#jewish bucky barnes is always the best bucky barnes
thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
Just Bucky, talking to Sam about how Hanukkah isn't actually a super important holiday and that Passover, Rosh Hashanah, and Yom Kippur are vastly more important.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 9 months
Steve and Bucky have a little goat farm on a large plot of land just outside of New York with their 3 cats. It's a short drive from their Reform Synagogue which is incredibly welcoming to queer and interfaith Jewish families.
In the middle of their land, by the pond, stands the home they built together, perfectly designed for them. On the front door is a mezuzah, the case lovingly painted by Steve for Bucky, who kisses it and whispers the blessing every time he passes through the door.
The home is always filled with the smells of Bucky's cooking, and the walls are decorated with Steve's art.
Their home has room for them to have a bunch of kids. Kids that they lovingly raise as proud observant Jews, deeply connected to all parts of their cultural identities, and as dedicated to justice as their father and Aba.
Every Friday night they host Shabbat dinners after Kabbalat Shabbat service, and every Jewish holiday their home is filled with members of the extended Barnes clan.
Steve works in human rights, giving up the physical fight, but not the moral fight and lending his voice as he former Captain America to help the marginalized and the oppressed, and Bucky works with his goats and writes Sci-Fi books.
It's a peace they could never have dreamed of during the war, and their marriage is a joy they never let themselves hope for when they realized they were queer and had fallen for their best friend. But it's real, and they are grateful every day for the second chance they got.
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magnetothemagnificent · 3 months
In honour of Bucky Barnes's birthday, here are *some* my Jewish Bucky headcanons....
Comics (616) Bucky:
-His mother was Jewish and when she died, his father, Jim, tried his best to keep him and Becca connected to his heritage, but it was hard given they were always traveling with the army and there was no stable Jewish community for them to be involved in. Bucky would get bullied for being Jewish on the army bases and got involved in a lot of fights because of this.
-Bucky was severely affected mentally by encountering the Holocaust firsthand and held resentment against the rest of the Allies for not doing more to help. He would often go off on unauthorized missions alone or with Toro to infiltrate Nazi bases and camps.
-When the Cosmic Cube returned his memories, the first place Bucky went after Camp Lehigh was his mother's grave.
-His Hebrew name is Yaakov Baruch
-He didn't get a Bar Mitzvah as a kid because his father died before he could make sure he'd have one, and the army didn't care about keeping Bucky connected to his Jewish identity. During the New Avengers era when Bucky had taken up the Captain America mantle, Peter Parker and Billy Kaplan arranged for Bucky to finally have his Bar Mitzvah.
-(This one isn't a headcanon it's just fact) His Hebrew birthday is Purim 5685.
MCU Bucky:
-His parents both immigrated to the United States from Romania and happened to meet each other after they immigrated. He grew up in a moderately observant family and spoke Yiddish at home. He has three younger sisters. He learned how to box after he'd get beaten up for being Jewish, so he could defend himself.
-He was specifically targeted for experimentation and torture at the Kreichsberg Munitions Factory because he was Jewish. Even though he marked "P" on his dog tags for safety, they could still see that he was circumcised. Before he was taken away for experimentation, he helped the other prisoners by translating the German the guards used, by using his Yiddish background.
-His Hebrew name is Yaakov Shimshon. After he was supposedly killed in 1945, his sisters started a tradition of naming their firstborn child after him, either with the name "Yaakov" specifically or a name starting with "J" in English and Yud in Hebrew.
-He is naturally left handed but learned to use his right hand proficiently. Because of this, he didn't have to adjust which arm he put Tefillin on after he lost his left arm.
-When he gets really flustered, anxious, or excited, he starts speaking Yiddish and forgets how to speak English.
-(not a headcanon just fact) His Hebrew birthday is Adar 16, 5677
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xoxobuckybarnes · 5 months
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December 2023 Stucky Fics
Treading Water (Rated: M, Words: 274K) by sparkagrace / @sparkagrace
Summary: Olympic swimmer Bucky Barnes always believed that when the time came to retire, he would walk away with his medals and world records firmly in the history books and never look back. He never thought the water would leave him first. ***Part of the series Lane Lines: Lane Lines (Rated: M, Words: 132K), Lumière (Rated: M, Words: 5K), & New Traditions (Rated: M, Words: 6K)***
Without You Here, We Are A Worse Version of Who We've Been (Rated: T, Words: 10K) by endlesstwanted / @endlesstwanted & art by Estelior / @estelior
Summary: Bucky has to plan how to do his physical therapy when, by chance, he finds therapist and gym owner Steve’s videos on YouTube. Located two blocks away and encouraged by his roommate, Bucky goes and meets Steve, gets the help he didn’t know he needed, and a couple of things more in the way.
you can't touch this (Rated: E, Words: 7K) by Kalee60 / @kalee60
Summary: Bucky had always been tactile, always shown his affection through touch and a closeness that generally drove Steve crazy. And it would have been totally fine - if Steve wasn’t head over heels in love with him. But he was - and Steve wasn’t sure what to do about it. Or the five times over the years Bucky touched Steve's ass and the one time Steve touched Bucky's.
For Steve (Rated: E, Words: 6K) by stuckytoyoulikeglue (malfoys_minx)
Summary: When Steve is awoken in the early hours of Christmas morning by his drunk roommate trying to literally climb into his stocking, he doesn't know what to think. After all, just because Bucky happens to be the only thing he's ever really wanted for Christmas, doesn't mean that this year his wish is finally going to come true, no matter what his friend's intoxicated ramblings might suggest...
Bucky Barnes and the Christmas Spirit (Rated: T, Words: 3K) by this_wayward_life
Summary: Bucky's never celebrated Christmas. Steve sets out to change that.
'tis the damn season by (Rated: M, Words: 10K) by captainswit
Summary: Steve Rogers is a hotshot, big-deal Hollywood actor. He’s had four indie movies released in the past couple of years, has won awards (even if they have all been People’s Choice awards, the Oscars is next!), and has a blockbuster action movie coming to theaters in a few weeks. He's home for the holidays and he's missed his hometown of Lehigh, and one inhabitant of Lehigh in particular, his former best friend and old flame, Bucky Barnes. 'Tis the season for baked goods, holiday parties, and awkward encounters.
Home is the Human Heart (Rated: T, Words: 3K) by aimmyarrowshigh
Summary: The number of people who will be crowded into the Common Room makes Bucky’s skin feel too tight. “I don’t think I want to go.” “Well, that’s okay, Buck.” Steve’s eyebrows draw in the middle like it’s not actually. “I don’t want you to feel unsafe.” He pauses. “Do you mind if I still go?” “Why would you go?” Bucky does mind, a little. He likes being alone with Steve better than being alone without him. “You aren’t Jewish.” -- Or, Bucky and Steve and two Hanukkahs: one in 1930 and one in 2015.
All I Want For Christmas Has Been You for More Than Seventy Years (Rated: E, Words: 9K) by Kellyscams / @thebestpersonherelovesbucky
Summary: It's Bucky's first Christmas back with Steve in 70 years, just a year since he's come to live with him and the Avengers. Steve's taking him away from the city for the occasion. Bucky assumes it's for his own safety; just in case the hustle and bustle of the New York Christmas Season triggers some of the Winter Soldier tendencies he's been fighting and learning to overcome. Bucky doesn't mean to take this impromptu trip personally. Doesn't want to be upset. But he's recently recalled and redeveloped his feelings for Steve. Feelings he never shared with him. Feelings he has no idea if Steve shares, so being alone with his super soldier buddy might not be something he's ready for. Only Steve's reasons for taking Bucky away might not be so black and white--or red and green as it may be. Christmas songs, snowball fights, ugly Christmas sweaters, confessions, and Bucky wrapped up in Christmas lights.
The Last Boyfriend (series) by Brenda / @brendaonao3
All Mixed Up (Rated: G, Words: 3K) Summary: Oh God, she was probably someone's wife or mother or something and he'd just made things ten times more awkward and – "Oh, I didn't mean – I mean, I didn't mean it like that, I just thought –" Then a large, masculine, warm hand slid into his, and a low, very male voice said: "Nat, you love new friends, don't be rude." "James, really?" "Yes, really." The hand in Steve's gently tugged. "C'mon, I'll buy you a coffee; you can be friends with me instead." Holiday Themed Meet Cute, based on this Tumblr prompt The Last Boyfriend (Rated: T, Words: 6K) Summary: "Oh wow, you, um..." Steve's eyes, so large and beautiful and the same dark-blue of the twilight sky, widened behind the black frames of his glasses as he stopped in front of their small group. "You're here." Bucky nodded in lieu of speaking. He didn't think he could make a sound if his life depended on it. And if he could, he was sure it would be some babbling combination of God you're gorgeous and I want to kiss you until your glasses fog up. Which probably wouldn't help his cause of trying to behave like an actual human being and not a total disaster. Or: Bucky and Steve have the fluffiest and most adorkable first date ever. Forever's A Good Place to Start (Rated: T, Words: 2K) Summary: Exactly one year after Bucky and Steve's first meeting at Gregory's Coffee, Bucky keeps his promise. AKA, the fluffy proposal fic that everyone voted for on Tumblr. :D
i've got a lot to pine about (Rated: M, Words: 6K) by cable-knit-sweater (cable_knit_sweater) / @cable-knit-sweater
Summary: Bucky loves Christmas, always has. Steve, however, his friend and fellow medical resident, struggles a little more during the holidays, especially now he doesn't have any family left. Bucky does his best to try to cheer him up a little and make sure that Steve will feel some of the holiday cheer. Thing is though, they're not just friends or colleagues. They've been hooking up for months, almost a year, and Bucky isn't sure how he's going to keep his feelings to himself for much longer. Because to him, this thing they have stopped being something casual a long time ago.
