raelyn-dreams · 10 months
(These ships do not exist as "set" ships. I ship characters in many different ways and with different people, while I may only rarely ship a said character with others. My usual "preferred" ships will be in bold. This list is not all-encompassing - please feel free to send me an ask about any ship or character!!! I love excuses to ramble!!!)
Death Parade: Decim x Chiyuki
Haikyuu: Daisuga, Sugadaiyui, Asanoya, Kiyoyachi, Ennotana, Kiyotana, Kinonari, Ennokinonari, Kagehina, Kenhina, Tsukkiyama, Iwaoi, Matsuhana, Kyouhaba, Kinkuni, Kuroken, Bokuroo, Bokuakakuroken, Fukutora, Fukuken, Toraken, Fukukentora, Levyaku, Inulev, Shibalev, Teshinushibalev, Bokuaka, Ushiten, Semishira, Kawashira, Kogagoshiki, Aofuta, Kogasaku, Kitaran, Osasuna, Sakuatsu, Daimika.
Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaharu, Tamahika, Tamahikaharu, Kyokao, Hanirei, Kasumei.
Pokemon: Satogou/Journey/Firstfriend, Pallet, Sapphirepearl.
Sailor Moon: Mamousa, Harumichi, Makoami, Reinako.
The Promised Neverland: Norrayemma, Gildon.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: Fugh, Emwyn, Enorace.
Carmen Sandiego (2019): Julethief/Carulia, Carmivy, Jeantonio.
Ninjago: Jaya, Pixane, Bruise/Geode, Mudshock, Lava, Glacier, Techno, Opposites, Plasma, Polyninja, Samurai, Amberpheonix, Scruffy.
Teen Titans: Robstar, BBRae, Starrae, Jerikole.
Twisted Wonderland: Azurid, Florid, Treyrid, Treyjade, Treycaterid, Treycater, Mallekei, Adeuce, Epeldeuce/Applejuice, Leoruggie, Leovil, Epeljack, Azuido, Azujami, Idiazu, Jamikali, Silkali, Rookvil, Silseb.
Enstars: Wataei, Yuzutori, Subahokke, PolyTrickstar, Chiakana, Midochia, Midotetoshino, Hiiai, Tatsumayo, Hiyojun, PolyEden, Shumika, Rinniki, Reikao, Adokoga, Mitsutomohaji, Kurokei, Izuleo, PolyKnights, Natsumugi, Reichi, Eikei, Eimugi, Watarei, Torikasa, Midoyuzu, Subanatsu, Ritsumao, Chiakao, Tetohina, Yuushino, Hiikoha, Kohaii, Kohiiai, Tatsuhime, Tatsukana, Ibahaji, Kanajun, Kuroshu, Shunazu, Rinneshu, Narumika, Ritsumika, Reikei, Adosou, Kogasou, Adosoukoga.
Injustice: Greencanary, Jason Rusch x Jaime Reyes.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst: Faith x Icarus, Faith x Plastic.
Obey Me & Obey Me Nightbringer: Dialuci, Solasmo.
Cursed Princess Club: Gwendrick, Jellie.
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year
Do you know any good JeriKole fics out there?
Not many, I’m afraid.
I know they feature occasionally in this oneshot/drabble collection by DarkkAngelll.
There’s “A sweet thank you” by The Blue Titan.
“I Love You: Why Complicate The Matter?” by Yin Yang Studios
I think there’s a bit in “Teen Titans Prom” by SugarKandi?
There was one more that I know had a heap of my favorite pairings and JeriKole was in it I think but I can’t find it now. And, well, I did at least one oneshot.  Ao3 or FFnet as you please.
Hope that helps, anon!
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robxstar · 2 years
besides robstar, what is another fav ship of urs?
In general? Too many to name hon, lol.
But from Teen Titans (2003) specifically I also like BBRae, Flinx, CySarasim and CySarah, Jerikole, Speedshire, Herabee, and Hotgent.
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Happy 18th anniversary, Teen Titans!!!
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meeting at a party whilst drunk au - Jerikole (Jerico + kole Teen Titans)
Kole Weathers had been downing artisan beer after artisan beer all night. Just to get the courage. She had been hoping for a chance to talk to a mystery guy all night. But she was nervous. On a whim, she had come to this party at a Brooklyn loft. Her friend had invited her earlier that week, she had thought it would be a good chance to meet other artists, being a sculptor herself. But the longer she stayed and tried to socialize and network with these people, she realized she no longer cared to. They were boring and narcissistic. It was alright, there was no love lost there. Truly, she hadn't been expecting anything spectacular out of the night. And art parties were always the same. Brooklyn loft parties were no different, they were just as pretentious. Most of the people at the party claimed to be creators, artists, and artisans, but she knew the reality. They were all trust fund brats.
