked, but got a mumbled word in response, "Alright, well, just go back to sleep, we'll be up there soon." 
Jared hung up the phone, and the two began to answer the last few questions and close up. They waved their goodbyes to the crowd, and started heading back your way.
"Jensen, you got any over the counters with you? Thermometers or anything? All I've got is Advil, and I don't even know what's really bothering her yet other than that cough and being tired."
"Yup. Danneel always makes me carry literally an entire medicine cabinet, just for these moments. I'll go get 'em and meet you there. It'd probably do her some good to eat something, too. I don't know if she's got like, a stomach virus thing going on, though." Jensen answered.
"I'll see what she'll say and let you know." 
The two parted ways, and Jared made his way to you. Even though he'd only talked to you just a few minutes before, you were dead to the world by the time he opened the door. The room was boiling, and Jared looked over to the thermostat to see that you'd at some point put it on to 90 degrees. 
"Jesus, Y/N, I know you've got a fever, but damn." he said, more so to himself than to you. He looked over at you after turning it down to see you curled beneath what looked like any blanket you could find. He came over and started removing the blankets slowly, and shook you gently to wake you up.
"Y/N, wake up for a minute, it's Jared."
"'Mm." was all you said, until you realized your layers of warmth had been moved, "What're doing? It's cold."
"Y/N, you're dripping in sweat. It's the fever making you cold."
"I don't have a fever." you retorted, "I'm good. Just tired."
"Kid, you've been tired the whole day. You've been sleeping this whole time." he tried rationalizing.
"I have?" you questioned, closing you eyes again. Jared put his hand to your forehead again. Somehow, it was warmer than the first time he'd done it before the panel. It was then that Jensen finally appeared, a whole bag of things in hand, "Could you bring the thermometer over?"
"Yeah, gotcha." He walked over and rummaged through the bag at the same time, pulling out a thermometer.
"Y/N, we need to take your temperature." Jensen said.
"No need." you said, "'M not sick."
"You are so obviously sick, I'm not asking." again with that stern voice. Jared gave him a "Hey, she's sick, back off a little" sort of look, but it had worked, and you let them take your temp. They were almost shocked when the thing beeped at 103.
"Should we take her to a hospital? That's way too high." Jared asked. 
"If it gets any higher, yes, but let's see if we can bring it down first." Jensen replied.
"No hospitals." you demanded, opening your eyes and glaring at them. 
"We aren't bringing you yet, Y/N, but I need you to eat this so you can take some meds." he held out two pieces of toast that he must've brought from his room. You hated toast even when you weren't sick.
"I'm not really hungry." 
"I know, but it'll help. You haven't told us what's bothering you yet, either." Jared responded.
"Nothing's-" you coughed a few times, a bit violently, "bothering me." "We can see that." Jensen said sarcastically.
"Everything's bothering me." you whispered, giving up.
"Your stomach hurt?" Jensen asked. You waved your hand from side to side to signal a so-so, "Think you'll get sick at all?"
"No, it's not like that, I don't think." you breathed out, another cough escaping you. You took a few bites out of the toast. It made you uncomfortable, but it was then that you realized you probably felt that way since you really hadn't eaten much that day or the one before, which probably contributed to the splitting headache. It didn't go away after, either though. You pushed yourself up. You almost fell over, but Jared put a hand out for you.
"Alright, good. Take this. I'm going to be frank, it tastes disgusting." Jensen handed over a small cup of liquid, "Sometimes, if you take it like a shot, it helps. But you shouldn't know how to take shots, but if you do it, I won't judge." And so you did, causing the two to chuckle slightly at you. 
"You were right, about the sleep thing." you slumped back onto the bed heavily, like a brick.
"When am I ever wrong?" Jensen asked, "Don't answer that, actually."
But you were already sleeping again, and the boys decided to stay nearby for now. The next panel wasn't for another few hours anyway, and they just didn't want you to be alone. Also, incase you were wrong about the toast, and it decided to make its return. Jared's phone began to ring loudly, to which he very quickly tried to answer so his obnoxious ringtone wouldn't wake you up again, not that you wouldn't have just fallen back asleep anyway.
"Misha? Hey, what's up?" Jared answered. Jensen walked over to hear what was going on on the other side of the line, but Jared just decided to put it on speaker.
"Where are you guys? I haven't seen you all day. Felicia, Alex, and I are going out for lunch, we were wondering if you guys want to come. I tried calling Y/N, but she didn't answer, so." he rambled.
"That's because Y/N's not feeling well." Jensen said, giving him a solution to his predicament of not being answered, "We're with her right now, so we'll have to pass."
"She's sick? Is she okay?" 
"Yeah, I think so. She's just got this crazy fever we've been trying to bring down. Thinking about it now, Jensen, we should probably check it again." 
"A fever?"
"It's been at 103 degrees for like, two hours. At least for what we know of. She's probably had one all day, but as a dumb teenager does, she just tried to ignore it." 
"If it goes up you should-"
"Yeah, we know," Jared said, "we're trying really hard to avoid that, though. Also, she'll definitely fight against it, I don't know." 
Jensen, from the other side of the room at the sound of a beeping thermometer, could be heard on Misha's end, "It went down, finally. 102.2."
"Thank God, I was getting worried."
"Should I come there? Do you guys need any help?" Misha asked.
"I mean you can, but I think we're good. She's just been trying to sleep it off the whole time, so not much is really going on." Jensen was closer to the phone now, "Like, she's got this cough, a headache, and you can hear how congested she sounds, but mostly I think she's just exhausted. I honestly don't know how because she's just been sleeping for hours."
"Yeah, poor kid. I don't think I've ever seen her so tired, it almost makes me tired to be honest." Jensen joked.
"Maybe you're just getting sick." Jared slipped in.
"Not possible. I am immune."
"Nobody is immune, Jensen." Misha sighed.
"I'm not nobody." he shrugged. 
"Alright, well, we're going to get lunch then. If you need anything let me know, and tell her I hope she feels better." Misha concludes.
"We will, thanks Misha." and with that, Jared hung up. For a few more hours, the two hung around. They were there when you woke from some fever dreams, and when you needed a cough drop, or twelve, and wake you up every now and then to check your temperature, which raised and dropped and raised and dropped, but currently was at a very steady 102.4. But, soon enough, it was time for them to leave for the last panel of the day, and unsurprisingly, you tried to follow suit.
"Y/N, we gotta go, but we'll be back in about an hour from the panel." Jared said. You took a deep breath and sluggishly pushed yourself to the side of the bed. Having been sick, and not having sat up in a few hours, the blood rushed from your head, leaving you dizzy.
"What're you doing?" Jensen asked.
"The panel. I missed the last one I should go to this one. I feel okay." you yawned, then coughed slightly.
"Y/N, really, you shouldn't even think about pushing it like that." Jared said. Jensen walked over to you, half on the bed, clearly trying to steady yourself just from the movement of sitting up. The spinning room honestly almost made the toast make a reprise, and you hiccupped, and held your breath.
"Hey," Jensen grabbed a can quickly, noticing, "are you going to be sick?"
Giving it a minute, it went away, and you shook you head no, causing a huge tension to leave the room.
"Alright, well, remember how you said I was right all the time earlier?" Jensen pun the can down.
"No, must've been the fever." you half joked, causing Jared to laugh. 
"Alright- well- okay, shut up. We agreed I'm always right, and that I was right about needing sleep, so I say you need some more." Jensen demanded rather than suggested. 
"Yeah, or at least lay around and do nothing. I can't imagine ever sleeping as much as you just did." Jared joked, pushing you very gently back down, with his hand on your back, knowing you would just hit the bed without it. Your eyes were heavy again, and your throat was painfully dry, and you coughed. Your aching head also agreed with the two of them to your dismay.
"Maybe just a bit more." you mumbled, "A few minutes."
"Yeah a few minutes, sure." Jared smiled, knowing you were probably going to knock out for a few hours once again. You opened your eyes again.
"You think," you coughed, "that they'll be mad?
"Who?" Jensen asked.
Feeling pretty sick, you said, "That I don't go? I don’t feel really good."
Ah, the fever comes to play once again, it seems, but the two felt some sort of triumph now that you've at least admitted to being sick, even if it's been hours. It concerned them, though, if you felt bad enough to admit it.
"No, they'll be fine about it. We'll be back soon. Misha or Alex might come in to check on you, alright?" Jared answered, to which you nodded.
They weren't gone long. You spent half the next day sleeping, too, until you could stand without swaying. You did sneak back to the con, against Jensen and Jared's orders, since you really didn't break that fever and cough for a few more days, only to be caught after a tweet of you at the con was trending and the cast caught wind of it. But, eventually, you were better, and got the chance to help Jared take care of an "always immune" Jensen. And he was more stubborn than you were.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Confidentiality - Chapter 1: The Conference Call
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Four months. Four long months that she’s been hiding in lockdown. So when everything starts to go back to normal again, she’s going back to work as Jensen’s handler for the first Supernatural convention after the pandemic.
Chapter Warnings: A little angst, a dash of fluff
WC: 1703
A/N: For this fic, let’s pretend Jensen is single and the pandemic was over and done with after four months. Also I’m sorry ugh, it’s been a while since I wrote Jensen. 
Beta’d by: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
Become a Patron ~ Buy me a coffee
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It’s Monday and Y/N is sitting in a darkened room as she starts up her laptop for today’s work meeting. She had drawn the blinds already, hiding her surroundings from her workmates.
The light on the nightstand illuminates the room enough for the people in the video call to see her features. That’s all they need to see, really. 
Logging onto her laptop with her password, she clicks open the email client, and selects her calendar. The cursor travels over the highlighted block and she clicks on it, searching for the login link to the Zoom meeting. 
It’s 4.56 PM, she still has four minutes left. Wonders if she should click on the link and let the computer connect or if she should wait. She’d hate to be one of the first ones because that’s always awkward. She would spend time talking nonsense with whoever was as eager as her to join a meeting too soon. 
4.58 PM. Now is a good time, probably. Not too early and she’d hate even more to be the last one. 
Moving her mouse over the link, she clicks on it and a window with the meeting pops open. There’s another click and then she’s there, her laptop camera lights up with a green light, signaling that she too can be seen. 
Seeing herself on screen is not something she enjoys. She nervously rights her hair, arranges it so nobody will notice the hickey that she tried to hide with concealer ten minutes before. It’s a fresh one, one he just gave her an hour ago, even though he knew full well that she’s going to have a meeting. It's her own fault because she had let him, always gets so fucking weak when he nibbles at her throat.
Y/N joins as the six people are talking about something. Nonsense, she guesses. She doesn’t really listen. 
There should be ten people in the meeting to discuss the upcoming Supernatural Convention. The first convention after the lockdown. 
“Hi,” she says and waves, because that’s what every newcomer does and she’s greeted with Hello’s and Hi’s back. 
But there’s one guy already sitting in there, looking like he owns the whole fucking internet, and she doesn’t know how he does it with the lighting but he looks downright pretty. It’s not really fair. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jensen greets her by name. Of course he does, because he likes to rile her up. He’s also the only one who’s so abso-fucking-lutely cheery. “How are you?”
She smirks, “I’m fine, thank you. I hope you are too.”
Keeping it professional, that’s what she can and will do.
“Good,” Jensen nods and opens his mouth to say something more but he gets cut off by her boss who’s taking the lead. 
Y/N doesn’t say much, doesn’t have anything to say anyway during the first ten minutes of the conversation. Lowering her face, she takes notes because it’s a prep meeting where they get informed how it will work out and to see how the spirit of the people involved is for the upcoming convention — which she’s really excited about. It has been a while. 
Jensen and Jared do a lot of talking, as they want to know the details on how to make the experience great for the fans after everyone’s been holed up for so long. And she loves that. She always loved how they actually really care, unlike other show’s leads. There are some points that still need to be talked through and Y/N just sits back and watches. She could watch Jensen talk for days, it’s really mesmerizing. 
His hair is long, his beard too. Jensen’s new look is completely different from Dean. It makes him look softer, and rounds up the edges of his jawline. The graying of his beard doesn’t make him less attractive, and that’s also something that she thinks it’s unfair. She hopes they will let him keep it for the convention. Hopes that he won’t let them talk him out of it because ‘some fans might want to meet Dean and not Jensen’. It’s going to be another month until they go back to filming, so it’s actually feasible. She’s sure that apart from a select few, the majority of fans would love to take a photo with this look and she can’t blame them one bit.
It’s going to be weird when the look is gone. Honestly, she needed some time to get used to it herself, but it has really grown on her. Maybe she’ll mourn the loss — just a little.
“So, let’s recap,” Gina, her boss, says and Y/N snaps her mind back to reality, “Jared’s flying in on Friday already because you want to visit some friends, right?”
“Correct,” Jared nods his head in approval. “You did book the hotel for three nights for me, right?” The question is directed to her co-worker, Julian, who’s responsible for the boys' travel arrangements. 
“Yeah, I did,” Julian says with a nod of his head.
Gina nods, “Good, so Jensen, I see that you’re flying in on Saturday evening as per usual?”
“Yes.” Jensen says. He looks into his screen and licks his lips. She hates that she knows that he’s looking at her.
“I want you girls to be there on Friday evening at the latest? We’ll also go for dinner on Saturday and go over the Sunday schedule.”
“Uh, yes. I’ll be there,” Hannah and Kristin say in unison. Kristin is responsible for Misha but since Misha is also attending Sunday, she sits into the meeting as a formality.
That’s Y/N’s cue.
“I-I’m, uh, sorry, I’m still in the middle of booking my flight but yeah, I’ll be there on Friday.” 
It was a huge issue with Jensen and they’d argued today about the flight. He doesn’t want her to leave until the last possible minute but now she has the confirmation that she has to be there on Friday already.
She sees Jensen raising an eyebrow and hates him for it because he distracts her.
“Okay,” her boss nods, “Jared and Jensen, I’ll have someone picking you up.”
Jared smiles, “Okay.”
“Great,” Jensen huffs out. She can see that he’s a little irritated about something.
The others don’t seem to have noticed, but she does. Jared notices as well, but apart from him clearing his throat, he doesn’t say a word.
“Right, I need to hurry to another meeting. Boys, I’ll see you Sunday!” Gina addresses the boys before waving goodbye, and disconnects. People in the meeting follow her and disappear one by one.
Y/N too, disconnects and is about to shut down her laptop when a skype call interrupts her.
It’s Jensen.
As soon as she picks up, her screen lights up and the view of his face almost blinds her. Honestly, it’s like staring into the sun. Nonetheless, she rolls her eyes because of the things he pulled in the meeting. 
“Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” He asks, seemingly oblivious. 
She groans with another eye roll, “Because you tried to distract me the entire conference call!”
“Excuse me? I wasn’t the one who was trying to undress you with my eyes.”
Y/N cocks an eyebrow, frowning at him. There’s a beat of silence until he groans.
“Fine, alright, I did. Sorry, okay? And why didn’t you say that we’re going to fly in together on Saturday like we said we would?” There’s something about the way he looks and she detects disappointment. 
“As far as I remember, we did not settle on that because you ended up distracting me again and gave me a fucking hickey. And besides,” she sighs, “Nobody should know.”
“Would it really be so bad, Y/N?”
“Jensen, are we really going to have this conversation over Skype?”
“Fine,” he scoffs and stands up abruptly, walking out of the frame. 
Abandoning her laptop, Y/N proceeds to walk to the window to open up the blinds again. Walking back, she switches off the only other light source, and as if on cue, the door opens.
“Shall we have the conversation face to face instead?” Jensen asks as he barges in, walks to the bed of his guest room, and sits down. He rubs a hand through his long hair, scratches at his beard before he looks at her. 
“I rather not have it at all, but yet here we are, huh?” She strides over to stand in front of him and Jensen looks up, his features are so fucking soft, it makes her weak.
“Why don’t you want them to know? And I’m sure they would let it slide if you flew in on Saturday instead of Friday. You’re only responsible for me anyway and we’re a good team.” His hand reaches out for her, tugs at her wrist, uses his strength to pull her onto the bed with him. 
Y/N lands on her back with a squeal and Jensen takes the opportunity, looming over her and looking down at her. Her hand goes up, strokes his hair back, fingertips tracing along his beard.
“Because the only reason I’m still employed is because you let them put in the contract that you want me as your handler and no one else. They would absolutely hate it if they found out I was fucking their talent.”
Jensen chuckles, his nose touching hers, “That’s not true.”
“What’s that?”
“If anything, it’s me fucking you.” His irresistible smile makes Y/N melt a little before he kisses her. 
He lingers too long, kisses her too softly, too sweetly, knowing what effect his kisses have on her. 
Pushing at his chest, she makes him break the kiss, “I should look for a flight.”
“No,” he chuckles and pecks her lips.
“Okay, fine,” he pushes himself up, “but only because I have an interview scheduled.”
Right, he does. It’s going to be an hour long.
“You want me to make dinner to have it ready when you’re finished?” She asks while she sits up and walks over to her laptop.
“Nah, I’ll eat you,” Jensen winks before he walks out.
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Chapter 2
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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can i have a jared paladecki during quarantine interview with jensen his daughter's ages two five and one interrupts it.
Quarantine Interrupted
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Pairing: Jared x Reader, Jensen x Danneel (mentioned) 
Summary: While trying to do an interview with Jensen, Jared gets a few small surprises interrupting him.  
Warning: Fluff, Slight Anger, Spoilers of Season 15 
 A/N: The daughters names were in the ask (I think they're super cute). I tried to use questions regarding season 15. The ages and names are listed below. Enjoy! 
Jared - 37 Jensen - 42 YN - 35 Phoenix - 5 Oakleigh - 2 Dallas - 1
***ASK OPEN***
Cherry Blossom Asks Masterlist
During a Zoom interview, Jensen and Jared were in a fit of giggles, reminiscing of the pranks on Alex during filming. Tears were streaming from both men as well as the interviewer. 
"But the fact that he tried to get us back was the best part," spoke Jared through giggles. 
 "Oh yeah, he put a bucket of water on the door of my trailer. Both Jared and I saw it, and thought we should prank Misha with it," replied Jensen. 
The interviewer wiped her tears, "You guys are so mean to him!" 
"Eh, only on days that end in Y," mumbled Jensen. 
As the interview continued, there was a knock at the door behind Jared. He turned around and saw YN walking in with Dallas in her arms. Dallas was crying and being fussy. 
"Babe, I'm so so sorry to interrupt you, but she hasn't stopped crying and I need a little help," said YN. 
Jared smiled and held his arms out for his daughter, "Give her to me." 
YN smiled back and handed the baby to Jared. She waved to Jensen and the interviewer before scurrying out of the room. 
Jared turned back to the camera, "Sorry guys. This happens more times than you'd believe." 
Jensen chuckled, "I've never not seen Dallas in your arms." 
Jared looked down at his daughter, who was cooing and giggling, "She's a Daddy's girl, that's for sure." 
The interview continued for another 15 minutes. Jensen and Jared were in the middle of explaining how Jack's death was a significance in the season when there was another knock at the door. 
YN opened it and whispered sorry as Oakleigh walked inside and straight to Jared. Jared nodded his head to YN to come and get Dallas. She walked inside, saying hello to Jensen and the interviewer again, and took Dallas from Jared's arms. 
Oakleigh took this opportunity to climb into Jared's lap. He helped her sit on his lap, waved goodbye to YN, and turned back to the camera. 
"Hi, Oak," Jensen waved to Oakleigh. 
She giggled and hid her face in Jared's chest. 
Jared laughed, "She's so shy, but she does love her Uncle Jensen. Say hi, Oakleigh." 
Oakleigh turned and waved to the camera, "Unca Jay!" 
"Hi, sweetheart," Jensen smiled back at the little girl. 
The interviewer waved as well and asked, "Speaking of kids, Jensen, how are yours?" 
"They're doing fine. JJ and Arrow are up in their room with Danneel playing dolls. I'm sure Zeppelin is with them playing with his trucks," Jensen replied, smiling at the thought of his wife and kids. 
Sometime during the next 20 minutes of the interview, YN came in and took Oakleigh from Jared. She was half asleep in his lap, meaning it was almost time for her nap. 
Jared was telling a story about the first day on set with Alex when he heard the door squeak open behind him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm his annoyance. 
He turned around and saw his oldest daughter, Phoenix, walking in with a bear hanging from her hand. 
"Hi, sweet pea. Did you need something?" Jared asked. 
Phoenix didn't say anything and walked up to Jared. She looked up at him and held her arms out to be picked up. 
Jared rolled his eyes with a chuckle and picked her up. 
Jensen took a moment to comment on the kids, "It's been really nice getting to spend time with the kids. As much as quarantine sucks, having a lot of family time is really nice." 
Jared gave an annoyed laugh, "Yeah, it is. My girls have been really clingy to me since I've been home. It's really cute." 
Phoenix was almost asleep in Jared's arms when there was another knock at the door. He turned around, rolling his eyes in the process, as YN walked in the room with a crying Dallas and a fussy Oakleigh. 
"Jared, honey, I know you're in the middle of an interview, but the girls really want you," said YN with tears in her eyes. 
She was clearly tired and needed a break. 
Jared picked Phoenix up, waking her in the process, and set her on the ground. He held out his arms for Dallas, but Oakleigh ran up to him and climbed in his lap instead. 
Jared looked at his daughter, "Baby, Daddy needs to hold Dallas, okay?" 
"No! Daddy mine!" screamed Oakleigh. 
Phoenix stood up and held her arms to Jared, "No, Daddy is mine! We were snuggling!" 
Dallas was wailing and screaming, reaching her arms out to Jared. YN was bouncing her, trying to calm her down. 
Jared slowly stood from his office chair and put Oakleigh on the ground. He hung his head, his fists clenched, and he spoke in a low voice with his teeth clenched, "YN, take the girls into the living room. Please." 
YN nodded and ushered the girls over to her. Oakleigh and Phoenix skipped over to their mother. YN turned and left Jared's office. 
Jared turned back to the camera, Jensen and the interviewer's faces were in shock. 
Jared cleared his throat and chuckled, "Looks like it's another Super Dad type of day. Sorry to cut this short, but duty calls." 
The interviewer shook her head and smiled, "That's fine, Jared. Thank you both for your time." 
Just then, Phoenix burst through the door, "Daddy, let's watch Frozen!" 
Jared hung his head with a loud sigh, "Daddy will be right there." 
Jensen spoke quietly, "Have fun Jared. Call me if you need anything." 
Jared slowly shut his laptop and mumbled, "I need this quarantine to be over." 
He rubbed his face and turned to leave his office. When he opened the door, the sounds of laughter filled his ears. He walked towards the living room and peeked around the corner. 
YN was sitting there tickling Phoenix and Oakleigh while Dallas was jumping in her bouncy seat. All of his girls were laughing and smiling, and it made him smile. 
YN looked up and saw Jared, her smile faded, "Hi, honey. You okay?" 
Jared walked in and sat down next to her, kissing her forehead. Phoenix and Oakleigh sat in his lap. He kissed them as well before reaching over and lightly squeezing Dallas's arm. 
"I am now, love. I am now." 
My Cherry Blossoms
@mlovesstories​ @chessurkait​ @adorable-minibot​ @desiredposion​ @idksupernatural​ @thevelvetseries​ @spnfamily-j2​ @let-me-luve-you
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
The Prankster Queen is dethroned; SPN & Lucifer cast x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Well this was a LOOOOOONG time request from my Wattpad account but I finally got some motivation to write and finish this fic. Now I talked with the requestor about this and some changes were made, originally this was gonna involve Criminal minds cast but I had barely watched the show at the time so I talked with them and they agreed to have this be a SPN X LUCIFER cast crossover. So I hope you all enjoy this little fic and until the next update.