Found My Place in Time (Rated: E, Words: 12K) by humapuma / @humapuma & art by Cap_D
Summary: “Buck,” he heard Steve say, “wake up. We’re here.” Bucky opened his eyes and rolled his shoulders, trying to ease some of the tension out of his back. When Steve’s words sunk in, though, he turned and leaned forward, staring past Steve’s chest to look out the window. Beyond the wing of the plane, he found a beautiful coastline with white sand, blue waters, and palm trees, as well as rows of bungalows on the water. “Wow,” he murmured. “We’re staying in one of those, right?” - In which Steve invites Bucky on a trip to Fiji and they discover something a lot more than beautiful vistas and friendly locals.
it's been a long, long time (Rated: NR) by semperfiona_podfic (semperfiona)
Summary: The Asset returns to the man's apartment three days after pulling him from the river.
A Place Called Home (Rated: T) by roseszain
Summary: New Years Eve. Suits. Party at Stark's place. Honesty happens.
Lost Vocabularies that Might Express (The Memory of These Broken Impressions) (Rated: E, Current Words: 82K) by dorian_burberrycanary / @burberrycanary
Summary: The worst of times, like the best, are always passing away. How’s that for some consolation on the road? A post-The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Stucky fix-it as part of the all-American road trip, detours included. ***Part of the series A Man Takes His Sadness Down to the River (The Consolation of Philosophy): The Same River, Twice (The Man Is Still Left with His Hands) (Rated: G, words: 4K), Still Left with the River (The Paradox of Motion) (Rated: G, Words: 14K), &  Not Language by a Map (The Grammar of Sensation) (Rated: E, Words: 20K)***
a league of our own(Rated: E, Current Words: 36K) by burning_brighter / @burning-brighter
Summary: Steve’s sixteen-year-old son’s one and only dream is to play in the Major League. He thinks he has a shot when the team get a new coach, retired MLB legend and Steve’s high school crush, Bucky Barnes. Steve hasn’t thought of the man in many years, but seeing him brings back many memories that push Steve to reach out to an old friend and maybe make new ones on the way. What happens when Steve gets to know Bucky properly? What happens when they open up about their darkest secrets and deepest fears? There’s really only one thing that can happen.
Every Me and Every You (Rated: M, Current Words: 5K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: Bucky Barnes is doing his best. He's getting by after the blip, after Sam became Captain America, after Steve...well, it's best he doesn't think about that. The point is, his life is different now, and he's trying his best. He just wishes the hollow feeling in his chest would go away. ----- Bucky gets blinded by a bright light as the tear seems to implode in on itself and there’s an odd little jolt as the pulling stops, and then Bucky’s blinking, trying to get his vision right again as he loosens his grip on America. “You okay?” he checks, still squinting. He’s probably not blind, he thinks. It just feels like it right now. “I’m okay,” America tells him and he sees her nod shakily as his vision starts to clear, and he carefully lets go of her, seeing that she can support herself, hands pressing onto the floor next to her. “Uh…I don’t think I am,” says another voice, and Bucky turns his head so fast he might give himself whiplash. Because he knows that voice. He knows that voice better than any other voice on the planet and he’s missed that voice, so, so much.
hey now, you’re an all star (get your game on, go play) (Rated: E, Current Words: 75K) by buckyismybicycle / @buckyismybicycle
Summary: Boston Bruins trade notorious party animal/human disaster Bucky Barnes to the Dallas Stars, and captain Steve Rogers is not impressed when Fury puts him on babysitting duties. But, as he gets to know Bucky - really gets to know Bucky - he wonders if maybe the media has got it all wrong - very, very wrong. PS - you do not need to know hockey for this, I promise.
it always leads to you in my hometown (Rated: E, Words: 37K) by pineappleyogurt (musicforlife101)
Summary: Bucky doesn't want to talk about life in LA. Or the icy numbness in his chest. Or how shattered he is without Steve. Or how he doesn't know who he is anymore. Or the supposed choices he has to come home. But when Steve calls him babe out of habit, he decides to let him. At least for the weekend. It's a lesson in choices and consequences and finally figuring out what's important. -- You can't unmake a choice. Decisions in life aren't like making a bed or choosing a path. You made it, it's done. You don't unmake it or remake it like a do over. You just make a different choice and live with those consequences. Each day is a choice. And the consequences, good or bad, of staying here aren't the same as the consequences of coming back. Just like the consequences of leaving aren't the same as the consequences of staying gone.
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Don’t mind me, just feel like sharing the Barnes family that lives in my head
James “Bucky” Buchanan Barnes: The oldest sibling, hella protective of his siblings (only they are allowed to make each other miserable, anyone else will suffer). Huge nerd, loves sci-fi, good at most of telle things that he tries, he loves his family more than anything, it’s that simple
Steve(n) Grant Rogers: is one of the Barnes as far as anyone is concerned, most people actually believe that because of how much time he spends with them and how close he is with all of them. He and Bucky are the closest and know each other by heart, but he’s also really good friends with the girls and sometimes jokingly calls Winnie and George “Ma”, “mother”, “pa” and “father” usually when he’s being a kiss ass to piss of the siblings. Honestly he pretty much lives at their house at this point. He’s a Barnes sibling, not up for debate for any of them.
Mary-Anne “Annie” Charity (Sheldon-)Barnes: She’s aboit a year younger than Steve and two and a half years younger than Bucky, but honestly, she’s probably the most mature out of the bunch. She’s the mom of the friend group (yes the siblings are also pretty much a friend group, they love each other. Unrealistic from my experience but leave me alone) and she’s also the most helpful around the household. She’s the only Blonde in the biological Barnes family, which often helps Steve to blend in with them. She and Steve are besties, she had a huge crush on him when they were kids but got over it eventually, she likes to joke that Steve is her favorite brother when she’s messing with Bucky. She’s usually the one reasoning and lecturing the others but often ends up being the one to cover for them when the others are doing something stupid. Bucky used to call her “MAC” because of her initials to piss her off, and got her to tear up on her wedding day when he called her “MACS”. She got married to William Sheldon as soon as she was old enough to get married and had a son called Charles (everyone called him Charlie), Steve was his godfather.
Rebecca “Becca” Marjorie (Proctor-)Barnes: she’s three and a half years younger than Bucky and is the sibling that annoys him the most. Bucky and Becca are always finding ways to mess with each other and make the other miserable (figuratively speaking, they would never try to actually hurt each other). Annie is usually the one to split them up when they’re arguing. She looks a lot like Bucky and has a ton in common with him, and they both hate it and use it to annoy the heck out of each other. Later on she gets engaged to Arthur Proctor who asked for George, Bucky and Steve’s blessing to marry her. They got married after the war. She became an activist for civil rights and peace after the war. She and her husband Arthur died in a car crash in 1960. They were the Winter Soldier’s first mission.
Elizabeth “Lizzie” Madeline Barnes: depending on my mood, she’s between 16 and 10 years younger than Bucky. Either way, she’s the baby of the family. She’s the sweetest kid alive, and looks a lot like her siblings. She was one of the many people who believed that Steve was a Barnes, and broke down crying when she accidentally discovered the truth at the age of ten, running to Steve and begging him not to leave her even though he never had any intentions to do so. She’s a very smart kid who hangs on her older siblings’ every word. She trusts them never to lie to her, even when the truth is ugly, they do their best to explain things to her in a way she can understand (and not get traumatized by in the case of the war).
George Barnes: is their father, he lost his middle and ring finger of his right hand during the Great War, and the idea of war terrifies him though the first years of Bucky’s life were hard on him, he usually managed to ground himself with the presence of his children. His family is Jewish, and his uncle Randolph is a total dickhead that is not allowed near his children ever since that one time.
Winnifred “Winnie” Barnes: she’s the mother, she and George love Steve like one of their own, she’s an amazing cook and loves when Steve and Sarah stay over for meals, she’s very generous and especially during the depression when everyone was in need, she never hesitated to give up things to others who needed it more. She’s catholic like Steve and Sarah and raised her kids to know her religion, though they picked more up from their father
Sarah Rogers: is Steve’s mom, she doesn’t get to spend as much time with the children due to her need to work for a living, she loves how close Steve got to that amazing family and is always reassured that he has someone behind his back when he does something stupid and has another family to rely on when she’s at work. She and Winnie pretty much share custody of the kids, they love seeing her whenever she has the time
Anyway, just some personal headcanons that no one asked for!