The only person who had piqued her interest at all...was him.
The man with the guitar and the weathered leather rucksack in the corner. He had dreamy blonde curls and enchanting eyes. It seemed like he might be the only genuine article in the entire place. He had been quietly strumming songs, sitting on the ground. Eyes shut. Swaying to his own melodies. Tapping the wood on the body of the instrument in time. Providing the most soulful ambience to the glowing room. When she wasn't nodding drunkenly to the beat, she watched him. After closer observation, Kole could clearly see the faint remains of paint clinging to his fingers. Some bits of charcoal under his nails. He wasn't just a musician. He was an artist. But, he didn't seem concerned with trying to one-up anyone else in the room with tales of sold out shows, gallery openings, or sold out pieces on Etsy. He just kept to himself and his guitar.
The cool summer air streamed in through the open window and on he played. As the muted orange and bluish-white city lights streamed into the glass of the industrial loft. The occasional police siren and car alarm pierced through the dark. And the night sky looked down on them from above through the skylight.
When the blond paused for a break in his songs and a beer, Kole had found her opening. She finally decided to talk to him. She slipped a gluten-free beer out of his fingers and pressed it to her lips. "Hi, I'm Kole."
He smiled at her. He raised his hands to slowly sign to her. I'm Jericho. Holding out a hand for her to shake. Kole looked titillated. She ran a hand through her strawberry pink locks, before she grasped it firmly.
"Well Jericho, would you like to... share this beer with me?" He gave her a pleased expression and shrugged, as if to say, why not?
They talked at length. Kole had been right, Jericho was fascinating. Very well traveled. And very well-read. He was an artist and a musician. And every bit as talented as she had thought.
When the other partygoers went off in search of some vegan, gluten-free, sprouted flatbreads (try saying that 5 times fast) to soak up the alcohol, she half considered asking him if he wanted to just...get out of here with her.
But maybe that would be too forward? Kole did like him, but she barely knew anything about him.
Well, she could keep getting to know him and then, maybe they could escape.
Things had progressed. Currently, he was showing her his art.
"You've done a lot of portraits... Are people your favorite subjects?" Kole asked. Brushing back a lock of reddish-pink hair, as she more closely examined the sketch book in her hands.
You could say that. A little knowing look on his face. His fingers moved at an easy, steady pace as he signed to her. I've done some paintings too. Would you like to see?
"Sure, I'd...love to." She nodded, eagerly as she stared into his glowing green eyes. She smiled, gazing dreamily, albeit drunkenly at the very talented and very mysterious man before her. She did a double take. "I'm sorry, paintings... You have your paintings on you?"
In a way... He stood up from the floor next to her. Taking his guitar with them. He motioned for her to follow him. Kole rose. Still confused, but intrigued nonetheless.
Then, he took her hand and led her down the dark corridor. Away from the light of the living room festivities. To another room. A bedroom. Maybe Kole didn't need to go that far after all.
Her aqua eyes squinted in the darkness, before he switched on a light. Jericho placed the guitar on a stand in the corner. He pulled a sheet off an easel. She gazed in wonder at the half finished painting he revealed. And then, at the unframed canvases on ground, angled against the wall. This man seemed to know his way around far too well to just be a party guest. Whose place was this again?
"Do you know who owns this place? Are you friends? Or roommates?" He tilted his head in a sort of a nod. She bit her lip, recalling her thoughts earlier. "Oh... I'm sorry." A skeptical look crossed his features.
Jericho raised a blonde brow, as if questioning what she could possibly be sorry about. He motioned for her to elaborate.
"Well, I just assumed that whoever owned this place was some snob or trust fund baby. I had them pegged wrong. If they know you, then they can't be all bad."
Not exactly.
He turned around. Then, he gave her a forlorn look over the shoulder. His shoulders sagged with the weight of something.
"It's more than that isn't it?" The back of his blonde curls bobbed in a half nod. "This is... your place?" He took a slow step forward.
He signed, even though they both already knew. Yes.
"Well it's...beautiful. Truly. It's the nicest loft I've ever been in."
He shook his head again. I wish I could say thank you. But I can't. Even though I know what you must think of me.
"No..." She bit her lip. She tried again. "Why...don't you tell me?"
I'm a poser. Like all of them. But I'm the worst one of them all. I'm worse than Liev and his hand sewn silk handkerchiefs and Janson with her backyard brand of organic pop rocks.