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“Okay guys; here we are back at the Supernatural set ready to start filming the 2nd half of season 14. Before I get into the special prank on Alex day I want to first send a very special thanks to the Lucifans for the #SaveLucifer and thank Netflix for renewing a season 4 and 5 of Lucifer.  Yes I am a fan of that show as well. I mean I’ve got to my dad plays the famed Devil himself. No, no, no, no, no I’m joking. I watch the show because I really love what they did with it. The writing is phenomenal and the cast is super friendly. They’re like my second family next these guys here at Supernatural.”
I spoke through my Youtube channel streaming live.  I could already see comments popping up along my livestream. Comments like ‘YASS LUCIFERXSPN SUPPORT’ or Winchester sister stans Lucifer.
“Yes I do thank you. Now for the moment you’ve all waited for. I’ve got the plastic wrap, the super glue, feathers, and fan. And of course the star of this prank on Alex, my baby boy Shadow.” I then presented my black German Shepherd who was lying on Alex’s trailer couch. “You ready to prank Alex boy?” he tilted his head to the side. “You ready to prank him?” he let out a bark and I cooed. “Good boy!” I flipped my camera back around and said. “Now Jared kindly set up the camera just a bit ago so I will transition to that in just a little while. For now I’m going to set up the door so please enjoy this fast forward montage of me getting the prank set up.”
I spread the super glue all around the plastic wrapping and tapped it across Alex’s trailer door so that when he would run right into it, he would get trapped with the plastic wrapping before I would attack with the pillow filled with feathers.
“Okay everything’s all set up. Now for the final touch, c’mon boy up on the bed.” He got off the couch and into Alex’s bed and just lay there at the foot of it. “Good boy.” I opened the trailer door and waited for Alex to come around.  Once I saw him walking alongside Misha, I cried out. “ALEX! ALEX! SHADOW’S TAKING A SHIT ON YOUR BED!!”
“I’m not kidding I was walking him and he just ran in here and literally shit on your bed! Bad dog!”
“Shadow! Shadow! Damnit Shadow!” Alex then ran up and just like I hopped, he slammed right into the plastic wrap and fell right to the ground.  I then pelted him with the pillow till his entire face was covered with feathers.
“BOOM SUCKA!!! That’ll teach you to eat my big cookie.” I told him.
“Okay maybe I deserved that.”
“Wow (y/n), all this for a cookie?” Misha said as he helped Alex back up on his feet.
“Misha you don’t understand. Those cookies were my mum’s special recipe. Plus she makes them so big that you can eat it in the space of a week. I was saving the last bit of it and then this guy decides it’s a good idea to eat the last of it.” I said pointing to Alex.
“You know….one of these days. We’re gonna get you back. Everyone that you’ve pranked, we’re gonna get you.” Alex spoke as he coughed out trying to get the feathers out of his mouth.
“The day that happens is the day J2(I/l) turns on each other. And the boys and I have been doing this for a long, long time.” I sassed as I snapped my finger and Shadow hopped off Alex’s bed and we left the trailer.
Little bit about myself; the names (Y/n) Ellis, the last name sound familiar? Yep you thought right. Tom Ellis aka Lucifer Morningstar is my father.  He and I have been in the acting business together for a good amount of years.  In fact he’s helped me when it came to running lines or dealing with the pressures of the acting life, especially since I started off as a child actor at the age of 5.
I had a few small roles, but when I was just 9 years old a role on a little show called Supernatural came knocking at my door.  As a young British girl I was worried that I wouldn’t get it because this was an American tv show and I had to speak with an American accent.  But thanks to a good dialect coach, and 2 test screenings with the boys to see if we were a fit, I got to play the role of Sarah Winchester, the younger half-sister of Sam and Dean who was cursed with witch powers.
But instead of killing her, Sam and Dean actually take her in and she uses her magic for good instead of evil.  For years the Supernatural cast didn’t just become an ordinary job, it was like being home, we became a family.  Jared and Jensen were like the big brothers I never had (even though they were around my dad’s age).
When things got too tough around set, J2 always found a way to make me smile and laugh. And as the years passed, Misha came on board followed by the 2 Marks, Ruth, Brianna and Kim, Osric, Rob and Richard, and now finally Alexander Calvert.  The Supernatural family is a tight bond and we all send out a powerful message that Family don’t end in blood, and to Always Keep Fighting when things got bad.
Then when season 11 of my show was being filmed, my dad had gotten the role of Lucifer Morningstar in Fox’s new tv series “Lucifer” which was basically the story of the devil taking a vacation from Hell and he ends up working with the LAPD alongside a clever detective named Chloe Decker.
When Lucifer exploded every time I went to conventions, fans always ask me questions about potential crossovers or what I thought of the show.  And truthfully I loved it.  In fact whenever I would wrap on my time on a season, I took the hour and 45 minute drive where they filmed Lucifer and spend time with my dad and the Lucifer cast.
Lauren, Aimee and Lesley became my partners in crime when it came to the subtle pranks on the Luci cast or even my dad.  Aimee and I are always making Instagram videos of each other acting like complete nutjobs, she’s like the older sister I’ve always wanted (since I am the eldest of my three sisters).
But that’s my life, and if you were to ask me if I could trade it away for anything else, I would tell you hell no (no pun intended).
After getting Shadow back into my trailer, I decided to see if my dad was willing to talk. I grabbed my I-Pad and went over to Facetime and clicked my dad’s name (of course I added the devil emoji beside his name).  It rang about five times before I finally got an answer.
“There’s my little She-devil.” He answered with a smirk.
“Hey dad.” I said with a smile.
“Aimee saw your prank on that Alex chap.”
“She like it?”
“Mini Ellis you are a she-devil genius!” Aimee soon came into the frame. “You got to show me how that brilliant mind of yours works.”
“Guess I learned from two of the very best. I know exactly how to push buttons but not go overly extreme that it hurts someone’s soul. I’m not completely soulless like Jared is when it comes to pranks.”
“I still can’t believe he actually cut one of his credit cards. That’s super low.” She said.
“I know. I’ve been trying to get him to ease back and not go quite extreme. So far he hasn’t done it knock on wood.”
“Anyways you two, what brings on this call my dove?” my dad asked.
“Just wanted to call and see how you were doing. How’s season 4 coming along?”
“Great. Everything is great. Thanks to the Lucifans, and the Supernatural family.” My dad said.
“No sweat. You’re my dad. I’m still pissed that FOX could just cancel your show like that. And the way they would’ve ended it. God that’s literally the worst cliffhanger ever!”
“Tell me about it.” Aimee groaned.
“But it’s all fixed now. Netflix will take good care of us now. Plus we don’t have as much restrictions as FOX gave us.” My dad teased.  I then heard a knock at my trailer door which made Shadow raise his head up from his bed and his attention turned toward the door.
“Hang on dad, who is it?!”
“It’s Jared! C’mon kiddo they need us on set now.”
“Alright I’ll be there in a minute.” I turned back to my dad and Aimee and my dad said to me.
“Go on, we’ll catch up later.”
“Alright dad. Give my love to the rest of the cast.”
“You already have my love mini Ellis.” Aimee said.
“Love you Aims!”
“Alright darling love you. Stay safe and have fun filming your next season.” The two of them blew me a kiss goodbye and I waved bye to them and the Facetime shut off. I put my phone aside and quickly refilled Shadow’s water bowl before I took off and raced towards the set.
Although unbeknownst to both Jared and Jensen something was waiting for them.  As I walked in on the set I sat down at the spot where my character Sarah was to sit for this upcoming scene.
“Okay guys on cue marks. Cue lighting and roll sound.” I got into the mindset of Sarah and took the prop book in my hands as our director called out, “Okay cue Jensen and Jared. And…..action.” it was then Jensen came down the staircase while Jared came out from the back corridor.
“Hey, so any word from Jodie?” Jensen asked as Dean to Jared.
“No not yet. Hey Sar, any luck with the research?” Jared asked me as Sam.
“Not a damn thing. God even for a witch like me I still can’t figure out the spell to get us to that other place. I’m sorry guys I may be strong, but I’m not Rowena strong.”
“No, no it’s alright. It’s okay. We’ll……find another way.” Then Jared and Jensen took their seats before suddenly jolting upwards and letting out girlish screams of shock and pain.
“CUT!!!” our director called out.
“The hell was that!?!” Jensen proclaimed.
“Oh thank god I thought it was just me.” Jared sighed with relief.  I kept my poker face up as I said to them.
“What happened just now?”
“Something shocked us. I don’t know what but whatever it was, it should never have shocked me back there. My butt does not deserve that kind of treatment!” he looked around the cushioned seat until he found some sort of electronic shock pad. It was slightly smaller than the cushioned pad and as soon as Jensen took hold of it and pressed a certain button, it caused another shock to run through his arm as he swore out loud and shake his arm.
“Uhh Jensen why would you do that?” I asked him.
“I don’t know I needed to see if it was real or not don’t judge me!”
“How the hell did these even get here?” asked Jared.
“No idea.” Jensen said.  I covered my smile as I tried to act inconspicuous but that’s when the two of them looked at me. “You did this?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said as I stood up and strutted out of the room sassily to run into Misha and I told him. “Your revenge plot has been successfully played out.”
“I knew I could count on you (n/n). Thanks.”
“No problem, but just know Misha all things come at a price with me. Pranking the kings don’t come without consequence.”
“I know, I know. But still I thank you for doing this for me. That’ll teach Jared to put old cheese in my pillow.”  I patted his arm before leaving him to reset the scene again.
Weeks passed and filming continued on up until I was finally done with my scenes which meant that I was now allowed to travel on up to the Lucifer set and pop in and say hello.  After bidding everyone goodbye until July, I got into the car and my driver Tommy drove me on up towards the studio where my dad and the rest of the Lucifer family were filming.
After finally arriving on the set, I saw Lauren and Aimee out and about with a Starbucks cup in their hands.  As soon as they saw my car, they immediately waved.  I rolled down my window and said.
“What up my Luci sistas!”
“Ahhh mini-Ellis!” Aimee proclaimed.  Once the car stopped, I stepped out and I raced towards her and she met me in the middle as the two of us embraced each other tightly, rocking aggressively from side to side.  “Where’s big Shadow? You usually bring him with you whenever you’re done with shooting.”
“Well for some reason Misha wanted to keep him around set. Guess he must’ve needed the fluffy protection from Jared and Jensen after the prank I pulled on them a few weeks back.”
“What’d you do to them?” asked Lauren.
“Just put a shock pad cushion underneath their chairs. Misha told me to do it to get back at Jared for putting old cheese in his pillow.”
“Wow those guys are relentless huh?” said Aimee.
“Yep. But enough of that now, let’s get going. I wanna watch you guys film some stuff.”
“Alright! C’mon kiddo let’s go.” Lauren wrapped her arm around me before playfully giving me a noogie while guiding me onwards to the set.
I greeted my Lucifer family like D.B, Kevin, Lesley-Ann, Rachael, and of course young Scarlett (ever since the show I officially adopted her as my younger sister).
“So, have you guys seen my dad anywhere?” I asked.
“Last we saw him he was leaving his trailer for costume and makeup.” Aimee said.
“What have you got in mind she-devil?” asked Lauren with a grin.
“Ohhh not much.” I grinned as I walked towards the costume and makeup trailers.
Once I got there, I had spotted my dad just getting out from the costume trailer in the full Lucifer suit.  I grinned mischievously and slowly stalked towards him.  This was something that I used to always do to him when I was a little girl, it’s been awhile but I hope I still got it.  Like a tigress on the prowl I stalked behind my dad silent and carefully.
Whenever he turned around, I would hide behind anything I could whether it was the side of a trailer/tent, or even one of the many gold carts/motorbikes.  Then when he would resume his walk, I trailed behind him once again.  Closer and closer I got till finally I was within strike range.
The mighty huntress has cornered her prey.
I then trotted forward before leaping up but I was foiled when my dad turned around and managed to catch me and spin me around for a moment in his arms.
“Thought you’d sneak up on my again huh my little tigress? After all these years I finally caught you red handed.”
“Took you over 20 years but no time like the present eh?” my dad smirked down at me, the smirk that I had inherited from him, and said as he booped my nose.
“I just know when my daughter feels a little extra cheeky.” He bopped my nose as he said ‘cheeky’ which made me playfully stick my tongue out at him. “And put that tongue away young lady we are not a snake.”
“Wrong. Don’t you remember I got sorted into Slytherin when we went to Harry Potter world.”
“Yes I do recall that. But that’s still no excuse. Stick that tongue out at me again and I’ll give you a good whopping, do I make myself clear.”
“Yes father.” I submitted.  He pecked my forehead before releasing me.
“So, you’ve finished with your filming?”
“Yep. Managed to wrap up a little early, at least for me.”
“Now I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about you potentially branching off and getting your own spinoff series?”
“Well I don’t like to brag but it’s still a rumor. Not even I can confirm it. Besides, who knows if the CW will allow it. I mean don’t get me wrong the other two sub-series I didn’t agree with but Wayward Sisters, I would’ve LOVED to see that become something. Maybe have Sarah make a few surprise appearances.”
“Well, if the CW don’t allow it, maybe Netflix will. You never know. I could put in a good word for you.”
“Thanks dad.”
“Tom! Hey Tom! Susan needs you in makeup stat. You’re shooting in ten.” One of the make artists came racing up to us.
“Oh fu—sorry about that Johnny.” My dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders and the two of us walked towards the makeup trailer so that he could get ready.
After doing a quick touch up on my dad, the two of us left for the LAPD set and everyone was already running around getting to their marks or getting the cameras rolling.  I sat right next to the director Sherwin as he was calling for cameras to focus and start rolling.  Finally he called action and I got to sit and watch the new Netflix: Lucifer finally be filmed.
It was a long day of shooting and filming but it was a very productive day.  I even got to learn about directing since (spoiler alert! I get to direct an episode this season of Supernatural!).  I was currently right now sitting with my dad sipping a cup of tea.
“Now I know that one episode that witches have familiars. If Sarah were to have a familiar, which pet would she have and who would you want to play that familiar?” I hummed.
“Well. No offense to the women but most of the time when a new female comes on Supernatural she always ends up being a bitch. With the exception of Kim, Bri, Ruthie, Felica, and the rest of the Wayward sisters. So I’d have to say Sarah would want a male familiar. And yes while I do love dogs and would KILL to have Shadow actually be in front of the camera, I think she’d prefer a cat. Now for the actor to play him. Now don’t laugh but—this is my fantasy dream cast…..”
“Oh just get on with it will you little missy! Stop droning on!” my dad whined. I mimicked his whining before I finally admitted.
“Gwilym Lee okay!”
“The Welsh actor from that Midsomer murders series you used to watch?”
“Yeah, why not? I think he’d make a perfect cat familiar. Wise, loyal, good fighter. And—not that bad looking if I may say.”
“Alright down girl. I swear you and Aimee have been fawning over actors far too much.”
“Then you do not want to see me with the young Wayward sisters. We’re a lot worse. Plus it gets awkward when they start talking about you. Especially when it involves the Lucifer cast.”
“Oh my god.” He groaned.
“I know right!? It’s bad enough I hear from the fans about how much of a ‘thirsty dad’ you are. But now I have to hear it at work!” before my dad could say anything else, Lesley came running in with a worried look on her face. “Whoa Les, where’s the fire at?”
“You gotta call the Supernatural set (y/n).” she panted out.
“Why what’s going on?”
“I don’t know something about Shadow.” Without hesitation I took my phone out and dialed Misha’s number.  It rang and rang and as it kept ringing I grumbled.
“C’mon Misha pick up your bloody phone already!”
“Misha what’s going on!? What happened to my son!?”
‘I’m sorry (y/n) Jared was eating some M&M’s earlier and he left the table for one second and the next thing he saw was Shadow eating the M&M’s he had managed to knock down on the floor!’
‘Just come by over here, he’s been whimpering and we don’t know the contact information to the vet.’
“Okay I’ll be there as soon as I can. Try to make him as comfortable for me as possible. Okay! Tell him mummy’s on her way!”
‘Okay I will. And (y/n). Hurry!’ I hung up the phone and raced off.
“Whoa, whoa mini-Ellis where are you off too in such a hurry?” Kevin said as he and Aimee were walking back from the catering (after I had noticed the chocolate doughnut in Aimee’s hand).
“Shadow’s sick! Ate M&M’s. I gotta go!” I couldn’t even form a proper sentence as I raced outside and phoned my driver to hurry the fuck back to the set and drive me back to the Supernatural set.
Thankfully, he was right outside and the second I jumped right on in, I banged on the back window and ordered him to drive and soon he was off.  Oh Shadow baby hang in there baby boy!
Finally after what felt like an eternity (I don’t know why the driver had taken the long way around. Said it was fucking traffic or something like that). But before the car could even come to a complete stop, I jumped out of the car and raced towards the building calling out Shadow’s name.
I quickly raced into the main Supernatural set to see that it was completely empty.
“Shadow!? Shadow! Here boy!” I whistled.  Just hearing the way Misha had talked on the phone it made me really worried about my baby boy’s health.  And now just not seeing him come on command when he’s supposed to, got me really anxious.
I walked further through the main set (which was the map room of the bunker) when I felt myself slightly trip forward and I looked down to see a tripwire.  Oh shit.
SPLASH! I jumped as I let out a shriek when a small water balloon fell right at my feet.  A split second later another dropped on the other side of me but still close enough to my feet.  I jumped two more times as two more water balloons splashed right by me.
“Really guys? If you’re gonna do something like that at least have good aim.” But I was unaware of the enormous water balloon that was now starting to roll down. When I looked up, my heart sunk as I slowly let out a scream and soon I was drenched.
But it wasn’t water.  Well normal water anyway, when I had looked at myself I had seen that I was now covered head to toe in the famed fake blood the makeup artists make from corn syrup, chocolate syrup and food coloring.
My breathing sharpened and I growled out.
“J2. Are without a doubt. The lowest most vile Americans to EVER WALK THE PLANET!!!” This was my favorite shirt and now the boys ruined it.  Plus do you know how long it takes to get fake blood out of your hair? Believe me it’s not pretty. Hours upon hours of just brushing through one section of hair.
Soon enough the entire cast came out laughing and clapping but what was shocking was that the Lucifer cast also came out smiling and clapping along.
“We got you good kid!” Misha laughed.
“You—you all were……”
“About time we finally dethroned the Prank Queen. You’ve been stealing our thunder for too long kid.” Jensen said.
“And thanks to your dad and the rest of the Lucifer cast, they gave us the time to set all this up.” Jared said as he held his phone up probably recording the whole thing.  I turned to my dad and hissed.
“Et tu Papa?”
“Sorry darling. They were convincing. Plus you’ve been going a little overboard with the pranks. You even placed a dead fish in my car.” Dad said.
“Or itching powder in my underwear drawer last year during season 3.” DW added.
“And hacking my Instagram professing love for the DCEU when you know I’m a Marvel girl.” Aimee said.
“And of course you can’t forget your recent little prank. The electric cushions.” Jared said.
“So we all came together and finally got you back.” Alex said smugly.
“How’s it feel now? You just got Carrie’d!” Lauren proclaimed.
“You all are so lucky I’m not a real witch or a telepath. Cause otherwise you’d all be screwed right now!” I spat out the fake blood that was starting to seep into my mouth.  “But I’ll admit. Only I could come up with something like this. I’m impressed. Especially since it was a crossover team effort.”
Both castmates from each show came around me and that’s when all the selfies and self-promotion of dethroning the “Prank Queen” has officially happened.  Of course I couldn’t help but chase after J2 as well as my dad so that I could smear the blood on them as payback for what they did to me.
Yep the life of an actress on Supernatural who happens to be the daughter of the current ‘hot’ Lucifer Morningstar, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.  So while the entire cast and my family got their victory out of the way, I began plotting my next ultimate prank.
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One Day At A Time - Jensen x Reader
A/N: Part Six! If you’d like to be tagged, please send an ask or message. As always, feedback is incredible. And, I hope you all enjoy <3
PSA: I am NOT a minor friendly blog. If you are below 18, please come back when you’re older. I don’t want to lose my blog because you were too eager to grow up. If I discover you, I WILL block.
Series Masterlist
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Warnings: Widower!Jensen. Unrequited feelings. Sexual awareness. Guilt. Use of a currently nonsingle actress, but I love her. So...she’s here. Next chapter starts the steamy side of things ;)
Word Count: Roughly 2,900
The set was solemn as you walked onto it. Two sets of tiny hands tangled with yours as a third held onto your hip. Making your way to the guillotine slowly. Aware that cameras were rolling just around the bend.  
“And we just wanted you to hear from us that, um...” Jensen's voice was strong as Jared cleared his throat beside him. However, as you approached, you saw the strain all three men were under. All eyes were red. Puffy from the tears. The other two hunched around Jensen as if he were their rock. “Although we're excited about er...next year? Um...I...It will be, uh...” He looked towards Misha. Arms crossed over his chest as he talked, “the finale.”
Suddenly, you'd understood why Jared had texted you. Suggesting that the kids may be the boost Jensen needed to get through the day. Your heart broke all over again as a sniffle echoed from the side. Another broken crew member trying to hold themselves together.
No one made said a word as the men finished the beginning of their goodbye to their life's longest work. As soon as they were done? Applause rang through the air. The support in the room overwhelming with its intensity.
“Is Daddy okay?” Arrow's voice was soft as she watched in confusion. Brows pinched together tightly.
You didn't get a chance to answer before Justice Jay spoke up, “No...he's sad.” Her eyes moved up to meet yours. “But, Y/N will make him feel better. That's what she does.”
“Go hug him, Y/N!” Zeppelin insisted, lips tugged down. Upset at his father's pain.
“That's your job, kiddo.” Ruffling his hair, you urged them forward. It didn't take much prodding. As soon as the green eyes caught sight of the three children rushing his way, they lit up.
Your hands stuffed into your back pockets as you followed. Keeping your distance. As if they'd truly not let you be part of the fray. Jared tugged you under his arm as soon as you were within reach. Rubbing his knuckles into your hair affectionately. “Nice of you to answer your texts.”
“I figured you were on set,” A pinch to his ribs gave you a rewarding yelp from the giant. But, the glee only lasted a moment. “How're you holding up?” Growing serious, you looked up at the overgrown child. Fingers cocked under his chin to make sure he didn't turn away from your gaze.
“I'll be alright,” The shadows under his eyes said otherwise. But, the grumbling from Misha had you passed around before you could protest. Demanding a real answer.
Jensen watched as you were lifted into the bubbly man's grasp. Laughing at your long lost friend. Misha had a thing about adopting the unusual. And you fit right into the pack.
“Daaaaaad!” The drawn out cry forced his attention back to Zeppelin as both girls snuck off to hunt down the makeup crew and demand their annual glitz and glammer day. “You need to hug, Y/N!”
“I...I ne...need to what?” His held tilted as he crouched down to his son's level. To not only talk man on man, but to ensure his voice didn't carry as far.
“She gives nice hugs. She'll make you feel better.” Earnest as always, the boy tugged on his hand. Concern etched on his mini's brow as he stormed on in his mission. “Trust me, I know.”
“Oh, do you?” A firm nod was the answer. Lips puckered as he inspected the red in his father's eyes. “I bet you learned to give some pretty great hugs yourself, then.”
“They're okay.” The tiny shrug brushed it off. Still zeroed in on the idea that you'd save the day. Kicking at the ground all the while.
Jensen chuckled before reaching out to tug the boy into his arms. Zeppelin let out a giggle for the ages as he wrapped his tiny arms into a vice grip around the thick neck in front of him. “See? Told you.”
