#jewish internment
havatabanca · 8 months
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workersolidarity · 2 months
🇩🇪🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚨
📹 Jewish German peace activist, Udi Raz, based in Berlin, accuses the German government of suppressing peace protests against the Israeli occupation's genocide in Gaza.
According to Raz, the German authorities continue to suppress the Palestine solidarity movement, accusing the German authorities of doing all it can to silence protesters.
The activist slams the Israeli occupation, which publicly accuses the pro-Palestine peace movement of antisemitism, while at the same time, the Zionist occupation declares its ability to speak for all Jews around the world.
"Israel cannot speak in the name of Jews," Raz tells Anadolu News Agency. "Whoever claims otherwise, to my understanding, this is an antisemitic claim."
"Jews are diverse. Jews live in diverse and different geopolitical contexts and national contexts," the Jewish peace activist continues.
"We Jews who live here in Germany, of course, we care about other Jews who live elsewhere, but it does not mean that we are ambassadors of a racist state called the state of Israel," Raz added.
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bitegore · 7 months
Zionists want you to conflate Judaism and Zionism. Zionists want you to believe that Judaism cannot exist without Zionism and that all Jews are Zionists. Zionism would have Jews believe that a Jewish state is the only way that they can be safe from antisemitism and will point to any instance of antisemitism as proof that Zionism is the solution- so Zionism wants gentiles to be antisemitic in their support of Palestine. They want you to conflate all Jews with Zionism and the state of Israel, and they want you to treat all Jews regardless of political affiliation as the face of Israel. Antizionist Jews exist, and incidences of antisemitism ostensibly acting against Zionism will not help dismantle the forces propping Zionism up.
Don't do their work for them.
#red rambles#viva palestina#antizionism#i haven't actually seen a lot of antisemitism personally. not recently anyway. but that's more a feature of me not following antisemites#i DO however see a lot of people talking about the people they're seeing throw their support behind antisemites using palestine#as an excuse to conflate all jews with israel#and i cannot stress enough that that is literally what israel and zionist forces abroad WANT.#i am jewish. my entire family is jewish. i want to see palestine free. and i have SEEN how the jewish community gets conflated with israel#both from the inside and out#and i am dead serious when i say that every time someone is antisemitic it strengthens the conviction from people abroad#that it's a terrible sad situation but there's 'no other choice'#if you're being antisemitic you are doing the enemy's work for them. Stop it.#like... look. i am putting this in the tags bc im talking in the tags but i mean this. I do not give a single flying fuck if you personally#are a giant raging antisemite at the moment. Your personal beliefs are your problem and not mine. I do not fucking care. But if you are#being openly and loudly antisemitic *in your support of palestine* you are absolutely not fucking helping. I am so dead serious right now#if you want to raise awareness and you're being antisemitic because of deep held beliefs or whatever i want you to look around and read the#fucking room. Do you understand how much of Israel's international support comes from the idea that they are the only country where jews ar#safe from antisemitism? do you see how every time palestine comes up people point at incidences of antisemitism in anti-genocide actions to#discredit the entire movement? do you not understand how your actions are cutting the movement down at the knees?#i'm jewish and proud of it. i don't like antisemitism. but there's a genocide on and i'd rather work against it than quibble over who i#work alongside. i dont fucking care. you can be as antisemitic as you like in private. stop fucking the movement up.#there are bigger things to worry about here. if i can put aside my own concerns as to who i'm talking to you can hold your tongue#and fight the good fight instead of handing weapons to the people who are trying to fucking flatten gaza.
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ch4liz4rd-jpeg · 1 month
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dana international 💕 israeli queer royalty 🇮🇱👸🏻
the first trans contestant and winner of eurovision !!!! 🇮🇱
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gaelic-symphony · 3 months
This International Women’s Day I am sending SO MUCH LOVE to Jewish and Israeli women 💙🤍💙🤍💙🤍
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spider-xan · 9 months
Regarding Mina's description of Dracula and why it's problematic, a good starting point would be to read the Wikipedia article for physiognomy, which is the outdated pseudoscience of face reading that is unfortunately rooted in racism, antisemitism, ableism, etc., and was very popular during the Victorian era as a way to judge moral character based on facial features.