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evilwickedme · 1 year
I would like to see the Jewish headcanons please
Hi yes thank you so much I wasn't fishing for this at all
We've already covered this in that post that gained me 150 followers in a week, but obviously Peter Parker is Jewish. My personal headcanon is that he's Ashkenazi and somewhere between Reform and Conservative. Like he flip flops on keeping Kosher and observes the high holidays as best as he can assuming there's no world saving he needs to get done, but overall being Jewish to him is about community and culture over the religious part of it
For Bucky Barnes, however, being observant was a way to reclaim his identity after... Well, you know. He's vaguely conservadox? He doesn't really define it beyond being Sephardic. He keeps Kosher (which was difficult during WWII unfortunately) and wears tzitzit and goes to shul whenever he can. He'd love to keep Shabbat but it's just not practical most of the time - essentially it's like being an on call doctor, where your job is essential to saving lives and therefore he can't keep Shabbat properly, but he likes to have Friday night dinners with his friends (and Natasha, whether they're together at the time or not) whenever he can. He doesn't know if God exists, but during the High Holidays is when he comes the closest to believing it
Bruce Wayne is canonically Jewish but like, by accident? I feel like he less defines himself as Jewish and more defines himself as Not-Christian™. His mother used to take him to Synagogue but the memories are vague now, but he always enjoyed lighting the candles on Hanukkah, especially with Jason. He stops celebrating the holiday after Jason dies, because he loved it so much. It's a shame because I KNOW Cass would love Hanukkah and Steph would be so into the Maccabees' story
Tim is also Jewish but he's entirely non practicing; his parents were never around to celebrate any holidays or impart any Jewish traditions on him and Bruce had stopped doing the one Jewish thing of lighting the hanukkiah/menorah (whichever you wanna call it) by the time he became Robin. The main Jewish thing in his life is antisemitic garbage being published about both Bruce and himself, especially once he becomes CEO of WE
Damian was raised Muslim and doesn't really know how to feel about being half Jewish. When he grows up he might try to find a way to reconcile those two parts of his identity, but the only Jewish person who actually practices that he sees even irregularly is Batwoman, who's his cousin once removed and he's not exactly close to, so he just doesn't feel the need to deal with it yet
The Thing and Batwoman are canonically Jewish this doesn't count as a hc I just love them
Same for moon knight minus loving him cause I have a bunch of his comics but just haven't gotten around to reading them
Actually can we talk about Mayday Parker? Because I feel like Peter would absolutely raise his daughter to be Jewish. He wants her to feel that connection to the Jewish people even though he's always been so wishy-washy about it and she grows up to be way more observant than him
I actually don't want canon!Clark to be Jewish, but I think exploring his Jewish subtext in fic can be so interesting? Cause, you know, he's Moses and shit. I feel like an Modern Orthodox Clark would have the exact same values as current Clark but also I'd love to hear his thoughts on certain Mishnahs, you know? Also having read the Death of Superman arc earlier this month I can confirm all Jesus metaphors in adaptations are such bullshit oh my God did you even read the comic
Anyway I think that's it for now? Unfortunately I have not read Every Comic Ever yet so there might end up being even more HCs later on (especially since I plan to read Greg Rucka's Lois Lane series soon and I'm hoping for some Jewish subtext in that)
Thank you so much for asking this was so much fun!!
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stuckybingo · 2 months
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Stucky Bingo Round-Up #21 (March 31st - April 6th)
If you would like a shiny Bingo Card of your own, you can fill out this form! Don’t forget to fill out the submission form to be a part of the round-ups and to get your bingo badges!
hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page by aspen | blackwood4stucky Square filled: I4 - kink: breeding Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/non-con, Graphic depictions of violence, alpha x alpha, non con drug use, triggered mating Major tags: body horror, forced sex, non traditional omegaverse, triggered mating, secondary gender modification Summary: “A peculiar scent fills Steve’s nose as he wakes slowly. He knows that scent, it is one that still haunts him, that whispers his failures in his ears like prayers.” There were turncoats on the Lemurian Star. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
A Daddy's Himbo by Metalbvcky Square filled: N3 - Free Space Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Modern AU, Dom/sub, Bathroom Sex, Rimming Summary: Bucky wakes up beside his ex the morning after their reunion. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Good Luck List by sparkagrace Square filled: B5 - steve's list Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: established relationship, shrinkyclinks, superstitions, alternate povs, non-linear timeline Summary: Steve has a list of items and traditions that have always brought him luck. These have led him to multiple wins at the pub quiz nights, appearances on three quiz shows, and at last to a finalist position on Mastermind. However, the greatest thing his lucky charms have brought him is his husband… who is still on his way back from a mission. - Bucky may not have the same superstitions as Steve, but that won’t stop him racing to get to that studio on time to deliver the last and most important one. Format: Long oneshot (over 5000 words)
Til the end of the line by Buckys-Wintersoldier Square filled: G4 - AU: Winter Soldier Steve Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Slight violence, punches Major tags: Winter Soldier Steve, best friends to lovers, nightmares, fluff Summary: After another sleepless night and some stories about Steve and Bucky, they find him and Bucky can confess the feelings he has for Steve. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
Dig My Grave, Both Wide and Deep by hail-americas-ass (Tumblr username) Square filled: O5 - 1930's Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Grief/Mourning, watermelon Major tags: Grief/Mourning, Steve Rogers Character Study, Steve Rogers feels, Jewish Bucky Barnes Summary: Steve takes his first step towards living in the 21st Century without Bucky by his side now that he hasn't got an alien invasion to distract him from grief. In which, Steve visits Bucky's grave and realises Bucky would want him to live the life he couldn't have. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
sometimes i hold you closer (just to know you're real) by moodymelanist Square filled: N3 - Free Space Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Post-Movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014), Reunited and It Feels So Good, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Feels, POV Steve Rogers Summary: Bucky shows up on Steve’s doorstep after the helicarriers, and Steve allows himself to think, we’re going to be alright. Format: Medium oneshot (1000 - 5000 words)
The Man On The Bridge by endlesstwanted Square filled: G5 - Looking after each other Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Reflection, Amnesia, Bucky Barnes-centric Summary: He thinks about the man who spared his life. Format: Drabble (exactly 100 words)
Heaven Only Knows by endlesstwanted Square filled: G2 - Mutual Pinning Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: Underage Major tags: Memories, Childhood Friends, Love Confessions Summary: Dreams he has of a blonde boy, and a later realisation. Format: Short oneshot (300 - 1000 words)
Tried to drift but don’t know how by dharmashark Square filled: N3 - Free space Ao3 rating: Explicit Warnings: No archive warnings apply, Body image issues, insomnia, explicit sex Major tags: Post-CATWS, Brooklyn, Nostalgia, Starting Over Summary: “If you’re gonna stand there admiring your handiwork,” Steve says to the construction paper he’s laying over the hardwood floor, “the least you could do is pitch in.” Format: Long oneshot (over 5000 words)
Steve is trying his best by Rufferto Square filled: B1 - Long Distance Ao3 rating: Teen Warnings: No archive warnings apply Major tags: Steve shirtless, Facetiming, awkward poses, blushing, Notalone Summary: Bucky had to go to California for six months and Steve is stuck in New York. They make time to talk as much as possible but it's hard. Steve just wants to prove to Bucky that he's capable of being sexy on the phone just like any other boyfriend. Tony might have dared him. Bucky appreciates it, Steve just needs to learn to pick his timing better. Format: Art
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Tuxes & Temper Tantrums
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: my first kid-fic 😂 based on this fic idea by @fsbc-librarian, hope you enjoy!
(Thanks to @stucky-fic-idea-bank & @gay-jewish-bucky for sharing this fic idea and putting it on my radar 💛)
Read below or on Ao3
And to think their day had started off so well, Bucky grumbles, wandering off a little to browse the clothing racks in peace, leaving Steve to wrangle their daughter. Steve and he had both taken their Friday off from work to run all the errands they needed to do before Sam and Nat’s wedding on Saturday; picking up their suits, picking up presents, getting groceries to last them through the rest of the weekend. It’s made them all tired, a little cranky, and at this point anything would be enough to set off a tantrum - and not just for their five year old.
But their morning had been perfect. Bucky had woken up when Alpine & Lily had quietly crawled into bed with him and Steve at 6am. No jumping or yelling for them to get up, no whining for breakfast. Just tiny elbows and little feet hitting him in the side, soft blond hair in his face, Lily trying to make herself comfortable in between him and Steve. He’d made room for her and bleary looked over at Steve, who’d been a little more awake already, a fond smile on his face, that Bucky couldn’t help but return. They stayed in bed for a little after, just enjoying the peace and quiet and being together like this, Lily’s head buried into Bucky’s side, her feet pressed against Steve.
After a while, Steve had run his hands through Lily’s hair and whispered “hey honey, do you want to help me make breakfast for papa?”. She’d quickly lifted her head from where it had been buried against Bucky’s side and quietly had asked “can we make pancakes?”, making Steve smile softly at her and say “yeah we can make pancakes, of course sweetheart, I’m sure papa will love that”. They’d quietly made their way out of the bedroom and downstairs, leaving Bucky and Alpine to take their time in waking up and getting out of bed - they were both always a little grumpy in the morning.
Breakfast had been wonderful. Once he’d finally made his way downstairs, Bucky had sat down at the kitchen island drinking his coffee, watching Steve and Lily laugh and make a little bit of a mess with the blueberry pancake batter. Maybe they burnt a pancake or two, but seeing them so happy, giggling their way through making breakfast in the soft kitchen light…none of the mess mattered and it made Bucky’s heart overflow with feelings of love. Eventually, the three of them had sat down to eat. They should have been able to tell by the fact that Lily was chattering a little less than usual, that their day was going to go like this.
Bucky shakes himself out of his thoughts of their beautiful, quiet morning. Or, well, he’s shaken out of it by shrieking. He looks over to where Steve and Lily are, Steve with a bunch of little dresses hanging over his arm and clearly trying to convince Lily to go try some on. “I DON’T WANT A DRESS”, Lily screams, turning some heads in the store towards them, her little face getting a redder and redder. “Come on sweetheart, you’ve been talking about getting a dress for auntie Nat and uncle Sam’s wedding for weeks, just try one?”, Steve gently presses. Lily is having none of it, shaking her head so hard Bucky thinks it’s gonna give her a headache.
He’s starting to make his way over when Lily screams, even louder than before “no I’m GAY I CAN’T”. Bucky stops in his tracks and does his very best not to burst out in laughter, deciding to take a moment before getting involved, because he doesn’t think he’d be very helpful if he couldn’t keep his laughter in. It’s even harder not to laugh when he hears Steve’s response. Steve, who sighs heavily, looks down at Lily and says “no you’re not gay, I’m gay, you’re five”. Lily seems offended by this, crossing her little arms and stubbornly refusing to move or respond to that. Bucky thinks she really is Steve’s daughter.