His eyes closed as he breathed in the moment. Squeezing his son tight. As if that would hold his life together. When they opened again, the E/C gaze was on him. A small nod your way said it all. An answering bob his way had his lips pulled up.
The day passed by in a blur of emotion. Social medias were lighting up from the announcement. Fans around the world mourning as much as the cast and crew. All three kids were out cold. Tucked into their beds in the lavish apartment. Sighing, you settled down on the couch. Rubbing at your eyes sleepily.
“Hey,” You yawned out without even looking as Jensen walked in. A muttered curse and small crash followed as he tried to tug his footwear off without bending. When you turned to see if he would make it, you found him looking worse than you felt. “I was starting to think you got lost.”
“Long day.” That much you understood. Slowly, you patted the tan material of the couch beside you. As he sank down into the fabric with a deep sigh, you passed him your own unopened beer. Knowing just a bit of relaxation made up for some of the struggles. “Thanks.”
“You good?”
“Not really.” The defeated huff had you looking over every line on his face. You knew the strained expression well. Grief had risen its head again. “I'm just tired. I'll be fine.” Silence stretched between you two. Tense and heavy. Then, the dam burst. Only, it was the furthest thing you'd expected to hear. “I've got a date next week.”
Excitement was the last thing you felt at those words. But, you weren't what was important in that moment. “You don't sound very happy about it.”
“Aren't you supposed to say 'congratulations' or something like that?” He huffed out. Surliness over ruling the sad. “Ya know, supportive?”
“I was just making an observation.” The unimpressed frown had you letting out your own, exasperated breath of air. “Okay, okay, fine. I'll leave that alone.” Against your better judgment, you crossed your legs. Turning to face him better, you decided if you were going to play the role of therapist? You might as well do it properly. Start where he wanted to. “Who's the girl?”
“Gemma Chan.” As you pulled out your phone, the head tilt of confusion was aimed your way. “What-”
“If I have to do the encouraging friend thing? I gotta do what women do best...research.” Captain Marvel. Crazy Rich Asians. She was bigger screen than him, certainly. Gorgeous. Just a few years younger than his forty three years. Single for a little over a year. There wasn't anything notable to find fault with, there. “Damn... how'd you land her?”
“Cliff had Jared and Gen set me up.” When your brow lifted in question, he diverted from the details further. Skittering back to where he wanted it. Only telling you in more ways that he was hiding at least one thing. “Anyways, I could use more of that support stuff right about now.” He waved you on.
“She seems like...a lot.” His exasperation at your answer was quickly cut off by the rest. “But, you're great, Jensen. Okay? You have the perfect kids. A hell of a resume of your own. Don't look half bad...” The last one earned the breathy, sheepish chuckle you'd been going for. His chin tucking down to touch his chest as his hand ran through his hair. “Even if it doesn't work out? It's not the end of the line. There's a whole world out there outside of this one girl.” A gentle squeeze of his bicep had him straightening up on the couch, “And if you're worried about what Danneel would think?” He hid it well. But, you caught the flash of it at the name. Vulnerability. He was losing his show. But, with the date? He was also losing another tie to his dead wife. You were certain that the pain you'd seen stemmed from all that loss. “Don't, Jay... She'd just want you and the kids happy. Okay? That's the goal, here.” He swallowed tightly. Nodding in agreement. “Good.”
“What do ya think?” Jensen turned to the small crowd on the black couch; showing off the brown leather jacket and black tie combo he'd thrown together over jeans.
“It's a no from me.” Justice Jay had no qualms about speaking her mind. She leaned back into the couch with a squinted up expression that looked so much like her mom that you had to bite back a smile. The whole thing was pulled off perfectly with the neon green head band she'd taken from her mom's closet years before. Offsetting the pink t-shirt she'd just grown into.
“Arrow?” Size had nothing to do with personality. The tiny little beauty had dressed herself in a pair of overalls. A bright yellow shirt rested under the jeans. Too loud pink frilled around her from the tutu wrapped around her hips. A red and a black sock covered her swinging feet. Neon green sunglasses rested on her nose. In order to bring the outfit together, she donned a sky blue bow in her fine hair. Looking every bit as solemn as she could, the tiny, rainbow themed child shook her head no; lips pursed into a frown. “Oh, who asked you?” The grumble earned a giggle that made Jensen roll his eyes. “What about you, Zep?”
“Dad...” The actor's mini-me stated very seriously. Folding his hands onto his grass stained knee. Oblivious to the ravioli crested dinosaur on his chest. “I love you.” That earned a raised brow. “But,” Kid or not, Zeppelin went right for the throat, “you need to work on your style.”
It was as if they'd all stabbed him through the heart. His hand rubbed over his chest. Brows furrowed as he took in the beings he'd helped create. Their own fashion statements blasphemy to the outside world as they shot him down. “You're all monsters.”
“It's just casual, right?” You asked from your perch on the floor. Turning away from the puzzle the kids had abandoned half an hour before to save the last shred of dignity on the actor.
“Right,” He was full of nervous energy. Shifting from foot to foot as you inspected his choice in clothes. His squared jaw was smooth from the fresh shave. Too spic and span for your liking.
“Lose the tie, drop a few buttons, and channel Dean. You'll be golden.” With that, you moved back to the puzzle. Forgetting about anymore of that extra bit encouragement he'd asked for when he'd told you about the night out. A deep tug of a frown graced his lips.
Jensen watched the way your fingers trailed across the pieces of cardboard. Pulling together the image of a raven carefully. The same way you seemed to go forward with everything. When did you ever really let loose in your life? Even a little?
“Dad! You're still blocking the TV,” Arrow finally spoke up. Not wanting to miss a second of her precious Rapunzel. Pulling him from his thoughts.
“Right,” He turned away, tugging off the offending tie like you'd suggested. Glancing at the clock to his right, again. The night was supposed to change his life. Get his mind back to reality instead of every lewd image it'd created of the nanny, as Cliff had said. His bodyguard had laid out the perfect plan. It was just a matter of pursuing it. “Alright, there's an hour until bed time-”
“Yes, daddy.” A mocking tone was nothing compared to the words themselves. His breath caught in his throat. The very reason he'd found himself about to go out lingering in the air. “I know the routine,” You chastised without looking his way. Sounding more like an exasperated mother than a nanny. “Go. Have fun on...” You glanced back his way. Knowing that he wasn't ready to let the kids in on what was happening. Quickly, you fixed your wrong. “With your friend.”
Unbuttoning the first two buttons of his shirt, Jensen walked away. Muttering to himself to quell the nerves. It didn't stop as he paced to locate his phone and keys. Didn't even end when he shouted a final goodbye.
When the door finally shut behind him, you let out your breath. In Austin, you could escape his allure easier. Remind yourself that while they cared for you, you were ultimately a side piece in the family. But, in Canada? Things were more cramped. Intimate.
Hanging out on set. In the trailers. Being in the next room over from the father you needed to escape at nights. Torture didn't begin to describe it. So close. And yet, ever out of reach.
The announcement of the ending had only drawn more attention towards the cast and their families. Everyone trying to see what came next. And with that? Came the attacks.
Every kind of conspiracy theory existed. You'd be the next beard for J2. The cast and crew didn't give two shits about your existence, but needed the attention your closeness to Jensen could give them. How you used Jay's grief to trap him into some kind of toxic web. Posts existed about which child you favored and why. Bets on who'd end up in boarding school once the show ended.
You should have ignored them. None of them had any credibility. There wasn't one of them who could say they knew any of you personally. And yet, every one of them dug under your skin. Settling into a poisonous knot in your stomach.
Worriedly, you turned back to the door. Imagining what would happen if he were caught by a photographer. TMZ had eaten his wife's death up. Announcing it a mere hour after it had happened. A grieving widower moving on would be the perfect desert for them.
Shaking away the thoughts, you got to your feet. Ignoring the way Oscar's head shot up at the jerky movement. Sitting around and waiting was useless. There were things to clean. Time to kill.
Ten minutes after tucking the kids into bed, you heard the door click open. Icarus' head lifted from your lap as you turned to see Jensen stroll in. Looking like he'd been through the ringer. For the second time in the span of days, you found yourself about to nurture the head of the house.
“What happened?”
“Nothing.” He sighed out. Unzipping his jacket sharply. When it was off, he tossed it haphazardly across the room. Not caring that it landed on the floor.
“Right...” The dirty look you got made you roll your eyes. You picked up the aging cockapoo from your lap. Moving close to the grumpy giant, and placing the snowy pooch in his owner's arms. “Sit down. Cuddle the dog. I'll be right back.”
“Just do it, Ackles. Trust me!” You ordered. Walking away to raid the kitchen. A few minutes later, you found him less agitated. His hands running over the freshly groomed coat as he rested on the couch. “Take this. And then when you're ready? Spill the dirt.” Your legs tucked under you as you passed him a mug of tea.
“Thanks,” His voice was still gruff. But most of the tension had left his shoulders. After a moment, he finally opened up. Venting about the awkward silence. The pained, overly polite smiles. Everything that fit the fating scene. “Maybe it's too soon,” Jensen leaned back against the couch. Making himself cozy in the habit that had developed between you two.
“Or maybe she just wasn't right for you,” It was a relief to say it. But, you felt for the guy all the same. Dating sucked. “Or,” Being the good guy sucked even more, “maybe she was just as nervous as you were.” He seemed to think that one over. Nodding as if he agreed. “Drink up, kid. You have work tomorrow.”
“Thanks for reminding me,” He groaned out, taking another sip of hot liquid. “So...what about you?”
It was ridiculous how many butterflies swarmed inside of you when his eyes turned your way, “What about me?”
“You aren't gonna find someone if you never go out,” At that, your shoulders drooped a bit. Plopping back against the couch in an almost pout. “It's true, ya know.”
“I know,” You refused to look over at him. Pondering over everything. “What made you decide it was time?” The question had been just another thing eating at you.
“I just...” He wouldn't explain it all. Couldn't. That'd involve coming clean about every look your way. “I miss the little things, ya know? Waking up to a smiling face and all that jazz. I don't...” His throat worked as he talked. “I don't wanna be alone.”
Silently you absorbed everything he'd said. The fragile crack in his voice. Pain in each note. Relating to it more than he knew. Me either, Jay...Me either.
Part Seven
Forever: @dean-winchesters-bacon​ @supernaturalginger​ @lilulo-12​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @michaelneedssomemilk​ @lemondropirwin​ @fanfictionismydeath​ @neii3n​
Dean/Jensen: @akshi8278​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​  @woodworthti666​ @coldmuffinbanditshoe
ODAAT: @winchester-ofthe-lord @smoothdogsgirl @ima-be-a-mongoose @briagallen @agusdoti @my-proof-is-you @deanwinchestersmydaddy @sucker-for-dean @blacktithe7 @thevelvetseries @sucker-for-dean  @sociopathtime @deans-baby-momma @aomi-nabi​ @brandinicole911 @demonqueen47 @c-ly-g @bakabozza @socalgem1124​ @hillface89​ @winchester-fantasies​ @redwineloves​ @monkeymcpoopoo​ @mcshloemer @hillface89​ @chocolateheart
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jawritter · 4 years
You and Me...
Chapter 4
***SERIES WARNINGS**** Rape, non-con, male!rape, injury, violence, description of injury caused by rape, nightmares, self-harm, panic attacks, implied female non-con, language, ass hole Jensen, hurt!Jensen, dark fic, smut. If there is anything else I will add it as I go.
***Chapter Warnings*** Okay guys please pay attention to the warnings I’m about to say! This chapter gets a little heavy, and this is where it all starts to kind of pick up. This chapter will contain hints of non-con/ rape. Rough smut, Jensen is a complete ass hole in this one, and before you ask there is a reason for it, mostly to give you a peek at his mindset before things really get rocky for him. The actions of the characters in this fic are completely fiction, and they are not to be seen as reflections of the people themselves! Lighter warnings are language, self-loathing (implied on Jensen’s part), mild descriptions of injury related to sex, nothing heavy there’s worse out there, degrading actions in a way, regret, angst, smut, I think that’s everything. (At least I hope so.)
Word Count: 2236
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jensen Ackles x Misha, Jensen Ackles x Jared, Jensen Ackles x Jessica, Reader X OFC Alex
A/N: When I originally wrote this chapter I didn’t even know who Steve Carlson was, so the Steve in this story isn’t him lol. Oddly enough I wrote this before I even really knew he was making an album lol. Anyway, all mistakes are mine, please don’t copy my work, Feedback is golden. If you want to be added to the series tag list, or my tag list just let me know! I hope you enjoy this one. After this chapter things tend to start to pick up a little.
Summary: It’s funny how one choice you made can change your whole life. One mistake can alter your course, and set you on a path that forever will haunt you. Two people find themselves getting through one of the hardest trials of Jensen’s life, on just one small promise. You and Me. We’ll get through it together…
Want more? Check out my Masterlist!!
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Jensen’s POV:
“I can’t believe she got you back!” 
Jared was laughing, leaning up against the bar in Jensen’s kitchen. Misha was sitting across from him, trying to hide the fact that he thought it was more than a little funny as well. 
“Yeah man, you kinda ask for it,” he finally said, taking a long swig of his beer. A smirk firmly planted on his face and his eyes sparkling with a hint of amusement. 
 "Screw you both,“ Jensen said, turning around and grabbing himself a beer out of the fridge, a smirk playing across his face. He saw the hint of jealousy cross Y/N’s face when he greeted Jennifer today. He didn’t miss that every time he gave Jennifer a compliment, or flirted with her just a little bit that it was getting under Y/N’s skin. He knew Y/N had a crush on him.
He’d been in the entertainment industry long enough to be able to pick it off a girl’s face across a room. Which came in pretty handy at bars and parties. 
He saw the way her breath caught when she met him for the first time. He saw the smirk cross her face when he got pissed today while she was screwing with him.
Jensen slipped his tongue out and over his full pink lips, letting it run across his lips slowly, followed by his teeth pulling slightly at his bottom lip. 
"I know that look,” Misha said not even trying to hide his amusement at this point. “He likes her,” he said, looking to Jared grinning like he’d just won the lottery. “Jensen’s got the hots for Y/N,” still with that same evil smirk on his face. 
“What? No, I don’t!” Jensen said, getting up from his seat he’d just sat in across the bar from Jared and turning his back to them again so that they could not see his face, acting like he was cleaning up a spill on the counter. 
“Oh yeah, I’ve seen that look before. You got a crush on Y/N. Furthermore, I think she may have it for you just as bad. She just doesn’t know it yet,” Misha said, taking another swig of his beer, raising his eyebrows annoyingly.
“I do not have a thing for Y/N,” Jensen said, still trying to defend himself. “She’s a self-absorbed little bitch.”
“She’s only a bitch because you’re a dick,” Jared said, staring at his friend and trying his best to read him. 
Jensen just stopped wiping at the counter and stared at him. The conversation he walked up on coming back to his mind. The look on Y/N’s face when she said that he was probably gonna go fuck Jennifer later stun more than he wanted to admit it did, even to himself. 
He ran his fingers ideally over the small piece of paper in his pocket that Jennifer had slipped there when he hugged her goodbye today. No doubt it was her number. He definitely had a chance to get her in bed. That’s all he’d want from her anyway. She seemed like a nice enough girl, but she was a lot younger than him, and he didn’t want to screw up her life by letting her get attached to him.  It had been way too long since he was ‘with’ a woman, and he needed to blow off some steam. 
“I’m definitely thinking about hooking up with that blonde though,” Jensen said with a smirk, his friends exchanged worried looks between themselves. 
“Jay she’s young, man,” Jared said looking at his friend, his concern grew more and more by the minute. He’d never seen Jensen act this way before, much less heard him talk about or to a woman the way he has lately.  
“She’s legal,” Jensen said, waving his hand, and blowing his friend off, and pulling out his phone and the little slip of paper. 
“Whatever man, I still think it’s a bad idea,” Misha said, getting up and finishing his beer. He didn’t like to see Jensen in this state, and he wasn’t going to watch him sit around and do something stupid. 
“I’ll see you guys around. I got a charity event to help organize. You guys gonna be there?” he asked, looking at Jared more than Jensen. Seems like Jensen’s plans had already been set for the night.
“Sure man, I’ll be there,” Jared said, getting up to see Misha out to his rental car. Jensen just grunted and continued texting, setting up his meetup for tonight. 
Your POV:
Sitting at your friend’s bar in downtown Austin you take a look at the room that was buzzing around you.
It wasn’t late, but it was a weekday, so the crowd here was kind of calmer than usual. You liked it when the bar was like this. Less noise and chaos.  Alex, your friend, was leaning in on the bar cleaning off some spilled alcohol from a few minutes ago when he tried to show off his shot stacking skills and failed miserably. You needed the laugh. He was always good for that. That’s why he was one of the people you were closest to.  He always knew how to pick you up when you needed it.
“So, how much longer do you have to work with said dick?” Alex asked, you weren’t supposed to tell anyone that Jensen was recording at your work, but you knew Alex wouldn’t tell anyone. 
The two of you had met In college, and he was the older brother you never had. You told him everything. You always had. When you started having trouble in any way you always told him. This Jensen issue was no different. 
“Not a clue. Kinda is up to him. However long it takes for him to correctly cut the 12 songs he’s chosen to record. He’s talented enough, but he’s such a raging ass hole,” you tell him, taking a long swig of your beer. 
“You know it seems a little out of character for the guy. I’ve seen all the convention videos and watched the tv interviews. He didn’t seem like a dick then. Jared said he was going through a divorce. We don’t know what his ex-wife did. Just give him some space and some respect. We’re not in his shoes and we don’t know what he’s going through. He may loosen up around you now that he knows you can hold your own,” Alex said, walking down the bar to wait on another customer. 
You knew he was right. He usually was. Alex always tried to see the best in everyone, no matter how they presented themselves. That was just his way. 
Maybe some of this was your fault. You hadn’t exactly handled this situation like an adult either. So if you were being completely honest with yourself, you could be partially to blame.
Tomorrow you will try and make peace with the man because you didn’t really want to go to war with someone like him. You also had watched the con videos, and the thought of having to deal with an ass hole who likes to prank people just wasn’t falling very high on your bucket list. 
Tonight though, you would enjoy the fact that today you won. That would be enough. You still had to work with the man for the foreseeable future. There was no reason to have to go to work miserable every day, just because you couldn’t handle a little attitude from a client. 
You were going to be the bigger person if it killed you.
Still, when he looked at you, no matter how mad you were at him, or how much you tried to hate him, you get that same feeling deep in your gut that you haven’t been able to pinpoint yet. It bothered you. It bothered you more than it probably should have. Cause once he was done with this recording, you knew you’d never see him again. That was probably what got to you most of all.
Jensen’s POV:
Sliding his now softened length out of the young blond laying underneath him, Jensen immediately stood to his feet without even looking at Jennifer he started for the bathroom. She laid there on the bed, saying nothing, just staring at Jensen. A pissed off look on her face. 
That was not what she expected. 
That wasn’t what she really wanted. 
How could she tell him no though? He really gave her no room for an opinion. 
Jensen had been a little rough with Jennifer purposely. All he wanted was to do what came there to do and leave. He didn’t want her getting attached, and catching feelings that he honestly wouldn’t be able to reciprocate it. 
Someone else seemed to have a hold on him already, no matter how much he fought against it.
He could tell she hadn’t enjoyed what had just gone on between them. He had got off though, and so in his opinion, his mission was accomplished. 
When he came out of the bathroom he saw her sitting with her back to him slipping her shirt back on over her head. He saw the light purple bruises he had left on her neck and sides. Flashes of what went on a few moments ago ran in front of his eyes. 
Her small frame slamming against the door. His hands roughly undressed her. The feeling of his hand firmly around her throat. The look of fear in her eyes.
 He shook his head trying to shake the image from his mind. Guilt already starting to take its hold. 
When she stood to slide her skirt back up her legs he saw the bruises he had left here in the shape of his fingers. She had told him he was hurting her, that she wanted him to stop; but he didn’t. He just kept going until he was finished... Why didn’t he just stop…
Jensen swallowed hard, trying to not vomit in the middle of the hotel room floor. His own actions made him sick to his stomach. Why did he do that? What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t want to hurt her. He just…  He just lost control, taking things out on her that he’d obviously had pint up inside of him since the divorce. 
Walking over to her without a word Jensen looked down at her, and she wouldn’t look at him. Damn, he’d screwed up now, and he knew it. 
Putting his finger under her chin, making her look at him. He stared at her for a moment. There was something wrong, no light there. The excited girl he’d taken here just an hour before long gone.
He hated what he was doing, but he had to protect himself. 
“Let’s just keep tonight between you and me. No need for anyone else to know,” he said, winking at her like it could solve everything, and she’d just melt at his feet and forgive him. 
He knew that wasn’t going to happen. She said nothing, just stared at him with hate forming in her eyes. Pulling a few bills from his pocket, Jensen threw it on the bed next to her. She looked down at the money, and then up to him. 
“Show yourself out,” he said. grabbing his wallet and heading for the door. 
He hated himself for what he just did. He saw it now. He needed help. The look on that poor girl’s face haunting his memory as he drove back to his house, stopping several times along the way to throw up. Even though it started out consensual, it hadn’t ended that way and he knew it.  
He didn’t even make it to the front door before another wave of bile fell from his mouth uncontrollably, having already lost the entire contents of his stomach on the drive home. 
He had turned into a monster. He hated himself for what he’d just done, but he couldn’t take it back. It was done. There was no way to fix it.
Images of himself repeatedly ramming himself into her. The dead star that took hold on her face after she finally gave up begging him to stop. The tears that were pouring down her face.  How she tried to squirm away from him... 
Another wave of sick came falling from his mouth as he stood in the shower, scrubbing his skin raw under scalding hot water, trying to wash the monster away. He’d never forgive himself for what he’d done to Jennifer. He dreaded facing her at the studio tomorrow.  How in the hell was he going to face someone he’d hurt so deeply?
He drank himself to sleep that night, texting Jared telling him that he was sorry for the way he’d been acting, promising he would stop being an ass hole. He didn’t tell his friend what he’d done, he couldn’t, he could never tell anyone. It would die with him, shame making him hate himself deeper than he ever thought was possible.
He laid there that night praying that whoever was listening up there would forgive him for what he’d done. 
Give him another chance. 
Tag List:
@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​ @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​
Series Tag List:
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Devil’s Bargain - Part 9 - Broken Dreams
Summary: Getting the job as Jared Padalecki’s assistant was a dream coming true until you woke up in a living nightmare. He’s angry, selfish and possessive. The worst of all - his anger is focused on you. Quitting your job was your only way out - only it wasn’t the end of your nightmare...
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader, OFC’s Mark, Brad & Caleb (reader’s brothers), Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles
Warnings: angst, language, OOC Jared, Jared is a douche and worse, tension, unrequited feelings, heartbreak, betrayal, smut, unprotected sex, dom!Jared, degrading, injured reader, blood, violence, mentions of miscarriage/sexual assault/physical abuse (not Jared and nothing graphic)
PLEASE BE AWARE THIS IS A FANFIC. For the sake of the fic he’s single and an asshole. I still love him, but this fic came to my mind months ago...
Devil’s Bargain Masterlist
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“I’m telling you Y/N is a nice person, okay. If you won’t stop treating her the way you do I’ll make sure she will sue you.” Jensen paces around Jared’s living room, watching his friend smirk.
“Calm down, Jay. Y/N and I talked about a few things. You can ask her. For over three weeks I behave. I’m not Mr. Sunshine but I admitted my behavior was inappropriate, Jensen. My ex, she messed with my feelings and head.”
