#jess plays xbox
purpleplaid17 · 9 months
Talking on Rocket League
I sometimes have my headset on when playing Rocket League so I can give verbal compliments for good shots and skillful playing.
And tonight 2 different people talked back.
The first was a cute excitable kid who couldn't understand that I didn't like playing Fortnite.
The second was someone who friended me a while back and had just invited me to play. They were a bit muffled and as I have shit hearing I made excuses and apologized for having to leave immediately. I think I should message them and explain.
I'm half decent at heatseeker but shite at everything else. But I'm nice so maybe they'll still want to play. I hope so. I'm not used to verbally talking to new people but it's easier to do it when playing a game than in casual conversation.
My gamertag is purpleplaid#4414 if anyone wants to play.
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crisicsgames · 3 months
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socpens · 9 months
jesse is my best friend and i love my el camino: a breaking bad movie
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Skinny pete playing Shrek on Xbox
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roryweek · 2 months
Rory Week 2024 Prompts and Dates!
How it works: Create a post for one or both of the prompts for each day, or skip a day if you feel like it! This blog will reblog every post made in the #roryweek and #roryweek2024 tags on the day of each prompts (any late posts will be reblogged once the week is up!) here are the prompts:
Wednesday, October 9th - Video Games or Comic Books
What nerdy interest is Rory's favorite? Does he play more video games? Or read more comic books? If so...
Thursday, October 10th - Marvel or DC
Which comic book franchise does Rory love the most? Does he think Thor can beat Batman in a fight? Who are his favorite villains? If video games are his favorite then...
Friday, October 11th - Home Consoles or Arcade Games
Does Rory have a Wii, Play Station, or Xbox? Or does he love playing vintage games and heading down to the arcade with his friends more?
Saturday, October 12th - Free Day!
Have fun! Post anything Rory related or fulfill one of the previous/next prompts. There are no rules!
Sunday, October 13th - Prank Shows or Ghost Shows
Is Rory a fan of Doug Falconhawk's new prank show? Does he love Punk'd? Or is he still loyal to his heroes original ghost show, and jumps at the sight of night cam reality TV? Which one would he be likely to star in the most?
Monday, October 14th - Supernatural Hunting or Vampire Council
Does Rory love hunting spirits with his friends or standing guard for the vampire council more? Is he using the spirit speaker (even though he's not supposed to)? Or is he Jesse's lackey?
Tuesday, October 15th - Family
What does Rory's home life look like? In the future, is the fang gang his new found family? What does his biological family look like? And do they now know his secret?
Ask box is open if you have any questions! I can't wait to see what everyone creates!
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enden-agolor · 11 months
How did you become a Jesskas shipper?
honestly the first time my boyfriend and i played through the netflix version and played through the rest of the game on xbox, i wasn’t exactly super into it at the time because i was so focused on titanfall and a ship in that fandom that i didn’t give jesskas a lot of thought, like i thought they were cute and i could definitely see the chemistry, but it wasn’t until my boyfriend kept bothering me about them like. every single day. i finally gave in to him asking if i could rp with him and was like sure fine lol and… that was what REALLY really got me into them ngl was kind of studying the characters and realizing i have a disturbing amount of stuff in common with lukas and the way my bf wrote jesse i like genuinely fell in love with him and that’s when i started drawing them both a ton and replaying the game over and over and… its bad. its so bad dude i dont know how or why i got here but that’s basically it
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yu-and-rei-vi · 8 days
Yo you're a Minecraft Story Mode fan too!?
I played it when I was younger but due to my memory, I can only remember certain events (wither storm, reuben dying, Jesse’s group becoming the new order of the stone)
Also I didn’t finish the whole thing
I have the disk for the xbox version tho
I can play season one and the adventure pass
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nogchompa · 3 months
i wanna smoke with team rocket sooo bad i know jesse would get me high as fuck on the craziest pack & let me lay my head in her lap while she plays w my hair & we wait 4 james 2 pass the xbox controller. meowth is rolling another blunt
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satoshi-mochida · 6 months
Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER launches May 16
From Gematsu
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Retro cyberpunk mystery adventure game Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, Switch, and PC via Steam and Epic Games Store Store on May 16 for $14.99 / £12.79 / €14.79, publisher Chorus Worldwide and developer MidBoss announced.
