#jeremy n faith
hunter-royalty · 2 years
closed starter for @faiththesinfulslayer
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The scooby gang had enough problems to deal with and now there was some sicko leaving bodies where anyone could find them. From the look of the wounds and lack of any blood leftover, it was clearly a vampire and guess who was a freshly minted vampire hunter? It would be nice to blow off some steam, get some of his own bloodlust out of his system, so he'd be less likely to go after his sister or Damon accidentally.
So he'd slipped away while every one else was busy to deal with this problem himself. The last attack had happened on some hikers, so he headed to the woods outside the old cemetery. To... track it? He was still a little fuzzy on how his new abilities were supposed to work. Maybe he'd get some kind of spidey sense going off if he just walked around a little with his crossbow.
After almost an hour of wandering around with absolutely no results, he was about to give up and go home when a branch broke behind him.
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"Hello?" He whirled around, looking for the source, cursing himself for calling out.
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arkiliastuff · 7 months
Prologue - In a Concrete Jungle
Noah Sebastian x OFC (Aurey)
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(pictures edited by me. Originals url linked on the pictures.)
A/N : I thought about this one for a while and, even though I have a lot of other fanfics that are waiting to be finished/written, I wanted to share this one in particular with you :D It's been on my mind for months, the lore maturing in my head. It's going to be a LOT different from what I usually write but I'm trying things and despite the dark mood in this story I hope you'll enjoy it as well ! :D
Warnings/Tags : Strangers/Enemies to Lovers trope, violence, blood, post-apocalyptical universe, cyber-futuristic vibe, "no god, no religion" vibe (I don't mean any form of disrespect in any religion), mention of trauma, death, loss, drugs, mental and physical abuse, trust and abandonment issues. (Just in case MDNI please).
Disclaimer : I haven’t read the comic book “Concrete Jungle” written by Noah Sebastian and illustrated by many cover artists such as Nicola Izzo, Jeremy Wilson and many more, so I don’t know much about the lore and the universe. I just got inspired by the song and the few panels of the comic book that I saw about it. The rest is a pure work of my imagination and it’s not related to anything official. Nothing is canonically official. This is totally fanfiction. And so this is how I pictured the world in the song “Concrete Jungle”.
~The little bean taglist : @valiantroeagleangel @talialovesmiw -> ask me if you want to be tagged :D
She walked there, in this desolate landscape, with a strong determination. Two girls who seemed to look like her friends were following her, looking behind them briefly. Probably afraid of someone or something that will come after them. After all, they went out without authorization. They went out in this no man’s land, caused by gangs and mafias. Many civilians had perished because of this war. The survivors were hiding underground, in the subway. The reason why they went outside was because one of them, a girl with glasses and blue eyes, forgot her necklace at the church where she always went to pray. So after complaining to her friends about her precious loss, the strong-willed brunette who was among them decided to go and get the necklace back. The two other friends eventually followed her even though they were feeling nervous about disobeying.
“If we hurry, we will be back in no time” She said, trying to reassure her anxious friends.
And so, just like the bold brown-haired girl said, they arrived at the place. The church had been bombed. The two girls felt sad about the destruction, but the leader didn't seem to be moved by it. Instead, she was more focused on her mission, looking for the necklace, while making sure nobody would come to arrest them. She was in hypervigilance, almost looking paranoid. She looked everywhere under the seats and chairs that were still there until she saw something shiny. She reached for it and then wiped the dust on it. It was a crux with a silver chain. 
“I found it, Faith.” She stated, calling for her friend.
The latter one walked towards her, analyzing what she found before realizing what it was.
“It's my necklace ! Thank you so much, Audy !” Faith replied happily, using the usual friendly nickname for her friend.
The latter one just nodded in silence, her focus back on her group and looking for their second friend.
“Where is Daisy ?”
The two of them looked around the ruined church before they saw the red-haired girl who was near some candles next to a shrine of prayer. She lit up a candle and prayed in silence for their sake. Faith joined Daisy, lighting up a candle as well while Audy was watching them, starting to get annoyed.
“Come on guys, we cannot stay here too long.”
“Just a few more minutes.” Daisy replied.
A few seconds later a breeze came through, extinguishing the timid flames on the two candles. From this moment, Faith and Daisy stood up and stopped praying, turning on their heels at the same time towards Audy.
“We’re done.” The first one said.
“The Lord has heard our prayers.” The second added.
“What ? Already ? But you just lit the candles a few minutes ago” Audy replied, confusion in her eyes.
“It is the way it is. It’s probably a good omen” Faith said.
“Wait.. Let me just light the candles again.” The brunette said sheepishly.
As she was going slowly to the shrine, about to light the candles with another one, both of her friends widened their eyes in shock, attempting to stop her.
“DON’T !” Daisy yelled.
“DON’T DO IT, AUDREY ! You’re disrespecting His words !”
The long browned-haired one stopped her movement in the air, the spark just above the candle’s wick reaching it slowly but surely. Then, she looked at Faith and Daisy, an angry and dead gaze in her dark eyes.
“Even if I lit up those candles again, do you think it would change a fucking thing for what happened to our city ? To our families ? To our friends ?” She replied, clenching her teeth together as she spat her words like venom, anger getting the best of her, before she continued.
“No, it wouldn’t. Don’t take that fucking breeze as a sign from your Lord, ‘cause you two know better that, if He wanted to help us, He would have done it already. We are responsible for our own downfall. For our own misery. And no Gods will ever help us. Only the demons that you’re afraid of will answer us because they're close to what we are.”
After that, she saw the shock on her friends' faces, trying to reach out to her and yelling at her that she was irreverent by saying those words. It was the shock before the sound of something falling as fast as lightning just dropped on the ruined church. And then everything exploded. Bricks of the building were thrown away at Daisy and Faith’s head, knocking them out immediately. Audrey got hit as well, feeling her blood flowing from her face before blurring her vision. The last thing she saw was her two friends on the ground, blood running from their heads. Then, it went completely white.
Aurey woke up, sweating all over her body as she was panting, trying to gain some air. She put a hand on her forehead, trying to wipe the sweat away and checking it. There wasn’t any blood. She sighed in relief but not too long. She knew it couldn’t be just a dream.
“This wasn’t just a nightmare” She whispered to herself, knowing too well this situation.
She stood up, got her gear on her and packed her stuff together before leaving the spot where she slept. She knew she shouldn’t have slept there. 
It was a small cave of collapsed buildings parted together which were composed of cables, metal pieces of broken engines everywhere. 
It could crumble any minute. But she took the risk anyway, as she felt this one was more safe. She didn’t know how long she slept but she was aware it was late. Once she got out, she covered her nose as she smelled an heavy and toxic smoke. It was the smell of somewhat burned vehicles and trash cans not that far away. It was, probably, another threat from a gang who were arguing again in the city.
She put her customized respirator on, breathing again. Then, she started to climb up the ruins, reaching for a higher spot to get a better view. She climbed a few minutes after finding a window, which gave a great opening view from below. She took her binoculars out of her pocket and started to look around. 
Through it, Aurey saw a usual wildfire in the city, on her right. She could barely hear the sound of gunshots. A lot was happening and she hoped her teammates could handle it while she went patrolling on her own. Suddenly she saw something blinking, in the corner of her left lens. She turned a bit more to her left and saw a black car entering the Nameless City. She had never seen a car like this before. This was the first time that she had witnessed new people arriving. Who could they be ? And why were they coming into this hell hole ? She made a mental note to herself to keep an eye on this vehicle and the people who were in it.
Meanwhile, Noah was lost in his thoughts as they were passing through the barbed wire gate of the city. He was just getting bored of the trip, having no idea why they got a call to come here. His partners and best friends in the car told him it was a well-paid mission, but he wasn’t really convinced by it. They had to do some cleanup as they were told. And given the sight of the city it seemed this town needed it. What was left of the police authorities were just broken cars, with no more tire or windows. They probably run away from all the chaos, just to survive somewhere else. Just being out of this mess. Noah kept staring through the window, his chin in the palm of his tattooed hand, just looking at all the clutter those crumbled buildings had made.
“A real concrete jungle…” He muttered.
Then he heard a howl. He was taken by surprise, not expecting to hear such a sound in this kind of city. He listened again, opening his window just to hear it more clearly. Another howling. It wasn’t human. It sounded more like an animal.
“ What was that ? Did you guys heard that ?” He said, his eyes widened as he couldn’t believe his ears.
"Heard what ?" Folio asked, not really paying too much attention to their surroundings.
"A howl. It sounded like a coyote. Or was it a wolf ?" Noah continued, his ears attentive to any other sound.
But the howling animal had stop. He still had no idea what his friends and him were getting into but he promised himself to investigate this strange city.
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andydrysdalerogers · 9 days
Troublemaker ~ Chapter Nine ~ Fox in the Den
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He is one of the best goaltenders in the league. He's also hated by his teammates. He didn't mean to be a troublemaker but why not lean into it? There wasn't anyone to stop him.
Until he met her...
A Jeremy Swayman AU x OFC Stella Williams
Story Warnings: excessive drinking, SMUT!, an asshole Jeremy, angst
A/N: Hello and welcome to a spin-off "Cross-Checked" so plenty of characters from that story are crossing over here! If you want a more detailed story of how we ended up here, read the first store HERE Also! The taglist is open. If you want to be added or removed, please let me know!
Previous: Rude Awakening
Please note that I do not give permission for my work to be translated, reposted, or published anywhere other than my Tumblr. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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This has to be a fucking nightmare.  
Not twenty-four hours ago, I was ready to profess my love for Stella Williams.  
And twenty-four hours later, I’m alone at Red Line. No girl, no love, just broken.  
I sat at the corner of the bar, sipping my drink. I really have no idea how to move forward. I’m lucky Mark, the manager, knows how to keep everyone away from me. He also knows how much I don’t want to be drunk right now. I keep looking at my phone, swiping through the photos of Stella and me. I stared at her smiling, beautiful face. I could still see the future I had been dreaming about. Could see her accepting my proposal, walking down the aisle to me, telling me she’s pregnant, buying our house.  
The lost dreams weighed on my heart, and I can feel my eyes fill with hot tears. I wipe my eyes on my shirt. I don’t want to show weakness where someone can see.  
“You know, drinking won’t help. I speak from experience.” I looked up to see Andy standing behind me.  He moved to take the seat next to me and waved at Mark for a beer.  
“Not drinking,” I mumble. I give him my glass. “It's just juice.”  
He sniffs and smiles. “Good, I need you to keep a clear head.”  
“Why?” I turned back to my phone. “Why when my entire life went up in flames?” 
“Jeremy,” Andy placed his hand on my shoulder, “it's not in flames.”  
“Cap, sorry but I lost my spot, I lost my girl, I lost everything.” I put my head on bar. “What the fuck do I have now?” 
“Jer, I have a meeting with management before the game. I asked that they not make a public statement until we talked.  I need you to be there.” 
“Why? They obviously don’t trust me. They didn’t give me a chance to explain.” 
“I know. I know.” Andy took a long drink. “I have your back. Please just work with me.   I know that we have a rough history but if the last four months you have shown me that you are reliable and faithful, not only to your girl but the team.” 
I sat and just thought about everything. “Do you think someone on the team did this?” 
He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”  
I nodded. “Andy, the girl? Its Stella.” I looked away.  
“Yeah, I know.” I turned back to him. “She’s been at my house for the last couple of days. Leia is worried about her.  All she does is hold Avery. Says it stops her from crying.”  
“Fuck.” I can’t stop the tear that falls. “I’m sorry.”  
“Why are you apologizing?” 
“Because I’m messing up your life.”  
Andy frowns. “Stop that. You didn’t do anything, and we both know it.”  
It's quiet again. “Andy, I need her. I love her.”  
“I know man.” He finishes his drink. “C’mon. Lets grab a burger and talk about the meeting.” I nod, drain my drink and pay our bill. If there is anyone I trust besides Linus, it would be Andy. 
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I’m sitting outside of the management offices two days later, knees bouncing. Andy is in with the general manager and coach. I’m looking at my phone, still staring at the photos I have of Stella and go through our messages.  
Stella: Would you still like me if I were a squirrel?  Jeremy: Stella... what?  Stella: I asked, would you still like me if I were a squirrel?  Jeremy: I feel like this is trick question.   Stella: just answer it  Jeremy: Am I a squirrel with you?  Stella: No  Jeremy: then yes I would  Stella: really?  Jeremy: yeah. I would make you a nice squirrel house and bring you nuts and stuff so you would be happy in your squirrel home.   Stella: that is probably the most romantic thing you have ever said to me.   Jeremy: (wink)  Jeremy: wanna come over? (smirk)  Stella: (rolling eyes) moments over  Stella: I’ll be there in 10 (smile) 
I smile at the texts, wishing she was here to hold my hand.  A commotion comes from the hallway, and I look up to see Stella and one of the other athletic trainers coming down the hall.  I think her name is Kiley. She’s always given me the creeps, a sort of puck bunny vibe that is semi-stalker-ish. I stand up. “Stella?” 