Bucky doesn’t think he can be blamed for eventually bursting out into laughter when Steve copies her stance, crossing his arms too and looking down at Lily expectantly. He considers stepping in, but he doesn’t want to undermine Steve either. They’re all tired and done with this day, they all want to go home. His laughter doesn’t last long. Lily breaks their stand-off first, but not by giving in. She starts to cry, sobbing “I don’t want it I don’t want it”. Steve drops the dresses in his arms on the floor, uncaring, and kneels down in front of her.
“Why not honey? You were so excited! Ohh sweetheart”, he says, brushing away some of her tears and taking her in his arms. “What has made you so sad baby? If you want something else we can do that, okay?” Lily’s sobbing doesn’t really die down, and Steve looks over at Bucky mouthing “help?”.
Bucky goes to stand behind Lily and brushes her hair with his fingers. “Hey baby, can you tell daddy why you don’t want a dress anymore? Or do you want to go home? It’s been a long day, we get it if you want to go home”. She shakes her head, making her sobs a little more hiccupy. “I..I want to- I want to look like daddy” she eventually says, her voice a little rough from all the crying and screaming.
Bucky looks at Steve, who has the most blinding smile on his face and a tear running down his cheek. “Okay”, Bucky says, “so we’ll get you a suit like daddy?”. When Lily shakes her head at that, Bucky pinches the bridge of his nose. He thought they were getting somewhere, and frankly, he just wants to go home and plop down on the couch and not move for the rest of the evening.
He sighs deeply “No? No suit? You gotta talk to us Lily” he tries again. She moves back from where she had buried her face in Steve’s neck. “I want to look like daddy” she says, her voice sounding a little annoyed that they clearly don’t understand her. “But I also want to look like auntie Nat”, she whines, throwing her little hands up, like the little drama queen she is. Just like daddy Bucky thinks, but he’s glad they’ve finally gotten to the root of the problem.
Steve looks at the two of them, contemplating their predicament. “What if…” he starts off, turning Lily to look at him. “what if we get both? You can wear one during the ceremony and then the other during the party? I think auntie Nat is also changing her outfit so you’ll be even more like her.” Lily looks at Steve like he’s blown her little mind. “We can do that?”, she whispers. Steve smiles at her fondly. “Of course we can sweetheart. So do you want to go try one of these on? And then I’ll look for a suit like mine okay? Does that sound good?”.
She rubs her face with her little fists, nodding eagerly. “Okay then”, Steve says, “are you gonna let papa help you out with the dress?”. Lily smiles at him and goes in for a hug. “Thank you daddy”, she says, before grabbing Bucky’s hand and trying to drag him to the changing booths. Bucky let’s himself be dragged away, sparing a glance at Steve who’s slowly getting up from his knees, shaking his head with a beaming smile on his face.
They get the dress, and the suit, without too much crying or screaming. Okay, maybe a little crying on Bucky’s part, because he’s tired because his baby looks so damn adorable in a little tux. They make their way home in silence, all of them just completely exhausted by the events of the day. They have take out for dinner and just pile on the couch for the rest of the night, going to bed early to avoid a repeat of today when they have to go to the wedding tomorrow.
Lily ends up wearing the suit during the ceremony, proudly standing next to her dads for the official photos, dressed just like them. Everyone comes up to her to tell her how amazing she looks and she just beams, and Steve and Bucky can’t help but beam either. She goes to change her clothes when Nat does, the two of them whispering and giggling, walking hand in hand down the hallway of the venue, probably making their plans for world domination.
She looks just as cute in the dress as she did in the suit, and the three of them dance until Lily’s little feet can’t take it anymore and she plops down onto Sam’s lap. When Steve and Bucky try to sit down with them, she shoos them off, raising an eyebrow (she’s sooo Steve’s daughter), and telling them with a voice that makes it clear how dumb she thinks her dads are “Just because I can’t dance anymore doesn’t mean you can’t, I’m five.” She clearly revels in the booming laugh Sam lets out at that. Steve holds his hands up defensively “oh I’m sorry, you’re completely right princess”, he says, before dragging Bucky back onto the dance floor.
So they dance, bodies close together to a slow song, beaming smiles. “She is so bossy”, Steve says, pride clear as day on his face. “And stubborn. I wonder who she gets that from”, Bucky says with a smirk, “just like her dad, in every way.”
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themculibrary · 6 months
Christmas Smut Masterlist
All I Want for Christmas is You (ao3) - spazzgirl steve/natasha E, 1k
Summary: Natasha's been a naughty girl this year, but promises to be extra nice for next Christmas
Baby, It's Cold Outside (ao3) - LeisurelyPanda steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: Steve hates snow. He hates winter. But he loves Christmas and he's been looking forward to it all semester. All he really wants is to get home so he can relax and spend the holiday with his Ma. Bucky loves snow. He loves winter. He's Jewish, so Christmas isn't a huge deal for him, but he loves the winter songs that come on when Christmas rolls around. So when a blizzard comes rolling in while he and Steve are driving home from college at the end of the semester, he's pretty excited. Steve hates it on principle. Unfortunately, they get caught in it and are forced to pull over and weather out the storm at the nearest cheap motel they can find. There's just one problem. There's only one bed.
Can they survive three days of awkwardness and sexual tension? Will their feelings emerge or will they tiptoe around each other as they always have? Will it end in disaster or will it give them the chance to find happiness at last?
Beneath the Mistletoe (ao3) - sunrow steve/bucky E, 21k
Summary: Bucky had a bet with his sister that if he didn’t have a boyfriend to bring home for Christmas by the time he was 25, he had to give her $200 and go blonde for a year. But now he's 25, it’s nearing December, and not only is Bucky as single as ever, but he’s also running low on cash. He doesn’t exactly want to bleach his hair, either.
At least Steve is willing to upgrade their relationship from best friends to fake boyfriends.
Blame It on the Mistletoe (ao3) - spoffyumi steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: "If you come to this party, I'll do anything you want."
For a long moment Bucky didn't answer, but Steve could see the start of a little smile rounding Bucky's cheek. "Anything?" Bucky asked.
Christmas Do-Over (ao3) - valiantlybold frank/matt E, 5k
Summary: Christmas is rough for Frank, since…since his family.
He's glad that Matt doesn't try to 'fix' it, but instead accepts it for what it is, and maybe that helps cope with it all a little.
Christmas Wish (ao3) - Fanfictionisthegame wanda/natasha N/R, 65k
Summary: Natasha escapes to a small town in Pennsylvania after shooting a movie and runs into a shop owner, Wanda, who has no idea who she is. Natasha, dumbfounded, plays along and enjoys getting to know someone who doesn’t know who she is. She feels she can be herself. But how long can a lie really last?
Closed For the Holidays (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Tony just wants to spend Christmas with his boyfriend.
Coming Home For Christmas (ao3) - Chiyume steve/bucky E, 118k
Summary: Steve Rogers is a good man. His friends have told him so on numerous occasions, but this might actually be more bordering on "stupid" rather than "kind". Because what else would you describe the act of inviting a complete stranger - and thief - into your home over the Holidays? Steve isn't quite sure what to call it himself, but fact is that when it comes to the case of Bucky Barnes, Steve's actually pretty okay with being referred to as an idiot, as long as it keep the other man safe. And to Steve's defence, it had all started out with such good intentions...
Deck Those Halls (ao3) - notlucy steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: Bucky has a pre-Christmas present for Steve. Unfortunately, Steve's always made a bit of a mess when opening his gifts.
Fell For You (ao3) - sadsongssaysomuch steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: Bucky and Steve have always been best friends, but on Christmas Eve, Bucky wakes up to realize that the way he feels about Steve is more than just friendly.
Festive (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: It was almost Christmas, that was pretty exciting. It was going to be the second Christmas Bucky and Steve were going to spend together. Now that they are in the twenty first century they don’t have to worry about not being able to afford each other gifts or worry that the lights will rack up their electricity bill so high that they won’t eat for the next month.
They’re able to watch the snow fall, watch holiday movies, spend time together in a warm, comfy apartment. They were together and celebrating together, it was everything they could ever dream of… Too bad Steve had to go out and be a bad boy.
Have you been naughty or nice? (ao3) - LadyAngelique, orphan_account steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: It's Christmas time. The season of spreading joy and love. Let's just say, Steve and Bucky know how to do that very well.
How to Pick Out a Tree and Get Some Sweet Booty in the Process (ao3) - leftennant bucky/darcy E, 5k
Summary: Darcy is trying really, really hard to ignore the fact that she's fallen for her best friend. Not that Bucky is making it easy. Why did he volunteer to pick out a Christmas tree with her anyway? It's fine. Darcy can do this. She just needs to get the tree, get out, and not bang him under the Fraser firs. It should be easy, right?
Ringing Christmas In (ao3) - SquigglySky steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: "Well, Merry fucking Christmas.."
In which Steve hasn't been home for three weeks and Tony's gone that time on dry spell. Night before Christmas-smut ensues.
Simple Things (ao3) - Kellyscams steve/bucky E, 3k
Summary: Steve wanted to do something special for Bucky this year. So he decided to make him an Advent Calendar and fill them with coupons--one for every day leading up to Christmas. Now all Steve has to do is survive the last day...
And the little surprises that Bucky has in store for him as well.
Switching it up (ao3) - Si_obi darcy/loki, jane/thor E, 5k
Summary: Darcy and Loki realise that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
The Christmas porn you didn't ask for (ao3) - Bishmonster bucky/darcy E, 1k
Summary: Christmas porn.
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (ao3) - the_irish_mayhem jane/thor E, 5k
Summary: Jane and Thor do Christmas. (Finally.)
Tis the season for holiday smut.