Physical $44.99 standard and $99.99 collector’s editions will also be available for PlayStation 5 and Switch at retail via Serenity Forge. Pre-orders are available now.
Here is an overview of the game, via its store pages:
Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER, the next mystery adventure set in the world of MidBoss’ 2064: Read Only Memories. Return to the vibrant cyberpunk world of Neo-San Francisco from 2064: Read Only Memories, filled with friendly and familiar faces including Jess Meas, the gene-spliced, hybrid lawyer, TOMCAT, the notorious hacker, and Lexi Rivers, former police officer turned private eye. Take on the role of ES88, a telepath with the ability to delve into memories employed by MINERVA, a powerful organization specializing in neurotechnology and extrasensory projection phenomena. Tasked with tracking down the Golden Butterfly, a naturally gifted psychic on the loose and wreaking havoc through the subconscious minds of Neo-San Francisco, by using the Neurodiver to search the memories in which it hides. Read Only Memories: NEURODIVER’s Deep Dive mechanic enables ES88 to identify, manipulate, and unlock information, though overuse can irreparably corrupt her target’s memory. NEURODIVER will introduce new characters, locations, and mechanics, including the ability to dive into and change other characters’ memories, as well as overhauled art and an unsolved case to crack with multiple endings.
Key Features
Play as new character ES88, a gifted esper with the ability to delve into memories.
Explore, manipulate and even unlock the memories of others.
Visit new locations and meet new friends in Neo-San Francisco.
See familiar faces like Jess Meas, Lexi Rivers, TOMCAT, and more.
An updated dynamic and colorful art style.
Retro-inspired FM music by Scarlet Moon artist, coda.
Even more anime than before!
Watch a new trailer below.
Release Date Trailer
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nerdsleaze · 1 year
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is set in a modern fantasy world, where college dropout Grace is granted the power of a Muse - power she’ll need to find out the truth behind her predecessor’s death before time runs out.
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Players will decide who Grace allies with, who she can trust, and who may betray her in this beautifully hand-illustrated roleplaying musical. Players will charm, negotiate, or strong-arm their way through their world, playing through original, fully interactive musical numbers composed by Grammy-nominated composer Austin Wintory (Journey, Banner Saga), Tripod (musicians Scott Edgar, Steven Gates, and Simon Hall) and Eurovision Australia’s own Montaigne (Jess Cerro).
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Fully orchestrated and performed by an all-star cast, players will feel as though they’re right there on the stage. With thousands of potential variations based on their choices, they’ll craft the soundtrack to their own one of a kind musical experience. No two playthroughs are the same - how will the curtain fall?
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A video game for musical lovers, and a musical for video game lovers, Stray Gods is a compelling story of hope, self-discovery, and forging their path.
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical is now available on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and the Nintendo Switch for USD $29.99.
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Random thoughts during Attack of the Clones:
*The second scene with all the Jedi in the Chancellors’ office is like a Clone Wars who’s who. Poor Barriss in the back of the room…brooding, being all angsty and gay. Her character was done hella dirty, but I have a theory on that which I may share later.
* Anakin’s attempts at flirting with women are painful. Ouch. Too bad this predates Ahsoka who could have absolutely given him pointers.
* I feel like Padme is disproportionately targeted by assassination attempts. I get she’s kind of outspoken, but holy f*^%, bounty hunters are trying to take her ass out constantly.
*I find it it creepy that Anakin was watching Padme sleep (or whatever). I would have covered the cameras if I were her as well.
* It’s pretty great that Obi-Wan catches Anakin’s lightsaber that Anakin dropped during a high-speed pursuit. Hella reflexes.