“Jeremy.” She looks beautiful, even in her angry, frustrated state.  
I’m not sure what to say. I want to say everything, but I don’t want to say it in front of anyone else. I want to tell her I love her, but I don’t want an audience.  I move to ask her if we can talk in private when the door opens, and Andy comes out to look between us. “Stel?” 
“I need to talk to you and management.” She takes a breath. “And Jeremy.”  
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Two Days Before 
I finally went back home. I knew I couldn’t stay with Leia forever, as much as I wanted to. Since I was home, I stayed with Leia when I could to help with the baby.  Holding my niece was my only comfort. I had been alone since I came home from the road trip. I should have been getting the team ready for playoffs but no, I’ve been in my apartment, crying my eyes out.  
I decided that I had enough and went back to the arena. I needed to be distracted, even when a certain someone was there. I head straight to my office, shut the door and started with the mass of emails that had piled up.  My phone rings and my heart jumps. I grab at it, hoping I’ll see his name on my phone but it's just Leia. “Hi.”  
“Don’t sound too enthusiastic Stella. Where are you?” 
“At work, tackling all of the stuff I’m behind on. Are you ok? Is my sweet angel ok?” 
I can practically hear her eyes roll. “We’re ok. Excited to see Andy.”  
I looked at calendar and sure enough, the team is due to arrive in about an hour, do a quick meeting and then head home for the night. I sigh because I know Jeremy will be here.  It's been a week since he was on my doorstep, and I told him I couldn’t be with him anymore.  The betrayal cuts deep.” Oh yeah, ok.” I sigh, because I don’t want to do this confrontation. I just want the pain to stop.  
“Jeremy was sent home the day after the pictures came out.” My head snaps towards the locker room. “What?” 
“Yeah, management benched him. They were done with his philandering.” That explained how he was on my doorstep that first night. But it also means that he won’t be here today. “It's disappointing,” she continues. “I really thought he had changed.  Andy won’t talk about it. He just said that he’s handling it.”  
“I don’t care,” I tell her. Except I do care. Andy wouldn’t say something like that unless he knew the truth. But I can’t do this. My heart is on the floor, and I just want to be in bed.  
“Stel, I know its fresh but...” 
“No, I’m not doing this. He had his hands on someone else. He promised that it was just me and then this happened.” I choke back the tears. “Leia, I just...” 
“I know, sweetie. I’m sorry. Umm, Avery misses her auntie. Come by after for dinner?” 
“Sure,” I reply, desperately trying to will the tears away.  “I gotta go.”  
“Ok. Love you Stel.”  
“Love you too, Lee.” I hang up and turn my back on the door. I need air, I decide and head out to the patio area behind the arena. I watch as the bus pulls up and the team starts to disembark. I’m looking for him, even though I know he’s not going to be there. I give myself five more minutes before I head back inside.  
“I can’t believe they sent him home.” A familiar voice that grates my nerves is speaking around the corner.  I stop, knowing that I probably shouldn’t eavesdrop but decide to do it anyways. Kiley continues to speak. “I was hoping that I would get a chance to, you know, talk or maybe something more.”  
Another one of my trainers, Amanda, sighs. “I would love a chance with him. But rumor has it, that he has a girlfriend. They were just keeping it on the low since Jeremy wanted to protect her.”  
“If he had a girlfriend, he wouldn’t have been caught with his hands on the cookie jar, if you know what I mean.” Kiley snaps her gum. “Shame that the guys couldn’t have privacy at the bar that night.”  
Something about that sentence makes my danger alarm go off.  She’s right, it was odd that the guys didn’t get privacy in the bar. Usually, the bartenders and security are really good about making sure the guys are alone. It had to have been someone on the team or staff that took this photo.  I go back to the news article from a week ago and start researching.  
Two hours later and I think I have it.  The photo was sent to the newspaper via Instagram. But the photo taker was not given credit.  Just when I think I’m at the end of the road, something else catches my eye.  
BruinsBabiegurl: no credit for the photo? Booo! 
What the fuck? 
I click on her profile and see that it’s blocked.  Not wanting to get caught, I create a fake account and send an approval request. I decide to head home, and I shut down everything. As I’m exiting, I run into a wall.  Not a literal one. Just a goalie shaped on. “Oh Linus! I’m so sorry.”  
“Its ok, Stella.” He offers me a sad smile. “How are you?” 
I frown at his look. “I’m ok.”  
He slides his hands into the pocket of his jacket. “No, I mean, how are you after...” he trails off and understanding hit me. He means after the photo. Jeremy told him.  
“He told you, didn’t he?” 
“Yes. He’s a wreck, Stella.”  
“He did this to himself Linus.”  
“I don’t think he did. I was there and he was professing his love for his girl, no name given, before the incident with the woman.  He bumped into her, caught her, apologized and moved on. He took one more drink before Andy and I took him back to his room.  Alone.” I hug myself because I’ve known Linus a few years and he’s always been a good honest man. And with everything I found online, I think I might be wrong about Jeremy. Linus studies me and I think he can see the battle within me. “Stella, he loves you.”  
I shake my head. “No, he doesn’t. He... he just wanted a hook up.”  
“Stella, you love him.” He looks at me seriously. “Take your time. But give him a chance.” He leaves it there and walks away. I can feel a tear threatening to fall. I take a deep breath and head out.  
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The next morning, as I am getting ready for morning skate, my phone dings. I look to see that my follow request was approved. I need coffee before I can take this on.  Maybe going to The Addicted, would be best. Public place so I don’t lose it. Logical.  
The coffee shop is busy, and I tuck myself into a corner. I’m sipping my coffee when I see him.  
His hat is low on his head and sunglasses on.  He stares at his phone or the menu but doesn’t look around. But his defeated posture tells me everything I need to know.  He’s sad, upset, frustrated all at once.  He takes his order, not looking anywhere but down and leaves. A couple of girls had giggled when they saw him, but he didn’t make a motion towards them.  It looked like he was just swiping though his phone.  
When he’s out of my sight line, I sigh and open Instagram. Navigating to the new “friend” I have made, I gasp, loudly, at the profile.  
It’s Kilye.  
Kiley had snapped the photo and wanted credit.  She wanted to make sure trouble came to Jeremy. I clench my fist. Even if it doesn’t fix my relationship with him, he didn’t deserve to get his privacy violated and lies told. I screen shot the original comment and the profile and send it to the GM with a message.  
Stella: I need to meet with you about this.   GM: tomorrow 10AM 
I don’t know how Jeremy can forgive me for all the things I said and did.  
But I get him some justice.  
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The next day I call a meeting of all my athletic trainers at 930. Once the group is assembled, I call their attention. “It’s been brought to my attention that someone in the organization is taking photos of the team, without permission, and posting them. As many of you should remember, there was a privacy clause stating that photos must have the consent of the players in order to post. I am here to remind you that, even you think the photo is innocent or that you might not be caught because your profile is private, any photos taken and posted without consent is subject to evaluation and/or termination.”  
I look around and see all of the faces of confusion. Except Kiley. She looks nervous. “If you need a refresher on your contract, please let me know.”  
I finish the meeting with things we need to know about injuries and equipment for the start of the series before ending it five minutes to ten.  “Kiley, stay back please.”  
She rolls her eyes as she stands still, hip jutted out. She at least waited until everyone else left. “What do you want?” She popped her gum.  
“We have a meeting with the GM.  I need to make a decision on changes to the team. I wanted your input.” 
The surprise on her face was something that I will burn into my brain forever. She won’t see this coming and frankly, I don’t give a fuck about her.  “Oh, well, I didn’t think you appreciate my opinions. I mean since...” she trails off.  
“Well as much I hate you for meddling in my personal life, you are a good trainer.” As we make it through the management office doors, security appears behind us. “Too bad you were too stupid not to comment on the photo of Jeremy.” She pales, realizing that my speech was about her this morning. She turned to leave but security is behind us. I grab her arm and pull her towards the GM’s office. 
And I see him seated outside, swiping on his phone again. When he hears us, he looks up and is startled. He stands up. “Stella?” 
Before he can ask, the door opens, and Andy and the GM open the door. Andy looks at me curiously. “Stel?” 
“I need to talk to you and the GM.” I take a deep breath. “And Jeremy.”
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always-a-joyful-note · 2 months
@justplaggin (I see you have added Avid and you have no idea how much I went !!!! I KNOW THAT SONG! TASTE) has tagged me for the one song per username letter and it's time to add what I could not last time....
...with the added challenge of one song per fandom
L - Let's Just Live (Casey Williams; RWBY)
W - Where No One Goes (Jónsi; How to Train Your Dragon)
A - Article of Faith (Knights; Ensemble Stars)
Y - Yurgen's Tune (Isaac Horn, Lincoln Mick, Sarah Wood; Wingfeather Saga (and for the heck of it, the Arcadian Wild version))
S - Shoppai Namida (Shogo Sakamoto; The Royal Tutor)
A - A World Without Danger (Code Lyoko)
J - Journey (Re:vale; IDOLiSH7)
O - OverThink (Fan Ka: Link Click)
Y - You are a ghost, I am a ghost (Revue Starlight)
F - For my Stella (VISTY; Paradox Live)
U - Uso (SID; Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood)
L - Legends Never Die (Against the Current, Alan Walker; League of Legends (ignore the game; watch Arcane))
N - Nothing Left to Lose (Eden Espinosa, Jeremy Jordan; Tangled the Series)
O - Ototoi Oide (Hanae; Kamisama Hajimemashita)
T - True Story (SCREEN Mode; Bungo Stray Dogs)
E - EDEN (Monkey Majik; Fruits Basket)
Tagging @bobisnolongerhere @msperfectsheep-posts @rosencrantzsguildenstern and anyone else who wants to do it!
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panzershrike-pretz · 10 months
Part 2
Disclaimer: If the timeline becomes confusing, remember my universe has time loops -> places where the time has been stopped. Tortuga is one of those places, it's stuck on the past behind a thin veil, while the present goes on as normal.
Summary: A Goddess who lost her faith, trying to get back to her senses so her family doesn't fall apart.
Warnings: ???nothing?? I think??
Taglist: @malarkgirlypop, @bucky32557038ww2 (if you want in or out, just tell me!)
-> Image below found here.
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The day after the storm was calm. If it wasn't for Blithe, peacefully floating along the current, no one would even know about the gale of last night. Pacing around the main deck, all the damage was now visible.
"The mizzen really is broken", the Captain sighed, his hand on his hip as he lookesd up, wondering what exactly happened to it. "Cheer up, boys, we'll be makin' way to port earlier."
Peggy marched along the bow, sniffing whatever was left of the things caught up in thes raging battle against the weather. She was more than happy to find a dead fish, looking around before gulping the thing down - it didn't try to escape, which means it was food.
"Whatcha got there, big girl?", one of the crewmates asked, but it was too late. Being caught, Peggy simply ran off with her prise, leaving him to wonder what the fuck was up with that dog.
"Hey, Rodion, c'mere." The Captains voice was rough and the man quickly went to his service, following his glance. "What'dya think? We make it to Tortuga or stop earlier?"
"Earlier. Our sails are all ragged and we'd need a couple days far from trouble to get it all fixed."
The Captain felt defeated. He wanted to make the trip as quickly as possible and make port back in Tortuga before the end of the year, to properly celebrate, but he knew his impatience was what got them all in truble in the first place.
The ship creacked along, tilted a bit to the side. They still had enough water and food for weeks, but old Blithe wouldn't be able to make it to Tortuga - specially if they ended up in the middle of another gale or, may the Gods forbide, ended up face to face with a Man O' War.
"CHEER UP, JEREMY!", the First Mate yelled, far above them, sitting in the main mast's crow nest. She didn't exactly show up yesterday, which fuelled even more the Captains rage. He needed a break (and would've gotten one in Tortuga, dammit!).
Her smile was wide as she pushed herself from the edge of the nest, free falling for most part before opening her wings wide to glide the rest of the way down. The woman had a flask of some good ol' whisky in hand as she opened her arms, maybe to try and hug Jeremy's angryness out.
"Don't", he simply said, putting his hand up to stop her. "Where exactly was you last night, Athena?"
"Hmmm... wanderin'..."