Jared is not giving away he found out you are a therapist who works ‘undercover’ to help people.
“Good, I hope you will keep your word. I know Nicole was a bitch first grade, and I understand you had a hard time to get over what happened.” Jensen looks hopefully up at his best friend. “I promise Y/N is not like her. If I may recite my wife ‘she’s into you for sure’.”
“Jay…” Jared needs to hide a dark grin as Jensen presents you on a silver plate.
“Jared, I swear she would never hurt you. All Y/N ever wanted was to help you. Maybe I should tell you something important.” Close to blow your cover Jensen bites his lower lip. “Jare, Y/N is…”
“Good morning.” Beaming you wave at Jensen, followed by a curt nod at your boss. “Can I offer you a coffee Jensen?” Your friend eyes you warily, hoping Jared didn’t lie.
“No, thanks. I just came around to check on Jared and ask how he’s doing. How about you come to the party Danny and I are planning for hiatus?” Not knowing if you are allowed to go to the party you silently ask Jared for permission and his cock twitches in interest at your submissive behavior.
“I guess my assistant will come with me, Jensen. Now let’s talk about the script while Y/N can have breakfast.”
Jared gives you a warm smile and you return it, still not trusting the armistice between you and your boss. He seems to regret his behavior but the smart little voice in your head tells you to not trust him, while the dirty smirking girl dances around you.
“I prepared everything for the interviews today, Mr. Padalecki. I think you should check the questions and tell me if you want me to make sure they only ask you stuff you want to answer.”
While you show Jared the list he places one hand at your back, gently moving it up and down as he enjoys that goosebumps erupt all over your skin.
“I don’t want them to ask me about my past relationships.” Jared mumbles and you point at three crossed out lines.
“I already made sure they won’t ask that kind of question. I wouldn’t want to talk about my ex either…” Falling silent you give Jensen a cracked smile as he looks away, guilt-ridden.
“Why?” Jared leans closer, almost sensing your pain. “Did he do something wrong?”
“Let’s say he was not…” Blinking a few times you shake your head, swallowing the pain once again.
Sometimes you believe you should be one of your clients. While being an expert to let other people talk about their problems you avoid telling anyone what your ex did…
“I’d like to know.” Jared insists and you scoff, not giving away anything.
“I don’t think you want to hear a sob story, Mr. Padalecki. Let’s keep the private stuff private. If you want to cross out more questions, do so.” Running upstairs, you wipe away a few tears.
“What was that?”
Jensen plays his role well, not giving away he’s one of the few people knowing what happened back then. “Got, not clue, Jared. Maybe a bad break-up or something.”
“Bad break-up huh…?” Jared’s features soften for a moment but then he remembers you betrayed him, so he shakes his compassion off, planning his next step.
The interviews went well and you smile as Jared offers to have lunch with you. He even pulls your chair and tells you about his favorite food. Only listening to his explanations you realize Jared can be a charming man.
“I need to thank you for making sure they will not ask me about Nicole our relationship.” Jared is unusually open and you nod, just letting him talk.
“That’s what an assistant is there for.” You lie, not giving away anything. “Sir…”
“Well, that last guy asked me if I have a new relationship or if I like someone.” Nodding you sip at your water. “I told him there is this special girl.” Your heart drops and you poke your food with the fork.
“I’m happy you found someone you like, Sir.” Voice a bit too bitter you try to remind yourself Jared is a client, and that you need to be professional around him.
“Same. I mean…” Smiling Jared takes your hand in his. “You are the most important girl in my life right now. I should’ve told you way sooner I was that grumpy as I like you…”
Your eyes round and your heart beats a mile in a minute, still, you try to tame your emotions.
“Sir, we shouldn’t…I need to…” Jumping up you run toward the restrooms, earning yourself a dark grin from Jared.
One step closer to his goal…
Weeks passed and slowly the little alerted voice became silent. Jared seems to put effort into redemption, even offered you to stay at his house till hiatus. Maybe it’s time for the final step, an intervention with his friends and family.
A week ago, you called his parents and told Jensen and Danneel about your idea. Jensen was happy to hear Jared is doing well, so here you are trying to find a way to tell Jared you are a therapist.
“Mr. Padalecki…” Shuffling on your feet you decide to risk it all and talk to Jared. “I think we need to talk about something.” Jared is already in his suit pants and a white dress shirt to attend Jensen’s party.
“Can we not forget about work and stuff till after Jensen’s party, Y/N?”
Jared steps closer, moving his hands up and down your arms. You are shivering at his touch and he smirks, knowing you are close to giving in.
“Jar…I mean Mr. Padalecki, there is something you should know. I think it’s time to admit that I am…” His lips silence you and you gasp as his tongue snakes into your mouth.
“We will wait till after the party, Y/N. After you can tell me anything you want to…” Jared orders and you nod, still dumbfounded by the soft kiss and the way his hand claims yours.
“Oh—okay, Sir…” Following Jared out of his house you smile as he opens the door for you, even helps you get in, holding your hand once more. “Thanks…”
While Danneel watches Jared eying you up and down she tries to warn her husband once more. There is something on Jared’s features she doesn’t like tonight.
“Jensen, I’m telling you something is off with Jared. Yes, he is nicer, even offered Y/N a drink but his eyes…” Pointing toward you talking to Misha Danneel shakes her head. “Y/N is in too deep to see it, Jensen but I got a bad feeling.”
“You sure?” Jensen is not convinced. He only sees Jared walk toward you, a smile on his lips as he holds out his hand to dance with you. “Maybe he likes her, Danny. Y/N is the best and you know it…”
“Not if feelings are involved, Jensen. You know what happened with Scott…” Hating to bring your ex up Danny shakes her head. “Y/N is the smartest person I ever met, but she was too blinded by her feeling to see through Scott’s lies.”
“Do you believe Jared would pull such a stunt too? Would even hurt Y/N?” Jensen downs his drink in one go as he watches Jared’s hands press you close to his body. Eyes wide he sees his best friend kiss you and the pit in his stomach grows.
“Jensen, we should…” Nodding Jensen wants to stop your dance, but the music ends and you excuse yourself to get fresh air.
While Jensen tries to make his way through the people Jared can see the look his friend gives him and turns to leave the house too, knowing this is the last chance to strike…
Outside you try to tame your heart and libido. Your mind is screaming, as your smart little voice tries to tell you something is off with Jared. If only you wouldn’t have fallen for your client…
“Y/N, I think we should go. I need to reread the script and all…” Jared strips his jacket off, wrapping it around your shoulders. “Let’s go home…”
“Oh—sure. Shouldn’t we say goodbye, Sir?” Shaking his head Jared pecks your lips. “I said goodnight and greeted Jensen and the others from you. Let’s go home…”
You didn’t make it far into the house before your dress was on the floor and Jared’s hands all over your trembling body.
“Want you…”
“Jared…” Crying out you feel his rough hand cup your mound. “I need…god…please…tell you something. I can’t have sex with you without telling you I am…” His lips silence you once more and you fall into his trap.
Your hands tangle in his hair as Jared picks you up to carry you into his bedroom. You end on the bed, not caring you break your adamant rule to not fall for a client.
Jared enjoys the way your chest heaves up and down and your glassy eyes while he strips his clothes off. Without thinking twice, you drop your underwear to the floor, letting Jared have a look at your naked form.
“I must admit…that’s quite a sight.” Smirking Jared crawls up the body to settles between your legs. With skilled fingers he works your heated flesh, loving the way you grind against his digits.
“Jared, we shouldn’t…I have to tell you…oh…fuck me…” Jared is pushing the tip in, smirking as your eyes round with every inch he slides into you. Two rough hands grip your waist, digging his fingertips into your flesh he snaps his forward to bottom out.
“Just be my good girl, kitten and call me Sir when you cum…” You want to touch Jared, but he flinches away, thrusting hard to make sure you will not try again.
“No touching…” The dark grin on his face is back and you feel unease as he starts thrusting into you.
“Sir…” He corrects, sliding out of you to flip you onto your stomach.
Disappointed you cry out as he slides back into you. His hand fists your hair as he starts to move his hips at a maddening pace. “Take it, slut. I want you to feel me and know that I won…”
His words don’t make sense but your brain is busy to tell you the knot in your belly is about to burst.
You never felt that full and you must admit Jared knows what he’s doing. Every thrust makes you cry out. His hand digs deep into your flesh, making sure you can feel him for days.
The whole time you want to say something, tell him who you are but he presses your head into the cushions, calling you his, and kitten to make sure you know he’s in control.
“I will show you…fuck…” Cursing Jared snaps his hips against your ass, using your body as he did with his ex that night and just now you recognize the pattern.
Your lips want to move, you want to say something but the knot bursts open and all you can do is cry out his name and three words making Jared’s blood run cold.
“I love you…” Blurring out the words you fall onto the bed, Jared’s cum dripping out of you. He’s frozen to the spot but then he shakes it all off, laughing before he slaps your ass.
“Nice fuck, slut. I think you should consider this as your severance pay.” Now you roll over, searching Jared’s face and the cold man is back, your eyes water as he keeps on talking. “You fell for my trap that easily.”
“I…I don’t understand…” You want to say more but Jared laughs about you. “I played you, Y/N. I know who you are, okay. Therapist my ass. Do you fuck all of your clients, whore?” Your face falls and the light in your eyes is gone.
Jared’s breath hitches in his throat as the look on your face shows something between disbelief, hurting, and betrayal. You look away, grabbing the blanket to cover your modesty.
“I want you to leave and never come back. Your apartment is gone too. You better get your stuff as I bought it…” Jared’s voice is not as self-confident as before.
The look in your eyes doesn’t let him go, just like the tremble of your body or the sobs leaving your lips.
“Everyone was right … you’re a monster…” Faster than ever before you get dressed to run out of the room.
While Jared stands in his empty bedroom, regretting he hurt you, hating himself you grab your things, tossing all you own in your bags.
After what feels like ages he finally finds the strength to walk out of the room only to find the guest room empty.
Jared can only watch you enter your old car to speed off, to leave his life like everyone else before…
Two hours later Jared’s phone rings and a cold shiver runs down his spine before he drops everything and runs toward his car.
“I don’t want your excuses, asshole! I want to know why my sister had an accident while working for you!”
Jensen steps back as one of your brothers is ready to beat him into a pulp. “She was not ready to work again…” Mark yells and Danny needs to step between her husband and your brother.
“Mark, we are so sorry. This was an accident…her car and…” Danny stammers as Mark shakes his head.
“No, Danny! She called me, okay. My sister was crying, and…” Sniffling Mark looks at his brothers, not able to keep on talking.
“She called Mark, confused, crying uncontrollably and she told us your best friend just used her only to fire her. Your nice friend lured her into his bed, used my sister and told her she’s a whore. I know Y/N told him she loves Jared and he laughed at her…” Caleb needs to compose himself as tears run down his face.
“After all she’s been through with Scott she fell in love only to get hurt again…” Brad whispers, glancing at Jensen who starts to shake, not knowing what to say he slumps onto a chair.
“I never thought he would do such a thing…” Voice broken Jensen looks at his wife, silently asking her if it’s his fault.
“Did she do it on purpose?” Danny blurs out and Mark, he tries to speak but fails.
“No, Danny.” Caleb chokes out. “She was talking to us and then she asked if she can come home and then we heard a scream and the other car ram her side…”
“Y/N, Y/L/N? I got a call, I’m her…” Swallowing hard Jared looks around the hospital. “Boss…no…boyfriend…I…” Panting Jared finally sees Jensen and runs toward his friend, roses in his hands. “Where is she? I got a call…Jensen?”
Jared’s face feels pain a second later as Mark’s fist collides with his left eye. Another punch hits him, this time it’s Caleb breaking one rib before Brad takes matters in his hands and lands another punch to Jared’s jaw.
“I’ll kill you! If my sister dies you are dead, asshole! I know what you did to her! You piece of shit.” Brad needs to hold Mark back, knowing your eldest brother always was closer to you than anyone else.
“After all she’s been through thanks to Scott you come around and destroy all she rebuilt!”
“Get out of here!” Caleb finally finds his voice. “You are not wanted here. Leave and never dare to say her name. You got hurt…boohoo, asshole. My sister got almost beaten to death, lost her baby and got raped by the man she loved…still she tried to help you piece of shit…”
Jared pants heavily, not due to the physical pain, but the realization you had an even shittier past than he had. “I didn't know…” He chokes out but Mark is unimpressed.
“If you want to keep on breathing, leave the hospital and never come back…” Jensen jumps up, not to stop your brothers but to shove his friend away.
“Go, Jared.” Glancing at Jensen and Danny, Jared swallows hard.
“I never wanted to hurt her. I found out about her identity and…”
“We don’t care about your lousy explanations, you piece of shit! Y/N tried to help you and fell in love. You could’ve fired her, not use her to make sure the trauma of being used and treated like she’s worthless comes crashing down on her once again.”
Mark has murder in his eyes as the doctor finally comes to tell your brothers about your condition.
“She’s stable, for now. She has several broken ribs, a broken arm, and a concussion. We are waiting for her to wake up, but so far she didn’t…” The doctor explains. “We run a few tests but you can visit her in half an hour.”
“Thank you, doctor…” Caleb shakes the doctor’s hand, waiting for him to leave before he tries to stop his brother but Mark is ready to kill Jared.
“I’ll count to three and then I’m going to rip you into pieces…” Mark’s eyes darken but Jared won’t budge.
“I will catch hell if I have to but I can’t leave her now…”
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SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice, @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83, @officialmarvelwhore, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor, @hollymac79​, @straycuties9​, @kayla-2000, @ilovefanfic86, @gracefultrenchcoat494​, @babygirls-fav​,  @spnwoman​, @amiquette, @linki-locks11​, @geekofmanyforms​, @eggingamazinglove​, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone​, @thequeenreaders​, @countrygal17a​, @kteelou​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @kricketc28​, @atomicfandombomb​, @defenderrosetyler​, @shortwinchester​, @maybesomedaygayyyy​, @tmiships4life​, @deanmonandnegansbitch​, @exo-nova​, @laxe-from-outer-space​, @sabascio​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​, @the-broken-angel-13​, @bunnybaby89​, @pandabiiissh​, @maddiedott​, @fandom-imagines1​, @lilulo-12​, @theoneandonlymelol​, @mblaqgi​, @sea040561​, @clawsandshotguns​, @justsomedreaming​ , @differentstudentrunawaysposts​, @hhiggs​, @deepmuffinspymaker​, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​, @cassiopeia-barrow​, @mep6811​, @jo-like-josette​, @supernaturalenchanted​, @mscarter213​, @trumpettay​, @waywardbaby​, @its-the-timey-wimey-winchesters​, @zxph-yr​, @i-love-superhero​
Sam/Jared Forever Tags
@moosekateer13, @thevelvetseries
Devils Bargain
@bitchwhytho, @babygirls-fav, @the-soulofdevil, @albinotigerpython, @squirrelnotsam, @i-am-a-mes, @aubageddon91, @jessiejunebug, @thebooksoverthemovies
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I’m Trying I Promise (Spn cast x depressed teen cast reader)
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Summary: after a rough few weeks the readers depression becomes to much and decides to stop fighting. however the attempt is unsuccesful, and jensen, jared, gen, and daneel are left to pick up the pieces, but is that such a bad thing. 
Warnings: suicide, self harm, over dosing, anxiety, fluff from j2 daneel and gen, slight anorexia, insomnia. 
Side note: please reach out for help if you need it, and review. i appreciate all feedback. enjoy the story 
you are the 15 year old cast member of supernatural that played the whinchesters younger sister. You had been introduced in season 4 at just 6 years old. The fandom loved you, especially your character. You were essentially a little sister to every cast member. Jared and Jensen had become very close with you, especially as you spent the most time with them. 
over the years your character had matured into a beautiful, strong, and powerful young woman. Everyone had seen you grow up, and never once did anyone see you unhappy, or not smiling. At least they thought you were happy.
You had been hiding the anxiety, and depression you had been feeling for a year from everyone you knew. It would come in waves, and you had becoming accustomed to hiding your pain. But lately it had been adding up. You were managing well with school and filming, following a schedule that would keep you busy. However very important finals had been added onto your plate and you were feeling the stress.
Because of filming you had become distant from most of your friends. Without physical contact and interaction, you had drifted. You were doing most of your schooling online, and your friends were all learning in a classroom. You were a pretty smart kid, maintaining good grades, however even this was becoming a stretch. You were in your last few years of school, and struggling in silence, not wanting to alert anyone that you were In pain, and particularly not wanting to be a burden to anyone else.
You sighed, dropping your pen on your paper. You had been filming for most of the day and you had to complete your 4 hours of school work. You had been completing most of it during breaks however, the lack of sleep you had been getting was catching up to you. You decided to pack up your stuff. You had already submitted the work that was due for the day and decided that you would finish the rest another times. Just as you were about to pack up your laptop you got a call from your friend.
You slid across the answer button, to see them at some sort of sleepover.
“Where are you” you asked with a smile on your face.
“At (friends) birthday sleepover” said your friend laughing. Suddenly your face dropped. You completely forgot about it was (friends) birthday. You felt a strong guilt in your chest.
“Earth to Y/N” asked your friend through the screen snapping you out of your daze.
“I completely forgot. She hates me doesn’t she” you said a tear streaming down your face.
“She’s a little upset, but she doesn’t seem to phased” said your friend shaking of your concern.
“I’m such a crap friend” you mumbled into your hands trying to wipe the tears.
“ it’s nothing to bad, she knows your busy” said your best friend stuffing her face with candy.
“I sent a present last week, let me know when she gets It will ya” you said.
“Sure will. I have to go, but chat later” she says, hanging up the call. You didn’t even get to say goodbye.
You sigh once again and pile your school stuff back into your bag. You switch of the lights to your trailer and locked the door. Making your way to the filming set. Jensen and Jared were filming a final scene so you decided to go and check it out. You see Misha sitting on one of the benches behind the cameras you take a quick seat next to him.
“Hey Y/N, how are you doing” he asks lifting his head to look at you.
“I’m okay. Just thought I would come and see what you guys were up to before I headed home” you say tying up the lace of your shoe.
You were one of the lucky ones. The filming set of supernatural was a 20 minute walk from your house. The other actors had been staying in there trailers however you were allowed to go home.
“Well, stay safe” said Misha smiling. You returned it picking up your bag. As soon as the director yelled cut, the boys broke out laughing. You waved to them signaling that you were leaving. They waved back, only Jared looked at you for a little longer. Concern evident on his features. You sighed and walked away, along the pavement that led to your house. It took about 30 minutes for you to get home, as you had to walk slower to ensure that you would not collapse from lack of sleep or food.
You usually kept your body healthy, but due to everything going on, you had been living off coffee, to maximise your Time. You didn’t know how you were doing it but you were still very much walking. You slowly unlocked to the door making sure to not make anything loud enough to wake up your aunt and uncle. You slid of your shoes and coat and hang them up nex to the door.
You slowly make your way up to the stairs and into your bedroom. You flick on the light and take a seat at the end of your bed. Suddenly your phone vibrates and you see a message from one of your friends.
“A video” you say to yourself. You flick it on and are shocked by what you see you. YOUR BOYFRIEND kissing your friend. On her birthday.
“So much for not angry” you whisper to yourself letting the tears fall from your eyes. You didn’t need another thing adding onto your life workload, but now there was. Your aunt was sure to be in bed. And your uncle was probably doing the same.
Your boyfriend was one of the only people keeping you sane, and now he went and broke your heart. You wanted th throw something god you wanted to scream, but your body could not handle that and you did not want to wake up your aunt and uncle.
You sat on the floor of your bed, you had no more tears left to cry. The cheating you could deal with, but the betrayal of your friend pushed you over the edge. Leaving you to your thoughts during the night, especially in the emotional space you are in, was not a good idea.
You didn’t want to live in pain anymore. You weren’t as strong as Jared, you didn’t open up about your feelings, and you were sick of putting on a mask. You were sick of all this stress, and pain of loosing the people that you love. You didn’t want to put other people through the pain that you felt but you didn’t want to live like this. If you made it quick then, no one would be left to pick up the pieces that would be left of you. You’d be dead.
You mustered all the energy you could and got up from your bedroom floor. Pulling off your winter clothes you changed into some long pajama pants and a singlet top. You walk into your bathroom. You open the bathroom cabinet and grab your depression medication out from the top shelf. You grab one of the pairs of scissors lying around your room and locked your bathroom door. You didn’t want anyone to find you untill you were dead. You couldn’t bare to see the looks on anyone’s face once they realised how broken you were.
You shoved the medication down your throat and took a seat against the bath tub. You cried out in pain, the feeling of the medication entering your system made you collapse onto the floor.
“ Y/N, honey are you okay” asked your aunt from the other side of the door. You didn’t want to put her through the pain of seeing you dying on the floor. You put the scissors to your wrist making 2 cuts on each arm, making your cry out again.
“Y/N honey, I’m coming in” said your aunt. She opened the door and saw your dying form lying there.
“Oh my Y/N- (uncle name) call an ambulance, oh honey hold on” said your aunt holding your form in her hands, you thought you locked the door. Guilt settled in your stomach, making you want to die more.
No longer than 10 minutes later an ambulance arrived and family’s from around the street were coming out to see what the commotion was about. You remember loosing consciousness in your uncles arms after he carried you out to the ambulance. The rest of it was fuzzy. But you knew one thing you had fucked up your life in one single night.
The next day the cast walked onto to set. Jared was the first one to pick up on your absense. There was no laughing coming from the makeup trailer, and no lights on in your trailer. For filming today gen and Daneel were also tagging along. After asking around Jared is told by the producers that you are sick. That struck everyone as weird. They even called Misha, as he wasn’t on for filming today, however he said he hadn’t heard from you. You had never once missed a day of filming unless it was for school purposes. And when you were sick you would tough it out anyway.
Not long after jared receive a call from your cell however it wasn’t you. Of course... they didn’t know that. It was your Aunty.
“Hey Y/N, heard you were sick, how ya feeling” asked Jared into the phone, grabbing everyone’s attention. However the voice that responded was not you, it was your Aunty. As soon as Jared had heard what had happened his face paled. Shock evident on his features alerting everyone that something was wrong.
“Jared, what’s wrong” asked Jensen knowing it involved you.
“ Y/N... she uh-she u-uh” said Jared trying to get the words out of him mouth.
“Hey j calm down, just tell us what happened” said gen, trying to calm her boyfriend down.
“Umm... Y/N attempted suicide last night” Jared said between cries.
Everyone instantly stopped, all clearly shocked at the news. they didn’t realise that you was struggling so much.
“Is- is she okay” asked Jensen comforting his wife.
“Umm... she’s alive, definitely not alright though” said Jared hugging gen to keep themselves together. The entire set suddenly turned somber. The mood instantly dropping
“Something must have happened last night to... make her feel... to lead to this” said Jensen. Trying not to cry.
“Her aunt said she found her on the bathroom floor, Over dosed on pills and wrists slit. God how did I not notice the signs, I should have been there for her” Jared sobbed into gens shirt.
“It’s not your fault Jared, none of us knew she felt this way. Don’t you dare blame yourself” said Daneel, still consoling her husband.
“I say we pay her a visit. Now that we know she isn’t going through this alone” said gen. They knew you were going to be broken but they were going to be there for you every step of the way.
“Oh it’s lovely to see you” said your aunt ushering them all inside.
“How’s she doing” asked Jared once again concerned.
“Honestly I don’t know. She won’t talk to me we only got home from the hospital an hour ago. She hasn’t said a word since we got back. (Uncle) can’t even get through to her” said your aunt.
“Where is she at the moment” asking Jensen.