*”This weapon is your life.” -Obi-Wan when handing Anakin’s lightsaber back to him. This is a reoccurring theme, I feel. Fun Clone Wars fact: We see Jedi passing their weapons over to someone else twice in The Clone Wars series willingly: Once by Anakin who gives it to Padme. Once by Ahsoka who gives it to Barriss. Hmm.
* “Why do I get the feeling you’re going to be the death of me?”- Obi-Wan. Yikes with the foreboding.
*I appreciate the original Xbox graphics going on with that droid football game playing in the cantina. It really brings back some great memories of a time when playing games was so blocky and 32-bit.
* I like Dex. I bet the food in his diner is fire, but I bet the caf is awful. I’m also impressed that he knows about Kamino when no one else seems to at this point in the story.
* Attachments and possession is forbidden, but compassion is encouraged. I feel like attachment sort of comes with romance. Something about that chemical reaction in your brain that’s triggered… With that being said, Anakin interacting with Padmé is so, so awkward.
* “The day we stop believing democracy can work is the day we lose it.” - Queen Jamillia dropping gems of wisdom.
* Was this written by Incels? I mean, I’m really not clear how the “I don’t like sand” line somehow convinces Padmé to kiss Anakin for the first time, but maybe I need to start coming up with really, REALLY hokey lines to get girls to kiss me. I’ll let you know how it works out in the real world.
*RED FLAG ON THE FIELD. Anakin declares that he is a pro-dictatorial authoritarian fascist. She laughs it off like “he’s kidding”, and like, he legit says “I’d be much too frightened to tease a senator.” Baby girl. He’s problematic. You’re getting a sign that clearly is telling you to turn around, but you’re ignoring the signals.
*Fun Star Wars fact, those chunky tick-looking CGI animals that nearly trample Anakin in that awkward flirty scene are called Shaak (not to be confused with Shaak Ti, who is a hot, Togruta Jedi), and apparently, they’re tasty.
* Padmé seems to be very impressed by Anakin’s ability to float fruit around with the force. I can’t say I wouldn’t be turned on by someone just randomly wielding the force to impress me. Maybe.
* The scene between Anakin and Padmé where they’re discussing the kiss is a clear sign that he’s not going to be capable of letting go. The dark shadow cast across his face in this scene is kind of another foreboding moment too.
* Clones! Rex, Cody and Jesse are all down there some place preparing to go to war as Obi-Wan looks on.
* Slave One is a badass ship. That is all.
*I can’t help but wonder about Lars freeing, then marrying Shmi Skywalker. Did he do it out of the goodness of his heart? Was it a mutual thing? Or was Shmi originally purchased as his sex slave, and was she suffering from Stockholm syndrome? Why is my brain like this!?!
*Speaking of, Shmi’s death is tragic. Enter Vader.
*RED FLAG! RED FLAG!!! Holy blazes, Padme. Anakin just confessed to committing literal genocide by slaughtering an entire village of sand people. I’m pretty sure my instinct would be to roll out. That would be my cue. I mean, damn.
Anakin: I killed them. I killed them all. And not just the men, but the women and the children too. They’re like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals! I hate them!
Me: Well, would you look at the time!? Gotta go!
Not Padmé. No. She tries to reason with it. It’s human to be angry. No, not like THAT! My god, man!! Jedi have to keep that shit in check as they can literally crush people with the force. FFS. You’re in danger, girl. RUN!
*The Geonosians creep me out. Seriously. Bugs, but with brains that are capable of producing weapons of mass destruction. There is also their ceremonious way of executing prisoners (Ancient Roman style) Not to worry, I guess. This method won’t work with Jedi. They’re like force-wielding gladiators on speed. Their deadly animals will be beast-tricked and killed.
* Shaak Ti! I am such a sucker for a Togruta. Here’s my number, holo me.
* Mace Windu’s lightsaber wielding style really is bad ass. The way that he just effortlessly beheads Jango Fett is something else.