The way she didn't even flinch while flat out saying she abandoned her crew had Jeremy really missing his old days in the Royal Navy - keel hauling would be very welcomed sometimes. But he couldn't simply keelhaul Athena. She'd break free - and damn him once again.
"Lis'en, Cap'n, I ain't lyin' to ya. I flew off. BUT!" And she put two of her fingers up, one of each hand, to stop him from speaking. "Good news is we're not far from some whatever-the-fuck town. We all can rest, get the Mizzen and whate'er else fixed, spend some money....... Jeremy, why ye lookin' a' me like tha'?"
"You flew off 'n left us in the middle of a gale. A big one. Why wouldn't I look at ye like this?" he almost growled. Athena wasn't impresesed.
"Look, Jerry, mate... sometimes things are just... ehh" she was saying, as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. "I wasn't feelin' it, ya know?"
"Someone could've died, Athena."
"What would I do? Is Enoch's job to bury people! Gods, Cap'n, ye're as hard as a rock, aren't ya? E'ery last man is still standin'. No one died. We win!"
Jeremy was gathering all his strenght not to punch her right in the face with his iron hand; he knew that was just how Athena was. She was the Death Goddess, for Her sake, would she really care if a few peoples died?
He knew the answer: she loved her crew more than she loved booze, herself or flying. She'd give up both her wings for them. After all, she found a safe place for them to stay... but it didn't excuse the fact that she ran away without telling anyone. Again.
"Fiona, keep that mizzenmast in place, will ye?", he finally said, turning his attention away from Athena to look at the girl.
She was entertained in making little flower buds grow out of Peggy's fur, almost missing the order. She quickly got back on her feet, silent as always, while making her way to the mizzen. The plan was simple: make vines strong enough to keep it in place 'till they docked.
"Athy, wasn't 'cause of you flying away that your ol' crew did a mutiny? Wasn't it your daughter's orders?", Rodion asked, a playfull smirk on his face as the First Mate turned on her heels to look at him.
"Shut yer trap, bastard" she oushed him away, making the man laugh. "Get yer ass back in line, boy."
"As you wish, Mama Bird", he winked, then laughed his way towards one of the Captain's mates, Sirius, who didn't seem all that awake while steering the wheel.
The rain and storm may not have killed or seriosly injured anyone, but it still made some victims to a cold. Pangey, for one, couldn't stop running around the lower deck, trying to get at least somethings in place so she could find the medicine.
"Do a potion", a woman said, making her almost jump. "We got some herbs and stuff, it'll work better".
"Miss Serpens, ya almost scared me to death", the other, with one hand above her heart, took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "Besides, I don't know how to make 'em and the crew aren't really all that inclined to wait. I'm just a medic, not some witch."
"Lucky for you, I am." Hydra had a sweet smile on her face. Pangey stood still, watching while she gathered a cauldron and enough stuff to use.
Pan didn't know any of the ingredients, but she still stayed there, against the ships counter, paying attention while the Goddess hung up her stuff and, with a little snap of her fingers, made a small spark light the coal and wood below on fire.
It was ingrained in Hydra's memory. She grew up loving potions and always tried something new - well, at least when her mom would let her, anyway. She used to do some harmless pranks on her brother - Sirius' face when one day he drank some tea and immediately started coughing up moths never failled to make her laugh. Granted, he never again accepted anything she gave him to drink or eat.
The lower deck was badly lighted by some lanterns, attached to the ship by chains so they wouldn't fall and break - yet, yesterday some still did. Everything was a mess that needed cleaning, but with half the crew ill, it would need to wait.
Pangey couldn't for the life of her seem to figure out where was the medicine box, amidst all the chaos. She didn't even noticed the way Hydra looked at her, while making somewhat funny faces trying to catch any memory of how the box was. They were all the same.
"Don't beat yourself up, dear", Hydra said as she grabbed a knife to cut up some of the herbs. "We don't really need them now. I'll make them feel better, you can catch a break."
"Still, i was never like this, so careless with the essentials. I always had something on me... that little bag, you remember? I forgot where it was."
"Down below", a boy said, looking almost greenish as he sat close to them.
"Laying with Davy Jones", he pushed his glasses in place. His hair was neatly put, not a single strand out of place - even when feeling bad, Horace could not bear the thought of presenting himself badly or even close to messy. "Hydra, is it finished yet...? I am dying here."
"The water is just now boiling, boy, you'll have to wait."
"But my nose is all... stuffed. I can't breathe well! And my throat hurts. Badly."
"Then maybe you need to shut the fuck up, it'll hurt less", another boy said as he passed, going up the stairs before Horace could even think of an answer.
"Oh, dammit. Why don't we just toss him overboard?"
"Because..." Hydra stopped, knife in the air, playful. "Enoch's important. And you know how things are: kill one of his and you are dammned for the rest of your life."
"I hate curses... almost as much as i hate having my nose all closed up! Pangeyyyy, help a guy out! I'm dying over here!"
"I wish, darling. We have no meds for now, you'll have to drink her stuff."
Horace hated to admit that it worked in about half an hour. The potion acted quickly and he was feeling better in no time - which meant that everyone else was up too and the ship could finally be put in order again.
"Dammit, I found the meds", Pangey huffed, as soon as she began moving boxes. "Be real, Miss Serpens, you just put some spell on me so you could make a potion, right?"
"Not really", Hydra smiled. Pangey wasn't really sure if she could believe this one. "But now you know how to make a quick potion for colds, don't you? I see this as a win-win kind of situation".
"Gods do really love messin' around, don't they?"
"We do. But I wouldn't mess around with people's health. Believe me, if I knew where these meds were hiding, I'd use them."
She helped Pan push the box back to the infirmary, wich had it's door broken yesterday and sent all it's contents flying all over the room.
The two of them didn't really speak while working on puting stuff back in place - 'till Pangey turned to her and asked: "Miss Serpens, aren't you sad we'll not make it to Tortuga for yer Holiday?"
"Hum. Night of Libero Sanctis?", she shook her shoulders. "I wish we could celebrate it there, but Blithe needs to have a check up, right girl?" she pat the ship's wall, smiling as if it could understand the Goddess. Everyone had a slight feeling that Blithe did, almost like their own little surpestition. "At least we'll be together anyway, Panpan. That's what that night is about, not some silly trip to the beach."
"And definetely not about having to hear Miss Ezebel, 'ight?", Pangey raised her eyebrows, catching Hydra make a face.
"Yeah, definetely. Woudn't like sharing my special day with that harlot. Constance can have her island all to herself, I don't mind."
"Especially after this fucking storm."
Peggy poked her head around the corner, making sure no one was looking as she skipped around with a sword between her teeth, tail violently wagging again.
It would be a problem to however found the dog and her new toy.
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noobiestnoober · 1 month
Plan F: Fabulous or Failure? (Damon X Reader)
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This is a one shot-fic between Damon and Y/N Gilbert, who is the twin of Jeremy Gilbert. They are always upto no good and going around doing pranks. One day they decided to steal the moonstone from Klaus as a bargaining chip to make him leave the town.
I got this idea while going through story prompts. The link to the original post is here.
I hope you guys enjoy the story. <3
"Let's just move on to plan F. F stands for fabulous."
"The way all your other plans have worked out so far, I would assume F also stands for failure."
Y/N rolled her eyes, her lips curling into a smirk, "You know, Damon, your lack of faith in me is both endearing and annoying."
Damon leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his trademark smirk firmly in place, "I'm just being realistic, Y/N. After Plan A was 'Avoiding Klaus,' Plan B was 'Befriending Klaus,' and Plan C was 'Running Away from Klaus,' I've noticed a pattern."
"Well, if you have any better ideas, Mr. I-Know-Everything, I'm all ears," Y/N shot back, placing her hands on her hips.
He chuckled, stepping closer, "You know I live for this kind of chaos. But let's hear about your 'fabulous' plan F. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised."
Y/N took a deep breath, dramatically flipping her hair, "Plan F involves us sneaking into Klaus's mansion, stealing the moonstone, and using it to leverage him into leaving town."
Damon raised an eyebrow, "Bold. Reckless. Probably doomed to fail. I like it."
"That makes one of us," Y/N muttered under her breath, then louder, "So, are you in or are you going to stand there and critique my plans all night?"
"What's life without a little danger?" Damon said, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief, "I'm in. But if we get caught, I’m blaming you."
"Deal," Y/N said with a grin, "And when it works, you owe me dinner."
Damon smirked, a playful glint in his eyes, "Fine. But when it fails, you're buying the drinks."
"You're on, Salvatore," Y/N said, turning towards the door, "Let's go be fabulous."
As they walked out, Damon couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. Y/N's plans might be a mess, but they were never boring. And deep down, he knew he wouldn’t want it any other way.
Their bond had grown over the years, ever since the Salvatore brothers moved to Mystic Falls. Damon had taken an immediate liking to Y/N’s fearless attitude and quick wit. She was the only one who could match his sarcasm and keep up with his schemes.
As they approached Klaus's mansion, Y/N whispered, "Remember the time we tricked Stefan into thinking the house was haunted?"
Damon chuckled, "How could I forget? He almost staked me."
Y/N grinned, "Good times. Let's make another memory tonight."
Damon nodded, his smirk fading into a serious expression, "Stay close, Y/N. I can't afford to lose my favorite Gilbert twin."
Y/N rolled her eyes but smiled, "I’ll be right behind you, Damon. Let’s show Klaus what fabulous really looks like."
Damon and Y/N crouched behind a row of bushes just outside Klaus’s mansion. The moon cast a pale light over the sprawling estate, adding an eerie glow to the surroundings.
Damon: "Alright, we need to be quiet and stealthy. Got it?"
Y/N: "Of course. Quiet and stealthy. My middle names."
Damon raised an eyebrow, "Your middle names are Marie Elizabeth."
Y/N huffed, "Details. Let’s focus."
They sneaked around to the side of the mansion, where Damon had spotted an open window earlier.
Y/N: "Boost me up.
Damon interlaced his fingers to give her a lift. As she climbed up, her foot slipped, and she ended up kicking Damon in the face.
"Ow! Watch where you’re aiming those!"
"Sorry! It’s dark!"
She managed to get through the window and reached down to help pull Damon up. As she helped him climb, Y/N knocked over a vase, which shattered loudly on the floor.
Damon: "Quiet and stealthy, huh?"
Y/N: "I’m doing my best!"
They tiptoed through the dimly lit hallway, trying to avoid any more mishaps. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching.
Y/N: "Hide!"
They dove into a closet, cramming themselves into the small space. Y/N tried to hold back a giggle as Damon’s elbow poked her in the ribs.
Damon: "What’s so funny?"
Y/N: "Nothing. Just thinking about how cozy this is."
Damon rolled his eyes, "Focus, Y/N."
The footsteps passed, and they slipped out of the closet, continuing their mission. They reached Klaus’s study, where the moonstone was supposedly kept.
Y/N: "Alright, how do we get in?"
Damon: "I’ve got this."
He pulled out a set of lock-picking tools and started working on the lock. Just as he was about to succeed, the door swung open, revealing Rebekah.
Rebekah: "What are you two doing here?"
Y/N: "Uh... surprise inspection?"
Rebekah’s eyes narrowed, "Really? At this hour?"
Damon: "It’s a 24-hour service. Very thorough."
Rebekah crossed her arms, "You two are unbelievable."
Just then, a loud crash echoed from downstairs, followed by a chorus of chickens clucking.
Y/N: "Chickens? In Klaus’s mansion?"
Damon: "Weird. Let’s roll with it."
Y/N: "Quick, we need a distraction."
Damon: "On it."
He grabbed a nearby bust and tossed it out the window, triggering an alarm. Rebekah turned to look, giving Y/N just enough time to slip into the study and grab the moonstone.
Y/N: "Got it!"
Damon: "Time to go!"
They bolted for the exit, but not before Rebekah caught on and started chasing them, "You’re not getting away that easily!"
They sprinted through the hallways, dodging more clucking chickens and slipping on feathers. As they reached the front door, Klaus himself appeared, blocking their path.
Klaus: "Leaving so soon?"
Y/N: "Uh, Damon? Plan G?"
Damon: "Plan G. Got it."
Klaus: "What’s Plan G?"
Damon smirked, "It’s for Getaway."
With that, he grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall and sprayed it in Klaus’s face, creating a cloud of foam. They dashed past him and out the door, laughing as they went.
Damon: "I can’t believe that worked!"
Y/N: "Told you it was fabulous."
As they ran down the driveway, Damon held up the moonstone triumphantly, "We did it!"
Y/N grinned, "And you owe me dinner."
"Fine..." Damon gruffs.
Their escapade might have been chaotic, but it was also one they’d never forget.