“ Y/Ns in her room. I sent her to get some shut eye but I don’t think she’s sleeping” said your aunt.
Everyone just gave each other looks. They knew Y/N hadn’t been sleeping, but they also thought she was keeping on top of things.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this earlier. She didn’t want me to tell you, but I couldn’t let you find out some other way. She said she didn’t want to be seen as less of a human, especially not to you guys” said your aunt handing out cups of hot tea. Many thankyous were spared and an uncomfortable silence filled the air.
“Did you notice anything about Y/N, like something that would give a hint that she would do this” asked your aunt taking a sip from the cup.
“we all just though it was exam stress. The skipping meals, spending most of her time doing school work, or sitting in her trailer. We thought it would pass. She never once mentioned that she was... suicidal” said gen. Fiddling with the sleeves of her jumper.
“ as a child, Y/Ns parents used to put a lot of pressure on her to be a good kid. She also learnt to hide her pain. Me and (uncle) have been trying to tell her for years that it’s normall to feel pain, but I guess it’s hard to comprehend that when most out your life your told different” said your aunt.
“She never really ever mentioned her parents, to any of us” said Daneel, sympathy in her eyes.
“I can’t blame the poor kid. She was abused for years before I even realised that my sister had a child. Ever since she was little she’s always been quiet and co-operative. She’s still pretty scarred, and doesn’t talk about it”. Said your uncle walking in.
“How is she” asked your aunt.
“Not doing to good. She won’t tell me anything. I’m getting worried” said your uncle
“ I know this is a big ask but could we possibly see her” asked Jensen.
“Of course, I’m not sure what state she’s in” said your aunt allowing them to follow up the stairs and into your room. Nothing in the room would have ever suggested that you felt this way.
Suddenly there attention was drawn to the water running in the bathroom.
“ Y/N. Honey, let me know your okay please” asked your aunt panic filling your voice.
“I’ll be out in a minute” replied your quiet voice through the door. Her panic subsided when she hears your voice. They 4 adults walk back to the kitchen following your aunt. None of them could believe how quiet you were.The once outgoing and bubbly girl that you used to be, was now reduced to silence.
“You know, she was adamant about coming to set today. As soon as we got home from the hospital she started getting ready. Me and (aunt name) had to give her medication to make her sleep. She didn’t want this attempt to make anyone see her different” said your uncle as they returned from your bedroom. A few minutes passed.
After a little bit of time of awkward conversation , you came down with your head hung low and grabbed a mug of coffee. During that time no one dares to talk to you. They didn’t want to put you under stress. They didn’t want to put you in a situation you felt you couldn’t escape from. However there shock returned once they saw how frail you were.how your eyes had sunken into your head and your clothes remained baggy on your frame. You walked back in the direction of your room not bothering to grab any food.
“Honey, do us a favour and keep your door open” said your aunt as you were leaving the room. You just stopped in your tracks, nodded, and walked away.
“I think I’m going to talk to her. She needs someone who has gone through what she’s gone through. I’m the only one diagnosed with depression. I’m going to try and get her to open up, break out of her. We’re getting the old Y/N back”. Said Jared standing up and making his way to your bedroom.
He nocks a few times on your open door, only so see you sitting on the end of the bed, holding a picture frame of you and a guy.
“Who’s that” asked Jared taking a seat next to you.
“My boyfriend... well my ex boyfriend now I guess”
“What happened” asked Jared genuinely concerned.
“My “best friend” sent me a video, of him and another friend hooking up last night. Found out when I got back from the hospital that they slept together as well” You said with no emotion on your face He didn’t hesitate to pull you into a hug and suddenly you broke, and started crying.
You told him how your boyfriend cheating was the last straw. That you didn’t know what you were doing when you enetered the bathroom, you crumbled, and didn’t want to constantly feel this pain inside your chest, that kept dragging you down and making you feel worthless.
He pulls you closer and gently lifts up your sleeves to reveal the bandages that were covering up stitches on your arm.
“Your like a daughter to me, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You shouldn’t feel an obligation cover this up. Your experiences make you into the person today and you shouldn’t be afraid to show the war you lossed. He told you that it is nothing you should cover up. Your scars make you stronger, and change you into the person you are today” he told you, not loosening his grip once.
Hearing those words make you break down even more. he tells you that Your aunt told them why you lived with her. You opened up and told. him that the memories that come back surrounding that topic also tipped you over the edge. And that in your delusional state you believed the words your dad said to you. You believed that you would be better dead, that you were a burden, and a mistake.
Jared decided to shoot Jen a text in this time, in the time that you are him we’re hugging. Not even a minute later gen is In the room, and her heart breaks to see you like this. You look up and try and calm your tears in fear of embarrassment. She had never once recalled a time where you had even cried let alone be this emotional. She gave Jared a kind smile and instantly sat next to Jared. When you tears subsided a little bit she gave you a warm embrace, to which you leaned into. She mumbled small word of encouragement, and calming.
“I’m not sorry for doing it, I’m sorry that It didn’t work, I still wanna die. I feel like I’m such a burden to everyone”. You said into her chest. Her and Jared shared a look, both deciding to keep this talk till after you had settled down.
“Honey when was the last time you ate” asked gen.
“Umm. Not properly for a while. Things just got carried away, so it didn’t cross my mind” you said, your tears comming to a Hault.
“You need to eat something” said Jared, noticing the rest of the group standing at the door, with some toast in there hand.
“I’m not hungry” you mumble, being stubborn, hanging your head.
“Sweetie, we aren’t leaving untill you eat what’s on this plate” said Jensen, grabbing the plate from de’s hand. You looked up only just noticing the two extra bodies in your room. You sighed seeing that they only put a few pieces of toast on the plate.
“Come on, do it for us, for your Family” said Daneel handing over he plate to, which you carefully took.
You stood up and slid down the end of your bed, onto the floor, Jensen and Daneel sitting next to you, deciding it was there turn to be the parent figures they should be, and Jared and Gen sitting on the floor across from you against the wall opposite the bed.
You grabbed the toast and took small bites, desperately trying to keep the food down. After you had finished you wanted to go to the bathroom however no one would let you because they knew that you were likely to purge.
“Y/N, sweetie, I know we’re asking a lot of questions but have you slept a lot recently” asked gen, looking directly at You. You looked up and sighed.
“Like I said, I’ve been busy. Everything’s been so Jammed pack, especially managing school, and filming. I haven’t really had the time ”. You admit pulling your knees to your chest. D and Jensen both put there arms around your shoulder.
“Did you get any sleep last night” asked Jensen and Jared at the same time.
“Not really. I lost consciousness for about an hour, but I haven’t really slept” you say, rubbing your face with your hand.
“ Y/N, you need to sleep”. Said Jared about to stand up and throw you on the bed.
“No point, insomnia is a bitch. Especially now. I’m not allowed any medications now so I’m getting less sleep now than ever” you say sighing.
Once again a shared look went around the circle. The anxiety you felt caused you to start picked at the skin on your arm.
“No Y/N, don’t” said gen pulling your hand away from for arm. You sighed and bent your head back.
“ Y/N why didn’t you come to us. We could have helped you. Been there for you” said Jared, a tear sliding down his cheek.
“ I didn’t want to add onto the stress you had. I’m only a teenager besides for most of my life I was a told to not voice my opninion. So it’s kinda stuck” you say.
“Oh sweetie” said Daneel wrapping you in an embrace. You didn’t cry just rested your head on shoulder warming into her embrace.
“I don’t want to die, I just... I’m sick of this pain. The overwhelming crushing feeling. It just became to much” you say into daneels shoulder, she hugged you even tighter.
“Where here now. And you need to talk to us when to feel like this. No keeping it to yourself” said Jensen.
“ your like a daughter to all of us Y/N. Don’t forget that” said Daneel.
“ and no letting everything pile up until you hit breaking point” said gen.
“ and definitely no your an adult don’t worry about my problems talk” said Jared.
“Yeah yeah. I know I promise I won’t keep things to myself” you say lifting your head and showing a genuine smile.
“There’s the smile we know and love” said Jared ruffling your head.
“ I wonder what they’re up to” said your aunt to  your uncle.
“They’ve been up there for a while” said your uncle agreeing.
“Come on” said your uncle making his way up the stairs. what he saw surprised him , but made him smile none the less.
“ honey have a look at this”. Said your uncle from the door way, gesturing for your aunt.
There you were lying the middle of the bed tv playing surrounded by Jared, Jensen, gen, and Daneel, all fast asleep head on each other shoulder.
“I don’t think I’ve seen her sleep for a while” said your aunt putting her arm around your uncles neck.
“I think things are going to be okay” said your uncle planting a kiss on your aunts head.
“I think as long as she has these four, she’ll be fine in no time” said your aunt.
And she wasn’t wrong. Jensen and Jared were there constantly checking in on you, and Daneel and gen were always calling and dropping in on set. In no time you were feeling better. Of course you had your days where everything seemed pointless, and overwhelming, but Jared and Jensen were always there to pick you back up. You weren��t okay, no, but you were on the track to being okay. And with such amazing friends surrounding you, you couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
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Summary: People always said that Hollywood was a whole other world. Soon, (Y/N) was about to find out just how different Hollywood could be. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Reader Pairing: Jensen x Reader Warnings: AU/Fluff/Angst Word Count: 5564 Prompts: “Loving me is a death sentence.” / “We found each other. That’s all that matters.” A/N #1: This is for @supernatural-jackles​ SPN Bi- Weekly Writing Challenge. Don’t judge me… I’ve been rewatching/rereading Twilight. *ducks from flying objects* A/N #2: Jensen Photo Edit Credited To: @justjensenanddean​
I stopped in front of the Stage One door, looking up at the massive building in front of me. The last month had led up to this very day. I was hired on by Warner Brothers to be the Personal Assistant to Jared Padalecki while he filmed in Vancouver. Even though being a PA was a horrible job, working on the set of my favorite TV show was a dream. I had spent my days leading up to my moving to Vancouver training my inner fangirl to be a normal human being.
“Remember they eat, breath, poop just like any other human.” I whispered to myself on the plane ride from my hometown.
“Girl, please! They are sculpted from marble by the hand of God himself. Just don’t embarrass us in front of them. Make a good impression!” She commanded as if I had any control over that.
Now, standing in front of the main sound stage, my stomach coiled into an anxious knot. Trembling I took a step forward through the door and found myself looking into the Men of Letters Bunker. My inner fangirl squealed with delight urging my body to walk through the set.
“Can I help you?” A tall, dark haired man stood with a camera rig around his waist.
I cleared my throat of the large lump forming within it, “Yeah, my name is (Y/N) and it’s my first day as a PA. The studio told me to go to Stage One when I arrived this morning.”
He smiled a soft chuckle coming from his chest, “Oh you must be Jared’s new wrangler. Here I will show you where to go.”
I followed him to a small office building that had on site office staff and writers housed. He pointed me in the direction of Susan, the executive assistant to Jim Michaels. She was on the phone as she waved me into her office. Standing off to the side was another woman with long, wavy blonde hair. Her fit body was covered by a simple pair of dark jeans, soft chocolate sweater and black knee high boots.
She stuck her hand out towards me, “Hi, I’m Ash. You must be Jared’s new PA.”
Shaking her hand I nodded, “I’m (Y/N).”
“I’m so excited you’re here. Now I don’t have to keep my eyes on both of them. I’m Jensen’s PA so you’ll be hanging with me quite a bit.”
Susan ended her call smiling up at the both of us, “Fantastic, you’re here! I will go with you to meet Jared and then you can shadow Ash for this week. How did your move go?”
“As well as could be expected moving from Kansas to Vancouver. My apartment is amazing.” It was the truth. The apartment Warner Brothers provided was twice the size of the one I had in Kansas.
Ash chuckled, “Yeah it’s nice until you have two Texans crashing your place at all hours.”
My eyes must have widened because both ladies began to laugh, “I haven’t told anyone that you are a fan, (Y/N).”
“Oh… yeah…” I felt my cheeks burning and my inner fangirl was doing cartwheels.
“We’ll keep that between us for now. Jensen and Jared will eat you alive if they found out that juicy piece of information.” Ash chuckled as I noticed Susan flinch slightly.
They led me back towards the row of trailers, the first of which, they stopped and knocked on the door. My heart was beating against my chest and my hands began to shake as the door opened. There stood Jared Padalecki in all his 6’4” glory. His chestnut hair damp from a shower, his light gray t-shirt clinging to his sculpted body and the waistband of his boxers peeking out from his low hanging jeans.
I sucked in a shaky breath making Ash chuckled beside me
“Jared this is your new PA, (Y/N). Be nice.” Susan warned, narrowing her eyes at him.
His laughter echoed around them, “I’m always nice. It’s great to meet you (Y/N). Susan and Jim have told me great things about you. Hopefully, we’ll be great friends.” He held out his hand to me.
When I placed mine in his, the heat coming off of it surprised me. The corner of his lips curling upward into a sly smirk. His hazel eyes caught my attention as flecks of emerald and sapphire seemed to shine. He let go of her hand taking a step towards Ash then leaning down to kiss her kiss.
“Now I see why you needed a new PA.” I mentioned as they both smiled at me, “I look forward to working and getting to know you.”
“Me as well. Are you taking her to meet grumpy pants?” Jared looked at Susan who brow was furrowed at the interaction.
Ash groaned, “Oh no, I thought after last night he would be in a better mood.”
Looking from Susan to Ash it seemed everyone was in on the secret except me, “I’m sure we don’t need to bother him before filming. I can always meet him another time.”
“I’ll take her over to meet him. I need to check in with him anyway and it will be a good experience for her.” Ash reached up giving Jared a quick kiss then stepping away from him.
“I think you have this under control, so if you need anything (Y/N) just come to my office. Please check in with me when you’re done with your day.” Susan did not wait for a reply and walked back towards the offices.
Jared chuckled, “You’d think after all this time that she would be used to us. Ugh!” Ash smacked him in the stomach giving him a stern look.
“Come on (Y/N), let’s go meet Jensen.” Ash and I waved goodbye to Jared.
We walked a couple of trailers down and again my heart began to race. I tried taking a few deep breaths to calm down but the moment she knocked on the door all the air in my lungs vanished. The door opened and Jensen Ackles looked down at us.
“Ash, why so early?” His velvet voice sent shivers down my body.
A slight breeze blew past us and his lean body went rigid. His bright olive eyes darkened to a deep forest green. His fists were clenched at his sides and I could see his arms trembling. Jensen narrowed his menacing gaze at me freezing me in place.
“Go. Away. Now.” He seethed going back into his trailer and slamming the door.
Wide eyed and stunned, I turned to Ash who was looking perplexed, “(Y/N) why don’t you go to craft services. Tell them you want Jared’s usually breakfast and bring it back to his trailer. I will meet you there.”
Ash directed me to where craft services were and the wonderful owners started chuckling when I asked for Jared’s usual. I carefully balanced three cups of coffee atop of three styrofoam containers filled to the brim with eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, muffins and a small cup of fruit. Before I could knock, Ash opened the door to let me inside.
“Great job! My first day, I spilled the coffee.” Ash began to open the containers taking some food for herself and one of the coffees.
She handed another one to me with a soft smile, “Where’s Jared?”
“He’ll be back. He’s having a heart to heart with Jensen. For today, I would just stay clear of him.” I nodded sipping my coffee as Jared came back in frowning.
The morning and afternoon flew by as the guys began filming. Taking Ash’s advice, I made sure to stay out of Jensen’s way and even his line of sight. Not that it mattered because he was permanently in a foul mood for the day. Finally, around six o’clock Ash sent me to see Susan saying she could handle the rest of the evening filming.
Making my way to the offices, I had not seen Jensen for a while and as I made my way to Susan’s office I could hear his velvet voice coming from Jim Michaels’ office.
“She has to go.” He hissed, my heart dropping to my stomach.
There was a long sigh, “She comes highly recommended and honestly she is over qualified to even be a PA. She’s smart, talented and in need of getting her foot in the door. You better than anyone know that starts from the lower level. Did she do something or see something?”
Jensen let out a dark chuckle, “She hasn’t seen anything. She seems naive.”
“Then what’s the problem Jensen?”
There was a long pause before he answered, “She exists, that's the problem.”
I had heard enough and walked towards Susan’s door knocking before entering her office. She was packing up for the day when she looked up smiling at me, “How’d it go?”
I put on my best smile, “Jared and Ash are great. Even Misha behaved himself.”
“Jensen?” She inquired looking as if she were trying to see under my mask.
I squared my shoulders back determined to make this work, “Fine. I know my place and will keep my distance. He’s not who I have to worry about, so all that matters is how I keep Jared on time and in line.”
Susan seemed impressed by my answer then pulled out a manila envelope from her briefcase, “Legal didn’t have this drawn up at the time of your hiring. You will need to read this over and sign it by tomorrow morning.”
I took it from her, “Of course. I will have it for you first thing in the morning. Have a good night.”
Walking out of her office, I made sure Jensen was nowhere in sight. Feeling confident he was gone, I made my way towards my car. Looking down towards the ground as I walked past the row of trailers, I did not notice the black SUV behind me. The honk startled me as I tripped over my own feet landing firmly on my ass.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. Just needed you to move over a little.” I recognized the driver as Jared and Jensen’s bodyguard/driver, Clif.
The back window slid down as I stood up and Jensen’s dark eyes pierced through me. As they began to pull away I swore I heard a low hiss coming from him. I hurried to my car and drove off the lot as fast as I could. It was not until I was on the highway that my fired nerves finally started to calm down. I knew there was nothing special about me but having my favorite actor despise me sapped all hope out of my heart.
Once I was parked in my spot at my apartment building, I was standing at the elevator when the doors slid open revealing once again the gorgeous man who seemingly hated me.
“Are you following me?” He asked, walking directly at me glaring.
I stepped back, “No I-I’m not. The studio is renting an apartment for me here. I h-had no idea you lived here until Ash mentioned it this morning.”
He ran his hand over his sandy, brown hair, “Why did you take this job?”
His question took me by surprise for a moment, deciding honesty was the best policy, “I wanted to be a part of my favorite show and I wanted to learn more about the business. No better way than to start at ground level and work my way up.”
“Favorite show, huh? So, you like monsters?” He chuckled as if he had told himself a joke.
“The monsters are cool, I guess. I’m more invested in the story of the brothers. Plus there’s no romance in Supernatural which is nice.” I watched as his shoulders relaxed briefly.
His eyes glanced around then came back to me, “You don’t like a love story?”
“No. I’ve had my heart broken too many times. I’d rather escape into a world of monsters than deal with matters of the heart.” My own heart betraying me as it thumped against my ribs.
Standing in front of him now, Jensen was truly striking. His sharp facial features, fair skin, plump red lips and muscular body had my own body aching in ways it had not in years. He was beautiful.
“I should go.” He abruptly left walking off towards the street.
As soon as he was out of sight, I sucked in a deep breath willing my body to move towards the elevator. That night my dreams were filled with dark alleyways and forest green eyes.
Over the next several weeks, I fell into a regular routine on set with Jared and Ash. I kept to my word that I avoided Jensen at any cost, but had noticed he was continually coming around me more. At first, I thought it was just because of Jared, but then I noticed he was coming around when he was not needed on set.
My inner fangirl was urging and encouraging me to talk to him. Then my first time meeting Jensen flashed through my mind and kept me far away from him. The last day of filming for the week was a night shoot. Ash and I were constantly running to get coffee for ourselves and the crew to stay warm. Jared every once in a while would pull us both into a bear hug allowing his body heat to warm us up. We were in the middle of a forest as Jared and Misha were filming a scene and I was trying everything in my power not to chatter my teeth.
“You’re going to freeze to death.” His smooth voice brought heat to my cheeks.
I pulled my coat around me tighter, “I-I’ll be al-alright.”
His perfect lips pursed together before he slid his jacket off his shoulders, “Here take this,” He stepped just close enough to drape his large jacket over my shoulders.
“T-Thank you.” I slipped my arms inside surprised that it was slightly chilled still.
We stood there in silence watching as Jared purposely messed with Misha’s takes, “Children.” Jensen muttered as I chuckled.
In a rare moment I witnessed him smile brief and my inner fangirl sighed gracefully falling onto a lounge chair, “You have a great smile. It’s nice to see it.”
Jensen rolled his eyes, “Yes well, I’ve recently come to the realization that instead of trying to fight fate I should just embrace her cruel destiny.”
I raised an eyebrow at him confused, but decided it was better I remain silent. What did he mean by fighting fate? What destiny? My heart began to race as hope filled my chest. There was something about the way he had been acting and what he said that gave me hope he was talking about me. The director wrapped for the night and we made the trip back to the studio.
Just as my luck has always been, when I got to my car it would not start. I was one of the last people to leave the studio in the early hours of the morning. Trying to decide if it was worth calling a cab or just sleeping in my car. I was leaning towards the latter of the two.
“Everything okay?”
I yelped turning quickly to see Jensen stopped in his car, “Jesus, you scared me.”
He chuckled before shutting his car off and coming towards mine. He lifted the hood and began checking through everything, “Looks like it could be your starter or alternator. We can have one of the mechanics look at it Monday morning.”
I sighed heavily, “Great… just great.”
“Come on, I can give you a ride back to our building.” His genuine smile dazzled me for a moment as he closed up my car and went to open the door to his car for me, “(Y/N)?”
“Um, yeah that would be great. Thank you.” I got into his car shivering from how cold it was inside.
Jensen turned on the heat and took off down the main street towards the highway. His large hands gripped the steering wheel tightly but the rest of his body seemed relaxed. A wave of fear crashed into a wave of excitement of being in close proximity to him. My inner fangirl and mine’s curiosity was getting the better of us from earlier.
“What did you mean by embracing fate’s cruel destiny?” I thought maybe he had not heard me as a silent tension filled the air between us.
“Did you sign the NDA they drew up for you?” Answering a question with a question was a pet peeve of mine but I let it slide.
I turned slightly in my seat, “Yes, though I don’t understand why I needed to sign one. It was clearly stated in my new hire paperwork not to speak of any upcoming episodes or scripts.”
Again, his soft laughter had an edge to it, “The NDA has nothing to do with the show or network. It is something our managers and agents have in place to protect us.”
“You mean protect you and Jared? Why would you two need protecting?” Suddenly images of Jensen starring in his very own version of Fifty Shades of Grey filled my mind and my cheeks burned.
We were approaching our exit and I knew my time would be up with him, but I did not want to leave. He remained silent until he parked in his space within our garage. He turned towards me, his eyes downcast and shoulders slumped forward. If I had not known any better, I would have thought he was upset or in pain.
“Jensen, anything you or Jared would tell me or I would see would strictly be between us. I don’t need a NDA to keep private matters private. I have more respect for both of you that I would never want anyone running your names through the mud of public opinion.”
I reached out my fingers briefly brushing against the back of his smooth skin. A small gasp escaped my lips from how cold he was even with his heater on. He pulled his hand away from me quickly getting out of his car. I followed him towards the main street where he finally stopped.
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” He held up his hand to silence me.
Turning back towards me, his eyes were dark once again but not threatening unlike when we first met. No, there was something else. Something I did not recognize, but it made my heart race with anticipation.
“Tomorrow, I promise to explain everything. I will come by to get you around ten o’clock.” Jensen hesitantly brushed the back of his fingers against my cheek and instinctively I gravitated towards his embrace.
He quickly took off down the sidewalk leaving me with a million questions and yearning I had never felt before. In a daze I made up to my apartment and into my bed. Sleep did not come easy and when it did my dreams were vivid, sensual.
True to his word, there was a knock on my door at ten o’clock on the dot. I opened my door inviting him in as I finished getting ready.