* Every time I see Kit Fisto, I’m reminded of how he started off as a tadpole.. and it makes me chuckle. Also, his grin is fantastic.
* The C3-PO puns during this battle. Classic. Peak droid in a Star Wars film.
* I can’t help but wonder what happened to Jango’s head when Boba lifts his helmet and puts it against his forehead? I didn’t want it to plop out, but it probably should have. Is it still wedged into the helmet? Is poor Boba going to have to fish it out later (because we know he keeps it)?
*Folks always getting their arms chopped off.
*The Dooku/ Yoda lightsaber battle is epic, and may be slightly underrated.
* Begun the Clone War has. Poor Bail is like, “Damn.” And, we end with Padme ignoring all the red flags. The galaxy will pay for your discretions. Roll credits.
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experimentkc · 1 year
Lilo, Jumba, Captain Gantu, and Angel are racing to Disney Speedstorm!
Lilo & Stitch is going to burn rubber onto Gameloft's Disney Speedstorm soon!
This past week, beginning from July 17, 2023, the game's official social media accounts on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube have been sharing concept art for the new Lilo & Stitch track environment that will be added in the game's third season (and the last season for its early access period).
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But Gameloft also took the opportunity to tease the four other Lilo & Stitch racers who will be joining Stitch in the new season by hiding the syllables of those racers' names in the concept art. (Zoom in on the images above!) These were followed by a full reveal of their character and kart renders the very next day.
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With Lilo Pelekai, Jumba Jookiba, Captain Gantu, and Experiment 624/Angel ready to tear up some Hawaiian roads, plus two more mystery racers from other Disney franchises joining them, this looks to be Disney Speedstorm's biggest season yet before its full free-to-play release on September 28!
Plus, considering that Speedstorm features voice acting, with many of the various Disney and Pixar characters' original voice actors reprising their roles, this will be the first time in years that Lilo & Stitch and Disney fans will get to hear the beloved little Hawaiian girl Lilo talk again and possibly hear Kevin Michael Richardson, who last voiced Gantu in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep (2010), bringing his deep and authoritative voice back to the massive whale-like alien that put him on the map. Moreso, Angel's original voice Tara Strong could finally be voicing Stitch's pink alien siren girlfriend for the first time since Leroy & Stitch seventeen years ago (unless Gameloft decides to go with her Stitch! anime voice Kate Higgins or another actor). Jumba, meanwhile, will be getting a different voice from his original Western appearance, as David Ogden Stiers died back in March 2018. There is a chance that his anime and Stitch & Ai voice Jess Winfield could be voicing the evil genius again though since the latter's English release; if that's the case, then this will be the first time Winfield voiced Jumba in a Western-produced work.
Season 3 of Disney Speedstorm will be released next month during August, following the conclusion of the Toy Story-focused Season 2: To Infinity and Beyond. As of this writing, the game is currently available in paid early access for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Windows PCs (via Steam, the Microsoft Store, and the Epic Games Store).
For those who missed Stitch's reveal on Stitch Day (June 26) 2023, here's his render.
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purpleplaid17 · 9 months
I thought I couldn't possibly get worse at Rocket League. I miss the ball frequently. It is a serious problem lol.
But playing a supercube match I've managed to somehow score a goal and get mvp. Why the metal cube and the ice puck are easier for me to hit idk, but I'm having fun!