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mwagneto · 2 years
Just saw your post about the many sherlock holmes adaptations and their problems and wanted to ask, what do you think are the worst and best adaptations + your opinion on the bbc show vs guy ritchie’s adaptation
PHEW okay big question. so in my personal opinion my favourite adaptation is the ritchie one and my least favourite is bbc. objectively speaking the worst ones are ... well there's a lot I'm ngl I'm very picky but probably Holmes & Watson, the absolute trainwreck that some cruel force allowed to be made and released in 2018 which is awful in every single way like it's genuinely unwatchable. Granada/the Jeremy Brett one is probably the most faithful, but i think Murder by decree and Without a clue are great takes on it, and of course The private life of SH is iconic and Russian Holmes is close to my heart because the locations and architecture etc look really similar to where i live so it's really special that way. (i actually have a tierlist of almost every adaptation I've seen, there's been more since but I've been too lazy to update it lmao)
putting this under a cut because it got LONG
i think there's several layers to what makes an adaptation great, like to ME the most important thing is that they nail the h&w dynamic, either by using the one in the books or by making it clear that they understood what the dynamic was and chose to put a different spin on it but like. if they're not obviously "can't live without each other" friends and (at least) a little bit gay then what's the point. also with modern adaptations there's smtg I've literally only seen done right ONE time, which is Holmes's drug use where everyone adapting it to the 21st century insists on keeping it cocaine or smtg similar? which, like, no????? like ppl don't seem to realise that when he was written, cocaine was like. perfectly acceptable. and Watson still worries about it because he's a doctor but that's in no way equivalent to someone NOW using cocaine and their doctor friend worrying. there's that super old post that's like "modern holmes should be addicted to energy drinks" and well yeah. absolutely that, or the way House md solved it by having him be addicted to painkillers that he gets in a kinda shady way sometimes.
n then obviously there's the cases. again this is an opinion but i think it's good when they're straight up adapted, and i think it's good when they invent a brand new mystery, but i absolutely cannot Stand when they take an existing case from the books but put their own ~special smart boy~ spin on it cough cough MOFFAT like the worst examples of this are probably the way he butchered Baskerville and ASIB because he thought he was sooo much smarter than everyone and couldn't just adapt these extremely iconic stories straight up, nonono let's make them a billion times worse.
as for Ritchie vs BBC, i don't really think i can compare them, simply because I can't be objective? like the rdj holmes movies are easily among my favourite movies of all time, not because they're so outstandingly good but simply because I'm so attached to them, while even a mention of BBC can send me into feral dog mode. not to mention my history w them is 1. complicated 2. inherently tied to each other so yeah i don't think an objective comparison from me is really possible, at least if i want to avoid making this response a 10 hour read. but umm if i wanna go by key points:
1. i think rdj absolutely nails the h&w dynamic while bbc completely butchers it
2. rdj kinda expands his drug use but i think it works rly well with the kinda person his holmes is, i fucking hate the way bbc treats his drug use and the only slightly nice moment about it was in the unaired pilot that. well. didn't air
3. i haaaaate the way rdj handles irene and i fucking. despise beyond words the way bbc handles irene. i dont think i have ever seen irene adapted well it's fucking miserable
4. i think the cases in rdj are... fine? they're not good tbh as in like if i was here for a mystery I wouldn't really like it BUT they're original and written in a way where they give you, the viewer, all the clues that Holmes has, so you have the ability to figure out the solutions along with him, which is crucial to any sh adaptation (and mystery in general). it's also camp and fun and ridiculous which i really like so yea no complaints from me. bbc on the other hand. god. jesus. well i mentioned this before but i fucking hate the way they adapt every story to be almost the same but way way worse because they think they're so much smarter than the books AND the viewers. and this segways into
5. aka their treatment of watson. i fawking love rdj watson i think he's one of the best watsons out there and i like him coz of his whole attitude and personality but i also think he's written extremely well in that so often adaptations fall into the trap i mentioned in the other post where they think holmes is the smartest specialest boy ever and they're just like him fr and he doesn't need anyone so watson is either just some useless guy trying and failing to keep up with holmes or a straight up punching bag. but here they actually make Watson not just competent but absolutely indispensable to both Holmes and the story, it's clear that Holmes both relies on him in things he doesn't know as well as Watson does (crucial!!!!!) and trusts him (watson) to figure things out almost as well as he (holmes) can which i think are incredibly good and important things to put in an adaptation because at the end of the day it's holmes and watson not holmes and some guy who's sometimes there to be talked at and not understand things. which of course brings me to bbc where . literally the only thing john does is get kidnapped like he's barely even there for the cases let alone HELP in any way. so yeah.
this could go on to be incredibly long because i am. absolutely insane about sherlock holmes but I'm gonna end it here, if you have any questions feel free to ask, i (evidently) really love talking about them so
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blxckdragonfly · 1 year
Like A Saviour (Darkness Finds You Universe #5- Part 2)
(Song: "Like A Saviour" by Ellie Goulding.
Pairing: Chris Motionless & Lycia Winters "Pronunciation-- Lai-shuh" (played by Ana De Armas), featuring Lyra Crowe Büdgen (Lilith Czar-- played by Mothica) & Malakai Black.
Warnings: Drama, Harassment via Social Media.
Synopsis: After their relationship has been leaked, Lycia and Chris's relationship has become stronger and they later realize they have been targeted by one Ronnie Radke. (aka we all fucking hate Ronnie Radke)
A/N: And we're back! Here's the concluding part to Finding You! This was a long one and we still have so much more to work on! We hope you enjoy it. x Tiger. Co-written with @blackrose-92)
Word Count: 5,155
Spotify Playlist:
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(Lycia’s POV)
The following morning, I stir and I wake up in a warm and cozy hotel room bed. We had checked into a hotel after the show last night in Indiana to spend the night in before heading off to the next show on the Trinity of Terror Tour, which was in Cleveland, Ohio. 
I hear the sound of voices as I shift to sit up and slightly pull the blankets which were over me off. I stretch and sit up to see Chris, who’s dressed in his comfortable clothes– black hoodie, black tee and his sweatpants, sitting at the table in our room and speaking over a zoom call, which I would assume would mean that he’s doing an interview of some kind. Then I remembered that he had that Rock Sound interview this morning about the new Motionless album. 
So, tell us about this new flame of yours? I’ve seen photos surface from this past run on the Trinity of Terror tour of you with this mystery brunette girl. 
I felt on edge for a moment, not sure how to react– even though I loved being known as the mystery girl that he had been seeing. Because we were so secretive about our relationship for the last year and a half. 
“Well, obviously,” Chris says, keeping his voice to a low medium. “I didn’t want this whole thing to happen when these photos suddenly came rising to the surface but what can you do? Her name is Lycia, which means “wolf” in Greek– which is kind of fitting that I’d find myself dating a woman with that kind of name after releasing this album, right?” 
I hear the laughter between the two and it makes me relax as I listen, resting my chin in my hand. 
“I had met her back in 2021,” Chris continues. “We had done a shoot with Jeremy Saffer, I remember watching her set up the lights for the shoot, I had noticed that she had this beautiful red ink snake tattoo on the outside of her forearm, and it drew me in. But I didn’t know what to say to her, exactly. 
It wasn’t until I was invited to my first AEW show, which was Double or Nothing, by my friend Lyra or as you know her, Lilith Czar and her husband, Malakai Black. I saw her backstage taking photos of House of Black for AEW and I just knew that I had to get my shit together and talk to her. But again, I didn’t know how. Until I met Dr. Britt Baker, DMD, who I’m still good friends with to this day, suggested that I should write a note to her and tell her how I feel about her– that I want to see her and go out with her. She left the note that I’d written in her camera case and the rest is history as they say. I’ve been seeing her for the good part of a year now.” 
And how is Lycia handling all of this? Your relationship being so suddenly aired out to the public like that? 
Sleep with my shadow
Tryna find my faith in tomorrow
Tired of holdin' onto the memories
How I used to bleed for love (For love)
Got sick of the battle
Gave myself a heart made of metal
Calling out for someone to rescue me
Then you danced into my life (Oh)
“She was a bit frustrated with how the photos had been leaked, as was I when I found out about the article,” Chris shrugs. “But since she’s a photographer herself and is familiar with that area, she’s also taking it in stride. She knew that this was coming. She’s embraced it. I’m proud of her for doing so. I’m happy to be her boyfriend and her partner. She’s really special to me and I love her so much, words are failing me as to how happy I am that she’s in my life.” 
Tears fill my eyes and fall down my cheeks as I listen. I’ve never heard such wonderful words being spoken about me before and it means so much to me that Chris loves me that much to share that with the world. I continue to listen until the interview wraps up, I watch as he puts away his laptop and zips it up in its case as I get out of bed. I quietly walk up to him and I wrap my arms around him, taking him by surprise as I rest my face against his back. 
I hear a soft chuckle from him. “Well, good morning to you too, honey.” He turns around to face me and he notices that I’ve shed a few tears. His warm chocolate brown eyes soften and he lifts my chin up so our eyes meet. “Are you crying? What’s wrong?” 
“I’m crying because that was really sweet of you,” I say as I sniff softly and he raises a brow at me, making me giggle. “The interview, silly. I heard everything that you said about me. You’re just as special to me too, baby. I love you too.” 
He leans in and kisses me sweetly, this kiss being so sweet that it felt like sugar on my lips and I craved more. I wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers through his blonde hair– deepening our kiss. Our kiss breaks away after a few minutes. 
“Good. Because you mean the world to me, Lycia.” Chris murmurs, resting his forehead against mine and stroking my caramel brown hair. “I can’t even describe how you make me feel. I’ve never felt this kind of euphoria before in my life, it’s a whole new experience for me.” 
A smile crosses my own lips. “I could say the same about you too. I feel like I’ve found my soulmate.” I whisper as I see a grin cross his face. He places a tender kiss onto my forehead and he holds me in his arms, hugging me to him. His hand caresses my back softly. 
He suddenly pulls away from the hug and he reaches into the pocket of his leather jacket, he holds out a beautiful gold coffin ring with a rose carved in the center of his palm. 
I let out a soft gasp. “Chris…” I say as I hear him chuckle as I look into his eyes again. 
“I’m really happy to hear that I’m your soulmate, Lycia. Because I know you’re mine too.” He takes my face in his hands gently. “I want to give this to you to show you that someday, I will want to marry you.” 
Tears fill my eyes. “Babe, nothing would mean more to me than being yours. I promise. I love you.” 
He leans in and meets my lips in a deep and loving kiss, fingers lifting my chin up while tears of happiness fall down my cheeks as we pull away for breath’s sake. 
Beautiful visions come to me
And they stay forever and ever
Electric feelings keep me dreamin'
I won't let go, oh-woah, oh-woah
Spinnin' in your starlight
You got the power to ease my mind
You're leadin' me out of the dark
Like a saviour
Shinin' in my soul, oh-woah, oh-woah
“I love you too, Lycia. I love you so much.” Chris smiles as I take the ring from his hand and I slip it onto my own left ring finger, the gold of the ring shining in the light of the room. I intertwine my fingers with his and I see that my ring looks similar to the one he always wears. I start giggling at him. 
“We both have coffin rings,” I say and I watch as he glances down at our hands, catching on to my laughter and he starts laughing at himself. 
“Yeah, I didn’t think that one through,” Chris says with a laugh and I shove him playfully. “Well. I made us into a high school couple.” 
“Oh, Lyra’ll love that.” I tease and I hear him grunt in annoyance, making me laugh as I place a soft kiss onto his cheek. 
Like a saviour
Out of the dark
Like a saviour
Out of the dark
We got ready to head to the next venue together which was Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica and I changed out of my black tee and black satin shorts that I’ve worn to sleep every night into a white corset that I’ve bought from Fashion Nova, a pair of black ripped skinny jeans from Pretty Little Thing and my boots from Lamoda. Gold hoop earrings in my ears and my hair in a bun with simple makeup. When we arrived at the venue, the first person we saw was Lyra– who had caught on to us and our coffin rings when we held hands while walking. 
“Aw, you both have coffin rings! That’s adorable!” Lyra squeals and I hear a groan from Chris. 
“Here we go,” Chris mutters. 
“I have to tell Malakai about this!” Chris rolls his eyes as I snicker in amusement and she unlocked her phone to call Malakai. “Babe! Chris gave Lycia a coffin ring!” 
“Lyra, it’s not just a coffin ring I gave to Lycia. It’s a promise ring,” Chris says and she looks at us with a scoff. 
“That seems kind of juvenile, dude.” Lyra says. “I mean, really.” 
“That’s great, Chris! I did the same thing for Lyra before we got married,” Malakai says and Lyra’s jaw drops in shock, making Chris laugh. “Lyra. How could you forget that I gave you a promise ring?” 