So when Mina says 'His face was not a good face', she is not just saying that Dracula is ugly (though concepts of ugliness and beauty are not value-neutral either), but that she can tell that he is evil based on his facial features; note that one of the facial features she singles out is a 'beaky nose', which comes from Cesare Lombroso's idea that among other traits, hawk-like noses are a marker of criminality on the basis of criminals being evolutionary throwbacks who are less evolved than non-criminals; many of these allegedly 'criminal' and 'degenerate' facial features are obviously racialized and not associated with Gentile whiteness, but in opposition to it.
Stoker was definitely interested in physiognomy and uses it as a narrative device to show how certain heroic characters are intelligent, perceptive, and educated on the latest (pseudo)sciences (the modernity theme again) - namely Mina and Van Helsing, but also Jonathan to a lesser degree; we will definitely see this idea come up several more times, including explicit references to Lombroso himself.
It is also important to remember that linking physical appearance and morality still happens today - think about how many people say they can tell someone is a bad person bc they're ugly or that 'People get the face they deserve' where good people age gracefully and bad people age poorly, even though aging has nothing to do with personal character.
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secular-jew · 3 months
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Celebrating International Women's day in Iran
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matan4il · 3 months
Today is international Women's Day, but Israeli women are still in captivity, for 5 months now.
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Kidnapped, torn from their families, their kids, their parents, their partners, their friends, not getting enough food, most likely held underground where they're not getting enough air, none of their basic hygiene or female hygiene needs are being met, that's if they're even getting enough food to get their periods, some have been repeatedly raped and sexually assaulted, they're being denied proper medical care in general, and in particular that and the right to choose are denied to them in case their rapists have impregnated them, some have been murdered (their pics are in grey in the above image) and Hamas won't even grant them the basic decency of their bodies returned to their families and to the ground from which we all came, as Jewish traditional burial dictates.
And please don't forget all of the women who were brutally murdered on Oct 7, all the seemingly free women, who will never be the same again because of Hamas, the ones who were raped, and the ones who had to fight for their survival, the ones who lost their loved ones, the ones who have lost their mothers, and the ones who weren't supposed to be single parents raising orphans, the ones who continue to die because of anti-Israeli terrorist activity that has been a continuous part of this war, all of us Israeli and Jewish women, who have learned the ease with which our lives and our dignity, as women and human beings, can be taken away, and how the world would doubt our word if we'd testify about it, the women who survived the Holocaust and vowed to "Never again" let it happen, only to see a smaller scale version of it play out, with some of them who survived the Nazis, not surviving the terrorists, all of us who have discovered that there is a pain and a psychological scar we now carry, which will never fully heal.
Never again IS now.
Don't be silent about these women's fate, torment and denial of basic rights on this International Women's Day.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by Francesca Block
A New York City public school is being accused of “Jewish erasure” after a map from one of its classrooms surfaced showing all the countries of the Middle East except Israel, which is labeled “Palestine.”
The Free Press was shown a photo of the map of the “Arab world,” hanging in the art classroom at PS 261, a public elementary school in Brooklyn. Rita Lahoud uses the classroom to give lessons to pre-K and elementary students in the “Arab Culture Arts” program, which is funded by Qatar Foundation International (QFI). QFI is the American wing of the Qatar Foundation, a nonprofit owned by the ruling family of the wealthy Arab state, which harbors leaders of the terrorist group Hamas. 
Tova Plaut, a New York City public school instructional coordinator for pre-K through fifth grade classrooms, said she found the map “concerning.”
“It’s not just that we’re experiencing Jewish hate in NYC public schools, we’re actually experiencing Jewish erasure,” Plaut said. “And here is proof of that.” 
Rita Lahoud did not respond to an email seeking comment. The principal of PS 261 deferred comment to the Department of Education.
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A close-up of the “Arab World” map at PS 261. (via X)
After The Free Press emailed the Department of Education to ask if the map remains in the classroom after Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel, a spokesperson wrote back: “Why would it not be?” 
Nathaniel Styer, the DOE spokesperson, added in his reply that “this is a map of countries that speak Arabic.”
Around two million people living in Israel are Arab, which is just over 20 percent of the country’s population. Many of them speak Arabic.
The emergence of the map comes after a Free Press investigation showed how educators in American public schools are increasingly teaching students to hate Jews. One curriculum—the Brown University Choices Program—which presents ideas of Israel being an “apartheid state” and “a military occupier” taught to one million public school students nationwide, has been distributed by QFI.
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koshercosplay · 7 months
Her sword was out before the creature could even blink.