The amount of times i've called myself an idiot / numpty / silly sausage lmao
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pageseo2022 · 18 days
Far Cry 5: Meet the Creepy Cult Leaders and Their Troubling Territories
A top-tier villain is someone who’s totally convinced of their own hype; cringe-worthy, over-the-top bad guys with zero depth are so last season. If your antagonist can break down their master plan, explain why it’s legit, and maybe even suggest where to buy Xbox games to fully appreciate their evil genius, they’re way scarier. So when you roll into Hope County to arrest the Project at Eden’s Gate leader and he’s all, ‘God won’t let you take me,’ and he’s dead serious, you know he’s a problem. Joseph Seed, or The Father as his squad calls him, is convinced the apocalypse is coming and he’s on a mission to save as many peeps as he can before it hits. When Seed is staring you down, explaining why he’s right, it’s hard not to get pulled into his vibe. He’s magnetic, smooth-talking, and super smart; it’s easy to see why people might get hooked on Joseph and his messed-up crew, even if they’re a bunch of crazy, gun-happy cultists. John, the smooth talker, promises redemption for anyone looking to join Eden’s Gate in Holland Valley, Faith uses the drug Bliss to mess with people’s heads along the Henbane River, and Jacob up in the Whitetail Mountains puts his twisted soldiers through brutal trials. Greg Bryk nails it as the creepy Joseph Seed, but his three sidekicks are just as intriguing, each with their own wild backstory. It’s a wild ride hopping between their territories and uncovering each sibling’s dark side—it’s both horrific and oddly captivating. The actors are so good that I was both impressed and squirming in my seat. When they weren’t around, I was blowing stuff up.
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Encouraging Exploration and Local Encounters
In the past, towers were all about climbing and clearing parts of the map, but thankfully, those are gone. Ubisoft switched things up by putting that puzzle vibe into the new Prepper Stashes scattered across the map, which is a great reason to buy PS5 games and experience these updates firsthand. Loads of Hope County folks have been prepping for the end times, stashing ammo, cash, and upgrade points all over Montana, and it’s super useful for you. But getting to these stashes isn’t always a walk in the park; it often requires a bit of brainpower. You’ll get a starting hint to help you find the stash, but after that, it’s on you to figure out the environmental puzzles using your legs, grappling hook, and smarts. These stashes are a game changer—a nice break from the action that challenges you in different ways. Plus, if you don’t talk to NPCs in Hope County, you might totally miss some of them. Sure, Far Cry 5 often points you in the right direction, but it also rewards you for exploring and chatting with the locals wandering through the scenery. You might run into a woman and her dog out for a walk who’ll give you the lowdown on a cult hideout, an undiscovered outpost, or even a person of interest. Sometimes these folks are just regular people with good info, but more often than not, they’re a bit quirky.
Diverse Allies and Flexible Perk System
Injecting some fun into Far Cry with optional quests isn't exactly groundbreaking for the series, but there’s a ton of it here that gives you a nice break from the intense main story. There’s this one side quest where you help out a guy who’s super into aliens, and at first, I wasn’t sure if the reward was worth it. For a moment, it seemed like it might be over the top, but then I went with it because it just made things more entertaining. I had a blast silencing a movie set for a film director, enjoyed helping a Jesse Pinkman-type chef perfect his recipe, and got a kick out of collecting bull testicles while Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” played in the background. A few side quests missed the mark, but overall, they offered some fun downtime against the scenic backdrop of Hope County. Cruising in a vehicle tuned to one of Joseph Seed’s sponsored radio stations, listening to the Eden’s Gate choir’s eerie yet beautiful hymns, and driving through the backroads really shows off how stunning Hope County can be amid the chaos. But, like any open-world game, the illusion can get broken when you see your buddy glitching into the ground or climbing a ladder that they’ve already reached the top of. It doesn’t happen often, but it’s a reminder that you’re playing Far Cry 5, not chasing down a modern-day David Koresh. Having a grizzly bear as your personal sidekick also adds to the mix. Ending this holy war all by yourself is a tall order, but luckily you’ve got guns (and fangs) for hire ready to back you up. You’ll meet resistance fighters on your journey who are ready to help, but the nine Specialists in Far Cry 5 are who you really want in your squad to take down Eden’s Gate. They basically act as your co-op partners, following your commands, attacking enemies you dislike, and reviving you when you’re down. Depending on your playstyle, you can pick allies who are more tactical, like the stealthy cougar Peaches, or go for the more in-your-face RPG-wielding Hurk Durbman Jr. Trying out different combos is a good idea since not every situation suits your go-to buddy. This flexibility also extends to the perk system.