Inebriated or not, Kole seriously doubted that, but she let him continue. His beige fingers had begun signing with harsher, more rapid movements. Cutting air between them as his fingers flew. It was getting a little difficult to follow, particularly after the beers. "Jericho... slow down, I can't -"
But then suddenly it all became clear. What he was trying to say.
Yes, this is my loft. I'm not a trust fund baby... exactly. But, my family is... well off. My father bought this place for me, a sort of a last ditch effort to get me to see things his way. My father is... Well, he and I don't exactly see eye to eye on a lot of things.
"You and your father don't get along, do you?" The glassy green eyes peered at her in astonishment. Then, recognition. He signed yes. She took another sip of her gluten-free artisan beer - which she had to admit at last - was terrible by the way. But, funky taste aside, it must have spurred on a soliloquy, because the next thing she knew, she was spilling her presumptions out on to this stranger named Jericho. "Did he put unrealistic expectations on you...?"
Jericho nodded slowly.
"Did he enforce his will upon your destiny, and demand you to be the kind of creation he wanted to bring forth in this world?" Her slim fingers tightened around the oddly configured neck of the beer bottle. "A creation. His creation... One... that he reminds you that he spent time and money and resources on." Kole's voice went hoarse, sickened just at the thought of her own father. "And then... when you finally get the courage to turn around and say it... To say guess what? That person who you want me to be - no, thank you. It's not who I am; it's not for me. Only then, you get tossed aside. Like trash." Kole smiled darkly, taking a brief sip of beer. "Oh, I know a thing or two about Daddy issues... And I certainly know you do..."
Jericho was looking down at the ground. His fingers gripping his blonde curls a little tightly. Like he was wrestling with something.
"Maybe we're like... kindred spirits..." Kole wondered aloud. She took a drunken step. "Somehow, one in the same?" Fingering the sleeve of his shirt.
He pulled away and shook his head. He held out a hand to say he just needed to do this.
To get this out.
He signed slowly. Kole... My name is Joey. Joey paused, his greenish-yellow eyes searching her aqua blue. Jericho is just a name I took on as an artist. And to distance myself. Because my full name is Joseph Wilson. My Dad is -
"Slade Wilson?" The heartless business man. Whose ruthlessness and heartless practices continually damaged the lives of the less fortunate around the globe? "That monster is your father?"
Definitive, sharp gestures denoted his diction. This life, these parties, my art. They are... all I have. Well, that's what I told myself... But I won't, the sideways thumbs up was pointing severely over his shoulder in express his emphasis, be a part of the Wilson legacy... Even if this... art is all I have to show for it. His fingers trembled slightly after his confession.
"Jericho, you're really amazing. Art like that - music like that couldn't be created by someone without passion or talent. You took your hurt and your pain and transformed it into something beautiful. And you turned that beauty into something tangible. That others could appreciate. And that is what your father will never understand. Your legacy is not his."
I think I know how to finish this now.
"You do? That's great." Kole hiccuped. And then laughed at her own drunkenness. And Jericho crinkled his eyes, before his expression turned serious.
I'd like your help, Kole, Joey signed wistfully. What do you say - will you help me?
Kole nodded and Jericho, reached down and clasped her hand.
They stood side by side, looking at the unfinished painting. At all it was. And all it could be.
Part of it, was already determined. It couldn't be changed. But what it could become, that was what made all the difference in the world.
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Random image of Teen Titans ships I pieced together from Google Images. Credits to the owners. 
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firefaerie81 · 7 years
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I haven’t posted art in a few days and I want to try and keep a habit, so here’s some Titans doodles I’ve been posting to twitter.  Commentary in the captions.
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crystalspinner-blog · 7 years
okay but honestly everyone always talks about how Jericho is protective of Kole but she is also 100% up for the job of protecting him I ain’t even kidding she would die for him and isn’t a cute thing when people threaten her best friend.
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The Teen Titans fandom opinions are so the same. At this point I half believe that there’s a machine out there that’s chugging out fans who ship Robstar, BBRae, and Flinx. They quickly pair Cyborg up with Bumble too in order to get him out of the way. They think Red X is Jason Todd and they also think that him and Blackfire would make a good Evil!Robstar couple. They pair up Jerikole, Hotgent, Fang/Kittens and Red Star x Panthra on the side too.. They all either hate Terra or put her and Aqualad together in order to get her out of the way for BBRae to happen. Like seriously, the ATLA fandom may constantly be tussling to get their ship on top, but at least there’s some damn variety! And it doesn’t help anything that I personally hate all of these takes and find them so cliched.