Unwrapped (ao3) - nightwalker steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: Tony and Steve each have a surprise for the other. Turns out they were thinking along similar lines.
When the Snow Melts (ao3) - emptydistractions steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: It's the first time Bucky's been off suppressants in nearly a century and all Steve wants is for his mate to be okay. Luckily, Christmas Eve has a little surprise in store for them.
2 notes · View notes
leisurelypanda · 2 years
Wolf Run
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James has been through a lot in the last few years. He had a baby, then he lost his mate, leaving him alone to grieve and care for their son. Years later, though, he's finally back to feeling ready to get back into dating. Then, during his first date in years, they run into a major mafia drug trafficking operation. Forced to cooperate so that they don't go running to the authorities, James and Joseph certainly don't have the night they were expecting. Before they know it, Witness Protection has gathered James and his family to be relocated to Wolf Run, a small town in Alaska about an hour north of Anchorage along the Susitna River. What's more, the Witness Protection Program has said that James' and Joseph's cover is that they are newlyweds.
Thrust into a new community unlike anything James has ever experienced in Brooklyn, James quickly realizes that he has to sink or swim in this new town... and find a way to deal with having an unbelievably attractive new "husband."
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40864269/chapters/102400917
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Bucky Barnes
Rating: Mature
Tags: A/B/O dynamics, fake marriage, witness protection program, Jewish Bucky Barnes, protective Steve Rogers, Peter is Bucky’s son, slow burn
Word Count: 5.4k
James walked out of the building where his apartment was located and breathed out a long breath. He watched the breath form into a small cloud as it rose into the air and vanished. It was a long day. It was fortunate that he could do his job from home, but juggling website designs with the sometimes unreasonable expectations that people had for their websites at the budget they had was a frequent source of frustration. The work paid well, but people had a tendency to feel entitled.
He took another deep breath and started walking towards the bus station. He couldn't spend too much time standing around. His son needed to be picked up from daycare.
Ben. The son he had with his late mate, Frank. So much had changed in the years since then. As much as James had loved his husband, he didn't think he could love anyone as much as he loved his son.
Even now, five years later, James was still proud of his late husband and the son they had together. Frank was a firefighter and he had died in a fire saving the kids trapped by the flames. It was part of the job. James knew that when he agreed to date him, then marry him. Ben would never know who his alpha father was, but James had written down everything he could think of for when the time came.
He cleared his head. It was amazing how much Frank occupied his thoughts after all this time. He made his way to the bus stop just as the bus turned the corner. He smiled at his timing.
The bus was as crowded as always. Old ladies and parents carrying groceries and people wearing every kind of style imaginable sat in the seats or stood to hold the handles on the ceiling. James grabbed a free one and shifted as the bus lurched into motion.
Ben's pre-school was in an old synagogue. The pre-school wasn't exclusive to Jewish kids, but there were a few more than there would be at a different location. After Frank died, James fell back on his family and community pretty hard. He didn't know what else to do, but after the grief started to subside, he decided that he wanted Ben to grow up with those same people and traditions, even if James himself wasn't always the best at following them. Being kosher was so hard when things like bacon, shrimp, lobster, and cheeseburgers existed.
About 20 minutes later, James got off at his stop and walked another two blocks to the synagogue. The kids were playing in one of the rooms. It was decorated with a blend of cartoonish animals and Jewish symbolism. Ben was playing with some kids his own age. James recognized them: an Asian boy named Ned, a black girl named Michelle, and a blond girl named Gwen. Of the four of them, only Ben and Gwen were Jewish. James didn't care about that. He was glad Ben had such a diverse group of friends. Ben smiled and waved when he saw his father and James couldn't help but smile back.
"Papa!" Ben cried as he ran to James. James bent down and Ben ran into his arms. He kissed Ben's cheek as he stood.
"How was your day, kiddo?" James asked.
"Great! We had inosaur animal crackers today and we played hide and seek and then we learned about hibridation."
James smiled. "That's hibernation. And that's cool! What did you talk about?"
"Bears hibernate, and frogs, and bugs, and skunks!" Ben said happily.
"Wow, that's a lot of animals," James said with a smile. He checked in with one of the teachers before he turned back to his son. "Did you say goodbye to your friends?"
"Yup! Oh, we're going to the aquarium in… 2 weeks!" Ben said.
"Wow, that's exciting. I haven't been to an aquarium in a long time," James said. He pocketed the permission form on the table. He would sign it later and get it back to the pre-school tomorrow.
A half hour later, they got home. Ben immediately ran to the chest of toys in the living room. Soon the floor was freshly littered with toys that James had put away just that morning.
"Papa, what's for dinner?" Ben asked.
"I think your auntie Sophie is getting you something tonight," James said.
"Huh?" Ben asked.
"I'm going out tonight, remember? I'll be back later before you go to bed," James said.
"Where are you going?" Ben asked.
"I'm meeting a new friend and we're going to hang out for a while," Ben said.
He certainly wasn't going to tell Ben that he was going to get dinner and see a movie. Ben loved movies. He would be so jealous that James wouldn't be able to live it down until James took him to see another one. Which James would probably do anyway because he loved going to movies as much as Ben did.
The thought of going out on a date tonight made his stomach flip. He hadn’t been on a date in over five years. Ben took up too much of his time before and the grief always seemed too new to be able to do anything with anyone. Now, though, he had a hot date with a guy just a bit younger than him and built like a brick house. Tall, broad shoulders, strong arms, and to top it all off, he was endearingly shy. It was a pleasant change from people on dating apps acting like jerks and thinking it was attractive.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Ben asked.
“He’s a boy,” James said.
“Is he alpha, beta, or omega?” Ben asked.
“He’s an alpha,” Ben said.
“Is he nice?” Ben asked.
“Yeah, he seems nice,” James replied.
“Do you think he likes legos?” Ben asked.
“I don’t know, I’ll be sure to ask him about it, though,” James said.
“What about dinosaurs?” Ben asked.
The rest of the trip home passed in much the same vein. Ben grilled him about things James didn’t know about this guy yet and James smiled and answered the questions as patiently as he could. Ben always got like this around new people. He was curious and precocious. Most of the time it was charming and sometimes even funny. James, however, had a sneaking suspicion that this was going to be a precursor to how his mother would be if and when she ever found out that he was dating again.
Oh well. He would deal with that later.
About an hour after they returned home, James was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. For the 5th time in what seemed like as many minutes, he checked himself in the mirror. His hair was freshly styled, short with the sides cut much shorter than the top with a light dusting of grey hair to make him look distinguished. He wasn’t actually greying yet, but he liked how just a touch of it made him look. His sister, Sophie, had helped him out. Satisfied with how he looked, he walked out into the small living room.
The apartment he lived in was hardly bare. The floor that had been clean just 10 minutes ago was freshly littered with toys. Ben had all the charm a 5 year old boy could muster, and all the attention span. He enjoyed games that involved blocks or legos most, but he also had lots of other toys that ended up on the floor. James sighed as he bent to pick up some of them. Would he ever have a reasonably clean home for longer than 10 minutes again?
“James, chill out for a minute,” Sophie said from the couch. “I swear, when did you become this much like mom?”
“When I gave birth,” James replied dryly. “Just be glad that she’s laying off on pestering you to have some of your own.”
“I do appreciate the sacrifice you made for the rest of us,” she said. “But she actually started on it again. Wants to know if I plan on marrying Harrison.”
“Didn’t you break up with him last week?” James asked.
“Yes. Haven’t told her,” she said. “But we’re not talking about him. You need to get going. You want to go on this hot date, right?”
He did. He really did. His heart started beating rapidly just thinking about him. Honestly, he hadn't expected to find something so soon. He started doing a but of exercise in his spare time after Ben went to bed. A few days ago, he went to the gym, mostly to try and meet people. He hadn't expected to get a date set up on the first try, and with a big, blond beefcake with an adorable smile to boot.
There was a part of him that was a bit proud that he still had it after 5 years. Mostly, though, he had a major case of butterflies in his stomach.
"Sophie," he said as he came out of the bathroom. His sister was sitting on the couch with his son, Ben, sitting on the floor. "Remember, you have everything you need?"
She rolled her eyes with a mixture of fondness and exasperation.
"Yes, same as the last 20 times you asked," she sighed. "Just get going, you're gonna be late."
James took a deep breath. "Okay, right," he said. "Remember, Ben's bedtime is at 8:30. He likes to have me read the story about the lions. Make sure he brushes his teeth, he doesn't like to floss, and he won't sleep without his frog, Mr. Wiggins, and--"
"Yes, James, I know," she said. "You gave me a list. Two of them."
James laughed weakly and licked his lips. "Right, sorry."
"Papa, are you leaving now?" Ben asked. He was pouting adorably underneath a head of messy curls, his big brown eyes looking up with a silent plea for James to stay.
"Yes, sweetheart, but I'll be back in a few hours," James said. "Be good for Auntie Sophie, okay?"
Ben nodded sullenly and hugged James tightly. James returned it just as tightly and kissed his son before he got up.
"I'll be back, soon, I promise," James said as he backed out of the front door. If he stayed any longer, he had a feeling he would just call the whole thing off.
Joseph stood outside the restaurant door. He tried not to be nervous. People were late all the time. The public transportation in the city was never on time for anything, that was as much a part of New York as Coney Island.
That was a good idea for a date. Maybe that would've been a better idea. Going out to a restaurant and then a movie was so boring. Everyone did that. Coney Island would've been a way better idea than dinner and a movie.