“I’m sorry about my place being a mess.” I mumbled going back into my room to grab my coat.
I heard me laugh, “Quite alright, I mean Jared’s place is a pigsty.”
When I walked back out, I watched as his bright olive eyes traveled the length of my body. I nervously fidget with the strings on my coat as a slow smirk spread across his face. Jensen was dressed in a simple black hoodie, dark denim pants and black boots. A pair of dark Ray Bans hanging from the collar of his hoodie. Even dressed down he looked like a runway model.
We walked to the elevator, an empty car arriving, and as we stepped in the tension between us was nearly unbearable. I shifted from one foot to the next avoiding his intense gaze. With lightning speed, Jensen had me caged against the wall and his lips pressed against my throat.
“Jen-Jensen…” I sighed breathlessly as he dragged his nose up my neck to under my ear.
“Dammit, I promised myself I would not lose control around you, but…” he paused taking a deep breath in making my legs tremble, “you smell divine.”
As quickly as the moment had happened it was over as the elevator doors opened. Jensen was on the other side of the car looking unphased by what had happened. Whereas I was trying to remember how to breath and walk at the same time. His low chuckle and smug smirk made me smack his rock hard bicep.
“Ow.” I muttered making him laugh even harder. The pain was worth it to hear his musical laughter.
Instead of going to the garage, Jensen led me towards the sidewalk. He slid his dark sunglasses over his beautiful eyes and pulled his hood up over his head. I figured this was so no one would recognize him from the show. We walked side by side towards a nearby park. Our hands would brush against one another until finally he took mine in his pulling me closer to him. Leading me to a spot just off the Vancouver Harbor.
The sun was shining bright warming my skin then a cold breeze from the water would make me shiver. We sat at a clear spot sitting silently next to one another staring out over the water. Jensen gently pulled me into his side and draped his arm around my shoulder.
“Well, this is much better than when I first met you.” I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder.
I felt him press his lips and nose against the top of my head inhaling deeply, “Yes, well when we first met I wasn’t expecting you to be so… appealing.”
I sat up looking at him, “What does that mean? I feel like you are talking around me and I don’t like that.”
He sighed, pulling his hood down further as the sun shined brightly over us, “It’s only because the truth would send you running far, far away.”
“I told you, anything you tell me is between us. You have my word and a signed NDA for a safety net.” My inner fangirl and I were desperate to know what secret he was holding back. She was practically jumping on the lounger within my mind.
“When Eric Kripke came up with the idea of Supernatural, he had no idea how close to being right he was.” He pulled his sunglasses down his piercing out looking over them.
I swallowed the small lump lodge in my throat, “So you’re saying that supernatural creatures are real or that hunters are real?”
He smiled, pushing his glasses back up, “I guess hunters could be real, but then humans would have to acknowledge the fact that monsters were real.”
“Monsters… like you?” Suddenly a lot of his behaviors were making sense even if my mind could not wrap around the fact that monsters were real.
He nodded, “Does that scare you?”
“No.” My answer came quick and firm. I was not afraid of him. I knew he would never harm me. Somewhere deep within my heart and soul, I knew I was right where I belonged.
“You should be. I’m a dangerous creature even more so than Jared.” He looked out towards the water, “Mainly because Jared is just a big dog. All cute and cuddly as Ash would say.”
“Jared is a… werewolf?” I could not quite believe the words coming from my mouth, but his nod answered my question, “Then you are…”
Jensen faced me baring his teeth as his fangs grew slightly longer than the rest. I sucked in a breath as he closed his mouth, “Now you’re afraid.”
“No. More mesmerized than anything. You’re… you’re a vampire.” The awe in my voice could not be helped. I spent most of my life reading grand tales of mythical creatures and humans falling in love with them. Now, I was in the middle of my own fairytale.
He scoffed, “Mesmerized? I’m an undead murderer and you're in awe of it.” He looked away in disgust.
“I’m in awe of you. You’re obviously drawn to my scent and yet here you sit next to me. You could have ended me at any time these last few weeks but you haven’t. Hell, in the elevator that could have been it, but all you did was… kiss my neck. I’m in awe of your strength and will power.”
Jensen's expression softened and he pulled me back into his side, “It’s difficult being around you. When I first met you, I had never wanted a human so much in my life. First it was my primal need, but now…”
“Now what?” My heart skipped a beat as hope filled my chest.
“Now, I have this overwhelming need to protect you and be by your side always.” His jaw clenched as he spoke the words.
I reached up brushing my hand against his cheek, “Why is that so hard for you to say?”
He leaned into my touch, “Loving me is a death sentence. The thought of losing you is insufferable.”
Jensen’s forehead pressed against mine as I whispered, “We found each other. That’s all that matters.”
“You’re ridiculous, you know that right?” He chuckled, easily lifting me onto his lap and wrapping his arms around me.
“I’ve been called worse. Tell me more about your life.”
For the next several hours, Jensen told me all about his life from his rebirth in 1920 to how he and Jared became best friends. I hung on every word of every story he told and it was not until my stomach began to growl from hunger that he finally stopped.
“You should eat.” He easily picked me up as he stood and set my feet on the ground.
I looked away from him, the anxiety building in my chest knowing we would have to part ways soon. He laced his fingers through mine and led me back towards the main sidewalk. When we arrived at our building, I was having a difficult time keeping the tears that threatened to fall back. Once again, as we stepped into the elevator, the air tightened around us.
“What is it about elevators?” he muttered making me laugh as the very thought had gone through my head.
When we went past my floor, I looked over and saw a smile on his face. We stopped at the very top floor both sighing as we exited the elevator. He pulled out his keys and opened the door for apartment 1520.
“I thought it was only fair if you saw my place as well.” Jensen held the door open for me as I walked in.
The layout was open and bright with one wall being all windows. His furniture was dark gray with steel blue and navy accent pillows. He had a big flat screen TV with a few game consoles. What caught her by surprise was the wall of records and record player he had. I turned back around to see him anxiously watching me.
“Not what I expected from a vampire.” I walked towards his flawless kitchen and looked untouched which I guess was to be expected.
“Were you expecting a coffin and velvet?” His smile was infectious as I nodded.
Taking off my coat, I sat down on his couch as he walked off towards his bedroom. Jensen came back in with his tablet and a blanket. He placed the blanket over my and sat next to me.
“Order whatever you would like for dinner. Don’t worry about paying for it because I insist.” He chuckled as I rolled my eyes.
Deciding to order from my favorite pizza place I handed him the tablet to put his payment information in, “What do you eat?”
“Finally! The question I have been waiting for all day.” He exclaimed, “Are you sure you want to know?”
I nodded, “If I’m diving head first into oblivion then I want to know everything.”
“Brave woman. I still drink blood, but that which is donated. There are certain organizations within the acting community that are set up for actors such as myself. We go to grab our supply of ‘food’ and then we store it in our homes.” He pointed back towards the refrigerator, “All of it is from blood drives once the hospital receives its share then we buy the remainder.”
It was better than him stealing blood like Benny in Supernatural or drinking animal blood like Edward in Twilight, “Oh okay then. At least I won’t be surprised if I open the fridge now.”
There was a sad undertone in his laugh, but I chose to ignore it, “What about Jared and Ash?”
“Ash is human, but she seemingly blossomed at the end of last season. Jared was immediately drawn to her and they spent most of the summer at his cabin near Red Rock Point, Montana.” Jensen bit his lip smirking.
“Why?” I knew there was more to what he was saying but he seemed almost embarrassed to speak of it.
He sighed pulling me closer to him, “If you had asked me that question a month ago I would have given you a snarky answer about not being able to control his inner animal, but now… now I know better.”
I leaned my head against his shoulder, “Meaning…”
“Every few months, Jared would go into what he calls a rut. His need to procreate becomes overwhelming and he has to be off on his own as a wolf to deal with it. Now, he found his mate and one weekend a month they will go off to his cabin to… you know…”
My inner fangirl was begging on her knees for Jensen to say the words out loud but I just nodded, “I get it. Why is it now that you know better than before?”
I looked up into his shining eyes captivated as he leaned closer to me, “Because now I know exactly how Jared felt when he found Ash.”
His perfect full lips were inching closer to mine. My tongue darted out over them just before his were going to touch them then his door intercom buzzed. A small growl escaped his lips as he quickly got up buzzing the delivery man in. I found myself trying to take deep breaths to collect myself as my inner fangirl was hyperventilating.
“Dinner is served.” He said placing the box down on the table.
“I’m not hungry right now.” I said as he sat back down next to me.
He laughed, “Eat before the alien in your stomach pops out and eats the pizza for you.”
I narrowed my eyes at him before lifting the box open and grabbing a slice. Settling back into his side, he turned on his Netflix account. His fingertips trailing down my arm as I took a bite.
As I was taking a second bite he leaned in whispering into my ear, “There will be plenty of time to test my will power later.”
I shivered, truly no longer hungry for food. I placed the piece of pizza back in the back turning towards him, “What would happen if I took initiative and kissed you?”
He turned into a stone statue as he stared at me, “That would be a very dangerous thing to do.” He spoke slowly with a hint of challenge in his tone.
My inner fangirl was cheering me on as I pushed the blanket onto the floor and swung my leg over his lap sitting on his thighs. His ice cold hands gripped my hips as I leaned down my lips hovering his. There was a brief moment where time stood still then it was as if a rubber band snapped. His lips crashed against me and his arms wrapped around my waist holding me against him. He groaned as if in pain and I pulled away from him.
“Since I’m breaking all my rules and going to hell…” He whispered and in a flash we were both tumbling onto his bed.
That night was the best one of my life. Jensen may be a primal killer but with me he was nothing short of a gentle lover. I knew from that moment, I would do anything to remain at his side forever. Just like every cliche movie or book trope where the meek, naive woman falls in love with a monster that has a heart gold. I found myself in their exact shoes desiring an everlasting love affair with a vampire.
On Monday, when Jensen and I arrived at the studio, Jared and Ash were waiting by his trailer. No words were spoken between them but by the smiles on their faces I could tell they knew what was going on between Jensen and I.
“You owe me twenty bucks Padalecki.” I heard Ash as Jared grumbled.
Jensen and I laughed as we walked to the studio building to meet with the executive producers and legal team concerning our newly starting relationship together.  
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
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fanficcollection · 4 years
Promotion Work (Part 5)
Promotion Work (series)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 Part 4
Pairing: Rob Benedict x reader Summary: Saturday at the convention Word Count: 2100 Warnings: mental breakdown, alcohol
Notes: I was really productive today and wrote this whole chapter! It’s not beta-read, but I hope it’s quite ok as it is.. Please leave feedback! :)
After adjusting the volume of the loudspeakers and checking the mics you were ready and gave the sign to one of the volunteers that everything was ready and the panels could start. Just 2 minutes later Rich entered the stage and greeted the crowd. They were screaming and clapping their hands, for them Rich really was a super-star and you had to smile. It was crazy how normal your friendship was, although he and Rob were such famous guys, it was adorable how grounded they were in spite of their success. You looked down on you, you had changed in the Louden Swain shirt before the sound-checks, it was a white T-shirt with a print looking like the band-members falling and a little text saying ‘Louden Swain’. In fact you really liked the design. They in some way looked like they were flying.
During the panel you were focussed on the technic, so the people could really enjoy the people talking, after Rob and Richs start, there were many more panels, but in fact you just needed to do the setup and told another assistant how to adjust the volume, if that was necessary. When you walked back to the green room you could feel something was different between you and the guys. You sat down next to them, you sensed that you really hurt them, when you first refused the shirt. For some moments you said nothing. Suddenly your phone rang. You saw the number of the radio station where you were working. 
“Hello, Cloe what’s up?” you answered the phone. “Where are you Y/N? Why aren’t you here?” she asked in a harsh voice. “It’s Saturday, I don’t work today. “ you answered in a shaky voice. She sounded upset, something happened. Rob watched your conversation, but you couldn’t notice anything other than the voice coming from the speaker. “Wrong. You have your day off at Sunday. Did you ever read your contract?” Cloe scolded you. “Also you left far too early yesterday. Is this job just some joke to you.” She kept going. Tears welled up in your eyes. “Sorry, Cloe. I…” you looked at the time, it was already noon.
“We saw some pictures of you on the internet, did you leave for a TV-convention?” Cloe asked, but she didn’t gave you time to answer. “Honestly.. Y/N… what did you think?” Your mouth was dry and you couldn’t say anything. “Cloe… I… I can be there in an hour.” You tried with a broken voice. “No, Y/N. That’s not necessary. You don’t have to come here. Like ever again.”
When you heard this words, you couldn’t breathe. “Please… Cloe.. I need this job.” You pressed out, tears now streaming down your cheeks. “You should have thought about his earlier. Bye, Y/N” she told you and ended the call. You starred at your phone. What the f… just happened? You couldn’t control your emotions anymore, without looking at anybody you stood up and left the room. You needed some space, you don’t know where you were heading, but you needed to get away. Eventually you sat down in a silent corner, buried your face in your hands and just cried. That couldn’t be true, you needed this job, you needed the money, you didn’t know how to get by without this money. Your whole world just broke down.
You didn’t know how long you were sitting there, when suddenly something touched your shoulder. “Are you dead?” a shy voice asked. You slowly looked up, a little girl stood in front of you. “I guess not.” You said silently and tried to smile. “But you are sad. I can see that, you were crying.” She deducted “My dad says it’s okay to be sad sometimes.” She then continued. “But I don’t want you to be sad.” The little girl came closer and hugged you when you heard someone ask loudly “Maison, what are you doing? I told you not to run away again.”
The girl stepped back a bit. “I found a friend, Daddy. But she is sad, so I said that’s okay to be sad.” She said and gripped your hand. When the man came closer to see what the girl meant you wiped away your tears. “I’m sorry, I just…” you tried to answer, but you didn’t know what to say. Again tears welled up in your eyes. But the man just smiled, sat down on the floor next to you an took Maison, the girl on his lap. “Like Maison said, it’s okay to be sad.” He smiled and just sat there. “You don’t have to sit here. You surely have better things to do” you sobbed. “Maison said, that you are her friend, and friends shouldn’t be alone, when they are sad.” He reassured and Maison still held your hand. “So, I’m Misha, and I would be happy if you want to be my friend as well.” He introduced himself. You stared at him, then you nodded “I’m Y/N”. You didn’t know anything else to say, so you just stayed silent for a moment.
There was so much going on in your head, but you couldn’t say anything. “Daddy. Why isn’t she saying anything” Maison asked her Dad “I think she just needs some time.” He answered and looked at you “But she knows that we are her friends, and we are here, if she wants to say anything.” You nodded and smiled slightly, but then everything hit you again and you started to cry like before, you would lose everything, your little room, your place at university, your friends. You put your head on your knees and couldn’t yourself together. Misha carefully put his arm around you “It’s okay.” He whispered, “It’s okay.”  
He waited there, next to you until you had your things together again. “Maison, could you get our friend something to drink, you know where you can get something.” Maison nodded and ran away, happy she could help with something. “Thank you” you whispered and leaned into his shoulder. “Wanna talk about what happened?” he asked kindly, a few more tears rolled down your cheeks. “I guess I just lost my job.” You sobbed and you started to tremble a little. “Shhh.. It’s okay.. I got you.” Maison returned with a bottle of soda. “Here Y/N. It’s my favourite.” She smiled and gave you the bottle. “Thank you, Maison. You are a true hero” you told her when you took the bottle.
“Y/N? Where are you?” you heard a well-known voice. “Y/N?” Rob sounded desperate, when he saw Misha he acted surprised “Misha, why are you sitting…” Maison stood up and waved to Rob “Hello Robbie! Dad said I could come here with him.” She smiled. Rob painfully smiled at her, when he saw you sitting next to Misha.
“Y/N!” Rob grasped. “Thank God!” He came closer, sat down at the floor. “Everything okay?” he asked, when he saw your red, swollen eyes. “Y/N is my friend now!” Maison said proudly. “I found her and I got her my favourite drink!” Misha smiled “You did very well, Maison.” He pulled her close gently and placed a kiss on her head. “I’m so proud of you”, he said. “But I think Robbie is also a friend of Y/N.”
You looked at Rob. You still didn’t know his last name. He seemed relieved and sad at the same time. “It’s okay.” You answered. You didn’t want him to know that your whole life is crumbling. He looked at you and you knew he didn’t believe you, but you couldn’t tell him anything. You lost your job because you came here and you came here because of Rich and him.
“Maison, I think we should take our bags to our room.” Misha told his daughter. “I guess there will be more time for you to spend time with your friend. Robbie will be here for her. And we will see her later. Promise.” He winked at you, took Maisons hand and they left.
When the two of them were gone Rob gently took your hand and said nothing. He just was there, sometimes he hummed a silent melody until it dawned to me “What’s with the convention?” you asked. “Rich and Matt are doing the host thing at the moment. I had to know that you were okay. You looked terrified when you left the Green Room. I was worried.” You looked into his eyes. “I’m sorry” you admitted. “for rushing off. It was just…” you looked at the floor again “…it was just too much.” Rob sat next to you and softly pulled you into a hug and said nothing. “And I really like your shirt.” You smiled and he smiled as well. “That’s good, ‘cause I really want to wear it to the concert tonight.”
The rest of the day went by very quickly. Sure, you still thought a lot about how your life would go on, but on the other hand you wanted to enjoy the weekend. You couldn’t do anything about your problems now, so you could try to forget them, at least for tonight. Sometimes you caught Rob or Rich gazing at you, but you didn’t say anything about your breakdown.
You learned, that Misha, Maisons Dad, was in fact one of the most famous actors of the show, along with two very nice guys called Jensen and Jared, who arrived later in the evening. In the afternoon you played a bit with Maison and watched some of the panels. Before the concert there was some free time for getting ready, since you still had no room on your own you again walked into the room with Rob and Richard. “Could you stop looking at me like that” you said, when you saw Richards glance. “I’m okay. Really.” They both nodded, but you felt, that they still didn’t believe you.
They put on some fresh clothes for the concert, this time more basic things. T-Shirts and Jeans. When it was time for the soundcheck you headed downstairs, everything went well, the crowd was so happy with them. And you, once again, were impressed how different those guys were on the stage.
After the last song you turned off the speakers and the microphone, shut down the whole system and left the room. You were ready to head home and wanted to say goodbye to everybody, when Rob came and looked confused “What are you doing? You promised, you would stay for some drinks tonight” you smiled knowing “I know, but…”
“No, please. You promised! I’m sure we find something where you can stay. You can stay in my bed – I’ll sleep on the couch. Or something like that. But please stay.” He pleaded.
“Rob..” you tried to answer, but suddenly a bunch of people passed, including Richard “Are you ready?” Rich asked you. “We are heading to a very comfy bar for a beer, or two…” he smiled and then took your hand, so you couldn’t say no. “But..” you tried a last time, but Rich smiled and said “It will be a nice evening, sugar. We got you.”
When Rich noticed, that you wouldn’t leave, he released your hand. The bar was, like Rich said, very cozy, shortly after the whole group got there, Rich left to pick up drinks for everybody. He came back with some beer, you thought about it, but then took one, like Rob said, there will be some place to stay and you felt like you needed that beer now. It was a very nice evening, a bit like the evening, when you met the band for the first time. After a while the alcohol was kicking in and it was easier for you to forget what happened. You were dancing with Sebastian and Matt, every once in a while somebody gave you something new to drink and so the evening went by.
Little by little the people left until just Rich, Rob and you were left. “I think it’s time to go” Rich said and you shook your head. Rich gently took your hand “Come on, Y/N, it’s late.” – “I don’t wanna go” you whined, but as Rob took your other hand and they both guided you to the exit you went with them. “Thank you, guys.” You babbled “This was a great last weekend. “ you smiled. Rob looked at you “What do you mean?” he asked. “I mean, I guess, I will live on the street from now on, I lost my jo…” you stumbled and fell hard, you scraped your knee and your left hand. It hurt “Ouch.. Why is all this happening to me” you mumbled. Rich and Rob looked at each other for a moment before the helped you up and brought you back to the hotel.  
@chantelle-c333 @awolfamongstus @jannalionheart @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @evyiione @destielschild @xx-melissa-x @kcam1621@captainsherlockwinchester110283 @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll @nekodresden85 @dont-hate-relate-pls @littleshone @laffytaffyhumor @waywardswain @sarahbaker2010 @bcarolinablr @wolfie-spn-weirdo 
I don’t know why, but tumblr doesn’t let me tag all of you, I’m sorry.
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Safe and Sound (Robert Downey Jr. x Daughter!Reader)
Chapter 7
Previously on Safe and Sound...
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1,254
A/N: So, I’ve never been to Comic-Con, just the small one here in my city. Which that Comic-Con is VERY SMALL, so I really don’t know what the actual Comic-Cons are like so this is all going based off guesses. So... Bear with me! 
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“I don’t know,” your father began to say, it had been a week since finding the adoption papers, and it was getting harder to act as if everything was normal. You hesitated at times when calling the people in the same house as you, mom and dad. Were they even your parents? Or were they your kidnappers? He watched you pack your drawstring backpack with some necessities you were going to need for the Comic-Con.“I don’t like you staying out late on a school night, hon,” he said quietly, “maybe you can get a refund on the tickets? We could have a movie night!” you looked over at him, he had a smile plastered on his face.
You sighed, “(Y/B/F/N) and I have been planning this for a while now, you know that” you said as you placed your portable charger in the bag. “Anyway, I should be home around Ten tonight.” That was if everything went according to the plan… well, you guys didn’t really have a plan, you were just playing it by ear.
He let out a defeated sigh, of course, he wouldn’t want to ruin your plans you had made for months now but he still felt uneasy about the situation, “call me when you’re on your way home,” he informed you. “I’ll be expecting you home by Ten okay? Eleven is the latest.” You gave him a nod.
You heard a car honk outside, you walked over to your window, “That’s them,” you said as you spotted your best friend waving you over from her house.
“Do you have some spending money?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you gave him a small smile and grabbed your bag, you passed him, “I’ll see you later!” You called out as you walked down the stairs.
“Call me!” He yelled out as you walked out of the house.
You walked over to the house next door, “took you long enough,” (Y/B/F/N) said as you walked up to her.
“My dad was trying to convince me not to go as I packed my drawstring bag,” you explained.
She gasped, “were you able to put you know what in your bag?”
You nod, “I placed it in there last night just in case,” you said with a smile.
“Kind of weird, he didn’t want you going, don’t you think?”
You tried your best not to think about it but it was kind of weird that he was so adamant to get you to stay home. Especially since he had been so excited about this for a while, well, actually until last week. When it had been announced that Robert Downey Jr. would be attending SDCC. You shook away your thoughts, “I don’t know,” you said with a shrug.
“You girls ready?” Your best friends dad said as he rolled down the window. You hadn’t noticed he had been waiting in the car for you guys.
“Sorry, dad!” Your best friend quickly said as she ran over to the passenger seat, you got into the backseat.
The ride to the convention was peaceful, but your nerves were everywhere. You didn’t know how this was going to play out and how you would feel afterward.
“We’re here!” Your best friend said with glee as she got off the car, you quickly got off.
“You girls have fun!” Her dad said. You both waved him goodbye as he drove off.
“Alright, we have to hurry up and get to Misha’s photo op!” Your best friend said. You both scrambled inside, going to the check-in booth, grabbing your lanyards for the photo op. The ladies at the booth gave you directions to where the photo op would be held, you guys tried your best to follow these directions, having to ask for help from random people at times because you guys did get lost. You finally found the spot where Misha Collins photo op would be held. You guys waited in line, “alright! Brainstorming time!” Your best friend whispered.