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bci-tbd · 5 years
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I see your romantic jerikole and I raise you: sibling dynamic jerikole
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rivaltierno · 3 years
A sequel to this post, because I found some old art of old TT fankids, and it inspired to greatly expand one of the fankid universes I have, along with adding two more.
All of this under the cut, along with another reminder that the numbers of the universes are not rankings, they’re just there for organizational purposes.
Universes that have not changed (so copied directly from the first post):
Universe 5 - The universe for my HerRae child. In this universe, Herald and Raven retire from the Titans, and super heroics in general, and move to Sangamore. Their daughter is Aquamarine Duncan, who is also in my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic. 
Universe 7 - AKA the “Teen Tyrants” universe. Based on TTGo! Issue #48, this universe is one in which the Titans are all evil. This is the universe where Nic Grayson (RedRobRedRae) from my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic is from.
Universes with only mild changes (adding kids mentioned in another post + some others, so mostly copied directly from the first post):
Universe 1 - AKA my primary universe with my main ships. The kids featured in this universe are Janis and Billie Duncan (JeraldSpot), Matilda Weathers (Kolinx), and Alexander, Alexandria, and Brittney Logan (BBTerra), though the first two go by Al and Allie respectively. Also included in the “children” category in this universe are an older Wildebeest, as Pantha and Red Star basically raise him as their child, and an older Melvin, Timmy, and Teether, as Raven and Cyborg basically raise them as their children.
Universe 2 - A universe in which the Titans are no longer working as a team, and most (but not all) of them have retired from super heroics. However, the former Titans all still get along well and will help each other if needed. The kids featured in this universe are Topaz Duncan-Crockett (HeraSpot), Bonita Kovar (Redtha), Tiffani and Marissa “Sea Monkey” Logan-Kane (JerBB, divorced), and Gemstone Weathers (TerKole), though she tends to just go by Gem for short. This is also the universe where Calypso Roth (AquaRae) from my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic is from.
Universe 3 - The universe for my Jerald kids. In this universe, Jericho and Herald retired from super heroics very early on, but they remained close with the other Titans. Their kids are Bard, Medley, and Tanaja Duncan. Also in this universe is Trixie Harper (SpeedyRae) from my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic, and Mathis, Beau, and Angeline “Angel” Crockett (AquaSpot).
Universe 4 - The universe for my JerSpot kids. In this universe, Jericho and Hot Spot opted to wait until they retired to start a family, making their kids notably younger than other Titans’. Their kids are Sienna, Umber, and Josiah Crockett, though everyone just calls Josiah Kitty. Also in this universe is Lavend’r (StarRae) from my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic, and Trent Beecher-Monetti (BeeGent).
Universe with major changes
Universe 6 - A universe in which the Titans distance themselves from each other almost entirely, with their only contact being emergencies or the occasional gathering for publicity sake (and not even all of the Titans do that). The kids featured in this universe are Bllpep’r and Ging’r Duncan (HeraStar, though Ging’r is biologically a Starfire + Jericho clone), Paisley and Camilla Logan (Beast Boy, with Paisley being a Jinx + Beast Boy clone and Camilla’s other parentage unknown), Starfish and Coral Shayeris (Aqualad, with Starfish being a Jericho + Aqualad clone and Coral being a Speedy + Aqualad clone), Amber, Anya, and Dmitriy Crockett (Hot Spot, with Amber being a Jericho + Hot Spot clone and Anya and Dmitriy being Red Star + Hot Spot clones), and Lychee, David, and Chase West (KFJer, with Lychee being biologically their clone, David being a Raven + KF clone, and Chase a Jinx + KF clone), though Lychee usually goes by Ly for short. Also in this universe are Marilyn and Lily Collins (GothRae), who are also in my “Unkindness of Ravens” fanfic.
New Universes
Universe 8 - A universe in which (most of) the more popular ships of fandom exist and have kids, and all of the Titans are raising their kids to became the next generation of Titans. The kids featured in this universe are Porcinid’r Grayson (RobStar), Melinda Duncan (HeraBee, divorced), Casper and Jasper Stone (CyBee), Clover and Eleanor Wilson (JeriKole), Ketan West (Flinx), and Farah and Laila Crockett (HotGent).
Universe 9 - The universe for my Terald kid. In this universe, Herald decides to retire from both the Herald corps and from being Titan; he and Terra travel the world. Their child is Morganite Duncan, Morgan for short.
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emmizu · 9 years
“Secrets in the Cellar”
Imagine Person A as a spirit bound to a house. The only way A can revive as a human is for someone who can see/hear him/her to give their still warm, but comatose body, hidden in the house, a kiss. Person B moves in, and saw A one day. What happens?