Just as he was about to text him, James showed up. He looked incredible. Joseph had to take a second to just take his date in. He was dressed in dark blue jeans, a red v-neck, neat, black shoes, and an old leather jacket. His short-cropped brown hair with just a touch of grey, despite his youthful appearance. He smiled shyly as he approached and Joseph felt his knees wobble. He looked stunning. Joseph felt somewhat self-conscious about his own appearance. He hadn't thought nearly as much about his appearance. He wore khakis and a navy sweater vest over a white button down shirt. He should've tried a little harder.
"Hey," Joseph breathed.
"Hey yourself," James replied. "I didn't keep you waiting, did I?"
"Not at all," Joseph said quickly. "You, uh, you look great. God…"
James ducked his head as he blushed. He swept a hand through his hair. It seemed to shine in the streetlights that began to flicker on. Just then, Joseph caught a whiff of James’ scent. He smelled like… sugared plums and snow. It was a sweet, gentle omega smell that made Joseph want to bury his nose in James’ neck and scent him all night. God, was he even real?
"You look great, too," James said shyly. "I like the sweater vest."
"You're too kind," Joseph said. He felt his own face heat up. Damn, he really should’ve tried harder.
"We're not late, are we?" James asked.
"Not at all, we're right on time," Joseph said. "Hope you came hungry."
The restaurant wasn't that fancy. Joseph couldn't exactly afford much on a teacher's salary. It was a hole in the wall Iranian place owned by a couple who immigrated around 20 years ago. Maybe he should've chosen something a bit more impressive though.
"Looks cozy," James said. "You come here often?"
Joseph chuckled. "Not as often as I would like," he said. "Usually I'm too busy grading papers."
"You're a teacher?" James asked.
"Yup. Middle school," Joseph said. James winced. "Yes, it is everything you're thinking and more."
"I'm pretty sure I repressed most of my memories of my middle school career," James said with a wry smile. "What do you teach?"
"History," Joseph said. "Right now, we're talking about the age of exploration. I'm debunking all the myths they heard about Christopher Columbus."
"Well, hopefully they'll take down all the statues of the guy," James said.
"Someone's gotta do it," Joseph said with a smile. "What about you? What do you do?"
"I'm a website designer," James said. "It's not as interesting as it probably sounds, but I like it and it pays the bills."
"That's as important as anything else," Joseph replied.
"Yeah, especially when you have a kid," James said. He looked at Joseph pointedly, as if to gauge his reaction.
"You have a child?" Joseph asked.
"A son," James replied. "So if I have to duck out early or if I'm checking my phone a lot, that's why. My sister is watching him, but still."
"Makes sense," Joseph said. "I'm glad you care so much about him."
James smiled. "It's hard sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for the world," he said. "Though if you ask if I have any hobbies, I'll warn you that they mostly involve Disney, legos, and make believe at this point."
"Hey, I love Disney," Joseph said with a smile. "You got a favorite movie?"
"Ben loves Frozen," James said with a smile. "But my favorite has to be Beauty and the Beast."
"Classic. I love that one," Joseph said. Christ, the man had dimples! How was he so cute? "I've always loved Cinderella."
“Cinderella was good. Ben, my son, preferred Sleeping Beauty, though. He liked the dragon and all the magical stuff,” James replied.
“That’s valid,” Joseph said. “Can you believe that there are kids these days who haven’t seen the older Disney movies?”
“God, no,” James said. “Honestly, I still have my original Disney VHS tapes. My mom has them in a box in her attic. I refuse to let her throw them out just because I have Disney+.”
“Why would you?” Joseph asked. “Nothing will ever beat the VHS tapes. Sometimes it’s just nice to appreciate the nostalgia.”
“Exactly! She doesn’t get it,” James said. “My son doesn’t get it either, but I guess he has an excuse.”
“No, that just means that you have to try harder to make him understand,” Joseph replied. “I’m sure he’ll come around eventually.”
James chuckled and shook his head doubtfully. His smile was so wide and bright that Joseph couldn’t help but be drawn to those heart-shaped lips. God, they looked amazing. They were probably great for kissing and… other things. Joseph reminded himself not to be that guy who asked if his date was the sort to put out on the first night. Joseph wasn’t usually that guy, but then, he had yet to meet someone who riled him up the way James did. Besides, he did want to have future dates with him.
Their conversation was interrupted by the waitress walking up to them with their shawarma. James’ eyes bulged at the size of it. Joseph felt a little bad about suggesting the place at that point. He looked great, it was a good outfit. It would be a shame if he messed it up because Joseph had honestly not thought about where they were going.
“How exactly am I supposed to eat this?” James asked. “I think it’s half the size of my head!”
Joseph chuckled. “Very carefully, I suppose,” he said. “Sorry, I sorta forgot how big these were?”
James smirked. “Sounds kinda dirty when you say it like that.”
Joseph coughed and hastily drank some water to steady himself. James had a suggestive smirk and it put thoughts in Joseph’s head. Thoughts about how perfect his mouth looked… and what it might feel like. He did laugh, though, after he was done. It also gave Joseph the distinct impression that he was being laughed at. He felt his face heat and he drank a little more water.
Joseph quickly realized that James was a bit of a… vocal eater. He moaned when he liked something. A lot. He also had no compunctions about enjoying something in front of company either. Joseph didn’t mind, actually. He liked to see people happy and it always seemed difficult to tell if a date was enjoying something because they either didn’t eat much or they were self-conscious even when the food was relatively neat and easy to eat.
“I wonder if they have something for kids,” James said as he put the shawarma down. “I’m trying to introduce my son to different foods.”
“I wish you the best of luck,” Joseph said. “Is he the sort who hates vegetables?”
“It depends,” James said. “He hates peas and anything touching them, but he likes carrots, but only sometimes and when he doesn’t, he hates them. He also hates all forms of beans, but sometimes likes asparagus because he calls it spear grass and likes to wave it around.”
“Sounds like he’s figuring stuff out,” Joseph said.
“But he likes most fruits and he’ll eat veggies if they’re on something else,” James said. “I just don’t want him to grow up eating chicken nuggets all the time.”
“That makes sense. Can’t be an easy thing to do, especially if you’re a single parent,” Joseph said.
“What about you?” James asked. “You have any kids?”
“Not aside from the ones I teach,” Joseph chuckled. “But I’ve always wanted some. I used to have this idea of moving out to the suburbs one day and having a lawn where my family could run around and play.”
“It does sound nice,” James replied. “I have just one kid and if I had any more, the apartment wouldn’t be big enough for us.”
“The apartments here aren’t that big to begin with,” Joseph laughed.
They laughed and swapped stories as the night wore on. James talked about the shenanigans of parenthood and Joseph talked about the crazy things the kids got up to at school. Just last week, in fact, there was an incident involving a group of boys who brought those whistling tubes that you swung around and a bunch of them ran out of class and started waving them around. Joseph and a bunch of other teachers had to settle them down. By the time they were done, class was over and the rest of the day was lost since the kids wouldn’t talk about anything else.
“You know, at least it’s something like that instead of bullying,” James said. “Kids that age can be real jerks when they want to be.”
“Oh, there’s that too,” Joseph said. “Anti-bullying campaigns make parents antsy for some reason, too. Some of them seem not to want their kids growing up to be decent people.”
“Well, I know that I would want that stuff in place when my son starts school,” James said.
With that, James packed up the rest of his shawarma in a to-go box. He also insisted on paying for the meal on the basis of Joseph being a teacher, which didn't pay well. It was kind of him, but the only reason Joseph himself didn't pay was because he was so surprised by it. It had been a while since anyone had offered to pay for a meal, much less gone ahead and done it anyway. Some people seemed to treat dating as a way to get free food and drinks. Joseph felt a bit of tension he didn't know he had been holding onto release.
Soon, the two of them were walking down the street in the general direction of the movie theater. They moved at a relaxed pace. There was no great need to get to the theater immediately and Joseph was glad for the chance to let the dinner digest for a bit.
The street lights were all lit by now. The fading light had finally given way to darkness overhead, but for the city that never slept, it was almost barely worth mentioning. The streets were as busy as ever. People walked down the sidewalk hailing taxis. The cold night air was filled with the scents of the city, of exhaust and countless types of food and rain and asphalt.
Joseph was laughing at a story about James' family while they turned a corner. In a flash, someone barreled into him and he grunted from the collision. The man was a squirrelly sort. He was a short, pudgy beta with a bald head, beady eyes, and a pale complexion. He was followed by a far more intimidating man. He was thickly built, with short cropped black hair and a face that looked like it was hewn from rough stone. His gaze immediately fell on James and his date.
“What are you two looking at?” he growled. Before James could answer, the man drew a gun and approached. Joseph immediate stepped in his path and growled lowly in warning. The man just smirked and growled back.
“Lookie here, we have ourselves a hero,” the man said. He cocked the gun and pointed it. “Heroes die just as easily as whores, you know.”
“Watch your mouth, trash,” Joseph said. His heart was racing, but he didn’t care. Every instinct in his body was telling him to protect James.
“Aw, did I offend your hot date?” the man asked. “Sorry, I just can’t help it. I can smell a thirsty omega a mile away. Maybe when you’re done, you can share him. What’s the harm?”
“Enough, Rumlow,” came a voice. It was deep and stern with a slight German accent. A man stepped out of the shadows. He had a long face with eyebrows that made his face look severe and stern. “Play later. Get the cargo moving.”
“Yes, boss,” the alpha named Rumlow said. He stomped away towards a group of people piling things into a van. “You there, double time. Hurry up, or you’ll be sorry!”
The man stepped forward and Joseph growled again. The man stopped. He was dressed immaculately in a pinstripe suit and matching pants.
“My apologies for the way my associate treated you,” he said. “But I’m afraid I have to ask you to give us your… assistance.”
“Go to hell,” James snapped.