“Maybe we should wait until we get to his panel to brainstorm because right now we have no idea what’s going to happen, maybe after his panel, he’ll do a small meet and greet? I don’t know,” you sighed, “I’m not sure how these things work,” you said softly.
Your best friend gave you a nod, “you’re right, we should wait until we get to his panel to do anything. For now, let’s get excited!! We’re gonna meet Misha fucking Collins for christ sake! Castiel!!”
You laughed at your best friends excitement, she was right, you needed to get excited. You needed to get your mind off things. The line moved rather quickly, it was soon your turn, and Misha was a huge sweetheart! You hugged him longer than expected but he didn’t mind, he gently rubbed your back through the hug. He knew that sometimes his fans needed that comfort. You asked to do a prom pose and he was clearly very excited about it. Once you got your photo with Misha, he said to not miss out on the panel which you told him you wouldn’t. You walked out of the area to find your best friend dancing from excitement.
“We just met Misha Collins!!!” She said as she ran up to you.
You laughed, “let’s make our way to the Supernatural panel so we can get some good seats.” She agreed, you both then scrambled over to the room for the panel. You guys were lucky enough to find seats in the front row. Soon enough more people began to fill up the room and the panel began. You both sat and listened when it came time to ask questions you got the chance to ask a question for all the actors.
“Hi!” it was obvious that you were nervous, “this is for all of you, but I was wondering what is one thing you took from your character, personality wise, that has changed you in a better way?” You handed the mic back to the lady. The actors pondered your question for a bit and had some pretty good answers. Jensen told you directly that he liked your question which caused you to smile from ear to ear. Soon enough, the panel finished, you were still in awe by what just happened.
“We have to go!” Your best friend said as she grabbed your arm.
You quickly realized that you guys only had a short amount of time left until Robert’s panel was finished, you raced over to where his panel was being held. You stood there a bit shocked at the man standing on stage talking, it was him. Robert Downey Jr.
The man that could essentially be your father. “Look,” your best friend nudges you, she gestured with her head towards the hallway that was next to the stage, a hallway with only one security guard by it. “I distract, you slip by,” she whispers as she looks around to make sure no one is listening.
“Thank you guys, for coming out! It’s been a pleasure!” You heard Robert say into the mic, the crowd cheers.
“If we’re doing this, we have to do it now, (y/n).”
This was probably your only choice at trying to get to Robert, to at least make some type of contact with him, and try to find out more information on who you were. “Let’s do it,” you gave your best friend a nod and you both sprung into action.
Almost posted Chapter 9 instead of chapter 7... Woops. 
Safe and Sound taglist is CLOSED
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rebelminxy · 5 years
Now or Never-Chapter 2
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Word Count: 3167
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Biting, Oral (Female Receiving), Self Pleasuring (Male)
Square Filled: Biting
A/N: In this story, Jared and Gen are divorced. This is purely written for fictional use and is in no means to disrespect the Padalecki family. I send them my regards and admiration. This was written for @spnkinkbingo​
Series Masterlist
Chapter 2
Twelve Years Later
     Jared walked out of his trailer for the last time, reminiscing about the years he dedicated his life to the show Supernatural. He started this life-changing experience at the young age of 23, and now at 37, he felt almost complete, almost. 
     He walked over to the main stage building where cast and crew were waiting outside to give their final goodbyes. The final episode had aired the night before and the fandom was hijacking twitter with their comments on the ending and the tear-jerking moments throughout the final season. Jared had to silence his phone for the day from so many alerts from his social media. He smiled when he spotted Misha and Jensen, hugging them both once he reached them. The cast and crew were in an all-out hugging mood, many trying not to
"Wow, this is really it," Misha mumbled as he stood back to watch everyone be emotional with each other. 
"Yeah, sure doesn't feel like it though," Jared responded, clapping Jensen on the shoulder.
"Hey, we had a great run and we still have some conventions to do. So it ain't over yet," Jensen added.
"Dee and the kids coming up from Austin?" Jared asked.
"Nah, the contract on the apartment ends in a couple of days so I might as well head home. We still on for the family to get together in June, guys?" 
"Yeah, Vicky and the kids are excited to see everyone. Is your family joining us Jare?"
"Still haven't talked with Gen, but last time I mentioned it, she was down for it. Trouble is, Tom hasn't been on his best behavior and we are trying to figure out what is going on," Jared answered back, his gaze dropping down to his feet. "We think he’s acting out because of the divorce."
"Dude, you guys got divorced almost a year ago," Jensen responded with a bewildered look in his eyes.
"Vicky did say there would be a chance one of the kids would act out on this big change," Misha interjected. "It's a huge change especially for Tom because all he knows is his mom and dad being together."
     Jensen nodded slowly in agreement.
"Since the finale was so close to all this happening, Gen wanted me to focus on the show and once I got back to Austin, we can start taking Tom to therapy, see if he will open up with someone else."
"That's a great plan, Jare," Misha replied with a smile. "We do hope everything works out and Tom will enjoy the family get together."
"Plus, it's not every divorce that both parties end friendly. You and Gen have been great at handling the divorce," Jensen added as he clapped Jared back.
     Jared gave both of his best friends a weak smile, the worry of his eldest son at the front of his mind. He was glad to finally have the time to focus on his children, especially Tom. 
     The plane ride back to Austin was Jared's moment of realization that this time of his life was over, and now with so many big changes hitting him one after the other, he knew he needed to go somewhere where he felt comfort and control. The moment he got to his apartment, he put his usual black suit on his king-size bed and undressed to take a quick shower, making sure he used the body wash she said was her favorite. Once he was done and dressed, he slicked his hair back with gel and tied it back into a ponytail. Not like it mattered since she never mentioned about how he looked. But it made him feel better, dressing up just for her. He double-checked himself in the hallway mirror before heading out, his regular Uber he arranged for earlier already waiting for him.
     Austin was a beautiful city and no one could convince Jared to move anywhere else. But. just like every other city in America, Austin had its places that were more known by word of mouth. Heaven of Sins was an exclusive swingers club, but they didn’t really enforce the ‘only couples’ rule. Jared had heard about the place from a friend before his divorce, causing him to laugh to know such a place existed in the city. But after his divorce and a few nights of crazy drinking, he decided to give the place a look. Of course, the place required a heavy background check and even a doctor’s visit to provide a clean health test whenever they asked for it. But there was one rule that if broken, the member wasn’t allowed entrance and blackmailed into silence about the place IF they tried to reveal what they knew. 
     Never reveal your true identity.
     It was for the safety of all members and the club itself since high profile people of Austin frequent the place. So everyone wore a mask that covered the entire top half of their faces. Of course, this didn’t help hide everyone, but those there respected each other. Better said, they didn’t want someone going to talk to the press about certain kinks and affairs. 
     The first time Jared went, he met a few girls that caught his eye. They would do things but never did he cross the line of full penetration, he was still fresh from a divorce. It was after two months attending that he saw her. That night she wore an off the shoulder, deep V-line cut dress in the shade of a dark purple that exposed her cleavage. The dress had a thigh-high slit on the side, exposing her leg and, what he found out later, soft skin. Black open-toed heels covered her feet, showing off her well-maintained pedicure. Her hair was in a loose beach wave mess, barely reaching her shoulders. A pair of diamond drop earrings were the only sign of jewelry on her. Her face had the typical mask every female in the club wore, but her piercing gaze at him was what got him to talk to her. Something about her eyes reminded him of a dream long ago.
     That night he took her to one of the private rooms and before he could even begin, he explained to her how he was willing to do anything else except penetration. 
“Do whatever you want with me, just know, kissing is off-limits,” she whispered to him, her eyes never leaving his.
     After he heard those words, Jared knew he wanted to see her and only her. And ever since, that’s how things went. After a week exploring each other's limits and kinks, Jared asked if she was willing to just be with him in the club and she agreed to the exclusivity. Jared then purchased two phones, giving one to her and clarifying that this was their way to know when to meet at the club. No other communication, just a text message of a date and time to meet up. And that is what Jared had done when he got off the plane earlier. 
     Arriving at the club, Jared put his mask on and climbed out the Uber, tipping the guy generously as always to keep his mouth shut. He flashed his member card at the bouncer at the entrance and walked in, greeting those that said hello to him with a nod, his goal waiting for him in their regular back room. He didn’t stop for a drink, knowing she was waiting for him with one. The moment he stood outside the door, his hand froze over the handle. He thought about all the changes that happened over the year, hitting from one side to another. He shook his head and opened the door, sliding all his troubles away to the back of his mind, because right now, his focus was on the one person he knew was a welcomed change in the past months. 
     He shut the door behind him and smiled, seeing her already in her chair in the nude except her heels. She sat straight in the chair, her hands flat on her thighs. Her head was held up high, her eyes looking at him. Of course, her mask was still on and they had talked about maybe blindfolding her eyes, but Jared didn’t want that. He wanted to see her eyes at all times. 
“You’re late,” she said to him with a cocky smile.”
“Sorry, just got back into town when I texted you,” responded Jared as he walked over to the nightstand, his whiskey waiting beside her glass of red wine.
“Oh, work travels?”
     Jared responded with a hum as he took a sip of his drink, taking his and her wine with him back to stand in front of her. He looked down at her, only her eyes moving to look up at him. He tipped his head back as he swallowed the rest of the whiskey, his mind thinking on what to do tonight.
“I know you said you don’t have long,” Jared began.
“Family matters,” she stated matter of factly.
     Jared hummed back, looking at her and then her wine. He thought about something he always wanted to try but Gen was never into the idea. But he knew the woman before him would be ok with it. He smiled at her and swirled the wine in the glass, walking slowly towards her.
“How many glasses of wine did you have tonight?”
“That would be glass number three.”
“Oh, and didn’t we have a rule about only one glass before we meet?”
     She looked down the red tint of a flush peeking under the mask that he could see.
“Family matters had me a bit stressed, and waiting for you got me impatient.”
“Well, we need to rectify this matter.”
     Without warning, Jared tilted the glass to spill its contents down her chest. Her breasts and stomach were wet from the wine, a hint of red coloring her skin. He could see the trail of liquid slide down to her clean, shaved pussy, making him want to move forward with his plan. 
“Well, I would say that was a waste of good wine, but I doubt it really is now,” she giggled as she watched Jared kneel before her, prying her legs apart so he could get closer. 
     He placed a kiss on one cheek and then on the other, kissing each until he trailed down her jawline down to her throat. He quickly bit into the skin that covered the crook of her neck, causing her to moan and tilt her head to the side to give him more access. He loved how willing she was with him, how much he enjoyed her moans and cries of pleasure, knowing he caused them. He moved his head from where he was biting her, admiring the red skin and the visible teeth marks. He moved back to nibbling her delicious skin down her shoulder from the mark. As he dropped lower he heard her whisper.
“That’s the only visible mark allowed. I have something important tomorrow and can’t go in with multiple visible marks.”
“What are you wearing tomorrow?” Jared asked as he trailed the path of kisses and nibbles to the top of her breasts, which were rising high from her heavy breathing.
“Suit with a knee-high skirt,” she responded with a huff as his tongue trailed down to one of her nipples, his hand reaching out to grope her other breast.
“Good,” he whispered as he licked her nipple, tasting the wine he spilled. “That means I can mark up everywhere else, making sure you remember in the morning who you belong to.” 
     He suckled on her nipples, making her groan out, her body arching in reaction. Her hands wrapped around him, pulling his ponytail free and raking her nails against his scalp. 
“I want you to look at yourself in the mirror, see each mark and know I’m the one that makes you wet,” he groaned as he switched breasts, lapping up the taste of wine with the taste of her skin. “I’m the one that makes you scream here, the one that brings you pleasure.”
“Yes,” she hissed back, her legs wrapping around him.
     Jared licked every inch of her chest, leaving red bite marks behind. His mouth trailed down her stomach as his hands wrapped around her thighs. He gripped her thighs and pushed them wider, his tongue licking up the remnants of the wine. He could feel her shiver as he neared his goal. His tongue circled the inside of her belly button before he leaned back and admired how much her body was shaking in pleasure. 
     Slowly, he moved his face only inches away from her pussy, his hands gripping her thighs tightly so they won’t move. He blew a soft breath over her lips, making her quiver. He then slid the tip of his tongue along her slit, tasting a bit of her juices that were seeping free. 
“You love it when I eat you out, don’t you,” Jared said with a hushed, sensual tone.
“Yes,” she hissed again, her body quivering with need.
     Jared smiled at what he was capable of doing to this woman. Every time they would meet, it would end with her lying on the bed, lost in ecstasy. And tonight would be no different.
     Jared leaned forward, his tongue swiping up and down her slit, teasing as he let her thighs go, using his elbows to keep her legs apart. With his fingers, he pried her pussy open, his tongue now swiping her insides, her delicious juices covering his tongue. He could hear her groans, her body lifting from the chair that she was now gripping. He focused his attention to her clit, teasing the small bud as her body shook above him. His eyes traveled up to see her face, how her eyes seemed to roll into the back of her head as her mouth made an O as she moaned. He continued his torture, pulling back when he felt she was close to coming. 
     Eventually, he stuck a finger inside her, pulling it out slowly as he teased her clit. Another finger joined and eventually a third. He loved how much he could stretch her with his fingers, sometimes wondering if she would ever be able to handle his length. With his free hand, he unbuckled his pants and unzipped them, reaching in to pull out his cock. He stroked himself, imagining his fingers was his cock inside her. He imagined how it would feel to fuck her into the bed, making her scream louder than he already was, making her beg for more. As he stroked himself, he could feel how close she was, his need right behind. 
     Jared quicken his pace, his tongue flicking against her clit faster than earlier. He finger fucked her pussy, her juices bathing his chin as he pumped himself in his hand. He groaned against her as her legs wrapped around his head, gripping him tightly against her pussy, barely breathing. He felt a hand grip the top of his head as her body arched, the telltale sign that she was close. He pumped himself faster, picturing what she must look like with him fucking her from behind on all four. He could just imagine it, his name coming off her lips as he would pull her flushed body against his as he continued to fuck her.
     He heard her scream out, her grip on his head tight as her body convulsed as she came. He kept licking her as her juices flooded all over his mouth and fingers, his hand wrapped around his cock pumping faster. Her legs were gripping his head tightly as he wound her up, not stopping his actions. After a few more pumps, he groaned into her pussy as ropes of white cum spurt out and covered the wooden floor. His body jerked as he rode out his high, enjoying the feeling of her hands caressing his head. She finally let his head go, her legs dropping like jello. He looked up at her and smiled as he saw how dark her eyes were, how dazed she looked. 
     She leaned forward, her arms thrown over his shoulders and she licked his face, tasting her own juices all on his face. He was tempted to pull her into a kiss but reminded himself of her one rule. Pulling away from him, she got up and wobbled her way to bed right behind the chair. She landed with an ‘oomph’ onto the bed face first. Jared chuckled at her, heading over to wrap her with the sheet at the edge of the bed. He did admire his handiwork of bruises all over her chest and stomach, hoping she won’t mind the biting in the morning.
“You get some rest,” he whispered as he grabbed a pillow to place near her face.
“Make sure someone comes to wake me up in 30 minutes,” she mumbled.
“I will let Casey know,” he responded back.
     Before Jared could even make another move, she grabbed his arm, pulled back his sleeve and bit hard on the inside of his arm almost close to his wrist. Jared laughed once she let go, seeing how red his skin had turned.
“That’s a little reminder of what you did to me,” she groaned at him before falling asleep. Ever since then, she would always take a nap after their sessions, Jared trusting one of the waitresses to wake her up if he ever had to leave first.
      Jared sat there and watched her, enjoying the scene of her sleeping so peacefully. At first, no matter how tired she was, she would never stay. The fear of being vulnerable around a man she didn’t even know kept her on alert. But one night she accidentally knocked out and Jared stayed by her side until she woke up. Not once did he peek under her mask, showing her she could trust him at least in that. Ever since then, she would always take a nap after their sessions, Jared trusting one of the waitresses to wake her up if he ever had to leave first.
     So that's what he did after leaving the room. He called over the regular waitress and tipped her a good bit of cash to wake his friend up at the allotted time and left the club content. His Uber was waiting for him at the same spot and the ride home was silent. Once he arrived at his apartment, he got naked and jumped into the shower. After that, he dried off and changed into his pajama pants, laying in bed and turning the light out to sleep. But sleep never came, the things he had to deal with a couple of hours looming in his mind. Plus, his bed felt so cold, so empty, just like how he felt inside. One thought went through his mind before he closed his eyes to attempt to sleep.
What if she never got on that plane, to begin with?
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writethelifeyouwant · 5 years
You Got Iced- Chapter 2
Pairing: Jared x Reader x Jensen
Rating: T, for language (future chapters will be explicit)
Summary: Inspired in part by the challenge prompt and in part by this conventionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAHS_RJ5Gac (which is fucking hilarious, go enjoy yourselves there). The reader is attending a Supernatural convention during a heat wave and gets her money’s worth out of her ticket that’s for sure.
Word Count: 3773
Warnings: None for this chapter
A/N: Written for @babypieandwhiskey ‘s Hot as Hell challenge. If anyone else wants to be tagged in the rest of the chapters shoot me an ask! I’ll be posting them over the next couple weeks as I finish them. I’m in the process of moving to a different country so it’s taking me a little longer to write than I’d hoped :) 
Smirnoff Ice finally consumed, Jared and Jensen each reached out a hand to pull you up from your knees. Jensen’s eyes were almost glowing with a kind of subdued excitement that you couldn’t conceive of a reason for. He clapped your shoulder in a ‘job well done’ fashion and then exchanged a glance with Jared while you were straightening your clothes and weren’t looking at them. Jared had the same excitement burning behind his eyes, and gave Jensen a firm nod. 
“What do you say we get you a real drink to wash that crap down?” Jensen asked firmly, like it was more of an instruction than an offer. 
“What?” You spluttered, not understanding what on earth was going on. You looked between him and Jared, hoping one of them would offer up some kind of explanation. Neither did.
“Yeah,” Jared cut in, “we have a cooler of stuff in the green room back there. Come sit down for a bit.” Jared hovered his arm behind your back, as if to wrap it around your waist, but he didn’t touch. In an almost dream-like state you let them guide you towards the direction of their green room, calling a hurried goodbye and thank-you to Rob, Rich, and the band who were being left behind you. 
Upon reaching the green room, which was just a small conference room with two couches in one corner, and a cooler set up on a meeting table, surrounded by other snacks, Jensen bounded to the cooler while Jared continued to guide you to a seat in the corner of the couch. 
“What do you want to drink Y/N?” Jensen called over his shoulder. “We’ve got beer, there’s some wine in a can… I think this is whiskey…” he rifled through the assortment of bottles crammed together. 
“Um, I’m not picky, whatever you guys are having is fine,” your voice almost came out as a squeak because Jared had just lounged himself next to you, taking up the remainder of the couch with his giant giraffe legs. And those giant giraffe legs were now centimeters from your own bare legs, that you had tucked up underneath you in your little corner of the couch. 
“And if he gives you a beer, you won’t make a face?” Jared poked at you with his knee. 
“I resent that implication,” you looked faux-shocked for a moment, making your eyes round and wide, but breaking into a quick smile that crinkled your whole face up like tissue paper. Jensen handed you and Jared each a bottle and thunked himself in the corner of the next couch, the arm he set on the endrest brushing dangerously close to yours. “So, I have to ask, are you in the habit of bringing random strangers back to have a drink with?” 
“We do every now and then,” Jared nodded sagely, as if this was a perfectly understandable and reasonable occurrence, and not your wildest dream come true. 
“Not to sound ungrateful but, why?” You pushed, taking a sip of your beer to cover up your embarrassment. 
“Your question,” Jensen grinned. “I know it wasn’t anything profound but we’ve been doing these things for more than a decade and no one has ever asked us that one before.” 
“We thought the ingenuity should be congratulated,” Jared chimed in. 
“Oh,” you let that bit of information sink in. “Cool.” You took another drink to give your face something to do other than blush with anxiety. 
“Are you a little nervous?” Jared asked kindly, no trace of his earlier teasing left. You nodded, blushing deeper. 
“Don’t be,” Jensen reached forward and patted your forearm bracingly. “Have some more beer, let yourself relax.” You quickly followed his instruction, grateful for the excuse to ingest the liquid courage much more quickly than you had been. Jensen smiled at you, satisfied with your response. 
“So, Y/N, have you come to any conventions before?” Jared asked, drawing your attention back to him. You shook your head. 
“No, this was my first one. I had to live vicariously through the internet, before.” A nervous laugh escaped you as you realised what a fangirl you sounded like. Jared seemed to know exactly what you were thinking. 
“Hey, don’t be embarrassed about watching cons on youtube. You love the show, that’s why you’re here.” Jared’s smile was reassuring and sweet. “We’re fans of the show too, that’s why we do all this stuff. We like being able to share this with people, we like seeing people excited.” 
“It’s incredibly vain really, but someone has to feed his ego. My love isn’t enough anymore,” Jensen mocked, feigning hurt. 
“Hey!” Jared gasped. You and Jensen laughed and you followed his example, taking a further draught from your bottle. 
“Were you planning on going to the concert tonight?” Jensen asked. 
“Oh yeah,” you nodded, much more comfortable discussing your love of music than your love of the two men sitting next to you right now. “I’m probably just as excited for tonight as I was for your panel.” 
“Yeah they put on a good show,” Jensen agreed. “I think Jason’s coming tonight too actually, he texted me earlier he thinks he’ll make it in time.” 
“Sweet, he owes me twenty bucks,” Jared made a small victory fist. The conversation moved around that night’s show, and music more generally, while the three of you made it through your first bottles. Favourite songs were listed, first concerts were recounted, funny memories regaled with smiles. By the end of your bottle you felt more at ease with yourself, letting your body unfold from the slightly defensive position you had been perched in, in the corner of your couch. 
Jared moved to get the next round, dragging a chair behind him on his way back, holding all three beers in his other mammoth hand. You grabbed the bottle he offered you, and your fingers brushed his when he passed it over, sending a burn through your skin that was made all the more jarring by the cold condensation running over the back of your hand. You blushed and glanced down quickly, but then realised how incriminating that looked, and so shifted your eyes back to Jared, pretending there was no reason for you to have broken eye contact. You noticed that Jared’s eyes flicked down to his fingers, and then to yours, for just a moment, before he shook the expression of contemplation from his face so quickly you thought you might have invented it. 
“Is there any particular reason you sit like that?” You had asked the question before you gave yourself a chance to check if you would sound stupid or not, nodding to how Jared had sat with his chair facing backwards, like he had earlier on stage. 
“No,” Jared shook his head, not giving any indication that he thought you were weird or stupid for asking, and you relaxed again. “I used to get in trouble for sitting like this in school, so I think I do it a load now because no one can tell me not to,” he laughed. 
“I just noticed Sam sits that way a lot,” you explained. “I guess I wondered if it was something you did because of Sam of if it was the other way around.” 
“Yeah, no that’s me,” Jared laughed. “We definitely bleed into Sam and Dean more than we realise sometimes. I never even noticed that one before.” 
“Just don’t start overthinking it every time Sam sits down from now on,” Jensen laughed. 
“I won’t be thinking any harder than you. You still have to concentrate on not sitting on Misha’s lap every take.” You actually choked on your drink a little. Jensen leaned forward and thumped you on the back. 
“Jesus Jared, don’t kill her.” You gave Jensen a small thumbs up to indicate you were fine while you continued trying to catch your breath. “He was joking, by the way,” Jensen looked at you seriously, urging you not to misinterpret the situation. “Misha sits on my lap.” 
You narrowly avoided choking on your drink a second time as you burst out laughing. “I am genuinely amazed people get any work done around you two.” 