It was a chance.
Here was the chance.
She was his chance.
His one and only.
He stepped out from behind the house and crept closer. The girl he had an eye on wandered through the courtyard, admiring the trees and their yellow-green leaves. Her hands traced along the bark as she stepped around the trunk. Her hum of approval sifted through the air.
The trance stopped short as she caught onto his shadow. It was surreal. The moment when her navy blue eyes narrowed, and a hand hovered over her eyes from the glare of the setting sun. Its bright rays illuminated the magenta of her hair.
The tree was long forgotten as she moved closer. From the bark, her arm returned to her side and drifted leisurely back and forth in tune with the other. Her head cocked to the side, and a smile adorned her features.
“Hi,” she spoke. Coming to a stop just short of them being pressed chest to chest, she unabashedly checked him over. “Do you live around here? I just moved in.” She held out her hand. “I’m Kole and you are?”
Oh right. This was the part he was dreading. Her smile began to fade the longer his silence remained. A brow rose as he lifted a hand and straightened a single finger. Using it like a pen, he wrote his name in the air. He repeated the motions a few times before a look of recognition sparked. Her hand dropped.
“Jericho? That’s your name?”
It was strange befriending a boy who couldn’t speak. Even weirder was his ability to stay just far enough away, yet somehow close enough for her to not feel the need to reach out. But Kole adapted quicker than she expected. She never tried to push the boundaries he silently built.
The curls of blonde, shaggy hair bounced with his every step. The courtyard was long forgotten as Kole watched the spectacle. After a few long moments, she realized she had been staring for far too long. Turning her attention back to their surroundings, Kole started for her house. Her parents would be coming back from their lab soon. Plus, it was her turn to cook dinner tonight.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner? My parents really want to meet you.”
Jericho shook his head and used a cutting motion across his neck.
“Oh come on. They’re not that bad.”
The cutting gesture with his hand slowly shifted to an apology. In their short time together, Kole had made sure to pick up a book in sign language so they could communicate better. Although with time, she had learned that his eyes usually spoke louder than his motions.
“Next time?” she hedged.
The agreement was slow and steady. She couldn’t help but feel it wasn’t an honest answer. Jericho waved and approached the gate to leave. Kole stilled in her spot as he paused for a moment by the cellar doors. He seemed to be contemplating. Then as if catching the intensity of her stare, he gazed over his shoulder and urged her to go inside with a flick of his head.
“Right,” she breathed, climbing the brick stairs and making her way inside. When she glanced out the side window… the gate was closed, and he was gone.
Kole held her breath as his fingers drifted close to the bridge of her nose. She edged closer- just a molecule closer. Those long, lean fingers fell back. He grinned and ducked his head. The shaking of his shoulders… a sign of his silent laughter.
She frowned and gazed at her swinging feet. They were perched on the dock, watching the ripples across the water and soaking their feet in its coolness. It was a quiet afternoon while her parents were at their lab working long hours on some sort of crystal project. She didn’t care much for the details at their last dinner together, which was about a week ago.
Was she upset with their absence?
Maybe in the slightest way possible she was greatly upset. Picking up a flat pebble from the pile between them, she flicked it across the water. It skipped three times before sinking to the dark waters below. She could feel his stare from the corner of her eyes.
Jericho’s hand rested on the top of the pebbles. His fingers rubbed over their smooth surfaces without looking he grabbed one off the side and tossed it into the water. It skipped five times before sinking.
Kole’s gaze fixated on his hand as it came back to support him as he leaned back. He smiled again and pushed his bangs out of his line of sight.
“What are we doing,” she asked in a moment of bravery. The corners of Jericho’s smile dropped. Kole sighed and glanced back at the water then back to the blonde. “I mean… is this going somewhere or is there always going to be something between us? I feel like something is between us anyway. Maybe I’m just imagining it. I’m not sure.”
Jericho sat up straight and allowed his hands to move. Kole studied each hand movement. ‘What do you want from this?’
Her fingers twitched in her lap. “I want to be close with you.” She twisted back toward the water and dipped her toes back in. “I think you like teasing me with how close you can get without touching me. Earlier you went to touch my nose but pulled away when I came closer.”
The familiar jingle of her cellphone rang, cutting off whatever he was about to sign. She groaned as her mom’s name flashed across the screen. Sliding it open with the swipe of her finger, she answered.
“Hey mom…” Kole casted a quick glance to Jericho then swung her legs back and forth rapidly. “Yeah… I’ll be home soon. Love you too.”
Jericho hung around outside the back door, trying to wait as patiently as he could. Every noise made him jump. She promised they would meet after school. He was counting on it.