“Ah, I see I must apologize again,” he said. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a much bigger, engraved pistol. It was a 2005 Smith & Wesson XVR 460 Magnum, one of the largest caliber handguns made in recent years. The barrel was over a foot long and the mysterious man pointed it right at Joseph. It didn’t take Joseph’s army training to know that it was pointed right between the eyes.
“At this angle and from this range, the bullet would go straight through your head and into that omega’s,” the man said. “Unfortunately, it would also get blood all over my suit, which I just had tailored. You see why I do not wish for violence, yes?”
“What do you want?” Joseph asked.
“Nothing unreasonable,” the man replied. “Go over to the van, help my boys get the merchandise loaded, and help us unload it when we arrive at our destination. Do this, and I will let you go.”
“What are you, mafia?” James asked.
“Oh, now that is a cruel name,” the man said. “I am merely the proprietor of a… very old and international family business.”
Definitely mafia, Joseph thought. Which meant that they wouldn’t hesitate to kill either of them if they refused. Despite only having just met the omega behind him, Joseph couldn’t allow anything to happen to James.
“Give us your word that you’ll let us go unharmed when the job’s done, and we’ll help you,” Joseph said. The man smiled and uncocked his gun.
“Yes, of course,” he said. “As soon as the job is done, you are free to leave with nothing to fear.”
“What are you doing?” James hissed.
“Making sure you get home,” Joseph replied under his breath. He looked at the man. “Deal.”
“Excellent,” the man said. He returned the gun to the holster in his jacket. “Get to work. The sooner we’re done, the sooner you can go home and enjoy the rest of your evening.”
The “merchandise” was apparently some type of drug. Judging from the containers they were stored in and the weight, James was willing to bet it was cocaine or something. Not only would it mean that James was an accessory to some kind of smuggling operation, but it also meant that the mafia would know him, know his face. If they knew that, what else would they demand of him?
He was pissed, but he channeled his anger into loading the myriad of containers into the back of the large van for transport. That Rumlow character whistled crudely every time he bent down. That also pissed James off. They were supposed to be in line getting popcorn for the mystery movie Joseph picked out for the date. Instead, he was being forced at gunpoint to traffic drugs.
Joseph loaded up the last of the bags and before James could even sigh in relief, Rumlow came up and forced them into the back along with the bags. The other workers got in and chuckled wickedly. Some whistled or growled with what was probably supposed to be an attempt at being alluring. It curled James’ stomach.
“Leave him alone,” Joseph growled. He stepped in front of James again, his large, muscular body shielding James’ more slender body from view. It made James’ stomach flip.
“Aw, come on, don’t be such an old man,” Rumlow said. “You’re a red-blooded alpha, right? You can’t say you haven’t thought about it. You can’t just wave that pretty ass in front of an alpha and not expect him to react.”
“I can expect anything I want, but I tend not to set myself up for disappointment either,” Steve said. “You can’t expect shit to glitter.”
Rumlow bared his teeth and growled. He stepped up to Joseph, who pushed James back gently. James didn’t need any encouragement. The stench of alphas gearing up to fight filled his nostrils. There was the gentle scent of cinnamon and coffee that came from Joseph, and the pungent smell of overripe citrus that made James stomach queasy. It was revolting.
“You better remember your place, hero,” Rumlow said. “One wrong move and you’re eating lead and that pretty omega of yours gets to be our entertainment tonight.”
Joseph growled again, but backed down. James sighed a bit in relief. He sat at the end of a bench in the van and Joseph sat next to him. James put his hand on Joseph’s thigh.
“Thanks,” he whispered as the van rumbled to life. It jolted into motion and Joseph put his hand on James’ thigh to steady him.
“I’m with you till the end of the line,” Joseph said quietly. He squeezed James’ thigh again.
The drive was mostly quiet and it seemed like it took forever. James tried to keep an indirect eye on Rumlow. If anyone was going to turn on them, it would be him. As brave as Joseph was, he wasn’t armed and Rumlow seemed like the sort of alpha who was a bit trigger happy. Joseph might have some kind of training, but only an idiot would try to fistfight someone with a gun surrounded by people with guns.
After maybe an hour, the van rolled to a stop and the ignition cut off. James didn’t move until the back of the van was rolled up. The grunts piled out of the van. Joseph started to toss down containers of drugs that were carted off to a waiting shipping container. James took a cursory look around. They were in the harbor, near Red Hook from the looks of it. Before he could be caught, he bent down and started tossing containers down. They were heavy, and they made it clear that James was out of shape, but the work helped to distract him from the situation he was in.
Slowly but surely, James and Joseph were able to unload the van. Every now and then, there was a dusting or the powdery white substance that was inside. Not surprisingly, there was also some on the bed of the van. James glanced down at himself and was a bit relieved to notice that there wasn’t any on him.
“Freeze! Hands in the air!” came a sudden shout.
James immediately raised his hands just as Joseph stepped in front of him. Before James could blink, the shipyard was crawling with police officers. A mixture of terror and relief settled in James’ stomach. If they got the chance to tell the police what happened, they would be fine, but if an idiot started shooting…
“Johann Schmidt,” came a voice from someone dressed like a captain. “You and your subordinates are under arrest for smuggling illegal substances across international borders.”
Schmidt scowled and raised his hands. Unfortunately, he was about the only smart person here. Rumlow immediately grabbed a gun and fired.
“Get down!” Joseph yelled.
Before James could think of a response, Joseph tackled James to the floor of the van and shielded him with his body. Gunshots fired all over the place and people yelled. Police barked orders. The only thing James could think of was to curl up as tightly as possible beneath Joseph’s body. Joseph’s arms shielded James’ head. The smell of cocaine mingled with Joseph’s alpha scent. It would be a strange sensation at any other time.
It felt like hours before the shooting finally died down. When it did, Joseph slowly knelt up to look over his head. James sat up and saw a slew of cops going over the remains of the mafia thugs. Johann Schmidt was nowhere to be found, though. A cop stepped up to the van and James immediately raised his hands.
“Don’t shoot!” he said. “We’re innocent!”
“Innocent?” the cop asked. “Looks to me like you’re aiding and abetting international drug trafficking.”
“You idiot,” the guy who looked like the captain said. He smacked the cop on the back of his head. “These guys look like they’re dressed for a drug run to you? They look like they’re dressed for a night on the town.”
“They forced us to help them,” Joseph said. “That man in charge threatened to shoot us if we didn’t.”
The captain stared at them for a while. “Schmidt escaped in the chaos,” he said. “If you give us your statements about what happened, we can offer you protection.”
“Thank you, sir,” Joseph said. The captain nodded.
“I’ll contact the US Marshals Service,” the captain said. “Give us the names of your immediate family and we’ll ensure they’re protected as well.”
“The Marshals Service?” James asked. “Why them?”
“This is the mafia we’re dealing with, boy,” the captain said. “And Johann Schmidt is known to be unstable at the best of times. Lots of his people escaped and the rest either died or killed themselves before we could question them. Your testimony is the only one we have.”
Realization dawned on James. “You mean… the Witness Protection Program.”
“That’s right,” the captain said. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
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thatmexisaurusrex · 1 year
Just Sam and Bucky, making latkes together.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 year
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G-J-B Fic Rec
A sweet and soft Hanukkah sickfic to warm you up on these cold winter nights.
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Rating: Not Rated
Relationship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes
Tags: Jewish Bucky Barnes, Catholic Steve Rogers, Sick Fic, Becca Barnes is the best sister, Hanukkah, Christmas, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Domestic Fluff
Words: 4.9k | Complete
“I’m pretty sure he has the flu,” he said. “Normally, I’d make my ma’s chicken noodle, but I know how much he looks forward to Hanukkah and the food, and no matter how hard I try, he always kicks me out of the kitchen—” “Just say you have no idea what you’re doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine,” Becca said. “I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine.” Becca laughed. “Do you have a sheet of paper around?”
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61 notes · View notes
rogerswifesblog · 1 year
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I posted 508 times in 2022
That's 451 more posts than 2021!
135 posts created (27%)
373 posts reblogged (73%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 139 of my posts in 2022
#steve rogers - 60 posts
#steve rogers fanfiction - 41 posts
#mcu - 36 posts
#bucky barnes - 33 posts
#flood my inbox - 27 posts
#verasreads - 27 posts
#steve rogers x y/n - 26 posts
#steve rogers fluff - 24 posts
#steve rogers x you - 24 posts
#steve rogers x reader - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 102 characters
#so when he realises he can't wash it off he starts crying because alpine is supposed to be white steve
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pretty boy
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Best friends always tease each other. You always liked teasing Steve…but what if some words affect Steve more, than he lets you see it? After a failed mission, Steve needs more than just your teasing...
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: sub!Steve Rogers x (female)dom!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: smut, subspace [m] , needy!Steve, oral [messy blowjob], hint of mommy kink, crying, pet names like; pretty boy, good boy, Stevie, Madame, mistress
Because of the subspace it could be seen as dub-con but not really. I’ll just want to say it in case someone’s sees it that way.
If you feel uncomfortable with any of these above, this onshot may not be for you!
Have in mind English is not my first language! There could be some mistakes-let me know.
Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment <;3
See the full post
348 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
Could u do a best friends dad Steve Rogers x reader smut plz if possible🥰
Thank you for the request!<3 hope you’ll like it, let me know!
There is a bit of fluff and of course the smut-with a happy ending! Enjoy<3
If you’re here only for the smut and nothing else, skip to the part where reader gets out of the shower😝 I wanted to keep it short but…I couldn’t.😂 It’s filthy. I feel dirty. ;p
What you deserve
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: After you caught your-now ex-boyfriend cheating, your best friend let you stay over for the night…there was only one problem.