“Babe, I was more focused on my engagement ring and wedding ring..” 
“Whoa!” Chris puts both of hands up in the air, letting go of mine. “I’m gonna stop you both right there. I’m not fucking ready for any of that right now. I’m happy with Lycia and that’s all that matters.” 
My heart flutters as he turns his head at me and I place a gentle peck onto his lips, causing an ‘aww, you’re both so cute!” from Lyra which makes him shake his head. 
“You’re the one talking about juvenile, babe,” Malakai says. “I’m surprised you didn’t tell Chris and Lycia to get a room.” 
“Babe, I’ll get you for that one.” Lyra says and Chris chuckles as the phone call ends. I take a walk over to say hello to his bandmates, Justin, Ryan, Ricky and Vinny.
(Lyra’s POV) 
After I get off the phone with Malakai, I suddenly grab Chris by the wrist as he starts to walk away, making him pause and turn to me with a confused look. I pull him aside for a moment and I take a breath, now that the comedic moment is over. 
“Chris,” I say. “I wanted to tell you this. I’m so happy that you have Lycia in your life. She’s brought out the best in you. You both look really good together.” 
A bright grin comes across Chris’s face as he pulls me into an embrace. “Thank you for saying that, Lyra.” He says. “She’s really special to me.” 
We both glance over at Lycia, who’s laughing and getting along with his bandmates. I pat Chris on the shoulder as I turn to walk off and I feel his hand on my shoulder. “Lyra, wait.” 
I turn around and face him. I see that his eyes are bright and a smile crosses his face. 
“I think I understand why Malakai means so much to you,” Chris crosses his arms and looks at me. 
“Because you’re starting to see it with Lycia, aren’t you?” I ask and he nods. “Aw, that’s so sweet. Sounds like you both are meant to be, trust me. I’ve seen it in the way you both move– she moves and you move, you’re both like magnets.” 
I see his eyes take on a look of hesitation and a bit of fear, because of his past relationships that have failed– mainly the one he had with Gaia that hurt him the most. “That’s not a bad thing, right?” 
I let out a soft laugh. “No, that shows how much you love her. You can’t be away from her for too long, you start to physically ache when you’re not near her because you miss being close to her. Malakai and I do the same thing. She’s your other half. Your soulmate. I saw the way you look at her, Chris. You look at her like she’s the only important person in the room that matters to you. Malakai looks at me the same way. It’s a special feeling of admiration that you have in each other.” 
I hear him take a deep breath as he looks at me. “You said the same thing about Gaia all those years ago and look what happened.” I see him shrug his shoulders at me. 
“No, you’re right,” I told him. “But here’s the thing. Lycia isn’t Gaia. She’s not. She’s not Gaia because Gaia didn’t have the guts to stand up for herself and your relationship. Lycia’s not going to leave you on rock bottom like Gaia did when she left. Because I know in my heart that Lycia’s the one for you. Hell, I know it terrifies the fuck out of you but when you’re ready, I can see you being married to Lycia. You both have a family together someday. 
How could I be so certain, you may ask?  Because I’m there with Malakai. Malakai gave me a married life, a family life, a home. I didn’t want one for the longest time and neither did he. You remember Devon? You know what he did to me.” Chris nods as I mention my once abusive ex who tried to ruin mine and Malakai’s life together. “But even then, even when I thought I would never ever see Malakai again in my life, we found our way back to each other. We’re the happiest we’ve ever been.” 
“Yeah, you and your family of seven fucking cats,” Chris chuckles as I roll my eyes at him and shove him playfully. 
“Hey, they’re still our children, you know.” Chris laughs and I start to chuckle. I pause after a few minutes and take a breath. “I want you to listen to me when I say this, Chris Cerulli. You have nothing to worry about. Lycia loves you with every fiber of her being. Even if a married life or a family life isn’t in the cards for you, Lycia’s happy being your partner, regardless. Don’t you ever fucking give up on her. You mean the world to her.”  
I walk closer and I hug him, feeling him hug me back– I’m sure he’s grateful for our friendship. 
“Thank you for kicking me in the ass again, Lyra Büdgen,” Chris murmurs as a smile crosses my lips. “You’re one of the most dearest friends I could ever ask for.” 
I pulled back from the hug before I walked behind him, wrapping my hands around his shoulders– pushing him forward to where Lycia stood, her eyes locked with Chris, offering her hand out to him with a soft smile. He smiles back at her and takes her hand, placing a kiss onto her cheek. 
They’re so sweet together. I know he’s found the one. I’m happy to see that he’s starting to see it too. I thought. 
(Lycia’s POV) 
Shot with your arrow
Suddenly, I feel I can let go
Of all the insecurities weighin' me down
Now I'm ready to drown in you, you
Chris and I have been enjoying our day off back home in Scranton, we got to see our pugs, Fang and Luna, who have been staying with Angelo, Chris’s friend and former drummer of Motionless In White while we’ve been on tour, who will be attending the upcoming show in Scranton, which is Chris’s hometown at The Pavilion at Montage Mountain. 
It’s nice to be able to just relax and be close to each other– we’ve missed that a lot since we’d been gone. We’d spent the majority of the day just watching horror movies and Dexter and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. 
The day of the show, Chris drove us up to the venue, which was this massive structure with rows and rows of seats. It looked insane and I could see just how happy he was to be able to play this venue. He told me when we’d first started seeing each other that he went to this exact place to see No Doubt as a kid, which warmed my heart. As he parked the car outside, I could see him having to pause and take a moment as he stood beside me, looking around. 
“Babe?” I say as I reach for his hand, which his fingers intertwined with mine. I can see that he looks like he wants to cry. “Are you okay?” 
“I-I cannot believe that I get to play this place tonight with my band,” Chris says as he blinks away the tears that threaten to fall. “I’m just so happy and so overjoyed.” 
Beautiful visions come to me
And they stay forever and ever
Electric feelings keep me dreamin'
I won't let go, oh-woah, oh-woah
My heart melts and I take that moment to hug him, running the fingers of my free hand through his blonde hair. “I’m so proud of you. This show is going to be amazing. I can already tell.” 
He smiles softly and places a loving kiss on my lips as we head in together, hand in hand. As we were walking together backstage, I felt my phone vibrate over and over again in the back pocket of my vinyl jeans. I raise a brow and I pull it out, wondering why I kept getting all of these notifications. 
I unlock my phone and I see that there are tweets being tagged at my Twitter and I open it up to two tweets from Ronnie Radke. I had no idea who he was, but what he said made me panic. 
RonnieRadke: So Chris goes from dating someone like Gaia to this… Amateur druggie photographer? I’m fucking dying. 
RonnieRadke: Yeah, she looks like she shoots more heroin than she does shooting photos. 
My heart starts beating fast and all I can do is slide against the wall, tears falling down my cheeks. How did he know about my past with heroin? I thought, burying my face into my knees. 
“Lycia?” I hear Chris’s voice as he walks over to me and he kneels down in front of me, lifting my chin up so our eyes meet. “Lycia, baby. Hey. What’s the matter? What’s got you so upset like this?” 
I stay silent as I give Chris my phone so he can see the tweets that Ronnie said about me. When he does, he’s livid. He sets my phone down and I see him pace back and forth in anger. Lyra walks by at that moment and she notices right away. 
“Hey. What’s going on, you two?” Lyra asks as Chris shows her the tweets that Ronnie said about me on my phone to her. Lyra grits her teeth in anger. “Fuck. I’ll be right back. Chris, look after Lycia.” 
“What? What are you doing, Lyra?” Chris asks as she unlocks her phone and walks off a few feet from us. 
“I may not be able to speak to this stupid son of a bitch, but I know someone who might.” Lyra says as she scrolls through her contacts and dials a number on her phone as she walks off. She puts it on speaker. “Saraya! Are you fucking kidding me?!” 
I hear another British accent that sounds familiar to Lyra’s on the other line as Chris moves to hold me in his arms. “Lyra? What’s going on?” 
“What do you mean, what’s going on? Have you not seen what your boyfriend has done?!” Lyra demands. 
“Uhhh, not really, no.” Lyra starts sending Saraya the tweets that Ronnie has said about me as evidence and proof of what he’s done. 
“Here’s the deal,” Chris and I look up as we hear Lyra slip into House of Black mode, I feel him smirk as he rests his chin on my head. “Tell your boyfriend to take those tweets down or Malakai and I will kick his head completely off his shoulders, not only will we do that but we’ll give his bones to Chris and whatever remains of him left will be given to House of Black. You will be forced to watch it happen. Don’t try me because you know The House Always Wins and you don’t want to see your precious little boyfriend get torn to shreds by us, do you? Are we clear?” 
Lyra hears a small gulp on the other end of the line from Saraya. “Crystal.” 
“Good. Now go fucking talk to him.” Lyra hangs up the phone and pulls up Ronnie’s page on Twitter to see that the tweets that he had once posted are now gone. 
She walks back in with us as Chris is placing a soft kiss on my head, trying to comfort my anxiety because I’m shaking in his arms. “He took down the tweets about Lycia.” 
Chris looks up at Lyra while his arms are holding me close to his chest, I close my eyes against him, his scent comforting me. 
“How-How’d you get him to stop?” Chris asks as Lyra shakes her head in amusement. 
“Chris, you should know this by now.” Lyra tells him. “The House will always look after our own and protect them. Nobody comes for the friends of The House. They’re asking for their worst nightmare if they do.” She sighs. “But the tweets about you and Motionless are still up.” 
“I don’t care about that. I couldn’t give a single fuck if he bashes me or my band,” Chris murmurs as he glances down at me, I tremble in his arms. “As long as he keeps the love of my life out of it. She didn’t deserve her past to be aired like that.” 
“I know,” I hear compassion in Lyra’s voice as she kneels down in front of us. “That wasn’t okay and it was absolutely horrible of Ronnie to do that to try and get your attention.” 
I start to sob into Chris’s chest softly, tears dripping onto his Cyberhex jacket and he looks down at me. 
“My career is over,” I sob. “No one will want to work with me now that my past is out in the world.” 
Chris’s eyes soften, I feel him take my face in both of his hands and I glance into the calm of his brown eyes. “Lycia. Hey. No, it’s not.” I avoid his eyes and look past him, staring at the rows of chairs which will soon be filled with thousands of screaming fans later on tonight. “Baby. Look at me.” 
I huffed softly and I looked back at him, meeting his eyes once more. “Lyra was able to make him stop. He’s not going to talk about your past as long as she and House of Black are here. It’s going to be alright.” 
I sniff. “I was okay with our relationship being leaked because of being a photographer myself, but I wasn’t okay with my past being leaked. They’re going to hate me. I can feel it coming.” 
“Honey,” Chris murmurs as he rests his forehead against mine. “No one’s going to hate you for this. If they do, they’re going to have to take it up with me because I won’t fucking tolerate it.” 
That’s when it hit me that Chris is willing to protect me as much as I had when I stepped up to protect him from Ash when she tried to break us up last year at Furnace Festival. My heart started racing as I stared at the man of my dreams. I hear his voice become honeyed. “You’re the love of my life, Lycia Rose. I will never, ever let anyone hurt you like you were in the past. Ever.” 
Spinnin' in your starlight
You got the power to ease my mind
You're leadin' me out of the dark
Like a saviour
Shinin' in my soul, oh-woah, oh-woah
Spinnin' in your starlight
You got the power to change my life
You're leadin' me out of the dark
Like a saviour (Like a saviour)
Shinin' in my soul, oh-woah, oh-woah
My heart skips a beat as he leans in, meeting my lips in a soft kiss. The kiss immediately calms me down, I relax in his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss. 
I let my dark red nailed fingers run through his blonde hair with the slightest touch, my nails scratching the back of his neck, making him shiver– which I started to smile in the kiss. I break away from the kiss as Chris kisses both of my cheeks gently and my neck, making me giggle as I glance over at Lyra. 
“Was all of that true?” I ask. “What you said about kicking his head in? Are you being serious?” 
“Lycia, Malakai and I are trained in Muay Thai and Kickboxing,” Lyra explains. “Even more so than most have seen on screen on AEW. So yes, we can kick Ronnie’s head off his shoulders if we really wanted to. The thought has crossed my mind a few times but I’m not stupid enough to end up in jail.” 
I hear Chris snicker next to me, probably because he’s thinking of both of them kicking Ronnie’s head off his shoulders. “Hey, as long as I get my pound of flesh, I’ll take it.” 
I started to laugh because he accidentally quoted Slaughterhouse and doesn’t even know it. He raised both of his eyebrows at me. 
“What, honey?” He asks as I try to get the air back into my lungs from laughing so hard. 