Embracing the Chaos of Outpost Takeovers
Since Vaas in Far Cry 3, the series hasn’t had a villain quite as chilling when calm and captivatingly unhinged as Joseph Seed. Him and his Eden’s Gate crew are a real nightmare for the folks in Hope County who are just trying to improve their lives. But when you need a break from dealing with them, you can be skydiving off a mountain, tackling one of the awesome Prepper Stash puzzles, or cruising down the river in a speedboat. I never plan for an outpost takeover to get wild, but when a random grizzly bear crashes in and messes up my stealthy approach, I can’t help but enjoy every chaotic second that follows.
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sjstone-author · 6 months
Oh yeah!
In Control, you follow Jesse Faden, a young woman who’s spent years searching for her brother after he was abducted as a child. Jesse finally stumbles on the Federal Bureau of Control, a clandestine agency that investigates all things supernatural and paranormal. Within the first hour of entering its headquarters, Jesse is made the Director of the FBC and thrust into dealing with an otherworldly crisis. An alien entity called the Hiss has infiltrated the bureau and threatens the very fabric of reality.
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2seagull · 7 months
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This is a photo of my friend Jess playing Grand Theft Auto V on my Nintendo Switch. The Nintendo Switch is a handheld video game console that was released in March of 2017. The switch is popular because it allows for three modes of gameplay: Handheld mode using the two Joy-Con controllers on either side of the device, TV mode where you can dock the switch to the TV and play on the big screen, or Tabletop mode where you can flip the stand on the back of the device to set it up in front of you. It’s easily transportable due to its small size compared to the PS5 and Xbox, and has its own case to carry it.The Nintendo Switch is great for playing with others as you can play games like Fortnite with your siblings in your living room or with other gamers all across the globe. You can even play with another person on the same switch. Some popular Nintendo Switch games include Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Fortnite, Minecraft, Just Dance, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Stardew Valley, and The Legend of Zelda. There are so many fun versatile uses for the switch which makes it such a popular choice for playing video games. #ShannonCyr
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nicole-the-hololynx · 9 months
🎧✨ and an extra question I get to ask because you love me: what do you think is Jesse pinkmans favorite sonic game?
🎧 Favorite overall soundtrack?
I already answered this but I just remembered there's a Second Placce game that's far above the rest. It's fucking Sonic Rush. That game goes so hard. The soundtrack is actually like most of why I love that game so much lol.
✨ Dream Sonic Game?
Alternatively a new Adventure style game could be fun if done right... I'm not sure I trust Sega/Sonic Team to do it right tho. If only there was some other game made in the same style... perhaps an indie game starring some sort of Jester.... maybe one that's Electric? Nah... that'd never happen...
❓ Jesse Pinkman's Favorite Sonic Game
I see two possibilities here depending on whether we think of Jesse Pinkman in an ideal scenario or in his material reality in the show.
If we assume he owns or has played other consoles outside what's shown in the show, I believe his favorite would be Sonic Adventure 2. It's got surface level appeal to someone like him with stuff like the Dark Story, and how Shadow is in it and he's cool, but I believe Jesse would connect with Shadow in a personal way. Both are tragic characters who feel alone in the world, strangers in their own families; both have major authority figures they look up to manipulating them, sending them down a path of crime and destruction...
If we instead take a much more conservative view of Jesse's gaming experiences, this sadly cannot be possible. The only console we know Jesse owns is an Xbox 360. Sonic Adventure 2 did not get ported to it until long after the timeframe that Breaking Bad takes place in. We simply must assume Jesse never gets to have this connection, never gets to meet this alternate version of himself, never can see himself as a funny animal who curls into a ball. In this scenario, I believe his favorite Sonic game would be All-Stars Racing, simply because it's the most fun to play with people (which is something he does frequently)
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