“Us too, believe me,” Jensen laughed easily. 
“What do you do for work, Y/N?” Jared asked with genuine curiosity, taking another swig of beer. 
“Oh, I don’t right now, I’m in college. That’s why I could come to the convention at all, you guys never came near my hometown, but my college was actually close enough to manage it.” 
“What’s your major?” Jared pressed for more information. You couldn’t fathom the attentive interest shining from his face. 
“I, haven’t actually declared one yet,” you admitted. “I’m chronically indecisive.” 
“Yeah you really must be if you still don’t have a major this late in the game. I didn’t think they let you past junior year without picking one,” Jared bemused. 
“Dude,” Jensen looked at Jared in something between exasperation and abject horror, “I think she might not be as old as we thought she was.” Jensen dragged his beer free hand across his face, pushing his fingers into his eye sockets in a pretty good imitation of Dean’s ‘frustration and despair’ face.  
“Um, I’m a sophomore…” you interjected sheepishly, ashamed that you had been found out. You had admonished yourself in the back of your mind when you had first been tossed the Smirnoff Ice. It was stupid to drink illegally in front of a load of celebrities. Not that you hadn’t drunk plenty before but it was just usually at parties filled with loads of other underage students. Here, you were alone. 
“You’re a sophomore?” Jared asked slowly, cautiously. You nodded, grimacing at your own idiocy. “Which means you’re only…” Jared left his question hanging. 
“Nineteen,” you admitted, curling back into yourself, getting ready for the outburst that must be close to the surface. 
“Jesus Christ,” Jensen’s voice sounded like a hiss, but it was underpinned by something deep, something hungry. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, mortified. The bottle in your hand suddenly felt like it weighed as much as your school bookbag, and you hurriedly looked for a place to set it, settling on the floor. “I should probably go…” You scrambled off the couch, tears blooming behind your lashes as you looked around for your bag and avoided looking anywhere near Jared or Jensen. 
“Sit your ass back down,” Jensen barked without looking up from the hand still plastered over his face. Stunned, you sat back down immediately, now risking a glance at Jensen. 
“You’re not in trouble,” Jared piped up, drawing your gaze. 
“Yeah but we so are,” Jensen groaned, finally pulling his head away from his hand to look at Jared with eyes that seemed to convey a message only Jared was meant to understand. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” Jared agreed, downing the rest of his drink and swinging off his chair to grab another. Jensen followed suit and drained the last of his beer, accepting a new drink from Jared, a glass of whiskey this time. 
“I’m so sorry,” you said again, forcing the words past the catch in your throat. “This was really stupid of me, I should have said something when you offered me a drink-” Your apology rant was interupted by Jared’s bark of laughter as he sat himself back on the couch next to you, considerably closer than he had been previously. 
“Y/N, we’re not mad at you,” Jared leant forward, bracing his forearms on his thighs, and swirling his drink thoughtfully. “And we’re not worried about giving drinks to someone underage.” That bit of information shocked you out of your panic a little bit. You had figured that was the reason your age had disconcerted them, why else would it? 
“You’re not concerned that I essentially just tricked you both into breaking the law?”
“Y/N, come on,” Jensen scoffed, but good naturedly. “How many times do you think we got wasted before we were 21? It’s what kids do.” He gave you a half smile that only barely covered the grimace in his eyes.
“Well, I’m still sorry I lied,” you said. “I never wanted to get you in trouble.” 
“The beer is not what’s gonna get us into trouble,” Jensen’s smile fought harder this time, and you could see it beat out whatever it was inside him that was making him so uncomfortable. This was the sign Jared had been waiting for, his permission from Jensen to keep going with what they had planned before your age had derailed them a moment. “It’s more the fact that we’re really feeling like old pervs right now.” A twinkle of mischief made its way back to his eyes as he gave Jared a wry smile. 
“Why…” You were entirely confused by Jensen’s comment. No matter how hard your brain tried it could not identify the connection between your previous conversation and why Jensen was now calling himself and Jared ‘old pervs’. Or why he was calling himself that at all. 
“Y/N,” Jared said your name cautiously, savouring its syllables on his tongue as he slowly reached a hand over to your knee. “We didn’t just bring you back here because of your question.”
Jared’s fingers might as well have had live wires hooked up to them considering how far the shock radiated through your body when he touched you. They drew your eyes like magnets, and it took immense effort to look back up at Jared and over to Jensen, who had moved as close to you as his couch would allow him. Jensen reached forward and took your hand, squeezing it comfortingly in his bigger one. 
“I’m going to say this very seriously right now, I need you to believe us one hundred percent,” Jensen looked earnestly between you and Jared. “If you don’t want this, that is okay. We are not expecting anything from you, you do not have to do anything, you are more than free to tell us to shove it up our asses and leave you the hell alone.” 
You still had not said a word, frozen in astonishment between Jared and Jensen, who each had a hand on you. That was probably the only reason you hadn’t jumped up from your spot on the couch by now. Grasping for words you settled on Jensen, breathing deeply before you plunged into the deep pool they were pulling you into. 
“Okay, I’m gonna need you to be incredibly clear about what you’re talking about, and then I’m gonna search this room for hidden cameras and the signal for Rich and Rob burst in with the ‘gotcha’ crew.” Jared and Jensen laughed brightly, and Jared patted your knee reassuringly.
“We’re not pranking you, sweetheart.” Jensen’s voice had dropped closer to Dean’s, found some gravel in his throat to drag over. 
“What we’re asking, is if you’d be interested in having a little more fun with us... somewhere a little more private.”Jared’s mouth curled into a wicked smile, and he pulled your arm towards him, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist, and pressing his glass of whiskey into your hand. You looked down at your hand questioningly. “You look like you could use that,” Jared nodded to the whiskey. You swallowed hard, then raised the glass to your lips and drained it in three burning gulps. 
“Good girl,” Jared whispered under his breath, more to himself than to anyone else in the room, focusing on the movement of your throat as you downed the liquor. You heard him though. 
Your eyes flicked to his, wide and nervous, but also incredibly turned on. You shook your head to clear it from the warm haze the whiskey had settled in your cheeks to speak the other big concern on your mind. 
“You’re married,” you stated emphatically. “You’re both married. You talk about how much you love your families all the time! I can’t- I couldn’t…” 
“Yes!” Jensen did a small fist bump with his whispered acclamation. 
“What?” You were so beyond confused at this point it was ridiculous. 
“That was the last test,” Jensen admitted. “If you didn’t say anything about being concerned for our moral and our families we’d have to back out.” 
“That one is Gen and Dany’s rule,” Jared clarified. 
“Wait, they sanction this?” You took a second to evaluate if you thought they were lying then lit on another part of what Jensen had said. “What do you mean ‘last test’, there were tests?” 
“Yeah if Jared picks someone out then we usually ease into it to see if whoever it is seems like they would be into what we want. We weren’t lying to you before, your question was awesome, that was one of the reasons Jared wanted to throw a test at you to check.” 
“And I passed this test?” 
“With flying colours sweetheart,” Jensen grinned. 
“What was it?”
“The Smirnoff Ice,” Jared laughed. “We iced you to see if you would play along with our bullshit or if you would wind up backing out, that’s why I made sure I told you you didn’t have to drink it, you had an out if you wanted it.” 
“But what sealed it was how you dropped to your knees like that,” Jensen cut in, his gaze claiming yours and holding you there. “That’s what we’re looking for in this. Someone who’s up for being a submissive for us.” 
“And we know that’s kind of out there for most people so if that freaks you out or it’s not your thing that’s totally okay,” Jared rushed to cut in, once again making sure you had an out if you wanted it. You were pretty sure you didn’t want one but there was still a crucial hang up that they hadn’t actually answered yet. 
“Okay but, I’m still confused. Genevieve and Daneel are just cool with you guys picking up random girls for one night scenes?” You cringed internally, hoping you were using that word correctly, this wasn’t exactly territory you had experience in, outside of the internet. 
“Yeah they are,” they boys nodded. “And since you seem genuinely concerned that we’re stepping out on them, we have… where’s your phone Jared?” Jensen popped up off his couch and went to grab Jared’s phone off the table holding the cooler, where he had left it earlier, refreshing his whiskey while he was there. 
“Here,” Jared offered you his phone after he pulled something up on its screen. Jensen didn’t settle back on his couch but perched himself on the arm of yours, resting a hand on your shoulder as you pushed the solitary play icon on the black screen. 
“Hi!” Two chipper voices rang out in unison and the screen filled with an image of Jared and Jensen’s wives, sat at what looked like Jensen’s kitchen counter (it wasn’t creepy that you knew that, you told yourself, he’s the one who did the AD interview). 
“We hope you’ve been having a good day and the boys haven’t been giving you too hard a time!” Gen said. 
“We know what a pain they can be,” Daneel mock whispered before taking a sip of wine. “So, yay you, if you’re seeing this then they obviously think you’re something pretty special. You don’t have to feel bad, this is all totally okay with us-”
“Yup, everything is totally in the open, they’re not trying to trick you or us,” Gen assured you through the phone screen. 
“This doesn’t mean we don’t love each other either, so don’t worry about any of that.” Daneel’s smile was incredibly sincere and you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding. “The thing is, me and Gen, we’ve all talked about this but neither of us is the threesome type.”
“And that was the one thing the guys wanted that we really weren’t up for,” Gen put in. “So we came up with this deal for them, they can have fun with a few people out on the road for conventions and stuff if they make sure to be careful, not pick up a lunatic, and always always make sure that whoever they pick up is gonna keep this to themselves.”
“For obvious reasons,” Daneel laughed. “So, if they’re letting you in on this little secret you’ve passed all the tests!”
“So stop worrying, and go have fun, sweetie,” Gen grinned. 
“Bye!” They waved in unison and the screen went black. 
“Any questions?” Jared asked gently. 
“I mean, in general, a million,” you laughed. “But I guess the big question would be how do you want this to work? Like, what exactly do you want from me?” 
“So you’re saying yes?” Jensen asked. 
“I think I am, yeah. But, seriously, what do you want?”
“Are you comfortable having a threesome?” Jared asked, in a manner that would have been appropriate if he was asking what pizza toppings you preferred. Your heart basically stopped at the image that produced in your head. Your body between theirs, their hands on your skin...
“Yes,” you nod. 
“Are you comfortable being submissive to us?” Jensen asked. 
“Yes… sir?” You threw the title out there on a whim, wondering if that was Jensen’s style. 
“You’ve never done this kind of thing before, have you?” Jensen grinned. 
“Which part? The threesome or the dom/sub stuff?” 
“Well I’m assuming, neither, based on your answers” Jared chuckled, and brushed the backs of his fingers up your thigh. 
“Yeah I- I haven’t,” you blushed and cleared your throat. “I haven’t done any of this before.” 
“That’s okay,” Jared’s voice was pitched barely above a whisper. “We kind of like that,” his eyes glinted, darting up to Jensen in a brief look of victory. 
“You know how to pick ‘em, Jared,” Jensen smiled, brushing your hair back over your shoulder and leaning down to touch his lips to the skin he uncovered. 
“This is really happening?” You breathed. 
“That finally our yes?” Jared asked, lips ghosting over the shell of your ear, pulling a shiver from your spine. 
“There’s one more thing I should tell you,” you yanked yourself back into your head, steadying yourself with a final breath before you chance smashing the glass on this illusion. Jared and Jensen backed off slightly to give you space. “When I said I’d never done anything like this I meant it.” You gave them a moment to absorb that but saw they hadn’t quite made the connection. “Like, anything,” you emphasised.
You saw their understanding slam into place.
Tags: @babypieandwhiskey @samsgirl93
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preface2adreamplay · 5 years
Under Your Spell (Part 10) - Ashes On My Shoes
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Summary: A Jared Padalecki/OFC fiction.
Stef is a musician, recently gone solo. Happy with her life as a forever single person until Jared makes it his mission to get close to her. (For the purpose of this fiction, I have liberated some lyrics from various artists and their videos. This is fiction, with real people mentioned.)
Chapter warnings: Flirting, swearing. 
Chapter WC: 2,458
The night of the Texas show was here. Stef was always nervous for every gig, why wouldn’t she be? There were a hundred and one ways that things could go sideways. Most of them had already happened during her career. But Jared would be at this show. He had text her to say he was incoming, ’With the boys.’ She assumed Jensen would be joining him. 
The bus was parked up next to the venue, the first of bands that were playing with them had started their set. Stef was already dressed for the stage, usually she kept it simple enough but tonight she made a special effort to be a little more flamboyant. Claire had helped her put together this flowing ensemble. A dress with a plunging neckline that just about reached to her navel, long sleeves and a train of black and silver material that followed her around as she walked. It was a flirty, Morticia Addams inspired dress with a slit up the front that came up to her knees. When she moved it dragged behind her, showing off her long legs. 
The legs that Jared had kissed and ran his fingers up and down teasingly the last time they were together. He said he loved her legs. She loved them when they were wrapped around his waist.
‘Focus, Stef.’ she scolded herself in the hand held mirror she used to put on her make up. 
Just then her tour manager pulled open the door, shouting ‘you decent?’
‘Yeah, come on in,’ Stef had one more coat of mascara to do and she was done.
‘Wow, you look great. You going on a date afterwards?’ Jeff was cool, he was a friend from years back, from the beginning. Always a good guy to have with you on tour. You needed a snack at 3am, he got it. You needed a replacement guitar string before you ran on stage, he had it ready. 
Jeff carried on with his checklist, talking to himself more than to her.
‘Your stuff is on stage, the band are hanging in the waiting room. You staying on the bus?’ 
‘Nah, I’m going to go in now.’
‘Just so you know there are some fans at the gate, waiting for you.’
There were always a few people hanging around the venue before her shows. The first time she got off a bus with people shouting her name was definitely one of the highlights of the business for her. They were the reason why she still did shows. Her fans were always hungry for more music.
Recognising a few of the faces in the crowd, Stef hung with them for a few minutes.
They were complimentary about her ‘new style,’ asking if it was for the new album.
She agreed, butterflies nesting in her stomach again at the thought that she had made this effort just for Jared. What had become of her?
Smiling and doing her best poses with the fans, she waved them goodbye. Promising to give them a shoutout from the stage.
The venue was packed. Though she put that down to the most excellent support acts that were with her. Slipping into the backstage area through the rear entrance, she noticed her band mates were rowdy. 
‘What is it about the Texas crowds that get you guys so wound up?’ She laughed, watching the empty mini bottles of Jager tumble down from their ludicrous game of dominoes. 
‘What is it about Texas that’s got you looking like that?’ Evan queried, the boys wolf whistled. 
‘Settle down.’ She scolded. Forever the mother. These guys had been around nearly as long as Jeff. She found them all adorable and annoying, referring to them as her ‘hairy ass babies.’
Curing her nerves with two glasses of whiskey, she saw the second support act coming backstage, sweaty and loud. 
They’d be up next. 
Jeff appeared again, ‘Hey Stef, c’mere.’ 
‘Your friends just arrived,’ he said in a hushed tone, nodding his head towards Jared and Jensen. Misha stepped out from behind the two taller men and waved energetically. ‘Hey!’ he called across the corridor at her.
Stef ushered them into the room. Giving Jensen and Jared a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. Jared was smiling from ear to ear, but said nothing.
‘Hey hot momma,’ Jensen tried to keep a straight face, glancing at Jared. ‘Can’t wait for the show. We brought this idiot, he loves your music too.’
‘I’m a new fan.’ Misha pulled her into a tight hug. ‘Not as big a fan as Jared, but I still love your stuff.’ 
Misha seemed to be a guy you could instantly like. Stef patted him on the back, letting him know that the hug was done. 
’Sorry, I’m excited to meet you. Jared talks about you non stop.’
‘Do I?’ Jared was looking at Stef, taking her in, his eyes pausing on all the right places of the dress. 
‘You do, actually.’ Jensen clapped his friend on the back. ‘Come on, let’s get ready for this show then.’ He gave Misha a playful push out the door and threw Jared a look that said ‘hurry up.’
When they had disappeared, Jeff pointing the way up to the box Stef had booked for them, Jared was still standing over her. ‘You look beautiful.’
She could feel herself getting a little bashful. ‘Thank you,’ she replied, deciding it was best to just say it rather than pass it off as ‘this old thing?’
‘Good luck, I can’t wait to see you play.’ He leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips. That surprised her, she didn’t think he wanted to advertise that they were somewhat ‘together.’ 
‘I can’t wait to play for you.’ Stef smiled, giving his chin a little tug. 
‘You got about five minutes,’ Jeff came back and took Jared by the arm, leading him out of the door. 
With the lights glaring into her face, she could never see the crowd. That often helped with her nerves. Being up there made her feel so vulnerable, that was why she loved doing it so much. It was like therapy, pouring her heart out into the songs and letting them take over. The crowd were waiting impatiently when the lights went down. It was her cue to walk on stage. The guys were at their instruments, playing the intro to the new single. Stef reached the mic as the beat kicked in, her words flowing easily. Everything sounded right. In the moment, she forgot everyone around her. Forgot about Jared sitting forward in his seat taking in the show, watching her move with the music, doubled over when the high notes required it. 
There was little time to chat between songs, Stef preferred it that way. It was easier to just get on with it. 
She hated the ‘hey there..*insert city* you’re the best.’
Halfway through the set, she thanked the crowd for coming out, introduced the band and pulled out her acoustic guitar. 
‘This isn’t usual for me, I like to kick it full steam ahead for you guys. But, someone recently sang this song to me and it revived some old feelings. Despair and lost love. Sounds good, right?’ The crowd whooped and cheered.
‘Ok, cool.’ Stef started right into the song, keeping the pace that Jared had set when he sang it to her on the floor of Jensen’s cabin the night they first made love. 
Burning soft skin of two
Trying hard to let go of you
Hoping it will do
Pulled right out from underneath you
She heard the crowd singing it along with her, her breath caught in her throat when she finished the song, pushing her guitar aside and holding up her hands in thanks to the fans. 
‘You know what, I don’t usually say this, but y’all ARE the fuckin’ best.’ 
Backstage, everyone was in high spirits. The whiskey was flowing and Stef was so buzzed. Misha was taking pictures of the band, wanting her to strike some ridiculous poses with Jensen and Jared.
Several of the shots made it on to instagram. Jared and ‘the boys,’ each posted a picture with Stef, exclaiming about how great the show had been and how excited they were to be invited backstage.
Stef even posted one with Misha, Jensen and Jared holding her up as she lay across them. There were so many comments on it, she just didn’t have the energy to read them.
Back on the bus, the guys were continuing their little party in the ‘living area’ behind the driver. Jared had come back with Stef to have a chat before they had to go.
Checking that no one was watching, Stef pulled him halfway into her tiny bunk, there was no way the both of them would fit in there but they managed to squeeze in, legs dangling out from behind the curtain. Giggling like teenagers, they made out for a while. Jared punctuating each kiss with how much he enjoyed the show. Eventually, after several phone calls from an increasingly pissed Jensen, Jared took his leave. Kissing her wrist to her shoulder and then giving her several kisses that made her head spin, he left. 
‘Stefanie’s got a boyfriend!’ One of the guys stuck his head out through the sliding door of the living area, he was so drunk he could barely stand. 
‘Shut the fuck up,’ Stef threw a pair of his balled up socks at him. ‘And clean up after your-damn-selves.’ 
The next day they were playing a much smaller venue, but the crowds were still coming out, thankfully.
Stef had taken a moment to look at her tagged posts on social media. There were a few great shots taken the night before, she was incredibly grateful her tits didn’t pop out of her dress. 
‘Wow, you know J2?’ ‘OMG Jensen’ ‘OMG Jared’. Was how most of the comments were going. Several were suggesting she was fucking one of them, or all three.
‘She sucks, her music sucks and she’s ugly.’ Charming. Stef often deleted the nasty ones, coz who wants to see them, right? 
There were more followers on all platforms, that was nice. More people to hear the music, she supposed.
Her heart skipped a beat on seeing a post on insta from Jared. It was a picture of them striking a ridiculous pose, his arm around her waist. They were doing their best blue steel. The second was a shot of him, Jensen and Misha heads together at the show and the third was Stef on stage, she couldn’t recall what part of the night it was. 
‘If anyone gets a chance to see this girl live, go see her. You rocked us last night, Stef. So proud of you.’ Several love hearts.
Misha commented, ‘get your hands off my girl, Jared.’
Jared: ‘And how long do you know her that you think you can lay claim?’
Jensen posted several laughing emojis, ‘as MJ said boys, ‘the girl is mine.’
Stef liked each of the comments. Adding her own ‘I’d take all three of you, no problem.’ To which Jared added a sad face and a broken heart. 
Her phone began vibrating, the long stream of comments disappearing. Oscar’s name was flashing on screen.
‘Hello, Oscar.’ Her voice was a little husky from the night before.
‘There she is. I see your show was well received last night.’
‘Oh?’ She feigned ignorance. 
‘There is a write up about it already, some fans of Supernatural are getting quite excited about it. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone from the show would you?’
She heard Oscar sighing down the phone where there would usually be laughter.
‘You better not be messing around with a married man, Effie.’
‘Why would that be any of your fucking business, Oscar?’
‘I thought as much, you won’t deny it either. I noticed something about you when you came down for Dar’s party.’
‘You noticed what?’
‘Well, don’t get me wrong you are always lovely but you were simply glowing when you arrived at the airport.’
‘Oh shut up, you’re so full of crap.’
‘Am I?’
She supposed he wasn’t. But again, she didn’t want to tell him he was right. 
‘Yeah, your silence speaks volumes.’
‘I’m a big girl, Oscar. I look out for myself. Always have.’
The last two words stung him and she knew it. He shifted in his chair, she heard him clear his throat the way he always did, before he wanted to launch into a speech about how she was getting herself into trouble.
’Before you start, because I know what you’re going to say!’ She warned, hearing him start to tell her to watch herself.
‘I appreciate your concern, but I’m not getting myself into anything I haven’t thought about for many sleepless nights. We have...an agreement.’
Oscar scoffed, ‘so you’re fucking a married man. That’s fine is it?’
‘It is for us, Oscar. Please don’t judge me.’
‘I can’t not judge you. What’s with you lately? You’re not really acting like yourself.’
‘Hey, you told me I needed to loosen up a bit.’
‘Loosening up a little means go out with your friends more and have some fun. Not start a relationship with a married guy. A famous married one at that. Jesus, Stef, you have to be more careful.’
‘Oscar, I appreciate the concern.’
‘That’s it? No fighting back?’
‘I don’t want to fight, not with you. I can’t fight with you anymore.’
Oscar was sighing again. ‘Promise me, you’ll be sensible. I can’t stand seeing you broken hearted.’
‘Oh don’t start that shit again, please.’ Stef buried her face in the crook of her arm, laying across her bunk. 
‘I mean it, Stefanie. Don’t do that to yourself, you’re worth more than that. You’re more than a mistress.’
‘I know that. And as I said, it works for both of us right now.’
‘Yeah, yeah sure. You frustrate me so much, you know that?’
‘I do. It’s why you love me though.’ 
Perhaps she had chosen the wrong words, his voice which had been pleading was now just sad.
‘Fuck sakes. I’m shaking my head right now, but you can’t see me.’
Stef bit her nails, ‘yeah but I can imagine it, vividly. You still got that nice head of hair?’
‘Yep, I’m shaving it off as soon as this movie is done.’
‘I hate your bald head.’ Stef complained.
‘I am doing it just to annoy you, and I will be sending pictures.’
‘Ugh, delete me from your life please.’
‘Never,’ he smiled a little, ‘I gotta go.’
‘Later Oscar.’
‘Goodbye, love.’
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