"Don't come any closer," she snarled. "I know what you are."
The goblin in front of her bared it's teeth. "And I know what you are, princess."
She gave a start. It knew that about her? Or was it just a petty insult?
"Doesn't matter." She lifted her chin. "I want you out of this kingdom. Your kind don't belong here." It was thrilling to finally put her training to good use. One by one, the goblin menace would finally be over in her lifetime.
The creature tilted its head to the side and began circling her. She swallowed thickly and followed it's path with her sword outstretched. It's pale green skin seemed to shift in the sunlight, and the pointed ears poking through it's thick hair reminded her of toadstools peeking out from the soil beneath their feet.
"The princess finally comes out of the castle. Finally getting her hands dirty for the first time." It stopped moving and swooped into a condescending bow, never taking it's eyes off her face. "Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations," it sneered.
She bristled at the implication of her softness and tried to match the goblins' jeering tone as she responded, "I've been training for this my whole life." She narrowed her eyes. "I'm not afraid of you."
"Then why haven't you killed me yet?" It's yellow eyes glinted.
"Why-" She couldn't believe her ears (which were blissfully rounded, thank you.) "Would you like me to apologize for allowing you a few more seconds of your slimy existence?"
"Slimy?" It ran a finger down the length of a bare arm and made a show of holding it up in mock ignorance and examining it closely, before dropping it to hang loosely at its side. "The fact that you believe that shows me what good your training has done for you."
It held its arms out to either side, as if initiating some bizarre attempt at an embrace.
"Come on, then. Kill me."
Her sword was still pointed at it's chest. It would be an easy kill. But even as she leveled her gaze and prepared to strike, something stopped her. She could already hear her father scolding her for taking so long, but there was something wrong.
Against her better judgment, she dropped her arm and let her sword rest by her side, keeping a firm grip on it, just in case.
"All the goblins I've heard about put up a great fight with our warriors." The goblin had the nerve to roll its eyes. She pressed on. "Why are you being so... so- boring!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, princess. Would you like me to be more entertaining?"
In a flash, the goblin was entirely too close to her, and she could feel it's breath on her face as it closed its hand on hers over the hilt of her sword. And to her immense embarrassment, she froze. Absurdly, she noticed that the goblins' skin was not, in fact, slimy. Interesting.
In another second, the goblin had twisted the sword out of her hand and thrown it halfway across the clearing and took a few steps back.
"Oh no! The poor helpless princess was set upon by a goblin!" It called out loudly, and she cringed. "She couldn't possibly hope to defeat its superior intellect and battle skills!"
She shook herself out of her frozen state and dared to step forward.
"I would thank you to stop talking now," she said coldly.
It appeared to consider her words.
"Yes, you're quite right," it said, mimicking her lofty tone. "You're too boring to bother fighting with."
It turned and began walking away with an infuriating spring in its step, as if she wasn't standing right there, armed to the teeth. She silently drew out the tiny dagger from her right gauntlet and took careful aim. This time she wouldn't hesitate. The goblin paused, and then turned around so quickly that she didn't have time to hide her actions. Caught in the act.
"You're preparing to throw something at me, which will only end in your injury, not my death. Come now, let's part friends." It grinned at the look on her face.
"Don't worry. I know we'll never be friends." It turned away from her and began walking again. "You're too busy trying to kill me."
"What- but-" she spluttered. "Only because you lot are trying to kill us!"
That made it pause again, although this time it didn't say anything. She started walking towards it, closing the distance between them and wondering at how silent it's footsteps had been in comparison to hers. It was still keeping its back to her, either in foolish bravado or sheer confidence in its speed. It turned quickly when she approached some invisible boundary.
"Are we?" It suddenly said, fierce and low.
"Are you... what?" She responded, confused.
"Are we trying to kill you?"
She bit back the urge to make a derisive comment. What was the point of this circular conversation? Time was marching on and she still hadn't killed a goblin.
"Yes. You are. It's been well-documented and you know it."
It looked at her in disbelief.
"You really believe that?"
"Why wouldn't I?" She said defensively. "Everyone knows goblins are vicious thieves who will do anything to snatch a penny. I'll have you know my uncle was killed by a goblin in cold blood!"
The goblin was silent for a moment, yellow eyes searching her brown ones.
"I haven't tried to kill you."
"You are clearly the exception."