Her unbelievably hot dad.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: BestFriendsDad!Steve Rogers & Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Age gap [ Steve is in his mid 40s, reader in early 20s], cheating [ from readers Ex], past Steve x Peggy[ not really mentioned] , forbidden / hidden romance, smut, oral f receiving], fingering, unprotected sex [ don’t be silly wrap your willy] p in v, finger sucking, size kink, overstimulation, squirting, cum eating, taking pictures/videos, petnames; sweetheart, angel, sweetie , baby
Keep in mind English is not my first language! There can be some mistakes. Just let me know:)
Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment please&lt;3
I’m taking requests!
See the full post
371 notes - Posted November 12, 2022
Getting to know you
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: During one of Starks famous party’s you and Steve…get to know each other better.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Steve Rogers x Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: alcohol, drinking game [ truth or dare], smut, technically dub-con since both of them are drunk, dirty talk, slight Captain kink, fingering, oral ( F ), unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your willy ), hangovers
Please let me know if I need to add something.
See the full post
425 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You ran away from your abusive ex....after a few months he came looking for you. Good for you, you had such a great neighbour.
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: (neighbour)Steve Rogers x Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: abusive ex(called Matthew here), talking about toxic relationships, a slight injury
This idea came in my mind while watching the show 911
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
See the full post
588 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Keep you quiet
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve and you never liked each other. You always bickered, even on missions-which brought you in this situation; on you knees.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Steve Rogers x reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: enemies/rivals to...lovers?, smut, oral [M receiving], dom/sub undertones, Dom!steve, sub!reader, slightly mean Steve, size kink?, dumbification/degradation kink, slight Captain kink [blink and you miss it], dry humping, boot humping,  rough oral, rough treatment, face-fucking, cum swallowing, semi-public, allusion to threesome Tell me if I need to add anything
Keep in mind English is not my first language!
Don’t forget to like, comment and reblog!
See the full post
1,240 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bellejolras · 1 year
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I posted 9,857 times in 2022
34 posts created (0%)
9,823 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,125 of my posts in 2022
#art - 340 posts
#lotr - 297 posts
#2022 quextravaganza - 261 posts
#lotr art - 251 posts
#catposting - 198 posts
#video - 169 posts
#lotr memes - 109 posts
#lotr meta - 101 posts
#silm art - 94 posts
#jewish - 74 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#‘ok this isn’t cockroach class!’ only to have them chant ‘cockroach class! cockroach class!’ down the hall until one kid chanted one more
My Top Posts in 2022:
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watching the olympics <33
12 notes - Posted February 10, 2022
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reddit didn’t appreciate this but i feel like OP should have tried on here first
13 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
Why didn’t they just fly the eagles to Mordor? 
- chiefest and greatest of calamities
birds aren’t real
18 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
im tipsy, it’s 2 am, and i spent tonight watching “A Walk on the Moon” bc of this tweet
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anyway i give the movie 7/10 at best but wowieee this part of it def did not disappoint !
21 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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A Roll in the Hay
Rating: E(xplicit) / No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Eomer/fem reader
WC: 1.9k
Other tags: PWP, semi-public sex, no y/n
Summary: sometimes you just need a quickie in the barn, you know? #justrohanthings (in which it turns out the author may be an eomer girlie after all)
for @the-girl-with-the-algebra-book, for the prompt & for beta’ing 😌😌
It was warm in the barn. Thankfully a breeze was blowing, or it would be stifling. The horses didn’t seem to mind, though, snuffling in the air and kicking gently at the dirt as they always did, but it was beginning to get to her. Probably she shouldn’t have gone out at this time of day. Of course it would be warm when she got back. There was no longer wind blowing at her face, only the breeze through the open door to keep her cool as she cleaned up and put everything back where it went. This was no royal stables, with hired hands to care for the horses; they were out in the middle of nowhere. But she didn’t mind, even if it was more work than she had gotten used to.
She scooped some hay off the fresh pile at one end of the room to bring to the horse she had just taken out, then brought the saddle to hang up on the rack. Béma, was it always this heavy? It didn’t help that the only free spot was the most awkwardly placed, almost out of reach. As she lifted it up again, heaving it off the ground, she heard a voice behind her.
“Need some help with that?”
Even without turning around, she knew who stood in the doorway. It was a voice she knew all too well.
[read the rest on ao3!]
68 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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andrea1717 · 1 year
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Ich habe 3.421 Mal im Jahr 2022 etwas gepostet
Das sind 2.611 more posts als 2021!
309 Einträge erstellt (9%)
3.112 Einträge gerebloggt (91%)
Blogs, die ich am häufigsten gerebloggt habe:
Ich habe 1.516 meiner Einträge im Jahr 2022 getaggt
#stucky – 535 Einträge
#writing – 274 Einträge
#bucky barnes – 229 Einträge
#fanfic – 223 Einträge
#fanart – 151 Einträge
#steve rogers – 148 Einträge
#ao3 – 136 Einträge
#sebastian stan – 129 Einträge
#fic rec – 128 Einträge
#andrea answers – 123 Einträge
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#the room lights up when bucky smiles at him like it always does. steve leans in for another kiss and he's suddenly sure that he's doing
Meine Top-Einträge im Jahr 2022:
It took me ages but I finally made it 🥵🥴
First Times Part 2 is up
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89 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 3. November 2022
New story alert and it's very spicy!
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The First Time
For a split second he thinks of telling the person that he's technically a virgin. Well at least when it comes to men. Maybe he should have mentioned it in the few texts they shared. Damn it. Maybe this was a mistake. He should cancel. He really should. Steve is willing to pay him for not coming at this point and walks over to his phone to find the chat when the doorbell rings. Steve startles and then just stands there for a few seconds. Should I or should I not? He could just pay him and send him away again? One way or another he has to answer the door.
Read the full story here
93 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 26. August 2022
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It's hereeeeee!!!
It was the summer of love once seventeen year old Steve Rogers finally gets a chance to talk to Bucky Barnes, the guy he used to watch from afar for years.
As the months go by he discovers more and more layers of the boy he adores until one day, after a devastating event, he vanishes.
It takes Steve months and many more uncovered secrets to let go and move on.
At twenty four Steve is living a life he loves. Working at the hospital with his childhood best friend Natasha. Living in an apartment not far from his mother in New York City.
One day at a night shift he gets an unusual task: watching a patient all night who refuses to talk to the police. A male sex worker who was almost killed by a client.
It’s a person Steve never thought he would see again. It’s Bucky Barnes.
Hope you like it :)
Chapter One
99 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 12. August 2022
Febuwhump Story List
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Here is the list of my stories that will be updated as soon as i post. I’ll probably be finished before February next year or maybe not lol
They are all Stucky!
Prompts by https://febuwhump.tumblr.com/
Day 1 Headwound - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/91918183
Day 2 Failed Rescue Attempt  - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/92463427
Day 3  Blood Loss -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/94189261
Day 4 Nightmares - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/94422061
Day 5 Let me see - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/95449177
Day 6 Hypothermia -https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/95746195
Day 7 Used as an experiment - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/96292024
Day 8 No Anesthesia -  https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/97901271
Day 9 Kidnapped - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/98585307
Day 10 How long has it been? - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/98793969
Day 11 Chronic Pain - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/98904543
Day 12 Spiked Drink - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/98953656
Day 13 Won’t regain consciousness - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/99296409
Day 14 Can’t go home - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/99562089
Day 15 Hidden Scars - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/99852399
Day 16 Does that hurt? - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/100424721
Day 17 Self inflicted Wound - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/100781148
Day 18 Forced to watch - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/101299719
Day 19  Delirium - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/101685192
Day 20 Caged - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/102396483
Day 21 Help them - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/103188975
Day 22 Restrained - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/103376985
Day 23 Don’t leave - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/103714671
Day 24 Too weak to move - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/104008719
Day 25 Muffled Screams - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/104225895
Day 26 Please don’t do this - https://archiveofourown.org/works/36843922/chapters/104330523
Vollständigen Eintrag ansehen
108 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 4. März 2022
Meine #1 des Jahres 2022
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After a hard year, the end of both his military and his short career as a personal bodyguard Steve Rogers did not expect the call from his best friend and ex- colleague Sam Wilson.
He offers him a job, full time and long term, starting on the next day.
At first it sounds perfect to finally move forward from the devastating events in his past career and life - being one bodyguard in a group of four for a rich kid from a famous lawyer.
How hard can that be? 
What Steve didn't expect was the kid - Bucky Barnes, twenty two, traumatized from his dark past, devastatingly beautiful and a real brat.
After a while on the job Steve not only discovers that Bucky seems to play a role most of the time, he also discovers that parts of his heart who seemed to be dead for a while are very much alive.
Atoms - a story by Andrea1717
story (containing artwork by @kahey2804 ), pinterest board & playlist coming soon.
147 Anmerkungen – Gepostet 28. Oktober 2022
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
Latke Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/THi6XgU
by BonkyBornes
Becca conveyed the message. There was laughter in the background. “So, what can I do for you?” “I’m pretty sure he has the flu,” he said. “Normally, I’d make my ma’s chicken noodle, but I know how much he looks forward to Hanukkah and the food, and no matter how hard I try, he always kicks me out of the kitchen—” “Just say you have no idea what you’re doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine,” Becca said. “I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to Jewish cuisine.”
Or, Bucky gets the flu over Hanukkash and Steve, with the help of his sister-in-law, makes him food for the Holiday
Words: 4945, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of College Boys
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Rebecca Barnes Proctor, George Barnes (Marvel), Winifred Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Jewish Bucky Barnes, Catholic Steve Rogers, Sick Fic, becca barnes is the best sister, Hanukkah, Christmas, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Domestic Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/THi6XgU
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