“You just quoted your own lyrics, babe,” I say in between giggles. 
I watch as he gets it a second later and he laughs. “Oh, goddammit. I completely walked into that one, didn’t I?” Lyra and I both laugh at him. “But listen, Lycia, if anything does happen to your career— I’ll make you our own personal photographer for Motionless and Lyra can too. We’ll pay you in full.” 
“Yeah, you can take photos for House of Black and BlxckMass,” Lyra says. “Malakai and I will take care of it if it gets to that point.” 
A touched look crosses my face as I feel so grateful to have such a wonderful boyfriend and he has such a great friend in Lyra. Tears of happiness fell down my face. 
“I love you, babe,” I murmured as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. “You’re the best. Thank you, Lyra.” 
“I love you too, Lycia,” Chris whispers as he gently kisses my lips. “Now, come on. We’re about to play for the first time here and nothing would make me happier than to have you help me with my makeup for tonight."  
I smile softly as I take his hand and we head off, for an incredible night in Scranton for Lyra, Motionless, Black Veil Brides and Ice Nine Kills. Backstage, Chris wanted me to do a Terminator inspired look for him tonight, which was going to be tricky but I was up for the challenge. As I was working on his look, he tried to make me laugh by not staying still and making dorky faces. I rolled my eyes.
"Babe," I say as I put down the brush with the silver eyeshadow down. "Stop it. I'm trying to concentrate. Now stay still."
He sighs and nods. I continue my work until he starts up again and I roll my eyes.
"Chris, I swear..." I mutter and I hear his laughter until he sees the seriousness in my eyes. I take a breath and shake my head in amusement. I know he was trying to make me forget about what Ronnie had said, which was sweet of him but I wanted this look to be perfect for his show tonight.
"Alright, I'll stop," Chris says. "On one condition."
"What might that be?" I say with an eyebrow raised.
"I'll stop... If you give me a kiss," He murmurs and I hear that warmth in his voice, it's the small hint before it turns seductive. Fuck.
"Mm. If that's all you wanted, why didn't you just ask?" I asked as I leaned against the counter next to the chair he sat in.
"Because," He reaches for my hand to bring me closer. "I wanted to take your mind off this. I can still see that what Ronnie said is getting to you. Don't let it. I doubt that what he said will affect your career. Even then, anyone is lucky to have you-- whether it's us, Lyra and Malakai, it doesn't matter. You're a fucking incredible photographer, honey."
I smile at his kind words, I intertwine my own fingers in his, feeling his fingers tracing the back of mine.
"You always know how to make me feel better, don't you?" I murmur as I wrap my arms around his neck. A soft smile crosses his face and he nods.
Luckily I hadn't started working on his lips yet for his Terminator look so that was enough for me to lean in and kiss him, like he wanted. His hands move toward my face, the kiss warm and loving-- making my heart flutter in my chest. We break apart, my eyes meeting his brown ones.
"Promise to be good?" I whisper and I hear him chuckle, placing a kiss onto my forehead softly.
"Baby, I'm always good." He says and I let out a giggle of my own and he did as told, staying completely still as I finished his makeup for tonight.
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liked by pewdiepie, itsmarziapie, jeffreydeanmorgan, malakaiblxck, lilithczar and 3,200 others
lycia.rosee: Turned my wonderful man into a T-800 for his homecoming show in Scranton tonight! Here's a photo from a fun little shoot we did before the show! I'm such a proud girlfriend. I love you, chrismotionless. 🖤
jensenackles: Badass work, Lycia! He looks great! 🔥
jaredpadalecki: He really looks like a T-800. I wouldn't fight him. 🤣
chrismotionless: My woman killing it with the makeup! I love you too, honey. 🖤
Spinnin' in your starlight
You got the power to change my life
You're leadin' me out of the dark (You're leadin' me out of the dark)
Like a saviour (Like a saviour)
Shinin' in my soul, oh-woah, oh-woah
Like a saviour (Like a saviour)
Out of the dark (Out of the dark)
Like a saviour (Like a saviour)
Out of the dark (Oh, out of the dark)....
2 notes · View notes
spikygurl89 · 2 years
Books Read / To Be Read in 2023
Updated 1/29/23
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Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain--and How it Changed the World - Zimmer, Carl How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain - Barrett, Lisa Feldman Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain - Eagleman, David Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space - Levin, Janna The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime - Flanders, Judith The Art of the English Murder: From Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes to Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock - Worsley, Lucy To Be Read in 2023 - Fiction The Lost Apothecary - Penner, Sarah The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - Schwab, V.E. Wakenhyrst - Paver, Michelle Garden Spells (Waverley Family, #1) - Allen, Sarah Addison Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception (Books of Faerie, #1) - Stiefvater, Maggie All the Crooked Saints - Stiefvater, Maggie Heartsick (Archie Sheridan & Gretchen Lowell, #1) - Cain, Chelsea Not Even Bones (Market of Monsters, #1) - Schaeffer, Rebecca If We Were Villains - Rio, M.L. Eileen - Moshfegh, Ottessa A Certain Hunger - Summers, Chelsea G. Wild is the Witch - Griffin, Rachel The Whalebone Theatre - Quinn, Joanna The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, A Rún, Vol. 1 (The Girl from the Other Side, #1) - Nagabe Siren Queen - Vo, Nghi Poison for Breakfast - Snicket, Lemony The Essex Serpent - Perry, Sarah A Declaration of the Rights of Magicians (The Shadow Histories, #1) - Parry, H.G. We Are the Fire - Taylor, Sam Flyaway - Jennings, Kathleen Hild (The Light of the World Trilogy, #1) - Griffith, Nicola Ring Shout - Clark, P. Djèlí Anatomy: A Love Story - Schwartz, Dana Comfort Me with Apples - Valente, Catherynne M. In the Ravenous Dark - Strickland, A.M. Small Favors - Craig, Erin A. The Bone Maker - Durst, Sarah Beth The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home (Welcome to Night Vale #3) - Fink, Joseph You Feel It Just Below the Ribs - Cranor, Jeffrey Deathless - Valente, Catherynne M. Tripping Arcadia: A Gothic Novel - Mayquist, Kit Nothing But Blackened Teeth - Khaw, Cassandra Damnable Tales: A Folk Horror Anthology - Wells, Richard Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead - Tokarczuk, Olga The House in the Cerulean Sea - Klune, T.J. The Wilds - Elliott, Julia Foul Lady Fortune (Foul Lady Fortune, #1) - Gong, Chloe Spells for Forgetting: A Novel - Young, Adrienne Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution - Kuang, R.F. Nettle & Bone - Kingfisher, T. Tell the Wolves I'm Home - Brunt, Carol Rifka Villainous: An Anthology of Fairytale Retellings - Ward, L.T. The Glass Woman - Lea, Caroline For the Wolf (Wilderwood, #1) - Whitten, Hannah The Wolf and the Woodsman - Reid, Ava What We Devour - Miller, Linsey Down Comes the Night - Saft, Allison The City Beautiful - Polydoros, Aden Wake the Bones - Kilcoyne, Elizabeth The Other Girl - Major, C.D. Plain Bad Heroines - Danforth, Emily M. The Year of the Witching (Bethel, #1) - Henderson, Alexis Gideon the Ninth (The Locked Tomb, #1) - Muir, Tamsyn Rebel Rose (The Queen's Council, #1) - Theriault, Emma Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1) - McGuire, Seanan The Girl Who Raced Fairyland All the Way Home (Fairyland, #5) - Valente, Catherynne M. The Boy Who Lost Fairyland (Fairyland, #4) - Valente, Catherynne M. Radiance - Valente, Catherynne M. The Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories - Clarke, Susanna The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Shaffer, Mary Ann To Be Read in 2023 - Folklore The Oxford Companion to Fairy Tales - Zipes, Jack D. Nonsense: Aspects of Intertextuality in Folklore and Literature - Stewart, Susan The Mythology of Fairies: The tales and legends of fairies from all over the world - Keightley, Thomas Discovering the Inner Mother - Webster, Bethany Maiden to Mother: Unlocking Our Archetypal Journey into the Mature Feminine - Wilson, Sarah Durham Beowulf: A New Translation - Unknown, Maria Dahvana Headley Fearsome Fairies: Haunting Tales of the Fae - Dearnley, Elizabeth The Fairy Tellers - Jubber, Nicholas Folklore 101: An Accessible Introduction to Folklore Studies - Jorgensen, Jeana Why Fairy Tales Stick: The Evolution and Relevance of a Genre - Zipes, Jack D. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales - Bettelheim, Bruno The Book of English Magic - Carr-Gomm, Philip On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears - Asma, Stephen T.
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the-witching-ash · 2 years
Niche questions for Elliot?
Full name: Elliot Alen Berry
a song that reminds me of them: something something Mr. Mistoffelees from Cats is his Glee audition song
what they smell like: n/a
an otp: Elliot/Sugar
a notp: Elliot/Karofsky
favorite platonic/familial relationships: Elliot & Rachel, Elliot & Hiram & Mitchum
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: n/a
the position they sleep in:
a crossover au i’d love to see them in Elliot & Faith, Elliot & Jeremy/any glee squad combo!