"Hm, well I know plenty of goblins who have never gotten into a fight."
She scoffed, this time letting her derision show freely. The goblin seemed insistent on continuing the conversation instead of fighting, which was incredibly frustrating. It wouldn't be honorable to kill it while it refused to fight, although it sure would be easier. She decided to voice her confusion aloud, again.
"Can you tell me why, exactly, you are so determined to avoid fighting me?"
"I heard humans smell so bad, you can tell they're coming from a mile away. I had to see for myself."
She began to get offended, and opened her mouth to give it a piece of her mind, before she realized it was grinning again.
"What's your name?" It asked her, taking her by surprise.
"Fern," she said instinctively, too taken aback to remember she wasn't supposed to answer that question.
"Fern. What a good goblin name." It winked at her. Asshole. "My name is Ash." It started walking away again, but this time, it motioned for her to follow it.
Was she insane? She came out here to kill her first goblin and take her place alongside her mother. She should be wiping its blood off her sword and heading back to the castle in victory, not standing around chatting history and exchanging names with it!
On the other hand... she tilted her head as she took the first few steps to follow the goblin- Ash. No one else that she was aware of had ever been invited somewhere by a goblin. History was littered with failed agreements, betrayals, victories and defeats. But who'd had a conversation with a goblin, been left alive, and then invited somewhere?
As far as she could tell, Ash was leading her along a fairly well-traveled path through the forest, although it was leading her unnervingly far from where she was supposed to be. Someone would come looking for her soon. Most likely Arvit.
She groaned inwardly. Arvit would chastise her, loudly and publicly, if she didn't make it back by nightfall. And she wouldn't be allowed this opportunity again for a long while.
Ash was silent ahead of her, unaware of or uninterested in Fern's movement. She studied the goblin from behind even as she kept careful track of their journey, so that she could lead her soldiers here in the future. It was lean in body, and it's skin had an unhealthy pallor, from what she could see of its bare arms and legs. It's simple tunic and well-worn, knee-length trousers, gave the impression of someone who traveled a lot and lived simply.
She surprised herself by wondering where Ash had gotten her clothes- Wait. Was Ash a woman? It was always so difficult to tell with goblins. And since when did she care anyway? It was a goblin. It's not like they were going to end up best friends. She lifted her chin and straightened her shoulders, trying to give off an air of confidence. She was the one in power here. Not the goblin.
Their surroundings slowly changed as they kept walking, going from dense, lush forest to darker, more sinister woods. Fern started jumping at every distant creak or snap of a twig. Something hooted nearby and she nearly dove behind a tree. Ash resolutely kept walking, paying no attention to any of the sounds around them, although it did take the time to point and laugh at Fern when she stumbled and fell into a pool of mud.
Finally, she planted her feet and declared, "I'm not going any further until you tell me what's going on."
Ash stopped and turned around, and deadpanned, "Don't worry, I didn't bring you here to kill you."
Fern snorted. "You can't kill me. You would have already if you'd been able to."
Silence fell between them, and Fern realized that the darkness around them wasn't just from the woods. It was truly past sunset, and she was so screwed.
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Happy international women’s day!
This is your daily reminder that 19 women are still held hostage by Hamas, where they are raped and tortured.
Bring them home 💛
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workersolidarity · 2 months
🇮🇱⚔️🇮🇱 🚨
📹 The Quds News Network is reporting the Israeli occupation forces raided tonight an anti-Zionist Synagogue in occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem).
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official-oshun · 8 months
If you support blatant antisemitism such as Molotov cocktails being thrown at a synagogue (IN BERLIN GERMANY, NOT ISRAEL) then you should get curb stomped. U people say “punch a Nazi” until it’s actually time to punch a Nazi and stand up for Jewish people. Some of you are not anti-Zionist you are 100% anti-Jew.
Goyim who reblog and internalize this message will get my eternal thank you!
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fdelopera · 5 months
When the Jews of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp were liberated on April 20th 1945, they sang Hatikvah. At the end of the anthem, British Army Chaplain Rabbi Leslie Hardman, cried out, “Am Yisrael Chai – the Children of Israel still live!” (x)
Am Yisrael Chai is a very old phrase. Hundreds of years, at least. It states that the Jewish people are still living, despite every attempt that Romans, Christians, and Muslims have made to mass murder us over the last 2000 years of world history.
We are still here.