A car door slammed and the sound of girls giggling echoed. Kole was finally home. Jericho stood and perched on the brick railing on the back steps. Cool and casual. He could manage that. Kole thanked and said goodbye to whoever had dropped her off. The girl, he was assuming, returned her sentiments and the car door slammed again.
Jericho only had to wait another minute or so before Kole entered the sun room and made her way out. The smile adorning her face sent an explosion of warmth through his veins. It pooled in his gut then seemed to grow as their gazes met.
'Hey, did you have a good day?’
She watched each hand movement carefully. “My day was really good. There’s this kid, they’re new, and I think I’ve made a new friend.”
'Oh? Is… is that so?’
As if reading his mind, she asked, “Are you okay?”
'Me? I’m fine! Want to go down to the lake?’
“Sure… let’s go.” Making her way down the stairs, she held out her hand- wiggling her fingers and staring up at him. “No?” She teased.
Jericho shook his head, fighting a grin. Nonetheless, he followed after her. Today was not the day.
Day after day, Kole spoke of the new student. His name was Isaiah. From a few of her stories, Jericho was able to figure out that the kid had a temper. Although, it seemed she never paid much attention to the obviousness of it.
He did his best to listen and ask questions when appropriate. Over the course of a few months, Kole was finally starting to fit in with the other students. So he did his part of being supportive as possible despite all the nerves it brought.
Any day now, Kole could send him on his way. She could end whatever their relationship was and move on with someone else. Then what would he do? Find someone else probably. Even if the idea made him sick to his stomach.
He jumped. Looking around, he found her a few feet away- walking in the sand. The breeze ruffled her hair causing her to constantly push it out of her eyes.
“Hurry up you slowpoke!”
Covered in a large coat, mittens, and scarf- Kole looked adorable and warm. If he had to make a comparison… she reminded him of a snow bunny. It sounded ridiculous but that’s all he could see.
Jogging up to her side, he edged close. Kole gazed up just in time, eyes widening at the sudden intimacy. Her cheeks reddened and a nervous laugh left her lips. “What're—?”
Leaning back, he signed, 'Meet me tomorrow out back. I want to show you something.’
Kole frowned but nodded anyway. “Of course, wasn’t that the plan anyway?”
Her mind was racing. Heading home was pure torture. Jericho had been so serious yesterday when he had asked for her company. His expression was warm, and his eyes were dark and deep. Whatever was going to happen it was serious.
Her eyes darted over to Karen, wishing she would drive faster. Fishing her phone out of her pocket, she figured she had another ten minutes before she would even be on her block. Just as she was about to put her phone back into her pocket, it lit up.
Kole frowned. Her parents wouldn’t be able to make it home for dinner tonight. Not that this was anything new. This week the record stood at four, counting today as well. They might as well go for the fifth tomorrow.
“Everything okay over there, girl?”
Kole sighed, rolling her shoulders back and twisting in her seat toward Karen. “Just my parents cancelling on me again. Not that this is any news to you, but well…”
Karen made a brisk right turn, tsking loudly. “Want to come over for dinner tonight at my place?”
“I- I can’t. I have a lot of homework anyways.” She waved her off, turning back around in her seat and avoiding her eyes for the rest of the ride. Karen just scoffed and rolled her eyes, allowing herself to say one last thing before she pulled up to Kole’s driveway.
“Will you at least consider coming over tomorrow night?”
Kole blinked. Well, that was new and exciting. It’d been so long since the last time she’d went over to a friend’s house. “Sure,” she answered, glancing quickly at her new friend. “I’ll ask my parents if I see them.”
Karen smiled, winking as Kole returned the gesture. “See you tomorrow.”
“See ya!” Shutting the car door, Kole waited for her to pull away. As soon as she was out of sight, she rushed for the house. Unlocking the door and pushing through, she dumped her bag next to the door and ran into the back room.
She stopped dead in her tracks the moment she spotted Jericho wandering in her backyard. He seemed rather calm and collected. Maybe this wasn’t what she thought it was. She felt herself deflate at that. Hesitation thrummed along her bones as she reached for the doorknob, but she went for it.
Jericho snapped to attention, eyes locking with her’s. Kole lifted her hand and waved, wiggling her fingers with the motion. “Hi.”
The corners of Jericho’s lips lifted into a small smile as he waved back. Kole made it down the stairs in slow strides, feeling her heart pound against her chest. She stopped a few feet away, keeping their usual distance in mind.
“So… I’m here.” She bounced on her toes and fell back onto her heels. Her arms were crossed behind her back and it felt like her heart was truly going to break out of her chest. At least she wouldn’t have to continue their awkward dance anymore if that happened. “What did you want to show me?”