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn: Elliot wears this to season two prom because he’s only there due to glee cub preforming:
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Character Tags (7/28/24)
Aka the massive tag breakdown to get super specific lol
The Mechanisms
Gunpowder Tim, Jonny D'ville, Nastya Rasputina, Ashes O'Reilly, Marius Von Raum, Ivy Alexandria, The Toy Soldier, Toy Soldier, Drumbot Brian, Raphaella La Cognizi, Doctor Carmilla
mordred hnoc, mordred, the pendragons, arthur pendragon, lancelot pendragon, guinevere pendragon, galahad hnoc, arthur hnoc, merlin hnoc, gawain hnoc, ulysses, hades udad, (several posts mention "the oracle of delphi" but are not tagged as such and left as drumbot brian), loki tbi, sigyn tbi, lyfrassir edda, bertie the mechanisms
timraph, hearteyes, two of hearts
mechs performance, ben below, ouatis, tbi, hnoc, udad, ttbt, jonny without the waistcoat
Delicious in Dungeon
Laios Touden, Falin Touden, Chimera Falin, Chilchuck Tims, Chilchuck, Chilchuk Tims, Senshi, Senshi of Izganda, Itzusmi, Marcille, Marcille Donato, Thistle, Mithrun, Chilchuck's Wife, Whitbelle, Chilchuck Wife, Chilchucks Wife, Flertim Chils, Meijack Chils, Puckpatti Chils, Flertom, Meijack, Puckpatti, The Winged Lion, Kabru, Mayjack Chils, Mayjack, Itzusumi, Kabru of Utaya
Chilchuck's daughters
chilshi, pots n picks, chilchuck sandwich, labru, farcille
Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood)
Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Ling Yao, Greedling, Riza Hawkeye, FMA Greed, Trisha Elric
Pidge, Pidge Gunderson, Keith Kogane
South Park
Kenny McCormick, Karen McCormick
The Owl House
King Clawthorne
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
The Magnus Archives
Jon Sims, Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker, Timothy Stoker, Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Jonah Magnus, Peter Lukas, Simon Fairchild, Oliver Banks, Jared Hopworth, Michael Distortion, Helen Distortion, Michael Shelley, Helen Richardson, Agnes Montague, Jude Perry, Gertrude Robinson, Eric Delano, Mary Keay, Gerry Keay, Gerard Keay, Basira Hussain, Daisy Tonner, Daisy Toner, Alice Daisy Tonner, Nikola Orsinov, Georgie Barker, Jane Prentiss, The Admiral, Annabelle Cane, Melanie King, Not!Sasha, Mike Crew, Jack Barnabus, Lucia Wright, Robert Smirke, Desolation!Tim, Danny Stoker, Gerry Delano, Manuela Dominguez,
The Distortion, The Watcher, The Eye, The Spiral, The Stranger,
MAG 39, MAG 132, MAG 200, MAG 168, MAG 67, MAG 159, MAG 112, MAG 89, MAG 158, MAG 93, MAG 172, MAG 101, MAG 179, MAG 160, MAG 81, MAG 4, TMA S5, TMA S3, TMA S4, TMA Season 5,
teaholding, jmart, jonmartin, jontim, gerrymichael, timsasha, lonelyeyes, gerrytim, timgerry,
The Magnus Protocol
Alice Dyer, Gwen Bouchard, Gwendolyn Bouchard, Sam Khalid, Samama Khalid, Celia Ripley, Chester, Chester TMAGP, Gerard Keay, Gerry Keay, Mr Bonzo, Bonzo TMAGP, Bonzo, Georgie Barker, Jack TMAGP, Lady Mowbray, TMAGP Needles, Colin Becher, Norris, Norris TMAGP, Lena Kelley
(T)MAGP 15, (T)MAGP 12, TMAGP 10, (T)MAGP 8, (T)MAGP 7, MAGP 11, TMAGP 22
Just Roll With It
Chip JRWI, Gillion Tidestrider, Jay Ferin, Kian Stone, Timothy Rand, Rand JRWI, Lizzie Lafayette, Grefgor, JRWI Grefgor, Shilo Bathory, JRWI Shilo, William Wisp, Vyncent Sol, Dakota Cole, Queen JRWI, Caspian JRWI, Rolan Deep, Niklaus Hendrix, May Ferin, Peter Sqloint, JRWI Rumi, Rumi JRWI, JRWI Ollie, Ensa JRWI, Edyn Tidestrider, Goobleck, JRWI Goobleck, Runt JRWI, Uncle Threestrings, Troy Lougferd, Blink JRWI, Doppler JRWI, Pinch JRWI
JRWI Riptide, JRWI Blood in the Bayou, JRWI BITB, JRWI The Suckening, JRWI PD, JRWI Prime Defenders, Just Roll With It Prime Defenders, BITB, JRWI Apotheosis, JRWI Wonderlust, Blood in the Bayou
The Suckening 6, The Suckening Ep 6
armored pheasant, ghostknife
Arthur Lester, Kayne Malevolent, Oscar Malevolent, John Doe, John Malevolent, Detective Noel, Charlie Dowd, The Butcher Malevolent, Dennis Collins, Peter Yang
angeleyes, blind faith
All For The Game
Neil Josten, Andrew Minyard, Aaron Minyard, Nicky Hemmick, Matt Boyd, Dan Wilds, Allison Reynolds, Renee Walker, Kevin Day, Jeremy Knox, Jean Moreau
The Foxhole Court, TFC
The Locked Tomb
Gideon Nav, Harrowhark Nonagesimus, Harrow Nonagesimus, Ianthe Tridentarius, Coronabeth Tridentarius, Alecto the Ninth, Ortus Nigenad, Camilla Hect, Palamedes Sextus, Naberius Tern, Ianthe the First, Kiriona Gaia, Cytherea the First, Cytherea Loveday, Jeannemary Chatur, Issac Tettares, Abigail Pent, Magnus Quinn, Colum Asht, Silas Octakiseron, Dulcinea Septimus, Protesilaus Ebdoma, Marta Dyas, Judith Deuteros, Harrow Nova, Aiglamene, Marshal Crux, Pelleamena Novenarius, Priamhark Noniusvianus
Gideon The Ninth, GTN, Harrow The Ninth, HTN, Nona The Ninth, NTN, The Unwanted Guest
The Sixth House, The Third House, The First House, The Second House, The Fourth House, The Fifth House, The Seventh House, The Eighth House, The Ninth House, Sixth House
griddlehark, harryanthe, harrianthe, campal
TLT AU, TLT Crossover, Harrow Nova AU,
one flesh one end
Tolkien Works
The Hobbit
Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey, Thorin Oakenshield, Tauriel, Kili, Kili Durin, Kili the Dwarf, Fili, Fili Durin, Fili the Dwarf, Lady Dis, Dis, Dis Frisul, Dis Durin, Balin, Dwalin, Frerin Thrainul, Nori, Ori, Bifur, Oin, Dori, Gloin, Bofur, Bombur, Legolas, Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil, Smaug
The Line of Durin, Reshirement Vibes, Parentshield, Thorin's Company, BOTFA, The Hobbit BTS
bagginshield, kiliel, thilbo
Everyone Lives AU, Wraith Kili AU, The Hobbit Role Swap, Vampire AU, Modern Hobbit AU
House of Feathers Hall of Night Fic
Lord of the Rings
Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, Pippin Took, Legolas, Legolas Greenleaf, Gimli, Gimli son of Gloin, Aragorn, Arwen, Galadriel, Elrond, Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey, Faramir, Boromir, Eowyn, Sam Gamgee, Nienna, Gandalf the White, Eomer, Eomer Eadig, Peregrin Took, Perigrin Took, Meridoc Brandybuck, Denethor II
Viggo Mortensen
Fellowship of the Ring, FOTR, Return of the King, The Three Hunters, LOTR BTS, Two Towers
aragorn x arwen, gigolas, samfro
Boromir Lives AU
Dave Strider, Jade Harley, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Dirk Strider
Zagreus, Achilles, Patroclus, Eurydice, Artemis
Hades II
Melinoe, Chaos, Chaos Hades, Apollo,
Baldur's Gate 3
Astarion, Shadowheart, Jenevelle Hallowleaf, Gale Dekarios, Gale of Waterdeep, Lae'zel, Halsin, Karlach, Wyll Ravengard, Minthara, The Emperor, Withers, Scratch, Owlbear Cub
Razputin Aquato, Sasha Nein. Milla Vodello, Frazie, Lili Zanotto, Dogen Boole, Bobby Zilch, Benny Fideleo
(Bride of) Reanimator
Herbert West, Dan Cain, Dr Hill, Megan Halsey, Meg Halsey,
Deleted Scene
The Bad Guys
Diane Foxington
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Jessica Rabbit
Dead Poets Society
Neil Perry, Charlie Dalton
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
Puss in Boots, Puss in Boots Perro
Treasure Planet
Jim Hawkins, John Silver, Sarah Hawkins, Captain Amelia, Doctor Doppler
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis, Stu Macher
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thetantiger · 5 months
Race: Gnoll Class: Warrior Specialization: Protection Pronouns: He/Him
Snaggletuft is a Gnoll of the Riverpaw Clan with grayish brown spotted fur, a dark brown mane and tail and ferocious yellow eyes, one of which he is blind in. Snaggletuft is known among his Clan to be an outcast, usually being delegated to eating alone, hunting alone and sleeping alone due to his tendency for kindness towards other races, especially those of the Alliance. Snaggletuft was once harassed by a teenager in Stormwind Knight garb who seemed much too young and too foolish to actually be a soldier of the Alliance, and Snaggletuft tried to ignore him, but he was attacked numerous times and eventually decided to defend himself--viciously. Snaggletuft was hungry, and stressed for his own survival, and thus he killed the young to-be Knight and ate him, later becoming possessed by his mournful ghost. Snaggletuft and the spirit, named Jeremy Allens, were both able to be aided by the Faithful--Snaggletuft being rid of his haunting and given a place of belonging, and Jeremy being able to move onto the afterlife--and now Snag is an official member of their group and aids them in their battles, excited to finally have a Clan that accepts him.
Links: Snag body ref Protection Warrior spec art
Related Characters: N/A
<Toyhouse Page>
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straitjacketzz · 5 months
Hi, I’ve been wondering for a while now but how did or where were you able to buy Volts old characters? I’ve been searching to see which characters are still up or at least find out the new owners of said characters are. If you don’t want to answer this that’s chill. Sorry for the bother.
so basically i just contacted them on discord! they sold vincent and a few other ocs back in like 2019 and has mainly been active on youtube and instagram since then. My friend had their discord info since they own one of volts old designs n i asked them for it.
i noticed a lot of people are super quick to immediately say something like "oh my godddd its discord anyone can make a discord u got scammedddddddddd" which i find kind of. stupid lol because like i said volt is still online n u can easily contact them outside of discord n confirm that its actually them but i digress
for the other characters, heres a list of everyone who i know they've sold: I own Scott, Jeremy, (both their fnaf iterations and their pilot comic designs) and Vinny.
Vincent, mike, vendetta, mahogany, faith, captain (mikes pet fox), vex, sheriff, fritz, hocus, chap (yellow bunny based on golden freddy), boss, andros (2019 purple guy remake) and i think father time are all owned by other people on a website called toyhouse which is just a site where people can store art and info on their ocs, i have an account too. the only character i can think of thats not owned by a toyhouse user is surrendren (im not super familiar with that particular oc)
theres like this whole other issue of the toyhouse admin taking down scotts profile bc i guess i worded things too badly on his profile n they thought i was just literally stealing a canon character from the game itself so i cant link my profile for him bc they like refuse to believe me when i say hes just an oc at this point ( like all the other characters are public, its just scott that got taken down lol) BUT i do have vinny on my account and theres no issues w him since he has no ties to fandom content so theyre fine w him being there... so thats at least a win for me.
most people on toyhouse have these ocs public on their accounts so you can probably find them if you know who to look for but i hesitate to directly give out usernames because i know no ones really interested in selling these guys. as for vincents owner specifically, they are like completely anonymous online at this point and have everything hidden because theyre tired of people contacting them about it so i especially cant give out their name, sorry! i only know them bc i had to ask if they were ok with me owning vinny n they were fine w it.
i hope that answers ur questions!
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WBW Jeremy?
full name: Jeremy William St James
gender: male
sexuality: bi, ace
pronouns: he/him
family: Chad (does chad have a last name? father), Johanna St James (mother), Jesse St James (older brother), Josh St James (uncle, guardian), Jenny St James (biological aunt), Roman Kline (cousin), Cassandra July (aunt), Shelby Corcoran (aunt)
birthplace: New York, New York
job: student
phobias: crowds
guilty pleasures: old musicals
morality alignment?: neutral good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
close minded/open-minded
cautious/reckless (most of the time)
otp: Jeremy x Marley
ot3: N/A
brotp: Jeremy & Faith (in the crossovers), Jeremy & Josh
notp: Jeremy x Sebastian
Send me “World Building Wednesday” and an OC and I’ll tell you
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To kill a mockingbird
The story, told by the six-year-old Jean Louise Finch, takes place during three years (1933–35) of the Great Depression in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama, the seat of Maycomb County. Nicknamed Scout, she lives with her older brother Jeremy, nicknamed Jem, and their widowed father Atticus, a middle-aged lawyer. They also have a black cook, Calpurnia, who had been with the family for many years and helped Atticus raise the two children. 
Jem and Scout befriend a boy named Dill, who visits Maycomb to stay with his aunt each summer. The three children are terrified, yet fascinated by their neighbour, the reclusive Arthur "Boo" Radley. The adults of Maycomb are hesitant to talk about Boo, and few of them have seen him for many years. The children feed one another's imagination with rumours about his appearance and reasons for remaining hidden, and they fantasize about how to get him out of his house. After two summers of friendship with Dill, Scout and Jem find that someone is leaving them small gifts in a tree outside the Radley place. Several times the mysterious Boo makes gestures of affection to the children, but, to their disappointment, he never appears in person.
Judge Taylor appoints Atticus to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayell Ewell. Although many of Maycomb's citizens disapprove, Atticus agrees to defend Tom to the best of his ability. Other children taunt Jem and Scout for Atticus's actions, calling him a "n-word-lover". Scout is tempted to stand up for her father's honour by fighting, even though he has told her not to. One night, Atticus faces a group of men intent on lynching Tom. This crisis is averted in an unexpected manner: Scout, Jem, and Dill show up, and Scout inadvertently breaks the mob mentality by recognizing and talking to a classmate's father, and the would-be lynchers disperse.
Atticus does not want Jem and Scout to be present at Tom Robinson's trial. No seat is available on the main floor, but the Rev. Sykes, the pastor of Calpurnia's church, invites Jem, Scout, and Dill to watch from the colored balcony. Atticus establishes that Mayella and Bob Ewell are lying. It is revealed that Mayella made sexual advances toward Tom, subsequently resulting in her being beaten by her father. The townspeople refer to the Ewells as "white trash" who are not to be trusted, but the jury convicts Tom regardless. Jem's faith in justice is badly shaken. Atticus is hopeful that he can get the verdict overturned, but Tom is shot 17 times and killed while trying to escape from prison.
Despite Tom's conviction, Bob Ewell is humiliated by the events of the trial. Atticus explained that he destroyed Ewell's last shred of credibility. Ewell vows revenge, spitting in Atticus' face, trying to break into the judge's house and menacing Tom Robinson's widow. Finally, he attacks Jem and Scout while they are walking home on a dark night after the school Halloween pageant. Jem suffers a broken arm in the struggle, but amid the confusion, someone comes to the children's rescue. The mysterious man carries Jem home, where Scout realizes that he is Boo Radley.
Sheriff Tate arrives and discovers Ewell dead from a knife wound. Atticus believes that Jem was responsible, but Tate is certain it was Boo. The sheriff decides that, to protect Boo's privacy, he will report that Ewell simply fell on his own knife during the attack. Boo asks Scout to walk him home. After she says goodbye to him at his front door, he disappears, never to be seen again by Scout. While standing on the Radley porch, Scout imagines life from Boo's perspective.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Can you write overprotective long hair harry imagine?? Like he always hovers the reader when she is doing something or even nothing. Or when she needs to run errands he always go with even though its not required. And when reader fell sick he is full on mommy daddy mode dom!h vibes
Harry’s awfully sweet. He’s a literal sweetheart with those marble sepia eyes, hazelnut curls and that big golden kind heart of his's.