The Jewish people are still here, despite every attempt that has been made to culturally appropriate our history, our culture, and our religion.
When you read the "Old Testament," you are reading OUR Tanakh. You are reading a JEWISH sacred text. When you read about Joseph, and Moses, those are JEWISH figures. They are Yoseph (יוסף), and Moshe Rabbeinu (משה רבנו). Moshe was not a Christian, and he was not Muslim. Moshe was a Jew. Never forget that.
Am Yisrael Chai: The Story Behind The Bergen-Belsen Recording
by Milad Doroudian (x)
"Am Yisrael Chai!", shouted Rabbi L.H. Hardman who had finished conducting the first pre-Shabbat sermon that many of the Bergen-Belsen camp survivors had not seen for 6 years. Although weakened by hunger, disease, and the death of their loved ones, on the 20th of April, 1945 many whose spirits still remained strong began to sing “Hatikvah” ("The Hope"), so the world can hear that they were there, and they survived.
There is a very good chance that you have heard this emotional recording, but have you ever stopped to truly consider the story behind it? Despite the sadness, yet immense hope in the voices of the singers: Who were they? How did they get there? And perhaps most importantly: What happened to them?
These questions are almost impossible to answer as history does not afford us many recorded accounts. Yet, this was the case in 1945. After the death of 6 million Jews in Europe, and an atrocious war which took the lives of 65 million. Confusion was normalcy. It was those amid the confusion such as Patrick Gordon Walker, a reporter for the BBC, who wanted to record the stories of what happened that managed to collect the few stories that we have left today. Nothing could have prepared him, or the soldiers who liberated the camp days earlier, for the horrors that lay inside.
The Bergen Belsen camp , which was established in 1941 in the middle of Germany served as a death camp for Jews, homosexuals and political prisoners. The exact number of how many people died during those years is not known, however when the British and Canadian 11th armoured Division liberated it, they found 60,000 people, most of which were extremely emaciated and suffering from typhus.
Walker entered the camp five days after its liberation to find people who could no longer possibly function because of hunger, only to be greeted with the sounds of “God Save The King” played on an detuned piano in order to honour the British and Canadian liberators. People were joyous, despite their condition and the fact that many were still dying. In fact, they sang, and talked with their liberators who gave them food, and comforted them by reminding them that they were human beings.
“What I saw there will always haunt me” said Walker in his famous broadcast, and this was the case as there were truly more dead in the camp than living. One soldier’s account of how he saw a mother and child dying of sickness right in front of him, was only one of hundreds when the soldiers first found the abandoned camp.
Yet, perhaps what is more interesting is not simply the survivors who sang the Hatikvah (The Hope) after liberation, but those who did when they were being led to their deaths. The account of Jan Michaels, a Polish Jew who saw a group of Jewish Czechs singing the future national anthem of Israel, while they were on their way to the gas chambers. Michaels said that the SS guards could not stop them from singing, as their hope was unstoppable even in the face of certain death.
Yet, why is this so important to remember?
However melancholic it is to remind ourselves of these horrible stories, it is essential that we remember all those who have perished, as well as those who lived on to sing the Hatikvah after their liberation, as it is was their hope to be reunited with those they loved in Eretz Tsion. Now, today, Israel still faces enemies who want its people abolished, but that will never again be possible.
To answer the first questions:
Who were they? They were just like you and I. How did they get there? Through unbelievable xenophobia, hatred and ignorance. What happened to them? They live on in all Jewish hearts, and more importantly they live on through Israel.
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ben-man · 11 months
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"you hate this photo, your mother kisses it when she goes to sleep, she kisses it like a rosary. she holds it like a prayer. she asks herself where you went. she tries to forgive herself for not knowing one day would be the last you smiled wide enough to scrunch your nose up. she forgives herself for not remembering it. you hate yourself. you hate the way the fat on your body rolls and undulates, you know the flesh on your bones in this picture must be an illusion, its unbefitting of g-d."
"your father asked you to do a second photo 'with a nice smile this time'. you want him to be happy, and smile when he sees you."
"when they bury you it is in a closed casket, they tell your mother what you have done. she can't hear them over the way you laughed in 1991. her baby is 5. 5 and still growing."
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secular-jew · 7 days
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Another UN worker who is just an average Gazan terrorist, working on behalf of team Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
The U.S. (among others) should bring the UN and Guterres to the ICC and charge them with war crimes and crimes against humanity.
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