Sudden fear flashed across his eyes. His usually bright, green eyes lost their spark for a mere second, and if she allowed her gaze to drop to his hands- she’d find that his hands were shaking. But she didn’t.
Jericho jerked his head, and started to lead the way. Kole followed obediently behind, leaning side to side to try to catch the expression flickering across his face. He came to a sudden stop, nearly causing her to collide into him. She caught herself and stumbled back clumsily. If Jericho noticed, he didn’t react. His gaze was caught on something else.
The cellar doors.
There was a hint of déjà vu chewing at the back of her mind. This wasn’t the first time she’d caught him staring at those ominous doors. Her parents had been adamant about her not visiting this portion of the house. As to the reason why, she just chalked it up to her parents paranoia of small, enclosed places. A small part of her hoped it was because they cared for her safety when they weren’t around.
Jericho crouched down and gazed up at her, waiting for her to follow suit. Kole crouched down next to him and stared at the handles. There were cracks in the old wood, but through the cracks she couldn’t see anything.
At the snap of his fingers, Kole jolted out of her trance. His hands moved slowly. 'Open it.’
“You want me to open the doors?”
He nodded, standing back up onto his feet. His hands found their way into his jacket pockets and he stepped back, giving her ample room for the task.
Her hesitation returned, puzzle pieces were beginning to form in her mind. As if sensing the tension, Jericho smiled again. However, it didn’t reach his eyes. He mouthed two words, 'Go on.’
Kole gave the doors one last glance before returning to her feet. Nerves ignited as she braced herself. The doors lifted easily and she pushed them apart, flinching as they slammed against the ground. Snow kicked up at the impact and shortly settled back into place.
It was eerily dark. A shiver crawled up her spine at the sight. She could feel Jericho’s gaze burning into her back. “You want me to go down there, don’t you?” She didn’t have to look back to see his answer. It was already apparent.
Swallowing back a groan, she took the first step. The stair creaked at her weight, but otherwise didn’t give underneath her. Kole continued down the stairs, checking each stair with the same tactic. She felt Jericho’s presence behind her, following closely as they made their way down.
It was still dark. No windows either. Another shiver crept down her spine, caressing each nerve as it went. She opened her mouth to voice her displeasure when a light flickered on. The sight that met her eyes was nothing short of surprising.
There was a body in the middle of the room. The light above their heads flickered twice. Kole’s mind was set to automatic. She wasn’t in control of her legs anymore. Moving closer, a gasp left her lips. Immediately, she spun on her heels and met Jericho’s gaze once more.
His was steady and carefully blank. Kole could only imagine what her’s was like. Blood rushed in her ears and her heart previously pounding in her chest leapt to her throat. She choked on her next words.
“You’re dead.”
Jericho shook his head. 'Not quite,’ he offered. 'Not quite.’
He could see the questions whirling in her eyes. Her lips moved on empty breaths. Eyes wide and scared. How else could she have reacted? This wasn’t an everyday occurrence. A ghost bringing a girl to meet his comatose body. A body that had been sleeping for who knows how long? He couldn’t even pinpoint a timeline even if he wanted to.
“What do you mean 'not quite’?”
Jericho ushered over to his body, pointing at his chest. Kole blinked several times, watching the rise and fall of each breath. It was evident she was confused and possibly a little bit terrified. Reaching out, she touched his neck and palpated for a pulse. Jericho watched her facial expressions, trying to determine whether or not she would run or stay.
He hoped for the latter.
Her eyes trailed over every portion of his face and neck, eyes finding the scar marring the front side of his throat. Without much thought, his hand drew up to his own throat. It wasn’t there. He was the purest part of his soul. Untouched and unscathed. He felt her gaze on him now. She was following the movement of his hand. He dropped it, heat burning his cheeks.
Kole’s navy blues were soft and glistening. Unshed tears gathered, waiting to fall. Jericho shook his head and moved his hands in a placating motion. He didn’t want her to cry. This was going to be a good thing.
“Why’re you showing me this?” Her fingers brushed over his body’s forehead, pushing his bangs back. “How can I see you there?”
Jericho couldn’t answer the second question, but the first one was easy enough. Kole watched him unabashedly, her piercing expression familiar to the first day they met. Like she could pull out all of his secrets with one flutter of her eyelashes. He took a calming breath and formed the answer with his hands.
She watched each sign carefully.
'You’re going to help me come back.’
Her breath stuttered. Eyes widening once again. Mouth gaping open. Brows pulled together in confusion. “How?”