But, to people he’s intimidating. From the black loiter of tattoos, a silver of piercing to the corner of his plush bottom lip and those long curls of his's that frays his broad strong shoulders turns everyone too giddy to talk to him and he's okay with that – bunch of loosers anyways whom he doesn’t want to waste his time on chit-chatting.
Then Y/N came into his life and his world flipped upside down, in a beautiful way (where he felt like floating into the crashing waves of crystal sea). It felt like she made him see the world through pink heart-shaped glasses and everyone’s just bursting into rainbows, puffaw! Boom! Their heads blasting with colourful confetti and ribbons.
Even though his slight grouchiness towards people lessened he still doesn’t gives two fucks before punching the shit out of someone if they in any way hurts, be rude and try to take physical and emotional advantage of, Y/N.
His bunny.
He’s too protective of her. And why wouldn’t he? She’s his everything. His little miracle and his hype-person, his lovie.
He’s the softest peach for her. The guy who walks and everyone scrambles away to give him a way, is whipped for his girlfriend.
He’s always having his strong arm looped around her waist when they’re out and walking, going to hold her hands instead if she’s too wiggly, keeping her close to his chest while he holds their coffees and sweets.
Whenever they’re doing grocery he’s always wheeling the cart around how much Y/N insists and pouts, he likes it that way. Hearing her blabber and skim her eyes down the ingredients labelled on the products then tossing it anyway with a shrug – makes him want to smooch her wet in kisses.
If they’re partying out with friends. Which they rarely do, (Y/N sometimes makes fun of them saying they’re getting too domestic day by day) he’s always having her put in his lap, his screwed up expression lazing when the alcohol starts to kick in and he’s just a blubbering mess of nonsense, and a very horn dog with his cock bloating up in his tight skinny jeans.
Not that he doesn’t let her have a breather and enjoy herself. He indeed does, they’ve a healthy relationship where they keep trust and faith in eachother.
But, sometimes he gets super jealous when people steal his little girlfriend away from him and once home he’s cuddling and oodling her, kissing her face all over with loud smacks and not letting her be away from him another second even it’s too bring him water or to get rid of his smelly socks.
Other times. When he’s particularly very jealous. The serious ones where Y/N unintentionally spends a tad more time at some of her classmates to wind up their upcoming project, he’s driving himself to pick her up and knocking at the door harshly and then dragging her out of there not letting her carry her stuff and huffing and puffing while throwing her things in the backseat.
Because Jeremy’s a sore rascal who’s shit at hiding his crush for Y/N and he should know better to whom she belongs. His innocent baby is too naive towards the possible hints and evil intentions of people.
“Oi. What got into you today?” She brushes the loose curl that escaped from his bun and let her fingers slide down his tight set angry jaw staring him a bit concerned upon seeing him this furious and ruffled up from nowhere.
“You’re mine,” Is all he'd respond. Smashing his lips against hers in a an ardent kiss and glide his palm down her ass to squeeze it and bring her closer grinning when she squeals into his mouth giving him a chance to slip his tongue in and kiss her deeper and sloppier.
“You’re a silly geese.” She giggles whisper into the mess of pecks and lock her elbows around his neck to give him an eskimo kiss.
“Watch y’mouth.” He glares her intensely loving the way Y/N gulps timidly bobbing her head.
“You’ll get a spanking today,” He always likes to warn her before hand. He wants her comfortable with him in every case and it’s downgrade monstrous to treat the person you love like a mean bitch out of blue -- so whenever she deserves a punishment he already announces her of it, warming her to the idea and giving her time to back away if she doesn’t want it.
“What did I’do now!” She whines and he nibbles onto his knuckle glancing her way in disbelief other hand on steering wheel, “What did y'do?” He asks her sternly. Spreading his palm over her thigh and squeezing it grimly.
“Did y'even care to look at the time, Y/N?” Oh boy. She’s in real trouble. Her name on his tongue never fails to turn her insides gooey and pause her heartbeat horribly. A red light for her to being bratty before she falls into the deep black dig of trouble.
Reaching home. He’s throwing her on the bed and demanding her to lay still on her tummy while he puts a pillow under her and spanks her bum sore with his rings imprinting her skin pink, though he never forgets to take care of her afterwards – putting a cool cream to soothe the burn and letting her sleep on his chest so she wouldn’t come in contact with the sheets as he kneads her asscheeks with gentle hands.
He could never have his hands to himself when she’s cooking and baking for them. Always, poking and prodding around having her head tucked under his chin, her embraced in his arms from back swaying them along to Hozier while she reads the recipe she wrote on one of the tiles.
“Stop!” She giggles, squirming in his arms when he blows raspberries against the dip of her neck and then creates growly noises biting and lapping into her skin, “You’re gonna burn our lunch!” She pressed her hips against his crotch to push him away and that warmed him more, delving his fingers more into her hips with a throaty groan.
“We could have a takeout.” His breath shuddery against her ear as he tries to pry the spatula away from her and kiss her grumpy whines down when the pots actually got burned, “I’ll wash and scratch them.” He’d assure picking her up and wrapping her legs around his hips and slipping his fingers in her hair to tug them and bring her mouth down against his’s to taste her.
“Wants to fuck you so bad, baby. My cock’s been weepy fo’ hours without your touch.” He groans, taking her hand and sneaking it inside his joggers to make her feel how stiff and erect he’s for her.
“I just gave you a blowie in the morning!”
“Blowie isn’t equivalent to fucking!”
“What y'readin,?” He scoots closer to her end of sofa with a smirk and towers over her trying to take a peek of whatever she’s reading with such intensity and then rake his warm palms up her calves to lay them over his thighs while he snuggles her wrapping a chonky blanket around them.
“Shhh baby girl, just want you to be more comfy.” He mumbles into her hair scratching his short nails against her scalp in soothing motions and watch her melt against his touch, eyes fluttering as she lurks dangerously to the verge of sleep.
“You always do that. Whenever the hot part’s about to come, you make me all sleepy.” She mutters laying her head against his clavicles gazing him up with hazy eyes, sighing in feign disappointment when he grins down at her in quite victory and gives her a sloppy kiss.
“What do y'need erotica fo’ baby? When your man’s the living walking momentum of sex.” He pouts, grazing his teeth down her neck and leaving a fresh hickey at her throat.
“That’s infact not, true. You’re such a cutie!” She beams up at him never failing to give him dancing butterflies in his stomach and he doesn’t admits it but he likes getting treated soft and gentle by his girlfriend.
“Such a shame. My own little love doesn’t find me sexy.” He grumps dramatically making her scramble hesitantly and turn to him in their tight embrace, cradling his face in her cold palms, “No. No. I find you sexy. I just don’t like sexualising you.” If Harry didn’t turn into a puddle before he indeed did now as he melted into her touch and kissed the inside of her hands lovingly.
“You’re sucha sap!” He whispers at her in fake offence and plant his lips against hers, patting her bum to make her hug him more tightly.
On cleaning and laundry day’s. He’s always helping her. As they scrub and mop the floors together, might fuck on them bubbly floors too if Harry’s lusty gaze remains on her spilling tits for too long.
“Thinks your floral bra needs a wash too, moppet.” His gradual attempts to lure her with his fingers stroking her thighs seductively always turns into a win when she nods shyly into his neck and let him have an easy access to her panties.
They’re always having a warm, full of essence bath together cleaning and washing the dirt off eachother after that.
Then sharing a cuppa tea while folding their clothes together on the bed and he’s always trying to tackle her into mattress when she laughs at his terribly folded clothes compared to her neatly binded ones.
“Your sucha menace,” He jests with his nose skewered up while he smacks her ass.
“Talk for yourself, Styles.” She retorts, tangling her knee around his waist and pulling him down into him. Puffing out relaxed breaths upon feeling safe and protected under his weight and Harry always smiles into the crook of her neck when she tries to cuddle him as if she wants to be his skin.
He’s the most daddiest when she’s drunk, sick or stressed.
Never letting her go out of his sight when she’s dancing on the floor with her friends. If some man even tries to approach her and breaths in her direction he’s sprinting towards her and pawing at her hips to situate her closer to him whilst blowing those potential guys off with a monotone expression.
“Harry! Do a lil dancey dance with me!” She giggles, making him sway with her and looking up at him with glassy floaty eyes.
“Bunny. ‘s late, time to go home.” He tells her, pinching her chin to plant his lips against hers and she squirms giving him a timid smile, “Okie. But I’ve to pee.”
“Me too!” Her friends chimes from behind her and Harry rolls his eyes playfully, gesturing all of them to follow him.
“C’mon you spies, not lettin’ ya’ll go alone.”
He waits for them outside the washroom while they do their business and he has his arms always splayed open for when his lovie comes back and he’s welcoming her in his embrace warmly with a sweet smile.
Dying with fond injecting in his every vein when she slurs and blabbers, “Home.”
Walking her up the stairs of their flat’s building is the most hefty struggle while she’s a sleepy, clumsy and giggly muck of doe gleaming eyes and swollen pretty lips drooling over Harry testing his patience while he makes her take one step at a time.
“Darling, bunny, just some mo' steps lovin’.” He coos at her, putting a firm hand under her bum and heaving her up into him so she doesn’t falls.
“Mhmmm you’re so pretty, daddy.” Harry’s head snaps in surprise as he stares down at her in adoring amusement and push her head under his chin while she slings her arms around his waist lazily.
Sometimes, she gets him so flustered he doesn’t know how to respond.
She whines and cries in dishevelment when Harry makes her sit on the cold marble counter and wipes her makeup off.
“I just wan’ to sleep!” She toes at his torso trying to push him away but he grabs it and tuts, glowering at her strictly, “You’re g'na complain in the mornin’. Sleepin’ with makeup makes ye' breakout remember?” When she still huffs and slumps giving him a hard time to clean her he’s pinching her chin and giving her a gentle jerk.
“Bunny. Stop with ye' battiness.” He grunts not letting his facade slip when she mewls stroking her cheek up and down his lightly stubble covered cheek softly.
“Else what? Y'never punish a sleepy bunny.” She smirks at him foppishly and lazily knowing damn well that one of thing Harry doesn’t do’s tease or punish her when she’s tuckered out and on the edge of sleeping on him.
“You don’t test me bratty woman.” She squeals when he takes hold of her panties to pull them down her legs, slapping her mound once discarding it in the hamper and he sighs when she’s already snoring lightly, slobbering his throat with her mouth parted comically.
After pattering her face with loving kisses he’s tucking her under the layers of blankets and letting her use him as her stuffie.
“Aw poor baby.” He mumbles, kissing her forehead when he finds her burning up against him and he’s quickly rummaging for thermometer from the night stand and the tissues he had stashed for emergencies.
“I don’t feel good,” His heart breaks when Y/N croaks out weakly and tries to crawl up his chest to stuff her face in his musky neck but her frail limbs gives out making her cry out.
“It’s okay bunny, ‘s okay. How but I make you some soup. Then y'take your medicines like a good girl of mine, then if your condition gets worse we’ll go to doctor, yeah baby?” He talks to her gently and sweetly, stroking her hair and peppering kisses to her temples.
“Just last bite, moppet.” Harry hovers the spoon infront of her and sighs when she shakes her head pushing his wrist away, “I’ll puke.” She sniffs blowing her nose harshly in the tissue .
“The bin’s right here, bunny.” He smoothens his hand down her spine putting the tray aside carefully to snuggle and comfort her as she cries softly against his chest.
“’M so sorry baby, you’ll be alright in the morning.” He couldn’t see her in such condition. It pulls and tugs at his heart so painfully he feels himself hurting.
“Oi. Why you crying, hmm?” He cups her cheek and makes her look at him as she skims her eyes away from him jn embarrassment.
“I —- You’re so caring and loving, treats me so good and it makes me c.. cr–-,” She hiccups finding it hard to breath and Harry rubs her back, whispering affinities in her ear making her finally sob, “Cry....” He chuckles softly pelting kisses upon kisses on her puffy eyelids, soaky dried up cheeks, her frowned up forehead, her wobbly chin and her nipping love bites down her chest then blowing raspberries at his own slick covering her skin making her giggle through her hiccups.
“I love you.” She whispers droopily, head lulling to his chest when the effect of medicine finally starts to kick in.
“I love you too, I want my healthy and happy bunny back.” He mumbles, inhaling a huge puff of her scent and squishes her lovingly.
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