The heat returned ten folds, but he forged on. 'With a kiss.’
Kole ducked her head. “K-kiss you? We’ve been dancing around each other for months, and now you want me to just kiss you? How do I even know this is real?” Looking back up, he could see the embarrassment coloring her cheeks as well. “What if it doesn’t work?”
'It’ll work,’ he insisted. 'Trust me.’
She frowned, biting her bottom lip the longer she stared between him and his body. “You’ve lied this whole time.” She countered.
If Jericho could feel his heart, it would’ve leapt into his throat, but he could face the truth in her statement. Back then, he wouldn’t have been able to. It was one of the many reasons why he was stuck here. 'I know,’ he answered.
Her shoulders sagged as she went to wipe the tears that managed to escape unchecked. Peering over her hand that remained glued to her cheekbone, she regarded him again. “Only a kiss?” She questioned uneasily.
Jericho smiled softly in return. 'Only a kiss.’
A laugh bubbled past her lips as she wiped the remaining tears away. Although, Kole didn’t allow their gazes to meet again. She bent over his body and cupped his chin, leaning closer to his warm lips. He could imagine the heat his body was giving off, but he desired nothing more than to feel Kole’s pressed up against him.
Finally building up enough courage, she closed the distance.
An ice-like shock coursed through his being. He froze, clutching his chest as it pulsed through every molecule and atom. He’d scream if he had vocal cords. The image of Kole kissing him was the last thing he saw before his sight went out like a flame from a candle, and suddenly he was pulled toward a warm glow.
Kole broke away, instantly looking up for Jericho’s presence. The room was empty.
“Jericho?” She called, fully pushing away from his resting place. “Are you still here?”
From behind, he took his first deep breath.
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robxstar · 7 years
who do you ship aside from robstar?
Strictly within the animated Teen Titans:
BB/Rae (I like BBTerra too but not quite at the level where I would officially “ship” it, if that makes any sense.)
Cy/Sarah Simms
(Also sorta like Cy/Bee, but again, not quite enough to ship it.)
Kid Flash/Jinx
Hot Spot/Argent (Mostly based on their comic history.)
Herald/Bumblebee (Ditto.)
Jericho/Kole (Ditto again.)
Red Star/Pantha (And again.)
Speedy/Cheshire (Di-di-di-ditto!)
Red X/Starfire (Primarily one-sided on X’s part.)
Rex X/Blackfire (I wrote it once and then I shipped it oops.)
For the wider DCU:
The comic versions of all the above ships, if they exist.  (Dick/Kory, Gar/Rae, Roy/Jade, Mal/Karen, etc.)
Bruce/Diana & Bruce/Selina
Garth/Tula & Garth/Dolphin
Kyle/Donna & Roy/Donna (And I never understood what was so wrong with Terry/Donna aside from him being older and kinda weird.)
(Tim/Ladies, let’s face it.)
And Wally/Linda
Soooo, yeah, lotta married couples, lotta classic power couples, and a large sprinkling of mix and match ships.
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I love Kole in both the comics and the cartoon! Her cartoon version is easier to draw but honestly I prefer her comic version so I drew both. Plus I don’t think I saw anyone draw both versions together so might as well give this a shot.
A redesign for Kole and some JeriKole content are definitely must draws for me soon.
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firefaerie81 · 6 years
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So, my finals wrapped up yesterday, so it’s time for another notebook doodle dump!  I felt more shippy than sibling-y for the second half of the semester, so here’s DickKory and JeriKole for the cover.
It’s pretty much all Titans all the way this time, and I think my biases asserted themselves more, so let’s dive right in, shall we?
Let’s start with the bby Fab Five, featuring some racebent redhead headcanons.
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And then let’s hear it for Discowing.  Long live Discowing, and I really should draw this more.
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And some more New Teen Titans
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I know Linda and/or Matrix was part of the New Titans, but I think it took til TTv3 for Kara to actually be a Titan.
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Also, here’s an attempted Kid Devil
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And a Lilith
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And here we have bby Kory and Kory’s bby. :D
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I didn’t have as many bored-out-of-my-mind moments this half of the semester, but I did end up doing a couple of sads
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I only ended up doing one Joey and Rose Sibling Appreciation doodle, but I tried to make it a good one
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And finally, a couple more shippy doodles that I didn’t put in the cover to keep it to 6 images
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(can you tell I like drawing forehead touches?)
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This one was before I started getting the hang of how kisses work, but I still think it’s cute.
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edsmoaks · 9 years
vomit / don’t ship / ok / cute / adorable / sexy / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying /i will ship them in hell / they make me want to puke rainbows
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